#and then well. she starts taking care of the house and acting like liam is her new master and he kind of maybe panics a bit about it
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please stop calling me master ToT
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harrys-titties · 1 year
Can we get a blurb of coworker Harry and y/n? We’ll take anything you’re willing to give us, but maybe jealous Harry? I think seeing him jealous over y/n is well deserved especially after how he treated her in the beginning.
This is a blurb for this fic here.
Harry hates lots of things. 
He hates birthday dinners and puddles on roads he needs to drive on. He hates how overpriced furniture is and books that exceed expectations until the very last page. He hates people who walk on the wrong side of footpaths, and he hates the way tiny strawberry seeds get stuck in his teeth. 
But most of all, Harry really hates Liam. 
He wasn’t entirely sure when this abhorrence had started (well, he kind of had an idea,) but it was somewhere between the time Liam began working at the office and the first time that slimeball had tried to put his hands on Harry’s (not so much) girlfriend who would very much end up being his girlfriend. 
There was nothing Liam could do to reverse Harry's deep, soul-clenching loathing for him, and Harry didn’t care much to try and dispel it. But Harry was under the impression that a terrible place to start would be trying to touch his girlfriend again. Call him old-fashioned, but he truly believed that much would be obvious. 
And look, he knew Y/N’s soul was a little too pure and that her over-expectant father left people-pleasing as a staple in her personality, but Harry really didn’t like the way Y/N laughed at another one of Liam’s terrible jokes and only gently stepped away from the hand placed on her waist. 
He wonders if Liam knew that was the same waist that currently housed multiple bruises caused by Harry’s fingerprints, dragging her back and forth on top of his cock.
Harry knows logically that Y/N would never be interested in Liam again and that she loved being bruised all over by Harry, loved the idea of being his- but it doesn’t stop the jealousy swirling through his veins and prickling in his fingertips, just begging to grab YN away from the dickhead in front of him. 
And it also doesn’t stop Harry from behaving like a petulant child, holding a grudge and a grumpy scowl over his face as he sipped away at his gin and tonic. He tries not to act annoyed with Y/N, but each time she approaches him, he sees her laughing at Liam, his cruel imagination twisting the memory. The simple interaction turns into Y/N laughing the way she does with Harry, her hands gripping his biceps, her gaze adoring with a hint of coyness and lust. And instantly, Harry steps back from her, like her touch burnt. Y/N’s gaze turns soft, her eyes confused, and her brows warped into a wounded question mark.  
“I-, sorry.” The apology drops from his mouth on instinct, as it usually did when something he said hurt Y/N. She steps towards him, slow enough that he could pull away again. She squeezes his wrist and rubs his forearm soothingly when he doesn't. Y/N had been dating Harry long enough to know when something was bothering him, and tonight was no exception. It was clear as day in the furrowing of his brow and the slight slope of which the corners of his mouth turned downwards. 
He brings his hand to her forehead, tucking a piece of hair back behind her ear before touching his palm to her cheek. His fingers were so long that his thumb almost touched the corner of her eye, the pinky nearly wrapped comfortably around the nape of her neck. Leaning into its warmth, she looks up and sees the gaze she had become so accustomed to. Harry’s eyes were bright and soft; his lips quirked in the corners so subtly that she wouldn’t have been able to sense it if she wasn’t so close. It was amazing how quickly Harry’s face could change. The angular, sharp edges of whatever upset him had made way for this gentle and open expression. 
Turning her head, she presses her lips against his palm, the gesture making Harry’s stomach flip, even after all this time. It was soft and sweet, a kiss that said, I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours. 
Harry brushes his thumb against the highpoint of Y/N’s cheekbone, a gesture that replies, always, always, always.
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frogsare-friends · 8 months
I'm Not Built for Helping Myself
chapter index | chapter 3 (you're here)
"Hey man, Jere's sick so they're gonna stay here," Steven tells me as he comes down the stairs, looking sick himself.
"You okay? You look like you're gonna pass out." I worry about him, somebody has to.
"He threw up, I thought I was gonna throw up. Long story."
"That was a really short story, actually."
"Shut up, man. Jere said we should still go, have fun and all that."
That throws me off. Why would he want us to leave? How sick was he?
"I'm gonna run to the store and come back here, Steve-o. You have a good night though, yeah? I'll pick you up from Liam's if you need a ride. Just text me!" But I'm already walking out of the house. I've missed this place all year. Our dad is coming next week and I'm pissed. And since I'm pissed at dad, Jeremiah is pissed at me. He's pissed at me all the time, I don't know what he wants from me. I don't know why all I ever do is mess everything up. I don't know how to fix everything I've ruined. Sometimes I'm glad Jeremiah has it all figured out — when I can get over how jealous I am of it — at least one of us isn't a total fuck up.
I grab him some saltines, his stomach is always super sensitive when he pukes, and we don't have any at the house. He's very adamant about not eating plain toast, and he can't handle butter or jam.
I feel so pathetic. Belly is holding me, letting me be the little spoon because she knows I love it. She's combing her hands through my hair, deep in thought. She's so beautiful, always has been. And so is her mind, she can get lost in it for hours and I don't want to admit how much I'd give to get lost in there with her. I want to know everything about her, then I remember that I already do. Even her favorite candy — it used to be Swedish Fish, but since she got Covid she told me they taste like candles. I've loved every part of Belly, every summer-Belly, every text from fallwinterspring-Belly, now-Belly. I think now-Belly might be my favorite version, not because of how she looks, but because I get to love her. Not in secret, and not from behind anyone else.
"Adam's coming next week…" she stumbles through her sentence, as if I'm gonna start crying again.
"Conrad's mad at him. Can't he just… hold off for one week? He can hate him the week after when they aren't both taking it out on me." I know Conrad doesn't mean to put me in the middle of it, but I can't do it anymore. I'm pissed at him. Dad's a dick, we both know it, but he's trying. At least he's trying. Maybe not well, and maybe he'll never actually get any better, but trying means a whole lot more than just wanting to try. I shouldn't say this, shouldn't even think it, but Conrad only ever wants to try.
He thinks I forgive Dad after all the shit he put Mom through, all the shit he put us through. I don't, but I can't tell Con that. He never fucking listens. He thinks something and decides it's the word of God, or something. He doesn't care if it's true, or if you're offering the truth. He acts like some victim, like he's not lying in a bed that he put together. Hell, he wrote the manual.
I can't blame him though. I get it. That feeling that everything is out of control and all you need to do is control it but you just can't.
I wonder if Conrad thinks about me like I think about him. I wonder if every shitty thing I've ever said to him replays in the back of his head constantly — even if it'd be the same 4 things over and over, I was never quite as good at hurting as he is — if he would give just about anything to be me, if he's mad at me because he can't even be mad at me.
"What happened with you and Conrad?" Belly asks, and I know what she's asking: Who said it? Who said the thing neither of us can take back? I know she's wanted to ask for years.
"What are you talking about?" I can at least try to pretend I don't know, though.
"Your freshman year. You left and it was fine and you came back and I thought you two were gonna kill each other. What happened?"
"We had a fight." I really don't want her to know what I said, what he said. I can't handle her being mad at him for something he said over 3 years ago. And, secretly, I don't know what I'd do if she told me how much of a bad brother I am for what I said, for starting it.
"You guys had fights before that. Why was that one different?" I'm trying really hard not to just get up and leave, but the bed is so warm, and her arms feel so safe.
"It just was, Bells. Drop it. Please?" He's not mad at her, he knows she just wants to make it better. But it's not her's to make better.
"Okay," she says, a bit disappointed, but not mad. I hope it's not me she's disappointed in, I don't know how I'd live with myself if I disappointed her.
I almost ask her if I did, but decide against it. She's a lot like Mom, she's only a little mad until you ask her if she is, or apologize for what you did. Then she'll make sure you know how disappointed she is. She pulls me in closer to her, this time my head is resting on her chest. I start drifting almost immediately.
Someone knocks, and I think that if it was Laurel, she would've just walked right in and told us to keep the door open.
"Come in," Belly grumbles, clearly upset our nap was interrupted.
"Hey, I got you some crackers, Jere. I know they make you feel better when you're sick." Conrad is walking in, handing me a box of saltines and some NyQuil. I keep myself from telling him that NyQuil is for colds and flus, not throwing up. I know he means well, I won't take it out on him just because I'm feeling bitchy.
"Thank you," I whisper. I'm not sure why. I have a headache, but not severe enough to warrant whispering. It's almost like I'm scared of breaking the moment, scared of saying something that will set Conrad off. And when Con gets set off, so does Belly. And I've heard them going at it all week, I really don't need to right now.
"Of course, man. I'm gonna go hang out in the living room. Come down if you feel better, yeah?"
"Mhm," I answer, already turning back into Belly's warm body. Anxiety wears you out. That's the last thing I think before I finally drift off.
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la-pheacienne · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Eponine? (I haven’t read the novel, I have only watched the Liam Neeson movie (which didn’t have Eponine) and a recording of the musical).
Thank you for the ask I love getting Les Mis asks 💖
So keep in mind that I have read this book 13 years ago so I don't remember a lot of details. I remember the core idea of her character though and she was one of the most badass characters in the book, I loved her.
So Hugo initially had another named planned for her but changed it after Baudelaire dedicated a poem to him (Les petites vieilles from Les Fleurs du mal) that goes like this:
These dislocated wrecks were women once,
Were Eponine or Lais! hunchbacked freaks,
Though broken let us love them! they are souls.
And that is a very good introduction to her character.
Her first trait that needs to be mentioned is hunger. Eponine was a hungry, very hungry young teen, starved, to be more exact, she had a horrendous appearance, some teeth missing, she was extremely dirty, her clothes had huge wholes, she walked barefoot I think. Hunger was so absolute and omnipotent in Eponine, as in a lot of characters from the book, that it seemed to completely erase any hint of personality, or agency, or personhood really. She seemed to not even be a human being at all, she was just a starved girl who resembled a starved animal more than a person. And that's the thing with hunger, it's so catastrophic and definite that it completely annihilates a person. You can't have free will, you can't have spiritual autonomy, you're just that, hungry. Hunger in Les Mis is the ultimate and most substantial form of violence, and Eponine embodies that.
"The grace of her youth was struggling against the hideous old age brought on by debauchery and poverty".
What hunger also does is it gives birth to the lowest, most debased, most inhuman form of monster. That's Eponine's parents, les Thenardiers, and I honestly cannot recall a single literary character that is more appalling than them. They were appalling people before they became so poor, but poverty turned them into actual vultures. So in this "cocktail Molotov" of moral depravity plus extreme poverty and hunger, what chance does Eponine have of becoming something more than a vulture herself? A vulture, or a living, lifeless, soulless corpse, like her sister.
Yet that's not Eponine's arc. Eponine starts as a bully to Cosette while she was a kid, then becomes this hungry street smart kid, then an accomplice in a gang of criminals (burglars, thieves etc) then she goes to prison for a short time. She is in love with Marius, and so she's torn between her jealousy and the desire to make him happy, that is why she helps Marius find Cosette's house and leads him there, then she observes them every night they meet in the garden. She even prevents her gang from entering Cosette's house, because she knows that Marius would be destroyed if anything happened to Cosette. That's the part of the book where she stops them :
"Please yourself, you won't get in. I can't be the daughter of a dog seeing as I am the daughter of a wolf! There are six of you. What's that to me? You're men. Well, I'm a woman. You don't frighten me, that's for sure. I'm telling you, you won't get inside this house because I don't want you to. If you come any nearer I'll bark. I told you, I'm the 'cab'. I couldn't care less about you. Now be on your way, I've had enough of you! Go anywhere you like, but don't come here, I won't let you! You use your knives, I'll use my feet, it's all the same to me. So come on, then!"
And then, after this very selfless act, she actively manages to separate Cosette and Marius. She scares Valjean so he decides to move, and takes Cosette's letter for Marius with no intention of giving it to him, then leads Marius to the barricades so that they can die together there. And then, she dies for him after giving him Cosette's letter :
“She let her head fall back upon Marius' knees and her eyelids closed. He thought that poor soul had gone. Eponine lay motionless; but just when Marius supposed her for ever asleep, she slowly opened her eyes in which the gloomy deepness of death appeared, and said to him with an accent the sweetness on which already seemed to come from another world:
"And then, do you know, Monsieur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you."
She essayed to smile again and expired.”
So Eponine was a morally ambiguous person but an exceptional character, moving from debauchery, spite and depravity to bravery and love. She doesn't believe in the Cause, but she loves Marius and she dies for him in the barricades, thus her death is as honorable as any other person that gave their lifes in the barriades. I think Eponine's function in the narrative is to show that it is in fact, possible, for an exceptional character to be born out of total material, moral and spiritual decay. It is possible for a human being to preserve the quality of a person, even an exceptional person, and rise above theIr horrendous circomstances. She's a tragic character but the underlying message is ultimately optimistic, in a way.
Of course she was not presented accurately in the musical, she was sexualised in a way that the supposed "conflict" between her and Cosette looks like the conflict of a the popular high school girl vs the high school underdog which is SO not the case in the book.
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starandsims · 6 months
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Now that Harry was getting older and making more friends at school, he was starting to resent being stuck at home doing chores or taking care of his siblings all the time. With a deep breath, he held his shoulders back and tried to appear taller and older as he stepped into the living room. Rosalie sat there with Liam, playing with him on her lap and trying to get him to stand. He had been sure to plan this for when she was in a good mood and when his father wasn’t around.
“Mother, some friends of mine were planning on meeting up in town for Sadie’s birthday tonight,” he began, doing his best to present a very unserious tone, hiding his anxiety.
Peter, who had been daydreaming while pretending to play chess, and Andrew, who had been practicing his scales on the piano, stopped what they were doing to listen in on the conversation. This was far more interesting than their hobbies, and they too noticed that Harry had chosen to ask about this while their father was not present in the room. What was he playing at? And would he succeed?
“I was invited, but I told them I would need to get permission first,” he continued. “I understand if you need me around the house today, but I would really like to go.”
Rosalie was quiet for a moment before she replied, in a tone that already revealed her answer. “Well it was very nice of them to invite you out, but I’m afraid you’re needed here this evening. The fair is coming up soon and you’re father will no doubt want your help with the oversized crops, you know how he is such a perfectionist about those things.”
“But Mother surely Peter or Andrew could -.”
Peter and Andrew quickly looked back at what they were supposed to be doing in case she glanced their way and pretended to be thinking about something very unrelated to the current conversation.
“Was that a ‘but’ I heard?” Rosalie’s tone quickly darkened. “Harry you just told me that you would understand if you had to stay home, and now you want to pawn off your chores to your brothers?”
As the conversation continued downhill from there, Liam began to cry loudly at the tense emotions he felt from his family. Peter and Andrew prayed that they might spontaneously vanish from the room to anywhere else in the world at that moment.
“Now see what you’ve done, you’ve upset your brother, I hope you’re proud of yourself.” Rosalie went to work bouncing him and trying to calm him down.
“Me? I did nothing but make a simple request! Why can’t you just let me do what I want, I’m nearly an adult now, and I should be able to make some decisions on my own, I didn’t have to ask you about this you know!”
