#and two by late december (two kids who live closer to me I give presents to)
tj-crochets · 2 years
Crafting update/crafting forecast! Short term: - I’ve made more progress on the floral crumb quilt (super fun, but going to take a while) - I’m going to embroider “fleece navidad” next to that tiny embroidered alpaca and turn it into an ornament - I’m going to crochet a tiny rainbow stegosaurus! That’ll probably be this afternoon - probably another Halloween something? - probably more embroidered flowers Longer term (aka holiday crafting): - a chicken  - a binosaur - a dinosaur (yes those are two separate projects) - something octonauts themed?????? - something for my nieces (no idea what though) - minecraft quilt (for the kidlet I used to babysit! :D) - oh I might make my nieces beanies!! one a unicorn and one a cat - a crocodile - either a griffin, a cockatrice, or a cat in a fancy outfit. I have not decided yet - necklace chains for some pendants - four memory teddy bears Even longer term (aka stuff for the MTH charity auction, which has bidding next week): - another crocodile (this one will be crocodile Loki) - a Bucky Bear or Winter Soldier Bear - possibly more! I added tiers this year so I might make up to two plushies for each of three auctions (the first Jeff the Land Shark is already done)
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
Merry Christmas Kitten
Mafia!Jimin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Mafia!AU, Drabble, Fluffy Babies
WordCount: 2K
Warnings: Suggestive Actions and Words, Fluff, Crying Jimin
A/N: Merry Christmas my TBC/TLD fans! 
Based On The Book: The Bird Cage/The Lions Den
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"What're you up to?" 
The voice draws your attention and you smile at your husband as he enters the apartment.
"Putting the presents under the tree before the kids wake up." you whisper softly, pointing to the long hallway where your children sleep comfortably.
"Oh, you're my Santa Claus this year, Kitten?" Jimin jeers sweetly, unbuttoning his suit jacket at a leisurely pace.
"Well I don't have a big belly so maybe a Mrs. Claus?" you joke, tilting your head.
His chuckle resounds throughout your new living room. His arms encircle you while his plush lips brush against your temple.
"Are you upset you can't be my Santa this year?" your husband inquires.
You snort gently, pulling away from him to look up at his handsome face. His silhouette is highlighted by the holiday lights that wrap around the large pine tree.
"What do you mean? Am I upset that I'm not pregnant?" you ask, feeling his hands run below your cardigan.
His skin is warm against yours and you never felt more relaxed.
"Yeah, I know you miss it." he murmurs, tilting your chin up with his index finger.
"Four kids is plenty, plus we're busy all the time. So it's not a total loss, I can do without it." you reply with a gentle smile.
"Wow, how did I get so lucky with you? Hmm, Kitten?" your husband coos.
He presses his lips to yours again and you melt in his arms so easily. He nibbles on your bottom lip, lifting you easily into his arms.
His walk to the couch is short and quick. He isn't shy about plopping you down onto the comfortable piece of furniture.
"My pretty Kitten." he whispers, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
He wrinkles his nose as he looks down at you. You're still the most gorgeous woman he's ever known. He's never gotten over how you're the first and only woman he's ever put any stake into.
When he steps away from you to pour himself a glass of whisky, you turn your attention to the large bay windows of the living room.
The balcony as well as the windowsills are covered in fresh blankets of snow. The glass of the windows themselves are frosted and hazy from the warmth inside the large apartment.
The glow from the streetlights leaves a pleasant shine to the snow covered cars and pavement. The sight fills you with joy. You only started to enjoy Christmas when your children were born. To see them so excited each year to see what Santa Claus has bought them is the highlight of your December month. 
Although you're coming to the realization now that Hawon is beginning to understand that these presents she receives on the winter holiday are not from a very rotund man that lives on the North Pole but from her two loving parents. Such is the product of having a nine year old daughter. 
You've become used to your kids not wanting to sleep on Christmas Eve, the amount of sugar combined with the excitement of the morning after and the giddiness from playing with their cousins is completely normal to you. You're used to them waking up at the crack of dawn, screaming for both you and Jimin to wake up. 
But this Christmas is special, in ways unimaginable.
"You want a glass of wine, Kitten?" your husband asks, plopping down beside you.
You shake your head, smiling at him as he runs his hands over your bare thighs.
"You made the new apartment so beautiful. I'm sorry I've been busy. It's been a lot of work to win the Busan Police over to our side." 
You can see how guilty Jimin looks and it breaks your heart. For years, everything he's done has been for your family. And you're more than grateful.
Sitting up on your knees, you give him a warm smile. You wrap your arms around his neck, taking in the rich scent of his cologne.
"Never apologize for taking care of us, Chim. We're so lucky to have such a good man like you in this family." you say honestly.
He snorts gently, placing his hands on your hips as you straddle him.
When his hands run over your nightgown, the silk draws him in like this is the first time he's touched you.
"How are you always so perfect? Hmm? You've given me four beautiful babies, you've made my heart swell more than anything and anyone. You're unreal. Like a dream." your husband mumbles, leaning in for a kiss.
His lips are incredibly soft against yours, they move in time with yours perfectly. It's sensual, addictive and so perfectly Park Jimin.
When he pulls away, his eyes focus on the clock above your Christmas tree. 
"Merry Christmas, Kitten." he whispers against your cheek.
"Merry Christmas, Daddy." he groans gently at the pet name, pulling your hips closer to him.
You gasp gently when he nibbles at your collarbone. His touch is simply magic, you can feel a whimper pass your lips as he holds you so tightly to him.
“Fuck,” he curses softly, completely abandoning his whisky for something even more intoxicating.
His fingers pull down the thin straps of your black nightgown, kissing at the skin just below them. 
You hiss gently when your sex brushes against him. He takes this time to flip you over, your hair splays over the large couch cushions and you gasp gently at the sudden shift.
“Goddamn, Kitten. You’re so beautiful.” his voice is filled with wonder.
His hands shove up your gown, exposing your bottom half to him and he’s very quickly becoming delirious with arousing intentions. 
“Who do you belong to?” he prods, raising an eyebrow as he looks up at you.
“You, Daddy. Only you.” you whimper, running your fingers over the dark green dress shirt he wears.
“That’s right.” he mumbles, bending down to kiss you.
His hands reach higher, fumbling with the silk material enwrapping you. He can only think of one thing -- you engulfing him in your pleasure.
“God, I love you.” he groans, pressing his hard erection to your loins.
“I love you too,” you reply breathlessly. 
He’s stolen the oxygen from your lungs and all that remains is a coiling desire that blooms in your belly.
When you lift up to unbutton his shirt, his hands leave your sides to inch up to your breasts. His fingertips graze your stomach and he hums gently. 
His lips find yours once again, biting your bottom lip for entrance and you accept immediately. He kisses you languidly, there’s no need to rush he would wait a million years for you.
His eyebrows furrow as he gasps gently against your lips. 
Your skin feels so soft in his hands. Like proving dough. 
Something is different. You’re usually soft but not this buttery and rich.
“Kitten.” he grumbles against your lips.
You hum inquisitively pulling away from him to card your fingers through his hair. He sits up on his knees, completely forgetting the task at hand.
“What’s wrong?” you mumble, pressing the tips of your fingers to your swollen lips. 
