#and then a bright light happened and it showed crowley waking up outside with no clothes on
leaffsheep · 1 year
Had a Good Omens themed dream last night where I watched s2 and the only reason why I woke up was because I realized “EVERY” didn’t happen 💀💀
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(Today marks one month since I went into quarantine alone. I’m having feelings about that, so you all get the following story. TW: I’m not psychologist but I’m pretty sure this is about depression...)
It had been a month.
Aziraphale woke up on his sofa. Ever since breaking with their sides, he and Crowley had been a bit more human. The naps were the latest development. Every once in a while, his head became so clouded he couldn’t think anymore, and the angel had to lay down and rest for a few hours.
He wasn’t sure what time or even day it was when he opened his eyes. Well, it wasn’t dark through the window. Not night, at least.
Adjusting his tie, Aziraphale sat up and reached for the book he’d put aside. There were eight books on the table, all carefully marked with a piece of paper around the middle of chapter three.
He couldn’t remember which he’d been reading. He didn’t really remember any of them.
It had been a month.
Crowley lay in bed, watching the light shift across his ceiling. It was getting warm enough that he might switch to lighter sheets soon. He’d have to do it manually.
He wasn’t looking forward to that.
The rumbling in his stomach finally coaxed him up. He’d hoped to sleep through the whole quarantine, but no luck. Ever since the Apocalypse, he couldn’t really marathon sleep like he’d used to.
On the way to the fridge, he paused to look in on his plants. They trembled, bright green but clearly wilting.
“What’s going on in here?” He snapped, but his heart wasn’t in it. No suitable threats rose in his mind, his expression barely reached mild disgust.
Grabbing the plant mister, he walked around, spritzing all of them. A dangling tendril brushed his face, and he paused, leaning against it with his eyes shut.
Sometimes they called each other. Crowley had convinced Aziraphale to start using a smart telephone right before they locked themselves in. There was a video call option, like in the science fiction movies.
“Hello? Crowley? Hello?”
“Hi, Angel. How’s things over there?”
“Hello? You aren’t moving again. Can you hear me?”
“I can hear you fine. It’s just the picture.”
“Ah, it’s going now. Things are, well, much as they’ve always been here. Yourself?”
“What? Sorry, that time it was the sound. Didn’t catch that.”
“I said it’s the same...never mind. What are you having for lunch today?”
“Dunno. I don’t... ... ... chicken...”
“Crowley? Can you hear me? Crowley?”
“What was that, dear?”
“No, before that.”
“Oh...never mind.”
Crowley stood in the bathroom.
He was nearly out of that hair product he liked, and now his hair was long enough he didn’t know what to do with it. He tried ordering more gel, but it was sold out online every place he looked.
He stepped into the shower. Quick blast of hot water should help wake him up, ease that stiffness in his back muscles.
The warmth of it running across his skin felt better than he could have expected. He stood in the shower until the water turned cold.
Aziraphale had dropped a plate, broken it on the floor.
Yesterday? Last week? There weren’t days anymore, just one endless stretch of time, some of it awake, some of it asleep. Sometimes in one chair, sometimes in the other.
He stepped around the ceramic shards.
When the kettle was steaming, he opened the cupboard to get a tea bag. There were seven left of the regular black tea, the cheap ones; three Earl Grey, two Darjeeling. He’d thought there was more.
When he shook himself, he couldn’t remember how long he’d been standing in front of the cupboard. He picked a bag at random and walked back to the kettle.
It was already cold.
Crowley lounged in his chair in front of the television.
He tried that new documentary everyone was talking about, but gave up when it seemed no one was going to be eaten by a tiger.
Next he tried something exciting with zombies in it, but the plot was too complicated. His mind kept wandering, and when it came back, he couldn’t remember which character was supposed to be the love interest.
Golden Girls. He had practically every episode memorized, anyway. He switched on one of his favorites, but the jokes didn’t seem as funny this time.
Tried three different baking shows. Couldn’t tell them apart.
Watched an episode of that one about cleaning your home. It didn’t spark joy.
Finally switched off the set and threw the remote in disgust.
“I know we’ve been through this before, but I’m sure it was never this bad.” Aziraphale sat back in his armchair, telephone pressed to his ear.
“Probably because it’s the first time we had to be quarantined.”
“I suppose.” He shifted, trying to get comfortable. No, that wasn’t the word. All the cushions were as soft as you could imagine, perfectly molded to his body. But it still didn’t feel right. “Do you remember that time, back in the fourteenth century?”
“I try not to.”
Aziraphale sighed. “It’s the waiting, really. I just wish I knew when it would be over.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Just. Me, too.”
With all this time, Aziraphale had thought he could at least get some cleaning done.
The dishes were piled up in the sink, overflowing. He didn’t think he’d ever used so many, not ever. The sponge was buried somewhere in that pile.
His eyes were very, very wet. He wasn’t sure why. Didn’t feel sad or tired or frustrated. Didn’t feel much of anything.
With a sigh he turned, foot crunching again on the broken plate.
He stared at it. He just needed to pick up the pieces. The rubbish bin was three steps away.
Shaking his head, he walked away.
Crowley still lounged in his chair. He was full of nervous energy, but didn’t know what to do with it.
He thought about changing the sheets again. Where were the summer ones? In the closet? Cotton or silk? Only he’d have to pull off the old ones first. Where would he put them? In a pile in the corner? He had a wash machine, he could throw them right in. No laundry detergent, though. He should buy some.
Picking up his phone, he clicked over to the app for one of the online shops. It gave some purchase suggestions, then more, then more. He spent an hour clicking around, filling and emptying his cart.
Didn’t buy anything in the end. Couldn’t remember what he’d been looking for.
He still lounged in his chair.
Aziraphale rested his pen against a piece of paper. He’d kept a journal since they’d realized they were becoming more human. Tracking changes. Analyzing new experiences. Recording everything in case his memory became more human, too.
But there was nothing to write, not today, not any day recently.
What did you say when nothing ever happened? When you didn’t really feel anything different today than you felt yesterday, or the day before?
He tried to draw. He’d never been much for sketching, but now all his imagination provided was an endless series of abstract rectangles.
Azirapahle put the pen aside and leaned down, resting his cheek against the book. The rough texture of the paper felt nice, for a moment at least.
It wasn’t really a nap. Crowley was staring up at the ceiling, mind drifting, when suddenly a knock at the door nearly made him shout in surprise.
Who would possibly be out right now? He wasn’t expecting any packages or food delivered. No one else was supposed to be on the streets.
He grabbed the plant mister, just in case, and opened the door a crack.
An angel stood in the corridor outside, looking very small and pale.
“I...I know we said we would wait until it was over. It’s only been a month, after all. But I just...I couldn’t...”
Crowley shoved the door open the rest of the way, pulled Aziraphale against him, sank into the warmth of those soft arms, held on tight, as tight as he could, even tighter.
One of them was trembling. Maybe both.
Some time later, they lay on the bed, arms around each other, Aziraphale’s head on Crowley’s shoulder. Not even talking, just listening to the sound of breathing, of heartbeats, soaking in the feel of another warm, living body so close.
“We’re both going to be stuck here now, you know.”
“I suppose we are.” Aziraphale wiggled a little closer, until there wasn’t room for even an atom between them.
“And we’re going to be fighting. Mark my words, this time tomorrow, we’re going to be in the worst sort of row.”
“Oh, yes. Probably over your taste in music.”
“Or something stupid you said.”
“Almost certainly.” His hand found Crowley’s, squeezed it, fingers twisting together. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
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mageicalwishes · 4 years
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Day 1, Found Family - New Traditions
The Gang start a new Festive tradition filled with love, laughter, music, food & fun.
Day 2, Distance - Say I Love You When You’re Not Listening
Baz reflects on the events of Wayward Son, and the hopelessness he feels. "A trip to try and save him - To save us. A last ditch effort to put some of the sunshine back in to his soul. Rammed together in economy, the press of his knee firm against mine, but his mind miles away. His eyes ever averted. Touching yet so far apart. I just wish I knew where I went wrong."
Day 3, Retellings - Changing History
The Mage's publicized documents reveal a myriad of painful truths about the loss of Natasha Grimm-Pitch and the origins of Simon Snow.
Day 4, Side Characters - Thawing Of A Heart
Malcolm & Daphne. “I’d always known that I would remarry eventually. It was my duty for the good of the family. Basil needed a mother. And I needed … someone. It was a simple, logical decision - To find a woman of good breeding, and give her the Grimm name. To carry on. But, through all my planning and preparation, I had never anticipated that I would fall in love. Never anticipated her."
Day 5, Sleepless - Tonight He Is Mine
"I can’t sleep. I can never sleep these days, not how I want to anyway - It's always either that I’m knocked out for 15 hours, waking up disoriented and heavy, or that I can barely catch a moment's rest. But today is different. My body is tired, and my mind is too. If I let myself, I’d be gone. But I won’t. I can’t. Tonight is my last night with Baz, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it."
Day 6, WLW - To Her, I Taste Of Nothing At All
Fiona & Ebb. "But then, before I even knew what was happening, she was kissing me back. And Crowley, I swear I melted. She tasted of cigarette smoke and spiced rum - Like fire personified."
Day 7, Animal(s) - Family Dog
My interpretation of ‘I was a 15-year-old closet case whose parents pretended they didn’t notice when the family dog disappeared’. “A shallow grave. So much less than she deserves. But … I can’t breathe. I can’t even think. I’m running on autopilot and adrenaline alone. Everything is just - I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how I got here. I'm losing control. I can't - I can't even look at her. She's still wrapped in my sheets. I can see her bleeding. I still want it. I still want more."
Day 8, Rain - From Across The Courtyard
"When I first met him, it was hammering it down. I was rushing to the main door in a desperate attempt to rescue my suede shoes, umbrella snagging against the wind, when I heard it - An impolite 'Oi! Are you new?'"
Day 9, Kids/Childhood - At The Top Of A Tower
Simon reflects on the few happy memories he made with Baz at Watford.
Day 10, Crossover - I’ll Give You The Stars
A loose crossover between Carry On and parts of I'll Give You The Sun. “He’s haloed under the streetlights, and I’m trying not to stare. But, it’s hard. His face is celestial - The sunshine of his soul peeking through his features. I want to say more, just so that he doesn’t leave. Our houses are right there but, I feel so ... multicoloured."
Day 11, Fluff - Keeping Warm
Simon & Baz spend a tentative first night together after the events of the forest fire. “He’s sighing against me, and sliding a hand up towards to my neck to hold me closer against him, and - Fuck. He’s freezing. I jolt backwards without meaning to. Staring down at him in awe - His pupils blown wide, and a faint (But definitely present) blush spread across his cheeks."
Day 12, Wings - The Guests Can Wait
"Weddings are even more exhausting than I had imagined. What with the panicked last minute search for Simon’s vows (Which ended up being in the mini-fridge of all places), and having to parade ourselves around all of our well-wishing friends and family. All I want to do was get him alone. To tell him, without the presence of a hundred witnesses, how much he means to me - How much the fact that we’re here, together, after everything, means to me."
Day 13, Below the Surface - Below The Surface
"Las Vegas is a sham of a city. Outside it’s all bright lights and glitzy shows - Normal magicians and celebrity chefs. But, beneath its shiny exterior, it’s nothing more than a grim desert, filled with counterfeit culture, and people burning through money they don’t really have. The Katherine is no exception."
Day 14, Constellation(s) - Mirror, Mirror
Simon struggles with his body image Post-Carry On. “Sometimes I just … get so mad at them (At myself, really). I wish that they’d just grow up and tell me like it is. Tell me how much I’ve disappointed them. Tell me that they no longer want me."
Day 15, Hurt/Comfort - First Aid
Simon cares for Baz's Buckshot wounds. Less angsty re-write of the scene in Wayward Son. “I glare at him - At his blackened under eyes, and matted hair. The slight hunch of his back. It does hurt. I know it does. Liar. I move my face closer to his, and breathe in his air. I want to hug him. To kiss him. To cheer him up, somehow. Make him better. But I can’t. I don’t know how. So, instead I step away. My hands dropping limply, to my sides."
Day 16, Meme/Crack - Baby, You Can Pick Me Up Any Day
Oovoo Javer? Oovoo Javer. AKA: Baz is Simon's slightly dickhead-ish Uber driver. “I kept trying to talk to him - Asking about his night, and whether he always listens to Classical music, or if it was just for show - but he ignored me. Staring unamusedly at me in the mirror, eyebrow raised and lips tilted downwards. He got 2 stars for that trip."
Day 17, Blanket Fort - Torch The Night-Filled Fort
Baz surprises Simon with a living room blanket fort transformation. “I turn to him, beaming. ‘Baz, what? What is this?’ He hums against me. ‘Blanket fort. You’re terribly inobservant, Snow.’ ‘Yeah, but … I mean, why?’ ‘Well, it’s been a year now since we left for America, and we’ve come a long way since then. Thought it was worth celebrating,’ he confesses, smiling shyly down at the floor.”
Day 18, Side Ships - You Got A Boyfriend?
Shepard & Penny. Shepard asks Penny a very important question (Well, in his mind, anyway).
Day 19, Misunderstanding - Wrong Bottle, Moron
Simon makes a VERY stupid mistake while showering. Cue, Baz coming to his rescue.
Day 20, Technology - Screenless
Baz and Simon have been chatting online for a year. It's finally time to meet IRL and take their relationship into HD reality.
Day 21, Warmth - Out In The Cold
Fangirl era. Simon and Baz get stuck in a snowstorm, and have to find a way to stay warm.
Day 22, Unlikely Friends - You’re My Bro
Shepard comes over to hang out with his bro ... Baz?
Day 23, Cooking/Baking - What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’?
Simon is making dinner. Baz is soft.
Day 24, Song - He Made It Easy, Darlin’
Simon & Baz struggle with trying to take the next step in their relationship. Inspired by Easy by Troye Sivan
Day 25, Parallel Universe - Parallelt Univers
Simon and Baz spend the day recovering in bed, after their first kiss. Inspired by the 'Parallel Universes' talk from Skam.
Day 26, Break - I Think We Should Break Up
Simon is trying to do what's right for Baz. Baz disagrees.
Day 27, Snowstorm - Searching In The Snow
Simon has lost his cat. So the only obvious choice is to hammer on his neighbour's door at 2AM ... And Baz is not impressed.
Day 28, Party - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 1
"I’m over the bloody moon. After everything that happened after we left Watford, I wasn’t sure that I’d ever get to see this Snow - a truly joyful Snow - again. And it broke my heart. Yet, here we are, spending our fifth anniversary together, surrounded by friends and family in our own little London flat."
Day 29, Secret Santa/Gift Giving - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 2
Day 30, Any Way the Wind Blows - Worst Road Trip ... Ever!
Shepard is NOT enjoying his trip back to England with the Gang. "I feel like a kid again, sat in the back of my mothers pick-up, hyped up on sugar, but belted down to the seat. Unable to run. Constantly being shushed."
Also huge thanks and praise goes to everyone involved in running the @carryon-countdown Countdown this year!!! I really enjoyed taking part :)
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flameraven · 5 years
Good Omens Fic Recs Masterpost
(aka, I wanted to organize all my favs so I might as well share them) (No smut fics on this list bc that is extremely not my jam. I’m on the asexual relationship train all the way with these two. There are some very Vague Implications in a couple of these but no more than that.) UPDATE: PART 2 HERE: https://flameraven.tumblr.com/post/613697745862230016/good-omens-fic-rec-masterpost-part-two
Birds of a Feather - Kedreeva // Short wingfic collection
If We’ve Got Nothing, We’ve Got Us - Kedreeva // After the apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley find their feathers coming in grey.
With Drooping Wings - werebear // (hurt/comfort) - Crowley gets drunk, remembers some trauma, and has a nightmare. Aziraphale comforts him.
by flash and thunder fire I’ll survive - jessikast // Crowley and Aziraphale discuss wings and snakes and winged snakes. There are cuddles.
When in Rome - Kedreeva // Aziraphale teaches Crowley to read, and Crowley shares a secret.
In All Things, Balance - Kedreeva // Gabriel comes for the ineffable husbands, and the universe gets some recalibrating.