He didn’t want to stick around to hear his mother’s response, so he stormed out the front door and slammed it behind him. He was certainly going to get an earful from his father and might even have to go to bed without dinner, but having to live in this house was really punishment enough if you asked him.
In the next few days, this conversation had a strange impact on Andrew, who was normally as good as a boy could be. He also started acting out, making messes in the house, talking back, and not doing his schoolwork. He also felt like the house wasn’t very fun, and was following Harry’s example of rebellion.
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kandadiff · 9 months
Larger Than Life : New Rules
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"Well I'm here to set some rules down, y'all have been here almost 2 weeks and have fought like cats and dogs this shit is fucking crazy y'all. So here's what it is"
"Is his name bow wow because thats the sound dogs make?" I ask to no one in particular, I am honestly amazed by this new information. "you know since he was brought up by snoop."
"can you stop?" Lisa hisses at me.
"What? I am amazed. but I am sorry." I apologize to him "go ahead."
"Thank you." he smiles at the table. "One, There's no more fighting that goes for everyone. One more fight and I don't care who started it y'all both will be sent home." Looks are exchanged around the table. "two, No more destruction to anyones property whether it's clothes, makeup, jewelry anything you will be sent home with a fine to the damages." More looks are exchanged, though everyone passes glances at Emma. "Three, No more smoking in the crib take that shit outside"
"Cigarettes or-" Ian starts but Bow Wow interuppts.
"Both! And lastly each person will be voting someone home every week."
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"FINALLY!" Emma yells "I mean tell me we weren't all thinking it. This house could do with less skanks." She takes a deep sip of her wine.
"BUT back home your fans also get to decide who will be sent packing if both answers are different from fans and then both parties gonna have to duke it out in a challenge in order to stay in the house what kind of challenge you ask? Well that's something y'all just gonna have to wait for. Any questions?"
We all start talking about our opinions on the matter and finally someone asks “what happens when we call our lifeline. Are they up for elimination as well?” 
“Yeah I need to know that too.” She looks around the table “just wait when I call mine.” 
“Wait for what? Whoever it is can’t fight us.” Draven rolled her eyes taking a long swig of her drink. 
"Continue please, Bow wow." Jennie smiles up at him and I refrain from kicking her.
“Big fan man.” Liam smiled at him and I rolled my eyes. 
"Oh yeah?" I laugh. "Name a song of his then."
Liam glares at me but Bow wow just shakes his head laughing. "To answer your question about call ins, if they choose to live here they will be safe from going home for the week. Also they can be called any anytime."
"Can we come back into the house if voted off?" Gigi asks.
"with enough fan votes, yes unless you break rules 1 & 2." he explains.
"Any more questions?" When no one else speaks up he smiles. "good now enjoy the dinner because on... what day is it?"
"Okay, well on Friday, you are going to remind the fans at home why you are here and why you're here. We are going to have a talent show complete with a stage."
"what about us?" Gigi asks "We're models - we don't sing or act."
"Well you models will have raw photoshoots. No photoshop- no editing. Just pure talent. Thats fair enough right? Or you can try singing or acting, playing an instrument... Let your creative juices flow! Remember the fans love authenticity so write your own songs if you can, or pick a scene that is close to the heart. Anyway." he looks at the clock. "I'll be back soon, enjoy your dinner."
~ ~ ~ ~
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"Well cheers to that!" Naomi smiles happily holding up her drink. "that sounds fun! This is what we came here for, right? Cheers!" She clicks her drink with Makayla next to her.
While her optimism is appreciated, not everyone feels the same. Especially given the rest of the rules, that means we have to resolve our fighting more constructively and meaning we have to put up with these people until there's enough votes to vote them off.
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While we ate, small conversations popped up about the talent show and cutting his meat, Louis looked at you giggling with Edward. "Arianna" he called out catching my attention as well. "What are you doing for a talent, since you can't fight anymore. Something tells me your not good at anything else."
"Spoken like a true fucking pussy." Edward laughs turning to face him. "As soon as they say we can't physically fight, you open your dick sucking mouth and talk shit. Where were you just 2 hours ago? Hiding in your room like a fucking bloody twat!"
"Hes only talking shit because he has his group to rely on." I shrug biting a piece of my pasta. "He can pass the talent show while just singing three lines in a four minute song. So he feels safe."
"What will you be doing for your talent?" Liam asks his jaw tightened. "I can't think for the life of me what your talent is... besides -" he smirks "I'm not going to say that when your brother is right here." I grip my fork hard in my hand. I see Robin tense from the corner of my eyes.
"Don't start, man." Namjoon shakes his head.
Liam shakes his head. "Of course not. I'm not sure what talent you have, sweetheart."
"Besides sucking dick." Louis finishes, a few people gasp. Everyones eyes fall on me and Zayn laughs. It pisses me off, Zayn teetering on the fence this whole time. He did tell me the truth but then again he sticks beside his band as though they can do no wrong. Neutral my ass.
Robins fists are clenched tight around his knife and I for a moment I am scared that hes going to stab Liam. Hes not that far from him. I place my hand on his arm, he releases the knife and it clatters on the plate. "I need a smoke." he mumbles "Are you.." he trails off its his way of asking if I'm okay or he needs to stay. I nod at him knowing if he stays then he'll get violent. He stands up and purposely taking the long way so he is not tempted to hit Liam on his way out.
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"How would you know that Louis? Like honestly, how would you know? Even if I was was blind, starved and begging for it on a desert island you'd be the last thing I'd ever fuck. I'd rather get railed by every motherfucker here then even look at your decrepit fucking prick. Wow, your trying to shame me from having a healthy sex life with my ex partner ... what do I dress nice too? Is my hair to shiny?" I scoff. "I was the only true friend you fucking had outside of this. and I should have been done with your ass last year." Louis jaw clenched and he shook his head standing up "No baby boy, sit down, you wanna be funny? Then let me tell you all a real fucking funny story! Liam! Did you know the real reason Louis came home from tour early?"
"She's fucking mad." Louis shook his head, tapping Liam and the boys to just leave the table.
"Why? Because they don't know the fucking truth? That you didn't fly home, you flew to New York and begged, BEGGED on your fucking hands and knees for me to leave Liam for you."
"No I didn't." Louis said but he didn't look at me, instead he looked Liam. "She's making shit up."
I shrug "I feel so fucking bad for you, I really do. It must be so hard living your life as such a fucking snake. Its pathetic really and before you start denying, just because you deleted your snap doesn't mean i didn't save the messages." I lean back in my chair. "Now you can go. I'm finished speaking."
Liam eyes Louis, then shakes his head and walks out the dining room. Louis quickly follows followed by Zayn, Niall and then harry. The room is silent and Edward laughs.
"I knew I liked you." He waves his fork at me.
"Anyone else a little hard?" Ian asks and a few groans of disgust echo throughout the room. "What?"
"I need a cigarette." I sigh throwing down my napkin and moving to the backyard with Robin.
"We should do a team building excerscise." Naomi says after a few minutes. "To calm everyone down."
"like what?" Yugyeom asks.
"There's a lot of fit fuckers here." William smirks. "Would I be wrong for suggesting a game of strip poker? Or strip truth or dare?"
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cyhaitham · 1 year
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LUCY PROPAGANDA FOR @transfemswagbracket 's OC TOURNAMENT lucy ceritz is a 16 year old anthro deerdog! shes trans like her brother and lives with him in their parents house- their parents died a couple years prior to the start of the story and their legal guardian is their next door neighbor antonio. despite being the same age lucy acts as liam's older sister and is much more mature than he is. lucy is a very chill person but sort of has a resting bitch face. she doesnt speak much in general and prefers communication through sign language. the only people she speaks verbally with are her brother and best friend mariah. lucy is an overly cautious individual and greatly detests her brother's rebellious and reckless actions. she takes care of most of the care and practical things around the house, like shopping and cooking. she enjoys reading and gardening (after Liam starts his own garden), as well as customizing her clothes with patches and chains. she has PTSD from an assault when she was younger and suffers from chronic migraines and generalized anxiety. although she can be seen as a bore and a buzzkill, shes really just a laidback person that cares greatly for her brother's safety, as all they have is each other. and of course she has IMMENSE swag. just look at her its crazy. she wears her mask due to dysphoria and to hide scars, she never takes it off and doesn't eat or drink around anyone but liam. also shes an aro lesbian which increases her swag levels by 200%. it would be awesome if she won because she deserves it and its a win for punk girls everywhere
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puppy-boy-toby · 1 year
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I posted 609 times in 2022
197 posts created (32%)
412 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 552 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#toby - 485 posts
#ic - 440 posts
#mobile - 102 posts
#hoshi-neko-hikari - 99 posts
#haku - 73 posts
#anon - 50 posts
#m!a: shadow toby - 38 posts
#blind-puppy-ayla - 36 posts
#m!a: tiny toby - 30 posts
#baby toby - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#i knew this was on their site but only recently rediscovered it so i'm posting it here!
My Top Posts in 2022:
*hmm, well that’s strange, there’s just…a random cardboard stage size of a baby crib that is just out here in the middle of nowhere, the stage had a red blanket that acted as the curtain, there’s also just a pile of 38 flash cards sitting in front of the curtain, do you open the curtains and see what’s behind them? Or do you read the flash cards first?*
(For Toby) @plushie-night-playtime
Toby looked at the small stage, sniffing at it. Then, he pulled back the blanket curtains to see what was inside before looking at the cards.
17 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Question: Do Power Rangers count as Magical Boys?
18 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
The GH's House (Open RP)
It was Halloween night and Toby was out Trick-or-Treating, dressed as Captain America! He went up to the first house of the night and knocked on the door. He didn't know, however, that the house belonged to a GH (Grouchy Hag). The door opened and she glared down at Toby, making him uncomfortable.
"WELL!?" She shouted at him, making him wince.
"E-Eto, Twick or Tweat?" Toby said, nervously held his candy bucket out to her.
"Not Again! Every year, it's the same thing! You little hippies want MY candy!"
"Be-Because it's Hawwo-" he tried to tell her, but she interrupted him.
"WELL I DON'T HAVE ANY!" GH yelled again, even though she was holding a candy cane. Toby looked in the house and saw a large bowl full of sugary treats too.
"Now, GIT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" GH threatened him and slammed the door behind her. Toby didn't understand why she was so mean to him, so he started to sniffle and cry.
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Tagging: @hoshi-neko-hikari, @weirdgayenby, @dark-hybrid-ninja, @murukuruandfriends, @punkbatbeth, @ravensroleplays, @thegeasswriter and anyone else who wants to join!
23 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
EK at the Pizzaplex (Open)
((If possible, I would love to rp this with any of the Security Breach characters. I'll leave it up to you where he ran away to.))
Toby was invited to attend EK's (Entitled Kids) birthday at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex! It was so much more than a pizzeria; it had everything! Laser tag, go-karts, mini-golf, arcade games and animatronics you can actually interact with. All the kids at EK's party was having a blast!....Everyone except Toby.
EK and his friends would pick on him and leave him out of the activities because he was "too little", even though he was only a few years younger. Toby had enough, running away to another part of the PizzaPlex. He huddled into a corner and started to cry, feeling left out and alone.
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@hoshi-neko-hikari, @dark-hybrid-ninja, @murukuruandfriends, @weirdgayenby, @ask-the-yanderes, @thegeasswriter, @ask-pregame-kaede-akamatsu, and anybody who wants to participate.
56 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Toby's Origins (Open RP)
Deep in the forest, along a rushing river, a wooden crate was floating along the rapids. At one point, the crate gets caught a riverbank and tips over, spilling the contents. A bundle of blankets wriggled out, revealing a baby boy with the ears and tail of a puppy! The only clue of where he came from was a small tattoo on the back of his neck that said "2-B".
The baby whimpered and let out some small yips. It was much too young to be out here on its own. He needs someone to take care of him or he will likely perish.
Will you adopt this small pup?
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@hoshi-neko-hikari, @weirdgayenby, @dark-hybrid-ninja, @murukuruandfriends, @welcome-to-random-characters-2, @sweetdrugs-and-introverted and anybody else who wants to rp
66 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Scent | Mate Series
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek x Y/N
Summary: Derek is getting suspicious of you, you're hiding something and he wants to know what
Warnings: not really I think but just in case, as always, read at your own risk
A/N: This is Part One | Next Part
This whole thing is a whole family pack au and mate au, OC stuff in later chapters but I really loved writing this and love the idea of a family pack <3
You walked into Scott’s house, happily smiling at everyone gathered around the table, noticing that even Derek had showed this time. The wolves seemed to carry on about their business as you muttered something about dinner and moved to the kitchen. “I don’t like that ya know?” You jumped a little, turning to Derek and smiling in confusion. He sniffed the air, “All I can smell is your strawberry shortcake lotion. You use too much.” You scoffed, turning to the food, “I don’t care, go smell someone else.” He shook his head, “Why? I don’t like not being able to smell you.” You looked at him, eyebrows raised, "Derek, I know what you wolves do, it's a violation of privacy, I like my emotions being mine." Derek huffed under his breath, "Just trying to care." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.
You couldn't help but wonder if you'd been excessively hateful, but you were right. You knew better than anyone, wolves violate your privacy whenever they can by just smelling you, let alone with serious practice what they can do. You could never keep a secret around a pack of wolves, and living in Beacon Hills with the extra wolf sense going around is no different. It's better to just hide your scent all together. You of course knew how to do this very well without the nifty supernatural trick; putting lotion over your scent glands regularly, wearing tight clothes, and lots of deodorant. You sighed to yourself as you thought of how different it could be if you could come clean.
Derek hung back after the meeting, watching as you waved everyone goodbye, claiming he was cleanup help since you cooked. "What's up Derek?" Scott said once the door shut. "Y/n," Derek started, turning to Scott, hand rubbing his scruff nervously, "has she always covered her scent like that?" Scott's eyebrows furrowed, "Now that I think about it, yeah, why?" Derek shrugged, acting like it was no big deal but wanted to put the fuze out before it went to far, "Dunno, she's just the only one that does it, even Lydia with the amount of crap she wears, I can smell her," he sighed, "it's like Y/n is hiding something man, I've just never once smelled her." Derek shook his head, "I mean, it's never bothered you? Not being able to smell her?"
Scott could sense something he hadn't ever before with Derek, a sense of need, like when Stiles called to him when he almost lit himself on fire. "She just wants her privacy, she knows we can smell fear, anxiety, joy, embarrassment," he slapped Dereks shoulder, "relax man, are you really worried Y/n is out to get you?" Dereks hands fell next to him, "Something like that." Derek said his goodbyes to Scott and happily Stiles, as over the years he's grown to love the wild man, and left wondering about you.
At the next pack meeting, this time in his loft, you were the last one in again. As everyone was catching up and cutting up, Derek found his way beside you, "I don't like that one, it smells sour, what is it?" You blushed just slightly, "I don't know some cucumber mix." Derek huffed, "If all I can smell is fake shit, at least something good, citrus, sweet or somethin'," he shrugged as he made his way to the table.
You'd all been discussing new training for the supernatural creatures drawn in by the Nemeton and handling the strays that don't fall in line with the help of the argents. Derek was next to you, something you knew was no coincidence as he'd swapped places with Scott at some point. He reached over to the map in front of you, trying to rub just your shirt, but you slyly moved your arm, muttering an apology, "Oh, sorry," but Derek didn't miss the extra heartbeat, even if just for a second. What is going on with you?