Your husband sits back on his heels, the cogs in his mind slowly turning. When his hands grip at your breasts, he tilts his head. Your bottom lip purchases between your teeth, your eyelids lowering with lustful intentions. 
He squeezes them while raising an eyebrow. You do your best not to flinch, but it’s a difficult task. They’re swollen and painfully heavy.
When Jimin notices your scrunched up expression, he scoffs gently.
“You have something to tell me?” he quips, eyes widening.
“No. I don’t think so,” you reply, unbuttoning his shirt with dexterous fingers.
“Kitten,” he chides softly.
He lifts you up easily, discarding the silk nightgown from your body.
You hide the knowing smirk that wants to grace your features quite well.
“Why are your tits so swollen?” he mutters, sucking a breath in through his teeth.
“Not sure.” you breathe out, pushing the shirt off of his body.
His hands trail lower and you sigh gently.
“Fuck me,” you whine, tugging at his suit pants.
He doesn’t reply, his curious mind already coming to multiple conclusions as to why you feel so different beneath him.
“Chim!” you huff.
“Shhh!” he silences you.
His hands are tentative as they reach your stomach. His digits flex nervously and you raise an eyebrow at how unsure he is.
You would think this is his first child and not his fifth.
When he presses his hands to your womb, his eyes flutter shut. “Your womb is hard.” he observes with silent wonder.
“Oh, really? That’s weird.” you mutter, holding a giggle back.
His skin stays planted to your stomach for what feels like forever and you pout at his stillness. He’s like a goddamn statue.
“I thought you were going to give me Christmas sex!” you whinge, sitting up.
“Are you pregnant, Kitten?” he inquires, already knowing the answer.
You look over at the clock again before sighing audibly. 
“Fine,” you grumble, standing up off the couch.
His eyes follow you, your outline is blurry from the joyous tears that threaten to spill over his cheeks. 
“K-Kitten?” your husband’s voice cracks and you snort gently to yourself.
Bending down to the bottom of the tree, you pull out a small box from the midst of other large packages and toys wrapped up for your children. 
Turning to him, you press the box to your chest.
He whimpers gently, opening his hands like a baby for the box. “Are you pregnant for me again?” he asks once more.
You smile warmly at him, tossing him the box which he catches easily with one hand. 
“Just tell me, I like to hear it from your lips.” he chides, ripping the wrapping paper off with a speed that could rival Usain Bolt.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth as he looks down at the small white cardboard box.
His eyes flit from you to the package in his lap that feels as light as a feather but has the importance of the heaviest weight. 
“Kitten,” he breathes out.
He doesn’t know what to do. Like most times he’s assumed you’re pregnant. But, even when he’s simply assumed it, he’s always been right. 
You haven’t been actively trying and he’s been so busy lately since you’ve all moved to Busan that it hasn’t even flitted past his thoughts. Which is why this is the biggest shocker to him.
He seems to hold his breath as he lifts the lid of the box in question.
The living room is silent apart from the sounds of rain in the distance you play for Minseok to sleep easier. 
Jimin's hands shake as he pries the wrapping paper away from the contents of the box.
A loud sob rips from your husband. His hands cover his face while he cries happily.
You fold your arms over your breasts, laughing at his emotional state.
"Kitten," he whimpers.
Wiping his face, your husband looks through the box of presents.
He doesn't even know what to look at first. The pregnancy test that say positive is his first glance. Then his second glance falls on the sonogram picture in the middle of the box.
He cries softly, pulling the picture from the box. "Come here," he beckons you, opening his arms.
With a giggle, you walk over to Jimin. His arms wrap around you like needy vines.
His cheek mushes against your hardened womb and you call feel the tears that fall and coat your skin.
"Aigo," you whisper, running your hands over the back of his neck. 
"I'm so sorry I didn't notice, Kitten. I'm so sorry," he apologizes profusely, turning his head so his forehead rests against you.
"I bought the baby a little stocking." you whisper with a smile.
He hums cutely, unable to form words as his happiness floods through him. 
Bending over him, you pull the stocking out of the small white box. 
Wiping his tears away, he narrows his eyes at the letters along the stocking.
'Park Baby #5'
He chuckles softly, looking up at you like you tether him to this planet. His eyes are so soft, so completely adoring you.
He stands tall, pressing his hand to your stomach as he bends down. His lips are gentle against you, kissing you with unbridled love and adoration.
"I love you." he whispers.
"I love you, too." you reply, handing him the stocking.
He looks down at it, a cute pout forming on his features.
"I can't believe it," he mutters, walking over to the fireplace.
It's then that he notices a seventh hook above the roaring brick opening.
You're such a slick woman. It's incredible.
When he hangs the small stocking, he feels his heart race at the sight. You've always been such an impressive lady.
"Merry Christmas Kitten." he swoons. 
"Merry Christmas Daddy," you reply with a wide smile.
He falls to his knees before you, kissing your flat stomach and you can all but die right then and there. He's perfect and he's yours.
"I can't believe I didn't notice. I'm so sorry." he whispers against your skin.
You snort gently, tilting your head. "Now you know." 
He nods in agreement, his eyes fluttering closed at the new information. 
Moving to Busan is the best thing you've ever done, in your opinion.
"So… are we not having sex now? Or?" you find yourself asking.
He laughs gently, looking up at you as he places his chin against your stomach.
"Of course I'm going to fuck my pregnant wife, are you insane? I need to thank you for making me the happiest man alive." he retorts, standing up.
You grip onto his belt, pulling him toward your bedroom. "With your cock?" 
"Yes, Kitten. I'm going to thank you with my cock." he mumbles, wrapping his arms around you and trudging behind you to the bedroom.
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s-creations · 3 years
Oh, That Imagination
Kids will always have active imaginations. But how the adult handles it depends on what the child is afraid of.
Fandom: DuckTales 2017 / The Three Caballeros         Rating: General Audience         Relationships/Pairings:  José  Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles Additional Tags: Growing up, Uncles with their Nephews, Facing Fears, Worries, hunting a creature, Krampus (character), giving a speech, watching a scary movie, protecting the boys, the passing of time, names OCs.
Part of a Series Called: We’re the Three- Sorry, Six Caballeros!
Author Note: I finished Student Teaching and passed my Content Test, so I’m getting back into writing! I do have a new job lined up for the school year. We’ll see how consistent I stay with uploading. XD
“Unca Donald, Unca Donald, Unca Donald!”
 Even with the loud warning call, Donald still staggers when something blue collides against his leg. “Dishes! I’m doing dishes. Go and sit on the counter please.”
 6-year-old Dewey gave a quick nod before clamoring up. The older duck impressed by how quickly the duckling could climb. 
 “Now, what can I help you with?”
 “Benny said there’s a-a monster living in the sewage of Duckberg! I wanna go catch it!”
 Donald let out a low hum as he washed the soap from the glass. This was twice in two weeks that neighbor Benny had told some story about some ‘creature’ they had seen. Dewey, always on the lookout for new adventures, ate each story up with determination and gusto.
 “I see, very interesting. What does this monster look like?”
 “Like...Like an alligator. Only bigger!”
 “Ooooh, that sounds scary. And you’re going to catch them all by yourself?”
 “Well, aren’t you brave. Are you going to bring them back to be studied for science?”
