#and they did not in fact love EVERYTHING about louis's last two albums
jlf23tumble · 2 years
"but go on and send me some links to 'big' and real pubs that are somehow trashing louis" FITF review by Alim Kheraj, the Guardian. A Harry fan. Walls review by Ashley Bardhan, Pitchfork. A Harry fan. Walls review by Alexandra Pollard, Independent. A Harry fan. All these reviews counted towards the metacritic score.
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#i was gonna just ignore this because i fucking HATE IT when some anon makes me do the work#me: send me links#this anon: here are names of stories behind paywalls...look it up#but then if i did NOT answer it would be some kind of weird victory for you and i'm petty so....no <3#i looked 'em up and yeah!#these critics did not like louis's albums (yet some of those critiques came along with pieces they actually DID like on the albums#....you know like music critics tend to do)#for shiggles i said let me go and see what they feel about harry since this anon thinks they're full up his ass#and yeah a couple of them seem to love him? others don't seem to mention him? so???#interestingly some of them DO have shit to say about larries#and at least one of them has had some trolls on their ass on twitter about not loving louis enough#which i would think wouldn't be endearing in ANY way#anyway yes congrats#beyond at least two blogs i know of who say they're journalists yet don't seem to write for big pubs#you did point me to some legit publications' critics#and they did not in fact love EVERYTHING about louis's last two albums#i'm nosy enough to see what anyone thinks about metacritic being a valid answer about any question tho#and the jury seems to be out#but it seems to matter a helluva lot to you so...sorry i guess??#not sure what you need here#you win! some legit critics did not like louis's album!#perhaps coincidentally some of them do not like larries#i love that i can bury this kind of shit in a lot of random posts and you'll still come digging for it#so enjoy the break from tired tired sea#to be clear this is not the fic#the sad rad instead
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi, Gina. Can I please rant in your asks? I might be a complete idiot, but the more i look on the timeline (literal timeline, not a social media one) the more i come to one conclusion.
So Syco dies in 2020. Louis greets us with «decided to part ways» tweet, but the parting ways is useless, company is already dead. All the rights go to (presumably) Sony. Sony doesn’t give a fuck about Louis. He’s not profitable. I mean in our little community he’s the center of the world, but in the real world not so much.
But what they do care about is Harry. Harry is their golden goose for now and for many more years to come. The more Louis flaunts with huge «H» on his chest and changes the Spotify canvas to Harry’s tattoos, the more people might believe that Larry Stylinson rumours (gasp!) might be true.
The company that holds the rights can prohibit all recording and publishing activity altogether. We’ve seen it with JoJo. We’ve seen it with Kesha. We’ve seen it with Raye. And probably with hundreds more, that we know nothing about (like what happened to Alexis Jordan?). So Louis is given a simple choice: he shuts down all the rumours by himself or Walls will be his last album.
So that’s when OATV production and the Big Freddy Push begins.
We all screaming that everything he did in the last two years doesn’t make sense. But it’s because it simply doesn’t. We’ve been watching this guy for the ten years prior. And there’s no fucking way in hell i’m gonna believe that one nice Wednesday morning in the beginning of 2021 Louis Tomlinson woke up, yawned and said: «Well, why don’t I start mentioning my fake son everywhere, because that’s the kind a person i am now.»
If he’s doing it, he’s either gaining something big from it, or at least not losing something big from it. And what is bigger than the simple opportunity to make music?
And if the question is why his promo so shit and what audience he’s targeting, then the answer is - he’s not promoting his music, he’s promoting the fact that Harry Styles is not, in fact, gay.
I hope it does make sense. And also I love you, Gina. Thank you for being the voice of reason in this fandom. (And sorry for my English, I did my best 😖)
Hi darling. Your English is absolutely fine. No apologies needed!
As for your thoughts… I do think there’s some plausibility in your theories. Although, Louis isn’t the main reason people think H is queer. He’s doing a pretty good job of making people question it, all on his own. TBH, most of his new fans probably have never heard of Louis unless they already are wondering about Harry’s sexuality go search through Google and stumble on Larry. And even then they would have to already be open to it to really fall down the rabbit hole to get past all the denials and beards and the idea that larries are crazy.
I’m not saying Sony wouldn’t go to those lengths, but it seems like blowing out a candle when there’s a brush fire around the corner.
Anyway, I don’t think Louis would have been allowed to part ways with Syco/Sony without them getting something out of it. God knows what deal he made, but I’m sure Sony is more ruthless than we can imagine.
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kythed · 4 years
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haikyuu!! + thanksgiving
the hq men as your boyfriend when you bring them home at thanksgiving for the first time
because thanksgiving is in a couple weeks! ik not all of us celebrate it but just pretend LOL
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sugawara koushi: marches into your kitchen wearing a little red apron and brandishing a spatula. the only thing he can really do is open the cranberry sauce and plate it, but he certainly looks very cute while doing so.
azumane asahi: eats two bowls of vanilla ice cream for dessert. is also violently lactose intolerant. you do the math.
nishinoya yuu: sprays this God-awful fruity cologne all over himself and walks into the house smelling like princess peach’s asshole. you force him to sit outside until it wears off. (spoiler alert: it doesn’t.)
hinata shouyo: frantically rakes up all the leaves in your yard into a huge pile and rolls around in it. later finds out he is in fact allergic to leaves and uses up an entire bottle of cortisone cream trying to soothe his hives. your relatives all think he has chicken pox and interact with him minimally.
kageyama tobio: comes early to help with the cooking— your mom makes him stuff the turkey and he nearly cries when he has to stick his hand in.
sawamura daichi: gets to talking with your dad and you almost have a heart attack when you see them on the couch in identical slouched positions with beers in hand-- they’re practically twins. starts calling you “pumpkin” and “peanut” after the encounter.
tanaka ryunosuke: gives a loud, tipsy toast to “the pilgrims and their funky little hats” after a couple drinks.
yamaguchi tadashi: ran a turkey trot 5k earlier in the morning with you. his entire body is sore— he can’t even sit down without tearing up so he lies face down on your living room carpet for most of the night.
tsukishima kei: literally disappears an hour into dinner and doesn’t pick up his phone. the next day you find out he left to get takeout down the street instead and just never came back.
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kozume kenma: ends up quietly sitting at the kids’ table for some unknown reason?? it’s chill though; he teaches them how to make handprint turkeys.
haiba lev: also tries to sit at the kids’ table, but they’re understandably terrified of his gigantic 6’4” self and run away when he approaches. it really hurts his feelings and he spends the rest of the night sulking.
kuroo tetsurou: announces he unironically voted for kanye and subsequently gets into a vicious political argument with your drunk uncle. 20 minutes later they’re singing a tearful rendition of “danny boy” with their arms around each other’s shoulders.
morisuke yaku: rants about how much he hates british people.
inuoka sou: pretends to be british.
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ushijima wakatoshi: walks in with the stage presence of a greek god, gives your mom a huge bouquet of peonies, and thanks her for allowing him to come to dinner. she nearly faints.
tendou satori: wears a bow tie and a monocle. your mom introduces him to the family as your gay best friend— it’s not a great night for him.
semi eita: compliments your grandma’s hair cut. two hours later she’s sitting next to him with an album in hand, showing him all your embarrassing baby pictures. yes, including the naked ones.
tsutomu goshiki: drinks three hard ciders without realizing they’re alcoholic and ends up very giggly and very touchy-- and not just to you. you take him home early.
shirabu kenjirou: shows up two hours late, pretends he’s been there the entire time, and acts offended when your relatives don’t remember him.
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aoba johsai
oikawa tooru: charms every single woman at the party in true oikawa fashion. at the end of the night your newly divorced aunt slips him a piece of paper with her number on it. he reassures you he isn’t going to call her-- but he also doesn’t throw it away.
iwaizumi hajime: your brother-in-law challenges him to an arm wrestling contest. iwa crushes him five times in a row without batting an eye and gives him a very respectful thumbs up afterwards.
hanamaki takahiro: makes friends with that weird third cousin who no one really knows but just kinda shows up. you see them making a secret handshake.
matsukawa issei: everyone actually loves him, but for some reason they all think he’s an accountant. has he been telling them he’s an accountant??
kunimi akira: literally just pets the cat the whole night. ignores anyone who tries to talk to him unless they’re feline.
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miya atsumu: he ends up gossiping with all your chatty aunties. when it’s time to go home he knows about fifty years of family secrets and enough blackmail material to last him a lifetime. scared? you should be.
miya osamu: truly God’s gift to thanksgiving, everything suga wishes he could be. owns a “kiss the cook” apron (that he bought for himself) and makes five types of boujee hors d'oeuvres. every single relative at the dinner tells you to marry him.
kita shinsuke: helps you mash the potatoes. you try to not ogle his biceps while he does so, but it’s very, very difficult. wipe that drool from the corner of your mouth-- it’s embarrassing.
suna rintarou: arrives wearing all black designer clothing, a luxury watch, and a haughty expression-- the perfect trophy boyfriend. your cousin says she thinks she saw him on a calvin klein ad last week. he tells her it was actually louis vuitton.
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akaashi keiji: handwrites all the name cards in beautiful calligraphy the day before and brings a big bundle of dahlias and baby’s breath for floral centerpieces-- you’re pretty sure your mom would rather have him as a daughter instead.
bokuto koutarou: gets involved in the thanksgiving football game with your male cousins. he scores 75% of his team’s points and by the end of it they’re chanting his name and carrying him around the field; you have to deal with god-complex bokuto for the next week and a half.
konoha akinori: your dog will not stop humping his leg. he tries to stop it but there’s really no dignified way to do that, so he just suffers in silence.
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date tech
futakuchi kenji: pulls you into the cleaning supply closet while everyone else is going for seconds. your little cousin comes in looking for paper towels and catches the two of you in a compromising position-- oh, well. it’s about time someone gave that kid the talk, anyways.
koganegawa kanji: accidentally clogs the toilet and has a near panic attack trying to unclog it before it overflows.
aone takanobu: surprisingly good at chess and plays several games with your great uncle while he talks about the war
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terushima yuuji: after dessert he proudly ties a cherry stem in a knot with his tongue, hoping it’ll impress the table. it does not.
sakusa kiyoomi: doesn’t show up. i’m sorry, but let’s be real-- did you ever really expect him to?
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
Sun 31 Jan ‘21 
Happy Walls Dayyy!!!!!! Today was the first anniversary of our #1 fave debut album of 2020, and we all celebrated, Louis included! Last but best thing first: WE GOT A DEMO!! Louis ended the day by publishing a dreamy clip of a demo of the title song ‘Walls’. His clear voice croons over beautiful sliding electric guitars and background reverberance- if that’s his FIRST draft then he is, as we knew, a GENIUS! AND, the King Himself came on twitter to interact with his “loyal” (his words) subjects (that’s us!). He popped up at first to say that his tour, when it comes around, will be “fucking unbelievable...this is our day!”, and talked about his favorite part of the last year (“the two shows I played”), what he noticed most when performing solo the first times (“the space on stage” ughhhh all the tears), what he was looking forward to after COVID (“everything”) and getting through these times- “remember that everything is going to be better when normality sets back in.” He also explained that while he was gonna put out merch today, he “didn’t want to market the day”, but rather make it “a celebration just for us”. But, uh, the merch will be coming eventually! He then replied that there were “too many greedy fuckers out there” who try turn celebratory events into a “cash grab” (to quote the fan), and harries then got mad at that because THEY were like this must be about Harry (lol uhhhh) and assumed he was shading him and Jeff rather than, I don’t know, his OWN FORMER LABEL?? Cool cool cool, but it’s still Harry’s moth on Spotify, so cope. He told us that his proudest moment on the album was recording the strings for the Walls the Single, that he wouldn’t have approached the process differently because he’s still really proud of the album, that he was most looking forward to us hearing KMM or Walls, that Doncaster is his fav place (to no one’s surprise lmao), and, asked what song he likes to rock out to off HIS ALBUM was like oh hey have I got a rec for you: “Maybe Tomorrow” by the Stereophonics. It goes, “think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile, but be free” and “maybe tomorrow I’ll find my way home” (huh is there something happening tomorrow that could be linked to... OH. Right. Huh. Well all that is just a coincidence I’m sure, it’s not like Louis ever said he likes to rec songs because he wants us to read into the lyrics or anything... oh wait.)    
LTHQ did a insta quiz over on their stories (I only got two questions wrong!) and they did the promised virtual listening party and tweeted along to each song and retweeted fans’ reactions (and all the usernames, larries everywhere, we SEE YOU). Friends of Louis joined in the celebration- Only The Poets, Ashton Irwin of 5SoS fame, Helene Hornyck (“all the love,” she said!), Isaac Anderson and more, and All On The Board made one of their lovely Frankenstein poems which mashing up a bunch of LT1 songs, but in keeping with the theme of the day (and COVID I GUESS) did it as fanart rather than the usual in person board. And all of that was the BORING part of the day, can you BELIEVE?? The FUN part was the Walls Fanart that was chosen to be the new Spotify cards on the official Walls album. As in, they are up right now if you want to go check them out, but I’m gonna tell you straight up: they’re half Harry tats! The Defenseless card, especially, as it is just straight up fanart of Harry’s moth tattoo, especially fun when he had JUST got us talking about its Papillion origin with his finsta! The artist had been worried that Louis would be mad at them for submitting ‘Larry art’, and was overjoyed to learn that, uh... apparently, he was NOT. That was not all! The ‘Too Young’ art card is H’s rose tattoo, ‘Habit’ and ‘Fearless’ were both different variations of H’s anatomical heart tat (the ‘Habit’ one even included the word kind :{) ), and the We Made It rainbow wheel did, in fact, make it to Spotify, just like we thought! “Perfect Now” was Louis standing under a rainbow spotlight—they made that one black and white for spotify but the artist shared the original version. Harries were beside themselves, and tagged Jeff (Azoff), Ben Winston, and Gemma Styles (what?), demanding that they make Louis take the art down because it was clearly Harry art, which 1.) how much more blatant can you be if even ANTIS are noticing and 2.) what sort of control do they think Jeff, Ben, and Gemma have over Louis seeing as, uh, none of them currently work for him??? Weird, are they thinking there might be some kind of link... between Harry and his team and Louis... tell me more antis, truly, I’m fascinated!
One would think that’s more than enough for one day but WAIT THERE’S MORE Zayn is in EXCELLENT quirky Zayn form having fun with his own merch—he posted a gremlin (from the old RL Stine movie ‘Gremlins’) in a NIL beanie captioned “one size fits all humanoid shaped heads” late last night, haaaaa. Yes, I agree! The red stitching really makes the gremlin’s red eyes pop, and his fangs have never looked this good! And the question arose, is Harry’s finsta actually just his side account for following nothing but gay meme accounts? Evidence—the discovery of a second follow, of the openlygayanimals account-- would suggest yes! Well that’s valid, imagine having to not only navigate the internet AS HARRY but also without funny memes of your choice, that’s no life to lead. And Niall complained on twitter that people didn’t understand his sense of humor because SARCASM! He also tweeted about golf, which I’m sure was cool for people who understand it.
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The tape
Your pov:
“H, do you have anything on Monday?”
Harry walked out of the bathroom, towel low on his waist, water dripping from his hair. “No..” he paused and looked down at his feet before shaking his head and smiling. “No I don’t think so. Maybe a FaceTime call with the boys but that should be it. And thats only if we decide to do that. You know how Louis has been lately with the reunion project.”
You nodded and smiled, rolling out of bed and walking over to him. You raised an eyebrow as he tugged you against his chest. His lips pressed to yours and your arms wrapped around his neck. You pulled away slightly and grinned. “Good. Because you and I have plans.”
“Oh yeah?” Harry’s lips pressed to your neck. 
“Mhm.” you laughed softly. “We have things to do. Places to be.”
“There are things we need to do now.” Harry growled, his lips touching your ear. He lightly bit your earlobe and tugged. You could feel his length pressing up against the towel and into your waist. Harry’s hands tugged at his shirt on your body. “Starting with this coming off...” Harry had the shirt pulled over your head when the phone rang. He sighed loudly and looked at you. “Don’t move.” 