A few days later you find yourself climbing in the passenger of Stiles' jeep, just leaving your house after reapplying lotion, knowing that you were going to Dereks' for pack training. "Scott needed a ride today, that okay?" Stiles quizzed you, studying you as you answered with a hum. "Everything alright?" he reiterated, turning the music up. You shrugged, "I just have a feeling something is going on." Stiles gave you a sympathetic smile as he pulled up to Scott's.
Scott climbed in Stiles' back seat, glancing at you, consciously aware that you only smelled like mixed berry lotion, smiling, "Hey, Y/n, how was your day?" You shrugged, "The usual, excited for some pack time." Scott listened to your steady beat, kicking himself for even listening. The ride to Dereks normal while you intently listened to Stiles ramble. It was impossible not to notice that something was bothering Scott, you just hoped it wasn't you.
Scott was the first to knock on the door, Stiles following impatiently while you stood behind the two men. Derek slid the door open, looking over the two men and directly smiling at you, welcoming you all in. You followed closely in behind Stiles, narrowly missing Derek. You sense him reaching forward, out for the small of your back, you quickly stepped out of the way and to the kitchen, hoping your heartbeat was steady. "So what am I making?"
You worked on finishing up the tacos, careful to clean up any mess you made and wash the used pans. You had Liam lay out the table who was cooling off from a tough session with Isaac. He was really slinging the plates down, you put your hand just inches from his, stopping him from laying another plate down, "Liam," his eyes connected with yours, "listen to my heart, get yours to match it." Liam shook his head, starting to lay another plate down, clearly frustrated, but you spoke again, "Liam," you sighed, "it is okay to lose control and get angry, but get it back. Take a breath, control your heart rate, ground yourself." Liam took a deep breath in as you guided him, smiling at you before gently setting the plates down. You could feel the anger dissipating from him as he did.
"Thank you for helping," you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, making sure your sleeve covers your bare hand, smiling at him, "I'm gonna go get them." You walked into the training room, sweat and power smacking you in the face, "Dinner's ready!" Scott and Derek let go of each other, playfully draping their arms around each other, "You wanna spar, Y/n?" Derek asked and you laughed, a sound that blessed his ears, "Uh, no thank you, I'll leave that to the big bad wolves." Scott smiled, "Come on! Even Stiles trains!" Stiles jumps at this, pointing to Scott, "Hey!" Causing everyone to erupt into laughter, you smiled, "Who else is gonna cook?" At that Stiles interjected again, heading to the meal, "Not it!"
After you all ate you helped Liam collect and wash dishes, Derek watching you dodge every corner of the tablecloth, studied your moments as you put up pates, careful to not touch them with your bare hands. He thought to himself as he watched you that he was reading way too much into it. That you were just a private polite person, but something was rubbing him the wrong way, something he was missing. As you put away the last dish, Stiles stood up, smiling, "Bye, sour wolf." Derek glared at him but turned to you who was side by side with Stiles, your arm around his waist, also heading out, "See you later, sour wolf."
Scott trailed behind, making sure you and Stiles were out of earshot. "Man, what is your problem I can literally see the fury coming off of you." Derek glared at Scott, "Y/n, she just-" Scott rolled his eyes, "You can't be serious, not with this again." Derek rubbed his face, "Man, I'm telling you," he shook his head, clearly troubled, "She won't let me touch her! At all, I'm talking not even an accidental brush," Derek spoke lower, "She wouldn't train because that causes sweat, we could smell her, won't even touch the tablecloth. She washes every dish she uses, won't touch the plates with her bare hands? The plates?" Scott could tell Derek was genuinely upset by this, "Why does this bother you so much man?" Derek sighed, "I don't know," he drug broth his hands over his face, an attempt to rub the stress away, "I don't think she'd hurt us of course, but she's definitely- Scott, there's too many questions I need answered." Scott sighed, "Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll look into it." Scott started walking and that's when you snapped back into Stiles honking the horn of the car, you giggling with him as Scott came rushing out.
How much longer could you hide your secret?
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Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
You hold the last box of your belongings close to your chest and take a deep breath nervously pressing the button to your new home. Wow, that sounds weird. Sharing a home with the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Your chest tightens. “God, I better not fuck this up” you mumble to yourself as the pent house suite door opens. Noah stands in clear view of the door as it opens. You walk into the apartment. “Y/N'' he yells at the top of his voice. “Where were you? I didn’t see you. I was worried, '' he said all in one breath. He wraps his arms around your leg and takes a deep inhale.
You look at him confused and put the box down. You have to tear him off you so you can kneel down to give him your daily bear hug. As you do, you notice his teary puffy eyes. You look at him puzzled then suddenly, almost like something in you woke up you panic, “Are you okay baby?” you grab him by the arm and turn him around manically looking for a source of pain. He doesn’t answer. You grab his leg and pull his PJ's up to continue looking for some sort of bruise, anything physical that would explain him crying. “He was crying cause he didn’t see you” a voice said walking past you and Noah. You look up at Liam grabbing a piece of fruit from the counter. His face looked disinterested. “He woke up and he didn't see you, he thought you left,” he said, rubbing the apple on his shirt. You lock eyes for a moment as you try to read into his expression. Fuck, he’s just like his dad, so hard to make out what he’s thinking. The sniffles coming from Noah make you break your eye contact. You look at him with wide eyes. “It’s okay Y/N. I’m okay. Please don’t cry. I just thought..” he jumps on you again, this time throwing you both onto the floor. “I’m not leaving Noah” you say, squeezing him tight. You didn’t even notice when your eyes were wet before Noah pushed back on you. He wipes the tears out your eyes. You smile at him softly. A few moments with Noah went on about how he’s so excited about your room and how it’s really close to theirs. Where’s Bakugou? You look around distracted as Noah goes on. “He’s upstairs” Liam says walking towards you with a napkin. He hands it to you and turns on his heel as he takes another bite of his apple. You sit there stunned, holding the soft piece of tissue in your hand. “Did you hear what I said?” Liam says, grabbing your face with both hands and then smashing his face into your neck. “Let’s go find your dad, yeah?” you say as you start to pick Noah up.
Bakugou is on the floor, legs crossed as he’s holding a piece of your unmade bed frame. He has his phone pressed against his ear and shoulder. “I already told you I don’t want to go on another date with her” he growled into the phone. “Well, that’s not my problem. I don’t care what the public thinks about us.” he says a little louder. “Daddy!” Noah says running, throwing himself on his back. “Hey buddy” Bakugou says, ending the call in one swipe of his finger and tossing it on his lap. “What were you talking about?” he says, gripping Bakugou's neck a bit too hard. “You're trying to kill me buddy” Bakugou says, letting out a quick laugh as he releases Noah's hands off his neck. They sit there laughing for a little. I love seeing them like this. It’s so different from how the rest of the world sees him. Bakugou looks at you leaning on the door and cracks a smirk. “Are you gonna come into your new room or what?” he says, turning around to face Noah again. You feel like the wind was knocked out of you when he looks at you even for a second. I’m going to have to live with this man. You got this y/n? You steady yourself and walk over to them. You kneel down on the floor next to Bakugou, “Do you need help? I am pretty helpful with these types of things” you say taking the piece of wood off the floor. “For starters, this was supposed to go in that thing” you say giggling. “Ah fuck” he says rolling his eyes. “HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH” Noah scolds him. You all break out in laughter. You spend the rest of the morning setting up your new bed set. You told bakugou that you could just use the one you had in your old apartment but he insisted on getting you a new one. You can appreciate all the things he does for you, since you’ve almost moved in he’s gotten you the best of the best; everything from fancy towels to new hair products for your hair type.
“We’re off to the park” Noah screams at the top of his lungs towards your bedroom at Bakugou. He wouldn’t be louder if he tried. But then again, look who’s his dad. He usually doesn’t raise his voice around me but when he does, oh boy is that grown man loud. The walk to the near park was one of the best, Liam actually was talking to you about his classmates and how one of them has been giving him problems. You try to come up with a plan of how to deal with it. “If I tell dad, he’s going to make a big deal about it. I already get enough attention as it is.” he explains when you asked why you haven’t told Bakugou. “Well, I’m happy to hear you out. I’m not as hot headed as your dad” you laugh. He cracks a smile as you put an arm around him as you’re walking. After a few moments Noah bust between you both and yells, “are you guys done talking? I want a hug too” he says scrunching up his nose. You hug both of them. Noah pulls you close, puts his hand on the side of his mouth and whispers, “without him please”. This child is going to be the death of me. You pick him up and swing him into your arms. “You’ll have to let me go, we’re here guys” you say as you put him down. They both run off in different directions. You sit there on a bench taking in the warm sun. I can honestly do this everyday. This feels like.. You’re stopped mid thought when your phone starts to vibrate. Oh, the alarm I set for earlier. Well might as well check social media. I haven’t had much time since moving. The first thing you look at is twitter, you follow a few of your friends and some popular celebs.
“Did you hear about Dynamite and his new girlfriend?” you overhear two women say as they walk past you and take a seat on the next bench. What? “Oh my god. They look so good together. I would die to trade places with her”. You sit still for a moment trying to gather your emotions. Who is she? Why didn’t he tell me he was dating someone? I thought. I-I don’t.. You grab your phone quickly, opening it and going to twitter again. You search up, “Dynamite and” and there it is. You stare at your phone for a bit. There she is, a beautiful tall slender blonde woman arm in arm with Bakugou. You sigh in disbelief pushing your back into the bench. Why does this hurt so much? Fuck. Why do I even fucking care? He’s not even.. “Hey, are you okay?” says a deep voice. You turn your head, noticing the very handsome man next to you. “Yeah” you say, taking another breath. “You don’t sound okay” he says looking deep in your eyes. His hair is black as night and his eyes are deep purple, you can honestly get lost trying to figure out how many different shades there are in them. “Yeah, I just got some news.. I wasn’t expecting it” you say shifting your eyes down and moving some hair out of your face. “I bet. Boyfriend?” He says as he watches your face carefully for a reaction. You let out a slight giggle before letting out a breath and bite your lip, “no”. The man and you sit in silence for a minute. Fucking hell. Why do I feel like shit right now? This hot guy is next to me and all I could think about is you wrapped around another woman. Fuck this.. You lay your eyes on the man again. He’s about Bakugou’s age with a very muscular build, he has a couple white stands in his hair, he’s beautiful. “Which one is yours?” you scooch over towards him. “The little one over there” he points at the kid playing with Noah. He stretches his arm to rub the back of his head, you can clearly see him clearly stretching his muscles. You almost laugh out loud. Trying a little too hard buddy. You both make conversation for a while. It doesn’t take long before He’s asking you on a date, you accept of course. Maybe seeing someone else for a couple hours will help me get over this.. whatever this feeling is. After a few more minutes Noah comes over to you all sweaty trying to hug you. “Let's go home” you say with a smile. I feel like shit but I can’t even show it. This kid can read me like a fucking book. Okay, put on a smile y/n.
A few days have passed since you saw the pictures of Bakugou and his “girlfriend’. When you came home that day, you couldn’t even look at him. Why the fuck am I acting like he betrayed me or something. I’m just the nanny. Get a fucking grip y/n. Still, you tried to avoid him as much as possible. When he walked into the room, you would walk out, you ate dinner in your room unless Noah asked you to stay with him and you tried everything in your power not to look at him in his eyes. You were butt fucking hurt to say the least. After a few days you get the courage to talk to him. You take a deep breath before knocking on his office door. “Come in,” he says lazily. He’s sitting in his chair facing his computer typing away. He stops and cocks his head over his shoulder to look at you. You can do this. You need to do this. “Do you need anything?” he says, turning his head back at the computer with his hands still on the keyboard. “I-I I won’t be home Friday night. I don’t know what time I’ll be back” you say almost in a whisper. “Oh” you’ve caught his attention now. He turns off the monitor and swirls in his chair to face you. Fuck fuck fuck fuck “I checked your schedule and I saw you work till about 3. That gives me time to..” you say waving your hand around like a child explaining something. “Yeah, that’s fine” he says, eyeing you up and down. You look nervous, like you have something you’re hiding. “Cool” you say, taking a deep breath as you turn on your heel about to make a run for it. “A date?” he says in a low deep almost bitter tone. I was so close. I WAS SO FUCKING CLOSEEEE “Yeah.” you say turning back around to face his him. “With that guy in the park?” He says looking you up and down almost like he’s looking for a reaction. “Yeah, How did you..” you look at him confused. “When you guys came home Noah told me that you were upset about something while you were in the park and this guy started talking to you,” he said, crossing his arms. Why do I feel like I’m getting fucking scolded. “Yeah, I was pretty upset about something" you look away from him. How can I say: Hey, I was upset that you're dating a blonde supermodel because… well, I don’t know. Also, please sign my check sir without sounding like a total psycho. You quickly snap out of that thought as he stands up and slowly walks over to you. You’re still staring at the floor as he stands in front of you. “Is that why you haven’t said a word to me for days?” he says in a low tone, still arms crossed but this time biting his top lip looking for your eyes. You slowly look up at him. He’s so big and muscular next to you. He’s also wearing your favorite outfit. Those sweats and tank top combo will be the death of me. Your eyes finally meet his. In this moment you’re lost in his eyes, the intensity that’s usually there isn’t. You can’t quite put a finger on what he’s thinking or this unknown expression plastered on his face. It feels foreign but nevertheless it knocks the wind out of you. You feel your heart rate increase. “No” you say after some time staring into his eyes. I don’t believe her. “Okay” he says with a sigh. “Okay” you say back to him looking away. Tears start to form in your eyes as you walk away from the office. You take a moment to catch your breath in the hallway and turn back towards his office. Your body almost moves on it’s own. Maybe I should cancel. I don’t even- I don’t want anyone- Before you can knock on his door again you get a twitter alert. “Bakugou and girlfriend were spotted kissing in the park two days ago” it read. The pictures in the tweet were bad, you can barely even tell if they were kissing or not but It still made your chest ache. Bakugou opened the door to see you squinting at your phone trying to zoom into the picture. “Change your mind?” he said leaning on the door frame. You jump up and step back, you didn't notice how close you guys were. “No.” you say looking him dead in the eye. “Why would I? I am so excited” you say with a broken smile.
Bakugou and you don’t speak for the rest of the day. You are both noticeable in a bad mood.. “What’s wrong with daddy?” Noah says to Liam as Bakugou stomps around the house while you’re hiding in your room. “He’s jealous,” Liam says looking at Noah. “I have a plan, wanna help?” he says, smiling at Noah. Noah gives him the same devilish smile back.
Taglist: @lil-miminini @bqkuho3 @xoxo-teddybear @candybabey @butterflyhallucations @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin @hay-leeeah @speedmetalqueen @yourfavoriteblackfemweeb @bakucumsackslut @shipchild @nanamithecute
I'm so sorry it took so long but If anyone else wants to me on the tag list for the next one lmk :)
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Single Dad Harry & His Daughter Rose (journey through life)
This was requested by this anon (instead of the daughter being just one of the ages you suggested, i decided to just incorporate all the ages, like a timeline of her life.)
