#and they act like you're making a big deal out of nothing and that's totally normal for some cats
lcrk · 3 months
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
basketball player ! gojo satoru headcanons
gojo satoru x male reader
warning: short dialogue of homophobia (satoru deals with it swiftly though)
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basketball player ! satoru . . . who is even taller than canon because why would he be a professional basketball player and only 6'3 guys c'mon, bro has to be at least 6'6-6'8. but of course, he's not only gotten bigger, his ego did as well. add the fact that he's a good player...yeah, no one is safe from the cocky, lowkey-asshole basketball player gojo satoru. (except for you !!! because he acts like a complete and total sweetheart to you).
basketball player ! satoru . . . being so shamelessly and publically infatuated with you, his lovely, lovely, lovely boyfriend. he is always on top of you anywhere in public, makes sure you're always courtside, he needs to make sure his baby can see him.
during satoru's matches, he's always focused in. he doesn't really look at you that much and you do understand. he's trying to win, he hates losing. so he gives everything for his team to be the ones on top.
his tall figure moves cleanly across the court, making his team win more than 50% of the time. and when he scores that winning shot, he's running over to you first.
he's bulldozing through the people that are running to him because he can give less of a shit about them. his piercing blue eyes are focused in on you and only you. how your eyes are teary from how proud you are of him for making the winning shot, how high your cheeks are from that charming smile, and how your arms are already open and expectingly waiting for him.
he powers through the crowd and takes you into his arms, grinning into the skin of your neck before pulling away and proudly kissing you in front of everything and all the cameras.
the crowd loves it, the deafening screams from the stands are enough to show for that. they love how openly in love satoru is with you, how completely smitten he is.
his arms are bound around your waist and he's easily hold you up in his arms as he spins the two of you around. you're in your own world as you laugh at his antics and hold on tight to his sweaty torso to not lose balance.
"i love you, sweet boy," he whispers into your ear, looking at the cameras that are all around him with nothing but pure euphoria in his eyes. "i love you so much, couldn't have done it without you. it's all for you, all of it,"
the world can't hear him, but they can read his lips. and twitter falls in love with that moment and use it to set their expectations and standards even higher than they already were.
shoutout gojo satoru for being so obviously in love with you.
basketball player ! satoru . . . who is always photographed beside you. if this man ever comes out of his home, it's only because you're also leaving your shared home and he cannot be alone for the life of him (plus, he just wants to be near his boyfriend all the time). the fans love you guys so much because of how lovey-dovey satoru gets with you, and only you. they've never seen him be so soft for anyone else.
satoru was draped over your back, craning his head down so that his face near yours. with your drastic height difference, it definitely made some passerbys look at you two with wide eyes.
an abnormally tall man trying to shrink himself down to the height of his boyfriend. satoru's arms were hanging in front of your torso, holding your shopping bags in his slender fingers with ease.
he was giggling in your ear, watching the tiktok that was playing from your phone. it was a silly comedy video, pressing his finger to the screen to open up the comments.
and then when it was finally your turn to order your drink at the cafe, he took the phone from you and continued on watching as you ordered. you rolled your eyes at his antics, muttering under your breath about how he was just a big, ipad man-baby.
the woman at the counter took your order as calmly as she could, recognizing you and the towering figure behind you. after ordering, you wordlessly took satoru's wallet out from the bag he was holding and dropped a hefty tip into the tip jar.
after pocketing his wallet back into your pocket, you had to physically drag him from where he was standing because he was so immersed in the tiktoks on your fyp that he didn't realize that you were done ordering.
as you waited by the counter, you took note of how there was now a swarm of papparazzi crowding around the exit of the humble cafe you two were in.
taking note of the mass amounts of people, satoru looked at you with a softness he only uses with you, "do you want me to call the guys? they can clear them up for us before we leave,"
you hummed, thinking about it before nodding, "yeah, these people didn't ask for those annoying cameras to be flashing through the window like that. it's so fucking rude," satoru nodded in agreement, taking out his own phone (which looked like a toy in his huge hands) and exchanged some words with his own team of security.
by the time your coffee was finished brewing and served to you, the papparazzi were being held off by a chain of bodyguards and being held at bay so that you two could peacefully leave the cafe.
the next day, pictures of you two leaving were trending on all social media. satoru's hand was around your shoulders in all of the photos, his hand around your shoulder was protectively blocking the side of your face that was being bombarded by the blinding flashes. a scowl was on his face as he walked through the crowd to your car. he opened the door for you first, walking around the front of the expensive vehicle and flipping the cameras off one last time before getting into the driver's side and speeding off.
"i was in the cafe, trying not to freakk out beacuse oh my god gojo satoru and [name] [last name] were right in front of me. and i swear the moment gojo noticed that he was uncomfortable with the people, he called his team or whatever to get all the paps out!!"
"they're so cute, do you see how gojo is holding him so close??? ughh literally goals!"
"seeing what gojo is like on and off court is crazy, thanks [name] for showing us his soft side <3"
basketball player ! satoru . . . uses every chance he gets to talk about you when he does press conferences or interviews. lovingly calls you his "baby," "hubby," or, "handsome boy."
basketball player ! satoru . . . god forbid someone say some sneaky shit to him about his relationship with you aka his sexuality. if someone tries anything with a backhanded comment about satoru's relationship with you, they will be dealt with swiftly and colorfully (as in, he will be cursing them out with zero remorse and no hesitation). because foh with that homophobic shit, satoru has no patience for that.
"so how have you and the mister been doing, gojo? you're nearly hitting the three year mark!" a very enthusiastic reporter asked, a wide grin on their face.
and satoru felt his lips tug up in a grin at the mention of you, holding the mic carefully as he spoke, "we're doing great, yeah, uhm, we got another cat - even though i told him i wanted a dog. it's a cute addition to our little family."
his response made the reporter only more giddy, going on to ask another question regarding your homey life together, before they were cut off by a rude person in the crowd shouting, "how does it feel to be acting like a fucking bitch dating another dude?! top paid player gojo satoru takes it up the ass!? you're fucking disgusting!"
satoru's eyebrows lifted in surprise at the audacity of the person, his blue eyes scanning the crowd for who was responsible for screaming that.
"sorry, whoever that was, could you just stand up?" he asked into the mic, his once cheerful and laid back tone turning into an intimidating rumble, "c'mon, don't be a pussy, where the fuck are you?"
the security grabbed ahold of the guy and satoru visibly blanched at the sight of him.
"say that shit again to my face, let's hear it," satoru goaded the man, who was now sweating bullets. "oh, don't give me that look! do you really think i'd let you say that shit without any consequences?" a sarcastic laugh left satoru's lips, "look into all these cameras, man, you're fucking ruined. no one wants a homophobic, ugly dude representing them and their company. no, because did you really think i'd let you disrespect my man like that?"
there was a hanging silence in the room as satoru glared at the man.
"don't even think about speaking about my relationship with [name] ever again. or else, you're really fucking dead. it's not a threat, it's a promise. i'll bash your head in," satoru said, slamming the mic onto the table and walking out of the grand conference room. he didn't even flinch at the flashes of the cameras, calmly putting his signature sunglasses down to block out the blinding lights.
that day, the only thing that calmed him down was holding you in his arms. his manager had called you to the greenroom since he was giving everyone a bad attitude, unintentionally, and borderline throwing a tantrum.
when he finally got you in his hold again, he apologized for his behavior earlier.
"don't apologize to me, apologize to your team who had to deal with your bullshit before i came," you lightly scolded him, running your hand through his soft locks. "are you feeling better, though?"
"better now that you're here," he squeezed around your waist, burying his head into your neck, "much better, thank you, baby,"
basketball player ! satoru . . . has his entire social media feed just be pictures of you and what you two do together. whether it's your latest, impromptu trip to hawaii or just a picture of you two cuddling in bed, you're all over his feed. his social media just screams how in love with you he is. his fucking profile picture is of you two cuddling in bed with his jersey very subtly seen as the only thing you're wearing. before that, it was just a picture of him and you kissing that he took when you went on your anniversary trip last year. his bio is the team he plays for, his jersey number, and then a white heart next to your username as he blatantly tags you in his bio. underneath that there might be a, "happily married" with the ring emoji next to it even though you two aren't even married yet.
basketball player ! satoru . . . who would spoil you rotten with everything you ever want. why would he have all this money if not to spoil you??? he just wants to make you happy with anything he can provide, and if part of that is him dropping bands on top of bands on whatever it is you want, then so be it. he doesn't care. he's willing to spend however much he needs to keep you happy and content.
satoru's win had encouraged him to treat YOU out to a mall trip .... even though he was the one who should have been celebrated and treated out since he was the winner.
he cheesily denies that offer by saying, "i'm only a winner because i have you, baby boy, c'mon let me treat you," and then he playfully bites the lobe of your ear to distract you from teh mass amounts of money he is going to spend on you.
that day, you walk out of the mall with a whole bunch of bags (gucci, burberry, dior, prada, etc.etc.) that he's easily holding in his large hands. people notice that there is a new chain around your neck with a cute "g" and "s" charm hanging from it, refracting every bit of light that gets caught in its surface with how blinding the diamonds are. he has a matching one as well, with your initials, which he proudly shows the cameras of the papparazzi as they soon swarm you guys. then he's flipping them off again.
you and basketball player ! satoru are a power couple that the media and fans love. any homophobic comment that reaches satoru's ears are called out and dealt with by his sharp tongue and scary, blue eyes glaring at whoever was dishing out those comments. he's a complete softy for you too and he is NOT one to shy away from that, loves showing off how happy he is with you and ONLY you.
also last bit before i go: he definitely has two photos of you in his wallet. one of them is a cute polaroid you guys took at his family's house for xmas the other is..............promiscuious.
