#and then I come punch you in the face by having Ed find out Stede is dead and spend a lot of time wondering if you could die from a broken
sapphicsigh · 11 months
I don't want a 3rd szn without Izzy. I just don't. Call me dramatic or whatever, but I'm so genuinely heartbroken by his death. I feel so betrayed. Izzy was the heart of the show, and now he's gone.
The aftermath of his death felt rushed, he wasn't buried at sea (like what the fuck, a lifelong pirate like Izzy would've wanted to be buried at sea) and the crew was just happy to get back on the revenge and set sail without their unicorn? Everyone just gets a happily ever without Izzy? Izzy died a painful death shot by a pompous asshole and for what? Some metaphor about the end of the golden age of piracy? Piss off. Closure for Ed? That could've been achieved a number of other ways. Izzy couldn't get any assurances that HE was loved? Even on his fucking deathbed? The man who protected the crew with life and limb? It doesn't feel right, and it never will. Izzy deserved so much better, and so did Con.
And worst of all, perhaps, is that Djenkins was planning on killing him all along. The whole time, while we were falling in love with the little angry man, rooting for him and rejoicing when he wore makeup in front of the crew and was vulnerable with them...he was a dead man walking.*
*I've seen ppl make rlly good points about how death was treated throughout the show and I wanted to add that context here. If I can find whose post I'm thinking of, I'll tag them
**Edit: Izzy's death was an incredible shock. EVERYONE ELSE IN THE SHOW survived their near death experiences!!! Stede got choked near to death, stabbed (twice!), and survived all of that unscathed. Ed got his head smashed in by a FUCKING CANNONBALL, pumbled by the crew and made it out with barely a scrape. Even Calico Jack could've (apparently) escaped death after being shot with a goddamn cannonball. The Swede was poisoned but was already immune to it. Wow! We (at least I felt this way), as an audience, believed that there wouldn't be any character deaths due to the overwhelming evidence we'd been given thus far. So after alllll the in show evidence that the laws of medicine or physics don't apply to ANY of the pirates, why suddenly apply it when it comes to Izzy? Hmmm??? It makes no fucking sense. It's cruel and unusual punishment. They really killed off the queer disabled elder??? Jesus christ. Did not a single person in the writer's room have a qualm about it? The optics alone are bad. But more importantly, killing off the queer disabled elder is inherently political, whether djenkins thought of it that way or not (& i dont think he did). The mere existence of queer people is inherently political in a society (the US), which wishes for our eradication. So killing off a beloved queer disabled elder, on a show which seemed to promise us queer joy and a happy ending, IS POLITICAL. it's a slap in the face and a punch through the fucking gut.
It feels doubly awful because we, as an audience, were given something we've never had before, an unapologetically queer show. One that didn't soften or censor itself for straight viewers. It was created with such love, at least it felt like, for us. So to be given that gift, and to feel recognized and seen and appreciated, only to have it snatched away...
I can only speak for myself, of course, but it's genuinely heartbreaking. I'm so utterly disappointed. I wish so badly that Con got more time with Izzy. I think Izzy means a lot to him, and he means a lot to us, too.
❤️‍🩹🦄❤️‍🩹I love you, Izzy, and I always will. Rest in peace, my little meow meow, you were and are so loved.❤️‍🩹🦄❤️‍🩹
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Ok. Ok. Time to put my thoughts in order about S2 and we're starting at literally the first scene because whoo boy is there a lot going on that I like.
So. Stede's Fantasy Pirate Rescue aka this show having no illusions about Stede's fuck ups and where the story-driving conflict is coming from (*cough* Stede and Edward themselves *cough*)
It opens with what frankly a concerning amount of fandom seemed to view as the solution to all the problems of S1 - namely a Stede vs Izzy swordfight. Stede is really going all in on his dashing pirate hero fantasy. He has the beard. The sword skills. He gets his sword knocked out of his hand (again) but this time it ends on a witty one liner and stabbing Izzy with a concealed knife before artfully claiming his cutlass. He even dramatically kills him! And, villain defeated, there's Ed running through the surf to embrace him! Everything is perfect and wonderful and conflict free - and it all collapses back into reality with Wee John literally farting all over it.
Pete even openly mocks his moaning "Ed, Ed" in his sleep!
Because it's a fantasy! A ridiculous one at that! And the truly fantastical bit isn't even the reunion, or Stede's heroics. No... The part that's absurd, that even Stede can't make himself believe in his own subconscious mind, is that there's a convenient external villain to all of this and he and Ed can just pick back up where they left off.
Fantasy!Izzy and Fantasy!Ed are basically barbie dolls in this dream, but you can watch Stede's awareness that this is truly just a comforting fantasy slipping through.
Fantasy!Izzy gets cast as the villain because why wouldn't he? Stede has disliked him going back to that conversation at Spanish Jackie's where he basically offloaded a bunch of his own issues on this random pirate guy for having bad vibes, Izzy did betray him specifically to the Navy, and the last thing his crew would have been able to tell him about was Izzy ordering his stuff tossed and rowing them to an island (on Blackbeard's orders, but that's easy enough for Stede to ignore). He's even got him putting on a villain voice!
But the line. The only fantasy character line in this entire dream that connects with the situation in reality instead of sounding like stock NPC responses. Stede defeats his villain and The Villain / Fantasy!Izzy / Stede's subconscious looks up from his knees and reminds him:
"I never made you leave him. You did that yourself."
And Stede kills him for saying it! Goes back to the comforting script where he demands to know where Ed is and Izzy calls him a twat! Shut up, subconscious, Stede needs to rescue his damsel!
And his damsel barbie doll is so happy to see him! Fantasy!Edward's lines are the most disconnected, NPC babble. It's hilarious 🤣
Fantasy!Ed: "I knew you'd find me, babe"
Stede: "You're not mad?"
Fantasy!Ed: "I knew you'd find me, love"
Stede: "So we're good? About everything?"
Fantasy!Ed: "Fucking love the beard, mate".
Can I mention how much I love the repetition there? Zero engagement in the conversation, totally amps up the NPC vibe.
Stede is begging his own dream to reassure him that he didn't hurt Ed that bad, to tell him Ed will be so happy to see him it will fix everything, and he doesn't get what he's looking for. Because it's not true. The show in fact laughs in the face of that interpretation. Stede's making up a idealized "fix" (being a dashing hero) for the BlackBonnet relationship, and even Stede knows it's bullshit.
Edward and Stede's relationship issues and personal struggles have a bodycount this season (R.I.P. Ivan 😭) and it's immensely satisfying that so far no one is inclined to pull their punches on this fact or foist the blame elsewhere.
Not even Stede's subconscious!
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dragon-kazansky · 11 months
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
You were a member of Blackbeard's crew long ago. Then you became a ghost story. Izzy Hands only sees you in his dreams these days, until he sees you for real when investigating Stede Bonnet. This sets him on a rollercoaster of emotions between you and what his captain is doing.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Swearing. Izzy likes to swear. Buttons is naked. Also I'm pretty sure Izzy makes heart eyes at you without me actually typing out heart eyes.
Chapter Eight - Captain Hands
The English came aboard the ship and promptly captured every pirate onboard. They cornered some of the crew and tied them up. A naked Buttons runs past you at one point, everything hanging out. You try to blink the image away.
One of the sailors grabs you from behind and takes your hands behind your back. You're then pushed down to the deck, face against the wood.
Edward and Stede are next to each other, looking at one another.
One by one everyone is taking in for questioning. It's only here you learn that this was about the murder of Badminton. You had totally forgotten about that guy.
This was his twin brother.
You're taken back outside with the rest of the crew and left to sit there. It's only then that you realise who else is here. Someone you thought you wouldnt see again.
"Izzy," you whisper, looking at him.
He's looking right at you.
It feels like all the air has been sucked out if your lungs. You've forgotten how to breathe. You don't even realise a tear has formed until it trails down your cheek. It splashes on the deck below, silent and unnoticed by anyone. Anyone except Izzy.
You turn your eyes away from.
Apparently Stede confessed to killing Nigel Badminton. His punishment was death by firing squad. At least it would be quick, you supposed.
Izzy was watching mostly you as Stede and Blackbeard were being given their sentences. He has missed you.
"In the name of His Majesty King George, this tribunal shall come to order. Edward Teach, or Black Beard."
"It's just Blackbeard. Like, just run it together as one word. 'Blackbeard'. Don't have to put a gap in there." Ed spirals on.
"You face death for general crimes of Piracy against the Crown."