You laughed and raised an eyebrow. “Yes sir.” you said laying back on the bed. Harry took one more look at you while standing in the bedroom doorway and turned back with a devious smile.
“Fuck it, they will eventually hang up.” He walked back over to you, his body falling in between your legs, the towel falling to the floor. Harry’s lips tugged at yours. His tongue flooded into your mouth and his hands moved their way down your bare chest. His fingers were rolling around your now hardened nipples when the doorbell rang again. Harry ignored it, his tongue slowly making its way down your body. He sucked and gently bit the sensitive skin on your boob, smiling knowing the mark would be there for the next few days. His tongue was at your belly button when his phone rang again, along with several other text notifications. He stood up with a groan, walking over to the phone.
“Harryyy” you whined, your heat dripping between your thighs from the anticipation. 
“Hello?” he answered holding up a finger to wait.. “What do you mean? No, there shouldn’t be any stories out, I’ve been with (y/n) all weekend....Fuck okay I’m coming.” Harry looked at you and and you sighed as he dug through his drawers. You stood up and walked into the bathroom to clean up since this didn't seem to be going anywhere now. Harry was now getting angry. You could hear him yelling into his phone frustrated with whoever was on the other side. You jumped in the shower and once you were done, Harry seemed to be finished with his call. He had gotten fully dressed and smiled softly when you walked back into the room. 
“Where are you going?” you asked confused. He was dressed for some kind of meeting it looked like.
“I have to go talk to my management team...”
“Why? Wait, no. We were supposed to go out...Harry we've had this date night planned for weeks and the guys are all expecting us....”
Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry...I don't have a choice here...”
“(y/n) look I can’t go anymore okay? I’m sorry but thats just how its going to be tonight.”
Your mouth dropped. Harry rarely got angry at you and when he did it was normally your fault. This was out of line. “Whatever.” you turned and walked back into the bathroom, locking the door.
“Babe I’m sorry..” He knocked softly on the door. “I didn't mean to yell...”
You didn’t answer but you heard him leave. You sighed and rolled your eyes annoyed he had ruined the moment and gotten angry. You were also annoyed he was putting management above you. You were supposed to be the most important thing in his life. At least that’s what he had told you when you had argued last time about him not being home enough.
Niall’s pov:
Niall was sat around a table with Louis and Liam. They were all joking about how Harry and (y/n) never got the time or date right when they had planned an outing. They also joked about how Harry had to bring (y/n) to everything. Not that they didn’t love her, but it kind of defeated the point about a guys night. She had gone through so much with them though...from One Direction days to solo albums. She had been there through it all, making sure all of the guys stayed in touch during the hiatus. The waitress was just setting drinks down when everyone’s phones started blowing up. No one seemed bothered by the fact their phones were all blowing up. Liam was flirting with the waitress and Louis was backing him up. Niall picked up his phone, read the first message, and reads aloud mocking the article title, “HARRY STYLES SEX TAPE LEAKED!”
“Give it a rest.” Louis laughs. “Harry is more careful with that kind of stuff than anyone I have ever met.”
“It’s just a hoax like the rest of them, made to get views and people talking. Management probably leaked it.” Liam added winking at the waitress across the room.
Niall hasn’t looked up, he’s scrolling through the article and clicking play on the video. Niall’s face pales and his mouth drops. The guys all look at him concerned that he hasn’t joked back. “What is it?” Louis asks trying to take the phone. 
Niall places the phone down on the table for everyone to see. ‘It’s not fake.....”
“Shi-” Louis starts but Niall shakes his head.
“It’s also not (y/n).” he finishes looking up at them. 
“No way. There’s no way.” Liam shakes his head. 
“What do we do?” Niall asks laughing uncomfortably.
“We need to call Harry. What if they don't know.”
“It’s trending on Twitter, there’s absolutely no fucking way he doesn’t know. The real question is...does (y/n) know?” Louis shakes his head.
“She’s probably pissed.” Liam adds taking a sip of his drink.
“No she’s probably upset. No wonder they didn’t come.” Niall stands up. “We should go check on her. Make sure she’s okay..she what happened when they found out. They’ve been dating for years, this is going to kill her.”
The guys nodded, leaving money on the table and standing up. Louis laughs, “Niall the hero, saving (y/n) from her despair.”
“Shut up Louis.” Niall shakes his head. “This isn't about me.”
“Oh yeah, didn't you have a crush on her like when they first started dating?” Liam laughs.
“Yeah, but clearly that’s been over. She’s just my friend. I want to make sure she’s okay.” He led the guys from the restaurant and jumped in the car, map questing directions to Harry’s house.
Your pov:
Harry had been gone almost an hour and you had yet to hear anything from him. You were just laying on the couch watching reruns of friends when someone knocked at your door. You sighed and stood up, running to answer it. You smiled as the door opened. “Niall!” You hugged him tightly and then moved on to the others. “Lou!” Louis laughed uncomfortably and you gave him a confused look before moving to Liam. “Liam...” Liam was shifting nervously not looking at you and you stepped back. Paparazzi were rushing towards the gate so you moved the party inside. “What’s wrong?” you asked. They all looked like they were going to be sick...Niall kept looking like he was sorry. Liam looked away every time you looked at him and Louis just had his lips pressed together.
“Did you forget about lunch?” Louis asked grabbing your arm and pulling you to the couch.
You sighed. “Lunch? I thought we were doing dinner...is that why you are all upset. I’m sorry about not showing up...Harry just got a call and left without even saying anything.”
“A call about what?” Liam asked sitting across from you on the couch.
“I’m not sure....management called but he didn’t say where he was going. Why? What do you guys know that I don't?”
They all looked away. Niall sighed and pulled out his phone. “Have ya checked Twitter at all today?”
“No....why?” You grabbed your phone and unlocked it. Louis pulled it from your hands. “What the hell Louis?”
Louis looked at the guys and shook his head. “This isn’t our fight. Harry should talk to her about it...not us. He’s going to be pissed we got involved.”
“It revolves around her though. She’s tagged in it all. She has a right to know.” Niall argued. “Harry shouldn’t have done it in the first place.”
“Done what?” you felt sick. What was going on? What was Harry hiding? Why were the guys acting like this? You looked at Liam. He had been like an older brother to you for years. “Liam.”
Liam sighed and nodded to Louis. “She needs to know. When we leave she’s going to figure it out. We need to be here for her when she does.” Louis nodded and handed your phone back. You stared at all of them confused.
“Why are you treating me like I’m not sitting right next to you?”
“Just look at the phone...” Niall sighed.
You pulled up Twitter. You have over 4,000 notifications which was never a good sign. You clicked on the first one reading out loud, “Harry doesn’t deserve (y/n). She’s too good for this.” You clicked another. “I feel so sorry for (y/n)...Maybe there's an explanation.” The last one you clicked had your mind spinning. “Imagine just waking up and finding out that not only has your boyfriends sex tape been leaked but also that its not featuring you. Here for you (y/n).” Tears were flooding your eyes when you looked up at Niall. “It’s not true....right? Tell me it’s not true....” Louis scooted closer to you and draped an arm over your shoulder.
“I mean technically we don’t really know...”
“What the hell do you mean Louis. We all watched the video at lunch.” Niall was pissed he was pacing back and forth between the two couches.
You shook your head. You were now crying. Louis was rubbing your back and you fell into his lap. “No. It can’t be real.” Liam moved over and sat next to you. He held your hand and gently squeezed. “I want to see it.” You looked up, tears flowing down your cheeks. “I want to see proof.”
Niall sighed and clicked on the original link before handing you the phone. You carefully read every line and clicked the video. Your stomach flipped. Harry was in his room, your room. He was naked, his tattoos clearly visible. There was a girl. It wasn’t you. He was kissing her, she was stripping, he was pulling his pants down. He didn’t seem to be drunk. He was talking dirty to her. He called her beautiful. He had sex with her. You flew up from the couch, running to the bathroom. Niall was at your side. You threw up, the video you had just watched had physically made you ill. Harry had cheated on you. He had filmed it. It was out in the public now. Niall held back your hair and Louis brought a cup of water. “(y/n)...” Liam started.
You sank to the floor, your back against the toilet. You were sobbing. You couldn’t breathe. The boys looked like they were contemplating how to handle this. “When did this come out?” you asked looking at him.
“We aren't sure exactly...we saw the notifications at lunch-”
“So Harry was having sex with me or trying to when all of this was happening. He was trying to fuck me when his fucking sex tape was released to the public.”
“Uh-” Louis tried interrupting but you kept going.
“Harry cheated on me. After 7 years. He just decided to fuck someone else?” you were processing everything in your head out loud to the boys who had no idea what to say. “What did I do?” you cried harder. Louis sighed and pulled you into a tight hug.
“You didn’t do anything love. Harry’s mistakes are his own. They don't revolve around you. He’s a fucking idiot for doing it.”
“We don’t know the full story either...I mean we all know how media twists stories...”
“Liam, he’s having sex with-with another girl. What full story is there that makes that okay?” Liam closed his mouth and sighed. You let Louis pull you to your feet. “I want to leave.”
“What?” Louis asked confused.
“I want out of this house. I don’t want to be here when Harry gets back either. I want to leave.” Louis handed you a tissue and nodded. 
“You can come to my place love, I’ll wait with ya.”
“We all will.” Niall added and Liam nodded. Niall grabbed an extra pair of clothes and some toiletries while Louis helped you out to the car. The paparazzi were all shouting questions asking what the story was. You wished you knew. Liam handed you your phone but you shook your head. 
“I don’t want it. I don’t want to see anymore.” He nodded sadly and sat in the drivers seat. Niall joined with a bag of your things and you all drove to Louis’. L
ouis set you up in his guest bedroom and asked if you needed anything. You shook your head and pulled off your shirt. Louis turned around but you didn’t care at this point. You threw on a pair of comfy sweatpants that Niall had grabbed you along with a crop top. You wiped your tears and snot on your old shirt and crawled into bed. You had finally stopped crying but you were exhausted. 
“We are going to order some food...anything sound good?”
You shook your head no, not trusting any words that might come out of your mouth. Louis nodded and closed the door softly, not wanting anymore tears to begin. Your mind was moving a hundred miles a minute and it made you feel sick. You closed your eyes and tugged the blanket to your chin. Images of Harry and that girl flashed through your mind as you drifted off to sleep.
Eventually, you didn’t know how long it had been, you woke up. You heard doors slamming, Niall shouting, Liam trying to diffuse the situation, but overall you heard one very loud and clear deep voice. “Where is she? Louis tell me where the fuck my girlfriend is!” 
So I got this as a request and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I actually was planning on using the first part of this as a similar story but when this request came through I decided to mesh the two together. Hope you enjoy!
Check out part 2 here: The tape (part 2)
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Rating Walls Lyrically
AKA the hardest thing I did this week
Disclaimer - it's physically impossible for me to dislike a Louis song but I do place them differently based on their lyrical genius.
12. Perfect Now - She is a little too corny and no Louis I don't want to be reminded of the fact that I can be perceived as a physical entity. Funnily enough, despite this, it has one of my most favorite lines in the whole album - don't you wanna dance just a little dance, you never stop given half the chance.
11. Too Young - Put together the song makes me emotional as hell because of his voice and the meaning behind it but just in terms of its lyrics, I don't think there's anything particular that does justice to Louis's lyrical capabilities. The song's best lyrical moment is Louis breaking my heart over and over again by reminding me that he was once too young to know he had everything.
10. Don't Let it Break Your Heart - This is this low not because it's bad but just because there are better songs on the album when it comes to lyrics. Also, I wanted him to write a bridge which he didn't. Louis WHY?!?!?! The best lyrical moment of the song is of course Louis being a source of strength by reminding us that we are indeed driving down a road to something better.
9. Always You - She is the undisputed pop queen of the album and I will dance to it everytime it comes along. I go feral over the mention of usage of word Home and whoever is wrapping their legs around Louis is one lucky person. I sometimes don't know how I have survived that knowledge that this is something that happens in Tomlinson household. The lack of a different bridge kills a girl :( and hence the rank.
8. Kill My Mind - At this point, I am already regretting my decision to make this list because KMM deserves so much better but he managed to write better songs than this. BLAME HIM. BLAME HIS MIND. The lack of the bridge once again is :( but this song is the hottest thing on the album. KEPT ME LIVING FROM THE LAST TIME FROM A PRISON OF A PAST LIFE !?! ON A MISSION JUST TO FEEL LIKE WHEN YOU KISSED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!?!? Gonna rob a bank just so I can make out to this lyric. For legal purposes, this is a joke.
7. We Made It - Do I want to shout we made it on tour with Louis till I lose my voice, absolutely yes. Love the nostalgia and the hope and devastation this song brings me. WMI ofcourse has one of the most heartbreaking lines on the album in "oh god what I could've become don't know why they put all of this on us when we were so young" and I have no other reason of putting it this low except that this is not Louis on his best.
6. Habit - As I am typing this, I am crying becuase I love this song so much but I have had to place it on number 6?!?! Tomlinson, when are you paying me for emotional distress!??? No faults, BEST CHORUS ON THE ALBUM. Imagine being that fundamental to someone's life. The way he sings GOD I AM MISSING YOU AND YOUR ADDICTIVE HEART!?!? I have to scream in the void. Brb in a moment.
5. Fearless - If you put me in jail for this I will not stop you because *Taylor Swift voice* in my defence I have none. Oh to hear Louis introspect/diss about the dangers of fame and the power of youth. Also, to the tumblr user who has made the fearless*louis holding a dandelion edit, I owe you many breakdowns. Fun fact: Karl Marx has declared from the afterlife that he wanted Fearless to be the unveiling anthem of the Communist Manifesto and he is incredibly proud of Louis for writing this.
4. Two of Us - No comments except I am very proud of Louis for being brave enough to share this profound, evocative and raw side of his life. Thank you.
3. Defenceless - This ranking is an invitation for bloodbath, I know. But wow, what a lyrical moment on the album. The imagery, the metaphors, the vulnerability. Top notch. Louis maybe sleeping on his problems like he will solve them in his dreams but I didn't sleep peacefully for a week after I heard that he just is too tired to be tough and just wants to be loved. Universe better be taking note or there will be some problems.
2. Only The Brave - I think I can hear the whispered chants of "she's gone insane" for not placing this song as the Valedictorian. I share the sentiment just so we are all aware. This song has given me so much brain damage in the last year that I don't have thoughts left. The only reason it's on second is because Louis admitted that he didn't have a lot of input in the writing process of it.
1. Walls - *ba dum tsh* after much ado and painstaking effort, I present to you my favorite song Louis has written for the album. The title track is Louis's lyrical genius in all its glory and I feel every possible emotion every time I listen to the song. The verses, the pre-chorus, the chorus, the bridge, the outro - ALL IMMACULATE. I love growth and pain when it's presented to me in this delicious form. Here's reason 2828 why walls is incredibly special to me.
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With the year coming to an end, here is everything I’ve written in 2020. I had quite a productive year, and wrote some fics I’m very proud of. I’ve also met wonderful new people and I’m going to participate in the big bang next year, as well as hopefully join more fests! Thank you to everyone who has helped me create these 12 fics!
🤴 with no way out and a long way down Larry, 31k, T, written for the @hlroyaltyfest​
Prince Harry is ten when he receives his soulmark.
✈️  driving down a one way road (to something better) Zouis, 26k, T, written for the @wallsficfest​
“I’m at the airport.” It’s followed by a bitter laugh. “I’m - I’m literally at the airport, hiding away in the toilets to make a phone call. They’re probably going to barge in here in a minute, thinking I’m doing something illegal, but I didn’t know what else to do Lou.” He sounds desperate, wild, nothing that Louis is used to associating with Zayn. “My flight leaves in an hour, and I wasn’t gonna do this, but, I didn’t know what else to do.”
Louis frowns. “What do you mean, love?”
“Can I - Can I please come and stay with you?” It’s barely more than a whisper, and Louis honestly isn’t sure if he’s heard it right, but the lack of an immediate response on his part makes Zayn’s breath come out all shaky and Louis won’t stand for that.
“Yes,” he decides, repeats it, in a softer but no less certain voice, when he knows Zayn is about to protest. “Yes. Of course. I’ll be there, yeah? I’ll come pick you up. When will you get here? What airport?”
