#and theyre like...16 too its insane
always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
I love Crossroads for the simple fact that it's basically slapping you with an illustration of how easily humans can change and how fragile even the strongest of them are deep inside but framing it as two high schoolers getting a metaphorical divorce. And even that I can't really make fun of because Rei and Keito were both lowkey screaming out to the other for help that the other couldn't give (Rei just wanting some peace, someone to actually look at him as an equal, but instead deciding to betray Keito; Keito sincerely just wanting to help out a friend and make the school better but being manipulative about it). And I really am glad it cut to the present to show that they eventually found the people that they needed back then, even if it took a while for the relationship as a whole to get there.
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sometimes i miss the psychward friendships but now i have a bunch of friends who are finance bros in their 20-30s and its the exact same thing. the entire time theyre talking about the dark web bitcoin market or underground nfts or investing 1 cent into tesla in 2008 and you usually just have to nod your head and say "wow jeff you are very smart" so often
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quodekash · 1 month
I didnt get enough sleep last night but its not my fault qtoey fuckin kissed
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hes literally the most babygirl in this entire show
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I love this more than I can ever possibly describe
it's so silly
so goofy
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they should kiss again I think
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babes your voice just got three octaves higher, do better at lying next time
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who the FUCK is this guy and why is he being introduced in episode 7 of 16 (apparently 16??? it's wild that this show is supposed to be 16 episodes long (according to mdl?) cos we're not even halfway through the show and 2 out of 4 of the main couples have officially kissed, and 1 is officially together. which is insane when you think about how msp is 12 episodes long and tinngun didnt properly kiss til thE END OF THE LAST FUCKING EPISODE)
(no im never getting over this, they COULD have counted 67 FUCKING TIMES throughout the show and they fucking DIDNT)
anyway this guy is probably gonna be a main part of the drama that's gonna go down in order to keep this show long enough 😭
why cant we just keep the light and fluffy show as it is and keep spreading joy and dopamine straight to my bones
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two adorable little munchkins standing next to each other
theyre my sons
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whAT rEAlLY???
he asked if he could hit on you, then asked if he could KISS you, AND THEN YALL FUCKIN MADE OUT IN A HAUNTED HOUSE
so I suggest you all give up on this "plan", and change to this real plan: march up to him, ask him out, plant a kiss on his cheek, take your fuckin artist easels and canvases to a fuckin beach at sunset, paint and make out
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oml pun's an astrology girlie
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what the fuck no why does it look like its gonna get angsty, I cant do this :(
dont make me watch toey sob, I dont want that, I want them to make out again :((
im so confused dude why is he so angry
I genuinely dont get it
I mean im watching at 2x speed so I can get through this quickly so I might've missed some dialogue somewhere or smth, but still
why's he angry
idk why he's angry but I do know one thing: satang is too fucking good at portraying anguish
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im too tired to process words so im not entirely sure what he means but I think it sounds poetic so we're gonna go with that
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brb just gonna rip my fucking SOUL out
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"its like im sitting in a vast grassy field with a gentle breeze under a bright sky" OKAY WTF ARE THE GMM WRITERS READING MY TUMBLR POSTS OR SMTH
its why his heart doesnt beat fast for sound, he just doesnt have that kind of crush, its more of a relaxing crush, like a gentle breeze
ill fucking find the post if I can
I literally wrote an extended metaphor poem combined with a fic about it
what the fuck dude
if they're watching my posts then why havent they given us my satang and perth siblings agenda yet
and where is the markford series
gmm I know you're looking at this, answer my fucking questions guys
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they all just make me so happy 😭😭😭
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okay but he didnt know you were milk frappe boy when hE FUCKING MADE OUT WITH YOU IN A HAUNTED HOUSE
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theyre holdin hansssss
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is what I think and want to happen about to happen
that wasnt grammar but its fine
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oh fuck yes next week theyre goi g to a volunteer camp
volunteer camp episodes are always comfort episodes so thjis is gonna be GOOD
well anyway I just wanna see qtoey kiss again :(
ill rewatch that one scene in the meantime
buhbye for now my friends, see yous next week
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electricpurrs · 2 months
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i am actually so suspicious of this god damn moth post but i cant find any concrete evidence to prove theres something wrong with it other than my gut feeling and i feel insane
like of course first of all this post is from 2013 and im not really willing to believe any given post from 2013 is true specially when the post is this amazing coincidence of this person coincidentally finding those two coincidentally aesthetically pleasing moths and managing to get them coincidentally snuggling together for a picture. yknow. it does feel too weirdly good to be true
BUT SECONDLY im so weirded out by these two moths specifically.
ok bear with me. the little one is very obviously a rosy maple moth. (which is also coincidentally one of the most famous moths specifically for being pretty)
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but im willing to believe any given english speaking tumblrgirl at the time could find one considering they live seemingly accross the united states and canada. fair enough
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BUT my problem is the big one. of course everybody even in the notes seems to be classifying it as a luna moth (ALSO a famous moth species for being pretty) you can also feasibly find them in north america, ok.