-> next, drabble <3
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bunnliix · 3 months
Most to least likely in Skz to casually give you their black card for purchases
Since I'm having a lil trouble with a writing block today, I figured I'd post this up haha
Also, this is totally inspired by the video of Woozi giving Vernon his card to pay for a bubble wand.
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This man would be so casual about it. You wouldn’t even need to ask. He’d notice that you're getting ready to go out, and instead of handing it to you, because he knows you'd try and hand it back, he would slip it into your wallet or purse for you to find later. He wants to take care of you, and this is one way that he can. He'd also act like it's nothing to give you his card, because to him it truly is nothing. Taking care of you is his biggest priority besides Stray Kids.
2. Minho
He would be casual about giving you his card, yes but it doesn't mean that you'd get it easily. He just wouldn't want to make a big deal about handing it to you for you to buy whatever it is that you want. He'd still be a cheeky bastard about it, just quietly and only for you to see. However, he also enjoys that you allow him to care for you in this way, and never truly minds you using it. Plus you use it to buy treats and toys for his cats, which he loves because his SO loves his cats as much as he does
3. Seungmin
Seungmin would also not make a huge deal about it. He would however be similar to Minho, and be cheeky about giving it to you. He would tease you a bit before and as he handed it to you, but never really withheld it because he knew you wouldn't do anything stupid with it and he enjoys seeing what you bring home from your shopping trips. You always give him little shows of what you bought. And if it's not clothing, you'd just be showing it off while telling him what exactly it is. He'd sit there smiling as this was his reward, listening to you chatting away as you showed off what you used his card for.
4. Felix
Felix would be super sweet about it. He wouldn't hesitate to give you his card, but he also wouldn't be silent about it. He'd make sure you knew that you could use it to buy anything. He'd also say something cute to you as he handed it over. He didn't mind what you bought with his money, he wanted you to feel happy, and if buying things you liked did that, then that was perfectly fine. He knows you'd have such a big smile on your face as you showed off all of your purchases, and no matter how much or how little you spent, it's all worth it to see your smile.
5. Hyunjin
Look, he's here because as much of a drama llama as he can be, I think the drama would more so extend to him begging and pleading to go with you. He'd want to be a part of the shopping experience, not just see the results of it like some of the others would be fine with. So either you'd have to give him a good reason why he can't come with, and then he'd give you the card after some whining, or you'd have to agree to him coming with. You'd still have to show off everything after you got home, even if he went with you. He loves seeing you dress up and show off for him.
6. Innie
He's a menace, he's gonna be loud about giving you his card. He will tease you about it, but only around the boys, he'd never do it publicly, or loud enough to attract strangers attention. He'd never be that much of an ass about it, but you'd have to put up with his antics before he'd hand over that black card. You'd learn that he did it out of a teasing love, knowing that he never had any problem about giving it to you, he just liked to be a menace.
7. Han
Okay, he's going to be pretty braggy to people that he has enough money to spend on you, that he has a black card that he'll freely give out to you. He's told you many times that he doesn't care what you use it for, and willingly hands it to you for even the smallest purchases. He brags to the boys way too much about it, but everyone knows it's because he's proud to be able to provide for you. He also is very touchy as he gives you the card, making sure you know he wants a show when you come back home afterwards.
8. Changbin
This man is going to be the loudest and most proud man about the fact that you're using his card. He doesn't care who hears him, he will brag to everyone about it, but mostly the other boys. He's just so proud to have enough money that allows for him to provide for you. He wants to treat his partner right, and that includes letting you spend his money any way you want. He'd definitely want you to show him everything you bought, even if it's something little and not worth showing off. He wants to see what you liked so much that you bought it. He's just a very vocal person about this, he's the type of person to brag about their partner, and this gives him yet another reason to.
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bubbles0bop · 5 months
Hiii! Can we have some Inumaki, Hakari and Nanami bf headcanons? + Anyone you'd like OFC!! :3
Relationship headcanons with the JJK Men
Includes: Nanami, Hakari, Inumaki, Choso
I like this one, you have good taste. Anddd i did take some liberty of adding choso because i've been feeling like writing him as well
Disclaimers: strong language, no gender specified, mention of smoking
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He's the type of boyfriend that will be spoiling you goddamn rotten
every month is a new bouquet of flowers trimmed and set in a vase on the kitchen counter
same with gifts. you'll come home to see the outfit you liked at the mall but couldn't afford, probably wrapped nicely in a black box
he's very thoughtful and meticulous, especially with dates
he'll plan for a while and make sure it's something you'll love
since he works such terrible hours, he really likes his quality time so he expects to come home to you and do nothing but cuddle or maybe do something like read together
this is random but i feel like he would be a massive critique for no reason
like "sweetie did you notice how tangy this loaf of bread tastes? do you think we should go back there next time?"
or when you're watching a movie it's not uncommon for him to say something like "ugh, this is so unrealistic, she would never fall for that type of trick."
I also think he would accidentally be really into it if you guys watched a kdrama together
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he's the type of guy that would say "wear what you want, i can fight." period.
he loves to talk- a professional yapper, if you will- but you love it
he talks your ear off about his hobbies (gambling) and some stupid people he may have had to deal with that day
he's pretty nonchalant in general and doesn't try to stress a lot over trivial stuff which means fights wouldn't last long
i get kind of a vibe that he would smoke some herb from time to time but he wouldn't shove it in your face if you don't want him to
he would love to share a coffee with you in the morning, and would probably order you both breakfast
i feel like with dates he's totally going to go with the flow but he loves new things so there's always something for you guys to do together, whether it's movies, or clubs.
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your time together can sometimes be... quiet. 😭
i imagine that he's big on physical touch and doesn't care much about PDA (but he won't go too far)
i think his top two love languages are physical touch and acts of service
he's the type of guy that would become your personal nurse if you are sick or get your period
he's also the type where if you were chilling on your phone or reading a book he would do it with you, enjoying some peaceful silence
the jjk fan book mentions that he likes to do Youtube which brings the thought of what would he do on there if he can't exactly talk like the average person?
i'd say he makes cooking videos or posts the pranks that Panda and him do to their friends
he loves to eat with you, it's your thing. he would cook or bring you out to restaurants so you guys could rate the food
you, of course, have also learned his 2nd language over time and unlike megumi, you sometimes respond just like Inumaki does
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honestly if i were to guess, i think he would show his partner love by telling them. very directly.
He's not too much of a cuddler but he'll do it immediately upon your request
He has a dry sense of humor, so dry that no one really knows if it's a joke or not
i think he is more outwardly protective of you than most- so if he catches anyone staring he'll yell at them to 'fuck off!'
I also don't think he would hold his opinions back just to make people happy so if you ask, "how do you think i look in this?" he'll say exactly how he feels- not really in an a insulting way, ever-more truthfully than hurtfully.
he likes to do things that you enjoy, like shopping and he'll help you pick out outfits
he, himself, would probably suggest dates that are calm and intimate, like picnic dates, stargazing, and maybe going out for smoothies/boba
i feel like he would love to try boba after you tell him about it, because he likes sweet things over bitter (like coffee)
i could imagine him being the type to grab your waist from behind while you're busy doing anything
he also really craves your attention when you aren't near him, even if he doesn't say that.
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fairyhaos · 10 months
how seventeen act with their s/o who has lots of natural aegyo
requested by anon: Could I request svt with an innocent or really cute s/o or something like that? Feel free to decline though!
