#and then the kid died but the N decided to change his name and haircut
chocobytes21 · 5 months
Little animation I did, enjoy the little gore, I guess
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titanicsimp · 4 years
Been too long
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Pairing: Reiner Braun x Female!reader
Genres: Smut/lemon, fluff
Warnings: Sexual content including; vaginal sex, creampie, oral, general foreplay. Brief mentions of injury and trauma
Summary: You have known Reiner since you were both kids, and though life has separated you, a second chance might be in sight.
A/N: I finally wrote a story about my n1 love 🥺
It’s been over a decade since you’ve last seen Reiner, not counting the little glimpses at parades. It’s odd, the two of you had been so close when you were kids. You had known Reiner since he was 6 years old, and you had stuck to him like glue till the very last day before he went on his mission.
When you had finally pushed yourself to the front of the crowd the day Reiner had returned from paradise island, you looked straight at him, and he had looked back, but his gaze had been vacant. You had been too taken aback to wave or say anything. He had looked straight through you.
From your glimpses and the rumors you had overheard, it was clear that Reiner had changed. You refused to hear the whispers in the alleys about him having lost his mind. He might be not be the same anymore, but you knew that he would never give up. He was strong, not only a warrior by rank. Yet you would be lying if you said you weren’t worried.
Now Reiner had returned from war once again, you were determined to at least speak to him this time. You followed the parade all the way up to the hall where the Warriors gathered and situated yourself outside the building. The guards made you anxious, but the fact that you’re an honorary Marleyan kept you relatively safe. It was okay for you to be there, unless it started taking too long.
When Reiner finally exited the building, you said a quick prayer to the gods and stepped out of the shadows.
He kept walking, seemingly so lost in thought he didn’t hear you.
“Reiner!” You tried again, quickly walking after him.
Reiner turned around suddenly, a warning look on his face. You gulped and instinctively took a step back.
When he realized it was you, his expression softened and then turned to confusion as he mumbled your name. “It is you, right?”
You smiled at him shyly. “Yes, it’s me.”
Now you got a good look at his appearance, your heart skipped a beat. His haircut had changed, and he had grown a beard, but the most striking was the way he had aged. Sure, he seemed older than he was, but he looked incredibly handsome.
“Sorry to hunt you down like this, but I really had to talk to you.” You told Reiner and nervously rubbed at your arm.
Your rubbing turned his attention to your arm, making him notice the red band around it. The sight of it made his expression turn cold.
“You.. got married?” He questioned.
You frowned, confused at the sudden question. When you noticed what he was glancing at, you realized why he thought so.
“Oh! No, I’m not married. I’m a doctor, actually.” You told him and couldn’t help but sound a bit proud. The work you had to put in for that band had been exhausting and neverending, but you made it.
Reiner scratched the back of his head and looked away from you. “I see, my apologies.”
Disappointment settled over you at his standoffish attitude. Was he not even slightly excited to see you?
You tried to shake off the feeling and gave him a smile. “It’s alright, we haven’t seen each other for a while... Perhaps we can catch up?”
The glint in his eyes gave you hope, but that quickly faded as he shook his head and sighed. “I don’t have time.”
No, you wouldn’t cry, no matter how much that stung. Looking into his eyes like this and still feeling alone was the worst.
“Ah, of course.”
Reiner turned his back to you and you watched him walk off, your heart feeling like a brick inside your chest.
Another month passed and you heard nothing from Reiner, so you told yourself you were over it. If he thought you would first wait 9 years and then some more he was sorely mistaken!
You angrily pursed your lips at your thoughts as you picked out tomatoes at the market. Forget about him already.
You had filled your bag with the needed tomatoes and had paid the salesman when you turned to be on your merry way, but instead stepped right into someone’s chest.
“Gods! Ever heard of personal space?!” You grumbled as you backed off.
Your face paled when you recognized who you had bumped into. Reiner was peering down at you with that serious face of his.
“Sorry about that.”
You casted your eyes down, heaving your bag over your shoulder. “I-it’s fine, I didn’t realize it was you.”
He simply nodded at your words. You were uncertain as to what he wanted as he stared at you in silence. He didn’t even seem sure himself as to what he was doing.
You cleared your throat. “So, what is a warrior doing at the market?”
Reiner raised the basket in his left hand. “I’m getting vegetables for mother.”
A smile clawed it’s way onto your face. You guessed he was still a mommas boy. “That’s very nice of you, Reiner.”
More silence and staring followed before he finally decided on something to say.
“What clinic do you work at?” He asked.
You chuckled at the question. “How many do we Eldians have?”
The corners of Reiner’s mouth quirked up slightly. “Right.”
It made you feel nervous when you made eye contact with him, like you were a teenager again. “Well, if you ever get injured, you are free to visit.”
As soon as you said it you felt like hitting yourself. “But Warriors regenerate... oops.”
You waved off your own comments. “Injured or not, you are more than welcome.”
Reiner seemed amused, and you were unsure if it was because you were making a fool out of yourself or not, but it made you happy to see him warm up slightly.
“See you.. soon.” He said and waved you off, leaving you with a flushed face to match your tomatoes.
A week later, you just got done with a long shift at the hospital and were getting ready to leave. Even though the soldiers had been back for some time, more and more kept showing up. Some that weren’t healing, some that were traumatized beyond believe, and some that had never come to get treatment and now their wounds were festering. It was exhausting, and terrible to witness, but you were happy you could at least do something to help them.
Darkness had already settled over the town when you exited the hospital grounds. When you turned the corner next to the gate you felt your heart jump in your throat at the sight of a silhouette.
The figure stepped out of the darkness after you called out to it. You sighed with relief when you saw it was Reiner. “Gods Reiner, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” He said and stook his hands into his pockets.
“It’s alright.” You looked around the area. “Were you waiting for me?”
His lips quirked into a tiny smile. “I told you I would visit.”
That he actually did made you so happy. Perhaps he hasn’t grown as cold towards you as you first thought.
“Yeah, you did. You could’ve just come in though, it’s pretty cold out here.”
Reiner shrugged. “I’m fine. Join me on a walk?”
You nodded and gave him a warm smile. “Of course.”
He lead you through the dim alleyways and you wondered what he was planning. You were expecting him to say something, but he seemed to be mauling over every word again.
When you entered the plaza you knew why he took you here instantly. It was quiet, the cobbling of fountain in the middle of the square the only sound. It was peaceful like this, not crowded like during the day.
Reiner turned to face you, looking slightly nervous. “This is where-“
“I remember.”
The day before he had left for paradise island the two of you had snuck out and met up here. You could still remember how thrilling it had been.
You shook your head and looked down at the uneven street. “Why did you take me here?”
“I... I remembered you liked the fountain.” He responded, a slight shake noticibale in his voice.
“Reiner...” You looked at the small fountain. “If you remember, then you know why I’m not happy.”
His face, so young and hopeful, was still clear in your memories. He had been overjoyed he was now a warrior, finally having reached what he felt he needed to. It had given him the courage to tell you he liked you, and he had promised you he would return so you had to...
“Wait for me.”
You turned back to face Reiner. “That’s what you told me.”
He made a face like you just struck him, distress in his eyes. “I-I know. That wasn’t fair of me.”
You shook your head and laughed sadly. “It wouldn’t have been unfair if you had actually come for me when you returned.”
“I wanted to...” He gripped his forehead with his hand. “But the Reiner I had promised you died long ago.”
“It was too late.”
You took a step closer and felt tears sting at your eyes. “You’re right, it was too late.”
Reiner’s fingers clenched at your confirmation.
“It was too late for those kids, but not for us as we are now, Reiner.” You told him.
You chuckled. “I mean, I’m sure as hell not the same as I was 9 years ago, why would I expect you to be?!”
Silence fell as Reiner let your words sink in, dropping his hand from his face in shock. You could sense his doubt, and you felt it too. There were zero guarantees that you would fall for each other again, but you felt it in your heart that you had to give it a chance.
“I’m not asking you to feel the same way you did all those years ago. I just want you in my life, friend or lover.”
He remained silent for another minute before he spoke up. “Are you sure?”
You smiled and blinked away the tears that had built up. “I am.”
Reiner stepped closer to you hesitantly. “I don’t want to burden you. I’m not-“
You took one of his hands into yours. “I don’t care what you’re not! I want the Reiner that you are, nothing more and nothing less.”
He looked both terrified and happy with you’re declaration. You were scared he would pull his hand back, but he let you hold it. When he looked down at your joined hands, he seemed to relax slightly.
No more words were exchanged, there was no need to. His eyes spoke volumes, and you had said all you wanted to. In silence the two of you reunited, and a new promise was formed.
The tavern is crowded tonight, the people of Marley having been in a surprisingly joyous mood lately. Pints are spread over the table in front of you and your group excitedly chats away with each other, some blaring instead of talking after having a few too many beers.
You had felt so nervous to join the Warriors tonight. Sure, in the last few months you had seen them around and had brief conversations with them, but sharing a whole evening with them was new.
In the end you had been worried about nothing. Zeke, Porco and Pieck had been more than welcoming, and not a single thing regarding their statuses had been brought up. Tonight they had just been people, and you were happy to see this side of them.
You lean back into Reiner’s arm, peaking up at your boyfriend. He raises his eyebrows and glances between you and Porco who is drunkenly arguing with Zeke about what beer brew is the best. You chuckle and roll your eyes at Reiner.
Your heart had been right. It had been a rocky road, and you both still had a lot to figure out, but after years of pining and separation you could finally call him yours.
“My, my, seems like those two had a bit too much.” Pieck notes with a laugh.
Zeke and Porco have quickly moved on from arguing and are now half sleeping on each other.
You laugh as well. “You think so?”
Pieck shakes her head disapprovingly, but her smile stays. She pushes at the men’s shoulders, but besides mumbles she gets no response. “I’ll have to carry them back home. What a pain.”
You sit up. “We’ll help you get them back.”
No way you’re letting poor Pieck drag them back all by herself, walking alone is already enough of a hassle for her.
You look at Reiner, who gives you a hesitant nod.
“Thank you!” Pieck says happily and sighs in relief.
The three of you stand up, rounding the table to haul the drunkards up. You and Pieck carry Porco while Reiner takes care of Zeke. You are happy you have experience with dragging men around in the hospital, otherwise this would be even harder.
“Come to think of it, you haven’t visited our place before have you?” Pieck asks you as the two of you carry Porco through the streets.
You shake your head. “No, I haven’t.”
She glances over at Reiner, who is walking a bit ahead. “I suppose it’s not much to show off.”
You all walk on in silence as you ponder if there’s a reason he hasn’t taken you there.
You meet up with Reiner in the hallway after everyone has been brought to bed and you have said your goodbyes to Pieck.
“I can bring you home.” He tells you.
You frown and shake your head. “I’d rather go to your room, unless you mind?”
He regards you for a moment before he gestures you to follow him. “I don’t.”
When you see his room, you get an idea as to why he didn’t want you to see it. There’s a one person bed, a chair, a desk, and a gun. The walls are painted grey, not decorated in any way.
“It’s... cozy.” You struggle to say.
Reiner sighs behind you as he closes the door. “It’s nothing.”
You turn around and throw your arms around his neck. “Should I be offended you don’t have any pictures of me?”
He quirks his eyebrows. “I don’t remember you giving me any.”
You laugh at his seriousness. “I suppose I’ll have to chance that then.”
You lean in to kiss him, but he frees himself from your grip and takes a step back.
It hurts to see him shrink away from you like this.
“Did I do something wrong? We’ve kissed before.” You ask him.
Reiner shakes his head and walks towards his bed, sitting down on it with a troubled look. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“What’s wrong then?” You question, your confusion resonating in your voice.
“I should just bring you home.” He says and stands up.
Before he can take a step towards the door, you stop him, putting your hands against his chest. “No! If I’m going too fast or if you don’t want me, just tell me, please.”
“What? Of course I want you! But I can’t-“
You feel frustration starting to bubble inside of you. “Why can’t you?!”
“Right now you can leave!” He shouts out. “If we... I don’t want you to feel tied to me.”
His pained expression absolutely breaks your heart. Gods, you would do anything to bring the peace his mind needs.
You cup his face in your hands. “Reiner, I’m here because I want to be here. I don’t want to leave, I want to be with you.”
“In every way I can be.”
“I think-“ Reiner starts but you give him a quick kiss.
“Stop thinking.”
You stroke his hair out of his face. “If you want me, then please, take me.”
Convinced, he grabs your hands in his and kisses you. His lips move against yours roughly, his kiss desperate.
His hands let go off yours and instead start exploring your body through your clothes. You gasp into the kiss as he cups your breasts, allowing him the opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips.
Your tongue tangles with Reiner’s, your body heating up from his touches. You rest one of your hands onto his shoulder as you grab the back of his neck with the other.
Gods, how long have you wanted this? The fact that it’s finally happening is dizzying.
Not breaking the kiss, he picks you up and carries you to the bed. You mewl as he presses his body to yours. You can feel the heat radiating from his skin even through the layers of clothing.
You are left panting when Reiner breaks the kiss, needing more. It feels like a dream when he starts unbuttoning your blouse and you shiver when the air hits your exposed skin.
He drinks in the sight of you, gaze gliding over you chest slowly.
“Worth the wait?” You tease but blush regardless.
Reiner gives you a smile, and it’s bigger than usual. You melt at the sight. How hard you have fallen for this man yet again.
“Ten times over.” He mumbles as he moves to take off your skirt.
You feel yourself growing slick with excitement as your left only in your underwear underneath him. He hooks his fingers into your panties, but your stop him.
“You first.” You say and tug at his button up.
Complying, Reiner sits up slightly between your legs and takes off his button up and undershirt.
You smile and run your hands over his now exposed chest. His muscles feel so good under your hands that it makes you regret not taking him to bed sooner.
He chuckles at your fascinated expression. Even though he’s glad that you ogle him just as much as he does you, he’s impatient to finally have you fully.
Reiner swiftly takes off his pants, giving you another smile when he’s left in his underwear. “Seems it’s your turn again.”
You giggle and shake off your blouse completely. You unclasp your bra and slowly take it off to tease Reiner. He groans when your breasts are finally exposed, his hands coming up to squeeze them immediately.
He leans his broad form over you, capturing your mouth in a kiss as he fondles your breasts. You wrap your arms around his neck and moan into his mouth.
When he gently squeezes and rubs your nipples, you arch up into his touch. He breaks off the kiss, dragging his tongue over your bottom lip before he moves down. He kisses a trail down from your neck to your breasts before licking over your nipple.
“Reiner!” You moan out encouragingly.
He flicks your nipple with his tongue and sucks softly before he moves on to do the same to the other.
After giving your breasts several more kisses, he moves down again. Your breath hitches when he reaches the hem of your panties.
Reiner looks up at you, and you can easily read his expression, ‘Is this is okay?’, and you mumble a quick yes under your breath. He slides your panties down your legs and throws them to the side.
He lovingly kisses the top of your mount before he lets his tongue slide against the sensitive skin next to your folds. He teasingly continues licking around it before he finally dips into your core.
You thrash your legs at the feeling of his tongue lapping at your slit, and in response he grabs you by your thighs to keep you still.
Moans leave your lips when Reiner pushes his tongue past your entrance. He groans lustfully when he tastes you, making you blush.
He moves his tongue in and out of you eagerly till you feel like you are drenching his face.
When he feels your thigh muscles clench under his grip, he knows you’re close. He takes his tongue of you and you whine in protest.
Your protests are quickly silenced when Reiner’s tongue starts playing with your clit. He slides two of his thick fingers into you while he licks and suck at your clit. You see stars as his finges inside you curl to hit your sweet spot while his tongue drags circles over your sensitive nub.
“Yes! Yes!” You scream out as you cum.
Your walls quiver around his fingers as he continues moving them to ride out your orgasm.
When Reiner removes his mouth and fingers from your cunt, you give him a satisfied smile, telling him without words that he did well.
His hands stroke over your thighs. “I’ve dreamed of this so many times, but this is better anything I could’ve imagined.”
You sit up, which seems to surprise him. You quickly erase the fear of you stopping this from his mind by stroking your hand over the bulge in his underwear.
Fuck he’s big. His cock is straining against the fabric, his precum staining it already.
“I need to know what you taste like as well.” You whisper seductively and take off his underwear.
You do your best to hide your gulp when you see for yourself how big Reiner is. That thing is going to fill you the brim, but that’s exactly what you want.
You bend over, arching your back in the hope your ass looks good as you take his cock into your hand. He groans breathily when you stroke him, and you feel him tense up and stutter when you wrap your lips around the head. His reactions sound like music to your ears and make you eager to for more.
Deciding to focus on the head of his cock first, you drag your tongue flat over it and then circle it. Reiner’s hand goes to the back of your head, lightly gripping your hair as you start sucking.
When his cock twitches in your mouth, you hollow your cheeks and sink the first few inches into it. You don’t take him into your throat yet, first working your way up and down so you can get used to it.
His groans and pants start increasing and you can tell he’s getting close. Mustering your courage, you breath in through your nose and slide the rest of his inches into throat.
“Shit!” He curses and the hand in your hair tightens.
You keep still like that for a second, savoring the sounds he’s making. When you start taking his cock in and out of your throat, it’s Reiner’s turn to see stars.
