#and then this morning..i think i turned off my alarm by accident while checking my phone during the night
orcelito · 8 months
Gearing up for a 7 hour shift like "I'd rather be playing BG3"
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tonyboneysblog · 5 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: minor character death!
summary: you, the mother of Tokoyami Fumikage, are just a simple nurse! Who has caught the eye of a certain pro.
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your alarm is blaring at 4:00 in the morning, work always has you coming in at weird times.
but you so warm in your bed, the comforters are the just right amount of warmth, the fan is blowing at the perfect speed, and your in the perfect position.
maybe work can wait for at least one day…no people need your there- if you asked for an off day you and someone died you could never forgive yourself.
So you begrudgingly rise from your bed, getting ready for your day.
Washing your face, brushing your teeth, dressing yourself, etc.
You walk out of your room making your way into the kitchen, while on your way you spot Tokoyami on the couch.
“Fumikage?” you say sleepily.
His head peeks up from the couch slowly, “uhm, hi mom..”
“what’re you doing up?”
You sigh, “did you get some sleep at least?”
“Yea I-i did mama, don’t worry.” He scratches at his head.
“We’ll make sure to take a nap at least before you get ready for school…” you ruffle the feathers on the top of his head and kiss his forehead.
Tokoyami yawns, “I’ll see you soon, mama.”
you smile, “Course sweetie…”
You make your way out of the house finally, getting into your car and driving to work.
As you pull in there are multiple ambulances surrounding the hospital, which isn’t unusual but it wakes you up from your tiredness.
Was there an accident? It seems like there’s a lot more than there should be usually…but you didn’t see anything on the news? well you forgot to turn it on.
You walk into the hospital and check in, nurses are going everywhere and nowhere at the same time. What happed anyways?
You can see Emi, your co-worker, run up to you. See seems more stressed than usual…
“Oh y/n, thank the gods your here- t-there was an accident up the street, some building collapsed, and we are almost fully packed.” She says hurriedly.
“Hey, hey calm down. We can handle this okay, Emi?”
“O-okay” she takes a quick deep breath, “You need to be at room D3 at the intensive care unit, they need more hands.”
“Got it, deep breaths okay? I’ll see you later.” You walk away, well that explains why there’s so many people here.
You’ve never really worked at the intensive care unit before but people usually make it back to stability in your hands.
Emi days you have a magical touch, Fumikage says it’s because you’re amazing.
You walk into the intensive care unit, a another nurse, Monika, waves you down to the room.
You hurry in, the patient isn’t in the best shape. doctor starts talking about an emergency surgery.
You sanitize and put your gear on, starting it immediately, you listen when the surgeon calls for a new instrument.
You’re worried, you keep your eye on the monitor- is it supposed to be going down like that?
The surgery continues.
the monitor drops.
“8:17, time of death.”
it hits you like a brick.
Monika pats your back, she basically lives in intensive care. She knows what it’s like.
“There was nothing you could do, there in a better place, okay?” She says trying to comfort you.
You haven’t experienced a death yet while working, which sounds insane since you work all the time but..you’ve never seen it.
you’ve never heard the monitor stop beeping.
You have to continue though- you need too.
You have other people to save so you keep working, that’s what Fumikages father hated about you.
5 dead, 34 injured. That was the count at the end of the day, apparently hero’s were still pulling out body’s from the rumble.
“Take your break, y/n” Monika says.
That’s really the only thing you can do at the moment.
So you sit down next to Emi, her head is in her hands.
“Do you think we did enough?” She says with sorrow in her voice.
“I don’t know.”
Her voice shakes, “That was my first time I saw someone die on the table like that.”
“Yea, mine too.”
“I’m sorry, y/n.” Her voice breaks.
It’s okay thought, all of this just toughens you up! sometimes it haunts your dreams but you always wake up in the end.
You started dreaming it was Fumikage on the table and not just some patient.
it makes you want to vomit.
You hear Monika walking around the corner, she waves.
She hands you a drink, “Here”
“Wish it were alcohol”, you chuckle.
“Well apple juice is all we got, don’t get stuck in your head y/n.”
“Tell that to Emi.” You take a swig of the apple juice.
Monika sits next to Emi and starts talking to her so softly you can’t really pick up on it.
It’s 5:18, you haven’t eaten yet, it’s probably a good time to clock out.
Maybe you’ll go to that new chicken place, Fumikage said it was good.
So you decide to walk there, you don’t really trust yourself to drive at the moment anyways.
It’s close to the hospital so it was an easy walk, your legs ached a little bit and they only ached more at the thought of walking back to your car.
You walk in with a ding from the door, you texted Fumikage on the way to ask for his order.
You look around for a moment then walk up to the counter, ordering you and your sons meals.
They ring it up and give it to you, you sit
down and one of the booths.
You start to eat, re-thinking all of the events of your day until you can hear someone slide into your booth while you’re munching on your food!
You look up to see who would do that, because yknow-boundaries, only to see the bird hero?
“Rough day?” He says with a soft smile.
you sigh, “you don’t even know.”
He giggles, “yea, you look rough Mrs. Nurse.”
you shot him a glare, he just shrugs.
“How’s your kid, U.A. And all that?”
“Ah, he’s doing good, not getting enough sleep though.”
He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head, “no good, needs his beauty rest.”
You smile softly, suppose some hero’s also save people how are just having a rough day.
He focuses, “And how’s the old ball and chain?”
“The what?”
“your…husband?” He says hesitantly.
“Oh!” You laugh, “please haven’t seen him since I was 16.”
He blushes and stammers, “Sorry, I-i just thought..yknow?”
“Thought he’d stay? we were young yknow, he didn’t want my son and I did.”
“sorry to hear that.”
“We always fought anyways so, good riddance I suppose.” You chuckle.
Hawks sneaks away a fry from your bag of food, “We keep meeting, don’t we?”
“Yea, you might be a stalker, Hawks.”
He blushes as his wings puff up, “n-not true!”
you laugh, it’s nice.
This is nice.
You look at the time on your phone, 5:48, you don’t wanna worry Fumikage so-
“Oh gosh, I need to go.” You say in an apologetic voice.
“I can fly you back.”
“I have my own wings, hawks.”
“You look tired.”
“I am, but I have a car I need to take home so-“
“Why drive when you have wings?”
Good question, your wings are actually too small to carry your weight through the sky so there’s not really a point throwing yourself off a roof to see if you actually can.
“You can walk me to my car?”
“great idea, mama bird.”
“Mama bird?”
“Well you’re a mom and I assume that your son has a bird quirk…so.”
I mean he’s correct. The two of you leave the restaurant with the food in tow, making your way to your car.
Hawks wings jitter anxiously though he shows composure, “So, his old man ain’t around?”
“Nah, left right when he found out, haven’t really tried to date since- well I have but yknow.”
“Hard out there for single moms?”
“Yea, it was bad about 4 years ago? Met this guy and he put his hands on Fumikage, called the cops and made sure he stayed far away from him.”
Hawks looks off to the side slightly, lost in thought but only for a moment.
“My car is right here.”
He grins, “Nice car, Mrs nurse.”
“Oh please, it’s Y/N Tokoyami” you chuckle out.
“Got it in my brain.” He points towards his head.
You just laugh and shake your head while getting into your car.
Hawks stands next to your window, “see you again?”
“We keep meeting so probably- how’s your head also?”
“Hm, from what?” He questions.
“The hospital remember? I’m surprised you’re already back on patrol.”
Hawks rubs the back of his neck, “guess you just have a magic touch?”
You laugh and shake your hand while rolling up your window, reminds you of Emi- wonder how she’s doing.
You start to drive home, you can see hawks waving in the rear view mirror, he’s nice.
Fumikage will be happy, you hope he had a good day.
You hope hawks had a good day too.
Finally you reach home, you probably look like a walking zombie who had a death grip on a chicken bag when they died.
Tokoyami greets you right when you open the door.
“Mother, I heard about the building- a-and I was worried that-“
“Don’t worry so much Fumi..your mama saved people too.”
Fumikages speech slows, “It’s just…I know how you get.”
You really wish you didn’t have to be all down in the dumps in front of Fumikage.
Long days and stressful days at the hospital always get to you, you wished that they didn’t.
Sure it was your first time actively seeing someone die in the hospital but you always knew that you’d see it one day.
“Hey look on the bright side, I got chicken?”
Fumikage sighs, “I hope you know my classmates would consider that cannibalism.”
“They better be nice to you.”
“They are- well we haven’t really talked but no one’s really mean.” Tokoyami responds sheepishly.
“Don’t lie to me, silly goose”
Fumikage starts to unpack the food bag, “well there’s this one boy, bakugo, he is like obsessed with destroying another boy named Midoriya.”
“Destroying?” You giggle.
Fumikage sits down at the table, “yea totally, we were paired up today to act like hero’s and villains- and they got the opposite from each-other and they destroyed the whole building!”
again, that’s an email.
“Who’d you get paired up with?”
Fumikage looks away from your curious gaze, “this girl named Tsu.”
“Is she cute?”
You laugh, “I’m just asking!”
Fumikage retorts, “What about that hawks guy, is he cute?”
“Now why’re talking about him, hm?”
“Press caught him walking you to your car, scandalous old woman.”
Ah, the paparazzi….you wish you could send an email about them.
You gasp dramatically, “Old woman?!”
“Answer my question!”
“He’s alright, I like em rougher you know?”
Fumikage gags, “gross, mama.”
“You asked!”
You and Fumikage continued talking about small things that happen in your day, apparently a boy named Shoto slipped on his own ice while no one was looking- except Fumikage was.
Now reaching almost ten o’clock, you force Fumikage and yourself to bed.
Fumikage begrudgingly walks over to his bedroom, still wanting to talk to you a little more.
“Night, mama.”
You walk over and kiss his temple, ruffling his feathers.
“Night night, my little chick.”
Fumikage shakes his head and retreats to his room, you return to yours as well.
Cuddling into your nest, which is really just your bed with an in godly amount of pillows, blankets, and plushies- you let sleep come over you.
You wonder if hawks gets to sleep this good at night, or even if he has someone to talk to about his tough days.
Wait, why’re you thinking about him anyways?
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flowerandblood · 8 months
The Sin & The Penance
[ modern Frollo • Aemond x Esmeralda • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, angst, revenge motive, description of physical and mental disabilities, remorse, depression, hysteria attacks, swearing, trauma, suicidal thoughts ]
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[ description: After a car accident, his brother has to deal with the consequences of what happened, and he, as his protector, does not know how to help him. His sister comes up with the idea of hiring someone as his carer who will be able to cheer him up and occupy his mind. It turns out, however, that the girl he hired charmed not only his younger brother. Obsession, self-destructive behavior, verbal and physical aggression, sexual tension, dark, malicious Aemond. ]
Author's note: This story is a request, but I decided to freely use what I liked in the book and Disney film to create a new, disturbing story taking place in modern times. It is intended to be uncomfortable and will contain scenes that are at least morally questionable, in my version "Esmeralda" is not Romanian. This story will also include motifs from Jane Eyre, which was a separate request. My story will also touch on the problems of people with disabilities, so if these are sensitive topics for you, I advise against reading further. You have been warned.
Part 1 − The Knight & The Judge Part 3 − The Doubt & The Delight Epilogue
Main Characters Moodboard Aemond NSFW Alphabet
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
That night he could not sleep – he wriggled in bed, checking from time to time whether she had perhaps called him back or written anything. Although he had tried to reach her at least ten times she did not answer and he was afraid to write her a message.
What if she went to the police with this?
Maybe that's what he deserved, he thought after a while with regret, staring blankly at the bright screen of his phone, wondering if he should try again despite the late hour.
As much as he tried to find some logical justification for what he had done, he couldn't explain what had really driven him.
Admittedly, at first he was guided only by anger and spite, but then these emotions disappeared, replaced by a hot, dark desire that filled his loins, completely overshadowing his cool judgement.
Something about her brightness, her lightness, her joy, made him long to lean over her like the dark sky, like night over the stars, and cover her with his blackness, his emptiness, consuming and devouring her.
He had never experienced such a disturbing and overpowering sensation before and was horrified that he was prone to such thoughts and such actions.
He had completely lost his mind because of her.
She had asked him to let her go, so why didn't he do so?
Alys had always been eager for his aggressive, violent games, he knew that, and he felt no remorse about what he was doing to her or where, but this little girl was terrified, trembling all over with fear, and yet all he could think about was how desperately he needed to feel her.
Perhaps subconsciously her cheerfulness, her attitude attracted him.
Maybe after years of sadness and mourning he wanted to feel at last something more than grief.
He covered his eyes with his hand, sighing heavily at that thought, feeling a squeeze in his throat and heart.
He only fell into a restless sleep in the morning with his phone lying next to his face, and was awakened two hours later by his alarm clock anyway, which he switched off with displeasure, tired, sad and embarrassed by what he had done.
He couldn't look Daeron in the face as they ate breakfast together. His little brother looked up at him from over his bowl of his favourite cereal with milk – he knew he was about to start asking questions about her.
"When will Esmeralda come here to sew our costumes?" He asked finally, stirring the milk with his spoon, looking at the chocolate balls that floated on its surface.
He pressed his lips together, not knowing how to explain to him how much he had fucked up.
What he had done to her.
"I don't know if she'll even show up here again." He replied truthfully, Daeron gave him a quick, horrified look.
"She promised me. She promised me we'd sew them together and go to the ball." He muttered, his eyes filling with tears again.
He decided he wouldn't be so cruel as to let him believe it was her fault, though part of his mind opted for that.
"I know, but I hurt her and I'm afraid she won't forgive me." He said lowly, swallowing hard, fiddling with his coffee cup, not daring to look at him, his heart pounding like mad.
"What do you mean? Did you hit her?" He asked in disbelief, and he clenched his eyes, realising that in his childish mind the greatest harm a man could do to a woman was that he could slap her.
He was silent for a while, not sure how or if I should explain it to him, whether it would be too much.
"In a way. And I did something else, much worse. Against her pleas. I could go to jail for that." He muttered, covering his face with his hand, feeling that even though he hadn't eaten anything he felt sick to his stomach.
"Why did you do that? She's so kind. What did she do to you? Did you get angry with her because of me?" He mumbled through his tears. He felt a tightening in his throat at the thought that, like any child, he was trying to justify the adult in his head, deciding that after all he was smarter and more experienced than him, so his behaviour must have been because he, his little brother, had done something wrong.
"No. No, it didn't and doesn't have anything to do with you. This is our adult business, but she has the right to be very angry with me and not speak to me. However, I'm completely sure she doesn't blame you." He replied quickly, biting his lower lip.
It wasn't until he spoke it aloud that it occurred to him how pathetic, inappropriate and cruel what he had done was, how afraid she must have been of him.
Was she telling herself she liked it so she could somehow survive it? She decided to go along with it so she wouldn't suffer?
"Do you think I can call her?" He asked in a quivering voice, and he looked at him with his heart pounding fast, recognising in the back of his mind that it was an excellent thought, that she might want to at least talk to him.
"Yes. Yes, of course. I'll give you her number, but call her from your phone. She's not answering from me."
He stared feeling the cold sweat on his back at his brother's reflection in the mirror driving towards the centre, seeing as he pressed the numbers written on the piece of paper on the keypad of his phone and lifted it to his ear – he heard the quiet beep of a call waiting.
He shuddered as someone answered, trying to focus on the road, complete panic in his mind.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
"Hello? Hi, it's Daeron. Can you talk? No, he can't hear what you're saying, we're just driving to the centre." He muttered, and he swallowed loudly, feeling a constriction in his chest from which he found it hard to breathe, trying to erase from his mind the image of him slamming into her again and again with the brutal, sharp thrusts of his hips.
"He told me that he had done you wrong and that he had hurt you very badly. I'm very sorry he did that. I just wanted to ask when we're going to sew our costumes." He mumbled out quickly. He felt his eyebrows arch in shame and covered his mouth with his free hand, resting his elbow against his car door, looking ahead in disbelief.
How could he do this to her?
For a moment Daeron listened to what she was saying on the phone with concentration and he was dying inside, afraid that she would explain to him with details of what he had done to her. After a moment he nodded as if he understood what she meant, he saw his face lighten a little.
"Okay. Okay, I'll ask my brother if he agrees to it. Bye bye." He said softly and hung up, sighing heavily.
"And?" He asked looking at him in the mirror, stopping in the car park, feeling like he was about to go crazy. His brother looked down at his fingers.
"Esmeralda said that after your argument she can no longer come to our house, but that I can come to her at the University. She said that the building is modern and wheelchair accessible, there are special toilets, lifts and everything needed. We could do my homework in her room in the dormitory and then walk around the campus, sewing and painting." He said uncertainly, glancing at him pleadingly. He swallowed loudly, feeling disappointed and at the same time understanding of her decision and grunted softly, turning off the engine.
"Would you like that?" He asked him calmly, and his brother nodded quickly.
"Then so be it."
Despite his requests, Daeron refused to tell him which of the boys had called him Quasimodo.
He said that it didn't matter now.
He thought with regret that his younger brother had more maturity and calmness in himself than he did.
Sitting at work he was all nerves, he had not received any notification that anyone had filed a police report on him, so for some reason, perhaps out of fear, she had not done so.
He felt both relieved and ashamed at the same time, unable to look at himself, thinking that he was not only disgusting on the outside but also on the inside.
When Alys suggested that they go to the toilet for a while he simply agreed, feeling that he needed to lash out, to expel the grief, shame and desperation that seemed to fill his whole body.
He turned her body violently with her back to him, thinking with fatigue that he didn't want to look at her face. As he unzipped his trousers he tried to focus on what he saw in front of him, on her panties lowered halfway down her thighs, her entrance sticky with arousal. He closed his eyes and grasped his cock firmly in his hand, giving it a few aggressive, hard strokes.
As much as he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about her sweet moans, about how wonderful she smelled, about how tight she was, about her body convulsing in his embrace.
He got instantly hard, wasted no time and surprised his lover, who moaned with delight at feeling how direct and exceptionally violent he was this day, his thrusts full of desperation and aggression, his groans low and throaty.
Something was wrong – her insides were different, her buttocks were different, her scent was different, too intense, her moans too deep, too sensual, not as innocent and surprised as hers.
He pressed his lips together feeling he couldn't focus or get as much pleasure out of it as he would have liked.
"− shut the fuck up −" He growled speeding up but it was to no avail – when he opened his eyes he saw a completely different woman in front of him. He slowed down, swallowing loudly, feeling that nothing would come of it.
"− fucking bastard − ah, don't stop − what happened? − did I do something wrong? −" She asked as he slid out of her and fastened his zipper in a quick motion, furious, disappointed, humiliated, distraught that he wanted her, this little girl, her moans, her scent, her touch, her gaze, her tight, weeping cunt, being able to spend whole nights with his face sunk between her thighs, begging her forgiveness, muttering between the flicks of his tongue that he would make it all up to her.
"− no − I'm sorry, it's my fault −" He said lowly, not wanting to lash out at her. She grunted quietly, surprised, putting her lacy underwear and trousers back on over her hips, fastening them with a quick, nimble movement.
"− you seem stressed − something wrong? − do you want to talk? −" She asked softly, and he felt a kind of gratitude that she hadn't laughed at him or judged him, that she had acted as if nothing had happened.
He decided, however, that he didn't want to share his thoughts with her.
"− no − forgive me − have a nice day −" He said calmly, opening the cubicle door and left the restroom, moving down the corridor in front of him, clenching his eyelids, brushing his short, slicked-back hair with a quick movement.
What had happened between them, what he had done to her had left a mark on more than just her.
He felt as if he had woken up from a lethargy after five years, everything around him was sharper and brighter, painfully clear.
The next morning, according to the arrangements made between her and Daeron, he was to turn up in the car park outside the University from where she was to pick up his brother.
He dreaded this meeting, dreaded what he would see in her face, disgust, regret and bitterness, all the way to the place he felt like stopping and throwing up.
He felt a shudder and a loud pounding of his heart when they arrived at the agreed spot and he noticed her, standing between the cars dressed in a fitted strapless dress with daisies on it, her beautiful hair the scent of which he could still smell in his nostrils loose, trainers on her feet.
He stopped, swallowing hard, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out, glancing at her – she stood at a safe distance from them and looked away, playing with the fingers of her hands, thoughtful and sad.
What he saw hurt him even more than if she had been staring at him with hatred.
He walked around the car and took out Daeron's wheelchair to which he helped him move from the back seat – his little brother beamed at the sight of her and began to move the wheels himself heading towards her. He saw with regret that she smiled warmly when she saw him, genuine joy on her face.
"Hi. High five!" She said to him cockily and their hands hit each other in the air, even though he was standing a few steps away she didn't give him a single glance.
"So, shall we go?" She asked encouragingly, and Daeron nodded.
He wanted to ask if she was sure he would be safe here, if she would remember to take him to lunch, if she would watch out for him, but he didn't dare, shame took his speech away.
He decided it would be better if he kept quiet and led them away with his gaze, then got into his car and drove to work.
He spent all day thinking about her, sitting over the case files recalling again and again her appearance, her pleasant figure, her warm face that beamed all over at the sight of his younger brother.
Why did she have to be like this?
Why did she have to be what he craved, the personification of his deepest, darkest needs, a ripe peach that someone had placed in front of him on a platter while he was starving?
When he arrived after work to pick up Daeron they both stood in the distance, said their goodbyes, and she turned away without even bestowing a single glance on him. He got out of the car, intent on helping his brother into the back seat.
"And how was it?" He asked lowly, feeling sadness and emptiness, anxiety and a strange tightening in his stomach.
"Great! We studied together in her room and then she showed me around the whole campus. We even looked in the classroom where the students were painting portraits and she told me a bit about how it was done. Everyone was very friendly." He said quickly, clearly excited and pleased. He swallowed hard, sighing softly as he folded his wheelchair and threw it back into the boot.
"Have you eaten anything?" He asked calmly, returning to the driver's seat, buckling his seatbelt and turning on the engine.
"Yes, we had lunch in the university canteen. I could choose whatever I wanted." He said with satisfaction, a wide smile on his face.
He felt like asking him if she had mentioned anything about him, if she had anything to convey to him, but realised that there was nothing she might want to tell him.
She was doing this to keep her word to Daeron.
For a few weeks it seemed to him that he had locked himself in some kind of circle, looking forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays, days during which he would see her, albeit only from a distance, her figure bright and graceful.
He wondered with pain if she still had the bruises on her neck that his lips had left and swallowed loudly, feeling ashamed that his manhood reacted to that thought with a strong throbbing in his trousers.
He had suspected it before, but now he was absolutely sure.
He was fucking mad.
On the day the carnival ball was to be held, he was supposed to drive Daeron to the centre and pick him up after a few hours, but he decided that it wouldn't be worth going home for such a short time and he would just wait for them somewhere off to the side without bothering them.
As he pulled up in front of the building he swallowed heavily, seeing her from a distance, already dressed in her Esmeralda costume, her dark, loose hair tied with a violet scarf to form a headband, bells tied to her purple skirt, simple black ballerinas on her feet, round gold earrings in her ears, clanking bracelets on her wrists.
However, what drew his attention most was her white, buff long-sleeved shirt, tucked into the the sea-colored corset under her breasts that wonderfully emphasized her waist, it's sleeves lowered so that her shoulders were bare, it was slit down in the middle, showing the bare skin of her chest.
He swallowed loudly, looking away, feeling with horror that the very sight of it made him hard.
He grunted, helping Daeron out of the car and moved behind him, guessing that she wasn't going to help his brother dress after all, not wanting to invade his privacy.
"You really look like Esmeralda! So beautiful!" Exclaimed his younger brother, and she turned gracefully raising her hands with a clink of her bells and bracelets, showing off her costume in all its glory.
He couldn't take his eyes off her.
"Where's my costume?!" He asked excitedly, and she picked up the large paper bag that stood next to her feet and smiled.
"Here. Let's go." She said lightly without looking at him, Daeron immediately pushed the wheels of his wheelchair and headed after her.
He moved behind them, feeling like an intruder, looking everywhere but at her, trying not to think about the sight of her partially exposed back.
She explained to him quickly what needed to be put on first and how – he was impressed that what she had made really did look like golden armour, but when he took out the individual pieces they turned out to be surprisingly light.
He locked himself and Daeron in one of the toilet cubicles, helping him to change, his brother looking extremely pleased.
"Are you two reconciled?" He asked, clearly thinking that since she was speaking to him again she had forgiven him. He swallowed loudly, not knowing how to explain to him that what he had done could not simply be taken back.
"I don't think so. But don't think about it. Hm?" He asked softly and he lowered his gaze, disappointed.
The sight of himself in the armour gave him confidence – it appeared that the whole thing had been designed so that he could flex his arms, elbows and wrists, the parts fitted together.
He thought with a pained grin that she had really made an effort.
"You look great. What a real knight you are. Come, it's time for you to dance a little with your beautiful Esmeralda." He said calmly, opening the door for him. He wheeled out into the corridor with a smile, his Esmeralda catching her cheeks with a wide smile of delight.
"My knight. Promise to protect me from the evil thugs!" She called out theatrically and glared at him – he swallowed loudly, turning his face away in shame, his younger brother assuring her that he would not let anyone hurt her.
