#and then it’s ‘doctor!’ in her Mom Voice™
ninemelodies · 10 months
so we all know the doctor is bad (or at least thinks they’re bad at) the domestic stuff so i imagine life for donna becomes “take your doctor to work day” every single day.
i bet it stresses kate out so bad to find the doctor always tinkering with something they’re not supposed to be or eating all the jammie dodgers in the break room
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Trick or Treat
Miguel x Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None, other than Miguel being a bit thirsty (haha pun intended you'll see what I mean)
A/N: Thanks to @obi-mom-kenobi for the fic idea for spooky day™! (I'm sorry the plot got off track, though asdfghjkl)
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He should have figured something like this would have happened.
He should have figured that he would do this.
Goddamn Deadpool.
Of course he caused a ruckus in one of the other universes, just to hop to this one to avoid Miguel, taunting him the whole time.
And naturally, it had to be fucking Halloween of all nights in this universe.
Among the Michaels, Jasons, goblins, ghouls, and witches and werewolves there were superheroes.
Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and half a thousand Spider-Mans.
This universe didn't have things like superheroes, not for real. All of that was Hollywood magic for the silver screen; the colorful fevered dream of a comic book artists.
He spent four hours trudging through the crowds, shouldering past drunkards and women dressed in far too little to be classified as clothing...
He finally spotted a Deadpool. The costume was very accurate, right down to the texture of the suit and how many pouches were on his belt.
But he was wrong. It was just some... Guy. Dressed in a "screen-accurate" cosplay.
But it was around the fifth hour (and twelve, terrified innocent Deadpool cosplayers later) that he got so frustrated he actually decided to take a break.
"Puta madre it's like Mardis Gras..." He hissed out, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He'd long abandoned wearing his mask, wanting complete unobstructed range of his sense of smell and hearing. Neither of which have been particularly helpful with the smell of vomit, liquor, perfume and sweets littering the air.
"Wow! Buddy, you look like you need a good time!" A man dressed in some macabre clown suit said to him. When Miguel fixed his crimson eyes on him the man seemed to deflate, the gulp in his throat audible as his posture shrunk and he struggled to keep his voice collected at the imposing sight of the larger man.
He pointed at the door to a bar that seemed full to bursting, crowds chattering, and a group of obnoxious women clucking like drunken hens as they left, shouting rather inappropriate things at Miguel as they walked by.
Miguel sighed and decided to just say fuck it, one drink or so. Deadpool probably already hopped to another dimension already and this could be a pointless waste of time.
The patrons parted around him like the sea for Moses, too intimidated by the man who towered over them to stay in his way as he made it over to the bar.
The seat to the barstool creaked under his weight as he sat down, burying his face in his hand
This is the last time he'd ever chase down a Deadpool. Next time, he would pass it off to Ben or hell, even Hobie...
"Wow! Miguel, huh?" A bubbly voice giggled out.
His head shot up as she mentioned his name, and hi blinked at her.
Uncharacteristically, he felt his mouth go dry at her costume.
The black dress was cut down to the top of her underbust corset, revealing delicious amounts of her marshmallowy soft-looking cleavage. Honestly, if the woman sneezed, she'd probably spill right out of it...
Her hair was... Off. A kind of black beehive atop her head, sharp makeup accentuating her cheekbones and eyes. Bright, crimson lips smiled at him, dimples in her cheeks.
She wasn't rail thin like the other women who had come onto him all night, her body was soft, and squeezable; warm and looking as though he would get decent handfuls of her sweet soft rolls in his hands--
"Wow! You even look like him, too!" You giggle.
His mouth opened and he blinked.
"Ah... El... Elvira. Right?" He tried. He remembered Peter showing him that movie one of the times he'd visited him and MJ's place.
"Ah! Ding ding, my dear!" You grin, tapping your nose. "Some people keep saying I'm Morticia Addams."
"Ah..." He cleared his throat, sitting up straighter.
Even in your heels, you had a feeling that if this man was standing on his own two feet he'd tower over you.
"Wow! You really do look like Miguel!" You gasped, your ruby red lips parted in a sweet "O".
They looked so soft, just like the rest of you--
"Well! What's your name, big guy?" You ask, your long, wispy (maybe fake?) eyelashes batted at him.
"Uh... Miguel." He said stiffly.
You giggle again, a sound he was quickly focusing on, a sound he found he liked amongst the hustle of the other patrons in the bar.
"Pff, no, silly. Your name."
Your smile falters a bit as you blink up at him.
"Oh. Oh! Oh gosh, that's your actual name? I'm sorry!" You laugh awkwardly.
He decided that maybe, just maybe... His night wouldn't be spoiled after all.
"Well, I don't think it's bad enough to apologize for..." He said, flashing a smile, his fangs poking out just past his lips.
You giggle a bit girlishly. "Oh! Oh, that's not what I meant... But I mean! At least you're... Well, uh. In character! You got the looks, the height, the name!"
Miguel shakes his head with a deep chuckle.
"I suppose I do." He fixed you with a soft gaze as his fingers tapped the bar top. "What's your name?"
You grinned at him and tapped the name plate on your breast, drawing his gaze downward to your cleavage.
He felt his face heat up a bit as his eyes lingered on the soft swells, until his brain finally processed the name written.
He repeated it back to you, his voice just barely shaky.
"Yep! Don't wear it out!" You wink, leaning on the bar.
Once again, your cleavage on full display, just begging for him to--
"So, no offense but you look absolutely miffed 'bout something." You chuckle.
"You... Could say that." He struggled, clearing his throat. "I was... Supposed to meet somebody but they... Bailed."
"Oh, god, I haaaaaate that for you, bud." You say, leaning back with a click of your tongue. Your long acrylic nails tap on the laminated bar.
"So! What'll it be?"
"Uh... I don't have any money on me. Sorry."
"Hah!" You point up at the whiteboard sign above the tap.
'Those in costume -- First two drinks are free!'
He blinked up at the sign. "That's... Generous."
"Yeah, my boss is big on community. And I'm the one who told him that promising two free drinks instead of one will draw our competitor's clientele away." You wink.
"That's awfully... poachy of you." Miguel smirked.
You shrugged. "What can I say? Capitalism is capitalism and you gotta make a buck somehow. And besides! Halloween and other holidays are the best nights for tips!"
You looked back at him with a twinkle in your eye.
"So! What'll it be mister Spider-Man?"
"...Hell. The strongest drink you have."
"Ooooh! Risk taker! I like it." You laugh in a sing-song as you turn to start gathering what you needed to mix his cocktail.
The gaze of all the male patrons were drawn to you when you started shaking, humming to yourself as you did, looking at the list of things for the drink you were making, not paying mind to the prying eyes ogling your breasts. Miguel was, abashedly one of them. But he stopped himself once he realized what he was doing, the others?
He wanted to strangle all of them. Especially the three men next to him who were making bets on who would convince you to go to their car with them.
They clammed up when Miguel leaned in when you turned away.
"Keep staring at her like that, and I will gouge out your eyes, pendejos." He growled, flexing his talons in the face of one of the men for emphasis.
They all freaked out and ran, not wanting to piss off some 6 plus foot whatever guy with what looked like retractable blades on his fingers, and glowing red eyes.
When you turned back around, the cherry red drink topped with strawberries and a black cherry in hand, you grinned at him, and saw the money on the counter.
"Oh!" You hum, handing Miguel his drink and placing the money in their proper places.
