#and they’re never gonna change so no I won’t forgive them and I won’t have any regrets cutting them out
jocelynships · 1 year
“They’re your family you have to love them/forgive them!”
Well they shouldn’t have treated me like shit then. Don’t fucking excuse their abuse and neglect. Eat shit and fuck off.
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hypnos333 · 6 months
Lee know x Reader
Synopsis: Minho has been neglecting you as his girlfriend and now when he wants you, your perspective changes after a couple weeks
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For the past month or so Minho was so focused on his dances and career and can understand that but now you feel neglected.
“Baby?” You called out as he was talking to bang chan. he brushed you off making Bang chan look at you in concern before you smiled sadly at him before setting his lunch on his desk before walking away to home to cook dinner.
You made donburi rice bowl with tempura. You set his bowl on the table as you are waiting for your boyfriend to show to dinner.
Unfortunately he never shows, it’s been a couple hours so now you just called it a night. You headed to bed disappointed at the broken promise he had given you yesterday.
In the middle of the night you felt him on the bed as he wrapped his arms around you.
You would’ve just forgot about his actions and move on but he skips dates and anniversary occasionally.
You didn’t know what to do now but to just leave. When he was off to work, You can’t handle the neglect anymore. So you called F/n to help you pack your bags that you need for the next couple weeks til you can get back on your feet.
You packed all your clothes leaving with your friend, you were hesitant to leave Minho but you have to do this for you.
As day turned into night Minho came home smiling with a bouquet of white roses. “Baby! I’m home!” he said cheerfully as he walked through the front door.
He noticed the house is completely quiet, there was no dinner being cooked like usual from you. he put the bouquet on the table before carefully going to they’re bedroom.
“My love, are you here?” But what he saw completely made him pale all your stuff was gone. He checked the closets, the bathroom cabinet and everything else and he found nothing. It’s like you were just imaginary but you sadly were and he had way too much evidence to prove that.
He knew where to go immediately and you should’ve knew better to pick a different place to stay.
Banging could be heard on your friend door as you immediately opened it to get the guy to stop knocking on the door.
When you opened the door your stupidity was noticed, Minho was standing in front of you with a tear stained face. “W-What d-did I do wrong ___? Please I can fix it p-please. I’m sorry, i’m so sorry” he said on his knees.
The Lee know on his knees begging for forgiveness, the idol from stray kids begging for something he doesn’t even know what he’s apologizing for.
You were gonna fall for it til F/n pulled you behind her standing defensively and protectively.
“Lee know, ___ won’t fall for your bullshit again, I’m sick of her crying over your fucking neglect so goodbye idol” F/n spat out in disgust before pulling you in her home with her. Minho just standed there in shock and hurt.
After that Minho was just a hot mess, he couldn’t focus on anything but you, He needed to fix things. He sent a lot of things to you like roses or chocolates or letters.
The gifts wouldn’t stop and you were starting to miss him but you didn’t want to make the first move either. So you decided to go back home for a couple of days in California, your parents moved there recently and now you wanted to see them.
Once you left Minho sneakily got your stuff back because now he was prepared to get you home.
He promised himself he won’t me neglectful and that’s a promise.
So after a couple of days. You were back to your original home and somehow Minho got security to take you home. F/n was at work doing more shifts out of boredom so you had to face the elephant in the room.
Honestly you needed Minho and he needed, you smiled as you were driven back to your real home.
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ackermancurse · 7 months
Prompt List
Tell me the truth or I will walk out that door and I won’t come back.”
“Y-you love me?”
“Maybe we could go on a date or something.”
“I waited for you for hours!”
“You just took my breath away.”
“I wish I could stay here all day.”
“Keep singing please I love your voice.”
“I bought you a bottle of my cologne/perfume so whenever you miss me you can just spray it on something and it’ll be like I’m there.”
“I like your name but my last name would sound so much better with it.”
“So you’re telling me that this was all apart of your big plan?”
“How about I kiss you here and here and…”
“Lucky for you I make a mean fettuccine alfredo.”
“The plane just left… it’s too late.”
“Stop sending me mixed signals!!”
“Even when we were kids I always kicked your ass!”
“I love your smile and how I can make you smile.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“Is that my sweater?”
“Damn you look sexy.”
“If you actually cared how I felt then you would show me.”
“Do we have a deal?”
“If you can look me in the eyes and tell me that you feel nothing between us then I’ll stop and leave this alone.”
“Just leave me alone.”
“They make it look so much easier in the movies.”
“Give me a reason to not turn around and leave.”
“Are you jealous?”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“Can’t you see that I’m in love with you?”
“Hey I need you to be my fake boyfriend/girlfriend for a family dinner tonight!”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Just wondering but uhhh what are we?”
“Don’t do that again I was worried out of my mind.”
“You can’t just scare people when they’re walking alone in an alley oh my gosh!”
“What’s the surprise?” “Well if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?”
“Forgive me please I don’t know if I can handle you being upset with me.”
“Join me in the shower?”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Would you just hold still please?”
“I’m not even gonna lie I love this.”
“Let’s go skydiving!”
“You’re drunk.”
“We’ll make the distance work I promise.”
“Stop being a tease!”
“I uhhhh locked the keys in my car.”
“Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?”
“One day we’ll get married and have kids of our own.”
“We’re stuck in the middle of nowhere.”
“I’m a helpless romantic.”
“Why are we whispering?!!”
“I can’t believe I get to wake up to you every morning.”
“That’s my favorite bra.”
“You’re not alone, I will always be here for you.”
“Did we seriously just match?? Are we a couple that matches clothes now?”
“Happy Anniversary.”
“You’ll eventually fall in love with me, mark my words.”
“You gave me a hickey??!!!?”
“Stop doing that.” “Doing what?” “You know that thing where you look at me and give me butterflies.”“Did I just turn you on?”
“C’mon dance with me.”
“You know how in the movies when everything goes in slow motion before the kiss? That’s how I feel everytime I’m about to kiss you.”
“What’s wrong love?”
“Okay hear me out... What if we have sex?”
“Can you play with my hair please?”
“I need a massage and a glass of wine right about now.”
“Try me.”
“Are we back in middle school?? Just tell me already!”
“It’s simple, you help me with my homework and I’ll give you kissing lessons.”
“Is that… lingerie?”
“That was my best pickup line!”
“Hey calm down I’m here, I got you, slow your breathing.”
“Let’s just forget that never happened.”
“Nice of you to drop in.”
“I’m so unbelievably stressed and I can’t handle it anymore.”
“Don’t leave me please.”
“Do you have a daddy kink?”
“Looks like that study session went well.”
“I’ll always be your biggest fan.”
“Wow I didn’t think I could fall even more in love with you.”
“Me sarcastic?? Never.”
“Is that a cut on your forehead??”
“I can easily go without sex for a month.”
“S/He’s my best friend, nothing has changed.” “Well I can tell the feelings you have for them have.”
“C-can I hold your hand?”
“This song always reminds me of you.”
“If only I could kiss you right now.”
“I have to make this right.”
“You’re a little sunburnt.”
“What if I told you I felt the same way?”
“Just kiss me already.”
“Focus on me alright? Just keep your eyes on me.”
“The smell of coconuts and vanilla reminders me of you.”
“Let’s just say I’m the best girlfriend/boyfriend ever.”
“I cannot wait until we get on that roller coaster!” “We???! So all of a sudden you speak french now?! I am not going on that!”
“We’re meant to be together and you’re too scared to admit it.”
“Never have I ever been in love with best friend.”
“Guess I have a way with words.”
“It’ll be like we’re Bonnie and Clyde!” “You do know they die in the end right?!” “Can’t you ever just let the analogy work for once?!!”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy/girl I just confessed my love to.”
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
“You’re such a brat!”
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wafflerageface · 3 months
Top 5: Favorite Durgetash headcanons
Like my personal headcanons or ones I’ve seen?
Personal headcanons:
1. Durgetash were head over heels in love with each other, even if they expressed love in ways that seemed fucked up to everyone else. They were two incredibly lonely people that just clicked in all the right ways to make each other feel like at least one person out there cared about them, and they did.
2. Enver Gortash is autistic/ADHD and Durge was his favourite person to info dump on. I mean look at him. My wife is autistic and they have very similar mannerism and ways of thinking. (In the logical sense anyway my wife hasn’t killed anyone) Especially with how his parents described how brilliant he was even as a child, I can just imagine child Enver coming off as annoying and needy to everyone around him because he wanted to talk about his inventions and no one cared to listen. Durge, on the other hand, grew up in a temple where they were expected to behave a certain way and was essentially treated as a puppet, even if they could’ve called the shots how they wanted to. I can’t imagine being a child taken into a murder cult and feeling anything but fear, even if you don’t need to be afraid. Durge knew nothing but blood and death for years, and along comes this funky little guy that wants to rant for hours about the kind of metal he wants to build his steel watch out of?? Yeah. They loved that shit.
3. Enver is a pansexual monster fucker that will love your Durge no matter what. This man has been so lonely for so long that I genuinely think he doesn’t care what package the love comes in so long as he isn’t being used anymore. You’re a Dragonborn? Cool he can work with that. A tiefling? Excellent he’s gonna use those horns as handlebars. A cute half-elf that has a surprising appetite for blood? Absolutely and can he join the next blood bath please?? He loves seeing you work
4. Durge did not want to be Bhaal’s scion. I know a lot of people don’t like how the Durge opening makes it seem like they’re trying to “erase” that Durge was evil, but I view it more as perhaps Durge was never willing. Just because you’re fathered by a murder god doesn’t make you a murderer, and amnesia doesn’t really change who a person is, they just forget. Your brain literally just won’t let you recall memories. Now personally, I’m all for if you think your Durge hates everything about being the Chosen, or (like for my Durge) you think they just hated not being in control of themselves or allowed to kill as they please. Both are great mechanics for a well-rounded character, but I really think either way, Durge hated being what their father made them into, and would have jumped the moment they could escape. The prayer of forgiveness? A classic here’s my fake apology abusive parent so I can spare myself more abuse.
5. Enver whored himself out as a young man to get lots of power and money and he hated every second of it. We know it’s canon that he slept around a lot before the present day setting of the game, but I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. Not really. He grew up in the HoH where he was beaten and abused and nearly tortured to death on many occasions. He finally escapes with nothing to his name and once again he’s at the mercy of whoever he can convince to give him food, shelter, money, etc for the price of his body. This man absolutely has two wolves inside of him and one is a god complex and the other is an ego so crippled and fragile it’s a wonder he ever comes out of the house. When he meets Durge, he’s willing to manipulate them however he must to secure their alliance. He’s done it before, he’ll do it again. I think he’s so very surprised when Durge catches feelings back, when they go out of their way to take care of him, compliment him, even if it’s in their own fucked up fashion. I think the real sticking point for him would be when he and Durge are attending some high society to do together and they run into an old fling. Enver being upset and uncomfortable enough that they leave early and he tells Durge everything. The next day, and the following weeks, he finds severed hands, fingers, bloodied jewellery, all placed at his desk or beside his bed and he can’t help but smile. Durge bringing him pieces of their kills like a cat is so endearing to him.
I’ve got so many more but I think those are my favourite.