Too late, he thought.
For some reason, he felt tears under his eyelids, his throat squeezed so tight he had trouble breathing.
He watched as they moved ahead into a large gymnasium where the lights were slightly dim, a disco ball was spinning on the ceiling, Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper was playing in the background, children and their caretakers spinning around, dressed as various characters and creatures.
Although many of the costumes looked quite impressive, he couldn't take his eyes off her – as she danced she sang the lyrics of the song with theatrical devotion as if she knew them by heart, her hair, bracelets and earrings glistened in the light of the multi-coloured lights, the sweat on the bare skin of her exposed arms glittered like little crystals.
He looked at her leaning with his back against the wall with his hands folded in front of him, feeling the heat in his lower abdomen, covering up what was happening in his trousers.
He looked around the room and noticed a group of boys looking at her and Daeron. He frowned, wondering if they were the ones calling his brother Quasimodo.
He felt some kind of satisfaction at the thought that they were watching his brother dance with a pretty girl.
He really deserved her.
Such a good kid.
He left after a while, pulling a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket – even though he hadn't smoked in months and was trying to quit, he felt that what was happening was too much for him.
His hands trembled as he put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it with his lighter, taking a loud drag, closing his eyes, clenching his fingers on the base of his nose.
There was only chaos in his head.
"We need to talk." He heard her soft, trembling voice and turned around immediately, taking a few steps away, for some reason terrified by her sudden proximity.
He stared at her with his lips slightly parted, his body froze still, his heart pounding like mad, his cigarette burning slowly between his fingers.
God, she was pregnant.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
"I can no longer take care of Daeron. I just wanted to keep my promise and go to the ball with him. I think he's had enough disappointments in his life and I didn't want to provide him with any more." She said shivering all over, looking everywhere but at him – he felt like he was about to vomit from terror and grief.
"But…if I'm the problem, we can arrange it so that I bring him in a while early and you pick him up from under the main entrance. I'll pay you more." He muttered, completely surprised by her words, not knowing what to say, not wanting to imagine how his little brother would react.
She shook her head quickly at his words, fiddling with the bracelets on her wrists in a nervous gesture.
"I can't. He reminds me of you. You two are similar in appearance." She mumbled and burst out crying, drawing in air loudly, covering her face with her hand in an attempt to calm herself. He looked at her in disbelief, feeling his voice get stuck in his throat.
"I haven't told anyone about what you did to me, because in his eyes you are his authority. I don't want to put him through unnecessary suffering, but I expect you to come up with something and find some convincing explanation as to why I can't continue to take care of him, Mr Prosecutor." She muttered regretfully wiping her cheeks swollen from tears, struggling to catch her breath, her plump lips parted, her eyebrows arched in despair.
He didn't know when he fell to his knees in front of her, when he clasped his hands around her waist, dropping his cigarette to the ground – he pressed his face to her womb, breathing loudly, feeling like he was going through some kind of panic, his lungs compressed, tears streaming down his face one after another, everything around him seemed to spin.
"− I'm sorry − I'm sorry − I'm sorry − I'm sorry − I'm sorry − I'm sorry − please, please, forgive me −" He mumbled hysterically what he had wanted to say to her for weeks – he heard her gasp loudly in shock, raising her hands in a gesture of helplessness, felt her place them on his shoulders trying to gently push him away, her stomach trembled under his face in sobs.
"− l-let me go − please, get up −" She whimpered pleadingly, but he shook his head – he thought he couldn't do it, he couldn't let her go.
"− I need you − even if for the rest of my life I will only look at you from afar −" He exhaled helplessly, sinking his nose into the material of her soft skirt, feeling her wonderful scent fill his lungs again, the warmth of her body that enveloped his face.
He didn't care that the people around them were looking at them like they were crazy, didn't care that perhaps they knew who he was.
"− I can't − I've tried − I've forgiven you, but I can't forget − you robbed me of my dignity −" She said in a raspy, broken voice – he felt himself whooping with his own tears, clasping his fingers at her back, his helpless mumbling ripped from his throat as if without the participation of his free will.
"− do what you want with me − fucking destroy me −"
"Aemond? What's going on?" He heard his brother's frightened voice and immediately rose from his knees, letting her go, both of them wiping their faces quickly, her cheeks pale and at the same time red from tears.
"We needed to talk. I'll be right back." She said quickly, forcing herself to smile – Daeron could sense the tension between them though, his lips tightened, his gaze wandering from him to her.
"Have you…reconciled yet? Has my brother apologised to you?" He asked uncertainly and she nodded and laughed lightly, something in her response made him clench his eyelids and swallow loudly – he covered his face with his hand, feeling that for some reason he couldn't stop crying.
You robbed me of my dignity.
"− y-yes − yes, we've already explained everything to each other, we simply got a little emotional − come on, let's go back inside −" She said softly and stroked his head – he smiled at her and glanced over his shoulder.
"Are you coming?" He asked, but he shook his head, choking out that he would wait for them in the car.
He locked himself inside in the driver's seat and put his forehead on the steering wheel, feeling an overpowering emptiness and this awful, terrifying chill, as if someone had gouged out his insides with a spoon like the flesh of a fruit, leaving only a mere shell.
He thought that he had died five years ago, on the day of that accident.
He only existed so that Daeron could live on.
He shuddered, as if awakened from a deep, restless slumber, hearing a knock on the window on his side – he glanced there and saw Daeron waving at him and his Esmeralda, looking at him uncertainly, terrified of his condition, dark night all around them.
He got out of the car, massaging his forehead, feeling a terrible headache, not being sure for a moment where he actually was or what time it was – in an automatic reflex he opened the back door and helped Daeron get in, he could smell her scent beside him, her gaze fixed on him.
"Are you sure you should drive?" She asked hesitantly, and he swallowed loudly, thinking that since the day of that accident he had never gotten into a car that someone else was driving.
"Yes. Shall I drive you back?" He asked lowly, not looking at her, folding Daeron's small wheelchair.
"No need, thank you, I'll get an Uber." She muttered, his younger brother furrowed his brow, looking at her worriedly.
"We'll drive you back. It's late, you shouldn't be going home alone." He insisted.
She sighed quietly and nodded, walking around the car, sitting down next to Daeron in the back seat.
He got behind the wheel and started the engine, involuntarily glancing at her in the mirror – their gazes met, her eyes sad and tired, full of a regret she had every right to feel.
He drove ahead, trying to wake up and focus on the road, looking at the lights of the cars passing him and thought that maybe if he had killed them it would have been better for all of them.
He grunted loudly, tilting his head back, leaning against the backrest, recognising that he had completely lost his mind, that he was sinking into depression and hysteria, that he had reached the very bottom.
It seemed to him that she sensed that something was happening to him – he was catching her on the fact that she was glancing at him uncertainly, answering something to Daeron who was chatting her up, talking about his friends' costumes. She was just nodding, pretending to listen to him, her hands playing with the material of her skirt in a nervous gesture.
God, how he longed for her to drive with him to their house, to go with him to his bedroom, so that he could kneel before her and whisper how sorry he was, how he wished he could make it all right, to slide with his hands the material of her shirt and her skirt, so that his lips could kiss her whole beautiful, warm body with devotion and adoration, her feet, her calves, her thighs, her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her face, her….
"WATCH OUT!" He heard her scream of terror and pressed the brake suddenly, at the last moment stopping in front of a crossroads where he should have given way to those driving on his right and left – a man almost rammed into them and started honking at them, gesticulating aggressively, opening his window and shouting, asking what the fuck he was doing.
He looked quickly in the mirror, feeling as if he was deaf, his brother was crying loudly, snuggled into her, shaking with fear, her eyes wide, staring at him in horror.
"… are you all right?" He asked dully, feeling like his head was spinning – he saw her nod quickly, and then suddenly he went dark in front of his eyes, his head dropped limply and hit something hard.
He was awakened by someone's conversation. He felt someone touching him, something pleasantly warm enveloped him – his body was lying on something soft and comfortable, he thought he was lying on the sofa in his house.
"− overwork, dehydration, stress, trauma − anything could have caused this, ma'am − when can his sister come? −" An unfamiliar voice asked.
"− his younger brother called her, but she only managed to buy a plane ticket for tomorrow −" He heard her soft, warm voice – he shuddered and opened his eyes with difficulty, wanting to see her, to make sure nothing had happened to her.
He spotted her blurred silhouette in the warm light of the night lamp – she was sitting next to him on the sofa in his living room, still dressed in her Esmeralda costume.
"− can you stay here until she arrives? − are you a friend of the family? −" Asked the man who was apparently a paramedic, packing his suitcase and pulling off his latex gloves. She nodded.
"− y-yes − yes, I'm his little brother's carer −" She replied calmly, the man and she both glanced at him when they noticed he was awake.
"− how are you feeling, sir? − you had a panic attack and fainted − I have given you intravenous sedatives and strengthening medications, you should feel better soon −" The man with the black beard, surely a few years older than him, said to him.
He grunted quietly as he tried to raise himself up on his elbows, feeling everything around him swirl and lay back, giving up.
"− fuck − I'm dizzy −" He muttered, his stomach sore and clenched.
She rose from her seat as the doctors left Daeron's room, sighing heavily in relief when the woman explained that he had only been scared.
"Aemond!" He shouted when he saw that he was awake, riding up to him in his wheelchair, wiping his face red from tears.
"− I thought − I thought you had died − you weren't moving − w-we couldn't wake you up −" He mumbled, and he hugged his head to his chest, closing his eyes, stroking his soft hair with his large hand.
"− I'm sorry − I'm so sorry − I've been working too much lately and I fainted −" He lied, swallowing loudly, his brother nodding his head in understanding, cuddling into him like a teddy bear. He kissed his temple, feeling tears well up in his eyes.
He thought he needed to pull himself together.
"− Esmeralda said she would stay with us until Helaena arrives − now it's up to us to take care of you − lie here and don't worry about a thing −" He said in a voice hoarse from crying and patted his head – he felt a tightness in his throat at his words, his eyebrows arched in emotion, he smiled involuntarily, feeling his lower lip tremble.
"− then I'm in good hands −"
He watched wordlessly as the doctors and medics left their house, Daeron showing his Esmeralda where she could find clothes to change into – she appeared a few minutes later in his long black hoodie reaching halfway down her thighs, her legs wonderfully bare.
She bustled around the kitchen with Daeron, trying to make dinner – he couldn't get out of his awe at what a harmonious duo they were, his brother talking to her without shame or embarrassment.
If he had been wiser, if he had given her a chance then instead of humiliating her, maybe now they would be preparing dinner together.
He rose to sit down when she brought him tea and sandwiches, thanking her meekly. He sighed heavily feeling he wouldn't swallow anything and although the medications were starting to work, he felt like his head was going to burst.
She only returned to the living room after she had helped Daeron change into his pyjamas and put him to bed. She approached him hesitantly and sat down next to him on the couch, not looking at him but at the floor.
"How are you feeling?" She asked quietly, covering her knees with the material of his sweatshirt.
He looked at her, silent for a long moment.
"Exactly as I should after what I did." He replied finally, not knowing how else he was supposed to call what he was feeling.
She looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed in pain, regret and sadness in her gaze, but at the same time also some kind of concern.
He thought in disbelief that his fate mattered to her despite what he had done to her.
She lowered her gaze to her knees, fiddling with the material that covered her thighs in a nervous gesture.
"He needs you composed. Emotionally stable." She said sadly, her lips trembling.
He stared at her face unable to take his eyes off her, thinking only of how much he wanted to touch her, dreaming of her hugging him and locking him in her arms.
"I know." He said dryly, understanding exactly what she meant.
He couldn't be unpredictable, distracted while driving in the car, at work and on a daily basis.
Could not be distracted by her.
"Why did you do it? Then when I wanted to leave?" She finally asked in a voice quivering with grief, and looked at him, the depth of disappointment, sadness and emptiness in her bright eyes.
He licked his lower lip dry with stress and swallowed hard, feeling his heart pounding like mad as he stared straight into her face.
"Because I wanted to feel you. You were so sweet and soft. You were melting in my hands. I couldn't stop." He muttered at last, feeling with shame how pathetic that explanation was, thinking he was just a fucking pervert.
He drew in a loud breath as she slid the blanket off him and sat on top of him, pressing her buttocks against what was under his trousers – he wanted to grab her hips, feeling a rush of adrenaline from disbelief, but she grabbed his wrists.
"No. Don't touch me. If I feel your hands on my body I'll start screaming. I will tell Daeron everything you did to me and that you tried to do it a second time." She said with a seriousness from which his breath caught in his throat; he immediately placed his hands as before on either side of his body, watching in disbelief as her tiny fingers undid his button and zipper, his cock immediately swelled and began to pulsate, a loud shuddering sigh escaped his lips.
God, was she really going to do this?
As if in response to his thoughts, she spread the material of his trousers to the side and slid his boxers down, revealing his throbbing erection, twitching with lust, the head of it pink and glistening. He pressed his lips together and closed his eyes, swallowing loudly when he felt her grab it's base with a gentle flick of her hand and direct its thick tip between her warm thighs.
She had no underwear underneath.
She lowered herself onto him a tiny bit, barely sinking the fat head of his cock inside her, teasing him with the lewd click of her moisture – the sight of him stretching her slit and how wet she was turned him on so much that a low, helpless groan escaped his throat.
"− be quiet or I'll stop − do you want me to stop? − you didn't give me that choice, but I'm not that cruel −" She said with regret as he shook his head quickly, feeling how desperate he was to feel her again.
"− please −" He heard his own pathetic voice, not believing he was allowing it, but he no longer cared what she would do to him, he wanted to fuck her in any way she would let him.
He felt some relief at the thought of being humiliated, he wanted her to do to him what he did to her even though he knew she didn't have his awful nature.
"− what are you asking me to do? −" She whispered softly, almost tenderly, as if her superiority over him was giving her back what he had taken from her, her power over her own body, over what was happening to her.
"− use me −" He breathed out in a voice hoarse with emotion, saw that something had changed in her gaze, her lips parted in a shuddering breath.
He clasped his hands on the fabric of the couch and leaned his head back, gasping out loud as he felt her let him all the way inside her, his hard, fat cock throbbed aggressively with desire squeezed wonderfully by her hot, tight walls – he knew he was embarrassingly close to fulfilment and that she felt it too.
She put her hands on his shoulders, leaning over him, but not moving, waiting for his manhood to stop twitching inside her – her pretty, flushed face surrounded by her dark, shiny curls, her bright eyes fixed on him, her plump, swollen lips parted in a quickened breath.
"− use you? − mr. prosecutor wants to make me feel good? −" She asked in a whisper, her voice trembling with fear and arousal, as if she herself was shocked by what she was doing and by the fact that he was listening to her, by the way he was responding to her, by how much he desired her.
"− yes −" He mumbled out and closed his eyes with a low moan, feeling that with flick of her hips she slowly slid his cock out of her only to push it back in with a loud click of her wetness.
"− why? −" She exhaled, moving on top of him painfully slowly, her tight fleshy muscles giving him a wonderful squeeze each time she forced him back between her plushy folds, they both began to breathe louder and louder. He bent his legs at the knees, involuntarily tentatively responding to her thrusts with deep stabs of his hips.
"− God, don't you see that I crave you? −" He groaned low, with the last of his strong will restraining himself from tightening his hands on her buttocks and forcing her to move faster.
There was something wonderful about this slow agony, in the way she teased him, rubbing herself at the spot from which she felt the greatest pleasure, a sweet moan escaped her lips at his words.
"− are you always like this when you see me? − like you are now between my thighs? −" She mumbled in embarrassment, speeding up, their naked bodies began to slam against each other with splats of her moisture – he dared to buck into her harder, they both began to pant loudly, looking at each other with their mouths wide open, her lips puffy with desire.
"− of course − I jerk off every day thinking about you − fuck −" He muttered with difficulty, feeling the tickle and heat in his lower abdomen, his cock swelling with desire so much that he felt like it was about to explode if he didn't come inside her, their naked bodies slamming against each other.
He delighted in the sight of her throwing her head back at his words, her hot core pulsed hard around him, sucking him inside, her fingers clenched on the material of his sweatshirt, her buttocks slapping loudly against his thighs, soaking him all over.
"− touch me − touch me −" She cried out and he caught her quickly, one of his hands weaved into her hair and pressed her face against his, their lips joined in an aggressive, thirsty, sticky kiss, the fingers of his other hand clenched on the soft, firm skin of her ass.
They moaned loudly into each other's mouths as he began to pound into her like mad, almost not sliding out of her anymore – he embraced her and hugged her body to his, gripping her around the waist, her hands stroking his cheeks, his neck, his scar, his cock thrusting into her weeping folds twitching and throbbing like crazy.
"− fuck − fuck, baby, m gonna cum −" He babbled between the flicks of their lips, tongues and teeth. She gasped and came at his words with a loud mewl of surprise – he felt her moisture run down her thighs onto his lower abdomen, her muscles began to clench on him greedily, squeezing him wonderfully. He threw his head back and moaned in relief when he felt his warm seed spurt out inside her.
"− oh God − oh my fucking God −" He mumbled, experiencing such an intense orgasm for the first time in his life – for a moment he went dark before his eyes, he could see or hear nothing, there was only the wonderful hot pleasure spilling over his whole body, his hands clenched on her hot skin.
He hugged her close, snuggling her face into the hollow of his neck, covering their bodies with his blanket, not wanting Daeron to accidentally find them in this position, while having no intention of changing it.
He felt wonderful.
He stroked her soft hair placing tender, wet kisses on her temple, his other hand trailing reassuringly down her back, feeling that she was trembling all over with emotion, unsure as he was of what had really happened between them.
"− sleep here, little one − I won't touch you against your will − I promise −" He whispered, but her silence answered him – she breathed loudly along with him, lying still, his half-soft manhood still throbbing deep inside her.
"− I know −" She replied quietly after a moment, rising on her shoulders, sliding him out of her with a soft motion of her hips, his hands clasped helplessly on her thighs.
"− please, don't go −" He muttered, looking at her in horror, his heart pounding like mad.
Please, let me go.
"− I'm sorry −"
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Please, let me go.
She rose from the couch, trembling all over, covering her thighs with his sweatshirt, his semen mingled with her moisture ran down her naked skin.
"− I'll sleep in the free room next to Daeron's bedroom − I'll lock myself in − don't come to me and don't ever touch me again − we're even −" She said in a calm, quivering voice full of sorrow, sadness and emptiness.
He wanted to touch her fingers but she turned and left the living room, hiding her face in her hand as if she was crying again, disappearing down the corridor.
He lay looking dully at the spot where she had stood just a moment before, feeling a squeeze in his throat – with trembling hands he slipped his boxers back on and zipped up his trousers, feeling tears of disappointment running down the sides of his face onto the pillow under his head.
We're even.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @rwdkarla @echos-muses
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adoresmiles · 1 month
His Concealed Obsession
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Chapter one.
"I just don't get how you two still have a job when you're both always at my place."
"We just came by to check in on you since the news about your neighbor broke out in the news this morning."
"Oh yeah , I saw it on the news. I feel so bad for her kids. She was always spoke to me whenever we come would come across each other . Invited me over to dinner , go out for lunch and hell she even invited me to spa dates with her and her daughter."
"You talking about Nicole?"
"Yea Jax , the same Nicole you slept with before you married your wife."
"Jaxon Tyree!"
"It was an accident Nani and I don't even know why KP brought it up."
"I hope and pray that my nephew doesn't turn out like you as he gets older."
"With all the amazing women in his life , he's going to come out a thousand times better than me."
"Anyways you need to be careful Kanani, your neighbor who was a well known attorney was murder inside of her."
"Maybe you should come and stay with one of until KP and them get everything done. Cause I be damn if my baby sister gets murdered next."
"I understand you are worried about my safety but if mom and dad haven't said anything about it yet to me then you guys shouldn't either. I'm safe here and I have an alarm system and cameras inside of my apartment."
"Now you know damn well them cameras and alarm systems ain't going to save your short ass."
"You need a guard dog and damn gun. I keep telling you to go ahead and get a gun and take classes on how to use it properly."
"Nope , I refuse to get a gun. You know how I feel about them ever since that damn party."
"Kanani you're killing us right now right now."
"I know and I'm sorry. Look how many who have guns out here and they don't even use it properly?! You have kids going to school shooting their teachers , grown ass adults who went to school coming back for revenge, young black men taking each other out."
"Hate to say this, but it's this shit happens everyday and everywhere Nani."
"Yes but also if we stop giving the wrong people guns and do a fucking throughly background check then it wouldn't be problem. Lock your guns away from your children. It's more  gun violence out there than love and I just refuse to be apart of it."
Kanani stated to her two older brothers as she walked around her kitchen counter to get herself a glass of juice.
"Think about it from our perspective. What if you were in that situation? Would you have fought back ? Call the police ?"
"Calling the police and locking them inside the closet. The closet doors lock from the outside and plus in order to even get inside you need my finger print and the code to get inside the door."
"Not saying I'm on her side here but trying to break down these doors are heavy as hell."
"It sounds like to me you're on little KP side right now. I don't suppose to say this but this per- hold on ... hello? Wassup uncle Mike?"
"While detective KP over there chatting away. Let's talk about where you are going to be staying."
"I'm not leaving my house because of some killer is on the loose. If I feel like I am in great danger then I'll show up on either yours or KP door step."
"You're going to give me gray hairs before Jordan even turns eighteen."
"That sounds like a personal problem Jaxon. Why are you trying to control something that you're not able to control yourself?"
"Because you're my baby sister Nani. If anything were to hap- if someone were to hurt you , I'll gladly sit behind bars for killing them. That goes for KP too! I'm yall older brother and it's my job to make sure that you both are good at all times. Yeah KP a detective and all but that don't matter to me."
"Jaxon I appreciate you and I know you're concerned about my safety but you have to trust me. If I feel as if my life is in jeopardy then you'll be the first one to know. Plea-"
"Aye Jax we got to go , uncle Mike and uncle Marcus need some help with this case. I can drop you off back the fire station or you good?"
"I'm good , Nani can drop me off back at the station."
"Nope , sorry can't do it. I have to go get ready before my friend comes over for our lunch date."
"Damn it's like that?"
"Sure is , now can you guys go so I can go get ready? I need at least two hours to mentally prepare myself."
"We didn't even finish our conversation."
"I'm staying home and that's final. Please don't forget that one of you has to pick up mom and dad from the airport tomorrow afternoon."
"Well I can't do it since this is my weekend it work."
"Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm the one who dropped them off and plus I have back to back meetings for my store grand opening."
"Oh yeah I forgot , yeah I'll pick them up tomorrow then. I'll have Jordan tag along with me to keep me entertained on the way there."
"Aight now, we out! Be safe and don't be out here grown. We locking the door behind us since yo ass wants to walk away without giving hugs and shit."
"And share your location too, love you big head!"
"Love you too, now bye!"
Kanani expressed to them both as she walked down her hallway that lead into her bedroom. She loved her brother's but after dealing with them for long , she needed a mental reset. Their conversation regarding the circumstances of her neighbor was not necessarily needed. Yes , the situation is sad but it doesn't involve her. She could see if she was there and witnessed it but she wasn't.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on her door. A look of confusion displayed on her face as she looked down the hallway of her home. Kanani wasn't expecting anyone until the next couple of hours. So she was confused on who or what could it possibly be . Dropping her unfolded blanket onto the ground , she decided to go and see who it could be.
"This better not be one of these neighbors kids knocking on my dam- oh hey David, what brings you by?
"These are for you señorita Kanani."
"My favorite flowers, they're so beautiful. Do you know who sent them in?"
"Frangipani plumeria. I unfortunately don't but they did leave a note for you. I have to get going , the other set of flowers are placed on your table."
"Thank you David!"
"Anything for you señorita Kanani. It seems like you have a keeper in your hands."
"That it does , hopefully this note tells me who it is."
"Have a good day."
"....hmmm who the hell sent me two sets of frangipani flowers. Dile si al cielo dime si a mi. Well that is cute of them to put my favorite song on there. Seems like this person really paid attention to me."
Kanani smiled once again as she smelled the freshly picked flowers. Frangipani flowers were simply her favorite since they reminded her of Hawai'i , where she was originally born. Now cheesing ear to ear Kanani quickly arranged the flowers to her liking before rushing off to prepare for her day.
"Today is going to be a really good ass day for me."
"dile si al cielo dime si a mi" : say yes to heaven say yes to me
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : san x f!reader (background poly ateez)
genre : non-idol au, hurt / comfort, established relationship
warnings : langauge, being forgotten, some crying
suffer with me tag : @sanjoongie
in the rush of the moment, the boys forget something important on their way to their vacation.
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you woke up with an odd feeling in your stomach. why this was happening, you weren't sure. but you opted to push to the side as you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
and then it hit you that the apartment you shared with eight other people – your boyfriends – was silent. there wasn't another soul in sight nor could you hear anyone but your own breathing.
where were they?
then you had a second realization that today you all were suppose to travel to the beach for a small vacation. san had been begging for you all to take a trip together. telling hongjoong and seonghwa that it had been years since they last went on one.
