#and traveling to do it aparently
katerinaaqu · 16 days
Was Helen in Troy for 20 years?
This is a very good question given how sources often contradict themselves as well. Sorry if this gets long! There is a passage in Homer's Iliad in rhapsody 24 during the funeral of Hector or the preparation of it. Helen joins the mourning women and says this:
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"Hector, most beloved to my heart than any of my husband's brothers, for the godlike Alexander is my husband, who led me to Troy; if only I had died then! For it is the twentieth year since when I have come here and left my homeland"
(Translation by me)
So it seems like here Helen implies that she was 20 years in Troy. Other sources seem to disagree with this characterization and adapt a more moderate timeline; Helen was traveling around a year with Paris before settling to Troy plus the 10 years of war.
Unlike the Odyssey that has a clear-cut timeline that speaks about 20 years and counting, the Iliad is not as clean as that. Helen doesn't seem to imply anywhere else inside the poem that she was more than the years that the siege of Troy takes place.
Now Homer could indeed be literal and speak of an aparent 10 year preparation between Helen's taking to Troy and Hector's funeral and negotiations and such and there seems to be a record for a first gathering of the fleet before Aulis where the fleet suffered a huge loss from the winds. However one needs to note as well how Iliad doesn't take place at the 10th year of war but somewhere at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th. So there seems to be one year left to be filled up. Now of course one could count the year where Helen roams about with Paris but there seems to be an interesting thought here; that Homeric texts used the term "20" here as to imply a very long time.
The term "20 years" here could be more equivalent to what we say nowadays "it took eons to do this" or "it took me forever" or "one eternity later". It is possible that Helen is not being literal here but implying she has been a very long time in there. I tend to side with this version more for many reasons; timeline that includes 10 years extra doesn't make much sense. It could imply that the characters involved in it are way above their 40s and that doesn't seem the case. Helen and Menelaus were ellegedly married for 10 years in Sparta. Even if Helen was married at 15 that doesn't seem to be logical to assume that she would be 25 when following Paris and 45 by the end of the war. That would make Menelaus over 50 at the end of the war, Odysseus probably way over 60 and Nestor like way over 70 if not over 80. Not to mention the few years that Menelaus needed to come back to his homeland and his shipwreck in Egypt. That would make him way over his 60s in the Odyssey and that doesn't seem to be the case from his descriptions (he ain't described as being old as opposing to Nestor in Iliad) As a timeline seems to be way too extended. What is more, it seems that preparing 10 years for a siege is not a very logical assumption either. Why would the Greeks wait so long to make a second ensemble? One or tops two years seems reasonable but 10? Why would they wait 10 more years to reach Troy? (of course here we have many local traditions that want to insert some heroes of the Trojan war roaming about the area before reaching Troy).
In one essence this timeline would be way too unreasonably extended even for mythology standards. So in my opinion when Helen says she was "20 years at Troy" she just implies "it has been a lifetime ago since I came here" or "it has been so long since I came here!"
But you can of course interpret it literally if you want. I hope that helps!
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partywithoutsmiling · 5 months
On the topic of Brozone
When it comes to their parents, family and family situation, Part 2:
(You can read part one here)
Lack of Parental Oversight - None of the brothers knew about Thorn's real identity and the reason behind his disappearance (Mulberry suspected, but it was not something she would share with her underage sons) - resentment certainly brewed, as in their mind their father abandoned them, and their mother's refusal to move with them into the Troll Tree hurt - Brazen, while disapproving his daughter's choice in mate, adored his grandsons, and as Brozone became succesful, decided to travel to Mulberry's village to talk some sense into her and to convince her to come back with him (This happening a year after the brothers arrived at the Tree) - Unknown to all, he never arrived to his destination, plucked up by a Bergen Party, whose search for Trolls got more and more desperate and greedy - While this was going on, Thorn managed to escape Volcano City and flee back to Pop Troll territory- reuniting with Mulberry again, much to their joy - Deciding to join their sons at the Troll Tree- and with a little 'package' urging them- they brought with them the news that Brazen never arrived and disappeared, much to Rosiepuff's and Mulberry's distress - Thorn was the one to propose go search for him- after all, there was well known travelled path all Pop Trolls took to cross the Territory, and they were bound to find some clues along the way - Thus leaving Branch's egg in Rosiepuff's care, both Thorn and Mulberry set out on their journey, leaving their sons once more, this time with additional brother to care for and with the knowledge that their Grandfather might never come back - Rosiepuff's distress and worry over large chunk of family had caused her to become distracted, and thus was unable to see the start of self-destruction Brozone was heading towards
Undiscovered Family Tragedy: - Of course, this doesn't have a happy ending; following Brazen's path, they met the encroaching Bergen's head on, and while they were able to thus discover Brazen's fate, they themselves were captured and eventually eaten - None of this was suspected by the older Brozone Brothers; the reports of disappearances and destruction of settlements arrived quietly, meant only for the Royal Ears only- and remained secret for years, as decided by the King at the time (not Peppy), well into Brozone breaking up and going sepparate ways - It was shortly after that the Bergens suddenly arrived in the night and chased the Trolls to hide in the Troll Tree to cage them in, that the truth came out for the adult populace to learn- but by then it was too late, and all the Trolls could do was watch helplessly as the true destruction became aparent - While they lived ignorantly in the Tree or near the Tree, the surrounding forest had been chopped down and uprooted, and town was built in its place, a ramshackle gathering of buildings at first and the barebones of a castle, but enough for the Bergens to make themselves at home - First Trollstice happened fairly early on after, causing the Death of the Pop King and passing the rule down to his daughter, Queen Cala and her spouse, King Consort Peppy, making their daughter Viva the Crown Princess
Destinations - With the break up, only Clay remained in the Troll Tree; he never went out of his way to return to his Grandmother's place as in his 15yo fury, he wanted to avoid both his brothers and his Grandmother's disappointment. He went to watch Branch few times after their caging just to make sure he was still okay, but in large refused to return, enjoying the way he could finally breathe and be himself without any responsibility; when the escape happened, he was barely 18yo and still not to keen on being a guardian to a child, and thus decided to find Branch and his Grandmother after the new Village was established- a plan that never came to fruition and decision that haunted him for 20 years onward. As far as he hopes, his family is alive. - Spruce/Bruce, 17yo, headed east- always wanting to see the Ocean, and finding peace among the Vacationers on their Island, eventually meeting Brandy and starting family with her. Desire to see his Brothers at his wedding prompted him to send a postcard, destination Troll Tree- one that never reached the intended recipient untill several years later, and prompting Spruce- now Bruce- to push that bitter hurt of being forgotten behind him. As far as he knows, his family is alive - Both JD and Floyd headed north; JD towards the Neverglades, about which Thorn told him plenty, in the hopes of finally being able to breathe free, while Floyd was actually hoping to find their parents as his secondary goal; JD eventually returning after several years after the big escape to find out what happened, while Floyd rushed back as soon as he found signs of destroyed settlements, realizing something was very wrong - By the time Floyd arrived, it was already shortly after the escape and he found torn up Tree and plenty of bodies in the cave ins - Both Floyd and JD largely think that their Family is dead, while Floyd hopes that with his older brothers leaving the Tree before him, he might be wrong
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lyrenminth · 5 months
Quiet love 3/?
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The things went down from there. You avoided him more than ever while your grieved your friendship and your unrequited love. It was a big loss, so much that you asked money from your parents for a deposit. You contacted the external friend Lydia told you about, and she was looking for a roommate. Her name was Grace and she sounded kind by the phone. You didn't thought it was so bad. Since Justin was preparing for the games he was busy but you could tell he was avoiding you too and that hurt you even more. You stopped having dinner together and it was more like you hiding in your room or arriving late.
When you saw him, you were polite and distant.
The dynamic was killing you inside.
You started packing your things when Grace told you the previous roomate was leaving. You signed the lease to secure your exit. It was time to put your big girl pants.
One day your mom video called you, and she was worried.
"You don't feel comfortable in his house?" she asked.
"It's not that...I need my space. I can't be living in his house forever, mom" you explained. She bite her lip. "Please, respect my decisions"
"That's ok, but I don't want you to go homeless"
You laughed. "Don't worry about that"
"Holly wanted to talk to you" she lowered his voice. "She is worried about Justin"
You felt as if someone was throwing a bucket of cold water on you.
