#and to stop forgetting that orange and purple are in the main 6
flimsy-roost · 8 months
when I was a kid, "matching colors" were explained to me as "colors that go together." as follows are the resulting rules I set for dressing myself from ages 3-11:
-Red and Blue only go with each other (the flag said so)
-Green and Yellow only go with each other (nature, ie green plants and yellow pollen)
-Purple is suspicious (too close to pink), to be treated with caution
-Orange I guess is fine around halloween season, but without a color partner (with purple being on such thin ice), is rarely incorporated
-Black and White preferably go with each other (like book pages), but are acceptable also with any other color
-Grey and Brown are Boring and Yucky and Should Be Avoided At All Costs
so basically 80% of the time I dressed like an ultra patriot or a garden gnome. my closet looked like a game of twister
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citrusbuds · 2 years
Strawberey Shortcake: Berry in the Big City thoughts
ok so i'm watching the new 2021 series and heres some of my thoughts !!
I'm honestly impressed with the designs and the concept in general. its a cute and modern take on the series.
of course, i like the older "kids in a small town" idea a lot more, but uts definitely cute !
the character changes feel fresh (haha get it) though im not completely sold on all of them. Lemon surprisingly works well !!
Blueberry definitely fits as the odd ditzy and kind of dumb character. reminds me of her 1980s character.
Orange is great as always. glad that everyone agrees that orange is perfect the way she is and should never change. we love her.
The addition of Lime Chiffon to the main gang is definitely a surprise ! it still feels weird but i welcome it. (also definitely wasnt aware of her character at all before this LMAO)
Strawberry is the same as always !! not many complains on her, except for a few nitpicks (her aunt reminds me of aunt may from big hero 6)
i also dislike that both bread pudding and sour grape are so,,,, plain (?) sour grape is just purple, and bread pudding is just..... brown :( i wish theyd bring back sour grape's green accent colour, and they definitely couldve put more variety to bread pudding aside from being a gay preppy mean guy (that was a joke. mostly.)
overall, its a really sweet and nice show, and a good cartoon for kids !! its easy to forget that reboots are made with a new and younger audience in mind. its different, but in a good way. i would definitely show this to a kid.
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thecagedsong · 3 years
Forgotten Light: Chatper 8: Boundaries
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Chapter 8: Boundaries
Ronodin hadn’t returned, and said that he wouldn’t until tonight. Kendra had another day to whittle away. She read more in her book on the Fair Folk over breakfast, then sat in front of her crafting materials again.
Kendra had no idea if her medallion even worked, but at least it dried nicely. The wooden texture came through the paint, but that made it look functional. Like, hey, this is a wooden medallion meant to weaken my enemies, not be a high school shop class project.
Did she take woodshop class? Did she ever go to high school? From Ronodin’s story, Kendra probably had tutors. Why did she feel like she knew more about the American public school system than she did about monster hunting? Or even tutoring schedules?
Trying to figure out her past by evaluating what bodies of knowledge she possessed and what she didn’t left her with a headache.
Kendra refocused on the fabrics in front of her. She did okay with the medallion, maybe her body had remembered something her brain didn’t. Hopefully that subconscious knowledge would help her do what she wanted to make next: create a jacket.
Ronodin assured her that the clothes in her wardrobe were all hers, taken and given to Ronodin from her own closet for exactly this time. Pieces her family didn’t approve of and wouldn’t know to find missing. But old Kendra’s clothes…left a bit more exposed than she liked. Aside from also being mostly black and red, and she was really growing tired of those colors, the dresses were low cut at the top, and high cut around the thighs.
She looked sexy in them, but with Ronodin continuing to ‘forget’ that she had only met him two days ago, sexy wasn’t the look she wanted to wear. She’d start with a simple cardigan, covering up her shoulders and back, then see what she could do about altering hemlines.
Looking over the fabrics, she wished she had pink. She thought she liked the color. Pink wasn’t among the fabric options. There was more red and black, and white, silver, dark blue, green, orange, and dark purple.
Because it would clash horribly with the red and the black, she selected the pumpkin orange fabric. If she was enough of an eyesore, maybe she could convince Ronodin that they needed to pop into a shopping mall for a real wardrobe. Something she was comfortable with now. The orange fabric was a wool/giant hair blend, dyed with pigment from the Fala plant, that produced its own distractor spell to convince people that it was dead until they forgot what they were looking for.
Sewing was a lot harder than she thought, especially without a sewing machine. Did she do this by hand the first time? The needle felt so awkward, her stitches were uneven, she was approximating the designs in the book, but some of them had her folding fabric before cutting? What did it mean by grain? She tried to incorporate ‘make me look hideous!’ magic intentions as she sewed, imaging Ronodin cringing away from her, refusing to look at her in it, but it was a little hard when most of her focus went to not pricking herself.
Still, she wasn’t a quitter. Kendra had to undo a seam, because apparently clothes were assembled inside out, but by referencing the book every few minutes, and working through hand cramps, she managed to at least make the pieces stick together.
It was early afternoon when Kendra finished her uneven hems. Some of the tools in the basket might have helped her, but her books didn’t reference any of them, so she left them alone.
Holding up the final product, Kendra giggled. She’d done everything on larger estimates, figuring that her goal was to be covered and folds in fabric were easier to have than one side not fitting, and cutting down was easier than adding. The result could generously be described as an orange tent. Kendra had to see herself in the monstrosity. She rushed to the bathroom, passing Mendigo in the hall, and positioned herself in front of the mirror.
She slung on the cardigan over the black lace dress, and cracked up.
“Hi Ronodin!” Kendra waved to the mirror with both hands, one sleeve reaching halfway up her palm the other so wide it fell back against her elbow at the motion. The ruby necklace looked like it was suffering, trying to hide from her attempts at sewing.
“Oh, er Kendra, I see you tried sewing,” Kendra mocked in the mirror with a low voice.
Kendra twirled, then did an impression of herself with a higher pitch than normal, “I did, do you like it? I love it! I put soo much effort into it! I love the pumpkin look, don’t you?”
She imagined Ronodin’s face, the horror, the strain not to insult his girlfriend, and burst out laughing. Kendra couldn’t wait to see his face for real. She would insist on wearing this until he took her to the mall.
Kendra stopped laughing and frowned at her reflection. That really didn’t seem right. Even if she had arranged all of this herself, why would she arrange a hideout she couldn’t ever leave? If old Kendra had wanted to live a free life with Ronodin, why didn’t she pick a hide away that let her go outside? Her family couldn’t be powerful enough to search the whole world. If she had been able to pick anywhere, a remote island seemed like a much better hiding place than where she was.
Maybe she and Ronodin had had a disagreement over how long she should stay underground. He might be capitalizing on her memory loss to keep her extra safe; it’s possible Kendra had never intended for herself to remain sealed away. That seemed like something Ronodin would do. Slip in a little lie amongst the truths to save himself battles.
Well, wherever they were, Kendra wanted out. Now that she wasn’t dressed for a cocktail party, she would find her way to a window at least. She went back to her room, and decided to arm herself with the bow she had brought with her through the barrel, even though she didn’t have any arrows. She hadn’t had anything else on her, so she slipped on her shoes and went to the door that Ronodin usually walked out of.
She turned the heavy knob, but the door wouldn’t budge. Jiggled it some more, but didn’t move. She searched everywhere for a key, but couldn’t find on. What kind of front door could be locked from the outside?
“Mendigo?” Kendra called, and her puppet came forward. “Open this door.”
Kendra stepped to the side as Mendigo started straining his wooden hands at the door. He turned back to her and shrugged, showing his wooden fingers. Duh, no way could he get the grip he needed that way.
Should she order him to break down the door? These rooms were rented to them by their mysterious ‘host’, who apparently had Ronodin working like a slave. He probably wouldn’t appreciate her busting his door down. She decided against it until things looked more dire.
The last hasty, destructive action she had ordered had almost killed her fiancé. She would demand a key from Ronodin when he got back before resorting to property damage.
“Thank you Mendigo,” Kendra said, “Let’s see what else there is in this place.” Putting her hand on the wall to the left of the door, Kendra started walking, never lifting it. She discovered three different storage closets: one for cleaning supplies, one empty, one for linens. Kitchen, Ronodin’s bedroom (extremely frugal, disappointingly empty) (he had a couple of robes Kendra considered using to augment her own wardrobe, but decided that would send the wrong message), Library, bathroom, craft room, Kendra’s room, Kendra’s bathroom, Kendra’s closet, sitting room/front room, and back to the main door.
That was it. The entirety of her existence, done up in blacks, reds, and gray stone and drenched in blue firelight. Some of the carpets had cream accents, but that was it.
Kendra knew what kind of front door locked from the outside.
She wandered back to her craft room and picked up a canvas to draw. This was about passing time. Next time she wouldn’t let Ronodin leave without her. Kendra just needed to stay sane until he got back. Even if practicing her magic with nicer emotions would create a less effective item, she wanted something nice to look at. Something peaceful. An outdoor scene, and she’d try to work peace into it. It was for herself anyway, and she’d do it in blue and green and white, and it would look beautiful.
Unfortunately, Kendra couldn’t visualize what ‘outside’ looked like. She knew the sky was blue, it had a sun, and grass was green and flowers came in all colors, but the pieces wouldn’t put themselves together. Kendra had never seen ‘outside’, she had nothing but rote facts. She put her pencil to canvas anyway, figuring that if she drew the pieces, it would all come together eventually.
Her hand refused to move. It had no direction on what to draw. Were horizons bumpy or straight? What color blue was the sky? What did sun look like on plant leaves?
Glaring, Kendra started sketching her craft table, in front of her, with the wall behind it turning into prison bars. She’d seen those in her mad-dash self-kidnapping.
Sketching came easier than sewing or carving. Maybe because more art principals were known by the public, the curse wasn’t able to remove them as personal memories. It was nice to have something come together, even if it was only a picture of her cell.
When she got to painting, she ignored the descriptions of materials and focused on colors. Easier than before, she took threads of magic, threads of the flame from the candle inside her, into her hand and turned them to her own emotions, mixing with the paint materials. She wanted people to look at the painting and know that she was trapped. She wanted them to know the suffocation, and the feeling of crafting little trinkets while sun and stars roved the heavens unseen. Not being able to draw the sun or the sky. Not knowing what those looked like. Not knowing what anything looked like outside of six people, a puppet, and her prison. It was a nice prison, possibly one of the nicest in the world.
Kendra painted black beyond the bars. Even gilded cages birthed insanity.
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captain-emmajones · 4 years
Love, Emma (7/7)
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(Art by the wonderful @carpedzem​ <33) 
Loosely based on Love, Rosie (2014).
Killian and Emma are best friends and neighbors. They’ve always been – until he leaves for the Navy when his brother dies. When he comes back, nine months later, summer has begun and childhood is ending. Emma can tell something is changed in him, but she doesn’t know what. Until she does. He’s fallen in love with someone else.
And then, suddenly, they’re kissing on her nineteenth birthday. When she asks him to forget their night out, and never talk about it again, Killian thinks she means to tell him she regrets the kiss they exchanged. Except she has no memory of it.
Big thank you to @profdanglaisstuff​ for being a wonderful beta and having my back all through this work! 
Friends to Lovers - Mutual Pining - Angst - Fluff - 7000 words - ao3
Part 1 - MIRRORBALL, Part 2 - AUGUST  , Part 3 - HOAX, Part 4 - PEACE, Part 5 - THIS IS ME TRYING, Part 6 - CARDIGAN
Note: This is it, the great, the terrible last chapter. I hope you guys will like this as much as I tortured myself writing it, making sure it is the perfect ending to this story :’) It’s been a pleasure writing this story, I loved every second of it and yeah...Thank you for sticking with me through this. It’s been really lovely having you as my readers. 
Present Day -- August, Storybrooke, Maine.
That night, Granny’s dinner is fuller than usual. Fuller with people, fuller with life.
It’s an agreeable summer night, the air a cool breeze against Killian and Emma’s bare arms as Mary Margaret and David argue over the color choice of the napkins for their upcoming wedding. Crickets chirp all around them, seeming to mock them.
Their plates of food are now empty, and Ruby expertely piles them up on her left arm as Mary Margaret shoots a death glare at her boyfriend.
“White is simply perfect, David.”
“So you play Snow White once in High School and now it’s your favorite color? That’s ridiculous, Mary Margaret.”
“Is it now? And what kind of color would you go for? Orange?”  
“Well, orange would be a statement for one!”
“Over my dead body, David. It’s white or nothing.”
If Emma weren’t so distracted by the warmth of Killian’s fingers around hers, she would have probably choked on her beer and mumbled “Mary Margaret - 1, David - 0.”
Thankfully for everyone, the palm that curled around hers a few minutes ago metaphorically threw her straight into a pink cloud kind of paradise.
Looking up from their intertwined fingers, Emma is greeted by the very real purple pink clouds in the night sky, behind Killian and Mary Margaret’s back. They are sitting opposite Emma and David, while Ingrid sits in the middle, a small contented smile on her lips, as she eats her onion rings in silence.
Fairy lights hang above their heads. Emma loves fairy lights, she always has.
“Why not settle for another color, mates?” tries Killian in a calm, soothing voice, and Emma is surprised he is talking at all.
He should know better. Grave, stupid mistake it is to get between Mary Margaret, David and their napkins.
“NEVER,” the couple answer as one voice, and Emma watches with a chuckle caught in her throat as Killian backs away, hands in front of his face.
“Wohoho, mates. Calm down. The only people you’re allowed to kill are each other.”
And as Emma swallows another grin, she thinks Killian and she haven’t talked about it, but that’s fine. Emma’s brain doesn’t seem able to come up with words, anyway.
A few hours ago, the walk back to Ingrid’s was achieved in near complete silence, and it was weird -- considering with whom she was walking. Actually, cross that -- it was weird to be walking back to her childhood house with Killian Jones, period.
But Emma was able to find comfort in Killian’s lack of words as well, and god knows how talkative Killian can be, she found comfort in his breathy tone when he handed her the box back and the flush on his cheeks, knowing if she could barely hear anything if not for her own heartbeats, surely he wasn’t pulling this any better than she was.
“Earth to Emma, would you like a desert?”
Emma blinks. Two green eyes are staring at her.
Right. Dinner. Granny’s. Damnit, focus Emma. Ruby’s voice sends a shameful loop down Emma’s belly.
“...Mmm, no, actually. I’m fine, for now.”
Ruby’s raising an eyebrow. Everyone is staring at her. Why are they staring?
“Are you sure, Ems?”
“I am. Why do you ask?”
“...It’s just, it doesn’t sound a lot like you.”
And then Emma’s pretty sure her hair stands on end.
“Really.” And each word is meant to sound more threatening than the last. “I. Am. Fine. Ruby.”
She’s not looking at him, but Emma catches Killian’s small chuckle all the same. It’s hard to ignore how easily her rage melts away, and she hides the beginning of a smile behind a napkin.
“Fine.” And Ruby nearly sounds like she is the one who got attacked. (Perhaps she was. But she deserved it.)
As the waitress disappears in a clatter of heels, Ingrid is tapping a napkin against her mouth, delicately, and Emma knows very well what this means.
“Well, it’s already 10pm. I think I’ll leave you youngsters to it.”
Emma watches as Ingrid folds the napkin in front of her, just like she always does, and gracefully stands up.  
“Goodnight, kids.” Ingrid grins, and everyone replies with a lively “Goodnight, Ingrid!”
A kiss is dropped onto Emma’s forehead, and Emma doesn’t miss the subtle pat on the back Killian receives on Ingrid’s way out. Emma thinks Ingrid’s always liked Killian, but then she stops thinking about it because David and Mary Margaret are coughing, and it is the least natural piece of acting Emma’s had the chance to witness in a while.
They both exchange a sly glance, nod and stand up at their turn, and Emma stares at them -- cheeks burning.
“Yeah, we’ll go, too. It’s getting pretty late, and we flew in very early this morning.”
Traitor, shout Emma’s eyes at Mary Margaret, but the small brunette is smiling with all of her teeth out and doesn’t seem concerned by Emma’s impending murder threat.
“Enjoy your night, guys,” David looks far too delighted. “Byye.”
“Aha, bye guys.”
Away from Granny’s dinner and up Main Street towards Granny’s B&B, the couple vanishes into the night.
And just like that, Emma and Killian are alone under the fairy lights.
Chirp, chirp.
This time, Emma cannot ignore the childish panic that strangles her throat, as his touch begins to burn her skin and her hand slowly slides out of his palm. She looks down at the green plastic table.
What to do now? Jesus, she is not nineteen anymore, she needs to take initiative, and—
“Fancy a walk along the beach, Emma?”asks Killian, and Emma is so thankful for the distraction she nearly knocks the table down as she springs to her feet.
“Excellent idea!” Why do her legs feel so wobbly?
And Killian smirks, and she wonders if he knows just how badly she is afraid, of him, of her, of risking her heart.
“Perfect then, let’s sail away.”
But she wants this to work, she wants them to work. She spent a good part of her life agonizing over this relationship, daydreaming about it, and then cursing it, and it better be as good as she thought it would be.
As things turn out, this walk along the beach feels like brutally falling down a rabbit hole. It knocks the wind out of Emma and it is wonderfully terrifying.
The wind blows that night. Salt air dances with Emma’s light dress and Killian’s hair.
Emma’s shoes dangle from her fingers, but she is still shaking like a leaf.
Awful, isn’t it, to finally get all you’ve ever dreamed of?
She knows it’s not entirely hers yet, she knows she still has to dash forward and grab it with her two hands, and not let it go – on any account. (Do you want it?)
It’s terrifying.
She did not reach out to Killian, this past month, although she knew about his letter...and she probably wouldn’t have reached out first, had he not appeared on her porch.
There is still this stupid fear, down her stomach, this stupid fear that he never cared, he never will, and this is all a sick joke.
(She wants it.)
“Should we sit?”
He complies as she sprawls into the sand she feels moist under her toes, sitting down a few inches from him.
Somehow, staring at him still feels illegal.
When he gets a flask of rum out of his leather jacket, she rolls her eyes, and her bracelet glints under the moonlight. For the first time in ages, it is not a painful sight. She does not twist the little charms.
“Really? Is rum your solution to everything?”
“It’s not rum, Swan. It’s merely water.”
“Is it now?”
“Nah, it’s definitely rum. But it never hurts to have a drink between friends.”
And at that wicked, wicked word, they both stare at one another and gape slightly.
It should be funny. Except it still itches.
Aren’t they friends?
There are stars reflected in his eyes. There is still this ache inside her chest.
Emma is urged by a desire to look down then, but she doesn’t cave in. Instead, her mouth curves into a smile.
“…Friends or other types of acquaintances,” he adds after a while, and Emma’s smile widens.
The flask of rum is handed to her, and she drinks a few mouthfuls that diffuse a sweet heat and courage down her throat. Lord does she need it.  
“Acquaintances, you say, um?”
She licks the small drop of rum that rolls down her lower lip, notices with satisfaction as Killian’s eyes follow the movement of her tongue and widen when he realizes she has caught him red-handed.
“Aye. I believe we’ve been acquainted.” There is a delicious twirl, down in her stomach, that could drown her fears, she knows it, if only she allowed herself to let go.
Idiot. Her cheeks burn. It is ridiculous, they are ridiculous and she doesn’t mind.
Woosh, woosh, the waves giggle.
As Emma inhales deeply, she figures she has to give him back his flask and that this -- whatever the hell this really is -- is probably going to be more difficult than she initially thought.
Her fingers brush against his as his hand closes over the flask -- of course they do -- and Emma couldn’t honestly say who’s to blame.  
“Thanks, Swan.”
Oh, how many scenarios she made up in her mind, about him showing up. They all ended with their lips locked together. What she had a very hard time figuring out was the in-between. The talking. The confession. Because there has to be one, right?
She hears him gulp a few mouthfuls of rum down next to her and she refocuses her gaze on him. He clears his throat.
“So, erm, any plans for the foreseeable future?” he inquires.
The flask is buried in the sand between them.
“I don’t know, to be honest. For now, I think I’ll stay in Storybrooke. It’s my home.”
And then a pause, she glances at him through her eyelashes. A mischievous wave comes crashing at their feet, bites their toes.
“What about you, Killian? Still in Portsmouth?”
She watches him tilt his head next to her as he carefully sieves a handful of sand between his fingers, brows furrowed.
“Actually, I’ve been thinking about moving back to Storybrooke. Joining the Navy again would not be easy, and I’m not sure it’s entirely what I desire. I mostly did it to honour Liam but it’s never been a dream of mine…”
A pause, a breath, for him, Emma has stopped breathing somewhere after “Storybrooke”. And her mouth refuses to shut.
“Plus, there’s the fact that Graham did mention the need for another deputy,” he casually adds, shoots a swift glance at her.
Oh. Breathe, Emma, breathe.
It’s very hard, then, for Emma to swallow the smile that tingles her lips.
“You are?” she asks, curses silently her quivering tone. Clears her throat. Dammit, why did it come out like this?
If he notices it, Killian doesn’t show it. Instead, he goes on, the ghost of a smile over his lips.
“Aye. I don’t think there’s anywhere else for me to be. It is high time I came home.”
Home. The word echoes between them, much like the gentle rustling of the waves.
And Emma nods and she has no idea where to put herself, what to say. She settles for telling the truth.
“That’s great. I could really use you around.” A pause. “I’ve missed you.”
Twinkle, twinkle the stars in the night sky, and the constellations in her heart as her eyes meet his. They put to shame the sea of stars in front of them.
Emma’s heart is bursting out as he slowly glances down at her lips, and then even more slowly looks up, a dangerous grin overtaking his features.
“Aye. I’ve missed you too, Swan. I don’t want to be apart from you anymore.”
Hearing him repeat her words is positively the worst thing that could have happened to her heart rate. That one nearly rips her heart out of her chest and sends it ricocheting on the waves.
She nods, laughs a bit, crinkles her nose mostly to hide how flustered she truly is.
“How…How did this happen?”
And he sighs next to her, a very dramatic sigh that she recognizes as a poor attempt to hide a deeper kind of pain. She watches as he stretches his legs, digs a shape into the sand with his fingers.
“How did you end up marrying Neal Cassidy, you mean? Poor judgement, if I do say so myself.”
The bastard.
She elbows him in the ribs, of course, he deserves it.
And he only chuckles, feigns a moan of pain, and… and grabs the arm she threw at him to bring her closer to him. There are grains of sand stuck to his skin as his hand closes over her fisted palm. As he stares at her, all air has definitely been knocked out of Emma’s lungs.  
His nose gently brushes hers. Little pulses of magic seem to climb up her hand, her arm, to gently tickle her heart.
And she gazes into his eyes, mortified. Swallows hard.
“To be fair, he did hide that letter from you. A shame really, it was truly a pearl of literature.”
His breath tingles Emma’s lips, and it isn’t fair.
She snorts, she tries to at least, because it is hard to do anything when he is this close to her.
“David told you,” she mumbles, rolls her eyes dramatically, blushes furiously.
He isn’t denying the letter. He isn’t denying anything.
“Aye that he did. You can’t trust the guy with a secret, love.”
She doesn’t know what David told him over the phone, but Emma thinks it is safe to assume that it is somewhere near absolutely everything. And it should bother her, it should bother that secret and private part of herself, but Emma’s tired of fighting against herself, and she lets it go. All of it.
Her hand is still in his, twisted against his chest, right above his heart. She doesn’t mind. They could remain like this, forever, for all she minds. But that wouldn’t be very practical, now, would it?
“And it’s not like I didn’t know…” he continues, and Emma’s mouth drops even more, if it is possible. “I think I’ve known from the moment I met you. Haven’t you?”
A nervous chuckle shakes her shoulders.
“What exactly have you always known?”
“You can’t answer my question with another question, Swan. That’s just not how the English language works.”
“Well, if you could drop the metaphors and double entendre, then perhaps, perhaps I…” A breath. There’s no need to hide anymore, although something ludicrous seems about to explode inside her chest. “Y-yes, I think I knew...But I --”
“-- Good, because in that case, there’s no use for me to hold back from doing this…”
And as she opens her mouth to complain about metaphors and double entendre, again, he leans into her, tilts his face and, as Emma’s heart does a weird leaping thing in her chest, delicately presses his lips to hers.
While Emma does think it is definitely very rude of him to interrupt her like that, she cannot bring herself to complain too much.
Neither can she ignore the sudden explosion in her chest, thousands of strawberry bubbles of happiness that taste of childhood and dreams bursting out.
Oh god. She muffles a moan against his mouth, snatches her hand from his grip to tug at his hair, brings him closer to her, as close as humanly possible, presses her mouth harder against his, as hard she can, and she quite literally feels like a house set on fire.
Thump, thump, cries her heart, as their lips dance together, as his hand gets lost in her hair, and no air reaches her lungs and this goddamn flower keeps blooming inside her chest and there isn’t any space between them, and she’s pretty sure she’s combusting into flames, but it’s fine, it’s really fine when his mouth opens and gives her access to his tongue.
It’s a gentle kiss, in spite of the passion. It’s such a gentle kiss, in the way with which his hand tenderly lingers in her curls, as if he were afraid she’d shatter under his touch, or in the way his other arm curls around her waist, holds her tightly, but not too tightly, so as not to break her it seems.