"we need to go on one now that y/n has officially moved in," that was what finally made hongjoong and seonghwa agree. the two eldest thinking it would be a good idea to go on vacation with you.
yet here you were sitting on the couch by yourself, alone. you didn't want to admit it, but was obvious they had forgotten you. you tried to bite back the tears that threatened to spill. it just an accident, you think to yourself, they didn't mean to forget you.
you reach for your phone, wanting to check to see if they messaged you, but only the black screen of your phone stared at you. dead. that explains why your alarm didn't go off this morning.
"oh? who had gummy bears?" seonghwa asks as he brings out the pack of gummy bears that was in their travel snack bag. seonghwa turned to look at his lovers who all looked at him in equal confusion. that is until wooyoung spoke up from the back.
"oh! those of y/nnie's! she loves those gummy bears!"
"isn't y/n in the other car though?" yunho asks from the driver's seat, looking at his lover through the rearview mirror.
"then why is her snack with us and not with the others?" seonghwa asks, seemingly getting more confused by the second.
that's when realization hit san like a truck, a loud gasp leaving his lips causing the other males in the car to look at him.
"we left y/n at home!"
"WHAT!?" yunho is quick to pull off on to the side of the road. him and seonghwa quickly turn to look at both males in the back. only seconds later does the car hongjoong was driving also pull over.
"what's wrong?" hongjoong asks, confused on why yunho pulled over.
"we have to go home!" san begins, "we forgot y/n!" he says, feeling tears start to brim his eyes at realizing how hurt you must be feeling right now.
"what? but wasn't wooyoung suppose to make sure that everyone was up and ready? she was your buddy wooyoung," jongho says causing everyone to look at the male could looked surprised by the information. in other words... he forgot.
"damnit, wooyoung!" hongjoong says, anger seething through him as he glares at his younger boyfriend.
"i'm sorry! i guess i just got distracted by everything else. and besides, you were the one rushing everyone out the door! you should have noticed she was missing too!" wooyoung says back.
"listen," yeosang begins, "we don't have time to be arguing like this. we all obviously can't go back, so why don't half of us keep going to the beach house, while the other half goes back."
"we'll go back," san says, and no one objects.
"try calling her and let her know you are on your way, okay?" hongjoong says and seonghwa nods before they are all getting back in their respective cars.
"i can't believe you forgot your buddy," san says to wooyoung as they are on their way back to the apartment.
"shut up! i already feel bad enough as it is," wooyoung says, another wave of guilt rushing over him.
"stop blaming wooyoung," seonghwa says, phone pressed to his ear as he's trying to call you. "we are all to blame for th– ah! baby, are you okay?" seonghwa cuts himself off when he hears you pick up.
"i'm fine," you say, but seonghwa can tell by your tone that you've been crying. the thought makes his heart break.
"listen, baby, we are on our way back to get you okay? we'll be there in about half an hour," he tells you.
"okay," you sound dejected and it makes his stomach twist. this was suppose to be a fun and memorable vacation. one where he would have taken pictures for the scrapbook you got him. it wasn't suppose to have such a heart-breaking start.
"let me talk to her," san says, leaning over and holding his hand out. seonghwa hands him his phone.
"hey pretty," san says greeting you, "are you okay?"
"y-yeah, i'm fine," he hears you take a deep breath, "happy birthday, sannie."
"thank you, baby. remember you told me last night," he says, not being able to fight the smile that appears on his face.
"i know... i just wanted to tell you again," you say, voice falling quieter near the end. "you guys don't have to come back," you say after a moment, "you shouldn't be wasting time coming back to get me. i'm fine by myself."
"yeah, well, we aren't fine knowing you're by yourself. this vacation is for all of us. you included, got it?"
"got it," you say softly.
"i'll see you when we get back," san says and he hears you hum out a small bye before hanging up. san hands the phone back to seonghwa before he's turning to wooyoung. "you better get on the ground and beg for forgiveness when we pick her up."
san is the first one to enter the apartment when they get back. the other three trailing behind him as they step inside. and san doesn't waste any time calling out for you.
the four of them hear your feet padding across the floor and you emerge around the corner. san can't help the blush that covers his face when he takes in how cutely you're dressed. however, before he could say anything, wooyoung is shoving him aside in order to run up to you. the younger male dropping to his knees, arms wrapping around your legs as begins to semi-fake cry.
"y/nnie, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to forget my seat buddy. i love you so much, you know that right?" wooyoung says making you smile at him. you nod your head, running a hand through his hair to comfort him. "but in all fairness, its hongjoong's fault one-hundred percent."
"wooyoung!" seonghwa's voice is stern as he stops wooyoung from trying to pass the blame. you then see him look up at you with soft eyes, "we are all to blame, really. i'm sorry, baby."
"i'm sorry too, i know the others all feel just as bad," yunho says making you give them a sad smile in return.
"can i just... can i just have a hug, please?" all four males don't waste anytime in giving you a group hug. after that, san gives you an extra one while yunho takes your bag and the other three begin to head down to the car.
"i'm sorry we left you, y/n. i don't think i'll ever be able to forgive myself," he tells you, hiding his face in your neck.
"but you came back for me, didn't you?" you say, making san lift his head to look at you.
"yeah, we did," he says before kissing you. when he pulled away, san gave you a smile before linking hands with you and walking down to the car where you join the others.
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tag list (bold is unable to tag ) : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frogogh @marsanhwa @kryukyustar @sookacc @seongwin @melomatz @ad0rechuu
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
the nanny part 3 | hangman x reader (saturn)
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note: finally a longer one? ish? it took a minute to write because i had a headache every day for the last week and then i had a take home organic chemistry exam that i needed to get done (gotta maintain that 4.0, school is important kids!)
warnings: swearing, very light angst, jake is pinning, saturn is in a relationship. lowkey jake is a simp.
i don't think that this is a warning but i've not explicitly said this either, but any female character i write is bisexual. of that isn't your cup of tea, i'm sorry.
word count: 2.6k
not beta'd we die like men.
inspired by: @roosterforme
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Jake was a mess. 
For no reason, honestly. He had typed out, deleted, retyped, deleted again, and then said said fuck it and opened up his notes app to try and type a message out to you about this weekend. All this weekend is, really, is a friendly chat between a dad looking for someone to help him out with his infant daughter that he didn’t know existed a month ago, and Penny Benjamin’s solid 10 niece that gave him a half mast when she was holding his daughter, for no reason. 
And when you called him Dad-man? His heart stopped. He thought about it all night. 
By the time Friday night had rolled around he still hadn’t texted you in regards to going out tomorrow, so when he got a text message from you, he was a little confused, he hadn’t given you his number… had he?
Hey dad-man! Rooster gave me your number since I hadn’t heard from you all week. Are we still on for tomorrow? I know that Avery is a little young but the San Diego Zoo is doing a little arts and crafts thing with the animals tomorrow we could check out? My treat? you had sent along with a link to the event and he smiles as he types out his message to you.
Hey! You know I honestly had like, 30 different messages typed out to send you but they were all ass ideas compared to yours. I’m sure Avery would love it even if she doesn’t understand what’s going on, lol maybe we could grab coffee or something from a cafe afterwards?
It’s a date, dad-man ;) you send back after a few minutes, which is quickly followed by: pick me up at 9? 
It’s a date, darlin he sends and then groans into his hands “darlin? Seriously? She’s going to nanny your fucking get, get a grip Seresin.” he sets an alarm for 7 am, not like he needs it though. Avery is awake and hungry by 6:45 then out for a nap by 8:30. 
He’s asleep just after 2 and at 6:45 on the dot he can hear Avery stirring through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He’s quick to stand up before her wails get any louder, changes her from any accident she could have had in her sleep and then heads downstairs to make her a bottle. While he’s feeding her, he has coffee brewing for himself so he isn’t a complete zombie when he sees you in a few hours. He gets Avery dressed and her diaper bag packed before he’s setting her in her bouncer in the bathroom so he can take a quick shower without leaving her unsupervised -- she has the time of her life listening to him sing. 
It’s 8:45 by the time he’s finally leaving. Avery forgoing her morning nap and choosing to fight him instead when he was trying to get her dressed, and then puking on his one clean shirt that he had that wasn’t his service khakis or a graphic t-shirt set him behind his schedule. He quickly found a shirt that he turned into a tank top, groaning at how he looked like a gym douchebag 
You were waiting on the steps of Penny’s house for him nearly 15 minutes past 9 for him, and boy were you a sight to see. He definitely regretted his choice of a dingey old Navy shirt but that was his own fault for putting off his laundry and choosing to favor doing Avery’s instead. You were wearing jean shorts you obviously cut yourself, sinfully short but also modest at the same time. The shorts were paired with a pair of tennis shoes and a plain white tank top and a… fanny pack?
You hopped into his truck with a “you’re late” but he just laughs and points to the fanny pack.
“The 90s called, they want their stuff back.” 
“Hey, don’t shit on the 90s. Plus fanny packs are back in. It’s so much more convenient than carrying a purse or other bag around, they’re less likely to be stolen, and both my hands are free.” you say and do a little jazz fingers motion and he just smiles and shakes his head. You put your seatbelt on and he’s pulling out away from the curb.
“Besides, you can’t shit on what I’m wearing, when you’re wearing that.” 
“Hey, be nice to me. Av puked on the shirt I was going to wear and I hadn’t had the chance to wash my clothes yet.” 
“Well, let’s skip the zoo. Avery won’t know the difference, we’ll go back to your place and I can help you clean up.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“My laundry is not your responsibility. We’re going to the zoo.” he says in his dad voice and you just laugh.
“Whatever you say, dad-man.” you kick your feet up against his dash and if you were anyone else, he’d be telling you to get them off the dash.
The drive to the zoo goes by quickly and despite you calling dibs on paying the entrance fee, Jake is slapping his card down faster than you can even open your fanny pack. You shoot him a glare and he gives you a smirk that sends most girls falling to their knees. Keyword, most.
Jake pushes Avery’s stroller through the zoo while you walk beside him, making light conversation and getting to know each other as you make your way to where the kids' activities are located. 
You learn that he comes from an abusive home. His dad was an alcoholic who passed from liver failure not that long ago, flooding the family with relief. He has three sisters, plenty of nieces and nephews. You learned grew up on a ranch which explains how his legs bow out the smallest amount, his favorite color is green (of course), his favorite tv show, food, even the book he read recently. You told him about your life too, growing up in eastern Tennessee, your parents' accident, living with Penny and helping her raise Amelia to the teen she is today, your time in Vermont, why you picked education to go into. Jake easily saw you as someone that he wanted to spend more time with, it was a no brainer that you would be the one watching his daughter when he needed it. Hell, he could even see Avery calling you mom one day, in the distant future of course. 
You three had finally made it to the area of the zoo where the activities were being held and you take Avery out of her stroller and sit with her in your lap while Jake sits next to you. The warmth of your skin against his making him hotter than the San Diego sun. 
For the next hour you two sit, comfortable with each other while Avery mashes paint around the ziplock bag she was working on. Thankfully for the sun it dried quickly and you drew out a few animals on the rainbow colors covering the page. 
At only 4 months old, Jake is in such awe at how you talk to and how you treat Avery and even at how Avery responds to you. The babble that you do back to Avery, how sweet you talk to her, how she reaches for you, all of it. Just melts Jake. 
The time to walk back to the truck wasn’t long enough, in his opinion, and he was already planning a trip back when she was a little older and would appreciate it a little bit more. 
You put Avery in her carseat while Jake breaks down her stroller and puts it into the bed of his truck before shutting the lift gate. “Still up for coffee?” he asks just as you’re shutting the back door.
“If you are.” you say and give him a smile, he opens your door for you and offers you a hand and you just laugh and take it before hopping up into the cab and once you’re settled he shuts the door and walks around to his own side.
The drive to the local coffee shop he had in mind was surprisingly quick to get to, granted he did speed a little through some yellow lights to get there.
You don’t bother getting Avery’s stroller out, choosing instead to just undo her car seat and carry her in that way since she was sleeping peacefully already. You tell Jake your order and he stands in line while you go and pick out a table, a little table in the corner and you set Avery’s carrier the table after making sure that it was sturdy enough that you didn’t need to worry about bumping the table and having her shift too much. 
Jake comes and takes a seat since it’ll take a minute for the food to be prepared. “They didn’t have hazelnut, is caramel okay?” he asks since you had asked for a hazelnut latte.
“Caramel is perfect, actually. It’s my favorite flavor.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” he says with a smile and leans forward on the table and you give him a kind smile back.
“So dad-man. Think I’m fit enough to watch Avery for you?” you ask and he chuckles.
“I think you’re qualified to do more than that, but yeah. She loves you, I love you-oh I uh-” his ears redden and you laugh.
“No I get it, don’t worry.” you say as his name is being called for the food and drinks. You watch him walk away, shamelessly checking him out as he goes, you bite your lip softly but look away quickly when he turns around to walk back. 
“One chicken salad on a croissant with blueberry applesauce and an iced caramel latte with oat milk for Saturn,” he says, setting your tray down and you laugh and he sets his down before pulling his chair out. “And one of the exact same thing for me.”  
“Real original dad-man.” you say as you take a sip of the latte and you moan, “this is so good.” 
His breath hitches when he hears the sound and he shakes it off with a laugh, “yeah, the coffee here is the best I’ve had in the area. It’s nice that it isn’t too far from base or from home either.”
“Might just have to go a little out of my way in the morning to come here.” you say and he laughs.
“So, how did you get the nickname Saturn?” he asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich and a sad smile forms on your face.
“I got it from my dad. I don’t know why I took such a liking to the planet, but I grew up loving space. I wanted to be an astronaut, actually. He took me to our local planetarium and it was the first planet that I actually saw in the telescope and there was just something about the rings that really drew five year old me in. I wanted saturn everything. I even went as the planet for Halloween one year.” you say and he laughs.
“What were you just a yellow ball with circles around you?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah pretty much, let me see if I have a picture.” you pull out your phone and he glances at your lock screen and sees it’s you and another girl kissing with fireworks in the background. He quickly looks away as you get into your phone, feeling an unnecessary stab to his heart. “Here it is!” you say and show him little you with a little bucket of candy, the biggest grin on your face and he laughs and takes your phone so he can look at it closer.
“You were adorable, what happened?” he teases and you make an offended noise and snatch your phone back.
“I’m still adorable! I’m just… grown now.” you say and he laughs.
You both sit there for a while longer, Jake running out to get stuff for a bottle before coming back in to see you already holding her and waiting for him to return. “You want me to feed her?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Nope. I got her.” you saw and take the bottle, she latches quickly to it and starts drinking away. “When you have me around you are doing nothing. Just relax, daddy. Let someone else take care of her.”
He feels relief at that statement, but also useless since all he’s done for the past almost month is take care of this little human that he helped to create. But watching you take care of her, so effortlessly, was so easy for him. He didn’t expect to be able to relinquish control of this aspect of his life so easily, and yet, it was almost second nature to him.
“So, are you able to start watching her on Monday? I return to duty then and-”
“Jake, it’s fine. I do nothing all day aside from helping out Penny at the bar. I would be more than happy to come and spend all day with this little baby.” you say, looking down at Avery with a smile on your face.
“I’m not, stealing you away from anyone am I? Boyfriend.. Girlfriend?” he fishes and you laugh.
“My girlfriend lives back in Vermont. She doesn’t have any plans to come visit any time soon so as of right now, the only person you and Avery are stealing time from is myself. But there’s nothing I can’t do with her that I couldn’t do by myself.” you say and he nods.
“How long have you two been together?” 
“Just over two years. We celebrated our anniversary just before I moved out here.” you say, looking back up at him and you see the look change in his eyes and you offer him a small smile.
“What about you? Any girlfriend that’s going to come out of the frameworks?” you tease and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, not really looking to date now that I have this little one to be thinking about.” he says and you nod, the conversation ending there. 
After Avery is done with her bottle you burp her and lay her back in her car seat. It’s nearing 3pm already and you have to get to the bar soon for your shift. Jake carries Avery back to the car while you run into the bathroom, splashing cool water on your face. 
You knew things were rocky with your girlfriend back home, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was get involved with your new boss, even if he was one of the most genuine and kind men you’ve ever met.
You make your way to Jake’s truck and he’s waiting for you outside, windows already rolled down so the back door can be shut and Avery won’t bake in the Californian sun. He opens your door for you again and you smile and climb up in the truck.
It’s a short drive to the bar and you hesitate getting out, you look back at him with your lip already between your teeth and you smile. “Thank you, Jake. I had a really great time.”
He returns your smile with a nod, “so did I. And I’m sure that Avery did too.” you laugh and look back at her.
“You’ll have to text me your address before Monday.” you remind him and he nods.
“I will.”
“Alright, well. Enjoy your night, dad-man.” you say, jumping out of his truck and he watches you walk into the bar, leaning his head back against his seat and letting out a deep sigh.
Of course you’re in a relationship.
@mandylove1000 @zbeez-outlet @emma8895eb @sinners-98-world @buxkybarnez @classyunknownlover @caidi-paris @classycolorpeach @eugene-emt-roe @mayhemmanaged @missemrose @fighterpilothoe @crystal-lily-101 @pookie-cleary @max-dalton @hisredheadedgoddess28 @elijahmikaelsonbitch @thegoddessc @yourfaveaquarius92 @blueoorchid @archaeologydigit @dempy @missathlete31 @hangmandruigandmav @alana4610 @h-ngm-ns @naya-neneya @desert-fern @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosterbruiser @startrekfangirl2233 @lovinglyeternal @sarahsmi13s @the-ms-mischief @that-one-random-writer @cassiemitchell @roostette @footprintsinthesxnd @roosters-girl @musesownmymind
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dailyunstableeve · 11 months
Hobie Brown x witch!Fem!reader
Chapter Two
Hobie Brown's Masterlist
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .
It's another day of your highschool, you're walking down the hallway trying to get to your locker so you can dodge your bullies. Unlucky for you, that tactic never works for you. As much as how much you wanted to use your power to get you out of here but you know you could end up hurting someone you didn't want to, especially Hobie.
"Where are you going Y/N, aren't we gonna have some fun?" That taunting tone belongs to your bullies.
"Please just leave me alone," you mumbled.
"Can't hear youuu~"
"Please just leave me alone!" You bring out the courage inside you and push your bullies away from you.
"You dare to push me?" The bullies are furious, they stomped their way to you but stopped when a tall figure stood in front of you, his back facing you.
"Did you not hear her, leave the lady alone."
Just like that, your bullies walked away, leaving the tall figure turning to you, "are you alright luv?"
Before you could answer, you woke up from the beeping in the background. That's as annoying as your daily morning alarm. You slowly got up, looking at your surroundings, it looked nothing like your room.
"You're awake Miss L/N," a hologram human appeared in front of you which frightened you a little, "my name is Jarvis, nice to meet you. Please don't be afraid of me, I mean no harm to you, please rest while you can, I shall inform everyone that you've woken up," just once Jarvis is done speaking, he disappears.
You told yourself you should flee but your body is too tired to move, even though you've been sleeping for you don't know how long. All you can do is wait for someone to walk in and hope you manage to convince them to let you go.
A few minutes passes, someone finally walks in, a redhead woman in a nurse outfit and you can immediately tell who's that, even if their current outfit is so different from what they usually wear on mission, you can see through her disguises.
"You're Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, what are you doing in a nurse outfit?" You bluntly asked.
"Huh, so you know things," she smirked, taking off the nurse cap.
"It's quite easy to tell, judging by uh, you," you nervously smiled, a force of habit to hide the fact your powers allow you to see people's aura.
"So tell me, Y/N L/N, how did you end up here?"
"Pretty sure you know why, the purple alien? Spiderman swung me all the way to the war zone and asked me to help you guys."
"Of course I know that, but I'm curious on how you got your powers" she looked at you.
"I'm a mutant, and I know in papers, my parents aren't mutant, I got it from my grams, she's a mutant," you explained, "please tell me killing that purple alien is gonna get me into trouble."
"Maybe a little," since you've seen through her disguise, Natasha has no reason to hide anymore, she sat next to you on the bed, "but you've saved the world by doing that, maybe you'll get off the hook."
"We've checked your background, it seems like you're in need of money, to support your family and may hope you can continue studying," Natasha read out the file that just appeared in thin air, it must be Jarvis, "we can help you with that."
"By how? Joining you guys to save the world?" You asked, and Natasha replied with a nod, "yeah, no, what happened with that purple alien was an accident, I don't want to use my powers."
"Too bad, you're born with it, use it well, I have people who can help you, give it a try, for five months," Natasha smiled.
"I have to think about it, can I go home?"
"Yeah, I'll prepare a ride for you."
Once you got home, your family was worried sick about you. They updated you that there was a man in black showing up at the doorstep informing them that you're at the superheroes compound resting. Your family can't go there so they can only wait at home, worried sick about you.
"I'm alright now mama," you kissed your mom's cheek.
For the next few weeks you ignore as many calls as you can that aren't from your phone contact, any unknown number will go to miss calls. It is understandable that many dreamed to be superheroes, and fought alongside their idol, to you it doesn't work that way. As much as you thank the superheroes who fought for everyone's safety, especially the innocents, joining them is not what you hope to live your life as.
A few knocks from your window caught your attention while you were struggling on your studies, without getting taught by a professional teacher is really hard for you.
"Who's there?" You slowly peek out from your window. What appears in front of you is the one superhero you admired, SpiderMan, or you should say, Hobie Brown, your high school crush, "Hobie? Oh sorry, you're wearing the mask at the moment, SpiderMan."
"Mind I come in?" He gently asked.
"You can but I think it's best we talk at the fire escape, my walls are thin," you whispered and climb out from your room to the fire escape.
"You look alright."
"Do I? 'Cause I was struggling at my studies," you nervously laughed.
This is a wild moment for you, the person who you admire as a hero and your highschool crush is just next to you.
"So, what do I owe the pleasure for SpiderMan to be on the fire escape outside my window?" You looked at him.
"Just wanted to know how are you since you were out of contact for weeks," he took off his mask, the hair of his just puffed out which it's a sight to see. Other than the hair, there's the face of your highschool crush, the guy you crushed on for four years and lost contact with right after graduation. Seeing the face still reminds you of those days how he's the light of your life during highschool, he didn't cling onto you but at least he would look after you when you needed to and say 'hi' every time passed by.
"Thanks for checking up on me," you smiled and sat down on the edge of the fire escape, Hobie joined you too, "judging by how you're a superhero, I guess you standing up at my bullies is just an action of justice."
Hobie just stayed silent.
"I'll take that as a yes since there's no replies, but thank you for everything you did," you continued.
"You're welcome."
You hope you're getting the wrong vibe but he seems more quiet today.
"I'm actually here because the groupies ask me to get you to join them and protect the world," Hobie said.
"I don't think protecting the world is what I can do, I only bring chaos, with the power I grew up with and couldn't control," you stare down at your palms, you always use your power by a wave of your hand but now you just doesn't want to use it at all.
"They can help you, they are experts, especially that baldie, Xavier," Hobie hummed.
"Thanks but no, I don't want to."
"I can be there, since you only know me," Hobie suggested, "figure you might feel safer with someone you trust or know with you."
Thinking about how Hobie just told you if you go, he'll be there for you, tempts you to say yes but you just have to stay stubborn and convince yourself to never use your power. The temptation is too high, as much as you wish to spend more time with the person you care about, Hobie.
"Five months, if I were to still unable to control my power when I use it, I'll leave."
a/n: who could resist their crush 😭 even I can't resist Hobie ;-; I wonder what kinda of story they will ended up.
Chapter One <-
Chapter Three ->
Chapter Four ->
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power-rings · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part: Chapter 2 His Presence
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Everyday since that day when Amy felt able to finally get back to work, without a breakdown, she had swore I had seen Shadow on the other side of the street. Was he watching out for her? Anytime she tried to confront him, he was mysteriously gone. Each evening that she took the stroll home, she still felt his gaze. She wasn't sure whether to be creeped out, or what. Amy shook her head, picking up the pace. For once since late last month, I actually looked forward to getting home. Her kids had came home just last week; their house felt normal now. Oh, how relieved Amy had felt when they embraced her the moment she opened the door. While at work, typically Tails watches the kids, or on the rare occasion Rouge or Knuckles will.  In the morning, the kids will be returning to school, she wanted to get as much time with them this evening as she could. Her youngest son Mach will be starting kindergarten, while Lily will be starting 2nd grade. Lily was ecstatic, while her brother was full of butterflies. At the dinner table, I would encourage Mach about school, and remind him he won't be having a full day until the next week. We had pizza at the dinner table, thanks to Tails for ordering for them before I had even gotten home. Once Tails left the house, I started helping the kids with preparing their lunches for the next day. Mach was a lot more pickier than his sister, he hated crust on his sandwiches, while Lily didn't mind. The three soon joined each other on the sofa, watching one of their favorite movies together. Summer days were ending for them, and my heart ached slightly. She was gonna be alone again. Dread started to seep in. Mach was going to be gone more, which was another reason why she was relieved she started working again to bring in some income, and keep herself busy. In her heart though, she will miss these days home alone with her youngest son. She wondered if he felt the same? Once the credits rolled, Amy got them ready for bed. She watched from the doorway as Lily sat on her bed, and set an alarm for herself. Lily sure has matured since Sonic had passed. When she saw her mother, she smiled warmly. They embraced, and Amy kissed her on the head. Their gaze locked with one another, feeling as though they were thinking the same thing. They laid on the bed together, Lily talking about that trip she took, and the accident with the jellyfish stinging Mach. Which, as Tails exclaimed Mach had handled it like a pro. The pair talked about Sonic, remembering those nights he'd be in the bedroom tucking her in. Or perhaps getting Mach fired up, causing him to get too excited to sleep. Neither of them never thought, they'd have to actually miss those moments. Yet, here they were. When Lily fell asleep on her shoulder, Amy carefully moved and tucked her in. Tears stinging her eyes, that she held back earlier.  When she went to check on Mach, he was on the floor playing with some video games. Sternly, she told him to put it away and get to bed. Just like with Lily, Amy lingered in his room and they sat on his bed. Mach rest on her lap, not much was said between the pair, except Amy asking Mach to make sure he didn't forget anything for school. She made a mental note to check his bookbag before she gets to bed. Like many nights before Amy stroked his ear until he had fallen asleep; which it didn't take long. Now that he was tucked in, Amy turned to switch off his bedside lamp and kissed him on the head before leaving. 
