#and then he was like ''yeah it is pretty cool isn't :) ...... *panic* don't leave though :(''
artykyn · 2 years
Love that my confectionery hobby has apparently reached the point where I can watch coworkers and even managers struggle with complimenting my skills without encouraging me to quit and leave to pursue it as a new career
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Bee, Ozzie (+ Fizz, if you wanna) and Loona with a shy, human male S/O who has metahuman abilities, specifically time manipulation (controlling the flow of time, such as speeding it up, slowing it down, moving it forward, moving it back, etc) and time alteration (changing the time around an object, either inanimate or living, and making that object into a different thing entirely, with living things still retaining their sentience, but are unable to move)
Sorry if this is long and/or hyper specific.
Ozzie + Fizz, Bee, and Loona with a Shy, Human Male S/O with metahuman abilities
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Both Asmodeus and Fizzarolli think you're extremely cool! They're both really sweet to you, though. The last thing they need is for you to have a panic attack on them!
"Fuck, you can mess with time?! That shit's pretty scary~!" Fizzarolli would tease playfully in a sing-song voice.
"Can you show us how it works, baby?" Ozzie would ask you. Of course, he'll understand if you say no or refuse. He's just happy to give you the opportunity to talk about yourself.
Since you're shy, they'll be the first to open up all sorts of doors for you to interject your opinion into things, too. Plus, with you being human, Ozzie in particular would be incredibly protective of you.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! I'll destroy any motherfucker who tries to hurt my boyfriend!" Ozzie would shout after someone had been harassing you. And Fizzarolli would quickly join in.
"Yeah, our boyfriend is wayyyyy too good for a piece of shit like you," he'd say in that smug tone he always used on people he didn't like and wanted to taunt.
Honestly, they'd both want to kind of see you snap. You've earned it dealing with all the bullshit in Hell. Change that Karen into a pot or something, and let her be in agony stuck that way for the rest of her life in Hell. Or age her so much that her husband won't ever want her again (as if he even does now- 🤭)
A wholesome pair, certainly, but with their darker, more mischievous sides!!
They'll probably bring you to Ozzie's with them so they can better keep an eye on you. After all, they don't want to watch anyone try to hurt you without being able to stop it.
No, Ozzie learned his lesson after OOPS with Fizz-
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Oh boy. You're in for a treat with our lovely Queen Bee.
See, it isn't necessarily that she's mean about you being shy, it's just that she doesn't quite understand it. After all, she's a total party animal, she can't understand people who don't enjoy getting scrappy and having fun!
She'd be the type to first offer you drugs to help you loosen up, insisting she can get you anything that your heart desires.
"C'mon, babe! Alcohol? Sugar? Fentanyl? Ketamine? Oxy? Chardonnay? Come on, anything you want, just lemme know! We gotta be ready to tear this shit up together!"
She's only being playful, of course. She's trying her hardest to understand, she really is. Once she understands it more of an aspect of your personality, rather than a problem she needs to fix, she's a lot more chill.
"Hey, hun, I know you're not really a fan of socializing at my parties. Wanna go to a private section of the place and just chill with me?"
She's also so sweet, she'll offer you any accommodations you may need! Comfort foods? No problem! Cuddles? You got it! Her attention? You don't even need to ask!
She's a lot less focused on your abilities than some of the others. But still finds them really cool, although more for just messing around!
"So are you telling me you could totally turn that plant over there back into a seed?! Yeah! Do it! C'mon, show me, babe!"
Probably finds it really hot how powerful you are, actually.
The Gluttony Ring is a lot more chill, so she's a lot more comfortable leaving you by yourself as a human there than in, say, the Lust or Pride Rings. Most everybody in Gluttony is sweet.
After all, nobody would really want to get on her bad side, anyway.
And yet, if you approached her with any sort of issues... i.e., someone tried spiking your drink, someone spilled a drink on you, you're being made fun of, etc., out comes the monstrous Bee form. It's their own fault!
"Which of you fucking bitches tried some shit on S/O?! I'll fuck you up so hard that not even all the ketamine in the world will numb your stupid ass!"
It's honestly amazing how protective someone normally so chill can be when their S/O is human.
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You're shy, male, have powers, and above all, are human?! Oh no, no, no. Don't ever let her dad find out, he will be at your house the same day-
Aside from that, she pretends not to care much about your abilities. After all, she's more interested in you, not what you can do. And she finds your abilities impressive, and something she'll secretly record so she can remember how cool it was, but she'll avoid bringing it up. She never knows if it's a sore spot for you, after all.
Since you're shy, she'll take it on herself to tease an embarrass you in public, but only playfully and as much as you're comfortable with. All you have to do is say the word and she'll stop and never do it again. Kisses to the cheek, pulling you to sit on her lap (or vice versa), sickeningly sweet couple photos, you name it, she's already on it, most likely.
Of course, only she's allowed to do it. Anyone else who tries is already basically a goner, because they're going to be unrecognizable by the time Loona is done mauling them- Who's to say Hellhounds aren't loyal and devoted?
With that said, if someone ever messed with you,
She's pretty chill with you, though, just acting very normal and a little more sweet. Not quite as abrasive as she is toward Blitzø, for example.
"Hey, S/O. There's this thing coming up in the Greed Ring next week. Wanna go? You don't have to, it's just an idea."
Since you're human, and she both lives and works in the Pride Ring, which is full of sinners, don't expect to EVER be left alone.
She can't risk one of those awful creatures getting their hands on you and hurting you! No, she'll be at your side 24/7, insisting you call her just to be able to leave your house for the day. It may seem overprotective, something that apparently runs in the family, but she just doesn't want to see you get hurt.
"C'mon, S/O. I promise it's not personal. But Pride is full of shitty people with shitty personalities and shitty crimes that got them sent to this shitty place. 'Kay?"
She does care, even if she doesn't always show it all the time. <3
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
Falling Part Three | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Lana and Jae get closer and you ask Jimin for advice on how to deal with her while also trying to rationalize why Jungkook would be on earth Pairing: Angel f!reader x Fallen Angel Jungkook Word Count: 2.9k~ Warnings: Talks about doubting God and questioning why he let's bad things happen to people on earth as well as leaving heaven to join the devil. This is not meant to be harmful to any religion and I don't want to cause any doubt in God or your faith so if you feel that would affect you then please do not read. Nothing super in depth but still wanted to preface it with this. a/n: I finished this and immediately posted it after some rough editing but I wanted to get it out asap lol hope you guys like it!
Once Lana is done for the day I keep my head on a swivel trying to see if I can catch a glimpse of Jungkook anywhere. Is he a student? He has to be a student right? The only way he would materialize would be if the person he was assigned to has already turned 18. He couldn't possibly be a teacher because I would've noticed by now. Meaning he's highly likely to be in his Senior year just like Lana. There are so many kids here though, how am I going to figure out which students have turned 18 recently?
"Lana!" I hear her name being called from across the hall by that same boy from before. "Oh Jae! Are you all done for the day too?" she asks clearly wanting to see if they would be getting off at the same time for future reference. "Yeah I just finished, did you drive here?" he asks curious as well to see if she would need a ride home most days. "No, my mom dropped me off. I usually just hang around school for a bit and do some homework until she gets off work and comes to get me" she explains. 
"Oh okay, well if you want I could give you a ride?" he offers, clearly insinuating something else but it seems to be in a playful manner more than anything. "That's okay, she's already planning on picking me up today. Rain check?" she asks hopeful he won't feel bad about her shooting him down. 
"Sure. Would it be okay if I kept you company until she does?" he questions, she smiles and nods which seems to uplift his spirits again which is good in her mind. "Cool" he says and follows her lead to one of the table outside in the courtyard near the area her mom picks her up at. 
"So, how are you liking things so far?" she questions, hoping to find something that they can talk about for a while. "It was a pretty seamless transition thankfully. All of my credits transferred so I didn't have to worry about trying to make up for the ones that didn't" he answers. "That's great! Scrambling to make those up before graduation would've been really difficult" she cringes just thinking about the potential of being held back. 
"Plus the students here are really nice, and one girl in particular has caught my eye" he teases, messing with the strap on her bag, almost shy to admit. "Oh yeah? And who might that be?" she questions, catching me off guard. 'Where the heck did she learn how to flirt? And why is she already good at it?' I think to myself. 
"Oh, just this really smart, cute and funny girl that I met. I bumped into her on accident today though so I'm not really sure if she likes me or not" he continues. "Are you sure it was on accident?" she teases. 'What the heck Lana! Why aren't you the shy awkward girl I know you to be anymore?' I think to myself now slightly panicking. 'She must really like this boy so far if she's had a sudden change of character just to entertain his advances. This isn't good'.
After getting home her mom finally takes note of how differently she's acting. She calls out for her and Lana simply hums to show she's listening. "Did something happen at school today?" she asks, also a little worried about her. 'Thank God I'm not the only one' I chime in in my head. If this guy wasn't dressed like the definition of trouble I might not be this concerned but I can't help the slight panic I'm starting to feel.
"No, not really" she say and makes her way up to her room, with me following close behind. "Hey come back down when dinner is ready! No skipping meals today" he mom yells after her. "Yes mom" she responds and closes her door right after the words leave her mouth. 
Jae: Did you get home safe?
Lana: Yeah just walked in. Did you?
Jae: Yeah I did. What are your plans for the rest of the day?
Lana: Nothing really. I've got some homework to do but other than that I'm pretty much free. Why?
Jae: I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a drive
She pauses for a second and thinks about it. She's nervous but excited, that's for sure but I really really hope she'll say no. She knows that she isn't supposed to be hanging out with anyone, let alone a boy she just met after curfew. 'Please Lana, please but smart about this' I pray, not wanting to add another sin to her tally of not obeying the rules set out for her. 
Lana: Oh I don't know, I'm not supposed to be out late on a school night
'Yes Lana! Good girl!' I rejoice. Hopefully he won't push her too much, but I don't blame him for trying, Lana is a very pretty girl. 
Jae: It's probably because we don't know each other well too huh?
Lana: Yeah that too
Jae: It's okay I get it
Lana: But if you're free we could talk on the phone? That way we can get to know each other a bit better :)
Jae: Sure
*Jae would like to FaceTime*
"I said call, not FaceTime" she panics out loud while looking at herself in the mirror before pressing accept. 
"I said we could talk on the phone" she says frustrated at being caught off guard. "Are we not talking on the phone?" his voice resounds on loud since Lana hasn't put her Airpods in yet. "Well...yes" "Then what's the problem Pretty?" he says with a half smile, watching as her eyes widen at the pet name. 
"Why did you call me that?" she asks, biting her lip to keep a smile from cracking while occupying herself with finding her Airpods so her mom doesn't hear him. "Because you're pretty" he says with (not gonna lie) a gorgeous smile. Lana better be careful because I feel like this one is ready to break her heart. Once she finally finds them she puts them in and continues their conversation which I thankfully am still able to hear.
"Is it okay if I call you Pretty?" he surprisingly asks for permission. "As long and I'm the only one you're calling that then yeah I guess so" she says and I can feel her heart racing in anticipation to see what his response might be. "Who else would I call Pretty, Pretty? If I've got you I don't need anyone else" he says, his words sweet as honey warm up her skin. 
"You think you've got me?" she says raising a brow at him. 'Okay Lana, you've still got some fight in you' I'm glad to see she's not playing into his games too quickly. If I were her I would have this guy be putty in my hands before I let him call me anything. 'I- nope I'm not her. Yep, we're just gonna. Uh huh let's give her some privacy' I think to myself and quickly call Jimin to ask for advice. 
"Hey! Long time no see" he says when his hologram pops up. "Yeah sorry I've been really busy with Lana. A new boy just stepped in the scene and I'm not really sure what I should do to help protect her" I say and watch as he takes in the information and thinks on it for a second. "Lana has been a really good girl right? She's been respectful and honest and follows the rules, does well in school, all of that stuff right?" he asks listing off the things I've told him about before. 
"Yes, all of those are still true but I'm nervous. This Jae guy is a capital T for Trouble and I know I'm not supposed to judge but I have to discern on what exactly I'm supposed to do here. Plus her birthday is next month so hopefully I'll be materializing that day if things go according to God's plan" I say, reminding both him and myself of the sort of situation we're dealing with.
"You also have to remember she's still a teenager. Teenagers are supposed to grow up and mess up and get their hearts broken if life takes them down that path. It's perfectly normal for her to like a guy and for him to like her back. It's something new since she really hasn't shown any true interest in boys so I understand how you're feeling but just pray and watch over her. That's all you can really do until her birthday and hopefully by then you'll be able to actually help guide her if she's open to it" he says. 
Now that I think about it, I have been super on edge with her recently, even before Jae came around. Maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion. "Just watch, wait, and gather information about how their relationship grows and changes in these next few weeks so you're able to figure out a game plan before you materialize alright?" he finishes and I take it all into account. 
"Another weird thing happened today, my bracelet lit up when Lana and I were at school" I relay and I can see his face go from confused, to excited, to scared as well as a whole other range of emotions that I can't quite identify. "How could he even be there? Do you think he's materialized as someone's fallen angel? Are there even kids that are that bad at her school? I thought you said she was at a good one?" he asks, just as confused as I am.
"Doesn't mean there aren't a couple of bad eggs lost in the mix" I say, sitting down on Lana's bed to hopefully relax for a bit. "The only way that my bracelet would light up would be if he was in the same realm, correct?" I ask him to which he nods. "And when you fall you become a fallen angel, right?" to which he nods again. "So after all of these years there is still a possibility that he could've been assigned to be someone's fallen angel. Their bad influence so to say, right?" I finish. "Well yeah, but the odds of that are slim. Usually the angels who have fallen are left as slaves and can't come out of hell even if they tried" he explains. 
"Yeah but Jungkook's different, you and I both know that. He could've been taken under someones wing, for lack of a better term. They could've seen potential and drive in him. Plus his brother is there, he fell during the war between angels so he's been there since the very beginning. He could've found out that Jungkook had fallen and got him whatever job he wanted" I finish, showing Jimin the possibilities that could've caused our paths to cross again.  
Maybe all these years he's been leading people straight into the arms of Lucifer. I can't even imagine the horrors he's gone through or worse, taken part in or caused on his own. "Did you see him?" he asks the question that I knew he has been itching to ask. I shake my head and let it fall "I tried looking around but Lana had to get to class so I was stuck with her in there for an hour. When we left I kept on looking as best as I could to find him but he wasn't there". "Maybe try again tomorrow? You'll find him don't worry" Jimin reassures me and we end our call soon after that.
I check up on Lana's call and it seems like they haven't gotten up to too much mischief, just some harmless flirting here and there. "Lana! Dinner!" we both hear her mom yell. "Hey I have to go but I'll see you at school tomorrow okay?" she says, rushing to finish up so her mom doesn't get too suspicious. "Alright, goodnight Pretty" he says in a teasing tone that gives her butterflies in her stomach. "Goodnight Jae" she responds and quickly hangs up the phone before rushing downstairs. 
The next day at school Jae finds Lana in the same hallway they had met in and comes right up to her and swoops up her books again. "Hey!" she protests, trying to get them back just like yesterday. "Hello to you too Pretty" he says chuckling at her. "You really don't have to do that" she says crossing her arms awkwardly while they repeat the same steps they had done yesterday. "I know, but I want to. How did you sleep?" he questions glancing over at her while they continue on their journey. 
"I slept alright, what about you?" she asks looking at him and just now noticing the dark circles under his eyes. "I slept like a baby" he responds, clearly lying. "Are you sure? Because those bags under your eyes are telling a different story" she teases, trying not to prod but being open to the discussion. "Well for the amount of time that I did sleep, I slept like a baby" he chuckles and they continue on down the hallway.
