#and then them hanging out a little more and becoming unlikely bffs
parisoonic · 1 year
hey there, just wanted to say that I absolutely adore you're art style, such yummy shape it scratches my brain just right 10/10
also I'm in love with how you portray the start of heavy and medics relationship, like how they bicker and get on each others nerves a tiny bit,
I wanted to ask you what was the turning point from that to them kissing in the moonlight and whatnot
(sorry if this feels out of the blue I'm just really invested in the way you characterize them and I think your art is really cool)
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heya! no worries (and thank you for your kind words!) - this ask got me really excited as ive had a few ideas rocking around for a bit...depending on the day of the week i'll give you a different answer as to 'how' but the general gist is collegues who are bad at their jobs -> collegues who are GREAT at their jobs -> out of hours friends -> inseperable -> taking a chance on 'ruining' that friendship -> it all works out.
I tried to answer through a little bit of a comic...this is literally the 0th draft...needs an extra page or two and a few more drawings (and then overall....redrawing) but i need to post as otherwise i won't get any work done. I'll finish it one day! but enjoy! :)
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starry-eyed-steve · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot the past couple of days about the friendships of Stranger Things, especially the teen/adolescent group, and how people just come together with no problems, avoiding the personal conflicts that should come up. The major problem is that unlike the kids who were friends before, the teens are only together because of trauma and romance instead of friendship. The initial trio, which is the basis, didn't like each other before. Steve and Nancy were not friends. They were romantically interested in each other. Jonathan and Steve hated each other, Nancy and Jonathan were sorta friends, but not really. So that's already complicated and not ideal because Steve and Jonathan still didn't like each other after everything, and then Nancy left Steve for Jonathan, which left Steve alone until he found Robin. So that's the core dynamic of the older kids group. And because there is not enough time in the show, we get a watered-down version of those characters working together to save the world. Sometimes, they even act OOC just so we can focus more on the overall plot. You know when you watch a scene and you go no, they wouldn't say that or no, they wouldn't do that? That's how I felt the majority of time for s4. And as much as I love the found family trope and I understand why people just want everyone to get along, I genuinely believe the teen group realistically would dislike each other. And I need more fics exploring that lmao.
Stranger Things really robbed us by not giving us 20 episodes to develop characters and explore their complicated feelings to others. Like 3/6 (7 if you count Vickie) have beef with each other, there is just too much tension between Steve and Jancy it would totally affect the others. I also think if we had more time, those groups could venture out and meet more people who later become their friends. Like I'm curious about Nancy's two friends that were mentioned in s2, it would be nice seeing the main characters outside the group interacting with others. People act like the teens can only find friends within their little circle.
(Disclaimer: This is not a dig on any character, I just find it interesting exploring dynamics like this. Like give me the drama)
Steve wouldn't want to hang out with Jancy. He is still hung up on Nancy, and it hurts him to watch them together. Between seasons, they already don't hang out because why should they. And when Steve finds out or realizes Nancy let him in the belief that he was the only one who was wrong in their relationship despite the major reason for her to break up was she wanted to be with Jonathan for a long time, I think Steve, I wouldn't say he would be pissed, but he would definitely be hurt when it clicks. His entire world view would shatter, like his love life already suffers because he thinks he was a bad boyfriend, so he developed attachment issues and trust issues (hence the serial dating in s4). Nancy really did a number on him, and he never got closure from her, and we still see the aftermath years later. I also don't see Jonathan and Steve be best buddies because of that. Jonathan just doesn't want to be friends with his girlfriend's ex, who potentially still has feelings for her. Same with Nancy, why would she want to hang out with her ex, who is clearly hurting because he is still into her.
It's also implied that Jancy shit talks about Steve behind his back in s4, by Jonathan bringing up the Steve comment unprompted to make Nancy laugh, and he was genuinely shocked when she didn't this time. I mean, they don't really care about Steve's feelings. They slept together 2 days after the Stancy fight and never showed remorse for it. I genuinely don't see them being bffs, lol. I also don't see Jancy wanting to stay in touch with the others, especially Nancy, who just wants to move forward, go to college, and heal from the past few years. Her ex and his bff would be unpleasant reminders. If Jancy breaks up, both of them would go their own ways. Nothing would hold them in Hawkins. Jonathan would still have Argyle, and Nancy would make new friends at university, but both wouldn't really stay in touch with the others.
The whole monster hunting trio had so much potential to become friends if the show hadn't done Stancy and Jancy. But I can't ignore it and if they make Stonathan friends in the last season, idk if I want this because too much happened between them, it would seem ooc for both to want to spend time together outside of the UD shit.
Robin would be on Steve side. If he wasn't cool with Jancy, she wouldn't be cool with them either. She's your ride or die buddy. If you hate someone, she's like no WE hate them. Robin is also a person who would hate people for Steve, like him still trying to be civil towards Jancy because of his feelings for Nancy, but Robin is like no fuck that you hurt my bff you're on my list, I'm side-eying you. She would encourage Steve to move on by not interacting with them all together. After he receives closure, he should move forward.
With Eddie, I don't think he would vibe with Jancy either. Jonathan wouldn't like Eddie being obnoxious and loud. Yes, he might agree with him at some points, but Jonathan hates the attention, and Eddie loves it. If you think Jonathan would be at his side when he gives his little speeches during lunchtime, no way. Same with Nancy, as soon as she sees Eddie climbing that table, she immediately goes the other way. She would pretend not to know this man. Eddie's personality is too loud for Nancy to handle over time. Maybe I'm projecting on her a bit here because she reminds me a bit of me. Like she's more serious and reserved, someone like Eddie would drain her quickly, and she would snap at him sooner than later. She wouldn't find his antics cute. She would be annoyed. But there wouldn't be any bad blood between them. They just would simply find each other annoying over time so they don't really hang out. Each of them has their own thing.
Eddie would rather hang out with Stobin, I think they could handle his personality better. Like they are not as serious than Jancy and could joke with him from time to time. But he also has his band mates to hang out with, so he's not around that often.
Vickie would have no hard feelings for Jancy, but because she's dating Robin and also likes Steve I think she doesn't want to make things awkward by hanging out with them.
Argyle, I think, is the only person who is absolutely cool with everyone. He is such a chill guy who doesn't care about the drama. So in the beginning, after Vecna is defeated, he would be like hey let's all get together to hang out, smoke some weed, and party to celebrate our win. Everyone would be excited at first, but slowly, they realize it was a bad idea. Steve would say some shit that would trigger Jonathan, which causes him to roll his eyes. Nancy then would maybe make a joke about Steve that has a mean undertone to it, which would set Robin off because only she is allowed to make jokes about Steve like that. All those microaggressions would compile until everything explodes. It would mostly be Jancy vs. Stobin with Eddie absolutely loving the drama and egging them on. He has the time of his life at that moment. Poor Argyle doesn't know what's happening and tries to calm them down with more weed, and Vickie just sits there, not knowing what to do but trying to talk Robin down.
Ever since that night, the group has split up and only comes together for important things, like the kids' graduating party, birthdays, weddings, etc. They would have civil conversations but mostly avoid each other. They all found their own circle over time with people they can hang out with without any drama. They would set all their differences aside if the world goes to shit again but hanging out afterward? No, thank you, lmao. They would fight literal monsters and would even die for each other, but friends no way.
The kids would try to get them together, but it's no use, sometimes things just don't work out, which is okay because people don't get along all the time. That also doesn't mean a character who hates another one is suddenly bad or the enemy. Or a character can only be good if they get along with everyone.
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Something I've noticed about R + J is how little J takes the time to hang out with R's friends especially her male friends, idk if it's awkward for him or doesn't like them but it seems that R only sees her male friends when her bf is not with her, as if they were her substitute bf lmao DJ is safe cause he gives me gay bestie but I thought Noah C. and R gave very much flirty vibes, ppl even confused him as her irl bf a few times on the internet. He's definitely a more jealous bf than he lets on, thank god he's mature enough to not embarass her on the internet unlike halle b baby daddy
I've noticed how J is nowhere to be seen when it comes to her friends, but R has taken the time to fully integrate to his pre-fame circle, y'all know J girl BFF spent like a week with them Berlin and they were all over the city together. I bet J is happy he got to be there working alongside R + T while they worked in TBOSAS and his presence could somehow tame a little bit that electric chemistry R+ T had on set (didn't work too much he tried lmao)
You’re right! R makes sure to become apart of J’s life but he’s distant from hers (from what we can see online at least). J doesn’t have to worry about Mike F and DJ imo. Noah C and R definitely were flirting but nothing too serious.
However, now that you mention it… R and T don’t hang out alone (the only time that happened was during reshoots I believe). J is always there with them lol. J isn’t around for Noah C but with T around, he’s glued to R’s side lol.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
Which Jalice fic, out of every single one you have ever wrote, would you consider The Slowest of Burns?
P.S. The photo you posted here, with the folders of your Jalice fics had me in CONVULSIONS. SO much goodness. And I have questions!!! What is Human Alice BFFs Vamp Jasper? What is Damaged Alice? What is Feral Alice? What is Dazzled Alice? Can I have samples or like, elaborate a little, please?
P.S. Also, Mad Girl’s Love Song SHOOK me. In a best way. I have no idea what is going on, but its WOW.
Ooof, slowest burn?
I think it has to be All These Broken Things, simply because of how much time passes in the fic, and how long it takes Jasper to realize that he's not only still in a bad place, but he's dragged Alice into his trauma and made it her problem too. And Alice takes her sweet time learning that she's allowed to advocate for herself, that she shouldn't be indebted to someone for loving her.
Mad Girl's Love Song is a really strange little fic and I'm really excited with the direction it's taking. I've left it to marinate and it's better for it. I'd love to have an ETA for it, but I don't because I know exactly how I want it to be when its done and I'd rather take my time.
As for the WIPs...
Human Alice BFFs Vamp Jasper: This is one where human Alice stumbles upon vampire Jasper brooding and through circumstances, become best friends. Alice is both critically ill and unlikely to live a long life, and is desperately in love with Jasper. Jasper is determined to keep Alice alive and protected.
I pulled out the old box from my closet - practically sagging, it was patterned with princess pictures and had been from one of my childhood birthdays, an old tutu on the very top. Perfect for disguising things I didn’t want to be seen by snooping mothers or sisters. The real contents of the box were two pairs of thoroughly worn-out jeans, a couple of ancient shirts, and a sweatshirt that had been hastily mended along with two well-thumbed philosophy books and a dented tin snuff box. Stuff that I had been stashing since I came home when I was thirteen. 
Stuff that belonged to the dashing figure currently climbing in my bedroom window. 
“Evening,” Jasper nodded at me, as he folded himself into my hanging chair.
I smiled at him, and put the box on the end of my bed, bouncing over to him; the bright red of his eyes revealed how he had occupied his day, and also indicated his mood - he was always a little withdrawn when he came over, but it was always the worst when he’d fed.
Luckily, we’d known each other for nearly four years, and I had gotten very good at improving his mood. 
“About time,” I said, climbing onto his lap and curling up. “Mom’s out with her drinking buddies, and Cynthia has no intention of coming home tonight, so I’ve been very lonely.”
Jasper was still holding himself very stiffly, but one arm wrapped around my shoulders, cradling me to him. “They left you by yourself?” His disapproving tone of voice made me roll my eyes. 
“I have been actively encouraging them to do so,” I looked up at him; he was avoiding my gaze. “I’m safe with you.”
He grunted at me and finally met my eyes. “They don’t know that. You don’t know that.”
I hoisted myself out of the chair and stared down at him. “I am fine. I have every alert device money can buy, and you are more than capable of calling 911 if it's bad.”
“Those devices do not pick up partial complex seizures,” he retorted, and I could see him start to relax.
“I knew you were reading up on it. And once again, it’s called a phone. Besides, is it wrong of me to want to spend an evening with you before our master plan goes into action?” 
Jasper sighed, and leaned back. “This is a recipe for disaster,” he informed my ceiling. 
“It’s my best idea in years,” I said cheerfully. “We both go to Forks. It’s genius. Lots of forest and wildlife, lots of stupid hunters and hikers. I finish high school, complete my year of college, get my trust fund, and boom, you and I skip off into the sunset. Preferably via Paris.”
"France, Jasper. You promised."
Damaged Alice: This one is based in the idea that Alice had a lobotomy in the asylum, which lead to serious brain damage that is taking decades for the venom to heal. Combined with her visions and lack of human memories or interaction, Alice finds the Cullens before she finds Jasper.
Alice comes off as very neurodivergent and somewhat infantilized by the Cullens until she tracks down Jasper and essentially attaches herself to him. It's very much just a little love story about two people who are seen as very damaged and imperfect healing and finding happiness.
She sat curled at his side, glimpsing at the book opened in his lap, her fingers twisting the rings she wore methodically. 
“Bella and Edward are getting married,” she said out of nowhere.
“They are,” he agreed, pausing to smooth her hair back. 
“Why aren’t we married?” she asked, looking confused. 
Jasper froze and closed the book, sitting back. “Alice?”
“Bella and Edward are getting married because they love each other,” she said, her eyes glassy and out of focus. A bad episode, then – though, she was still talking. He’d been with her for sixty years, and her periods of lucidity had improved dramatically since he first met her. Carlisle had privately mentioned that he hoped she would only continue to improve as the venom undid the damage. That one day, she might be whole – that her periods of lucidity would overtake her confusion and ‘episodes’. These days, the worst episodes were days of complete silence and no eye contact. 
And despite what everyone thought, he didn’t mind either way. He adored, worshipped, loved Alice with a fierceness he couldn’t put into words, and nothing would ever change that. 
“I love you, so why aren’t we married?” Her golden eyes were so trusting, even as they struggled to focus, struggled to stay fixed on him. One of her rings was bending as she twisted it – the very reason that Esme had given them to her, to allow her to channel the manic movements that took her over. 
“Well,” Jasper began, briefly wondering if he should fetch Esme to try and explain – at least until her lucidity returned. During these episodes, they had all learned that it was best to keep discussions simple. 
Feral Alice: Oh, this is fun because it was three different fics that were so similar that I lumped them together until I figured out what to do with them. This version is the idea that Alice never settled playing human and preferred to live a nomadic lifestyle, whilst Jasper stayed with the Cullens.
“Jasper isn’t married?” Bella said, as she watched Edward’s siblings walk towards the car. 
“No.” He had a strange look on his face. “Jasper isn’t married. He has… someone who prefers not to live the way we do and visits from time to time.”
“Oh,” Bella frowned, considering Edward’s choice of phrasing. “Is he gay?”
Edward chuckled. “No. She’s a girl. Alice doesn’t remember ever being human – she woke up without any memories, and prefers to be nomadic. She finds it too difficult to blend in.”