One Last Thing -TheLadyZephyr // Crowley has a bit of trouble falling asleep
The Soft Zone 
A Sky Full of Stars - Kedreeva // Aziraphale takes Crowley as close to Heaven as they can get, these days.
get religion quick (’cause you’re looking divine) - brinnanza
lift your face the western way - brinnanza
Build Our Kingdom - Mackem // Crowley and Aziraphale finally go on that picnic
exhale - darcylindbergh // Crowley wakes up, and for the first time, he’s not alone
when the earth is trembling - stammiviktor // Crowley cooks Aziraphale dinner and takes him on a date
from madrid to heaven - darkavenue
An Honest Surrender - Kedreeva // Aziraphale and Crowley get married (though not in the way humans mean)
Constellations -worldinmymind // Stargazing and confessions
Shall I Stay (Would It Be a Sin?) - WinterSky101 // Aziraphale stays at Crowley’s for the night
And I’ve Waited For You - ineffablefool // Aziraphale finally catches up to Crowley
A Descriptive Study on Angel Kisses by Anthony J. Crowley -smudgesofink
Pompeii under Vesuvius -smudgesofink // The first time Aziraphale reaches for his hand and holds it, Crowley experiences a slow sort of meltdown
a picture's worth a thousand words -pyrrhic_victory // Crowley takes Aziraphale to the National Gallery and submits to the mortifying ordeal of trying to compliment him.
All This and Heaven Too - rattatatosk // Aziraphale reassures Crowley that they’re finally on the same page (with cuddles)
Never Doubt - Mackem // Crowley takes Aziraphale to see Hamlet.
I love you (it’s okay) - forineffablereasons // The absence of terror is the terrifying thing.
let us cling together -brinnanza
Ready -lady_divine_writes - They don’t touch right away.
Warm and Fuzzy -returnsandreturns // The husbands meet Newt and Anathema’s daughter
Pet Names -thisvictoriangirl
Used to Wanting -acuteangleaziraphale
Names, Pet and Otherwise - elsajeni
Crowley sees Aziraphale - acuteangleaziraphale // Crowley sees Aziraphale in the sunrise and it reminds him what it means to worship.
I’m Going Home - Frenchibi // Aziraphale can’t believe how lucky he is.
Blessings - humanityinahandbag // Aziraphale blesses Crowley to keep him safe.
Husbands - victorianfantasywatson
Coiling - forineffablereasons // Crowley stakes his claim
Snake!Crowley / Wiggleverse
You’re the Only Prayer I Need - Kedreeva / Aziraphale stumbles on Crowley as he’s preparing to shed.
let sleeping snakes lie - kythen // Crowley takes an extended nap after the end of the world
Today I Met a Cryptid -thelibrarina // an encounter with a bookseller and his pet snake.
Getting a Wiggle On - Kedreeva // Crowley attempts to prank Aziraphale. It does not go to plan.
In Which a Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet - OlwynnDylluan // The sneklets are named.
In Which Crowley Does Not Expect a Family Outing - OlwynnDylluan // The family goes on a picnic in the park.
In Which the Kitten Does Not Get Et Because Aziraphale Is a Textual Purist -OlwynnDylluan // (Wiggleverse) Aziraphale tells the sneklets a bedtime story
In Which the Children Are Indisposed and Aziraphale Panics -OlwynnDylluan // The sneklets experience their first shed. (Also the only one of these - so far- in which Crowley is an actual snake.)
Pear-Shaped - smarshtastic // Crowley is hurt and goes to Aziraphale for help. (also wingfic)
In the (Second) Beginning - cherryfeather // The inevitable aftermath as all of the week’s trauma catches up to Crowley.
above us, only sky - stammiviktor // With the War looming, Aziraphale and Crowley have to confront the terrible possibility they might have to fight each other. (Don't) Say My Name - CosmicOcelot // Crowley gets trapped in a summoning circle by an all too human sort of monster.
Hell to Pay - battle_cat // Crowley’s lot do not, in fact, send rude notes.
Burnt - flamethrower // Or, How Did Crowley Survive Consecrated Ground, anyway?
Angst (With a Happy Ending)
Just One Yesterday - Kedreeva // Crowley and Aziraphale fail to stop the Apocalypse the first time ‘round, but they manage in the end.
we’re not out of the tunnel, I bet you though there’s an end - mygalfriday // Crowley thought his last words to Aziraphale were “I won’t even think about you!”
I Will Take This Weight to Hell - buttface // Crowley struggles to cope after they survive the end of the world.
how deep the sand -Handful_of_Silence // Have you read Sandman? Remember that glass bottle Dream got trapped in? Aziraphale gets trapped in something similar. It goes about as you’d expect. (Very angsty, definitely worth it though. Part 2 is significantly more comfort than hurt.)
Cry for Absolution - forthegreatergood // Crowley is convinced he cannot touch Aziraphale without causing him pain. (wingfic)
it’s high time that you love me, cause you do it so well - mygalfriday // Crowley cannot say the word ‘love’. So he shows Aziraphale instead.
it was only a kiss - pyrrhic_victory // Aziraphale has never been kissed before, and, assuming Crowley has a lot of experience, asks him to demonstrate. Misunderstandings are had.
the wonder that keeps the stars apart -nilmiel // Crowley, Aziraphale and two encounters with Holy Water, fifty years apart
This Feeling Calls for Everything (I am not) - rattatatosk // Crawly is struck speechless by Aziraphale in Eden. By Rome, he knows he's lost.
we both matter, don't we? -ToEdenAndBackAgain // After the bookshop burns, Crowley goes to yell at God
Replacement - rainydaydecaf // Hell replaces Crowley as their agent on Earth.
Outsider POV
Good Omens/The Magnus Archives - Handful_of_Silence // 6+ fic series, crossover. Generally follows the format of the Magnus Archives, a horror fiction podcast documenting encounters with unusual phenomena. Featuring eldritch!horror Aziraphale and Crowley
Adventures In Attempting To Purchase A Book From That Weird Old Soho Bookshop, A. Z.  Fell & Co.
 So You Need To Get Into A.Z. Fell & Co.; Now What? (A Guide For Unfortunate Bookworms)
Long Term - idiopathicsmile // Observations from the minister hired to officiate the wedding
Regulars - irisbluefic // Various outsider observances of the duo
a snake by any other name - asideofourown // a young herpetologist spots an unusual snake in AZ Fell’s bookshop and has to investigate.
such surpassing brightness - Handful_of_Silence // Aziraphale as Patron Saint of queer self-acceptance
it’s the light (it’s the obstacle that casts it) -Handful_of_Silence // The Patron Saint of London's LGBT Community is real, and he lives in Soho.
a very near understanding - ballentine/FeoplePeel - Aziraphale and Crowley experience some side-effects from their body swap.Hell
To Forgive, Divine - rattatatosk // Crowley didn’t mean to Fall, and he didn’t ask to be Forgiven, but both those things happened anyway. Character study on a Risen Crowley
Champions (of the World) - phlintandsteel // Aziraphale, Crowley, and the forces of Humanity face off against Heaven and Hell
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offbeatpride61 · 4 years
My Perfect Supernatural Ending
Okay. So, like most of the fandom, I was not satisfied with the series finale. I am not going to get into what Jensen, Misha, and Jared said or what the rest of the cast said. This is purely what I would have liked to have seen. I think I also need to state that COVID has probably made things difficult for the ending and that’s partially why something happened in the ending and other things didn’t (that doesn’t excuse shitty writing though). BUT I am not taking COVID into account with my personal headcanon/rewrite/whatever of the ending I was hoping for. Also, I am not a very active member of the fandom; I like and reblog some posts, talk to friends about it, but that is usually the limit of what I do, but I really wanted to share this because Supernatural has been a big part of my life.
TLDR, here are my two cents on how I would have liked things to have gone. 
So pretty much everything that happens in 15x18 stays the same. Jack blows up in the Empty and returns, everyone besides the boys gets Thanos-snapped, and Cas confesses his love for Dean and gets taken by the Empty to save Dean from Billie. Dean still is in emotional shock before he can say anything back to Cas before he’s gone. The whole gig still happens. 
The next episode, 15x19, pretty much stays the same. Dean, Sam, and Jack meet up, Dean finds the dog, the dog gets dusted, we know the drill. At the same time as this, Cas and Billie are together in the empty, because they got brought in together. Billie still has the scythe and even inside the empty, she is slowly beginning to die and degrade. Cas tries calling out inside the Empty, but nothing happens, they are just greeted with silence. With Billie beginning to crumble away, she laughs and tells Cas that, “this was all part of the plan.” Or something like that. She begins to tell Cas about what she read that was so interesting, but we the audience are taken away before we can hear her speak. 
The rest continues on as shown in the episode, they meet Michale, Dean gets a phone call from Cas, Lucifer shows up, Lucifer dies. The trio along with Michale perform the spell and Michael still pleads for his life, and predictably still ends up dying. The brothers go with their ultimate plan to use Jack and his absorption of power to beat Chuck. Here, however, it’s not enough. Jack is only able to wound Chuck before he is blasted away. The group is heartbroken, this was their big last-ditch effort and it didn’t work. Chuck begins his monologue of douchery about how he had won and there’s nothing left that they can do. The sky begins to change, lightning crackles, clouds darken but at the same time remain a bright white. Chuck, in his narcissistic rant, doesn’t notice. The boys begin taking steps back, thinking this is Chucks doing. When suddenly, Chuck stops, looks up, and is immediately greeted with a blast of power from the sky. He is being smited by heaven. 
Here, Jack is able to shield Sam and Dean with what remaining power he has. The light gives way, Chuck is there and still standing, but not as proudly as before. It’s obvious that blast has done something, though nowhere near enough to mortally wound him. Everyone present is confused, staring in bewilderment at one another. Chuck looks up in disbelief, stating that heaven should be empty of angels. Smoke begins to appear in streaks across the sky; Demons are here. Parallel to the fight against Amara, Demons begin to attack Chuck. They aren’t doing much, taking potshots when they can. Finally, Chuck has had enough and blasts everything away. Sam, Dean, and Jack are blown backward a couple of feet. Both Sam and Chuck ask what is going on. Demons still circle the area, but at a distance. Heaven rumbles above them. 
Chuck demands to know what is going on, what have the Winchesters done this time. The boys are just as confused. Then, at the shore, all four of them see it at the same time. A black mass, no bigger than a car is hovering there. It’s the Empty. Suddenly, more back masses begin to appear all around. After a few seconds of silence, nobody moves. Then the pieces of the Empty begin to reach out (much like how it reached how to take Billie and Cas), but it is not taking anyone or anything. The appendages reaching out slowly begin to take on human forms. Then we see, the Empty is bringing out every Angel and Demon that ever died. The realization begins to hit everyone, this is how Heaven was able to bring together its power and how the Demons could coordinate and attack. Dean begins to look around, then he sees Cas emerge from a portion of the Empty. Castiel looks the same, but now either his tie or trench coat is black, and he is wielding Death’s Scythe. Castiel is now the Angel of Death. 
 Everyone’s fan-favorite Angels and Demons are back. Crowley is there with an entourage of other Demons and Rowena. Actual Meg is back and looking around along with Ruby. Uriel is back and leading a group of Angels. Of course, all of the Archangels are back and are ready to fight. (Here I was thinking that Michael and Gabriel maybe convinced Lucifer that their dad wasn’t going to let them live even if they helped him, especially after Michael got dusted.) Here I won’t get into much detail, mostly because I don’t know how to write an action scene. It really boils down to that Heaven and Hell are working together to stop Chuck. It’s a chaotic battle, Angels and Demons are dying left and right, everyone is doing their best to end Chuck’s tyranny. Sam, Dean, and Jack are doing their best to remain out of the crossfire and not die. Through the chaos, Sam sees Azazel wink at him before he’s lost in the shuffle. 
Castiel reaches his new family’s side. Cas briefly explains what’s going on, that Empty released them because through a combination of Jack’s explosion and Billie handing her power to Castiel, they were able to make quite some noise and wake up everyone in the Empty. This causes even more noise, so the Empty can’t sleep, and expels all that are awake. The fight continues, but cuts to Jack as he begins to absorb power from the conflict. The ending here is much the same, in that Jack is then able to finally absorb all of Chuck’s power because he was weakened by the onslaught of Angels and Demons. A lot of Demons and Angels are dead, but the main cast is still alive. The Winchesters tell Chuck that he is going to live out the rest of his life as a human and die; no one will remember him. Here I would add that a final completion to Castiel’s arc of being a soldier that only follows his father’s command (much like Dean) to a being with free will. Cas would tell Chuck that it was said that “one day Death will reap God” and that it will be Castiel waiting for him. 
At this point I’m not quite sure what to do with the now revived Angels and Demons, like Azazel. I came up with two options. The first one being, Jack does right be the Winchesters and gets rid of Azazel and the like to honor what the Winchesters did in the past and puts Lucifer back into the cage. The second option being Jack lets all the remaining Angels and Demons go free to have their own free will, which I like, but that then brings up the problem of the Winchesters not being able to settle down and they have to continue hunting all the bad that was brought back. Or maybe Lucifer decides not to be a dick and work with his brothers in Heaven. Regardless of which option, Jack brings back all life on Earth that was dusted just like the show. Amara is able to become her own being again, but works with Jack in harmony. Sam is reunited with Eileen and they have a heartfelt reunion. Cas and Dean have their moment and Dean is finally able to say “I love you” back. The group are also reunited with everyone from the Apocalypse World. 
The group would head back to the Bunker, Jack included. Jack would do his speech of being handsfree and finally letting humanity and the world have free will. The group would celebrate and have a nice dinner. Going along with everyone left alive after the final battle (option 2) scenario, the boys begin to wonder what to do next. Do they continue hunting or not? Eventually they would say that they deserve to have a life outside of the one that was preordained for them. They leave the hunting to the next generation, but are willing to help with information and research, they are Men of Letters after all. 
There would be a little bit of a time jump, Sam and Eileen are able to have their white picket fence lives that they deserve. They would have some kids, Sam probably went to Stanford and is actually a lawyer now. He is able to have his happy ending with his brother still in his life. Dean and Cas stay at the Bunker, making it their permanent home. Dean becomes a mechanic for a shop in the area, Cas staying by his side (though invisible to everyone else). Dean adopts Miracle the Dog and Cas occasionally allows the dog to ride shotgun. Cas adopts a cat and starts a vegetable garden (in contrast to his new position as Death). Dean and Cas have their own white picket fence life with the occasional dip into the pool of hunting. Not to mention Cas’ new responsibilities. Jack would visit both households, and the entire group would come together on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. 
Eventually the brothers get old and pass on after living their lives how they wanted. Not sure which brother dies first, maybe Dean, but the brothers are reunited in Heaven. Jack watches over them and Castiel joins them when he is able to (which is most of the time tbh). The brothers are reunited with their mom and dad (they are acting like specially before the death of Mary, basically John isn’t an abuser). Bobby is there too along with all their friends whose lives ended too soon. The final scene of the series ends with a “you, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching hawaiian shirts, obviously.” They can rest and relax, because they earned it.
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ladyofwisteria · 4 years
Prologue pt1: Welcome to the Villains' world
 Darkness all I see is darkness I can not tell if my eyes are open or not, nor if it was a just dream wait, did I even fall asleep It's dark and it feels like I'm floating so maybe this is a dream, and as to confirm what I was thinking I then hear a voice speak up.
     "Ah...My lovely lord. My glorious, beautiful flower of evil.  
     You are the fairest in all the land.  
     Mirror, Mirror, pray tell. Who is the most..."  
 I then begin to hear the sound of a horse galloping and finally, I see something light up in front of me revealing a decorative framed mirror with a hand reaching out to me.
     "You, who has been summoned by the Mirror of Darkness.  
     Listen to your heart's desire and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.  
 Feeling my body move on my own I reached out towards the mirror once I touched it the rippled and I get a flashing pain in my head and I received a vision of a battle between a giant feline beast covered in blue flames and Seven figures, and by the look of things the beast is winning and ready to unleased it's final attack. And just as quickly the vision appeared it vanished and I was back in darkness.
     "Flames that can turn the moon to ashes,  
     Ice that can freeze time,  
     Earth that can swallow the sky,  
     Show no fear to the power of Darkness"  
 A new bright light appears blinding you till you noticed an unknown hand reach out towards you becoming you to take it.
     "Come now, show me your power. We only have a little bit of time left.  
