#and then tell you your family is acting unreasonable for not wanting to spend time with you and theyre trying to estrange you etc
leolaroot · 10 months
lds church will have you shunning your nonmember family members but convince you its them shunning YOU.
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idarafeka · 3 months
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core is trans. And I don't know if anyone cares or will even see this post, but in it, I'm going to explain why.
FFVIICC is the prequel to the famous FFVII and the game where the story of Zack is told. In the original game Zack is a character only presented to us through small dialogues and optional cut scenes, so they had room to expand the universe however they wanted, thus presenting us two new characters, Genesis and Angeal. Our two trans characters.
Genesis and Angeal, as presented by the game, are two first class members of SOLDIER, who on top of the already standard mako infusion they were experimented on with JENOVA cells. Genesis after birth and Angeal even before his conception, being his mother the one who got the "treatment".
That is what happens to them in the game. But now let's see it from another angle. Angeal and Genesis were both childhood friends. One son of a humble family with no food to take to their mouths and the other heir to a great fortune. They used to spend all their time with each other, even after joining SOLDIER they were never not together. Or at least, that was the case until a third force came in, Sephiroth, the hero. We don't know much of their friendship, only that they fought. A lot. And that Genesis seemed to be jealous of Sephiroth, or at least that was the case when they spoke, since Genesis was usually more invested in reading, and reading and reading the book for the play Loveless it stands to reason to think social interactions were not top priority.
But why was Loveless so important? Loveless is a play that tells the story of a godess, her return, and how she brings the end of the world, or that's what's thought happens, given that the last chapter is lost to history. Genesis is obsessed with that story. In every single scene Genesis shows up, Loveless is quoted to show the ambition Genesis has to bring the godess to the world. To become the godess. Genesis Rhapsodos is a trans woman.
Thinking about her this way gives a whole new meaning for her story and actions. Her running away from home, her hate towards Sephiroth and the world and, mostly, her friendship with Angeal.
Going in order, is not hard to guess why she would hate her family. They didn't accept her, that's why she runs away to only end up killing them and burning the whole town down once she finally comes back. Which makes sense, given that her diary shows us she was a lonely child, she was likely also not accepted by the folks in her hometown.
After that, we have the hate and evny towards Sephiroth. I see it as something as easy as the resentment she felt at someone who was happy and didn't know anything about the pain it brings to not have parental love because they hate your kind. And yes, Sephiroth may have been an orphan, but Genesis clearly seemed to think that was a better option.
Finally, we have Angeal. As I said at the start I also belive him to be trans, but in a different light. Angeal is presented as an stoic, no nonsense character, contrasting with Genesis' explosive and theatrical persona, which for me represents a different way of dealing with the heart break that was his mother not fully accepting him.
At first the thought of his mother being transphobic seems unreasonable, after all, she loves her son, she seems worried about him when you speak to her. Well, yes, but the problem is both things can be true at once. The reject of his identity, while clearly a hate driven action, in the eyes of a parent can be confused with an act of love. The real problem begins when they refuse to change that view, such as she does.
When we meet her she doesn't answer to "Are you Angeal's mom?" but only to Zack introducing himself after she remembers her son wrote about him in a letter. Now she knows who he is asking for, who Angeal is, and her first question is "Are you with Genesis?", or, as we are seeing this plot, asking if he is also one of them queers. Zack says no, which in turn makes Gillian willing to speak with him about Genesis and her son, who I belive treats in masculine not out of acceptance in this scene but because she understands Zack might not know and doesn't wish to cause troubles to her only child. After this interaction, next time we see her is dead, after taking her own life and with her son staring at her corpse. This also marks the time Angeal's character goes down a spiral that makes him a "monster".
With both chracters' stories more or less covered, now I want to talk about their struggles and ultimately their demise. Both trans people not accepted by their families and town, they run away together to the big city. Once there they try their best to live their life, Angeal manages to, at least to some extent, while Genesis unable to transition becomes more and more consumed by the pain and hate she feels. Angeal is unable to let go of the mother he left alone after his father died, and tries to mend the relationship, but fails time and time again, taking a toll on him. Genesis, on the other hand, doesn't care about those who didn't care for her, killing everyone that dared to wrong her. Angeal suffers when her mother died, Genesis finds it just. Angeal cannot go any further with what he caused, he might be trans but wishes he wasn't, he sees himself as a monster, thus becoming one and asking Zack, his only friend left, to end him. Genesis, with each day that passes, which each second she feels is pushed further and further from her goal, she loses it more and more, beliving herself to be the godess who will bring forth the end of the world, and so she becomes a bastardized form of the godess, who also ends up defeated and left to rot, alone and broken. Both of them imitating the play loveless. Stories about revolution and change, cut too short, the last chapter lost to time, forever.
And that's my trans coded reading of the characters! I know it's depressing and also not at all what the story and plot is about, but it's also something I clearly see when playing the game, and art is suppoused to be a personal experience, so this is who I choose to see my own experiences through this silly guys:)
also if you read this shit I love you and are entitled to ask me to buy you a gift as prize
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Chapter 4 (Mastermind)—MOTA Fic
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A/N: i don't particularly want to post on mother's day, so I'm updating a day early so I can get this out here to you all. Go check out my poll please :) I'm about to write some Abe content and I'm SO excited to get him in the story haha! As always, let me know what you all think and enjoy!
Early June 1943
Ruth glanced between the sweating private, the ticked major, and the way that Colonel Huglin shifted in his seat uncomfortably.  The court martial had continued on through the morning with both the private and the major pleading their cases and defending their decisions.  Currently though, it seemed both she and Huglin were suffering from headaches at the way that the major wanted Private Weston to be punished. 
It was unreasonable punishment to dock a month’s pay in addition to cleaning in the kitchens and assisting the ground crew with some repairs.  It was a gross exaggeration to the crime that had been committed—though Ruth was starting to understand why Weston had first punched Major Monson in the first place.  
Never one to condone violence lightly, as far as Ruth could tell, Monson had been the aggressor in the situation and Weston had responded in kind.  God, these military types were all the same with their egos and the way that they were just asking to get punched in the face . 
There was only one time where Ruth had punched a man, and it had been in her freshman year of law school at Brooklyn Law.  She was one of three girls in her class and upon entry into the class shared with Robby Rosenthal, one of the other students began to make some demeaning comments about the way that the girls should have been at home and trying to take care of the kids and the families or something. 
Rosenthal—being the bleeding heart that he was—had verbally defended the girls.  But Ruth didn’t need him defending her and she certainly didn’t want or appreciate his help.  Women had always stood on their own and the best way to get back at jackasses like this guy was to simply prove him wrong. 
Her moral high ground had gone out the door the minute that he had mentioned how he wanted to sink himself in her breasts.  That had been when Ruth had punched him square in the nose and broken it .  And considering it was all before the professor had entered the classroom and her warning him that no one would ever believe him, Ruth had spent the rest of the year in quiet infamy for her deed.  
Rising to her feet and contemplating further punching Monson, Ruth knew that an act like that would only end in disaster.  And her nails were perfectly painted in Victory Red at the moment, so chipping them over someone like him wasn’t really worth her time. 
“Weston will take kitchen duty and assist the ground crews for a month.  But docking a man a month’s pay when he’s got a wife back home seems especially cruel for something that didn’t end in any permanent damage,” Ruth said coolly.  “A more serious infraction such as destruction of United States Military property might warrant such an act, but I don’t believe this does.  Colonel?” 
Colonel Huglin seemed pleased with the way she had weaved her words, leaving Monson stuttering and jaw nearly dropped.  “I agree.  Case dismissed.” 
Ruth gave a cold smirk in Monson’s direction.  “And I’d be a bit more careful about your alcohol intake, Major.  All sorts of mistakes and infractions can happen when one is inebriated.” With that, she gave a salute and waited for Huglin’s dismissal of the other men. 
Once Monson and a grateful Weston were gone, Huglin just leaned back in his chair, giving a deep sigh.  “I wish all of our cases were as quick as that.” 
“Oh give it a week, sir,” Ruth insisted.  “Once they’re more familiar with my breed of court martialing, I doubt they’ll want to spend long with me.” 
A dry smile quirked at Huglin’s lips.  “I’m sure.  I heard you already made an impression at the pubs concerning the fraternization rule?” 
“I’m working on it, sir,” Ruth assured him.  “Things like that tend to be a little more under the rug than other infractions.” 
“I’m assuming you have experience?” 
“Too much, given my time in Aldbourne, sir.” From her bag, Ruth withdrew a packet and handed it over to him.  “And these are my disciplinary recommendations for the other men who are undergoing court martials.” 
“All of them?” 
“There were only seven cases and I’m a quick reader.” 
Huglin stared at her for a moment, taking in the efficiency and zeal with which she exacted justice.  Lieutenant Sharpe was nothing if not a credit to her profession and clearly someone who he could use to whip this base into the best shape it could be.  He had half a mind to have her infiltrate the ranks of those instigators and those who faithfully kept on gaining infractions.  
If only to see their faces when they realized that she was catching them in the act of infractions and had the authority to order them to court martials herself. 
“I’m sure we’ll find more for you to do once the new recruits arrive,” Huglin finally stated. “You’re dismissed.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“And Sharpe?” 
“Good work today.” 
When Ruth made her way into the mess hall for a late breakfast, she found that there were a scattering of people around the room, only a few of which she knew the names of.  Ruth hadn’t gotten very far with her tray of toast and oatmeal—finding her way to an empty table, she was quiet as she sat down, hoping for some peace and quiet after her eventful court case this morning. 
Before she could so much as pray over her food, Bucky Egan had slid up onto the bench across from her.  “You’re up late,” he remarked pointedly. 
Ruth just placed her napkin in her lap and gave him a stare of annoyance.  “I’ve been up since everyone else has.  Huglin and I had a case.” 
“Wow, you’re really great at making friends,” Bucky said dryly.  
“I’m not here to make friends, Egan,” Ruth retorted, stabbing her spoon into the oatmeal.  “If I wanted to make friends, I would have stayed back in New York and joined a sewing circle.  Is there a reason why you’re here to bother me?” 
“Actually yes,” Bucky said, tearing off a piece of her toast before she could swat his hand away.  He grinned triumphantly at her, an almost smug expression on his face.  “I’m here because my boys are flying in this morning and I’m hoping you’ll cut them some slack on their first day.” 
“And you thought that stealing my toast was a good winning point?” Ruth raised a brow. 
He abruptly dropped the piece he had been in the process of stealing, a slight show of guilt crossing his features.  “I hadn’t considered that portion, no.” 
“Well unfortunately for you, Egan,” Ruth said pointedly.  “It’s not up to me.  But I will give you a slight warning.  Huglin wants to do surprise inspections upon their arrival so I hope that your boys are as up to shape as you think that they are.” 
“They will be,” Bucky replied evenly.  “They’re the best of the best and that’s just a fact.” 
“Is it?” 
“It is,” Bucky said proudly, leaning back in his chair.  “They’re the best damn pilots and men that I’ve ever known. You’ll see.” 
She nearly rolled her eyes.  “If only every leader had that kind of faith in their men, maybe this war would actually be over.” 
“Was that a compliment?” 
“No.  Your faith is accompanied by ego and it’s off-putting.” 
“You’re a cold woman, Sharpe.” 
“That’s Lieutenant to you,” Ruth retorted.  “Good day, Air Executive Egan.” With that, Ruth rose from her spot and made a beeline towards the garbage cans.   
“I’m gonna wear you down!” Bucky called in an insistent tone.  “We’ll be friends in no time!” 
Ruth just shook her head as she walked away.  She’d sooner be framed for murder than spend time actually making unnecessary friends. 
Unwilling to part with his drink of the morning and trying to put on a good impression, Bucky exited his chair, pushing it back in lazily and whistling Blue Skies under his breath. He lazily made his way out of the office and to the jeep, that seemed like it was just waiting for him anyway.
He was still burping up some of the alcohol from the night before— it was too early for shit like writing letters to families anyway. He could push that off on the other Air Execs, seeing as how he didn’t intend to be an Air Exec for long anyhow.  
Giving a wave to the men that had given him the bikes, Bucky grinned as his eyes landed on his boys in the skies above. All in a nice and neat line, tucking in from a long day of flying from Greenland. Everyone had gathered for the occasion and he passed dozens of children as he drove on the runway.
Pulling to a stop, Bucky’s eyes landed on Buck’s plane—where DeMarco was depositing a dog. A dog was certainly against regulation—but he couldn’t see even Sharpe being able to say no to a dog like this.  He couldn’t help the grin on his face as he climbed out of the car. “DeMarco!” He called, an energetic pep filling his tone.
“Hey, Major!” DeMarco grinned, dog-leash in hand.
“Where’d you get that dog, Benny?”
“I won him in a game of Craps!” DeMarco explained.
Bucky had always wanted a dog growing up. Somethin’ about it being man’s best friend or whatever had always struck him as endearing. His ma had always told him no, he was the family dog. So at the sight of the dog, he leaned down and gave him a good pat behind the ears. 
“You took this baby above 10000 feet?” Bucky questioned.
“He’s got a mask!” DeMarco promised, patting at his jacket. “Cost me $3 but boy, he loved to fly!”
“He wouldn’t stop howling!” Buck chimed in, appearing in their vision.
“That’s because he’s part wolf!”
