#and to see that Pete really loves Bob's Family
ratguy-nico · 6 months
Now I pretty much like lying and being and hypocrite so here is a COMPILATION that I made of scenes from the episode "Father of the Bob" I put a minimum of effort on this so I hope for myself to not freak out.
Yeah this is about Big Bob and Pete... no comments.
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nabwastaken · 5 months
Behold! The Joey Richter family tree!
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it's still sorta a WIP currently because I'm trying to watch more Starcanwrecked stuff to see if I can potentially fit more.
And now.. some.. headcanons and backstory about the family!
McDoon, being the bandit king ( ✌️) had a LOT of bastard children on his travels with Cletus. He slept around and never really stuck around. Before the events of TTO he knocked up a Cratchit, who got pregnant and moved out of the country in shame. There, the Cratchit family was made and when Owen moved back to the US the family was moved there.
Robert Cratchit is short for Bob btw
I imagine Bob, out of desperation, in this timeline would resort to.. extreme measures trying to save Tim. And by extreme I mean summoning an eldritch god.
Suffice to say, it did not end well and now Tinky has a new family hyperfixation.
Owen found out about Tinky through spy shit, on a mission to a little town in Michigan. Tinky saw this British bastard and was like 'descendant of the Cratchits? GIMME' and started tormenting Owen. One of the ways he did this, was taking the form of Owen's boyfriend.
The reason Dan's last name is different from the rest of the Spankoffskis is that he changed it. 'Dan Spankoffski' does not have as nice of a ring to it and he's a public figure. Despite that, he's still relatively active in the family.
Dan is not short for anything. Not Jordan, not Daniel, no. Its just Dan. And he is Danough
Dan and Ted both looked extremely similar growing up and were constantly confused for each other. It didn't help when both of them happened to start growing a mustache at the same time.
OT and Pete have a pact not to ever do anything similar in terms of appearance. Pete grows his hair out? OT will always cut it. OT starts growing a mustache? Pete starts shaving. They really don't wanna end up like their brothers.
OT is older then Pete, being around Lex and Ethan's age.
SPEAKING OF ETHAN he unironically calls Pete, Dan, and Ted uncle. The only one he doesn't is OT, who he constantly bullies and targets for no reason.
Dan and Ted were surprisingly close in their childhoods, and had this sort of understandimg that the other was the only one who got how they felt.
As they grew apart however, Ted secretly started growing jealous of Dan. How come HE had this perfect life and great job and great 'girlfriend' but all Ted had was this shitty ass tech job and being the sidehoe to his coworker?
Dan has never noticed this jealousy and still remains nice as hell to Ted.
Dan and Ted both teamed up on bullying their younger siblings.
Dan and OT are surprisingly close. OT comes back from college (He goes to U of M) once a month or so and comes back to hang out with his big bro.
One of the reasons Dan took up the volunteer counseler job was to keep a closer eye on Pete and make sure he doesn't get bullied. So far, it has not worked out at all.
Pretty much no one knows Dan is part of the Spankoffski family, so Pete has to hear Ruth talk about how hot the news anchor is and Ethan has to listen to Lex rant about her mom's stupid obsession.
Dan and Ted are LITERAL bastards somehow being both teenage pregnancies and their parents had Pete and OT when they were more ready. Once again, blame Tinky.
SPEAKING OF TINKY he loves tormenting this family but can't keep track of them whatsoever. Sometimes he'll follow one of them home only to realise that it was the wrong one.
Sometimes he appears at family reunions and people just assume he's someone's kid.
One time Donna was literally walking down the street and did a double take seeing Ted just casually flirting with the Greenpeace Girl. 5 minutes later she saw Dan while doing the show and was so confused.
The family is stereotyped as this slutty family of hopeless romantics by the town, which is secretly another one of the reasons Dan changed his last name.
How true is this stereotype? Well, you got both Dan and Ted being teenage pregnancies. Both of them being born on Valentines Day. Ted notoriously sleeping with half the town. Dan being on the same show with a woman who he constantly makes googly eyes at and is possibly in love with (the entire damn town ships them together) Pete somehow surviving being horny at the damn ABSTINENCE CAMP of all places. Ethan literally doing anything for Lex. Suffice to say the entire town has their eyes on OT and what shenanigans he'll get up to.
Which is why I think it would be very funny if it turned out that OT was aroace and will never experience those feelings.
Whenever they get together they like teasing each other about their love lives.
Dan eventually becomes the central target in their teasing, with them BEGGING to know what's up with him and Donna.
The family used to get together every week to watch their favourite tv show, Doctor Who. Yes, I am aware of the irony of the Spankoffskis liking Doctor Who.
They feel an odd sense of... companionship with the homeless guy from downtown. They don't know why, they just DO.
And last but not least.... Every single one of them eventually gets stuck in the Bastard's box. Doesn't matter how or when, Tinky will get them.
And that's about it! What do you guys think?
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ace7librarian · 5 months
Hatchetfield Jewish headcanons!
Based on surnames and some unrelated headcanons.
*After Jane died, Tom really wanted to keep the Jewish traditions for Tim, but he had zero clue what to do, so he called Emma. She also had no idea what to do, but she tried her best.
*Ruth and Richie make fun of Pete for being the only goy in the squad. Everyone just assume he's Jewish, and that makes him really confused. Also, Ruth unironically ships Tanakh characters.
*Shapiro has a Jewish dad and a Catholic mom, so she got the Jewish surname and the Catholicism. She breaks the glass in her and miss mullberry's wedding. Miss mullberry is also Jewish.
*at one timeline Steph finds Solomon with the black book or something and blames him for encouraging the stereotype that Jews worship Satan.
*Dan Reynolds is Jewish. I have no reason for this.
*the following conversation happened at some point.
Emma: and I'm not going to let some republican, Christian old man-
Bob Metzger, offended: Christian????
Emma: ....
Bob: there's ONE synagogue. How did you never see me there???
Emma: I was smoking outside???
Bob: we're a big family! My grandchildren were outside! Our last name is Metzger!!
Emma: ....sorry. A republican old man.
Bob: there you go.
*Karen Chasity is very upset about having Solomon lauter as a mayor. Sam sweetly as well. I just know these two would want a Christian mayor.
*Daniel/stopwatch invites the other kids to celebrate Jewish holidays with him. Sophia melts some candlesticks and Hannah starts having visions when they read the Haggadah, but they still had a great time.
Characters that deserve an honourable mention:
The spankoffskis sound very Jewish, but we know ted is a Christian, and they both went to a Christian summer camp.
Linda says "mensch", but with the implications of the rich bitch being Jewish? No thanks. Plus she has way too much Christian symbolism in her character. My headcanon is that she heard Jews were controlling the media so she started using Yiddish slang to look richer. I'm sorry, but she would.
I love Gary Goldstein, but he is a walking stereotype.
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So, Across the Spiderverse has had me in a chokehold since I watched it. Could you imagine a Yuu in the House Mouse au who is not exactly powerless, but her abilities are not magic-based? Welcome to the crossover that nobody asked for, and I'm gonna pretend that secret identities don't exist for a moment and that disrupting canon events from astv don't exist.
Spider!Yuu's spidey senses can tell when danger is afoot. Whenever she's on the clock, there's fewer accidents and just swings by before Goofy trips and tosses all the dishes. She can tell when either Pete or Mortimer are here.The staff can rely on her for cleaning the high ass ceilings because she can climb up walls with no problem. And her webs make the best Halloween decor.
Von Drake and Jumba being so fascinated with Yuu's anatomy and intelligence. Whether has organic webbing or made web shooters of her own, they want so badly to experiment on them (definitely not gonna try to get bit by a radioactive spider too, nope).
Jamil being torn from freaked out to having a crush on a girl with spider powers. Jafar trying to convince him that she's not an actual spider so that his ship could sail
Yuu making a web hammock to calm down the little kids in the club. Next minute she's having a strength competition with Hercules and Gaston because she can lift up to ten tons.
The clubgoers seeing her memories and freaking over the fact that Yuu has been up against so many dangerous foes and life or death situations such as the iconic train scene. It scares them even more than the overblots do.
The Parr family from the Incredible (if they're here in the au), feel so bad because she's doing vigilante work all on her own. Edna mode upgrades Yuu's spider suit to a new level with glee.
Yuu: No capes please. It's disrespectful to my image.
Edna: *sniffle* Would you like to be my daughter?
Okay okay okay first of all I'm going to vent a bit about ATSV because Pavitr my boy, my sunshine, my everything is literally so important to me like hell yeah give me the south asian/brown kid representation (now if only there was an young asian girl with a bob so I can feel better about that Dora the Explorer look my mum forced me to have throught 90% of primary school whilst all of my friends got to grow their own hair out)
Also not going to lie the only reason I'm into ATSV is because I've been a Mayday Parker stan since 2017 - like she is everything (and her backstory is just so sad like PeterMJ didn't deserve that). My favourite spider-people after Peter are his multiversal daughters because girldad Peter is everything (I actually own physical copies of the Renew Your Vows comics that are about Peter and MJ's daughter, Annie-May Parker, and they are so frickin good) but I digress...
Yes but Spider-Girl!Yuu is so cool. Thank you for giving me this idea.
I don't know if I want Yuu to have her own Guy in the Chair back in her universe and for Idia to feel jealous/threatened or for her to have no guy in the chair until she comes to twst and Ortho is like 'my time has come'
Ohh imagine the insane parkour skills she, Ruggie and Aladdin would have.
I know that being insanely smart in science is a Peter Parker thing and doesn't really apply to all Spider-People but I think she would be a science whizz (and joining the science club - making Crewel's already glaringly obvious favouritism skyrocket) and hanging out with all of the scientist characters like Prof Von Drake, Jumba, Yzma etc.
Her and Herc would be training buds. He'd see her and her heroics and superhuman friend and be like 'new best friend :D'. Phil loves the heroic potential she has and wants to train her but Pegasus and Megara are like nope and swoop him away.
Oh but imagine the beastfolk finding out about her enhanced senses and how sometimes they cause sensory overload and helping her out because they grew up like that so they know how to manage it better (I once read a fic that said that Savanaclaw showers have soaps with subtler scents to accommodate their enhanced sense of smell and like yes) whilst she's still getting used to it and has to keep it a secret back in her world.
I'm thinking back to all of the MCU!Peter Parker fics I read and all of the spider DNA tropes that tickled my fancy and I can just imagine the twst/HoM cast reacting to things like her having no thermoregulation (and going into hibernation), her purring, her being allergic/having a poison like reaction to peppermint, her having fangs (her being venomous would be cool as well - like imagine Kaa being all fanboying over her fangs and venom glands) etc..
Okay so I remember having a bunch of ideas about this but I can't recall all of them so here... 😅
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lottesreads · 9 months
Why Me? - Part 4
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Cursing, insecurities, pining, mommy/daddy issues, throw up, little bit of angst, mentions of pregnancy, dirty jokes, mentions of death, mentions of being drunk/drinking
Word Count: 6892
Summary: The next morning commences after Bob sleeps over. You tell him things you never thought you'd talk to anyone about, and you both get to know each other a little better.
A/N: I realize now I have no posting schedule, I just post when it's done, so sorry 'bout that! Things are starting to pick up and I cannot wait to get to the next couple of parts, enjoy! And as always, love to know what you think!
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Contrary to popular belief, you are actually a very level-headed individual. You made it through the academy and multiple deployments, often as the only woman in your squadron. You pushed back when people tried to knock you down, and you were able to do it by yourself. You didn’t need to call your dad for backup, he often didn’t know just how much shit you had to sit with just because you held his last name. It wasn’t just the Navy that held you in suspicion because of this. Your own flesh and blood held some animosity toward you. You often heard your grandmother tell you how great her daughter’s life could have been, “If your good for nothing father hadn’t come around.” You took it as she meant it: If she never had you.