 “I’m gonna do it to rub it in Huey’s face. Cuz he says the creature isn’t real. But I’m gonna prove him wrong!” 
 “It sounds like your afternoon is full.”
 “It sure is! Oh, wait, I wanted to ask you if we have a large net that I could use?”
 “I don’t think we have a ‘large’ net. You’ll have your bug catching net.”
 Dewey let out a contemplative hum. Hand resting on his cheek while his pointer finger tapped out some unknown tempo. A habit he picked up from José. “That’s not great. But I suppose it’ll have to do.”
 “Look at you compromising. What are you going to use as bait?”
 “Do we have any old lunch meat?”
 “No and you’re not using what we have in the fridge.”
 “You’re ruining the search Unca Donald! I need bait.”
 “How about you take Tio Panchito with you? He had to help his grandpa search for farm animals when they got out of their pens. Didn’t have to use bait to get those animals back.”
 “Tio worked on a farm?” Dewey’s eyes lit up hearing this new piece of information.
 “Spent a few childhood Summers there.”
 “What did he do?”
 “Why don’t you go and ask him? I’m sure he would be more than happy to share stories with you and your brothers.”
 “Okay, bye Unca Donald! I’m gonna learn about cows!”
 Donald silently laughed as Dewey raced out of the kitchen. Childhood stories continued during dinner and only ended when the triplets were put to bed. 
 “So...should I question why Dewey furiously ran at me this afternoon? All while screaming his demands for me to tell stories?” The rooster asked as Donald joined him and José on the living room couch. 
 “Apparently, Benny had seen some ‘creature’ in the sewer system. Dewey determined that he was going to hunt said being down. I told him you would help in the search because you’ve helped with finding lost farm animals. That caught his attention and now you know the outcome.” Donald sighed as he leaned against the other, relaxing. 
 “Do you think the thrill of the hunt will call out to Dewey tomorrow?”
 “We’ll see.” Donald replied back simply.
 The hunt did not call out the next day. Dewey focused on creating a backyard zoo, he didn’t have time to worry about some creature. A few days later, a pet iguana was rescued from the neighborhood sewers. It appears Benny had actually seen something. It just wasn’t the towering creature he’d claimed before.
 The holidays were busy for all the adults in the household. Donald focused on getting the shopping done and holding down the fort while the ducklings raced around during their school break. Gleefully talking about Santa and what present they’re excited most about. José would be gone for weeks on end leading up to December 25, helping with numerous flights to make sure he had that day off. Starting from October through December, this time saw Panchito with booked weekends of different performances to help get other families into the festive feeling. 
 Even with having busy and exhausting schedules, they made sure to make time for the triplets. Baking, decorating the house, helping them pick out gifts for the other family members. Every year it was the goal to keep the ducklings as happy as possible.
 Which is why Panchito became worried when 7-year-old Louie started acting...strange. Almost what the rooster would call ‘stressed’.
 The duckling had started being overly helpful around the house. Doing more tasks than what would be required. Going out of his way to ask if he could help. And, most worriedly, he’d become quiet. Not in his normal way of just relaxing in front of the television. But almost fearful that he was being listened to by some unseen stranger. Eyes even darting around as he moved through the apartment. 
 Unfortunately, Panchito wasn’t able to approach this possible problem until a weekend late into the duckling’s break. 
 The rooster let out a sigh as he collapsed onto the couch. Thankful that he was done until the New Year’s celebrations he had the coming weekend. But he was able to relax for the rest of the week to celebrate Christmas. Cautious footsteps drawing closer caused Panchito to open his eyes. Finding Louis standing nervously in the middle of the room.
 “Hola Louie, what can I do for you?”
 “Um, do you need me to get you anything?”
 Panchito raised a brow. “No, I’m fine. Why don’t you join me until dinner’s ready?”
 “Oh, um, that’s okay. Maybe I should see if Uncle Donald needs any help.”
 “You’re on break. Why don’t you just sit for a while?” The duckling frowned, eyes darting around before settling onto the couch. Still tense. “So, how has school been? I haven’t heard you and your brothers talk about it for a while.” 
 “Just good? ...Try out any new schemes lately? I know Uncle Donald isn’t so thrilled when you do that. But you always have such clever ideas, makes me laugh.”
 “Nope, I’ve been good! No crazy plans from me!” 
 Panchito sat up a little more when Louie started shouting at the ceiling. “Okay Louie, what’s going on. Are you feeling okay? Did something happen at school?”
 The duckling dressed in green wrung his hands as he peered around. 
 “...Abby told me about the Krampus…” Louie eventually whispered.
 “The who?” 
 “The Krampus! He’s the opposite of Santa Claus! A big creature with long horns and wears a cloak! And he comes after bad boys and girls! He takes them away in his large, greasy bag and they’re never seen again and-” 
 “Okay, Louie, come here. You’re getting yourself worked up.” Panchito easily and quickly moved the duckling onto his lap. Wrapping arms around the smaller form to help keep Louie grounded. “Breath with me. We’re going to take a few deep breaths, okay?”
 Louie gave two quick nods. They remained this way for a few minutes, Panchito holding the duckling close and controlling his breathing for Louie to follow. The rooster only pulled away when Louie had calmed down enough to talk. “Okay, so, you were told a scary story. Why are you worried?”
 “Because he goes after bad kids and I know I’m...not good.”
 “Why would you say that? You’re a wonderful kid!”
 “But I get the most detentions and I’m lazy and I know I don’t do my homework when I need to and-”
 ‘Louie… Yes, we would like you to work a little harder than what you do now.  But you’re not bad. You...take risks. You have a point of view that I’ve never seen before. You’re a clever kid. And, well, between you and me.”
 Panchito leaned closer. Louie’s eyes widened with curiosity. “You fight the system and you don’t let them beat you down.” 
 “...Does that mean I don’t have to wash the dishes?”
 “Don’t push your luck. What I’m trying to say is that you’re not bad. You just think differently than others. Plus, if you’re this worried, this might be a sign you should help out more. But I doubt any Krampus will come after you.”
 “Really… Also, you know your uncles and I would beat up any creature who dares try to hurt you.” 
 Louie laughed. Beaming and squirming as Panchito placed a kiss on his cheek. Christmas Day arrived with no mysterious creatures knocking in their front door. Louie was still safely tucked away in his bed. Joining his brothers with running out to the living room and unwrapping presents. Curling next to Panchito as all enjoyed the afternoon glow while watching a marathon of movies.
 Huey took to the Junior Woodchucks like a duck to water.
 From day one it became a large part of his identity. He carried his handbook around with him everywhere. Writing his own notes and entries to add to the already thick volume. Gleefully patting his knees as he patiently waited for whatever uncle was going to take him to the weekly meetings. Even learning how to iron his uniform to keep it in tip top shape. 
 Dewey may complain that the eagerness was annoying. But nothing seemed to damper Huey’s spirit.
 Until Huey was tasked to write a speech. As he was top ranked among the troop, he was given the honor of addressing the new member that would be joining that year. A banquet being held with the duckling presenting a speech of his own at the beginning of the event. The duckling was absolutely thrilled at first. Telling everyone he could about the great honor bestowed onto him. 
 All in the family thought he would triumph over this just like many other things in his life. 