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theres also the point of their lifespans
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luna moths as adults live only for about 7-10 days, and i had a harder time finding info for adult rosy maple moths but it seems its about the same
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the source of this is an old article from someone actively breeding maple moths x but i believe its the same with moths in general, since they literally dont have mouths and cant eat so they just mate and die.
SO youre gonna have a small time span to find one. both moths are also mainly nocturnal, which makes even weirder that op found both of them during the day.
theres also the point of WHEN are they adults. aka maply moths seem to show from from may through the summer
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luna moths though, seem to vary in when they show up depending on place. some do include late may or early june on northern regions, ans a generation in july in central states.
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which means you could, feasibly, have a span of about a week or so in may, june or july where both maple moths and luna moths are adults and alive at the same time.
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thats NOT when adult rosy maple moths show up, much less both of them.
though maybe im just being too pedandic with specific dates and theres margin for variation, but its, again, some real big coincidences
BUT FINALLY theres the fact im suspicious about this luna moth IN THE FIRST PLACE.
i might just be going actually crazy here, but for this we've been assuming the luna moth is the species that exists in north america (otherwise these two wouldnt be in the same place at all)
and like this is what the luna moth looks like
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(pictures from wikipedia)
and you see how theyre kinda weird compared to the one in the pic.
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the luna moths are mostly green, with much less of this pretty pastel pink of the one on the tumblr post. you could argue they have pink markings but in most pictures i see they seem more like a dark red/brown with a remarkable very thick marking on the wings
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you see how the moth in the pic just looks kinda weird. but that can also be from filters or editing to make the photo prettier making the colors different.
(i also think the tail looks weirdly long, but there seems to be variation in the tail length in various luna moth pics ive seen, so i cant speak for sure about that)
(i also cant tell you whether the sizes in comparison to each other are right cause i suck at visualizing size comparisons and its not like theres any other pic on earth of the two together so.)
CONCLUSION: i dont fucking know. i spent an hour looking moths up online and didnt get any reasonable answer to my doubts. i guess in the end THERE is, even if small, a chance of you finding both these boths alive at the same time in the same place so i can fully discredit the op. i give up im going to have breakfast
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furutetalks · 1 year
vector and espio erasure is going to drive me insane one day
when there were canon ages vector was so separated from the other characters, the only character they could pair him with was vanilla and now that ages have been removed and characters are growing a little vector is stuck in a weird space where hes isolated from all of the other characters
when team chaotix was first introduced vector was 16 and espio was 17, that was changed but it definitely stands that sonic team was uncertain with how old those two should be
now that the ages are removed it feels like theyre trying to hint that espio n vector are closer in age, especially in idw and murder of sonic, and even if tmosth is just the sega social teams interpretation of them, its still sticks as canon now
i feel like if tmosth was your first impression of vector and espio you would not assume there was an age gap, they seem to both be on the same level
but its not like sega can go back and change their previous ages and just backtrack on everything, theyre in a tricky situation but for the most part it seems to be handled well
i really just think its unfair to say vector is a dad to espio, headcanon all you want but if he was in the canon i think it would be more obvious, and from most of the canon theyre just shown to be really great friends, 16 and 20 is a gross age gap, i hope everyone can agree on that. i think vecpio should be seen as a bond thats built over time, they probably met around 16-20 but have aged since, probably both in their 20's now. and especially with charmy too, theres no way theyve raised a whole child for years and are completely platonic about it
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Mob Psycho 100 for fandom! And Amy from Sonic for character~
omg hello thank u niru c:
obligatory link back to the original ask game
Mob Psycho 100
sorry that alot of these repeat and probably arent like insane thoughts, i was only big into mp100 when i was like 16 and finished the anime like a year ago 😭
Favorite character: Serizawa c: hes a 6w5 so legally i must enjoy him but also i just like him ... he has curly hair and is cool OH AND TOME !!!! shes fun :) i dont fully remember my interesting thoughts on her but i enjoy her and how she works for reigen post canon. i think her weird girl charms get to me
Least Favorite character: uhhhh probably mogami or shous dad... theyre both just annoying like whateverrr stop being a dumb adult stop beefing with 15 year olds losers...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1.... serirei?? is that the ship name. serizawa and reigen. basically canon ? 2. mobteru again basically canon 3. . um . theres not much ships i really have with this show so idk if i can do 5 but i can at least do three bc i think tome and mezato is cute :) i briefly became obsessed w them for a bit after season 2 .... i think the ship of the two claw guys . the like sword one and the other guy is pretty cool...