"So... What's in this?" Miguel asked, sniffing the drink lightly.
You smile again at him, a cheeky glimmer in your eyes. "That would be telling, sweetheart. But I will say I put some sour grenadine in it."
"Hah. Fair enough." Miguel said, taking a sip of his drink.
The burning in his throat caught him off-guard. As did the heavy taste of the alcohol, that was quickly snuffed by the fruity flavor as he swallowed it down.
"It's... Good."
"Your cringe says you weren't expecting the punch." You smirk, crossing your arms and pushing up your soft breasts.
"It's... Surprising." He conceded, plucking the black cherry up out of the top of the glass.
He decided to make a bit of a show as he curled his tongue around the cherry, bringing it into his mouth and snapping off the stem, chewing lightly.
Miguel couldn't help but notice the way your cheeks flush a little bit and you busy yourself with wiping down glasses.
Maybe tonight wasn't such a bust, after all.
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nebulanovella · 1 month
Caregiver Ororo and Babysitter Kurt Headcanons
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Kurt comes up with the most atrocious and random nicknames he can think of, never using the same one twice so they either get increasingly more absurd or differ wildly
Ororo makes personalized handmade blankets and plushies
She knows how to repair just about any toy she's handed and is the official toy doctor of the mansion. She has a doctor's coat and medkit with fake suckers for her patients and real ones for their owner
Whenever he's caring for a group, Kurt wears a fanny pack that acts like a Mary Poppins bag. It miraculously has anything and everything he ever needs
Ororo is the designated referee during games since she's the only caregiver who isn't biased (most if the time)
Kurt is always up for a hug or cuddles
Ororo keeps a set bedtime, and nap time if needed, because she wants who she's caring for to be as healthy and happy as possible, which includes being well rested
She prepares healthy food and snacks, only occasionally indulging in junk foods and sweets
Kurt is THE best story teller by popular opinion, he gets the voices and inflections just right and is animated when he reads
Unless it's a scary story, then Ororo has everyone beat because she uses her powers. She'll send out cold breezes when the tension is building then make lightning strike at the climax (many brave bowls of popcorn have been lost that way)
Ororo isn't strict, but she is firm when it comes to rules, especially ones that are there for safety
Kurt will hold his ground about following the rules but has been known to be lenient when tears are involved. It upsets him to see anyone else upset
Kurt has a habit of getting sucked into shenanigans or encouraging them
Ororo has perfected the Mom™ look
Kurt has Dad™ reflexes
They both have the uncanny ability to tell when someone is thinking about doing something they know they shouldn't do
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Hey, i’m the anon who asked about headcanons! Sorry it took me so long to respond. Honestly, whatever works for you is perfectly okay with me! To be honest, i’m happy as long as i’m getting updates about the story because im so obsessed! It was just a suggestion, so don’t feel obligated to do anything because I know your pretty busy with writing already. Love you and mtry! 😘
hello again! okay there are some headcannons i have that im gonna save to reveal in-story cuz i think its more fun that way & i dont wanna spoil some cute future moments, but here are a few super unoriginal ones that i’ll put out there just for funsies
peter parker headcannons:
- took ballet classes as a kid but stopped cuz he got bullied for it
- has a very pretty singing voice but only sings seriously when he’s alone & doesn’t think anyone is listening cuz he shy boy (i somewhat stole this from tom holland)
- at some point in the future tony gifts him noise canceling headphones cuz he knows his enhanced senses can make him get overstimulated easily and they are LIFE-CHANGING
- on a similar note, going anywhere super loud is not fun for him (concerts, fireworks, large gatherings, etc)
- extra fast metabolism makes him CONSTANTLY hungry and it’s very difficult for him to ever feel full or put on weight
- his spider sense pretty much does give him super anxiety cuz it’s constantly warning him of every little potential danger around him
- is a nerd™ who loves dnd & other uber complicated tabletop games
- needs his daily sweet treat to survive
- prompt him with a science concept and he can ramble for HOURS
- has a tendency to get so absorbed in his studies / work / tinkering etc that hours will pass without him realizing and he needs to be snapped out of it; he very often falls asleep wherever he’s sitting
- big fan of animated shows (gravity falls, she-ra, the owl house, arcane, etc)
johnny storm headcannons:
- if anything remotely sad happens in a movie, tv show, commercial, etc you best believe he’ll be the first to burst into tears
- learned to cook from a very young age so he could take some of the responsibilities off sue’s shoulders and also make her nice meals
- journals all his thoughts and draws little pictures and hearts around the edges of each page
- HATES doctor visits or dealing with anything medical after the car wreck with his mom + all the tests that were run on him while in quarantine after the space mission
- for the things he’s confident in about himself, he’s SUPER confident in; but for the things he’s insecure about, he’s EXTREMELY insecure
- likes painting people’s nails (he’s pretty good at it since sue let him practice on her growing up) and paints his own pretty often
- has nightmares about burning the people he cares about often
- very active listener if he likes the person who’s speaking
- falls asleep to very obscure & specific asmr videos
- extremely good at remembering people’s birthdays, anniversaries, favorite things, interests, etc
- has no idea how to interact with babies / little kids
- f4 does fantasy football every year & he picks his team exclusively based on the players’ hotness
this was fun, thanks for the idea!!
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belphegor1982 · 2 months
9, Cobra Kai: Miguel and Sam.
Hey, I actually managed to write something :D I hope I didn't miss the mark too much with this assignment - it's more of a discussion of sleep deprivation than the actual thing, like... 60/40? But I had fun with those kids and it was my first time getting into Miguel's head, yay 💜
(here's 900 words set in the almost immediate aftermath of 5.10 - no season 6 spoilers!)
[Put That Guy in a Situation™ ask game/prompts]
Tap-tap-tap-tap. Miguel’s knee bounces up and down and up again and down again. Small movement, quiet rhythm, heel to floor, never ending. When he tries to stop his toes take it up. It’s weird to think that there was a time not so long ago that even wriggling one toe used to be so much work. Perhaps this is why he hasn’t really tried to slow down. Besides, nobody’s told him to cut it out yet – not the nurses and doctors walking past him, not even the woman behind the desk a few feet away, answering phone calls, typing on her computer, and being tiredly polite to people asking her question after question.
Still, he startles when he registers the footsteps.
“Still wired too, huh?”
There’s a wry smile in Sam’s voice, and sure enough, that’s what her face looks like when he looks up and sees her standing to his right. She also looks pinched, with dark shadows under her eyes, but there’s a peace to her that matches the one tucked in a corner of Miguel’s heart.
“Uh, yeah. It’s, uh…” He glances at his phone – doesn’t unlock it, just switches it on then off – and feels his eyes go round at the time displayed on the screen. “Wow. Yeah. Well, it’s not like I could sleep anyway.” He cracks a smile. “Maybe I’ll never sleep ever again, who knows.”
“Or maybe you’ll crash for a week and wake up in the future,” Sam says with a twinkle in her eyes. She has a very expressive face, and it’s impossible to miss the worry furrow between her brows and the downturn of her mouth when she asks more quietly, “How’s Sensei Lawrence?”
“Still in radiology, but Mom said he’d be okay.” So did Sensei Lawrence, but Miguel is more inclined to trust his mom on things like that. “How’s Sensei Toguchi?”
Sam’s eyes dart right to the corridor she just came in from. Then she plops on the seat next to Miguel and lets out a sigh with the hint of a shudder.