 José was humming softly one evening, making his way to the kitchen when he heard sniffing coming from the bathroom. The door opened a crack and, taking a risk, José peered in. He found 8-year-old Huey, curled up by the tub and far away from the door. A stack of paper was at the duckling’s feet. Red rimmed eyes glaring at said stack. 
 Said duckling’s head snapped up hearing José. Wiping his eyes frantically. “T-Tio José…”
 “Criança doce, what is wrong?” José  entered, leaving the door open in case Huey wanted out.
 The duckling sniffed weakly. “...I’m scared.”
 “Of what?”
 “My speech…”
 José frowned, knowing how excited Huey had been only a few days ago. “Can you tell me what you are scared about?”
 Huey let out another sniff. His hand starting to hit the side of the tub as time went on. Which José put a stop to by reaching out to take the duckling’s hand. “I’m scared...that people are going to laugh at me. I keep practicing my speech to make it perfect and I read a bunch of tips but… All I can think about is messing up and people mocking me. Then my scout leader will see me as a failure and strip me of my badges and-”
 The parrot pulled the duckling closer, humming a lullaby softly. Huey instantly clung to José, burying himself away in his guardian’s chest. It took a few minutes before the duckling finally relaxed, slumped against the older, hand still keeping a good grip on José's shirt. 
 “Huey, I would like for you to listen to me. Can you do that for me?” José received a nod, “I will help you with your speech. But you have nothing to worry about. Your scout leader seems to be nothing of the kind who would take away what you’ve achieved. And no one will laugh. We all know you will be doing your best.”
 “...But what if my best isn’t enough?”
 “It always will be Huey. Never doubt that.” José peered up hearing the floorboards creek. Finding Donald standing in the doorway wearing a look of worry. The parrot gave a quick shake of his head. A silent message that he had a handle on the situation. Donald gave a nod of his own before sneaking off. “Feeling better?”
 “...A little. I’m still scared.” 
 “That is fine. How about we make some cookies? I think I saw your Uncle Donald heading that way before. And while we are doing that, you can show me your speech.” 
 Huey sniffed weakly. Pulling back slightly to look up at José. “Chocolate chip?”
 “Of course.”
 The duckling smiled weakly and nodded. Donald greeted the two with wide arms and a smile when they walked in. Huey beamed as he was picked up and given a sturdy hug from his other uncle as José started the process. But uncles gave Huey their undivided attention when he gave his speech. The other members of the family joined them as the cookies started to bake. Dewey and Louie keeping their ‘helpful’ comments to themselves and clapping along when Huey finished. 
 At the night of the banquet, Huey beamed as he gave a flawless speech. His family cheered the loudest.
 “This is such a bad idea.” 
 9-year-old Louie huffed, rolling his eyes as Huey bemoaned at his flawless plan. “If you’re going to be a stick in the mud, then don’t watch.”
 “But I want to see it.”
 “Then what’s the issue?”
 “The movie is PG-13! We need parental guidance to watch.”
 “You know they won’t let us watch.” Dewey added.
 “You get two options here Hubert,” Louie interrupted. One hand holding up a finger to keep Huey quiet. The other holding the latest zombie movie that had just recently been release to DVD, “You either watch with your mouth shut. Or you leave and keep your mouth shut in the bed while you listen to the amazingness that is this movie from the closed doors. What’s it going to be?”
 Huey frowned. But he ‘zipped’ his bill closed and crossed his arms. Which the green-hoodied triplet took as keeping his mouth shut. With a nod, Louie popped the movie in and sat next to his brothers. All three were huddled together in the closet. Eyes glued to the small t.v. screen that was crammed in with them as well. The movie menu soon appeared and Dewey pressed play.
  Donald let out a content sigh as he relaxed further between his partners. Panchito clinging to him as Donald’s head was tucked under the rooster’s chin. While José was curled up at Donald’s side, using the duck’s chest as a pillow. That night was quiet and calm. There was a weekend ahead of them that was just filled with nothing. A relaxing time with his partners and kids. It was going to be great…
 A chorus of screams sounded from the triplet’s room. All adults were up and racing out in only a few seconds. Even hard to wake José was on full alert. Donald reached the door first, flinging it open. Fully expecting to see an intruder standing in the middle of the bedroom. Only to find Huey and Louie, sobbing as they clung to each other on the younger triplet’s bed. Dewey was waving his plastic sword  at the open closet. His entire being was shaking as wide, fearful eyes were on the open space. 
 “What is going on here?” Donald called out over the noise. 
 “There’s a zombie in the closet!” Louis answered.
 “It touched me!” Huey added.
 “I’m fighting it off!” Dewey finished. 
 “What- okay- Dewey stop swinging that around!” Panchito walked over and pulled the sword from the duckling. Collecting the blue cladded triplet as he continued to shake.
 Donald gathers the other two. Both of them desperately slings to the protection that was their uncle. José took to the closet, making sure it was empty. The parrot raised a brow, finding the t.v. that was still on and playing a movie. 
 He reached in to eject the movie and brought it out for the other two to see. “Donald.”
 The duck looked it over. Frowning, seeing the topic, letting out a slow breath. It was clear the triplets were in no condition to have a stern talking to. Plus, he was honestly too tired to worry about it at the moment. “Okay...let’s go back to our room.”
 The other two adults nodded. José turned off the lights as he was the last to leave the boy’s room. Donald rested himself back into the middle of the bed, only with more bodies pressed around him. Panchito cleverly left the bedside light on before he laid down on the bed, Dewey resting on his chest. The triplets flinched when José walked in.
 “It is just me.” The parrot assured. 
 Donald let out a sigh as he gently preened the top of each head. “You’re safe here. Nothing’s going to get you.”
 The bed was pressed further down as José laid down. Huey clamoring over into the parrot’s hold. Donald was free to wrap both arms around Louie. Three voices began to hum a familiar lullaby in hope of calming the triplets further. Even with their comforting presence, it took awhile for the three to fall asleep. It was not the way Donald wanted to start his weekend. But he should have known nothing he plans ever goes his way. Even with this hiccup, he was happy to have his family close. Falling asleep with a smile on his face.
 Donald was able to take his pent up frustration on the idiot who had allowed children to rent a horror movie. Panchito coming as back up to make sure the duck didn’t kill anyone.  
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Summary: requested by lovely anon:
Oh goody, your requests are open again. How about either Chris or Henry meet a girl on a vacation. They hit it off as friends and they stay in touch. He invites her over for Christmas and when she’s about to leave to return home, he asks her to stay with him. I’m a sucker for happy endings.
Warning: Fluff
Word count: 2k
Title: paradise
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Masterlist • requested closed momentarily! Don't send any more!
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission. Comments and reblog welcome!
November 6th
Chris was in a huge need for a vacation. Interviews, zoom meetings, ASP, he was dying for a break. Now he finally got time to take one.
He brought his beer to his lips, drinking it. Chris decided to come to Cancun because it seemed like a good place to relax. His eyes scanned the crowd around himself. There were people everywhere chatting with people. He thought he was the only person who wasn't until his eyes landed on you.
His stomach did a loop when he saw how beautiful you were. You sat alone, blue jean shorts on and a crop top. Your eyes scanning the crowd just like Chris's was.  The straw that was in your mouth was being chewed on and your face turned as you thought about the people around you and how much fun they were having.