Years of yearning will do that to you, make you afraid of shattering the glittering and fragile object of your affection.
And when they let go, burning forehead against burning forehead, because they really, really need to breathe, Emma doesn’t want to run. In fact, she doesn’t want this to ever end. And she doesn’t know it, but she smiles.
“Then why –” he begins, his lips lightly, delicately brushing against hers as he speaks.
And how dare he be talking! She can barely breathe.
“—why the wedding?” she lazily answers against his lips. “Because I didn’t think you cared…” A pause. “You never told me you did... You didn’t even call, after the k-kiss.”
Damnit, that was harder to spit out than anticipated. And it probably sounded more accusing than she wanted it to, but she forgives herself.
The painful memory allows her to step back a little, to gaze into his blue eyes and discover his cheeks crimson and an awestruck look on his face, as well as a lot of guilt and tenderness.
A sigh. “Of course I didn’t. I was waiting for you to do it. You were bloody engaged, may I remind you.”
Her brows furrow.
“And I did! But you didn’t answer.” Silence. “Tink did.”
She watches his features with weariness. She watches as he frowns. Backs away slightly, to gaze into her eyes, seems to seek the truth. And then, sighs.
“Of bloody course. Tink.” Emma watches as he rolls his eyes dramatically, hisses a few insults between his teeth.
She thinks he is still infuriatingly handsome.
Another nervous laughter begins rattling her body, because this is ridiculous, they are ridiculous, they just had to talk it out and it would have been fine but --
“Seems like our lack of communication isn’t only on us.”
Emma smirks. “Well, it’s mostly on us.”
“Point taken.” And it’s unfair because he smiles a bright smile then and her heart jumps once more.
And he looks down, again, at her lips, and Emma feels frozen only she is burning. She needs to kiss him again, and forever, probably.
“But if you cared--” Why is he talking again? She opens eyes she didn’t know she had shut to dart a murderous gaze on him. He doesn’t see it, the fool, keeps talking instead. “--why did you ask me to forget our kiss?”
That nearly knocks her out. “Our kiss? Which kiss?”
She doesn’t know just how right she is to ask this question.
He raises an eyebrow. His cheeks are flushed and his hair dishevelled, and Emma has to focus to look into his eyes and not stare at his swollen lips.
“You mean to tell me you don’t remember?”
And his eyes do a weird twitching thing. He doesn’t seem alright. And he sounds a little bit as if a part of himself has just died.
“I mean… I sure as hell think I would remember this.” Oh, she totally would.
“Your nineteenth birthday,” he exhales, and if he could raise his eyebrows any harder, they’d get stuck up his hairline, “we kissed on the rooftop right before you fell to the ground.”
Well, she does remember the wicked headache she got that day, but she thought it was caused by the alcohol and…
“No…Yes?” A pause. She frowns. Realization sinks in. Well that would explain a lot, indeed. “We did?”
That would explain his crumpled face as she asked him to forget their night, it would explain why he avoided her all through summer, and why he stayed with Milah, and why she started dating Neal in the first place, and oh -- they are two idiots, aren’t they?
“Aye. And you specifically asked me to forget that night.”
If she keeps frowning her eyebrows will remain stuck forever. She frowns harder.
“But I had no memory of that kiss.”
“Bloody hell.” And Killian lets go of a very dramatic sigh, shakes his head.
Emma’s mouth forms an “O” as she watches Killian glance further away, to the sea, and she begins to understand years of struggle could have been avoided, had they, had they…well, talked about it, it seems.
An angel passes.
“Damnit,” she whispers.
And Emma is surprised to find a chuckle tickling her throat. Why is she laughing? This isn’t funny.
He still isn’t looking at her. Impish waves keep nibbling their toes. She hates how heavy everything suddenly feels.
Emma thinks that all this time he thought-- he thought she didn’t care, but she did, oh she cared, and...
Emma breathes in, fingers pressed to her temples. Shrugs a bit, breathes out and casts an eye on Killian. He doesn’t seem alright. But she knows how to distract him.
“Since I don’t remember, allow me to ask: did you kiss me?”
His blue eyes flash in the dimness as she smirks.
She doesn’t think she has seen him look this offended before.
“I beg your pardon? You bloody kissed me, Emma!”
His high pitch does make her chuckle.
“Don’t give me that offended look. That does sound like something you’d do.”
Oh, the wrath sparkling in his gaze then, it’s a sight for sore eyes, and she cannot stop smiling.
“Nah, you were the one who melted onto my lips and sucked the bloody life out of me, perched on your high heels.”
“They weren’t that high. And, at least I did something about my feelings.”
“Well, you forgot so it was pretty useless in the end, anyway.”
And her fist punches his chest, and he captures it again, traitor, and time stands still for a moment, as they glance at each other.
Everything still feels very fragile and terrifying. But that’s quite alright.
And then with a swing of his hip, he shifts her under his weight, onto the sand, and her body meets the ground softly.
His face surrounded by dark, tousled hair hides the moon from her sight, but as her breath catches in her chest, she doesn’t mind.
“You were saying?”
Emma thinks sand will get stuck in her hair. And it’s going to be a pain to wash it out. But that’s okay.
They’re only twenty-three, murmurs her inner voice, they’re allowed to be young and stupid and messy and –
“Well, I’m glad it didn’t take us another ten years to figure our shit out. Wouldn’t be nearly as sexy.”
“Speak for yourself, Swan.”
And without a second thought, or a first, she raises her face to capture his lips, drink his breath, because she is allowed to, and this is right and all she’s ever wanted.
Up the beach, down Main street, Killian and Emma walk along the roads of their childhood.
Emma doesn’t know where they are going, but it doesn’t seem to matter, not just yet.
Fear is of course lurking in one deep corner of her mind, but it is easy to ignore it while her hand is safely tucked in his.  
“Where are you staying?” she asks as they shift to stare at one another.
Granny’s green B&B sign flashes behind Killian’s back.
Amusement sparkles in his eyes. “Granny’s.”
Emma remembers New York’s cold street lights, and the snow melting onto her lips, and Killian’s damp hair, and the sad glimmer in his blue eyes and her cold, shaking hand in his.
It was the night she decided to give him up, not knowing, not knowing he cared too.
It was the night she would have burned in hell to hear him invite her into his hotel room.
(Was it worth it, all the pain, in the end?)
“Fancy a last drink, Swan?”
Streetlights dabble gold beams into his blue eyes.
She nods, a little out of breath. Something soft and awful swallows her from inside.
And down the road, up the stairs, they go, hands clasped together. Her bracelet jingles up the stairs.
Emma remembers standing on his porch before her eighteenth birthday party, forehead pressed to the door, eyes locked on her phone screen, heart beating fast, fast.
“Come in whenever you want, I’m ready!” And her stomach twisting at his reply.
Things were so easy while she was still convinced that she was in love with him and she would never love anyone else and they had all the time in the world.
She was wrong, but that’s also fine.
(Isn’t pain just pain?)
Click, he’s unlocked the door, and Emma steps forward to gaze inside. Beyond Granny’s questionable decoration choices, everything is clean and proper and Navy and Killian. What a relief.
It is quite late now, and exhaustion burns Emma’s eyes, circles her throat and crudely brings to light her fears and insecurities. She feels bare, exposed, vulnerable under the dark green chandelier.
For a short moment, she fears there will be too much to mend between them, too many scars over their chest for them to offer their hearts again.
“Make yourself at home, Swan.”
The red leather jacket is dropped onto the bed just as he neatly folds his own on a chair by the wall.
And she keeps staring at those four walls, at this cramped room, and she thinks a month ago she was marrying someone else.
She’s still scared. Is she supposed to be scared?
“You okay, love?” he nudges her.
His hand softly grabs her shoulder.
She shrugs. If she is honest with herself, she does feel a little bit overwhelmed. This room is too silent. She can almost hear past echoes of their hearts breaking.
“Yes, I’m just…”
A smile. “That’s not the word I would have gone for, but yeah.”
His hand hurtles down her arm and slides into hers. His touch still shoots electric trails all over her skin.
“Want to sit down, Swan?” A nod, and he’s tucking her down with him.
When Killian switches on the small outdated TV on the wooden table in front of them, Emma sighs in relief.
And when still no words echo between them, Emma feels his eyes burn the skin of her cheek.
New York again. A cold bench. The snow falling onto his hair. This pain, in her chest, as he utters her name. Milah.
(Pain is just pain.)
“What are you thinking about, Swan?”
She blinks, licks her lips. Breathes in.
Will not look at him.
Augusta airport this time. His back, his image printed in blood over her retinas, this dark shape she cannot forget, forever turned on her.
“The past.”
The pain.
Storybrooke’s town hall. Her weary eyes twitching back and forth from Neal towards the door. Begging Killian to appear. And he doesn’t. (Or he does, but he’s too late.)
“Listen, Emma,” and his fingers have found hers again, and they are soft, and she looks up to discover his eyes even gentler, and his lips spread in a tender smile, “The past is behind us and we cannot change it.”
“But there’s been so much pain…”
She sounds like she is twelve again, she can almost touch Ingrid’s wooden fence under her fingers, can almost feel the tingling fear that a splinter might get stuck in the tender skin, and she can almost smell the yellow irises, and it almost brings her to tears.
“I know. But we can do better now.”
She nods. Can they do better? What if all of this is just a chimera and they’ve both idealized their love and what if … What if none of this is real?
She should sleep. Her eyelids are heavy and her eyes burn.
But then his hand cups her cheek, and its warmth brings her back to reality, tethers her. Her own palm settles above his as she leans into his touch. Closes her eyes, for just one bit.
She is so tired. Morpheus is luring her into his arms.
“As long as I am alive--” Oh, but then he is talking, and his voice is velvet against her skin, and she opens her eyes to stare at him. She’s pretty sure he can hear the thump of her heart. “--you can live with the conviction, Swan, that I will always be by your side.” A pause. “Always.” Another silence, his words sinking into her skin, as his fingers trace butterflies along her neck. A smile. “I’ve always been in love with you. From the moment I met you.”
Oh. Her eyes widen. Thump, thump.
She is swallowed by a gigantic wave of confused feelings. She thinks an earthquake is shattering the windows and shaking the walls. She thinks a tear rolls down her cheek, but she is not crying.
And it’s not like she didn’t know, she knew, but, but also she didn’t, for so long, and this is all very confusing and unexpected but very much expected, and he keeps staring at her and she doesn’t know what to say, for fuck’s sake.
And the only answer she can come up with is her trembling hands caressing his cheeks and then slowly grabbing the lapel of his t-shirt, and then, finally -- the pressure of her lips against his. Tender, at first, and then furious, desperate, hungry.
She wants to tell him, I loved you when you walked away from me, the first time, and the times after that, as well. I loved you although you never looked back at me, and I couldn’t look forward. I loved you when you were avoiding me, and I loved you when I didn’t think I loved you anymore. But mostly, I loved you from the moment I met you.
Instead, she presses her mouth into his, fiercely, for all of those times she wishes she had been brave enough to kiss him and she didn’t.
And Emma forgives them both. Forgives their past mistakes and heartaches.
They will do better. (They want to, and that’s already half of the journey, isn’t it?)
A number. Nineteen. Emma’s nineteen tonight. He’s been for a while now. (He feels a hundred years old since Liam left. Feels like he’s been holding his breath for centuries. Only the pain doesn’t flatter.)
They’re on a rooftop. Emma’s pink dress floats in the wind, much like a pirate flag. Her smile, that night, is bright, vivid, infuriatingly confident as she glances down at his lips.
The waves crash against the sand, back and forth, back and forth.
Her body is warm against his chest. Both of his hands hold her waist.
Time stands still, as she stands up on her tip toes and kisses him.
It’s an explosion, then, in his chest. A mercurial bliss.
And this time, he catches her before the fall. He doesn’t let her go. This time, his grip is secure around her waist, his fingers firm around her hips as she stumbles forward and they chuckle together.
This time, she doesn’t forget their kiss.
Instead, she stares deeply into his eyes and she says: “I’ve been meaning to do that for a while, now.”
And he says: “I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”
And if everything is easy, it’s only because it is a dream.
A ray of sunshine tickles Killian’s eyelids. His face crinkles, he groans, opens one hesitant eye.
Bloody hell. What a dream. Or a nightmare, he cannot really tell.
There is a weight against his chest, bitterness at the back of his mouth.
He glances down. Emma. She fell asleep in his arms last night while he was slowly rocking her, and they forgot to close the shutters and now Killian will never fall back to sleep again.
His eyes still burn.
He gazes at her face buried in the hollow of his neck, blonde hair across his chest. He smiles.
A hospital room, eight months ago. A blinding, golden light. Her sleepy smile. “Oh, you’re awake?”
He would pinch himself if he had a hand to spare.
Those six months, without her, thinking she didn’t want him, were some of the bleakest of his life.
It was like losing a limb, only he lost two. And he had to keep on learning how to walk without an anchor, how to live without a hand and without hers to hold.
And then, David’s call, one morning.
“They broke up, Killian. Neal found your letter. I think you should do something about that, or I will personally come to murder you in your pitiful apartment, do you hear me?”
Emma snores lightly against his skin. He traces the shape of her jawline with gentle fingers.
He is terrified. Perhaps it is the only way to be, for now.
Perhaps it is good. It means they’re trying. They’re evolving, together, for the first time in ages.
A grunt, her small hand spread across her face, she’s starting to wake up, he can tell.
There is still a lot of sadness in his chest, for the boy who loved a girl and suffered deeply for it. For the boy who lost everything and still managed to lose more through the years, until there wasn’t anything left to lose.
Liam’s smile from his car window. A wave. And then void, nothing.
Killian clenches his jaw.
“Hey,” a small voice groans, “if you keep staring at me while I sleep, it’s going to get creepy.”
A grin.
“Sorry love, couldn’t sleep.”
Emma lifts her chin, green eyes shimmering in this golden morning light, and she tries a sleepy smile.
“Morning, Killian.”
“Morning, Emma.”
“Am I crushing you under my weight?”
“I think I’ll survive, love.”
She still hesitates to kiss him, he sees it in the small start of her head backwards, so he bends forward to kiss her.
It’s a sloppy morning kiss, but he wants all of them.
Last night, they absolutely did not take time to undress. Emma fell asleep like a rock, and he was too afraid he’d wake her up to try and remove his clothes.
But she seems very much awake as her legs curl around his hips, and it is very hard for Killian to ignore the way her dress climbs back up her thighs and gives away the beginning of her red panties.
He can feel his cheeks become hot and red, and suddenly Emma’s smirking at him.
“Like what you see?”
He swallows down.
“It’s quite alright, aye.”
A squeeze of her thighs around his torso, he is trapped, and his heart leaps.
“Alright?” she repeats. “That’s definitely a disappointing answer.”
As for Killian’s heart, it’s practically bursting out in his chest by now. He gulps.
He cannot say he hasn’t thought a lot about it, what it would feel like to go beyond a simple kiss with Emma. How her skin would taste under his tongue.
He may have started to think about it at around age fifteen, when he saw her come back from summer vacation all tan legs out, and he can still hear Liam’s mocking tone “If you open your mouth any wider, little brother, you’re going to swallow flies.”
The thoughts worsened after their kiss. There were some lonely, desperate moments as well during which he imagined tracing the shape of her body, much like his fingers flutter against the side of her leg right now.
His eyes don’t leave hers, scrutinizing her to know if he is allowed to go further.
“We don’t have to, if you don’t want to, Emma,” he whispers.
The wicked smile she shoots him is a sufficient answer. “Oh don’t worry, I want to.”
And then her lips find his again and his fingers are gripping her thigh now, clutching her skin, leaving marks, climbing back up some more and feel the soft skin right under the fabric of her dress.
She moans against his mouth, and it’s a wonderful sound, and suddenly they are both wearing far too many clothes and they have to hurry or they’ll combust into flames.
Emma straddles him just as her nimble fingers pull her dress up and throw it over her head.
“Couldn’t have done it better myself,” he mumbles and it’s very hard to look anywhere else but at her naked body.
But she’s already getting impatient with his t-shirt, and she groans. “Come on Killian, help me. Raise your arms up.”
“Didn’t think you’d become such a morning person, Swan.”
She laughs a bit as his t-shirt hits the floor in its turn in a muffled sound, and she does this thing where she stops to gaze into his eyes and he will die for a lack of oxygen.
He watches as she swallows, ogling him.
“Some things are worth waking up for.”
And then she’s melting into the skin of his neck as her fingers sift through his hair, and Killian ceases completely to think.
A month later -- Augusta Airport.
Emma clutches Ingrid’s yellow irises against her chest. Her hold is gentle but her lips form a firm line.  
As she stares at the Arrivals Board in front of her, the beat of her heart is drumming in her ears, and she is pretty certain oxygen is having a very hard time reaching her lungs. 
He’s only been gone a week, mumbles her inner voice, but Emma’s too happy to pay attention to her pride. 
She glances up, and a breath of relief escapes Emma’s throat as the light next to Portsmouth changes color.  
“He’s landed,” she whispers to herself, flowers still pressed to her chest.
She glances down, careful not to damage the beautiful bouquet Ingrid offered last night, over the dinner table. 
“I know how much he loves them,” Ingrid smiled. 
Another look at the clock. He should be here any time now. 
Her heart skips a blissful beat. 
A part of her still cannot believe this is real. That he is coming home, for good, that Emma found them a cute apartment near the beach and they’re going to get everything they’ve ever dreamed of.  
“Are you sure you want to do this...I mean, we could wait, and I could go back to Ingrid’s for a while…”
A butterfly in the dark, a kiss in the night. 
“I’ve never been so sure of anything…” 
Gazing all around her, Emma spots the familiar large window in front of her. It still shows a blurry reflection of her body. Emma frowns. Well, that will never change. One hand reluctantly gives up on the flowers to comb her hair. 
It is now mid September in Storybrooke, Maine, and Emma has to admit she’s missed him.  
It wasn’t the kind of missing him she was far too familiar with only two months ago. It wasn’t a burning ache in her chest. It was just like losing your glasses and finding them again on your bed table, where you left them. It’s a kind of missing she knew to end. And it made a great difference. 
As she remains very still, feet stuck to the ground, she remembers shaking, bouncing up and down on her feet, waiting for him to come back the first time, four years ago. 
Nothing’s really changed. She is still Emma and he is still Killian. Except everything’s changed. 
It feels like another lifetime. Emma smiles down at the flowers in her hands. A very peaceful sunflower blooms in her chest. 
The crowd of people around her brings Emma back to the present. More people gather together, and Emma understands they are all just as eager to see their loved ones as she is.
And she waits, knowing her love is about to arrive. 
Another few minutes go by, and time seems to slow down. She clenches her jaw. Unclenches it. Come on, relax, Emma. 
And then… And then, there he is.
“Killian.” The blissful whisper escapes her throat as a brutal wave of bliss sweeps her off her feet. She doesn’t hold it back. It isn’t scary anymore.
  She’s somehow thankful to notice he hasn’t changed one bit, but it’s only been a week, what was she expecting? A tender hue of blue meets her eyes and smiles in recognition.
“Emma, my love,” he mirrors her happy sigh. 
Her heart beams as they walk towards each other, their pace sure and quick and knowing, and in a few steps he lets go of a thousand suitcases to pick her up from the ground. 
  “Careful, Killian, your flowers,” she complains even as her feet quit the floor.
And she tries to hold the bouquet away from his face, but he doesn’t seem to care and presses a long kiss to her mouth instead.  
She sighs happily into his embrace, wraps her arms around his neck, and her senses are filled by him – his smell, a strong cologne she is only too familiar with, his skin under her fingers, his tousled black hair.
“I missed you,” he exhales against her cheek, and drops another kiss to her cheek. 
She slowly backs away, smiling. “It’s only been a week…” 
He raises an eyebrow that challenges her to lie some more. She chuckles, crinkles her nose, mumbles: “Okay, I might have missed you too…”
He sighs a dramatic sigh, rolls his eyes. 
“Now, you nearly gave me a heart attack, Swan. I was this close from flying back to Portsmouth.”   
Idiot, her inner voice snorts, unimpressed. But her heart isn’t very concerned, and a giggle jolts out of her throat. Even her cheeks give her away, flush furiously, and she hates them for it - come on, it’s been a month now. 
Her hand lingers on his face, tracing the little scar on his cheek.  
“Are you going to take those flowers, or should I keep them for myself?” She attacks in a coy, sharp tone. 
He flutters his eyelashes. The fucker. 
“If the lady insists.” 
A roll of the eye, a bright smile, and Emma’s heart sighs -- defeated. And the flowers carefully slip into his hand. 
He drops another kiss to her lips. “Thank you, love.” 
“Of course, Killian.” 
And then there is this very dramatic moment during which they both stare at his three enormous suitcases and wonder how the hell they are going to make this work. 
“Damnit. Did you have to take your whole life with you?” 
“Well, a blonde lass did ask me to move in with her.” 
Her fist punches his shoulder, playfully. Another sigh echoes all through the airport’s hall. 
“Well, let’s go, I guess.”  
She’s quick to grab the bag he let go of to hold her and seizes two red suitcases. And he watches her, the fucker, flowers in the crook of his arm and the third suitcase secure his hand. He seems infinitely entertained. 
“Don’t you dare laugh in my face, Killian Jones.”
“Well, if it weren’t for the flowers, I could maybe hel-”
“-- NO. You keep the damn flowers! For once Ingrid offered them.” 
And as they are walking down the airport like old times, Emma knows they’ll do better. They already are doing better. 
(Emma thinks pain is just pain, and they should have known sooner, they should have known better but she also thinks that doesn’t matter because surely there is no kind of pain that cannot be absolved by a lot of love.)
@yasbio2015 @bubblegum1425 @daenerysmyhsa @dancingnancyy @elizabeethan @farewell-courgette  @beca0912 @stina-g @tenaciouskittynightmare @noensnaringnet @klynn-stormz @sekretny13 @tiganasummertree @vvbooklady1256 @brustudyblog @peggyyswan @thisonesatellite @ohmightydevviepuu @courtorderedcake @snowbellewells @kingofmyheart14 @teamhook @mariakov81​ @folkloreismylullaby​ @officerrogers​
(Might write some missing scenes, and add a few bonuses to this story, so if you’ve got anything in mind you’d like to read, hit me up ;) (actually hit me up for anything and let’s be friends.) 
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 191
   Lance spent every moment he could before they left making sure the house was cleaned from top to bottom, then bottom to top. The nursery had gotten his blood flowing again, Pidge roped into playing delivery person for him as he fixed up his garden, mulched and pruned, then scolded himself over spending so much money. Then there was Pidge’s birthday party that they’d nearly missed as Lance had let the days of the week slip by. If it hadn’t been for Hunk, they would have been fined a hefty present tax, and had Pidge teasing them for the rest of their lives. The party was small, games and alcohol, Lance trying to do the catering, while Hunk tried to make sure he got in and did everything that needed to be done before Lance could do it. Moving felt better than sitting still. Keith letting him work until he was too tired, then would force feed him as he put him down for a nap... from which Lance would wake up and find himself cleaning again.
  Deep cleaning the house felt good. Keith putting up with hanging the washing out, then bringing it in. Everything from the linen cupboard hit with vinegar washes to kill any mould particles that thought they had a right to make themselves at home. The only room to escape was Matt’s and Rieva’s, as they were entitled to their privacy, and Rieva was being fussy over how many hours he was spending on his feet. He’d been banned from cooking by her, and even having to get up to pee earned him a scowl over being on his feet. She’d smacked when he’d tried to mow the lawn, pretty much chasing him back inside and forcing him to leave his precious lawn half mowed. He was an old man robbed of his pleasure as far as he was concerned. Sure, he was plenty sleepy during the day, but once he’d been stung with cleaning bug, it left him feeling useful, and being outside meant he didn’t have to listen to Rieva scolding Keith for letting him do too much.
  Honestly, when they’d left the house for their trip, the only thing he was sad about was leaving Blue and Kosmo behind. The pair seemed to think that his cleaning was for their benefit. They’d taken to playing in the middle of night, which spilled over into Blue less than ceremoniously waking them by jumping on Keith’s head as Kosmo barrelled up the bed to get to her. The pair thick as thieves and Blue not afraid to use her humans as a convenient escape. The drive was something like 6 hours, with Keith being on edge over how he’d react to being in the outside world again. His ego putting Lance’s ego on edge, leaving them having a spat just as they’d put their bags in the back of Lance’s bronco. Lance had faith that Keith could do this. Keith had anxiety gushing out of every pore by the bucket load. When Keith snapped at him, Lance had snapped back twice as hard.
  This led to a very tense first hour of driving. No radio. No snacks. No talking. There were plenty of snacks packed. All the snacks and drinks within hands reach sat on the backseat. Hunk had baked cookies, and sent along a bag with them, that they were absolutely not allowed to open until they reached the hotel. Their planned six hours seemed so long, until they reached the first unplanned stop on their trip. Keith pulling in at a service station, Lance knowing instantly that his boyfriend had to know he needed to pee. Even when they fought, Lance knew Keith still had his best interests in mind.