“That wolf is part dog,” Buck corrected.
“Well, does he have a name?” Bucky demanded.
“Meatball!” DeMarco answered, a grin on his face.
“Welcome to the Hundredth, Meatball!” With that done, DeMarco took off towards the barracks to get Meatball and himself settled.  He had only been walking for a little bit before Meatball decided to take a turn of his own, going straight over to the woman sitting and writing in a bound leather journal. 
“Meatball, no—” 
Ruth’s head perked up as the dog, presumably known as Meatball, decided to nuzzle into her leg.  Stopping her notations, Ruth took a moment to pet the dog.  “I wasn’t aware the air base had a mascot,” Ruth said, glancing towards the probable owner—a man in shades and looking a little embarrassed about the entire thing. 
“He’s new!  Meatball’s his name.” 
Ruth had a small soft spot when it came to animals.  And though it certainly wasn’t regulation, she had no problem with them .  A small smile spread across her face as she ran her fingers through Meatball’s mane.  “Well if I get you the paperwork for this sweet dog, do you think you can fill it out and get it back to me before the end of the day?” 
“Meatball’s against regulation and while I don’t have a problem with dogs, I have a feeling Huglin will,” Ruth explained.  
“I can do that.  Uh—Ma’am—” 
“Lieutenant Ruth Sharpe of the JAG-Corp,” Ruth extended a hand, a genuine smile on her face.  
“Captain Benny DeMarco,” Benny said, shaking her hand with a small smile of his own. “You’re the one that terrorized Egan a few weeks back?”
“Oh, I’ve made it into the letters.  My sole goal in life,” Ruth retorted dryly. 
“Ah no, we all thought it was pretty funny,” Benny admitted.  “Sometimes, he could use a good knock on the head.” 
“Noted.  Well I’ll do my best to not disappoint and continue to knock him on the head when occasion calls for it. And you didn’t hear it from me,” Ruth continued. “But Huglin’s allergic to dogs.  I’d hide him in the nurses barracks for now.” 
“Noted,” Benny replied, a grin spreading across his features.  “Let me know if you ever need someone’s help with Egan’s ego!  I’m in!”
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Ahh I'm a little late but you know how it is, merry Christmas to all the people who it is still Christmas for and happy holidays!
Opted for reverse isekai since that's a fan favorite and it kind of makes sense
Yeah he's drunk
Ok no not really, but he sure does act like it with the delirious enthusiasm that he just never seems to kick
Assuming you explained all of the traditions, he's no different than a little kid on Christmas, waking up at a completely unreasonable hour of the morning (which isn't entirely unusual) and lacking the self control to wait even another second before gently waking you with a kiss or two and a bright smile
You better believe he will immediately guide you, stumbling and half awake, to the living room where he insists you both sit together and open gifts
Breakfast will likely be done ahead of time and if you drink coffee that's done as well so you can immediately down a few cups to match his energy
He isn't nearly as concerned with opening his own gifts as he is with watching you open the ones you got from him, taking careful consideration to explain each one in depth if you so desire, making occasional jokes every now and then and maybe hinting at things to come
Afterwards you get to do the same and watch how his face lights up before melting into something more like soft and loving disbelief at the thoughtfulness, he isn't particularly used to receiving gifts, so to have something so personal from his favourite person in the whole world This has quickly become his favorite day of the entire year
You better be prepared to receive a very long hug from Venti on the verge of tears by the end of it, a self-made promise to take care of and cherish everything you've given him
The next part of your day depends on whether or not you have any family obligations to attend to, by either hosting or participating in some form of a get together
If neither of those things are true then it looks as if you'll be practically bound to the bed to binge Christmas movies and indulge in all the love and appreciation your dear lover wants to show you, and never let it be said he can't be persistent
If any of your obligations involve cooking then he'll be right there in the kitchen with you, watching intently and helping out when needed with whatever family recipe you're currently fussing over, offering moral support when not able to help in the form of occasionally sneaking a kiss and offering a song or two, Christmas themed of course (he's been practicing)
There's about an hour or two set aside for you both to sit together on the couch, drinking something warm while watching the fireplace, or the snow outside, or even just each other as he tries to get closer than humanly possible to you because, what? it's cold outside, you wouldn't want him to freeze to death, right?? He'll make it up to you by giving you as much of his warmth in return
Ok but mistletoe, you tell him about that tradition and it is going to be covering every single square inch of your walls and doorways, you best believe Venti is getting as many kisses as he can and he's absolutely not above giving you sad eyes if you won't give in immediately
Also don't even think about going outside without him, he wants to spend every second of the holiday with you and it's too cold out there anyway, won't you just come lay in his arms instead?
(but if it does actually heavily snow, a snowball fight is completely unavoidable, it's simply a matter of when)
I definitely think he would get into some baking too, like lopsided Christmas cookies that you both decorate with icing together (all of his seem to have a strange identifying features that resemble the both of you, and he won't let you separate them), but also a variety of pies and such because you can never have too many sweets on Christmas
Really the whole holiday is just another excuse to spoil you and spend as much time close to you, with the inclusion of festive music, warm blankets, and brightly coloured lights naturally
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Ohohohohohooo! Your recent Alhaitham posts have really given me a lot of brainrot tbh, really thinking of giving up on waiting for Baizhu and just splurging all of my primogems on this man (it's not cheating on my fave if I never said he was my fave hakdflhirshfushf;r). I'm further justifying this temptation by telling myself that if Kaveh is ALSO on his banner, then I straight up deserve to pull for them both lol. Anyway, might I humbly suggest K, I, T for Alhaitham if three is okay?
i am saving primogems but it is HARD. i want to SPEND them. but we've gotta be strong!!! save long and hard enough and all of them will come home <3
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Alhaitham does not put up much of a front at all; the way he acts in public is very similar to the way he acts in private. He speaks his mind, and others follow in his wake. This is the same way he acts towards you; sometimes he speaks to you like he's talking to someone far less intelligent than him, patronising you as he tells you what he expects and what he's going to do, refusing to elaborate. He's surprisingly tactile - but he doesn't care for all of the build-up to such. He'll grab your hand and expect you to hold it back - kiss you, and expect to be kissed back. He holds himself above you, and you should be honoured that he's seen in you something that makes him want to learn you more thoroughly.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Alhaitham is happy with his life. He honestly just sees his life continuing as it is; he will go to work at the Akademiya, and when he comes home you will fawn over him and give him kisses and let him touch you - and eventually, you'll do all of that of your own accord. You will somehow learn to read him, to know when he wants you to merely sit at his feet and when he wants you to engage in conversation (in which, naturally, you will debate enough for him to be satisfied by the discussion, but eventually concede to his far superior view). In an ideal world, Kaveh no longer lives with him - and perhaps, maybe, there's a family. But not yet. Alhaitham has to make sure that such a thing is done at the perfect time.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Annoyed, mostly. You're being unreasonable. Alhaitham feeds you and takes care of you, protects you and gives you a roof over your head, provides for your basic needs and gives you more when you've been well-behaved to instil good behaviours into you . . . he doesn't think of himself as cruel. You have a good life! So the fact that you insist on screaming and crying and calling him a monster, shutting him out and flinching away . . . it makes him feel terribly impatient with you. Makes him roll his eyes and grit his teeth and tell you to stop being so ridiculous, as anger builds inside of him. He doesn't really get mad - he thinks that's a waste of energy - but oh, you frustrate him plenty. He has no qualms when it comes to punishments, at least; he delivers them all, disattached and thorough . . . and maybe he enjoys the tears and screaming then, a little bit.
At least then there's a real reason for you acting like a brat.
[yandere alphabet ask game [CLOSED]]
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 1, Scene 5 of Twisted Veronaville: The Aftermath of the Party
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As Tybalt and Hermia raced past the river towards the Monty Ranch, they could hear Juliette's voice yelling from halfway across town.
Juliette: I can't believe you! All I asked for was to keep things a secret, and now EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY knows that we're dating.
Romeo: It just slipped out! Blame that guitarist for hitting on you!
Juliette: He just said he wanted to hang out more! He wasn't even flirting with me! And even if he was, HE wasn't the one who made you yell that shit out loud!
Romeo: Then you should've told him!
Juliette: You spoke before I could even do that!...you're so unreasonable! Consider us OVER.
Romeo: Wait, Juliette, please! I'm sorry! Give me a-
Juliette: Nope. Not hearing you out. I'm done.
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Mercutio: Well, that was rough!
Romeo: Why do you care? You were probably rooting for us to break up.
Mercutio: I mean, I don't like her, but still! I was hoping it'd at least be you who broke up with her, and I didn't think it would be over a fight over some guy the both of you just met!
Romeo: ...
Mercutio: Okay, probably a bad time to say that. You want me to get you anything? See If I can get Nonna to make her signature Baked Alaska that she only saves for special occasions?
Romeo: That would be good, but right now I just want to be alone...do you think Miranda's single?
Mercutio: Nope. No rebounding. Go to sleep. You'll feel better in the morning.
Romeo: ...Yeah. I'll do that.
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Isabella: Having trouble with this level, Mercutio?...oh, I recognize this game. I'll help you beat it, if you promise to go to sleep after.
Mercutio: Okay. Good luck, though. It's hard.
Isabella: I assure you, I won't need it...oh, and I heard you and Romeo arguing outside. Is everything okay?
Mercutio: Yeah. He...got rejected by a girl. Yeah, Nonna. I was thinking of making him something to cheer him up.
Isabella: I can make a Baked Alaska for him in the morning. That'll do the trick!
Mercutio: Is this really something Baked Alaska worthy?
Isabella: Why not? The only teenage girls in this town are Capps. He dodged a tremendous bullet, which is something we should celebrate.
Mercutio: Oh, yeah.
Isabella: And you know, Patrizio and I are fine with you two having crushes on girls. Just don't date a Capp.
Mercutio: What about guys?
Isabella: Not sure how Patrizio will feel about that, but for me...just no Capps. I'm sure that will be no problem for you, though.
Mercutio: I see...
Isabella: Are you asking because you have a crush on that Summerdream boy? If you want to win him over, I can make some more Baked Alaska for you to give him.
Mercutio: No, I was just wondering.
Isabella: Alright...hm. Okay, this level certainly is harder than I remembered.
Mercutio: Told you so.
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While the Montys were celebrating the recent break-up, there was a gloomy atmosphere in the Capp house - a strong contrast to the party that had occurred the night before.
Consort: Tybalt told me you were the one dating Puck.
Hermia: I'm sorry for not telling the truth earlier, Grandpa.
Consort: It's fine. Do you love him, Hermia?
Hermia: I think so. I love him in the same way that I love everyone else in the family.
Consort: ...I see. You have my blessings, if you want them, but I want you to focus on your studies and go to a good college.
Hermia: Thank you, Grandpa.
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On weekend afternoons, Hermia would always spend some time outside in the garden. This makes her an especially easy person to talk to when you know how to sneak past the Capp house security.
Hermia: ...Vi?
Viola: Hey, Mia. Sorry I haven't said anything.
Hermia: Where have you been? You look great!...and I tried calling you, but Mercutio told me you got exiled.
Viola: I can't say. I'm not sure how safe it is for me to be here...but I'm doing okay. Trust me when I say I'll be fine.
Hermia: I'm sorry, Vi. I'd invite you to stay with us, but you know how everyone else is about Montys.
Viola: Yeah...it's okay, though. I heard about what happened with Romeo and Juliette. Seems rough. I imagine it's only going to make the feud worse.
Hermia: Really? From who?
Viola: That, um...new kid. Ripp Grunt. We're...good friends.
Hermia: ...You know him?...maybe I should talk to him more.
Viola: (Shoot! I didn't think about her seeking him out!) Yeah. He's cool. Anyway, I've got to go. It was nice talking to you, Mia. Don't tell anyone you saw me.
Hermia: Wait, Vi! I still-
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Aktu/Sita: ...
Aktu: I can't believe it! You've done it!
Sita: You broke up Romeo and Juliette's relationship, all in one act with zero deaths! I knew you could do it, Ripp!
Ripp: You believed in me?
Sita: Of course. Even if you weren't our first choice of hero, I had faith that you would be able to get the job done.
Aktu: Yeah. And you were pretty quick! We still have work to do regarding the fates of Mercutio and Tybalt, but I think we can afford to celebrate a little.
Ripp: Don't worry. I have a plan for them. Once I'm done, those two will be all over each other.
Sita: Huh?
Ripp: I'm going to make them lovers!
Aktu: (Huh...?)...Alright, then.
Sita: (I don't think this is going to work.) How are you going to do that?
Ripp: Listen to me very carefully...because I have a plan.
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Ripp: Hello? Johnny?
Johnny: Ripp! Where are you? Are you okay? Even Tank's concerned!
Ripp: I'm great! The short story is that Dad sold me to two ninjas for $500 and now I have to stop the events of Romeo and Juliette from occurring. How's things in Strangetown?
Johnny: Ophelia and Nervous got into a car accident...and Nervous died, and my uncle Pascal disappeared.
Ripp: Oh. I'm so sorry...is Ophelia okay?
Johnny: Yeah, she's fine. The doctor said she was stable...your dad was the one who hit them, by the way. He paid off the police so that the Specters couldn't press charges.
Ripp: That piece of shit!