When Bella pictured Jasper’s mate, she thought of someone very specific. Someone dark and sensual, mysterious and sinister. Long black hair, maybe curly. Skin the colour of coffee. Clothing that revealed just the right amount of skin. Someone who might make Rosalie uncomfortable, if not jealous. Someone wild and inhuman, yet impossibly sophisticated, who would have long, ridiculously academic discussions with Jasper with no time for petty human life, for high school. 
But the tiny girl standing at Jasper’s side was none of those things. 
She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall, with uneven black hair curling under her ears. Enormous red eyes made her look even paler, and her eyelashes so long and black, they looked like they had been painted on. She wore a pair of ancient denim pedal pushers, and a filthy white blouse. She came to the middle of Jasper’s chest and was, frankly, adorable. She seemed to be bouncing on the spot in happiness. She and Jasper only had eyes for each other, though they never touched. 
She whipped around to face Bella and Edward, and Bella saw that no matter how small she appeared, she was around the same age as the rest of the Cullen ‘children’. 
“You must be Bella,” she smiled, clasping her hands in front of her. “I’m Alice.”
Dazzled Alice: fic has evolved so many times that I'm not sure what to do with it - maybe a horror one-shot for Halloween one year. Kind of the OG, full story behind Small Mercies, but darker. Jasper finds human Alice and she's his singer. Thankfully, time with the Cullens means he has more control but that just makes him extremely territorial.
“What have you done, Jasper?”
That’s a new voice, but I can’t open my eyes. Suddenly Jasper is gone. 
There’s yelling and scuffling, and I miss him. I want him back.
“Don’t move, sweetheart. You’ve been hurt,” came a gentle voice. A woman’s voice 
“No, I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me,” I manage, my voice slurring. “Jasper? Jasper?”
“She’s in a bad way,” comes another voice. “Emmett’s got Jasper, what do we do about her?”
I am aching and my head is spinning and tears roll down my cheeks because Jasper is gone and I am broken without him.
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mariatogel · 10 months
Unveiling the Power of SARMs: Your Ultimate Guide
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Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and curious minds alike! Today, we're diving into the world of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), the rising stars of the bodybuilding scene that have tongues wagging and muscles flexing. If you're wondering what SARMs are all about and how they might just become your secret weapon in the journey to your dream physique, keep reading. We've got you covered with the inside scoop on SARMs and their remarkable benefits.
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So there you have it, folks! SARMs, the rising stars of the supplement world, are here to stay. From muscle mass to bone density, they're rewriting the rules of fitness support. Remember, though, always consult your doc before embarking on a SARMs adventure. Your body deserves the best, and with SARMs on your side, you're poised to conquer those fitness goals like a champ. Stay swole, my friends!
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niuxita21 · 1 year
So, I really enjoyed doing an inventory of all the shows I watched in order to select the top 5 last year, so I decided to do it again this year, taking advantage of the fact that I’m going through a bit of a work crisis and have a lot of unintended free time. I also imposed a rule that I could only include new shows I watched this year, otherwise at the very least MSH2 and Evil would be on this list again, and that’s boring. Anyway, once again, I give you my top 5 shows of 2022.
5. Hacks (HBO Max)
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It’s no surprise that this show is on here when Wanted, the show it closely reminds me of, topped my list last year. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the whole “older and younger woman are forced to work/hang together for plot reasons and start out bickering but eventually grow fond of each other” should become a trend the way the “group of teenage girls survives a plane crash in the woods/a deserted island” premise seems to have taken off. The relationship between Ava and Deborah is truly what drives the show, and I’m glad the people behind it recognize it to the point of referring to it as a “love story” in some media outlets. However, this show does have a leg up on Chelsea and Lola from Wanted in that 1) Ava is actually bi and 2) her attraction to Deborah has been acknowledged in canon, all of which makes their dynamic VERY interesting. I’m very excited to see where the writers take it in season 3 with the starting point of them working separately for the first time, and I hope this show manages to steer clear of whatever dumpster fire is going on over at HBO Max. *fingers crossed emoji*
4. Only Murders in the Building (Hulu)
(No illustrations because I still haven’t finished it, boo.)
I know, I didn’t think this would be my type of show what with its 2:1 male to female lead character ratio and complete lack of lesbians (no, Cara Delevingne’s character’s 2-second guest spot doesn’t count), but what hooked me was the unlikely dynamic between Oliver, Charles, and Mabel, which is a weird hybrid between fathers/daughter and BFFs that I really enjoy. That plus the whole murder-mystery aspect was what made it must-see TV for me in the second half of this year. Very excited to see more of my favourite weird, dumb little family getting into EVEN MORE trouble in season 3.
3. Yellowjackets (Showtime)
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Again, no surprise this show is here when the other show I dubbed as “Lost with teenage girls” (The Wilds) also made it into my list last year. However, I do think this show is more deserving of that title, purely because of the way it got me staying up late reading all sorts of theories and how haunting some episodes were. Super stoked to be getting at least TWO more seasons of whatever batshit insanity the writers come up with to explain the “how cannibalism” and “why cannibalism” of it all (even if I will forever be bitter by the casting of adult Van and the gross torpedoing of only the hottest married lesbian couple on TV since Stef and Lena *cough*). The sole fact that THAT is the main premise is just... absolutely bonkers, lmao. Your fave gritty, male-dominated, Emmy-bait shows could never.
2. The Mallorca Files 
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From being harmlessly entertained by it, to becoming absolute T R A S H for its lead crime-solving duo in the span of a short dance sequence, to the crushing despair upong finding out it had been left incomplete courtesy of the pandemic and might not even get another season, to the soaring excitement of the season 3 announcement, this show put me through a rollercoaster of emotions this year. But now I’m just happy that the COVID-truncated season 2 won’t be the last we see of the hottest crime-fighting pairing this side of the Atlantic. I mean, realistically, it’s just your typical upbeat, Castle-esque crime drama with the standard bickering lead m/f duo, except with the added value of bilingualism (well, sometimes), with honourable mention to the lead actors’ commendable yet adorable efforts to get the Spanish pronounciation right (seriously, I want Elen Ryhs’s pronounciation of “García” as my ringtone. Oof); the gorgeous Mallorca setting, which ALMOST justifies the Airbnbs costing 1000 dollars a night in the summer (not that I’m speaking from experience or anything); and, most importantly, HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. It also pretty much cemented what is clearly my “type” of late when it comes to hettys I will become absolute trash for against my better judgment (namely, tall(er) handsome goofball + hot gringa. See also: Rollins/Carisi and Magnum/Higgins). It’s good to know that, even in my mid-thirties, I still find ways to surprise myself. So yeah, if you know me, you can pretty much guess why such a run-of-the-mill crime drama is so high up on my list. But if you’re into that sort of thing, you should definitely check it out. At the very least, it will put a smile on your face.
1. Mine (Netflix)
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A K-drama on my top 5 shows of 2022 list?? It’s more likely than you’d think! I wasn’t interested in K-dramas for a long time because I thought they were all romances and that’s extremely boring to me. However, after a friend of mine introduced me to them via one show that was all about female-bonding with zero romance/love interests, I started to understand the appeal, and this show marks the fourth K-drama that I’ve watched in little over one year. The moment I heard through the grapevine that this show included lesbians, I decided I needed to check it out but, as usual, that ended up being the least interesting part of the show for me given that the actual plot involved none other than one of my FAVOURITE neo-tropes (namely, woman gets attached to a child that is not her own and needs to fight tooth and nail for her right to be their mother), with the added twist of the typical adoptive mom/child/bio mom familial love triangle turning into a Harold-adjacent, two-mom situation AND a trio of complex, three-dimensional leading ladies who, despite maybe not completely liking each other at the best of times, were 100% down for teaming up to bring down trash men. It’s like this show reached into my brain and took notes of EXACTLY what to put in to get me completely obsessed with it. I’m having a hard time dealing with the pesky K-drama custom of shows having only one season because like, what am I supposed to do with my life now???? WHERE will I find another ice queen lesbian character that can threaten to kill a man without breaking a sweat???? Life is pain.
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Hi! I saw you don’t have any miraculous stuff yet. Can I request a Marinette x f! reader. Reader is new to the school and quickly becomes her friend and Marinette doesn’t know how to react when she finds out reader has a crush on her. She realizes that she fell for reader while she was hanging out with Adrian. Please.
Thank you so much for your request(s)! I absolutely love this one.
warnings: none!
As the students of Francoise Dupont got into the routine of the new school year, there was a last minute transfer. That transfer being you, Y/N. You were full of excitement and nerves to finally be starting at a new school, thrilled to meet new friends, but also nervous, for fear of being left out. Your fears has faded away, however, when you met your new classmates, especially her.
Her being Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the class president tasked with showing you around for the day. She had a creative and talented personality, and a helping attitude, and every task, favor, and assignment never seemed to be a problem, or worry for her. You weren't sure if you wanted to be her, or with her.
By lunchtime, you had figured you wanted to be with her. You had also figured that half the class felt the same way, how could they not?
As you walked to the restroom at the end of lunch with Alya and Rose, about a week after you had first been introduced, they struck up a conversation about Marinette.
"You and Marinette are getting close? Should I have to watch my back so you don't replace me as her BFF?" Alya asks, with a light tone. Rose laughs.
You inhale sharply. "No! No, it's not like that! I would never! I-"
"Girl, relax." Alya laughs. You ease up a little bit. "I'm just teasing you. All the girls in our class are tight."
"Oh! That's nice to hear! I hope we can all be great friends."
Rose and Alya nod. "But anyway, about Marinette. You like her, don't you?" Rose asks.
'Was it that obvious?' You think woefully.
"I guess. But I know she likes Adrien." There was no point in hiding it. You trusted the two girls, and it was just a little crush.
Rose opens the door to the bathroom, holding it for you and Alya. As you thank the blonde, Alya speaks up. "I what it feels like to like someone who doesn't like you back. Nino used to have a crush on Marinette. Come to think of it, pretty much everyone in our class has had a crush on her at one point or another." Rose nods, laughing as she sprays some perfume on herself.
"Adrien?" You ask.
"That boy is absolutely clueless. His skull is *ahem* very thick. He's so dumb, for someone so smart." Alya says.
Rose agrees thoughtfully.
After your conversation with Alya and Rose, you return to your seat with newfound hope. Marinette must know Adrien is hopeless. Feeling bold, you come up with a plan.
Marinette had only known you for a few weeks, however, she had already felt a connection with you. She was really looking forward to becoming better friends.
On another note, Marinette had also made plans with Adrien later in the day. She had been looking forward to this project ever since she had been paired up with the young model.
Stopping at her locker, she noticed you walking towards her. You looked nervous. Had you forgotten your locker combination?
“Hey Marinette!” You said, voice masking the uncertainty you felt.
Marinette smiled, turning her attention towards you. “Hi, Y/N!”
“So, um… I was wondering - and I know this might be sudden - but I was wondering if you wanted to go out… together?”
To say Marinette had been taken aback would be an understatement. And while she liked the forwardness, Marinette had to turn you down. Who knows what could happen with Adrien tonight, even if he’s a bit clueless?
“Y/N. Listen, I… Uh, appreciate-”
You sigh. “Let me stop you right there. I understand. Hopefully we can still be good friends.”
Marinette sighed in relief. “Yeah, friends!”
You nodded towards Marinette, signaling goodbye. Well, you tried, right? And they say you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.
The ravenette couldn’t help but feel guilty as she walked to Adrien. Why were you the only thing going through her mind when Adrien was right there?
This question had repeated itself throughout Marinette’s head all afternoon.
Until she realized.
Marinette felt a connection with you she never had with anyone else. It was a deep admiration, but not putting you on a pedestal, no. She saw you as real, and attainable. Unlike Adrien.
“Hey, earth to Marinette! You look a bit pale..” Adrien says, confused.
“Heh, sorry Adrien.” How was she supposed to face you tomorrow? Somehow, Marinette knew she blew it.
‘Oh, I’m no good at love!’ Thought Marinette, woefully.
The next day, you greeted Marinette as usual. But she couldn’t help but want more. And you couldn’t, either. But what were you two to do? Wasn’t any chance you two would ever be together destroyed?
After school, it had begun to rain. You sighed in defeat. You didn’t have an umbrella, and your parent(s) were at work. There was no one to help you. You tried to ask Alya or Nino for a ride, but they already left before you could.
“Hey, Y/N?” Said a timid voice.
You turned to find Marinette, sheltered by the school’s roof, standing behind you.
“Hi, Marinette!” You say cheerfully. You are doing your best to make sure that your confession doesn’t get in the way between you two.
“If you don’t have an umbrella, you can use mine” She said, smiling nervously.
“Oh no, I couldn’t. My parent(s) will be off soon, I can wait for them.”
“Please… or at least walk back to my house until you can get picked up.”
You struggle for a bit. That did sound like a good deal. Plus, you could show Marinette that you could be friends and not make it weird.
“Alright,” you say.
You and Marinette begin walking to her house, talking about all sorts of things, like new video games, the best ways to bake cookies, and current fashion trends. The conversation flows naturally, never leaving an awkward moment between the two of you.
Marinette now knew 100% that it was you, not Adrien that she liked. Everything with him felt forced, but with you, it was all natural, and so fun.
You both walked into the bakery, Marinette holding the door out for you while you walked in. You greeted Marinette’s parents having already met Tom at a school function.
Marinette walks you to her room where you both spend the afternoon playing video games and procrastinating homework.
It gets a little quiet after Marinette wins the match for the hundredth time, and she looks over to you.
“I’m… sorry. I hope my rejection didn’t make things awkward for us.”
You smiled, albeit fake, reassuringly. “No, no! It’s totally fine.” Not really sure what else to say, you stop there.
Marinette looks down at her hands. “The thing is, yesterday… when I was at Adrien’s house, I realized that I…”
Your internal dialogue was going crazy. ‘Oh my gosh, does she not want to be friends?! Doesn’t she want to be more than friends?! Please, spill it out!’
“… I really like you” Marinette finished.
Your head spins suddenly to face Marinette, giving you whiplash. You cannot believe what you just heard.
“You… do?” To be honest, you weren’t even 100% sure she liked girls.
Marinette nods.
But now… everything has changed. You smile to yourself.
“Yeah,” You say. “Let’s go out. Right now.”
“Right now?!”
Grabbing your shoes in coat, with Marinette en suite, she grabs the black umbrella, and you both bid goodbye to her parents.
“Alright, where to first?” You ask her, laughing.
“I think I know just the place.”
“Well then, please,” you gesture your hand out to her. She grabs it. “Lead the way.”
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I tried to not make this too long/dialogue heavy. I hope you liked it!
no beta, we're dying like men
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jinkicake · 4 years
You suck them off while they’re on the phone. 
