#and then said old man decides the fate of my future based on my panic fuel words
miss-tc-nova · 3 years
A Way Into the Future - Luxu
Alright, we’ve got the green light kiddos! So, without further ado, here’s my piece for the Shattered Fates - Foretller Zine. Enjoy!
Music Inspiration: I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set It Off
              Footsteps echo off the stone walls of the underpass beneath the Outer Gardens. One set—much faster than the other—struggles, moving unsteadily and with a lot of panic. It’s no wonder considering the owner of said steps took quite a beating. He put up a decent fight, but poor Braig had no hope of prevailing against his tormentor: a legend, a man of time, a Master—Luxu.
              Ruthless yellow lights barely have the power to illuminate the tunnels, but the young man doesn’t need to see to know the man hunting him is not far behind.
              As the black coat stalks persistently closer, his prey stumbles down the path, unaware that he’s being driven straight into a trap—doing everything that the stalker had intended to a T. Luxu has spent many years refining a variety of skills, both combative and strategic; coercing his victims into his snare is child’s play. Decades of thought have gone into formulating the criteria for his perfect vessel and, unfortunately for the young man, he matches every point perfectly. 
              Unbeknownst to the Radiant Garden native, Luxu had scouted his playground days prior to this encounter and had collapsed the only escape that gave his victim any prospect. His hope is effectively crushed at the sight of the clogged tunnel. 
              Eyes wide with pure terror, he turns back to Luxu. The sharpshooter has a quick draw, even in fear, but it proves just as useless as it had before. Barely any thought is spent on the barrier that prevents the bullets from reaching their mark.
              “I already told you resisting me was useless,” Luxu drawls. “All this fear and pain could’ve been avoided if you had just done as I asked. But I guess it’s only fair to assume any self-respecting warrior worth his salt would struggle.”
              Backed against the debris, the kid quivers. To his merit, he maintains his aim, despite how utterly doomed he is. 
              “What do you want with me?!”
              Luxu pauses his approach. “Hmm, let’s see—that brand new job you just took at the castle is a good start.”
              “A job? You want my job? I-I can talk to my boss! Just let me talk to Ansem!”
              “I hate to tell you, kid, but I need more than your job. I need your entire existence. Or more specifically, I need your body.” The boy’s petrified face goes pale. “My scapegoat has finally arrived; things are about to get very interesting and your life perfectly fits all my needs. Now, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop struggling; I’d like to avoid injuring that body any more than necessary.” 
              As he closes the gap and the boy cowers beneath him, Luxu recalls how he came to be here, stealing the bodies of young men. 
              “Master, what is this?” the young man asks, looking over the paper and not entirely sure he’s read it correctly. 
              As he has many times before, Luxu stands in the Master’s study. The room is filled with books, vials, and plenty of objects of which Luxu couldn’t even guess the purpose of. The only thing he can be sure of is that none of it is as it seems, and that broad statement brings with it its own sense of security. It has always been filled with wonders and the Master seems to introduce him to a new one each time he visits. This time is no exception. 
              The eccentric man folds his arms. “What do you think it is?”
              His voice catches in his mouth. He’s read it over once, twice, but surely, he must be mistaken. “This sounds like a method for taking over someone’s body.”
              “Bingo! You are correct, sir!” the Master praises, waving his hands animatedly. 
              “WHAT?!” In his exclamation, young Luxu throws the paper in the air. 
              His master snatches the fluttering paper. “Don’t lose it! I only have one copy of that!”
              “Okay, one, why don’t you make another copy? And two, why do you know how to possess someone’s body?!”
              “Oh, I don’t know how; this is all just theory. I wrote it this morning.”
              His master never fails to perplex him. “And you think I need it why?”
              “Because you’re only human,” the Master of Masters replies. “That body of yours will become old and decrepit and weaken over time but your job will be far from done. So, you need some way to continue living and persist into the future.”
              The Master may be a strange man, but it’s no secret that he enjoys pulling emotions from his pupils—his favorite being shock. Luxu has made a point to accept his master’s eccentricity and all it entails, having come to see the unpredictability as predictable. It’s been a long time since the Master has been able to truly flabbergast the young man. 
              Luxu’s arms wave in disbelief. “And you think body snatching is the way to do that?!”
              Matching the animated gestures, the Master retorts, “Well do you have any other bright ideas?!”
              Luxu glances away. “Couldn’t you figure out immortality or something else?”
              The Master holds his arms up in an X. “Absolutely not. Immortality is far more complicated and we just don’t have time for that. So, this is your only hope of completing your task.” Again, the paper is pushed into Luxu’s hands. As the student stares at the page, the Master’s tone turns serious. “Remember, while the others have very important roles, everything hinges on the success of yours. If you don’t see this through, the Book of Prophecies won’t be written and things will fall in ruins.” His tone drops even more, almost as if he’s threatening his pupil. “And all those people you care about will die for nothing.” 
              Those words strike the young man. Aced, Ira, Invi, Gula, and Ava—they’re family. Even if they sometimes bicker and disagree, Luxu grew up with them. He already disliked the idea of them fighting, possibly to their destruction, but they’re all fighting for the light’s survival. If he doesn’t do his job, they’ll lose their guidance and their struggles will be meaningless—his family will die in vain. 
              But taking someone else’s body and losing his own: it’s unthinkably horrifying. He’d never considered that his body could be disposable; that something so undeniably “Luxu” could just be swapped out as easily as his coat. These thoughts become too much to deal with in this moment, so he decides not to. Still, he can’t simply throw away a key aspect of his master’s orders, so the paper is carefully folded and tucked into his jacket to address later. 
              “Thank you for your guidance, Master,” Luxu murmurs. 
              Back to his light-hearted self, the Master of Masters slings an arm around Luxu’s shoulders. “That’s more like it. Now, let me show you why you’re going to need that paper.”
              Spasms wrack every gasp he takes. They come not from his chase of the now-unconscious man at his feet, but from the seriousness of what he must do next. 
              Staring down at his very first victim, he feels a heavy guilt in his chest. Based on what’s written, he can only assume the original heart will be ejected and either become a Heartless or ascend to Kingdom Hearts. This man had no say in the matter; he was hunted down like a dog and endured only terror and pain in his final moments. He’s still young and could’ve had a full life ahead of him filled with happiness and adventure. He had potential but Luxu deemed him a lamb for slaughter. 
              Luxu shakes his head; he can’t have these sorts of distractions dragging him down. 
              The old parchment slips from his pocket, a perfect cross forever creased into its aged surface. Instructions written in black still read perfectly clear despite time’s efforts. He’s read and reread the page thousands of times, each time going through the shock of what exactly is being asked of him: ice shoots through his veins while his skin scorches, a suffocating grasp squeezes at his throat, and a violent churn nearly upheaves his stomach. The possibility of failure reels in his mind, threatening to evolve into a full-blown panic attack. He spent his whole life as himself—as Luxu—but now, for the sake of light itself, he must discard that. Just thinking about looking in a mirror and not recognizing the face looking back reminds him of his nightmares. Supposedly, his heart will retain his memories, but he still worries over exactly how much of himself he’ll get to keep; after all, sacrifices for such sins must be made. 
              The tremors in his chest have spread, shaking the page in his gasp. A deep breath does nothing to soothe his fears but allows him to regain focus. He reminds himself that this is for the existence of everything—for the people he loves. It doesn’t matter if he’s scared, it doesn’t matter if he loses himself, it doesn’t matter if the people who matter don’t recognize him, he has no choice.  
              Sighing, he lets the paper float to the ground, letting his eyes linger on the victim at his feet. He can’t let himself dwell on anything lest his mind trail back to his fear. He gets started.
              Clearing his head, he rests both hands against his chest. The suggested mental imagery serves him well while his heart begins to compress. He remembers the most important parts of himself—the things about himself he values—and imagines placing them in a box. His personality, skills, and knowledge are added inside. Memories follow suit; all the good, the bad, and the in-between are stowed away as important, for they have shaped the person he’s become. The young man takes great care in packing all of himself away. 
              As these things fade from his conscious mind—all bound to his heart for transfer—the darkness stalking at the edges of his mind begins encroaching on his thoughts like wolves prepared to devour him. Luxu’s natural instincts react in fear, causing the man to tremble and his physical heart to pound in his ears. Just like the darkness, a chill creeps along his quaking limbs, his control over them waning. With every bit of himself that he stows away for his next life, the little rationality that must stay behind cowers in terror. He would simply do away with all his senses, but he knows that some of his consciousness must stay to facilitate the move. He must suffer this fear and lose part of his mind to succeed. 
              The body to be left behind is nearly shut down. His throat closes, no longer able to draw air into his spasming lungs. He has no idea if he’s doing anything right or if he’s even ready, but the innate fear of death has him in a panic. He has to go now. 
              Eyes snap open, nothing but bright light consuming his vision. This is it; this is where he discards everything he is. This is the point of no return. With the dread as potent as ever, his consciousness fades as he sends the light on its way. 
              Instantly, Luxu becomes aware of the intense, stinging pain. Every nerve is like a needle, searing at his heart. He would absolutely be screaming if he could but, as it currently stands, he has no access to any vocal cords, let alone a mouth. 
              A firm pressure resists his heart, struggling against him. The way it reverberates is reminiscent of his own screams. This is his victim, desperately fighting to keep control. Their panic gives them strength, allowing them to push against Luxu to the point he feels his grip slipping. A desperate alarm shoots through him, fueling his struggle.
              As it turns out, Luxu’s fear is stronger than that of the man he’s possessing. 
              Resistance suddenly stops. Slowly, the presence of the other heart begins to fade, allowing Luxu’s heart to fill the hole left behind. The pain begins to ebb at an unbearably slow rate, but there is solace in the fact that it is fading. 
              His consciousness begins unfurling within his brain as he lies on the ground gasping. Comprehension begins weaving through the unpacking, bringing attention to what exactly just happened. He hadn’t been prepared for resistance; he didn’t know he could still lose after disarming his target. There was no warning for that. If Luxu’s heart had lost the struggle, he would’ve been expunged, become a heartless, and failed his task; he would have failed his loved ones. And this is only his first time. 
              It takes an eternity for the agony to fade enough and allow him to assess the body. It’s all still sensitive, like a limb falling asleep and waking back up, only far more intense. Nevertheless, he manages to open his eyes. Even they feel the stinging, giving him blurry vision. Nerves feel like fire as he struggles to raise a hand. The trembling extremities are different: the skin tone is a shade off, fingers are slightly longer, and there’s no sign of a mole he used to have on his wrist. It’s strange to feel and control the hand of a stranger. 
              It takes some time for all the nerves to properly connect. Small repetitions get the muscles moving as they should, and after a few hours, he is able to stand. Weak legs hold him up while he tries to regain his bearings. Palms press against his eyes, struggling to get rid of that remnant sting. 
              When his hands drop, he finds nothing. The expelled heart is gone and so is the body he left behind. There is no going back. 
              The old paper flutters, threatening to fly away. However, this is only the first of many stolen bodies and he will need those instructions to repeat the move in the future.
              Reaching down, he scoops up the paper. The action nearly topples him. Despite his careful decision for this particular individual, he couldn’t find someone exactly like himself. There are still differences that will take some getting used to, driving home one very important, horrendous fact. 
              He is no longer Luxu.
                             He is no longer Luxu.
                                            He is no longer himself. 
              The reality finally kicks him in the gut, bringing him back to the ground where a foreign scream tears from his mouth. 
              “You’re crazy! Stay away from me!”
              The cry drags the man back from age-old memories. Braig is the latest of his numerous casualties. 
              Luxu could’ve stopped long ago, given up his master’s orders and spared so many ignorant hearts—innocent people didn’t have to die for this. However, sacrifices must be made for sins, and Luxu’s been paying his due. With every bit of himself left behind, the rest naturally tries to fill in that hole, but it’s not the same. The new pieces become influenced by the suffering and bitterness Luxu endures with each move, filling him with more and more darkness. That’s not to say darkness is a bad thing, but it fuels the apathy born from repeated trauma.
              Luxu’s views on humanity have deteriorated; each passerby could die at his feet and he would simply step over them. Those chosen as new vessels hold some interest, but he no longer has any qualms putting them down. Only the people he started this journey for mean anything to him now; they are the only light left in his unrecognizable life. They would likely look down on him with disappointment, scold and abhor him, but he would burn every world in existence for their fates. But the end is near. The scapegoat has finally shown himself and soon Luxu will be free of this burden—his family will return to him. No matter what wrath he may incur from them, the relief of the end is just too tempting to spare this last victim.
              Luxu shrugs. “You might be right about that; repeatedly losing part of your mind does that to a guy. Unfortunately for you, there’s nothing more dangerous than an insane person with a goal. You were simply the poor soul that caught my eye this time.”
              “N-No! Please!”
              Having done this so many times, Luxu doesn’t even need the instructions, so he burnt them long ago. His mind already begins to pack away the things he wishes to carry forward and the chill starts in his fingers. 
              “Sorry, but everything I’ve dedicated my life to hangs in the balance. Neither of us have a choice here. But don’t worry—this isn’t my first time and I’ll ensure it’s as painless as possible.”
              As he strides closer, the man scrambles closer to the wall. Fear shines brightly in his eyes, but it doesn’t faze a man who’s seen it so many times before—who’s endured it so many times before.  
              “Take a deep breath, Braig. It’ll all be over soon.”
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zipegs · 5 years
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i’ve been toying around with the idea of posting a fic rec list for a while, and finally decided that if i do, it might be nice to focus on newer and/or underrated fics in the fandom! some of my absolute favorites are on this list, and i highly suggest checking them out (and leaving the lovely authors some comments and kudos!)
this got pretty long, but it’s organized alphabetically by ship name (including gen) and then by length inside each ship!
Trysails by saltstreets  /  2k, t
“I know I can’t do much,” Blanky said, “but you can always talk to me. If you’re so inclined.”
A (very late!) offering for Tender Tuesday, "a friend in need".
okay!!!!!! okay!!!!! hear me out on this one!! this fic is wonderful. i’m a sucker for fics dealing with edward’s suffering during the worst of crozier’s captaincy, and this one is so good. blanky is so wonderful in this; i feel like his tender, kind side frequently gets overlooked in favor of his bigger, bolder attributes, and this fic truly delivers on everything i’ve been missing! it’s really gentle and sweet and i urge you to give it a read!!!!
in the low lamplight by stelleri  /  338, g
It’s endless freezing rain outside, but the house is comfortably warm.
short and sweet! a really lovely little slice-of-life modern au
state of grace by aes3plex  /  860, m
He doesn’t mean to see it. He never does.
bridglar may be the most featured pairing, but this is told from irving’s pov and also contains irving/little and references to hickey/gibson. really sad, conflicted little peek into irving’s mind (and some nice, soft bridglar as well!)
passer iagoensis by greenery  /  3k, g
Night falls on the Beagle and Henry Peglar has just finished reading his very first novel.
Set in 1832.
this piece is so good!! it has some really beautiful (sad) foreshadowing of the franklin expedition, and is just... so soft, with some wonderful romantic tension!! and it’s funny! darwin and fitzroy are wonderful in this, and i’m always here for fic that deals with peglar learning to read (which this does!!!).
the beggar’s opera by pyotr  /  990, e
for all of his usual anger and surliness it was almost fun to fluster francis, to rile him where he could not retaliate. sophia had spent all her life under the thumb of some man or another; she loved francis in part because she always had the upper hand.
sophia is my queen and that’s all i’ll say about that. seriously though, this piece is just... *chef’s kiss*
A Cheetah Never Changes His Spots by onstraysod  /  1.2k, m
Being the particular friend of James Fitzjames has its drawbacks, as Henry Le Vesconte learns during the expedition's first carnivale. But it also has its advantages, as Henry learns once the carnivale is over.
Written for Day 1 (A Special Disguise) of the 12 Days of Carnivale.
on beechey island, fitzjames reveals clio’s cheetah to the men. or... something like it! this piece is really a blast; fitzjames is in rare form, francis is glaring form the sidelines, and le vesconte is an absolute champ. and the ending is wonderfully witty and racy!
wake me up, wake me up my darling by norvegiae  /  1.4k, g  /  mcd
James Fitzjames feels like a new man.
The old James Fitzjames lies on the cot in front of him, cradled by the man he wishes he could have had more time with.
set during 1.09, this fic is a really poignant, heartwrenching piece in which james comes to terms with the reality of his death, and of his life, as he watches francis grieve. very sad, and wonderfully written!
what the stars give us by WetSammyWinchester  /  1.7k, t  /  implied death
"They may know space, James, but you know what it means to truly fly."
70s scifi (space program!!!) au. really great translation of the terror; the mood in this is so good!!! and the little flashbacks are fantastic. it’s pretty sad, but it hurts in a good way.
Take Your Turn, Take A Ride by courfairyac  /  7.5k, e
Francis agrees to accompany his friend to a masquerade, and stumbles onto something quite unexpected.
In short: Festivities! Voyeurism! James in a dress!
listen... fitzrossier is my new weakness, and this is a really fun, hot, canon-universe (pre-expedition) au.
salvation by scribomania  /  250, t
The Concordia brings them survival, but not salvation.
featuring hodgson and little, and jopson. for a survival au, this little piece hurts!!! it’s so short, but it packs a punch. really, really good.
but no one remembers yet by disastermovie  / 885, t
“From the mutilated state of many of the corpses and the contents of the kettles, it is evident that our wretched countrymen had been driven to the last resource—cannibalism—as a means of prolonging existence.”
—excerpt from Dr. John Rae’s report on the fate of the Franklin Expedition to the Secretary of the Admiralty (written from Repulse Bay on July 29, 1854)
sad little epilogue concerning sophia and lady jane dealing with their grief
the weary world rejoices by disastermovie  /  1.3k, t
Fitzjames goes to his first Christmas party after the survivors are rescued. It doesn't go well.
this!!!! fic!!! i can’t even do it justice, it’s just so good. the slow build of james’s panic, the caroling and gaiety as a backdrop... it’s just so painful in the best way. i’m incoherent; pls just read it,
la belle dame sans merci by drowninglovers  /  1.7k, g
Nobody is quite sure who the first one to start making her clothing is, but one day she scampers over the shoulders of the ABs as they line up for lunch wearing a tiny shirt to match her pants. It’s nothing special, no fancy detail, navy blue like most everything else they wear. Whoever made it must have cared a great deal, to make sure it fit her perfectly.
this is incredibly fun!!! just some good, wholesome fic about boys dressing up their favorite lady. 10000/10 would recommend.
Come Here, Fellow Servant by whipstitch  /  1.9k, t
The sea is dangerous, but so too is the open sky. And in that case, Cornelius determines, a friend is an unexpected boon.
okay, i made a rule that i wasn’t going to include wips on this rec list,  but i had to put this guy on here. it could be read as a stand-alone, actually, which is what i used to convince myself to include it. peglar realizes that hickey has no fucking idea what he’s doing, and tries to help him, kind, caring sweetheart that he is. this is a really, really nice little piece—i love everything about it.
lie alone by greenery  /  2k, g
He turns the page. And maybe this is it. Maybe writing a letter to young Tom Hartnell is reason enough to leave the berth.
really nice oneshot featuring two good boys (hodgson & hartnell) and their wholesome status as pen pals
the crooked kind by darrenjolras  /  2.3k, m  /  non-consensual voyeurism
“You and I, Jopson,” Hickey says, and Jopson startles at those words alone, turns an affronted gaze his way. Hickey bathes in the glacial blue of it. Like being thrown overboard. “You and I aren’t so different, you know.”
Based on that Hickey/Jopson scene. You know the one.
the terror bingo fill: court martial
not totally gen, but also not really hickey/jopson? twisted, but very much in character; hickey is his delightful self in this, and his verbal sparring with jopson is very well done and quite fun to read!
Touch Her Not Scornfully by skazka  /  2k, e
Stolen moments down below.
this fic is just... really fucking good!!! it’s a fantastic look at the very early days of gibson & hickey’s relationship, and an intriguing little venture into billy’s head.
And That is How it Starts by Intrepid_Inkweaver  /  1.2k, g
It starts with a handshake and a warm smile at their introduction at Greenhithe.
a really sweet, lovely canon-divergent piece. written in 2nd person pov. these two are just such a good, wholesome pairing and this fic really does them justice!!
let loss reveal it by disastermovie  /  1.6k, t  /  mcd
Tom could never quite see himself taking a wife.
this shit fucking hurts!!!!!!! it’s a beautiful glimpse at irving & hartnell’s relationship, told through hartnell’s introspection, and is written really, really well. also did i mention that it fucking hurts???
Lookout Blues by ClockworkCourier  /  2.1k, g
John and Tom Hartnell talk about the future while they wait on a new shipment.
hello??? 1920s au??????? the world-building is so tangible in this, even in such a relatively short piece. it’s a really lovely little conversation between the brothers, and i absolutely loved their little discussion of irving.
we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet by drowninglovers  /  6.3k, g
If this is to be the last time they interact (and it likely will), Tom wants it to be memorable.
survival au survival au!! tartnell runs into irving at john’s grave, and convinces him to stay with his family until new year’s. it’s kind of bittersweet, with some really great flashbacks (and discussions of said scenes!), and oh man is it soft!! just! really beautiful and tender, and the ending is just so cute!!!!!
the chaos moves by itself by bluebacchus  /  1.3k, e  /  violence, mcd
Hodgson's mind cracks and the heavens flow in.
(Written for Day 7 of Halloween TerrorFest: A disquieting metamorphosis and posted separately because I don't want to taint my main post with borderline vore)
fair warning... this fic is fucked up, but in the best possible way! the religious imagery!!!! the philosophy!!!! just!! god.
Allegro, B Flat Major by whalersandsailors  /  5.3k, g
George is freshly moved from his childhood home, ready to tackle the school year and his newfound independence all at once.
Too bad he's lonely, miserable, and homesick.
He turns to music when adulthood becomes unbearable, and when someone knocks at his door and leaves an anonymous note, George discovers another music lover not too far away.
have i mentioned i love george hodgson? because i love george hodgson. this fic is a beautiful modern au featuring our own georgie playing his way through his feelings (literally). the buildup to the reveal of george’s secret admirer is wonderful, and had me rooting for them from the start! really sweet, stunning fic for a pairing i’d never considered before!
get out of the wind by Cicadaemon  /  1.6k, e
Edward Little is smitten with a certain bartender.
modern au. really lovely, wholesome, and happy; just what these boys deserve!
The Thylacine by Gigi_Sinclair  / 1.7k, t 
"Thylacines. That's what Sophia called them, all those years ago in Van Diemen's Land. Dogs with tiger stripes, cats with pouches. They stretch their jaws at him, as Francis struggles to sit. The movement makes his head spin. He pushes the discomfort aside. He has no time to entertain it; he must escape."
also features cracroft/crozier. this is a really clever, funny piece set during francis’s withdrawal; poor francis is a bit muddled in the throes of his fever, and gets caught up in a memory from van diemen’s land. i absolutely loved little and jopson’s reactions in this, and especially jopson and crozier’s conversation the next morning.
Prelude in D Major by scribomania  /  2.7k, t
Hodgson is very fond of the musical apparatus in Terror's great cabin; Edward is not.
For the Terror Bingo square "denial".
i’m a big big lover of terror lieutenant nonsense, and this fic absolutely delivers! just absolutely delightful.
When the Lights Go On Again by Gigi_Sinclair  /  4.1k, t
"Edward Little's ancestors were Naval officers, almost to a man. Nevertheless, from a young age, Edward's eyes turned to the sky rather than the sea.