Surprisingly, you are doing better than you expected. You are convinced that only he can make a cock down your throat feel good.
“Fuck, you need to stop or I’ll cum.” He chokes out.
You look up at him, and he can tell you have no intend of doing so. Instead you slightly speed up your motions, and it doesn’t take long before Reiner forces you to still on his cock.
He shudders as he cums into your mouth, keeping your face snugly against his pelvis as he does so. You wanted to taste him, and now you are. He doesn’t disappoint either and you happily swallow the ropes of cum he spurts down your throat.
After he lets you pull away, you swallow the remaining cum in your mouth and give him a smile.
Reiner’s face is just as flushed as yours now. “Gods that felt good, but you didn’t have to.” He pants.
You giggle as you wipe off your mouth. “I know, but I wanted to.” You grab onto his shoulders and guide him to lay back down with you. “And I’ll do it again.”
Your words make him grunt in anticipation. His cock is still hard, and as he retakes his place between your legs you feel it poke at your cunt.
You wrap your arms and legs around him and take in his face. You note his stern eyebrows and the little frown creases between them, the slight bump on the bridge of his nose, his sharp jaw and so many more little things. You want to remember them all, so even if he goes away again, you’ll carry them with you.
“Are you ready?” He asks you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You nod and give him a smile which he returns. After your confirmation, he positions his cock at your entrance and slowly starts pressing in.
The old bed creaks underneath your combined weight as he presses closer to your body, his cock sliding in and stretching your walls.
“Reiner!” You squeal in pleasure when he bottoms out in you. You feel so full of him.
One of Reiner’s hands strokes your hair out off your face and you can tell it feels so good for him as well.
He gently starts sliding his cock in and out of you, letting you adjust to his size before he goes harder.
You moan and writhe underneath him, experimentally bucking your hips to meet his thrusts now and then. The dull throb of pain that was present at first quickly having faded into intense pleasure.
Reiner groans your name over and over when he starts going faster. You’re so soaked from you earlier activities that your cunt makes a lewd sound every time he thrusts in, filling the room with even more noise. Neither of you care about whether or not someone hears, too lost in each other.
One of his hands moves to stroke your clit while fucking you. Your eyes roll back as your walls twitch around his cock in reaction to the extra stimulation.
“Yes! Don’t stop!” You cry out, feeling your orgasm approach you overwhelmingly fast.
Reiner continues rubbing circles over your clit, giving it gentle pinches now and then and making sure he keeps fucking you at this fast pace.
You grab onto the hair at his neck as you cum, too overtaken by pleasure to notice. He curses but doesn’t mind it, continuing to slip in and out of you. Your cunt feels so good, tightly wrapped around his cock as you cum, that you could do anything to him right now and he wouldn’t care.
Your breathing is ragged and your legs shake as your second orgasm fades away. Even through your foggy mind you realize Reiner hasn’t cum yet, so you start moving back against him.
“You feel so good! I want you to cum inside me!” You tell him boldly.
His eyes widen in surprise but you feel his cock jerk inside of you. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, gods yes!” You cry out.
He smiles and chuckles at your enthusiasm. If only you knew how happy he is that you want him to.
Reiner stills and grabs onto your legs, making you yelp as he unwinds them from his waist and instead pushes them closer to your chest. When he sinks back into you in this position, he feels unbelievable deep inside you.
You scream his name as rams his cock in and out of you hard. Clearly you telling him to cum inside spurred him on.
His face is closer to yours now and you can hear every groan and ragged breath that leaves his mouth, causing your cunt clench around him.
Reiner’s pace becomes erratic as he approaches his orgasm. He presses your legs down further unconsciously, but you don’t mind at all as his cock is the only thing you are focusing on.
With a sharp finally thrust, he grunts your name and empties himself inside you. He kisses you as his hot cum fills you, his tongue quickly finding yours. You continue making out till his cock stops twitching, completely spend.
He gives you gentle kisses after he’s done filling you up. You giggle at him and return his affections by planting a kiss on his nose. Seemingly satisfied and assured that you are happy and okay, Reiner frees himself from your arms.
He seems hesitant to pull out, and when he does he watches his cum drip out of you. The sight almost gets him hard again, but he knows you need rest.
You scoot over to the edge of the bed so he can lay down, nestling yourself on top of his chest and against his side after he does so.
His fingers run through your hair, and as you lay basking in the after glow, you wonder if you should tell him again how you feel. When you look up at him though, you know it isn’t needed. He looks at peace, fully happy and relaxed for once. And those hazel eyes of his which you love so dearly, finally shine again.
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siriusheadspace · 4 years
illicit affairs - sirius black x reader
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Warnings: angst, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!!!)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You and Sirius start seeing each other in secret around Hogwarts since his best friend Remus has a crush on you, but is too shy to act on it. Inspired by "Illicit Affairs", by Taylor Swift.
A/N: God, all of a sudden I developed this hyper fixation with Sirius. I got a bunch of ideas for stories with him (and all of them inspired by songs lol) but this was the one that felt more structured. I haven't written in a while and English is not my first language so be kind lol
Words: 2k ish
Make sure nobody sees you leave Hood over your head Keep your eyes down
You could swear the entire Hogwarts castle heard your hitched breath while you tried to make your way to the Gryffindor tower as silently as possible. Sirius was the one to leave first this time, heading for his dormitory while you had to count to 300 - you forgot your watch this time. You were sure it was his time to wait, but you didn't contradict him after he zipped his pants, gave you one last rough kiss, and said "Later, then?".
Tell your friends you're out for a run You'll be flushed when you return
It took some time to develop this relationship to the point where you didn't have to talk and check each other's stories to avoid being caught. You knew your friends and roommates didn't believe you were risking getting caught and losing house points just for a night walk around the castle, but they gave up on you telling them who you were seeing.
Take the road less traveled by Tell yourself you can always stop
It started last year, in your sixth year in Hogwarts. You always had a crush on Sirius, but that's not uncommon - nearly every girl on your year couldn't help falling for his long, silky hair, his gray eyes, his long, yet toned body, and, of course, his devil may care attitude. But he never really paid attention to you, just some light flirting in a party at the Gryffindor common room one time; you were pretty sure he didn't know your name. But it changed last year. You can't quite point to when, exactly, you noticed the Marauders would go quiet once you walked by. But it got to the point where you would always notice. You'd pass by them on purpose, flattered by the attention Black was finally giving you. But you didn't notice that it was his friend, Remus, that gave you the most passionate looks.
What started in beautiful rooms Ends with meetings in parking lots
At a party right after a Quiddich match, you decided you would do something about it and give Sirius the chance to make a move. You took hours getting ready, borrowed a dress from a friend, the cleavage more revealing than anything else you ever wore, the fire whiskey burning your throat and your shyness. Once you came down the stairs, you could feel the glances at you, running up and down your body, another rush to add to the whiskey and to boost your confidence. Your friend group was close to the Marauders and you thanked the gods for it. You were all dancing together, and Remus excused himself after a few songs - you later figured he might be trying to get confident enough to make a move - once Sirius perfume got to you. Sandalwood, something citric and tobacco, all mixed to intoxicate you. You started dancing closer to him, and, in a spike of lust, grabbed his hand and went to an empty room. He looked confused but didn't complain when you pushed him against the wall and kissed him fervently. You felt his smirk, his excitement, once he pushed you back against a table and pulled your legs around him so he could lift you and sit you on it. He only stopped to catch his breath once you were panting and pulling his lower lip between your teeth. You felt like a goddess when his long fingers explored your body, lingering on your exposed curves. You unbuttoned his shirt while he unzipped your dress, and, without giving it a second thought, with a spark of pain between all the pleasure, you had your first time with the infamous Sirius Black.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings And longing stares
When you were finished, the combination of soreness and embarrassment started to make your chest heavy - the first time of many. Sirius was a gentleman, though, helping you fix yourself enough so it wasn’t obvious that you were doing what you just did, not commenting on the blood, or when your nails pressed against the skin of his shoulders out of pain. You felt his stares during the next few weeks, trying to find a way of talking to him and meet him again, maybe on a date, something more romantic than snogging on dark, empty classrooms. One night, you were reading in the common room and noticed him alone, leaning against the wall, close to the portrait of the Fat Lady. Once he felt your eyes on him, he left the room, and you felt a rush, getting up, counting to ten, and following him to another empty classroom, where he quickly took your book off your hands and moved them to his neck.
It's born from just one single glance But it dies, and it dies, and it dies A million little times
You were anxious to repeat his steps, standing against the wall, waiting for him to look at you. But he sure followed you to yet another empty room. That time, you actually had a conversation after you were done, but it was far from the romantic invitation for a date at Madame Puddifoot. "You need to be less obvious", he said, buttoning up his shirt. "I just did what you've done last time", you said, pulling your skirt up, feeling the warmness between your legs, the humiliation of being scolded like a kid by the person responsible for it. "But if it's going to happen that often", he smirked, "we have to figure out a way to do it in a way that people don't have to pay the tiniest amount of attention to find out, baby", he completed, and started scheming. You agreed to his plan: whenever any of you wanted to see the other, you'd send a note with a smiley face, something that wouldn't be revealing and wouldn't mean anything to anyone but the two of you, and you'd meet at three in the morning at the come and go room. "It's safe. And it has an appropriate name, don't you think?", he laughed, and you shot him a weak smile. He walked to the door but before he opened it, you put your hand on his arm. "Sirius", you said, and he noticed that he liked the way his name sounded on your lips when you were composed as well, and scolded himself for the flutter in his chest caused by it, "Are you doing something this weekend? I thought we could go to Madame Pu..." "We shouldn't be seen in public, doll", he said, trying to give you one of his smirks, but you noticed how his eyes still looked sad. It didn't matter, though - the weight of rejection pulled you down and you had to use all of your energy not to break down crying while going back to your room. Sirius went first. Once you were about to go up the stairs that would lead to your room, you heard his laughter with his friends coming from the other staircase. Unbothered by your encounter.
Leave the perfume on the shelf That you picked out just for him So you leave no trace behind Like you don't even exist
You've dealt with by rationalizing it in many different ways. You thought that the next time you got a piece of parchment with a smiley face, you'd just ignore him, happy to imagine him alone and pathetic, waiting for you. But you never had the strength to do it. You'd always fix your hair and some makeup and went straight back to his arms.
Take the words for what they are A dwindling, mercurial high A drug that only worked The first few hundred times
"Why does it have to be like this?", you asked, feeling brave, six months after your first encounter. "Y/N", he said - you felt a shiver up your spine like you always did when you heard your name in his voice - "I'm a bad friend. And I'm trying to avoid coming to terms with that", he completed with a sad smile on his face. Once he noticed your confusion, he explained how he started noticing you after Remus admitted to having a crush on you, but never had the guts to tell you. That Remus made him notice things about you he wasn't paying attention before - how your lips would pout when you were concentrating during Charms, how your soft curves were visible under the heavy wool of the sweaters you liked to wear - but it was you, in a burst of attitude, pushing him against a wall that made him give up on being a good friend for Remus on what concerned you.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings And stolen stares They show their truth one single time But they lie, and they lie, and they lie A billion little times
You accepted your status as a shameful secret. Remus still gave you fond looks and eventually had the courage to get close to you, trying to help with your DADA homework, complimenting haircuts, holding doors open to you. And you thanked him with your heart full of guilt, Sirius' stare burning on your back. After one of your encounters, Sirius brushed his fingers against your cheek and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. You were still shocked at the demonstration of affection when he left the room first, and you started counting to 300 again. 151… Is he falling for you? 208… It can't be. It has to be just physical. Why would he fall for you and still keep you as a secret? 299… It clicked. He could fall for you a million times, it would never be as important as his friendship with Remus. And you loved him a bit more because of that. 300.
And you wanna scream Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else
You tried seeing other guys. You went on dates, and you blushed at their compliments, but none of them had a fraction of the effect of Sirius had on you. You still hoped he noticed when one of them would hold your hand on the way to Hogsmeade. You could only hope it hurt him as much as it hurt you to see him flirt with other girls. To listen to his voice calling them "baby".
Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
One night, you were whispering his name with him already inside you, your shirt undone, your bra unclasped, your skirt pulled up, when the door opened. The pain in Remus’s eyes as he understood what was happening in front of him was something you knew you would never forget. Sirius left you there, dressing himself quickly while apologizing profusely to his friend. You turned around and tried to fix yourself, and they left without even looking back at you.
And you know damn well For you I would ruin myself A million little times
None of them ever spoke with you again. It was as if you were taboo. Even James and Peter wouldn't pay attention to you once you spoke in class or told a funny joke to your friend in the common room. You figured it was fair. They had to do what's best for their friendship. And if pretending you didn't exist was the price to pay for that, they'd all pay it. When you saw them all laughing together, joyful, you knew you'd do the same.
But, sometimes, you could swear you felt Sirius’ gaze against you. And you knew that was as close as he'd get to ever touching you again.
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SH - Sherlock & Greg Friendship - Prompt: How Greg and Sherlock First Met - Words: 1,637
A/N: Alrighty! So this written from Greg's POV. It's my personal headcannon of what Sherlock and Greg's first meeting might have been like. Please don't hate me if I got something wrong or if it's different than your ideas. Just my little thought. At the end of the story there is a little explanation of some of the references I made. See if you catch them 😜
"Goodnight, Inspector," Donavon said, as we walked out to our respective cars.
"Good night, Sally," I replied. "Have any plans tonight?"
"Oh, nothing much," She replied with a smile. Anderson walked out and headed to his car too though I noticed he winked and waved at Sally as he passed by. "See you tomorrow," She told me. I nodded and got in my car. As I started my engine I saw Philip run back to her and hand her what seemed to be a key. I shook my head and pulled away. I didn't want to pry into the personal lives of anyone on my team but I made a mental note to keep an eye on those two.
"Oh, I'm exhausted," I groaned to myself as I drove home. I'd just received my promotion to Detective Inspector and the first case we'd gotten has proven to be more difficult than we expected. Deciding that my already distant wife wouldn't care if I was home another 15 minutes later, I pulled over for a smoke. The Waterloo Bridge was just up ahead so I got out for a little walk. As I walked up into the bridge I took out my cigarette and was just about to light it when someone spoke up.
"Those things will kill you."
"Who said that?" I called out, immediately pocketing my lighter and lowering my cigarette. Instinctively, my hand hovered near my holster.
"Nobody of import to you, Detective Inspector. I was just making an observation." I was speechless for a moment, surprised that whoever was talking knew who I was. Or at least what I was. My blood ran cold, though, when I finally spotted the illusive speaker.
"What are you doing over there?" I asked, attempting to keep my voice steady. I couldn't yet see his features but I could tell he was young, tall, skinny and had a head full of curly hair. The first thing I noticed, though, was that he was standing on the wrong side of the walkway railing.
"My plan was to jump," He stated plainly. I was quiet for a moment, surprised that he'd so easily admit such a thing. "Surprised I said it?" He asked, looking at me finally. I nodded and he smiled sadly. "No reason to lie to you. You're a smart man. You wouldn't have reached DI otherwise."
"How do you know that anyways?" I asked, walking up next to him, however remaining on the correct side of the railing.
"It was quite obvious. Your haircut implies your employment is of the upper blue-collar class which narrows the field considerably. Considering your age you couldn't be higher than Detective Inspector but no lower than Detective Sergeant. If you were still at Constable you would have quit. Also it was obvious from the fact you went for your gun when I spoke up. You're considerably tired, even for this late hour, meaning you probably were one of the last out. Though tired your gait shows a measure of excitement, pride, if you will. It couldn't be caused by anything at home. You stopped for a smoke on your way home and didn't light up in your car meaning your wife dislikes the habit. One of the reasons she's going to be leaving you, by the way. You certainly aren't expecting children any time soon so that would leave your job. You're excited about something that happened recently at your job. You're obviously exhausted from the case you've been trying to crack so that leaves one option. Promotion. I'd say at the beginning of this past week."
"Wow," I gasped. "You're quite good at that!"
"You're not angry?" He asked slowly, staring at me in surprise.
"Not at all."
"I just told you your wife was leaving you."
"I knew that," I chuckled. "She's been hinting at the matter for weeks. I've been trying to fix things but, with my new promotion, she seems more determined than ever."
"I see," He said, looking off down the river again. "Most people get quite upset with me."
"Well, perhaps depending on the situation it might not be welcome but I don't see what's so bad about it. You know," I said with a grin. "With your ability you'd make a fine DI yourself."
"Tried. Couldn't pass the psych eval," He whispered. "What you call an ability, they call a disability." I stayed quiet, waiting to see if he'd go on. "Doctors diagnosed me with Asperger's and ADHD.”
“Well that certainly shouldn't stop you! Have you considered becoming a private investigator?” He wrinkled his nose at the suggestion.
“I’m not a fan of that title.”
“Private detective?” I tried. He shook his head again. “I’ll think of something,” I said determandly.
“Why would you care?”
“You seem like a nice kid, I-”
“I’m not a kid, I'm 25,” He interrupted, causing me to chuckle lightly.
"Alright," I said, holding up my hands. "Young man. You seem like a nice young man. I want to help you out."