  With breaks in almost every small town they passed through, Lance felt like he’d peed his way half way up America. They’d stopped for lunch at a kind of backwards diner off the main road. The food greasy, the milkshakes icy, but the company made up for it. Being alone with Keith felt soothing, despite the shaky start. He didn’t have to adult. He didn’t have to run around after anyone. He didn’t have to worry about the tiny flecks of dust that seemed to have it their personal mission to settle almost immediately after he’d dusted. All he had to worry about was Braxton-Hicks contractions that worried him a whole heck less now he’d been through real ones, their twins spinning summersaults, and Keith’s terrible choice in music... that’d he’d never admit to secretly loving, especially when Keith would seem to forget he wasn’t alone and start singing along.
  Seeing Keith smile, and having his whole attention sent Lance’s ego into some kind of blissful state. His scent filling the car, accidentally, as he found himself getting horny from watching Keith be so happy. Keith teasing him as he pulled off the main road at the first available chance, for some very awkward car prepping in which Lance got a leg cramp and Keith smacked his head on the sun visor. It then progressed to out of the car sex, Lance lost in bliss all over again at the feeling of Keith’s hands over his skin as his head swam, drunk on Keith’s scent. He hadn’t known what he’d missing, or maybe he had, and that’d contributed to him discovering that he didn’t mind Keith biting his neck, or nipping at his nipples hard enough Lance was sure he’d end up pierced by Keith’s fangs. He’d been so caught up in cleaning, that being intimate had slipped the last few days. He’d become such a slut for Keith’s undivided attention that he could have purred contently, like a fat cat whole stolen a whole bottle of milk for himself.
  He hadn’t told his boyfriend, but he’d packed to play a girl depending on the kind of town it was. He looked female enough to pass. No fake chicken fillets were required to fill out a brallet anymore. He’d packed a wig, and a dress, kind of embarrassed over both, yet willing to face the embarrassment if it meant making the trip easier for his boyfriend. When they’d climbed back into his car, Keith was all smiles as Lance curled into him, ignoring his own rules over seatbelts and sitting properly in a car. He didn’t need to fear his car rolling over, not with Keith behind the wheel, plus leaning against Keith meant kisses on the top of his head as Keith drove, Lance unable to offer to drive thanks to no longer fitting comfortably and a new fear that they would crash and he’d lose the twins if his stomach impacted against the steering wheel. This was really nice. Just a vampire and his werewolf boyfriend off on a life changing trip, and some alone time, until they were party crashed in a couple of days by humans. Yeah. It was nice.
The hotel was a piece of shit and Keith hated it. The town he’d once apparently called home, now verged on some kind of city. The sign in boasting a population of 3000 people, though you wouldn’t know it with sheer amount of people at the hotel. Kids were yelling as they played in the tiny pool in the centre of the U-shaped complex. Parents yelling at their spawn. Their room was upstairs, and the bedding so basic it made his bedroom look fancy. For a hotel boasting about being the only one in town, they had nothing to boast about. Every noise seemed to drift right and through their room.
  Late to check in, Lance offered to go in, Keith shaking his head at the offer. He could totally handle one 2 minute interaction. Said interaction blowing out to 20 minutes, with far too many questions asked. No. He wasn’t there on a get away for Easter. No. He didn’t have kids. No. He didn’t have a wife. Yes. His eyes were an unusual shade of purple. He didn’t know what the old man behind the check in counter got from his interrogation, but he was lucky Keith didn’t snap with how tired he was. He didn’t blame Lance for the numerous stops they’d made, but he did think that maybe they should have split the drive and found somewhere to camp overnight, with less fucking people around.
  Coming waddling out the bathroom, Keith noted Lance had packed his own robe. His stomach on display, with the looped belt sitting just below his breasts. Their room was so “Lance-esque” that his boyfriend blended right in with brown shag pile carpet, khaki bedspread and orange flowered wallpaper. Being Lance, his boyfriend had fixed the dripping shower, instead of simply complaining to management. Keith annoyed his boyfriend didn’t care that the hotel wasn’t great. He was certain he’d heard more than one couple doing the do well into the hours of the morning when normal people should be sleeping. Hell. He should be sleeping. All the scents and sounds, coupled with a boyfriend hogging the blankets had made for a long night.
  Seeing him watching, Lance shot him a smile. Opening his arms, Keith made straight for Lance. The vampire chuckled as he kissed Keith’s hair
“Come on, it’s not all bad”
“It’s not all that good either”
“I know. It’s only for a few days”
“This place is awful”
“It’s not getting a good Yelp review, but it’s not completely horrendous”
This was no place for his pregnant mate. A budget hotel room with a TV smaller than Lance’s laptop, and way too many people
“How do you think this isn’t horrendous?!”
“Because you’re here”
   Lance’s sincere answer made him splutter, Lance chuckling at him as he kissed his hair
“I know it’s not what you expected, but it’s not forever”
“There’s so many people...”
“I know. It’s a lot for your senses. Why don’t you take a shower? We were both too tired last night, and I want to go get something decent to eat. Maybe find you some coffee?”
Coffee sounded good. Showering sounded like too much effort, but after tossing and turning all night, it’d feel good to feel clean of their bedding
“Don’t take too long though. Your kids are seriously craving pancakes and I might have to stab someone if I don’t get them soon”
Keith gave a weak chuckle, not at all looking forward to the outside world
“We can’t have that. Get dressed and I’ll be out in a bit”
   The shower ran out of hot water halfway through. Keith kicking the wall tiles hard enough that he cracked the tile that took the main impact. Not that he felt bad about in the slightest. When he’d been on the streets, even a place like this would have been heavenly. Now he’d gotten used to being pampered by Lance and the niceness of Platt. He’d been spoiled. He shouldn’t be expecting city niceties in a backwards town like this.
  With a towel barely bigger than a hand towel around his waist, Keith walked back into the bedroom to find Lance had gotten dressed. He’d stumbled to a stop as he stared at his boyfriend. Lance was in a dress. An actual flowy white dress. A wig of long brown hair flowed down past his shoulders. Catching him staring, Lance sighed at him
“Don’t look at me like that”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re confused. Our friends might be okay with me being pregnant, but I don’t want people making assumptions and being rude as fuck”
  They could go fuck themselves sideways as far as Keith was concerned. Lance was Lance. Lance didn’t love wearing dresses and hiding himself... He shouldn’t have to, either
“You dressed like that for me? You didn’t have to...”
“It’s fine, babe”
“But you’re a man...”
“Who’s currently pregnant and just wants his pancakes in peace. Besides, I like to think I look cute”
He did... but it was so freaking weird. Lance was Lance... and now he suddenly had a girlfriend in place of the man he loved
“You always look cute, but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I don’t want you to feel you have to hide away”
“I know. Look, I figured it’d be easier for these poor country folks. Or don’t you like it? I mean, I can change, but I’m okay for now... more importantly, you know that’s the bath mat you’ve got around your waist, right?”
  No. Why hang it up if it was meant for the floor?! Keith’s cheeks flamed, scrambling for an excuse he pathetically replied
“It does the job”
Lance could only shake his head at him. Keith feeling that was fair
“I did pack our towels. I thought you’d like something more familiar from home. I just didn’t think to grab them”
Lance meant he hadn’t thought to grab them as he rushed off to vomit. Keith copping both the wet noises and the scent. Neither making him feel all that good about their “holiday”
“I’m going to get dressed. Please tell me you’ve found where we can get coffee?”
“As if I’d make you wait for coffee. There’s a restaurant not far from here”
  Thank god for that. He had no idea how this was all going to work, or when they’d be finding his dad’s grave. Now that they were here, he didn’t know how he felt. Yes, he was glad to be there with Lance. But at the same time, everything outside the confines of their crappy room scared him. Logically no one would recognise him. Not when anyone who’d last seen him had seen him as a little kid, but he still feared it. He feared someone from the past coming up to him to say “Oh my god! Are you Keith? I remember when your father died...”. He didn’t want to be remembered. He didn’t want the awkwardness or pity from some stranger. He didn’t even know if he wanted to stay in town long enough for Curtis and Shiro to join them. He did know he wanted to find the shack he’d called home... but even then, he didn’t know what he’d do when he did. All of it felt too much, but all of it would bring some kind of closure. That was if he listened to Lance... Lance who was annoyingly right more times than not. All he could do was hope that he was strong enough to see this through, and that Lance would remain by his side, no matter how he might react.
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The Astronomer and The Florist
Summery: Logan gets passed up for a promotion in favor of the boss's nephew, and he gets Virgil's help to say 'fuck you' in flowers. (It's better than it sounds, I promise)
Ships: Analogical & Royality
Warning: (none?) -let me know if I need to add a warning-
(this is currently a oneshot but I will add more if people like it!)
It was quite a loud day in May, cars were honking, doors were being slammed shut, and Logan was yelling at Roman through his phone.
"I just can't comprehend the gall of that... that... COTTON HEADED NINNY MUFFIN!" "Woah now Logan," Roman said, trying not to let his amusement show in his voice, "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" "Of course Roman, what else would I kiss my mother with?" Logan grumbled.
Roman rolled his eyes, forgetting that his friend can't see him. "Nevermind. What are you wanting to do? You can't exactly trash talk your boss's nephew to him and not expect consequences, especially at a party with all of your colleagues watching."
Logan thought for a moment. Roman did have a point, and he knew that Roman was speaking from experience. "Well, I certainly wouldn't want to make a scene, but maybe I can do something subtlety." Logan went silent for a minute, then a thought came to him.
"Hey Roman, didn't you say that your boyfriend is a floral vendor?" "Yeah," Roman says, slightly confused, "Patton owns a flower shop just off Main Street, why?" Logan inserted the directions into google maps while still talking to Roman. "I've been learning a bit about the language of flora. So I am now going to give Michael a bouquet that tells him how incompetent I think he is, without directly telling him."
Roman laughed, strangely proud of his friend. "Okay, call me back after you have gotten your hate bouquet." Logan rolled his eyes, agreed to do just that, and hung up with Roman, walking over to the brightly colored building. The sign on the door indicated that the shop was still open for a few hours, so Logan slipped in.
The bell over the door rang, alerting the quiet, empty shop to a new customer. Logan walked over to a curly blonde man standing in front of the counter. The man smiled at Logan, and held out his hand.
"Hi! You must be Logan! Roman had just texted me that you would be stopping by. It is nice to meet you, Roman has said a lot about you! All good things, all good things!" The bubbly blond that could only be Patton rambled. Logan smiled softly, shaking Patton's hand.
"Salutation. You are correct, I am Logan. Roman has spoken of you quite fondly as well." Patton smiled even wider, if that was possible. "So Logan, what can I do for you?" Logan clasped his hands in front of him, and looked Patton dead in the eye. "I require a bouquet that will tell my boss's nephew just how much of an imbecile and simpleton I find him."
Patton's smile dropped a bit, and he started fiddling with the straps on his apron. "I don't know much about nonpositive flower language, but my friend Virgil is in the back, and I think he could help you. Would you like me to go get him?" Logan nodded, and Patton headed to the back to get Virgil.
Logan felt his phone buzz, and he took it out of his pocket to see who had texted him.    
  ROMAN: Make sure u ask how 2 passive-aggressively say f u in flower XD
Logan rolled his eyes at his friend's awful grammar. He pocketed his phone, and looked up just in time to see Patton coming towards him with another male. The male had a purple shirt on under his black apron, and swept his hair out of his eyes when he caught Logan's gaze. "Logan," Patton said, "this is Virgil, he should be able to help you with your request." Virgil gave Logan a two-fingered salute. "Sup Logan? So, what is this strange request?"
Logan thought of Roman text and decided to try it out. "I need to know who to passive-aggressively say fuck you in flowers." Patton blanched. Virgil froze for a moment, and then bust out laughing. Logan suddenly remembered that he is, in fact, very gay.
"Patton, can you go finish up the displays I was working on in the back? I definitely have this one." Virgil said, still slightly laughing. Patton grinned, still slightly shocked at Virgil laughing in front of a stranger, and nodded. "No problem Virge."
Virgil then looked at Logan, and took in his appearance. Virgil doesn't typically like people in button down shirts and a tie, but he has to admit that Logan fills everything nicely, and makes his gay heart flutter. "So," Virgil says, trying to stop his thoughts, "may I ask why you require such an insulting bouquet?"
Logan grimaced. "My boss passed me up for a promotion in favor of a person three years my junior, with far less knowledge, simply because the person is the boss's nephew." Virgil offered a look of sympathy. "Man, that sucks. What do you do?" "I am an astronomer at the conservatory."
Virgil smiled. "That's awesome Logan! I love the sky. I used to go stargazing all the time, but I haven't been able to lately." Logan lit up. "The sky is simply fascinating! You should definitely attempt to go stargazing again. I myself go to the Mind Palace Meadow with my telescope Saturday every other week." "Mind Palace Meadow, huh?" Virgil asked. "I've never been out there. I'll have to go sometime. Anyways, would you like to start on your bouquet?"
Logan blushed, still wanting to talk to Virgil about stargazing, but nodded. "What type of flowers do you have in mind?" Logan asked. "The more depreciating, the better." Virgil smirked. "Oh, I definitely have a few ideas, come with me."
Logan followed Virgil to the counter. Virgil took out a notebook and a pen. "Okay, so when do you need the bouquet by?" "The party is on Friday, so preferably Friday at 6." Logan responded. "Alright, that gives me three days to put everything together. I'm thinking geraniums, because they mean stupidity..." "A lot of those," Logan mumbled.
Virgil just let out a short huff of a laugh, and nodded. "So definitely geraniums then. There are also foxgloves for insincerity, meadowsweets for uselessness, yellow carnations for disappointment, and orange lilies for hatred. How does all that sound?"
Logan nodded and smiled. "It sounds perfect. How much will I owe you?" Virgil did some calculations and told Logan the amount. Logan nodded, deciding that the price was reasonable. "Thank you so much, Virgil. I truly appreciate it." Virgil blushed at Logan's serenity. "It's no problem Logan, but may I offer you some advice?" Once Logan nodded curiously, Virgil continued. "You seem like you are very good at what you do, and you seem really passionate about it too. I wouldn't let people who don't appreciate you take advantage of you."
Logan smiled, and thanked Virgil. "I will definitely take that into consideration. Thank you Virgil, you are a very good person." Virgil blushed, looking at his notebook, and decided to take a risk. "Can I have your number?" Logan had an internal gay panic, because 'OH MY GOSH! THIS ATTRACTIVE MALE JUST ASKED FOR MY NUMBER!!!' Virgil misread Logan's slightly panicked expression, and freaked.
"You don't have to of course! It would just help with the bouquet and if anything changes! I could give it to Patton so that you don't have to talk to me-" Logan held up his hand to shush Virgil.
"I would like to give you my number Virgil," Logan said, making sure to enunciate the 'you' so that there were no misunderstandings. "I have no problem with updates on the bouquet. And maybe..." Logan took a deep breath, handing Virgil the card with his number on it while looking deep into Virgis eyes. "Maybe we could talk more about stargazing or something."
Virgil blushed even more, and looked down at the card in an attempt to hide his smile. "I would like that." Logan nodded, smiling and relieved. "Well, text me later then," Logan said as he left. As soon as the door closed, Virgil turned and ran into the back room. Virgil ran up to Patton, and Patton looked at Virgil while smiling. "You were eavesdropping, right?" Virgil asked.
Patton looked a little sheepish, and then nodded. "So, was I right? He is your type right?" Virgil nodded, then thrust the card at Patton. "He is so my type, and I got his number!" Virgil squeaked while Patton hugged him.
Logan walks out of the flower shop, smiling. He walks to the stop sign, takes out his phone, and opens the texting app.     
 LOGAN: Roman, everything went great, I have the bouquet order placed.   
 ROMAN: Thats gr8! All good now?
 LOGAN: Yes. I also may have flirted with Patton's very attractive coworker and then gave him my number before leaving.   
Logan started walking home, smiling while he answered Roman's phone call.
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kill-for-cookies · 4 years
Promise is a beautiful lie (pt. 7)
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Words: 3191
Note: Finally I wrote it! And that’s why I have a very good mood. Hope, you too. Oh, and friendly reminder, my inbox is open and you can send me requests.
Previous parts:  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
The Doctor didn't tell you where you were going today. All she said was it would be a little hot. Obviously, she decided to surprise you. You never were happy with surprises. You liked when everyone talked to you straight. Besides, waiting was a real torture for you. You couldn't stand it. 
Now you were in the TARDIS wardrobe, looking at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a shirt and skirt. You liked it. Simple but stylish. But you decided to put on a white scarf made of light fabric. Now it was perfect. 
'I like it. Looks great' you inwardly made a compliment. 
'It would look better if you wore purple.'
Of course, how could be without him? Could the Master ever leave you alone for one day? You didn't process last night's meeting in the TARDIS and he was here again. There was one but. You didn't mind. Well, not exactly. You were, of course, but not as much as you could have been. Earlier you would have tried to get rid of the Master, but now you didn't really want it. Yes, there was a note of discontent, but certainly not a fountain. 
'Has anyone ever told you you're obsessed with purple?' there was one advantage of this conversation. You could tease the Master. The main thing was not to get carried away. 
'Yes, they don't shut up. Usually they quickly fall silent for some reason... So strange!' he said it so dramatically that you immediately rolled eyes. The sarcasm clearly sounded in his voice. 
You walked through the corridors of the TARDIS, coming back to the console room. You decided to leave his remark without comment. Maybe the Master would leave you if you just didn't say anything. Honestly, you didn't particularly want to tease or argue with him. Just wanted to spend some time quietly on some alien planet. You had a lot of thoughts to deal with. For example, what the hell happened yesterday? So you were begging for two or three hours of solitude and peace.
'So, where are you going this time?' but apparently, this would remain a pipe dream. Deep down, you took a deep breath.
'Why do you want to know?'
'It's not polite to answer questions with questions, love' you could feel his grin. Could even imagine it. So often you had seen the Master lately. You felt it near your ear. Damn telepathy. Sometimes you just hated this. 
'Anyway, I won't tell you until I know why' you crossed your arms over your chest, which made you a little uncomfortable walking. But you couldn't help yourself. 
'I'm just curious' to your surprise, you believed the Master. It really sounded sincere. But out of habit, you asked. 
'Yes, I'm not lying. Swear on two hearts it is.'
'I'm sorry. Just last time you pretended to be a different person and were jealous of yourself.'
'I wasn't jealous' you were sure the Master was offended and pouted. He often reminded you of a little spoiled child.
'Oh, right. How could I forget about your unsurpassed acting talent?'
'I forgive you. Next time I won't be so generous' you rolled eyes again. You thought you would soon see your entrails.
Finally you reached the console room. The Doctor was waiting for you, leaning on the console and reading a book. You didn't want to know what it was about. Either in a language that the TARDIS refused to translate or you wouldn't understand complicated words.
"Doc, I'm ready" she smiled and put the book away, looking at you.
"Wow! Scarf! I love scarves. I wore it once. It was so long that when folded in half it reached my heels and I was taller" your face immediately broke into a wide smile. You had no doubts that it was true.
'I always wanted to straighten it so the Doctor would fall.'
You weren't even surprised by the Master's comment. It was a little funny, though. Usually he tried to kill the Doctor, set a death trap for her. But right now it was quite different. Just a little prank. He was definitely a child at heart.
'I think it's cute' you objected.
'You just didn't see the scarf. It was multicolored and striped. No sense of style. I've never had a problem with style' and here he was again. Did the Master ever get tired of praises? Obviously not.
"Y/N, is everything okay? You're frowning" the Doctor peeked around the central column. Damn, she noticed. You got carried away with argument. Emotions showed on your face.
"Er... I was just talking to my mother yesterday. It brought up couple of unpleasant memories. It's okay."
You tried to give the Doctor a confused smile, but it was more tight and unconvincing. But it was enough for her to stop asking questions. A small sigh of relief escaped from your throat.
'Liar. Did you learn it from the Doctor or you always did it?' the Master teased. This situation clearly amused him. You really wanted to see his face and hit him so hard.
The Doctor stood at the door and opened it, inviting you to come out. So you did. You were met by a scorching red sun, which made you close eyes and put hand to your forehead to create some shade.
The sharp smell of spices hit your nose. So sharp that you wanted to sneeze. In front of you were stalls with all sorts of things. Spices, flowers, fruits, vegetables, technologies, etc. It seemed you could buy here everything in the Universe.
It was so atmospheric. There was a lot of people. Some of them examined and brought goods. Others shouted and argued. Apparently, didn't agree on price or quality.
Everything seemed so alive here. Real. No pomp and conventions. Simple and clear. That was what you really liked and missed a little. You couldn't take your eyes off this sight. It was even a little breathtaking. In a good way, of course.
"Welcome to Guoron. Planet of merchants and markets" the Doctor put hand on your shoulder as she lined up with you. "You said you wanted something simple. So I thought..." she didn't finish the sentence when she saw the tears in your eyes. "Sorry. I thought you'd like it. I can take you somewhere else..."
"Don't you dare. Don't even think about it" you said sharply, raising your voice at the Doctor and wiping away tears. "I'm crying with happiness. I didn't think it would be so great" you added more gently after seeing her surprised and wondering look.
The Doctor brightened. Her eyes showed she let out a deep mental breath. She was about to say something, but jumped up and ran to the counter.
"Oh, look. It's a waste-to-fuel Converter. I didn't know it was invented in the 37th century. I thought I was 39th. I learn something new every day" the Doctor never changed. This was probably a good thing. Besides, it was difficult not to like it. Every time she did that, you instantly smiled.
You decided to leave the Doctor. Let her examine mechanisms on his own. You weren't as interested in it as her. Honestly, you weren't interested at all.
You moved forward. Stalls were endless. It was like the street, you were walking on, led to nowhere. 
You had some kind of alien fruit in your hands. You were given it to taste even though you didn't have any money. The Doctor must forget to give money to you. Or just didn't have it as usual.
The fruit was blue, round and bumpy. It was glowing a little. In general, it resembled a raspberry. Just increased in size. You took a small bite of the fruit. It tasted like watermelon. Great! Your first alien fruit was edible and delicious. But you hardly finished your meal when the Master appeared in your mind again.
'Aren't you tired of lying to the Doctor?' he definitely wasn't going to leave you alone. It was getting annoying, as if everything, that had happened yesterday, didn't make any sense.
'What else should I do? Tell her everything? I don't think that's a good idea. So what do you suggest?'
Before the Master could respond, you heard that someone was addressing to you and trying to get your attention.
"The girl with white scarf!" you turned and looked around. You were the only one who wore a scarf. Certainly white. But you asked with embarrassment.
"Me?" you said to the old lady in the orange dress, moving closer to her.
"Yes, you" she just smiled sweetly, even though you were still looking at her in confusion. You certainly didn't expect that someone here would address to you. "Don't you want to know your fate?"
"Sorry, but I don't believe in fate" you were already half-turned and about to leave, but the old lady wasn't going to give up so quickly.
"Aren't you curious, Y/N?" your eyes immediately widened as soon as you heard your name.
Where did she know it? Did someone tell her? But who then? Not many people know it (especially on another planet or century). You certainly weren't as famous as the Master or the Doctor.
"W-where do you know?" you barely managed to say it. Your voice was trembling. Disquiet and anxiety grew in you at an extraordinary rate.
The old lady didn't answer you. She just signed to follow her. You weren't sure you should do it. On the one hand, you really wanted to. After all, you always were curious.
On the other hand, you were worried. Maybe it was a trick. Like using you as bait for the Doctor. And that wouldn't surprise you very much. In your practice, this was the norm.
'Don't go, dear. Surely this is some kind of trap' in the Master's voice there was a... concern? He worried about you? If you didn't know him, you'd be pretty sure he did.
'It's nice to know you care about me' through the bond, you felt his resentment and annoyance. He must have crossed arms over his chest and rolled eyes. 'But I want to know where she knows my name. If you don't like it, get out of my head.'
It wasn't a good idea to talk to the Master like that, but you didn't care. This old woman was right. You were very curious. So much that it got the better of your disquiet. And even though you didn't believe in predictions, you couldn't help yourself. 
Long pause. A long, tense pause. You even started to get nervous, because the Master didn't say anything. Nothing radiated through the bond, as if he wasn't in your head, although you could tell it wasn't true. 
'Okay. I'll give you fifteen minutes' and now you were alone. Alone with all this madness. You were hoping in fifteen minutes you wouldn't hear the Master saying 'I told you so'.
You were a little sad he was gone. Honestly, you wanted him to stay. Now you regretted you sent him away. At least, it would be some support. And even if the Master teased you, it would be much better than being alone.
You went inside the store. It was dark. The only light sources were candles. The room had a couple of bookcases with various books. There were skulls on some of the shelves. You wanted to believe these were 'magic' skulls and not something else.
In the middle of the room was a table with two chairs. The old lady was already sitting at the table, shuffling cards, waiting for you, like she knew you would come in.
"Glad you didn't listen to the Master" you froze in place with round eyes. You didn't even hide your surprise.
How the hell did she know about the Master? He was in your head. He even wasn't on this planet. And in general, how did she know you argued with him to come in or not? Now you weren't only curious, but also scared.
"Sit down" you slowly sat in the chair in front of the old lady. You were still waiting for the catch.
"Where do you know my name?"
It was the only thing that made you be here. You wanted to deal with this quickly and get out of here as quickly as possible. That lady scared the hell out of you. Perhaps, more than the Master had ever done.