He longed to fly, as high and as frequently as possible. In the Royal Air Force, he got his wish. He was happy there, thriving, rising in the ranks apace and doing what he always wanted to do. Then came the first of September, 1939."
wwii au. edward is a squadron leader in the royal air force, and jopson is a corporal working for group captain crozier. i’m weak for wwi and wwii aus to begin with, and this one is done beautifully. while it doesn’t hand-wave the trauma and heartbreak of war, it doesn’t hit you over the head with it either, and the result is a really soft, bittersweet, hopeful piece.
a lily for my love by whalersandsailors  /  3.7k, m
Solomon never thought that soul-signs were real, and the stories he heard about them made soulmates sound more like a prison sentence than any fairy tale romance. It is not until he finds a soul-sign on the skin of a very dear friend that he realizes their importance, as well as their undoing.
this piece is!!! beautiful!!! very poignant, and really had me feeling for solomon. i love what’s been done with the soulmark conceit—it’s not just a simple “we have soulmarks, we’re soulmates!!!’ au (which i’ll admit to enjoying too), but a really thoughtful take on the trope. the slow way tozer puzzles everything out is wonderful, and i love the glimpses we get into several of his friendships & relationships. 
to help you remember by whalersandsailors  /  1.2k, g
An anniversary, during which Weekes presents Morfin with a gift, and Morfin struggles to remember why.
do you ever just get clotheslined by a pairing you’d never even considered before? because that’s what this fic did to me
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that-cunning-mind · 5 years
The Untitled Chuckie Sputterspark Origin Fanfic Pt.1
(Guess who wrote a fanfic for the first time in years lmao...
Read below if you want to see my take on how @based-ducks​ and me thought up of Quackervolt fankid Chuckie Sputterspark’s origin...somewhat)
As the crisp, evening air descended upon the moonlit shadows of St. Canard, a particular purplish protector of the poor found himself investigating a case of deductive interest. A case of shadowy intrigue and mystery. A case that would decide the future of St. Canard in its epic battle between good and evil.
A case of price gouging tickets at a pizza arcade.  
“Twenty dollars for an adult ticket and twelve for kids over ten years old? Why these crooked capitalist crooks, thinking they can force parents to come in here and charge them extra! I should just quit SHUSH and open up one of these places myself! I’ll be richer than Glomgold!” Part-time superhero and full-time parent Drake Mallard grumbled under his breath as he handed over his card to the tired teenager manning the cashier. His daughter, Gosalyn, was busy putting on the paper bracelets on herself and her other father, Launchpad McQuack. 
“It can’t be that profitable,” Gosalyn said, “I mean, they’re taking out all of their animatronics! Can you imagine Pepper Panda’s Pizza Pagoda without Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang? I tell ya, there’s gonna be rioting in the streets after tonight! RIOTS!!!” Launchpad, not expecting the outburst, startled and ripped his flimsy paper bracelet. 
“Eheheh,” he laughed nervously, “you guys got any tape or...”
“Ten dollars to replace any missing or broken bracelets,” said the cashier. 
Launchpad turned to his husband with big puppy-dog eyes, a method that tended to work about 99% of the time. Drake grumbled some more as he took a solitary bill out of his wallet. 
“If it wasn’t for our case,” Drake whispered harshly as they walked inside the pizza eatery, “I’d leave you outside in the car.” 
“Aww,” Launchpad pouted, “but you know how much I love coming here! Plus, I know how much the animatronics scare you, DW.”
Drake scoffed. “Scared? The daring duck detective isn’t scared of any cheaply-made robot! Drakey Mallard, on the other hand, never recovered from that time he thought Cheddar Charles was going to bite him at Elmo Sputterspark’s tenth birthday party.” As he spoke, a run down animatronic of a child-sized rat in blue overalls and a yellow shirt sprang to life, scaring Drake into Launchpad’s arms. Gosalyn just rolled her eyes and sighed. 
A crackly speaker from the animatronic known as Cheddar Charles started. “Hey kids! Pepper Panda and Pie Gang’s Nighttime Spectacular is about to start in ten minutes! Grab a seat now!”
“I’ll go grab us a table,” yelled Gosalyn as she ran to a booth. 
Launchpad let Drake climb off of him, then sniffed and wiped away a tear. “I can’t believe it, after forty years the Pie Gang is going away for good!”
“Launchpad, the case? Remember the case?” asked Drake. 
“We’re here to stakeout the joint and lie in wait for that nefarious thief, Dr. Anna Matronic! Dishonorably discharged from the Imagineers, that raving robotics rascal will be using the Pie Gang’s farewell show to unveil her deadly creations. Little does she know that I, Darkwing Duck, will be waiting for her! Now, any questions?”
“Uhh, can we order the extra-large with cheese?” 
Drake simply sighed as he moved to sit down on the sticky seat. 
“Gee DW, what makes you think she’ll show up with all these people around?” asked Launchpad. 
“Because, as a former Imagineer, she’ll no doubt want to watch such a historic show one last time. Although, I can’t imagine what kind of psyche an adult must have to want to watch Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang willingly.” 
“Come on Megsy! I’m not gonna miss Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang’s final performance because of you!” 
Little did Darkwing Duck know that behind the scenes, his two mortal enemies Quackerjack and Megavolt would be attempting to watch the show as well. However, they were taking a break from their usual crimes and attempting to have their monthly date night, per Quackerjack’s insistence on coming to see the last hurrah of the animatronics he grew up watching. Megavolt, meanwhile, was trying to carry leftover pizza boxes up the scaffolding over the stage as he and Quackerjack prepared to take their seats. 
“You know, I think I kinda remember coming here as a kid,” said Megavolt. Quackerjack was surprised to hear this, as it was rare for Megavolt to remember anything before his fateful transformation into Megavolt. He pressed on with a simple, “Oh?”, demonstrating a rare moment of selfless interest. 
“Yeah,” Megavolt continued, “I think I had a birthday party here once. Mom forced me to invite everyone in my class, so I spent most of the day playing with the animatronics. I even got Cheddar Charles to almost bite this one duck, Jake. Or was it Lake...” Megavolt trailed off as his train of thought was derailed yet again.
“You must have been quite the kid growing up, a public nuisance in the making,” laughed Quackerjack. He looked off to the side in an almost wistful manner. “Though if I was a parent, I wouldn’t force you to hang out with any snot-nosed brats that stuck their faces into an arcade game!” Megavolt twitched, deciding not to tell Quackerjack that he definitely remembered sticking his face into arcade games as a kid, one of the happiest moments in an otherwise bullied childhood. 
But more importantly, Megavolt picked up on Quackerjack’s wistful tone and cursed himself internally for bringing up his childhood. “Come on Quacky,” he whined, “we’ve been through this already. We can’t just-“ 
“Well, so what?” interrupted Quackerjack, “It’s just not fair! Lots of kids have parents that go to jail!” 
“Yeah, but their parents aren’t criminal masterminds guilty of trespassing, theft, vandalism, and littering!” 
Quackerjack pouted, “You throw a banana peel on the ground one time...”
“I’m serious Quacky,” Megavolt frowned, “we can’t just bring a kid into the super-villain business! Do you want to be like Dorkwing and have a pipsqueak get in our way?” 
“Need I remind you,” hissed Quackerjack, “that his pipsqueak is fully capable of handling herself?”
“Ugh,” shuddered Megavolt, “don’t. Remind. Me. I still have the bruise marks from the last hostage attempt...”
“See?! The two of us could totally take care of a kid! All a kid really needs is food, a loving home, a pocket grenade...,” Quackerjack droned on, almost forgetting the point of his argument. Megavolt had to snap him back to reality if he was ever going to finish this conversation. 
“Hey don’t get me wrong, it’d be nice to have some kids that aren’t just the poor, enslaved bulbs of St. Canard,” said Megavolt. “But, don’t tell me you aren’t the tiniest bit worried of screwing the kid up?” At this, Quackerjack pursed his lips and went uncharacteristically still, not daring to look at Megavolt in the eye.  
“Besides,” Megavolt continued, “what if we go to jail without it? How would a normal kid protect itself? What if F.O.W.L or Negaduck found out about them and-“
“Oh alright fine! You’ve made your point, gloomy pants!” Megavolt shut his mouth quickly, turning to get a slice of week-old pizza and hopefully move on from this talk. Quackerjack pulled out his beloved Mr. Banana Brain, in an effort to calm himself before his temper took over. “Some date night this is! I’ve seen better chemistry in a high school science lab!” 
“Butt out, banana boy!” Megavolt grumbled. “Great, could this date get any worse?” 
The explosion that rocked the building answered that question. 
The duck family ducked under their table as dust filled the room, sending screaming families in a panic. A giant hole had opened up in front of the stage, and from it rose a goose in a purple trench-coat honking maliciously. This was-
“Dr. Matronic!” Drake shielded Gosalyn behind himself as Dr. Matronic climbed onto the stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” she cried out, “children of all ages! To all who come to this happy place, Pepper Panda’s Pizza Pagoda is now MY Pizza Pagoda! Which means the animatronics are now mine to keep! Mwahonkhonkhonk!”
Gosalyn stuck out her tongue in disgust. “Ugh, you call that an evil laugh? A baby would sound more menacing than that!” 
“Never mind that now,” said Drake, “we’ve got to get these people out of here! Launchpad, Gosalyn, evacuate the building while I keep her busy.” With a plan of action in place, the daring duck of mystery went off to find a broom closet to change in. Unfortunately, it was a very tight squeeze, as Drake tried to change and avoid the brooms at the same time. 
“This night couldn’t possibly get worse...,” muttered Drake. 
“Megavolt! That stupid doctor just ruined our date night!” Quackerjack’s temper had come out in full force, and now he was ready to let it all out. 
“The nerve of some people! I mean, who breaks into a pizza parlor and steals the animatronics??” Megavolt yelled. Sparks started to fly as he locked onto the target of his ire, who was beginning to disassemble the helpless robots. “D’ohhh! Well at least it can’t get any worse.”
The blue smoke cloud that burst out answered that. 
“Gah! Will you stop saying that!” shouted Quackerjack. 
“I am the terror that flaps in the night!”
“I am the cheese pizza that burns on the taste buds of crime! I am Darkwing Duck!” Like clockwork, the purple caped crusader appeared out of the smoke. 
“Oh no. It’s Darkwing Duck. Whatever shall I do,” said Dr. Matronic, not intimidated in the slightest. Failing to frighten his foe, Darkwing pulled out his gas gun as his mood worsened. 
“Listen here doc! I may not like these rusty robots, but there’s no way I’ll let you take them away! Now suck gas, evildoer! Schpadoink!” As he shot off a canister of knockout gas, a Dalmatian puppy came out from behind Dr. Matronic and caught the canister, throwing it away from the doctor. 
“What the-!” 
“So,” Dr. Matronic grinned maliciously, “you don’t like rusty robots, eh? Well, I’m sure you’ll find that they have their uses!” Dr. Matronic pulled a walkie-talkie from her coat, and yelled, “Code 101: ATTACK!!” 
From the crevice, a noise of barking and howling approached, growing louder and louder until from out of the hole, one hundred robotic Dalmatians came bursting out. 
Darkwing gulped, hoping to hide his nervousness. “Alright, you digital dog deviants, prepare to face the might of Dark-AAAACK!!” The dogs never let him finish, immediately pouncing on Darkwing and biting everything that belonged to the flapping terror. 
“Well, since you’re tied up at the moment, I might as well explain my origin story,” said Dr. Matronic as she got to work detaching the Pie Gang from the stage. “You see, those Imagineer fools said it was impossible to make one hundred and one animatronics! They said it was too expensive! That I was a lunatic! Well who’s laughing now, huh?! Mwahonkhon-AHH!” 
Before the doctor could finish her evil laugh, a bolt of electricity from behind the stage curtain zapped her and sent her flying off the stage. In her hands she grasped the Cheddar Charles figurine, the remote controlling the chaotic canines flying off somewhere else. 
Megavolt stepped out onto the stage, a wide manic grin on his face as his hands lit up. “Well, looks like we’re the ones laughing now, and much better at it too! Aheeheeheeheee!” With a flick of a wrist, Megavolt shot another electric bolt at the pack of piranha-like puppies, putting a stop to their attack on the poor, punctured defender in purple as they scattered off.  
“Th-thanks for that...Megavolt,” Darkwing said shakily, as he attempted to stand up and not jostle his wounds at the same time. “Wait a minute, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I swear, if that lunatic toy-maker Quackerjack is here too I’ll-“
What Darkwing would do, Megavolt would never know, for at that moment Quackerjack decided to introduce himself with one of his patented exploding toys. Laughing maniacally, he took out his signature mallet as he attempted to stomp out any robot trying to attack him. Dr. Matronic began turning her attention towards the most annoying threat in the room, directing robot after robot at Quackerjack. 
“What, did all the freaks decide to come out tonight?!” yelled Dr. Matronic, as she whipped out a small flamethrower aimed at Quackerjack. The jester merely giggled and blew raspberries as he dodged all of her flame attacks. Darkwing and Megavolt, however, were not as lucky, and had to hide behind an overturned table to avoid the flames. 
“Oh great,” sighed Darkwing, “the cherry on top of my already lousy sundae. Could this possibly get any worse?” Megavolt let out a yipe and braced himself. 
“Uhh, you alright there Mega-,” asked Darkwing, before Megavolt clasped a hand around his bill. 
“Don’t say that again! The universe has been more vindictive than usual today whenever somebody says that!”
“Alright alright, I’ll stop! Now, either help get me rid of this riddle-some ridicule of our rights, or GET OUT!” Megavolt’s train of thought got back on track, his temper overtaking him as he remembered his terrible night. 
“Uhh, Sparky-“ said Darkwing, before a stray bolt from Megavolt zapped him away as the electric rodent turned back to Dr. Matronic. 
“YOU RUINED DATE NIGHT!!!” roared Megavolt. Darkwing was dumbfounded, for once Megavolt hadn’t responded to his hated nickname of Sparky. Dr. Matronic began to worry, as she was inexperienced against the full force of the Quackervolt duo. Darkwing stepped back, hoping to get the upper hand as the villains fought each other when who should appear but Gosalyn.
“Don’t worry Darkwing, I’ll help ya!” cried Gosalyn. 
“Gosalyn, NO!” Darkwing dived towards his daughter, shielding her from the wayward flames with his cape as he caught the full brunt of the attack. Dr. Matronic took the time to gloat evilly at her fallen foe. 
“Well well well, guess the Pizza Pagoda is serving roast duck tonight! MWAHAHAHAH! How’s that for an evil laugh, by the way?” In her distraction, she failed to notice Megavolt and Quackerjack charging up the remaining animatronics, bringing them back to life. 
“Hey lady, ever heard of the Bite of ‘87!?” they both yelled. 
“The Bite of ‘87? That’s just a-“ Dr. Matronic looked back and saw the looming, terrifying animatronics trudging towards her. She gulped.
“...Just a myth,” she finished quietly. 
As the robots began their attack, Launchpad came in and helped Darkwing to his feet. “Gee DW, how’re we gonna stop those three?” 
“Oww, can’t we jus’...let ‘em kill each other?” Darkwing meekly asked. 
Gosalyn, guilty over her father’s second degree burns, tried to remember about any useful information pertaining to the animatronics. 
“Well, I read online that old robots used to explode from time to time...” she suggested. Inspiration struck Darkwing, reaching into his pockets for a special gas canister. 
“Launchpad, hand me my gas gun!”  With his weapon in hand, Darkwing loaded up the canister and aimed between the animatronics. “Get behind that column,” he motioned. 
Megavolt, taking a break from the action that was almost too exciting to put in words, took a side glance to see Darkwing’s fan club hiding behind a concrete column. As he wondered what was going on, the duck pulled out his gas gun and yelled, “hey Dr. Matronic, see if your pooches can stop this knockout gas!” 
Darkwing shot out the canister towards the animatronics and quickly took cover. As planned, Dr. Matronic took aim with her flamethrower, unable to tell the difference between knockout gas and explosive gas. 
“Dad! Do ya have t’ make sound effects right now?” 
“Oh, right, sorry,” Darkwing sheepishly said. “Well, better make sure no one died or anything.” As the smoke dissipated, he could see Dr. Matronic knocked out on the ground, singed and certainly not triumphant. Quackerjack, who had tried to run from the explosion, was somehow still standing, albeit close to passing out at any second. Behind them, all of the animatronics were nothing more than scrap, their somewhat cute faces now melted and resembling characters in a subpar horror video game franchise. 
Megavolt was nowhere to be seen. 
“Uh-oh, Megavolt?” The prospect of being arrested for manslaughter began to unnerve Darkwing.  “Hey Quackster, you seen your boyfriend anywhere?” 
The only thing Quackerjack heard through his concussion was ‘Megavolt’, and tried to snap out of his daze as best as he could. 
“Megsy! Sparky-poo, where are you!? Ooooh, I’m gonna get you for this Darkwing Duck!” But before Quackerjack could get him, the sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance. 
“Mmm, but maybe not today,” said Quackerjack, and then took out Mr. Banana Brain. “Time to hit the road, Toad,” he said in a falsetto voice. 
“MEGAVOLT! See you at the hideout!” And Quackerjack ran backstage, toppling over Launchpad who had attempted to catch him. 
“Ah geez, sorry DW, he got away. Should we go after him?”
“Nah,” said Darkwing, “I’ve got enough on my plate with Miss Robot over here. Also I gotta make sure Megavolt didn’t explode or something,...”
“Ughhh,” groaned Dr. Matronic, “that’s DOCTOR- wait. The animatronics! What have you done to them you fiend?!” Before she could freak out entirely, the police came in, slapping handcuffs on her and leading her away. 
“Why I say I say, ah-thank you Mr. Duck sir.” 
The team looked back and saw a rotund rooster in a tacky pizza print suit come up to them, taking Darkwing’s hand and shaking it profusely. “I am the owner of this here establishment, Rolan N. Dough the Third, thought you may call me Mr. Dough. I must congratulate you sir on a job well done!” 
“Ah-yep, yep, yep, all in a day’s work for Darkwing Duck, Mr. Dough!”
“So you’re not mad that he blew up your animatronics?” piped up Gosalyn. Darkwing hurriedly placed his hand over her bill, “Gosalyn! Ix-nay on the obot-ray! Ahaha, kids...” 
“On the contrary, Mr. Duck, I’m overjoyed! Thanks to you, I’m gonna save a fortune on properly preserving those robotic freaks! And receive a rather sizable insurance check! A nice little profit for today’s events!” 
Darkwing soured, remembering his distaste for the Pizza Pagoda once more. “You’re welcome, sir.”  
“I simply must reward you! How does a coupon for a free pizza sound?” 
Launchpad’s stomach rumbled at the sound of that. “Gee DW, can we cash it in now?” 
Darkwing sighed, “Fine, fine, we’re not coming back here anytime soon.”
As Launchpad and Mr. Dough made their way to the pizza station, Darkwing crouched down to check on Gosalyn for any injuries. 
“You ok?” he asked. “I mean, aside from seeing your favorite pizzeria in ruins that is?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed, “I’m just sad the Pie Gang met their end like that.”
“Well it’s an Italian eatery owned by a Southerner themed around China, it was bound to end horribly. You gotta admit though, it was a pretty cool explosion.”
“Okay yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean the way that flamethrower just went GWOOSH and the canister was like SCHPAAAAM! Not too bad from Darkwing and his helpful sidekicks, huh?”
“Oh, that reminds me, you’re still in trouble for running in like that.”
“WHAT? Daaa-uh, I mean, Darkwiiiing!” The two walked away, preparing to stop Launchpad from spending more than $50 on pizza. 
“Hmm, I feel like I’m forgetting something though,” said Darkwing.
“Ah well, I’m sure it was nothing important,” reassured Gosalyn. 
In the subterranean hole where Dr. Matronic had come from, Megavolt had begun to regain consciousness, slowly sitting up as he willed the surroundings to stop spinning. 
“Owwww, that’s it, next date night will be at the mini golf...” 
From below, he could hear the faint voice of Quackerjack at hysterics, then fading away. Then he heard the shrill voice of Dr. Matronic screaming over the ruined animatronics. Megavolt perked up, remembering the explosion with clarity now. 
“NO NO NO! The animatronics! Darkwing Duck and that stupid doctor lady ruined my childhood! This is worse than that reboot of my favorite movie with an all-female cast! Why I oughta-OW!!”
In his rage, Megavolt failed to notice an object in his path, and stubbed his already fragile toe against it. He was prepared to blast it to smithereens, when he noticed something familiar about the object. 
Something metallic. 
“Wait...it can’t be,” he muttered. He crouched down, digging through the rubble until the object was set free. It was Cheddar Charles, banged up a little but perfectly intact. 
“Oh you poor thing,” Megavolt cooed, “you must’ve fallen down here after that mean old Darkwing blew us up!” He cradled the orphaned robotic mouse in his arms, feeling his paternal instinct flare up as he gently dusting the dirt off of it. A ghost of a childhood memory panged within him, recalling a time in his life when he felt safe and loved, unaware of the harsh realities of life that would face him later on.
Was it too insane to believe that he could pass that love on to something else?
He loved Quackerjack. He loved his life of lightbulb liberation. But if Megavolt was honest with himself, maybe there was something nice to the whole family concept. Maybe the idea of taking care of something and watching it grow with someone he loved seemed exciting to him. Maybe Darkwing had the right idea about having a kid sidekick-
Nope. It’d be a cold, day in Hell before Megavolt would admit to being jealous of Darkwing Duck. 
He took out one of his trusty light bulbs to illuminate the scene, when an idea came to him. 
“Wait a minute,” he said, “Quacky and I want a kid. This little guy doesn’t have a family anymore. That means...that means! Wait, where was I going with this?”
The Cheddar Charles let out a shock, charging up Megavolt once more. 
“Oh right! Welcome to the family, new son! This is gonna turn out way better than that time I split Darkwing into two.” He took his son into his arms, already bonding with the temporarily lifeless robot. 
“But ya know, Cheddar Charles is kinda long for a name. How about I call you...Chuckie!” 
Meanwhile, on the other side of town…
“OH MY GOD,” cried out Drake Mallard, “I BLEW UP MEGAVOLT!”
37 notes · View notes
otomememento · 4 years
Quest for Knowledge
Cybird Creative Challenge: Day 17 - Bound
(Continued from: A Proposition)
It had been a week since Oliver last saw Audrey.  A week during which his mind poured over her question and came to one conclusion: he didn’t have enough information.  But instead of daunting him, it intrigued him.  If he asked her to fill in the gaps, what would she tell him?  And he would be lying to himself if he didn’t often replay their previous interactions in his head.  If he had to be stuck with someone long term, Audrey didn’t seem like bad company; she would definitely keep things from getting too dull.
All the secrets he kept locked inside made him wary of women; the desires that seemed so natural during the evening were just awkward while he was in a youth’s body.  Anyone who looked his age during the day would be way too young: girls with innocent dreams of their romantic futures had little to do with someone his age.  But the women who were actually his age would be put off by the body of a boy barely in his teens.
He couldn’t say if he wanted to be a vampire or not, he didn’t know the details of such a life.  But he could decide, at the very least, whether he wanted his curse to be conquered.  It hadn’t seemed so bad at first; he could retain some of his child-like wonder during the day, but switching back and forth made things hard.  And he didn’t age normally between times.  Each day, his time was effectively reset.  He wouldn’t grow old and die anyhow.  The question came down to whether being a blood thirsty predator was better than being a child.  Audrey didn’t seem to have any trouble blending in; she didn’t burn in the sunlight like the creatures from horror stories would.
Even though he had predetermined this, Oliver found that his throat caught when Audrey showed up.  He had been so certain he could coolly and calmly pose his questions to her, but his tongue felt dry and stuck to the roof of his mouth.  Audrey smiled; it was one of her softer ones.  The kind that made it easier to believe she was more than just a thirsty seductress.
“Have you thought about my question?” she asked, her tone serious, but not quite severe.
“I have.”
“What do you think about it?”