"Justin hasn't answer any calls or messages from anyone since a week ago. She didn't want to panic because the NFL is rough but that's a lot of time. And since you are living with him she wanted you to check on him" your mom explained. "Maybe the stress of the game is taking a toll on him"
You blinked. The Chargers weren't exactly winning but it wasn't that bad. They had a good record.
"Yeah, don't worry. I'm going to check on him"
"And how you are doing, darling?"
You smiled through the pain.
"Good I like my new job" you started "And California is great, I meet..."
You told your mom everything about the courses and your discoveries, but you mind was on Justin.
When you finished the call, you sent him a message. He was traveling for an away game so it was less likely to answer you but you tried anyway.
Your mom is worried bout you.
Be a good son and send her a message pls
For your suprise, he replied within minutes. It was ten pm.
I'll do
Thank you
The three dots appeared, and you looked at the screen expecting something but after a couple of seconds it stopped. And you heart broke more.
Losing a friend fucking sucks.
On Sunday, Justin got injured during the game. So you were worried about him and decided to stay a couple of days just to see how he was doing. You told Grace and Lydia about delaying moving in.
You were doing a favor to Holly and Mark while they arrived to L.A. His manager, Ashley was in the house at times too. You met a lot of people from his world. Coaches, therapists and assistants.
You realize how important he was for the team.
They always looked at you in surprise then look at Justin like saying "Who's this chick?" it was uncomfortable, but he never told them you were his friend or his lover either. You were just Y/N.
You made him breakfast often. The doctor was optimistic about the injury, he could move and do many things, but he was grumpy most of the time. Being out of the game was one of the things he hated the most. You helped him to stand up and drive him to the facility for his therapy.
"If you need something send me a message" you said, he was in the kitchen eating breakfast.
"Thank you"
"You welcome"
His eyes were speaking but you couldn't decipher the words.
"The boxes...are you leaving?" he struggled to say.
Did he checked your room? Why? Why does he always act like he cares?
"Yeah, I found a nice aparment"
"I- well, were you comfortable here?" his expression was unreadable.
"Yes, thank you for letting me stay" you grabbed your bag and looked at the clock. "Ashley must be here at anytime. I should go to work, you can change your diaper yourself, right?" you joked.
The truth was the injury made you feel less angry with him. It didn't matter that he didn't want you back, you didn't like to see him suffer. He was still an important person in your life, no matter how painful was to look at him now.
And you promise in middle school to have each other's backs.
"Yes, I'm an expert now" he replied, following the joke. You lingered in your place for a couple of seconds, just to see if he said something, but nope. So you said goodbye and left the house.
When you arrive at noon, Holly and Mark were there. You were so happy to see them too.
"Oh, it is so nice to see you again" you hugged them, feeling relieved.
"Look at you" said Holly at your attire. A pencil skirt and a blazer, both in purple color "You look stunning"
That night you put your best act. Nobody could tell Justin and you weren't speaking to each other days ago. And you were glad to have more familiar faces around.
You were talking about your impressions of California, and Justin didn't speak so much. Maybe he wanted to rest since he looked tired.
"She found an apartment too" Justin added, and he sounded so bitter it made you frown.
Holly and Mark looked at you.
"Wow, it is expensive?" Mark asked.
"Not that expensive"
"Did Justin told you something?" Holly asked, looking at his son.
"Not, not at all. It was just time"
"I bet"
Justin was glaring at you, and you didn't understood why he was mad. Maybe he was feeling pain again. You didn't want to deal with his mood swings.
"You should go to sleep a little bit" you suggested, in a cold tone.
The rubbed his eyes and nodded.
"I'm tired" he sighed.
The mood shifted. You felt the tension in your spine and tried to rescue the night.
"Everyone must be tired" you said, standing up and picking up the plates. "You come from a long travel from Oregon" you said to Justin's parents "You better sleep a little bit"
His parents imitated you, but you noticed Mark side-eyed Justin with disapproval.
In the morning, you were preparing in your room for work when someone knocked your door.
It was Justin in all his splendor. Looking grumpy as ever.
"Can we talk?"
"Sure" you said without looking at him.
He got inside and closed the door.
"Are you parents up?" you asked, putting lipstick on in front of the mirror.
That morning you were feeling better. Justin's parents always put you in a good mood.
The boxes were still sealed in the corner of your room. When he didn't replied you turned around to look at him. He was fidgeting with the hem of his Nike shirt.
"Is everything alright?" you prompted.
"Yeah...no, no really" You tilted your head to one side, looking at him up and down. "I'm sorry"
The apology landed in a sore spot.
"For what?" you were using the profesional voice you use for clients. His behavior last night was unacceptable. Ridiculous.
"For lying to you" you frowned "I know, I've always know but I was scared and I'm so sorry for being a coward. And for last night too, I was a douche"
"W-what are you talking about?" you asked, referring to the first part of his speech.
"I like you...I like you since highschool or even before, I don't know" he admitted, quickly.
You stopped breathing for a second, your organs melting inside your body.
"Why did you tell me you weren't sure?" you were cautious. At first you didn't believe him, you needed to prevent any type of miscommunication.
"Because I was scared" he explained, walking three steps toward you only to stop suddenly. You didn't move an inch "I...my lifestyle makes me feel like I can't be in a relationship, I'm busy all the time. I don't want you to feel neglected. It's just that...I wasn't ready for the change"
You studied his words and expression, he sounded and looked sincere.
He got closer again, reaching for you like a giant lost kid.
"Are you ready for the change now?" you asked, not processing completely what was happening.
"Yes, yes I am" he touched your shoulder, and you noticed he was shaking slightly. Poor Justin.
You grinned, standing on your tiptoes to hug him carefully. He hug you back, hiding his face on the curve of your neck.
"Justin, do-do you like me?" you wanted to hear him once again. Only to know you weren't dreaming. You looked at him "Is this happening?"
"Yes, I like you"
"Why do you decide to tell me now?"
"My dad sensed something was off and talked to me" he said "I just needed to hear it from someone I trust"
"Hear what?"
"What I'm losing by letting you go"
"I'm going to say thank you to him" he laughed. His expression morphed into something serious, desire. His pretty green eyes scanned your face for a sign, his eyes lingered on your lips. A silent plea. You leaned forward, and he tilt his head only to brush his lips against yours. The warm of his lips sent a shiver down your spine, and you put your hand on his chest to steady yourself. You could feel how fast his heart was beating. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered aggressively.
He did it again, only to make sure you weren't running away. In the third, his pretty mouth landed on yours, and you opened your lips. Kissing Justin felt right all the way. He was careful at the beginning, but as the time pass you needed more. You tongue search for his, and he gave you all you wanted. You fist his shirt, dragging him down to your height.
"Oh my god!" Holly's voice startled you both. You separate, your cheeks burning red. You glance at Justin who was looking the same. "I-I made breakfast, guys" she said, hiding a smile.
"Thanks, mom" Justin said in the most causal tone he could gather.
"I'll wait for you in the kitchen"
When she was gone, you touched your lips. Justin had lipstick on his lips too. You laughed and he looked at you confused.
"You look good with that tone" you said, looking for a wipe. He looked in your mirror and frowned. You gave him the wipe so he could clean himself.
The breakfast was kinda uncomfortable. Holly was trying to act cool, but you were nervous.
"Are you guys dating?" Mark asked, by looking at your face.
"Yes" Justin said, eating bacon.
His answer made you happy. Was this really happening? He sounded so confident about it.
"About time! I'm calling your mom!' announced Holly only to be stopped by Mark.
You knew your mom made some gestures toward Justin indicating her likeness for him as your partner, but you never expect Holly to like you too.
It was heart-warming.
"Once Justin is recovered you should go to the games, using his number and everything" Holly suggested. You were at some games before, wearing the colors of the team, but never official merchandise (you weren't the most fan) but the idea of being there as his partner was terrifying and exciting at the same time.
Justin looked at you with warmness in his eyes. And you swore he was the most beautiful man in the world.
The idea of dating him was the best.
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tosxah · 8 months
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𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ .  Starters
@nagareboshiko asked: stolen kisses while hiding away from a crowd (wiggles brows)
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At no point had he thought they hid their relationship intentionally. It had somehow just ended up that way. The Travller, hero to the people of Teyvat and a Harbinger with a crime sheet longer than his polearm? Not that it was ever about saving face for either of them, or even protecting themselves... it just happened that way. Stolen moment, romantic rendezvous, or even on nights like tonight when he just wanted to have her all for himself.
