#and this is just not how i imagined my 27th birthday lol
uh, ladies? i don't feel ready to turn 27
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heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
Normal- Lyney x Neuvillette's child!Reader
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Recovery date: April 27th, 2024
Description: Hello it's me, sorry if this is a bad time, but I got inspired by Arlecchino's story quest, and I wondered about combining that with my previous two requests about the reader being Neuvillette's child, this is mainly just an idea so if you're not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank her for her contribution. Ahh, I actually finished the story quest the day before you sent this request, lol.
Part: 1 2 3 4 (Can be read alone)
Word count: 810
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Lyney watches the moon’s light drift across the ceiling. Lynette is curled up against one side and Freminet is curled up against the other, both sound asleep after their return to the house. He watches their lashes flutter against their cheeks, eyes flicking back and forth behind their eyelids as they dream. Pleasant dreams, he hopes.
He turns back to the ceiling and chokes down a breath as Lynette’s head presses against his ribs awkwardly. His wounds from their fight with father were mostly healed, but still tender. She shifts off him again quickly, eyes opening briefly as if she could sense his distress.
The long shadows continue to dance above them as Lyney's thoughts drift back to the fight.
As for whether to take them, the choice is yours.
Carefully, Lyney slips his arms out from under and around his siblings and inches towards the foot of the bed. Almost as soon as he’s climbed out, Lynette and Freminet roll towards each other and grab on to each other's hands. It makes him smile, the way they take comfort in each other, like a family.
The streets are empty and dimly lit as he makes his way through the court. He eventually finds himself in front of a familiar house and rounds the side to climb up to Y/n’s window. Their curtains are tied back, and he just sits in the tree for a while watching them.
On their bedside table, he sees the rainbow roses he’d given them on their first date a week ago. Next to those is a little penguin, an otter, and two cat mechanisms that Freminet had gifted them for their last birthday. They looked like a little family.
A clicking noise and the swishing of the window opening startled him.
“Ly-Lyney?” Y/n yawned. “What are you doing here?”
He blinked owlishly.
Y/n stared back at him for a moment before backing up and waving him in. They sat back against the headboard of their bed and Lyney crawled next to them, curling against their side.
“You wanna talk about it?” They whispered, arm wrapped around Lyney’s shoulder.
“We can’t have a normal life,” Lyney said, staring at the mechanisms on their bedside table. “I mean, I can’t have a normal life. Not as a member of the house of the hearth, and that means that we- OW!” 
He hissed as Y/n pinched his arm. They cupped his chin and forced him to look up at them.
“I love you. I don’t care what our normal looks like, if it doesn’t look like everyone else's then so be it.” Lyney blinked up at them, cheeks turning red. There was a small frown tugging at the corner of their lips as they continued. “What brought this up anyways?” Lyney chewed at his lip. “Is this about that proposal for former House of the Hearth members?”
The magician’s eyes widened in surprise.
“How did you-”
“My father wanted my opinion,” they shrugged, letting go of his chin.
Lyney slumped back against their shoulder and laced his fingers with theirs. In turn, they hooked one of their legs through his so they were wrapped up in eachother.
“The House of the Hearth is my family, but the other day… it gave me a lot to think about. I could leave at the cost of my current self, not that I want to but it’s never seemed like an option before.We’re preparing for a dangerous mission with other Harbingers, and father wants me to be the next king. I know this was never going to be normal but for just a moment I imagined what it would be like if we were.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Y/n offered again.
Lyney squeezed their hand.
“If I left the house, would you come find me again?”
“And if I die on this mission, would you miss me? Would you be there for Lynette and Freminet?”
“Dying, will not get you out of this relationship, and bold of you to assume those two will let you die without them.”
Lyney let out a snort of amusement while Y/n smirked.
“And if I became the King of the house?”
“Lyney, I’m not leaving you.” They leaned their head against his. “I may not know what exactly is going on, but I love you, and I’ll stand by you no matter what you decide. I never expected you to leave the house, and part of what I love so much about you is your dedication to your family.”
Y/n looked down, finding Lyney’s eyes and offering him a loving smile.
Lyney’s eyes caught once more on the little family diorama on their bedside table before he looked back at them and squeezed their hand again.
“Then will you marry me?”
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bruh-myguy-what · 2 years
Can you please continue "If not him perhaps me" story. Pretty please.🙏🏻
Hello wonderful!
Let me tell ya…
Come in and have a seat while I regale my last month and a half..
I have FULL INTENTION of continuing this story. It’s all mapped out in my head and it’s happening. End of story, because I’m obsessed with it just as much as you all lol I also love how much everyone else is enjoying it, themselves, so I would feel horrible to take it away.
I will hopefully start working on it again here this week, but as for why I’ve had to hold off-
My Nan (grandmother, lol I’m from the south) went to the ER the first week of February, then was released the next day, then the same night had to go back and stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks. I stayed with her (along with my husband) for most of that week- switching on and off with my mom. Then my Nan went to a rehab facility for another 2 weeks, which we again swapped staying with her 24 hours a day there, as well. Alzheimer’s and dementia run strongly in her side of our family and both of her parents had it. She’s about 75 and we’re thinking she’s showing those signs…she’s being a integral part of my life and our family since before I was born and watching her go from my Nan to a stranger in a matter of a few weeks has been more difficult than I could’ve imagined. My birthday was the 27th of February and o spent the day with her in rehab and she didn’t even remember who I was.
She’s finally been released and is staying with my mom and dad. Though she’s still not the same, so dealing with that has been a long and rough month.
I also started a new job, which of course is a change for everyone.
Then I found out my dad has another kid none of us knew existed. So, that’s been….interesting?? Upsetting?? I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it all honestly.
But, all this is to say, I’d like this story to continue too, SO FEAR NOT DEAR READERS AND MUTUALS, I shall persist in my endeavors 😈
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
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Yayy it's selfship Sunday 🥰
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Its been a while since I've done one of these, lol. I've been thinking about Bri and Giorno for a bit today, and decided to post after coming across something I redrew a while back lol. Also, it's been fun to imagine how Giorno would be spoiling Bri as it draws closer to her my birthday. As clichéd as it sounds, my version of Giorno is the type that gets his s/o small gifts until her actual birthday. Small, meaningful things that she thought he'd have forgotten. In the beginning of their relationship, they're all about grand gestures and exclusive outings, but as they get older they value their down time with each other a whole lot more. Booking out restaurants turns into locking down the villa so that it's just to two of them. He often leaves his proxy to Fugo who holds the Fort while Bri, Giorno (and Bucciarati - Sept 27th) are away, but he trusts him completely so he focuses all his attention on Bri. As much as I thrive on writing them in the most exclusive resorts and imagine then in the most gorgeous designers clothes, my favourite imagines with them are like the ones pictured above, just him and her, one soul, two bodies, at home within each other, where nothing else matters.
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samanthaswishes · 4 years
My Headcanon AOS Kids Names
@if-we-had-a-monkey shared their headcanons/ideas for the names of the team’s kids (which are all great names! Please check out their post), and it got me thinking about my headcanon kids that are from my Their Future series. I don’t really post much about my headcanon kids for the team outside of ao3, so I thought I’d share them here as well. For some of them, I’m not 100% set on their names, but these have been the names I’ve chosen for them since about August. Here are their full names, meanings, and birthdates.
Flint Johnathon Mackenzie (born July 1, 2001)
I 100% believe that Mackelena adopt Flint like right after they got back from the alternate timeline. I chose Johnathon as his middle name after Mack’s dad, John. I didn’t know when exactly what year to put Flint’s birth year (I mean, technically he wouldn’t be born until way later, but you know). If I remember correctly, he was 16 in s5, which occurred during 2017-2018. He comes back in s6, a year later, making him 17, and s6 occurs during 2019, so I felt 2001 was a good year (if s6 happens before the bday I gave him). That would also put him at 18-19 during the “One Year Later” when he’s at the academy. I chose July 1st because that is Henry Simmons’s (Mack) birthday. 
Alya Rose Fitzsimmons (born May 27, 2015)
Alya was obviously named after Jemma’s favorite star, but Alya is another word for sky, so she was sorta named after Daisy/Skye. I put Rose as a placeholder middle name because I didn’t know what to name her originally, but it’s starting to grow on me (and not just because it’s my middle name as well lol). I still might change it if I find something I like better. Alya was definitely born in early-mid 2020, but with the time travel, that would put her birth year in 2015 (that was definitely something Fitzsimmons had to explain to Hunter and Bobbi when they reconnected). I chose May 27th because that was the day when s7 premiered.