“I said I thought about it; I didn’t say I had an answer,” Oliver replied with half a smile.
“That is more than fair,” Audrey said.  Did she look a little disappointed?  “I really wouldn’t expect you to jump at the chance.”
“I wouldn’t jump at anything that I didn’t have enough information on,” pointed out Oliver.  Audrey stared at him for a couple beats, then laughed.
“Ahhhh.  Of course not!”  She shook her head.  “It’s very sensible of you.  But, I hope you’re not too sensible.  After all, you have been called the Mad Hatter.  One has to be at least a little mad to survive this way.”
“Sensible.  Hmph,” said Oliver.  “I wouldn’t say that I’m always sensible, but being in Cradle has made me cautious.”  He shrugged his shoulders.
“Very well.  If you want to know something, then ask.”  Audrey opened her arms in a gesture of welcoming.  “I didn’t make the offer in jest.”
“Honestly, I’m not sure where to start,” Oliver admitted.
“Just start with whatever is on your mind.  Don’t worry about it being reasonable; you can make sense of it afterwards.  I won’t scold you for re-asking a question, or looking for clarification.”  She lowered her voice a trifle.  “Unless you want me to, that is.”
“Then I might as well tackle the biggest problem first.”  His eyes narrowed slightly.  “Blood: how much will I need and how will I get it.”
“Straight to the point.  And you managed it without flinching, which is a very promising start.”
“No sense in being squeamish about it.  If we’re serious, then it would be a sure sign I’m not ready if it made me too uncomfortable.”  He shifted slightly.  “Not that I’m entirely comfortable with the idea, but I consider myself open minded, if nothing else.”
“You’ve pretty much had to be,” murmured Audrey softly.  She nodded her head in approval.  “Well, the first week will be the hardest.  You’ll need to take blood nightly as your body is making the transition.  There will be some aches and pains, but I wouldn’t say it’s unbearable.  During that time, you’ll get most of your blood directly from me.”  She sighed.  “When it happened to me, I was in quite a panic because I was told nothing.  I had to learn everything the hard way while my creator just watched and laughed.  I wouldn’t do that to someone else.”  
Her eyes grew distant for a while as her mind scanned back through her memories.  Oliver let her take her time.  She continued a few minutes later.  
“After that first week, it’s a good idea to take blood every other night, just as you get used to things.  The hungrier we are, the harder it is to control ourselves.  But, for a new vampire, it can be difficult to feed if you’re not a little hungry.  This is less of a physical precaution, and more of a psychological one.  Most of us are raised from a young age to think that attacking other people is generally a bad idea.  Drinking blood from another person would be considered aberrant at best, and evil at worst.”
Audrey reached up and caressed Oliver’s cheek; he found himself leaning into the contact.  He had gotten so good at keeping his distance; he found it far to easy to seek out her touch now that she had opened the door on the experience.  His only worry is that it might cloud his judgment on the current topic.
“Typically, in the past, I got blood by skulking around and taking people unawares, just like a thief.  Only I wasn’t stealing mere objects.  I had to be careful not to let my face be shown.”  She smiled faintly.  “Sometimes, I attracted men to me.  Sometimes I would creep into a person’s house while they were asleep.”   She shook her head.  “With the magic around, it is a bit riskier, but I’ve also met with a lot less revulsion.  People may be afraid of what I am, but so far no one has tried too hard to get rid of me.”  She paused a beat.  “At least, not for being a vampire, at any rate.”
Oliver listened with quiet patience.  The information she gave was good, but he was equally interested in the little insights into Audrey’s personality, and past, that went along with it.  His life would be in her hands, and so he was watching for any red flags, any sign that this would be something he would deeply regret.  So far, he didn’t get such an impression.  He nodded his head to show he understood, and he pursed his lips as he thought what else he wanted, needed, to know.
“So, you’re suggesting I do all, or some, of those things?” he asked tentatively.  Audrey shook her head.
“It’s not so much a suggestion as a retelling of my experience.  The thing about blood is, it tastes different depending on the emotions of a person.  Depending on the emotional flavors you learn to like, your style of hunting will change.  I fed on sleeping people because their blood was often peaceful, quiet.  I lured people in because I prefer the taste of desire over the taste of fear or anger.”  Her expression darkened slightly.  “My maker liked the taste of fear; I’ve never cared for it.  Anger, on the other hand, has a rather unpredictable reaction in me.  I don’t know if it’s the same for others.”  She frowned, her brows drawing together.  “He also made me experience any number of emotions, doing questionable things to get the humans to ‘feel’ just right.”  Her lips twitched; for a brief moment Oliver saw a true look of hatred in her face.
Audrey didn’t go into deeper detail, but Oliver could read between the lines.
“Yet you would still turn someone else into the same thing?” he asked.
“It does get lonely, being this way,” Audrey said, speaking plainly.  “But because of your situation, you seem the best candidate.”
“And what does that mean to you?  What will…turning me into a vampire signify?”  It wasn’t the nature of the creature he was asking about now; it was a question about Audrey.  About Oliver.
“It means nothing you don’t want it to mean,” Audrey said.  Then, seeing Oliver was not amused at her vague answer, she sighed.  “It does not create an artificial bond,” she began to explain.  “You will not feel any differently towards me afterwards, nor I to you, except that which is based in experience.  We will only be bound together by those things we have in common.  As I said before, it will be difficult at first, and you will likely rely quite a bit on me.  Once you grow accustomed to things, your fate is your own.  If that means you want to continue to share my company, then it can mean closeness.  If you decide that you wish to go your own way, I will respect your wishes.”  Even though her voice was calm, Oliver was sure he saw sadness in her eyes when Audrey mentioned the option of leaving her.
“So I would not belong to you?”  Oliver wasn’t sure how he felt about that.  Perhaps deep down he wanted there to be something unbreakable between them.
“Never.  You will always be your own man Oliver.  I wouldn’t have offered if it could take that away from you,” she said.  “But I will always be the one who made you, and we will always have our ties to London.  Unnatural as we may be, there are natural things that bind us, which is as it should be.”
Oliver was quiet for some time.  Audrey stood up and went to the window, looking outside as if to give him the illusion of privacy while he organized his thoughts.
“I just need a little more time to think,” he finally said.  Audrey merely nodded from where she was pressed against the window.  She was in no hurry; both of them would be the same tomorrow as they were now.  And the day after that, and the day after that.  Time bound them together as well.
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xxyumeno · 5 years
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Name: Ganieda
Other Spelling(s): Gwendydd (Welsh)
Origin: Geoffrey of Monmouth Vita Merlin
Faceclaim: Snow White from SINoALICE
Age: early to mid 30s
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Fae
Family: Merlin (older brother), King Rodarchus of Cambrains (husband; deceased), and Guendoloena (sister-in-law; formerly)
Height:  160cm「5′3″」 / Weight: Unknown
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Hair Color: White / Eye Color: Grey
Body Type: Petit / Slim
Ability: Clairvoyance
Gift: Fae Magic
A sister greatly worried for her brother’s well-being after he had run into the woods of Caledonian due to his madness. Had sent searchers out into the woods to find him. A searcher who had luck on their side had managed to find the maddened Merlin after searching all the wooded valleys and hidden glades and scoured the mountains, searching in places few would choose to trod willingly. Though, it was Merlin who had found them lured out from the music produced by the lyre and the song the searcher sang. He was then brought back to court.
Ganieda long with Guenedolena, her brother’s wife, had run out to meet Merlin when he walked through the city gates. She engulfed her dear brother in a hug and covered him in kisses, grateful to be reunited with him. Happily, together they led Merlin back to King Rodarchus’s royal court where he was received with honors. Due to the roaring voices and many faces and severe lack of human contact, had caused her brother to panic and his madness to return. He had tried to escape back to the sanctuary of the woods, but was unsuccessful.
One day Ganieda had come looking for her husband who embraced and kissed her affectionately when she found him. A single leaf was found in her the Rodarchus removed with laugh while lovingly starting a conversation with her. Merlin had smiled knowingly and laughed upon seeing the leaf garnering Radarchu’s attention and asked for an explanation. Only did he answer if the king promised his freedom to return to the woods as his only gift. It was then he told how the leaf had gotten in her hair, she had laid with a lover under a bush.
With her husband looking angrily at her Ganieda tried to conceal her shame with smile and saying, “Take no notice of a raving madman who cannot tell lies from truth. I will prove his madness!” with it said she went about proving her dear brother’s madness. She had called upon a young boy and had Merlin predict his death this was done three times:
The first prediction was the boy would die in manhood by falling from a cliff. Ganieda then told the boy to go and cut his long hair short and to put on different clothing. The boy came back and Ganieda had Merlin predict the death of the disguised boy. The prediction was he would and meet death in a tree while his mind has shut out all reason.
To her this had proven her innocence when she told her husband her brother’s madness had caused him to predict two different deaths for the same boy. With the next she would further prove her point.
Now she took the boy aside and told him to acquire girl’s clothing and to come back to her dressed in that manner. The boy returned dressed as a girl and Ganieda presented him to Merlin and had him predict the death of the ‘girl’ to this Merlin said, “Girl, or not, death will be in a river!”
To these words Rodarchus laughed at the three different predictions of death for the same boy and was sorry he had doubted his wife. Ganieda was relieved to hear these words, but internally she wept for her brother. Wept for he had spoken the truth and she had falsely proven her brother’s madness.
Ganieda tried to stop her brother from leaving as she appeared in front of him, spreading her arms before him, and entreated for him to stay. Unfortunately, her ply did not work as he thrusted her aside and strode on. Her servants had also tried to stop, but they too failed as they were glared down and left shuddering.
The sister pleaded once more for her dear brother, “Have pity on your wife who loves you and will die for you. Would you have her live out the rest of her life in sorrowful longing for her husband? Say the word and she will follow you to the forest and live as you live. Say the word brother!”
Despite being softened by her words, his madness in him replied, “I will be free of her, free of you, free of love and its binding chains, therefore it is right that she be allowed her chance of happiness and marry a man of her own choosing, but beware should that man ever come near! On her wedding day, I will come to her and give her my gifts.”
Ganieda and Guendoloena watch his departure sorrowfully, but marveled how he could have known about the secret affair of the queen. They were convinced of Merlin’s madness when he had predicted three different deaths for one boy.
As Merlin promised he had returned, riding upon a great stag, to give Guendoloena her wedding gifts. She had run out to greet him and marveling how he managed such a feat. Alas, it did not end well for you see, when the bridegroom, from a high window, looked down and saw the scene he had laughed. His laugh had caused Merlin to look up, when eyes laid upon the man in the window, he flew into a rage realizing who they were. He grasped the antlers of the stag and wrenched them from their sockets and hurled with them with strength at the laughing bridegroom. The bridegroom was met with an instant death when they met his skull with great force embedding themselves into his head.
Following a chase with the stag out running the servants and Merlin falling from the horse into a river he was captured and brought to Ganieda in the royal court.
After some events following Merlin’s predictions about a beggar man and a man buying shoes, along with Rodarchus setting Merlin free. Ganieda once again caught Merlin as he was making his way to the city gates. She told him of her love and begged for him to at least see out the winter in comfort with her. To this Merlin told Ganieda this:
“Dear sister, why do you fight to keep me? Winter will be hard but not as hard as living among the savagery of people, therefore let me be. But, if you will then build me a lodge in the remoteness of the woods where I may watch the movement of the stars and predict the fate of our people. You can visit me and bring me food and drink and keep me company.”
After Merlin had left Ganieda immediately had a lodge built for her dear brother, where she brought him food and drink as well as keep him company. For this Merlin had thanked for all she done.
On a particular day Ganieda was told she needed to return to the castle quick for her husband was dying, by Merlin. He also then told her to come back after the burial and to bring Taliesin with her. For Taliesin had just recently arrived after visiting Gilads in Brittany.
Much to Ganieda’s grief for the words her dear brother had spoken had rung true. Her husband passed away and after the funeral she returned with Taliesin to Merlin’s lodge where she decided to live out the rest of her days.
Ganieda was there when one of Merlin’s servants had come rushing in, all excited like announcing that a new fountain had gushed forth at the base of the mountain. Though, she did not accompany Merlin and Taliesin in following the servant to see this new wonder. When Merlin and Taliesin returned, she rejoiced her dear brother’s senses had returned to him and his madness gone.
Later on, there was an event involving an old friend of Merlin’s by name of Maeldinus. It ended with Merlin inviting Maelidnius to stay and to serve him which Maelidnius accepted. Ganieda was no longer the only one living with Merlin in his lodge. It was now her and Mealidnius, eventually Talisien would come to live with them as well.
After the passing of her husband, Ganieda had lived with her dear brother and his friends. Quite enjoying the closeness of nature and the companionship. There were times Ganieda had become an elevated spirit and would foretell of the events to come to her companions. On a particular day a spirit had come upon her and a long prophecy was told by her concerning the destiny and well being of the Britons. This caused her companions to marvel in wonder. Merlin then spoke approvingly and lovingly that the spirit that spoke to him had fallen silent and the task of foretelling the future was now given to her.
Ganieda was born half-human and half-fae when her mother had caught the interest of a wandering fae.
Her magic isn’t quite as strong as her brother’s and she isn’t able to do anything as extravagant as him. When she does use her fae magic, Ganieda primarily focuses on healing and charms.
Class: Caster / Rank: 3☆
Attribute: Earth / Alignment: Lawful Good
Cards: Quick, Quick, Art, Art, Buster | Extra Hits: 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 | 5
Traits: Humanoid, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish
ACTIVE SKILLS A Little Lie: Apply Evade (1 Turn) to yourself. A Small Affair: Apply Charm (1 Turn) to one enemy. Small Abode: Party recovers 500HP
PASSIVE SKILLS: Mixed Blood (Rank C): Charges NP gauge by 3% every turn. Item Construction (Rank D): Increases own Debuffs by 4%. Territory Creation (Rank C+): Increase own Arts performance by 7%
Noble Phantasm:  ??? Work in Progress
STATS Strength: C │ Endurance: B │ Agility: B │ Mana: C │ Luck: B │ NP: D
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ohprettyweeper-fics · 5 years
The Last Bandito: Vulture Generation
Part Five: Twisted Up Inside
Summary: Faylinn’s journey in New York continues, and Quinn contemplates leaving the hospital.  Warnings: Hospital setting and associated details.   Word Count: 1600 A/N: Book #2 of The Last Bandito series. Prompts are in bold; translations are from Google Translate. 
Quinn was tired. She was tired of the incessant beeping of the monitors around her and the blood draws and the coughing. She was tired of wearing a surgical mask everywhere she went and waiting for something that was entirely out of her control. 
Berit, the nurse who had encouraged Quinn to fight, came in every day, but the two women exchanged no words. After Quinn had told the nurse that she should accept Quinn’s fate just as Quinn had, they hadn’t spoken a single word to each other. Even when Berit informed her of any updates, that woman was talking more into the air than actually speaking to Quinn. 
And there was too much time to think about all of that. About everything. To think about her harsh words towards Berit, to think about who would take over her classes, to think about what was going to happen to her. She was coughing up more and more blood everyday; eventually, the blood she coughed up would exceed the amount for which her body could compensate. 
She had too much time to think about leaving. The New Dema scientists didn’t seem any closer to finding a cure for the Heathen virus, and Quinn knew that she could die waiting for it to happen. The scientists had been working on this for years, why would she be so lucky to see an answer in her lifetime?
“I brought you some books.”
Quinn’s train of thought was interrupted by the first words Berit had spoken to her in almost a week. She looked to the tray next to her where a few books were stacked. She looked at Berit, then back to the books, and back again. 
“A peace offering, I guess. I shouldn’t have pushed you when you were having a hard time — are having a hard time. So, I went to the library, checked out a few books on our history. I thought maybe you could still do some research while you were here.”
“Thank you,” Quinn replied quietly. 
Berit gave the hint of a smile. “You’re welcome. I remembered that you said you wanted to know more about the history of Old Dema and Trench, but a lot of those books have been stolen, so there’s a lockdown on them right now.”
“Stolen?” Quinn repeated, pulling the book from the top of the stack to her lap. 
“Stolen,” Berit repeated, jotting down Quinn’s latest vitals. “A group from Trench came and took them. Threatened Andre Weil in the process, and his assistant. We’re lucky they didn’t both with anyone else in The Conference, or hurt anyone.”
Quinn didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to know Ildri any better than she did to know that her friend was the mastermind behind that plan. She opened the book in her lap and began to read.
* * * * *
By the time Berit reached the nurse’s station again, Quinn was lost in the book about New Dema’s history. Berit watched through the window as her patient settled back against the pillows and the tension left her face for the first time since she had checked in to the hospital. 
Another nurse, Maija, approached Berit at the desk; she too glanced at Quinn before casually logging in to the computer to make notes on another patient’s chart. 
“Do you trust her?”
Berit shook her head. “No, but I trust her anger.”
Maija went back to her charting. Berit noted Quinn’s latest vitals, then leaned back in the desk chair. 
She had underestimated this woman when she first came to the hospital, thinking she had been a godsend who would have to be convinced to join them. But, Quinn was far more angry than Berit had imagined she would be. With any further luck, that anger would motivate Quinn to play the important role they needed her to play. 
* * * * *
Faylinn had been in and out of the publishing company’s office many times since she had arrived in New York, but this was by far the most tense she had been on any of the previous visits. 
Her manuscript had gone through several different lower-level editors, shaping her book into a product that would be read by Gavin Craig, the editor who would give her book the final acceptance — or rejection. Today, sitting across from him, they would go through the book together, and Gavin would decide if this whole trip was worth it or not. 
“Truly, Ms. McCarthy, we’re all excited about this manuscript. Having you here in person to polish your work and turn it into something even more spectacular than what we first read — I’ve been following the process every step of the way.”
Faylinn’s brow rose. “You have?”
Gavin nodded, pulling the manuscript closer to him. He fanned through the pages. “This world you’ve created — we all know of New Dema, of the legends that brought the city to its foundation. You’ve taken those legends and made them real. You’ve made Old Dema real.”
“Well, you see …” 
She trailed off as she carefully chose her next words. Whatever she told this man would potentially save her life or put her in even more danger. She thought once more of Ildri’s last words to her, and decided that, whether she liked the truth of it or not, Faylinn knew who she was. With a deep breath, she plunged headfirst into danger. 
“You see, Mr. Craig —”
“Please. Call me Gavin.”
“Gavin. The Old Dema that I have written about, the story I’ve crafted — it’s all based in truth. More truth than you realize. The Bishops are real, their Heathen virus is real. These characters, they’re all based on —” Though she began to name the people who had inspired her characters, Faylinn stopped. That was one betrayal she could not commit. “They’re all based on people who actually lived in the Demas.”
Gavin was the one to express his surprise now. “People you know? Personally?”
“I knew all of them,” she murmured, her heart wrestling with her use of the past tense. “At least, I thought I did. A long time ago.”
Faylinn gave him a tight smile, and Gavin was kind enough not to continue that part of their conversation. He reviewed with her the few revisions he wanted to see, then happily informed her that Regional Publishing House would be publishing and distributing her novel. 
The personal connections all floated away from Faylinn’s mind as the thrill of success took over. For years now, she had worked to find an idea. The moment the alarm had gone off in Old Dema that day, her fate had been put into motion. She felt in this moment that it was finally coming to fruition. 
“I want to fast track this — I’d like it on shelves by the end of the year. That means we’re going to have to promote like crazy. Shouldn’t be difficult, given the mystery surrounding Old Dema. True or not, your New Dema citizenship is going to give us an edge here.” Gavin clicked around on the computer. “Perfect. We’ve got a dinner with the company’s investors this weekend. You’ll be my date and we’ll start networking there.”
“This is happening fast.”
Gavin came around the front of the desk and took her hand in both of his. “I don’t want you to worry, Faylinn. I’m going to take care of everything. We’re going to hire you a personal assistant this afternoon and by tomorrow morning, someone will be taking care of all of these things for you.”
In the next moment, he was on the phone, arranging for a group of interns to come to his office that afternoon and be interviewed by Gavin’s own assistant, who was also directed to change Gavin’s dinner reservation to a plus-one. A frenzy of activity began like a whirlwind around her, and Faylinn felt nothing but pride at being the catalyst of such controlled chaos. 
* * * * *
After her lunch break, Berit checked in on Quinn again. She was surprised to see Quinn in regular dress, packing her things away, and in a hurry to boot. 
“Going somewhere?” Berit asked, leaning in the doorway. She stamped down her panic over losing such an important component of a plan that could shape the future of so many and successful feigned a casual composure. 
Quinn turned momentarily toward the door. “I can’t stay here. I’ve been reading these books about the founding of New Dema; those people were not afraid. They didn’t hide away because they were different. I abandoned my friend, perhaps when she needed me the most. I cannot stay here.”
“You have to stay here, Quinn,” Berit replied, hurrying to the other woman’s side and placing a hand on her arm. She allowed the panic to come through in her voice, if only to convey the desperation with which she wanted — needed — Quinn to stay. “You said it yourself. You’re dying.”
“Then I will die in Trench. Not here.”
“Please!” Berit begged, taking hold of Quinn’s hands. “Don’t go. You are dying, yes, but what if we can save you? What if I can save you?”
The tears that fell from Berit’s eyes were genuine; she feared what it meant for Quinn’s well-being if the latter woman were to leave the hospital. She feared what Quinn’s absence might mean for herself, as well. 
Quinn must have read the terror in Berit’s reaction because she dropped her bag to the floor, donned a surgical mask, and pulled Berit into a tight hug. 
“Okay,” Quinn promised in a quiet, soothing voice, “I’ll stay, Berit. I’ll stay.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Tags: @takenvysleep @tylersheavydirtysoul @apurdyfulmind @adversaryproject
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When Snow Turned To Rain Part I (Jotaro Kujo Imagine) Shenmue AU
A/N: alright so. this fic is purely self-indulgent and I’ve been debating posting it since... well, I don’t know if anyone will like it... but I decided why not.
This is the first part of the series,,,, and any future updates will depend on how inspired I get or if anybody else other than me ends up wanting more.
For those who don’t know what Shenmue is: it’s a game series kind of similar to Yakuza. It’s about an 18 year old boy named Ryo that watches his father get killed by the antagonist (Lan Di). I tried to make this enjoyable for everyone, but just know it’s based on Shenmue!
in this AU, Jotaro witnessed his father get killed by DIO and his lackeys (i.e. Hol Horse, Vanilla Ice, etc.) and is pretty mad about it. I mean, who wouldn’t be? The story takes place in a town called Sakuragaoka (and later, other places by there). He only lives with Holly now. Reader or S/O is his childhood best friend, and he always protects her from bullies and... pretty much everything. I wrote this to be like SDC Jotaro since he’s 18 in this.
Trigger Warnings: harassment, swearing, jotaro is kinda cold, bit of a cliffhanger whoops
(Under the Cut since uhhh idk it’s kind of long)
Jotaro has the weight of his father’s death on his shoulders.
… At least, that’s what he thinks. He claims the death is his fault for being weak and unprepared when DIO showed up with his lackeys, but I know that can’t be true. He’s so strong, always protecting me and practicing his martial arts, so there’s no way it was his fault. DIO just gave an unfair fight. Well, that’s what Holly tells me as I ask her where Jotaro has been for the past few days.
“Could you tell him that I’m looking for him, Holly-san? I’m… worried about him,” I frown at the blonde before me, sighing when she agrees to. “Thank you. Here, I brought all the work we’ve been doing in class so he isn’t stressed when he comes back to school.” My bag almost falls as I pull out the stack of papers and hand them to her. While doing so, I see Jotaro walking through the hall behind Holly and panic at the glare he sends my way. “W-Well, I have to get home, bye!” And I take off running.