"Take four cards from the deck" you quickly blinked your eyes. Your mouth opened to object, but she cut you off. "Just do it. I promise you'll get answers."
Brilliant! It didn't bother you at all. The woman, who knew your name and your meetings with the Master (even the Doctor wasn't aware of it), didn't frighten you at all. Just the best day on this damn planet!
Your hand with wariness (as if you put your hand on a hot pan) pulled out four cards.
"I made predictions to many people. Counts, generals, kings and others. And some of them came across a card that means deadly danger" she said, shuffling your cards.
'Um... Okay, but how does that explain she knows me?' you thought to yourself, shifting in your chair. You were hoping the Master would say something now. But unfortunately, this didn't happen.
"Your first card is the inverted King of swords. In your past there was a strong enemy who caused you a lot of trouble and suffering. He has done you serious harm. Did you have him?" the abrupt transition confused you a little. Maybe this old lady would tell you later what she meant earlier.
You were thinking. Yeah, you had one guy at school who bullied and humiliated you. You even cried about it a couple of times, but you wouldn't call him a strong enemy.
In general, you could include the Master there, if we talked about the past. But he wasn't exactly your enemy, he was the Doctor's. But considering he threatened you and your friends... So theoretically, he was.
"Yes, I had. But perhaps, everyone had such person" the lady nodded at this and on her face was written 'fair'.
"Well, they were threatened with death, but they were always saved by someone" you frowned, trying to understand who she was talking about. Probably about her clients. "The more such predictions were made, the more I learned about this person. And that was you."
Wait what? You quickly blinked in surprise. Would you save someone? Of course, you traveled with the Doctor, but usually it was she, who saved the situation.
"Well, yes, I'm traveling with the Doctor, but I'm only helping her..." you lowered your head and rubbed your neck in confusion.
"No, it was you and not with the Doctor. Have any clue?"
Even if that was true, how could you save alien kings and counts without her? You didn't have your own ship... And then it hit you. You even forgot about it. You met the Master from your future and he said you two were together. Well, after that, you interrupted him, not wanting to know what he meant.
Apparently, in the future, you would travel with the Master and dissuade him from killing. And it seemed possible. Of course, you were a little unsure of your guess, but that was the only explanation.
Besides, the more you met the Master, the more you believed he could change. And if he could, maybe one day... you would leave the Doctor for him (and just a month ago you thought that was impossible).
You would not because you were attracted to the Master. You just felt like you were the only one who were good to him. Plus, the Doctor had Fam. In the worst case, she would easily find a new companion, but the Master wouldn't.
"Wow! Congratulations. You got the Sun. Now your life is like a fairy tale. Adventure and true love. Perfect combination" okay, let's say the first time it was an accident. But now it didn't feel like this.
You definitely couldn't complain about your life now. It was really good. You saw the stars and history again with your own eyes. And there was definitely something between you and the Master. You wouldn't say (at least, for now) it was love. But you couldn't deny you didn't have feelings for him, either.
"Let's say I believe you, but why did you say 'I'm glad you didn't listen to the Master'?" you decided she shouldn't know she was right. You still didn't trust her, but the more time passed, the more you believed her story.
"I know you've been talking to him a lot lately. Don't worry, the Doctor won't know about it" the tension began to gradually leave your muscles. You didn't even notice it until now. "I know a lot about you from the predictions. Didn't I say that?" you looked away. You needed time to digest all this information.
Honestly, you weren't as scared as you were when you first came in. Of course, you were, but for some reason, deep down, you believed her. Felt this lady would do no harm to you.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Really sorry" your eyes were quickly up to her face, asking 'what happened?' "Inverted Ten of swords. This is one of the most frightening card. You will soon face a terrible ordeal. And it will bring you tears, pain and devastation."
It was like you were struck by lightning. Although you didn't believe in fate (after all, previous cards didn't fully convince you), it was still scary to hear this. You didn't want to know what the last card would be. It didn't take a genius to figure out what it would tell you. Your future in general.
You got up and walked quickly to the door. The old lady tried to stop you, but you weren't going to turn around. You were devastated. No thoughts, no emotions. Just nothing. The only thing you wanted was fresh air. Well, as far as it was possible in the market.
When you entered a small alley, you stopped and pressed your back against the wall, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. Surely, you didn't think the day would pass like this. It was supposed to be wonderful. Supposed to be. 
You had no idea you were going to be so upset today. Especially from fortune telling. It was more likely the Master would spoil your mood, but certainly not this.Maybe you shouldn't have left. Maybe the last card was a good one. Maybe everything would end well. You would live happily ever after...
You stood there for a few more minutes in silence. Alone with yourself... Damn, you wished the Master was back in your head. His taunts would cheer you up. Who knew you loved them so much? Certainly not you.
When you came back to normal a little, you were about to leave and find the Doctor, but you were violently grabbed by arms.
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nsschaintale · 3 years
Everyone knows the old legend. The Legend of the War Between Monsters and Humans. Or, The Monster-Human War, as it was easier to call. To think humans and monsters used to live in harmony, only to end up
Hiro (jolts awake, screaming and in tears): …...Asgore....... (gets angry) Flowey...he killed Asgore! (looks around; becomes confused) Uuuh, where am I..? Wait, what's that? (sees a black screen with the following display)
                                    Flowey   LV9999    9999:99
                                                 My World
                                      Continue          Restart
Hiro (walks up to it): “My World”? Flowey? I'm in Flowey's world...? (presses continue; is in complete darkness and gets a strange chill running down his spine) I'm cold...? Ah, a light? (walks to it and finds the Save Star, a panel pops up, showing his save file info) My save file! Yes! (about to touch it) Now I can- (sees it crack 3 times; the second time displayed “File erased” before shattering on the third crack) AAAAH!! No, what!?
Hiro was horrified as he watched his SAVE file crack into pieces. His terror soon escalated when he sees Flowey appearing above him, looking larger and flickering with static.
Flowey: Howdy! It's me, FLOWEY. (blep winks) Flowey the Flower! I owe you a HUGE thanks. You really did a number on that old fool. Without you, I NEVER could have gotten past him. (has Asgore's face) But now, with YOUR help... (eyes black out, face melted) He's DEAD... (grins) and I've got the human souls.
Hiro (terrified): Ah...
Flowey (laughs): Boy! I've been empty for so long... It feels great to have a soul inside me again. (blep winks) Mmmm, I can feel them wriggling.... (pity look) Aww, you're feeling left out, aren't you? (blep winks) Well, that's just perfect. After all, I only have six souls. (blep winks) I still need one more... (creepy smirk) Before I become GOD. (grins) And then, with my newfound powers.... (Toriel face) Monsters. (Hiro's face) Humans. (rotating blinking circle face) Everyone. (black face with  white eyes and mouth) I'll show them all the REAL meaning of this world. (vanishes while laughing)
Hiro: You.... If I only had my save file, I can-  
Flowey (reappears): Oh, and forget about escaping to your old save file. (creepy smirk) It's gone forever.
Hiro: N-No....
Flowey (adverts eyes): But don't worry. Your old friend Flowey... (blep winks) ...has worked out a replacement for you! (demonic face) I'll SAVE over your own death. So you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces... Over, and over, and over...
Hiro (steps forward): Th-That won't happen! I-I gonna stop you!
Flowey: ….What? Do you really think you can stop ME? (smirks) Hee hee hee.... You really are an idiot.
Flowey disappeared into the darkness as Hiro's soul was displayed before him. What's strange is that the area remained dark instead of turning gray like normal. The 6 souls that were inside Asgore's containers appeared in a circle, spreading out before vanishing. Suddenly, the area started flashing red as a strange large shadow descended from above. Hiro was uncertain of what was coming, but at least he still had his determination!
Or...he did.
A square light soon shined from the shadow, a smiling face that grinned, eyes that split open to gaze with red sclera and green irises, the red flashing faded, revealing a monstrous creature. The creature is made out of vines, cactus-like arms, thick plant stalks with red thorns, 6 main metal pipes shaped like a flower with 2 “petals” flanking the CRT TV head, 2 around a pair of human eyes, and 2 connected to the mouth of the lower flesh-colored head that has another set of eyes and its nostrils under the TV. This monster looked like it was suspended from the ceiling with the multitude of pipes behind it. It laughed a shrill demonic laugh as its eyes on the TV face flickered between red and green. It was hard to tell if the laugh came from the TV or the normal head. Either way, it terrified Hiro. But that wasn't the only thing he has to worry about. The battle itself-
It's pure chaos!!! Hiro had to dodge the + bullets shot out from the middle now-reddened flickering black eyes as the TV had a white glitchy face looking like it was  screaming, mocking, and trying to escape its prison. Hiro was unable to access his menu to see what the creature is called as he dodged the vines, so he figured that he had met Flowey before this, he called this form “Omega Flowey”. He had to avoid flamethrowers blasting at him from both sides before the Fight button appeared on the field. He managed to hit it, launching his knife at Omega Flowey and landing a weak strike on him. Unfortunately, it didn't look like his attack did anything. Omega Flowey sent out double waves of + bullets from his lower eyes before jutting out vines again. Hiro had to speed away from several rings of his so-called “friendly” pellets, but he knows they're not so friendly anymore. He weaved his way through more + bullets again before seeing the lower left metal petal flashing light blue and the TV displaying the light blue soul with the red light and yellow WARNING flashing behind it. Hiro had managed to survive the first onslaught but not without sustaining injuries as Omega Flowey disappeared except for the TV and the soul in it. Soon, the area was filled with enormous white knives, save for the space he was in. He was hit a few times while dodging the blades until he saw the Act button. He made a beeline for the button and slammed his hand on it.
Hiro: Some...Someone HELP ME!!
As soon as he called out, the knives transformed into green bandages, healing most of his wounds. He noticed that the soul is now orange before Omega Flowey resurfaced, bringing his chaos in for a second round. All of a sudden, giant atomic bombs with Flowey's winking face on them drops towards Hiro. He desperately dodges the explosions as several spiky cactus ball worms with human teeth bounced all over the area. Hiro had to dodge the vines again, but before he managed to get to the Fight button again, the vines stuck him and he perished. As he was floating in the darkness, he was expecting the same voice to tell him not to give up, but this time, a different one came along.
???: It's all just a dream, and you're never waking up!
(laugh is interrupted by a glitchy sound as if a program has glitched before falling into silence)
???: Hee hee hee. Did you really think I was gonna be satisfied.... killing you only one time?
Hiro (jolts awake): Wh-What was... (finds himself before Omega Flowey as he laughs) Uh oh...
The battle resumed with the atomic bombs as Hiro frantically tried to dodge them and the vines. In Omega Flowey's left hand, he held a Venus Fly Trap that drew in a swarm of massive flies while Hiro tried to swat them away and dodge. The same happened as the flower monster pulled another fly trap plant in his right hand, causing the boy to nearly get swamped by flies. As Omega Flowey put the plants away, more atomic bombs dropped. Hiro tried to hide under Omega Flowey's body but to no avail, getting killed in the process and falling into the darkness. That high-pitched shrill laughter rang out around Hiro as he tried to block it by covering his ears.
???: Pathetic... Now you're really gonna die!
Again, Hiro had to return to the battlefield. This time, though, he was able to survive the stages, despite sustaining injuries. He encountered the orange soul with its rings of white gloves that has a black circle with a pair of interlocked rings on them. He had to weave his way between them before touching the Act button. Once he called out for help, he was greeted with the gloves that turned green and has a heart in the circle, giving a thumb's up as he healed himself and spotted the blue soul. Hiro entered the third stage where his sense of the world felt out of control. He constantly felt himself teleporting in random places as he tried to dodge the vines. That was when he noticed the words “FILE 2 SAVED” and “FILE 2 LOADED” pop up several times.
Hiro: File 2 saved...? (dodges + bullets; sees the blue soul appear)
Hiro found himself trapped under a river of stars as a line of ballet shoes tiptoed towards him. He had to avoid and slip past the shoes until the Act button arrived, causing the shoes to lift up and the stars became green music notes, allowing Hiro to heal himself with them before facing Omega Flowey again as he saw the purple soul appear on the screen. Omega Flowey used a fly trap plant again before sending out wave blasts of + bullets and dropping atomic bombs at Hiro. He sent out more blasts of + bullets as Hiro managed to hit the Fight button and sending a knife at the beast. The spiky worms ricocheted all over the area as the ring of pellets followed Hiro while he flew around. Suddenly, red lines aimed at Hiro as several plant stalks with human hands pop up and shoot the index and middle fingers as daisy-tipped bullets while Hiro hit the Fight button again. He had to avoid the flamethrowers, the + bullet waves, and the vines. Soon, the TV screen showed the purple soul, but Hiro didn't notice it as the mouth had light glowing in it. Hiro managed to save himself from being blasted by Omega Flowey's beam. Hiro was taken to a new area where columns of white notebooks scrolled up and down on the sides, trapping the boy between them. Multitudes of words flew out of the pages, many of them being negative ones like “Cruelty”, “Sadness”, “Hatred”, and the like, and Hiro had to dodge them. Eventually, the Act button showed up and he made a beeline for it, dodging “Trapped” as he did. Soon, positive words such as “Hope”, “Happiness”, “Success”, and others like them healed Hiro. As Hiro watched the green soul vanish in the TV screen, Omega Flowey went on the assault again. He sent out more vines and + bullets and disorienting the boy with his constant reloads. After a while, Hiro saw the green soul appear on the screen as the left pipe by the TV glowed with it. Hiro soon found himself before three large flying pans that has flames leaping out of them. Hiro has dealt with fire before and was able to get by them, despite a few burns here and there. He was able to catch up the Act button that got flipped out of one of the pans, and was greeted by what looked like green eggs, healing up the wounds he got before seeing the yellow soul and tossed back into the fray with the flower beast. More + bullets flew at him while he dodged the flies being drawn to the fly trap plant, flying around to avoid the bullet rings and hitting the Fight button before the spiny worms ricocheted around the area again. Hiro felt he was getting exhausted, but managed to dodge the finger guns shooting at him before seeing the yellow soul. Speaking of shooting, Hiro was soon facing a giant revolver.
Hiro: Aaah!
He had to dodge the cross-hairs to avoid the bullets being shot at him. He was hit a few times, but he got through it after hitting the Act button, albeit still weary from fighting. He did get hit again, but by four-leafed clovers being shot out from the revolver. Hiro feared for what may come next, but was surprised that the six souls surrounded him.
Hiro: Huh? What's going on? (watches the souls send their healing items to him, healing the wounds) They're...helping me? Cool! (fully healed; watches the souls float away) Thanks!
Once he returned before Omega Flowey, Hiro saw an indicator by him showing “Flowey's DEFENSE dropped to 0!” That gave him all the confidence he needed to lash out at Flowey. Maybe a little too much confidence. He struggled through bullets, bombs, flames, and everything Flowey threw at him, but with the help of the hidden souls sending him their healing items, Hiro was able to keep slashing at him. This time, he can see a health bar appearing before Omega Flowey. Hiro felt he can finally defeat the giant beast! At least until he misses a bandage while his health was low and dies to a flamethrower.
???: Hee hee hee. Do you even realize what will happen if you defeat me...?
Hiro: Um....
Hiro hadn't actually thought about what would happen if he beat Flowey. All he cared about right now was getting away from the battle. Before he could think more on it, he came face to face with Omega Flowey again. Again, Hiro flew around, dodging Flowey's chaotic onslaught of various attacks as he continuously slashed and slung his dagger, getting the flower's health down. It felt like there was no end in sight, but Hiro kept going, he kept fighting. He kept slashing as much as his little body could handle until the last hit, managing to land a killing slash to Omega Flowey at last.
OFlowey: No...NO!! This CAN'T be happening!!!
Hiro: Yes! I did it!
OFlowey: You...You.... (green bar appears, completely healed; teasing grin) You IDIOT.
Hiro: Eh?
Before Hiro could even register the “FILE 3 LOADED” notification appearing, he suddenly gets blasted by the powerful beam he dodged earlier before getting impaled by vines.
Hiro: Aaaagh...?!
Hiro had to go through this several times, bleeding and healing only to get blasted and stabbed. Out of everything he went through, this was the most painful. He barely had time to scream at the actions as it's cut off by Omega Flowey's repeat loading of his own file. As quickly as it started, the torment ended with Hiro on the ground, low on health and surrounded with the flower's bullets.
OFlowey: Hee heee hee. Did you REALLY think...you could defeat ME!? (TV had Flowey's real face shown) I am the god of this world. And YOU? (white face with hollow eyes fading) You're HOPELESS. Hopeless and alone. (real face) Golly, that's right. (Toriel face) Your worthless friends...(creepy Toriel face)...can't save you now. (smirk) Call for help. I dare you. (creepy grin) Cry into the darkness. (creepy Toriel face)“Mommy! Daddy!” “Somebody help!” (creepy grin) See what good it does you!
Hiro (inwardly panicking as he bumps into the Act button, startling him): AH! H-Help....Help! Please help! Aaaah... HELP!!
(silence except for the sounds of vines and metal)
OFlowey (smiles): But nobody came. (blep winks) Boy! What a shame! (Toriel face) Nobody else.... (Omega face) ...is gonna get to see you DIE!!!
Hiro watched as the bullets drew closer to him. He was so close to leaving...So close... When the bullets hit him, he had expected to die there. Instead, he was healed. This action confused the two greatly.
OFlowey: …..What? How'd you...?
Hiro (looking at himself confused): I dunno!
OFlowey: Well, I'll just-
Hiro (flinches back when seeing the LOAD FAILED pop up; realizes nothing happened): ….Uh..?
OFlowey (sweats): Wh...Where are my powers!?
(the six souls appear around Omega Flowey)
Hiro: Ah!
OFlowey (shaking): The souls....? What are they doing? (gets attacked) NO!! NO!!!
Hiro (covers his face with his arms as the area and Flowey are getting blasted by the souls; peeks between them a few times): Yikes!
The amount of power used by the souls was so immense that the area became flooded with light until it went dark.
Just silence coupled by the wind within the darkness. Hiro lowered his arms, finding himself sitting before Flowey. Flowey is back in his normal flower form, but he doesn't look at the boy, his petals blocking his face from him. Again, Hiro finds himself between his Fight and Mercy buttons, and again, he chose one option.
Hiro (chooses Mercy): …...
Flowey (barely looks at Hiro): … What are you doing? Do you really think I've learn from this? No. (looks away)
Hiro (Mercy): You can try...
Flowey (barely stares at Hiro): ….Sparing me won't change anything. Killing me is the way to end this.
Hiro (Mercy): I won't do it.
Flowey (face has scratches): If you let me live... (straightens up) I'll come back.
Hiro (furrows his brows while pressing Mercy): …..
Flowey: I'll kill you.
Hiro (Mercy): …...
Flowey (crazed smile): I'll kill everyone.
Hiro (hesitates, then presses Mercy): ….
Flowey (crazed look worsens): I'll kill everyone you love.
Hiro (hesitates again, then presses Mercy): ….
Flowey: …
Hiro (keeps pressing Mercy, confusing Flowey): ….
Flowey (glares): ….Why?
Hiro (Mercy): ….
Flowey: Why are you being.. (concerned)..so nice to me?
Hiro (Mercy): Because... I want to....
Flowey: I can't understand.
Hiro (Mercy): …..
Flowey: I can't understand!
Hiro (Mercy): ….
Flowey (teary-eyed): I just can't understand. (runs away)
Hiro finds himself before a sunlit grass patch where Flowey was. Hiro sat on his spot for a while since the battle wore him out, glancing around until he saw a path up ahead. He pushed himself to his feet and ambled his way up the path. This was the exit, he finally managed to reach the way out of the underground. Despite this though, he felt bad for leaving his monster friends behind. As much as he wanted to stay, he had to leave. After taking one last look, Hiro departed past the door, watching it close forever.
It had been a few days since Hiro left the underground. The sense of time was lost on him when he was found emerging from the forest by some hikers. He was missing for two weeks and he remembered why he fell into the underground in the first place. Hiro lost his parents to a drunk driver and ended up in foster care. He didn't really like the place he stayed at and decided to “explore” the area near the orphanage. He didn't intend to get too far until he heard voices beckoning him towards the foot of Mt. Ebott. That was how he ended up in the underground. He still wondered about that voice and those visions he had during his travels underground, but most of all, he wondered how his new friends were. Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, Toriel, everyone. He felt guilty for having to fight Asgore. He did like Asgore's proposal of staying with him and his wife, but that was impossible now. That night while he was sleeping, Hiro gets a phone call. He didn't set up a voicemail with his info, but the person on the other end left a message anyway. Hiro did notice the single message on his phone, so once he finished everything he was supposed to do that day, he managed to find time to listen to the voicemail.
Hiro: Whoa, this voicemail's that long? Who...? (plays it; recognizes Sans's voice)
Sans: Heya. Is anyone there?
Hiro: Ah, it's Sans!
Sans: Hmm, guess not. Well, I'll just leave a message. (sighs) So... It's been a while. The queen returned, and is now ruling over the underground.
Hiro: She did?
Sans: She's instated a new policy. All humans who fall here will be treated not as enemies...but as friends. It's probably for the best, anyway.
Hiro: Oh, that's good.
Sans: The human souls the king gathered seem to have disappeared. So, uh, that plan ain't happening anytime soon.
Hiro: Oh...They musta left after they helped me...
Sans: But even though people are heartbroken over the king... (strained voice) ...and...things are looking grim for our freedom....
Hiro: ? His voice...?
Sans (voice is normal): The queen's trying her best not to let us give up hope. So, uh, hey, if we're not giving up down here... (silent) ...Don't give up wherever you are, okay? Who knows how long it will take, but we will get out of here. Sooner or later...
Hiro: …..I wanna-
Papyrus: SANS!!!
Hiro (jolts): Ah!
Sans: Oh, nobody.
Sans: Here, knock yourself out.
Hiro: Oh, cool!
Hiro (holds the phone from his ear): Uh oh.
Undyne: Hey! What are you up to, punk!? (sounds of something grinding on the speaker) Ngahhhhh!
Undyne: Hey! Who's in charge here!?
Papyrus: ME.
Undyne: Oh... Yeah, that's right! I quit my job as leader of the Royal Guard. Actually, since we won't be fighting anyone... The Royal Guard totally disbanded. There's, uh, only one member now.
Undyne: Yeah!! He is! C'mere!!! (sounds of a scuffle and a slight chuckle is heard)
Undyne: Anyway, now I'm working as Alphys's lab assistant. We're gonna find a way out of this dump once and for all! Oh, yeah, and I'm a gym teacher at the queen's new school. Did you know I can bench-press seven children!? Awesome, right?
Hiro: I wanna see that...
Undyne: …. Hey. I'm sorry about what happened with Asgore. You were just doing what you had to. It's not your fault he....
Hiro (sad): Hmn...
Undyne: ..Ah, darn it. I miss the big guy. (loud smacks) ..Come on, Undyne! Snap out of it! Uh, I guess I'll tell you how Alphys is doing. Well, she's the same as ever. Maybe a little more reclusive than ever. Seems like something's really bothering her. But she can get through it! I'm there supporting her!! That's what friends are for, right?
Hiro: Something's up with Alphys?
Undyne: … Hey, wherever you are, I hope it's better than here.
Hiro: Sort of...
Undyne: It took a lot of sacrifice to for you to get there. So wherever you are, you have to try to be happy, okay!? For our sakes! We'll feel better knowing our trouble was worth it. We're all with you! Everyone is! Even the queen! … Hey! Wait a second! Toriel! Toriel! Do you wanna....? (Toriel's voice is faintly heard) ….Heh, she says she's busy.
Hiro: Eh? Toriel? Is Toriel-
Sans: We wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours.
Hiro: Ah, but I wanna-
Undyne: But call back any time, okay! She'd love to talk!
Sans: Oh, whoops. This thing's almost outta batteries. So, hate to cut this short, but....be seeing you, okay, buddy?
Undyne: See ya, punk! (hangs up)
Hiro sat on his bed, staring at his phone with tears nearly pouring out of his eyes. Hearing their voices made him miss them so much. He wished that there was a way for him to return to the mountain and see them again. Like Sans said, there's no way of knowing how long it will take them to find a way out. He decided to take a short idle walk in the orphanage's garden while following his assigned caretaker and some of the other kids. It's sunset by the time everyone was about to get ready to turn in for the night, yet Hiro was lagging behind, thinking about the voicemail. He was about to enter the house when he sees Flowey again, hiding among the yellow flowers under the window.
Hiro: Flowey? How did you-
Flowey (concerned): Why...? Why did you let me go?
Hiro: Um...I just didn't wanna hurt you.
Flowey: You're just too nice... Don't you realize that being nice...just makes you get hurt?
Hiro: Really...?
Flowey (doubtful):Yes. Just look at yourself. You made all these great friends... But now, you'll probably never seen them again. Not to mention how much they've been set back by you.
Hiro: Ah... (worried) I...held them back....? (realizes) The souls...
Flowey: Hurts, doesn't it? All that progress... If you had just gone through without caring about anyone, you wouldn't have to feel bad now. So, I don't get it.
Hiro: …..
Flowey: If you really did everything the right way... Why did things end up like this?