Johnny: I know! I swear, he's probably the reason why Uncle Pascal disappeared, too...anyway, I've got to go. Great talking to you! Call again when you can!
Ripp: Obviously, man! I'll talk to you later.
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Aktu: ...Pascal is a strong man. I'm sure he's fine, wherever he is...and I hope your friend Ophelia is okay, too.
Ripp: You know him?
Aktu: I lived in Strangetown for some time, and Pascal was a family friend of ours. I was a bit closer to his brothers, though.
Ripp: Oh! I'm surprised we never saw each other, then. My friend's their nephew.
Aktu: Well, I never met their sister. And I was...dealing with a lot during that time. It's not a period of time that I like to think about.
Ripp: I see...so do you know where Pascal would be, then?
Aktu: Nope. We haven't talked in a while...we should probably worry about this mission first, though. We can go search for him once we're sure everyone in Veronaville has been saved...and once we learn fire dancing. It's been on my bucket list for a long time...
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encantowishes · 2 years
(All my Encantober stories will be collected here.)
Encantober Day 3 - Tragedy
Hand Puppets
“How could you!” Camilo’s quivering voice carried through the courtyard. “After all we’ve been through! After we accepted you back, as one of our own!”
“Little fool!” Bruno sneered. “You all fell right into my trap. Now I will have my revenge!”
They both turned to look at Mirabel, who held a hand to her chin in thought. “I don’t know, it seems a little too dramatic, if you ask me.”
Their faces fell. “How could you!” Camilo repeated, flinging the back of his hand against his forehead in dismay.
“It’s supposed to be overly dramatic,” Bruno said. “It’s for kids. The two of you used to eat up this kind of dialogue when you were little.”
Mirabel bit her lip and glanced off to the side, possibly thinking something like it would hurt Tío Bruno’s feelings if I told him that I don’t remember that at all.
“Really?” Camilo said. “I don’t remember that at all.”
“No? I had these, these hand puppets, and I’d pin different little hats on them and do all the voices. You two would laugh and laugh. Mirabel? No?" He looked between the two teens, who clearly had no idea what he was talking about. "Oh. Well. You were pretty small when I -- I, I guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t … a-anyway, thanks for the feedback.” He gestured with the script in his hand. “I’m gonna go work on revisions in my room. See you at dinner.” He slunk away.
Bruno did try. He sat down at his desk and pulled out his pen and tried to read back over the script. But he couldn’t keep his attention on it.
I used to say my real Gift was ‘acting!’ he’d told Mirabel when she’d stared, dubious, at his odd behavior. Yeah. Acting like everything was okay. Acting like the things people said about him never bothered him. Acting like he understood why people would ask him questions, and then be upset about the answers. Acting like his decision to spend the last decade living in the walls was noble, and not cowardly.
He recalled the shock and pain in his sisters’ eyes when, sometime after the glow of reunion had faded, at last he’d explained to them what he’d done. 
“I don’t understand,” Julieta had said. “Why was it you couldn’t tell the two of us, at least? Couldn’t we have figured something out together?”
“And even if Mamá did know what you saw, what did you think she was going to do to Mirabel, anyway? Eat her?” Pepa joined in. “She’s unreasonable sometimes, but she’s not a monster.”
When he'd been isolated behind the walls, hearing his name spoken less and less until it was never mentioned at all, it had been easy to believe his family was happy to be rid of him. Silently watching the kids grow up one meal at a time, he convinced himself they were better off forgetting him. Now the truth of the matter was stripped bare for him to see. For everyone to see. Could it really be that all his sacrifice had gained was ten years robbed from everyone, including himself?
Ugh. He was dwelling again. He kept telling himself to stop that. Dwelling on a past he couldn’t change was no better than dwelling on a future he couldn’t prevent.
Someone knocked softly on his door. He was torn. He didn’t really feel like talking to anyone right now, but on the other hand, doing so would force him to break his mind away from all that dwelling.
“Come in,” he called to the person, who his intuition (not his Gift) told him would be Mirabel.
She carried a small basket over to his desk. “I  think hand puppets sound like a lot of fun (aaand maybe a less scary way to present your play to kids) and I was hoping you might teach me how to make them? I’ve got a bunch of fabric scraps and yarn bits and mismatched buttons here.”
Bruno smiled despite himself. “The real secret is widowed socks.”
“Ooh! I guarantee Camilo has some. Actually, he might want to learn, too … And maybe Antonio … I mean, the play’s for kids, who better to give input?”
Bruno scratched his beard, hesitating a moment. But then he said, “Sure, why not. Bring 'em both.” The kids would enjoy it, and it would distract him for a while.
A few hours later, Bruno watched Mirabel and Camilo improvise a scene for a giggling Antonio. The puppet Mirabel had designed looked a lot like Bruno’s old Princesa Mariposa. The voice Camilo gave to his puppet sounded suspiciously similar to the one Bruno had performed for cranky old Capitán Gruñón. 
They did remember. They just didn’t remember that they remembered. More importantly, he thought, as he eased himself down onto the sandy floor to join the kids, they were making new memories. All of them, together.
He’d spent long enough writing a tragedy. Time for some comedies.
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andypantsx3 · 11 months
Tw: Misogyny and discourse (pls don't feel obligated to answer this)
Ok soo Andie I feel like you are so good at giving advice and you are just such an amazingly sweet and kind person and I aspire to be like you. That being said I am just stuck in a very uncomfortable situation and I sadly can't talk about this to other ppl close to me (you'll see why).
I have a cousin brother who is staying in the same city as me, because of his Uni he sometimes comes over when he has holidays or on the weekends. There is ofc nothing wrong with that, I like that he can relax here a bit and I get to spend time with him (it's my parents house btw). Everything was fine and well but then sometimes out of nowhere he'll start acting weird (also he's a devoted andrew tate fan so....). He'll just come and say horrible things to me like how I should take care of the house (he says its a girls job to do all the work whereas men should be allowed to laze around) , force me to do his uni work and projects and belittle and humiliate me when I refuse, he lectures me about my weight and calls me a cow, he takes my things without asking and goes through my stuff and messes up my room when I go for my lectures. He's just really nasty to me in general.
My mom doesn't say anything to him and she instead scolds me. She says that he is our guest and I am overreacting. She says he has done nothing to warrant my dislike for him and that I am being very petty and unreasonable even though SHE SEES THINGS HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE HER EYES?! We also have this very toxic culture in my family where women are expected to give everything up for men's comfort without complaining and it is our job to bend ourselves backwards to keep the peace in the household by not fighting. She says these are just normal sibling things and brothers are allowed to do all this and I am just being oversensitive.
I really don't know what to do Andie. I definitely don't hate him because he's my brother but I don't know how to handle him or my family without getting distant or fighting with them :(
Hello my love!! This is such a tough situation and I am so sorry you've been put in this spot!! I am sending you all my love and support and hoping your family cleans up its act soon, but it sounds like instead you might be waiting a while!!
I am a very direct problem approacher by nature, so I'm not sure that what I would do would work in this situation!! My first thought is that it's your house, and you can welcome him into it while still establishing boundaries. If I was in this situation, I would probably end up telling my brother once he starts in on one of those behaviors again that he can stop right now and still be welcomed in your house, or he can insist on his course of action and will have to find somewhere else to stay. It's his choice.
In his own house he can have his own rules, but in yours, your feelings and your time and your boundaries are to be respected. I would hope framing it like that gives him the idea that he's welcome in general but with options and consequences to consider, instead of him just feeling like he's allowed to be there and do what he wants. But unfortunately it does sound like this approach would still make waves in your family if he chooses wrongly, so you would have to be prepared for that.
I'm not sure if it's best to take a less direct approach (be aware this is not a strength of mine) by doing his projects so badly he does poorly in school and then feels the need to do them himself, by buying a lock and key for your room so he can't go in it when you're not there, or by keeping your house even dirtier or something so that he doesn't like being there. But again this is like, not my strength so idk how good this recommendation is.
Idk!! This feels like such a bad situation to be in and you might just have to weigh which outcome is the most bearable to you; fighting with your family for some amount of time, or feeling shitty for the amount of time you have to see your brother while he's in university.
(Also if anyone else reading this has been in this situation before or has recommendations, please give them in the replies!! I feel like I'm such a bad problem solver because I only know how to bulldoze!!)
Anyway I just want to reiterate that I feel for you and I hope you are keeping your head up! While not exactly the same as your situation, I grew up in a physically and emotionally abusive household with a very misogynistic father and so I know all too well the kind of toll gendered standards (and blindness to/deference to male figures) can take on you. I have been told I was basically born with a stick in hand and all I knew how to do was poke the bear, so that's all I can think to do now lol. But regardless of how good or bad my advice is, I am 100% there with you and supporting you with my whole heart!!
I hope you find your way out of this, and I'm happy to chat/let you vent to me if you ever need it!!!!
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logicaldelta · 12 days
I wrote a silly little gravity falls thing with my oc and Dipper because I saw this prompt
Excuse me if I don't believe your psychic friend
And it made me think of them
"Aw that Lil Gideon is such a cutie patootie! He told me that I'd find my colour where i least expected it. And it's pink! How surprising is that," Susan rambled as she overheard his name in conversation, and Clink smiled at her as she walked away, continuing to spout praise for the 'psychic child'.
"Excuse me if I don't believe your psychic friend." Susan was out of ear shot by the time Dipper muttered this, leaving only Clink to hear it.
Clink raised an eyebrow at Dipper, trying her best to not laugh at his grumpy expression. "You don't like Lil Gideon, Dipper?"
"No! He's clearly a fraud. I don't know why people think he's so amazing – even Mabel is falling for it!"
He had come to the diner on his own for once. At first, she had assumed it was because his family was busy. She quickly found out that it was because he wanted someone to vent to, and she was a somewhat neutral party.
"I think he's a sweet kid. To me, at least. I'm a bit biased, though, I just like kids." She tended to give children a lot of leniency, she found them amusing. And they were interesting to watch.
"What do you think of the whole psychic act thing?"
She knew he didn't believe it. She couldn't help but buy into it a little bit. "Oh, I think he's legit. Last week he told me I'd get a big surprise. Low and behold, here you are, rambling at me while I'm on break."
He glares at her, crossing his arms huffily. "If you make fun of me then I'll just leave."
"Nooo, don't do that! It's quiet here and I'm bored." She plants her face onto the table, looking across it at him. "Please continue telling me about the nine year old that you hate."
"You make it sound unreasonable but I swear there's something wrong with him. I'm worried about Mabel." His tone was different now, and she straightened up, knowing that it wasn't the time to continue joking.
"Okay, that's not good. He gives you a bad feeling? And Mabel's spending a lot of time with him?" Dipper nodded. "Keep an eye on him for me. And if Mabel seems uncomfortable, you can always come to me. I am not above fighting a child." Okay, maybe some jokes were allowed.
"You're a grown adult, though?"
"What, you think I couldn't take him in a fight??" Dipper snorted, and she smiled. "Look, I've lived in this town long enough to learn a thing or two. I'm always happy to help if you need me. And you know where to find me." She gestures to the space around them, the diner where she worked.
She saw him smile. "Thanks, Clink."
"No problem, Dip! Here, I have to get back to work, but I'll bring you some pancakes. On the house."
She normally didn't spend money on the food at the diner. Didn't see it as worth it for herself. But it made Dipper happy, so she was willing to do it for him.
It helped that Susan didn't actually let her pay for them.
0 notes
rose--coloredboy · 2 years
January 10th:
    I don't remember this instance so much, I'm writing this looking at a different journal entry for reference and I didn't go too into detail as to what happened. All I know is that you were slamming shit around, storming about, and getting really pissed because you couldn't find a sweater. Now as I said, I don't remember too much about this one, but I can almost guarantee that there were other sweaters you could have gone with. But it wouldn't have been the right one, and that's not good enough for you. 
   Notes: Again, because I didn't remember too much context on this one, I can't say exactly why you were acting the way you were. But as usual, I know that when you can't find something, it's almost always unpleasant. I know for a fact again, that you definitely have more than a single sweater, and I know you may have wanted a specific one, but I don't know, if you're in a hurry or your other sweaters are clean, it's not a huge deal to just grab another one if you can't find the one you were looking for, rather than getting as angry as you do when you can't find something.
January 18th:     You mentioned you wanted to go hang out at your mom's for a little but we were tired. I wasn't particularly feel like going so I mentioned I'd stay home when you went. We took a nap first. We woke up and I had decided that I wanted to hang out at my mom's while you were at yours. You got pretty upset for really, no reason.
    "Cool.I guess we just do things separately now." I literally never said that. It was ONE time. Not to mention that you weren't mad that I was gonna stay home originally? I wasn't gonna go with you anyway, but the fact that I wanted to go to my moms was the problem?