That’s how it has always been around your mother’s side. She met Mav when he was stationed in Florida, your mother on spring break from her junior year in college. She was barely old enough to drink, but they made quick enough conversation. He was still in his flight suit from work when she walked into the bar with the rest of her friends. Only looking for a little fun she quickly left them in the dust for the man behind the aviators. They spent the entire week together until she had to go back to Ohio. He gave her his number in case she ever found herself back in Florida, and that was it. That is, until about a month later after finals were over and she still had one test to take. It came back positive. 
Pete was thrilled to hear back from your mom already, hoping they’d be doing a different kind of catching up. Instead, he was met with the sound of your grandmother yelling at him through the phone. He didn’t hear much, but the few words and sentences he did catch were “pregnant”, “kill you”, and “my baby”, but to be honest he didn’t hear a lot after the first time she said pregnant. To be fair, your dad stepped up to the best ability the Navy would let him. He requested a transfer to be closer to the two of you, calling Carole for advice, and when you were born, she and Bradley even made the journey to see you.
Then there were the deployments. Everywhere he went, Mav seemed to piss off someone, whether it be his Captain, Admiral, or anybody above him who had the power to send him out, they did. Moving to Virginia, your parents tried for the first two years of your life. They really did. Your mother ended up dropping out of school to take care of you while your dad was away. Always citing the Navy for the reason their troubles began. When he was back they’d fight constantly, her saying he was always away, and him telling her that it was his job. She couldn’t stand to look at him anymore. Thus started the arrangement you grew up with. Spending the school year with your mother, and the summers with your dad. Even if he had to leave in the middle, you spent the rest of your time with Carole and Bradley. A great reprieve from your mother’s side. Even from such a young age you felt bad taking away Carole from Bradley, learning guilt from your family very early on. There was one point when Pete was deployed when you were 8, Bradley 14, that you told him this. He told you he felt the same way about your dad and ended the conversation with, “We can share.”
You miss the times when you couldn’t wait to see the two of them. Which makes what happened last night even more bittersweet when you look back on it. Your dad didn’t even think there was conflict between you two, he just saw his kids talking again. That was enough for him. You didn’t even want to think about Carole right now. It always hurt, but knowing that her girl was fighting with her boy would have her smacking the both of you upside the head.
You could practically feel her in your brain the next morning. Either that or your head was pounding from all the tequila and lack of water in your system. From behind your eyelids you can tell the sun is just barely starting to come up. Damn that internal clock. You dare to move your face further into the pillow, but still completely at the feeling of something moving underneath your arm. Your hand lies curled into Bob’s side, the remainder of your arm resting over his stomach. You must have shifted in the night, you on your stomach, Bob’s hand now resting on your arm. His head facing toward you, eyes fluttering every couple of seconds, obviously in a deep sleep. He looks so peaceful like this, it almost stops your heart from beating out of its chest.
You take slow, measured breaths, praying you don’t wake him up. Not wanting to leave the only moment thus far that you’ve seen Bob completely at peace. Your eyes get caught wandering over the same few freckles across his nose and cheeks. As you admire the appearance of each dot, you are made painstakingly aware of how close your faces are. Your arm unintentionally flexes around his side and he takes a deep inhale. You close your eyes immediately, scared that you may have woken him up. His hand starts to smooth up and down your arm as you try to quiet your breathing. His hand abruptly stops in the middle of your arm as you feel his head lift from the pillow. You are trying your darndest to quiet your breathing all while your heart rate is skyrocketing. An impressive feat you are hoping Bob doesn’t catch on to. His head falls back to the pillow as you hear him let out a breath. He hasn’t dared to lift his hand from your arm quite yet, it still lingers, his fingers now tracing small shapes.
Oh god that was even worse. Feeling his hand wrap around your arm gave you butterflies. But now he was being so- delicate. Drawing deliberate shapes and patterns, none of which you could decipher. He was fully aware of what he was doing and now so were you. Your chest begins to feel light until the butterflies in your stomach are absolutely lurching. Wait, no you were going to be sick. Your eyes shoot open, alerting Bob, as you untangle yourself from the sheets and run toward the bathroom. Barely making it in time your stomach promptly evacuates whatever was left in there from last night. You can’t even hear Bob follow you in, but are made aware of his presence as he holds back your hair and rubs your back. Even as you’re puking up your guts, you take a moment to acknowledge just how touching the gesture is. And then you feel immediately guilty for letting Rooster get to you last night and ruining the plans you made with Bob.
Once you’re absolutely sure you’re finished, Bob helps you stand as your eyes meet in the mirror. He grabs your toothbrush, applying some toothpaste and handing it to you.
“You feeling ok?”, he asks as you begin to brush your teeth. You close your eyes and nod, not finding the strength to look at him quite yet. “Where do you keep your pain meds?”. You spit and rinse your mouth, continuing to lean over the sink.
“Cupboard to the left of the fridge”, you grumble. Just as soon as he’s gone, Bob reappears right next to you with a couple pills and a glass of water. You graciously accept the drugs and sip the water. You spare a glance in the mirror and catch Bob’s eyes. He had put his glasses on at some point, but was still sporting the sweatpants you lent him. It seemed weirdly intimate and almost fitting to see him in your clothes as well as in your bathroom. Oh god. This poor man had to put up with you all night and had to carry your drunk ass up the stairs. You place your hand over your forehead in embarrassment. “Oh god.”
“What’s wrong, you gonna be sick again?”, concern etches into his voice.
“No it’s not that. I’m just- I’m so sorry I ruined your night.”
“My night wasn’t ruined.” This has you opening your eyes once again and turning to Bob.
“How did I not ruin your night? You were supposed to go out and play pool, not carry your drunk coworker up the stairs and have to crash at her place.”
“Ok, first thing: If I recall correctly we did play pool. Number two: I offered to drive you home and then carry you up the stairs. And number three: I crashed here because I wanted to make sure you were ok. I didn’t feel right leaving you drunk and alone.” He seemingly and very purposefully left out the part where you practically begged him to stay in your bed. And you are grateful for that. The levels of empathy and generosity radiating from this man are astronomical. After getting through the exterior of anxiety and doubt, there is a big old softy in there.
“Well, thanks for doing all that. You didn’t have to.” You shyly offer. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to sleep if I didn’t make sure you were taken care of.” You look up and share a small smile with him. Seemingly meeting your embarrassment and his kindness in the middle. But your head is still pounding as you wince at the light coming through the door. As if he could read your mind, Bob closes the blinds to your bedroom alleviating the pain slightly. “Let’s get you back to bed.” You blindly take his arm as he leads you to your bed once more, allowing you to get situated before he comes back. The bed dips as he sits next to you, “Fair warning, I’m gonna place this rag on your forehead, ok?”
“Ok”, you whisper. Bob gingerly smooths the cool rag over your head and places the glass of water on your nightstand.
“Now that I know you haven’t died during the night-”
“How can you be so sure? It doesn’t feel that way”, he lets out a small huff of laughter.
“Because you still have the ability to be a smartass. It’ll be a cold day in Hell when you don’t have a quick comeback.” You smile at his use of the word ‘smartass’. You want to take it with a grain of salt, but hope it means he’s more comfortable around you to finally swear.
“Robert, such language.”
“I know I know, just don’t tell my mama.” You open your eyes a crack at the use of his southern drawl, smiling. He’s smiling right back at you, breaking the contact finally as he clears his throat. “Anyway, I’ve gotta get home to Sylvia. But I’ll be back later if you’re feeling better to go grab your car.” You reach out to grab the nearest thing to you, which happens to be his hand.
“Bob, I didn’t even think about my car. I am so sorry. I’ll just walk over there-”
“Hey it’s fine”, he squeezes your hand, “I only live about 10 minutes away, it’s not that big a deal.”
“After this you better be able to call me your friend. You took care of me while I was drunk and held my hair back as I puked. That’s as close as two people can be.” He smiles at your tired words. Of course he wanted to be your friend. He wanted to be more, but he would take anything you were willing to give him. And therefore what the Navy would allow. But he shouldn’t get ahead of himself. It still baffled him why you would want to talk to him in the first place, but here you are. Bonding over the fact that he took care of you. It wasn’t even a question in his mind, he was always going to make sure you were ok.
“Of course you’re my friend”, taking a look down at your still connected hands he realizes all the compromising positions he’s put you in during the last 12 hours. Deciding this is still too intimate for friends, he slips his hand out of yours and stands. “I’ll be back later if you’re feeling up to it.”
“If you insist.” Bob grabs his pants from their folded position on your dresser as well as his phone, looking back to you for one last glance.
“Oh I do.” He taps the door frame, “Get some sleep.” Your eyes slip shut as you succumb to a sleep you would classify as coma-like. You don’t even hear the front door close, Bob being mindful and shutting it as quietly as possible so as not to disturb your headache further.
Bob couldn’t help the smile that crept on his face the entire drive back to his place. You wanted him to be your friend. You wanted to spend time with him. And more importantly, he would be seeing you again later. He didn’t even care he saw you throw up this morning, he still thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Not to mention you were funny as hell and strong-willed. You didn’t back down when Rooster had confronted you, and you ended up beating him in pool, drunk. Thinking of how amazing you are had the smile slipping from his face. What exactly did you see in him? Even just as a friend, what could he have to offer you?
He all too soon pulls up to his driveway, noticing Phoenix’s car waiting for him. He furrows his brow, she never said she was coming over. He makes his way to the front door, unlocking it and walking in. He’s greeted by the sound of paws on the hardwood floor running towards him. Sylvia stretches her back legs jumping up on his chest.
“Hey girl!”He greets her with head scratches, gently resting her front back on the floor. Hearing him enter, Phoenix frantically rounds the corner and lets out a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank god. Where the hell have you been?!” She looks him up and down once, face contorting in confusion, “And who the hell’s pants are you wearing?”
“I crashed with Mantis, she was pretty drunk and I didn’t feel right leaving her alone. Why are you here?”
“Because you haven’t answered your phone all night or this morning! I was worried about you.” Bob grabs his phone from out of the pocket of your pants, realizing he left it on do not disturb. There in all their glory are the missed text messages and calls from Phoenix.
“I’m sorry, I put my phone on silent so it wouldn’t wake Mantis up.” Phoenix smiles softly at the notion, but furrows her brow once more.
“Wait, where exactly did you sleep?”
“What do you mean?”
“If you were afraid of your phone going off and waking her up that means you were pretty close.” Bob looks away and rubs the back of his neck. “Bob, answer the question.” The way she squints her dark eyes at him makes him realize she isn’t messing around.
“I was in her room.”
“Did you sleep on the floor?”
“No” He responds quietly, hoping she didn’t hear it. By the way her eyes widen and mouth drops he knows she did.
“BOB!” He quickly holds his hands up in surrender, attempting to clarify the situation.
“I only did because she didn’t want me to leave! I stayed on my side the entire time and I promise you nothing happened.” She huffs out a sigh.
“If Mav finds out you were in his house, in his daughter’s bed-” Bob’s face reddens at her implications.
“Phoenix! Oh my god! You’re making it sound like something it definitely wasn’t”, he rubs his face in his hands avoiding her gaze.
“All I’m saying is, you are literally in her pants right now.” He continues to hide in his hands while Phoenix snickers at her own joke.
“You should go.”
“Oh come on, you’re the one in her clothes! But if it’s making you uncomfortable I’ll stop.” He peeks through his fingers and realizes she’s being sincere. She hears a muffled “thank you” from him as she makes her way to the door. “Good to know you’re alive. We still on for brunch tomorrow?”
“Yeah I’ll be there”, Bob mumbles out, still embarrassed.
“Good, Rachel’s really excited to meet you.” Bob finally looks at Phoenix and smiles, noticing the love-stricken look on her face. 