Hiro (lowers his head): I...I dunno....why....
Flowey: Why...? (looks away) Is life really that unfair?
Hiro: Hmn....
Flowey: … Say. (glances at Hiro) What if I told you...I knew a way to get you a better ending?
Hiro (looks at Flowey curiously): A...better ending?
Flowey (nods): You'll have to load your SAVE file, and...
Hiro: And?
Flowey: Well, in the meantime, why don't you go see Dr. Alphys? It seems like you could have been better friends.
Hiro: Really?
Flowey: Who knows... Maybe she's got the key to your happiness...? (hears the door open; smiles) See you soon. (goes into the ground)
Female Caretaker (spots Hiro): There you are! Hurry and come inside. It'll get late soon.
Hiro: O-Okay... (follows the woman inside)
Hiro mulled over his conversation with Flowey as he went inside the foster home. That night, he couldn't sleep with the message and Flowey's words hanging in his head. Hiro wanted to help the monsters out of the underground, but is Flowey's suggestion the right one? What if something happens? Undyne did mention that Alphys was bothered by something, maybe he can see if he could help her? Is it even possible to go back there? Can he even access his SAVE file without being in the underground? So many questions ran through his head, but he ultimately decided to try it out. It took him the whole night, but he somehow managed to conjure up a save star.
Hiro (shocked): It.....It worked..? (touches it; brings up the SAVE file; sees the last place saved was The End) The End.... This is before my fight with Asgore...
Could he turn back time...? He saw that he was able to redo things down there whenever he “died”, but what about on the surface? He was unsure of what would happen, but once Hiro pressed Continue, the star's light engulfed him. Time seemed to have begun to reverse. While the action seems to have gone unnoticed by many, only one person had definitely caught on to the reversal of time.
Tether (jolts; scratches the page he's writing on): This reverse feeling.... No.... (watches everything going backwards) Hiro... (glares) What are you thinkin', kid...?
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grinch-003 · 4 years
UNDERSIDE (Test version) chapter 4
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Chapter 4: “Project: “Fragmentation” 
 YEAR: 2032 
 TIME: 7:19 PM
Jack: (Exhales black smoke)
Alphys: (Not far from “Cage”) A–are okay th–there, Jack…?
Jack: (All black) (Looks down) Kinda, Al…kinda…                                  (Walls are covered with scratches)
[6 hours ago…]
[Area #5…]
Jack: (Exhausted) Huff…huff…huff… Undyne, please…gimme a break…
Undyne: Fufufufu… Fine, punk. I had to be on patrol anyway.
Jack: (Looks at Undyne) Then why are you here…?
Undyne: To make sure that you are still tough. (Smiles) K’ gotta go.   (Walks away)
Jack’s thoughts: Yeah, she wasn’t kidding, when she said, that training would deadly. But at least, she was going easy on me, if I couldn’t keep up.
?????: (From behind) Well, well, well, look what we’ve got here…
Jack: How and why did you come here? (Turned around) (Pissed) Oh, yeah… Still hiding behind your family’s skirt, wimp.
?????: Ha! Looks like you still hanging out with your friends, MONSTER?
Jack: (Getting angry) My name is JACK…and I recommend you to get outta here.
?????: Hey, I didn’t hurt your little sister this time.
Jack: Don’t you dare even talk about Saldels, Eline! Guess you didn’t learn that I hate humans like you. (Calmed down a bit)
Eline: At least, I am a HUMAN.
Jack: Yeah, so what’s your point in here?
Eline: (Pissed) You are not even a monster, you just a coldblooded and soul-eating BEAST!
Jack: (Thumb–thumb) (Turns black) SHUT… (Teleported)              (Appeared in front of Eline) UP!  (Attacked Eline with a scythe)
W.D.Gaster: (Blocked Jack’s attack) You have to calm down, Jack. (Looks at Eline) And you…  (Looks at Eline) Eline Airelle, you should be ashamed. (Teleported Aline to a safe place)
Jack: Don’t forget that I’m still here, DOC! (Slashes Gaster)
W.D.Gaster: (Protected himself with a summoned blaster)
Jack: (Soul turned blue) Wha…?
Sans: You are blue now. (Throws Jack away)
Jack: (Flew into the wall) Ggghhhhaa…!
Sans: (Teleported to Gaster) (Looks at Gaster) You okay, dad?
W.D.Gaster: I think…I am…
Sans: What’s gotten into him? And what’s more questioning…he summoned a weapon…
W.D.Gaster: A scythe… That’s what he used for the attack.
Jack: (Stands on the ground) (Summoned Blasters) I’M NOT DONE YET!!!!! (Shooted)
Serjel: (Running to Sans and Gaster) (Jumped) (Landed on the ground in front of Gaster) I’m sorry, Jack. (Shooted)
Jack: Ehh…? (Was shooted)
Serjel: (Cries)
W.D.Gaster: Ace…
Serjel: (Turns to Gaster) Answer me, Gaster. (Shouts) HOW DID IT ALL COME TO THIS!!??!?
Jack: (Appears out of nowhere) I think you forgetting something, dad… (About to attack) JUSTICE DOESN’T WORK AGAINST ME. (Slashes)
Saldels: (Blocked Jack’s attack with a sword)
Serjel: Uhh… Saldels…?
Saldels: (Shouts at Jack) WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, JACK?!?!?!?!?   DID YOU REALLY WANTED TO KILL OUR FRIENDS AND OUR OWN FATHER?!?!? (Furiously attacks Jack) (Stabbed Jack into the chest) (Realizes) What am I…?
Jack: Great job, sis… (With a sword in a chest)
Saldels: (Shocked)
Jack: (Bleeding) (Smiles) See, you are not a coward…
Saldels: J–Jack, w–why are you smiling…?
Jack: Can’t I be proud of my little sister. (Crying)
Saldels: But you are crying…! (About to cry)
Jack: That’s because of pain, and because your JUSTICE magic really hurts me. (Started to fall) (Sword disappeared from the chest) So, please…
Saldels: Bro…! (Catches Jack)
Jack: Become even stronger, to make sure that you’ll kill me next time. (Passed out)
Saldels: Ggghh… (Cries) (Hugs Jack tight)
Jack: It’s all my fault. (Looks up) That’s why I’m in the “Cage”–a camera for the most dangerous objects in this lab. And I’m here because I lost control above my emotions.
W.D.Gaster: Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Human or monster, you are still you.
Alphys: Yeah, th–that’s right…!
Jack: Thanks, but can you just leave me alone, please? I need to think…
[W.D.Gaster and Alphys left…]
[Control room…]
Serjel: Is he still there?
W.D.Gaster: Yes… (Looks at Serjel) he decided to stay there to think a bit.
Alphys: H–he still bl–blaming himself for everything wh–what happened…
Saldels: I’m not sure, maybe it’s because…
Serjel: Quit it, Saldels… (Looks at Saldels) he’s not mad at you, he even thanked you.
Saldels: (Remembers Jack’s words)
[Serjel’s office…]
Serjel: (Smokes) Emotions always were Jack’s problem, and I know, that sometimes he loses control above them. But still…what was that strange thing behind him?
[Later that day…]
Jack:(Sits on the floor) (Leans to the wall) Buzz off already. And what was your name again…?
Jass: (In the air) It was JASS, and it looks like that you still didn’t understand WHO AM I.
Jack: NO, so what…? Are you gonna tell me who are you or what exactly?
Jass: Easier to say that I’M YOU, but it’s too boring… (Grins) don't you think?
Jack: You are my HATE, aren’t you? And this also explains why are you look like me or why are you all black and kinda jerk…
Jass: Tsk, smart ass. So, are you gonna curse me till death, because of me, you’ve almost killed your friends and family?
Jack: No, I’m not going to curse, or even blame you. Everything that happened is not your fault, it’s mine. G’night, Jass.
Jass: Hmm…better be on your side than against you. Goodnight, kid. (Smiles)
DAY: 11 JULY  
YEAR: 2035 
 TIME: 11:45 AM
Jack: (Smiles)
Jass: (Stands next to Jack) Congrats! You are 15 years old now…uuuhh… Remind me, what can you do now? I still can’t understand this AGE thing…
Jack: Well… (Looks straight) it’s been 5 years since I’m in this project, and it’s been a 1 year since I killed doctor Rose.
Jass: Sad…and rough. I remember, that you killed her by yourself, but she doesn’t blame. (Concerned) And do you even feel happiness or… Something?
Jack: Not sure. (Looked at the watch) It’s about time, I should go. (Walks away)
Jass: Good luck, Jack Ace Side.
Jack: (Snorked) Thanks.
Monica Rose: (Behind Jass) He didn’t change at all, and yet…he looks and acts differently.
Jass: He saved your life, by absorbing your soul. But he thinks that you hate him, that’s why he can’t see or even feel that you are right next to him.
Monica Rose: It’s okay, he just needs time. (Turned around) ‘Kay, bye. (Waved)
Jass: See ya later, doc.
[At the main lab…]
W.D.Gaster: Finally arrived. I guess you’ve been thinking, haven’t you?
Jack: (Shrinked) Ehh, maybe…
W.D.Gaster: Well then… (Turned around) (Starts to walk) let’s go.
Jack: (Follows Gaster) Right beside you, Wing Dings Gaster.
W.D.Gaster: (Looked behind)
Jack: (Smiled)
[The test area…]
Serjel: Greetings, Gaster. Hello, Jack. Are you ready?
Jack: Yeah, I am. And…(Looked away) sorry about your eye…
Serjel : (Smiles) Don’t worry about it.
Saldels: C’mon, bro. Let’s finish this quickly, and then we should celebrate your birthday.
Jack: (Comes to machine) (Stopped) (Turned back) Counting on you, guys. (Entered the machine)
Serjel, Saldels & W.D.Gaster: WE WILL DO OUR BEST!
[Inside the machine…]
Jack: I hope, I won’t have another amnesia, and it’ll erase all those years that I spent here.
[Glass brakes and alarm starts to work…]
Jack: What just…ghhhaaaaa… (Falls on his knees) (Hardly breaths)
[At the control point…]
Serjel: (Looks at Alphys) Alphys, what happened to the machine?!!?!
Alphys: I–I–I–I–I don’t know, something went wrong and machine went out of control…!
W.D.Gaster: (Looks at the machine) It’s an overload, Jack’s soul contains too much magic, even more than a machine can handle, that’s why it went out of control.
Serjel: (Looks at everyone) Evacuate, NOW!!!
Saldels: (Looks at Serjel) Dad, but what about you!??!!
Serjel: (Looks at Saldels) I can’t leave, I have to stay here and try to stabilize the machine.
Serjel’s thoughts: Besides… (Looks at the machine) I can’t leave my son to die in here.
[Meanwhilee in the machine…]
Jack: (Heavy breathing) It hurts… Why does it hurt so much…?
Jack’s thoughts: It feels like I’m dying, but…at the same time I like I’m already dead.
Jass: (Flies through the hall) What the hell is going on, where’s everyone. (Stoped) (Shocked) WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE!?!??!!? (Notices Serjel) Hey, Oldman, what just happened here, and where is…?!
Serjel: Looks like everyone already evacuated, but the machine can explode at any moment… (Looked at the machine) I don’t have time to run…
Jass: “About to explode”…? (Flies to machine) Jack, get out of the…
Jack: (Comes out of the broken machine) Nnghhh… (In pain) Damm it…that was close… (Checks his stats and soul) Heh…                                  (Soul cracked into pieces) In some way, it looks stable, but… my HP is falling down.
Serjel: (Shouts) JACK…!!!!!!
Jack: Shit…
Serjel: (Runs to Jack) You’re alive, thank God, I thought that you didn’t survive and… (Stopped) (Notices Jack’s broken soul)
Jack: Heh…hey, dad. (Turned to Serjel) Sorry, I have a little problem…
Serjel’s thoughts: NO…no no no. Why did it happen? Wait, maybe this exactly what we needed?
Serjel: (Grabs the box in his office with magic) (Box flew in hand) (Put hand inbox) (Took green pill out of the box) (Gives Jack a green pill)    Here, Jack, eat this.
Jack: Dad, I think It’s not the right time for medicine, but if you say so… (Took green pill) (Gulp)
 A piece of Jack’s soul turned GREEN, but the other seven pieces still the same. Serjel started to panic because he thought it would help. Then, Jack suggested Serjel give him the rest pills, to find out what would happen. Serjel gave Jack all pills with a face full of despair. Jack ate all those pills. Six pieces of his soul turned YELLOW, BLUE, LIGHT BLUE, PURPLE, ORANGE, and RED.
 And yet… The last fragment of his soul still WHITE, but suddenly all fragments started to glow. And for a moment, Serjel thought it worked, but Jack absorbed too much magic at once. His body was about to let out all this magic, but…it could kill him. Serjel begins to beg Jack not to do this. Jack didn’t listen to him at all. So Serjel hugged Jack, and then a big colon of light appeared in the sky. Serjel has gone, and Jack was lying on the ground all alone, surrounded by ruins of the laboratory, where he spent the hardest moments of his life.
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arohasfiction · 5 years
Its ASTRO'S 4th Anniversary since their Debut, and ofc I didn't miss the chance to right a short Scenario to celebrate it today~!!! 💕
Pairing : ASTRO X AROHA Reader
Word Count: 758
Note: phrases are coloured , ( MJ & Sanha= Orange ), (Jinwoo= Green), ( Eunwoo= Purple)
(Moonbin= Red) ( Rocky= Blue) (You= Pink)
•I recommend you to read this while playing Astro's Gift to us " ONE n ONLY" •
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Its Astro's 4th anniversary and as their manger you wanted to award them for all of their hard work for the past 4 years until today, they didn't have anything to do in particular today so you told them to do whatever they want because they have a schedule from 7-9 pm (depending on what you said) , they listened to you and went, you gathered all of the staffs to help you design the small celebration Hall, you filled the place with ballons and shinning decoration with a huge banner hanged up in the main wall that says " HAPPY ASTRO DAY For Our Bright stars on their 4th Anniversary" , you thanked all of your staff friends and went to dress up in a lovely violet colored dress, your hair is shinning brownly with an Astro logo pin on it. Its was 6:55pm , you're all set and waiting for the boys, but suddenly you remembered that you told them about the schedule thing, it was at least 10 seconds when you saw your phone ringing and it was Jinjin on the phone," Hello leader-nim" ," Hey (Y/N)-yah, aren't we going to the radio station, I'm afraid that we might be late" , " Oh Don't worry about it, are the boys with you~? If they are, i need you all to come to the Celebration hall" , " Okay, we'll be there in few minutes". You asked one of the staffs to turn off the lights and you lighted the candles and all of you waited, soon you heard their voices talking behind the doors about if they are in the right place. The doors were opened and boom!! "SURPRISE!!! HAPPY 4th ANNIVERSARY ASTRO!!!!" You screamed along with everyone, to be honest they looked so shocked as they've didn't expect it, you were happy that they were surprised , and of course you didn't forget to bring each one a present (its just from you ) and one present for all of them ( from you and your fellow staffs).
Everyone was just enjoying this party and ASTRO were chaotic as usual , after laughing and playing games, you called the boys for a small talk aside from the people. " Boys I know this is nothing comparing to your hard work all this time, put i hope you like these" as you showed them the presents , you gave each one their presents ( you knew what each one of them wanted) their eyes were shinning Brightly, all of them jumped on hugging you and thanking you, you got emotional and began crying, they got starled at your sudden action, "I'm sorry, i knew these are not even considered as presents, I can't do one proper thing for you and you don't-" , " shhh clam down (Y/N)-yah, whip your tears and look here" Said Eunwoo, you whipped them and looked at them, Eunwoo and Rocky placed ther hands on your shoulders " You've done alot for us, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be this comfortable and happy until now" said Eunwoo, " you organize everything for us help us even in our dorm though, as our manger you're not asked to do that" continued Sanha , " you know that we barely eat at home and sometimes we miss our homemade food, despite that you're busy but you still come and make us a delicious meals" said Moonbin, " if we're sick you just don't care about anyone and cancel everything and take care of us until we get better" said MJ, " you're so considerate and sweet, you're like our sister before being our manger and the most important of all your our cute little Aroha" Ended Rocky. You're eyes were filled with tears again and they were just giggling and patting your back and head asking you to stop crying. They looked at each other and nodded and asked you to wait here and they went up on stage, " Everyone~! We would like to thank all of you and especially our Manger (Y/N) for preparing this amazing anniversary celebration" Said Jinjin, " And now we will sing this special Song for all of Our AROHA Staffs" said MJ, " we know you already litened to it but this is special stage for our Staff rohas who helped us in our journey" said Rocky..
"Aroha, you're my One & Only Love, and this song is for you, as you Always make me shine" said all of them as they started singing [ One N Only ]
The End
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Restless Secrets 1/20
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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You step out of the car, softly shutting the door. Leaning against the side of it, you watch the open garage bays, finding your brother. When his head comes up from the computer screen, his brow pulls down and confusion washed over his face.
“What the hell?” He quickly wipes his hands on a dirty rag. His best friend, basically your other brother, Bucky looks up. Confusion plays across his own face as well.
“Steve, is that Y/N?” He looks over at your brother.
“I’ll be back.” He sighs, heading towards you. You chew your bottom lip as he comes towards you, avoiding the rain puddles in the lot.
“Steve.” You push off the car, looking at him. Anger colors his face as he looks you over.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” His blue eyes pin you, as he towers over you.
“Well that’s a long story.” You shrug, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Where is Livie?” He asks, looking at the car.
“In the back seat, asleep.” You jerk your thumb towards the back, your head swivels, looking back.
“Hey, whoa, the fuck?” Steve’s hand catches your jaw.
“That would be part of the long story.” You swallow, before pulling back from his hold.
“I’ll get my niece.” Steve growls, as the rain starts to come down again. “Get your ass inside.” He glares at you. You nod, shoving your hands into your pocket of your jeans, wincing.
“Steve?” You turn looking at him, before he gets the door open. He stares at you for a moment. “Don’t be mad, but my cars leaking something.” You lift one shoulder, dropping it quickly. You wince slightly at the annoyed look on his face.
“Christ Y/N.” He mutters pulling the door open. Livie starts to stir. She slowly wakes as he unbuckles her, pulling her from the seat. “My best girl, oh I’ve missed you.” He mummers to her as she snuggles in against him.
“Uncle Tevie.” She wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him for life.
“Don’t be mad, if you see what’s in the trunk you’ll understand. We’re here, for good.” You nod slowly.
“Good. She’s getting to big, I’ve missed too much.” He sighs, kissing the top of Livie’s head.
“I know I said I could do it on my own. But I really need my big brothers, and she needs her uncles.” You swallow.
“Come on.” Steve ushers you towards the garage. “I’ll get you a coffee, you look like you need a hug and some sleep.” He mutters.
“I’ve been driving for two days.” You sigh.
“Christ, have you stopped to sleep?” He looks down at you.
“Crap motels for only a few hours.” You admit.
“When you’re back on the mend, remind me to whoop your ass.” He sighs.
“Bring it.” You smile at him. He shakes his head, but you could see the faint grin on his face.
“Sam, car over there. Pull it into Bay four.” He tosses the keys at a tall, well built chocolate colored man with a goofy grin on his face.
“I down?” Livie pleads.
“She’s been in that seat for so long. Can we just talk outside for a few?” You ask your brother.
“Yeah come on let’s get under the cover.” He nods jogging towards the covering of the clubhouse, Livie giggles with joy, you hurry after them.
“Hey where’s Rogers?” Eggsy jogs over to Bucky sitting at the computer, punching in tickets for a receipt. “Random car in Bay four. Sam says he told him to pull it in, but I got nothing on the system for it.” Buck looks up.
“He’s out there.” He nods towards the open doors of the garage, under the cover of the clubhouse Steve stood with a woman and small girl jumping in little puddles on the concrete from the rain runoff.
“Who’s the legs with him?” Eggsy chuckles.
“His little sister, Y/N.” Buck looks over at him.
“I forget Steve’s got a sister.” He nods, remembering the few times Steve left town for a visit.
“And a baby niece. Well I guess Liv isn’t a baby, but she’s a toddler.” Buck nods.
“How old?” He smirks watching the little dirty blond girl entertain herself. She’s too far away to see much detail about her, except her large purple rain boots and blonde hair.
“She’s about to be three.” Buck chuckles as the girl giggles loudly when she splashes Steve who scoops her up tickling her.
“Steve’s an uncle, wow.” Eggsy nods.
“Y/N’s our fucking hero.” Buck snorts. “Girls a god damn force. A pain in our fucking ass’ but a force. She had a full career planned out, went off to college, came so close to graduating too.” Buck nods slowly, scratching his jaw.
“What happened?” He looks over at Buck.
“She got knocked up with Liv while home for Spring Break. When Steve asked her who the dad was, she said she didn’t need a man. She dropped out of school, and since has taken care of Liv all by herself, refusing help from anyone.” Buck has a soft smile on his face.
“Strong woman.” He chuckles.
“She’s always saying she needs Steve, but really it’s the other way around. They’re the reason he keeps it together. Why he’s so god damn level headed.” They both snort. “They’re the reason I don’t keep it together most of the time. They’re my trigger, Steve’s too, but he’s better at controlling it.” Buck shrugs.
“Shit. I never understood why you two were that way. Makes sense.” Eggsy nods. “I gotta talk to him about the car. Get Sam started on it.” He nods, Buck nods, agreeing.
Eggsy jogs out into the drizzle of rain, his head down as he comes up on them. Her back to him, the little girl between them. He comes to a stop under the cover.
“Steve.” He smiles.
“Eggsy.” Steve nods. “This is my baby sister, Y/N.” He points at the woman. She turns to greet him, her soft smile slips, the memories come crashing back. Spring Break, the bar they met in, a few times.
“Your sister.” Eggsy nods, his brow lifted as he stares at her. Her hair was piled on top of her head, she wore a T-shirt and jeans. She wasn’t made up, but she was still the same woman he’d met over three years ago.
“And this is my niece, Olivia.” Steve grins down at the little girl in front of him.
She’s holding to his fingers. Eggsy’s eyes slip to her, dirty blonde hair like Steve’s, trapped in a ponytail, round, baby cheeks, full lips and pretty green eyes make up the little girl watching him. She’s got on a sweater and leggings with her purple rain boots.
“Niece.” He nods. “Olivia.” He repeats her name, she gives him a smile and he can’t help the smile on his lips.
“Nice to meet you, Eggsy.” Y/N nods, before she scoops up Olivia, holding her protectively to herself.
“Yeah, nice to meet you.” He watches her. Shifty blue eyes won’t meet his own green eyes, she’s fussing with Olivia’s sweater instead.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9   @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @mellxander1993   @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49  @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb  @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
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I am. so fucking tired. but I’m also late asf for Eden-6 stuff to the point it got its video release, so here I am playing catch up.
tl;dr: swamp planet!! we get some cool shots of Alitair and Aurelia, i, surprise surprise, still do not trust mr. wainwright, i tried to form an argument that these ruins we see across the planet are abandoned Atlas facilities/ships, but ~who knows~. also i would (and probably will) die for the saurians. i love them so much. one of them has a funky bone hat. it’s great. also also “stop the CoV before they gain control” [looks at trailers and behind closed doors intro] ... uh oh gamers...
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“A backwater swampland of a planet, and family home of the Jakobs clan. Eden-6 is covered by lush greenery and stagnant waters, dotted with occasional settlements and the rusted hulks of crashed spaceships. Civilization has never fully taken hold here, and indigenous dangers including ravenous Saurians and semi-sentient Jabbers effectively rule the planet. As if you didn't already have enough to worry about, the Children of the Vault have a presence here as well.”
im excited for the abandoned spaceships, those things look fucking bad. ass.
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Ambermire I am guessing is one of the more swampy areas? Jakob’s Manor is obvious, and Fort Sunshine I’m guessing is that abandoned facility we’ve been seeing around the trailers. unfortunately we don’t get too good of a look at the fortress (shakes fist at gearbox) but we do get some other stuff!
im gonna go over the instagram video first because the pics are a treat so we’re saving them for last.
sorry for the progress bars btw lol
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i fucking love that gas giant. so much.
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swamps are one of my least favorite biomes, but i know gearbox is going to make me love it.
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also a look at one of the crashed ships! (i assume) looks like Atlas to me. Or old Hyperion, but tbh idk why Hyperion would be on Eden-6. so Atlas it is.
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a look at one of the settlements. i really love the contrast between this planet and Promethea and Athenas.
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those gross pod things on the right? idk if they’re egg sacs or plants or what but i both hate them and love them. also whatever that is glowing on the bottom left. i wanna touchy
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Jakobs manor!! honestly a lot less extravagant in the front than i was expecting. also now we know this one shot
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is definitely not in front of Jakobs Manor. could be the back entrance or smth tho. looks like it leads into a garden-y area.
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my question is, is it a Jakobs thing to enjoy hunting? because it seems like it’s a Jakobs thing to enjoy hunting. also i don’t trust Jakobs. I know I’ve said that, like, a bajillion times, but i don’t. and those metal cowboy-lookin’ robots are totally theirs.
