#and to think my father wanted me to write for his wrestling company
arathergrimreaper · 2 years
Oh, so when I write fanfiction about fictional characters I get called 'cringe' and 'problematic' and 'too old' by lil teeny boppers who probably don't even do the dishes but when a grown man 'wins' his fantasy football game, it's sanctioned by the state and he gets free beer for a year or whatever?
That's it, I'm making your star quarterbacks fuck ALL their teammates on the field.
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leupagus · 4 months
Really enjoying writing Book 2/Season 6 of this monstrosity, where instead of having Sansa and Jon fighting to regain Winterfell and all that nonsense with the "Battle of the Bastards," it's gonna be like 10K of Sansa being the Warden of the North equivalent of that mom who just needs FIVE MINUTES OF PEACE AND QUIET YOU GODDAMN KIDS
To the Lord Robin Arryn, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East, and my Dear Cousin,
I write to you from Wint
"Sansa — sorry, Lady Sansa, you'll never believe—"
"Jeyne, you don't have to call me 'Lady Sansa,'" Sansa said as she looked up from her parchment. "You're the steward of Winterfell now."
Jeyne Poole, hanging onto the handle of the door and swinging it absently back and forth like she'd done back when they were ten years old, frowned. "My da always said the Lord and Lady of Winterfell were worthy of respect."
Sansa leaned back in her chair. Father had dealt with the business of the holdfast in the Library Tower, so he could wrestle with the accounts without being interrupted every twenty minutes. Sansa had always thought that a bit unfair, since it meant you had to climb all those stairs just to find him, but now she was wondering if she could perhaps build the tower twenty or thirty feet higher. The exercise would probably do her good. "Your father always called mine 'oi, you,' if I recall correctly."
The look Jeyne gave her was deeply unimpressed. "Aye, and you always complained about it. Do you want to hear about the cow loose in the guest house or not?"
erfell at last, which was the dearest wish of your beloved goodfather Petyr. His dying words were to express the hope that both his goodson and his niece be safe and secure in their homes, and I am glad to say tha
"Lady Sansa, Master Mikken has refused another dozen apprentices. He said they're all 'knuckleheaded clods who wouldn't know a round ball fuller from a chisel punch." This time it was her master-at-arms, who'd been Rodrick Cassel's round-faced child named Beth when Sansa had left. Now he went by Cass and looked like he could wrestle a (very short) bear if needs be.
"I don't know a round ball fuller from a chisel punch," Sansa replied, frowning.
Cass shrugged. "Well, and nor do I. But that's near fifty lads he's turned away. We need someone helping with the forges. We've been making do with the army smiths that Prince Stannis let us—"
"Prince Stannis?" He was going to hate that.
Another shrug. "We've got to call him something, milady. You won't call him 'king,' nor will any of your bannermen, but his soldiers give us no end of trouble when we call him 'lord.' So 'prince' it is. And he is one, too, ain't he? King Robert's brother. That'd make him a prince, right?"
Sansa answered with a shrug of her own. By the time Stannis and his companies returned from the Dreadfort, everyone in the North would likely have settled on Prince Stannis, which would lead to a great deal of shouting and probably threats of lighting people on fire, but she had at least a fortnight to think of something.
"As I was saying, we can't use the Baratheon smiths forever, and the ones from our bannermen have all gone home with their bannermen. Mikken needs apprentices, and we need our forge at full strength."
"All right, let's go speak with him," Sansa sighed.
t through the goodness of Stannis, of House Baratheon, and his masterful command of the armies of the North and the Stormlands, I am now secure as Warden of the North.
Not only that, but your dear cousin, my brother Rickon has somehow survived all the danger that the North has presented, while it was under the thrall of the Ironborn and House Bolton. He is now safe and I will reu
"My lady?" Maester Wolkan peered his head into the room.
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HCs: Falling in love with Father Paul
Pairing: Father Paul x Reader (Midnight Mass)
A/N: WELL HELLO it has sure been a while hasn’t it. Life has caught up with me exponentially the past two years - graduating college, starting a full time job, personal growth and pitfalls. But, I truly miss writing, and was ready to attempt to get back into it after such a long hiatus. Anyways - hello, I love you all <3 I missed you all. 
Warnings: Uhh, blasphemy? I guess?? Mentions of sexual content. Millie is somehow gone who knows where she is. Very subtle spoilers for Midnight Mass (2021). ANYWAYS.
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✧ You confess your love for him after Paul takes it upon himself to walk you home from assisting him in decorating St Patricks for an upcoming event. Often jumping at any chance to provide services so you could grow closer to the enigmatic priest, anyone with half a brain could see how you’ve taken to him within the past few months. Just three simple words that sends a ripple through him. “I love you.” 
✧ He takes in a deep breath, thinking carefully about his next words. Ever since his arrival, you have been one of his closest friends and confidants. “Please, don't say that,” Paul quietly pleads, exhaling from his nose. 
✧ Not because he does not love you, in fact, it’s the exact opposite. He can’t bear to see you be hurt, knowing that he could never reciprocate the love you so truly deserve. He’s hurt those that he has loved before -- and will wrestle with those demons for a lifetime.
✧ Father Paul has taken his vows, and is seen as a pillar of faith, stability, and morals within the community. Given a second chance at fulfilling those vows, even. Still unable to face you, he stares down at his feet.
✧  Shaking his head, his brown eyes meet yours -- glassy with tears threatening to spill over. “You’re so young, it's...natural to have feelings like this. You’ll get over it, it’s okay.” A beat of silence passes between you. “Things like this have happened before. To me, I mean. And it hurts but, you’ll find someone one day. You're strong. You just have to...ride the wave is all.”
✧ And you know that this is how it will be. That you have to be okay with the reality. Scratching the back of his neck, he starts up his usual conversation again. Like everything was normal. “Now for tomorrow I was thinking th-”
✧ But it’s not normal. You cut him off before he can change the subject. “I-I know it’s wrong,” you stutter out, feeling embarrassed and already noticing the urge to backpedal. “I know its against any type of decency, and that we couldn’t be together even if it’s all I dream about. But I..couldn't go another day without confessing my feelings. I’m sorry if this changes things between us. Goodnight, Paul.”
✧ Against all rational, he walks forward cupping your face between his hands before you can slip into the safety of your house. And he kisses you. Before you take back what you’ve said. Before the inkling of regret crosses your mind. Before you pretend that there isn’t an undeniable connection between you. 
✧ A kiss. Just once, hoping that maybe this one act would allow the both of you to move on without the prospect of “what if” looming in the back of your minds forever. Free whatever pent up tension was built. Paul has lived with enough regrets, and he didn’t want to add never saying he loved you, too. One dipped toe into the waters of sin, for the sake of a lifetime of purity. But the human condition is fragile;  love comes slowly, then all at once. And once it’s there, it’s hard to deny it. 
✧ A secret relationship begins to bloom between you. Subtle glances and gestures to each other during mass. Things such as his hand lingering on yours for just a moment longer than polite company, making eye contact with him that flusters him while delivering his sermon. 
✧ Intimately pressing his thumb against your lips as he offers you the holy eucharist, coaxing you to open your mouth. Pushing it onto your tongue when you do so, his finger lingers there for an unusual amount of time that seems...less than chaste to anyone viewing. The unholiest of thoughts passing through your mind. 
✧ Sneaking around after mass like a teenage couple, unable to keep your hands off of each other. A desperate flurry of lips, tongues, and hands pushing up cloth to gain access to skin. Paul asking you to wear your prettiest Sunday dresses only for him. You have opened up this new world for Father Paul to explore, being considerably less experienced.
✧ Father Paul is old fashioned. Expect flowery, beautiful love letters arriving at your doorstep almost weekly. Hand delivered, of course. They always have the distinct smell of him - a mixture of his cologne and the heady scent of frankincense and myrrh, lingering from his vestments. 
✧ Helping him understand how to use technology - while you know him as Father Paul, his true identity gives a more reasonable explanation for why he is so inept at modern technology. Others catch him constantly smiling down at his phone when your name pops up on his screen. You try to show him how to send photo images to each other, but often you get odd attempts at selfies that usually are blurred or too close up. While you prefer spending time together in person, it does give a safer alternative to constantly stay in touch without raising too much suspicion. 
✧ Most times you see him one on one to be at night, when most of Crockett Island’s denizens are fast asleep. Just sitting in your kitchen, conversing and laughing over a cup of coffee. Some nights things progress further to the bedroom, but other nights the two of you find happiness just in the company of each other
✧ Late nights in his cabin, your head resting gently against his lap. Paul’s one hand flipping through his well loved and worn bible. The other hand idly running his fingers through your hair. The sound of the murky waves crashing against the shoreline mixed with Paul’s low hums of familiar hymns becoming the soundtrack of the evening.
✧ Mornings after accidentally staying over, too late to return to your house yet too early to make an inconspicuous exit. The window open, the heavy smell of sex and salt water clinging to both of your skin. Sometimes you just stare at him as he’s asleep, watching his chest rise and fall. His usually furrowed brows at rest, and signs of age seem to just melt off his face. Reaching your hand out to run a delicate finger against the curvature of his nose. Of his cupid’s bow. It's sinful how beautiful he is. 
✧ He finds relief and only lets his guard down when you both visit the mainland together on some “church business.” This is the only time that you and Paul can reasonably be seen in public together. He can hold your hand, kiss you, and show as much public affection as you deserve without the watchful eyes of others. And stay together in a hotel room too, just like anyone else madly in love.
✧ Maybe you are his secret. One of many. But you are his best kept one by far.
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itsbl4kebitch · 2 years
I suck and am only just now posting this but fsdkjldfsajds bare with me friends, don’t hate me too much. x] below the cut is information and a little backstory on my muse !! 
Full name: Blake Penelope Marie.
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio.
Currently resides in: Orlando FL 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with no real preference if she vibes with you, she vibes with you! 
Birthday: July 23, 1993 -- 29 years old. 
Occupation: A seamstress currently working with All Elite Wrestling but she does work for other people on the side as well. 
Nicknames: Blakie, Blaker. 
Blake Penelope Marie was born July 23, 1993 in Cleveland Ohio to her parents Ted and Victoria Marie -- she had a relatively normal childhood until she was 12 years old. She came home from school one day to her father letting her know that her mother had ran off to be with another man and left them. From there on out, Blake and her father were all they had of one another. Her father carrying a chip on his shoulder of why his wife would leave him and their daughter and Blake having a crack in her heart. She could never understand why her mother would leave and never even tell her why or say goodbye, try to reach out to her. She hasn’t seen her since she was 12 years old and it’s left a pretty decent sized hole in her heart ever since then. She’s always looking for a sense of belonging with people and especially looking for a family -- someone she could trust but the problem is it’s difficult for her to trust pretty much anyone because of what her mother did. However there’s always light at the end of the tunnel so they say, when she was 13 years old her grandmother taught her how to sew and that’s been her outlet and passion in life ever since. She’s never prided herself on being good at many things but sewing was always a thing she loved, fashion was always a thing she loved. When she was 24 years old she began creating clothing and costumes for a few of her friends who worked in the indy wrestling scene -- it was there she got noticed by bigger names in the industry and began working for various different companies like NJPW, Impact, etc. When she was 27 she got a job opportunity with All Elite Wrestling and she’s been working with them ever since. 
Blake is kind of loud, bratty, has lots of attitude, and some think she can be obnoxious but she really just wants to feel she belongs. She enjoys going out, drinking, and having a good time but in the end she’s really looking for someone that she could settle down with. 
Shipping is purely chemistry based for me but I’m totally down for any and all other plots! Exes, enemies, etc are all up for grabs and I love writing so don’t be shy! Hit me up for any kind of plotting or like this and I’ll come to you! <3 Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. 
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
blog guide + masterlist
divorcing star wars is an ongoing process
afflicted with gamer disease (cyberpunk, elden ring, fighting games, rdr, CoD, disco elysium, etc etc)
with comorbid podcast disease (malevolent, tma, wolf 359)
dm for my discord (18+ only please)
other places to find me:
18+ sideblog @foxafterdark
bluesky + cohost <- inactive for now but feel free to add me
private eyes coming soon
tags to watch for:
writing is tagged #leo.writes
art is tagged #leo.draws
oc content is tagged #leocs
adult content is tagged #nsft
ask and I'll tag content warnings
fics and WIPs under the cut. content warnings are tagged on AO3, be mindful of them
(updated 06/13/2024)
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* marks unfinished fics
Star Wars
it is the exact opposite of alone (tumblr link) — [G] Bastra and the ghost that haunts him.
life would be easier if I was easier (tumblr link) — [G] Fox at his limit, Quinlan making it worse and better.
I miss doing nothing with you (tumblr link) — [G] Western AU; reunion for Saleese and Nocte
* inevitability (tumblr link) — [T] On choosing something fleeting because it's worth it, even if the end is inevitable.
fare thee well, my honey (tumblr link) — [T] A breaking point for Kit and Nocte.
growing pains (tumblr link) — [T] Physical therapy frays Echo’s nerves and tests Nocte's patience, but mutual understanding is key.
in amber (tumblr link) — [T] Fox hits the streets by himself. Thorn goes down after him.
oceans, then and now (tumblr link) — [T] It's a rare occurrence for Nocte to get sent off of Coruscant, especially as the lone trooper assigned to escort a Jedi to the Outer Rim. But then, Dara has a way of defying norms and expectations rather spectacularly.
on the importance of context — [T] "I think we should talk", and other alarming phrases.
down and disarmed — [T] Waking up on the floor of a jail cell is not, in fact, Uj's preferred way to start a day.
pillow talk — [M] For all that fucking the bratty attitude out of Quinlan is a great way to blow off steam, and a cathartic one at that, it occurs to Uj that it’s probably not the best idea.
ins and outs of recall — [T] The backlash of Nocte's research on the Guard's neurological troubles.
while the currents rage below — [M] After an explosive fight and harsh words that can't be taken back, Fox and Kyr are left in different kinds of shambles. Nocte tries to pick up the pieces.
extensive and astute observation — [T] Saleese jabs a sharp elbow into Nocte's side, right where plastoid would usually make her immediately regret it. Dress greys provide no such protection. But tonight, not even bruised ribs can kill his mood. Tonight, he has a shot at identifying her mystery Jedi.
leave the heels on — [E] After a drag show, Lane keeps Uj company in his dressing room.
with and without — [T] Another farse of a vote, and the repercussions for those affected. (Nocte has a dissociative episode, Saleese tries to help him out of it.) + a lovely podfic by @/godoflaundrybaskets
nightmares — [T] Sleep brings the promise of reliving the worst moments of Nocte's life, like his own personal trauma reel. Maybe it's better to stay awake.
blank — [T] All anyone knows is that the Chancellor claims that Fox made an attempt on his life. Now Fox is en route to Kamino.
peace — [G] Months after Order 66, Rex gets a visit.
h(a)unted — [T] Echo wrestles with trauma and memories of captivity in the wake of realizing why the Kaminoans are sending hunters after Omega.
Wandering — [T] After Order 66, after the crash of the Tribunal, after his Commander– after Ahsoka told him it would be best to part ways, Rex wandered. He wandered because he couldn’t stay still. If he was still, if he stopped for longer than it took to eat and sleep, then he would think.
guess it just wants to die — [T] CC-1010 lays down. Fox wakes up.
Little Orphan Ani — [T] Anakin's men were wrong. Cody and Obi-Wan weren't father figures to him. So what if Cody's disappointment felt like a physical weight on his shoulders and he spent undue time and energy trying to make Obi-Wan proud? They weren't his parents. Not that they would be bad dads. To someone else. Not him, because he didn't see them that way, but someone else who needed unconditional support and care. (in which Cody and Obi-Wan dad at Anakin and Anakin is oblivious, right up until he isn't)
Truly, Deeply — [T] Of course Obi-Wan was not blind to the emotional, hormonal storm around his Padawan. One would have to be blind to both the Force and the physical world to miss it. And really, Anakin must have forgotten that his Master was not only Force-sensitive, but also connected to his mind through their training bond. (in which Obi-Wan is painfully aware of Anakin's feelings for Padmé and also forever wondering where he went wrong in trying to teach his Padawan subtlety)
Commander Fox Week 2021:
exhaustion (tumblr link) — [T] Fox has been running on fumes for days, counting down the time until he can drop onto the nearest surface and finally sleep.
hope — [T] Enough is enough. The Republic was doomed to fail, that much is clear. The Empire may have been inevitable as well. All Fox knows is that he’s finished, he can’t pretend anymore. He can’t fall in line like his mind has been wiped blank. So he decides to do something drastic.
family — [T] The fear-mongering rumors on Kamino about Fox being some kind of abusive, tyrannical prick have reached a point where they can’t go unaddressed. His shinies are clearly afraid and miserable with their assignment to the Guard, which Fox understands, but he can try to help them feel more at home. He can dispel some of the rumors.
laughter — [G] Existential debate rages in Fox’s office.
vode an — [M] Order 66 wiped away the clones’ autonomy, but mindless drones don’t have the wherewithal to feel guilt for their actions. The Rebellion is trying to get clones out of the purge trooper program, but freedom comes at a cost.
brothers — [T] Senator Amidala returns from Scipio with the 501st. This is the aftermath.
five times Nocte took care of the Corries, and one time they returned the favor (under construction) — [M] what it says on the tin
* red hands and black deeds — [M] Fox gets assigned to the Coruscant Guard after his bravery and sacrifices for the Republic during the First Battle of Geonosis. This job is a long shot from the one he spent his entire life preparing for; it's a war on a different front and it's on him to get his men out alive. Whether he'll get himself out with his sanity intact is up for debate.
* talk is overrated, let's just fight — [E] The Guard didn't have a designated Jedi, but they had the absolute nuisance that was Quinlan Vos. He was already more than Fox could handle. The man was at least halfway banthashit insane and seemed to derive some sadistic pleasure from derailing Fox's entire day. For all that Rex and Cody complained about their admittedly crazy Generals, Fox struggled to believe that they could possibly be worse than Vos.