"Why?" He asked again, sounding awfully much like a 2 year old. "I grew up in the countryside with my parents and my older brother. I never had any friends in school. I’ve always been like this. It didn’t get any better when I went to uni. Everyone just made fun of me. Once I graduated, I moved in with my brother in the city. I worked with him for a few years but,” He paused. "Let's just say that didn't go well. I tried to live on my own but I couldn't pay rent because I wasn't able to hold down a job. No one could put up with me. My brother would send me money here and there but he stopped after a while when he found out I had gotten involved in other things."
"Drugs?" The young man nodded slowly. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be somewhere else in his mind. "You know I could have you arrested for that," I commented.
"You wouldn't," He replied. He turned his head and looked straight at me, his eyes more intense than anyone else's I'd ever met. "Besides," He continued, looking away again. "I've stopped."
"For now," I said. "You'll stop until you don't have anything to do and then your mind will get too loud, too busy, too noisy and you'll try to quiet it again."
"My cousin," I stated simply. "And also myself in a way. These 'help' me with my stress." I held up my package of cigarettes.
"May I see them?" He asked, holding out his hand. I nodded and handed them over. He looked them over carefully and then threw them into the river.
"Oi! Why'd you do that?" With a smirk and quickly hopped back over the railing onto the walkway.
"Try this," He said, rolling up his sleeve and showing me a patch on his arm. "When I have an especially bad day I'll go up to 3 patches. But one would probably be enough for you."
"Alright, I'll give it a try." He smiled abit haughtily. "But," I added, causing his expression to falter. "Only if you promise to give the private, personal, whatever you want to call it, detective work a try."
"After consulting with you, Inspector, I suppose I could attempt to give this idiotic world another try."
"That's it!" I exclaimed. "Consulting Detective! That's what you can call yourself!" He furrowed his brow in thought before smiling slightly.
"I think that just might work. But who would I consult for?"
"Well, you could set up a website so people can send in cases. Perhaps post something about how you do your deductions. It might take awhile for you to get enough customers so perhaps I can arrange for you to take a look at some old cold cases. What do you think of that?"
"I-" He paused, looking away in embarrassment. "Thank you, Inspector."
"You're welcome. And call me Greg, hm? Or Lestrade if Greg is too hard to remember," I joked.
"Alright," He paused. "Graham," He added with a smirk. I laughed loudly and clapped his shoulder.
"Well, I have the feeling this is going to be the start of something very special for you. Who knows where this will take you or who you'll meet!" He nodded, corners of his mouth turning up in a small smile. "Why don't you stop by my office tomorrow afternoon? I can get you some cold cases and who knows, maybe you'll even crack the case I'm working on now!"
"Thank you," He replied, suddenly sounding very nervous.
"Look, I know people are going to judge you for who you are and what you do. I wish I could change that. But keep your chin up. One day you'll look back and be surprised where it got you. Be confident in yourself. That'll help a lot."
"Like this?" He asked, standing straighter and giving off a well practiced authoritative glare.
"Something like that," I replied. "Here. Try this." I reached for his coat collar and turned it up. "Perfect. Now you look like a real professional." He nodded sharply, keeping up his vaguely disinterested air.
"I've done this before," He admitted. I smiled and nodded.
"Me too. I think you'll be just fine." I smiled at him, happy I was able to save a life tonight instead of investigate a death. "Do you need a ride home?" I offered.
"That would be helpful," He admitted.
"Alright, then, Mr.," I paused, chuckling lightly. "You know, I never got your name."
"Sherlock Holmes," He replied. I smiled and shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Sherlock." I paused for a moment, thinking. "Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
The key - Anderson is giving Sally a key to his apartment since they are having an affair. Not exactly a direct reference. Just a thought lol
Those things will kill you - I thought making that the first thing Sherlock said to Greg would have explained all the more so why Greg was so happy to see him again when he came back.
Sherlock's diagnosis - In one of the episodes (can't remember which, too lazy to look it up lol) John says Sherlock has Asperger's. One of my best friends has Asperger's and I've had other friends with ADHD. As a non-professional, I would say Sherlock definitely acts in harmony with those two disorders.
The patches - Greg was showing Sherlock his own patches in the first episode. Thought that was cute.
Graham - I personally think Sherlock has always known Greg's name and it's just an inside joke lol
So, if you noticed anything else, let me know! Please leave a comment (or two lol) if you liked it!!!!
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lampoest · 4 years
Unfiltered thoughts watching mission impossible rouge nation inspired by @chaotically-cas
(sorry its so long my brain is all over the place)
this is also part 14 of me watching it every day :/
why is brandt first to speak
starting out with "shit" good call benji
brandt man we get the package is on the mcfucking plane
badass luther 10/10
nervous benji 10/10
that one sound effects sounds like the discord notif
why he in a fancy suit
*jumps on a plane with almost no plan on getting inside*
why did tom cruise think this was agood idea?
but like why would benji even open the ramp?
how is he not winded from that?
classic ethan
THE INTRO 1000/10
wait you can already see lane in the record shop.
how do they tell the agents these little convos?
also damn way to give it away
what if someone just looked in that room and saw the secret message?
also how did the disc get changed? because the imf definitely didnt make that
and how did lane know where he was going?
speaking of lane---
dang that man is pretty
he always sets guns down carefully
i can only see alec baldwin as trump from his snl skits so i dont take hunley seriously ;-;
damn brandt needs to step it up. man keeps letting himself be inturrupted
bruh the imf is only luck
why did no one resrict his legs?
also why is janik such an asshole?
dang she cool !!
why does it take janik so long to get that gun?
bravo-echo 1-1
this man is bleeding but decided instead of taking care of his wound he calls brandt.
i like how you actually see ethan worried and confused trying to plan his next moves. he is rarely caught off guard so it's refreshing to see his more human side
hunley spitting accusations damn bro
also a big fuck you from ethan to hunley
dang ethan is good
brandts little hidden smile
and ethan leaving trails
bitch how you sketch that good???
youve won, your way out of a job
benji is good
my little brandt x benji shipper in me is happy
simon pegg is such a good actor
the first time i saw this i was like: aww noooo
all dunn with that
i cant tell if that was ethan
it just looks like youre talking to yourself thats more sus than using a phone
want drama? go to the opera
ok but like if you look like that im sorry you are a bad guy. thats like a stereotypical bad guy face
you can see ethan in the background of that scene
flute gun flute gun
oh no benji is in the closet. dont worry man we love you
if i were there and i just had a good vantage point i could find lane in an instant
ooh ilsa pretty
pipe gun
also pamphlet computer
those key things are cool and plausible
spiderman spiderman does whatever, ethan hunt can?
a W O M A N
what W O M A N?
reminds me of a marshmallow gun i made out if pvc pipes.
why does she not put that thing back?
also the dude loads it and then later it is unloaded
dang that guy is pretty tall.
ethan is so tiny
dis bitch is like uhh gimmie a sec to catch my breath mate
why he only dropkick people?
only 30 mins in ?!?!
the cinematography is exquisite
yes benji goin sicko mode
*gets shot* just a flesh wound
bruh i would've been so startled at that
i love how confused he is at that
ilsa saves ethan once again
they did this on the first day of filming
ah yes random package in car = not bomb totally
if she tried to shoot benji then yes she is a bad person
but she didnt try to, she could've easily but didn't
benji being paranoid
she could just say the dude's name
benji being scared
hunley jumping to conclusions
brandt actually cares yeey
why di they approach from different sides of the street they were in the same car.
benji was far away from the sparks why he flinch?
friendship goals
oop plot dump that only mission impossible can get away with
why this mf's voice so smooth
lane is struggling with chopsticks
also lane :))))
ive chocked on my water so many times watching this scene
lanes voice :))))))
this man dont know what personal space is
gotta look up these peeps mbti types
casablanca references
also benji is wearing dollar store lookin glasses while ethan is wearing some fancy glasses
luther is top notch
as much as i dont like jeremy renner he delivers these lines really well
because atlee is a bitch
oh honey please, impossible is a walk in the park
benji just wants to wear a mask
id be so nervous walking through those
personal wellbeing who?
why not bring a plastic bottle full of air?
tom cruise can hold his breath for 6 minutes and he learned to do so for that scene
luther big brain
damn cctv
why did they need to break in while benji was going in?
das sus but ok
also isnt et voila french?
she just randomly tapping the ipad
benji being stressed
if he missed the exact center
i want one of those to open my locker's lock
if he just went with the current and didnt try to force his way against the water ilsa wouldn't have had to save him
imagine if he put the wrong one in-
she is breathing heavily to over saturate her body with oxygen so she can hold her breath longer
see ilsa makes it out without well and she went with the current
no you didn't
you gave her a false sense of security
ethan's confused face for the next like 10 mins is great
why does that one man look like sean ambrose?
the facial acting in this
the glare yesss
vrrrm vrrm
hey its you !
drivin like a grandma
shit !
benji just screaming
im convinced that ethan is indestructible
no you didn't survive that
ethan didnt just-
also why didnt benji just tell ethan he made a copy ???
dont shoot and drive kids
high speed motorcycle chase with no helmet or leather. tom cruise, how?
i wanna learn how to drive a motorcycle
the lighting
ofc brandt would be the person why sits backwards on a chair. fkn bi vibes
benji to the rescue
fuck off atlee
i am so proud of us ...
the lines are done so well here
benji lookin like how i look when my parents argue
im too fucking gay for this movie-
once again no personal space
*inhales* :))))))))))))))
ive like memorized the entire script of this including the music
1 man performance of m:i5 ???
benji's outfit
also i love how youre able to see the characters in the background. props for the attention to detail
i need that haircut because his hair is lookin A+
fuck you atlee
ilsa spitting straight facts
uhh ilsa he still loves julia
speak of the devil-
actin sus
his posture shdhskhsj (i cant be talking though)
0 personal space whatsoever
why does everyone have the same haircut in this???
simon mcburney pretending to be hunt prentending to be atlee
manipulation !?
the syndicate you say ? i know a thing or two about them 😼😼😼
damn though renner delivers these lines really well
a black tie? how informal. ..
complimenting hunt right infront of him
but he really didnt
i never realized that they were on the clock for this
the lil head nod though-
is it bad that i hate atlee more than i hate lane?
ethan big smart wrinkle brain
janik just reading a fucking magazine
ethan has a photographic memory
oh look its benji :)))
lane :))))
ethan being tough
it must be aquward to get the low angle shots
lane is running out the clock to put pressure on ethan hmmm big brain
it isnt working though :\
damn he so cocky that hes telling the villain his plan
ill give you 1/5 of the money you wanted to get my bf back
ok but like does tom cruise just not age?
kill the woman
ugh i hate janik
the trust that is shown between those two is great
yes the score and the chase are so great
also this man really hates windows for some reason
fuck off janik
sneaky sneaky
yeyy janik is dead
once again dodging bullets and hating glass
couldve killed him but needed him alive
the glass box
badass ethan
all the pretty men assembled
lane really let himself go aster this
dang though lane is my favorite villain ever
i like how for once the girl and the guy just are friends instead of romantically involved
eyy the callbacks to how the movie started.
welcome to the imf
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Wandering Hands Part 2
Hellooo everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely day! SO this is Part 2 of Wandering Hands. 
Tumblr media
What it is: You and Harry become friends but you come with certain baggage that might make any other man run. 
Word count: 6.4k 
Warning: none really besides cursing? (lmk if I forgot one!) 
This part includes more info on y/n’s past, a little bit of Harry’s and also some of his pov.
Pls reblog if you like it :) Thanks in advance for the support! 
You had just finished your 3 am morning feed of your now one-month old baby boy. He was already looking chunkier and looked milk drunk. Your husband took him as routine to burp him. You were thankful he was able to get leave just before you gave birth and be part of Sam's first few weeks of life.
"hm?" you were exhausted, half asleep already.
"if anything happens to me out there, I need you to move on," you opened one eye peeking at your husband. He was staring at his son intently. "he deserves to have a father figure in his life. Someone who can teach him how to shave."
You scooched closer to him on your shared bed and put your head on his shoulder.
"Don't think like that, and if anything, I shave my legs. Couldn't be that different." you kissed his shoulder. He was always so warm.
"Not just that," he laughed lowly, "other things boys have to go through sometimes only a man understands."
"Well, it’s a good thing you're gonna keep yourself safe right?" you touched your boy’s cheek lightly and then your husband's.
"Anything could happen, and I'd want you two to be happy. Just let me get adjusted to my grave for like a year." He tried laughing to lighten the mood. It didn’t work.
"S-stop talking. My hormones are too messy right now." you said your voice shaky and you laid back down against your pillow. You felt him put Sam down back in his bassinet and hug you from behind, spooning you.
"Don't cry pumpkin, please don't" he kissed your cheek.
"Can't help it. You started it." you wiped your nose.
"I'm sorry," he kissed your cheek and shoulder, "Hey are those 4 weeks up?" you felt his smirk against your skin.
"Ugh get off," you laughed and pushed him off your shoulder to face him. He looked you in the eyes and kissed your nose.
"I'm sorry," he kissed you.
"Apology accepted." you kissed him back.
You remembered the memory as you sat in the Banzai parking lot. It's like he knew something would happen to him. You were nervous to meet Harry, even if he was just a friend now. A cute friend. You saw his car was already there. You were still in your work clothes. White satin blouse with high waisted beige dress pants and nude heels. You grabbed your purse and walked in. You saw him waiting on a chair near the entrance. He looked up from his phone and put it away when he saw you.
"Hey" he came and hugged you.
You hugged him back and breathed in his cologne while he breathed in your perfume. When you pulled apart you looked up at him. He looked a little different. His hair had gotten longer. Eyes brighter than ever, you liked his eyes already. You were forming a fat crush on him and you knew it.
"You look nice," he subtly looked you up and down.
"Thanks," you laughed lightly, "they're my work clothes" you scrunched your nose.
"Beautiful either way." he put his hand on the small of your back encouraging you to walk towards your table.
"Thank you." you blushed lightly. He took your chair and pushed it in for you once you sat down.
"So how's work?" you decided to spark conversation since he was usually the one to always start one.
"It's good. Reading sci-fi manuscript. Not my usual cup of tea but this one is pretty good. How's work for you?" he said as he ate his clear soup. You stirred yours as he spoke.
"It's good. Mainly just trying to make it all enjoyable for them. Trying to think of a field trip to maybe take them on," you finished and ate your soup.
"Good teacher they have," he grinned at you.
"Thank you." you couldn't help but blush.
"So how's Sam? You mentioned he's at a friend's house?"
"Yeah, one of his close friends." you nodded. He nodded along.
"I'm sorry if this is too personal but um, does he remember your um your late husband?"
"No, he doesn’t remember his dad. He died when he was only two."
"Oh okay," you saw his face change a little, "I'm sorry I keep saying husband or Sam's dad, I just don’t remember a name or if you ever mentioned it."
You hadn't. You hadn't mentioned his name because there were times where you couldn't cry without saying it. You've literally probably only said it four times since he passed. And that was probably a lot. You were okay talking about him but saying his name was difficult.
"I haven't mentioned it. It's um hard for me to say aloud sometimes."
He nodded and put his hand over yours.
"I'm sorry for asking." he played with his lips with his other hand.
"Don't be," you played with his thumb with your thumb, "I honestly should probably talk about him more. I think I got too used not talking about him, only to Sam of course. But then again, it’s only when he asks."
He played with your hand with both of his, "Do you think it’s easier to talk about him if I ask about him? I'd love to help you."
You smiled at him, "I don't know where you came from. Why are you so interested?"
"Well um," he blushed, "when I first saw you, I thought you were beautiful and I guess your past doesn’t steer me off because um, my mum was in your position but with two kids. Not that I'm trying to be my stepdad but I'm not scared of it, and I love kids."
You were a little shocked but this revelation warmed your heart a bit.
"Michael," you squeezed his hand, "his name was Michael." you swallow the huge lump in your throat because of the fact you had to say 'was' before his name.
He smiled at you, "That was brave," you blushed and looked down. He picked your hand up and kissed it. You were getting butterflies.
"So, since I shared that.. Could I ask you something? You don't have to share."
"Sure," he gave you a grin that showcased his dimples.
"What happened to your dad? Biological one."
"Well first he left us and then he got sick and passed."
You nodded and apologized but he assured you it was fine. Your food soon came and you ate quietly. You felt okay. A little less nervous than when you first walked in. Your hands kept touching for the majority of the lunch.
"Does your family still live in England?" He nodded as he sipped his water.
"Yeah, my mum and sister are still there. My stepdad also passed away recently,"
"I'm sorry Harry" you rubbed his hand.
"It's okay," he smiled at you, "So Sam asks about him?"
"Yeah just like what were his favorites and if he did this or that." he nodded along listening.
"Your hair has gotten longer since the first time we've met." you wanted know more about him and talk about him.
"Yeah well I had just gotten a haircut that day actually and I'm thinking I want to grow my hair out a bit more."
"Very prince charming like." you smiled.
"Yeah," he chuckled.
"How old are you again?"
"30 too"
"No," he laughed, "30 as well"
"Oh," you blushed. He was pretty perfect.
"Is it too soon to talk about the future?" your eyes widened. Seriously? Where did he come from?
"Meaning?" you swallowed some water.
"Meaning like are you dating other people? In general?" he shrugged.
"Um, well you're the first guy I've ever done this with again. The wounds were too fresh before."
"Oh okay. Well I mean, I've gone on dates before but not with multiple people at a time. Not my thing. I give one person all my attention," you nodded as he spoke, "So you're the only woman I'm talking to right now." That made you feel good or better.  