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tries to pretend that he's Totally Chill with how naturally adorable you are, is anything but. doesn't like when you're directing your big doe eyes at anyone else, however, and always has an arm snaking around your waist and pulling you against him while frowning at the person you were talking to bc how dare they have your cuteness directed at them??? your cute pout and unintentional aegyo are saved for His eyes and his alone
the Weakest for you omg. all you need to do is look at him with big, sad eyes and he’s falling to your feet ready to do your every command. what do you want, baby? just tell it to jeonghan and he'll move mountains for you. seungcheol laughs at him for being weak, but what can he say? you don't even realise how unintentionally cute you are all the time, so it's not exactly like he can tell you to stop. he loves you too much to not do everything you want, and your adorable nature that makes it impossible for him to refuse you is just a bonus. 
raises a finger and says that no it is Not right to use your cuteness as a weapon against him bc what do you think he's gonna do? give in instantly?... you're absolutely right tell him exactly what you'll want and he'll give it to you right this second. finds himself laughing when you're being naturally adorable, pinching your cheeks and telling you that your expression was just so cute before he immediately mimicks what you were doing, all gooey doe-eyed and it makes you laugh and hit him until his face melts back into that familiar adoring expression
doesn’t know what to do with himself. you’re just so adorable oh my god he cannot deal with your level of cuteness??? hands fluttering everywhere and giggling whenever you come up to him, all shy and wanting to ask something to him. it probably takes him a good few seconds to stop squishing your cheeks and petting your head to finally register what you’re saying, but damn he’s just so so utterly whipped for you when you’re all unintentionally cute and he’s doing anything you want in the blink of an eye. but really. if he’s being truly honest, he’d probably do it anyway.
loud. enamoured. fake sobs and wails and squishes your cheeks so hard that you can't finish the rest of your sentence. he Will sometimes look over at you and cry out about how cute you are just randomly while you're sitting there doing absolutely nothing. expect endless praise and compliments from this man. probably calls you a bunch of sickly sweet nicknames like "flower" and "sugar" because you're just that adorable and sweet to him
he's not ashamed to admit that sometimes just looking over at you has him losing his train of thought. what can he say? anyone would feel their words trail away from them if they looked up from the table to see you watching them intently, eyes attentive and sparkling with utterly adorable adoration. he's stopped talking countless times, smiling and leaning over to kiss your cheek while you laugh and ask him why he's suddenly paused the conversation. 
he tries to pretend he’s not affected by it, but he’s really affected by it. like, really really. it doesn't help that you're totally unaware of your natural cuteness. sometimes he'll just sit there blinking at you for a long moment before having to duck his head to hide his pink cheeks because goodness, you really are such a cute person and he loves you so much. pretends to grump and push you away when you pester him while pouting, but he's trying to hide his own small smile at your behaviour
blinks at you as you stare at him, wide-eyed and adorable before having to huff out an endeared breath of laughter and pinch your cheeks and asking you if you could repeat what you were saying? it makes it even more adorable how this is just How You Are, unintentionally and naturally cute, and he'll never tell you how sweet he thinks it is but everyone can tell how enamoured he is with your natural aegyo
if it was possible to combust from how adorable someone is, then mingyu would probably have died several times by now. he Cannot handle it at all, and does Not pretend that he can in the slightest. smooths back your hair, cooing and calling you his adorable little angel and will genuinely squeak with adoration when you giggle, shy from his compliments. treats you like you're the most precious, most delicate, most cherished person in the entire universe. 
unintentionally engages in countless aegyo competitions with you, bc your natural cuteness sets him off and leads him to being all cutesy back to you, which in turn accidentally encourages you to be even more adorable than before. seungkwan's walked in on the two of you talking in pout to each other more times that he's liked to witness. you two together are cuteness overload, and there's a betting pool going on for when the honeymoon phase of your relationship will end. (jeonghan says never, and currently it looks like he's the one that'll win the bet) 
squeaks and coos and dotes on you like you're a cute little puppy (bc honestly that's exactly what you are in his eyes) and will do absolutely anything you asked. you might have to repeat your requests to him several times though, because he keeps getting distracted by the stars in your eyes. gets fake-mad at how adorable you are and tells that this Shouldn't Be Possible until you're giggling and smiling over his fond tirade over how much he loves you
spends an unhealthy amount of time just Staring at you throughout his day as you do normal, daily things. literally has hearts emanating from his gaze because he literally is just that enamoured by you. does everything you ask and everything you don't ask, too, because honestly, given the amount of hours he spends watching you with adoring eyes, it would be decidedly Not normal if he didn't learn how to read your body language and immediately and instantly anything you ever need ever
stood there starstruck the first time he had your unintentional aegyo directed at him before snapping out of it and making it his Mission to get you to understand just how goddamn powerful your pout and cuteness was and trying to help you utilise it to help get you (and him) out of sticky situations with the other members. kinda keeps forgetting to actually teach you tho. bc he keeps getting sidetracked by how utterly adorable and pretty your eyes are. 
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @hanranghae17 @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu
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Born leaders + Jamil discovered that Yuu is a girl?
I know I definitely did Malleus but here are the others! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Riddle Rosehearts 
• "W-what?"
• I'd feel like the time that he gets to know is much later than Ace and Deuce
• And I can see him being angry at them because of it
• In truth he's angry with himself he didn't notice before 
• But he'll be a bit awkward 
• a blushy baby <3
• Still just trying to compute your not a boy he was sure you were
• "So...have you been well...?"
• He's a bit fidgety but after you tell him not much has changed and you still want to be his friend
• He lightens up
• He's not going to admit he has feelings for you
• He's going to rationalize this as just being excited of the new challenge
• Yeah, that's it
• So he totally is justified when he is using his unique magic to rectify the students
• Inappropriate comments? Rude gestures? Having genuinely nice pictures to fawn over?
• "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! And I'm confiscating this..."
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Leona Kingscholar 
• "Finally the sheep sheds their wool."
• Don't sleep on Leona!!
• Those lion senses sniffed you out in the garden 
• He keeps acting tough with you around your friends but he knows
• He honestly always treated you differently just not openly
• He let's you sleep in his room during Azuls seige on Ramshackle 
• Now since your no longer hiding it he doesn't either
• And while we know he treats ladies more politely 
• It's on a more comfortable level with you
• So while typically he wouldn't ever invite a women to his bed 
• He has no qualms scooping you up and carrying you away
• It's one of the less violent ways he scares off students from being anywhere near you 
• "Oi prefect, lay with me."
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Azul Ashengrotto
• "W-what?! I-is this a thing that's often done on land?!"
• He's shocked 
• reeling back the confidence for someone succinct and docile
• He's not openly jumping at a deal to screw people over especially if they're close to you
• But after that he's probably even worse 
• He finds that he so much more efficient when you're an incentive
• And not to mention the business opportunities 
• Paying for pictures, him getting pictures of you, selling some and then keeping the best ones for himself
• He's shy when you talk directly to him 
• You're just so precious
• I can see him trying to spoil you from afar 
• "I-im just...building rapor with her, yup. It has nothing to do with how she complimented me."
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Kalim Al Asim
• "Okay!"
• His friendly party nature doesn't change
• He doesn't stop with his hospitality 
• And if you didn't know any better you'd say he's clingier
• Feeding you more when you start trying to leave
• Or having a really long display before he's like:
• "Oh its so late why don't you stay until tomorrow!"
• Using his magic carpet to abduct you from whatever your doing
• Or getting you swept up in whatever activity he's enraptured himself in
• He knows by now he isn't the only one after you 
• And he knows he's not the smartest
• But he knows that everyone loves fun 
• And in turn you'll like him
• "Ne (Y/n)-san come ride with me to see the Scarabia moon!"
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Jamil Viper
• "How'd I miss this?!"
• He's angry at himself
• how'd he nor notice!!!
• He'll mostly dwell on it for a little while 
• Thinking of the possibility of Kalim wanting to pursue you 
• But ultimately he knows they'll either refuse or scare you off
• If he doesn't decide to take you as one of many wives
• He'll mostly not make too big a deal about it
• Unless he starts to see the way Kalim misses on cues or doesn't realize when others a flirting with you
• He may not be able to take the dorm from Kalim 
• But he can surely take you 
• But if push comes to shove he'll partner up 
• With Azul? no way
• Kalim or really anybody he deems to be easy enough to control 
• "(Y/n) can you look me in my eyes and tell me you want to leave."
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Vil Shoeinheit 
• "Im sorry (Y/n). I've made the mistake of including you with the potatoes.."
• All he means is if he knew you were a girl sooner he would have forced you to cultivate your feminine wiles sooner
• Watch out Epel your the next victim of his dance mom craze
• He's going to send Rook or whatever unlucky student he influences to retrieve you
• Makeup, face masks, facial routine, wardrobe change
• You name it he's doing it
• And he'll say this all to train you 
• But he's honestly just enjoying you relying on him 
• Whether your into it or not your not you're not going to stop someone who's willing to pamper you
• And he loves to pamper you 
• Loves you having to answer to him
• In a way I can see him making you match his level of beauty so that you have no reason to deny him on the grounds of being imbalanced in your relationship
• "Strut! Did I say walk funny like those potatoes (Y/n)!" 
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Idia Shroud 
• "Y-your a-a g-girl?!"