Isabelle Daisy Hunter (born October 3, 2019)
She goes by Bella for short. Isabelle after Isabelle “Izzy” Hartley. I feel like Bobbi and Hunter were both close with Daisy in some capacity or another, so I chose her name as the middle name. She definitely cried (the same way I imagined she probably did with Alya and finding out her name meaning) when she first found out Bella’s middle name. I feel like Bobbi and Hunter would have had a kid sometime while on the run but before reconnecting with the team, so 2019 felt like a good year. There’s no real special reason for October 3rd besides the fact that I wanted her to have a fall birthday.
Michael Phillip Johnson (born March 19, 2021)
He went by Mikey for short as a little kid, but goes by Michael exclusively as he grows older. Both Daisy and Daniel are where they are today because of someone named Mike. When Daisy first got started in SHIELD, she got in contact with Mike Peterson. When Daniel lost his leg, he was saved by Mike Stevens (Stephens?). Phillip after Phil Coulson, Daisy’s father figure. For the last name, I feel like Daisy and Daniel probably hyphenated their last names to Johnson-Sousa when they got married, but only close friends know that. Outside, they both go by Johnson because Sousa is technically supposed to be dead. Their kids also technically have the hyphenated last name, but go by Johnson outside like their parents. There isn’t really a specific reason for the March 19th birthday.
Lillianne May Johnson (born March 19, 2021)
She goes by Lilly for short. I wanted to be cheesy and give her a floral name, which was how I got Lilly. Anne after Jemma’s middle name. May after Melinda May, Daisy’s mother figure. I didn’t find this out until literally about a week ago, but lilies are the birth flower for May, so it works there too. She is Michael’s twin, so same reason for the March 19th birthday. 
Francisco Ruben Mackenzie (born August 12, 2022)
Francisco after Elena’s cousin. As a kid, he had the nickname Coco (from FrancisCO), which was given to him by Lilly. This wasn’t the reason why I chose it, but I found out maybe two or three months ago that Natalia Cordova-Buckley (Elena) did the voice of Freida Kahlo in the Pixar movie Coco, so that’s pretty cool too. Ruben after Mack’s younger brother. August 12th because that is the day AOS ended.
Damien Alfie Hunter (born July 21, 2023)
He’s actually one of first kids I named. I didn’t really get his name from somewhere in the show, but it just felt fitting to me for a Huntingbird child. Maybe he’s named after an unknown relative of Bobbi or Hunter? Alfie after Mack given that both Bobbi and Hunter seemed to be really close friends with him. His birthday is more of a reference to me than the show. Before joining the aos fandom, I was in the Descendants fandom, and Descendants 2 came out on July 21st.
Christopher Enoch Fitzsimmons (born December 29, 2023)
Like Damien, I just felt Christopher felt right for a Fitzsimmons child. We never got a name reveal for Jemma’s dad, so maybe he was named after him? I know Enoch is kinda a weird name for a child, but I feel like Jemma and Fitz would want to honor him in someway given he saved them back at the Lighthouse and was with them the entire time they were in space. December 29th because that is Iain De Caestecker’s (Fitz) birthday.
Penelope Faith Mackenzie (born June 8, 2025)
Like Damien and Christopher, I felt Penelope sounded good for a Mackelena child. I was also rewatching One Day at a Time when I was first coming up with all the kids’ names, so the name Penelope was kinda stuck on me (and in the show, Penelope’s daughter’s name is Elena, so that furthered me to name Mackelena’s daughter Penelope). Faith because both Mack and Yoyo rely heavily on their faith. Also it’s another word for ‘hope’ and I feel like Mack would want to honor his daughter in any way. She doesn’t have a specific reason for her June 8th birthday other than I wanted her to have a summer birthday.
James Deke Fitzsimmons (born September 24, 2026)
James after Fitz’s middle name. I know Deke is an unusual name, but here me out. Before s7, I had this theory that Deke was actually named after himself. My headcanon was that bbg Fitzsimmons would grow up with her ‘Uncle Deke’ in her life then decide to name her son after him. When s7 ended, I came up with the next best thing I could think of. Alya names Deke after her brother’s middle name, so, in a way, Deke is still named after himself. Basically, his middle name is Deke so I can satisfy a theory I had XD. For his birthday, I chose September 24th because that was the day the pilot aired and the SHIELD journey began.
Eleanor Mackenzie Johnson (born February 22, 2027)
Her nickname is Ellie, but she goes by Eleanor and Ellie pretty interchangeably. Eleanor loosely after Elena. Mackenzie after Mack given that he’s basically Daisy’s older brother, and I feel Mack and Daniel become really good friends. I chose February 22nd because that is the birthday for both Kyle MacLahlan (Cal, Daisy’s bio dad) and Dichen Lachman (Jiaying, Daisy’s bio mom).
I didn’t know where to put this, so I’m putting it here. With Dousy’s kids, I kind of wanted their names to be “old-fashioned” while also being pretty modern to kinda reflect both Daniel and Daisy. I feel like Michael, Lillianne, and Eleanor did the trick. Plus, I got five-letter, rhyming nicknames from all three of them (Mikey, Lilly, and Ellie). I actually originally planned for them to have only 2 kids, with Eleanor always being the youngest, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted their first kid to be a boy or a girl, so I created the twins. Also, I plan on having Dousy foster kids when their kids are little older (I think I wrote in a fanfic that they start to foster when Ellie is 10).
And of course, Coulson and May are all the kids’ honorary grandparents, and the kids refer to them as Papa Coulson and Nana May (Dousy’s kids also call May Lao Lao) 
Other Shipping Children Headcanons:
In the past, I have created both a StaticQuake child and a QuakeRider child, both girls.
The StaticQuake child was named Violet Avery Campbell (Violet after the flower, Avery after the agent that saved baby Daisy), and my headcanon was that Daisy went into labor on April 17th (Luke Mitchell’s (Lincoln) birthday), and baby Violet was born on April 18th (Chloe Bennet’s (Daisy) birthday).
My QuakeRider child’s name was Gabriella Reyes (Gabriella/Gabrielle is the feminine version of Gabriel, so she’s named after Gabe) I can’t remember what her middle name was, if I gave her one at all, but I’m like 90% sure she was named after May. I never gave her a birthday either.
I also had a SkyeWard baby girl named Maia Avery way back before I got to Ward’s betrayal in season 1 but we don’t talk about that...
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seunqs · 3 years
[ a long get to know me tag ]
tagged by: losers @woosohn @yeonjuins
what day is your birthday?
27th june! it’ll be on a monday next year
what’s your favourite colour?
blue! a rather specific shade of light sky blue but i also like dark blue! might be misleading because everyone would think beige/black since that’s the aesthetic i like + almost everything i own is black...
what’s your lucky number?
i don’t have one i think but i tend to say 7 if i’m asked?
do you have any pets?
sadly no >:( will get one in the future idc idc
how tall are you?
158cm tiny i wna be abit taller
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
off my head i think 3 pairs...? just 2 black and 1 white that i rotate depending on the outfit i’m wearing
favorite song?
asdjekw i don’t think i have one specific one but recently i’ve been listening to maniac by nct doyoung & haechan!
other honourable mentions: a book of love by ha hyunsang, wide eyed blind by saint raymond, irreplaceable by nct dream, lmly by jackson wang. that’s all i have off my head
favorite movie?
surprisingly i’m not big on movies... but i’ll always answer parent trap when someone asks! why do i sound like i always have prepared answers in my head for various questions... okay that’s bc i do.
what would be your ideal partner?