“Well I’m excited to meet her, too.” Rachel and Phoenix have been going out for three months, Phoenix only now taking the initiative to introduce her to her friends. Not wanting to scare her off by bringing her by the Hard Deck. Last night only solidified that she was making the right choice in not doing so.
“See ya later!” she calls out, shutting the door behind her. Leaving Bob alone with Sylvia, he bends down and gives her all the attention she deserves. He takes her head in both his hands and scratches her ears.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here last night”, he says in the baby voice reserved only for her, “Daddy had to go take care of someone. I know, I know. Maybe you’ll meet her someday.” She cocks her head to the side. “But don’t get too attached, that’s gotta be my problem and mine alone.”
True to his word, after texting to make sure you were feeling ok, Bob came over to retrieve your car. After getting a few more hours of sleep and almost throwing up a couple more times, you were able to shower and down a few glasses of water. Then miraculously you put on some clothes and were attempting to do your hair as the doorbell rang. As fast as your legs let you, you cautiously walked down the stairs to open the door. Even with the pills you took earlier this morning, you were still feeling lightheaded. Not even attempting to eat anything after Bob had watched you at your not-so-finest moment.
You open the door and there’s Bob in all his coiffed hair and wire frames glory. Sporting another t-shirt that wraps perfectly around his biceps as well as jeans that hug his legs just right. You really wish you were a pair of jeans right now. You barely even notice he’s holding your neatly folded sweatpants until he holds them out for you to take.
“I washed these for you, thanks for letting me borrow ‘em.” You graciously take them, taken aback by his thoughtfulness. You really shouldn’t be surprised anymore.
“Thanks Bob, you really didn’t have to do that.” He simply shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets, straining his forearms.
“It’s really no problem. How are you feeling?” You move to take the pants back to your bedroom, answering him while climbing the stairs.
“I’m alright, definitely better than this morning, thanks to you.” You return downstairs and find Bob admiring the framed pictures on the walls. Some of you and your dad, some of just you. And of course some of Bradley with his family. He picks up a frame of you, Bradley, and Carole. You were only 10, and didn’t know it at the time, but it was one of the last summers you’d spend with the Bradshaws. “Oh god, don’t look at that.” It was meant to be playful, but scared Bob nonetheless.
“No I’m sorry, I don’t want to subject you to pre-pubescent me.” He smiles softly and looks back at the picture in his hands. You’re sporting a great toothy smile and hugging Carole while she sticks out her tongue and Bradley gives you bunny-ears with his fingers. Bob doesn’t think he’s ever seen you smile that wide since he’s met you. 
“You look so happy” He watches as you reminisce, your eyes softening while your finger runs over the woman’s face. You don’t look a thing like her, but he notices the similarities in Bradley.
“I was”, you say simply. You clear your throat, breaking the both of you out of the moment. “So, you ready to finally get rid of me?” He lets out a small laugh through his nose. That statement could not be farther from the truth. Bob opens his passenger door for you, almost reaching to help you up, but pulling his hand back before it lands at your waist.
“Good to know it wasn’t my truck that was the problem.” You scoff at him as he slides into his seat, pulling his seatbelt on as you do the same.
“I happen to like your truck Robert, just not so much when I can barely feel my legs beneath me.”
“Glad to hear it.” You both smile at each other until he tears his eyes away to the road to get going. The radio begins to fill the silence with its humming, guitar filling the cab of Bob’s truck. His hands start to sweat as he looks over at you, your eyes closed as your head falls back to the headrest. “How’s your head?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet”, you mumble. Bob chokes on his spit, eyes widening. Did he hear you correctly?
“What?”, he asks quickly. Your eyes mirror Bob’s as you look over at him, his gaze narrowly avoiding yours as his face heats up. You slap your hand over your mouth, forgetting whose presence you were in.
“Oh my god”, you say behind your hand, taking it away only to rest it in between the two of you. “I am so sorry, it’s a reflex response at this point! Phoenix showed me the Elvira movie while in school and it’s just something we say now.” You start to laugh nervously, hoping to dissipate some of the awkward tension you created. His facade cracks as your nervous giggle continues, he begins to break into a full hearted laugh while your giggle turns into something akin to his. “Bob”, you say as your laughter dies down, “If we’re going to be friends you’re going to have to get used to stupid crap like that.” His smile grows a bit wider, as he imagines himself laughing like this with you more often.
“I could get used to that.”
“Good”, you say, resting your head once again. Trying not to stifle another smile that threatens to take over your face.
“But seriously, how are you feeling?” You let out a large sigh.
“Oh you know, drugs can only do so much.” He knows you’re not letting on to how bad you’re actually feeling as your eyes remain closed.
“Have you had anything to eat today?”
“Oh god no, you were there this morning. I haven’t even dared to try to keep anything down.”
“Well that’s why your head still hurts. You need to absorb the lingering alcohol with some carbs. I know just the place.”
“Ya know I usually have dinner with someone before they sleep over, not the other way around.” Bob’s face still reddens at your remark, but this time he doesn’t shy away from laughing first.
“You know me, always breakin’ the rules.”
Bob pulls off into the parking lot of a small diner, one that had not seen any renovations since at least the 80s. You’re out of your side before he has a chance to open your door. He’s kind of glad you don’t give him the option. He wants to be a gentleman, but doesn’t want to toe the line between friends and something else. He does open the door for you and lets the hostess know it’s just the two of you before getting seated in a small booth close to the back.
You both begin to look over the menu before you speak up, “So, what do you recommend?” He glances up from over his menu before reaching over and pointing at yours. You can’t help but notice the veins bulging out of his hands and forearm as he does so. You keep reminding yourself that friends aren’t supposed to think of each other this way but you just can’t stop yourself from remembering how his hands felt on you. The drag of his long fingers over your arm, and the way his hands gripped your hips-
“They serve breakfast all day, and make a mean biscuits and gravy. But you can’t go wrong with a burger and fries.” Your stomach lurches at the thought and Bob must notice the grimace on your face. “Or, if you’re not feeling up for something that big, they do have good soups. But mama always said that the best cure for a hangover was some nice greasy food.” You smile at the slip of his accent.
“Well, if your mama says so.” His hand retreats as his lips curl up at your mirroring of his accent. The waitress comes over to take your orders, and at his mama’s advice you order a burger and fries. She leaves with the menus as you turn your attention back to Bob. “So, where ya from Bob?”
“I shoulda seen this coming”, he starts to fidget with his hands, drawing your attention back to the long digits.
“What do you mean?”, you respond coyly, feigning ignorance.
“Oh come on, I say ‘mama’ one too many times and people start asking where the twang comes from.”
“If you must know, I’m from West Virginia. Born and raised.” You raise your brows.
“No shit.”
“It’s just that I spent every summer with my dad in Virginia. We’ve been next door neighbors this entire time.” Bob allows a slight smile to take over his face, entertained by your excitement.
“Where’d you spend the rest of the year?” It’s your turn to tear your eyes away from him. You try not to let the thought of your mom and her family affect you, but it’s obviously no use.
“With my mom, in Ohio.” Regardless of the fact that Ohio is also a neighbor to West Virginia, you brought up the time with your dad instead. Before he’s able to ask any follow up questions, the waitress comes by with your food, dropping the heaping portions in front of you. You hesitantly take a bite, but instantly melt into it as the first taste hits your tongue. “Shit, that’s good stuff.”
“What’d I tell ya?”, you smile at him through a mouth full of burger while he takes a bite. Opting to slow your roll before you upchuck anything else today, you set your food down and take a drink of your water. “So, your family’s still in West Virginia?” Bob gently sets his burger down and gives you his full attention.
“Yeah, I got an older brother and a younger sister. As well as my mom and dad. They live back on my family’s ranch.”
“So you are full-heartedly a John Denver country boy”, Bob laughs and stares down at his plate.
“I guess I am.”
“So how’d you end up in the Navy then? Assuming your family wanted you to work on the ranch.”
“They just wanted the best for me. One day I picked up a book in the library about planes and I was hooked. Then a Naval recruiter showed up to our high school and told me about the aviation program and here we are.”
“Here we are.” You share eye contact for a quick beat, both smiles growing slowly on your faces once more. You can’t help but feel a little jealous of his family. Both parents just wanting the best for their kids, supporting them no matter what. “I bet your mom’s the kind of person to have a sticker on her car saying ‘Proud Navy Mom’”. He bites his lip to stifle a large grin and you know you’ve hit the nail on the head.
“I plead the fifth.” You break out into a small laugh while Bob admires your smile. He wants to know more about your family but is hesitant to bring up the subject. He decides to go for it anyway, hoping to get to know you a little better than surface level. “I already know about your dad, but I’m assuming your mom wasn’t too thrilled when you joined?” Your hand stops mid-air from bringing the ketchup covered fry to your mouth. You place it back on the plate and dust your hands off on your jeans avoiding Bob’s gaze.
“Uh, no. No she wasn’t. There’s a reason I didn’t tell either of my parents I was going to the Academy, my dad didn’t even know until I sent him a graduation announcement.” Bob’s brow practically raises to his hairline.
“Really, not even your dad?”
“No”, you say shaking your head, “After everything that happened with Bradley I didn’t want to risk him pulling the same bullshit.” “What exactly happened between you and Rooster?” You shake your head again, looking at him this time.
“You don’t wanna hear that.”
“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t.” Your eyes latch on to his, the sincerity oozing off of him.
“Well, he was like a brother to me. Closest thing I’ve ever had to one, excluding the step-siblings who couldn’t give less of a shit about my existence if they tried. And after my dad pulled his papers to the Academy I never heard from him again. I tried reaching out, and every year I still sent him a text for his birthday. But he never responded.” You swallow and look away from Bob, debating whether or not you’d tell him the whole truth. “And then when I needed him the most he still didn’t pick up. I even left him a voicemail hoping he’d hear it and after six years he’d respond. But nothing. After his mom died, I thought he’d need us more than ever. Turns out he was angry enough to never speak to us again.” You look back at Bob, bringing you down to earth once more. “That was, until this mission. It took them almost dying to get back to each other. That and one weekend in the middle of nowhere, God knows what they talked about.” Bob waits patiently, noticing you struggling to find the words to continue. He continues to nod and stare at you. Not in a pitiful way, but in a way that he wants to understand where you come from. “And I guess I’m still mad at him because both him and my dad got closure. I didn’t. I’m not going to apologize for something my dad did, and I guess Rooster doesn’t think he has anything to apologize for. And now they’re off playing catch-up, and I’m… still here. Not that right here is a bad thing, I’m glad to have your company.”
Bob’s eyes go from understanding to confusion. “If he made up with your dad, that still doesn’t explain why Rooster’s being- “A dickhead?” You cut him off. There’s a small fire behind his eyes now, a look you have never seen on Bob until this point.
“Yeah.” You shrug, going back to your fries.
“I dunno, I’m no psychologist but I think it has something to do with the fact that I started all the smart comments and he’s just getting back at me. Still, I’m angry at him for good reason. I don’t know what his is.” You go back to your food, hoping Bob will notice your want to shift the gears of where this conversation has gone. “But now that you know my tragic backstory, I’m gonna have to kill you.” Catching the way you dissolve into humor, Bob’s face softens as he takes your hand across the table, he seems to be doing that a lot in the past week. You’re not mad about it, not at all. Just.. perplexed. How could you go from barely talking to this man, to sharing some of your darkest secrets with him all within the span of six days?