• Flustered and thrown off 
• Finds out while watching on one of the multiple cameras he has trained on you throughout the day
• Mini panic attack before finally getting over it
• Finds himself getting incredibly upset with anybody with immediate contact with you 
• Or even worse is actually able to talk to you
• He'll kick himself as many times as he wants 'but youre just too hot to talk to!!!'
• When he is forced to talk to you he's patting himself on the back after his initial blushy shock
• But when he gets the gumption to have Ortho invite you to play some games 
• He's both thrilled and horrified 
• But should some no-good npc distracts you with something else
• He's enraged and he pulls out all the stops
• "So this NPC feels like he's won (Y/n)? Think again because I'm the boss here!?"
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jji-lee · 2 months
HI!! i’m doing great, sorry for the late reply i am on vacation! kinda inspired by jim and pam’s valentine’s day fight from the office (if you’ve seen it) it’s not so much an argument because i’m bad at dialogue but it’s a little couples spat. hope you enjoy anyways! ☺
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it had been tense since jeno woke up that morning. it was valentines day and you wanted to make it special for him since the last one he had been on tour. you woke up early to make him his favorite breakfast, taking the time to cut out little hearts from all of the fruits. but of course your exhausted boyfriend had slept through breakfast, having had practice till late the night before. he had taken off from practice today to "spend time with you" but he had only been spending time with his bed. you cleaned up breakfast deciding that it wasn’t that big of a deal, you had the rest of the day planned anyways. when jeno had finally woken up you were getting ready to go on a bike ride with him, your go to date activity, but you were met with a groggy smile telling you, “not today baby hm? just a little tired, but i made us dinner plans at 7 today okay?” so you complied taking off your biking gear and heading to the living room to watch some tv. jeno came out lazily and laid on the couch next to you resting his head on your thighs. as 6 rolled around you decided to get ready for dinner looking through your closet for your new dress. you heard rustling in the bathroom assuming jeno was also getting ready. by 6:45 you were finished, stepping out of your room to show jeno your outfit. as you stepped out you were met with a very laid back boyfriend, wearing jogging pants and a hoodie, he looked up at you eyes widening when he saw your appearance, “shit baby is it 7 already? i totally blanked on dinner, i can get ready real quick and tell them we hit some traffic so they don’t charge us for being late.” he stood up quickly going to your shared room to get dressed, you stopped him. “forget it jen, i’m not even hungry, let’s stay home and do nothing like we’ve been doing all day” jeno stared at you, confused by your sudden attitude, “what do you mean ‘do nothing,’ i took the day off to be with you?” you let out a deep breath, “you didn’t take a day off to be with me you took a day off to catch up on your sleep jeno, don’t act like today’s been ALL about me” he tilted his head to the side staring at you bewildered, “is this about the biking? baby we bike every chance we get, we’ll do it next time i have free.” you pushed past him leaning on the couch for support as you took your heels off, “yes jeno, this is about the biking and breakfast and this stupid dinner that you planned and forgot about, i tried to make everything special for us today and you just slept through it all, i look like an idiot running around planning stuff for my boyfriend who doesn’t even care” he walked towards you grabbing your chin, “you think i don’t care? you think getting a last minute spot at your favorite restaurant is easy? you think being away from you everyday is easy?” your eyes began to water as he let go of your chin walking towards the door “i’m sorry for being tired today, it’s my first day off in months, you think i didn’t want today to be special too? i’m sorry okay? i feel like shit cause i ruined your valentine’s day.” you heard jeno's voice crack as he spoke, back turned towards you, “i just, i can’t keep going back and forth, not today, if we’re gonna keep fighting then i’ll just meet the guys at practice, tell them our plans got cancelled,” he slipped some shoes on, grabbing his coat to leave, you stopped him, hand grasping his shirt. “don’t leave please, stay, stay with me and fight, we’ll yell all night if we have to.” he stopped and turned to face you, “you really wanna fight on valentine’s day?” you gave him a soft smile, “yes, stay with me and fight, just, don’t go.” jeno wasn’t gonna leave, not even if you begged him.
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bratphilia · 7 months
would it be a bother to ask for a fic w a tomboy reader and william afton? ive been on such a kick w william afton x reader fics here since i watched the movie and i love all of them but i am not feminine in the slightest so if you could write one id be so grateful!! and age gap and size difference too would also be sooo 👌👌👌. thank you so much!!!
note ✧.*‎ this was a lil hard for me to write considering im on the girly-er side so if anything looks weird in relation to the premise i apologize in advance!! also so sorry for getting this out a lil later than promised.
pairing ✧.*‎ steve raglan / william afton x reader
cw ✧.*‎ age difference (reader is 18-21, william is 45-50), degrading, spanking, approximately two slaps to the face, blow jobs, rubbing through jeans? idk what to call that, coming in pants (fem)
taglist ✧.*‎ @dilfity
synopsis ✧.*‎ while attending yet another meeting with your career counsellor, he has a few choice of words for you.
jeans (w. afton x reader)
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you sit in mr. raglan's office, trying to sit straight up, legs crossed, not bouncing. he slightly shifts in his chair as he reads your file, moving his spinning chair from side to side, as he mentally scrutinizes your report. it's nerve-wracking. anyone in your shoes would feel this way, but the way he's intently reading over every little detail makes you squirm.
the worst part is, this isn't even the first time you've been in this exact position. it wouldn't be so bad if mr. raglan wasn't such a hard ass on you. always practically demanding answers of why you keep getting let go from the jobs he gives you, criticizing the tiniest details. nothing gets passed this guy, and yet here you are.
(there's something that almost riles you up about the way he talks to you, though. he has a habit of talking with those big hands of his in a way that makes your insides twist.)
"so you sit here in front of me..." he pipes up suddenly, looking at you then lifting a brow, "wearing jeans to a meeting, for christ sake, asking for yet another job, so what? you can get 'let go' again?"
"well, yes," you say, a little dumbstruck at his comment on your attire.
mr. raglan laughs shortly. "i got news for you, kid. people with your kinda track record don't exactly find jobs as easy as you think they do."
you hold back from rolling your eyes. your fists clench at your side angrily. you speak through gritted teeth, "look, i just need a job. i'll take anything, i'm desperate."
"hate to break it to you, but things just don't work like that—"
you've had it. "will you just stop being such an asshole and give me my damn options already?! i didn't come here to be lectured."
you're seething, breathless from your outburst. your heart is pounding but nothing can beat the jaw-slacked look on his face. there's a deafening silence that has you on the edge of your seat. then, shortly, "you come here for advice, and i'm giving it to you."
you want to say something again, you open your mouth to do so, but he raises a hand to silence you promptly. "you said you're desperate, hm? want my real, useful advice?"
you stare at him, not liking the direction of this conversation or his weirdly tone of dripping malice. "get the fuck on your knees then."
it's hot, you'll admit it. and he's the whole package too, total dad-i'd-like-to-fuck and all. this isn't your type of deal, but if he's gonna offer it to you, fuck it, you'll take it. you'll take everything this man gives you. "mr. raglan—" you say, purposefully furrowing your brows, trying to act scandalized for godsake—
"get your ass over here," he scoffs with a roll of his eyes.
you shut up, perking up at that, and make way to the open space between his legs. "look at you, you degenerate thing. on your knees for such a cause."
your head swims and the buzzing between your thighs becomes far too apparent to be ignored. but you're willing to wait for that relief. you part your lips expectantly, hoping he'd get the message to undo his pants and he just laughs at you. "filthy fucking thing wants my cock in her mouth so bad."
"uh-huh," you say, mouth still open.
he does away with all the restraints and guides his cock into your mouth. eagerly, you take him and lick up the underside of his dick, eliciting a groan from him. he makes a fist around your hair and guides your mouth up and down his cock, not caring about what you can and can't take and you fucking love it.
the noises of him hitting your gag reflex is music to the mouth of your ears. the way you push him out only for him to slide back in is truly a marvel. and the grunts, groaning, and degradations that come from him makes you want to take him even faster, more than what your body can handle, and he just laughs it off, commenting on much of an "eager, filthy thing" you are.
when you feel his helping hands thrust your mouth more erratically is when he decides to pull you off. he uses your hair to stand you up and practically shove you against the desk, back facing towards him. you yelp in pain, only adding to the ache in your stomach. he stands to his full height and you gulp. fuck, he's so much bigger than you, of course he can just throw you around like that. when you ask him if you should remove your clothes, he pauses for a moment, thinking. then, mischievously, "no, i want to make good use of those jeans."
curiously, you look back at him, but his fingers are pressing against your clothed pussy. he presses hard, letting the fabric grind on you. "oh, fuck," you moan.