    Notes: Your parents are usually fun to be around. Sometimes, they're a lot socially. It's not a bad thing by any means. I just have days where I'm not super social, and some days I am. I get overwhelmed fairly easily, especially when my social battery is kind of low. You wanted to go hand at your parent's for a bit, but we were both pretty tired and ended up taking a nap. Before we fell asleep, I told you I probably wasn't going to go, and that was alright to you, in that moment. When we woke up, though I wasn't very sociable, I decided that I'd go spend some time with my mom, while you went to your mom's. When my social battery is low, my mom's easy to be around, I can just kind of sit with her and not talk, it's just nice to not be alone but I didn't want to keep you away from your family, so I didn't keep you home just because I didn't want to necessarily be alone. You got unreasonably upset that I didn't want to go to your parents but instead my mom's. It didn't matter all that much, but I know for a fact that you wouldn't have been nearly as mad if I'd have decided to just stay home vs going to my mom's. Whether you realize it or not, you just don't seem to like letting me hang out with anyone that you don't wanna hang out with. We usually do everything together, I don't understand why you get so mad when I just wanna do some things by myself every once in awhile. The last time I left you, I gave you reasons why. I told you I don't have any independence, and that I wanted to be more independent and you don't care. Even still, here in 2022, I don't ever do anything alone, but you get to all the time.
January 31st:
    I showed you a hair cut I wanted. I was OBSESSED and thinking about letting my hair grow out to get the hair cut made me SO happy and excited. When I showed it to you you said some pretty hurtful things. "why do you want that haircut” “you’re the only one that thinks it’s cute” “i think it’s gonna look terrible on you” “i hope your hair takes forever to grow out” *siiiiighhhhhhh*
    Notes: Another instance where you talk shit about my appearance...or the appearance that I want, anyway. Telling me that you think something is going to look terrible on me?? In what world is that an okay thing to tell your partner?? You got so angry that I wanted this haircut and it honestly made me feel like shit. Not to mention that a few months later, when I did get this specific haircut you told me you loved it. I don't know what the point was in telling me you were gonna hate it and that it was gonna look sooo terrible on me, but then you liked it anyway? I don't get why your first reaction to seeing how I wanted it just automatically had to be so negative. You've done it quite a few times. When I've showed you different outfits I've wanted, different hair cuts, even shoes. I like crocs, because personally I think they're pretty cute, there's eons of colors and designs, and they fit me very comfortably. I told you I wanted to get a few different pairs of crocs and make them kind of a regular everyday casual shoe, and you told me how ugly they were and how terrible of an idea that was. Always.
February 11th:
    We were talking about shoes and shit. I mentioned how I like Uggs but couldn't wear any of the cute ones with bows and shit on them because they don't fit. Something I literally can not control. I was BORN with ridiculously wide feet, I can't help it.
    You whined "why can't you be giiiirly?" I reminded you that it wasn't because I'm not girly, it's because they literally wouldn't fit me. I mentioned how I am girly, just differently. "Why can't you be a normal girl?"
    Notes: You want me to be more "girly" but don't consider the fact that I've struggled for years with my own gender identity. You know this. Most days, I do feel pretty feminine. However, some days I do struggle with that, and tend to feel more comfortable dressing pretty masculine. Not super often, but sometimes. Whining about how I'm not girly enough for you is kind of hurtful considering. Makes me feel like I'm not allowed to present freely on days where I do feel more masculine. Yeah, sorry I can't be a "normal girl" for you. In this specific scenario, though, I don't even have any control over the footwear. I literally do not fit into most shoes. Again, you know this. My feet are over five inches wide. I hate that with a passion, but there's literally not a single thing I can do about it. I'd love to dress hyper-fem, it makes me feel incredibly good about myself, but most of the time, it comes down to my feet. Men's shoes are usually the only shoes that fit me, and no pair of men's shoes could come close to matching anything I'd want to wear on hyper-fem days. It sucks. Even flip-flops are hard to find that actually fit me, and even then I don't want to resort to just having flip-flops to wear with cute outfits. Crocs fit me too, which I'm not complaining about, but crocs definitely don't generally align with hyper-femininity.
February 18th: 
    You were all kinds of pissy because you couldn't find your phone. It happens VERY often. You don't know how to not get angry when you lose something. I knew where your phone was so I told you. You yelled at ME??? "I didn't fucking ask!" Like??? bitch what the fuck. You were stressed or what the fuck ever so I told you where it was and you got mad because you didnt ask me??
    Notes: You do this, all the time. You lose anything you set your hands on. Your phone, your vapes, the keys, your hat, anything. When I try to help, you get mad at me for getting in your way, and for looking in places you've "already looked."  When I don't help, you also get mad. "Well?! Can you help?! All you're doing is sitting there, I'd help you if I saw you panicking trying to find something!" No, you wouldn't, by the way. Because you never have. Unless you ask politely for my help, I'm not going to help. You've gotten unbelievably upset when I get in your way. Not to mention this specific time when you didn't ask for help, but I did happen to know where your phone was, so I told you, and you yelled at me. It's ridiculous. Also worth noting, is that whenever you do ask me to help with your phone, you have me try to call it. Which takes approximately 5-10 seconds to do because I've got to turn on/unlock my phone, open messenger, find you, open our messages, and call you. Which doesn't take ALL that much time at all but you get so impatient waiting just a few seconds. "Is it ringing?! Are you calling?!" Calm down for a few seconds, it'll be fine.
February 20th:
    I've got pretty bad back issues. You've mentioned numerous times how I should go for short walks to help stretch it out and use my muscles. I mention one night that I'm going to go for a walk with my mom. 
    "Who the fuck goes for a walk at 9pm on a thursday night?!" and then you started whining about how you like me to come to bed with you. I understand that, I do. But one night wouldn't have killed you. I'm still my own person. We were supposed to have a lifetime of nights to go to bed together, and your unwillingness to spare a few of those nights, is too much. 
    Notes: You are so quick to tell me that anything I want to do without you is a dumb or bad idea. Not to mention if it's something I plan to do with my family, you also hate the idea. You've told me more times than I can count, that I should do more to try and better my health. I try more than you know. As much as I can. I've tried mentioning foods that we could eat to be a little healthier. I've mentioned meal-prepping because it's low waste, easy, saves quite a bit of money, and there's countless amounts of healthy meals that can be prepped week-by-week. You complained that you couldn't handle eating the same thing a few days in a row. Now, normally I'd say I understand that. But all you do is repeat what you eat day by day. You could eat cereal every day. Oatmeal. Hell, just last week we had fish for dinner like three nights in a row. You do it all the time. 
February 24th:
    You woke up super late for work, I didn't know. It's pretty cold in the house sometimes. You were slamming shit and looking for something-probably your phone or something. I adjusted the blanket to cover myself more because I got cold. 
    "STOP MOVING THE BLANKETS!"     "i'm. sorry." I said it with a little attitude, I'm sure. But why wouldn't I? It's five or six in the morning and you're screaming at me for no reason, of course I'm not gonna be happy with you.
    "Don't talk to my like that BITCH!" Now, we've had issues TONS of times with you calling me that. I can NOT stand that. You've done it a lot. Every time you do, I tell you I'm going to leave you the next time. I never do. But, rightfully so, I got PISSED. I rolled over and called you an asshole. 
    You go on some kind of bullshit rant about how I'm just "like this" lately. Like what? Tired of being treated like shit by the person who's supposed to love me unconditionally? Okay. You then try to snuggle your way out of it, and I keep ignoring you. You keep squeezing my arm and getting more and more frustrated that I'm still upset with you. 
    You do that in cycles. It's a pattern, every time. Step one- get mad at me for reacting negatively to you acting like a child. Step two- We scream and fight for a while. You maybe start to realize you're in the wrong? idk but you start to calm down. Step three- talk to me and I explain to you why the way you act upsets me. You get mad at me again because I can't talk to you about these feelings without you taking it like a personal attack. Step four- argue again. Step five- you calm down and apologize. I don't think you mean it. You keep doing it. 
Video of me that morning I took of myself crying for some reason:
    Notes: I don't really think this one needs to many notes. This morning was ridiculous. You get so upset when I react negatively to your bad moods. You get so insanely mad when you lose things, which I get, I know it's frustrating but you can't seriously think that I'm just gonna not have any kind of reaction. It scares me. You can't seem to wrap your head around the fact that your bad moods don't scare people. I don't like when you huff and puff and stomp around when you're angry. I literally just have to sit there and handle it. Not to mention how mad you get at me or the dogs for simply existing in the same house as you when you're upset. The dogs pace because they're scared, and then you get mad at them. Then they get more scared. Which is another sore subject to you. I can't ever mention to you to try and cool it in front of the dogs because you've been very mean to them. You've hurt them many times, and you seem to think that dogs are too dumb to remember stuff like that. Dogs don't forget trauma. I've mentioned it to you before and you just yell at me and tell me how much I make you feel like shit about it. Not to mention the time I tried telling you how to treat dogs with kindness and compassion and you told me something along the lines of "yeah that worked out really well for you the last time." In reference to the dog who owned my whole heart who I had to put down last year due to behavioral issues. That was probably the worst thing you've ever said to me, and you've said some pretty nasty things to me. To this day, I can't believe you'd have ever said something like that to me. 
February 28th:
    I lost the safe keys. ACCIDENTALLY, obviously. You storm around the house screaming and throwing a fit acting as if I lost them on purpose just to spite you. As if you don't lose everything you touch. 
    Notes: This one doesn't need notes too much, really. It's just another case of you being mad at everyone around you because you lost something again. I know it's frustrating, again, I get it. But it's like mental whiplash sitting here listen to how angry you are and you expect me to just ignore it. You want me to stay cheery when you're storming around yelling and cussing and throwing shit around, and then when you find it, you're fine and act like nothing happened and expect me to just whip back into a happy, cheery mood like I didn't just watch you tear up the house in a fit or rage. 
February 29th:
    You couldn't find your sweater, again. Got really frustrated, as usual. Started throwing shit around and screaming about how frustrated you were that you lost it. Rosie cowers because she's scared of that kind of attitude. You get pissed at the fact she's being scared. "I didn't do anything to her today!" You used to literally punch her. Kick her. Toss her around for not listening. She remembers all that. Dogs are smarter than you seem to think.
    Notes: "I didn't do anything to her today?" Today??? Yeah, it doesn't have to be current, she remembers all the punches and tugs on her scruff, and the kicks, and the shoves off the bed or couch. She remembers, dogs aren't dumb. It's ridiculous that you can acknowledge that you have hit her or whatever but think that she's just gonna forget anything's ever happened. She was already skittish enough when we got her, and she's only gotten worse. This isn't me trying to "make you feel like shit" as you'd say. But it's the truth. You scare her and the others. Even the cat runs and hides when you're upset but it's like you don't see it. You get scared and the cat will hunch and run wherever he can to hide.
March 3rd:
        “I hope you know I’ll always have feelings for you. You’re lucky you aren’t with me though. I’m really fucked up in the head”
    You texted this to Alexis as I was walking around TAKING CARE OF YOU because you decided to get drunk off your ass. I made sure your clothes, shoes, lunchbox, were all set in place for work tomorrow. I didn't want you rushing around to find anything when you wake up. I made sure to get you up and drink some water before bed so you wouldn't feel so terrible in the morning. I made sure to get your alarms set up on your phone. Wouldn't want you to be late to work in the morning, you'd have been PISSED. You'd get pissed, throw shit around in a panic trying to get ready. You'd be screaming. The dogs would be cowering. You'd yell at them for getting in the way while trying to run away from you. I made sure you had lunch for work tomorrow, and that you'd have enough to drink for work. I packed your lunchbox. ME. Yet you still had the audacity...the AUDACITY to text her right after I wake you up and plan your entire morning for you so you don't have a shitty day. ME. Not her. but whatever. Fuck you. 
    Notes: "You're lucky you aren't with me though. I'm really fucked up in the head." as if I do deserve it?? She's the lucky one? So what the fuck? I'm the unlucky one that gets to deal with you fucked up-ness in the head??? What?! I ran around the house making sure all your shit was ready. Yes because I do care about you but honestly, the only reason I did it in that moment was truthfully because I knew that if I didn't, you'd be freaking out all morning the next day scrambling to get all your stuff together for work because I knew you'd be waking up late after a night of heavy drinking. I was already upset with the fact that you'd been drinking because I've been fed empty promises of you quitting alcohol for months...years even. To this day as I type this in April of 2022, you still try and come home every single night with shots or beers or something. The cat hates his food, he's barely eating purely because he has to, and you refused to get him the food he likes, but you made sure you had some sort of alcohol almost every night. You've certainly had alcohol for yourself more often than he's had food that he likes since you've been back from Oklahoma, that's for damn sure. But she's the lucky one. Yup.
April 19th:
    I'm not sure the nature of the conversation but you got mad at me for being annoying when I was trying to just make casual small talk with you. As couples do. You kept huffing and puffing and giving me short answers, you were just genuinely annoyed with my unimportant small talk.
    Notes: You do this often too. You come home from work or hanging with your parents or something and talk and talk and talk, and when I do, you barely even acknowledge that I'm talking. You don't interact with anything I say, or you change the subject to something completely irrelevant. This time specifically, like I said, you kept huffing and puffing and acting like it was the worst thing in the world having to deal with your wife make casual small talk with you. 
April 21st: 
    I invited Matthew and Miranda over for dinner and to hang out this afternoon. You got home already angry. You huffed through the kitchen, sighed at me, and shrugged your shoulders before storming off into the bedroom. You were M A D because I didn't tell you anyone was gonna be over when you got home. Why? You were already having a shitty day. You came off PISSED as shit at the world. Were you expecting no one to be there so you could take it out on me without anyone there to witness you taking your shit out on me as if I'm some sort of verbal fucking punching bag.