When Zayn breaks up with his boyfriend, he needs a place to stay. Louis wouldn't be Louis if he didn't immediately open his doors to him. Never mind the fact that he's been in love with him for two years. That's not important, right?
🏥  my love will never leave you Larry, 10k, T, written for the @wordplayfics​ challenge week 1
In a world where memories are used as currency, Louis will do anything it takes for Harry to get better.
🗝  sadness is a little boy looking out the window Ziam, 6k, T, written for the @wordplayfics​ challenge week 2
Liam is twelve when he receives the key. It’s given to him on his birthday, in a red velvet box, and something about the weight of the box in his palm gives him pause, makes him hold his breath when he unwraps the bow around it.
The bronze key looks innocuous, but Liam knows better. He’s grown up with the stories, as many people have. Has been told about the keys, and that most people except for an unlucky few got one at birth. Some were immediately gifted to them by their parents, others had been kept away from them until such a time that they were deemed responsible enough to understand what it meant.
Because this kind of key, it doesn’t just open any door.
It reveals what you need most, when you need it most, and it can only be used once.
✨  it’s time to find your wings again Larry, 12k, T, written for the @wordplayfics​ challenge week 3
The first reports are dismissed, as tall tales or folklore. As mental illness, poor Bathilda, she’d gone loopy. As people simply getting scared in the dark woods and seeing things, making things up. Magic isn’t real. Mythological creatures aren't real.
But then the first one is caught. A faun, that little Meg from around the corner swears has attacked her in the woods, and everyone comes to the marketplace to see the faun be hanged for its crimes. Louis doesn’t want to go, but at the same time, he finds himself unable to stay away. Not when this proves what he’s wanted to believe all along, that magic is real.
Louis is twenty when he starts working at the prison. His fascination for supernatural creatures had turned into something most closely resembling loathing over the years, due to the many stories of their evildoing, and although he still doesn’t believe in hanging them for their crimes, he does believe in keeping the town safe. In making sure that his siblings get to grow up without fear of being kidnapped or hurt. As the oldest son, it feels like his duty to make sure that no creature in the wide area will ever pose a threat to anyone.
🍛  it’s a long shot just to beat these odds Ziam, 14k, T, written for the @wordplayfics​ challenge week 4
Zayn: how many years in prison would I get for murdering a popstar???
He scrapes the plates clean, resists the urge to kick the trash can, his breathing still feeling shallow and high in his chest. He wants a cigarette. And a cuddle from Louis. But a text is the most he can realistically ask for now, and luckily Louis doesn’t leave him hanging.
Louis: ?????
Okay, so it isn’t that helpful, but Zayn knows his anxiety well enough that just distracting his mind is usually enough to keep from having an actual attack. It doesn’t matter that the subject he’s discussing is the one thing his brain is actually panicking about, just trying to formulate words into a text is helping.
Zayn: I served him raw chicken. RAW. And he was kind enough to want to try and eat it too. I could have killed him!!!
That would’ve made headlines for sure. FORMER BOYBANDER GETS POISONED ON FIRST DATE, more on the ten p.m. news.
Louis: well that’s one way of making sure he’s not going to go on any of the other dates. Bit drastic though mate.
💌  if you’re lost just look for me Larry, 9k, T, written for the @wordplayfics​ challenge week 5
Let your dreams set sail.
Louis blinks at the sticky note, sitting casually in between a flyer advertising an upcoming gig for one of the many bands on campus (the heavy metal graphics implying that the music is not to Louis’ taste) and an ad for a yoga club (Louis is going to have to give that one a miss too). It’s small, barely noticeable unless you’re paying attention, just tucked away as though it’s been left there for Louis to find.
He snorts. “Let your dreams set sail. What a fucking joke.”
Louis' first year of college is everything he had hoped for it to be.
It’s why it’s so hard to swallow that his second year is everything but.
A fic where motivational quotes, no matter how cheesy, might just make everything better after all.
💐  the birth of love like a force of nature Ziam, 22k, T, written for the @ziamfantasyfest​
After moving into a new house, Liam decides to introduce himself to the neighbours. The next thing he knows, he’s tied to a chair and threatened by a small army of fairies.
👻  these days I watch you from afar Larry, 666 words, T, written for the @1dtrickortreatfest​
“Are you talking to me?”
The boy blinks, blue eyes thoughtful as he cocks his head. “Yeah?”
“You can see me?”
🎃  love me like we don’t have tomorrow Ziam, 666 words, T, written for the @1dtrickortreatfest​
"Are you going to see him again?" Louis asks. He’s sitting on a ruined wall, inspecting his long, dark nails. Talons, Zayn thinks. He nods.
“How many years in a row is this?”
Zayn glances at his best mate, doing up the buttons on his coat. “Dunno,” he says, even though he can recall, with perfect clarity, all the times he’s met up with Liam. Every Halloween that he’s spent with him.
"And he still doesn't know?"
☠️  be the end of me Zouis, 666 words, T, written for the @1dtrickortreatfest​
"Who are you?" Louis asks, and Zayn can tell that he already knows. He's tense, poised for a flight from the inevitable.
Zayn still answers. "Death."
🎄  room for your love underneath this tree Larry, 11k, T, written for the @1dchristmasfest​
“IwannameetHarryStyles,” Daisy mumbles, and Louis blinks.
“She says she wants to meet Harry Styles.” Phoebe pipes up, and Louis blinks again, absently switches the camera to himself because he knows that his followers will want to catch his baffled expression.
“You-” he starts, and then stops himself, because he did tell her she could ask for anything she wanted, and how can he go back on his word and tell her that he doesn’t actually have the power to make that happen?
Because Harry Styles is -- he’s next level kind of famous. Louis has two million subscribers on his YouTube, but Harry has eighteen times as many followers on his Twitter alone. He’s had three number one hits in the last year, and his last album had charted at the top spot for a record breaking 27 weeks. He’s a singer, actor and philanthropist, and there is no way in hell that Louis can get him to come meet Daisy for Christmas.
So of course he laughs, even if it’s a little bit breathless, and nods at her. “One Harry Styles for Christmas, coming right up.”
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itsfunorwhateva · 4 years
Pink Shoelaces
So by now we have all seen Harry’s crusty vans, but has everyone noticed the one pink shoelace that is in his vans? 
(Here’s some pictures below if you don’t know what I’m talking about. )
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I know I’ve seen it. This got me thinking, does that pink shoelace mean anything. We know our dear Harold is not new to leaving clues, and hidden messages in things he does. All you need is a listen to his music, a peek at the custom pants from his Vogue shoot, or the multiple custom Louis blue items he seems to have an avidity for. So, the pink shoelace had to be an intentional decision, I mean Harry fans have been buying vans authentics and adding a pink shoelace, but only because of the man himself, so why did Harry do it? I did a quick google search of “symbolism of pink shoelaces” and “do pink shoelaces mean anything” but I came up empty handed, well except one thing, a song on an album, labeled no other than “Pink Shoelaces” by Dodie Stevens. Now there isn’t much there, since I couldn’t draw any set connections between Harry and Dodie, but still there is more to unpack here. The only thing that I’ve been able to sorta of connect Dodie Stevens to Harry is Stevie Nicks as both women were born within two years of each other and were releasing music around the same time(1959-1960 for Dodie, and 1971 and beyond for Stevie). No public meetings between the two unfortunately. Dodie Stevens’ album, Pink Shoelaces, has some very interesting song titles. Some include, “Am I Too Young To Love”, “To Know Him is to Love Him”, “Just A Dream”, “Pink Shoelaces”, and now stay with me “Too Young”. Now even these song titles seem to point in a very specific direction for Harry, erm Louis, but that not even the most shocking thing. 
Let’s look into some lyrics of the aforementioned songs. First up is “Just a Dream”. 
“Just a dream, just a dream (Just a dream) All our plans and all our schemes (All our schemes) How could I think you'd be mine (You'd be mine) Those lies I'd tell myself each time I know that this could never last (Never last) It didn't seem to in the past (In the past) Just a dream I dream in vain (Dream in vain) With you I'd only live in pain”
I mean some pretty raw emotion here. Wanting to be with someone so bad but it seems it only happens in your dreams, that doesn’t sound familiar at all. Now most of these songs connect to Louis’ discography. And this song especially “Too Young”. The lyrics, “Oh, I can't believe I gave in to the pressure When they said a love like this would never last” wow that sounds really similar to our song by Dodie, now doesn’t it. 
Next song “Am I Too Young To Love”
“Am I too young? Too young, too young to love? Someone please help me Someone above”
Now I wonder what I’m going to connect this one too. Maybe a song by one of our favorites, Mr. Louis Tomlinson. I don’t think I need to explain how these two songs connect with each other, since quite literally both mention and discuss being too young  for love. 
Next Song “To Know Him is to Love Him” 
“Everyone says there'll come a day When I'll walk alongside of him“
“To know, know, know him Is to love, love, love him Just to see him smile Makes my life worthwhile“
This song really hurts me if Harry actually has listened to it. Everyone says there’ll come a day when I’ll walk alongside him, those lyrics hurts when they are connect to Harry. Was the intended purpose to discuss closeting, probably not, but the parallels are there and pretty obvious. Next, the smile lines. We know how smiley Louis would get when Harry was simply looking at him. And if you look up creepy love stare I’m sure you’ll find so picture of Larry where they are both so obviously in love that they just have a smile on their faces. 
Next Song “Pink Shoelaces” 
“He's my guy and I love him truly ... But I'm wild about his crazy clothes”
I see this song more of Louis’ pov about Harry. But nonetheless it can show their relationship and how they both love each other so much. The crazy clothes line I just thought was fitting for Mr. Styles and all the amazing clothes he has in his closet. 
Ok, Last Song “Too Young
“They try to tell us we’re too young
 too young to really be in love”
if this song and where I’m going with it isn’t obvious omg. Anyways Louis song, Too Young, which we all know is about Harry, because who else, not eleanormegirlfriend, for sure. 
Ok, so now I’ve broken down the songs, and explained every lyrics that I think connects Harry and Louis through this pink shoelace. You’re probably not convinced, because a shoelace is a pretty silly hint, and if it took this long to look into it couldn’t be right. Well these next picture might help convince you a bit. 
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Yeah, you see that little face in the big red circle, that looks awfully similar to the smiely face Louis uses for everything, from concerts, to merch, down to the fact it is tattooed on his body. This new evidence is what really help nail down my theory. Now Harry had gone out in public with a pink shoelace a lot, fans picked up on it but no one talked about if it was a hint, because why would we? So Harry added another message onto those same shoes (I think they are the same pair, just no more pink shoelace) in hope that maybe this time we would pick up on it. Fans have been questioning why Harry would continue to wear gross dirty vans out in public all the time, well maybe it was so we could pick up on his subtle hint that hey this is for Louis even if Harry couldn’t say so. 
Ok last part to really support this theory. 
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Yeah, I think most larries are pretty aware of this tweet. However most people connect it with Louis’ upside down triangle tattoo that he has on his ankle. So my thoughts are what if the pink shoelace, and face on the vans is to tell Harry by his ankles. Harry having something directly on his ankles that references Louis/Larry might be too suspicious, so maybe Harry settled for the next best thing, shoes. I mean shoes are close enough to the ankle to still connect the two. 
I really hoped this made sense and once again I’m going to say this is a HUGE reach, which I understand. But it’s something that I thought one day and honestly couldn’t stop thinking about, especially because fans know Harry is one to leave little hints like this throughout what he does. So let me know what you think and TPWK xx
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queensgaybeach1d · 4 years
HELLOOO, I just discovered your blog, shame on me. So, I read your masterpost about the stunts in the industry (great work btw) and was wondering how to tell if something is real or purely pr. Would you mind giving me a few pointers ?? Answer however and whenever you can.
Hello Sweetie,
Thank you so much for your lovely words. I would love to help you dig deeper into the PR industry. In fact, I did some research myself and I stumbled upon a great confirmation on how everything works. I think it is just the right fit for you, sweetheart.
Please take your time reading the post and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Have a great day and enjoy!
Suman 😊
How to spot a PR relationship?! 
This post is made for everyone who would like to learn how to spot a fake relationship in Hollywood. This information is supported by a very reliable source. The name of the source is Jack Ketsoyan, he set up two PR relationships himself. If you would try to compare this to your favourite Hollywood couple, you might be surprised of the outcome. I wish you all the best while reading this and if you have any questions/suggestions please do not hesitate to ask. Enjoy! :)
 This is the link of the podcast about the PR relationships (skip to 5.40). I will make a little summary of the very important things Jack said. There is also another man who is speaking about this subject. His name is Christopher and he is a lawyer who has worked with cases like these for a long time.
 (Please note that I am in no way hating on anyone. I have a strong dislike for all ‘’beards’’, but what they do with their lives is their responsibility. Therefore I mean no harm to any of these people. It would be very sad if any of these people would do it because they needed money for their families. If that was the case I would truly feel sorry for them, but the thing is they want to become famous by dating someone else who put his/her hard work in his/her career. That it just not fair. There are plenty of ways to become famous by dedication, hard work and staying yourself.)
I want to give compliments to the lovely @Totallylost4you on twitter. She made me aware of the podcast.
-’’To hide the artist’s sexuality; boosting of the careers.’’ --> (Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall. Also, Kristen Stewart, Cara Delevigne and Taylor Swift) -->
‘’It is more common on the male side than on the female side. There are certain celebrities who were, back in the day, in the closet and it was not okay to be out. We live in a completely different time nowadays, these days being gay is okay. So back in the day that was the biggest secret, it was a big taboo, if a certain high profiled male, the heartthrob is all of a sudden gay, they were not going to get the bigger roles anymore. They were going to be type casted, so that was the big way of hiding things. Them hiding their sexuality was dating a female who would keep them in the limelight basically and cover it up.’’  [about closeting] ‘’Times have changed, it still happens, but a lot has changed.’’ --> There are still people who would not like attending a Harry Styles (the heartthrob) concert when he comes out as gay.
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-’’To be able to sell the hype of it.’’ --> (Whenever a picture of Taylor and Tom or Louis and Eleanor comes out, people are quick to retweet, post and talk about what happened. Within no time the pictures have traveled through the internet. Which automatically means that a lot of people have seen it. All of this gives the label/couple/artist attention and money. --> Whether it is bad attention or good attention, attention means money.) a few examples of these couples are also: Haylor, Zigi and Elounor.
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-’’To sell tickets to concerts or movies.’’ --> 1D world tours and solo tours. That is also why beards like Camille Rowe, Eleanor Calder and Maya Henry attend their concerts. As for movies think about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (who is gay) fake dating, moments after Twilight came out. Think about 1D bringing their fake girlfriends to the world premiere and Zayn and Perrie getting engaged a second after. The purpose of these events are attention. Sweethearts, whenever people go to these shows/movies all they will focus on is 1D and their ‘girlfriends’. Photos will spread faster than ever and people will talk about how ‘real’ they are. Their aim is to kill two birds with one stone; making them look like a ‘real’ couple whilst promoting their movie/album.
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-’’To sell albums.’’ --> (Zigi, Chiam, Elounor, Hamille, Nailee, Haylor.) Let us be honest, are they not the biggest reasons why antis buy the album? Just to see what stuff they write about their fake girlfriends/boyfriends. Just to see how ‘Camille’ pronounces ‘’Coucou’’or just because Gigi Hadid starred in Zayn’s music video. Or maybe to finally know the ‘truth’ about Taylor’s fake relationships.  
