#and then casually walk to the theater afterward
sanrolii · 15 days
Hiii saw u were open for reqs :)) if its okay can i request the jjk students (toge and maybe yuta if possible) and something about how they act around reader when they started having a crush on them but reader doesnt know >< huhu tysm i hope this is interesting for you, have a good day!! <3
of course babe!! i also threw yuuji in there because i just love that boy 😩
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•he makes it so obvious he has a crush on you, it’s pretty much impossible to not know. he isn’t quiet at all about his adoration for you, and loves to show and tell you just how much he cares!
•this boy is constantly complimenting you! whether to your face or to his friends, he thinks you have zero flaws and could brag about you all day long!
•you’re his official movie partner! he loves to take you out to the theater to watch his favorite classics, and always treats you to food afterwards as a thank you for spending time with him!
•he would definitely confess to you himself (that’s if you didn’t hear it through the grapevine already, since he’s already told everyone how much he adores you), and he would keep it simple. he would probably take you out to dinner or on a walk to confess, something simple but still romantic!
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•he’s so nervous around you. he is constantly blushing whenever you talk to him, and he gets teased so badly because of it.
•he loves to spend whatever time he can get with you, whether it be in or out of school. struggling with a certain subject? he’s more than happy to help you study! need a sparring partner? he’s already in the field waiting for you! hungry? dinners on him tonight!
•while yuuta thinks you are a great friend and has no doubts you you think of him as a great friend too, he feels stuck in the friendzone with you. no matter how much his friends try to convince him you like him back, he just can’t fully believe them! there’s always something stopping him from confessing to you.
•unless you do something to make it very clear you see him as more than a friend (ex. hold his hand in public, kiss his cheek when telling him goodnight) you’d have to be the one to confess first. he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything, and doesn’t want to ruin your friendship, so he just keeps his feelings to himself. once you do confess though, he’s all over you! he just can’t contain his love for you anymore!
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•you guys are definitely a best friends to lovers trope. there’s no doubt about it.
•when toge first realized he liked you, not a lot changed in your guys relationship. you’d still hangout after class, help each other study, play video games, crack jokes to each other. but over time he’d start to become more affection wjth you. small things like resting his head on your knee while gaming with you, or hugging you before you leave his dorm for the night.
•i don’t think it would be very obvious to your guys’ friends that he liked you. in public he would still just act like your best friend, it was behind closed doors he’d be extra affectionate with you.
•since he can’t speak himself, he loves to hear you talk! he is always encouraging you to talk about anything to him, whether it be something personal or just reading a book to him. he loves it so much.
•i think after awhile if you didn’t get the hint after all his extra affections, he’d confess to you in a very casual way. probably jut while playing video games together in his room, he’d randomly tell you how he feels and wait for you to either reject him or share the feelings. either way he’d still want to be your best friend!
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coffeeshades · 9 months
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credits to the gif maker!
summary: the trials and tribulations of falling in love or two idiots who can't get their shit together.
pairing: pedro pascal x actress/singer!reader.
word count: 7.2k
warnings: 18+ (minors dni). mentions of sex. angst (heavy on this i'm sorry in advance) cussing, age gap, mentions of drugs and alcohol. no use of y/n, if i missed something please let me know!
a/n: hi everyone! yes yes i know i disappeared for like 5 months but let's pretend i didn't. i've seen all of your messages and comments and i'm overwhelmed with all the love you've shown to the previous parts. thank you so much to everyone who likes, reblogs and leaves a kind message, i see you and love u. here's a new lil chapter, i hope you enjoy it. happy reading!!
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February 28th, 2019 
Cort Theater, NY
The day was here. The day he had been eagerly waiting on for months. The anticipation had been building up, and now he was finally going to perform in front of a live audience for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The months of rehearsals and hard work had all led up to this moment, and he was ready to give it his all.
He was starring in the new Broadway production of “King Lear" as Edmond, one of the play's most complex and intriguing characters. The role had challenged him in ways he had never experienced before, pushing him to delve deep into the character's motivations and emotions. As he stepped onto the stage, the bright lights shining down on him, he felt a surge of adrenaline and a sense of purpose. 
And just like that, three hours and twenty-five minutes later, the final curtain fell on the play. The audience erupted into thunderous applause, their standing ovation a testament to their incredible performance. Exhausted but exhilarated, he knew he had given everything he had to the role and left it all on the stage. 
His mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The rush of adrenaline slowly subsided, and as much as he wanted to hear what everyone thought of his performance, there was only one person whose opinion mattered to him right now: yours. 
The last time he saw you was on your last day in Chile, almost two months ago. He vividly remembered the bittersweet farewell outside his family's house—you getting into the car and him closing the door. A door that seemed to separate their worlds. Since then, they had kept in touch through messages and occasional video calls, but it wasn't the same. Of course it wasn't. It will never be. 
The distance between them had only fueled his longing, making him yearn for your presence even more. Constantly trying to derail his one-track mind. 
He knows you're here. He had invited his siblings and closest friends. However, he was unsure of your attendance until an hour before the show, when he received a text from Oscar:
"She's coming with me. Stop pacing and good luck." 
He hadn't really discussed what happened back in Chile with Oscar or anyone, for that matter, but he could tell everyone knew something was off about how the two of you interacted. So when he got the message from Oscar, instead of freaking out about him potentially finding out about you two, he felt relieved. 
It gave him comfort to know that Oscar knew him so well that he was aware of the fact that you were the cause of his two-hour pacing in his dressing room. It was also fucking stupid and laughable. 
The energy backstage was electric as he walked through the bustling crowd of crew members and performers. He entered his dressing room, grabbing his phone and immediately seeing all the texts from friends and his siblings. He opened one from Javiera: "Felicidades, hermanito! Killed it. See you at The Terrace." 
They had planned on getting together afterwards to celebrate. He replied with a grateful smile, saying he'd be there in a few and to get there without him. He quickly changed into a more casual outfit: dark jeans and a comfortable white t-shirt. Wanting to unwind after the intense performance, he made his way to the restaurant. It was only a few blocks away from the theater, so he decided to enjoy the pleasant evening weather and take a leisurely stroll. 
Once he got there and stepped out of the elevator, Pedro watched you from across the room. A delicate hand rested on Oscar's shoulder as you chatted and laughed together. He felt a bubble of pride in himself swell; it warmed him to know that you were enjoying yourself and having a good time. 
He felt like an intruder in your intimate moment, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. At least I don't have to miss her anymore because she's right there, he thought. 
Pedro made his way across the room, trying to appear nonchalant as he approached the table. 
"There he is! the man of the hour," Oscar said, a wide smile spreading across his face. 
You turned. Eyes meeting, and it was like a car crash. A collision of emotions and memories flooding back all at once. The air between you crackled with unresolved tension, and Pedro's heart raced as he struggled to find the right words to say.  
"You came," he said, his voice stern. Not reflecting at all the turmoil inside him. "Thank you." 
"Well, you called," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant as well. Deep down, though, your heart was pounding just as fast as Pedro's. 
Everyone seemed to ignore the palpable tension in the room and how he was losing his mind over these unclear conversations between your glances, carrying on with their congratulatory words to Pedro as if nothing had happened. But for Pedro and you, time stood still. 
People settled into an easy conversation, enjoying each other's company as the night went on. As the night went on, Pedro and you exchanged occasional glances, silently acknowledging the shared secret that lingered. He wanted to scream it at the top of his lungs: We slept together! We slept together, and I loved it! He wanted every single person in New York to hear it. To feel the exhilaration and passion that consumed him. 
However, to say it was to make it real, and Pedro wasn't quite ready to face the consequences of that reality just yet. He knew his place in her life. He knew it was better this way. However, the ever-present question of 'Is it better to have something and lose it than never have it at all?' haunted his mind. 
The laughter and chatter around you provided a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within both of you. After a couple drinks, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and Pedro found himself engaging in lighthearted conversations with the people around him. 
"Ah, man. I need a cigarrette," he said to Oscar, reaching into his pocket for his pack of cigarettes. 
"Go, go. I'll keep everyone entertained," Oscar replied with a smile, gesturing towards the lively crowd. Pedro nodded gratefully and stepped outside, the cool night air providing a brief respite from the chaos of his thoughts. As he lit his cigarette and took a long drag, he couldn't help but wonder if the temporary escape it offered was worth the potential consequences. 
"I thought you quit," you remarked, slowly making your way to him, eyebrows raised in mild surprise. Pedro turned and exhaled a cloud of smoke, a wistful expression crossing his face. "I did, but you know me. I have a hard time letting go of old habits," he admitted, flicking the ash off his cigarette.
"Care to share?" you asked, gesturing towards the pack of cigarettes in his hand. Pedro hesitated for a moment. 
"No?" you repeated, raising an eyebrow. 
"I don't want to be the reason you get lung cancer." 
You chuckled. "Ok, so you can do it, but I can't. Got it." 
"I'm old; there's no use," he said with a shrug. "However, you have a whole life ahead of you."
"You make it sound like you're on a deathbed," you teased, taking a playful jab at Pedro's dramatic statement. He smirked and took a long drag from his cigarette before responding. "Maybe I am, in a way. But hey, we all gotta go someday, right?" 
"That's...dark," you sighed. "mind if we changed the subject?" 
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Pedro asked, flicking the ash from his cigarette. "Anything to distract me from my impending doom," he added with a smirk. 
A laugh escaped your lips as you thought of a lighter topic. "How about we discuss your play?"  Pedro's eyes lit up at the suggestion, momentarily forgetting about his earlier morbid thoughts. 
"How are you feeling about your performance?"
Pedro looked at you for a little too long before finally responding, "It's funny I'm thinking about death because I've never felt more alive than on that stage." 
"I could tell. I thought you were great, P." 
He shook his head modestly. "Thanks, but I still feel like there's room for improvement. I want to push myself even further in the next shows." 
"I get that." 
Pedro watched you stare at the ground. His thoughts began to conspire against him, and as he was about to speak, you also looked up and opened your mouth at the same time. Words rushed out in unison.
You both paused, realizing you had interrupted each other. Pedro chuckled tentatively and motioned for you to go ahead. "Sorry, you first," he said with a polite smile. 
You bit your lip, seemingly trying to gather your thoughts. "It's nothing. I just wanted to tell you I'll be in Europe for awhile. I got the Nolan movie."  
"Woah, another one?" 
"Yup. The role isn't as big as in interstellar, but I love working with him so much I couldn't pass up the opportunity."  Pedro nodded, a mix of excitement and disappointment flickering across his face. "That's amazing; congratulations. I'm sure you'll do great, as always," he said sincerely. "I'll definitely miss having you around, though." 
"Well, it's not like it'll be much different than now," you replied. "I haven't seen you since...since you know,"  your expression turned somber, cheeks flushed. 
You were right. He was so busy with the play and his new role in the second installment of Wonder Woman that he barely had any time. He even had to cut back on his time on set for The Mandalorian reshoots this month and a few scenes for a second season that haven't even been announced. 
"Yeah, I know." 
"Should we talk about it?" 
"I mean, there's nothing to talk about, really," Pedro said with a shrug, not daring to look you in the eye. "We slept together, and we both agreed that was it. No need to complicate things further." he tried to maintain a casual tone, but his voice wavered slightly. 
Pedro wanted to scream. The nicotine clouding his lungs was the only thing keeping him from losing control. It seemed like all he was left with was a painful reminder of what could have been. He looked at you as he took another puff of smoke. Your eyes clearly searching for a trace of emotion in his face, but finding none. 
A droplet of rain landed on Pedro's cheek as he inhaled deeply, feeling the coolness against his skin. It was as if the universe was reflecting his inner turmoil, adding to the weight of his unspoken words. He watched as you looked up at the darkening sky, the raindrops falling steadily on your hair. 
The sound of thunder echoed in the distance, mirroring the storm brewing within him. He dropped the cigarrette from his hand, its ember extinguished by the rain.
"Isn't that the point of love, though?" you finally responded, your voice raspy and drunk with bitterness and resignation. "To complicate things, to make us question everything, to drive us to the brink of madness. Maybe it's not meant to be simple, Pedro." 
His body tensed up, and your words clearly struck a nerve. The weight of your statement hung heavy in the air, leaving an uncomfortable silence between you both. It was no secret that his perspective on love had been tainted by past experiences, leaving him guarded and unwilling to let go of his pain. 
"You're right. Which is why I would rather stay away from it. I've seen firsthand the havoc it can wreak on people's lives," Pedro admitted, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. He knows he's hurting you; he can see it by the way your eyes glisten with unshed tears. 
"So that's it, then?" you asked, your voice trembling. "Is this how it is always going to be?"
But he can't risk it. "I thought we were on the same page with this." 
He sees how your jaw tightens at his statement. He knows he's hurting you. He's twisting the knife even deeper. He can't seem to stop just because he believes it's for the better. 
Please know it's for the better. 
"Yeah, I guess it's better this way," you spat back, your voice filled with anger. Of course, you could tell exactly how he was feeling. 
"Guys! What the fuck are you doing outside? It's fucking pouring!" A friend shouts from the doorway. "Get inside!" 
You both stood there staring at each other, momentarily forgetting the rain pouring down around you. 
“Yeah. What the fuck are we doing?" you say, not even trying to mask the anger in your voice. 
He wants to reach out and kiss you. Kiss you so hard that his lips would bruise. Kiss you so hard that your pain will fade away. But that action would go against everything he had just said. 
So he just watches you turn around and leave. 
What the fuck is he doing?
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3 months later
After weeks of shooting in the United Kingdom and the Amalfi Coast, you and the crew finally had a couple of days off. Aaron, John, and Rob had the brilliant idea to take a quick trip to Monaco. 
“It’s a Grand Prix weekend,” Aaron said excitedly. “Maybe if we make a few calls, we could still snag some passes.” 
“Doesn’t that start this week?” Rob inquired, taking a sip of his drink. Ever since your arrival in Italy, the four of you finally got the chance to eat dinner together at a nice restaurant. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Aaron waved his hands in the air, “but if we leave tomorrow, there’s plenty of time to get there and enjoy ourselves.” 
You were so focused on your meal that you missed the sound of your name coming from Aaron’s mouth. “Hellooo?” he continued, and you looked up at him, eyebrows raised. “Aren’t you friends with Lewis Hamilton?” 
“Yeah. Well, I mean, we see each other sometimes at events and stuff. He’s really nice,” you tell him, still feeling a bit distracted. 
“Could you maybe give him a call and get us those passes?” he asks, pouting like a puppy. John laughs at him, hitting him lightly on the arm. 
“Sure, I can try,” you reply, feeling a bit hesitant. You rarely ask for special favors and don't want to come across as entitled, even more so when you haven't spoken to Lewis in so long. 
“Yes!” Aaron celebrates by raising his fists. "Um, one more thing,"
“Mate, you’re pushing it now,” Rob remarks with a playful tone. You can tell he's enjoying the banter between you and Aaron. 
“Go on,” you gesture at him to continue, a smile on your face. 
“Could we also use your PP?” 
“Use her what now?” John exclaims. Laughter erupts from Rob's mouth, making you and John join in. 
“Her private plane, mate!” Aaron says, embarrassed. 
“Yes, Aaron,” you get out, still laughing. “I’ll let you use my PP.”
"Thank you!" 
The flight to Monaco was smooth and quick. You spent most of it trying to focus on a script for a project after this one while the boys all slept. After your dinner last night, you made two calls: one to Lewis to ask about the passes and one to your publicist to let her know about your last-minute adventure. 
Lewis was very nice as usual and said that, of course, he can get you the passes, while your agent said attending an F1 weekend would be good publicity and good fun. A win-win situation, she called it. She also said that since you were going to attend the race, you might as well attend all the events that come with it, which meant she had to fly in to assist you.
By the time the plane finally landed and you made it to the hotel, you were worn out. You spent the rest of the afternoon and night sleeping, without a care in the world. The next day, soft knocks on the door woke you up. 
"It's me,"  Taylor's voice called out. 
You groggily got out of bed and opened the door to find her standing there with her laptop, a cup of coffee, and a huge smile on her face. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." 
Although you hadn't passed a mirror on your way to answer the door, you had the feeling that you didn't look visually appealing at the moment. Your body ached, like you wrestled with a wild animal all night and lost. 
"Did you just get here?" you ask her, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. She smiles and shakes her head. "I got here late last night, but you weren't answering the phone, so I called Renata instead, and she said you were sleeping. And like the great person I am, I let you rest." Renata is your PA/publicist, a great friend, and one of the two constants in your life, along with Taylor. 
"Wow, so kind of you," you say sarcastically, but can't help the small smile that tugs at the corners of your mouth. "Come in." 
As Taylor enters, you shut the door behind her. She scans the space in fascination. There are floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall that run the length of the room and the wall to your left, which is behind the dining room table. A broad view of the harbor can be seen between the sheer, white, fluttering lengths of the floating curtains. 
"Gorgeous suite," she says, sitting on the plush sofa across the room. 
"Ren always chooses the best rooms, so yes," you tell her, sinking once again into your warm bed. 
"You're still tired? You've slept for like 16 hours already," she chuckles, pouring herself a glass of water from the crystal pitcher on the side table. "I know, but I guess the jetlag is hitting me harder than I thought," you reply with a yawn, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath of the fragrant flowers on the nightstand. 
"You didn't come to Monaco to sleep, did you?" Taylor chuckles, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
"No! We have a full itinerary planned for today, starting with breakfast at Café de Paris across the street with the boys. And then we're off to the Hotel de Paris for a F1 brunch event. There will be lots of food, drinks, and hot guys. Specifically, hot F1 drivers," you groan-laugh inwardly at the thought of dragging yourself out of bed so early for the sake of hot guys. "You know that's the last thing on my mind, right?" 
"Well, not on mine!" she replies with a wink. "But seriously, it's not just about the eye candy. The event is also for a good cause, raising funds for a local charity. And it's also a great place to network and meet new people—you know the drill." You nod in agreement, feeling more motivated to attend, knowing that it's for a meaningful purpose. 
With a determined sigh, you sit up and swing your legs over the edge of the bed. "Okay, I'll shower."
"Let me call Renata and tell her to prep the car and get the glam team in here." 
"Thank you," you tell her, disappearing into the bathroom. 
Two hours later, you find yourself entering the venue of a charity event with your very impatient and rather enthusiastic co-star and best friend, Aaron. The venue is buzzing with excitement as you take in the elegant decorations and the well-dressed attendees. Since it's Monaco in May, you're sporting a light blue strapless top and white linen pants that complement the warm weather and the sophisticated atmosphere of the event.
"I can't believe Rob and John sat this one out because they were 'too tired', Aaron remarks, shaking his head in disbelief. 
"Well, they don't have the energy of a 5-year-old, unlike you," you tease, playfully nudging him. "But hey, more champagne for us," you add with a mischievous grin as you grab two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter. "Cheers."
The bubbles tickle your nose as you take a sip, savoring the crisp and refreshing taste. 
Camera flashes illuminate the room as people mingle and engage in lively conversations. You're stopped every 5 minutes by someone wanting to take a picture with you. You oblige every time with a smile, posing for each photo and exchanging pleasantries. After all, that's why you're here for. 
Everything was going smoothly until someone bumped into you, causing you to spill champagne all over your clothes. The cold liquid seeps mostly through the fabric of your top, leaving a sticky sensation against your skin. 
"Oh, my bad," you hear a thick Australian accent apologize. You turn to see a rather tall, tan-skinned, handsome man with a sheepish grin on his face. Did you say how handsome he was? And what the fuck was he smiling for? 
Once he realizes who you are, his eyes widen in surprise and anguish. People start noticing the commotion and turn their attention towards the two of you. The man quickly grabs your arm and pulls you away from the crowd, his grip firm but gentle. 
"Hey! Where are you taking me!" you protest, trying to free your arm from his grasp. His grip tightens slightly, but he maintains a calm demeanor as he leads you towards a quieter corner. As you reach a bathroom, he finally releases his hold on you and takes a step back, his expression filled with concern. 
"Relax, I'm not kidnapping you." 
The chaos around you fades into the background as he shuts the door and starts grabbing paper towels. "Shit, here," he says, handing you one. "Sorry for ruining your clothes."  