Character I find most attractive: serizawa. who would have guessed.
Character I would marry: nobody everyone here has many red flags also theyre 90% children
Character I would be best friends with: if i was a teenager there is a non zero chance i genuinely would be besties with tome but also maybe slightly find her annoying. but also maybe i would become besties with mob. in normal life none of them bc i would never talk to children or the adults in the show
A random thought: i think reigen is one of the last tumblr sexymen before that term really became used as meaning: character im sick of seeing so much of... but also i could be wrong. also can everyone stop drawing serizawa with straight hair ... i know they do in the manga/anime but if he had curly hair before they cut and washed him then it wouldnt go away. thats not how hair works and i should know as ive lived with it for like years.
An unpopular opinion: mogami arc wasnt that good, stop using it as an excuse to be weird abt child characters plsss
My canon OTP: nothing is canon :/ so
Non-canon OTP: serirei as i said above ☝
Most badass character: mob :] hes cool and awesom... but also i do think
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if its bc i dont remember much but i cant see shou and ritsu as much more than besties but also obvs im not at all a fan of the . weirdly large amount of reigen and mob stuff like whats wrong with you all im killing you . i also just dont care too too much about ships between teenage characters so many of the ships in the fandom are like yea thats alright, also can see them as just besties, u kno?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i didnt realize how little there was of serizawa in the manga or the anime .. i feel like he had more when i first read it ???? anyway he should be there more .
Favourite friendship: i think mob and reigen are fun as friends :) especially as they grow older, i think the dynamic would be fun. also teru and ritsu are fun when theyre together. worlds most dramatic 12 year olds.
amy will b under the cut
amy rose :)
How I feel about this character: I like her !!! i feel like shes not talked about much outside of ships which is a shame because i feel like if people came together on her character (this includes people writing canon) then there could be a compelling character here that wouldnt deny her roots or just stay the same sort of trope she used to be. I cant deny i do enjoy that they occassionally dip into her little interest in tarot :) its nice to see that trait remembered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: sonic of course, shadow, blaze a bit?, metal sonic anddd... yea thats it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i think her with silver or knuckles is always fun :) idk why i think its because they bounce off of each other well. equal levels of no braincells happening here at least with silver. and with knuckles i feel like they could have a fun brother sister dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: what is the popular opinion on her .... idk ill just use this as more of me talking about her character in general. i wish people would use her abandonment issues more, or at least like integrate that into her character since i think its a trait that shows up a bit in the little visual novel and in sonic frontiers and i think that makes sense as a trait for her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if she was ever playable again . I HAVENT played the sonic frontiers dlc but i think giving her a little spin off game ala the princess peach games would be fun. maybe then her team from sonic heros can be used again and i could like care about big and cream outside of them being sparingly used in canon .. and big not just being a joke ... also i just want more development for herrr im always begging for development or character in this series i know its for children but plsss also i wish they would like actually like .. fully deal with her whole thing with sonic... it feels like they wanna pretend her obsession just never happened and wasnt like the main thing with her character before they basically turned her into sally acorn.
My OTP: honestly ive really come around on amy x metal sonic :) i think mainly bc i cant see her with sonic at all (<- sonadow truther) and also i think it could be interesting if i thought about it more deeply
My OT3: amy x sonic x blaze i know i just said i cant see her with sonic but this is the exception, if i had to have an ot3 it would be this .. otherwise idk if i would have one.