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
Miya Osamu x Reader
Here you go Anon, I hope you like it!!! I am pushing the Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto bffs agenda because we were robbed of that interaction. I just know they would all be good friends like please,,,, imagine these mfs in college together as roommates.... It would be so perfect and they all have the brooding quiet type s/o heheh.... Also, I saw spoilers for bnha and um..... ummm.... UMMMMMM
WC- 1,830
Kozume Kenma 
Kenma has the best poker face, nothing is going to give away the fact that he is getting head
Except for when a tiny, tiny, appreciative sigh leaves his lips…..
Then the other person on the line, most definitely Kuroo will be like ‘Yo, what are you doing~’ Yes, Kuroo can tell when Kenma is getting head and will probably praise him for it 
I think if you first try your advances Kenma would simply stare at you with disgust, making no effort to hide that same level of repulsiveness in his voice 
He’d go along with it though because he is not going to try that hard to stop you, ‘why waste that energy’ 
His nimble fingers would card through your hair and he would instantly become relaxed like his shoulders would go limp and he’d flutter his eyes shut
Kenma would still be able to keep up with the conversation though because he doesn’t really add that much input anyway
However even though most people wouldn’t find any difference in his change of attitude….. Kuroo would notice, how can’t he? He would notice the subtle changes in his pudding hair best friend and would be like ‘are you getting head right now’
To which Kenma would go bright red and tense up really quick and try to hide it but ultimately give up and just sigh in defeat ‘yeah’ 
Kenma doesn’t like talking on the phone,,, you take it upon yourself to help him relax~
Kenma pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, trying hard not to let the hiss escape his lips. He doesn’t glance down at you, he knows that if he did, he would come undone. The feeling of your warm mouth sucking him in so nicely, your cheeks hollowing around his legnth, your tongue running underneath his cock, it makes his knees utterly weak.
“Yeah, I met that dude Oikawa, I don’t know why everyone hates him. He seems like a cool guy to me,” Kuroo aimlessly rambles, going on about how he met the well-known setter. “he’s going to hang out with Bokuto and I next weekend. You wanna come?”
Kenma sighs and it’s not because of your tongue. He silently thinks long and hard before speaking up again.
You end up gagging on his length, blame on the fact that you tried laughing while sucking him off. 
“Kenma, you’d really like him.” Kuroo persuades and Kenma mentally pictures the pros and cons. 
“I’d rather play video games,” Kenma’s fingers rake through your hair and he makes the mistake of looking down at you. A quiet moan leaves his lips, the perfect little ‘ah’ that he doesn’t even hear himself. The line goes quiet for awhile and Kenma assumes that it is because Kuroo is trying to come up with another reason why Kenma should join them.
“Is (Y/N) giving you head right now?” Kuroo asks boldly and you gag once again, pinching your eyes shut at the humiliation. Defeat washes over Kenma. 
“Yeah.” He sighs and Kuroo hums slightly.
“Finally, good for you, take it like a champ.” Kuroo praises and Kenma’s nose scrunches in disgust. “Anyway, I’ll come by at like nine on Saturday okay? Oikawa is only in Tokyo for the weekend.” 
Kenma never can win, can he?
Kuroo Tetsurou 
Kuroo is suuuuch a showoff, please he will do it just to make you flustered
He will purposely roll his shoulders back, sit on the couch all arrogantly, stare straight into your eyes as he bites his lip, use his hand to push his hair back while purposely flexing his bicep, he does it all for your enjoyment as well
He is eye-candy and that bitch knows it,,,,, anything for his lovely s/o
Kuroo wouldn’t make any noises though because he doesn’t really want to get caught in the middle of a blowjob. You would refuse to finish him off and then he wouldn’t have your sweet mouth anymore….. 
But,,,, if someone did catch him in the middle of a blowjob, Kuroo would not be embarrassed, please his ego would flourish I feel like he is into that kind of thing
Side bar…. Sometimes I go off with Kuroo and I think,,,, is this too occ? because I remember he is just a big science dork but then I remember no he is a scorpio and then it all makes sense, Kuroo is the best of both worlds 
Kuroo wouldn’t be able to pay attention at all to the conversation at hand like Bokuto could be asking him questions about something and Kuroo is just like ‘yup, it was really hot today’ like he can’t keep up….. not when you’re so generously sucking him off
Then Kenma is like … and Akaashi is like … because they can put two and two together unlike their oblivious friend
It gets to the point where Kenma will start doing something else, like playing a video game while Bokuto tries to keep a conversation going between four people all by himself
Please, Kuroo is the ultimate tease with you but….. if he is going to get pleased then he will also try to please you as well
“And then the vice-principal got mad at me,” Bokuto groans loudly, his eye twitching as he thinks back to the incident that happened earlier in the week. “it’s not my fault he wears a wig!” 
“Bokuto that was not the reason you got in trouble,” Akaashi sighs disappointedly, Kuroo doesn’t pay attention to them.
“What happened?” Kenma comments, slightly curious in the conversation at hand. Kuroo gently cups your cheek, running his thumb against your skin lovingly as he stares down you. At the sight of your teasing eyes and sinful tongue sucking on the tip of his hard cock, his thighs twitch beside you.
“… then Bokuto spiked the principals head to ‘kill the bug’ and also set his wig back to normal.” Akaashi finishes, heaving another disappointed sigh.
“See, I was helping him. He should be thanking me not scolding us for an hour.” Bokuto complains and Akaashi tries not to slap his captain through the phone. 
“This is what I deal with on a daily basis, I even have a notebook to predict his next moves.” Akaashi tells Kenma, his head still numb from the scolding he had to endure earlier in the week. 
“I don’t think anyone on our team is that bad, maybe Lev,” Kenma thinks and Kuroo licks his lips, his eyes darkening when he zones in on your mouth. 
“Kuroo, is he even listening?” Bokuto asks curiously and Kenma narrows his eyes when he pieces together why his friend is so quiet. He knows Kuroo is either getting head or giving it. 
“Ignore him, Bokuto, it’s good we don’t have to hear his voice.” Kenma tosses out and Kuroo gasps. Of course, out of everything, that is what he heard. 
“Kenma!” Kuroo snaps and the setter simply hides further under his blanket on the other end of the line. “I’m just busy,” 
“With what?” Bokuto eagerly pesters and Kuroo glances down at you once more. 
Miya Osamu 
Osamu also has a good poker face, nothing can give away that he is getting head…. There will be no slip-up from him
Unless Atsumu says something and Osamu’s competitive side jumps out for a hot second then…… then there is a slip up
‘Fuck you ‘Tsumu, I’m getting head that’s why I don’t care about your bullshit story’ cue a dramatic gasp from Atsumu and Ojiro on the other end of the line like … silence 
Yeah, Osamu doesn’t do well when provoked…. Good luck with that one 
Osamu wouldn’t say no to getting head like if you got onto your knees and pushed your hair back,,,, Osamu would be like ‘shit, here we go again’ he might be hesitant at first but then he will cockily accept it
He’ll carry on the conversation with disinterest, not really paying attention because all he can do is stare at you
Sometimes he will fuck your face,,,, literally….. he has no shame but when you gag too loudly then he lets you have control again 
Osamu doesn’t really want to get caught…. He wants to shield you away from that
His little comments that he slides in conversations here and there will probably be noticed once he stops saying them because he is preoccupied with other things. The team can’t figure out what has him so distracted though
Osamu is usually pretty gentle,,,, until he gets angry so if you suck him off while he is having a conversation with Atsumu…. Good luck
“I have to help my grandmother around the house today, so there will be no practice. Take the day to rest.” Kita’s voice sounds throughout the multiple phones and Osamu lets out a soft hum. His eyes are staring directly at you while he holds your hair back out of your face, despite his neutral face you can still see the fondness swimming in his eyes.
“Say hi to gran for me!” Atsumu says and Ojiro glances at him, the two on the same device as they walk through the city. 
“No.” Kita responds and Atsumu sighs dejectedly before going off on Ojiro when he starts to laugh at him. 
Osamu continues to pay no attention to him, instead, he thrusts into your mouth while holding your head still so he can control the pace. It feels so good, he could fucking cum-
“Yo, ‘Samu what are you even doing? Reading your old man magazines?” Atsumu snickers when he notices how quiet his brother has been. Osamu closes his eyes momentarily, trying to calm himself down from snapping. He gently pulls himself off of you, allowing you to take over the pace. 
“Eat shit ‘Tsumu.” Osamu snaps back, now watching the way your hands grip his strong thighs as you bob your head along his length. 
“My grandmother-“ Kita starts but is quickly cut off. 
“Ah, the shit that you cook ‘Samu?” Atsumu retorts, sticking his tongue out despite Osamu not being able to see it.
“Stop it, my grandmother-“ Kita tries again but Osamu interrupts him. The grip in your hair tightens as his anger grows.
“You really like that shit then since all you do is fucking eat it!” Osamu curses and Atsumu decides to tease him even more. 
“I’ve never seen (Y/N) eat your cooking, that’s how you know it’s shit.” A gasp is heard right after Atsumu’s comment, Suna’s mouth falls open in shock.
“She eats all my cooking, I feed her well but right now she’s too busy sucking my dick.” Osamu spits and you immediately pull off of him, your mouth a perfect ‘o’ as you stare up at him in disbelief. 
“You, right now?” Atsumu asks slowly and the line goes quiet.
“My grandmother is listening, I have the phone on speaker.” Kita finally finishes and the Miya twins start to count their final days.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @littleshopoflove @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee​
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oreomonsterhunter · 3 years
Becoming BFFs — Jaehyun
A/N: I have too many feels so the whole “BFF jaehyun” thing got too long.....so this is just the beginning I suppose (stay tuned for more because besties are my favorite 🥰
You and Jae didn’t become friends overnight
It took a while for him to start opening up to you, and vice versa
Thats probably why you got along so well—you both put a lot of value in trust and honesty in relationships
Getting to know him was like waiting for ice to melt, though. He was just so quiet, and you were too. I mean what the heck were you supposed to say to model freaking jaehyun??!!?
Fortunately you didn’t suffer in silence in the beginning, since you were initially introduced by Johnny (bless him) and he had more than enough personality to break the ice between the two of you
Before long you were making jokes at each other’s expense
“Your hobby is literally bowling, you’re such a grandpa”
“At least it’s a sport, unlike knitting”
“Yah, you punk!”
And not too long after that, you were hanging out, just the two of you
That’s when you discovered how quiet and thoughtful he could be
One of your first friend dates was just walking along the river, not talking much, just being together in the quiet
You ended up sitting and watching people biking on the path, and the words just started pouring out of you
Jaehyun was a really good listener
Turns out, he’d noticed you hadn’t been yourself lately, and asked you to spend some time with him to help clear your head
This boy I swear *aggressively throws hearts*
You spent hours together that day, but it felt like minutes
Jaehyun loved sharing little bits and pieces of himself, but he did it so deliberately. One piece at a time, as if calculating his losses if you left and didn’t come back one day as if you could, you were in too deep
He took you bowling with him because he wanted to share his hobby, and you had to admit he was pretty good (but you still had to tease him)
You’d come over to the dorms and hang out in his room just listening to music for ages, because at the end, jaehyun would play you bits of songs he was trying to write, and he wanted you to hear it first
Lazy afternoons spent exploring—you’d drop by hole in the wall music stores hunting for the next LP to add to his collection, and reward yourselves with coffees at the nearest cafe
You could literally ask jaehyun to do anything with you and he’d say yes in a heartbeat
He tells you he cares by spending quality time with you. That and doing all kinds of cute little things that make you want to hit him for being too perfect
“Jeffrey stop trying to be perfect”
“Who said I was trying? Ow”
Aksldlemsjsaisjjs you love hate him he’s so annoying
Until he does the cute shit like getting you flowers “idk aren’t they your favorite or something” “Jeffrey go get a girlfriend”
Or ordering delivery to your apartment with a note like “you’re not answering my texts so I know you’re trying to kill yourself w work. Eat first then come yell at me :)”
Or cuter still “if you stop procrastinating I’ll get Johnny to flash his abs for you” lmaooo
Tbh you’re no better than him—you’d say yes to doing anything so long as he was there too
That sounds sappy but includes things like doing the dishes when you go over and the sink is completely freaking full because the nct boys are such boys and therefore disgusting sometimes, and so you resolve to tackle it together (aka end up throwing bubbles at each other in the middle)
Or making an absolute Fool of yourself while playing Just Dance with an actual professional dancer
“wtf jaehyun how did you make that move look cool”
“what, like it’s hard?”
Ok but jokes aside, jaehyun is a ride or die bff
Yeah, the two of you are champs at roasting each other, but he’s also the first person you’d call if you really needed help. You know he’d always come, no matter what you needed
He might poke fun at you, and some of it is joking and games, but a little part of it is testing your friendship. That wide eyed look of his isn’t naïveté, it’s trust. But a tiny part of him is always wary of misplacing it
So as long as you keep throwing his jokes back at him, he knows you’re all good. And you get that, you get the fear of losing a friend because you never really had them. And you’d do anything to make that little part of him shut up, but you love him to bits, and you wouldn’t change one thing about him
It’s that little worry of his that lets you know you can trust him, too, after all
The two of you were always looking for a genuine friend, someone you could lean on without any doubts. And you’ll never stop being grateful that you finally found him
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palettepainter · 3 years
Single parents Ectoloader AU
So my mind has been a thinking ever since I saw that Ectodad snippet with Jiro from the light novels, kindly provided by @snipe-enthusiast (go check em out their headcannons are super cute!)
Yesterday I was thinking about silly Ectodad scenarios with Jiro, then I thought about Jiro and Hatsume becoming friends. Not only do I think their dynamic would be interesting, but they’re both two of my fav UA girls, they deserve love. Sweet babies UwU
So on an unrelated note to this headcannon in my Main AU for MHA (the AU which has Haiya and Riley in it) Jiro and Hatsume end up becoming unlikely bff’s. They get lunch together, hang out after class together, blow up the lab (mostly Hatsume-) together - you know, typical best friend things
ANYWAY onto the actual meat of this drabble, I had a random idea yesterday: what if, in an alternate universe, Ectoplasm was actually Jiro’s dad??
Her bio parents in this AU would either be dead from a villain attack, leaving little Jiro orphaned at a very young age. Or her parents persue their music careers further despite having a child, and so Ectoplasm (who in this AU is probably just a teacher, not a pro hero), a close friend to the Jiro family, offers to take Jiro in while her parents tour the world. I’m probably going to go with them being dead idea as I don’t want to make Jiro’s cannon parents out to be uncaring dicks in this AU.