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petercapaldi · 1 year
when noah kahan said "if the sun don't rise till the summertime, forgive my northern attitude. oh, i was raised on little light" and when he said "i thought that if i piled something good on all my bad that i could cancel out the darkness i inherited from dad" and when he said "my house was designed to kinda look like it's crying. the eyes are the windows, the garage is the mouth. so when they mention the sad kid in the sad house on balch street, you won't have to guess who they're speaking about" and when he said "i was taking the wrong meds, feels good to be sad" and when he said "my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it" and when he said "someday i’m gonna be somebody people want" and when he said "no thing so sure that i can't learn to doubt it" and when he said "i divvied up my anger into thirty separate parts, keep the bad shit in my liver and the rest around my heart. i'm still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them, but it's a start" and when he said "at the end of the day, i know there are worse ways to stay alive" and when he said "i'm terrified that i might never have met me" and when he said "i forgot my medication, fell into a manic high. spent my savings at a lulu, now i'm suffering in style. why is pain so damn impatient? ain't like it's got a place to be. keeps rushing me" and when he said "if all my life was wasted, i don't mind, i'll watch it go. yeah, it's better to die numb than feel it all" and when he said "i drink till i drown and i smoke till i'm burning" and when he said "collect every dream in these old empty pockets, in hope that i'll need them someday"
and when he said "it's an ode to the hole that i found myself stuck in, a song for the grave that i dug" and when he said "i only tell the truth when i'm sure that i'm lying" and when he said "i would leave if only i could find a reason. i'm mean because i grew up in new england. i got dreams but i can't make myself believe them. spend the rest of my life with what could have been, and i will die in the house that i grew up in. i'm homesick" and when he said "it only falls into place when you're falling to pieces" and when he said "the whole place is quiet. you miss something that you can't place but you can't deny it. don't know whether you want a place in the coast or the country. you can't stay here, it's hard to face and it feels too ugly. you light a fire inside, let it burn" and when he said "with a past box of photos i rip myself open" and when he said "feel the rush of my blood, i'm seventeen again. i am not scared of death, i've got dreams again" and when he said "a minute from home, but i feel so far from it. the death of my dog, the stretch of my skin. it's all washing over me, i'm angry again. the things that i lost here, the people i knew, they got me surrounded for a mile or two" and when he said "my medicine is drowning your perspective out, so i ain't taking any fault" and when he said "i ain't proud of all the punches that i've thrown in the name of someone i no longer know. for the shame of being young, drunk and alone"
and when he said "'son, are you a danger to yourself?' well, fuck that, sir, just let me call. i'll give you my blood alcohol, i'll rot with all the burnouts in the cell. i'll change my faith, i'll kiss the badge. just wait, i swear she'll call me back. 'son, why do you do this to yourself?'" and when he said "i'll turn up the music and i'll forget until it ends that i'm not ready to let go yet" and when he said "i'm in my car and i see the yard, the patch of grass where we buried the dog. and the world makes sense behind a chain-link fence. if i could leave, i would've already left" and when he said "i thought i had something, and that's the same as having something. i get mad at nothing, blame my dad for something. i pull no punches, then feel bad for months. thought i was raised better. tried to fake better, tried to blame weather and escape better. hope the skin heals where the pain enters" and when he said "i saw the end, it looks just like the middle. got a paper and pen and a page with no space. i filled the hole in my head with prescription medication, then forgot how to cry. who am i to complain? and now the pain's different. it still exists, it just escapes different and evades vision. makes the rain different, makes the news boring and my rage distant. yes, i'm young and living dreams, in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen. but i can finally eat and i can fall asleep. it's fine, fine, fine" and when he said "medicate, meditate, swear your soul to jesus. throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason" and when he said "we spent so long just getting by. that's the thing about survival. who the hell, who the hell likes living just to die?"
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connieluvsr · 8 months
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pairing: (electric) guitarist!jungkook x singer!reader(f)
genre: band au, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
summary: when your main guitarist gets sick and can’t perform at your show, you get help from someone unexpected.
warnings: swearing and some making out, hot jk:)), drinking, mention of drugs, smoking, slight smut.
a/n: my first story!! hope you’ll enjoy it, i thought of it while listening to one of the girls by the weeknd, jennie, lily rose depp and i was like hmm i think i have an idea)) anyways i have some more works but i dont really have ideas for what to happen next in them😭 enjoy!! Also part 2 is gonna be CRAZY and much better, please wait a bit!!
“i’m so so so so sorry.” ander sighs and falls back on the couch. “i feel like im disappointing you.”
you shrug, placing your hands into your scalp and gently pulling your hair. “it’s not your fault, i just…” you pause for a bit. “don’t know what i’ll do, it’s over.”
ander gets up and rubs your shoulder. “hey don’t say that, it’s not! you still have time to find someone who can replace me.”
you touch his hand and smile, you knew he really is sorry, but you can’t just try acting fine when you’re not. you dreamed of this since forever, having people come somewhere just to hear you sing. you were the duo everyone knew, he was your guitarist and you were the singer, that’s it, no one else.
you thought you’d find someone to replace him, and you did, actually, but they’re not good enough.
“i’ll just go, it’s getting late, take care hm?” i say while taking my jacket from the hanger.
“bri.. come on, don’t be like that.” he goes after you and takes your arm.
“like what?” you ask with a curious face, thinking what could he possibly say.
he hesitates for a moment before speaking, his eyes searching yours for understanding. “Like you’re giving up! Like… Like you don’t even care anymore. There has to be someone who can help us.. i mean help you.”
you sigh, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. “who? we’ve already contacted many musicians and they all sucked. none of them clicked. our sound was perfect, and that’s all”
Ander’s gaze softens, his voice gentle as he speaks “what about… zac’s friend?” he suddenly jumps. “he plays electric guitar right? maybe he could step in.”
you raise an eyebrow, intrigued but skeptical. “yeah i know him. even if he does, he’s Zac’s friend, we barely know him. Also he’s a total ass, he would never agree.” you’re both silent for a moment. “wait! didn’t he fucked up our first show? remember! he wanted to play in our place and his rich mommy made us move dates.” you scoff loudly. “that fucker, no, never, i won’t sing with him.”
ander listens carefully to your frustrations, his expression thoughtful. he understands your reluctance, having experienced the turmoil caused by Zac's friend firsthand. after a moment of silence, Ander speaks, his voice steady, "I get it, Bri. I really do. But people can change. Maybe he's realized his mistakes, and this could be a chance for redemption. Plus, desperate times call for desperate measures. It's just one show, and if he doesn't come through, we'll find another way. But what if he surprises us?"
you're hesitant, the memories of past encounters with Zac's friend clouding your judgment. Ander continues, his tone encouraging, "We won't know unless we try, right? Let's meet him, talk to him, see if he's willing to help. If he shows even a hint of sincerity, we can consider it. And if not, well, at least we'll know we explored all options."
after another hour of talking with ander, reluctantly, you agree to meet with Zac's friend, still skeptical but open to the possibility of him proving you wrong. Deep down, you hope he has indeed changed, but you wont ever forgive him.
“how do we do that? call zac.” i say.
“its late, go get some sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow, ok?” he hugs you tightly before leading you to the door. you say your goodbyes and leave.
“god its 12 am already.” you sigh and call an uber, smartass couldn’t even do it. you take off your mask, thinking of someone. you dial the person and they respond right back
“bri! hi!”
“hi! you still at work?” i ask hoping for a negative answer
“just leaving, what’s up?”
“can you pick me up from ander’s house?”
“what were you- ok we’ll talk in the car, i’ll be there soon, k?”
“thank you”
you waited for your friend to come, and she did finally, after you froze yourself outside. but it’s better than paying that expensive fucking uber.
“hi. thank you again.”
“no prob, now tell me why are you leaving ander’s house at 12 am?”
“you act like we never do music together” you giggle and look at her
“yeah but it’s late tho” she raises an eyebrow she has a point.
“we talked about someone to replace him since he’s got some flu i don’t know and he’s not feeling well.” you take a look on the window
your friend's eyes widen in understanding, her expression softening. "Oh, that sucks. Is he going to be okay?"
you nod, sighing with relief that she didn't press further. "Yeah, he'll be fine. but we're kind of in a tight spot for the upcoming show. we tried finding replacements, but it's been a disaster. Ander suggested Zac's friend, the one who messed up our first show ages ago. I'm not thrilled about it, but we're open for it.”
she raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Zac's friend? Seriously? After what he did last time? You sure about this?"
You let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair. "I'm not sure about anything at this point, but we're desperate. If he's changed, even a little, and he can play bass guitar, we might have a chance."
Your friend nods slowly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Well, I hope for your sake that he's gotten his act together. And if he hasn't, you'll figure something out. You always do."
Her words offer a sliver of comfort in the midst of your uncertainty. As you drive home together, you can't help but feel a mix of anxiety and determination.
“um… should i talk with zac for you?”
“what do you mean? you’re friends? since when?” you ask with a lot of curiosity
“well… we kinda.. hooked up…” she smiles as if she remembers every single detail
“WHAT??” your jaw drops in disbelief, shocked by the revelation. "you hooked up with Zac? When did this happen?"
she chuckles nervously, avoiding your gaze. "It was a while ago, he came to my club and tipped a lot, then asked for a blowjob, i said only if you give me head too and he actually did it” she laughs a bit seeing your shocked expression. “but if it helps you, I can talk to him and see if he can convince his friend to help you out."
you're torn between feeling surprised, betrayed, and oddly hopeful. "i don't know how I feel about this, but if you think he'd listen to you, maybe it's worth a shot. Just... be careful, okay? I don't want any more drama."
she nods, her expression serious. "I promise I'll handle it delicately. I'll talk to Zac and gauge his friend's interest in helping you. We'll see how it goes."
as she drives you home, you can't shake off the mix of emotions swirling inside you. you hope for the best and that he’ll agree and maybe be actually down to earth. you can’t lie you’re not nervous.
next day you wake up totally in a sweat, the dream of being booed off the stage didn’t help your concerns at all, you felt like you need to talk to him as soon as possible, and hope for the best
taking your time to actually think about how to approach him to agree, but you thought he won’t ever do this for a random stranger, so you thought about avery and zac, she knew she’s make zac convince him.
“i talked to zac”
“and!?” you jump off your bed
“he said y’all should meet beforehand and he’ll see if he wants to, he wants to hear you sing too, but he doesn’t know what’s in for him, so i told zac to tell him… popularity? he’ll be on stage and be known so yeah.”
“AMAZING. GREAT.” you hug her tightly “love you, you’re the best. now where and when should we meet?”
“he said you should go at his studio later tonight. seems cool”
“sounds good to me, now what should i wear?” you look for some clothes
“you seriously think about what to wear? you don’t even know if he’s gonna agree.”
“true, true, but i have to make a good impression , i cant go in adidas sweats.
“yeah, yeah, now should i tell you i have a date with zac?”
“no way!! i’m glad, really!.”
“maybe one day even a double date with… what’s his name? jungkook?” she giggles at your expression.
“with that fucker? no. one show and its over, i get ander to sing with me and that’s all.” you shift in your place and think about ander, you gotta tell him everything.
feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, you spend the day preparing mentally and emotionally for your meeting with Zac's friend. The thought of finally finding a solution to your musical dilemma fills you with hope, but the fear of rejection lingers in the back of your mind.
“we’re here” says avery and gives you a comforting smile as you head inside.
as you step into the professional studio, a wave of inspiration washes over you. the air is thick with creativity, and the walls are adorned with soundproof panels, the room is dimly lit, the glow from the mixing console casting a warm ambiance over the space. cables snake along the floor, connecting various instruments to the mixing desk, creating a web of musical potential.
the room is a dark gray and a little black, you look around mesmerized, like you never went into a studio, you did, but not like one of those. i wonder how much he spent on all of this, or his family. you correct yourself.
in the corner of the studio, you notice a boy sitting on a stool, his fingers expertly gliding over the strings of a bass guitar. the bass guitar itself is a work of art, its body carved from rich mahogany, the natural wood grain accentuated by a glossy finish.
your thoughts are interrupted by a loud zac “hello girls, finally in jk’s crib!” he smiles widely then takes avery by her hand then places a soft kiss on her jawline, she totally blushes and i can see with the corner of my eyes how unamused jungkook is.
“hi brianna, nice to meet you.” he gives you his hand and smiles.
“you too! you shake his hand but your attention goes to the dark haired boy as he makes a sound to make us all look at him.
“you must be brianna.” he gets up and his hands fall in his huge hoodie pockets.
“yes, i am, and i’ve heard you’re jungkook?”
“you’re chinese?” avery suddenly blurtes.
“avery what the hell?” i ask embarrassed and look at his face, to see his reaction, nothing. “i’m so-“
“korean, if you really wanna know.”
avery realized her mistake and mouthed a sorry, to end the awkwardness i try to say something but he’s faster.
“so, you wanted to replace your guitarist hm?” he asks as he sits down and offers us to do the same, i sit down and take my strands of hair out of my face and fix my skirt.
Jungkook's gaze meets yours, his eyes a shade of deep brown that seems to hold a world of experiences. his tone is casual, yet there's an underlying intensity as he speaks, "yeah, I heard about your situation. mind if I give it a try?"
you nod, appreciating his straightforwardness. "absolutely.”
he picks up the bass guitar, his fingers caressing the strings with a practiced ease. As he starts playing, the studio fills with the low, resonant tones of the instrument. his skills are undeniable, and you can't help but be impressed by the way he effortlessly navigates the fretboard, creating a melody that resonates with the very soul of the song.
Avery and Zac watch in awe, clearly captivated by his performance. you find yourself drawn into the music, feeling the vibrations of the bass reverberate through the room. despite the initial awkwardness, there's a growing sense of excitement. maybe, just maybe, you've found the missing piece to your musical puzzle.