You start wiping the spilled drink off your clothes, a little annoyed at the inconvenience. You can feel his gaze burning into you without looking. 
"Do ya want me to give you mine?" he offers, gesturing towards his own shirt. "It might be a bit big on you, but at least it's dry." he pauses, waiting for your response. 
You stare at him. "And what? you're going to walk around shirtless?" you ask, raising an eyebrow. He chuckles. "Yeah, I have a banging body, so I'll just be doing everybody here a favor here, really," he replies with a smirk. 
You roll your eyes at his cocky remark. "I think I'll manage without your shirt, thanks," you say sarcastically. "But I appreciate the offer." 
He laughs as he observes you. "Okay, then let me find another way to make it up to you." 
"There's no need."
"Do you have plans tonight?"
"I'm fine."
"Does 7 p.m. sound good to you?"
"Where are you staying?" 
"I don't even know you."
"It's Daniel."
"Okay, Daniel. I don't know you, so no."
"But you could," he says with a playful glint in his eyes. "And who knows, it could be the start of something new." 
"Are you quoting High School Musical to me?" 
"Hey, it's a classic. And it was right there." 
You chuckle, unable to resist his charm. Something lights up in his eyes. 
"Listen, I won't push you anymore. It's up to you. Can't blame me for trying, though." you raise an eyebrow, considering his words. 
"I'm going to go now," you tell him, pointing at the door. 
He nods understandingly. "See ya later."
After about 30 more minutes of indulging everyone in conversation and enjoying the party, Lewis Hamilton finds you. "Hi sweetie, there you are," he greets you, ever so polite. "I heard chatter that you were here. I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow's practice sessions." 
"Oh yeah, but you know duty calls," you say with a smile as you lean in to hug him. "It's so nice to see you. Thanks again for the passes." 
"Oh, it's nothing. You would've gotten them without me, but I'm glad you called me instead. How have you been enjoying Monaco so far?" 
"Good, good—" you begin, but before you can finish your sentence, a burst of laughter you recognize from earlier erupts from across the room. "Actually, do you happen to know him?" you ask Lewis, gesturing with your head towards the source of laughter. Daniel is joyfully engaged in conversation with a group of people. Lewis follows your gaze and chuckles, "Ah, that's Daniel Ricciardo. He's a fellow Formula 1 driver and quite the character, to be honest. He's a cool dude." 
"Huh," is all you manage to say as you watch Daniel animatedly tell a story, his infectious laughter filling the room. 
"What are we looking at?" Renata and Aaron find you and join the conversation; their curiosity is piqued. 
"Nothing," you quickly respond. Renata immediately caught on to your evasive response and followed your gaze. "Oh, Daniel?" she exclaims, voice hushed and her eyes glinting with excitement. 
"Wait, you know who he is?"
"I did my homework on the plane. He drives for Renault, and he looks great doing it."
Lewis and Aaron chuckle at Renata's enthusiasm, sharing in her excitement. "I think Renata will be watching a few races from now on," Lewis remarks, causing everyone to laugh. Renata shrugs, a proud smile on her face. "Trust me, I will, but not for him. Have you heard of Charles Leclerc?" 
You're still staring at Daniel, dumbfounded. Wheels are turning in your mind. 
Aaron's voice interrupts your thoughts. "So...why are we still staring at him?" 
"I'm going on a date with him tonight." 
Your own declaration surprises you. 
"Wait, you are?" both of your friends say in unison, their eyes widening with curiosity. 
"Yes," you say, setting down your drink. "You guys ready to go now?" 
They nodded, not wanting to press further but clearly intrigued by this, and you said your goodbyes to Lewis, promising to see him on Friday at the track. As you made your way to the exit, you grabbed Daniel by the arm and pulled him aside. 
"Hotel Hermitage, 7 p.m., Room 303. Don't be late," you whispered, voice calm and steady. Daniel's mouth curled into a smile, but he maintained his composure and nodded, a feeling of excitement in his gaze. With a final pat on his shoulder, you rejoined your friends and headed out of the venue, eager for the evening ahead. 
You don't know what the hell you were thinking when you said yes. You could feel your anxiety building as the time approached—face flushed, stomach twisting in knots. James and Liz, your hair and makeup team, paused, laying out brushes and curling wands. "Everything okay, love?" James asked. "You want us out?" 
"No, keep going. You're almost done, anyway. I'm just internally freaking out a little." 
"You're great and look beautiful," Liz replied. "There's nothing to worry about."
You give her a tight smile and try to believe her words, but the nagging doubts continue to linger in the back of your mind. As the final touches are applied, you take a deep breath and say your goodbyes to them. 
"Good luck and have fun!" James says as Liz winks at you and closes the door. You chuckle at their enthusiasm. You walk back into the bedroom and pick up the black cocktail dress hanging on the closet door. The soft fabric feels comforting against your fingertips as you slip it on. The dress hugs your curves perfectly, accentuating your best features. You grab your clutch and check yourself in the mirror one last time. 
A knock on the door startles you. "Coming!" 
Breathe, you remind yourself. 
"Wow," Daniel says with a warm smile. "You look absolutely stunning. Are you ready to go?"  
You're sure your face must look like a tomato as you thank Daniel for the compliment. 
"Yes, let's." 
As you reach the entrance of the hotel, Daniel hands the valet a ticket, and he opens the door of his car for you. "My lady," he says with a playful bow. You can't help but feel a rush of excitement as you step into the very flashy luxury car. For an F1 driver, you didn't expect anything less. The soft leather seats hug your body as you settle in, and the sleek interior design adds to the overall opulence of the vehicle. Daniel starts the engine, and the car glides smoothly onto the road. 
"Where are you taking me?" 
He looks at you with a mischevious grin plastered on his face. "My friend Max is throwing a yatch party tonight, and I thought it would be the perfect way to spend the night," he says, revving the engine slightly. "But I intend to dine and wine you before we head there." 
"Oh," you reply nonchalantly, "Nice."
"Still playing hard to get?"
You shrug and give him a grin. 
"That's alright. I enjoy a good challenge," he replies, his eyes sparkling. "But I have a feeling that by the end of the week, you won't be able to resist my charm." He winks at you. 
"You're quite confident, aren't you?" you say, raising an eyebrow. "But don't underestimate my ability to resist." You smirk back at him, ready to prove him wrong. 
The car pulls up to the entrance of the restaurant, and you both step out onto the bustling street. You make your way inside. "Oh, I've been here before," you say lowly, feeling a little satisfied that it is something you've experienced already, so it's harder for him to impress you. 
You couldn't have been more wrong, though. 
The hostess greets you with a warm smile and leads you to the main dining area. As you follow her, you can't help but notice it's....empty. Not a single table is occupied. The dimly lit room feels intimate and cozy, with soft music playing in the background and red roses adorning each table.  
The hostess gestures towards a table in the middle of the room. "The waiter will be with you shortly," she says before leaving you alone. 
You turn around, facing Daniel. "Did you rent out the entire restaurant for us?" you ask, slightly surprised. Daniel chuckles and shakes his head. "No, I just made a reservation for a quiet evening," he replies. 
"You're an awful liar."
"I just saw how hectic everything was for you this morning, with all the pictures and people clamoring for your attention. I wanted to give you a break from that and create a peaceful vibe for us to enjoy tonight," Daniel explains, his eyes filled with sincerity. 
You smile. "That's very thoughtful. Thank you."
"I have my moments." 
The night continues with the two of you enjoying the delicious food and engaging in fun and light conversation. The peaceful atmosphere allows you both to relax and truly connect with each other. 
Just what you needed but didn't realize until now. 
"You're literally always smiling," you tell him. In the very short time you've known Daniel, there's something constant about him: his distinctive smile. Daniel chuckles and replies, "It's amazing what surgery can do. Formula 1 pays really well, and I was able to put a lot of that money into permanent smile surgery."
You burst out laughing. "Well, they did a great job," you say, still chuckling.
You glided arm in arm onto the yatch, dry martinis in hand and a revolving stream of waitstaff to refill your drinks as soon as they emptied. You feel more relaxed and comfortable now. Maybe it was the three glasses of wine you had at dinner and the drink that's currently in your hand, or maybe it was the contagious laughter and carefree attitude of your date. 
Cote d'Azur was a smooth wash of precious stones at this time of year. The ocean's deep, smoky blue stretched out like a shiny carpet. Loud music blasted from the speakers, and the upper deck was transformed into a vibrant dance floor with people spinning and swaying to the beat. 
You wished you could rest your head on Daniel's shoulder without looking like you were already drunk. 
He excitedly introduced you to his friends, who instantly made you feel like part of their tight-knit circle. As the night progressed, you found yourself effortlessly blending in. 
"So how did this insufferable clown manage to take you out on a date?" Max asked, his voice loud over the booming music. 
You shared a brief glance with Daniel. "He spilled champagne all over me."
"And then she couldn't help but fall for my charming personality and good looks," Daniel interjected with a playful grin. 
"Yes, that's exactly what happened." 
Daniel puts a hand on your lower back, and you mindlessly lean into his touch. "You wanna go outside for a bit?" 
The need for some fresh air and a break from the crowded room causes you to hum in agreement. You leaned over and observed the white waves as they cut through the water as you came across a section of railing near the stern of the yatch. 
The sound of the waves crashing against the yacht provided a soothing soundtrack to your conversation. As you leaned against the railing, Daniel's playful banter continued. 
"Are you having fun?" 
"Very much so," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. 
"So I'm winning sooner than I thought I would."
"Winning what exactly, Daniel?" you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully. "The game of enjoying this beautiful yacht ride? Then yes, I suppose you are." 
He laughed, but it wasn't his usual boisterous laugh. It was a softer, more genuine sound that made your heart flutter. 
He came closer. "Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?" 
As he leaned in, you could feel the warmth of his presence enveloping you. His eyes were locked with yours. 
"You're falling for me," he whispered, his voice husky. The words sent a shiver down your spine, confirming what you had been trying to deny for the past hour or so. Not because you didn't find him charming or attractive, but because you felt like you were betraying the person who broke your heart months ago. 
How can someone break your heart if it wasn't theirs to begin with? 
You push back those thoughts. 
The playful banter that played out all night faded into the background as a new energy filled the air, sparking a connection between the two of you that was impossible to ignore. 
You give in. 
"You think?" 
He nods, his eyes dark. Your hands were encircling his neck, one at the nape of his neck and the other against the side, where you could feel his heart pounding beneath the pads of your fingers. Your fingers scraped at bristled hairs as you held onto his curls, and you enjoyed the feel of them rubbing against the pads of your fingers. You were tightly gripping him in your hands, not allowing even a millimeter to pass.
Daniel couldn’t decide where to touch you. You huffed a breath against his mouth as the lightest of touches - the barest featherweight of fingertips, like your skin was made of silk, traced along the curve of your jawline. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, making you crave more of his touch. His fingers continued their exploration, trailing down the nape of your neck, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. 
He had pressed you against the railing at your back with no warning, and you felt the firm pressure of it. And now you arose from it, attempting to cling to every bone-hard surface of Daniel's body. His lips found yours in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire within you that consumed all rational thought.
"People are watching," you whispered breathlessly, breaking the kiss reluctantly. Daniel's eyes met yours, filled with a mix of desire and mischief. He smirked, his hand sliding down your waist possessively. 
"Let them."
You were so fucked. 
You’d barely been able to breathe these past couple of days with events and rendezvous with Daniel consuming your every waking moments. It was fast paced and you found yourself completely swept up in the whirlwind of emotions. He was showing you his world and you were willingly diving headfirst into it. 
It was Saturday morning, which meant is qualifying day and despite all of the media commitments and preparation that Daniel had to do, he’d promised breakfast as a way to make up for it. So here you were at a cafe only a short walk from the circuit, chewing your way through a delicious stack of pancakes while Daniel sipped on his coffee. 
It felt oddly comforting to be sitting there with him. He was a stranger to you just a few days ago, but now he feels like a familiar presence. The conversations flowed effortlessly between you; he was funny, attentive, and attentive, but most importantly, he wasn't afraid of showing you off and telling you how much he liked you. 
From the moment you crossed paths, he showed interest in you and made an effort. You haven't questioned whether he genuinely liked you or not. It was nice to be with someone who didn't play games or hide their feelings. 
Your mind has also found a new way to torture you: whenever you felt happy with Daniel, a nagging voice in the back of your head would remind you of him. 
Him. Him. Him. 
You couldn't even say or think of his name. It was too much.  
And yes, you were content, but you couldn't help but think about it. 
The first time you tasted Daniel's lips, you were let down it wasn't the same. That feeling of disappointment lingered, but as days passed, it dissipated more and more. Maybe one day it'll be gone completely, you thought. 
"So let me get this straight," you say, putting your fork and knife down on the plate. "You were on your way to winning in 2016, but a pit stop error cost you the race?" 
Daniel nods. "It haunted me for so long. I couldn't shake off the frustration."
You grab your coffee and lean back on the chair, listening intently. "It was very dark. I should've been happy because I was on the podium in Monaco, and that's huge, but I was miserable. The whole time, all I wanted to do was smash everything to pieces and scream, which is something you do not want to do in front of Monaco royalty, by the way." 
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Daniel's emotional upheaval. This was clearly a pivotal moment for him. "So, what finally helped you move past that?" you ask, curious to hear his response. 
"Well," Daniel begins, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I won last year." 
"Yeah, that'll do it." 
You both laugh, and he places a hand on your knee beneath the table. "But honestly," he continues, his voice softening. "It wasn't just about winning. It was about proving to myself that I could overcome my own limitations and achieve greatness." 
"So...winning basically," you respond, teasingly. 
"See, I wanted to be humble about it, but let's be real, winning felt pretty damn good," Daniel admits with a sheepish grin. "I love winning."  
You snort in amusement, "Well, I guess a little bit of bragging rights never hurt anyone." 
You two carry on with your meals. His left hand still on your knee, and the air filled with contentment. 
While Daniel returned from the qualifying weigh-in, you waited at the back of the garage. You had gradually gotten to know the Renault team over the previous two days. Everyone, from the mechanics to the media team, has been friendly and welcoming to you. You're still trying to decide whether it's because of Daniel, your status, or that they were just nice. Pretty sure it was all three. 
You were aware that it would be best for you to stay out of the way as the team worked and the broadcasting teams were filming in and around the pit lane, but you were unable to hide in Daniel's prep room. At the back of the garage, you found a calm area where you could watch the busy activity without being a nuisance. 
You were aware that, although you might have been in the VIP sections, you couldn't be that far away from him. You were able to feel more connected to Daniel and the team's spirit by spending time in the garage.
The phone had been ringing nonstop all day in the back pocket of your pants; the screen frequently flashed with new notifications from your social media accounts or texts or calls from friends and family. You were aware that the countless pictures of Daniel and you parading through Monaco were the root of the problem. 
It was truly a sight to behold to be watching him race around the track and walk around the paddock. 
He was in his element. 
"You look cute, baby," he says, referring to the oversized headseat on your head. His face flushed from the heat, and yours from the compliment. His hair was messy and a little damp from sweat, evidence of the intense racing. He looked perfect. 
He leaned in for a kiss, his lips brushing against yours, electricity rushing through you. 
"I think you're winning," you say, your eyes fixed on him. 
"Aw, that's sweet of you, baby, but I didn't qualify that great," he chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 
"That's not what I meant."
His face is puzzled for a moment before realization dawns on him. He smirks, his signature smile spreading across his face. "Oh," he says, his voice filled with warmth and affection. 
"Yeah," you say, barely above a whisper, your eyes never leaving his. 
"I told you so," he replies, his voice filled with confidence and pride. 
"Shut up," you say playfully before kissing him again.
You were falling for him. 
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a/n: oh oh pedro...someone's stealing your girl. are you guys team pedro or team daniel?
Reblog or like if you enjoyed it! thank you for reading :)
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fablesrose · 8 months
S2 Ch 4 - The Beantown Bailout Job
Series Rewrite Masterlist 
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Ford!Reader
Description: The team is reunited in Boston and help a father-daughter pair with the mob.
Words: 5498
I woke up a little earlier than I normally do, got dressed and walked across the hall. I entered with my spare key and started making breakfast and coffee. 
After the whole deal with Blackpoole, Nate was looking for a fresh start, and he decided that that would look like living close to me in Boston. He stayed with me for a few weeks while he got his stuff in order, and then the condo across the hall opened up. He decided to stay close. I didn’t mind, it meant I could keep an eye on him, make sure he was doing okay, especially since he stopped drinking, almost cold turkey. 
I heard him walk down the stairs, “what are you doing here?
I looked up to see him in a well pressed suit, “well, it’s your first day at this new job isn’t it?”
I finished up the breakfast I was making right as the coffee maker indicated it was done. I handed them both to him at the counter before dishing myself a plate.
“Thank you, y/n.” He started to sip on his mug, “Do you have work going on today?”
“I’m vetting possible clients, but no projects, why?”
“Just curious. Uh, Sophie has a musical tonight, here in Boston. Do you wanna come with me?”
“Sure, sounds fun.” I halfway entertained the idea of everyone else being there, but the chances of that were slim. But imagining seeing Eliot again was still a bit fun. 
He left shortly after, I finished cleaning up and returned to my own apartment. It was only a few hours later when I heard the door across the hall slam closed. I quickly called Nate.
“Was that you that just slammed your door closed?”
“What are you doing back already? It’s not even lunch time.”
“I quit.”
“It was just too much.”
I sighed, “Okay.”
“I also helped this girl and her dad get out of a car wreck.”
“I’m a bit worried about them, something seems off. I might go visit them in the hospital again sometime…”
“I’ll talk to you later.”
The things this man gets himself into…
He knocked on my door that evening, walking in when I called him. I looked at the outfit he was wearing and looked at my own to see we were both in a nicer casual.
“Cool, let me grab my keys.”
We arrived at the theater with plenty of time to spare. As we looked around the opening foyer I heard a voice at the front desk.
“Parker. No, just one name.”
I touched Nate’s arm to point out that Parker was here. Soon as we looked around, I saw that the rest of the crew had come as well. We greeted each other before Sophie came out and said hi. 
“I didn’t know you could sing,” Hardison commented to Sophie.
“You know, not as well as I act, but yeah.”
Hardison and Parker made a bit of horrified eye contact that left me confused. Hardison saw this and shook his head as if to say, ‘don’t ask.’
There was an awkward moment between Nate and Sophie before Sophie insisted on us all meeting up afterwards before she dashed off.
I guess it was time for the show.
It was awful, and that’s all that needs to be said. 
We all went to McRory’s pub after the show. Sophie was distraught as Parker rad some of the reviews.
“Never before has a production of The Sound of Music made me root for the Nazis.”
I cringed a bit in sympathy.
Eliot sat down at the bar with Nate, he was surprised that he had stopped drinking, “how do you know about this place then?”
“We rent condos upstairs,” I told him.
“Condos? Plural?”
I looked at Nate, “we each needed our own space.”
Eliot only nodded. 
Sophie stopped Parker, “No there is nothing you can say to make me feel better.”
“I know what can make you feel better. We should steal something.”
Nate opposed. 
“Yes, we could do it together!” Sophie finally seemed excited. 
“I like this. Get right back up on the bike.” Eliot commented
“Bike of crime,” Parker added.
“Didn’t you earlier tell me how great your new lives were?” Nate asked.
“Yeah, well, I stole the Hope Diamond.” Parker said, “Then I put it back. Yeah, because I was bored. Didn’t care.”
“I spent three days hacking the White House email. No buzz.”
“See?” Sophie pointed.
“But we are doing some pretty hinky stuff in Pakistan. Hinky…”
“Look, I’m miserable. They’re miserable…” Sophie said to Nate before asking Eliot, “Okay, what have you been doing the last six months?”
He hesitated, “I was in Pakistan…”
I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged. 
“You… You see what you did?” Hardison asked Nate, “You took the world’s best criminals, hitter, hacker, grifter, thief. You took us and you broke us.”
“No, no. I… What I did, I taught you how to help people. That’s all.” Nate argued.
“This is the problem with being the good guy! It gets under your skin.” Eliot explained. 
I just took a sip of my mild drink, watching this all happen.
“Look Nate,” Sophie said, “you have to have some poor little lost soul somewhere who needs a little extra legal aid.”