Ecto is a single dad taking care of his adoptive daughter, whom is a little clingy and shy and needs a bit of persuasion to go to nursery each morning. On-top of his school work and helping Jiro by taking her to school each day, making breakfast in the morning, a pack lunch for Jiro and dinner in the evenings, helping Jiro with her quirk which she unintentionally sets off when she’s scared or startled, which more often then not is at school - Ectoplasm is a very tired single dad who doesn’t have a lot of time for himself....until he meets another single dad by the name of Higari
Higari, whom is a mechanic for hire, is also a single dad to his loud, confident and bottomless energy monkey daughter, Hatsume. Being a single dad combined with having to pay the bills, from stopping Hatsume from dissecting their toaster, from comforting a lonely and sad Hatsume when the kids at school call her weird, Higari is also a very tired dad with little friends
I imagine him and Higari meet on the school run one day after discovering Jiro and Hatsume have become friends. Jiro had gotten startled by a crow flying down and snatching her sandwich, causing her to use her quirk on the playground. It earnt her a time out, and then Hatsume boldly walks over to pester her with questions about her quirk. Jiro is rather grumpy and doesn’t want to talk to the chatty pink haired girl...but she does accept half of her sandwich that Hatsume splits with her. Maybe her company was appreciated, even if Hatsume did most of the talking. Ectoplasm and Higari are equally surprised when they learn their daughters made a friend, so naturally they introduce themselves after their shock and exchange numbers incase they ever wanted to organise a play date
Hatsume is very very eager for play dates to little Jiro’s glee, Hatsume helps bring Jiro out of her shy shell and Jiro offered Hatsume someone to talk to, it was nice for both parents to see their girls getting along...and perhaps both are them are happy when they learn they both live in the same apartment block, a small world! Ectoplasm and Higari start hanging out, it was nice to have someone who could relate to being exhausted after a long day caring for your daughter.
Higari and Ecto start going out for drinks when they find a babysitter for their kids
Ecto and Higari take turns bringing the others kid home after school to give the other a rest
They have group dinner take outs on the weekends and their kids LOVE it!
Higari realizes that maybe his dork neighbor is actually really cute....wait-
And then Higari realises he’s crushing on Ectoplasm, whom to his dismay, is a total idiot when it comes to recognizing his affections for him. Hatsume and Jiro 100% know what’s going on and try to subtly set them up on dates. Higari gets so so SO embarrassed but Ectoplasm thinks its a very sweet innocent gesture (no he doesn’t realize the romantic aspect of it-)
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honestlyzenoouh · 3 years
The Friendship I never knew I needed
Okay, new headcanon time because I read a post about Aaron and Neil begrudging friendship, and now this thing won’t leave my brain. It sorta grew legs and kept on going, sorry. Featuring twinyard forced bonding, Neil being an asshole and Katelyn being sneaky.
Okay, so we know that Neil doesn’t really care for Katelyn. But like, sometime in Neil’s 3’rd year and the girls have left him he shows up to one of his maths classes and like, Katelyn is there??
Katelyn is super smart as well as athletic, the whole deal. And one time one of her TA’s were like, okay this class might actually challenge you, but won’t take up all of your time. Might be fun.
And Katelyn is like, alright imma try.
The first two weeks Katelyn doesn’t even notice she shares the class with Neil, it is that big.
When she does though, it’s because the professor is writing a thing on the board (it’s early, I don’t wanna do actual maths rn), slightly incorrect, and she really wants to point it out, but also doesn’t wanna be rude and affect her grade.
Neil doesn’t have such worries and just sorta not quite yell but loudly points it out... might’ve used a cuss word or two as well, whoops
Katelyn was like thank god someone said something, she was sat clinching all muscles not to say anything.
Then she clocks who said it and was like, huh, I might do something about this. He is someday gonna be my family so might as well start wearing him down now, instead of later.
Also, perfect excuse to actually start up a conversation, sharing a class.
So a couple of weeks after that, when Katelyn has had some time to think, and Neil thinks he’s safe, she strikes.
They are appointed some homework, and she has positioned herself so she can see Neils face in the lecture hall (without it being obvious) and Neil’s eyebrow pinch the tiniest bit together. Now is the time.
She gently approaches him a little sheepish, “could we maybe form a little study group for this class? I don’t really know anyone here, and I don’t really understand the concept for this bit”
Neil, a little suspicious but also completely lost on this subject “would you be able to meet in the library on Tuesdays at 4?”
She says yes of course and dances a bit internally.
The first like, 3 study sessions are completely awkward and stilted, but somehow they work really well together academically? Who knew?
It’s in the fourth meet-up that the ice breaks. Katelyn arrives a bit winded, with a half of cup of coffee and just starts to enthusiastically rant about this complete asshole who cut in line at the coffee place, and then the girl who tripped her on the way into the building but wouldn’t apologize and they got in an argument and then so on about every bad thing for the past week
And Neil is just hooked on her rant. He is reminded a bit of Dan and her ranting about sexist assholes in sports and he really misses her, but why should that stop him from making new friends?
So he stops fighting it and actually talks to the girl. Turns out, they have a lot in common. Including complaining about their significant Minyard. They love them, but oh my lord are they petty and annoying.
From there on out, Tuesdays becomes their hang out day. Even when the semesters over and they don’t have that class anymore. Just Katelyn and Neil becoming unlikely best friends (sorry Matt, it wasn’t on purpose), and telling each other everything. She is the first one outside of the foxes to see his scars.
She didn’t flinch. But she quietly seethes for days afterwards. Aaron tipped him off by complaining about Katelyns bad mood to Kevin (not that he cared) and he overheard it. They had a talk and only grew tighter.
Fast forward like, a year and a half, and Aaron really wanna meet this person. And Katelyn really wants her bf and bff to have a bond as well, but considering all of the bitching she hears about Josten this and Josten that, she had taking to keep referring to Neil as that person I meet in this class, or her nickname for Neil (it’s buggy, because he keeps on bugging her with more maths) to keep the peace.
Also, gender-neutral terms to keep the jealousy at bay. He’s not that bad, but better safe than sorry. Neil means a lot to her now.
But finally she snaps; “fine, you can meet buggy. But only if they agree to meet you too”
“Why wouldn’t they agree to meet your boyfriend?”
“You’re annoying, and I complain about you a lot.”
“You what?”
Neil of course agrees, but only if he can bring Andrew as well. “He’ll play nice, I promise! No knives or hairpulling”
Aaron is really excited to finally meet Buggy. They really mean a lot to Katelyn and makes her happy. And who makes her happy, make him happy too
Andrew is very curious about Neil’s supposed new best friend. Turns out, Neil also hasn’t disclosed exactly who it is, but Andrew hasn’t outright asked him about it so.. It’s his own fault, really
The meeting goes a little like this:
Neil and Katelyn is at their weekly hangout, this time at a coffee shop around campus, and both text their S.M(significant Minyard) where to meet up. Andrew arrives first and just stands in the doorway when he catches sight of the twin redheads sitting and laughing about something. Neither has noticed him yet
Debating just walking out again, he hears a soft but earnest “are you fucking kidding me”
Turns out Aaron was just as surprised and lowkey mindfucked. They catch each other’s eyes and have their first mental conversation
“Well shit, now we have get along with each other’s S.R’s (significant redhead). Also did you know? No? Thank god I wasn’t the only one”
Katelyn turns around as her Aaron senses has gone off, and spies the twins just looking at each other totally defeated. Then turning to Neil like,
“Did you not tell Andrew about me? Because he is doing the same face Aaron is currently doing, and I didn’t tell him exactly who he was meeting today other than my best friend”
“Whoops, might’ve forgotten. They look kinda emotionally constipated... For how long do you think Aaron is gonna complain about it’s me?”
“Two weeks at least, how about Andrew with me?”
“He’s just gonna passive aggressively stare at me with snide comments every now and then until I buy him a tub of ice cream in apology. I give it 6 months for Aaron to laugh at I joke I made without making that face afterwards”
“You’re on, it’s gonna take him 9 at least”
It took 5 and a half months, and 2 years for Katelyn to get Andrew to huff his version of a laugh at all.
Just, Neil and Katelyn being besties and forcing the twinyards to accept and maybe even like each others S.R’s whilst also getting a better relationship out of it. Also; Aaron is now cursed into saying buggy instead of Josten or Neil, and he hates it. Until he doesn’t of course.
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Jonas x Eva pairings ranked by whether i think they should get back together (i haven’t seen Skam Austin pls don’t kill me)
1. Jonas and Hanna
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They are sweet wholesome darlings who make each other better (after season 1 because let’s be honest s1 is a shitshow for all of them). They are also dumbasses and I’m a sucker for a good dumbass. Their breakup at the end of s1 emotionally scarred me. I actually teared up. Now they’re back together and I couldn’t be happier for them. They are one of the few couples on this list who i can genuinely see growing up and getting married and having 2.5 kids and absolutely loving their sickeningly domestic lifestyle.
2.Giovanni and Eva
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They’re my parents. I love them. They clearly still love each other (I haven’t yet watched s3 so pls don’t kill me if i’ve not caught up). They both deserve the happiness they bring one another and they’ve both grown considerably since they broke up, to the point where i think they’re mature enough to work through rough patches together unlike before. The only other couple on the list that I could see growing up and getting married. Think about it, family holidays to Bracciano maybe with a rugrat or two playing with them in the lake. It’s an idyllic image. They’d be so happy.
3. Kes and Isa
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Underrated couple dynamic: dumbass stoner with a heart of gold no. 1 and dumbass stoner with a heart of gold no. 2. They are cuties. And I’m not just saying this because I’m in love with Isa and want her to be happy but also because I’m in love with kes and want him to be happy. And they make each other happy. Also Isa’s cheeks are very squishable and I appreciate that Kes takes the opportunity to squish them whenever he can. Also he was going to go down on her in the cabin episode and for that he has my respect more than any of the other s1 jonas’s in that department.
4. Jonas and Eva
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Ah, yes, the dysfunctional dumbasses that started it all. jk i love them with all my heart. And I do think they should’ve gotten together eventually. And, yeah, they did, but idk their reunion at the end of s4 felt kinda rushed?? but i don’t doubt that if they were given ample time to flesh out their respective stories at that point in time, i could totally see it happening. Now that they have grown, they are much better for each other than before. Not to mention that they make each other laugh and i’m a sucker for laughter. Wouldn’t be too sad if they didn’t tho as long as they made Eva canonically bi - pls just make Eva bi im begging.
5. Jorge and Eva
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Okay imma be completely honest, Skam Espana isn’t my favourite remake (no shade it just didn’t settle in my bones the way my favourites did and i have yet to watch season 3) and i barely remember s1 but what i do remember is being so heartbroken when jorge revealed why he was with the ingrid character (i’ve forgotten her name and am too tired to look it up) because he was being so sweet and eva had fucked up so badly. I feel like Eva needs more time to grow before they get back together - if they do - but (from what i remember) she clearly seems to be trying not to think about how much she misses him during s2 and so it’s difficult to deny that feelings are still there.
6. Jens and Jana
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Look, I’ve only recently started to come around to liking Jana again (I went through a period of disliking her considerably - i found her irritating and childish and she reminded me of all the people i hated at school) but now that I’ve realised she’s actually a dumbass who has no idea what she’s doing 80% of the time and who just wants to be there for her friends but isn’t always entirely sure how, I’m starting to love her. Seeing her and Jens interact properly again in wtFOCKDOWN has been very vindicating for me because Jens said something that I completely agree with. They shouldn’t get back together. They are always going to love each other - what they had was incredibly special to them - but they weren’t good as a couple and they shouldn’t try again. Jana should knit him a BFF scarf.
7. Yann and Emma
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Bros. I love them both to bits, but my babies Yann and Emma were an appalling couple. Yann was an asshole to her and Emma was so insecure and unhappy the entire time. Unlike with some of the others, I felt as though the bad times they had tainted the good ones, rather than the good ones making the bad times seem not so bad. Since they broke up, Emma has come out of her shell so my and has become the gangly giraffe lady with a penchant for drinking a little too much and avoiding doing work that we know and adore today. Yann is so much less of an asshole now and has turned into a dude i’d genuinely like to hang out with. I love them separately. I love them as friends. Like I said, they’re bros. They have a solid platonic bromance going on and if skam france tries to get them back together at the end I swear to god I’m going to riot
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clunelover · 3 years
My family is so dumb. So background as succinct as possible - my dad and stepmom got divorced 7 years ago (wow I had to look that up, in my mind it’s always “like three years ago?”) when he went on a really bad bender. For a while they had no contact but over time they’ve become friendly again and are fine to attend holidays together (big fucking relief because I couldn’t add another round to my celebrations). Mom and stepdad have also been divorced for way longer, my dad and stepdad are pals which was initially weird and now is less weird but can still get weird (more on that soon). Dad lives in town now which I was worried about but has been great, and so he’s able to see stepdad a decent amount.
I have a half sister from each remarriage, sister 1 lives here and is mom and stepdad’s kid and sister 2 lives out of state and is dad and stepmom’s kid.
Oh, and dad and stepmom (and mom) are all alcoholics, currently sober. Stepdad is not an alcoholic but is an Olympic level enabler.
So over the past couple years, dad and stepmom will hang out. And they ALWAYS try to keep it a secret from me and sister 2. And it will inevitably get found out and we’re always super annoyed - NOT because they are hanging out! I don’t give a shit! Well I do worry about their sobriety given that my stepmom is very serious about her recovery, whereas my dad smokes a ton of weed and is also into making himself poppy seed tea and getting high off of that (uggggh) so I’m worried that that sort of slippery shit could make him more likely to relapse and thus same for her if she sees a lot of him BUT EVEN STILL her recovery is hers to manage and I have no control over any of that and I would not and have not said any of that to her. Anyway, whenever this happens, sister 2 and I are like “we don’t care if you hang out but the sneaking around and secret keeping is really upsetting” but they just cannot hear that apparently and keep acting as if it’s them being around each other that we have a problem with.
So, jump back to Christmas...we didn’t see anyone except stepdad came over briefly to give us some cards and talk to us from the front stoop. He said something like “I just saw your dad” which was good because dad had dropped out of contact for Christmas and didn’t respond to calls or texts from me and sister 2 trying to set up a Christmas zoom. Eye-rolly but also not out of character for him.
Cut to yesterday - I was zooming with BFF and sister 1. BFF was asking how all our different holiday zooms and stuff went. I said something about dad being unreachable but stepdad having seen him. Sister 1 looked pained and was like “uhhh....your dad was with your stepmom” and went on to explain that stepdad (her dad) also stopped by her place with cards and then said something about seeing my dad and was being squirrelly about it and clearly had Something he wanted to say and with only minor follow up Qs let out that my dad and stepmom got together for Christmas but “he really doesn’t want the girls [me and sister 2] to know, so you can’t tell Meredith.” And she got upset with him for asking her to keep a secret and wasn’t sure what to do or whether to tell me but since it came up organically yesterday she figured she would not add to the deception.