It’s normal for him to glare at anyone that tries to interact with him. I’m used to it since I grew up with him, but that doesn’t mean it can’t scare me sometimes. The frustration in his eyes wasn’t directed at me, but rather… the situation I put him in. His mother had to calm me down because he’s been gone. She knows I care for him and will likely ask a million questions… 
I take a mental note to apologize to him later.
Stars illuminate the sky on my walk home. As unsafe as it is for a girl my age to be wandering the streets of Sakuragaoka alone, I have no other way home. That doesn’t ease my anxiety at all though. It turns out, I’m so used to having Jotaro with me during my walks at night that being alone makes me uneasy. Darkness shrouds each alleyway as I rush towards my house. Everything seems so much scarier when it’s dark and quiet like this, so I want to get inside as soon as I can.
A few punks don’t think I deserve such a fate, however.
“Oi, you’re Kujo’s bitch, ain’t ya? He should know better than to let a pretty thing like you walk around alone,” a man grabs my wrist and yanks me into an alley, shoving me up against the wall. It’s painful, but I’m more panicked than worried about injuries… “Guys like us though? We’d never let ya leave our sight.” His cackle sends shivers down my spine. This is my absolute worst nightmare, and I have no way out of this. Nobody else is around, and even if they were, they’d be crazy if they tried to interfere with the group of punks crowded around me. “No one else’s around, huh? Why don’t ya come home with us, baby?”
His hand grips my arm tight enough to leave bruises as I try to run. “Please, I’m just trying to get home, my grandma’s expecting me.” My voice quivers at their angered eyes, but I still manage to get the hand off of me and run for it. I don’t look back as I sprint to my home and throw myself inside. No, I don’t look back, since I don’t want to be caught by those perverts again. Why can’t they see I’m not interested in them? And… why do they think I belong to Jotaro? My mind turns into a whirlwind of questions, spinning around and around, and I find myself falling onto the sofa we have. I can’t even get myself up to my bedroom. Somehow, I pass out there on the uncomfortable couch as I think about Jotaro, wondering if he would even care if he found out about this.
The next day at school is… awkward for me. I don’t want to be there. I just want to be at home and rest, but my grandma said I needed to go for Jotaro. For Jotaro, I remind myself, you’re doing this for Jotaro. This repeats like a mantra as the same punks from last night approach me again, throwing slurs and raunchy pick-up lines my way. It repeats even more when I get called to the office and told that my mother asked for me to go home early. And then, like a broken record, it repeats. Again. And again. 
Today is exhausting for me. It feels like everything is happening all at once and I find myself thanking my mother for once. Going home early feels like a godsend after those punks wouldn’t stop harassing me for being alone. Jesus, they really don’t want to leave me alone. I guess I depend on Jotaro a lot… 
Speaking of Jotaro… I see him in the distance talking to a little girl - Megumi, if I remember correctly - and he’s not being as harsh as usual. Megumi seems to be okay with talking to him, and that brings the first smile of the day to my face. But… I wouldn’t want to ruin their conversation. So instead of greeting the two, I look around for a different way home… that is, until I hear my name being called.
Megumi waves me over, sounding distressed. I hesitate for a moment, looking up at Jotaro, but he just seems mildly irritated. At least he’s not giving me a death glare today. I don’t think I could handle that. With a light sigh, I head over to the two and notice a kitten. “Her mommy got hit by a black car, a-and she’s all alone, and Mama won’t let me adopt her,” Megumi explains, “will you help me and Jojo take care of her?” Without hesitation, I nod.
“Of course I’ll help take care of her! You know I love cats.” The words slip out as easy as they can. It’s… not a lie, but it’s not the main reason I agree to help, either. I want to make sure Jotaro is alright, and talk to him about his father. He must be going through so much, I find myself thinking as I look up at his guarded expression. “Jotaro, I… It’s been a while, how are you?” Bad way to start this off, my mind screams as he glares down at me. “I-I mean… Are you doing okay? I… I heard about your father,” I frown, “and I… I’ve been collecting the schoolwork for you! Holly-san answered the door, so I asked her to take it to you for me. I hope she didn’t, um… say anything.”
“Yare yare, you’re rambling.” His scoff makes me tense up.
“Yeah, I… suppose I did start rambling. Well… I-I’d better go home.” I take a step back, bowing my head, but before I can get far, Jotaro calls out to me.
“Wait. Did you see a black car come through here when it rained?”
I freeze in my tracks. “Yes, I did... It raced past me and splashed me with a mud puddle.” Narrowing my eyes at the memory, I let out a sigh. “They didn’t even apologize for ruining the sweater I was wearing…” As I think back to that moment, a scowl darkens my face. That really pissed me off. Who did they think they were? 
Jotaro asks a few more questions, but I don’t have helpful responses for him so he gets a bit frustrated. “Gotta go,” he grunts, “see you.” And he’s gone, leaving me with Megumi and the kitten. My heart aches at his actions. I guess I’m not useful to him.
Megumi calls out to me again. “Jojo seems fond of you,” she coos, “he had a soft look in his eyes when he saw you.” Her giggle makes me flustered as I realize what she’s implying.
Soon, I would find myself wishing her naive assumptions were right.
And soon, I would regret ever saying anything to Jotaro about said assumptions.
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likeanemployee · 5 years
In Regard to Ozpin: theories thoughts and BS
I’ve been thinking about Ozpin’s role in volume 6 again and quite frankly it’s probably the only true issue I have with this volume. For 3 volumes now we’ve been playing the maybe Ozpin isn’t really the good guy game and while I know some people have bought into that the first and only time his action weren’t at the very least understandable (and I’d go so far as to say completely justifiable) was when he up and disappeared this season. 
If I’m honest I don’t think the decision to do that was based at all on character personality but on plot they wanted/needed Ozpin to not be around constantly providing answers. For example the apathy arc. You could probably do something like they did with Maria, with Ozpin if he were around where he forgot/didn’t immediately recognize the signs of the apathy and then they started to effect him too but I for one would have found it less believable. Maria has excuses like old age and that she’s been out of the game by comparison Ozpin should have plenty of knowledge, experience, and lets be honest paranoia to recognize something like that had he been present. A second example is the airship arc while I would be willing to believe Cordovin would have denied them regardless of any sort of input from Ozpin I also feel like he should really have some code words and pre-established plans in case of something like this or at the very least have some kind of contacts he could enlist for aid. If nothing else his presence would have radically altered the “We’re going to do it our way” aspect of the conflict. 
Honestly I don’t have a problem with that in of itself sometimes decision are made to enable the telling of a story. It happens and as long as the decision are reasonably believable (and lets be honest there are no hard and fast rules about what is and isn’t possible when it comes to soul sharing) its perfectly fine. My problem is the heavily implied reason why he’s disappeared is that he’s chosen to. 
This is a huge problem to me. The entire redeeming aspect of Ozpin, the reason I’m willing to excuse everything he’s done and said (or not said) is he’s still trying. After everything he’s faced and lost and after being betrayed (multiple times apparently) not to mention I’m sure he’s seen plenty of examples of humans being shitty (because we are like way too often) he’s still trying to stop Salem. Still fighting the woman he loved to keep other people alive. He’s willing to continue to face all of that and not give up even when he has been told stopping her is impossible that there is no end game that he’s going to have to go on like this for all eternity. He’s willing to face that challenge that utter impossibility but he runs from the anger and questions of a drunk and a gaggle of children. The only way that makes sense is if he doesn’t believe in his own course of action. If despite the appearance of calm, control and confidence he has put on at almost every turn he’s not sure the lives he’s spent were worth it or that the secrecy was the right way to handle things or that any of what he’s doing is right. It implies an almost ‘making it up as you go’ approach. Where the seemingly well prepared Ozpin who always has another plan always knows what the next step needs to be was really just desperately trying to stay one step ahead of Salem the whole time. That he doesn’t have long term goals or plans just an endless scramble to stop Salem and that calls into question every other decision. See if the secret organization, the lies, the misinformation, the smug assurance that his way is right comes from a long term goal/plan and the calm assessment of a shear quantity of experience no one else could even comprehend then he’s justified. Even if some of those decisions end up being wrong (no one no matter how long they live is perfect) he is still the most qualified person to make such decisions and they had to be made. So if he is making those decisions with anything remotely like the purpose and confidence he shows he’s still the good guy but if he’s in so much doubt he would refuses to face someone challenging those decisions that confidence suddenly becomes unacceptable and damnable arrogance. Suddenly all those decisions made by experience and forethought are made by arrogance and paranoia  and Ozpin goes from flawed hero to at best misguided and at worst power hungry villain.
While I’ve done this rant before and so won’t get into it to much I want to mention it because to me the fact Ozpin doesn’t defend himself better and put Salem’s immortality into perspective is the greatest indication he’s much less competent then he appears. I’m just honestly still a little upset that even without Ozpin someone didn’t sit the rest of the group down and go Salem’s immortality doesn’t matter. It changed absolutely nothing about their current situation or goals. Clearly based on the fact they are all alive Ozpin has successfully stopped her from destroying the world for generations. She may not be kill-able she is stoppable or at least preventable and prevention is all huntsmen-ing is prevent the grim from killing and causing destruction. Not stopping the grim not ending the threat of the grim permanently that was no where on the horizon. It wasn’t something any one of them thought they might do. Salem is exactly the same the jobs, the ones they volunteered for, haven’t really changed. and I’m sorry but that should be blindingly obvious if Ozpin can’t make that argument, if he doesn’t whole heartily believe and can’t easily convince the rest of RWBY+ of it he’s not competent enough to hold the positions he has. I can accept shock, outrage and discourage from everything Jinn said there was a lot there and an emotional response is at least understandable probably even expect-able so I can understand why it wouldn’t occur to someone other then Ozpin in the initial moments after Jinn’s reveal but as I said I’m still fairly disappointed we never at any time got any of the characters addressing this it just feels so obvious to me someone should have realized even without Ozpin to put it into perspective and if RWBY+ should have had time to figure this all out Ozpin really should have and the fact that he doesn’t address it at all and instead seems to flee is to me the single greatest indictment of his character by a huge margin.
Now lets discuss some other possible explanations for Ozpin's disappearance. Which might invalidate my complaints. First there’s Oscar. I’d be willing to accept (again there are no set rules for how Ozpin’s reincarnation works) that this whole thing is actually a result of Oscar rejecting Ozpin and making it difficult or even impossible for Ozpin to manifest himself. Oscar has made it clear (and it's perfectly understandable) that he has some misgivings about this whole melding thing. Oscar is also shown to reach out to Ozpin on occasion without success and then Ozpin shows up without prompting at the airship crash which would seem to disprove the theory Ozcar could be suppressing Ozpin but I think there’s a plausible argument saying something like because of soul/magic bs and Ozcar’s subconscious fear/concern he was suppressing Ozpin even in the instances he was reaching out toward Oz and that in the airship he was so consumed by the panic of the moment Ozpin was able reassert himself. While I don't find that as likely as the he's hiding explanation it does solve pretty much all of the problems I have with his disappearance.
A second possible explanation which would at least partially satisfy the issues I have would be that Ozpin had willfully isolated himself but not because he's running from the characters but because he's "seen this before" and recognizes it’ll be best for them and especially Oscar to come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. I’m not sure I believe that it could possibly be best to leave RWBY+ without advice with the fate of the world at stake but it would make a hell of a “I have trust in humanity” moment and going back again to the we don’t know how this soul melding thing really works I’d buy a it was vitally important for Oscar’s soul to synergize with Ozpin’s and for that to happen he need to develop some opinions and characteristic similar to Ozpin’s and that it was best if he developed them without Ozpin’s influence. Actual that aspect might provide the opportunity to justify the melding process a little making a claim that the mere fact Ozpin’s soul attached to Ozcar’s indicates his nature is similar and therefore he was always going to grow up to be like Ozpin to at least some extent but over the years Ozpin has found that allowing the new soul to grow to that similar state without interference simultaneously allows for a smoother melding and the new soul to maintain a better sense of self. Throw in Ozpin decided it was more important to preserve that sense of identity for the previous soul then him being present to help protect the relics and you make the soul melding thing much less morally grey. I don’t know that’s all some pretty strong bs but I think it’s at least mostly believable bs I’m still struggling a little with how letting RWBY+ figure things out for them selves could be for the best and none of it explains why Ozpin disappears when he does but it’s maybe something.
A third explanation which I don’t think completely excuses his disappearance but at least probably brings Ozpin back into the world of flawed hero and not villain is emotional trauma. Ozma has been through some shit and there’s probably never been anyone he could truly fully confide in. Even setting aside his obvious concerns about revealing too much who could ever really understand everything he’s been through. Not to mention his concerns about the present and future this is a man who feels the future of literally the entire world rests in his hands and that feeling is fairly accurate. Plus you know all those fun immortality probably isn’t as great as it sounds concerns that always pop up when you discuss such things and then there’s that moral grey area that is that whole soul melding thing again which he doesn’t seem to have any control over I’ll note. Considering it all it’s somewhat impressive Ozpin is even sane at this point so him having a little mental break down and going into hiding after reliving some of his worst memories, having the only people he thought he could rely on suddenly turning on him oh yeah and having been betrayed by Lionheart someone he seems to have had a history with and trusted implicitly only days before seems fairly reasonable to me. It does bring into question some of that invincible confidence and all the related problems mentioned above which is why I don’t think it completely excuses the disappearance but I think it could be written such that he still comes out with the good guy tag intact. The bigger problem is the calm almost amused way he presents himself during the airship crash and then disappears again. I, at least, can’t find a way to explain that in the context of this theory.  
Those are my theories at this point. I’m curious to see how it turns out and would love to hear other people’s theories as well as reasonably phrased questions comments or complaints about mine. Honestly I just really hope this doesn’t turn out to be like the entire season plus of build up to Raven dramatically revealing she can turn into a bird and it’s all devious Oz’s fault you can’t trust him and then Qrow almost immediately brushes it away with oh yeah we agreed to that it was a cool and useful trick btw magic exists which if I’m being fair Yang probably didn’t already know but the audience did due to the maidens so yeah not really much of a reveal.
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duhragonball · 5 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (107/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous Chapters conveniently available here.
[21 Feruary 233 Before Age.   Planet Lubegev.]
Lubegev was a peaceful world, mostly known for its tranquil oceans and a storied tradition of erotic poetry.    Though not a Federation planet, it had friendly relations with Luffa's interstellar alliance, and some of its leaders had hinted at applying  for membership.   Posing as tourists, Luffa and Dotz made their way through one of the larger cities.   Dotz was still recovering from her encounter with the Saiyan Jolok, so she rode on an antigrav chair which Luffa steered through the pedestrian walkways.  
"Seriously, I'm feeling much better, Luffa," Dotz said, although the weakness in her voice suggested otherwise.    "My visions aren't clearing up much, but I'm sure I could walk if--"
"Sorry," Luffa said.   The poncho she wore rustled on her shoulders as she maneuvered Dotz around a street corner.    "Even if I believed that, I don't want to risk letting you push yourself too hard.   If Doc found out, he'd never let me hear the end of it."
"I'm fine, really," Dotz insisted.  "I've just been having some intense dreams, but considering how many Saiyans I've run into lately, that isn't too surprising."
"You were in a coma," Luffa replied in a tone that reminded Dotz of her own mother.   "You only think it was a quick thing because you don't remember any of it, but you were stuck in bed for a couple of months.   Your muscles have atrophied, and you need time to recover.    I'm just glad the doctors okayed your release so you could come with me.    If your prediction comes true, and there really is going to be a Saiyan attack on this planet, well, you can maybe you can find more Saiyans for me..."
"I had to go with you," Dotz said.   She adjusted the dark purple shawl that she wore around her head and shoulders and took a deep breath.    "I saw it in the lines on your palm.  I don't understand it yet, but the dreams I've been having... There's something important about you, Luffa.    I couldn't just stay behind, even if you hadn't saved me.    You're much too important to the future."
"You're beginning to sound like my wife," Luffa said.  "Well, think whatever you want, but I'm just a plain old Saiyan who happens to change colors when I use my full power."
"From where I'm sitting, you couldn't be more wrong," Dotz said.   "That other Saiyan, Jolok, nearly killed me, and you told me that was just to test his abilities.   But you-- you came all the way to my bedside to save a total stranger."
"I've been on the receiving end of that Mindworm trick myself," Luffa said.   "I wouldn't wish that on anybody, and I thought I could help."  She shrugged.     "Anybody else would've done the same."
"I don't know about that," Dotz said, "but most people probably wouldn't have been so thoughtful as to forward my hormone replacement regimen to your doctor friend."
Luffa harrumphed.   "Just thinking ahead, that's all," she said.   "It works in fighting, and it works in cooking, and I find it helps in other situations too.   You'll want to get back on track with that as soon as you can, and this way Doc can get everything together now instead of figuring it out tomorrow.    Besides, I know what it's like to have trouble controlling your own body."
"Of course," Dotz said.    She decided to let the matter drop, as Luffa seemed to be embarrassed by her own compassion.  Another piece of the puzzle, she thought to herself.  
"So how much do you know about the future?" Luffa asked.   "I thought you could only read minds, like I do, but if you're right about this Saiyan attack, then...?"
"One of my ancestors had Kanassan blood," Dotz explained.   "The family stories said that his people could see what would happen, but they were powerless to change it.    I didn't inherit much of their ability.   If you want the truth, most of my readings are based on whatever I can pick up from the customer's mind, and any flashes of insight I might happen to get."
"So why didn't you get a 'flash of insight' warning you about Jolok?" Luffa asked.
"I did," Dotz said.   "But it wasn't a warning, it was a promise.   A Saiyan would hurt me in some way, but I would recover with a newfound clarity.   Ever since you woke me up, I feel like my psychic abilities are... Well, not increasing.   It's more like they're maturing somehow.  I'm starting to think I got more from my ancestor than I knew."
"Well, if this Saiyan attack on Lubegev ever gets rolling, you'll have me convinced," Luffa said.   "You said he'd be here today.   Now that we're here, any idea what time he'll show up?"
"To be honest, I thought he should have been here by now," Dotz said.    "Could your presence have somehow scared him off?"
Luffa laughed.   "Not likely," she said.   "Chances are, he's been here a while already, and he's just keeping his energy suppressed so ki sensitive warriors like me can't detect him until he's ready to make his move.    I'm doing the same thing, so he won't be able to sense me until I've got him where I want him."
"Why are you so determined to catch him, Luffa?" Dotz asked.   "I know Saiyans love a good fight, but you keep saying he'll be no match for you, so it can't be for sport."
"I have unfinished business with the Saiyan king, Rehval the Third," Luffa explained.   As she spoke, Dotz could tell Luffa was gripping more tightly on the handles of her chair.   "But that royal bastard went into hiding before I could settle things with him.   Until I get a solid lead on him, my best bet is to make life miserable for as many Saiyans as I can.    I'll interrogate any I find, and if they start any trouble on planets like this one, I'll make them regret it.    I've also been shutting down as many wars as I can, just to make sure they can't have any fun behind my back.    Sooner or later, they'll get sick of this standoff, and they'll have to help me find him."
"Couldn't that work against you?" Dotz asked.   "If you aren't careful, the Saiyans might unite against you instead."
Luffa chuckled.   "I guess so.   Yeah, that sounds pretty fun, now that you mention it," she said.  "Is that an official prediction?"
Before Dotz could answer, there was a loud booming sound coming from the downtown area of the city.     Luffa positioned herself between Dotz and the source of the noise.   A moment later, she grinned with anticipation.    
"And there's our boy," she said.  
"The Saiyan?" Dotz asked.    Without thinking, she pulled her shawl tighter, as if it would offer some measure of protection.  
"A little late to the party, but I don't mind," Luffa replied.  
Dotz broke out in a nervous sweat.   Her psychic abilities didn't allow her to sense ki the same way Luffa could, but she could still sense waves of panic and fear from that general direction.   "It sounds like he's setting off explosives!" she said.   "I had no idea Saiyans could be so powerful..."
"This one's stronger than usual, that's for sure," Luffa said.   "But don't worry about that.   He's still no match for me."
She parked Dotz's hoverchair near an archway where she would be reasonably safe, then handed her a small device from the pocket of her yellow pants.  
"That's a communicator," Luffa told her.   "Call me if anything goes wrong.    Or you might be able to raise my wife.   Her ship should be in communications range before too long.   But I don't think you'll need it."
She tore the poncho off her shoulders and tossed it to the ground as she walked in the direction of the explosions.     When she was gone, Dotz took out a deck of cards and attempted to perform a divination.    There were more reliable ways to refine her inborn abilities, but this one was faster and more portable, and she hoped the cards would at least tell her the outcome of the battle.    Minutes later, she had as much of an answer as she could get.    The Saiyan invader would die.    The planet would survive the day.  
Luffa's fate was unclear.    
Seconds later, Luffa intercepted the Saiyan in the middle of a shopping district.   The Saiyan was firing off large bursts of ki energy, but not actually hitting anything.   Everything about his tactics indicated that he was trying to do one of two things.   Either he was attempting to frighten the populace into surrendering without a fight, or that he was trying to lure any strong opponents into the open.    Concerning the second, Luffa was happy to oblige.  
"What--?"   This was all the Saiyan managed to say before Luffa punched him in the face.   He was a short, chubby man with a long beard that nearly ran down to his navel, and despite his immense power, he never saw her coming until it was too late.    Before the force of Luffa's blow could knock him into a nearby building, she flew past him and caught him in midair.    
"Where's King Rehval?" Luffa asked as she held him upside down by the ankle of his boot.    
"Ask him yourself...in hell!" he shouted as he fired a ki blast from both hands into her face.   It didn't harm her at all.    
"Wait, are you saying he's dead?" Luffa asked.   "Or were you trying to be witty and got confused?"
He reared back and tried to punch her, but she simply tossed him away before his fist could connect.     Adding insult to injury, she peppered him with small ki blasts as he tumbled through the air.    
"Come on," Luffa said.   "You're wearing a uniform from the Saiyan Royal Military.   It's a little scuffed up, but I could smell the royalist stink on you from across the city.   You had to be on Planet Saiya when your master ran away like a scalded dog.    You must know something you'd like to share with me."
"M-my master is no coward, woman!" he replied, trying to muster as much defiance as he could.   "The Rehval Dynasty is the past.   I serve the future!   Hail Trismegistus!"
"Then you've betrayed Rehval to become someone else's lapdog, is that it?" Luffa asked.    "Typical royalist trash.   Well that's just fine.   Then you won't mind telling me everything you know about where Rehval is."
"Never!" the man cried.   "I'll never talk!"
"Good, good.    I like a man with spirit," Luffa said.   She approached him with such a blinding speed that she seemed to vanish and then reappear behind him.   Then she gripped his shoulder and began to squeeze.   As he cried out in pain, she added with a laugh: "You've got a lot of courage defying me, but 'never' can be a very long time, Saiyan."
Then, just as she felt she had the situation under control, she sensed another Saiyan, closing in on her from above.   At the same time, the one she was tormenting suddenly increased his power level dramatically, and she realized that he would now be strong enough to break free of her grasp.    In the split second before the incoming Saiyan could connect, she released the first one, and arched her back to avoid a heavy kick.   She was about to fire a ki blast to counterattack, but then she sensed a third power, and before she could react, she was hit with a ki blast to the small of her back.    
"Nicely done, Aramanth!" called the one who had tried to kick Luffa.   "Your aim more than makes up for your lousy looks!"
"Shut up, Kakabajo!" Aramanth shouted from the street below.   "At least I held up my end!   What were you even aiming at?"
"Why didn't she try to read my mind?" whined the fat, bearded one as he nursed the shoulder Luffa had squeezed.   "If I had known she was gonna play so rough, I wouldn't have held back for so long."