* a cry at the final breath — [M] CC-2224 was a good soldier, had been decanted, raised, and trained to be a good solider. Good soldiers follow orders, so that's what he did. At times, in the deep recesses of in mind, he might questions his orders, but he always followed them. Cody has to re-learn how to do more than follow orders, to live and fight of his own accord. He's been a soldier all his life, fighting in wars that aren't his. What is freedom to a man who has only ever known captivity?
unposted WIPs I'll gladly yammer about:
currents — [M] instead of joining TBB, Echo requests a transfer to the Guard, hoping to find answers about Fives' death on Coruscant
the holding of hands, the breaking of glass — [M] follows Nocte's journey through part of the war, semi-centered around his situationship with Kit Fisto
after dark — [T/M] an AU where Quinlan Vos leaves the Jedi Order and winds up with a sect of Mandalorians; after the war, Fox is sent to Mandalore with a squad to "negotiate" (read: jumpstart an Imperial occupation) and their paths cross again
head forward // heart back — [M] follows Uj from the beginning of the war, through his assignment to the Shadows and (maybe) into his reassignment to the Guard. largely focused on his evolving relationship with Quinlan Vos
remember to breathe — [T/M] filling in the gap between Cmdr Maze and Arligan Zey's flight from Coruscant and their arrival on Mandalore. the one where I'll try to carry a whole ship on my poor aching back
The Great SWxMK Crossover Episode — in which @/kiwikipedia and I grab MK characters by the scruff and dump them into the GFFA, and vice versa
Call of Duty
unposted WIPs, in progress
burn and rage (at close of day) — [M] ghostroach timeloop set during mw2 (2009), from Roach's perspective
under the gun — [T/E] AU where Roach survives mw2 (2009) and ends up in the reboot universe, with a debt to the Shadows and a grudge against the 141
Mortal Kombat
SubScorp Week 2022 (WIP, off schedule)
impossible — [T] Years ago, Kuai Liang watched Hanzo Hasashi die. Grief is a complicated thing, but seeing the man he loved up and walking again seems a step beyond its traditional stages.
* a cautionary tale re: betting against Johnny Cage — [M] clothes swap, upcoming
* frigid — [T] childhood, upcoming
* a mirror, inverted — [T/M] trapped, upcoming
* in winter's embrace — [T/M] touch-starved, upcoming
* unspoken (yet heard) — [T] secret, upcoming
* cozy koozie — [T] crochet, upcoming
death-adjacent (under construction) — [M] Kuai knew, when a phantom from the past appeared in the Fire Gardens. He knew before Scorpion – not yet Grandmaster Hasashi, not yet Hanzo – spoke a single word.
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Reading through your wedding post made me so happy, but then I read about Falco's family 😭 Do you think you could write some of your headcannons of you and Reiner watching Falco for a week while his brother goes on a business trip or something. I can only picture by the end of the week that the house is full of the kids because none of them want to go home because Falco misses his brother and hes sad!! 😭😭
I'm so happy you enjoyed it! And that's such a sweet and thoughtful request how could i say no :( my god it sounds like the perfect comfort fic to write and honestly Falco deserves it💛
And the kiddos comforting Falco is a really adorable idea especially since he's the one looking out for everyone and comforting them most of the time, i can only imagine how loved he'd be by them.
Falco spending a week with you and Reiner
{ Reiner x reader | tw:deceased parents tw:neglectful parents | reverse comfort, fluff | modern }
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{ "Tales of Enchantment" by Frank O. Salisbury 1874–1962 }
Around 5am, you and Reiner were waiting in the living room, each holding a cup of coffee. In the past days you got a call from Colt, asking if you can take care of Falco for a week, he sounded really apologetic and so you reassured him it's not trouble at all.
Apparently him and Zeke had a work related trip to a far away town, being understaffed in that town and all, the situation was dire and they couldn't refuse without their rating taking a huge hit not to mention morally too. But as a compensation, the company promised a higher pay to make their effort worth it.
You didn't notice the repeated knocking on the door till a couple seconds later, lack of sleep delaying your senses.
Opening it, you were met with an anxious Colt carrying his little brother in his arms, still asleep in his pajamas. Zeke from behind him carrying a couple bags and backpacks, he waved to you with a smile.
As Reiner took Falco in his arms and some of the bags too, you carried his Marvel school backpack and a list Colt made for all the things Falco needed and liked. He seemed to put a lot of effort in it, somethings in it you didn't even know yourself.
While tucking Falco in your bed, Reiner couldn't help but express his worry over Colt working himself to exhausting, both mentally and physically.
Yeah it was only a temporary thing till Colt graduates college and finds a stable good paying job, whilst taking care of his little brother as much as he can. He's been carrying Falco's responsibility on his shoulder since the funeral without a twitch or a complaint.
You think back to all the times you saw Colt, most being for mere minutes when he came to drop off the kids or pick them up just as his classes ended and before his shift at work started, barely having time for himself yet he chose to spend that little remaining free time on Falco and his friends.
You sit next to Reiner on the bed, gently brushing Falco's hair away from his face as he's sound asleep. He always looked up to his brother more than anyone else and would never let anyone talk badly about him.
It's like his own personal superhero.
"Do you think he'll be sad knowing he didn't get to say goodbye before Colt left?" You ask, still looking at Falco.
Reiner thinks for a moment before answering, "probably, but won't show it" he secures the blanket more around Falco, "sometimes I wonder who's more stubborn with showing their emotions, Gabi or Falco."
"I'd say Zofia wins the acting Oscar" you turn the lights off on your way out, "wasn't it for Udo, we wouldn't know how she's feeling half the time."
Around 10am, a very sleepy Falco merges out of the dark bedroom. Making his way to sit between you and Reiner on the couch, while carrying a blanket around him.
He leans into Reiner's hand when he strokes Falco's hair while you secure the blanket around him. Seeming unusual quiet, you and Reiner shared a knowing concerned look.
Offering to make him his favourite food for breakfast got a smiles out of Falco, Reiner even let him choose what shapes he wants his sunny side eggs as.
While he went to cook and prepare food, Falco shyly leans into your lap as if testing the water.
Please assure him it's okay to seek physical comfort from you, wrap your arms around him and he'll be embarrassed at first to ask to sit on your lap but will love it afterwards.
Just don't tell anyone about it okay? It's something his parents used to do when he was little.
When he heard about Gabi coming over today, he seemed to light up. While Udo and Zofia have weekend music lessons they couldn't make it till tomorrow.
While looking away, he asked if you could watch teen titans go with him.
The rest of the day went smoothly after that, Falco was a good kid in general and a really helpful and understanding person. He helped you both with chores and even attempted to cook pancakes.
While it came out burned, don't tell him that! He's really worried so please make him know you loved it and it was super delicious.
You and Reiner even took him to the dogs park nearby, he had pet so many good dogs till he couldn't count, even played fetch with one. After that you got ice cream on the way back.
When Gabi finally arrived, full of energy and enthusiastic about Falco staying over meaning she too will be staying over
All hell broke loose, it's like a switch had been flipped and the well behaved good boy Falco you know was completely weoponised by Gabi as she pulled him into her mischiefs
By himself, Falco is a good kid, well behaved, polite and responsible for his age. But with adding Gabi to the mix? They're a force to be reckon with.
You could see that Reiner was trying his hardest to deny that his closest cousin Gabi, was the bad influence on other kids all along.
You know? The one leading you off a cliff that your moms tells you not to follow? The rebellious kid with very strong opinions and the will to fist fight god? Yeah that one.
Apparently, no one gave Falco the cliff talk yet because he seemed far too eager to follow her to the end of the earth and down that cliff, he'd even jump hand in hand with her just to protect her from the sharp rocks under.
Gabi was actually looking forward to Falco staying over, since either way she'd spend a couple of days with you and Reiner whenever her parents are away or are too busy. She can't handle feeling lonely in the house, it's one of the worst feelings she's ever experienced.
It reached a point that Reiner gave her a copy of the keys, just so she could come in whenever even if you were at work. He too didn't like the idea of her being alone in a house all by herself, yet her parents didn't seem bothered at all.
But now she has a friend to spend the time with!
Falco was finding comfort in the fact that him and Gabi are currently in similar situations, while his was temporarily he felt better knowing he wasn't alone in this.
By the end of the the day, they managed to build a pillow fort in your living room. No one allowed to enter unless they're bearing offerings snacks
Around 10pm, when both of them fall asleep inside the fort. Falco hugging a pillow to his chest while Gabi still had a controller in her hand.
Of course Reiner took some pictures, how could he not? Especially with the way Falco's fingers were tangled with Gabi's as she had cookie crumbs around her mouth.
He also sent it to the groupchat Zeke made, reassuring Colt that Falco is having the time of his life whilst also sharing their adorable cousins with the rest of his friends.
The week went by faster than anyone could notice, good times always fly fast eh?
Each morning you and Reiner would walk Falco to the school bus before watching him sit next to Udo, sending him off with packed lunch and waving as the bus went away.
After school the rest of the kiddos will come with him home, keeping him company and helping him with homework too. They'd make sure to play Videgames right after.
Porco actually took over the duty of taking Zofia and Udo back to their houses, let's just say their mothers didn't like him at all, but reluctantly agreed after Reiner assured them he's a close family friend.
Each day around 6pm, Colt would video call him on his work break, sometimes with Zeke and other times alone. Falco would tell him about his day and Colt would praise him for all the good work he's done, he'd even share stories of his own and remind him to brush his teeth and eat his vegetables.
After each call, Falco will be noticeably more...down. can you blame him? He really misses him brother.
Sit next to him and hug him close please, he really needs it but he can't bring himself to ask for it. Soothe away his worries and don't mention it if his eyes start watering, just pull him against your chest and let him cry his heart out.
On nights he's particularly sad, he'd sneak into your bedroom to sleep between you and Reiner. It's something he used to do back when he was little, he can't help but miss his parents.
It makes him feel safe so make sure to keep a space for him in there always.
Please stroke his hair till he falls asleep like his mother used to do each night, and let him lean against you while watching cartoons like his father did.
You also noticed how...dotting the kiddos are around him during these times.
Gabi is more gentle with him, even willing to play the games he wants instead of hers. She always teams up with him and her words whenever they win make him smile.
Zofia shares her food with him, something so scarce. She gives up her turn on the tv for him and even defends his choice in what to watch if the others complain.
Udo is the one making him space on the school bus and walking with him home too. Helping him with his homework and holding his hand whenever he seemed to get sad.
Udo and Falco are a great emotional support to each other, they're not afraid to speak about their emotions to the other.
And naturally they're the most comforting, with Zofia botteling up her own emotions and Gabi wrestling through it, it's the two of them who work as the group emotional support backbone.
Reiner couldn't stop talking to you about how proud he is of Udo when he saw him comforting Falco these days, you couldn't agree more.
By the end of the week, the three kids were surrounding Falco on the couch as they played Mario karts.
Zofia was threatening to throw hands with whoever threw that blue shell at her making her last place, Gabi was too busy securing her first place spot.
Udo was leaving strategtic traps in his trail while in third place, making Zofia even more frustrated as she fell into every single one.
Falco was racing with Gabi in second place, attempting to push her kart or power through to the finish line.
When the black and white line came into view, Gabi and Falco's karts were separate by mere inches, both of them attempting to outrun the other.
And when Gabi managed to get a hold of the first spot for three seconds, a flying blue shell knocked her away. Making Falco the winner as he crossed the line.
To this day, Gabi doesn't know if which one of Zofia and Udo were the cause of her demise, but oh she will find the traitor and they will pay.
After that intense scene, they all shared a bag of cookies she brought from home! It was animal shaped.
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stingray-sins · 3 years
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Somewhere only we know...
Summary: It’s an alternate universe explained after Enrico Pucci’s second universe reboot. The hard day after the events in Egypt have triggered a return to "daily" student life in Japan with new things to discover.
Part I
Approximately two weeks had passed since that bizarre trip through the Middle East in a reduced number of days but the feeling of being present and active within that adventure was still latent, the chest would tighten every time the cold embraced the city for the night and although it did not compare at all to the extreme temperatures they experienced, the simple fact of not being fully stable still filled them with a feeling of bitterness, which they did not know how to express or speak openly.
Despite the great changes acquired, returning to everyday life became more difficult every day; Francesca faithfully awaited the arrival of Mr. Joestar through that great gateway to the Japanese home, despite the fact that the situation had presented itself in the best way when he first arrived, the feeling of receiving good news with his request to find her family kept her hopeful . Jotaro on the other hand seemed more reserved than he ever was, it is not easy to deal with the fact of carrying a huge responsibility on his back and even more exhausting was having to accept that he would carry him like a cross all his life. Every morning the same routine, hiding his face under his ruined cap, and leaving home without touching the lunch that her mother had lovingly prepared for him and living off the wretched cigarette until nightfall.
The large entrance door was opened with a bang, from it the man with his gray beard and bright emerald eyes peeked out, trying to argue with his not so fluent Japanese with the taxi driver, who was clearly trying to rip him off with a higher fare abroad.
─"Papa! "─Holly exclaimed, getting up and moving away from that traditional central table that led to the entrance while she ran to hug him as was family tradition. Joe, her youngest son, did not differ much from her mother's attitude since he was just as excited as he ran to his grandfather. Francesca, although she was just as excited to see the old but radiant Mr. Joestar, she only followed with her eyes and a smile, the day had arrived and her facial expression brought good news.
─"What a pleasure it is to be able to see you again, what has happened in my absence? I hope Joe continues to practice that sweet symphony that he taught me last time and 'Cesca working the language well" ─Old Joestar laughed, taking off his hat as he hugged his daughter back and felt like his youngest grandson hung from his arm like a little monkey, Without a doubt it was a very great happiness for him to see his daughter and grandson back up and as happy as ever.
─"It has been quite a change in this house and I cannot be more grateful to her company" ─the woman mentioned while holding her father's coat ─"There is no day that we don't laugh while we share the odd story or song verses... a little help here and a little help here, it is a joy to know that I am no longer the only woman at home."
─"Grandpa!" ─The dark-haired boy exclaimed as he climbed on top of the adult to tell him one or another feat obtained in those weeks ─" And I'm teaching her! Sometimes we sit on the edge of the terrace face to face, if she manages to answer me the phrase in Japanese she earns a mandarin... although she usually wins me when I have to answer her in Italian..."
Joseph listened attentively as he shook the boy's hair and proceeded to enter the house completely forgetting the Japanese traditions, Francesca had closed the grammar notebook for a moment although she could speak it quite well, writing was a disaster and those two weeks were they had made him more than eternal.
─"Hasn't Jotaro arrived at the house yet?" ─Joseph asked, sitting down at the low table while he took a look at ‘Cesca's embarrassing notebook and she stubbornly took it from him.
─"He should be here soon, you already know him... neither he says goodbye when he leaves or greets when he arrives but I suppose they are things of adolescent boys, right?" ─The blond-haired woman winked at Francesca, she simply sighed and then laughed as she lifted her shoulders as a symbol of "Men, who understands them."
A couple of hours passed until the door was heard opening slowly, Jotaro found it quite strange that the lights were still on in the middle of the night, he hoped to arrive when everyone was in their respective rooms so as not to start a conversation with anyone but when he entered he only found himself with his old Grandfather laughing quite loudly as he once again narrated the story of his hand to the ladies and the little one.
─"I think it's great that you have arrived, my grandson, we were waiting for you" ─Joseph announced, extending an arm to greet him properly and with a sigh he agreed to return the greeting. He was tired enough to hear his loud voice echo through the room but he looked up at the old man saying in a would-be voice. As those at the table were seated, Holly got up to answer the phone as usual every night to speak with her husband. Joe made a kind of tower with the tangerines that adorned it while Joseph placing his hands on the table intertwined his fingers announcing with a sincere smile.
─"In the following days, Kakyoin will be transferred to the central hospital in this city. The foundation has done everything possible and his parents were already notified immediately, the news was quite harsh for them and stronger for Noriaki himself, although they managed to rebuild and transplant most of his damaged organs, it is quite difficult to assume that he would not return. to walk never again."
Joseph paused for a moment in his speech, analyzing their faces when listening to him speak, it was undoubtedly quite amazing news at the same time, it was quite heartbreaking again, asking himself "He's alive, but at what cost?" Within the gazes of the two, the bright eyes were noticeable in both, Francesca rested her hands on the table expressing a full happiness when hearing the news, She no longer needed to control her body fluids, she wanted to express that happiness with pure tears and nobody went to stop her. Instead Jotaro tried to hide his happiness under that dark cap, but his smile was bigger than the desire to hide, Joseph knew for all his life that he should rethink Noriaki but he also knew that he would not be alone anymore.
─"Mr. Joestar..." ─Those soft words made him pop out his thoughts when he heard the voice of the minor with an air of questions on her face, they could be celebrating the impressive strength of resistance of the redhead but there were other doubts on the table that had not been clarified still. Francesca preferred not to look him in the eye when asking but her hands unconsciously touched Joseph's hands and he froze for a moment. ─"Have you known about the whereabouts of my family?"
There was only a silence in between, and Joseph's big hand placed it on the girl's purple hair to caress it gently while Francesca tried not to break at the moment by nodding. She getting up, she gently asked permission to go get some air, she had a broken smile which she directed at Holly who was returning to the room. Joseph shook his head and looked down again.
─"It's been difficult" ─the old man sighed while he still couldn't recognize how much longer the lie should continue ─"Jotaro, do you have a moment?"
They both got up because of this issue, he did not want to speak it so openly since the walls listen and he needed someone to trust what was tightening his heart the most at the time. They walked long enough and in silence until they reached a kind of pergola, the same one where he once played wrestling with his little grandson, being defeated with a great performance from him. Before he could speak Jotaro beat him to it.