You were in the same situation as Chris. You were on vacation from work, all by yourself. To be honest you were kinda hating it. But soon you wouldn't.
Chris was inching to talk to you. He didn't know if you were alone, but he was tempted.  He waited for a while just to make sure that you weren't with anyone before he stood up. He took a deep breath before he walked over to you. 
"Hola." As soon as Chris said that he regretted it.
You looked up at what you just heard a guy's voice. The way you almost forgot how to breathe when you saw him was quite sad. He was like a gift sent from heaven. Finer than any guy you've ever seen.
"Hi. Don't worry I speak English." You chuckled as you sat up straight. Chris smiled at you, "um I noticed you were alone and I would like to talk to you because you're beautiful - I mean I'm alone as well so you know it's um yeah."
Chris mentally cursed himself as he rambled. He probably blew his chance to talk to you. 
"I would love to talk to you." You pulled out the chair next to you. "Here sit." A smile rested on Chris's face as he sat beside you. With an exhale, he looked over at you. "So what is a pretty lady doing here by herself?"
You smiled, laughing slightly. "Well my friend demanded that I take a break from work and go on a little vacation. So here I am." You pointed to the beach that was to your left.
Chris nodded. "So…" you started. "What is a guapa like you doing here by yourself?"  You asked. Chris blushed as you spoke spanish.
"Well it's the same as you. My publicist made me go on vacation."
Chris gasped. "Yeah, I'm an actor." He whispered the last part. "Ever watched Captain America?" You nodded. "Yeah well that's me."
You were a little confused at first but then it hit you. He was Chris evans.
"Oh that's cool. Chris Evans." The way you were calm and didn't go fangirl on him made Chris feel comfortable around him. "Yeah so what do you do?"
"I work as a preschool teacher. i love working with kids." You smiled as you thought about the kids back at your school. You looked at Chris. He was smiling, his palm was pressed against his face as he listened to you. You felt your face heat up. "So why don't we spend the rest of the day together. You know so we aren't lonely."
Chris chuckled and the hottest way. "Okay. Sounds like a plan."
For the rest of the day you and Chris spent the day together. you both talked, Chris took you to dinner at a beautiful restaurant that you definitely couldn't afford. You both told each other stories about your families, shared a few laughs, and winks with each other. 
Chris was a complete gentleman. At the end of the night you found out you both were staying at the same hotel. Chris Walked you to your room. He asked for your number which you of course gave to him.
"I'll call you later?" Chris said as he put his phone in his pocket. "Yes, of course. "You and Chris smiled at each other as you stood in silence. You both started inching closer and closer before your lips touched. 
You moaned softly as you melted into his kiss. His lips were soft against yours as they moved together. 
Unfortunately you both had to pull away for air after a while. You looked into his blue eyes. "Wow... your lips are soft." You chuckled softly. Chris looked at you. "I know. Well it's getting late. I think we should both get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
You nodded, "okay." You opened your hotel room door and walked in. Before you shut it, you waved to Chris. Goodnight hermoso." With that you shutted your door.
Chris shook his head with a smile. He didn't understand you both, he knew it meant something special. 
Days turned into a week. You and Chris spent every day of your vacation with each other and it was fun. But unfortunately you both had to go home. 
You slung your bag over your shoulder. "I'm going to miss you." You pouted as you looked at Chris. Chris cupped your cheek. "I am too but you can call me and text me whenever you feel like. I'm not going anywhere." 
You smiled. "Okay. Well we both need to get on our flights. Goodbye Chris." You took his hand in yours. "Goodbye y/n." He kissed the back of your hand. You exhaled before letting go and walked the way to your flight. Hopefully you'll see him soon.
December 20th
You and Chris kept contact after you both left. He would call you every day and make sure that you were doing well. Sometimes you would zoom so you could see Dodger. You loved the pups so much even though you haven't seen him yet.
You were sitting on your couch, your TV was playing a baking show that you weren't paying much attention to. Your phone ringing snapped you out of your daze. You sat up, grabbing your phone. Looking at the caller ID you saw Chris. You smile as you take the call.
"Hi Chris!" 
"Hi honey, how are you." You smiled as you heard his question. "I'm great. How are you?"
"I'm perfect. Hey I got a question." You listened as Chris continued. "Um I was wondering if you have nothing going on Christmas you can come to Boston to celebrate Christmas with me. What do you say?"
You couldn't believe it. He wanted you to spend Christmas with him and his family. You were flattered. 
"I would love to. I'll catch a flight and I'll be there. By chris."
Chris said his goodbye to you and hung up the phone. As soon as you heard the line end you squealed. You were happy to be spending the holidays with him. You hopped off of the couch, running to your room. You needed to pack.
Your flight wasn't long. You arrived safely in Boston in no time. The cold new England air hit you as you walked out of the airport. You scanned the roads until you found Chris waiting for you. 
When you both saw each a smile appeared on your faces. You ran up to, wrapping your arms around him, kissing his lips you miss so much.
"How are you Chris?" You asked as you pulled away. "I'm amazing now that you're here. Come on let's go to my mom's house where everyone is waiting. And it's also nice and warm."
Chris took your luggage and put it in the trunk while you got in the passenger side.  After putting your things in the back, Chris got in the drivers side. 
He drove to his mom's house while playing some Christmas classics. You smirked as you listened to him sing. He was seriously adorable.
5 minutes later Chris arrived at his mom's home. He parked in the driveway, turning off the car before turning to you. 
"Are you ready?" You took a deep breath, "ready as I'll ever be." Chris nodded, "alright let's go." Chris opened his Door, you doing the same. You walked to Chris's side and took his hand in yours. Together you both walked the short way up the stairs to the front door. Chris knocked twice before someone answered. It was Scott.
"Oh you must be y/n. I've heard a lot about you." Scott looked at Chris while giving Chris the kissy face. You chuckled softly at the two dorks. "Alright Scott cut it out."
You looked up to see Mama evans walking to the doorway. Scott moved out of the way giving Lisa her space. "How are you? Chris has told me a lot about you."
Lisa pulled you into a hug. You smiled softly as you returned it. "I'm great." You pulled away. "Well come in. Everyone is waiting for you both." 
Lisa welcomed you both inside. You happily walked in. Pictures of Chris's family hung up on the wall making you smile. You followed Chris, Lisa and Scott further into the house until you reached the living room. 
There were some people you found out were Chris' siblings and nieces and nephews. You greeted all of them before sitting next to Chris on the love seat in the corner. 
As the day went on Chris's nieces and nephews opened up presents. It made you smile watching them get excited as they opened their gifts. Kinda reminded you of your Pre-K class. 
You didn't even notice Chris looking at you every now and then. He saw every reaction you had and how easily you warmed up to everyone. He seriously thinks you're a keeper. So did Mama Evans. While you were playing with Chris's niece she pulled him away for a little chat. 
"So y/n huh? She's a sweetheart." Lisa said. Chris smiled at his mom's words. "Yeah she is. I've only met her last month, but she's amazing and I already love her." 
Lisa knew when her son was in love and this was one of those moments. She smiled as she saw Chris looking at you as you played. "Well you two can go talk while I get dinner prepared. Ask her to stay for a while. I love having her here." 