The hallway to her bedroom felt like it went on forever, she hesitated Infront of her doorway. So eerily quiet.  Last week, Amy got tired of sleeping on the couch because it was hurting her back now. Now feeling like maybe this would help her sleep, she got rid of the sheets that her and Sonic would sleep on together, and replaced them with fresh new bedding. New pillows and everything. It seemed to help her get to sleep, as well as some music playing to provide more noise to make up for the lack of Sonic's snoring that she oddly missed. She eventually fell asleep around 2 that morning. Amy must have slept hard, because when her alarm went off at 5am that morning, she didn't even move an inch. It wasn't until, 6:30am when Lily came into the bedroom. "Mom?" Her ears twitched, slowly lifting her head, blinking in confusion. Why had her daughter came in her room, at this hour? On a weekend- Oh shit. She gave her daughter an apologetic gaze before pulling the covers off of her body. The frantic hedgehog got her slippers on and quickly made her way into the kitchen, she wanted to make sure they had a good breakfast before school. She prepped some pancakes, with Lily's help, and cut up some fruit, and fixed some glasses of orange juices.  After Mach was rudely waken up by his sister, they sat around the table to enjoy the first meal of the day. To Amy, time flew by and before she knew it she was helping them get their belongings, and head out the door. Since the school was walking distance, the three of them walked along the sidewalk, when they got closer to the school building they saw two rows of cars for drop-off.  Some teachers guided them inside, while a lot of the parents had wished to walk them to the entrance. Lily knew where she was suppose to go, when she saw two of her friends from her previous classroom, she gave Amy a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek... leaving her brother and mom behind. A lady welcomed Amy and Mach inside, while doing so, the young hedgehog gripped his mom's hand tighter. Deep down she wanted to just turn around and take the kids back home, sure it was only gonna be for 6 hours but the loneliness in that house would drive her insane. Mach's kindergarten teacher greeted them warmly, Mach was guided to his desk, while Amy and his teacher had a quick conversation. Soon, Amy wished him a great first day, embraced him tightly. Alongside Amy, other parents said their goodbye's and went on their way. Amy stopped at the end of the curb, quickly texting Tails how the drop-off went. Once she looked up, she noticed a familiar motorcycle in the parking lot. Nah, it couldn't be him. As she inched closer, her curiosity getting the best of her..  
"Looking for something, Rose?" She almost jumped out of her own skin at the sound of his voice. She squinted at him, suspicious. Before she could even ask, why the hell he was at the school he answered, "Knuckles and Rouge are out of town." Yeah, she totally didn't forget their child was attending first grade now. 
"Hm, not very safe to let a minor ride on a bike." She smirked, playfully.
"He was fine. I'm not stupid; he wore a helmet." Shadow scoffed at her comment, while he mounted his bike. 
"He better... Rouge would kill you if anything happened." Amy glanced back at the school building, more children were being dropped off. 
Shadow shrugged, "if she didn't trust me with her son I wouldn't be here, now would I?" Amy's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and crossed her arms, inched closer to the other hedgehog. 
"Oh, you wouldn't be here to just watch me, now would you?" Shadow's ear twitched slightly, but Amy couldn't read him. "I saw you. Every single day I walked home. Slightly creepy, don't ya' think? I mean I would've been fine if you asked to walk with me. But, you just stood on the other side of the street-" Shadow waved his hand. 
"I wasn't watching you."
"I saw you." She went on to speak more, but Shadow silenced her. 
"I knew when you got off of work, I arrived maybe minutes before you clocked out." Shadow admitted, shifting further back on his bike. "I wanted to make sure..."
"Make sure of what?"
"...That you were okay." Amy felt like her heart fluttered slightly. Okay, that was weird. Why did it do that? Her gaze fell to her feet. Amy didn't know what to say. Could she really blame him? After that incident in the restaurant? She contacted him afterall. He wasn't the one who just randomly called in the middle of the day. Could she really be upset with him for checking on her? No. Nothing was spoken between the pair, Amy was pulled out of her deep train of thought when he revved up his bike. "I better go."
Amy blurted out an apology, "I shouldn't have assumed, I should have... j-just approached you about it. I'm sorry. T-thank you for checking on me, Shadow." Her cheeks felt hot, and she hoped that he didn't noticed the blush. "Next time.. let's walk together. I'd like the company."
Shadow looked away. Feeling awkward. He patted the seat behind him and handed her a helmet. Amy hesitated, but she did admit just now that she'd like the company. She snapped her helmet in place, and mounted the bike. She wasn't sure he was taking them, but she didn't ask any questions. As he accelerated further from the school, she grasped his waist tighter. It wasn't long before she realized that he wasn't taking her home. Going deeper into the city, the hill got steeper and Amy closed her eyes tightly. She felt him turn the bike to the left, and actually slow down. They had pulled into an apartment complex. He parked into a numbered parking spot, and dismounted the bike. "Is this your apartment?" He nodded. She followed him up a flight of stairs, he punched in a code, and the door unlocked. At the end of the hallway was an elevator, he pressed the upper level, triggering the door to open. Silently, the pair entered, as he punched the number 4 in the number pad. It only took seconds before they arrived on the right floor, he exited and walked down another hallway. He took a left, and stopped infront of his door. Amy hesitated in the doorway. She never been to Shadow's apartment... this was the same apartment complex Rouge use to live in, she remembered. After Rouge and Knuckles got serious, she moved out leaving Shadow to himself. "Close the door. Echo will get out." Amy quickly shut the door as she stepped inside. 
"Echo?" Amy asked, looking around the apartment. Did he have a pet? Shadow inched his way towards the kitchen. Roaming through some cabinets, and his fridge. Before she got an answer from the dark hedgehog, she heard movement coming from another room, finally making contact with a dark Chao that made its way in the living room. Amy squealed, startling the Chao.  "Aww! I didn't know you had a Chao, Shadow!" She reached to pick the startled Chao up. 
"Don't pick him up- he bites.." The second he warned her, Amy yelped in pain, and Echo flew out of her arms. Shadow gave Echo a cold look.
She rubbed the top of her hand, wincing. Amy laughed nervously, "my bad. Chao's are so cute, and precious." 
"Not Echo." Shadow scoffed and placed a bowl of fruit before the Chao. Echo stared the stranger down, before stuffing its mouth with fruit.
She glanced at her hand, noticing that Echo did in fact draw some blood. "Uh, do you have a bandage?" Shadow blinked at her injury, and then searched through his cabinet for a bandage for the bite. He grabbed her right hand, and put some anti-bacterial cream on it before wrapping it up. 
Shadow left the room to answer the door, some of his mail left at the door. Half of which he tossed in the trash. "If you wish to leave, I'll take you home. I hadn't fed Echo before I left. My couch would suffer if I didn't return quickly."
"Do you mind if we stay a little longer?" Amy glanced around the house. Looking at the frames hung on the wall, admiring a picture hung above the couch that displayed a mountain view. "Where was this taken?"
"It came with the apartment." Shadow responded quickly, keeping an eye on his Chao that just watched Amy search the apartment. A little red question mark forming above its head. Amy should have known, when Rouge lived here she probably did a lot of the decorating as it was. 
"Can I get a tour?" His eyes furrowed in confusion. Amy could tell he wasn't thrilled about the idea. Shadow shrugged, and guided her down the hall. There was a small half bath, an office in the next room, and then at the end of the hallway was his bedroom. "Jeez, didn't even make your bed, Shadow." She playfully elbowed him. Shadow rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms, watching her search the room. She stopped at his bedside, seeing a picture of Maria Robotnik. "...Is this her?" His eyes softened slightly, and nodded. Amy smiled. "What was she like?" 
"Too pure for this world.." Shadow's response was hardly audible. His red eyes darted to the ground. 
"I wish I could have met her." Amy sighed, gave Shadow a sympathic look, then made her way toward the door leaving the room behind, and leaving Shadow for a moment to his thoughts. She heard him clear his throat, but nothing but silence followed. She paused when Echo stood at her feet, staring up at her. The Chao made a weird noise, and walked away, leaving them behind. "Hm. I wonder where it gets that attitude from." Amy grinned back at Shadow. He merely scoffed.
Hours later, Amy was still at Shadow's apartment. Not much was spoken between them. They were actually just enjoying some coffee sitting at the bar in his small kitchen. "I can't believe Mach is in school, already." Amy sat her cup down, and gave a sigh, her hand running through her messy bangs. "Sonic is missing it all." Amy gave a painful smile, "others always tell me that he's not missing it, he's still here. In my heart..." She took a quick sip of her coffee. "Sometimes I just wished they didn't say anything at all." Amy exhaled, "It's not the same, Shadow. I wished they would understand." She noticed he was staring at her, and quickly she glanced away. "It doesn't get rid of the fact that he is missing out on everything. One day... Lily will be getting married." Amy's eyes started to sting with tears, "Sonic won't be here to walk her down the isle." Amy wiped at her eyes, and gave another tired sigh. "I know it's far in the future, but as a mother I think about these things." Amy met his gaze, "poor Mach doesn't quite understand what happened to his dad. He's only six, Shadow." She continued on, "when the time comes Mach finally asks more questions about Sonic, I don't know how I'm gonna handle it." She sniffled, trying to hold back from more waterworks. 
"...You'll figure it out when the time comes." Shadow chimed in. 
 Amy jumped when Echo suddenly jumped on the countertop. Echo glanced at Shadow, which in return Shadow told it to get down. Echo trotted towards Amy, perhaps the Chao could sense how Amy was feeling. Amy watched it jump into her lap. "Uh... hi there?" The ball floating above its head still perfectly rounded, so it was hard to predict what Echo would do next. The very hand that he had bitten earlier, he licked over the place as if it was apologizing. Shadow look on with surprised. Echo cooed and then hopped off of her lap. "See? Chao's are precious." She smiled. Amy wiped at her eyes, and exhaled. "I'm sorry, you probably have a lot of things to do. I... guess I should get home." Amy finished off her cup of coffee, and made her way into the kitchen to rinse out the mug before placing it in the dishwasher. "I can walk home-" She noticed Shadow making his way to the door, grabbing a set of keys and a helmet that he placed on the coffee table. After leaving the apartment, they made their way to the parking lot. "For a nice apartment, there's not a lot of vehicles here." Amy noted. 
"Yeah.. it gets busier at night." Amy wanted to slap herself, she had forgotten this place had a club underneath the living quarters. 
"For someone that likes the quiet, this is a strange place to live." Shadow smirked at her in response
"That's why I mainly work at nighttime." Amy nodded, the two of them both mounted the bike. But, Amy had more questions. Shadow must have noticed because he hesitated turning the ignition on. 
"May I ask what you do?"
"I work with G.U.N." Shadow cleared his throat, "I also sometimes guard the club here."
"Interesting..." Amy fixed her helmet securely. "I don't know how I feel about G.U.N."
"That's what Sonic would say."
"I... I thought that's who attacked your home?" She motioned towards the sky. Perhaps she was prying too much into Shadow's life, so if he didn't respond, she would understand.
"That was years ago, Rose. That was under a different ... leadership."
"Is this leadership better? I know they've made some decisions that could've been played out better."
"Perhaps." Shadow revved the engine, "But, I'm not gonna defend them. I just work with them. I could care less about their personal morals."
"Sonic never did like them." Amy leaned against Shadow's back, holding tight as he picked up speed. 
"Well, I guess I wouldn't either after being chased with a semi." Shadow scoffed softly. Amy pinched at his ribs.
"Yeah, because they had thought he was you. "
"It's not my fault for that their poor eyesight."
Tuesday morning came fast, and the routine was about the same as yesterday. Get the kids ready, breakfast, saying goodbyes at the school. But, today Amy was returning to work after having Monday off to take time for her kids. Quite honestly, it wasn't a bad day nor was it a busy  one. Which was helpful so the staff could restock on different items. Amy was asked to finish decorating an order for a birthday party. She found after working at the cafe, she enjoyed decorating various sweet treats. It was a simple "happy sweet 16" decorated on the top layer of the cake. By 3pm it was ready to be sent out to the customer, which she was pleased with the handiwork, and tipped very well. By 4:30 Amy clocked out, said bye to all her coworkers, and slipped out of the door. She paused a few blocks ahead, looking for someone. She didn't catch a glimpse of him on the other side of the street. Perhaps he got the wrong idea, and decided not to take up on the offer and walk with her. She was clearly disappointed. Amy checked her phone, there was a few text messages from Tails stating that he took the kids out to dinner, and was gonna play video games with Mach after helping him with his homework. She went to reply to her text, only to drop her device after colliding into Shadow. "Ouch! Sorry!" He grunted in response, and reached down to pick up her phone. She met his gaze, " you came?"
He shrugged, "you said you could use the company." Amy started to smile until she noticed the cut along Shadow's cheek, and dried up blood at his head. 
"What happened?" She went to touch it, and Shadow was taken off guard. He gently moved her hand away. 
"Tch, just had an confrontation at the club last night. Nothing I couldn't handle. You going home?"
Amy frowned, "yes." She started walking ahead of the male hedgehog. It probably only took them 10 minutes to get to her house. "Come in. You need to clean that up."
Shadow stopped at the entryway, "It's fine." Amy pulled at his wrist, and pulled him inside. Making him sit at the stool in the kitchen.  He sat with his head resting in his hand in defeat, while she looked around in her kitchen. She grabbed a wet cloth, and inched closer to the dark hedgehog, cleaning off any of the dried up blood, causing Shadow to wince slightly. Amy frowned at the gash. 
"Who stitched that up?" She looked over the gash that was poorly fastened together to close the wound. 
Shadow eyed her cautiously, "I did." 
"Jeez." She started to gather some different supplies from the first aid. After being with Sonic, and the many injuries that he sustained, Amy was almost a pro now. Carefully, she undid the poor stitching job, and started working on that nasty gash.  Unlike Sonic, Shadow actually didn't squirm. Yes, it hurt like hell but he knew this was a battle that he couldn't win with her, so he just allowed her to work her magic and close up the wound. She ran a finger along the cut along his cheek, which wasn't as bad. In response, Shadow subconsciously stroked her knuckles while her hand rested there. When she felt his gentle touch, her hand felt hot all of a sudden. So did the rest of her. What the hell is this? She only ever felt this way with Sonic. Only could he make her heart flutter, and her stomach turn into mush.  Yet, for some reason Shadow's touch, and his presence was causing all of these weird sensations. The front door opened, and Lily walked in with her bookbag, she froze when she saw a mysterious male hedgehog with her mom in the kitchen. "Oh! Welcome home, baby girl." Amy's face burned in embarrassment, and Shadow quickly got up from his seat. Lily embraced her with an arm hug, looking over her shoulder towards Shadow. 
"Mom ...who is that?" Her voice strained slightly, struggling so hard to control her emotions right now.  Meanwhile, Shadow made for the exit. Mach was in a rush, so he didn't even acknowledge his mom, or even Shadow and rushed upstairs to relieve himself. 
"Shadow?" Tails stood before the door, with some of the kids' belongings. Lily looked from her uncle to her mother. Conflicted. She only heard her daddy speak about Shadow, and perhaps seen him in the distance, but never became aquatinted with him. She had so many questions. Why was he so close to her mom earlier?
Shadow acknowledged with a nod. "I was just leaving." He made a quick gaze towards Amy, her face beet red.  
The twin-tailed fox's ears twitched slightly, and then closed the door behind him. Glancing at Amy, for a possible answer to this weird encounter. Amy smiled in embarrassment, and took the items from her fox friend. "I was just about to fix supper, if you'd like to join us?" Tails nodded, he made his way to the window and peaked out the blinds. Amy started to hang up the kids' bookbags, cleaned out their lunchboxes. Amy watched her daughter retrieve a soda from the fridge,  "Lily if you wanna help me set the table..." Lily met her mom's gaze. She didn't say a word. She just took a sip of her soda, and made her way upstairs. It felt like her heart was stomped on.
"What was he doing here? Did he hurt-"
"No." Amy answered quickly, as she preheated the over as the recipe instructed. "He's been more helpful really..." She realized that Tails never heard about that incident, and that Amy had called Shadow. She kept that to herself. "He just making sure I made it home okay." Tails raised a brow, not completely convinced. He didn't notice the first-aid kit and other medical supplies out on the counter, instead, he made his way to the living room. "Could you put the enchilada's in for me? I'm gonna check on her." 
Tails smiled, "of course."
Amy tapped on her daughter's door, Lily was sitting at her desk drawing away at her sketchpad, when her mom entered, she dropped her pencil and met her worried gaze. "Hey sweetheart. " Amy kissed her on the forehead. "How was school today?" Lily brushed her bangs aside, and closed her sketchpad, and sit on the edge of the bed, her mother joining her shortly after. 
"It was good." She shrugged, and leaned against her mom. Amy was trying to get a read on her. "I think Mach made a new friend," Lily looked up at her. Amy smiled back, full of pride. "Yeah, I saw them playing on the playground together. But, mom I think Mach gets into trouble a lot." Lily laughed a little, "he was in timeout a lot this afternoon." Amy gave a sigh. She would definitely talk to him later.  The pair made small talk for a few moments, then heard the beeping from downstairs, indicating the over had preheated to the set temperature. Amy got up from her bed, and made for the door. "Mom?" The pink hedgehog stopped, her ear twitching in attention. "Is... he coming over more?" She assumed that Lily was referring to Shadow. She looked away, tears stinging in her eyes. "I don't want a new dad." Her face turned red with anger, and hurt, as she rubbed at her eyes. 
"Oh baby, no. It's not like that..." Seeing her cry made her heart ache, within seconds she was at her side again. She held her close, while Lily cried into her chest. "Shadow... has just been watching out for me, that's all. Just as friends." It felt like she was trying to remind herself of that. Friends. Nothing more. But, how does Shadow see them? "No one will ever replace your daddy, sweetheart." Lily sniffled, wiping away more tears trying to escape. 
"Okay.." Lily embraced her mother tighter, and made for the restroom to wash up before dinner. While alone, Amy sat on the edge of the bed, lost in her thoughts. Was there something growing between her and Shadow? Something deep down told her that perhaps she was wrong. She shook her head, pushing away these lingering thoughts and questions. Amy met Mach and Tails downstairs, supper was almost finished. As she was setting up the table, when Lily came down she seemed to be more upbeat now that they had their talk and she had a relaxing bath to ease her thoughts. As a family they all gathered together at the table to enjoy some cheesy chicken enchiladas. Around 830 both of the kids were struggling to stay awake, so they made their way back to their rooms. Her and Tails was catching up, she invited him to stay here since there was a storm stirring outside. "Did Mach get in trouble today?" Tails sighed, and nodded. 
"Yeah, his teacher said he doesn't stay still very long, and will talk back to her sometimes." Seems about right. "Otherwise, he's doing well. Don't worry, Ames. It's a new start for him." He patted her hand. Amy went to get a bowl of ice cream for the two of them. As she scooping some of the frozen treat into a bowl for herself, her phone dinged. 
Hey chick. You doing ok? You should come to the club tonight. We need a girls night. Shadow's gonna be there, but he won't intervene. Buuuut maybe you want him to? ..I heard you two have been talking a lot. What's up with that???
Amy dropped her bowl, startled. She quickly cleaned it up, and tapped away at her phone. It's nothing. We're just friends. Rouge, it's a school nite. 
She saw the dots on the bottom of her screen indicating that Rouge was already texting back. Amy returned to the couch where Tails was watching some sort of movie, that she never seen before. 
Don't worry, dear we'll get you home before bedtime. Just friends.. mhmmm.
Amy rolled her eyes, and went to text her once more. Another time, Rouge. G'night. Luckily for Amy, Rouge let it be and didn't text back the rest of the night. Amy turned her phone on silent, and enjoyed the company of Tails. They turned in around 11pm that night. 
Amy had finished another day at the cafe, and just as expected Shadow was waiting for her. He was reading something on his phone, leaning against the building before she walked out. "Amy." She was actually shocked that he called her by her first name, they inched closer. If he had anything to say after that, Amy quickly stopped him. 
"Hey... uh, I think I'm gonna go by myself today." He blinked, but she couldn't tell whether this bothered him or not. "I'll be fine. Thanks for looking after me." Shadow shrugged, and started to turn around. At least he wasn't pushing the issue. If she didn't want to walk with him. He respected it. She started to inch further and further away from me, but she still felt his gaze on her. In fact, when she looked over her shoulder, she saw him staring at her. She gave him a smile before he disappeared. Honestly, this made her feel terrible. But, she didn't want her daughter to get the wrong impression of the relationship between them.  It was a quiet, and lonely walk back home. For the rest of the week, it was like this. By Saturday, she almost texted him to walk with her. But, no. She took the journey home by herself. 
Rouge later asked about coming to the club tonight, and finally Amy agreed. Her kids more than excited to have a night with Uncle Tails. Around 7pm that evening, she approached the apartment. Her eyes locked on the familiar motorcycle. He was parked in the same location as last time, just like he had mentioned the other day, it got busier at night, and he was correct. There was a long line at the entrance. But, once someone saw Amy, they let her through. "Party of 3. Under the name Rouge?" She nodded, and they allowed her inside before the club filled up with more bodies. Rouge was at the bar, and waved her over. "Party of 3? Who else is here?" Rouge shrugged, "another friend of mine, but she cancelled on me. So, it's just the two of us." She winked, "what you want to drink? I'll take care of it." 
Amy glanced at the drink choices presented before her, "just a water." Rouge frowned. Amy didn't feel like getting a strong drink, a cold glass of water with lemon sounded good enough to her. Rouge ordered a glass of red wine for herself, and order a water with lemon for Amy. Slowly the club started to fill up with more people. Among the group, she made out Shadow. He didn't see her, thankfully. That would have been awkward. They made their way to a round table near the back of the room. 
"How are you doing, m'dear?"
Amy took a sip of her drink, and gave a faint smile. "I'm hanging in there."
Rouge patted her hand. Even though they've had their differences, the two have put aside the past, and shared a good friendship. "Shadow told me what happened the other day..." Amy's ears perked up slightly, shocked that Shadow mentioned it. "He said you were a mess."
"I can't believe he brought that up."
"He seemed worried, Amy." 
Amy sighed. She snacked on some chips that was brought to them earlier, and dipped them in some salsa. "I appreciate him being there for me. But, I'm doing better now. He doesn't have to babysit me."
Rouge raised a brow, "babysit? I don't think.."
"Lily thinks there's something going on between us. She saw him at the house." Amy admitted, lowering her voice. There was a noticeable blush on her cheeks. "Honestly, Rouge. I can't tell how I feel about him." Amy looked away, "I have never seen Shadow like this before, though."
"He's rough around the edges, dear. But, he's not a bad guy. You just have to get to know him."
"I guess you would know, you lived with him for years." Rouge winked back at her playfully. 
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Jellyfish - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! I was wondering or you could do an outer banks imagine where like in season one the pogues leave kie, Sarah and reader on a boat, and the reader is the one getting stung by a jellyfish. The night goes on and she starts having an allergic reaction the jellyfish sting and her breathing starts to go bad and all dizzy. The girls have to call a mayday. And the sherif/ambulance boat? Comes and gets her or the pogues come back the next morning and she is not well at all. Then hospital. The pogues feel really badx Maybe reader x jj?  
A/N: I just started a rewatch of s1 tonight so I can finally watch s2...also I googled allergic reactions to a jellyfish sting for this. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Sarah stood beside you, practically holding you up, as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the marsh for the fifth time in so many minutes. The boys plan to strand Sarah and Kiara on the boat hadn’t been a very clever one and when you had protested JJ had jokingly pushed you over the edge of the HMS, claiming that now you too were stranded with them. 
It wasn’t exactly how you’d planned to spend your night, especially with everyone on each other’s nerves as severely as they were, you’d been looking forward to taking advantage of that and spending the night back at your house with JJ. Instead, you were stranded on Heyward’s boat with Kiara and Sarah bitching at each other. Not to mention the angry red mark blossoming over your stomach from the jellyfish that had stung you as you’d tread water earlier.  