     At all cost, do not let go of that hand."  
 And thus, you take the hand and once more everything falls to black
 ~ Å ~
     Prologue: Welcome to the Villains' world  
     Part 1: Welcome to Night Raven  
 'Where am I' I open my eyes once again to darkness but I felt like I was trapped inside a cramped box I desperately tried to find some way to open the box but to no avail but after a while, I've begun to hear something
 "What's that noise"
 I moved as close as I could and put my ear to the surface to listen better.
 "I need to find a cloak and quickly," said a childish like voice I was about to call out for help until I heard what sounded like someone trying to push off the lid of my container.
 "Grrr! The lid is heavy. Time for my... secret move! Guwaahuhh!
 I didn't know what the person outside at first until I started to feel hot and not just me but the box as well, I started panicking until I heard the sound of wood snapping in front of me which is when I realize I now have an opportunity to escape so with a few hard pushes I finally got them off an threw myself forward.
 Not realizing that where I was held was elevated and fell face-first onto the floor. It took a few seconds for me to recover and picking myself up from the floor to have a look at my surroundings and my jaw drop.
 The room was around gothic with floating coffins and in the middle of the room over a fountain of bright green water was the same mirror I saw in my dream or probably still am, what made me convinced about even more was when I turned around and saw who it was that got me off the coffin
         "Ok, Gotta get..." The floating cat? looked inside the coffin only to find it empty but turns around to find me. "Whaaaaaaaaa! Why are you up!?"
 "Ok, this has to be a dream, I'm in a room full of floating coffins and a talking Raccoon" I exasperated
 "Just who are you calling a raccoon, I'm the great Grimm!" he yelled angrily "Anyway hurry up and give me those clothes!"
 "What no way" I grab the sleeves of my outfit now taking a look at it realizes that it was not my pajamas but a black cloak with gold trims and purple inner layer.
 "Give me those clothes or I'll roast ya!"
 The floating raccoon let out a breath of blue fire, panicked I noticed a slightly open door and ran towards it.
 "Forget it, I'm not going to have a dream about getting roasted by a freakin raccoon."
 "I said I'm not a freakin raccoon!"
 "Somebody help me" I yelled as I ran as fast as could through a long dark hallway and garden until I ran out of breath in what looked like a Library I took a quick look around to see if the flying raccoon was still flowing me.... they're gone I dropped to the floor to catch my breath.
 "Please let this just be a bad dream, I just really want to wake up."
 "Did you really think you'd get away from my nose? Dumb human!"
 'Shit' I quickly turned to see the floating raccoon dog had caught up to me and blocking the only exit and I'm still trying to recover my breath 'I'm fucked'.
 "If you don't wanna get roasted, better hand over-" before he could finish a cord came out of nowhere and bided the creature.
 "Buwah? What's with this cord?
 "This is no mere cord. This is the lash of love!"
 Out from behind the creature was a tall sharply dressed man with a half raven themed mask, a black and white suit, over that is a black overcoat and top hat decorated black feathers, and mirror-like accessories on his hat and hip but what stood out the most was his glowing gold eyes.
         'What the hell kind of dream is this?'
 "Ah, found you at last. Are you one of the new students?"
 'Wait, what'
 "You shouldn't do things like that. Leaving the Gate on your own! Not only that, but you also have yet to tame your familiar which has broken a number of school rules."
 "Um, sir he's not-."
 "Let me go! I'm not their freakin' familiar!"
 "Sure, sure. The rebellious ones always say things like that." He then summons more cord a tie it around Grim's moth. "Just quiet down for a moment"
 "Mmmmmmghmmm!" Grim struggled to get out but with his arms a mouth cover it was made impossible.
 "Um sir"
 "My goodness. It's unprecedented for a new student to leave the Gate on their own. Ugh......How impatient can you be? The entrance ceremony is already well underway. Let's head to the Hall of Mirrors."
 "Wait, what do you mean New Student? And what Gate?"
 "It's the room you woke up in with all of the doors. All students who wish to attend this academy must pass through one of those doors to arrive here. Normally, students wake up only after the door is opened with a special key but"
 "Well, his fire kind of blow the lid off" I point to Grim.
 "So, in the end, the culprit appears to be this familiar. If you're going to bring it with you have the responsibility and properly take care of it."
 "But sir he's not! "
 "Oh my! Now isn't the time to be long-winded. The entrance ceremony will soon come to a close. Let's get a move on."
 "Wait! " I yelled causing the man in front of me to halt. "Just who are you, and where exactly am I?"
 The man looked at me confused
 "What's this? Are you still dazed? It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented... Well, it's fine. It happens often enough. I shall give you an explanation as we make our way there. Since I am gracious."
 After a few minutes, we began walking again I silent until we reached the courtyard since I was not distracted I was able to get a clear view of where I was.
 "Wow this looks like a magic castle"
 "That's because it is. This is 'Night Raven Collage'. Those magicians blessed with a unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world, here at the most prestigious magical academy in Twisted Wonderland.
 'Twisted Wonderland?' I sware the more crazy stuff that comes out of this guy's mouth the more convinced I am that this is just one weird dream.
 "And I'm the principal, appointed to take care of this academy by the board chairman Dire Crowley."
 "Wait, magicians?"
 "Only those magicians seen as worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school. Chosen ones use the Gate and are summoned here from around the world. An Ebony carriage carrying a Gate should have gone to meet you as well"
 Think back I then remembered something from my earlier dream.
 "I think I remember hearing a horse and carriage"
 "The Ebony Carriage goes to welcome new students chosen by the Dark Mirror. They are special carriages that carry the doors. The market decided long ago that carriages are used to welcome people on special days."
 "So, you're saying that the carriage just brought me here on its own!?"
 He continued explaining a bit more about the academy all the while Grim was trying to get our, before long we were back to set of doors which lead to a room that I ran out of earlier.
 "Come. Let's go to the entrance ceremony."
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breannacasey · 4 years
Fic Masterpost
Since I just made it to 100 posted works on my ao3 since I created it in January 2014, I thought I’d make a masterpost on here of all of them to celebrate. Also, shameless self promo. I’ll also include some of my upcoming things, because they would make it 100 without counting the translations.
I’ll put them by fandom and in the order I started writing for each fandom. And I’ll put a  ⭐ next to my personal favourites. And 🌟 for my faves of faves.
Fandoms I’ve written for in alphabetical order: 911, 911 Lone Star, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Criminal Minds, Hannibal, Harry Potter, House md, Leverage, Limitless, Lucifer, New Amsterdam, Prodigal Son, Sherlock, Supergirl, Supernatural, White Collar
Total per rating: General (21), Teen and Up (72), Mature (7)
Total per warning: No Archive Warning Applies (85), Chose Not To Use Warnings (1), Major Character Death (10), Graphic Depictions of Violence (3), Rape/Non-Con (1)
Supernatural (10 works)
Let Me Go (series, 2 works, 1 354 words, Teen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Dean Winchester struggles with suicidal thoughts.
A Crowley Valentine (one shot, 1 899 words, Gen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: It’s Valentine’s Day and Crowley is tired of Dean and Cas not admitting that they’re in love with each other so he decides to take action.
Never Stop Fighting (multi chapter, 9 chapters, 21 274 words, Teen, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Castiel/Dean Winchester, Lucifer/Original Female Character: The brothers go investigate a weird occurrence but they end up rescuing someone who might be able to help them fight Metatron and put heaven back in business. But could she have an agenda of her own?
Demon Love (one shot, 1 117 words, Teen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Dean uses his demon powers not exactly in the deadly way Crowley had hoped.
There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done (one shot, 1 076 words, Gen, Major Character Death) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Dean dies and goes to heaven
A Different Kind Of Family (one shot, 1 455 words, Teen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Sam and Dean go on a hunt for what turns out to be zombies.
A Good Combo (multi chapter, 5 chapters, 11 680 words, Teen, Pizza Place AU) Castiel/Dean Winchester and more: Castiel meets Dean at a weird time in his life. He just got out of a relationship and, with the death of one of his siblings, he isn’t sure if he is ready to jump into another one just yet.
Please Stay With Me (one shot, 906 words, Gen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Set some time after 11X04 “Baby”, Castiel is still staying in the bunker, resting and getting better, but the brothers are barely ever there and Dean won’t even stay in the same room with him.
+ one crossover
Criminal Minds (3 works)
Prentiss’ Secret (one shot, 1 209 words, Teen) Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss: Prentiss left the BAU to work in London. Now she’s coming back to help them, but she has a secret.
Outside The Comfort Of Innocence (one shot, 1 354 words, Teen) Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss : As a kid, Emily Prentiss and her family move in next door to the Hotchners. Hotch and Prentiss grow up best friends, but a dark secret brings the real world into their childhood. ⭐
Everybody Loves Halloween (one shot, 991 words, Gen) Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau/Will LaMontagne: Emily comes for Halloween and the Hotchners go trick-or-treating with the LaMontagnes.
Sherlock (8 works)
Filling The Holes (series, 6 works, 8 960 words, Gen, Teen and Mature, Major Character Death) Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty: This is a series that goes on in the spaces between what we see on the show. It takes place after Reichenbach Fall. ⭐
John Watson’s Missing Wednesday (one shot, 854 words, Teen) Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty: At the wedding, Sherlock mentioned a time when John missed an entire wednesday without even noticing, what happened that day?
The Dead Are Busy Too (one shot, 618 words, Gen) Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty: Nearly two years after the events of Reichenbach Fall, Moriarty’s network is close to being a thing of the past.
Harry Potter (20 works)
1998, or the year everything changed (series, 18 works, 77 224 words, Gen, Teen and Mature, Major Character Death) Various ships: A series taking place the months following the Battle of Hogwarts. Each story focuses on a different character, but they all interlock with one another. (aka I didn’t like the epilogue so I made my own.) ⭐
Light in the Darkest of Times (one shot, 742 words, Teen) Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley: Feeling his constant support of Harry Potter in his magazine might cause the Death Eaters to try something, Xenophilius has Luna stay in Hogwarts for the holidays, thinking she’d be safe there. But things aren’t the same in the castle since Dumbledore’s death.
The Potion Master’s Daughter (multi chapter, 14 chapters, 67 001 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Luna Lovegood/Original Female Character and more: Severus Snape had a daughter several years ago. A year behind the famous Harry Potter, she’ll navigate her years at Hogwarts, punctuated with all kinds of events, like the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, the Triwizard Tournament and Voldemort’s return. 🌟
Hannibal (1 work)
Love and Dogs (one shot, 137 words, Gen) Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter: Hannibal wakes up at Will’s place
Limitless (10 works)
Screw, Marry, No Kill (one shot, 1 317 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike, Brian Finch/Mike: Brian thought having a one night stand with a coworker wasn’t a big deal, but not everyone had the same opinion.
Distracting Thoughts (one shot, 1 508, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: Brian takes too much NZT and suddenly gains the ability to hear thoughts.
Keep You Safe (one shot, 832 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: Set during 1x22 Finale: Part Two!! With Brian under side effects from the NZT, Ike worries for the man’s life.
Undercover! Again! (one shot, 2 601 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: Brian and Ike are sent on an undercover mission, but things don’t exactly go as planned.
Rebecca Harris’s One Sick (Valentine’s) Day (one shot, 1 137 words, Gen) Rebecca Harris/Lucy Church: Rebecca was about to head off to work, but when a surprise visitor shows up at her door, she has another idea.
The Influence A Person Can Have (multi chapter, 3 chapters, 10 340 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Eli Whitford, Brian Finch/Ike: Sometimes, you meet one person and it changes your whole life. Everything else after that would’ve been different. For Brian, it all comes back to that moment he met Eli. It seems some people are simply meant to enter your life at the right moment, to stir you in the right direction. From figuring out who he is to falling in love for the first time to getting his life together and even meeting the love of his life, Brian’s life wouldn’t have been the same. 🌟
A Little Bit of Ice and Rube Goldberg (one shot, 1 875 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: When freezing rain takes over the city, everyone goes home while it’s still safe outside. Brian insists on finishing what he’s working on, forcing both he and Ike to stay alone in the office to weather the storm.
Fulfilled, Not Finished (one shot, 4 861 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Brian Finch/Ike: When the squad finds a potential witness for their case, Ike volunteers himself and Brian to go check it out. But things take a dark turn. ⭐
Curve Ball Field (one shot, 7 196 words, Teen) Brian Finch: When Brian gets kidnapped for ransom, the CJC isn’t clear on how to handle the situation, or how to reassure his family. 🌟
+ one crossover
House (2 works)
Lean On Me (one shot, 1 414 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Gregory House/James Wilson: A short evolution of House and Wilson’s relationship, from their first meeting to their last. ⭐
Don’t You Know I Care? (one shot, 1 364 words, Teen) Gregoy House/James Wilson: House ended up in a hospital bed, again, but this time the familiar face of Wilson is missing from his bedside.
Supergirl (4 works)
My Hero (one shot, 650 words, Gen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: When Lena gets pushed off her balcony, Supergirl is there to rescue her once again.
When It Starts (one shot, 1 908 words, Gen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: Lena loves being Kara’s friend, but she wouldn’t say no to being more than that.
Hero in Need of Saving (one shot, 2 180 words, Teen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: When a gunman shows up at Catco, Kara gets hurt and ends up stuck in the elevator with Lena and some kryptonite. ⭐
If I Could Find The Way Up (multi chapters, 3 chapters, 4 959 words, Teen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: Lena Luthor is depressed and she doesn’t understand what she calls an obsession for Kara Danvers. Kara who keeps cutting their time together short, maybe on purpose. Lena is struggling to deal with all that pain she feels inside and trying to figure out what she feels around Kara might mean.
Lucifer (1 work)
Grow On Me (one shot, 4 051 words, Mature, College AU) Lucifer Morningstar, Marcus Pierce: Lucifer and Marcus are college roommates. When Lucifer learns Marcus doesn’t have plans for the holidays, he convinces him to come to a cabin with him and pretend to be his boyfriend to get his siblings off his back. ⭐
Prodigal Son (7 works)
Bright Ideas (one shot, 3 560 words, Teen, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Malcolm Bright/JT Tarmel: Because Malcolm is Malcolm, he goes after a suspect on his own and gets taken. And then JT helps.
Unleashed (multi chapter, 8 chapters, 53 452 words, Mature, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Gil Arroyo & Malcolm Bright, Malcolm Bright & Martin Whitly, Gil Arroyo & Martin Whitly, Gil Arroyo/Jessica Whitly: Martin Whitly has escaped. He is finally free to get back at those who have hurt him. Everyone is anxious for him to be found and locked up again. And worried about what he might be planning to do. 🌟
On An Island (one shot, 1 704 words, Teen) Malcolm Bright: While on vacation, Malcolm finds he misses home and reflects on the past.
Shivers and Soup (one shot, 1 340 words, Gen) Malcolm Bright & Dani Powell, Malcolm Bright & Ainsley Whitly, Dani Powell/Ainsley Whitly: Malcolm has a cold and is sent home
Hold You Close (one shot, 2 077 words, Teen) Dani Powell/Ainsley Whitly: Ainsley gets injured while covering the team’s latest case and Dani decides to check on her.
Only One Safe (one shot, 2 609 words, Teen) Dani Powell/Ainsley Whitly, Malcolm Bright & Ainsley Whitly:  When blackouts spread across the city, Malcolm’s friends lock him up to make sure he won’t get himself into trouble. He worries about everyone else.
+ one crossover
911 Lone Star (12 works)
Stranded in Smoke (one shot, 2 339 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Owen Strand & TK Strand: During a fire, the floor collapses under TK’s feet, his radio stops working and he finds himself completely separated from the rest of the crew.
There For You (one shot, 1 235 words, Gen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: When Carlos doesn’t show up to work and cancels their plans, TK wants to make sure he’s okay.
Not Your Choice (one shot, 3 236 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: A man holds up TK’s therapist office and Carlos is the officer sent in to deal with it.
My Only Sunshine (one shot, 2 553 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: Carlos gets hurt while pursuing a suspect and, despite Michelle’s advice, he insists he’s fine and doesn’t need to go to the hospital. He is wrong.⭐
Late Night Bruises (one shot, 2 385 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: TK gets himself into trouble, but Carlos is there to help.