Chris nodded as he stood up. They both went their separate ways. Lisa to the kitchen and Chris to you. "Hey can I talk to you for a second?"
You looked up at Chris. "Yeah sure." You told little stella you would keep playing with her later and then followed Chris. He took your hand and led you to his childhood bedroom. Once you both were in, Chris shutted the door and turned to you. 
"Uh it's been amazing having you here." Chris walked up to you, he was beaming hard. "Can you stay maybe till new years? I don't want you to go, not yet." You smiled at Chris, the guy you were deeply in love with. "Of course. I'll love to stay here with you until then."
 Chris felt an overwhelming rush of joy take over himself. He cupped your cheek. "l love you." He whispered against your lips softly.
"Me too Mi amor."
@chris-butt @princess-evans-addict @patzammit @bval-1 @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @raveviolet @rynabarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captainamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @lovepeacefood @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @jillanaholland @rororo06 @briannab1234 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @kianifan @adriannajackson @boojack73 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @i-lie-here-charmed @hhiggs
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alolowrites · 4 years
The Helpful Elf
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Summary: The Hippity Hop Cat toy is the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s. With the toy flying off the shelves, you desperately ask Mirio, the Helper Elf at Hazuki’s ToyLand, for help. And Mirio doesn’t give up, especially when it comes to you.
Author’s Note: Hello everyone!!! Real life is being a pain right now, but I’m so glad I managed to finish this story right on time! It’s pretty long (for me lol) and it’s my first with Mirio so yay!! I also wrote it for the BNHASanctuary discord server’s winter collab (first time I ever participated in any collab), so I’m very excited about this. I’ll link and share the masterlist once it’s up. I can’t wait to read everyone else’s stories :D 
Please enjoy!
Word Count: 2.5K+
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With October long gone and December in full swing, it meant one thing—the official start of the jubilant holiday season. Every year, Japan’s most iconic department store in Tokyo, Hazuki’s, transformed its ten floors into a magical winter wonderland. Around the country and around the globe, customers ushered through the doors to catch a glimpse of the glamorous store glittering with festive decor. 
Dazzling lights twinkled around the window displays that stretched around the block. Vibrant ornaments hung high above the ceilings like luxurious bubbles. And pine garlands peppered with red berries wrapped themselves along any rails that ran off forever. 
Hazuki’s was the place to kick start the holiday season and the one place to find everything and anything on one’s holiday shopping list. Especially the highly coveted toy of the year—the Hippity Hop Cat. 
Or so you thought. 
“Huh?” Said man’s elf hat jingled when he looked away from his display. His blue eyes beamed at the sight of you. Mirio chirped out your name as you rushed forward, nearly knocking him over. “Whoa, you alright?” 
“I need your help,” you blurted out, catching your breath at the same time; those pesky escalators were no use at all. Mirio offered to get water, but you waved him off. “No, no…no time for water. I need your help. It’s urgent!” 
“Uh, sure, what can I do?” 
“I need a toy, but not just any toy.” Mirio blinked when you suddenly inched closer to him. You scanned the area as though someone was lurking around to eavesdrop on your top-secret conversation. “It’s the Hippity Hop Cat, you know—” 
“The cat whose hops are out of this world?” 
“Yes, that one!” You clung to his shoulders like a desperate parent trying to find some shred of sanity in this chaotic store. Shaking the blonde man, you begged, “Please tell me you have one in stock?”
“Oh man,” Mirio scratched his forehead as he recalled the inventory from this morning. He glanced at your hopeless eyes and tight fists curling on his work uniform. There was no way Mirio could leave you hanging like this; it didn’t feel right. So he flashed you his famous smile that outshone the star twirling above you both. “Come with me. I’ll check in our system.”
“Gosh, you’re a lifesaver.” 
Mirio humbly rubbed his neck as he led the way to the backroom. You eyed the uproarious floor covered with thousands of toys that rivaled Santa’s Workshop in the North Pole. It was like walking through a child’s dream. Every toy imaginable—dolls, electric cars, robots, board games, you name it—was here. Hopefully, that stayed true with the Hippity Hop Cat. 
The door closed, muffling the sounds of frantic parents buzzing through the aisle. Mirio typed away on the keyboard as you paced behind him. You cursed yourself for procrastinating this long to buy the prized toy. Christmas was in less than two weeks!
“So who’s the gift for?” 
“Oh!” His deep voice pulled you back to the present. You walked forward with folded arms, anxiously hugging yourself. “It’s for Eri, a sweet little girl my next-door neighbor, Shouta, adopted earlier this year. She had a rough upbringing, but fortunately, she’s living with someone who cares for her deeply.” 
“I’m glad to hear that.” 
“Yeah,” you smiled softly at Mirio, making his fingers freeze above the keyboard. That smile of yours took his breath away; he nodded but secretly tried controlling his heart that beat like a bass drum. It was difficult since you were so close to him. “This will be Eri’s first Christmas, and she wants the Hippity Hop Cat; I told Shouta I would buy it for her, helping ease some pressure off his shoulders.”
“That’s really thoughtful of you.” Mirio admired everything about you. He was absolutely smitten with you ever since you started working in the perfume department. Mirio sometimes strolled through the floor during his breaks just to catch a glimpse of you. After scrolling through the computer, the blonde man frowned. “Hmm…looks like we’re out of stock. And the next shipment won’t come until the twenty-first.” 
You groaned. “Man, that’s cutting it close; you think you can hold one for me? I can buy it during my break or after work.” 
“I’ll try my best.”
“Thanks, Mirio.” You squeezed his shoulder, and he shuddered at the touch. Glancing at your watch, you said, “I gotta go before Nemuri wonders where I am. But thanks for helping out!” 
“Sure!” He saw you slip out the door in a hurry; you throw an apologetic smile for good measure. Pushing the elf hat further up, Mirio chuckled, “No problem.”
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Okay, so maybe there was a slight problem.
Santa Claus was still around town, and Mirio was placed on “elf duty” to help out with the pictures. Don’t get him wrong, the sunshine man adored children as much as the jolly old man who lived in the North Pole. However, Mirio realized he couldn’t guard the Hippity Hop Cat for you. All he could do was pray that one miraculously stayed on the shelf until you bought it. 
A flash went off, snapping Mirio back to his job. He smiled brightly, guiding the kid off Santa’s lap and ushering the next one to the chair. Nearly every parent in Japan was here today, the line looping around the store. Other customers, not visiting Santa, shopped as well, making the place extra crowded today. Yet, none of them were you, and that worried Mirio. 
“Ho, ho, ho, it was nice meeting you, sweetie!” 
Oh right! Mirio needed to focus, but it was hard knowing you weren’t here yet. All Mirio wanted to do was make people happy, especially you. After the sweet story you shared with him, he was more determined than ever to get you that toy. His blue eyes glanced at the bearded man in the red coat—could he help? Who knows. 
As Mirio waved goodbye to each kid, you stumbled off the escalator, face flushed as though you ran fifty flights of stairs. You glanced around the packed floor, dodging an airplane that whizzed by and brushing against the sea of customers to find Mirio. The blonde elf locked eyes with you and flashed a relieved grin; the grueling wait was over. 