“Hey”, he brings your attention back to his face rather than your smaller hand in his. His brow turned up in the middle, conveying empathy in the highest degree. “I’m sorry you have to deal with all that, especially by yourself. And you know what, Rooster sounds like a total-” He stops to find the word he’s looking for, you look on waiting to let him see what he comes up with “asshole”, he finishes for himself. Your eyes widen as you take in his words, and that’s when you feel him squeeze your hand in his much larger one. The same hand that traced your arm this morning when he fell asleep next to you, the same one that lifted you up all those stairs, helped you into his car, the same one that pulled you off the ground after your failed exercise, and the same one that is now reassuring you that everything is going to be ok. He can’t know for certain, but for right now everything is better than ok while he holds your hand in his.
You want to tell him how safe he makes you feel, how you want to tell him more about yourself. Something you always had a hard time doing. You squeeze his hand right back and gaze into his ocean-blue eyes. You get lost in them before you’re able to seemingly find the words you’re looking for. They’re in your heart, but you can’t get them to your brain and out of your mouth. You open your mouth to speak, but before you’re able to get anything resembling a ‘thank you’ out, you hear your name being called.
Your head turns in the direction of the voice, as both you and Bob immediately retract your hands from each other. You’re met with Penny and Amelia walking toward the booth you and Bob are seated in. Your heartbeat is racing as you blink rapidly, you barely manage to speak, “Penny, hi!” You glance back at Bob as he rubs the back of his neck, avoiding any eye contact. Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you were doing anything wrong. You were just holding hands across the table with your newly coworker turned friend and getting lost in his gorgeous eyes. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
“Hey, good to see you made it out of the parking lot alright last night”, Penny remarks as she and Amelia stand before your table. “Not that I had any room for doubt when Bob was the one making sure you got home safe.”
“Right, yeah he made sure I was ok.” You feel a flush take over your face at the prospect of anyone finding out Bob was in your bed last night. Especially your dad’s girlfriend and her daughter. But you know you didn’t do anything wrong, friends share beds all the time. It was purely platonic. “I’m sorry for last night though, won’t happen again.”
She waves her hand, “Don’t even worry about it. You had a little too much to drink in a bar, it happens all the time.” Amelia scoffs at this.
“I heard she got absolutely hammered-”
“Amelia!”Penny scolds her. Bob turns to face the wall, attempting to hide his laugh as you lightly kick his foot. “Anyway, what brings you two here?”
“Oh you know, just pulled off on the way to grab my car. Bob mentioned they have great burgers.” You give him a sly smile, as if it was your own little secret they were the perfect hangover cure.
“That’s exactly why Amelia and I are here. Just having a little date before the bar opens later.” You force a smile as you feel Bob’s gaze on the side of your face. That jealous feeling crawls back up your throat again as you look at the mother-daughter duo. “I thought you would have left already though?” Your brows furrow, breaking you out of your trance.
“Left? For what?”
“Rooster stopped by earlier to grab something for your dad, he was heading out to his hangar earlier today. I assumed you were going with him.” You clear your throat and stare at your hands, twiddling with your thumbs to distract yourself. Your heart drops as you realize, once again, you’ve been left out.
“Um, no. I wasn’t invited.” Screw Rooster, and you know what, screw your dad, too.
“Oh, well. You are always welcome to come over if you ever need or want to.” She seems surprised at the actions of her boyfriend. You make yourself look up at her, plastering on a small smile.
“I know, thanks Penny.”
“We’ll leave you two be. Good to see you both!”
“You, too.” Bob waves at them as you look at your plate, suddenly feeling nauseous again. Your throat starts to tense up as you reach for your water. You are almost 30 for heaven's sake, you should not be jealous of Rooster and your dad. And you sure as hell aren’t going to cry over it.
“Hey-”, Bob starts but is interrupted by the waitress dropping by with the check. You pick it up immediately before Bob can reach for it. “Hey no, let me get that.” You place the check on the seat next to you as you rifle through your purse to grab your card.
“Nope, after everything you did for me last night and today I am not letting you pay.” He goes to open his mouth and you stare directly at him, “Don’t even try Bob.” Sensing the determination in your eyes and voice, he reluctantly allows you to pay.
“That’s alright, I’ll just grab the next one.” You look away as the waitress grabs the bill from you, and surprise coats your features.
“You wanna hang out again? Even after everything that happened in the past 24 hours?”
“Especially after everything. I can’t go back to being just your co-worker after seeing you vomit.” A nervous smile makes its way to his face as a more real one replaces yours. 
“You’re right, we’re friends now. And I can promise you there will be less vomit next time.”
“Can’t wait.”
After getting your card back, you and Bob make your way back to his truck and head off to the Hard Deck. You spot your lone car in the back, only a couple employee cars litter the front row. Bob pulls up right next to your car, hopping out and making sure you have everything before you leave. He even goes so far as to open your door for you as you roll your window down to say goodbye.
“Well, I guess this is me.”
“I guess it is.” He rests his hands on the open window as you grab one final look at him. You rest your elbow in between his hands, admiring his veins. Trying not to imagine tracing over them with your fingers.
“You better not ghost me at work on Monday.” You scold him. He laughs through his nose and looks down.
“I promise I won’t.”
“I’m holding you to that, Floyd. And thanks again, for everything.” He taps his fingers a couple times before leaning away.
“I trust you will, Mitchell. Drive safe.” You bid him goodbye, taking a deep breath, trying no to process everything that happened today while driving. Saving all your feelings for when you’re home alone, in the privacy of your room. The only four walls you feel safe to cry in.
Bob watches you slowly drive to the edge of the parking lot. He would have never guessed so many things that he learned about you today. The way you looked at Penny and Amelia deeply saddened him. The fact that Rooster is still being an asshole after he didn’t speak to you for 16 years angered him. After you shared that with him, he wanted to do everything in his power to make you happy. It’s obvious you’re good at putting on a mask, but Bob is good at noticing the little things. How great you are at faking happiness being one of them. And then there’s the fact that after today you’re going home to an empty house because your dad and Rooster made plans without you, yet again. 
Before he fully knows what he’s doing, his feet start moving toward your car, hoping to catch you before you leave the parking lot. It must have been the fastest he’s ever run, possibly even faster than when his older brother, Tom, chased him with a handful of cow poop. You must notice him in your rear view, as you stop and poke your head out the window.
“Is everything ok?”, you ask, concern lacing your features. Bob’s out of breath as he gets to your window, once again resting his hands in your car. And he’s still out of breath as he asks his question.
“Do you wanna get brunch tomorrow?”
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Just a quick ask as Spotify hit me with a song that would be perfect to write to:
An IceMav child after a breakup? Maybe with protective team after said EX approaches her at the Hard Deck?
Said song was Princesses Don't Cry btw
A/N: YES! Sorry it took me time to get to! You know how I've been with writing lately. Ice Had been sick in this but he is better now and can talk, I want protective father dialogue!
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You walked into The Hard Deck, taking out your headphones. You had sat in your car, just trying to get up the strength to face everyone after your break up. You were the daughter of Admiral Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky and Captain Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, you had to be strong for them and for your own reputation, you were Lt. Y/n 'Frostbite' Mitchell, one of the coldest and most collected pilots out there with a dangerous streak. You couldn't be found falling apart over someone, especially not a pilot who flunked out of Top Gun.
You pulled on one of your famous 'ice cold' masks and looked around, finding your little family in their usual corner. You saw both of your fathers watching Rooster and Bob play a game of pool, not far off Phoenix and Hangman were playing darts while Fanboy, Coyote, and Payback watched them.
You made your way to them, placing kisses on your dads cheeks as you came up from behind. "Hi dad, papa" you murmured softly, "Hey sweetheart, glad you decided to join us" Pete told you. You just squeezed both their hands, the team knew about your break up with James, he had cheated on you and said some hurtful things when you had caught them.
You went to Phoenix and Hangman, happily accepting their hugs and started to banter, your face softening and you smiled for the first time in days. You took the dart and laughed as Hangman and Phoenix both covered your eyes, you threw the dart and Coyote whooped, “Bullseye Frostbite! How do you do it?” he asked. When they pulled their hands away, you mockingly bowed “I’m just that good” you shrugged while laughing. “Okay, let’s put it to the test. Close your eyes we’ll spin you and then you have to throw!” Jake laughed, you chuckled and let them, they covered your eyes just in case. “I’m facing it, right? I don’t want to hit a poor civilian by accident!” you chuckled, “You’re good Frosty” Natasha promised. You tossed it and everyone groaned, “Impossible! Literally impossible” Fanboy said. You looked and saw another bullseye, “Yes! I have officially beat Hangman! You weren’t able to do that!” you laughed. What you didn’t know was everyone was keeping an eye on you, they were all relieved to see you so happy compared to how you were when you were before.
Just as you were about to go to Bob and Rooster, someone cut in front of you and made you bump into them, they grabbed your shoulders to steady you. You looked up to see James and your face grew cold, “What do you want?” you huffed. He smirked, “Thought you would be happy to see me. Word is, you have been sad since I left you” he grinned, flashing you the smile you used to love but now it made your insides crawl with disgust.
Before you could open your mouth, Rooster was pushing you behind him and so was Hangman, both standing taller then him. Both your fathers came over and everyone else surrounded you, protecting you from him. “What do you want James?” Iceman asked, glaring at the former sailor. James had separated from the Navy a month ago so he no longer officially held rank. “Getting a protection unit Mitchell, really? Can’t handle me on your own? Pathetic.” He spit, going to walk away when both Maverick and Hangman grabbed him, “What did you just say to my daughter? Are you really prepared to try to belittle her surrounded by people who are superior officers then what you could have ever been?” He asked, Hangman taking over with “Because if you are, I will happily bring you outside and show you why you could never truly cut it in the Navy” he said, itching for a fight with the guy who made his best friend cry. James ran out of the bar with his tail tucked between his legs.
After they made sure he left the property, everyone turned to make sure you were okay. Both your fathers holding onto you, “You okay pumpkin?” Iceman whispered in your ear, “Fine papa, just surprised” you admitted softly. Maverick tilted his head, “Why?” he asked you. “Because I wasn’t expecting everyone to protect me that way dad. It’s nice that we have this big of a family, just like I always begged you and Papa for as a kid” you grinned. You laughed as the other pilots pulled you in for a big group hug, squeezing you tightly. You had a protective family that you wouldn’t change for the world.
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
do you have any headcanons for the Belcher family?
SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE 50 YEARS TO ANSWER THIS writers block or whatever. I will give u a few each because i like thinking about these characters :)
he is a big fan of 70s and 80s dad rock music and some queer culture music from that era like freddie mercury and cyndi lauper (that he listened to a decent amount growing up next to a gay bar). when the kids were younger he would sing to them in their highchair etc while he was cooking dinner and dance with them, louise and tina were not huge fans of his music however lol louise ends up enjoying more kpop/alt/punk rock music and tina likes upbeat pop music. gene definitely shares his dads music taste tho!! they go to concerts together when gene is a little older
pete (regular at big bob's diner and owner of the gay bar next door) was bob's first gay crush as a kid. kinda stressful bcuz he was coming of age Directly during the aids crisis and having an older queer male figure in his life really helped. he also had a weird gay situationship with one of his nerdy guy friends from high school and they did some..... experimenting together 👀
he has movie nights w/ each of his kids!! he usually watches hawk and chick movies with louise, western movies with gene (or really stupid high school comedy movies like pitch perfect. at gene's request) and basically Whatever romantic comedy or horsegirl movie of the week that tina chooses. he honestly loves all of them bcuz they remind him of his kids personalities and interests <3 these happen usually three to four times a month and he'll let the kids stay up later (until 10pm or 11pm) to watch with him, but they usually fall asleep on his lap before the end of the movie
he let tina and gene give him makeovers when they were younger with mom's old makeup etc. he mostly did it for their sake but he really did enjoy wearing the nail polish, I think he'd look good in black nail polish if he didnt have to wash his hands 500 times a day working in the restaurant. he's very into the alt rock and roll style and aesthetic in theory if not in actual presentation
in his heart he's a punkrocker in reality he is a middle aged dad wearing old tshirts stained with ketchup
when louise was younger (before she could shower/bathe herself) linda was the ONLY person she'd ever let wash or brush her hair when her ears weren't on. linda still gives louise her (very very) occasional haircuts so that her hair doesn't become TOO unmanageable, and she brushes louise hair sometimes just for fun :) louise is the one she always sings the harry truman song to because louise thought it was funny when she was younger
linda's dad taught her how to ride a bike when she was a kid but by the time that gayle was old enough to learn their dad wasn't really. interested in doing that stuff anymore lol. so linda taught gayle how to ride her bike!!! it didn't go super well and there were lots of bruises and tears involved over a four day period, but it's some of gayle and linda's happiest memories together. linda stepped in a lot for gayle when their parents wouldn't put in the effort
linda was actually involved in A LOT of sports when she was growing up!! she was on the school basketball team and did some soccer and track extracurriculars. she was a bit of a jock and she still enjoys playing sports on the rare occasion she gets the chance w/ one of her kids (but she is sliiightly too compeitive). louise is the only belcher kid who is any good at athletic stuff but she isn't super into team sports. she'll play occasionally with linda at the park though. she's also the only belcher family member who can handle linda's competitive spirit, including bob
started wearing glasses at like five months old bcuz she's farsighted and genuinely couldnt see ANYTHING lol. there exist very few pictures or videos of her as a baby before she got glasses (her infancy was also somewhat chaotic due to the newly opened restaurant and everything so not a lot of time for photos) when gene and louise find a few in an old photo album its GENUINELY like they found a previously lost artifact from ancient egpyt. they've seen tina without her glasses obvs but this was tina BEFORE her glasses!!!! wow!!!
she enjoys cooking w/ bob even though she isn't a particularly good cook. she's anxious around stoves and other appliances which is most of the problem but she also doesn't have a natural talent for it 😭. she helps bob cook dinner sometimes and when she was younger she helped with cooking a special mother's day breakfast for linda (gene and louise were too little to help out)
tina loves both her parents equally but she prefers spending time w/ bob more than linda bcuz he matches her energy level better. they're both anxious kinda quiet and introverted people (tina obviously got most of her personality from bob) so she just likes hanging out with him and going on errands together. tina has a special place in bob's heart too as his oldest child and his firstborn, so they really do love spending the day together whenever possible
when tina is in high school and gene and louise are still attending wagstaff, gene will take his allowance and take louise out to get ice cream after school at least once a week bcuz there isn't anyone around to tell them not to. they both enjoy the time they spend together <3 louise really misses this ritual when gene goes off to high school but they still do go out for ice cream occasionally. and it's only a few dollars but gene likes feeling like he's providing for louise in some way as a Big Brother and spoiling her (even if she pays for their ice cream days maybe half the time)
gene's seperation anxiety is actually A LOT worse when he's without his sisters than when he's without his parents. he can deal w/ a few nights without his parents there but he genuinely does not like being seperated from his sisters for more than a few hours. it's really hard for him & he worries about them so much. luckily there's rarely any reason for them to be apart, and he's a middle child so he'll always be going to the same school as one of them
he thinks bob gives the best hugs out of everyone in the family :) 2nd place goes to tina. sorry linda
she likes drawing!! she wouldnt call herself an artist and she's not exactly trying to be good at art anyway, but she has her desk w/ her crayons and paper and sometimes she scribbles for fun or to express her feelings. she does this on her schoolwork too which makes ms labonz angry but she will admit louise is pretty funny and good at cartoons
she'll be a HUGE anime and kpop fan when she's older but not like stan twitter kpop fans. she'll unironically take pride in her favorite manga being an underrated cult classic from the 80s underground japan scene or whatever. nobody else in her family 100% gets it but tina will watch naturo and one piece with her even though she finds them a little bit boring and hard to follow. tina likes the anime boys
when she's bored in class she draws tattoos on herself in pen/sharpie and when other kids see what she's doing they want her to draw on their arms too. she charges a quarter for each person she tattoos, and she had a decent business going until the teachers shut it down and warned her about ink posioning. SIGH. she'll probably get real tattoos when she turns 18
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nobody7102 · 2 years
I just love thinking about being one big family if mav was your dad and he marries penny, amelia would be your new little sis, rooster your big bro, and if youre dating bob, he's also sort of family now except that one time rooster, mav, and amelia catch him sneaking out of your apartment window when they were there to pick you up for dinner 😂but theyre all cool about him since (just feeling really homesick rn 🥺)
Aww Babes I’m sorry your feeling homesick rn, I hope you get some nice comfort food! That’s always my go too when I’m feeling homesick (my go-to is green bean casserole)
Bob absolutely gets a free pass from everyone bc it’s Bobby, what harm is he gonna do? (Little do they know 😏) but I know he’d be making you all the comfort food and asking if there’s anything you’d wanna do.
I can just see Mav, Penny, Amelia, and Rooster just ready to walk into your apartment but stopping as soon as they see Bob throw his leg over the windowsill and so they all stop, Mav’s got his hands on his hips and he’s tapping his foot, Bradley’s got his arms crossed waiting to see who it is, and Penny and Amelia are just laughing as if Pete hasn’t climbed out a window or two in his day.
And as soon as Bob gets down he chuckles but the. That chuckle died in his throat when he turns around and sees your family, “Rooster! Captain…. I didn’t umm- I don’t-“
“Robert” Maverick raised his brow and everyone paused hearing the use of Bobs first name “Just tell me one thing, Are you treating my little girl good?”
“That’s it Mav!” Bradley exclaimed “he just climbed out of her window!”
“And? it’s Bob, Bradley what is he gonna do” he mumbled
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Feather Light | Four | Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
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Prologue  One  Two  Three
When Maverick called to tell Rose about a change in the training plan, she didn’t expect that it meant going to the beach to play football. Yet, she still found herself on the beach behind The Hard Deck, surrounded by all of the pilots. Her shorts were already wet and caked with sand like the rest of her body.
“I’m coming for you, Tigger,” Fanboy joked as they reset for another round.
“Fat chance, I’ve got the need for speed,” She laughed, nudging Phoenix who was next to her, “Let’s show these boys how it’s done.”
Rose probably hadn’t laughed this hard in months, maybe even years. Between the water, sand, and the game going on, she didn’t have time to think about anything else. Like all of her worries melted away and she was free of the weight of them for once. She didn’t even feel this light when she was in the air.
She had to stop herself from staring at Bradley though, in the same jeans as the day before, but no shirt and his old aviators. He filled out since she saw him last, packing on even more muscle. There wasn’t a trace of the boy she grew up with, the one who played baseball and was excited when he had his first hint of abs. No, this man was something else entirely.
“Down, Tigger,” Phoenix joked, “Don’t jump him here.”
Rose rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”
“She still working out her thing for Rooster?” Payback asked from the other side of Phoenix.
“Oh yeah, and our little Tigger is wound tighter than a drum,” Phoenix replied, a playful smile on her face.
“Well, you picked a good one Tigger,” Payback reached over to smack her back.
“Will you two just shut up?” Rose groaned, “I need a drink. Count me out for this one.”
She made her way up the beach to where Penny was sitting. The other woman smiled and held out a cold beer for Rose, who took it and quickly chugged some before plopping down in the other chair.
She let out a deep breath, trying to get her head back in the right mindset. But it seemed like everywhere she looked, there was Bradley. Laughing, smiling, literally shining in the sun. She wished he was able to be like that more often, feel free.
“Still no luck?” Penny questioned.
“We stopped keeping score a long time ago,” Rose replied, knowing Penny wasn’t asking about football.
Penny rolled her eyes. She knew Rose well enough to know that when it came to Bradley Bradshaw, she built walls high enough that even an F-18 couldn’t fly over them. Rose wouldn’t let anyone in very easily, especially when it came to the man she loved and the pain she harbored because of him.
“Pete told me you went to see Iceman,” Penny mentioned.
“I needed some fatherly advice, he’s the only man I have left to ask,” Rose shrugged.
“You still have Pete.”
Rose shook her head, “No, I don’t. If Rooster forgives Maverick, then maybe. But Roost has to make the first move, not me.”
Penny could see the longing, it was written all over Rose’s face. She would sacrifice every part of herself for Bradley. She did it once, back in college, she would do it again now. If it just meant that she could have a few moments with him again, really with him.
“Stubborn as always, at least that hasn’t changed,” Penny joked.
“I’m told I got it from my dad.”
Bob ran a touchdown, causing Rooster to lift him onto his shoulders while everyone else started chanting his name. Cyclone told Maverick to build a team, and that’s what he was doing. Rose smiled as she watched all of the pilots banding together to cheer on Bob.
They were becoming her family again, after many years apart. Phoenix was like a sister to her while she was in Miramar the last time, getting to know the female aviator because of Bradley. She kept in touch with several of the group over the years, checking in on them as much as she could. They liked to give her updates on Bradley when they could. Not that Rose would ever ask them to provide the information.
Her love for Bradley was never a secret, in fact she was certain everyone knew. But the true extent of her love for the pilot was something else entirely. Phoenix probably knew, because Rose was sure they had enough drunken conversions about it. Maybe Fanboy and Payback suspected, just because of how she acted whenever Bradley’s name was brought up. But she never told them. They didn’t know what happened the night she left, only that the two of them were on cloud nine and half drunk when they left The Hard Deck together. That was the one thing that Rose would hold closely to her heart.
She remembered every little detail. Some days she wished she didn’t, others she wished she would never forget. It seemed to be a double edged sword, because she had everything she ever wanted for a few hours and then left it behind.
That night, she stayed up writing reports and going over new information provided to her by Cyclone. Long gone were her contacts and work clothes, now replaced by her old glasses and sweats. Her laptop was open on her lap, papers strewn all around her bed. Rose was more than frustrated, because no matter how she looked at the mission, she knew the odds weren’t in their favor. She trusted the aviators they brought in, knew they were the very best the Navy had to offer, but even still…she was worried.
She reached for her large glass of wine, needing something to relax her even just a little bit. The glass itself was probably twice as large as a wine glass should be, truth be told she couldn’t even remember where she got it, only that it could fit half of a bottle of her favorite red wine and that was good enough for her.
She sighed after taking several gulps of wine. She cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders before turning her attention back to her computer. It was long after midnight, and she should definitely be asleep, since she had to be back on base no later than 7am. But she knew sleep wasn’t something that would come easily.
Instead, she found herself getting up from her bed and walking over to her dresser. She had a pretty good collection of pictures covering the top of the piece. Mostly all from growing up, more than half of them included Bradley. From dorky kids with braces to college graduates, drinking on a beach here on North Island. Of course, she also had a lot of pictures of her parents. Lots of her dad in front of various planes with some of his buddies. She never wanted to forget what he looked like, how comfortable he seemed in uniform or in the cockpit.
A knock on her front door thundered through her quiet home. She glanced over at the clock, knowing it was far too late for anyone to be making a house call. Rose quickly grabbed an old sweatshirt, pulling it over her head to hide the fact that she was in an old ratty tanktop with no bra. Another knock on her door had her moving quickly, pulling her hair back away from her face.
“I’m coming,” She called out, voice horse from not using it in hours.
Her bare feet thudded against the old hardwood floors, fingers quickly working to undo the locks on the front door. She didn’t bother looking to see who it was before swinging it open, late night calls normally weren’t a good sign for anyone involved in the military. However, her breath seemed to vanish for a different reason.
He shifted on his feet, hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. Rose couldn’t get her mind to focus, maybe from the wine she chugged just moments before, or maybe because of the fact that she should be asleep, not standing in front of the man she loved.
“What are you doing here? It’s the middle of the night, I was in bed-”
“No you weren’t,” He replied softly, “You have your glasses on. You always forget where you leave them at night, and you came to the door too fast.”