"yeah? you like that?" he asks gruffly, rubbing your clit through your pants from side to side. usually this stimulation wouldn't be enough, but fuck you were so hot for him that you didn't care. "fuckin' dressed like a boy," he scoffs.
tears burn in your eyes, partly from his words, the other part from the stimulation. then he slaps you across the face. "i asked you a fucking question."
"yes!" you cry, moving a hand to rub at your stinging cheek. he grabs your hand and then slaps the other side of your face, just for fun. a few tears slip down your face at his physicality, but doesn't change that fact that you, "love it so much!"
"think you deserve to come?" he asks. "after that shit you pulled. you think you deserve it?"
you sniffle, knowing damn well what his answer's going to be. "well, i don't."
he removes his hands then promptly wipes them on his pants. you sob out, grasping for his hands but he pushes off of you. "you better come back with a better attitude if you expect anything more than what i gave you."
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prettyboyrry · 1 year
hi!! i’m so so sorry i haven’t posted any content in a week but i’m back :)) i totally did not expect you guys to like that last one as much as you did but i appreciate it so much. this one is actually based off of an audio from my absolute favorite nsfw va ever so please please please go listen to it before you read. i kind of did some things different just for fun but the concept was too good not to write about. hope you enjoy<3 below is gonna be a link to jupiters audio :)
I flinch as the same stupid jump scare pops up as the last 15. If you told me this morning instead of having a chill day to recharge and cuddle with my beautiful girlfriend I'd be sitting in a movie theater watching a movie she was oh so excited to see that it deterred her from cuddling with me, I'd be pissed.
Which I fucking am. I'm sitting with my arms crossed, my lips in a pout and my eyebrows furrowed together just to make it all the more dramatic. This isn't even that aggravating I just wanna make her feel good so we can go home and she can hold me like I deserve after being so good for her all week.
"What's the matter baby?" I'm snapped out of my angered internal rant by abby's sexy raspy voice I have to pretend doesn't affect me so I can keep up my act. It's so hard when she's looking at me with that smirk on her face that makes my cheeks warm up.
"Nothing." I grumble, not very politely might I add. I can see her intake a deep breath trying to calm herself before she answers me. My attitude clearly being uncalled for. I know this isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it but I just want her attention so bad I'm losing it.
"You wanna try that again?" She asks. I flit my eyes over to her to check her demeanor and she's becoming more and more aggravated with me by the second which is valid I'm getting snappy with her but it's for a good reason. Kind of.
"Nope i'm good." I reassure her but she doesn't miss the way I roll my eyes at the end for good measure. I just want her to fucking touch me at this point it's what I've been craving all week but all she wants is to see a dumbass movie we could've watched in the comfort of our own home instead we're now surrounded by a bunch of college students who had nothing better to do.
"I really hope that it's just because it's dark in here i just saw your eyes roll" she assures me "because you would never ever be that rude to me right?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" i whisper to her,"just shut up and watch your movie you care about oh so much"
She raises her eyebrows at what I've just said to her. I'm practically shaking at what's to come. The anticipation is killing me. Is she gonna let us go home? Keep watching the movie? Or mayb-
My internal rambles are cut off by her snaking her hand between my thighs and cupping my heat. I bring my hand down to the arm of my chair and grip it tightly. The feeling of her large hand on my clothed cunt are nothing short of orgasmic.
"You know" she starts, leaning over whispering into my ear "I've been teasing you all week waiting for you to get this needy. I saw your puppy dog eyes when i came in from work waiting to be fucked like the good girl you are and knew I had to mess with you. I don't wanna see this stupid ass movie"
My breathing hitches when I feel her pull down my panties from under my skirt and the cold air hits my pussy. I groan watching her slide my panties into her pocket.
"But what I do wanna see, is you try to keep quiet while i fuck you around all of these people." She says in a husky voice that's making me practically drool.
I gasp at the revelation and that's when I finally notice the shape of her strap sitting pretty in her grey sweatpants. I squeeze my eyes shut when she starts to use her thumb to rub circles onto my clit not starting off slow at all but going at a pace that's making me soaking wet. I let out a strained whimper but remember where we are so I quickly jerk my head over to her and shove my face into her neck leaving hot kisses to try and quiet myself.
"Fuck, you're so hot" she groans,"I'm gonna put my fingers in now okay?"
"yes yes mhm," i cry pathetically to her, feeling so embarrassed at how worked up i already am.
"I bet they're gonna slide right in at how fucking soaked you are" she practically laughs at me "such a whore, hm?"
I nod frantically grabbing onto her bicep hoping she gets the memo and puts her fingers inside me.
"nuh uh" she tutts "when I ask a question you answer it"
"Yes yes abby i'm your whore, all yours" i whine," please."
"shhh" she says "need you to be quiet baby, I know you're needy but do you want everyone to know that you're my little whore?"
"Actually, don't answer that" she rephrases, knowing what my answer was gonna be.
I go to make a snarky remark but am cut off when she skips warming me up and slams two fingers into me.
"oh god please" I don't even know what I'm begging for at this point I just want her.
My brain has turned into complete mush because all I can think about is the way she's curling her fingers just right into the spot that has my eyes rolling into the back of my head and my teeth biting into my lip so hard I can feel myself bleeding a bit.
I cry out desperately when a particularly harsh thrust is delivered and I let my pitiful moans out.
I whip my head up when she stops thrusting her fingers into me to see her practically seething at me.
"Your moans are for me and for me only" she orders,"so what's the issue hm?"
"i know i know m'sorry" I apologize "i'm trying to stay quiet but I can't"
"fix it" she says very sternly.
"yes ma'am" i respond politely.
I immediately fuck up when she slips her fingers back into me with no warning so of course I let out a small moan I couldn't mask. She smirks knowing I was gonna do that and looks up at me darkly.
"poor baby, doesn't know how to listen" she says in a sweet tone but what she's about to do to me is everything but sweet, "it's okay honey, I'll help with that."
Before I can ask what she's gonna do, two fingers get shoved down my throat.
"Since you don't know how to be quiet I'm gonna do it for you huh baby" she asks, knowing I can't answer.
She continues what she's doing under my skirt but instead of just pumping her fingers at an incomprehensible pace, she adds her thumb, continuing the circle motion she was doing on my clit earlier. The combination of the two makes me double over gripping the arms of my theater chair tightly trying to get some type of leverage.
The erotic feeling of this combined with that fact that we could get caught at any moment makes my let out a shaken moan into her fingers that are covered in my saliva. My abdomen begins to tighten when she continues hitting that same spot inside of me that makes me scream. I've had some of the most life altering orgasms when I'm with her but this time it feels completely different.
"mm i-" i try to speak to her through the fingers that i mine as well be choking on with a frantic look on my face at the feeling that's washing over me.
"I know I know lovie," she hums working me through it,"just let it happen"
I nod at her, feeling safe.
"fuck fuck I'm coming, oh my god please" i chant out a mantra of her name and curses as a feeling hits me I've never felt before all at once. My body is twitching all over and my legs are shaking so violently in my seat that she lays her arm across them so no one notices. The feeling that's happening in my stomach is making hot tears stream down my cheeks.
"holy fuck that was hot" she says gruffly after I come down from the most intense orgasm I've ever had.
I look down to find a small puddle of my orgasm in the seat below me realizing that I just-
"I've never made you squirt before what the fuck" abby is looking at me astonished.
"I made a mess" i look at her with a pout slightly embarrassed at this new experience but also feeling like I'm on cloud nine.
"mhm," she hums, pulling me onto her lap facing her "and you're gonna make another one on my lap."
I'm caught off guard when she slides her sweats down just enough to where her dick comes out of her pants. She grabs onto it sliding it back and forth on my sensitive folds making me shudder. I remember we're in a movie theater when she grabs the blanket we brought with us and places it over the both of us to cover the lewd scene happening underneath.
"Can't have everyone seeing your pretty little ass grind on my cock now can we?" she questions me.
"no abby" i whine, "may I have a kiss"
"Of course you can angel" she smiles leaning in planting a long, loving kiss on my lips that reassures me that we're both on the same page and I'm always safe with her.
"Now be good for me and fuck yourself on my cock" she orders, to which I immediately comply to.
I grab onto her shoulders for leverage and bounce lightly up and down onto her to get any sort of friction getting rid of the achy feeling in my tummy from how much I've wanted her.
"The next time you think about being a little cunt to me instead of telling me what you need" she punctuates her sentence by thrusting up into me very harshly making me bite down on her shoulder "I hope you remember how hard it's been to stay quiet in a movie theater and how if you would've just asked for what you wanted at home I would've given it to you and more"
I continue grinding fast and hard on her lap feeling her cock bulge out of my tummy at the angle.
"m'sorry just want you now please" i whine into her ear.
"I know you are baby, it's okay" she reassures me.
My orgasm is coming much faster than the first one due to how sensitive I am so all I need are a few more thrust before that familiar feeling in my belly starts to form.