“Still in intensive care. Mom said they’ll probably keep him for a few days – he lost a lot of blood.” Her eyes meet his, very blue, very warm. “But she also said he’s going be okay.”
There’s a million questions in Miguel’s head, like what the hell do you think happened to them, or what’s gonna happen now Cobra Kai isn’t a thing any more, or do you think you and Tory can be friends because I swear she’s a great girl when you get to know her, but for some reason they don’t make their way out. Probably because there’s too many of them.
Maybe Sam is having the same problem, maybe not; she lays her head on his shoulder and stays there, a warm, comfortable weight against him, and asks, “So. Not sleeping ever again, huh. What do you think you’ll do with all that time on your hands?”
Miguel has always loved to yes, and, and Sam has always been really fun to play off of. He grins.
“Well, apparently people who get up really early can, like, do crazy stuff with their brain, or become amazing athletes or something. Maybe I could take up a hobby.”
“Oh yeah?” There’s a grin in Sam’s voice, now, too. “Like what?”
“I was thinking crochet. Or running. Maybe karate. Or… I dunno, finger painting?”
“Back up, that third one sounds cool. You should look into it.”
“You know what, maybe I will.”
Sam laughs quietly. Miguel can’t make out her face very well from this angle, but he can see her eyelashes cast small shadows on her cheeks. The sight makes his heart beat faster, but more steadily, like the softness of it is soothing some of his raw edges from the fight, the stakes – the whole night, really.
“I might, too,” she says, her voice lower, but still smiling. “You know, if I can never sleep again either and I start seeing spiders and stuff. Apparently that’s a thing when you’re really sleep deprived.”
Miguel scrunches his face. “Arachnophobia?”
“Hallucinations,” she corrects with a snort. “Plus headaches and anxiety and being really aggressive for no reason.”
“Damn. Then I might try the alternative instead.”
“Crashing for a week and waking up in the future? That could work.”
Sam hums. The vibration of it travels down Miguel’s shoulder and into his chest. It settles into his stomach and stays there, and even though it fades after a second it’s like he doesn’t really go away.
Or maybe it’s just Sam’s deep breathing. In, out. In, out. It’s not even the sort of breathing exercises Mr. LaRusso likes to start his lessons with; it’s just… peaceful.
“We’re gonna be okay,” he hears her murmur, and smiles into her hair.
Miguel still doesn’t quite know what to do with the nervous energy he’s now recognising as a leftover from the adrenaline rush, but he’s startled to realise that somewhere in the last few minutes his knee completely stopped bouncing.
Sam slips into sleep surreptitiously, like dusk turns into night. Miguel holds her body against his, warm and soft and real, and wonders what the future will look like when she wakes up.
It’ll be uncharted, and it’ll be good – they all fought hard enough for it.
And he’ll be greeting it with eyes wide open.
(I've always loved how those two have their own games of "yes, and". It's adorable 💜)
I hope you liked it! :o)
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And so, Day 5 since I dropped out ends. It's actually only the second day I should have been at university. Today, because of the massive strikes that impact public transportation, all the classes were online, I've heard.
I got a very sweet email from my Chinese teacher (god, I'm to miss her a lot and I hope we stay in touch). I did quite a lot of productive things like planning my mom's birthday this weekend, building furniture, paperwork... I'm an Adult™.
I tried cloning Kit's voice, and it took me, like, an hour, but somehow it DOES NOT work on his voice. Before hearing the results, I jokingly said to myself "what if his voice is unclonable"... well...
Tomorrow I'm supposed to be getting a lot of things done but the strikes will still go on and I have no idea if I'm going to be able to get where I want to get... I probably will, but it'll take two or three times as long as usual :(
I'm going to see loooooots of plays in the next couple of months! That's exciting.
Tomorrow my mom will see my doctor and tell him about me dropping out and if I can get a note from him saying I'm very sick (which I am, mentally) so I don't have to officially drop out yet, and so I can still receive the financial help from the uni. Yeah, I know it's a bit like, taking advantage of the system, and trust me I used to feel a lot of guilt about it, but I am genuinely mentally ill though.
It's raining outside but I've always felt like the noise was soothing, so I don't mind.
I'm so tired. I'll go to bed soon.
I heard someone on TikTok talk about vanilla sex and I never knew there was a name for it. Sounds like something I'd be into. Yeah, this has nothing to do with me dropping out of uni, I know.
Bye for now xx
"Cause I'm useless when you're stuck in my mind
I've been foolish, think of you all the time" -Useless by Omar Apollo
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railingsofsorrow · 3 years
A Mending Fate
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summary: y/n and spencer come to terms about their relationship. (sequel to ruptures of a high end)
pairing: spencer reid × fem!bau!reader
word count: 2.5K
warnings/content: luke alvez is a sweetheart; exes to lovers? exes to friends? read and find out; little bit of angst but fluff too!; mentions of luke & garcia being a thing ™.
A/N: I've no idea if luke is exactly how I portraited in here cause I haven't reached the season where he comes in yet but since this is fiction I can do whatever I want so I decided to put him in here. also! I'm not sure when the wedding happens- basically there's stuff out of the canon timeline. that is all. good reading!
A/N 0.2: not sure if i like this tbh
It's been two weeks since David Rossi's wedding.
Two weeks since Spencer and Y/N shared a dance and a conversation that doesn't leave his mind.
Two weeks since Y/N last spoke to him for anything unrelated to work.
It was torture. Spencer Reid felt his heart go up in his throat every time she walked by or even remotely glanced his away.
She had been avoiding him for the past few days and he decided he had gotten enough. They had just entered the jet so there was enough time.
“Are you mad at me?”
Y/N gasped, holding a hand over her chest. Turning her neck she glared at him, “You wanna scare me to death?”
Spencer apologizes without much concern and leans against the countertop, “Sorry. Are you mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you, Spencer?” She went back to swirl the sugar in her coffee, not glacing up at him.
The doctor scoffed, “You've been ignoring me for the past two weeks— are you really asking that?” His whole demeanor softened instantly, “What did I do?”
“Nothing.” She finally looks up, expression blank. He hated that she knew how to hide her emotions well; he envied a bit for that actually. “I am speaking to you. I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Y/N, please...” Spencer begged, moving closer but she immediately stepped back looking away. He felt his heart being punched at the reaction. “Just tell me how I can fix this. You're my friend,” And I'm in love with you still. “I miss you.” He admitts in a small voice.
Her coffee was already long forgotten, with sweaty hands she desperately tried to dry them in her pants but to no use. “Can we- can we have this conversation after the case?”
He perked up at that, “Okay.”
She gave him a nod and walked away to find her seat. Besides JJ.
When he sat down, Emily smirked adjusting her position, “Ready to lose, Doctor Reid?”
No, I always win with you.
He missed his usual partner in poker, Y/N never let him win, no matter how good he was. He missed her altogether.
“Let's see.”
Y/N Y/L/N would kill Luke Alvez. How dare he get hurt in a confrontation?
Okay, it technically wasn't his fault because the unsub advanced first. But the guy had a knife, so the minimum accepted action was to beck away and not move forward to stop him. Luke had a hero complex, and she couldn't change that. Hell, not even Penelope, his girlfriend, changed that, then how could Y/N?
“You're a real idiot. Did you know that?” She huffed by his side at the ambulance. He was getting fixed up by a paramedic. The wounds had been superficial, just some screeches. He had been lucky.