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spokspsps · 1 year
okay so heres like all the things im going insane about in atsv its so disorganized im so sorry
spoilers for atsv
okay first off the mass amounts of color symbolism is insane
the fight with gwen and her dad where the color backgrounds kept switching to more and more contrasting colors to show that they were getting further and further apart emotionally the one part where gwen talks about her identity and how she has to hide it while acting fine WITH THE TRANS COLOR??? shes trans theyre all trans during the fight when the color backgrounds get closer and closer in shade to each other and then as everything falls apart again the background starts melting like watercolors its insane im going insane
and the clear color difference between earth42 and earth1610 is so amazing
earth42 is clearly more focused on purple and greens and theyre also even shaded differently too, earth1610 is shaded with halftone dots and colorful tones while earth42 focuses primarily on single colors with single directional hatching and comic book style shading (shading with straight up black rather than darker hues)
the fact that 42miles probably knows more spanish than 1610miles because he got closer with his mom after his dad died is heartbreaking
seeing the growth that miles has made in his 1 year, outsmarting literally the entire spidersociety with his plans and even beating some of them in combat its INSANE he's grown so much and while he's still a child he's also clearly grown and he knows his potential and worth
everyone has realistic motives that i can understand the reasoning behind and i also dont get the hate behind gwen she's just 15-16 and her only parental figure has just rejected her–of course she's going to follow miguel and jessica at first and then struggle with rejecting their ideals to support miles OF COURSE she is SHE'S A CHILD
i understand miguel's goals of the greater good but at the same time his need for control after losing all of it with the second universe clouds his judgement so intensely that he blames miles for all of it (also i noticed peter b parker was in miguel's second universe while it was collapsing???)
they both (miguel and miles) want to save people but they're going about it with different philosophies and i think it's because miguel has lost his way with what being spiderman really means
being spiderman means knowing ur not gonna be able to save everyone but still trying to save everyone anyways, and that's what miles embodies he knows he might not be able to save his dad but he wants to try anyways because if he just stood back and let it happen then there was everything he could've done and nothing he did do
miguel has forgotten in his grief that being spiderman means breaking conventional rules, never giving up nobody who tells you to and it's incredibly sad (and also kind of funny to see this like 50yo man send a manhunt for a 15yo teenager for not wanting his dad to die)
i think spiderman personally as the most human superhero purely because he's meant to a person anybody can imagine themselves as and people really can with the amount of different people, genders, ethnicities, etc you see in atsv!! the point of spiderman is to never give up and to always save people and although miguel intends to do those, he has given up on saving people in favor of what he would call "the greater good"
also the spot? i may be interpreting this wrong but i feel he's almost a parallel to miles
get your powers accidentally and not according to "canon events"
lose everything (miles, uncle aaron and the spot, like legitimately everything)
get new powers that you have no idea how to control and need to try and adapt to your life style
become incredibly powerful by learning to recognize your own potential and strength (as seen with miles' plan during the spidersociety chase and spot with the whole,, jesus fucking christ)
the difference between them is that miles recognized his potential and gained confidence through the support that he got from his dad saying that he will support him no matter what because he knows that miles can do it
meanwhile the spot got it specifically because the spiderpeople underestimated him, all making fun of him at first and even calling him "villain of the week" (or weak? i thought it was weak at first) and so he gets more powerful through spite, through the need to prove that he can be something despite having lost everything
and it's interesting to see how that also relates to miguel in a way
both losing quite literally everything and developing an intense and visceral need to control and dominate (men.) its amazing to see it
i might have more later but this is it rn
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littlelcvestory · 7 months
thank you @wesperbrekkered for tagging me even though im so inactive on like all my fandom accounts 😭😭😭
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 13 :)
2. What is your AO3 word count?
29,858 words 😭 thats kinda crazy for me ngl
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
my main is six of crows! my ao3 still has my fics from when i wrote solangelo tho lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
sparks fly (whenever you smile) with 268 (wesper)
we were in screaming color with 244 (solangelo)
Doctor Death (god this fic is so old i hate it 😭) with 236 (solangelo)
i wanna teach you how forever feels with 221 (wesper)
time can't stop me quite like you did with 205 (i wrote this for a school assignment, it's from the book they both die at the end)
i strongly dislike this list mainly because of solangelo being on there and how long ago i wrote those fics because theyre really bad now 😭 perhaps leave more kudos on my wesper fics :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
YES it makes me so happy that people enjoyed what i wrote. i'd like to say it's author fuel but i have not touched any of my fics since august but they ARE author serotonin
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's either time can't stop me quite like you did (because he literally d!es) but none of my SoC fics have angsty endings, because none of them have endings. haha
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhh i'd say it would be i wanna teach you how forever feels purely because it's a cute domestic post-ck wesper
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i dont think im widespread enough to have haters on my fics tbh 😭
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
nope, i am literally 16 !! although i have written a few very intimate passages but theres also taught you the way you call me baby which is the closest i'll ever get for now
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
my wesper romeo and juliet au like fire and powder that i havent touched since august! this was like my most big brain idea ever but i'm torn between discarding it and starting from scratch or continuing as it is right now
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
i dont think so, and i hope not !
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
no :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
also no
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
wesper. next!