@june look away i already know you’re gna say this sounds a lot like someone..
shy... is the main characteristics lmao idky it’s not even like i’m outgoing but i tend to find myself liking shy-er boys over the outgoing ones! aaa those with very obvious leadership qualities and quietly cares and looks out for those around them :’) tsundere! i think shy may appear cold sometimes but i’m rly :’) when the shy ones become very affectionate in private or when you get to know them better :’) or shy with strangers but very goofy and silly with their closer social circle heh those that are more cat-like than dog-like, only approaches you when they’re comfy. okay also shy but willing to speak up when necessary! doesn’t let themselves get bullied for being quiet and also pls speak up for me i hate ordering food pls do it for me HAHAHHA also if they’re passionate about something they like/are good at! good listeners too heh doesn’t need to always have the best advice, just if they would sit with me silently and listen to me and give me a hug afterwards :’’’’’) i think i’m on the touchier side too so if they don’t dislike that it’ll be nice! OH someone who’s good at cooking too bc i hate cooking and the kitchen in general.. i’ll do the dishes though HAHAHAH ok that is all there is a certain idol in my head that is the embodiment of my ideal type and i hate him >:(
do you want children?
no... not so much bc i don’t find them cute or i can’t handle them but i think it’s a commitment that scares me! bringing up the child well with the right character and values ajksdbwkje i don’t know if i’m up to that HAHAHAH
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
nope @woosohn @yeonjuins pls be proud of my direct no why are the two of you......... 
bath or shower?
shower! i don’t know if i’ve actually taken a bath before... probably when i was younger HAHAH i think i’ll get bored in the bath and i much rather be relaxing in bed than in the tub
what color socks are you wearing?
barefoot at the moment! the socks i own are mostly solid colour socks / simple cartoon or animal patterns but all ankle socks that can’t be seen with my shoes
favorite type of music?
i listen to pop, r&b and indie! that’s about all and favourite depends on the mood!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
just 1! and a bolster too
what position do you sleep in?
either on my back with hand over my head lmao or turned to either sides while hugging my bolster and face buried into the bolster
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping?
when it’s too hot! canNOT sleep if the weather is too hot. also if i get woken up rudely, by screaming or someone smacking me awake LMAO just tell me nicely to get up and i’ll be out of bed in 10mins pls give me awhile my brain is turning on HAHAHA
what do you have for breakfast?
recently i haven’t woken up early enough for bfast or my family is just about to go out to buy lunch by the time i’m up hahaha but on the days that i’m alive for bfast, iced coffee and any pastry sitting in the fridge! my family is big on pastries like croissants and cakes like banana and carrot cakes! so one of those but the iced coffee is a constant in my first meal of the day
have you ever tried archery?
nope and idt i’ll be good at it tbh....
favorite fruit?
strawberries, apples, peaches! there are some seasonal favs where i rly like them for a period of time and then suddenly not anymore but these 3 are the constants
favorite swear word?
hahahaha i dont think i have a favourite one..... but i say tf a lot and mf for kpop boys who make me more flustered than they should
do you have any scars?
i don’t think so! i have a few stretch marks around my waist and tummy tho 
are you a good liar?
yes... HAHAH i used to get scolded so much for lying as a kid lmfao
what’s your personality type?
isfj-t has probably only dipped to isfp-t once but if not constant isfj!
what’s your favorite type of girl?
HAHAHAH uh.... okay with all kinds i think? except people in general who try too hard
innie or outie?
innie. was this question necessary tho AHHAHAHA
left or right-handed?
favorite food?
ramen! but i like lots of food lmfao tiramisu, pork belly, lots of noodles, also lots of rice, beef, cakes, ice cream, i think i’m more salty > sweet!
favorite foreign food?
japanese ramen, korean cuisine!, lasagne
are you clean or messy?
most used phrase?
i think alot of keyboard smashes, lmao, wtf, HAHAHAHHAHA, sigh, i’m tired LOL
how long does it take for you to get ready?
depends! fastest i think i can get out of the house 20mins after i’ve woken up. longest probably an hour where outfit is taking a while and accessories needs to be chosen
do you talk to yourself?
in my head yes.
do you sing to yourself?
not often but i sing out loud for the family to hear LOL in my head very often a song is playing up there
are you a good singer?
nop. i don’t think i’m a BAD singer but wouldn’t classify as good either HAHHAHA
biggest fear?
wow so many things but i think biggest is complete darkness, i need to see and know what is going on around me. i sleep with a night light on heh 
are you a gossip?
with closer friends yes def HAHAH my school culture tends to have lots of tea that my friends and i don’t like to get too involved in but we do talk about the gossips that goes around hahaha have also been in the center of gossip way too often
do you like long or short hair?
long! can’t imagine myself with short hair.. used to have reallllyyy long hair that goes beyond my waist and cried when i cut it to slightly below shoulder length. that’s the shortest i’ll ever go
favourite school subject?
wow nothing i don’t like school lmfao but humanities and language are way more bearable than math and sciences
extrovert or introvert?
what makes you nervous?
unpredictable situations, being alone in public (contradictory because in private i would strongly prefer to be alone but i don’t enjoy being alone in public i feel judged HAHAHA), also currently waiting on a reply for something and that’s been keeping me anxious the past 2 days :’)
who was your first real crush?
when i was 13/14, tablemate in school that was kinda shy and had very limited social circle but talked to me endlessly in class lmfao he apparently liked me too but we never dated and went to different schools at 16 y/o. we’re still kinda in touch though! we talked quite a fair bit last month just catching up but he’s more of an acquaintance now
how many piercings do you have?
2! just one normal lobe piercing on either ears, don’t think i’ll get anymore
how fast can you run?
back in school i used to be one of the fastest girls in my class LMFAO i could clock 12.5 minutes for a 2.4km run. stamina came from dancing since i had to run laps before dance class 2 times a week. but that is long in the past and now i get tired from climbing more than 4 flights of stairs pls spare me
what color is your hair?
naturally black but dyed brown! my hair has grown quite abit since i dyed it though now its black at the top and brown from above my ears onwards
what color are your eyes?
a very dark brown lmfao almost black
what makes you angry?
irresponsible people. just pushing responsibility to others or avoiding their responsibilities. don’t need you to do a good job with your responsibilities, just don’t make your issues my issues. and if its a shared responsibility like group projects, then do your part to contribute and don’t expect others to cover you
selfish people, in many ways. just being self-centred, not caring about how others feel, doing things for personal gain at the expense of others
speaking in a passive-aggressive/sarcastic manner. i say this even though i’m afraid of confrontation but i much rather someone outright tells me they’re unhappy about something or wants to get a point across. i hate when they talk about it sarcastically or tries to sugar-coat their words to make themselves look less aggressive about their words. tell me straight as it is, if you’re already gonna talk about something bad don’t piss me off with your attitude at the same time
do you like your own name?
rae is nice! has a very nice ring to it and looks pretty!
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
i don’t.. want one.. but both have their good and bad i can’t decide.. i want a puppy
what are your strengths?
is this an interview question i have had a few interviews over the past weeks i am well-prepared for this HAHAHA
i think i’m pretty resilient! i bounce back from bad times pretty quickly or i psycho myself to see the situation positively. but it is ofc coupled with a lot of complaining to the people around me first
although i hate unpredictable situations and having to quickly adapt to new settings, i think i adapt pretty quickly too. flexible? easy-going? idk what’s the right way to call it but yeah something along those lines. good at it but i still enjoy my stability and calm don’t want to have to quickly adapt to new situations.
what are your weaknesses?
very emotional HAHAH used to be much worse but i often let my emotions rule my head. i think i’ve improved A LOT though i used to be so bad but i think i’m now able to make rational decisions even if im bawling LMFAO
this sounds like a compliment but i’ve been told this too often as well. i tend to be way too nice to people who don’t deserve it. even if the person doesn’t deserve it or they’ve pushed all my buttons in the wrong way possible, i would still try to be as nice and polite as i can. really helps with me working in the f&b industry lmfao.
what’s the colour of your bedspread?
dark blue / grey! 
colour(s) of your room?
white & wood (throughout my house actually + green from the plants in the living room) @yeonjuins says i live in a muji showroom
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polzkadotz · 4 years
I read you saying that your first draft of the kandreil fic was very different, if you feel like could you elaborate on that? I’m super fascinated by the idea and what’s written so far
OHOHOHOHO YES, I can totally elaborate on that!
First of all, my fanfics spreadsheet tells me that I had the idea for this AU on August 27th, 2019 and I wrote an outline for it on September 7th. This AU was supposed to be part of my "october madness" series (a terrible idea, trying to publish at least a chapter of something every day in October). Originally, it followed the plot of The Host AU almost to a T—I just allowed myself one single divergence from it.
Andrew still receives a soul, but its because he sacrifices himself so the rest of the Monsters can escape. However, "Scatters Embers", the soul they put into him, can't take control of the body, no matter how much he screams at the back of Andrew's head. Andrew is in the driving seat, thinking about the advantage of blending in with the souls better and being able to help his family.