“Either he would kill himself or hurt a cop, I didn't have a choice.” He winced when the antiseptic hit a sore spot.
“There's always a choice. You could've stayed quiet.”
“Okay, mom. I'm sorry—”
“How many times have I told you to not call me that, Alvez!”
The paramedic pressed her lips together to not laugh at them.
“C'mon, Y/L. Don't be mad at me, I'm fine, ain't I?”
Y/L rolled her eyes and Luke gave her an amused look. After the paramedic said he was good to go, he thanked her and nudged his best friend's hip.
Y/N gave him a sideways glance, “What.”
“Why don't you go talk to Reid and end this misery you two are suffering?”
Y/N widened her eyes, but before she could protest Luke wrapped and arm around her shoulders, leading her away from the ambulance.
“C'mon, Y/L/N. Everybody noticed the tension. I know you're avoiding him.”
“Whoah! What?” Y/N moved his arm away to stare at him, “I'm not— it isn't like that. I just—” He gave her a look and she scoffed, “If anything this is your fault.”
Luke's mouth went agape, “Excuse me?”
“Yeah.” Y/N crossed her arms, shifting slightly, “You kinda of interrupted something.”
A flashback of the after-party of Rossi's wedding flashed through her mind, but she kept quiet. She knew that it hadn't been Luke's fault for two reasons: one, he was too drunk to even notice what was going on; and two, it had been her to brush off the conversation with Spencer, not Luke.
“Wait.” Her eyes snapped to him, who had a faraway gaze. “You two were talking at Rossi's house when I... oh, my god did something happen? I interrupted something, didn't I?”
Y/N's lips broke into a smile after seeing the desperation in his voice.
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I had no idea—”
“Shut up, Luke. There was no way you would've known.” Rolling her eyes she laid her head on his shoulder and sighed, “I'm just an idiot. An idiot that is still hung up in a past that has no future.”
“How do you know?”
Y/N looked at him through her eyelashes, “Mhm?”
“How do you know you two have no future?” He repeated, lifting one of his eyebrows as he stared down at her.
A creased was formed in the bridge of her forehead, “It's been five years, Luke. We've been with other people...”
“But you still have him in your mind, don't you?”
Way too forward, aren't you? She thought.
“I mean- No. We've just been good friends and I think I—”
“I didn't said anything besides you and Spencer being more than friends.” Luke smirked, staring at a spot far away and then looking back at Y/N, who glared at him. “I don't like seeing you with all this sorrow in your eyes. Regret is something strong, Y/N. Don't let it come in-between what you want to do. What does your heart say?”
She gulped, squeezing her hands together. They were damp with sweat.
“I've hurt him way too much, Luke.”
“He hurt you, too. Don't say it as if you were the only one to blame, Y/N. ” He gave her a look. "You know, he talks to me about you, too."
“He does?” She looks up, pretending not to be affected by the comment. He could see right though her.
“Talk to him, Y/N. You'll be able to think straight after this. Trust me.”
She closed her eyes for the thoughts were too much to handle with them open.
Y/N trusted Luke. Even with his stupid ideas and crappy pick-up lines, she trusted Luke. She knew that what he was saying was true. But it didn't mean it didn't scare her to hell. Y/N Y/L/N was a coward. She didn't like confrontation. Her heart was screaming and she just didn't want to listen this whole time. Y/N decided it was time to stop ignoring what her heart was saying and actually starts to listen to it.
I need closure.
But when you come to terms with your heart, are you really a coward?
Spencer Reid carried a frown while he scribbled something down in official reports. JJ was amused at his expression, for whatever reason, if he was trying to look mad he only looked like a kicked puppy.
“What's up?”
She approached, pulling a chair and sitting in front of his desk.
“Uh?” The Doctor looked up for a hot second into JJ's baby blue eyes and then quickly went back to his files. “Just finishing this stupid pile-”
Jennifer raised her eyebrows, “Okay. What's with the frown?”
“I'm not frowning.”
“Yes, yes you are, Spence.” JJ let her back rest against the chair, intertwining her fingers on her lap, “You've also been staring at Y/N and Luke for and awful amount of time now." He glared at her and she shrugged, “What? Am I lying?”
“Drop it, JJ.”
The blonde sighed, leaning closer. “You know Luke and Garcia are official now, right? He and Y/N are nothing but friends,”
Spencer felt his cheeks heathen up in shame, “I'm not- I don't care.” He inhaled deeply, looking down. “I'm just frustrated. It's nothing.”
“Are you sure you don't wanna talk?” JJ's eyes softened as she asked.
Spencer nodded mumbling faintly.
He wanted to talk to Y/N. He wanted to know how to fix whatever he had screwed up. Was it too late?
That night, they got into their cars and went home to their respective apartments with longing feelings and unsaid words. None of them said what they desired to say. And there was so much, so much left to be cleared. How could one start? How could one rip off the bandaid if it was glued right into the wound?
Y/N decided to rip it off once and for all. It was better than to let it get infected with time, right?
Screw this.
Two knocks woke Spencer up from a nice slumber. When he opened his eyes and looked around he noticed the TV was still on playing another History Channel documentary. The knocking repeated and he realized someone was actually there waiting for him to asnwer the door.
Too sleepy to look at the peephole, he opened the door, meeting a raised hand getting ready to knock again. Once she lowered her hand, a sheepish smile scratched her lips.
“You were sleeping, weren't you?”
Spencer stopped rubbing his eyes, letting his vision clear up. Y/N. He wasn't daydreaming.
“No, I-” He gulped, giving space for her to enter. “Come in.” She stepped in as he quietly closed the door. When he turned around he couldn't help but analyse her fidgety nature. “Are you okay?”
Y/N lifted her eyes to stare at him. What was her problem? She hadn't rehearsed before to freeze pathetically like this.
“I'm sorry I left early today.” Was what left her mouth. Spencer frowned, confused of what was she referring to. Y/N sighed, crossing and uncrossing her arms. “You said you wanted to talk and I told you that we could after the case and I just... left. I'm sorry.”
His eyebrows raised in understanding, “Oh, right. It's okay, Y/N.”
“No. No, it's not. I need to talk too, Spencer. I was running away before, but now I can't anymore.” Spencer wanted to tell her to calm down. He wanted to tell her that she didn't need to be nervous around him, there was no need for that. That whatever she had to say, he would understand. But his voice seemed to get lost along with his thoughts. “You were right; I was avoiding you. But I only did that because I didn't know how to act after- after Rossi's wedding.”
Spencer changed his focus to the ground. His curls covering his forehead. “Y/N, that was... I overstepped. I shouldn't have had pushed you to say something you didn't feel comfortable sharing.”
“That's not the issue.” She took a step towards him cautiously. “Spencer? I was just too scared to realize what I was feeling. What I still feel.” He almost cracked his neck while looking up.
“What are you saying?”
She then took a deep breath and exhaled, eyes not leaving his. “I still care about you.” Liar. You love him. “And what I said that night was nothing but the truth. Just so you know, I was slightly tipsy.” After cleaning her throat and looking away, she said, “I miss you. I know it's selfish after five years... but I miss you.”
Reid's mind was a whirlwind and his chest was about to burst. So, he wasn't making things up. She did felt the same.
He didn't realize he had been silent for a while, causing Y/N to shift uncomfortably.