"The real question," Aramanth replied as she flew up to meet the other two, "is what she's doing here at all.    Lubegev isn't a Federation planet.   Luffa's never even been here before.   It should have taken days for her to find out about our invasion and to arrive here by starship.   Instead, she's on us before Kres even had a chance to get started!
"No, the real question," Luffa said as she suddenly appeared from the residual energy of Aramanth's attack, "is how you three could give me so much trouble."
"She's still alive!" Kres wailed.
"Of course she is, Kres," Aramanth growled.   "This fight's only just begun.    She hasn't even transformed yet!"
Luffa snapped her fingers and ran her hand through her short, black hair.    "That's right, I knew I forgot something.   Hang on."
"Stop her!" Kakabajo warned the others.   "If we allow her to change, then--!"
Before he could even finish the sentence, Luffa threw back her head and made a loud grunt.    Her hair had shifted from black to glowing gold, and her dark eyes had ignited into a brilliant green.
"You were saying, Kakabajo?" Aramanth grumbled.  
"Didn't know I could do it that fast, did you?" Luffa asked, her voice rising over the pulsating noise of her furious aura.   "Everyone thinks it takes me a while.  Sometimes I drag it out for effect, or just because I'm in the mood.    But sometimes it's more dramatic to make it quick."
"That... that power!" Kres gasped.  
"You're using the same kind of energy as Jolok," Luffa observed.   "So I guess that means you three are part of the same organization that he was in.   He said something about defying orders when he tried to fight me, but you three were counting on me to show up, so I suppose that means your boss authorized this.  What'd you call him?   'Triss Mejistus?'"
Without warning, she rushed towards Kakabako and punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.    His partners tried to attack, but Luffa was too fast for them to get a lock on her.  
"So if that's true," Luffa continued, then your boss is a fool.   You three are strong, sure.    Amazingly strong compared to normal Saiyans, but you're still no match for me.    
"On the contrary, Luffa!" another voice called out.   "Our master did not expect three of us to defeat you."
As she turned to find a fourth Saiyan standing on a rooftop, she noticed two more Saiyan powers appearing on the street.    She kept her focus on the man on the roof, since he appeared to be the strongest, though not by a wide margin.  
"Logas is my name," he said as he waved his arm with dramatic flourish.   "You've already met Kakabajo, Kres, and the, er, lovely Aramanth.   Below me are Voraj and Purzlein."
"Six of you..." Luffa said.   "Well then..."
"I'll give you a moment to consider your situation, 'Super Saiyan'," Logas said.   "And then you might reconsider our master's thrice-blessed wisdom."
Luffa paused for a moment, glancing at each of them.   At last she turned her head and spit.  Below her, Kres scrambled to move out of the way of her phlegm.    
"Not bad at all," Luffa said.  "Your leader must be pretty strong if he can keep six people like you in line.  And if he can afford to sacrifice you all just to test me, then he might be even stronger still.   Yeah... Did you bring him with you?    No offense, but I'd rather fight him first, if it's all the same to you."
"Why, you arrogant--!" Aramanth said with a scowl.
"Your time is over, Luffa!" Logas boasted.    "Trismegistus commands your death!"
Aramanth and Kres flew after Luffa and tried to flank her, while a Purzlein leaped into the air and charged a ki blast, waiting to see which way she would dodge before firing it.   Instead, Luffa stood her ground, punching the Aramanth on her left while contorting her body to avoid the attack from Kres on the right.   Then she launched herself directly at Purzlein, practically begging him to fire at her pointblank.    He did so, and his energy burst splashed across Luffa like rushing water, but it had no effect.    She flew through his attack and reared back her left arm to strike him in the jaw.    
Except that she never actually got close enough to hit her target.   To her surprise, she saw Aramanth had followed her into the air, and was now grasping her boots, halting her movement.   Just as she turned her attention to her, Kres joined in, firing a ki blast of his own at Luffa's back.   And so it went.   Each time she tried to shift her focus on any one of them, the other two took advantage.   Just as Luffa began to appreciate how formidable her opponents were, the others joined in, and she found herself facing something resembling a true challenge.  
Realizing that she couldn't whittle down their numbers by attacking a particular member of their team, Luffa shifted tactics and began using techniques to attack multiple opponents from all sides.    When they gathered too close, she used an explosive wave of ki to drive them back.   When two or more of them tried to attack her at the same time, she would maneuver herself near one of their partners, so that their coordinated attacks would risk hurting their own.  
Mostly though, she took a lot of hits.    The six Saiyans fought like a well-oiled machine, and though none of them were individually strong enough to beat her, any one of them could hurt her once the other five managed to create an opening.    Working together this way, each of them took turns landing body blows, headshots, and various ki attacks.   At all times, at least one of them maintained a barrage of small ki shots at her throughout the battle, which seemed to be intended to harass her more than to soften her up.  It was when a kick to the face caused her to taste her own blood that Luffa began to realize she was actually being pressured.    For the first time since she fought the Shockmaster, she had a real fight on her hands, and if she didn't do something quickly, she was in danger of getting killed.  
Her lips curled into a smile as she realized the danger she was in.
Joint locks weren't an option in this situation.    The same was true for ki techniques.   In the time it took to utilize such moves, she would be wide open to a counterattack.   It would be child's play to pick them off one by one, but she could tell from their attacks that these Saiyans were too well-trained in team attacks to risk splitting up.    So far, she had managed to survive by fighting defensively, but she couldn't assume that they would run out of stamina before she did.   They had clearly been preparing for this fight.   So what weren't they prepared for?
Without warning, she rocketed straight up, nearly colliding with one of her foes.    She fired a volley of ki blasts down at the rest, but this was just to make them think she was trying to fight back.   Instead, she made a sharp turn and sped away from them, heading due north.
"Where the hell is she going?" Aramanth asked.  
"Coward!" shouted Kakabajo.  
"We've won!" cried Kres.    "All we have to do now is follow her and finish her off!"
"Don't get careless!" Logas snapped.  "She's up to something.   After her, but keep your distance!   Keep a tight formation!"
Hundreds of miles away, Luffa could sense them giving chase.   There was a chance that they would refuse to take the bait, and resume pillaging the planet until she returned to face them, but that would have worked to her advantage as well.    As it was, their reaction proved that their main goal was to defeat her, and they were very confident that they could pull it off.    A weaker squad would have been more cautious.   A stronger or more reckless group would have pursued her at their maximum speed.    These six were somewhere in between.   They were confident enough to pursue her, but at the same time they were willing to give up the initiative to see what she had up her sleeve.    Now she had their measure.    
Playing into their expectations, she came to a stop and began charging a Gallick Gun in midair.    There was a strong wind blowing from the ocean to the east.   She caught the scent of one of them from upwind.      Before the Saiyans came into view, they had already spread out to surround her.     There was no chance of hitting any of them with her attack now.    The moment she aimed at one of them the other five would strike, throwing off her aim enough for the sixth to dodge.    Luffa smiled as she quickly shifted the ki into an explosive wave.   This had no chance of working either, since the six were too far out of her effective range, but that wasn't the point.    The point was to cover her trail.
"Where did she go?" one of them asked when the light from her explosive wave subsided.    They had expected her to use it as cover, to maneuver around one of them for an attack, but the attack never came.    Luffa was simply... gone.
"I can't sense her!" Logas replied.    "Can anyone else lock on to her ki?"
"Negative!" reported Voraj.  
"Me either," said Purzlein.   He began to look around anxiously.   "What if she... did something to us just now?  Messed up our senses, somehow."
"I can sense the rest of you," Logas said.   "She must be suppressing her power.   There's a forest down there.   She must be hiding."
"That's crazy!" Kres exclaimed.   "What good would that do her?    We could just blow up the whole area and she wouldn't even be able to protect herself!"    He pointed his open palm down at the trees and it began to glow red as he readied just such an attack.
"Sure we could," Aramanth said as she grabbed his hand and pulled it away from the forest.    "But then we'd never know for sure if we got her or not.   I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to report back to our Lord and say we think we killed the Super Saiyan.   If she turns up alive later on, we'll be banished for sure."
"M-maybe it's not a trick at all," Voraj said.   "We don't know how that glowy yellow power of hers works.    Maybe she can't sustain it for very long, and we finally wore her out.    She ran away because she knew she was almost out of stamina."
"All right, we've got to assume she's still alive down there," Logas said.   "We'll have to start clearing the foliage carefully and check for Saiyan remains as we go."
"This could backfire on us, boss," Purzlein said.    "If she's only feigning weakness, she could ambush us really easily down there."
"Two can play at that game," Logas replied.    "Some of us will suppress our ki and we'll cover each other's backs."
In the city, Dotz had stayed put, until a kind local noticed her sitting alone and escorted her to the relative safety of a cafe.   Emergency vehicles had deployed throughout the area to deal with the destruction, but Dotz already knew the immediate danger had passed.   She had spent the last several minutes reading tea leaves, and between that and her cards, she had determined that the Saiyans had left the city to do battle in a forest.  
The number of Luffa's enemies had increased.   Instead of one invader, Dotz now believed there were at least three.   This troubled her.   It was one thing when her predictions turned out to be mistaken, but when they contradicted themselves, it meant that she couldn't trust her own ability.   Which forecast was true, if either?   And why couldn't she determine anything about Luffa?   It should have been easier than this to forsee whether she would survive this battle.    
But the answers would not be found, no matter how long she started into her tea.   When the waiter came over, she sighed and ordered another cup to try again.  
Luffa waited in the forest for twenty minutes before making her move.    She found the first pair of Saiyans standing in a clearing.   Voraj was keeping watch while Kakabajo began blasting trees.  
"Wait, I think I found something!" Voraj cried.    He raised his power level almost immediately as Kakabajo turned to follow him.    In the distance, Luffa could sense the others approaching.  
Voraj tore through the bushes and grabbed something yellow that he had spotted among some branches.    It was Luffa's pants.
Luffa herself was not with them.
"What the hell--?" Voraj gasped as he realized too late that this was a trap.    Suddenly he sensed a powerful ki blast, and he instinctively rolled away to avoid it, the pants still flapping in his hand as he moved.   When the crimson light faded, he checked on his comrade, only to find him on the ground, with a hole through his chest the size of a small coin.    Kakabajo was dead.  
Then Voraj heard laughter.  
"How did she--?!" he asked.    He never sensed her presence.    He still couldn't.    He could sense his four partners, but not Luffa.   And then, as he looked around, he suddenly saw her running towards him, far faster than any Saiyan could while suppressing their ki energy.   As he struggled to make sense of it, he briefly imagined that this was some sort of illusion.    Then Luffa drove both of her fists into his chest, and scurried away before he could even finish falling to the forest floor.     His broken ribs, he knew, were no illusion.
"What happened?!" Logas called out as they arrived only seconds later.    They had thought that there would be plenty of time for them to gather together when one of them found something.    In their practice drills, it had seemed almost instantaneous.   But now, as he still struggled to grasp Luffa's true speed, those moments seemed like an eternity.
"Luffa," Voraj groaned as he struggled to sit up.    "She took out... ugh..."
"How?!" Aramanth asked.    "We never sensed her energy!   It was like that ki blast came out of nowhere--"
"We need to get out of here!" Kres insisted.   "We can't risk engaging her with only five--"
"And do you think Luffa will just let us leave the planet peacefully?" Logas snapped.   "Even if we could escape, we'd still have to face Trismegistus' wrath.   Oh, he'll know to send seven or eight Saiyan after Luffa next time, but that team won't include any of us!    Not after we've failed.   We have to stand and fight!  There's no other way!"
Once more the forest echoed with a woman's cruel laughter.    "I'll make this easier for you," Luffa said in a mocking tone.   "The first one who tells me about Trismegistus gets to leave the planet unharmed.    The rest of you won't have to worry about his wrath, because you'll be too busy suffering mine."
Logas remained defiant.   "You think we're afraid of you, you craven freak?" he shouted as the others looked around for any sign of Luffa's person.  "Hiding like this only proves that you lack the power to defeat us!"
"Is that so?" Luffa asked.    "Ask your buddy Voraj what he thinks of my power.   Well, unless his ribs hurt too much for him to talk."
"She... she's right, boss," Voraj said as he clutched his chest.   "It's like she can use some of her ki and hide it at the same time.   She wasn't glowing bright yellow when she tagged me.    I don't think she hit me with her full strength, but..."
"Enough," Logas hissed.   "That sort of talk will only make things worse."
"How much worse can it get!?"  Kres cried.    "We're stuck on this planet, one dead, one wounded, and she's going to kill us all!   We won't even see her coming until it's too late!"
"Pull yourself together!" the leader growled.    "We're Saiyans, aren't we?"  
"Yeah, we're all Saiyans," Luffa called out.   "You guys should be enjoying this fight.   I know I am..."
"I'll tell you!" Kres shouted.   "I'll tell you everything!   Trismegistus gave us our powers!   It's called Jindan!   It enhances our ki!   He's building an army of Saiyans, all so he can--"
Logas fired a ki blast at Kres's head before he could say anymore.   His team looked on in horror as Kres's corpse collapsed to the forest floor.   There was nothing left of his head but a skull covered with a thin film of blackened flesh.  
"Logas you... you...!" Purzlein gasped.    
"You know what happens to traitors," Logas said.  
"Well, that brings you down to four," Luffa said with a cackle.  "Three and a half, really.   Voraj doesn't look like he's in much shape to fight."
"You monster!" Aramanth shouted.   "If you're so sure you have us beaten, then why don't you come out and finish us?!"
"Good question," Luffa said.  "I guess the best answer is that I don't just want to beat you chumps.    I've been putting up with Saiyan cowardice and treachery for a while now.    You people are the first Saiyans in a while that I've managed to corner, so I guess I'm taking out my frustrations on you."
Without warning, she suddenly rushed out of the forest, and struck Logas in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.    As he sank to his knees, the others moved to help him, and Luffa stopped and stood before them, bearing a sick smile on her face.  
"You idiots tried to hurt a lot of people today," she said.  "You didn't need to hurt them, but you tried anyway.   For fun, or maybe to get a rise out of me, or maybe your boss Trismegistus told you to do it.   I don't really care why.    All I know is you were pretty high on yourselves earlier, back when you thought you were the strongest guys on the planet.   Back when you thought I'd be easy pickings."
She transformed, and the other Saiyans took a step back as her golden aura kicked up a powerful wind.   Her hair glowed bright yellow, and her eyes shone a furious green.  
"I can tell from fighting you all, none of you were ever particularly weak, even before you got this Jindan treatment, whatever it is.   That was probably the idea.   Your master wanted to send some of his best warriors to face me.   You're all used to having things your own way.    Anyone tries to stop you, you just shove them aside, because you know they can't fight back."   She pointed at her eyes.    "I can see it in your fighting styles."    
The Saiyans tried to attack her, but their coordination was completely ruined now.    Two of their number were dead, one barely able to stand, and Logas still unsteady after taking a body blow.  They were still trying to overwhelm Luffa with their superior numbers and teamwork, only it wasn't quite as superior as it had once been.   Luffa grabbed Voraj, the one with the broken ribs, and slammed him into his partners like a club.  
"Me, I was actually a weakling once, believe it or not.  I know what it's like to get pushed around, and how to fight when my back's against the wall."  Luffa tossed Voraj into the air and watched him fall to the ground.    "Guys like you aren't used to being the underdogs.    You've never had to fight with broken ribs, have you?  Not when a quick ki blast would finish things instead.    Maybe that's why I'm  where I am now.   Doesn't really matter."
Logas grew desperate, and charged at Luffa, putting all the power he could muster into a single blow.    Luffa dodged this easily, though doing so left her vulnerable to flanking attacks from Purzlein and Aramanth.   She leapfrogged one of them, which caused their attacks to very nearly hit each other.   Then Logas caught up to her and managed to drive his fist into her face.
"Now!   While she's down!" Logas screamed.   "Finish her off!"
As one, the four Saiyans fired on Luffa with all the energy they could.   Even Voraj had managed to pull himself upright so he could join the assault.   Dazed, Luffa was barely able to bring up her arms to shield herself before she was engulfed in a stream of multi-colored light.  Behind her, the foliage and rocky soil were annihilated by the blast, carving out a trail of ash for several hundred yards.  
"I... I can't keep it up..." Voraj groaned.
"Don't stop!" Logas shouted.   "She's weakening!  I can feel it!"
"It's another one of her tricks!" Aramanth protested.   "We have to surrender!"
"Don't be a fool!" Logas shouted.   "If we stop now, we're all dead!"
Suddenly, Voraj collapsed, unable to stand the strain any longer.    Logas turned to him and gasped in shock.    
"It's not enough!   We need more power!"
And then suddenly, Aramanth ceased fire.   While Logas was distracted by this, Aramanth turned and shot Purzlein instead.  
"What are you doing?" Logas cried in terror.    Now he was the only one left fighting against Luffa, and in a one-on-one contest of power, he didn't have a prayer.   Luffa forced his attack back, pushing against it, step by step, until at last the energy had nowhere else to go but back upon the man who had unleashed it.   In a matter of seconds, he was torn to shreds, and the shreds were pulverized into dust.    
Luffa was the victor.    Her bare arms and legs were covered in cuts and bruises, and her left eye had swollen shut.    Her black shirt and compression shorts were soaked with blood, and she moved gingerly, painfully across the ruined patch of forest, but she still moved.    The first thing she did was to grab her pants from Voraj.   In all the confusion, he had never thought to let go of them.    He was still breathing, though barely.    
As she checked on Purzlein's body, Aramanth aimed at Voraj, and killed him with an energy beam through the skull.  
"Why?" Luffa asked between ragged breaths.    
Aramanth held out her hands in a gesture of capitulation.    "You were winning," she said.   "And you said you'd spare the first one to tell you about Trismegistus.  I couldn't do that until I was sure the others wouldn't be able to kill me for my betrayal."
"What do you mean?" Luffa asked.  
She knelt down and bowed her head to Luffa.   "I've failed Trismegistus," Aramanth said.   "I can't go back to him, so my only chance is to pledge my allegiance to you, Super Saiyan.   I'll tell you anything you want to know, and do anything you ask."
"Get up," Luffa commanded.  
She obeyed, and as soon as she did, Luffa grabbed her by the collar of her uniform.  
"You idiot!" Luffa yelled.   "You could have won!"
"Wh-what?" Aramanth asked.  
Luffa shut her eyes tightly and shook her head.    "I've never fought such a small number of Saiyans and had that much trouble before," she said.   "If the four of you had kept it up just a little longer, I'm not sure I would have been able to keep going!    And then suddenly your offensive went slack and--"
"You mean we really could have killed you?!" Aramanth asked.    She looked over at her fallen comrades, suddenly realizing the gravity of what she had done.   The glorious opportunity that she had allowed to slip through her fingers.   The reward that Trismegistus might have given her for slaying the almighty Super Saiyan.  
Luffa shoved her to the ground and turned away from her.   "Maybe!" she said.   "I don't really know my own limits, so maybe I would have managed to keep fighting, or maybe I would have had to retreat into the forest and hide for a while.    But maybe your combined power might have killed me.   Now, we'll never know."
Neither of them moved for a moment.    A cold breeze blew through the trees.    Aramanth rose to her feet, unsure what to do next.
"As far as letting you leave this planet," Luffa said bitterly, "well, it depends on how good your information is.    I can't exactly trust someone who'd turn against her own--"
She suddenly turned and fired a ki blast at Aramanth, who had been about to attack Luffa from behind.   Whether Aramanth seriously expected to prevail, or whether she had simply been driven mad with regret, no one could say.    
Luffa looked down at the Saiyan woman's corpse, then spit on it in disgust.    
When Luffa returned to her ship with Dotz, Zatte noticed her wounds immediately.    
"What happened?" she asked as she scooped up Luffa and began to carry her to the sickbay.  
"Ran into more of those jacked up Saiyans," Luffa said.   "Like the one on Quadzityz, only this crew never got around to self-destructing."
"Ordinary Saiyans did this to you?" Zatte asked.  
"Yeah, well you should see what I did to them," Luffa replied.  She tried to laugh, but it hurt too much.  
"I'll get Dr. Topsas," Zatte said as she set her down on on of the beds in sickbay.  
"Don't trouble him," Luffa said, "it's not that bad--"
Zatte raised her hands, showing Luffa the red blood that had smeared onto her blue-skinned palms from carrying her.  "This.  Is not.  A debate," she said.
"Okay, okay, but he promised to check out Dotz first, so--"
"To hell with that," Zatte growled, then she spun around on her heel to fetch the doctor.   She made it one step before she found Dotz scooting towards her in her anti-grav chair.
"Oh, hello," Zatte said.  "Uh, excuse me."  She sidestepped Dotz and continued towards the door.
"Luffa, was that your wife?" Dotz asked after Zatte had gone.
"Hell yeah," Luffa said with a proud grimace.   "She's really something, huh?"
"I'm so sorry," Dotz said, maneuvering her chair to Luffa's bedside.   "I only saw one Saiyan in my vision.  I never imagined there would be six of them!"
"You did great, Dotz," Luffa said.  "There's nothing to apologize for.  If I had known there would be six, I still would have played it the same way."
"But... but I was wrong..."
"Accuracy's a relative thing," Luffa said with a shrug.   "A Saiyan's a Saiyan, whether he's got backup or not.    You got the timing down, and the location.   That was all I needed.   Now if there had been zero Saiyans, then I'd be a little annoyed, but this worked out better than I hoped."
"But... but..."
Luffa's expression shifted to one of concern.  "Hey, you should climb into one of the beds, all right?   You still need to recover your strength.   I'll try to get Doc to look you over first, but he's pretty stubborn once he makes up his mind."
Dotz decided there was no point in arguing, and so she removed herself from her chair and lay down in the nearest bed.  As she pulled the covers over herself, she kept glancing over to Luffa, who seemed as cheerful as could be, despite her injuries.  
NEXT: The Initiation
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lov3ofmylife-blog · 6 years
Finally Home
Colorless. In this world, your life is black and white until you meet your soulmate. So when Natasha married her husband, James, and no color appeared she began to worry. Natasha was raised in a very strict religious household. Never even considering to bat an eye towards the same gender, she always assumed her soulmate was male. She met her husband through her family, they met at church, they hit it off but natasha never saw color. James had claimed when the moment they met his life bursted with color. But natashas had experience the quite the opposite. The world had never seem more duller, but she kept up the lie. Her parents seem to be very satisfied with natasha's choice to marry james. The only escape natasha seem to get from her dull life was when she went to get drinks with her fellow coworkers at her office where she works. Natasha works at a paper company based in New York, LandLock Com. But every saturday she goes to get drinks with a couple of coworkers, but one saturday when she knocks into a girl at a bar her world is full of colors. She stumbles a bit as her dull world of black and white turns into a vibrant splash of color.
She turns around to look at the face of the woman who brought an array of colors with her. Natasha though did not want to reveal that she found her soulmates as she is married. "Hey", said natasha. The woman turns and natasha studys her features very obsvertantly but briefly. The mysterious woman's hair a dark shade of brown with a couple of strands ginger hair, curled to perfection. Her hair stopping at her shoulders, her lips painted red. Deep chocolate brown eyes, and olive skin. The woman spoke after what seemed like an eternity of natasha studying her features, "Hey stranger", spoke the woman. Little did natasha know that the woman was also studying her delicate features. Natasha's curly long red hair, fair skin and plump pink lips was enough to interest the woman.
"Come here often", spoke natasha. Not really knowing how to flirt despite having a husband.
"wow, nice pick up line. You're lucky you're cute.", spoke the woman. "Leslie"
"What a pretty name, but don't worry pretty soon you'll be screaming mine all night long."
Natasha nervously trying to hide her blush. James was quite the ladies man but never had she blushed at someone trying to swoon her with a cocky attitude.
"Sorry but i don't swing that way", natasha managed to push out.  
