#and then in the other corner bakugou killed a baby
crepus · 4 months
Brought to you by recent manga chapters:
Uraraka: It's okay to ask for help!
Shouto: You are not a burden.
Bakugou: Murder is okay!
Izuku: Your feelings matter!
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Kiribaku x reader (part 2???)
Authors note: ok, this isn't an exact part two and it's only lightly edited so don't kill me!! It's another little snippet into their life. I'd love to find a name to tag all of these little blurbs so they're easier to find, so if anyone has any suggestions let me know!
Warnings! A little smutty, Bakugou's a cock block. Enjoy! :')
You whine sleepily as you feel Bakugou get out of bed, missing the warmth on the other side of you. Bakugou huffs, leaning down to press a few kisses to your forehead, raspy morning voice mumbling a “quit your whinin',” before he pads to the other side of the bed to do the same to his boyfriend. He leaves you two in bed to go take a shower and get ready for patrol
You huff as you hear him leave, not even opening your eyes as you simply roll over to snuggle into Kirishima’s chest. The redhead, now awake, simply pulls the duvet over you more and wraps his arms around you snuggly, trailing a hand up and down your spine. It's quiet for a few minutes before you finally stir awake again, pulling back to rub the sleep from your eyes and peering up to find Kiri already looking down at you. “You're a lot grumpier in the mornings than I would've guessed,” he teases, corners of his lips turning up. You just grumble something under your breath, hiding your face between his pecs.
It's not long before he has you laying on top of him, hands firmly resting on your hips as he slots his lips against yours. The kiss was unhurried, allowing you to make it whatever you want. You sigh into his mouth, carding your fingers through his long hair. You take your time kissing each other, hands lazily exploring each other before you nibble on his bottom lip, and find yourself suddenly flipped onto your back with a squeal.
"You are fucking perfect,” he breathes, peppering kisses up your stomach. He stops once he reaches your chest, lips wrapping around a nipple to suck gently.
You release a breathy moan, heart racing as he sucks, his teeth gently grazing you before he pulls away with a pop. He looks up to meet your eyes, pupils blown with lust and lips curled into a smirk. You squirm some under his gaze, accidentally letting out a small gasp as he presses his hips to yours again, pinning you down to the bed. You felt your whole body on fire under his gaze, cheeks flushed and heart ready to pound out of your chest at the tension between you two.
He breaks moments later, leaning back down to lick over your other nipple, biting it gently before pulling off and trailing kisses back down your stomach. He finds himself between your thighs, sucking a mark into your skin as your breathing picks up. He works his way up, finger hooking into your panties to tug them down. He does so slowly, clearly not in any rush as he savors the way you're staring down at him, trying and failing to wiggle your hips that he's still holding down firmly. You release a desperate whine before he finally tugs them off you fully, tossing them somewhere on the floor.
He peers up at you, “Baby, if you want something, all you've gotta do is ask. Gonna have to use your words.” He's smug about it too, allowing your need to fuel his own ego.
“Eiji,” you breathe, gnawing on your lower lip as he just quirks a brow up expectantly. “Eiji please, need to cum.” He grins at your words, deciding to play nice and not make you beg any more for it before he finally dips his head down.
“So wet for me baby,” he groans, nose nudging at your clit as he licks up your slit, moaning into you. “Fuuckk, baby -”
“Alright love birds,” Bakugou’s gruff voice rings out from the doorway, cutting Kirishima off and making you jump in surprise. Kiri has half a mind to keep going but he manages to pull away, lifting his head as you both turn to look at the blonde. Bakugou walks further into the room, muscled body on display as he's clad in nothing but his boxers. He steps to the dresser to start pulling clothes out and getting dressed, only glancing at you two over his shoulder to speak. “As much as I'd love to watch, I hate to remind you both that Eijirou will be late for patrol if he doesn't get his ass in the shower.”
You're bright red at this point from getting caught, giggling as Kirishima groans, resting his head on your thigh for a moment before reluctantly getting up and heading out to get ready for the day.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
Feral teen mom Harry au
Aoyoma recognising the name Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin because while he might be a squib and quirk less, his parents still talked to his cousin’s family. They thought Harry had been killed, and his baby taken to be experimented on.
They are the first one to reach out to Harry, all fake smiles and supplies in their hands. They make sure Harry never has to pick someone for soarring, because he is so scared of trusting anyone.
They eat lunch together, in the garden of UA, by a shrine.
(Harry always felt more comfortable closer to death, and Aoyoma had been walking hand in hand with it for three years.)
Tokoyami is the next one to become his friend, after Harry rescues him from being jumped because while he might be a hero in training he still freezes, and they had lights so he can’t even rely on Dark Shadow. Harry lets him sit with him and Aoyoma, and no one ever asks if he’s okay when he comes in on the verge of tears, a text on his phone. Harry simple hands him a tissue, and tries to not stare at how more often than not, Tokoyami only has an apple or a bowl of rice.
Tokoyami never brings up how he knows about Harry’s backstory, having heard it in whispers in the bathrooms of punk shows he snuck into, trying to escape the world at large. When Harry trusts him, he will come to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.
The others are nice enough, but these three have a connection none of the others ever will know.
Starting school after so long on the run is an… adjustment.
Harry is older than the rest of the class, knows more about there world at large, has seen things that would send most of them running for cover and yet academically speaking they could all run circles around him. He nearly loses his temper on the first day when Bakugou started screaming, startling Teddy from his nap (Harry had refused to leave Teddy behind on his first day even if the apartment he was given was nicer than anything he has seen since leaving home, and Kreature was perfectly capable of watching over a baby for a few hours. He couldn’t. Not yet. The very thought of it made him feel like he was going to fly apart at any minute. So he had come with a sling to settle Teddy in and his school bag pack with the supplies he would need. Eraserhead had not even bothered to look surprised to see an infant in his classroom.)
Harry barely notices the reactions to his name (two, both mostly hidden but there for someone who knows how to look) too busy snarling at Bakugou before Eraserhead breaks it up. But they do notice him.
Aoyama had once tamed a feral kneazle back in France, using food and gentle word to lure it closer day by day until it came to him willingly. They had to leave it behind when he came to Japan.
Befriending Harry was shockingly similar, down to the hisses and snarls when they made the mistake of moving too quickly. But Harry warms up to them and stands at their side, a constant shadow standing guard.
(They wonder, selfishly, if Harry would fight for them. Would slay the dragon that waits for them if they asked. Would kill the boogeyman in their closet like he had done twice before already.)
Tokoyami, surprisingly, has the opposite situation happen, with Harry claiming him all at once and having to come to terms with what that means. He knows the lengths Harry would go to protect those he cares for, has heard it whispered again and again in seedy back alleys and dirty bathrooms that smell like piss and cheap booze. It scares him as much as it comforts him to know that there is someone in his corner no matter what. That he won’t have to worry about what people will do to him because he’s a mutant. That there is someone who won’t run because he is a monster in their eyes.
He promises himself and Dark Shadow that they will protect Harry like he protected them. That their friend will not need to get his hands dirty on their behalf again because they will not stumble.
Harry watches them with eyes that are too sharp, too knowing, too old. He bares his teeth at them when they annoy him and growls at his homework (years behind where they are but quickly catching up). He is the best friend either of them have ever made.
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kiriscreama · 8 months
mark our hearts with shame
Whumptober 2023 - Day 2
Prompt: “They don’t care about you.”
Warnings: Canon-typical Violence, Self-hatred, Ambiguous Ending, Graphic Violence, Implied (possible) Character Death
Summary: The League of Villains have reached the end of the line. Tomura has to make a choice.
A/N: lake write the league in character challenge level: impossible. idk man if Horikoshi didn’t want me to love them he shouldnt have made them so likeable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ somethingsomething redemption through the love of others somethingsomething.
also this isn’t canon compliant past, like, where the anime is currently, i think? regardless, this is not a canon battle lmao
title from Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance lol
also on AO3 | whumptober masterlist
Somewhere far away, Toga laughs and it sounds more like a scream. From the corner of his eye, Tomura sees Spinner drop the heroling he’s got by the neck and go running towards the sound. The little brat scrabbles to his feet, tail swishing dangerously, and darts off into another part of the battle.
Tomura pays him no heed. He wants to follow after Spinner, to make sure every member of his party is still standing, but he’s still locked in a fight with the Bakugou brat and the gremlin with All Might’s quirk.
They don’t care about you.
Plus there’s that. His master’s voice at the back of his head, reminding him of things he’d rather forget. Fears that he’ll never voice.
His guard is down for a beat too long, because Deku gets too close. Tomura narrowly dodges a kick aimed for his head. He knows what he should do here. He should catch the enemy by his ankle, wrap all five fingers tight, and let his quirk do its job. He should take both of them down and end this here, in the middle of a half-decimated city, and finally complete the win conditions to achieve total victory. (Or something. His video game metaphors are hazy these days, with less and less time or energy to play them.)
He should kill them, but he’s just… so tired. This fight, as vital as it may be for the main story, feels more like a grind. Tomura can’t remember the last time he got any real rest. Certainly before they moved headquarters to join the Paranormal Liberation movement. (What are they calling themselves these days? He can’t be assed to keep track.) He almost wants to stop.
Another shout in the distance. This one sounds too much like Compress yelling something. Tomura’s stomach lurches, and he drags his attention back to his own fight just as an explosion glances off his cheek.
Bakugou makes a furious noise, though whether it’s at the fact that he missed or the fact that Tomura didn’t try to hit him while he had an opening, he isn’t quite sure.
“Either fight or die already!” he screams. For a second longer than he is willing to admit, Tomura almost considers accepting the latter option.
A crackle in his ear, a forgotten comms unit sparking to life. He throws a hand towards Deku that the boy spins away from easily. His splayed fingers narrowly brush the fabric of his hero costume, but not enough of them make contact to matter.
“Boss, Toga’s bleeding bad and Compress is down for the count,” Spinner screams in Tomura’s ear. He dodges some kind of knock-off All Might ultimate move from Deku. “Dabi’s quirk won’t keep them back forever. Baby Todoroki will get here eventually.”
If he doesn’t flay himself alive first, is the rest of that statement, but Spinner wisely keeps it to himself.
Dabi grumbles nonetheless. “I’ll decide how much I can handle, shitface.” Tomura can picture the flames getting bigger in protest. He can practically smell the burning skin and see the distinct not-pained expression that he’s making.
They don’t care about you.
It’s the only thing that remains from his master in his head anymore. A daily reminder calmly intoning from the back of his mind.
He ducks another blast from Bakugou, swings around and manages to plant a solid kick into Deku’s side. The boy turns his fall into a roll and springs to his feet with his quirk crackling around his skin. Tomura ducks to press his fingers to the dirt and disrupt the ground beneath his feet. Deku springs away just in time and sparks fill Tomura’s vision.
The explosion burns through his shirt and down to his skin, turning pale skin bright red, but he barely feels it.
“Boss! What are we doing here?”
Spinner’s desperation is nearly palpable.
Tomura dodges a fist. He’s not sure whose it is.
He’s tired.
Magne is dead. Twice is dead. Sensei is as good as gone.
“Constitution check,” he snaps out. He watches the herolings’ faces contort in confusion.
Spinner’s sigh crackles over the line. He growls. “Not fucking good!”
“There’s a spike through her stomach. Don’t know if we’ll be able to save her.” Dabi’s voice is more level. The man may be insane as the rest of them, but his skill in keeping cool under pressure is unmatched. “Compress has some kind of concussion, at the least.”
In fact, it’s too level, as if Tomura isn’t in the middle of a brawl (even if his opponent’s attacks seemed to have lessened, as if they’re showing him some strange sort of mercy) and Dabi’s not delivering the worst case scenario. Tomura wonders if there’s any skin left on his arms at this point.
He locks eyes with Bakugou, whose hard glare turns almost amused. He rears back, raising his gauntlets, and oh, Tomura knows this move well. He ducks behind a slab of broken street just as a Howitzer comes barreling his way.
Bakugou survived being stabbed through the ribs. Tomura remembers that. He survived and he got stronger, better than he was before it happened. All Might is missing a piece of his stomach, but he has yet to let it stop him completely.
Toga has a spike through her stomach — and oh, she would love the irony in that, wouldn’t she, like a stake straight through the vampire’s heart. Even if they retreat now, Dabi is right. They can’t save her, not without the Doctor. If they surrender, though, there could be a chance…
They don’t care about you.
But he cares about them. Without his master in his head, jumbling up his thoughts, Tomura can almost admit that. He cares about them, and Toga is dying and Compress could be somewhere right after. Dabi is burning himself alive the longer he hesitates.
There was a time when Tomura wouldn’t care. He thinks of Magne, how her death did little more than infuriate him at the time. He remembers Toga sniffling about it for days, remembers Twice’s dramatic wails and Dabi’s mean smile and Spinner’s righteous indignation. He had only been irritated by their moping and enraged that Overhaul thought he could get away with killing one of His party members, but they’d still been little more than NPCs to him. What has changed in the months between?
He thinks he knows the answer to that. Spending so much time with his party has made them his, and Tomura was never very good at sharing.
They don’t care about you.
Tomura isn’t sure that matters anymore.
The heroes have fallen back. Tomura wonders what Deku had to do to keep Bakugou from ambushing him. But he knows they won’t stay back for much longer. They’re just toying with him, waiting to see what he’s going to do next.
Maybe somewhere in their stupid, pure hearts, they think they’re giving him a chance. Deku talks a lot of shit about saving everyone, even him. “Saving people with a smile.” Tomura’s practically got the damn speech memorized.
Stupidly, naively, Deku believes that even villains can be saved.
“Surrender,” Tomura says into his comms.
“I said surrender.” It’s sharp. An order. One that he has no doubt they’ll comply with. He can hear it in their shared inhales, in the way the smoke over the rooftops begins to lessen. “Drop the flames after I turn myself in.”
“You got it, Crusty,” Dabi says. Even Tomura can hear the strain in his voice now. He won’t last much longer.
The heroes have them cornered. Maybe it’s for the best
Tomura emerges from behind the slab of concrete and watches the two heroes in front of him straighten immediately. Neither had left their fighting stance. Tomura wonders, briefly, if there's ever a time they aren’t standing at each other’s backs anymore.