─"How much longer do you plan to hide the truth from her, old man?" ─He looked up with determination, he was not going to hide more secrets than he was already hiding, although it was difficult for him to admit that a part of him avoided creating more ties with the girl simply because of the uncertainty of creating a bond that would disappear with time . At least that's what he was trying to show, which his mother didn't take five minutes to forge.
─"It has been my question every day Jotaro, and that is why I wanted to talk about it with you" ─he took a breath of air leaning on a nearby wooden pillar ─"The news is not fresh, after three days I contacted a family member from her to find out that it would not be an easy task to deal with her family. Her father... belongs to one of the most recognized mafias in southern Italy, the girl's surname is not at all common and therefore a sought-after surname. That day I introduced myself to the family member as a simple writer who wanted to have an interview with his father, who gave me a tour of Francesca's house pointing out the greatness of the home until we were in a beautiful and colorful garden where two graves were perched..."
─"Enough travel, what brings you here sir...?" -Said the rough voice of Salvatore Castiglier. ─"Joestar, Joseph Joestar" ─offering his hand to greet him cordially without receiving an answer. ─"Mr. Joestar, I was not in my plans to receive you but I see that you are carrying a photo of Mia Figlia with you and I wanted to ask you where she took that photo from." ─"I am a renowned writer in my hometown and in one of my trips to Africa, more specifically Egypt, I managed to capture a photo of this young woman which caught my attention for my next novel." ─He lied with charm in his words.─ ─"I'm sorry but that may not be possible, times have changed and my little girl is no longer in the land of the living, her soul rests next to her mother in that garden that attracted her attention so much." ─"I am very sorry for the news in advance but could I ask you..." ─"I do not usually answer questions that do not concern but your journey must have been long to get here; My daughter Francesca was sweet and naive, and that itself determined the end of her life. The lessons to my boys have always been clear: "there is nothing stronger than family blood, no one but your family will ensure your safety" but Francesca did not see it from that side, stubborn like herself, obstinate to obey my orders , clearly with her actions she deserves to be buried where she is."
Jotaro checked his pocket once more to find the pack of cigarettes but only found the packaging with a pair of colored lighters. The news was not good at all and just thinking about that answer he clenched his fists inside his pocket.
─"Since that day I have been keeping the news to myself, I have clearly dealt with bigger problems but not when I have at stake the fate of a fifteen-year-old girl" ─Joseph said as he sighed in relief, it was a sensitive issue and with the years of experience had learned to make decisions better thought out rather than lightly, or at least tried to make them less hasty ─"I have made a decision about it, I have noticed that in a short time 'Cesca has created a crucial bond with Holly... and her possibilities for personal development are more tied to my daughter than to a bastard who has that thought with her own blood..."
─"Old man, just answer me one thing" ─the boy's marked voice stopped the thoughts aloud of Joseph who looked up, clearing his gaze towards him ─"The reason why you left that place was..."
Joseph stared at his grandson for a long time but he only got a subtle smile as he opted for a calmer position, a position of acceptance in his final decision ─"Expulsion, more specifically, expulsion for causing a clean hit to the face of someone out of deserved." ─Jotaro lowered his gaze denoting a smile on his face, as he walked to the older man to place a hand on his shoulder and give him a couple of gentle strokes on him. ─“I couldn't have expected less from you."
Joseph placed a hand on the hand of his grandson while he smiled, he knew that within the legal framework the decision he had made was not the most appropriate but the most appropriate. He left the establishment while Jotaro sat on a nearby wooden bench taking out the last remaining cigar and placing it between his lips to light it.
─"How much more do you plan to hide behind the bush, woman?" ─he blurted out softly as he leaned back on the wooden pillar watching the smoke dissipate into the air.
─ ""Woman" is a very distant word for someone who from now on will live with you under the same roof" ─she was heard from the bush while she stood again while cleaning the occasional branch from her purple head.
─"How much did you hear about the conversation?"
─"Enough to be here and not want to close my eyes tonight" ─sighs the shorter one, walking to the entrance of the pergola, still had a tight chest but it was not to show vulnerable, she was simply trying to appear once again her tranquility to promote tranquility to the other. An awkward smile that faded when the taller made a space next to him for her to sit next to.
She took three steps to the small wooden bench and sat with nothing but looking forward, her posture was loose and her shoulders slumped, Jotaro simply had his eyes closed as he exhaled once more the cigarette smoke inside him, he felt that the minor's hand was holding her uniform sleeve tightly, she had clung without stopping to look forward and hiding her face between the hair strands that fell from her head, she raised her voice a bit broken.
─"Do you think they will ever deign to look for me again?" ─Her voice trembled, this time soft and nervous. She did not want to show it but tears had started to roll down her cheeks, wetting the wooden floor, yet he did not take his eyes off the front of her.
─"Who?" ─Jotaro asked removing the cigar from his mouth for a moment to deposit the ashes in a corner of the place.
─"My Family" ─it was difficult for her to pronounce the last word to the girl, and instinctively she pressed her right hand on her chest, feeling an inexplicable but at the same time painful emptiness inside her.
─"Your family? The only family that I know of yours is this one here and the one that awaits us in the central hospital of the city" ─The young woman stared at him in amazement, the older one could see the glassy eyes of the young woman, her nose and cheeks flushed from crying and her mouth shaking without making a sound, the young woman with purple hair looked forward again and leaned her back against the wall on the nearby wooden pillar, she released the black-haired uniform to place her hand on the bench but was drawn back to the hand the old one. The difference in size was quite a lot but she did not hesitate to squeeze her small hand in the same way.
─"I'm scared Jojo" ─Francesca finally announced with a nickname that had come from inside her thoughts, she had never expressed insecurity in front of something and all her life since she has remembered she has defended herself from life had always been the buffer for the others but at that moment she needed someone to be there for her.
─"Don't have to be, at least not anymore" ─Jotaro said inserting the cigar between his lips, from the outside he looked like a completely stone man but inside he was experiencing a sense of calm and serenity like never before─ "try not to think about it since you don't need it anymore 'Cesca."
Francesca looked up still with glassy eyes and she smiled sincerely after weeks, in all she was right, there was no need to feel fear when she was no longer alone. She stopped squeezing his hand for a moment but neither moved her from the place, they both closed their eyes enjoying the silence of the moment.
─"You're right Jojo, I shouldn't be anymore."
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Into My Body, You Just Fold
Floyd Talbert x Reader
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Warnings: FLUFF, optional!smut (poorly written dirty talk, lite name calling/degradation), OOC Tabbykins, mutual pining, drunken love confessions, Reader has an unfaithful husband (but OMC isn’t the worst), period-typical restrictions of women’s rights, not vv good writing tbh, and no-no words (per usual)
As terrible a person it made you to admit as much- you didn’t think you could imagine life without Floyd Talbert.
 You’d promised yourself at a young age that you’d never be one of those women who needed a man to complete them, far too disenchanted by the sight of your friends losing their fire and spark upon marrying their husbands. Your father had raised you with the same permissive encouragement as he had your brothers, something that horrified your mother so much that she eventually stopped inviting you to her happy home with her new husband altogether.
Now that you were older you realized that marrying Frederick had been your desperate attempt to win back your mother’s love and approval, much more than your marriage had been for any sort of actual love towards your husband. 
 You’d tried, though. 
Frederick was funny and charming and could get along with anyone. He was driven and supportive, and he always made sure that you knew how much you meant to him. You should’ve been able to love him easily and completely.
But you didn’t- You couldn’t when, more often than not, he came home smelling of liquor and another woman. 
Sometimes several other women.
It became abundantly clear to you that, as much as you meant to him, you clearly weren’t enough to keep him from straying.
 Which is why you found your love for someone like Floyd so….unexpected.
 Upon first meeting him you’d hated him, obviously. He was just like Fred, no- he was worse than Fred because at least Frederick made some effort to hide his infidelities from the world. 
If anything, Tab flaunted his conquests like a badge of honor. It made your skin crawl.
Not that your dislike for him did anything to deter him, of course. 
 On the contrary, he seemed to take it as a challenge.
 It also didn’t seem to matter much that you were married. The ring you wore on the same chain as your dog tags seemed to deter any other potential suitors- and if for some reason that didn’t dissuade any overly-confident troopers, your marksmanship and reputation nipped any nonsense in the bud. 
Not Floyd Talbert, though. 
It didn’t matter where you two were- Tab made it his personal mission to win you over. He flirted with you on the boat ride to England, in the plane as it soared towards Normandy, in the middle of a gunfight on the way to Eindhoven. Hell, he’d even tried to charm you while recovering from a stab to his gut.
 The boy was shameless.
 If you had to narrow it down on a timeline, things had become more sincere and less childish in Eindhoven- when you’d gotten mobbed by a group of drunk and curious men who’d wanted to see more of the lone woman sniper of the 506th.
Floyd had appeared from nowhere and helped you wrestle your gun away from one of the idiots who’d attempted to divest you of it. He’d wasted no time in taking his own helmet from his head and placing it onto your own upon realizing that yours had been taken, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and guiding you from the throngs of people while you shook from leftover adrenaline.
 He’d kissed you that day after he had been unable to get you to refocus on him and stop you from hyperventilating. 
You’d stood stock still for a few seconds, mind scrambling to process the gentle feeling of his lips on yours as well as the fact that you were no longer tossing in the sea of people you’d been lost in moments ago.
When he’d pulled back, you could only gape at him like an idiot.
 “W-why did you—?”
Floyd’s rough hands had come up to hold your face, taking a deep breath of his own before replying.
“I, uh…” he had stammered for a moment before shaking his head quickly and clearing his throat. “I was trying to get you to snap out of...just trying to get you back.”
 After that, things had progressed pretty quickly.
 He’d stopped seeking out any female company other than yours- not that you’d noticed at the time- spending the few nights of freedom he was afforded with you while you would ritually take apart and clean your rifle, talking with you about anything and everything. He had a knack for making you laugh harder than anyone ever had before.
Sometimes you’d talk about serious things, like your families or past loves or the foolish hopes you both had had before the war.
 Every so often, he’d ask you about Frederick.
 Thinking about Fred made you uncomfortable. Unhappy. 
 But because Floyd had been so honest with you, you tried to be honest with him as well.
No matter how innocently the questions began, they always ended with Floyd furrowing his brows and saying your name softly enough that you couldn’t help but hesitantly meet his imploring gaze. He’d always ask some variation of the same question:
“Why did you marry him?”
 Most nights you didn’t answer. Some nights you were able to deflect the question well enough that eventually you both fell into a different conversation altogether. One night you’d been in a bad mood and snappily asked him an uncomfortable question of your own.
“Why do you have such a hard time keeping it in your pants whenever a pretty girl is around?” 
That always shut him up. And, despite the fact that you could feel the upset rolling from Tab in waves, he never left. 
 That night, you had taken his fist between your hands and uncurled his fingers. You had felt his eyes on you as you purposefully dug your thumbs into his palm to ease the tension you found, eventually turning his hand over so you could carefully trace your fingertips over his war-calloused knuckles.
“That was unkind,” you had whispered, guilt churning your stomach when at the hurt you knew you had caused. His grey-blue eyes were curious as you hesitantly looked up at him, and once you had met his gaze you’d almost lost your train of thought.  “I’m sorry, Tab.”
 You hadn’t been expecting him to kiss you again, but even as he had you didn’t immediately stop him. 
It was only when he had started to pull you closer that you quickly pulled away. Your breathing had become heavy, and while you didn’t let go of his hand you still said his name admonishingly under your breath. 
“You shouldn’t do that,” you’d whispered, unable to look at him and electing to look at your feet as you brought your hand up to press your fingertips against your still-tingling lips. “You- you know I’m….you know why I can’t—”
“I know,” Floyd’s voice was low, and despite the fact that you weren’t looking at him you’d been able to see the grimace on his face. “I just….I know. I’m sorry, Y/N”
You’d cleared your throat, pulling your hand away from his and giving him a tight smile. 
“No need to apologize. Let’s just forget about it, yeah?”
Without waiting for his response, you’d gone back to the table where you had been working on your gun, desperate for a distraction.
“So, uh, what was it that you were saying about your brother? He’s graduating high school soon?”
 Despite Floyd’s willingness to play along, you had been unable to stop thinking about the feeling of his lips on yours. You wondered if this was what happened to Frederick- if this rush of adrenaline after doing something you shouldn’t was what he was chasing each time he went home with someone else.
You’d never known guilt could be so heady. In that moment, you’d started to realize just how dangerous this friendship with Tab could be.
But even then, you’d also had a sinking feeling that you weren’t going to be able to give him up, That you were no better than Frederick.
Taking your oiled rag back into your hands, you’d scrubbed the metal o-ring of your piston and tried not to think too hard about what this revelation said about you.
It had been during a 48-hour pass that he’d asked the question about Fred for the very last time, after you’d each finished a bottle of sweet French wine while sitting on the floor between two beds of the hotel room.
That night, you’d given him a sad smile and gestured half-heartedly with your canteen as you brought it to your lips.
 “Because I thought it was what I was supposed to do. Because…. I didn't think I was allowed to say no.”
He’d stared at you sadly, clenching his jaw a few times before clearing his throat and letting his head loll back to rest against the side of the bed. 
 “Ask me again.”
 You’d frowned at him, confused as to what he was asking you to say. Your silence must’ve given away your lack of understanding, because he laughed humorlessly before closing his eyes.
Ask me why I can’t keep it in my pants….'round pretty girls….”
“Oh-kay…?” you’d said slowly, leaning back and stretching your legs out in front of you. “Why can’t you keep it in your pants?”
 With a bit more effort than it probably should’ve taken, Tab twisted his body so the back of his head was resting in your lap, the strands of his hair ticking the skin of your thighs where your sleep shorts had bunched up.
 “Same fuckin’ reasons.”
 In the dim light of the hotel room, you’d been the one to kiss him, your lips trembling with heartbreak on his behalf and complex (if not unbidden) emotion. Floyd sat up so you weren’t having to hunch your body over to reach him, carefully wrapping an arm around your waist as he shifted your bodies so neither of you had to strain to reach the other. Despite Floyd being Floyd- he didn’t kiss you greedily, the plush of his mouth soft as it followed your gentle rhythm without any sign of wanting more than you were willing to give. 
 Once he’d realized that you had begun to cry, Tab broke the kiss carefully, and he had reached a gentle hand up to brush your tears away, a sad smile crossing his face.
“Now, isn’t that a sight?” he’d whispered. “Never had a girl cry for me before. Don’t think I like it much…’specially when that girl’s you.”
 He’d allowed you to cry for him, allowed you to cry for yourself and all of the hurt and pain you’d been holding inside of your chest for what felt like decades. You didn’t remember falling asleep, but when you had woken up the next morning you felt his fingers combing through your clean hair as you both lay sprawled out together on the floor. At some point, one or both of you had pulled the bedding from the bed’s mattresses and tangled yourselves in the soft fabric.
 “Is it bad that I wish I’d met you first?” Floyd had asked, his voice a warm rumble as you rested your head on his chest.
“Yeah,” you’d admitted, scratching your nails lightly across his shirt-covered stomach. “But I’m much worse for agreeing with you.”
 As he turned his body so he was leaning over you, his hand came up to rest on your collarbone while his eyes danced across your face.
 “You’re beautiful….too beautiful to be ruined by someone like me, I think.”
You’d frowned, bringing one of your hands up to trace his mouth with your fingertips.
“Oh, Floyd- you can’t ruin what was already spoiled.”
 Tab then lowered himself so his nose brushed against yours, his lips brushing yours as he spoke.
“Can’t I?”
Even thinking about it now broke your heart.
Now, nearly two years after the war had ended.
Now, living in the house you’d once shared with Frederick.
Now, as you lay in bed and watched Floyd brush his teeth in the bathroom of the home you shared.
 Fred had last written to you five months ago, telling you that he was probably going to be in Japan for at least another six months before he could even apply to come back to the states. 
Despite the fact that he claimed his senior ranking in the Navy and his responsibilities to oversee prisoner exchanges were the ‘sole reason for his prolonged absence, you knew that it was probably more a case of him not wanting to return to a life of expected monogamy that kept him away.
Not that you minded one bit.
Not when you had Floyd.
 You hadn’t expected him to want to stay with you, in the literal sense or in the more metaphorical sense of commitment, yet he’d barely let you finish your offer before he agreed emphatically.
If you were truly being honest with yourself, you hadn’t imagined that he’d even want to stay after you’d slept with him the first time, shortly after returning to the states. 
 But he had. He had stayed.
 You’re ripped from your thoughts when you realize that the sound of Floyd brushing his teeth has stopped, and when you shook yourself from your trance you realized that he had caught you staring at him. Judging by the smug look on his face, he’d finished getting ready for bed a while ago, and when you begin to blush he crosses his arms across his chest and leans against the doorframe.
 “You know, ma’am,” he smirks as you clear your throat and pick at your nails embarrassedly. “It’s not wise to stare at a man like that unless you’re willing to face the consequences….”
You snort a laugh despite yourself, furrowing your brows and looking back to him with a dumb grin on your face. “Oh yeah? And what consequences would those be, Sir?” 
His eyes darken with a flash, having made it very clear long ago how much he liked it when you called him that. You cannot help but smirk at his clear shift in arousal.
 He pinches his bottom lip as he considers you- something that you couldn’t deny made your heart race with dark promise. Wetting your own lips, you lean back onto your elbows and watch him watch you.
Quirking his brow, he tilts his head and pushes himself from the doorframe to stalk to the foot of the bed and brace his arms against the mattress so he’s nearly leering at you.
 “Oh Lovely, I think I’m gonna have to show rather than tell.”
~Smut interlude, doodiLEEdedoo~
You shook your head in amusement, a smile breaking across your lips as he crawled his way up your body- his softening hands smoothing your silky nightgown up your thighs and stomach as he did so. A low, pleased curse rumbled low in his throat at your lack of underwear, smiling against your skin as he ducked down to kiss your hips and soft stomach while completing his journey.