“I thought you said you could fix this stupid piece of shit!” Sarah shouted to Kiara as she rubbed her hand along your back. The juxaposition of her kindness to you and her edgyness with Kiara wasn’t lost on you...even as you felt your head swimming.  
“I gotta lay down,” you urged, hands gripping the edge of the boat as you rested your chin against the cool side, staring into the murky water. It was starting to get darker outside but you weren’t paying attention to that anymore. You felt like you were going to throw up again though this time it felt prompted by the dizzy feeling when you moved your head and not the pain shooting through your abdomen.  
“Okay, let’s lay down...do you want a blanket or something?” Sarah asked, eyes darting around the boat to check for any spare blankets or sweatshirts.
You shook your head, immediately regretting the action as your vision blurred. “No...no, it’s so hot.” When you struggled to get JJ’s shirt over your head without moving too much, Sarah grabbed the hem of the shirt and eased it up.  
“She doesn’t need your help!” Kiara yelled from the hatch, looking out at you with concern. You’d been fine earlier, before you’d boarded the boat with them, before the jellyfish stung you, but now you were doing worse and worse. She was trying to fix the boat but it was obvious that JJ and John B’s genius plan had included purposely sabotaging any chance they had of getting the boat back to shore.  
“Obviously, she does!” Sarah shouted back, “she’s puking over the side of the fucking boat! What was in that shit you rolled anyway?”
Kiara looked incredulous at the suggestion that it was the weed they’d smoked that made you like this, “oh cause I poisoned my best friend with weed? Is that it?”  
“Maybe!” Sarah shrugged, “how should I know.”
“Not helping,” you groaned, rolling to the side and pressing your hand against your stomach. “Kie...my stomach is killing me.”  
“What can I do?” She asked, coming back over to you and Sarah.  
“Call for the coast guard or something?” Sarah suggested, looking out over the marsh as if someone would just happen to be driving through. It was pitch black now, the night falling completely. It wasn’t too late yet, close to 9:30p Sarah supposed, but she wasn’t confident that this could last until morning. Who knew when the boys would come back?
“With what phone Sarah? The tower is down.”  
“Swim to shore or something then!” She snapped.
“Sure, no problem...why didn’t I think of that? I’ll jump in the fucking marsh in the pitch black and swim toward what I think might be land!” Kiara shouted.
“Guys,” you snapped, pulling yourself up to the edge of the ship again. You felt like you were going to throw up again but there wasn’t anything left in your stomach, “shut the fuck up! You aren’t helping...I know they messed with the boat, is the radio working?”
“Let me check.” Kiara stood up from your side and headed back to the controls, checking the radio. “I’ve got a signal!”  
You weren’t sure how long it took between Kiara signaling a mayday and the police boat actually coming out on the marsh because you passed out soon after she’d gotten the signal, slumped against Sarah, the pain in your side and abdomen too much for you to bear. Neither of the girls wanted to leave you overnight in the hospital, worried something would happen the second they left your side, so Kiara scribbled a note and left it taped to the window of the boat.  
Gone to the hospital – was all it said. Not very descriptive but extremely alarming, the boys had arrived at the emergency room frantic.  
“What the fuck kind of scare tactic was that Kie!” JJ had shouted down the hallway when he saw his friend outside one of the rooms. A nurse down the same hall shushed him as he passed her and he turned around to flip her off.  
“Excuse me but you three deserve it after the shit you pulled! Leaving us stranded out there with no communication? You’re lucky the radio worked.” Sarah hissed, shoving JJ when he tried to get passed her into the room.  
The second he’d seen her it had been clear the person who was missing, the one who was undoubtedly in the hospital bed in the room he was standing outside of. You’d gotten hurt, seriously if you were here, if they’d had to mayday a police boat.
“What happened?” Pope asked, quieter than his best friend had been able to muster.
“She’s allergic to jellyfish.” Sarah replied, turning a glare on JJ, “when this moron pushed her in the water she got stung and had a reaction.”  
“Is she okay?”
“She’ll be alright...she’s dehydrated though, so she’s on fluids for the rest of the – JJ!” Kiara snapped when he pushed passed her to get into the room. He moved the curtain aside to see you there, still a little out of it from the exhaustion of the night before but you smiled when you saw him.  
“Hey,” he dropped his voice down to a whisper, a contrast to the sharp scrap of the chair that he dragged to your bedside, “I’m so sorry.”
“Guess I’m allergic to something after all.” You managed to tease, recalling the conversation you’d had a few weeks earlier when JJ had begrudgingly given up the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he was trying to make at John B’s when you reminded him that he was highly allergic to peanuts.
He’d claimed that “maybe it went away”, a possibility you both knew to be impossible while you told him that you weren’t stabbing him with an epi-pen if he had an allergic reaction. “I would stab you, if you were allergic to anything,” JJ had replied, settling for jelly on toast instead. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” JJ said now, eyeing the bag of fluids that was connected to you via IV. “I would’ve been fine thinking you didn’t have any allergies.” 
“It’s not your fault JJ, it was an accident...I could’ve been stung a million times before this, we literally live on the coast.” You tried to laugh and coughed; throat still sore. JJ grabbed for the pitcher of water at your bedside and poured you a glass, leaning over to help you swallow.  
“Yeah but you didn't get stung a million times before this...you got stung after I pushed you in!”
“We should let you get some rest,” Pope’s voice sounded over JJ’s shoulder and you both looked over to where he was standing at the curtain. He smiled at you, a silent ‘glad you’re okay’ and ‘sorry’ rolled into one.  
You nodded, more than aware that you were on the verge of falling asleep again. Still, you reached for your boyfriend’s hand, settling for his wrist instead as he was still holding the plastic cup. “Will you stay?” you asked, eyes meeting JJ’s.  
“Yeah, of course.” He promised, sitting back down, “I’m not going anywhere.” He didn’t mention the absolute panic that had racked through him when he saw Kiara’s note or realized you were the one that was injured and he definitely didn’t tell you how severely he blamed himself for you getting stung in the first place, instead he just sat there holding your hand and promising that he would stay there with you until you were discharged. “Everything’s okay, you’re okay.”  
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literaila · 3 years
ten seconds of space.
spencer reid x reader 
summary: the reader overhears spencer ask for space and well...
warnings: angst, seperation anxiety, intimacy issues, fluff, contridicting myself every sentence. 
a/n: hi darlings! so, maybe you know, that a year ago i started writing again. and maybe you also know that exactly a year ago (in two hours!) i posted my first fic called “space”. it was a birthday present to myself, and so now, so is this. if you enjoyed space i hope you’ll enjoy this! (the only differences are.. improvements i hope). thank you for reading, and getting me here. 
the first one here. 
it was something in the air, sure.
it must’ve been something uncontrollable, unexplainable. something in the air.
that’s why you’re staring at him, now, watching him with a familiar sensation in your stomach.
love, maybe? pain, possibly. maybe it’s just because you haven't eaten anything yet, or maybe this feeling is real. you don’t really care, you know.
you just stare, watch his eyelashes flutter against his cheek and resist the urge to reach out to him. in so many ways, you’re resisting the urge.
it’s mornings like this— since nearly a week ago —that you adore most. mornings when you can just pretend until the alarm goes off. when you don’t have to sleep, cold, next to him.
it’s something in the air, something around you, on mornings like this. if you have to put the blame somewhere— and you do because this is shameful, because this is ridiculous and you hate it —you’re going to put it on the air.
and the sun, and the blankets, and your emotions, and this infuriatingly beautiful man who is lying next to you. and those words, terrible words that just won’t-
it’s an immature deflection that you don’t care to think about.
you breathe in, one, two seconds. then, close your eyes and memorize the scent.
your hand reaches out, your eyes are still closed, not ever daring to actually touch spencer’s skin. (never). but, coming just close enough to his cheek, just right there. the warmth, tiny, superfluous, is just enough to keep your hand from daring any closer.
it’s enough to keep the words at bay. to avoid that swell in your chest.
to make sure he’s still sleeping.
…you didn’t mean to eavesdrop. honestly, you trusted spencer, you trusted your friends, and you knew that spencer would tell you if something was going on.
well, used to.
it wasn’t your fault, really, that you slipped up. that you stood on the other side of the door (cracked only slightly, just enough for you to hear) and listened to every word he said.
it was an accidental pause, one that you might wince at every time you thought back. but still, you didn’t mean to eavesdrop.
especially not when he was talking about you, telling JJ that he-
you breathe in again. force the memory away from the front of your mind. you turn to check the clock, making sure to never let your hand drift too far down, and frown when you catch the numbers.
there’s only a few more minutes left of this morning, of this moment. you want to savour every second, but really, how can you do that when you’re not even supposed to be looking at him in the first place?
a scoff emerges from the silence, not loud enough to wake spencer, but enough to bring your attention back to that feeling in your stomach.
love, you swear. why would you be feeling anything else?
you steal another look. watch his parted lips, breathing, watch his eyebrows, his nose, his cheek, his eyelids, and his skin. his skin.
you’re looking at it all, and you know it’s not really there but you can hear something counting down the seconds in your mind. reminding you that this is it. it’s cruel.
finally, you let one fingertip trail along the space under his eyes, you let one fingertip move across his cheek and bask in the exhilaration. spencer doesn’t stir. doesn’t breathe.
you smile, for only a moment.
and then, there’s ten seconds, and you’re moving away from spencer.
there’s nine seconds and the smile on your face is gone.
there’s eight seconds left, left, and you’re closing your eyes briefly. trying to keep that feeling from tearing through them.
there’s seven seconds and you’re rolling on your side, facing away from him.
six seconds.
and then five, and you whisper the rest of the numbers out loud, you breathe and breathe and there’s only one second left.
you don’t jump when the alarm goes off. you don’t move, you don’t breathe.
spencer is sitting up beside you, always meticulous and dependable.
you breathe in once and feel his hand on your shoulder, shaking you awake. you breathe once and turn to look up at him.
“good morning,” he whispers, notes of sleep around his eyes and a soft smile on his face.
you stare, watch, look. you stare for only one second, just to get a chance to look into his eyes, longing for something that’s not really there. and then as every other day this week—
you’re up and out of bed, away from his eyes, within five seconds. you’re in the other room in six.
when spencer looks at you later that day— at work, several hours after you stopped thinking —you don’t hesitate to smile.
it’s easy, actually, to act normal from across the room.
it’s easy to enjoy the smile you get in response. it’s easy to enjoy it just for a second.
you turn around though, forget the moment ever happened.
it’s exhausting to pretend this is normal, so terribly easy. it’s too much for the middle of the afternoon, for a boring day at work.
you tune those thoughts out and get back to the paperwork you’re supposed to be finishing. you haven’t noticed the looks your teammates have been giving you lately, so you don’t notice now.
really, it’s not that hard to pretend. not this time.
you didn’t mean to eavesdrop when you failed to knock on the door. you didn’t mean to pause, or to turn your head so that you could hear a little bit better.
you didn’t mean to listen, or to turn around a minute later, wet eyes and dry feelings.
it was all an accident.
to be there and to hear. to be taking a file to him at this very moment.
but you are, and you were, and you’re standing there, hanging onto his every word.
“it’s…” there was a murmur, something you couldn’t hear through the door. “suffocating…”
you shouldn’t have been standing there.
“i’m sure y/n isn’t…” the higher voice drifted off, and still, you weren’t supposed to be listening.
“no, no. it’s not them, it’s just-“
this time the voice stopped. you were leaning in closer, curiosity spiked, adrenaline flowing.
you should’ve just walked away.
“i just need some space,” there was something after that, a whisper, a name you knew, a word you could hear. but you were already walking away.
it wasn’t much. it wasn’t a long sentence. it wasn’t anything significant.
except, except. he had whispered your name, just after. he had said the words, the words— that would repeat themselves over and over for god knows how long after —and then he had whispered your name.
i just need some space. he said.
not to you, of course. it was an accident to hear them in the first place.
i just need some space.
you walked away, slouching, unaware of anything else. you tried not to listen, tried not to hear it. begged that pause to erase itself, and begged those words to disappear.
but they couldn’t, and they wouldn’t. and maybe, maybe it wasn’t an accident at all.
at home, you move rooms.
you’re learning, you know. learning how to separate yourself, how to keep your distance, how to be better.
how to. how to. how to.
you decided, moments after those words, seconds after that feeling crawled its way up your neck. you decided that you needed to learn how to give spencer space, how to be okay with some more distance.
and that everlasting question, what are you doing wrong?
, well you had to learn how to fix it.
but you’re still learning. and you still yearn to cuddle with him on the couch when he sits next to you. you still want to play with his hair when he’s sitting at his desk. you still want to drag him to get coffee at two in the morning, and laugh with him when he beats you at chess.
you want it all, but, you have to learn. and so, you learn, you navigate and you try to let it all go. smile at spencer, kiss him in the morning, hand him his file at work, and keep your distance.
it’s a perfectly balanced, perfectly organized routine, but he always tilts the scale when he comes to sit down next to you.
when he watches you in the kitchen, and when he comes into the bathroom with you to brush his teeth.
when it hurts, when it burns, when you ask again, what are you doing… but you still try to discreetly move out of the way. when you smile at him then change rooms and pretend this is all normal.
he walks into the room now, book(s) in hand, a happy smile on his face. he watches you and you pretend not to notice. then, he sits next to you, so close, and leans your way.
he smiles some more and whispers out a gentle “hey, love,” as he opens his book.
you acknowledge him with a short “hey,” so quiet that you’re not sure if he heard.
you breathe while he’s right next to you, try to keep your eyes off his hands and off his face and off of him.
and too many seconds later, you’re getting up. you’re swiftly walking away.
and you don’t turn back to look at him. you’re learning.
there was something to be said about the feel of his skin.
god, you’re not supposed to be doing this.
something there, addictive, exhilarating, an unstoppable tidal wave of emotion. something to be said about the feel of his skin against yours.
you’re supposed to be walking away right now.
something about his hands and his mouth and this kiss that he’s breathing into you.
what are you doing wrong?
you’re kissing him, you know, you’re kissing him because he grabbed onto your waist. you’re kissing him because once he was close enough, once you could practically taste him, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop.
you’re kissing him because you miss him and because he grabbed onto you while you were walking by because he grabbed on and he wouldn’t let you go and you missed him so much and—
what are you doing wrong?
you’re not supposed to be doing this.
it’s his voice, it’s his face, it’s his skin, it’s his lips, it’s his everything that finally gets you to break away from him with a gasp.
it’s his words, from before, that finally get you to move away, a few steps back, and catch your breath.
spencer is just staring at you, lips raw, eyes glistening.
he’s so beautiful and this is so terrible.
you smile, tight-lipped, trying not to say anything.
“what?” he asks, he’s smiling back, bigger than you. you’re both still panting.
you can hear those words again, louder, pounding in your ears almost as loud as your heart.
this was a mistake, you know.
“i’m tired,” is all you say. not really answering, not really listening.
but it could be true, it might be true. you’re right next to the bed and it’s so easy to slip in and pretend that whatever just happened didn’t happen.
it’s so easy to forget everything, all of it, to leave yourself standing there on the floor while you lay in bed.
it must be easy for spencer too, because, moments later you feel him move in beside you.
you both fall asleep, inches apart.
it's the words that keep you from crying out to him.
it’s the words that stop you from telling him.
it’s those words, so loud, that make sure to lock your secret up. to hide the pain away somewhere no one will ever find it.
except for maybe you, because really, how can you avoid it?
it’s those words, too many and too much, that keep you from talking to spencer. from asking him for help. from begging him for a hug, or a kiss, or even just a glance that lasts longer than five seconds.
you don’t want space, you want to scream at him. but you cant, you won’t, and spencer shouldn’t know. you shouldn’t blame him for the words.
but you hate them, you hate them so much that sometimes you feel as if your chest is going to explode. you think you’re going to collapse if you spend one more night years away from him. you think that you’re almost gone, that you won’t make it. you hate them.
you hate them for making you feel this helpless, for hiding you from spencer. you hate them.
(but maybe. maybe you don’t.
maybe you can’t because they came from him. because they’re a truth that you needed to hear. maybe you love them because they’re so obvious. After all, they’ll keep him here longer.
maybe you love them, secretly.)
it wouldn’t matter if the words weren’t there— pounding in your head, yelling in your ear —anyway, you think.
you and spencer don’t talk much, these days.
you aren’t expecting it, when it comes.
or maybe you are. you can't really remember, to be honest.
but you’ve noticed the looks, the frowns, the raised eyebrows. you noticed, you know. you just ignore it. just ignore it all.
so, when it comes, when he’s finally in front of you, finally there. you aren’t expecting it.
not the quip in his voice.
not the harsh way he asks you what’s going on.
not his never-ending stare.
“what?” you ask back, staring at the floor because there’s not much else to stare at.
“what's going on?” he asks again, softer this time. he's standing in front of you, blocking your way through the door. 
you can feel the impatience rising up in your chest. you just want to go lay down, right now. you look up. 
“can i pass, spence?” 
he looks shocked at the words, and for a moment you wonder if it's because you didnt answer, or because you’ve just called him spence. by the look on his face, you guess it could be both. 
you sigh and wait. you’ve been waiting all day. 
you still didnt expect it though. 
“i want to go throu-” 
“no, i heard you. i just...” he pauses, turns around and through the door, complying with you. you move past him. 
this is cruel of you, some part of you knows, this is cruel. but you’ve learned, you’ve practiced for far too long to stop now. 
you cant just stop because spencer asks a question. you cant stop. you wont make another mistake. 
the bile rises in your throat. you push it down with a question, you turn it away, slam the door. 
spencer is looking at you, watching you grab something out of a drawer. you can feel his eyes on your back. 
“what is going on?” he asks again, anger and desperation mixing in his voice this time. you’re glad you cant see his eyes, you note. glad this isnt really happening. 
you’ve been playing pretend for a while. 
“nothing, spencer,” you say, you mutter, you sigh. you’re very tired, you realize. 
“nothing?” he whispers and you turn around to face him. his soft eyes are pleading, now. his face is contorted, his worry is palpable in the air. you dont understand it. 
you’ve been acting perfectly normal. 
there's a longing in your mind that wishes for it to go away. 
you nod at him. 
spencer laughs then, a harsh sound in the quiet room. you dont think you understand anything. “nothing?” he repeats, a doubtful question this time. “you arent even looking at me,” he sighs and runs a hand through his hair and your eyes flick up. “you won't even look at me for more than two seconds at a time and theres nothing going on?” 
you meet his eyes. dont flinch. this is normal. it's very easy. 
“i’m looking at you now,” you offer, a brighter tone, shifting into a happier person in an instant. 
spencers eyes are wide. “thats not-” he groans and moves away, turns toward the bed and paces. you can see his impatience with you, you can feel the tension in the air. 
and despite everything, the voices, the words, the feeling in your stomach you’re trying to push down, you still have to help. somehow, you have to do more. 
“whats wrong, spence? what can i do?” you’re asking, you’re pleading and spencer turns around so fast you have to take a step back. 
“what can...” his voice is drifting off as he observes your face, your terribly blank face. hes walking closer, and you’re taking another step back. 
its painful, to be standing this close to him. painful, to not scream at him, painful to keep it all hidden behind your perfectly placed mask. your face doesnt move though, despite the pain. 
spencer tries again. takes a step forward. you take a step back. 
his eyes are frightened, but you can barely tell. 
“can i touch you?” he asks, soft, a voice you recognize but cant recall. his eyes are careful, his smile is practiced. 
you breathe in and the first flash of emotion hits your eyes. you gulp. can he touch you? you wonder, can he? 
“um,” you pause and nod at him, you pause and try to weigh the outcomes. you try not to freeze. “sure,” 
your words are quiet but spencer is rushing towards you, hes taking your arm in his hand, and hes trying to meet your eyes but you’re looking at the floor again. 
this is so strange. theres something about his skin. 
“are you okay?” he asks, he wonders, he pleads with you again. 
you laugh, trying to liven your voice, trying to push down that stupid- 
you laugh. you nod. “i’m fine,” you say, but your voice is too loud, but you’ve spoken too fast and its coming out wrong. 
spencer whispers your name. it takes all your effort not to look up at him. not to move closer, not to suffocate him with your hug, with your kiss. it takes so much effort to breathe out again. 
he whispers your name. again. 
you dont know if its him, or if its you, but suddenly your chin is up, your eyes are on his and you want to melt under his touch, you want to melt to the floor and disappear into the earth. you want so, so many things that you arent supposed to have. 
“are you okay?” hes asking the same questions again and again, but this question is desperate, helpless. you can hear that. he doesnt understand, you know, and thats terrifying. 
“why, spencer?” you ask, you demand from him in a soft voice. 
you dont need to do this right now. you can just go to bed, you think. you want to move away, you’re sure, but thats such a lie. 
he whispers your name again, takes another step toward you. its threatening in a way, terrifying in its advance. 
“why?” you demand again. “why now?” 
you’re fully in his arms now, his hold quick, strong, as your voice breaks, as your breathing halts. you’re whispering it over and over again, why why why, and spencer doesnt know what to do. he doesnt know whats going on. 
so he asks, one more time. 
“whats going on, love?” 
that feeling is there now, you know, that feeling that is just pain, just longing, just nothing and everything and so much. unbearable, strong, malicious. 
“i’m just trying to give you space,” you sob out, turning, wrapping yourself in him, breathing in the scent of his sweater. you’re crying, but you cant feel the tears. and you’re shaking, but you cant feel your limbs. 
you think, briefly, that spencer must be holding you up but you dont know. 
spencer, in reality, is frozen. hes repeating your words in his head. hes going over them like an equation, something he cant solve. 
just the same as you. 
the two of you, together, think over and over and over again. the words that have been stuck in your head for so long. 
space. space. space. 
its such an evil little word and its attacking you both. you hate it. 
“you heard,” spencer whispers against your head, maybe in awe, maybe in shock. “you werent supposed to hear that,” 
you laugh but it comes out as more of a sob. 
spencer is apologizing, whispering to you, saying “shh, shh,” in your ear. hes trying to console you, but he barely even knows how you figured it out, why you havent spoken to him. 
hes recalling everything thats happened, every kiss, every passing touch, every step you’ve taken away from him.
this is all so shocking. 
you werent expecting any of this. you didnt expect this.
“it was an accident,” you say when you get a moment to breathe, when you gasp just enough to finally take in air. you’re not sure why you’re crying. maybe its spencers hands, or maybe its his voice, or maybe its just the pain in your stomach and in your chest and resting on your throat. 
spencer, then, is grasping at your wrists which are clawing at his shirt, hes trying to breathe with you, trying to get you to look at him. hes trying so hard, but you cant tell. 
it takes a minute, and then, his hands are just soft enough to make you focus, you make you look at him again. they’re enough to breathe. 
“i’m so sorry,” he whispers, void of explanation, eyes pained looking at your face. you rub a rough palm over your cheek, wiping the tears away, trying to claw at something that isnt there. your skin feels raw, your chest feels split open. 
you’re not sure how it happened. 
“spencer,” is all you say. 
“i- i dont-” he sighs and looks down, away from your eyes, sending pangs through your chest again. 
theres something unspoken in the air, your heart beats louder, your chest feels tighter. you dont know what to say next. 
spencer speaks for you. “i’m so sorry,” he repeats, hands grasping onto your face, holding your eyes on his. 
the feeling is so unfamiliar, so strange after weeks of not touching him properly, weeks of getting by with nothing more than a sharp kiss. weeks of nothing, and more and more silence between the two of you. weeks of unbearable, undeniable, pain. 
your mind is reeling in relief but your body doesnt trust him yet. you cant relax. 
he feels the tension, he feels you pause every time he shifts. its doubt, you both know, unspoken in the air. trust, spencer knows now, is gone. trust, you realize then, has been broken. 
trust, has never been your strong suit. 
“i’m sorry,” its another whisper, another plea, another sentence full of nothing. 
and you, you’re just sitting there. you’re just waiting, just listening to him, just trying to trust him with all the fervor you used to have. 
“what happened?” you choked, voice sore. 
spencer, took a deep breath. the contraction of his chest was clear against your body, your hand, still latched on to him. 
and then, 
“avoidant personality disorder affects around 2.5 percent of the population,” he pauses, looks at your face. “it- it affects both men and women equally, and usually, it um, it tends to start early on in childhood.” 
you dont say anything, just watch his eyes, so strange now. 
spencer laughs, but its sad. its lonely. “my mom, she never mentioned anything like it. i didnt even really know what it was until-” a breath. “until i- i started studying psychology and-” 
he stops. looks away from you. 
and you dont know where this is going, you dont understand yet. you’re not like him, you cant piece together a puzzle, solve an equation. you can only listen. 
you’re not sure if you’re hearing clear enough. 
spencer looks at you again, stares for a second. swallows. “even when i learned what it was i didnt believe that i might- that i would have it.” 
he stops again. 
you hear the words. you hear and still you ask, 
“you think you have it?” 
spencer, who is still looking at you, still holding you even though you’re not sure how he can stand it, laughs. he laughs and looks down and frowns then looks up. you cant tell what hes feeling. 
“no, i’m saying i do.” 
hes speaking some more, teaching you. “a lot of people dont realize that intamcy issues fluctate-- that one day someone can be completely okay and then the next they feel irritated and uncomfortable-” 
“social isolation is a common symptom of avoidant personality disorder-” 
he tells you more. speaks so fast that its hard to keep up.