Classic Happiness (one shot, 1 021 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: TK invites Carlos over to the house for their first actual date.
Don’t Leave Me (one shot, 2 384 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Owen Strand & TK Strand, Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: TK had been the one unconscious, on the edge of death before, and he knew it had to hurt for those around him, but he never fully understood what it felt like until he was the one standing over someone he cared deeply about, begging for them to wake up.
A Long Day (one shot, 4 245 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Marjan Marwani & Paul Strickland, Marjan Marwani & TK Strand: Some days, nothing truly bad happens, but without anything good either, small things pile up and drag you down.
Pain Leaves Traces (multi chapter, 3 chapters, 5 958 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Owen Strand & TK Strand: TK is getting closer to Carlos, but there is still a part of himself he’d rather he didn’t know about.
Stay Behind, Make A Friend (one shot, 524 words, Gen) Carlos Reyes & Paul Strickland: Paul is alone at the firehouse when Carlos shows up, so they hang out.
Another Heart Robbery (one shot, 4 886 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: When the building he’s robbing catches fire, Carlos thinks he’s the most unlucky man on Earth. Then comes a very handsome firefighter.  🌟
Off Balance (multi chapter, in progress, 8/10 chapters, 10 399 words and counting, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Carlos Reyes & Michelle Blake: What Carlos thinks is a simple cut, turns out to be much worse. 🌟
Leverage (4 works)
The Past Job (one shot, 1 565 words, Mature, Rape/Non-Con) Damien Moreau/Eliot Spencer: Damien Moreau learns Eliot wants to leave his organisation. He decides to deal with it himself, and why not enjoy it while he’s at it. ⭐
The Protection Job (one shot, 1 785 words, Teen) Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer: Eliot falls off a roof during a job, leaving Parker and Hardison unprotected. ⭐
+ two crossovers
911 (15 works)
In My Heart (one shot, 2 410 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: While on a call, Buck gets exposed to a toxic substance and it makes Eddie put things into perspective.
Worry, Worry, Worry (one shot, 3 238 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: No matter how many times Buck gets told that he will be safe, when Eddie accepts to be serial killer bait, Buck worries about him. ⭐
Who’s First? (one shot, 1 322 words, Gen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Howie Han & Hen Wilson: Hen and Chimney bet on who, between Buck and Eddie, will be the one to make the first move.
A Gay Old Time at the Mini Golf (one shot, 2 004 words, Teen) Hen Wilson/Karen Wilson, Evan Buckley & Hen Wilson & Karen Wilson & Michael Grant: When Buck gets woken up by the sounds of people in his apartment, he doesn’t expect the day to turn out so fun.
When Things Are Bad, Better To Laugh It Off (one shot, 1 525 words, Teen) Howie Han & Tommy Kinard, Howie Han & Hen Wilson: The story of how Howie Han became Chimney.
His First Choice (one shot, 1 209 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Buck feels lonely, like everyone around him has a family, someone who cares about them more than anything, but he doesn’t. Turns out he is wrong. ⭐ 
Always Come By (one shot, 1 196 words, Gen) Evan Buckley & Bobby Nash: Bobby’s afternoon alone is cut short when a sad Buck shows up at his doorstep. ⭐ 
Beautifully Cold (one shot, 1 463 words, Gen) Bobby Nash & Grant Family, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash: The Grant-Nash family goes on a trip to Minnesota in the middle of winter.
Give Her The Comfort She Needs (multi chapter, 2 chapters, 2 912 words, Teen) Evan Buckley & Maddie Buckley, Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Eddie, Buck and Christopher are having a morning like many others when Maddie shows up to take her brother to a funeral he doesn’t seem keen on attending.
Let Me Take Care Of You (one shot, 596 words, Gen) Maddie Buckley/Howie Han: Maddie is sick and Chimney takes care of her.
Loving Exasperation (one shot, 571 words, Gen) Evan Buckley & Maddie Buckley: Maddie comes home for Thanksgiving during her first semester of college. ⭐
At Least We Have Each Other (one shot, 666 words, Teen, Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings) Howie Han & Karen Wilson: Something happened to Hen during a call and Chimney is the one to deliver the news to Karen.
Wait Happy (one shot, 650 words, Gen) Maddie Buckley/Howie Han: After they learn about it themselves, Chimney and Maddie have to wait to tell the others about the pregnancy.
Gratefully Together (one shot, 632 words, Gen) May Grant & Michael Grant: Michael helps May move into her dorm room.
Barbie Boy (one shot, 618 words, Mature) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Buck’s karaoke performance has quite the effect on Eddie
Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Nobody Picked The Family Business (multi chapter, 6 chapters, 14 796 words, Teen) Dawn Summers/Sam Winchester, Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, Spike/Buffy Summers, Castiel/Dean Winchester: When Sam doesn’t get a scholarship to Stanford, John lets him go to UC Sunnydale, hoping all the stuff going on there will convince him to keep hunting.⭐
White Collar, Leverage and Limitless:
The Grey Area Job (multi chapter, 4 chapters, 15 992 words, Teen) Neal Caffrey/Eliot Spencer, Sophie Devereaux/Nate Ford, Alec Hardison/Parker, Brian Finch/Ike: When he and Peter encounter a particularly complicated case, Neal calls his friend, Sophie Devereaux, for help.
White Collar and Leverage:
The Informant Job (one shot, 2 675 words, Teen) Neal Caffrey/Eliot Spencer: While searching a warehouse, Eliot finds himself in a situation he wasn’t expecting.
Prodigal Son and New Amsterdam:
Stay Right Here (one shot, 5 129 words, Teen) Malcolm Bright, Iggy Frome: After being kidnapped, Malcolm ends up at New Amsterdam to get treated for his injuries.⭐
Du Poison (vf de Poison, Supernatural)
Je Tiens à Toi (vf de Don’t You Know I Care?, House)
Quelqu’un Sur Qui Compter (vf de Lean On Me, House)
Une Vie que Personne ne Choisit (vf de Nobody Picked The Family Business, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Henren Week: Everything I Need (one shot, 534 words, Gen) Hen Wilson/Karen Wilson: Hen and Karen enjoy a quiet day off together. ⭐ 
Buddie Week: Good Things Don’t Come Easy (one shot, 1 272 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Eddie couldn’t fall for someone like Evan Buckley, but the heart hardly ever listens to logic. ⭐
Buddie Week: How To Handle Friendship With Smart Idiots (one shot, 836 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Carla is tired of watching Buck and Eddie being oblivious about their feelings for each other, so she decides to get involved.
Tarlos Week: The Best Farmer’s Market Find (one shot, 810 words, Gen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Carlos Reyes & Owen Strand: TK wakes up to the sounds of his dad making breakfast, not alone. ⭐
Owen Strand Week: Snow Day in Austin (one shot, 1 060 words, Gen) Owen Strand & TK Strand: Owen has been feeling down and missing the New York winter, but he has an amazing son.
Evan Buckley Week: Under The Stars (one shot, 532 words, Gen) Evan Buckley & Christopher Diaz: Buck and Christopher go camping. 
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
8x01: We Need to Talk About Kevin
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100-Mile Wilderness, Maine
1 Year Later
A couple is sleeping peacefully in the forest when a bright light fills the sky, waking the woman.
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The couple goes out to investigate when they hear rustling outside. It’s a deer! Close...it’s Dean! He’s looking more like a feral rat than a deer. I would not want to run into someone looking like Dean in the middle of nowhere, that’s for sure. He pulls his gun, asks where the road is, grabs a bag of their stuff, and skedaddles. Yikes. First, for anyone not caught up, let’s all collectively scream what we all thought on our first viewing: Where’s Cas??! Second, who the fuck hikes anywhere, let alone the 100 Mile Wilderness trail with that kind of gear?! Camp chairs? A lantern the size of a dining room chandelier? A tent that’s making Harry Potter quake? Anyway, I lol thinking this is the most unbelievable part of this scene, and not the dude who just got back from Purgatory. 
Clayton, Louisiana
4 Days Later
Cue up Styx “Man in the Wilderness”, and sit back and watch one of my favorite montages. Watching Dean walk down a road never gets old. He walks to a cemetery and digs up a grave. He chants an incantation over some bones, and voilà, he brings back to life a vampire! They embrace.
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Wait, what? 
In Kermit, Texas, Sam’s ditching on a woman AND a dog. He drives to Rufus’s cabin in Montana, where a hiding Dean assaults him with all the monster tests. They both pass, and hug. Sam is shocked. “I guess standing too close to exploding dick, sends your ass straight to Purgatory.” Dean explains the situation with the first dick joke of the season. Sam has further questions, and Dean is vague on the details. Sam also wonders about Cas. Dean shuts down a little more and admits, “Yeah, Cas didn’t make it.” 
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Sam presses the matter. “Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go,” Dean adds. So, he admits that Cas let go here, did he alter his memory after this? In any event, Dean’s really broken about it. 
Sam then admits that he got out of the life, tossed all his phones, etc. “Something happened to me this year, too.” Gah, like a complete breakdown and fugue state, but I will reserve my thoughts for my non-existent essay on the state of Sam’s mind when Dean and Cas were in Purgatory. That sends Dean into an anger spiral. (Natasha: LIMES)
He listens to all of Sam’s phone messages --the increasingly desperate and eventually disillusioned pleas for help from Kevin. 
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He was their responsibility, and Sam just ditched him. Uh, because he was in complete mental failure! Sam hears something in the background of the last message and is able to isolate the sound to a bus station. They track him to Michigan, where his girlfriend, Channing, is attending college. 
Once at the motel, Dean sees two boys playing with their toy guns, which sends him into a memory spiral. He’s chasing a vamp in Purgatory and eventually catches him. “Where’s the angel?”
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WhEreS tHe aNgEl?
W H E R E ‘ S  T H E  A N G E L?
(Don’t touch me.)
“You’re him. The human.” 
Like, excuse me? The monsters are all meeting up talking about the human wandering around Purgatory looking for that angel? LIKE PLEASE. No, please STOp. I can’t take it, even after all these years. 
Anyway, Dean keeps demanding to know where that goddamned angel is. The vamp refuses to say so Mr. Dramatic lops his head off set to a very elegant camera angle. 
Another monster attacks but Dean’s too far from his machete. Then ANOTHER monster attacks THAT monster. Spoiler: IT’S BENNY! 
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Later, in the motel, Dean suggests moving on, but Sam thinks he should get some rest. Dean goes into another anger spiral --probably because he couldn’t sleep for a year and all Sam did was sleep due to his complete breakdown. Sam trying to ignore that he didn’t have control of his world isn’t helping him with Dean. Sam found “a girl.” Well, actually, she was a fully grown woman, but go on… Listen, I don't like the Amelia stuff as much as the next person, so I have a very elaborate headcanon of Sam’s mental break and the symbolic fantasy world he created while he barely existed at the cabin. 
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Anyway, Sam asks Dean what Purgatory was like. “It was bloody. Messy. 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties. Hell, most days felt like 360-degree combat. But there was something about being there.”
“It felt pure.”
It fElT PuRe
I T  F E L T  P U R E
Flashback to Purgatory, where Dean’s life is still saved by Benny, the vampire. Dean threatens to shiv him up the ass so...every friendship needs to start somewhere? The vampire knows an escape hatch out of Purgatory! But it’s only for humans. He’ll show him the portal as long as Dean smuggles his soul out of Purgatory. 
The first rule of Purgatory is you can’t trust anyone. Dean doesn’t trust Benny - not an inch. But he does need allies. He tells Benny that he’ll agree to that tenuous deal as long as they find “the angel” first.
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At a college, the Winchesters interview Channing. She hasn’t heard a word from Kevin and furthermore, would spurn his love forever now that he’s no longer going to Princeton. Ouch! After they leave, Channing’s eyes go black and she slices her roommate's throat so she can make a phone call. DOUBLE OUCH! She reports that Kevin still hasn’t gotten in touch with her, but Dean Winchester is back.
Trying to get some work done amongst the students, Sam experiences his own mournful flashback. He hit a dog! He shouted at veterinary hospital employees! Damn it, this is an animal hospital!!! I hand you a bloody dog, you fix! Shouting helps things happen! 
Sam bby.
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Dean arrives with a burger in hand, reunited with one of the loves of his life at least. Sam reports that he’s tracked Kevin to Iowa.
At a run down church in Iowa, the Winchesters pay a house call. Kevin immediately confronts them with a Borax-loaded supersoaker. Once he figures out they’re human, Kevin gives them the tour of his new digs. He’s learned how to ward against demons. And then while explaining his recent past, Kevin has his own flashback! Everyone gets one! 
In Kevin’s flashback, he’s been captured by Crowley who sits him down to work on another tablet. A DEMON tablet! Dun dun DUN! Kevin mines its secrets and tells Crowley that there’s a hell gate in Wisconsin. (Made out of cheese?) Demons gather ingredients for him and Kevin gets to have a MONTAGE of preparing a spell to open the gate. Only…
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...Kevin was hoodwinking the demons the whole time. 
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He’d found a demon bomb recipe and blasts away his guards while Crowley waits on a distant Wisconsin farm. 
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Back in the present, Kevin’s stowed the tablet somewhere safe but before he did that, he made sure to memorize one more important spell from the tablet: a spell to close the gates of Hell...FOREVER. 
Dean and Sam head outside to the...second story church deck?...to chat. Sam’s disappointed that Kevin seems further into the hunting life than before. Dean’s proud of the kid - “he’s in it whether he likes it or not.” Oof. Dean, your Winchester is showing.
Sam heads down to the candle-lit church. He apologizes to Kevin for bugging out on him - and on everything hunting related. It’s definitely staged like a confession.
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Kevin admits that he’s perturbed when he really stops and thinks about his life, post-prophet-revelation. Sam assures him that “it gets better.” Hmm RLY? Sam’s an optimist, and continues: if they can banish all the demons, Kevin might actually be free to live a good life. BRB weeping and shouting angrily at this show!
In Sam’s hazy flashback, he waits anxiously for the news from the vet. She reports that his dog will be okay. Sam corrects her - the dog isn’t his! She double barrel blasts him with sarcasm, implying that if he doesn’t take care of the dog he hit then he’s the worst person in the world. Which. Okay. I generally don’t mind Amelia though I think she demonstrably has terrible luck picking stable, healthy relationships. But this scene always has me rolling my eyes. It’s so normal to foist a dog on a stranger! Everyone has the means and time to care for a dog, not to mention a dog who has been seriously injured! A vet would not do this! Amelia, plz. 
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Amelia puppy dog eyes Sam, and he’s toast. He’s spent so many years working on his offensive puppy eyed tactics, he never thought to work on his defense!
The church begins to shake and wood splits apart Kevin’s devil’s traps. A couple of demons arrive, armed with more swagger than weaponry. There’s a zappy flashy kicky fight and then Crowley and Channing arrive. Crowley demands the tablet for Channing’s life. He flashes Channing back into control for a moment as proof of life. Kevin offers himself up in exchange for Channing’s freedom and heads off to “pack up.” Then Kevin lures Crowley and Channing to a holy water trap.
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As they’re being doused, the Winchesters and Kevin escape. While they drive away, Crowley orders the demon out of Channing and then kills her. Oof. 
Later, Dean gets a phone call as they stop for gas and snacks, and then passes it off as a wrong number. Kevin passes on donuts and beef jerky. He just saw his girlfriend die and that doesn’t lend itself well to gas station snacks. 
Dean offers up words of Winchester Solace™. “You’re in it now. Whether you like it or not you do what you gotta do.” Good talk, Dean! 
On Dean’s pee break, he furtively places a phone call. It’s Benny, the vampire from earlier! He’s lurking on the edges of a funeral in a not-at-all-suspicious way. He figured out cell phones! But not fashion.
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Dean tells him that they shouldn’t talk for a while since they’re both adjusting to life. Benny wistfully tells Dean that Purgatory WAS pure and he should have appreciated it more while he was there. They both admonish each other to be good (and presumably not go on a murderous rampage). Good talk!
We made it, brother
I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower
Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being dead
Where’s the angel?
Hey, the rules are simple, Sam. You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and there's no dogs in the car!