“Look, we agreed that we would just move on.”
“Yeah, but… we’re thieves!”
“Not me! Look, it was great. It was fun, it was wonderful while it lasted, but, you know, I was drunk for most of the time to be honest with you-”
“But you were good,” Eliot interrupted.
“You were the best.”
“We were the best.”
I smiled over my glass, watching them wear Nate down. This was good for him, they were good for him. 
“Listen, I owe all of you, and I’m very proud of what we did, I really am, but… I got my life back and I intend to keep it that way.”
My smile fell. I tried to stare him down, but Nate was pointedly avoiding eye contact. 
“And I am not a thief.” He stood from the bar and walked out, “it was great to see all of ya. Good night.”
I stood as well, “I’m sorry about him, maybe stick around town for a while? It was nice to see you guys again.”
“Don’t worry about it y/n. It was good to see you too.” Eliot said before everyone else said their goodbyes. 
I caught up to Nate on the stairs.
“‘I got my life back?’ Nate, you don’t know what to do with yourself anymore!”
“Y/n, I’m going straight. I’m gonna get a job, a normal job! I’ll figure it out.”
“You better, because these guys saved you better than I ever could. Don’t throw them away.”
He looked at me, “Okay.”
“Okay, I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up too late.”
He waved me off as I stepped into my apartment. I contemplated working a bit more, but decided against it and went straight up to my room and crashed. 
The next day I felt bad for what I said. I looked at the clock and figured he would probably be up by now, even if he quit his job. I walked across the hall, but could hear lots of things happening inside Nate’s apartment. 
I knocked on the door and gently pushed it open, sticking my head in. “Nate?”
“Get out of there!” 
“What?” I saw Nate was on the couch and he was looking towards the kitchen. I stepped in further to see that the whole crew was there in Nate’s apartment.
Nate looked over to me and waved me in further into the apartment as if to say, ‘fine, come on in.’
“What are you guys doing here? Get all this stuff out of here, you’re planning something I know it. Come on, get out of my house, out!” Nate got off the couch and started trying to shew the team away.
“Someone tried to kill you last night.”
Everyone snapped their heads over to me with a slightly guilty expression. 
“I’m fine.”
Eliot turned back to Nate, “What do you want us to do man? You want us to just blow town, let you figure it out?”
“Yes, actually, that’s exactly what I want you to do.”
“Nate.” I gave him a pointed look, “what did we talk about last night? If someone tried to kill you then we’re gonna need some help.”
“We’re nothing y/n, you’re not getting involved with this.”
“Bullcrap, I’m a grown ass woman, and you obviously are acting like a child!”
Sophie interjected, not letting that go too far, “We found the phone number of the hospital in your pocket, Nate. We know what you did. We know you saved that guy’s life and the little girl, and we’re all really proud of you!”
I sat next to Eliot at the table, Parker on my other side, dressed like a nun, as he applauded Nate. 
“Look, nobody else is gonna help that guy and his little girl, okay?” Hardison said seriously, “that’s what we do, we help people.”
Nate just continued to make coffee. 
“By the way, I compared Sophie’s description of your attacker to the accident footage from the security camera.” He typed away at his laptop, “Do you realize that on average, people are caught on security cameras thirteen times a day?”
“That’s crazy,” I commented and Hardison nodded at me. 
“It is crazy, but we can track him…” He trailed off, “I lost him in this.”
I peaked over the table to see the man on camera take papers out of the briefcase he stole from the man in the crash and dash off. 
“Yeah, well, I found this empty briefcase belonging to Matt Kerrigan at that intersection” Eliot told Nate who was becoming more interested. 
“It’s, uh, Boston Commonwealth Bank right?”
“No,” Nate corrected, “First Independent Boston. That’s where Kerrigan works, come on.”
I smiled, Hardison seeming to have the same thought as me. 
“Who’s this guy?” Eliot pointed at the laptop, and I followed where he was pointing. 
“You don’t know, do you? It’s Kerrigan’s boss, that guy, Leary.” Nate brushed off the stares he got from the crew. 
“Well, who’s the other guy?”
“It’s not clear enough for facial recognition.”
“Well the problem is, those two cats went down to the safety deposit boxes.”
Parker stood, “which is the only room in every bank with absolutely no cameras.”
“Which means we up, baby,” Hardison stood and finished his priest outfit to fit with Parker’s nun. “They tried to kill Kerrigan for what was in the briefcase… We’re gonna steal it back.” He continued as the two of them left.
Eliot laughed, “She’s dressed that way because she’s doin’ a con…”
“What, you thought she was dressed like a nun for no reason?” Nate asked.
“It’s Parker,” Eliot pointed out.
“I didn’t question it either Nate,” I raised my hand. Eliot pointed at me appreciatively.
“Well, fair enough,” Nate conceded. “Okay, I want you out of my house, out.” Naate continued after a moment. He explained that he was going to get cleaned up and he wasn’t involved with any of it. He wanted everything out of his house.
After he went up stairs I turned to Sophie and Eliot who were still there, “you guys can stay, if you need to hide from him pop over to my place across the hall.” I stood from the table and walked towards the door, “keep me in the loop please, I wanna know what's going on!”
“We will, y/n, thank you!” Sophie called. 
I heard Eliot mention something about all of Nate’s sports channels before I closed the door behind me. 
It was a few hours later when Sophie called me back over to Nate’s place. I saw that they had really set up shop in his living room, practically begging for his participation. They gave me a quick recap of what happened, Parker and Hardison going to the bank and retrieving the files Kerrigan had, and then Eliot going to the mob’s fake businesses running into some mob people in the process.
Eliot unpacked a duffel, “This is all the stuff I found in the warehouse, in the boxes.”
Clothing and calendars clearly from the ‘80s were tossed around. I laughed as Parker put on a jacket with the largest shoulder pads I had ever seen.
“This stuff hasn’t left the warehouse since the 1980s” Sophie commented. 
“I feel like a robot,” Parker swung her arms around while in the jacket.
“Wait, so if these are supposed to be just fake businesses, how come their financials are so squeaky clean?” Sophie asked. 
I tilted my head and was about to speak when Nate beat me to it. 
“Because they’re fake businesses.” He paused and tried to justify himself a bit before he continued when no one else commented, “Sophie, how do you catch mob guys?”
“Uh, two glasses of Chianti and a story about my grandma in Sicily.”
“How does the government catch mob guys?” He amended.
“Taxes,” multiple people answered.
“Eh, that’s how they got Capone,” Hardison commented.
“That’s how they get everybody,” Sophie added, “they never get you for the crime, they always get you for the taxes. It’s not really fair.”
“So thirty years ago the O’Hares got very smart,” Nate started with his explanation. “You see, they set up all these shell companies: fake sales, fake receipts. They launder all their money through them.”
“And everybody in the family gets a salary,” Hardison realizes. “Yeah, they pay withholding, payroll taxes, pension. It’s all old school.”
“That’s why the businesses are clean,” Eliot adds, “They’re dirty from the inside.”
I found it fascinating how they bounced off each other so easily, it almost seemed like it was rehearsed. Like perhaps they were egging Nate on. 
“Well, yeah, if you have a body in the trunk of your car, you’re gonna drive under the speed limit, aren’t you?” Nate explained. 
“You know, when you’re sober your metaphors get creepier,” Parker tells him.
“I mean, he’s not wrong though.” Everyone turned towards me and I shrugged. 
“But, wait wait,” Hardison interjects, “that still doesn’t explain the last six months of running up bad loans.”
“All from a bank that’s about to close” Sophie mentions. 
“Close?” Nate asked. “No, not close. Get bailed out.” Nate stood from where he was perched on his desk and approached us, “Look, we got a banker in the pocket of the mob. Mob takes out bad loans, cleans out the bank, knowing, three days from now, the government’s gonna come along and then, you know, bail the bank out.”
Eliot sat next to me on the couch as Nate stepped to the front of the group as he explained their operation. I smiled at him and how his knee brushed against mine before turning back to Nate.
“I mean, it’s perfect. You know, I don’t even think it’s illegal. It’s…” He paused, looking out the window before turning back to us, “I mean, if we were gonna do this… this job…”
“Just this one job,” Sophie said.
“Yes, just this one… I mean the con you’d wanna do…”
“Hypothetically,” Hardison added.
“Hypothetically, you know, is the turnabout, of course.”
“Ohh, that is a good one!” Sophie cheers.
I looked back and forth from her to Nate. I have never felt so lost.
“You know, it takes five people to do the turnabout,” Eliot mentions.
“That’s true, there's just four of us,” Sophie said.
“And a half,” Eliot glances at me with a shrug, “just saying.”
I smirked as Nate glared at the two of us.
“One more person, hmm,” Parker eggs a bit.
“Yeah, we gotta scare the banker into turning against the mob,” Nate said contemplatively. “Alright. Alright, we’ll do this job, just this one.”
The rest humbly agreed with him, acting as if it were a surprise.
“Hardison, you and Parker, you’re gonna be on the badge,” Nate directed. “Eliot, sheepdog. Sophie-”
“Ice queen!” She completed.
“And I’m the bag man. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go call a professional killer who tried to murder me and arrange to meet him in an isolated location.”
I slowly raised my hand.
“You are going to stay here. You’ll be lucky if you get to participate in this one.”
I sighed, “Fair… I guess. Can you tell me what a turnabout con is?”
“All in due time.” He walked off, presumably to make his phone call. 
“See that? He did miss us!” Sophie awed.
“More than he’d like to admit, that’s for sure,” I looked at all of them before adding, “but I didn’t tell you that.”
They all smiled and nodded, Hardison making a zipped lips motion.
Everyone got ready for their respective roles, and while I wasn’t involved, they let me out of the apartment to observe, and maybe help a little. I came along with Hardison, Parker, and Eliot. I waited around the corner until Eliot finished his intimidating stare passing by Leary. When he came around the corner, he handed me a few of the mini explosive charges to help place them on the wall of the bank. 
“Hey, this detonator, if I’m around the corner, is it still gonna be in range?” Eliot asked Hardison while we walked away.
“Should be. I haven’t worked out all the kinks yet… Sometimes the things just go off,” Hardison answered.
I blanched a bit, “What?”
Eliot stopped him, “Wait, hey. I thought you said this thing was safe.”
“Mostly. Mostly safe. I was very specific. Sometimes the frequencies get messed up.”
“What frequencies, man? Huh? I got these things in my pants,” Eliot scrambled, reaching into his pockets.
“Like, uh, you know, a garage door opener, a car alarm.”
Just then a woman came out of the bank and accidentally set off her car alarm near us. Eliot and I flinched and I became very aware of the few left over explosives in my hand.
I quickly shoved them into Hardison’s hands, “take them.”
Eliot was still digging them out of his pockets when Parker asked Hardison, “what are the odds that Eliot’s crotch will actually explode?”
“Dammit Hardison,” Eliot exclaimed as he walked off.
I cringed in sympathy while Hardison laughed. He called Sophie to get an update. Everything seemed to be going to plan with Nate and Sophie having an in with the mob and we went to meet them back at Nate’s apartment with the exception of Eliot who would stick around for Leary. He would set off the explosives acting like gunshots once he came out of the bank.
Once Nate came back and it was determined he was no worse for wear, he decided he was going to go visit the Kerrigans.
“Do you want me to come with you?” I asked, while I knew he was much better with hospitals now, it didn’t hurt to have someone with him. 
He contemplated for a second before nodding. 
Once we arrived at the father’s hospital room, we approached the daughter sitting next to him. Nate said hi first and then introduced me to her. I sat next to her with Nate standing on the other side of the bed. 
She was fiddling with a necklace she had on, but stopped when she noticed I had noticed, “Nervous habit.”
I nodded, “what is that?”
She picked it up again to look at it, “St. Brigid. My mother’s name. Dad got it for me after she died.”
“So how are you doing?” Nate asked her after a moment. 
Her face twisted in disappointment, “They say the accident is his fault.”
“No,” Nate quickly replied, “No, now listen, your dad, he found some papers at work, and he was trying to figure out what they meant, and he got a little too close to something…”
“No, but it’s not his fault. It was my fault," she insisted.
I placed my hand on her shoulder, “No, no, it wasn’t your fault.”
“He said something was bothering him at work. I told him to call the police, and now… now they…” she trailed off before speaking again. “There are wolves in the world. That’s what dad says, ‘be careful, Zoe. There are wolves in the world.’”
Nate nodded and circled the bed to crouch next to her, “He was not wrong.”
She grasped her father’s hand, “so the world’s just like this, huh? Bad people do bad things, and they always get away with it. Nobody stops them.”
I looked at Nate who had the same grim look on his face as I did. We stayed for a little bit longer, but it soon came time to get back.
The plan was coming to its final act. Hardison passed out new earbuds while explaining that they were more comfortable and even better than before. I put one in and realized that they were more comfortable than I remembered them. 
“Okay, if this works, our friend Mr. Leary, he goes to the State Police, he runs, he spills his guts. Eliot, make sure he gets there.”
“I’m on it.”
“Wait, Eliot,” Nate called him, looking at me. 
He turned back.
“Take y/n with you. Keep her safe, please. She should be good with surveillance.”
I smiled before following Eliot.
Nate grabbed my arm when I passed, “Be careful.”
“I will.”
We didn’t talk much when watching for Leary. We quickly followed when he got in his car and drove off. Everything seemed to be going great at first. Nate was talking to the O’Hares when Leary started making a few wrong turns if he were going to the police. 
“Eliot, where is he going?”
He grunted, “I don’t know yet.”
Soon he pulled into the harbor and we quickly swung around to the other side before following on foot. 
“Eliot, y/n, is Leary with the cops? We don’t have a lot of room for error,” Nate asked through the comms. 
“Uh, slight problem Nate,” I responded.
“Leary drove down to the waterfront, dumped his car. He’s headin’ right for you.” Eliot tucked me behind him when Leary walked past.
“He was supposed to go to the cops.”
“Well then I don’t know what he’s doing,” Eliot responded to Nate before turning to me. “I’m gonna follow him, you go back to the car, I don’t know what’s going on. Stay safe and out of sight from the mob guys.”
I opened my mouth, but didn’t say anything. I quickly closed it and nodded before turning back towards the car we came in. As much as I wanted to help, I was in way over my head here. On the way to the car, there was a group of mob guys approaching. I quickly ducked behind some junk and debris and held my breath as they passed by my hiding spot. I peeked around to see that there was one who stuck around the area of my escape route. Luckily he was far enough away to not notice me, but if I moved too much, or tried to run, that wasn’t guaranteed. 
I whispered, hoping Hardison was right that the comm would pick it up, “Eliot, be careful, there's mob guys coming your way.”
“Okay, guys, it’s not O’Hare,” I heard Nate through my comm. 
“What?” Sophie asked.
“Uh, no. O’Hare is not the boss is what I’m saying.” 
“No. This whole con was built around O’Hare.” 
“Ooh, they’re probably gonna shoot Nate in the face,” Parker said.
“Uh, Parker, I can hear you.”
I bit my lip, trying not to make a sound. I kept peeking around to see that the mob guy was still there, just smoking a cigarette leisurely.  
Parker apologized as Sophie emphasized our predicament. 
“Alright, listen, we’re gonna have to make this one up as we go.”
I listened as Nate talked to O’Hare and Leary, trying to smooth over some wrinkles. I peeked out again to see the guy had finished his cigarette and walked off in the same direction as the previous group. I waited for him to pass and get far enough away before dashing off to the car. Luckily there was nobody else in the way of me getting further from the warehouse. I slipped in the car with a sigh of relief and locked myself in. I eagerly listened to my comm to find out what was going on.
There was some grunting and rustling that seemed to come from Eliot, “Alright, alright!”
“Eliot?” I asked, “Are you okay?”
I only heard an intentional hum in reply before Eliot whispered to someone, “You better know what you’re doing.”
There was a beat before Nate called, “Hey, hey, he’s got a state trooper badge!”
I could hear other people talking, but not what they were saying before Eliot whispered a “woah.”
Then I heard more clearly from O’Hare, “you kill him. I fixed Kerrigan’s breaks, I’m not killing a cop!”
“Look, you screwed up Kerrigan!” Leary replied. 
“No, uh, he’s right. You’re right. He’s-” Nate stuttered along before he was cut off by what sounded like gunshots.
I yelled, “Nate? Eliot? Guys, what’s going on?!”
Hardison responded in my ear, “it’s all good, just stay put, we got this.”
Sophie started speaking in character, “has he got a wire? Come on Ford, get with it! Check him for a wire!”
I sighed in relief, they’ve got this.
“Yes, right on it,” Nate responded.
“This isn’t how we do it in Boston,” I heard O’Hare say.
“Really? This is exactly how we do it in London, except we usually use a razor blade.”
I shivered at the connotation, Sophie could be scary while in character.
“No wire… He has his cellphone though!” Nate called. 
“Hit redial, see who he called,” Sophie said to Leary once he said there was no speed dial number saved. “Leary, right? Annie Kroy,” Sophie introduced herself, “nice little number with the banks there. It’s a shame the rest of your operation’s a bit of a balls-up.”
I heard someone’s phone ringing before Leary asked, “O’Hare? Why was a cop’s last phone call to you?”
I was confused too, I thought back and Eliot never called O’Hare. I realized though, that Nate was supposed to call O’Hare after Eliot and I left. Nate must have given them his phone instead!
“This is… This is a setup,” O’Hare tried to explain. 
“How is this a setup?” Leary asked. “She shot the cop.”
“Yeah, and he’s the one that dialed the phone,” Sophie added. 
“You didn’t want us to shoot him either, did you?” Leary accused, “Why, did you know him?”
“It wasn’t like that! Come on, you know I was in this thing from the beginning.” 
I smiled hearing them bicker and turn on each other. This team sure does know how to create chaos.
“Why… why would I be involved?”
Leary called for his people to follow him, so I assumed O’Hare ran away. 
Eliot stashed the car in a spot where I could see Hardison and Parker peel around the corner towards the warehouse where it sounded like they picked up O’Hare. I listened as they got O’Hare to admit to the bank fraud, Leary’s part in it, as well as the Kerrigan hit.
“Yes!” I cheered, “Hardison, did you record that?”
I heard it played back in my ear as a confirmation.
“Those were the state cops who questioned me!” Leary was back in the warehouse, supposedly with Sophie and Nate.
“Well, do they got any evidence?” Sophie asked.
“No, no, nothing real, just O’Hare’s word against mine.”
“And no documents?”
“No. No, no, I have those. But Kerrigan saw them.”
“And there’s just one problem,” Nate said, “we’re screwed if he wakes up.”
“He won’t,” Leary replied, “Kerrigan’s the last loose end. I’ll take care of him myself.”
“Hey, hey! Whoa, whoa, wait. What about him?”
“Him? Hey, I never touched him. Your fingerprints are all over him. I’ll clean up my mess, you clean up yours.”
I scoffed at how much of a scummy guy Leary was, “Did he really just say that?”
“Afraid so, y/n,” Nate replied. “So, how’d you do it?”
I heard a grunt from Eliot, “Detonator… Ketchup.”
“Ah, the classics.”
“Is that what those gunshots were?” I asked.
“Yes, dear, Eliot had a lovely death scene,” Sophie answered excitedly.
Eliot met me back at the car, sliding into the driver's seat.
“Are you okay?” I asked one more time.
He smiled at me, “Yeah, I might be a little sore, but fine.” He looked down at his chest, “need a new shirt though.” 
I looked at his shirt, and sure enough, he had holes and ketchup everywhere causing me to laugh.
“Were you okay?” He asked me as he put the car in drive.
“Yeah, just had to play hide and seek with some mob guys before getting here, but all good. I was entertained listening to the whole affair from here.”
He rolled his eyes with a smirk as we drove back to the apartment. 
It was a few days later when Kerrigan was well enough to come into the pub where Nate handed over a check. It was from the IRS for Kerrigan finding the tax fraud. He thanked us and started to walk away, but Zoe stayed for a moment. 
She hugged me and then Nate, thanking us as well. “There are wolves in the world,” she said while looking at all of us, “but sometimes they’re the good guys, I guess.” She took Nate’s hand and placed what I saw was her necklace in it.
Nate admired it after she walked away.
“Still your last job?” Sophie asked him.