Anyway...IM SO IRRITATED and also why are they so fucking stupid? Why is my dad asking my stepdad to keep secrets from me and then my stepdad PASSING ON that secret to my sister? Well, because they’re all people who have had some role in an alcoholic family system, I know that. Sister 1 said this gave her some insight into how mom and stepdad’s relationship must have worked (ie him enabling the shit out of her and keeping secrets!) You could argue that it’s not a big deal that dad and stepmom didn’t say anything to me about getting together, except for stepmom and I spoke at length about our christmases and everything she said was about being ALONE, sadness that none of her AA chums dropped her off a plate, etc etc. So, that’s lying.
I told this all to Jeremy and he said he’s most mad at stepdad because if he hadn’t put the secret on sister 1 I’d never have even known. I’m most mad at stepmom because I think of her as the most...emotionally responsible? of all of them, the most dedicated to her recovery, she’s who I’m closest to, and back when she had her relapse (she’s only had one that I know of unlike my dad who’s had a million) she was beside herself with guilt and fear that I wouldn’t let her be around the kids (well at the time we only had Edie) and said she’d do anything to restore my trust so that she could hopefully still have that grandma relationship. So shit like this feels like a big betrayal in that regard.
My first instinct was to text sister 2 to be like “WELL I found out why we couldn’t get ahold of dad on Christmas...” but then I reminded myself that that’s just more shitty alcoholic family system triangulation. So for now I am just going to sit with it. It’s not like it’s an emergency or anything. We’re not seeing stepmom so I don’t need to wrestle with whether I trust her or whatever (and I guess if I search my heart I still DO trust her...just maybe a little less 😬)
I’m also resentful because my therapist left her job in like October and I haven’t bothered finding a new one because I’ve been basically okay...but now I need to find one to talk about these people acting a fool!!
Phew, that was a long one.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 39
Here's Ikari Gozen! I hope you guys like. I'm really happy with how it came out. Anyway, I thought I'd add a bit of context before I write heroes day, which I hope you guys are looking forward to. I know I am but I should warn you. It will be long. Unlike the previous 'season' finales, it wouldn't be split into two parts and it will also just be called Heroes day instead of Mayura or Catalyst. Also while it's on my mind, I should let you know until season 4 comes out, I will be doing OC Akumas after I've finished with the season 3 stuff. Once season 4 comes out, I will adapt the episodes in this so feel free to suggest OC akumas if you want. If I end up using them, you will get full credit for their existence :D
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ikari Gozen
"Hey buddies. As you know, friendship day is officially here," Mireille stated, on the tv as Marinette and the girls glanced at the TV in her room. Aurora was stood next to her and the two girls were smiling. Their friendship had come along way since Stormy Weather's first appearance. Marinette had seen them hanging out around school and had heard from Luka how they were in class. Aurora didn't actually blame Mireille for losing the contest and becoming Stormy Weather. As it turned out, the reason why was because the hose, Alec, had rubbed salt into the wound so to speak and had embarrassed her which in turn had upset her and caused her to become stormy weather but that was then and this is now. Now meant friendship day, an event Marinette was really excited for.
 "Today, hundreds of amazing, new friendships will be created all over Paris," Aurora grinned, before turning to Mireille. "Right, Mireille?"
 "You got it, Aurora," She smiled back at her before facing the camera. "Once again, buddies, you and your secret new friend... picked at random... will go on an exciting new journey across Paris, searching for a hidden celebrity,"
 "And this time, our secret celebrity is none other then the muse of Gabriel Brand. The one and only Adrien Agreste!" Aurora declared, gesturing to him as the camera panned out to reveal him. He smiled and waved at the camera.
 "Hello," He smiled, causing the girls to grin excitedly.
 "This is gonna be great," Marinette grinned before her eyes went wide. "Oh no! What if I forgot to sign up like last year?!"
 "Relax, girl," Alya grinned, taking out a pin and placing it on her jacket. "I know what you're like so as your amazing BFF I made sure to sign you up so everything is gonna be just fine,"
 "Thank you, Alya," Marinette gasped, hugging her. Rose suddenly let out a squeal, causing everyone to look at the screen as she pointed at it excitedly.
 "Here we go!!" She gasped as she clapped her hangs. "It's starting!!" 
 "Let me recap for our buddies here," Mireille stated, lifting a tablet that Adrien was holding. It had a red button on it. "When Adrien pushes this button, thousands of texts will be simultaneously sent all across Paris. In the message, you will find a first riddle to solve, which will eventually lead you to your new friend. Then together, you will attempt to solve more riddles which if done correctly will lead you straight to Adrien,"
 "Right here in this super secret location where I'll be waiting for the lucky winners," Adrien declared, pointing at the camera before he held up the tablet as Mireille and Aurora joined him. "Ready?"
 "Three! Two! One!" They counted down together before Adrien pressed the button, turning it green. "Go!!"
The girls all gasped as their phones vibrated, causing them to open the text. Alya was the first to rush off as reading hers and declaring where it would be. She wished everyone else luck and headed down the stairs. Rose was next, heading towards the zoo and was followed by Alix, who was going to the Louvre. Juleka mumbled before gasping and leaving shortly after Alix. Marinette looked down at hers and decided to read it out loud.
 "With one turn of a handle, I can raise the level..." She muttered, frowning before sighing and slagging her shoulders. "What evil mind came up with this one?!"
 She began to pace around her room as Plagg flew out of his hiding place. 
 "If you ask me, this game is a waste of time," He grinned, making her shake her head. "Unless your new friend will have cheese,"
 "Plagg, I'm trying to work out the riddle," She muttered, shaking her head. "With one turn of a handle, I can raise the level... game shop maybe... or maybe it's something else... hmm... game shop does seem too obvious for the answer... oh..."
 She took out her phone as it vibrated and saw Luka had sent her a video. She pressed play to watch it.
 "Hey, Melody. Just wanted to wish you good luck in the friendship day game," He smiled as he was stood by the Seine. She smiled a little as she noticed the button on his jacket. He was playing the game too. "Just about to solve the riddle I got. Not sure if I'll win but this should be fun anyway. I hope you have fun too,"
 The video stopped playing, making her smile before she went to make her own.
 "Hey, Lu," She grinned, waving at the phone. "Just got my first riddle too. Honestly, can't wait to see who I met. Once I actually solve it that is. Mine's pretty difficu- ohhh! The Seine! Of course, water! That makes sense. I think I just solved it, thanks to you!! Thanks, Lu!! Good luck as well!!"
 She stopped filming and sent the message before grabbing her purse and opening it for Plagg, who flew in.
 "You solved it then?"
 "Yup!" She grinned before running out the house and made her way to the Canal Saint-Martin. She grinned to herself when she got there, causing Plagg to poke his head out and look around. "Here we are! 'With one turn of a handle, I can raise the Level'... Ta da!! It's Canal Saint-Martin!! The water rises when the locks are open with the handle,"
 "Meh..." Plagg shrugged, making her giggle.
 "You're a little terror," She muttered, shaking her head before looking around. "Now, I just need to keep my eyes peeled. Hopefully, my new friend is here somewhere,"
 "New friends are overrated," Plagg stated, causing her to shake her head. "Now if this was a game to find sweet, gooey cheese... then I'd play..."
 "That's because you're basically a talking stomach," She smiled, gently patting his head. Plagg grinned and purred a little. "I'll get you some nice cheesy snacks when we've finished today,"
 "I can't wait!" He grinned, making her smile a little as they looked around. He tapped her leg, making her look at him. "Isn't that Adrien's girlfriend, Kagami?"
 She looked over and saw Kagami stood by a red car before it drove off. She was looking around like she was looking for someone. Marinette grinned and ran over as Plagg ducked into her purse.
 "Kagami!!" She called out, making the girl look at her as she raced over. "Hey, I think you're my new friend,"
 "So it would seem, Marinette," She replied before moving her mouth in a strange way that showed off her teeth. It unnerved Marinette slightly but she shook it off for now. "It is nice to see you again,"
 "Likewise," She smiled as their phones vibrated. "Ooh, the next riddle!!"
 She pressed the message, causing a new riddle to come up.
 "Congratulations, you have located your game partner and who knows... maybe even a friend for life," The automated voice stated as the two girls looked at their phone. "You've just received the second riddle,"
 "To get closer to your goal, you must explore farther and deeper," Marinette read out as Kagami made a thoughtful face. Marinette frowned a little. "Do you think it means to go onto the metro? That's underground so that counts as deeper right?"
 "Hmm... no, explore farther and deeper means we have to go farther along the banks of the Seine, which is deeper then this canal," Kagami explained, causing Marinette to look at her with a little awe. That did make sense. "We'll probably have to fish for our next clue. Come on, Marinette, let's hurry up and win,"
 "Ok," Marinette nodded, following her as she headed towards the Seine. Her phone vibrated twice, causing her to look at it and smile as she saw she got video messages from Alya and Luka. She opened Alya's first and smiled as she introduced Wayhem before pausing to do a reply.
 "Hey, I've got Kagami for my friend. I'm really excited to get to know her," She smiled before sending it then opening Luka's. 
 "Look who I found," He smiled before moving the camera to Chloe who was looking at her nails. "Chloe decided to join in as well,"
 "Is that to Marinette?" She asked, causing him to nod before she moved over and wave. "Hey, Marinette! Just so you know I may be nice now but I'm totally gonna win this! I mean we're gonna win this. Right, Luka?"
 "We'll try but even if we don't win, we can still have fun," He grinned, causing her to roll her eyes but she was also smiling. "I hope you're having fun with your new friend, Melody,"
 "Oh come on, you dork. We have to find the next clue," Chloe grinned as he waved at the camera before the video stopped. Marinette smiled and set up the camera again.
 "Hey, Lu. I found my partner and it's Kagami. She's really smart and has solved the first clue already," She grinned before pointing at the camera. "And Chloe, it is totally on! Maybe the best girl win!"
 She grinned and winked before sending the video before running to catch up with Kagami, who had found a magnet and fishing rod on one of the bridges.
 "Look, we were right," Kagami stated as she step up the fishing rod, causing Marinette to blink in surprise. "We have to fish out the next clue using this fishing rod and magnet. Here,"
 She grabbed Marinette and pulled her over, placing the fishing rod in her hands and securing her hands around. Marinette blinked and when with it as Kagami moved her so she was stood with the rod over the edge before she pushed it down.
 "Now fish," She ordered, causing Marinette to blink and reel up the first item she got, which was a rusted whistle. She showed Kagami who pulled it off and threw it in the box. "Probably not the clue,"
 Marinette nodded and lowered the magnet again, glancing to the side when she heard a phone notification. Kagami briefly looked at it before facing her again.
 "Do you prefer to be known by your whole name or a nickname?" She asked before doing that weird thing with her mouth again, unsettling Marinette.
 "Uh... by... my whole name..." She mumbled back, reeling the magnet back up. A rusted saucepan was connected to it. "Though Luka calls me melody and I don't mind that..."
 "Thank you, Marinette," Kagami nodded, ignoring the comment about Luka's nickname for her. She looked at her phone again before facing Marinette again. "Uh... your hair is very shiny,"
 She didn't the funny thing with her face again before taking the saucepan as Marinette looked at her with confusion and a little fear. Her comment made her wonder if her hair was greasy and gross, even though she took a shower earlier that morning.
 "Uh... thank you?" She asked, unsure how to react to her comment. "Uh... your hair is not too bad either..."
 Kagami threw the pan into the back and then looked at her phone again as Marinette threw the fishing line again. Marinette frowned a little and tried to glance over.
 "What is your blood type?" Kagami asked before once again doing the strange action with her face. Marinette blinked, feeling really uncomfortable as she felt like that maybe Kagami was messing with her and teasing her.
 "My blood type? I don't know..." She replied defensively as she glanced to the floor a little before frowning. "Are you messing with me?"
 "No, not at all," Kagami replied in an emotionless way. "Everyone in Japan knows their blood type. It tells you who you are,"
 She turned and faced the water as Marinette reeled in the line again.
 "Mine's O," She continued, making Marinette look at her as she pulled up an old skate. "Which means I'm independent, optimistic, strong-willed and intuitive,"
 Marinette frowned a little as she lowered the line again before noticing Kagami glance at her phone again. She tried to look over but Kagami faced her again with a serious expression.
 "What's your favorite season?" She suddenly asked, making Marinette jump a little as she did the face action again.
 "Summer, cause it's nice and hot... or spring! Because that's when Nature awakens," Marinette gasped a little excited. Kagami finally asked a question that was weird or invasive and was actually kind of normal. "Or maybe the Fall... the colors are so gorgeous at that time of year... but then again, winter inspires me so much,"
 "You're indecisive, scattered brain and irresponsible. You have a split personality. Typical AB," Kagami stated, making Marinette frown before she did the strange movement with her face. Marinette went to say something but saw she was looking at her phone again before she looked back at her. "Let's say you found out about some special chocolate ice cream. You really want to try it but someone else gets there first. Do you... A) Steal it from them?"
 Marinette gave her a confused and offended look.
 "B) Get another type of chocolate ice cream even if it's not as good," She continued, confusing Marinette. "Or C) Never eat chocolate ice cream again?"
 She moved her mouth again as Marinette blinked.
 "Um I guess I would try another flavor?" She asked, making Kagami narrow her eyes again before she looked at her phone again. Marinette frowned deeply but felt something heavy on the wire. She reeled it up and grabbed the plot as Kagami looked back at her. "Would you like to grab an orange juice with me?"
 "N-Now? I mean sure but we're in the middle of the game?" She gasped, making Kagami look at the pot in her hand. She took it out her hand and took out the bottle before placing the pan down before looking up at Marinette.
 "The clue... you've done a great job fishing," She replied, giving her a creepy grin as she slowly patted her shoulder. Marinette wasn't sure how to react. "Congratulations, Marinette. First, we win then we get orange juice to celebrate,"
 "Oh... right... that makes sense," Marinette nodded, following her as she walked off. The rest of the clue went on the lines of that. They would work together to find the clues but Kagami would ask strange questions and act weird. She would make strange faces and state Marinette's flaws, causing Marinette to frown and feel like Kagami didn't like her. She would also constantly look to her phone, like she was messaging someone and checking the time. It gave Marinette the impression that she didn't want to even be here, which made her wonder. If she didn't want to be in this game, why join? It made no sense. Marinette frowned to herself as they came to the next clue. She was sure that Kagami was messaging Adrien to laugh at her. Sure, they were solving the clues but Kagami clearly didn't like her or want to be friends so she had to be laughing at her. Her phone vibrated, causing her to look at it as Luka and Alya send her messages. She opened Luka's first.
 "Well, maybe she is trying to get to know you," He replied, making her frown a little. "But if it's making you really that uncomfortable, you should tell her. I'm sure she would understand,"
 She pressed record and held it up to her.