    Notes: You wonder why people leave when you get home from work. Sure, I understand that when you're having a rough day at work, coming home to unexpected visitors can be a little off-putting. I get it. But I still really do not understand how that warrants a reaction where you storm off into a room beyond pissed and not coming out for half an hour at least. At the very least, you could just tell me that you had a bad day and that you'd rather have some alone time. Despite what you may believe, people do understand how that works. Sometimes people have bad days, and that's okay. If you just handled the situation a little more patiently, people would understand if you were just like "hey I really just had a terrible day at work, and I don't have the energy for company" Something like that, it really isn't that crazy. Then you could either just ask them to leave or if you didn't wanna do that, you could just kind of go lay down and rest. When people did come over, you'd either be angry or just go hide out. It made people feel like they weren't welcome to come spend time with us. I never told you this, because every time I bring something up like this, you just get mad and say that you feel like shit. I understand, it doesn't feel great, but that's why people talk, I try to talk it out with you and make you understand how people feel and you just get upset instead of trying to understand. No one's out here to get you, just trying to help you. But you've never seen it that way and I'm afraid you never will.
April 29th: 
    I decided to make a fajita pasta recipe I saw today for dinner. You came home, already kind of annoyed, and asked what was for dinner. When I told you what we were having, you looked at it, and said "No thank you." You asked me why I was such a "noodle freak" and then told me to just make normal food. If you want normal food so god damn bad, make it yourself. There's nothing irregular about pasta sometimes, we don't have it all that often shut the fuck up.
    Notes: I know initially, I sound pretty hostile in a lot of these. But you have to remember they're mostly all jotted down either right in the middle of a fight if I can look at my phone long enough, or immediately after the fight. It's always so fresh in my memory at the time and I'm usually pretty freshly upset still. Now, we rarely have pasta. Even as a side dish. Hardly ever as a main meal. We don't even have spaghetti or chicken alfredo but once every couple of months I'd say. You expect dinner to be done pretty much every single day the moment you get home from work. I understand you work all day, and you're hungry, but you can't expect me to be a catering service and make meals solely for you to enjoy. God forbid I make something I enjoy for once. I've cut out so many foods or ingredients that I like because you don't like them. That's fine. I don't mind, I like all kinds of foods, but the few times I make something that I crave, you get upset. It was just pasta. If you don't like the meals I make for you, then you could cook yourself dinner. I'm not your maid. I tried to be a loving and providing wife, and even then, it's still not good enough for you because I'm just some sort of "noodle freak."
May 11th: 
    You had yet another bad day at work. You came home, slamming every door you walked through. You got all your fishing gear out, and left the house to go fishing. Didn't acknowledge me, no goodbye, no kiss, just gone. Odd for you. You weren't gone long before you walked back in the door. I try making conversation and ask if you caught anything. 
    "No. If I DID, I wouldn't BE here right now." Tons of unnecessary attitude. You then got grumpy because there was nothing out and chosen for dinner even though there was both chicken AND pork in the fridge. Then decided it was time for an argument about which to have for dinner. 
    It's later. You're drinking now. I never used to care or really have any negative feelings when you'd have a couple drinks at night. I'm paranoid now, rightfully so. I just get worried that you'll drunk text her about how you feel about her again. Again. 
    Notes: I get you had a bad day at work, but you really need to learn how to stop taking it out on other people, let alone me. You didn't greet me, didn't tell me where you were going or what you were doing, didn't even give me a hug or kiss goodbye. Which is odd for you, you've always been one for greetings and hugs/kisses goodbye. Obviously I figured you'd gone out fishing considering you took your fishing gear. By the time you got back, it hadn't been very long. I thought maybe you'd be in at least a slightly better mood. I asked if you caught anything. Attitude. All for a simple question, I was just trying to ask. You asked what was for dinner and I said I didn't know, just kinda whatever we wanted to eat. Then you wanted to argue about which of the two meats you wanted for dinner? 
Later you decided to start drinking. As you do. I was so worried that you'd text Alexis again. There shouldn't have even been an again. Shouldn't have fucking happened the first time. Which it did. Maybe not this time but I do know that since then, it's happened again, That's not even the last of it but we wont talk about the other "incident" yet. 
May 14th:
    Everything with you is such an extreme overreaction. Matthew and I are going outta town to drop someone off. I ask you if there's enough money for me to pick up something to eat on the way, or if I should pack something from home. I wasn't upset about anything, just a question. BIIIIIIG sigh you let out there. "FUCK....ugh." you were acting like it was the biggest stress of your life for me to ask you that question. It isn't even a big deal by ANY means. I have leftovers; sandwhich stuff...I really truly do not care. "You can eat out ONCE tomorrow. But that's IT. NO money ANYWHERE else." You said it like you were trying to DRILL it into my head. A yes or no would have been fucking FINE. I asked for one single meal, and you're out here acting like I asked if I could buy out McDonalds. For fucks sake.
    Notes: You know you stress far too much about money. This day specifically, I had sandwich stuff, I had leftovers from the night before, there was plenty of food I had that I could have brought with me. I asked a simple question about whether or not there was enough money for food, or if I should bring myself food for the road. You got so mad. You sighed so dramatically, and just got so upset about it. You always act like I'm gonna spend every last dime when I ask for a single thing. It's ridiculous.
May 18th:
    You made dinner, which is rare. You made frozen hot wings from a bag. They were pretty good. I got a bite of one of the wings and it was still a little cold. I wondered if they were precooked or not, because if so, it wouldn't have done anything terrible if I'd eaten any cold, because they'd have already been fully cooked. I got up to check the bag because it always says somewhere on the bag "Fully precooked" if they're obviously already cooked. If not, it'll say somewhere that they're raw. You got upset that I got up to check the bag. Because I should have just cut it open. I checked the way I wanted to because it's easier to read the bag then to try and see if the chicken is even a little pink or not.
    You got SO mad, in fact, that you literally told me "well there goes my good mood." THEN, you left the room to eat dinner somewhere other than with me. Not only did you leave the ROOM, but when you were done, you left the house without a whisper of where you were going to go.
    Speaking of getting mad over food, you got mad at me for putting jalapenos in the pico YOU asked me to make. Because "no mexican restaurant i've ever been to has spicy PICO." Acting as if that isn't one of the literal like six ingredients in pico??? You were LEGITIMATELY so fucking upset. 
    Notes: I don't really have notes that isn't something I've already covered previously. Just another case of you getting unjustifiably upset over something so so small. Literally leaving the room because I wanted to read some words on a bag of chicken? Getting mad that I put jalapenos in salsa??? Really???
June 4th:
    I was talking about hairstyles I've had in the past and talking about how I may like to go back to some of my old hairstyles some day. I showed you a pic of my hair from when it was half bleached and half green and you did NOT like it. You got legitimately visibly upset and told me TO MY FACE that "it's stupid and ugly." You asked me "Why can't you be normal? You don't always have to stand out.." It's not the first and wouldn't be the last time you mentioned how much you hated something about my appearance, whether it be my hair, makeup, or personal style. You've mentioned it quite a few times.
Notes: Again, another example of a time you've talked shit about something about my appearance. I loved when my hair was like that, it honestly was probably my favorite hairstyle I've ever had. To hear you immediately tell me that It was stupid and ugly shattered me. I don't care what people think about me, necessarily, but to hear my partner, the person I married to tell me that I looked stupid and ugly because of some hair dye?? That hurts. Why can't I be normal? Normal? What is normal??? It's just hair dye. You want normal, find someone else. I like to express myself. Well, I used to, anyway. I had a small sense of personal style when we met. Any idea of the person I wanted to be, and any way that I wanted to dress, has kind of disappeared because of the amount of times you've said something so hurtful about the way I looked. I changed myself to fit the kind of person you wanted me to be. I used to wear makeup almost every day. I used to shave my eyebrows and color in cute and funky brows. I dyed my hair every color of the rainbow. I wore some funky clothes. But you've said so many negative things about all that stuff so I changed myself and now I don't have any cute outfits, or any makeup, and don't ever do anything "abnormal" to my hair anymore. Thanks. 
June 13th:     You went to go look for a new fishing pole for yourself, I love that you have the ability to support your own hobbies. It's good to see you happy about something you like doing. You ended up finding one that you wanted. It was $100. Which doesn't bother me at all. Our rent is paid along with all our current bills. It's no big deal. A day or so later, you had gotten off work before noon, it was an early day. I had gone to work shortly before you got home. I get up and have to make sure the dogs go out to go potty. 15 minutes. Then, I bring them inside and have to feed them their breakfast. 15 minutes. I take some time to go to the bathroom before work. 20 minutes, usually. Take a shower before work, because when I don't work TOO early I like to shower in the morning rather than at night. I have a set little schedule and my mind is kind of all over the place most days, so I forgot to take out something from the freezer for dinner that night. Didn't think it'd be a huge deal because you got home from work with more than enough time to have taken something out yourself. When I got home from work you freaked the fuck out on me complaining about the fact that I didn't take anything out for dinner. Not to mention you've also yelled at me more than once, about not having dinner ready for you when you got home from work. I worked until 7PM and was still expected to make dinner but couldn't because nothing was taken out. You then got mad and complained that we'd have to go out to get food, because apparently spending $20-$30 on food is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. After buying a $100 fishing pole..? But "eating out is getting to expensive."
    Notes: Meh..don't really have any further notes on this, the text itself is pretty detailed. Just another money example of you freaking out about costs for no reason because no matter what, we always end up fine. 
July 5th: 
    When you work with Kory you complain about how much he complains about his relationship. You mention how much they fight, which is A LOT. You're so up his ass right now, so he can never be wrong. You're constantly saying how Taylee is always in the wrong and how she's soooo crazy, and just so bad for him. I try to have a conversation with you saying how we don't know how their fights go AT ALL, and how we don't know what they fight about, who starts them, and what either of them says during their fights. So I try to defend Taylee by saying we don't know that she's bad. You ended up calling me dumb AND crazy all because I tried saying we can't accurately say which one of them is "in the wrong." [all this, and not to mention that currently as I write this (April 2022) and you and Kory aren't even CLOSE to being friends anymore and you can't STAND him. Because surprise surprise, he's a huge asshole, so yeah Kory probably was the one in the wrong.]
    Notes: This one's pretty detailed too. You trust people too easily. Women are crazy, your man friends are great. They're never the bad guys. Whatever. Called me dumb and crazy. Just two more adjectives to add to the list of names you've called me in fits of anger. Thanks.
July 10th:
    You wanted to go camping, which could be fun if you weren't so quick to anger and if you were just a little more patient in setting tents up and stuff but I'm not gonna get into that one. We stopped at a spot and you set up to start fishing. You started having some drinks, normal. That's fine. But shortly after trying to fish, you decided you wanted to find a new fishing spot, so you took all your stuff and your OPEN alcohol and just drove around. You'd already had a couple, and decided that there was NOTHING wrong with just driving around with your open beer, and got upset with ME when I told you that we shouldn't be driving let alone driving with open alcohol.
    Notes: Any time it comes to doing something together, you always get so angry with me. It's ruined setting up tents with you. I've set up tents my whole life. I was homeless and lived in tents for god's sake. I know how to do it. I move a little slower than you, my bad. But when I take even two seconds longer than you when it comes to anything, you get so ridiculously upset with me. Same thing happens when we move furniture or putting new furniture together or anything of the sort. Moving furniture is forever ruined. I have moved beds and dressers, and couches with my whole family and no one gets mad at me like you do. I'm not very strong, and that's okay. I know it's fine that I'm not a super strong person, it's not that abnormal. I move things as much as I can and may stop for a couple breaks here and there...I don't know why that would be an issue. You can not possibly fathom that. You get upset that I don't move as fast, or that I'm not as strong, but don't get mad at me, that's not going to change anything. You want someone who can match your energy, strength, or speed with stuff like this, date a dude or something, damn. I'm not a weight lifter. 
July 26th:
    Don't have a ton of context on this one, but I remember we went to your parents for dinner, you were in a mood, and got mad at me for sitting too close to you while trying to eat. 
    Notes: Yeah, again I don't know. You got annoyed because I sat in the seat next to you at the island at your parent's house. Sorry for wanting to sit next to the person I married.
    2020 was definitely a hell of a year. I didn't keep log of anything after July, really. In July, I had made the move to break-up with you. I'd stashed away some secret money from working at Cenex. You didn't know about this. I saved up, and found myself a place to live away from you. Marcos came out to live with me and support me through it. I moved out, got a cat, and wanted to start living my life for me. 
    It didn't last terribly long, however. You managed to come back around, even though I asked you not to contact me anymore. Which I get, you wanted to work things out and fix us. I was in too vulnerable of a mental state to actually consider it though. I let you back in before I was ready because I was actually hopeful that you'd change for real this time. Looking back now, it honestly was kind of a mistake. I lived in "my" new house for literally a single month before you sweet talked your way back in and convinced me and Marcos to move back into Tracey's house. I didn't want to, but I didn't feel safe telling you otherwise, and like I said, I was overly hopeful that you were actually gonna change for the good this time. You got into therapy, started taking anger management classes, and got on some meds to try and help. You didn't stay in therapy nearly long enough. It isn't the first time you gave up on therapy either. You need it, bad, but you keep giving up on it after just a few sessions. Not even for me, but for you and anyone else that'll ever be in your life, you need therapy. It's not a bad thing. I need therapy, I know, and I'm working on it, I'm trying to find someone that'll take my insurance. 