He drops to his knees and both of them make cautious steps forward. They falter as he raises his hands.
They don’t care about you.
Well, it’s not like they would be the first. Tomura wears hatred and resentment like a second skin.
“We surrender,” he says, and the words sound a million miles away. “You’ve got us. You beat the final boss.”
It’s an especially sloppy metaphor, he thinks, but it’s enough to make Deku’s fists lower.
“The fuck?” Bakugou says, eloquent as always. His hands are still raised, his feet still planted. He hasn’t yet let go of this fight, but Tomura can see the gears turning in his head. “This some kind of joke?”
Spinner curses again in Tomura’s ear. “C’mon Tomura,” he mutters, low in his ear. “She doesn’t have much longer.”
Bakugou must take his silence for a yes, because he raises a fist and starts to growl, but Deku sticks his hand out in front of him. He’s frowning and muttering to himself, but they’re still too far away for Tomura to hear.
Suddenly, Deku looks up, green eyes locking on Tomura’s as if he can stare straight into his soul. It’s not the first time that laser-focused gaze has been locked on Tomura, but it’s the first that Tomura hasn’t been too focused on fighting or himself to feel the uncomfortable weight of it.
Deku’s brow is furrowed. “Who’s hurt?” he asks, suddenly.
Tomura doesn’t answer, but there must be something in his eyes that tells Deku what he needs anyway, because he moves forward.
As he approaches, Tomura turns on his comms one last time. “Surrender,” he says again. He doesn’t give Spinner or Dabi time to respond before he rips the earpiece from his ear and tosses it towards Bakugou’s feet.
“Shigaraki Tomura, you’re under arrest,” Deku begins, moving to cuff him.
They don’t care about you.
If that was true, they could join the fucking club.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
13, 16, and 23!
Also omg merm I read that…….. 20k review of Lightlark that u linked in an ask recently and goddamn. I am utterly fascinated and mourning the current state of the publishing industry 🫣
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Okay okay okay, like, here’s the thing: given enough incentive, I will happily ignore my own boundaries just to try something new. so if you were like, “Hey Merms, I bet you couldn’t write a Bakugou/Reader fic where Bakugou cheats on us and ALSO it ends with cannibalism” I would immediately rise to the defensive and be like, ok ur on. I would be incredibly unhappy doing it, and would do my best to try and make as many other people as possible unhappy too, LOL, but I would do it.
The problem is that it would make me miserable and peevish and depressed. Like, that would spill out from my writing time and I would go about the rest of my day—if not days—acting like I was the one who’d been cheated on and cannibalised, and simmering in that anger.
I like writing about intense things. I find it (relatively) easy to do. The difficult part is regulating how I feel about it afterwards, depending on what kind of intense it is. 🥹
(I do also wonder if this is an age thing, too. Like, When I was fifteen and a kissless virgin and writing fic, one of my most popular stories involved cheating. It was very melodramatic, and I would trot out the same trope/circumstances (our MC is cheated on by their beloved partner with someone said partner has history with) again and again over the next few years. I’ve never been cheated on! I mean, that I know of (🔪). But it was such an easy to-go for me, because it always meant instant emotional validation, right? Whereas now as an adult I prefer the relationships in my stories to either be the fun thing we’re chasing, or to be the supportive bedrock we need and NOT the source of angst, because if it’s going to hurt, then it needs to hurt in a im-going-to-cannibalise-you-and-then-kill-myself kinda way and not a we’re-gonna-break-up-and-you’re-gonna-be-a-jerk boring kinda way).
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
A plate and it was one time and I was desperate (and in the kitchen).
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
My desk is in the corner; it’s covered with letters and sketchbooks and magazines and I have four BNHA figures scattered around and one little Slyvanian baby in a blue duck costume and a ceramic jar that used to be an expensive candle that now holds a variety of lip balms and ibuprofen and also a random diamond ring that I don’t wear. I’m under a window—in the afternoon the light hits the wall and lights up my corner. Next to me I have a corkboard filled with cards and polaroids from and of my friends and also a bunch of postage stamps from Japan that I collected back when I was super into stationary.
But omg, pluvi, RE: Lightlark and the publishing industry—like, we all know that the publishing industry is there to make money, we get it. And I think that Alex Aster was probably, what, one of the first in that tiktok trend to be like, “would you read [insert tropes and Pinterest moodboard here]?” so I get it, on a purely business scale, why a publisher would swoop in and offer her money and then rush to get to get the book out. Like!!! Things and trends and interest move fast!!! You have to get that book into the hot lil hands of the teenage booktokers ASAP to make that 100k advance worth it.
But it’s so jarring to see in action! Because if Aster had an editor who cared, like, maybe a few of the bigger, more jarring problems would be tightened or changed. And idk, maybe it’s hypocritical to stand here in my un-beta’d, fanficy corner and be like, “check yourself!!!!” but???????? I will always, always be more ruthless with a traditionally published piece of work because they simply have more resources to do better. They have more eyes on it (which means, theoretically, more helpful critiquing), they have the time to write it (theoretically thanks to that advance), like—there’s just more. I expect more because they have more in which to tell this story with. If you want my money (new paperback books in Australia are easily within the $18-$30 range depending on size and genre!!!) then you have to show me that you have cared enough about this product to make it satisfying to read.
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margumis · 1 year
I am not good with wording my love and how grateful I am to have you so I will instead write another little thing for you in your inbox.
I gotta say. I am out of the loop if you did divorce sero or not??? So this is Bakugou x You x Sero crack
You and Hanta fucked up big time. And now you are sitting in the kitchen both bracing yourselves for Katsuki to storm in and legitimately kill you.
You and Katsuki have dated first and publicly as well before Hanta came into the picture. Now you are dating the both of them and it works for you all. It's just that you agreed that Sero and you will never be seen acting like a couple.
Well, there was a sneaky paparazzi and too many drinks and rain and how were you not supposed to spin the arms of your boyfriend as the air smells all earthy and kiss him in the down pour? It was impossible. You were so happy in that moment.
"Dynamight's significant other caught cheating with his roommate! Click here to read more"
Read the damned article and you felt so cold. Sero noticed immediately and asked what's up. You showed him the tweet and he goes pale too.
"We can still leave the country!?" Hanta panicked. "He might not have seen. If we run now we will life."
"He will hunt us down," you said. Katsuki would. Like a damn low budget horror movie scene.
And now you two are just nervous, tapping the kitchen counter as you wait with all of his favorite food as a peace offering. A feeble attempt really.
You two still shrink as the door flies open. "Where are you?!" He howls through the hallway.
"It's the end... but at least I'll die for love!" Hanta says and flops against you. "Loving you was my only sin, Mars."
"And for me it was loving you," you take his hand.
Katsuki turns the corner and his face is all sharp and tensed. "The one... thing... we agreed on," he says calmly and that is so much worse. "The ONE thing."
"Suki!" You say, falling into his arms. "We are sorry!" You kiss his entire face but he does not give in. "We are so sorry! The moment was so romantic! Have mercy!"
"You know how weak we are, dude!" Hanta says.
Truth is, when Katsuki saw the pictures he smiled at his phone, being so damn happy to see you two so happy. That is the magic of this thing you have. And in truth, he has already taken care of it. His PR Team has been working on a strategy for when it gets out that your relationship is poly ever since you started dating Sero. Katsuki is prepared for everything. And you are both forgetting that right now. He sees all his favorite food on the table.
"I am so fucking mad at you," he barks. "Your brain turns off when it rains, Mars!" He finds that immeasurably cute actually as much as he hated the rain himself.
"We got you all your favorite food as an apology!"
"And I'll do all your chores for three months!" Hanta says.
"And we'll watch all your insufferable action movies!"
"And I clean your gauntlet."
"And I am wearing another apology under here, baby," you wink, hoping seducing Katsuki into being less angry works.
"You fucked up!" He points at you both, hissing sharply. He will let you suffer a little more... get the most out of this situation before telling you that everything is fine.
SISI!!!! this is so stinking cute I'm frothing at the mouth like a dog with rabies.
all three of us are so dramatic PLEASE (you're right though). I am in fact very weak and stupid when it rains you read me so well. the part about watching "insufferable action movies" with him had me giggling because ITS SO TRUE. my new favorite dynamic how did I never think about both of them
I love my boyfriends but I love you more sisi <3
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Izuku Midoriya Masterlist
All my exclusive Midoriya content in one place
💚 - Smut is present
🌱- Midoriya Family Shenanigans therefore contains children of Izuku and reader
🥀 - Angst is present
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Missed me?: After six months, your villain boyfriend finally makes it back to you
Missed me (alt. ending): What if the reader got shot? - Very angsty with 2 scenerios.
I am Here: Alpha Midoriya comes to your aid protecting you.
A Lighter Day: Where your villanous boyfriend realizes just how bad he is and almost crumbles at the seams. Luckily he has you to keep him together.
Villain Izuku with a reader who has ADHD
His Angel: Villain Izuku with a frormer Yakuza reader
Izuku Midoriya x Reader Week 2022!
Villain Deku accidentally kills his darling.
Izuku with a breeding kink 💚
Villain Izuku falling for you
Adrenaline Lust: Villain Deku and you have just escaped the police and heroes but not without having to drop bodies on the way. But as you try to catch your breath, your darling lover can't get his eyes off of you. 💚
Izuku Headcannons (golden retriever boyfriend): Now Izuku is such a sweetheart. It is one of the very well known things about him. He’s kind and sweet, caring, great with kids… suspiciously like a dog. You didn’t really notice his rather happy-go-lucky instincts until you really watched him.
The Contract: When you broke up with Katsuki, you thought it was the end for you. You had spent so much time on Katsuki and now it all just fell to the wind. But what if a certain green haired hero offered you a contract, offered you the dream life of security and happiness all for the small price of being his wife? Love wasn’t in the plan but maybe it was in the fine print.💚🥀
Love and Villainy: Izuku accidentally falls in love with you, a villain
Well... aren't you a pretty doll? - Masterlist: You accidentally spill your drink on an army soldier and he becomes absolutely smitten with you.
Pregnant feral reader: There's something about being pregnant with his baby that turns you crazy. 💚💚💚
Pregnant feral reader 2.💚💚💚
Best Husband in the world award goes to Midoriya Izuku💚🌱
Say hi to Kacchan: Katsuki calls you while you and Izuku are busy having sex. It does not end well for him. 💚
What's the answer?: Izuku edges you until you get the answer right💚
It's been a long day: Izuku has had a long day and he blows up at you by accident.🥀
"FUCK YOU!": Izuku is sick and tired of Katsuki always berating him
Mister Tree: You come home drunk after a fun time with friends and your husband takes care of you. However, you make it pretty hard to do so by calling him a tree.
Oh my God! HE'S MOVING!: You and your husband feel your son move in your tummy for the first time.
Let's go Home: Your Yandere! Husband comes to take you back home. 🥀
I want to try something: Izuku wants to try using blackwhip on you💚
Of the Land (pt1): Living part of a nomadic group of wanderers in the land of Yuuie, teaches you that you have to do what you’re told to not receive more wrath. But when you are forced into marrying Bakugou Katsuki, life only gets worse for you. Or maybe it could get better with a green haired man who’s willing to save you.
Marshmallows: You can't reach the top shelf of the marshmallows well pregnant, and you think its a great time to jump Izuku.🌱💚
A New Change: You come back from the holidays, both you and Izuku having newly presented and you can't stay away from each other💚💚
Are you sure you're mine?: Your husband gets hit by a quirk that gives him amnesia
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Angry Dilf Izuku: Your husband doesn’t take lightly to people staring at your ass, especially if it’s Bakugou Katsuki.💚🌱
The Girl: You and your husband have only ever had boys... until you didn't. 🌱
Angry Dilf Izuku Pt2: It’s your birthday and your husband makes it loud and clear that Katsuki isn’t welcomed here anymore.🌱
Cheating Dilf Izuku: After the loss of one of your sons, you couldn't dream that your once loving husband would ever cheat on you.🌱🥀
Don't worry Mommy: You are about to embark on your first outing since giving birth and you can't help but think you should just stay at home. But Izuku assures you that everything is going to be fine.🌱
Cheating Dilf Izuku Masterlist🌱🥀
I want a little brother!: Your fourth son, Shoyo, wants a little brother and now your husband won't stop asking you.🌱🥀
I'm so blessed: Izuku and you wake up from a nap, and Izuku realises how blessed he is to have his wife and son here with him.🌱
You should definitely talk to my wife: Another mom tries to hit on your husband🌱
Our type of marriage: Your boys have always wondered why you and Izuku had such different roles in the home, so you decide to try and explain it🌱
You're really selfish: Reader dies and Toshinori is left to carry the peices because Izuku can't will himself to do anything now that you're gone.🌱🥀
How would Normal Dilf Izuku act after the death of his son?🌱🥀
Izuku and lactation kink: You've had a bad day and you feel so full. Luckily Izuku is here to make you feel all better.💚
How does DILF Izuku treat Ochaco in the normal Dilf AU?
Anger and Misunderstandings Pt 1 of 2: An anon had asked me what if we had Angry Dilf Izuku but one of his kids disrespected reader, like what happened with angry Dilf Katsuki.🌱🥀
Anger and Misunderstandings Pt 2 of 2🌱🥀
Happy Birthday Kane: Bakugou’s son, Kane never really knew what home felt like in a long time, but he finds it it in a place right in front of him.🌱🥀🥀
How would DILF Izuku react when something goes wrong when reader is in labour?🥀
A Hard Time: You are having a difficult pregnancy.🥀
End of the Road: You and your husband are dancing in the kitchen and your boys catch you in the act.🌱
That Time of Tides: Your husband realises it is that time of year (Mer AU)💚🌱
A Former Hero: Blind Dilf Izuku is trying to get his groceries when he gets saved by you.