“Well, uh, maybe, um” Nate stumbled over his words, “I mean, you know, until I find a job I like enough, you know, to stay out of the bars.”
“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop,” Hardison said.
“And then I’m out, I’m done.”
The others agreed half heartedly, as if they didn’t believe him. For the record, I didn’t either. Eliot, Parker, and Hardison left, and I followed shortly after, leaving Nate and Sophie alone. It was a crazy life they all led, and I couldn’t help but think I couldn’t wait until the next time.
I climbed the stairs and glanced at Nate’s door to see it slightly ajar. Curious, I pushed it open and peaked in. Inside I saw Hardison start to set up some TVs.
He looked up at me, “Oh, hey! You wanna come help me level this?”
I approached cautiously, but helped nevertheless, “What are these for?”
“These are awesome for briefings and watching cameras, sports too.”
“Where’s Parker and Eliot?”
“She’s grabbing some stuff, Eliot’s working next door.”
“Next door-”
The door opened and shut and I looked over to see Nate walk in.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing there?” He said once he saw us. 
“I’m runnin’ this CAT-5 cable to the-”
“Oh, no, no, no, no. You don’t understand. I don’t want to have these monitors in my apartment,” he explained before turning to me, “and why are you helping him?”
I shrugged, “I just didn’t ask questions.”
“Coming through!” Parker came in holding a large painting.
Nate backtracked towards her, “No! Parker, no! Not that painting! I don’t ever want to see that painting.”
Parker stopped and waved it in front of her as she spoke in a funny voice, “Hi, I’m old Nate and I live here too!”
“You can’t just break in here and start hanging stuff…”
Hardison stopped him, “For repairs and renovations, your landlord has full access to your dwellings. It’s in the lease.”
That made me pause, “What?”
“What are you doing reading my lease?”
“I bought the building!”
“You bought the…”
“You’re our landlord?” I hesitantly fist bumped Hardison when he offered it. 
I flinched when a chainsaw noise started and followed Nate when he found where the noise was coming from. The chainsaw was coming from the other side of the wall through to Nate’s apartment.
Nate repeated no when he saw what was happening, but it was futile. Eliot walked in after cutting out a makeshift door covered in sawdust. He looked very proud of himself, but with the cloud of dust that came out, I couldn’t react other than sneeze.
Nate coughed before turning to me, “why didn’t they do this to your apartment? You’re the one who wanted them around.”
“Whoa,” Eliot said.
“We’re not gonna crash a lady’s apartment,” Hardison finished as if it were a no-brainer.
I huffed out a laugh and a shrug, not fighting it when Hardison and Parker wrapped their arms around Nate and I’s shoulders. What a day.
Tags: @isoldeahlstrom @kniselle
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1ovede1uxe · 11 months
Did the Jojos watch Barbie or Oppenheimer?
I haven’t finished part 5/6 so I apologize if the last two are OOC !
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- wasn’t going to watch either, but Erina wanted him to go watch Barbie with her, so he did
- He enjoyed it a lot more than he thought he would!
- Enjoyed the messages and teared up too, even though he didn’t quite understand it quite on deep as a level as Erina did
- He wore a pink sweater vest bc Erina asked him to!!
Joseph (Part 2)
- Did the double feature and started with Barbie without telling anyone
- “Yeah I’m just going to see Oppenheimer, nothing else or anything”
- Once he got caught, he said he just wanted to look at Margot Robbie (he really initially wanted to go bc he heard the Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice song)
- Did not dress up
- Oppenheimer
- He went with the crusaders (everyone lives AU)
- No physical reaction the whole movie
- Didn’t expect the complete wrap around and then he instantly liked it bc wow
- Kakyoin and Avdol whispering to him throughout the movie facts about it and the history
- It kinda pissed him off
- Polnareff after the fact suggesting they all go see Barbie bc “that movie was a lot to handle 😭”
- They all not very sneakily sneak over to a Barbie theater
- Felt neutral about Barbie
- He hugged his mom when he got home
- Barbie 100%
- Made Okuyasu go
- He changed the yellow shirt to a pink one but that’s ab it
- Okuyasu wanted to see Oppenheimer after and then walked out after 20 min bc he thought there was gonna be more explosions and be more action packed
- They run into Yukako and Koichi. Yukako is all dressed up and Koichi is wearing a pink casual outfit
- Josuke loved Barbie and thought it had a powerful message but he wasn’t emotional
- Okuyasu thought Ken was funny
- He wanted to see Oppenheimer
- The whole Bucci gang made him see Barbie
- After Barbie they tried to watch Oppenheimer with Giorno but wouldn’t stfu during bc they were bored !!
- you KNOW these baddies (Jolyne, Foo and Ermes) are getting all dressed up and going out to watch Barbie
- they served absolute cvnt
- Jolyne and Ermes did not admit to crying but they both defo did
- Foo cried openly
- Jolyne would totally text her mom randomly afterwards with a heart
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Hello!! I would like an outsider ship please
I'm 5'5 with curly brown hair that I dye purple and Greenland it goes to just below my shoulders. My eye color is green and i wear glasses. My style tends to lean goth but on more casual days I look like a metalhead or a nerd. I listens to gothic rock, various metal genres, classical music, punk, ska and 60-80s rock. I love reading; I typically read horror, sci-fi and some classical books(currently read les miserables) but really down to read anything that sound interesting to me. I love horror movies, especially older horror movies, and I am a huge slasher movie fan. I also love star wars! I watch some anime and play DnD. I am a recovering theater kid(jk I'm not recover) and I love musicals. I have a RBF and I am fat. I'm fem presenting but my gender is a mystery and pronouns are whatever. I'm pansexual, so girl and/or boy ships are very welcome. I am learning how to play the guitar and skate board(I'm shit at both tho). I am a very needy/clingy person, not in a "i need affection constantly" way but more in a "im now stuck to your hip until you tell me to leave" and I love giving gifts to those I love. Sorry for this being pretty long.
Ps. Love your writing
(Why thank you pookie and bc of the compliment u got both a girl and a guy also you sound like so cool let’s be friends)
Your Outsiders Ship (s): Angela Shepard and Ponyboy Curtis!
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would be extremely attracted to you from your purple and green hair that just stands out from everyone else in the crowd and alternative style. I’m not sure if you wanted me to mention this or not, but he would not give two shits that you’re fat. Pomyboy is a firm believer in #bigthighssavelives (like me) and if anyone has anything to say about you, he would for sure punch them in the face, even though he’s not a generally violent guy. I just think he really loves the way you look and you really stand out in a crowd and got his attention immediately. He saw you walk by him. His mouth was open for a full minute. It dropped so low They had to dig a hole in the concrete to make room for it. I think he also just really loves your alternative style in general. As for music, he would love listening to any type of music you introduced him to. I think he’s pretty into alternative kind of sad or stuff and would love it if you introduced him and you guys would have the best dates of just listening to music and sitting down with a good book and then afterwards at some point discussing it with each other and coming up with theories and just talking about the characters, the books surrounds and things like that. as for your nerdy hobbies, I think he would love it. I think he would absolutely be into dungeons and dragons would create the most complex, insane characters that aren’t even really that good at fighting but you know they just build the story a lot I feel like that’s the type of character he would create in DND. For movies, I think he would be a bit scared by horror movies so be prepared to have him end up in your lap, clinging onto you or something because I don’t know. I just feel like he would be terrified of them lmaoo He doesn’t mind you’re needing us and clinginess, and I honestly think it kind of goes perfectly with him because he loves that you still respect his boundaries but give him the love and affection that he feels like he lacks sometimes anyway I totally ship 💚💚
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Explanation: OK I really ship you guys like so hard but starting off with appearances, I think that she would absolutely adore you. I think she would be a bit taller than you and find that absolutely adorable. I think that she really loves your hair and even wants to dye hers to sort of match yours a little bit she really loves your style and asks for fashion advice, like 24 seven so you better be prepared for that. She also thinks your glasses are incredibly cute and is constantly commenting on them and just loves the way that they make your eyes look. As for you being fat, she doesn’t really care at all if anything it just makes you guys have more subjects to bond over because she’s also used to being judged for the way that she looks maybe not in the same way as you, but she’s been treated pretty crappy by a lot of guys her entire life because of her both her family and, the fact that she stereotyped as a slut. People think that because she’s part of some big scary, greaser family that she can handle any kind of emotional damage and she’ll easily sleep with you which really isn’t true and she’s way more of a person than that and she really wishes people would see beyond that. She thinks it’s bad ass that you play guitar and I think she would ask if you would give her skating lessons and she absolutely sucks at it but you know it’s the thought that matters and I think that would become a little date for you. You guys that you frequently have like you’d have a scheduled day where you guys go to skate park and just have an absolute blast. I would love to introduce her because she has a generally limited range and generally is popular so whenever you introduced her many different genres, she’s mind blown and finally starts to get a little bit of diversity. as I think she’s used to being clingy and ignoring her like I said I just think guys have treated her really shitty in relationship so you would be just such a breath of fresh air and I think that she would absolutely love you and really appreciate, again, like Ponyboy that she feels wanted, but you’ll still respect her boundaries if she ever doesn’t feel like it.I SHIP THIS SO HARD BRO 💚
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thesolarangel · 1 year
Movie date
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Pairing: Steddie · Rating: G · No warnings, pure fluff! · 360 words · Ao3
Please reblog and leave a comment, thank you so much! ❤️
Summary: Eddie’s been flirting with Steve constantly. Steve noticed a while ago, but he’s not gonna do anything about it, he’s just having fun playing along and he wants to see when Eddie finally gathers the courage to ask him out.
Steve pulled up into the Munson’s trailer. Eddie and the kids were standing outside and Steve saw them joking around and saying their goodbyes as they noticed Steve entering the driveway.
Casually sauntering up to Steve’s car, Eddie stopped in front of the driver’s door and put one hand on the roof of the Buick, one hand on his hip and leaned towards the open window, eyes on Steve the whole time. A few curly strands fell into his face while leaning forward and Steve immediately imagined running his hand slowly through Eddie’s hair. Oh no. Steve had realized he was bi a few months back, when Robin and him met for movie night and she had picked out “Raiders of the lost ark”. He hadn’t seen that film since he’d watched it at the theater a few years ago and now he suddenly got why the girls in his class were making such a fuss about Harrison Ford.
Steve couldn’t wait for Eddie to finally ask him out. When he had noticed Eddie’s flirting had been getting more frequent and Steve felt pretty sure it wasn’t just friends joking around, he had decided it would be way more fun to play along and see when Eddie would give in, rather than asking him out himself.
"No hot date tonight?" Eddie wondered, raising one eyebrow. Steve held his eye contact, grinning sheepishly and replied: "Why? Are you offering?" Suddenly Eddie blushed hard and mumbled something Steve couldn’t quite make out. “Too bad, I was really in the mood for a horror movie and some milkshakes afterwards…? Maybe another time then.” Steve winked at Eddie. He had to make it more obvious since Eddie had not been picking up his clues for weeks now…
“Can we go now? I have a curfew, Steve!” Dustin was bugging him from the passenger’s seat, as always, not having any patience for Steve and Eddie’s ongoing flirting. Steve let out a long and annoyed sigh: “Calm down, Henderson, jeez!”. Eddie took his hand off Steve's car, still a little irritated by Steve’s comment. “Well then, Harrington, erm… drive safe!” he murmured and walked back to the trailer.
----- Read part 2 here!
fanfiction tag list: @fenharel-enaste @queenmeriadoc @starlady66 @elronds-pointy-ears @bananaphanta @runawaymun @thetempleofthemasaigoddess @lady-of-imladris @mistergandalf @corrodedbisexual @useless-nb-bisexual
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theheadlessgroom · 6 months
Oh. I didn't think I'd get this far.
"Well, uh," Randall replied, briefly rubbing the back of his neck, briefly unsure of how to proceed (having fully anticipated her to turn him down in favor of other plans) before suggesting with a little shrug, "W-Well, like I said, the, uh, the little second-run theater is playing a double bill of Dracula A.D. 1972 and The Satanic Rites of Dracula this week...h-how does dinner and a movie sound?"
That sounded like a nice, casual get-together to him-dinner and a show! There was a nice little restaurant that made the best sandwiches and gumbo in the city (and for a very reasonable price, to boot!) that they could go to, and then they could go see the movies-he hadn't seen the second half of the double bill yet, and had been pleasantly surprised to see it was playing there when he checked the paper the other day. It'd be nice to have someone to go with him...
And even after that, maybe they could go for a walk afterwards-after catching a matinee, he liked to go walking through the park, taking the sort of long way home, so to speak, being a little more leisurely in his return, sometimes pausing to take in the beauty of the world around him, sometimes stopping to buy some flowers for the house too, if he had the extra change for it. It was always a pleasant way to end a day out, and he hoped she'd enjoy herself too, if they went that route.
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ironwoodwizard · 9 months
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Name: Ian D’Arcy
Age: 240 (looks to be late 20’s-early 30’s)
Birthday: October 13, 1783
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Race: vampire
Appearance: dark loosely curly hair, brown eyes that turn a fathomless black if you look directly at them for too long, pale and too-smooth skin, sharp porcelain-white fangs, tall and lanky form. Greatly resembles his father, but he has his mother’s smile.
FC: young Johnny Depp
Personality: very…odd. Eccentric. Highly intelligent and intuitive, but he doesn’t lord it over others unless he finds it too amusing not to (usually does it to those who insist that they know everything, or especially heinous charlatans). Known as the town weirdo, and he relishes in it in a mostly subtle way. Absolutely a theater kid. Quick-witted goth dude with a heart of gold that he playfully insists is cold and black. Has a background in psychology and criminology and continuously studies it as a hobby. Low-key anarchist. Hates being stuck in boring meetings, and his patience for people only goes so far in settings where he’s forced to sit still(this developed after he was turned; as a mortal, he was well known for his patience in court).
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Powers/Abilities: telekinesis (up to 100 lbs without much effort, but he can lift more if he really pushes himself; the more he lifts, the more it drains him. Heaviest thing he’s lifted/moved was a 300-ish-pound bookshelf that nearly fell on him, and he blacked out afterward.) Fanged bite/exsanguination. Healing factor (drinking blood helps him quickly heal wounds that aren’t caused by holy water or blessed weapons. Burns from sunlight or rushing water heal slowly.) Flight (sort of. His telekinesis allows him to make himself levitate for short periods of time or glide short distances.) Prophecy (when he was a mortal, he often had dreams where glimpses of future events flashed before him. He could not make sense of them unless hypnotized. As a vampire, the visions are much less erratic, and he has learned how to induce them instead of waiting for them to come.) Spiderclimb (he can walk on walls, ceilings, and inverted surfaces as if gravity has no effect on him.) Excellent poker face. Hypnotic gaze (making direct deliberate eye contact with someone for a moment too long puts them under his thrall, though he cannot command a thrall to do anything that they wouldn’t normally be able to do. He often wears dark sunglasses to avoid doing this on accident.) Shapeshifting (he can turn into a bat or a black cat, and is resistant to sunlight in cat form.) Excellent deductive reasoning skills.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Sunlight sensitivity (daylight burns him unless his skin is fully covered, and he has limited day vision), running water (burns him), holy water (burns him), blessed weapons (burn him and do lasting damage), elder wood stake through his heart (paralyzes him until it is removed. If he’s decapitated by a blessed weapon while in this state, he dies. If the stake is blessed, he dies instantly.)
Nationality: English, American
Languages: English, Latin
Style: usually Regency or Victorian gothic inspired, though he dresses more casually when at home and not expecting guests. A lot of black and white with dark jewel-toned accents. Takes great care in his appearance when he knows he’s going to be dealing with people.
Profession: Antique/Curio Shop Owner (current), Lorekeeper (aka Dungeon Master/Game Master. He’s one of the few regulars who show up to run tables at the tavern’s monthly D&D nights), Freelance Detective (former, when he was still mortal, and for a short time after he immigrated to America.), Magistrate (original, while he was still mortal. He wanted to do more to help his village, so he began sleuthing, using his position to gain as much information on various crimes as possible.)
Family: Maeve D’Arcy (née Watson, mother, deceased), Arno D’Arcy (father, deceased), Caolán D’arcy ( pronounced Keelan, younger brother, disappeared, presumed deceased), Robyn D’Arcy (triplet sister, alive, vampire), Sadie D’Arcy (triplet sister, alive, vampire)
Backstory: Born to descendants of French nobles and Scots-Irish merchants in October of 1783, Ian was the second in a set of fraternal triplets. He was brought up in a small but well off village not far from London, taught by the best tutors his father could afford, and groomed from a young age to become a proper magistrate and courtly gentleman. His sisters were educated in much the same manner, set to enter into high society in the same year that he first took his apprenticeship; they were seventeen at the time. A little over a decade later, Ian officially became a magistrate and heard his first case. The case seemed rather simple; a traveling man had been accused of stealing sheep from a local farmer under the cover of darkness for a little over a week, and several witnesses testified that they’d seen him lurking around that farm at or around dusk. The defendant rather adamantly pleaded not guilty, stating that he’d only been watching the farm because he’d seen some strange entity sneak in on his first night in town, and he wanted to see if he could catch it for a reward. Something about the case didn’t sit right with Ian. He knew in his heart that the man was innocent, but he had just as much proof that claim as the rest of the town had of his guilt. Siding with his gut, he announced that they would take a two day recess so that he could investigate the matter further, much to the townsfolk’s disdain. To placate them and protect the defendant, he had him temporarily locked up before asking the farmer to give him a private tour of his farm. The investigation yielded few clues, aside from two sets of boot print tracks and a trace amount of dried blood on the fence, but the most intriguing detail came later that night. Another sheep was stolen, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the traveler could not have been the thief after all. Ian declared him innocent and set him free, though he publicly resolved to find out who the mutton thief truly was. The case took months to solve, as the thief was extremely elusive, and Ian and his two colleagues had other cases to hear in the meantime, most disturbing of which was the murder of the traveler, who was found a week later, mauled and drained of blood. Ian couldn’t help feeling responsible, but that only strengthened his resolve. He was determined to find and prosecute the culprit of this heinous crime once and for all. In the meantime, more livestock were stolen, and when they were moved inside locked barns for the night, people started to go missing. Bodies were discovered in bushes and ditches, mauled and drained, just like the traveler had been. With the fifth body, there was a note written in elegant script with what was most likely the last remaining drops of her blood:
‘You should have left the sheep out for me. Now I’ve developed a taste for daughters instead.’
All of the victims aside from the traveler had indeed been young women, which made the killing spree all the more disturbing, but also triggered something in Ian’s mind. He’d read many Eastern European tomes on the occult in his youth, having had a fascination with morbidity, and recalled several creatures that feasted on blood under cover of night. Vampires. They were dealing with a vampire, though what kind he did not precisely know. He doubted that it was a strigoi, as they were spirits and couldn’t leave boot prints or write. More research was in order. In the meantime, he conferred with the other two magistrates, and they declared a curfew. Citizens must be locked indoors from half an hour before sundown to half an hour after sunrise. The townsfolk readily complied, terrified of losing more young ladies to this horror of the night. Ian, meanwhile, through himself into researching various vampire legends from around the world, and determined his foe to be a Nosferatu, a bloodthirsty humanoid creature native to Romania that was vulnerable to sunlight and capable of turning humans into vampires. All a victim had to do was drink its blood after having been bitten themselves, but most never survived long enough unless the Nosferatu wanted them to. A human turned by Nosferatu would then become an immortal Draconian vampire, retaining their youth and beauty for as long as they retained their humanity, but never able to bask in heaven’s light again. Running water was also a bane to them, eroding their skin as if it were sandstone, and a stake crafted of elder wood could immobilize them if driven through the heart with enough force.
Filled with renewed determination and youthful hubris, Ian set out to hunt down the dastardly beast, commissioning the local arbalista to make him a crossbow that could launch a wooden stake. Thankfully, the man was an experimental sort, always up for a grand challenge; he had a prototype ready in no time. Ian whittled stakes from elder wood in his free time while he waited, unaware that his sister Robyn had already been turned by the beast and was urging Sadie and young Caolán to pursue its gifts as well.