AN: from now on, i think i'm going to use a random name generator for child names in my fics (like i did with this one). that way the name is random and with no thought. unless someone requests a name to be used.
This story contains: completely narration, no dialog, dad goals
{ dad!harry - singledad!harry - became a dad at 17 years old }
word count: 1320
Harry's journey of taking care and raising his daughter Rose as a single father.
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Ever since Harry became a single dad, his life had been anything but easy. When his daughter Rose (named after his rose tattoo) was a baby, her mum completely left them, saying she didn't want to be a mother yet and it was a mistake to have not used protection. Especially when it was a one-night stand and that person was a celebrity. She had Rose (not finding it in her to go through with an abortion) and days later gave her baby to Harry, and that was the last time Rose ever saw her mother and Harry ever saw his baby's mama.
When Rose was a baby, Harry was the one that got up at all hours of the night to make her bottles, beings she had no way of breastfeeding. Most of the time on the One Direction tour bus because that's where he and his bandmates stayed while on the road touring. He'd also burp her and change her dirty diapers. Rub her little tummy when it ached. The rest of One Direction didn't always like being woken up to a crying baby, but at the end of the day, knew how special Rose was to Harry and supported him through everything.
His bandmates would often babysit Rose when Harry had to go into the recording booth and record his parts of their songs. Louis was the one who acted as a mother figure in her life (beings he grew up taking care of his younger sisters), like doing nightly feedings when Harry was sleep deprived. Or give Rose a bath in the little baby tub they bought for the bus when Harry was just busy in general. Niall being the silly guy, loved to make Rose laugh when she was being a bit moody. And Zayn and Liam were the protectors and kept Rose out from harms way.
When One Direction went on hiatus, Harry didn't have all the help he once had when living with four other people. At that point, Rose was three so it wasn't as hard to take care of her as it was when she was a baby, but still quite difficult for him being a single dad. She was potty trained and eating all regular foods. Though she'd sometimes still wanted a bottle of warm milk to help her fall asleep at night.
Harry would make Rose breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the two of them each day. He'd give her baths and washed her curly hair, sometimes making a soap Mohawk from the shampoo just to make her laugh. He'd read Rose bedtime stories and sing her lullabies. And though Harry tried to enforce Rose to sleep in her own bed like a big girl, he'd always cave in when she gave her daddy puppy dog eyes and a wobbly lip, as though she was about to cry. So often Rose ended up in her daddy's bed and Harry held her close, loving the feeling of knowing his daughter was safe and sound in his embrace.
Years went by and Harry sent Rose to kindergarten. Much to his disliking because he'd miss being with her through-out the day. He'd get up with her every morning and styled her hair to the best of his abilities. Sometimes not being able to accomplish what Rose requested and feeling terrible. Times like that was when he wished Rose had a mother or mother figure. Harry would pack Rose a lunch to take to school and help her with her homework when she got home at the end of each day.
Harry went to every school play Rose was in (she loved preforming just like her daddy) and every PTA meeting the school held. Though he juggled being a international popstar, Harry always put his daughter first no matter what. He helped her with any school projects she'd have and Harry even went and chatted to the principle when Rose complained that some kids were being mean to her. He was a super dad, doing it all.
When Rose turned ten, Harry decided she was old enough to go on tour with him. He hadn't properly toured since One Directions last tour (just doing local gigs here and there) and that had been years from that point in their lives. Harry wanted to wait a few years and give Rose somewhat of a normal childhood with stability, hence why she attended public school in her adolescents.
Harry hired an on-the-road teacher to have as Roses homeschooling teacher that'd stay on his tour bus as they traveled. His number one priority was making sure she got her education over anything else. Harry paid for extra security guards to protect Rose when she went out, beings some fans went a little crazy. Harry had his assistant watch her when he was busy in the studio or doing interviews. Life was hard at times and yes Harry wished Rose still had a mother, but wouldn't have traded his life experiences of being a single dad for nothing. It truly helped him mature faster and appreciate live to the fullest.
Two years later at age twelve, Rose became a women. Well she started her period and matured like a women. Because all she'd ever known was living with her dad and not really having many women figures in her life, telling Harry she started her period wasn't that bad. Rose was fortunately home when her period had started and walked into the living room where her dad was sipping a glass of wine and informed him she was menstruating.
In the twelve years of Roses life, Harry knew that that day was coming. The day she'd start her period. He was only regretting that day because his little girl wouldn't be so little anymore, but wasn't hoping that day wouldn't ever come because he knew how important it was for a women to have one. Harry grew up with a house full of women so periods were a natural and easy topic to discuss. He hugged Rose, congratulated her, and immediately drove her to the local pharmacy to purchase some pads and tampon (and chocolate + a heating pad).
Between the ages of twelve and Roses current age of sixteen, life went as well as it could have gone for Harry and her. Unlike most teenage girls, Harry raised a good and respectful young lady. Rose doesn't like to go out and party like some of her friends do. She'd much rather stay at home and spend time with her dad. She's a daddies girl after all. Rightfully so because to her, her dad was the only one who truly loved her and cared for her, unlike her dead-beat mother.
As for Harry, he's still single. He's had a few flings through-out the years and a couple one-night stands, but he hasn't meet anyone that felt like a keeper. Or someone who he felt would love his daughter the way she deserved to be loved and treated. Harry doesn't tour as much anymore because of his age (not due to fan loss because he still has millions of fans. fans that love to call Harry a dilf.) and Rose is back attending a public school in London. They often visit her dad's ex bandmates and Rose loves them all dearly. They helped raise her as a baby and feel like secondary father figures to her.
Sometimes Rose wishes she still had a mum. A women in her life that she could have womanly conversations with and chat about her love interest to. Even just to say she had a mum because when her friends chat about their mums, she feels left out and sad. But truth be told, she almost thinks her life was meant to turn out like it did. Her and her dad Harry make a great father/daughter duo and she wouldn't trade the connection they have for anything in this world. Even if it was for a mum that loved her.
Masterlist (regular smut, fluff & sicfics)
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series One Shots Masterlist (for my one shots that go with a series universe)
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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tommodirection · 3 years
Little Sister
Harry Styles x Tomlinson! Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, playful mentions of Larry
A/N: Heylo! I hope you enjoy this! I’ve been working on this for about a month now, never being able to finish it, but I decided to sit down and finish it tonight instead of wallowing in self-pity! The Larry mention at the end is meant to be funny and playful, not something to take seriously! Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️💕🥰
When your brother went to audition for the X-Factor in 2010, you expected him to come home after, maybe with a signed record deal, maybe not, but home nonetheless.
Instead, he was put into a boy band with four other boys, and moved out. Your mother was proud, of course as anyone would be, but that also meant her oldest child had left the nest.
That left you, now the oldest in the house, and your four younger sisters. Your mum was handling it the best she could, but with Mark out of the house constantly, it got stressful for her.
You didn’t like Mark that much, sure, he was nice, and he treated your mother alright, he just didn’t seem like a commitment kind of guy to you.
You were adopted shortly after your mum left Louis’s father. Mark was accepting of the fact that she already had two kids, but became a bit offended when she took your side in an argument instead of one of their kids.
You loved all your siblings equally, well, Louis a bit more than the other girls, but you still loved them no matter how their father acted.
When Louis left, you were left to help your mother with the other girls, Mark not being much help. You were often left to help them get ready for school, get ready for bed, and you even had to run errands for your mother.
Since you were only 16, and hadn’t gotten a driver’s license, you had to walk almost everywhere, but you didn’t mind, not when you were helping your mother.
Having a brother who had recently become a famous member of a boy band, also meant you had to watch all the girls at your school drool over him. This also meant that a lot more people were trying to be friendly to you.
Most of the girls at your school loved Louis, probably because they thought they had the best chance with him, not that they had any chance.
However, you preferred Harry. You always had a soft spot for sweet boys with curly hair, but this time felt different. It probably was just a silly little crush, you’d obsess for a few weeks and then get over it.
You were so, so wrong.
You watched your brother and his mates smash their way through the charts for the next two years, becoming the best boy band of the generation.
The whole family was immensely proud of him, even Mark. You were particularly proud of Harry, though the rest of your family didn’t really care.
The small crush hadn’t faded, instead it had grown in the past two years, each time you saw him on a photo your brother sent, or on TV, you flushed and your heart started racing.
He was just perfect. Perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect dimples, perfect smile, perfect lips, perfect everything.
It honestly kind of upset you sometimes.
There you were, the sister of one of his best mates, same age as him too, and yet you had never met him.
That all changed when the band went to Madison Square Garden at the end of the year.
Since you were eighteen and finished with college, you were allowed to go with your mother to go see Louis perform.
As you and your mother approached the stadium, you felt a wave of awe wash over you. Your brother’s face was on the fucking front of Madison Square Garden. He was getting paid to be here.
Where the fuck did you go wrong?
The driver that Louis had hired pulled up in the front, allowing you both to get out along with Liam’s mum, Karen, who was a lovely lady.
You all climbed out of the car onto the busy New York City street, people busling past your trio to file into the large arena.
Your mother grabbed your hand and Karen’s as well, pulling you both into line.
Meanwhile, the boys were sitting in front of the camera, discussing their feelings about the upcoming show. Zayn and Liam were currently in the dressing room, and Niall was finishing his dinner, so Louis and Harry were left to be interviewed.
“You know, this is a big show for us, obviously,” Harry said, trying not to be gesticulative as he spoke, nerves buzzing through his body.
“Yeah, of course it’s big cos it’s MSG, but this is also the only one that all of us have at least one family member in the audience. Liam, Niall, and Zayn have their mums, Harry has his mum and stepdad, and my mum and sister are coming, which is of course rattling, you want them to be proud of you,” Louis said, leaning back on the couch.
Harry paused for a moment, “Wait, which sister?”
“Y/N, she’s finished with school, so mum let her come down, she’s ecstatic,” Louis smiled and Harry nodded, trying to keep a straight face for the camera.
He had never met you, he’s only heard stories from Louis, and seen pictures that his mum always sent him of all the girls.
He thought you were adorable, who wouldn’t? He wouldn’t call it a crush, he hadn’t even met you. However, there was definitely something about you that drew him near you.
Once you had gotten inside, Karen insisted on going to buy something. The concert was starting in a few minutes, so there weren’t many people at the tables, most already in their seats.
She was beaming, looking at all of the stuff with her son’s face on it, your mother bearing a similar smile. Karen spotted the cardboard cutouts of the boys. And her eyes lit up.
She rushed to buy one, your mother chuckling, but you could tell she was contemplating on buying one herself.
The pair began to walk away, the camera crew following them, but you stayed behind, stepping up to the cashier.
Your mother must’ve noticed you weren’t there, as seconds later she was at your side, rubbing your arm lightly.
“Whatcha buying?” She asked, humming as she moved her hand to your upper back.
You felt yourself flush as you ordered the Harry cutout. Your mother was laughing her arse off, clutching her stomach as she doubled over.
You felt embarrassed, but understood her reaction. Karen turned around to see the commotion and saw the cashier handing you the Harry cutout. She gave a light chuckle and waved you both over.
Your mother pretended to wipe a tear from her cheek, smirking at you, “Aw, my baby’s in love!” She teased and you bit your lip.
“Shut up,” you mumbled weakly.
The camera crew saw the interaction, getting the whole thing on tape. As you passed the camera, you gave it a small, awkward smile, stuffing the Harry under your arm.
The show was amazing, you didn’t expect any less.
The boys were energetic, entertaining the audience as they jumped and ran around the stage, clearly enjoying themselves.
You were placed in the front, along with the other mothers and Robin, Harry’s step-father. During Louis’ solos, you and your mother would cheer the loudest, the others doing the same for their respective child.
Each boy came to wave to all of you, grinning as they sang. Louis just made a funny face at you and your mother, almost missing his cue.
The other boys did similar things, running to wave while they were singing, but Harry hadn’t come over yet, something that was clearly disturbing Anne.
During a brief break in between songs, Harry came to sit on the edge of the stage in front of all of you. The fans surrounding you all were screaming, some laughing when he gave a bashful wave.
He brought the microphone to his mouth, interrupting Liam’s monologue.
“That’s my mummy!” He pointed to Anne, making her giggle as he bounced up and down where he sat. “Hi mummy!” He yelled, giving an over enthusiastic wave, the audience loving every second.
A grin spread across your face, watching the interaction warmed your heart. Anne was loving it, she blew Harry a kiss, and he caught it, pressing it to kiss cheek.
“I love you mum,” he said, seriously. The audience and all the boys on stage letting out a sweet ‘aw’.
“I love you, Hazza!” Anne tried to yell above the audience, her voice being drowned out, but Harry understood her perfectly.
He turned his attention to the rest of you, “Hi everyone!” He waved again, his grin still just as wide. His eyes scanned over each of you, and his met yours. “Y/N? You’re Lou’s sister, right?” He asked and you nodded, trying to ignore your mum poking your arm. “Damn!” He yelled and you felt yourself gaping, Louis standing up quickly.
“Excuse me?” He asked, in mock offense.
Harry realized his mistake, “No, no, no! That came out wrong,” he turned to you, “I didn’t mean any disrespect, I just mean that I imagined you being like,” he held up his hand a few feet off the ground, “this tall based on how Lou described you, and that is certainly not the case,” he affirmed and Louis playfully rolled his eyes.
“Sure,” he dragged it out, “I’m sure that’s what you meant,” he joked, and Harry stood, brushing off his bum.
“Anyways! On with the show!”
A few months later, the boys sat huddled around a table in the film director’s conference room.
The film was finally completed, and the boys were invited to watch it and suggest changes. The boys were a bit into the film now, mostly taking the piss out of it and teasing each other.
Then came the footage from Madison Square Garden.
The boys stayed silent the whole time that the mothers were speaking, being quiet for the first time since the film started.
After showing the mothers’ thoughts on them performing at MSG, it cut to the interviews backstage. It was mostly just the boys’ preparation. Harry and Louis’ interview showed up, and the teasing started right up again.
“Louis, did you see the way his face lit up when you mentioned Y/N?” Liam said through laughter, Zayn and Niall laughing with him.
Harry was glaring at the boys, trying to avoid looking at Louis, a furious blush coating his cheeks. Louis was trying to hide his smile, looking at Harry out of the corner of his eye.
Truth was, he didn’t mind at all. Sure, it was a little weird, but he knew Harry, and Louis knew about your little crush on him, your mum had told him about it and had even sent pictures of the Harry cutout, now set up in your room. He would rather you date Harry than some random kid from Doncaster. You and Harry would work well together, he may even dare to say you were perfect for each other. There was only one problem; you hadn’t met.
The boys had finally calmed down and the rest of the film continued. While Liam and Niall were talking about the time they had to be smuggled through a bread van, Louis took his chance. He leaned over, catching Harry’s attention, “Don’t listen to them, if I’m being honest with you, I wouldn’t mind if you dated my sister,” he whispered, Harry immediately getting flustered.
“I, what? I don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re mad,” Harry mumbled and Louis chuckled, patting Harry’s knee.
“It’s alright lad, no need to explain yourself.”
The topic wasn’t brought up again until the movie came out.
Well, it technically hadn’t come out yet. Each boy was allowed to stream it at their home, they were sent digital copies. Louis had invited you over to watch it a week before it officially came out, and of course you had said yes.