“I'm sorry, Spencer. I knew I shouldn't have—”
“I miss you too.” He let out, finally finding his voice. “God, you have no idea how much I have missed you, Y/N.” Her eyes widened in surprise. That was not what she expected him to say. Those words carried the same meaning as they did earlier in the day. “It doesn't matter that it's been five years. I never stopped loving you.”
“You-” She shook her head, staring at him in disbelief. “I didn't- I didn't thought that you did.”
His fingers reacher her cheeks and she felt them burn, but didn't move an inch away. That touch was home.
“Why didn't you tell me anything?” He asked softly.
Her forehead creased slightly, “Because I was the one that broke up with you. How would that be fair?”
Spencer retracted his hands, making Y/N frown. But he only switched the tender touch to her hands. “I know another thing that wasn't fair.” There was sorrow in his eyes and she wanted to take that away immediately. “What I said to you that night,” Somehow, she knew he wasn't talking about the wedding. But the night they had broken up. “About you changing your mind; that was wrong of me. Y/N l, I was not with you because I wanted the planned future I created in my mind. I fell in love with you. There is nothing more that I need. I shouldn't have forced anything. I am so sorry for acting like that.”
Y/N barely let him finish as she launched herself into his arms, burying her nose in his neck. Spencer stumbled back but he held her firmly. He felt his shirt getting wet, and tried to pull away but she didn't let him.
“I was scared you'd resent me.” She whispered as if it was the darkes secret she ever had. “But I'm glad you don't.”
He succeeded in pulling away so then he could look right into her eyes. He proceeded to dry her cheeks, his throat almost closing at seeing her so distraught, “I'd never resent you. If anything, I resented myself for letting you go. I'm sorry.”
“I forgive you.” Y/N mumbled, pecking his lips. Spencer felt the salty taste of her tears. Or were those his too? "I forgive you, Spencer."
He grinned against her mouth, kissing her again. She slowly backed away, eyes dazed as she studied his face carefully. Flashbacks ran through his head like fire. “I should've said something, too. I guess?” Spencer said, pressing his fingers against the red skin of her lips.
That brought a smile to her lips. He grinned at that and rested his forehead against hers.
“Yeah?” She hummed, eyes closed in bliss as their breath mixed due their proximity. She pressed her hands on his chest, pushing him away a bit. “We need to communicate better if we're gonna to this, okay?” Spencer quickly agreed.
“Of course. Yes. Did you know that, statistically, sixty percent of relationships tend to fail because of lack of communication? That includes marriage, friendship or couples that are recently together...” He pressed his lips together, “I shouldn't have said that, should I?”
Y/N chuckled, pulling the fabric of his shirt closer to her. “Well, we just have to make sure to not be one of those sixty percent again, don't we?”
Spencer nodded, leaving a long kiss on her forehead. “I'll make sure that never happens.”
That was all they needed. And, of course, to be in each other's arms again.
taglist: @givemeth ; @aperrywilliams
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
Underneath The Silence
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His musings were interrupted by a booming voice.
Tobirama raised his head and was confronted with the somewhat alarming sight of an Akimichi rushing towards him. Still the same wild brown hair, the same headscarf and the same drawings on the full cheeks. This could only be Torifu, thirty-five years older and at least three times as big, but unmistakably him.
Before he knew it, Tobirama found himself in a bone-crushing embrace and his feet lost contact with the ground. He gasped, but Torifu ignored all his protests to put him down again.
"I knew it!" exclaimed Torifu. "I knew it, that this old wolf here wouldn't let a few ridiculous foxes from Kumogakure get him down!"
"I must insist that you let go of my patient at once!", Fuyuko ruled him. "I don't feel like patching him up from pieces again."
A little glimpse of my current WIP, I’ve already rambled about it here. As I’ve thought I switched the title to a Nightwish refference. Underneath The Silence is a line from How’s the Heart? and from now on I will tag my posts for that text with this title.
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(Whatever Emppu is doing here.)
So, anyway. I’m about 9k into the text (instead of writing my Founders Week stuff) and I have no idea how long it will be. But long. That’s for sure. So far I have the setup made and Tobirama gets accustomed to the new Konoha 35 years later. Pood dude gets pestered by his doctor, Fuyuko, who thinks that he’s an insufferable prick (not wrong), but can’t say it out loud. Tobirama really should listen to her more.
You’ll also get an old acquaintance from my Butterfly Verse, tho this text is not linked to it. But I got attached to Okami. She’s mom shaped and fluffy, I had to put her in here.
Okay, maybe some key facts for this project for those wondering what this is about: Underneath The Silence is a time travel fix-it, where Tobirama messes up a new experimental Hiraishin seal and lands in Konoha, which was indeed his destination, but he did not intend to skip 35 years. This saves him from the Kinkaku force tho, but only barely. This again is Minato’s luck, because that will save him from Kyubi (sorry, Kushina, but I ignore Boruto as well as this Hagoromo bullshit, meaning you still die when Kurama is ripped from you and I need some angst and hurt.) The text is just one big excuse to try writing TobiMina (or MinaTobi, still don’t know) slow burn and with slow I mean slow. Minato’s fliriting method will be passive aggressively attaching himself to Tobirama and refusing to let go. Danzo probably gets yeeted, because I hate that dude (I’m a bit predictable in this matter, but heeey).
I have many ideas so far what I can do with that story. Also the fact that this will have ftm trans Kakashi, who is Tobirama’s grandson. Kakashi is fucked up as hell because of that whole matter with Obito and Rin and Tobirama is as bad with kids as always, but somehow they get together. I know that fanon has it, that Tobirama tends to collect kiddos, but I always imagined that he’s actually terribly awkward around them and it was actually Hashirama’s idea to make him a teacher by shoving baby Saru in his arms.
I also have ideas™ for Shisui and especially Itachi, but won’t tell you more about it. That’s a RAFO! 😎 Oh, aaand.... what if agender Shisui 😇
Here I am, working on the fifth (!!) novel length text for this year and indulging myself in the illusion that I was happy with my token het Minato headcanon. I thought that MinatoKushina was the only canon het pairing I’m vibing with. But apparently no. I have to make even that gay.
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rebellovesrobots · 5 years
catali, yukahn, and larsky you say? did you mean literally my favorite ocs in the history of ever? (what are their personalities like? would they be ok if I hugged them all?)
good morning i am BACK ON MY BULLSHIT
All three of them are very smart and capable of p much anything you ask of them, except most social tasks lol. Regardless they all love each other v much
this got WAY longer than i meant but not enough for a readmore, godspeed, soldiers
Deeply passionate, with a soft voice deep enough that you can feel it, Catali is the biggest sweetheart you’ll meet both figuratively and literally, standing at 7′1′’ (or 8′1′’ as an animatronic lol) Born in a rich family to parents that loved him, and a bitchy older brother, Kaelum, that would never admit to loving anything, and even accepted him as gay when he started “dating” Larsky in kindergarten (most likely hoping he’d grow out of it but whoopsie) As a kid he played doctor with the intent of actually becoming a doctor eventually, and he did (given the opportunity) He’s a pacifist but in no way does that make him a pushover, he is partners with Larsky, the most fighty bitch in the universe, after all. He is also the rock that Larsky and Yukahn depend on, since his emotions are far more stable than theirs. But hes not without his own weaknesses, tending to bottle up all of his own problems even though he’s bfs are more than happy to carry him when he needs. He also can’t stand people touching his hair or even the thought alone of having to cut it. The only people allowed to mess with it are his Grandma, Larsky, and Yukahn.