15. What’s a WIP you’d like to finish but doubt you ever will?
THE ROMEO AND JULIET AU I AM CRYING i need to continue it as soon as possible oh lord
16. What are your writing strengths?
not sure tbh! i do find writing dialogue easy but it also leads to my downfall sometimes which i'll explain in the next question
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
inner monologues, because they jump around too much and i eventually stray from the original thought. or anything thats not closely tied to a character ... i'm really strong with character driver things but if you hand me a plot, i'm gonna struggle (which may be why the r&j au is failing LMAO) and how i said with dialogue, it ends up being dry and makes the scene move a little too fast. i'm really bad at slowing down scenes 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 
never done it before hehe
19. First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson, i think
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
my romeo and juliet au because its the most ambitious thing i ever tried to accomplish. i really want to get back to it because i'm still so intrigued by the idea of it and i was shocked i wrote 10k for the first chapter but it felt like it was being squeezed out of me... i'll do my best to get back to writing i've had insane weiters block (no thanks to school 🙄)
thanks for tagging me rae :) i'm tagging @artsypretzel @jazzythursday and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it :)
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
id like to hear more about the jeyne westerling + robb/theon teen pregnancy fic
thank you for asking this i LOVE talking about my insane shit. ok its super self indulgent be warned and idk how to talk about it because its a mess and extremely disorganised but ill try:
ok backstory. the greyjoys are a mafioso crime family but not in a sexy way in a gross evil way. most of them got caught and locked up when theon was twelve-ish and while asha was emancipated and could look after herself, theon was baby and could not. Barbrey The Lawyer basically thought it would be really funny to dump this freak girlson on the starks as personal revenge and thats how the starks ended up fostering theon. then when theon was like... 19? 20? he had a #mental #breakdown and ran away from winterfell and got caught up with ramsay. barbrey ended up getting him out due to personal beef with ramsay's dad and cos domeric found out and was like What the fuck,. now theon is like 22/23 unemployed but does odd jobs and makes music and pretends he isnt fucked up in the brain
robb is a footballer (football as in european football aka soccer. maybe rugby?). anywa i dont know anything about football. but he does! hes a prodigy hes gonna Go Big and Bring Home Da Gold. robb was like 15/16/17 idk when theon was in his Rough Crowd Era and it fucked him up cos thats his girlfriendbrotherworstie!! now theon is back and they have a very weird very codependant on/off relationship. robb is like 19/20ish
jeyne is a nice girl :) she wants to be a nurse :) she has mommy issues :) after graduating high school she goes on a gap year with her brother and sister and they tour westeros and she meets a cute guy named robb in the riverlands and has a whirlwind one-week holiday romance with him :) but uh oh! guess who has super sperm and got his fling preggers!! robb the idiot :) now she's pregnant and has confirmed all the horrible things her mother says about her :) she has religious issues! she wants to be a mother! she wants to be a An Independent Woman! she doesn't want to leave home! she wants too much and all of it is contradictory! she's not yet 19! she's having the worst year of her life made worse by the father of her child's sort-of boyfriend who sucks but also are they becoming friends?? what???
bonus: asha is sort of dating qarl and tris theyre kinda polycule vibes. she'll introduce tris as her queer platonic squish because she thinks its funny when he does the hide-the-pain-harold face. jon joined the military right out of high school. the only greyjoy asset the state didnt seize is aeron's sex toy shop he used to launder money but they couldnt prove it (he converted it into a restaurant that has non-discriminatory hiring practices for former convicts but the downside is he will proselytise to them.)
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wormytoast · 1 month
hoo boy... new leaks huh
the new relic sets are BONKERS. i dont want to say theyre bad but 3/4 are niche sets meant for very specific units. only the break set is non-niche but is still only usable for break dps.
cavalry set: break effect set. 4pc gives def ignore bonus ONLY to break damage based on the wearer's break effect. pretty high be stat requirement but should be attainable with be supports and decently rolled subs
valorus set: 2pc set gives 12% atk, while 4pc set gives dmg bonus which stacks twice after the wear uses their ultimate or fua. the effect is removed at the end of the wearer's turn, so incentivizes out-of-turn fua and ults.
duran planar: gain an effect that gives 4% dmg any time an ally uses an fua and stacks up to 6 times for a total 24% dmg boost to fua. when the max stacks is reached the wearer's crit dmg increases by 24%. specifically buffs fua teams.
forge planar: spd increase by 6% and increases be when hitting fire weak enemies. the first planar set to increase spd. extremely niche for fire break comps.
cavalry set is for any break effect dps. as of now that would be xueyi, The Boot and newly revealed firefly, altho more will definitely join.