“it can span out from abandonment issues, or fear of rejection. kids with deep-rooted trauma are more likely to experience it-” 
he tells you so many things, so many facts. 
and then he stops. 
spencer is holding your head in his hands again, grasping, pleading for something that you dont understand. hes making you look at him with suddenly desperate eyes. “i never meant to hurt you, though. i promise,” 
you blink at him, then nod, eyebrows furrowed. 
“i didnt you to hear that conversation with JJ- and i still wish you hadnt because i was so...i was..” he draws off, nervous, eyes looking back and forth. 
your chest is burning, that pain is still there, still ringing. some voice in your head, spencers maybe, whispers the word again. 
you flinch, almost away from spencer. scared. “you were what?” 
“i was wrong,” 
a moment pauses, spencer is staring, waiting for your reaction. 
and then, after a breath, you laugh. manically. too loud. 
spencer is confused, hes concerned. 
you keep laughing, leaning back to cluch at your waist, leaning away from him and laughing. you dont know why this is funny, you’re not sure, but it is. 
“you’re-” you start, giggling some more. “you’re a genius-” you’re running out of breath, and the tears are falling out of your eyes again, and spencer is still just staring. “you were wrong!” you exclaim, almost mockingly, almost seriously. 
spencer though, still isnt laughing. 
he waits, waits for you to calm down, to look at him again, and then he moves away from you, taking a step back. 
you frown, but his hands are finding yours. his hands are grasping yours with a grip you dont expect. you hold your breath while he stares again. 
“i was wrong,” he repeats, earnestly, urgently. “i didnt realize it until a couple of nights ago, when you moved away after we kissed. when you-” 
you try to interrupt, to explain but he continues, breathless. 
“when you looked at me like you were terrified, like you were making a mistake. you just stared at me for three seconds, and then you left. you didnt explain, didnt speak.” 
“spencer, i-” you start. 
spencer is leaning over to kiss your forehead, to hold you softly in a hug you’ve been waiting weeks for. 
its so strange, to stand here like this. 
“i realized you were avoiding me then.” spencer says, whispers. “i missed you so much and i didnt even realize it,” 
you breathe in. shocked. 
“i’m sorry,” 
“yes, love, i never wanted you to feel like that. to hurt you like i did, like i am.” spencer looks ashamed but you press on, scowl on your face. 
“no, no, no.” you move back, stare at him with hard eyes with a soft face. “i needed to know, spencer. if you need something, even distance from me, than i needed to know.” 
you know thats why you listened, you know that your pause had a reason. it was never an accident to know the truth-- to give spencer what he needed. 
it was easy, when you thought thats what he wanted. 
“i was wrong, though-” 
“i needed to know.” 
spencer stares at you, for the millionth time. he looks at your unwavering eyes, your stern faces. he sees it, the fear, the worry that he’ll move back, or leave, or run away from you. he can see it. 
but you, you’re just standing there. you, you changed everything just so he would be happy. 
he sees the sacrifice now, curses himself for it. 
but all he says is “okay,” and then, taking a step forward, he repeats it. “okay.” 
“okay?” you ask, voice small. 
“yes, okay. i will tell you. i’ll tell you everything,” he promises, intense eyes, and stronghold on you. 
he pulls you in again. 
its enough. its enough to fade that pain down into a simmer, to turn trust inside out again, to straighten the pins you’ve put up on the wall. 
the words are there still, but they’re distant, like the chime of an old clock, but quiet. broken. 
its so overwhelming, to be in his arms again. 
but you fall, even still, you hold him back even tighter than before, you trust that hes going to stay there. 
and the ten seconds start again. 
you’re scared, still, with nine seconds. scared that this isnt going to last, that hes going to change his mind, that hes going to realize hes right. 
you’re breathing, at eight seconds, thinking about these weeks without him, about this comfort in his eyes, in his arms. you’re thinking about how hes here right now, about how thats the only thing that matters. 
you’re smiling at seven seconds, tick-tock, as you breathe him in, as you taste the air and realize that theres always been something about his touch. 
at six seconds, hes whispering in your ear, a quiet “i love you” a meaningful promise that you’ve missed dearly. 
at five, you’re whispering back, you’re promising, you’re breathing, you’re trying not to think, trying not to worry. 
at four, you’re kissing his lips, you’re molding yourself to him once again. 
at three, hes gripping your waist, kissing you like he never has before. 
at two, you’re whispering “stay” against his lips, tasting him, pulling him, begging him. you’re not afraid to speak this time, and you dont need to pull back. 
and then and then and then, you’re holding each other and theres only one second left, theres just one tiny little moment left. 
and it’ll last a lifetime. 
my masterlist here. 
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hobo-dragon · 3 years
Screw it, Second and Red are the target of my angst and none of you will stop me.
This is a songfic using the song, Nowhere King.
Djejiejd go listen to the song, I don't watch centaurworld but I saw an animatic using the song and have been listening to it for hours. Anyways some of this might be ooc but whatever I need sleep it's like 2 in the morning and my first alarm goes off at 4 oh god-
Warnings: Mental breakdown, slight accidental electrocution, usual angst, like one swear.
The Nowhere King
Second was in his room, curled up under a bundle of blankets and shivering, trying to pretend to be asleep for anyone who might walk in.
He hurt them again.
Hush now, hide all you little ones
Fuck - Why couldn't he ever control his powers?
Why couldn't he stop hurting people?
Why couldn't he stop people from getting hurt too?
Rush now, into the middle of nowhere
He didn't want this, he didn't want to hurt his friends, he didn't want to keep having constant streaks of sleepless nights, he didn't want to selfishly leave his friends in danger, he didn't want-
Singing and laughter will die
Tears stung the corner of his eyes and he bit his tongue to hold back a hiccup.
Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King
Red was cleaning up after Reuben and was looking to get more mob eggs but couldn't find the creative block.
When his kingdom comes, darkness is nigh
He poked his head into Yellow's room, seeing him tinkering with some redstone on a small track. A minecart was pushed over on its side a few feet away from Yellow, who hadn't noticed Red until said stickfigure had cleared his throat with a cough.
Quiet, crawl to the in-between
"Oh- Hey Red, what do you need?" He turned in his chair, setting down the redstone and stretching.
"Just wanted to know if you had the creative block or not, I ran out of some mob eggs."
Red said, pointing to his inventory where it was missing some of it's usual absurd amount of spawn eggs.
Yellow paused for a moment before speaking, "I think Second had it last after the uhh, accident. Could you check on him while you're there, Green wanted to tell him that he was fine and that it wasn't his fault.
Before the room could descend into an awkward or tense silence, Red gave a small smile, "Ah thanks! I'll be sure to check up on him, good night!" He shut the door, running up the stairs before slowing his pace at arriving to Second's room.
Silent, secretive feeling
Of fearsome hatred that reaches the skies
It was silent, so he was probably asleep, which meant Red could just go in and grab it without bothering him.
The door opened with a small creak and what he expected wasn't what Red saw.
What he saw made his heart sunk in his stomach.
You will bring joy to the Nowhere King
Second's room was a wreck.
His chair was knocked over and a wheel was half broken. The picture of his friends, something he held very close to him, was on the ground, the glass frame cracked with glass shards surrounding it.
His drawing tablet plug, was ripped at the head, proving to be a hazard as small sparks flew from it.
"Second, a-are you okay?" It took Red a moment to find that the bundle of blankets on the bed were moving, not only moving, but shaking. Second had to be in there.
No response, at least no verbal one, hushed sniffles coming from the blankets as well as green electricity flashing around the blankets dangerously.
Red's gaze softened, he knew the feeling Second was going through all too well. After the Herobrine accident, he couldn't get out of his head that he hurt his friends.
He locked himself away in his room with only Reuben and his parrots for company, scared to set foot into the outside in fear he turned back into that monster and hurt his friends again.
But that didn't stop Second from seeking him help, from helping him out of the thick ooze that whispered to him that it was his fault.
And nothing would stop Red from doing the same.
He moved, with soft footfalls alerting SC that he was getting closer, he couldn't get closer.
No he'd hurt them again. "Go away..." He croaked, voice barely intelligible with tears and sniffling.
Red didn't speak, there was no need for words to try to convince him that he couldn't just go away. He paused in front of the bed, pulling up the blankets with a wince as the electricity shocked him, nothing dangerous, but it DID hurt.
Second's tear-stained face was now visible and he tried scooting away, his vibrant, unfocused, green eyes and electricity glowing brightly in the darkness of his room.
And then suddenly, there were arms around him, and a warm body against him as he tried to comprehend what was happening around him as everything felt like it was moving oh so slowly.
Red had hugged him, without hesitance, only a pained grunt being heard as he tightened his hole on Second, rubbing a hand up and down his back in hopes of comforting him.
There were still sniffles, and now tears soaking into Red's shirt, and Red only tried softly hushing him, as if to drown out the sorrows Second was facing with the love and care he felt for him.
Blank eyes stared at the wall in front of himself, before seeing who had embraced him. Second gripped Red's shirt, trying to ground himself.
His heart was slowing down, although his tears and sniffles didn't stop completely, they slowed. Whether he noticed it or not, the glow in his eyes slowly faded, and a warmth began growing in his chest.
No words were exchanged, they both understood the feelings and thoughts brought fort with the hug, and Second eventually relaxed in Red's hold, weakly returning the hug and resting his head on Red's shoulder.
His eyes shut with exhaustion as he went fully limp in Red's embrace, who had also brought up a hand to stroke his head softly, electric energy stopping soon after.
When he sees the light leaving your eyes
The room descended into quiet once more, the two sticks curled as close together as possible in each other's warm hold.
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rocorambles · 4 years
Pairing: Akaashi x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Toxic Relationships, Manipulation, Non-Con/Dub-Con, Forced Impregnation
Prompt: “I told you to stay still”
Summary: The perfect couple always has children. Multiple children. A full family. A house full of laughter and home-cooked meals. And you two are the epitome of a perfect couple. So why are you still so hesitant about taking the next big step?
Author’s Note: This is my contribution for my HQ Discord Server’s NSFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist here to see how everyone decided to run with this spicy prompt. (Masterlist goes live Tuesday 6th October 11:00pm U.K. time!) 
Akaashi’s always been an overthinker. He can admit that. He knows it’s a flaw he’s always had and could never seem to shake off. But just because he realizes it doesn’t mean he does anything about it. And the overwhelming pressure he places on himself in everything he does only fuels the suffocating thoughts until they’re screaming in his head. Unfortunately for you, his sweet darling wife, that only means terrible things for you and suddenly every move you make is alarming, every word you say is suspicious, every breath you take painstakingly monitored. 
Akaashi just wants to be the perfect husband, the perfect lover, the perfect provider. He wants the two of you to be the perfect happily married couple, to live the perfect domestic life. So after years of playing house, of devoting all his attention and love on you, of spoiling you rotten with everything you could possibly want, when you tell him you aren’t ready to have children yet, he feels his cool facade slip and the incessant thoughts begin to drown him. 
The perfect couple always has children. Multiple children. A full family. A house full of laughter and home-cooked meals. And you two are the epitome of a perfect couple. So why are you still so hesitant about taking the next big step? Are you tired of him? Do you not want to have kids with him? Are you planning on leaving him? 
You nervously shift from foot to foot, intimidated by the chaos you see in blue eyes and you tentatively reach out to your husband, trying to understand what’s wrong, but you sigh in relief as he jolts at your touch, staring blankly at you before setting his face back to its usual serene countenance, slightly smiling at you as he nods in understanding and affectionately kisses your forehead. This is the Akaashi you’d fallen in love with and you happily sigh as you wrap your arms around his waist, letting yourself be rocked in his arms in a warm embrace, ignorant of how his face hardens as soon as his chin is tucked above your head, eyes thoughtful, mind scheming. 
It takes some coaxing, some patient conversations during your most vulnerable moments when you were still groggily rubbing the sleep out of your eyes or yawning as you lay your head on the pillow to sleep at night, but he finally gets his answers and he smiles in endearment as you worry about whether or not you’re ready to be a mom. Would you even be a good mom? Oh. He’s sure you’re going to be the perfect mother and he makes a mental note to prove that to you until you see it for yourself, but he’s grateful for the darkness that hides his grimace when you go on to talk about how you also want to focus on your career for now. It’s not that Akaashi is against women working. He doesn’t hate how happy and fulfilled you feel as you ramble on and on about work, about your coworkers, about your salary and title. He just thinks you’d be even more perfect as his pretty little housewife and he quietly plans and strategizes as your breathing gets heavier and heavier until you’re fast asleep besides him on your shared bed. 
He waits until your chest rises and falls in even rhythms before reaching over for your phone. You’ve always been so trusting, probably too trusting of him, but that works in his favor now as he flawlessly types in your password and dives into your alarms and work emails. A swipe there, a deletion here. He meticulously combs through your phone turning off your alarms, deleting important meetings, getting rid of urgent emails waiting for your response before he quietly places your phone on the nightside table by you, pleased with his work and he closes his own eyes, a small smile on his face as he peacefully sleeps. 
Luckily, he leaves for work much earlier than you, so he’s out the door before you can even realize the messy day you’re about to have and he can’t be blamed for not waking you up when your alarm doesn’t go off. He patiently waits and waits, glancing at his phone every now and then, waiting for the onslaught of panicked and distressing texts he knows you’ll send his way as your day gets progressively worse and worse. And sure enough, his phone vibrates over and over again as you send a flurry of texts steeped in negative emotions and like the perfect husband he is, he sends the consoling and comforting notes you need. And when you call, crying and sobbing about being yelled at, about how awful at your job you are, he’s there to soothe you. 
“Don’t cry, love. It’s not your fault. You’re an amazing woman. Maybe this just isn’t the right job for you or the right company for you.” 
He plants the seeds of doubt in your mind and you let them be watered by the sweet suggestions he sprinkles on you. And with just a few more flicks of his wrist in the middle of the night when you’re asleep, ignorant of your phone being used without your knowledge, and a little bit of time, you’re finally fired and he’s there, rushing back home to wrap you in his arms. But he smiles when instead of being distraught, you merely sit there quietly as you tuck yourself against him. 
“Maybe this just wasn’t the right job for me, Keiji.”
He encourages you to take some time off from the workforce. You had worked so hard for so long. You deserve a break. And you mindlessly nod along to his silky voice. Relaxing does sound nice. You had thrown yourself into your job so much that you’d forgotten what it was like to have so much free time and you begin to excitedly ponder what hobbies you could pick up to fill the days, what projects around the house you could finally get done.    
Akaashi sighs when his alarm goes off the next morning, but he sits up in confusion when the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air and he blearily turns to your side of the bed, freezing when he finds it empty. But his groggy mind begins to put two and two together and he rushes towards the kitchen where he feels like his heart might burst at the sight of you humming, an apron daintily wrapped around you as you pour a generous amount of dark caffeine in his favorite mug. And he can’t stop himself from closing the distance between you as he tenderly wraps you in his arms, turning you around until you’re face to face as he captures your lips in a good morning kiss. He wants every morning to be like this, he thinks, as he mentally captures the image of you smiling and waving goodbye to him from the apartment door. The perfect loving wife seeing her husband off.
You spend your long days at home tidying up the house, decorating spaces in the house you’d always wanted to spruce up but never had time to before, spending hours in the kitchen cooking and baking everything you’d always wanted to try. It’s nice to fall into a domestic rhythm with Akaashi and work is far from your mind as you cheerily greet your husband when he comes home, as the two of you pleasantly chat while he eats the piping hot delicious meal you’ve prepared for him, as he hand feeds you the brownies you had made as the two of you sit on the couch and watch a show together.
But as time goes on, you find yourself twiddling your thumbs a bit with just a little too much idle time on your hand now that the interior of the apartment is exactly up to your dream standards of cleanliness and decor. And you can’t help but wonder how nice it would be to have a small child running about the place, keeping you company while Akaashi is away at work. You freeze when the thought crosses your mind and your brows furrow in confusion. Where had that thought come from? You’d never wanted kids before. And yet...You quickly shove that fleeting idea to the back of your mind as you refold laundry that had already been handled, throwing yourself into anything that could distract you from the strange desires plaguing your mind. 
Little do you know how much Akaashi has influenced you in the time you’ve been stuck at home. Little do you know that the daily evening walks he takes you on after dinner are always purposefully done around the nearby children parks. Little do you know that the little comments and remarks he makes about how adorable that child is, how silly this child is aren’t as offhand as you think. They’re strategically strung together words just for you and he slightly smiles when he sees them weaving through your mind as your eyes soften and a longing smile begins to tug at your lips when you turn to look at what he’s talking about. Little do you know that it’s no accident when the two of you go shopping and find yourselves passing aisles of children’s toys and clothing. And Akaashi feels his chest tighten with affection when you unconsciously skim your fingers over the tiny shoes and onesies, asking him for his opinions. 
“Aren’t these cute, Keiji?” 
And he nods his head as he reaches down to hold your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours as you continue perusing. 
He knows he almost has you right where he wants you. He can almost see the cogs turning in your head, see you imagining a life with him and a family...your own little family. It’s time for the final step and he secretly keeps tabs on the convenient period tracking app you have on your phone waiting and waiting until your next ovulation period and when it comes, you squeal in surprise when he impatiently whisks you off to your shared bedroom and presses you down onto the bed as soon as he steps into the house after work. 
His movements are so hurried, so rough, so unlike how Akaashi normally is, but you eagerly reciprocate, excited to see this side of your husband and you’re a moaning, writhing mess as he bites and sucks every inch of your skin, a trail of red skin following in his wake as he marks up your neck, collarbones, and breasts. You’re already dripping wet by the time he finally reaches down to rub your clit and slip his fingers inside of you and your hips buck up into his touch, urging him for more. Your head is swirling with lust and you whine when he briefly slips away to guide the tip of his cock against your leaking hole and you shudder in desire when you feel him running his tip along your slit. But even in your dazed state, you feel yourself hesitate a bit when you see that he isn’t using a condom. 
“Keiji, I’m ovulating. You need to use a cond- AH!”
You’re cut off as he slides his cock inside of you, your slick walls greedily sucking him in with little resistance and you try to muster up the words to repeat yourself, but you can’t articulate anything as he leans down to suck a perky nipple as he begins to thrust in and out of you in a sensual, but thorough pattern, making sure you can feel every inch of him rubbing against your clenching walls, making sure you can feel him sink balls deep inside of him, making sure you can feel him stimulate the spongy spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. And you give up, trusting that he’d at least pull out before he cums, and you lose yourself to the feeling of being so used and filled, feeling the coil in your stomach grow tighter and tighter, and when blue eyes gaze down at you and he hungrily leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, you fall over the edge, your pleasured wails swallowed by your husband’s lips as he chases his own end. 
You lay there in mind numbing bliss as he continues to sink in and out of your tight heat, letting out little mewls of overstimulation, but when you feel the erratic rhythm of his thrusts and you see the telltale look on his face as he closes his eyes that indicate he’s close and he makes no attempt to pull out, you weakly shake his shoulders, squirming and wriggling your body from underneath him as you try to pull away. 
“K-Keiji, NGH you can cum on me. Okay? AH B-but, you can’t cum inside me.” 
You scream when large hands roughly grab your waist in a bruising grip and forcefully pull you down until he’s fully inside you once again. 
“Stay still.” 
You whimper, trying to be good for him, but anxiety is beginning to cloud your pleasure and you struggle once again, pleading with him and telling him you don’t want to get pregnant. But you keen when that only spurs him on to fuck you rougher, harder, deeper and your eyes roll back as you try to register the almost painful overstimulation you’re going through. 
“I told you to stay still.” 
And this time you do stay still, unable to do anything else but lay there like a good obedient wife as he pistons in and out of you, your mouth open in a persistent silent scream as your hands desperately scramble to find purchase in the rumpled bed sheets and you brokenly moan when he finally shoves inside of you with one final thrust and your stomach feels hot as spurts of liquid spill inside of you.
You’re in shock as he stays buried inside of you, trapping your body with his as he lays down on top of you, nuzzling and kissing the crook of your neck as he keeps his cum inside of you and you’re not sure how much time passes as you just lay there, mind blank as you try to come to terms with what had just happened. But when you feel his cock begin to twitch and harden inside of you once more, you frantically try to push him away from you, try to separate yourself from him. 
“Keiji, stop it! I need to go get Plan B or something. I-” 
Your mind is a chaotic swirl as you try to figure out next steps to avoid this unwanted pregnancy and you think you might throw up at the idea of being pregnant, having a child, all so suddenly, so fast. 
You’re not ready. You’re not ready. You’re not ready. 
Your thoughts are shattered to pieces when you’re shoved back down onto the mattress and you loudly wail when Akaashi begins an unforgiving pace once again, brutally slamming his hips into yours, his cum acting as lubrication, making it easier for him to plow into you and take you over and over again. And the last coherent thought you have is that you were such a fool to not realize just how much stronger, how much larger Akaashi is compared to you as your attempts to shake him off are easily ignored by the man above you. 
You don’t know how much time has passed. It feels like an eternity and you’re not sure how you’re still conscious as Akaashi breeds you over and over again. Your mouth is open in a persistent silent scream, your eyes are rolled so far back in your head you can barely see, tears and drool mar your face. Everything feels so good, too good, and you can’t stop sobbing from the overwhelming pleasure you feel as Akaashi keeps on spilling load after load of sticky white liquid inside of you and you curl into Akaashi’s body instinctively for comfort when he sinks down on top of you, exhaustion finally catching up with him. And the two of you just lay there, chests heaving as you both heavily pant, his flaccid cock still buried inside of you, plugging his cum inside of you. And even though you want to yell at him, to be angry at him for forcing this on you, you’re so spent, head empty of anything except for Akaashi that you let yourself be maneuvered until you’re both on your sides, facing each other, your lower bodies still intimately connected. 
You let out a little whimper when you feel a large hand gently stroke your cum-filled stomach, but you can feel your face and body grow hot when his other hand gently nudges your chin up to look at him and you see the look of pure love and adoration in his eyes. 
“You’re going to look so beautiful with your belly bulging with my children, our children.” 
You let out a breathy gasp when he teasingly fondles one of your pebbled nipples and palms your fleshy mound. 
“You’re going to look so beautiful when these swell up with milk. I wonder if our children would be willing to share some with their father.” 
Sweet word after word spills from his lips and you listlessly lay there listening to him go on and on, painting a picture of what your future lives together would look like, and before you can catch yourself from falling deeper into his trap, your mind betrays you and images flash across your vision and you unconsciously draw even nearer to Akaashi, cuddling into his body affectionately as picture perfect scenes of you braiding a little girl’s hair while Akaashi teaches a little boy how to play volleyball flicker across your imagination. And when Akaashi feels you gently place your hand on top of his hand that’s still cradling your stomach practically sloshing with the amount of liquid he’s gifted you with tonight, he knows he’s got you hook, line, and sinker. 
That night the two of you fall asleep, dreaming about the perfect life you’re going to have together.
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hannahshattuck · 3 years
Captain Firefighter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, slight graphic description of injury, car accident
Steve Rogers Masterlist Main Masterlist
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You groaned as you slapped your hand around the nightstand trying to find your phone with the alarm going off. When you finally found it, you grabbed it and opened one eye to turn it off. You checked the time and realized you should get up to make sure you weren’t late on your first day at your new job. With a groan, you slowly sat up and noticed you were naked and had a pounding headache.
“Great. Hungover on the first day.” You mumbled as you rubbed your temples.
A groan behind you caught your attention. “God. I’m not drinking ever again.” 
You looked over your shoulder and saw a blond man laying on his back rubbing his hands over his face. The blankets sat at his hips which put his built torso on display. His chest looked like a good place to rest your head and it seemed like his abs had abs. You quickly found your underwear on the floor and a navy blue tee shirt and put them on. You stood facing him and tried to smile even though it felt like a construction crew was in your skull. 
“Um, hi.” You said.
The man brought his hands from his face and laid them on his chest. “Hi.” 
The two of you awkwardly stared at each other and you hoped you were smiling more than grimacing. The man sat up, keeping the sheet covering him and stood looking for most likely his underwear. He found black boxer briefs and put them on without moving the sheet which was impressive to say the least. 
Once he got them on, he dropped the sheet on the bed and found what seemed to be his jeans. He pulled them on and looked up at you and chuckled.
“I need my shirt.” He smirked.
You looked down. “Oh..” You found one of your sweatshirts in your dresser, along with shorts, and started towards the bathroom connected to your bedroom. “I’m just gonna…” You trailed off pointing to the bathroom.
He smiled, “Alright.”
You ducked into the bathroom and quickly locked the door. “Oh god.” You whispered to yourself. You quickly changed out of his shirt and into your clothes. 
You left the bathroom and saw him sitting on the edge in your bed on his phone. You cleared your throat.
“Uh, here you go.” You held his shirt out to him. He stood up and it was then when you realized how tall he was. You were eye level with his chest and had to title your head up to look in his eyes that were a very bright blue.
He took his shirt and put it on without breaking eye contact. “Thanks.”
“Mhm.” You hummed. 