 “I knew it was only a matter of time before I convinced you to stop wearing underwear to bed,” he says warmly, encouraging your thighs over his own while he kneels between your legs.
You can’t help but scoff at the wording of his observation.
“Yeah, if that’s what you’re calling ruining all of my expensive undergarments with your impatience, then yes Floyd, you’ve thoroughly convinced me to forgo underwear.”
 With an easy familiarity, Tab slips his hands under your nightdress and ghosts his blunt fingernails over the swell of your breasts, smirking at the goosebumps his touch elicits across your bare skin.
You lift your shoulders off of the bed enough to bring the bunched-up nightdress up and over your head before tossing it somewhere on the floor beside you, allowing your eyes to drift shut as he bows his head to kiss at your nipples in near-reverence. His hands map the rest of your body in a cycle that only he can predict, the sound of his skin brushing against yours paired with the warmth of his palms and mouth relaxing you in a way that no hot bath or soft bed ever could.
Floyd groans as you rake your fingers through his hair, allowing you to guide his face up to yours for a slow, imploring kiss before one of his hands slips in between your legs and massages at the lips of your sex.
 “Was I taking too long, Sweetheart?” he asks against your lips, his voice growing rough with need. “How long have you been this wet?”
 You don’t answer, choosing rather to roll your hips into his touch. Your breath catches in your throat at the first swirl of his middle finger over your clit, something that he does again with a smug hum against your lips.
��“Don’t worry, Y/N,” he reassures you as he wets his cock with your arousal. “I’ll take care of it. I’ll make it all better.”
 Whoever said that slow sex couldn’t also be filthy had clearly never met Floyd Talbert.
 By the time he’s flipping you onto your stomach, you’ve been brought to the teetering precipice of release three times- his mouth and fingers and cock working you up while he kissed the sweetest admonishments into your skin. Tab called you needy, cockhungry, and wicked- all while kissing across your skin with such a sweet contrast to his words that it made your head spin.
When he finally, finally pulls your hips up and begins to piston into you, you’re already so delirious for him that you are pleading for him to let you cum- something that only serves to make him grip your hips harder and groan in anticipation. 
 “Dirty girl,” he grits out as he bends enough that his forehead can rest between your bunched shoulder blades, the line between admonishment and praise blurring headily as you feel that familiar flutter building in your lower belly. “Are you going to come for me? Can feel you shaking for me like a good little whore….”
You barely have to ask for more before he grips your sex possessively with one of his hands, your orgasm tearing through you and stealing your breath as well as your capabilities for speech.
 Floyd, whose curse is drowned out by the rush of blood to your ears, follows you quickly over the edge- grinding out as much of his own release as he can in between your legs before collapsing atop you. 
Almost as an afterthought, Tab slips himself from your body, rolling to lay beside you as you both come down from your highs.
 “So good,” you’re barely aware of him panting out. “You’re so fucking good, Y/N….”
You blindly reach out to drape your arm across his waist, incapable of returning the praise just yet.
He knows, though. You know he does by the way he sighs happily beside you.
~End of smut interlude, doodiLEEdedoo~
You look down your body to where Floyd's head rests in the valley between your ribs, your fingers having been lazily combing through his overgrown hair for the past twenty minutes. 
“Hm?” you reply, your other hand snapping out to grab one of the pillows near the top of the bed and folding it beneath your head so you can watch him.
Turning his head to press a kiss on your skin, he looks up at you lazily. When you smile down at him, he returns with a content grin of his own.
 “Can I ask you something?”
Raising an eyebrow, you narrow your eyes teasingly. “I don’t know, Floyd….can you?”
You nearly shriek when his fingers dig into your sides, rolling your lips together in an attempt to quiet your laughter as Floyd bestows biting kisses up your sternum while you wriggle beneath him. 
“You’re such a brat sometimes,” he grumbles as he takes your face in his hands, unable to keep the smirk from his lips. “Lucky for you that you’re a good lay….”
Rolling your eyes, you nod your chin at him.
 “Just ask me already, you jerk.”
 His wicked expression softens, eyes scanning your face as you look up at him. The beginnings of a knot start to twist in your stomach, feeling the first drops of anxiety begin to stain your blood.
 “Floyd…..what’s wrong?” you ask, not liking the way he suddenly electing to look at your mouth rather than into your eyes. “Is everything—?”
“Would you ever marry me?”
 Your eyes widen at that. That had certainly not been what you were expecting him to ask you.
 Taking in a deep breath, you consider his words for a bit before answering immediately.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love him, because you did. No, what gave you pause was all that marrying him would entail- the greatest obstacle being that you were already married, and unless more things had changed in post-war America than you realized, polyandry was still illegal. Not to mention the fact that, upon marrying Fred, anything you had once been able to call your own was now- at least legally speaking- his.
 You didn’t even have any right to the house you and Floyd had been living in. It, along with everything inside of it including you, was Frederick’s in both name and law.
And that was what scared you the most- the idea that, should you divorce Fred, you’d be penniless. Homeless. Destitute. You would have nothing.
But, as you looked into the blue eyes of the man you loved more than anything in this world, you realized that you wouldn’t mind any of that at all.
 Because you’d have Floyd Talbert.
 With a heavy sigh, you sit up so he doesn’t have to lean over you any more- taking his face in your hands and giving him a smile.
“I’d have nothing to offer you, you know.” You grin a little wider at the confusion on his face, brushing your fingertips over his bottom lip as you continued. “No savings or car or house for you to come home to at the end of a long day?”
 As the wrinkle in his brow smooths, you know that he knows what you’re really asking him. Bringing his own hand up to mess with the ends of your loose hair, he pouts for a moment.
 “Hmm, that’s a tough call, Y/N,” he says with a faux seriousness, tilting his head consideringly and narrowing his eyes at you. “I really like this bed frame—”
You nod, biting the insides of your cheeks to keep from laughing. “It’s a nice bed frame-”
“And the mattress? Best thing I’ve ever slept on.”
“I’m sure. All that built-in lumbar support cost a pretty penny, too.”
 Smirking openly now, Tab brushes his nose against yours. “Still not the best thing in the house, though. I’ve gotta say, the pretty girl who lives in it takes the cake in that regard.”
Cupping your hands around the back of his neck, you pull him in for a deep kiss, the both of you almost clicking your teeth together several times because of the stupid smiles on your faces. When you pull back, you peck a quick kiss on the tip of his nose before sitting back enough to look him full in the face.
“If I could, I’d have married you already.”
 The smile he gives you is nothing short of breathtaking.
“Yeah?” he presses, biting his bottom lip like an excited kid.
“Yeah, Floyd. I really would.”
“Good,” he says simply, carefully slipping from your grip enough to shift back down so he’s resting his head on your stomach. “Maybe I’ll ask you one of these days.”
 Looking down at him fondly, you let yourself lay back so you can grin up at the ceiling.
 “Who knows, Floyd Talbert,” you say quietly, heart feeling so full it could burst. “Maybe I’ll even say yes.”
 “Good.” he grumbles.
“Good.” you agree.
~ ~ ~
Taglist: @mrseasycompany @itswormtrain @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
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Drop of Paradise - Part Seven
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Getting home had been… well, let’s just say it had been a challenge for Marinette.
Considering Marinette’s home was just across the street from François-Dupont, it being a challenge to get from one place to the other was pretty unusual. Unusual, though, was the perfect word to describe the sight Marinette had found herself confronted with when she’d tried to leave the school.
Usually, the street separating the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie and François-Dupont was, well, a street. Cars drove down it, pedestrians walked on it, you know. But just a few hours ago it had looked far more like… well, saying it had looked like a can of sardines was probably the most accurate. But, like, if the can was a street, and the sardines were reporters.
Okay, so maybe that wasn’t Marinette’s best metaphor, but the point still stood! The street had been packed so full of reporters some had literally been crawling over each other, while others viciously tried to elbow each other out of the way, all to get just a little bit closer to the front entrance of François-Dupont.
Marinette had never been more grateful that her time as Ladybug had familiarized her with all of François-Dupont’s exits. She doubted she would have made it out of there otherwise. Even now, there were reporters clogging the streets, interviewing Marinette’s teachers and classmates and anybody even remotely in the area and willing to talk to them. Marinette had made it out safely only because she had plenty of practice in sneaking off unnoticed by now, and even then it had been difficult.
Tiān revealing itself to the world was a big deal, of course. Marinette knew that. And she’d learned from Alya that pretty much every news media company on the planet was going wild about it. But today had been nothing more than a silly school presentation, given by Marinette, a girl nobody knew was Ladybug. So Marinette hadn’t really expected such a media frenzy about it.
Her mistake, she supposed. If Alya had been there, she wondered, would she have known to expect it?
And there it was. Yup. Marinette was still upset about her friends missing her presentation. And honestly, she was pretty sure she was going to be upset about it for a while? She’d tried to talk herself through it after getting home, but she’d failed to rationalize her hurt feelings away. And it really didn’t help that one of her friends had texted her a picture of the entire group, including Lila, having fun without her.
She had other texts besides that one, though. One that had been sent during her presentation, from Luka, wishing her luck. And one from Kagami that she’d received after she’d gotten home, congratulating her on her presentation and reminding her to eat something filling. Marinette had actually already eaten lunch, incidentally, but she didn’t really feel up to telling Kagami the real reason she’d collapsed during her presentation, so she’d just texted back a promise to take it easy on herself for the rest of the day. Those two texts didn’t soothe the sting of her classmates ditching her presentation, but they did make Marinette feel better regardless.
“Marinette!” her father’s voice called from downstairs, actually startling her a little bit. “One of your friends is here to see you!”
Marinette’s heart jumped into her throat. Luka? He normally texted before coming over, though. And Marinette doubted it would be Kagami, either, so then—!
Marinette jumped up and rushed for the trapdoor on the floor of her room. Then she paused, and nearly tripped over her own feet as she rushed back to her mirror and hastily peered at her reflection. Her eyes weren’t noticeably red, there were no tear tracks on her face, and her clothes were only slightly wrinkled. Marinette nodded at her reflection and tugged at her skirt to straighten it as she pulled up the trapdoor and rushed down the stairs. And there—
Standing in the middle of Marinette’s living room, looking far more innocent than she had any right to, was Lila Rossi.
“I have something else to do, so I’ll leave you two girls alone,” Marinette’s papa said, oblivious to Marinette’s rapid shift in mood. Marinette glared at Lila as he hustled out of the room, and Lila simply smiled at her in return.
“Hey Marinette,” Lila said, her demeanor her usual act of a sweet, friendly girl. “Here, I brought you something.”
Lila stepped forward and held out a paper towards Marinette. Marinette didn’t want to take it, unreasonably suspicious that it had some sort of deadly poison on it, and more reasonably suspicious that something horrible was written on it. Marinette eyed it cautiously for several long seconds, and Lila’s fake sweet smile stayed in place the entire time.
Finally, Marinette sntached the paper and turned it over, scanning the words written there. Instead of some sort of awful message, it was just…
Eden is an isolated city high in the Kunlun Mountains. It’s existence has been kept secret for several millennia now because of the locals' fear of the outside world.
“It’s a study guide,” Lila said, drawing Marinette’s attention up from the page. “Sabrina was kind enough to write one out for you while we were all out getting ice cream. It was certainly a much better time than standing around and listening to your boring presentation about your so-called heritage.” Lila laughed, her sweet act dropping to the ground and shattering into a million pieces. “At least that’s what Adrien said when we were all having fun without you.”
“No he didn’t!” Marinette snapped.
“Didn’t he?” Lila asked. “I guess you’ll never know since you weren’t there. Everyone else was, though. All of your precious friends. I told you before, didn’t I? I’m going to take them from you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Marinette’s hands clenched into fists. The “study guide” Lila had handed her crumpled loudly in her grip. “They’re not so easy to manipulate, Lila. They’ll see through you eventually!”
“Oh, will they?” Lila taunted. “I barely even had to try to get them to come along with me today. You know what I think? I think they didn’t even care about seeing your stupid presentation in the first place, even though all of them knew how much it mattered to you. The second I said anything about leaving they all jumped on board. Max even talked about how failing one test wouldn’t ruin any of their grades, and you know how much he cares about his test scores.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not!” Lila insisted. “You just can’t accept the truth; none of your “friends” think of you as anything more than a meal ticket, so to speak. And they’re right! You’re very useful when it comes to free sweets or clothing, but when it comes to actually hanging out with you? Ha! It’s barely worth it.”
“Why would I believe anything you say?” Marinette snarled.
Lila smiled at her way too innocently. “Why wouldn’t you believe me? I mean, if your friends were really your friends, they would have stayed for your presentation today, right?”
“That’s your fault!”
“Oh please.” Lila rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I dragged them out of the cafeteria kicking and screaming. They all agreed to come with me of their own free will. Even Adrien.”
Marinette was shaking. Not trembling, but shaking. Shaking with rage as she did her best to stop herself from doing something she’d regret, though what that something was, she didn’t know yet.
Lila took a step closer to her, an absolutely insufferable smirk on her face. “By the way, Alix wants those pajama shorts you promised her. She said it’s really annoying that you can’t even do the one thing you’re good for in a timely manner. And I agree with her. I mean really, two weeks for a pair of shorts? Honestly, it’s no wonder they’re all reconsidering whether to keep pretending to be your friend.”
“Shut up!” Marinette snapped, lunging forward and getting in Lila’s space.
A crooked grin crossed Lila’s face, making her look downright devilish. She looked at Marinette with expectant eyes, and that, if nothing else, reminded Marinette to rein in her temper.
She wrestled with it; it really wasn’t easy to get her anger under control when there was this much of it, and especially not with Lila still standing there. Marinette could see something in Lila’s face, though. She’d definitely riled up Marinette for a reason; she was expecting to get something out of it. Marinette had no idea what that something was, but she did not want to give Lila what she wanted.
“Goodbye, Lila,” Marinette said, her voice strained. Neither of them moved, except Lila’s face twitched. Her smile looked a little less pleased.
“Goodbye?” she echoed.
“Get out of my house,” Marinette ordered.
Lila smirked. “Or what?”
“Papa!” Marinette shouted. Lila visibly straightened up, looking nervous. Marinette’s father was one of the gentlest men in all of Paris, but Lila didn’t know Marinette or her family well enough to know that her father’s large frame was mostly deceptive.
“Fine,” Lila snarled. She turned on her heel and stomped out the door. Not five seconds later, Marinette’s papa rushed into the room.
“Something I can do for you, sweetheart?” he asked. “Oh, where’d your friend go?”
“She’s not my friend,” Marinette said quickly, not wanting to get into it. “And I just wanted… a hug.”
“Oh sweetheart,” her father said, stepping forward and pulling Marinette into a warm, comfortably tight bear hug. “You can have one of those whenever you like.”
Okay, so it’s been a while. I just left this one alone for a while, but I always intended to keep going with it, and the support I got even during my hiatus only encouraged me more. So I kept going with it.
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fanfic-inator795 · 3 years
RotTMNT Oneshot: Sweet Sixteen
((This scene just popped into my head, aaaaand I don’t feel like writing anything else atm so- hope you all enjoy))
It wasn’t often that the lair was bustling early in the morning; the Hamato-Jitsu family stayed up late, and often slept in even later. But on certain days such as these, only one person was allowed to sleep in...
At about 7 a.m., all activity was quickly shushed as silent shadows crept towards a specific room - a bedroom with red-tinted walls thanks to the small lamp that was still lit. They could hear quiet snores, and grinned to themselves as they snuck inside.
Still somewhat asleep but awake enough that his ninja senses were reacting to certain noises and scents, Raph snorted a bit and turned over as he began to stir from his slumber. He instinctively hugged his teddy - he had chosen Dr. Huggenstein the night before - close and tried to bury his face in the back of its head, hoping for just a bit more sleep.
And yet, his mind was slowly starting to wake. He could smell something fruity and buttery near. He could hear quiet giggles and quiet steps padding across the floor of his room. And, despite his eyes being closed, he could still somewhat ‘see’ figures coming closer and closer, until they were standing right in front of him...
With his curiosity now too much for even his sleepy mind to ignore, Raph opened one eye, and-
The snapper flinched, startled as he sat up and nearly throwing a punch at his ‘surprise’ - although this was anything but a surprise attack, and due to expecting it, his family easily stepped back, avoiding the hit expertly as they laughed. 
Donnie and Mikey threw bundles of red and green confetti at him, and as Splinter held up the stack of strawberry and chocolate waffles, Leo leaned over and placed a plastic “Sweet Sixteen” tiara right on his big brother’s head. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~!”
Although he groaned a bit at being surprised by one of their family’s longest running traditions (again. You’d think expecting it would be enough to STOP him from freaking out), Raph still smiled as his family sang and clapped. 
When they finished, Raph naturally invited them all in for a group hug. “D’awww, thanks guys.”
“No probles, Big Brother.” “Happy birthday, Raphie!” “Heh, seems like we got you pretty good this year, huh?”
“Ugh, only ‘cause I was in a deep sleep!” Raph argued, pouting only a little, “I’ll be ready next year.”
Splinter just chuckled at his boys, shaking his head. He hadn’t expected this Birthday Morning tradition to last sixteen years when he started doing it when they were all tots (albeit with less screaming involved, at first) but he was sure glad that it had. “Here,” he said, handing the snapper his breakfast, “Best to eat them before they get too cold and soggy.”
“Right, don’t wanna lose that crunch,” Raph agreed, quickly digging in. Although they still had their own breakfasts to prepare, his brothers and father kept him company as he ate. Honestly, Raph appreciated that just as much as he appreciated the breakfast itself.
Naturally, they discussed Raph’s ‘birthday wish’ plans for that day first - another family tradition, the birthday boy (or girl, in April’s case) gets to decide what they all did as a group that day. For his Sweet 16, Raph had decided on some sparring with Frankenfoot, go-karting at Albeartoland, a small shopping spree at Teddy Bear Town (gotta spend that bday money somehow) and capping off the night with a three-hour wrestling special that was premiering on TV (after presents and cake, of course). 