When Jungkook finishes playing, he looks at you, his expression earnest. before you can say how amazing that was, you get "now your turn.”
“i.. ok, what should i sing?” you awkwardly get up.
“you’re asking me?” he says with a confused look, sitting down where your place was.
“n-no just, ok i’ll start.” you nervously laugh and avery gives you a thumbs up making you smile.
“I’ve been posing with red skies,” you begin singing ‘Feet don’t fail me now’ by Joy Crookes, your voice shaky at first but gaining confidence as you delve deeper into the lyrics. with each word, you pour your emotions into the song, your voice resonating with the passion that fuels your music.
as you sing, Jungkook’s intense gaze never leaves you. his eyes reflect the understanding of the emotions you’re trying to convey, and it feels like he’s not just hearing the lyrics but also feeling the soul of the song. Avery and Zac, too, are entranced by your performance, nodding in appreciation as your voice weaves a story through the air.
the studio seems to fade away, leaving only the melody and the raw emotions you’re sharing. Your voice rises and falls, carrying the weight of the lyrics and the hope of a new beginning. In that moment, you’re not just singing; you’re baring your soul, connecting with the very essence of the music.
you finish and get applauses from everyone but jungkook.
“that was amazing” zac says, but don’t want his opinion, you want his friend’s. you wait, and you wait. and he opens his mouth suddenly. “cool.”
you give a confused look “cool?”
“yeah, we might work, rehearsals when i tell you i’m free and at your place.”
you’re taken aback by Jungkook's nonchalant response, but his words sink in. "sure, rehearsals at my place. we’ll work out the schedule," you reply, trying to hide your surprise.
Avery nudges you subtly, her eyes filled with excitement. after the initial tension and uncertainty, it seems like Jungkook is on board, even if his demeanor is more reserved than enthusiastic. you decide not to dwell on his reaction, choosing to focus on the opportunity ahead.
"thank you, Jungkook. we appreciate you giving us a chance," you say, mustering a smile.
he simply nods, his expression unreadable. despite the lack of exuberance, you can sense his commitment to the collaboration. with the pieces falling into place, you're eager to start rehearsals and see how this unexpected partnership will unfold.
Zac and jungkook watch you leave and zac places a hand on his shoulder
“what was that bro? you don’t know how to flirt, at least you were cool with the “at your place”
“you dumb fuck, i don’t want to flirt, i just need more recognition, that’s why i’m doing that, and i can’t here since dad comes with his artists you forgot?”
Zac raises an eyebrow, his surprise evident. "recognition ? buy you're incredibly talented, Jungkook. you’re practically a musical genius. ehh do you need more recognition? you forget your dad can put you all over the city’s billboards?”
Jungkook's gaze flickers, a mix of frustration and determination in his eyes. "it’s not about money, zac . it’s about proving myself, making my own mark without relying on my family's name. i want people to see me for who I am, not just as someone's son. and helping brianna, it's a step towards that."
Zac's expression softens, understanding dawning in his eyes. "i get it, man. we all have our struggles. just remember, we believe in you, not because of your last name, but because of your music."
Jungkook nods, appreciating zac’s support. "thanks, Zac. just hope I can live up to your expectations."
"You will," Zac says, clapping Jungkook on the back.
your phone buzzes with an unknown number, and curiosity piques your interest as you answer the call. "hello? who’s this?" you inquire, your voice laced with suspicion.
"jungkook," comes the curt response from the other end of the line. shocked and unprepared, you hold back the exasperation that bubbles up within you. you didn't miss his arrogant tone, but deep down, you knew you needed him.
"yeah, Jungkook?" you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm, emphasizing the unnecessary delay in his introduction.
"meeting tonight. gotta talk about some stuff and all," he states, his tone bored, as if discussing your collaboration is a mundane chore for him.
"aren’t you gonna ask if I'm free?" you retort, refusing to let his dismissive attitude go unchallenged.
"don’t try to act busy," he says, his words carrying a mocking tone. you can practically hear the smirk in his voice, and it infuriates you. He's clearly relishing this power play.
"i’m pretty busy, actually, but tonight I'm free. Come around 7 pm," you inform him, trying to assert a semblance of control over the situation.
"9? Okay," he counters, his response catching you off guard.
"what—" you begin to protest, but he ends the call abruptly, leaving you fuming with frustration. The audacity of the man infuriates you.
puzzled and slightly unnerved, you find yourself questioning how Jungkook got hold of your number. the mystery gnaws at your thoughts, prompting you to dial Avery's number, seeking clarification.
"hey Ave, you gave Jungkook my phone number?" you ask, your voice tinged with confusion and concern.
"hey, babe, no, why?" Avery responds, her confusion mirroring your own.
"he called me about meeting tonight. Are you sure? Maybe you gave it to Zac, and Zac gave it to him?" you suggest, trying to understand.
"damrn, no, i haven't," Avery replies, her voice filled with genuine surprise. There's a brief pause before she continues, her tone taking on a mischievous edge, "That's quite weird. Oh, also..." She bursts into giggles, and you can't help but sigh in exasperation.
"tonight at yours, huh?" she teases, her laughter spilling through the phone.
"gosh, stop, I'm hanging up," you grumble, rolling your eyes at her antics.
"no, wait! But something important!" she insists, her tone turning serious for a moment.
"what?" you ask, unable to resist the curiosity despite your annoyance.
"wear protection!" she says, her laughter bubbling up again, and you can't help but groan at her audacity.
"bye," you retort, deciding it's best to end the call before she can come up with any more embarrassing suggestions. Hanging up, you're left with a mix of confusion, irritation, and a reluctant smile at Avery's playful antics. As you prepare for the evening's meeting, you can't shake the feeling that dealing with Jungkook will be far more complicated than you initially anticipated.
a/n : part 1!! i cant believe i finally posted this. i wanted to make it as one part but it was sooo long.
i hope you enjoyed it! also if you might find grammar errors its because english isnt my first language!
(any recs and tips are gladly taken since im new to tumblr!)
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teruthecreator · 1 year
1 AM and the servers asleep so i’m just gonna post my thoughts on here but i think it’s rlly so important and poignant how sho extends an olive branch to his father after everything that happened, when he absolutely would’ve been justified in spitting in toichiro’s face and walking out of his life forever (similarly to what toichiro did to him, metaphorically at least). and that decision that he makes is one that cements how mature and understanding sho is despite his antics and attitude.
like, he’s a kid, and he’s a kid that experienced massive amounts of abuse and trauma in his formative years. we will truly never know how he was raised whilst working in claw, but seeing how pretty much everyone else was manipulated, brainwashed, and tortured into reaching their full potential—the assumption can be made that it wasn’t easy. and sho’s father is Directly responsible for that, meaning he’s Directly responsible for any mistreatment or neglect sho faced even if it wasn’t done by him directly. and any kid at his age with all that baggage probably wouldn’t want to keep their dad around, after everything has finally been resolved. but sho doesn’t do that; he reminds toichiro that he’s still gotta hear an earful from his ex wife, and sho is ensuring that this won’t be the end. he is offering his father a kindness that that man never gave to him. and that’s like. Astounding for a kid his age
i think it’s really easy for people to place sho firmly in the trope of like silly, goofy kid with an insane side; but sho has one of the most level heads out of the esper teens. it’s kind of like he got a lot of that emotional turbulence out of the way beforehand, and now is just centering his focus on this one goal. of course, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t do stupid shit based on bad trains of thought (the whole concept of him trying to resist the narrative only to become more ingrained in it is like. right there. also the hero trope shit y’all have seen the essay posts i’m not reiterating). but sho is a lot more sure of what he’s doing and what he wants than ritsu, mob, or teru.
also it’s just like. the fact that he gives his father a second chance really drives home the message of the entire series. that people can make mistakes, but those mistakes do not have to define their whole existence if they’re willing to own up to them and change. sho is extending himself in much the same way mob extended himself to toichiro hours earlier, only this time there’s the weight of this probably not being the first time sho has given his father a second chance and yet he Still does it. and toichiro realizing that he could’ve squandered that chance during confession arc is SO GOOD like you see how sho is conflicted and hurt bc he’s essentially being let down once again, and so toichiro walks back. he won’t let his son’s trust be given in vain
the suzukis rival the kageyamas in terms of like. accurate familial representation. like if you eliminate all of the psychic terrorism bullshit, this is a broken family—further broken by a messy divorce—trying to navigate life post-everything. there is no expectation for sho to forgive his father (he doesn’t do that at any point and That Is Important), and there’s no expectation for him to do anything with his father At All. toichiro understands that he is deserving of no one’s kindness.
yet sho does it anyway. he does it because he wants to and because he cares. and that’s far more than toichiro could’ve ever asked for
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I have something to say about hating SJM characters. Any and all SJM characters.
If you do this, it’s okay, you just don’t like the books and nothing SJM writes is going to change that for you. SJM only has two types of characters: heroes and villains. That’s it. Every character you think doesn’t fit into either box gets revealed as one or the other eventually. Trying to argue a hero is really a villain or hasn’t been redeemed or won’t ever be will always be a bad take.
Anyone relevant enough to get antis either goes full evil or gets a redemption arc: by fully turning to the side of good or sacrificing their lives in service of it. If you don’t like that, complain to a wall - that’s what she writes. Every time.
Kaltain. Manon. Chaol. Lorcan. The King of Adarlan. Papa Archeron. Jurian. Nesta. Cormac.
ACOTAR isn’t over yet. So still awaiting their redemption arcs: Tamlin. Eris. Elain. Yes, I said what I said. Elain needs to make karmic amends same as Nesta did, I don’t make the rules of story. Love her? She’s gonna suffer anyway. Hate her? She’s gonna get a beautiful HEA. Sorrows. Prayers.
Crescent City, also unfinished but I guarantee you: Tharion. Ithan.
(Side note, some of you are just out here completely misreading the text. Hunt, Cassian, Aedion: they’re all just straight heroes the whole time, not even morally grey. Haters to the left. Azriel and Lucien too - if you hate either of them, sorry. They’re each getting a big-ass-hero turn. Evil!Gwyn is a fantasy only fanfic can ever fulfill for you. Rhys’s antis straight up baffle me. You don’t even go here.)
If you don’t understand or accept this, then you don’t have the insight to predict the plot at all. Any theories you come up with are irrelevant. And you will always be disappointed.
SJM builds massive alliances where everyone gets over their differences and works together. Your personal pettiness will never be gratified. Being anti Nesta doesn’t make you a better friend to Feyre than the books are. Acting like Tower of Dawn is a skip track because you don’t like Chaol just makes you irrelevant to the conversation. Eris is gonna be on the side of good and Mor can’t love you back no matter how much you drag him.
If you don’t vibe with a character for whatever reason, or you just can’t “forgive them” that’s absolutely fine. Taste is personal. You do you, boo. But what is it getting you to force your hate and your revenge theories into shared fandom spaces? You’ll never get what you want from the pages of one of Sarah’s books, so… what? The comment section is going to give it to you?
You should genuinely pick up other books. Life is too short to hate read and troll.
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ice-devourer · 16 days
One thing that I’ve already treated as a permanent idea in the BSD fic I’m making would be Odasaku transferring to the mortuary department of Port Mafia instead of whatever division does the tedious grunt work in the mafia—personally, this change of department has the potential to represent the transformation of Oda’s sentiments from his childhood to his early 20’s.
Life, for the young Odasaku, consisted of inflicting deaths, of killing people he doesn’t get to know aside from the necessary information that will give him an advantage in assassinating them, probably. Quitting this type of life—and instead of settling for any work at all that just doesn’t involve the taking of a life—he chooses the kind of work that wouldn’t be invented if we didn’t treat life with reverence, or affection at all.
Wouldn’t his choice of mending the dead, cleaning them, and ridding them of the muck of decay, restoring them to an appearance as reminiscent as it can be of how their loved ones last saw them…wouldn’t that have more meaning? We can look at his choice to join the mortuary and help with the dead Port Mafia employees as a doomed recompense for all the people he had killed in his younger years. Of course, I say ‘recompense’ but Oda knows that life is not some debt you can repay, that no amount of guilt or good deed will erase what he has done, there may be meaning and humanity in his remorse but he will never be absolved. A crime is a crime and a sin is a sin even if the ones harmed said ‘It’s okay.’ Besides, the dead can’t forgive.