Scatters Embers tries pleading with Andrew, but he keeps saying too many triggering words, which causes all kinds of regrets when he notices what he's making Andrew remember. Begrudgingly, they set some boundaries since Neil can't take over the body (and doesn't want to make Andrew's brain turn to mush, which is something souls can do to kill the host) and Andrew sees more advantages than not with having an alien in his head, even if he has to pretend to be a soul for a while until they stop paying such close attention to him and he can go out in the world to find his family.
Scatters Embers falls in love with Andrew's memories of Exy, although he finds being a goalie kind of boring. He prefers to watch Kevin play when Andrew indulges him on showing more memories.
Just like in The Host, they eventually go to the desert to find the others, walk around until they can't anymore and drop on the ground like a sack of potatoes because dehydration clearly isn't fun.
"The dumbest thing I've ever seen," a voice says. "Walking around in the sun. Wearing all black. Aren't aliens meant to be superior to us?"
Andrew is awake enough to say, "Not an alien."
The others test him to see if he's really human and Embers is like, Give me control of your body. Andrew reluctantly tries and finds it's harder than he imagined and also feels incredibly wrong. But all Embers do is shudder and say out loud, "Your body is much tinier than i thought it would be", which gets Andrew mad enough to get control back of his body to say, "Shut up". In turn, Embers gets even madder than him, and rants about how he doesnt have a body to shut up, thank you very much! and then he notices that he's actually in control.
The display is enough to convince Nicky that Andrew has control of the body because "Andrew never expressed that much emotion in his life. Ever."
One of the points in the outline 👀
Andrew is just glad to learn that they all lived (because of Erik, who knew some survival stuff), although Aaron makes a point to say he's disgusted by Andrew by principle or smth. They get better at changing who's in control of the body, and they are the ones responsible for getting supplies now. Embers also starts to play around with names until he lands on Neil, just because, no reason! lol
Everything goes fine for a while, with Neil having fun playing Exy with all the Foxes, until Andrew starts to notice that it has become harder and harder to get the control of his body back. Andrew doesn't say anything to Neil or anyone else, because it doesn't really matter if he can't come out anymore. His family is safe after all, and that's what matters.
One day, Neil wakes up and he's alone in the body.
Then the last points I wrote in the outline after that were just like, "Andrew wakes up in his body after a long, long sleep and sees a new face looking back at him. When the guy notices that he's awake, he says, 'Did you think you could just leave your body to me, as if you weren't important? As if i wouldn't care bout killing you?' and Andrew is just like, "I thought I would be stuck on the back of your head, not erased."
Then it ends with Andrew observing how Neil's body matches his personality and how he fits well with the Foxes, but always come to sit near Andrew, even if they don't say anything. Andrew thinks he's hot in that new body and it rattles him for a little bit, because of how right it feels to have Neil close to him. So Andrew just tell him that and Neil accepts his feelings, the fic ends there wowie not even one kissy-kissy.
I tried to write with this outline until the middle of 2020, but I simply couldn't connect with it anymore. It had too many holes in its plannings and it didn't really feel attractive to me at all. I was just going to give up on it altogether.
Until I realized Kay's birthday was fast approaching. I asked them what kind of fic they wanted for their birthday, and they had no ideas, so I was like, "alright-o, here's my list of fic ideas, pick something from it if you want to???"
And they chose this one. So I re-read this outline and went, "it's not emotional enough for Kay, but also... what if I made Neil fall in love with Kevin instead of just admire his position on a fucking sport?"
So I wrote two rough outlines for Kay, and they liked the current one. The rest will be history, One Day lmao
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shinneth · 5 years
what I learned from Steven Universe: The Movie
... in relation to my own continuity, anyway.
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I made the right call not redeeming White Diamond. 
She legit creeped me out in the movie even more than she did in CYM. Same goes for Yellow and Blue to a lesser degree. Technically, I did redeem Blue, but... if you’ve read my stuff, you all know what that amounted to. 
tl;dr: Nice Diamonds creeped me the fuck out and not in a good way. Speaking of, what a fine job they did making Pink Diamond even more of a bitch, right? :P
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Spinel is precious and hell YES I am going to write her one day.
Ever since I saw her design, I knew I was going to find a way to have her face off with Chartreuse Diamond in some way. Now that we know her full story, it’s stupid easy to bring her into the GAverse.
I’m gonna have to get through the Gypsum stuff first, but I can very quickly set up a premise for how GA Spinel will become a thing. 
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See, I love Amethyst and I feel bad that she’s not really had much time to shine in the GA continuity (I think her role in late Act II and her epic comic relief in Act III is where she peaked). So one short story I’ve wanted to do is one where Peridot spends some time with her and studies Amethyst’s emergence point to determine her exact birthday.
In the GAverse, Peridot was privy to the details of her own emergence; it just took forever converting Homeworld time to Earth time to figure out the Earth equivalent of her own birthday (which, as I’ve said, is August 27th). Since Homeworld is fucking gone, Amethyst is really the only character left that has a hole left to study on that kind of thing (I mean, there’s also Jasper, but those of you who read This is Who I Am know why GA Jasper is a touchy subject).
On the plus side, since Amethyst was born on Earth, Peridot can bypass that stupid-ass time conversion. On the other hand, Peridot has to carefully apply the Gregorian calendar to a time before it was even implemented, so it’ll still be something of a chore, but one she’s happy to do for Amethyst. 
(it should go without saying that Amethyst is getting a February birthday)
While doing this, Amethyst is going to talk to Peridot about the issue with the colonies and their inevitable collapse via civil disorder thanks to Homeworld no longer existing. She knows this is a lower-priority thing because they need to figure out how they’re going to run Era 3 on their own planet before worrying about the colonies (and also figure out how to play the diplomacy card right, lest they piss off said colonies and they come to invade Earth in retaliation), but Amethyst still can’t help but worry about the Famethyst stationed at Pink’s Human Zoo. 
Peridot will eventually be swayed to consider going there first, and going much sooner than originally planned. Some of the CGs have actually been to this place, they’ll know who to expect there, and it isn’t truly a “colony”, so after Gypsum is dealt with, there’s gonna be some plans to visit the zoo soon after.
So, how does Spinel fit into all this?
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Either on their way there or on their way back home, they’ll find Pink Diamond’s garden on accident. I’m not 100% sure how to go about it since this is naturally a fresh idea, but I’m thinking Spinel might find out about Homeworld’s destruction sooner than she finds out the truth about Pink in canon. She might be generally bored and lonely enough to spot the spaceship and send out some kind of flare/signal to draw their attention, either for the sake of company or in hopes of getting answers. 
I’m also not sure what design she should take on when she’s first encountered...
So, naturally the CGs are a little apprehensive to take a chance on this, though Pearl might vouch for the curiosity of the younguns since she does know Spinel. It could be seen as an opportunity for Peridot and Steven to practice diplomacy as their Diamond personas.
Likely, it’ll at first just be Chartreuse Diamond and Pink Diamond 2.0 going in. Chartreuse has teleportation that can get them out quick if things go south, after all.
So I imagine Spinel’s going to meet Steven and Peridot looking like this....
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... and naturally be confused.
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And most likely will not like what she sees.
Since Steven and Peridot have such a nice, playful relationship to begin with...
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And it doesn’t help that Chartreuse has a VERY similar hairstyle that can EASILY make Spinel interpret her as a “playmate replacement”...
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... plus, at this point, since Peridot and Steven’s Diamond alter egos are the only Diamonds left in all existence which just makes the exclusivity burn that much more....
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... and I’ll admit I do find Steven/Spinel very cute as a ship.
So naturally, I need Steven being fought over by two immature twin-tailed cinnamon rolls. I’ll probably fucking draw that.
I highly doubt she’ll have the means to do what she did in the movie for GA verse, but I’ll figure something out down the road.
After all, this is all new ideas and stuff. Movie just aired last night, after all!
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Steg and Spinel were the best parts of the movie. Fuck yes I must have Steg in GA, too.
Well, I made Greg more relevant in GA way more than canon did in CYM, so I think it’s my duty to make Steg a reality. I’ve grown to enjoy writing Greg, anyway. I just need to find a way to fit him into something. He may be a Crystal Gem in GA’s continuity, but he’s still just a support character in the end. Steg will help move him on up.
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I did this epic trio first and did it better.
Really was a bit underwhelmed with how much time these three got in the movie, but I’m not all that surprised. Also, I guess it’s evident in canon that Bismuth leads this division rather than Peridot. I mean, she is a solid #2 in GAverse and maybe would have been the real deal had it not been for the unique circumstances... still. Hoping these three are done justice in season 6.