She shook her head, brain still not catching up, “Rooster, why the hell are you here? It’s three in the morning.”
“I wanted to see you,” He stated bluntly.
“Okay well we both have to be on base in four hours, so you could’ve waited,” She pointed out, leaning against the door frame.
“No, I needed to see you, Rose,” His voice was so soft as he looked at her, “Can I come in? Just for a few minutes?”
Rose tried to come up with a reason why he couldn’t. Why they shouldn't be alone in her house, but even still she found herself taking a few steps back to allow the man room to come in. He took a few small steps into her house, turning around so he could get a good look.
“It’s three in the morning,” She reminded him.
He let out a small laugh, walking towards an old beat up piano in the corner of your living room. His hands ran over the top of the instrument, a fond smile tugging on his lips, “You kept this? You can’t even play.”
She shrugged, still standing in the same spot, “Couldn’t get rid of it. Why are you here Rooster? Wanted to walk down memory lane all of the sudden?”
He sighed, turning to face her. She looked so different from how he remembered her, from how she looked in the old picture, yet she also looked the exact same. Rose was the same girl, but grown up, changed by time. But like this, undone with her old glasses on, he could’ve sworn they were back in college again.
“I didn’t realize how hard this is for you,” He admitted, leaning against the old piano, “You know this mission inside and out, you can give us the statistics and orders all day long, but you won’t be able to be there when we go.”
“I’m a civilian, of course I can’t go,” You mumbled, “Not to mention, I can actually fly all of the aircraft, therefore I’m a literal flight risk.”
He nodded slowly, “You wouldn’t leave any of us behind, I know.”
She couldn’t meet his eyes, instead her focus remained on the floor beneath her. Rose’s head spun, trying to figure out why he was suddenly in her house just feet away from her. Not saying much at all, but the silence seemed to be screaming at her.
“You tried not to leave me behind,” He slowly admitted, “You tried so hard, Rose.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to cry in front of him. Something about hearing him say, maybe not in so many words, that he knew she didn’t want to leave him, made her want to fall apart on the spot.
“It nearly killed me,” Her voice was barely above a whisper, “I ended up in the hospital because I got so violently sick after I landed in Fairfax.”
She heard the sound of the floors creaking as he made his way across the room. His arms were around her before she could even look up. She sighed, feeling his warmth around her, hearing the sound of his steady heart beat as he held her head to his chest.
“I didn’t stop to think about how much you gave up for me until you said something the other day,” He admitted, “I always needed you, but I never knew how to tell you, but you always seemed to know. You put everything on hold for me, including going to a school that had jackshit for you. I took you for granted, Rose. That’s one thing I promised my mom I would never do.”
She pulled back enough to look up at him. The playful look in his eyes was gone, replaced by pain and regret. They spent their entire lives together, yet at some point they had to learn how to live apart. Although, the separation was far from easy. She wished she could have done it all differently.
“I swore I felt my heart breaking the whole way,” She whispered.
“Wait, did you say you were in the hospital?”
Rose took a deep breath before nodding, “I couldn’t keep any food down, and I became extremely dehydrated. I passed out during my first week at the Pentagon. Which was more than embarrassing. I made up for it eventually though.”
She hummed, fingers running along the rough scars on his face, “You have a few new ones.”
“Nothing bad,” He said softly, stroking her cheek in return, “I missed you.”
She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. Rose felt almost as if she could wake up at any point, like it would all be a dream. She wanted to hold him tightly and never let go. She didn’t know what made him come here tonight, or why he was suddenly being more than friendly.
“Bradley,” She hummed happily.
“God, I never thought I’d hear you say my name again,” He nearly groaned, “I thought it would just be Rooster and Bradshaw until you were gone again.”
“I figured I lost the right to call you Bradley,” She admitted sheepishly.
“I’d rather hear you use it than Maverick,” He joked, although Rose knew there was more truth to that statement than he was willing to admit.
The old clock on the wall of her living room dinged, announcing another hour passed. She sighed, pulling away from the pilot. He was so different up close. Not only was he older and wiser, but his body was harder. The years seemed to have carved him out of stone, but that little playful boy still lingered in his eyes.
“You should go, it’s late and you need sleep,” She whispered, folding her arms around herself.
“Is that really what you’re going with? I need to go so I can sleep?” He questioned, a teasing smile spreading across his face.
“The parameters of the mission have changed, the training is going to get harder and you need to be ready to fly in a couple of hours. As someone who’s partially in charge of this…yes I’m saying you need sleep.”
“Rose, you’re the one who looks like they’re going to pass out.”
“I’m fine,” She protested, “I’ve just been doing a lot of work tonight, making sure everything is on track and-”
“It’s killing you, isn’t it? Knowing you can’t go up with all of us?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“This is one of the only times that I wish I would’ve gone in when you did,” She admitted, “Knowing every single aspect of this mission and not being able to do a damn thing to help, other than run numbers and ensure the planes are capable of flying under such circumstances….God it fucking sucks, Bradley.”
“Still the same Tigger,” He said fondly, “C’mon, you need to sleep.”
“No, at this point I might as well stay up. I have to be up in two hours anyway,” She protested, “Besides, you’re here…you’re actually here. I don’t want to-”
“I’ll stay,” He promised quickly, “If it means you at least taking a nap so you don’t fall asleep during training, I’ll stay.”
She felt something stir deep within her as he reached for her hand. There was something in the way that he was looking at her that made her heart soar. He was real, he was truly right in front of her, holding like he had for years. Bradley wasn’t a dream.
“Humor me? Please?” He seemed to beg, “You’ve been taking care of me since we all got back, let me try to take care of you.”
She let him pull her down the hall towards her open door. At least she straightened up all of the papers before she ran to answer the door. Aside from the pictures, her room was fairly plain. She knew she wouldn’t be here long enough to really settle in. Not to mention she still had boxes stacked in the corner from her parents’ house.
“Did you drink enough wine?” Bradley joked, holding up her massive glass.
“Shut up, you know I love red.”
He laughed, moving her computer and all of her files to the other bedside table. He eyed her carefully before kicking off his shoes and sitting on her bed. She stood in the middle of her room for a second, trying to decide what she was going to do.
“That’s my old VMI sweatshirt,” He pointed out, tucking his arms behind his head.
Her cheeks burned red, “Oh, shit, I’m sorry. I can give it back if you want. I didn’t even realize it was-”
“Just get in the bed,” He laughed, “Besides, I don’t think it would fit me anymore.”
She laughed, climbing under the covers, “Shit, you’re telling me. Didn’t have all of these muscles the last time I saw you.”
“Hey, you didn’t have all of these curves either,” He joked, poking her side, “Guess we both changed a lot.”
“Well, it’s been a couple of years,” She reminded him, “We grew up a little bit.”
“Go to sleep, I’ll wake you up in a couple of hours,” He said softly, pulling her to his chest.
“Just don’t leave me, Bradley. Please don’t leave.”
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rebelliousstories · 7 months
25 Days of Ficmas 2023
Here we go again! Ficmas 2023 will officially begin Friday December 1st, 2023. I’m really excited to add in some new characters and revisit some old ones. Without further ado, here is your 2023 Masterlist.
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Hope (December 1st) Bernard the Elf
The head elf is down in the dumps, and nothing can bring him out.
Childhood (December 2nd) Poly! Lost Boys
It’s Christmas time in the cave, and the Lost Boys mate is making sure that nothing ruins it for Laddie. Nothing and no one.
Elf (December 3rd) Louie Pointe du Lac
Claudia wants to partake in the Christmas cheer and dress up for their party. With her dad’s otherwise occupied, she employs the help of the only other woman in the home.
Poinsettia (December 4th) Selina Kyle
A little Christmas cheer in their dreadful New York apartment.
Stockings (December 5th) David
This was NOT what he had in mind when someone mentioned “stockings.”
Egg Nog (December 6th) Paul
Someone really should have told Paul not to drink an entire thing of egg nog before deciding if he liked it or not.
Through The Years (December 7th) Poly Louie & Lestat
Settling down on the couch, Lestat and Louie entertain their ladies with tales of their Christmas celebrations through the years.
Candles (December 8th) Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Tom doesn’t allow a lot of personal items in his office on base, much preferring to keep his loved ones close to his heart. But he had to have a little something.
Festive (December 9th) Jack Twist
A snowy day at the ranch is the perfect setting for some winter, holiday fun.
Naughty/Nice (December 10th) Jake Gyllenhaal
The question everyone has to ask themselves every December; are you naughty or nice?
Pine cone (December 11th) Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Jake decides that he is going to show his girlfriend the lovely Seresin family holiday tradition of making a pine bonfire in the backyard.
Yuletide (December 12th) Corey Cunningham
Christmas holds some rough memories for Corey. Luckily his lover has some ways to override Christmas memories of the past.
Sugarplums (December 13th) Donnie Darko
Do sugarplums even exist? Has anyone ever had one? Donnie surely didn’t think so.
Wreath (December 14th) Rhett Abbott
For the last time; just because it’s ring toss shaped, doesn’t mean you can play ring toss with it.
Cranberry (December 15th) Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
A certain unusual flavor that has held a special spot in the Mitchell and Bradshaw family every Christmas.
Reindeer (December 16th) Robert “Bob” Floyd
A snowy landscape, total seclusion in an Alaskan cabin, and lots of wildlife. What an interesting winter vacation.
Mistletoe (December 17th) Lestat de Lioncourt
There is one tradition that Lestat loves no matter the year or who he is spending the holidays with; mistletoe.
Candy Cane (December 18th) David Loki
How do you get a workaholic in the Christmas spirit? Asking for a friend.
Snowflakes (December 19th) Miles Miller
All the guests are taken care of for the evening, and a thick blanket of snow has descended upon the El Royale. What is a couple to do?
Caroling (December 20th) Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Walking through the military town, the Dagger team is stopped by a small group preforming.
Handmade (December 21st) Austin Butler
Nothing made Austin happier than to be home with his girlfriend for Christmas. And they said no presents!
Angel (December 22nd) Marko
Everyone can see that Marko should have been a cherub in a past life, but one person brings that fantasy to life.
Stories (December 23rd) Dwayne
When you live for a long time and never die, you pick up some interesting tid bits of history.
Home (December 24th) Athos
Is it a place or is it a person?
Merry Christmas (December 25th) Bernard the Elf
Another year has come and gone. Another Christmas success. While he would normally jump straight into work now, someone tells him to take some time off to enjoy himself.
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warnersister · 2 months
Chapter 14 - You're needed East
The Hangman Series | Chapter 13 | Chapter 15
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you all had arrived in Sacramento some several weeks ago, and you'd gotten settled, Jake had organised you a plot of farmland for you to tend to the animals just like back in Miramar, Bob had re-established himself in his own practitioner's office and you finally felt as though things were starting to turn around and calm down, especially being able to sleep and wake up besides Jake every morning, his folks not blind to two people in love, and not strangers to your name either; and they were happy to set you up until your's and jake's new home as been build a little bit aways from their house.
it was a monday when you were nursing Falcon from his long ride up here, the poor boy nearly on his way our - any day now he was preparing to be with the rest of his family in that mighty field up North; that was what you'd liked to call it anyway. when the news spread around town. a visitor was in, some traveller from Eastern ways, had been traveling for some weeks now with Sacramento as his final destination. youd stood from where you were rested on your knees, heading to the road to see what all the fuss being kicked up was about. then you saw him, the gorgeous mare of Tomcat; and that only meant one thing with his rider atop of him:
you ran over to the man who'd stepped down from his seat, embracing him tightly as he'd offered you a large hug - having missed him for the months you'd been gone. "baby, its your dad" he begins and you eye him almost knowingly "he's dying, girl. for good this time, 'nd he wants to see y' before he goes" he says and you sigh, conflicted "i can't just up 'nd leave-" he says but he cuts you off "no, he dont just want you, he wants y'all back. you, jake, rooster, the lot of ya." he says "look if this is some elaborate plot-" you begin again and he shakes his head deniably "no girl, eight weeks Bates has given 'im, reckon he's only hanging on to see ya." he says, honestly "he asked me five times over to come 'nd get ya, i said no so many times. but he started to beg, honey. on his knees to go fetch ya. Nat told me where t'find ya, didn't want to bother ya but the look on his face was haunting" he recalls and you go to speak before a voice does before you.