So you're looking for a soul train
There's a demon in you, and you're going to your safety school
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goodlucktai · 5 years
don’t make a noise, don’t leave the room
good omens pairing: aziraphale/crowley word count: 2926 title borrowed from you are jeff by richard siken
read on ao3
Aziraphale wakes up, which is a distinctly disconcerting feeling when one doesn’t often sleep in the first place. Added to his discomfort is the fact that he’s on the floor, limbs sprawled every which way, with a pounding in his head that makes him think he forgot to sober up before falling asleep.
“Ugh, really, my dear,” he grumbles, pushing himself upright. “Just how much did we have to drink?”
He expects to open his eyes to the back room of the bookshop, but he doesn’t. There is no worn-thin carpet beneath his hands, no aged coffee table or yawning loveseat, and certainly no snake-eyed demon draped on a flat surface nearby to poke fun at Aziraphale for being a messy drunk.
In fact… Aziraphale doesn’t know where he is at all.
“Finally awake, are you?” a familiar voice snaps.
Aziraphale’s heart sinks. He turns around to find himself under the scornful scrutiny of the archangels Uriel and Sandalphon.
What on earth?
“What, um, are you doing here?” He pushes himself to his feet, looking around at the unfamiliar room they’re in. “What am I doing here?”
“I don’t know what’s happened to you to make you so different,” Uriel tells him shortly, “but if you haven’t Fallen yet, you can probably be rehabilitated.”
There’s a lot to unpack there, and Aziraphale doesn’t know where to begin.
“Ah, no thank you,” he decides to go with, straightening his waistcoat for something to do with his hands. He’s terribly uneasy, bordering on frightened, with having been summoned here by them in the first place. It’s safe to assume he won’t want any part of their plans to rehabilitate him, whatever that could mean. “I thought we had agreed I was best left to my own devices. I’m perfectly happy on Earth.”
Going on as if he hadn’t spoken, Uriel says, “You’re never going to be a proper angel while you’re running around with a demon, of all things.”
Aziraphale goes cold at the mention of Crowley. He finds himself listening more intently now, preparing himself for fight or flight.
“You’ll see,” his estranged sibling tells him, as if to reassure. “He can’t actually care about you, Aziraphale. He’s not capable of it. I’ll prove it to you, and then you’ll come home.”
“I don’t care about all that,” Sandalphon says with a cruel smile. “I’m only here for the show.”
Uriel waves a hand, and something appears in the middle of the floor. It’s Aziraphale, or a likeness of him, sprawled in a heap like a discarded puppet. Its eyes are vacant and staring. There’s a sword driven through its chest and the burned outline of wings outspread on either side of its body.
Aziraphale feels sick just looking at it.
“You’ll see,” Uriel tells him. “Just watch.”
Their horrible plan is beginning to take shape. Horrified, Aziraphale surges forward, beginning to say, “You mustn’t—” when he runs headlong into what feels like a brick wall.
The hard collision all but bounces him back, sending him staggering. Eyes stinging, Aziraphale looks down at where a binding circle lay at his feet. Dormant until he tested the lines, it’s glowing with holy white light now. The work of an archangel, and well beyond his power to break.
Aziraphale tries his luck against it anyway, gritting his teeth through the sharp recoil.
Uriel and Sandalphon watch him with a remote interest, like he’s a little animal doing something clever, and Aziraphale shouts, “Don’t do this! Let me out!”
“But it’s just getting good,” Sandalphon says gleefully, and that’s when Crowley’s bright presence appears on the scene.
Aziraphale feels him coming before the others do. He whips around just as the door flies open, his lovely demon flying through like a mad thing.
“I got your message, angel, could you have been anymore cryptic? And what are you doing way out here any… way…”
He stops dead when he sees the archangels, his face twisting into a snarl.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale calls, hoping against hope that Crowley might hear him.
Crowley doesn’t so much as twitch in his direction. Goddammit, Aziraphale thinks with a venom that should surprise him, and throws his metaphysical weight against the barrier once more.
“What have you done with Aziraphale?” he hisses, more serpent than man now, despite what his body may look like. They will certainly be having a talk later about his lack of self-preservation in face of two archangels, but for now Aziraphale can only watch in terror as Crowley begins to stalk. “You both think you’re hot shit. I know he’s here, I can feel him.”
“Or what’s left of him, anyway,” Uriel says flatly, and steps aside to show Crowley her creation.
The look on Crowley’s face breaks Aziraphale’s heart.
“No,” he mutters. “No no, angel, no.”
He’s across the room without moving, skipping through space-time like he’s forgotten how to do it the mortal way. He crashes to his knees in the ash around the corpse and his hands tremble as if they don’t know which direction to fly in first.
His yellow eyes are stark and wild. The sword impaled through the puppet’s chest is flung violently away by work of a crude miracle, and only then does Crowley touch him.
Human, so human, in the way his fingers fumble against Aziraphale’s wrist for a pulse. Searching out the familiar heartbeat, the reassuring sound of life.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale screams it so loud it all but tears his throat. “Lord, spare him this! Let him hear me, please!”
The Almighty isn’t granting prayers today. Crowley is kneeling in what he thinks is the burnt-out remains of Aziraphale’s grace. His fingers are sooty and dark with feather dust.
Uriel and Sandalphon are watching the scene raptly, as if waiting for Crowley to break character, to stand up and dust his hands off and say “ah, well, so my evil plan turned out to be a wash.”
But he never does. He doesn’t even seem to remember they’re there. He might as well be alone in all the world, so possessed he is by grief. He hauls Aziraphale’s body up into his arms, bows his head, and begins to weep.
Aziraphale’s holy core burns within him, bursting at the seams and straining so ferociously against the archangel’s binding that it’s a wonder he doesn’t melt his human body clean away with the effort.
“It’s enough!” he cries. “You’ve seen enough! What more could you possibly want?”
“Disgusting,” Sandalphon says gleefully. “Whoever heard of a demon mourning?”
But demons were the first to mourn, Aziraphale thinks, dazed by such willful ignorance. They were the first to have lost.
“But it isn't real,” Uriel says slowly. “It can't be.”
Crowley goes abruptly, terribly still.
His shoulders freeze in the middle of a sob. He’s a creature of sudden stone, an anguished work of art. Aziraphale is pressed hard against the barrier between them, blinking wetness from his eyes, trying to see what’s happened, what changed.
Crowley’s lips part, the forked edge of his tongue darting out almost too quick for the eye to follow. He kneels there, his awful collapse of limbs and sorrow, his arms wound around the shape of Aziraphale, and scents the air again.
Then he lifts his head. There’s no chance for anyone to react before Crowley stops time. There are still the sounds of traffic outside, and rain, and Aziraphale himself is still present and aware; so it’s only the archangels that have been displaced from the steady onward drum of the universe.
It’s silent. Aziraphale’s heart is the loudest thing in the room, pounding against his chest.
Crowley lowers the body gently to the floor, his hands lingering, the curl of his fingers reluctant. When he finally lets go he does it with a painful yank, and he pushes himself to his feet as though gravity is somehow ten times heavier where he's standing.
His eyes are burning yellow, like sulfur, like the bright warning bands of a venomous reptile. He doesn’t move the way a human would, or even the way a snake would; he moves like he’s rearranging the fabric of space and time in tiny step-like increments, bearing him closer to where Uriel and Sandalphon are still standing like sculptures.
Aziraphale watches as Crowley draws right up to them. He studies Sandalphon’s face closely; the archangel’s mouth is twisted in a sneer, caught in the act of throwing Aziraphale a look of hateful triumph.
And then, following Sandalphon's line of sight with utmost deliberation, Crowley turns his head and looks directly at Aziraphale.
Their eyes lock, and Aziraphale’s next breath chokes him. Crowley’s expression puts Aziraphale in mind of natural disasters, of wars and kingdoms put to torch, floods and plagues and children drowning. The demon might as well be desolation itself, given blood and bone and a suit to wear, a bleak, yawning absence where there should be a wily, mischievous good nature.
Even the day the world was scheduled to end, when Crowley holed himself up in a little bar and wept himself sick among bottles and bottles of clear spirits, wasn’t as bad as this. Nothing could be as bad as a corpse.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale sobs, pushing himself forward. The barrier is hot against his palms, on the cusp of burning, and still he pushes forward. “I’m right here, Crowley, I’m here! I haven’t left you, sweetheart.”
Crowley must not hear him. He certainly doesn’t see him, scanning the empty space with his eyes. But there’s a seed of something unquelled inside him, something rebellious. A tiny kernel of what might only be denial, what might just be hope— elbowing its way through all the despair, making room for maybe and what if because the alternative is too much to bear.
Crowley starts to walk, with his hands outstretched before him, fingers splayed and searching. Each step is deliberate and determined, and his eyes are off-focus now, an inch or two to Aziraphale’s left, but he’s headed in the right direction.
“That’s it, my darling,” Aziraphae whispers. His voice is a wreck. He hates to be trapped here, aches to meet Crowley halfway. He’s as close as he can get, clustered against the wall with all his might.
There’s only a moment where Crowley falters. When he steps into the dust of the archangels’ cruel trick, where the outermost tip of an angel’s wing is burned into the tile. His stride stutters, and his eyes dart away to the shape of his dead husband on the floor, and Aziraphale could scream.
He is terrified that Crowley’s burdened faith might desert him before he’s made it all the way. There is nothing he can do to give Crowley strength, no signal or sign he can provide that this painful march will be rewarded.
Please, he prays. He sends it outward this time, not upward.
It seems to reach. The demon’s mouth screws up. He staggers forward two quick steps, a third, stepping over the dust and moving— unknowingly, hopefully— in the right direction.
Aziraphale shuffles to the side so that Crowley is directly in front of him. He’s holding his breath when Crowley finally reaches him. His long fingers meet resistance in thin-air, and he chokes. He presses his palms to the invisible wall, and Aziraphale mirrors him.
“You’re there, angel?” Crowley whispers. “You hear me?”
“Yes,” Aziraphale whispers back. “Of course I am. Of course I do.”
Crowley looks down. The circle is a lurid, vivid glow at Aziraphale’s feet. Crowley can’t possibly see it, but he’s always been far too clever for his own good. With a snap of his fingers, the floor begins to crack. The tiles bearing Uriel’s handwork rupture as if in a miniature, localized earthquake, and the second the lines are broken, the barrier disappears, and Aziraphale falls forward against Crowley’s chest.
“Oh my God,” Aziraphale blasphemes, gathering him up in shaking handfuls, hauling him close. “Crowley. I have you. I have you.”
It seems to take a moment for Crowley to process Aziraphale’s sudden appearance. His arms are slow in creeping around the angel, his embrace a trembling, tentative thing. But he takes a breath— breathing in deep, nose pressed into cloudy white curls of hair— and seems to come alive again.
When his fingers grow claws, and his broken halo burns the air around their faces brassy and hot, and the secret self of him threatens to push out of its tight mortal confines with every second, Aziraphale breathes a sigh of relief. What should probably rightly be horrifying is instead the sweetest comfort he knows.
“There you are,” Aziraphale says, swaying their bodies side to side. He thinks he could stand there holding Crowley until the next end of the world and Crowley would let him.
Over the demon’s shoulder, Aziraphale has full view of the archangels who tormented him. If Aziraphale were capable of hatred, they would know the full force of it. If he could bring himself to bring them harm, he would make them hurt.
“I can feel that,” Crowley mutters, muffled against Aziraphale’s neck. His voice is thick and wet. “Leave those unholy thoughts to me, angel.”
Aziraphale presses a kiss to the side Crowley’s face, right above the snake sigil. It’s the only spot he can reach without peeling his husband off him and he has no plans of that.
“How did you know? How could you tell?”
Crowley’s eyes give away how he’s hurting, despite how much practice he has had over the millennia in schooling his voice to perfect dispassion. He looks like he would like to tuck away out of sight again, but the cradle of Aziraphale’s hands keep him still.
He turns his face, pressing into one of Aziraphale’s palms. His lips part there against the salt and sweat of hands that have spent all of history keeping him still.
He says, “Didn’t smell like you.” And suddenly Aziraphale understands.
This body has carried him soundly since the Beginning. Even if his core had been burned away, the body left behind would have presumably smelt like his cologne, or his books, or whatever it was he’d eaten last. Of course, it’s something the archangels would overlook. It’s something they wouldn’t think to copy. It’s something intimate and human.
‘I know what you smell like,’ the demon had snapped at him not long ago.
Oh, to be so known, to be so loved. Aziraphale could cry for days if he let himself linger on the notion.
“Let me take you home, sweetheart,” he says, speaking the words into Crowley’s hair. “Where I can keep you close to me.”
Crowley hums what is probably an assent, but when Aziraphale glances into his eyes, he finds them turned away from his own and uncomfortably fixed; staring without blinking at the archangels who let him think Aziraphale was dead.
Aziraphale touches Crowley’s face with his free hand, a brush of his fingers against a sharp cheekbone. Love swells in his chest like pain.
“You’ll have to let them go sometime,” he says with a lightness he doesn’t feel.
“No I don’t.”
Truly, the remarkable creature might find it within the realm of his imagination to trap them as they are for eternity. But…
“I don’t want them on your mind, darling,” Aziraphale says, both gentle and unrelenting as he turns Crowley’s face back towards his, so that those slitted eyes have no choice but to follow. “I don’t want them in your thoughts. Let them go.”
Crowley bares his teeth, sharper and longer than usual, and snaps his fingers. A wall of hellfire appears at his whim, curving around Uriel and Sandalphon in a vicious mockery of the trap that had held Aziraphale, standing at easily ten feet high.
“They can puzzle their own way out,” he sneers, and only then does the time in the room reorient itself to the rest of the universe.
Aziraphale doesn’t wait a moment longer. With a thought, he brings them home to the flat above the shop. The bed has turned itself down for them, pillows plump, sheets smooth and cool.
He walks Crowley backwards, lays him down. Crowley's hair is a glorious spill of red against the pale pillows, but his eyes are still manic and afraid, his fingers clutching fistfuls of Aziraphale's clothes as if to keep him from disappearing again. “As long as you need, Crowley,” Aziraphale assures him, pressing their foreheads together. “I’ll hold you just like this as long as you need. We can lay here until the end of the world if you like.” Crowley makes a watery sound that might have, an hour ago, counted as a chuckle. “Until you get peckish, you mean.”
Humor is always how they've dealt with a blow. Aziraphale smiles at him, thumbing a rogue piece of coppery hair back behind Crowley's ear.
“For you— and only for you, mind— I would be willing to go without.”
“Hah!” Crowley's death grip on Aziraphale's shirt has loosened. The hairline slits of his pupils have rounded out a bit to something less likely to panic. He's giving himself, ever so slowly, back into Aziraphale's hands. “Who are you, and what have you done with my angel?”
“It's me, love,” Aziraphale says. “I'm here.”
It ruins their little joke, but he has to say it, now that he can.
Crowley's eyes get very bright, the same way they did in the Garden, and Aziraphale is certain that Crowley heard him loud and clear this time.
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1000roughdrafts · 5 years
Family Secrets: Chapter Ten
When It All Comes Out
Summary: Driving back to the hotel from investigating a lead, a vision of your past comes unexpectedly. A vision that includes Dean Winchester. 
A/N: mobile = possible errors <3
Warnings: slight angst, fluff!
W/C: 3.5k
Previous Chapter
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"Hey, Y/N. Wake up." Dean says, patting your leg while he drives. You've sprawled yourself out across the backseat to get some sleep per Dean's request.
"Are we there?" you say through a yawn and rub your eyes.
"Just about."
It's that time of evening where the sky is starting to dim, but the leftovers of the day sit underneath and between the darkness. The window flowing through the car bites your skin, causing you to shiver. You shuffle through your bag for a sweater, to no avail.
Time to go shopping again, I guess. You open the door to join the boys at the trunk, where Sam is already gathering supplies and Dean stands facing you with a jacket in hand.
"Here," the warmth of him wearing it for the long drive settles on your shoulders. 
The three of you huddle next to the Impala as the sky continues to darken. "What's the plan?" you ask.
Dean looks at the house, "well, one thing I know for sure is that I'm not leaving Sam out of my sight." He shrugs, "other than that, are here to check shit out, right?"
You nod, looking at the part of the garage where you and Dean witnessed Sam taking his last breath. "Right," you sigh.
Following behind the two of them, you feel a pressure in your side. You look around as the darkening sky glows from a purple tint. "It's coming," you whisper.