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Peri, your Fourth Wall is showing.
That was like my favorite line (outside of Greg and Bismuth NEARLY saying shit, lol). 
That said, I’m hoping that’s not all what she amounts to in the future. I’d complain there wasn’t enough Peridot in the movie, but let’s be real: I’d complain about that even if she was in every scene of the movie.
And that’s all I’ve got to say for now, I think!
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vrainsweek · 5 years
VRAINS WEEKS “LINK-14″ - Daily Prompts 2019
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Hello again Minna-saaaaaaan!
How are yooou? Did you miss me? Did you miss the 2 weeks we were talking about Vrains and Vrains only? Yes I missed them, too. =D So I sat down and started thinking about the prompts for these year’s Vrains Weeks. But first a little information! As some of you remember I asked for another name for the Vrains Weeks because...”Vrains Weeks” sounds too normal and kinda boring even if any of you understand what they are. (I had a minute I wanted to call them Double Week but that was even worse.) So I asked around if you guys have an idea how to call them and actually... One person had the perfect idea! So first let me introduce to you the new name of the Vrains Weeks:
Link-14 (Weeks)
And I think it fits. 2 Weeks have 14 days and everyone in the Vrains fandom knows what you mean when you say “Link-”. My special thanks for this name go to @mythicalartisttm Thank you so so much, my brain never ever would have thought this way!
Thank you! Danke! ありがとう! 
Before we start with the newest Vrains Prompts for 2019 let’s take a look at the rules again (So noone can say they didn’t read or find them!)
NO Bashing of ANY content! That means no BASHING or INSULTING over any Headcanons, Theories, Shippings, Works and and and.
NO NSFW. Sexual and / or Gore content or similar for some people in a fandom are exciting ofc but since I can’t control the age of this blog’s followers I have to keep this free for minors. Also I hope this will keep triggers away from some followers.
NO Copying, Stealing or Reposting of other people’s work! Not even with credits! This is unfair and really NOT a way to show YOUR content. Also you hurt the real artist with this and we don’t want and don’t need this. YouTube Videos musiclinks or similar for special topics for a day are excluded as long as credits such as the directlink are included. (Please contact me if someone reposted your art over the #vrainsweek or #VRLINK14 tag)
Don’t forget! If you break one of those rules you will be banned from VRAINS WEEKS! Also I want to inform you that every content is allowed as long as it doesn’t break the rules. Drawings, Cosplay, Theories, AUs, everything aslong as it fits with the topic!
About the tag you have to use to find your work you can use 2 tags now:
You can still stick with the #vrainsweek  from last year or use #VRLINK14 
I will look at both of them to check your guys’ works. Just don’t forget to tag! Ok, here we go! Ready for the 2019 prompts?
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Monday (15th July 2019)
“Favorite Headcanon” To start the Link-14 weeks let’s begin with something easy. Show me your most favorite Headcanon you had so far after 2 years of Vrains. Draw something, describe it, whatever you like! It doesn’t matter if this headcanon is old or brand new just show us you always wanted to show all of us!
Tuesday (16th July 2019)
“Androids” Wouldn’t it be great if we see the Other Ignis as Andoids as well? Or even Yusaku and the others? I wonder how they survive in the real world? Do they eat like normal humans? Will they ever feel tired? How would the Ignis look like? Aaaah so many questions~
Wednesday (17th July 2019)
“Happy Hot Dog Day!” Of course the newest LINK-14 Week again is the same date as the National Hot Dog Day as well! And again you can do whatever you like aslong as it includes a Hot Dog (I am sorry if it sounds a bit NSFW But I DON’T MEAN IT THAT WAY ///)
Thursday (18th July 2019)
Last year we had a prompt which I wanted you to put our favorite characters into adults. This time let’s go back in time and show them as little kids and babies.
I think Vrains has too less of some past shots from when our favorites where small and cute, let’s change that!
Friday (19th July 2019)
Thinking of the past can be beautiful but also pretty cruel. We all know that everyone of us thinks of the past knowing that it made us what we are today. So do Yusaku and the others. They think of the past and appreciate every memory they have no matter if they are hurt- or beautiful.
Saturday (20th July 2019)
“Gaming Champs”
Ok ok so... I played some League of Legends a while ago and suddenly I thought: “How would Yusaku look like as a LoL champ?” I went too far and even thought about his skills but hey! Wouldn’t that be a great prompt as well? If you guys are actually gaming something why don’t you put Yusaku or Ryoken or whoever you like into a game? No matter if it’s an MMO or something like Super Mario or Sims 4 or whatever you like. Maybe...I will design Yusaku as a LoL champ as well *laughs*
Sunday (21st July 2019)
“Vacations” We all are soo thirsty for a beach episode but it looks like we never get it...sadly ... *cries* BUT That’s why the LINK-14 Week is here for so let’s get the boys and girls into some sweet vacations! They really REALLY need a break! It doesn’t have to be the sea, send them wherever you want them to be. Another place, another country, wherever you like!
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Monday (22nd July 2019)
“What if?” What if Ryoken / Revolver never was able to save the children from the Lost incident?
Tuesday (23rd July 2019)
“Share some music”
Music is my way to happiness I always say. What are the songs you relate the most to when you think of Vrains? It can be anything, songs to some AUs or to a special character or shipping or a scene you liked the most.
You can share Spotify playlists or YouTube Links or just the title and singers of the songs (Please don’t upload music files).
If you want you can use this prompt as well to show some relating from Vrains characters to music (For example Hanois as a band)
Wednesday (24th July 2019)
“Me when I watch VRAINS”
I am curious and maybe this prompt is a bit stupid but Vrains and the LINK-14 week only works with the people who actually watch Vrains. And I want to give you a “stage” cause you matter a lot! What do you look like when you watch VRAINS? (Describe it or draw it or even take a photo of it haha)
Thursday (25th July 2019)
“VRAINS goes Hollywood” So I have two tasks and whatever you like more is what you gonna do: Drawers: Redraw a movie cover / movie poster from whatever movie with Vrains characters. Writers: Take a scene of a movie you love and rewrite that scene with Vrains characters. Those movies can be anything (Disney, Marvel, Ghibli or other Animes, Romance movies or Hunger Games stuff) as long as they still fit with the LINK-14 Rules.
Friday (26th July 2019)
“VRAINS Manga”
I don’t know how long we will wait till we finally get a VRAINS Manga But we all have a lot of imaginations of how it will be. So share!
Saturday (27th July 2019)
“Happy Birthday!”
Imagine it’s Yusaku’s birthday. No other comments needed just be creative ;D
Sunday (28th July 2019)
“???” This day will be a surprise. Just wait till 28th July to see what’s up.
See ya in July Minna-san!!
Note: I got the render pic of Yusaku for the header from here: LINK ME
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overthinking-love · 7 years
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(I’m the one in white and my beautiful wife is the one in black)
dear @taylorswift
okay that beginning made me sound so calm and just… I’m not, okay so… I MARRIED MY BEST FRIEND
so basically, you’ve been such a massive part of my life ever since I was a 13 year old girl, I’ve genuinely and literally grown up with you.
A lot happened in my life from the age of 13 to 21, which I am today, and the one thing that never changed was what you and your music has meant to me this whole entire time.
I remember being 13, I was feeling so lonely and lost. My friends weren’t really being my friends and I was always on the outside. I used to go straight from school to my room at home, listening to your songs and looking up the chords to “A Place In This World”, your songs gave me so much comfort and safety, I can’t even tell you how grateful I am.
I remember sitting in that same bedroom, June 15th 2011, at midnight literally playing the guitar and singing fifteen, because it was finally my fifteenth birthday.
2011 was going to be my year, I was going to be fifteen and everything was going to change; I was going to write and perform my own songs for the very first time outside my bedroom, I was going to find the courage to make some friends at the school I’d now attended for a year instead of having lunch with the teachers and doing homework on my breaks, I was finally going to have my first kiss and hopefully see you live in concert for the very first time.
I thought this was going to be one of the best years of my life but it ended up being one of the worst instead. I lost two relatives that same summer, one in a car accident and one to cancer… I lost another relative (my closest aunt) not to death but as she got diagnosed with cancer she wanted to move from Sweden to Miami to be with her daughters and grandchild…
I was also found in the middle of my parents divorce a few months later that same year, yup 2011 wasn’t the greatest year. But I survived.
And you were still there, with your music.