His bros approved of all these ideas, and after texting the schedule to April and CJ, they gave her approval too.
Afterwards, the brothers moved on onto talking about past birthdays, followed by Leo, Mikey and Donnie all talking about the plans that they had for their upcoming birthdays. But as fun as this conversation was, Raph couldn’t help but notice his father growing quieter the longer it went on.
Eventually, his brothers excused themselves to both grab their own breakfasts and give Raph some space to get ready for the day. (The guy didn’t even have his bandana on yet! How embarrassing - or at least it would’ve been if there was anyone but family there). The only one who stayed was his pop, sitting there as content as ever with a soft, slightly bittersweet smile on his face.
“...Everything alright, Pops?” Raph finally asked, once he had polished off his waffles.
“Hm? Oh yes yes, I’m fine... So, how are you feeling, my son?” Splinter asked, “Sixteen is a pretty big milestone, after all.”
“Heh, I’m good. ...Honestly, it doesn’t feel all that different from fifteen” Raph replied. Thinking about it, he added, “Maybe ‘cause a bunch of stuff has already happened in the past year?” He was now officially a year older, yeah, but it felt like he had already done plenty of changing and growing before then.
Who would’ve thought that he would be given mystic weapons (and later mystic powers), learn about his dad’s past, take down several city-ending threats, meet the spirits of his family, and become a hero alongside his family and friends all before his next birthday? That whole situation was... pretty crazy to think about. Amazing, yeah, but definitely still crazy. In that sense, maybe a more normal and lowkey birthday was just what he needed.
Raph was brought back to the present when he felt his father patting his shell. “Yes, you make a fair point... Still, this birthday is just as much an accomplishment as anything else, and certainly worth celebrating properly.”
The old rat sighed a bit, closing his eyes for just a moment. “You boys are growing up so fast... Before I know it, you will be all grown up. You and your brothers...”
“Aw, come on, Dad...” Setting his plate to the side, Raph pulled Splinter in for a one-armed hug. “We’re always gonna need ya, no matter how old or grown up we get.”
“Heh, I know...” But it was still admittedly nice to hear. “Still, you cannot blame me for being a bit... well, a bit shell-shocked as it were whenever I think about how far you have come, Red. I remember when you were all small enough for me to hold in my arms, and now-”
Splinter stopped, his eyes widening as if he realized (or maybe remembered) something - something apparently funny enough to make him laugh. “Did I tell you- ah, no, I wouldn’t have... Well, no time than the present. Want to know something about the day you were born?”
Raph’s eyes widened at the suggestion, more than a little surprised at his dad’s sudden openness about that day, which Splinter supposed he should have expected, considering previous reactions to anything (or anyone) relating to it.
“I know I do not always-” or ever- “talk about the day I was mutated, but it was not a completely bad day.” He smirked. “I got you boys that day, didn’t I? Heh, you were all so tiny and cute! And you-” Splinter laughed again, and while he was still a bit surprised, now Raph was curious about what was so funny, and how did it involve him?
“Okay, so- this was before your boys were- yourselves. Back when you were norm- ah, average turtles. I was picking you all up, looking at how cute you all were and, well, at one point I decided to give you a kiss on your little head - and you know what you did in return? You bit me!”
“Pffft-!” Raph brought a hand to his mouth, hiding his laughs. “I did not!”
“Oh yes you did!” Splinter shot back, grinning now, “Bit me right on the lip! And I am pretty sure I still have the scar to prove it, somewhere under all this fur. Oh, I was so mad! Heh, but only for a few seconds. It is cruel to be mad at a baby, after all...”
His expression softened a bit as he thought about what happened next. Although Splinter was sure that he would always have mixed feelings about what happened that day and the transformation he received, he would always see the creation of his sons as a blessing that he would always be grateful for.
“Once you were all yourselves, I did all I could to get you boys to safety. And when I held you and your brothers in my arms and saw you all looking up at me... I knew that I would never be able to let you go.” 
Even before he began calling them his sons, even when he still only saw them as ‘innocent creatures’ and had no idea what they would eventually become, they were still his. And they always would be. 
“You have all grown so much that day... And I am not just talking about size, although you especially have certainly gotten bigger.” Splinter looked up and smiled at his eldest. “You are strong, and brave, and so kind... You are more of an honorable man at sixteen than I ever was, and I am so, SO very proud of you, Raphael.”
By this point, Raph’s tears were already beginning to fall, but the snapper could hardly care about that. He just brought his rat dad in for another hug - one that Splinter happily returned. When he eventually felt his son’s grip begin to loosen, Splinter moved to stand on his tip-toes and moved his tail towards his son’s head.
Understanding what he was getting at, Raph lowered his head, allowing Splinter’s tail to lift up the silly tiara as his dad planted a kiss right on the center of his head. “Heh... Happy birthday, my son.”
Wiping his eyes, Raph nodded back. “Thanks, Pops.”
“Oh please, thank YOU for not biting me again.” 
The two shared another laugh, staying beside each other a bit longer. When Splinter did finally decide to leave, he made sure to grab his son’s plate to take back to the kitchen. “Try not to come home too late, I’ll be sure to have supper waiting for you all when you get back. But make sure to enjoy yourself today too, okay?”
Raph chuckled, nodding again. “I will,” he promised - easy enough to do, considering it already felt like a great day. Splinter gave him one last smile before walking away.
As he put on his bandana and his wraps, Raph continued to smile to himself. Maybe he didn’t feel any different than he did at fifteen, and maybe in comparison the days where he escaped a Battle Nexus or fought a dark armor, a birthday wasn’t THAT big of a deal.
But maybe his dad was also right. Maybe it was still an accomplishment that he was a year older - that he was still there, still living and still right beside his family, even after a less-than-normal ‘birth’ and everything that came after. 
Maybe that really was worth celebrating, especially when that celebrating was done with the people that actually made his life worth living.
Speaking of which- “Hey, Raph! You still in there?” “Come on! We’ve already got the dojo set up, and we’re pretty sure Buddy’s just gonna start punchin’ stuff if you don’t get in here!”
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming - and you guys better be ready!” Raph shouted back, grinning. 
With his wraps, belts and bandana all now on, he grabbed his sai, spinning them a few times before sliding them into their holsters. Once that was done, he happily raced out of his room and ran towards the dojo, more than ready to seize the day - seize his birthday - for all it was worth.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
HI IM OBSESSED WITH ALL YOUR HAIKYUU STORIES I LITERALLY LOVE THEM ALL YOUR CHARACTERIATION AND STORY WRITING AND STYLE IS SO AWESOME AND PLEASING TO READ I FEEL SO MANY EMOTIONS WHILE READING and because i am in love with him, i wanted ot ask if you have any random headcanons about hinata and his random friendships with people? it can be any characters or comething i just always love hinata content. i also especially liked him and hoshi friendship in hogwarts and how kagehnas understood ech oth
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Thank you so, so much :)
Sorry this one's taken a bit to answer; but, I am soooooo glad you like the series and the characterizations and just, ahhh, thank you so much!
So, random friendship headcanons we go....
Hinata and Aone:
-So, Aone is one of the current Prefects where he's amazing and everybody loves him. But, earlier than that and back in first year when Hinata was trying to figure him out a bit because "wow, he's huge and kind of scary but he plays Quidditch so he has to be cool and he's a Hufflepfuff so that's probably good but he also kinda looks like he wants to murder me but maybe he means that in a good way". Anyway, Hinata had a habit of getting lost on his way to Quidditch practice and weirdly almost always ending up next to bathrooms. Until one day, he came back to his room and found a carefully drawn little map with a lot of the major hallways detailed on it. It didn't have a name but, months later, he recognized it as Aone's handwriting and it was one of the kindest things that had ever happened to Hinata at that point. After that, they had an unspoken bond and Hinata only got lost 83% of the time.
Kageyama, Yachi, and Kenma:
-I don't know if I've ever mentioned; but, I need these three as my socially anxious "oh, fuck, someone's talking to me ABORT ABORT how tf do I make small talk" friends. Sure, they all have vastly different responses (Kageyama: Yell at it or glare until it goes away; Yachi: Hide or maybe mutter anxiously; Kenma: grab nearest book and hope they go away) but every now and then they'll have a moment when Lev and Hinata are being particularly Extroverted (TM) when those three just look at each other and go "right, they're the crazy ones here" (No shade to all my extrovert friends, ya'll got Hinata and Lev over there being like "I think our friends need more company!!!!! :D" while the social anxiety trio hiss like angry cats in the corner)
Iwaizumi and Bokuto:
-Voted (in their friend group) "Most Likely to Go the Longest Without Getting Into Any Kind of Mortal Peril" for four years running. I honestly think that except for having the friends they do that the worst trouble Iwaizumi and Bokuto would ever get into would be Quidditch related. That said, I also think both of them would be bored out of their minds since all of them are some kind of brand of danger prone. However, on the days that Bokuto and Iwaizumi are left to their own devices, two things happen: (1) absolutely nothing and it's a peaceful day; (2) everyone comes back to the two in some strange competition--including arm wrestling (Winner: Iwaizumi), orgami (Winner: Bokuto), card stacking (Tie as they decided to work together to combine card stacks into the ultimate card castle....everyone was as disturbed as they were impressed). Idk how to describe it but in terms of energy Iwaizumi and Bokuto have the low-fi version of bro energy where it's equally strange but somehow nothing's on fire...like it would be for any of the other pairings
Daichi and Noya (or also the beginning of the Crows)
The story of how Daichi looked at those crazy Gryffindor first years and went "well, someone's gotta make sure they don't die": Daichi's second year was a strange one. He'd finally made it to the reserve Keeper on the Quidditch team and there was talk that he could take over next year while at the same time that batshit wild first year with the crazy hair turned out to be some kind of flying prodigy and was immediately made Seeker.
Who's a good person to keep an eye on him? "DAICHI," cheers the rest of the Quidditch team. "Wait, what," says Daichi who was late to the meeting. And, thus, Daichi became the father of one (soon two as he learned Tanaka and Noya were a package deal). "Well, at least I'm not doing this alone," said Daichi. "W-what do you mean," said Victim #2-also-named-Asahi.
And, thus X2, Noya and Tanaka (plus Ennoshita who was dragged along with), got two live-in babysitters...one more effective than the other since Asahi got an immediate crush and was completely unhelpful in actually stopping anything since he just kind of blushed and stuttered whenever Noya smiled at him.
Chaos reigned.
Noya and Tanaka friends with the centaurs, made beginning plans to ride the Giant Squid (didn't actually make friends with it until second year), and gave Daichi a lifelong fear of acromantula.
You see, our poor hero Daichi was very fed up and more than a little exhausted. But, at least he had Asahi. "They're really not that bad," Asahi insisted. "I gave Noya a Butterbeer earlier and he said--" Nevermind, Daichi was completely alone.
However, while Daichi debated the pros and cons of child abandonment, he happened to come across an unusual sight.
The sight was Noya, dirty and slightly bruised like he always seemed to be, but holding a small little thing in his hand that took Daichi more than a few seconds to realize what it was.
"Is that a bowtruckle?"
Noya grinned. "Yeah. Little guy fell out of his nest." He nodded up at a tree. "Took me forever to get him to come over. Bowtruckle's are skittish and don't trust people much."
Daichi blinked. "Aren't those nearly extinct and used for lockpicking."
"Yeah, probably why they don't trust people much."
Theoretically, Daichi knew that bowtruckles were incredibly, incredibly rare and that there was more than one magical creatures student that would cry just seeing one, let alone knowing there was a whole nest on campus.
...But, that would also mean that everyone else would know about it, too, and somehow Daichi didn't think that everyone else would handle the little creatures with the same care and patience that Noya did. Actually, come to think of it, Daichi wasn't sure that even he could. Funny enough, Daichi had never seen Noya actually quiet before.
In the end, Daichi helped Noya out with a good Levitation Charm and decided that maybe it wasn't that bad being a single parent at the ripe old age of twelve years old. At least he had some pretty good kids.
.....he has since vocally regretted that roughly 2,012 times and actually regretted it 0.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
reader was just a regular American girl who has some royal family members in Scotland. Drew is the heir to the Scottish throne, and he needed to marry to become king. Drew and reader were married only days after they met, making reader a Scottish princess. both were against the wedding. now, the two want nothing to do with each other unless they have to attend a public event, until one night ...
Tumblr media
word count: 3.6k
warnings: prince!drew, arguments, arranged marriage (ig that's what you can call it?), angst, a tiny bit of fluff
— this was originally gonna be one part but now it’s two bc that’s just the way the writing brought me. this was also gonna go in a completely different direction than it did but now this is it. enjoy —
part 2 || masterlist || request an imagine here
You're getting ready in your chambers. The maids are helping you get ready for the annual New Years Ball that the royal family of Scotland puts on every January 1st. Your long Y/H/C colored hair is being curled by one of the maids while another does your makeup. A third maid is making sure your dress and shoes are ready for you for when your hair and makeup are done.
Balls are not your thing. Actually, going out in public with your husband is not your thing. It's only a few times a week but you're not all about the fake smiles and hand-holding when you were never supposed to marry him anyway.
Being a princess was not on your list of things to be in life. You were an up and rising professional wrestler. Your great Aunt Blair asked you to come to Scotland to meet someone while you were wrestling on Ring of Honor. You had no idea that she meant that she actually volunteered you to marry the heir to the Scottish throne.
The maid doing your hair throws some little white flowers with a sparkly silver lining on the end of the petals. The maid doing your makeup has done a silver smokey eye look with some highlight, blush, and nude lipstick color.
Your nails were done earlier in the day. You got an acrylic French manicure. The nails are kind of long and oval-shaped.
"Princess," one of the maids says. "Yer dress is ready for ya when ya're."
You look at the ballgown hanging up in your large closet and sigh softly.
Once your hair and makeup are done, you get up. One of the maids grabs the dress. You take off the long, silky robe and the dress is pulled over your head. You're zipped up and the maids puff out the skirt.
The silver ball gown is very poofy with a small trail. The dress is strapless and very sparkly. The neck dips down a little bit. The top is tight and gets poofy at the waist. You put on silver heels to match the dress.
You put on silver earrings and a necklace, as well as your diamond engagement ring and silver wedding band.
There's a knock on your door as one of the maids put on a silver tiara since you are the princess of Scotland. Another one answers the door.
"Oh, yer highness," she says, bowing. "The princess is almost ready."
A male voice says, "Thank ya, Miss Arabel." Your husband, Drew, is at the door.
After some finishing touches, you're finally ready. You walk up to the door and look at Drew, who's dressed nicely in a black and white suit with a silver tie to match you. His hair in a neat ponytail on the back of his head. He's also wearing his wedding band.
"Ready?" he asks. You can hear the annoyance in his voice.
You nod and mumble, "Sure."
Drew hooks his arm with yours and the two of you head down to the ballroom.
You wait at the door with Drew's father and brother. The royal family is announced together. Drew's father, the King of Scotland, says, "Y/N, ya look stunning. Doesn't she, Drew?" He looks at his eldest son.
Drew just nods and says, "Sure, it's a little too much though."
Anger rises within you as Drew's dad signals for the door to be opened. The guard at the door opens the door and another guard yells, "Introducing the Royal Family of Scotland. The king, Andrew, Prince Drew, Princess Y/N, and Prince John."
Music plays and a fake smile forms on your lips as you follow Drew's father into the large ballroom. Most of the room is made of gold and a large chandelier hangs on the ceiling.
"The princess looks stunning."
"Look at the princess."
The comments make you blush and the fake smile turns real. Drew looks down at you without you knowing.
You and Drew mingle, talking with guests together. Drew steals occasional glances at you but you don't notice as you laugh with the guests.
Being an American, you're still learning about all the Scottish traditions. You've only been over here for a few months so everyday is a learning experience. The guests ask what you did for the holidays with Drew and his family since it's your first time in the country.
"Oh, we celebrated Christmas the way we do in America," you explain to the guests who asked. "Christmas Eve dinner, presents on Christmas morning, and Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. Drew and I also watched some Christmas movies that night. I've heard that Scotland's Christmas traditions are similar to America's."
You added the part about Drew to make it seem like you and your husband actually spent time together on Christmas. After dinner, you went off to your separate chambers and you watched Christmas movies over FaceTime with your friend who now works in NXT, Candice LeRae.
The guests are all very interested. Then the music changes and Drew asks, "M'lady, may I have this dance?"
You look up at Drew and say, "Uh, yeah. Sure." He takes your hand and you excuse yourself from the small group and walk to the dance floor with Drew.
He takes one of your hands in his and the other goes to your waist. You hold up your very poofy skirt so you don't trip.
The dance is slow at first, to make sure you don't trip. Once you're both in sync with each other and you're sure you won't trip, Drew speeds up the movements.
"Wow," Drew says. "My toes aren't bruised yet. Looks like those dance lessons 're paying off."
You stare up at Drew, who is standing tall above you at six foot five. "You're so funny, Drew," you say, rolling your eyes. "I almost peed from laughing so hard."
Drew says, "And there's the sarcasm I absolutely just love about ya."
"As if you love anything about me," you mumble to yourself.
The air turns tense and he says, "Ya could only wish that I'd love ya, or anything about this relationship."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "Maybe if you spent time with me, maybe you'd actually start liking things about this relationship. You only married me to become king when your father relinquishes the crown in a few months."
He looks around and says in a hush tone, "Believe it or not, Y/N, but I married ya for several reasons. Yes, I needed t'marry t'become king but I was excited to start a family. Then ya got here and were nothing like I expected. Yeah, I have an attitude with ya but that's because ya have one with me all the time."
Annoyance rises within you and you say, "I gave up my career to come here. I gave up my dreams of wrestling for WWE and winning titles for the company. I'm not happy I'm in this marriage, Drew. I married a stranger and you're still a stranger to me."
Guests start to look at you and Drew so he takes your hand and whisks you off to a more private area in one of the hallways. You trip over your gown as you follow closely behind Drew.