Dean whips around to see you slightly hunched and gripping onto your side. Wrapping one arm around you, he puts the other on your hip to guide you closer to the garage. Out of the corner of your eye you see a dark figure dart by, but by the time you look over to where it was, it's just the fence and flowers that sit aside it. 
The pain in your side escalates, making it harder for you to pay attention to your surroundings. The sky has fallen completely to night, and with your vision slipping, you keep a hand on Dean's shoulder and one in Sam's.
It happens before you have time to react. A shadowy cloaked figure runs through with a knife. Before it can make its move against Sam, Dean drips you and runs to tackle it. Your ears ring, and you can't hear what's happening. A rage boils inside of you, whoever is doing this knows who you are and they're doing what they can do to keep you out of the fight.
The being wriggles out of Dean's clutches. Without giving it much thought you leap onto Sam's back, wrapping your arms tightly around him as he staggers forward with your added weight. You wrap your ankles around each other in front of him, and tuck your head next to his. Your goal is to leave as little of him exposed as possible.
Dean pushes himself from the ground and flips around in all directions, looking for the attacker. After giving him a moment to search he gives you a nod, and you drop to your feet.
"Whatever it was, it's gone for now," Dean says while putting his gun back in his belt. "Let's get this over with."
Sam shakes out his shoulders. "What the hell was that?" He asks as you follow behind Dean and watch as he picks the lock.
"I started to feel dizzy and weird," you follow behind the two as Dean opens the door. "Whoever was here to hurt you, didn't want me getting involved. It sounds pretty crazy, but I think it was someone from Allanah's coven." You turn the light on in the living room, it flickers a moment and fills the room with a dull, orange glow. Walking beside Sam into the bedroom, you add, "they still need me alive."
"I guess that makes sense," Dean says as he holds up a book from the room, inspecting it before dropping it to the floor. "I mean, what other monsters do we know they would try to hide their identities?"
"I know demons wouldn't," you scoff. "Knowing what I do about their boss, they all love the flair in making their arrivals known."
You turn your flashlight on to examine the bedrooms walls, not exactly knowing what's drawing you to the closet. The thuds is their feet as they look around the house are in the background of your thoughts. You focus on the wall of this closer, there's something about it that's screaming out at you. You turn your head to yell, "hey, Dean!" He meets you in the door of the closet, "look at this. Think you can bust this wall open? Right here."
Sam starts by pulling the clothes and hangers by the few and dumping them onto the bed. Dean digs through his bag, pulling out the hammer you'd secretly put in the collection after he told you no. "I told you we'd need it," you smirk.
"Shut up," he says quietly. You show him the spot to aim for and step out of the way. He pounded against the wall for a few minutes, easily breaking through and reaching in to grab a key.
You rip it out of his hands and walk backwards to sit on the bed, "another one?"
"What? What do you mean another one?" Sam asks, walking towards you.
"I found one when I was ambushed. Crowley has it now. Allanah said something about it being nothing more than a paper weight without me, but..."
"What?" Dean barks. They both stand facing you, jaws dropped and expecting answers.
"I think the one Crowley has May be a fluke. I think this is the real key to Teraw, and whoever was here was probably trying to protect it."
"Or lead us here and this ones the fluke," Dean shrugs.
"No. This is probably why Crowley is searching for me again."
"What? Why didn't you tell us that part? That's kind of important to know, don't you think, Y/N?" Sam scoffs.
You narrow your eyes at him. You're used to Dean being sassy and rude, but Sam? Opening your mouth to speak, Dean steps in front of you with palms up. "Hey, hey, no. We're not doing this here, Sam. She's been through enough, come on."
You sweep the rest of the house and find nothing of importance, compared to the key at least. It's still dead if the night as the three of you walk back to the Impala. You hand the key to Dean when you get onto the backseat.
"I don't want the burden of holding this," you say as he puts it in his pocket. "Considering I'm the one that activates it."
The pleasantness is silence between the three of you is not one that you've taken lightly, as being comfortable in silence is something to aspire to when meeting new people. Avoiding the awkwardness of having to get words in and talk about anything, something, to keep the silence from sneaking in is what you're used to.  But now, you've been able to enjoy three house of the ride back with nothing but warm silence.
As you watch the moon outside the window, the clouds begin to brighten. Exhaustion sets in and when you blink, the light is day is creeping in. You know you can't be tired, you slept the whole way there, and you hadn't been there long enough for it to be day yet. You scoot closer to Dean, gripping onto the seat, "stop the car!"
"What?" he looks at you through peripheral.
"Pull over, Dean." You look out of the window again at the slowing reefs and the fading moon. "It's happening again, and I'd you don't pull over right now - we're going to crash."
He must've started to feel the change, and the only thing you see before slipping out is a small embankment on the shoulder of the road. It isn't as gloomy or dark as the others. When you open your eyes again, they are kissed by the warmth of the sun baked garden, still glowing in the orange of a late summer afternoon sky. Dust particles glisten in the falling light and a warm breeze sways around your as you make your way down a familiar path, leading into the backyard of Bobby's house.
You feel a heaviness on your heart. You haven't been here since his passing, but if memory serves this one is good. Dean is nowhere to be seen, and without much of a choice you continue to walk along the path until you see your younger self sitting at the picnic bench. The teenage you wears the Led Zeppelin shirt you'd never gotten rid of, headphones wrapped around her ears and practically laying her top half on the table as she studies her notebook.
You watch in slow motion as the younger, friskier looming Dean pips around the corner. He was seemingly up to nothing until he spots the teenage you. A coy, half smile forms on his face as he seats towards the younger you. His eyes gleam as he walks to the table, placing a palm down on top of it next to her arm, leaning in. She jerks up in shock, knocking her drink into her lap. He jumps back to apologize profusely.
You feel a warmth beside you and turn to see the present Dean watching on with a bright smile speed across his face. You realize that this is the first time since you've met, that you've seen him smile with his eyes. You look back at the younger versions of yourselves, as they stand, talking and laughing. 
Nerves riddle your insides, rising up into your chest as you wait for that one unforgettable moment. You take a few weightless steps towards the two and watch as the teenage you grabs a stunned young-Dean's face, kissing him passionately and without warning.
The sylphlike and golden movie unfolding in front of you languishes back into a memory, leaving you and Dean parked on the side of the highway. You both sit dazed as the epiphany of the memory you'd both held so dearly to your hearts actually included each other the whole time. Dean puts the car into gear, driving onto the road without a word.
What could he say? What could I say? What is Sam going to say?
You're fine with the silence, again. The hotel is only thirty minutes from here. You both need time to process what you'd just witnessed anyway. It's difficult to even breath with Sam and his, "what did you see this time?" and "why are you guys so damn quiet?". Question after question continues as you drive into town, and doesn't stop until you park in front of the mote.
He's right. Why are you seeing this? So far the visions have had to do with Teraw, or missing people, but this one was all about your past, specifically the past that included Dean Winchester. Without shutting off the engine his first words are to Sam, "uh, I think me and Y/N have some things we need to talk about. We're gonna head out a bit, you cool?"
Sam looks back at you, puzzled and with no desire to leave the car until he has some answers. He gives in when all you're willing to offer is more silence. "Uh, all right. I guess..."
You take Sam's spot in the front, eyes focusing anywhere but Dean's. He backs out of the spot and drives a few miles down the road, turning into a field that overlooks a lake. You watch the reflection of the moon wiggle on the surface of the water, feeling the cool air flowing in from the window and the head coming from Dean's eyes.
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He turns the engine off, getting out to sit on the hood. You let him out an anxious sigh before bundling up in his jacket and joining him in the cold. You stand in front of him, and asked what feels like a head of silence he speaks out, "uh, you know, I gotta say, that... that I was not expecting." He wears a smile, but you know that there's something darker underneath.
"Me either," is all you can muster up.
He chuckles, although it sounds more like he has no words to come out with the sound that came out of him. After a moment, he clears his throat, "so, um, how come that was the last I heard from you? I mean, all these years. Y/N. I was expecting a call, a text," resentment starts to seep in, taking him over slowly with each word. "Hell, even an email, and uh, nothin'." He pauses, moving away from the car to cool down. "I thought you died, Y/N," he says, crossing his arms.
"Dean, it's not that I didn't want to see you again. I - I couldn't."
"You couldn't?" he says in an unsteady shout, dropping his arms. "Not a day has gone by that I didn't think about you, or - or wonder if you were okay." He shakes his head and lowers his voice, "even when you were right in front of me, I was still wondering where you were. Do you know how crappy that is? To not know whether or not someone you cared about is okay, or alive? That was pain, and I've been to hell, Y/N."
"I do know what if's like, Dean. I went through it, too!"
"How, Y/N? How? When it was you who never called." He points his finger at you, face pressed, "you're the one that never reached out. You're the one that kissed me and just... just left!"
"I didn't have time to memorize your number or - or figure out where you were." You blow out a breath of air, letting it bounce against the inside of your cheeks. "Aren't you tired, Dean? Aren't you tired of fighting with me?" Dropping your hands against your sides, you let your frustration flow through your voice, "haven't we argued enough? After everything that's happened - after all that's been said and done, why can't you just talk to me without raising your damn voice?"
He softens his face, and in turn so do his eyes. "I just wanna know why, Y/N."
"I thought you knew." You such, and take a step closer, "Bobby found it. He took away my phone, didn't let me over anymore. He said it was a horrible idea to get my heart mixed up with hunting. Too dangerous, I suppose."
"Well, guess he was right about that one."
"He always was," you say softly.
"I know it was just a stupid kiss - we were kids, but... there was something about it, about you, and I-" he looks at the grass underneath your feet. "You know, it was probably for the best." His eyes meet back with yours. "Things have been real crazy over the years, and I don't think I'd have it in me to forgive myself if I dragged you through all that crap."
After a long pause of your Y/E/C eyes mixing with the olive in his to create an enticing mixture of lust and regret he chokes on the words, "so where do we go from here?"
A reminiscent desire to feel his lips against yours brews in your stomach. You count the seconds it takes for it to make its way to the surface, and you take a final step towards him. One hand on each of his shoulders, eyes still locked with his, you press your lips against his. His eyes take a moment to shut, lips stay stagnant as he realizes and accepts what is happening. When he wraps his arms around you the kiss blossoms into the passion of your younger selves.
You slide your hands around the back of his neck, up through his hair and pulling him closer to you as the kiss deepens. He wraps his hands together in the small of your back, pulling your hips closer to his before slowly moving his hands up your back. 
Shivers run down your spine at the coldness of his hands as they love around your neck and cup your cheeks. You drop your hands to wrap around his back, and into his shoulders. Slow movements turn into a race to see who can kiss the other more intensely. A moment to breathe pops in and you pull your lips from him, but keep your body tight against his.
"We should get back," you reluctantly say. There's nothing else either of you would rather be doing, but Sam sits on the back of your minds, knowing he's got some questions only you can answer.
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Sam stifles his laugh by covering his mouth and inching closer to the edge of the bed in a dinky, smoke tainted motel room the brothers share. "You're the girl he's been drooling over for-" he barely tilts his head and gives Dean a stilted smile, "well over ten years now, huh?" He gives up trying to hide his amusement and bursts into laughter. "What's your secret, Y/N? How'd you end up getting a guy to fall head over heard for years with just one kiss?"
"Why, Sam?" You push yourself away from the door and let one leg support the weight of your body while the other rests in front of you. Closing off your chest with your arms, you imitate a pout, "got a boy you're trying to impress?"
Dean takes a step closer to you, standing between you and Sam. "All right, that's enough. Sam, you're acting like a damn child." He turns to you with a pointed finger, "matter of fact, so are you. When did you two stop getting along, anyway?"
You stand his with your legs together, "I guess it all started when he acted like I was keeping secrets from you guys." You glare at Sam, leaning your body towards him, "when isn't Crowley after someone?" You straighten yourself out and hold two fingers up, "and second, when he insinuated that I’m not good for you or something."
"No, Y/N. I wasn't saying that at all," the bed creaks as he stands up, holding his palms to you. "It's just that - I wasn't exactly picturing," he moved his hand to motion up and down your body. He twists his face, looking over at Dean and exhaling a long breath. "She's like you're carbon copy, dude. How am I gonna handle two of you?"
Maybe everything that's happened the last few months has put you on edge, you could admit that to yourself at least. To them? Never. "Apology accepted," you muffed as you plop into the chair next to the door and rest your elbow on the small table that accompanies it. "And now that I think about it... I think something bigger is at play he-"
"Oh for the love - if you're about to go off on some nonsense like 'leave it up to date' or some other load of bull," Dean interrupts and gives his head a quick shake along with his arms, "well, I'll tell you one thing right now, you'd be a lot hotter if you didn't."
You gently laugh with the smile, "quite the opposite, actually. With the way our lives have been; hunting since we were kids, seeing more death than anyone our age should have, this confirmation about after age universes existing, a coven of over a hundred witches." Only when your kings force you to take a deep breath do you realize how quickly you were talking, "I just don't want to rule out the possibility that," you shrug, "maybe we're being played and we need to figure out how to be one step ahead."
Dean has a look of defeat to him. The residual smile that was painted on his face disappears completely and he lowers himself to the other bed. He knows that you're right. Logic will always come before feelings, but for once things felt settled and you went and stirred it all up.
"Dean, didn't you say something about Crowley using Tim to get us all in the same town?"
"Yep. To meet," he nods. "I still can't believe you slept with that guy," he murmurs under a shirt laugh, elbows resting on his knees as he leans forward.
You pull your arm from the table and let it drip in your lap. "Dean, get over it. We've all done things we're not proud of, kay? Now; did he say why Crowley needed us together?"
"No," he folds the corners of his lips down while shaking his head.
"So, that's what we need to be figuring out," you stand from the chair and face them. "What do you say we slay some black eyed bitches and fetch us some intel?" you say with a clap of your hands and a raised eyebrow.
After a long conversation, some bickering, and a few jokes the three of you decide the morning is a better place to start you agree to give it a rest for the night.
Next Chapter
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Family Secrets<3: @lilulo-12​ @vicmc624​
Dean Queens <3: @flamencodiva​ @akshi8278​
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fulokis · 5 years
Burns| A Good Omens Fanfic
Crowley hadn’t been around, not even a single call had been placed in a month. Aziraphale wasn’t worried per say, but what happened at the Ritz or more precisely after the Ritz. Well Aziraphale wouldn’t be surprised if he pushed Crowley away perhaps for a final time.
Oh why did he do that? Why did he push him away again and again? Only this time it was different. Crowley hadn’t been so forward this time, he had been unsure. Aziraphale would even go as far to say he was anxious. Crowley was good at hiding it, but knowing a being for 6000 years tends to make one wary to all of their emotions.
What finally sent Crowley over the edge on that day weeks ago was when they were walking out of the Ritz. Aziraphale had slipped his hand into Crowley’s. Crowley had frozen in place while Aziraphale kept walking causing a few people to bump into them. Aziraphale turned back to talk to Crowley to see the demon slipping into his natural serpent form and slithering off.
Aziraphale sighed putting the phone down and heading up to the small flat above the bookshop. Locking the door behind him Aziraphale sighed and smiled at the crisp breeze coming through the open window. Being late September they still had a few warm days, the crisp autumn breeze made them all the more pleasant.
Aziraphale sighed to himself again, his thoughts not on the long day and the many bothersome costumers, but on Crowley. He knew that likely the demon already had his heat on and was freezing either that or he sauntered back down to hell for the winter. Crowley didn’t do that often but Aziraphale was starting to wonder if that was where he had gone.
Aziraphale took off his jacket and shirt. He stretched out his wings shaking a few feathers loose. The shafts of those feathers were still that bright sterile white of an angel . The very edge of the tips however looked newly singed, a charcoal color that shone in contrast. In fact both tips of his wings contained feathers that looked similar.
The angel sat on the small bed, picked up the alarm clock and set it for bright and early the next morning. Aziraphale turned off the light and slid to his stomach allowing both wings to sag over the bed onto the floor. He lay his head on the pillow and fell asleep rather quickly.
Crowley pulled up to the book shop slowly, much to the Bentley’s protest. Parking his car he let out a sigh. His shoulders were tense, his breath shaky. What would his angel think? He abandoned him with out warning. What if he thinks it’s a sign that he was being used for Demonic purposes? Crowley gritted his teeth and opened the car door carefully.