Despite how it would seem Liyue made less fuss about his odd aparence every now and then, but there were still plenty that remembered. Well, in all fairness it hadnt been that long really. The younger people seemed to pay him no mind, and with the Northern bank it wasnt exactly like his clothes really stood out too much, but for the older people or survivors he certainly seemed to have a face that was hard to forget. Regardless, he paid their looks and whispers little heed as he walked with the Traveller through the streets, the lantern rite in full swing. His reputation seemed to be far from the problem. It was hers. People adored her. But no one more than him. And after the millionth person stopped her to thank her for some such task she had done on their behalf the harbinger grabbed her hand.
Her hand was petite and fit perfectly in his, he looked about as casually as he could to not draw suspicion before pulling her toward a gap between some houses. It was darker and quieter there, despite the crowds walking past. After pressing her into a wall, cornering her with no where to go, he leant down, cupping her face as he pressed his lips against hers. Archons he had wanted to do that all evening. He savoured the sensation of their kiss, longing and firm yet gentle. Damn he had forgotten how to breathe, when their lips seperated he let out a breath and pressed his forehead against hers. "Why do you have to be so damn popular." He smilled, speaking lowley. Goddamn, he was annoyed at all of her unwarranted company, it made him feel insane.
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20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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raapija · 8 months
So I've been thinking (cuase this is the only thought aloud aparently)
So obvs they all live and work in diffrent places (rip Carlos in Italy and lando in monaco) so do they all come back to strollonso house for holidays etc.
But then I thought that they probs decided there is enough of them that they just get a house/flat for the races instead of staying in the hotels, I can just so clearly see lance sat there booking all of them soon as the calender comes out and adding it to the family calender cuase boys got standards and won't put up with nandos choices.
Lance has mountains of notebooks and travel plans ahead of each season. He's scouring the internet for the best routes and places to stay at and has a whole and precise plan for each weekend that MUST. BE. FOLLOWED. ☝️
He's totally an airport dad that throws the family in the car 12 hours in advance and there's no buts. Dragging that raggedy ass family behind him and powerwalking through the airport to their gate 😭 ABSOLUTELY NO STOPPING AT COFFEE SHOPS OR TAX FREE STORES, number one priority is to get on that plane with the least amount of distractions for Nando to cause havoc and rope the kids into his shenanigans.
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Everyone always nags about his meticulous planning but are then surprised at how nice places he finds and has all these fun activities and things for them to do between media and racing ✨
I spent more time on that meme than I should've.
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swordofsuns · 3 months
Dnd arc 4: FINALE! (part 1 ig)
And so our party departs into the tunnels connecting the former city of Axum on the surface to the City of Mirrors in the underdark. The path down is long and winding, and takes us several fairly uneventful days to reach the bottom. along the way we run into some people travelers heading up who fill us in on whats going on in the underdark while we inform them that Axum doesnt exactly exist anymore. As we learn from them, aparently after Ira ran away, her sister, Adhera took the throne from their aging mother, who had stepped down. Adhera made a deal with the Flesh Prince of mutual protection and started a few wars to conquer neighboring territories. Do to this, she ended up getting pretty unpopular with everybody, from nobles to commoners alike, and there is a small rebellion group called The Sparrows who are trying to overthrow her and replace her with Ira. Ira is not thrilled about the prospect of becoming queen, but we agree that we should probably try and get some support from The Sparrows against a common enemy, but maybe try to make sure Ira doesnt have to become queen, as it would mean giving up her art and witchcraft. Later that night Ira has a dream where she meets the Bird who informs her that after Paro died last time, they wont be revived until Ira does something for her in the City of Mirrors, probably relating to the sparrows though this is communicated entirely through charades and interpretive dance so its kinda unclear.
When we arrive at the city, we do some exploring and eventualy run into some of the Sparrows. They are mostly members of the aristocracy who use magic masks to hide their identities and voice from each other, and all have bird codenames (ie Lady Hummingbird, Lord Crow). The two people in charge of the opperation are Lady Nightingale and Lord Hawk. Nightingale is in charge of PR basicaly, and how they convince the people that Ira is the better choice by "crafting a story", while Hawk is a powerful sorcerer (who we deduct is the court mage) who supplies all the magic and technical planning.
They inform us that the only way to get Adhera off of the throne, which we would need to get access to the Well of Creation and save some more of our kidnapped friends, would be to challenge Adhera for the throne in a traditional duel. In addition, it can only be done by an heir to the throne, and the only person in the line of succession at the moment is Ira. Ira very reluctantly agrees, but decides that after becoming queen she can find some way to step down or get rid of the crown, first she just has to take down Adhera.
In the end in the middle of a parade with Adhera in the rear, we all show up on top of a bridge, and challenge her to a duel, and, as we are in puplic, she is forced to agree. also Val notices that the mount that she is riding is a wierd demon monster who probably used to be his sibling.
We all meet up in the main castle, and the fight begins between Ira and Adhera. Though Ira has both her Broom of Flight and literaly Excalibur (I dont think I mentioned that actualy)(Ira found excalibur way back in the fey arc)(it was broken though but Prometheus fixed it on the way down here), she is honestly not really a physical match for Adhera, and is about to lose when suddenly Ira and Adheras mother walks into the room. Adhera, for seemingly no reason (back before Ira left her mother and her sister got along well) begins going balistic, throwing a javelin at her unarmed, unarmored mother, though misses, before collapsing on the ground and begining to froth at the mouth from poison, and screaming about how "SHE DID IT TO ME AND SHELL DO IT TO YOU TOO! SHE WILL DO IT TO YOU TOO!"
Max manages to stop the poison from killing her, but significant mental damage was caused by the poison and adhera is seemingly incoherant. from what Max can tell the poison was a slow acting poison that had probably been fed to her at breakfast. Ira wins the duel by default, and immediately as her first order as queen arrests Lady Nightshade (her mother) for poisoning Adhera, as well as the fact that Ira had deducted that Lady Nightshade was also Lady Nightingale, and thats treason. Lord Hawk/ the court magician is arested as well.
Also Actaeon is getting really old by now, and, when Max does a check up on him he notices that his blood is made of ice and that there seems to be something wrong with his heart.
Also while the fight was going on Val found that their sibling had been turned into a full demon monster, and was being kept as a pet by Adhera, and snuck away to free them, and in return their sibling gave them their parents severed but still beating heart before flying away.
We all go down to the dungeons and try to interogate Lady Nightshade, who admits to having poisoned her own daughter, but what we realize quickly is that she was queen for so long that at this point the only thing she cares about is her kingdom, and how she will do anything to make her people and her kingdom prosper, no matter the cost. When she realized that Adhera was taking the kingdom in a bad direction she led a coup to replace her, but knowing that Adhera would probably beat Ira she poisoned and attempted to kill Adhera so that Ira would be garenteed victory. altogether she is pretty abusive towards Ira the entire conversation. also Ira refuses to wear the crown and instead has it looped on her belt. We try to ask her about the Well of Creation but she refuses to answer other than to say that it will be the death of us. We do discover that she was romanticaly involved with the court mage though
We try interogating the court mage next, who at first refuses to answer any of our questions about the well of creation, but eventualy makes us a deal that if we promise to let Lady Nighshade out of the dungeon and simply banish her forever he'll tell us what we need to know. we dont like letting Nightshade go free but admit that she wont really be an issue if shes banished so we accept, and sent her off with a bodygaurd with orders to keep her safe but also ensure she never returns. After this the court mage agrees to tell us how to get to the Well of Creation, but immeadiately begins laughing because its impossible. first of all, though there is a path to the well of creation beneath the castle, the location of the path is not known to him, and it is locked with the only key being a secret known only to Lady Nightingale, who we cant ask as she is gone now. the only clue we have is that she claimed that it was something only the queen would have access to. Even more than that, though, once we got to the end of the tunnel, the Well of Creation is locked behind a massive set of stone doors that no matter how many adventuring crews they sent, could not be opened. To make things worse, before you get past the door, inscribed in the stone is a poem, and all those who read it were changed forever, simply walking away, selling all their things, and charting a boat off of the continent (oh btw quick worldbuilding thing: there is only one known continent, surrounded by a massive ocean, with only the parts near land charted. nobody knows whats out there of if there is other land masses. Any ships who travel out there either never return, or the people return... different, never speaking about what they saw). Red punches him in the face. Ira also punches him in the face.