"Are you sure you're ready for this though?" you didn't look at him too much. You felt him grab your hand and squeeze it.
"I am, and if you aren't it's okay. I'm willing to wait," you subconsciously rolled your eyes and he furrowed his brows, "what was that for?"
"Wait? Harry you have a whole life. You can't wait on me." you wanted to take your hand back but he held on to it.
"I'm willing to. Believe it or not y/n but I like you. A lot. I like your personality, I like that we can talk about whatever, I like the way you talk about your son, and you're beautiful. Which is only a bonus. You've made me go on about my feelings in a restaurant, do you believe me now?" he had a small smile.
You simply nodded because you were too stunned to say anything else. The waiter came with the check and Harry put his card in the small booklet and signed whatever he had to. You were quiet as you walked out. You didn't know what to say. It wasn't every day when a gorgeous man confesses feelings for you. You checked the time and saw it was 5:00 pm. You had to pick up Sam soon.
"Thanks for lunch it was nice, we’ll talk later." you said as you walked towards your car. Your pace was a little fast. Harry caught up to you and lightly grabbed your hand.
"Are you scared?" he looked you in the eye.
"No. Yes. No. I don’t know!"
"Talk to me." he put some of your hair behind your ear.
"I like you obviously but I can't help but think about my in laws, Sam, my family, and.. I can't help but think about him.. Michael."
He pulled you in for a hug wrapping his arms around your neck while you wrapped yours around his waist. Your head against his chest.
"I think it's time you think about you. When was the last time you did that? 7 years ago? Before Sam was born?"
"More like 10… before I got married." you felt him kiss the top of your head and you nearly melted. Everything he was doing was so comforting.
"You're too young to be thinking about so many people. I think you should just worry about yourself and your son. Just because you're opening your heart to someone else doesn't mean your closing your heart to Michael's." Everything he said rang in your head like a repeated song. He was right.
"You're right." you looked up at him. He held your face in his hands and pressed his lips to your forehead. He checked the watch he was wearing and looked back at you.
"Are you okay to drive?" he studied your face.
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm um much better now thank you."
"Okay good. It's 5:15, I don’t know where Justin lives but I don’t want you rushing okay?"
You nodded and admired at how he remembered everything. You felt as if you wanted to kiss him but you also didn't know. So, you settled on kissing his cheek. He blushed and you found it adorable. He made sure you were settled into your car and he watched you leave. He got in his car and ran his hand through his hair. You were so captivating to him and he wanted to spend every second spending time with you. He liked you so much. He couldn't understand why he felt like he was falling for you so hard. He drove home and went to his small office. He had to finish a manuscript that night. He worked hard for a few hours before showering. He let the water fall over him. It had been a while since he held someone the way he held you. He leaned his forehead against the cold tile. Was he really ready? He wanted a family, he knew this, but this was an instant family. He wasn’t sure if you wanted anymore kids and he didn't know Sam yet but he might want a kid of his own. He finished up his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He heard his phone go off. He walked into his room and picked it up from his bed. You had texted him and he was instantly smiling.
y/n: Thank you for lunch really. Your words meant a lot. I needed to hear some of them specifically.
H: Anytime. Would love to do it again sometime.
y/n: I think I owe you a dinner. Maybe next weekend, Friday night?
H: You don’t owe me a thing. Where would you want to do it?
y/n: My place, I'll cook.
H: Homecooked meal? I'm guessing I'm not in the waiting game?
He felt nervous after he sent that last message. You could say anything.
y/n: No waiting needed.
He did a little happy dance. A little too hard making his towel drop. He picked it up and answered you.
H: Same here. Can't wait to see you again.  
y/n: Me too.
He got dressed and laid in bed. It was still early but he wanted to just hang out texting you.
H: You got home safely?
y/n: Yeah, you?
H: Yeah, already showered and finished some work.
y/n: Lucky, I’m trying to get this stinky boy to shower. *Picture of Sam cheesing at the camera*
H: He's a really cute kid. He looks like you.
y/n: Thank you, did I mention he knows about you? He's a nosey pants and bugged me until I spilled on who Harry was.
H: And who is Harry? 👀
He bit his lip anxiously waiting for your response.
y/n: Well we had just met so I said a friend.
H: You considered me a friend?
y/n: Yeah
H: What about now?
y/n: A closer friend?
H: Fair enough. It'll change eventually.
y/n: Oh will it?
H: Mhm. Sure will. 😌
y/n: You seem confident.
H: I am.  
y/n: I'm blushing??
H: If it makes you feel better, so am I.
y/n: Lies.
H: I don't lie. Something you should know about me.
H: Well unless it's a gift or a surprise.
y/n: Okay😊
y/n: What kind of food do you like?
H: Anything, I'm not too picky.
y/n: Spanish food okay?
H: Delicious.
y/n: I also have a talent for cooking Japanese food if you prefer that? (Grew up surrounded by Japanese culture)
H: That's pretty interesting. Since we just had Banzai, I'll say Spanish food is good for me next week.
y/n: Sounds good :) I'll text you later, mom duty calls.
H: Good luck!
He got up and decided to make himself a tea and watch tv. They were playing reruns of the office. He would never say it aloud but he preferred the American version. It expanded more on the characters. It was the episode in which Kevin drops his chili. He laughs, careful not to spill tea on him. His phone rings but he doesn’t look who it is. He wishes he did.
"Harry?" he instantly rolled his eyes at her voice.
"How can I help you Mary?"
"Harry, I miss you."
"I can't say I feel the same." he sighed.
"Harry, don’t be so cruel."
"Cruel? I found you in bed with my best mate when I came home early to surprise you."
"It was a mistake and it’s been a year can't you just forgive me already?" he heard her voice change. This would've made him weak a few months ago, but not anymore.
"Mary, I forgive you because I don't care anymore. But I can't get back together with you. I'm seeing someone else now." he smiled as he said it. Not out of malice but from happiness at the thought of you.
"Who?" she practically yelled into the phone. He rolled his eyes and just hung up. She didn’t deserve anymore of his time. His phone rang again and he looked before picking up. Luckily it was his mum so he answered much more nicely than he previously intended.
"Hi mum," he beamed.
"Hi sweetheart. Just wanted to check in on you. I know you're a big boy but living so far gets my heart worried."
"Mum don't worry, I'm doing really good. Mary just called me and she couldn't even ruin my mood."
"Ugh Mary," she says with her voice full of disgust, "Forget her. How's work and the new place?"
"It's good. I like the town. The people are nice. Work is work. It's the same here as it was in England."
"Any new friends?"
"Um, well yeah actually. A woman, her name is y/n. We actually went on a date earlier. We talk pretty often and sometimes all night. I like her."
"A woman? Wow, so you'd say you're moving on?"
"Mum I've been over her the month after we broke up."
"And how old is this y/n? You know I'm going to want to protect you even more now."
"She's 30, um a widow and she has a son."
"What? Harry are you sure about this?" her voice changed to a much softer tone.
"Yeah I'm sure. She's so different. We have the easiest conversations. I feel like we're good together."
"Harry remember you fall a little too hard for people."
"I know mum, I know what I'm doing this time around."
"Okay. Well tell me more."
He spoke to his mum for another hour about you, his house, and when she was coming to visit. After he hung up the phone it was already around 8:30. He hoped that you would text him soon. He missed you already. Soon enough about a half hour later his phone dinged and he saw a message from you.
y/n: Hey :)
H: Hey, how'd it go?
y/n: It was good. Just had to review his homework and then we ate and I needed to help him with his hair. He's very tender headed so I have to brush with lots of calmness and patience.
H: It's hard to have curls. I don't remember why I want to grow it out again.
y/n: What's the longest you've ever had it?
H: Up to my collarbones
y/n: Wow, I can't imagine that.
H: *Picture of him with long hair*
y/n: You look handsome both ways
H: Thank you
y/n: Yeah no problem. Do you want to ft soon?
H: Yeah sure.
Harry waited for your response or facetime call. But it never came. He became pretty bummed over this. Feeling a little stood up. He fell asleep around midnight but was awaken by a vibration and bright phone screen.
y/n: Hey sorry I don’t know what happened to me I just fell asleep out of nowhere. I hope you get a goodnights rest.
He read the message and smiled before going back to sleep. Dreaming of a sleepy y/n.  
 Few days later…
 You and Harry were talking almost every second of the day. If you weren’t it was because you were both working. It was less than one week before your next date and you were excited to cook for him. You and Sam were on your way to the grocery store. You really needed to restock your pantry. The weather was getting a little colder, just a little more wind. You parked and walked into the store with your son beside you. You allowed him to make his own list so you knew what he would actually like instead of guessing. Sam gave you his list and walked beside you throughout the store.
“Mami, can you make pumpkin pie? You make the best kind.” He looked up at you with bright eyes.
“Yes mi amor, I’ll do that for you.” You squeezed his chin lightly.
You two continued walking in the store and crossed things off both your lists, Sam occasionally asking you if he could try a new specific snack. You got your ingredients to make pumpkin pie and got everything else you needed. You two approached the cashier and you let Sam put everything on the conveyer belt. It was his favorite part of the whole trip. He did this while you bagged. After grocery shopping you went home so certain items wouldn’t spoil. Because of the colder weather you decided to make your pumpkin pie and rent a movie. You settled on Secret Life of Pets 2 and cuddled together while your pie baked. Once the alarm went off indicating it was done, you put it on a cooling rack and decided to order some Chinese food. You got one large container of Lo Mein for you two to share. You both laughed at the movie and cuddled. You savored every moment in which he let you cuddle him. You knew in a few years it might end. You felt your phone vibrate and you checked it. It was just an email. You checked your messages and saw yours never delivered. He did say he was going to work today so maybe his phone was off. You finished your night eating some pumpkin pie with Sam.
“Did dad like pumpkin pie?” he asked before stuffing his face.
“He did, he liked mine the most though because I never made it too sweet or anything.” You smiled.
“Do you think if I like your friend dad will get mad at me?” he says looking down.
“Samuel… your dad would never be mad at you for becoming friends with someone. Just because you may open your heart to someone new doesn’t mean you close your heart to someone else,” you kissed his head and thought of Harry as you paraphrased his words. Sam nodded at what you said, “and your dad had a big heart. I think he would want you to have one too.”
“He did?” he looked up at you with the same eyes of his father.
“Oh yeah, that’s why he went off to protect people he didn’t even know. Because his heart was so big.” You ran your fingers through his hair as he leaned against your chest.
“Do you have more pictures of him?”
“Oh yeah so many, do you want to see us really young?” he nodded and cleaned his hands. You went to your room and got the polaroid album from when you were in college and he was just starting off in the service. You put it on his lap and he opened it carefully. At a young age you taught him pictures were to be handled with care and to not be drawn on or ripped.
“Dad’s hair looks different than all the other pictures,” he observes.
“Yeah he had to have it cut low during that time,” you put your arm around him.
“Ooh,” he says as he sees a picture of you and Michael at your commencement ball, “Mami you look so pretty here,” he looks up at you with bright eyes.
“Thank you, pumpkin.” you held back tears as the nickname Michael had for you slipped out of your mouth.
“Michael and Y/n 4 e.v.a?” you chuckled at the way he read it.
“It’s supposed to mean forever,” you explained, “and it was.” You kissed his head.
“Oh okay,” he continued flipping through your album, “I think I’m done for the night. I don’t want to get too sad.” You nodded and took the album as he passed it to you.
“You did a good job looking at it hon, you get braver and braver each day. I know for a fact daddy’s looking down at you so so proud!” you hugged him tightly. You felt him smile against you and place a kiss on your cheek.
“So when can I meet Harry?” you were a little thrown off by his question.
“Um, when I think it’s the right time. I think that maybe I should know him for a bit first.” You explained.
“Yeah but like it’d be so cool to have another guy around,” he smiled at you.
“Yeah? And what would you guys even talk about?”
“I’d show him all my G.I. Joe’s and my favorite shows on Disney channel and my room and my rocks!” you smiled at him as he spoke.
“Okay, fair enough. We’re still waiting a bit before you meet him.”
With a sigh and deflated shoulders, he mumbled fine. You soon tucked him into bed and went to your own. You checked your phone and saw a text from Harry.
H: Hey, sorry we didn’t get to talk much. Hope you’re still up. (28 mins ago)
y/n: Hey, it’s okay.
H: Yay! You’re up! I’m sorry I was in meetings all day and received two new manuscripts. Both historical nonfictions. Send help.
y/n: Just so happen to like that genre.
H: Right… want to read?
y/n: Can I?
H: Why not? One’s on medieval England and the other is on the black death.
y/n: I’ll take black death.
H: Thank God
y/n: lol, won’t you still need to read it anyway?
H: I trust you could make corrections and I’ll just hand it in that way
y/n: Harry they’ll notice the different handwriting
H: Write in pencil and I’ll just copy it again in red pen. Or use sticky notes
y/n: I’m assuming you cheated a lot in school? 👀
H: Very rude. But yes I did. Just in history.
H: But I bet if you were my teacher, I’d pay attention 😉
y/n: Mr. Styles that is very inappropriate🙊
H: You dress so pretty I can’t help it😍
y/n: Thank you🥰
H: no problem beautiful 🤍
y/n: so uh, you know my “dating” past, what's yours?
H: nothing too long. Obviously some high school relationships, college flings, but the only one I would count as serious would be my last one. We were together for three years, we moved pretty quickly. She cheated on me with my best mate.
y/n: she's dumb to cheat on you.
H: Thank you😂
Y/n: Yeah of course. I’m sorry it happened. No one deserves that.
H: Yeah it was pretty bad honestly. Caught them in our bed 😬
Y/n: Yikes 🤭
H: I know  
Y/n: at least you found out?
H: I guess yeah
Y/n: is this a reason why you moved out here?
H: yeah, I was also tired of London in general.
Y/n: I have a friend who says the same thing. She prefers living here. (Fellow teacher😊)
H: And here I thought I was your only English friend☹️
Y/n: how do you think I picked up your accent as English and not Australian or something?
H: I guess
Y/n: she’s from Yorkshire
H: Oh okay. I've been. It’s rural.
y/n: yeah that’s what she says.
H: Love, I'd love to stay and chat but I feel exhausted and I don't want to fall asleep on you.
y/n: it's okay! Get some rest handsome. Goodnight
H: Goodnight love, sweet dreams.
 You were cooking your white rice, beans, and salmon while hearing music. Harry texted you that he was on his way. Sam already had left with Lydia. You were wearing black jeans and a navy satin tank top when she picked him up. You had put on mascara and curled your hair while Sam napped after school. She looked you up and down before saying "you look nice". It shocked you if you were honest. You thought you'd be criticized and interrogated. You began making tostones when you heard the buzzing sound of your intercom. You buzzed him in, turned off your music, and you soon heard a knock. You opened the door and he was standing there with his arms behind his back.
"So you live across Joe's?" he looked at you with a confused look.
"Yeah.. Didn't really mention that the first time we met. Forgot to mention it afterwards." you peeked behind him.
"Well, I remembered you said you liked tulips and sunflowers so I got you both." he pushes a beautiful bouquet towards you. The yellow tulips blended in beautifully. "And wine" he shrugged. You smiled at him and brought him in for a hug. You leaned up and kissed his cheek before welcoming him into your apartment. He noticed the small pile of shoes by the door and that you weren't wearing any.
"Shoes off?"
"Yes please." you told him from your kitchen. You were putting your flowers in a vase. He noticed the picture of who he assumed was Michael at the entrance. He smiled sympathetically at it and walked into your kitchen.
"Smells good in here," he complimented and leaned against one of your counters. You were reaching for another wine glass for him. You only had one handy for yourself usually. He put his hand on your hip and got the wine glass.
"Thank you," you turn around. You two were fairly close before he realized and backed away.
"Want me to open up the wine and set the table?" he asked.
"Yes, please." he nodded and helped. You served yourselves and met him at the table. He walked up to you and pulled you into him before you two sat.
"Hey, thank you for all this." you wrapped your arms around his waist and put your head on his chest.
"Yeah of course," you answer as he kisses your forehead briefly before letting you go so you two could sit. All week you two had been flirting. Hard. You were assuming that maybe he wanted to kiss you tonight. Only because he had mentioned that he wanted to at Banzai but knew it was too soon. After that you told him that you thought you two had been talking for enough time. You both started eating and heard a low moan from Harry.
"This is really good," he said before sipping his wine.
"Thank you,"
"Who knew green plantains were so good?" he said as he ate a tostones. You chuckled lightly as you drank your wine. You spoke about your week and he remembered he brought the manuscript for you.
"Do you ever get tired of reading? Like is it less enjoyable now?" you asked. You leaned against your chair looking across the table at him.
"Somedays, it's like until a really good manuscript comes along that I begin enjoying it again."
"Is it rare?"
"A little bit yeah," he had finished everything. You got up and picked up his and your plate. "Oh, thank you."
"Yeah no problem, do you want dessert? I made another pie yesterday." you said as you loaded your dishwasher of your plates.
"Yeah sure, I'll try a piece." you served him a piece on a dessert plate.
"Whipped cream?"
"You guys put whipped cream on this?"
"Just a little bit,"
"I think I'll skip out on the whipped cream." he smiled at you.