    We did alright for a couple months, I believe. You were in therapy, and your new meds were helping for the most part. One random night, I can't remember exactly when, you got mad at me for buying you the wrong sized beer. 
    So anyway, you asked me to go to the store and get you a 40oz. I don't drink, I don't read the oz on a can. You just told me that it was just a big can of beer. So I went to Cenex, and got you a big can of beer, the biggest cans they have, in fact. I got home and you got biiiiig mad. You got so upset that it was the wrong size. My day was great, up until you decided to freak out on me for getting the wrong sized beer. I apologized and apologized again and again. It wasn't enough, you were just beyond pissed off about it. I got sick and tired of it, fast. Marcos was uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable, and didn't feel safe. I told you to leave, get out of the house. You left. I knew you'd be back, and I didn't wanna be in the house when you returned, so me and Marcos left to get away for a bit. We went to Plevna Bar because that's where my mom was working at that time. I didn't know where else to go so we went there to get away for a bit. You knew I was there, somehow. Isn't hard to guess, I guess. You came in calmly at first and asked to speak with me outside, I didn't wanna go. I knew it was gonna get out of hand, it always does. You begged and begged and swore it wouldn't escalate. It did. You had been drinking. You were still mad. Mad that I told you to leave, mad that I wasn't home when you got back. You started yelling and scaring me. I tried leaving and you pushed past me and held the door shut so I couldn't get back into the bar. I yelled at you to let me in but you were still making it difficult and honestly making me feel really unsafe. I managed to open the door a crack and yelled inside for help. You and Alice yelled at each other and she kicked you out and threatened to call the police if you didn't leave. Rightfully so. You recklessly peeled out of the parking lot. I don't remember the rest of the night, whether you ended up staying the night somewhere or not, I don't remember. But I do know you ended up moving out after that, anyway. 
    You left and moved in with Devon. I technically wasn't trying to kick you out, necessarily, but that's how you took it. So you found a place to stay. You got Bella from your parents because they were getting ready to get rid of her. You kept texting me, and we got along again for a bit. You'd come see me secretly, and it wasn't bad. Mostly, because I was being vulnerable and didn't want to tell you no because I was somehow still holding on to hope that you'd change. We got along well for awhile. It was nice. It was nice seeing you, and nice also having my own space. Mostly it was nice because I think you were afraid at the time that I'd tell you to stop seeing me at any given moment. You were finally being nice to me. It felt like how it was supposed to have felt our entire relationship. You'd sneak in the bedroom window at night after me and Marcos went to bed. You'd come lay and cuddle with me, a couple times you spent the night, and left after Marcos got up to go to work. You'd lay with me and we'd just talk in the dark quiet room and it felt so peaceful. More peaceful than the entire relationship ever had. I got to spend time with the good side of you, and I also got some me time and personal space.
    Married or not, I like personal space and time, and I found that it's not entirely possible really. If it is, you didn't really favor it. This isn't even specifically a you thing, but I don't like spending all day every day with just one single person. I like having time alone to do things for myself, and just kinda do my own thing, but that is hard when married and living with your partner. It wasn't something I ever thought was important to me until I didn't have it anymore. I need alone time. I need time where I'm not expected to spend my energy on hanging out with someone. I don't have a great social battery and it needs time to recharge I guess, and no one in my life seems to understand that.
    You and I probably did that for a little over a month. Eventually, Marcos found out we were regularly talking and seeing each other here and there and got uncomfortable with the uncertainty and he moved back to Arizona. At the time, I was upset, but looking back now, I don't blame him. You got to move back in to help with rent and stuff like that. We got better for a little and decided to keep trying on us.
    I didn't keep log of any fights from the rest of 2020, because we were trying to figure out life with covid and I wasn't really worried about the stupid little fights. I didn't log a first one until June of 2021. I know there were fights in between, but at this point I was too exhausted with the fighting and slowly losing hope of honestly everything, so it wasn't even worth it to me to try and keep track.
    I've tried telling you recently that I'd like me time, but you don't quite understand. I grew up terribly. I was homeless for the entirety of third grade, got held back because of it, and was homeless a little bit into my second year of third grade. When I finally got a home with my grandma, shit was still hectic. Constantly having to go to CPS offices just to visit my mom with my little brothers. Having to have supervised time-limited visits with my mom at the park. That was less than ideal for me as a third/fourth grader. It was rough. Living with my grandma was kinda cool for a while, I guess, but she was in no way responsible or mentally well enough to be raising three kids. So she didn't. I spent most of fifth grade, and all of middle school being the mother that my brothers needed. I didn't get to be a kid. I was homeless, and jumping foster homes until my grandma could take us in. When she did, I became a parent to my brothers. I made them dinner most nights, breakfast most mornings, and spent every moment with them I could making sure they were okay. It was like that pretty much all the way up until freshman year. You know about the car accident so I'm not gonna recap that or anything, but halfway through freshman year, my grandma died, and we had to move in with an awful evil woman. 
    I still wasn't allowed to be me. You know most there is to know about Robin, but again. I didn't get to be a teenager. Never went on a single date in high school. Never went to a single dance. Never went to a single party. Never even got to leave the house to go see a movie with a friend. Robin kept me home all hours of the day every single day of my life with her. I kinda had a boyfriend in school, but she didn't know about it, and we didn't even get to spend time with each other aside from having a single class together. She eventually found out about him and all she could do was make fun of him and make fun of me for liking him. He moved, and we broke up, and I tried dating a girl, and just had crushes in general but living with Robin made having any sort of personal life literally impossible. I only got to wear clothes she liked, and clothes she thought would look good on me. I couldn't do anything. She forced me to go to the one and only high school dance I've ever attended and that was prom Junioir year. I say forced because I was only allowed to go if I went with the one guy she chose for me. Hell, I couldn't keep my own dog that my grandma had gotten me a bit before she died. I had nothing. Robin left sometime during senior year, and I had a few solid months of freedom. My dad let me do pretty much whatever I wanted. Got to go on my senior trip and honestly that and the summer after high school are some of the highlights of my entire life. I went to my first few concerts. I got to go on road trips with my friends. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted. I got a girlfriend and was allowed to drive to California all by myself to go visit her, my dad was great. 
    A year after graduation I got a puppy, and moved to Montana to be with my family who I hadn't seen since I was in elementary/middle school. It was nice at first. But again, had to take care of someone that wasn't me. I had to raise my dog, which was fine, but I didn't quite think it through first. And at the time I kind of became my sisters free babysitter. At the time I didn't mind it, it was the first time ever meeting my nephews and I loved spending time with them, but never spent any time alone to try and figure myself out after all the trauma I'd gone through up until this point. 
    Aside from doing for my family and my new dog, I never had alone time ever. I've never done anything for myself. I was always doing for them, or jumping between relationships trying to get people to love me. Always taking the time and money to go visit all my friends and partners, and no one doing anything for me. Me not doing anything for me. I've only ever done stuff for other people. Which can be fun, sure. But I don't know who I am. I don't know what to do with my life. I don't know how to exist on my own, but I crave it. I don't have any solid hobbies. I don't have nearly a full wardrobe that has any form of self expression. I don't have any material or sentimental objects that are mine. I don't even feel like a real person anymore, just this being that sits around and waits for someone to tell me what to do and when to do it. It's all I've ever known. It's not good for me, and I'm ready for it to change and for me to find me and do things for me. It wouldn't hurt for you to do the same, either. 
0 notes
galactic-magick · 2 years
headcanons for 001 when gn!reader gets mad at them? even over something stupid he doesn't believe means that much just in general. how do they fight?
warnings: spoilers obviously and portrayal of a slightly manipulative relationship
want to send in a stranger things request? read this!
fighting with this man would be terrifying let's be real
like if he wanted to he could kill you in 0.1 seconds
in almost all situations he's incredibly unreasonable
but he's different with you obviously because he loves you, you're probably the only person he cares about and would never hurt
he lets most little things go honestly, he picks his battles wisely
to be fair he didn't snap on his family for quite a while and he's good at acting composed at least
if you're the one getting mad at him, he'll always listen even if he thinks your annoyance is silly
he'll just sit there and watch you as you ramble on about something he did that bothered you, he won't interrupt or change his facial expressions to the point it's a little creepy
there's different ways the situation could go after that
sometimes you realize your anger was silly on your own and just drop it, or you just can't stay mad at him for long
if you're still upset, though, he gets a bit frantic and tries to make things right
he doesn't like when you get mad at him, he's living in a world of rules that he hates and resents to no end, and you're the only beacon of light in that dark headspace
clearly this man is a bit of a sociopath and is seriously fucked up (but he's pretty so we still love him 🤪), so I think his motive to make things better would be to fix and manipulate the situation and not necessarily empathy/sympathy for your feelings
being with you is the closest he's ever gotten to true and real love though so don't think he doesn't legitimately care about you
he'll do pretty much anything to keep you around, he doesn't want to lose you cuz without you he'd be even more unstable
basically he'd do what he could to mend the situation even if the root problem isn't actually solved
and he'd apologize with kisses and cuddles and doing your favorite romantic things
if he's the one getting mad at you though, it can get a little scary
he very very rarely gets angry with you, but it does happen occasionally
most of the time it roots from a sense of betrayal, there's not a lot you could do that make him mad but he gets really upset when someone betrays him
if he ever feels like you're not on his side or you're spending more time with others than him, he might lose it a little
he doesn't hurt you, and he doesn't really verbally hurt you either, even though he very easily could
instead his behavior just becomes a lot more chilling: silent treatment, glares, getting in one of his darker moods
I honestly don't know if he's the type to apologize, whether it's genuine or not
I think he probably would at least sometimes, especially if he can tell his cold demeanor towards you is hurting you
at the end of the day he's incredibly thankful for you, that you've stuck by him all this time, so he really will do anything to make you happy
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Damian Wayne with a Muslim S/O
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A/N: When I tell you my heart fluttered writing this. Another thing: I hope there won't be but if I see any hate, you will be blocked. Also @adarksoul098 and @theconfusedpansexualbitch asked me to tag them so I hope you like it!
I headcanon as Damian not following Islam until later in his life
Because his father isn't Muslim
And he grew up in a cult so
He researches about it when he becomes an adult
And he ends up converting
The press have a field day when it becomes public
And suddenly everyone's talking about his violent tendencies and how it relates to terrorism
So, he realizes that if he's gonna be representing Islam, he needs to clean his act up
And he does
Man becomes an actual dream
Definitely goes cold turkey into everything because that's just how Damian is
His family is obviously extremely supportive
Being the unproblematic and anti-racist people that they are
When Damian meets you, it's obvious you're Muslim
Either from your hijab (if you choose to wear one)
Or the fact that when Damian extended his hand for you to shake in greeting (it's a habit) you told him that you didn't feel comfortable touching a man
Totally understood because our boy is a GENTLEMAN
But you end up talking and spending the day together, very modestly and platonically of course
"If you don't mind me asking, you're free to decline, but here's my phone number, if you wish to continue speaking as friends."
Your heart skipped a beat
Because a man who finally respects your boundaries even though others find it unreasonable?
"Thank you, I'd like that."
Being new to Gotham, you're happy that you found another Muslim there
To be fair, it hadn't been too long since Damian had converted
But he was rich and had connections so he knew places where you could get halal meat and halal restaurants
All Muslim friendly places
And he even sponsored many of them
Of course, your relationship with him was extremely platonic
You made sure he knew of your boundaries in the start
And he respected them
You were absolutely great friends
Damian loved your sense of humour
And you thought he was so admirable and confident
Basically, you made a great pair
You both met other Muslims your age and basically got a whole new friend group
You're the only one who calls him by his Arabic name
Damian won't tell you but his heart stutters every time you do
"Hafid, yallah, come on! We're going to be late!"
Damian was more open with you with anyone else he'd ever met
"And then my idiot brother broke the chandelier and nearly broke his neck." Damian told you
"Astaghfirullah! Is he alright? He didn't hit his head or anything?"
"I mean he didn't sustain any injuries, but his mental state is to be determined. What 30-year-old doesn't know a chandelier can’t stand his weight."
You told him about your family too
"And so, during my brother's wedding, my sister-in-law asked for a ring as her mehr. Can you believe it? A ring! I'd ask for a Lamborghini or something." You laughed
Although the more time you spent with Damian, the more you realized that your feelings could go more that platonic
You always got butterflies around him
And it wasn't the same kind of nerves when you were around a man and got uncomfortable
No, it was the type when you wanted to be around him all the time
The kind where you wanted him to see you and talk to you and love you
You were falling hard for Damian Wayne
But you never said anything, afraid to make this awkward
Or even to tempt yourself to do something you didn't want
So, you kept this friendship with him
Little did you know, Damian felt the same way about you
It was weird for him to experience
Because not only were you the first person he had ever fallen in love with
It was also the first time he had fallen for someone solely on their personality
Looking at his father and his brothers, they kept physical relationships with girls they were interested in
But he hadn't touched you once since you both met
So, was it still possible to feel so strongly for you?
His heart said yes
And he wanted to at least try
Because he knew that if you slipped through his fingers, he'd never feel the same about anyone else
So, gathering up his courage, he decided he'd confess all this to you
In Wayne fashion, he made it grand but also private
A candle-lit room and a bouquet of roses
"(Y/N), I think I'm falling in love with you. And I'd like to pursue a relationship romantically."