He looked both ways down the street, letting some of the tension slide away. They were truly alone, for a moment at least but Crowley knew that was more than enough time for them.
Walking up to the door he stopped hand out to prepare to open the door without powers. Something was different with his angel, he smelled ... dark, like dark chocolate. Overwhelmed with the smell Crowley stumbled back slipping on a stair and proceeding to whack his head on the concrete.
“Fuck.” He whispered “Who fucked with my angel?” Standing up and wiping the dust off of his clothes he headed inside the establishment. The chocolate smell overpowered Crowley again drowning out all the familiar smells of Aziraphale. He couldn’t smell the ink and old parchment. Or even the sterile doctors office smell that sometimes overwhelmed him.
Heading towards the stairs that led to the flat Crowley caught something else. Burning? No no no not again. Crowley rushed up the stairs and forced his way through the door. In his panic over them finding Aziraphale he hadn’t considered he might get stuck half way through the door.
Crowley nearly thanked the lord as he looked in the room. Instead of Hell fire he found nothing out of the ordinary. Instead of demons or other angles he only found his Aziraphale. He gazed lovingly at his angel sleeping peacefully, undisturbed seemingly fine from the weeks they had been apart.
Crowley tried to get out of the doorway to find he was stuck. As much as he didn’t want to wake up the angel from his slumber they had to move.
“Angel.” He said in a harsh whisper “Angel.” Aziraphale stirred taking one wing and wrapping it around himself but not coming to. “Aziraphale!” Crowley nearly yelled at the sleeping angel.
Aziraphale startled nearly whacked his wing into Crowley’s face. After looking around in a confused manner Aziraphale saw Crowley in the door and tried to keep his laughter in, succeeding only partly and letting a chuckle out.
“Angel, a little help?” Crowley asked clearly frustrated with Aziraphale. Aziraphale nodded still amused by the situation in front of him, and with a wave of his hand the door released Crowley, opened and patched itself up. Crowley took a step towards the Angel, “Pack what you can we’re leaving.”
“What?” Aziraphale asked baffled “You think I want to go with you especially after what happened and being ignored. I am not going with you for all I know is you’re working with Satan again.”
So he did think that. Crowley stood up straiter taking off his glasses and for the first time ever Aziraphale saw a glint of murderous rage in the demons eyes. “I am trying to help both of ussss.” He hissed.
“I don’t need you I’m perfectly fine right where I am.” Aziraphale tested the water, sure yes he was great full that Crowley was standing in front of him talking to him. But something was off about the demon, sure Aziraphale’s sense of smell was not nearly as strong as Crowley’s but there was something on him that smelled a bit like hand sanitizer.
Crowley hissed taking another step towards Aziraphale. Crowley was acting odd and it was intimidating. Aziraphale wanted to run he wanted to leave the moment but something wasn’t letting him.
“Get on with it then, kill me, torture me, slam me against the wall. Do what you want you don’t scare me.” Aziraphale said trying to sound convincing.
Crowley took another step and reached his hand out. Aziraphale was ready to put up a fight when Crowley clenched his fist put his arm down closed his eyes and turned away.
“They’re coming for you, they won’t stop until they kill you. They figured it out... what we did.” Crowley’s breath became shaky and Aziraphale realized he might be crying (or at least as close as he could be to crying). “... Good bye Aziraphale.”
Aziraphale watched as Crowley left down the stairs. Damn it what had he done? Again and Again and Again he always pushed Crowley away. Aziraphale stood listening to the footsteps downstairs. He expected a loud slam, but the only thing he heard was the starting of the Bentley’s engine and a slow puttering away.
Where to now? Alpha Centuri? No he would be looking there. That is if the idiot actually payed attention. Hell? No. To heaven? No. Find a Church, with holy water, go past the point of no return.
The Bentley’s motions were soothing to Crowley, his car was really more of a home than anything. Crowley stopped at the stoplight keeping a low profile was key right now. He chortled at himself, he was obeying laws just so that they or that stupid angel wouldn’t show up and ruin his plan. The light turned green and yet he did not hit the gas he sat looking at his options.
Crowley waited thinking until the light turned yellow. It was only a couple minutes but it felt so long to him. Taking his phone and opening it he pressed the map app. Funny how he didn’t know where the nearest church was despite knowing a literal angel. Finding one he clicked on it hoping that it had some holy water.
The voice of the map rang through his ears. It had been about three weeks since the last time he had any noise playing in the Bentley. It distracted him for the moment as he drove away from his problems.
Long after the putters of the Bentley Aziraphale was still standing in shock. He didn’t know how to respond. Crowley seemed like he may have been trying to make up with him. Trying to be open. But something was blocking him.
Aziraphale sighed returning to the bed he lay awake counting all the times he had pushed Crowley away. Some of those times he realized happened before earth and before Eden. Maybe he still can’t quite remember who Crowley was before he fell but there was always a familiarity to him.
Beams of light shone through the window before long and Aziraphale sighed. Standing up and putting on new clothes he tucked his wings back in. He put on shoes and walked down the stairs into the book shop. He took in the smell of the books as he walked by to the front door.
Stepping outside he realized it had started to drizzle as a storm rolled in. Normally Aziraphale would have been happy and chipper as always, but the night before hurt to much for him to even put on a facade. He passed on breakfast, also an unusual occurrence.
Aziraphale just walked and walked. Letting his thoughts wander with no control and no idea where he was going. After a while he came back to his senses. Aziraphale found himself at a church, he supposed it made sense after all it was a Sunday morning. As Aziraphale approached the front door he nearly stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the Bentley sitting there driver stepping out.
Aziraphale could barely comprehend what was happening. No no no he can’t be he wouldn’t. Aziraphale thought in horror without really thinking he miracled both him and Crowley into the Bentley and locked the doors.
“What in the flying hell was that?!” Crowley shouted trying to unlock and open the drivers side door.
“You’re a fucking Demon!” Aziraphale shouted back “Churches could discorporate you, and I can’t bare to think what would happen if they threw holy water at you.”
“Oh so now you’re just suddenly going to care what happens to me? Issss that really the road you want to go down?” Crowley said growing more agitated.
“I’ve never stopped caring about you, you stupid demon!” Aziraphale said.
“Y-y....” Crowley huffed and decided to hiss a very long hiss.
Aziraphale waited a couple moments after Crowley had let his frustration out “Better?”
“No.” Crowley replied “No I’m not.” Before Aziraphale could reply Crowley opened the door and bolted out into the parking lot. Aziraphale expected him to head into the church, but instead he opened his wings and took flight.
Aziraphale knew he had really done it this time he had broken Crowley’s heart and he wasn’t sure that he would ever get him back.
“Shame you did seem to enjoy him.” A voice from the back seat of the Bentley spoke up.
Aziraphale looked in the rearview mirror to see Gabriel sitting there. “Gabriel,” he said dryly “I didn’t see you there.”
Gabriel chuckled “No of course you didn’t I just popped in after the demon left.”
“What could you possibly need or want from me?”
“Oh nothing from you directly. Don’t get me wrong you were decent at your job, sure some distractions came your way but you listened to instructions for the most part...”
“Could you please get on with it, I would prefer not to miss the service.”
“And not chase after your demon?” Gabriel taunted “You know if you agree to let’s say desk work we would like to have you back, after all your feathers will be returned to their pristine state.”
“You know my answer Gabriel.”
“Either way you will be useful.”
“You can’t be serious?”
“Call back your demon before I discorporate you.” Gabriel held a knife in his hand and was showing it off.
“How is that supposed to make me scared?” Aziraphale replied “Disincorporation is something I can come back from.”
Gabriel smiled “So glad you agree, now I’m going to count to three call your demon back or I will stab you.”
“Stabbing me does nothing.”
“You really are thick aren’t you?” Gabriel replied “One ... two ... three.” Aziraphale stuck his wings out ripping his jacket and shirt in an attempt to deter Gabriel. The other angel saw it coming and ducked underneath the wings sticking the knife into Aziraphales side.
Aziraphale gasped in pain as the etherial weapon penetrated his side. Gold blood started oozing out of the entry point.
“I’ll be back to collect your boyfriend.” Gabriel said cheerfully disappearing in a thin screen of smoke.
Crowley had flown up to the top of the nearest building. He wouldn’t leave his car especially not at a church. He sighed watching the clouds move shivering. He hated winter and he hated cold rain. But at least it was peaceful. The clouds always fascinated him, and the wind caused the trees to shimmy. Perhaps the best part was it felt like he was the only person that mattered to him when he was up here.
A shrill noise disturbed him from his thoughts, “Blasted cars. SOMEBODY TURN THEIR BLOODY CAR ALARM OFF, IT WOKE ME UP!” He shouted hoping that the empathy humans carried would turn it off.
Suddenly in a gust of wind he caught a metallic smell. Similar to human blood but much heavier of a smell. Crowley’s stomach sank quickly. He could feel his gut clenching at the smell. Crowley knew exactly who that smell belonged to.
He didn’t waste time flying down to the church parking lot, instead choosing to miracle himself into the Bentley’s driver seat. Turning off the car alarm he turned toward Aziraphale. The angel wasn’t paying attention to him, but Crowley didn’t mind that meant it was easier to look at the situation.
The angel was using his right hand to keep pressure on the wound. His other hand rested on top of the right. Crowley started the car trying to stay level headed.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale shouted giddily “I don’t think Gabriel likes me.” He giggled.
“Angel are you alright?” Crowley asked tenderly, paying attention to the traffic he was trying to turn into.
“It’s only a flesh wound,” Aziraphale took a finger and touched the tip of Crowley’s nose “You are so clueless sometimes my dear.”
“How much blood have you lost?”
“Doesn’t matter he stabbed me with a butter knife, I do hope he washes it before he uses it for tea time.”
“God damn it Aziraphale!” Crowley yelled as he changed a lane, surprisingly still under the speed limit. “How much blood have you lost?”
Aziraphale thought “Are you a vampire?”
Crowley hissed “Sleep” he said, causing Aziraphale to sleep. He didn’t want to do that he knew it was a risk, but his stupid Angel wouldn’t shut up.
They were about 20 minutes from Tadfeild when Aziraphale opened his mouth again. “Crowley?” He sat up a little straighter grunting at the pain “you can’t be here.”
“I know love just relax.” Crowley said offering his left hand for Aziraphale to hold as he drifted back to sleep. Crowley hoped that Aziraphale wouldn’t remember that when he woke up, after all he was mad at his angel.
“Anathema the Bentley is back!” Newt shouted from upstairs.
“I know I see it!” She shouted back leaving the house “Anthony Janthony Crowley I told you before and I’ll tell you again the answer is no I’m not going to figure out how to unburn the other prophesy book...” Anathema stopped dead in her track at the sight of Aziraphale. “Oh my god.”
“Can you help?” Crowley asked after miracleing them into the living room with Aziraphale on the couch.
“I think.” Anathema said standing up and grabbing supplies from the bathroom “It might not work considering he’s an angel.” She projected.
“How? I never said anything about him being an angel or me being a demon.”
Anathema smiled at Crowley as she spread the supplies out on the coffee table and began to address the wound on Aziraphale’s side. “White wings gold blood. Pretty obvious, plus you’re always talking about your angel under your breath.”
Crowley nodded “Makes sense.”
Aziraphale woke up with Crowley in his serpent form curled up and lying on his chest under his shirt. Aziraphale figured he was asleep so he lye there taking in the small room he was in, very soon a young woman walked into the room with tea and biscuits. “I remember you from Armageddon.” Aziraphale said.
“I remember you too.” She said “I’m Anathema, I’m glad to finally meet you Aziraphale.”
“How did you know my name? Are you prophetic?”
Anathema smiled “No not prophetic, that unfortunately did not make it down the genetic line. Crowley told me your name.”
“Crowley has been talking to you?” Aziraphale asked carefully sliding the demon out of his shirt and placing him on the back of the couch before sitting up.
“Well only asking for the book I burned and to patch him up when things got rough.”
“Burned book?” Aziraphale sat almost mourning the book he never met “Wait did you say patching him up?”
“Yes, sugar?” Anathema asked making a cup of tea.
“Two and a splash of cream please.” Aziraphale said grabbing a biscuit for himself.
“Crowley’s gotten in a couple fights with angels and demons the past month, I’m surprised that you managed to avoid the skirmishes.”
Aziraphale glanced at Crowley, so that’s what he had been doing. “I haven’t seen him in a month. Then last night he decides he’s going to pop in and angelnap me.”
Anathema chuckled at the comment “He was trying to keep you out of it.”
“And why would he do that?”
“Wow you two really don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?” A shrill voice behind Aziraphale asked.
Anathema smiled again “Tea?” She asked avoiding the question.
Crowley rolled his eyes, “Don’t know what?” He repeated sliding down behind Aziraphale.
“That’s a conversation the two of you are going to have to have.” Anathema took a sip of her own tea “Isn’t that uncomfortable Crowley?”
“He’s cold.” Aziraphale butted in.
“Yeah cause a stupid angel decided to put me in a cold spot.” Crowley grumbled into Aziraphale’s shoulder.
Aziraphale chuckled “We best be on our way, I thank you for helping me with my wound and for the lovely tea.” Aziraphale stood up letting his wings show.
Crowley followed Aziraphale to the Bentley and stepped into the car. He sighed and turned on the heat to the car. Hearing the passengers side door opening he looked up in surprise to see Aziraphale come in.
Aziraphale took a deep breath “Thank you for coming back. I should have listened to you in the beginning.”
“Aw don’t go all sentimental on me angel. We’re both to blame.” Crowley was staring out the window. Aziraphale looked at the demons jaw line to find a hastily patched up scar. He reached out and rubbed it with his thumb. “Gabriel.” Crowley said “He caught me by surprise outside the Ritz.”
“Wait you mean...”
“Yeah. That’s why I stopped up I thought I saw him. Well I did, another step and the knife he threw probably would’ve been lodged in my chest. Started to shift as I saw it coming, still grazed me.”
“I thought...”
“Yeah I know what you thought Angel. And I don’t blame you.”
“Oh Crowley, why didn’t you contact me?”
“I didn’t want to put you in danger.”
“Well because... because...” Crowley was struggling on getting the words out instead trying to focus on anything that wasn’t in the car.
Aziraphale put his hand on the demons jaw and turned it to look in his serpent eyes. “Because you love me.” Crowley just nodded almost embarrassed by the thought “My dear, I feel the same way.” Aziraphale said as he pulled the demon in for a kiss. Aziraphale could feel the tips of his wings burning slightly and pulled away.
Crowley blinked and reached over to touch Aziraphale’s right wing, “Your wings.” His voice cracked.
“Yours too.” Aziraphale pointed out. The demon looked over his shoulder at the jet black wing, sure enough as Aziraphale pointed out the tips of his feathers looked almost pure white again.
“Angel I’ve got a question, what do I smell like?”
Aziraphale thought for a second “Dark chocolate, campfires, and dead mice. Why?” Crowley just smiled and stole another kiss from Aziraphale.
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spnsisimagines · 6 years
Still the Same
Warnings: Losing an arm, depression, descriptive gore Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Hunter!Reader, Rowena, Crowley, Gabriel, Castiel, Lucifer, Balthazar Summary: After losing your left arm during a hunt, your friends help you regain your confidence. Reader’s Age: Under 18 Word Count: 2177
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: Not sure how I like this one tbh. There’s an easter egg in here btw so look out for that. I also really struggled to figure out a title don’t judge... Enjoy!
"I think I can handle this one," you said, crossing your arms over your chest as you stared at the two brothers. You had been with the Winchesters for a few years. You had grown up in the hunting life, and when your parents were killed, the Winchesters took you in. The brothers would usually let you hunt with them, but only if the cases were easy.
"It's a nest of vampires, Y/N, you're not ready for that," Dean replied as he shoved a machete into his duffle bag.
"I've killed vampires before, Dean, this is no different," you snapped.
"You're a kid, Y/N. If you think I'm gonna just let you walk into a nest of what? Ten vamps? You're out of your mind," Dean threw his duffle over his shoulder and walked out of his room, you trailing behind him.
"I won't be going in alone! I'll have you two!" You argued, looking over at Sam as you entered the War Room.
"Dean, maybe we should let her, she has to learn somehow," Sam took your side, seeing your pleading eyes.