Also it turns out that that night as we are discussing our options 1) actaeon begins hearing the drums of the Wild Hunt, calling him towards a battle, though he resists the call, 2) All the priest in the local church of the gravetender suddenly begin screaming about how they were being called for a final battle against an ancient evil and all sudenly and inexplicably turned into moss covered statues, and 3) fires could be seen all over the city as well as screams and sounds of violence.
we realize that were a out of time, and begin arguing over whether to help the Beast end this world in hopes of creating a better one, or help the Gods of the Tower (the current gods) preserve the world in fear of the new one being worse. Red is basicaly the only one on team "dont start the apocalypse" mainly because she is terrified of what would happen if the Leech got any semblance of power, though everybody else is team "whoo yay apocalypse" reasoning that their gods are pretty chill and this world sucks and has been terrible to them. Actaeon also supports the apocalypse because he believes it will allow Red to get her happy ending back. A full on physical fight breaks out between Red and the rest of the party for a bit as she tries to restrain them from ending the world, arguing that we should avoid the Well at all costs. In the end, Ira sneaks off to pay her respects to her dead lover who betrayed her years ago, but is contacted by the Bird, who leads her to a spring in the middle of the couryard, and implied that by dropping the crown in she will lose her title of queen and Paro will be returned. She holds the crown out to the water, feels the weight of her sister, her mother, her ancestors and her expectations, and drops it into the clear water. It drifts down a ways, before the water is filled with a jet black ink, and a the largest bird Ira has ever seen emerges. It is still Paro, though no longer a tiny mockingbird, but a 6 food jet black bird, with 6 eyes and 4 wings. it lands on her shoulder, colosal in size yet light as a feather. She sees the ink of the water drain away, and the liquid dries away, revealing a hidden path deep below to the Well of Creation.
Eventualy, Max convinces Red that even if we dont have to do anything in the well of creation, its probably best to head down there, just to look inside. Red reluctantly agrees and we all head down. At the bottom, we find the massive stone doors we were promissed, and we read the writing on it, though we are not driven mad. I forget how the writing went but it was something like "This is not a place of honor...(insert like 4 stanzas on the existential nature of reality here)...Come follow me into eternity". The poem implies that it was writen by the Drifter (god of peace and safe travel who disapeered 1000 years ago), and seems to be almost a suicide note of him losing faith in reality and deciding to jump into the well in order to stop existing.
Also at the bottom we find the two headed snake man from all the way back in that one random side session after the fae arc (I told you he would be important). turns out hes just been chilling down here for a while and fills us in on some more exposition: inside the door is the well of creation and the pillars of reality. using the pillars of reality we can determine who will win in the coming battle between the Tower(term for the human/modern gods) and the Wyrm(term for the beasts/old gods). also in order to open the door you need the power of each of the 5 elements. together Red, Snake boi, Braxton, Ira, and Kit all manage to push open the door using their respective powers, revealing the room inside. the second we step in, however, the door slams shut and we are locked inside. We start debating on whether or not we should end the world again, though Max is distracted by a message in his and bennys shared message book: "unclamp the eye on the front cover"(the book has a eye in the front). when he does, the eye suddenly open up, revealing a silver pocketwatch inside, which floats up above the well, and begins forming bone and flesh and monocrome suit and goat horns, until standing in the center of the room, fully in the flesh, stands benny. He smiles at us, and thanks us for doing the 1 part of his plan he couldn't do himself: smuggling his phylactery into the Well of Creation.
and this is actualy getting kinda long and im not even halfway done so im pull a hunger games and split the finale into 2 parts. (also all of this and the second part was 1 session. it took 11 hours)
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[[ log 16 ]]
~Partly Cloudy Conditions All Day~
~Wind Speeds Up to 12 km/h~
Time of writing this log is 2145
Duties done at the station:
𓇼 Winding of the Clockworks
𓇼 Gardening
ive been slowly studying the books mrs. osslik lended me and i think im gettin to understand this.
𓇼 Fog Watch
with it being colder earlier, i decided to do this just in case
𓇼 Mail Check
i got a letter from this gilbert ive been expecting! they tell me that all of their documents are "in check" and now we wait for them to get a "visa". i have no clue what that is, but mrs. osslik tells me its to let people into the country... so kind of like a peace treaty between two seas and the residents are able to freely travel between the two.
Today started off colder than usually in the recent days, so I had the chance to practice how to make Mrs. Chatham's tea drink. I invited her and Ms. Santos over and we began sharing stories of the weather phenomena all of us have gone through in the past. Mrs. Chatham has gone through multiple lunar eclipses, as well as 2 planetary alignments. Ms. Santos has aparently gone through a couple peculiar sea storms, as well as 1 planetary alignment and many lunar eclipses as well. They are lucky to see both, as I've only seen one solar eclipse, however I stay hopeful.
I finally had enough time to also take a night swim!! It was very much needed after basically a week of being on land. The feeling of diving under the surface and infinitly floating in suspense was just indescribable and I cannot wait to do more in these next few days.
May the Seas Guide You~~
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admrlthundrbolt · 1 year
Voices In My Head (Secco x Chubby Reader)
When Secco is distracted, Cioccolata investigates.
Hi guy, I'm back at it.
I just want someone to stick up for Secco and put Cioccolata in his place. So I made this, hope you enjoy.
Cioccolata was annoyed. Something had all but captured Secco's attention. He wasn’t the best to keep on task in the first place, at least without a pocketful of sugar cubes. Lately though, it seemed like that couldn't even reign him in.
No, something was different and Cioccolata was going to find the source of it.
You had received an assignment from Pericolo. Gather some details on an enemy stand user that was getting in the boss's way. Happy that it appeared to be a simple task, you left with a skip in your step.
The familiar raspy voice made your mood skyrocket. “Secco!” You braced yourself for what was coming. He collided into you, but your footing held.
He nuzzled into your plush form, head planted firmly between your ample breast. “Missed you.” Then he started grabbing at your bag.
“Hold on buddy. You can’t go through my stuff like that.” You said in a reprimanding tone.
He shrunk back and whined. “But you always have treats.”
You shook your head with a grin. “Of course I have something for my favorite guy, but you have to ask nicely.”
He nodded quickly. “Can I please have a treat.” Going out of his way to make a puppy face.
“How can I say no to a face like that.“ You then handed him a box of assorted candies.
Cioccolata stayed back to observe the interaction and was disgusted. This must be the distraction that had Secco off task so often. It was undoing all his hard training. Although, now that he got a look at you, you would be quite the specimen. All soft curves and cheery disposition, you could be entertaining to break.
But what in the world were you doing at headquarters. You must be some new underling. All the easier to pick you off.
“Secco, why don’t you introduce me to your little friend.“
“Yeah yeah. This is (Y/N), she has the best treats.”
“Hi, you must be Cioccolata. It's nice to finally put a face to the name.“ She puts out her hand for a shake.
He grabs it and is surprised when she meets his force equally. Her face shows no sign of pain. After a couple of stilted shakes he releases her hand. This was interesting, she knew of him. So not as new as he had assumed. Perhaps she was some in a similar line of work as himself.
“I’m surprised i’ve never heard of you. Especially with how enamored Secco seems.”
“Yeah, he’s such a sweet guy.”
He didn't enjoy how you skirted his probing. But they had to see someone about a job. So he excused themselves and had to practically drag Secco away from you. You waved and cheerily walked off.
He was going to keep an eye on you.
The next time you met was once again at the assignment manor. Where you had a confectionery for Secco and paid Cioccolata little to no mind. Until he interjected himself into the situation. At which point you would greet him then take your leave.
This pattern continues for a few more meetings. Cioccolata could feel his mind coming unhinged. With every passing interaction, he could see Secco's training ebb more and more.
So that led to this moment. Him waiting, by himself, for you to return to your aparment.
It has been fairly easy to trail you. Find out a few of your routines and of course where you resided.
Your home was cozy. A simple color scheme, with personal flair scattered about. A predictable kind of living space. Maybe you weren't as interesting as he had given you credit for.