Once they reach the classroom they do the same as before, hanging out right outside to talk when she notices a cut and a slight bruise on his cheekbone that she hadn't seen before since she had been walking on the opposite side of him. "Jae what happened?" she asks clearly concerned and on instinct grabbing his opposite cheek to keep him in place so she can inspect it. 
"It's nothing don't worry about it" he says taking her hand off his face gently and toying with her fingers. "It's clearly not nothing. Does it hurt?" she asks with her brows knitted together while she brings her other hand up and traces the area with a feather light touch. He flinches and hisses as if she's hurt him and she gets even more concerned before she realizes he's joking. "Don't do that! I'm worried about you" she says pushing on one of his shoulders a bit to which he hisses out in true pain. 
"Jae oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I-" she starts but stops when he places one of his hands on her cheek. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine" he says and makes purposeful eye contact with her, to which she decides to just look towards the floor after a second and nods, not asking any further. "Hey" he says and brings her chin back up to look at him again "Just trust me okay?" he asks and she just nods again in response. 
"I need words Pretty" he says using that pet name with her again, making her eyes widen a bit. "Okay" she agrees, "Okay what?" he says tilting his head at her in amusement, teasing to get a smile out of her. "Okay I trust you" she says, giving him that smile he was searching for. "There she is" he says, referring to her normal playful self. 
"Let's head inside okay?" he suggests and she grabs her books from him before he make moves to even push off of the wall he had been leaning against. He tries to reach out for them but she gives him a stern look telling him not to push his luck with her. "Alright alright fine" he says holding his hands up and decides to walk behind her when they walk into the classroom and follows her over to her desk. 
"Can I walk you to your next class?" he asks when she sits down and she nods in agreement but she shies away when he raises a brow at her. "Yes Jae I would love it if you walked me to class" she says and at that he gives her a half smile and runs a thumb over her cheek before he heads off to his seat. 
"My brain is total mush right now" Jae says as they finish up the lesson. "Oh come on it wasn't that bad" Lana laughs and shakes her head as they make their way over to her next class. "Hey Jae!" we all hear a voice say from behind. Even before his voice met my ears my bracelet lit up "Oh hey, give me a minute I'm just gonna walk Lana to her class" Jae says as they continue on down the hallway. "Okay, we'll be outside" he says and even though my head is telling me not to my heart has a mind of it's own making me turn to face him. 
The first thing my eyes land on is his bracelet that he seems to be fiddling with, him looking as confused as I was yesterday. No longer gold but it still sits on his wrist, beaten and tarnished so much so that it has turned into a dark matte black. Another reminder of how far he's fallen, as if his appearance and demeanor wasn't enough. 
He's dressed just like Jae, with piercings and those same burnt and twisted branches as well, his woven through other various tattoos on one of his arms of all shapes and sizes, a particular one catching my eye. He takes a look around to see if he could possibly catch sight of me but fallen angels can't see other angels until they too materialize. I can't help the few tears that fall from the shock of the state he's in especially when he heads back outside to a group of other guys dressed just like them. 
What are Jae and Jungkook involved in? And why for God's sake did he have to choose Lana?
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'Bedroom Present' The Naegi siblings don't expect the Asahina siblings to be like this in each of their rooms. Aoi shows off her goods for Makoto in his room, while Yuta does the same towards Komaru at her room.
Warning: lewd content below
“Nnnnnngggghhh! Fuck me harder!”
“Could you keep it down? You're not the only one having sex in this house.” Makoto lectured Komaru from the doorway. He propped his arm against the side of it and peaked in at his step-sister being fuck doggy style. Yuta seemed to temporarily panic, but Makoto simply waved him off. He didn't seem to mind Yuta currently balls deep inside of her while they were talking, besides the fact that Komaru herself was moaning like a bitch because of it.
“You're one to talk! I had to deal with you screaming about ‘Hina this’ and ‘Hina that’ for the past hour. We both get one sibling so buzz off.” Komaru complained, throwing her voice comically deeper when appropriate. She wasn't completely wrong however, considering how loud her brother was being while fucking Hina. Everyone in the house could practically tell when he was going to cum based on how loud his moans were (which she found super hot, yet decided to keep her mouth shut about it).
“Yes but I started before you even got home, and stopped when I realized you were home.”
“You're still fucking her though!” Komaru pointed out Hina on her knees behind the door. She could barely be seen, but occasionally Komaru saw her lips around her step-brother's cock.
“I don't know what you're talking about. Now just muffle your mouth please. Or else I'll do it for you.”
“Hmmph!” Komaru pouted before changing her posture. If Makoto was going to tell her to muffle herself she'd muffle herself alright. She grabbed Yuta’s cock with her hands before shoving it into her mouth, bobbing on his cock to gag herself. All the while not breaking eye contact with Makoto, making sure he could see her giving the pettiest blowjob of her life.
“Oh you think you're so-”
“Makoto! Komaru! What's going on here?” Their mother appeared in the hallway, visibly upset.
“Komaru Isn't being quiet!”
“Makoto's isn’t being fair!”
“Really? I thought I raised you both better than that? Act your age when guests come over.” Upset with her children's bickering, the nude mother grabbed her son's arm before practically throwing him on the bed next to Komaru. “Quit bickering and get along, understood?”
‘“Y-yes mom.”’
The MILF seemed proud of herself, before turning to leave. Before she could leave the room she saw the still shocked Hina standing by the entrance. “If you need anything at all darling don't hesitate to ask.” She told her before departing back to the living room to talk to Hina’s father. Though judging by the white liquid between her legs, Hina knew exactly what kinda talk they were having.
“Wow, your mom's super cool.” Hina told Makoto as she jumped on the bed with him. She unzipped her tracksuit to let her huge tits fall out, covering Makoto's dick. Teasingly she planted a kiss on the tip before continuing with a titfuck. “Sucks that she totally chewed you out though.”
“Y-yeah, she's pretty awesome. Though she always takes Komaru’s side in arguments, even when she-MMMPH!” Makoto was cut off by an annoyed Komaru sitting on his face. She rubbed her pussy on him while still sucking on Yuta’s throbbing cock. She temporarily removed her lips from him and turned around to speak to Hina.
“So sorry about my annoying big brother. He seems okay but is secretly a big loser when it comes to stuff like this. Next time you need some dick just ask me and I'll call my dad for you, he seems to like you and your mom a lot.”
Hina laughed at the situation in front of her. What could she say? It was only normal for siblings to fight after all.
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doodle-do-wop · 1 year
@valentinerose529 passed on the brain rot so now I'm dragging y'all down with me
Please buckle up your non-existent seatbelts and keep all hands, wings, feet, tails, and horns inside the vehicle. This is gonna be a long post
As I've previously stated else where I firmly stick my foot in the hill that the Aphrodite Cabin (10) has so much more under the surface of pink and glitter (not that there's anything wrong with pink and glitter)
Aphrodite is quite literally the Goddess of Love if you're a PJO fan and don't know Greek mythology or you're a fan but completely forgot.
She has an ever changing form to each individual as well as an ever changing personality (in the PJO universe) due to beauty standards and the culture of the place she's in.
Love is complicated and messy, it's not the same for everyone or every situation.
Thus why I put Keefe in good old 10. What a better place for an empath than the Aphrodite Cabin?
Now moving onto the ever messy Vackers
I love Fitz and Biana. I do............but I got an entire skeleton of bones to pick with Alden Vacker and of he can meet me outside the Denny's parking lot please-
While not actually smart Alden did manage to become emissary in KOTLC and Athena seems to like mildly smart guys who end up being very mid dad's. Girls got a type and I can only say hopes and prayers she gets better.
Athena is a strategist and occasionally thinks only in the form of a game (I will be using chess). Athena knows when it's time to get sharp and wet the blade and move people to where they have to go. She may be immortal but time is still against her so chop chop guys, we've got a magical meguiffin to snatch and bring back.
Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war strategy, handicraft.
What better godly parent to leave an ever lasting shadow on the eldest son Alvar. And the bitterness that stems from being out shined by perfect child Fitz who developed a far more impressive power than his older brother.
"but Biana feels so Aphrodite coded!" You cry and I hear you but Biana is a fighter at heart. She likes winning Quest Hunt and tackling the shit out of people in Tackle Bramble (she would love rugby). She's competitive and clever though it's not clear where on earth that gene came from, clearly not Alden.
And let's not forget it was Biana's idea to turn shirt ruffles into weapon hiding spots. Girls got strategy and style. Athena would be proud.
(plus the absolute sandal that would be blowing up the Camp's gossip train of Biana potentially being Aphrodite's daughter dispite having two Athena brothers would be scalding hot)
Onto everyone's favorite technopath
"oh Hephaestus, we all know" well you're wrong bucko
Worm, germs, plotted plant I named Timmy. What has Dex Dizznee built so far? Bombs, multiple bracelets for punching, many devices used just to heck the government's most top secret files, a panic button/tracker, more devices that hack into the government's files, a circuit that shall not be discussed.
These are all pretty crazy cool shit and Hephaestus would be damn proud to have Dex as his son.
But Dex isn't his son.
Dex's dad is the father of thieves, travelers, and roads. Hermes
"WHAT?" Yeah I know I know. But think about it. Dex is smart, he's so damn smart but he's tricky too. He knows the chemicals needed to dye an imp pink with glittery nails to match, he can whip up a batch up balding blam to get revenge, he can also be easily lost in the background of things.
So what a major disappointment it must be, to be waiting any day now for the sign of the hammer in a blazing forge and get a stupid winged sandal instead.
The Song Twins
Tam and Linh really gave me a run for my money because they're twins but Linh is an obvious Poseidon kid while Tam isn't and however powerful and weird the gods may be, two gods can't have kids with the same woman at the same time. It just ain't possible.
Linh's water powers are important to her character but so are Tam's. But Tam can still have spooky powers just not in the same flavor. Linh is the pretty side of Poseidon's rule over the seas. The water that heals and the funny animal shapes she makes. But the deeper into the ocean you get the darker it becomes. Tam's powers are the less pleasant things in life.
Now for everyone's second favorite arsonist (not Sophie)
Marella Redek has Pyrokenisis and you're saying "oh this one's eazy, Leo, come pick up your sibling" but you're wrong yet again my friend.
While Marella would probably be super frustrated with getting the tinker cabin over something that could help her mom (y'all remember how helping her mom was her main motivation?) at least with the STEM geeks she could hammer out some kind of magic mood ring to help her mom or make a bracelet with charmed gemstones capable of alerting her mom or herself when danger is near or just something
But no
Instead Marella is stuck in the only cabin that couldn't have been a worst match up for her. Hecate. (I know I previously said Ares but I changed my mind)
Marella, instead of having a knack for magic like almost every other child of Hecate instead got the flaming torch part of the deal. Literally. Marella can also see strings of magic and she doesn't like it one bit.
And finally Sophie (because this is getting too long)
Sophie was a tricky one since she has all these powers and it was nearly impossible to put her in a cabin that really fit with her
What finally got me to decide was actually her teleporting powers and inflicting. They have a sort of lightning and thunder styled description so who better than lord thunderbutt himself, Zeus.
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captorcorp · 11 months
ok im rambling about my thoughts on tadc bc i have many (long post)
ok first of all general character opinions with walk cycle gifs to break up the walls of text (gifs from here):
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caine: the silly guy... literally why red recommended this to me was the digital world setting + an ai character and they know me too well because every ai character is my favorite by default. i'm very excited to see what we end up learning about him throughout the series, also i absolutely love that he was inspired by AM from ihnmaims but 'if he was a silly little guy instead of fueled by hate' or whatever the creator said about him. his weird head design is really creative though it does discomfort me a bit sometimes, something about the combination of eyes and teeth;;; still think he's kinda tumblr sexyman coded besides the teeth head but most people are too distracted with objectifying jax so he gets a pass
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pomni: she's cool!! it's hard to form a solid view of her so far bc most of what we've seen is her being understandably overwhelmed with and O.O at everything, but she seems like she'll be a pretty interesting protag - i liked them showing her moments of weakness with leaving ragatha behind too. that being said i think she stretched out the 'omg this isn't real what's going on???' freaking out bits way too long but that's just a personal gripe with that sorta stuff in media like this. if i was isekai'd into the digital circus i would simply be so chill about it after only 5 minutes of panic. rip to pomni but i'm different /j oh yeah also a fun character design even though i don't really like clowns she's just very Shaped
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jax: motherfucker. jk i actually don't feel that strongly about him i just find him slightly annoying at times. at first i thought 'oh ok he's a loveable asshole yeah he's kinda entertaining so he's cool' and then he just ended up being more asshole than loveable. also thought he was sexyman coded and was unfortunately right this time ^^; apparently he's the creator's fave too?? so hopefully he doesn't get away with too much stuff without consequences, or he's gotta actually get some positive traits yknow. however i do love his design with the big grin and semicircle eyes and etc, very cartoony and fun. if the controversial blorbo poll was still open i would submit him bc it seems like the fandom is split on him. but also kinda tired of him from fandom overexposure
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ragatha: she's really nice and i want to be her friend - looking forward to seeing where her character goes in the future though, bc we've only seen her being polite and forgiving and sweet and etc, and i think she should be allowed to kill people /hj. it was cool seeing her get glitched too even if ;-;. i was never into raggady ann stuff like i've heard the creator is but her design is still cute too, even if less surreal than some of the others ^^
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bubble: keep forgetting this guy exists, not a huge fan tbh? gets some points for being another ai though. looks like a chain chomp. i do like that they're able to be popped and respawn though, that's a fun quirk. the scene with them cleaning up after pomni is p gross
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kinger: i barely thought about this guy during the pilot tbh so was surprised to see the fandom all adoring him. kinda just reminds me of fear from inside out. but actually overexposure of him from tumblr and other people enjoying him kinda made him grow on me a bit (reverse of what has been happening w jax). he's pretty cool to me now. i can't believe fandom already gave him a tragic backstory with that queen chesspiece we see crossed out...
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zooble: another character i didn't really think about, though i like their design and detachable body parts and such. i also couldn't really get a good sense of their personality tbh? i think they just need more screentime honestly
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gangle: i wanted to like her a lot more than i did when i first saw her bc her design is very fun, with the ribbon-based body and comedy/tragedy masks and etc. but ended up not getting too interested in her as a character. but i think she's in the same category as zooble where she needs more screen time and character development though? bc she still seems like she could be cool if her personality gets explored more
thoughts on the overall pilot:
ngl i have a whole bunch of gripes about it despite also rotating it in my mind. i feel like a lot of the characters are a little 1-dimensional currently, even if i do find those dimensions appealing for the most part, hoping they get more characterization in the actual main season though. also most of the pacing/jokes didn't really land for me or felt a bit forced, though there were some good bits like king's hands following zooble's head, pomni opening doors to surreal scenes like the bathing mannequin, jax getting choked by zooble's hand, the randomly generated 5-letter names, also any of the cartoony imagery gags like the censor bars or cartoon dust cloud of gloinks.
however, overall i enjoyed it still!!! all of the animation has so much charm and character to it, surreal semi-human character designs are always great, it's very colorful and bright and reminiscent of old early 2000s activity center games, etc. it gives me kinda 'welcome home' vibes, with both being bright and cheery exteriors meant to mimic old media style that mask darker stuff under the surface. also the general plot of like. people being trapped in this weird setting and forced to participate in fucked up (?) games by some mysterious mastermind (well we know who the mastermind is but not much about him) while struggling to escape or understand why they've been trapped here... very common plot but always is intriguing to me. also of course [holds digital worlds and ais in my hands] my beloved tropes...
thoughts on the fandom:
i am. concerned. that there seems to be an overlap with the h*zb*n h*t*l fandom;; but also i don't know anything about that show's status besides like. callout posts about the creator and people complaining about the pacing/character designs and etc. so i don't really know if all of the hh fans is bc it's like, also an animated series that appeals to the same audience? or if it's going to be too similar or inspired from it or also have a problematic creator somehow 😔
otherwise it's whatever, maybe a bit on the :I side bc i already saw someone make a y*nd*r* jax imagine post and it scared me hjkdfs. otherwise mostly just usual fandom stuff i think? dunno.
actually nevermind i just got back from twitter and apparently the creator is already feeling :/ about their own fandom and apparently people on tiktok are hcing some fucked up stuff about jax so. can fans be normal for 2 seconds please.