"Yeah." Edward agrees.
"But a friend of the Crown has prevailed upon me to remand you to his custody. You shall be released to Captain Hands in exchange for his service to the King."
You turn slowly to see Izzy give Ed a little wave. Oh, now you get it. Izzy had made a deal with these bastards for Edward's protection.
While the crew of the Revenge boo Izzy, you try and find a way to control your breathing.
"Stede Bonnet. For the wanton murder of Nigel Badminton... your sentence is death by firing squad."
"We'll find a way out of this, OK?" Ed says to him.
"Ed, no. I deserve this. At some point in a man's life, he has to face the music." Stede speaks calmly.
Except, when he's up there with his blindfold on, he's screaming about much he doesn't want to die.
You had been cut free and permitted to stand with Blackbeard. One of Izzy's other demands was that you were safe.
You watch Stede with a sad expression.
"Edward... I know you're upset, but it was the only..." Izzy tried to explain himself, but Ed turns and punches Izzy hard. Izzy falls to the deck harshly. At any other time you would help him up, but not today.
The crew applaud what they just saw.
"Oh... that's fair." Izzy grunts as he stands up and brushes his hair back again. "Remember, though. You said when you made me first mate, 'Above all else is loyalty to your Captain.'"
"Rifles at the ready!" Chauncey orders.
"You're my captain, and I was never gonna stand by and let you destroy yourself for that... twat. And this, this is a humane way of ending it."
"It's quick. It's clean. Edward you KNOW that." Izzy is basically pleading with him.
"Act of Grace!" Blackbeard calls out.
"No... No."
"Act of Grace!" Edward stands in front of Stede. Izzy looks defeated. "Act of Grace!"
The crew shout for Stede to say it too. "Say it! Act of Grace!"
"What he said!" Stede calls out.
Edward removes the blindfold from Stede.
"Fuck me," Chauncey mutters.
Edward explains the Act of Grace to Stede.
"So, you want to go to war for the King?" Chauncey asks them.
"We'd rather eat our own faces, but, yes." Edward replies to him.
"Two acts of Grace, please." Stede pleads.
"Ah. I'm afraid the offer doesn't extend to you, Bonnet. After, the King was only referring to real pirates. He turns to Edward, "He's from my world, not yours."
"Raise your rifles!"
"June 3rd. An excellent day!" Lucius stands up with Stede's diary in his hands, reading from it. "Raided a commercial vessel after overwhelming the hardy crew. We claimed a prize of lush vegetation in conquest." Lucius turns around to show a drawing of the plant.
Oluwande holds the plant up. "And here's the vegetation in question."
"They'll never forget the Eccentric Pirate Bonnet and his savage, insane, vengeful pirate horde." Lucius closes the book. "See? He's a pirate. a real, proper pirate."
"That man is a fearsome pirate if e'er I seen one." Buttons joins in.
The rest of the crew begin to agree. Stede looks proudly at them.
"Well, rule-of-law-wise, I'd say that settle it." One of the Navy officers says.
"A plant and a drawing?" Chauncey asks. "Settles nothing."
"It's enough for us. Blackbeard renounces piracy to serve the Crown? We'll be dining with Ol' King George himself."
"Why?" Chauncey asks the crew. "Why do you all show such loyalty to this... this... nothing?"
"I'd attribute quite a lot of it to a people-positive management style," Stede says.
Chauncey draws his sword. "Shut up!"
"Stand down, Admiral." He is warned. "Or will be forced to use measures."
"Measures? Against me?! He's the criminal!" Chauncey says, waving his sword about at Stede. "He's the murderer!"
"All right! Calm down, Mr Wavy Blade." Says Stede. "Chauncey! Sometimes, when we get a bit angry, do you know what we like to do? We talk it through."
"As a crew!" The others join in.
You smile from where you stand. Izzy notices.
"Oh, I know. I know what's happened. Yeah, we've somehow drifted south of the equator, and ended up in Backwardsland!"
Chauncey is promptly restrained.
You laugh softly. Izzy can't seem to keep his eyes off of you.
Edward and Stede are taken into the captain's quarter to sign the contract for the Act of Grace. Izzy is in there with them.
You're sat on deck looking out at the sea.
It isn't long until the Navy retreat, taking Stede and Edward with them. You watch them go. Edward looks at you before leaving the ship.
That's how you know Izzy is standing behind you. You refuse to look at him.
Stede and Edward have gone.
Izzy opens his mouth to speak, but you're already pushing past him to walk away. He calls your name but you don't stop. He sighs as he watches you go.
While Izzy sets things his way on the Revenge, by getting the crew in order and showing his leadership, you sulk down in his old cabin.
Since he's captain now, he won't want this old room back. You curl up on his bed and hide your face in the crook of your arms. It has been a long day.
You're not sure how much time has passed, but eventually your solitude is interrupted.
"Thought I might find you here."
You don't look up. You don't move an inch.
"You not gonna look at me?"
You remain still.
You hear Izzy sigh and he walks across the small cabin toward the desk. You hear him put something down, the item hiding gently against the wood. You can tell from the light rustling sound that he stands there for a moment before leaving again.
You look up once you're sure he's gone. Your eyes are drawn to the desk. Sitting there, just as you remembered it, was the wooden sparrow you whittled for Izzy.
Another tear escapes your eye.
Izzy works the crew hard, all while not lifting a finger for himself. He throws round orders and makes sure every man onboard does his job. He states he's tough, but he's also fair
The crew still hate him.
They don't hate you, however.
Lucius finds you sulking away. He was sent to grab something for Izzy, but he decided today least check in on you.
"Dizzy Izzy confining you?" He asks, half joking.
You look up at him and sigh through your nose.
"What's he doing?" You ask.
"Ordering is around."
"Course he is."
Lucius frowns as he looks at you. "Thought you might be glad he was back, despite literally everything else."
"Would be had he not sold us out to the Navy and pushed Ed enough to go serve the King."
"He sucks, for the record."
"Yeah. He's a dick."
Lucius and you share a smile. The moment is only broken by the yell of "SPRIGGS." Lucius bolts out of the cabin to reach Izzy before he gets mad.
You return to sulking.
As evening draws in and the crew go about their business, you come up to deck for some air. You hold the wooden sparrow in your hand as you rest against the railing of the ship. The breeze is a bit chilly tonight, but you don't mind it much.
You've become aware of when he's nearby. It's like you have a sixth sense for Izzy Hands.
"You'll catch a chill up here."
You do nothing but hum quietly in response, turning the sparrow around in your hand carefully.
"At least talk to me."
You keep twirling the sparrow.
Izzy shifts his weight to one leg as he stares at you. You can't see the pleading look in his eyes, at how desperate he is get you to look at him.
"I did this for us, you know. Edward was never supposed to do what he did. He wasn't even supposed to be on the ship... Jack was meant to take you and Edward with him."
"You sent Calico fucking Jack to get us?" You ask, hissing the question out. You still refuse to look at him.
Happy that you're at least talking to him, Izzy goes on.
"I wanted you safe. Safe with me. We could have had Blackbeard back. We could have been a crew again. No more Bonnet. No more ghosts. Just us and the sea."
You inhale sharply. Izzy realises in that moment that you're upset. He wants so desperately to reach out and hold you.
"Safe? No one is ever safe, Izzy."
You drop the sparrow and it falls down into the waves below. You grip the railing of the ship, knuckles turning white as you lean against it.
"I should have stayed dead. Maybe none of this would have happened," you say softly.
"Don't say that. Don't ever fucking say that." Izzy takes a step forward.
"You left me, Izzy!" You turn sharply and glare at him. "You bastard! You left me behind over some stupid fucking duel and then sold us out!"
You lunge forward and smack Izzy across the chest. He tries to block your attacks, but not with much effort. Izzy wants you to let your anger out on him.
"You bastard! You fucking idiot! Why? Why do any of it? Why did you leave me?" You cry out.
"What choice did I have?" He asks, still blocking your attacks.
"You could have stayed! We could worked something out! Anything. We could have done anything! At least we would have done it together."
"I offered you to come with me," he says softly.
"No!" You yell. You stop hitting him and glare at him. "We belong out at sea. That's our home. We made a promise once, do you remember? A promise to stick together and explore the world. Well, fuck that promise I guess!"
He says your name softly.
"No, Izzy. You betrayed me twice. You left me and then sold us out. How can I ever forgive you?"
He falls silent as he looks at you.
You push past him and walk away again. Izzy is left standing there, looking at the sea.
Izzy wasn't ready to give up on you. Not now. Not ever.