"Okay," you laughed lightly.
You two ate your pies and sat in silence a bit after.
"You have a lovely place by the way," he looked around.
"Thank you, it's a bit small but it works for us right now." you smiled. He nodded and checked his watch. Did he have to be somewhere?
"Friends is on," he smiled.
"In person friends date?" you asked.
"I'm alright with that." he stood up and walked to your side of the table. He put his hand out for you to take and you did. He walked with you to your couch and you sat down right next to him. He put his arm around you as you set your tv up. Once you got the show on, you adjusted yourself and put your head on his chest. It was the episode with the w.e.n.u.s. Harry laughed at certain scenes and it made you happy. He was adorable. You lifted your head up and he looked over at you.
"What happened? Why'd you get off?" he was nearly pouting. You smiled at him and brushed a finger against his cheek.
"I rather watch you watch the show honestly," you said as you put your elbow up on the head of your couch tilting your body towards him. He faced you then and put his hand on your knee.
"Did you want to talk about something?" you shook your head no and briefly looked at his lips. You saw him do the same. You had butterflies in your stomach. You felt like a teenager all over again. So did Harry. He didn't want to do something that would mess everything up. You licked your lips as he looked at them. He leaned in slightly. You felt his breath against your wet lips. You wanted to rip off the bandage.
"Harry, just do it." he was nervous. He closed the gap between you and kissed you slowly. The butterflies in your stomach felt as if they exploded. His thumb simultaneously rubbed against your cheek as you kissed him back. You felt him kiss you deeper and you both moved your head to the opposite sides. You put your hands over his on your face. His lips were everything you imagined. Sweet, sexy, and they tasted like wine. He pulled away shortly and looked at you in the eye.
"Wow" was all you could say.
"I know," he smiled.
"Can we do that again?" you looked down at his lips.
"Mhm," he kissed you again and perhaps it was the liquid courage but you licked his lips asking for entrance. He let you in and you soon began exploring each other's mouths. You leaned a little more back against your couch and he leaned more on top of you.
"Are you sure this is okay?" he asked.
"Yeah," you kissed him again. He was addicting. It had been a long time since you felt affection in this way. He bit your lip lightly and you held back a moan. You put your hands on the back of his neck pushing him closer to you. He enjoyed this. It told him you were really enjoying this. He was slightly uncomfortable leaning over you from the side. He rather just lay on top of you but he wasn't going to ask you to do that. You felt his discomfort though so you pulled away. You looked at the way he was positioned.
"Are you comfortable?" You've made out over movie theater seats as a teenager before and that was not very comfortable. It was like what Harry was doing now.
"I'm fine love,"
"You look uncomfortable, I um I can sit on your lap if you want."
"I can’t ask you to do that,"
"It's fine," you pushed him back slightly and moved to sit on his lap. Your feet facing the end of the couch. You leaned in and kissed him again. This time you noticed he wasn’t nervous or hesitant anymore. His fingers tangled in your hair while the other laid on your thigh. You weren't sure where to put your hands so you settled them on his chest. You two continued making out like this for a while. You felt yourself becoming a little friskier though so you put your hand behind his neck as you leaned back towards your couch cushions. You pulled him on top of you and you heard a low groan. Harry was loving this. He loved the way you kissed and felt under him. He was trying so hard to not become hard by just your kisses. It was becoming difficult. You pulled away to catch your breath and he only moved down to kiss your neck. Holy shit you thought. Everything felt overwhelming, the good kind. It felt nice to be kissed again. He lifted his head back up again and studied your face. You lifted your hand up and brushed his cheek with your thumb. You offered a smile and he leaned down and kissed you slowly. These were lazier kisses now but you enjoyed them just as much. You both smiled a few times into the kisses. Holding back giggles every now and then at the weird and funny noises your lips would make against each other. At a certain point you both pulled away and just stared at each other’s faces.
"You're so beautiful," he said before kissing you lightly.
"You're so handsome." you answered back.
"I'm happy we met at Joe's," he said kissing down your cheek again towards your neck.
"Me too," you swallowed. You were already wet; this was just going to make the aching feeling in between your legs worse.
"Should I go? It’s late" he said in between open-mouthed kisses all over your neck.
"Funny you would think I'd want that," you said as you put a hand in his hair.
"So what do you want?" he looked up at you.
"To continue this," you said as you leaned in again. He kissed you back slowly but passionately. His tongue entering your mouth with ease. His lips were like honey. You wanted more but it was too soon.
"I'd like to continue this too," he pulled away.
"But you just stopped."
"Not what I meant." you two were looking each other in the eyes at this point.
"So, what do you mean?"
"I mean um.. I'd like to erm, continue dating you, and only you." he was so nervous you had to bite back a smile.
"Hm okay," you kissed him.
"Okay?" he looked down at you with furrowed brows.
"Mhm, me too. Would you want to be my boyfriend? Is that what you were trying to say?" You teased.
"Oh hush, yes. That’s what I was trying to say," his hand rubbed your sides.
"Then yes, I'd lo-," you coughed, "I'd like that, sorry" you coughed again. What the fuck was that? You almost said love? He was looking at you with knowing eyes but he didn't say a thing. Instead he turned your head towards him and kissed you slowly.
Part 3 is now up!
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Old Friend, New Family (5)
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Requested by Anon | Prompt:
Hey I was wondering if you’d take a prompt where the reader is an ex-padawan who’s master died pretty early on in order 66, and was instead saved by a clone that removed his inhibitor chip. Then maybe they get separated, and years later when the reader is a crew member on the Mantis, they come across the clone again? How would the crew, especially Cal and Cere, react to meeting a friendly ex-soldier clone who’s close with the reader? Could you make it full of angst then fluff? Love your writing!
Tags: Defected! Clone Trooper, Jedi Survivor! Reader, Order 66 Survivor
Also posted in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 | Previous: Part 4 | Next: Part 6 | Masterlist
5 of ?
The leader casually greeted the man where that familiar voice belonged to.
When the owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows to join you in the veranda, he’s clad in the same armaments and outfit as the others, even though he’s fully armored, you know that face anywhere.
The pack went into the bay and started collecting the supplies, meanwhile, you’re frozen on where you stood, staring at the man who never came back home to you.
“Strig…” you uttered.
The man turned to the call of his name, your stomach sank when he did. It is him.
His calm demeanor shifted in the blink of an eye—his casual smile melted, his eyebrows furrowed, and then his lips parted only to release soundless words. He removed his helmet, as if that was going to help him take a better look at you.
Nothing much has changed in him except for the growth of his faded haircut has grayed out, it appears he decided to keep the goatee and lost the stubble that followed his jaw, and his head tattoo is still visible but the ink’s opacity has thinned out. Nicks and scars etched his face over time, slightly pink flesh disturbed the tan skin—they were the words to an explanation that you yearned to hear directly from him.
Nevertheless, you can recognize that face anywhere.
The two of approached one another, unable to speak even though there so many things that you wanted to tell to him all this time. Strig examined you from head to toe. In his eyes, only your height has changed.
“Look how big you’ve gotten…” he cracked.
The sound of his voice made your heart skip a beat again. You cannot determine what emotion is churning in your heart right now.
Is it anger?
Is it joy?
Are you going to hug him?
Or punch him in the stomach?
Frankly, you have no idea what to do next.
“Well, go on…” Strig was nearing to a sob. “Say something.”
“You’re alive…” you barely moved your mouth.
Strig somewhat understood your words; he hung his head low, sighing as his shifted back and forth, avoiding your gaze. He wanted to explain everything to you, but now isn’t exactly the best time.
You didn’t say anything more. You simply threw yourself into his arms and the tears could no longer be contained the moment you felt Strig’s arms wrap around you.
The clone felt like a great burden has been taken out of his chest. Seeing you alive was perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to him since. His thumb ran across your cheeks, wiping away the tears rolling down from your eyes.
“Hey, don’t let them see the tough girl cry,” Strig cooed.
You sniffled and wiped the tears still stained your face, “I have so much to tell you…”
“Do you know each other?” Adrina politely cuts in when Strig was about to speak to you.
“Hey there, Adrina, I see you’ve met [y/n],”
“Yeah, she just got here. She’s helping out in retrieving the supplies, Saw’s orders,”
“Did you now?” Strig chuckled, an upward curl played along the corner of his mouth.
Adrina asked for help in collecting the containers filled with the medical supplies they badly need for the people back at the landing pad. The queue acted almost mechanical, passing one container to the next until it reaches the person waiting by the railings—Strig’s faction at the bay have improvised a pulley, knowing that another group will come to fetch the supplies.
When you were down to the last box, Strig tapped your shoulder before you prepared yourself to rappel down the supply containment bay.
“Hey, kid,”
“See you at the landing pad later?”
“Sure,” you beamed a smile. “You owe an explanation after all!”
You slipped down the rappel cord before Strig could respond to that.
Before following Adrina and the pack, you looked back once more and saw him leaning against the railing, you both waved goodbye for now to each other and went back to your duties.
“How did you come to know Strig?” Adrina began.
“He’s the one who saved my life,” you smiled privately. “When no one else could.”
Adrina narrates that she has known Strig only for a short time and knows only little. In turn, you tell your side of the story about him. However, you were cautious enough to not disclose the part that he is a clone, although, you’re already under the presumption that maybe Strig himself has told everyone in the faction.
Luckily, the young partisan didn’t go into much detail.
“You two seem very close, even after being so far apart for so long,”
“Yeah, you could say that,”
Eventually, the pack had trouble in crossing the path blocked by the wrecked AT-AT.
“Oh no, how do we get across with all this baggage?” one of the partisans exclaimed.
You set down the container you were holding and studied the walker closely. The legs would be too heavy for you to carry—even if you used the Force—and you surveyed your surroundings to see if there’s anything you can work with.
“I have an idea!” you chirped.
You scaled the body of the walker and sat on the flat surface there, high enough for you to see both sides of the path, and then you focused on the box that you put down on the ground; you extend your arm, focusing your concentration on the object until it started to rattle by itself—startling the partisans—until the box is now floating right in front of them, your action received murmurs and gasps as a reaction but it was typical. Motioning your hand to the side, the box vault over the AT-AT’s leg-and-shoulder joint.
“Everyone, vault over the AT-AT first and I’ll lift the boxes to you. Sound good?”
The group liked your idea, without a moment’s hesitation, they crawled over the gigantic metal quadruped, afterwards, you do the exact same thing that you demonstrated seconds ago. Eventually, everybody got the loot back in their hands and marched towards the landing pad, some of them came sprinting towards the area.
Your box was the last one to transfer over, when you gingerly put it down on the other side, you buckled your knees and slid down the iron giant. Adrina took a few paces ahead but still waited for you.
“That was great thinking back there, [y/n]!”
“Oh, it’s nothing, just became creative is all,”
“Being a Jedi sure must be cool!”
“Oh, uh,” you stammered. “I suppose so. It had its ups and downs.”
Oh sweetie, if only you knew what really went down for ALL of us back then. Your subconscious couldn’t help but ring that in your head, instead, you pretended that that was the exact thing you told Adrina.
Upon arriving to the landing pad, it seems that Cal surely has taken his time with Saw Gerrera and the other partisans. Continuing with your current task, you and Adrina stash the containers filled with medical supplies. Mirienna helped in receiving the supplies along with the other medics.
“Is this everything from the bay?” asked the woman.
“Yes, I just a radio call from the other squadron, they’re sweeping the other supply bay as we speak,” Adrina reported.
“Good, all the wounded should pull through for tonight,”
“What about the Wookiees? Will there be enough for them too?” you add.
“The second supply run should have enough to cover the Wookiees once they’ve been liberated by Saw,” Mirienna replied.
“I can stay here and help some more,” you offered.
“That’d be splendid, [y/n], thank you,” Mirienna replied with her warm tone.
Eventually, Strig—along with his faction—regrouped at the landing bay, dispersing as soon as each soldier went to different points of interest. You rejoined Strig by the lower platform of the hangar. He threw his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the wrecked AT-AT.
“Did you do that?”
“Frankly, I wish it was me,”
“Who then?”
Strig saw the way your eye shift to your right. It was your mannerism.
“I know that look, Spinner,” his eyebrow flicked upward. “Eyes to the right mean you’re not telling me something… for now.”
Even three years later, he still memorized every little habit—good or bad—that you had. After all, he still had the mind of a clone—with most of the learning programs intact in his brain. The mention of his personal nickname for you made your ears prick and caused a little smirk.
“You still remember the nickname?”
“How could I forget? You were always the one sending your starfighter spinning through aerial assaults it makes me dizzy just by looking at ya!”
“Master Karos always scolded me whenever I do—even if I survived!” you beamed back.
The two of you share a hearty laugh rooted by inside jokes and fond memories, albeit brief. Your joint attention turned to the bustle happening around the landing pad—medics sprint from one side to the other, able-bodied soldiers carry their comrades and lay them down on the makeshift cots.
“Work never ends here,”
“Just like the old times, huh?”
“Yeah, except that one part,”
“We don’t talk about that one part,”
“Right.” Strig purred, ending the banter.
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priorireverte · 4 years
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Congratulations Emily!
Your application for George Weasley has been accepted. I feel like George is often a character who gets overlooked, or reduced to ‘twin and prankster’. You have definitely not done that, adding so much more to him in a realistic way that a war would. I’m very excited to have him around!
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Emily, She/Her
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I am currently searching for a job, but that does leave me with some time on my hands for rping purposes! Trying to keep myself busy in a multitude of ways when the world is not helping y'know </3
ANYTHING ELSE: TW: rape, sexual assault
NAME: George Weasley
BIRTHDATE: April 1, 1978
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY:  George identifies as a cis-man and uses he/him pronouns. He is fairly comfortable with these. George is hetero-romantic and asexual, although I would not say this is a term he understands or would use for himself. Whenever his friends would talk about their partners sexually, George would play along with the others, but definitely would look to change the subject as soon as humanly possible. It is simply not something he can comprehend about himself and he does best ignoring feelings that he may not yet understand. The only person he has ever even mildly revealed this to would be Fred, but George was not comfortable going into any major detail in regards to how he felt. At most it was an offhand comment here or there.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor
OCCUPATION: Shop Owner of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes
FACECLAIM: I think I am going back and forth on this and I am also terrible at these—I believe I was debating between Caleb Landry Jones or Luke Newberry. But I think I finally decided to go with Caleb!
They say there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They also say that time heals all wounds. George has found out that hard way that this is all a load of rubbish. What they don’t tell you about losing the most important person in your life is that you never fully stop grieving. You can’t heal. Because healing involves forgetting. A bouquet of flowers from his great aunt was nice, but it’s not going to make George forget and it’s not going to bring Fred back. And George has no idea how to keep plants alive, anyway.
It seems like most others have been able to move on; start families, or careers, but George can’t seem to get past it, and he forces himself to deal with his loss head on every day by working day in and day out at that store that haunts him. He sees Fred in everything; from the letterhead on his desk that still reads “Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, Proprieters Fred and George Weasley”; to the kids who come in and test the screaming yo-yo’s in front of him; or the mirror in the bathroom that is for employees only. He has buried himself in his work post the war, and quite literally expects to be buried in it.
While George will never fully get over the loss of his twin, he has since stopped having panic attacks in the bathroom and got a haircut, which he considers major progress. It has also helped that he has finally taken Ron up on his offer to help run the shop, which he realized he needed a long time ago, as the bills have piled up from all his discounts. [Happy to redact if Ron’s mun decides they don’t want to follow this plot!] He still snaps at his family more than he would like, but they know how suffocating they can be.
The news of the Returned may have been the happiest anyone had seen George in years. He cracked a joke and even went out of his way to visit his siblings, instead of making them come to him. To Hell with adjusting to his new life, he was ready. It seemed clear to him that those who died valiantly in the Battle of Hogwarts were returning—After all, if people like Professor Lupin and Lavender Brown were coming back, it was only a matter of time until Fred did too, right?
PERSONALITY: What are they good at? What do they struggle with? What are their strengths and weaknesses? 
Boys as loud as their hair, is what George heard Filch say about him and his brother once, and it lit up his face with a wide bright grin before he tapped Fred excitedly on the shoulder to share the good news. It was this unbridled optimism, this impractical belief that he could do anything that gave him the confidence and courage to follow his dreams. That, and having a partner by his side.
George was easy to get along with, because for most of his life his decisions had been made for him and all he had to do was saddle up and play along. Fred was always the one setting the wheels in motion, and George was grateful for that. He wasn’t shy by any means, but people just flocked to Fred, and by association George. They were known to light up any room they were in, and were always the first to enliven a crowd if it was too dreary for their liking. He liked having the same friends as his brother. He liked being a package deal. He knew Fred would always have his back so when he felt like he wanted to retreat, he knew Fred could carry a conversation or sort something in the shop without him.
Perhaps that’s why it’s been so hard for George to adjust to life on his own. Now all of that pressure falls on him and it feels overwhelming. He was never the business-savvy brother, leaving Fred to come up with price points while he worked on ideas for new products.
Now, it feels like half of himself is gone. Sometimes he feels like a body walking around and smiling because that’s what people are supposed to do, but the joy just isn’t there. The smiles are artificial now. He is trying, but few things can bring back that spark that his twin so easily transferred over to him.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF FAMILY: What was being part of their family like? How did they grow up? What values did their parents/family instill in them?