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kyogre-blue · 4 months
Wuwa act 1-V ongoing.
The game warned me that the next section is gonna be long, so I was decided to leave it for tomorrow (probably).
Anyway, this section introduces the Black Shores group and some Rover answers (small answers). We also get to see mystery opening cutscene girl again for a moment. Still pretty! So pretty!
Black Shores: To make sure you don't think this shady organization is like the other shady organization you just dealt with (Fractsidus, the actual apocalyptic cult), they make it really clear that, Camellya aside, these are the Silly People. Unfortunately, I think Encore's voice acting is probably the worst of the EN dub so far? The EN dub in general suffers from fairly poor voice direction (flat delivery on some characters, one sentence and the next having completely different emotions and intonations, etc), but Encore is just... she's meant to be a cutesy little girl, but man. They did not manage it at all. I'm sure she sounds adorable in JP tho. Regardless, she and Aalto are just max silliness. Oh, Aalto had this to say about his boss:
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Rover stuff: One of the reasons everyone Knows about Rover and how cool we are is apparently because we have appeared previously (to presumably help fight disasters). The previous time Rover "descended," they were a member of Black Shores. So it's possible the ancient hero who helped found Huanglong was also Rover, though it's not entirely confirmed.
Mystery Girl: The mad scientist referred to her like this:
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A "future being hailing from our past" who must reach the real Gate that can change the world... Well, it'll be explained later.
I stopped after beating the mechanical monstrosity, when Aalto reactivates the Lament detection system and runs out in a panic. You can tell I'm getting kind of invested here because I spun around in a circle for a while going "oh no, this is gonna be bad, what's happening up there" (before chickening out for the night). I'm not actually scared, of course, but there's some real sense of anticipation about what might happen next.
I think it's because they have done way more about answering questions than I had genshin-expected. Yeah, we obviously still don't know the majority of things, but I have a fairly clear understanding of the world state just from what the actual story tells you and we're even slowly being told about Rover's deal(tm). So whatever happens next might actually be A Thing With Relevance.
That aside, we've been seeing some playable characters in small roles, which is nice. We saw Jianxin before she peaced out, Verina for a bit, and now Encore. Since Lingyang introduces himself in his character quest, he probably isn't in the main story (government subsidy conspiracy intensifies). So that just leaves Sephiroth clone Calcharo of the standard 5 star characters. Curious to see what his deal is! He's pretty edgy, it'll be fun. (There's obviously also a ton of 4 stars, but there's so many that I don't see how they could fit them in anyway, so it's not a big deal.)
I think Act VI is the last part of the currently available story (Chapter 1: Huanglong 1?)... It'll probably be about Jiyan, since Jue had a vision of us meeting him. I actually thought that would be our next destination, but I guess we decided to do the Black Shores stuff first, since the front line is supposed to be so dangerous. Twitter and a storyteller insert narration have promised me that Jiyan might have something something with another guy steeped in tragedy (Geshu Lin).
Oh, one more thing. While the "side quest"s" parts of the main story aren't exactly all gripping, they do seem to generally have their purpose. Even the stupid mangosteen token was setting up the Jiyan stuff, since we otherwise don't see him for so long and the front line ties into the Threnobian and Lament danger. But what was the point of the sugar candy vaccine?? That has to tie into something, right? But what??
Goddammit, I can't believe I'm developing expectations here...
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diedbrave · 10 months
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Things that have come up in the past two IT chapters (Ben Hanscom Takes a Fall and Bill Denbrough Beats the Devil) that are less head canons, and more things that I want to like remind people of that I absolutely play up in my version of Eddie.
Eddie is absolutely a cry baby. I know in the new movies we don't really see him cry much, instead he tends to cover it up with anger. But my Eddie loves to cry. He is literally referred to as the weeper in Ben's chapter before he knows Eddie's name, so. When my Eddie gets frustrated, he's going to cry. He might cuss about it a little and try to cover it up, but he's soft.
Eddie is into mechanical things. I definitely think he would be a great car mechanic if it wasn't for the grease and germs of it all, so I imagine he does that stuff as a hobbyist. He's the one who basically makes Silver fully functioning, and Bill praises how good he is at fixing things up. Let's not forget this is such a part of Eddie's character, especially since we don't really get that in any of the movie renditions.
Eddie goes to the emergency room twice a week. There's a line in the novel that says that Sonia should start paying rent to the orderlies, with how often her and Eddie spend in the hospital. My Eddie tries to go to a hospital as a very last resort nowadays because he spent so much time there as a child that it's an easily triggering place.
More head canon or popular assumption, but I think we are all pretty aware Eddie doesn't actually have asthma. I'd argue (though it isn't downright stated) that what he is having are panic attacks. I think he still has physical symptoms - tight chest, hard to breathe, etc. - but it always happens when he's in moments of genuine panic. You cannot tell me that Eddie Kaspbrak isn't diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or even Panic Disorder.
This is more head canon, and I'd have to talk to my lovely girlfriend to see if she agrees, but Eddie is the only Loser actively allowed to talk about Georgie. I say this because it really seems that Eddie is the only Loser that really knew Georgie on a personal level, and Eddie approaches Ben once Bill leaves the barrens and basically lectures him about never bringing up Georgie around Bill. I think this last part is obvious, but it's the fact that Eddie is the one giving this information (which is kind of protective and really sweet). Eddie is also the only one to note that "Bill stuttered significantly less before Georgie died", so as the only one that truly knows Bill prior to all these incidents....I just have lots of opinions on that and that's why I ship Kaspbrough, okay?
Eddie has low esteem. I think all the Losers obviously do, but it really hit me when Ben says "you guys are really cool" and Eddie gets this look on his face and says something along the lines of, "Yeah, well, Bill is." This of course plays into his hero-worshipping of Bill, but Eddie will never see himself as anything more than the asthmatic hypchondriac loser, and even though I'd argue they reclaim the word loser to be a good thing, Eddie still struggles with seeing himself as anything remotely cool.
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helianskies · 2 years
Hello! I'm the one non mutual who saw your dialogue prompt list lol. I know it's a bit of a stretch but could I request Engmano for 10 or if it's easier Belarus and Russia platonically for 2?
It's totally cool if you can't do either. Just thought I'd take a shot.
well well. firstly, it looks like we're now mutuals so joke's on you! and secondly, a shock even to myself, but as it turns out... that is not a stretch at all. i've got you! 💚
"Are you alright in here?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because," England remarks, stepping into the men's bathroom, where Romano has decided to hide himself away during the lunchtime interval, "you're sitting on the floor of an empty bathroom, and I'd reckon that a person has to be in a pretty bad way to want to get that close to invisible piss stains."
The Italian has to fight back a smile—though, for a good few seconds, it wins and the other nation is able to peer through the cracks. Lorenzo isn't thrilled about it, but… well, he daren't say it aloud, but England is quite right: bathrooms are fucking disgusting. Right now, he sits by the sinks, back against the wall, empty cubicle to his left. His knees are up, close, and act as rests for his wrists as he seriously questions his sanity.
"At least I'm not sitting by the urinals," he quips back, nevertheless, filling a needy silence.
"Still, could've taken a seat on the toilet lid," Arthur returns.
"There… isn't one."
"…ah. I see your predicament."
"Why are you here, huh? Did Germany tell you to round up all the trouble-makers or something?" Lorenzo questions.
Arthur merely scoffs. "I'm not his lapdog—
"Mmh, he has a few of those…"
"—and to be frank, I'm sure I'm a permanent resident of his 'naughty list'," the Brit concludes, humoured all the same. "Yeah… No, the reason I'm here is because this is actually where I like to mope about. Though, the toilet used to be better equipped for, uh, mini breakdowns."
Lorenzo has a mini panic. "I'm not having a breakdo—!"
"I'm not saying you are," the other hurries to defend. "But again, I draw your attention to the potential piss tracked across the floor by someone's shoes."
Lorenzo says nothing.
Arthur says, "Are you sure you're okay?"
And Lorenzo asks him again, "Why do you care?"
A slow sigh comes from the other. All humour seems to have left him, and he steps towards the other nation—and not only towards, but he also comes down by Lorenzo's side, much to the Italian's bewilderment, and sits on floor next to him. Piss stains and all.
"Would it help if I said I'm here on behalf of a… an interested party…?" the blonde remarks, which does no favours for Lorenzo's mood.
Arthur shakes his head.
Another shake. Lorenzo shifts a little, and reloads.
But still, no.
Apparently not!
"Cazzo, it isn't Gilbert, is it?" he questions, landing on the only other person he could think of who may possibly give a shit. But when Arthur shakes his head again, all he can do is slam his head back against marble tiles in defeat.
"It shouldn't really matter who it is," Arthur goes on to tell him in the meantime. "The point is, someone wants to make sure you're okay."
The brunette wants to reply. He wants to shout, I'm fine, now leave me the fuck alone already! but he can't. Maybe that's because it would be a lie. But Enzo, he chides himself, lying never usually bothers you, which is the truth. Lying rarely ever bothers him. So why… why… is he struggling to look Arthur in the face and say it? Say those two words?
I'm fine.
If it were him, walking into a bathroom and finding England sitting on the floor looking more miserable than usual, he'd chalk it up to an argument with France and join in on some spontaneous slandering. But he wouldn't ask him, are you okay? Would he? Would he…?
Romano casts his eyes back away from the other nation before he starts becoming too obvious. His 'deep thinking' face is quite distinctive, appare—
"You don't have to be okay, you know."
His eyes almostly instantly find Arthur again. "You think I don't know that?" he asks, brow raised along with his walls.
"I think you don't believe it," the other says, however. "Knowing and believing are different things. It took me a long time to work that one out…"
"I didn't ask for private lessons in living."
Arthur manages a feeble smile. "Right. Sorry."
And Lorenzo knows almost instantly that he has over-stepped, crossed a line, crushed something underneath his clumsy foot. He doesn't feel the urge often, but before he can really think about it, he huffs and says, "No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry… You're only trying to help…"
"No need to apologise. I am the one being incredibly nosy."
"Yeah, well… I guess I am only used to it from certain people," the Italian muses. He regards Arthur with solemnity. "You want to know if I'm okay?"
It takes him a moment, but the other nods his head. Lorenzo gives him what he wants:
"I'm sitting on the floor of a bathroom," he says, "possibly in a puddle of someone's piscio, in a room halfway across the building from where everyone else is, and I really, really don't want to go back." He leans his head back against the wall, but his eyes stay fixed on Arthur. "Does it sound like I am okay?"
"…not really."
"Then there's your answer."
Another nod, another pause.
"Would you like some company?"
Lorenzo frowns. "You, you mean?"
"We're the only ones currently in this bathroom, so… yes."
"Don't you want to go back?"
"What, and let you get away with stealing my hiding place?" the other scoffs. "Fat chance."
And, even though it feels odd—even though it feels like there is more to it, like he's in for an earful or maybe even worse—Lorenzo… doesn't tell him to go. Instead, he hesitates for no more than five seconds before suggesting, defying his own expectations of himself, "Wanna hide in one of the nearby café's instead?"
When Arthur smiles at him, a weight seems to vanish. A worry seems to subside.
[ final wordcount, 980; prompts can be found here! ]
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cassie-20-ayshi · 1 year
Part 6
Ace woke up about a week after he was put in the basement. And when he did he started to thrash about. He couldn't do much but he decided to swing back and forth which did nothing. Then he tried cutting the rope by pulling down on the hook and slicing through. He managed to cut the rope and fell. He moved and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He saw three messages from unknown. He read the message.
Ace, did you do the plan?
Ace are you alright!? I hacked the cams and darn he did a number on you.
Yeah,I'm fine..but yes I did the plan and this is what happened!
But taro,you can hack?
Yes,yes I can. Why?
Well,could you try and fuck up the systems here?
It could have us move to another base,and I could do move damage
Of course~! Hey..maybe I can send you guys to kortac,where I am.
OH! I really fuck up this dude,I don't know his name tho
Oh that's cool,but whatcha do?
The usual
Ok,but definitely do the plan! If I don't die,I'll help you more.
That would be nice~
Ace hid his phone as he heard the steps creak. He saw half of the base and a new person. Rudy,kio,and könig stayed upstairs with roach (I just realized I forgot him) "Who are you?" He asked. " laswell" ( I kinda forgot about her- but she's here!!) Price crossed his arms " even though she just got back from her leave she isn't very happy about what we told her." Ace just shrugged " so?" Ghost was glaring at him and so was soap and Alejandro. " Oh great,the spic is mad" Alejandro face changed. " HOW DARE YOU!" Gaz gave him a look. "Dad open the cell..this man is asking for a death wish.." Price gladly opened the door. Ace backed up but grabbed the hook " I'm not afraid to use this!" Farah laughed a bit. " that won't do shit to us." Ace still held it. Pretty much everyone lunged at him and started to beat the shit out of him.
Ace was tackled to the ground. Ale bent Ace's arm in the opposite direction and there was a loud Crack before he screamed. He got his face smashed into the wall by ghost. Laswell kicked him in the dick. Soap and gaz were both kicking him. Price took a swing and cracked him in the face. Farah and Alex both broke a couple of his fingers. Geo and Stace punched him hard and broke his nose. And they did more until he was barely able to stay awake. Ace was struggling to breathe. But he continued to scream anytime he was hit.
From upstairs you could hear the screams and some hits. König jumped whenever Ace screamed. Kio rubbed his back and Rudy held his hand. But that didn't help it. " ..make them stop..please.." Rudy and Kio looked at each other as König put his hands over his ears. " I don't like it!" He screamed. Kio and Rudy rushed to the basement and yelled for them. No one answered so they went down. And the scene wasn't pleasant. Kio turned and vomited which had everyone turned to them. Rudy all but passed out. Everyone had blood splatter on them. Ace was barely breathing, but he was. Ace had a tone of broken bones,bruises and black eyes.
Ale rushed out to grab Rudy. But Rudy pushed him away as he stood up himself. Ale's face fell,he was just trying to help him," stop..könig wants you guys to stop…" Rudy took Kio back upstairs. Not realizing he made Ale upset. They made it to the top before Rudy fully collapsed. Kio grabbed hold of him and pulled him off to the side. "Rudy? Hey, what's wrong?" Rudy mumbled a few words which he couldn't figure out. The others came up the stairs. Ale noticed them and rushed to Rudy's side. "What happened!" Rudy winced at the shout. Ale placed a hand on his head," oh I'm sorry love.." Rudy leaned into the touch and mumbled. Kio let out a sigh" migraine..that's what's wrong." Ale gave him a smile before picking Rudy up and carrying him bridle style to their room.