Now from my worst year to one of my absolute best years. October 2014- 2015, I finally came to terms with my sexuality and accepted the fact that I was gay. I met this girl on twitter through a TV show called The Fosters (which is the show that actually gave me that little extra push to come out to myself) we quickly bonded and became the greatest of friends. Her name was Anna and she was a year younger than me and lived in England but even though there was distance between us, we spoke every single day, it even came to the point where we were Skyping literally 24/7 (we’d skype after school, all evening, take the laptop out to the dinner table when we had to leave our bedrooms to have dinner with our families and we even had skype on overnight. We woke up together and got ready and left for school, then repeated the whole thing again).
In January I managed to convince my dad to let me go visit Anna in England and she managed to convince her mum to have me stay with them for a whole week during half term in February. I booked my tickets and we were over the moon with excitement.
We kinda knew we were more than friends but thought it was ridiculous since we hadn’t even met in person yet. Although, we knew each other inside out already, since all we could pretty much do over skype was talk. We didn’t want to rush anything which is why we didn’t put a label on our relationship, we were clearly giggly and in love and cute but wanted to wait until the day we met since it was just around the corner.
But we didn’t of course (we were too impatient lol) we made it official January 27th 2015 and finally got to be in each others arms for the first time February Friday the 13th 2015. It was truly love at first sight. (I also had my first kiss that same night omgjfjfjfjfj)
Ever since that night, 13 has been our lucky number. 13 have had such a massive impact on our relationship you couldn’t even imagine. There’s so much I cannot even name them all, we used to keep a journal of it all until it all got too much haha. But later that year July 13th in fact, we moved in together. I moved from my home in sweden to live with the love of my life and her family in England.
Did I mention that this was one of the best years of my life?????? Oh wait!!! I ALSO had tickets to see YOU in concert for the first time ever. After six years of waiting I could FINALLY fly out to another country to see you!! I was 18 turning 19 so my dad had no say in this, finally. I flew out to Germany to see you perform in cologne June 19th and June 20th 2015! Honestly two of my greatest nights ever. Thank you for being the absolute best and making that whole concert so insanely beautiful. (Ps. The reason I saw you in cologne and not London was bc I got tickets way before knowing I’d be with Anna and moving to England and all that which was a bummer bc I couldn’t take Anna but we’ll try our VERY BEST to see you on the reputation tour ;) )
Anyways, I’m rambling but also GUESS WHAT SEAT I WAS ON THE FIRST TIME I ATTENDED ONE OF YOUR CONCERTS????? SEAT 13!! ROW 13!! BLOCK 103!! (Okay ignore the 0 in that last one and it’s basically block 13)
I also saw Andrea walking right pass my row at the beginning of the show and was about to go up to her and leave her a letter for you and give her a hug BUT my shoe got stuck in my 1989 gym bag thingy so that didn’t happen lololol just my luck. But I still had the most magical time!!
Fast forward - last August (2016) me and Anna got our own place in Sweden and are now living here with our two lil puppies bella and junior which is so beautiful and magical. I am struggling a lot with anxiety and some depression but am at the same time the happiest and luckiest I’ve ever been so I’m so so grateful.
and now….I am Mrs. Nordin, I am married, I HAVE A WIFE. Basically what I’m trying to say is that sooooooooo much has happened throughout the years and you’ve honestly been such a big part of it ever since I was 13, through my darkest and through my happiest moments. You and your music have always been there for me and always made me smile, feel safe and just content and never alone.
So I obviously wanted to share this big thing with you❤️
We got married September 25th 2017 ( I’ll casually drop a link to our wedding video here bc I can’t stop rewatching it and want to share it with you as well: https://youtu.be/fm-MA8YSza8 )
I haven’t posted this sooner because we literally just got back from our honeymoon in Cuba and haven’t had much WiFi but I’m literally writing this on the bus on our way from the airport so I think I’ve done pretty good!!
anyways, thank you for everything you’ve done for me and so many others🌷
I love you. Always.
- Angelica
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cxsmicmyeon · 3 years
hi hi! it's your bestie 😉 hehe sorry i had too much screen time and needed a break 😂
oh my goodness his fried rice waffles 👁👄👁 he also called himself a culinary genius and i'm wondering how kyungsoo deals with jongin's kitchen adventures lmao or even minseok since he's such a clean freak?? baek just updated and said he's doing well in a strict routine! but for everyone to stop sending mail/email/gifts to his training centre bc it's overwhelming them 😂 so to just tell him everything using a specific hashtag and he can feel the love when he's finished. can you imagine how much they're getting??? lol
i've always used the excuse it's still that date in america soooo technically it's still my birthday 😀
OMG YES PLEASE WRITE THAT!!! that's so cute and domestic stop lol 💞 i feel like a bunny would be a lot less maintenance especially if you're out often! unless you adopt? a puppy is SO much work. ..maybe that's why mine is such a baby. he's almost 6 now but still acts like a puppy we just brought home yesterday 😂 omg that time chanyeol had toben and sehun had vivi? the chaos that was toben LMAO
i sometimes want to start a fic rec blog..but i'm so unorganised i'm not sure how to go about it. i do so much reading and there're so many good fics out there i want to share 😭
we pretty much are but there's some random clusters here and there. plus the newly returned overseas but they're quarantined in a medi hotel. yeah i've seen a lot of news from the us about people refusing to wear masks and stay home. but then turn around and complain that things aren't getting better 😶 yes please keep safe!! ❤
i think the cheaper one is a flip book album! which ofc will be mega cute, i can already imagine! i want sm to bloody release the details though. why are they so lazy when it comes to their best sellers?! is it tomorrow for you yet? 😂 DID YOU GET IT!? omfg yes lol i CAN'T WAIT for your asmr HAHA 👉👈 tbh your voice sounded so sweet i felt comfortable messaging you 😂 when you were fangirling about myeon hahaha that's exactly what i'm like when someone asks about yeol hehe
LOL THE WAY I THOUGHT HIS FRIED RICE WAFFLES WERE HASHBROWNS- ngl though it looks good though i'd eat it...😳 kyungsoo prolly had a mental breakdown when he saw jongin making the waffle LOL
OMG WAIT I CRIED WHEN I SAW BAEK'S VIDEO- HE SAID HE'S GONNA BE UPLOADING EVERY 17TH???? AND CHAN UPLOADING EVERY 27TH??? WE DO NOT DESERVE THOSE TWO AT ALL😭😭😭omg i can't imagine all the mail he's getting- i think something similar happened to junmyeon and he had to go on and say stop sending me mail cuz it's too much ahsgdj,, my popular boys🥰
I WILL WRITE IT!! i just need to get through school and finish my final paper lol!! and also finish my requests lol!! thank god school's over next tuesday for me lol! i need a BREAK omg... agh yeah i have heard puppies are a lot of work but they're SO CUTE THOUGH😭😭omg toben and vivi are both of my personalities🤣🤣they're literally the cutest things omg
lol i actually was considering a fic rec blog too! cuz my post is rly long and i feel bad for all the tags the authors get LOL but i'm lazy and i don't want to annoy the authors EVEN MORE LLMAOSODNDNJFHF i love life😃👍🏻
ugh yes i have a lot of family who is anti mask and won't get vaccinated and don't take covid seriously and it just pisses me off🙄🙄but thankfully most of them don't live in my area so i don't have to worry about seeing them a lot lol! and i have both of my shots for the vaccine and i'll be fully vaccinated after next week!
i'm not picky at all when it comes to albums lmao! like even if i don't get a jun photocard i don't complain that much bc i still got a photocard of a member!! like i have a jun, yeol and minseok photocard (and baekhyun poster and jongdae slide thing from obsession) and honestly i'm still happy to get the merch cuz it's exo and i love exo!! :D
AND AGH IM SO SAD IT SAID IT'S COMING LATE😭😭😭like it was gonna originally come on saturday but then usps said thursday (today) and i checked the tracking number and it said "coming late" )): agh but we'll see 🤞🏻 i just hope it comes soon!!
AGH i need to prepare for the filming😭😭i need to find a tri pod and clear my desk and make sure my family doesn't interrupt me AJDHJDH and AAA i hate my voice so much i was so shy when recording!!! but i turned my phone around and spoke from the heart and i felt more comfy!! i may not speak in the asmr tho i'll just let my glue on manicure do the talking LOL!! i love hearing nails tap on stuff so it'll be fun to do!!
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neuro-positivity · 7 years
Tag Questions
Thank you for the tag @lethalnol !!