Sadie was eager to comply, having grown bored of her wealthy but snobbish husband, but Caolán was hesitant. He was only eighteen, after all, and just made his debut in society. He wasn’t ready to give up on life as he knew it when his life had only just begun. Robyn didn’t let up. She and Caolán argued back and forth for weeks until he suddenly disappeared without a trace. The night beforehand, Ian was plagued with nightmarish visions that he couldn’t make sense of, but stayed with him throughout the following day. Hoping to ease her brother’s pain, a newly turned Sadie briefly hypnotized him, making the visions slower and much clearer. He saw a familiar door, and a pale, shaking hand grasping the knob. It was locked. The owner of the hand pounded on the door, screaming for help in a voice that he recognized as Caolán’s, but was not let in. It had grown dark. There was a jolt has he was yanked backwards, a clawed hand wrapping around his throat as another gripped his torso and dragged him away. Fighting. Kicking. Screaming. It was one hell of a struggle, but it was all in vain. Ian could do nothing but watch through Caolán’s eyes as the Nosferatu pinned him up against a tree, the rough bark scraping at his back as he stared up at its grinning, horrifying, hauntingly beautiful, gaunt face. It said something that Ian couldn’t quite make out before lunging forward to dig its sharp teeth into the young man’s throat. Caolán’s scream was cut off as Ian’s vision faded, and the magistrate fainted from the stress.
By the time he woke up, night had already fallen again. He’d been too late to save his little brother. Heartbroken and frustrated, he set out anyway, crossbow in hand and rage festering in his vengeful heart. He was hellbent on killing the vampire, even if it was the last thing he’d do. Ian stalked the streets by the light of the full moon, hypervigilant and itching to pull the trigger. He quickly became aware that he was being followed, and began taking sharp turns through alleys and around buildings in an effort to throw off his stalker, or perhaps get a glimpse of them. No luck. He quickened his pace. So did they. Stalking became chasing as he began to run, sprinting for the woods, only to run headlong into Robyn just after making it past the tree line. He demanded to know why she was there instead of safe at home. She didn’t answer. Neither did Sadie after she revealed herself, and Ian came to the horrifying conclusion that they had been turned, luring him out there to meet the same fate as his poor little brother. Eyes widening in fear and pain, he turned to run again just as the Nosferatu slammed into him, knocking him to the ground easily. The rest of that night was a blur. A sharp pain in his neck. The pull of the trigger. Blood. So much blood. And a hunger for life that had to be sated then and there.
When he awoke the next morning in a basement that had been outfitted to be a temporary bedroom, his sisters explained everything. Robyn had been attacked by the Nosferatu the night before the curfew was set in place and enthralled by it to convince her siblings and the family members of the other two magistrates to let it turn them. If they did not comply, they would be slaughtered. Under its influence, Robyn started with Sadie and Caolán, though she had no idea what had happened to the latter after she’d locked him out of the house. Ian was the last remaining member of his family who needed to be turned before they could get to the other magistrates, but he’d managed to incapacitate the Nosferatu in the process, breaking its hold on his sisters, and somehow knew to drink its blood to save himself from death. Ian remarked that he’d done his research. The vampiric triplets then resolved to try and resume their normal lives while they searched for their little brother, whom they presumed to be dead in the woods somewhere. He was never found. Ian was able to remain in his post of magistrate for another decade and a half before rumors began to spread about his ageless appearance, skillful avoidance of daylight, and peculiar change in demeanor. By the early 1830’s, he and his sisters were forced to either leave town or be executed as witches. They parted ways afterwards, with Ian departing for America, Robyn fleeing to Switzerland to meet with a brilliant doctor she’d been writing to, and Sadie traveling to Venice with her husband, whom she’d turned shortly after the Nosferatu was dealt with.
They’ve all kept in touch throughout the centuries. Ian used his vampiric abilities to become elected as a magistrate in Richmond after reaching Virginia, managing to keep a low profile while judging cases fairly and helping with the Underground Railroad. The Civil War made things far more complicated. It was tragic, for sure, and he hated not being able to aid those in need, but the scent of blood hung thick in the air, maddening him. He found it difficult to keep control of his feeding habits, and was forced to flee up north to Canada in hopes of finding peace. After the war was over, it took him over a century to feel comfortable setting foot in America again, and he never stayed in one place for too long, studying psychology and collecting books and knickknacks as he went a long to keep himself occupied. The 1980’s brought him to Texas, one of the few states he’d never been to before, where he found the small, oddly idyllic and peaceful town of Morningstar. It was there that he finally settled down and made a life for himself, encouraged by the welcome attitude of its residents, a quarter of which were supernatural in nature. He opened up a curio shop to display and sell some of the antiques he’d collected, and often offered his services as a pro bono private investigator for those who could not afford to hire one. He also developed a love of board games and table top role playing games, as they allowed him to further explore his sense of whimsy.
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allaboutdating · 1 year
What are some good first date ideas?
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There are many different first date ideas that can be fun and enjoyable for both you and your date. The key is to choose an activity or location that allows you to get to know each other in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
Here are some ideas:
Grab coffee or drinks: Going for coffee or drinks is a classic first date idea that allows you to chat and get to know each other in a casual setting. You can choose a cozy coffee shop or a trendy bar and spend some time talking over your favorite beverages.
Take a walk: Going for a walk is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise while getting to know each other. You can choose a scenic park or trail and spend some time exploring the area and chatting.
Visit a museum or art gallery: If you and your date are interested in art or history, visiting a museum or art gallery can be a great first date idea. You can explore the exhibits together and discuss your favorite pieces.
Attend a concert or show: If you both enjoy music or theater, attending a concert or show can be a fun and exciting first date. You can enjoy the performance together and discuss your thoughts and opinions afterwards.
Go to a sporting event: If you and your date are sports fans, attending a game or match can be a fun and exciting first date idea. You can cheer on your favorite team together and enjoy some snacks and drinks.
Cook a meal together: If you both enjoy cooking, preparing a meal together can be a fun and intimate first date idea. You can choose a recipe and spend the evening cooking and enjoying each other's company.
Take a class: Taking a class together, such as a cooking class or a dance class, can be a fun and interactive first date idea. You can learn a new skill together and enjoy each other's company while doing so.
Visit a local attraction: If there's a local attraction that you've been wanting to visit, such as a zoo or amusement park, it can be a fun and exciting first date idea. You can spend the day exploring and enjoying each other's company.
Ultimately, the best first date idea is one that allows you to get to know each other in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Choose an activity or location that you both enjoy and have fun getting to know each other.
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WIP Wednesday - “Three Little Words”
This week’s update for “Sawdust of Words” starts with Crowley (in 1849) attempting to take Aziraphale on a date and tell him how he feels and it all goes horribly wrong in the most depressing and least rom-com-compliant way you could imagine. (Ok, I suppose you could imagine someone dying and that would be worse, but still.)
I’m going to talk a little bit about planning their date, because (A) it shows my completely messed up writing process and (B) it also shows how Crowley thinks. Or you can just click the link below to go straight to the story!
You can read “Three Little Words” here!
Buy me a coffee! (This is new. Also, I don’t drink coffee; if I know me, you’re buying half a book.)
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So I think we cal all agree that Mr. Anthony “J’Adore Aziraphale” Crowley is probably the most hopeless romantic out there, underneath a thin veneer of sarcasm and swagger. I like to think he exists in a strange sphere of the highest romance and the most sweeping gestures, such that little everyday things take him utterly by surprise; but this story is 1849, so obviously none of that has happened yet.
So, he decides to take Aziraphale out. There’s going to be some activity and also wine and the rest of the plot was already written, I just needed to fill in the details. So the first Victorian era activity that sprang to mind was opera.
This is an easy one; Crowley was obviously a Wagner fan. I didn’t even bother to go grab my copy of the book to see what classical composers he’s actually listed as enjoying: Wagner is big and loud and bombastic and complex and kind of morally dubious when you remember his antisemitic comments and later appropriation by the Nazi party and really all that just screams “Crowley” to me.
So I fill in all the bits about going to the opera with a note to expand when I reach draft two.
Then draft two arrives, and we start getting into trouble.
See, it has to be the perfect opera, right? So I research all of Wagner’s mid-century operas and decide on Tannhauser. If you’re not going to follow the link to read about this fascinating opera, I’ll tell you briefly that it’s about damnation, salvation, and love - while these are common themes for Wagner’s later operas, it just fit for Crowley and Aziraphale.
Except, on later research, I realized it didn’t come to London until 1895 which, obviously, was not going to be an option. (Also in 1876, still not an option, but also sung in Italian for some reason. That just ain’t right.) So they would have to go to the continent for it. There was a showing in Paris in 1861, except that there were only three performances and it didn’t go over well with the Parisian audience and, look I know that’s not the kind of detail anyone will know but I care about these things.
Fine, though, Tannhauser was performed many times in the 1850s, in a bunch of locations. I just needed to pick one that could be easily reached from London.
Except the 1850s was a terrible decade for French wines. And, again, no one really cares, but Crowley just would not buy a bottle of wine from that decade because Aziraphale wouldn’t like it. I know he could miracle a better vintage, or just buy wine from another country, or even just pay through the roof for wine from a vinyard that wasn’t affected by the mildew...
Or we could just move the action even earlier, before the vinyards started being effected.
So. 1840s. I now had two options: Dresden (1845 or 1847) or Weimar (1849). Neither of these are conveniently located anywhere near London. Now I had to figure out how they were going to get there. I googled 19th century Channel ferries. I googled rail maps of Germany and found that the earliest one is dated 1849, and construction was so rapid I just could not work out what had been in existence even two years before that. I spent over an hour measuring distances, googling train speeds, counting how many transfers would be needed, reading up on all the things that could go wrong with a train in 1849.
Ok, so now just imagine me surrounded by all this information and calculations, hair in disarray, looking at Crowley across the table and saying Ok, if absolutely nothing goes wrong, it’s just possible to pull this off in under 24 hours. It’ll probably take at least a dozen miracles.
In response, Crowley manifests some kind of hard alcohol, drains it in one gulp, slams the glass on the table and says, Let’s f***ing do this!
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So once that baseline had been set - that they were taking a train to Dover, then a ferry to Belgium, then at least three separate trains across Germany, using miracles to ensure that every transfer happened with perfect timing, no delays, no mechanical issues, no weird customs things that would throw off the timing, in order to arrive at the Weimar Court Theater just in time to see a play about a man whose deeds cause him to be rejected by Christianity, but not by the one who loves him the most - once that was established, everything else just paled in comparison.
Wine? Candy? Chocolate? Pastries? Private train car? Buying a ton of extra spots on the ferry to ensure it wasn’t crowded? Awkward attempts to describe the sky poetically? Sunset love confessions? I no longer had any doubts about throwing in literally everything into this, because Crowley was in the biggest of GO BIG moods.
Except for that rose. That was totally overkill. ;)
All of this - all of it - despite knowing that the entire point of the story was that none of it would happen.
Honestly, it made the second half even more painful to write, and that was already super painful.
So. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk about the story that I already wrote. If you haven’t already read it, please come see Crowley be emotionally tortured here. There’s really no comfort at the end of it - apart from reminding the readers that I’ve already written the story where they finally make their feelings known, and this is in continuity with that! - but I promise this Saturday’s will be about the Bentley, and less sad.
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jouta-salad · 3 years
Jojo date HCs (GN reader)
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CW: wholesome shit
PARTS 1 - 6
Dating Jonathan is probably the most wholesome thing you’ll do in your life
Lots and lots of really simplistic, romantic dates
For example,,,, picnics, berry picking, going to a theater, etcetc
He’s also super chivalrous and such a sweet guy overall
First date scenario:
For the first date, Jonathan wants things to be simple and sweet. He invites you for lunch—a small picnic at the park perhaps? When you meet, you see he brought a blanket and a basket of fruits and sandwiches. You both lay on the tree-shaded blanket once it was laid out and gaze at the clouds, talk, and pop fruit into each others mouths. He loved hearing you talk, your sweet voice making his heart melt. He ended the date with a chaste kiss to your knuckles and a sweet farewell.
He tries to be romantic because he assumes that’s what all women enjoy, and he usually fails
Super fucking emotionally constipated
Dates go from picking flowers <3 to feeding rats in an alleyway real fast most times.
Everything abt your dates are chaotic but you kinda love it
First date scenario:
Joseph drove over to your place at around 7PM and picked you up for a drive-in theatre! When you asked what you’d both be watching—he offered a romance movie. Not exactly his favorite genre to watch—but he assumed you would love it. He parked his car kind of hidden under a tree with little to no surrounding cars. You cuddled against his arm and watched, not minding his loud comments here and there. You ended up kissing him, and when he kissed back—accidentally honked his horn a few times w his elbow. The kiss lasted a while until someone came to complain abt the noise just to see you both just.. going at it. It was fucking embarrassing, but you both laughed it off afterwards and talked—ignoring the boring movie. Once the movie was done he drove you home and you kissed his cheek and almost cried when you thought back to the kiss later that night.
Even more emotionally constipated than Joseph
Lots of super simplistic, casual dates
He pretends to act tough and mean but will literally give you anything you want
You’re thirsty? Good grief. Just take his water bottle he can get a new one. Getting cold? Just take his jacket he doesn’t mind. ETCETC
First date scenario:
Of course jotaro invited you to the beach a first date! If you didn’t know him well beforehand it might’ve been a shock, but my man loves ocean life. With his jacket slung over his shoulder and his pants rolled up to his knees—he looked like a completely different person. You both walked along the coast and collected shells.. he was a bit timid and curt while talking to you at first, but he slowly opened up as you talked about your interests and such. You both ended the date by having dinner at a restaurant by the beach, and as soon as you got chilly BC of the cold ocean breeze—boom. His huge jacket is being put on your shoulders, along w a “good grief” and tipped his cap forward to hide his blush. He came w you on the bus ride back, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting inside your house. As soon as he leaves though—you see you he forgot to take his jacket back :)
Very nervy but will try his best + easily flustered and lots of blushing
Casual dates, like playing at an arcade or taking you to carnivals.. maybe even taking you out to the mall
PLSS he’ll definitely buy you plushies as gifts when you both meet up
First date scenario:
Ofc Josuke would invite you to a carnival! He was nervous as hell, since he’s never taken a girl on a date before—but he’s excited nonetheless. He boughtyou lots of icecream and fried food and took you on fun carnival rides. He also won you plushies and dragged you to the photo booth later to take pictures together. By sunset, you both were holding hands as you both made your way to the Ferris wheel,, and you thought it was adorable—how flustered he got once you kissed him at the very top. He took you home later, and you both shared another kiss quickly before you entered your house—plushies and photobooth pictures in hand, that you’ll keep for the rest of your future relationship with him.
Will be kind of nervous but try his best to make you happy
Flower gardens, museums, and cafes are his go-to dates
He’ll do whatever you want, anything to see you smile and laugh
OMFG literally he would create flowers for you and then give them to you at dates AHSJAJA
First date scenario:
Giorno Giovanna, the man himself, invited you to coffee and a nice stroll downtown. He brought you your favorite flowers when you met at the coffee shop, and you both had a nice chat while drinking tea and coffee. Giorno was a bit nervous, and he hoped he could make you happy and satisfied. He opened doors for you and let you buy whatever you wanted from any store—everything on him, and then he took you to a beautiful flower garden nearby. He absolutely adored watching your eyes light up when you saw something you liked. By the end of the date, it was around sunset and he had drove you home. He was nervy, but gave you a shy kiss on the forehead before you got out and left—leaving your heart fluttering<3
Dates with Jolyne would be super fun and chaotic
Def do things that’ll get your adrenaline pumping
Like lighting fire crackers at 2 AM or going to amusement parks and riding all the roller coasters
First date scenario:
Jolyne picked you up during a hot afternoon and took you to get shaved ice with her! You both shared your favorite flavor of shaved ice and ended up eating the whole thing, laughing and chatting during it all. Afterwards, she convinced you go to roller skate with her at a retro styled rollerskating rink. There, music was blasting and she held your hand while you both skated around—laughing when either of your fell. She picked up a quick burger and fries at a drive-thru for you to eat as dinner while she took you home—and you both kissed before you left,, her lipstick marking your skin. You ended up falling even more in love with her after that.
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [7]
A/N: AAAH I apologize in advance for this part bc I feel like it's kinda messy :/ I hope you still like it though?? Lmk what you think! x
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fwb, f2l?, college!au, fuckboy!bias, nerd!reader, angst, H/N is a jealous and drunk fool :/
words: ~ 3.7 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez, @runaway-fics, @mainexiii, @awfullytiredbuthealing, @erikyoong, @etherealuv, @yeostars, @staysuki, @justcuz-ican, @hyuckthangs, @teenloves, @mexious18-blog, @sunghoonied, @mailobjaeyoon, @tr-wemoon, @prismwon
couldn’t tag: @chorizoek, @r-eadings
H/N’s POV:
Maybe I’ll come ‘round, your text had said. How did you expect him to enjoy the party if you wouldn’t be there? H/N used to make fun of guys who ran after girls like lap dogs. And yet, over time he had become one of them, if not worse. Every text, every possibility of seeing you had him on the edge of his seat in excitement. There was nothing he cared about more than spending time with you. When at first it had been sexual attraction – an obsession with your body and the way you turned him on with the most subtle words and touches – it had changed into something entirely different. The relentless hunger was now occasional, ever so often interrupted by a dire wish to see you smile. A wish to hold you, and to kiss you out of the blue – something he wasn’t allowed to do if it wasn’t for the two of you hooking up. The stupid agreement you had made was starting to feel like torture instead of heaven. He was lucky his poker face was professional, and he had years of practice in flirting and sounding casual even if his heart was beating up to his neck. There was no other way he could have concealed how infatuated he was with you, otherwise.
“H/N, come help me set up the snacks!” Korain shouted from the kitchen. H/N’s friends were throwing a party at their place, and he had shown up early to assist them in preparing everything. With you on his mind – as always – he trotted into the kitchen where a row of bowls was standing out on the counter.
“Just open and pour the bags into the bowls, will you? I still need to get ready,” Korain said. “Chohee said she might be here a bit earlier, and I don’t want to look like this when she’s going to look amazing.”
Korain gestured to his bed hair he probably hadn’t brushed once since getting up and then tweaked the fabric of his sweatpants and his old, baggy tee. H/N wanted to argue that if Chohee really liked Korain, she wouldn’t mind seeing him this way. H/N, for one, couldn’t care less what you wore tonight. As long as you showed up at all, he would be beaming. Strictly speaking, at times when he got to see you wake up, sleep in your eyes and your clothes in a disarray, it spun his head in ways no little black dress could ever do. When he saw you make breakfast in his kitchen, in his shirt, he could barely contain himself.
His daydreams of you were once naughty and gave him boners at random times of the day – and don’t get me wrong, they still were, sometimes – but it was when the domestic dreams had begun, that he realized he was screwed. He didn’t need anybody to tell him how he felt, nor did he have some crazy moment of clarity. There came a point in his days where he didn’t just notice his non-sexual daydreams of you, he invited them. His brain was imagining things like setting up a shared table for dinner or kissing the back of your hand in the dark of a movie theater or playing you a cheesy song that reminded him of you. He wanted to hold your hands from across the library table and have his arm around your shoulders to show you off to the entire campus. But none of it could be real. It all went against the rules.
“Will Y/N be here too?” Korain asked and pulled H/N out of his daydreams. God, I hope so, he thought.
“She said she might be here,” H/N answered.
“Chohee’s always talking about her. And you. About how she thinks Y/N has a crush on you, but she always denies it, saying you’re just friends. Maybe you could try and bring that up tonight?” Korain said, as if discussing your feelings for someone was as easy at conversing about the weather. “Alright, I really have to go get ready now.”
“I’ve been thinking, I might- “ said H/N, but Korain only pat his shoulder.
“Let’s talk later, at the party, okay?” he said, and walked out the kitchen. I might like her, H/N had been meaning to say. I might like Y/N. No. I’m in love with her. No maybes. He could bet all his money on it, that’s how sure he was. But his friend had disappeared and now it was on him to wait until the party began. Left alone with his thoughts.