 "I don't know, Lu," She sighed, looking down. "She keeps looking at her phone. I think she's texting Adrien and they're both probably laughing at me. Honestly, Lu, I don't think she likes me at all,"
 She pressed end and send it before opening Alya's.
 "Girl, don't let it get to you," She grinned as Wayhem grabbed the next clue. "Just focus on winning. After all, Adrien is the prize,"
 Marinette let out a sigh before pressing the reply button and holding up the phone.
 "Which is great but he won't notice me," She sighed. It's not like she could tell Alya that Kagami and Adrien were dating. She only knew that info as Lady Noir after all. "As soon as he sees her, he'll ignore me... they're really close and I think he likes her a lot... not that I blame him... she's pretty and smart,"
 She sent the video before walking over a bench and sat down as Kagami read over the next challenge. She walked over to her, causing Marinette to look up at her.
 "Trust challenge," She read out. "Exchange unlocked phones. Separate and take a selfie at different monuments, using each others' phones then regroup and take a selfie together like the true friends you've become. Once we've received the selfies, we'll send you a final text revealing where Adrien Agreste is hiding,"
 She held out her phone, causing Marinette to glance at it.
 "I don't know, Kagami..." She mumbled, causing Kagami to shake her head and take her phone before she pushed her own phone into Marinette's hand.
 "You really are an indecisive girl," She declared before beginning to run off. She stopped and face Marinette again. "We'll meet back here once we're done. We're gonna win!"
 With that, she ran off, leaving Marinette in the dust. She got up and made her way over some trees before sighing. Plagg poked his head out of her bag and looked up at her.
 "If you're that bothered, why don't you just look through her phone?" He asked, making her look at him. "What? At least, that way you'll know for sure if she was laughing at you,"
 "Plagg, the point of this excise is trust," She pointed out, making him grin.
 "That trust is only broken if she knows you when through it," He pointed out, making her frown. "So have a sneak then take the selfie and meet back up with her. It's not like she's going to check for fingerprints,"
 "I don't know," She mumbled, frowning. "It feels wrong..."
 "So does her laughing at you," Plagg pointed out, making her frown even more. On one hand, it is wrong to going through her phone but on the other, this would allow her to know how much Kagami does dislike her. "What you got to lost, Dollface?"
 She bit her lip and pressed the messages button, frown as she saw that Kagami only had messages from the contest. Thinking that maybe she managed to delete them before the phone swap, she checked her contacts. To her surprise, she only had her mother's contact in there, making her frown. She exited the contact list and swiped across the screen, finding another app. She didn't recognize it so she pressed on it and gasped, making Plagg look up at her.
 "Oh, shoot," She gasped, placing her hand over her mouth. "This is what she was looking at all this time,"
 "What is it?" He asked, making her show him. "30 tips for making friends..."
 "That explains everything. Her strange behavior. Her weird questions. She was trying to be my friend," She gasped, looking down. "She wasn't messing with me at all. She was trying to get to know me and that weird thing she was doing with her mouth was her attempting to smile,"
 "Well, at least, she wasn't laughing at you,"
 "But now I feel so bad," She gasped, frowning before straightening up. "Maybe there is still time to fix this! We can win this and get orange juice together,"
 "Eh... cheese is better..." Plagg replied, diving into her bag again as she ran towards the nearest monument which happened to be the Statue of King Louis XIV. She quickly took a selfie with the phone before running back to the bench that she would meet Kagami at. She frowned as she saw Kagami walking back over to her. She was frowning and handed her phone back to her, confusing Marinette.
 "I guess I'm not worthy of our friendship," She stated, looking down before she began to walk away. "Our blood types must not be compatible,"
 "Kagami, wait!" Marinette gasped, running after her. Kagami stopped and looked at her, frowning.
 "I saw your friend's message. I didn't mean to but it played," She frowned, making Marinette frown. "She suggested that you should quit the game since you don't like me,"
 "What?" She asked, confused before shaking her head. "Kagami, it's not that I don't like you. I thought you didn't like me,"
 "It doesn't matter anyway," She mumbled, walking away again but before Marinette could chase after her, one of the phone's vibrated. She looked at it and noticed it was Kagami's mother. She pressed answer and held it to her ear.
 "Kagami! Where are you?!" Her mother shouted, making Marinette jump. "You were suppose to wait for me at home!"
 "Um... Hello ma'am, I'm not Kagami actually," Marinette gasped, causing her to demand who she was and where Kagami was. Marinette jogged over to her as she called out to her, causing Kagami to look at her. "Um I'm a friend of Kagami's. I'm with her and can put her on the phone,"
 "Kagami doesn't have any friends!" She growled, making Marinette frown as Kagami signaled to give her the phone. " "Why do you have her phone?"
 "Oh, I can assume you, Ma'am, I am Kagami's friend," Marinette corrected, causing Kagami to look at her in surprise. "In fact, we teamed up for a game,"
 "A game?!" She growled, making Marinette gasp. "But I fobade her!"
 "G-Game? Did I say game? I meant a grab... uh... to grab..." She gasped. "I invited Kagami to grab an orange juice with me,"
 Kagami's features softened as she watched Marinette try to calm down her mother. Even though she knew it wouldn't work, she appreciate the attempt.
 "She'll be home soon I promise," She gasped as Kagami smiled. "I'll even walk her home myself,"
 "Stop fooling around, young lady and put my daughter through!" Tomoe demanded, making Marinette frown even more. "I can assure you that Kagami will not be enjoying any glasses of-"
 "Ma'am, please don't punish your daughter," She gasped as Tomoe went quiet. "Ma'am? Hello?"
 Kagami frowned as Marinette glanced at her before Tomoe said something that send a shiver down her spine.
 "With pleasure, Hawkmoth," She declared, causing Marinette to gasp. She quickly turned to Kagami and placed the phone in her hand before grabbing her hand and running.
 "I'm so sorry, Kagami. I tried to smooth things over with your mum but now she's super angry and will be looking for you," She gasped as they ran. "We should hid somewhere far from here I think,"
 She took her phone and activated the akuma alert app as they ran. Literally, minutes after, they heard distance screaming before a huge red centaur jumped towards them, causing them to go fly. Marinette wasted no time and pull Kagami to her feet before running as fast as they could.
 "Kagami!" It screamed as it began to chase them, causing Kagami to gasp in shock and trip, letting go of Marinette's hand. "You disobeyed me! You'll never go out again!"
 She went to reach for her but before she could, Marinette pushed her down before helping her back up and running behind the centaur. Kagami looked surprise but didn't complain as they ran. The centaur turned around and jumped, landing in front of them, causing both girls to scream and jump back as she reached for them again. She growled and stomped her feet, causing them to fall down and reached for them. However, a yoyo string wrapped around her hand as Anatis arrived, yanking it back so Kagami was far from her mother's grip. Marinette rushed over to her and helped her up as Anatis turned to them.
 "Get away from here!" He shouted, jumping away from the centaur. Marinette nodded and ran with Kagami as Anatis kept her busy, throwing his yoyo at her. "You know today is suppose to be friendship day but if you ask me, you're going all the wrong way about it!"
 "I don't need friends! I am Ikari Gozen! As elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood and as swift as lightning!" Ikari Gozen screamed as he jumped up. However, she backhanded him, sending him flying and crashing into a statue but before he could get up, she grabbed him, causing him to struggle. Marinette gasped as the centaur opened her mouth and swallowed him. Her eyes widen as she called out for him but Kagami suddenly grabbed her arm and ran underneath her mother's legs and into the metro station, running down the stairs with her. She didn't stop until they were deep in the station, causing Marinette to gasp. 
 "Marinette, are you ok?" She asked, causing her to look at her.
 "Anatis... he's..." She muttered, shaking her head. "Kagami, stay here,"
 She turned on her heel to run but Kagami grabbed her arm.
 "If you go out, you might get captured,"
 "Someone needs to flag down Lady Noir," Marinette gasped, making Kagami frown but nod. "I promise I'll be careful but please stay here,"
 She nodded and ran off. As soon as she was out of view from people, she opened her purse and Plagg flew out.
 "Anatis has been captured!" She gasped, making him frown.
 "We need to go to Master Fu right now," He declared, making her blink in surprise before she nodded. Anatis told her about him for this very reason. She slipped up from the stairs and saw Ikari Gozen looking around for Kagami. Seeing her chance, she made her way to a building and looked to Plagg. 
 "How do we get there?" She asked, making him frown. "Hey, I've only been there a couple of times and that was by rooftop,"
 "Good point," Plagg stated before flying off. "Follow me!"
 She nodded and ran after him, trying to go as fast as she could. Plagg did his best to get her there quickly as well, meaning they took what could be called an ally cat's route but it got them there. She rang the door bell and got buzzed in before she rushed up into Master Fu's shop. She knocked on the door and entered.
 "Come in," He stated as she entered. "I expected you would- Marinette?"
 "I'm sorry, Master Fu but the akuma Ikari Gozen has captured Anatis and Plagg said we should come here and I don't know what to do!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. She was afraid and worried for her partner. "What if she gets his miraculous and hurts him? Oh, god this is all my fault! I should have just tried to trust Kagami and-"
 "Take deep breathes, Marinette," Master Fu stated, causing her to nod and breathe in as he got her to knee down. "All is not lost. You can save Anatis but you will need help,"
 He walked over to the phonograph and took out the miracle box, placing it in front of her.
 "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, choose an ally to fight along side you this mission," He declared, opening the miracle box, causing the draws to pop open. She gasped in amazement as she saw the miraculous, glancing at them. She knew what some of them did thanks to Anatis and their allies. He had also informed her about some of the abilities but she didn't know as much as he did. "Choose wisely. Such powers are meant to serve the greater good,"
 "I need an experienced user... someone who can match Ikari Gozen's ability..." She muttered, frowning. "Someone as elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood and as swift as lightning... oh... I know... but..."
 "Trust your instincts, Marinette," Master Fu advised, making her look at him. "If they tell you that the miraculous you have in mind is the right one then choose it,"
 "In that case," She smiled, picking up the dragon miraculous. "It's time for Ryuko to come out of retirement,"
 "Ryuko is a good choice," Master Fu nodded. "I'm sure she will be a great help,"
 "Thank you, Master Fu," She nodded, turning to leave but he got up and opened a draw before taking out a little hexagon shaped box and handing it to her. "Oh so that's where those are kept,"
 She placed inside and put it in her purse before rushing out. As soon as she was in the allyway, she turned to Plagg. 
 "Time to find Kagami and rescue Annie," She grinned before holding out her hand and calling on the magic words. Once transformed into Lady Noir, she jumped up onto the rooftops and ran across to the metro where Kagami should be. She jumped down inside and rushed over, causing people to gasp and point. She saw Kagami sat on a bench, looking down. She ran over to her, causing her to jump up.
 "Lady Noir," She gasped. "Anatis-"
 "I know but we need to get you to a safety hiding place," She replied, grabbing her hand and running off with her. They moved up onto the street and looked around before rushing over to an allyway, causing Kagami to look around as Lady Noir faced her. "Sorry but as you know secret identities must be protected,"
 "Secret identity? But I'm not Ryuko anyway," She stated before blinking as Lady Noir reached out into her pocket and took out the box. Kagami blinked in surprise as she stated at it. "Is that?"
 "Yes. I need your help to save Anatis and what better way to hide Kagami then in plain sight," She replied, causing Kagami to nod. She opened the box, causing Longg to appear. He frowned and huffed, refusing to meet Kagami's eyes. "Uh... Longg, is it?"
 "Yes, Miss Noir," He replied, looking around. "Where's the young master?"
 "He's been captured by the akuma, " Lady Noir admitted, causing him to gasp. "Which is why I need you to put aside any hard feelings with Kagami,"
 "Of course, Miss Noir," He nodded before turning to her. "Well, what are you waiting for, Tsurugi-san? You know the magic words,"
 Kagami frowned but put the choke on as Lady Noir frowned.
 "Longg, bring the storm!" Kagami declared, transforming into Ryuko before turning to Lady Noir and taking out her sword. "Thank you for the miraculous, Lady Noir but I'll take it from here. Stay behind as this is a personal matter between a mother and a daughter,"
 "What?!" Lady Noir gasped as Ryuko jumped off. "Hey! That's not how this works!"
 She jumped after her as Ryuko blindly attacked Ikari Gozen, making Lady Noir frown. 
 "God, she is so stubborn!" She growled as Ryuko clashed against her mother. She took a deep breathe and looked around as Ikari Gozen grabbed Ryuko. "What would Anatis do?"
 "Wind dragon!" Ryuko called, transforming into her to escape her room before diving at her. "Lightning dragon!"
 "What?! No!" Lady Noir called, jumping up and diving at her. She grabbed her before she could hit Ikari Gozen, causing both her and Ryuko to fall and roll behind a bus before dragging Ryuko to behind a wall as Ikari Gozen turned to look for Kagami. Ryuko pushed her away and growled.
 "What the hell, Lady Noir?!" She gasped. "I was just able to defeat her!"
 "No, you were about to put Annie in more danger then he's already in!" Lady Noir gasped, making Ryuko roll her eyes. She went to run off but Lady Noir snatched the choker off her, causing her to look at her with surprise as she transformed back. She narrowed her eyes and held out her hand.
 "Give it back," She declared.
 "No! You are going to listen to me for once!" Lady Noir growled as Longg nodded and glared at Kagami, who looked surprise at the harsh look she was getting. "I trusted you and you just run off without even listening to me! You just wasted two of your abilities and almost put Anatis' life in danger!"
 "Oh, the suit would have-"
 "That thing is made from metal and you were able to hit it with lightening! We don't know if the suit would protect him but that is not the point. The point is you are willing to put him in danger, despite the fact that he is the only person who can fix this!" She screamed, causing Kagami to blink in surprise. "You are reckless and impulsive! I didn't give you this to settle a score but to help me save my best friend and you just rush off!"
 "Well, it's not like you have a plan,"
 "Because I haven't had a chance to work one out!" She growled, making Kagami frown before she took a deep breathe. "I get that you want to save your mum but endangering everyone else is not the way to do it,"
 Kagami sighed and looked down, clearly looking guilty. For a few minute, she was quiet as Lady Noir gave Longg some cheese to recharge. 
 "I behaved hastily and I have failed you and Anatis, Lady Noir," She muttered, causing Lady Noir to look towards her as she bowed towards her. "I am not worthy of the dragon or to fight by your side. I recommend that you find a new holder,"
 "Kagami, listen to me. Been impulsive can be a good thing but you've gotten be clever and listen to other people. One of the things that makes me and Anatis such a good team is because we listen to each other and work as a team," She replied, causing Kagami to nod. "Yes, you've made mistakes but that's not a reason to give up fighting. You're a good match for the dragon, Kagami but we must work as a team. Only you can help me save your mother and Annie so please, work with me as my friend and ally,"
 "Lady Noir..." She whispered before bowing again. "I have clearly misjudged you as I misjudged Anatis. I will follow your lead and help you in any way I can,"
 "I'm glad," Lady Noir smiled. "Longg, you all charged?"