You decided to spend the week with him, needing a break from managing the house with your mother. You had felt guilty, seeing as it was now her alone, Mark had left early on in your brother’s departure. Although, Dan, her new fiancé, was there to help out a bit.
You pulled up outside his apartment building, parking and grabbing your bag from the passenger’s seat. You made your way into the apartment, keeping your head down as you knocked on the door.
Louis opened it, throwing his arms open with a large grin on his face. You set your bag down, giggling as you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tightly.
“I missed you,” you mumbled into his chest.
“I missed you too,” he said, swaying with you in the doorway for a moment. He pulled away, a shit-eating grin on his face. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited someone else over too!”
“I don’t mind,” you said, squinting at your brother, why was he being so cheeky about it?
“Great! Alright, come on in! Harry’s on the couch, and before we watch the film, we’re gonna watch interviews!” He ushered you inside, grabbing your bag.
You stopped once you had entered the house, turning back to Louis, “Hold, go back there for a second, did you say Harry’s here?” You asked, quickly panicking.
You were answered by a voice behind you, “Louis, is your guest…” Harry trailed off as you turned around. He gaped for a moment, clearing his throat quickly, “Oh, uhm, hi Y/N, Louis didn’t say you were coming,” his eyes left you to quickly glance at Louis.
“Hi,” you mumbled, biting the inside of your cheek.
It was quiet for a few moments, and Louis interjected, “Ready to watch the interviews?” He asked, not even waiting for an answer as he dragged both of you to the living room.
He sat down on the couch, pulling you and Harry on either side of him. “They sent me a weird version they made that has the interviews first, and the movie immediately after,” he leaned over and picked up a napkin he had set on the table.
On it were two times stamps, one that was pretty early on, and one that was presumably later in the film. He scrolled on the TV for a moment, getting the setting right and pressing start once the DVD was processed.
He began to fast forward through most of the interviews, you were a bit confused when he came to a stop in the middle of the interviews. You were about to say something, but he turned the volume all the way up, pressing play.
“If you had to set up your sister with one of the band, and you could trust them, who would it be?” The interviewer asked, leaning forwards as she spoke.
Liam and Zayn erupted, “None, none of them!” They both chided, clear looks of disgust on their face.
Louis sat contemplating for a moment, both Liam and Zayn looking at him with knowing smiles, “I have an ideal pair in mind, I’m not going to verify who, the lads already know who it is, my sister doesn’t, but I’ve got a plan,” he smirked, nodding enthusiastically.
The Louis next to you looked at his napkin again, fast forwarding it again, this time you were sat for a little bit longer, the tension in the room growing thicker. Both you and Harry had a feeling that he was talking about you guys, but neither of you dared say anything.
He unpaused it again, this time it was the actual film, iit showed you and your mum, along with Karen, it was the MSG footage.
You began panicking, trying to grab the remote from Louis, “Louis, Louis, turn it off, turn it off!” You yelled as you tackled him, reaching for the remote he was holding high.
He ducked to his side, quickly stuffing the remote down his trousers as the film continued playing. He gave you a triumphant smirk, but you narrowed your eyes, “don’t think I won’t look in there,” you threatened, and he shot up, running to the washroom, giggling the whole way.
You let out a grunt of defeat, collapsing on the couch and shrinking in on yourself, hiding your face in your hands. “Oh god, ‘m so so sorry Harry,” you grumbled, sinking further into the couch.
Harry let out a low chuckle, “It’s alright, love. I’ve already seen the movie,” he admitted and you let out an exasperated sigh.
“Shit,” you mumbled.
“Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about,” he assured, you felt him put his hand on your knee, making you flush even further. “In fact, if the roles were reversed, I probably would’ve bought a cutout of you too,” he began rubbing a small circle on your knee.
You removed your hands from your face at his confession, looking at him in confusion, “Wait, really?”
“Of course! When we first got together as a band, you called Louis, and he stepped outside for a minute to talk to you, when he got back, he had the biggest smile on his face. At first we thought that it was a girl he’d been talking to, but then he told us it was his sister, and I just had to know more about the girl who made him smile that big. He began talking about you, and about your other family of course, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how he described you, then he showed me pictures, and you just blew me away, as cheeky as it sounds,” he laughed lightly, your eyes traced his profile, “then I saw you at MSG, and I was even more shocked, you were much more mature than the last picture Louis had showed us. I couldn’t stop thinking about the girl who smiled brighter than sun, the one who loved her family more than anything, the one who could make anyone laugh just by speaking, and I hadn’t even met you! But now I’ve actually met you, and even seeing you wrestled with Louis earlier, it confirmed everything I already thought.” He paused, his eyes opening quickly, “I-Uhm, if you don’t like any of that, you can just ignore all of it.”
You sat in disbelief, joy overwhelming you, “Wait, so you like me?”
“I mean, yeah, if that whole speech wasn’t convincing enough, I can show you my diary,” he offered, and you put a finger to his lips.
“As tempting as that is, I really want to kiss you right now, is that alright?” You asked, scooting closer to him on the couch.
“Yeah, that would be amazing,” he giggled, placing his hand on your cheek as your lips met.
It was awkward at first, you were both angled on the couch, neither position comfortable. You shifted closer, slowly crawling onto his lap, quickly pulling away to make sure it was okay with him. When he gave you a subtle nod, you connected your lips again, his sweet, oddly sugary, plush lips. You ran your fingers through his curls, quickly tangling them. He put his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him as you continued to kiss. It was heavenly, everything you had ever dreamed of. Of course, your paradise had to be interrupted by something.
“Oi Oi!” Louis yelled from the hallway, “I get you like each other and all, but this is my couch, come on lads!” He complained, causing you to hurry off of Harry’s lap, taking a seat beside him. He playfully scoffed, pointing a finger at you, “Now, I’m going to get some food from the kitchen, no snogging while I’m gone!” He demanded as he walked out of the room.
You and Harry giggle to yourself, he turned to you, a playful smile adorning his face, “y’know, now that I’m dating a Tomlinson, maybe the Larries will finally back off,” he joked, earning a chuckle from you.
“Oh darling, you’re forgetting one thing,” you chided, he turned to you, obviously confused. “I’m the biggest Larrie of them all,” you teased.
“Oh shut it!” Both he and Louis yelled.
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axwalker · 3 years
Bad Timing: Kismet
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairing: Drake Walker x Alexis O’Brien (MC) 
Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is escaping a terrible past. After months of running  she settles  in Cordonia where she meets Drake at the bar where she works and they spend a passionate night together. 
What happens when a one-night-stand turns into unexpected parenthood? 
This chapter
WORDS: 3,890 🙊
POV: Dual 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: None for this chapter. In the future, mentions of domestic violence, and explicit sex scenes. 
A/N: I apologize for any grammatical errors. 
I switch between Drake’s and Alexis’ POV several time in this chapter. I hope it’ll be clear enough!
 After a one-hour bus ride and a 20-minutes walk, I finally find the correct address. When I reach the massive iron gates, I punch in the code Mr. Beaumont’s assistant gave me on the phone and gape as the extensive estate comes into view when I walk through. Acres and acres of super green grass littered with pines surround the massive house in the distance. The closer I get, the more I feel like a foreigner. This might have been my world once, but my new reality couldn’t be further apart from all this luxury. I have fifty dollars left in my wallet, an eviction notice back in my 200 square foot studio, and to top it all, the worst freaking headache I’ve had in my life. Talk about a bad streak. Ironically, I’m happier than I’ve been in years. My life belongs to me; I don’t have to live in constant fear and –most importantly, I’m free. Unattached. I want to do a lot of things with my life, and no one will stop me. That’s worth the worst headache in the world or a few money problems. 
I ring the bell, and a gorgeous woman opens the door. Her deep blue eyes scowl at me when I smile at her. 
“Who are you looking for?” She doesn’t ask as much as she barks the question. 
“Eh,” I haven’t been called shy a single day of my life, but her attitude it’s messing with the positive vibes I had coming up here. “I’m looking for Mr. Bertrand Beaumont from Beaumont Caterings.”
 “This door is for house guests only. The help,” she says the word as if it tastes bad in her mouth, “must go around the house and ring the bell back there.” She’s about to close the door right in my face when two hot guys come to the door. Seriously, what do people eat in this country? 
“Penelope, what are you doing answering the door like a simple maid? Where is Jessa?” 
Penelope rolls her eyes. “She had to leave early. She said she asked you for the afternoon off.”
The older man nods as, the younger one grins at me. “We can discuss Jessa’s schedule later, Bertie. Please, come in, Ms.?” He asks me, still smiling. 
“Ortiz. Alexis Ortiz.” I grin back, instantly liking the man with the kind blue eyes. “I’m here for the catering job.” 
“I’m Maxwell Beaumont. This is my brother Bertrand—the owner and Penelope Brim, one of our party planners.”
I follow them to a huge office and give Bertrand the resumé I printed at the internet place next to my building.  
“Is this all true?” He asks after a quick read.
I nod my head.
“Are you sure, Ms. Ortiz? It says here that you were working as a bartender, a barista, and a waitress in a very exclusive French restaurant, all at the same time.”
Penelope gives me a dismissive glare. “She’s obviously lying. That isn’t even possible. Unless she’s iniquitous.” 
I know better than to interrupt a potential employer, even worse if it’s to correct them, but this woman is grating on my nerves. Plus, I had a lifetime of keeping my head down with Matt, and I just don’t have the patience for this kind of crap anymore. And she called me a liar. Hell no.
“No, Ms. Brim, I’m not ubiquitous.” Maxwell snorts, and I swear the other guy, Bertrand, smiles behind my CV. I refrain from telling her what iniquitous actually means because I do need this job. “I worked as a barista in a Starbucks from 5 to 11 am. Then as a waitress at “Clair de Lune” from 12 to 6 pm. Finally, as a bartender in an Irish pub from 7 to midnight or 2 am, depending on the day. You can call any of those places and see I’m not lying.” Just please, God, don’t ask for my papers.
Maxwell reads the resumé when Bertrand gives it to him. “Do you speak French and Spanish as well?”
I shrug. “I love languages, and I grew up in a house where my mom and grandmother only spoke Spanish. I learned French in school. I had an amazing teacher.” 
Maxwell and Bertrand look at each other. The older brother, a younger, sterner version of Hugh Jackman, clears his throat. “I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Ortiz. Two of our waiters are absent, and tomorrow we’ll be catering to one of the most important events of the year. If everything in your resume is true, you can start training today --paid of course, and start working tomorrow.”
Paid training? Despite my throbbing head, I want to scream with happiness. “Everything is true.”
“That’s settled then. Penelope, please, darling, show Ms. Ortiz the kitchens and the ballroom. You can ask Naomi to train her for tonight. You know Regina, and she’ll want everything to go as smooth as possible.” 
“Right.” Penelope turned at me with an uptight smile. “Come with me.” 
I turn and beam at Maxwell, who’s giving me a thumbs up. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.” 
Bertrand shakes his head. “Don’t thank me yet, Ms. Ortiz. Just do an impeccable job.” He glances at my Vans. “And for the love of God, only heels tomorrow.” 
I nod and follow Penelope down the hallway. 
 “This is why you ditch your friends who get hitched to a relationship,” I grumble, sitting in my chair. 
“He’s five minutes late,” Liam says. 
Leo shakes his head. “Well, I want a goddamn drink. How come I can’t order one until he gets here?” 
Liam pinches the bridge of his nose. “You two are acting like children. You can wait five minutes.” 
“Maybe, but I need something, and fast.” 
“Ah, there they are,” Max exclaims, hands clasped together, staring at us. “My boys.” Jesus Christ. Liam is scooped into a hug and then set back in his chair. 
From over Liam’s head, Max points at me and shakes his finger. “Come here; you handsome Walker bastard.” 
I hold up my hand. “I’m good.”
 “Nope.” He shakes his head. “You don’t get to pass up Max’s snuggles.” Before I can move, he swoops to his knees, pulls me into a hug. . . and nuzzles. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Beaumont?” I ask, my voice strong as I try to push him away. 
“You smell like heaven,” he says, chuckling. No one likes to fuck with me as much as Maxwell Beaumont does. Unfortunately for me, he’s one of my best friends, and the bastard is well aware of it. 
“Get out of here.” I palm his face and push him away. 
Leo laughs. “Come on, man, you know Walker is a sour bastard.” 
With another laugh, Maxwell retreats to his seat, unbuttons his jacket, and sits down. Hands-on the table, he looks between us and declares, “I’m in love.” 
Christ. “We know,” Liam and I say at the same time, irritation heavy in our voices. Leo just rolls his eyes as he looks for a waiter. 
Maxwell has only been dating Rashad for a few weeks, so it’s no surprise he’s like this—a hopeful idiot with a relentless smile. Hell, he’s been in love with the man for years. It took him a really, really long time to finally make a move. He adjusts his tie as he says, “You don’t have to be rude about it. I’m just sharing. Isn’t that what this is all about? Sharing?” 
“Sharing? I thought this was about drinking as much as possible and hooking up with a hot waitress,” Leo says, flagging down our waiter. 
When he arrives, I talk above the guys and quickly say, “Macallan, neat.” 
“Dalmore, on the rocks, please,” Liam says, and Leo orders the same. 
When the waiter turns to Max, he rubs his stomach and says, “You know, a hot cocoa would be perfect right now.”
 What the actual fuck? “No.” I step in. “He’ll have an Old Fashion. Thanks.” A little confused and probably slightly disturbed, he takes off as Max complains. 
“Hey, I really wanted a hot cocoa.” 
“Not happening. First, because they don’t serve hot cocoas here and second because we’re supposed to be out drinking, Beaumont. And you fucking love Old Fashions. You order one every damn time. Stop complaining.” 
“Sheesh.” Maxwell unfolds his napkin and sets it on his lap. “What’s up your ass?” 
“Nothing.” I push my hand through my hair. 
“It’s a girl.” Leo smirks, causing Liam and Max to practically jump out of their seats.
“A girl?” Liam cocks his eyebrow. “Surely not Drake --permanent bachelor, Walker. My fucking heart can’t take it.” 
Fucking Leo. “It’s not what Leo is making it out to be.” 
“He met her two months ago, and he’s been thinking about her ever since. Magical pussy right there.”
“I swear, Leo; I don’t care for how long we’ve been friends, next time you talk about her like that, I’ll personally break that shit-eat grin off your face”
The clown raises his arms. “I rest my case.”
 “What?” Max’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. “Drake Walker doesn’t get attached, and he doesn’t duel his friends for a girl.” 
Jesus. Thankfully the waiter brings our drinks at that moment, so I have a second to compose myself. 
“You slept with her?” Liam asks after a swig of Dalmore. He’s been in a stable relationship with Hanna Lee for a year now. Once the most popular guy on school, he now spends his Friday nights curled up with her watching Netflix. I can’t even remember the last time he went out with us. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. The only reason this fuckhead is bringing it up it’s because I went looking for her, and he saw it.” There I said it. Better me than Leo fucking Rys. 
Max and Liam exchange a look, but Max seems too stunned to talk, so Liam asks. “You did what?”
I chug my whiskey and ask for another one. “I don’t know why. I just …” Tired of this fucking conversation, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “We had a great time. That’s all.”