His parents instilled in him and all his siblings a love and joy greater than most, and George was grateful for that. The Weasley’s weren’t well off by any means, but that only bubbled the creativity in the twins, especially when it came to ways to cure their boredom. He remembers fond birthdays he shared with Fred where they made their own cake scream or spent an entire afternoon perfecting exploding snaps in their bedroom, much to the dismay of their parents. The Burrow was unkempt and chaotic, but George loved it, squeaky floorboards and all.
He hasn’t been back in years, purposefully choosing to close himself off from that space. He knows his mother isn’t happy with his choice and that guilt eats him up inside, but that shrinking feeling in his heart is better than the burning feeling he would get of seeing his brother’s hand on that clock. Still, George loves his family endlessly, even if he hasn’t done a very good job of showing it these last couple of years.
HISTORY: What was their life before the end of the war in ‘98 or before their death? What was important and formative for them?
There was a time when George thought that the worst thing that could happen to him was having to de-gnome the garden after flying a car underage. Then there was a time he thought the worst thing that could happen to him was losing an ear. George and his siblings grew up in a loving, but shabby home. He loved his siblings and knew they loved him, even if he and his twin brother were always pranking them. They were carefree, and they had each other.
Fred was the one who first suggested the two go into business, and George was always the first to agree with his big brother. It felt like a dream, leaving the drudges of school behind and spending all day doing what he loved with the person he cared about most. They never fought. They had been a well-oiled machine since birth, so it only made sense that their business ran smoothly. The one knew where the others’ strengths and weaknesses lied. Fred was better at bargaining and he didn’t care what color the walls were, like George did. Growing up did not seem like growing up, because he had a partner by his side.
George was the one who first brought up going back to Hogwarts. Given their proximity to the Order of the Phoenix and Harry, fighting alongside them was their only option. Additionally, George felt they owed Harry for helping them start their business in the first place. He will always believe that the cause they fought for was noble and right, but he sometimes wonders if the victory was worth the loss. He doesn’t spend much time with folks of his past. George doesn’t want to, but a piece of him resents Harry. He would never tell anyone, but he wonders if they hadn’t gotten so close, felt it was necessary to fight alongside him, if Fred would still be here. He wonders If he wouldn’t fall asleep alone at his desk every night curled into a ball; he wonders if he would ever make a new product instead of staring, detached at the efforts that just remind him of his brother.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I feel like finding a post-war trio era rp with a unique plot that is also para-based is me asking for too much, and yet here you are!! I have never explored Post-War George and I think his trauma is so fascinating and it could affect his life in so many different ways, as it already has. The addition of the Returned is asking for more ~angst~ and boy am I here for it :) In particular, I am interested in exploring the dynamics George has with his siblings especially, as I am sure some of them have very different reactions to him kind of closing himself off for a bit, and his guilt is obviously through the roof because of it. But also all characters tbh!!! I love for plotting out entirely too much backstory haha.
ANYTHING ELSE?  I made a mood board for George here! https://www.pinterest.com/ebateman64/ch-george-weasley/
And also some head canons!:
George has a hard time sleeping (he always has) but he actually enjoys sleeping in his office. The papers piled high, the Pygmy Puffs that squeak at night–the clutter and chaos actually feel like the most stable thing he has had in a long time. Immediately following the war, George stayed at the Burrow for a few weeks to be closer to his family, using it as an excuse to get any leftover stock that might still be in his childhood bedroom. But it was too troubling to sleep in that room. It was bare-boned, not only because he had taken most of his belongings, but because one of the beds was empty. After the first night, he slept on the couch in the living room instead.
While he barely feels the loss of his left ear these days, occasionally there is a ringing sound that fills his head and gives him migraines from the pain, major enough that he needs to lie down. This only happens occasionally, and he usually chooses to push through it by clasping his hand to his ear for a few minutes.
George actually used to care quite deeply about his appearance, however, that has definitely gone downhill in recent years. Some could say he is going to a “rugged” look, but it’s really just because he can’t be bothered to wash his hair. In the last couple of weeks, however, he has donned the old suit that he used to wear to work everyday. He can’t fill it out like he used to, but it gives him some semblance of hope.
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celestica-1988 · 5 years
I Felt In Love With A Vampire
TheDirt!MickMars x Female Reader.
Desclaimer: presence of a bit of violence and blood.
You were leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette.
You were calm, despite you were in a little street in the back of Whisky A Go Go, a place which wasn’t safe for most of the girls to be alone. It was common that drunk guys showed up to annoy a girl or with the intention to fuck her. And you looked like the perfect girl to force to do any activities, you were a short and tiny Asiatic girl with a light blue bob as haircut.
Little do people know you were more dangerous than all drunk people in the whole Sunset Strip, you were a born predator. You were at the top of the food chain, you were a vampire and that was the reason you weren’t scared at all.
You were about to finish the cig when four men walked toward you, laughing and with lustful smiles, you ignored them. They cornered you, you threw the cigarette away and looked at them bored, you have been in that situation countless times before.
“What’s up, guys?” You asked with an indifferent tone.
“We are about to fuck you, kid.”
You laughed at them.
“I don’t think so. You chose the wrong girl.” This time the men laughed looking at how tiny you were.
With a fluid movement you knocked unconscious two of them, the other two exchanged a glare and started to attack you. You got rid of the closest to you and were ready to take care of the second when you saw that another man was beating him.
You looked at him, astonished, who was that man that was helping you instead of joining those animals?
Average height, long black hair and a rocker look, that’s what you saw of him.
When also the fourth man was k.o. he looked at you and you met with two piercing blue eyes, soon after his expression changed into a pained one, you were about to go help him when you smelled it.
Sweet, inebriating smell of human blood.
Your thirst woke up immediately, you noticed a cut on the man’s arm and you jumped away from him. His eyes widened, one of your jump was at least two times longer of an average human one’s.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Y/N.”
“I’m Mick Mars. Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am.” He started to move toward you.
“Don’t come any closer, it’s dangerous.”
He was confused.
“I wanted to invite you to drink something, I thought you needed it.”
“This is a nice thought, but for you is dangerous to come close to me now.
If you wanna have a drink with me let’s meet tomorrow at ten o’clock outside this place.”
“It’s ok for me, but…”
You didn’t let him finish and jumped away.
In a heartbeat you were running on the roofs of Los Angeles, your throat plagued by the thirst, you needed blood now, you didn’t have time to waste.
You reached your fave local for vampires and ordered a big glass of blood, you were even more pale than usual and your hair were a mess.
“Little Y/N, what happened?” Asked the bar tender, smiling.
“I met a man, but he was wounded on an arm.”
“You were scared to hurt him so you run away?” He gave you the cup and you started to drink eagerly.
“Yea, pretty much.” “It’s so you.” “You know I don’t wanna hurt humans, that’s why I come here. You serve only animal blood, am I right?” “Yes, you are. Was this guy special?” You nodded.
“I was smoking outside a place on Sunset Strip when the usual drunk gang came and he helped me got rid of them. He also wanted to offer me a drink, but I have to run away.” The man laughed.
“Unlucky as usual, eh, Y/N?”
“Uhm. No, well, I told him if we could see tomorrow and he said yes.” “So, drink, honey.
You need to be at your full or you will bite him.” You were horrified by the perspective of turning another human being into a vampire, but you also knew that if your designated man was human that would be the only way to stay together.
“I never thought of turning him into a vampire.
I barely know him.” “I was joking. I know you would think ten times before turning someone into a vampire.”
“Which is ironic, right? The person who turned me into one didn’t think if it was right or wrong.” “Most of us didn’t care.”
“Yeah, I know.” But you were different because your story was strange even in vampire’s world, that’s why few people knew it. You told it just to people you trust most, so why were you thinking to tell it to Mick?
The next day you woke up at nine o’clock when the sun was down.
Naturally vampires couldn’t stay out when there was the sun, but centuries of technology created a pills that let also the creatures of the night enjoy the day. You usually took it, but yesterday you came back home too late, even vampires needed to sleep a bit, a bit more if they got violently thirsty during the night.
You drank other blood, took a shower and wore a black dress with black boots, you put also black make up on your face. Your eyes seemed bigger and your skin paler than usual.
Who cares.
At ten o’clock you were outside Whisky A Go Go, Mick was already there smoking a cigarette, he seemed stiffer than yesterday.
“Hello, Y/N.” “Hi, Mick. Are you okay?” “Yes. Why do you ask?”
“You seem so rigid.” “I have a chronic disease at my back.”
“Oh, I see. I’m sorry.”
You went in, there was no tables free, but he talked briefly to the waitress and magically you two found one.
“Who are you, Mick Mars?” You asked in wonder.
“I play in a band that sometimes play here, Mötley Crüe and this sometimes help.”
You sat at a table and ordered two whiskies.
“So, how are you, Y/N?”
“I’m fine. Things like this happened to me pretty often so I learned to handle it.” “You are a strong girl.” “You can say in that way.”
“Are there any other ways to say what you’ve done?”
You stay silent, the waitress was about to serve you your ordinations and that would give you time to decide what to say and what not.
Your whiskies arrived and you sipped a bit, it was good to feel something different from blood.
“So, who are you?”
“A Japanese descendant, my ancestor arrived there just before the war.” He shot you a glare and you sighed.
“Ask me the question and cut it out, Mick.
I know you want to.” “Those jumps you made, no human is able to do that, even an Olympic champion.
So, are you a… vampire?” “Yes, I am.” “How old are you?” “I’m 20, from 1944.”
“Oh, you were twenty when…” “No. It’s not the place to tell my story. Do you wanna go to the beach?”
“To me it’s okay.” You two finished your drinks and then left.
While you were going at the beach you asked yourself if told him the whole truth.
“You can’t go out during the day, that’s why you asked me to meet in the evening.”
“Partially true. Since before the war there’s a pill that let us walk in the sun without set ourselves on fire.
We have scientists also in our community.” “I see.” You arrived at the beach and looked for an entrance.
“Does holy water hurt you?” “No. Believe it or not there are Christian among us.”
“Garlic?” “Pretty delicious.”
“A stake in the heart?” “Who wouldn’t die if you stab them?” Mick laughed.
“So, is there a way humans can take a vampire down?”
“Decapitate us and then set fire to all parts of ourselves very soon after. Do you plan to kill me?” “No, but it’s useful to know just in case.”
You laughed, you had some extra blood in case the situation got out of hand and considering how delicious was Mick’s blood smell it could happen.
You sat in the sand, some inch away from the wet ones.
You looked in the eyes and suddenly you were kissing each other with burning passion.
“Sorry, I wanted to do that since I met you.” “Me too, which makes things complicated.” “Because one day I’ll die.”
There was a moment of silence.
“What is your story?” “It started in Japan. The Japan of 1943 which wanted to win the war at any costs. I lived in a small village, not too far away from Tokyo, with my mother. My father and my two oldest brothers went to war, mum was the only one I had and we both worked in a military factory, even though I was just ten at the time. But we couldn’t live just with my mum job and everyone was forced to contribute to the victory, even kids.
Anyway one day the factory was nuked by Americans and my mother died.
I was desperate, in an heartbeat I had no more job, no more family, no more house or food.
When I was convinced that soon I would be dead a man who was the director of the factory came to me and told me he found a job for me.
I shouldn’t have followed him, I know, but I was in serious shit, I was considering suicide two seconds before.” “Did he sell you as a prostitute?” “Nope. Under the factory there was a lab in which unconventional weapons were studied to win the war.
He gave me a room, food and let me sleep.
The next day he told me that my job would be being a test subject.” You stopped for a while, you still felt bad when you thought about those moments.
“A test subject?” “Yes. They captured an American soldier who was also a vampire and they wanted to create an army of invincible soldiers. An army of vampires controlled by them, but all the previous tests ended up in horrible ways, so they thought that would be easier control a child then an adult.”
“How could a vampire be a soldier?” “I don’t know, to be honest.
All I know is that someone brought me to that soldier, we were both scared. He didn’t want to hurt a child, I read it in his eyes, but he had no choice and so he bite me.
I don’t remember much of the first three days, just pain, all my body was on fire.
Three days after I started to be fed by the scientist, even though I was a young vampire I didn’t rebel, I stayed quiet. Another process was happening in me: some child bitten by vampire are lucky enough to start a process of growth. In a week I was the same age as now, monitored by the scientist, and then I stop to grow forever.
When the process stopped the daze in which I was faded away and I started to feel rage, I was kept captive in a small and dirty cell and I wanted to be out. All around me I smelled the blood of the scientists and this made me mad: I was so close to blood, still I couldn’t drink it.
I resisted five days and then I broke free, I destroyed everything and killed everyone who was in that room. Since then I couldn’t drink human blood and I drank just animal’s one.”
“What happened after?” “It was at night, I ran and ran chased by the soldiers.
At some point I jumped into the sea and I swam away, in some way I reached the Hawaii and then California. I was lucky enough to avoid concentration camps for Japanese because I was around only during the night.
I stayed in America, every now and then I leave Los Angeles because people start to notice I never get older, but I always come back here.” Now there was silence, only he sound of the sea.
“So, what do you think of me?” “Well, Los Angeles is full of weird people and I met a lot of them, but you are one of a kind.”
“Is it a compliment?” “Yes, it is. You are a very special person who deserves the best.” He took your hand and kissed it, you blushed.
“I don’t know if I’m that person…” You put a finger on his lips, conscious that he was warmer than you and of the blood in his body.
“Let me decide. For all my life people decided for me in the most important occasion so now I wanna chose something on my free will and I choose you.
I have no idea how it will end up, but I wanna try to know.
Are you with me?” “Yes.” He tried to kiss you but you avoided it laughing.
“Something is missing, Mars-san.” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Uhm. It’s too soon for an “I love you” so what could it be?
Ah, I see.
Do you wanna come to a date with me, Y/N?” “Correct answer and yes, I wanna go to a date with you.
Now you can kiss me, Mick-kun.”
He smiled and he kissed you.
A long and passionate kiss under the moon.
You hoped that it was just the first of a long series.
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The skies were darker as they invaded the territory of the enemy, a secret mission filled with a tenacious bravery, kind and determined to lead them to the happy ending. However, as he was willing to avoid conflict…
… He had detected by the enemy’s air squad. The Airdramon group chased them in the skies, with the blue phantom dragon dashing in a risky attempt to vanish thru the clouds. It was all in vain, sadly, because those flying lizards with no hands nor feet had fired against them.
They got hit. the digivice in his pocket kept acting like a phone. He heard then some voices:
“Whoa, they got hit!! I heard it!! KABOOM!” said an energetic feminine voice
“H-hey!! A-are you two OK?!” someone tough yet concerned boyish voice babbled “D-don’t dare to die here!!”
“You all, calm down and try to find them…!” a shy boy voice replied with some hesitation “Please, he won’t… like us to get panicked…!”
“Oh C’mon, kids. He’s strong” a fourth and female voice responded them all “... You know that, right?”
“Are you listening to us, big bro??” the energetic girl spoke.
“Hurry, hurry! We need to find them!” the first boy kept yelling.
“I don’t need to see your faces to know that you two are quite nervous right now” the shy boy sighed “They might be OK, but let’s not get panicked or we will be captured…!”
“You three, be quiet!” ordered the older girl “I’m trying to call him! Are you here, did you get hurt...? Please answer…!! You’re strong. Much more than you think…! If weren’t for your tenacious soul, we would haven’t evolved…!! Hurry up..!! Answer me...”
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[01 - The World’s Future]
“Hey you two,” A familiar yet older voice called someone “Don’t you have school and work today?!”
The room was in the dark and the only source of light was a TV. Sounds of a racing game from an old rodent’s video game series was blocking the voice of a mother, who kept staring at a male adult and his children playing on an old Game Cube console.
“Did you hear me?” she asked again, “or am I being ignored by?”
It’s 2025, spring to be exact. Flowers are blooming and birds are singing. On days like these…
“I won!! Haha yes!” a kid raised his fist as laughed cheerfully about the nice sweet victory over his father.
“What-- How did you--?!” the man gasped as response.
The kids father then realized something odd and when he looked to the room’s entrance he saw his wife there, staring at him.
“Oops, are we--”
“Yes,” the woman closed her eyes and said in a very annoyed voice “You. Two. Are. Late. Again.”
“Haha, sorry!” the kid scratched his neck, smiling “This old game is exciting, mom!”
This kid, you may ask… It’s your protagonist. He might not be that different from his father or mother, but hey. He’s his own individual. His name? Motomiya Daichi.
Son of Daisuke and Miyako. Wait, are you confused? You will understand everything later.
“Time for school!” The kid exclaimed and left the room, took his backpack and moved towards the entrance.
“Have a nice day!” Miyako wished him, smiling at the boy.
“Thanks mom!” he replied and left the house.
“Wait what do you mean that I’m late to work?!” Daisuke shouted panicky.
The goggles in Daichi’s head reflected the sunshine when he goes chatting with his best friend about the game he had been playing with his father before school.
However, a younger child silently observes Daichi. He has a wild haircut as someone you know very well -- brown eyes, tan skin, a shade of brown more orange-ish… He stared at Daichi, but kept avoiding interacting with the older boy.