 "Yes, I am," He replied, turning to Kagami, who looked guilty and like she wanted to say something. Lady Noir had a feeling she knew what.
 "We can talk after we've defeated the villain," He stated, making her nod and re-transformed. Lady Noir blinked in surprise as she looked at her. Like Aspik, Ryuko's outfit had changed but unlike Aspik's, the changes in hers were small and subtle. Her gloves were still the same length but one side had an upright triangle in gold whereas the other one was inverted. Her main outfit was the same but her right leg had a thigh high boot on with a gold trim and her leg had an ankle boot that turned into the dragon tail that wrapped up her leg and stomach. Her emblem was on her belt instead of the middle of her chest. She still had four horns but they were slightly different to the original ones. They had a black strip in the middle with two gold bands around them while the rest were red. Even her mask had changed. Originally it was most red with a bit of gold and black detail but now it was half black and half red with a gold trim. She looked over herself and smiled.
 "Ready when you are, Lady Noir," She replied, getting a nod of Lady Noir before the two of them looked over at Ikari Gozen, who was tearing up buildings and crushing cars. The two heroines frowned as they moved back. "She's really on a war path. Do you have any ideas?"
 "Well... I have an idea..." She mumbled, making Ryuko raise an eyebrow as she took out her baton and used it to call Anatis' yoyo. He answered, causing both girls to let out a sigh of relief. He was still transformed and ok.
 "Is that Ryuko?" He asked with a slightly confused expression, causing Ryuko to wave a little.
 "Sorry but you got captured and I had to do something..." She mumbled, looking down. Of course, he would be mad. "Don't be mad..."
 "Mad? Why would I be mad?" He asked, generally confused before shaking his head. "Anyway, I'm glad to see you're ok. I was worried she had crushed you... though how did you know I was captured?"
 "Uh... live streaming..." 
 "Yes, almost everyone is filming and there is a live feed on the ladyblog," Ryuko nodded, making him pull a thinking face before nodding. "Any idea where the akuma is?"
 "I don't think it's anywhere inside her but she was holding a huge stick..."
 "It's called a Bokken, Annie," Lady Noir giggled, making him roll his eyes in a playful manner.
 "Anyway, I think that's where the akuma is... it seems to be the most logical place for it to land," He mumbled, making the two girls nod. 
 "I can destroy it but first we need to get you out of there," Lady Noir mumbled before looking back at him. "Have you summoned a lucky charm yet?"
 "No, I didn't want to risk turning back into my civilian mode and risking Hawkmoth finding out who I am," He mumbled, looking worried. The two girls nodded. "But I'll get one now... hang on..."
 The screen went dark as before he came back on. 
 "Bath bombs... I got bath bombs..." He mumbled, shaking his head as he showed them. Lady Noir covered her mouth as she tried not to giggle. Tikki had a weird sense of humor. He glared a little at Lady Noir before glancing around. "Nothing here is lighting up..."
 "Bath bombs?" Ryuko asked as Lady Noir straightened up.
 "Maybe Tikki is telling you to get a bath?" She asked, smirking a little. He rose an eyebrow at her, causing her to shrug a little. "Just saying..."
 "Well... knowing Tikki it's a possibility but they're useless without water," He sighed, looking around. He was still trying to work out how to use them. "And this is a frigging car.... I'm sure of it so it's not going to have a water source in here,"
 "Water..." Lady Noir muttered as she looked up at Ikari Gozen before glancing over at Ryuko. Her eyes went wide as an idea popped into her head. "Oooh... I know what we can do with those bath bombs! Annie, hold on tight! We're gonna get you out,"
 "Alright," He grinned before she hung up and turned to Ryuko.
 "What's the plan?"
 "You're gonna get eaten!" Lady Noir grinned, making Ryuko frown. "Then once you're inside with Annie and the lucky charm, activate water dragon. It will flood her from the inside and-"
 "Activate the bath bombs which should cause her to weaken!" Ryuko gasped, causing Lady Noir to grin. "Anatis can then escape, you can destroy her bokken and we save the day,"
 "Exactly," She grinned as they looked at Ikari Gozen again. "Go full on attack but let her capture you,"
 "Alright," Ryuko nodded before she rushed out and attacked Ikari Gozen, striking at her as Lady Noir pretended to sneak up on her. Ikari Gozen caught her and went to grab her, causing Ryuko to push her out of the way and get grabbed instead. She went a wink to Lady Noir before Ikari Gozen swallowed her and turned to Lady Noir.
 "I guess I'm the Last hero standing," She grinned, taking out her baton and holding it like a sword.
 "And you shall fall like the others," Ikari Gozen replied, charging at her while inside her, Ryuko landed on the seat next to Anatis, who rose an eyebrow at her as she grinned before she turned to him.
 "Hold your breathe, bug boy," She grinned, making Anatis grin as he realized the plan. "Water Dragon!!"
 She burst into water that began to fill up the area they were in and break down the bathbombs as Anatis grabbed the box that they came in and took a deep breathe before the water covered his head. He felt the akuma shake and jolt before, feeling the water move upwards as she gagged and puked up some of the water with him. He landed on the ground as Ikari Gozen fell onto her side before Lady Noir jumped over as he took the yo
 "Cataclysm!" She shouted, slamming her hand onto the bokken, causing it to rush. He kicked it, releasing the butterfly and capturing it as Ryuko reformed from the water. He released the purified butterfly before he threw up the now wet box.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magical swarm that flew around and fixed all of the damage that Ikari Gozen had done, causing both girls to let out a sigh of relief as Ikari Gozen turned back into Tomoe and her car. Anatis pointed at it as the door opened and Tomoe stepped out, leaning on her stick. "I knew it was a car!"
 "What's happened to me? Where is Kagami?!" She gasped, causing Ryuko to walk over and take her hand, causing the blind woman to gasp.
 "Your daughter is near by, Ma'am," She stated. "She'll be here soon,"
 "Ryuko... time to go," Anatis declared before the three of them jumped up to the roofs and ran off. They jumped down into an allyway.
 "Before I transform back... I need to talk to Longg..." Ryuko stated, causing Anatis and Lady Noir to nod and move away to her some privacy. She called off the transformation as Anatis leaned against the wall. Lady Noir played with her braid and bit her lip, causing him to look at her.
 "Kitten?" He asked, causing her to look at him. "You ok?"
 "I... I know you're probably mad at me for get-" She started but he chuckled a little and pushed himself off the wall before moving over to her as she looked up at him before he leaned down and gently pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. "Um..."
 "That's for saving me, Kitten," He smiled, making her face exploding into red. "I'm not mad at all. What happened today is the exact reason why I revealed Master Fu's existence and location to you. I trusted you to save me and you did,"
 "But I choose Ryuko..." She mumbled, looking down. "And we almost failed,"
 "But you didn't," He mumbled, gently lifting her chin up. "I don't know how you nearly failed but what I do know is you overcame it and found a solution.... and it seemed that Ryuko has grown as a person too if her new costume is anything to go by. You made the right call, Kitten and I'm proud of you,"
 "Annie," She gasped, hugging him. He chuckled a little before hugging her back as Kagami came back over with Longg. Lady Noir pulled away, looking at them. Kagami looked to Longg, who gave her a smile and a nod before she faced the two heroes and bowed to them, making them both blink.
 "I apologize for my earlier behavior towards both of you. I was reckless and petty so I apologize..." She stated, making them blink before she straightened up. "And I thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself. As you know I am not one for many words but I tell you this. You have my allegiance, my respect and my trust. I understand that you might not be able to give me the same in return but I hope that I can continue to build a friendship with both of you. Should you ever need my help again, I will drop what ever I need to and help you as best I can,"
 "Thank you, Ryuko... That means a lot," Anatis smiled before looking to Longg. "Have you two made your peace?"
 "Yes but we have a long way to go, young master," Longg replied, causing Anatis to nod before Kagami took off the choker and handed it to him. However, he glanced at Lady Noir and smiled at her. Encouraged, she took the necklace and placed it back in the box. 
 "I should return to Mother and Marinette but thank you both," Kagami smiled before walking off. Anatis turned to Lady Noir as she held out the miraculous to him and gently pushed it towards her, making her blink at him.
 "I think it will be ok to for you to return it,"
 "But won't Master Fu be worried about you?"
 "I'll drop by his later tonight. Besides..." He mumbled, pointing to his earrings that beeped. Her ring beeped as well, causing her to look down at it. They still had a couple of minutes left til they de-transform but not to get across to the other side of Paris. "Can't let the cat out of the bag just yet, Kitten,"
 She nodded in agreement as he took out his yoyo and swung up to the roof. He smiled at her and saluted her before disappearing. She looked down at the miraculous before nodding and jumping up to the roof before running across it to get to Master Fu's. She jumped down and landed in an allyway, just as her transformation dropped. She caught Plagg and took out a chuck of cheese for him, causing him to happily dig into it as they headed into Master Fu's apartment. She knocked on the door and waited for permission to come in. Once he called out, she opened the door and entered, smiling at him as she saw he was making tea. 
 "Ah, Marinette, you have returned," He smiled, walking over to her and giving her a cup of tea. The smell of jasmine drifted up from it, making her smile before she gently blew on it and took a sip. It was the right amount of sweet for her, making her grin. "I take it the mission went well,"
 "Yes, Master Fu," She nodded before taking another sip. She put it down for a second and took out the miraculous as Master Fu took out the miracle box and opened it. She put the dragon back and watched as he returned it. "Anatis said he would drop by later tonight but he thought I should be the one to bring it back to you. I hope you don't mind,"
 "Not at all," He smiled, sipping the tea. "Did Kagami do well?"
 "Well, there was a little hiccup at first but we took down Ikari Gozen with panache," She smiled, making him nod before her eyes went wide. "Kagami! Oh no! It's still friendship day! Sorry, Master, I have to go!"
 She jumped up, making him smile. He had never meant anyone like Marinette or Luka. Both were perfect matches for their miraculous. He created his throat before she could leave, causing her to look back at him.
 "You did very well today, Marinette," He smiled, making her smile before he walked over to her. "And should you need anything be it miraculous related or not, my door is always open to you as it is to Anatis,"
 "Thank you, Master!" She gasped, bowing before rushing out. He chuckled as Wayzz came out.
 "She is very energetic," He muttered, making the old man chuckle. "Do you think they realize they are made for each other?"
 "Love is the biggest mystery of life," Master Fu mumbled, looking over at a picture of a young him and a beautiful woman. "But if they are destined for each other then even the oceans of time can not separate them,"
 ~One Month before Princess Justice~
 "Sir?" Nathalie asked as she came into his office. She had been summoned by him, causing her to worry. Was her job at risk? Or was it good news? She knew he was actively searching for his wife since her disappearance. She couldn't help but hope that maybe he had found her but then she saw him stood in front of the portrait of Emile. The way he was stood wasn't a man who had finally found his wife back. She could practically feel the sorrow raiding in off him. "Sir, you called for me?"
 "Nathalie, please close the door and lock it," He stated in his usual tone but usually he wasn't so secretive. She frowned a little but did as he asked. "Nathalie, I can trust you, can't I?"
 "Of course, sir but can I ask what has brought this on?" She asked, confused as he turned around. Honestly, he looked tired and like he hadn't slept properly in ages. "Are you ok, sir?"
 "Tell me... what are your thoughts on our local heroes?" He asked, confusing her.
 "Well, sir, I'd say they are brave..." She replied, making him nod.
 "And the man terrorizing Paris... what do you think of Hawkmoth?" He asked, making her frown. Why did he care what she thought of Hawkmoth?
 "Well... he seems to be...." She muttered, thinking about this carefully. She didn't want to come across as a terrorist sympathizer because she wasn't. Not really. She just believed that he was a desperate man. Not that justified his actions but he never actually kills anyone and she had a feeling that he was doing this for a reason. However, she knows she could very much be wrong. Gabriel frowned, waiting for her answer. "He seems like to be a desperate man,"
 "A desperate man?" He asked, getting a nod of her. "And why do you think that?"
 "I'm not sure, sir," She replied, looking to the side. "It's just the impression I get from his actions. He seems so desperate to get the heroes' jewels that it makes me think he has a reason for it and I don't think it's too rule the world or anything. If he wanted to rule the world, why go after the miraculous when he could just make an akuma who will do the work for him? No, I think he is after something more personal then that and I think it's something he can't do himself.... but sir... how do you know he's called Hawkmoth? Not even the heroes or the police know that..."
 "How insightful," Gabriel muttered, nodding before turning around. The statement confused Nathalie. "Nathalie, what I am able to show you must be kept secret no matter what,"
 "Of course, sir," She nodded. He gestured to her, causing her to move and stand next to him before he pressed hidden buttons on the portrait. She gasped as the floor shook before they descended down into the floor. Her eyes widen as she saw the hidden garden underneath. She had no idea this place existed. It was beautiful yet strangely full of sorrow. Gabriel opened the door to the lift and stepped outside before offering her his hand. She took it and he helped in her into the garden. They walked over to a strange object in the middle of it.
 "You are very resourceful and insightful woman, Nathalie," He stated, making her look at him. "I wish to share my burden with you,"
 "My wife..." He muttered, looking down. What did he mean? Her mind raced at possibilities. What if he killed his wife? What if he was about to kill her? This man could be a murderer! "My sweet Emile... she always wanted to live a full and exciting life.... so when we found the miraculous... she was overjoyed. She took the peafowl and I took the butterfly. Oh those days were glorious but then she got sick... it progressively got worst and worst to the point that even the doctors had no idea what was wrong... by all means she was healthy yet a mysterious illness swept over her, draining her... It was then I noticed the cracks on her miraculous and made the link. She had only gotten ill when she started to use the miraculous..."
 "It made her sick?"
 "Yes... and I searched for a cure but nothing I did helped," He sighed. "Then we learnt from the kwamis that they were other miraculous... in particular two that could merge together and grant a wish that could change the world... we were going to find a way to claim them but then-"
 "She disappeared...." She muttered but he shook his head and pressed a button on the object, causing it to come to life and open up, revealing Emile laying inside of it. Nathalie gasped in shock as Gabriel pressed his hand on the glass. "I-is She..."