He waited an hour or so before coming down to the cabin. His old cabin. It warmed his heart to discover you had taken it as your own. He knew you missed him just as much as he missed you.
"Leave me alone," you mumble.
You sigh as you sit up on the bed. "What do you want from me? Want me to scrub the deck? Shine your boots? Worship you?"
Izzy frowns. "No. None of that."
"Then what?"
"I want... I want us to talk it through."
You look at him silently, and then start to chuckle softly. "Talk it through? Now you want to talk it through. What? Like a crew?"
"Like friends."
"Oh, so we're still friends are we?" You scoff.
"Never stopped, at least on my end."
"Well it did on mine."
Izzy stands there staring at you. His eyes are soft and there is something about this posture that feels wrong. Not in a sense that he would do something to you, but like something that doesn't belong there. He's standing wrong.
"What is it, Izzy?"
"I fucking missed you, ya know."
"Did you?" You ask flatly.
"Yeah, I did."
You take a deep breath and calm your mind. You let most of your anger put on him up on deck, so the least you can do is be civil. Your choices were limited.
"I'm sorry about the sparrow. I, uh, I appreciate that you took it with you."
Izzy almost smiles. "Couldn't leave it behind."
"I'll have to make you a new one."
"Only if you forgive me."
"Maybe not then," you sigh.
"Do you hate me?" He asks.
There's a few moments of silence that pass that make him believe that the answer is probably yes. You have every reason to, he supposes. He left. Then Edward, for a moment.
You have every right to be upset.
Izzy finds his whole body relaxing from that word alone. Relief floods his heart and his lips actually do curl into a gentle smile for once.
"Good. Pretty sure the crew do, but I can live with that. I can't live with you hating me, though."
You meets his eyes and suddenly feel lighter. You never thought a simple gaze could take away so much heartache and pain.
"Pretty sure they're planning a mutiny. They tried once with Stede."
"You are a bit of a dick, though, Izzy."
He looks at you with a faux sense of betrayal in his eyes. You chuckle softly, but know that the crew would most likely throw him off the ship.
"I'll see what I can do."
Izzy smiles gratefully before leaving. He has said his peace and for now that's enough. He bids you goodnight as he goes.
"Goodnight, Izzy."
Yeah, the next morning the crew planned a mutiny. Izzy was promptly tied up.
"You said you'd see what you could do." Izzy looks at you, fire beginning to burn in his eyes. He kind of felt betrayed.
"Yeah, I tried. I talked to them for hours. They are adamant on throwing you off this ship." You tell him, looking at him firmly.
"You're just going to let them?"
You keep your eyes on him. "Yeah."
"If this is about leaving you-"
"Izzy, no, no. It's not like that." You raise your hands. Izzy furrows his brows. There's rope around your wrists.
"What?" He asks softly.
"I said, if they wanted to throw you overboard, they would have to throw me too. Or I'd kill them all in their sleep."
Izzy states at you.
You give a smile
"You...? You told them to banish you too?"
"Yeah. Either you stay, or we both go together."
Izzy is at a loss for words.
The crew come over and picked him up. He pleads with them to change their minds. He will listen and make changes. He will do what they wanted him to.
He wanted to stay on this ship with you. You shouldn't banish yourself for him. He had no idea you would go so far.
Did this mean you had forgiven him?
He looks at you, head bent as far back as it could go to look at you. You stand there and smile at him. God, why are you smiling? You can't be this happy to be mutinied with him.
"One!" The crew start to count.
"No! No! No!" Izzy pleads.
Izzy looks back at you again.
"Three!" "Hold it!" Pete stops them.
Everyone turns to find Blackbeard unexpectedly climbing onboard the ship. You stare at him confused.
"Izzy... I'll take tea in my room." Ed says, walking past everyone.
Everyone just stares.
Izzy is put down.
"What happened to his beard?" Roach asks.
You turn back around to Izzy and bring his attention to you as you work on undoing his restaints. He stares at you as you do so. You look at him and then back at his hands. Once his hands are free he reaches out and gently holds yours.
"You were really gonna do it?" He asks.
"Yeah," you say softly. "I was gonna do it."
Izzy really wanted to kiss you.
"For the same reason Edward protected Stede."
Izzy looks confused.
"Forget it."
All Izzy Hands can do is look at you. He untied your wrists and Olu sees to it both of your feet are intied too.
Izzy's heart was racing.
He wondered, did you mean what he thought you meant?
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 - @the-chocoholic-writer - @bugbugboy - @callmemana -
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crepuscularqueens · 10 months
writing pattern tag!
Rules: Share the opening of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
thank you so very much for tagging me @dr-lizortecho :) <3
would you come out and die for me
It wasn't that Sam didn’t understand what he was getting himself into. Okay? It wasn't that. He wasn’t naive or stupid. He’d read the files, he’d pieced so much of this shit together himself, spending long sleepless nights poring over accounts and linking events and blurry photos and making educated guesses that got proven right the more they dug up.
someday my pain will mark you
It starts with a fight. An argument, the pale, thin man’s incessant nagging wearing yet another hole in the thin skin Logan has over his temper. It never takes long for him to grow aggravated, to snap at the other man, but today proves different. Caliban usually needles at a point until he gets a reaction, then withdraws, but today he stands up to Logan’s temper and serves it right back.
when i walk into a room, i do not light it up
Quentin was trying to be mature. That’s what this was all about, he was an adult, as were all his friends and exes and half-way sort-of maybe-kinda-if-you-look-at-it-sideways exes, and they could manage being civil to each other. He was trying to show that he could move on from the absolute disaster he’d created, show up to a party with all of his friends and act just as he always had. In Q’s case that meant moping in the corner sulking and watching everyone else have a good time. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
i bit the fruit and all heaven broke loose
Silver did not expect Flint to come find him after what happened in the tavern in the sense that he was anticipating the captain’s arrival. Howell was tending to his leg, the barely healed wound irritated once more from the actions. But, Silver found, when he heard Flint’s steady footsteps approaching, he was completely unsurprised that the man would be at his side at a time like this.
“It really is the perfect paperweight.” Stede’s voice was pleased, a little hint of wonderment despite what could have been viewed as a complete disaster and waste of their time. Ed could see Stede balancing the petrified fruit on the tips of his fingers out of the corner of his eye before setting it on his desk. It had been fun for what it was, despite it all, and Ed could not help but be fond of the other man. Lucius’ words kept rattling around his head, that bizarre little man over there likes you very much, round and round they went, finding all different angles to come at him from.
held by you (felled by you)
Once the tears start coming, Edward’s knees pulled up in the bathtub, a blanket protectively over him like a shield from the reality he has to face coupled with the dark memories of his past, they don’t stop. Not when he’s taken from the grip of his painful memories, and not when Stede offers his immediate, unthinking forgiveness, that’s for certain.
take your sword, run me through
It’s not the initial wound that really hurts, you know? The blade punching through, slicing clean, you hardly feel it for what it is. Coming back out, now that’s never going to be quite as effortless and neat. Hurts like a bitch. But the care afterwards? Fuck, now that’s the excruciating part. Ed took a greedy swig of some of the expensive stuff Stede had in his quarters as the man tended to the wound with slightly shaking hands.
he kisses me softly to wake me up
The night was not quiet or still, because there was never a night that could be quiet and still on the sea. Strangely, that was something Stede adjusted to quite fast, the constant movement in and around his ship, whether it be tame and gentle as a mother nursing a child or wild and vengeful, he never found he had much trouble falling asleep on the water. So, it wasn’t the movement of the ship on the water that woke him on this particular night. But something had.
we bleed holy water
The evening had a cold crisp bit to it, a breeze rustling the scatter of fallen leaves on the pavement, sliver of moon hiding behind a thin veil of cloud, and Natalia was on the hunt. Through the scattered trees that meandered down the hill they were waiting on, a small group of grad school students were walking together, laughing with good spirits at a joke one of them told. Bucky could tell when Natalia had her sights set on someone she liked, a worthy prey, a trophy. It’s not that he’d ever been disappointed in her choices, it's just…
Shores Begging For Big Moons
It was hot and dry on this goddamn planet. It was always hot and dry on these planets, too close to their suns, relying on imported water and food, settled impractically on a rock that wasn't suited to support life on its own. Sam had grown up on a planet that was humid and teaming with greenery and life, when it wasn't entirely waterlogged. He hated being stationed on these outlying planets, far from SHIELD command and full of less than savory characters. Part of the deal of being on interplanetary rotation, which Sam had asked for a couple years ago, knowing full well what he was signing up for. But all the same he couldn’t wait to get back to base, spend a little time on a planet whose atmosphere wasn't thirty percent dust. Steve never seemed to mind being stationed out in these places, Sam couldn’t understand it.
no pressure tagging @sambambucky and um. anyone else that wants to for real you are tagged now if you want to do this <3
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iris-writesx · 10 months
the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me | stede x ed x izzy
read it here or read it on ao3 <3
i’ve spent about a week writing down details and plans for this au that i’m starting, and i planned to introduce it with a fluffy christmas fic, but i had a bad mental health day and projected my heart and soul into stede and this is the result. i’m sorry if this was a rambled mess or if some of it doesn’t make sense, most of it is based on my own experience. sending love to anybody who can relate <3
but first au!!! yay!!! i love these guys with my whole heart and the idea of them in love and living together is just *chef’s kiss*
let me know if you like it! and if you want to see other things! i feel like this isn’t the best opener to the au as things i have planned are more lore heavy but i kinda like this so here you go akdnwkf
title is from “peace” by taylor swift x
4.6k words — modern day au, hurt-comfort, anxiety, dissociation, panic attacks
more from this au; and now i see daylight
Stede didn’t know why.