Kio looked over to the couch but only seen roach. Roach saw the panic in kios face and pointed down the hall. Kio smiled a bit before heading that way. The others all went to clean themselves up from the blood. Kio headed to königs room and knocked " kö? You okay..?" He asked softly as he waited for the door to open. The door did and there stood a very teary eyed könig. " Oh buddy.." Kio stepped into königs outstretched arms and held onto him." König pulled away a bit later. " better?" The older one nodded and went to sit down. Kio did the same. König began to fidget with the dolls of soap and ghost. König then remembered the other day,he just had to ask "kio,do you like geo and what's the thing with price?" Kio stared at him. Yeah the question took him by surprise. He did like geo,but price? What made him think something was wrong with him and price? " what? No,no I don't "
König just stared at him. He knew he was lying, " kio,whenever you like someone you ramble about them,and for at least three days you did that with geo" kios face grew red. König held the dolls in his lap. " I didn't think I was rambling!" König gave him a look and Kio caved. " fine..I do like geo! He's cute and funny.." he trailed off. He looked up and saw König still staring at him,waiting for more. " Oh and the thing with price is him just being a father figure.. Nothing more!" " plus captain price is old- and he is a nice person" König gave a shocked face " Omg- never call that man O L D! He always knows and it isn't pretty. Last time someone called him old was soap and apparently he had to run 50 laps around the entire base inside and out!" Kio made a face. " I won't say it again- but I just LIKE geo. Geo may have a crush on me!" He said as he crossed his arms.
König hummed. " ok,but I can see him as a father and possibly Rudy and Ale," Kio giggled. " I know! Rudy is definitely like a mom,and Ale is the father." König agreed and they talked a little longer before kio headed back to his room for the night waving to Price before disappearing in his room. Although when he was sleeping he tossed and turned from a nightmare. At some point in the night he screamed. Which he woke up to pounding on his door. He quickly jumped up and opened it. He saw price standing there. " Are you alright? I heard you scream " kio nodded as he wiped away the tears in his eyes. " I'm sorry if I woke you.." Price put his hand on kio's shoulders " it's alright kiddo,just wanted to make sure you were alright." Kio gave a weak smile. " how about you go back to bed ok?"
Kio nodded but was hesitant. " Something wrong ?" Price asked as he looked over him. Kio shook his head " oh just worried about the nightmare. but It'll go away" he stepped back into his room when he saw two rings on price's hand. He gave another smile before closing the door.
Price is married,how did he miss that? He felt excited and realized that he wanted to know more about it! But he decided to leave it for another day. He walked over to his bed and curled up and fell back asleep. The next morning he was woken up by a cold feeling on his legs. Confused, he lifted his blanket a bit and saw two small eyes staring up at him. He gave a small chuckle. "Hi sweetheart,how did you get out?" He said as he sat up and picked up his snake. The snake wrapped around his arm and slowly slithered up and around his neck. "Hm,I bet you're hungry." The sake perked up a bit at the mention of food.
Kio smiled " I guess that's a yes,I think there's still two mice in the freezer." He got up " well let me go it one for you angel." Kio put angel in her enclosure that was hidden beside his dresser. " I'll be right back" kio rushed out and to the kitchen. Luckily no one was in there yet. He opened the bottom freezer and moved a bag of peas and found the small bag that held two mice. Kio opened it and pulled one out. He still never got used to the feeling of holding a frozen dead mouse. He set it on the counter and closed the bag with the remaining mouse and covered it once more, hopefully no one would find it. He would not like to be questioned why he had a dead mouse.
Kio headed back to his room just as he saw Price open his door. Koi made it and quietly closed his door. Then he went over to the enclosure and moved the lid off. Kio adjusted the way he held the mouse,so now he had a tiny bit of the tail pinched between his fingers. He then held it down for angel and she looked at it before she struck it and curled around it. Kio moved his hand away and put the lid back on,leaving it cracked a tiny bit but not enough to where she could get out. Angel was a ball python,well a banana pastel python. Right now angel was 4 feet long. Kionthen got up and went to his bathroom to wash his hands. He scrubbed his hands twice and then dried them. He shut his light off and left his room.
It was nearing lunch time and Ale and Rudy decided to cook. Kio sat on the couch,cuddled up to könig. Rudy opened the top freezer and moved around some stuff but didn't find anything he wanted to use. He closed the top then opened the bottom one. He moved some frozen fruit around before moving some of the vegetables. He moved a bag of peas and saw some frozen chicken breast. He reached down and pulled it out,but in the process he pulled the bag with the mouse up as well. Rudy used his other hand to see what he grabbed. He grabbed the bag and moved it into his view and he let out a high pitched scream before dropping the bag and chicken breast. He flung himself behind Alejandro. Price looked at him from his seat behind the island "what happened?" Everyone waited to hear the answer. Rudy pointed to the floor " I picked up a bag and inside was a mouse!" Ale moved them back a little.
Price looked confused and got up. He walked around and looked at the floor. Both him and Ale saw the bag. Price reached down and picked it up for everyone to see. " Does someone want to explain this?" He said as he looked at everyone's faces. Kio shrunk down in the spot he was in. König had moved to see why Rudy screamed. Price scanned the room and noticed kio was gone. " Where's kio ?" König looked to the side and pointed at him. " right here" kio sadly pulled himself up. " ..yes..?" Kio hid his face a bit below the top of the cushions, which gave away that he was guilty. " why do you have this..?" Price questioned even though he was very concerned. Kio mumbled but was told to speak up " it's for food!" Everyone stared at him with concern. " OH! Not me! I don't eat it!" König turned to him," then what does?" Kio stared back at him.
Price put a hand over his mouth before he spoke. " kio..are you feeding an animal.. ?" Kio nodded sheepishly. Price sighed " kio! You can't feed a wild animal! " Kio looked confused." It's not a wild animal?" Now this had everyone confused. Price looked at him again " then what is it that you are feeding if it isn't wild.." ghost looked at him " it better not be the dogs!" Kio shook his head," It's not the dogs,just let me go get her!" Kio got up and dashed out. " her?" Rudy questioned and he turned to König " do you know what he's feeding?" König shrugged " for once,I have no clue" now they were all curious to find out. Kio was back in his room. He walked over to the enclosure that angel was in. Kio Removed the lid. Angel was done eating the mouse,hopefully she wouldn't get mad. " hi sweetheart,I know you just ate,but I need you for a little " he reached down and picked her up. Kio placed angel on his shoulder before he walked out.
He walked carefully. Angel went and wrapped around kios arm and just rested there. Kio walked back into the kitchen, having Everyone go silent. " That's a snake.." Price mumbled. " This is angel! She is the reptile that I am feeding. " König immediately went over and ran his hand over her. " I thought you left her at home." Kio shook his head as he let König take angel. Angel flicked her tongue and slithered down and around königs arm. Rudy felt a little better about knowing what the mouse was for. And he got closer to see her. " Can I put her down?" König asked both kio and price. Price nodded and so did kio. König sat and placed angel on the floor. Angel moved about taking in the new surroundings.
Geo got down on his knees when she moved past him. " She's so pretty, what type is she?" Kio blushed a bit," she is a banana pastel ball python!" Geo smiled " mm,she's got a very glossy look to her too!" Kio smiled " yes,I know how to take care of her!" König looked up at him " what about the others?" Kio looked at him " oh you know Raj right?" König nodded " my other four are with him!" "FOUR!?" Price and Ale both shouted. Kio giggled " yes I have a total of five snakes. I only brought her because the others are very big. I can show some pictures and videos" König nodded " yes they are,ones pretty much bigger than me!" Soap gave a surprised face " I have to know more about them!!" Kio smiled I can show you all right now. But let me get angel." He went and picked up a gel and got his phone hooked up to the TV.
Kio went to his photos and scrolled until he found one he liked. He clicked on one. Now on the TV screen everyone saw a big yellow and white snake. " This is summer and she is my Reticulated python, as of now is 13 feet long,and heavy." Price stared intently "she's huge!" Kio nodded " yeah one of my big girls!" König smiled " half the time you ask me to get her out-" kio pouted " she's heavy!" König chuckled, " I'm just teasing! Continue on please." Kio went through a few more photos and stopped at one where it had könig holding a white snake. " Pearl!" König shouted when he saw her, causing kio to laugh. "Pearl is my albino boa! She is 8 feet long!" Rudy gave a big smile " her name fits!" Kio smiled and he noticed how excited Geo looked. "Now for my big boy!"He flicked through some more photos before stopping. König got too excited with the one he chose. Everyone else was speechless. " YOU HAVE A ANACONDA!?" Geo shouted.
Kio nodded seeing as everyone was trying to comprehend the big snake. " Yes,this is Kash,he's my biggest boy!" In the photo on the screen it's Kash sleeping while carefully protecting könig. Kio swiped forward and clicked on the video. It played. The camera is facing kio and he starts talking " so, I just got home from a run and look at what I found in the living room." The camera flips to show könig and kash. " They're both asleep! But it's so cute!" Then the video ends. Ghost and soap both look at könig " how?!" They both asked. König shrugged. Laswell didn't have much to say. Alex,Farah and Gaz were still trying to figure out how he has an anaconda. They're mumbling to one another. Geo looked like he was going to explode,and stace was trying to calm him. Price was stressed,but also intrigued. Roach was intrigued by each snake. Rudy and Ale were giggling at everyone.
Kio set his phone aside and fixed the position of angel. " Ok now for the last one." Kio found his last snake and this time,the photo had him and König in it together. " Kio looked at everyone for their reactions and when he did,he lost it and started to kackle. In the photo it showed red holding a pretty looking Burmese python. "This one I call checkers! He was a birthday gift from König a while back but this was only from a few years ago!" Kio checked the date " oh this was only two years ago! " as everyone started to calm down, Price started talking " and you said that a friend was watching those four?" Kio nodded and price let out a long breath laugh " how's he doing with that?" Kio thought for a moment " it was going good,but he said that he might not be able to keep watching them.." Price cut him off " so you need a place for them to stay?" Kio nodded sheepishly.
Price thought for a moment " okay, only if, IF you can keep them under control! We might have to move bases for a few months" after Price said that everyone turned to him. Ghost spoke first "why?" Price motioned around him. " a lot of things are getting hacked,the cameras and other things around the base." Everyone went silent. " I know it's a lot,but we might have too,but we can all go now." kio unhooked his phone and left the room. And so did everyone else.
I like the thought of kio having snakes! I will definitely focus more on the ghost x soap x könig in the next part
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! / Omniverse Scripting: Average Day / Dark Discoveries
Dimension MP-2021 - Bumper High School, South Island
The morning after Tails's trip to see Uma, he was having breakfast in his dorm with Danny whilst reading through a study book on volumetric pressure for science class.
Danny: So, was the trip last night all fine and dandy?
OMT!Tails: Yeah. Did some spray paint in the underground system that I'm aiming to expand on later.
Danny: Oh, yeah! Got the petition you're carrying signed last night, by the way. I'm sure you'll pull it off by the end of this week.
OMT!Tails: Thanks, Danny. I'm aiming to see if I can talk more to that new girl today, see what she's like!
Danny: Well, I wish you the best of luck today, buddy! Heh, you and Max are definitely the ones top of the class at the moment. Man, I wish I could catch up to you in that field.
OMT!Tails: I'm sure you'll be able to when we start school proper, Danny, don't worry.
Danny: Heh, sweet.
OMT!Tails: Well, I better change into my school uniform.
He got changed, as Danny noticed a peculiar detail.
Danny: Did you, uh, shrink slightly overnight?
OMT!Tails: Huh? That doesn't make sense.
He looked at himself, surprised that Danny was right, prompting him to roll up the sleeves on his trousers and blazer as a temporary fix.
OMT!Tails: I'm definitely gonna ask for a smaller size later.
Later, Tails was trying to keep his trouser and blazer sleeves rolled up, feeling a bit embarrassed by that turn of events.
OMT!Tails: (I really gotta get a new unifor- ! Why do my thoughts sound so loud in my head? This is weird.)
He bumped into the new girl.
Mina: Oh! Are you okay?
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah. Sorry about that. So you're, uh, new around the island, right? The newbie thing's definitely something we've got in common.
Mina: Yeah, that's one thing.
OMT!Tails: Cool! I'm Miles Prower, though people prefer to call me Tails!
Mina: Nice! I'm, er... Mairead.
OMT!Tails: Your name's Mairead?
Mina/Mairead?: Yeah. I got the name from off-island, though I don't have an accent, since I was raised here.
OMT!Tails: (Quick! Try the shoulder touch before she leaves!)
Mina/Mairead?: Nah, I'm kidding. It's, er, Airead. No M. That's pretty crazy.
Tails tried the technique, but because of his height, he completely missed contact, trying to reach up in embarrassment.
Mina: Oh! You need a hand there?
OMT!Tails: I-I got it! (W-Why is this so embarrassing...?)
She simply resorted to picking him up with a smirk, causing him to blush bright-red.
Mina: Heh, does that help?
OMT!Tails: Uh, y-yeah. >~<
A couple of minutes later, she helped pack Tails's oversized uniform into a carrier bag.
Mina: That should do it! The student services office isn't far from here.
OMT!Tails: That's good. I'll get myself a uniform fitting my size, and then I'll come and join you at the Literature cl-.
???: Hey!
The two were stopped by Shade, the school's security guard, who had heard about Tails being out and about the prior night.
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Shade: I know you snuck out last night, Prower.
OMT!Tails and Mina showed panicked glances to each other.
OMT!Mina (whispering): Play dumb.
OMT!Tails (literally playing dumb): Who's Prower?
OMT!Mina: Not THAT dumb!
Panicked, Tails took off running as Shade pursued him.
Shade: Hey!
He turned a corner and slipped through a door to try and avoid her.
OMT!Tails: (Okay. You're alright now. She'll never find you in here.)
His eyes widened when he saw he was inside her office.
OMT!Tails: (Whoops...)
Shade: Tails, what are you doing in my office?! Open up in there!
OMT!Tails, in a panic about what to do, resorted to the window, accidentally switching on the laptop that played "Let It Go" from (you guessed it) Frozen. Out in the hallway, Shade reacted to the kids around her hearing the music.
Shade (sheepish): Hehe... That's my kids playlist in there.
Outside, OMT!Tails clung onto the walls, at first hoping Shade wouldn't notice him there, but then seeing OMT!Fang trying to pull a train robbery nearby.
OMT!Fang: Sure, they can stop by taking those marbles outta their mouths! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
OMT!Tails: (Oh, great... A crook trying to take advantage of Detective Ghost's current absence. Well, better go stop the crime!)
He made a mighty bound to land on the train.
OMT!Fang: What the-?!
He turned around to see OMT!Tails.
OMT!Fang: Gah! It's you again, you little pipsqueak!
OMT!Tails: The gig's up, Fang! I'm not letting you rob a train on a school open day. I've got more important stuff to be doing right now, so come quietly!
OMT!Fang: Like what? Studying for arithmetics?
Tails just looked at Fang unamused.
OMT!Fang: Gee. Calm down, twin-tails. I'm just teasin' ya-
OMT!Tails: Psyche!
Tails fired at him.
OMT!Fang: Woah! Welp, you missed that one! HAHAHAHAHA!
Unfortunately for Fang, the laser bounced back from a girder and blew his hat off.
OMT!Fang: No, my hat!
He tried to catch it, but ended up slipping off the train to the ground, right where the cops were.
OMT!Tails: Phew! That should do it. Now, I'd better get back to school before I get in any extra trouble.
He flew back to the school, spending the rest of the day as normal. It was that night, however, that he wanted to know just what went down with all the tremors and why Detective Ghost has been absent for the day.
Shade: Trying to get out again, Tails?
OMT!Tails: I-It's serious business this time, Miss Shade. I need to know what's been causing the tremors. If anything, that'll be where Detective Ghost is at the moment. If I don't do something, we could all be in big trouble.