Of course, you would deny having a crush on him. Because you probably didn’t, he thought. Wouldn’t you search for a smart guy, someone your mother would approve of, and someone who understood your endless talks of nerdy topics? Although sometimes he had no idea what you were on about, H/N was captivated whenever you gave him a lecture about something you had learned. And when he asked you to explain something one more time, you never hesitated, or judged him for it. Your kindness made his heart swell, and only when the first crowd of party guests arrived did he realize he had spent half an hour daydreaming about you. Again.
With the way he kept the front door in his sight at all times, one could have wondered if he was a highly wanted criminal on the run, afraid the cops could barge in at any moment. Some of the girls who tried to flirt with him even asked him about it, but he wasn’t going to confess he was waiting for the love of his life to walk through that very door. With little conviction he returned their flirting. He hated himself for the thoughts he had. Thinking that should you not arrive, he could console himself by taking one of the other girls home instead. They didn’t deserve to be used like that, but he was bitter and so, so in love with you. It was hard to pay any attention to the other girls at all, no matter how sweet they were being.
Flirting back at them, however, came to him as easily as the words to his favorite songs. It posed no challenge, like it did with you. When he had to try hard to make your cheeks heat up, or to lure out a shy smile instead of your genius, quick-witted remarks. There was nothing more exciting to him than to invent new ways in which he could make you flustered.
Right now, it was his turn to be flustered. Because his ex had approached him and was reciting some of her favorite memories she had of their relationship. “Remember our third date…the one that ended with us squished in that tiny dressing room at Victoria’s Secret?” she asked and blinked at him expectantly. He went along with her words and replied something not too direct, but still enough to make her giggle like a little girl.
It was his own fault she was so intent on talking to him. While you had been on your date with the economy-major-guy, H/N had tried to contact his ex again. In hindsight, he thought it pathetic and extremely stupid at that. Nothing would have come of it, anyway. Not while he felt the way he did about you. So it was only lucky his ex hadn’t been free that night. Then he had gotten dangerously close to drowning his feelings in the vodka in his kitchen. Thankfully he had refrained from this, too, because you had shown up afterwards and you had ended up having mind-blowing sex, and he knew for a fact that had he been drunk, he would have blurted out some crazy sentiments he would have regretted saying in the morning.
Sometimes he tried to signal you his emotions, ever so subtly. Waving off your claims when you called him the campus fuckboy or telling you he wasn’t really hooking up with anyone else besides you, it all was an attempt at making you see what he felt for you. He would tell you that you looked pretty, not just so you would understand he liked you, but simply because it had to be said. When he regarded you fixing your hair in the mirror with a frown, he could barely believe you didn’t know how beautiful you were. And he had gotten closer to you during sex. Whether it was voluntary or an instinct that came with being in love, he wasn’t certain. There was nothing like kissing away your moans while he fucked you into a mattress.
He was about to text you – the urge to see you getting unbearable – but didn’t want to sound clingy when you strut through the door. No slow motion or fan blowing your hair around dramatically would have made you look more perfect. The ridiculous pang he felt in his heart when he saw you hug another guy only reminded him of how whipped he was. He reminded himself that he had no right to be jealous. You weren’t his girlfriend, after all. When you then made eye contact with him and made a beeline for him, he was worried he’d be short of words. He needed to pull himself together.
“Hi,” you said, and your smile was magical enough to stir up the butterflies in H/N’s stomach. You pointed at the empty spot on the sofa between H/N and another guy you didn’t know. “Is this seat taken?”
“No,” the guy said, before H/N had time to speak, and the stranger smiled at you in a way that could only mean he wanted to get to know you. But H/N caught your attention by swiftly putting his arm around your shoulder, making the stranger back up and divert his eyes the other way. He had never meant to be the jealous type. It was just that you were finally here, and he was so happy to see you, he couldn’t bare the thought of you running off again. Only when you gave him a funny look H/N realized he needed to calm down if he didn’t want you to get annoyed.
“So, what did I miss?” you asked.
His ex was approaching from across the room again, and before he could have stopped his mouth, he said the stupidest thing. “Kiss me.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, but he was intent on it. “Please. Kiss me. Quick.”
There was a strange emotion that crept over your face, and you seemed to have no clue why he was so set on it. Nevertheless, you did as he asked. Your mouth tasted of watermelon bubblegum, so sweet, so perfect, and he was flying on cloud nine for the short while it lasted. It wasn’t real, though. The thought stabbed his brain like a dagger. When you pulled apart you were grinning, and his ex wasn’t in the room anymore.
“Care to explain why we just did that?” you asked. “You’re diminishing your chances with the ladies in the room.”
He rolled his eyes. “My ex has been trying to get with me again, and I hoped she’d let off if she saw us kiss. And she did.” Then his eyebrows raised. “What do you mean by my chances with the ladies? I was hoping we could go home together.”
“I can’t tonight,” you said, and he had to fight to keep his face straight. “I’ve got to get back to studying first thing tomorrow morning. I just came here to hang out, for a while.”
“Oh,” was all he could muster without sounding like you were ripping out his heart. It wasn’t even your fault. He would never try and get between you and your studies. But what if he could be there? What if he could be the one staying in bed, watching as you climbed up early to bury your head in books? He’d watch you through tired eyelashes, and you’d ridicule him for being so starry-eyed when looking at you. Later he’d bring you tea or coffee and remind you to take a break to eat. Was it ludicrous to obsess over something so domestic? He didn’t feel guilty for it.
All at once, your laugh pulled him out of his daydream, and into a funny story you told him. Over-consciously, he noted how your arm went around his shoulder lazily. And for a while you sat and talked. Occasionally a flirty remark slipped over your lips, and he would always return it. It was idiotic, but he was already worrying about how much he would miss you once you went home. Perhaps his plan of consoling himself with another girl hadn’t been so bad, after all. Just as he had finished the thought, a familiar face walked by and noticed him. The alcohol in his veins made her seem perfectly inviting as a distraction, for later.
“Oh, hey. Y/N, this is Minji,” he said, pointing at the girl. “Minji, this is Y/N. She’s…just a friend.”
Instantly, you removed your arm from his shoulder. There was hidden pain in your gesture, or was it merely wishful thinking on his side? Minji nodded and greeted you, but you only waved her off with a polite smile.
“I’m going to get a drink from the kitchen,” you announced, and before he could have stopped you, you had walked off. For a while he chatted with Minji, because he had no good reason to run after you that wouldn’t create awkwardness. His patience lasted approximately ten minutes. Luckily, a friend waved at Minji from across the room and she excused herself. Although he would never wish her ill, he was glad she was leaving.
Quickly, he made his way to the kitchen, where he found you talking to a guy. Without thinking, H/N smiled at you as he came up to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. He hadn’t meant to look so intimidating, and he hadn’t meant to be an asshole either. Yet, the guy across from you appeared scared and when you turned your attention to H/N, the guy slowly retracted into another circle of chatting people. Guilt crept in on H/N. He was tipsy, and although he knew his drunkenness wasn’t an excuse, it made him want you so much more. Perhaps it was also insecurity making him act crazy. There was always a glimmer of hope in the back of his mind, that you might just like him back. So long as you hadn’t confirmed the opposite, he would live in constant terror that someone else could steal your attention and make you theirs before he could.
“Come with me,” you muttered in his ear. Your hand was around his wrist, and he had no choice but to trot after you like a child. At first, he thought you were going to take him out the front door, but then you made a turn for the stairs. He didn’t need to be a fuckboy to know what it meant when a girl walked him up the stairs. From one second to the other, his mood changed into gleefulness. Had you changed your mind? The mere thoughts of what could happen upstairs could have given him a boner, had he pondered on them for longer. You said nothing, only driving him more insane by the second. The first open door was good enough for you, so you pulled him inside and closed it behind you. Smirking, he reached for your waist, ready to pull you into a kiss.
“Don’t,” you hissed, and he flinched at your angry tone. He kept his hands to himself, kneading them nervously. Shit. This was the clear opposite of what he had anticipated. The two of you had never fought, and hearing your voice, sounding so deeply upset, scared him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you asked.
“I’m sorry, I thought you wanted to make out- “ he said.
“I don’t mean just now. I mean…what is it you’re trying to achieve by acting all possessive over me in front of random guys? Pretending I belong to you? But the second a pretty girl is in front of you I’m just a friend, aren’t I? What’s that about?”
There was no explaining this, and he knew it. Yet, he would try, pathetically. “I just thought you didn’t want those guys bothering you.”
“I can handle a guy by myself, thank you,” you snapped. “If I needed help, I’d ask. Like you did. Apparently, I’m good enough to be used as an escape from your ex, but when hot Minji came around you wouldn’t even blink when I got up and left.”
“Usedas an escape?” he asked in disbelief. “You didn’t have to kiss me, but you did anyway.”
“That’s because I was trying to be a good fucking friend!” you yelled now, sounding over the music from the party.
“You used me too, don’t you remember?” he countered. “Or did you not show up on my doorstep after your terrible date so I would fuck you and make you feel better?”
You looked taken aback for a moment, knowing he was right, in a way.
“It’s like you’re always trying to get away from me, but you can’t,” he said.
“Oh, fuck you!” you said, every trace of guilt washed away. “Get off your high horse! Isn’t that the whole point of us? That we’re using each other for sex? Nothing more than that, right? If I walked out now, you could go and find the next girl in line to take over instead of me. Didn’t you try to see someone while I was chatting to the guy I went on a date with? It’s all about using people, isn’t it? If things with the guy had gotten more serious for me, you’d have her, ready for you. Don’t you think that’s a little messed up? Leading someone on like that?”
There was truth to your words. He had tried to find someone to date, should you have found someone too and your friends-with-benefits relationship had been over. But he hadn’t led her on. He had been honest in letting the girl know he wasn’t sure if he wanted anything serious. His chest was hurting, and the pain was only making him more furious.
“Yeah, I could have switched you for her,” he said coldly. Was he only trying to hurt you now? Perhaps, but you had hurt him first.
“Right, because that’s all I am to you,” you said, quieter than before.
“That was our plan! You’re my fuck buddy, nothing more!” he raised his voice now, tired of your empty words and signs. “You have no right to accuse me of anything when I’m playing by the rules. The rules you made. Maybe we should go back to the beginning. Start the game over. I don’t even know what we’re arguing about right now.”
“Start over?”
“Go back to when we were just horny for each other and nothing else,” he said, as if that would be possible. As if he could ignore the way your eyes shined, even in the dim light coming from the streetlamps outside. Like he could pretend he didn’t want to hold you and make you forget all about this terrible fight.
“Fine, let’s try,” you said, and he watched in astonishment, as you closed the gap between the two of you. When you tilted your head, he gave you permission by doing the same. When you kissed, with teeth clashing and exhausted sighs mixing up, he swore there were bombs going off somewhere in his head. Alarm bells, too. This was by no means a great idea. But what could have stopped him and his hungry mouth? He backed you against the wall and pressed you into it, hard. Before he had registered it, his hands were pushing up the fabric of your dress and you moaned, sounding so beautiful he could barely believe it. One of his thighs forced its way between your legs while he gripped your waist like his life depended on it.
But then, just as rapidly you had begun to kiss him, you pushed him away. His lungs felt tight when he noticed the affliction and confusion on your face. He wished he could make it go away. But he had caused it, so now his presence only made things worse.
“No- no, I change my mind. This is fucking stupid,” you said. “I can’t do this right now.”
“Y/N,” he said in a gentle tone. Somehow, it seemed that his careful voice hurt you most of all.
“I think we should stop. All of this,” you said. He was beginning to shake his head in disbelief, but you cut him off. “We said there wouldn’t be jealousy, but there obviously is. We should have stopped long ago.”
“But what about starting the game again, from the beginning?” he asked, too afraid of what you would say to even look at you. If you were going to rip out his heart you should have done so quickly, when he wasn’t paying too close attention.
“The game’s over. This is going over both of our heads,” you said. “I- I’m going to go home now.”
So this was heartbreak. H/N had never considered that it could be meant so literally. But he could swear that the muscle inside his chest was convulsing and shriveling as if you had stolen the blood that kept him alive right from his arteries. The pain was sharp like a thousand cuts had been inflicted on his skin, and he struggled for words like your words had taken every of his most elemental abilities.
“I’ll walk you home,” he said.
“No,” you said. “You’re drunk. You’re the one who could need someone to walk you home. And I don’t want you around me right now. Get home safely.”
That was it. No hug. No last, longing look. Just your words stabbing like knives and your ethereal beauty as you turned on your heel and walked from the room, leaving him behind, bleeding out by himself. What had he done?
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 5
Pt 1,  Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, House Map
Summary: Movie theater, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and the county fair
“We can come back to get the rest. I don’t understand why you’re doing that.”
Wanda watches you struggle trying to carry everything you brought from the store but two bags that Wanda herself is carrying. 
“Because, my young Padawanda, it is one of the most important rules of the Jedi Code. One must never make a second trip to the car lest he be a nerd.”
“Oh my gosh! Have you seen Star Wars?” You and Wanda turn your heads towards the porch where Sam and Peter reside. Peter runs down to you in excitement. “Which ones have you seen?”
“Only like all of them!” you answer, just as excited as Peter to have someone else here who likes the movies. Laura finds them boring, Clint thinks they’re too long, and Nat says she’s not a child. You tried watching them with Cooper and Lila but they fell asleep halfway through. So no one can blame you for getting excited. Unfortunately, the little bounce that accompanied your answer causes a few things to slip from your arms, but Peter, given his incredible reflexes, catches them all before they touch the ground. “The force is strong with this one,” you tell him.
“And a second trip is what makes you a nerd.” Sam mumbles under his breath on his way over to help by taking the bags from Wanda. “What’s on your neck?” He asks her. Her hand flies up to her neck only to find it sticky.
“It’s what happens when you mess with a Jedi,” you answer for her in a silly voice making Peter laugh. You also make Wanda blush as she recalls how it happened, but you don’t see this since you and Peter are already making your way to the house. Sam, however, does notice Wanda’s face and recognizes that look, leaving him stumped. Wanda only snaps out of her trance when the door closes behind you and Peter. 
“I don’t get it,” he says to Wanda. “What is it about her? Is it the confidently flirty but still kind of geeky thing that does it for you ladies?”
Wanda, embarrassed at being caught, heads to the house ignoring Sam’s questions. She can still hear him as he yells after, “Don’t walk away! I need to know if nerds are the thing now!”
Sam catches her in the kitchen along with you and Peter putting things you bought where they’re meant. Instead of asking Wanda anything, he turns his questions to you and Peter, who you all find out has a girlfriend now. Sam guesses his “nerds are in” theory correct based on that and soon he is agreeing to watch Star Wars with you, Peter, and Wanda. He threw Wanda a subtle wink when neither you nor Peter were looking as if to say ‘you’re welcome’ for including her in those plans. Clint, coming in from the side door, catches the ending of that conversation and groans. 
“No! Laura! Peter and Y/N found an interest they can both be annoying about,” he goes to complain to his wife. Later though, he as well as everyone else joins you to watch the movie. You and Peter thoroughly answer all of Sam and Pietro’s questions and hush everyone at your favorite parts, mouthing the lines along with the scene. Wanda ends up not watching the movie anymore but watching you and she begins to wonder if maybe Sam was right.
“How much longer?” you find yourself asking the next morning trying not to sound as out of breath as you are. You’ve been jogging for you don’t know how long now but it feels way longer than what Nat had promised it would be when she woke you up at six in the morning.
“Another mile,” she answers, no sign of struggle in her voice as if this is a cakewalk. You suppose it is for her since she’s had to slow down numerous times for you to catch up.
“Another mile?!”
“Hey, you said you would keep up today,” Nat reminds you.
“You know you can’t trust anything I say during my haven’t-had-caffeine-yet hours. Don’t I get points for trying?”
“Like your little green friend says, ‘Do or do not, there is no try’,” Nat retorts.
“I knew you were paying attention last night!” You increase your pace to jog beside her. “You can act too tough to like Star Wars all you want around everyone else, but I’ll always know the truth.” You can see her shake her head from the corner of your eye. You don’t say anything for a moment, but being one who cannot let the quiet linger too long, as Tanya would attest to, you speak up. “So, how’s your little green friend doing?”
You turn your head for a second to show Nat you were genuinely looking for an answer and in the next she’s practically running away from you. She went fast but not quick enough for you to miss the little redness creeping up on her cheeks. You have never in your years of knowing her seen her blush before. You have seen her sweat after a sparring match with Clint, get a bit of a sunburn, and get so angry she looked like she would pop a vein, but not one of those times were her cheeks turning a rosy color. Aww, Romanov’s in love. Once you’ve come to that conclusion, you go to tease her. Wait, where did she go?
“You asshole!” You yell at Nat who you finally find casually leaning on the car door watching you storm up to her. It took you an hour to find the car after losing the trail you were on trying to find Natasha. She doesn’t even flinch as she reaches over and pulls a twig out of your hair. “What happened to you?”
“You left me!” You huffed, walking around to the passenger side while Nat got in the driver seat unfazed. Truth be told, after 30 minutes without any sign of Nat, you thought she was putting you through some kind of test. You were getting paranoid, so it’s not surprising you took a tumble when you swiftly tried to avoid an attack from what turned out to be a squirrel running up a tree. But you’ll just keep that to yourself forever.
You head straight to the shower when you get to the house ignoring the morning greetings from those you pass on the way. “What’s up with her?” Sam asks Nat in the living room. “She hasn’t had her caffeine yet.”
You let the shower wash away your moodiness which, you can admit to yourself alone, stemmed for the most part from embarrassing yourself. Afterwards, you head to the kitchen ready to eat whatever everyone had for breakfast, but come up empty. You guess they’d finished all of it if the plates and pan left out to dry say anything. You open the fridge looking for something to eat. Maybe there is something in there you can heat up. Unlike Laura, Wanda, and self proclaimed chef Pietro, you cannot cook to save your life. 
“What’s cooking, good looking?” Speak of the devil. Maybe he can make you something? You know all it would take is some batting of the eyelashes and a compliment. No, Wanda said no. But there is nothing in the fridge to heat up and you were hungry. Wanda would surely understand it was for the greater good, right? Already breaking the first rule, I see.
Caught red handed, you look over Pietro’s shoulder to see Wanda walking into the kitchen to join you two. She’s raising her eyebrows at you waiting for an answer. 
“Okay, new rule,” you say. Pietro is confused at what he assumes is your response until he sees that you aren’t talking to him. “No more reading my mind,” you say sternly, pointing at Wanda. 
Pietro smirks. “Yeah, I don’t need you to hear what goes on Y/N’s mind when she is thinking about me,” he says to Wanda. Both you and Wanda roll your eyes. “Sam is asking for you outside,” is all she says to him and off he goes with a groan.You groan as well, the chance of getting someone to make you food leaving with him.
“You could have just asked me, you know?” Wanda says, leaning against the sink. 
“I thought I said no mind reading,” you remind her. She chuckles when you close the refrigerator door and hit your head against it in defeat.
“I wasn’t,” she defends. “I was serious when I said he can’t cook. I may have saved you from food poisoning.”
“Maybe, but I would have been full and happy for a moment. Since you chased away my shot at food, I think you should make it up to me by making me some breakfast,” you try, leaning against the fridge.
“Oh? I should, should I?” You nod confidently thinking it might just work, but she tears that thought away when she continues, “Cause I remember you still needing to make it up to me when you didn’t buy the ice creams.”
You frown, “I thought you’d forgotten about that.” She smiles, with nose scrunch and all, shaking her head. “Fine, you want to go to the fair? I’ll take you to the fair tomorrow!”
“A fair? I want to go!” you hear Cooper shout. He is coming in through the back door with Lila who looks just as excited and with Nat who does not. You ignore Nat’s face when you tell Cooper that you can all go to the fair. He and Lila run off in excitement to tell the others. Nat glares at you as she takes a seat at the kitchen table. 
“See,” you turn to Wanda. “Now I have to take you for sure. Make me some food now, please,” you beg her, drawing out the word please. She squints her eyes like she’s thinking about it and then, “Only because you asked so nicely.” 
“Thank you,” you throw her a huge smile at which Wanda rolls her eyes.