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im just surprised the Hammerlocks are living in the Manor. I assumed they were like... visiting. now im pretty convinced mr. wainwright down here is evil because only Alistair is on Sanc-III and we’re all assuming that the Sanc-III demo (not the more recent one) takes place after Athenas, right? 
and OMG YES lilith’s tattoos aren’t visible in the newest video on sanc-iii!! im hoping that means she gets her powers back!! im giddy to look over it 30 times i cannot wait. but one post at a time.
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evil. evil man.
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he either dies or he’s evil i don’t trust him and hammerlocks eye shouldn’t be red in the We Are Mayhem trailer i just... im so suspicious of this man.
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AURELIA i love her so much. she was great in TPS, one of my mains. her new outfit is popping, i love the boots.
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also she has 2 ice diadem shards now and im terrified yet oddly happy for her.
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ALISTAIR. i legitimately thought he was on Promethea at first, then i realized this is probably part of the abandoned facility/fortress. shame we don’t get a closer look at it.
also look who’s eye is back to being not-red again!
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also the writing on the back there makes me even more convinced this is Atlas facility. on Promethea, the parts of the Meridian city are labeled with these unique symbols (so far i’ve seen blue and red) and this red one looks like it fits the mark perfectly.
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these look like the same canisters from the mine on Pandora. whatcha pumpin eden-6?
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more red plants. i like how different this can look from athenas, yet still have very similar foliage. outstanding move, gearbox.
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is that another crashed ship in the background??? yes pls. also this dude’s face paint is giving me huge Mask of Mayhem vibes, I love it.
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the inside of Jakobs Manor
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i hate to tell you this mr. gearbox sir but im pretty sure they do
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also that one scene of troy in the manor as well
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dis one
is that the globe in the background? anyone know? im trying to remember where the fuck ive seen that shot of the library/globe. hmmmmmmmmmm
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it is not the globe whump whump. i am excited to explore this library tho. 
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what looks like fishing net on the right? wild
also car!!
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no wings/fins like in the Mask of Mayhem trailer tho, that sucks.
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i like this dude. especially his face paint.
i like this glowing crystals even more tho
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purple crystals that mimic troy’s red ones? me likey.
eridium? maybe! slag to chug when u need more power? maybe! i don’t know!
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j̷̧̭͙̹̭̀̽͆̕͘u̸̦͌̃͛̕̕s̴̡̰͙̣͊̂̔t̴͇̪͐ͅ ̸̭̐́w̵̧̯̲͊̀̃̄̕a̵̢͓̎́̏̓t̷̪̓̑̎͜c̶̢̢͔̀h̴̥̬̪̫̫̿ ̶̪̬̞̼͐̾̉͐̒ơ̵̼̋̍̓̕u̵̻̪̞̞̺̐̾̀̚͠t̶͉̠̟͉̪̋̈̿ ̶̢̗̗͑f̵̰̫͇̈̾ọ̴͑r̶̢͕̺͈͎̃̌͘ ̸̩͆̏̅a̸͈̙̪̋̏ǹ̷̮̽��͚͍ģ̵̠̀̍̋̔r̴̪̦̾̇̕͠y̷̘͖̜̿͑̅̀ͅ ̷̬̱͉̗͌̇j̵̹͇̽͗̕ā̸̳͇͈̠̺b̴̰̏͜b̴̘͗̔e̷͖̓͊r̸͍̫̻̊͆̊s̸̛̙̳͔̗̋̓͝ 
also check that glowy light in the background. totally Atlas.
also also i like they have little hanging nest/house things. those are really cute.
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this motherfucker is coming at us with a sledgehammer ffs
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i like their tiger stripe designs. they blend in with the leaves, which i guess is an evolutionary advantage all things considered.
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i fucking love Saurians holy shit
okay okay okay okay
picture time 😎
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i love the skybox on Eden-6, holy shit it’s beautiful. also, those sacs/plants/fungi or whatever are definitely volatile.
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look at that one glowing red one. that’s totally going to deal some fuckin fire damage to whatever touches it and i for one am ready
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can we get an F in chat for Eden-6? lmao i remember being like ‘oh look a gas giant’ in my analysis of every museum of mayhem piece and COMPLETELY FORGETTING that eden-6 has a gas giant directly beside it. big brain fart there.
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holy shit i love the color schemes for these things. i know there are blue ones as well, but these orange/yellow/red ones are FANTASTIC. i especially love the shiny yellow ones. they’re so pretty!!
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we also get a mostly obscured window in the back there
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possibly part of the abandoned facility? but more than likely just part of a crashed ship.
like (im assuming) this one!
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the doors match up to Sanctuary-III quite well. also the bones on the ground. i love the regrowth aesthetic they’ve got going on here.
also apparently ratches have made their home here. these things are fuckin everywhere. they’re like the new rakk holy shit
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look at the one on the bottom right! those blue markings are fuckin stunning and i love the little fins on the sides of his head
and that giant skeleton in the background? that’s some good shit right there! im hoping those are fireflies/some sort of glowing insect around the front there. so we can have pockets of glowing orbs dancing around the map as we explore.
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i really like the hulls of the ships, the one on the far left and the one in the back right.
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im mostly interested in this tree. i wonder if it just regrew around some debris or if this is making the stuff on this planet grow wildly out of control. I’m always down for science gone wrong! and with atlas, pretty much anything could go horribly wrong. that’s just their way of doing things.
anyway it is 4 in the am and i am tired, so im gonna pass tf out now and hopefully do Fl4k’s trailer, and a few other posts i gotta catch up on, tomorrow! so hyped for fl4k info!!
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lumina-chronicles · 5 years
The Lumina Chronicles (A Writeblr Intro-Post Thingy)
Okay so, I love character asks/tag games and interracting with the writeblr community, but I realized I only sporadically talk about my work and my characters. I figured it was high time I compile everything in one easily accessible post. 
I’m not entirely sure the best way to go about this so I’ll try my best. Have mercy on me and please feel free to ask any questions you may have! 
This is going to be a stream of conscious BEAST so I appologize in advance for any and all typos, and for all the times I’ll no doubt bounce around and probably forget things. In order to not clutter up dashes and make everyone hate me, everything will be under the cut :) 
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(credit to the amaaaazingly talented mari_gdraws on instagram for this stunning cover. Go commission her, its worth it.)
First thing’s first, this is a Portal Fantasy. If you don’t know what that means, think Alice in Wonderland, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Wizard of Oz, any story where someone from our world gets transported by magical means (usually by accident but not always) to a fantasy world. 
Second, I have been working on different variations of this series for over a decade. I started writing the first itteration of this concept when I was a 13 year old weirdo who thought I was the greatest thing to ever happen to writing. (Hint: I wasn’t. I still am not, but at least I’ve grown enough to recognize that.) I may share snippets of the original 2009 draft sometime, but be warned its steaming hot garbage. Good for a laugh though. tl;dr, I’ve been working on this story for too long, but these characters are my babies and I refuse to quit until I give them the story they deserve. 
MAGGIE is a college girl who just wants to paint, stuck in a fantasy world with more ties to her life than she realizes. KINDLE is a wayward dragon dealing with PTSD, an obsessive fairy queen, and a stalling rebellion. ELLE, who wants nothing more than to find her missing best friend, is stuck babysitting (not literally) an angel (literally.)
^^^^^This is the really bad summary I have up on wattpad. The story is so much more than this but I’ve never been good at simplifying, hence 100k+ words of novel. 
Blood vs Bonds. (What really makes a family?) 
A central cast who were children during a massive, life-altering war, now trying to pick up the pieces. 
Found Family goodness out the wahzoo. (There is a mermaid adopting you as we speak. Her name is Faye and she’s your mom now, welcome to the family.) 
A fox and a tree dating. They’re lesbians. I love them.
Not at all thinnly veiled bashing of imperialism, nationalism, and racism.
A few heavy concepts that I feel don’t get enough attention in media (pm me if you’d like to know since I don’t feel comfortable elaborating here, I’ll provide trigger warnings before explaining anything in-depth.)
The greatest bromance of all time, between a tired gen-Z nerd and a literal angel who doesn’t know how electricity works. 
Said literal angel becoming obsessed with pokemon. 
A moody dragon who loves to bake, and his ghost bff judging your every move. 
A dozen angsty conversations masquerading as a fantasy novel.
On the subject of masquerades, one of those happens too. What can I say, I’m weak. 
The slowest of slow burn ships. 
Time travel shenanigans.
Me, pouring all of my love and tears and blood into one singular project for over a decade, unabashedly celebrating every trope I love and telling the story teen me needed. 
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So this is the map of the “known world” for the planet I refer to as Ragilora. This name is never used in the canon of my stories and it stems from an inside joke, but its a lot easier to say than “*gestures vaguely* The Planet.” 
I am one of those authors who writes several unconnected series all set in the same fictional world, but for now, since I’m only talking about the Lumina Chronicles, we’re focusing on thiiiiiis chunk of the map right here: 
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This chunk of land (which 13-year-old-me dubbed “The Shadow Realm,” 18-year-old-me expanded to the “’much more impressive’ Realm Under Twin Shadows,” and 22-year-old-me just refers to as “The SR”) is the only location we pay any attention to in the Lumina Chronicles, which (surprise, surprise) focuses on the conflicts between Lumina and the territories surrounding it. 
Important side note, Ragilora has two moons, hence the “twin shadows” thing. The moons come up a lot over the course of the story, especially since one of the cultures (Nox) believes their queen is a reincarnation of one of those moons. 
The human kingdom ruled by the Lousvar family. Self-important racist a-holes who took over most of the realm during the Orphaner’s War nine years ago. King Jareth Lousvar (the aformentioned Orphaner) hasn’t been seen in years, so who’s really running the nation? Your guess is as good as mine. That’s a lie, of course I know. 
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Once the private, gorgeous desert home of the dragons, ruled by the Danthragnir clan. They were the main targets of the Orphaner’s War, and now Ignus sits as mostly unoccupied ruins. The dragons who surived the seige now live in hiding or are enslaved in Lumina. Their religion is my favorite of all the cultures in the story, and I’ll talk to you about it if you want, but I don’t wanna ramble here lol. 
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The queendom of the fairies, not rules by any particular family. The current queen in Lydia D’Norse, Queen Lydianna Chrysanthus D’Norse, Mother of Her People, the Moon Made Flesh. This is the territory of magical moon-worshipping lesbians. Fairies are great, they’re my favorite race in the Lumina Chronicles. 
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Human- Just your standard, magic-free human. Identifiable by their brown eyes. Any skintone/haircolor that can be found in nature. (A rare few have other colors for eyes, but that just means they aren’t fully human and will probably be shamed for this fact.) They hail from Lumina. Average height 5′9″.  Average lifespan 70-80yrs.
Dragon- Generally dark skinned with dark hair, identifiable by their Firestone (a comination of red/orange/gold/black that shifts and flickers like flames) eyes. Basically firebenders who can transform into the giant, winged lizards you think of when you imagine dragons. Almost all dragons have black scales in dragon form, though some have dark red or a sandy brown. From Ignus. Average height 6′6″, Average lifespan 80-90yrs. 
Angel- Generally pale skinned with either black or blonde hair, identifiable by their blue eyes and the fan of feathers behind their ears. Angels are a highly intelligent, long-lived species with massive feathered wings (either irridecent black if they have black hair, or white if they have blonde hair.) All angels have perfect recall and photographic memories, which is helpful for their self-imposed job as the Realm’s unbiased recordkeepers. They soulbond (explained in more detail further down.) From Aeterna. Average height 6′, Average lifespan 180-200yrs. 
Merfolk- All varieties of skintone and hair color, identifiable by the colorful scales around their green eyes (and the eyes themselves if living in a situation where scales ahve been forcibly removed.) While preferring to live out the majority of their lives underwater, merfolk must travel to land to reproduce. While on land, they have legs. As soon as their feet come in contact with water, they go back to having a tail. All merfolk wear skirts on land regardless of gender (could you imagine wearing jeans and accidentally stepping in a puddle and then your legs try to form into a tail with the fabric between them? Ouch.) From Siaboras and the surrounding waters. Average height 5′4″, Average lifespan 70-80yrs. 
Fairy- Generally pale skinned, all fairies have long pointed years, silver hair, and violet eyes. While they no longer posess wings, all fairies have the ability to produce a mind-altering magic known as “venom.” This venom is administered to a target through contact with the fairy’s skin, and can produce results ranging from euphoria and hallucinations to severe pain, memory alteration, and even death. Results depend on the specific fairy and the dosage of venom. A pregnant female fairy can produce a hazy purple cloud of venom outside their body to better protect themselves and their unborn child. Use of fairy venom as a recreational drug is outlawed (doesn’t stop fairy dens from popping up all over Lumina’s slums though.) From Nox.  Average height 4′9″, Average lifespan 45-50yrs. 
Shifter- All varieties of skintone and hair color, some that may not occur in humans. Identifiable by their golden eyes. While dragons mostly occupy their human form and can shift into giant lizards, Shifters are animals who can take human form. Their human form in some way resembles their animal form. Most prefer to be in their animal form and only take human form for the purpose of hunting larger prey or communicating with other species/variants of shifter. Others have chosen to completely integrate themselves into non-Shifter society and spend the majority of their time in human form. From the Wildlands. Average height 5′9″, Average lifespan 70-80yrs. 
Dryad- All dryads have brown/bark-colored skin and leaves for hair. Depending on the type of tree they come from, the length/thickness/color/style of this leaf-hair can vary. When a tree has fed off the magic of the realm for long enough, they develop the ability to take on a human form, and can shift between that and their tree form. They can feel emotion and learn language just as all other species/races, but they tend to be slightly more detached by default. From the Wildlands. Average height (in human form) 6′, Average lifespan uknown. A dryad will live as long as their grove lives. If their human form in destroyed, they can be replanted and will eventually regrow. 
A few notes, mostly on sexuality in the Shadow Realm: 
- Bisexuality is considered to be “the default” just as heterosexuality is treated in our society. There are still people with preferences for one gender or another, but most just assume that if you don’t specify otherwise, you’re bi. 
- All angels are some variation of Ace/Demi/Gray-sexual. They mate for life in a process known as “soulbonding” to the first person they are sexually intimate with, literally joining their lifespans and spirits forever. 
- Soulbonded partners can communicate telepathically and access a shared memory-bank, including access to skills and languages. 
- It is perfectly valid for an angel to choose never to soulbond, and some choose to soulbond with a beloved friend rather than a romantic partner. 
- Dryads have no sex organs and are genderless by default. Some choose to present as feminine/masculine or use pronouns, but that’s a matter of preference and not neccessity. 
- All species can interbreed, but there are no “mixed-breeds.” Meaning if a dragon and a mermaid were to reproduce, the results wouldn’t be a mer-dragon  with the abilites/traits of both parents, the resulting child would be either a full-dragon or full-merfolk depending on the sex of the parents. 
Expanding on the above point, each species is either male or female dominant, with dominant meaning which sex of parent determines the species of their child with interbreeding. Dragons, Shifters, and Humans are male dominant. Angels, Merfolk, and Fairies are female dominant. Examples: 
Male Human + Female Dragon = human child (with red-tinted brown eyes) 
Female Human + Male Dragon = dragon child (with slightly duller firestone eyes)
Female Human + Male Fairy = coin-toss child (because humans are male dominant and fairies are female dominant, this duo would cancel each other out and the child would either be a fairy or a human.) 
THE CHARACTERS (aka the real reason I made this masterpost) 
all character art by needlessly_cryptic
The three protagonists of the series. Maggie is our portal-hopper, having travelled from our present day world to the fantasy world of the SR. Kindle is one of the few surviving dragons and has never known any world but the SR. Elle, also from our world, spends the whole book in our world trying to figure out wtf happened to Maggie, while also dealing with Marc (an angel from the SR who came to our world around the same time Maggie vanished.) 
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^ Magdalyn, she/her, Human, 20yrs old. Heterosexual. ^
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^ Kindle, he/him, Dragon, 22yrs old. Asexual. ^
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^ Estelle, she/her, Human, 19yrs old. Bisexual. ^ 
Formerly of the Abandoned Order, now trapped in our world with no idea what to do or how to get back. He gets his own segment because I can’t really put him anywhere else. (Those are feathers behind his ears.) 
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^ Marcellus, he/him, Angel, 20yrs old. Biromantic Asexual. ^
A ragtag group of former war-orphans and child-soldiers trying to pick up the pieces after the war’s end, and finding the strength in each other to take back their stolen home lands from the oppressive kingdom of Lumina. Kindle’s family. Maggie’s... well she’s not quite sure. 
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^ Faye, she/her, Mermaid, 26yrs old. Bisexual. Soulbonded to Seraphim.^ 
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^ Carlyle, he/him or they/them, Ghost (former human), forever 20yrs old. Biromantic Asexual. ^
(A note on Carlyle: they can only be seen/heard by Kindle and later Maggie.) 
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^ Pina, She/her, Mermaid, 17yrs old. Lesbian. ^
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^ Em, She/her, Dryad, ???yrs old. Lesbian. Married to Inari. ^
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^ Rhiannon, She/her, Angel, 24yrs old. Biromantic Demisexual. Soulbonded to Isidor. ^
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^ Izzy, He/him (trans), Fairy, 23yrs old. Heterosexual. Soulbonded to Rhiannon.^
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^ Lydia, she/her, Fairy, 18yrs old. Bisexual. “Soulbonded” to Seraphim. ^ 
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^Ser, he/him, Angel, 25yrs old. Biromantic Asexual. Soulbonded to Faye Lydia.^
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^ Jakoby, he/him, Shifter(snake), 27yrs old. Lydia-sexual. ^ 
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^ Nar, she/her, Shifter(fox), 23yrs old. Lesbian. Married to Emrys. ^ 
The children of the victors. Are they all as bad as their parents, or will they become part of the change and strive towards a better future? *shrug* 
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^ Cas, he/him, Human, 20yrs old. Bisexual. My son. ^ 
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^ Rainette, she/her, Human, 17yrs old. Heterosexual. Betrothed to Favaro. ^ 
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^ Juju, he/him, Human, 24 yrs old. Gay. Bodyguard to Prince Cas. ^
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^ Tobi, he/him, Human, 18yrs old. Bisexual. Bodyguard and boyfriend to Princess Raini. ^  
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^ Ander, he/him, Human, 21yrs old. Gay especially for Julian. ^ 
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^ Favaro, he/him, Human, 22yrs old. Asexual and Aromantic. Betrothed to Princess Raini. ^
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^ Khatalanya, she/her, Dragon, 16yrs old. Lesbian. In love with VENGEANCE. ^
this really was a dumpster fire lol. If you would like to know more about specific characters or races or aspects of my world, feel free to ask! I’m gonna link this to an easily accessible part of my profile somehow. But yeah, mostly just admire my children. I love them all, even the horrible ones. 
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angelynrostrand · 5 years
Chapter 9
Summary:  To the outside world, nothing should connect shy girl Angel Monroe and popular boy Xavier Hazelwood. But that isn't entirely true. They both hold secrets. Behind both of them lie 2 separate wolf packs. Xavier is well on his way to Alpha status and running the pack. Angel is not a wolf but instead the last healer in the world. When the realization comes forward that they are connected by destiny, will they decide to fulfill it? Is their connection predetermined by fate or will they choose their hearts? Lives and packs cross and mingle while romance and conflict brews. The story of 2 opposite souls on a collision path. Will destiny win out? Even the most innocent face, has the darkest secrets.
Word Count: 3,139
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Both Trevor and Jesus were right. After a heavy meal and a normal 10 hours of sleep, I felt so much better but Xavier was still in the back of my mind. I shower thinking it would wash any thought of him. Nope. It didn’t work. I guess working at the infirmary caused me to forget about Xavier. I was too busy and occupied to cry over him. Now that I have the rest of the week off, I can only think about him. How I am a terrible person for lying to him. At school, I make sure I walk a different route so we don’t have to exchange any awkward glares. Brandon has been amazing. He calls or texts me making sure I amok. I think I really scared him when I almost passed out the other day. 
“You know he misses you,” Brandon says as he helps me with collecting fruit from my trees.
“I doubt it.” I carry my basket around. Lucky for me I can talk to Brandon and use him for muscle. After all the lies, I don’t even like me. I don’t like the person I have been lately. 
“Angel you are his mate. He misses your presence and he has just been grumpy for the past couple of days. So get back together so I can have my friend back to normal. I need this more than you do.” He says with his hand over his chest like if he was in pain. “Trust me.”
I rolled my eyes. “Can we please talk about something else?” I don’t feel right talking about Xavier with one of his friends. 
“Fine, but my question is what are you going to do with all this fruit?” He is holding 2 buckets and I have one cute basket. 
“I normally give it to my pack and their families. But since you helped so willingly,”
“You made come.” He cuts me off. We make our way to the back kitchen to clean them.
“Ya but you still came.” We laugh together. “I thought you and your family might want some.”
I place them in a recycle bag and handed them back to him. “Thank you. I know my mom and dad will love fresh fruit.” I walk him to his car and thank him once again for helping. “You know tomorrow is Friday?”
“Yes…?” What does he have in mind?
“Well, Jordan and I have a basketball tomorrow. Can you come?”
“Wait you guys play?” I believe Brandon but Jordan? Really?
“Yes I know I am amazing at every sport and Jordan may look uninterested in sports but he is good. Our father is a big basketball fan so he is pleased that both of his sons are on the team.”
“Do you guy use your wolf speed and strength during the game.?” I ask.
“Maybe. Sometimes. Yes, we do.” He gives up. I laugh from his effort. “Would you please come?”
“I will think about it.”
“I am going to accept that as a yes.” 
On Friday morning, I still have a lot of fruit leftover. I’ll just leave a basket for the front office ladies. I make my way through the front doors when the twins stop me.
“Hello. How are you? Still, have more to give out?” Brandon asked.
“Ya, I was going to leave some for the office ladies.”
“Also thank you, Angel, for the fruit. Our mom really appreciated it. So did I.” Jordan says as he holds up one of the oranges in his hands. 
“I am glad. Nice uniforms.” They are both dressed in blue and yellow basketball shirts. 
“Thank you.” They both said at the same time. “Are you coming. It starts at 6 in the main gym.” Jordan asks. I couldn’t answer do to another voice yelling at the twins.
“Hey, McGuire next time wait for me to park the car so we can…” Xavier stops talking when he sees me behind the twins. Their tall bodies were able to hide my figure. “Oh Angel, I didn’t see you there.”
I can do this. “It’s fine…” We all stay in an awkward silence. “I should get going. I need to hand these out.” I lift the basket. “I see you guys later,” I say to the twins.
“Wait are you coming tonight?” Brandon asked.
“Ya, I’ll see you there.” 
“Wait, Angel… Wait up.” Xavier speed walks towards me. “Can we please talk? I was an idiot. I know my temper can get the best of me, but let’s just talk.” 
“No, not here. Not today.” I had just started to feel better. “I am busy.” I walk to the front office lady. “Hello, I have fresh fruit. Is it ok if I leave it here?  It is for anyone who may want some.”
“Yes, of course, dear. Thank you.” She says. I nod and walk to my first class, now with Xavier by my side.
“Angel let’s just talk after school.” I look deep into his eyes. The last time I saw those beautiful brown eyes they were in pain and red from crying. 
“I can’t I’m going to the twin’s game. Plus I have  patients to worry about when I get home.” That was a lie. I know by now Jesus is healthy. I shake my head no. I need to stay strong. “I have class. Sorry.”
But before I could go to any outing I need my father’s agreement. I know it will be difficult to get.  I have to go. I already agreed to go and I don’t want to disappoint the twins. They seem to be excited, more Brandon than Jordan. But that’s because we spend more time together. It was surprising to see Jordan in color. He normally wears black on black. Xavier has the type of casual and simple style. But yet he could be a model, especially with his tall stature. He normally wears different shades of blue and green. I am more a sundress girl. I like loose and flowy outfits with floral design. I was interrupted in my fashion analysis by my classmate Sage. She is in my English and Art class. She is my new desk partner. 
“Angel I didn’t mean to overhear your conversation but are you also going to the game?” She asks. 
“Yes, I am. Are you?” Making friendly conversation for once.
“Ya. My gym teacher is one of the coaches. He said if we go we can get extra credit.” She says while wrapping her colored dyed hair around her pencil. This month her hair is red. We always have a class together because we both take a lot of AP and honors classes. I was able to experience her pink, blue, purple and now red hairstyle. “So do you want to go together? We don’t have to suffer too much.” She smiles.
“Ya, I would like that.” We exchange numbers by switching our phones to each other.  Now I don’t have to sit and watch the game by myself. Sage has always been nice to me and I never returned the favor. This could be a little thank you offer. 
At the end of class we both said “Bye.” and “I’ll see you later tonight.” “Text me.” Sage has the grunge style like Jordan but she is so much sweeter than how she looks. Now I really need to convince my father to let me go to the game.
I gather all my courage and knock heavily on his door. “Come in.” I open to find my brother and my father frustrated expression. 
“Hello father, can I talk to you. Do you have a minute?” He nods and I continue to talk. “Wait what is going on? Is everything alright?” 
“Father tell her…” Is it that bad enough my Alpha, my brother, isn’t brave enough to say it?
“We lost them. The men who attacked us. They are gone. No trace of scent or paw prints. Nothing. They are still out there.”