"we'll leave at sunrise" Jake agrees, wrapping an arm around your waist and shaking Maverick's hand with his free. "good t'see ya, son" Maverick smiles, "you too, Mav". that evening, you went around the group, Bob and Coyote not really putting up much of a fight and willing to traverse back; Rooster, not so much. he refused a few times, arguing with Maverick, but when you approached and he realised that you were just as apprehensive as he was, he agreed "fine, but only f'her." he says after a while, shooing them off again so he could get his horse ready for another long travel.
the ride felt shorter on the way back then it did on the way to California, maybe it was because you were secretly excited for a fresh start, for unknowing. but really you knew it was because you were dreading heading back to Miramar, truthfully you had no intent of ever going back if you had the choice, but there you could see it, that dirtied up and faded all sign that read out the infamous name you'd loved for so long. "y'ready?" maverick asked and you shook your head honestly, looking at him "no, pete. im not" he sighs, continuing forward knowing you'd never truly be prepared to return to Miramar, but he also knew that Beau Simpson's time was cut very short. he wanted you to have piece of mind if anything, he'd rather be the one to bring you back than the one to bear the news of his passing. you shared a look and you nodded at him, riding into the town for the final time.
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Chapter 13 | Chapter 15
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3tabbiesandalab · 2 years
What the fuck was that?! Part 2
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
Still a couple of idiots, but we're getting somewhere.
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4
It’s been a week since I got called back to Top Gun for this mission, well it’s nothing like any of us have ever done before. I’m not sure it’s even possible to come home from, but this my life, it’s what I’ve been trained for.
Our trainer Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell is stuff of legends and even though this is intense, I’m grateful to have him on our side. I only wished Rooster felt the same, but his history with Maverick is making it hard for him, I just hope he sorts himself out soon. I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty worried about this mission but I know I’m good at my job won’t let Phoenix or the rest of my team down.
What I’m not good at is being around YFN without acting like a lovesick puppy. We’ve actually managed to spend quite a bit of time together after my training. My brain just malfunctions and I’ve babbled on and on or I almost combust every time she has brushed past me or handed me something. 
I have never felt like this before.
After a particularly gruelling day, Maverick had given us the afternoon to ourselves. I sat on the couch skyping with my Ma as YFN came home. And Ma called out “Robert is that her?! Robert is that your girl.”
My eyes widened, and I whipped my head around to see YFN frozen in the kitchen. I may have mentioned to Ma about YFN and might have spun a little story about us. It’s just she worries about me and wants me to be happy and given the possible outcome of this mission I wanted to see her happy one more time.
But I didn’t plan on YFN walking in on the conversation. Oh god she already thinks I’m a complete mess, now this! I looked at YFN panicked but as apologetically as I could, my mouth opened and shut like a fish trying to explain, but nothing came out.
YFN smiled and walked over and sat next to me on the couch, giving me the smallest wink before turning to my Ma, “Hi Mrs Floyd, it’s such a pleasure to meet you. Bob has told me so much about you.”
Wait. What?!
I suppose that’s technically not a lie, out of the few things I’ve managed to talk to her about without being awkward as fuck, is my family.
“Oh honey, not Mrs Floyd to you. You call me Winnie or Mom” she replied.
I heard YFN take a small sharp breath. I know her and Rooster’s parents have been gone for quite a while, so without really thinking I slipped my hand into hers and she gave it a soft squeeze back.
My Ma chatted away to YFN “Robert said how funny and smart and gorgeous you were and how he can’t stop thinking of your beautiful eyes and he wasn’t lying honey. I can see why he’s falling for you.”
Oh shit! “Ma…” I tried to stop her, but she kept tittering away. I tempted a look at YFN, and she was smiling softly at my Ma. Wait is she blushing?!
She hadn’t let go of my hand yet so I held my breath and started to softy rub my thumb back and forth over her hand. She turned to me, and her smile widened.
“…It’s so wonderful that he has met someone that makes him so happy, he’s always been our shy, quiet one and I worry about him, especially around all these loud pilot types and on these missions…” Ma drifted off.
YFN turned back to the screen and said “Bob is umm actually the most wonderful man I’ve ever met. You’ve done an amazing job raising him. He might not be as outgoing as other guys, but he is the hardest worker, so smart and capable and my best friend Phoenix says he’s the best back seater she’s ever had fly with her.”
She smiled softly as she continued “He ah doesn’t need to be the loudest in the room for me to notice him, Mrs Fl… I mean Winnie. Bob is, well he is so thoughtful, and kind and I can’t stop thinking of his beautiful blue eyes either.”
“Oh honey I love you already and…” Ma launched into her next thought.
“Ah Ma, we gotta go, I love you” I cried out.
As much as I love her, I gotta get off this call right this second! YFN waved goodbye as my Ma said “Of course Robert. Please be safe. I can’t wait to see you both. Love you, bye!”
As Bob said his goodbyes to his Mom, I took a breath.
What the fuck. Did that just happen?
When I walked in and heard his Mom and saw Bob’s look, it didn’t take much to guess what he had done. We’ve been able to spend quite a bit of time together, and I remembered how he talked about how much he loves his family and how he just wants them to think he’s happy, so they don’t worry about him.
I was happy help him so played along. But then he grabbed my hand, one of the only times he’s ever touched me. Then his Mom said he’s falling for me? My breath hitched and I knew I was blushing. Could it be true or was it was all part of the story he told her? Then I just went ahead and blurted out how I felt about him to his Mom.
I heard the soft click of the laptop and felt Bob’s gaze on me and his hand was still gently rubbing mine. I turned and face him and shyly said “Hi.”
“Hi” he replied softly.
“God I’m so sorry…”
“I ah I hope…”
We rush out at the same time.
“You go” I chuckled.
“YFN, I’m so sorry. I told Ma you were my girl. I just wanted her to be happy” Bob sighed.
“It’s ok Bob, I don’t mind. I think it’s sweet and you really sold it to her” I laughed nervously.
“Wait. No!” Bob almost shouted, “Ah a-all those things she said, I r-really think them about you.”
He took a big steadying breath and looked me in the eyes “You are smart and funny and caring, and you are so beautiful. I act like an absolute idiot around you because I’m umm so attracted to you, I’ve ah, actually I’ve never felt like this before.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, a blush spread up it, his eyes shined at me. God how is this man so cute and sexy at the same time. 
“But I ah totally understand you might have just said those things to her to play along. I just thought maybe…well Rooster said you might…god I should’ve never listened to him” he looked nervously at our hands still entwined.
“No!” I almost shouted, “I meant all of it. I umm feel it too. All of it” I said my heart racing.
Bob looked shocked “Oh. Wow. Really? Ok good. I umm...”
Bob gazed at me, and I watched as his tongue licked his bottom lip and he said “YFN, can I kiss you?”
“Yes” I breathed.
Bob let go of my hand and cupped my face with both of his and lowered his lips to mine.
The front door suddenly swung open, “Knock knock little sis; the party has arrived!”
My fucking brother.
Bob and I sprung apart in shock.
“About time!” laughed Phoenix.
“Well, well, well ‘Baby on Board’ finally making his move!” Hangman drawled and I saw Payback, Fanboy, Coyote and the others trailing into my little kitchen area.
I looked at Bob and his face is beet red but he’s smiling to himself. I huffed as I got up off the couch and pulled him up with me. 
I gave him little smile and a wink “Looks like we have company. Raincheck?”
He nodded in return, crooked grin on his face and made his way over to the group. Hangman slapped him on the shoulder and before he could get out his next stupid comment, Bob quietly said to him “Fucking cockblock.”
He walked away with a shocked but laughing Phoenix, leaving Hangman’s jaw on the floor.
I laughed loudly and turned to my brother. I punched Rooster in the arm and said, “What the fuck was that?!”
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ratguy-nico · 6 months
2# Father of the Bob
And this is a perfect example of a great episode beyond a holiday special episode (I didn’t even realized that it was a christmas special until I read the series wiki)
The episode gets me since minute one. Since the very first scene I knew this episode would be it. And is just that this first scene is devastating, seeing how Big Bob demerit Bob’s efforts and ideas, he doesn’t even take a moment to think about how this hurts Bob, it’s not important, is not a moment that would mark Bob for life, is just another day. It makes me sick.
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Then I saw the 15 minutes rule, and it reminded me so much of my own relationship with my grandma that Big Bob became immediately a villain in my head, some hurtful man who didn’t care about his son, but oh boy if I was wrong.
Big Bob is not a villain, is not a bad man, he’s just a very imperfect dad. Because yeah (for me) Big Bob is not a good dad, not a bad dad either, and I get this for others episodes as well.
Big Bob wasn’t a great dad, he loves Bob of course, but he also hurt him deeply over the years and since a young age, but how the serie deal with this is what amazed me. Big Bob in this moment of his life, where he thinks he already lost his son, is still trying to change, which is huge for me.
Big Bob, even if at first didn't wanted to admit it, understand why Junior go, why they couldn’t work together and finally recognize that he made things in the wrong way, and he is indeed trying to change and be more accesible and communicative, we see more of this in further episodes. But he doesn’t do this expecting for Bob to go back, he does it because is the right thing to do, is what needs to be done.
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I’m not trying to say Bob wasn’t also in the wrong, cause he was, but he’s the one to extend the branch of olive and he does it in the best way possible.
Who knew this man could actually communicate his feelings in such an on point way. Damn.
And know that we are in this scene and I have to clarify this next part is my brain looking too deep into things. (pls bare with me)
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For me this whole scene in Pete’s Gay Bar alludes not only to Bob’s burgers ideas or him running away from Big Bob's Dinner, but is also about his sexuality (and maybe even his autism).
Bob can not believe his father is just so comfortable in this kind of place, surrounding by people that are just like Bob, this parts that Bob always thought his father couldn’t accept, this parts of him he couldn’t even voice out loud himself. Cause in this scene is obvious they both know, but they just don't talk about it. Bob assumes Big Bob will never accept it and Big Bob try to not mention it cause he doesn’t get it, but he wants to get it, want to understand, but he doesn’t tell Junior any of this, maybe under the assumption that Junior doesn’t even care cause it just too late.
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The line “You have weird and happy kids” broke me. Big Bob knows as well as Bob that the kids are different, neurodivergent, but don’t have the knowledge to refer properly about it. Big Bob accepting the fact that the kids are weird but still amazing and, most important, happy as they are, close the circle of him rejecting his son in the past for being weird and ungrateful (not happy) and for the cherish on the top he says “You are a good dad” cause yeah Bob is certainly doing it better than him at the past.
I really love this episode so much, maybe even more that the actual Top 1 but for now here it is. Is a complex episode, that I could see over and over and still think more about it.
I love how passive-aggressive Linda is with Big Bob, she really wants for him and Bob to have a good relationship and she forced as she does with her own parents. But in this and other episodes is clear that she doesn't forgive Big Bob for all the things he put Bob trough.
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The kids are the glue on the episode. With their innocence and naivety in the matter they get to bring the family together. They don’t get why their dad doesn't like Pop Pop but they don’t really care, they like their Grandpa and that’s what matters.