the valorus set seems specifically tailored for jade since it looks like she will be performing lots of fua and wont be as turn dependent as other units since her damage comes moreso from another teammate attacking rather than her own turns. she will also work extremely well with any dps with aoe capabilities since they can max out her charges very quickly.
the duran planar also seems like a jade set since it gives dmg% to fua and bonus crit dmg.
the forge planar is VERY OBVIOUSLY a firefly set and obnoxiously so, but at least it could be used in cheese fire-break teams? it could definitely benefit break asta but break asta is kind of a cope ngl. it would actually benefit gallagher too since he would benefit from spd boost as an sp generator AND he gains outgoing healing boost based on his break effect so it would boost both his break dmg and his healing.
as for light cones...
jades is kind of insane because its bonus has a VERY high requirement to max out the buff (+16% dmg for every 20 crit dmg past 120, so 140 crit dmg=16%dmg boost, 160 crit dmg=32%dmg boost) BUT the max bonus is literally a 96%dmg bonus at 200% crit dmg, so if you can reach that (which is definitely doable altho quite difficult) its very nice. it plays very well with the duran planar which can lower the amount you need to 176 crit dmg, and thats also without jades own huge crit dmg buffs. as of now it seems like shes going to be a monster specifically tailored for pure fiction, altho i fear the day that pf has a quantum weak level.
fireflys signature is basically just a stat stick for be and inflicts a debuff to enemies that makes them slower and receive more damage after the wearer deals break damage. this is a REALLY good lc for any break comps, ESPECIALLY with the HMC since they allow any unit to deal break dmg to weakness broken enemies. its probably xueyi's new bis light cone.
the new herta 5* erudition sucks absolute ass. literally only use it for the base stats, but any 5* lc is MUCH better, even himeko's signature. most of the 4* lcs are also better.
last new lc is ANOTHER erudition lc but this one is for break effect dps. it also gives a spd bonus whenever the unit uses their ult. considering this lc features art SPECIFICALLY of sunday and not just an illustration including him, its very likely that this is sunday's "signature" lc similar to how gallagher and misha are featured on lcs that are of their path, altho only gallagher's benefits his kit specifically. this would mean that hoyo is teasing sunday being a 4* erudition unit and its possible that he scales on be judging by the extra effect and possibly has some ult shenanigans altho a spd buff afger using ult isnt particularly sus.
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mashallah · 1 year
Please can you make a rant post about the haram police or just share in my rage about them. Literally the definition of Allah (SWT) a woman do anything 🙄. These people would have a full-on meltdown so much as a Muslim woman glacing at a man or wearing something that acknowledges her waist existing........"astaghfirullah sister-" shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup
ive complained about this a teeeeny bit before it’s so embarrassing to see this new wave of haram police on social media w the sole intention of judging others and being misogynistic under the guise of religion or whatever. literally insane that u cannot wear a hijab and have an online (or social in general but let me not get into that) presence unless ur face is blocked out and preaching some religious shit (most of which is shaming ones hijabi siblings for not being “religious enough”). like it’s never truly about how covered up one is because they’re never satisfied. there was this little thing that went around once that was like posting TikTok’s/reels with music is a major sin. or that one that was like posting ur face as a hijabi & expression of the hijab through fashion is “just as bad as not wearing it at all”. CRAZXYZYYY like for One who the fuck asked you. two all that rhetoric does is push people away from the religion. or towards the belief that muslims must be perfect or theyre not muslim. and then suddenly it’s shocking when they abandon the religion. that they’ve been cast out from regardless. the Islamic community holds its people to this impossible impossible standard of perfection and then acts like it’s the western world that’s corrupted them when they try to express themselves in any way. your women are not being brainwashed by the western world, they’re utilizing the bare minimum right of expression that you convinced them doesn’t exist for centuries.
it makes me hate the practice and want to do shit just to spite it. like i could so easily just be like fuck it yes i love shaytan i am so evil and would you blame me? why practice at all when it’s never enough right? but I dont becuase ik that journey is between me and whoever I’m following alone. or maybe I might be doing that right now. who knows and why should they care.
I’m very biased to be writing abt this just because my current outlook on islam is not too great and that’s just bc i was raised and sheltered around it (ask me about this ill write an essay) but ya it’s stupid as hell. what are brainwashed 16 year old boys doing shaming a hijabi for wearing eyeliner online. what are their misogynistic parents doing encouraging it.