So he lets this haunt him in a way where he can make a difference. In a way where he still cannot reverse the deaths, but he can mitigate the grief, he can help in the fixing of the dead to console the living. To show them that someone respected their loved one enough to embalm them, restore their appearance, and arrange a proper burial for them because if a death goes undisturbed, untouched then it’s hard to say it even happened, it’s hard to reconcile that they had a life just as nuanced as we did.
Oda remembers how little he knew of the people he assassinated, and how he singled out specific information as ‘important’ when all of life and all of its fragments were precious, that he neglected so much of what made his targets human, and glossed over the complexity of their lives. So Mortuary Head!Odasaku, listens to the stories of the relatives during the funeral service ( he isn’t even required to be there due to the amount of people who can stand in for him but whatever), he wants these people to know that the life they’re mourning the loss of is a life worth a story, a life worth sharing, that the death that has dawned upon the person they cherish is not the sum of their existence. 
I headcanon that: When napping at work, he wakes up and begins to imagine a blood stain, just a small one that won’t rub off his coat or shirt but when he looks at the mirror it’s not there. But when he looks back it even smears but it just won’t get removed. Then the dream he has splits through him like a headache and it's a memory of one of the people he assassinated and the blood stain he’s hallucinating is one of the spots where the blood splattered. Then as quickly as it came, it just ends. 
BUT on a lighter noteeee.
Mortuary Head!Odasaku probably met kid Dazai when one of the freezers started to sound like somebody was playing lawn tennis inside it and voila upon pulling one of the freezer drawers—Dazai Osamu himself.
anyways this fic is gonna take ages it's supposed to be skk but it's not skk centric??? idk man i got my cat xrayed bc i thought she had babies and was going into labor but i paid 750 pesos just to see her shit in black and white. so yeah. unrelated but i had to let it out.
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
109 - Always and Forever Lives On
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Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Check out the Legacies sequel on Wattpad called - Family is More than Blood 😁❤️
Standing out on the balcony overlooking the city I sighed heavily. The wind was blowing my hair all around where I brushed some of it out of my eyes. I will always remember the first time we came to this city together. Even though Marcel wanted to hurt me before he knew I was pregnant. I wouldn’t change any of it….or at least I thought that until my daughters were declared dying from magic. I heard footsteps coming outside but I didn’t turn around. “Marcel talked with Davina and he talked with Elijah. They’re dying. The girls have veins over their backs now.”
“They can’t die, Nik. I refuse to let anything bad happen to them. So what are the options we have? Because I am not going to just stand around and accept the fact that they are dying!” Finally turning my head in his direction I met his blue eyes that had tears welling up inside.
Klaus reached forward placing his hand over my smaller one and I slumped my shoulders. “Don’t think for a moment that you are alone in this. I will tear the world apart to make them happy, protect them, keep them safe and loved.”
“I know that you will but we need a backup plan. We can’t just let them just die. We have fought too hard and too long to get to this point in their lives when they are so young.” I sniffed through tears when he squeezed my hand in his.
Running my thumb over the ring on his left hand I watched his next words. “Rae, we fixed this once before when we siphoned it out of Andrea. We just need to find someone else to put it into someone else. Perhaps Aurora in the basement. All we have to do is stake her in the heart and it’s gone.”
“Not in hell, Niklaus! That woman needs to stay right where she is for what she did to Cami. I do agree that we need to siphon it away but Alina and Missy won’t do it for us willingly this time.” I huffed, dropping my shoulders.
Nik clicked his tongue leading me down the stairs and into the dining room seeing all the other Mikaelson’s. “Marcel, tell her what you found out at the church last night.”
“I went back to the church to help my guys get rid of the dead vampires and I found there was one human there late. And he was dead.” Marcel was standing behind Rebekah who was sitting down.
Covering my mouth with my free hand I gasped. “She’s gonna turn tonight on the full moon.”
“Marcel said that the dark magic is killing our nieces. So Nik, Rae, please tell us you have some magical miracle to save their lives.” Kol got to his feet and I could see that he was actually concerned for them, and not in a joking manner.
Rebekah sent me a weak smile with her hands together. “Have you thought of consuming the magic from them like you did with our mother’s magic?”
“”I have, Bex. But we’ll need to ask for help from the other living siphons we know.” Clasping my hand together I removed my hand from Nik’s.
“Because Alina and Missy will keep the magic inside them so terrified that our family will break if anyone else takes the magic from them.” Klaus added on.
Someone came down the stairs cutting off my next sentence. “The plan that I have is that we can put the Hollow magic into the-“
“I’m already ahead of you, Raelyn.” Freya reveals the white oak stake from behind her back. “But I have to ask once it’s inside the stake what exactly is the next step?”
“Someone will kill me with it.” Everyone turns their hands quickly in shock seeing Elijah standing in the doorway behind me and Nik.
Klaus got in his older brother's face. “Give me one god damn reason you think you should sacrifice yourself, brother!”
“Everything that is happening to the girls is because of me.” He responded.
I tilted my head trailing off. “Elijah…”
“No Raelyn, it’s true. I took away my memories because I knew that I would try to reunite our family when it was a threat. And then they got taken. I…will never forgive myself for Missy turning into a heretic so young…Alina triggering her curse….and Hope doing the same. So once you put the magic into the stake let me take it out of this world for good.” Elijah dropped his hands at his sides and I could see heavy tears in his eyes.
Stepping around my husband I grabbed Elijah’s shoulders making him look me in the eye. “But then they’d feel responsible for you sacrificing your life. Trust me, Elijah. That is a pain that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. So don’t do this…we will find another way to use the stake.”
The front door opens and we see three vamps enter the room before Cami enters the conversation with Jaocb and Hayley. “Sorry we’re noisy but why can’t you just put the stake into that world with your psycho cousin?”
“Since we know that the Mystic gang managed to put him away in another prison world.” Hayley points out holding Andrea’s hand in hers.
My twin nods in agreement towards Freya. “Then the power would be gone for good and Kai can’t ever escape from there again. It sounds like the perfect plan to me.”
“We just have to convince Caroline and Alaric now.” Klaus walked over to Freya holding his hand out for the stake.
She placed it in his hand where he slid it into his black jacket. “Good luck to the both of you then.” He offered me his hand and we headed downstairs while Elijah went and woke the girls and Henrik telling them we were heading to Mystic Falls.
The kids stayed with their uncle while we found Caroline giving another tour until she pulled us into a private room locking the door. “We need your help, Caroline.Our girls are dying. They consumed the dark magic and now it's consuming them. Hope won't survive tonight's full moon.”
Caroline knits her brows. “She triggered her curse?”
“Basically it goes like this: Alina accidentally killed Missy. She became a heretic. Alina triggered her curse out of guilt and is now a werewitch. They took the power back and we tried to help them but now-“ I ramble off looking at my husband.
Caroline made a noise in shock. “Uh, I thought that the Crescent wolves could control their transformations.”
“Not the first one. It's a rite of passage. Unavoidable.” He told her.
She shook her head. “Well, what do you need from me?”
“I need a very rare type of witch from the Gemini Coven.” Nik stepped closer to her finally meeting her gaze.
“You can't be serious.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Putting my hands together I begged her knowing that I didn’t want to endanger Jo’s daughters but there was no other way. “Caroline, Alina and Missy will never give up the power out of fear. So we need your daughters to take it from them and Hope when she’s turning for the first time.”
“We need your daughters, Caroline.” Klaus begged her with puppy dog eyes.
Caroline spun on her feet pouring a drink coming back over to us. “No. No, absolutely not. They're-they're children.”
Nik threw a hand out in her direction. “They're siphoner witches. It's what they were born to do. Siphon magic from one thing…”
She cut him off, throwing her blonde hair around. “And put it in another. So, after they siphon it from Hope, what are they supposed to do with it? You can't just shove a demon in a jar and put it on a shelf.”
“We put it inside a stake and send it to Kai’s prison world. So that way it’s gone for good.” Throwing my hands away from my sides.
The blonde vampire parted her lips at my words. “Rae, I…are you sure there isn’t another way. I mean after everything he did to your family and Ric do you really want to give him that type of power?”
“Care, he can never get out unless he finds Bennett blood and the Ascendent in that time. But he doesn’t have Bonnie to get out this time. It’s the best..only plan we have.” I sniffed through tears needing her to say yes.
Klaus stepped beside me giving her puppy dog eyes begging her. “I can't allow my daughters to die. But I promise you I will not endanger yours. Caroline, please. Caroline. I'm begging you.”
She finally agreed and took us out to the old mill with Lizzie and Josie. “What do we get if we say yes?” Josie asked her mother.
Caroline smiled, putting her hands together. “The warm feeling in your heart that comes from helping a friend in need.”
Lizzie teased her wanting something more. “Well, we are in need of new cell phones.”
Josie caught on adding more to the agreement. “And permission to go to the senior solstice dance.
And, you and Dad take the skirt-length rules out of the dress code. It's anti-feminist and oppressive.”
Lizzie finished her sentence. “And not cute.”
Caroline turned her head staring back at me and Klaus where I just smiled shrugging my shoulders at how sassy they were as teenagers. “No to the phones. Maybe to the dance. And yes to defying the patriarchy one plaid skirt at a time. Deal?”
Josie and Lizzie said together. “Deal.”
She turned back to us, waving the two of us over. “Now uncle Klaus and aunt Raelyn are going to explain exactly what they need you to do. Very clearly and kindly, without even a hint of a temper or frustration.”
Klaus stepped forward getting cut off with an arrow going in the back of his heart. “First of all, thank you.”
Josie gasped. “Dad?”
Alaric lowered his crossbow giving me a half apologetic look. “Whatever the hell's going on here, no.”
Vamping back inside the school seeing Alaric and Caroline bickering in front of the fireplace. “Ric, are you insane? All we’re asking for is the Ascendant and your girls help to put the power somewhere safe.”
“Rae, I want to help your kids. But not at the price of my own.” He slumped his shoulders.
Snapping at him I dared to guilt trip him feeling some tears falling down my face at mentioning her name. “If Josette was still alive she wouldn’t hesitate to help the family.”
The door downstairs where he had put my husband got flung open before we saw my husband holding the blood stained arrow in his hands. “Very impressive system Secure, I'm sure, if you're a baby werewolf navigating puberty. But I'm a little past that.” He let the arrow clatter to the ground making a noise.
Caroline stands beside me. “Klaus…”
He walked towards us with Alairc having his crossbow raised. “Alaric's right. The ocean won't hold the power. But when I've transferred the Hollow's magic out of Hope, I don't intend to drown it.”
Caroline glanced at me when he reached inside his jacket drawing out the white oak. “What is that?”
“This is the last remaining White Oak stake.” Nik stepped down the stairs showing them the weapon in his hand. “When the power is in me, there's only one way to make sure it's gone for good.”
Spinning around on my feet I faced Caroline and Alaric clasping my hands together praying they finally agreed with us. “We put it into the prison world and pop a bottle of champagne everyone wins.”
Alairc lowered his crossbow, rolling his eyes finally agreeing and leaving the room to go get what we needed. “I’ll go get the girls and the Ascendant.”
“Thank you, Caroline.” Stepping towards the blonde vampire I gently hugged her and she hugged me back leaving to go get her twins ready for the spell.
It was getting closer to the full moon where Klaus and I were just standing waiting until the girls were ready. Elijah walked into the room still going against our plan. “I won't allow this, Niklaus. You know that.”
The hybrid said sternly vamping towards him. “And you know this is the only option.” The two brothers taught until he managed to get the stake away from Nik.
Elijah pointed the tip towards him on the floor. “You tell those girls to take me instead.”
Nik growled. “No.”
“And you will take my life.” He ignored his brother's words.
Vamping in between the two originals needing him to see a rational reason. “Elijah, if you take your life it will be like when I was forced to kill Jacob. It will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Is that what you want for them?”
“I have burdened you enough.” Klaus rose to his feet still angry.
Elijah begged him through heavy tears. “Your daughters were hurt because of me, Niklaus.”
“I'm not gonna kill you!” Klaus vamped forward, knocking the stake from his hands and throwing him onto the ground.
Vamping over Elijah’s body on the ground I quickly grabbed his neck snapping it. “Putting the magic into a prison world is better than you being dead. You’ll see our reasoning someday. And I’m sorry for this.”
“The moon is almost risen. We should get Hope out of here.” Nik told me where we vamped downstairs seeing her chained and just waiting.
She cut herself off when he snapped the chains. “What are you...?”