"Such a shame, such a pretty doll. I would've loved to make you mine" Leslie spoke twisting one of natasha's fiery red curls with her index finger. "Well it's time for me to take my leave, see you again doll." she winked and blew a kiss towards Natasha.
Natasha stood in place, speechless she just found her soulmate but the biggest problem that she feared her entire life, her soulmate is a woman.
How does she even deal with this problem. She was married to a man who is not her soulmate, she just met her soulmate, but her soulmate is a woman
Ever since that fateful day at the bar, she has gone every single day and stayed at the same stool for weeks. But Leslie hasn't come back, also natasha has seen james start to pull away from her, he seemed very distance.
One day after Natasha came home from work she saw James sitting on the couch staring blankly at the dark T.V screen.
"James? "
"Natasha, we need to talk"
"Yeah, sure anything you need", natasha spoke softly.
"When we got married i promised to always tell you the truth no matter what. So that's why i wanted to talk to you. When we met i didn't see color, i only said that because my parents like yours thought i was the perfect match for you and you for i. So when my parents told me i had to marry you i felt satisfied, i mean you're a nice, caring and badass woman. But i never saw color and i felt guilty, i deprived you of finding your real soulmate. And for that i truly apologize, but one saturday when you were gone i went to a business meeting for the company and i met my soulmate. His name is Taylor Grant. At first i didn't want to admit, i mean as you know coming from very religious who don't really support homosexuality it's hard to come to terms with. But i did i wanted you to know that i'm not your soulmate, and you're not mine. My soulmate is Taylor Grant, and natasha i sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. You're an amazing woman and any man will be happy to have you. I'm glad to have called you my wife but i thinks it's best if we get a divorce", said james. Nervous to see Natasha's reaction to his confession.
After a couple seconds of natasha taking in what James had said she put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"It's ok james, i understand why you did what you did, and i wish you nothing but luck. Also i'm glad to say that i did find my soulmate, um her name is Leslie", natasha replied. "Now if only i could find her again would be great, but also yeah it was fun while it lasted but turns out we're both super gay so yeah it's over."
They both chuckled softly, at their situation, at what the future might hold. But right now they know they have a friend in each other. Natasha walked over to James to give him a big hug. Discovering new friends coming out of a failed marriage.
"Wait, did i hear you right, you said Leslie, short girl with brown hair and sly attitude" spoke James softly against natasha's hair.
"Yeah, why?", natasha said in a very hopeful tone. Maybe finding a connection that could lead her to her snarky soulmate.
"She works with me, she's my assistant. You want me too set you guys up?"
"Wow, never expected my soon to be ex husband to become my wingman. Never thought i'd say that sentence", said natasha.
"Consider the beginning of a new best friendship, also yeah technically we still married but that needs to change cause i'm trying to get my manz, and you trying to get your womanz", said james.
"I'll say yes as long as you never say womanz again. Also let's go get divorced", said natasha in a very gleeful attitude.
After a week of a very quick divorce, Natasha was finally a single woman again. Natasha and James still have a close friendship always checking in on one another, giving advice or just a shoulder to cry on.
But today was the day, after a whole month or more of not seeing the face that caused the colors in natasha's world, she finally get to see her again. Walking into the bar natasha began to panic. I mean how would Leslie react to seeing her again? Would she storm out? Would leslie even want to see her? Would leslie even believe that natasha  wants to spend the rest of her life with her even when she said she's not into girls? All her thoughts vanished when she peered in the corner of the bar she saw Leslie in a booth sipping on a drink in her black cocktail dress the same one she had on when they first met.
"Hey stranger", natasha said as she approached the booth leslie was seated at.
"Hey there doll", Leslie purred.
"You might be wondering why i brought you here. I know i said i wasn't into girls and that-", natasha blurted out but lucky leslie interrupted her.
"Doll you talk to much, you and i both know we both saw color when we met. And i doesn't take a scientist to figure out we're soulmates. So i guess you can say you were born to be mine", finished off Leslie. Natasha tugged her lips in a smirk and was about to finish off her thought before she felt soft lips against hers. She kissed back, and although it lasted a couple seconds its was the sweetest kiss ever mostly because it was by the person she was destined to be with.
After 2 years of dating Natasha and Leslie decided to tie the knot. In the beginning of their relationship Leslie got to meet Natasha's best friend/ ex-husband James and his partner Taylor. And to be honest Leslie loved James, i mean they had met earlier through work but she began to really become closer friends through this ordeal. Leslie rather easily becoming friends with the couple.
Although a lot of their family opened them with open arms, both Natasha's and James' parents did not approve of their partners, and they still don't. So in a double ceremony all four of them got married in a double wedding. They all spend their days going on double dates, and watching Game of Thrones.
Natasha almost laughing at her old self when she thought she was "straight". Yeah no, she's super " straight" with her wife and their 2 kids. But looking at the sight of her family she's finally realizes she's finally home.
A/N: If you like it reblog or something. Also please give me feedback it would be v helpful. Also if you actually read it thank you. 
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naferty · 6 years
Time for a little something-something based on the Stony theory about finding the soul stone by sacrificing Tony or Steve.
And heavily inspired by this beautiful work by @shaliara
Naturally I choose to sacrifice Tony.
After finally reuniting and putting the past to the side in order to save the future Steve and Tony find themselves at odds. Neither are able to apologize and neither are able to say more than four words to each other at a time. Emotional wounds are running deep and making it hard to find forgiveness.
They are still able to work side by side, however. Make sure the other is okay while they run and chase after the infinity stones during their time jumping. The others helping the lessen the tension that is constantly there.
If you were to see them in this state you would think the two can't stand to be so close to each other, and you’d be partially right. Each time Tony looks at Steve he feels a burning in his chest. The sounds of his mother’s soft and panicked breathing always coming back, but he knows what's more important so he pushes on. Keeping as much emotional distance as he can while getting the job done.
This isn't about them anymore. It's now about the universe and he'll be damned if he doesn't give it his all for this last chance to get it back.
They don't communicate much at the start, relying on others to get the words out, but that's exactly how Tony wants it. Then they end up alone together while waiting to jump into action at Thor’s signal and Steve does the unthinkable.
He talks to him.
“For all it’s worth, I am sorry, Tony.”
And Tony wants to say something scathing, a passive-aggressive comment, to let all the bottled emotions he once experienced in the past 3 years free and give him a piece of his mind, but he's tired and emotionally exhausted and he just wants everything and the half of the universe missing back. He wants the Spider-Kid, Happy, all the children who were taken too soon and all the parents and wives and husbands, sons and daughters, grandparents and friends taken from their loved ones.
So he remains quiet and doesn't fight. It's not worth the pain at this point. But Steve keeps talking, trying to justify his choices, trying to say he's wrong for the way he went about the whole thing, trying to make him see his point of the entire event, trying to say he's sorry for not giving Tony the benefit of the doubt.
It all goes out one ear and comes the other. Steve can say his apology and pat his own back and move on. Tony will allow that. He's just done with it all. A shell of his former self who just wants Pepper by his side and Rhodey to tell him he's being dramatic and Happy with a big ol’ smile while he tries to ignore Peter asking him something.
He never sees or notices how much it all affects Steve, how much the man is hurting, how much he wants the past to change. All Tony sees is a man sorry for getting caught.
He doesn't respond to Steve’s bleeding heart, choosing to remain focus on the task and moving on without a word. Something in Steve breaks when he sees Tony leave.
It continues on like this. With Tony trying his hardest to stay indifferent and Steve wanting something he can't have. They're all emotionally compromised and it's proving to be difficult for them both. They can only last so long until something gives.
The hug that happens between them after a moment of vulnerability they hadn't expected is not seen by anyone, and they never speak of it.
Then they are sent to go after the soul stone. Just the two. Together. Alone.
They don't know what to expect but they're ready for anything thrown at them. This isn't the final stone they need, but it's another step forward and they're ready to lay down their life for it.
Steve isn't expecting to see the Red Skull, and Tony could do without the damn poetry in order to make the stone appear.
“Sacrifice what you love,” he mocks over the edge of the drop. “What kind of fairy tale bullshit is this.”
Steve appears torn by it. Not finding it funny it seems.
“You be got to admit it's ridiculous,” Tony continues. “Make a stone of unlimited power appear you have to sacrifice something you love.”
His face soon turns grim, understanding the severity of the situation. “Someone else should've come. Like hell I'm sacrificing Pepper or Rhodey for this. And Barnes is gone so there goes yours. We've got no one.”
Steve has looked away now, facing the ground. The quiet is getting to Tony.
“What? You've got someone? Is it Romanoff? Carter?”
Steve remains still, choosing not to say anything. It's getting on his nerves.
“If we have no one there's no point sightseeing.”
“There is one,” a grainy voice says, gasping for air. It doesn't come from Steve. “One the Captain loves,” the Red Skull says while looking at him.
“Be quiet,” Steve nearly growls, glaring at the supposedly dead man.
“So Rogers here has someone left. Great. We're not sacrificing them in order to get this stupid stone. There has to be another way,” Tony peers over the drop, trying to figure out a loophole. “The kid got taken from me. Isn't that enough?”
Red Skull shakes his head. “Must be by your own hand.”
“Like hell.” The very idea of killing someone for gain left him shivering in disgust. “I’ll throw my armor in there. I put my heart and soul into it. Put devotion and love. That has to be enough.”
“Must sacrifice a soul to obtain the soul.”
“There has to be another way!” Tony glares at the red man. “I did not go through years of paranoia and anxiety for the fate of the universe to be decided on us sacrificing someone else to save it. I don't care if the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few. We are not doing it.”
“You do not have to,” skull man mocks. “Only the Captain has a soul present to sacrifice.”
“I said be quiet!” Steve barks, blue eyes turning cold.
Tony blinks, caught off guard. Present? Unless Steve ended up shrinking someone with Lang’s help and he's keeping them in his pocket there can't be someone present for him. “What do you mean?”
“Don't ask him anything, Tony,” Steve turns, at last, begging him.
Skull man continues to stare pointedly at Tony as if knowing something very interesting that will change everything. “Only the Captain can sacrifice.”
Tony’s gaze goes to Steve, realization slowly dawning at him. “What is he saying, Rogers?”
Steve's face goes grim, eyes endlessly sad and mouth in a thin line. It's the answer he needed.
“Me? Really? After everything that's happened?” Tony wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. “You have a strange way of showing affection.”
“I wanted to keep you both,” Steve says as if that explained everything, as if it shined a new light.
“You jumped through a lot of unnecessary hoops to keep me as a friend.”
“Not a friend,” Steve admits softly, “not after, not as we lost 3 years,” and that? That changes it all. They have a chance now.
“Get the stone, Rogers.” Because he will not sacrifice someone else for the sake of gain, the fate of the universe be damned, but sacrifice himself? He can do that with his eyes closed no problem.
But Steve won't allow it. “No. I can't. I won't.” He takes steps back as if standing near distance to Tony will somehow cause the deed.
“Steve,” he tries again, “get the stone.”
“I can't,” there's panic in his tone. Steve won't do it. The supposedly love is preventing it.
Tony’s heart belongs to someone else. Always has and always will, but for Rogers? There's a piece he could give just for him. A young piece that remained from his childhood and adolescent years. A piece that has survived through everything against his will. An old friend he long wished to forget, but his heart wouldn't let go.
He walks towards the soldier without a word until he's within distance, until he can grab Rogers’ face with both hands and see those blue eyes shine. “I’ll help you.”
He kisses him. Drags his head down so their lips touch and holds him until Steve understands what is happening. Tony pulls away to see a series of mixed emotions go through his face. He kisses him again and this time Steve is ready for it, placing his arms on his hips, desperately keeping him close.
“Stay with me,” Tony says against his lips as he takes small steps back. “One step at a time. Together.”
When he pulls back a third time there are unshed tears in Steve's eyes. He kisses once again, not wanting to see or else he'll break himself and they couldn't afford that.
“Do you imagine in another life it could've been different?” Tony asks, the cruelty of those words ripping his very being. “A happy ending for us?”
Steve chokes on a sob against him. His kissing had become harsh. Not wanting to let go.
“Maybe in another time, there could be an us. Together, with nothing tearing us apart,” Tony can feel his own tears building but he doesn't let them fall. He keeps taking step after step backward until he feels the edges of the cliff when the back of his shoe feels nothing. “I'd like to imagine we could've been happy, and maybe we will one day, but you've got to let me go now.”
He balances back, making absolutely sure Steve's hands were on him. He kisses one final time, the last goodbye, before he feels nothing but wind and sees the horror on Steve’s face. Their time together coming to an end, but that's okay.
Maybe their sequel won't turn out so bad.
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calliecat93 · 6 years
RvB16 Episode 5 Review: Headshots
So far this season we’ve had time travel, alien Gods, pizza quests, and Tucker cockblocking himself twice at the same time. I’d say so far so good! The question now is what crazy shenanigans will our heroes get into next? Let's find out!
So last episode, Sarge wanted to try undoing the past again, but this time round up some recruits to ensure success. I wasn’t sure if it was going to go anywhere... but Joe proved me wrong! Simmons informs us through his log that they’re now in the near present (I guess at some former Red Base from the looks of it) and Sarge has rounded up three historical figures. Agent John, Agent George, and Agent Alex. In other words John Wayne, President George Washington (from how it sounds before the Revolutionary War ended), and a dying Alexander the Great. Well, that’s certainly a dream team I never would have thought up.
So what does Sarge plan to do now? Try Broken Ridge again? Nah, at least not for the moment. Instead, they’re going to go back to Season 15 and kill Temple back when they first met the Blues and Reds. Why? Well, Sarge wants to undo Temple convincing him to turn on the others because he still feels guilty about it, though he tries to not admit that it was him even though Simmons already knows. Of course, only George has any combat experience since John is an actor with a tough guy persona and Alex is... well, dying. But they’re gonna go for it anyways. So off to Season 15 they go!
Well... Simmons has one major concern first. Remember back in Episode 2 when Donut said that the portals could only fit two grown men at a time? Well, Simmons is concerned about what will happen with five people going in at once. But when does Sarge play the safe way? So they all go through and things seem okay with them having arrived at the initial meeting of the two teams... except Simmons points out that they were supposed to get there before their past selves showed up. Naturally, Simmons isn’t keen on the idea of his past self getting killed since he’d cease to exist and wants to back out. Sarge, however, decides to press on ‘cause... it’s Sarge, do I need to make an explanation as to why?
So George creates a plan that Sarge likes and ignores Simmons’ protests about accidentally killing their past selves, deciding that the risk is worth it. John proposes a simpler plan of causing a distraction, then getting in close and shooting Temple and therefore getting rid of that risk. They go for it by sending Alex out, which lets Sarge reach Temple and shoot him at point blank. Everyone panics as Sarge does his victory dance (aka, BEST PART OF THE EPISODE) and... Jax cuts the scene... yep, you heard me right. Jax calls cut. So remember during the S15 credits when Jax proposed the entire events as a feature film? Well... looks like Joe found a use for it. So yeah... Sarge killed an actor while Temple is still sitting in a jail cell with his fish. WELP.
Jax is pissed cause... you know, his scene got messed up, but cheers up upon recognizing Sarge and Simmons. So I imagine that those reading this who haven't seen the episode (which... why are you reading this and spoiling yourself? If you are a FIRST Member, GO WATCH IT NOW!) are probably very confused. Weren’t the Reds supposed to go back in time? Not forward? Well, we’ll come back to that later. For now, Sarge is upset that he didn’t get asked to be in the movie because as we learned in that Reservoir Dogs episode in S14, Sarge always wanted to be in a film. Jax explains that he DID try to reach out to them... but no one could find them for a year now. So yeah, they are one year in the future.
Anyways, Jax gives a tour of the set with everyone wearing armor because Halo/Jax forces them. Jax is also pretty much now the angry director which absolutely makes sense... though I wonder if Joe (who is Jax’s VA) did this so that he could vent his potential frustrations about directing the show XD Hey, we all get stressed and need to let it out. Jax is also pretty much trying to turn RvB into this universe’s version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe... that explains all the Norse God references... that we haven’t had in a while. When Jax leaves to deal with a problem, Simmons figures that they got sent forward in time due to the portal being unable to handle more than two men. He also hints that they spent a year gathering the recruits, so they are in the present... yes I know that is confusing as Hell, but it’s time travel. We were going to get confused at some point. Also... I guess that means Wash should be okay by now and I imagine that he and Carolina are NOT taking the guys being missing this long well. Hopefully, we see that soon... please?
But anyways, the Temple actor is dead... but he got caught in a scandal so if anything Jax gets free press. Sarge tries to get Jax to hire him... but Jax isn’t sure and then gets called away to deal with wardrobe. So Sarge gets Agent John to help him stage a scene in order to convince Jax to hire him. Yeah, do that against one of the most well known Old West actors. Simmons finds this stupid, but he can’t stop it. Sarge goes for it... and sucks. Like... REALLY sucks. Jax casts John cause... you know, famous professional actor and all. Sorry Sarge, stick to shotguns instead of headshots. Jax’s movie goes forward. This gets Simmons to throw in the towel regarding science and Sarge feels betrayed by one of his old heroes. So yeah, pretty much everyone has either given up on the mission or, in Caboose's case, has interpreted the mission wrong. So everything is officially off the rails now my friends... or is it? 
After what’s felt like forever, we FINALLY cut back to the Cosmic Gods. We finally get to see the head God we only got a glimpse of in Episode 1... and he is HUGE. Kalirama and a bunch of other Gods are there too as well as the golfing guy whose color scheme seems to spell out that he’s going to be the Loki. The designs of these guys are great by the way, all of them having either an orange or green color scheme and armors that give them a distinctly alien feel to them. There’s also this weird echo sound effect added to the voices that make them sound other-worldly. It’s just really well done.
So as we established before, the pizza quest has invoked a prophecy that spells out the end of the universe. Golfing Guy seems excited about it, but the Head God who we learn is named King Atlus Arcadius Rex, isn’t having any of the bullshit. We learn that it’s been eons since the Cosmic Gods interfered with human affairs and there is a reference to the three Fates of Greek mythology, but none of them have spoken for a long while. This is concerning to Atlus, who fears that the Reds and Blues have been having help from within which is causing this. Golfing Guy admits it was him, but really he’s just being an asshole and it’s hinted that he may be the Trickster God that Kalirama mentioned in her debut. 
Atlus shuts everyone up, saying that the Reds and Blues antics are weakening the chains that bind him, aka who I am assuming is the true antagonist. We’ll get more into that in the review section. For now, Atlus swears that one the Reds and Blues appear again, he’ll have Muggins find them and then he shall kill them personally. Kalirama says that they can't cause they’re under his protection (whether she’s referring to Donut or someone else IDK), but this doesn't deter Atlus who makes it very clear that no matter what, his will shall be carried out.
That got a lot longer than I had intended. So I wasn’t sure how to feel about the episode on my first watch... but TBF I’m about that with anything I watch. The second watch through though was a LOT more enjoyable, especially for review purposes. I honestly did not know what to talk about aside from the ending at first, but man I have so much to say about Sarge and Simmons now.
So let's do Simmons first. It’s been interesting seeing him stuck with Sarge this season. Because so far, while he has been going along with Sarge’s plans, he’s clearly not happy with it. He’s been either confused or just plain annoyed at Sarge’s antics and train of logic. Words cannot express how happy I am to see Simmons like this. Like yeah, he’s still going along with it, but compare this to Simmons in Blood Gulch. Regardless of how nonsensical Sarge was, he went with it without any question. He was a suck-up who would do ANYTHING for Sarge's approval. But as we saw with Chorus and Season 15, he’s become a lot more independent. Heck, the only reason he seems to be going with Sarge’s plan is for scientific purposes and because... well it’s either that or be stranded in the past. Plus at least it was an attempt at fixing the past, so they were trying to follow the mission. I’m kind of disappointed that Simmons didn’t finally blow up at him cause, but I guess that can come later now that he’s tossed science out the window, Still, I am so happy to see how far he’s come.
Sarge... it’s interesting really. First, it’s good to see that he still feels guilty for his actions last season, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Him also feeling bad about killing an actor, even if he won’t admit it was him, is also good. Like it looks like Joe is hitting on that flaw specifically: Sarge’s inability to admit fault. Even last season, when Sarge did admit that he was wrong, he still couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t do it again. It was still a big step, but it shows that Sarge still has a lot of problems. Add that to the last PSA and.. yeah when you really think about it, Sarge has issues. A LOT of issues. It feels like he fucked up so many times that the only way that he can deal with it is to ignore that it was his own fault if he can't just blame something else. Him wanting to kill Temple to undo what he did makes sense and really illustrates how much it really weighs on him. IDK if this is to get Sarge past this or just Sarge being Sarge, but still, it’s incredibly noticeable in this episode.
Heck going off that, it really feels like Joe is putting a lot of emphasis on the Reds having issues. Donut is pretty much God, Grif’s got his vendetta against adventure and trying to ignore it, Sarge has his inability to admit guilt despite how much he feels, and Simmons... actually he’s probably the most stable ATM since he’s mostly grown out of his kissass phase. The Blues have had it more light-hearted in comparison and... I AM SO HAPPY! RED TEAM FOCUS HELL YES! I love the Blues, but they’ve had PLENTY of focus and same with Wash and Carolina. They’ve had their issues focused on and have had character development for years now. Last season felt like it was closing the book on it to make room for Red Team Problem. I think it’s pretty universally agreed that the Reds have gotten the shaft pretty hard since... well, pretty much the beginning. They’ve had some good moments and have had some character development (Simmons’ growing independence, Sarge coming to terms with the Reds and Blues war being a lie, Grif realizing that he doesn’t want to be alone) but it feels like there’s a larger push to give them more development this time over the Blues. This makes me SO happy you have no idea. Thank you Joe!
Alright, so Sarge’s recruits! They are exactly what I would expect from him. He mentioned John Wayne in Episode 2, and of course he would be a fan of him. A tough southern film star? I imagine that Sarge has a copy of every John Wayne movie ever, even the horrible Genghis Khan one. George Washington is a well-renowned war hero and probably one of the first American heroes, so that makes sense. And Alexander the Great was known for being a great militant and conquer, so that also makes sense.... too bad they pulled him while he was dying. So two well-known militants and essentially Sarge’s childhood hero. Yeah, all of these choices fit perfectly for Sarge. I approve! I mean history got flushed down the toilet, but eh, I’m sure they’ll work it out.
So with this episode, it looks like everyone has given up on Donut’s message. Grif never cared to begin with and is still on the pizza quest with Doc unable to convince him otherwise. Caboose interpreted it wrong and Lopez can’t do anything about it. Tucker and Sister are likely banging the Game of Thrones cast by now. And with this, Sarge and Simmons are fed up and call bullshit to science. So... I have zero idea what’s going to happen now. Personally, I hope we cut to Wash and Carolina to give the Reds and Blues a break, plus if it’s been a year now then I imagine that they’re turning every planet in the universe over trying to find them. Oh and sidenote, Jax was great in this episode. I know that some found him annoying and yeah the film references could be a little too much, but making him a frustrated film director who flip-flops between being cheery and pissed off at everything works SO WELL. But anyways, IDK if Sarge and Simmons are going to stick around in the present or send everyone back to their respective time periods, we’ll see. Hopefully, the next episode progresses the plot in some way.
Alright, I’ve held on long enough. Let's talk about the ending. Holy shit, the ending. So it looks like we have a hodgepodge of various mythologies. Kalirama is based off Hindu myth, Golfing Guy seems based off Loki who is Norse and known as a trickster, Huggins and Muggins we’ve already established as being based off Odin’s ravens so Norse also, and Atlas seems based off all the king-esque Gods like Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman), Odin (Norse), etc. IDK who everyone else may be based on since we didn't have enough time with them. I already talked about the designs, color scheme, and audio so not much else to say there, other than to again say I love it. And that I also want a cast list because I NEED to know who all these voice actors are.