Shade: *sigh* Alright, kid. You go and do what you need to.
OMT!Tails: Thank you, Shade. I promise I won't keep "sneaking out" from now on unless it's hero duties.
She nodded, taking his word for it, as he headed out into the streets. He headed down into the underground sewers from before, looking around carefully and entering an underwater tunnel leading to the abandoned Death Egg off the shore of the island.
In a similar underground sewer, Alan Albright was looking in the sewer for his own answers.
Alan Albright: Okay. Find where the watch's energy came from. You'll see.
He found the alternate Omnitrix lying on the ground, which looked weird and fluorescent.
Alan: It's just a normal Omnitrix lookalike. It's like boring how normal the watch is...
However, on cue, it glitched and wound up on Alan's wrist, which made him jump. Suddenly, he heard a rumble, which stopped for a moment, buying him the incentive to see what's going on in a pitch-black tunnel.
In some streets, an alternate version of Chris Smith was trying to get by, noticing some strange energy emitting from a castle-like environment.
Chris Smith: Strange... I need to go have a look. Who's even operating whatever's over there.
He entered the castle, running through its halls to figure out what was happening.
Through each of these spots, the three kids got a surge of energy going through them each.
OMT!Tails: Gotta keep going...
Alan: I don't wanna be a hero...
Chris: What am I doing...?
"You're like me..."
"That's all it is, Alan."
"Follow your heart..."
Dimension MP-2021
OMT!Tails just dodged a projectile before going in to witness Detective Ghost in the middle of direct combat.
Detective Ghost: Razereye, listen to me!
OMT!Tails hid and watched the battle in safety.
Detective Ghost: I can't let you open that portal to another dimension! Right now, the island isn't zoned for that!
Dr. Razereye: This isn't me that's leading the approach, Ghost.
OMT!Tails: (Razereye? What's he doing in this?)
Dr. Razereye: Why don't you just quit it?!
Detective Ghost: I dunno. I guess I like South Island not being dragged by a black hole. Battle Kukku Island, maybe, but not South Island!
A giant beam crashed into the room, leaving Tails to hang on for dear life as it swung into the battle area. He barely avoided the bombs and dashed through a corridor to figure out what was being hidden, before stumbling across something he never saw before; an interdimensional energiser set up in a big chamber.
OMT!Tails: What... is this?
Ghost and Razereye busted through the chamber, causing Tails to tumble. However, in good time, she spotted him and pulled him to safety before joining him.
Detective Ghost: You okay, Tails? This situation's a bit crazy right now.
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah. I needed to know that you were alright and what was going on behind the tremors.
Detective Ghost: Well, it seems like we've got the answer.
They looked at the huge machine in the room.
OMT!Tails: Should we stop it? I... I don't know if I'm ready for the job.
Detective Ghost: Hey, it's alright. If you stick around, I'll show you the ropes. I just gotta switch off that energiser before the space-time continuum collapses.
She made a mighty leap as Tails watched in awe, landing perfectly by a control panel. She tore the cover loose before pulling out a USB stick and trying to connect it. As she got it, though, she felt a presence nearby.
Detective Ghost: Oh, boy...
She avoided two consecutive blows, seeing a robot around her size clad in black and purple glaring at her, before it went to attack her further.
Detective Ghost: Shadow Emerl, huh? Seriously? I was in the middle of something!
She got thrown to the ground, rubbing her head wearily.
Detective Ghost: Ow... That smarts...
Shadow Emerl lunged toward her, but she expertly kicked it backwards.
Detective Ghost: You mad at me? 'Cause I feel like you're mad at me.
OMT!Tails assisted by shooting at the robot, knocking it into the wall.
Detective Ghost: Nice save, Tails!
OMT!Tails: Thanks!
Razereye rushed down, trying to blast her into oblivion.
Dr. Razereye: Hold still so I can destroy you already!
Detective Ghost: No chance!
Tails heard a PA sound out in the room, with an imposing figure looking like Eggman, but taller, visible in a glass window.
Eggman?: You like my new invention, Detective Ghost? It cost a fortune to construct. Shame you can't take it with you. You came all this way, so watch the test. It's one heck of a light show!
Detective Ghost: Hey, no! Don't do this! You don't know what you're doing! You'll get us all killed!
The energiser fired up as the fake Eggman watched from his seat with glee.
Scientist 1: Portal's opening! Scientist 2: I see multiple dimensions opening. Scientist 3: Three... four... five... six alternate dimensions! Scientist 4: It's unstable. We should stop-.
Back in the chamber, the ceiling tiles began to shake.
Detective Ghost: Hey, Doc? What's your take on head trauma?
Dr. Razereye: What?
He got hit on the head by some of the tiles, which distracted him for just a moment as she got free. However, he grabbed her and shoved her straight into the beam.
Eggman?: Razereye, no! GET HER OUT OF THERE!
She glitched slightly, before regaining control, grabbing one of Razereye's pod attachments and dragging IT into the beam.
Alan just dodged a piece of debris flying by, which smashed against the wall beside him, before he witnessed what was going on inside.
Four Arms: Sunder, listen to me!
Alan: (Ben 10?!)
Four Arms: I cannot let you open a portal to another dimension! Bellwood isn't built for such a thing!
Sunder the Retriever walked into the room, his axe in hand.
Sunder: It's not up to me, Tennyson.
Alan: (Is that Sunder the Retriever?)
Sunder: Why won't you just quit already?!
Four Arms: I dunno. I kinda like Bellwood not being sucked into a black hole. Area 51, maybe, but not Bellwood!
Alan: I think I'm gonna go...
Alan tried to make his leave, though a girder coming down forced him to perform acrobatics to avoid harm, stumbling into THIS universe's collider room.
Alan: Woah! What... is this place?
On cue, Four Arms and Sunder smashed into the room, causing Alan to fall straight down. Noticing this, Four Arms tapped the Omnitrix button and quickly changed into Jet Ray to swoop Alan to safety.
Jet Ray: Gotcha!
They landed on a balcony above the collider, appraising each other for a moment as Ben powered down.
Ben 10: Hey, did you know your laces are untied?
Alan: Yeah...
Ben: I mean, I wear slip-ons nowadays, so I don't have to worry about it.
He noticed the matching Omnitrix, though could tell Alan was no fraud compared to Albedo.
Ben: I thought I was the only one. You're like me!
Alan: I-I don't want to be.
Ben: I don't really think you have a choice, kid. (gently) Got a lot going through your head, I'm sure.
Alan: Yeah...
Ben: You're gonna be fine. I can help you out! If you stick around, I can show you the ropes of that Omnitrix!
Alan (relieved): Yeah!
Ben: I just gotta go destroy that big machine real quick before the universe is erased again. Just hang there, alright? Okay! It's hero time!
Ben activated the Omnitrix and changed into...
Ben/Swampfire: Swampfire!
He made a great leap over to the collider's control panel.
Alan: (How's he doing that?!)
Once there, Ben tore the cover loose and whipped out his own goober, though failed twice to lock it in the right way.
Swampfire: I swear, I get this wrong every time.
As he figured it out, a Techodon warrior punched through his body before pulling out, prompting Ben to just turn around as the spot regenerated.
Swampfire: One of you things again? I was in the middle of something!
He got thrown to the floor before powering down.
Ben: I am so tired...
He switched to another alien in the nick of time, foregoing the name-saying to knock the Techodon back.
Water Hazard: Are you mad at me? Because it feels like you're mad at me.
Alan watched from below and helpless. He simply snapped a photo of the action going on above him.
Water Hazard: Is that all you got?
Sunder showed up again and pinned Ben to the ground, roaring at him which caused lots of spit to splash on his face.
Water Hazard: Oh, come on! That's just gross.
Alan: (I should go up there and help him! Who am I kidding? I should not do that.)
Footsteps were heard in another room as Phil Billings, a failed agent of the Plumbers, entered.
Phil: You like this, Tennyson? You came all the way here. Watch the test unfold. It's one heck of a light show, and I'm sure you'll love it!
Water Hazard: No! Don't do it! You'll get everyone on the planet killed! Grandpa Max wouldn't approve of what you're doing!
The collider fired up, as scientists here picked up five alternate dimensions connecting this time, and out in Bellwood, the dimensional quake started spreading through. Back in the chamber, the ceiling tiles began to come loose.
Water Hazard: What's your take on head trauma, Sunder.
Some of the tiles hit Sunder and knocked him over.
Water Hazard: I tried to warn you!
He leapt to the control panel, but was grabbed by Sunder and pushed into the beam.
Phil: No, Sunder! Get him back out of there!
Thankfully, Ben regained control amidst the glitching, pushing Sunder's head into the beam and causing an overload.
Chris just avoided some debris blown in his direction.
Chris: Woah!
He saw into a room where the Boyfriend of this dimension somersaulted through the air, before landing on a railing. Chris was already terrified by this extra turn of events here. What was happening?!
Boyfriend: Cassandra, listen! I can't let you open a portal into another universe. Philly isn't prepared for such a thing!
Cassandra was present, specifically in her monster form.
Cassandra: It's not up to me, Boyfriend. Just quit already!
Boyfriend: Uh, nah. I prefer the city not being swallowed by a black hole. The outer warzone maybe, NOT Philly!
Chris: (I... I really need to get out of here.)
Chris tried to leave, but a giant beam crashed into the room, forcing Chris to hang tightly, and compared to Tails and Alan in the other dimensions, he wasn't ready for such a situation, getting tossed around the room as the duo fought. Once on the ground, he ran through a massive hallway into what looked like a giant aquarium with a huge chamber in the middle.
Chris: Woah!
He looked around, clearly confused.
Chris: What is this?
Suddenly, Boyfriend and Cassandra flew in from the room behind, causing Chris to tumble downwards. Seeing this, Boyfriend tossed his microphone cord onto an observation platform, swinging forward and catching Chris in one fell swoop before they landed safely.
Boyfriend: You all good?
Chris: Y-Yeah. Thanks for the save.
Their senses (BF's blueballs and Chris's heart) resonated, like a mind meld.
Boyfriend (shocked): I-I thought I was the only one. You're like me!
Chris: I... I don't wanna be.
Boyfriend: I guess you really don't have a choice right now.
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Boyfriend (comfortingly): You're not from around here, are you? You got a lot going through your head right now, I'm sure.
Chris: Y-Yeah...
Boyfriend: It'll be fine, dude. I'll help ya. If you stick around, I'll show you how my line of work goes!
Chris (relieved): Heh, thanks.
Boyfriend: Now, I just gotta go shut down that machine Daddy Dearest is using before reality crumbles! See you in a bit!
He leapt down, arms behind his head before catapulting up to the control panel without any flaws. Once he was up there, he showed his signature V-sign to Chris.
Chris: For a regular guy, how does he do that?
He opened the panel before getting his goober and twisting it into place, though slipping up twice.
Boyfriend: Darn it. What's with me messing it up at a time like this?
When he figured it out, he felt a hostile presence close by.
Boyfriend: Oh, here we go.
An assassin in all black lunged at Benjamin, forcing him to abandon the hacking.
Boyfriend: Another of Dearest's assassins! Man, I was in the middle of something!
The assassin tossed him to the ground.
Boyfriend: OW! Oh, I'm so tired...
He recovered quickly enough to kick the assassin back into a wall.
Boyfriend: Your boss mad at me? Eh, I'm sure he is.
Chris watched from the ground, taking a picture with his Camega in awe.
Boyfriend (smug): Heh! That all you got?
Cassandra showed up again and pinned Boyfriend to the ground, snarling like a savage beast.
Boyfriend: Sheesh. Pico was right about how bad your breath smells.
Chris: (Should I go up and help him? Or should I-?)
Chris's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps entering an observation room, Daddy Dearest himself making his entry.
Daddy Dearest: (evilly singing) 🎵 Know who I am when you step to the professional, understand I'm the demon king of rock and roll! Spitting the flames of hell on the mic! No time for lamers, so take a hike! 🎵 (normal) You like that tech, blueballs? It costed me a fortune. But hey, you can't take it with you, right? Why not stick around and watch the test? It's a hell of a freakin' light show. Knowing you, you're gonna love this!
Boyfriend: No! No! Don’t do this! Stop! You don’t know what it can do! It’ll kill us all!
The machine fired itself up as BF watched in confusion and Dearest's associates readied things.
Associate: Okay, that's... 6... 8... TEN different dimensions in proximity!
Associate 2: Shouldn't we stop the machine, boss?
In the chamber, Boyfriend slipped loose and tried to reach the control panel, but was shoved by Cassandra into the machine's beam.
Daddy Dearest: Cassandra, no! GET HIM BACK OUT!
Boyfriend, albeit glitching, got free and pushed Cassandra right into the beam.
Altogether, these three chain reactions caused massive eruptions that blew everyone present backwards and causing temporary black-outs in their surrounding vicinities. Of these, only Dearest's machine was outright destroyed in the explosion. In the aftermath, Sunder and Cassandra were both crushed by heavy machinery and outright killed, but Razereye? The explosion just knocked him dizzy and unable to further fight.
Dimension MP-2021
OMT!Tails climbed out of the wreckage in the gap the explosion made, rushing over to Ghost to help her as she took off her mask.
OMT!Tails: H-Hey! Are you...? K-Kaede Titan?
Kaede: Yeah. I'm Detective Ghost. I felt it was time you learned the truth about me.
She stumbled back to her feet.
Kaede: Listen. We don't have much time. We gotta team up here.
She passed him the override key.
Kaede: This override key is the only way to shut the energiser off for good. We need to get back up there, use the key, push the green button and blow it up.
Her voice was fast. This was serious business.
Kaede: If he turns on the machine again, everyone we know will disappear. Your family, everyone... everyone. Please, promise me you'll be able to pull it off.
OMT!Tails: I... I can't just leave you to face these guys alone.
Kaede: I'll be okay. Please, just get moving.
OMT!Tails: Kaede, I can't without you! I don't want to lose you like I lost Sonic to OMT! I hate to say it, but neither of us are ready right now! We have to get out of here and fight another day!
As much as Kaede wasn't ready to admit it, she knew Tails was right. They had to escape and come back later. They saw Shadow Emerl approaching down the corridor towards them.
OMT!Tails: We get out of here, and I'll fulfill your promise!
Kaede: Right! Let's go!
Kaede tried to dash, but felt unsteady and fell to her knees, prompting Tails to carry them both away. The Shadow Emerl attempted to grab them, only JUST missing as they flew into the night sky. Once they were in the clear, they landed at her residence, letting her get some breathing room.
Kaede: Phew. That was too close.
OMT!Tails: Yeah...
Max came out of the house, seeing his hero in front of him.
Max: Detective Ghost!
He ran towards her, slowing down when he saw her unmasked.
Max: Kaede? You were Detective Ghost the whole time?
Kaede: Y-Yeah. I didn't want to shatter the intrigue for you, but now that I have...
He simply hugged her close.
Max: Hey. I still see you as amazing either way, both as my hero AND as my adoptive sister.
She gave in, hugging him back.
Max: You look tired, Kaede. Should we get some rest for tonight?
Kaede: Yeah. I think I n-need it after tonight. I'll tell you once we're back inside.
They headed in as OMT!Tails headed to his home for the night, where OMT!Knux was.
OMT!Knuckles: Tails? W-Why aren't you at school?
Tails simply hugged Knuckles tight, and though shocked at first, the echidna hugged his little brother back.
OMT!Knuckles: Hey, it's okay, little bro. I got you.
OMT!Amy was there too.
OMT!Tails: C-Can I sleep here for tonight?