He didn’t know why it happened — why sometimes, the pit inside of him opened up wide enough to swallow him whole. Didn’t know what caused it, why he felt that way, he just… did.
And he hated it. He hated not being able to talk to people, zoning out, barely able to do anything other than listen to music and cry. He forced himself through the motions of the day — breakfast, drive himself and Izzy to work, do work, eat lunch, go home, have dinner, shower, sleep — but on days when he didn’t feel good, it seemed mechanical. Like following instructions. Not like… not like life.
He could tell when he woke up to an empty bed that it was a bad day. Stede was usually the first one awake, and unless he’d been up late the previous night or sick — and he was neither — then it was going to be a bad day.
He was zoned out as he sat up, pulling on one of Ed’s shirts and his joggers, barely focused on anything as he sipped from the water he kept by the bed. His head felt like it was underwater, a little numb and a little thick, and by the time he had made it to the kitchen he felt like a puppet on strings.
The first gut punch of the day was that Ed had already left for work.
Usually, they all woke up together and had about an hour until Ed had to leave first, as the garage he worked at opened at eight o’clock. Stede knew that people wouldn’t be going to a library that early, so he chose not to open his shop — his shop, would have usually made him smile, but it did nothing to cut through the fuzz in his head — and instead opened closer to ten o’clock. Though, he and Izzy got there an hour earlier to set up for the day.
Stede stopped in the doorway of the living room, blinking. Izzy — already dressed and sipping his morning coffee — was in his armchair, and the spot where Ed would usually be was empty.
Part of Stede was upset that he hadn’t come to say goodbye, or Izzy hadn’t woken him up, but he knew they wanted him to get enough sleep. Probably just thought he was tired.
Stede blinked, eyes back on Izzy, face a little flushed when he realised he must’ve zoned out. He cleared his throat and put on a smile, one that didn’t even feel convincing. “Morning, darling. When did Ed leave?”
“About ten minutes ago. Was just about to come wake you up, are you okay?” Izzy had that look — the one he got when he was worried, looking for whatever was wrong.
Stede put more effort into his smile that time and nodded, forced himself to walk further into the room and over to his partner. “I’m perfect, was just a little tired last night,” he leaned down to kiss Izzy, felt his partner’s hand squeezing his waist lightly. “Did you sleep well, love?”
Stede mechanically followed through the rest of his morning.
He had a tea with Izzy, before he went to get dressed in the first clothes he could find, didn’t spend half an hour putting an outfit together like he usually would. If Izzy noticed he was quick, he didn’t mention it.
He skipped breakfast, told Izzy he just fancied a pastry from the café tucked away at the back of his library — the café that Izzy worked at, so really, it was a terrible lie because he’d know if Stede didn’t eat anything. The thought of eating made his stomach turn, he didn’t want anything.
He got his bag for work, made sure Izzy had everything he needed, before going out to the car and drove them there.
He unlocked his shop, and busied himself getting set up; put new books out, organised shelves, greeted the staff as they all showed to work. He let Lucius talk away to him behind the counter about his date with Pete — who coincidentally worked at the garage with Ed — but Stede couldn’t really recall much from the conversation. He hadn’t really been listening.
It was a Sunday, so the saving grace there was that they could get out early, and Ed would be home before them for once since he got off work at lunch time. But they barely had many customers on Sundays, people preferred to be cozy at home.
That’s where Stede wanted to be. Curled up in bed, not thinking, not conscious.
The morning dragged, and by the time twelve o’clock rolled around Stede couldn’t take the silence of the store anymore. The lack of customers and the silence meant that he had time to think — about how much of a failure he was, and how Izzy and Ed probably preferred each other over him, and how he couldn’t be normal, how he couldn’t, he just-
Stede put the stack of books down that he had been carrying and dug into his pockets, pulled out his phone, and his other hand searched for his earbuds.
On days like that, he learned that music helped a little. And a little was enough to keep him sane enough until he could go home.
But his other pocket was empty.
“Lucius?” Stede looked over at him, forced a smile. “Could you stay by the desk for a minute? I need to go out back for something.”
Once Lucius had waved him off he quickly walked through the door behind the desk and into the staff room, searching for where he had put his bag. He found it next to Izzy’s, and every moment that passed as he rooted through it and didn’t find his earbuds, the more worked up he got.
He even resorted to digging through Izzy’s bag, just in case he had dropped them in there by accident, but he couldn’t find them.
He hadn’t brought them.
It was such a silly thing, but it was enough for Stede’s eyes to well with tears, huffed out breaths as he leant against the wall and tried to keep from crying.
But he was so… so strung out, and tired, and overwhelmed, and he couldn’t even stop his stupid brain from overthinking he just-
He choked on a sob and, mortified, covered his mouth with his hands in the hopes that Lucius hadn’t heard him.
Once the damn had broken he had no hope of mending it again, so he stood like a child in the corner of his office and cried.
On days like that Stede wished he could just… stop existing. Disappear. Not have to deal with- with whatever this was.
He was still trying to muffle his crying into his hands when the door opened, and his eyes widened when he looked up to see who had walked in, expecting Lucius or Frenchie — the two who predominantly worked in the library section of his shop with him — but it was Izzy.
He looked just as shocked as Stede did, he clearly hadn’t been expecting to see Stede breaking down in the staff room.
“Stede?” Izzy pushed the rest of the way into the room, shut the door behind him, and wasted no time in going over to hold Stede’s shoulders.
He couldn’t tell if he was more comforted by Izzy’s presence or embarrassed.
“S-sorry-” he sniffled, looked anywhere but at Izzy’s face. “I- god I’m okay, I just- fuck I’m sorry, Iz- Izzy-”
“Stede,” Izzy squeezed his shoulders, his voice hard and grounding. “Take it easy, okay?”
But he couldn’t, not now that he had opened the barrier. Stede all but fell apart, choking on his tears and mumbled apologies and just- he couldn’t help it. He felt so embarrassed and stupid and ugly, and there was nothing he could do.
He only registered the familiar ache in his chest when he felt Izzy’s grip tighten, and he shook him a little, and it was only then that Stede realised that Izzy was talking to him, he just hadn’t been focusing enough to hear it.
The only thing he could focus on was the drumming of his heart against his rib cage, the ache in his chest that was there because-
Oh god he couldn’t breathe.
Izzy shook him again, a little more violently, and Stede blinked at him, eyes wide and choking on his sobs and not getting enough air in-
Izzy grasped one of his hands and pulled it forwards, laid it upon his chest. And though his drumming heartbeat and the buzzing in his ears stopped him from hearing Izzy, he could see what he was doing — he had exaggerated his breaths and kept Stede’s hands firmly planted on his chest, allowed him to feel the steady rise and fall, to let him copy it.
It took a little bit of time for him to fall into the rhythm of it. By the time he had stopped crying heavily enough to actually make a decent effort, he had both hands planted on Izzy’s chest and his eyes screwed shut, just let himself focus on the rise and fall of his chest.
Rise, inhale, fall, exhale; over and over and over.
Stede couldn’t tell if they had been at it for minutes or hours, but eventually he had calmed enough to breathe steadily. The tears were still falling but they were merely silent streams, nothing as- as dramatic as before.