Midoriya Family Shenanigans:
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Your mom is lowkey hot: Your eldest son moves into the dorms and his friends find you to be a milf.🌱
The eyes never lie: Your eldest son isn't exactly sure who he should ask out.🌱
Itchy Sweaters: You try to sit the boys down for a Christmas photo🌱
Mom!: As a mother, you lack privacy.🌱
Baking Mayhem 1: You come downstairs from a nap to find that all hell has broken loose in your kitchen🌱
MY EYES!! : Your eldest son walks into your room at the wrong time.💚🌱
Go wash the dishes!: You drag Asahi by his ears to go wash the dishes🌱
Toshinori winning the sports festival🌱
Midoriya family online shenanigans🌱
Shut up, Mom! : Toshinori manages to convince you to pull a prank on his father, and it does NOT go well. 💚🌱
When you were younger: The boys see pictures from when you were younger
... Totally worth it. : Your eldest son is being hunted down by his girlfriends father (Eijiro)🌱
"A Break": Satomi breaks up with Toshinori🥀
Meet my- : Kane asks if he brings a girl over.
Koda: How you found out that your youngest little sprout had immunodeficiency. 🌱🥀
Groan if it hurts: Reader has a bad period and the boys try to make her feel better🌱
Big Brother Kane: Since Kane is now part of the Midoriyas, he takes pride in his role as a big brother. 🌱
Is that Ojisan?: The sprouts see old photos of Inko and see their grandfather for the first time.
How would you feel if I was dating a guy?: How would you and your husband react if one of your son's were interested in dating a guy.
I did something...: Your son Toshinori, accidentally got a girl pregant. (NOT CANON)
Why can't I go outside?: Koda gets upset about the fact that he is not as healthy as his brothers🌱🥀
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shiggyscumrag · 3 years
How the MHA boys react to their chubby s/o wearing their clothes<3
I also plan on making a demon slayer and haikyuu version so look out for that hoessss
Midoriya Izuku
Dude he would flip, but like in a positive way-
He would get so flustered and immediately start muttering on and on about how pretty you look and try to poorly hide his embarrassment
He would find it really cute, plus he wears slightly bigger sized shirts so it wouldnt fit to tight on you
And even if it did he would find it absolutely adorable
You wearing one of his shirts that literally say "shirt" and a pair of his sweats to go along with it and it would be one of his new favorite things
He would ask if he could take a picture to save as his new homescreen deadass
He just cant get over how adorbale you look so of course hes gonna get all flustered and lovey dovey
10/10 would cuddle you for the rest of the night and not let you leave. Sleepover timeeeee
"What are you wearing?" He said as he stumbled across you in one of his shirts and sweats. You were bored and uncomfy in your jeans and tshirt so you decided it was a good idea to steal some of your boyfriends clothes to get more comfortable. Of course he was a little smaller in size then you but it would still work.
"I got uncomfortable and I thought you wouldn't mind if I borrowed some clothes to change into. I can change if you want-"
"No no no, you're okay! I mean I like you in my clothes, and I'm glad they make you comfortable! I just didnt know what you were doing and I was a little confused at first but you look really cute so I really don't mind at all, I swear! I was just a little startled-" you were interrupted by Izuku's rambling. He always did this when he was nervous. All you could really do is chuckle, and have your cheeks blush slightly at the compliments while getting comfy on his bed.
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou thought it was a dumb idea at first, like he just didnt get it
Though after your persistent meddling he gave in and gave you one of his shirts
After you put it on and showed him he got all flustered and very horny
He felt weirdly proud about it, it was like a way of marking you as his and he liked that
And omg when you stole and wore a pair of his boxers, he fucking malfunctioned. Heres how the scenario would go in my head-
"Welcome back Katsuki!" You said cheerfully from further inside his dorm.
"Ah, what are you doing here shitty woman! I'm tired and want to go to bed-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw you laying on his bed in his boxers and his classic skull tshirt. He didnt realize how horny he had been but now the bulge in his pants was very prominent and uncomfortably tight.
"See something you like katsu?" You teased. You knew he had been stressed from interning lately and I mean so have you, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
"Hell yeah I do." He said crossing the room fast and finding your lips. A heated makeout session started, you had sat up and placed your hands on his chest starting to undo his tie and unbutton his uniform shirt. He pulled away and smirked grabbing you by the chin making you look at him.
"You're such a naughty girl." He pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift motion, hissing when the cool air hit his cock. "Now get to sucking slut." You smirked and went down to lick his slit, some pre hitting your taste buds making you mewl. You began to bob your head at a steady pace. He groaned as his head fell back, a hand falling behind your head guiding your movements.
"Such a good little slut for me. Got any panties under here?" He said snapping the elastic of his boxers, leaving a delicious sting on your hip. You hummed causing another groan to rip through his throat. He pulled you off his cock with a pop.
"Is that a yes or a no sweet cheeks?" He said dragging his thumb against your drool soaked lips
"No sir, I dont have any panties on." You say, eyes half lidded and full of lust.
"Good answer-" He started as he pinned you down on the bed and left a chaste kiss on your lips. "Cause I was gonna take em' off anyways."
Kirishima Eijiro
When you first ask if you could borrow a shirt and pants to wear to sleep in his dorm he gladly excepted
He found it to be quote on quote "the manliest thing ever"
He would feel bad that his clothes are tight on you so he buys a couple over sized ones and wears them to get them to smell like him and next time you come to trade out hoodies he gives you those in hopes it'll make you feel more comfy
He would def also steal your clothes
He would love to wear your hoodies around the dorm and flex about having them
He loves that you feel comfortable enough to wear his clothes and to also let him wear yours
It's a trust and comfort thing that he finds the most adorbale
It makes him feel so happy, you make him so happy<3
You heard a knock on your door. You got up from your bed and made your way to the door as whoever it was continued to knock. You opened it up to see a red head with sharp teeth grinning widely at you.
"Hey kiri!" You said wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped one arm around your waist and chuckled at your kiss.
"I came by to swap hoodies again! Yours stopped smelling like you." He said with a pout on his lips.
"Ah its okay baby, I'll give you another one!" You said with a smile.
Todoroki Shouto
Shouto would be confused on why exactly you would want to wear his clothes when you have your own that are perfectly fine
But he would still find it oddly comforting and very cute
He didn't really know that was a thing that couples do, you know trading clothes
So you would steal his hoodies and you would give him yours to sleep in
Dude he would get so happy
He would put your hoodie on for the first time alone in his dorm after you dropped it off and gave him a kiss goodnight
So he puts it on and just feels so comfy and at home in a sense. He just feels so calm and at peace with the world
Plus when he realizes it smells like you he goes wild
Would sleep in it every night and every morning he would fold it neatly and place it on his pillow so that when he gets home after a long day of class and interning with his dad he can wear it straight out his shower and smell your scent and be able to go to sleep peacefully that night
He can only hope his hoodies make you feel the same way yours do to him
"I can have this?" He says holding out the hoodie of yours you just gave him to be able to wear, a stoic expression still painted on his face.
"Well yeah! I thought since you let me have yours that you could have mine!" You said with a smile. Shoto couldn't help the heat that started to flush his face. He never knew that this is what couples do. He just knew they cuddled, kissed, held hands, and went on dates. He didn't know you could exchange clothing as a form of affection, but when you asked to have one of his hoodies he did love the idea of you wearing them. Shoto liked it even more when he saw you around the dorm in them.
"Thank you y/n. I appreciate it greatly." He spoke.
"Of course roni!" You said leaning in and pecking his lips "Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" You said skipping towards the girls dorms.
"Goodnight. Sleep well." He said softly. You smiled and waved goodbye. Once you rounded the corner and he could no longer see you he entered his room now staring at the hoodie once again.
He pushed the hoodie over his head and put his arms through. He adjusted the material until he was comfortable. He looked in the mirror and stated to go red. He was wearing your hoodie. He started to get this euphoric feeling of relief. A sense of home is what he felt while wearing it. He tucked himself into bed and laid his head on his pillow when he got a sudden whiff of your scent. It smelled like you too. He felt even more comfy now. He went to sleep peacefully that night. It felt like he was going to sleep in your arms. It was amazing. He now wears it every night and when it doesnt smell like you anymore he asks for you to wear it to make it smell like you again. You have definitely created a monster-
Mezo Shoji
Shoji is a pretty big fella and because of his quirk his clothes are kinda unique
BUT his pants and boxers are normal and can fit you fairly well
I feel like he would also get over sized clothes to lounge in so he feels less restricted so that's a bonus for you
So now you steal his pants all the time when your too lazy to go to your dorm and change or if you haven't done laundry and your out of comfy clothes
Plus you steal his boxers to basically substitute them as spandex shorts
I feel like he wouldnt know that he would like seeing you in his clothes until he did and he would get really happy.
And he finds it incredibly sexy when you wear his boxers, like damn you finna get WRECK-
You have once again stolen one of Shojis pair of boxers to wear as spandex, cause their just so comfy! Your boyfriend was currently downstairs in the kitchen getting you guys snacks for your movie night in his dorm.
You had gotten one his boxers and hid your panties in your pants and folded them nicely over on the nightstand. He came in with his hands full of popcorn, candy, and drinks. Not the healthiest but for sure yummy!
"Here let me help bubs!" You say getting out from under the blanket and standing to help grab stuff from his hands. He stared down at your lower stomach, hips, and thighs seeing them covered in the print of one his boxers. He was used to you stealing his pants and boxers but their was something different this time. Something in him snapped. "You okay Shoji?" You asked placing your hands on his chest after already setting the drinks and candy down. Popcorn still in one hand he took the other and stroked your cheek.
"I'm okay love. I see you stole my boxers again." One of his arms finding its place to settle on your hip.
"Oh yeah I did. I didn't feel like running back all the way to my dorm just to change." You spoke "Is that okay?" You asked, a silent plead in your eyes for it to be okay with him.
"Yeah it's okay." He said bending down and nuzzling his cheek against yours. You hummed in contentment before speaking.
"I'll get the movie ready!" You said running over to his laptop on his desk across the room. Shoji saw your pants folded neatly on his night stand where he was gonna set the popcorn and drinks so they were easier to reach. He set down the popcorn on the bed and picked up your pants accidentally unfolding them and causing your panties to fall on the floor at his feet. A flush crossed Shojis face, a scorching heat firing through his body. This is the straw that broke the camel's back.
You couldn't figure out what movie you wanted to watch. You just scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through Netflix's recommended page finding absolutely nothing. Next thing you knew you felt Shojis hands wrap around you waist and his face right next to your ear.
"Shoji what are you-"
"No panties huh?" He interrupted.
That's all you needed to hear to know you were gonna have a long night filled with hours of unwatched watched movies and a bunch of screens saying "Are you still watching?"
Hanta Sero
He would praise the ever loving dog snot out of your bro
Dude he would praise you left and right, up and down, side to side which is basically the same thing as left to right but we wont talk about it
He absolutely loves it
He never knew he needed this until now and he is never going back
He loves how you look in his clothes so he would for sure start getting slightly oversized stuff so it will fit you more comfortably so you dont have an excuse not to wear his clothes
Even though he would be perfectly content if you only wore them in his dorm, he just wants you in his clothes now 24/7
He would also steal your clothes<3 and he would always say he likes how they smell like you AHHHHHHH
"Come on, do a little twirl for me!" Sero teased as he spun his finger around in a circle.
"Sero!" You said, you could feel your face growing hotter by the second. He loved when you got all hit and bothered by his praise so he always teases you.
"You just look so damn good~" he said as he snaked his arms around your waist. He leaned in making you eager and lean in as well. Just as your about to kiss he pulls away.
"Sero stop teasing!" You whisper shout, a bit of whine in your voice.
That's when he leaned down fully and gave you a kiss on your lips. You depended the kiss and started a full on make out session. His hands trailed down to your ass grabbing it firmly cause a gasp from you. He took that as a chance to slip his tongue in. After a couple minutes you both pulled away for air, slightly panting and a string of salvia connecting your lips.
"You look really cute in my clothes but I think they'd look cutest on the floor-"
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stealforreal · 3 years
Future kids - Bakugou Katsuki I
Bakugou meets his son from the future. Just some fluff, with a jealous Bakugou.
Bakugou Katsuki x F! reader
Warnings: none
Bakugou was stomping his way back to the dorms, cursing that stupid nerd Deku in his mind. Kicking some rocks lying in his way, he was radiating murder. Naturally his classmates left him alone to cool off for a minute, even the Baku squad left him alone. They had chosen not to interfere, because they would like to live to see another, thank you very much. 
The stupid nerd had been too close to y/n at lunch today, and Bakugou had spent the entire time glaring at the curly green haired boy. What really made him snap was when she hugged him, and the stupid brocoli went as red as a tomato. She was giggling loudly and seemed really happy at whatever Midoriya had said, and the fiery ash blond couldn't control his jealousy so he stormed off. After class was over Bakugou was the first out the door, not even stopping to insult Denki when he made a bad joke. 
The rest of his classmates were confused, sure they all knew Bakugou to be a hothead. But still he seemed angrier than usual, only the Baku squad had small nervous but knowing smiles on their face. They knew of the explosive boy's crush on y/n, it wasn't totally obvious and they really wouldn't have known had Kirishima not pointed out the subtle things. Like how he never once called her an extra, he still called her idiot, dumbass and such. That was probably Bakugou's version of a compliment, which was probably the reason they took so long to figure out his crush.
So here he was stomping his way back to the dorms, cursing Deku for being close with y/n, Himself for getting jealous, y/n for being too friendly and everything he could curse in general. He stopped dead in his tracks when he felt a little tug on his uniform pant leg, glaring down at the thing that stopped him. Only to be confused when that thing turned out to be a little boy, around the age of 4-5 by the looks of it. Bakugou's brows furrowed in confusion, how did a little boy end up here. UA is one of the most secure places in Japan, courtesy of the League of Villains and other past incidents. 
What caught Bakugou's attention though, was the fact that this little boy was bawling his eyes out and trembling with his sobs. Bakugou didn't know what was happening, he felt incredibly protective of the young boy but didn't know why. He seemed kind of familiar, like Bakugou had seen parts of him somewhere else before. The little boy had big e/c doe eyes, filled to the brim with tears as he stared at the ground. His hair was unruly and a familiar shade of ash blond, he reminded Bakugou of himself a bit when he was young except the crybaby attitude of course. It was weird for Bakugou to feel this protective of anything, and he didn't like it one bit
" Oi brat, where are you parents?" The teenager asked the little boy, crouching down to his level, making the little lad finally pay attention to the stranger he had grabbed. The little boy gasped and flung himself at Bakugou, clutching on tightly to the stunned teenager's shirt. A new wave of tears hit the little blonde, being relieved at the familiar sight of his fathers face though much younger. " D-daddy, I-I was so scared" the little boy whimpered, burying his tear stained face in his fathers shoulder. Bakugou was speechless, he sure as hell was not this kid's father even if it explained the feeling of familiarity. No Bakugou shook his head at the ridiculous thought, this kid was obviously terrified and contrary to popular belief Bakugou would not abandon a lost child " Oi brat, I'm taking you with me back to the dorms. Afterwards we'll find your parents' ' he huffed, Bakugou was going to kill this kid's parents once they were found.