“I don’t remember a lot from last night but I do know you said you start a new job today so good luck on that and I hope you don’t feel too bad today.” He bent down and kissed your cheek. You felt your face heat up.
“I-I’ll walk you out.” You walked out your bedroom and led the way to the front door of your apartment. The living wasn’t a mess so that told you the two of you went straight to your room. You unlocked the front door and opened it to let him out. “I, uh, hope you have a good day.”
He smiled before he walked out the door, “You too.”
You closed the door and leaned your forehead against the cool wood. “Fuck me.”
You pulled up into an empty parking spot and grabbed your backpack with all your stuff once you parked. Looking towards the fire station, you saw both big garage doors open and saw your soon to be coworkers messing around or cleaning or working out. You swung your backpack over one shoulder and started walking toward the station. 
“Hey! It’s the newbie!” You turned your head in the direction of the voice and saw a dark skin man waving at you. “Hi! I’m Sam.” 
“Hi.” You waved back. 
“Wilson, keep mopping. It’s your fault there’s whip cream everywhere.” A red head woman said as she walked over to you. “Hi, I’m Natasha.” She held out her hand.
“Y/N.” You said, shaking her hand. “Do I want to know why he’s mopping up whip cream?” You chuckled. 
Natasha playful rolled her eyes, “In between last night calls the boys were pulling pranks.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Ah. That makes sense.”
“Yeah,” Natasha laughed. “They’re lucky it was our captain’s day off last night. Otherwise he would have laid into them and made them clean every nook and cranny of this place.”
“Is your captain here?” You fiddled with the strap of your backpack.
Natasha shook her head. “Not yet. He texted me earlier saying he was gonna be running late. Apparently had a good night if you know what I mean.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully which caused you to chuckle. “Let’s get you settled before he arrives.”
She led you to the lockers, where you filled yours, and gave a quick run down of where everything is before leading you to the ambulance. You found out that Natasha is one of the paramedics they have and you two would be partners. 
“Okay, so here’s how everything is organized. We do share the ambulance with other shifts but we all got together and figured out where to put everything. If you figure out that a certain supply would be easier to grab in a different spot just send a quick text in the group chat we have for all the paramedics and EMTs. Oh! Speaking of which, let me get your number so I can add you.” Natasha pulled out her phone from her pocket and you gave her your number. “Most of the time we’re like a high school chat with the amount of memes we send.” 
You chuckled knowing exactly what she meant. She continued to show you around the ambulance and then started to introduce you to the other firefighters. You already met Sam when you walked in and he seemed to be done with mopping the whipped cream. Then met James Barnes; who goes by Bucky because there’s two named James but it’s also a childhood nicknamed that stayed, Clint Barton; whose Golden Retriever named Lucky is the station dog and loves pizza apparently, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff; who are twins and moved to the States when they were kids, James Rhodes; who goes by Rhodey and is the other James, and then was told that Carol Danvers, Maria Hill, Peter Parker, Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne you would meet another time due to them being off.
“Sorry I’m late!” A voice boomed throughout the station. You turned in the direction of said voice and your breath got caught in your throat.
“Shit.” You mumbled under your breath.
“I know right.” Natasha smirked. “I’m kidding. One thing you’ll quickly see is how we all tease each other.”
You awkwardly chuckled, “Oh okay.” 
He noticed you standing with Natasha and you saw his face pale before he schooled his features and walked over to you. He was now wearing the same uniform everyone else was and it was fitting him perfectly just like the jeans and tee he put on this morning when he left your apartment.
“Hi there. You must be the new EMT we were sent.” He placed his hands in the pockets of his pants and stood there exuding authority. 
“Uh, yeah.” You tried to smile hoping it was an actual smile. 
“Steve. Or Captain Rogers. Or Rogers. Or Cap like everyone else seems to call me.” He chuckled as he held his hand out for you to shake.
“Y/N.” You said as you shook his hand while your brain so helpfully supplied an image of those hands around your waist.
“Let’s head to my office before we get a call. There’s some housekeeping things I want you to know.” 
You hummed an acknowledgement and followed him to his office trying to keep your gaze in the middle of his back or the floor so as to not focus on his behind that was contained by the uniform pants. Steve opened the door and motioned for you to walk through the doorway.
“You can have a seat in one of those chairs if you’d like.”
You quickly walked over to the chairs in front of his desk and sat down. He sat in the rolling chair on the other side and leaned back in the chair studying you. Instead of meeting his gaze, you looked down at your pants picking off pieces of invisible lint.
“Well,” Steve cleared his throat and leaned forward to place his forearms on his desk with his fingers interlocked with each other. “I will say that this is not how I expected this shift to go.”
You chuckled, still staring at your pants. “You and me both.”
“I don’t want to make this uncomfortable for you and I can work it out to where we won’t be on the same shift. But, I do want you to be here because I’ve seen your scores for all the tests and they’re phenomenal.” Steve said. 
“Thanks,” You mumbled with a slight heat in your cheeks. “And you don’t have to change anything. I’ll admit it might be weird the first couple days but I’ll be fine.” You gain the courage to look at him and saw his ocean blue eyes watching you. 
“Not to make this any more awkward than it kinda is but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I left your place.” Now it was Steve’s turn to blush. “I promise I’m not trying to come onto you but, uh, I just needed to say that.” He looked down at his desk and fiddled with his thumbs.”
“Well if it’s any consolation I haven't stopped thinking about you either.” You smiled. 
Steve opened his mouth to say something but then the bell rang signaling that there was a call. “Well, let’s start your first shift.” 
You two stood up from your seats and Steve opened the door for you to go first. You gave him a smile as you thanked him. 
“Let’s do that.” You chuckled and took off towards the ambulance with Natasha. 
It’s been a few months since your first day and the team has felt more like a family every day. Natasha has felt like a sister to you, Sam has gotten a run for his money when you’ve played pranks and your relationship with Steve has gotten…...closer. You ended up telling Natasha that you slept with him and she couldn’t help but laugh. When you asked why she was laughing she said, “Well, I don’t blame you. He is a nice snack.” You couldn’t disagree with her on that. Steve and you talked about how you two wouldn’t let that night affect you two working together but neither of you could ignore that there were feelings for the other. 
“Hey Y/N!! Can you call Lucky over? He keeps trying to drink the soapy water!” Clint yells across the firehouse where he, Bucky, Sam, and Rhodey were trying to was one of the trucks.
“Yeah. No problem. Lucky! C’mere!” You whistled. The Golden Retriever came bounding over to you and jumped into your arms licking you all over your face. You giggled as you gently pushed him away to go over to his toys and grabbed a tug rope. 
As you were playing with Lucky and wearing him out, the alarm that signaled a call sounded. Dispatch said an ambulance was needed for a car accident. It was always difficult to tell how bad car accidents are until you get there. You and Wanda, who you found out was another EMT, were on shift and ran to the ambulance to head to where the accident was. The accident was at an intersection that always had a lot of accidents whether it be minor or major. 
When you and Wanda arrived, there were already two ambulances there which told the two of you how bad it was. There were at least six cars involved. One was wrapped around a tree, two looked like they collided head on, and the three rear ended each other. There looked to be people out of some cars but your biggest worry was the one wrapped around the tree. You asked one of the other EMTs if any of them checked on the patient of the car around the tree and they said they got there a few seconds before you and Wanda. 
You yelled for Wanda to grab the bags while you ran over to check on whoever it was in the car. Your breath got caught in your throat as you saw it was Steve in the driver’s seat. He was unconscious, slumped over the steering wheel. You gently leaned him back so you could check his front for injuries. Steve had a cut above his eyebrow causing blood to trickle down his face, his left arm was broken which also had the bone poking through the skin, the steering wheel dashboard trapped his legs which caused you to not assess the injuries there. 
“Oh my god.” Wanda gasped when she saw who it was. 
“Wanda,” You turned to look at her. “I know it’s Steve but we treat him like every other person we’ve treated before. Okay?”
She swallowed and nodded her head. Wanda pulled out a cervical collar and handed it to you so you can place it around Steve’s neck to prevent any hidden injuries from getting worse. You called over your shoulder to have Wanda get the spine board. She nodded and ran to the ambulance. A groan pulled your attention back to the man in the banged up vehicle. 
“Steve? Hey big guy. Can you open your eyes for me?” You gently coaxed.
“Wha-? Y/N? What are you doin here?” His speech was slurred but you couldn’t tell if it was because he was regaining consciousness or if the cut on his head was more than just a cut.
“You got in a car accident. Do you know what happened?” You asked as you placed the collar around his neck.
Steve scrunched his face trying to think. “I-I can’t remember.” He started to panic. “Why can’t I remember?”
“Steve, you need to calm down.” You grabbed his wrists so he wouldn’t hurt himself. “Right now I need to check over your injuries.” You heard footsteps behind you and saw the spine board placed next to you. Wanda started getting stuff out of the bag to bandage the cut on Steve’s head. 
The two of you started to assess what you could see but you knew the steering wheel dashboard needed to get moved. You stood up and turned to see if there were any firefighters who could help and saw Sam, Bucky, Clint, and Rhodey all running over to you. They looked over your shoulder and saw it was Steve. 
“What do you need?” Sam asked. 
“His legs are trapped so we need to get those out.”
“Alright. Guys, let’s get the equipment to help.” The men took off back to the fire engine and you turned your attention back to Steve. 
“Hey. I’m going to ask you some questions, okay?” You asked Steve. He mumbled a ‘yes’ and you started asking questions which would assess his mental status. You heard many pairs of footsteps running back over to you and saw Sam out the corner of your eye. You, Sam, and the rest of your team who were there, worked together to get Steve out from being trapped in the car. Once his legs were free, you all placed him on the spine board while Clint and Wanda went to get the gurney. 
“Everything hurts.” Steve groaned in pain. 
“I know, honey.” Unintentionally letting the pet name slip out. “I’m gonna get you some meds for that.” You got everything to get an IV in his arm to distribute pain meds. Wanda and Clint came back with the gurney and everyone loaded him up on the gurney, then into the ambulance, and Wanda jumped in the driver seat and started heading to the hospital. 
“Y/N.” Steve whispered. “I’m glad that you were there.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand. “Well I’m glad that you’re alright for the most part.”
“You called me ‘honey’.”
“Eh. Pet names like that slip from me at times. Sorry if it was unprofessional.”
He gently shook his head as best he could with the collar on. “No, I actually liked it.” 
You could see a sense of determination in his eyes. “How ‘bout we focus on you getting better before we talk about possibly dating and what that means for our jobs.”
Steve’s jaw dropped. “How’d you know?”
“Steve. Honey.” You winked at him. “It’s my job to check for even the smallest facial expressions in order to see how much pain someone is in.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
You shook your head chuckling, checking over his injuries you could see to make sure none have gotten worse. 
Wanda pulled into the ambulance bay of the hospital where three nurses met you and helped you roll Steve into the hospital. He went to surgery for his arm and to make sure there were know serious internal injuries. You were there by his bedside in recovery when he woke up. The two of you would figure out logistics with the budding relationship at a later date but knew you couldn’t wait too long. 
Steve mumbled as he was coming out of the anesthesia. He opened his eyes a bit and saw you sitting there. “Hi.” He closed his eyes with a smile on his face. 
You smiled. “Hi. How you feeling?”
Steve mumbled incoherently which caused you to chuckle. 
“Alright.” You grabbed his right hand, being careful of the IV line, in both of yours. “You get more rest.” Steve mumbled more as you placed a kiss on his knuckles.
Tags: @patzammit @bobbydearest @katiew1973 @rocketrhap3000 @harrysthiccthighss @justamarvelfan14​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​
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teebarnes · 3 years
🌿 | Happy Anniversary
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're coming home to celebrate your 2nd anniversary with Bucky when something goes wrong, you both celebrate a little later than expected.
Word Count: 4.6k
Warning(s): car accident, swearing, blood, floooooof and poor writing (sorry in advance).
A/N: This is the first time I am actually posting anything I've actually written. I have very unrealistic ideas of love (you can thank MCU for my high standards of men), so my writing is the result of that. I hope you enjoy. (GIF is not my own).
Any feedback, likes & reblogs etc are much appreciate 🥰
“Good morning, doll”…
A month ago...
It was blooming in the afternoon as you drove down the rural area of your home city, New York. Driving home to the place you shared with your boyfriend, an avenger, a secret agent. You were a normal young lady who worked a nine to five job down at the VA where you had met your best friend Sam Wilson; he was the one who introduced you to Bucky Barnes, who you'd instantly fall in love with. It was your standard drive, nothing more, it was around mid-day, both you and Bucky were coming home to celebrate your second anniversary.
Smiling as you jammed to your favourite playlist while shading your eyes with sunnies. The lights turned red at the intersection, slowing down to stop at the red light harbouring above you, carefully watching for it to go green. You were tapping away on your matte driving wheel, humming to Bucky and your favourite song.
Your foot letting go of the brake, you move into the lane, moments flashed before your eyes suddenly colliding with another vehicle, ripping you out of your body for a few seconds before you quickly sunk back in. Pain rushed to your side as your body sat limp in the driver's seat of your car; the watch on your wrist alarmed the ambulances, People rushing left, right and centre to pull you out.
You laid on the floor of the open road, with a few people surrounding you as you felt something wet stream from your waist, then a sudden eruption of air locked in your chest made you gasp for air. Your eyes begin to flutter in and out of consciousness, the ringing in your ears filtered out the voices trying to keep you from dozing out. "HEY! HEY! HEY! Please stay awake. The ambulance is nearly here," a woman shouted as another bystander was applying pressure to your side, trying to stop the flow of blood. Hearing the ambulance siren you nodded lightly to the woman helping you, but your mind strayed from reality for a bit.
Bucky was on his way home with Sam because he didn't really have his license yet, the usual routine of you dropping him to work and Sam dropping him home. The pair of them laughing in the car when they pulled up at the intersection only to be stopped behind extensive lines of traffic and oncoming cops rocking Sam's car as they rushed by. Sam rested his head back into the seat as Bucky was texting away to you, "I cannot wait to see you, doll", sent and delivered. Bucky looks up from his phone, noticing the significant traffic. "Whoa! What's happening?" He asks while Sam winds the window peeking his head from it. "I think it's a crash, dude." Sam leans out of his car a bit more, trying to see all the action.
Bucky doesn't hesitate before hopping out of the car, “We should go check just in case they need help" looking up from the car his lips parted and his vision narrowed. "S-s-sam" Bucky's eyes widened as Sam hopped out. "Yeah?" He said, looking at his friend, who looked horrified. Sam turns to the commotion only to have his face drop in fear. Bucky drops his phone sending his feet running towards the scene with Sam quick on his heels.
Traffic wardens directing the traffic and police cars blocking the scene as vehicles wandered around the open setting. You gasped for the air you desperately needed, "Sir, you cannot Cro-"one of the officers are cut off. "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND", he screamed bloody murder before rushing towards you. Skidding his knees against the concrete ground pulling you into his arms, "no, no, no, no, no, no", Bucky sobs, caressing your face pushing your bloodied hair behind your ears as the grazes on your face deepened. Sam reaches, falling to his knees watching. "Baby, cmon' cmon' stay with me please, s-stay with me god daym it!" He pleaded as you laid in his arms, dozing in and out. The paramedics rushing with their equipment; you flush your eyes open for a second, seeing Bucky which instantly made you smile as you continue to gasp. "B-baby", he looks down to your side as it continues to bleed out. Bucky looks around for the paramedics. "PLEASE HELP, HURRY", he screams in complete madness, using his vibranium arm to hold pressure on the open wound. You rest your hand on his thigh, squeezing it to give him a sign you were still there. "T... t-this will be an anniversary to remember," you laughed faintly to him before coughing up a bit of blood. "No! No!" Bucky cried, cupping your face in his hand as he brought you close to his chest, he whimpered “Don’t go, baby, don’t leave me”.
"Sir, we can take her from here", one of the paramedics exclaims, rushing to help her; Bucky reluctant to let you go, Sam rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Buck, cmon' let them help her" he nodded as Bucky let you go carefully, handing you to the paramedics as you fell limp. Bystanders drove around the scene and stood on the paths watching. He starred in horror, watching as the paramedics had transferred you onto the gurney while they attempted to help you best they could. Bucky sat there looking lifeless, tears down his face, blood on his shirt. Sam kneeled to him. "Hey, they're going to help her the best they can. "Tony has already got a team on the way to help her" he nodded before hearing the paramedic. "I NEED A DEFIBRILLATOR, AND I NEED IT NOW" his heart sunk deeper into his chest, looking over to the yellow vehicle that homed many memories and many road-trips you both had together.
Bucky gripped his chest, jolting awake, gasping for air, only to find himself at the side of you, his hand intertwined in yours as you slept peacefully. Another nightmare. Only an hour had passed since he fell asleep, but it had been nearly a month since you were admitted into hospital after the accident. Bucky hadn't slept well for weeks, constantly checking on your state to see if any changes occurred. In the first hour of getting to the hospital, you were released to Tony's medic team and brought back to the compound. Bucky trusted Tony more than the public hospitals and agreed for him to take you.
He couldn't bare to leave your side, and often Sam or Steve had to take over while he took a shower or tried to eat. He sat close to you in the chair Tony brought for him to use. Holding your hand, he kissed the back of your hand gently, "Good morning, doll" he smiled at you, Bucky got up to open the curtains for your face to absorb the sunlight, regardless if you were in a coma ready to wake, he still treated as if you were alive and well… talking to him. Bucky missed you severely, your smile, seeing your eyes, hearing your voice; he longed for the day he'd listen to it again.
A slight knock on the door alludes to Bucky as he turns around. Steve walks in with a paper bag of food "hey bud, my turn today”, Steve smiled at his best friend, who looked tired more than ever. Bucky side smiled. "Thanks, Steve", he sighed softly, taking the bag as Steve gave it to him. "Buck”, sitting down in the chair that Bucky had used as a home for his body of the last month. "Mh?" Bucky looked back to Steve, "I need you to take a shower, get into some comfortable clothes and rest" before Bucky could protest, Steve continues to speak, "If anything changes, you'll be the first to know." He nods to Bucky, "But-" "I will tell you, okay? Just please get some rest and eat. I'll look after her." Bucky nodded, thanking his friend with his eyes before leaving; he circled your bed to give you a kiss on the head. "See you later, love", he smiled before leaving down the hall to his room.
Steve comforted himself in the comfortable leather seat as he pulled his book from the drawer next to your bed, opening it to the page he'd left off a few days ago.
After Bucky's shower, he sat at the edge of his new bed, changing into his red henley, one of your favourite shirts that Bucky owned. He managed his way into some grey sweats before leaning his head into the nook of his palms.
"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS" an angry Bucky stood from the ground looking around, Sam knew better than to stop him from doing anything he would regret, but Sam was just as mad, which clouded his judgement. The police had made their way over to Bucky as he clenched both his jaws and fists. “Sergeant Barnes. I'm sorry to say, it was a drunk driver…” The officer alerted him. He seethed anger trying to contain himself as he asked a question, "What is this drivers condition?" the police look over to the man who sits at the back of the ambulance, a paramedic attending his grazes. Bucky followed their gaze to the man who looked as high as a kite, sending Bucky over the edge, he stormed off in the man's direction before stopping right in front of the man. "Sir, you're going to need to step-" the paramedic is cut off. Sam stalks his way towards Bucky mustering the courage to tell his friend not to do anything, but he was at a loss for words.
"Are you the fucker who did that" his vibranium arm swung from his side to point at the collided cars; the man looks at Bucky unbeknownst of what he was asking, "huh?" He replies in a bit of a hum. "IS THAT YOUR FUCKING CAR?" The man looks over and just nods. Sam was sure he could see the anger radiating from Bucky at that point, "Hey Buck, can we maybe just" but with the small voice, Bucky raged, “NO!" He growled, snapping his head back to the man before grabbing his chin, making the drunk man face Bucky's cold eyes, luring him out of his daze. "I-" the man gulped, eyes stuttering as he looked around. “Cmon’ Buck let go of him, please" Sam asks, but Bucky shrugs it off. "You are foul", Bucky seethed to the man who was almost in tears. "I-i'm I'm so- so- sorry", he mutters; Bucky grabs him by the shirt. "If she dies, that is on you. You live with the fact that if my girlfriend... s-she was going to be my fiancé…” he stopped before continuing “her death is on your hands for your fucking stupid actions," he growled before shoving him right back into the ambulance with brut force; the man groans as pain rushes to his back. "You deserved more than that." Bucky glares before storming off; Sam quickly following behind him. Bucky heads to your car, using his arm to lift it upright. All the contents shook inside he goes through collecting what he thought you'd need or want. Sam lends a hand out to hold a few of the items, your bag that was a little torn but mostly kept together, your keys, your favourite CD that had miraculously preserved in perfect condition.
His eyes saddened to see the squashed flowers that laid crumpled all over the floor. Picking up a few of them to hold he lightly chuckles, you defied all stereotypes in your relationship with Bucky. You'd always bring flowers home for Bucky on special occasions or when you felt like he needed them, "men deserve flowers too" you’d always say. Bucky loved… loves you, you were… no… are beautifully unique, and god, he didn't let himself forget it. Bucky had finished collecting everything before walking away. Sam followed behind back to the car. "We will head back to the compound. Tony said he'd take her there" Bucky nodded as he silently got into the car, not saying another word.
It was nearly half-past ten when Steve had fallen asleep on the chair with his book open-faced flat on his chest, snoring a bit. Tony had come to check on you a few times to see how you were going. Tony couldn't help himself but take a few photos of Steve sleeping before attending you again with one of the nurses. "She is expected to wake up soon", Dr Cho had whispered to Tony, "So everything is looking good, Cho?" He looks over to her as she nods, "this last round of medication should aid her. I'd say she will wake within the next few hours, earlier than expected” she smiled, causing Tony to nod. "Great! Keep me updated," he said, walking out. There was discussion of attempting to wake you up earlier than intended, but with the slow progress you had made in the last few weeks, Cho wanted to wait a bit longer which Bucky was holding out hope for you.
Back in the guest room set up for Bucky, he slept on top of the bed, facing the ceiling snoring lightly. His vibranium arm resting at his chest and the other underneath his neck. Regardless of how much he wanted to go back to see you, he knew you'd yell at him if you caught him sleep-deprived; Steve had snuck a few sleeping pills into the sandwhich Bucky ate. Lately, it seemed to be the only way to get himself to sleep without interruption.
Steve was awake when you drew your first big breath; he jumped from his seat, dropping his book. You groaned a bit before opening your eyes to check your surrounding, the light was harsh, and Steve could tell you were snuggling with it, so he rushed to dim the lights. Your consciousness coming back to your body as you fully but slowly awaken. You move your head gently around to catch sight of everything, Steve smiled coming into your line of vision, your eyes widened as you jumped a bit which made Steve jump thinking something was wrong, he rushed to your side "y/n? Y/n, are you Oka-" you made a weird face before cutting him off letting your raspy voice whisper "Oh my god. You've got a beard".
Steve looks at you pinching his nose laughing which you shortly but lightly follow, "are you kidding me y/n." He shakes his head, laughing through his nose. "No… I'm serious" you widely look at him with a straight face "have you seen yourself" you scrunch your face, jokingly cringe. "You've stolen my boyfriend's style", you smile, which peaks his smile, "he does have a good sense of style, huh" Steve replied, looking at you “And only he can pull it off” you smirked.
You softly smile, looking at him. "How long have I been sleeping beauty?" You joked, "It would've been a month tomorrow," Steve says, and you nod "oh, wow... you make it sound like it was an anniversary", you cough a bit, “could I get some water?" You politely ask Steve, pouring you a glass handing it over to you; you take a sip automatically refreshing your throat. "Bucky is asleep… I can go get him?" Steve asks, standing at the edge of your bed; you shake your head "leave him to sleep. I know he needs it" you smile, patting the chair for Steve to sit back down, which he does. You prop yourself up slowly, moving your joints again ached you, but it felt good that you were moving around. I guess your body knew you needed a little movement before you became a statue. "I know that he hasn't slept, even if I wasn't there, I could hear, hear you, Steve" you look at him before continuing, “Hear you plead him to sleep. I heard Tony, Nat, Sam all attempt to get him to as well.” You rest your head against the pillow "he deserves it", you smile. "Well, he has been out since this morning… I snuck Cho's sleeping pills into his breakfast bag," Steve winked, causing you to giggle. "Ahhh, a 105-year-old man looking out for his 107-year-old friend with sleeping pills,“ "You know, for a woman who has just woken from a coma, you sure do have the energy… Are you sure you weren't just playing dead?" He laughed, causing you to roll your eyes. "Don't go there, capsicle, I could ruin you within seconds", you smirk.
Tony walks in with Cho, massive smiles on their faces, "Our favourite girl is finally awake!" Tony cheers.
Your bond with the avengers had grown in the three years of knowing them. Sam introduced you to everyone when he invited you to one of Tony's infamous parties; This was when Bucky was in Wakanda. When Bucky had come back from Wakanda with Steve, you were hanging with Sam at the compound when Sam “introduced” you two briefly after a round of cards. He likes to say that he was the one to introduce you two to each other, but it was really Steve.