He didn't have to wait long for your return. The deadbolt turned, he felt sweat unexpectedly bead on the back of his neck. You swung the door open a sharp twinge traveled up his spine. As you stepped in and shut the door behind you, his sudden urge to hide was inhuman. It swallowed him in an unbearable pit.
As she walked away from the door and turned to smile at him. “I was wondering when you would show up.”
Through gritted teeth he said. “I should be the one saying that.” It seemed to take all his will power to say. She came closer, he could hear his pulse in his ears. “You’re probably curious about what's happening right now.“ Your smile widened. “Aren’t you Doctor.”
When she touched his hand, he flinched away. It was as if a shock traveled throughout his entire nervous system. “Hhhow?” He said amid chattering teeth.
“Oh, it's a bit of hormone control. My stand Falling In Reverse has a way with hormonal levels.“ You walked near him and grasped his shoulders. “Now, I want you to remember this feeling.“ You gripped tighter, hearing a pop, your smile grew sadistic. “This sensation. I’m the bosses top espionage agent for a reason. Another doctor wouldn't be as hard to come by.”
“You bitch.“ He said in a snarl.
With a cackle, you sat yourself in his lap. He was elated, you had lowered yourself. Yet nothing happened. Green Day couldn't be activated. Was it the carnal fear within him?
Then as suddenly as it has come, the sensation left him. He gulped for air, not realizing how his lungs were burning, until that moment.
She tilted his chin up and inched closer. “Let this be a lesson for you, Doctor.”
With that she threw him from her home. He fled back to his hideaway, an ever present fear gnawing at his nerves.
You shut the door, after receiving a new assignment, with your shoulders slumped. It was outside of the country, so you’d have to travel by plane. It was going to be a nuisance, but the other bits seemed easy enough. Feel out a potential business partner before the boss made a deal with them.
Still the thought of going on a plane annoyed you. Hormone control was a pain with the air system in planes.
Rounding a corner, you saw something that perked up your mood. Secco and Cioccolata were at the front desk, talking to an nervous front clerk. You smiled as you thought to give them a special greeting.
Cioccolata was berating the paper pushing idiot for not having their paperwork ready. It should be a simple pick up, but nothing was ready. He had called ahead. Hoping he would strategically miss you.
He felt his pulse suddenly raise. It was because he was having to deal with this moron. Then an arm wrapped around his, it made him want to jump out of his skin.
“My two favorite boys.”
His head became lighter. He realised that you had your arms entwined with both of them. Though Secco's elation was much different than his dread.
“(Y/N)! Where have you been?”
“ Around, but I should be asking you that. I feel like you’ve been avoiding me. “ Cioccolata want to wipe that pout off your face, but knew that his anxiety wouldn't give him the chance.
“We would never. Cioccolata has a lot of important work lately.”
“ I guess I can let it slide then. I have some time before my flight. Why don’t we spend some time together. “You said it as a statement. Looking between the two, you received no negative answer. “Come on, I know a great gelato place close by.”
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mutenized · 2 years
Caterwaul - 1
Romania was your home; one you knew so well as you traveled with your family. Yet when your beloved father lost his high paying job, the company he once found as his competitor offered him a new position; he couldn't help but say yes. It was too late when he realized it was a ploy. In the middle of the night, you were taken away from comfort. You were treated like a princess for the first week, of course - you were only six, but the moment you began to disobey and cry for your family, the experiments began. Chemically engineered serums were given to you just to see what the outcomes would be. They didn’t care if you died. They wanted power. What they didn’t know was that over the ten years you were in their custody, you got stronger with each injection of their newest and modified concoction. Just as they took you, you disappeared in the middle of the night with the help of a rogue employee. It’s now 2016, you’ve graduated from Midtown High and have a partner in anti-crime.
New York City has a name for you.
Characters: TASM! Peter Parker, mentions of Gwen Stacy, Flash, and Aunt May
Ship: TASM! Peter Parker x Gender-neutral! reader
Warning(s): angsty! There are mentions of anxiety/panic attacks, grief, weapons, loss of life, light self-loathing, kidnapping, trauma, torture, etc. NOTHING EXTREMELY DETAILED
A/N: Caterwaul is a synonym for scream, which, will come handy later on in the series. I was watching Tick, Tick, Boom and inspo. struck like a ton of bricks. I genuinely should be cleaning right now but....
Word Count: 1.9k
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Sitting in the middle of New York City’s biggest park was usually a tourist’s dream; the beautiful scenery paired with people watching and not to mention, the history surrounding every square inch. Yet to you, it was the best place to stalk your prey. That being the people of the underground crime groups, those who found their purpose serving criminal overlords, or the ones that had enough money to fund their radical ideals to make the city you call home their very own palace or playing grounds. Though your face was tucked down into a book that you had randomly plucked off the shelf of your worn-down bookcase, your ears picked up every sharp detail of those passing by. Enhanced hearing that you gained after being held captive by one of these underground crime circuits as a child in Romania helped you filter through innocent tourists and citizens trying to make ends meet from the men with deep pockets and their equally corrupt followers who, you find, cannot keep their mouths shut.
Picking up on the sudden clammer of rubber soles of steel toed boots, your spine straightened, and ears perked up as you tuned into the group of three people walking past. Their hushed tones paired with racing heartbeats gave away their excitement, or was it anxiety? That was something you could decipher later but for now, you picked up a pen and began to scribble notes into the empty margins of the chapter your eyes were focused on with a dead stare.
‘Kingsbridge Heights, big meeting, construction site, ‘big boss unveiling new weapons’
Well Shit.
With a huff, you catch other details you found pertinent to finding out the actual location and who “big boss” is. Once the three were out of sight, your hands worked quickly in pulling out your phone. This was the moment you were thankful for the irreversible trauma you experienced from the ages of 6 to 16. Not only did you have enhanced hearing but also enhanced strength and agility, making jumping from rooftop ledge to rooftop ledge as easy as snapping your fingers. Fingertips grazed the keys of your cellphone before pressing send, your book long forgotten in the messenger bag strapped to your side.
With a buzz, you gazed to the screen and a smirk played on your lips while you reached for your skateboard. Pushing off the concrete of Central Park, you made sure to swerve carefully between those walking in front of you. All you wanted to do was get back to the apartment you shared with your best friend, you had met when you transferred to the same high school as him when you found yourself creating a new beginning for yourself and fill him in on what you overheard in detail. The feeling of uneven pavement vibrated your legs as you moved from the smooth pavement to the roads made for those who were well off enough to keep their cars in the city and the annoyingly yellow cabs that littered ever block, swerving through traffic with protest from angry cabbies who blared their horns at any inconvenience that would prevent them from making money.
Shrill rings filled your ears which broke you from the serene thoughts that fluttered around your head like that one God awful PowerPoint transition that Flash would use for every. Single. Project.
Couldn’t he wait until your home in 20 minutes? What did you expect? This is the same kid who spoiled The Force Awakens an hour before he was going out to see it just because he couldn’t wait for the redemption of his favorite movie series.
“Yes Parker?” your voice was soft and melodic against the bustling streets you continued to weave through, though some playful annoyance laced your tone. “What did you find oh so important that you couldn’t wait for my beautiful, ethereal presence?”
An airy scoff filled your ears before rambling and deep breaths. Peter knew to slow down the moment he heard a long pause on your end. It was a habit you both picked up after years of being in each other’s company. “Ok so,” a sigh, “I was already in the area and from what I’ve seen there’s..um..there’s about two dozen construction sites.” Your shoulders shrugged as you turned swiftly down the alley that protected you from anyone who may be listening to you. You could never be too careful in a city that had many characters that had varying intentions.
Peter continued on, the soles of your shoes catching the cobblestone and your free hand grabbing your skateboard before you continued your trek on foot. “5 of them are owned by different father and son companies that are located in the Bronx, 4 are family-owned businesses based in Jersey. The rest? Big name companies that are responsible for putting up those fancy new business buildings and multi-million-dollar apartments around Midtown. However, three companies are- hold on.”
Thwhips and thuds as well as the skidding of gravel on clothed feet signaled to you that Peter was home, you were close behind. A laugh left your lips as you looked up to the sky only to see a panicked red blur flinging off clothes and pulling on a different piece of clothing.