He cut her off, tugging her to stand and leading her outside into the woods. “We don't have time. We shouldn't do this inside.
Alina would've wanted you to be out here, in nature, under the moonlight. Here. Drink this.”
Hope drank it until one of her knees broke and she dropped to the dirt. “Ow, ow. Ah.
Nik took my hand. “It's starting.”
Focusing away from us I used my vampire hearing to be able to pick out Lizzie and Josie beginning the siphoning spell I had taught them a few hours ago. “Magia tollox de terras.Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras.”
Klaus released my hand seeing our oldest daughter give him a scared look. “Hope. Listen to me. This is going to hurt. So you need to concentrate on the air in your lungs, and the ground beneath you.”
Her bones kept breaking where she cried. “Aah! Dad!”
He kept talking to her. “The first time, it can take hours.”
She cut him off. “Hours?”
His blue eyes focused on Hope while I heard sets of feet running towards us and I could make out one heartbeat meaning it must be Missy and Alina. “If you fight it. The pain will make you want to delay it because you think that's all you can take. But if you let it in, if you allow it to swallow you whole, then it cannot break you.”
She blinked through tears. “Yeah. I can do this.”
“When you're done, run wild and free. I am so proud of you.” He rested a hand to her face before more of her bone’s kept breaking and she showed us the golden werewolf eyes for the first time.
Alina slides to a halt in front of us. “Mom, what are you doing? I…I can feel the magic ah!” She grabbed her chest where I saw the blue light coming from her heart.
Josie and Lizzie kept going on with the chant in the distance away from us. “Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras!”
Missy focuses her ear towards the back of the school. “They’re taking the Hollow from us ... .urgh!” She grabbed her chest too before Hope screamed as it left her body too and she finally transformed into a full grown light gray wolf.
Alina and Missy slowly got up to their feet both glaring at us where I held my hands up spitting out something I knew they’d listen to. “You can’t be mad at us forever because if we don’t get the Hollow into the stake and into a prison world. Your uncle Elijah will try and get the Saltzman twins to put it inside him so he can die.”
“Why would he do that to himself?” Missy asked on the verge of tears.
Running my hands through my hair I saw Hope run off into the woods and Klaus gave her a smile. “He feels he should be blamed for your girls getting hurt. After he made Marcel get rid of his memories. So he thinks this will fix things but we found another way.”
“Then we can’t let him get to the stake.” Alina declares with her hands turned into fists.
Nodding my head I draw out the stake inside my jacket. “You’re exactly right. We need to go now. And I need your help with the second part of the plan.” The four of us rushed back to where Alaric had his girls doing the spell. I hung my mouth open in shock seeing a big bright blue ball of magic in the center of their boundary circle.
“You better hope this works, Raelyn.” Alairc came over to me handing me over the Ascendent and some of Bonnie’s blood she gave to him a few years ago.
Nik squeezed my hand, eyeing the white circle ring whispering to me. “Be careful, Rae.”
“I will, Nik….Lizzie, Josie put the magic into this.” I instructed them to step over the line instantly, feeling the Hollow magic surrounding me. Getting in the center of the circle I raised the stake chanting alongside them. “Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras.”
The blue magic shot down right at me where I wanted to close my eyes but didn’t. Raising the stake up in the air with my right hand it blasted down into it. “Magia tollox de terras….Solvo.” The Saltzman twins and I each bent over once the magic disappeared and I saw the white oak flash blue and then returned to its normal color.
Alaric quickly moved forward, leading his daughter’s away. “All right, come on, girls.”
“Niklaus. Raelyn.” Elijah vamped outside the circle about to step In until I raised my hand performing a new barrier spell.
“Clostrum. One day you’ll thank us for this, Elijah. Come on girls.” Waving my twin daughter over to me I held the Ascendent in one hand and poured the Bennett blood into it with my other hand.
Alina and Missy each grabbed a hold of the object with me while the white oak stake laid in the grass at our feet. “Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phesmatos filio, phesmatos effurgarex perpetuum.” Closing my eyes we all three chanted together until the white oak was picked up by a bright flash of white light and then it disappeared right in front of our eyes.
“It worked.” Dropping the object onto the ground I saw Hope standing beside Elijah now sniffing through tears before I broke the barricade and let her run straight for us. Klaus vamped into the circle tightly wrapping us in a family hug sobbing through heavy happy tears finally back together.
Elijah just remained standing there staring at where the stake was so I broke the hug taking his hands into mine. “Elijah, I know right now you blame yourself. I have experienced all of what you are feeling when I killed Jacob. But now he came back every time I look at him. I’m over the moon and thankful that he got a chance to come back.”
“But it’s still my fault. They got hurt because of me. How am I supposed to get through that, Raelyn.” He started crying where I pulled him in for a tight hug.
He wrapped his arms around me sobbing while I talked into his ear. Running one hand through Elijah’s hair I struggled to not start bawling myself. “Things will get better, Elijah. There are days that it will haunt you and others that it won’t. Yet I can tell you that when you get to keep watching our daughters and son grow up. You won’t regret a thing I swear it.”
“Thank you, Rae. You were the exact person to give my brother his redemption and I’ll never take that for granted.” He sniffed through some tears before we all headed back to the old Mikaelson compound.
Elijah had decided to move back to New Orleans with Marcel and Rebekah. Kol and Davina were traveling the world. While Jackson had moved here with Alina so they could go to school together even though they were already married. Staring at myself in the mirror brushing my hair away from my neck I picked up my brother’s necklace. Clasping it around my neck I heard someone come into my bedroom so I spun around on my feet seeing my brother. “Jacob, what are you doing here? I thought you and Hayley were going back to Orleans.”
“We thought about it. And then we heard about the school the girls and Henrik go to. So I thought I should let you know we are moving here and enrolling Andrea next year.” Jacob walked through the doorway with a childish grin plastered on his face until he stopped in front of me.
Smiling brightly at him I fling my arms around his neck where we spun each other around in circles laughing. He wrapped his arms tightly around me hearing how happy I was about this so he broke the hug looking towards the doorway. “J, that’s amazing. Ohhh I’m thrilled for you and for Andrea…wait what is it?”
“Well I didn’t think it would truly be home without one person. Come on in.” He called out to whoever was standing in the hallway.
Covering my mouth with my hands I burst out crying happy tears at who was there. “Dad. Holy cow. I can’t you’re moving from mom.” Before me my father was standing and he opened his arms letting me run into him like I was a child again.
“I’m not leaving her, baby. Your mother once said that a witch is never truly gone. She said that her spirit will always be everywhere in nature so she is with us always and forever.” He broke the hug where I still rested my hands on his shoulders until he led me down the stairs and into the hallway of the mansion where the Mikaelson portrait was hanging. “I have a present for you too. I knew she would have wanted this wherever I was.”
“The portrait of us.” Sucking in a sharp breath I released some tears down my face. Hanging beside Mikaelson's sibling portrait and the one of Nik and I with our kids. The family portrait we took a few ago was right beside them. My phone vibrates in my back pocket pressing it to my ear. “Hey Nik, what’s going on?”
His sweet voice came through the phone making me giggle at him. “Come and find me, siphon queen. Where it all began.” He hung up the phone without another word.
“I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you both later. I love you.” I yelled vamping out of the mansion and ended up outside the Mystic Grill. Shoving my hands in the pocket of my jacket. Pushing the door open with my foot I shake my head giggling at him sitting at the bar. “What makes you think of coming here of all places, Niklaus?”
Klaus sat down on a barstool holding up a glass of bourbon and he tilted his head down at the drink for me. “This particular place is special to you and I. This is the first place we ever met one another.”
“I remember every detail. I launched you into that wall with my magic.” I climbed up on my barstool picking up my drink taking a long sip still smiling longingly at him.
Nik tilted his head to the side smirking. “And it hurt very much, love. All for asking you for your name.”
“Now we are married and have four kids. We’re certainly a long way from the big bad wolf.” Raising my glass I clonked it with his when he responded back to me grinning.
“And his siphon Gemini runaway. I love you, Raelyn. Always have and always will..” He leans forward pressing his lips against mine softly sitting his glass down he cupped my face in his hands deepening the kiss.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back smiling into the kiss. I savor the feeling remembering the night we met so clearly and I was proud to see where I was now. “I love you too, Klaus. Always have and always will.”
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karen-aronofsky · 7 months
i’ve never really been one for miyazaki movies, but i’m gonna read too much into a kids’ movie anyway
spoiler cut
for the first 30 minutes or so, the boy and the heron feels pretty clear: we are watching a confrontation between pre-meiji isolationist feudalism and post-meiji imperialist industrialism. when mahito’s mom is killed by the firebombing of tokyo by the u.s., he and his father move to rural, agrarian saginuma: more or less literally thrown back in time, mahito gets off a train in his military-inspired school uniform and onto a rickshaw with his kimono-clad stepmom, which they take to her ancient (and very traditional) family estate. he gets into conflicts with the local farmer kids when he passes them as they work in the fields.
this is where it starts to get a little weird for me. i’ve seen the conflict called “bullying” online, but that seems a little… reductive. i don’t think the other kids fight him because they think he’s weak: to me it seems clear they fight him because they think he’s powerful. he’s urban; they’re rural. not only that, but it seems likely that many of their parents work either for shoichi (who is boss at a factory), or natsuko (who seems likely to be the local noble for whom the serfs work the fields). mahito is not the underdog here. this is underscored by the fact that the biggest injury he receives is not from them, but from himself.
anyway, the reason why this is weird is… it’s a little fash? the film pretty undeniably shows the fascists as the more sympathetic characters. the other kids (who, let’s remember, are there to contrast with the fascist shoichi), whatever their reason, do pick a fight with mahito, whose dad is literally producing planes for the imperialist army, and is definitely the sort of “brash but with your best interests at heart” character that fascists like to imagine themselves to be.
and, like a lot of anime, it also veers nervewrackingly close to eugenics territory with its main character—like naruto/ichigo/etc., the main character is ~special~ because of his lineage. i do not like hearing the line “only people of your bloodline can hear the master’s voice”! it’s weird and reminds me of the unification church! what makes mahito a better choice to play with blocks than anyone else?
even given the “it has to be someone related to his great-uncle”… why not his mom, his aunt, or any representation of them that exist in the multiverse connected to the tower? i’ve never really understood why people seem to be under the impression miyazaki movies have strong female protagonists—female protagonists, sure, but they always have very traditionalist attitudes and roles. (i admit my bias here; i’ll never forgive miyazaki for neutering howl’s moving castle’s sophie.) here, the women consist of 1) dead mom, 2) new pregnant mom, and 3) a bunch of old women who are servants and grandmother stand-ins—not exactly far from how fascists want their women to be. (yeah, I know: dead mom also has fire powers and that’s cool; kiriko is a sickass magician/fisherperson; that doesn’t change their primary roles.) the parakeets (who are so fash-coded i don’t even need to explain) won’t hurt natsuko because she has “a baby inside”. it feels very weird to have someone saved by the fact fascists love fetuses? idk.
so, is the movie pro-fascist? i mean, probably not intentionally? it just seems at some points that it has more of a problem with the label “fascist” than the substance of fascism. i suppose you could argue that mahito refusing to build the tower on his great-uncle’s behalf (who, of course, started building it during the meiji period) and accepting natsuko (feudal landlady supreme) as his mother is indicative of a rejection of fascism, but it does nothing about the actual fascist in the story, shoichi. perhaps we’re meant to accept a vision of japan which is industrialist and imperialist, and isolationist and feudalist? good lord, what a right wing wet dream.
anyway, the boy and the heron is ultimately a greatest-hits album. like: child experiences life change, and goes on a journey to a magical world with a funny little animal buddy, where a bossy woman puts them to work at a job where they’re slightly hampered by adorable mascot characters. there’s a love story with the child, but not really, because it’s a child. they eat well-animated food, and catch a ride on a bird that has to flap its wings incredibly fast to account for the added weight. there’s a granny with a bun, and a beautiful, elegant woman in a kimono. ultimately, the child succeeds with the help of an amoral creature embodying nature. roll credits. all the songs you loved when you were young, now available remastered, at a record store near you!
in conclusion: it’s a kids’s movie. i’m not gonna hit myself in the head with a rock over it.
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jaidethalagorra · 4 months
I know I don’t normally post about stuff like this and I probably won’t again, but I’ve been here for a couple weeks now and I feel like I need to say my piece.