Yukahn is a bit of a different beast, the middle child of a very rich and powerful family, as part of a long line of very successful and very Italian Business Moguls. His parents are neglectful at best, with his father almost always being away on business trips and his mother just kinda being a huge snob obsessed with having her life be “perfect”. To top all of the pressure put on him to be perfect, hes also an unwanted mistake. In his mother’s perfect little world, she had always had it planned out to have 1 Boy and 1 Girl; what she ended up with was 2 sons, the eldest, Alexander, and the middle child, Yukahn, and then two twin daughters, Calliope and Morganth. Even tho it still “evens out” in the end, Yukahn still gets the brunt of this disappointment. Even worse for little elementary age Yukahn, there’s this shitty poor kid with a nice mom in his *gifted* school and he’s got *more friends* than Yukahn even tho hes *mean* all the time; and why is he jealous of the nice curly haired rich kid always holding the kid’s hand? This is when the rivalry between Yukahn and Larsky begin. Both are stubborn, shy, incredibly smart, and already carry quite a bit of hurt on their shoulders. Yukahn’s internalized elitism and complete lack of understanding positive emotions leads him to lash out at Larsky who returns the favor tenfold. Still, they always hang out together and though neither are willing to admit it until late middle school (given the chance) they’re actually really good for each other. Bringing out some of the best and worst in the other lol
Larsky you’ve already heard quite a bit about but heres some extra™ facts. The collar he wears is not a fashion statement or anything kinky, its a security blanket. Wes did quite a bit of damage on Larsky, both physically and emotionally… The collar makes Larsky feel less exposed and vulnerable, only coming off when he feels completely safe, either alone or with his closest partners, especially Catali and Yukahn. He’s also never considered it strange or taboo that he has multiple partners, its just that he has a lot of love in his heart to give, and always makes sure his partners are completely willing and consenting to that. (he also has more partners than just Catali and Yukahn but they’re the closest™)
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mahvericks · 6 years
keep fighting // jensen ackles
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Warnings; sadness, mention of mass shooting, hospital, eventual inaccuracy in description, angst™
A little disclaimer before you start reading this, please keep in mind that I am french and everything isn’t the same here than in America. I tried my best with what I know.
Want to buy me a coffee? click here ♥
tagged some of you that wanted a second part ; @winchesters-favorite-girl @good-jorb-steven @just-kylethefangirl @shikshinkwon @bellero @waywardnewcomer @connie-c2 @deansgirl79 @havlindzk @justamarvelfanatic @malgoiii @squirrelnotsam
“ Mommy, what’s going on? “ questioned JJ in her soft voice. How could they tell her what happened to her big sister? How could you tell a child that she mays never get to see her sister again because someone decided that they would take innocent lives today? They would see it in the news almost every day but they never thought it would happen to their family.
“ I- Something bad happened, but we don’t know how bad it is yet.” tried to explain Danneel to her daughter without scaring her.
“ Oh. I hope it’ll be okay.” innocently and hopefully said JJ, trying to comfort her mom.
With a shaky hand, Jensen tried to call you, but this time, it didn’t get an answer. Swallowing difficulty, Jensen shut off his phone. His heart was painfully beating  in his chest, he hated that he was in the unknown, he couldn’t know how you were yet and he had to know.
“ Maybe- Maybe she’s just getting evacuated with the other survivors.” stuttered Danneel, she was trying to convince herself more than Jensen.
Your father was desperated, he couldn’t say anything as he never left the television’s screen, they were showing the survivors that were leaving the roadside restaurant. He was trying to look for you, but it was filmed from too far away to find you in the crowd of those frightened people.
A few minutes later, the wounded people were starting to get evacuated, but the live ended there, the news channel wasn’t allowed to show more, which proved how badly the wounded people must had been. Jensen had to control himself or else he would have cussed at the tv, they would show that much to only cut when he needed to see those footages, he needed to see if you were one of the wounded.
Minutes felt like hours for Danneel and Jensen, they were waiting for you to call, to tell them that you were fine, they were waiting for you to crack a joke about how you broke your phone and couldn’t call them until someone gave you their phone. But that call never came.
Until Jensen’s phone started to vibrates on the coffee table. Your father grabbed his phone and looked at the screen. It wasn’t you, or at least your ID. Taking a deep breath, Jensen answered the call, silently praying that it was you.
“ Am I talking to Mr. Ackles, the father of Y/N Ackles? I am Dr. Miller from Seton Northwest Hospital,” presented herself the woman who had called Jensen, “ I am afraid that I have bad news to announce. Your daughter was one of the victim of the mass shooting of the restaurant she works at.” announced Dr. Miller in a serious tone.
“ Is she going to be fine? ” asked Jensen. When he heard you were one of the victims, he closed his eyes, trying to get the horrible thought of you getting shot away.
Danneel felt her heart tighten as she heard her husband talking on the phone, she didn’t have to heard the conversation to know that you were one of the victim. Her little Y/N had been shot for nothing but working, as many others were, too.
“ I’m afraid that I can’t answer your question, Mr. Ackles. It would be for the best if you could come to the hospital as soon as possible.” said Dr. Miller, as she wanted to break the news to them in person.
“ I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” said your father before ending the call. Swallowing, he looked at his wife.
“ The doctor said that she wanted to talk me in person.” announced Jensen. Danneel nodded her head, understanding that your father had to go to meet your doctor.
“ I’m gonna call my mom, ask her if she can watch over this kids. I’ll join you as soon as I can.” replied Danneel as she held her husband’s hand to reassure him.
Your father kissed your siblings and Danneel before he drove to the Seton Northwest Hospital. During the drive, he couldn’t help but imagine millions things. How were you? Were your wounds that bad? But most importantly, were you going to make it?
Jensen had been sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes at least, but those ten minutes felt hours to him. He was trying to calm himself and tried to not think about the worse, but he just couldn’t help it.
“ Mr. Ackles? ” asked a voice, he lifted his head and saw a woman, wearing one of those white blouse. It was probably the doctor he spoke with earlier.
Your father got up from the uncomfortable seat and walked to the doctor, scared of what she was going to tell him.
“ I’m Jensen Ackles. How’s my daughter? ” he directly asked, as he shook the doctor’s hand, he needed to know this at least.
“ It would be for the best if we could go to my office.” suggested the doctor, Jensen slowly nodded, not sure if it was a good or bad sign.
Once they were in the Doctor’s office, your father sat on one of the seat in front of Dr. Miller desk, he couldn’t help but tap the floor with his feet, showing how anxious he was.
“ I am Dr. Miller, Y/N’s doctor from now on.” presented herself the doctor.
“ How is she? ” asked your father, again.
“ She is still fighting for her life. As we’re talking, she is still undergoing surgery. Y/N had been shot twice at close range. The first bullet hit her in the abdomen, hitting the intestines, which caused a peritonitis; which is a serious infection cause by an intestinal bacteria that contaminated the peritoneum due to the wound.” started to explain Dr. Miller, she was trying to make it as clear as possible so your father would understand what she was saying.
“ But the second bullet hit her in the chest, she must’ve moved when the shot had been fired, otherwise the bullet would have hit her in the heart. The left lung was touched. ” continued to explain Dr. Miller.
“ Is- Is she going to make it? ” mumbled your dad, he could feel his heart shatters in millions of pieces as the doctor explained how bad you had been injuried.