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drpeppertummy · 6 months
7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 from stuffed character asks for shel :-) insane about him
/ @eructophile
uoouououo thank youuu hes my bestiee
7. Does their belly swell or stay relatively flat? - if hes really full it pokes out a tiny bit but it isnt really noticeable to anyone who doesnt know him. in fact any time ive drawn him with a bloated tummy is probably way bigger than it actually gets
8. Is their stomach noisy when too full? - not particularly, unless its really upset
9. Do they start burping and / or hiccuping when too full? - he might get the hiccups once in a while but nothin consistent or out of the ordinary
13. Are they likely to get an upset stomach, nausea, or just an overfull ache? - all of the above, possibly depending on what he ate. his tummys a little sensitive esp to like heavy greasy food. it doesnt take much to get him to Too Full & after that it barely takes anything to push him into tummyache territory
14. Do they have any techniques for soothing an unhappy belly? - ginger ale or tea, laying down a while, if he really thinks its warranted he'll take a tums but he hates eating them bc theyre narstyy
15. Do they try to hide bellyaches or do they complain openly about them? - hes a bitcher. hes a griper. actually hes probably not making a whole big thing about not feeling good but if its hindering whatever hes trying to do people are gonna hear about it
16. Have they ever had someone else feed them? - i could see leon feeding him a bite of something here & there. maybe just when theyre hangin out to be cute, maybe to coax him into getting up & eating when hes in a slump etc
17. Have they ever had someone comfort or care for them while stuffed? - frantically tapping picture of leon taped to the wall You Know It Babey
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emperornero · 10 months
3, 4, 10, 13, 16
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i really need to learn more about clothing folds. i usually just do whatever i think would look good but im sure i make mistakes but also my art is very stylised sooo. also i cannot draw muscular chests. i can draw boobs and flat chests and fat but the moment you make me draw pecs i will explode. tbh drawing muscular bodies isnt my thing .
i usually dont draw backgrounds but theyre not the worst. i just need to force myself to do them
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drawing hands is FUN [ mostly when i have a reference of the pose and know how to use it in my artstyle ] i prefer non-human hands over normal human ones but you can do sooo much with them its fun
i prefer to draw tall characters when it comes to fullbodies [ bonus points if i can get silly and get weird with the anatomy ]
aaand i like to draw formal clothing . give me suits give me black pants
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i started drawing digitally when i was around 13. my biggest motivation was probably sharing my art online [ strongest deviantart warriors who shouldnt have been on that site when they were young rise UP ] . for about 2 years ive forced myself to draw something everyday. like a finished drawing. i was insane . once i got into making my own stories and characters and silly little situations it was nice to have a way to bring them to live
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you get THREE boom !!! 1. ray [ my sona ] 2. artfight attack on sonflwer 3. reference of my still current fursona :]
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sketching is HELL i make way too many changes and worry about something that wont even be visible on the finished drawing. also coloring because i do it all by hand not with a select / magic wand tool but aghg it takes a bit
thank you for the ask !!
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
waitok. rottmnt headcanons GO.
autism + ocd (hes just like me for realsies)
trans/nb, bisexual (he/they/it prns)
hes YOUNGER THAN LEO (by 5 minutes. he figured it out w science stuff idk)
likes baking bc its like chemistry but you can eat ur experiments it w/out dying (usually)
stress baker
knows asl and a little bit of japanese (from splinter)
back/posture issues (worse after the kraang bc of shell damage)
chronic back pain...bones of an 80 yr old
agender + aroace (uses any pronouns but mostly he/she. none gender left boy is how he describes it)
has a deep interest in psychology and would pursue a career as a therapist if it wasnt for the whole. turtle thing
looks up to leo and thinks hes sooo cool until she turns like 12 and realizes oh hes kinda lame actually. still his idol though bc hes funny
besties w sunita ^_^ bc i said so. new sister acquired
likes watching raph knit
chronic pain after the kraang, as well as tremors
adhd + autism
needs glasses like donnie but thinks they make him look like a nerd so he never wears them..hed rather be blind (until he eventually gets contacts that is)
is actually a nerd, just in denial
trans + gay (he/him)
the WORST flirter ever. so bad at it. absolutely abysmal. he gets zero bitches
is afraid of cold, dark spaces after the whole Kraang Fiasco
saw gram gram in the prison dimension for a bit b4 being rescued <3
knows the most languages (english, asl, spanish, japanese)
likes boxing
cried for an hour when casey jr accidentally called him dad
anxiety + ocd
trans + biromantic asexual (he/they)
loves knitting <3 he makes his brothers and april new sweaters every year
stress knitter. it helps him calm down. after the kraang incident he knit so much that he ended up w 3 piles of scarves, blankets, sweaters and other various items. april donated some bc there were just So Many
watches donnie bake a lot and vehemently denies eating the raw dough (even when donnie catches him)
sometimes sees gram gram in his dreams
rly good at dancing actually
sleeps w a mountain of teddy bears. cries if he accidentally knocks one off the bed
adhd + anxiety
nb lesbian (she/they)
TWO GIRLFRIENDS (cassandra + sunita)
has a cat named mona lisa :] shes a calico and frequently hides in aprils backpack to sneak into the lair. donnies her second fav
has Eldest Sister Syndrome
literally the only hamato who actually knows how to take care of herself. frequently reminds her brothers to do that as well
HUGE gossip. w donnie specifically. she'll come over after work and shit talk customers/shitty co workers and he'll just listen and occasionally suggest manslaughter
lied abt being 18 to get a crane license </3
helps the brothers w their post kraang issues
trans lesbian (she/her)
casey jrs biological mom despite saying she found him in the trash
named him after the greatest warrior she knows. herself
raphs bestie! he scruffs her like a cat when she gets too violent.