I know that there’s always so much hate on us, from both outside and inside the community. And I know that all of it hurts. And it kills. And it feels like the only thing we can do is fight back. But it’s so, so important to remember that aside from the genuine grifters who are feeding them this information, everyone here thinks they’re in the right. They think they’re doing the right thing.
Religious conservatives who send their kids to conversion therapy are so scared that their children are going to eternal damnation that they’re willing to put their kid through hell on earth so they aren’t tortured forever. TERFs genuinely think that we’re a danger to their feminism and that with our presence all that they’ve worked for will crumble and women will go back to not being people. Pick-mes and exclusionaries have been so scared by the system and the hate around them that they feel the only way they can protect themselves is to take others down. Transphobic queers are also scared, scared that our existence means that what they’ve worked for will be undone. People who say we’re influencing their kids are genuinely worried for their kids.
And I’ll never defend their actions and their words. Those words kill, and hurt in ways both physical and mental. There is no excuse for transphobia. But it’s also so important to remember where this is coming from. Why they’re doing this. It’s the system of grifters, accelerationists, and power-hungry maniacs who have fed these lies to people and made them so scared that they do this to others. Their aim has always been to divide us, and right now it’s working. Are the things that these people saying ok? No. But we can never forget that their actions come out of fear that was already taught to them.
So I want to remind everyone, as hard as it is to start with compassion. Not forgiveness, not acceptance, but compassion. These people are scared and angry and vulnerable just like we are. They want to do right. And we’ve all heard the stories of people who changed. Family members who changed their views on trans people after seeing how much happier their trans family was after coming out. Ex flat-earthers who had someone try to talk to them with compassion instead of yelling (I know it’s not the same thing, but my point stands.) compassion can change people, so much more than yelling can. Telling people that they’re wrong and how they’re hurting others isn’t gonna change anything. Ever. It’s starting with what we have in common and working our way up that changes people. Start with community. Start with compassion. It’s not easy, I know. It’s hard to find common ground with some of these people. But without them we will fail. We’re spending so much energy fighting each other and fighting other marginalized groups that we forget where this comes from. We say it every pride: love wins. Spread love not hate. Well it’s time to put that into action.
We tell it to them and we need to say it to ourselves: tearing others down isn’t going to build the movement up.
I wanna reiterate. I’m not saying that their words should be ignored and they should be instantly forgiven. I’m saying that we always need to start with compassion. Start with knowing they’re just as scared and angry and hurt as we are. We won’t win by tearing each other down.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
girls when [we’ve been waiting, tsuna-kun. you were right about coming alone. if you had brought along a troop, there would have been more dead bodies to deal with] [destroy the defeated... was it so impossible for them to fight one another...? then there must have been a misunderstanding...] [there wasn’t] [but i’m not mafia!! i don’t have an ounce of pride as mafia!!] [you’re still going on about that? you’ve stained your hands as a mafia boss, haven’t you?]
[when this fight is over, i’ll go save big brother, as well as you guys. it just doesn’t feel right!! the more we fight... the fact that you guys are falling victim to this fight...] [that’s none of your business!!] [shittopi-chan... koyo, and rauji... and my... precious... everything’s because of you...!!] [sawada tsunayoshi!! i’ll defeat him right here and now!! shitt p-chan... kouyou... rauji... and the people who’re precious to me have been hurt by the vongola... i can’t forgive them!!!] [the same goes for me... despite knowing how that feels... why... you made my friends suffer!!] [you’re doing the same thing to us] [shut up!! you don’t have the right to say anything!!] [don’t think that you’re the only one who’s angry!!]
[this strength... so cold and heartless. i only see the legitimate successor of the ruthless vongola primo] [primo is not the man you think he is. and i don’t intend to inherit the current vongola] [hahaha, you’re still saying that. that’s just unfair of you, sawada tsunayoshi. isn’t the crest on your gloves proof of the vongola? that’s who you’ll always be] [you’re at the center of the vongola, and have been benefiting the most from the vongola’s power. and then, when the going gets tough, you escape from the responsibility] [wielding the vongola crest, getting others involved, hurting them, then saying that you won’t succeed as the boss. you hope too much] [......!! ...... no!! i didn’t mean to hurt others! i want to use this power to protect my friends! that’s how it’s been until now... and always will be!] [a fraud like primo. you liar. do you seriously think you could escape from your bloody fate?]
[chrome, and of course, enma kozato, too... we’ll save them, because they’re our friends] [wait. i want you to leave this to me. enma’s gonna be okay] [i don’t want to be alone... it’s lonely...] [there’s no one here. i’m all alone... it’s so lonely... help!!] [it’s me!! wake up, enma!!] [it’s lonely... i don’t want to be alone] [i’m here!! i’m right here!!] [i know this voice... who is it? my... friend? oh...] [!! tsuna-kun!!] [it’s okay now. i’ve come to help you] [tsuna-kun, like vongola primo. you didn’t betray me]
[get out of here!! i’ll kill everyone!!] [no, i’m going to save you!! no matter what!!] [i will definitely save you!! i swear on my pride!!] [pride...? did he just say pride? what is tsuna-kun’s pride...?] [what is your pride, tsuna-kun?] [my pride is... you. my pride is... my comrades, my friends!!] [the battle between vongola and simon is now nullified! please release kyoko-chan’s brother and the simon family from the prison!] [i agree with tsuna!!]
[what you say might be true. tsuna-kun’s father might have... but... i won’t hate him again. besides, he... he would never betray anyone, for anything] [our friendship is... it won’t change] [vongola... simon... none of that matters. tsuna-kun is the only person from outside my family that’s... my friend!] almost besties despite (because of) being narrative foils are manipulated into being each other’s enemy but decide to break the cycle instead
(part 1)
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taylorswiftandx · 1 year
Taylor Swift and So
'Taylor Swift'
Picture To Burn: So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy
Picture To Burn: So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time
Teardrops On My Guitar: Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
Teardrops On My Guitar: Drew talks to me, I laugh 'cause just so funny
Teardrops On My Guitar: He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right
Teardrops On My Guitar: And there he goes, so perfectly, the kind of flawless I wish I could be
Teardrops On My Guitar: So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
A Place In This World: I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
Cold As You: So I start a fight 'cause I need to feel something
Cold As You: Every smile you fake is so condescending, counting all the scars you made
The Outside: So how can I ever try to be better? Nobody ever lets me in
The Outside: And now it's all too late, so you see
Stay Beautiful: I'm taking pictures in my mind so I can save them for a rainy day
Mary's Song (Oh My My My): Take me home where we met so many years before
I'm Only Me When I'm With You: When I'm with anybody else, it's so hard to be myself
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
Fearless: I'm trying so hard not to get caught up now, but you're just so cool
Fearless: So, baby, drive slow 'til we run out of road
Fifteen: Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
Love Story: So I sneak out to the garden to see you
Love Story: So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while
Love Story: Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone
Hey Stephen: So come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Hey Stephen: Hey, Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling so I got some things to say to you
Hey Stephen: I seen it all so I thought, but I never seen nobody shine the way you do
Hey Stephen: I'm waiting alone now, so come on and come out and pull me near
White Horse: I had so many dreams about you and me
White Horse: Begging for forgiveness, begging for me just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
You Belong With Me: Been here all along so why can't you see you belong with me
Tell Me Why: Well, I get so confused and frustrated, forget what I'm trying to say
Tell Me Why: Why do you have to make me feel small so you can feel whole inside
Tell Me Why: Why do you have to put down my dreams so you're the only thing on my mind
You're Not Sorry: You're looking so innocent, I might believe you if I didn't know
You're Not Sorry: You used to shine so bright but I watched all of it fade
The Way I Loved You: He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous
The Way I Loved You: You're so in love that you act insane
The Way I Loved You: And you were wild and crazy, just so frustrating
The Way I Loved You: I'm so in love that I acted insane
Forever And Always: And then you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all
Forever And Always: Thought I knew you for a minute, now I'm not so sure
Forever And Always: So here's to everything coming down to nothing
Forever And Always: You didn't mean it, baby, I don't think so
The Best Day: I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
The Best Day: So I'm taking this chance to say that I had the best day with you today
Change: So we've been outnumbered, raided, and now cornered
Jump Then Fall: 'Cause I'mma stay through it all so jump then fall
Jump Then Fall: I've never been so wrapped up, honey
Jump Then Fall: The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry
Jump Then Fall: So jump then fall, jump then fall, baby, jump then fall into me, into me
Come In With The Rain: I've watched you so long, screamed your name
SuperStar: So dim that spotlight, tell me things like, "I can't take my eyes off of you"
The Other Side Of The Door: 'Cause I'm so mad, I might tell you that it's over
The Other Side Of The Door: So, babe, if you know everything, tell me why you couldn't see
Today Was A Fairytale: All that I can say is now it's getting so much clearer
You All Over Me: But I did, so I smiled, and I melted like a child
You All Over Me: So I lied, and I cried, and I watched a part of myself die
Mr. Perfectly Fine: Mr. insincere apology so he doesn't look like the bad guy
Mr. Perfectly Fine: So dignified in your well pressed suit, so strategized, all the eyes on you
Mr. Perfectly Fine: Oh, he's so smug, Mr. always wins, so far above me in every sense, so far above feeling anything
We Were Happy: And goodbye's so much harder 'cause we were happy
Don't You: You don't know how much I feel I love you still so why don't you, don't you
Don't You: So I'll walk out of here tonight, tried to go on with my life
Don't You: But I don't want to pretend, so if I see you again
Bye Bye Baby: I was so sure of everything, everything I thought we'd always have
Bye Bye Baby: There's so much that I can't touch
Bye Bye Baby: And I'm so scared of how this ends
'Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)'
Back To December: I'm so glad you made time to see me
Back To December: So this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you, saying, "I'm sorry for that night"
Back To December: I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
Back To December: So if the chain is on your door, I understand
Speak Now: So glad you were around when they said, "Speak now"
Dear John: Don't you think nineteen's too young to be played by your dark, twisted games when I loved you so?
Dear John: But I took your matches before fire could catch me so don't look now
Mean: Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
Mean: Why you gotta be so mean?
The Story Of Us: So many things that I wish you knew, so many walls up, I can't break through
The Story Of Us: So many things that you wish I knew but the story of us might be ending soon
Never Grow Up: Your little hand's wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight
Never Grow Up: So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
Never Grow Up: At fourteen, there's just so much you can't do
Never Grow Up: So here I am in my new apartment in the big city, they just dropped me off
Never Grow Up: It's so much colder than I thought it would be so I tuck myself in and turn my night light on
Better Than Revenge: She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
Better Than Revenge: They didn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me
Better Than Revenge: Come on, show me how much better you are, so much better, yeah?
Better Than Revenge: So you deserve some applause 'cause you're so much better
Last Kiss: You told me you loved me so why did you go away?
Last Kiss: So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
Ours: So don't you worry your pretty little mind
When Emma Falls In Love: Well, she’s so New York when she’s in L.A.
I Can See You: They keep watchful eyes on us so it’s best that we move fast and keep quiet
Castles Crumbling: I was held up so high, I used to be great
Castles Crumbling: Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off
Timeless: And something in my head said stop, so I walked in
Timeless: And that’s when I called you and it’s so hard to explain
Timeless: So even in a different life, you still would’ve been mine
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
State Of Grace: So you were never a saint and I've loved in shades of wrong
Red: Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly
Red: Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all
I Knew You Were Trouble: I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now
All Too Well: So casually cruel in the name of being honest
All Too Well: 'Cause there we are again when I loved you so
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: Ugh, so he calls me up and he's like, "I still love you"
Stay Stay Stay: So I think that it's best if we both stay
The Lucky One: So overnight you look like a sixties queen
The Lucky One: And they tell you that you're lucky but you're so confused
Everything Has Changed: All I know is we said, "Hello," so dust off your highest hopes
The Moment I Knew: And it would've felt like a million little shining stars had just aligned and I would've been so happy
The Moment I Knew: But your close friends always seem to know when there's something really wrong so they follow me down the hall
The Moment I Knew: You should've been here, and I would've been so happy
Come Back... Be Here: The feeling you can know so much without knowing anything at all
Come Back... Be Here: If I had known what I knew now, I never would have played so nonchalant
Girl At Home: And you've been getting closer and closer and crossing so many lines
Babe: And it's strange how your face doesn't look so innocent
Message In A Bottle: But now you're so far away and I'm down
I Bet You Think About Me: The voices so loud saying why did you let her go
Forever Winter: He says, "Why fall in love just so you can watch it go away?"