“Pete, I can see you. Go next to the water tower next time.” Pushing through the front doors of your apartment building, you quickly made your way up the stairwell before shoving your key into the slot of the handle. Pushing the door in, you caught your platonic other half hopping around the living room to fix his appearance. “Pete,” another laugh escaped you as you threw your bag to the sofa before patting his back and plopping on the beaten down leather couch beside your bag.
Peter Parker’s secret identity wasn’t so secret to you, especially after the death of his girlfriend and your other best friend, Gwen Stacy. You could sense his heartbreak from miles away and the way he folded into your arms that night confirmed everything to you. His guilt. His loss. The full empty feeling one would feel when losing the love of their life.
“I’m responsible for her death though. You don’t understand.” His voice waivered as tears flowed from his eyes and down his cheeks like his own personal waterfalls. Your thumb stopped the flow from dribbling down his chin and making even more of a mess through you didn’t mind. This was the same kid who introduced you to his family as ‘his super cool bloody friend’ because on your first day at Midtown High you decided to get into a fist fight with Flash after he said some unpleasant words about Peter and Gwen’s relationship.
“Pete, help me to understand, then. I want to be there for you.” You always regretted the words that left you next, he even knew that. “I know you. I know you hold things so close to you and worry that you’re going to stress me or Aunt May out but you’re not. You aren’t at fault for this just like you aren’t responsible for Mr. Stacy’s death and even more so for Uncle Ben’s. These are things you couldn’t stop.”
Chocolate brown hues darted up and searched your face, hurt and pain reignited in him and every bone in his body told him to run and hide and fight. Peter’s tense muscles and closed fists agreed with the screaming that filled his head. His inner voice, usually the one of irrational and impulsive decisions, seemed completely rational when it was strangling every thought of comfort that he used to usually soothe himself during his commonly occurring panic attacks. Yet, he stayed. His eyes screwed shut, his hands now opening and closing into balled fists as a way to help himself keep grounded.
“I’m Spider-Man.” He expected more than you gave. No gasp, no fright, no concerned look of ‘how the fuck did that happen?!’ Just understanding in that moment. Your arms tightened around him and brought his head into your shoulder. You allowed him to feel his feelings with no judgement, his tears for his lost love now turned to years of pent-up grief and guilt mixed oh so deliciously with relief. Relief that he didn’t have to hide anymore. Not from you, the person he JUST rented an apartment with.
“Okay so as you were saying on the phone,” pulling out the book that held all the notes you could fit into the margins, he plopped next to you and pulled his laptop to his legs and beckoned you to lean into his side. His fingers glided over the keyboard before his tech ran quickly and sectioned off the areas of Kingsbridge Heights that was being gentrified. “These few here are all coming from Fisk Enterprises. They helped build the OsCorp building and lost a good chunk of change when, well, you know, happened.” Swallowing hard, Peter pointed to a block near the Bronx School of Sciences while quickly pulling up local news articles and public social media posts from those who presumably lived in the area or went to the school the construction is taking place near.
“See, the public is against this. If their blueprint gets accepted by the city, then all they have to do is offer these landlords enough money that they see their new luxury lives and forget about their tenants who get nothing. Then Fisk Enterprises will move in, take down all those buildings just to create a new habitation for the wealthy.” Peter pulled over posts from a few different landlords who had already heard from lawyers that a heavy NDA may be put onto them if they sell their properties.
“But would people being against a future property warrant a crime spree with new weapons? Peter, I think they’ve created something new. This isn’t just a person with money upset that those who live in the borough are against their big plans. This is a person who has money, resources, and power who will do anything to get what he wants. We must investigate.” It clicked. Everything clicked. Whoever was behind the name Fisk Enterprises was going to do more than displace everyone in Kingsbridge. They were readying for war. They want to flatten the Bronx.
That night you and Peter perched on the ledge overlooking the project that initially raised red flags. With a mask similar to Peter’s over your face and a suit that had a matching grey-ish silver and black color scheme, you both noted the unusual foot traffic. “60 on the inside. 5 flanking each side, the other 45 are spread out.” You focused carefully to the different voices and patterns of speech that filled the ground floor of the base building’s skeleton. “Whoever just got there, they have the power. Everyone went silent. Heartbeats are through the roof.”
Peter only acknowledged your words with a nod and a knowing tilt of his head. Swinging around the backside of the location, you watched to make sure he wasn’t sighted before leaping to different rooftops and swinging yourself. Though you weren’t genetically modified by a spider like you friend, you did have similar abilities to the man as well as your secret weapon, so it made sense when, after you shared your secret with Peter, the next day you woke up to him holding a handmade suit with similar web shooters to his embedded in the wrists in front of your groggy face.
“Spider-team, caterwaul?”
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papirouge · 2 years
What jpop artists do you like? Lately ive been getting into some like perfume, and sheena ringo or even vintage ones like pink lady or candies. Ive also heard lots of good things about hikada utaru, but aparently she identifies as nonbinary now?! Does it make me petty not to want to listen to her just because of that? Like i expected better of Japan artists but i guess even they can be delulu like american artists...
Yeah, there's been a whole discourse with Hikaru Utada because she suddenly said she didn't want to be described with gendered pronouns such as "Ms." before her name (and instead use Mx. or something like that). It's interesting to note that Hikki is fluent in English, and there was hardly any chance that someone who only speaks Japanese get so nitpicky about pronouns. 'Ms' doesn't really exist in Japanese, and actually Japanese is a pretty non gendered language (even less than English). So it's really interesting how the linguistic influence of the West took a toll of her. This statement was clearly dedicated to her Western audience, the only that would consistently use pronouns to describe her. However, she never stated she wanted to he called "she/they/them" or whatever.
Music wise, I'm not really fond of her music. I really like her 'ULTRA BLUE' album (which is famous for "Passion" which was Kingdom Hearts 2 theme) and some songs here and there though. Hikki is famous for having Jpop most groundbreaking debut at only 16 years old with "Automatic" (this song aged like fine wine tbh) by 1)being one of the biggest selling record in Japan 2)shoving R&B element in her music which was very outstanding at that time. The fact that she wrote at such a young age (and still do) all her lyrics + is fluent in English gave her a very solid 'ace' aura, and die hard fans who still to this day will jump on your throat if you 'dare' criticize their queen lol I remember someone who said that even her most upbeat/positive songs (Keep tryin', COLORS, Traveling…) always had a sad & melancholic era, and I think that's the most accurate description of her music, maybe that's why I have a hard time listening to her albums bc they (beside 'ULTRA BLUE' and 'HEART STATION' which are imo her most lighthearted ones) have this very downer, softdoom vibe~
That being said, it would be ridiculous to not listen to her just bc she has pronouns anon lol It's pretty funny how some people are getting so cranky abt pronouns-having artists and boast about how refuse to entertain anything that they do....but will have issue to keep watching/listening to movies/music of predators, sex pest and convicted rapists lmao
I always got a weird vibe from Sheena Ringo and never got remotely interested in her music. The rumors about she being a closeted Japanese nationalist just bc of her NIPPON album era (where she had her audience wave Japanese imperial flags) are insane though lmao Hopefully those people have the same energy to call out Miley Cyrus for being an American Nationalist for her song "Party in the USA" where she dances before a giant American flag 🤡
I hardly listen to new Japanese artists anymore. I replied to an ask not too long ago where I professed my love for Ayumi Hamasaki (her 10 first year of career were pristine - she really should've retired at her 10 years Complete Singles best album momentum because everything after that has pretty much been trash tbh). Her album LOVEppears is probably my favorite album of all time 🥴
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I'll never be over how cute she looks on "Fly High" MV (one of my favorite of her - those platform shoes + micro short + glittery sweatshirt combo will never get old / this MV is 23 years old and that outfit is still KICKIN #legendary)
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Also pretty random because that's not a band that I'm checking like that, but THE ORAL CIGARETTES 'UNOFFICIAL' album is an absolute no skip banger. I hardly remember a Jrock album that got me hooked like that those last few years😳
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I have so many other Japanese acts that I love it's really insane (I am more savvy of Japanese music that western one).