The younger boy began calming down in the older boy's arms, the tears had stopped and he was only softly hiccupping now. "B-but daddy I did find you, I wanna go see mommy" the young boy huffed out, defiantly crossing his arms over his little chest. " Oh yeah, prove it brat" Bakugou smirked thinking he had cornered the little boy in his lie, but much to his astonishment the little boy let out a small explosion in the palm of his hand. Though much brighter than his own, there was no mistaking his explosion quirk.  Bakugou hated to admit that so far the brat seemed to be telling the truth, and he hated even more how his feeling of protectiveness grew at the revelation that this kid in fact was most likely his son from the future. It wasn't rocket science, right now Bakugou was 16 and 100% not a father. Yet here is a little boy that is the spitting image of him as a kid except the eyes, and in this world where quirks exist perhaps time travelling was possible.  
Bakugou's little chat with his son had taken longer than he thought, because as soon as he entered the dorm common room every one in the room snapped their head towards the two ash blondes. The first to break the pin drop silence was Kirishima  " Eh who is the kid, Bakubro" he asked. While Mina asked if he had kidnapped the kid, earning a glare from the explosive blonde. " Daddy, why does Aunt Mina and Uncle Kiri not recognize me? " a little voice asked, making a lot of jaws drop and eyes widened. 1....2......3...... " WHA!!!" The lot of them shouted, questions coming left and right, wanting an explanation as to why this little boy who looked suspiciously like Bakugou called him dad. 
What they all failed to notice was the little boy was recoiling from the loud noise, pressing himself closer and closer to his father. Bakugou noticed this, and thanks to his newfound protectiveness he hugged him closer and glared at them effectively shutting them up. Mostly they were just silenced because the sight of Bakugou hugging and being protective of his supposed son baffled them. I mean we are talking about Mr.Hothead angry Pomeranian, the most blatant rude student in class 1-A if not in the entirety of UA. " Shut it ya damn morons, can't you see you're frightening him" Bakugou sneered at his classmates, not loudly but it was still malicious enough to make a shiver run up their spines. 
Midoriya, who had known Kacchan the longest, was intrigued by this side of Kacchan and unconsciously moved closer to the two ash blondes. Seeing the familiar shade of green hair approach them Bakugou sneered, while his son became ecstatic. " Uncle Izu '' The child yelled excitedly, stretching his arm towards the blushing brocoli boy indicating he wanted to be held. " Ah hell no! He is not your uncle, I won't allow shitty Deku to hold my son" Bakugou yelled, making a few snicker quietly, but what really set them off was the fact his son chopped his head with a little fist. "Oi, why the hell did ya do that for ya brat? Bakugou barks at his son, only receiving a deadpan expression in return. " Mommy said, every time your daddy is mean to uncle Izu chop his head for me, okay baby?" After that announcement they all burst out laughing, while Midoriya tried not to tremble under Bakugou's glare. 
"Speaking of which, who is your mom?, uhm I never got your name, little guy" Kirishima asked the little boy, stating a valid point. Bakugou realized that even though he had known his son for about 5 hours now, he never once asked what the boy's name was. " What do you mean, Uncle Kiri, it's me Katsuma?" Katsuma tilted his head a bit, not really being aware or understanding that he most likely travelled through time. " Well you aren't born in our time yet, mini Bakugou" Kaminari informed the little boy, in his usual teasing voice. " Really Uncle Kami" Little Katsuma asked " Does this mean mommy and daddy aren't together yet?" He asked, surprising the teenagers. Katsuma was surprisingly smart for a kid his age, and after the initial shock from being called daddy Katsuki totally forgot to ask about his son's mother. 
"That is correct, Katsuma'' Todoroki piped up in his usual monotone voice, surprising Katsuma with his appearance. " Uncle Todo'' Katsuma replied coolly, surprising everyone present. The happy bubbly 5 year old had vanished in an instant, and been replaced with a little boy full of hatred. Breaking the little staring contest that had broken out between his son and the damn half n half bastard, was none other than Midoriya's phone. Being the klutz that he is, he ended up answering and putting it on speaker. " Izuku, Ochaco said there was a cute kid at your dorm, so I'm coming over " y/n voice could be heard, instantly Katsuma brightened up again being all sparkles and rainbows again. He tugged at his dad's collar, demanding Katsuki's attention " daddy, daddy did you hear, mommy's coming over" the little ash blonde exclaimed, bouncing in his fathers arms from being giddy. This new information caused everybody's jaw to land on the floor once again.
" WHY, why does Bakugou get the hot chick? '' Mineta yelled in agony, being the little pervert he is, he had to comment on her looks. " Oi, don't talk about my future wife and baby mama y/n like that, I'll fucking blast you to hell" His statement followed by the crackeling in his palm, and the sound of a phone being dropped? Turning around Bakugou was met with your stunned face, eyes blown wide with confusion and astonishment clearly written on your face. " Mommy" Katsuma yelled, squirming trying to get out of his fathers embrace, and slowly Katsuki sat him down. When his small feet hit the floor, Katsuma was sprinting towards y/n with all his might and flinging himself into her arms. Resulting in the poor girl, falling down on the floor in her confusion.
Katsuma buried his face in her neck, sighing happily to himself. The remaining nerves  he had totally disappeared once he saw you. As much as Katsuma was a daddy’s boy, he was even more of a mama’s boy. Katsuma could feel the lack of response coming from his mother, curious and slightly scared he looked at her face. you were absolutely stunned, no response came from you frightening the young boy. Tears began swimming in Katsuma’s beautiful e/c eyes, snapping you back to reality. The sight of a child with tears in his eyes, struck your motherly instincts. Answers could wait, right now there was an adorable toddler with tears in his eyes, and you had to comfort him.
Slowly Katsuma was pulled into your embrace, head buried in the crock of your neck. Arms wrapped tightly around the preciuóus boy, letting him cling to you for deer life. “ M-mommy, I m-missed you, I was s-so scared-d” Katsuma said through sobs and hiccups. Not bothering to correct him, you bounced him lightly up and down in your arms. Bakugou came and helped you onto your feet, putting an arm around your waist. His other hand began stroking Katsuma’s unruly blond hair. 
Around them the rest of the class was still stunned into silence, seeing the small family in an embrace. Most of them had never seen Bakugou look so protective and calm, let alone with a small blush. You would also sport a matching blush if it weren’t for the fact, all your attention was on the young boy in your arms. He looked like a carbon copy of Katsuki, yet his e/c eyes looked exactly like yours. Slowly the sniffles stopped. Instead they were replaced by steady breathing, it seems like the child had a long day because he was fast asleep in your arms.
Slowly you made your way to the 1-A dorm living room couch, with the sleeping child in your arms and Bakugou not far behind you. He made it a point to keep his hand on the small of your back, glaring at the other guys present if they looked at your or his son the wrong way. “ Can somebody please explain to me what is going on?” You whispered so you wouldn’t wake up the young boy, whose name you still hadn’t caught. Your eyes caught Izuku’s eyes, but for some reason his eyes widened and he averted his gaze from you. Izuku is one of your best friends, you met because you and your classmate Hatsume Mei worked on his hero costume and you hit it off. 
With your attention not fully on the child anymore, you now realised that somebody had their arm around your shoulders. Looking to your right where the owner would be stítting, your eyes widened slightly at the person on your right. One of the hottest guys in UA had his arm around you, Bakugou Katsuki of class 1-a was well known in the school. His temper, looks and quirk had made him extremely popular with the female population of UA, though none of them dared approach him. The bad boy image both attracted them and made them keep their distance from him. He wasn’t exactly known for being a teddy bear, so Katsuki hugging y/n closer to him and keeping touching her was not expected.
 “ Oi Flashlight, brat is ours from the future. I don't know how he got here but it’s true. He even has my quirk, you know what this means right ” Bakugou spoke, explaining the situation. The others had left the two of you alone, giving Bakugou privacy to explain the surreal situation to you.  What this means? What did he mean by that? You couldn’t help but ponder the meaning. Turning your head to face him and question him on what he meant, you were met with a very close Bakugou. Bakugou couldn’t contain himself seeing you look so adorably clueless, so he closed the small gap between you. 
His lips were surprisingly soft. He was gentle in kissing you, not knowing how you would react. I mean you had to like him back right? You were sitting there next to hum with YOUR SON in your arms. He smelled nice, it was a sweet scent like caramel courtesy of his quirk. The kiss was slow, loving and gentle, the feeling of his lips on yours were intoxicating. Pulling back from the kiss, Bakugou growled silently, huskily in your ear “Your mine, flashlight” Heat crept up your neck, and you were left softly blushing. “ What are we going to do with him Bakugou?” Still facing Bakugou, you looked at your son from the future. There really was no mistake, he looked like a perfect Katsuki copy with your eyes, and your motherly instincts told that this was in fact your son. 
“It’s Katsuki to you Flashlight ” He corrected you “For now let's go to bed, it’s late. We can ask the squirt questions tomorrow” Katsuki led you to his room, still with a sleeping Katsuma in your arms. His bed was big enough to fit the three of you. You laid down with Katsuma in the middle, both you and Katsuki put an arm around Katsuma. Katsuki intertwined your fingers, and slowly you fell into a blissful sleep. You could ask more questions tomorrow.
But when you woke up, Katsuma was nowhere to be found. Only you and Katsuki were cuddling in his bed. You and Katsuki both came to the conclusion that whatever quirk sent Katsuma here probably sent him back to his own time. “Katsuki, is it wrong of me to miss him already?” You looked at your new boyfriend, looking into his sleepy vermillion orbs. “ If you miss the little firecracker already, why don’t we bring him back” His morning voice was rough, and tickled your ears just right, sending a shiver down your spine. Bakugou's eyes glinted with mischief, as he began kissing your neck. The innuendo not lost on you, the feeling of his lips on a particular spot had you giggling. It was ticklish and stopped him in his tracks for just long enough for you to get a word in. “ Let’s wait a few years okay” He nodded and laid down next to you again, pulling you close.
You would see Katsuma again. Someday.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐞𝐤𝐮, 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐨
→ Okay. Izuku Midoriya? A sadist.
→ And you've been a brat all day, because he's been busy fighting crime as a newly debuted pro hero, and you can't help it if Izuku's new suit fits him a little too well.
→ And of course, the one day he finally has time to take you on a date you two go to the mall, only to be swarmed with thousands of Pro Hero Deku fans buzzing with requests for photo's and autographs and other bullshit and you just want to clobber them in the head and spit the ugly truth in their faces—that at the end of the day, their lovely Deku comes home to you, and sleeps next to you, and the fact that they can steal his attention away from you is absolutely outrageous. Blasphemy.
→ So naturally, you start acting up. You roll your eyes at the next fan who asks you to take the picture and you scoff at the next fan that announces their love. You pile them on, offense after offense, and by the time you get into the car, Izuku's practically vibrating with anger.
"Say one word and I'm bending you over the hood."
→ Oh.
→  Needless to say, you're squirming the whole ride; though you're unsure if it's from his words, the dead silence, or the tight grip Izuku has on your thigh but either way, the trip back home feels painfully long.
→ The second you two get through the door, he's cornering you into the living room and bending you over the arm of the couch without a second thought, big hands yanking your hips back so your ass sticks out just the way he likes it.
"Bratty doll...you wanted my attention that bad, huh?”
→ Izuku exaggerates every other word with a harsh spank that has you whimpering behind a bitten lip. Though eventually, he deems your muffled moans not enough and aggressively yanks your bottoms off,  stuffing his fingers into your mouth.
→ Once they're wet enough, he slides a finger in, (because no matter how angry he is, you’re still his baby). But once you're ready? It's game over.
→ You figured Izuku was going to be a tease about it, but once he sits you on his cock and doesn't move, it has you squirming in confusion. What the hell could he be waiting for?
"Awe, what's the matter, doll? Did you want me to move?"
→ The hold his hands have on your waist is tight enough that you can't even twitch your hips—and the grip only gets tighter the more you wiggle in protest. Izuku tuts, landing a slap to your bruised ass that makes one thing clear: You’re not moving.
→ The green-haired bastard turns on the tv, for fucks sake. And has the audacity to pretend like he's paying attention to whatever's on—because it's not like you're paying attention, too preoccupied with the cock in your guts. You can't squirm because something tells you that'll only lengthen the punishment you've been sentenced to, but by the end of the first episode, it's a little hard not to.
→ Izuku caves the second you start begging. Mostly because it was what he was waiting for, but also he's probably struggling worse than you while he watches you whimper and squirm in his lap.
“Fine, doll. Since you waited so patiently, I guess I can make you feel good.”
→ 100% your idea
→ And he had absolutely no warning. The Bakusquad decided to hold a movie night in the common room on a random Saturday evening when the dorms were pretty much empty. Katsuki didn't even want to be down there in the first place, but after you winked so prettily and promised he'd get a treat if he came, he didn't grumble nearly as much.
→ But what he didn't know was that you meant right now.
→ Katsuki knew something was up the second you sat in his lap and asked Denki for a blanket—that's rarely your Bakusquad move night cuddle position, plus you're always saying how you never need a blanket because Katsuki runs so warm.
→ And he definitely knew something was up when you started grinding against him, not even ten minutes into whatever shitty action movie Denki and Eijirou convinced the group to watch this time. His hands rush to your hips because if Katsuki Bakugou is anything, he's not a goddamn exhibitionist.
"Oi, the fuck are you doing, dumbass? They're gonna fuckin' see."
→ But as always, you take his words with a grain of salt, already blindly fiddling with the buckle of his belt despite his threats (AKA, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you, you fuckin' heathen). The metal clinks for a second and both of you tense, but it seems no one hears it over the movie, so. You relax.