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-’’It's all about the hype at the moment. Especially with the social media world.’’ --> I am going to point out an important thing Jack said. He said ‘’especially with the social media world.’’ Remember when there were only rumours of Louis and Eleanor being back together? The whole fandom tweeted about it. This made it popular and that was the solid moment 1D’s label knew that Elounor 2.0 would do it for them. They would earn a lot by it. The same thing counts for Zigi, Chiam, Haylor, Hamille. Hamille is a good example too. When all of you heard that Harry wrote a song about her and that her voice was going to be included in his song, what happened? Exactly, everyone went nuts and made sure to listen to that exact song. That is exactly what they want. They want that power over you, that is what gives them the money. Another example, how fast do you think solo Zayn stans and Directioners tweeted about a ‘power couple’ when the news broke that Zayn and Gigi are ‘expecting a child’? How fast did people open their social media accounts when Kylie Jenner was pregnant for the Kardashian’s 10th anniversary? (Social media does A LOT. Whenever a picture of Eleanor (beard) and Clifford (Louis’ dog) arrives on the internet, people automatically assume they are together in a room. This, is not the case. That is how convenient social media is to arranged relationships. Why start a rumour by hiring newspapers instead of posting a message on social media? It is much cheaper and more people will know about it in less than four hours.)
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Promoting certain brand like Coca Cola (Elounor), YSL, Gucci, Vogue (Zigi) and Hugo Boss are also a part of it. Celebrities wearing those brands make their fans want to buy it too, think of the Kardashians promoting Adidas and other expensive brands. Also think of people like Briana Jungwirth promoting flat tummy tea. This is called ‘celebrity branding.’
Tell me, how many times do you get HQ pic of your PR couple on your phone? People tend to go out of their mind when pictures come out. That is the immediate effect Hollywood has on social media/ you. That gives them the promo they need, even during quarantine the beards post pictures of themselves, making you think they are together when in reality they are not. :)
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{About why Jack hooked an arranged relationship up himself} --> ‘’It was more of a mutual agreement between the agents. {Tells a story about an actor getting bad reviews for a movie and in order to let people focus on something else they got the actor a girl, so the media would focus on the girl instead of the bad movie.}’’ -->  ‘’Just a one year deal. Basically they finished of the press and the international press and then they went their separate ways, because she did not want to do a two year deal.’’ {interviewer asks if it worked} --> ‘’It worked.’’ -->  A few examples of (approximately) a one-year deal: Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift, Niall Horan and Hailee Steinfield and Louis Tomlinson and Danielle Campbell. It is also good to point out that the beard can decide whether she wants to continue or not, but the celebrity has to do what the agent arranges.
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{Interviewer asks what reasons people might have to agree to one of these PR relationships} --> Different reasons, that could be to deflect attention away from a controversy (damage control. think of something Larry or Ziam related happening and the next day Zigi and Elouno are papped. Or fans finding out Louis is in the same country as Harry and the next day they will let Elouno do a pap walk. Another example is when Ziammies find out a Zigi picture is photoshopped, the next day you will see Zigi in person. This happens when their stunts fail). So if an actor has drugs and alcohol problems they may want to give the appearance that they have settled down and are in a committed relationships so that they can banked for films. Or they are going to be able to get bonded and get work and people will trust them, because they have settled down. It also could be done to create a brand. Two celebs getting together and 'now there's this tremendous interest about them being a power couple.' [...] We create strong provision against the disclosure of any negative facts against the celebrity - with consequences. So these agreements need to be structured with a hold back of money so that over time if they have complied with the agreement and not disclosed ehh no personal information and violation the agreement then they would be entitled the payment, so under the agreement. " --> The last part might be difficult to understand, because the lawyer uses difficult words, but what he is actually saying is very important. He says if the celebrities who are in the PR relationship have done their part (parading around with each other) then they will receive their money (please correct me if I am wrong). The host also confirmed that contracts like these are the reason why a lot of celebrities do not admit they had a PR relationships.
Clues on how to spot a PR relationship:
-‘’The main clue you would see is if, you know, a certain high profiled male is dating a female (or when a high profiled female is dating a regular male), who was not high profile. All of a sudden, she is, overnight, the most talked about girl in Hollywood and everyone want a piece of them. That is the biggest thing, you know, it is such a career boost for the female that some females end up taking the deal.’’ --> Zigi, Elounor, Chiam, Brouis, Haylor, Taylor and Calvin. How does the world know Eleanor Calder? Because of Louis Tomlinson. No one knew her before, except her family. How did Gigi gain so many followers? Because she started dating Zayn Malik. Gigi already had a platform for herself, but she gained a lot of followers by dating Zayn. Zayn also gained followers by dating Gigi. Gigi needed promo and Zayn was in the spotlight, because he just ‘left 1D.’ This made him the perfect target. I hope all of you also notice that when beards/fake girlfriends post pictures of them with their fake boyfriend, it gets way more likes than their usual pictures.
{What was the benefit for the girl in the scenario?} --> ‘’Ehm, she has a huge career at the moment. She benefit from that by becoming a household name (someone that is well known) and getting bigger roles than she would have. She would use to be the 3rd or the 4th lead in any auditions or any jobs that she was getting. She then became the first lead. She got a great career boost out of it, for sure.’’ --> Gigi Hadid, Eleanor Calder, Sophia Smith, Cheryl Cole, Maya, Camille Rowe and Kendall Jenner are just a few examples.
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How did the world know Townes? Because ‘Harry named’ her in one of his songs. How did the world know about Maya Henry? Because Liam Payne started dating her. Before this, she was just a fan. How did Cheryl Cole get the attention back? Because of baby gate and by fake dating Liam Payne. How did Briana gain so many followers? Because Louis Tomlinson fans gave her the attention and because she participated in faking a pregnancy. How did Shawn and Camilla become a couple in the spotlight? Because people have always shipped them, ever since the beginning and their label gave the fans what they wanted. How did Kim Kardashian become famous? A *** tape of her and Ray J leaked and she became famous. Now, she is a lot richer and more famous than he is. A quick note, not many people know how Kim Kardashian became famous. They only really know her from Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The newer generation does not know about the tape scandal, and that is what they do. You need to dig a little deeper to see that. This all is an on-going cycle and it will not stop unless we all stop believing it. 😊
  What do they do in order to make a PR relationship look real?
{Interviewer asks what the clauses in an arranged relationships contract are} --> ‘’An arranged relationship is estranged by definition. So certainly we are going to see requests that are equally odd. They are certainly going to have requirements as to how they hold themselves out to the public as a couple. This would mean appearances at award shows, parties or events together as a couple and that there would be requirements maybe for specific events.’’ --> Eleanor attending Jay’s wedding and being ‘maid of honor’, Calvin and Taylor at Award shows, Elounor at the fashions show 2013, Haylor and their NYE ‘kiss’, Zigi at the MET gala and Chiam at the Brits, celebs at after parties with their ‘girlfriends’. All of these couples have also pictures with each other’s family members. That made a lot of you think they are close and real, well my loves, now you finally know that it is all part of a PR stunt. The fake girlfriends also have to look supportive, that is why they have to be there at concerts, soccer matches, award shows etcetera. 😊
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Remember when Eleanor (beard) posted a picture of herself and in the background you could see a picture of her and Louis in 2012 and ‘Louis’ written on a board? Remember when she posted a picture of herself with her and Louis’ boots in the background in 2018? All of these things are there to make it look like they truly live together and  that they truly own each other’s stuff. The same thing counts for Haylor’s airplane necklace. Do you genuinely think they did that by accident? No, that is the purpose of the whole picture. 😊
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‘’Then there is going to be particularly some none disclosure issues surrounding them as to what cannot be said about the relationship and what needs to be said. There could be a script even as to what they have to say if asked about the relationships. There would be photo sessions showing them as a couple. And then I have seen issues of sexual relationships and specific whether this would happen or not happen in an agreement. But if it is truly a PR relationships then sex would not be a part of that relationship, because it is not real.’’ --> Loves, do you remember a moment when someone asked a celebrity about his/her relationships and they stuttered and looked uncomfortable, or they just said something wrong or embarrassing or tried to talk themselves out of it? Well, that happens when you have to make up stuff that never happened.  Louis Tomlinson confirmed his interviews are scripted, so this one is just an extra thick layer of confirmation. I also recall Gigi doing a live and someone asked about Zayn and she just stuttered and looked away, not knowing how to answer a question. (I think there have definitely been times when two people who were in an arranged relationship gave different answers to the same question, why? Because they do not know anything about each other.) Here is an example of a moment that is repeated and scripted about Louis’ ‘relationship’ with Eleanor, even know we have legit proof that is not what happened:
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Now I can hear all your lovely brains working and thinking whether a celebrity is willing to sign a contract like that or if their label is making them sign it. Well, if you have read my previous masterpost about the music industry you can see confirmations of the label making the artist their puppet. They own you, so if they think you should have a girlfriend to hide gay rumours then they will give you one. ‘A label cannot force you anything’, but it does make you sign a contract. When you sign the contract without reading it carefully, then your label will mess you up. In those contracts they do not write ‘’Taylor Swift has to agree to arranged relationships.’’ They write stuff like ‘’When signing the contract, Taylor Swift allows the label to make changes in order to get her to fame.’’ Of course Taylor (and other artists) would think that they mean changing her outfit and looks, but no. The label thinks being gay is something that will not get people enough fame. So what do they do? They change her, they change her sexuality. They closet her and even though Taylor and other LGBTQ artists do not want that. You cannot deny because when you do so, the label will show you the contract you signed. A contract like that is never written literally, they can manipulate their words. To the label ‘’being gay or a part of the LGBTQ+ community’’ falls under ‘’making changes’’ in order to make her famous. Of course there are celebrities who willingly closet themselves for various reasons. I hope to create a single post about how devious these contracts are for you all! 😊
Here are a few things I hope you have learned from this: 😊
 - Fake relationships still exist and they will always exist. It has been confirmed, so no one can deny this anymore.
 - The girl and boy have to go to special events, such as award shows, family dinners and weddings in order to make it look real.
 - Homophobia is still a thing and the biggest reason why arranged relationships exist.
 - The beard has a contract too, so your idol has no say in how long she can or cannot stay. If she does good then she will stay. (I see many people say that Louis chose Eleanor because they are friends and that is why she is back, but he actually has no say in anything. Your idol is their product to sell. Your idol is basically a marionette.)
 -The PR team does everything to make it look like they are truly together, think of photos of each other in each other’s homes and ‘personal gifts.’
 -Celebrities get an enormous boost on their social media accounts when they start being part of an arranged relationship. Something I have always thought was a bit odd, is the fact that Eleanor never created an insta account until her and Louis’ ‘relationship’ had its peak; in the middle of June 2012. When in reality, insta was created in 2010. She also created twitter in 2012. Exactly when the first few big events were attended by them. (I genuinely think she did that, because everyone wanted to see more of her. Plus, she has always wanted to be a fashion blogger and this was her ‘big moment’ to do so.)
The credits for this post go to @Totallylost4you. They made me aware of the podcast and they continue to shine light on hidden treasures like this one. They also hardly get credits for their solid hard work and I hope they will continue doing this! Thank you!
Thank you so much for your attention. If you have any question/suggestion, please do not hesitate to ask/tell me! I wish all of you the best and please stay safe. Have an amazing day!
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bciwasinlove · 4 years
Hi. I have not been on twitter or even in the fandom long enough so i came here to ask you about something. What's with the song claiming thing? Suddenly ziams are claiming songs that have been claimed as larry song. No I'm not gate keeping. Pardon my word choice.I'm not English. But I'm just curious. As long as i have been in this fandom, no control was a larry song the moment it came out and everyone was ok with it and even ziams never claimed it before.now suddenly they are like oh liam also wrote it? Home has always been larry song considering the timeline, him leaking and all, ziams never claimed it before, now suddenly home is a ziam song too? 18 was taken as a larry song from the moment ed said it was written from 1D perspective and everyone was ok with it considering how Louis used to literally serenade Harry like turning his whole body,changing pronouns etc. No one had a problem untill now. Suddenly in 2020/21 ziams are claiming it. Why didn’t they do it before? Why now? I'm just curious.
Warning selfies have been a thing with Louis for years. Now suddenly it is linked with liam too? How? Did he do it before or something? I genuinely don't know. So let me know plz.
The whole devlin thing, devlin album came out in 2017 i guess and they comparing Louis tweet with zayn tweeting that is from 2016. How does that make sense?
Also some people say larry closeting didn’t work but ziam did...awful thing to say. If it didn’t work then there wouldn’t be so many antis and they are still going through so much. People wouldn’t believe Harry dates every woman that breaths around him. And they claim there are two bbg in ziam relationship right? Why did they need two bbg if it worked? I mean if the closeting worked? Bbg has nothing to do with relationships.
Idk if ziam was real or not but I'm sure gigi was pregnant, she had that symptoms, pregnancy glow,tired face and all. Now whoever the father may be..idk.
I'm not convinced about ziam and how does that make me hypocrite? Also there are some "if this counts(larry),this counts too(ziam)" thread. what's with the comparison?
Sorry about the rant.
Hello anon wow this is long a lot to unpack so I'll start with your song questions.
Idk why ziammies are suddenly trying to claim songs that have ALWAYS been larry related. Especially when Liam said in an interview that Louis and him were a song writing duo for 1D BUT that he wrote the melodies and it was Louis who wrote the song lyrics. Last I checked melodies don't equal meaning of a song so how are these songs about ziam?
Some examples of this....
They are trying to claim Home but Liam said the song was personal to Louis and how when he read the lyrics he didn't want to change them. Home is also a direct response to If I Could Fly with ONLY Harry on the credits. Home was leaked by Louis the night of Belfest when Larry found out BG was being taken pasted the birth of a kid and it pissed off Louis so he leaked Home as payback bc it was clearly a loud song management didn't want on the album.
They are trying to claim 18 but the song was written by Ed who said [compared to other 1D songs he wrote for them] he wrote 18 with a 1D member in mind. [That is why we claim the song at all.] Ed was closeted in the band to Harry next being Louis and Niall he was the least closeted to Zayn and Liam. Side note Ed has a song called Friends that he said was about 2 friends of his who fell in love and when a fan yelled L&H he laughed/smirked and said init so it makes the most sense 18 was written with Harry in mind. Plus 18 is about meeting/loving someone sense they were 18 and it was only Louis who was 18 when they all met and it was Harry who would scream NO 16 when singing the song. Also larry changed the lyrics to HIM and would stare directly at each other when singing 18 livem According to ziam MPs ziam weren't a couple until at least 2 years into the band so why would 18 make sense for them also given they were both 17 when they met & none ever went NO 17 when singing it.
They are trying to claim No Control but that song as we know is about the morning after sex and the second round they end up having. Like stated before Louis wrote the lyrics to 1D songs and Niall plus Larry always made it DAMN CLEAR what that song was about. Also remember when Harry would always jam out hard core when Louis would sing his part in No Control aka majority of the song. Yeah that song is Louis song no doubt.
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They try to claim Alive which makes no sense bc Zayn nor Liam is on the credits at all only Louis. They say it's bc Liam said he related to the song ok I see that but still he didn't write it and still how does this song equate to ziam? Alive is more a song used as proof Louis isn't straight bc it's about self exceptance of who you are even tho others around you for along time made u feel there is something wrong with you. It's about Louis who is more confident part way through the story being told and then helping his lover [who seems to be a bit insecure about themselves] except and love who they are. Since Liam didn't write on it the relationship aspect couldn't be about him and Zayn. Since he said he just relates to Alive at BEST it could mean he might not be straight but it can't be used as proof of who his partner is when he didn't write on it.
There's others but I think you get the point they have always been larry or hinting at Louis sexuality songs so I don't get why or how they are suddenly saying their ziam songs? Myself @lovemylarents and @fearlessmoon09 think bored people in quarantine is what happened to change the landscape.
To your next question warning selfies...
So warning selfies was something Louis did everytime something BG stunt related was going to happen. He started it and did it a ton back in 2016/17 when BG stunting was massive for him. Liam never had anything to do with warning selfies and Louis warning selfies were ALWAYS like I said BG related so suddenly ziammies going Liam does warning selfies for things involving Maya or Gigi makes no sense. It was ALWAYS a Louis thing.
For the Devlin thing...
You hit the nail on the coffin with that one the album with the song Cold Blooded that had the lyrics "so is it true XXXX fathered a baby? I don't really think so, if you ask me he don't like ladies. Could have been HARRY, yeah, I bet it was HARRY" [emphasis on Harry bc I saw a ziammie change the lyrics to Liam] came out in 2017 while Zayns tweet was done in 2016. Unlike Louis tweet which was specifically about this album not just the artist and tweeted during the height of BG stunting. So not the best comparison. They really should fact check before making these "larries are hypocrites" threads bc veteran larries know and fact check everything.