Whenever they are mentioned my brother seems to lose his ability to speak. It is a sensitive topic for him. He saw our mother murdered in front of him when he was 8 years old. Back then, mother told him to protect me. I was only an infant and he shielded me from watching the murder scene. He ran to my father with me in his arms. 
“But it is nothing for you to worry about. They don’t know about your abilities only our pack. And it must stay that way.” My father says, reassuring me to not tell anyone. Especially Xavier and his pack. “Is there anything you need?” He says, coming back to the reason why I am here.
“Ya. I was wondering if I can go to the basketball game?”
 Even though my father isn’t Mexican he must ask: “Who are you going with? Why? What times does it start? Where?” He must have gotten that from mom.
“I'm going with my friend Sage she is in my class. We are going for extra credit.” I use Sages same excuse. “It starts at 6 pm and it’s a home game.” 
“No. Sorry you cannot go.” 
“Father, please. I already told Sage I would go. Please.” 
“No. Sorry it is still dangerous with them out there.”
“Brother. Please. Help.” I redirect to Eric. 
“Sorry, father is right.” He is testing my patience. He notices my desperation and says, “But what if she goes with a bodyguard? Like one of the warriors?” 
“I will agree to that. You can go out if you have one of the warriors.” My father says crossing his arms.
I am not going to fight with my luck. I think this is going to be the best I can get. “Can I at least pick who it is?”
“Fine.” I hug him and thank him multiple times. I also hug Eric for not leaving me hanging. “Who do you have in mind?”
“Jesus Mendoza?” The same patient that I healed. He is kind and we are good friends.
“That is fine. I will call for him. I am going to talk to him. You need to finish your homework before you go to the game.” I voice my understanding and walk to my room.
I pulled out my phone to text Sage about the third wheel. I just tell her it is a friend. She replies a couple of seconds later saying “That’s fine! The more the merrier!” Sage is always easy going.
I don’t have homework. I don’t count my artwork homework, but I do need to finish it because it is due on Monday. We are practicing pencil shading. We have to pick an everyday object and draw it with a shadow behind it. I chose a simple sunflower. I started to get pencil markings on my hand. With each line I drew, I kept thinking about Xavier. Maybe the sappy love songs in the background are not helping. In the end, it’s unfair to him. I wish I was able to understand this connection bond Xavier and all wolves feel when they found their mates. But then again if I was able to feel it, it would make breaking away from him more painful. He must feel lonely. To be the only one to feel that pain. 
A knock wakes me up. Jesus walks in shortly after. “Hey, your father and Alpha Monroe want to talk to both of us. Over dinner.” I nod and clean my mess away. Jesus waits for me by my door so we can both go down together. 
“I hope you don’t mind coming with me to a high school game,” I ask as we walk through the hallway and down the stairs. 
“I don’t. I bet it will be fun but I know I am not duty. Plus it would better than walking around for 10 miles to make sure the area is safe.”
“Well, then I am glad. I do hope you have fun after the week you had.” Like a true gentleman he opens every door we pass through to get into the informal dining table.
“I must say I am more a football fan, but basketball is a good choice too.” He smiles. We walk in with my family sitting and waiting for our arrival. All the food is already on the table. Jesus pulled my chair out for me to sit.
“Thank you for getting Angel.” My brother says towards Jesus.
“Of course, Alpha.” We all hold hands to pray, then start to eat. 
During the meal, my father starts with “I just want this to be a reminder to the both of you. And Jesus I already talked about this with you. I want you guys to have fun but be safe. Angel, you must stay by Jesus. Don’t wander off without telling him where you are going.”
“Of course father.” I feel like a little kid all over again. With my father’s lecture complete, we are able to finish our dinner. 
Jesus and I hop in one of my father’s many cars. So unnecessary. Why must he do this? He can’t keep doing this. I won’t allow it when I go to college. Jesus was glad to be able to drive one of my father’s famous cars. I distract myself and text Sage saying we are on our way. She soon replies “Ok! I will be there soon” with a smiley face.
“I want to say thank you,” He says. I give him a confused look. “ When you asked for my request. It caught my commander’s attention. I think after this he will promote me. I am a first-year and I am escorting the Alpha’s sister.” He moves his eye off the road to me and says, “So thank you for the opportunity.” In his most sensitive voice, he says, “Thank you.”
“Jesus you are going to make me cry.” I give him a genuine smile. “Of course, you are the only I trust and feel comfortable to be around. So thank you for being a friend.” I smile. As we were driving the radio played “We Are Young” by Fun. Jesus and I looked at each other with increasing smiles. He turns the volume up and we both swayed or nod to the music. Minutes later we both start singing the chorus. We pull into my school laughing about our terrible singing voices. I laugh and laugh about how crazy we must look to other people passing by. Who are we? Who am I? I am normally the shy and small one. I don’t sing and get rallied up for a basketball game. Going to my first after school event in my senior year.  I feel good and free. Not worried about grades, family, the attack, or Xavier. The moment I think his name he notices my presence and I notice him. We catch him like a deer in the headlights. Jesus’s chest is still rising up and down. We are out of breath from both singing and laughing. My chest becomes still and steady, unlike Jesus. But the soon he realized my quiet state and also calms himself. Xavier is confused? Lost? Angry? He just walks away to the main gym.
“Who is that?” Jesus asks as we both unbuckle our seat belts and closed the doors.
“Xavier Hazelwood, my mate.” Jesus whips his head back to my direction as we walked side to side. 
“Hazelwood? As in Alpha Lucas Hazelwood’s son? From the Midnight Pack?” He asks. 
“Yup.” He must have studied their pack. It is well known by everyone that there are only two packs in one state. Very uncommon. I guess that’s why our packs are always arguing about whose territory it is. 
“That explains why you have been different.”
“Different?” I question.
“Lately you have been open and different. Maybe because your secret is out to the pack.”
“Yeah, it is a relief that I don’t have to hide or lie to my own pack. But Xavier doesn’t know so don’t say anything.” I warn him. He nods to agree aggressively and pretend to look intimidating. From me trying to be intimidating. We make it to the ticket booth and pay our way in. Before entering into the gym, I hear my name. 
“Angel Monroe?” An older woman asks as she waves for me and Jesus to walk over.
“Yes, that is me. I’m sorry. Who are you?” I have never seen this woman before.
“I’m sorry. I am Grace McGuire.”
McGuire..? “Are you Jordan and Brandon’s mother?” I ask. 
She quickly nods. “Yes. I just want to say thank you for all the fruit. It was delicious.” 
“It’s nothing. Brandon helped and I had too much to eat.” I smile. Her eyes drift towards my friends. “Oh, I am sorry. This is my friend Jesus,” I whisper, “from my pack. Jesus this is Grace McGuire from the Midnight pack. My friend’s mother.”  
“It is nice to meet you.”
“Ya, it is nice to meet you.” They both exchange a handshake. She must be apart of the basketball booster club. I assume so because of her over the top school spirit outfit. What a normal thing to do. Something I admire from the Midnight pack is they do their best to be apart of the community. They try to as normal as possible. They are more modern than my pack who like to be traditional and like to keep a low profile. “I am glad I was able to meet you, but go and get some good seats. I am on duty.” She points at the food table. 
“Thank you. Don’t work too hard.” Jesus and I turn around to find seats. We gaze over the crowd to find Sage. “Oh, there she is.” I point out and we walk over. 
“Hey Sage, this is my friend Jesus.” I give another introduction. “Jesus this is Sage. Now we are all friends.” I smile.
The loud buzzer made everyone in the gym jump. Including me, it was so foreign to me. This whole situation is foreign to me. I don’t know what to do, unlike Sage and Jesus who were cheering when both teams enter the court. I can see Brandon and Jordan. I waved at them and they look happy to see me. I finally get up and clap to support them. I smile and am ready to see their game. I can hear students on a higher level also yelling. I looked up and notice Xavier was a part of that group. We make eye contact and both of our smiles wipe away. I turn back around. The crowd calms down and we sit down. Let the game begin. 
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jinterlude · 6 years
Fight for Me (Ch.1)
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↳Story Header © @softjeon (do not steal this header!)
➵ Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Female OC
➵ Genre(s): Historic!AU, Medieval!AU , Royalty!AU, Knight!AU, Romance, SMUT, Humor, & Angst
➵ Words: 5.6K
➵ Summary: Once upon a time, there was a not-so-traditional kingdom. In that kingdom, the royal family had the freedom of marrying whoever his or her royal highness deems worthy. Now, of course, having that special privilege came with some interesting challenges, but that doesn’t stop a certain head-strong princess from doing whatever her heart’s desire, especially when she has her heart set on marrying her personal bodyguard. Unfortunately, her beliefs might face some hardships when a certain king sets his eye on her. Will her bodyguard continue to fight for her or is it finally her turn?
※ Next Time: ch.2  | ch.3 | ch.4 | ch.5 | ch.6 | final chapter
Chapter 1: There Lived a Princess
Once upon a time, in a kingdom nestled on the highest cliffs, overlooking the vast, deep-blue sea, lived a well-loved royal family. The royal family ruled their people with a warm yet firm hand. They were polite and kind to their subjects. At the same time, they had enough authoritative presence that no one dared to step on their toes. They had enough common knowledge of the different countries and only sent out trading vessels when absolutely necessary. Their military personnel were one of the best but rarely used. You can say that the royal family valued peace above everything else. However, they would do whatever it took to keep the peace, especially when their beloved and only daughter scurried around the castle.
After many years of failed attempts of conceiving a child, the king and queen were on the verge of giving up. Until, one night, a miracle happened. No one knew how it happened or why it happened, but the queen prayed to her God and thanked him for blessing her with the ability to carry a child for a full-term. Thanks to that special miracle, her precious daughter, Park Sumin, was born.
Oh, the kingdom celebrated for many days and many nights as it was such a joyous occasion for the royal family to give birth to a daughter. Previous generations, it was always a son that was born, but now? The king can happily pass his crown to his daughter once his time was up, but right now, he was going to cherish the moments he has with her. He was going to teach her his favorite sport, archery, when she was in her adolescent years. He was going to teach her the art of the sword, riding horseback, and of course, diplomacy. He wanted to make sure that he need not to worry about her near the final hours of his life. He wanted to move on to the heavens knowing that his precious jewel was going to be alright.
           “Mother, when are you going to get to my favorite part?” The queen heard a tiny voice ask, looking up at her with eyes full of hope.
The queen chuckled softly, “And what part may that be, my darling Sumin?”
Sumin hummed, flipping through the pages like a madwoman until she reached her favorite part.
           “This part, mother! Where both you and father write about me!”
The queen faked a surprise gasp, “Oh! Of course, how can I forget?” She then cleared her throat and quickly skimmed where to begin. She held her index finger underneath the starting word and grabbed the crystal goblet filled with water. She pressed her plump lips on the rim of the glass before tilting it slightly, allowing the healthy liquid to enter her mouth. She swallowed the beverage and placed the goblet on the marble nightstand.
           “Okay, shall we?”
In a blink of an eye, princess Sumin has started to develop facial features that was a mixture of her mother and father. Her eyes, brows, and smile screamed her mother while her nose and soft cheekbones came from her father. She was the perfect mix of the two. Some noble men and women had their doubts since her father was the first in the family to marry outside royalty—to marry a lowly commoner, however, an old family tradition lingered in the air. Eventually, that family tradition became a law within the royal family. The law being that the prince or princess could marry whoever he or she deemed worthy, regardless of social status. Princess Sumin’s mother was a commoner. Her parents owned a local bakery, and they would bring freshly baked goods to the castle every morning. So— it was natural they had fallen in love.
Now, Sumin’s parents hope that one day she too would find love one day.
           “Do you think I’m capable of finding love, mother?” A young Sumin asked as her mother closed the “story” book.
The queen placed the book on the beautifully carved wooden desk and then peeked behind her shoulder.
           “Of course, my daughter. You are capable of anything your heart desires.” Her mother said; her voice filled with encouragement.
Sumin beamed with happiness as she positioned herself in her bed. Her mother glided her way over and grabbed the covers. She tightened the soft sheet around her daughter and placed a warm kiss on her forehead.
           “Now, sleep my beautiful daughter. I believe your father has set up a play date with a certain stable boy.” Her mother announced, sending a wave of excitement throughout Sumin.
Sumin practically squealed as she forced shut her eyes, unable to contain her happiness. All because she got to play with Kim Seokjin—her best friend in the castle.
With soft snores and small waves crashing onto the shore, the stars slowly disappeared as the main star, the Sun, came into view. The dark shades gradually changed into light shades. Black changed into dark blue. Dark blue changed into a light shade of reds and oranges until finally, the soft light blue painted over the skies. Big fluffy clouds simply hung out in their spots.
A loud and repeated knock echoed through the dark room, where a certain princess was still in deep slumber.
           “Princess Sumin! Princess Sumin, wake up this instance! Your mother and father says it is time for breakfast!” a nagging voice shouted from the other side of the door, causing the young princess to stir in her slumber.
           “Your father told me to tell you that if you are not awake and dressed soon, you will not be allowed to see your young friend, Seokjin and instead, will be spending the day in library!” the nagging voice shouted yet again.
As soon as the part of her not being able to see Seokjin entered her ears, Sumin’s eyes shot open. The young princess threw off the covers and climbed down from her enormous bed. She quickly brushed the knots out her luscious locks and grabbed her satin purple robe. She tightened the thick ribbon around her waist and practically tore off the door. She smiled brightly at her nurse and ran past her. The elderly nurse let out an exaggerated sigh before chasing after the young princess.
           “Your highness! It’s not lady like to run through the halls wearing nothing but your nightgown!” Sumin heard her nurse holler after her, causing the child to giggle with amusement.
Her tiny feet skipped down the long staircase, hearing many polite greetings from the castle workers. The excited princess smiled and nodded her head as she scurried her way to the dining area, where her mother and father awaited.
           “Dear, the royal Jeon family has sent us yet another later, inquiring if we had made up our mind on setting up an arrange marriage with their youngest son, Jungkook, I believe was the boy’s name.” The queen said, not looking away from the rough piece of parchment as the king peacefully ate his meal.
The king eyed his wife as he sighed while chewing up the delicious morning ham.
           “The Jeon family? Aren’t they the ones notorious for their knights and what’s the word?” He paused, snapping his fingers, hoping the word would come to him. Luckily, his wife read his mind and assisted him.
           “I think the word you are looking for, your majesty, is stoic.” The queen hid her amusing smile behind her gold chalice, filled with a sweet-tasting wine.
The king gave her look but had a grateful smile, “That’s the word! Stoic! King Jeon is so serious and yet the queen is completely the opposite.”
The queen simply rolled her eyes, “It’s not polite to gossip, my love.”
           “Says the woman who likes to gossip with the Lady Kim about the Lady Jung.” The king playfully argued.
However, before the queen could tease back, their energetic daughter came running in, giggling as she sped away from her nurse.
           “Princess Sumin!!” The nurse hollered as her heart pounded against her chest.
The king raised his brow as he opened his arms nice and wide, waiting for his hyper daughter to run into them.
           “Papa!!” Sumin greeted happily as she ran into his arms.
The king chuckled deeply as he easily hoisted her up and rested her on his knee.
           “Sumin, my darling girl. How did you sleep? I am assuming well since you set your nurse on a wild goose chase.” The king eyed the elderly nurse with pure amusement.
Sumin nodded happily, “I did father! I’m just filled with excitement because I get to play with Seokjin.”
The king tapped her nose lightly, “That you are, my princess. Speaking of Seokjin…” The king turned to the queen, “Can you write to the Jeon family saying that our daughter has her eye on a certain stable boy and will not be needing an arrange marriage?”
A look of disgust slowly appeared on Sumin’s face. Marrying Seokjin; her best friend/worst enemy? Gross! Sumin stuck out her tongue and vigorously shook her head.
           “There is no way, I’m going to marry that gross boy. I rather kiss a frog!” Sumin rejected the idea with her entire body.
Both the king and queen fought off the smile that threatened to form. Their daughter was indeed precious.
           “You do not want to marry Seokjin? Well, I guess we have to arrange a marriage for you then, since you are the first, in this family, to be extremely picky.” The king looked at her “sternly”, hoping that his harden gaze will push her to choose who she wanted to marry and not be forcibly be betrothed.
Sumin cocked her head to the side with her brows furrowed, signifying that she was deep in thought about something.
           “So…if I say I want to marry Seokjin, then I do not have to marry a complete stranger?” She paused, humming to herself the more she thought about marrying her mortal “enemy”. She then peered up at her father and with a look of determination, she said, “Okay, papa! I’ll marry Seokjin one day!”
The king laughed loudly, picking her up and twirling her around.
“Good! Now, go and convince him.” He happily instructed, setting her down.
A determined smile graced her innocent lips as Sumin politely curtsied before running off with her newly charged nurse rushing after her.
Practically bouncing in her seat, Sumin eagerly waited for her helpers to be done with fixing up her hair. She puffed up her cheeks as she continuously ignored the many hands tugging her strands in multiple directions. Being a princess was hard work. When she is queen, she was going to create a law that allowed the females in the royal family to wear their hair down.
With the last jeweled flower hair pin nestled in her hair, the helpers bowed politely before leaving her presence. Sumin waved goodbye to them before hopping off her chair. She rushed over to the changing area, where her nurse laid out her dress for the day.
Sumin frowned at the sight of the horrendous death trap. There was no way that she would be able to play with Seokjin if she was busy tripping over the hem of the skirt over and over.
           “Nurse! Do I have to wear this tent? Can I not wear my horseback riding outfit to run around with Seokjin?” Sumin whined as she held up her arms, waiting for the fabric to swallow her petite body.
The nurse clicked her tongue and ignored Sumin’s whines, pulling the skirt down and smoothing out the wrinkles before lacing and tying up the back of the dress.
           “Princess Sumin, you have to remember that you are a future lady of the castle. You have to carry yourself with such dignity and— WILL YOU STOP MAKING SILLY FACES AT THE STABLE BOY!?” The nurse shouted, stopping mid-rant when she realized that Sumin was looking out her window and taunting the poor boy.
The nurse hung her head low and stalked up behind the mean princess. She grabbed Sumin’s upper arm and dragged her away from the window.
           “Come now. You must put on your slippers and your crown. Then, you can go run amuck with the boy.” The nurse said, picking out a matching pair of shoes and placing in front of her. The nurse gently grabbed one ankle and slipped one of the slippers. She then repeated the action with the other foot. Then, the nurse quickly picked up Sumin’s crown for the day and gently placed it on her head, careful not mess up the masterpiece that is her hair.
Once the heavy accessory rested firmly on the top of her head, Sumin bit her bottom her lip; the adrenaline pumped through her veins, as she gathered her skirt and ran out the room.
The nurse watched the eager princess bolt out the room and away from her sight fast as lightening. She let out a long sigh as she shook her head before tidying up Sumin’s bedroom.
           “Ah, I pity the poor man who has the honor of claiming her as his wife.” The nurse playfully thought as she picked up the discarded nightgown from the floor.
Feeling the cool sea breeze fan her face, Sumin ran through the gardens, laughing as she ran away from a now covered in mud Seokjin. She swiftly turned each corner as she heard his rushing footsteps gradually grow closer and closer.
           “Get back here and fight me!” Sumin heard Seokjin threaten, causing her to laugh even harder.
Sumin glanced behind her shoulder,” I just did, you halfwit and look what happened. I whooped your butt!”
A young and easily tempered Seokjin glared at the princess’s backside.
           “Yeah, but that’s because you are a cheat! Fight me like a real man!” He shouted as he closed the gap between them. His fingers could almost grab on the scruff of her dress.
Sumin immediately halted in her tracks. Oh, so he wanted her to fight him? Fine. She was going to fight. She swiftly scrunched up the hem of her skirt and turned around. An evil smirk was painted on her lips as she charged at the young boy. She tackled him onto the ground, and the two children began to wrestle, dirtying up their attires even more.
Sumin successfully had Seokjin pinned to the ground as she grabbed a fist full of mud and smeared it all over his face.
Seokjin groaned as he continued to struggle. For an eight-year-old girl, she sure fought like a grown man.
The two children continued their roughhouse until a loud, booming voice put a halt in their fun activity.
           “What is going on here?!” Sumin heard her father yell and boy, he was not happy— or so she thought.
The dirty children scrambled up on their faces and hid their faces in shame, until they heard the sound laughter. Multiple of laughter.
           “I told you to go and convince Seokjin to marry you, not beat him up.” The king said, eyeing her “seriously”.
Sumin fixed her lopsided crown and ran up to her father.
           “I tried papa, but he said he would rather marry his horse than me, so I had to teach him a lesson for talking back to his princess.” She argued, sticking out her bottom lip cutely, hoping to earn sympathy points.
Seokjin gawked as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, however, he wasn’t surprised. Sumin always did like to make up lies about him.
           “What?! No, I did not! You are—” Before he could tattle on Sumin, revealing the truth to the king, Seokjin felt a sharp pain on the back his head. He angrily turned around and saw his father staring down on him, giving him “the look”.
           “Seokjin, how many times do I have to tell you to be nice to Princess Sumin?” His father asked, looking at him seriously. Though, he was fighting off the smile that threatened to appear after seeing his son covered from head to toe in mud.
Seokjin grumbled, “None papa….”
           “Good. Now, go tell the princess that you will marry her once she is of marrying age.” Seokjin heard his father say, causing the poor boy to groan and complain. Unfortunately, for him, his father was not having any of his whines. He pointed at Sumin’s direction and narrowed his eyes onto Seokjin.
Seokjin kicked the grass before stomping up to Sumin. He frowned deeply and looked away from her face.
           “I guess I will do you the honor of being your husband.” Seokjin managed to choke out.
Sumin smiled proudly and looked up to her father, “See father, I managed to convince him to be my future husband.”
Both the fathers stared at their children, questioning whether a marriage will work out between them or not. It was going to be an interesting union, that’s for sure.
Since that fateful day, many years has passed. The kingdom was still prosperous and had no major conflict. There was only one war, but that was quickly squashed just before Sumin’s fifteenth birthday.
Now, it was dawn of her eighteenth birthday and Sumin could hardly contain her excitement. Yes, it was her birthday, but something much more important was going to happen. Tonight, was the night her and Seokjin were going to officially announce their betrothal. Tonight, was the night Seokjin was going to take her to the garden and ask her to be his wife.
She happily flailed on her bed as she allowed the warm Sun to fill up her body. She kicked off the covers and quickly rushed to her vanity mirror. She picked up her emerald encrusted hairbrush and brushed out the knots and smoothed down any stragglers. She wanted to look her best for when she sees Seokjin.
Just thinking about him caused butterflies in her stomach. You can say that they were childhood sweethearts. They went from being closest of friends to being blossoming lovers. He had been her first of everything. Her first friend. Her first fight. Her first hug. Her first kiss. Her first romantic companion. Now, she had prayed every single night that he would be her first husband and be each other’s first when they lose their virginities.
A soft knock emitted from her bedroom door and a familiar voice followed close behind. Sumin’s eyes beamed with joy as a bright smile graced her face. She quickly shouted, “enter”, as she pretended to look disinterested.
The door slowly swung open and then heavy footsteps followed close behind.
           “Your highness, your father is requesting your presence—” However, before the familiar person could finish his message, his lips were immediately covered by Sumin’s.
Sumin pulled away, smiling, “You do know that my father wants to talk to me about tonight. He wants to make sure our engagement announcement runs smoothly, Seokjin.”
Seokjin chuckled before kissing her nose sweetly, “Easy there, my love. I have not proposed to you, yet. Now, I am second guessing it since you already have the idea planted in your pretty little mind.”
Sumin gawked and then smacked his arm, “How dare you talk to your princess like that?!”
           “You do know that we are not children anymore, so that line does not quite work on me.” Seokjin playfully argued, wrapping his arounds around her waist and placing a sweet kiss on her temple.
Sumin pouted cutely, “It does not? Maybe this might work then.” She then leaned up, pressing her enticing lips next to his ear as she whispered unspeakable things, riling up Seokjin’s hormones as a result.
His crotch area started to feel tight as alluring thoughts filled his mind. Fuck…Sumin knew how to have him like putty in her hands. Though, in their heated kisses, she was always the one begging for him.
An animalistic growl left his lips as Seokjin shut his eyes, trying to think innocent thoughts but failing. All he wanted to do was throw her on the bed and tear off her nightgown. He wanted to take her virginity and give her his in return.
Before the thoughts became too troubling, Seokjin cleared his throat and gave her a firm look.
           “You are an evil princess, you know that, right?” He asked, tearing his gaze away from hers.
Sumin giggled, “Only for my knight. Now, wait outside while I dress for breakfast and meeting with your future father-in-law.”
Seokjin shook his before bowing his head. He announced he was leaving before turning around and walking out of the chambers.
Sumin smiled softly before calling for her chamber maids to help dress her. She took a seat in front of her mirror and folded her hands in her lap as the maids went to town on her hair and face while her loving nurse picked out her attire for the day and planed her birthday gown for the evening.
           “I remember it was only yesterday where you only this high and bouncing with excitement.” Sumin heard her nurse say followed by a couple of sniffles.
Sumin subtly glanced to the side and saw her nurse crying.
           “My dear nurse, please do not shed a tear. It is only my birthday. Please. Save your tears for my wedding day.” She politely said, holding out her handkerchief for the nurse to take.