So based off of Atlas’ words, here is my thought. IDT these guys are evil. They’re clearly the antagonists because they’re going to try to kill the Reds and Blues, but they are at most morally gray. I think that whoever it is they’re trying to keep sealed away somehow managed to save Donut and convinced him that he was God and the others were evil. Who he is could be based on anyone like Hades, Satan, pretty much any kind of evil God or God of Death that exists. But clearly, they tricked Donut to send the Reds and Blues across time so that it can weaken whatever is keeping him imprisoned and allow him to free himself. I have zero idea how that works, but we’ll learn soon enough. So... kind of annoying that the Reds and Blues are being tricked AGAIN, but TBF the circumstances are WAAAY different from when it was Felix and Temple. Very least they’re going off Donut (who also isn’t with them... also WTF happened to him since Kalirama is clearly fine?!) instead of the manipulator being right under their noses.
Final Thoughts
It was good! It’s pretty much a filler episode aside from the last few minutes, but enjoyable filler. I feel like Joe is both trying to establish how the guns/the portals work as well as to just get the silly time travel antics out of the way before going forward with the plot. The ending seems to hint that the plot is going to hit soon. As I said, we'll hopefully see the Freelancers next since it’s been four episodes now and it’ll give the Reds and Blues a breather. Regardless, it was a fun episode and I really enjoyed it. Plus Sarge’s victory dance. That in itself made this episode perfection.
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thecrazydragonlady · 6 years
The Immortal Pharaoh Chapter 13
I did it again. I almost forgot to actually update my story. Oops.
Yami’s eyes looked over the large metal… bird was the closest thing he could think of to compare the contraption outside the large windows as they stood inside what Yugi had called an ”airport,” waiting for their departure time. He shifted nervously. “Are you sure,” he asked in halting Japanese, “that thing is safe?” Yugi, who had been reading something, looked up.
“Promise it is,” he assured him. “It’s how Grandpa and I even got to Egypt in the first place.” This didn’t seem to calm the other’s nerves as he shifted, messing with the hem of the tank top he wore. Yugi scanned him over. He had to admit, Yami was a looker. Instead of wearing the ancient clothing he had emerged in, a simple tunic with simple jewelry, he now wore dark blue pants with a black tank top; two gold bands circled the upper part of his arms. He had also wrangled his hair into a ponytail in some attempt to hide his similarity to Yugi even though they had been provided a through backstory to explain it away.
Yugi frowned. He couldn’t imagine how the young man felt. After all, he had awoken thousands of years after everyone he loved was dead and gone, with the impending threat of the end of the world hanging over his head. Not to mention the events of the last couple of days.
The theft news had sent them all spiraling. There had been a sense of panic and frustration that immediately went through the room but he, most of all, seemed to the angriest. Isis regained herself and quickly calmed the rest of them. “There’s nothing to be done about it now,” she stated. “Our job now is to find those three items: the rod, ring, and eye.”
  “How are we going to do that,” Rebecca asked, running a hand through her bangs. Isis stood up straight.
  “The other items of course.” Everyone blinked. Except for Yami. He knew what she meant; as the items had all been forged together, they had the ability to sense each other. If anywhere near the others, they would respond. Isis motioned to Yugi. “Yugi has been chosen by the puzzle. It responded to him, it acknowledged him as one with the ability to use its power. Therefore, he will have to return to Japan with it to search for the other items.” She turned to Yami. “But that also means the Guardian will have to go as well.” Malik coughed out a laugh.
  “Great. I’m hearing a lot of tutoring in my future.” She smiled.
  “Yes, dear brother, there will be.” She paused. “And packing as well. You will have to go with them.” He blinked.
 “Uh?” She took a deep breath.
  “My plan is this: I will book the four of you,” she indicated the two Mutos, Malik, and Yami, “on a later flight which should give us enough time to get the paperwork together for… Yami as well as at least teach him the basics of Japanese.”
  “I was trained as a scribe,” he explained. “I was trained to learn languages quickly.”
  Malik nodded, “That makes life a bit easier but why am I still having to go?”
  “Dear brother, do you think he will be that easily accepting or understanding of all modern things? Yes, he will have the Mutos for help but there will be time where your training will be needed.” He tried to hide his excitement but it was easy to see that he was probably happy to hear this as he shrugged shoulders.
  “Fine,” Malik stood up. He smirked to Yami, nodding to the doorway. “The first thing though, is we’re getting you new clothes. Then we’ll worry about the language.” Yami looked down at his tunic. It definitely stood out compared to what the people around was wearing. He nodded and started to follow suit. They all did.
  “There is one more thing,” she noted. They all turned back to her as she added, “If the Millennium Items have selected someone, it will not be easy to take them back. There are rules that must be followed. It will be possible that your very lives will be in danger for this task.”
  Yugi didn’t like the sound of that.
“Yugi? Yugi?” He blinked, coming out of his thoughts. Yami was nervously wringing the paper in his hands, swallowing hard, “I think it’s time for our flight.” He looked up. Yep. They were ready to go. He stood from his seat, hoisting his carryon onto his shoulder. He smiled brightly at his friend.
“It’ll be alright. I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”
“It seems unnatural,” he admitted. “If the gods wanted us to fly, they would have given us the ability.” He chuckled.
“I won’t argue with you on that,” Yugi agreed, gently taking his wrist and dragging him to the gate. Grandpa, who had just returned from the restroom, smiled at the two of them, following as Yugi dragged him to where they were to board. Yami couldn’t seem to slow his pounding heart. He handed over his ticket just like Yugi, thanked the woman, and followed him on board. Their seats were near the front. Yugi helped him put his bag overhead and then showed him how to use the buckle which was mandatory for takeoff. Once settled, he squeezed the armrest, closing his eyes. A gentle hand rested on top of his. He opened his eyes to see Yugi smiling at him. In the last week that he had been in this version of the world, he had learned that Yugi was gentle. There was strength deep inside him that the boy didn’t seem aware that he had; he often seemed clumsy and somewhat withdrawn but he was always willing to help him and he was blindingly warm in certain aspects. Yugi spoke softly to him, “Takeoff and landing are probably the worse parts. I promise it’ll all be better from there.” Yami nodded. A voice came from overhead, asking for them to buckle up for their departure.
Yugi didn’t let his hand go until they were leveled off in the air.
Yugi gently rubbed Yami’s back. He was pale and weak from the flight and Malik only shook his head, “We should’ve given him some motion sickness medicine.”
“We didn’t know he was going to be this motion sick,” Yugi countered. Yami had no idea what they were talking about but he kept taking deep breaths, trying to control his rolling stomach. Malik rolled his eyes.
“Doesn’t mean we couldn’t have guessed it. I would imagine not too many in ancient times would have been accustomed to such type of movement.” Yugi had to stifle a laugh. Grandpa returned after having someone help him gather their bags off the conveyor belt. Malik took the cart with a thanks to the person who bowed and left the four of them. Yugi gently placed a hand on his head, patting him.  Yami looked up.
“We’ll get you back to the game shop so you can rest,” he assured him.
Malik scratched his cheek, “Are you sure about this? Isis was alright with getting us a temporary apartment….” Grandpa shook his head.
“Absolutely not. There’s no point in dividing the troops right now as is. You’re going to need the puzzle right? If Yugi’s the one it’s chosen, then it would be best if all kept each other’s back.” He smiled. “Besides, it would be nice to have some help around the shop when he starts back at school.” Malik smirked at him.
“I knew you had an alternative reason.” Grandpa chuckled.
“Never pretended like I didn’t.” He motioned to the doors. Yugi helped Yami stand and the four of them headed out the door. He was amazed at the sight. Tall buildings rose up all around him and cars, he learned, could be seen and heard roaring across the various roadways. It was noisy. The ride to the game shop didn’t take too long and once there, Yugi lead the two of them up to a guest room.
“Malik can sleep in here,” he motioned. “Yami can have my bed.” He blinked.
“And what about you?” Yugi rubbed the back of his head.
“I’ll be camping out on the floor.” He narrowed his eyes.
“It’s your room. I can sleep on the floor.” He crossed his arms.
“You’re not going to win this argument Yami. I’m sleeping on the floor.”
“Alright,” Malik cut in. “That’s enough out of you two. You bicker like an old married couple and you’ve only known each other a week.” Yami blinked at him. Yugi, on the other hand, had a funny reaction. His face turned red all the way from his hairline down to the base of his neck and, if he didn’t know any better, Yami could’ve sworn that there was steam coming out of his ears.
“It-it’s not like that,” he stuttered out. Malik’s grin unnerved him.
“Whatever you say Yugi-kun,” he sing-songed.
“Are you boys settled in,” Grandpa asked. Yugi robotically went to the door to answer the question and while he did, Malik turned his smirk on Yami.
“You’re adjusting rather nicely.” He shrugged.
“I don’t have much of a choice do I,” he countered, “Stopping the end of the world requires I don’t… how does it go?... ‘Freak out.’ I’ll do that after everything is over.”
“Not what I meant but sounds like a plan.” He clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll be there with the alcohol when it does though.” Yami smiled.
“Thanks Malik.” He waved a hand and went over to the bed, flopping over on it. Yami decided it would be best to find where he was staying and went to find Yugi. Even a place as simple as this one impressed him; the world had changed so much and just as Malik had guessed, he was a bit overwhelmed and really wanted to freak out about it but he couldn’t. He had a job to do. His missing memories concerned him though. He remembered his life at court, his brother and father, and the explosion of that night but for the life of him, he couldn’t remember why he had been placed in the tomb or even his true name which he knew was extremely odd. That memory had been specifically hidden. Why?
That would be too easy wouldn’t it?
There was a loud sound coming from the other room. It turned out to be Yugi exclaiming something so he stopped in the doorway as Yugi said, “So mom’s going to stay with dad for right now?” Grandpa nodded.
“Looks that way.” He paused. “This might be a good thing especially since that now means we don’t have to explain why Yami or Malik are here or why you’re going to be spending a lot of time out of the house all of the sudden.”
“And who said I was?” Grandpa laughed.
“Fate,” he pointed to the puzzle, “And the fact that you have a good heart and will want to help Yami all you can.”
Yugi groaned, “I hate when you’re right.” He chuckled again, rubbing his head. Yami couldn’t help but feel some level of… nostalgia in the scene but he cleared his throat. The two of them looked up. Yugi smiled at him. “Yami! Good news. Turns out my mom is going to be staying in America with my dad for a while so that means neither of us will have to sleep on the floor.” He smiled.
“That’s good.” Pause. “What is America?” The two of them shared a look before chuckling.
“Seems you’ve got a lot of history to learn,” Grandpa mused.
“If Isis is to be believed, three thousand years’ worth,” Yami replied.
Yugi added, “Malik can teach you all that since he’s going to be working with bettering your Japanese anyway.”
“I’m impressed you speak this well already. You mentioned something about being trained as a scribe?”
Yami approached them, resting on the counter next to the two of them. “Yes, I was originally training to be an advisor to my brother’s court when he became pharaoh. I was to act as translator. This meant I had to learn how to speak new languages quickly.” He paused. “I didn’t even know that this was the true reason I was being trained; never in my wildest dreams would a situation like this have even occurred to me. " Yami chuckled darkly, "And Heba always claimed I was good at making up stories when I wanted to.”
A soft smile came to Grandpa’s face as he replied, “I’m sure your brother would be proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Yami whispered. He nodded, moving away from the counter.
“Why don’t the two of you go unpack and rest up for a bit? I’ll get started on dinner here shortly.”
“Okay,” Yugi chirped. He pushed off the counter and led the way out of the kitchen and down the hall to a bedroom at the end which he opened, motioning for Yami to go inside. The room was pretty simple. There was a desk with a chair and lamp and some books on top as well as a bed and dresser and what looked like a gaming setup. Yugi dropped his bag, which he had picked up from outside his door, by the foot of his bed, flopping on to it. “What do you think?”
“I think everything in your time is amazing,” he said. Yugi pulled his knees up under his chin, watching him.
“Your time was amazing too,” he returned. Yami blinked at him but he continued. “Your people were able to do so much with what we consider so little now a days. In fact, after everything I’ve learned on this trip, I’m one hundred percent certain that the reason we are what we are is because of what you were able to do; the knowledge your people had has survived even if the culture hasn’t completely.” He paused. “I’m sorry. I made that worse than I meant to.” Yami shook his head.
“No, I thank you. Your words mean a lot to me.” They fell silent. After a few moments, Yugi shifted, heading over to his gaming system. He tossed a controller back to Yami who caught it awkwardly. He blinked. “What’s this?”
Yugi only smirked, “If you’re going to be in this time, I gotta teach you some of the perks. Video games being one.” He came back with his own controller. “Best two out of three?”
Never one to pass up a challenge, he smirked, “You’re on.”
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my-magical-babies · 7 years
Summary: I had a writing assignment for english and I chose to base it off of the highlight reel and Taehyung and Namjoon. I added more story line to it and tbh am hoping yall appreciate it more than my english teacher did.
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, crime, character death, jail time, snagsty short story
The bright full moon shone light over two boys on the ledge of a 5-star hotel, they were on the top floor looking over the city and having a small conversations over minute details of the day that only they would appreciate. Police sirens blared around the city, going from crime scene to crime scene, some successful while some were unsuccessful and would lead to week to month long investigations, leaving citizens upset over the police’s unfinished work.
Joon looked over at Tae, he sat with his feet dangling, slouching against the wall, and feeling the cool night time breeze brush over his face as if softly caressing it like a mother cleaning dirt off of her child’s face. He wanted a better life for the younger boy and hated himself for allowing them to be sucked into the bad habits that their parents had carved into their brains with a stone knife. Joon looked over at the animated child-like teen who spoke about his latest art piece on the side of the old family owned bakery on Mochi street, it was a giant matrix that depicted different tragic stories, one being loss in the family through murder and the other through overdose, both things that the duo had experienced in their lifetimes, on the top right corner,under the window on the first floor the word Stigma was written in a lovely neat cursive. Tae looked over at Joon when he noticed that he wasn’t responding or giving a lecture on how he should be more cautious on getting caught by the police because he wouldn’t always be there to save him, but Joon was always there for Tae, so he didn’t feel the need to worry.
“It’s getting late, go see your sister and I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t go back to the bakery, the police will be making their rounds and if they see you lurking they will abduct you.” Joon gave Tae a tight reassuring hug, hoping that the green haired misfit would take his words to heart and listen to him.
The next day, Joon woke up to harsh knocking on the door of his old RV, panicked, he quickly put on his jacket and went to the door, already prepared to lie if he needed to. When he opened the door, he laughed and ran a hand through his pink hair feeling ridiculous for thinking that the police were coming for him. Tae let himself inside as soon as Joon opened the door and rubbed his temples worriedly. The green haired boy stood in the middle of the dark grey carpet, looking at the elders bright pink scattered hair thinking about how to break troublesome news to the man who had raised him through his teenage years. Tae took a deep breath and looked at Joon straight in the eyes before his eyes started feeling like bees were stinging him and his vision resembled the bottom of the ocean.
“They are taking away the house, my sister won’t have anywhere to stay. I need to get money by yesterday. If not they said that the house is theirs. Joon I.... take care of her and me. Please, I know that you always watch over me but, tonight I’m going to commit a crime and I need you to keep her distracted.” By now Tae’s eyes had cleared up and mischief shone in the grey orbs, scaring Joon because he looked crazed, “ Tonight I’m going to do my usual routine and then I’m going in the bakery after hours and I’m taking the money from their safe. It’s the only shop in town that has no camera system so I’ll be safe Joon. Besides family comes first right?” he smirked as he twisted the words that the elder had used to him on many occasions before.
Joon sighed and told him that his sister couldn’t stay and that he was being stupid, what he needed was a job. He then pushed Tae out and rolled his eyes knowing that he would come to his senses but decided to follow him on his trip tonight just incase. However, he would do that after his Job interview to help both of the outcasts.
It was 10:45 when Tae started his graffiti on the bus station sign near the bank, unlike his other pieces of art, this one was more on the depressing side and had no piece of hope like the other ones, It was simple too, not complex or colorful, it was boring. The piece read ‘I’m fine’ but when looking at it upside down it read ‘Save me’ next to it was the head of a white fluffy dog smiling. Tae sighed and kicked the sign before starting more little creations to kill time, however that is when he noticed the blinding neon blue and flaming red lights accompanied by the cars wailing cry of warning, the vehicle came to a halt in front of the boy who had his head down.
Joon stepped around the corner where he knew Tae would be for the next half hour when he noticed a crowd forming across the street, he crossed the street and went around the crowd, near a building. As he came to a halt on the steps of the libraries entrance he spotted the boy whom he had dragged into the art of graffiti in the center of the crowd leaving him in a panic wondering what he could do to save the boy. However his feet seemed to be cemented into the ground as he watched them handcuff the teen who had a smirk on his face, as if assuming that they would let him go with a stern warning or that he would get bailed out before anything were to happen, but Joon fled as soon as he saw that smirk that Tae had worn on his face. He remembered that smirk from his mother minutes before she had overdosed and left him alone, the same smirk Tae wore night he killed his father after he had beat his mother to death and out of rage and protection for his sister he shot the man, the same smirk that the police wore when they told Joon about his long-term girlfriend that had just died in an accident on the way to the hospital for a checkup on their baby that would have been born almost a year ago, the same smirk that ruined his life on multiple occasions.
Tae waited for days before he was finally put into jail for a year for his crimes and saw the evil glint in the eyes of the officer when he was informed that both Joon, who he had said was his stepfather, and his sister had not responded to any calls or notices about him, leaving the teen hopeless for the first time in an eternity. He spent his days thinking about his sister who was probably never informed of the situation and vowed to change for her, the only important person in his life. He knew Joon was there that day and he saw the coward run away as he was being cuffed and told his rights, he watched his florescent hair run and not look back when he was being shoved into the back seat of the cop car, face down into the floor because of how roughly they pushed him, he saw his father figure, his best friend not turn back to check on him and throw away years of friendship.
“Joon! HELP!” Joon looked over at his window to see the boy who was crying hysterically while running over at him. Joon got out of the bed, leaving his girlfriend’s side to see what he was yelling about.
“Tae, what happened, why are you crying, Come inside” Joon let the red-faced boy inside and got him a cup of water to help him calm down.
Tae looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, his lip quivered in fear, his hands shook anxiously, his mouth moved rapidly as if attempting to make sense of the endless running in his head but no noise would come out. Eventually he was able to sputter out a few words, they made it clear as day what had caused his state of panic.
“I killed him- they’re dead”
Joon took a deep breath in before having Tae explain his story. He had him tell him in detail how he had seen his mother get beaten to death by his father and how his instincts took over and he grabbed the nearest thing, a gun, and killed his father in order to protect his sister from having to suffer the same fate as his late mother.
That night, Joon made Tae swear to tell him anything that happened to them no matter how small, he also made a promise that he would always protect Tae and his sister. He made up a lie and said that after beating his wife to death, Tae’s father realized what he had done and shot himself to protect his children. Joon also claimed that he and his girlfriend would take care of the two teens since they were expecting a child anyways and would love to have them join the family. Despite having a horrible start to the night, Tae and Joon smiled because of the hope that was held for them and their future families, for once they were given a chance.
On June 15, 2016, Joon was standing on a bridge watching a brunette pass out papers when a gust of wind caused the papers to scatter like a bunch of birds into the sky but fall gracefully onto the ground like leaves falling from a tree in autumn months, he swiftly moved and started to pick up her papers and the water bottle she had dropped while attempting to pick up papers. The female looked at him and gave him a silent thank you, she knew who he was and hoped that he would understand that the appreciation was for more than just helping her out.
On June 18, 2016, Tae sat at a convenience store table as he devoured a cup of Ramen, he had gotten released 2 months prior to this date, nearly 4 months before he was supposed to be released into society, he noticed a girl a little younger than him shoving items into her bag while looking around to make sure that the store clerk would not catch her. Tae stood up and grabbed her bag before paying for it and looking for the girl as she walked out of the store, leaning against the wall with an ashamed look before taking her bag and walking away.
As fate would have it, the two males learned from their mistakes and attempted to fix everything and hopefully the universe would allow them to forgive and accept the mistakes they both made. Joon with the girl on the bridge who happened to be Tae’s sister, who knew that her brothers friend had paid for her schooling and eventually for her brother to be released albeit not having seen him yet. The pair knew that he was fine but both wanted to see him and apologize for never visiting. Tae helped the girl from the convenience store to learn from her mistakes, he told her his story but then fell back into his bad habits when they came across one of his pieces of art. Tae and the girl began to graffiti around town, moreso the female than him but on one night when they were painting, the police came, and they ran, but this time, Tae turned himself in, with nothing but regret in his eyes. He stepped forward with his hands up, looking at the blinding flashlight, hoping that she ran away.
As Joon was out treating Tae’s sister to a nice meal, he received a call from an unknown number, he picked up and left money on the table before grabbing her by the hand and running out of the restaurant. Joon ignored the questions running out of the girls mouth as he focused on the road ahead of him. At the police station Joon paid for the bail and left Tae and his sister to reconcile.
He swiftly walked to his car to turn it on so that they could drive home quickly and eat before it was too late, but the universe was done with Joon, as it led a police K-9 Van straight towards Joon. When the police had seen what they had done, they blamed it on a drunk driver but never told the family inside.
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berjhawn · 7 years
Elastic Heart - Part 4 - Rivendell
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Warnings: Painful Memories, ETC
Pairings: Thranduil X OFC; Fili X OFC; Hobbit X OFC; LOTR X OFC
Part 1 - An Unexpected Journey
Part 2 - The Beginning
Part 3 - Trolls
I suddenly feel my body pulling me back toward the cave as Gandalf says, “The Valley of Imladris. In the Common Tongue, it’s known by another name.” “Rivendell.” Bilbo says amazement in his voice. “Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea.” Gandalf exclaims and Thorin chimes in, “This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy.”
“You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself.”
“You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us.”
“Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me.” As they walk forward I find myself frozen into place. 
I feel something touch my arm and look down to see Fili giving me a reassuring smile. I force a smile as I walk along beside them. We walk across a bridge and enter Rivendell. A few elves are seen strolling about. The dwarves and I look around uneasily. As a dark haired elf walks down a flight of stairs and greets us I pull my hood up over my head and avoid any looks.
“Mithrandir.” The Elf says to Gandalf when he reaches us. “Ah, Lindir!” As Lindir and Gandalf greet each other, the dwarves murmur amongst themselves in distrust. Thorin whispers to Dwalin, “Stay sharp.”
“Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen.” ( We heard you had crossed into the Valley.) Lindir says to Gandalf and I bite my lip. “I must speak with Lord Elrond.” Gandalf replies as I try my best to hide amongst the Dwarves.
“My lord Elrond is not here.”
“Not here? Where is he?”
Suddenly, the Elvish horns from earlier are heard again. The Company turns around and they see a group of armed horsemen approaching along the bridge at a rapid rate making Thorin yell out, “Ifridî bekâr! (Ready weapons!) Hold ranks!” The dwarves bunch up together into a tight circle with me hiding in the middle and their weapons pointed outward; The mounted Elves arrive and ride in circles around the dwarves. Eventually, they stop, and one elf, Elrond, separates himself from the others.
“Gandalf.” Elrond says as he ride up to Gandalf who bows gracefully before saying, “Lord Elrond. Mellonnen! Mo evínedh?” (My friend! Where have you been?)
“Farannem ‘lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na Iant Vedui.” (We’ve been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass.) Elrond dismounts from his horse, then he and Gandalf hug. “Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something, or someone, has drawn them near.” Elrond holds up an Orc sword and shows it to everyone, then hands it to Lindir. I avoid eyes as I keep mine on the ground in front of me. I had never wanted to be somewhere else more than I did now.