"god i can hear how soaked you are over the movie" she whispers into my ear trailing hot kisses down my neck. I gasp out into the air when I'm hit with a harsh thrust from her and her very last kiss lands on my boob where she stays, sucking and biting down softly creating bright red hickies.
This is all I need before I'm thrashing against her begging for mercy as she notices my lack of grinds, taking over and fucking up into me clearly not caring about the people around us helping me ride my orgasm out.
"abby, fuck, they're gonna hear me" i cry to her.
"shhh it's ok darling keep going" she hushes me bring her hand down between us rubbing my clit in circles as my orgasm ends making my legs shake in overstimulation.
I freeze when I hear a voice other than abby's but before I can look my head is being covered by a blanket.
"Is she alright" the other voice asks.
"yeah she's fine" abby says in a bored tone clearly pissed we were interrupted.
"just checking" the person says to which abby hums to.
"thanks" is all I hear from her before the person's footsteps lightly fade away.
Abby lifts the blanket from my head smoothing back my hair and pecking my lips three times.
"round three at home?"
i wrote this half asleep so really hoping i don’t regret publishing this tomorrow but bye bye ily mwahh
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frenchkisstheabyss · 6 months
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❄️ Pairing: ot8!stray kids x reader
❄️ Genre: fluffy fluff
❄️ A/N: I haven't really been in a festive mood this holiday season but then I got this request and it was such a stinkin cute idea that now I'm feeling a lil merry and bright so I'm really happy that I got it. As always, hope ya'll like it.
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❄️ Bang Chan ❄️
Chan wastes no time trying to cheer you up, insisting that it's really not that big of a deal. "It's not bad. There's nothing wrong with food being a little well done, yeah?" He's the first to make a plate, complimenting you every few bites. You tell him that he doesn't have to eat it, you don't even wanna eat it, but he doesn't stop until his plate's clean. With all of the work you put into cooking, he could never let your efforts go to waste. Next year though, he'll totally be in the kitchen helping you. For bonding purposes...of course.
❄️ Changbin ❄️
Binnie's already doing what he can to make the food edible before you even have time to go into meltdown mode over burning everything. The thought of letting you trash it never crosses his mind. If it takes him ten minutes to pick off the burnt parts he'll do it. It means a lot to him that you cooked Christmas dinner so he'll go to whatever lengths he must to get it down. God forbid any of the others hesitate for too long or outright refuse to touch it. "Eat it or I'll kill you! Uh, I mean, eat it. It's good." He's not being nice when he says that either. He actually ends up liking it.
❄️ Hannie ❄️
Han's part of the reason that you ended up burning the food. He has 1001 different thing he wants to do with you and he wants to do all of them while you're cooking dinner. You find yourself hanging ornaments and decorating gingerbread houses when you should be keeping an eye on the stove. He feels guilty for distracting you so he grabs a fork and shoves as much food into his cheeks as he can fit. You can't quite make out much besides "Delicious" and "Mmm" between his aggressive chewing but that only makes it more adorable. How could you be mad at that face?
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❄️ Lino ❄️
Lino's reaction alerts the entire house that you've burned Christmas dinner. "Oh my gooooosh!" he gasps, going from dish to dish like a judge on one of those food competitions. You've never seen anyone side eye your food this hard. Sensing that you might be upset, he quickly switches gears and tries to act excited to eat. He even helps make plates for the others before disappearing with his own. He lies and says he ate it, that it was the best thing ever. He didn't and you know that but Lino doesn't usually protect feelings so you find it sweet that he does it for you.
❄️ Hyunjin ❄️
Hyunjin shows no signs of concern when he lines up to grab his plate. The holiday season has him feeling more hyper than usual, nearly putting him in Han territory, so he's your #1 cheerleader. "Food looks good" he sings, doing a happy dance on his way to the table. Actually eating the food is a different story though. His facial expressions always betray him and it's impossible to ignore the regret seeping through his forced smile. He really appreciates you, thanking you a bunch for cooking, but for sure spits the food out into a napkin or two. Or three.
❄️ Felix ❄️
Felix immediately gives you a hug, telling you not to feel bad about it. Christmas isn't about the food. It's about the experience of being together afterall, isn't it? He tries to distract you by asking about the different dishes you've made. "A family recipe? Oh, that's beautiful. From your mom or..." Of course, his endless rambling is meant to make you feel more comfortable. At least mostly. A small part of it is to take attention away from the fact that he's only been pretending to nibble at his food which is fine. He makes up for it by volunteering for clean up duty.
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❄️ I.N ❄️
Innie stares at his plate in shock, not quite sure what to make of it. He performs surgery with his utensils, picking apart the food in an attempt to decipher what's what. After a minute or so of silence, he has a sudden revelation. "You're a genius! Why didn't I think of this?" Somehow, he has it in his head that you did this on purpose to avoid being chosen to cook in the coming years and he thinks you're the coolest person in the world for trying to game the system. All of this while scrolling his phone for takeout places cause he's still gotta eat and it still won't be what you made.
❄️ Seungmin ❄️
Seungmin doesn't even make it out of the kitchen with his plate. He takes one look at it and scrapes it into the trash. "You want me to starve! What did I ever do to you?" With his stomach grumbling, he makes his way over to one of the gingerbread houses and dismantles it to create his own makeshift dinner. He may tease you about it for a bit, acting pouty over the fact that he hasn't eaten all day but once he's done pouting he makes you come eat with him. Who needs a traditional dinner when you have the shambles of some gingerbread man's estate to devour?
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cringe-but-proud · 5 months
Would you do a 1610 miles morales request where he and the reader became close at visions and she figures out he’s Spider-Man so he tends to go to hers when needing comfort/help so one night after patching him up, they end up sharing a bed cause he’s too hurt to go home and they’re both flustered and cute cause they clearly like each other?
Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Warnings: light swearing, mentions of pain/injury, reader and miles share a bed (NOTHING SPICY 😑)
A/n: First non-second person POV fic on here. As always, my requests are open 🥳
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Tonight had been pretty rough for Miles. He had gotten in a pretty bad fight with some guys that were trying to rob a jewelry store. He had stopped them, which was good, but his entire body felt sore.
So, like always, he made his way over to her apartment.
This had become a sort of regular thing for him to do. His best friend, Y/n, was one of the only people who knew about his secret identity, and so, he went to her whenever he was in need of some quick first aid.
Miles swung over to the familiar apartment building and knocked on her bedroom window.
After a short moment, Y/n opened the window for him. She scanned his disheveled state while helping him climb through the window. "Wow, you look like shit." She commented.
"Thanks. Good to see you too." Miles replied as he pulled his mask off and let it fall to the ground.
She laid a towel on her bed before he sat down (Y/n was very serious about Miles not getting blood on her sheets) and grabbed the first aid kit that she kept in her room.
"Rough night?" She asked as she got out some of the medical supplies she'd be using.
"Yeah. I'm alright though."
She began disinfecting the wound and a comfortable silence fell over them. Miles always liked coming over to her place. Even though he was almost always injured or hurt when he came over. He liked how cozy her room was, he liked that she always had music playing, and he liked that she was always too focused on patching him up to notice him staring at her.
After about 30 minutes of tending to his wounds, she finished with a relieved sigh. "You're lucky I like you, dude. If anyone else asked me to do something like this I'd tell them to never talk to me again."
Miles chuckled and looked down at the floor. "Uh... Thanks?" He tried standing up, but winced.
"You alright?" Y/n asked, looking back at Miles as she put away the first aid kit.
"Yeah... Just a little sore." He said as he sat back down on her bed.
"You gonna be able to make it back home?'
Miles thought about it for a moment. He didn't think he had the strength to swing or even walk home right now. "Uh..."
"If you need to you can stay the night." She tells him
"Of course, man." She smiled softly. "It's not a big deal."
To Miles it was a big deal. Staying over at his crush's house? Huge deal.
But, he had to play it cool.
"Uh... Yeah, alright." He shrugged, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing.
Y/n had given him some of her oversized clothes for him to sleep in.
There was a brief argument over the sleeping situation (Miles didn't want to kick Y/n out of her own room, but Y/n wasn't gonna make an injured Miles sleep on the couch) they decided to just share the bed.
No big deal. Two friends sharing a bed. Totally normal. No big deal.
Miles settled into her bed, back turned to her as he stared at the wall.
The two of you exchanged a brief 'good night' and then it was silent.
Miles was wide awake. The position he was laying in was uncomfortable, but he didn't dare move. The minutes passed by like hours and he wanted to look at the time, but he couldn't wake her up.
Little did he know, Y/n was feeling the exact same way. Wide awake, unable to move, and unable to speak.
Somehow, against all odds, after what was probably at least 2 hours of still, dead silence, they both managed to fall asleep.