“But if you are going to be here,” she says pushing you away from the fridge, “you are going to help. You’ve got to learn how to cook for yourself.” And you do just that. You nod along intently listening to all her instructions, not wanting to miss a thing. Sometimes you’d interrupt to make a joke and when one is about her brother, she playfully punches you. You are so immersed in your little bubble, you forget Nat is not too far away watching your interaction with curiosity. She has you try the food first and you could almost moan. You notice a blush creeping up on Wanda’s face and suddenly she’s avoiding your eyes.The food is so good and you were so hungry that maybe you did let out a little noise of satisfaction. Before you could say anything, another voice interrupts, “What’s this I hear about a fair?”
You turn slowly recognizing the tone your cousin uses. It’s the who-made-these-plans-without-asking-me-first tone. You smile at Laura, mouth full of food. You see Nat point at you but Laura was already looking at you. “Yeah, I think she knows it was me, Natasha.”
A few uneventful hours go by and you are bored out of your mind. You have a sudden urge to go out seeing as the sun was still shining. You pull out your phone having an idea of what to do to kill some time. You scroll through your phone to see what movies are playing at the only movie theater in town. You see that the next showing is for a horror movie. 
“Do you like scary movies?” you turn to the group playing Uno in the living room. Pietro gets up in excitement when you mention going to the movie theater. Sam agrees to come as well and drags Peter out the door when Peter wants to stay claiming it’s to keep the kids company. You are about to head out with everyone but you notice Wanda still sitting on the couch. You wait for her to get up when Pietro says, “Yeah, good luck with that. She’s too chicken to watch scary movies.”
Wanda, offended, gets up quickly from the couch, “Am not. I just think they’re boring.”
“Sure,” Pietro chuckles as he heads out the door.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” you tell her. You think she is going to stay, but she starts heading out the door to the car. 
“You sure that’s not enough butter, Y/N?” Peter asks you when he sees how much butter he’s already put in the bucket at your insistence. He can feel some of it through the bucket already. 
“Fine, that’s good. You grab some napkins. I’ll hold the bucket,” you tell him after you see his eyebrows scrunch. You all go to the designated room and pick a row to sit in having pretty much any seat you want since it was practically empty. You sit down next to Peter and notice Pietro’s eyes falling to the empty seat on your other side. He aims to sit next to you but his sister who was sitting next to Peter before beats him to it. He throws her a confused look as he shuffles his way down to sit in her abandoned seat. “Real subtle there, Wanda,” you say, amused more than anything.
“I can see the screen better from here.” You let her bad excuse slide and turn to the screen as the movie begins to play. Between you, Peter, and Pietro, the popcorn is gone in record time. The jumpscares begin halfway through the movie. Peter holds the empty bucket as a safety blanket which you find adorable. You don’t even know if Wanda is watching the movie. She’s got her eyes somewhat hidden behind her fingers. You want to tease her, so you reach to take her fingers away from her face, but another jumpscare happens and she takes your hand in her free one. You feel her squeeze the life out of your hand in anticipation of another jumpscare. 
Your palm begins to sweat and you start to feel uncomfortable with all the butter on your fingers, so you slip your hand out from hers. She turns to you in question. “Sorry, my hand’s full of butter,” you whisper. She reaches over you to ask Peter something. Without a word, she leans back in her seat with napkins in her hand and cleans all the butter off your hand before taking it in hers once more, this time interlacing your fingers. She turns her focus back to the movie. You feel you should just do the same, so you follow her actions. You let her hold your hand for the rest of the movie until the lights come back up.
Wanda shouldn’t have watched that movie. It is much too dark in the bedroom. It is much too quiet. She can hear Nat’s soft breathing from beside her. The silhouettes of various items around the room are creeping her out. She doesn’t think she is going to be sleeping any time soon. Maybe some tea will help. She gets up quietly trying not to wake Nat, but when she’s at the door, Nat asks, “Where are you going?”
“The bathroom,” Wanda lies easily. She’d rather not let Nat know that she couldn’t sleep because of some scary movie. What kind of superhero would that make her? As she heads downstairs, she wonders if you were still awake. She turns down the hallway to peek into the living room and sure enough you were still awake watching television. She walks over to you behind the couch. “What are you watching?” she asks. You feel your soul leave your body not having heard her approach. She giggles as she walks around to sit next to you. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, just warn a girl next time.” She turns her attention to the show. “It’s Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It’s really good. I used to watch it with Laura when she would babysit while my mom was at work. Some of the jokes I wouldn’t even understand but I’d laugh ‘cause she was laughing,” you reminisce. 
“You and her are very close.”
“Yeah, well, she’s practically the only family I have. My mom passed not so long ago and seeing as there was never a dad in my family picture, my aunt and uncle took me in. I don’t have any siblings and neither does Laura so, she’s kind of it.” You add, “Well, apart from Clint, Nat, and the kids of course.”
Another two scenes go by on the show before you ask, “Did you have a nightmare or could you not fall asleep?”
Wanda looks down embarrassed so you add, “I promise I’m not teasing. I’m just asking.”
“I couldn’t sleep. It was too quiet and dark and Natasha was already asleep, so I thought I would come down here,” she replies.
“Oh, so you thought I would definitely put you to sleep. Wow, I don’t see how this friendship is going to work if you think I bore you to sleep,” you tease. Upon seeing her tired smile, you take pity and pat your thighs and gesture for her to lie down. “Come here.”
When she lays her head on your lap, you begin running your fingers through her hair. You hear her yawn and a few minutes later you find her sound asleep. Careful not to wake her, you reach over to the blanket you were meant to use on you and throw it over her body instead. Another two episodes play before you fall asleep.
You wake up once again with a sore neck and you feel that your body might be as well, but when you remember the reason, you don’t find it in yourself to complain. You look around prepared to see Nat in gym clothes holding a coffee cup but you find the living room empty apart from you and Wanda. You look out the window and see the sun is barely about to rise. Surprised to have woken up before anyone else, you decide to make the most of it but you are quickly sidetracked getting distracted by Wanda’s sleeping form. “I can feel you staring,” she says, her voice husky which you try hard not to find attractive. She turns her head to look up at you with sleepy eyes. “Friends don’t do that.”
“I was not staring. I was admiring,” you respond. “And friends can admire their friends.”
“Well mine don’t the way you do.” 
“Ain’t that a shame.” You boop her nose with your finger making her scrunch her nose.
“They do, however, let me sleep,” she jokes. She turns her head back as if she was to go back to sleep and you decide this might be the best time to get up. You gently lift her head from your lap and swivel your body off the couch. “Where are you going?” she whines, when you place a pillow under her head.
“I am going to wake Nat up for once in my life,” you reply with determination. You stretch and shake your legs trying to get the feeling back in them.
“Good luck with that,” is the last thing Wanda says before closing her eyes and going back to sleep. You head to the kitchen to start the coffee pot and then make your way upstairs. Luckily, the door was left open so you don’t make any noise on your way in. You tiptoed your way to Natasha and bent down so your face was eye level to hers. You honestly can’t believe you’ve made it this far since she is the lightest sleeper. This is the spy they chose for the Avengers? You giggle to yourself imagining the face Nat is going to make when you scare her. Oh, if they could see her now…they would be satisfied with their choice, you think as you try to choke out, “Uncle. Uncle.” Nat somehow has you in a choke hold and you are tapping furiously on her arm. Once she realizes it’s you she lets go.
“Y/N, what the hell! I could have hurt you!” she yells at you as you’re coughing. You stare at her unbelievably, rubbing at your neck, and once you can speak again you say, “Then what was this to you? Some light foreplay?”
Once you both settle down, she realizes you were up before her. You take some exercise attire out for yourself from your luggage. You might not like to exercise but gym clothes are sure comfy to lie around in. “You gotta keep up, Natasha. You don’t want the boss man to catch you slacking. Oh, I’m also making coffee so don’t worry about that.”
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” she asks, her eyebrows furrowing. You smile in turn. “I don’t know what you mean. I’ll catch you downstairs.”
You leave her to change and head downstairs with your clothes. You go to the kitchen first and make two cups of coffee. Then you go to the restroom to change. After she finishes changing, Nat goes to the kitchen and sees you were not kidding. Natasha takes her cup of coffee to the living room as she always does and finds Wanda asleep on the couch. She sighs as things start adding up. She guesses this is the reason for the lack of a grumpy attitude from you so early in the morning. She wants to say something but Nat would rather take a motivated Y/N over Y/N complaining every five minutes on their hike. So, she doesn’t say anything for now.
You actually keep up with Nat this time and to top it off you don’t talk too much like you always do. Nat thinks it’s because you're in a good mood giving you motivation, but the reason for keeping her pace and keeping quiet is your fear she’ll leave you again if you say something to set her off and lose her like yesterday. Nat even goes as far as giving you a compliment at the end. Well, semi-compliment, but her “Not too bad, Y/N”s are few and far between so you return to the house feeling proud of yourself.
This time you’re the one saying good morning to everyone when you enter. You see a few of them still eating breakfast in the kitchen. You hope there will still be leftovers by the time you come back down after showering. Knowing how some of the guys eat, it is going to have to be a quick shower. Laura sees you eyeing the food and says, “Don’t worry, we saved you a plate.” And here you thought Wanda was the mind reader. “Wanda told us you were grumpy yesterday from not catching breakfast so we made sure to make more.” That explains it. You smile, happy someone kept you in mind. Now you can shower in peace. You thank her and head upstairs.
“You saw that, right?” Laura turns to Clint and Nat who walked in not too long before you left.
“She’s been like that all morning. Not one ‘Are we done yet?’ or ‘Why do you hate me, Natasha?’ on our hike,” Nat replies in a hushed tone as if it’s so unlike you to be agreeable in the morning. 
“Do you think it has anything to do with a certain somebody?” Laura felt the need to ask.
“Well she didn’t just find a love for exercise,” Nat sarcastically says.
Clint sighs, “Do you think we have to talk to her again?” 
Nat goes to respond, but Laura cuts off whatever Nat was going to say, “No, if anyone is going to talk to her, it’s me. And it’s not going to be some crappy ‘no dating’ rule type of conversation. You two are great when it comes to getting someone to talk with your intimidation, but save that for your job, which speaking of, Wanda is your coworker, so you may want to talk to her as well if you had to talk to Y/N because last I remember it takes two to tango.”
Nat and Clint stare at Laura in shock, embarrassment and guilt rightfully taking over their bodies. “Are we clear?” Laura asks them though it’s more of a statement leaving no room for argument. 
“Yes.” “Yeah.”
Upstairs, you make your way to the guest room to grab some clothes. Wanda is sitting on the bed reading her book. She is still dressed in her pyjamas, which makes you smile. The sound of her turning the page shakes you from your thoughts and saves you from staring a bit too long. Wanda smirks without bothering to look away from her book and you know she caught you.
“Morning, I’m just gonna get some clothes,” you explain as you move to where your bag is. Wanda speaks up while you zip your duffle closed, “I’m sorry for bothering you last night.”
“Come on, Wanda. You could never be a bother,” you say sincerely, giving her a smile that she shyly returns. “Alright, the shower is calling my name.”
“Yeah, I can hear it screaming,” she jokes and laughs when you take mock offense, “Hey!” She goes back to reading when she sees you heading out the door but you call her attention once more, “Oh! Thanks for telling them to save me a plate.”
“Of course,” she replies like it wasn’t even worth mentioning. You nod at her and then go to shower, closing the guest room door behind you.
A few seconds later, the door opens up again and Wanda amusedly says, her eyes never straying from the page she’s reading, “Did the shower call the wrong name?”
“No, it was definitely calling Y/N’s and mine too, I’m sure, but I wanted to talk to you first.”
Wanda’s head diverts to the door at Nat’s voice. 
“And you needed back up for it?” Wanda looks over to Clint who awkwardly stands behind Nat.
Clint clears his throat, “Well it was only fair if Y/N got both of us, you did too.”
Wanda straightens her posture as she places her book beside her. “Ah, so this is about Y/N. I had a feeling.”
Nat and Clint come into the room, Clint closing the door behind him. Nat goes to sit on the end of the bed and Clint stands behind her. “Look, we were wrong to tell Y/N what to do or rather not do. She is an adult and has the right to do whatever she wants, but you have to understand she’s someone who tends to get ahead of herself and we didn’t- we don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Nat starts.
“So you’re saying she is getting ahead of herself with me? That what? Come two weeks, she’ll realize she doesn’t want me?” Wanda starts to get visibly upset.
“No, that’s not what-” Clint tries to speak but Wanda is not done talking. “Even if that was the case, it would be her choice. It would be my choice.”
“Wanda, you are not going to be here in two weeks. You are not going to be here in a few days,” Natasha calmly says trying to reason. “Look, we love Y/N, okay? But she often finds herself making mistakes-”
“So I would just be another mistake? 
“No, you would be a dangerous one,” Nat says trying to get something through to Wanda.
“I would never hurt her.”
“No, maybe not intentionally,” Nat continues, and when Wanda looks like she is going to argue, Clint interrupts, “Wanda, just let her finish.” Wanda takes a breath to calm herself down and then nods for Natasha to carry on.
“Being in our lives more than she has to could get her hurt. Even this morning, I hurt her when she was probably just trying to play some stupid prank. Being around us is dangerous. Why do you think Clint kept all this a secret,” Nat motions around the room. “Why do you think I was so upset about her and Yelena? Why do you think we haven’t said anything to Y/N before? Those other girls aren’t you. Those other girls aren’t Yelena. I don’t even know where she is right now. We live different lives. Say things do work out with Y/N. Much like I don’t know where my sister is, there will be times she won’t have a clue where you are or if you’re okay. When Clint and I say we don’t want anyone to get hurt, it goes both ways.”
“Wan, have you seen my blue shirt with the buttons?” Pietro storms into the room like a man on a mission, not even bothering to acknowledge Nat and Clint are in the room as well. “I know I packed it.” Not until he reads the hurt in Wanda’s eyes does he read the room and like the protective sibling he is, he is quick to get defensive. “What’s happening here?”
Her brother’s interruption could not have come at a better time. Wanda didn’t know how to respond to Nat’s explanation. She was feeling herself choke up, Vision’s voice springing in her head again. She’s happy to have Pietro here so willing to jump in to defend her but she doesn’t want to drag him into it, so she clears her throat and says, “Nothing. We were just talking.” He still looks unsure, so she gets up from the bed and offers, “I’ll help you look for it.” Her eyes plead for him to let it go. Luckily, he does and heads out the door.  Clint and Nat watch Pietro leave and Wanda stop by the door. “You don’t have to worry. Y/N made it clear to me that we’re just friends,” she says in defeat, then turns to follow her brother.
“Well, that went well,” Clint says sarcastically. 
Wanda spends the next two hours helping Sam, Peter, and Pietro get ready. She helps Sam pick an outfit first seeing as he was the first to shower. She has to pry one of Peter’s t-shirts from his hands saying he’s twice Peter’s size and he cannot pull the nerdy look. She helps Peter next. It’s mostly just styling his hair he needs help with. At last she helps her brother after having knocked on the bathroom door four different times telling him to hurry up. 
“How does the one with superspeed take an hour in the shower?” Sam asks rhetorically. Sam, Wanda, and Peter are on the bed in Cooper’s room watching Pietro straighten out his shirt.
“Hey, it takes time to look this good,” Pietro says as he fixes his collar. All three of them nearly roll their eyes. “Do you think Y/N will like this shirt?”
“Yeah, if it was on Wanda, maybe,” Sam snorts. Peter holds back a chuckle while Wanda tries not to react. 
“You look nice,” Wanda says, not wanting to tear down her brother’s confidence. Everyone’s attention is drawn to the closed door when someone knocks. They hear you ask if you can come in. Pietro responds, “One second.” He goes to lean against Cooper’s desk casually and all three on the bed try really hard not to laugh. Peter has to shove his face in a pillow. “Okay, come in.”
You let yourself into the room, your eyes falling on Wanda immediately. “Not that you don’t look nice in them, but do you really plan on wearing your pjs to the fair?” you tease her. “I mean, you’ll for sure be turning heads, if that’s the plan.” 
She replies, “I was waiting on the shower. Someone was taking their time.” She points her head in Pietro’s direction who gives you a nod in acknowledgement and a “‘sup?” Sam’s mouth forms a line trying so hard not to laugh out loud. Peter’s face stays hidden behind the pillow but you can see from the side of his neck his face was getting red. You feel like you walked in at the wrong time given everyone’s behavior. You tell Wanda, “You might want to hurry. Clint says we’re leaving soon.” With that you turn to leave wondering what you had walked in on. 
When you shut the door, everyone in Cooper’s room excluding Pietro bursts out laughing.
“What the hell was that, man?” Sam asks between fits of laughter.
Peter gets up and leans against the desk to mimic Pietro, “‘Sup?” Everyone laughs again, Pietro leaning over to slap Peter in the back of the head.
They take the family car and Nat’s car to the fair. Sam and Peter ride with Nat while the rest of you ride with Clint driving. As you wait in line to buy tickets, you lean over Wanda’s shoulder, who is standing right in front of you with her back to you, and say “I meant to say this earlier but you look nice.”
She smiles and then turns around to face you as you take a step back. She jokes, “I thought I looked good in my pyjamas but someone implied it wasn’t appropriate for the fair.”
“Oh definitely not appropriate. It was way too sexy. We couldn’t have that around the children,” you reply making her giggle.
“You don’t look too bad either,” she returns the earlier compliment, taking in your outfit as you shuffle forward with the rest of the line. “Your outfit is very nice.”
“Oh, this. I just threw it together.” No, you didn’t. You took your time with it. “But thanks,” you wave her off. When you reach the ticket stand, you rush in front of Clint to pay for yours, Wanda’s, Laura’s, Nat’s, and the kids’ tickets. You explain to him when you are all walking together that you kind of owed Wanda for something and you were the one who promised to take the kids here much to Nat and Laura’s displeasure so you kind of owed them too. 
You make it inside the fairgrounds. A giant banner that reads “WESTVIEW COUNTY FAIR!” greets you overhead. Everyone gets excited upon seeing the banner and all the lights in the background. Well, everyone but Nat and Laura, Nat not ever a big fan of fairs and Laura not a fan of taking care of kids at a fair. Out of all the lights shining on the fairgrounds, your favorite is the one shining through Wanda’s eyes as she takes everything in with wonder. 
“So what do you want to do first?” you ask her.
She turns to you and almost looks embarrassed. “I don’t know. I’ve never been to a fair.”
“What?” you ask in shock. She shrugs not knowing what else she could say. “Well, it’s settled then. We are not leaving until you get the whole experience. Let’s go buy some wristbands for the rides. We are going on every single one.” Her eyes widen and the wonder in them from earlier shifts into nervousness. “It’ll be fun, come on,” you reassure as you drag her to another line, leaving everyone else behind. 
You and Wanda get on every ride but the ferris wheel telling her you have to leave that one for last. You even ride some twice, but you get hungry and ask Wanda if she wants to eat yet. She agrees that she could take a break for food. You try various things the fair offers wanting Wanda to try everything. “You Americans like to fry anything you can,” she comments as she takes another bite of her fried oreo. She hums as she finishes it off. “I understand why,” she says, making you laugh. 
You spot Laura and Nat sitting at a table near the stage where some band is playing music. You and Wanda head on over. Soon everyone regroups there, finishing off the food they bought and watching people dance. Clint pulls Laura to dance with him. You all sit at the table watching them with a smile when someone obstructs your view of them. You look up to see a tall guy in a black cowboy hat smiling down at Wanda beside you offering his hand out asking her to dance. She looks at you, unsure of what to say. You give her a smile that admittedly took you a second to form and nod encouragingly for her to accept. She smiles politely at him and takes his hand. You watch them dance, your eyes only ever straying when you see Wanda going to look at you. You watch when he leans down to tell her something in her ear and she laughs. You wonder what he told her that was so funny. Your eyes roam over him. He’s handsome, you’ll give him that. He has a nice face, good posture. You note he is also respectful with his hand placement when dancing, so you can appreciate that. It seems like Westview County has their own Steve Rodgers. The thought bugs you.
Someone blocks your view once again, only this time you are kind of thankful for it. You look up to see Pietro asking you to dance. “Why not?” you say, wanting to do anything rather than stare at Wanda dancing with some guy. He pulls you to the dance floor. You enjoy your time dancing with Pietro though you get dizzy from how quickly he spins you. You’re a little disappointed your dance is cut short when Lila taps your arm asking if she can dance with Pietro. You smile at her saying of course she can. With your distraction gone to dance with Lila, your eyes search for Wanda once more but you cannot seem to find her. You feel someone grab your hand and you are spun into that someone’s arms. Your eyes fall to familiar green ones and you smile, “Smooth moves, Maximoff.”