Rules are to answer all the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better. 
nickname: Abquelio, abquel, any play on that :)
gender: Female
star sign: Virgo
height: 6ft3 or 190cm (i know lol)
time: 10:12pm
birthday: 27th august
favorite bands: Bastille, Oh Wonder, Imagine Dragons
favorite solo artists: Ed Sheeran, Jon Bellion, Marina and the diamonds.. so many more.. soo many 
last movie i watched: I think it was Good Will Hunting?.. for the.. 100th time..
last show i watched: The Good Doctor! (Also Miranda) 
when did i create my blog: Ahah about 2-3 months ago 
what do i post: Everything autism related, especially positivity :) 
last thing i googled: ‘royal mail tracking’ I’m impatient for a stimtastic order to arrive lol and I didn’t understand what the default site was telling me.. 
do you have any other blogs: yes, ‘fxghting-sleep’ is my other blog. it’s mostly photography, poems and nice quotes
do you get asks: sometimes :)
why did you choose your URL: Honestly, I made this blog for myself not thinking anyone would follow, so it’s pretty boring. it’s just meant to mean ‘things that I find helpful/relate to
blogs who follow you: I haven’t quite got track of everyone yet, but I love gaining mutuals because you’re all so nice :) I think most of them are probably autism related :D
favorite colors: Teal? Ish?
average hours of sleep: 8 usually (take that insomnia!) 
lucky number: hmm, don’t have one
dream trip: Switzerland for the incredible scenery, then all the way down to New Zealand for amazing weather and more scenery (small issue is I don’t do well with crowds or airports)
instruments: Guitar, and my vocal chords? 
what am i wearing: My favourite dark green, super soft sweater that has embroidered roses on the front and says ‘eternal dreamer’, and jeans that are making me low-key uncomfortable 
how many blankets do i sleep with: A winter duvet, and one super thick blanket
dream job: Assistance dog trainer? Quite possibly Hearing Dogs trainer, because I love learning BSL and I have a passion for the disabled community
favorite food: Main meal, well cooked pasta with just cheese oh my gosh. Dessert, tiramisu, or mint ice cream
nationality: British 
If you read all this, then woah, thank you! If you didn’t then no worries, I wouldn’t have the energy most days either! Hope your day goes well :) 
(Not going to tag 20 people, because I want to have the energy to read any/all responses I get, but by no means feel you have to do it if you’re tagged. :)) 
@jesse-flynn @adhdmon @soupyderrickfranthony @neruodivergent-brains @aspiespacecat
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sanjuniperope · 7 years
Get to know me!💛
(Tagged by the wonderful @timesarehardfornewsies )
Nicknames: (all of these are just occasional I normally just go by Payton) Pay-Pay, Pookie/Pookster/Pookasaurus (thanks for those, Dad lol)
Gender: female (she/her)
Sign: Cancer♋
Height: 5' (yup I'm tiny😂)
Time: 7:32 pm
Birthday: June 27th
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco, Green Day, The 1975, The Lumineers, Twenty One Pilots, Coldplay (just off the top of my head. I have a very broad taste in music)
Favorite Solo Artists: DODIE CLARK, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, Hozier, Jon Bellion, Jason Mraz, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Rusty Clanton, Troye Sivan, (Taylor Swift is a guilty pleasure sometimes lol)
Song(s) in my head: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz, Stay by Rihanna, and Demons by Imagine Dragons (it's interesting)
Last movie I saw: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Last show I watched: Mr Student Body President
When did I start my blog: a year or two ago? Idk
What do I post: hahahahahahahaha trash
Last thing I googled: Spongebob Musical cast
Do I have any other blogs: not that I ever use (EVER)
Do I get asks: I wish
How did I choose my url: combining my hufflepuff identity with Hamilton
Following: 840
Followed by: 165
Average hours of 😴: 5-7
Lucky number: 1987
Instruments: Clarinet, ukulele, and one song on the guitar
What am I wearing: jeans with holes in the knees and a band shirt
Dream job: history professor and Broadway actress
Dream trip: huge European vacation
Favorite food: mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, and pizza
Nationality: American..
Favorite Song: at the moment White Winter Hymnal (by Fleet Foxes but also the cover by Dodie)
Last book I read: Mosquitoland by David Arnold
Top 3 fictional universes I want to join: Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Marvel
No Pressure Tags!
@determinedsilversoul @klance4lyfesnitches @someonesblogger @musicalgaymer @pixel-potato @zoewhite4815 @hamildone-with-everything @jemcolins @thepusheenqueen @duhke @jewishusnavi @fearless-seas
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bcdtiimes · 7 years
TAGGED BY: stolen from @toriiel​
TAGGING: @prcfxavier, @whclescme, and [ finger guns ] you.
A  -  AGE :   18 . B  -  BIRTHPLACE :   usa . C  -  CURRENT  TIME :   6.31PM . D  -  DRINK  YOU  HAD  LAST :   water . E  -  EASIEST  PERSON  TO  TALK  TO :   my dearest friend @/prcfxavier ( ewan ) as well as @/it-sfunnierinenochian ( emily ) . F  -  FAVORITE  SONG :   believer by imagine dragons . G  - GROSSEST  MEMORY :   i can’t really recall rn ?? lol . H  -  HORROR  YES  OR  HORROR  NO :   eh, neutral to it tbh . I  -  IN  LOVE ? :   yes, but luckily i love platonic friendships enough that i feel fulfilled with just friendship !! J  -  JEALOUS  OF  PEOPLE :   lmao yeah . K  -  KILLED  SOMEONE :   no . L  -  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT  OR  SHOULD  I   WALK  BACK  BY  AGAIN ? :  (9 o-o)9 fight me . M  -  MIDDLE  NAME(S) :   thai . N  -  NUMBER  OF  SIBLINGS :   two . O  -  ONE  WISH :   to cut off my toxic family with no repercussions . P  -  PERSON  YOU  CALLED  LAST :   my pal grace . Q  -  QUESTION  YOU’RE  ALWAYS ASKED :   “ how tall are you ? ” ( i am an incredibly smol boi u-u ) R  -  REASON  TO  SMILE :   transformers idw :’) . S  -  SONG  YOU  SANG  LAST :   we could happen by aj rafael . T  -  TOP  3  FICTIONAL  CHARACTERS :   tailgate ( transformers mtmte ), swerve ( transformers mtmte ), and cyclonus ( transformers mtmte ) ... i love transformers gkdjhffg U  -  UNDERWEAR  COLOR :   light tan with white hearts ovo !! V  -  VACATION :   england/wales to finally meet the nerd that is @/prcfxavier . W  -  WHEN’S  YOUR  BIRTHDAY :   dec. 27th . X  -  XRAYS :   my forearms cos we thought there was some sort of abnormal bone growth ?? but alas we were wrong . Y  -  YOUR  FAVORITE  FOOD :   galbi/kalbi . Z  -  ZODIAC  SIGN :   capricorn .
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eeveesweetie · 7 years
tagged by @asexualtonystark , who is up at one in the morning shame on you (jk ily)
A- age: 16
B- birthplace: Chatham
C- current time: 8:30 pm
D- drink you had last: coca-cola
E- easiest person to talk to: cj the bae
F- favorite song: this is like asking me to pick my favorite child?? uhhhh probs champion by fall out boy or yesterday by imagine dragons at the moment
G- grossest memory: i dont really have one? I mean my memory is shit so I have no memories lol
H- horror yes or horror no: I’ve never watched any scary movies but I’d be up for one, I guess; not really on the to-do list but I’d be okay with it
I- in love?: with how beautiful sunrises and sunsets look? hell yeah oh wait you mean romantic love don’t you dsjkfjdskjfks nvm
J- jealous of people: nyeughh yeah it’s a problem for me
K- killed someone: *whispers* I’m the real zodiac killer
L- love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: romeo and juliet had “love at first sight” and they both died within the week so i mean
M- middle name: Eve- fun fact: both my first and middle names are palindromes
N- number of siblings: one half-brother and one half-sister
O- one wish: to have myself and the people that I love happy
P- person you called last: my mom
Q- question you’ve always asked: why am I such a dumbass
R- reason to smile: sunshine and rainbows and colourful flowers 
S- song you sang last: rival by ruelle
T- top 3 fictional characters: magnus bane, sun bak, and jake peralta
U- underwear colour: blue pink and white lol
V- vacation: to go to Quebec, France or Switzerland to practice my French
W- when’s your birthday: April 27th
X- x-rays: none other than for braces
Y- your favourite food: indian food or chocolate
Z- zodiac sign: taurus
tagging @just-a-man-in-a-can , @virtualsilver , @pansexualtriptucker , and @marvelfoodlover : )
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July 10th-27th: Last two and a half weeks in Nicaragua
So, it’s occurred to me that I write quite a lot in these posts.  I’m not sure if anyone other than myself will actually read through all of these (which is fine) so I’ll keep this last post relatively short.  When I’m done, I’ll put up one last batch of pictures to wrap things up.