 "Dead? No... she's in a coma..." He muttered, making her frown. Shouldn't she be in a hospital? "This chamber is a life support machine. It keeps her alive and breathing but she is stuck in a coma. This is why I have been creating akumas... if I can lure out the heroes who hold the earrings of the ladybug and the ring of the black cat, I can merge them and make a wish... but no matter how many akumas I create, the heroes I need don't turn up. Instead, I am forced to battle with those two fools, Ryuko and Aspik..."
 "Y-you're the one making the villains..." She gasped, making him to look at her. "W-Why..."
 "To bring her back to me and Adrien..." He gasped, desperately. "Nathalie, I know this is a lot to take in but I am trying to save my wife's life. No medicine or doctor can heal her and if I bring her to a hospital, they'll declare her dead but as long as I can get those items, I can bring her back. I need to bring her back!"
 Nathalie looked at him and instead of seeing an evil villain, she saw a broken man. 
 "Gabriel... you love her that much?"
 "Yes! I would do anything for her," He gasped, making her heart flutter a little. She couldn't help but admire him. He was so devoted to his wife that he was willing to brink her back from the brink of death. She walked over to him and took his hands, surprising him.
 "I will do what I can to help you," She stated.
 "Nathalie... I only need someone to understand my pain..." He gasped but she shook her head.
 "Whatever you need I will do," She declared, looking at him with admiration. "I will do anything for you,"
 "Thank you, Nathalie. You really are my trusted friend," He smiled before dismissing her. She walked back to the lift but she failed to notice the smirk that came onto Gabriel's face as soon as she walked away. She would be a perfect ally and never betray him. After all, he knew she was truly in love with him and when someone is truly in love, they just want the person of their affections to be happy no matter what.
 ~Two Hours After Ikari Gozen~
 "Sir, are you ok?" Nathalie asked as Gabriel came up from his secret room. Nooroo was eating a snack and he looked annoyed. He waved his hand and sat down as Nathalie cleared her voice. "Ikari Gozen was the closest we've came to capturing Anatis. We would have succeed if Ryuko hadn't come out of retirement,"
 "Yes, I am aware of that," He growled, making her frown a little. "Anatis has gained more allies. It's bad enough that he has Culpeo, Abeille and Leatherback on his side but now he has managed to repair relations with Ryuko and Aspik..."
 "What do you want to do, sir?" She asked, making him glance at her. 
 "Tell me, how is Miss Rossi doing?" He asked, causing Nathalie to look on her tablet.
 "She is still hiding away from the shame of her defeat," She muttered, typing. "She has been harboring her anger against Anatis for weeks and with heroes day coming, she will see the object of her hatred everywhere she goes. The mayor has already announced that Anatis and Lady Noir will be a theme on at least one of the floats during the heroes parade. Since she will be faced with his visage wherever she'll go, I predict her anger will reach devastating heights, meaning she will ripe for akumatization. We could bring back Volpina,"
 "Interesting," He muttered, taking the tablet she had handed to him. "Heroes day hm? What better day then to claim their miraculous once and for all?"
 "So we use Volpina,"
 "Yes but she only has some much use," He replied, making her glance at him. "Nathalie, you said you would do anything for me? Does that still ring true?"
 "Of course sir," She nodded, looking at him with a serious expression. "What do you need me to do?"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/637807797675900929/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-40
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slytherinliththorne · 4 years
Lith’s relationships (as to year 5)
I have known the state of Lith’s relationships with almost every canon hp character, but I guessed that since I mainly draw Talbott and Rowan somtimes it wasn’t as obvious for everybody else. So I made a quick breakdown of the groups and people Lith hangs out with in-game, because, well, mc friends are another story. Explanation of their dynamics under the cut.
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BFF Squad (Rowan+Chiara): During first year it was only Lith and Rowan, the two weird Slytherin girls who seemed like outcasts. They had encountered Chiara a few times during classes, but never got close. After the Howling Hallowe'en quest, Lith and Chiara started to be friendlier with each other. After discovering Chiara’s secret, that friendliness increased, she even trusted Chiara with her own Curse. Lith started to invite Chiara to hang out with Rowan and they quickly became a trio. The three of them are quite introverted and lonely people, but they kind of bonded over that, as all understand the importance of alone time and that you don’t need to be overly clingy to maintain a friendship. During Chiara’s transformation, Lith uses her Curse to keep her company, and Rowan prepares Jacob’s room for their return with sweets, breakfast and other things they enjoy. At first, they roamed the Forbidden Forest, but after the Forest Vault, Torvus helped them find a spot to spend the night. Their hang out spots are the Hufflepuff Common Room, near Hagrid’s Hut and the Forbidden Forest. 
Original Trio (Rowan+Ben): They were the first group of friends that Lith ever made at Hogwarts. She already had a friendship with Rowan so Ben’s addition was a surprise. Individually, Lith doesn´t really get along with Ben, they are on good terms but outside curse breaking adventures they don’t usually hang out. However, that doesn’t mean Lith doesn’t care for them, she actually has a soft spot for Ben. 
Original Curse Breakers (Rowan+Ben+Bill+Penny): They were Lith’s ideal curse breaking team and she really misses those days. Now this team barely gets together, but she knows she can count on each of them. This group is currently disbanded.
Penny: Lith and Penny sometimes talk, and ever since Bea got trapped in the portrait, Lith has tried to be more attentive to her. Lith can be comfortable with Penny, but she quickly drains out of energy around her.
Unexpected buddies (Charlie): They seem to have nothing in common to bond over, Lith doesn’t share his love for creatures or quidditch, but maybe that’s exactly why they get along. Charlie first aproached her to offer his help with the Vaults and Lith must admit she was hesitant. But after colaborating the whole year to get to the Forest Vault, they became close friends. Lith enjoys indulging Charlie in his interests and Charlie is always there to comfort her when most people seek her comfort instead. They often hang out at Care of Magical Creatures and Jacob´s room.
Chaotic with a purpose (Tulip): They also seemed like unlikely friends, but Lith discovered that Tulip’s chaos was not just to be chaotic, but actually well thought, and they became partners in crime. Lith appreciates wit and cleverness, traits that Tulip has. Tulip is the scheming mastermind while Lith is the voice of reason due to her self preservation. They usually hang out at Jacob´s room and the library.
“WDYM I’m not a Weasly?” (Charlie+Bill): Lith hangs out with Charie and Bill separately, but together is also okay. As they are both her friends, she feels comfortable with them, but when the three are together is mostly due to the Cursed Vaults or some Weasly family business. They hang out at the library or The Three Broomsticks.
Convinient allies (Jae): Same thing as Tulip, Jae is clever and maybe a little shady, but Lith likes that. She sees advantage in befriending him and is usually amused when they hang out. They are usually goofing around the Kitchens when not discussing business. They also play cards together a lot. 
Prank pals (Tulip+Tonks): Lith often hangs out with this group to get something out of it, not because she enjoys it. She doesn’t like pranking for the sake of it, so whenever Tonks is involved, it will probably be prank orientated stuff. She likes her, but not as a close friend. They are usually at Zonko’s.
Rakepick’s Curse Breakers (Ben+Merula+Bill): Out of all the groups, she feels more uncomfortable in this one. She feels like she is trapped in an awkward fusion of her group of friends. Lith will avoid being with this group as much as possible. They can be seen together with Rakepick, in the DADA classroom or the training grounds.
Soft Couple (Talbott): Their relationship started pretty similar than Chiara´s, with some differences of course. In my hc, Lith is the one to take interest in being an animagus in hopes of altering her Curse way before Talbott’s SQ. She hears about him from Penny, but is too socially anxious to approach him, so Penny does it for her. She introduces them, completely unaware of Lith’s intentions. Lith acts quite suspicious when talking about wanting to become an animagus, which causes Talbott to be mistrustful. At the end, the potion fails, but some of the painful side effects of the Curse’s transformation disappear. However, Talbott assumes that she was able to become an animagusThey get closer and Lith reveals her secret. Their tragic life, Talbott’s past and Lith’s irremediable future, helps them feel closer to each other. However, they bond over their love for the arts, specially poetry. They like being alone together, and start acting as a couple before they actually become one. They are very soft and wholesome, but their fear of losing people can spark fights. They hang out at the Owlery and the Astronomy Tower.
Art buddies (Badeea): I hc they met at Art class, both of them take it since year 1 so they know each other and greet each other in the hallways. In year 5, they formally introduce themselves and start to hang out. They usually meet up during weekends to paint and draw together in the Clock Tower Courtyard or the Astronomy Tower. They are polite with each other but not very close. They like their relationship as it is, as colleagues.
Study Buddies (Rowan+Barnaby+Tulip): How this group came to be? The Vaults probalby, but they actually enjoy to study together. Rowan tutors Barnaby while Lith and Tulip study on their own, and when they have questions they discuss them with each other. Rowan feels comfortable doing what she likes, Barnaby genuinly likes Rowan, and Tulip enjoys the dynamic of their study group, where everyone goes at their own pace but help each other when needed. They are almost always at the library.
Werewolf Support Squad (Talbott+Chiara+Jae+Rowan who I forgot to put in the image lol): Another hc and personal favorite. After sharing each other’s secrets, Chiara makes Lith realize that her Cursed is not only a burden, that she can actually use it to help. She tells her how Lupin said that his group of friends became animagus to stay with him during full moon. This is also incidentally the moment Lith learns about animagi. Lith accompanies Chiara from that moment on, whith Rowan’s blessing. By this point, Jae is already friends with Chiara, but not with Lith. After Talbott’s SQs Lith suggests the idea of having another friend joing their full moon nights, hinting that friend to be Jae. Chiara gets nervous, but Lith brings up the animagus potion. They agree to talk to Jae about it and he accepts, since being an animagus might come handy for a smuggler like him. While gathering the ingredients, Talbott gets suspicious, since Lith is “casually” asking him about the potion again. Chiara relunctantly tells Talbott the reason, much to Lith and Jae’s surprise. Talbott helps Jae finish the process and succesfully becomes an animagus (I hc he becomes a weasel). That’s how the four of them start spending full moon together. The mornings after strenghten their relationship. They all are introverted and sometimes reclusive, but their individual personality traits complement each other. They hang out in Jacob’s room at first and move to the Room or Requirement when Talbott and Jae join them.
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boethiahsboytoy · 4 years
List of my OCs:
Jo'safiir, a Khajiit mage (but wait, there's more!), and Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold. Learns he's the child of Hermaeus Mora after spending months in Apocrypha. Big fucking nerd. As he grows older he eventually tasked up his role as a Demi Prince and takes control of his own portion of Apopcrypha, the Forbidden Archives. A place where all manner of ancient, lost, and of cours forbidden magic can be found, studied, and practiced. Still thrives on the Power Of Friendship (and has “stolen” his husband Miraak and made him his “Champion” to spite his Father).
Serene, Jo'safiir's Dremora that he "stole" from Mehrunes Dagon. Big piece of shit, loves causing trouble. Later servers Jo'safiir when he takes his own mini plane of Oblivion within Apocrypha. Mellows out a bit, but if he catches you alone in the Archives with the Arch Mage nowhere to be found, you may not return to Mundus alive...
Vyrthaal, a snow elf child preserved for thousands of years. Not only was he gifted Aurie-El's Bow by Akatosh himself, he was then given the soul of a Dragon to help defeat Lord Harkon. BFFs with Serana and largely ignored by the prophecy of the Last Dragonborn. Loves ska.
Sinarwyn Ice-Blade, a snow elf and former Knight-Paladin of Auri-El, given the name “Ice Blade" from a found family. Adopts Vyrthaal after meeting his other adoptive mom, Marzog. Helps him and Serana find Auri-El’s Bow and fight off Lord Harkon’s Army before deciding to stay with Gelebor at the Chantry for a while, reuniting with her long lost friend.
Kill, a young Falmer that Vyrthaal eventually meets and who travels with him and his moms. A very talented cook and alchemist! Helps translate many times when the group wanders into various Falmer Caves.
Tiika, a kind mushroom farmer and elder of a Falmer clan in the Forgotten Vale. Assists Vyrthaal and co. to the Chantry after they help fight off the feral Falmer that attacked his clan. He’s a loving father figure and caretaker for any young Falmer born in the Vale.
Niralek, a Spriggan who once lived in the Riften woods before her home was overtaken by vampires hunting for the Redwater spring. Unable to fend them off she reluctantly offered her aid to the Dawnguard, where she made unlikely friends with Pelaril, an Altmer, and Isran. Returns to her home after Harkon's defeat but remains friends with the Dawnguard, who still call for her aid at times. She always readily gives it to her friends.
Gorbek, an Orsimer Priest of Kynareth who works in Whiterun after being exiled from his stronghold. Also known as one of the best cooks in the Hold, a title he bears with pride. He's so big because he's filled with love. A bit of a “filler character” to give Whiterun more life (and me an excuse to make a big soft Orc Dad OC) but I love him so much. 
Daronan, a Forsworn Breton. Hircine's champion, and gifted with Lycanthropy by the Daedric Lord himself. Apprenticed as a healer to his mother until he decided to travel Skyrim for a little while, where he meets and befriends a Nord named Sybilla. He’s very quiet and surprisingly gentle, but is also the sort to playfully wrestle or spar with his close friends at a moment’s notice. 
Sethsa: A blind Dunmer woman and daughter of Nocturnal, she is the Demi Prince of fear and is rumored to be summoned by utering her name. Feared through the Thieves Guild for her cunning, cruel streak, and prowess as a conjuration and illusion mage. Aided by a daedra known as Deathcry who commonly takes the form of a massive hound made of gore. Her only known friend is Chal, a Dwemer, and she bears a grudge against Clavicus Vile. 
Deathcry: Sethsa's mysterious companion and service "dog." Really spooky but loves kids and belly rubs. Often gets "treats" of fingers from Sethsa's...erm....friends.
Hjorvar: A Nord, and member of the inner Circle of the Companions. Makes an unlikely friendship with Daro thru their mutual friend Sybilla. Gets flustered easily. Would die for his family. He’s the sort of man that looks terrifying at first glance, but as son as he opens his mouth you realize “Oh, this is just a walking teddy bear.” He of course is still a strong and capable warrior, but when he doesn’t have to fight he’s the most gentle giant you’ll meet (besides Gorbek).
Illorna: Altmer Demi Prince of Meridia who came to Nirn to aid the Dawnguard in fighting Lord Harkon. Decides mortals are more than just tools for Daedra to control and sticks around after Harkon is defeated after growing close to several of them. I still like her but I don’t know if I actually want this to be her story or nah. SHe’s fun tho!
Studies-by-Moonlight: An Argonian scholar who's primary focus was formerly the Dwemer, until she began to study the Falmer. Deciding to dedicate her work to helping them fix the damage caused to them by the Dwemer. It takes years for her to build trust with one of the Falmer Clans but she becomes recognized as a safe person and spends a great deal of time studying Falmer society. Eventually just sort of....hanging out in Blackreach for the most part.
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