→ Katsuki does not.
→ You wait for a loud crash from the television speakers and you're sinking down on Katsuki's cock, his teeth tearing into your shoulder as he holds back a moan. Both of you let out a shaky breath when you bottom out.
"W-Well? You gonna fuckin' move or what?"
→ You shake your head.
"No? Fuck."
→ And honestly, all is well until about twenty minutes into the movie. At this point, Katsuki's semi-comatose, eyes half-lidded from the surprisingly peaceful warmth you're both encompassed in. But unfortunately, this peace is disturbed by a rude awakening that comes in the form of none other than Denki Kaminari.
→ All he does is mention how Katsuki looks much too out of it, owing it all to "y/n's juicy caboose," but it has your boyfriend practically rearing on his hind legs in fury either way.
→ In the middle of all the commotion, you take the opportunity to wiggle your hips a bit, rendering the majority of Katsuki's arguments repetitive and ineffective. The bickering blond's shut up once Mina calls for it, and Katsuki returns to whisper-yell threats in your ear again.
"Do you want us to get fuckin' caught? Huh? I ca—fuckin' hell—stop movin’!"
→ But you giggle, having a little too much fun with this. The death grip Katsuki has around your thigh implies he’s closer than you thought, and the moment the action in the movie starts to pick up again, so does the steady roll of your hips.
→ Katsuki practically whimpers into your ear, body shaking with restraint because he lacks the proper space to “put you in your place” or however he wants to put it. You know he’s teetering on the edge when he resorts to something Katsuki Bakugou never does—begging.
“Babe—babe c-c’mon please, I don’t wanna—”
→ Katsuki’s nails dig into your thigh and he shivers as he fills you up, bottom teeth digging into his swollen lip. His quiet moans push you off the edge as well, adding to the mess under the blanket as fake explosions emanate from the tv screen.
→ That was...something.
“I hate you so goddamn much.”
→ You snort, rolling your eyes at his overdramatic ass. But?
“...But that was the hottest sex of my fuckin’ life.”
→ You and Hanta definitely do this once a month. At least.
→ Getting high with Hanta as your boyfriend is probably one of your favorite things. He's got snacks, cool LED lights, a monitor that constantly plays animal planet while the speakers play lofi. It's an experience.
→ And of course, you two get horny—though sex is a little hard when you're feeling fuzzy. Hanta's a high-functioning stoner but frankly, you're not, and even he gets a little fumbly when it comes down to it. Cockwarming seemed like the only viable option.
→ Half of the time, it's not even that sexual. Watching otters chase each other with his back pressed up against yours as you bask in a familiar warmth that only comes from true human connection is nice. Feeling his lips place butterfly kisses against the column of your neck is nice. Just...being with Hanta is nice.
→ But tonight? Tonight it's definitely sexual.
"So warm, Princess. You know your body does things to me, don't you?"
→ You didn't, but the way he says it definitely makes you believe him, and so does the way he rubs his hands up and down your sides. Hanta bites into your neck and you stifle a moan, balancing yourself on his knees.
→ You jump when his hand ghosts your inner thigh, and he chuckles when you bite your lip, eyes trained on the hand moving between your legs.
"Like it when I rub you like that, Princess? Like it when I turn you into a messy little puddle in my arms, hmm?"
→ You whine and nod, chest shuddering with the threat of an impending orgasm. Hanta curses behind you, the hand holding you steadily by the waist tightening.
"Shit—keep clenching like that and you might make me cum, Princess."
→ Hanta huffs out a laugh but you can hear the genuine implication behind it, can feel it in the pant of his breath against your neck. The thought of making him cum from something so simple has you hurtling towards your orgasm at an alarming speed, nails digging into his forearm as the weight of your marijuana-laced orgasm hits you like a fucking freight train.
→ Hanta moans breathily, eyebrows knitting as his own orgasm catches him by surprise. His hips twitch and it almost sends you flying off his lap but somehow, you don't go tumbling—though you might owe that to the vice grip Hanta has on your hip.
→ You two come down, basking in the gentle blue of the ocean as the chatter from the Australian narrator about the Humpback whales and their baleen teeth fills the room. You move to get up but Hanta whines, hands keeping you still via your waist.
"Lemme stay inside for a bit...'S warm."
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[a/n: thanks for stopping by angel, and let me know who you want to see next <3. see you soon!]
—ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀɴ 𝟷𝟾+ ʙʟᴏɢ. ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅɴɪ
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luckyasfuck · 3 years
back seat of his car [k. bakugou]
pairing // katsuki x fem!reader
warnings/themes // NSFW, mafia leader!katsuki, illegal racer!katsuki, mentions of stalker!reader, gun violence, katsuki point his gun at your neck, katsuki checks under your skirt without conset, slight knife play, breeding kink, creampie,
synopsis // finally gathering your courage to confess to the guy you’ve been admiring, the night takes a dark turn when he assumes you’re working for his enemy, and all the secrets unfold.
word count // 2.5k
a/n // i am aware that race cars don’t have passenger seats nor back seats, just shut up and read already.
tonight was exciting. the skirt you wore hung beautifully around your hips, giving your thighs the attention they very much deserve. the nights were always cold, but you’d do anything to get bakugou katsuki to glance at your way. tonight was the night you’d finally make a move after practically stalking the male car racer for weeks now. it was obvious he knew about your ministrations, he’d look back here and there and become more cautious as the nights dragged out. 
a black face mask covers your face, the competition was illegal and it would be a bitch to be caught by those bastards that call themselves cops. boots clicking on the pavement, you speed-walked to the street. the muffled screams and sounds of cars grew louder as you turn the corner, already seeing people cheering the racers on. pushing through the crowd, you manage to slip through the dudes that called themselves ‘guards’ and onto the road. a quick span around the area and you see him.
katsuki is wearing a black leather jacket, his infamous skull shirt underneath and black pants to match the aesthetic of his black racer car. his blonde hair is messy as he takes off his helmet, leaning on the car. you gulp, could you really do this? the satisfying click of your boots makes the respected racer glance at you, eyeing you up and down. with a quick and confident, you eye his car. “that’s a really fucking pretty car.”
he scoffs, “you competing here, woman? don’t even try.” he clicks his tongue. “why? cause i’m a woman?” a death glare is sent his way before you chuckle, leaning on his car too. “no, cause it’s really risky. police are gonna raid this area any second now, that’s why i parked here near this alleyway just incase.” 
huh? “and how would you know that?” the crowd screams louder and your voice is barely heard, new racers coming in from all areas. the sound of their car engines fill the silent night and you watch katsuki pull his phone out, texting someone. this fumes you, does he have a girlfriend or something? i’ll fucking kill her-
“so,” the phone is shoved back inside his pocket, now his attention is all on you. half-lidded vermillion eyes stare into yours as he smirked, putting his hand inside his pocket. “where’s your car?” his eyes span the area, looking for a car that you might own and use. “oh, i’m not racing.”  this response shocks him, looking at you with knotted eyebrows and his head tilted slightly to the side. 
“how’d you get past those guys?” the ‘guards’ push the crowd away harshly, preventing them from entering the road. they push, throw, do anything to keep the crowd at bay. they’re pretty big guys so they don’t get beat up that easily. “i’m a woman.” you reply with a giggle.
“and i may have told them i know you.” 
the blonde’s phone dings with a notification, “do you really know me now?” he reads through the text with a smirk. muffled police sirens are heard and the crowd silences for a minute before everybody’s frantically exiting the street, the car racers getting in their car and driving off full speed.
fuck, where you gonna go no-
the sound of a car door opening breaks you from your trance as you see flashes of red and blue lights rounding the corner. “get in.” katsuki rushes to his side of the car and without a thought, you enter his car. with a quick and professional manuever, the both of you are rushing through the empty and dark alleyway in seconds. the darkness seems endless until the blonde turns the corner and stops. looking back, he squints his glowing red eyes to check for any police cars. 
a relieved sigh leaves his lips and he gets out the vehicle, leaving you confused. a hand opens your side of the car and you’re yanked outside harshly, “what the fuck?!” a loud thud fills the silent alleyway as your back hits the hard concrete. a sound of metal is heard and the next thing you knew, katsuki has you pinned on the wall with a gun held straight to your throat. “don’t fucking think i haven’t seen you lurking around.” 
how were you supposed to know that your harmless stalking sessions meant so much to him? you gulped, forcing yourself back on the wall trying to detatch your sweating neck from his cold gun. “you working for deku or something, hm?” the weapon is shoved into your skin more and your eyes close in fear. “i... i don’t know who that is.”
katsuki tears the weapon away from you and the sound of a loud bang makes you whimper, eyes tearing up. “oh really, now?” opening your eyes, a tear trickles down your cheek as you looked up at his hand pointing the gun he just shot to the sky. noticing this, katsuki puts it back in it’s place against your neck. “i- i really don’t! i just stalked you... cause- cause i liked you and you’re- you’re hot.” you admitted, fearing for your life. 
ignoring the confession, katsuki kneels down and using his unoccupied hand, he uses the flashlight on his phone. his hand hoists your skirt up without warning, attaching the hem to your waistband as he shined the flashlight on your thigh. expecting to see the symbol for deku’s little clan on your thigh, his hand is already on the trigger, ready to pull it and end your life.
but he saw nothing, just your bare, quivering thighs. and maybe your lace panties too, but he looked away before he could stare at it for too look. with a harsh movement, he fixes your skirt and pulls the weapon away from your neck before grabbing your collar and staring right into your eyes.
“listen here, you fucker. you like me don’t you?” a relieved sigh leaves your lips and you nod, staring back into his lust-filled eyes. “i’ve been fucking stressed lately, and you fucking added to that. so let me fuck you into oblivion as a punishment.” the straight forward statement made your pussy wet.
it was the fact that he still asked that made you agree, even after you life was fucking threatened 30 seconds ago. katsuki bakugou may be bad, but he’ll never stoop to that level. plus, it could be a form of sorry for pointing a gun to your neck and almost pulling the trigger. in the back of his head, he made sure he would make you feel like a fucking princess.
it was an ‘in the moment’ kind of thing, the car was heated and condensation pooled at the windows as you and katsuki made out with each other, his thigh making its way in between your legs to rub your clit on the rough material of his jeans. the shirt you wore was cut open by the knife he kept in his pocket and in an instant, he attacks your collarbones and a hand creeps up to cup your boob under your matching lace bra, your nipple being twisted around by his fingers. “you fucking slut. you absolute whore. getting off to someone who almost ended your life? yeah, you want this cock in your slutty fucking pussy, don’t you?” 
without you noticing, he had ripped off his leather jacket and shirt. you drooled over his toned torso, admiring his abs and the slight hint of a blonde happy trail leading straight down into his pants. unconsciously, your hand goes to graze your fingers down his bare upper-half, trailing down the blonde hair leading you to where you wanted to touch before you cupped the large tent in his pants “yes, i want it.” you whimpered out, squeezing his bulge slightly, making him grunt.
katsuki massages your inner thigh as his unoccupied hand goes to unzip his fly and rid himself of any remaining clothes. as soon as his underwear is out of the way, his cock slaps right against his lower stomach and you stare in awe, gulping. the size and girth intimidated you, but this is exactly what you wanted. he strokes himself a few times before teasing your sensitive clit with his tip, moaning at the feeling of your lace panties against his slit. your panties are soon yanked off, katsuki leaving them dangling off your ankle as he propped himself between you, hands pinning your wrists above your head and your legs hoisted up on his shoulders. 
he angles his cock to tease at your entrance, smirking at you. “come on, beg for it.” the tip goes in and out of you and you whimper out in a frantic state, “please! just- just put it in already, i want it, i want it, i want it- fuck!” your toes curl in both pleasure and pain when katsuki slams inside your without warning. the stretch burned, he was probably the biggest thing you’ve put inside you in a while. his hips still and he looks down, admiring the way your cunt swallowed him up, feeling you clench around him. “good girl.” an unoccupied hand grips your hips as he started to thrust into you slowly before gradually picking up the pace until he was pounding into you.
the car shook back and forth as the racer railed you in the backseat, skin slapping and moans prominent even outside the car. “fuck! t-too deep, bakugou, too-” a pair of lips slam into yours, cutting your sentence off. katsuki ignores your complaints and lets out a dark chuckle. “am i hitting your womb, slut? that’s what you wanted, right? you want me to fuck my babies into you so you’ll be swollen for nine months.”
“no. we can’t have my little fuck toy be too sensitive for sex, right? you’re my fuck toy, my cumslut. mafia boys like me are always stressed and need obedient girls like you with tight fucking cunts to keep sane.” there’s no time to think about the term he used for himself as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mind going blank as you neared your orgasm. cumming all over his cock with a loud moan, your legs quiver as katsuki goes faster and sloppier, chasing his own orgasm. his hips stutter when he cums, painting your insides his shade of white. a few more thrusts and he pulls out of you, panting. he stares straight at your glistening pussy, watching his semen slowly seep out of you.
the sight makes whimper, feeling himself getting hard all over again. “i hope you can take more, princess.” the grip on both your wrists becomes tighter and you let out a loud moan, tears spilling from your eyes down your cheeks as katsuki bottoms out inside you for the second time that night. “’cause i’m not stopping for anything.” he doesn’t wait for anything and starts pounding into you again, abusing that sweet little hole of yours. “bakugou! fuck! too much!” your legs quiver, but his speed doesn’t falter. instead, he goes faster.
lips attach to suck on the supple skin of your neck, “call me katsuki.” he whispers, biting your neck softly. “k-katsuki, gonna cum again.” you cried out, fingernails digging into the hand that kept your hands at place. “then cum, cum all over this cock again. no one, and i repeat, no one is ever gonna make you feel this good. got it?” the question is left unanswered when a loud moan erupts from your throat as you came. katsuki follows a few thrusts after, moaning uncontrollably.
the both of you pant, a heavy layer of sweat covering both your bodies. katsuki pulls out of you, instantly replacing his cock with two of his fingers, making you jump as he scissors them inside you. “katsuki, n-no more... please...” you begged, whining.