 “How come Leo knows about this girl, and I don’t?” Liam complains. 
Max complains too. “Dude, you know I’m the romantic one. Leo over here has a brick for a heart, and Li is too busy. You need to discuss these things with me.” 
“I don’t have a brick for a heart,” Leo says, surprisingly offended. 
“No, you’re just still hung up on Maddie,” I say with a smirk. He shifts in his chair but doesn’t say anything. What does it feel, Rys? 
“So . . . who is the girl?” Maxwell asks. 
For fuck’s sake. I might as well get it over with. “I’m going to say one last time that I’m not interested in her anymore, so before your little hearts starts beating wildly for playing cupid, it’s not going to happen.” 
In a snarky tone, Leo replies, “Well, of course, it’s not. She left the country. Are you that bad, Walker? Because I can give you a tip or two.” He’s so fucking annoying. 
“Oh.” Max sighs, disappointed.  
Leo elbows his brother and says, “He hasn’t slept with anyone since.” 
And there it is. The real reason why Leo is worried about this. He lost his wingman. “I’m not an animal, Leo. It’s not the first time in my life that I go two months without fucking. I’m not you. Anyway, all this is pointless. She’s gone.” 
My friends grew up with me, so they know when it’s time to stop pushing. Max interrupts the silence that follows because nothing makes little Beaumont more uncomfortable than a gap in the conversation. “Everything is ready for the party tomorrow night. The thirtieth anniversary of Rys Corporation will be a success.” 
Liam nods. “Regina talked with Hana this morning. It’s the first anniversary since I took over as CEO. I need everything to be perfect.” 
“What about the staff, Max?” Leo asks, smiling. Having sex at every anniversary party is a personal challenge of his. 
“We actually hired someone today. She’s gorgeous.” He turns his head at Leo. “But she’s off-limits.” Leo smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. “I mean it, dude. Bertrand said he’s tired of looking for new waitresses. Two quit yesterday morning when they found out that the event was for Rys corporation.”  
“Hey, I never lie. It’s not my fault if they think I’ll call them anyway.” 
“Whatever, just don’t mess with her. Plus, I got to talk to her after her training today. She’s super nice. She’s Am--. Wait.” He says when his phone chimes up. “Sorry, boys. It was a text from Penelope. Apparently, the Chablis hasn’t been delivered yet. I have to call Joelle before I lose my big brother over a wine crisis. See you all tomorrow.” He finishes his cocktail and stands up. 
Liam stands up too. “I should go home too. Han arrived today from Hong Kong.” 
Leo checks his phone. “Wait, Li. I’ll go with you. I have a date with this girl I met last night at Kismet. Do you want to come, man?” He asks me. “I’m sure she has a friend she can introduce you.”
I shake my head. “I’ll finish my whiskey and head home. See you all tomorrow.”
It was only one fucking night. Why can’t I get her out of my head? 
It’s maddening. Or maybe it is a blessing. If I’m still thinking about her after one night, imagine how bad I’d have it after several. It’s best that she stays far the fuck away from me. I’m not interested in long-term attachments of any kind.  I don’t want to think about Lexie Ortiz, but she’s infected my brain. The sound of her teasing laugh haunts me.
And I can’t deny it; it was one hell of a night.
 “This is a single girl’s paradise.” 
“No,” I grimace, trying to clean the spilled tomato sauce from my shirt. “Paradise would be a tropical beach with a hot cabana boy giving us free massages... and an endless supply of piñas Coladas.” Naomi laughs, the sound almost lost in the chaos of the kitchen. Chefs shouting orders, Penelope and Bertrand panicking, plates being dropped—the world of catering is a noisy business. 
“Cabana boys may have hot smoking bodies and virility, Lex, but they lack two essential qualities: prestige and money.” 
“So, what you’re saying is that you’d prefer an old limp dick over a young hard one? Interesting,” I answer, teasing her. 
“No, that’s not what I’m saying, smart ass. I’m saying I’d take a solid bank account over a solid dick. Think about it—with all that money, he could never fuck me at all, and I couldn’t care less. And I’d be treated properly. Rich guys know how to treat a lady.” 
“Trust me on this, Naomi. Money has absolutely nothing to do with how a man treats a woman.” I should know. “In any case,” I retort, grabbing another tray of drinks, “if you’re looking for old rich guys, there are tons of opportunities out there.” I laugh at the dreamy look on her face, partly because it’s hilarious and partly because I know she’s kidding. After my training last night, she invited me to her house, where I met Theo, her little boy. He’s eight years old and the absolute love of her life. 
“Speaking of fucking,” she says, her eyes sparkling, “did you see the Rys brothers? One of them is taken, but the other two are single and oh so yummy. Especially the tall and brooding one. I’ll kill for those smoldering brown eyes looking right at my soul” 
I snort. “You really should stop reading romance novels, Nao. And yes. I served one of them and his girlfriend champagne earlier, but he was blond and didn’t have smoldering, brooding eyes. I thought they were only two brothers, though.”
“Well, technically, yes. But Constantine Rys --the super-rich owner of Rys Corporation-- adopted two other kids. A boy and a girl. They all grew up together.” She uncorks several champagne bottles as she speaks.
Now that my uniform is clean, I grab one of the Veuve Clicquot bottles and help her pouring the cold liquid into the glasses on our trays. “How do you know all of that?”
“I’m Cordonian, girl. The Rys siblings are almost royalty in this country. The one that is not an actual Rys is the one with the smoldering eyes. He doesn’t work for the company, though. He’s a … a vet, I think.”  
A veterinarian like Drake. My stupid heart flutters when I think about him. 
“Do we pay you to work or to gossip, ladies?” Penelope screams from the kitchen door. 
Naomi and I roll our eyes and grab our refilled trays. 
“This is a huge night for Liam,” Regina says behind her champagne glass. Constantine has been telling everyone, especially her, that he’s ready and happy to retire, but she knows him better than anyone. Leaving Rys Corporation and pass the torch to Liam is much more difficult for Constantine than he cares to admit.  
“It’ll be all right, Regina. Don’t worry. Liam is more than ready to handle the responsibility.”
She throws a glance at Liam, who’s standing a few feet behind me next to his dad. “I just hope he doesn’t forget that his personal life is equally important. He and Hana work too hard.” 
I’m about to answer when one of the waitresses distracts me. Her back is turned to me, so I can’t see her face, but there is something incredibly familiar about the way she moves. She’s passing drinks amongst Regina’s friends. I want to go and see who she is, but Liam catches my eyes across the room.  We exchange a look, one that we’ve exchanged several times over our lives. It was Liam and me when we were younger, walking into his father’s office after getting into a fight at school. It was the two of us when we came home late, and his parents were waiting in the living room as we walked in, drunk. It was the two of us when we wrecked Leo’s new Porsche when we were sixteen, and right now, I know he needs me. Constantine is a great father, but he has too many expectations for his younger son. Liam needs a break. 
Regina sees the exchange and smiles. “Liam’s very lucky to have you, Drake.” She is not our biological mother, but she loves all of us as if she was. And she’s more my mother than Bianca Walker will never be.  
A couple of men look at me, and I try to remember if I should know them from somewhere. I think they’re both on the board of directors at RC. As much as I love the Rys, I will never get used to this shit. Socializing and pretending to like a bunch of people that annoy the fuck out of me. Ignoring them, I make my way to my best friend. Liam is standing with his hands in his pockets, looking serious and put together like the CEO of the largest company in Cordonia should. 
“I think it’s going well,” he says as I approach. “Father was driving me crazy with all his advice.” 
“It’s not only the anniversary of the company, Li. It’s also his first one as the former CEO. It’s normal he feels out of place.” 
Liam nods. “I know. I just wish he’ll trust me more.”
“He does, Liam. He’s just nervous.”
 I’m cut short by Liam’s grin. His gaze slides right behind me and lights up. 
“Would either of you like a glass of champagne?” a female, very familiar voice nearly whispers behind me. 
“I’m good,” Liam answers, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “How about you, Drake?”
 I turn around, and my heart skips a beat. Soft curves, tanned skin, and a few freckles across the bridge of her nose. The brightest, most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. Alexis Ortiz tucks a strand of her rich brown hair behind her ear and takes a deep breath. Her eyes widen, and I see she recognizes me but doesn’t mention it. Instead, a faint smile ghosts her luscious lips, and she lifts her chin like she has a secret she won’t tell. A secret we share. Her gaze remains on Liam, almost like she’s afraid to look my way. Finally, she turns to me, and when she does, an adorable blush color her cheeks. 
“Would you, uh, sir?” she asks, taking half a step backward. 
“Would I what?” I press, enjoying too much the way her cheeks turn even pinker. 
“Would you like a drink?” The words leave her lips fast like she wants to pronounce them and run away. I take a step towards her, remembering the night she spent in my arms and how damn perfect she felt. I know I make her nervous because I see little goosebumps erupting on her soft skin.  I smirk at her. “That depends on what you’re offering.”
 I shouldn’t be toying with her, but I can’t help it. I want to keep her talking, to watch her reactions, to see that sweet smile again.  
“I don’t have much to offer,” she says, a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Unless you like champagne, sir.” She emphasizes the last word.
“I like all sorts of things.” I keep my gaze heavy against hers, not allowing her to look away. She fidgets with her tray and swallows hard but never takes her eyes off mine, too rebellious to look away. The longer our eyes match, the hotter my body becomes. She bits her delicious bottom lip slowly, her dark gaze boring into mine. 
“Is that so?” Liam laughs beside me, and I watch her jump like she forgot he was there. Alexis clears her throat and glances around the room. She turns back to us again, this time a practiced smile on her face. The easy grin and soft laugh are both gone. She wants to get away from me, I can feel it, and I understand. She’s working; it wouldn’t be professional. This is not the time or the place to reconnect. Unfortunately for her, I have other plans.
“Gentlemen ...” With a nod, Alexis walks away as fast as possible. She doesn’t look back, but I watch her until she’s out of sight. 
“What was that?” Liam snickers, loosening his gray silk tie. “I thought you were going to jump on her.” 
I rub my thumb over my lip, still surprised as hell.
“That was Alexis, the girl I met a couple of months ago. Now, if you excuse me, Li, I need to go talk to Bertrand.”  
@mskaneko @burnsoslow @gkittylove99 @kat-tia801 @no-one-u-know @thegreentwin @twinkle-320 @forallthatitsworth @kingliam2019 @marshmallowsandfire @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @drakexwillow @moneyfordiamonds 
@yukinagato2012​ @alyssalauren​
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holycatsandrabbits · 3 years
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Tollense, an original serial romance by Dannye Chase, Chapter 6
A history professor falls in love with his best friend, a 3000-year-old vampire.
Chapter 6
CW: blood, injury
2003 (Four years later)
When Liam brought in his mail that afternoon, he didn’t realize what a dangerous act it was. He should have, he supposed. He’d been getting threatening letters now for over ten years, since before he’d met Kurt. Their postmarks varied and there were no fingerprints. The police couldn’t figure out who was sending them, and neither could Kurt, who’d started investigating as soon as he’d learned of them.
Liam assumed that either he’d done something in his past to offend someone, or that he was a random victim of someone targeting a university with anti-academic talk. The letters said clearly, I will kill you, but Liam had long since stopped believing that it was an actual threat.
But it wasn’t that the letters didn’t upset Liam, and ironically, it was good that they did, because Liam’s reaction to the letter in the mail that day alerted Kurt. Four years ago, on a beautiful night in Germany, Kurt had drunk blood from Liam’s wrist. They’d been close before that, but sharing blood had given Kurt an even greater insight into Liam’s feelings. Kurt knew when Liam was unhappy or frightened, so when Liam found the letter with the typed address, knowing what it likely was, Kurt abruptly appeared beside him, in time to pluck the envelope from Liam’s hand.
“I’ve told you to let me open these,” Kurt scolded mildly.
Liam leaned back against his kitchen counter, and waved a hand in unsolicited permission. “By all means.”
Kurt was frowning, but otherwise he wasn’t too upset. Liam could tell because despite the fact that Kurt had just teleported into Liam’s kitchen, he looked more or less human. He must have been outside somewhere because his dark hair was a bit wind-blown. Liam wished that they had the kind of relationship where Liam could run his fingers through it to settle it down.
Kurt read the letter quietly and then tossed it onto the table in disgust. “The usual,” he said. “When I figure out who’s sending these—”
“They’re harmless,” Liam said, which on that particular day was highly ironic, but they didn’t know it yet.
“They scare you. That’s harm enough.” Kurt reached for the rest of the mail that Liam had set on his table, sorting through it quickly, apparently approving of it. He came to the package last. “What’s this?”
“I ordered some books.”
Kurt shot him a look of amused exasperation. “You have no room for more books. You’re going to have to buy a second house.”
“I’ll find a place for them. Maybe I could take out a wall— what is it?”
Kurt held the package in his hands. “This is awfully light for books.”
That was the last thing Liam remembered until he felt Kurt’s hand on his cheek. Kurt’s fingers were always cold, and the feeling drew Liam back toward consciousness. Kurt had one hand cradling his face, while another finger traced a slow line down from the top of Liam’s forehead to a spot between his eyes.
Liam realized that Kurt was saying something. “That’s right. Focus on me.”
Kurt’s finger traced its downward path again, and Liam felt himself growing more aware of his surroundings, but mostly more aware of Kurt, who was holding his gaze in an inescapable, hypnotic way. Liam could smell smoke and something charred, but he felt no fear, not even of Kurt, who seemed something entirely other than human at the moment. Something very large, because he’d have to be large to hold all the emotions that Liam could feel filling the room, wafting around like clouds. Some were dark and some very light, and they were all Kurt and Liam, mixed up together.
“There you are, my love,” Kurt said softly. “Just like that. Focus on me.”
Liam moved a little, shifting on the kitchen floor, but Kurt put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay still. Let me look at you.” His finger retraced its path down Liam’s forehead, which had the effect of recentering Liam’s attention on Kurt’s bright green eyes.
After another minute, Kurt moved back and released him. “You’re all right,” he said heavily. “No internal injuries. No concussion. Just three fairly minor lacerations to the left leg, and I’ve taken away the pain from those. I shouldn’t have let you stand so close.”
Liam blinked a couple of times as he realized that now that he could see past Kurt’s eyes, Kurt looked very different, but not at all in a mesmerizing, inhuman way. “You’re hurt,” Liam gasped.
Kurt stepped out of reach before Liam could grab him. “You have to be careful with my blood,” he warned. “Don’t get it in your mouth or the cuts on your leg. You don’t— you don’t need it right now.”
Kurt appeared to have taken the brunt of what must have been a package bomb. Liam’s kitchen table had a blast mark on it, and the chairs had all been knocked over. Bits of paper drifted lazily through the hazy air. Kurt was actually far more damaged than the kitchen, with a large wound on his shoulder. But the wound was not bleeding, and Liam realized that though Kurt’s clothing was shot through with holes, some of them bloodstained, the skin underneath was unmarked.
Kurt turned a chair right side up, and dropped into it wearily. “Ow,” he said, sounding as if he might be irritated by a paper cut.
“Are you okay?” Liam demanded.
Kurt waved a dismissive hand. “Been blown up before. There was a grenade at the Somme, for one. Not a pleasant afternoon.”