The door closes and now you're alone with Drew. He looks at you and says, "I'm sorry that ya gave up wrestling to come here and marry me, Y/N. I'm not that happy about it either but if I wanted t'succeed my father then I had'ta marry someone, and that someone is ya."
"You could've picked someone in the country, Drew," you say. "Seriously, you had to pick me."
Drew says, "Yer aunt spoke very highly of ya when she would visit my father. When my father told me I needed t'marry, my mind went t'ya. I didn't think about the repercussions ya would face when I told my father I wanted ya t'be my wife."
Sighing, you say, "Wrestling was taken away from me and I moved away to a country to marry a prince. It's been overwhelming for me and you are nowhere to be seen. I've been taking princess lessons for months and I'm still struggling. It doesn't help I'm alone, Drew, in a foreign country. I don't even have wrestling anymore because I 'can't risk getting hurt'. It's not a fairytale ending like in the books."
There's a silence between the two of you before Drew says, "It still can be"
You look at Drew and ask, "What does that mean?"
He meets your eyes and suddenly you feel butterflies. You've never felt butterflies in your stomach since meeting Drew.
"I just thought that maybe before the coronation that maybe we can go t'America and see a few wrestling shows," he says slowly. "I'm a big fan myself."
Everyday in Scotland is a learning experience. You didn't know that he was a wrestling fan.
You say, "I'd, uh, like that."
Drew slowly takes your hand and he says, "I also thought that maybe we can share a room together like a married couple should."
Confused, you say, "It was your idea to have the separate chambers since we 'didn't have to be married within the four walls of the castle'. At least that's what you told me."
He says, "Contrary to popular belief, I actually do like ya, Y/N. Why do ya think my mind went t'ya when asked if there was someone I wanted t'marry? The girls in this country are beautiful, don't get me wrong, but ya. There's just something about ya that peeks my interests."
You stare up at Drew and for a second before you say, "We've been married for months and this is all coming out now."
"We've never had this conversation until now," Drew says, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "By the way, ya do look stunning in that dress. Shows yer personality really well."
You get flustered and say, "You said it was too much."
Drew chuckles and says, "I'm just that good of a liar, I guess."
A little bit of annoyance creeps up and you say, "Stop lying to me, Drew. I'm confused and now I have a headache because of what you're saying to me."
He says, "I know, I'm sorry. I can walk ya to yer room if ya wanna go lay down and get rid of that ache."
You soften up a bit and say, "Yeah." That's all you say. That's all you feel like you can say.
So, Drew walks you to your chambers. You notice that you're still holding his hand when you arrive at the door of your room. He turns toward you and says, "Whenever ya would like t'go see those wrestling shows in America then let me know and we'll go, okay?"
You nod and look up at your husband. "Thank you, Drew," you say. "Offering to go see some wrestling shows in my home country sounds really nice."
Drew says, "It's been a while since I've been to America and I'd like t'see where my wife is from."
My wife. He said you were his wife. That was the first time behind closed doors that he's referred to you as his wife.
There's another silence between the two of you before you say, "I'm, um, going to head inside. Take some medicine and lay down."
"Can I stop by later t'make sure yer okay?" he asks slowly and cautiously.
You consider it for a moment before you say, "Yeah, sure. Just come in if you do because knocking may make my headache worse."
Drew nods and says, "Alright."
You look up at Drew and the air between the two of you thickens a bit. Your heart races in your chest as you wait for Drew to do something.
He pushes a loose curl behind your ear before he kisses your cheek lightly. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when his lips touch your cheek. You look at him as he pulls away from you slowly.
"Goodnight, in case yer asleep when I come check on ya after the party," Drew says quietly.
You nod and say in almost a whisper, "Goodnight."
He shoots you a smile before walking off to the party again. You stand in the hallway for a second, playing with your engagement ring as you watch him walk off.
For the first time in this marriage, Drew's actions and words made you have butterflies in your stomach and made your heart race.
If you didn't know any better then you might be falling for your husband.
The moment between you and Drew has melted away by morning. You walked down to breakfast early the next morning and he doesn't even acknowledge your presence at the table.
"Y/N, are ya feeling okay?" Drew's dad asks. "Ya left with Drew and only Drew came back."
Nodding, you say, "Yeah. I just wasn't feeling well so I went to bed a little early. That's all."
Drew finally glances at you and his dad says, "Feeling better this morning, I hope?"
"Depends," you say, looking at Drew. "Is your eldest son going to keep ignoring me like he is right now?"
His dad looks at him and asks, "Is there something wrong?"
You say, "No, nothing's wrong." You get angry and stand up. "Excuse me but I think I'm going to go back to my chambers. I'm not feeling well again."
After you're done talking, you leave and go back to your room. You've just closed the door when there's a knock.
Reluctantly, you go and answer it. Drew stands in the doorway and you say, "Oh, great. It's you. Come to promise me something else then ignore me again?"
Drew says, "Look, I'm sorry. This whole thing is new to me, Y/N. I'm 35 and I haven't been in a serious relationship like this."
"We're not even in a relationship, Drew," you spit at him. "We're legally bind to each other for you to become king."
He says, "I'm trying here, Y/N!" His voice is rising. "I'm fucking trying. We met, were engaged then married within weeks. I'm trying t'be a good husband in public while also trying t'form a relationship with you behind closed doors. It's not easy. Especially because I do want a relationship with ya, Y/N."
You glare at him and say, "Ignoring me isn't trying, Drew."
He says, "I know, Y/N." He rubs his face. "God, I'm terrible at communicating how I feel and this is whole new territory for me."
Deciding to lighten the air, you say, "If you want to be king then you have to work on communication skills there, Drew."
Drew looks at you and says, "I'm gonna pretend that I didn't just hear ya say that."
You smile and say, "Come on, Drew. Lighten up a bit. Here, tell me the truth. How do you feel when you're around me?"
Your husband blinks at you and thinks for a second. He says, "I, uh, I feel nervous. Ya make me a little nervous, Y/N. My heart races when ya're around me, especially when we touch. Um, when ya walk into a room, I feel a knot in my stomach. I don't know what it's called-"
"Butterflies," you say, helping him out. "They're called butterflies in the stomach. It's what happens when we're around someone who we may or may not like."
Drew looks down at you and says, "Sounds like yer talking from experience."
You nod slightly and say, "I am."
He blinks at you and starts to say something before someone walks into the hallway and say, "I apologize for the interruption, your highnesses. Prince Drew, your father has requested your presence in his chambers. Immediately."
Drew nods and says, "One second." He turns toward you. "When I'm done with my father, I'll come back and we can keep talking. Okay?"
You nod and he smiles before walking off quickly.
That's when you notice when there are butterflies in your stomach again.
It's hours later and you're still waiting for Drew. You've asked your maids if they've seen him and they've all said that he's still with his father.
You're watching Freaky Friday on Disney Plus when the doors to your chambers open. A red-faced Drew walks in and you ask, "Woah, Fire Face. What's wrong?"
"My father is what's wrong," Drew says. He's pacing around the room and you pause the movie, getting up and walking to him.
You say, "Talk to me, Drew." He doesn't look at you. "Hey, dumbass. I'm your wife, remember? You're supposed to talk to me about this stuff."
Finally, Drew looks down at you. You're so much shorter than him. You're barely five foot four. You're eye level with his chest and you have to tilt your head up to look at Drew.
He says, "My father just told me that we're going on a two week tour of the country. He wants me t'know the country before I ascend the throne."
"What's the matter with that?" you ask, gently stroking Drew's arm to calm him down.
His eyes are on your hand on his arm as he says, "I wanted t'surprise ya with tickets home t'America for the two weeks that we'll be on tour."
Your eyes widen and you say, "We can go when we get back."
Drew says, "When we got t'America, yer friend was gonna meet us in Florida. I got ya cleared t'wrestle in one match in WWE against your friend. It was more than just going t'see some wrestling shows in America. When we got t' ya're hometown, I was gonna take ya t'yer favorite spot that ya told me about before and I was gonna ask if ya wanted t'try and be a real couple."
Your heart sinks into stomach when you see how upset Drew is about this. You say, "You had all that planned out for me? For us?"
He nods and says, "I wanted ya to feel less alone and I wanted ya t'have at least one more match before ya actually have t'give up wrestling."
You console Drew by hugging him. You close your eyes and you say, "I already feel less alone, Drew."
"What about yer one more match?" he asks.
Looking up at Drew, you say, "I've already come to terms with the fact I'll probably never wrestle again. It would have been amazing to be in a WWE ring but I don't need one more match."
His hands rest on your cheeks before he says, "I'll get ya in a WWE ring at some point, Y/N. Ya gave up yer career t'be here. It's the least I can do."
The idea of talking to Drew's father pops into your mind and you say, "I need to do something really quick. Can you excuse me?"
Drew nods and you let go of each other before you walk off to the king's chambers.
At the door, you knock. A "come in" is said from the other side so you open the large doors.
King Andrew sits at his desk and he looks up at you. "Ah, Y/N," he says, getting up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Postpone the tour of Scotland," you bluntly say. "Please, sir."
His face hardens a bit as he says, "Drew must've told ya what was happening."
You nod and say, "He did, and he pulled a lot of strings to surprise me back home. Mr. King Sir, he gave me an opportunity to do the thing I love one more time before I give it up to join him by his side as queen of this beautiful country. He wants to take this trip to help us get closer so maybe we could be together behind closed doors as well. Let us take this trip and the day we get back, we can tour this country that I can proudly say I call my second home."
Andrew looks at you as you talk. He leans against his desk and crosses his arms across his chest, looking down at the floor when you're done talking.
You wait for a response.
It's almost an eternity before he says, "I can remember what it was like t'be in love with Drew's mother when we were younger. All the trips we took were always business, never for pleasure. Then she got sick and she died, and I regret that we never got to go on a trip just for pleasure. So, I will postpone the tour so ya and Drew can visit the States, but the day ya get back is the day the tour of Scotland begins."
You smile and say, "Yes, Mr. King Sir. May I go tell Drew the news?"
He nods and dismisses you.
As soon as you're out of the room, you take off back toward your chambers. Drew sits on the small love seat in your room and looks at you when you walk in.
"When do we leave to go to America?"
tags: @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan
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cooliogirl101 · 4 years
Hello! TLM is my favourite Bleach fic of ALL TIME and I wanted to say thank you so much for writing it!!! I’ve obsessively gone through the TLM tags and AUs and I’m still impressed and amazed by how awesome (and terrifying) Sayuri is. I love your writing style and how you really flesh out all of your OCs :D anyway, after going through all the tags I realized I still don’t know how Sayuri and Tousen’s first meeting went and why it makes Sayuri so terrifying?? If you don’t plan to write it (1/2)
(2/2) Can you still tell us how it goes? Also, what was the original direction you planned to take TLM? It seems Sayuri goes along with Aizen’s plans but what end did you have in mind before you abandoned it, and how were you going to get there? No pressure to answer but it’d be awesome to know :) Again thank you for sharing your awesome writing!! I love all your AUs
Thank you so much for sending me this message anon-- it really means a lot to me that even after all this time, people still remember and care about the characters I’ve created. 
To be honest, I didn’t have a firm direction in mind when I started writing TLM. I just saw all these stories with positive character development, where the person in question becomes a better person throughout the course of the story, and thought to myself, hmm, what if I wrote an SIOC story where the MC just...heads in the opposite direction. An SIOC that starts off, all things considered, as a reasonably kind, decent, empathetic person and evolves into someone who commits atrocities without blinking an eye, all in the name of love, loyalty, and keeping her little brother safe (that being said, I did imagine a few scenarios where Sayuri ends up on the side of the ‘good guys’-- see my black king au).
Regarding her obtaining Tousen’s loyalty...well the story there doesn’t start with Sayuri and Tousen, per se. It actually starts with Tousen’s unnamed friend (who I’m going to call Yui). 
Warnings: Psychological torture, suicide mention, manipulation
Yui, who saw Sayuri sitting by herself at lunch at the Academy (Sousuke was on a mission) and broke away from her group of friends just to keep her company. Yui, who loves drawing in a way Sayuri both misses and envies (for her, the act of drawing is forever tainted by the portraits of hundreds dead-- and no matter what people think of her, Sayuri has never delighted in death). Yui, who always keeps a bag of seeds on her to feed the crows that are a nuisance to everyone else. Yui, who seeks her out even after they both graduate and join different divisions. Yui, with her quiet kindness and soothing aura, like cool water on a feverish face. 
Yui, who spoke passionately about creating a better world, who believed so fiercely in the inherent goodness of people. Yui, who was murdered by the man she loved. 
Sayuri stares out the window, face as expressionless as always. Normally, the death of a high-ranking noble’s wife would have been news for weeks, if not months. The fact that Yui’s death has been hushed up, kept quiet to the point that only a select few outside the nobility even know about it, is as good as a confession. 
She glances down at her newest portrait, lips tightening for the briefest second. Then she leaves to find her brother. 
Tousen Kaname learns of his only friend’s death nearly a month after it happens. He makes it as far as the gates to Central 46 (demanding answers, justice, revenge) before he finds himself wrestled to the ground, arms wrenched behind him to the point of dislocation, face shoved into the dirt. He can’t breathe, can’t smell anything except dirt and dust and his own blood, but he struggles anyway, screams his rage and grief into the air, cries murderer! for all to hear. 
“What are you doing? Stop,” a voice orders sharply, cold as frost. Kaname feels the guards around him freeze, even as the guard kneeling on his back shoves his face further into the dirt warningly.
“Aizen-sama,” one of the other guards says respectfully, almost reverently. “Don’t worry, we have the situation well under control. We were just about to escort the miscreant into a cell--”
“No need. I’ll take it from here,” the first voice says coolly. “Head back to your posts, you’re making a scene.” 
“Aizen-sama, please, there’s no need to trouble yourself--”
“I’ll decide for myself what troubles me, thank you,” she says shortly. The next thing Kaname knows, a gentle hand is helping him up and he lurches forward, clinging to it. 
“Please,” he says desperately. He doesn’t know who his savior is but judging by the respect-borderline-fear the guards had addressed her with, she had to be someone important. “Please, you have to-- my friend, she-- she’s dead, they killed her, and--please, you have to make them pay, you have to get justice for her, you hear me? She didn’t do anything, she was good and now she’s dead and-- and--”
“Calm down. Focus on me,” the voice-- Aizen-sama--orders, quiet but firm, as Kaname breaks off into a series of increasingly panicked breaths. He obeys, clinging to her voice and her hand like a lifeline, focusing on her aura-- like starlight, he can’t help but think. Cold and distant, but no less bright for it.
“Good,” Aizen-sama says quietly and Kaname feels his shoulders relax slightly. “Come with me. We’ll talk in private.”
It isn’t until Kaname finds himself sitting on an absurdly comfortable chair with a cup of tea in his hands, his wounds cleaned and bandaged, that his mysterious benefactor speaks up again.
“You’re Kaname, aren’t you?” She asks, causing him to stiffen. “Yui talked about you.” 
Kaname swallows, gripping his cup tightly. 
“You knew her?” He asks hoarsely. 
“I did,” she replies. Her tone is unchanged from before, still as emotionless as ever, and yet--
Yui had once told Kaname that he was the most perceptive person she knew. He reaches out with his own spiritual energy-- feels the tiniest ripple in a sea of composure that speaks of a grief that mirrors his own-- and he knows, without a doubt, that no matter how much she might pretend otherwise, Aizen-sama had cared for Yui. 
Which means that Kaname is no longer alone in his quest to find justice for his friend. He can’t deny the sheer, bone-crushing relief he feels at that. 
“Then please. Don’t let them get away with this,” he begs. “She deserved-- deserves better. She deserves justice.”
There’s a long pause. 
“A month,” Aizen-sama says finally. Kaname blinks.
“What?” He asks, confused.
“Give me a month,” she repeats. “Trust me, it won’t take longer than that.”
This is what the rest of the world sees:
A week after his wife’s death, Fukushima Akito stops going to the social events and parties he’s known for. Those who are close to him say he hasn’t been sleeping well, that he’s lost his appetite, that he’s been drinking more.
“It’s understandable. His wife just passed,” people say. “He’s just grieving.”
Two weeks in, the heir to the Fukushima Clan starts talking to himself, shouting at things that aren’t there, crying for his deceased wife to leave him alone. He refuses to see anyone, even his closest friends. 
“He’ll come around. Give him time,” people say, a bit more worriedly this time. 
Behind closed doors, the servants whisper as well.
“Gone mad with guilt, I imagine,” one murmurs.
“Serves him right,” another says. “Lady Yui deserved better.”
Eighteen days after Fukushima Yui’s death, he starts complaining about bruises appearing on his skin that no one else can see. Twenty-one days after, Akito shatters a mirror with his bare hands, continuing to pummel the shards until his father and three cousins pull him away. Twenty-five days after, his screams wake the entire household-- his servants come running only to find him clawing at his neck.
“It-- it won’t come off,” he gasps. “The noose. It won’t come off!”
At twenty-nine days, he breaks down and begs for Yui’s forgiveness. 
Exactly thirty days after Lady Yui dies, his two best friends-- the heir of the Goto Clan and the heir of the Miyake Clan-- finally have enough and drag him out of the house.
“It’s not good for you, being cooped up in that house like that. No wonder you’ve been going crazy,” Miyake Kaede complains. 
“Look, we’re taking you out to have a good time and there’s nothing you can do to convince us otherwise,” Goto Dai adds.
And at first, it seems to work. Once he leaves his house, it’s like a weight has been lifted off Fukushima Akito’s shoulders-- he begins to relax, he laughs for the first time in weeks. Then at 4 p.m., he pulls out his zanpakuto and slaughters both of his closest friends without warning.
At 4:13 p.m., Fukushima Akito takes his own life.
(“That was unusually brutal of you,” Sousuke comments, looking down at the carnage from a nearby rooftop. Sayuri was many things-- ruthless, efficient, merciless-- but rarely cruel. 
