piscespixiewastaken · 17 days
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream & Ponk - Rabbit
(Did I totally misread the prompt and have to reword the fic to make it work? No, totally didn’t, no idea what you’re talking about)
(Also, thank you to @simplepotatofarmer for inserting rabbit!Dream in my head. May have accidentally stolen an idea from their Rabbit Run fic. If you haven’t yet, go read Rabbit Run, it’s very good! Can’t stop thinking of c!dream as prey hybrid types now.)
Sixteenth Day Event:
Dream & Ponk - Rabbit
Ponk finds an injured Dream in the woods by his house after a prison break. He’s not one to leave an injured man to die.
“So, I’m not the only one Sam decided to fuck with,” Ponk muttered.
The masked rabbit hybrid in front of him shrugged. He stared down at the hand Ponk was wrapping with bandages. He sat on the kitchen chair stiff and uncomfortable. There were more bandages wrapped around his torso and limbs under his trousers. His rabbit ears were heavily bandaged, which wasn’t helping his already damaged hearing. His right foot was missing, a rudimentary prosthetic attached to the stump of his lower leg. Ponk didn’t want to consider the implications of a rabbit hybrid losing a foot. Especially when he knew Dream could shapeshift.
“Seriously, what the hell did he do to you in there?”
Another shrug. Ponk sighed.
“Dream, you’re going to have to talk to me at some point. I can only help with so much if I’m guessing what hurts and what might be infected. You’re lucky to be moving while missing a foot like that,” he chided.
Dream’s ears wilted as he hunched his shoulders in response, as if trying to curl in on himself despite the fabric wrapped around his body. Ponk’s eyes softened.
“Just take your time, okay? I’m not turning you back over to Sam anytime soon.”
“What about the others?” a hoarse voice coughed out of Dream’s throat. “Would you turn me over to them?”
Ponk sighed. He’d been doing that a lot lately. When had the server become like this? His best friend taking his arm over a couple of tokens. That same person torturing their former friend. The Egg corrupting the others and driving them to hurt and kill on a whim. When had it all gone so wrong?
“No, I won’t be. I’m not a snitch, Dream. Have a little faith that I have some sort of conscience after all this,” he huffed, letting out a small, humorless chuckle.
Dream turned away. As much as Ponk would have liked to see Dream’s face, see the expressions he was making… he understood Dream’s desire for privacy. It seemed to have been ripped from him in prison.
The tension building in the room caused Ponk to switch subjects.
“Why did Sam… why did he torture you? Was it supposed to be a punishment?” he winced at the words leaving his mouth. But he also couldn’t help his curiosity. His need to relate to someone who had suffered abuse at the hands of the same person.
Dream flinched. Ponk bit his lip to keep down the concerned reassurance that tried to leap from his throat. Dream wouldn’t want that, not right now.
“It… Sam didn’t lift a finger. Not really. He just… he just condoned it,” Dream mumbled. His voice was so quiet Ponk almost didn’t hear him.
“What? He let… he let someone else torture you? In his prison?” Ponk couldn’t keep the incredulous tone from his voice.
Dream nodded.
Ponk swallowed. He could see Sam torturing someone. Hell, he counted what he went through as torture, and that only lasted a day at most. But to hand someone else the tools and sit back and watch…. That was almost worse.
Just who on the server would feel comfortable to get close enough to Dream of all people to torture him?
“It was Q-Quackity,” Dream said, voice breaking ever so slightly on the other’s name.
Ponk frowned. He didn’t know Quackity particularly well. He had seen the other when they had gone to the vault to detain Dream. But otherwise, they barely interacted. The younger man must be power hungry then, enough to try and take something from a man already locked up and unable to touch anyone.
“Huh.” It was all Ponk could think to respond.
There another long silence. The air felt thicker and stuffier by the minute, and Ponk debated opening a window before deciding against it. It would cause Dream to panic more, and Ponk had barely managed to get the young rabbit hybrid to his house after finding him bleeding out in the woods.
Ponk turned back to the masked hybrid to finish off the last bandage. His frown deepened as a line of blood dripped from Dream’s chin.
“Dream, is your head bleeding?”
Dream flinched, before reaching up and dabbing the skin under his mask. His fingers came away red with blood. Ponk watched as the young man’s chest stuttered, his lungs not quite working properly as he began hyperventilating.
Ponk took his hand and held it firmly but gently, rubbing circles on bandaged knuckles.
“I need you to breathe, Dream. It’s all right. You’re okay. I can treat the injury if you take your mask off. Can you do that for me?”