Later on the end of that day, Daichi opened the door with a happy smile. Excepting to have his dad & mom to welcome him as usual happens, he started talking:
“Mom, dad I’m home! Kiyoko’s at a friend’s house--”
But once he saw the empty living room and  his mother alone, with some bandages and talking to someone on phone…
“... Mom?” he asked with a frown on his face “Is something wrong? Where’s dad?”
His mother let a silent gasp escape from her mouth. She then turns back to the phone and tells the person on the call about the actual scene:
“I… I talk to you later, Ken. Daichi’s home, I will explain it to him.”
Daichi threw his backpack on the floor and hugged Miyako tightly, lying his head on her stomach. She watched him for a while til ruffle his hair. With a smile, she says:
“It’s okay, I just got hurt at work. Your father is fine, just had to travel to New York, again.”
… I couldn’t accept that. It was all a lie. I was sure, he had vanished. Probably died, and no one wanted to admit that. But… they can’t fool me.
Two years later… On Summer 2027…
“Hey, big bro.” “Big bro…!” “Brother!”
She was getting so so DONE with him ignoring her…!!
“Motomiya. Freakin’. Daichi.”
She was there, hands on her hips and glaring at him. In front of the couch where he was sitting and reading a book.
“Are you listening to?! What is your problem?!”
That girl is, as you expected, his sister. Daichi shifted his attention from the book to the girl. Her having a rose-ish long hair, amber eyes, a pair of pink sunglasses in his head and a hairpin of the said color a la Hikari (when Hikari was young, of course)
In confusion, Daichi tilted his head. She was about to spit fire on him if she had superpowers. She rolled her eyes.
“You’re reading. Again. On a sunny day. Inside. Like, studying on summer vacations.”
“Reading and studying are indeed important,” he closed his book with one hand, and he said calmly yet colder than the winter, “Especially because that would’ve been his last wish.”
“No no,” she was getting upset with that ol’ talk about their dad’s status and whereabouts “don’t talk like our dad were dead. He’s in New York, okay?!”
“I don’t think so, Kiyoko. But I’ll spare you from all of my assumptions.”
She tilted her her in silence. That was so uncalled for! No, her dad is not dead! Sure, he’s super duper famous and has to get some bodyguards like a couple of humans and digimons, but… Why on earth would someone try to kill Motomiya Daisuke, the man everyone adores and feels blessed for his kindness and high spirits?!
“Listen here, Daichi” she started “Our dad IS alive because--”
“Help. Help me. Miyako…!” a mysterious voice echoed in the room “I… I need you. And The Digichosen. Hurry…!!”
“W-what was that voice?!” Kiyoko looked to the ceiling, and when she looked back at Daichi… He had gotten up and passed by her side, following that voice.
“Kiyoko, go stay with your friends,” he said.
The voice led him to a room. The same room he used to play games with his father. Once the door was open, he saw a small pink bunny digimon (who looked like similar to a Chibimon) lying on the floor.
“A… Digimon?”
Another look in the room and he realized the old computer was mysteriously on. It had passed three years from the day his father had (suddenly) disappeared. That room kept closed for most of the time. Has that digimon invaded the room while no one had been paying attention to their surroundings?
Oh, it moved. It woke up and her green eyes met him. Due to the tension, the small digimon switched forms… to a woman. A very familiar woman to Daichi.
“N-Natsu?!” the boy was surprised yet confused
She glanced at the boy, then started looking around to make sure no one had followed her. But why? Why is Natsu a digimon? What’s happening here?!
“Daichan… I need to find your mother, and the rest of the group, very quickly.”
Daichi blinked. A ‘group’ of what? Friends? Adults? Maybe he could just call Taichi and ask for help, but…
“Mom’s at work right now. And I don’t know about this group you’re talking about.”
“The Chosen Children! Don’t you know?”
“My parents and their friends told us some stories about them, but mom is a regular Digimon researcher and not a  legend heroine.”
Oops, she forgot that Taichi and Daisuke alongside the others had decided to make it a secret from their children. Not like they don’t enjoy their glorious past, but they definitely do not desire their kids to risk their lives. Chosen Children -- Or just like they decided to change the term for ‘Digichosen’ -- will always exist no matter what happens.
But, they will fight to keep their children safe and live a happy life. That world already is a chaos with both worlds connected, with both human and digimon groups living in each other’s world.
“I have to tell you a secret” Natsu showed some determination with her words. She had decided to trust that kid, despite Daisuke’s wishes, “Your parents are part of that group. And some of their friends too.”
“W-wait, my late father too?!” it was too much information for him.
“He’s not dead!” Natsu went a bit defensive, but calmed down “He’s… lost in the Digital World. I know I can find him, but I need your mother’s help. Any adult Chosen is fine though.”
Daichi felt strange, his eyes were lively after three years of wild theories and despair. He had lost hope for so much time that he had admitted defeat.
“Can I help you…?” he asked with some excitement “I’m a hero’s child! And I’m good at lots of things, like--”
“I can’t let you help, Daichan” she avoided look at his eyes “Your parents, especially your mother, would’ve killed me if I let you do that.”
“Mom’s not home, I don’t know who’re the other heroes, Kiyoko is with her friends right now… I’m the only one here and if you are in trouble…”
“L-Listen, I can’t let you--!!”
“Besides, the legendary Chosen Children were around my age when they saved the world. Are you saying a kid can’t save his own father?”
Oh, he’s got some kind of Miyako in it…
“... No but-- Miyako’s gonna be mad at me--”
“My father would’ve let me help you because he knows I’d be safe with you~”
“He-- He wouldn’t--” she felt conflicted, imagining Daisuke telling her he was proud of her for taking care of his children while he hadn’t been around.
Natsu felt totally defeated by that fantasy. Daichi laughed, smirking and resembling very much his father.
“O-Ok! Motomiya Daisuke would’ve been so much happy to have his own son adventuring into the DigiWorld and saving him and it!” she was quite noisy now “Daichan, I’ll protect you with my life! I’m going to die for you!!”
“C-Cut out the part of ‘dying for me’ and let’s go!” he had regrets… oh boy.
She opened the gate with the computer and then… Both her and Daichi were absorbed by the screen’s light.
“Your brother is annoying.”
Kiyoko had to agree with the short boy, while the second boy had been there in silence, just watching them chatting.
“I know that” she seemed a little upset yet “Like, what’s wrong going to play some sport or game OUTSIDE?! Or I dunno, read a book but in the park?!”
“That’s why he’s a sore loser.”
“I’d have preferred he was the same Daichi from years ago!”
“Yeah, at least he wasn’t annoying and goody-two-shoes like now!”
“Can you believe he thinks my dad is dead?! No, not just that, he definitely talks like if my dad is dead!”
“Tch, how insensitive he is… My dad would’ve said something if mr. Motomiya had been dead for a long time!”
“My father would’ve said too” the third kid said with a quiet voice “He’s not only an officer but also a best friend for your father, Kiyoko...”
“I know, I know!” she snorted “Daichi’s definitely upset because it’s taking too much time for our dad’s return.”
“At least he’s going home someday…” the first boy clenched his hand.
“Please don’t like if uncle Taichi were dead, Taisuke…”  the other boy asked.
“M-my bad, Eiji…!” Taisuke babbled “I meant like… N-Never mind!!”
“W-where are we?”
“Daichan, this is the Digital World, or DigiWorld to make it short.”
Exotic plants with bizarre formats and colors… The skies being like a watercolor paint… A few data and circuits running through the scenario, strange vending machines in the middle of the florest…
Everything was new for him, like if he had opened the door for a brand new experience. It was different from books and photos, seemed much more better to live in. He had heard a lot about the DigiWorld, except his parents never let him go there and always said he had to wait a little more. When was this “little more” if not now? He’s good at surviving the summer camp, interacting with the digimon as well. How can it go wrong?
“Now listen,” Natsu looked at the kid with a serious glare “Whatever you heard about this place, know that there’s an actual civil war happening here, your father and the others had been dealing with. Stay closer and do not go walk alone.”
“What’s… What’s happening?”
“So, you’ve heard about that one time Yggdrasil went nuts and tried to separate humans and digimons from each other? Your father and mother discovered it and tried to stop, but they, Ken and Iori got captured instead. Taichi and the other seven saved us all but… Something went off.”
“I… I didn’t know that-- Wait a minute!? Taichi… Yagami Taichi?!”
“You have to learn a lot of things I guess.”
“Why didn’t dad tell me before…?”
“He…” Natsu looked found some difficulty to word that answer, “He was going tell you a little later.”
“Was he…?”
“... When you were about to turn ten, he had decided to tell you but… A little unfortunate event happened. But I’m sure I can find him, I can…!”
She was acting suspicious, like avoiding to say something. What was the ‘secret’ she’s keeping away from him…? Did something happen to his dad?
“What happened to him…? Do you know something, Natsu...?”
She didn’t answer and avoided look at him during their walk in the forest. It got on Daichi’s nerves so much because he wanted to know, he really wanted to help there but Natsu’s silence was worse than passing through years thinking his father had been dead.
And when he finally got some concrete clue about that mystery…
“Natsu! Tell me now!” his voice sounded serious, he definitely gritted his teeth like when Daisuke does when angry “I’m his son, I have to know!”
“I… I can’t tell you now!” she babbled “I’m sorry but maybe we should go home--”
A lightning needle has passed through them and all she could do was rise a pinkish forcefield around her and the boy. She knew… The one hunting her down, the one she had been trying to hide from... was there. Now some regret hit her conscience, putting Daichi in danger like that! He does not have a digimon partner! And she’s not partnered to him! Plus, she’s not even Daisuke’s partner but just a mere ally digimon who had ‘adopted’ by Daisuke a long time ago.
“Wha-what was that?!” the kid gasped “Is it… A digimon attack?!”
“Stay quiet, please! And run…!” she grabbed Daichi’s hand and left the place, with a shadow following them in the woods.
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kippos · 7 years
Y’all can blame @arhimharellan for seeing this :p
Objective: Answer these 85 statements about yourself then tag others
drink - Water/Coffee
phone call - Work, calling in sick
text message- Work, telling them I can’t work cos I’m sick
song you listened to - I don’t Wanna by Jane XO (listening to it now) time you cried - Actually it’s a now
dated someone twice - Yeah, only once kissed someone & regretted - Ehhhh, not really been cheated on - Not that I know of... been depressed - 24/7 my dude  gotten drunk and thrown up - Regrettably, yeah
FAV COLOURS Anything in the purple is always tight. Lots basically
made new friends - Yeah my dude :D fallen out of love - Nah, can’t say I really ever have laughed until you cried - Probably not, nah found out someone was talking about you - I mean yeah, people do occasionally  met someone who changed you - Definitely found out who your friends are - Nah kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Um of course
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - It’d be all of them do you have any pets - Just my cat called Frog do you want to change your name - Nah, it’s fine what did you do for your last birthday - Don’t realllly remember, prolly fuck all what time did you wake up today - Probs about 10ish what were you doing at midnight last night - Fuckin sleeeeeeeping what is something you can’t wait for - Dunno, to not be sick? what are you listening to right now - Chemical Brothers - Wide Open have you ever talked to a person named tom - Hi that me, so yes? Also yes most visited website - Tumblr/Facebook/Reddit hair colour - Lightish brown (aka boring colour) long or short hair - Short, but definitely need another haircut do you have a crush on someone - Yeah like literally everyone all the time what do you like about yourself - I dunno, spose I’m a fairly nice person? But that’s it.  want any piercings - Yeah, haven’t decided what others I want tho blood type - Why do you want to know? Are you a secret vampire? (I have no idea) nicknames - Tom, Thom, Phtomasse, Kip relationship status - In a polyamorous relationship zodiac - Aries
pronouns - He/Him, they if you want, 0 pref
fav TV shows - too many, way too many. Sense8 is beautiful
tattoos - None yet. But it’ll be The Wheel of Time (Ouroborous driving the 7 spoked Wheel) on maybe my chest?
right or left handed - right ever had surgery - On my knee as a kid, apart from that nah sports - Haha, no piercings - Tragus in my left ear, and lower left lip vacation - Not a fan, none thank you sneakers: I’m a boots person
eating - Nada atm drinking - watter about to watch - Hmmmm, probs some vidya game stuff on Youtube waiting for - Me to not be sick want - I dunno, this depressive episode to be over? To not be sick atm get married - Hahahaha, no career -Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Something. Work as a Disability Support Worker atm, moving towards ecological modelling for my PhD hopefully starting middle of year. So fuck knows
hugs or kisses - I am a slut for kisses lips or eyes - liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppsssssssss shorter or taller- Zero pref older or younger - Zero pref nice arms or stomach - Hit me up with that stomach, fuuuuuccccccccccccckkkkkk hookup or relationship - Definitely relationships troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant
kissed a stranger - Don’t think so... drank hard liquor - Yip yip. Not a huge fan tho turned someone down - Yeah sex on first date - Nah, turned it down broken someone’s heart - Definitely, too many times had your heart broken - Of course. Died inside been arrested - nah cried when someone died - Not yet :( fallen for a friend - Nahh
yourself - Nah, I swing hard from narcissism to self loathing, the self loathing is closer to the truth miracles - Nope love at first sight - Nope santa claus - Nah kiss on a first date - If you’re feelin it, yeah angels - Nope
best friend’s name - Blake eye colour - Blue, people say they’re nice fav movie - A Clockwork Orange fav book - Worm by Wildbow (GO LOOK IT UP I WILL FIGHT YOU) fav actor - N/A I tag @steampunktopus @foxframpton @s-amazon anyone else! Go do it!
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taegdcl1018 · 7 years
3 Billion Dollars [Part 13] - G Dragon Mafia!AU
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Summary: When your father owes 3 billion dollars to the mafia, he must repay his debt. Although things don’t exactly go the way he hoped.
Genre: fluff? this is more for the plot later on. yeah.
Warnings: swearing and my makeshift writing
{part 1} {Part 2} {part 3} {part 4} {part 5} {part 6} {part 7} {part 8} {part 9} {part 10} {part 11} {part 12} {part 13} {part 14} {part 15} {part 16} {part 17} {part 18} {part 19} {part 20} {part 21} {part 22} {part 23}
A/N: So this one is pretty short. I would like to apologize for this weekend It was so anticlimatic, but I do have a lot more scenarios that I have to post. Sorry life just seems to get in the way of everything. The next chapter has a lot more Ji Yong x Reader stuff, although it’s also pretty short. The next chapter also marks half way into the series! Woo!! As always, my inbox is open and loves getting stuff!
~ Admin Brooklyn
“Are you sure I should be out of my room? You heard what Yongie said.” Youngbae scoffed. He leads you down a few halls, turning every once and awhile. You had changed from your bloody clothes earlier, but the small shorts and the big tee shirt seemed to be a bad choice to be running around the building.The once dead hall was now filled with people, which was the reason you were questioning why you didn’t change.
“You’re listening to what he says now?” Youngbae said. You rolled your eyes. Youngbae takes you down a hallway you’ve never been through before.
“Where are we even going?” You ask.
“Conference room,” he says shortly.  “Ji Yong isn’t gonna be there though. He’s resting.”
“Thank God,” you mutter. “He’s so stubborn.”
“You are too princess,” Youngbae chuckled. “Remember that time you didn’t want to leave the playground for dinner, so you made your mother bring dinner to you.”
“Hey, I was six! That‘s not fair,” you say. A smile was displayed on both of your faces. It felt good to smile a genuine smile, especially after what happened with both Kwons. Youngbae stopped walking as you reached a dark colored door. You could hear loud but muffled voices through the door. Youngbae opened the door and stepped aside, letting you in.
“That’s a stupid ass idea,” you hear a familiar female voice say.
“Do you have a better idea for the shit head that came in here and killed, as far as we know, fifteen men?” Said a deeper voice.
“I’m pretty sure he had someone kill more people on the inside,”
“Is my idea stupid now?!”
“Just as stupid as your haircut,” Seungri said. Youngbae cleared his throat and everyone stopped talking, their attention now on you. The room’s walls were a dark red color contrasting with the light colored carpet. A big table was centered in the middle of the room, chair and people around said table. On the far edge of the table sat a big chair, empty, unlike the other chairs that circled the table. The occupants of the chairs are what interested you.
“Dara unnie? Bom unnie?” You asked. They smiled at you, Dara waving.
“Yah (Y/N)! You don’t even say hi to Minzy and me?” Chaerin says shaking her head. A small smile ghosts on your face.
“Well I knew that you were in the mafia, but Dara unnie and Bom unnie? And Minzy?” You groan. Chaerin crosses her arms.
“Who told you about me?” She asks.
“Ji Yong,” Youngbae says.  Youngbae closes the door behind him and places his hand on your back. “Now we can get to that later. We have things we have to take care of. (Y/N), go sit in the chair at the far edge.”
Youngbae pointed towards the bigger, fancier chair of the table. Some of the people eyed you as you walked towards the chair, Youngbae right behind you. A girl with blonde hair and brown roots eyed you suspiciously. As you sat down she finally spoke. “Who is she?”
“She’s (Y/N) if you didn’t hear Youngbae oppa,” Chaerin said.
“So you’re (Y/N),” one of the many boys said. His hair was swept back in a way that should’ve looked messy, but somehow looked very put together. You nod your head nervously. You looked to Youngbae who sat to your right, along with Daesung. Both the eldest and the youngest Seunghyun sat to your left, the older’s phone out in his hand. You looked at it curiously and then looked up at Seunghyun.