“I suppose I was curious what it would take to destroy a person,” Sayuri says after a pause.
“And? Did you receive your answer?”
Sayuri hums.
“The thing is, Sousuke, if you want to hurt a man, you go after him. If you want to break him, you go after those he loves. But to shatter a man beyond repair...he has to tear down everything he loves himself,” she says slowly. “You saw Fukushima Akito’s face once he’d seen what he’d done, when the illusion fell away and he saw the bodies of his best friends in front of him-- there’s no coming back from that.”
“Did you predict that would happen? That he would end up killing himself?” Sousuke asks curiously.
“Does it matter?” Sayuri asks indifferently. “He was finished either way.”
Sousuke looks at her for a moment. There’s no joy on her face, no satisfaction or pride, simply the steadfast resoluteness of completing a job that wasn’t particularly enjoyable, but which had to be done.
“Sometimes,” he says slowly, “I think it was a good thing I ended up being the one with Kyouka Suigetsu as a zanpakuto, not you.”
He may have provided her the ability, but every single torment, every single nightmare Fukushima Akito suffered during the last month of his life? That had been all Sayuri. 
Sayuri smiles wryly.
“No, instead I ended up with Shiroi Seiun. Is that better or worse?” She asks.)
One day later, Sayuri opens her front door to find Tousen Kaname standing outside her home. She’s mildly impressed, although not surprised, that he’s managed to track her down. 
“How did you do it? He demands in lieu of a greeting.
Sayuri pauses for a moment, then steps aside to let him in.
“I won’t insult you by pretending I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says. “Fukushima Akito is dead. Is that not what you wanted?”
Kaname swallows.
“You killed him,” he says, voice shaking. Sayuri doesn’t bother to deny it-- she may not have been the one to strike the final blow, but she walked Fukushima Akito to his grave. “I...I should report you.”
“Then do it,” she says calmly. “If you truly believe I did something wrong, turn me in. I certainly won’t stop you.”
Kaname hesitates, looking torn.
“You...you won’t?” He asks uncertainly.
Sayuri takes a step closer to him-- watches him stiffen, sees him fight with himself not to retreat-- and brings his hand up to her heart, where her spiritual energy pulses the brightest. 
“You’re a sensor, aren’t you?” She murmurs, leaning in so that her lips are by his ear. “You tell me. Am I lying to you right now?”
Kaname’s brow furrows as he focuses. Her spiritual energy is as calm as ever, no fluctuations or dips that might hint at a lie.
“Why?” He asks after a moment. “You say you won’t stop me if I choose to report you. Why?”
Sayuri studies him for a moment, the way he broadcasts his every emotion on his face for the world to see-- the naked vulnerability of someone who’d never learned to hide his expressions.
“Yui spoke of you, you know,” she says quietly. “The blind boy with the gentle heart, who shared her dream of creating a peaceful world. She trusted your judgement but more than that, she trusted that you would always do the right thing. I believed in Yui’s goodness and so I’ll believe in yours.” She lets his arm drop. “If you truly believe that what I did was wrong, that I shed unnecessary blood-- that what I did was unjust-- then by all means, turn me in to Central 46. Make me accept punishment. But if not...”
Kaname turns his head away.
“Was it really necessary to target his friends too?” He whispers.
Sayuri exhales.
“There were three main factors protecting Fukushima Akito. There was his own family, of course. However, although the Fukushima Clan is fairly powerful on its own, its true strength lies in its allies,” she states. “The Miyake Clan has two seats on Central 46. The Goto Clan has four. With those alliances in place, Fukushima Akito was untouchable. Now, however...” She tilts her head to the side. “By tomorrow, the entire Fukushima Clan will cease to exist. The Miyake and Goto Clans will make sure of that.”
She pauses.
“As for Miyake Kaede and Goto Dai...they chose to protect Fukushima Akito knowing full well what he was, what he’d done. They were not innocent.”
Kaname’s jaw clenches.
“Still, you...you could have gone through the courts, you could have--”
“And I would have gotten exactly as far as you did,” Sayuri interrupts sharply. “Spiritual power and political power are not the same, Kaname. I may have plenty of the former but in this world, the justice a person receives is decided by the latter. Yui died for no reason and the courts let her killer get away with it because his family was powerful, and he knew the right people. Me? I made sure those involved were punished for what they’d done,” she says, voice hardening. “For the crime of killing his wife, Fukushima Akito paid with his life. For the crime of betraying Fukushima Yui, a member of their family, the Fukushima Clan will be destroyed by their former allies. And for the crime of shielding a murderer, the Miyake and Goto Clans lost their heirs. Now tell me, is that not justice?”
Kaname swallows. He has no response to that. 
“One thing you’ll learn, Kaname, is that the system fails,” Sayuri says after a moment’s pause, the anger in her voice replaced by something softer, tired. A deep sadness that makes something in Kaname’s chest ache. “Things slip through the cracks and all too often, it’s the innocents, the Yui’s of this world that pay for it, while their abusers, aided by the courts, go free. And when that happens, you have a question to ask yourself-- whose side are you going to take?”
“And you say I’m the manipulative one,” Sousuke’s voice comes from behind her, amused. “What do you call that then?”
“I didn’t lie to him,” Sayuri protests. 
“Never said you did.” He pauses. “That boy...he’s blind.”
“Yes, he is,” Sayuri agrees. “Observant of you to notice.”
Sousuke laughs quietly.
“Always thinking ahead, aren’t you?” He asks, a fond smile tugging at his lips. “You think he’s worth the effort?”
Sayuri pauses.
“I think he has potential. Might even become captain, someday,” she says. 
Sousuke’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh, really? Care to bet on it?” He asks slyly.
The corner of Sayuri’s mouth quirks up.
“Sure, I’ll take that bet.”
(Ironically, she caused herself to lose that bet.
“Oh sure, when Kaname achieves bankai but doesn’t want to be captain, everyone’s understanding about it. Me on the other hand, I’ve never released my bankai in my life, and yet when I ask to stay a lieutenant, I get Kyouraku shoving a captain’s haori in my direction and telling me to be at the captain’s meeting in 10 minutes. How is that fair?”
“No one believes that you haven’t attained bankai yet, Sayuri.”
“But it’s true.”
“It’s true that you’ve never released it, not that you haven’t attained it.”
“I would have thought you of all people would be on my side in this matter, Sousuke.”
“I prefer you as my equal, Sayuri, not my subordinate. I would have thought you, of all people, would know that by now.”)
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Do you have any Star Wars fanfic recommendations, or have a link to someone else's list? I really wanna veg out.
oh my god, DO I. this may have been the best ask in the world. i’m not really sure what u want a feel for, so i threw together some of my favorite longfics for maximum veg time from the ot/pt and links for swr and swtcw recs. they’re pretty much all luke-anakin/vader centric, since that’s kinda my bread and butter.
let’s start with frodogenic, who wrote the first longfic i ever read in sw and might be one of the funniest authors ever. they once reviewed my fanfic & i nearly cried from joy. anyway. 
The Father, 284k+, complete. “Ten years after ROTS, tormenting nightmares of his unborn child drive Darth Vader to extraordinary measures with unexpectedly drastic consequences. Clearly, experience has taught Darth Vader nothing...” 
this is my og star wars fic and boy oh boy is it amazing. i will never get over this. i don’t want to spoil anything but when i say the final chapters are great? i mean they’re legendary. sometimes i still think about them & wish upon a star that i could be such a great writer. vader’s amazing, han is spectacular, and the ocs are fantastic.
Far More Than Rubies, 70k+, complete. “Nine years after AOTC, tragedy revisits the Lars Homestead. Little Luke Skywalker is suddenly plunged into chaos as the rebel movements discover a secret military project that may make a crucial difference in the war with the Empire.”
the spiritual twin of The Father, FMTR takes a look at padmé’s character and relationship with both luke and anakin/vader that’s hard to beat. it’s darker and heavier than The Father, but it hits those same sweet, sweet emotional beats while raising the age-old question: if padmé had lived, what would she have done?
The Family Tree, 12k, complete. “In which Luke Skywalker is stranded in a tree waiting for a flash flood to recede. Too bad he's got company...”
okay, i admit, this isn’t a longfic, but it is a longshot, and it’s amazing. the imagery and description always blow me away, and the interaction (canon-compliant) between luke and vader just [chef’s kiss] get me. vader’s in full, glorious form, and it makes it all the harder when luke wrestles with the knowledge that vader is his father.
Sibling Revelry, 25k, complete. “After Bespin and before Endor, Darth Vader is shocked to discover that Luke and Leia are twins. He's even more shocked when Imperial Intelligence reports that Organa and Skywalker are, erm, a tad closer than previously suspected.”
this is complete crack and humor in the best way possible. it’s crack treated entirely seriously, and you will be in stitches, i promise. no matter how many times i’ve read this i break down.
KittandChips (@kittandchips) writes what i can only describe as food for the soul. the luke-vader interaction is insanely amazing, the world building of daily imperial life and imperial governance is amazing, and vader just has a special je ne sais quoi that u must read to understand––tragic, funny, and so, so fatherly. they’re currently rewriting the Force Bond Series to fit in with newer canon, so i will joyously binge reread the entire again (including the new Force Bond: Mustafar Weekend).
Force Bond 1: Orphan, 47k, complete. “After Owen and Beru are killed by a mysterious stranger, young Luke ends up as an orphan on Coruscant. It's a race against time as Obi-Wan struggles to find Luke before Vader realizes the boy is his son.”
Orphan kicks off the series, which tracks vader and luke’s relationship through the perils of luke’s teenagerhood while growing up under the eye of the emperor and imperial court. it’s filled with slow growth, struggle and misunderstandings as darth vader tries to single parent, and pay off in every installment. the entire series clocks in around 777k+ and is the most joyful, fulfilling reading you’ll ever have. promise.
darth-nickels (@darth--nickels) writes darker, twistier, and terribly, terribly heartwrenching aus. they’ve got a whole host, but let me introduce to my two favorites. also, check out their faux-academia on vader. it’s amazing and i love it, but i admit i am an academia hoe.
Dooku Captured, Pt 2, 16k, complete. “Dooku is taken alive onboard the Invisible Hand, and Sidious' web is torn. The Sith Lord wonders if death might have been preferable to clumsy interrogation by Anakin Skywalker.”
Dooku Captured is a longshot au told from Dooku’s pov which takes the beginning of ROTS and throws it on its head. it’s a fascinating outside perspective of anakin and obi-wan’s relationship and such and interesting examination of dooku’s psyche and especially his complex relationship with the jedi order, qui-gon, yoda, and palpatine. i cannot rec this one enough.
Black Mirror, 90k, incomplete. “The Ghost crew returns to the Lothal when they hear the Empire is investigating the Jedi Temple there. They learn Vader is alone and decide to take him out-- but what they find could change the course of Galactic history.”
Black Mirror diverges into swr territory, but make no mistake: this is entirely an examination of vader and, later, obi-wan as well as ahsoka. luke makes his appearance later in the game, and boy oh boy will you love luke’s portrayal is a microcosm of luke and vader’s relationship within canon. heed the tags, though.
jerseydevious ( @jerseydevious ) is, first and foremost, one of my favorite people on earth. secondly, though, she’s an amazing writer with a deep understanding of vader’s character and psyche, a flair for beautiful depictions, and the true ability to wring every emotion out of your body.
Two and a Half Men (with a baby), 13k, incomplete. “After a long day of bargaining with Hutts and attempting to ignore his past, Darth Vader is nearing the end of his rope. When he discovers his two-year-old son, it's the straw that breaks the semi-rational Sith Lord's back; in a rash act worthy of the Skywalker name, he scoops his son into his arms, steals a shuttle from his own fleet, and punches in random hyperspace coordinates to a destination on the other side of the galaxy. Unfortunately, father and son are not the only ones on the ship.”
Two and a Half Men will stick with you, dude. like no other. i promise. it’s a whirlwind ride with obi-wan, vader, and piett and as funny as it is heartbreaking. it touches on some heavy issues and doesn’t shy away from looking at the damage done to vader––again, heed the tags.
Helioseismology, 4k, complete. “Luke gets shot down on a supply run and caught in an ice storm. It's extremely lucky that his father followed him there.“
i’ll admit. im completely biased about this one because it was a birthday gift to me and i am sucker for litcherally anything when jd puts pen to paper, but believe me when i say you will be awed by the depth and tangled relationships between these luke and vader that jersey can illustrate in a stroke of the paintbrush. im love. always.
izzythehutt ( @izzythehutt ) i am blown away by the intricate dialogue and characterization, always. and the latin puns? im sold. im also a sucker for latin puns, but that’s a story for a different time.
In Loco Pirates, 34k, complete. “A down-on-his-luck Hondo Ohnaka manages to capture the unicorn of all bounties--Luke Skywalker, which sends Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, on a painfully familiar trip to the planet Florrum to collect his prize. The failed negotiations leave Vader in the awkward position of being stuck in a besieged pirate bunker, trying to balance keeping his wayward child safe (and in his custody) with controlling the tongue of a loose-lipped pirate who--to the surprise of no one--has a bad habit of telling 'amusing' anecdotes from the Clone Wars.”
hondo, aka the best character of swtcw, is brought to life just as vividly on paper as on screen. his entire personality brings luke and vader’s difficulties in a sort of incredulous light, which makes it as funny as it is vulnerable and tragic. the sequel, Palpatine Ad Portas, brings piett into the spotlight, and oh man do his interactions with palpatine and vader bring u all the uncomfortable vibes. relish in it.
sparklight ( @littlesparklight ) man. lemme introduce u to an amazing prolific and detailed writer. i will never get over the series they’ve written & neither will u.
Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn’t Get Away, 122k, incomplete. “One-shots surrounding either AU situations of canon/legends works where Luke would normally have gotten away (or Vader is simply inserted into the action to come pick his child up) but in these instances doesn't, or completely new scenarios of the same. There are no deep ruminations on consequences of the situations here, just our awful Sith dad picking his son up when he'd rather not be.”
exactly what it says on the tin. u know those glorious moments of fanfic where luke’s gotten captured and ur on pins and needles, waiting for vader to show up in a moment of dark glory? here’s the moment. here’s all the moments.
Space Race, 122k, incomplete. “Owen gives in to Luke's wish to attend the Imperial Academy and Obi-Wan is too late to avert it, though he's not too late to make sure Luke leaves Arkanis before Vader can gets his hands on him. Luke spends over a month running around the galaxy before his father gets him, and from there...”
this story relishes in chase and boy is it fun. it will keep you on the edge of your seat and it’s an amazing ride.
The Suns of Tatooine, 85k, complete. “Luke ends up on a moon swamped in dark side energy after a mission goes wrong, then his father appears... and then they go on a bit of a learning experience. This could've been the only thing that would come of getting through a Sith complex with his father, but thanks to going to free Han earlier than the gang did otherwise, more revelations are had. Will that change anything?”
this series is a thoughtful, contemplative piece examining the nature of the force and the relationship the skywalkers have with tatooine. the descriptions are beautiful, the inventiveness is amazing, and you’ll be thinking about it for long afterwards.
an additional few…
Between Flight and Longing; 34k, complete. “Luke Skywalker and Han Solo journey to the planet Balen'ar on a desperate mission and find more than they'd bargained for.”
a classic and it is for a reason. the interaction between han, luke, and vader is so spectacular and the slow trudge of going through the forest with your greatest enemy and best friend is something hilarious. the end is bittersweet and fantastic.
The Sith Who Brought Life Day, 13k, complete. “An Imperial officer loses a bet and has to get Darth Vader a present for Life Day.”
somewhere between terrifying and dull, this fic presents a canon-compliant look at the hunt for luke and the grinding wheels of the empire. the oc is amazing and it echoes in true star wars spirit: sometimes it’s just some dude who can change the galaxy.
Quintessence, 5k, complete. ‘“Well, Master, I think I’ve found the one positive aspect of this situation.” “Which is?” “The Temple won’t have to pay the costs for our funeral pyres.”’
pure hilarity and shenanigans abound in pre-aotc obi-wan and anakin hijink goodness. lemme tell u––u will deeply sympathize with mace windu afterwards. additionally, check out the rest of the author’s oneshots! they’re deeply thoughtful and the interactions the author writes between obi-wan and anakin are always gold.
some extras & shameless self-promotion
here’s a full list of recommendations for star wars rebels fanfic in case this is what you’re looking for (remember when this used to be a swr blog, lmao)
i’ve also written sw fanfic, both swr and luke-vader centric. drop by and tell me if it’s any good!
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mmvalentine · 3 years
Home is Where You Are pt 4 | Feysand
Girl next door AU. CW: domestic and family violence. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Rhys pulled up outside Feyre's apartment block, and killed the engine. But for a moment, he didn't look at her. He wanted to draw out this moment, because spending the day with her was never enough time.
They had walked slowly around the house, Feyre wanting to touch every wall and surface to say goodbye. Most of the stuff they had just dropped off at the local op-shop, since it had been there for ten years and obviously wasn't needed now. A few times Feyre had packed into a box and taken with her, found treasures of their childhood. There was even a photo album, full of Feyre's family before they had fallen apart. Her father had always shied away from those early memories. In one particular photo, Rhys and Feyre stood in the garden with their arms around each other's shoulders, best-buddy style. Feyre had laughed at them, the same height and missing teeth and in ill-fitting hand-me-downs. It had been such a lovely time, and now Rhys had brought her back to her own apartment. To Tamlin.
He had to say something, didn't he? Rhys wrestled with the dilemma. He wanted to respect her life choices. He wanted her to know someone noticed. He wanted her to be safe.
"Thanks for driving," Feyre said. "I had a great time with you." She grinned. "And you do drive like a maniac." "I always have a great time with you," Rhys said. Feyre smiled, and went to get out of the car. Rhys put his hand on her arm, and she stopped.