Next thing you mentioned what I call their slogan "larries closeting didn't work but ziams did that is why less talk about/believe in ziam then larry" piss me off so much and what you said it right. If larry's closeting didn't work then we wouldn't be here complaing about how the GP sees Harry as a queerbaiting womanizer, how solo henries who want to have sex and suck Harry's dick exist and how some locals don't want to join Louis fandom bc they think Louis and his fans are homophobic or that twarries exist thinking Louis is a deadbeat dad. Tell me again ziammies how their closeting didn't work? It is so invalidating to everything larry has been put through. Also if larry's closeting didn't work but ziams did then why did they need 2 BGs for Ziam and only one for Larry? Myself @kaybutlarry @babyhoney-28 and @onlythebravestan are still waiting on an answer to that question haven't gotten one.
As you said about Gigi yes she definitely looked more pregnant then Briana ever did. The reason I don't believe in their BG with Gigi is bc their story is inconsistenent. Side note back when Liam had a kid no one besides a few on tumblr ever said it was BG 2.0 they didn't start saying BG 2&3 until Gigi happened. Back to inconsistenences so their original story when we first learned Gigi was pregnant was it's fake just like Briana there's no kid, then when Gigi did the livesteam showing she had a bump and a round face you get when pregnant the story changed to she's pregnant the kid is just not Zayn's.
Then I recently saw some who [after the kid was born] went back to the story the kid is fake there is no kid OR they are using a child actor. Unlike Louis BG they don't have a consistent story that makes sense. Also the kids are never shown unlike with Louis kid F gets posted every damn day with creepy and bad photoshop, and a million articles about how he is Louis twin to shove it down our throats the kid is Louis. The situations have NEVER been the same with Louis vs even just Liam kid.
To your last point ziammies keep calling and making threads about how larries are hypocrites bc we don't believe what they do which is damn annoying bc they constantly say just leave us alone why do you care we exist but then constantly make threads like that getting mad we aren't all ziammies. If your going to make threads against us then yeah were going to say something and respond to your threads the way we would to a debunking larry anti thread. Their threads like that are either using funny coincidences of larry that we don't use as concrete proof to compare to ziam OR their ziam version of our proof has been debunked already like the Ziam Levine Stylinson sticker on the bears. [If you want more info on that ask @lovemylarents.]
They constantly take what is a larry proof and say it's also about ziam [Example the songs] or have a ziam proof that mirrors a larry proof. [Example the devlin thing or selfies] In their threads they always compare miniscule larry things that aren't our MAIN proof. See the miniscule proofs are the house and the big proofs are the concrete foundation that without it those miniscule things would not be able to really count as proof of larry and the larry house would fall. Ziammies ONLY have miniscule proof not a very solid foundation so I'm unsure how long their house will last.
I have been in this fandom for 10 years I have seen MANY ships come and go [Examples: Ziam, Ziall and Narry] but the one ship that has always been here was Larry. Larries have been here for 10 years, Larries are the ones who are talked about in the media, Larries are the ones constsntly gaslighted, Larry is the one ship that needs to be denied a bunch [poorly might I add] there's NEVER been any other ship or ship group people have hated, gone against or talked about this much besides Larries/Larry.
Funny [not for us] but funny that Liam goes through all the trouble of gaslighting Larries and talking about EVERY Louis stunt but he never mentioned Ziam which is a ship that actually involves him or the Ziammies who say Bear isn't his kid. Why did he talk about US and not THEM which involve him? Also funny Liam can easily say the word Ziam but Louis can't pronounce an EASY @ just bc it has the word Eroda in it.
My mutrals and I all agreed we didn't give af that ziammies existed until they kept talking shit about how we aren't ziams to and then go why are larries acting like antis hating us. First off it was NEVER larries hating on them it was toxic solo Zsquad and solo Liam stans who were. We didn't get involved until the entire tl was LARRIES ARE HATING US AND BEING HYPOCRITES. Second off and my last thought it's easy if you don't want us in your replies then don't make threads about us being hypocrites and use easily debunked ziam proof or miniscule larry proof to mirror bc we will point it out bc you think were hypocrites thank you.
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niall-the-churchboy · 4 years
The Better One ~ Louis Tomlinson x reader
In which Louis leave Y/n for her sister
Warnings: Kinda angsty
Word Count: 1.8K
Y/n had always been the overlooked sister, I mean, she could understand why, being the smallest of three girls made it hard to stand out. 
Her sisters were beyond unique and with extreme beauties, they were talented and intelligent and more than she could dream of ever being. And then, there was little Y/n, the one who always had to think twice before giving her opinion because she feared it would be wrong; the one who at the dinner table no one would hear what she had to say, sometimes even interrupting her mid-sentence; the one who everyone thought her suggestion on something was not reliable or useful. She wouldn’t dare to complain though, she had grew up with a silver spoon granted at her, and she was well aware of how privileged she was. 
However it didn’t take away the pain, and she felt guilty for that, what right did she have to complain when people all around the world didn’t have to eat? Or a comfy place to live in? So whenever someone --her friends even-- joked about her being the failure of the family she laughed along them and made it look as if it was funny. She knew they didn’t actually mean it --she was sweet and people loved being around her-- but it still hurt. 
She didn’t complain about her beauty, it was just a standard given by society, and she was happy with being ‘average’, but it killed her whenever someone would meet any of her two sisters and instantly comment on how beautiful they were. And their intelligence, Y/n could swear they knew almost everything, always had bright A’s and B’s without even trying. Unfortunately it wasn't her case, she had to study for weeks to ace an exam, try to memorise and understand the logic of every detail in every book. She knew she wasn’t the smartest --not that she was dumb either-- but comparing herself to her sisters made her mad. Was it too hard to give her a brain too?
She believes her mother noticed this repetitive comparison, maybe the countless of times her mother had overheard Y/n encouraging herself to keep on studying because her sisters would have had great marks, or the amount of times she had cached her own daughter glancing on the mirror, examining her nose or lips or face. 
“What are you doing?”, her mother had once asked when she found Y/n comparing her report card to her sisters’ ones. “Nothing! I’m sorry”, she apologised.
Apologise. She would always apologise for the tiniest of errors. “Y/n, it’s okay. It’s no big deal, you don’t need to apologise”, her mom would asure her but it just didn't sit right. 
Her parents were happy and eager when Y/n announced she would bring home her boyfriend for the holidays. In her short twenty-four years of life she had never had a boyfriend or a special someone, something that had also been different from her sisters’ teenage years. They where even more surprised when they found out it was no other than Louis Tomlinson himself. 
Louis and Y/n had met in an interview, she was asking him question about his new album like the professional reporter she was when all of a sudden he asked her out. 
“I’m sorry, I believe I didn’t hear you correctly”, she said brushing her hair behind her ear. Louis laughed, that charming laugh that would cause dimples in his cheeks and Y/n couldn't contain her blushing. My god! Why was she so dumb and awkward?!
“I asked if you would like to go out sometime, maybe go to a coffee place or to a bar...”, he asked again waiting for her to answer with a positive response. Y/n glanced at her coworkers who were filming them and the she looked back at Louis, “me? You want to go on a date with me?” Poor Y/n, she couldn’t believe it herself someone would invite her out, let alone a celebrity, she believed this was a twisted joke her mind was playing on her. 
“Yes. If you don’t want to I totally understand”, Louis was quick to answer. So she said yes, and she pinched herself during the whole date just to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
It was difficult for Y/n to open up, someone was suddenly asking for her opinions in certain things and questioning about her day, but Louis knew what he was getting himself into and truly believed she was worth it. It took Y/n a whole year and a half to bring Louis home, she was scared of him meeting her sisters and suddenly realising how little she had to offer. Obviously she would never tell him this and always excused herself saying they were very far away from her hometown.
The day would eventually come, and now there they were, standing at the door of her childhood house with a grip on their suitcases and tight coats against the cold December winter. “Y/n!”, Avery, the second child, greeted them with a christmas hat and a warm hug towards her little sister before welcoming them in. 
“Avery, this is Louis. Louis, this is Avery”, she said with a sweet smile as they shook hands. “Y/n, is that you, sweetheart?”, the cheerful voice of her mother reached her and Y/n felt herself grow happier, soon enough her mother was coming out of the living room with an eager look on her face. “Is this handsome man Louis?”, she continued to ask after hugging tightly her younger daughter. 
Louis liked being here, they didn’t seem to treat him like a celebrity and that made him feel normal for once, he wrapped his arms around Y/n’s waist as they sat on the dinner table that was already waiting for them with a big turkey. The table held all new faces for him, Y/n’s father who smiled proudly when asked who had cooked; Avery and her Husband, Chris, who was a Lawyer; and Y/n’s mother. 
“Where is Tessa?”, Y/n asked when everyone began serving themselves food. “Oh, Tessa wasn't feeling well. I believe she's asleep”, her mother answered her and Y/n ordered herself to remain happy even though she had a sad feeling forming on her chest. 
Tessa and Y/n didn't have the brightest of relationships, Tessa had always been somewhat mean towards Y/n and the younger sibling had never know why. When she was eight she came to the conclusion that her sister hated her, Y/n tried everything to become part of Tessa’s white list but the task seemed impossible. So she kept her head down low and sinked in the words her sister would tell her because she clearly had done something wrong and she had to pay the price of it. 
“Oh...”, Y/n made a pregnant pause, a year had gone by since she last saw her sister, why would Tessa prolong their reunion even further?, “I’ll be sure to go say hi to her when we finish eating.”
“That won’t be needed”, all eyes fell on the women who walked down the stairs with sturdy long legs, hair curled perfectly and her face completely clean even though she didn't have a single drop of make up on. Y/n felt Louis hand fall from her waist. 
“Tessa, is so nice to see you again”, Y/n stood up from her chair and went to greet her sister. “Good to see you too, Y/n”, the older one answered looking at her right in the eye. “Em, sorry, this is Louis”, Y/n continued to present her boyfriend after a quick hug. 
“Nice to meet you, Louis.”
Their connection was almost instant and Y/n hated herself for it. Tessa had recently divorced and Louis seemed like the perfect distraction. However, Louis grew interested in his girlfriend’s sister. They both had the same age, so it instantly gave them more similarities; they liked football, a sport Y/n never really understood; and a special chemistry between them that Y/n had never experienced ever in her life. 
Y/n became more impatient for the two weeks to end so she and Louis could go back home and escape her sister’s seductive stares. But Y/n knew, she knew her time was running out when Louis barely spent time with her and began replacing her with Tessa. Both Avery and her mother attempted to keep Y/n occupied with other things, but the reality was that no one knew what to do. 
She was taking the garbage out when she spot them, it took her almost five seconds to realise that it was in fact his boyfriend kissing his sister, that’s when she knew it was over. Her stupid, little to offer self had lost again, this time however, the only person who actually listened to her. So she went back inside and told herself that she should leave because who was she to ruin their love? She wanted them to be happy, and if they needed each other to achieve that she would have to move from their way, even if it hurt her in the process. 
The sun had already set and it was snowing when she told Louis. She had asked him to go outside to talk for a little while and he had agreed with an irritated look on his face.
“I bought an airplane ticket to leave at dawn”, was the first thing she said. 
“What? Why would you do that?”, Louis asked as anger began stirring in his insides, they didn't leave until three more days and christmas was still to arrive! Y/n cupped her hands together as she tried not to cry, she wasn't allowed to cry. 
“I only bought one, for me. You should stay here with Tessa and my family, I don’t want to damage things for you”, she explained sighing. It was hard to let go. 
Louis knew instantly what she was talking about, she knew. Maybe they hadn't been as careful as they thought, but he wasn't sorry --probably just a little that he had broke Y/n on the process, but he knew she would get over it--, he wanted Tessa, he loved Tessa. 
“I’m really sorry, Louis”, Y/n said. What was she apologising for? Oh well, she had forgot. “I won’t ruin things anymore. I’ll leave and grab my things back at home, it will be like I was never even there, I promise.” She felt angry at herself for letting tears spill from her eyes, “I’m sorry. I’ll leave now, thanks for everything Louis.”
Indeed she left, with barely an explanation towards her family and a shuttered heart. Don’t they say goodbyes are the hardest? And Y/n knows that what comes always goes.
I feel sad for Y/n and mad at both Tessa and Louis! I think she deserves a better ending, what do you guys think? 
Part 2 is here
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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TRACK BY TRACK BREAKDOWN: Daddy's Country Gold LP by Melissa Carper
Singer-songwriter and upright bassist Melissa Carper has released her new album Daddy's Country Gold today.
Carper’s refreshingly unique style calls to mind greats like Kitty Wells, Billie Holiday, and Loretta Lynn, beautifully conveyed in the grooves of the album’s 12 sparkling gems. Carper enlisted fellow bassist Dennis Crouch (The Time Jumpers) and producer/engineer Andrija Tokic (Alabama Shakes, Margo Price) to co-produce the album and bring her dream to life. Recorded live to tape at Tokic’s analog studio wonderland The Bomb Shelter in Nashville, the album features Crouch (bass), Chris Scruggs (guitar, steel guitar), Jeff Taylor (piano, organ, accordion), Matty Meyer (drums, percussion), Billy Contreras (fiddle), with guest appearances from Brennen Leigh, Sierra Ferrell, and legendary pedal steel maestro Lloyd Green.
Daddy’s Country Gold is a collection of glittering Carper originals of the country, western swing, and jazz variety. From the first notes of album opener 'Makin’Memories,' to the whimsical 'Would You Like To Get Some Goats,' and the heart-wrenching tenderness of album closer 'The Stars Are Aligned,' this lifetime of work, experience, and wanderlust culminates in a beautiful portrait of heartfelt music, written by a road-lovin’ gal who has lived these songs and spent her life playing music for folks that still love the real thing.
We asked Melissa to breakdown Daddy's Country Gold track-by-track to give us more insight into what the songs on the LP are about. Read it below.
Makin' Memories
Most of my songs' inspirations will come just from a beginning phrase or idea and then they will take off from that.  With 'Makin' Memories,' the inspiration came from a conversation I was having with a friend, they were joking about 'Makin' memories and keepin' your memories.'  I thought it was funny and a good song idea. The first line came to me, 'I'm makin' memories I'd like to remember.'  I always have a hard time remembering people's names, especially getting introduced to so many folks at shows and traveling all around, so thus 'Larry and Steve.'  Then, of course, there is the whole idea of not remembering what happened when you have had too much to drink, something I may have done a time or two. This is just a fun, lighthearted song that hopefully makes people chuckle.  I love Frank Sinatra and this song happened to take on a bit of that Sinatra flair.  
I Almost Forgot About You
The idea for 'I Almost Forgot About You' came from a weekend in which I had a very good time and had managed to forget about a love interest that I had been obsessing about. When I got back home that phrase came to me, 'I Almost Forgot About You,' and I realized I had a song there.  I just kind of tied in the various lost loves of my life to come up with the rest. The bridge for this song came later and sort of magically. I primarily write without an instrument in hand and develop the words and melody first and then I sit down and figure out the chords after.  This bridge I am particularly happy with the spaces and the way the phrasing waits. It came to me that way, and in fact, this entire song had a nice easy flow with the way it all came. I like it when that happens, feels like you are getting help from the universe.  
Back When
A lot of my songs are based on my real-life experiences, and with 'Back When,' every single word of that was lived and true. I started writing it a bit after a break up while longing for the relationship I once had with someone, that is--the beginning of the relationship when we were in love and everything was wonderful. It was written with a hopeful desire that things could be as they once were, and though that never happened, I feel like this song does have that hopeful air that maybe 'back when' could happen again, for any relationship that has lost that spark.  
Old Fashioned Gal
'Old Fashioned Gal' was inspired by spending some time in the beautiful country of West Virginia.  I did receive help from a West Virginian on the names of flowers and such.  Before writing it, I had been listening on Sirius radio to a station with old jazz tunes--if I remember correctly--while driving back from a long tour with the Carper Family.   Usually, if I listen to a certain style over and over, the next thing I write will have that influence.  Like I do with most of my songs, I developed the melody and lyrics first in my head and then sat down to find the chords on guitar.  It ended up having a surprising amount of chord changes in the chorus and changing in odd spots rhythmically, but that's what the melody dictated and I like the way it twists and turns and throws you a bit off-balance there in the chorus.  