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I kind of ship Big Bob and Pete, there it is I said it. Leave me alone. This destroy all my discourse but I just love the idea of Big Bob finding love again and in this man that obviously support him and like him the way he is, they get each other. Shut Up! leave alone.
Oh and "Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger" is so special to me, I'm just waiting for the right moment to cook it, is like one of my dreams in real life.
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imsmolbandtrash · 2 years
VegasPete Headcanons Pt 2 (+ Macau, Venice)
-vegaspete are practically married
-macau is practically their son
-“at this point, just call me dad”
-vegas has never really considered kids or a family of his own when older
-until pete and venice came into the picture
-when vegas has business elsewhere outside home, pete usually sends vegas selfies of him and venice
-macau tries to avoid being in the photos as much as pete tries to include him
-vegas tried to resist the urge to smile whenever he receives a picture during a meeting
-he fails miserably
-he reacts to the images with emojis before returning to the topic at hand, the butterfly feeling in his stomach not going away
-one day, pete leaves vegas alone with venice
-as much as vegas protests, he begrudgingly lets pete go and take care of his personal business
-“fine but just this one time, pete”
-when pete arrives home late at night, he finds macau sleeping on the couch in their living room
-he grabs a blanket to put over him and then plants a kiss on his forehead
-then pete goes to the bedroom to find toys on the floor and vegas on the bed fast asleep with venice on his chest
-pete stands at the doorway with a tight chest and a smile
-macau is a hardcore vegaspete shipper
-pete and macau have a wholesome relationship with each other
-they bicker like brothers but never gotten into a serious argument
-nonetheless, vegas loves that his brother gets along with his husband
-pete grows to be protective of macau just as much as vegas is
-they make movie night a thing in their household
-so macau likes to invite porchay over sometimes
-vegas likes to tease him about that
-pete tends to tease him too but not as much as vegas, he knows macau gets embarrassed easily when it comes to his crushes
-when macau takes care of venice to let vegaspete have a moment to themselves, it's never a dull moment
-always finding new ways to make the baby laugh and putting him on his lap as he scrolls through his phone
-brings out a ton of toys for venice to mess around with when he needs him to be distracted
-pete likes to dress up venice in cute little overalls
-vegas was once in charge of changing him and asked macau for help
-they both put him in a sheep onesie
-you can imagine the look on pete's face seeing a bob of white fluffiness on the couch with tiny ears
-he laughs so hard at this cause where did they find such a costume
-vegas finds them playing video games together and they’re laughing and cheering and smiling
-his heart clenches at the sight before him
-he leaves to check on venice before they could notice his face fill with adoration
-one day, pete suggests that they should take macau with them next time they visit pete’s grandmother
-vegas, surprised, doesn't know why it makes him so happy to hear that his brother is being included
-he looks at pete who’s feeding venice for a while after having heard this, without saying anything
-pete looks at him to see what caused the sudden silence but all vegas does is peck him on the cheeks
-blushing, pete pushes him away with his feet in an attempt to hide his reddened face
-pete asks for a photo of all four of them one day
-although vegas is hesitant, he agrees on the photo and has it taken with his 3 favorite people
-in the photo, vegas has a small smile on with a hand on pete’s waist who’s holding venice out in front of him
-pete has a big smile while venice has his eyes big and round and there’s macau who’s next to pete, a smile on his face too
-they later have it framed in the living room
-pete catches vegas staring at the picture from time to time, with a smile on his face
-“this is all i ever wanted. a family”
-pete wholeheartedly agrees
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its-a-rat-trap · 1 month
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(via @/boomtownratsofficial on instagram)
The Boomtown Rats
"The Boomtown Rats are 1977 pop," quoted lead singer Bob Geldof, (left), in one of the band's early press releases. He was right! Now, two years later, the band have improved with age and are ready to conquer the world. At present, they're just finishing off their massive tour of America where they've been proving to folks that Ireland doesn't just produce leprechauns!
If you've seen the Rats on television, you'll understand why singer Geldof is known as the group's 'spokesman'. In fact, he's rarely seen with his mouth shut! But then, Bob's always been used to getting his own way and letting his words convince people that he knows best.
"When I was a kid back home, I used to have this treehouse in the back garden. My mates and I would spend lots of time up there, but our main occupation would be getting all the little girls to come up and play," confessed the Rat.
"In Ireland in those days, bubblegum was hard to come by, as it was a new product on the market. But my dad used to be able to get me huge supplies of the stuff on his travels as a salesman. So I'd use the bubble gum to tempt the girls into my tree!"
And where has Bob inherited all his Irish blarney from? His dad, Bob Geldof Senior.
"All our folks just love the success the Rats have had. My dad now keeps getting mail addressed to him to pass on to me. One time someone wrote asking for a signed pic of Bob Geldof. So dad played a smart one. He dug out a photo of himself in his youth, all browned with age (the photo, not dad!), signed the back with love and kisses, and posted it! But he did attach a little note to say, 'Think it's my son, Bob Junior, you were wanting a photo of.'"
In fact, all the Rats' families are keen followers of the group. And drummer Simon Crowe's granny lives next door to guitarist Gerry Cott's parents.
"Gran used to have her radio on all the time listening out for our records to be played," explained Simon. "If one would come on, she'd start rapping really hard on the adjoining wall to Gerry's parents to let them know to turn on the radio!" Keeping it in the family extends to the group itself, too. Pete Briquette and Johnnie Fingers are cousins.
It's amazing when you find out that the boys in The Rats hadn't played seriously with any other groups before joining up to form the Boomtowns.
"I used to be a freelance writer for a rock paper… their Dublin correspondent, no less!" explained Bob. "About the time the punk boom was beginning, we used to occasionally get the bands coming to Ireland to play. One time, we all went to see Eddie And The Hot Rods. Anyway, not one of us was very impressed with them. We though [sic] 'Well, if they can do it then so can we.' So we went out and got ourselves together as a band!"
Together with their manager, Fachtna O'Kelly, another old friend, they set out to conquer London's record companies with their demotapes. The Rats didn't have far to search as everybody was soon vying with each other to sign them. The Rats were also lucky that their first major tour in England was as support to American punk heroes, The Ramones. Another first major concert they played was as support to Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers at London's famous Rainbow Theatre. Press reports after that gig said that the Rats 'stole the show'. The whole band next moved to a house by Whipsnade Zoo, which they all still share when they're not on tour around the world.
If anyone should ask 'Has success changed the Boomtown Rats?' then the answer would be 'Johnnie Fingers still walks around in pyjamas and Bob Geldof is even more talkative than ever!' The group have always said that they're a band out to conquer people everywhere and they've always classed their music as pop. They admit they don't mind doing anything to get some publicity, from the time they drove down the Dublin streets in an open truck, loud music playing, getting arrested in the bargain, to Bob doing photo sessions that call for him to pose with girls for covers of teenage magazines. Or even to bend backwards and hang his head upside-down so the photographer could snap him, mouth agape and tongue hanging out! Yep, there's nothing they won't do if you ask 'em nicely.
And now they've conquered America! They've been knocking 'em in the aisles Stateside with all the old favourites like Rat Trap (their 'anthem' now after its terrific success in Britain last year), Like Clockwork, Do The Rat and all the others.
It would be nice to have a new single from them here, though, wouldn't it? Apparently, one was planned for this spring, but America beckoned, and there wasn't time to produce it - and the boyos weren't too keen on the alternative, lifting another track from Tonic For The Troops.
So for all you Rat fans - keep hoping!
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patterpea · 2 years
More KinnPorsche Shifter AU fun! Because why not?
Also I don’t own these photo’s, they are just for references.
There are five known shifters in the AU:
Porsche - Black Panther (Jaguar.)
Fully grown and now stands at 5ft 2 from paw to shoulder, though with his head raised he reaches near 6ft. From the tip of his nose to the end of his tail he’s about 12ft long. He is very dark, his rosettes are extremely hard to see, in fact they tend to only be visible when he’s lying in a direct sunbeam. He loves to lounge, and has a habit of doing so in random places at night making poor unsuspecting humans trip over him. Give him a sturdy tree and he’s a happy boi. Also loves to snuggle, but only those he’s close with.
Why a jaguar you ask? Because I love the idea of Kinn buying Porsche and Jaguar cars to annoy him. Cuz hes rich, fuck it.
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Porchay - Black Panther (Jaguar)
Porchay still has rather large paws which would indicate, to his older brother’s dismay, he still has some growing still to do. Porchay stands at 4ft 10 from Paw to shoulder, and 11ft 3 from nose to tail. Porchay is lighter in colour, his dark fur more of a dark brown and his rosette pattern can easily be seen. He is of similar build to his brother, and they share the same golden eyes, but where as Porsche is silky to the touch Porchay is softer. Porchay loves cuddling, in both forms really, but particularly in his shifted form. A proper cuddle bug. (Kim stood no chance.)
Porsche and Porchay shift frequently at their house. Its been fitted to suit a climbing cats needs, large ledges for them to climb and lie down on. Their father had made it all by hand, he was still working on it when he passed away. Since then Porsche and Porchay have added to their fathers work and, as time grew on, they reinforced what he left behind.
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Chan - Eurasian Brown Bear
Oh, you thought Porsche was big?
Chan is a fucking tank.
From nose to butt (because bear tails are teeny, im not counting it) he is 15ft long, and from shoulder to paw he’s about 8ft. He is HUGE, even by shifter standards. He’s has a lovely dark brown coat, and dark brown eyes. In the winter Chan has to take shorter work shifts as his human and shifted self gets extremely fatigued. In this AU he’s less off Korn’s loyal bodyguard (though he still is) and more of a badass Uncle to the three boys. He’s been around since Tankhun was born, and he has a soft spot for all three of them. But he better not catch them slacking. (He also has a soft spot for his fellow shifters and takes them under his wing. In a Chan like way, of course.)
Korn and Chan are close, and this cause real strain between Korn and Bob, er I mean, Gun. Chan came into Korn’s service after he was discovered at a shifter trafficking warehouse that had been owned by a rival clan. A… lot happened, but Chan is family now, and to him thats all that matters.
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Arm - Barred Owl
Bird shifters don’t get as big as their mammal counterparts, for the evident reason being they wouldn’t get of the bloody ground. On average a mammal shifter (Porsche, Porchay and Chan) are about 100% - 120% larger than their animal counter parts. Bird shifters tend to be 60% - 80% larger.
Arm is a lovely cream colour with brown strips and big brown eyes. He is 3 ft 2” from head to tail and has a wingspan of 6ft 8”. Like most owls, in flight Arm is basically silent and even though he is evidently larger than a normal owl, he can be hard to spot at night. Arm has been Tankhun’s guard since before his kidnapping, though he was essential in finding him. A drone has nothing on a bird shifter in regards to eyesight and manoeuvrability. Tankhun’s kidnappers had to deal with not only 750 pounds of pissed of bear, but also a flying demon that aimed for their eyes.
Ever since then he has remained by Tankhun’s side, even after the man stepped down. Pete is still head guard, though people think its odd, but it works for them all, and Tankhun couldn’t give up Pete even if his life depended on it. Arm has to wear special glasses because the quality downgrade from his shifted vision to his human vision used to give him migraines.
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Porsche and Porchay’s mum - Jaguar
Porsche and Porchay remember their mother’s shifted form fondly, her bright golden coat made her easy to spot from anywhere, but when she purposefully hide she was practically invisible. Their mother would of been shorter than her boys, but not by much. She used to blame her husbands genes for that. She was a doting mother and one hell of a shifter. Porsche and Porchay don’t know much about their mum’s past only that she didn’t grow up around other shifters.
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That was fun! I’ve been really delving in deep into the world building of this AU. I am tempted to write it up and post it to AO3, but A Stacked Deck is quite large as it is. I was thinking maybe a 5 to 6 chapter with 15k words each. I dunno yet, but there seems to be interest!
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