“shh...” he calms you down, pulling his fingers out and prodding them at your lips. “suck.” the command instantly has your lips encaging around his fingers covered in both of your love juices. a moan escapes your lips at the taste, pulling away once you’ve lapped all of it up. the car becomes silent, katsuki taking a roll of tissue from the corner of his car, starting to clean you up. large arms gently keep you from jumping up from the overstim. “just a little more, it would be uncomfortable if you had cum dripping all over your thighs.” a choked ‘okay’ leaves your lips as he cleaned up the remnants of his orgasm. 
“there,” the window opens and katsuki throws the used tissues outside. “are you hurt anywhere?” he helps you sit yourself up on his lap gently, his red eyes looking all over your body for any bruises he might have left. “i’m fine, thanks.” you panted out, smiling at him. the blonde looks away, gently setting you down and handing you his shirt. “sorry for tearing yours.” he picks up his clothes and the weapons on the ground, starting to dress himself. you did the same, heart jumping in joy at his scent on the shirt. 
the both of you climb to the drivers and passenger seat, katsuki still half-naked. the black jacket is thrown to your exposed thighs and you look at him in confusion. “you’ll get cold-” a hand keeps the jacket on your thighs as the car starts. “i can handle it.” he started to drive through the rest of the alleyway. “whatever you say.” you stay put in your seat.
“i’m... part of a mafia group.” katsuki starts. “deku, the guy i assumed you work for, he wants my head. i don’t know why, but i am sure not losing to a broccoli looking headass. and since you couldn’t mind your fucking business, you’re involved now.”
“how so?”
“i need to keep you at arms length. not to protect you or anything! it’s so you can’t go around telling everybody, and i still don’t know if you really work for that bastard or not.” the car rounds into an abandoned street. god, you were gonna get killed, weren’t you? you thought as he stopped at a worn out house, stepping out the car. “come on.” 
his footsteps are loud, and you do follow him. he left his weapon inside the car, as if to make you trust him. “we were pretty sure that you worked for deku, but i think you’re too dumb for that. don’t be surprised.” the blonde warns as you both near the door. nothing was heard inside. katsuki opens the door and in an instant, metal clads with metal and 6 guns are pointed straight at you. but with a raise of katsuki’s hand, all the guns are put down. you shook uncontrollably in your spot, maybe the fact that you could barely walk from what you guys did earlier. “she doesn’t work for dek-”
“she’s pretty.” another blonde smiles at you, waving and winking. as you’re about to wave back awkwardly, katsuki pulls you beside him by your waist. “don’t even fucking try, denki.”
“she’s mine.”
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writteninkat · 3 years
Heyy🦌 May I have any of the MHA/BNHA boys watch/listen to you simping over other anime characters?
you can pick any characters just remember to have fun with it☺
its can be NSFW or SFW which ever you in the mood for🤗
and of course drink some water and eat daily🥰 we love health people here💅🏿😍
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, Todoroki
a/n: SORRY THIS TOOK A LIL LONG MY GRADE IS D FOR TIME MANAGEMENT + hope you stay healthy too <33 i had just started working out again and honestly my muscles are begging me to stop 😩
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either you're with me or you're not, there's no in between. this man gets jealous
and no not the [sulks in the corner crying] jealous I mean the "HAH?! I BET IM BETTER THAN HIM AT THAT" jealous, usual katsuki
the character you simp for can cook? Katsuki will cook you ten meals a day to prove to you he's better than said character
the character has an amazing body? he'll walk around shirtless in the dorms when you're around just to show off his body
who cares if Aizawa might put him in detention for not wearing a shirt? he's got a dignity to uphold and no amount of detention hours can pull him back lmao
definitely gets competitive and not the Katsuki kind of competitive
you simp for Sasuke? he will give you a list of a hundred reasons why Naruto is better.
you simp for Oikawa? "I think Tsukishima is better. He made it to nationals."
you think Levi is hot? "We should call him 'Lev' now that he lost his 'I'. Lmao I think Jean is a better partner for you."
no matter how great the character you simp for is, he will mention another character and explain why the character he chose is better
long story short, just don't mention anything about simping for characters unless you want to have a bad day
he still babie tho <3 will watch your fave anime and read your fave manga with you, just don't mention anything about characters being simp-worthy
mf simps with you
nah he doesn't get jealous cause he knows they're just fictional characters and he's the real thing (sounding pretty ironic there, don't ya think?)
"SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TRYING TO SAVOR THE MOMENT" he yells back, a feet away from his TV as his jaw hangs at how Eren looks.
"ugh I'd let Kaneki eat me." you groan, pausing the anime to look at your boyfriend who's smirking lazily at you, fist bumping you. "you and me, babe."
"I don't understand why girls in black clover simp for Asta so much." You frown to which your boyfriend groans at in agreement. "Exactly! Like Captain Yummy out here serving us mommy milkers for free and the girls don't bat an eye at him."
"babe on three, tell me your first anime crush." you grab onto his knee, shaking it to get his attention. "alright, bet." he nods.
"Usui Takumi!"
"WE REALLY ARE MEANT TO BE!" he yells, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
doesn't understand why you do
"holy shit Eren's hot!"
"Why would you think that? He's a mass m*rderer."
"Babe you think Kaneki can like...get it?"
"The cannibal?"
"Fuck, I'd eat Sukuna's fingers too, fo sho."
"He didn't help Itadori save Junpei and left him to die. He laughed while he rejected Itadori's request. He also killed Itadori without hesitation once and I don't think he'll bat an eye for you."
"...Never mind Sukuna. Have you seen Megumi's father?"
"Hon his list of crimes are assassinations, mutilation, attempted murder, attempted child-"
"Okay I'm done with your shit just shut up."
he's the exact opposite of Shoto, he'll definitely back you up.
give him ten reasons why you think Kageyama would be an amazing boyfriend and he'll give you an additional twenty more.
he's actually up to date with all the stuff about what's going on with the anime, and if he comes across a new update, he'll text you the link
whenever he finds merchandise of the character you like, he immediately buys it just to see your excited face <3
"Eij, so there's this convention thing about that anime I'm obsessed with and-"
"Sure, what time?"
"Like what time are we going? I'll need to know so I can clear up my schedule before hand."
he'll let you do his make up and wear the character's costume without a second thought just so you can live out your fangirl dreams <333
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Fighting My Own Battles, and Mineta
Summary: As much as being Bakugou's girlfriend is hard sometimes, dealing with a grape rat is worse.
Or: Mineta makes the mistake of groping you in front of the class.
TW: Sexual harassment, Mineta, unwanted/nonconsensual groping, violence against the grape rat, but it's deserved. Oh, and swearing.
A/N: I've been seeing a lot of headcanons and scenarios of the boys protecting you, but I haven't seen many of the reader protecting themselves, so I wrote one!
Dating Bakugou Katsuki was not been easy. He had enough emotional constipation for thirteen people, and had a hard time expressing emotions that weren't anger, pride, annoyance, or boastful confidence. Sometimes he managed indifference well, but most of the time he ignored people that he didn't think were worthy of his attention.
At this point, you had no idea how you had managed to climb to the rank of his girlfriend. He barely considered the Bakusquad acquaintances and they were the closest people to him other than Midoriya.
It had taken a while, but you had slowly managed to decode the things he did for you, the way he talked to you.
Dating Bakugou was not easy.
But with Bakugou you were in a mutually fulfilling relationship. Whenever you had a bad day, Bakugou always managed to find a way to make it a little better, if not turn it around completely and you did the same thing for him.
You got nothing out of dealing with Mineta. He only made your bad days worse, and you were one sexual comment or action away from breaking his neck.
Today had been your breaking point.
"Katsuki, seriously, I can handle myself," you told the blond, letting him settle his chin on the top of your head as you listened to his heartbeat.
His arms were around your waist, and yours were around his in a corner of the training grounds.
You had been paired up with Mineta for one-on-one battles for the first twenty minutes of class and neither you nor Katsuki were happy about it.
Katsuki was doing what he did best, complaining about things he didn't approve of.
"I know you can, babe, but that doesn't mean that he's gonna keep his hands to himself."
"I'll handle it if he doesn't," you promised, running your hands across Katsuki's back softly. "Katsuki, I'm gonna be fine."
Katsuki nodded into your hair, pressing a couple quick kisses there before he had to move away from you.
"Katsuki," you called.
He turned, eyes darting over your face.
"I got this," you told him.
"I know you do babe, otherwise you wouldn't be my girl."
You smiled at him and he grinned back.
Your grin faded when Mineta appeared beside you, giving you a look that made you want to peel his face off.
"I can't wait to see what kind of positions I can get you into," he cooed, and you gagged, turning your head away.
"Let's get this over with Mineta," you said, heading for the area that Cementoss had set up for the students.
Things were okay for the first ten minutes or so, but you could tell that Mineta was paying more attention to your body than he was to the fights.
"Mineta, my eyes are up here you slimy bastard," you said, trying to draw his eyes away from your chest.
"Mineta, since you don't seem to be paying much attention to your fight, how about you and (Y/L/N) let the rest of the class watch your fight to get you more in the mindset of battle," Aizawa suggested.
The other fights halted when the teacher spoke up, and you could hear Katsuki's growl from across the room.
Mineta, not one to argue with Aizawa, paled, but nodded.
You headed for your own end of the training pad, getting into position.
Mineta was practically trembling on his end, but you could hear your classmates cheering for you, your boyfriend's voice noticeably absent.
He knew that you didn't need him cheering for you to you to know that he was on your side.
When the battle started, it didn't take long for you to have Mineta pinned, writhing underneath you, trying to escape.
But he managed to get one of his hands free and he groped at your chest, making you snarl.
You stood, picking Mineta up by the front of his suit and his throat, leaning closely to his ear as you walked him back against a wall.
"If you ever touch me, or another girl like that ever again, I will make what happened at Mt. Lady's look like heaven on earth, do you understand me Mineta?" you asked slowly, tightening your grip on his throat. "And then, when I'm done with you, I'll hand you over to Katsuki and the others."
Mineta was practically hyperventilating as he caught sight of you boyfriend, Mineta's face turning almost as purple as his hair.
Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, and Midoriya were all trying to hold Katsuki back from getting to you and Mineta. Despite the others trying to restrain him, he was making good progress.
Your boyfriend might've had a bad temper, but you had never seen him this pissed off.
For a moment, you were actually concerned that he was going to kill the grape rat, not that you had any issues with that. It would look bad on his record though, and he would probably get thrown out of U.A. if he did that, so your next objective was to calm him down.
You pushed, hard, one more time on Mineta's throat before you dropped him, letting him cough and suck in breath on the floor.
You walked over to Katsuki, who had his eyes glued to Mineta.
"Let him go," you told the boys, who took one glance at you and let Katsuki go.
Katsuki's palms started to crackle but you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Katsuki," you murmured, "Katsuki, let the others deal with him."
"I am not letting him get away with touching you like that," Katsuki snarled, so lowly that the others all took three big steps away from him.
"I know, but I handled it, the others are just cleaning the mess up," you replied. "Can . . . can you just hold me?"
You could feel the perv's hands on you still, and you hated that feeling.
Katsuki heard the tone of your voice, he heard the undertones too, and he wrapped his arms around you, picking you up bridal style before he sat on the floor, cradling you in his lap.
Aizawa looked at you and Katsuki before turning towards the rest of the class, who was gathered around Mineta.
"I love you," Katsuki murmured into your hair. "I love you."
"I know," you replied, "I know."
"I should be murdering him right now," he muttered.
"You can have him when the others have had their fun with him," you told him.
"I will never do that you," Katsuki promised.
"I know you won't," you replied, "because you're a hero. My hero."
"No, you're your own hero, but I'm a close second," he said, tightening his grip on you.
"'Course you are baby," you murmured, laying your head on Katsuki's chest so that you could hear his heartbeat.
To say that Mineta had to be sent to Recovery Girl was an understatement. But when he hobbled back to class, nothing was healed.
Apparently she didn't appreciate him harassing the girls either.
Aizawa sent him back to his dorm room, and told him that he would have to catch up when he was well enough to come back to classes.
He had already apologized to you and the other girls and said that Mineta was finishing out the year and then he was being replaced by Shinso.
"Anyone is better than that perv," you said later that night. "And when I talked him, he seemed like a nice guy. He'll definitely be a better hero than Mineta."
The girls all agreed with you.
"I'll be glad that he's gone so we stop having to tape him up all the time," Sero added from across the room where he was studying with Kaminari.
Everyone was in agreement on that fact, there was no doubt about it.
"I'm going to bed," Katsuki grumbled, walking over to kiss you on the cheek before he trudged up to his room.
"Sweet dreams baby!" you called, and he grunted back, making you smile softly.
"I know that Bakugou gets mad a lot, but I've never seen him as furious as he was today," Momo said, making the others nod.
"Yeah, I seriously thought that we were going to have to get him a muzzle again," Uraraka added.
"It took four of the boys to slow him down, but you managed to calm him down with just a few words, you really were made for him weren't you (Y/L/N)-chan, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked and you laughed.
"Katsuki knows that I can handle myself, but he also knows when I just need him to be there for me. There are some battles where I let him take over, but today I just needed him to be there with me, and he knew that. Trust me, I know when to pick my battles, even I can't calm him down all the time, but there are a few instances where I can get him to calm down more than the others can just because I know him better than some of the others."
"He's a good boyfriend then?" Momo asked, always one for romantic gossip.
"He is to me," you admitted. "But I also don't know how I managed that."
The girls laughed, and you couldn't help but join in with them.
This was what washed away the feeling of Mineta's hands, this was what helped remind you that not everyone was like that.
Katsuki helped too, just like he always did, but sometimes it was nice to have other women to relate to as well.
The boys did what they could to keep the grape rat under control, and the girls watched out for each other. Your boyfriend watched out for you, and you for him. It was like one big family, and you had a feeling that Shinso was going to be a wonderful addition to the Class 1-A family.
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azucanela · 4 years
pls some headcanons for Bakugou, Shinsou and Shoto when the reader kisses them infront of everyone. Thank you :)
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SUMMARY: in which you and the boys kiss in public, and now everyone is screaming. oh no.