OMT!Knuckles: Tails, it's a weeknight. Didn't you make a commitment to the school?
OMT!Amy: Knuckles, he's upset.
They looked at each other before Knuckles softened up, understanding.
OMT!Knuckles: Yeah, alright. You can stay.
He sat on the bed as OMT!Amy gently rubbed his head, knowing he still missed Sonic deeply.
OMT!Amy: I'm sure you'll be able to save the island, Tails. We have faith in you, little bro.
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah.
They shared a hug before he laid in bed, looking at the override key in his hand.
Alan rushed to find Ben, who was next to some rubble and very badly injured.
Alan: Hey! You okay?
Water Hazard: I'm fine, I'm fine. Just resting.
Alan: Can't you get up?
Water Hazard: (wry laugh) Yeah, yeah. I always get up. (coughing) That coughing's really not a good sign.
Noises were heard from above. Phil's thugs have discovered the hole.
Water Hazard: Kid, listen. We gotta team up here. There's not much time.
He passed Alan his override key.
Water Hazard: This override key is the only way to stop the collider. Get up there, use the key, press the button and blow it up. ... You need to hide your face with the transformations. You don't tell anyone who you are. No one can know. He's got everyone in his pocket.
Alan: W-What?
Water Hazard: If he's allowed to turn on the machine again, everything you know will disappear. Your family... everyone. Please, promise me you'll pull this off.
Alan: ...I promise.
Water Hazard: Go! Destroy the collider. I'll come and find you... It's going to be okay.
Alan clambered up a debris pile up to the floor above as Phil and the Techodon showed up.
Phil: Fistrick, we're done with tests. Get that thing ready to go again. Faster! Urgh, those guys are weak. (to Ben) I'd say it's nice to see you again, Ben, but it isn't.
Water Hazard: Hey, Phil. How's... business?
Phil: Booming.
Water Hazard: Hah, nice.
Phil chuckled a moment, before becoming serious as the Omnitrix powered down, reverting Ben back to normal.
Ben: This... This might open a black hole under Bellwood, Phil. It's not worth the risk.
Phil: It isn't just about the glory, Tennyson.
The Techodon began its advance towards Ben.
Ben: ... Do you want to know what I saw in there?
Phil: WAIT!
Phil stopped the Techodon from approaching.
Ben: I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. They're gone.
Phil angrily delivered the death blow himself as Alan helplessly watched from afar.
Phil: Get rid of the body.
Alan moved slightly, causing debris to fall.
Phil: What was that?
They saw Alan's silhouetted figure.
Phil: Kill him.
The Techodon went to attack Alan, who made a run for it through the streets. He hopped over the fence with no hesitation, and ended up getting part of his palm skin torn off from power incontinence, but otherwise managed to escape in one piece. In the aftermath, he made a run for his home, where he got into his bedroom through the window.
Pierce: Authority of the Plumbers, put your hands in the-! Huh? Alan?
He saw Alan on the bed, breathing heavily and freaked out from what happened.
Pierce: Why aren't you at school-?
Alan quickly hugged Pierce close, to which the guy relented and hugged back.
Pierce: Woah, woah, it's okay.
Helen: Alan? What's wrong? Is it the earthquake?
Alan looked at his siblings, torn. Perhaps it was best to confide in them tonight.
Alan: Can I sleep here tonight?
Pierce: Alan, it's a weeknight. You made a commitment to that school-.
Helen: -Pierce, he's upset.
The two shared a look. Pierce quickly understood and softened.
Pierce: Of course you can stay.
Alan laid in bed.
Alan: P-Pierce?
Pierce: Yeah?
Alan: ...Do you really hate Ben 10?
Pierce: (confused) Yeah? I mean, with a downtown kid-
Helen moved Pierce back out.
Helen: Pierce, easy.
Pierce: What? He asked me, Helen. You know how I feel about Ben 10, c'mon...
Helen: Mhm...
He left as Helen tenderly stroked Alan's forehead.
Helen: He cares about you very much, Alan. That's why he's so tough on you. You know that, right?
Alan: Helen, do you ever think about moving out of Bellwood?
Helen: Our family and the Plumbers don't run from things, Alan.
Alan: Yeah, I know.
She kissed his forehead to show her sisterly affection before leaving him to sleep.
Helen: He's having a hard time, Pierce.
Pierce: When it gets hard, that's when he's gotta stick it out.
Helen: Shh. It has to be softer.
Their voices faded as Alan looked at the override key in his hand longingly.
Chris, after getting out of the rubble, rushed towards Boyfriend, who was very badly injured.
Chris: H-Hey! You okay?
Boyfriend: Y-Yeah. Just resting up.
Chris: Can you get up again?
Boyfriend: Yeah, I... I always find a way to do so. (coughing badly) O-Okay, the coughing isn't a good sign.
They both looked up to see two silhouettes looking down at them. Dearest and the assassin had found the hole. And close by, Pico's gang were witnessing the situation.
Boyfriend: L-Listen, er... I didn't catch your name before.
Chris: Chris Smith.
Boyfriend: Right, Chris. Listen, I won't be able to get outta here with you. I'm too badly crippled to pull it off, so...
He passed Chris his cap.
Boyfriend: I'm... gonna give you my prestige.
Chris: W-What?
Boyfriend: I know it's gonna be a tough climb, but you look l-like the kinda guy who can learn quickly. W-What I do shouldn't be too different to music school, right?
Chris: Right, but... Where do I go?
Boyfriend: There's a house further south of this castle. My girlfriend should've seen the castle becoming more of a wreck thanks to the machine being blown up. If you find her, she'll look after you and help you find your footing. Please... p-promise me you'll take good care of her for me, alright?
Chris: I...
Chris took the cap, knowing he was ready to fulfill the promise of the young man he only just met.
Chris: I promise I won't let you down.
Boyfriend: Thanks. N-Now, get moving, as fast as you're able to. And expose Dearest's sour reputation further!
Chris nodded, as Boyfriend stuck a badge on him saying "Nite" before waving him off. And as he did, Daddy Dearest came down to that level, prompting Chris to get into hiding.
Darnell: Should we do somethin' about that, homie?
Pico: What do you expect me to do? He's tanked my bullets before, so I can't just shoot him back.
Boyfriend turned to Daddy Dearest.
Daddy Dearest: I'd say it's nice to see you again, Boyfriend… but it's not.
Boyfriend: Hey, Dearest. How's yer business?
Daddy Dearest: Booming!
Boyfriend: Heh, nice.
Daddy Dearest chuckled, genuinely amused for just a moment, before becoming serious again.
Boyfriend: Your plans would've ended up opening a black hole, or WORSE, in Philly. It can't be worth the risk you tried to take.
Daddy Dearest: It isn't solely about money or fame, kid. You ruined everything I had left in one fell swoop, and now you're going to pay for it. The legacy of the Boyfriend ends today!
The assassin began their approach.
Boyfriend: …Do you want to know what I saw in that moment?
Daddy Dearest raised his hand, stopping the assassin from approaching.
Boyfriend: I know what you're trying to achieve, Dearest. And it's not going to work. No matter what you try now, the damage has already been done. Your family are NOT coming back to you.
Daddy Dearest shook with a hint of guilt, before finally losing his shit and grabbing Boyfriend, ripping him clean in half as Chris watched helplessly, Pico himself horrified by what went down. Some debris came down from where Chris was as Dearest noticed.
Daddy Dearest: …Kill that guy.
Chris fled for his life as the assassin began their pursuit, with Pico jumping down and blasting at the assassin to hold them off.
Pico: Kid, get outta here!
Chris ran out of the castle into the streets of Philly, trying to find his way desperately as the assassin pursued him. Eventually, a vision of Toxinfect flashed in his mind, taunting him.
Chris: Get out of my head! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
He tripped on the pavement and skimmed his knee, rendering him unable to keep running as the assassin approached. Feeling as if his fate was sealed, Chris closed his eyes, bracing himself for his death. Fortunately, it never came, the assassin getting blasted by a beam of energy and decapitated in an instant.
Chris: H-Huh?
He opened his eyes, seeing a bright blowing red light from the alley that died down, as this universe's version of Girlfriend stepped out of the darkness.
Girlfriend: Hey. Are you alright?
Chris: N-Not really...
Girlfriend: Is that Boyfriend's cap?
Chris: Yeah, it is...
She took it, reading the note left inside.
"To Girlfriend,
I never thought I'd be preparing to write this note in my own cap, so apologies if it's a bit crumpled. If you're seeing this and someone else is wearing my cap, I gave them it as a sign that I want them to be my successor, for your sake. And if this is the case, you'll have felt me getting killed for good.
For my sake, please treat them with the same love and care you've always shown to me since we dropped outta college. I'll be watching over you two from the heavens to ensure all goes well. I love you as ever, babe. Please, stay safe for me.
-- Boyfriend xx"
Girlfriend looked at the note longingly.
Chris: I-I was there when it happened. I'm... so sorry I couldn't help him.
She put the cap back on his head, smiling softly to him.
Girlfriend: Hey, it's alright. He didn't want you in direct danger back there.
She hugged him close to her as he quietly sobbed in her embrace.
Chris: I know how it feels... I lost the love of my life back in the place I came from...
She could tell he experienced his fair share of trauma, even before showing up in Philly, and was ready to support him through it as he adjusted to a new life in the city.
Girlfriend: I mean, we've got that in common. You wanna drop by my home for shelter? You look like you need it.
Chris: Y-Yeah. Thanks, "Girlfriend".
She took his hand and guided him back to her home where Mommy Mearest was, sitting by the fireplace.
Mommy Mearest: Hey, sweetie. Did you find Boyfriend?
Girlfriend: He got killed by "Dad", but I found Chris here having been given his prestige.
Chris: What... happened between you?
Mommy Mearest: My ex-husband... He was starting to take things too far with hurting people, and neither me nor my daughter were approving of his actions. Eventually, we had enough, leaving him behind and buying out this house as our new home away from him.
Chris: ... Boyfriend mentioned something about it before I saw him get torn apart... He said that Dearest was desperate to get you back, and I saw he was trying to use this big machine for some kind of interdimensional stuff to do so. BF managed to destroy it and Cassandra in one fell swoop, but he got too badly injured to keep going, so...
Mommy Mearest: Ah... I could tell he was going to go much deeper down his rabbit hole by the time we ditched him. Well, if Girlfriend trusts you, I say you're more than welcome in my family.
Chris: T-Thanks, Miss Mearest.
Girlfriend: Let's go rest up for tonight, Chris... or rather, "Nitefriend", hehe!
Chris/Nitefriend: Huh? Where'd you get the nickname from?
Girlfriend: Heh, the badge BF gave you, silly billy.
Nitefriend: Oh, right, heh!
She guided him up to her room for the two to get a good night's sleep, where she switched on a nightlight for the two before giving Nitefriend a good-night kiss on the cheek.
Girlfriend: Good night, Chris.
Nitefriend: Good night, G.
They both went to sleep, Chris left reminiscing about the string of events that led up to this point. And on the desk, a tiny hat appeared while Chris was asleep, looking a little different to Boyfriend's cap.
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steviebears · 2 years
Could you do an Eddie munson x reader smut where the reader is Joyce’s daughter and Joyce finds out they have been having sex and is worried about her because she has only heard bad things about Eddie through Johnathan and will
omg 🥺this is so cute anon thank you!
edit: i just realized you wanted smut IM SORRY
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GENRE: fluff, we all need it
WARNING: fem!reader, implied smut, protective Jonathan
Joyce watches, shocked, as the long haired boy falls from your window, buckling his belt with a dazed smile on his way out to leave in his beat up van.
She knew you were grown now, and even though you were the eldest of her children, your choices still worried her. Especially after what Jonathan said.
Joyce was acting odd the next morning. You had left early for work so she was left with Jonathan for a late breakfast.
"What is it mom, you've been staring at your eggs with that look on your face for the past five minutes." Jonathan questions her, taking another bite of potatoes.
"I saw the weirdest thing last night and I just don't know what to make of it." Jonathan perks up at that. Considering the things known to happen in this town, he was interested.
"What did you see?"
"Well, I don't know if I should say." She cared about your privacy, she really did, but maybe Jonathan knew something about this mystery boy. Jonathan just gives her a 'tell me' look, and she breaks.
"I saw a boy leaving Y/n's bedroom window last night." Jonathan drops his fork.
"What?" Despite being your younger brother, the boy was pretty protective of you.
"Who was it?" He straightens his posture.
"I don't know! Some guy, long hair and he left in this old van." Jonathan shut his eyes, instantly knowing who it was. He knew you two had been friendly in the past, and he certainly did not approve.
"It's Eddie Munson." Jonathan sighs, rubbing his eyes. Now, Jonathan would never interfere with your life. He had his worries just like any brother, but you were an adult and he knew he shouldn't say anything to you. That didn't apply to Joyce, though. Jonathan told Joyce about Eddie, most of the things he'd heard about the guy. He tried to put it lightly but there isn't exactly a good way to say he was a drug dealer.
Will was a different story. He thought Eddie was cool, but even he wouldn't approve of him dating his own sister.
Joyce stood by your door contemplating what to say. Eventually she knocked.
"Y/n?" She called out.
"Uh- yeah one second mom!" You and Eddie immediately broke away from eachother, looking at one another in panic before you instructed him to get in your closet.
"Okay come in!" She opens the door gently and shuts it behind her, making you nervous. Did you do something wrong? She sits on your bed next to you, looking at you with an unreadable expression.
"I wanted to talk to you about... something I saw the other night." She shifts in her spot and avoids eye contact.
"There was a boy- Eddie Munson? I saw him leaving your bedroom window and you know, looked like you two were getting... pretty close." Your face gets hot as you remember that night, the fact that your mom was talking to you about this was immensely embarrassing especially in front of Eddie. You could practically see his smile from behind the closet door.
"And I just don't think it's a great idea, neither does Jonathan. This guy he's- not exactly a golden boy I hear?" You were going to kill Jonathan for ratting out Eddie.
"Mom, trust me. He and I- we trust each other and I know he would never hurt me. Jonathan would kill him if he did, you know that." You were right and Joyce knew she had to loosen the reins.
"Okay. But, you guys are being safe right? Because the last thing you need is-" You can almost hear Eddie's snickering and the hot feeling in your face is killing you.
"Yes! Yes, mom." She smiles and looks like she remembers one more thing.
"Oh, but make sure you go pee after because-" At that, a fit of commotion is heard from the closet. She looks there, then back at you. She gives you a 'is he here?!' look and gets up. Joyce is very surprised to see a tall lanky man with crazy hair fall out of the closet.
"Jesus Y/n!" She looks at you with a mom look and back to Eddie who was desperately trying to bite back his smile. It didn't work and his pearly whites were on full display.
"Use the front door next time. No more sneaking in." She sighs as you have your smiling face in your hands.
"Yes ma'am." He says before laughing, causing her to roll her eyes- the smallest of grins on her face.
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mesozoic-system · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki is not as bad as he seems.
Okay, fine. That's a lie. Bakugou is a loud and obnoxious asshole with little to no character development and will snap at anyone who breathes on him the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to why he's like that.
You all know what PTSD is, yeah? If not, it stands for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". It's something that causes panic attacks, unnecessary aggression, trust issues, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. People will develop it after a traumatic experience. It takes years of therapy to recover... actually, most people never recover from it.
Fun fact: Katsuki canonically has PTSD. It's confirmed, and you know what? After everything he's been through, it's not much of a surprise. He's been through one tragedy after another and never seems to get a break.