Soloist wise, I grew up in womanhood listening to Kana Nishino and her music is literally the soundtrack of my early 20s. We were born only a month apart and felt so connected to her and her songs. She truly has a special place in my heart. Her debut & sophomore albums 'LOVE one.' and 'to LOVE' got 20 years old me on a CHOKEHOLD! "Motto" got me crying all my tears off a dusty lmaoooo😭 it's insane how her songs matched with my life - we truly had a connection
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Tomiko Van and Kana Nishino are Jpop best vocalists imo ELLEGARDEN (rip) and ART-SCHOOL are my favorite bands of all time. ASIAN KUNG FU GENERATION and UVERworld had a decent run in the 2000s. Perfume is still kicking.....but I don't really catch up with them anymore cause I've been trying to cut out secular music off my playlist
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craigrsumter1 · 3 months
I again reminded him that it is was NOT a condition of my parole and I added that I wanted to go see my Uncle Mike in the Mobile Infirmary and would be going from there to Vancleave, Mississippi to see my parents, Leonard and Gloria Sumter. So then Parole Chief Sang told me he was going to give me a drug test. I said “okay.” He then gave me a urine test and I was completely clean / drug free. After he saw the result, he asked me “Well when was the last time you used drugs?” I responded by stating, “Never.” I said this becuase there was never any record anywhere of me ever using any drugs although I’m sure I had used them at some point in my life before then. But that is information I didn’t want them to have as it is my private business. So he then said they would approve a travel pass for me to go to Mobile, Alabama to see my Uncle Mike in the Mobile Infirmary and then to go to Vancleave, Mississippi to visit my parents. They gave me two pieces of paper. One to be signed by the Sheriff’s Department in Mobile, Alabama attesting to the fact that I was in Mobile and the other to be signed by the Sheriff’s Department in Vancleave, Mississippi also attesting to the fact that I was in Vancleave. Well, when I got to Mobile Infirmary, my Uncle Ronnie was there waiting. Aparently, he and my dad didn’t want me to see my Uncle Mike alone. I’m sure because they didn’t want my Uncle Mike to disclose anything to me about what he knew my family was doing to me. When I entered the NICU at Mobilie Infirmary my Uncle Mike looked as though he was catatonic and he looked very terrified. I was never allowed to speak with him alone or in private so he never got to tell me anything and he literally died a couple of days after I came to visit him - just as my dad had prophesized / fortold. Now, I want everyone to make note here that this is the first of several individuals that I am going to associate with my family and their conspiracy that literally fell one time and died afterwards.
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alwayscollective · 3 months
Your Guide to Finding the Perfect Apartments for Rent in DeKalb
If you're considering a move to DeKalb, Illinois, you're in for a treat. This charming city, known for its vibrant community and rich history, offers a variety of living options to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a family, there are numerous apartments for rent in DeKalb that can meet your requirements. In this blog, we will explore the key benefits of living in DeKalb and provide tips on how to find the best apartments for rent in DeKalb.
Why DeKalb is a Great Place to Live
1. A Thriving Educational Hub DeKalb is home to Northern Illinois University (NIU), making it a bustling hub of educational and cultural activities. Living in apartments for rent in DeKalb puts you close to the campus, offering convenience for students and faculty alike. The university also contributes to the city's dynamic atmosphere, with various events, lectures, and sports activities.
2. Affordable Housing Options One of the significant advantages of living in DeKalb is the affordability of housing. Compared to larger cities, the cost of living here is much lower, and you can find a wide range of apartments for rent in DeKalb that fit different budgets. Whether you're looking for a cozy studio or a spacious family apartment, there's something for everyone.
3. A Close-Knit Community DeKalb offers a warm, small-town feel with the benefits of a city. The community is known for its friendliness and welcoming nature. When you rent an apartment in DeKalb, you become part of a community that values connection and participation in local events and activities.
4. Convenient Location DeKalb's strategic location offers easy access to major highways, making it convenient for commuting to nearby cities like Chicago. Additionally, the public transportation system is reliable, providing easy travel within and outside the city.
How to Find the Best Apartments for Rent in DeKalb
1. Set Your Budget The first step in your apartment search is setting a realistic budget. Consider your monthly income and expenses to determine how much you can comfortably spend on rent. This will help you narrow down your options and focus on apartments for rent in DeKalb that fit your financial plan.
2. Define Your Preferences Make a list of your must-have features and amenities. Do you need a pet-friendly apartment? Are you looking for a place with a fitness center or a pool? Knowing what you want will make your search for apartments for rent in DeKalb more efficient.
3. Research Neighborhoods DeKalb has several distinct neighborhoods, each offering its own unique vibe. Whether you prefer the bustling atmosphere of downtown or the peaceful suburbs, researching these areas will help you choose the right location. Look for apartments for rent in DeKalb that are close to your preferred amenities like schools, parks, and shopping centers.
4. Utilize Online Resources Online rental platforms such as Zillow, Apartments.com, and local real estate websites are valuable tools for finding apartments for rent in DeKalb. These sites offer detailed listings with photos, pricing, and descriptions, allowing you to compare different options from the comfort of your home.
5. Visit Potential Apartments Once you've shortlisted a few apartments for rent in DeKalb, schedule visits to see them in person. This will give you a better sense of the space, the building's condition, and the neighborhood. Don't hesitate to ask questions about lease terms, maintenance, and utilities during your visit.
6. Consider Proximity to Essentials When choosing an apartment, consider its proximity to essential services and amenities. Being close to grocery stores, schools, healthcare facilities, and public transportation can significantly enhance your living experience.
Finding the right apartment is an important step in ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable living experience. DeKalb offers a variety of apartments for rent that cater to different needs and budgets. By setting your budget, defining your preferences, and conducting thorough research, you can find the perfect home in this vibrant city. Whether you're new to the area or looking to move within DeKalb, there's an apartment waiting for you. Happy apartment hunting!
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blogposts004 · 1 year
Midnight Angels Brand
Midnight Angels by PC is a trendy brand that has quickly gained popularity in the world of lounge and travel wear. Founded by sisters Parina and Punya Chugh, this brand offers comfortable and stylish clothing options that cater to the modern-day woman who values both fashion and comfort.
In this article, we will delve deeper into the story of Midnight Angels by PC, its founders, and its products.
The Founders
Parina and Punya Chugh, the founders of Midnight Angels by PC, have always had a passion for fashion. They grew up in a family that had a background in textiles, so their interest in the fashion industry came naturally. 
Both sisters graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and went on to gain work experience in the fashion industry.
In 2018, Parina and Punya decided to embark on a new venture and create their own brand, Midnight Angels by PC. They wanted to create clothing that was not only fashionable but also comfortable and functional for the modern-day woman. 
With their shared passion for fashion and design, they were able to create a brand that catered to the needs of their target audience.
The Brand
Shark Tank Midnight Angels by PC is a brand that specializes in lounge and travel wear for women. Their products are designed to be comfortable, stylish, and functional, making them perfect for both lounging at home and traveling. 
The brand name itself, "Midnight Angels," is inspired by the idea of feeling comfortable and beautiful no matter what time of day it is.
Midnight Angels by PC has a strong social media presence, with a large following on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. They use social media to showcase their products, engage with customers, and share their brand philosophy. 
Their visually appealing content and engaging captions have helped them to build a loyal fanbase and reach new audiences.
Midnight Angels by PC has received many positive reviews from customers who appreciate their comfortable and stylish clothing. Customers have praised the brand for its high-quality materials, attention to detail, and comfortable fit. 
These positive reviews not only provide valuable feedback to the brand but also serve as a testament to its commitment to creating clothing that makes women feel confident and beautiful.
Midnight Angels by PC has a retail presence in both India and the United States. They have a flagship store in New Delhi, India, and their products are also available online and through select retailers. In the United States, their products can be purchased through their online store and through select retailers. 
Their retail presence allows them to reach new audiences and expand their customer base.
The Products
Midnight Angels by PC offers a range of products that cater to the needs of the modern-day woman. Their loungewear collection includes comfortable and stylish pajama sets, robes, and loungewear sets that are perfect for relaxing at home. 
The travel wear collection includes comfortable and stylish clothing options that are perfect for long flights and travel days.
All of their products are made with high-quality materials that are soft and comfortable to wear. They pay close attention to detail in their designs, ensuring that each piece is not only stylish but also functional. Their products are available in a range of sizes, making them accessible to women of all body types.
The Philosophy
Midnight Angels by PC's philosophy is centered around the idea of creating clothing that makes women feel comfortable and confident. They believe that fashion and comfort should not be mutually exclusive and that women should be able to look and feel their best no matter what they are doing.