WARNING: season three spoliers, insecurities, arguments,
A/N: i wanted to do scenarios bc this was too good ugh thank YOU for requesting this 
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you two are already dating but you keep it on the down low because its Katsuki and he’s like ew people knowing i have feelings other than anger? ew ew ew
you’re fine with it, but if he thinks its bothering you he’ll talk to you about it and smother you with affection, but he’ll act like its nothing
wants to rub it in his faces that you are his girlfriend, yes, but also he doesn’t want the teasing that comes with it. he knows for a fact that all his friends would bully him because he is SOFT FOR YOUUU and he’s also just a generally private person
you respect this and like it’s fine woo yeah okay it’s nice being the only one that sees the side of him that’s all soft and cute and affectionate
i can’t really see the two of you slipping up unless it’s influenced by a lot of emotions
where do these emotions come from? you might ask
his kidnapping.
you were a mess, but it was lowkey, real lowkey. and unlike the others you do not support trying to save katsuki on their own, trusting the heroes to do their job is the way to go.
so you don’t go with them. the next time you see your lovely boyfriend is when he’s giving kirishima money
so naturally, consumed by all the fear and panic you felt while he was gone, you kiss him!
and he kisses you back and its really soft and oh-
what a shame the whOLE CLASS IS THERE 
everyone is really confused, but they’re happy because they think that the two of you finally addressed the clear tension between the two of you, all it took was a lil kidnapping
except then you pull apart, completely disregarding them, your hands on his face, “baby are you okay?”
you don’t call someone you haven’t kissed before baby
then it clicks for the rest of the class
so much yelling
oh god have fun with that one
the bakusquad is yelling at him for not telling him, the dekusquad is scolding you for not telling them, there’s just a lot of questionable things
katsuki will get SO FLUSTERED because this is not what we wanted
at least the attention was off of his kidnapping now
maybe that was your goal idk 👀
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Katsuki really wished everyone would shut up about his kidnapping, it wasn’t something he wanted to think about right now, or ever if he was honest. So much had happened in the past few days and he was still struggling to process all of it, and the disgustingly warm welcome he’d received to the dorms wasn’t helping. It was gross. 
He’d shoved cash into Kirishima’s hand, rolling his eyes when he began to panic at the possibility that he’d taken it from Denki, shutting down the idea almost immediately.
And then he saw her.
Y/N was shoving past everyone and heading to him, and he couldn’t help the relief he felt when he saw her. Katsuki was grateful she hadn’t been involved in the little escape plan Deku had hatched out, but seeing her made him feel calmer than even as she practically tackled him, hands coming to his cheeks as she brought him into a kiss.
Their lips molded together perfectly, his hands coming to her sides and holding her like he’d never let go as her hands gripped his face rather harshly. It would have been the perfect moment, had the rest of his class not been there. 
Y/N seemed to disregard this as she pulled apart, eyes darting across his figure as his brows furrowed at her clear distress. “Calm down, idiot.” His cheeks are turning red as he realizes that everyone is staring, but he can’t help but focus his attention on her as he feels a wave of relaxation wash over him as she begins to run her hands all over him in search of injuries.
“Oh, I’m sorry, for caring about your wellbeing.” She grumbled, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso when her hands left his face. “Baby, you scared me.” His arms wrapped around her shoulders securely, as he rolled his eyes, though Katsuki wouldn’t deny he was appreciating all the attention she was giving him, he was beginning to feel embarrassed as he allowed her to hold onto him.
As if the kiss hadn’t been enough to astonish the rest of their class, the pet name simply amplified their shocked as they all cried out, “baby?” Kirishima had exchanged looks with Mina, who looked equally confused before returning their gaze to Katsuki, a look of betrayal evident on both their faces.
Stupid barbarians. “SHUT UP EXTRAS!” Katsuki exclaimed, holding Y/N tighter to his chest as his cheeks flushed red, he could hear her laugh against his chest. “Can’t a guy hug his girlfriend in peace.” 
He was grateful for the subject change, though he didn’t appreciate the fact that his relationship had been exposed, until he looked back to Y/N, who beamed at him. 
If she was happy then it was fine he supposed. 
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this one will probably have the funniest reaction
you did not just kiss him, in front of all these people, was that a joke?
i think he’s the only one you wouldn’t already be in a relationship with, purely because this is just 10x funnier
so ever since the two of you first started hanging, there have been people criticizing you for befriending him at all, because of his quirk, they just cannot believe that the Y/N L/N is hanging out with Shinsou Hitoshi
but also, ever since the two of you started hanging out, the bullying has lessened immensely, most because you threatened everyone it was really subtle, but they got the message
nobody screws with Y/N L/N
anyways, you two are probably hanging out again, and it’s been a while since you got one of those comments, which is the main reason this one sets you off.
“quit hanging out with that freak L/N, he’s gonna ruin your chances at becoming a pro.” 
shinsou was used to this, and your violent reactions, so he immediately brought a hand to your arm to ensure you didn’t commit a murder, shaking his head at you
you turn back to him, and you’re lowkey glaring at him before turning your piercing eyes back to the other guys
and without breaking eye contact with them, you grab Shinsou’s face, earning stares from everywhere in the cafeteria, and then kiss him
shinsou is shocked
you killed him.
he did not anticipate this um, you kinda caught him by surprise with this one, he genuinely did not think it was possible for you to feel this way for him
when you pull away, the kiss is almost like magic
you don’t mess with Y/N’s friends, much less their boyfriend
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When Y/N beams up at Shinsou, he can’t help the way his heart skips a beat. It’s ridiculous, he knows this, and he hates that he can’t prevent it. Shinsou is no fool, he knows Y/N L/N, a UA student that could potentially be a member of the Top Ten heroes in the future, would never like him. He wouldn’t be shocked if she befriended him entirely out of pity, given how students used to treat him prior to their unlikely friendship. She’d weaseled her way into his life, despite his attempts to avoid her, ignore her, and even tell her off, she’d stuck around. 
And yes, Shinsou had made the mistake of liking her. On days like this, he’d entertain the possibility that Y/N liked him back, because sometimes she hugged him for longer than average friends did, or maybe she’d press a kiss to his cheek, or even hold his hands.
That was probably just something best friends did.
“Hitoshi! Don’t you know what this means?” She exclaimed, hands finding their way onto his shoulders in the middle of the cafeteria.
Yes, she used his first name.
Shinsou rolled his eyes, trying to keep himself from getting flustered purely because her hands were on him, “Y/N it’s not a big deal, and besides-”
“We’re going to be in the same class!” Her hands move from his shoulders to around them as she pulls him into a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”
He’s shocked that she’s saying these things, and its clear she has more confidence in him than he does. Aizawa had offered him daily training to get him onto the same level as the other Class 1-A students, and he’d be joining them the next semester, assuming everything went well. “It’s no guarantee.” He mumbles, wrapping his arms around her torso.
Shinsou felt Y/N swat his back as she pulled away slightly, much to his dismay, “you’re so talented! Of course, he’s gonna let you in.” 
She sounded so sure, and Shinsou felt his heart swell with pride. 
He moves to speak, only to be interrupted by a passerby, “L/N. Come on, quit hanging out with that freak.” Y/N recognized him, James, he’d bothered Shinsou before, and he’d tried to get Y/N to stop hanging out with Shinsou and been unsuccessful. “He’s just gonna ruin your chances at becoming a pro.”
Y/N pulls away slightly from Shinsou, her brows are furrowed as she moves to confront him, only for Shinsou to grab her arm, shaking his head. “Don’t.”
Turning to glare at the guy, Y/N scoffed, “is this because I rejected you?” 
“He asked you out?” Shinsou asked, but Y/N gave him a look that said they’d discuss it later. She could remember the day vividly, he’d asked shortly after she returned from hanging out with Shinsou, telling her she could do so much better, and so much better meant him. 
She disagreed. And now Y/N couldn’t help but feel bothered as their argument begins to draw attention from others within the cafeteria, she can see in the corner of her eye that Izuku has come to a stand. Though Iida is grasping his shoulder to try and prevent him from doing anything irrational, they all knew Y/N could stand on her own. 
James scoffed at her words, “you probably rejected me because he made you.” The implications were dark, the idea that Shinsou had forced Y/N to befriend him and reject James, though he’d never used his quirk on her and swore he never would. 
Shinsou found himself releasing Y/N’s arm, taking a step backwards as he sighed, only for her to grab his hand and yank him closer before taking his face in her hands and kissing him.
She was kissing him.
Shinsou’s mind empties as Y/N pulls away, turning back to James as she says, “my boyfriend doesn’t need to make me do anything.” And the boy practically stomps off in frustration, grumbling about Shinsou’s stupid quirk or something of that sort. Not that either of them are paying attention as Y/n brings a hand to the back of her neck awkwardly, searching her mind for an explanation.
“Boyfriend?” His voice is soft, small, and he knows there are other people in the cafeteria but he can’t bring himself to care about their stares. 
Y/N turns to him, and she feels her cheeks warm as she tries to avoid his eyes, “well. Only if you want to-”
“I want to.” Shinsou replies too quickly, his cheeks flushing.
Y/N nods, “cool.” 
Izuku can’t help but beam as he watches the interaction, hitting Iida’s arm repetitvely as as he exclaims, “does this mean I’ll be able to study his quirk more?”
Tsu just sighs, “this means we don’t have to listen to her pining anymore.” 
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probably the most relaxed about it, not flustered at all, you tried thoughh
your relationship isn’t really a secret, it’s just that neither of you are that into PDA. 
there will be occasional cuddling on the common room couch of the dorms during movie night, but that’s seen as normal to the rest of Class 1-A. during dates, there will be hand holding, a kiss on the cheek, an arm around the shoulder, otherwise most of the intimacy is reserved for your rooms
this lack of PDA is why class 1-A was completely unaware that the two of you were dating, 
though you hadn’t tried to hide it, you also hadn’t made it entirely public, you also lowkey thought everyone knew.
mostly because it was so blatantly obvious that shoto was in love with you, but the entire class thought he was unaware of his own feelings and you were just oblivious 
oh how wrong they were
you come into class one day and you see shoto and you’re just like lol hi babe and you kiss him, he kisses back, LIKE IT IS THE MOST NORMAL THING
he’s temporarily caught off guard because like i said you two don’t really do PDA, but he digs it, 10/10 would kiss you again in front of everyone, mostly because after all of the CHAOS that this kiss causes, the other boys in the class stop blatantly flirting with you
speaking of chaos
the class erupts into PURE CHAOS
so much yelling and screaming, they are so confused, have fun explaining that one
shoto is equally confused as to why they are confused and you’re just laughing because you knew this would mess with their heads. he ends up getting a little flustered by all the sudden attention the two of you are getting, but maintains his apathetic attitude.
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Shoto places his bag beside his desk before pulling his things out one by one to place them onto the desk along with the small cup of coffee. Shoto wasn’t really the coffee type himself, he preferred tea, Y/N on the other hand had an obsession if he was honest. Of course, he enabled this obsession, he liked being the one to bring a smile onto her face. 
Yeah, he was whipped.
He could tell when Y/N entered the room because the atmosphere seemed to change entirely, she seemed to brighten everyone’s mood despite how early it was. Greeting their other classmates, she began to move towards him, seeing that he was holding a cup of coffee, Y/N raised a brow. “You drink coffee now?” She asked as she placed her things down. 
Shaking his head, Shoto extended the hand with the cup of coffee towards him, “it’s for you.” He explained, small smile on his face.
The rest of their classmates watched the interaction, Kirishima punching Kaminari’s arm as he exclaimed, “so manly!”
Bakugou scoffed from beside the both of them, “if he was really manly then maybe he’d actually ask her out.” Crossing his arms, he averts his eyes from the two, finding the class’s obsession with their relationship a tad ridiculous. Though everyone seemed to be at least slightly invested in the potential outcome at this point. 
“Whatever, Bakugo.” Mina says, “L/N has the prettiest boy in class wrapped around her finger- ugh! I want someone to love me like that.” She places her head in her hand, brows furrowing as she stares at the two. Y/N is smiling widely at Shoto, who returns her smile with one of his own. 
And then Y/N kisses him. As though this is an everyday thing. 
Mina practically jumps out her seat, and though Bakugo would never admit it, his mouth gaped open in shock as she cried out, “did you two just kiss?!”
Shoto’s cheeks are red as they pull away, though his face remains apathetic as he looks to the ground and Y/N replies, “can I not kiss my boyfriend?” She tilts her head in confusion, laughing slightly at the outburst and the clear shock in everyone’s faces. 
“Boyfriend?” Hagaruke cried out. “Why didn’t you tell us?!”
Y/N’s brows furrows as she looks to the rest of the astonished class, “did you guys seriously not know? I thought we were obvious, I literally call him by his first name-”
“We thought that was because you two were madly in love with each other but neither could confess!” Momo exclaimed suddenly, her cheeks flaming red at her outburst as she slaps a hand over her mouth.
Mina simply nods in agreement, “exactly! But now he’s buying you coffee and-”
Shoto shakes his head in confusion, “I often buy her coffee, normally she finishes it before we get to class.” He looks to Y/N, a small frown on her face, “today she woke up too late for me to walk her to school so I couldn’t give it to her then-”
“You’re so manly, Todoroki!” Kirishima exclaims, though Shoto simply looks at him in confusion as he removes his hand from Y/N’s waist. 
Shrugging, he takes a seat at his desk and Y/N speaks once more, “I just don’t understand how you guys didn’t know.” Standing beside him as he organizes his things while seated, Y/N runs a hand through his hair, and Shoto’s cheeks seemed to redden once more.
“You guys aren’t normally so touchy!” Uraraka has joined the conversation, shock clear in her features. 
Shoto nods in agreement,  “your behavior today is abnormal, Y/N.”
Now Y/N can feel her cheeks warm as she removes her hand and takes a seat t her desk, “you guys are weird.”
Izuku simply sighs, deflating almost as he watches the interaction and leans over towards Iida, “now I owe Kacchan money.” 
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bakusquad-assemble · 3 years
Can I request a Sero x reader/Bakusquad x reader who is dealing with a panic attack after Class 1A deals with yet another villain. Also no rush and I absolutely love your writing!
Aw, thank you so so much! I love being able to write for you! I also love all the love Sero gets on this blog, I’m not sure I do his character justice but damn we love to see it. No warnings on this one, just some sweet comfort and fluff. Hope you enjoy!