“Thank you,” she says with a smile as she starts to sway with you to the music. “You let me dance with a stranger.”
“You’re dancing with me now and we were strangers not so long ago,” you rebuttal. 
“But at least we know each other’s names.”
“Did you not get his name?” you ask.
“I never asked for it,” Wanda returns simply, shrugging. You find it hard to believe that his name never came up so you say, “That was a lot of talking for him to not have given you a name.”
“You saw us talking? I would not have guessed you were paying attention. Every time I looked at you, you turned to look away,” she teases you.
You swallow, choking on the embarrassment of getting caught. “Doesn’t matter. His name’s probably Brad or something. He looks like a Brad.”
She laughs then catching on to your tone she asks, “Y/N, are you jealous?” 
“What? Me, jealous?” you ask, astonished. She nods, smiling like she has her answer. “Wanda, I could never be jealous of some Brad. Dance with a Marcus and then maybe, but a Brad? Pfft. No.”
She just laughs and pulls you closer. You let yourself go and dance with her until whatever song the band is playing ends. “Let’s go play some games. I feel like shooting something,” you say, making her laugh loudly. 
Everyone decides to play with you as well so you all head over to the different stands. Nat wins the shooting game, Clint coming in close. He wins the popping the balloons with darts game. They give their prizes to Cooper and Lila. Peter and Sam spend some time with the hammer and bell game; Peter hitting the bell every time garners some attention especially from some girls which frustrates Sam. Pietro wins a fish when he plays ring toss. It seems like everyone but you has been winning something. Even Wanda won a stuffed panda she gave to Lila after playing a water shooting game. You were getting frustrated trying to knock some blocks off a stool. You’ve spent a good $20 on this game already. Wanda catching your frustration decides to help you out. When you are down to your last ball, you try your best to focus and throw the ball. Two of the three blocks fall down. The last one is teetering on the edge. You think you’ve lost but a second later it falls over. You shout with glee. You ask the attendant for the keychain that has the letter W on it.
Wanda watches you with a smile as you approach her. “Thank you for that,” you say, and when she tries to play naive, you continue, “I know you knocked the last block.”
She gives you a sheepish smile. You hold out the keychain to her. “I figure this only rightfully belongs to you. May it proudly hold your keys until you lose it.” She tries to say no but you take her wrist and place the keychain in the palm of her hand. “It has your initial. You have to keep it.”
“I’m pretty sure the W is for Westview County,” she counters.
“A happy coincidence.” You don’t take no for an answer and she finally smiles and thanks you, putting her new keychain away so she doesn’t lose it. You look around to see the others still distracted with the games but you also catch your cousin yawn. You know this means you’re leaving soon so you grab Wanda’s hand and head over to the line for the ferris wheel.
You thank the attendant when he checks you have your belt on and pulls the bar to your lap. The wheel starts turning and when you are midway to the top, it shakes a little as two people get on the final empty cart. The shaking makes Wanda nervous. She grabs your hand almost protectively as her posture turns into one that looks ready for a fight. You turn your palm over to interlace your fingers and rub your thumb on her hand to try to soothe her nerves. “Hey, it’s okay,” you say. She turns to you and you see her irises are red. “They always do this. We’re okay. Just don’t rock the cart and we’ll be good.”
She takes a breath willing herself to relax. The red in her irises fade back to her green. She sits back and the ferris wheel moves again, this time not stopping for people to get on. You keep holding her hand squeezing it from time to time in reassurance. You can see Clint and everyone from the ferris wheel and point them out to Wanda. The only ones to see you are the kids who wave to you. You wave back. 
“Do you come to the fair every year?” Wanda asks.
“Pretty much. There’s not much else to do,” you shrug. She ponders this for a moment and then, “So you’ve brought dates to the fair before, I’m guessing.”
“Yeah?” You say more like a question wondering where she was going with this.
“In the movies, people on dates always kiss on the ferris wheel. Did you kiss them?”
“Wanda,” you say her name but it comes out more like a warning.
“Sorry, I was just wondering,” she mutters, then turns to look back at the fairgrounds. 
“No, I didn’t.” You answer sincerely. She looks back at you. You explain, “The two other people I’ve taken to the fair on a date were too afraid to get on the ferris wheel.”
“You said ‘other’,” she says smiling at you.
You look at her confused. “What?”
“You said ‘the two other people’ meaning other than me. So is this date?” she raises an eyebrow, an amused expression on her face.
“A friendly date,” you say, making her frown. She huffs in defeat letting go of your hand and hold the lap bar instead. The night had been going so well, you didn’t want this one thing to ruin it, so without letting yourself think it over, you wait until you get to the top of the ferris wheel. You lean into her space and look her in the eye to show her you are serious when you say, “Don’t tell Nat or Clint.” She looks confused but the confusion quickly turns into a pleasant surprise when you gently grab her face and lean in to kiss her. It doesn’t last long enough to give her a chance to kiss you back. You pull back with a cheeky smile and say, “I did promise the whole experience.” 
The kiss may have ended too quickly for Wanda but it was long enough for a few people to catch it. One of them being your cousin whose kids were pointing to you and Wanda on the ferris wheel in excitement. She just shook her head in amusement when she saw you kiss Wanda. The other person to catch you was Wanda’s brother who, when seeing you kiss his sister, just whines, “No, Y/N.”
I'm sorry this took so long. I got sidetracked and then when I started I got stuck and in my true fashion, once I started writing, I couldn't stop and I couldn’t leave you without taking you to the fair. So, I hope the length of the chapter makes up for the wait. Oh, Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there doing their best to be good moms! I created a house map of how I picture the inside to look, you know without the fine details.
Next chapter bring your bug spray, you’re going camping.
Taglist: @madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovepoem @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission 
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Would you do first date hcs for the marines? Please and thank you brewski 😊
First Dates With The US Colonial Marines
Headcanon - USCM x reader - SFW
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AN: Great inspo for a headcanon Anon, you are more than welcome. Enjoy!
Pvt. Drake
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It would definitely be a more casual date. Fancy dates, to him, are just a preference. But if you express that that is your preference, he would be down with it 100%.
Drake would definitely take you do something like paintball or go-karts. He wants to have fun with you and get to know you. It doesn't have to be some formal, awkward thing.
After that, he'd probably take you to a really good Mexican restaurant that you'd never heard of.
If you were really having fun, he would be 100% down to go do something else after dinner or go on a random adventure to check something out you both stumbled on.
At the end of the night (or early in the morning if you end up staying out all night), he walks you to your door and gives you hug. If you're down with kissing he gets really excited because he doesn't expect it.
Lt. Gorman
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Gorman is very formal. He shows up very stiff in a suit and hands you a bouquet of flowers.
He starts the evening with dinner out at a nice Italian restaurant where he makes sure to pull your seat out for you.
He asks a lot about your career and what your plans for the future are. He's very attentive and makes great eye contact.
He will mention basics about himself, but tries to focus more on you.
He refuses to let you pay and makes sure to open every door for you.
Then he will probably take you out to a movie; PG-13.
He gets nervous if you guys reach in the popcorn bucket at the same time and your hands touch.
He drives you home and on the way back to your door, he gives you a firm handshake and asks if you'd like to go out again.
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks would show up a little early and a little nervous, probably in a clean button up with slacks.
He rushes to open the car door for you.
He takes you out to a nice restaurant on the beach side, the kind with a patio and strung up lights.
He's a little awkward at first, making small talk. However, after the first glass of wine, he starts to open up and ask all about you.
You have a great conversation and after your plates are empty, he asks if you want to get up to dance with the other couples.
He might accidentally step on your toes once in awhile but is incredibly apologetic.
He really is a great conversationalist and getting to know him is really a joy.
After he pays the check and leaves the waiter a generous tip, he asks if you'd like to take a walk down the beach.
You both walk down the beach, holding hands and talking well into the night.
When he drops you off in the early morning hours and walks you to the door, he nervously asks if you'd like to see him again.
If your answer is yes, he doesn't even try to pretend he's not a little giddy over it.
Pvt. Hudson
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100% this date is either a train wreck or a beautiful disaster. But either way, at least you didn't have to get dressed up for it.
He shows up like 15 minutes late, but is incredibly apologetic.
He takes you out to a movie; rated R and if your suggest anything tamer, he calls you a chicken.
After the lights dim in the theater, he starts reaching into his coat and pulls out at least twenty of those mini-bar bottles of liquor. It seems incredibly immature but he was right, the movies are a lot more fun if you're drunk.
He definitely does the old 'oh I'm yawning or stretching and now my arm is around you' move.
He would take you bar-crawling afterwards, paying for all your drinks and coaching you how to play pool.
Even though you're not having sex on the first date, the night will no doubt end up so chaotic you wake up in his bed the next morning.
Pvt. Vasquez
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She'd probably just want to meet up with you at the bar. Greets you with a side hug and asks what you want to drink.
You'd take turns grabbing rounds and she would challenge you to a game of darts. You guys laugh and talk about your day over a game of pool.
She is a great listener and you get the sense she really wants to get to know you and cares about what you have to say.
At some point you would be arm wrestling her. She wins every time. But she's not even super cocky about it.
Later on in the night, you guys have a deep conversation about your lives and you bond over it.
If anyone at the bar is rude to you, she tells them off to the point that they cry and it's awesome.
She's just such a cool person and you have such a fun time. She has a great dry sense of humor.
At the end of the night, she gives you a full hug and you exchange numbers and go your separate ways.
But when you get home, she's already called to make sure you got home alright.
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lnsfawwi · 3 years
we don't talk enough about how Aaron's an absolute little shit
(a bit hossi but that's expected)
mostly it's when he's with Dave, Dave's his best friend and he's the most relaxed around Dave.
remember when he gave Dave a “very tempered suggestion” so the team could have a cooking lesson at Dave's mansion? an idea which Dave objected earlier? Aaron knew Dave wouldn't say no to him and Aaron just casually threw it at his face. also that smile afterwards :)
“altruism is sexy.” “yes it is” and without a pause he jumped right into the case as if he didn't just flirt with Dave.
and that time these two had a quarrel about their music taste? such a mom & dad moment.
peak mom & dad moment was when seaver joined the team, they looked out through the blinds and Dave said, “makes you feel old, doesn't it?” Aaron was frowning, as if it's a serious question,“no.” that's flirting, right? right?
there's no way hotch believes in psychics, but when Dave had an fight with JJ about it, he went length to defend JJ, even if that meant to give the psychic some credit. when he pulled the sheet to show Dave the brewery he's all like “see? water! JJ's right!” that scene can be summed up as: dad, when mom was mad at his favorite daughter.
then in season 8 when they were in the bar, he ordered a song on Dave's behalf without telling him, “I don't believe the team has heard you sing.” “next up is David Rossi.” “look it's in your key.” other than him being a little shit, it also indicates that hotch had heard Dave sing before. I wonder when(&where)😏
hotch is the worst wingman ever. Dave was creating opportunity for him but he just went, “full disclosure, he's been divorced 3 times.”
in early season 5, hotch was not himself. he's grim, impetuous, and a bit petulant. so when he faced down an violent unsub by himself and was questioned by Morgan, he just went, “would you have?” like that enough of justification lmao.
and he just went all tough on Morgan all of sudden without any explanations? like, if you wanted to gave him the unit chief position, you could've just said so?
(the best thing about the team dynamic during that time were Dave and Emily. those two just trusted hotch with full heart, they didn't even care he was being unprofessional. when hotch walked out on a potential shoot out, they just left with him?? and they went to have a drink with him afterwards? I feel like they'd jump off a damn cliff with him. poor Morgan.)
don't forget when hotch tried to transfer to white collar in season 3 and Morgan was feeling incredulous at the prospect, hotch didn't offer him an explaination, instead he said, “maybe the next unit chief wouldn't be so much of a drill sergeant.” yes, hotch holds grudges and he doesn't pull punches.
and that time when garcia was gossiping about hotch's dating life, the team quiet down and garcia started to panic, he just had to wait until garcia realized what's happening before he leaned over in front of the camera to greet her, deadpan. bossman WAS a theater kid.
speaking of theaters, season6 ep8, when garcia refused to do press conference cuz she's too scared. “Sir I'm not the one you want in front the camera.” “yes, you are.” hotch just kept on pushing her and accidentally slipped the one secret garcia asked him to keep lol (he's going to use a wig anyway, he could've just asked Emily to do it, but no, it had to be the one agent on the team that had no training whatsoever.)
similarly, in season 5 finale, JJ was also scared of fucking up the case, “hotch I'm not a crisis negotiator.” “I'm sorry, but you're today.” “you'll be there, right?” “I'll be listening.*hangs up*”
bossman's tough love™
hotch's prone to push his team until they discovery that there're so much more in them that they didn't realize. but a little headsup would be nicer.
then there're some of the more general sassiness&quirkiness.
“let me see you profile a disorganized psychopath.”
“guys, we're in NY. even when we're not talking about the case. we're talking about another profiler.” “so, Elle, you seeing anyone?”
*starts profiling Strauss unprompted*
congresswoman:“keep a low profile if you want to work on the case.” hotch:*did a press conference right across from the capitol*
“you think they all get houses and jobs.” and he said that in front of everyone!
“he'll get over it.”
“it's not a show, it is your case, and you can watch it from the outside.”
“that's gonna be tricky if you're scrutinizing her every move.” “Prentiss you seem to do ok.”
“everyone's allowed to be late. once.”
“and I also know you, and those cameras you love so much, they're all waiting for you downstairs for your perp walk.” “you're bluffing.” “JJ.”
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comradekatara · 3 years
ok I love your sokka/mai/toph dynamics and I want to hear your thoughts on the relationship between toph and mai in particular , as rich girls who resent their families I feel like they’d have a lot of common experiences growing up which would be a good start to their friendship, but how would it progress from there ?
yess their friendship would be so fucking good. like they’d just Get each other, and toph’s encouragement & understanding would definitely help mai figure out that she doesn’t need to dedicate her life to pleasing her parents, or anyone, for that matter, and she can go after what she wants without shame. and of course they both think the other is hilarious and badass and awesome. they’re always hanging out and causing chaos together. here are 10 bullet points about their friendship: 
they are each other's automatic assumed plus-one to family events. this arrangement begins one day when they're in their teens and mai is bemoaning an upcoming family dinner. toph first suggests that mai simply skip it, because that's what she'd do, but when mai admits she wants to see tom-tom (toph: "ew, why?") they hatch a scheme together. toph will accompany mai, and she'll begin the evening by acting like a perfectly composed young lady, but get steadily weirder and make mai's parents more and more uncomfortable as the night progresses. by the time the dessert course rolls around, toph is fully metalbending the dessert spoons out of their hands and cackling when they reflexively grab for them. this amusing display becomes a tradition – if mai is expected to attend anything, it's assumed that toph will be there as her mischievous date. toph even begins attending her own family events for the first time just so she can take mai, who will obligingly derail dinner by doing knife tricks for the horrified guests. in true theater kid tradition (much like her ex-boyfriend, mai's always had a fondness for live theater), any fancy rich people dinner becomes "dinner and a show." 
when they are in their early twenties, there's a brief period of time when mai and ty lee are temporarily "off." it's not important whose fault it was (it was both of theirs) but for weeks on end, neither one can shut up about the drama. while ty lee cries in suki's arms, mai sullenly stays in toph's little hovel, getting high a lot and eating all of toph's snacks. at some point during this period, mai suggests – with deadly seriousness – that she and toph should just hook up. toph is like, "okay, yeah," but by  the time they lean in to kiss, they've already thought better of it. they both suffer through a very awkward kiss (and it's not even bad, just terribly self-conscious) and then pretend to get distracted by other topics. they don't mention it again. 
neither one has the faintest idea how to do laundry. the first time they go on a trip together just the two of them, they can't figure out why their clothes smell so increasingly… weird. mildew-y. it turns out that you can't simply wave your clothes around in the river without any soap and then leave them out on a rock all balled-up and expect them to be dry in the morning. they wind up having to toss all the clothes they brought with them on that trip. it is a humbling experience.
one day, while staying at the fire nation palace, toph spontaneously decides to prank mai by pretending she and azula kissed last night. she claims the kiss was surprisingly good and then works her way up to shyly "confessing" that she thinks she's developing feelings. mai completely falls for it. she squawks and objects and threatens to tell katara. they cause such a commotion that azula actually wanders downstairs to see what's going on. though toph attempts to nonverbally communicate that azula should just go with it, azula reacts like an absolute space alien, letting loose a stream of nervous giggles and barely managing to fumble out the words, "i-i-i-i've never kissed a girl, actually." afterwards, mai is a little embarrassed for believing in it, but they're both way more embarrassed for azula herself. toph decides that kind of backfired.
for mai's thirtieth birthday, toph metalbends her a knife. engraved into the metal is a perfect image of toph herself, a kind of signature. the more normal thing to do might be to put this logo on the handle, but toph puts it right at the tip of the blade. this overt branding of the knife as an extension of toph herself leads to an inside joke where mai will sometimes ever so casually turn to toph and say "you killed someone last night," and toph will be like, "nice! good for me." 
toph gets super offended on mai’s behalf whenever someone refers to her as “lady mai.” it’s an outrage! toph insists. SHE’S NOT A LADY, SHE’S A DYKE!!!! (toph repeats this point so often that at some point, mai realizes she’s gone from quietly resigning herself to the reminder of her nobility to being just as outraged as toph.)
it’s a widely-known fact among mai’s friends that she is really, really jealous of sokka’s hair. toph’s like “so just cut your hair, then?” and mai’s like “but his hair is a cultural thing, it would be weird if i just. had his haircut.” so then toph suggests that they both cut their hair to look like sokka’s (pictured here & here), that way, it can’t be cultural appropriation! and mai’s like “that doesn’t make any sense.....but it sounds hilarious, so i’m in.” they also get glasses similar to his, despite the fact that mai has perfect vision & toph has none at all, and stop wearing shirts with sleeves, just to complete the look. at first sokka is like “okay, haha, very funny,” but like a year into them both sporting wolftails, glasses, and sleeveless tunics, it’s become apparent that they’re actually both deeply attached to these fashion statements. but it would have nothing to do with the hordes of girls who have been hitting on them... nothing at all... 
toph thinks it’s extremely funny that mai dated zuko. of course, she has enough tact not to voice this while they’re still in their teens, because it’s still a sore wound, but once they’re in their twenties, toph’s like “hey remember when you dated ZUKO?????” and starts laughing hysterically and then suki’s like “what’s so funny” and toph, between wheezes, is like “i just remembered when MAI dated ZUKO” and then suki starts cracking up too and then ty lee walks by and is like “hey guys whats going on” and stuttering between breaths, crying with laughter, toph and suki are like “remember when MAI??????? DATED?????? ZUKO??????????” and ty lee is like “DO I??????????????” and they’re all just rolling around on the floor trying to breathe through their laughter and mai is just. completely stone-faced, like “yeah that was pretty bad.”
toph, mai, suki, and ty lee almost immediately become a Squad after the war ends. existing on the periphery of this squad are sokka, the other kyoshi warriors, and aang, who is technically invited to any group hangout because his presence is always delightful. they invited zuko once, and they all agreed that it wasn’t fun for him. they invited katara once, and toph was like “watch out guys she’s gonna be such a buzzkill because she HATES FUN like a BORING OLD MOM” but actually katara got wayy too wild and the four of them had to rein her in. well, mai, toph, and suki egged her on; ty lee reined her in. but still, toph and mai definitely got a taste of the Sokka Lifestyle that night. 
the first, and last, time toph is forced to babysit tom tom, it is because literally everyone else is absent from the fire nation. even zuko, who would probably agree to hold tom tom while in diplomatic meetings, is currently in the earth kingdom or something, so toph is literally the only option mai has. approximately 15 minutes later, once mai has returned from her errand to both of them, somehow, covered in jam (and possibly blood??) mai’s like “...well?” and toph just says grimly, “i am never having kids.” 
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