And so was his duty with Santa Claus, what luck! Mirio marched over to you, placing a gentle hand on your back and guiding you to the aisle. “I was worried you wouldn’t come.” 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a robot’s arm. “The perfume department was swamped with tourists and other people. I practically had to beg Nemuri to let me slip away for a few minutes so I could buy—” Turning the corner, you gasped in disbelief at the empty shelves before choking out, “—the toy.”
Mirio blew a low whistle; people were snatching these toys off the shelves like no tomorrow. Still, he wouldn’t give up just yet. “C’mon, maybe there’s some left in stock.” 
“You sure?” 
“Can’t hurt to try, right?” Mirio flashed you a boyish smile, blue eyes brimming with determination. You nodded and followed him through the elaborate maze of this chaotic toy store. 
However, just as you both passed by the cash register, someone bellowed out: “That’s the last Hippity Hop Cat, sir. Thank you for shopping at Toyland; have a nice day!” 
No! You screeched to a halt. Your eyes watched as the man grabbed his bag and left the store with an exhausted but relieved face. Without thinking, you slammed against the counter, scaring the young green-haired employee who clutched his uniform. Leaning forward, you desperately half-whispered, “Please tell me what you said wasn’t true!” 
“I-I’m sorry?”
“The toy!” You frantically gestured to the exit, the man now long gone. “Please tell me you have another Hippity Hop Cat for sale!” 
“U-Um, I, uhh, well,” Midoriya stammered until his eyes spotted a familiar face behind you. The nervous man sighed in relief, knowing he was saved. “Mirio!”
“Hey, Izuku, sorry about that,” Mirio bashfully chuckled and clasped your shoulder to calm you down. The blonde man quickly introduced you to his co-worker, adding, “They’re trying to buy the Hippity Hop Cat, but are you sure that was the last one in stock?” 
“Yeah, it was. I’m sorry.” 
“Oh…oh, okay…” Your shoulders drooped like a sad puppy; you were too late. After saying a quick apology, you numbly dragged your feet toward the exit as a gray cloud formed over your head. A warm hand stopped you from going any further, and you blinked up. “Huh, Mirio, what’s wrong?”
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” you dismissed his concerns, but he wasn’t convinced; your eyes told a different story. Still, you mustered a brave face with a faint smile. “Listen, I appreciate everything you did. I knew it was a longshot getting the toy, so don’t sweat it, really.”  
“I know, I just,” he sucked in a breath, “I just wished I could have helped you out more. Especially since you wanted to make Eri happy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll get her something else.” You squeezed his bicep when Mirio opened his mouth to interject; he faltered slightly at the brief touch. “It’s fine, really. I’m sure Eri will love any toy for her gift; I promise.” 
Mirio nodded, watching you leave the store and disappearing within the crowd. You said everything was fine, but he knew that wasn’t true. That fake smile of yours spoke volumes. There has to be a way to get that toy, Mirio pondered, rubbing his chin and staring at the floor with furrowed eyes. 
Suddenly, an idea popped inside his head just as a jingle bell chimed behind him. A white smile stretched across Mirio’s face. The idea was crazy, maybe a longshot, too, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Mirio whipped out his phone and searched through his contacts until he landed on a specific name. 
The line started ringing...and ringing...and ringing when—
“H-Hi, Mirio.”
“Hey, Tamaki!” The blonde man beamed like the sun. He lowered his voice, cupping the phone for secrecy while walking away. “Listen, buddy. I know you’re busy and all, but I got a huge favor to ask…” 
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“…you think you can do it?” A small puff of breath floated out of your lips as you stepped away from the revolving doors. You stood beside a colorful window display of tiny elves grinning from ear to ear, their eager hands holding toys for the good boys and girls. One elf balanced himself at the tippy top of Santa’s mountainous red bag, his green gloves clutching the pointy hat for dear life. 
You smiled, appreciating the creative design before saying, “I can close the following week...yeah...okay, awesome, thanks again!”
Crisis one averted. Crisis two was up for debate, mainly because you held a shopping bag with Eri’s gift. It wasn’t the Hippity Hop Cat, but a nice small plushy cat toy instead. You bought it just a few minutes ago after wandering through the aisles at Toyland. The plushy cat toy wasn’t a bad second choice; it was adorable and incredibly soft to the touch. But it wasn’t the toy you wanted to give for Eri’s first Christmas. 
Oh, well, you sadly thought, biting the inside of your cheek. You stared at the elves again, realizing that their costumes matched Mirio’s work uniform in Toyland, down to the funny little hat. Mirio somehow pulled it off well thanks to his bubbly personality and warm heart that could melt the North Pole's snow. 
At one point, you wondered if Mirio was even there since you didn’t see him at the store today. You assumed he was doing inventory, but Midoriya said Mirio took the day off after a last-minute “personal obligation” came up, and it was too important to ignore. Must have been serious, you sighed as the shopping bag rustled against the wind. 
You braced your coat, hissing as the cold air sliced across your cheeks. Yup, it was time to go unless you wanted to freeze out here. Shuffling away from the window display, you stopped when someone screamed your name. Glancing over, you saw Mirio running toward you with one arm waving high in the air. 
“Hey!” Mirio finally caught up to you, his face flushed and nose redder than Rudolph’s, yet he kept on smiling. “So glad I found you!” 
“Whoa, you alright?” Now it was your turn to be concerned, just like he was when you rushed into the store to ask about the Hippity Hop Cat toy. Mirio nodded enthusiastically, squashing your worries away. “Midoriya said you were busy with a ‘personal obligation’ today. Is everything okay?” 
“Oh yeah, everything is great!”
“Well, that’s, um, great.”
“So, listen, about the Hippity Hop Cat toy—” 
“Mirio, I told you not to worry about it,” you butted in, shaking your shopping bag with the plushy cat. “I went ahead and bought something else for Eri and—”
You went radio silent, staring in disbelief at the surprise. Sitting in Mirio’s hands was the one and only Hippity Hop Cat toy. The number one toy that was on every kid’s wish list, yet rarer to get than Willy Wonka’s Golden ticket. That toy was now only a few inches away from you. 
“B-But how?!” The words finally fumbled through your lips, flickering your gaze between the toy and Mirio while stumbling forward a bit. “It’s sold out everywhere!” 
“Let’s just say I pulled some strings with Santa’s workshop,” Mirio cheekily grinned like one of the elves from the window display. You choked out a laugh, dropping the shopping bag so you could hold the boxed toy; it felt wonderful in your hands.
You looked up with eyes softer than freshly fallen snow. Mirio continued talking up a storm, his arms flailing wildly like an excited kid who discovered something new. The delicate holiday lights flickered around you both, casting a lovely glow that was as bright as the joy twinkling inside Mirio’s eyes. 
They were always so welcoming that, without thinking, you gave him a crushing hug. Mirio froze, his arms hanging mid-air as he slowly processed what was happening. After a few seconds, his shoulders relaxed, and his strong arms eagerly wrapped around you, holding you in place. Even with that thick coat of yours, you felt very soft that his heart soared to new heights. 
“Thank you, Mirio,” you whispered near his ear, giving him another squeeze. But you didn’t stop there. A sudden urge came over you, and in a bold move, you planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. Pulling away, you bit back a laugh at his flustered face. “You really are the best Helpful Elf I know.” 