The brand is also committed to sustainability and ethical practices. They use eco-friendly materials whenever possible, and they ensure that their manufacturing processes are ethical and fair. This commitment to sustainability and ethical practices sets them apart from many other fashion brands in the industry.
The Future
Midnight Angels by PC has experienced rapid growth since its inception in 2018. They have garnered a strong following on social media and have even been featured in popular fashion magazines. The future looks bright for this brand, as they continue to expand its product offerings and reach new audiences.
As they continue to grow, they remain committed to their philosophy of creating comfortable and stylish clothing that makes women feel confident and beautiful. With their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, they are poised to become a leader in the fashion industry. 
The brand's commitment to sustainability and ethical practices has earned them recognition and accolades from various organizations. In 2020, they were awarded the "Green Brand of the Year" award by the India Green Business Awards, which recognizes businesses that demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability.
Midnight Angels by PC has ambitious plans for expansion in the coming years. They plan to expand their product offerings to include more categories such as activewear and loungewear for men. They also plan to increase their retail presence in India and expand their international footprint by entering new markets.
To support its expansion plans, the brand has been actively seeking investment and partnerships. In 2022, they announced a partnership with a leading Indian fashion and lifestyle retailer to expand their retail presence in India. This partnership will allow them to reach a wider audience and accelerate their growth plans.
Midnight Angels by PC has also collaborated with various influencers and celebrities to promote their brand and products. These collaborations have helped them to reach new audiences and build brand awareness. For example, they collaborated with popular Indian actress Jacqueline Fernandez to launch a limited edition collection of travel wear. This collection was well-received by customers and helped to increase brand visibility.
As the fashion industry continues to evolve, Midnight Angels by PC is staying ahead of the curve by embracing emerging trends. One of the trends that they are focused on is the growing demand for sustainable and ethical fashion. They plan to continue to prioritize sustainability and ethical practices in their operations and products to meet this demand.
Another trend that they are embracing is the growing popularity of loungewear and athleisure. They plan to expand their product offerings in these categories to meet the needs of customers who are looking for comfortable and functional clothing for everyday wear.
Unique Selling Point
One of the unique selling points of Midnight Angels by PC is their focus on creating clothing that is both fashionable and comfortable. Many fashion brands prioritize style over comfort, but Midnight Angels by PC understands that women want clothing that makes them feel good both inside and out. 
This focus on creating functional and comfortable clothing sets them apart from many other fashion brands in the industry.
Midnight Angels by PC has also collaborated with other brands and designers to create limited-edition collections. For example, they collaborated with renowned Indian designer Masaba Gupta to create a collection of pajama sets that featured bold prints and vibrant colors. 
These collaborations not only allow the brand to expand its product offerings but also introduce them to new audiences.
In addition to their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, Midnight Angels by PC is also dedicated to giving back to their community. They have partnered with various charities and organizations to donate a portion of their profits to causes such as women's empowerment and education. This commitment to social responsibility sets them apart from many other fashion brands in the industry and reinforces their commitment to creating a better world.
Midnight Angels by PC is committed to sustainability and ethical practices throughout their supply chain. They source their materials from ethical suppliers and manufacturers who share their values, and they use eco-friendly packaging materials to minimize their environmental impact. They also prioritize fair labor practices and ensure that their workers are paid fairly and work in safe and healthy conditions.
Midnight Angels by PC is a brand that offers stylish and comfortable lounge and travel wear for women. Founded by sisters Parina and Punya Chugh, the brand has quickly gained popularity due to its commitment to creating clothing that is both fashionable and functional. With their focus on sustainability and ethical practices, Midnight Angels by PC is poised to become a leader in the fashion industry.
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valirani · 2 years
Poetry: Psalm 23
kinare al-vor; ni nakye. p’la’nitanas k’zalyatza kià tedimal. apar bodas k’lakhan kisabal. teshilad sherà ke. p’narkhas vatre s’lamnà se kisabal. ta veni p’natedvayà tzalhe lote kalpe, ni teme arkat — s’ki’aprat; kitevitshatza tamab i garav sute. vani kià p’parà tzafilria kià teritsat badmat; p’salve basyat sablat ke; shuen hiplan naryam ke. yeser trav tanas k’vona vasye ke, ipasvalatza kor i kale kit; i p’bahnat p’antà al-vore ante.
Back-translation and key vocabulary words under the cut:
The Divine tends to me; I do not lack. They (sg) cause me to repose in green dwelling-places. They lead me beside peaceful waters. They cause my spirit to return. In the paths of wholeness, for the sake of Their name, They lead me. Yes, even though in the valley of the shadow of death I walk, I do not fear harm — because You accompany me; Your branch and Your support comfort me. In front of me, in the presence of my enemies, You prepare a table; With oil You anoint (lit. kiss) my head; My cup becomes excessively full. Certainly, throughout all the days of my life, goodness and nurturance are coming after me; and until eternity in the house of the Divine I [will] dwell.
nare, narye, nreyya, enre (root N-R-Y) - is taking care of, tending, paying attention to
vor, vore, vuerra (root V-W-R) - is divine; as noun, divinity or God
nake, nakye, nkeyya, enke (root N-K-Y) - is lacking, going without
la’nitan (from root ?-N-T ‘dwell’) - dwelling place; figuratively, pasture
zale, zalye, zleyya (root Z-L-Y) - is green
tedimal, tedimle, tedmilla, etidmila (causative of root D-M-L ‘repose’) - is causing to lie down
bod, bode (root B-W-D) - water
lakhan, lakhe, lekhkha (root L-KH) - is peaceful, still
sabal, sable, sbella, esbal (root S-B-L) - is leading, heading up; as noun, head
teshilad, teshilde, teshlidda, etishlida (causative of root SH-L-D ‘return’) - is causing to return, bringing back
shayar, shere (from root SH-Y-R ‘spiritual, transcendent’) - spirit
narkha, narkhe (from root R-KH ‘go, move, travel’) - path
vatar, vatre, vterra (root V-T-R) - is whole, healthy; as noun, wholeness
laman, lamne, lmenna, elman (root L-M-N) - is calling by name; as noun, name
natedve, natedvaye (from root D-V-Y ‘descend’) - valley (lit. that which is lowered)
tzalah, tzalhe, tzlehha (root TZ-L-H) - is shaded, darkened; as noun, shadow
lot, lote, luetta (root L-W-T) - is dying, ceasing; as noun, death
kalap, kalpe, kleppa (root K-L-P) - is walking
tayam, teme, tyemma, etyam (root T-Y-M) - is fearing, is afraid of
arak, arke, arekka, e’rak (root ?-R-K) - is harming; as noun, harm
apar, apre, aperra, e’par (root ?-P-R) - is accompanying
tevitash, tevitshe, tevtishsha, etivtisha (causative of root W-T-SH ‘take heart’) - is causing to take heart, is comforting
tamab, tambe (root T-M-B ‘diverge’) - branch, stick
garav, garve (root G-R-V ‘support’) - staff, walking-stick
tzafilra, tzafilre (from root TZ-F-L ‘against’) - adversary
teritas, teritse, tertissa, etirtisa (causative of root R-T-S ‘ready’) - is causing to be ready, is preparing
badam, badme (root B-D-M) - table
salo, salve (root S-L-W) - oil
base, basye, bseyya, ebse (root B-S-Y) - is kissing; figuratively, is anointing
shuen (from root SH-W-N ‘excessive’) - excessively
hiplan, hiplane, hiplenna (inchoative of root P-L-N ‘saturate’) - is becoming full
naryam, naryame (from root R-Y-M ‘fill, expand into’) - receptacle, vessel, cup
yeser (from root Y-S-R ‘certain, definite’) - certainly, surely
tan, tane (root T-N) - day
vona, vone, vanna (irregular verb with root V-N) - is all, is entire
vase, vasye, vseyya (root V-S-Y) - is living, alive; as noun, life
ipas-val (from valan, vale, vella ‘come, arrive’, root V-L) - is coming after, following, pursuing
kor, kore, kuerra (root K-W-R) - is good; as noun, goodness
kale, kalye, kleyya, ekle (root K-L-Y) - is nurturing; as noun, nurturance
bahan, bahne, bhenna (root B-H-N) - is eternal, continual; as noun, eternity
anat, ante, anetta (root ?-N-T) - is dwelling; as noun, house
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hikarigolden · 2 years
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