"Just... take care of you, okay?" Feyre smiled again. "I always do," she said. "If you ever need.. anything. If you want some company, or some hot food, or a spare room. You're welcome to come to mine, okay?" Feyre tilted her head. "Why would I need a spare room, Rhys?" "No reason," Rhys said. "I'm thinking Tamlin snores, or something." Feyre rolled her eyes. "This again." "No!" Rhys said quickly. "I just... maybe everyone needs some place where no one can find them. Maybe your house used to be that for me and I'm feeling nostalgic because you've sold it."
Feyre looked at him for a long time. "Okay, Rhys," she said eventually. They sat for a moment longer.
"Well, I guess I've got fat cheques to write to my sisters," she said. "Goodnight, Feyre." "Goodnight Rhys."
And then she was gone.
Rhys didn't see Feyre for a while after that. He still texted her every now and again, but he figured if he talked to her too much it would be kind of weird. After all, she was engaged, and he was pretty sure the stupid, bubbly feeling he got when her name flashed up on his phone was not the response you were supposed to have to platonic texts.
So he gave himself boundaries- tried to wait for her to initiate most contact, tried hard not to flirt, and even tried to sound interested when she told him Tamlin's latest health craze.
The work project she was working on wrapped up and was a roaring success. The company hosted a small event to launch the campaign, but Feyre didn't end up being able to make it. She sent him an apology, saying she was too sick to come. He told her to feel better soon, and to let him know if she wanted anything brought over.
She wasn't missing out on much, actually. Rhys found these corporate events dreadfully boring, and they all blended into one after a while. He worked for a political magazine and he truly believed in its ideals- but every so often they had to peddle to people with money, and it made him feel dirty. He stayed as long as was polite, drinking white wine he did not enjoy, and then slipped away when he thought no one would notice.
Back in his apartment, Rhys hung his jacket on the back of a chair, and undid the first few buttons of his shirt. He poured himself a glass of brandy, and sat on the couch, trying to overwrite the taste of small talk and champagne. On his coffee table, early sketches Feyre had made were still scattered about. Although he despised the events, it had been a shame that Feyre had not been able to attend, if just to get the recognition for her work. He sat up, and picked up one of the drawings.
Feyre really was an incredible artist. There was something so soft, and tender in the strokes of her brush, even in these rudimentary impressions. If he stared long enough, he could almost imagine the way her fingers smudged the page, the crinkle in her brow as she concentrated on some of the finer details. The movement in the design somehow had him imagining the sound of her laugh...
Rhys put the drawing down, and rubbed his eyes with his palm. This line of thinking was entirely unproductive. He needed to go to bed.
And then there was a knock at his door.
Rhys looked up, then looked at his watch. It was a little past midnight, who was looking for him at this hour? He set his glass down, and padded to the door. And there stood Feyre.
"Don't say anything," she said, before Rhys could open his mouth. He leaned against the door frame, and took in the woman standing there. At her feet, was a stuffed duffel bag. Her eyes were red, and she was too thin. Across one cheek bone, an angry bruise had bloomed purple and red. Rhys' heart dropped into his feet, but as she asked, he didn't say anything.
"You still got that spare room?" she asked.
Rhys picked up her bag and moved it inside. Feyre stepped in, Rhys closed the door behind her, and then very gently, wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, as her arms came up to his back and she leaned into him. "I'm so sorry."
Th angst is reeeaallll but seriously my dudes we made it and I am about to get REAL fluffy on your asses. That's right, it's an angst-fluff-smut parade.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-babies @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @asteria-of-mars@booksmusicandgoodvibes @burritowithfeels
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iamdunn · 3 years
 Miraculous Flash Forward part 9: A New Dynamic
A Miraculous Fan-Fic
Written by
AJ Dunn
Adrien couldn’t wait to get back home and start making preparations. The trip to Paris hadn’t gone as badly as he was afraid it would. In fact, maybe he and Marinette could put their past behind them finally and start a life together. He had agreed to stay for the wedding since Marinette had gone through the trouble of making his Tux for him, and Nino wouldn’t have let him leave, he would have released Alya on him and that was frightening enough considering she had Trixx to back her up. Plus, Luka had Sass and he really didn’t need that kind of drama in his life. Honestly, he was happy he went. Even Nino saved a place for him after 5 years, in this case, the place of best man. 
“I will.” She had said. The memory of her words played in his mind as they swayed around the dance floor. She had agreed to be his roommate in Shanghai. She swore she didn’t want him to leave her and that she truly did love him. Plus, losing her roommate meant she was looking for a new one. He was certain though that his studio condo wasn’t going to be sufficient for them. She would need her own room and considering how flustered he made her, he would need a private room so she didn’t lose herself whenever he walked around without a shirt on. 
“Yeah, no more hanging out in the seating area in nothing but a towel,” Plagg said to him as they prepared to leave for the airport. 
“Who knows, I might occasionally forget and well…”
“You’ll be quickly reminded when she walks through the walls to get away from you.” Plagg laughed. Adrien laughed too imagining her overdramatic reactions. Adrien’s phone rang. 
“Are you sure about this Adrien?” Felix said. He had told his cousin he would need to upgrade his suite and asked for him to get him in touch with the management company. 
“Absolutely,” Adrien smiled. “I wouldn’t want her getting a cheap apartment, that neighborhood is bad news, besides, she still doesn’t speak Mandarin and I can’t have her getting lost here again can I? OH, and I am going to tell her about us.” His words came out so quickly he hoped his cousin would agree and not snap at him. 
“Do you trust her that much?” Felix sounded shocked. “Having her move in with you is one thing, but this affects us both.” 
“Yes, I do. Besides, if this is going to work, her and I can’t have secrets between us.” 
“It’s a shame she didn’t have a twin sister.” Felix scoffed. 
“What?” Adrien teased. 
“Nothing, never mind… shut up.” Felix snorted. “I’ll send them a message to call you.” He hung up. 
The flight back was a sleepless one as Adrien reeled over the idea that Marinette was coming to live with him. This will change everything. He tried to sleep but, listening to music, even tried doing some reading. Sleep didn’t come until he was back home in his own bed. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep when his phone rang.
“Mr. Graham De Vanily?” the voice came over. “Ah, Mr. Graham De Vanily called and said you wanted to renegotiate your lease.” Adrien refrained from laughing. 
“Adrien please.” he laughed, “And my cousin, he’s just Felix.” It is still funny when people see them together, and they have the same last name, but then call each other cousins. A thing that had always been fun. “Yes, I want a larger unit.” 
“I’m afraid the only unit we have available larger than the one you are in, is our 3 bedroom two bath unit at the opposite end of your floor.” 
“That’s perfect.” He refrained from using his cattish terminology with such a business call. Although the excitement in him wanted to so badly. 
“Fine, I shall send the paperwork over immediately, I assume you want to make the transition before the end of the month? As that is when your lease is due to renew.” 
“Yes of course.” 
“Please get the paperwork back to us promptly.” A ding came through his phone the second he hung up. It was an email from the property management containing the digital documents that he needed to Esign and return. He made haste to finish the paperwork before heading out to see Cheng Sifu and check on the temple. The sky was clear as Adrien made his way home from Cheng Sifu’s restaurant with a sack of leftovers and a few grocery items he had bought on the way. By grocery items that meant cheese for Plagg. While Camembert wasn’t available here, Manchego had become his replacement. 
They leaped from rooftop to rooftop not worried about remaining unseen as he had before the reunion. It felt freeing to just be himself and not hide anymore. His students already called him Laoshi Mao, though they didn’t know why it wasn’t Laushi Adrien. Well, Mao sounded a lot better. He slipped through the balcony door and wondered what their new apartment would look like. He was sure all of the units on this floor had a balcony. His phone ran just as he entered the apartment and before he transformed. It was a video call. 
“Hello M’Lady,” he answered in his most cattish tone. She giggled then began swatting away at some unseen thing, most likely the Kwami’s. 
“They’re all excited to be moving and they have been trying to pack for me.” She giggled again. 
“Well, I am Pawsitively feeling clawssome about it too, M'Lady.” 
“You dork.” She laughed. “Detransform and feed Plagg.” She said playfully. 
“As you wish.” he let his transformation go as Plagg darted into the bag and began tearing at the plastic wrapper. “Hold on, this guy… “ he set the phone down and tried to wrestle the package from the nearly rabid creature. “Hold on, let me open the package at least, you’re going to kill yourself.” Marinette laughed at the ordeal. It was certainly going to be interesting having so many Kwami’s around. 
Adrien reached over, picking up the phone again as Plagg stole away the now open package. “You’d think I starve him.”
“So, how was your day?” she said in a melodic tune. 
“It would have been better if you were already here.” He said holding up a clear plastic container containing remnants of the Crab stew which had become one of his favorite dishes. The container had Cheng’s restaurant label on it.
“Did you tell him?” Her face went into a look of concern. 
“I’ll have you know I am a cat of my word,” he said nonchalantly. 
“Of course not.” A look of relief as she wanted to surprise him. She even insisted that her mother and father keep their tongue too. Threatening not to write or call for a week if they did. They were so happy for her to be moving to Shanghai, not to mention in with Adrien. Their faces lit up as they began discussing nicknames for grandkids. Adrien found the whole conversation unnerving at first but when he saw the looks on their faces, the pure joy, he felt grateful they were such wonderful people. 
He still hadn’t talked to Emelie despite her condition improving. Amalie maintained the radio silence as well after Felix had threatened to cut her out of his life completely if she didn’t give Adrien space. Though, Adrien hadn’t told Marinette about all of that mess yet. He was afraid it would scare her off and he wanted her to enjoy her time here before bombing her with it. 
Weeks had gone by as Adrien packed up his studio and shuffled all of his stuff into the new apartment. The Apartment opened up into the foyers, with a partial wall separating it from the living room. The kitchen to the right just like his old apartment had a counter divider with two bar stools on the living room side. The marble decor was the same as his old unit, taking into mind the carpeting in the living room stopped before the bar stools. The coat closet next to the front door was slightly deeper like a mini walk-in.  There was a small dining table situated by the windowed wall in the kitchen. It was twice the size of his last kitchen. 
He found the stairs to the loft in the same place however instead of an open bedroom area there were four doors. One was a bathroom and the other three bedrooms. The master bedroom, being nearly the size of his last unit, had its own bathroom with a walk-in shower and jet stream tub. The second and third bathrooms were on either side of the bathroom. Adrien decided to move his stuff into the smaller of the two rooms closest to the stairs so that Marinette could have the main room with her own bathroom. 
It only took him a week to clean out the old unit and clean it even though professional cleaners would be in to clean it properly. The unit was unfurnished but the furniture from the old unit was bought by Amelie so he had a few bell boys help him move it into the new unit. He had only to buy a bed for Marinette before she got there. He had Sabine pick out some furniture online and he ordered it. 
The two weeks flew by faster as he spent more time at the temple tutoring the youth. As well as his daily chores there.
A video call with Marinette came in very early in the morning, though it wasn’t that early where she was at. She had just arrived at the airport with her parents who were seeing her off. Her bags were checked and she was standing in front of the windows overlooking the runway. 
“I can’t wait to see you, Princess.” He said enthusiastically as he lay in his bed. He tried to not let her see he was in bed or that he didn’t have a shirt on, she’d be a mess and end up missing her flight. 
“Did I wake you?” She looked guilty 
“I wouldn’t have missed this call for anything Princess, you better get on that plane you let me down now.” he winked at her. 
“Don’t worry, that was her boarding call. We are putting her on the plane right now,” Tom said. Adrien chuckled as they hung up the phone. 
“I’m just surprised you love birds are going to be in separate rooms.” Plagg teased. “How long is that going to last?”
“Hey, you have your own room now, what are you harassing me for?” Adrien teased him.
“Actually that is going to be Marinette’s sewing room, right?” Plagg had a point. 
“I mean, when she gets here, you can start staying in the miracle box with the others.” 
“Too cramped. I need to stretch my legs and be free.” Plagg folded his arms behind his head as he hovered over the bed. Adrien copied him as he lay in his bed. His phone ran again, this time it was Felix.
“I’ll be coming to Shanghai today, I am at the airport now.” He sounded rushed.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Adrien asked. It meant he would be on the same plane with Marinette. His stomach balled up. 
“A last minute showing of some new designs and they can’t seem to be able to agree on one.” Felix said something to the boarding clerk. “I need you to attend with me.” 
“I have classes, I can’t cancel them, plus I am now tutoring some of my students.” Adrien complained. It made things worse that he wouldn’t be able to spend time with Marinette. 
“I’m sure we can arrange the viewing for after your classes or before. What time is your fist class and last class….” He paused. “You know what, we can discuss that when I get there.” his voice had changed from rushed to pleasant and happy. Damn, did he see Marinette, is he sitting with her? Adrien’s anxiety tightened on his chest as he laid back against his pillow. 
After a long and nerve wracking day, Adrien stood at the airport waiting for both his cousin and his...friend? He hadn’t bothered to change his clothes after he finished at the temple, so he was still dressed in his yi-fu. He decided to wait near the baggage claim so he could help grab her luggage. Felix would likely have one bag and it was probably a carry on. Adrien saw her bags first and grabbed up. She had a lot as he had expected, they were pink with darker pink polka dots, no surprise there. As he finished loading them on a luggage cart he heard Felix’s voice. 
“Are you serious Marinette, that would be great.” Felix sounded excited, a tone he didn’t use very often. Adrien could feel the heat in his face as he tried to compose himself before turning around to greet them. 
“Adrien.” Marinette exclaimed as he turned around to catch her as she leaped into his arms. He spun her around holding her tightly and making a big show of it. “Look who found me on the plane, he wants me to come with you two to the fashion showing this afternoon.” Adrien feigned a smile. While Marinette was the fashion expert between the three of them, he wasn’t sure if his cousin’s intentions were pure, or if he was competition. 
“So, I hope you got that sare bedroom made up for me…” Felix leaned in to whisper. “Brother.” Adrien’s face burned even more now, said spare bedroom was right next to her room and well, was empty. 
“Sure, if you don’t mind sleeping on the floor.” Adrien laughed as they loaded up in the car. Felix pulled out his phone and made a call. 
“I need a spare bed set up in the Graham De Vanily room, you’ll know which room.” Adrien was amazed at how resourceful his cousin was. This is why he is the primary controlling party for the company.  The ride back to the apartment in the Taxi was cramped with Marinette wedged between Adrien and Felix. Adrien, being clearly larger than his twin, though not too much. Marinette let out a loud yawn so Adrien threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her head into his chest casting a possessive glance to Felix, who simply smirked back to him. 
The Bus boys carried her bags to the suite. 
“I don’t know about you two, but I am famished.’ Felix said, “Shall we step out for dinner?”
“That sounds great, we should go to Thousand Delights?” Adrien smiled at her excitement. 
“Are you okay to go, Marinette,” Adrien asked “You were nearly falling asleep in the plane, you might need a nap.”
“Nonsense. She’s fine.” Felix swooped a hand over her shoulder and led her back to the curb. “Shall I call a driver to come get us, less cramped than a taxi.” Competition is then. Adrien scowled. 
“If my accommodations aren’t sufficient for you, COUSIN,” Adrien slid his arm around her waist tugging her to his side and out of Felix’s hands. “You are welcome to make your own. Felix’s smile was one of mischief as he let his arm fall from her shoulders. Her face froze in a ‘what just happened’ expression. A few minutes later a mini black limo arrived and the driver moved quickly to open the door.
“Lady’s first.” Felix insisted then slid in after her. Adrien ran to the other side to let himself in next to her. Once again, Marinette was trapped between the two, though Adrien focuses on the fact, she would be staying with him when Felix returned to Paris. 
“Where’s your ring?” Adrien finally asked, having noticed his hand free of it when his arm was around Marinette.
“I uh, Amalie,” he choked. “They want yours as well to get them refinished or something.” Adrien slipped the ring off his finger and handed it to Felix.
“I don’t know what Amalie and Emelie want with them, but they have no meaning to me.” Adrien turned to the window.
“Ooookay.” Marinette’s voice broke through the awkwardness. “Amalie? Emelie? Not mother?” 
“It’s a long story.” Felix said, patting her knee. 
“Well, tell me tonight, when we get back?” Marinette’s voice was so sweet. Adrien was glad didn’t didn’t stumble over her words like she did when they were younger, now he could have a real conversation with her and actually know the true intentions of her words. 
“We will have plenty of time to talk about that Marinette,’ Adrien smiled at her as he put his arm around her shoulders again, “But let’s just have some fun first,” He kissed her forehead, casting a glance to Felix. The thought of telling her made his stomach clench and he could tell it was difficult for Felix too. Not exactly something that comes up in casual conversation.
Cheng Sifu was excited to see him, but his confusion over the “Cousin” kept him constantly glancing back and forth between them. Felix and Adrien smiled at him, then they both laughed.
“Cheng Sifu, we get that all of the time, our mothers are identical twins as well.” Adrien didn’t mean to add that, but it was too late. 
“What he means is, we share the Graham De Vanily twin genes.” Felix to the rescue, casting a scowl at Adrien. “Which means.” smiling at Marinette, “When we have children, our wives will bear us twins.” Adrien caught the wink in his eye. 
“Well, I don’t think we need to worry about you having any children any time soon Felix,” Adrien leaned back in his seat as his empty bowl sat in front of him. He wrapped an arm around Marinette, “You have to have a girlfriend first.” He gave Marinette a gentle squeeze and a smile.
“Oh.” Felix said, putting his napkin down on the table. “And you do? I thought she was just a friend?”
“Yeah, she is.” Adrien smiled at her. “A girlfriend.” He placed a quick kiss on her startled lips. Making a show of it before Felix could question if he even had a chance. Adrien knew Marinette had loved him since day one, even though she only knew the facade his father created, but he loved her for her. 
“I see.” Felix’s tone seemed to have a playful melody to it. “I’m happy to hear that.” Cheng Sifu began to play his happiest of songs on his accordion. 
“I always knew the two of you would be together someday.” A joyful tear fell down his cheek. 
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