“But you— you won’t—”
“I’m fine,” Kurt assured him. “But if I’m going to convince the police that I wasn’t injured, I’ll need to eat something. I’m not quite strong enough for group mind control right now.”
“Well, I’m right here,” Liam said hastily, starting to climb to his feet. “Already bleeding too.”
“Sit down,” Kurt instructed in a sharp voice, and Liam was so startled that he obeyed. “You’re injured.”
“Only mildly. You said.”
“Still no.”
Liam tried not to be too disappointed. “Well— Fern then.” Fern was Kurt’s new love interest, and, as usual, was one of Liam’s history graduate students. She was doing her dissertation on World War Two. Kurt always showed enough of his non-human nature to his romantic interests for them to guess what he was before they became his lovers (and a source of blood). So Fern now had the advantage of dating a man who had fought in World War Two and many wars before that.
“Yeah. I called her,” Kurt said. And it wasn’t long before Liam heard someone come in his front door and make their way toward the kitchen.
“Oh my god,” Fern exclaimed, her eyes wide. “What happened? I had the weirdest feeling that I needed to get here right away.” Apparently, Liam realized, when Kurt said he’d called her, he hadn’t meant on the phone.
“Package bomb,” Kurt said.
Liam nearly spoke over him. “Kurt’s injured. He needs blood.”
Fern’s eyes widened even more. “All right. I’ll call 911.”
Liam gave Kurt a confused look. “Oh. I thought you always told them about you before you became lovers.” He realized his misstep when Fern froze on her way to the telephone.
Kurt pressed his lips together, and Liam couldn’t tell if he was fighting a smile or a frown. “You’re getting a little ahead of me there.”
“Oh,” Liam said. “Sorry. How embarrassing.” He looked up at Fern. “It’s okay, Kurt can’t be killed. Or he might actually be already dead.”
Kurt had opened his mouth to say something but now it just hung open.
“I’m sorry,” Liam said. “I’m not good at this.”
Fern did look like she was a little more concerned about Liam than Kurt, but she turned to Kurt, taking in his appearance. The wound on his shoulder was now nothing more than a dark purple bruise. Liam wondered how bad the injuries had been before Liam had seen them.
“Are you a vampire, then?” Fern asked. “That was number two on my list.”
“What was number one?” Kurt asked.
“Street magician who desperately wanted to look like a vampire.”
Kurt laughed, sounding delighted. “I don’t know that I’ve had that one before.”
“You need blood?” Fern asked. She put a hand on Kurt’s uninjured shoulder.
He focused his green eyes on her, with no hint of hypnosis now. “I do. But you’re not my only option. I will be fine even if you say no.”
Fern shook her head. “I’m happy to.”
Kurt nodded. “Liam, we’ll be right back. You just rest. Then we’ll get the police here and figure out who did this to you.”
Liam let his head fall back against his cupboard as Kurt and Fern disappeared. He felt oddly calm, and wondered if that was still Kurt’s influence. Even knowing that Kurt was off with someone else, drinking blood from them instead of Liam, didn’t bother him as much as it usually did. Kurt cared for him. Liam had known it, but right now he could feel it, and he thought Kurt could probably feel it back.
Updates Fridays on Ao3 and DannyeChase.com (rated E), and Tumblr (rated T)
Want to create fic, art, or other works based on this series? Please do! Just dm or tag me.
My previous serials are for Good Omens: Mr. Fell's Bookshop and Love's Endless Light
My Carrd
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
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Zadie Taylor-Allen
Zadie Taylor-Allen has grown up in the shadow of her bright, brilliant, and beautiful sister Phoebe. After being sorted into Ravenclaw, Zadie struggled with her feelings of self-worth due to her lack of academic success. She acted out by following the leads of her rebellious friends, but settled down after finding an outlet in playing Quidditch and dancing. Zadie left Hogwarts at seventeen to take a place at the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts, in the hope of following her dreams of being a professional dancer.
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Born: 10th August 2000 (Leo)
Hometown: Bristol, Avon, U.K.
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mixed Race - White and Black British
Blood status: Halfblood
Gender identity: witch (she/her)
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Myers-Briggs Type: INFJ (Advocate)
Strengths: Kind, Creative, Imaginative, Intelligent, Organised, Poised
Weaknesses: Self-Conscious, Self-Doubting, Insecure, Easily-Led, Perfectionist
Interests/hobbies: Dance (especially ballet), Theatre (especially musical theatre), Film, Bullet Journalling, Quidditch
Height: as an adult, 5’5”
Weight: as an adult, 60kg
Hair: very dark brown, kinky/curly
Eyes: brown
Skin: brown, freckles.
Defects: none.
Style: Zadie likes expressing herself through her clothes, though not fashion obsessed she does tend to follow trends to an extent. More than anything, she likes to look and feel good in what she’s wearing.
Faceclaim: Antonia Gentry (Misty Copeland when dancing)
Wand: Willow and Dragon Heartstring
(Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.)
Animagus form: None
Patronus: Gazelle.
Boggart: someone she loves or admires telling her she’s failed them or let them down.
Riddikulus: the person starts to dance.
Amortentia (what does she smell?): Zadie has never smelt amortentia before.
Amortentia (what does she smell like?): rosewater, cinema popcorn, hairspray
Magical abilities: none.
At Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Best subject(s): Flying, Herbology, Muggle Studies
Worst subject(s): History of Magic, Potions
(Zadie is dyslexic and doesn’t like subjects that involve a lot of essay writing or reading lengthy texts/instructions. She enjoys the practical aspects of most subjects and is very clever but struggles under exam conditions)
Third year options: Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy
N.E.W.T.s: None - Left Hogwarts at the end of her sixth year after getting a place at W.A.D.A.
Quidditch position: Keeper (can also play Chaser)
After Hogwarts
September 2017-June 2020: Student, The Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts
July 2020-December 2020: Waitress, The Leaky Cauldron
January 2021-present: Voice Actress, Wizarding Wireless Network
June 2021-present: Backing dancer, Celestina Warbeck’s Spellbody tour
Orlando Mercury Taylor (Father) - Orlando is a half-blood wizard who works in the Department of Magical Games and Sports
Jacqueline Taylor-Allen (Mother) - Jacqui is a university lecturer and economist with two sons from her previous marriage
Alistair Jack “A.J.” Allen (Half-Brother) - A.J. is 13 years older than Zadie, and is a doctor completing training in the field of obstetrics
Liam Allen (Half-Brother) - Liam is a music teacher and is 11 years older than Zadie
Phoebe Taylor-Allen (Sister) - Phoebe is almost five years older than Zadie, a Hufflepuff prefect and straight-O student, who Zadie is often compared to by her teachers
Reva Amari @lifeofkaze - although she can be a bad influence at times, Reva helped bring Zadie out of her shell when she first arrived at Hogwarts, shy and insecure from the pressure she felt to be more like Phoebe
Sage Carridan @kc-and-oc - Zadie looks up to Sage both on the Quidditch pitch and off it
Victoire Weasley - Victoire understands exactly what it’s like to have teachers hear your surname and immediately compare you to your relatives
Love interests: None, yet.
Pets: Zadie has a silver-pointed Birman cat named Alice.
Rivals: None outside of the Quidditch season.
Ancestry: Zadie is the great-great-granddaughter of my HPHL OC Ethel Hexley and @slytherindisaster’s Lysander Mercury
* Zadie is three years younger than most of the HPMA kids but she is open to interactions, just HMU *
The quote in the edit is from Jonathan Larsson’s musical Rent
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captcas · 3 years
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Something to Hold Onto by captcas
Emma Swan has always had two superpowers. First, she can always tell when you’re lying. Second, she can retreat into the magical storybook she was found with to visit her fictional friend, Killian Jones. When Emma gives the book up, she wonders if she’ll ever see Killian again. read on ao3
Phoenix, AZ; November, 2000
Emma slides down the tile wall of the Shell bathroom. Usually she’d do everything in her power to avoid touching anything in a gas station restroom. Right now she can’t find it in herself to care about the amount of infectious diseases she’s being exposed to, her eyes fixed on the two pink lines that just threatened to change her entire life.
Threatened? More like promised.
She jumps when she hears a knock on the door, “Ems? You ok?”
It isn’t until she wipes the tears from her cheeks that she realizes she’s started to cry. Neal knocks again, “Ems! You good?”
Clearing her throat, she musters up the will to answer, “Yeah, uh, just a minute.”
She scrambles for her backpack, desperate for an escape she’s not entirely confident will be there.
It’s been too long.
When her fingers touch the cool leather of the mysterious book that has somehow woven its way into every important moment in her life, a sense of calm overwhelms her. She knows that avoiding her problem isn’t going to change anything, but right now, she couldn't care less. As she settles in her lap, the positive pregnancy test laying the floor in her periphery, she thinks back to the first time it allowed her to escape.
Des Moines, IA; 1989
Emma hears footsteps coming from down the hall and quickly pulls her blanket over her head. She hates the way it makes it hard to breathe but she also fears what’ll happen to her if she gets caught up past curfew again. She holds her breath as the door creaks open and doesn’t move again until the door shuts and the footsteps walk away. Coming out from under the covers, she takes a deep breath of fresh air. Once she’s sure no one else in her bunk is awake, Emma pulls the thick, leather book out from underneath her bed. This book is one of the only things her parents left her; a book, a blanket, and a name. Ever since she could read, and even before, if her foster parents were kind enough, she’s poured into these stories– escaping reality for ogres, pirates, princesses, and true love. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear the stories almost seem ever changing and expanding. She never has to choose what to read, the book opening and picking a story for her– although she finds herself partial to the updates of the young Snow White.
Tonight she opens to a brand new story titled “The Brothers Jones”. She’s never heard of this fairytale, but that’s how most of these stories start out until they twist and turn into well-known characters from movies that the other kids watch to pass time. It seems rather short, but Emma doesn’t mind, especially seeing as it’s way past her dictated bedtime. She hunkers down into her pillow and begins…
Once upon a time there were two brothers. Liam, the eldest, was outgoing and mature, helping their parents around the house and picking up odd jobs around town to help with trips to the market. Killian, on the other hand, was quiet and kind. He often found himself staying home to take care of their mother. At ten years of age he was too young to get a real job, so their father, Brennan, and Liam took care of earning money in hopes to keep their mother alive.
One night, Killian’s mother took a turn for the worse, her breathing slowing until it stopped. The family gathered around, comforting one another over the loss of Alice.
The following days seemed like a blur for the family, preparations for her funeral taking up most of their time. When the day finally came, the Jones boys were distraught. Her burial became too much for young Killian so he took off to the one place which could calm his worries, Brennan and Liam calling after him as he ran. Liam wanted to go after his younger brother but Brennan stopped him, urging him to give Killian some space.
Emma pauses for a second, shining her flashlight over the picture of the two boys which accompanies the start of the story. Her finger traces over the face of the younger one, she thinks to herself that she wishes she could meet this Killian. She glances a moment longer and turns back to the story…
Killian ends up by the docks, his legs moving on their own accord. He finds an empty slip and decides to sit on the end of the pier, crying over the loss of his mother.
Emma suddenly feels as though she’s drifting to sleep. The words seem to be floating off the page and wrapping themselves around her. When a flash of light surrounds her, Emma is sure she’s dreaming. She shuts her eyes in fear, unsure of where this dream is taking her.
Suddenly, her bare feet hit cold ground. She shivers, still too scared to open her eyes, her hands acting as a makeshift blindfold. She hears what sounds like a seagull and smells what she can only imagine is the sea. It’s a comforting quiet disrupted by the soft sound of someone crying. In a quick bout of bravery, the young girl opens one eye. Gasping, she removes her other hand from her face and her eyes grow wide. Sitting in front of her is Killian Jones, the boy from the storybook. She hesitates, but slowly walks towards him. She now knows he’s the source of the quiet sniffling and pauses, unsure she should bother him. Before she can turn around and explore more of her dreamworld, Killian looks over his shoulder and wipes his runny nose on his hand. He looks at her intently, and Emma is drawn to the deep blue of his eyes which seem to shine brighter through his tears. His eyebrows curve in confusion and he speaks, “Who are you?”
His voice is the most beautiful thing Emma has ever heard. His accent is unlike anything she’s heard before, but it’s melodic and reminds her of her favorite song. She hesitates to respond, but somehow feels comforted by his presence. “I’m… I’m Emma. Are you… Killian?”
His eyebrows shoot to his hairline but he gives her a soft smile, “Yes, miss. I’m sorry I don’t recognize you, I’ve never seen you here before.” He scratches behind his ear as she struggles to explain where she came from.
She’s sure she can say anything, she’ll wake up in the morning and Killian Jones will remain the figment of imagination he is, so she’s honest. “Oh! I’m not from here. I’m from Iowa! Well, at least I’m from Iowa right now…”
“Iowa?” Killian questions her once again. “I’ve never heard of such a place. I don’t get to travel much. Is it close to here?”
Emma decides to sit down next to him, both of their legs swinging over the dark water. “I think I’m pretty far from home. One minute I was reading in my bed and the next I was standing behind you.” Emma flinches at her own honesty but reminds herself it can do no harm. She’s finding peace in this dreamworld, she almost feels as though she has a friend.
“Well, Emma, I don’t know how you’re here but I’m afraid you’ve caught me at a bad moment.” He hangs his head, fiddling with a hangnail on his left hand.
“Your mother…” Emma says it in barely a whisper but Killian hears it all the same. She clasps her hands over her mouth.
“How did you––” He looks afraid of her and she hates it.
“Killian, I––,” She reminds herself again he’s just a dream, “The book I was reading… you were–– are a character in it. That’s how I knew your name, and about your mom. I also know about your brother, Li––”
“Killian? Is that you? Killian!” Emma is cut off by who she can only assume is Liam looking for his little brother. She scoots a bit away from him and hides her face in embarrassment while he turns to talk to his brother. Confusion was etched across Killian’s face before they were interrupted.
“Aye, Liam. It’s me. I’m sorry for running, it’s just… mother… she––” Killian is practically toppled over by a hug from Liam.
“I understand, Killian.” Liam looks as though he’s been crying but smiles and rubs his brother’s head. “I’m just glad you’re safe.” It’s then that he notices Emma. “Brother, who is this?”
Killian’s neck heats up with blush and Emma has to suppress a giggle. “Liam, this is Emma of Iowa.”
Emma chuckles loudly this time and Liam looks a bit confused but brushes it off quickly, “Ah, hello Emma. I hope my little brother hasn’t burdened you with our troubles too much. Where is your family?”
Killian mumbles something that sounds like “younger brother” and Liam smirks slightly. She supposes it’s something between siblings and ignores the ache for a family that lives deep in her soul. Emma snaps out of her melancholy to answer, “Oh, um, they’re at home.” She shoots a look at Killian, urging him to help her keep her secret. She once again is warring with the part of her brain which says none of this is real but shoves it down in light of Liam’s stare. “I should be going.”
Killian looks like he’s about to say something when Liam speaks, “Ah, yes, well we should be getting back to our parents as well.” Liam’s voice cracks at the word parents, but he continues his strong facade in front of his brother. “Ready, Killian?”
“Aye, I’m right behind you, brother.” Liam hesitates but turns away to leave Emma and Killian to say goodbye.