“Ah, that may have been us.” Gandalf says as Thorin steps forward, and Elrond looks upon him with recognition as he says, “Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain.” Thorin tilts his head as he says, “I do not believe we have met.”
“You have your grandfather’s bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the Mountain.”
“Indeed; he made no mention of you.” Ignoring this insult, Elrond turns to the dwarves and speaks in Elvish. “Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin.” (Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests.) I understand but my companions not so much. 
“What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?” Gloin says as he holds his axe up by his face. The dwarves grow bellicose and grip their weapons uneasily. Gandalf speaks exasperatedly, “No, master Gloin, he’s offering you food.”
The dwarves quickly discuss this amongst themselves, before Gloin turns back to them and says, “Ah well, in that case, lead on.” As they make their way forward I contemplate slipping out but am suddenly spotted.
“Who is this Mithrandir?” I hear Elrond say and my body starts to panic. I hadn’t seen Elrond since before my father’s death I didn’t want to see him now. “And why do they hide their face.”
I gulp down a breath of air as I hear Gandalf say, “Randír, lower your hood.” I fight the urge to cry as I pull my hood down and turn toward Elrond who instantly recognizes me and even though my kind is not known for showing affection Elrond pulls me into his arms and says, “Melethril, we thought you were dead.”
By now the tears start to fall as I clutch tightly to him. He runs a hand through my hair as he says, “What has happened to you?” I reluctantly pull away from him and as he leads me into his city I tell him about everything that I had done since that fateful day when my father was taken from me.
“Is it true that you do not wish to be known as an elf?”
I let out a sigh as I say, “I feel like I do not deserve to be an elf. I have been sullied and tainted.”
His grip tightens around my shoulders as he says, “My dear you have been through so much darkness that if you allow it you may see a brighter future. Whether that is as an elf or a mortal is up to you to decide.” I nod and we continue to reminisce as we walk toward the dinner hall. Upon arriving I leave him to sit with the dwarves. For some reason I felt more comfortable with them then my own kind.
The dwarves are sitting around tables in the Elven court, eating. However, they are not very appreciative of the Elves’ vegetables. I find an empty seat next to Fili and smile softly as they all welcome me. “Try it. Just a mouthful.” Dori says to his brother Ori, who is poking at his salad. 
“I don’t like green food.” Dwalin looks through a bowl of greens before he says, “Where’s the meat?” Oin holds up a vegetable with his knife and looks at in disgust.
“Have they got any chips?” Ori asks as he looks around the table.
An elf maiden plays a flute; Oin, not liking the sound, stuffs a napkin in his hearing trumpet, and looks happy that he can no longer hear the music. I smile brightly at him before noticing Dwalin staring at Kili as he says, “Can’t say I fancy elf maidens myself too thin.” I follow his gaze over to the Elven maiden at the harp and stifle a laugh as he continues, “They’re all too high cheekbones, creamy skin, not enough facial hair for me; although, that one there’s not bad.”
I follow his gaze to the one he is mentioning and I practically snort as Dwalin says, “That’s not an Elf maiden.” 
We all burst out laughing at him and I suddenly realize that this is one of the first times I have laughed since my father died and I am enjoying myself. Perhaps dwarves are not all bad. I watch as the dwarves start to get annoyed with the music and Bofur finally says, “Alright lads there’s only one thing for it.” I watch him as he climbs up on a pedestal and starts singing.
There’s an inn
Inn, there’s an Inn, a merry old inn
Beneath an old grey hill,
And there they brew a beer so brown
That the man in the moon himself came down,
To drink his fill.
My smile brightens as the rest of our companions join him and then start throwing food. I look down before me and grabbing a handful of green tosses them at Kili who turns toward me an ‘it’s on’ look covering his face. He suddenly returns fire and I quickly move out of the way causing him to hit Fili instead. I burst out laughing as the two of them start their own food fight amongst themselves. I had never had so much fun in all my life.
The ostler has a tipsy cat,
That plays a five-stringed fiddle;
And up and down he saws his bow
Now squeaking high,
Now purring low,
Now sawing in the middle.
So the cat on the fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle,
A jig that would wake the dead:
He squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune,
While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon:
‘It’s after three!’ he said.
When it came time to sleep I was given my own room which I quickly declined so I could remain with the dwarves. I trusted them and they trusted me, I didn’t want to lose that trust now. “Where are you going?” Kili asks and I smile softly as I say, “You all can’t be the only ones who deserve a bath.” His face flushes and I chuckle as I say, “I’ll be right back.”
I slowly make my way down to the river and upon reaching it remove all my clothes and dive in. The cool water felt like silk against my skin. How long had it been since I actually bathed? I couldn’t remember the last time. I swim over to some rocks at the base of a waterfall and smile as I climb out I let the cascading water beat down on my back washing all the dirt away; and In a way making me feel mentally clean. After I wash I swim back over to the bank and climbing up quickly put a clean set of clothes Elrond had given me on.
I glance at my old clothes and contemplate throwing them away but decide against it as I place them in my pack. I ruffle my hair to help it dry and taking a deep breath head back to where my companions are. When I return Thorin, Balin, and Bilbo are missing. I walk up to Fili to ask him where they went but find myself being stared at. I feel my face flush as I say, “What are you all staring at?”
“You should clean up more often.” I hear Bofur say and I smile as I toss my bag onto my pallet and say, “I don’t know, I think I should go roll around in the mud again.”
“NO!” Fili and Kili yell out and I stifle a laugh. I run a hand through my hair as I sit down on my pallet and look at the Dwarves. They had all started chatting amongst themselves and I was left to observe. Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and let the sounds of Rivendell surround me.
Will Continue In - Thunder Battle 
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jintheawkward · 8 years
one, two, three, jump
pairing: 2seok (Seokjin | Hoseok)  words: 3745 summary: Hoseok found himself trapped on the top of a 70m tall platform and it was all Jeon Jungkook’s fault.  
All the screeching and creaking of the cabin sounded much more horrifying than the special effects that had echoed through the walls of the haunted house Jungkook had once dragged him into. Hoseok had almost passed out from screaming his lungs out that time before a very flustered ghoul had had to escort him out. So it wasn’t an exaggeration by any means to say that he currently felt like he was about to die from a panic attack. And then he would actually die for real because that’s what happens when you jump from seventy meters, attached to a cord or not.
As the old shaky lift, which had definitely seen better days, was slowly squeaking its way up the jumping platform, Hoseok prayed to all the saints to either make it out alive, or to let his end be quick since his pain tolerance was even lower than his drinking stamina which on the scale from one to ten was already a poor 3.
Honestly, he should have known better than making any bets with Jungkook whose existence was solely based on winning and making the rest of the world suffer. However, forcing Hoseok to use his bungee jumping voucher he had won in the dance fest raffle last month (and had sworn to never use) was a whole new level of cruelty. If there was any justice in the world, Jungkook would at least wake up with a giant zit on his forehead the next day.
“You okay?”
Being at his wits end, Hoseok nearly forgot about the other man, who was taking a ride up with him up to relieve his colleague from his shift. Yoongi, as the nametag on his black staff T-shirt read, had wearily slumped down in the corner with a furrow between his brows as soon as they had entered the lift. There was something unsettling about the fact that this person was supposed to be in charge of his safety later.
Since Hoseok didn’t trust his voice enough, he just nodded in response.
Yoongi glanced at him briefly, obviously not buying it at  all. “There’s no need to be nervous.” He looked like he was about to add something more, but opted for silence instead.
Soon enough, the lift came to a grinding halt, reaching its final destination and Hoseok’s first stop to hell. The loud thumping in his ears got even louder, while he stood rooted to the spot with his eyes shut close and hands clutching at the door, his legs refusing to make a single move and step out of the cage just as his instinct of self-preservation kicked in.
“Hello, and welcome to BH Top!” Someone called out friendly, but Hoseok’s current state of mind didn’t allow him to even lift his head, not talking about reciprocating the greeting with the same amount of cheerfulness. The tone of their voice, however, altered with the following words. “Thank God you’re here, Yoongi, I’m starving.”
Launching himself off the wall and leaving Hoseok behind, Yoongi let out a scoff. “When are you not, hyung.”
“Well, I’m sorry my body isn’t able to survive only on litres of black coffee and sarcastic comments like someone else’s.”
“Is that why you are always broke? One day, hyung, you will have to sell your kidney on the black market to satisfy your bottomless stomach.”
“Luckily enough, I will still have the other one. And possibly another pair in reserve if you keep annoying me,” said Yoongi’s co-worker, not going down without a fight and letting the younger man had his final word. “Okay, I’m going for lunch now. I will send Namjoon up in a bit, since Taehyung is going to be done for today soon too.”
“And where is he now?”
“Napping like a baby.”
“Taehyung? Napping?
“I refused to give him any sweets since he always gets even more jittery.”
“Being trapped with him in close space up in the air, I’m not quite sure which one of these is worse – Taehyung high on sugar, or on the contrary, Taehyung deprived of it.” A pause followed. “Tell Namjoon to hurry up.”
“Hopefully he won’t hurt himself in the process of doing so,” sighed the other man.
There was a sound of footsteps coming in Hoseok’s direction, and when Hoseok dared to crack his eyes open, a pair of sneakers with rosy shoelaces came into a view.
“Is everything alright? Do you need any help?”
Knowing that having a conversation with someone else’s laces was just plainly rude, Hoseok looked up at the stranger and if he wasn’t already holding on to something, he would flop down right on his butt. The man in front of him was breathtaking with his soft black hair falling into his shiny eyes, and a mouth straight from lip gloss commercials.
“Huh, no, I’m fine. Totally fine. Super fine. Super-duper totally fine,” Hoseok faltered a reply, suddenly remembering again where he was.
“Doesn’t seem so. Are you scared?”
“A little.” What a big fat lie.
“It would be okay even if you were scared a lot,” the guy offered him a faint smile, and be it any other day, Hoseok wouldn’t hesitate to come up with a time-proven pick-up line.
He drew in another shaky breath, realizing that the weird wheezing is actually coming out of him.
“Okay, I might be terrified to the extent where I think about my parents, the trip to Hawaii that I’ve never had enough money to realize, and about how embarrassing it would be to start crying now,” he laughed, even though there was nothing funny about the whole situation.
“You wouldn’t be the first or last one, so don’t worry about spilling some manly tears. Like, it’s completely normal to feel this way, to be afraid. Afterall, we’re having this conversation more than two hundred feet above the ground, which is quite overwhelming.” A pat of encouragement landed on his back when he groaned at the number. “But I can assure you that it’s completely safe and nothing will happen to you. Dozens of people per day jump at our place, and we have quite a lot of regulars. Moreover, all of us here are properly trained and licensed…”
The handsome instructor was going into more details about some statistics, safety locks, equipment and more numbers, which Hoseok tuned out because he was too busy going through all the possible scenarios of how this could go wrong. He was too young to leave this place for good, he hadn’t achieved anything yet, and now he was supposed to just painfully die?
“Look, I can’t force you to jump, because in the end it’s solely up to you. If you don’t feel like doing it, just don’t. There’s no shame in that,” the man said, his voice reflecting the perfect amount of affability, comfort and professionalism that probably coaxed people into trusting him with their lives. Hoseok would prefer for this warm angel to send him to death rather than the sardonic grim reaper who was resembling a snake the way he was yawning now. “I’m going down right now, so you can join me - it wouldn’t mean you’re less of a man or anything like that.”
“N-no, no, I have to stay and get done and over with this. You know, I’ve lost a bet and if I chicken out in the last minute, I won’t stop hearing the end of it.”
A look of sympathy and understanding flashed over the instructor’s face. Maybe he too had to deal with stupid friends on a daily basis. “Would it help if I jumped with you?”
“WHAT?” Hoseok exclaimed, his voice going at least an octave higher. “Is that even possible?”
“Sure, couple bungee jumping is quite trendy these days. We’re not a couple, of course, but you know… I could jump with you. That’s if you want me to.”
This time, Hoseok tried to keep his calm, swallowing the squeal tickling his throat. “And you would really do that?!”
“Well, my shift is over and I can’t wait to get something to eat. Actually, it’s the quickiest way down, so…” The instructor simply shrugged like he just had been asked to simply raise his hand.
“Okay, okay, cool.” There was nothing cool about Hoseok not only committing a suicide, but also sealing the fate of an innocent man who would otherwise have beautiful babies in the future. Or he may have already had a cute family? Jesus Christ, was Hoseok about to kill someone’s father?
A cough interrupted the train of his thoughts, the instructor clearing his throat and watching him with slight amusement. He motioned to the lift cage where Hoseok had decided to spend the rest of his life. “How about trying to get off first?”
“Give me a minute, maybe two?” Hoseok laughed in a way that should have been nonchalant but even to his ears, it sounded strangled and nervous. “Aaah, I don’t think I can do this.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Take as much time as you need. You have a whole day.”
“Actually, …”
“Yoongi, shut up.” When the instructor snapped at his colleague, there was a warning attached to his words.
“Yeah,” Yoongi nodded and Hoseok found his forcefully penitent face funny. “Look, you made it all the way up here in that tremendous lift, which is already an accomplishment since that crappy thing is the real adrenalin adventure here. Like, the way down in that box is much worse.”
“What Yoongi is trying to say is that you’ve already come so far that it would be a pity to give up now.”
All of sudden, an echo of shouting cut through the air.
“SHUT UP, JEON JUNGKOOK!” Hoseok screamed in reply because what terrible person could think about his own stomach when his hyung was about to do the dumbest thing in his life and land flat on his face after a fatal fall.
Only Jeon Jungkook, that’s who.
“HYUNG, ARE YOU OKAY?!” This time, it was Jimin, the ever so sweet Jimin who unlike Jungkook at least had the decency to sound worried.
“Your friends?” Mr Angels-carved-my-face leaned over the railing.
“Not anymore,” Hoseok huffed, steeling himself for that one step forward. “Okay, I’ll just… Ah, no, it’s shaking.”
“It’s not, that’s fear messing with you. Here, hold my hand. I’m Seokjin, by the way.”
Despite his initial hesitation, Hoseok reached out, gingerly taking the offered hand in his and before he could make any sound, he was pulled out by a lean but strong arm. Then, a soft smile with crinkled eyes and a little hand squeeze soothed his trembling heart for a brief moment but it started to act crazy again once Hoseok focused on the man in front of him, drinking in all the beauty one can possibly possess.
“See, you made it. It wasn’t so bad right?”
Don’t look down.
That’s the golden rule for everyone with acrophobia. And everyone with a common sense would follow it.
Nevertheless, Hoseok was always a creature of emotion rather than of reason which is probably why he completely forgot about his fear of heights and did the most stupid thing he could possibly do.
He looked down.
And decided to lose the last piece of his dignity because, screw it, who cares about pride when coming face to face with Death?
“Calm down,” said Seokjin in a way that was both firm and comforting, not wincing a bit even though Hoseok was probably crushing all 27 bones in his hand while bursting into tears. Rubbing little circles on his back, Seokjin nudged him slightly to wear the prepared body harness that was currently lying at his feet. “Whenever you feel like stopping and not jumping, speak up.”
“Except for when you’re already hanging in the air – then you will have to suck it up.”
Seokjin, skillfully putting on the other harness, didn’t even bother to open his mouth this time, however, his silent frown probably carried the same amount of authority as his voice did since Yoongi licked his lips in what seemed like a regret.
“Right, ‘shut up, Yoongi’, I know.”
When Seokjin looked away from Yoongi back to Hoseok, he sighed as if ready to take care of another baby.
“Stop crying,” he said and wiped the tears on Hoseok’s face with his thumbs. He proceeded to tighten all the straps and buckles, pulling and checking on each one of them.  “Now, do you know what colors are burgers?”
“W-what?” Hoseok stuttered, glancing up at Seokjin through his glassy eyes. Okay, he might be the one having a panic attack right now but Seokjin actually might have been losing his mind. Was it the result of the thinner air up there?
“What color are burgers?” Seokjin repeated, fighting back the laugh and falling silent for effect afterwards. “Burgundy.”
Somewhere behind them, Yoongi grunted disdainfully, most likely rolling his eyes too. “Oh my god, hyung, you will make that poor guy cry even more.”
Truthfully, the joke was atrocious.
Even Hoseok’s father would rather cut his tongue out than being caught telling a terrible Dad joke like that one. And that already said something since his old man’s sense of humour was painfully bad and corny.
Nevertheless, lame or not, Seokjin sacrificed his image to put him at ease, for which Hoseok was grateful. So he smiled politely because that was the least he could do.
“Here, all set up,” Seokjin said and patted the harness. He looked up at Hoseok.  “I realize I didn’t even ask for your name.”
“Hoseok. But Hobi is fine.”
“Nice to meet you, But Hobi. Now, see that spot over there? The red zone?”
There was no need for Hoseok to check where Seokjin was pointing – afterall, he had been avoiding even glancing in that particular direction this whole time on purpose.
“You mean the one that kind of juts out and has no railing at the end,” he peeped.
“Yeah, exactly. How about we try to slowly reach it. You know, to get used to the view.”
A nervous laugh escaped his mouth. “I quite like it here.”
But once again, slender fingers were already wrapping around his wrist, pulling ever so slightly at his arm. Hoseok started to believe that it must have been some kind of magic that made him go pliant under Seokjin’s touch, following him blindly like a sheep.
“See? Pretty right?” Seokjin asked with a smile dancing on his lips as they came up to the edge. “The view is the most beautiful early in the morning, when everything is calm and silent.”
Hoseok didn’t really share the same excitement. “I can’t look there. I feel like throwing up everytime I realize how high it is.”
“You don’t have to look if you don’t want to. You can have your eyes closed the whole time.”
“Okay,” replied Hoseok with resignation, trying to calm down the jitters.
“What do you call a group of killer whales playing instruments?”
“I have no idea.”
“An Orca-stra.”
“That was really bad.”
Hoseok didn’t try to hide anymore how embarrassing and awful Seokjin’s old man jokes were since the instructor didn’t seem to really care, enjoying them sincerely on his own.
Once he stopped making the weird squeaky sound which Hoseok with amusement realized was the other man’s laughter, Seokjin fixed his eyes on him.
“Now, are you ready?”
“Aaah, just a moment, please,” Hoseok whined, breathing so rapidly it became hard to tell when an inhale ended and an exhale began. “Uhu, why am I even doing this. Mooom!”
“Come here. Right there. Fine, now, put your arms around my waist,” Seokjin said patiently, while stepping forward and carefully drawing Hoseok closer, which left the latter one speechless and staring wide eyed at him like an idiot.
Seokjin’s s hands were warm and calloused, yet soft and gentle. Everything about Seokjin was very soft and gentle to the extent that Hoseok only wished to burrow himself in all of that and die blissfully in peace.
“Great. Okay, I’m going to hug you, if that’s okay with you.” There was a little stammer in Seokjin’s voice as he cleared his throat. An odd feeling settled in Hoseok’s stomach and it spread a little when he noticed the red coloring Seokjin’s neck. “Um, you can lean on me. In case you feel like it.”
He chanted a quick series of yes yes yes in his head before embracing Seokjin more tightly, burying his nose in the cotton T-shirt which smelled faintly of sweat, deodorant and jasmine.
What kind of guy smells like a freaking jasmine?
When Seokjin raised his arms and put them around him, Hoseok couldn’t help but noticed how perfectly they fit together.
“Oh god, thank you for doing this. Like, if we survive this I’m going to pay for both your lunch and dinner,” Hoseok murmured into Seokjin’s shoulder, his words coming out a bit muffled.
Seokjin chuckled at that, the bubbly sound vibrating against his rib cage and directly blessing Hoseok’s ears. “I’ll take you up on that offer. Though, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“Alright, people,” Yoongi grumbled to catch their attention. “Since it seems like you’re all ready, I’m going to count to three, and then on the jump part you’ll, well, you’ll jump. Any questions?”
“No,” Hoseok offered a quick but meek answer in fear he would change his mind. With his eyes shut, he firmly pressed his face against Seokjin’s chest and locked him in a more suffocating hug.
“One…” Yoongi gave off the impression of a sloth-like person, but damn, even his counting was frustratingly slow, each vowel drawn out like a sticky chewing gum. “… two… th-“
“Ah, wait, wait!” A voice cried out with a hint of hysteria creeping in. Wait. His voice.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Seokjin hummed and he began to rub his back soothingly when Hoseok mustered the courage to peek over the edge of the platform, the remaining confidence vanishing into thin air when met with the wide lake stretching underneath them, the clear water sparkling in the noon sun.
“What did the late tomato say to the early tomato? ... I’ll ketch up.”
“Jesus,” Hoseok sighed in surrender. “Fine, uh, fine. Start counting.”
Jungkook was a dead man for sure. Large doe eyes or not, for the sake of his own health and sanity Hoseok wouldn’t spare that demon seed.
It’s not like this is the perfect timing to have this kind of thoughts, but while Seokjin was unbelievably broad in the shoulders, the man had a slender, wasp waist - the finding of this adorable yet sexy contrast had Hoseok short of breath and his head spinning.
Dad, Mom, noona, Mickey, I love you.
He let out a murderous shriek when he lost the ground under his feet as Seokjin squeezed him and took the leap, both of them diving in the air as if going into a tailspin. His scream died in his throat, the strong pressure silencing him and the wind swallowing all the sounds around.
As soon as the first wave of shock had subsided, a strange mixture of sensation and fear washed over Hoseok as they were flying down, falling headfirst. However, before he could marvel in the feeling more, they were launched in the air by the spring force as the cord pulled back on them.
As if the abrupt yank unscrewed an invisible cap, all the emotions that had been bottled up inside him made their way out in the form of inconsolable and never-ending yells and shouts of fear and hysteria. Dangling like a rag doll in the wind, he screamed and screamed until his voice gave out.
A hand came up to his head, gently stroking his hair. Not stopping with the caressing, Seokjin rested his chin on top of his head. “Hey, it’s okay now. It’s okay.”
Hoseok was aware of the wet traces left on his cheeks, as well as of more tears pricking at the corners of his eyes and his runny nose. Nonetheless, he leaned against Seokjin and breathed in the delicate flowery smell that seemed so familiar and calming now. He didn’t think Seokjin would care about the disgusting evidence of Hoseok’s mental breakdown staining his T-shirt that much, but Hoseok knew a perfect dry cleaner’s if the other man eventually did mind.
“The last thing I think about now is food, but I guess, I owe you a lunch, if you still feel like eating. I definitely am not,” Hoseok croaked once he found his voice and the rope stilled enough for him not to go mad again. If he put his imagination into work, it was almost like swinging on the tyre back at his parents’ house.
“Meet me few times more and you will realize that words like ‘lost appetite’ aren’t in my vocabulary,” Seokjin said meaningfully, while getting childishly excited. ”Moreover, there’s nothing better than fresh air and exercise for a starving stomach.”
“If I knew there would be a hot instructor to jump with me, I would voluntarily replace Hobi hyung,” said Jimin, his mouth unconsciously forming a little sulky pout as he eyed the couple fooling around few steps in front of him.
Seokjin, as the instructor introduced himself, was now telling one of his too many cheesy but in a certain way funny jokes while furiously flapping his arms. It only resulted in Hoseok playfully nudging his hip, the wave of their laughter immediately filling the air.
Life wasn’t fair and Hoseok was a lucky bastard who’d just scored a sort of lunch date with a gorgeous human being that was way out of his league, no offense. Jimin couldn’t help it but kicked a pebble on the pavement.
Meanwhile, Jungkook shrugged and took a loud slurp of his tea, the ice already melted thus the drink getting too warm and disgusting for his liking. A mischievous grin tugged at his lips which released the straw in a seemingly lazy manner. “There might be another stunning dude up there. Wanna bet and jump, hyung?”
“Screw you, Jungkook.”
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