At the moment you were so overwhelmed
You had no idea what to think or say or anything
You were just so happy that Damian loved you too
And so, without thinking you just said you felt the same way
But you didn't really discuss anything after that
So, you began feeling a little uneasy about everything
What did he mean by pursuing a relationship?
Surely, he didn't mean dating, because you couldn't, or rather wouldn't
He knew that
You had made it clear to him from the start so he knew that dating was out of the question
But marriage was ridiculous
You had only known each other for a couple of months
And you knew he had been raised in Gotham, by Bruce Wayne
You didn't hold any resentment or judgement towards his father
But you just assumed that Damian didn't have the same idea of relationships as you did
So, a day after Damian confessed to you, he finally called and told you to come over immediately as he had a surprise for you
You had decided then, that you'd ask Damian what his intentions were
And if you weren't on the same page, you'd make it clear
Even then, you were kind of excited
Damian's surprises were not to be underestimated
The last time he surprised you, he had like a hundred hijabs imported
All of different colours and materials and patterns
Just because you mentioned it was difficult to find the correct shape
So, you get to the manor and Damian makes you stand in front of his house, telling you to keep your eyes closed
Even though you're wary, you trust him and do just that
Until you hear the sound of a car and he tells you to open your eyes
And there is Damian leaning against a Lamborghini
"You bought another car?!"
And he's dangling the keys in your face
"It's yours."
"What?! Are you crazy? I can't take this?!"
"It's your mehr."
"Excuse me?"
"Marry me. Please."
You could've had a hard attack
The way he was looking at you, so earnestly, he really meant it
Damian Wayne wanted to marry you
This was simultaneously the best and most ridiculous moment in your entire life
It was like something from a book
What was he even talking about?
If it had been anyone else, you would've said no without hesitation
But there was just something about the way he was looking at you
As if his heart was laid bare and was vulnerable all for you
"I'll ask your parents, I'll do it the right way, but I need to know that this is what you want too."
Your heart pounded in your chest before you smiled brightly and said yes
He did the whole nine yards when it came to impressing your parents
To say they were happy about your union was an understatement
They were happy that you found a distinguished and competent man who loved you and respected you
Now that your romantic feelings were declared though, you weren't allowed to meet each other without a chaperone
Which, even though you knew he understood, bothered Damian
And, with your consent, he ended up preponing the wedding
You met his family
And even though they didn't completely understand why you had to get married
Except Alfred, Alfred loved you from the start
Damian was going to be the first in the family to get married
Dick had been engaged longer than the both of you had known each other
So, you could understand why they were so on the fence with this
They were extremely supportive
Everyone knew that Damian was the last person who would be manipulated and forced into something too early
They trusted his judgement and accepted you into the family pretty quickly
The night after your wedding was the first time Damian kissed you
And it was like the world could have imploded from the energy between you
Even after getting married, you still take your relationship slowly
Not because of any obligations or stigma
Just because your heart would literally not be able to function
And ever the respectful and understanding husband, Damian was on board
Long story short, you and Damian have a romance that could kill me
Sweetest, most innocent and healthy relationship
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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rosepetalmark · 3 years
it was good until it wasn’t
↬ pairing: kim doyoung x reader ↬word count: 3k ↬ genre: angst, mentions of fluff ↬warnings: mentions of sex, it’s pretty sad (you may shed a tear or two i’m v sorry) ↬ synopsis: breakups suck, especially when you’re still in-love and don’t understand where you both went wrong. 
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he makes it look so easy.
ignoring your texts, coming home late, barely saying a word to you when you’re together. you can’t hate him for it though, you’re the exact same.
you wonder why he doesn’t break up with you already. your relationship was basically hopeless at this point and you both know it isn’t going anywhere- it hasn’t been going anywhere for months now.
it pains you seeing him not stare at you lovingly anymore. you grew so fond of the idea of  spending hours on the phone talking about the dumbest things, staying up late watching reruns of your favourite shows, even making him do face masks with you when you wanted to do self care days. you knew he loved it of course, but he always played it off as something he detested because seeing you pout over his lack of interest in a sheet mask always made him love you ten times more.
you haven’t felt his touch in two months. it was like you were living with a ghost, the feeling of his presence ever so prominent, but the actual feeling and embracement of him completely diminished. every morning he’d wake you up by kissing both your cheeks, quiet laughter humming from his chest as he admired your sleepy presence in his quest to get you to start your day.
now you wake up to the sound of him sighing as he leaves your shared bed, his empty presence filling the quiet room, causing you to feel lonely.
never in the several years of knowing doyoung did you ever imagine that his presence would become something that no longer brought you happiness.
you’ve both drifted, but you’re still together- too stubborn to admit to yourselves and each other that this relationship has run its course, forming a cohabitation with one another rather than maintaining a loving, healthy relationship.
it’s complicated, you like to believe. trying to puzzle together when everything went wrong. but you can’t because all you remember is that one day you were both madly in love with one another and the next you acted as if you were strangers.
deep down you’re scared. you’ve spent so many years and time and effort in your relationship with doyoung that you don’t truly know what life outside of him is like.
you may not have long talks anymore or stay up late watching movies or even have sex- damn you missed the days where you both would divulge in sex multiple times a week, but gosh did you find solace in his presence.
when he’s not there in bed beside you when you wake up each morning you feel empty, like a piece of your heart has been ripped out of your body and hidden halfway across the world for you to find.
he’s all you’ve touched and laughed and connected with in years and to have that ripped away from you is beyond frightening.
he’s all you know.
you yearn for the days when you were fresh in love and could never keep your hands off each other, wanting to be in each other’s presence 24/7.  sadly the days of two twenty years olds having quickies in the backseat of a car and drunkenly singing karaoke at three in the morning on friday nights at the local bar were long gone. you’re not two college kids in love anymore, just two completely different adults who fell out of it.  
it hurts reminiscing about the way his hands would find your waist and how his chin dipped into your neck when he found you speaking with your friends at parties; the way he would sing to you when you had trouble falling asleep,  bringing you to his piano to play you whatever melody he created earlier in the day just to bring you comfort, even if it meant he was losing sleep in the process.
you especially miss his attempts at making you iced coffee in the morning. it was such a mundane act, but no matter how hard he tried and how closely he followed the instructions you gave him (not as if making iced coffee was hard anyways), he’d always make it too bitter. but you still drank it anyway, because you loved doyoung with every fibre in your being, and anything he did for you made you appreciate and fall in love with him even more. everything he did for you showed how deeply he loved and cared for you.
now you don’t get any of it. no obnoxious flirting when out in public. no beautiful nights falling asleep to his soft, angelic voice, wrapped up warmly in his tender arms. and especially no bitter, watered down iced coffee.
you’re lucky enough if he holds your hand when out in public with friends, not wanting anyone to clue in on the lack of intimacy and love that ceases to exist between the two of you.
you used to be that annoying couple who couldn’t get enough of one another, always finding ways to be in each other’s presence whenever you went out together, wanting to show the world that you were his and he was yours. now you can barely look each other in the eyes for more than five minutes without an unnecessary argument beginning to brew.
you wish you could have that all back. the routine. the peace. the love you both shared. you’re just two adults who can’t even be mature enough to break off a six year relationship because you’re both too comfortable with the thought of one another; too scared to leave what you’ve built as a couple to realize that this once great love affair has turned into something so sad and toxic, pulling you back from what you both deserve in life.
your friends have been telling you to sit down and speak to him about your feelings, his urging you both to call it quits for months now, claiming you’re making your friendship dynamic awkward, and in the end only harming yourselves. but they don’t understand what it’s like to have something so beautiful ripped from your hands without a warning, because that’s what this all felt like. as if someone swooped in and stole your bond with doyoung, when in actuality it was just the two of you growing apart-one thing you never thought would ever occur.
those four dry months eventually turned into a fifth, and that’s when you knew you had to pull the plug. you couldn’t keep living like this- wasting your life and heart and energy on a relationship that ended so long ago. it was draining the life out of you both and it was painfully evident in your faces.
the days of crying over him have long passed, making it much easier to process that you won’t ever be with him again, mentally checking out after the first two months this distance became a regular occurrence. that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt ending a love that once was your everything.
you remember so clearly the day doyoung asked you out. it was a monday after a lecture you both shared, the both of you walking alongside campus, too invested in your conversations with one another to say goodbye. you both knew you had feelings for one another, every interaction between the two of you held an abundance of smiles and rosy red cheeks.
he bit the bullet and asked if you wanted to grab dinner some time, just the two of you and away from your chaotic friend group, wanting it to be an actual date and not a group outing.
that was six years ago, and the butterflies you felt in your stomach the moment he said he wanted to date you still linger when you think back to such heartfelt innocence.
when you finally decided enough was enough and the words eventually left your mouth, he wasn’t even upset. he showed no sign of emotion, a stoic expression stuck on his tender face, only a nod of agreement following your difficult confession.
he knew he didn’t have to say anything and you didn’t expect him to. there was no fighting for something that didn’t exist anymore. doyoung may have been your boyfriend by title, but these last few months he was just doyoung. not your lover. not your best friend. just doyoung.
a stranger you know who’s smile and laugh and kisses you’ll forever have ingrained in your brain, but have not come into pure contact with for an unreasonable amount of time.
and you can’t even hate him for this breakup because he hasn’t done anything wrong. you simply grew apart, and you hate how you drug it out for so long where it got to the point where you can’t even look him into the eyes without feeling some sort of pain and resentment. the only thing you wish you could go back and change was to talk about it, because who knows, the both of you could have either resolved whatever underlying issues you had, or you would’ve been broken up by now- not stranded and confused as to where your life and relationship is going.
you never pictured you’d end up like this, assuming by the time you were in your late twenties you’d be engaged, with a dog, constantly looking at homes online for you and doyoung to one day grow your future family in. you so desperately wanted to be his forever, the one he turned to for everything. the father of your children, the greatest love of your life the entire world had to offer.
that was all in the past now.
the entire “official” breakup didn’t even hit you until doyoung was moving his stuff out of your shared apartment, little pieces of him vanishing as each minute passed.                                    
the picture of your two year anniversary is no longer on display in the living room, the frame facing the table to signal that the once happy couple in that old photograph are no longer together and madly in love.
the pastel flower magnets doyoung loved to collect and place on the fridge ceased to exist, leaving your kitchen slightly less colourful and fun as they were tossed away in one of the many random boxes he got from the hardware store earlier.
even the ugly rustic coffee table you hated but he adored- something that totally clashed with the aesthetic of the apartment but reminded doyoung of his childhood, all removed from your shared space and never to be seen in your presence again. you begged doyoung for a new one years ago but he always managed to convince you it had charm, always flashing you a wide grin in his process to win your heart over. you never thought the day would come where you’d miss seeing it in your living room.
everything was so clean and spacious. everything was gone.
it was weird seeing your once cluttered home look so different. yet despite all the space, every single memory and experience you shared with doyoung was ever present in your mind, overwhelming you all at once as no future memories between the two of you will be made.
it felt like just yesterday you both signed the lease, accidentally spilling red wine on the brand new white rug doyoung bought an hour after you got the keys, knowing you were eyeing it for months online, refusing to buy it until you officially had a place together.  you were both so excited to start your lives here. to be young and to evolve and to explore your relationship in a manner more romantic and mature than you had the last few years.
all his instruments and songbooks that were once scattered in the corner of your living room are gone, packed in their cases and in doyoung’s car, awaiting their new home once he takes his remaining items and leaves.
it hurts the most when thinking about the bedroom. you haven’t slept there since he started packing his things four days ago, not wanting to get emotional over half the room and its belongings disappearing with what felt like a snap of the fingers.
but you had to make your way in there now, because all you could hear coming from the thin white wall down the hallway were soft, hiccupped sobs- such emotion you weren’t familiar with in months.
part of you wants to let him be and pretend like you hear nothing just so he can gather his thoughts and belongings and be on his way.
but you can’t. because despite how much you tell yourself that this is for the best and you’re past everything, you’re not. there’s a huge part of you that still cares so deeply for doyoung and you wouldn’t ever wish pain on him.
quietly walking into your bedroom towards your once shared bed, you sit beside him. grabbing his hand, you can feel the warmth radiating from his body, reminding you of the days you’d go on long walks, him never letting go of you because he never wanted to break physical contact.
“hi.” you whisper, not entirely sure how to spark a conversation with him. you haven’t been this vulnerable with him in what feels like forever, the last time you saw him cry was over two years ago when your relationship was seemingly at its best. he hasn’t been this upset was when he thought he lost taeyong’s dog, but it turned out that it was yuta’s day to watch him while he went to work.
“hey.” he says, his voice raspy and shaky due to the tears, his face red with anxiety.
“so we’re really doing this, huh?” you ask, your voice beginning to shake as well. seeing doyoung cry always breaks your heart, and the fact that he’s doing so after you both ended things makes you want to crawl in a hole and never leave.
this was hitting you too hard. so much harder than you could’ve ever imagined. you thought that because you both just fell apart and seemed unbothered by such a drastic change in your lives and relationship that he’d pack his things and you’d both be on with your lives. but now that you’re both separating from one another for good when all you’ve known was each other for years, it’s soul crushing.
doyoung is here in your once shared bedroom holding your hand and crying with you because you both failed to make your relationship work despite having such strong feelings for one another.
you love this man so much, yet you know there’s nothing you can do to bring you both back to the state you were once in. you’re different people now, and you can’t mold back into the two young, horny, and madly in love college sophomores anymore thinking you’re going to be together forever.