You're Still My Love
'You're Still My Love' is just a sad love song and written from real-life experience. I had been listening to Jolie Holland before I wrote this one and I think it affected the embellishments in the melody.  Also, I think Patsy Cline came out, probably from listening so much to Patsy in my childhood.  This one wrote itself real quick and I remember camping and sleeping in the back of my van while writing it. 
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Would You Like to Get Some Goats?
When I wrote 'Would You Like to Get Some Goats' I had a girlfriend at the time whose dream was to have a goat farm. I had fun with double-entendre and metaphors in this one.  And it kind of likens the commitment of getting goats with the commitment of marriage. I have heard goats are quite a commitment but they sure are cute when they are little babies.  
My Old Chevy Van
'My Old Chevy Van' is an emotional song for me.  I inherited my family's 1991 Chevy Van and had been driving it for six years or so when I moved from Arkansas to Austin, Texas in 2009.  I drove it around Texas for a year or two and then felt like it was time to sell it as maintenance was getting expensive and it got terrible gas mileage. I had lived in the van at various times, having a traveling lifestyle, and then there were all the memories it held from childhood. At the time of writing the song, both my mom and dad had already passed on. I had no idea when I sold this van how sad I would be because it had such a connection to them. I still wish I had not sold it and just kept it around as a guest house. The seats in back folded out to be a bed and it was quite comfortable to ride in with the luxury bucket seats. I named her 'Barbie' because the pink and purple paint job reminded me of my Barbie van I had growing up. I had been listening to Hazel Dickens a bunch when I wrote 'My Old Chevy Van' and I feel that was influential. This song needed a bridge and my old bandmate, Jan Bell (who knew Barbie), helped me find some lyrical ideas that fit just perfectly for the bridge.  
Arkansas Hills
I wrote 'Arkansas Hills' when I was driving back from a Christmas trip to Wisconsin. I started writing it around St. Louis and I did not have a smartphone to give me directions. I had probably scribbled some directions down or was looking at a map and I remember telling myself out loud a few times, so I would remember the highways, '44 West out of St. Louis to 65 South,' and then I thought to myself well that's a nice start to a traveling song. So I started writing it while I was driving down the road, and had it pretty much finished by the time I was pulling into 'my little log cabin' in Arkansas--except I didn't really live in a log cabin, but it sounds good in the song.  Donna Farar of Mountain View, Arkansas helped me write a fourth verse, which I felt the song needed.  Donna wrote all the lyrics to Willie's big hit 'The Last Thing I Needed the First Thing This Morning' and she actually lives in the middle of the woods in Arkansas in a cabin, so I felt that enlisting her help was a perfect choice.  
It's Better if You Never Know
'It's Better if You Never Know' is one of my more recent songs and it was inspired simply by a conversation with songwriters in Nashville at a table in a bar. Once I had moved to Nashville and began co-writing with some folks, I realized you can get a song idea at almost anytime if you are paying attention, just listening to a good phrase someone might say. In this instance, someone said 'It's Better if You Never Know' and someone else said that sounds like a good song. I started trying to write it the next day. I'm getting better at writing songs that don't necessarily have a link to me personally, however, I do believe when a song has that personal link it can have an extra emotional feeling that is conveyed to the listener.  
I'm Musing You
'I'm Musing You' came about while I was driving down the road on a road trip. I hadn't written a song in a while and was thinking about how I have often used the same muse or muses to create a song, by thinking back on old times. I thought to myself 'I need a new muse, I need to stop delving back into these old times.' And there was the song.  
Many Moons Ago
With 'Many Moons Ago,' a musician friend of mine used that phrase, many moons ago, and I thought wow I like that, people don't use that phrase much anymore, so I decided to write a song with the phrase. I had been listening to a Delmore Brothers tape over and over in my truck and, though I don't even remember the specific song, I know that something from that tape inspired the melody to 'Many Moons Ago.' Often times I will not know what I am copying or if I am copying something, but there is just something present in my consciousness that brings about a certain style or melody. This song doesn't have many lyrics, but I like the simple message it conveys that time does heal and growth occurs and you move on even when you feel you are dealing with something you can never get over.
The Stars Are Aligned
'The Stars Are Aligned' just came from the romantic feeling of a new relationship with a soulmate you have been waiting for. It flowed out just naturally from that first phrase, the 'Stars Are Aligned.' I love the way this one lends itself to a string section in the background, almost Disney princess-like, and I am so pleased with the lovely string parts on this recording. The string parts were written by my girlfriend and first-class fiddler, Rebecca Patek.
Photo credit: Aisha Golliher
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🚨 Fri Aug 28🚨
!!!!!!!LIAM’S ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reading both the Sun and the Daily Mail’s version of events is a headache and a massive web of contradictions, but it’s all we have to go off of, because no one else decided to chime in today, including Liam himself! 
On August 27, 2020, The Sun reported Liam’s engagement to *mumbles number between 19 and 20 here* year old Maya Henry after two years of dating. This number is brought to you by the same source that says Maya was 20 years old. According to People, the first year was secret! The Sun did publish pap pics from 8/26 with what was reported to be a £3 million engagement ring on her finger. The fandom’s reaction has been mixed at best, though largely, an air of confusion prevails, followed quickly by anger and frustration. And just like that, we have returned to a hostile fandom environment with a LOT of differing opinions which have drawn lines in the sand. 
And then, of course, Liam went live. This happened at around 8 pm BST, and he spent 20 minutes talking about his upcoming show because,oh, also, the LP Show is in ONE day! What else did he have to say? Well, he talked a bit about his haunted house, doing more food challenges, premiering new songs on Saturday (!!!), Harry’s nipples (???), the way he pronounces ‘adore’, the Umbrella Academy, COVID life and how he keeps his depression at bay (love u, bud), and he sang a bit of Watermelon Sugar, while promising that Saturday’s show is the culmination of a lot of hard work, and he hopes it goes well. I do, too! The comments on the live, however, only seemed to want one pesky question answered: is he actually engaged?? For what it’s worth, Liam ignored everything related to this topic, and did not once mention his girlfriend/fiancee. Thanks for that, Liam! 
We at 1 dee discourse inc. gave it a day, but, despite Liam’s conspicuous evasion of the subject in his live, this very much seems to be the route that Liam - or, rather, his team - are taking, as his rep seems to have confirmed the engagement with The Sun so! Don’t shoot the messenger!  However, as we are still in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, they seem to be headed for a lengthy engagement - or at least that’s the hope.  My piece of advice to them would be: don’t try to break the social distancing guidelines with a wedding, you crazy kids! 
( Intern’s note: Honestly, if you have something mean to say about Maya, please don’t put it in my notes - she’s nineteen years old, and I don’t want to hear it.)
Let’s see...what else happened today? OH YEAH, Louis put out a brand new merch line!!! Okay, guys, my bank account is not going to survive this. Lyric Drop 1, as this collection is called, dropped on the 28th of August (today, as it so happens!).There were also rainbow face mural T-shirts and hoodies, as well as - get this, guys!! - a crop top hoodie!  Anyways, the Lyric Drop line seems to mean that each collection will be inspired from different lyrics in Walls. This one is the “You’re Written In My DNA” Collection, which showcases a green and red double helix on top of a...fence? It’s DNA inside a cage? Behind a wall? (I actually really like that last one, so that’s what we’re going with!) 
Well, at least it isn’t called the “DNA test” line, but it is pretty funny, considering...everything. This begs the question, though, of what lyric they will adapt next! I personally vote for “come so far from Princess Park” or “singing something poppy on the same four chords” or “it’s a solo song, and it’s only for the brave”. Regardless, I am curious as to how they’re going to design some of these lines, AND I think that “the Princess Park line” sounds like a super cute name for merch! 
I think I should not have been surprised by this drop, given that he was seen meeting with a designer about merch a month ago (but not, as we thought, his twin brother, the head of UMG), but. I was still surprised. Soooo...does anyone want to help an Intern out and buy me the DNA tank top or an oversized hoodie of his eyes?? ~This is a joke I’m not actually asking you to buy me merch.~
Because Louis and Harry always have to be #twinning, there was an unusual development about Harry’s merch, as well. HSHQ might pick a legal fight with Forever 21 for, uh, *double checks* putting the phrase “Treat People With Kindness” on a hoodie. Harry did actually trademark that phrase in the UK, the US, and the EU in 2019, so he may have a legal case? Let’s get this square - as Louis would say - Forever 21 sucks. They suck, and they’re almost bankrupt, so this did not seem to be a smart move on their end. If it were me, though, I would urge HSHQ to recognize the fact that similar merch is being sold at a much lower cost, which seems to make it more accessible to fans - who are more than willing to buy it! 
Zayn is zayning? I think that’s how you use that word. It has been noted that he has been more visible (for him) on social media, lately, so that might hint at a new project he might have coming out, which absolutely could be the case! In the same vein, Icarus Falls was re-released on all major streaming platforms with two more tracks: Dusk ‘Til Dawn and Still Got Time. This brings the tracklist to a total of 29 tracks and the length of the album to almost 1 hour and 40 minutes!! That’s crazy!!! Even crazier, the album has now surpassed 1.1 billion streams on Spotify! Go Zayn! 
Meanwhile, a former Syco (or psycho, as I like to call them) artist confirmed the label’s dissolution while shading the fuck out of them. The Wikipedia was quickly changed to more accurately reflect the situation. It now reads: “...the record label [was] founded by British LOUIS TOMLINSON SUPREMACY…”. Also, if you change your Google settings to Spanish and Google ‘Harry Styles’, you’ll be informed that he’s been married to Louis Tomlinson since 2019. Happy anniversary, boys! 
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When Did You Fall Out Of Love?
It was crowded.
The train was crowded and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. People coming from different places and going to different directions. The continuous stops that make the small train seem less crowded, until more people get on and it’s the same as before or maybe even more.
Regardless, I couldn’t breathe.
As more people went and go, I felt a presence staring at me. And that presence was right across from me.
He was wearing sunglasses, even though it was gloomy outside in this London weather, and a baker boy hat, that I have to admit, looks adorable. Perhaps I shall get one myself.
I’m not a shy person. Some may say I’m overly confident, but I don’t agree. I am confident, but I’m not stuck up or in love with myself. I’ve learned to accept my flaws and accept that I can’t change them. I’ve learned to love those flaws and realize that it’s a part of me that will never change. And that’s what makes me, me.
I don’t avoid confrontation. I know how to not make things awkward when confronting someone, and I make sure to have my facts right. Without confrontation, people don’t solve problems. It’s all part of life and I love solving problems. Some people find me rude for some reason.
So, I say something to the man who’s staring at me creepily.
“May I ask what caught your attention that has you staring at me like crazy?” I ask firmly.
The man seems shocked that I actually said something. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, so he closes it.
“I-I’m sorry. It’s just that, uhm,” he stutters, and I raise my eyebrows for him to continue. He takes off his sunglasses, “it’s just that I think you’re very pretty.”
Scratch that. I’m shy when it comes from gorgeous men that compliment me.
“O-oh, thank you,” I blush. He smiles and nods.
The rest of the train ride was getting to know each other. Luckily I couldn’t stop the conversation in the middle since my stop was practically the last stop of the day.
I’ve come to find out that the man staring at me is named Harry Edward Styles. He’s from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire (which isn’t that far from where I’m from, Doncaster).
“My best mate is from Doncaster!” He said excitedly.
“Really? What’s his name? I might know him.”
“Louis Tomlinson.”
“Hmm. Doesn’t ring a bell.”
His eyes widen a bit and I found that weird.
He also used to work in a bakery before his job right now.
“So you know how to bake?” I question.
“I can make a thing or two,” he smugs.
“Interesting. Might have to take you up on that.”
His mum is named Anne and his sister is named Gemma.
“Yeah, they’re the best. I grew up with just them two around and they’re the best influence I could possibly have in my life.”
His eyes light up as he talks about the most important women in his life. It’s admirable, the way he talks about them.
He was in a band in high school.
“The White Eskimos?”
“That’s the one.”
“Might have to listen to your tape.”
“I’ll be sure to send one out to you.”
I learned that he also moved to London when he was sixteen because of his job.
“What kind of job are you doing that even made you move to London at sixteen?!” I was completely shocked, there was no way my mother would let me move out that young.
Harry chuckled, “well, I sing and perform.” I felt like there was more to it so I stayed silent, hopefully encouraging him to say more. But it seemed like he was waiting for me to say something. “I-I’m in a band, we’re called One Direction.”
Harry seemed like he was completely shocked that I didn’t know who he was or who they were.
“Wow, that must be crazy. Do you perform at little venues? Or bars? I would love to go to one.”
He chuckles nervously, “erm, not really. I wouldn’t say little venues per say. Perhaps bigger places.”
“I’m sorry, but I probably seem so stupid right now as I don’t know who you are. But how big are we talking about?”
He cleared his throat, he seemed nervous.
“Wembley Stadium, a couple times.”
I almost choked, “are you fucking joking?” He shakes his head. “That’s insane!
You must be a pretty big person then!”
He smiles a little, “to each their own.”
“I’d have a listen when I get home because that’s just-“
“This is the last stop of the day, please exit the train and have a lovely day.” The overhead intercom through the speaker is loud and that means that our conversation was over.
We both exit the train quietly and make it out of the tunnel and onto the street.
“Well, I’m this way.” I point behind me.
“I’m this way,” he points behind him, the opposite way of me.
“It was really great talking to you, Harry.” I give him a small smile.
“You as well, love,” he smiles back.
I’m not sure what to do. Do I just walk away now? Say goodbye one more time? I step forward and open my arms, reaching in for a hug. Harry seemed to get the memo and quickly leans in, reciprocating the hug.
The hug was everything I wanted. He’s a very good hugger. Just enough squeeze and not lazy. He runs his hand up and down my back, and I feel like my knees can lock in and I can just melt. There’s nothing else that can top this hug, and I hope he feels the same way.
We eventually let go and pull away, sadly.
“I hope to see you very soon,” he says.
“I hope so too.”
He gives me one last smile and starts backing up and turning around to walk away. I do the same and walk home to my flat.
You think back to the memory that happened nearly four years ago. You smile back to when you and Harry first met and the memory will forever be burned into your head, as it was one of the best days of your life.
After that day, it was four months before you saw each other again. He saw you at a record store and he completely stood still, shocked to see you after what seemed like an eternity.
Again, you felt a presence staring at you, so you turned your head and saw him. It was him. The same guy who was looking at you four months ago and the same guy who was still looking at you four months later.
You slowly walk over to him and he meets you in the middle.
You’re smiling like crazy, thinking that you weren’t going to see him ever again, but here you are.
“I have to admit, the week after I met you, I went back to the train station, got on at the same station that I did, and waited for you to show up until the very last stop, but you didn’t show.”
Your heart was bursting, to say the least.
“I actually went back to Doncaster for around three months after that day. I decided I needed to see family and friends, so I stayed there and just kind of took that time to reflect.”
“Oh, well, I’m glad you’re back now.”
“I’m back,” you smile at him.
Its been hard. Its been hard waking up every morning to an empty bed. Every morning seemed to get harder and harder. You miss the conversations you had together. The conversations that’ll keep you both up at night and wake you both up first thing in the morning. The mornings that distracted you both from doing stuff outside the bedroom. Those were you favorite mornings.
Now, you just wake up to an empty bed, and it seemed like the bed is getting bigger and bigger, making it seem like your loneliness is expanding. But you won’t tell him that.
You were confident. Until a year ago. Harry’s schedule got busier and more hectic. With filming and promo for Dunkirk, his first solo album, and touring, his life kept going up and his dreams started to come true. But yours seemed like it was falling apart.
You wanted him to hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay. Because when he would say it, everything would actually be fine and things would work out perfectly. But he’s barely home for him to hold you and kiss you.