Three years ago…
You and Sam were playing a round of cards when he heard the quinjet land, "That must be them!" He excitedly announced, dividing his attention, causing you to win the last round. "HA! I WON YET AGAIN” you cheered, dancing around. Nat laughing as Sam made his disappointed face. "I will never understand you y/n" Nat spoke, shaking her head giving throwing her cards onto the table. Sam rolled his eyes. "It's called being competitive", he laughed “Y’n is good at that” "Come y/n. I'll introduce you to our new member." He turned to you, you nodded getting up with Nat, who followed. In all honestly, you loved meeting the team, both new and old members.
Steve had walked in first. "Ah! Y/n" he smiled, hugging you. "Hey sucker", you smiled playfully punching his arm. There was a slight cough from behind him, causing you to direct your attention to the tall brown haired man. Steve moved to the side so you could see him. You instantly smiled, gazing upon his bold deep-blue eyes. "Y/n, this is our newest recruit James Barnes" Steve announced; Sam smiled. "Welcome back, man". Bucky just nodded, keeping a slight eye on you, “Hey James", you extended your hand out to shake his, "You can call me Bucky" he smiled, shaking your hand gently, you give a small smile nodding, "Nice to meet you Bucky, I'm y/n." Sam looked unamused "why do I still get to call you James?" He huffed, you laughed letting Bucky's hand go. "Probably because I'm cooler and you're just plain annoying" nudging Sam’s arm. The comment made Bucky laugh, and from then on there, it started a lifetime between the two.
Cho had finished checking all your vitals and debriefing you on the certain meds you'd have to take for the next few weeks to gain your strength back. Cho also went through a few exercises with you to get your muscles moving again. "Thanks Cho… I appreciate it", you smiled watching as she began to leave. "Wait, Cho-" you quietly whispered, looking at her as she turns back. "Mh?" You let your feet dangle off the bed "do you think I'd be able to move into where Buck is sleeping? I'd like to sleep with him tonight." Cho let a small smile out, "If that is what you want to do, you're more than welcome to. Just slow and carefully, although your wound has healed, your body is getting used to being awake and moving again." You nodded. Tony smiled, patting you back lightly. "Thank gosh, you're leaving this room, can use it for someone who needs it more", he jokes before earning a hard punch from you. "Watch it, tin-man. I'll get my man on you, and you'll be the one needing this room more than I ever did," you gleam sassily as he clutches his chest pretending to be hurt.
Tony winks. "Well, I'll leave you to it", he smiles, walking out down the hall. You look at Steve before slowly getting off the bed, landing your feet into the warm fluffy slippers that Nat had brought for you. Steve aids to your side "thanks," you smile grabbing hold of him for support, groaning a bit as you stood straight “don't mention it y/n," he smiled, grabbing your bag with his free hand. Slowly and carefully, you walk out down the hall with Steve by your side; walking in your warm cotton Pj's, you look around, trying to focus yourself on everything. "You alright?" Steve asked for the twentieth time in five mins you’d both been walking to the guest room. You roll your eyes. "Actually, now that you mention it, I'm feeling lightheaded” you laugh mimicking like you were going to faint. Steve rolls his eyes. "I'm okay, Steve, don't worry" you smiled. Stopping at the door of the room, you hear Bucky's soft snore, which makes your heart flutter. "He's going to kill me tomorrow morning", Steve whispered, opening the door slightly for you. You let a small giggle out, "why's that?" You whisper back as he puts your bag just inside the door. "I said I'd wake him if anything changed" he watched as Bucky slept deeply. "Don't worry, he won't kill you, I won't let him" you wink, mouthing a thank you to Steve. "Get some good rest, Steve" you smile, closing the guest door lightly, not wanting to wake Bucky.
Carefully you walk over to the bed, slipping the slippers off your feet and slowly climbing onto the bed. You smiled, watching as your boyfriend snored, his vibranium arm now spread out to the side like he was waiting for you to fill it and his other still under his neck. The rise and fall of his chest calmed you as you scooted closer into his embrace. Head resting on his vibranium arm was dearly missed; you rolled to your side before resting one of your hands on his chest, snuggling closer to him. You missed this, being able to do it for yourself; you just missed it. You closed your eyes lightly before hearing your name sing quietly, "y/n?" Bucky looks down at you in surprise. You look up at him with a soft grin "Ta-Da" you chuckled, his eyed watered blinking too many times at you, your hand rested on his cheek as he lightly turned to you. "Happy month late anniversary, my love", you smiled at him as his brows furrowed "no… no… I'm dreaming I- you-" he stutters, but you quickly shut him up with a soft kiss to his lips. "Not a dream", you whisper, looking into his eyes. His face flutters a vast smile.
A sense of realisation hit “You're awake!" He sniffs, smiling as you nod towards him, "Indeed." You giggle. He pulls you gently closer to him. "Gosh, have I missed this so much." You smile, hugging onto him. "I'm so glad to have you back, baby", he can’t hold his whimpers in any longer, you look up to wipe the tears from his face "no need to cry, love". His breath cools; he had his love back with him. "How'd you get here?" He asks, concerned that you might be hurt, "Steve helped me back here. Don't you go killing him either", you warned, making him slightly laugh. "He told me you were sleeping; I thought I'd surprise you." "It was the best surprise” Bucky hummed. “I’m sorry I ruin our anniversary-"Bucky cut you off, shaking his head. "No, doll, that is not your fault." He whispered, kissing your soft lips. You sniffed in sadness. "I couldn't give you your flowers", you pouted, and he just smiled. "Well. I think I'd rather have you." He cooed. “There are plenty of flowers, but there is only one of you”.
Moments more extended, the pair of you moulded into each other like you had never left his side. Your eyes closed, Bucky grabs your attention again, "Love?" "hmm?" You hum in reply. He tugs at the chain around your neck, causing your eyes to open in confusion; you hadn’t noticed the chain until now “Buck?" You looked down to where his hand was; on the necklace that homed your neck was a beautiful gold black peppered ring. He searched your eyes “Marry me?" eyes glistened in the dark, you smiled cheesily, reaching to hold his hand that held the engagement ring, you kissed his hand then his lips, "of course" you smiled which made Bucky excitedly wiggled a victory dance in your presence, a habit he caught from you.
He unclasped the necklace from your neck, sliding the ring off it; you smiled, watching him slide it onto your finger. He let out a breath of relief as you watched him. "You've asked me while I was asleep, haven't you?" You said as a faint memory of his voice took you back to when you were in your coma. Bucky softly nodded as he admired you, “I did”.
Bucky sat next to you after you'd come out of surgery; it was already nightfall. Bucky sobbed quietly as he held your hand, watching you rest. "I- I'm sorry we couldn't celebrate our anniversary together, baby", he sniffed, keeping your hand in his as his cheek rested upon the intertwined hands. "Gosh, how I wish you were here, awake with me” He continues, "I- I was going to propose to you tonight, tell you how excited I was to spend the rest of our lives together, to grow old, to have a f-family." he blinks, causing his tear to fall onto your hand. "I love you with everything I've got, doll. You're my happiness, my light. P-please comes back to me, don't leave me." His brows furrow more. "I need you, I know I'm selfish, but I do. So please, I promise to give you more than I've given you already, to protect you, to love you, to be your goofy husband. I promise to be there on your hardest days like you do for me. I promise you the world, my- our world. If you'd just come back to me l-love," his heart rips as he cries softly. For a brief moment, he lets your hand go taking the box from his pocket. He unclasped the dog tags from his neck, taking the engagement ring from the box, he slides the ring on before standing, gently he puts his necklace around your neck before sitting back down to hold your hand. "For when you wake, I'll ask you again, I know you'll come back. I love you so much" He kisses your hand again. “Marry me”.
"You've given me everything I need. Growing old and goofy with me is all I ever need," you smiled, cupping Bucky's face. "You don't need to promise me anything for me to come back to you; I'll always find my way back into your arms." Bucky smiles, holding his hand against yours as it cups his face. "I love you, James Bucky Barnes, and I'd want nothing else but to spend the rest of our life together. I love you," you whisper.
With your cheesy speech, Bucky's worries vanished, “how can I say no if you promised to be my goofy husband” he grinned. “I’m holding you to that” “I cannot wait to marry you doll” you hugged back onto him before replying. “Neither can I, Mr Barnes." nuzzling yourself into his chest him.
The last conversation you'd have until morning as you fell asleep into each other's arms.
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realcube · 4 years
characters dealing with a deep sleeper! s/o  (_ _)。゜zzZ
characters: bokuto, oikawa & saiki k 
tw// swearing, fluff, mentions of death, illness, funerals, sexual references 
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he literally thought you died 
this was your first time sleeping over at his home and last night, y’all were stuffing your faces with treats until your stomachs ached
you had mentioned several times how you were feeling sick - even after bokuto took you out for a late-night run - but he just told you to take a pain-killer and sleep it off
but now he was kinda regretting not calling someone to help 
like what if the sickness was a symptom to a deadly disease which took you overnight?
plus, he had tried everything he could think of to wake you up: he shook you, he blasted music from his phone, he opened the curtains to allow blinding light to shine on you, he flicked spits of cold water onto your face and he literally wafted cookies around the room in hopes you’d catch the scent 
but it was no use as even after all that, you didn’t move an inch
he tried to check your pulse which he believed to be on the wrist but he couldn’t think it 
so either he was too stupid to find the exact location or......you didn’t have a pulse
he’ll admit, it was an eerie thought that there could be a dead person in his bed rn but even he considered that a rather outlandish idea 
how could a person as healthy as you just die overnight? so he did what any reasonable person would do in that situation-- no, not call a doctor
he held a funeral for his beloved s/o 💀
he gathered all five of the plushies laying around his room (all of which were owls) and lined them up on the foot of the bed 
‘we are all gathered here today to celebrate the epic life of my partner, (y/n) (l/n).’ he sobbed into the sleeve of the black blazer he had pulled out of his closet, ‘gone too soon.’
silence. but in his mind he was met by a chorus of ‘aww’s and whimpers from the crowd
‘i loved them. (y/n) was my rock; they helped me through some of the hardest points in my life--’
his speech was cut off upon hearing one of the audience members pipe up, ‘bo, what are you doing?’
a wave of excitement washed over him as he scurried up to the line of guests, closely examining each one, ‘i didn’t know y’all could talk!’
you rolled your eyes before leaning forward and gently tapping the back of his head, ‘it’s me.’
upon laying his eyes on you, healthy and alive, his lips curled into a foolishly large grin as he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, ‘(Y/N), you’re alive!’ he cried
you gasped at his rather dramatic reaction before slowly melting into his embrace, ‘yes, i am.’
as your lips parted from the skin of his jaw and he slowly let his arms fall from your waist, you finally inquired, ‘did you hold a funeral for me?’
bokuto’s eyes-widened at your ‘crazy’ suggestion, ‘uhhhh, nooooo.’
if his elongating of each word wasn’t enough to show that he was lying, the dead giveaway would have to be the sheet of A4 paper with ‘(Y/N)’S FUNERAL 😭’ written on it that was stuck to the door with blu-tac
ignoring his completely false reply, you leaned back on the bed and picked up on the owl plushies, gently stroking it’s soft fur, ‘are these the guests? why are there only five?’
bokuto shrugged, picking up one himself and absentmindedly attempting to balance it on your head, ‘seven; if you count me and you.’
you giggled, about to make a inquire about the names of each guest until bokuto suddenly through his arms around you again 
‘why didn’t you tell me that you are such a deep-sleeper before?! i was so worried - i thought you died! please never die on me again, (y/n)?’
you smiled, pulling back to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, ‘i promise.’
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Tōru Oikawa
he would take advantage of this opportunity lol
the first time y’all slept over together as a couple, he had no idea that you were as deep of a sleeper as you actually are
like he thought you meant ‘i sometimes sleep through my alarms’ deep-sleeper
anyway, at first, he’d probably just freshen up while you sleep: take a shower, wash his face, brush his teeth, floss etc so he’s no longer effected by that ✨morning crust ✨
but when he pokes his head out of the bathroom and noticed that your sleep asleep, he tries to blow-dry his hair bc he knows how much you like it when it’s all fluffy
but his blow-dryer was quite loud so he put it on for a few seconds to see if it’s wake you up and just as he expected, you were still sound asleep
so he blew-dry his hair until it was that soft texture that you liked so much- all while you were still like (∪.∪ )...zzz even though the blow-dryer was making a racket 
you were still sleeping and upon looking at the time, he realised that it was completely fair considering it was currently half past 8 and he had just woken up extremely early for some unknown reason
he didn’t want to wake you so he was just doing to go out for a run or make breakfast until he caught a glimpse of himself in mirror
despite his  puffy hair and pearly-white smile, he still looked sloppy
but it was definitely bc of his stained, torn, washed-out pyjamas tbh
he was just wearing an old T-shirt that he’s had for god-knows how long and a pair of grey sweatpants; it wasn’t a look
he had no idea what possessed him to wear such casual nightwear while you were at his house - especially when you chose to wear something so relaxed yet titillating - but he knew that he needed to change
after a while of rummaging through his nightwear drawer, the best he could find was a pair of white, silk, loose-legged trousers which he had bought for a halloween costume many years ago
it was pretty classy though :)) he was sure that you’d like it 
however, he still couldn’t find anything to wear on his top half but there is no fashion problem oikawa can’t solve 
thus, he went shirtless ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
he also threw on some jewellery too, just for the lols
you weren’t awake yet thought, so after he set up some candles to create a ‘mood’, he just sat next to you on the bed, scrolling on his phone and anticipating your reaction once you woke up
for a moment, he thought that he might’ve went when too far but upon taking a look at himself in his front-facing camera, he realised that there was no harm in spicing things up
once he noticed one of your eyes slowly flutter open, he quickly tossed his phone to the side and turned his body to face you, shooting you a kind smile and he gently ran a hand through his fluffy hair, ‘morning, angel~’ he cooed
you grumbled your greeting in response, then proceeded to rub your eyes to make sure you were seeing him correctly, ‘what are you wearing, tōru?’
‘can a guy not dress up for his special someone anymore?’
you rolled your eyes, playfully slapping his chest and going to hop out of bed until he pulled you back down against the sheets
a faint gasp escaped your lips but you were quickly hushed by oikawa pushing his finger against your lips, ‘you’re not going anywhere, (y/n).’
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Kusuo Saiki
this was the first time you ever slept over at his house or next to him yet y’all had been dating for year and a half
he was just scared that he might accidently do something crazy in his sleep (bc of his powers ofc) and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you 🥺
you were patient with him though but bc y’all had never woken up together before, he had no idea how deep of a sleeper you are
he thought it was cute at first bc you were laying there like the beauty you are, lookin’ all serene and calm and stuff
but after a while, he got bored on his own  #•̀ ︿ •́
also, you promised to bake macarons with him for breakfast and he was hungry as hell, still he didn’t want to eat without you but if he didn’t wake you up rn to make macarons, he’d surely starve to death while they were in the fridge
on any other day, he’d just try do it himself but when you helped him make food- it just hit different 😍
‘(y/n), wake up.’  he spoke into your mind using his telepathy, while light nudging your arm, ‘i’m hungry.’
you didn’t reply, seeming completely knocked out
he tried the next best thing, holding his annoying alarm noise near (but not too close) to your ear
still nothing, though
his last human attempt was aggressively pulling your blanket away but even after that you showed no signs of waking up so he realised that he’d have to resort to using his physic abilities
he considered using his astral projection to possess your body but he felt as though taking over your body might cross a few boundaries 
but he did try duplicating himself so he could shake you from many different angles but it was still no use
he continued to use his telepathy to try wake you up but it didn’t seem to work either
after multiple different attempts of using his powers to try wake you up; here he was, standing in the middle of some dystopian, apocalyptic scene - alarms ringing in the distant along with sirens, screaming, honking and wails. everything around him seemed to be engulfed by flames which created thick, smoky air 
he wasn’t really sure how he got here but he was pretty sure it started around the time he tried to form an energy ball 
whatever 🤷‍♂️ it’s no biggie
he jumped back in time so he was standing next to your bed once again, exactly where he left off before he created the energy ball
he stared down at your sleeping figure and let out an exasperated sigh as he realised that he’d have to employ one of his most dangerous tactics
he really hoped it didn’t have to come to this
‘(y/n), if you get up right now.’ his voice rung through your head, ‘i speak with my voice.’
just like that, both of your eyes shot open as you hastily sat up on the bed
‘do it, saiki!’ you cheered, a foolishly large grin plastered on your features
and he couldn’t help but smile too 
curse you for being so cute
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foli-vora · 4 years
more than words, pt.2
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A/N: Really wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction to pt.1 so thank you all so much for your likes, reblogs, kind words and support! I had a few requests to make a taglist so I’ve done it at the bottom - let me know if you’d like to be added! (and I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone) so - on with the show!
Summary: The one person who you thought would be happy for you finally getting with someone decent was your best friend. After all, he had set you both up. Who would’ve thought he’d be the reason it all falls apart?
Pairing: best friend!Benny Miller/f!reader, Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/f!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: swearing
pt.1 / pt.3 / pt.4 / pt.5 / pt.6
You startle when your phone vibrates on the coffee table, the sudden and abrupt noise of it quick to drag your attention away from the true crime documentary playing across your TV screen. You eye it from your spot on the couch, so far, yet only a mere reach away if you could be bothered to stretch the distance. Your eyes fall back to the TV, happy to just ignore it and address it when you eventually have to move from the cocoon of blankets and pillows you’ve surrounded yourself with, but when the reminder alert sounds two minutes after receiving it, a small voice in the back of your head pipes up, saying it could be something important and you sigh tiredly.
The effort to move pulls a low groan from you and you stretch out, snatching the device from the table and back into the warmth before you could tumble onto the floor and really have something to grumble about.
Hey Benny’s mystery girl, how’s your night going?
The text sends flutters through your stomach, your hands immediately clamming up with a brief wave of nerves. This was the guy that Benny was setting you up with – an apparent very close friend and someone who clearly meant a lot to him. Why did you feel so much pressure to make a good impression?
Blankets, cushions and crime show now forgotten, you straighten up and let your fingers hover over the keypad in contemplation.
Do you play it cool? Act like you have a brimming social life, full of fun and endless options, and are not currently sat at home on a Friday night in your pyjamas watching Netflix, eating an excessive amount of snacks? No. No, you shouldn’t put a false image out there. Honesty is the best policy.
Hey yourself mystery fish. It’s a nice and relaxed night on my end, how about yours?
You leave it at that, briefly wondering if you should quickly chuck your phone on airplane mode, delete the message before it could go through and start again.
Did it sound boring? Is that the kind of image you were throwing out there? Maybe you should’ve acted like you were at least doing something productive. But then… what if Benny was there to call you out on your bullshit, knowing you literally have nothing better to do? He’d gladly do it, too.
You roll your eyes at yourself, wondering why you even cared what this mystery man thought about you and your weekend rituals when you had literally never even met. You were who you were, and that was that. If he didn’t like it, then he could take his handsome face and pretty brown eyes elsewhere.
I’m jealous. Stuck out with the guys and all I can think about is sleeping.
Scratch that. Maybe he was a man after your own heart, after all. A picture of a tray of tequila shots and lemons wedges comes through, another text quickly following which had you giggling quietly to yourself –
I’m too old for this shit.
You grin at your screen, opening your camera and snapping a quick picture of your blanket covered legs, snack covered coffee table and bright TV screen before sending it with a little smirking emoji. You’re not disappointed when he replies almost immediately.
Now I’m really jealous – are those Doritos?
Nacho cheese!
The one and only acceptable flavour. Is that Forensic Files? I binged the shit out of that the other day!
OMG it’s so good!
Surprisingly, your eyes didn’t feel as heavy as you thought they would when your alarm drags you from sleep the next morning. You could even say you were looking forward to waking up, which was not how your Saturday mornings usually played out.
Immediately you reach over for your phone and unlock it, smiling like an idiot at the Home safe :) text waiting for you. You chew your lip as you scroll through the many bubbles of conversation, stomach twisting in delight as you re-read through the topics you managed to bounce through in the few hours of texting before you had to call it quits at 2:14am and send a final – Goodnight Frankie x
You had paced your apartment after that, ringing your hands together anxiously and eyeing the clock as the seconds ticked past, scowling at your reflection in the mirror as you took your worries out on your teeth, scrubbing them much harder than necessary. Was a kiss too much? Is it too early for that kind of thing? You had only literally just started talking. Should you quickly text and say it was an accident? It’s not like you can say you sent it to the wrong person – the message had his fucking name in it.
The sound you made when you got a – Sweet dreams mystery girl x – in return wasn’t even remotely human and the words swirled around your head long after you fell asleep.
The reservations you had originally developed on being set up, yet again, quickly dissipated the longer you and Frankie exchanged messages. There had been no awkward block of nothing between texts, no dragging up mediocre subjects to keep the conversation rolling… it had just flowed so effortlessly, so naturally – something which had never happened before with Benny’s previous candidates. The only other candidate that you had managed to have a comfortable conversation with was Will, and that was only after you had both agreed that there was no attraction between the two of you.
Over text, Frankie seemed funny – quick witted and sarcastic – and often had you snorting into your drink over a comment or joke made at his own or his friends’ expenses. No, you weren’t even remotely hesitant about this anymore. If anything, your evening of conversation just made you that much more eager to meet him.
It’s much later in the day when you finally message him, having kept the temptation to message him at bay while you tidied up, keeping it short and sweet with a, How’s the head? You chew your lip, eyes flicking over the message with thoughtful eyes before quickly tagging a little kiss on the end and pressing send. Not even two minutes later, your phone goes off on the coffee table and the clammy hands return tenfold when you read over the message a good fifteen times.
Can I call?
Shit. Shit. He wants to call? And like… talk? With voices? What if you stutter? Choke? Oh god, your throat’s dry. It’s dry – how can you talk with a dry throat? You can’t. Fuck. Fuck. Drink – you need a drink –
You quickly run to the kitchen, filling a glass of water and swallowing it down as quickly as you could, not at all caring that it half spills down your chin and onto your jumper. You gasp for air when you finish, slamming the glass down and catching the drips of water from your chin with the back of your hand. You slide across your floor as you run back out to your couch and grab your phone, typing a quick reply.
Yeah sure.
Too casual. Was that too casual? Should you have added a kiss? Shit – it’s already sent. It’s fine. It’s fine. He asked a short question, and he got a short answer. It makes sense. It’s fine. You yelp when your phone starts to vibrate in your hand, his contact name flashing across the screen.
Oh God.
Oh God.
He’s calling. He’s somewhere out there, phone to his ear, waiting for you to answer and you’re what – standing in your lounge and looking at your phone, watching it ring, like an idiot? What are you doing?
You inhale deeply, clearing your throat a little before swiping the green icon.
Oh God, what was that? What was that tone?
“Hey. Sorry – looking at my phone screen and trying to reply was making my eyes feel like they’re exploding.”
His voice is deep, hoarse from his night of drinking, and overwhelmingly pleasant to listen to. It brings a flush of warmth across your cheeks, an electric tingle across your skin.
You laugh softly, “It’s alright. Tequila wasn’t a good idea, then?”
He grunts quietly and your stomach tightens, throat suddenly dry again at the suggestive sound.
“It never is.” He groans, melting into a long yawn and you start to feel a little guilty. Did your text wake him up?
“I’m sorry, I should let you sleep –”
“No! No, it’s fine. I uh – I really want to talk to you… if you’re not busy.” He adds onto the end, almost nervously. 
“I’m not busy,” you reassure quietly, smiling shyly down at your lap. “I’m all yours.”
He chuckles lowly, and the sound settles deep in your belly, “Good.”
You don’t understand how conversation could just be so... easy with someone you’ve never met. For a brief moment, you worry you might be talking too much, maybe boring him, but when he keeps asking questions, encourages you to continue, you think that maybe he doesn’t mind, maybe he actually is just interested in what you’re saying.
When dinner comes around, you’re in a fit of giggles as you prepare your food, listening to pots and pans bang and clash on the other end as Frankie prepares his own meal. You cook together, eat together, and then settle in front of Netflix together, debating back and forth on what to watch. The evening melts into night, one movie turns into two, and eventually conversation dies down.
Sometime in the night, you roll over, briefly waking to fix and fluff the pillow under your head when a sound makes you pause. Your head jerks up and you look around, finding yourself sprawled across the couch, and a blanket twisted around your legs.
Glancing over to your phone to check the time, you touch the screen and blink in surprise when you see your phone call is still connected with Frankie, who’s quiet on the other end. You move to press the red button but freeze when a soft snore sounds from the device, and a warm flood of affection grows in your heart and spreads throughout your chest.
He’s asleep.
You listen a moment longer, smiling tenderly when more quiet snores reach your ears. Instead of hanging up, you bring the phone closer, tucking it just beside your pillow before laying your head back down and closing your eyes, letting the quiet breathing soothe you back to sleep.
If the strong butterflies turning your stomach were anything to go by, you were in serious trouble.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @emilykjh​ @peterhollandkait​ @sara-alonso​ @starlightsearches​ @bookishofalder​ @empress-palpat1ne​ @shadowolf993​ @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @canyonmirrors​ @eoz-stuff​ @blackonemasie​ @layniapetrovnaaa​
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