theyre vigilante buds! shes commited murder before
bit so many kraang zombies. claimed they tasted like bubblegum (they did not)
slightly feral, maybe rabid
actually scarily intelligent, she's just. a little insane
cried when she met casey jr. shes so proud of him
casey jr
So Much Trauma. All Of It. anxiety + ocd + autism
trans + questioning (no time for teen romance in the apocalypse, he/him)
once he gets more comfy w the turtles and family he stops w the sensei or master and starts calling them uncles ^_^ (leo is dad, casey + april + sunita r mom, draxum + splinter are grandpa and big mama is nana)
so many parental figures, watched them all die
the worst fashion sense known to man. its so bad its embarassing
very smart bc he was taught by future donnie, ended up just going to college immediately despite being like, ~15/16
very proud of his stubble :]
loves hockey! plays it w his moms
showers everyday once he figures out what showers actually are
cant sleep alone, if he wakes up alone he freaks out rly bad
good at cooking! not amazing, but good! was mostly joking about eating rats (thinks its funny)
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rosiehrs · 8 months
i get ur pain honestly a levels js started for me and like i’m going to a super competitive skl unfortunately so for our 2 week half term do u know how many hours of hw they gave me….
also we get 16 hours of hw a week js normally so like i’m extra suffering rn 😔😔 idk how i’m supposed to balance 60hrs of hw and mocks revision (why am i having mocks i started a levels 5 weeks ago tf) and work experience at some boring ass pharmacy from 9-3 on one of the weeks but like that’s a problem for in a couple days
in terms of pretty boy updates unfortunately he’s as drop dead gorgeous as ever and i have still never spoken to him and i’m still down horrendous :////
oh and my guy friend confessed to me help 💀
neways enough abt me i wish u extra extra good luck for ur exams!!!! ur gonna do well i can feel it in my bones fr
bro.. out of the 5 papers ive done this week - ive only finished one😃 CHEM AND MATHS ARE SO FUCKING BAD, THEY CAN LITERALLY DIE.
also ur school needs TO RETHINK WHAT THE FUCK THEYRE PUTTING U THROUGH, THATS SO UGLY. 60 HRS?? the pace of ur school is insane.. its giving gap the series.
also bro pls.. get up.. you gotta look the other way or talk to him😭 admiring from afar doesn't cut it anymore. and i hope u let ur friend down nicely
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wizardyke · 9 months
ive seen many a post that says something like "when youre an adult, theres no one to yell at you when u break plates! or being late or messing up :D!! rejoice!!!" amd while i understand where theyre coming from and more power to them i guess i cant fucking relate because qhen my abusive brother moved out when i was 16 it genuinely broke me having abuse abuse abuse then fucking nothing. im not happy when i expect to be abused and im not. it makes me mad that i expect and brace for it because DUH. conditioning 101!!!! and it makes you so fucking bizarre because youll start believing in the most insane things that will make you good, like how i believed that being completely invisible and costing very little financially to take care of would make me "good" and now im around new people at a new school and they told me all of their creatuve endeavours (one girl made film and sings in a band, another makes jungle) and i got so unfathomably jealous because ive always wanted to get into music but its much more visible and makes me so much more of a target then more silent things like visual arts and writing. and i see people with all this outward and visible passion and talent and skills theyve been showing off since they were very young and it makes me suiiiicidal suiiicidal cause it shouldve been me! whatever sufjan said. the only reason why i continue at all faith in reason ive wasted my life playing dumb and also it strikes me far too late again.
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