Stede’s hands slipped from Izzy’s chest, and with what little energy he had drained, he opened his eyes to look at Izzy. And the expression he had on his face was so… so mortified. He hadn’t meant to worry him, or freak him out. Just the thought that he had upset him made his eyes brim with more tears.
Izzy sighed, and didn’t say anything as he took Stede into his arms, let him melt against his body. His arms held Stede tightly, and despite himself he felt good. Izzy had always been a firm presence, a stronghold for Stede. Where Ed tended to be better with words, Izzy made him feel safe.
He stood there for a while longer. Felt Izzy’s hands as they dragged up the length of his back and back down rhythmically, like they weren’t both missing their shifts by being shut away in the staff room.
Stede was the one to pull away, and the next time he looked at Izzy he still looked just as worried.
“Sorry,” his voice was hoarse as he lifted his hands to wipe at his eyes, took a deep shaking breath. “Sorry, Iz- thank you, you didn’t need to- that was very nice of you.”
Izzy frowned. “You want to tell me what has you so tightly wound?”
“It-” Stede hesitated. He’d never really… vocalised how he got on those days to Izzy and Ed. They knew he had anxiety, and that sometimes he had bad days, but he’d never told them what it was like, what to look for. And, in the middle of both of their shifts, it certainly wasn’t the time to get into that discussion, so he settled on, “I left my earbuds at home,” Stede paused, suddenly embarrassed at how silly he sounded. “I know that sounds stupid, I’m not- I mean, I’m okay I just- I think I’m a little stressed and I just wanted to listen to music but without the buds I, well, can’t.”
“That’s not stupid,” Izzy shook his head, like he knew something else was wrong. “But you won’t need them anymore.”
Stede frowned. “Well I- I mean, we’re working until four so I hardly think I’ll survive the shift without them,” he exhaled deeply, wiped his eyes again, before looking back at Izzy. “Do I look okay? I don’t want customers to tell I’ve been crying.”
“Are you fucking insane?” Izzy scowled. “You aren’t going back to work, Stede, you almost just fucking collapsed.”
“…that’s a bit of an overstatement.”
Izzy glared at him. “We’re going home. Come on.” He left no room for argument as he stepped around Stede and collected both of their bags, tossed Stede’s jacket at him, and hung his own over his arm, before he was shepherding Stede back out of the office and into the library.
“We’re going home,” Izzy announced to Lucius as they walked by, and Stede made sure not to look up at him so he couldn’t see the tears on his face. “Stede feels unwell.”
“What?” Lucius groaned. “That leaves four of us to run this whole shebang, Iz.”
“This place is fucking empty, shut the shop. Go home early.” Izzy didn’t let Lucius add anything else as he just pushed Stede out of the shop and out towards the car park.
The cold air felt nice on his tear stained face, and Stede made sure to take some more deep breaths as they walked to the car. He didn’t even ask to drive — just let Izzy direct him to the passenger seat, where he got all buckled up and just let himself sit.
Izzy got into the drivers side and connected his phone to the car’s Bluetooth — which had taken literally months for Stede to teach him how to do it — and once they were driving he called Ed.
“Izzy,” Ed’s voice came through the car’s speakers. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“We’re on our way back now,” Izzy informed him. “Stede had a panic attack…”
Stede let himself zone out as he watched out of the window at the cars and trees that whipped past.
It was sat in his own thoughts that Stede realised how truly embarrassing the past hour had been. He was an adult, why did he need music playing to keep it together? Why had he gone into a panic attack over it? And Izzy… he’d probably made him so worried. He made him shut the store for him, all because he couldn’t keep it together.
Nothing was even wrong it was just… just his fucking mind, if anything was wrong it was him, him and his stupid thoughts and his-
There was a tight squeeze on his thigh and Stede jumped, startled, and whipped his head around to see Izzy looking at him.
“Sorry,” Izzy winced at his scare. “We’re home now.”
Stede looked back out of the window, actually focused, to see that they really were back home. The front door opened and he watched as Ed walked outside, giving a wave to the car, and by the look on his face — the poorly masked worry — Stede could only wonder what Izzy had said to him on the phone when he had zoned out.
Izzy took the bags again, so when he got out of the car Stede only had to grab his jacket. All of his movements, again, felt mechanical. Didn’t feel natural.
The only thing that did feel a little closer to normal were Ed’s arms around him once he was out of the car.
“Hey love,” Ed breathed into his hair, and Stede just sunk himself into his embrace. Ed was warm and familiar, it felt like hugging Izzy; good. “Iz said you had a bit of a moment at work. All okay?”
Stede clenched his jaw and nodded. A familiar feeling had built up in his throat, and he knew that if he spoke then he’d just cry.
“I made you some tea, that herbal shit you like. It’s in the living room. Thought you might wanna wear something comfy, too, so I got some clothes out for you to change into, that jumper of mine you can’t keep your hands off of-”
Ed cut himself off when Stede sobbed. He didn’t even know why he was crying at this point. It was just… his partners were so kind. He didn’t deserve it.
“Oh babe,” Ed squeezed him tight, rubbed his back. “Let’s get you inside, okay? We’ll get you all cozy, you’ll be okay.”
Stede nodded — he couldn’t say anything because he couldn’t stop crying — so he let Ed tighten his arm around his shoulders before he led him into the house, just behind Izzy who, Stede realised, had been waiting by the door worriedly. Between the two of them they got Stede over the threshold and into the house, where he was guided to just sit on the sofa in the living room. The change of clothes could wait — Stede didn’t even know if he had the energy to change.
He felt like he had been awake for a week straight. He felt like he wasn’t really there.
Ed had planted himself on the sofa right beside him, and when Stede focused on it he realised that he was rubbing his back, long firm. He let himself focus on that, dragging in breaths in time with the movement.
“You’re alright, mate,” Ed murmured beside him, pressed kisses to Stede’s shoulder in between his words. “We’ve got you, you’re okay.”
“Stede,” he only looked up when he heard Izzy’s voice in front of him, and realised he had a mug in his hand — the tea that Ed had promised. “Here.”
Stede forced a tearful smile as he took the mug in his hands, blinked through the blurriness of his vision as he sipped from the drink.
He wasn’t even sure if he was tasting it.
Instead of taking up his usual seat in his armchair, Izzy sat himself on the coffee table in front of the sofa, in front of Ed and Stede.
“What do you need, love?” Ed murmured from his side, voice soft, and to be completely honest Stede just wanted to stop being so useless. But he knew Ed wouldn't take well to hearing those words.
Stede shrugged, glanced between Ed and Izzy, but when he felt his face burning from the shame of his actions that day he just shrugged and locked his eyes onto his tea. “I don’t know,” he whispered, sniffled through his tears. “I- I’m sorry I don’t- I’m okay I just- it’s silly-”
“If you fucking say that one more time-” Izzy started grumbling in front of him, but shut himself up when Ed gave a swift nudge to his leg.
“What Izzy means to say,” Ed rubbed his back again. “Was that it’s not silly, mate. You’re having a bad day.”
Stede nodded, though didn’t look up nor did he speak. He just sipped his drink slowly, let the embarrassment swallow him whole.
It really was shameful, the whole thing. He was a grown man, he shouldn’t have days where he was so out of control of his own emotions — toddlers had days like that, not- not men. If his father could see him he’d be even more disappointed than usual—
His heart was thumping in his chest again; he could feel it as it sped up, drumming loudly and too fast and almost too forcefully—
What made it worse was that it clearly had such an effect on Izzy and Ed, and Stede hated that; hated that Izzy had to calm him down from a panic attack over nothing, that he had to leave work early, that Ed had to worry and make him a drink and lay clothes out for him like a child. He knew, he knew, that they cared — Stede had never felt so cared for in his whole life, he truly felt like it was the first time he had people who saw him. But that didn’t mean he had to make them worry, had to burden them. Their lives couldn’t revolve around him—
He could feel his heartbeat in his head, in his ears, against his rib cage—
Stede just needed to grow up, needed to-
He flinched when his cup was wrenched from his hands, tea slopped over the side of the mug, and his eyes were wide as he just stared at Izzy, who was just staring back, holding the mug.
“I-” Stede inhaled, his hands started to shake. “I was- I was going to drink it, Iz, I’m sure it’s lovely-”
“You almost dropped it,” Ed supplied from his side. “You just- fuck, man, you were just staring at the floor for a while and then I thought you were gonna fuckin’ pass out on us.”
He looked at Ed — Ed, who was usually so cheery and smiley, who looked almost gaunt with his worry — and at Izzy — Izzy, who had that look on his face again — and Stede had to swallow through the sudden nausea that clenched in his stomach.