The nurse gently grabbed the soft fabric and wiped her tears.
           “Oh, dear lord, I do not even want to picture your wedding day. I still cannot believe that you and Seokjin are on the right path to that. You two used fight like cats and dogs and now, you are guys are absolutely in love with each other.” The nurse stated, reminiscing the days where the two of them used play in the mud and wrestle.
Sumin giggled as the maids neatly tucked her braided hair in a bun.
           “We still fight like cats and dogs, and I still win those fights. Thank you very much.” She smiled proudly at herself, earning a few giggles from the helpers.
The nurse rolled her eyes, “Your union shall definitely be interesting. Now, let’s get you dressed before your father sends his entire militia after you.”
Sumin chuckled yet again as she playfully rolled her eyes. She politely dismissed her maids with a sincere smile before standing up. She eyed her dress, silently whining underneath breath as the nurse dressed her. Her dislike of dresses would never change.
Now, walking gracefully down the long corridor, Sumin politely waved and acknowledged the many birthday greetings she received from the castle workers. Of course, Seokjin was close behind, watching his woman like a hawk. The job of being her personal knight.
           “Princess, your father is going to be impatient and end up having both of us for breakfast. Can you please hurry up?” Seokjin asked, picking up the pace of his strides.
Sumin scoffed, “You just want the marriage talk to be over with.”
           “Well, according to your parents, we are already wedded so…” Seokjin argued, shooting her backside a knowing look.
           “Do you really detest the idea of us being wedded?” Sumin stopped in her tracks and looked up to Seokjin, sadness glazing over them.
Seokjin stopped as well; his demeanor changing into a loving companion. He gently grabbed her hands and lightly pressed his lips to her knuckles.
           “Of course not, my love. I just wanted us to be wedded at our own pace. You just turned eighteen, and I am about to turn nineteen. We are still children in my eyes.” Seokjin tried to reason with Sumin; his worries finally seeing the light. Sumin hung her head low and sighed sadly. She always hated when he was the voice of reason between them.
           “You know that I am right, my beloved. I do plan on wedding you and making you the mother of my children one day, that is no secret. For now, I just want us to enjoy our young adulthood while we can before we both turn into a pair of old folks and need assistance with everything.” Seokjin added, lowering his head to look at Sumin’s eyes.
Sumin chuckled softly and nodded, “I hate it when you are right, but I am thankful that you are. Now, we need to convince my father that we want to wait until we are in our twenties to wed.”
Seokjin pecked her nose and then pulled her close, enjoying her radiating warmth.
           “Watch, your father will have us wed right this second if he found out that we wanted to wait.” He teased as the two proceeded to walk to the dining area.
Sumin snorted and then told him that it would be rather amusing if he was right— and he was.
Now sitting right next to her father, with their many personal knights, kitchen and dining workers, and other castle workers stationed all over the dining area, Sumin slowly blew out the hot air from her mouth as continued to avoid her father’s questioning gaze. Did his ears hear his daughter, right? She wanted to wait a couple of more years before she wedded. He was certainly not getting any younger. He would love to see his daughter wed before he died.
The king cleared his throat, earning the undivided attention of everyone in the tensed room.
           “May I ask why the sudden change of heart, my darling Sumin? Was it not last week you and Seokjin were happily talking about being husband and wife?” He asked; his deep baritone voice echoing throughout the halls of the busy castle.
Both Sumin and Seokjin flinched, unsure how or better yet, what to say next. The last thing they both wanted was to upset the king.
Building enough courage to meet his hardened gaze, Sumin sighed and then turned her head towards him. With a sweet smile, Sumin politely explained that she just became the marrying age and that she and Seokjin became serious lovers not too long ago. They were both new at being intimately close to one another and want to take their time, getting to know each other. All they knew of each other was what they learned from when they were merely friends. If they were to rush into a royal union, then who knows what would happen.
As Sumin continued to peacefully explain why she and Seokjin should not wed right now, Seokjin felt his heart pound against his chest. His palms were clammy as the nerves were getting the best of him. Yes, his heart was settled on marrying his princess, but he wanted to wait until they were a little bit more mature. However, his worst fear resulted from the wanting to wait. His worst fear of someone who was in higher social standing, who was better suited, who was simply not him to wed his precious Sumin.
Then, in the middle of his thoughts, an awful thought appeared to him. What if the king decided to arrange a marriage for his daughter while she was explaining? He wouldn’t do that, right?
Finally, after what it seemed like hours of talking, Sumin caught her breath. She wanted to make sure that she covered every point that she knew her father would bring up in a counterargument. She had a knack for the whole political talk; a trait she developed from her father. Funny, huh?
The king rubbed his chin lightly, taking in what his daughter told him. Maybe he was too harsh with the whole, “You must marry as soon as you turn eighteen!” If he thought about it with a clear mind, he would’ve remembered that when he married Sumin’s mother, they were both in their early to mid-twenties. Eighteen was the age he officially declared his romantic feelings for her. Sumin was right, she and Seokjin were still only children in that aspect.
He cleared his throat before taking a sip of his sweet wine.
           “You may have a point, Sumin…” He paused, sighing deeply. “Okay, I will grant your request to marry in a couple years’ time.” He announced.
Sumin’s eyes lit up like the annual firework show. She squealed in delight as she practically flung herself out of her seat and wrapped her arms around her father. She tightly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed her father’s cheek sweetly. She happily yelled a quick thank you before curtsying and taking her leave. She grabbed Seokjin’s hand, and the young lovers rushed out to their secret spot— the rose covered gazebo.
The king and queen watched the happy couple leave their sight with amusing smiles painted on their lips.
           “You did the right thing, my king.” The queen warmly complimented before patting the corner of her lips with her napkin.
The king raised his brow, “Oh? Do I get a little reward for being such an amazing father?”
The queen choked on her drink as her cheeks grew bright and warm. She knew how playful he can be, so two can play at that game.
           “Of course. You get to feel happy knowing that your daughter is happy.” She teased.
The king scoffed lightly, “Well played, my wife. Well played.”
Meanwhile, back with the joyful lovers, the two were caught up in a heated kiss. They only had a few more hours before they had to disappear to prepare for the birthday ball, so they wanted to make the most what of little time they had left.
Hands were roaming the other person’s body as the fiery touch ignited the desire to do more than just kissing. The two wanted to be tangled between the sheets, filling the room with nothing but sweet whispers and sounds of passionate love making.
With her head tilted the side, Sumin bit her bottom lip as she felt her skirt hiked up, revealing her smooth thigh as his hands left a trail of electricity. She felt her core grow wetter and wetter as she became aroused.
Her neck was being attacked by his precious lips. His teeth nipping and sucking on patches of unmarked skin as if he was marking his territory. Eventually, the pleasure became too much as the one sound, that Seokjin always hoped to hear while making love to her, left Sumin’s lips.
Hearing that one moan sent his hormones into a wild frenzy. He roughly grabbed her face and captured her lips once more, pressing his crotch area against her center, hoping that she would see what her actions are doing to him.
           “Princess! Enough assaulting each other’s lips and come here! It is time to prepare for the party!” The two heard Sumin’s nurse shout from the distance.
The two reluctantly pulled apart, both displaying bright red and swollen lips. Their hairs were disheveled, and their outfits a wrinkled mess.
A sheepish grin appeared on their faces as they kissed each other sweetly, pouring their loves into it before separating for now. Luckily, they were going to see each other at the ball. The joys of being in love with an assigned guard.
Amidst the preparation for the birthday ball, the bright lights and colors soon changed into dark colors and dimmed lights. The full moon illuminated the castle like its own personal spotlight. Fireworks shot up into the sky as carriages arrived one by one to the kingdom. Every noblemen and lady arrived with their eligible son in hopes that he would capture the princess’s eye. Unfortunately, for them, her heart was already under lock and key by a certain knight.
The grand ballroom was filled with lively music and happy chatter as every subject, royal family, and everyone in between came from faraway lands to wish Princess Sumin a wonderful birthday.
Each suitor took turns dancing with the princess, hoping to win her over with their witty charm, however, that only annoyed her even more.
After dancing with Prince Namjoon, Sumin happily excused herself to go talk to her mother and father. Namjoon politely kissed her knuckle before bowing and taking his leave. As soon as he was out of line of sight, Sumin dropped her polite smile and searched ballroom for Seokjin. Once she found him, glaring daggers at Prince Namjoon, Sumin’s smile became bright and genuine as she glided through the crowds of people. The perks of being a princess. Everyone parted right through the middle.
Her gracious steps hurried over to Seokjin as she wanted nothing more to be next to the man who truly loved her.
           “Having fun dancing with stuck up princes?” Seokjin asked; his hand positioned right above the handle of his sword.
Sumin rolled her eyes, finding his jealousy rather amusing yet unnecessary.
           “Oh, you know it. Now, I have to make a difficult decision on who I should wed and bear many children with.” She sarcastically said, earning herself a light shove from the knight.
Seokjin mocked her tone, “Fine, if you marry one of them, then I will marry one of your mother’s ladies in waiting.”
Sumin gasped and glared coldly at him, “Which one and I will see to it that she is fired.”
Seokjin chuckled deeply, still finding it fun to push her buttons. The playful knight and the cheerful princess continued to tease one another, both not showing signs of ceasing.
While the playful couple was enjoying their own little world, the king and queen eyed them with curiosity in their gaze. They were too absorbed with watching their daughter and her knight joke around with each other that they failed to realize that there was a royal presence lingering in the air.
Soon, the mysterious person cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the king and queen.
           “Ah, King Ji Yong, to what do the queen and I owe the pleasure of your presence on the eve of my daughter’s birthday celebration?” The king spoke in a diplomatic voice.
           “I have come to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
 A/N: Officially back on the scene with my writing! For my new beginning, I am only going to upload Fight for Me on this site while the rest of my work, you can find on my AO3! However, if there is a story you want back up, then just shoot me a message, and I will add it up! Now, the reason for uploading this series, FINISHED I might add, is because I am going to be writing a sequel! Yup, a sequel! This story is my baby, and .... well I don’t want to give away a spoiler for the new readers out there! Anyway, I will begin writing the first chapter once this one is published!
Don’t forget to leave a like/reblog/comment/send in an ask on your thoughts! I love hearing them! :)
- Kim
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starellas · 6 years
The bright light that shines on Keith and Shiro in the astral plane is Keith’s quintessence?
I know I may be reaching out here, and I’m not sure how much I believe in this theory myself but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I can’t find anything logical to shoot it down. I know it may sound crazy to a certain extend, but I really believe that I may be onto something here.
So what I want to focus on in this post is this bright light right here.
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At first I thought that it was a visual way of showing Keith connecting with the Black Lion, and how they’re slowly beginning to see through each other’s eyes. However, then me and my friend @msbluebell began talking about quintessence and how it’s been portrayed in the show thus far. We’ll most likely make a post about that in the future but I want to focus on this scene specifically for now.
This post is what got me thinking about quintessence and how the quintessence of every paladin varies. Lance’s quintessence is blue, Hunk is yellow, Pidge is green, Shiro is dark purple, and Allura is pink. What also caught my attention was the fact that Keith wasn’t present during the Oriande episode where Allura meets the white lion, nor was he with the team when they were fighting on Olkarion (s5ep3) and they all entered this strange windy astral plane. The wind in that scene may have represented a distortion in the balance of the paladins which Kuron created. Then when Shiro’s consciousness came, the team became balanced once again.
I’ve been thinking about Keith’s connection to the lions ever since the first episode, and I believe that we still didn’t get an answer as to why he was able to sense the Blue Lion in s1ep1. Also, how did that wormhole appear? Who made it? And how did they manage to enter the castle? It did an ID scan on them when they entered so why did it recognise them as friendly? Keith is part Galra so shouldn’t it have detected him as a threat if the Alteans 10,000 years ago were fighting a war against the Galra?
The mysteries surrounding Keith continue (at least for me) and during the scene with Shiro and Keith in the astral plane (s6ep6), I believe that this was the first time we got to see Keith’s quintessence. In s5 we’ve managed to see the quintessence of the rest of the paladins but never Keith’s own.
Now comes the part where I explain my thought process and I know it may sound weird at first, but I thought about it for like two days non-stop and I think it makes some sense.
Ok, so episode 6 of season 6 begins with a scene of Keith and Shiro in the astral plane, or the Black Lion’s consciousness. There’s nothing sticking out to me in that particular scene, other than the fact that Shiro is shown to be glowing while Keith isn’t.
Look at the pictures below.
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Here we can clearly see the difference between them. Shiro = glow, Keith = no glow.
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The reason I’m showing you this is because I believe that Shiro glowing represents his quintessence. The dark purple colour that surrounds Shiro could be because they’re in the Black Lion’s consciousness, but then why isn’t Keith glowing? Yeah, I know that Shiro doesn’t have a body and that his soul/consciousness is trapped within the Black Lion, but let’s not forget that this is a place where none of them are in their real bodies. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that the colour of Shiro’s quintessence is dark purple, while Keith doesn’t have his quintessence surrounding him in this moment.
At the moment their conversation takes place, Keith’s body is unconscious in the mouth of the Black Lion while Shiro is... well... in the Black Lion literally. The glow could also represent how Shiro’s quintessence and that of the Black Lion is connected?
Alright, so going back to the main scene I want to talk about. When Keith is trying to get back to the rest of his team, he calls on Shiro for help and then we see the both of them standing next to each other in the astral plane once again. Note that this time Shiro isn’t glowing but is instead standing next to Keith.
This is my opinion, but I believe that this is because Keith’s own quintessence is trying to connect with the Black Lion and thus Shiro’s own connection with it is weakening. Just an idea.
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And I know that some people may think that both Shiro and Keith’s quintessence is a dark purple colour but I don’t think that’s the case. They’re both currently in the Black Lion’s consciousness and the Black Lion’s quintessence is a dark purple colour. It makes sense that they’re both illuminated by the same colour since they’re both within the Black Lion’s mind.
What I’m trying to say is that them being dark purple constantly within the astral plane doesn’t represent their own quintessence. The glow goes, the glow around their bodies is their own quintessence.
Now! I’m finally getting to the bright light. When Shiro tells Keith “See through the lion’s eyes. Patience yields focus” that’s when the bright light appears. Now during this moment, Keith’s consciousness is connecting to the Black Lion and Shiro who is within it as well. His body remains in the pilot’s seat and once Shiro tells him “patience yields focus”, I can imagine Keith trying to focus on what Shiro is telling him to do. His mind and body are separate and while the Keith in the astral plane found out the answer, his body in the physical world is focusing to connect with the Black Lion.
Then we get the light.
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The light appears suddenly, brightly coming into the dark purple colour-coded astral plane. The contrast between the dark of the astral plane and the light is great, and for me, it looks like the sun which is coming out of the horizon to light up the dark skies of the night. Actually, the whole astral plane represents space. We have stars all around, as well as a circular object at the top of this image that looks like an eclipse. That is probably a planet and maybe a dark sun that is behind it? So in a way, it would be like an eclipse, but instead of the red/yellow of the sun, we have the Black Lion’s dark purple colour. Now then, if the astral plane is made to mirror space, then it would make sense for this light to be the sun. Everything is made for a purpose in animation, and the choice of colour in this scene was intentional as well.
The bright light is shining into the Black Lion’s consciousness right when Shiro tells Keith to focus and try to see through the lion’s eyes. Ok so hear me out here... you probably know where I’m going with this, and I might be reaching, but I do believe that the bright light is Keith’s quintessence.
In the moment when the bright light begins to shine into the astral plane, that’s when Keith is focusing to connect with the lion. They’re becoming one, and what other way to become one than sharing/connecting their quintessence together? Quintessence is the source of life, and it is practically life itself. Everyone has quintessence and the colour/purity of quintessence varies with every person as well. The show has continuously stressed the difference between pure and corrupted quintessence, representing the corrupted quintessence with Haggar, Zarkon and Lotor, while showing the pure quintessence that is within the quintessence field as well. Quintessence also varies within a person, and that makes sense since we’re all different people.
Now after the image above, we get this shot of Keith.
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Keith is actually glowing now! There is a glow surrounding his body for the first time since we’ve seen him within the astral plane. They’re not showing Shiro in this moment, and I’d be very curious to see what he looks like or if he’s glowing, but for now, let’s just look at Keith. The lines of his face are an orange/red colour and they’re the same colour as the light that is shining down on them. As far as we’ve seen up to s6, all of the paladins have the same colour as their original lions. Lance - blue, Pidge - green, etc. If we follow that pattern, then it would make sense for Keith’s own quintessence to be red, because his original lion was the Red Lion.
Then Keith’s eyes begin to shine.
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For me this is proof that Keith and the Black Lion’s quintessence really are connecting because now they are able to see through each other’s eyes. They’re connected as one, meaning that somehow their quintessence must have met/merged/connected. The bright light we see coming into the Black Lion’s consciousness (the astral plane) represents Keith’s quintessence connecting with the Black Lion, something his body in the physical world is doing.
And here we see the Black Lion as well, showing us that they really connected.
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As far as I know, we’ve never seen a paladin’s eyes glow like that while connected to their lions. To be fair though, we didn’t see anyone connect to their lions in this way apart from Shiro. Although when Shiro connected with the Black Lion in s1ep2, his eyes were closed so we couldn’t see if they glowed a bright blue colour just like Keith’s eyes do here. All we saw was Shiro’s eyes flashing a bright yellow colour before he closed them, seeing through the Black Lion’s eyes instead. For me it’s interesting to note that while Shiro had his eyes closed, Keith’s eyes remain open throughout the scene. They’re not glowing, but we know that Keith can see the rest of the paladins now.
I keep mentioning that everyone’s quintessence is a different colour and maybe I should explain this so that you guys know where I’m coming from. I’m mostly referring to this scene in s5ep3.
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Okay, and I know here you might say “Oh! They’re all colour-coded based on the colours of their lions” but you’d be wrong if you say that. A perfect example of how the paladins’ and the lions’ quintessence is shown separately is by looking at Allura and Lance. Allura is standing on a blue circle while her quintessence is pink. (Also look at how everyone is not glowing apart from Shiro in this image. Shiro is glowing because that’s his quintessence, while everyone else is illuminated by the colour they’re standing on. Look at Allura, in this picture, she is illuminated by the blue colour of her lion).
But the quintessence of the paladins isn’t the same as their lions, and I’ll prove that right here. Alright, so you’ve all seen that Allura is standing on a blue circle, but then look at her glowing in a pink colour now.
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Yep, that’s Allura. You can see the blue light that is surrounding her BUT her quintessence is a pink colour. The Blue Lion’s quintessence is blue while Allura, who is it’s paladin, has her own quintessence and that is pink. They both connect together when in battle and that’s how they manage to gain all the power-ups, through the bond of quintessence between them.
Lance is also the same as Allura. He’s standing in a red circle, but his glow is blue, meaning that his quintessence is blue while the Red Lion’s quintessence is red.
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What I’m trying to say here is that the lions have their own quintessence and their paladins have their own, combining/connecting with the lions to form a unique bond they have between each other.
“The quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his lion. Together, they form somethig greater than science can explain.” is a quote from s1ep1 that Allura said about the bond between a paladin and their lion. Although looking at the colours now, the “mirror” aspect confuses me because if they do mirror, then how come Lance’s quintessence is blue and the Red Lion’s is red? How come they’re compatible? Maybe it’s not all in the colour but also the purity of their quintessence? No, then again, if it was about purity, then Zarkon wouldn’t be able to connect with the Black Lion again in s1 and s2. Their bond was still there so I’m led to believe that purity/corruption has nothing to do with it. The whole lion switch is a mess tbh.
So in conclusion, to sum all of this up, I believe that the bright light in that scene with Shiro and Keith was Keith’s quintessence connecting with the Black Lion, allowing Keith to see through the Black Lion’s eyes. Thinking about the light now, I don’t know what else it could represent, and in my opinion, this makes perfect sense.
One thing I forgot to mention is how big that bright light is. I mean, look how it overtakes the dark purple of the astral plane in this shot.
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I don’t think that the crew made the light shine so brightly like this for no specific reason. Visually, the light is very powerful and in just a second, we see all of the dark purple of the astral plane vanish. Just look at the picture above. Everything is an orange/red colour and if we leave this image as is without the context of the episode, I would think “Oh wow! Is that the Red Lion’s astral plane!?” Come on, tell me you wouldn’t think that if you saw this image all by itself. See the ring of fire in the background? The purple of it is completely gone and now the ring looks like it’s actually made of fire, just like the fire of the sun.
I mean, the red/orange light is powerful and if we compare it to Shiro’s quintessence, it is huge. If this really is Keith’s quintessence then the crew made an effort to show us how large it visually is. My point: what if Keith has a bigger quantity of quintessence than the rest of the paladins? We haven’t seen his quintessence thus far and he wasn’t present in s5ep3 when all of the paladins found themselves in the windy astral plane. Also, when it comes to the purity of quintessence, what if his quintessence is pure as well? His eyes were glowing a light blue colour and this mirrors Allura’s own glowing eyes when she transfers Shiro’s spirit/soul from the Black Lion into the clone body.
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Their eyes mirror, whether it was intentional on the crew’s part or not, they do.
If Keith really does have a larger quantity of quintessence, then it could possibly explain how he was able to sense the Blue Lion back in s1ep1. When we are introduced to Keith in the beginning, we are immediately told that he could sense this strange energy, that he has the ability to sense it while the other’s don’t. This was established right away in the very first episode, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have any significant meaning. I don’t believe the crew did it just so the paladins could find the Blue Lion and then eventually Allura, I have faith in them too much to think that they would pull a move like that. Apart from being able to sense the Blue Lion back in season 1, the crew also emphasised Keith’s bond with the Red Lion, especially in season 2. We are still left to wonder if that was done for a purpose and obviously it was. We just didn’t find out why they did it yet, but they’ll most likely explain it in the upcoming episodes, or at least I hope they do.
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To be fair, we don’t really know if the “energy” Keith felt was coming from the Blue Lion. But since Keith actually ended up finding the cave by himself, I do believe that it was the Blue Lion. Also, it’s interesting to note that Krolia and Keith’s dad were the Blue Lion’s protectors in some way, meaning that Keith grew in close proximity to the Blue Lion. Could that be how he managed to sense it? We still don’t know.
I’ve seen some theories floating around that Keith may have some Altean blood in him and I like the idea very much, especially since it would link back with his 80s counterpart, but I’m not jumping on that train-wagon just yet. I need evidence and so far all I have points to Keith having a strange relationship with quintessence. He is sensitive to the lions and has been shown to connect with the Blue Lion, the Red Lion and now the Black Lion as well. I’m not going to say anything for certain, but so far I can conclude that he is able to sense/connect with the lions much more than the rest of the paladins. And in order to connect with them, Keith’s quintessence must be different in some way. I believe that it is different, based on the scene with the light I was talking about of course.
And if you want me to sum up my thoughts in a simple way well... I’d say that Keith’s quintessence is different from normal quintessence living beings would have. At this moment, and based on everything I have, I’d say that’s the best conclusion I can come up with at the moment.
I know I just concluded my thoughts but I’d also like to add this to the post:
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“Running for a full year on one drop of quintessence, with no decline in revolutions per dobosh. No other energy source like this exists. The ships I’m creating for us work on the same principle and the ore from the comet practically engineers itself. It’s frightening, in a way.” is what Alfor says in s3ep7, and it’s the image up above.
So what I get from this scene is that the spinning object had one drop of quintessence dropped onto it and it’s been running for a while now without showing any signs of stopping. So basically even one drop of quintessence is enough to make it spin infinitely like this.
Do you know where I’m going with this?
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Keith had quintessence spilled on him in s1ep10. That’s way more than a single drop of quintessence. If a single drop was able to spin the machine thing infinitely, then how would it affect Keith? I mean, that is a lot of quintessence that was spilled on him. Then we also see his hand healing in the image below.
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What if his body absorbed the quintessence in some way? At first I thought the healing scene was suppose to show us the power quintessence has and how it can heal anything. But that was just season 1, and back then, we didn’t know anything about quintessence at all. We know something about it now, but essentially, quintessence is still a mysterious substance/force/being. There are still mysteries surrounding it, even ones that science can’t explain.
What if because of his contact with quintessence here, Keith’s own quintessence got a boost? It would explain how his quintessence could be so large in this shot.
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Keith was able to sense the Blue Lion in season 1 so the quintessence spill doesn’t explain it. If Keith’s sensitivity to quintessence was already strong then, then how did the spilling affect him? We don’t know that yet but I really, really hope that in future episodes, they’ll address Keith’s relationship with quintessence and just how sensitive he is to it. I’m not letting the Keith from episode 1 go just yet because I desperately want to know how he was able to sense the Blue Lion back then. There’s something more to Keith and quintessence, and we were shown that throughout the seasons. It wasn’t in our faces kind of showing, but it was done subtly in the background. Again, I may be totally reaching, but personally, I believe I’m onto something here.
And that is my TEDTalk! Whew! I hope I make at least some sense by the end of this. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I’ve been sitting here writing this post for about 3 hours straight now. The main reason I wrote this is because I want to know what you guys think. I didn’t see anyone mention this before or interpret the light in such a way.
Ok, I’ll end my blabbering now. See you later pala-dudes!
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