Run: And my so called friends, they don't know I'd drive away before I let you go
Run: So give me a reason and don't say no, no
Run: So you laugh like a child and I'll sing like no one cares
The Very First Night: And so it goes, every weekend, this same party
The Very First Night: And so it was, we never saw it coming
'1989 (Taylor’s Version)'
Welcome To New York: The lights are so bright but they never blind me
Welcome To New York: So bright, they never blind me
Blank Space: So, hey, let's be friends, I'm dying to see how this one ends
Blank Space: So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames
Style: So it goes, he can't keep his wild eyes on the road
Out Of The Woods: Looking at it now, it all seems so simple
Out Of The Woods: To move the furniture so we could dance, baby, like we stood a chance
Bad Blood: So take a look what you've done, 'cause baby, now we've got bad blood
Bad Blood: And rub it in so deep, salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me
Bad Blood: Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times, you and I
Bad Blood: So don't think it's in the past, these kind of wounds, they last and they last
Bad Blood: And time can heal but this won't, so if you're coming my way, just don't
Wildest Dreams: He's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad but he does it so well
I Know Places: In the dead of night, your eyes so green
Clean: So I punched a hole in the roof
Clean: I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing
Wonderland: So we went on our way, too in love to think straight, all alone or so it seemed
You Are In Love: And so it goes, you two are dancing in a snow globe 'round and 'round
New Romantics: We're all bored, we're all so tired of everything
New Romantics: We're so young but we're on the road to ruin
New Romantics: So come on, come along with me, the best people in life are free
New Romantics: Please leave me stranded, it's so romantic
Now That We Don’t Talk: I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost
Now That We Don’t Talk: Truth is, I can’t pretend it’s platonic, it’s just ended, so
Suburban Legends: You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious
...Ready For It?: Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so
...Ready For It?: I know I'm gonna be with you so I take my time
...Ready For It?: I'm so very tame now, never be the same now, now
End Game: You so dope, don't overdose, I'm so stoked, I need a toast
End Game: So here's the truth from my red lips
I Did Something Bad: So I play 'em like a violin and I make it look oh so easy
I Did Something Bad: They say I did something bad, then why's it feel so good?
I Did Something Bad: And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could, it just felt so good, good
I Did Something Bad: So I fly 'em all around the world and I let them think they saved me
I Did Something Bad: So light me up, light me up, light me up, go ahead and light me up
I Did Something Bad: So bad, why's it feel so good, why's it feel, why's it feel so good?
Don't Blame Me: I get so high, oh, every time you're, every time you're loving me
Delicate: My reputation's never been worse so you must like me for me
So It Goes...: But when you get me alone, it's so simple
So It Goes...: Getting caught up in a moment, lipstick on your face, so it goes
So It Goes...: You know I'm not a bad girl but I do bad things with you, so it goes
So It Goes...: I'm so chill, but you make me jealous
So It Goes...: Come here, dressed in black, now, so, so, so it goes
So It Goes...: Scratches down your back, now, so, so, so it goes
Gorgeous: You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much, I hate you so much
Gorgeous: You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face
Gorgeous: And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
Gorgeous: 'Cause you're so gorgeous, it actually hurts, honey, it hurts
Gorgeous: You make me so happy, it turns back to sad
Gorgeous: You are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: So, baby, can we dance, oh, through an avalanche?
Dress: Only bought this dress so you could take it off
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: It was so nice throwing big parties
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: So why'd you have to rain on my parade?
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: It was so nice being friends again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: And so I took an axe to a mended fence
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: If only you weren't so shady
Call It What You Want: So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to
I Forgot That You Existed: And I couldn't get away from you, in my feelings more than Drake, so yeah
I Forgot That You Existed: And it was so nice, so peaceful and quiet
I Forgot That You Existed: And I would've stuck around for you, would've fought the whole town, so yeah
I Forgot That You Existed: It isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference, so yeah
Cruel Summer: So cut the headlights, summer's a knife
The Man: I'm so sick of running as fast as I can
The Man: And I'm so sick of them coming at me again
The Man: They paint me out to be bad so it's okay that I'm mad
The Archer: I never grew up, it's getting so old
I Think He Knows: He's so obsessed with me and boy, I understand, boy, I understand
I Think He Knows: "So where we gonna go?" I whisper in the dark
Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince: We're so sad, we paint the town blue
Paper Rings: Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws, we wouldn't be standing here so, tall, so
Cornelia Street: And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away
London Boy: Met all of his best mates, so, I guess all the rumors are true
London Boy: So please show me Hackney, doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Soon You'll Get Better: Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus, too
False God: Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you
You Need To Calm Down: And snakes and stones never broke my bones, so
You Need To Calm Down: 'Cause shade never made anybody less gay, so
Afterglow: Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
Afterglow: It's so excruciating to see you low
Daylight: There are so many lines that I've crossed, unforgiven
Daylight: I've been sleeping so long in a twenty-year dark night
Daylight: And so I became the butt of the joke
The 1: We were something, don't you think so?
The Last Great American Dynasty: There's only so far new money goes
Exile: You're not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now?
Exile: I'm not your problem anymore, so who am I offending now?
Exile: I think I've seen this film before, so I'm leaving out the side door
Exile: You never gave a warning sign / I gave so many signs
Exile: So many signs, so many signs, you didn't even see the signs
My Tears Ricochet: And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves
Seven: Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
Seven: Passed down like folk songs, our love lasts so long
August: So much for summer love and saying "us" 'cause you weren't mine to lose
This Is Me Trying: They told me all of my cages were mental so I got wasted like all my potential
This Is Me Trying: I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere
Illicit Affairs: So you leave no trace behind like you don't even exist
Invisible String: And isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?
Betty: So I showed up at your party, yeah, I showed up at your party
Hoax: You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?
Hoax: You knew the password so I let you in the door
Hoax: You knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
Champagne Problems: You booked the night train for a reason, so you could sit there in this hurt
Champagne Problems: I never was ready so I watch you go
Gold Rush: Gleaming, twinkling eyes like sinking ships on waters, so inviting, I almost jump in
'Tis The Damn Season: So we could call it even, you could call me "babe" for the weekend
'Tis The Damn Season: You can run, but only so far
'Tis The Damn Season: So I'll go back to LA and the so-called friends who'll write books about me if I ever make it
Tolerate It: You're so much older and wiser and I
Coney Island: And if this is the long haul, how'd we get here so soon?
Ivy: Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow, tarnished but so grand
Ivy: Spring breaks loose but so does fear
Ivy: So tell me to run or dare to sit and watch what we'll become
Ivy: So yeah, it's a fire, it's a goddamn blaze in the dark and you started it, you started it
Ivy: So yeah, it's a war, it's the goddamn fight of my life and you started it, you started it
Marjorie: Never be so kind you forget to be clever, never be so clever you forget to be kind
Marjorie: What died didn't stay dead, you're alive, so alive
Marjorie: Never be so polite you forget your power
Marjorie: The autumn chill that wakes me up, you loved the amber skies so much
Closure: Staying friend would iron it out so nice
Closure: But it's fake and it's oh so unnecessary
Evermore: I had a feeling so peculiar that this pain would be for evermore
Evermore: I had a feeling so peculiar this pain wouldn't be for evermore
Right Where You Left Me: And it's been so long but if you ever think you got it wrong I'm right where you left me
It's Time To Go: So then you go, then you go, you just go
Maroon: And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was
Maroon: The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon
Snow On The Beach: My smile is like I won a contest and to hide that would be so dishonest
You're On Your Own, Kid: I see the great escape, so long, Daisy May
You're On Your Own, Kid: So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it
Midnight Rain: So I peered through the window, a deep portal, time travel
Vigilante Shit: So on the weekends, I don't dress for friends
Vigilante Shit: She needed cold, hard proof, so I gave her some
Vigilante Shit: And she looks so pretty driving in your Benz
Vigilante Shit: So on the weekends, she don't dress for friends
Karma: Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here
Mastermind: No one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
Mastermind: So I told you none if it was accidental
The Great War: Telling me to punish you for things you never did so I justified it
The Great War: Looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops
Bigger Than The Whole Sky: So I'll say words I don't believe
Paris: I'm so in love that i might stop breathing
Glitch: And I'm not even sorry, nights are so starry, blood moonlit
Dear Reader: So I wander through these nights, I prefer hiding in plain sight
Dear Reader: You should find another guiding light, guiding light, but I shine so bright
Hits Different: Each bar plays our song, nothing has ever felt so wrong
Karma (feat. Ice Spice): So I keep my head up, my bread up, I won’t let up, never
Other Songs written by Taylor
All Of The Girls You Loved Before: I’m so thankful for all of the girls you loved before, but I love you more
All Of The Girls You Loved Before: Now I call you “baby,” that’s why you’re so amazing
Beautiful Eyes: You're here, your eyes are looking into mine, so, baby, make me fly
Beautiful Eyes: So, baby, come hold me tight cause I, I want to be everything you need
Beautiful Ghosts: So I watch from the dark, wait for my life to start
Beautiful Ghosts: And so maybe this home isn't what I had known, what I thought it would be
Beautiful Ghosts: But I feel so alive with these phantoms of night
Beautiful Ghosts: And the memories were lost long ago, so I'll dance with these beautiful ghosts
Best Days Of Your Life: So I've got my pride and she's got you
Christmas Must Be Something More: So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
Christmas Must Be Something More: So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas Must Be Something More: We get so caught up in all of it, business and relationships
Christmas Must Be Something More: So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives
Crazier: There's so much more, I'd never seen it before
Crazier: And I wanted to know how that would feel, and you made it so real
Eyes Open: So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard
Only The Young: Only the young can run, can run, so run, and run, and run
Only The Young: So everyday now, you brace for the sound you've only heard on TV
Renegade: Is it insensitive for me to say, "Get your shit together so I can love you"?
The Joker And The Queen (Remix): So I kept my cards closed to my foolproof vest
Two Is Better Than One: So maybe it's true that I can't live without you
Two Is Better Than One: But there's so much time to figure out the rest of my life
You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home: You're late again so get out the door
Official Alternate Releases
Teardrops On My Guitar (2006 Version): Drew talks to me, I laugh 'cause it's so damn funny
Better Than Revenge (2010 Version): They wouldn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me
Ivy: So yeah, it's a fire, it's a violent blaze in the dark and you started it, you started it
Ivy: So yeah, it's a war, it's the fiercest fight of my life and you started it, you started it
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bi-leth-eisner · 2 years
I know this ain't a discourse place but there's a trend I've noticed in the 3..H fandom that I think needs a bit of a vent/discussion.
We've seen how the fandom engages in bi-erasure by claiming bisexual characters like YKB, Dorothea, Mercedes, etc are lesbians, but there's another uncomfortable bi-erasure that I've noticed: the bi-racial erasure.
I've seen this when it comes to Byleth and Claude especially: people supporting Byleth rejecting their Nabatean/Goddess heritage and embracing humanity in C///////F and then framing it as them "rejecting their destiny". And likewise people wishing Claude would reject their Fodlan side and fully embrace their Almyran heritage or even wish that he was full Almryan along with wanting to change his eye color.
It goes without saying this type of mindset is disgusting and to see the fandom embrace this almost unironically is just sad.
the bisexual erasure just makes me sad, don’t get me wrong. like, as a bisexual person, it just sorta hurts after a while. but the more pressing issue, to me at least... the race stuff. (i’d just like to preface that i am not mixed - fully Inuk, rather - but holy shit it’s still fucking racist to say “i wish this character wasn’t mixed race” even if they would go from half-poc-half-white to fully a poc)
i’ve said it already, but i won’t stop until it’s heard: i’m just gonna assume you’re actually straight up just racist if you think the Nabateans need to die because they aren’t seen as human, or aren’t human enough for you.