Emma speaks first, “I’m so sorry about your mother, Killian.” She looks down at her hands, she’s never had parents, but she can imagine watching one die is not easy.
“It’s ok, Emma. Liam and I will manage.” Emma can tell he’s being brave for her but she lets him continue. “You go home now, I’m sure your parents are worried.”
“I don’t have parents, I’m an orphan.” It bursts out of her before she can stop herself, her innate need to be honest with Killian taking over. She’s scowling now, ready to spit back any pity he throws her way, but when she looks up, all she sees is understanding. He nods at her.
“Will I see you again, Emma? Friends are all too rare in my life.” She smiles softly, happy to have made a friend herself.
“I hope so, Killian.” They smile at one another and she hears Liam call him from a distance. Killian nods once more and runs to his brother, glancing back over his shoulder one last time. Emma smiles, and watches him fade from sight.
As quickly as Emma landed in this world, she is back in her bed. The book sits open on her side table. She grabs it, hoping to see more of Killian’s story to add fuel for the rest of the night’s dreams. Emma is shocked at what she sees. Side by side are the text of her encounter with Killian, and a perfect sketch of the two of them sitting on the edge of the pier. Emma expects to be scared, but instead she’s comforted by the drawing of her and her new friend. She closes her book, and places it in it’s hiding spot, easily drifting off to sleep with memories of ocean air and the sound of Killian’s voice.
Phoenix, AZ; November, 2000
She hasn’t visited him since Ingrid— it’s not fair that she uses him like this, but she needs him.
And he promised. They promised.
With a deep breath, she opens the book and thinks of her friend as the warm light surrounds her and takes her away...
Sea air fills her lungs as she finds her footing– the breeze a sure sign she’s landed wherever Killian finds himself these days. She orients herself by finding the water and spots a ship coming into land– Emma would know that ship anywhere. While she can tell it’s the Jewel, the vessel’s usually regal presence seems tarnished somehow. As it nears the shoreline, she sees Killian at the helm. A smile spreads across her face before she can stop it– he always looked so at home on the water. As he nears the beach, Emma senses something different about her old friend. He’s older, each of them learning long ago moves differently in their separate worlds– almost as they need it to rather than on any set timeline– but she can’t shake the feeling there’s more to it than age.
Killian directs the crew effortlessly, not a single soul arguing with him. The ship hits land and Killian gazes over the side long enough for Emma to notice the heavy space beside him. Something’s missing– someone’s missing. It dawns on her as the ramp hits the sand… Liam.
Killian walks off the ship with a swagger she doesn’t recognize– a false confidence she’s positive only she would recognize as a front. Second guessing her decision– maybe she’d stayed away far too long– Emma reaches for the leather book. Selfishly, she takes one more look at her friend, or the man which used to be. He scans the beach with a stoic look that only falls away when he meets her gaze. A smile breaks out across her face as he runs towards her. She lets go of the book, anxious to learn more about where she is and what Kilian’s been up to. He barely says hello before she's wrapped in his arms choking up at the pure innocence of his laugh when he picks her up and twirls her around.
“Emma Swan!” Killian puts her down, swiping a soft curl from her cheek, “It’s been so long, love.”
Emma can’t speak, she’s changed since they last met, but not like him. Studying him, she releases him from her grasp and her hands trail down his arm, hesitating when her left one hits something foreign. Killian flinches and tucks it under his jacket. She’s still unable to put a finger on what’s different, but her old friend, always sure and steadfast, seems… lost. She can’t help but speak candidly, “Killian, where is Liam?”
He smirks, a mask unfamiliar to her aside from her brief glimpse of him exiting the ship, “Ah, yes, ‘fraid my brother was lost to the sea.” He gazes off before seemingly being startled into remembering her existence, “Emma! You can’t be here, it’s dangerous.”
Emma looks around for the first time since she arrived and realizes this place is unlike any portside town she’d landed in previously. “Where exactly is… here?”
If she didn’t know better– Killian Jones is not afraid of anything– she would’ve sworn she saw fear flicker across his eyes, “Best you not know. Why are you here? Is everything alright?”
His genuine concern reminds her of the pregnancy test she left in the Shell bathroom. Never one to mince words and never sure how long they truly have, Emma breaks the news abruptly, “Killian, I’m pregnant.”
Now she knows its fear– coupled with a brief flash of sadness that she doesn’t have the energy to dissect– that crosses his gaze, “Emma, ho–”
She cuts him off, she doesn’t want to answer the questions, doesn’t want to disappoint him, “It doesn’t matter. I will be ok, I just… needed to see you.”
He nods before turning to a small man in a red beanie who has hovered close by but out of earshot for the entirety of their conversation. “Smee, it will be dark soon. Gather supplies and take the crew aboard. I will return shortly.” The man nods before yelling a feeble attempt to wrangle up the rest of the crew while Killian leads Emma closer to the water’s edge. She knows there’s more to everything happening here than he’s letting on, but she also knows that if he’s not telling her, it’s with reason.
They find a small alcove, hidden from the ship, and Killian takes her in his arms swaying slowly. She can’t help but giggle, “Killian, what are you doing?”
“Just, I know you probably don’t have long, but please– before you go, just– one dance.” She nods, this tradition is one she should’ve seen coming. They danced the first time when Emma was nervous for her first homecoming dance– he taught her how to slow dance. Her next trip was to tell him she’d moved again and never gotten to go to the dance after all– so they swayed once more... that was the last time she’d visited.
As they settle into a comfortable stance, Emma feels something cold hit the small strip of skin exposed at her back. Logically she knows it should be his left hand, but the chill feels metallic. She stops herself from flinching, not at what must be a prosthetic, but at the temperature of the metal. Meeting his gaze, she can tell her lack of response comforts him briefly before the exhaustion and fear returns to his features. He forces a smile before pulling her closer— clearly, he doesn’t want to be here anymore than she wants to be home, so she dances. Killian hums quietly, a melody she’s heard many times before and often sings to herself when she needs the comfort of her friend. They don’t speak at first, the soft sound of his hum and the distant white noise of waves hitting the sand more than enough to fill the air around them.
Emma feels another wave of fear fall over her and breaks the silence, “I don’t really know how, Killian.”
He leans in closer, “It’s easy. Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.” He winks at her and they feel like children again— twirling in fields of flowers and playing along the shoreline. For a moment, she forgets the monumental changes waiting for her at home and just tries to be happy. Killian spins her around, dipping her, and making her laugh like she hasn’t in what feels like her entire life. He slows and begins to hum a different shanty she doesn’t recognize but causes her to sway back and forth all the same. She has to stop herself from jumping when he speaks again, “I know you’re scared, Swan, but you can do this.”
Emma doesn’t tell him that she knows she can’t, that she knows Neal can’t– or that he won’t. Instead, she just savors the moment with her best friend.
Whether he’s real or fiction or an impossible dream stopped mattering long ago— Killian is always here, a constant in her inconsistent life, and that’s worth everything to Emma. She gazes into his eyes, as easy to lose herself in as the ocean, and he looks back. They’re practically nose to nose and Emma can see every scratch, bruise, and line of exhaustion that covers his face.
He’s still one of the most beautiful humans she’s ever seen.
Maybe it’s that realization that causes her to lean in ever so slightly. His eyebrow raises quickly before mimicking her movement. They have history, it’s patchy and incomplete, but it’s theirs and no matter what Emma always finds herself back in this fantasy’s arms.
He’s fiction, always has been, but he’s been an escape all the same. Emma doesn't second guess her decision to kiss him– no harm, no foul when this is all a dream anyway…
But it never comes.
Their moment is disrupted by a loud cawing noise. It almost sounds like a bird, but the way he flinches and the stoic fear that settles across Killian’s face hints that, whatever made that noise, is not to be messed with. His back stiffens beneath her hands before he moves in front of Emma. Using his left hand– no, hook– he pushes aside the tree blocking their view, “I’m sorry, Swan. You need to go. Now.” He turns back to her frantically, and with fear in his eyes growing, she has no choice but to believe him.
Her heart is beating loud enough that she's positive he can hear it too and she’s not sure if it’s the imminent danger or the fact she almost kissed him.
He’s not real, Emma.
Still, the look in his eyes fools her into playing along once again, rushing back towards his ship as darkness falls like a blanket across the beach. Emma stops him, selfishly pulling him behind a bush for just one more moment alone. “When will I see you again?” She isn’t sure why she’s asking when it’s always been up to her.
He smiles at her before pulling her tight, “Just hold onto this— to us and our parallel existences.” His right hand cups her cheek and she takes a moment to find comfort in his warmth, “You’re one of the only reasons I’m alive, Emma Swan. Let me be your something, as you are mine.”
Emma can feel herself crying now, the reality she’s returning to feeling scarier than whatever has Killian rushing her home, but he’s counting on her to survive, so she will. “I’ll see you soon, Killian.”
He smiles at her one more time, bright and hopeful, “Aye, Swan. I’ll be waiting.”
With that, she feels the warmth bubble inside of her as the light surrounds her once again and takes her back. In no time at all she’s sitting again on the dingy tile floor of a gas station in Phoenix. She holds the book close once more before putting it back in her bag. She sighs, remembering Killian’s faith in her, as she grabs the pregnancy test and goes to break the news to Neal.
As she leaves the bathroom, she’s startled by two officers with their guns drawn. As she’s told to raise her hands up, the lifted watch Neal gave her for her birthday catches the harsh fluorescent light and the positive test falls from her hand clattering against the linoleum at her feet.
Phoenix, AZ; August, 2001
“Emma, are you sure?” The doctor questions her as he wraps her crying son in a towel.
She refuses to look, the tears and sweat stinging her eyes. Emma knows if she holds the small boy, she won’t be able to give him up. The doctor turns away, placing the small boy into a bassinet behind him and Emma feels a weight lifted from her. Being given up herself, Emma swore she’d never put a child in that position, but she also never thought she’d be giving birth in prison.
The recollection of her own upbringing sparks something inside of her, “Wait!” The doctor turns around, something like hope in his eyes. Emma knows he thinks she’s changed her mind, but in reality, her decision has only been further solidified by her choice not to send him off alone. “There’s a book. In my personal belongings. It’s leatherbound and full of fairy tales– please, send it with him.”
The doctor looks at the guard who nods before sending their partner to retrieve the storybook. She’ll feel safer knowing even a piece of her— and a larger piece of Killian– will be with her son no matter where he ends up. The book made her feel like her parents at least cared enough not to send her off alone, and she hopes it provides the same comfort for her son.
It can be his something to hold onto.
Slight melancholy aches through her at the realization she’s given up her right to visit Killian ever again. She thinks he’d understand– support her even. Still, Emma smiles softly as the book is placed next to the hospital crib before drifting off where memories of distant lands keep her fast asleep.
Boston, MA; October, 2011
“Another banner year.” Emma blows out the blue star candle, and makes the simplest of birthday wishes. As she begins to unwrap the cupcake there’s a knock at the door. Startled, but curious, she opens it to a young boy looking at her like she’s standing on her head.
“Can I help you?” Emma’s had a long night, and while she could really go for some girl scout cookies, she doubts the small boy outside her door at 8pm is here to sell her any.
“Are you Emma Swan?” He tilts his head as he asks, a simple movement that Emma almost finds endearing.
“Yeah. Who are you?” She’s trying not to be impatient, but she really needs to take a shower and wash off the scum from her skip earlier that evening.
“My name is Henry. I’m your son.”
Well she wasn’t expecting that .
Storybrook, ME; 2011
Henry’s adoptive mother is– something. Regina Mills is not who Emma expected when she spent late nights picturing Henry with a family, but he has a roof over his head and everything he could ever want. And the town, Storybrook, is quaint and safe. Henry seems healthy.
What more could she have wanted for her son?
Maybe to not have the gut feeling that something— no everything — is off in this town.
Regina (aggressively) asked her to leave after dropping Henry off, but she can’t find it in herself to head back to Boston just yet. She wanders into a small diner that touts an attached inn, and the warm atmosphere is beyond inviting. Against all previous plans, she settles herself onto a stool at the bar and orders herself some hot chocolate. As she sips her drink, she takes in the rest of the diner only to realize almost everyone is looking at her. Almost. There’s a dark haired man with his back to her sitting in one of the booths. Emma finds herself fixated on him, and the fact that, unlike everyone else in the diner, he couldn’t seem to care less that she’s here.
A waitress in a short red skirt drops off soup at his table before making her way back towards Emma. “Hey, new girl. You want some food?” Startled by her forwardness, Emma responds with a stutter, “I– uh– no– I’m not– uh.. Why is everyone staring at me?”
The girl– Ruby if her name tag is anything to go by– belly laughs before answering, “Girl, we haven’t had visitors to this town in ages .” Emma isn’t sure how to take that but Ruby doesn’t seem to mind as she keeps talking, “I mean, now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever had a visitor in this diner. Strictly regulars. That’s why they’re staring, hun. Not to mention, you’re pretty easy on the eyes.” She shrugs her shoulder in Emma’s direction and winks with a wolf’s smile.
She’s spunky and Emma likes her, “Well, I’m happy to be your first. Do you have any rooms?”
Ruby scoffs again, “All of them– no visitors remember? Except room 9, Sailor Boy over there has taken up permanent residence in that one.” The waitress motions towards the man in the back booth before flagging down an older woman asking for a room key.
Emma glances again at the dark haired stranger, wanting to know more, but having no real reason to strike up a conversation. Before she can approach him, she’s being handed a key and ushered up the stairs to her room by a pushy old lady that everyone seems to affectionately call Granny. She settles in for the night, her curiosity about the town and its residents only growing the longer she stays.
When she wakes up, it’s to Henry knocking on her door again. She opens to find him practically vibrating, “You stayed?!”
She can’t help but smile at his excitement, finding it hard to tamper her own, “Yeah, kid, I did. Don’t you have school or something?”
Henry smiles, “Not for another hour, wanna grab some breakfast?”
Emma nods and follows her son– not sure she’ll ever get used to that– down the stairs to grab some breakfast from the diner. They order from the counter when all the booths are full, but decide to move when one opens as their food is ready. Emma thanks Ruby, grabbing their plates of waffles, before turning towards the booth just as someone walks behind her. The plates crash to the ground, both her and the man she bumped into bending down to help with clean up. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
“My fault, lass. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
Emma knows that voice– would know it anywhere.
When she doesn’t answer, he looks up at her, concern etched across the animated eyebrows she’s known for almost her entire life. If she wasn’t positive before, she is now, the blue eyes that haunted her dreams for years after giving up the book are staring directly back at her. “Killian?”
He looks stunned, but there’s no recognition in his eyes— eerily similar to their first night so many years ago on the docks. The warmth of his gaze, the excitement at meeting once again, and the hint of infatuation Emma always stopped herself from hoping for are gone without a trace. The unsettled feeling that’s sat in Emma’s stomach since the moment she and Henry crossed the town line the night before seems to boil over. All the air feels as though it’s escaped her lungs, suffocating her as she realizes the only person she’s ever come close to calling her best friend has no idea who she is. Her fear is solidified when he speaks again, “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
@mariakov81​ @lfh1226-linda​ @kmomof4​ @superchocovian​ @pirateherokillian​ @teamhook​ @nikkiemms​
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