(EDIT: This post is not short at all.  I’m an inherently wordy writer.  But, that’s okay, right?)
I mentioned earlier that we had a lunch to celebrate José’s birthday.  José, the electromedicine technician that Seth and I worked with in Juigalpa, has his birthday on July 16th, which was a Sunday this year.  The next day, Seth and I told him we’d take him and the other hospital techs out for lunch at Lespool’s Pizza, the restaurant owned by our Juigalpa family.  In my opinion, the lunch was a really great chance to get to know José and the other techs (Elgin, Jader, and Pedro -- there is also another tech, Hector, but he unfortunately could not make the lunch) better.  At one point, José was telling me about various plans that the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health and Hospital Asunción have for buying and maintaining medical equipment.  According to him, every year brings more positive changes, and there is currently a program called “technological vigilance” being implemented that’s aimed at educating people in the medical field about properly taking care of devices.  He also told me that the only university in Central America with a biomedical engineering program is Don Bosco University in San Salvador, El Salvador.  I looked this up and found an article that talks about how graduates of the program have gone on to work in Central America, the U.S., and Europe (unfortunately, I can’t find the article right now :| ).  I thought this was interesting, and according to José, he knows the program director.
During the weekend before the lunch, Seth and I stayed in Juigalpa rather than traveling with other EWH kids.  Unlike our first weekend there, we really took the time to get out, explore, and learn more about the city.  On Friday night, we went to a casino (don’t worry, we each limited ourselves to spending no more than 200$C -- about $7), and later on we went to a bar called The Safari.  I liked The Safari because it was one of the few places in Juigalpa that played American and European music.  However, what I did not like was that, for some weird reason, there were only men there - no women!  (I have to admit that in some nightlife settings, I actually don’t mind being in a crowd with more men than women -- however, those are called gay bars lol.  And the men in The Safari certainly did not seem gay.)  When I asked Jader, my homestay brother about this, he just said that women don’t really go out on Friday nights.  Hmmm, I’ll have to ask more about that someday.
The next day, Seth and I went to the Juigalpa zoo, which pleasantly surprised me.  Since I knew that the hospital in Juigalpa often lacks pharmaceuticals for patients, I was thinking that the animals in the zoo might be visibly unhealthy, since perhaps they don’t always receive nutritious food and proper medications.  However, most of the animals looked great, and there was quite a variety of species.  Lions, tigers, cougars, monkeys, anteaters, buffalo, birds, wildebeests... there were a lot!  When we left, we walked to the Central Park and climbed the Juigalpa Cathedral.  The view from the top was the first glimpse I had looking over the city.  While it may not look like Granada or León, Juigalpa has its own form of charm that I really grew to appreciate during my stay there.  I’ll be sure to post a picture of that view in my next post.  That night, Seth and I went to a rodeo, where some of the craziest people I’ve ever seen attempted to ride on top of bulls.  Fortunately, nobody got hurt, and it was actually really fun to watch.  When we came home, I was coerced (well, it wasn’t complete coercion because I wanted to do it) into going out with my Juigalpa family (meanwhile, Seth passed out).  And when I say family, I mean everyone -- including the 2 little kids!  We went to a lovely hotel/restaurant/bar called Café Iguana.  Being that it was Karaoke Night, everyone kept begging me to sing.  Unfortunately, I was a little dehydrated and ended up not feeling too great, so I never belted out a tune as my family was hoping I would.  But we still had a fun time enjoying the music and some drinks.  The next day, our family dropped us off at Las Peñitas (this is the same name as the beach in León that I went to), which was a pretty community pool right outside of Juigalpa.  Overall, I think it was a really fun weekend, and I finally felt like Juigalpa was really growing on me.  I was suddenly really sad to think I’d be leaving in a week.
Well, a week passed and Seth and I, along with Alyssa, left Juigalpa for Granada.  Saying goodbye to my family was sad.  Lesbia, Lesja, and the others were really wonderful hosts, and I wish I could have stayed a little bit longer just to know them more and spend more time with them.  However, I’m thankful to have spent so many nights eating their delicious food (I’ll never forget their pizza, especially the crust) and talking to them about my love of Nicaragua.  I’m still in touch with many of them through WhatsApp and Facebook, and we have continued to communicate.  Saying goodbye on that last morning was a little teary, but after we left, I was glad to be heading back to Granada.
Reuniting with everyone from EWH was really good.  I was happy to see the others, and our hostel was in a really great location within the city.  When we arrived in Granada, I felt like I had entered a large, cosmopolitan city with a diverse mix of people -- well, perhaps it just felt like this in contrast to Juigalpa.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t a ton of time to explore and have fun.  Each group of students had paperwork to complete and a powerpoint presentation to prepare.  Fortunately, Seth and I had already started everything earlier on in the week, so Saturday was really just a chance to put the finishing touches on everything.  
The next morning, we woke up early, dressed up, had breakfast, and walked to our old school to have the conference.  There were five student presentations (Chinandega, Juigalpa, Somoto, Matagalpa, and Jinotega), as well as presentations from our coordinators.  We attempted a skype call with Leslie Calman (the EWH CEO) and Iyad, who were both in the U.S., and the EWH SI group in Uganda.  That way, we would have more of an audience for the conference.  Unfortunately, the Skype called burned through the data we had purchased so quickly that only 2 of the 5 student groups could share their presentations.  Luckily for me, Seth and I were one of those groups!  I was really happy with how our presentation went.  Our powerpoint was fairly balanced with text and photos, and Seth and I went through it quickly enough that we explained everything without boring everyone.  I really liked listening to our coordinators’ presentations, too.  One thing that Jack spoke about was how grateful we should be to have made friendships with one another -- not only did we now have new friends, but we had made connections with other students who are passionate about global health.  Something that Alyssa spoke about was reverse culture shock: an experience that people have when they return to their home countries after being abroad for a long time.  An important part of going through reverse culture shock is staying in touch with the people you went abroad with; they are the only people who can truly relate to the experiences you had, and it can be helpful to talk to them if you have any difficulties readjusting to life back home.
The end of the conference marked the official ending of my journey with Engineering World Health.  However, my time in Nicaragua did not end on Sunday.  I don’t plan on elaborating on this too much, but I made a really great friend from Costa Rica when I visited San Juan del Sur in early June.  We stayed in touch for the remainder of my time in Nicaragua, and we decided to spend a few days together back in San Juan del Sur at the end of July.  Jean Carlo (that’s his name) visited me in Granada that Sunday, and we spent the afternoon having lunch on Calle Calzada and then touring Las Isletas in Lake Nicaragua.  The next day, we traveled from Granada to San Juan del Sur and enjoyed three days there.  Jean Carlo and I are still friends today, and I’m really thankful to know him.  On Wednesday, I traveled back to Granada, and early on Thursday morning, I departed from the Managua airport back home to New Jersey.
My summer with Engineering World Health has been an unforgettable experience that I will forever treasure in my heart.  I posted a photo on Instagram the day I came home, and the caption I wrote is copied below.  I think it adequately concludes this blog post.
“And after two months, I’m back home in New Jersey. How do I begin to describe these past experiences in Nicaragua? This trip has been more than what I ever imagined, and I don’t know how to thank everyone who made it so special. From my EWH companions, my families and friends in Granada and Juigalpa, and everyone else I’ve met along the way — I'm so lucky to have known all of you, and I will always look back on this time with incredible fondness. Thank you simply for everything.
Y después de dos meses, estoy en casa en Nueva Jersey. Como puedo empezar a describir estas experiencias pasadas en Nicaragua? Esto viaje ha sido más de que yo imaginaba, y no sé cómo decir gracias a todos quienes lo hicieron tan especial. De mis compañeros de EWH, mis familias y amigos en Granada y Juigalpa, y todos los otros quienes he conocido por el camino — tengo tanta suerte por haberlos conocido a todos ustedes, y siempre miraré hacia atrás en esto tiempo con increíble cariño. Gracias simplemente por todo.”
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