“ I, sadly, can’t tell you that for now. We have to wait to see how she’ll handle the surgery. She was still conscious when the S.W.A.T broke into the restaurant, but she had lost a lot of blood. During the drive to the hospital, we had to reanimated her twice. Even if she survives, it’ll be a long journey to recovery. “ explained the doctor, Jensen nodded, trying to process through all these informations.
“ When will I be able to see her? ” asked your father, his voice breaking.
“ Not before a few hours at least. She’s still in surgery. You may want to go back home instead of waiting here.” suggested the doctor but Jensen shook his head.
“ I’ll wait as long as I need to. I’m not going back home.” he affirmed, your father didn’t plan on going back home until you would get better.
“ I’ll send a nurse once Y/N will be in her room.” said the doctor as she got up to accompany Jensen to the doctor.
Jensen thanked the doctor for being patient and for taking care of you and went back to the waiting room, hoping that you would continue to fight for your life.
Jensen lost track of time after a hour or so, until Danneel finally joined him. Luckily, her mom accepted to take care of JJ and the twins while she would join her husband.
“ How is she? ” asked Danneel as she sat next to your dad.
“ It’s not looking great, D. “ shakily said your father, Danneel felt her throat tighten, that’s what she was fearing.
“ She’s strong, Jay. I’m sure she’ll make it.” said Danneel, she couldn’t tell if she was trying to convince Jensen or herself.
“ It’s my fault, D. “ mumbled Jensen, looking down as tears started to roll down his cheeks.
“ What? No, it’s not your fault! ” replied Danneel, shocked that her husband would think about this.
“ The last thing I told her was that she was a burden to me. I told her something awful because she wanted to start her own life, she’s an adult now and I didn’t want to let her grow, and now, she mays die.”
“ Jensen, listen to me, it’s not your fault. The only one at fault is the asshole who entered this restaurant with a machine gun and decided to ruin lives.” firmly said Danneel, she had to be strong for you and Jensen, but inside, she was just as heartbroken as him.
“ She got shot twice,” started Jensen but had to collect himself before continuing, “ she stayed conscious until they got her into the ambulance, she was bleeding to death and then, they had to reanimated her twice. She was scared and alone. My little Y/N was out there, bleeding out, thinking that she was a burden to me.” that was it, your father imagining you, laying on the cold floor of the restaurant, in your own pool of blood, made him break down.
Danneel tried to calm her husband, rubbing his back gently as she was fighting against the tears that were threatening to fall down.
“ She doesn’t deserve this. No one should have to go through this.” mumbled Jensen, in such a broken voice that if she wasn’t next to him, Danneel wouldn’t have recognized her husband’s voice.
“ I know, Jay. It’s not fair.”
“ What did you said to the kids? ” asked your father, he knew that soon or later, they would start to ask what’s going on and where you are, and they would have to tell them what happened.
“ I told them that we were required somewhere they couldn’t go. The twins didn’t think much of it, but I’m pretty sure JJ is suspecting that something happened to Y/N.” explained the woman you saw as your mother.
“ JJ is going to be so heartbroken when we’ll have to tell them. ” said your father, and he was right, JJ and you had this wonderful sisterhood bond, since the day JJ was born, her and you were close, you took care of her like no one else, she was the sister you dreamed of having for a long time. Often when there’s such a age gap between two siblings, they often fight for the simplest thing, but not you two, nothing would have separated the two of you until this atrocious shooting.
“ I don’t want to imagine how she’ll react. “ acknowledged Danneel, knowing that JJ would probably cry like she never did.
“ Me neither.”
“ Mr. Ackles? ” a nurse asked as she entered the waiting room, both Jensen and Danneel got up as they heard your father’s name being called.
“ How’s Y/N? ” he asked to the nurse, afraid of the answer.
“ She’s in a comatose. Thankfully, she supported the first surgery. ” announced the nurse, as she looked through her papers.
“ First surgery? ” frowned Danneel, they didn’t mention this before.
“ Yes. The surgeons only extracted one of the bullet, the one that was in her abdomen, they managed to handle the peritonitis and she’s now being treated for it, but Y/N was too weak when she arrived to be able to support a full surgery where she would have gotten the two bullets out.” explained the nurse.
“ When will the second surgery happen? ” questioned your father, worried that you would have to go through another surgery.
“ The sooner would be for the best, but it’ll only depend on Y/N’s state. If she’s stable, the surgery will happen tomorrow, at most in two days.” told the nurse to your parents, they simply nodded, hoping that you would stay strong.
“ Can we see her? ” asked your mom, as she held Jensen’s hand, hopeful.
“ Yes. Room 317. Dr. Miller will come soon to tell you more about the surgery.” said the nurse before letting your parents go to your room.
When Jensen and Danneel entered your room, they felt so helpless, you were on this hospital bed, laying unconscious, wires around you, helping you to breathe, maybe even to stay alive. The constant and loud bip, meaning that your heart was still beating- that you were still fighting.
Jensen took one of the chair and put it next to you, and sat down, just like Danneel did. Silently, he was looking at you. His worse fear had just happened; one of his kids fighting to stay alive. Jensen held your hand, gently stroking the back of it with his thumb.
“ You need to stay strong, sweetheart. Your life cannot end like this.” it had been such a long time since your father called you sweetheart, it took you to be in a comatose for him to call you like that again.
“ I don’t know if you can hear me, sweetheart, but if you can, listen to me. I’m so sorry for every single thing I said to you, I was angry and said things that weren’t true. I’ll never forgive myself for that. But you have to stay strong and fight, I know you’ll get through this and we’ll wait for you. “ said your father, looking at your unconscious form.
A silence followed Jensen’s speech, Danneel was sitting next to her husband, comforting him the best she could, while he stayed silent. He had so much to say, but at the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to speak anymore.
“ Come back to us.” whimpered your dad, he tried so hard to look strong in front of you but it was so difficult for him.
Suddenly, the bip stopped and let its place to a continuous noise as the screen became red and the heartbeat line became flat.
“ No! No! No! No! Don’t do that to us Y/N!” panicked your father as three nurses and Dr. Miller entered the room in a rush.
“ You need to leave the room, please.” ordered one of the nurse as she was making room around you.
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vitosscaletta · 6 years
✨ 🔫 🍔 😎 🌹 🏠 for sara & audrey!!!
✨ What are their S.P.E.C.I.A.Ls?
Ohh I can't remember the actual numbers & I can't start any of the games to check atm because no laptop but iirc it was something like this
Strength - low
Perception - average
Endurance - high
Charisma - lower than average
Intelligence - very high
Agility - high
Luck - low
Strength - lower than average
Perception - high
Endurance - low
Charisma - high
Intelligence - very high
Agility - low
Luck - average
She has really overpowered intelligence stats (I think 10?) but sucks at almost everything else
🔫 Favorite weapon?
Sara: I think it was the baseball bat and some random enclave gun I found
Audrey: the overpowered caravan shotgun!!!
🍔 Favorite food?
Sara: snack cakes man.. I have NO idea what those things are I always imagined it'd be like Twinkies gsgshszsg
Audrey: rice and beans or something like that. Also those gross Iguanas on a stick.
😎 Favorite article of clothing or accessory?