“god i hate this!” he yells in between sobs, his face getting more and more red as the tears stream down his face. and you hate this too, because you didn’t think this whole process would cause each of you to bawl your eyes out because you don’t want to leave a love and comfort you’ve both outgrown.
you wiped his tears with your fingers, caressing his cheeks to reassure him that none of this is his fault. you needed to be strong for him and yourself, because unfortunately this is life and even the shittiest things happen to good people.
falling out of love unfortunately falls into that category.
he places a kiss on your forehead and wraps his arms tightly around your frame as a final goodbye, embracing all of you within these last few moments as a reminder of how much love and respect he has for you.
“so this is it.” he whispers softly, slowly getting up from the bed and untangling himself from his previous hold on you, acting as if his emotional outburst didn’t even happen, composing himself to make this already hard process the slightest bit easier.
matching his actions, you get up as well and follow him out of the bedroom, glancing back at your half empty room and feeling your heart shatter.
no more stealing his sweaters when you’re cold and want to be comfy. no more late nights of talking or making love. no more doyoung.
“this is it.” you whisper back, not having much to say, the tightness in your chest growing further as you continue to relish in such heartbreak together. you were each other’s first serious loves, and not having that constant in your lives will be such a heart wrenching adjustment.
“i love you, doyoung.” you say, needing to remind him that there will always be a part of him in your heart and that you’re sorry things ended this way.
“i know, love. i’ll always love you. i’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
“i’d like that.” you nod, the emotions filling up your chest, suddenly making it hard to breathe knowing this is all happening now. “be safe getting to your apartment.”
“always.” he winked, tears evident in his eyes as he began to turn his body away from yours and towards the final box beside the front door, turning the knob and leaving for good- gone from the love and home you’ve both invested so much time and warmth into.
you’ve spent so much of your life with this man, planned so much and anticipated such a beautiful future just for it to end and for you both not to know how to fix the broken pieces you left each other in.
maybe someday in the future you and doyoung will get back together and plan that beautiful wedding and have those three beautiful kids in a big house with a pool and a baby french bulldog.
but as for now you are letting go.
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
Hi, sorry if I occasionally put these kinds of asks in your inbox, but I was wondering, for the Oldest Child Cody AU, what is the real Cody like? You know, when he’s not trying to be perfect? Who is Cody in private?
I don't mind at all, no need to apologize and feel free to ask more!
I've given in a few hints about Cody's true nature in other posts, but for a more detailed version:
Underneath his perfect facade, Cody is a worrywart, a self-hater, and a bit of a hypocrite, telling others that it's okay to make mistakes while being unreasonably harsh on himself if he makes a small mistake.
But he doesn't act like a completely different person, the real him does have some similarities to his perfect persona. He is deeply loyal and dedicated to his family and rescue work, genuinely wants to help others, and he is a genuinely nice guy to be around, but admittedly not as nice as he presents himself to be. Even he has people that he can't stand.
He also much more cynical than he presents himself to be. Deep down he believes that people only want to be around others when it suits their interests and needs and are more than willing to discard you in a heartbeat if you don't meet all their standards and desires. This is way he keeps people at a distance and isn't really close to anyone outside family.
He is also a bit paranoid, being afraid to be himself even in private because he's scared someone will notice and find out his secret. So even in private, the amount of time he spends to be himself is VERY brief. And he's fiercely protective of his family, worried that for his family's sake, he can't afford to be any less than perfect.
I think the biggest part of his character is that he is willing to suffer for his family if it means they'll never have to.
Sorry if this was sloppy and again, feel free to ask more questions if you have any!
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I am once more begging people, BEGGING, to at least READ Batman #416 if you’re going to cite every moment of Dick meeting Jason and then blowing up at Bruce, except in a totally ‘that’s not at all how it happened’ kinda way.
If I have to read ONE MORE sizzling hot take about how Dick blew up at Bruce and stormed off at the end of that encounter, when THIS is how it ACTUALLY ended....
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Ah yes, the famous Dick Grayson temper, better described as ‘someone else loses their shit at Dick and fandom twists it into the exact opposite so he’s actually the bad guy all along.’
Was Dick heated before that point? Yup. Did he have reason to be? Also yup. Did Bruce, however, have reason to be heated that Dick had the gall to be coming back to his childhood home to confront him about the fact that after eighteen months of not speaking, when Bruce is the one who CHOSE to not even say goodbye to Dick or make any effort to still make a place for Dick in his life after firing him, with the only possible indication in all that time through which Dick was expected to come up with even an INKLING that Bruce missed him was discovering from reading the paper that Bruce had given his old mantle to a new, even younger partner? Its gonna be a big fat NOPE from me, guys.
There’s an exchange between them a few pages before this that always resonated with me....
Bruce: The truth is, I taught you everything I could. It was time for you to step out on your own.
Dick: So you figured the best thing for you to do was drive me out of your life, right? That’s exactly what you do to anyone who gets too close. Always hurt them before they have a chance to hurt you. It didn’t matter to you that I didn’t have any life other than the one we shared.
Like, I can not express any more clearly why it drives me so B-A-N-A-N-A-S to see people spin this so that it was Bruce that was somehow the victim of his son’s tempestuous, nomadic ways. Like he was somehow left behind, that Dick outgrew him or moved on, and everything Dick felt about Robin after the fact was him throwing spoiled temper tantrums that someone dared pick up something he no longer wanted. Umm. No times infinity and beyond.
Bruce was the one with all the power. Bruce was the one making all the choices. All Dick had, at most, was the choice to either stay somewhere Bruce seemed intent on driving him away from, or go somewhere else. This issue clearly expressed that like. Bruce wasn’t open to talking. Not when he fired Dick as Robin, there was no negotiating that, and even throughout this whole encounter here, where Dick comes here and says “I think you owe me some explanations” because based on everything Bruce was doing and how radically opposed those actions are to the last interactions he and Bruce had, which had a HUGE impact on Dick’s life, yes, he WAS owed explanations here, make no mistake....even here, Bruce spends the whole encounter acting like he’s being unfairly interrogated, like its trying his patience to even have to deal with Dick being there at all....
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Phones work two ways, Bruce. There’s two people in this dynamic. If you haven’t heard from Dick in eighteen months, its equally true that he hasn’t heard from you in eighteen months. And if you missed him so damn much, you know what was always a perfectly valid way to express that, which DIDN’T involve anyone else? Picking up the damn phone and calling Dick and telling him that.
Bruce acts like that was never even an option, like HE was the one stuck with limited choices based on Dick’s behavior throughout all this time, and that’s just flat out, unconditionally, one hundred percent, NOT TRUE. Bruce was the one in charge. The one calling the shots. The one with the resources, the power, the authority. Dick was ALWAYS the one who had more to lose, of the two of them.
And Bruce knew all this when he took Dick in. He knew all this when he took Robin away from Dick while the latter was still a teenager, still living at home. And he was the one who failed to even so much as OFFER Dick an alternative take on how he could still be there, still be in Bruce’s life, part of his family, still share in being part of his life, the life the two of them had shared, now that Bruce had made the choice that Dick no longer had the option of living out his part of that life in the manner they’d BOTH built up for him originally.
And yet for so many years, fandom has added insult to injury by acting like the cherry on top here, Bruce giving away the very mantle he took from Dick, like this was somehow completely reasonable because in comparison, Dick is the one being unreasonable. People completely gloss over that little act of Bruce’s to focus instead on how Dick reacted, instead of giving that betrayal of trust its own fair due and focus, and the problem is....they don’t even actually focus on how Dick actually acted! Again, notice it was Dick who approached Bruce, and Bruce who told Dick to leave. It was Dick who had actual cause to be angry, but Bruce who blew up and broke shit because Dick dared demand answers. 
And this is the way Dick leaves things with Jason, btw. I know people know this part by now, mostly at least, about the phone number and such, but how many people have actually SEEN how that played out rather than just heard it summarized in a dry recitation of events that underplays just how that interaction went?
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Like, that wasn’t just Dick acting like this was being FORCED upon him and bleeding reluctance at every turn. He went above and fucking beyond to make Jason feel welcomed and secure in his position as Robin. But that’s not how the narrative goes in fandom, is it? Even when acknowledging this part, people act like Dick was at most doing the bare minimum, instead of acknowledging that Dick didn’t owe anyone this at all. No, it wasn’t Jason’s fault he became Robin, but NONE of this was Dick’s fault, Dick’s choice, or Dick’s RESPONSIBILITY. He wasn’t living at home, in Bruce’s life, and he wasn’t adopted yet let alone even still Bruce’s ward at this point. He’d aged out at eighteen. Dick had NO actual ties to Bruce and by extension Jason at this particular moment in time, and thus no ACTUAL obligations to either of them, no matter how much fandom harps on him having failed Jason as a brother back during this time when more accurately, Bruce was actively failing Dick as a father - as in not even being one, but Dick’s responsibilities towards a family he didn’t have at the moment are supposed to be still intact? NOPE. Don’t think so.
But Dick, INSTEAD, puts Jason FIRST, puts him OVER his obviously hurt and bitter feelings to focus on what’s best for Jason here, and gives him literally everything he CAN to do right by Jason here. He gives Jason his own old costume and clear approval, cementing Jason’s place as Robin in a way not even Bruce could when giving it to Jason, because it was never Bruce’s to actually pass on. Jason even wonders earlier in the issue if Dick might want his old role back, and Dick puts that fear to rest, without any hesitation or doubt.
In addition, Dick offers up support and solidarity he doesn’t owe Jason, doesn’t owe anyone, because its HIS time, HIS support, its not something someone can take for granted and yet too many people do....especially considering that in the hyper-fixation on how much support and time Dick supposedly DIDN’T offer or grant Jason, most people pay next to no attention to the fact that it wasn’t like Dick was being given time or support by Bruce, ie Dick is going out of his way to offer stuff he’s not even getting himself, because he RECOGNIZES from that what its like not to have it. Basically what I mean is all that talk about Dick being a hypocrite for doing to others what he complains about Bruce not doing for him? Patently untrue, as we see here, because this is Dick actively acting upon what he’s missing out on by making sure that others don’t miss out on it because of Bruce’s failings or emotional repression.
And look at the end result.....Jason’s enjoying his teamup with Dick, these aren’t two people who look pained at being forced into proximity or acting like the other is a burden to be around or thinking the other doesn’t really want to be here. They were comfortable from practically the word go, because Dick knows how to make people uncomfortable but he also knows how to make people comfortable, and he made the CHOICE, the INTENT to make sure he was someone Jason felt WANTED to be there with him, the complete opposite of someone who is taking out their bitterness or resentment on their replacement or at least not trying to hide it very well.
So my question is.....what the hell else is it people wanted Dick to do? When they cite this issue specifically, at least, when they talk about the time Dick went to Gotham to confront Bruce about Robin, when they talk about the phone number or the costume or the teamup or the things that so often get mentioned in passing like they’re insignificant or the bare minimum or mere formalities that do nothing to take away from all the supposed OTHER asshole behavior that Dick allegedly heaped on Jason despite never actually happening anywhere, even a little bit, and thus that some people claim is just an extrapolation of how Dick PROBABLY acted off the page, given his clear resentment and jealousy....umm. Huh? Based off THIS? Seriously, I mean it. What ELSE was Dick supposed to have done, to counter that take, what else could he POSSIBLY have done to do right by Jason here, that he didn’t actually already do? What exactly did people want from this character, in order to not hold this eternal grudge they have against him for what a big old jerk he was to Jason, who did nothing to deserve it - with that part being true at least, and literally WHY Dick made the point to recognize that and not take out his feelings on Jason?
Like, this will never not be an axe for me to grind because like. The SPIN fandom always gives all this, when look at the last page of this issue......Bruce is watching from a distance, and even he’s like thanks Dick, and that honestly bugs me so much. Because in the end, the only one of these three characters who DIDN’T get what he wanted here, was Dick. Jason got the validation and security as Robin he was looking for, the approval of his predecessor, and words of advice and an offer to listen and be there should he ever want to talk. Bruce got Dick’s validation of the actions Bruce took that he had no right to take when giving his old mantle to Jason, but that Dick ratified all the same, even if it was for Jason’s sake and not Bruce’s. Bruce still got the closure on that particular mistake of his, with the evidence that Dick was willing to see past it for Jason’s sake rather than drag it out....like. Dick is the only one who didn’t get what he was looking for there, he didn’t even get an apology from Bruce for overstepping when he passed on Dick’s mantle, an acknowledgment that this was WRONG, the most Dick got was Bruce admitting for a single panel that he missed him.....before telling Dick to leave and get out and effectively taking back anything Dick could have possibly taken away from that admittance. Because what the fuck does it matter if someone misses you if even though they finally have you right there in front of them, they still tell you to leave again anyway?
In conclusion, I hate this issue, lol, because everybody seems to know what’s in it and yet practically nobody ever seems interested in referencing what’s ACTUALLY in it. Instead just forever playing telephone with the most bad faith interpretation of Dick’s actions possible.
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