"Really? You agree with her?" Dean turned away from the stairs to look at his brother.
"We'll watch her back, and we know she can watch ours," Sam replied. Dean looked at you, seeing the slight smirk on your face as you know he has lost this battle.
"Fine!" He grudgingly agreed as he walked upstairs, you and Sam following.
"You do everything we say when we say it, and exactly how we say it, got it?" Dean handed you a machete. You saluted him and nodded.
The hunt went fairly well; you slashed at every vampire that dared showed its face. You and the brothers were checking around the barn for any hiding vampires. There were bodies and heads everywhere. You watched Sam walk into a back room in the barn while Dean peeked his head outside. You looked around the room, feeling accomplished. You smirked, to think that Dean doubted you. Pfft. Look at what you did! You took out a vampire nest.
You walked towards some haybales and took a seat. You thought you felt someone behind you, but you figured it was one of the brothers. Your eyes wandered to the door, seeing Dean a few feet outside. You looked to your right and saw Sam through a window in the back room. Your eyebrows furrowed together as your breathing came to a halt.
You slowly turned around and saw a vampire holding a machete above his head. You instinctively held your left arm up to shield you from any incoming blows. The machete buried itself into your forearm. You let out a blood-curdling scream as the vampire yanked the machete out of your flesh and gave you another blow to your upper arm. Within seconds, you were down on the ground with darkness surrounding you.
You took a deep breath in, seeing bright lights through your closed eyelids. You slowly opened them, expecting to see a dingy motel room or your room at the bunker, but you weren't expecting to see a hospital room. Your eyebrows knitted together as you looked around. You saw Dean passed out sleeping in a chair next to you. You continued looking around and saw Sam outside the room drinking some water.
With your head pounding, you closed your eyes at the pain and went to put your left hand on your temple, but you felt nothing on your head. You opened your eyes and didn't see a hand at your left side. You froze for a moment; it's probably under the blanket. You went to move it, seeing your shoulder move slightly, nothing else happened. You sat up and used your right arm to throw the blanket off of you. You stared down at your left side, seeing nothing. Your voice got caught in your throat.
Sam entered the room and saw your panicked state. He quickly rushed to your side, "Hey," he sat down by your legs.
"W-where-" you continued to stare at the space where your arm used to be.
"They, uh, they had to amputate it," Sam said quietly, reaching over and giving Dean a few taps to wake him.
"I-I don't..." Your eyes filled with tears, watching your left shoulder move.
Dean jolted awake and leaned forward. "How're you feeling?" He asked.
"I don't have a left arm, Dean, how do you think I'm feeling?" You barked, not removing your eyes from your shoulder.
"Right, stupid question," Dean mumbled, looking at Sam for help.
"Why couldn't Cas heal me?" Your voice broke as you finally made eye contact with Sam.
"He wasn't responding, we had to make a decision, rather wait for him to get here and risk you dying or amputate your arm, knowing you'd live," Sam explained, he wanted to reach for your hand, but realized it wasn't there anymore.
"I would've rather died," you mumbled. The brothers' eyes widened at your comment.
"You don't mean that," Dean said, taking your right hand in his.
You looked up and stared so deep into his eyes, "I would rather be dead," you spat, yanking your hand from his grasp.
Sam and Dean gave each other a look before getting up and walking away.
You went back to looking at your left side. You swear you could still feel your arm. You were tapping your fingers right now. You took your right hand and slowly touched your shoulder where your arm would've been connected.
"Hmm, so it is true?" A voice spoke. Your head flung up to see Gabriel.
"What's true?" You replied.
Gabriel motioned to your missing arm, "You're a pirate now,"
"I lost my arm not my leg," disdain leaked throughout your words.
"Right!" He pointed towards you. "But now you can get a cool mechanical arm,"
"Yeah, okay, Gabe, let me just pull the thousands of dollars out of my bank account to turn into Bucky Barnes," you rolled your eyes.
"Geez, buzzkill... Didn't know you were so much like the Winchesters," Gabriel mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you clenched your jaw.
"It means," a new voice spoke. You turned your head to see Lucifer sitting on a chair with his legs kicked up onto your bed. "that you're now little miss grumpy pants,"
"Are you two in my head or are you really here?" You asked, not knowing if you were dreaming.
"Oh, we're here, buttercup," Gabe answered, tossing some candy into his mouth. "And you," he pointed at you, "need to cheer up. The only reason we like you is that you're the little ray of sunshine that keeps the two idiots outside together. You take that away, and we all crumble apart,"
"He's got a point, y'know," Lucifer mumbled as he stared at his intertwined fingers.
"Sure, let me just start bouncing up and down at the fact that I lost my arm!" Your voice grew with every word.
"Just think of it this way, it's one less limb you have to worry about!" Lucifer suggested. You rolled your eyes at his comment.
"Oh, would you two shush!" A woman's voice was heard. You looked towards the door and saw Rowena and Crowley. "You are obviously not making her feel any better," she sauntered over to your bed. "How are you feeling, dear?" She grabbed your right hand.
"Terrific," you muttered.
"Oh, now, now, deary. Just because you're one limb short doesn't mean your life has to disappear along with it," she fixed your hair a bit.
Rowena was about to continue talking, but someone cut her off. "So, who's ready to drink your life away?" Balthazar stood in the room with two bottles of alcohol.
"Put those away you, embesil," Crowley spoke.
"Yeah, she's a kid! Pass me some," Lucifer motioned for Balthazar to bring the bottles over.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam, Dean, and Castiel stood in the doorway, not knowing how to react to the room full of angels, demons, and a witch.
"We're here to make the honorary Winchester feel better, no thanks to you three," Gabriel was the first to speak.
Dean's eyes fell on Lucifer who was now holding the liquor bottles. Lucifer quickly pushed the bottles back into Balthazar's hand as Lucifer pointed to him. You smiled at the scene.
"What do you mean no thanks to us?" Dean shook his head slightly, turning his attention to Gabriel.
"You two left her here to mope!" Gabriel stood up straight, puffing his chest out, ready to defend you.
"Can we just go home?" You interrupted the conversation before it got out of hand.
You arrived back at the bunker. You immediately went to your room, not wanting to be around for the pity party.
"Y'know, between you and me," you heard Lucifer speak as you shut your door. Of course, you weren't going to get some peace and quiet. "I think the no-arm situation is pretty badass. Just think of all the things you can do!" He sat on your dresser.
You raised an eyebrow at him, "If anything, I can do fewer things than I could with two arms,"
"Fair," he raised a finger that pointed to the ceiling, "but, now that you're a cripple, you get so many perks!"
"Don't call me that," you hissed, collapsing onto your bed.
"Whatever you say, Bethany," you glared at Luci. "My point being, you have an excuse to not do so many things! Carrying heavy things, driving, getting things down from the top shelf," he listed. None of those things made you feel better, but you appreciated the effort, especially since it's coming from Satan himself.
"Just think of how much of a dude-magnet that is!" Gabriel appeared.
"Are we gonna go through this again?" You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"What we're trying to say is you shouldn't let the no-arm thing get in the way of you being you. Sure, you're less of you physically, but your noggin' is still intact. It's time to show everyone you can be just as powerful as you were with two arms," Lucifer spoke. You took a deep breath and looked up, seeing the room empty.
It had been a few weeks since you lost your left arm. The brothers and your friends have slowly been helping you regain your confidence. Dean took it upon himself to give a death glare to anyone that he felt was staring too long. Sam helped teach you how to do simple things with one arm, like cooking, typing, and hopefully, driving. Castiel and Lucifer helped teach you how to fight. Gabriel would always bring you candy in hopes of cheering you up. Balthazar would often bring you to different timelines to witness different historical events. Rowena would bring you with her to have a girls day, buying you new clothes to help you feel even more confident. And then Crowley would let you play with his Hellhounds, saying there was nothing else he could offer.
You had gone with the brothers for a hunt. You decided to stay at the motel, not feeling confident enough to go with them. But something was wrong. It had been a few hours, and they weren't back. You kept checking your phone, but nothing was there — no new texts. No missed calls. No voicemails. Nothing.
You grabbed your gun and headed out the door.
You approached the abandoned hotel. You walked through the squeaky door as you looked around. Graffiti and broken glass were everywhere. It was hard to believe that this hotel used to be clean and buzzing with people.
You held your gun in your hand, checking if the safety was off. You heard grunting coming from a room behind the front desk. You hopped over the desk, the other way being blocked by a pile of chairs. You slowly opened the door, seeing Sam and Dean tied up, backs to each other.
You crept through the door, hiding behind a pillar. You glimpsed around the corner, watching someone circle them. You thought back to this being a witch hunt, one of the reasons you didn't want to go with.
You held your gun down by your legs, waiting for an opportunity to shoot. The witch said some mumbo-jumbo and Dean started grunting in pain, holding most of the pain in to not seem weak.
Sam yelled something at the witch; she said something else and Sam started coughing up blood. You flung around the corner, reaching your arm out as you pulled the trigger three times, each bullet hitting the witch. Sam and Dean took deep breaths as the pain left them. You rushed over to them and started untying them, using your teeth when needed.
"Damn, Y/N! Why didn't we have you with us in the first place?" Dean chuckled as he untied his feet while you worked on untying Sam's hands.
"Thanks, Y/N. That was pretty awesome," Sam complimented as he untied the rest of himself and you stood up.
"Guess I got my hunting skills back," you chuckled.
"You kidding me? Those skills never left!" Dean threw an arm around your shoulders as he led all of you out.
Requested by Anonymous: “ WHY HELLO THERE!! Can I have a drabble where the reader is like 13 and not related to anyone winchesters or Angels but still hunts with them and one day goes through a freak hunting accident where they couldn't get to her intime and she ends up losing her left arm and they (winchesters, GABRIEL,cas,Balthazar, crowley and lucifer) try to cheer her up and help her self esteem and eventually she becomes more self assured,starts hunting and ends up saving all of them big time! Pls and thanks”
Tags: @magicalsis11 @joanne-egberp @16wiishes @fanboyswhereare-you @athenepallas @spnkisum @jamric @oneshotsdeanshort @jensen-jarpad @capruinedmylife @bea789 @starswirlblitz @damalseer@iamflanneltrash @zeusmyster @violinmyhead @lauren-novak @evyiione@alexandriajanae4 @graceb200371 @overcastmisfitkid  @lovelaughlivesmilebright @liliafangirls @ellie-andthemachine @death-unbecomes-you
If you would like to be tagged/untagged then shoot me an ask/message!
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winchester-kaz · 6 years
Alabama Pines pt 6
You sat in your cell looking down at your feet. You heard the heels of smart shoes coming towards you and stopping outside your door.
“I suppose you're wondering why you're here?” Crowley said leaning against the opposite wall.
“I guess so.” You muttered picking at your thumb.
“Your mummy didn't want to die when he had you. So he came to me. Imagine that, an angel coming to a lowly crossroads demon. When he came to me I told him it was impossible, that he didn't have a soul to trade and to stop wasting my time. Which is when I was told about you. Mummy dearest traded your soul. Your very human soul, and I wasn't going to say no to a soul no matter what but to learn that you are a Winchester makes it so much better.” He pressed away from the wall and crouched down to your level.
“Did you know it was your dear old uncle Cas who killed your mummy?”
Looking up at him you smiled. The grin that adorned Crowley face faulted but stayed.
“I didn't, but that's okay. If I know Castiel at all, there was a good reason, and if I know my brothers even better. Then they'll be coming for me,” You hand flashed out between the bars and grabbed the front of Crowley’s suit jacket, “ if they don't, I will get out of here and kill you myself.” Letting go of Crowley he stood up and away from you. The sneer returning to his face he said simply.
“Let them try.”
Days passed and you found yourself singing. You sang everything from The Andrews sisters to Cat Stevens, Fleetwood Mac to Metallica. Nothing stopped you. You spent countless hours singing to yourself. You found that you could draw quite a crowd if you sang loud enough and soon, demons where coming into the cell next to you to listen better.
You had just finished singing If It Takes a Lifetime when a slow clap echoed throughout the cell block. Demons scattered as Crowley stepped through. He leaned against the wall opposite as to not let you grab him again. He mused.
“What can you do?” He asked rubbing his fingers through his beard.
“I don't know what you mean.” You replied stretching your legs in front of you.
“Don't play coy darling. Everyone knows nephilim are stronger than their parents. So. What can you do?”
“A few things.” You huffed turning your back on him.
“Like?” You stayed silent and leaned your head against the wall getting comfortable to sleep.
“Tell me Y/N.” You shuffled again slightly and relaxed
“I can make your life hell.”
Rolling to look over your shoulder, you scoffed.
“You couldn't make it much worse without pissing my brothers off more.”
Cowley huffed in defeat. Moving closer to the bars he said
“How about I make this situation more comfortable for you then. Show me your many talents and I'll give you a room, with a bed and a view.”
“It's still a no.” You said turning back and trying to sleep. You started quietly singing The Ramones.
20, 20, 24 hours to go
I wanna be sedated
Nothing to do
Nowhere to go
I wanna be sedated
“That can be arranged sweetheart.” Crowley muttered.
“How about I void our contract? Would you show me then?” You stopped singing and turned to face him.
Dean slammed the book shut and threw it across the table. It had been weeks since Cowley had taken Y/N and they where no closer to finding you. Standing up and stretching he went to find Sam and Castiel. Dean could hear the two of them talking when he heard a rustle of wings and Sam call for Castiel. Walking into the kitchen Dean found Sam looking confused.
“He just left! Stood up, said he felt something and left.” Sam said throwing his hands in the air. Dean would have laughed at how comical he looked if it wasn't for Cas’ sudden disappearance.
“If he felt something Y/N might have been using her powers. That's a good thing. It means we can trace her.” Dean said trying to calm Sam which was useless because he was just as amped up. Hours passed and they heard nothing. Dean was calling Cas for what felt like the hundredth time when wings could be heard in the war room, followed by a cry for help. Skidding around the corner and through the library, Sam and Dean halted at the scene. You sat in the middle of the room cradling a bleeding a beaten Castiel. Dean was the first to come round and went straight into action. He barked at Sam to get the first aid kit and strode over to you. Pulling Castiel off of you, you let out a small cry as he jostled your leg.
“Hold him still, this won't be pleasant.” You told Dean. You placed your hand on his chest and closed your eyes. A bright light came from the connection and Castiel let out an agonising scream. The connection and screaming felt endless, but really it was only long enough for Sam to come running in to the sudden and almost eerie silence that followed. You swayed where you sat and rocked gently.
“That's the best I can do.” You said swaying harder and collapsing to one side. Sam looked from you to Cas and finally to Dean. He looked from Sam to Castiel with evident pain on his face. His thumb gently, barely there at all stroked the side of Castiel face. Biting his lip it looked like he was trying to hold back tears. A deep breath scared both the brothers. Castiel blinked and sat up rather stiffly. Dean placed a gentle hand on his back to keep him from falling back again.
“What happened?” Cas asked, his voice cracking.
“Was about to ask you the same damn thing” Dean said finally getting angry.
“You ran off with no warning and no back up. By the looks of it, Y/N got there just in time. What the hell were you thinking?”
“She was out in the open, I thought I'd be able to go in grab her, and get out. I was wrong. I went in and she was tied down. They'd forced her to shield herself and that's what I felt. They went at me hard, that's when it goes blank. You'll have to ask Y/N. Where is she?” Castiel explained looking around for you. Looking to his left he saw you lead on the ground. It was clear your leg was broken from the way it twisted. You were covered in blood, he hoped it wasn't all yours. A sudden wave of emotion washed over him. It was an odd sensation, like the bottom of his stomach had fallen away and left a painful hole.
“This is my fault. She's hurt because I was reckless. I need to fix this.” Cas stood on wobbly feet and bent to pick her up. As he did so he almost fell. Dean steadied him and Sam gently took you. Heading to your room, he placed you carefully on the bed, making sure not to jostle your leg anymore.
“We'll leave her until her legs fixed. Cas, you're going to rest up. I think you died. When she wakes up we'll get the full picture.” Dean said leading Cas away. Sam stayed with you, making sure you couldn't roll. He sat with you a long time, wondering what happened to you. What would happen when you woke up. He hoped you'd be okay, sure you'd have some scars but be okay.
Please be okay he silently prayed.
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