Every time you talked to him on the phone, you wanted to tell him everything that’s been going on in your mind. Everything that you bottled up, you wanted to unleash it. But you couldn’t. You didn’t want him worrying about you. He’s getting everything he wanted in his life, and you felt as if your problems would ruin his mood. Because all you want is for him to continuously be happy with that gorgeous smile on his face.
You struggled with your emotions and you were never like this before. Your mind is like a bottle. Each thought is so trapped inside that you feel as if your mind is about to combust because of the pressure. You want to talk…but you can’t.
It’s been hard.
Harry is suppose to be home for a bit, so he said on the phone. He has a week off before he flies to the U.S, so he should be home by the afternoon. You’re excited to see him. A bit nervous, but more excited. You talk to him on the phone about twice a week for about thirty minutes or an hour or until he has to hang up. But it’s usually never more than an hour. He’ll send some texts here and there throughout the week, but it’s the basic ‘goodmorning’, ‘goodnight’, or ‘what are you up to?’ and you feel like he’s doing it for the sake of conversation and the fact that it doesn’t make him seem like a bad boyfriend.
Yes, you feel him being distant towards you and you want to figure out why. You haven’t asked him because you’re nervous to, but it may be the fact that he’s touring (obviously, with time zones, it fucks everything up) and he genuinely doesn’t have time to talk. And you get it, he’s tired after the shows or he’d rather celebrate another successful show in a foreign city. But a call more than thirty minutes would be great.
You decide to clean the whole house, light up a candle, and cook a full meal for when he comes home.
You have music on as you sauté up a stir fry, one of Harry’s favorites. You sway your hips a little as your stir up the food vegetables that are sizzling on the stove, until you hear your phone buzz a bunch of times.
You see that it’s from your friend, attached with the massages are screenshots from various articles.
Have you seen these? Isn’t he suppose to be home today? Attachment: 2 images
You feel your heart already dropping as your hands shake to click on the article. Harry Styles out and about in London with stunning actress and looking good doing it! Singer and actor took some time off to go home before he starts the American leg of his 2018 World Tour. Harry was seen with actress getting lunch at Nando’s. Sources have said that Harry and recent girlfriend have split up since she was no where to be seen during his tour. Stick around for more updates to come!
Below the article were pictures of Harry and some beautiful woman at the restaurant. His arms on the table as he watches and listens to her talk. His smile all the way up to his ears and you can’t help but admire his million dollar smile.
But it hurt. It definitely killed you.
You haven’t seen him smile like that in what seems like forever. His calls and text don’t seem enthusiastic or excited to talk to you. And that hurt. Some other woman made him smile like that. She gets to see him smile for her like that. And that hurt.
And you decided not to go on tour with him because of school. You’re getting your masters degree in literature and that contained many essays and reading. You couldn’t drop everything you achieved to watch him on stage, no matter how many times you considered doing so. But he understood, he encouraged you to finish all the way through and you appreciated his understanding.
You feel a few tears stream down your face and you lift your hand up to wipe them. You put your phone down and turn off the stove. You put the food in a container and clean up. You couldn’t think about this anymore.
Harry was the one who said himself to not believe any of the articles that were written about him. And you didn’t. You didn’t believe them for four years and that saved the trouble and energy of arguing. Each article that was written about him with women, you didn’t believe any of them. You didn’t jump into conclusions and you didn’t make a fuss about them, because you trusted him. You trust him so much that no matter how much the pictures and words that correlated to Harry and a new girl hurts you, you didn’t make a big deal out of it. He was the first to say that you shouldn’t trust the media. So you didn’t.
But it still hurts.
A lot.
At 2 o’clock, you decide to pick up your phone and text him.
Hi, what time are you coming home?
You put your phone down and wait for it to buzz. So you decide to pull out your laptop and textbooks. Might as well study while waiting for him. A few hours passed and he still hasn’t shown up. You pick up your phone and check the times of the messages you sent.
Me: Hi, know what time you’ll be home? 3:05 p.m
Me: Are you on your way home? 4:00 p.m
Me: I made dinner, hope you haven’t eaten yet.          6:00 p.m
Me: Are you coming home?                                              7:00 p.m
Me: I’m heading to bed, wake me up when you come home. Would love to see you  11:00 p.m          
You were tired. You waited eight hours for him to come home and the studying definitely put your mind to ease.
You lay in your extremely large bed, tossing and turning. You glance at the clock and see the red numbers reading that it’s 2:23 a.m and there was no sign of Harry next to you. You sigh, until you hear the front door open. Your heart beating fast as you think it may be an intruder, but you hear Harry’s boots click against the flooring.
You decide if you should run out downstairs to see him, but you hear him walking up already and opening the bedroom door. You stay in your position: on your side with the covers up to your neck. Harry can’t see that you’re still awake. You don’t know why you aren’t moving to get up and attack him with kisses, perhaps your nervous for some reason.
Harry makes his way into the bathroom and you decide to sit up and wait for him.
You contemplate what to say to him. You’re not sure why it’s different this time round, but obviously something has changed, way before the recent article that was released.
Once the bathroom door swings open, Harry was about to walk out, but stop immediately, surprised you’re awake.
“Oh, why are you up?”
‘Hi, I missed you’, to you too.
“You told me you were coming home today. I texted you,” you said softly.
“Yeah, I was suppose to, but some of the lads wanted to go out for drinks and my phone was off,” he says as he goes into the walk in closet.
“The lads as in?”
“Lads from the band and tour crew.” You’re completely shocked.
“Harry, I haven’t seen you in at least three months and you see them every single day. Why do you need to hang out with them even more when you said you would be home?”
“Because I fucking wanted to? They’re my friends and I wanted to go out for a drink with them.”
“Yeah, but the purpose of taking a week off was to be at home and not think about anything else.”
“Would you back the fuck off? If I want to go out, then I’ll go out. I don’t need you to tell me what to do,” he rolls his eyes.
“I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just trying to understand your logic.” He doesn’t say anything, but scoff. Tears begin to well up in my eyes as he gets in the covers on the bed. He laid on his side, his back facing me.
“I-I just missed you, is all.” You didn’t hear him say anything, but sigh deeply.
“Missed you too,” he mumbled into the pillow. You took a deep breath and laid back down.
“I love you,” you said softly, but you know he heard you loud and clear. But he doesn’t say anything back and your heart starts to break.
You’re waken by your right arm cramping up from laying on it the entire night. You glance at the clock, reading that it’s 7:00 a.m. You’re also waken by Harry rummaging through his things.
“Harry? What are you doing? Get back in bed,” you said tiredly as you prop your elbow to lean on it.
He ignores you and continues going inside the closet and back out. You adjust your eyes and sit up fully, seeing that he’s packing. Not unpacking, but packing. He’s putting more clothes in his suitcase, if not all. And that’s what fully awakes you. It’s like all the tiredness from the previous night and early morning vanished.
“W-Why are you packing? What are you doing?” You’re panicking as he doesn’t say anything to you. You get out of bed and look inside the closet, most of his clothes are off the hangers and in the suitcase.
“W-Wait, stop. Just stop. Hold on. Why are you packing?” He hears the shakiness in your voice and he feels bad, so he stops for a second to turn around and look at you.
Your eyes are glossy, “what’s going on?”
He sighs deeply before he says, “I’m leaving.”
“What? Why? Where are you going? You have a whole week!” You feel tears at the corner of your eye, threatening to fall down.
“I just need to get out of here. I can’t stay here any longer.”
“But you just got home! Why are you leaving already?!” Tears are now streaming down your face and there’s no way that you can stop it.
“I told you I can’t stay here any longer,” he repeats.
“Is it me? That’s why you’re leaving? I didn’t mean to nag when you got home, I just missed you so much,” you approach him, putting your hands on his shoulders.
“Please, why are you leaving me?” Harry isn’t looking at you. He looks straight ahead as you put your hands on his cheeks, trying to pull them down so he can look at you and you could kiss him, but he wouldn’t bug.
He’s about to say something, but his ringtone is loud on his dresser. He makes a move to get it, but you beat him to it. You don’t want to and you never were one of those girlfriends who looked at their boyfriend’s phone, but you couldn’t help it. The caller id was a woman’s name. One that you recognized from one of the articles.
He watches you as you glance down and looks up at him with sad eyes. “Here,” you say as you hand his phone to him.
You watch him as he looks down at it, realizing who’s calling, and answers it, “hello? Yeah… I know… I’m almost done… just-just wait for me. Bye.” ‘So he is leaving me.’ You think.
You don’t say anything as he hangs up and just looks at you. You can tell he wants you to say something, but what’s there to say?
“I gotta go.”
“So I heard.”
“Are you cheating on me?” You had to ask.
“What?” He questions, not sure if he heard you right.
“You heard me.”
“I-I can’t believe you would think that I would cheat on you,” he says, “but if you need to know, no, I did not cheat on you and I never had.”
You don’t say anything as you watch him zip up his suitcase. He heads for the door before he turns arounds to get a look at you.
“Tell me when,” you say.
“What?” He furrows his eyebrows.
“Tell me, when did you fall out of love with me?” Your eyes are practically a waterfall.
He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t say when or how or why. He doesn’t even say that he never fell out of love. He just stayed quiet.
“You know, it hurts. Yeah, cheating is horrible and wrong, but knowing that you fell out of love with me and I couldn’t do anything about it? That hurts. A lot. And the fact you’re not even denying it, hurts even more.” You pause. “And if you walk out that door, we’re done.”
He still stays silent as he looks down with guilt. You both hear a honk outside of the door that he is about to walk through. He is about to leave the one place that made you feel safe when he was with you. And he is about to walk out of your life.
The day you met him, you couldn’t breathe. There were so many people on that train, stepping in and out. And you couldn’t breathe. It was crowded. It was so crowded you thought about walking home from five stops away, but you didn’t. You didn’t and it was possibly the best decision you made because you met Harry. And once you started taking to him, it was like the world around you disappeared, and you slowly caught your breath. Being with him for four years, you felt like you were in the wilderness that had crisp air. The one that was so fresh and satisfying.
But now you couldn’t breath again.
You walk towards the stairs, not bearing to see him step on your heart and leave it hopelessly.
“Goodbye, Harry.”
Part two
let me know if you want a part 2 and if you want to be tagged!
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Circles; Harry Styles Pt. 2
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“Remember Frankie? From World History? She has a baby now,” you remarked, voice like lyrics over the rhythm of your white tennis shoes and Harry’s leather boots stepping in time on the concrete bike path.
Leaves occasionally fell, crunching under your feet, sticks and stones on the path being kicked or broken away. The fall wind blew gently, waving strands of your air in front of your face. You had decided against lipgloss, luckily because your hair was so unruly. Harry’s curls, a beautiful feature of his which you always admired, were flopping with each step. You found your eyes trailing from his cheek to his hair consistently, simply admiring. He didn’t catch on much, his own focus glancing between you and the ground beneath his feet.
Lunch had been wonderful. He took to you the local pub, where you sat in the corner, knees bumping against each other after every movement. You shared a basket of fries, ate your own sandwiches and drinks. You caught up on everything: Your studies in London, who your friends were these days, the last boy who broke your heart. He told you about Louis and Niall, and only a little of Liam and Zayn. He explained the sketchiness of his management, the stress of touring, but his excitement on stage. You admitted to have listened to his two albums the night before and told him Little Thins became a quick favorite. You told him about your plan to move to New York when you finished University in order to delve into the world of international journalism.
After lunch, you didn’t want to leave one another, lingering in front of the door, still chatting, when you remembered the local bike trails. (“Gosh, I haven’t been there in forever.” “Same here.”)
So, now, you were strolling along, hands in pockets and elbows bumping somewhat. He replied to your comment about a forgotten classmate with, “God, its strange to think about people we know having children. Were only 19.”
You shrugged, “That’s normal around here, I guess. People settle down straight away, let go of their dreams for simpler, easier things.”
“I could’ve done that,” Harry spoke with a whispery tone. “Sometimes I wish I would’ve.”
You didn’t want to poke and prod at a comment that could turn into something bigger and moved on. “You’ve got money. Be happy.” Of course, this was a joke.
Harry laughed, “Money cant buy happiness.”
“Oh, I’m sure it could buy mine.” He glanced at you inquisitively. “Well, Im constantly stressed in London because of work and school. Its stressful and exhausting paying for my apartment and class and food and life.”
Harry frowned somewhat, “That’s part of the reason I hate it sometimes. I’m so lucky and undeserving of all I get just because I can sing and I’m attractive. You work so hard for what you have and you still struggle. It’s unfair.”
You retrieved your hand from your pocket and pushed him lightly, “I’m just confused as to who said you were attractive.”
He blushed deeply, his eyes downcast and shy. Suddenly he met your eyes and shrugged his shoulders. “You did say I was cute.”
Your own cheeks quickly turned red. “I’m gonna avoid my problems.” Your pace quickened and you began to walk away from Harry.
He giggled, emitting a grin on your face, and walked fast. Harry reached out and grabbed you around the waste, spinning you around in his arms. You caught yourself on his shoulders, feeling his warm breath combat the cold on your cheeks. He grinned cheekily down at you, eyebrows raised.
“I didn’t lie,” you unashamedly spoke. “Ive always thought you were cute. Hell, the only reason I came to the bakery so much was because of you.”
“What about the muffins?” He mused.
“Harry, a girl gets sick of eating muffins every single Saturday for 2 years in a row.”
He chuckled, squeezing your waist gently. But, then, his eyes fell slightly, his lips molding into a frown. His grip loosened and he almost stepped back. But, he didn’t. “Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow? With me?”
“I’d really like it if you could get Niall’s number for me, but I guess you’ll do,” you whipped your head around in exclamation.
He scoffed, laughing loudly, before pulling you against his chest. You just stood there, hugging each other lightly, though you were shivering in the breeze. Soon after, he walked you home and even kissed your cheek prior to leaving. You giddily walked up to your bedroom, bare of much decoration because of your schooling situation. You closed the door and leant against like a heartsick teenager. You felt the same way you did two years ago, head over innocent heels for some stupid boy. You didn’t know if this would work, given your future career and his present one. You didn’t know what his favorite color was, but he did telll you his favorite way to drink tea. You didn’t know who his childhood cartoon crush was, but you knew that when he looked at you, your stomach was in flames.
You didn’t know what you would regret in the future, as no one does. So you decided to jump.
Harry had definitely gone on Pinterest.
When you opened your door (only knowing he would be arriving at the time he did because you spent the entire afternoon, night, and morning texting one another) you immediately smelled the sweet fragrance of men’s cologne. It was nice, slightly overwhelming, but nice nonetheless. He held a bouquet of red roses, your favorite because you told him you were a fan of cliches. He wore a jade green button-up, short-sleeve dress shirt. It was obviously new, given away by the fact that there were creases in his sleeves. (His favorite color was ocean blue, by the way, and yours was the color of his shirt.) In his other hand was a picnic basket, which he held up to you after he handed off the roses.
“It’s freezing outside, Harry,” you giggled whilst motioning him to step inside. He did, following you into the kitchen.
You set the roses up in a vase as he replied, “I know. But its okay because I have a really nice idea.”
“Okay, I trust you,” you spoke reassuringly. You turned towards him from your spot by the counter.
Harry’s eyes trailed over your figure, clad in a long-sleeve, ocean blue wrap top tucked into a pair of blue jeans which stopped just above your black ankle boots. Gold jewelry dangled above the neckline and from your ears, your hair tied up in a low messy bun which took too much effort. “You look lovely, by the way.”
“You, too,” you grinned, meeting his eyes. “Guess we both thought of impressing one another.”
“I went to three different stores to find this,” he spoke as you began to lead him back to the front door.
“Uh, me, too. Don’t act so special,” you grabbed your coat off the rack and slipped your arms through it. Harry laughed.
You bid farewell to your parents, who were watching television in the living room. They gushed over Harry, about to ask him a million questions when you said, “Dinner reservations, sorry, got to go!”
You grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. You didn’t let go, and neither did he, but he had to in order to open your door. You hadn’t expected this and hesitantly slid into the passenger seat. “Thanks.” You told him once he started the car.
After a few moments of adjustable, comfortable silence, you piped up again, “So, where exactly are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
You arrived to a park two towns over after half an hour. It was massive, with lookout spots all over the hills. He parked in one with the trunk of his mum’s car facing out over the countryside. He opened your door for you, again, and led you to the back of the car.