If they thought falling asleep next to each other was awkward, then the dilemma of waking up cuddling each other was going to be absolutely unbearable.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Gimmie some Sodo fluff please?? Maybe what it would be like to be exclusive and move into a shared apartment together at the ministry?
Got my favorite ghoul heavy on my brain since the tour started up :3
I always end up going back to my first Ghoul crush. Sodo refuses to leave me and I refuse to leave him. He would probably kick my ass though. (I would thank him)
Also, I'm gonna include some fluffy headcanons both with his s/o and a bit of general fluffy Ghoul interactions with him because yes - Jez
Sodo fluff headcanons
Sodo is not soft. At all. He's a meanie.
He does get somewhat softer with his s/o, however. He's still grumpy and impulsive, but his anger is never directed at his darling. Never.
(It's usually aimed at Aether. Recently it's also aimed at Phantom.)
He will be grumpy around you and very snappy at others, but if you do anything to annoy him, he will only sigh at most.
Hides his face in your chest or shoulder and groans in frustration sometimes.
He's the type of person to never say why he's upset. He just is.
Can and will suddenly bite you to deal with his frustration. Licks up the wound and gives you band-aid right after, bashfully looking away.
For some reason he only has childish band-aids. Usually with Peppa Pig or Hello Kitty.
Cumulus is the one switching them out because she thinks they look cuter. Sodo knows this, but nobody yells at Cumulus. Ever.
While Sodo is a total bully a lot of time, he is fiercely protective of people he cares about.
He acts like a jerk to a lot of people, but he also does small random acts of kindness, too.
Such as getting Aether a new banana-themed keychain and leaving it in his room or cleaning up after Copia's rats when he gets overwhelmed with his work.
Nobody mentions it because he would absolutely deny it and call them delusional.
When it comes to his s/o, he's kinda like a crow. He just brings you the most random gifts out of nowhere and then leaves like nothing happened?
He's not too cuddly, but won't protest if you initiate it.
Holds you if you need to be held. He's not too big on PDA, but he does love you. A lot.
He's not the best at showing it, though.
He's your biggest defender, no matter what happens.
It doesn't matter if you got hurt or just had a bad day, he will keep anyone away unless you directly tell him you don't mind seeing a specific person.
No matter how much you annoy him, he will die before he raises his voice at you.
Throwing pillows at you is fair game, though.
He won't admit it, but he likes pillow fights.
And pillow forts. Aether and Phantom are not allowed near his fort.
The Ghoulettes are, though. He may be angry, but women need to be respected, damn it!
And about living with him, he does a lot of chores, but doesn't want to be thanked. Doesn't thank for doing chores, either.
In his eyes, it's your living space and you're both expected to take care of it. It's nothing to thank or be thanked for.
He doesn't like being thanked in general and will tell you not to thank him for things.
And not in the "pick me" way, he genuinely dislikes it. Kiss his cheek instead.
As a Fire Ghoul, he is your personal heater.
And he always makes sure you're tucked in.
In general, he does a lot but in small ways.
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kiskisur · 8 months
So umm, actual request. Gorou, ayato and Childe cuddling headcanons, comfort after a long day at work.. if possible.
And thanks for dealing with my shenanigans
warnings: nothing but fluff, gorou, ayato and childe x m!reader (seperate) stressed out reader, childe still can't believe you're his boyfriend ehe
edited note: It's 12 am I wanted to finish this ikr very cute 💯💯💯 (I tend to write when I'm sleepy it makes me sound professional and makes it obvious I'm desperate for sleep)
another note: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO HESDCANONS (I don't know how 5o do anything)
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he looked at the overwhelmed guy, sighing as he shook his head and approached, tapping their shoulder.
feel like he's the type to protest and act stubborn whenever you don't listen-
like, he does not care what the excuse is if he says rest, rest.
he's the type to inhale your scent when cuddling with you.
when you listen to him you receive a big smile (rare ‼️‼️)
"dearest, come rest up. you look exhausted from work." his voice dripped with affection and love as he frowned at your protests.
"I need to finish this before-"
you sigh in defeat, knowing he wanted everything to go his way before nodding and got up from your desk.
his piercing eyes disappeared, being replaced with a large smile as he guided you towards the bed and lied you down.
he sat on the edge of the bed, glancing back at you as he removed his gloves and placed it next to the small desk next to the bed, laying next to you.
he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you extremely closer before hiding his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"I love you.." he muffled, still refusing to let you go as you both drifted off to sleep.
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his ear twitched, sensing your presence as he immediately turned around to face your exhausted figure.
I feel like he's a househusband idc so cutie
hug = expect a tighter hug
feel like he'd SOMETIMES wrap his tail around your leg, IDK he just feels like it 🤷‍♂️
he'd shower your face with kisses if you're stressed, give you the love you deserve ‼️
"(name)!!" the dog- I mean guy exclaimed, his tail swaying left to right as he spread his arms to hug you.
"I'm home, darlingg." you spoke tirelessly, approaching him and hugged him tightly, refusing to let go.
he blinkes a couple of times, surprised at your sudden clinging as he let out a soft laugh and gave back the hug, tightening it.
"come on, let's get you rested up okay? you're exhausted." you try to shrug it off only to be denied and carried up to your bedroom, picking out some clothes for you.
"here!" gorou smiled, cupping your cheeks and kissed your forehead with his tail wagging uncontrollably.
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you wake up to the feeling of being straddled somewhere, blinking a couple of times and looked at the first thing in front of you.
if you fall asleep while working he'd totally lift you up and straddle you in his lap.
the type to shush you if you try to protest too. 🤭
I feel like he'd still be in denial he even became your boyfriend
I mean, a harbinger? with this cutie patootie guy? Impossible for celestia's sake-
he's the playful one, would definitely annoy you more than once despite you being stressed ‼️
"rest up, you've been working 24/7 and I want attention.." childe spoke, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer and hugged you by the waist.
he nuzzled your head, humming as he continued to cuddle you, ignoring your protests.
"no, rest." that's the only thing he said, whining like a kid everytime you try to move, his hug tightening around you.
"noo! come on, you already stressed yourself enough!" he glared up at you, pouting as he refused to let you go, laying you down as he tackled you.
you let out a laugh as he continued to tickle you, hovering you as he looked down with loving in his eyes.
you were gorgeous, he could stare all day without getting tired before snapping out of his thoughts when you lightly tapped his cheek to bring him back to reality.
"I can't believe you're my boyfriend.." the ginger mumbled, sighing happily before hugging you from behind and buried his face on your back, still refusing to believe you were his lover.
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maybank-archives · 9 months
Can I get one with Jj, one where the reader has a skin condition like eczema. And they are at a pool party and the reader is having an Eczema flare up, and they practically drag her to the pool not knowing she has eczema?
no matter what - jj maybank
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warning: mention of self esteem but other than none i think? lemme know if i miss something.
pairing(s): jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 0.6k
author's notes: just like jj said: you look smokin' hot. to all my eczema people, love y'all be safe and don't let a skin condition stop you to feel beautiful and have fun.
Sarah Cameron knew how to throw a pool party, everybody knows that, so when you refuse to go, your friends and boyfriend practically carry you to her place.It was incredibly hard to get away, almost everyday they came up with something and most of the time, out when the sun is peaking.
It was frustrating living in a place aka an island, where summer lasts forever. You were almost running out of excuses, a pool party filled with the tourons and young mean people was not what you needed right now. Avoiding the questions was your best way out so you agreed on going.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, seeing if there was any missing spot, the sunscreen and moisturizer was applied at every bump on your skin, you couldn’t help thinking about your look, our brain loves to trick us but no matter how much you tried to avoid being mean to yourself, the comparison and embarrassment always seems to be there.
It was always “easy” to cover the rashes but recently, due to the extremely hot weather plus stress of your work, it was impossible to not wear something covering your body. You left the house covered in moisturizer, you had your hat, sunglasses and a long sleeve cover up on, you walked to Sarah’s house overthinking all your decisions.
I glanced over at JJ, who was totally in his element, having a blast with our friends by the pool. He looked carefree, all smiles, and I really didn't want to throw a wrench into his day. Truth is, I'd been dodging the pool like it was hot lava, making up lame excuses about not feeling like swimming or not wanting to get wet. But the real deal was that I was trying to keep my eczema under wraps.
JJ, being the observant dude he is, picked up on my hesitation and came over with a concerned look on his face. "Hey, ma’am, why aren't you taking a dip? It's hotter than Hades out here," he said, giving my shoulder a friendly slap.
I nibbled on my lip, trying to play it cool. "Ah, you know, I'm just not feeling the whole swimming thing today," I replied, hoping my voice sounded casual enough.
JJ raised an eyebrow, clearly smelling the bullshit. He lifted my chin, forcing me to make eye contact. "Y/N, what's the deal? You're usually the first one to suggest late night swims. C’mon, cut the crap."