He was being too much for them. He didn’t need to bother them.
“I’m sorry, I’m- I’m sorry, loves, I didn’t- didn’t mean to worry you-” Stede breathed, before his bottom lip trembled and he forced out, “I- I can go and stay at Lucius’, he w-won’t mind, I can just-”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Izzy blurted out. “Why would you- do you want to stay there?”
“No!” Stede choked out, his heartbeat quickening again. “No I- I want to be here but I’m just worrying you both because- because my mind is so stupid and won’t work today and I just-”
“Okay, okay, we get it, easy love,” Ed brought his arm around him and tucked Stede into the curve of his side, pressed his lips to the crown of his head. “You aren’t going anywhere, okay? We want you right here.”
Stede sniffled into Ed’s shirt, utterly exhausted. All he had been doing for what felt like the past few hours was just cry, and he wanted to just stop. His eyes squeezed shut, not quite sobbing, but he did huff out through his tears, mumbled, “I’m so tired.”
He felt a hand as it squeezed his knee, and he didn’t even look, knew it was Izzy. His hand dropped down to cover it with his own trembling fingers.
“What’s going on, hm?” Ed was just murmuring against his head, and it felt nice. His breath was something Stede could focus on, felt it as it hit his skin with every word. “Did something happen at work? Shitty customers? I’ll come down there, Stede, and feed them their fucking teeth I swear-”
“No,” Stede let out a quiet wet laugh, shook his head. “No, it’s not… it’s not anything, really.”
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Izzy grumbled, squeezed his knee again.
“It’s…” Stede sighed, blinked through his tears and looked between the two of them. “It’s hard to explain. I’m sure you don’t want to be bored by my silly little story-”
“Hey,” Izzy squeezed his knee a little harsher than before and Stede jumped, looked up to meet his eyes. “If it’s causing you this much grief it’s not silly, okay? Stop downplaying this shit, Stede. It matters.”
Stede blinked at Izzy, swallowed the lump in his throat, and forced a nod. “Sorry,” he breathed. “I’m just…” he inhaled, unsure how to put it, and gestured between them all. “I’m not used to… to people caring.”
Both Izzy and Ed seemed to deflate, then, and Stede almost wished to take it back… but Ed kissed his temple and Izzy pulled his hand up and kissed his fingers, and maybe he didn’t need to take it back.
“Well we certainly care, so tell us what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.” Ed punctuated his words with another kiss to his head.
Stede looked down at his lap, curled his fingers of his spare hand into the material of his sleeve. “So… um, so, you both know how I can sometimes maybe get… well, how I do get — quite often actually — um, anxious,” he watched as both of them nodded before he continued, “well, sometimes it… it really overwhelms me and it just… it sticks and doesn’t go away and I don’t know what causes it, but I just feel really detached, but at the same time overwhelmed, and- and there’s nothing that helps I just feel… I just feel really shitty.”
There was certainly a lot more that he could have said, explained it better, but from the looks on his partners faces they seemed to get the gist of it.
Stede was expecting one of them to say something, whether it was something good or something bad — realistically he knew that wouldn’t happen, but nothing about his thought process that day had been realistic — so he momentarily froze in shock when Izzy leaned forwards and kissed him. It took him a moment for his body to catch up with his brain and Stede reciprocated, felt a little lighter by the time Izzy pulled away.
“…that was very nice, dear.” Stede whispered, unsure of what to say.
“Stede,” Ed spoke, then, squeezed his side and didn’t continue until he met his eyes. “Nothing about that shit is silly, okay?” His hand cupped Stede’s cheek and he leant into the warmth. “It’s… it’s a lot, fuck man I’d be a mess if I dealt with that, so you’re already doing better than I could have.”
Stede shrugged, eyes dipped down. “It’s not really an appropriate reaction-”
“Hey,” Ed lightly pinched his cheek, startled him into looking back up. “It’s okay, you can’t help any of it, can you?”
Stede shook his head slowly, glancing at at Izzy before back at Ed. “Suppose not.”
“Right,” Ed nodded, stroked beneath his eye with his thumb, before he leaned in to kiss the spot gently. “It’s okay. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
For the first time that day Stede felt like he could finally breathe. He deflated a little, glanced between them again, murmured, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“Apologise again and I’ll chuck this tea over you,” Izzy threatened, and Stede laughed a little, and it felt nice. “You have nothing to be sorry for, just… when it gets like this, you can tell us.”
“Right, yes, you can,” Ed chimed in. “Or if you feel like you can’t say it then you can, I dunno, write us a note. Stick it to the fridge or something, I’ll see it.”
Izzy turned to glare at Ed. “You never read anything on the fridge.”
“Yes I do, thank you very much.”
“What about the shopping list?”
“…handwriting was too small-”
“Or the bills? Or the letter from your mother-”
Funnily enough, it was listening to them bicker that made Stede’s eyes fill with tears again. He just- he had been so frustrated over it, and so overwhelmed by the bulk of his anxiety, and now that they had talked the relief was emotional. He felt loved and cared for, and even if he didn’t feel alright in the slightest, he knew there wasn’t a better place for him.
Their bickering was cut off when Stede threw his arms around both of their shoulders, pulling them all into a hug. It was at a bit of an awkward angle with Izzy on the coffee table, but all of them tucked their arms around one another and they all fit nicely into place.
“I love you both,” Stede choked out softly. “Very, very much. Thank you, loves.”
He felt kisses against his head as their arms tightened around him, and maybe for the first time in his life, Stede truly believed that he might, in the end of it all, be okay.
comments would mean the world <3 requests are open!
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eloquentgifs · 2 years
I've been thinking about this a lot these past few days and now reading this post my mind just clicked and I understood what's bugging me.
I keep seeing polls and other posts where people asume Ed is gonna be mad and violent when he sees Stede again, but imo he never seemed to be really angry with him. I feel he was disappointed, and sad and miserable, and definitely superHURT, but then he tried to heal himself in a healthy way, and he only went full Kraken mode because of Izzy's intervention. Do we really know what he's thinking about Stede? Like, does he even blame him for his pain, or is he blaming himself for believing he could get nice things? Have he even considered that maybe Stede didn't show up because he's dead?
I know this has been discussed endlessly and I'm not saying anything new, but I just cant really imagine Ed being all angsty in the reunion, unless is performative (like the Kraken thing seems to be in general). He also doesnt seem to be the kind of person who holds grudges against others. If he was, Izzy would be long gone. He insults Ed, dissobeys him, tries to kill Stede against Ed's will, then betrays him and gets them captured by the brits, and all the retaliation he receives is a punch in the face (you could count the toe, but that was also performative and Izzy was kinda happy about it?). Everything's back to "normal" after that.
The only moment where I see Ed might be actually mad at Stede is when he abandons the crew and calls them "Bonnet's playthings", since he's probably recalling when he heard Stede saying "we're just playing pirates" in his sleep, and asuming all their time together in the Revenge was just a game for him and he left when it wasnt funny anymore (you know, rich people are fickle blablabla).
Of course, maybe anger was not his first reaction but he got angry as the time passed by and he developed new readings on the situation (I think we all have been there at some point of our lifes 😂) and getting into the new kraken persona gave him a more hostile mindset. But I still believe that, as soon as he sees Stede and he's all apologetic and talking of love and stuff, the performance of violence will disappear and Ed will either give him the silent treatment and be cold and distant for a while (after all, they'll still need to rebuild trust) or we'll get Soft Ed again ✨💜 I think the key will be how long it takes them to reunite and if Ed hears about Stede's "dead" or not.
The other side of this that I don't see so discussed is, what is Stede going to do? Because last time we heard his thoughts he was optimistic and in love and bound to be happy with Ed, but finding out what happened in his absence must have an effect we don't know yet. What if he's angry with Ed? What if he's not, but the crew is, and they put preassure on him to get vengeance or something? What if it's Stede the one who has to be performatively violent (really unlikely), or he has to chose between his love for Ed and his responsability as a captain?
Well, as I said nothing of this is new. I just wanted to explain to myself why I don't see that angsty reunion happening, at least not in Ed's side. It became a ramble post. If s2 doesn't come up soon I don't know what might happen with my brain.
PS: I'd personally love someone else (ideally, Jim) punches Stede in the face on Ed's behalf, just because I need Stede getting punched in the face so I can fully forgive him.