Byleth being half mortal, half Nabatean, but not “fully human” until they’re rid of their Nabatean half according to these See Eff people really discomforts me. why is someone of the race that founded the Empire, which split off into the entire continent of Fódlan (and therefore has been there from the very start,) only seen as a heartless beast? and why are people who are even just associated with her to blame as well? they’ve gone into hiding (their identities at least) so their bones wouldn’t be harvested like the rest of their race, their home was essentially made entirely unsafe for them for a thousand years. put yourself in their shoes. imagine having to hide who you really are so you wouldn’t be killed like your loved ones were. imagine never being able to see them again and being constantly reminded of their deaths because of the Crests - which is their blood - and the Relics - their bones, which are STILL MOVING. they’re just trying to survive after tragedy after tragedy that befell them. their goal isn’t to Rule Over Humanity, they want their goddess back, because maybe she’ll be able to make everything better. their world fell to ruin as she was killed, after all. i won’t go into why this is important for me (i’ve done so once already,) but i’m tired of people seeing Ms. Emperor dehumanising the Nabateans as a “good thing, actually.” it’s fucking not. it can make real life people who relate to them for whatever reason feel unsafe.
which brings us to Byleth “defying their destiny.” Sothis is gone after she fuses with Byleth and there’s no way to ever get her back again. the story cannot progress until Sothis is gone for good. Sothis was never meant to come back. Byleth’s destiny to be the goddess reincarnated was broken right then and there, since they’re unable to do much other than do what Sothis granted them: turning back time, of which use is very limited. they do not have the power to raise or entirely tear apart land or sea or sky or anything of the sort. so what they do afterwards is wholly up to them. (i’m of the firm belief that See Eff isn’t canon at all here.)
Rhea comes to accept that Byleth isn’t Sothis, nor will they ever be (in Silver Snow, which i see as the most canon route.) she knows then that Byleth is their own person. so their life is up to them, not some destiny.
and some people wanting Claude to be fully Almyran is something i can certainly understand, however... forgive me, i’m not a Claude expert by any means, but... isn’t him being mixed race a huge and important part of his character and route? him wanting everyone on BOTH sides of his family to accept each other instead of needlessly fighting each other? wanting to fix relations with each other and everyone else? his Fódlan half is just as important, for lack of a better word, as his Almyran half...
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latibvles · 2 years
beautiful magic. // a heart's first flutter
they wrote, and then she stopped.
masterlist | gallery | taglist
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SUMMARY: a series of letters spanning over eight months between Ronald Speirs and Daisy Clarke.
TAGLIST: @softguarnere , @liebgotts-lovergirl , @monalisastwin , @brassknucklespeirs
formatting this chapter was a nightmare
i also recommend listening to this for more DaisRon letter-writing feelings.
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APRIL 1942
Dear Ronnie, Things have finally quieted down around here. Everyone always gets so excited when you boys march off to war — I’ll never understand it. Your mother’s doing fine — your sisters were able to console her some. Although I don’t think I’ll hear the end of it from them now. They think something’s going on between you and me. I told them it was nothing but I don’t think they believed me. Guess you’ve got a lady waiting at home for you after all — according to your family’s logic. You’ve dug your own grave at this point.
All of this, and I won’t even be getting any of your benefits. What a shame.
Missing you already, Daisy
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Daisy, Good to know that mom’s in good hands — but if you think I’ll be able to change their minds then you don’t know my sisters. Should I ask them to change my status to married on my recruitment forms? Your brother’s gonna be real mad we’ve apparently been in cahoots this whole time and left him out. It’ll make for one hell of a Thanksgiving story — and maybe the guys here will leave me alone about having a girl back home. Don’t know what’s got them so curious.
Sorry about the benefits. Guess I’ll just have to send a part of my officer’s checks to make up for it.
Missing you too, Ronald Speirs
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Dear Ronnie, I definitely wasn’t expecting you to change their minds, but let it be known that I am expecting flowers on Valentine’s Day now, or else you’ll have a very upset letter waiting for you in the mail. Jimmy says that Boot Camp should be called a Hell Camp instead. Of course, you know how he is. Probably got in trouble for something dumb, like having one of those graphic magazines in his bunk.
I suppose I can forgive you for the benefits. I’m feeling charitable. You’ll simply have to pay for the rest of my debts at nursing school. How does that sound?
Thinking of you, Daisy
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Daisy, I’ll write a reminder for that. Daisies right? Or is that too on-the-nose? I’ll do my best to ensure they don’t wilt when I send them across state lines otherwise. Boot Camp is about as “fun” as you’d expect it to be, at least by Jimmy’s standards. You get up early, you work your bones into dust and everything comes out of a can for your meals. Showers also run cold pretty quick, so yeah, it probably is hell for him.
Mrs. Speirs, your debts from before our nuptials are not my burdens to bear. You’re lucky I happen to like you and I’m feeling nice.
From, Ronald Speirs
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MAY 1942
Dear Ronnie, Everyone in my class is getting all antsy. I guess with the war and everything a lot of the people here want to help. Better us than a bunch of people who don’t know what they’re doing. Or even worse — people who know what they’re doing but their hearts aren’t in it. A few friends of mine have already been sent out to the Pacific, if you can believe it. They’re setting up hospital stations for the incoming troops.
We’re all okay up here. Just restless. Everything on the radio’s all about the war. The troops. More and more boys leave every day. Makes my head spin, to be completely honest. I want to ask if you’ve made any friends but it almost feels weird to phrase it that way. I mean, it’s not like school is it?
Try and let me know whether you end up in the Pacific or Europe at least. I don’t want to ask any stupid questions.
From, Daisy.
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Daisy, I’m glad you’re okay. I still don’t know where I’m headed, but I’ll let you know when I find out, if I can. I don’t think you’ve ever asked a stupid question, but that’s besides the point.
It’s not a weird question to ask. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s not like school, no. In school they can’t make you crawl through mud and barbed wire if you forget a math textbook. But it’s hard not to get to know the guys you’re with when you all share showers and bunks. I’m getting along with most people just fine, if that’s what you mean.
Bet there are gonna be a lot of jobs open once you’re done with school, if so many women are becoming military nurses. I’ve only met a few. They’re okay.
Good luck on your finals.
From, Ronald Speirs
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JUNE 1942
Dear Ronnie, We went dress shopping today for graduation. I’m having a hard time picking something. Our high school photos were so nice, I guess I just don’t want these ones to look bad either. It seems silly to worry about in the grand scheme of things, I hope you don’t mind.
I hope you had fun in Florida. The other guys aren’t still ribbing you for not having a girlfriend, are they? I remember you mentioning it. Just use my name if you have to.
Mom and Dad say hello. They hope you’re well. Mom’s sending some of her peanut butter cookies, I hope you like them.
Sincerely, Daisy.
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Daisy, You’re going to look pretty no matter what you wear, and I don’t mind you telling me about this stuff. It’s a nice break from all the talk about war. Keep talking about it, I don’t mind. I’m sorry I can’t be there. I’ll find a way to make it up to you.
The men still do, sometimes. More often than not they try to set me up with their girls’ friends who need dates. But I might take you up on that if it gets too annoying.
Tell your mom I said thanks for the cookies. I’ll have to safeguard them with my life.
From, Ronald Speirs
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JULY 1942
Ronnie, Mom’s having one of her spells again. The tears and all. It used to be easier when you and James were still here. Now I feel like a little kid again. I know by the time this reaches you it’ll be over, but this is just a long winded way of saying I really miss you. Just not the same without seeing you everyday, I guess.
James writes. He says he’s getting ready to ship out soon. He’s headed to the Pacific. I wish you two weren’t so far away.
Missing you, Daisy.
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Daisy, I don’t know if this makes it any better, but if I could be there I would. I hope that she’s feeling better by the time you get this. I miss you too. Please try not to get too down about it, though. I think they’ll let us go home for Christmas, so we can count down the days until then.
We still don’t know where we’re headed. I’m thinking about transferring to the Paratroopers. The pay’s better anyway and they’re supposed to be the best of the best. I got this on one of my trips to Florida on pass. I hope you like it
162 days until Christmas.
Hang in there, Ronald Speirs
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Dear Ronnie, The bracelet is beautiful. You really didn’t have to get me that, but thank you. I think it might be a new favorite. I’ll have to send you something really nice in the mail.
I don’t know how I feel about my best friend jumping out of planes, but as long as you come home in one piece then you have my blessing. If the pay’s better and you really want to do it, I think you should. You should tell James. I think he might even get a little jealous. He’s always wanted to skydive.
148 days till Christmas.
Hanging in, Daisy.
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Daisy, That new Abbott and Costello film just came out. It’s better than the films they show on base, to give you some idea. I don’t know if you’re planning to see it. I’d like to go see a movie with you when I come back up there. For the sake of fairness, I’ll let you pick.
I nearly beat a guy running Currahee today. I was able to keep up just fine. Georgia heat makes summers up there seem like nothing. But I can complete the trail in 45 minutes now. My ankle’s hurting something fierce though. Hope it’s not a sprain.
128 days until Christmas.
Take care of yourself, Ronald Speirs
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Dear Ronnie,
I haven’t seen it yet. Some of my coworkers wanted to go out and see it. You’ll have a review in your next letter, promise. But I’d like that a lot, now that you mention it. We can go halves on the tickets since it’s my pick anyway. Don’t forget.
I know that in the Army you’re all supposed to be a bunch of “tough guys” but please don’t make me come down there. Get it checked out, or Camp Toccoa will have a very disgruntled visitor in the coming weeks. And don’t you doubt that for a minute.
121 days until Christmas.
Worry about yourself, Daisy
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Dear Ronnie, Summer heat’s finally going away. Leaves haven’t started to change quite yet though. I can’t believe I’d ever say that I miss football season. To be honest, I mostly miss your track season. I liked watching you run, and you were always good at it. I really took little things like that for granted.
Mom’s apples are coming in nice. She’s excited to start making cider and tarts and all that other stuff. I’ll try to send you some, when I can. She’s always worried about what they’re feeding you down there. Dad’s been trying to get her not to worry so much.
106 days until you’re home.
Sincerely, Daisy
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Daisy, I didn’t know you liked watching me run. I always thought you were just there for Jimmy. It still feels like summer here sometimes. I think we both took it for granted. I liked walking you home after your ballet practices. You probably already knew that, though.
I finally have my dates. I make my last practice jump on the 26th, so the day after Christmas. I’ll be home right after that for ten days. Tell your mom they’re feeding me fine. My mom has similar worries, but I don’t think she actually listens when I tell her I’m okay.
94 days until I’m home.
See you soon, Ronnie
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Dear Daisy, Turner is still as much of a jackass as usual. With all the arms training we do I’m shocked he hasn’t been accidentally shot yet. If I ever start acting like one of those self-righteous West Pointers I want you to set me straight immediately. I don’t know what he wants from me, but he can lick my goddamn boot.
If he wasn’t a superior officer, I would’ve socked him in the jaw by now.
At any rate, jump training starts after Thanksgiving at Fort Benning. They had us officers all compete to be leading the sticks in an Olympics of sorts. I’m finally used to crawling through pig guts.
81 days until I’m home.
Thinking of you,
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Dear Ronnie, I know you hate the guy, but please don’t do anything stupid. That includes punching anyone in the jaw. I don’t think you have the ability to act as arrogant as this man sounds, but you can count on me to set you straight if it happens. You get along with the men under you and that’s what matters. Hang in there.
Is it weird to say I’m glad you’ve gotten used to it? At least it isn’t so awful anymore. Unfortunately hospital work isn’t as invigorating as crawling through pig guts. You’ve got me beat there.
67 days until we’re together again.
I’m in your corner,
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Dear Ronnie, Happy Early Thanksgiving. Mom ran a food drive out of the school and it did great. Dad had some of his veteran friends who hadn’t been called back help promote it. A lot of people won’t be going hungry this winter.
I’m getting a little antsier now. I can’t wait to see you. We’re all missing you up here. My Aunt Marie and Uncle Allen are coming up for Thanksgiving from Maryland — she’ll probably end up asking about you. I’d send you leftovers if I could.
There’s something I want to talk to you about when you’re back. It’s nothing bad, just something I’m curious about, really.
47 days until the movies.
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Dear Daisy, Happy Thanksgiving, Dais. I hope you’re having a good time with your family. I’m glad that your mom’s food drive went well and that your dad’s friends helped. Sounds like a lot of good things are going on.
Try not to lose your head, alright? I can imagine you doing the leg-bounce thing right now. But I hope Remembrance Day went by fast for you. I know how hard that day is — if I helped at all with that, then I’m glad.
32 days until the movies.
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Dear Ronnie, By the time you get this, you may already be packing your bags. Apparently we’re going to Aunt Marie’s for the holidays. In Maryland. And we won’t be coming back until after New Year’s. Do I want to go? No. Not really. But family is family.
At any rate, leave a letter in my mailbox and I’ll read it when I come home. And whenever you come home next, you can pick the movie. I’ll try to keep my head up in the meanwhile.
I really, really miss you.
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