“JJ…” I heaved a sigh, feeling a lump in my throat. "It's my skin k?," I admitted, barely louder than a whisper. "My eczema is acting up, It used to be like nothing and my whole fracking body is covered and I did not want people talking about it."
JJ's face softened as he absorbed my confession. "Babe, you don't have to put on an act for me or anyone else. We're all friends here, and they'll get it." JJ said, reaching for your hand. "C’mon, you look smokin' hot, just like always. It's gonna be really tough to change that, y'know?" 
I probably did not look convinced enough cause JJ was analyzing my face before pulling me to a hug. It felt like a weight off my chest, having JJ in my corner. "I just didn't want to make a big fuss or become the star of the show," I admitted.
"You don’t need to worry about that, I got ya. Your comfort is numero uno. We can head inside, whip out some drinks or chill far from the sun, and you don't have to swim if you don't want to, but you sure oughta be havin' some fun. Don’t let this shit stop you now,”
He was right, hiding my eczema had only given me unnecessary stress, it felt good to see that in another's perspective and realize that all that overthinking was useless. JJ's understanding and support were like gold, and I knew I hit the jackpot with him.
© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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turbulentscrawl · 7 months
Hey there!! If you're up for it, some Victor Grantz sfw & ns/fw perchance?
Ngl I'm a bit in awe with how many requests you've been able to post in such a relatively short amount of time 😵‍💫 it's very admirable, but I also hope you get enough rest so you don't burn yourself out ^^"
I absolutely can! He's my first one posting the relationship HCs before the general haha
I appreciate the concern, but I'm alright! Headcanons are pretty quick and easy for me to fill, it's just the actual scenarios that are a little more work-intensive. And I fill stuff as I have time and inspiration, so I'll have on-and-off spurts like that where stuff comes out faster!
Victor Grantz
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-Victor is a very empathetic and adaptable partner. He’s very attuned to your mood, and goes out of his way to check on you whenever he has spare time. He enjoys being the person you vent to, about anything and everything—remember, secrets are huge deal to Victor. Sharing your private thoughts and feelings with him is the ultimate sign of your trust in him, so tell him about all your troubles. He won’t share them with another soul. Well, maybe Wick, but that doesn’t count right?
-He’s totally open to basic PDA. Don’t get me wrong, his cheeks go apple-red every time, but he’s got no issues with giving you a hug or a smooch in front of other people. He’s even alright with sitting in one another’s laps because he can’t turn down a good cuddle. But Wick gets to sit in the lap of whoever is on top.
-When you’re in a relationship with Victor, his true sillyguy nature reveals itself. Like, if he ever catches you dancing like a loon to music and chores, he’s immediately joining in. If you initiate a prank war, he’s very likely to reciprocate. (But only if it’s the harmless stuff.) Cooking with him? He’s gonna dollop something on your nose. If you have any non-verbal stims or ticks, he likes to playfully copy them.
-In a modern world, he enjoys watching movies with you and will 100% cry at the sad and heartwarming stuff. He doesn’t love horror movies, but romcoms and animated flicks are good. During the Holidays he has those awful Hallmark movies playing constantly.
-He enjoys outdoor activities! If you don’t he can generally get his fill from doing his deliveries and taking Wick on walks, but he’d really enjoy it if you wanted to go hiking or camping sometime. In the winter, he enjoys building snowmen and snowball fights.
-It may surprise some of you, but he’s more of a top! (A very gentle top.) But he’s quite shy, and nervous about making unwanted advances, so he always waits for your invitation first. He likes when you whisper flirty little lines to him as a signal that you’re in the mood, or send him a letter with a time and place for a sneaky tryst. It never fails to put a sweet smile and adorable blush on his cheeks.
-Before, and even for a good while into your relationship, Victor is more likely to scurry off to take care of any arousal by himself than he is to agree to sex. It’s nothing against you, honestly, he just needs time to build up the courage to see you naked without passing out. The good news: he unintentionally edges himself a lot because he gets so distracted thinking of you, so by the time you do get involved sexually he’s already built up some decent endurance.
-He’ll give you oral if you ask, but he prefers to use his hands on you so he can kiss you at the same time. If you give him oral, he unravels quickly. It’s the one thing he never gets much better at lasting through.
-Victor likes to indulge in a romantic atmosphere and is especially fond of soft candlelight and rose petals. Intimacy is a precious commodity after Victor’s history, and he wants to foster it. If you ever get ahold of a private hot spring or a nice, big bath with some wine, consider him seduced.
-He’s not very loud during the act, but he sighs sweetly and whimpers. It’s very common for him to whisper an “I love you” during or right after he finishes. When he comes, his arms shake something terrible, so he usually ends up laying right on top of you instead of holding himself up properly. He doesn’t weigh too much, thankfully, and it’s a great opportunity to cling to him. He also really doesn’t want to pull out after. Can’t he just stay like this while and enjoy the afterglow?
-He really enjoys roleplay in the bedroom. Is he the best at it? No, he’s really not. And it’s fine if you’re not either because Victor doesn’t take it too seriously. He just thinks it’s fun to dress up and pretend a little bit in the bedroom. He won’t, for instance, play a whole long scene as a police officer where you get arrested and whatnot. He’s just a “police officer” who finds you attractive, instead of a “postman.” As hinted briefly above, he also likes cockwarming during frisky cuddles. ;)
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hihi!! in honor of the upcoming holiday season could i request a skz reaction to you inviting them to meet ur parents? i miss them :((
stray kids when their s/o invites them to meet their parents
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is so nervous but like... why? he's literally the best guy on the planet to introduce your parents to. he is well-behaved, respectable, responsible, admirable and he has extreme amounts of overflowing charisma. mothers love him. fathers respect him. what's not to love? but we know channie, and channie gets himself worked up about these sorts of things. which is only natural; it is a big deal! he just wants to make a great first impression and, of course, he does. you know he has nothing to worry about because your parents would love him regardless.
lee know
minho has a... spikey personality. not everyone gets him. but he knows which bits of himself to show off in order to make a good first impression. like most introverts, they'll show off their best qualities first so that you warm up to them and then once you're invested in them then they'll start showing their weird-ass personality in full swing. that's what minho plans on doing with your parents, just as he did you 🤧🤧 so romantic. honestly though, it works like a charm. minho is naturally charming and respectable no matter how crazy he is on the inside <3333
oh my gosh when i tell you that all mothers absolutely ADORE changbin. are we even surprised? nope, i didn't think so. he makes a very good first impression no matter who he speaks to, so meeting your parents is like a walk in the park for him. he will totally bring some homemade snacks with him he got felix to make them, but your parents don't need to know that, which seems to impress them. overall, changbin is just amazing. he knows what is appropriate to say and what isn't, and he makes both your parents laugh a lot! he's just so easy to love.
he's nervous for sure but also pretty damn excited. needs a whole-ass month to mentally and emotionally prepare for this experience. hyunjin's very first instinct is to get your parents flowers and chocolates, which is a very good start. when it comes to actually interacting with them, he might be his shy, cute self to begin with, but they can tell he is eager to talk to them. and after a couple of conversational cues, hyunjin will slowly start to loosen up and be comfortable with your parents. it goes really well, and he realises he had nothing to worry about!
he just embraces the situation as much as possible. he views it as kind of a big deal but he doesn't let nerves get the better of him, so he wants to enjoy the first time meeting your parents as much as possible. sure, he has butterflies about it, but he doesn't really let that affect him and potentially spoil the moment. he strives to make an enjoyable atmosphere and actively makes your parents laugh as much as possible. it's always good at being humorous with parents, he finds. so copes quite well!
is a nervous wreck. will ask you a tone of questions beforehand. it's like he has to know everything about your parents before he has even met them. "what's your mother's maiden name?" "what does your dad do as a job?" "are there any topics to stay away from? politics? religion? the barbie movie coming out in 2023??" he literally interrogates you like he NEEDS to know everything. he wants to be perfect and know how to act perfect even though he literally IS perfect and doesn't even need to change anything about himself in order to be liked.
a tad scared but plays it cool. you know what he's like; he'll pretend that everything is chill and fine even if he's freaking out on the inside. he has nothing to worry about because your parents get to see what a polite, genuine young lad he is and can see he's trustworthy just by his general demeanour and the way he treats you. at the end of the day, who isn't gonna like kim seungmin?? exactly. he leaves your parents' house feeling refreshed and welcomed into the family. a success indeed!
oh bless him... he's super intimidated. he stays up all night, restlessly trying to prepare and run through different conversations to have with your parents. he doesn't want to come across as shy or, heaven forbid, anti-social. but when the occasion comes to it, he only speaks when he is spoken to and is very to himself. i feel like after a bit of encouragement from you, he will slowly relax a bit and feel more comfortable to talk more directly and meaningfully with your parents. just give him time and he'll be fine.
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