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industrialisland · 2 years
writing process
Tagged by @red-sky-in-mourning
do you write in order?
man I wish. I usually start in order, at least. I write until I hit a block and then skip to a part that I feel more excited about, whatever it takes to keep myself writing. I’ve gotten up in the middle of the night to jot down some random collection of sentences that I might use later. Tying those scenes together later is definitely something I struggle with. This is why I don’t post fic til I’ve got it completed.
The nice thing about co-writing Home Sweet Home with my sister is that I’m forced to write with some structure- no skipping ahead, because what she writes is based off what I write, and vice-versa, and I have to be timely about it because she’s waiting on me. Being given an open-ended prompt is really helpful. Writing on my own gives me too many options and maybe too much leeway as far as getting it done timely.
how fully formed does your writing come out the first try?
Fairly. I’m a big reader and I’ve always had a good grasp on writing, and I edit as I go. And I like to re-read my work so I catch little errors and things that don’t make sense. My beta reader complains she has nothing to do, lol. I’d like to be good at outlines but I’m just not.
how many drafts do you go through?
I don’t write in drafts. Occasionally if a scene isn’t working/is too long/is sort of what I’m looking for but not quite, I’ll rewrite it, but I don’t rewrite the entire story. For example, in my original first draft of everything broken, Stede punches Ed in the face immediately upon arriving back on the Revenge. Changing that to a kiss meant a lot of softening of their interactions. There was a much longer interlude of Stede’s thought process in getting back to Ed that just wasn’t flowing, so I had to rewrite to keep the important bits and make everything more succinct. I also did some POV switching- originally the entire fic was from Ed’s POV, but making it switch back between both of their POVs rounded it out so much better.
tell me about your process.
I clear out time to write and I use Write or Die to set myself a word goal. Some days it’s just barely scraping by, other days I don’t even notice that the timer has stopped, the key is to make it a habit. I use Spotify to find some chill/focus music, no TV, especially not the source material because that gives me the creeps, like I’m perverting it somehow, lol. I have to be really excited about an idea to write, though, I always have this weird lingering embarrassment about starting a new fic for no real reason!
It takes me a long time, though. I’m in awe of the people who can write a novel length fic in less than a month. Both of my fics took me ~3 months each.
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edactually · 2 years
Ed POV - 6.4
Sam was actually a good singer and Ed noticed a few people actually turning to pay attention to his smoky, sultry voice as he crooned the lyrics to Jolene to the bar.
Stede giggled. “He really does like Dolly Parton, doesn’t he?”
No. Nope. Nah. 
Sam had picked Jolene on purpose for the symbolism. Ed had been all over Stede for most of the night and this was Sam’s way of getting revenge, getting everyone on his side as he sang about Ed trying to take Stede away from him.
Who the fuck was he to sing Jolene? Ed should have been singing it, Sam was the one who had stolen Ed’s man away from him .
It was annoying him too much, especially because Sam kept alternating between singing to the bar and singing to the booth they were sitting in. “I’m gonna take a leak.”
He walked to the bathroom while Sam was still singing, trying to work out the timings in his head of how fast he’d need to piss and wash his hands to get back to the booth before Sam finished singing and stole his spot back.
Ed was just zipping himself back into his jeans when he heard the applause and knew Sam must have just finished. Fuck, his timing was off. Maybe he could send Sam back to the bar to fetch more drinks like a good little golden retriever and get his seat next to Stede again.
He was drying his hands with a paper towel when the door swung open and Sam came striding in. He still had that infuriating smile on his face as he stood between Ed and the door. Ed wasn’t a small guy but Sam was bigger than him. Didn’t mean he was intimidated though. “Move.”
“I will in a second. Can we have a quick chat?” Still fucking smiling .
Ed went to duck around his side and Sam stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. It was firm, but not menacing and it reminded Ed of the way a teacher might hold back a disruptive student whom they needed to talk to about their behaviour. “It won’t take long.”
Ed shrugged the hand off his shoulder. “Fine, just hurry up.”
“I know you’ve got a thing for Stede.”
Ed didn’t know why he felt surprised that Sam had called him out, he’d made it pretty obvious all night that he had a thing for Stede. He had been downright possessive, putting his paws all over the man like he was marking his territory.
“The thing is, I like Stede as well.” Sam’s voice was as casual as if he was talking about the weather, and the threat that Ed was expecting didn’t come. “And I know we’re not the only ones who do. Have you seen his Grindr profile?”
Unsure of where this conversation was going, Ed nodded slowly.
“He showed me on our first date. I don’t think he understood just how many guys were actually into him, he was laughing about all his messages like they were just people playing pranks. The man has no idea what a rare find he is.”
That was something he could actually agree with Sam about. Not only was Stede absolutely gorgeous, but he was charming and funny and so sweet and caring and Ed’s brain was still listing adjectives as Sam continued talking.
“I guess what I’m saying is that I’m well aware of the competition I have for Stede’s affection, you’re just the first occasion where I’ve had to deal with it face to face.” Sam still didn’t look annoyed, he must have the patience of a saint. “I didn’t mind when Stede said he’d invited a friend who’d had a rough day on our date, it just showed me what a caring person he is that he’d let his own plans be ruined to make a friend feel better. I’ve tried my best to be kind to you all night, even though you’ve spent the whole time with your hands all over my date.”
Sam’s voice did harden a little, and Ed braced himself for the first punch to be thrown. He’d been scrapping since he was a kid, Ed could hold his own in a fight, and then he could go back to Stede and tell him that his boyfriend had attacked him and that would be the end of Sam.
But no punch came, Sam just took a couple of deep breaths and carried on. “Sorry. I’m trying to stay calm, but I will admit that seeing you all over Stede has annoyed me.”
“However,” Sam took another deep breath. “I am mature enough to understand that I don’t own Stede, and I have no right to be angry at someone else being interested in him. I just thought it best to share that knowledge with you, in case you were unaware of how selfish you’ve been tonight.”
Ed felt like he’d been slapped. “You have the balls to stand there and call me fucking selfish?”
“You call yourself his friend yet you ruin his date, then you have the nerve to sprawl yourself all over him like Stede is yours and no one else can have him.” Sam threw his hands up. “Am I missing something? Did the two of you used to date?”
Ed swallowed. “No.”
“So you just have a big fat crush on your friend and you’re too much of a coward to act on it, yet Stede isn’t allowed to date anyone else, do I have that right?” The words felt like a punch to the stomach as Ed realised that Sam had assessed him perfectly. Fuck, it didn’t sound good when it was put that way. “And you don’t think that’s selfish?”
He hadn’t until Sam had set it out so plainly for him. He’d known deep down that the possessiveness he felt for Stede was wrong, he just hadn’t wanted to admit it. His heart was still reeling from the bitter sting of rejection that was Stede insisting they just remain friends, no wonder he’d acted like a jealous ex tonight.
He owed Stede an apology.
He owed Sam an apology too, but he wasn’t getting one. 
“I’m not trying to pick a fight.” Sam’s voice had gentled again. “I just wanted you to know that I like Stede a lot, and I’m not too much of a coward to act on it. You acting all possessive around him isn’t going to stop me. If you want to keep me from Stede then you’ll just have to tell him how you feel and hope he picks you. If he does, then I’ll happily stand aside and let Stede be with the person he wants to be with.” Sam turned to the side so Ed could walk past him, he even held open the door for him.
Ed walked by with some caution, still not wholly convinced that Sam wasn’t going to take a swing at him. Instead, he just left him with a final parting shot: “I just hope that if Stede chooses me then you'll do the right thing as well.”
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
Someone put the idea of Wee John and Frenchie essentially being queer platonic partners (but without necessarily those words) into my head last night and I have not been able to stop thinking about them since.
And now there’s an entire scene planned in this fic that’s haunted the life out of me where Frenchie sits with a sad Ed in the crows nest and rambles about what he and John have, how it took them some time to get on the same page about what they wanted, how realizing whatever this was wasn’t romantic but felt more than just a regular friendship had been a bit scary at first, but they navigated it together and now they’re so happy and Frenchie would trade that for anything. 
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knowlesian · 2 years
sorry for spamming your inbox, but your posts are giving me a lot of feelings
when we get a reconciliation in season two, I absolutely want to see Stede apologize to Ed for making him feel abandoned and alone because he knew Ed was waiting for him and he made a choice to leave him without any word
but I also want to see Ed's reaction to hearing why Stede didn't show up that night. because Stede was abducted at gunpoint by someone who wanted to kill him. up until Chauncey shot himself, Stede was in very real danger and rightly feared for his life. that alone is traumatizing, and then you pile on Chauncey throwing every one of his insecurities and perceived failures in his face (tough enough to hear at a regular time, let alone in a state of heightened anxiety and fear) and then Chauncey blew his brains out in front of Stede, who almost immediately convinced himself that this death was his fault, too.