When we first met Bakugou Mitsuki (Katsuki's mother) in chapter #96, we instantly realized how aggressive she was. I mean come on! She talked smack right in front of him and his teachers- in front of All Might who she knew her son was very fond of. Katsuki may be irritable, but to have your own mother backhand you in front of your own role model is a little much.
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Later on in chapter #165 during the Provisual License Exams, we get a little more information that only points towards more abuse- and this time it's not so verbal.
Most people paid no real attention nor gave it a second thought in these panels, but remember when Katsuki suggested to use violence against the kids? Of course, you'd look at it and wave it off as "normal Bakugou behavior", but what he says next took me by surprise:
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That's right. He was raised that way.
Which means either Mitsuki or Masaru (or both) had struck him in some way multiple times as he was growing up, and I doubt it was Masaru.
"Spoiled" my ass. He might have a strong quirk, but people don't turn into little monsters just by being praised. It'll definely boost his confidence, but not dramatically. This could also explain his aggression toward Midoriya. He realized how helpless he was and had power over someone else for once. But that's just a theory.
Okay, let's fast forward a bit. He's finishing up his third year of Middle School and is preparing for the UA entrance exams. He's pushed away his childhood friend to follow his own dreams and tells him to jump off the roof.
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And then he walks out the door only to regret it much, much, muuuch later in the series- y'know. The "character development" I was talking about.
Next time we see him though, he gets what he deserves.
One panel he's tramping through an alley with his friends, and the next, he's being swallowed alive by the most perverted-looking slime monster I've ever laid my eyes on.
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While Izuku's dreams are being crushed by his own hero, Katsuki is fighting for his life in the middle of town. He's struggling, but all he could do was look back at all the dozens of fearful eyes...
Right there. Right now. Look at him:
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He's terrified. He's humiliated and afraid and hurt and despite all of the heroes that were there, none of them had even attempted to save him.
And this is where it really starts. This is where it all begins. Next thing we know, Izuku's running straight for him... The boy Katsuki's bullied almost all of his life is risking his own in order to save him.
You know the story from there; All Might trains Izuku to withhold his power, they get accepted into UA, and then comes the Sports Festival.
Katsuki's already made up his mind: he's gonna win. He's willing to give everything he has to show the country what he's made of, and this may be his only chance to make up for the mishap several months ago. And Monoma, being a professional at making things worse by opening his mouth, rubs salt in the wound.
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It was pretty easy to predict Katsuki's reaction: pissed off and more than ready to prove him wrong. He does, but it cost him his "first place" during the Calvary Battle. But that's okay 'cuz it's not over yet!
Welcome to the next and last stage of the festival: The Battle Tournament, where all the kids get to beat the shit out of each other until only one remains.
Turns out, Katsuki does win. It was a foolproof plan: get Todoroki to go all out on him so he can make a final impression before the end of the day. But it was obvious that Shouto was still unsure of himself, so Katsuki did what he did best:
He had to piss him off.
But instead of getting angry and bursting into flames like he had planned, Shouto threw away the battle at the last second, and everything Katsuki had worked for with it.
No shit he's gonna be upset! He worked his ass off to get where he was, and the whole point was to leave himself a footprint! His entire life had been dedicated to that moment, and it faded away right in front of him.
Midnight put him to sleep and he woke up and threw a temper tantrum.
Now this is was UA did wrong:
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Why would you do that?! They were all aware of what happened to him only a few months ago, he obviously hasn't properly recovered from it, and they restrain him in front of thousands of people. They cover his mouth and gag him, lock his hands in a tiny metal box and expect him not to go insane. Helloooo?! Wake up! He's just a kid!
Several months go by and now it's time for camp. Katsuki is tired. They all are. It's been a long day of training and training and training, and suddenly villains come out of nowhere, and nobody is prepared. And who shows up? The League of Villains, and they're after certain students...
Tokoyami escapes safely, but Katsuki isn't so lucky.
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Just think about that for a second. When we see Shigaraki holding a picture of him, it's the one where UA tied him up. He knows what this child has gone through and he pities him. To be honest, I think the LoV treated him much better than anyone ever has (except maybe Kirishima). They're hesitant, but they treat him with kindness. They didn't just want him for his quirk. They saw what the heroes did to him and wanted to help him get the revenge he deserved.
But when All Might showed up (more like "burst through the wall like the Cool Aid man"), Katsuki is instantly teleported in the strangest way possible... and the most traumatizing.
He chokes out this weird slime-like substance that devours him within seconds. Thankfully it only last that long, but then again, the Sludge Incident, remember?
Yeah, bet that brings back some memories.
But what must have hurt him the most was All Might's downfall and early retirement. He said it himself:
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After several chapters, he finally burst. He's been holding all the pain inside of him until it bubbled over and he couldn't take it anymore. So he went to the only person he could- the person he hated and yet trusted the most.
Maybe the Class 1A concert helped him in a way. It seemed like it brought him down and maybe even relaxed him a little. And something incredible happens. Something we haven't seen from him at all until now...
(From here, I'll try to keep it short to avoid as many manga spoilers as I can. That and I'm tired...)
He began to change; started to support Izuku... in his own twisted way, of course. As chapters went by, he started to open up little by little. He admitted what he had done to Izuku in middle school to All Might, which had brought him some peace of mind. It wasn't quite the apology we had hoped for, but I guess it'll do.
And during the war, he made the greatest sacrifice, finally unlocking his quirk's full potential. Despite being unable to move, he used his quirk to throw himself in front of Izuku without thinking, taking a blow to his stomach. To his stomach.
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He was impaled.
Holy shit.
Last time someone had been impaled was Nighteye, and he died from his wounds.
But Katsuki somehow managed to survive... And woke up ready to beat Izuku's ass if he didn't wake up.
Anyway, that's all I have to say (so far). However, I'm excited for Season 5 of the anime series! Can't wait to see our new story animated! I mean, I've been watching the episodes as they come out, but still.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Unrequited (Atsumu x Reader)
A/N: The first one of the series. I'm actually pretty proud of this one for it being the first one on the blog. It went under heavy editing and I think I cut out a whole two pages of pointless dialog. And it still ended up longer than intended. Anyways enjoy!
WARNINGS: Angst. Just angst that's it. And blood mentioned nothing too explicit. One sided love
DATE: Thursday October 22nd, 2020
Details: 4.8 pages 1,792 words
Theme: Hanahaki Disease- The victim begins to have flowers grow in their lungs leading to them coughing up flowers petals this continues getting worse until it causes their death. There's a surgery option to get rid of the flowers but it comes at the price of never feeling love again.
Angst masterlist
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I stared at the ceiling of my room debating on if I was healthy enough for school. As I sat up my eyes drifted to the yellow petals overflowing from the trash can in the corner.
"Sunflowers," I mumbled as I looked at the petals.
They were supposed to represent happiness but as I looked at the blood flecked petals all I felt was overwhelming sadness. Summer break ended today so maybe I could get away with an I forgot.
"Yeah that sounds good," I said as I got out of bed and stretched.
I felt a cough bubble in my throat as I rushed to the bathroom I placed my hand over my mouth coughing into it. Blood seeped between my fingers as I felt the soft touch of flower petals in my palm. I sighed as the coughing subsided I put the petals on the sink counter. I cleaned the blood on my hands and face before heading back to my room. My limbs already felt weak as I walked it was a struggle to make the ten steps to my room.
"No school today," I sighed out as I laid down on my mattress. I let my eyes slowly slide closed as I fell asleep.
"Y/n," In my sleepy haze I could hear someone saying my name.
"Hey y/n wake up," I slowly opened my eyes and looked to the side. My eyes caught sight of grey hair and eyes looking at me in concern.
"Samu? What are you doin here?" My voice was thick with sleep and my speech was slightly slurred.
"What am I doing here? You haven't answered anyone's calls or texts! I was worried so I left practice to check on you," I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You left practice? Kita's gonna be mad at you," I sat up which caused Osamu to put a hand infront of me and push me back down.
"He's the one who let me go. If anything Tsumu was mad he also didn't get to come," I coughed at that which Osamu sighed at. "Are you sick?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No I'm fi-" "Don't lie to me," I snapped my head towards him and he was staring back at me.
"I-I'm not lying," he shook his head and lifted his palm. Staring back at me was a single yellow petal dotted with red "Yes, you are," I flinched as I realized he'd figured it out.
"How long?" Osamu was quieter now as he spoke. "A year but it didn't get bad until the beginning of summer break," I whispered back as he placed the petal down on the ground.
"Who is it?" I felt everything I'd kept bottled up break down and tears fill my eyes "You already know," my voice cracked as Osamu sighed and pulled me towards him.
He wrapped both arms around me and pushed my face into the crook of his neck. "I know," he mumbled it as confirmation to my previous statement.
I started coughing again pulling back I covered my mouth with my hand. Osamu's eyes widened when he noticed more blood on the petals as they slipped through my fingers. I started heaving as more petals came up. Osamu left the room coming back with a cup of water and a rag. I put my hands down and watched the petals cover my bedsheets there was a thin red layer covering the petals making them look a reddish orange. I didn't need to look in a mirror to know there was a trail of blood leaking down the side of my mouth.
"Jesus...," Osamu spoke as he looked at me. He took the rag and cleaned my face and hands before giving me the glass of water.
"You let it get this bad?" I could see the concern laced in his grey eyes eyebrows furrowed downwards and mouth pulled down in a frown.
"I didn't realize it was this bad," my throat was scratchy as I spoke taking huge glups of water to sooth the ache the petals left behind.
"What are you going to do?" He asked "The same thing I've been doing. Try to forget about it," He blinked at my response "Is that why you've been ignoring Tsumu?" I nodded slowly. "It hasn't worked though,"
Before we could continue Osamu's phone rang. He answered it slowly "yeah?"
"Don't yeah me Samu! You've been gone for an hour! Get back here!" I could hear Atsumu's yelling through the phone. I got up and heading to the hallway with the glass tucked into my hand.
Suddenly the petals came back in my throat and I started coughing. The glass slipped from my fingers as I collapsed to the ground. It shattered next to me and a few shards cut my hands as I placed them on the floor. The petals came out red instead of the normal bright yellow causing small pools of blood to form around them.
I couldn't breath as I heard my bedroom door get thrown open Osamu stood there wide eyed with terror lacing his features. "Y/n! Hey stay with me!" He dropped to my level ignoring the glass that dug into his uniform pants and probably cut his legs. I saw the fear in his eyes deepen when he saw the amount of blood on the ground.
"Y/n!? What's happening! What's going on with y/n!?" I could still hear Atsumu's yelling despite my coughing. Osamu rapidly hung up and dialed someone else.
"Hello? My friend started coughing up blood and petals and I'm think she's dying please send help!" I could hear the panic in his voice as my eyes started to close. I finally stopped coughing and took deep wheezing breaths. Black spots covered my vision as a wave of exhaustion hit my body.
Osamu took my hand "Hey y/n no. Stay awake," I slowly shook my head in response. "Can't. I'm tired Samu," I mumbled at him. "You have to," Was the last thing he said before darkness over took my vision.
"Remove them!" "Sir, she has to make that decision not you," I let out a light groan as I slowly opened my eyes. Atsumu stood next to my bedside clearly yelling at a doctor.
He looked at me giving the doctor a chance to slip out of the room. "Osamu told me. Who is it?" I flinched at the anger in his voice.
A sense of relief filled me when I realized Osamu hadn't told him everything. "I- I can't tell you," I whispered. "No! No bullshit! Tell me!" I shook my head at him. "Is it Kita? Or Suna? No its Ojiro isn't it or-" I cut him off before he could continue. "It's you!" I yelled back at him.
"Me?" He asked slowly. I nodded in response "You can't love me," I sighed looking down "But I do," I felt those flowers again in my lungs clawing their way up to my throat.
"Well stop loving me!" I balled my fists together as a flash of anger struck me. "I ALREADY TRIED!" my throat burned in protest of the yelling. "I TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED!" "AND IT NEVER WORKED!" tears rolled down my face as I looked at him. His eyes narrowed at me "I can't love you. So get them removed," Atsumu left the room after that leaving me sobbing into my hands.
Osamu walked in soon after "y/n," he whispered my name as he got closer to me. The doctor came in and looked at me sadly. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. All I could manage was a weak nod as I looked at the hospital bed.
"Do either of you know someone who's gone through this procedure before?" Before I could answer Osamu had said something. "Yes...My brother," I looked at Osamu in shock but he was looking away from me.
"Right well I'm going to go check the x-rays and come back and we can schedule the surgery then," I nodded at the doctor as he handed me a glass of water before leaving the room again.
"Atsumu...had Hanahaki Disease?" Osamu finally looked back at me slowly nodding. "He never told me who caused it and he got it removed before telling anyone," I sighed as I looked away.
"You know Samu I used to like sunflowers," I whispered staring out the window. "They were never your favorite flower though," He responded back to me. "You remember?" I turned to him as I asked to discover he was already looking at me. "Yep. Buttercups," I laughed as I nudged him with my shoulder "You only remember because it has butter in the name," He chuckled back at me "You caught me," we smiled at eachother as the doctor came back.
The doctor had a sad look in his eyes as he looked at me. "I don't have good news for you," The smile on my face fell as I looked at the doctor. "The disease has progressed too far for us to remove it," I gasped "W-what?" The doctor looked at me as I felt tears slip down my cheeks "I'm sorry but there's no way we could remove them without killing you," I turned and buried my face into Osamu's chest to hide my tears.
The doctor left as Osamu ran his fingers through my hair and down my back. "Samu...," I whispered and he hummed at me "I just wanted to say thank you for being there and I love you," I mumbled as I began drifting off to sleep the last thing I registered was Osamu responding to me. "...Love you too y/n,"
*third person p.o.v*
"You know Samu this is my fault," Osamu's eyes glanced to his twin who was sadly looking down.
"If I hadn't been a coward and told her...She would still be here and I could still love," He watched Atsumu set a bouquet of buttercups against the cool marble infront of him.
"Her favorite...Maybe that'll comfort her," Atsumu walked away while Osamu looked back at the grave.
Y/n l/n DOB: (b/d) 'She loved until the end'
Osamu felt a cough in his throat as a small yellow flower landed in his palm. It was covered in blood as he stared at it. It matched the ones in the bouquet and a sad laugh left Osamu throat.
"Buttercups huh...," He let the flower leave his palm with the wind as he followed his brother a small sad smile on his face as he whispered one last thing to the wind.
"I love you y/n,"
TAG LIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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Baby Love - Part 10
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A/N - Finally an update!! 💕
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chrisevans I'm so excited to announce that Y/N and I are expecting!! We are both over the moon.... i cannot even put into words how happy i am right now.
Mama and baby are both doing great and Dodger is thrilled that he's about to become a big brother.
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It was a few weeks after the premiere, middle of May, my 5th month in my pregnancy that Chris finally put out the announcement and surprisingly it went well....better than i could ever have imagined. The messages from Chris's fans were amazing! Of course there was still some haters but nothing that was too awful or couldn't be ignored. It was nice that it was out now and i didn't have to worry about someone finding out and leaking it to the press.
Chris was scheduled to start filming 'Defending Jacob' a series for Apple TV mid June through to July. The good thing being it was filming in Massachusetts, 20 minutes from home so he wouldn't have to stay away.
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Chris was finally upstairs getting ready so he could head to set, he had been whining this morning about wanting to stay home with his girls.
I was currently laying on the sofa in a sports bra and shorts, with my now 6 month belly showing while i watched some crappy daytime show.... i had removed Chris's t-shirt when i started getting hot flushes.