“Okay, Ted Bundy,” you giggled lightly, walking ahead of him.
“Oh, please, I dont want to kill you,” he scoffed, popping the trunk. “At least not until the nights over.”
“Why not?” You held his eyes, not yet looking to the trunk.
He shrugged, “Because I have to get a goodnight kiss first.”
He left you stunned, cheeks red and eyes wide. Harry sat down in the trunk, leaning back against the pillows and blankets decorating the small space. You grinned at him, as he was awaiting your reaction. He leant a hand and helped you settle next to him. You both crossed your legs in order for him to set the picnic basket down. He shut the trunk, the heater cranked up and the radio playing.
“Were wasting so much gas,” you laughed, shedding your coat.
Harry took it from you, folded it, and set it on the folded down back seats. He took off his own, “Dont worry about it. I’m rich, remember?”
You tossed your head back with a loud laugh. The hours flew by from there on: He had made finger sandwiches, which you ate with liberation, and homemade lemonade packaged in a thermos. His mother helped him melt chocolate and cover strawberries in it. He had even made a mini cake at the bakery and packaged it all nicely for you two to share. You talked about everything you hadn’t already discussed: Music, books, television, his supporting act on tour, your favorite professors. You told him about your dumb job waitressing, about the lady who had tipped you one-hundred euros.
Once you were done, you helped him pack up the trash. He set the picnic basket in the front seat before shutting off the car. The sunroof was closed, but the stars were visible through it. He laid down on the blankets, head smushing the pillows. You sat there for a moment, feeling slightly awkward, before he motioned for you to lay down, too.
You cleared your throat, face hot and body stiff, before doing so. There were barely a few inches between you, but Harry made sure there were none. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tugged you into him. You took the liberation to lean your head on his chest and lay your arm across his stomach. No words were exchanged, but they didn’t need to be. Everything that you could learn had probably already been said: Deeper stories, moments, could be exchanged later. A bond was now established and you already knew what was coming.
For now, you could only enjoy the moments that he was here: His hand in yours when he drove you home; hand in yours as you led him to the front door; lazily smiling down at you; a gentle, comforting hug; his eyes flickering between yours, your lips; his breath fanning closer until he stole his goodnight kiss.
“Guess you can kill me now.”
TAG LIST: @mantlereid , @boxofteenageideas , @dinosaursandsocks @ashhdaniellee95 @heartbreakcity @sadhwstudent
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You or Him.
Your heart was pounding so loud you could hear it in your ears. You quietly opened the front door, sliding inside and immediately against the wall. You held a small nerf gun with only one bullet in your hand and you listened carefully for Harry’s voice. He should be just about done with his conference call. From what you could tell, his voice was coming from the living room- kitchen area. You crawled the last bit of hallway, getting down on your knees and peaking around the corner. Harry stood in the kitchen, his back was to you and phone to his ear. He was leaning against the counter nodding his head and agreeing with whoever was on the other line. You crawled to the island and waited for him to hang up the phone. 1:30pm, just like clockwork. Harry sighed after hanging up, running his hands through his hair. He was shirtless, dressed in his thin grey athletic shorts. You held the gun to your chest and tried not to laugh at how perfectly your plan was working out. Harry walked past the island and you jumped up and shot. The foam bullet hit him in the middle of his back. “Gotcha!” you yelled with a huge smirk on your face. 
Harry turned and shook his head laughing. He ran at you and wrapped you tightly in his arms, placing a warm and gentle kiss on the top of your head. He had always been very forward with his touchiness and it was something you looked forward to and loved. When the two of you were together he was almost always touching you, holding your hand, or finding some way to be extra close to you. You hugged him back, breathing in his familiar cologne, your nose pressed firmly against his chest and butterflies in your stomach. “I haven't seen you in ages and the first thing you think of doing is shooting me with a nerf gun.” he laughed and took a step back. “I fucking love you (y/n).”
You laughed along with him, the butterflies flying up at his words. “I love you to H.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked you into the living room. It felt good to be back, to be around Harry. The two of you had been friends for almost 6 years. You met through your mutual friend, his now ex bandmate, Louis, all those years ago. You had been there through everything with the two of them, Zayn leaving, their first concert without him, and their last concert all together as a band. In fact, you had been sitting front row of that one and afterwards you had hugged the two crying boys until everything had seemed okay. You had stayed more in touch with Harry over the years since Louis had been busy with his family, El, and Freddie, but of course you had checked in on Louis as well from time to time. You had celebrated and supported Harry’s first album, both the completion and release, along with his first solo interviews and his big acting break in Dunkirk. All of the late night phone calls about forgetting what to do and being nervous he wasn't good enough, you had been there for each and every one, waking up at 3:30 am to take the call even when you had classes at 8am the following morning. You had also supported him when he left for his big solo tour, even though it had killed a part of you to watch him leave. He had been away for the last year or so now and while you had been front row at a couple of his shows, you hadn't seen him in almost 6 months. Now that he was home, you wanted nothing more than to be around him every minute of every day, starting right now. “So do tell me, how was traveling the world?”
“Well it was amazing, but it lacked a little something.”
“Oh yeah what's that?”
“Something smallish...cute...sassy...”
“Louis Tomlinson,” you joked.
Harry laughed and shook his head, rolling his eyes at you. His fingers trailed along yours distractedly before slipping between yours and squeezing your hand gently. “You.”
You smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder. “I wish I could’ve been there for more. I really missed you Harry.” You snuggled against his chest and he tightened his grip around you. “I am really really proud of you though. Like seriously, so proud Haz” your heart swelled just thinking about it. You really were so proud of him and everything he had worked so hard to accomplish. 
“I missed you too and I know.” He smiled and looked down at you. “Tell me about your life, what’s new with you?” His free hand pulled your legs across his so that you were basically sitting in his lap. You looked into his green eyes and bit your lip as he waited for your life update.
You sighed and looked away. This was the part you had been dreading. Last month you had started dating this new guy. He was okay, you weren't exactly sure how your emotions leveled out with him or even if you wanted to be with him at all, but you had still been dreading this day from the time he had asked you out. Harry never took well to you having a boyfriend. In fact he had stopped talking to you for almost a month last time you started dating someone simply because he thought you could do better. It wasn't just his fault though, you didnt take well to him dating someone either. You and Harry had a special relationship. The two of you had been best friends for so long, you never really wanted to cross the line and risk the incredible thing you already had. Plus before when you had both considered dating, you had Louis to worry about. Now it just seemed like the time had gone. The two of you had agreed to just be friends and you had shoved any feelings for Harry down so deep they rarely showed. Of course, sometimes they did. Sometimes you saw headlines of Harry with another girl and it made you physically ill from the fact that you weren't the one with him. Sometimes you got mad that he had chosen a stuck up model to date. And sometimes you just got upset that his attention wasn't on you. It was a weird situation to be in. Harry nudged you, breaking your train of thoughts. “Well, work is boring as ever.” you smiled and rolled your eyes. “My boss still sucks and treats me like I am just some clueless unimportant woman but thats nothing new really.” Harry frowned. The thought of a man not treating you well always upset him, especially the thought of your boss treating you unfairly. “I uh-I also starteddatingsomeone..” you mumbled quickly. 
Harry’s body froze. His arms literally stiffened and you anxiously looked into his eyes, waiting for the outburst he typically had. “Oh.” he grumbled. “Thats nice.”
“Mhm.” you waited for more but Harry just sat there. “I think you might like this one..” you lied.
Harry just nodded. “Maybe.” You trailed your finger up and down his arm, waiting for him to continue on. He eventually lightened up and sighed. “So how’d you meet him?”
“I met him through a friend actually. A friend from school.”
“Oh. Mutual friends always make great relationships...”
“Harry please don't act weird.” you groaned, touching your nose to his cheek.
“I’m not.” he defensively said. 
“You are. You always act like this.”
“How do you want me to act (y/n)?” he practically growled. Tears formed in your eyes and you moved as far back as you could without falling off his lap. Harry saw your expression and stopped, his head dropped and he sighed. “I’m sorry. If you’re happy, I’m happy.” he said faking a smile. “How long-uh how long have the two of you been dating?”
“Not too long, maybe a month now?” you answered. Harry just nodded. “I want you to meet him.”
“Harry please. He's my boyfriend and you're- you're, well you're my best friend.” you said best friend with a certain tone and Harry didn’t seem to like it. “I just want the two of you to like each other. Your opinion matters to me.” It wasn't a lie. You valued Harry’s opinion more than anything. He told you how it was all of the time and that wasn't an exclusion with boys. Most of the time Harry was right about them even though you had always hoped deep down he said what he did because he had buried the same feelings you had. 
“Fine.” he grumbled. “But only because I want to make sure the guy is right for you.” 
You smiled and kissed his cheek as a thank you. It earned a small smile from Harry, but not his typical smile that made your knees shake. “Dinner tonight? We could make it the official start to Friday movie nights.”
“So now we are including him in Friday movie night?” Harry pushed you off his lap to stand up and pace in front of the couch.
“No. No Harry.” You grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down to you. “Friday movies are OUR thing. I just want you to meet him at dinner and then when he leaves it can be you and I. Just like normal.”
Harry relaxed a little bit after hearing that and you let the breath you didn't realize you had been holding out in relief. “Fine.”
You stood up, hugged him tightly and smiled. “Dinner at 6:00. Don’t even think about being late Harry.”
“When am I ever late to something that involves you?” he asked with a grin.
“I just wanted to make myself clear.” you laughed while shaking your head and walking to the door. You blew him a kiss and grinned. “See you tonight.”
He caught the kiss and placed it on his heart. “7:00 right?” he teased with a deep laugh. You gave him a look and he laughed harder. “I’m kidding. I’ll see you later.”
You got home and anxiously prepped dinner. You made one of Harry’s favorites, spaghetti and meat balls with garlic bread. It was something easy and Harry always said that he loved the dinner because of the face you had once paired it with lady and the tramp. That was what had started your tradition for Friday monthly movie nights. You set the table when the doorbell went off. You walked over and opened it. Your boyfriend had a rose in his hand and a smile on his face. “Hey you.” He handed you the rose and walked in. “It smells amazing in here. I’m really excited for dinner.”
“I am too. I’m excited for you to meet Harry.”
“Where is he?”
You looked at the clock and rolled your eyes. It was 6:05, and just like Harry had promised he wouldn't do, he was late. Normally Harry arrived promptly an hour early to movie night, just because he was so excited to spend time with you. You heart ached a little knowing he wasn't excited like normal but you also knew that your boyfriend intruding in dinner had set him off. Harry walked in a minute or so later. He had a bouquet of flowers, all of your favorite flowers to be exact. He walked over with a big grin on his face. “Hey beautiful.” he half hugged you holding the flowers. He hand them over and you smiled. He placed a kiss on your head and grinned. “Those are your favorites right?”
“Yeah, they are beautiful Haz. Thank you.” You carried the flowers to the kitchen to put them in a vase and Harry followed, trailing closely behind you. 
“Dinner smells amazing. You know how much I appreciate your spaghetti.” He winked and you grinned shaking your head in response. Your boyfriend walked over and cleared his throat, reminding you he was also here. Harry glared at him, his hand firmly holding yours. 
“Harry..” you removed your hand from his and stood between them. “This is my boyfriend.” Your boyfriend stuck his hand out and Harry just looked at it until you gave him the look. Harry reluctantly shook it and rolled his eyes. Harry was about to say something but luckily the timer went off and you pulled the bread out. 
“Lets eat.” you said carrying it to the table. Harry sat next across from you and your boyfriend at the table. He kept kicking your feet, playing games like he normally would while eating mouthfuls of spaghetti. Your boyfriend kept looking between you two with an unreadable expression. Harry didn't say a word to him the entire meal and you were a little annoyed he wasn't trying to get to know him. 
Towards the end of the meal your boyfriend had finished his plate. He leaned over and kissed you, his lips locking on yours. “That was delicious. Thanks for cooking baby.”
Harry actually choked on the bite of bread he had taken. He watched your boyfriend closely, his eyes full of anger. “I think I’m done.” he pushed his plate forward and leaned back in his chair.
“You never finish without eating at least another helping of spaghetti, let alone not finishing your plate.” You commented.
“I’m feeling a little ill.” he glared at your boyfriend.
“If you're sick you should probably go home..” your boyfriend countered.
You almost spit out your bite of food. You had never seen him jealous before but he looked like he wanted to hurt Harry. “You know-”
“Actually (y/n) and I have a movie night planned tonight. I wouldn't miss that for anything.” Harry crossed his arms and watched, waiting for a response.
Your boyfriend looked over, his mouth dropping. You shrugged your shoulders in response. You didn't mention the movie night to him because you hadn't wanted him insisting on staying. He had been trying to sleep with you for weeks now, but you just weren't feeling it. You had also wanted to be alone with Harry during movie night but theres no way you would ever admit that to either of them. “Can we talk?” he asked looking at you suddenly. You nodded your head and allowed him to pull you into your bedroom. “What the hell?”
“What?” you asked, placing innocent.
“Were you just not going to mention a movie night?”
“I didn’t see it as an important detail. Harry and I always have movie nights once a month on Friday. He’s been gone so of course we are going to have one now that he's back.”
“So I’m not included because?”
“Because...because...” you stumbled. You knew this question had been coming but you weren't ready to answer it. “Harry’s my best friend. I haven't seen him in  literally forever. I just wanted it to be us tonight.”
“You need to choose.”
“Excuse me?”
“Its either me or him.”
“Because. The way you look at him, the way you interact with him. It’s like you're both in love with each other. He’s been back one day and he's already taken priority over our relationship. It’s me or it's him. You cant have both.”
“Are you serious?”
You looked at him, mouth open. He was seriously asking you to choose between him and Harry. You laughed angrily and shook your head. “This is ridiculous.”
“It is. But it's still happening. Me or him (y/n). Who's it going to be?”
You didn't even think before answering. “Harry. It will always be Harry.”
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and walked out without another glance. You followed him to the kitchen and watched him leave without another word. Harry looked back at you confused. You had tears in your eyes and you didn't quite know why. Harry rushed to your side, pulling your arms out and examining them. “Did he hurt you? What happened?” You pushed him off and wiped your eyes.
“He said I needed to choose.”
“You or him.”
Harry laughed until he realized you were serious. He stopped and looked at you suddenly afraid you weren't going to choose him. He saw the tears in your eyes and he took a step back. You were crying more now because he was moving away, but you reached out for his hand. Harry reluctantly let you grab it, and he pulled you into his arms, rubbing small circles in your back while you cried. “Shh don't cry (y/n).... I get it. You need to pick him. It’s fine. Don't worry about-”
“Pick him?!” you stepped away, snot falling from your nose. “Harry are you kidding me?” You were still crying and Harry was confused. “I picked you. I’ll always pick you. I love you don't you get it.” 
You were crying harder now, your once buried feelings for Harry surfacing. Harry stepped closer and without a word or second thought, pressed his lips into yours. You froze. He didn't give up. He bit down on your lower lip, gently tugging. He patiently waited for you his lips rolling against yours. Your mouth opened and his tongue went inside, sliding off of yours. He kissed you like it was the one and only kiss he would ever get. His arms tightened around your waist, picking you up and placing you on the edge of the counter. You tangled your hands in his hair, while his hands dug into your thighs. You groaned into the kiss and he smirked against your lips. His body rested between your legs as he kissed you. He kissed down your neck, sucking and biting the tender skin below your ear. He smiled and ran his finger along the swollen red mark he left before returning his lips to yours. When he finally pulled away you were both gasping for air, your forehead against his shoulder, his breath falling down the back of your neck while he rested his head against yours. “I love you. I’ve loved you for 5 years and I’m done wasting time.” You smiled and wiped your eyes while crying more. He let you use his shirt to wipe your face and then carried you to the couch where he snuggled you into a blanket and held you on his lap. The two of you were so content, you could have cared less that the tv wasn't on and your movie wasn't playing. You had Harry and as long as you had him, everything else would work itself out just fine.
Just a small little blurb. Enjoy. xoxo
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