I wanna see Ed's reaction to that, because you know Stede would try to downplay what happened, or blame himself for it, and I think Stede really needs someone to tell him that Chauncey was wrong and his death was not Stede's fault
DO NOT APOLOGIZE i’m gonna take this moment to have feelings back in casual form while i eat dinner
because like, that’s the thing i love about this show: a lot of media has like, the steady character and the troubled character and it’s the steady one’s job to be so fucking healthy they NEVER need help and play emotional support staff. 
instead, everybody here supports each other, in turn. it’s why i cry AND scream when jim returns to olu when he most needs it and least expects them to roll back up. that's how the ideal peak of being in a relationship works, in the ideal world where somehow the “i’m having a good week” and the “i’m having a bad week” hats swap off in turn.
that’s the heartbreaking thing (lol “the”, it’s all a gut punch) about what happens with ed and stede. in a perfect world, stede would have been able to see past how much he’s internally terrified he is not worth love and known that the best answer here was: go talk to ed. explain this fear, and then they both go back so stede can makes amends to mary and the kids. 
but he’s scared, it’s the middle of the fucking night and he just saw his worst nightmare play itself out AGAIN after yelling all the gross, middle of the night things he’s terrified of in his fucking face and confirming he’s right to think any of it. (shades of izzy and ed!!!! ohhhh, this show.)
because in another perfect world, ed would have seen past izzy’s own protective shield to the mountains of fear beneath and kindly but firmly told him no, izzy. we do talent shows now. you don’t like it? the door’s thattaway, but i wish you would unclench for half a second and give enjoying literally anything without making it weird or violent a try.
we do not live in a perfect world!!! these are both imperfect men, who have been damaged by the world around them; they aren’t always going to make the optimal choices when under extreme emotional stress, much like... everyone ever. in the history of the world. ever.
and even beyond that: they are playing the roles the world told them they should play, in these moments. (it’s all an act, the LITERAL SHOW SAID.)
which is part of why i’m so excited to see them eventually find a way back to each other again, because even if stede is gonna have to do some heavy lifting here to push past ed’s instinct to protect himself from being hurt again, they fucking love each other. when ed hurts, stede hurts; when stede hurts, ed hurts. (and, i would bet, a lot of ed’s anger comes from the motivations he can’t help but read into being left. getting left just sucks no matter how you slice it, but look what happened with mary when stede was finally honest with her. i think this show is ready to see ed and stede validate each other in a very similar way.)
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maxer-blaster · 2 years
When I first watched OFMD, I didn't think about Izzy Hands much.
I got into the show for Ed/Stede. He was an obstacle to that.
To the point where, when he dragged Stede (dressed as Blackbeard) away in ep 4, I thought "quit ruining their fun".
I did find his interactions with Lucius in ep 5 interesting and that's when I started to wonder about just what was UP with this angry little weasel.
But ep 6 I was still all, "there Izzy goes, ruining things again"
Hell, with the mutiny in episode 9, possibly being thrown overboard to drown, I thought " Well, that's what you get".
Even with the choking scene...
Even with the FUCKING TOE SCENE I was thinking
"Play shitty games, win shitty prizes ".
Because I was watching the show for Ed/Stede, and Izzy was "ruining the fun".
I didn't stop to question it, only grumble that he was preventing me as the viewer from getting what I wanted.
And then I saw Izzy meta
And discussions
And yeah, Izzys a dick when he drags Stede away in ep 4, but he's not wrong.
They do need to discuss provisions, plans and weapons.
It might be "interrupting" the dress up games, the flirting, the FUN for Ed and Stede but like...
They're in fucking DANGER.
They need to do SOMETHING.
On ep 5, he is a total PRICK to Lucius. Most of it from a place of internalized homophobia.
But, Lucius and Black Pete probably shouldn't have been FUCKING NEXT TO THE FOOD! It was bagged, sure but contamination could still fucking happen.
They probably SHOULD have been working. In some capacity. And yet, there are 3 crewman hanging out in the kitchen doing NOTHING (well, no work at least) and it's a pretty small crew.
Blackbeard, Stede, Frenchie and Olu are GONE! They are short staffed. It probably should be all hands on deck.
Then in ep 6, again we don't want Stede to die. But look at how Izzy goes about it. He brings up that it was Ed's shitty policy in the first place. That killing Stede was EDS IDEA. ep 4, Izzy was prepared to fucking LEAVE.
Ed's the one who proposed killing Stede, as a way to keep Izzy on board.
And Ed was gonna kill Stede. Was gonna stab him in the back
But, when that didn't happen, Izzy challenged him to a duel.
He could've pulled an Ed and stabbed Stede in the back.
But he threw Stede a sword, laid out the rules and, aside from the face slap, fought fairly.
Sending Calico Jack to get Ed, getting Ed put into his custody, was shitty, sure, but done out of love. Out of protection. His views of survival may be twisted, but by God, Izzy thought it was the only way to care for Ed.
While I still think Ed was in his right to punch Izzy.
While the mutiny makes sense (and I'm not sure it would've been fatal)
The chokeslam?
As the audience it feels like a buildup. Like a punishment a long time coming. But for Ed? Izzy talked shit and Ed LOST IT IN THE MONENT.
And it's nor much worse than many other things Izzy has said.
And my reaction was "you shouldn't have made him mad"
Then he waits, presumably hours, until Izzy is asleep
Until he is vulnerable
Sneaks into his room like a thief in the night
Makes him bandage the wound
Get up right after
In the middle of the night
And walk on his freshly mangled ass foot.
And Izzy?
Says yes Sir
Of course Sir
And hops fucking TO IT.
And when I watched that the first time ..
It was NOTHING compared to how I felt when he pushed Lucius off the boat.
Is part of that because we see Izzy alive after and Lucius' survival is "unknown" (we all know), yes.
But another part of it is, Izzys not a nice person
Not a good person
And Lucius is.
Izzy's the "asshole victim"
The obstacle in the rom com.
He's the "bad guy"
So I just didn't feel pulled to any sympathy.
Maybe it's partly because he's a man. If I saw an antagonistic female character have the same thing happen to them? I'd feel DISGUSTED!
Hell I'd probably consider Ed irredeemable after this (not sure what I'd feel if Ed's character was female too)
I also doubt that my first instinct of "well you shouldn't have threatened him then" or "you brought this on yourself" would have happened.
Because look at that victim blame-y shit. Dude had to eat his own fucking toe and my first thoughts/feelings boiled down to "he was asking for it".
And holy hell, that is FUCKED UP!
Not even sure the writers meant for us to react this way
Or for the abuse subtext to be there
But my God, why did I react this way? When this kind of thinking really PISSES ME OFF.
When I would've never guessed I could see someone maimed in their sleep and feel NO sympathy.
And I think it'd behoove us to question why.
Why are our reactions to this show and various characters what they are?
And why wasn't I able to muster up any sympathy until I had other people point out how fucked up it was?
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delioncourtes · 2 years
I have no one to talk to about OFMD and I just need to know what you think about Pete and how he’s ‘coping’ now that Lucius is,, well,, like does Pete think he’s with Stede?? Does Pete think he’s just left him?? Does Pete pester various people asking if they’ve seen him??
Many thoughts but head empty
i had to go rewatch and check cause i was like 'hang on, did nobody mention that lucius was missing?!', but no, they did when they're getting dumped on the island. and since they realized they were getting marooned, i assume they and pete know that he's either still back on the revenge or that something happened to him. PLUS when lucius goes out on deck and finds ed, he says they've been looking for him everywhere, sooo...i'm thinking at least olu would put it together.
it's really interesting when you think about the fact that pete was so enamored by the legend of blackbeard with his head of smoke and shit, but then he's actually confronted with blackbeard doing something very...blackbeard-y (how many times can i say blackbeard in one sentence) not just to him but more importantly to someone he loves. so in my head pete is the one who's gonna hold the biggest and longest grudge against ed, because 1) what the fuck, mate?? and 2) that's some massive disillusion to deal with and come to terms with. it's all fine and dandy when it's just stories you can romanticize, but having it happen to you and the people you care about is something entirely different.
anyway, lucius is fine and they're just gonna find him floating on a piece of drift wood within 3.5 minutes, and when they get back on the ship, pete gets to punch mcr edward in the face :)
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