"Okay im ready to.....go. Jesus christ why are you half naked right now?" I looked round to see Chris looking me up and down like i was the tastiest thing he'd ever seen. I rolled my eyes looking back at the TV "hot flushes, i sweat through my shirt...i feel like I'm burning alive"
"Such a drama queen" he chuckled
"Excuse you?..... you wanna try going through this??" I snapped, i knew as soon as it was out of my mouth it was uncalled for and instantly felt bad "I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap.... is the damn AC even working?" i said almost feeling like i was gonna cry. Chris came walking over crouching in front of me with a cold cloth and draped it across my forehead.
"That should help a little and i got you some ice..." he passed me a cup of ice chips and i cried.
"Hey! Whats wrong?"
"You're just the best boyfriend ever"
"Awww" he chuckled pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Don't.... I'm all sweaty and gross"
"I like you all sweaty" he wriggled his eyebrows making me laugh "and you're not gross..... you're beautiful. I nearly had a heart attack seeing you laying here looking like this.... now i really don't wanna leave"
"You have to, stop making excuses"
"I dont want to leave you alone like this..."
"I wont be, Scott's coming over we're gonna go for lunch later"
"Oh.... "
"You're okay with that right?"
"Yeah of course" he smiled before leaning in to give me a kiss.
"Hey! its just me!" Scott yelled from the front door on cue.
"In here!" I yelled reaching my hands out to Chris to help me up into a sitting position.
"Yikes! what is going on with you you're a mess" Scott said looking concerned.
"Thanks! Thats just what i needed to hear Scotty" i scooped out an ice chip and popped it in my mouth.
"Hot flushes" Chris told Scott and he pulled a face.
"I'll be okay in a minute, it'll pass. Though im pretty tempted to go jump in the damn pool right about now"
"Stay outta the pool sweetheart, maybe a lukewarm bath or shower would help?"
"I'll be fine Chris, you need to go or you're gonna be late"
"I don't wanna leave you alone...."
"Err hello? Im here, she's not alone" Scott said coming to sit next to me on the sofa.
"Can you put your shirt back on.....i don't feel comfortable...." Chris started to say while looking me over again.
"Stop! I am not putting that thing back on when i feel like I'm in the pits of hell Evans!" I said pointing at the soaking wet t-shirt on the table " besides Scott's seen me in my bathing suit plenty of times.... I'm wearing more now than i was then! also incase you forgot.... I'm not his type"
"I feel insulted!" Scott gasped before smiling at his brother.
"Just go to work! I will call you if i need anything, we'll be fine".
Chris sighed but nodded, he leant in and gave me a kiss and finally left for set.
"Geez he always like that?"
"No, he's got a little more protective as the pregnancy has gone on but that was new"
"He's probably just worried about you. This is the first time he's had to really leave you since you've been pregnant"
"He'll be back tonight! He needs to chill out. I know i sound like a bitch and i really don't mean to but i literally feel like Satan himself is roasting my body!"
"You want some more ice chips?"
"Yes please".
After another 30/40 minutes i finally felt myself cooling down.
"Oh thank god! I think it passed"
"For now"
"Thanks!" I laughed "I've had a few hot flushes here and there but nothing like that... that was brutal!"
"Well I'm glad it passed, why don't you go take a shower and we'll go get some lunch, it will do you good to get some fresh air, we can even take Dodger"
"Sounds good to me".
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Scott and i grabbed lunch at a small family run cafe that was kinda tucked away, not a lot of people actually knew about it which was the reason we chose this place when we'd have lunch....it also had a small outside seating area where we could sit with Dodger.
Once we were done with lunch we took Dodger for a walk in the park where he found a new friend, they ran around together for a good half an hour.
"Wow he's gonna be beat" Scott laughed as we sat on a bench watching the two dogs running around.
"Good! He has too much energy!"
I chuckled "i'll be wanting to sleep and he brings me his toys wanting to play its exhausting" i said exaggerating, truth was i loved that Dodger always wanted my attention.
"Well he's gonna have to learn to share you when my niece arrives"
"Do you think he'll be okay with the baby?"
"Im sure he will, Dodge is a good boy"
"The best, i just worry. I worry about everything lately though" i laugh rubbing my hand over my belly "you ready to head back?"
I whistle and call for Dodger and he comes running straight over allowing me to attach he's leash.
"Lets go home bubba" i scratched behind his ear before handing the leash to Scott.
We got back to the house and let Dodger out of the car, he ran straight towards the front door and started growling and scratching at the door.
"Hey stop!" Scott said quickly and Dodger turned to look at him before starting again this time barking loudly.
"Whats his problem?"
"I don't know....."
"Maybe Chris is home?"
"His car isn't here....." i opened the door and Dodger ran inside sniffing everywhere.
"Hey Chris you home?" Scott called out but i already knew he wasn't, this didn't feel right.....
"Scott, somethings wrong....."
"What do you mean?" He asked turning to me looking concerned.
"I don't know its just a feeling i have"
Dodger suddenly ran past us and up the stairs, we followed him up to find him sitting outside mine and Chris's bedroom scratching at the door.
"Chris....." Scott called again thinking Dodger just wanted to get to him but no answer, the house was silent.
Scott stepped forward and opened the door and we both gasped at the what we saw. The whole room was trashed.
"Scott..... what if someones still in the house?" I turned to him with wide eyes as panic set it.
"Stay in here with Dodger, I'm gonna check the house..."
"No! Just call the cops, stay in here with us!"
"I'll be fine! They're probably long gone, Dodger would be going crazy if they were still here...but i just wanna make sure".
"Please be careful! I'll call the cops"
"Okay lock the door behind me".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba
Baby love tags @jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony @ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997 @ajosieface @afuckingshituniverse @chmedic @esoltis280
@southerngracela @bethabear12 @letsdisneythings @sellulii @katiew1973 @princess-evans-addict
@deidrahouseofpain @siren-queen03 @shipatheart @little-dark-empress @xxloki81xx @lizzyclifford13-blog @booktease21 @lets--be-honest @thevelvetseries @farfromtommy @mery-be @drakelover78
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The Outsiders (pt. 1)
Zed Necrodopolous x reader
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Fanfiction
Summary: When you moved to Seabrook to get away from the drama of your past, you meet a sweet zombie who you can't get enough of.
Word Count: 1999
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When you moved in with your aunt and uncle, they warned you that Seabrook was different. Your two cousins had also made this seem very important to know. It was a perfect place with perfect people, who scorned the ones that didn't fit it. Not that you cared. You were used to being different.
They also told you about the zombies. When your aunt spoke about them, it was with with pity, while your uncle talked about them with disgust. She was a clothing designer, and he was a zombie patrol policeman. It was partly her job to make the zombies' special clothing, and it was his job to patrol zombietown at night.
In all honesty they just peeked your interest. They just seemed like normal people that weren't recognized, and you thought about what it might be like for them to be outsiders as well.
Your mother had taught you that life is too short to care what people think, and that being mean to people was useless. So you put a smile on and tried to be happy with your new life. Maybe something good awaited.
You put on your white t-shirt and dark red skirt, and walked to school. As you headed to school, you saw your uncle on the zombie side of the fence for the school entrance. He got reassigned to watch over them. One of the zombies were looking at their class schedule, when it flew out of his hands and slid on the floor and through the fence. You picked it up, smiling at him as you went on your tippy toes to give it to him. "Here you go."
"Thanks." He smiled, and looked very handsome in your opinion. "I–"
Your uncle banged on the fence. "No trying to grab humans. Don't make me have to take you downtown."
"No, officer I was just trying to–"
"Zip it zombie. Leave the humans alone."
"No," you said. "He wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just handing him his paper."
"I don't care, get inside." Your uncle stared daggers into you.
"I know you're new here, but I'll only say this once. When an adult tells you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. Maybe you weren't taught that where you're from, but things are different here." Your smiled quickly faded as you put your head down and walked inside. He didn't have to say that.
Zed watched you leave with a frown on your face. He didn't know who you were, but it still hurt him to see your smile leave like that. "Little piece of advice." The guard said. "Don't talk to the humans. Don't try to be chummy friends, because you can't. At the end of the day, she's normal and you're not." Zed didn't say anything as he went inside with Bonzo and Eliza.
As you walked with your head kept down, you accidentally bumped into a blonde girl. "Oh, I'm sorry!"
She kindly smiled at you. "It's okay. I'm Addison."
You nodded and smiled. "Y/n."
"So, are you gonna try out for the cheer squad?" She seemed very excited.
"Um, no." You tried to say kindly. "Don't get me wrong, I love dancing, but cheerleading isn't really my thing." She frowned and looked confused. "But I'd be more willing to help you out if you need a partner to practice with anytime."
Her smile perked up again. "Oh, that's so sweet. I would totally love that!" She excitedly took your hands. "Come on, you should meet Bree."
Into middle of first period, an alarm started to go off, and everyone began to panic. On the wall it said Z | ALERT and was flashing red, but you didn't really know what that meant. When you got out to a hallway, the zombie from before came running up in a panic. "Can you hide me somewhere?"
"Um." Was all that came out of you before you looked at a zombie safe room, grabbing his hand and you both going in. It was pretty much pitch black, and you led him to a wall for both of you to sit down on the floor. "So, I'm guessing the alarms are from you?"
You heard him let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to scare that girl, she just freaked out when she saw me. This wasn't really how I wanted my day to go."
"You mean you didn't want an angry mob of people after you?" You asked in a playful sarcastic tone.
"Well," he said. "Not like this."
"What?" You laughed out.
"I'm trying out for the football team today." He felt you get closer to him, and felt calmer. You didn't fear him. "I don't know if I'll make it, considering how my day's gone."
"No, I'm sure you'll make it! Everyone's really excited for the cheer tryouts, so pretty soon there'll be a whole swarm of people cheering for you when you make it."
"And what about you?" His voice became a little softer.
"Well, cheerleading isn't for me. I was hoping they'd have a dance class, but they don't. But hey, I wouldn't mind cheering for you at your games. Just in the crowds."
You turned your head to his dark figure. He chuckled, before saying, "I'm Zed."
"I'm y/n."
Just then the lights came back on and you saw his handsome smile, causing you to smile back. He was about to say something, when you both heard, "Y/n! There you are!"
You turned to see Addison with four other cheerleaders. "Gross!"
"Zombie germs!"
One of them tugged you away from Zed. "Look here Zombie, if one of my cousin's friends are caught around you again, it's going to get ugly. And as you can see, that's not in the cards for me." You looked at Addison, who said nothing. They then tugged you out of the room and away from Zed.
They dragged you to their trophy room. "Listen new girl," the main guy said. "We don't support freaks, and neither should you. You could maybe be cool if you tried out for the cheer squad. And lose that outfit. It's a little too dark for Seabrook. Speaking of outfits, you look like you could rock a cheer outfit."
You didn't want to be rude, so you responded with, "Um, that sounds pretty cool. I'll think about it."
The cheerleaders began to laugh. "Oh new girl, I like your humor. We'll see you there. C'mon cuz." They all then left.
At lunch you began to walk towards Addison, but she was bombarded by more cheerleaders, so you decided to not go over there. You looked around, and saw that someone had spilled their lunch all over the cafeteria floor. Principal Lee saw and groaned. "Can someone please go tell the janitor to clean this mess up?"
"I can!" You said eagerly. "I really don't mind."
"Well," she said, smiling as she looked you up and down. "It's nice to see such bravery for this school. He's in the basement." You smiled and nodded, heading over there. You walked down the stairs happily with your lunch tray.
Zed was excitedly telling his friends about you. "Yeah Bonzo. She even said she'd cheer me on at games. I'm really pumped right now, and I think she likes me."
"Yeah right." Eliza said. "It's just because she's new. Once she figures out that humans don't like zombies, she'll probably stay far away."
Zed gave Eliza a look before their teacher said, "Woah, there's no human students here."
Everybody turned to see you nervously standing there with your lunch tray. "Um, there was a spill in the cafeteria." You quickly set your tray down to hold the door open for the teacher. You then brought your tray over to Zed and his friends and smiled. "Hey."
"Hey." He looked surprised, but eventually smiled back.
"Is it okay with you guys if I stay here for lunch?"
Zed was about to speak, but Eliza cut him off. "You should probably stick with the cheerleaders if you really want to make the squad."
"Oh, I'm not a cheerleader, and I don't really wanna be one." You said as you sat down next to Zed. "They're a little too much for me. I probably wouldn't enjoy it. You should do something because it makes you happy, right?"
Eliza stared at you, but had a small smile on. "Um, yeah."
You turned to Zed. "So, I never apologized for the security guard."
"Oh, yeah. Did you know him or something, cause he was kinda being a jerk to the both of us."
You looked down, and felt heat spread onto your face. "Um, he's my uncle. I just started living with him and his family over the weekend. He's a bit stiff with me since we don't really see eye to eye on, um..."
"Zombikas?" Bonzo asked.
"Yeah. Sorry." You quietly said.
"So what if he finds out that we've been talking?" Zed asked.
"Then we'll just make sure he doesn't." Bonzo and Eliza gave each other a look as you and Zed smiled at each other. "So, I could go to your football tryouts after school. Maybe walk home together afterwards?"
You shrugged. "Yeah. I don't have much going on after school anyways."
"Yeah, that sounds awesome. You could see me do thang in person."
You giggled, and the bell rang. "Okay, I gotta go. But I'll see you at the football field after school." You waved to all of them and hurried up the stairs.
As you were about to go to class, your cousin pulled your arm. "What were you doing in the basement?" She asked.
You shrugged and grinned. "Got lost. Oops." You then walked into class.
After school you walked to the football field and found him waiting for you at the bleachers. "You came." You nodded. "Okay, now I have to be extra awesome." You giggled and sat down as he grabbed your arms, gently squeezing. "Wish me luck!"
"I will." You then watched him play, and he was actually pretty good. He was good at dodging people, and was pretty fast as well. He excelled at the drills, though he dropped to the ground and rolled in a fit of dramatics. You laughed, yelling out, "You can do this Zed!"
He was still on the ground, but gave you a thumbs up. After a bit everybody lined up to see if they made it. The coach talked, and everybody looked pretty happy. You saw him and Zed talking before Zed walked over to you. You smiled and offered him his backpack, but your smile faded as you saw the disappointed look on his face. "I didn't make the team." He said. "Principal Lee thinks I shouldn't even leave the basement for school."
"Zed, I'm really sorry to hear that."
"Don't be. It's the story of my life." He said frustratedly.
You gently hooked your arm around his as you both walked together. "I'm sure at some point you'll be on the football team. Once people see how awesome you are."
He smirked at you. "Yeah, you're right. Well, I guess for now only you'll get to see my awesomeness."
You chuckled. "I guess so." You both fell into comfortable silence until you said, "I thought you were pretty good, by the way."
"Thanks, but I kinda wanna see you in action."
You laughed. "Um, I don't think I'd do all that good in football."
He laughed too. "No, I meant dancing. You said you liked it, but I haven't seen you dance yet."
"Yeah. We'll go dancing together at some point. It's just a matter of time." You looked down with a flushed face, grinning. "So, why did you move in with your aunt and uncle?"
"Um, they're the only family I have left now." He stared at you. "I'll explain another day." He nodded.
You both then made it to the border of Seabrook and Zombieland. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe we'll even have a day where people aren't trying to pull us apart."
You chuckled. "Wouldn't that be something."
He grabbed your hand and spun you softly. "Until next time."
You smiled and began walking the other way. As you buried your hands in your face and hopped around to calm yourself, Zed was silently jumping and fist bumping the sky. You thought about what he said, and decided that you would do something for this school, and it involved dancing.
Author Note: Please let me know if I should keep going with this, or if you maybe wanna be tagged if I end up making a series.
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