Dream went still, ears flattening against his head. His hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly. He shook his head. Ponk’s eyes softened.
“I promise no one will hurt you, Dream. I just want to make sure it’s not infected, okay?”
Dream was quiet again. For a good moment, Ponk thought he would have to leave the wound alone and pray it wouldn’t become infected.
And then Dream slowly raised his hand to the white disc that sat on his face. He undid the strap and lowered it.
The face that stared down at the ground was covered in scars and burns. As if a hot knife had been dragged across his cheeks. His little nose was inflamed and torn. His whiskers were almost shaved, which couldn’t possibly be good for his stability. There was even a small “Q” dug into the jawline. No part of Dream’s body had been spared the torture then.
Ponk was glad his own face was covered, but he knew his eyes would betray his horror. He quickly composed himself and got to work on the gash in Dream’s forehead, newly opened from whatever activity Dream had done after escaping the Vault. The young man stayed quiet, despite flinching at how close Ponk got. His dull, green eyes never left Ponk’s hands as he worked, and his ears were still pinned against his head.
“Why are you helping me?” The question was unprompted, maybe to deal with the unsettling silence that had fallen over the two of them.
Ponk sat back for a moment. “Because you used to be my friend, Dream. And you’re injured. I don’t actually enjoy seeing people suffer.”
Dream scoffed but remained silent.
Ponk placed the last plaster on Dream’s skin and stood from where he’d crouched beside the other. He stretched his arms over his head.
“Well, that should be everything. You can stay here for the night, and I would highly recommend you do so. I don’t want you to tear open any stitches,” he said, gesturing to a nearby pullout couch.
Dream shook his head. “I… I have somewhere to go. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.”
Ponk wished he were more surprised by the sincerity in that remark. It would have hurt less to hear than the gratitude oozing out of Dream’s voice, how his ears perked up just a little at Ponk’s offer. As if Dream thought he should have died out there alone and afraid.
“Of course, Dream. My door is open if you need anything, all right? And I promise, I won’t tell anyone.”
Dream nodded, strapping his mask back on.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as he pulled his hoodie back on and donned his armor.
He stood from his chair and almost immediately stumbled, catching himself before Ponk could react. He waved Ponk off and grunted as he stepped towards the door. It swung open with a push, and Dream peered out for a moment, glancing at the surroundings. And turning back to Ponk one last time, he nodded his thanks.
And then he was off again, hobbling down the path to the woods nearby.
Ponk stared out the open door to starlit sky above. He sighed, closed the door, and moved to clean the table of bandage rolls and dots of blood. A deep sorrow built up inside him as he thought of the dull eyes of a man he had considered a close friend. And of the maniacal look on their abuser’s face when he’d taken Ponk’s arm. One he probably had when Quackity had taken Dream’s foot.
When had it all gone so wrong?
(You thought, oh cute fic prompt, maybe fluff? No, you get angst instead. No comfort, only hurt).
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plusie · 5 months
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fruitymarcy · 6 months
Sonic Dream Team character sheets by Tyson Hesse!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 21 days
Ben Shapiro rebranded to a vocaloid cover artist. Everyone kept trying to get him to cover Rabbit Hole and it pissed him off so much he quit.
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
Peter Rabbit!!
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sonichedgeblog · 6 months
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I won't be posting any more spoilers for 'Sonic Dream Team' for the next few weeks while people get to enjoy it, but this is just extremely wholesome.
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fra-aria · 2 months
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Doodles of some scenes from @simplepotatofarmer 's fic, rabbit run!✨
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rechicken-and-waffles · 7 months
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Dreams 🌙☁️
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calam1typann3 · 6 months
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Excuse me while I scream into the void from pure happiness at the sight of this.
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The found family vibes are so strong in this right now. GOD, I LOVE IT.
I especially loved this bit here as well. Big bro Knucks to the rescue and the quick smirk he gives her as she runs off- 😢
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bambiali · 2 months
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tailschannel · 6 months
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Take a look at these new screengrabs of the official opening sequence for Sonic Dream Team, the upcoming mobile game for Apple Arcade.
Artist Tyson Hesse was involved in the production of the intro, alongside musician Tee Lopes and the team at Powerhouse Animation.
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plusie · 6 months
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neetclown · 7 months
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Cream enjoyer here, I’m going to explode
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
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pov its the middle of the night and ur sea monster spouse just woke from a dead sleep with no prompting, sitting straight upright for ten solid seconds before taking off and jumping over the side of the boat and now they've come back an hour later with a fuckign Baby
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clarissasbakery · 7 months
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a coinpin halloween!!
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