“It’s Ji Yong,” he said. You rolled your eyes.
“He does know that resting also means not working right?” You mutter.
“I can hear you Princess,” Ji Yong said, his voice slightly distorted through the phone. A light blush started to appear on your face, but you quickly shook the feeling of embarrassment off.
“I get that she’s close to G Dragon,” another person says. “But why is she so important right now?”
“Because she’s close to Flynn,” Seungri said. You looked at him, eyes wide. He gives you a reassuring smile. “And the only thing she has to do for you is talk about Flynn. Got it?”
A chorus of ‘yes’ and okays erupted through the room. They all turned to you, looking at you expectantly. You gave Seunghyun a nervous look, which was returned by a reassuring smile from him. You look at Youngbae, a determined look on your face. “Where do you want me to start?”
“I don’t think we need the backstory of your relationship with him. Agreed?” Seungri said. Youngbae and many others nodded their heads.
“You’re still telling me later,” Chaerin said. You smiled at her and nodded her head.
“Okay so I met him in college, he was roughly twenty-two at the time, so he’s thirty now. He was born in Busan. He wanted to become a business owner like his dad. His mom was-”
“This is great and all, but how can we use this information?” The blond girl said. You looked at Youngbae. You didn’t know what to say or what to do.
“Well, we know a few things,” Ji Yong said through the phone. You look at the phone, waiting for him to continue. “We know that he probably looked up to his father. Trust me, if you’re taking over your father's’ company you look up to him.”
A small smirk formed on your face. It started to fade away as you started to realize what happened. “He got into the mafia when his father died.”
“What?” Daesung said. Seungri seemed to catch on.
“Flynn said that his father died sometime after he came home from college,” Seungri started.
“With his father dying that must’ve driven him to the mafia,” Bom concluded.
“More likely that someone from the mafia killed his dad,” Chaerin added. You nodded your head.
“It wouldn’t be hard for him to know Big Bang from there,” one of the boys said. The boy next to him nodded his head. The second boy looked oddly similar to Ji Yong, although you could tell the difference between him and your Ji Yong any day. The look on his face bothered you. Something seemed to bother him until he finally spoke up. “What about his mom? Some sort of authority figure over him that would really convince him not to be in the mafia?”
“If anyone were to stop him, it’d be his mom. He never really cared for the police,” you say. The Ji Yong look alike frowned. “His mom passed away while we were in college.”
“So nothing could really stop him from joining,” the first boy said.
“Yeah, but he had a full business for him right?” Another boy asked. God, you needed to learn names for everyone here.
“Kinda, as big as the business is, or was at the time, I highly doubt that it could’ve lasted long without someone to lead it.” You add in. Youngbae nods his head.
“We should start with that,” Daesung said. “Get to know the details of his past. It’ll help us figure out more about it.”
“And it’ll help us end him,” a different boy said. Your eyes go wide a little, and you look down at the table. Seungri took note of this and decided to speed up the meeting.
“Let’s split up into groups,” he said. “WINNER, go figure out more about his dad’s business. I wanna know everything I can about what they did, who his father was and any and all connections they had. Understand?”
Ji Yong’s look alike’s face contorted in confusion. “Where do we even start?”
“Flynn’s last name is Jones,” you say. Everyone looks to you again, but you continue looking at the look alike. “He’s a foreigner in Korea so that alone should make it a bit easier to find. I don’t know the company name though.”
The look alike nodded his head, a hint of blush barely visible on his cheeks. Seungri had a small smile on his face as he looked at you. Youngbae cracked his knuckles and looked at a different group of boys. “iKon, you go dig up some information on how Flynn was as a kid. His childhood, his teenage years, how he acted, what he did. That’ll help figure out his behavior.”
“What’s his old-”
“It’s in the Haeundae-Gu district. I don’t know his actual address though,” you say quickly adding an apology for cutting him off. The group of boys nodded their heads and left the room, leaving Chaerin, Bommie, Dara, Minzy and the other four girls.
“I’m guessing we’re gonna renew old connections?” Chaerin asked. Youngbae nodded his head. One of the girls spoke up. “What about us?”
“You guys are still new,” Seungri said. “Focus more on keeping your land and your gang together, and make sure you’re getting more than enough resources. Okay?” They nodded their heads and quickly left the room. Leaving 2ne1 and Big Bang in the room.
“So, how was your first meeting?” Seungri asked. Seunghyun stood up and moved to the corner of the room, his phone pressed to his ear. You let out a small laugh.
“It’s not my thing, but it was so bad.” Chaerin smiles. She gets up from her chair, followed by the rest of the 2ne1.
“We better get going,” she says. She turns towards you and pulls you into a hug. You gladly hug her back, pulling away after a few seconds. “You always have my number if you need to get away from the guys. I’m always here for you.”
“Thanks, Chaerin,” you say smiling. “I’ll text you.”
She sends off one last smile before leaving. Dara hugs you, soon joined by Bom, then Minzy and Chaerin then joins in as well. You laugh in the center of all four girls. You felt oxygen enter your lungs as all four girls let go. You laugh as you wave them goodbye, watching them leave the room.
“Now what?” You say. Daesung lets out a soft chuckle.
“We can take you back to your room,” Seungri said.
“Or, if you want you could help heal some of the injured from tonight,” Daesung added. You looked at Daesung confused until you remember what happened to the previous doctor.
“Sure, I’ll help.” Daesung smiles at you. He stands up from his chair and get’s ready to leave. “Seungri’s coming too.”
“What why?” He asks. You smile at him and gesture to Youngbae.
“I’m pretty sure Youngbae is busy.” You looked over to him, and he confirmed with a nod of his head. “And Seunghyun is talking on the phone. Plus I need extra hands.”
“Isn’t Daesung young enough help?” He whines. You roll your eyes.
“What if something happens to Daesung and it’s just me around a bunch of men with motives that might not be good for me?” You ask. He glares at you, and you pout in return. It takes him a minute, but you know you won as he groans in defeat.
“Fine,” Seungri says, getting up from his seat. “Let’s go to the infirmary.”
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Clone Wars     The Deserter
          (Season 2 Episode 10)
Inter     Sting-
 Ha         Ha-  
  The       Quote;
    It is the quest for honor    that makes one honorable
     -you can dedicate yourself to a        purpose
     - but you have to do it well
      - For it to            mean          anything
       Account-            able
       Oh,          We’re abandoning the grievous      arc?
     Jedi       Council-
      One idiot
     Who let       him   board           
And tried to take him on his own
In the outer        Rim. .
   Natural      selection’s            a          bitch        (Don’t    eugenics)
 Any.way              A            Trap
      Of like a few     guys
       And Anakin just sitting around until      he got shocked   to    almost    death. .
“Fierce   confrontation,”
  Obi-Wan           got          his          ass         beat                - unconditionally-             -             That        person               -             Did           some          thing.           - - -  
        Then they had to      re treat  
. .
Saluka       Mi
‘Yes       general Kenobi is doing some     very       serious thinking     . . .
  Clone troopers      -
  Yeah- again    why is Rex getting dragged along?   
  Des-per       -ate       Target
He seemed fine?
  And Obi-Wan          got his ass kicked      last episode
       [Who’s trapped            in a room             with who?]
      It’s not   General Kenobi..   ..
  W-help-       -
  Okay,        Right-
  Well there are plenty of resources around you-
  Before they find us
Obi-Wan will insist I play a game of tag with him-
 He- always runs-     -    Also,      nice cloak?
  It    suits him..
   Very      noble..
   Again that could be     literally     anyone..
   Also time to        hijack         a       ship          -        What is that       not the plot    we’re going with?           -          We     
    Need     To 
“Escape          pod,”
A planet-?
There are   no escape    pods.  [Besides the    ones you arrived in-].    ]
 Or just hijack one of their ships,
Tran-s-     ports-
Why is    Rex-
Plot     Im      Por-t    anc       e-
Nice      Sight-
 Contact the    Fleet 
 Good plan
  Comms broke?
   “Transmitter   is destroyed..”  
   Well    time to find parts and    make a new one.    .
 Escape       Pod-        Make     it there. .    .
Good plan
 (Also,       He looks like a    vampire)
   Just say’in
   Find           Trans-      Por-        Tat-      Ion-
 Fair     -   Okay,
 Hot Things
 Very    well   rounded    environ-        ment-
    Less        So
    [And   an adequate    metaphor      for the war    coming home..]     .
    Int     -imidating     -     Okay-    Neat-
  That’s         a         Thing
   (Or            A         Giant         Skate          Board           Ramp:)
    That’s        Some-thing    
  Or-        bit
 [A giant skateboard ramp              but no]
Power       Low-
 Well they haven’t re-     charged since last morning,
 “Can’t go           On,”
  That one droid that just had to be more        dramatic than everyone else
    Good            for           Him,
  Well  you clearly aren’t solar powered     and there’s no   port to do that.
 Dude he’s using that to   carry your equipment,
 Close        Down        for         A       Few      Mom   -ents
 [yeah the way he put it was kind of   as-    inine;      “You,”       Instead          Of          A        Logi         cal-       We only have      ____hours of energy              sir
  But    he must be doing pretty badly      too,
  Having some   sentience,      Bi-          ologi     cal        -Com         Pon-         Ents-,             And       Robotic-
Also, so it’s a sleep   cycle,  
  Neat,      (Did not know that about the droid’s       recharging process,”)
      We saw the guards charge   electrically. .
  Does that-  just magically charge them?
   Is it an emergency back up         at a light saber?
     (Because         if so      that’s kind          of cool.”
    - Pod-
     Dooku’s          going                To                Be             Pissed.
       Team-         Work... -            ...
    And.. .
  “Contact        Us,”.         -
    “En           Gage,”
  Dude-  they’re supposed to engage a robot with several    flame swords?
Have you seen -   how useless their blasters    are-
(Yoda   at least said it     don’t shoot        at the obvious           Jedi/             Sith-           Force           User-
       Aigh- t
      Surprisingly             calm                ...           And..            Obedient?
         “Rex                  is a smart man,”
           Have we seen anything to indicate that?
           Creative, destructive, impulsive,               asinine
            All things that describe               Rex
 Wouldn’t     exactly      go      with     “smart,”         .      Does     he just become a different person    with Kenobi?
    Also is that     the only format they have       for complementing people,       ____,         Is         A        Smart (adj          ective)         Man,?”
Used the same for     Cody.
  His      Feet   . . .
   Now it’s a    com-      pliment-        -     (We’ve   also seen   nothing in this episode to     indicate or provoke      That      Arc.. .)
 (Like he just     follow-      ed orders?)
   Not a wrong   time for compliments          (Al-most)
     Just          Weird.
  There         They        Go
 Gull-  Ible?
  “    “
  Here’s         One          -         Un-      conscious-          -         A-ight
  I-n-    spect
R-i      g-ht
Voom,         r
 Nice       land-scape-     R-ight-
 Okay-  -
Whelp,      Feck!  
 Aight       Crud-
You-     heard a gun shot and didn’t get down?
 Tumble and Roll!          (Tuck and roll!)
  Protect             The            Cap-tain
   Anakin’s        captain         (Like seriously who is Obi-Wan‘s       captain?           Cody is his        commander?
    What is the          order          here?)
       Good               for             Him?
    Comm        an   do-      Droids-
   Get         Shit,         Jobs           - 
   Behind          everyone        else?
     Hey      shouldn’t      someone           be        Comming            in?              —    
      Shit-          Whelp        -             Got          Him-              -     Co-        mm-         an-          do
   Oh, yeah this unit does have a     pen-chant against those guys
  I guess                Rex
(The        droids finally did him in..).      R.I.P.    Heavy.
   Whelp,         No facial  damage that       we can see-
     Might have a con     -cussion-  
    How does he have a hole in his     suit?      
    Dude clearly aimed for the head..
     Hold up...  
   Oh no,         it did somehow get him in the      chest.
      Did that...
     Any         Way-
     [Plot   convenient         bullets aside]
    That’s           Not..      Good..
   “Jesse,”         Name   (s)-
 Aight,      Whelp-
  Could’ve      used some tanks,
   Nice sunset          though,
  Hopefully         not on Rex’s             life,          Though-
     Ai-ght           Tech,         Have,  
     Righ.      t-
  Guidance            System-
    The guard...      has an odd haircut
    Doesn’t look         very military...
   Unless we’re counting that one dude         On the Centurion          Guard, who      ended up being a           villain?
        That looks like a     normal        haircut.. .       .
 Me-mory          Logs-
  Emerg-ency   sen-sors
   Escape        pod
     Mid air       collision-
     -         A-      Ight-
  O-     kay-
  “With         What?”
    Wait is there another     plot line that     I’m unaware of
 Crash        -ed?
 Ironically, Cody’s being more inventive than     ,Rex?
  And Rex       spent the time taking     orders?
[Wtf Is this characterization,”          ]
I can     put us   within           . .
  Two        or three clicks
  Good.. ..
 Alert the men  
He said to the random the blonde guy-
  Wait is that his captain?
  That would make sense
   [but       eugenic]
   Wait they have a     medic?     Or...
 [Odd sound effect       there]
   Hey, is no one going to call for help?
   Like you were told to     Com in?
 [I know this isn’t as important as   General grievous     but I think it counts,]
  You know the lead possibly    dying,
  Could get       a medic       some possible back up
  Not    to mention those droid    had to come from somewhere.
 Oh it’s the   animals’ making it
That make sense.
Wait a minute.
Or herbivores and friendly   but we’ll go with        this logic
(It also makes sense for   Obi-Wan’s unit to     jump this high for a   conclusion,      it’s in his     char   -acter
And      see-
Literally everyone is more inventive than   Rex in this episode
   [I think someone-
And I mean it’s      pos-sible
    Mixed up the        chara         cterization..
     This is supposed to be the    rule and order         unit        correct?
     [so we’re going to         bug that fucker]
Like seriously,     the leaps in logic here are astronomical?
Do you see rows of   domesticated       crop?
Do you see any sign of     human   co-       habitation?
Where - is this coming   from?
Really is   Obi-wan’s     unit]
 Any way.. .
Let’s find his     homestead
Not even   “let’s see     ‘if we can borrow some supplies’    “      Let’s     feck   up   this     guy’s   house
Trooper       Don’t      Fuck      Ar   -ound-
   How-        Okay-      Practic   al
-what are -
   Out       Cold
    Oh now   there’s things. .
    Would’ve been           nice to see that.
     . .
    Whelp. .
   You        Have-
   A   shotgun
 You   should   run-
  Pretty        Di-        rect-  
   Move          Along-
    Old clone man-
 Yeah       they have        blasters.
   She said you        weren’t wanted..
   Take off a helmet doesn’t change that
     Move along
   [Also yeah  friends that come with several armed shotguns, a possible army following them, unwanted and uninvited
  *Friend         Ship   
  Bu-      llets-
     Don’t be         friendly
     Say the    pitch
    “Get out of your          hair        real quick,”
     Yes,       no,          leave,
    State       Bus-        I-     ness-
  Ain’t falling for any of your     “friendly.” bullshit,
  We have a     medic-
   Over         night-
   Dude that is a big fucking risk you’re asking her to      take
    [Narc            Log]
       Like you guys are open shots,
      That      dude can’t protect them selves
      And,  they clearly don’t want to be    accountable
     (Out here)
  As the world   burns...
   I’m sorry            Sir         But        the signs       are pretty        clear.
 Oh god,
She’s a   Generation    breaker,        too?
     Also          not        how        kids        act..
     They don’t have     initiative           ...
    Can’t have     emotion...
   Fine,       Thanks,
   Enab            ling         war,
   What ever
   Future        healing       tech,.
   What        Happ-        en        -ed?
Seriously, shouldn’t be            Shouldn’t there        be someone       on guard?
  Seriously,  is there     armor out of plastic?
    Like,         how?
do   the   other   guys      have    to be here      they’re       kinda     making           it     un-     comfortable.
 Nerve       Damage-
  Oh, yeah   just left the whole 
person up to examine an arm.
Under-      Stood      -  
 Who said that?
On with it-
The bullet went through his   chest         -    
  We see a      wound,     On his          lower           back?
      That’s not        bruising          from           the           fall?
          A           rock                wouldn’t             create               that              kind                  of              Mark.
            No               Con-               dition
         Ok-    ay-
Well,   call    up,     Obi-Wan,
 Get     Rex to the medical ship   that they keep talking about...
We’re      Get    -ting        Un       der-       Way        Kix
  Damn      It         Self        De-       Str     Uct       Ive             -      Ba     stard          -       If     buddy      wants         to       throw        them         -self     over the cliff   there’s nothing         anyone               -    can do about it
(Except- Hope-)
   That’s          An         Order
    Wonder       What-      Kinda       Order      -        Team   Medic   “Don’t”.   “I can’t bring you back on that much death,”
   Then again most civilizations would not be found it on a precipice
      So        How..
 “ I am     outrank      everyone,”
   Medic, pulling a fucking      rank.
    And he actually    can do that
    Considering dude he decided to fuck around and      find out with   Mother      Life       Dude is technically a kin        To      immediate accountability    at any    point
 T-ypically to the medic    who treated him-
  So,     Yeah,      He can      totally       do that,
     Damn,         It,
     Also look at these   idiots standing around    
0 notes