The sound of blaring sirens pierced through the night sky, dark and cold save for the flashing red lights that illuminated the students of class 1A. They sat huddled close together, blankets pulled tightly around their shoulders in attempts to bring them some semblance of comfort. It seemed as if your class was a target for misfortune, like the group of students were always in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you were being honest with yourself, the fear of the evil lurking around the corner at any given moment was really starting to get to you. You all somehow managed to escape each attack relatively unscathed, except for a few cuts and bruises that would heal in time, but you were still shaken to your core every time and couldn’t find the strength to keep it down any longer. You’re not quite sure when you started crying, letting the salty tears soak down your blood stained cheeks, but you didn’t even attempt to quell them. You let them consume you, wracking your body with sobs in hopes that it would bring you some solace. Instead you felt your body tremble, your stomach churning with all of the fear that you had kept down for far too long. You slapped your hand over your mouth as you whimpered out involuntarily, in hopes that no one would shift their attention to you.
That hope was shattered almost immediately though as the tall black haired boy who sat next to you straightened his back at attention. He had heard you take in a sharp breath, and upon locking eyes with your form he found his heart dropping in his chest like it was attached to a ton of weights; sinking to the bottom of a treacherous sea with ease. Hanta Sero has had a crush on you for some time now. There was just something about you he found so enticing, like a magnetic force was constantly surrounding you and pulling him in every time he wandered too close. You were best friends, constantly sharing laughs and inside jokes in the hallways at school, or having deep conversations late at night in the dorm common rooms. He cared about you so deeply, and seeing you like this; covered in your own tears and blood and shaking in fear, made him sick to his stomach. He was quick to act, his large hand reaching out for the small of your back to lend you consolation, but when you jumped back from him he quickly pulled away and put his hands up in the most non threatening way he could muster. You hadn’t meant to react like that to Sero’s touch, in fact, you craved his warmth more than ever right now. You wanted nothing more than to be engulfed by his comforting embrace as he whispered his latest horrible joke into your ear- managing to pull a laugh from your salty and cracked lips, but your body was on high alert after tonight. Luckily, Sero understood completely.
“Hey, it’s okay! It’s just me.” He reassured, his hands still up in the air in attempts to show you he meant no harm. He offered a sweet smile, despite feeling that same fear that overtook you, and you felt your body relax ever so slightly. You sniffled, wiping at your eyes with the sleeves of your sweatshirt as the tears continued to spill like rushing waterfalls.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” you choked out, voice barely audible among the commotion that surrounded the two of you, but Sero heard you clear as day. He could see everything he needed to know written in your pinched expression. You were petrified, and he was going to do everything in his power to make you feel better.
“Woah, hey! don’t apologize!” Sero started, cautiously moving his hands down in front of him and reaching out for one of your hands,trying his best to read your expressions as he did so. You didn’t pull away and he delicately wrapped his large hand in your smaller one, his thumb rubbing comforting circles atop your soft skin. He felt his cheeks heat up as he realized he’s never really touched you this intimately before. He tried his best to shake the sensation, and was thankful for the dark night sky for hiding the flush that consumed his features.
“Nothings wrong with you, y/n! I think we’re all a bit shaken up after that and it’s totally normal to be upset.”
The remnants of the dam that you had been holding up broke at Sero’s words, and suddenly you were sobbing uncontrollably and throwing yourself into his arms. The choked noises of anguish gained the attention of some classmates nearby, but you didn’t notice, nor care. You were lost in your own thoughts, in the fear of what could have happened, and the only thing keeping you grounded was Seros arms wrapping tightly around your torso and pulling you in against his chest. He brought the comforting circular motions to your back in efforts to soothe you while he rested his chin comfortably on the top of your head. If you were a bit more aware of your surroundings, perhaps you’d have noticed the way Sero’s heartbeat ran rampant in his chest, or the way his hands got clammy with nerves on your low back, but instead your mind lulled it out.
It was Kaminari’s voice that permeated the air first, though you kept your head situated in Sero’s chest, finding refuge in his closeness.
“Oh man, are they okay?” Kaminari stood awkwardly in front of the two of you, pulling his blanket snuggly over his shoulders to keep it from falling to the ground. Sero’s only response was to pull you in tighter and shake his head. Kaminari sighed out, his voice wavering as if he had just gotten over crying himself. You couldn’t help but look up from the confines of Sero’s chest just a bit, eyebrows pinched up in curiosity.
“Mind if I join you guys? Mineta isn’t exactly the best company in a time like this.” He tried to keep his voice light and playful, shooting your newly emerged face a warm smile. Kaminari didn’t wait for a response,however; instead picking the unoccupied spot next to you and squeezing in tight, enjoying the comfort the closeness brought him.
“Mineta is never good company, Bro. He’s a little scumbag” Sero quipped, sending a smile the electric boy's way. Kaminari chuckled, shrugging defeatedly.
“Hey! he can be funny sometimes!”
“I think that makes you a little scumbag too, dude. ”
You felt your throat stutter as you let out a breathy laugh. It came out choked and water logged, but it was a sweet little laugh nonetheless. Both of their expressions lit up, looking at each other before moving their eyes down to you, shocked by the sweet sound escaping your lips. Sero smiled widely, pulling you in just a bit tighter as he felt your shoulders get lighter. These boys always knew how to pull it out of you, and despite the fear still bubbling deep inside, their playful banter had you feeling kind of normal again.
“Woah, hey! Why didn’t we get an invite to the “we almost died but we didn’t and we still kickin it somehow” snuggle fest? Move over! I need some!” Minas voice was perky per usual, but even you could detect the hints of worry laced between each syllable. She was just able to use her personality to hide it well, something you had never been more envious of than right now. You straightened your back, pulling away from Sero to get a better view of the rest of your friends approaching. You tried your best to wipe your face free of any remnants of your breakdown, though seemingly impossible with the current state you were in. Mina was pulling Kirishima along behind her by the hand, keeping him close for comfort reasons you figured, and a certain scowling blonde wasn’t too far behind. It was as if he was tethered to the redhead, following against his will and dissatisfied with his new change of scenery, yet he continued to follow with a pout and his arms crossed heavily over his chest. After knowing bakugou for so long, though. His demeanor didn’t shake you, nor did his booming tone as he spoke up above the noise.
“The hell you all whining for? Some hero’s you are for being afraid of some lowlife discount villains that couldn’t even kill a bunch of high schoolers!” Kirishima nudged Bakugou hard, causing him to shoot the red haired boy an evil glare. It didn’t shake Kirishima though, he just shook his head at his blonde best friend.
“Read the room, Bakubro. We’re all kinda messed up about it. Even the manliest people get scared sometimes, you should know. ” Bakugou clicked his tongue in frustration, dropping onto the ground with a thud and pulling his knee up to rest his arm on it.
“I’d never be scared by some shitty ass villains and neither should you! They didn’t stand a chance against us! You’re all alive so stop complaining” Bakugou had locked eyes with you, and deep down you knew this was his makeshift way of trying to cheer you up. His way to remind you how strong you were, despite the tears and snot that ran down your face. You nodded softly to him, a faint smile ghosting your lips, and he quickly averted his gaze to anywhere but you. Mumbling something under his breath that you couldn’t quite make out but appreciated nonetheless. You watched Kirishima take a spot of the ground near Kaminari, and Mina dropped to her knees in front of you, her eyes welling with the same tears that plagued yours. Her smile was gentle, caring, and it made you feel safe. Safe despite everything that had happened to all of you just a few hours earlier. In fact, just being surrounded by your friends filled you with a sense of comfort that you didn’t expect yourself to find. You weren’t sure if it was simply their presence, or if it was the puffy eyes and wordless smiles of understanding that laid hidden on their expressions.
“You alright, baby?” Mina asked, her soft and well manicured hands coming to rest on your soaked cheeks. And despite it all, you nodded. The tiny smile still ever present on your face. Because for the first time tonight, you were reminded that no matter how hard things get, no matter how many villains tried to tear you down, you would always have your friends to pick you back up- to put a smile on your face with ease when you felt just minutes prior that you may never smile again. You could never thank them enough.
“Yeah, I will be.”
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some thoughts on what living with bakugou would be like:
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-he’s weirdly organized. like he remembers where he put everything every time so if ur ever looking for something, most times he’ll just find it for u and it takes like .2 seconds
-will cook meals a large majority of the time, but if u bake sweets he’s an absolue sucker for them.
-if you’re like reALLY allergic to a certain type of bug or plant,, man’s got his eyes pEELED whenever y’all go somewhere together. like lets say, for example, ur allergic to bees. bakugou is blowing bees up left and right and u look at him and ur “no!! stop!!! bees are endangered!!” ,, he looks u dead in the face, like ur stupid or something and says “yeah. because of me. i’m gonna kill all of them.”
- if u have to get in an argument with somebody over the phone, he wants to hear it. like he’ll ask u to put the phone on speaker and he’ll just make mocking, bitchy faces while the other person is speaking. like,, he lets u fight ur own battles, but he wants to be there bullying the other person mercilessly in the background.
-if he doesnt like a song ur playing, he’ll just skip it. won’t ask, wont look at u, he’ll just skip it. borderline dick move tbh
-gets grumpy if u don’t follow his nightly routine on time, but also wont go to sleep without u. like he’ll just stay up and crab at u until u go to bed with him
-likes when u brush his hair for him. like u’ll be brushing yours, totally by urself fine, and he’ll just look at u and clear his throat until u roll ur eyes and beckon him over
-if u get like a bag of junk food or something,, do nOt leave that shit out, bakugou will finish it 10/10 times. he’ll finish it but then look at u and “why the fuck would u even bring that shit in here, huh? u tryin’ to get me out of shape or somethin?” ,, and u look at him like “idk man maybe just dont eat it then.” ,,, the glARE he gives u in response is muRDEROUS //pls this is quite literally the only area he lacks self control dont remind him\\
-has absolutely no regard for neighbors. he yells a lot and if y’all get noise complaints he just glares and 😡💥at the neighbor until they get scared and leave
-he thinks it’s funny to just subtly move things from time to time. like, for example, lets say plates. ,,, so like, u always keep plates on the left side of a certain cabinet, right?? but if he’s putting dishes away and feeling particularly petulant that day, he’ll just put away the plates on the right side instead. man’s then proceeds to smirk and laugh at u every time u open the wrong side of the cabinent from then on with a “jeez, u rlly are a moron, huh? they’re on the right side, remember?” god he’s annoying
-genuinely enjoys going grocery shopping by himself. like idk he just thinks it’s his quiet, personal time, u kno?? and he enjoys doing super-intense meal prep for the week anyways so he’s gotta make sure he gets the right ingredients
-u just hear muffled screaming from time to time. like u’ll be in the kitchen eating breakfast totally calm, and he’s making the bed and all the sudden just a “jesus fucking christ, swear to fuck im gonna blow up this stupid fuckin’ fitted sheet!” (which honestly??? valid. fuck fitted sheets.)
-if he doesn’t want to hang out with the bakusquad but they’re forcing him he’ll text u something like “I love you.” and then ofc ur like “i love u too. but also, u never just say that to me normally?? is something wrong?” and then total radio silence from him for like 20 mins and u get super worried,, and then he just sends u a video of mina or denki being loud with a “Can you get sick or something? I want to come home.” ,, i- 🧍
- isnt going to want a pet,, but if u have, like, a dog already when u move in with him, then it’s going to become bakugou’s dog. if he’s going to have to have a dog than he’s gonna make sure it likes him more than u
-hates doing laundry. will volunteer to do dishes instead 11/10 times
-he doesn’t sing in the shower but 100% plays the drums on the walls or his own stomach fight me on this
-he hates the smell of nail polish/nail polish remover. so if ur painting ur nails he’ll just walk in the room and walk directly out,, quickest way to get alone time
-speaking of alone time- say bye. u’ll get none of it,,, it’s not that he’s constantly on top of u or like talking to u, he just always sorta ends up in whatever room u are. like a cat, pretty much. like he won’t say anything, but if u get up to do something, he gets up and chooses to move his lounging to somewhere nearby
-he likes to scare the shit out of u. just like, rlly juvenile stuff like hiding around corners just to jump out at u. will just stand there and laugh when u scream, and will never, never apologize
-he gets weirdly worked up about hair?? just hates it, thinks it’s disgusting if he sees a stray hair anywhere. even if its his own. like yes it’s gross ig, but he gets so 🤮 about it
-he does house chores unecessarily loudly. like, u watch him and it seems like he’s doing everything totally normally,, but jesus christ why is it so loud
-gets bitchy around christmas if u decorate without him. he will complain the eNTIRE time if he does have to decorate, but will throw an even bigger fit if u dare to do it without him
-he gets mad if people drive too fast in ur neighborhood/ past ur apartment complex. like, y’all have 0 (zero!) kids, but he’s still up at the window like “Slow the fuck down, asshole! Why the hell doesn’t anyone have any common fuckin’ sense around here? That’s dangerous, you piece of shit!”
-if u sing around the house a lot, it’s the only habit of urs he’ll have absolutely nothing to say about. like it doesn’t even matter if ur a good singer or not, he just likes when he can hear u in the house even if ur not in the same room. he finds it comforting
-bakugou hates having people over to ur place. he thinks of it like his calm-space/safe-haven and it rlly pisses him off when people are there
-on the rare days he doesn’t have to work at all and stays home, mans is a total baby. he just refuses to get up for anything other than bathroom or meals and even then goes straight back to bed. he takes basically a 24 hr nap and expects u to do the same with him he’s so dramatic pls
-will make snarky comments about reality tv shows with u. just the bitchiest shit possible bc he enjoys trash talking as an art form, and absolutely does not care who it’s about
-likes to watch u do skincare stuff. he won’t ask questions and will be borderline offended if u offer some to him, but he just likes to watch u do it. man’s thinks of it as like his personal asmr
-hates online shopping. (pls i have absolutely no explanation for this one i just know its true)
-he has a lot of pride in his house so it’s actually rlly well decorated. like, he would never consent to living somewhere busted, lmaooo, so if u dont kno how to decorate he’ll figure it out for the both of u
-u can always tell if he’s falling asleep bc he constantly does that weird full-body jerk. like the one where it feels like ur falling
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