Sara: back in the vault it was a blue summer dress (similar to the parkstroller outfit but in a different color). She really misses that dress after she leaves 😢 she manages to find a similar one in pink in the wasteland but it's dirty and a little damaged aghdhd.. ALSO her tunnel snakes jacket that she wears when she tries to be cool
Audrey: not Levi's mom jeans 😂 all her clothes kinda look the same dbsbshha but it'd be the one denim jacket she owns. Also her stupid cowboy hat that she has from her big sister 🤠
🌹 Do they have a romantic interest?
Sara: nope, I haven't really found the right person for her yet 💔 I don't want her to be single aschdsdsaafh she's too lonely but idk who to pair her with
Audrey: dead money Christine for like 2 days but she stays behind in the Sierra Madre so 😢 They get married in Vegas in an AU because i say so!!! Also Jeans man lmao 🤡 it's weird because he's like that™ but [Todd Howard voice] it just works..
🏠 Do they have a home base? What is it like? How much time do they spend there? 
Sara: she lived in the brotherhood citadel for a while!!! Her loyalty slowly starts to fade though sometime after the game's events so she eventually just fucks off and moves into a little settlement Near DC. She lives in a badly decorated pre-war house and acts as the town's protector :') she spends a lot of time in her garden or front porch + just chills there with dogmeat
Audrey: not really, she never really stayed at the same place after joining the NCR - her work always required her to move from place to place, depending where she was stationed and after that she travelled a lot so she didn't spend a lot of time at her home in Primm. During NV she lives in the Lucky 38 but ends up leaving some time after the game's events and resumes her work as a doctor. She lives idk.. somewhere in a little village + has a family. She's not used to being tied down to one place so she explores the surrounding area sometimes lmao (sometimes with her kids 😊)
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putris-et-mulier · 7 years
God hates me the most
I want to say something like "I can't believe I'm saying this" but I really wouldn't be surprised if Babadook showed up right now and started to argue about what the A in LGBTQIA stands for
Gay or not he is still a monster and would argue on the behalf of allies
Anyway you know how my mother's Alzheimers got extremely bad and after a long long fight with healthcare we finally got her into a great rest home that she absolutely adores? It's been a month and they've concluded that she doesn't "fit in" so they are giving me a week to be prepared to bring her home.
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Mom only qualifies for one hour of in-home health services each day because she is still physically mobile and this not disabled enough to need help but that totally makes sense because for someone like me who has practically no mobility to the point where I can't even scratch my nose or actually type this without using some voice program that crashes every God damn day I'm only approved for a little less than four hours a day of help.
Meals on Wheels just got cut so instead of still having no food for myself I'm back to having no food for myself or my mentally ill mother but it probably doesn't matter because both of us need assistance eating so we could eat even if we had food. Me physically of course because I'm super cripple™ but mom won't eat unless you talk her through each mouthful.
Our "family" has disowned us. I was already on the outs with most of them because I'm that gay family member that's so gay coming out was the moment I was born but they were only putting up with my disabled ass because of my mother, now that she is embarrassing to them they aren't willing to do any of the things that a decent family member should like call her every once in a while if you aren't even going to visit because she loves you
and she forgot that you don't love her
but I can remember enough for the both of us
Literally last night I finished cleaning the house and everything and now I have to tell the guy that was going to rent the master bedroom that is no longer available
I was depending on that money because it took so much to get mom situated, clean up the mess that she made, and put out literal fires she started. I was required to spend so much money to provide her with so much to get into that home in the first place
So mom is coming back to a clean home which probably won't have any running water or electricity by the end of the month
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but then I still have to two separate meetings with two different departments about my competency because I might be too disabled and disability itself because I might've suddenly become not disabled enough and I have to do this just so I can actually leave town because until I go and visually let them confirm I'm disabled and give them a doctor's note I'm not legally allowed to use public transport to leave the city and I obviously can't leave on my own because I have no vehicle, no one has a vehicle that's wheelchair accessible, and earlier in the week my wheelchair started dying so I can't even get around my house
and to get a new wheelchair I have to physically go in to see my doctor because I haven't seen him in six months and my genetic disease might go away, according to the government, if I don't check with my doctor every six months but I can't get to the doctor because my chair doesn't work 
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I have no idea what I'm going to do or what's going to happen so bear with me. I'll actually probably be on here a lot more because I'm going to have to go back to staying up all night long to make sure mom doesn't leave or hurt herself. So, like, I'm going to need to distract myself quite a bit
– Christy, 11,520 consecutive days and counting as reigning queen of bullshit
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purplehanfu · 3 years
Jun Jiuling: Episode 3
Oh yes indeed there are spoilers! Previous Ep /// Master post of all recaps /// Next Ep
Our otome game has just unlocked a new character and its Fang Chengyu, last male descendent of the Fang clan who has defied the family curse by remaining alive for 15 years. He has a mysterious ailment that has left him weakened to the point that he can no longer walk or keep his hair out of his face. He is not expected to make it to his 16th birthday.
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Is he going to be "the cute, young type" or "the brooding, goth type"? Let's play through his route to find out
Paging Dr. Zhenzhen
Chengyu is sequestered in his own courtyard of the Fang mansion, Bronte character style. Zhenzhen bounces in, leafs through all his books, exchanges some barbed banter and takes his pulse without permission. Diagnosis? She is very rude. Also, Chengyu is not sick, he's being poisoned. 
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girl got those patient interview skills on lock
Zhenzhen goes to tell the family. Gramma Fang and Mom exchange a look- they are the poisoners! This is one of my favorite cdrama tropes- they are administering poison to keep another, deadlier disease at bay. Zhenzhen asks to treat Chengyu. Permission granted, but it must be a secret between Gramma Fang, Mom and Zhenzhen.
Box of Family Secrets (TM)
Gramma Fang goes to a locked box to get the poison recipe. When she opens the box, Zhenzhen sees a slip of paper with the same stamp as the clue middle-aged doctor gave her back in episode 1. Looks like the Fang family may have been in on the plot that killed the emperor's dad. 
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[Taps box] "This baby can hold so many plot points!"
Cool story bro, but file it away for later because we aren't going to pursue it now. We now must waste time on the following:
How About No
We called it in Episode 2, Ning Yunzhao's younger sister is going to be the nemesis for at least a few episodes. She seems inconsequential to the plot and her character is supremely annoying so you know what?
I'm not recapping any of this. Suffice it to say she's still upset about the money her family paid Zhenzhen to not marry her brother.
Zhu Zan Has a Sad
Zhu Zan's back at it with another “I’m a hero” skit. Zhenzhen ain't having it and walks away. 
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when connivance doesn't work, try outright begging
Zhu Zan promises he'll leave her alone if she answers his questions. 
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[narrator voice] "He didn't."
They have a repeat of their previous chat- except this time Zhenzhen tells him the truth. Well, mostly. She tells him the middle-aged doctor is dead, and that the rescue attempt to save the princess failed. The princess was lost in the fire. Zhu Zan does not like that last answer. He leaves the room, dazed and dragging his feet so slowly it becomes comedic. This is another one of those editing choices that really brings this show down. 
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keep going... almost there....
Zhu Zan goes back to his room, gets drunk and burns himself with a candle to see what being burned feels like. 
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Drunk, disheveled and despairing is a good look for this guy
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He makes pain look so hot (see what I did there?)
Zhu Zan tells Baotang that he is 100%, absolutely sure the princess is still alive despite all evidence to the contrary.
Harem Count, Episode 3
Lu Yunqi (married to)
Ning Yunzhao (benched)
Zhu Zan (intrigued)
Fang Chengyu (crush developing)
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