“Well, you know me,” he shot you a grin, “I’m always here to help.” 
“Is that so?” You tapped your cheek with your gloved finger. “Think you can help me gift wrap this toy, say tonight at my place?” 
“Luckily for you, I’m a whiz with wrapping paper.” 
Mirio’s hand wormed its way into yours, giving you a loving squeeze before joining you on your long walk home. The Hippity Hop Cat toy was the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s, whose first Christmas was officially saved. And it was all thanks to Mirio, the one and only Helpful Elf at Hazuki’s Toyland.
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Thank you for reading!!
FicMas Fest 2020 Masterlist
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Christmas Specials: Fishcake
CW: Some hint of dehumanization and references to Bahram’s depression/past breakdown at the end, some brief emeto references, but really this is just fluff. Oh, also brief unintentional ableism that Miah calls out.
Introduction | Siren Song | Cries | Here | Not Sure | Draw Blood | Fish | Signs | Stop | Something New | Help | Please Don’t Let Me Drown  | Fish Food | Squeaky Toy | Fading | Fishcake
December 24th, 20XX 11:15 pm Mer in Residence: 71 Days
Miah showed up tonight with a Christmas present for me, and now I feel like a giant dick for not having anything to give her. 
Christmas just isn’t a thing in my family. I mean, I have cousins who go overboard with it, kind of a fitting in thing, but my family never did. Baba does some kind of fast, but for Maman it’s just another day and for me it’s always meant mostly a day where I played video games all day because I didn’t have to be at school or work. 
Oh, I need to call Baba and Maman tomorrow, note to self. She always gets worried about me right around the end of the year, what with how they figured out I was quitting school and everything.
I guess getting a phone call from a hospital leaves a bloody impression.
Anyway, Miah comes in with this big shopping bag in her hand, waving at me all bright and sunny and cheerful. She set the bag down long enough to berate me for - she assumed - having not taken my medicine on time. 
For the record, she was right, but I didn’t tell her that.
Nearly drowning in saltwater made my lungs apparently terribly angry with me, so for the next eight days I’m on a run of antibiotics to handle a lovely case of bacterial pneumonia. Would’ve been far handier to get pneumonia right away, but instead I ended up in Urgent Care yesterday, paying 200 dollars and waiting two hours to see a doctor for less than ten minutes. 
Dr. L says she’ll reimburse me the cost, but still. 
Miah asked me how I was feeling, I said I felt fine, really, and then of course I had an awful coughing fit just to prove myself a wonderful liar. The coughing’s the worst part - every time I really get going, it’s like being underwater all over again. I can feel my lungs fighting to inflate, to take the air in, and I can hear how hard I’m working to get enough air to stop coughing at all. Miah can’t hear it, but she can see it all right, and she looked worried.
I signed, “I’m fine, it’ll stop, the doctor says it will,” and she frowned at me, but let it go, I guess. While she had her face turned away to greet the mer, I opened the pill bottle and dry-swallowed the meds really fast. Sometimes there are benefits to Miah not being able to hear things.
The mer - Kima, I can call him by his name in these notes, the ones only I see - was already at the side of the tank, watching us. He’s perked up a bit lately, since I started giving him live fish on the days Dr. L isn’t around and Miah brought him all these enrichment things. We’re doing what we can, but I know it’s still not enough.
Enough would be figuring out where his bloody family is and getting him back to them, but I just… I can’t even begin to explain, even to myself, the logistical nightmare of hauling a six-foot-long mer back to the ocean and finding someone who would take him back up north where his family likely is in the middle of bloody fucking December.
It’s the right thing to do, yeah.
But it’d just be too hard to pull off, not without losing… my whole taped-together life, yeah? Plus I’m still dealing with trying to figure out who exactly is my real employer at this point - who’s paying Dr. L - and what they want from the mer’s… thing he can do.
Miah glanced over at him and signed, “Don’t worry, I have something for you, too,” and Kima just looked back at her, head cocked to the side. She looked over at me and signed, “It’s a fish-cake.”
I have to admit, it took me a second to even begin to respond. My hands just… hung in mid-air, before finally I asked, “A what?”
“A fishcake. It’s like a fruitcake, but so much worse.” She leaned down to dig around in the big bag and pulled out a box, pausing to add, “I had to wrap it and box it or the car would have smelled horrible for days,” before she picked up and laid the box on my desk, opened it, took out something wrapped in layers of plastic, and unwrapped that, painstakingly slowly.
I glanced over at the mer, who watched with total fascination. Maybe he’d caught the sign for fish, he’s incredibly food-motivated. Which makes sense, of course, probably with his pod he’d spend a lot of his day eating and hunting for more, but
Bahram. Focus.
She was right - as soon as the plastic came off, I could smell it. 
“How can you handle that? Isn’t your sense of smell… really good?” Ah, yes, I am always so proud of myself when I forget a sign for a word I want to say and have to sort of cobble together the spirit of it with other signs.
She looked at me with this sort of dry are you kidding me expression, then signed, “I’m deaf, B, not a superhero,” in a way that made me feel about ten inches tall.
“Sorry. That’s an awful smell, though.”
And it was. I like fish as much as the next man, but this was foul. She grinned at me and picked up the tupperware the fishcake was in using towels to protect her hands from picking the smell up too, I guess, and went over to the ladder up to the platform. Her back was already to me, so I couldn’t ask her the question I had, or tell her not to do that one-handed. Instead, I just sort of… got up and hovered uselessly while she climbed up without looking back, and then followed her up there.
The platform makes me… nervous, now. I stay closer to the ladder, farther from the water. I hope the mer, that Kima doesn’t think I don’t want to be close to him or something.
Miah took the lid off the tupperware and waited. Soon enough the mer popped up near us, interested in what we were doing on the platform. 
I watched those nasal slits open wide when he smelled the fish. And I watched how his eyes went big and shiny with excitement. Whatever Miah had put in the foul thing, he wanted it.
She dumped it into the water - I didn’t see much, other than a sort of loaf-shape and a sense of texture I never want to think about again - and Kima tore into it. It was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen, and I have actually watched Kima eat raw fish that was living seconds before. I had to look away - and so did Miah, but she was laughing. She can’t hear herself, only feel the vibration in her own throat. Her laughs kind of sound almost honking, choked-off, just totally un-self-conscious noises she’s barely aware of.
I should tell her that I like the way she laughs.
Oh, I absolutely should not do that.
Maybe I should, though.
She grinned at me, still laughing, and signed, “This is disgusting!”
“It is,” I signed back, “And it’s your fault, don’t forget that!”
She was still laughing when Kima looked back up at us, fish bits smeared around his mouth, and she signed, “Merry Christmas, K-I-M-A,” to him. He stared back, signed yes, and then dove back under the water, present utterly devoured, leaving only gross little particles I will probably have to hose off the sides of the tank on cleaning day when the filters can’t quite pick them up.
Miah looked at me, and I just thought, you know, she’s really pretty even under the sun lamps, and nobody is pretty in that light. Then she signed, after this moment of stillness, “I bought you a present, too.”
“Me?” I pointed back at myself, blinking, surprised. “I don’t do Christmas, M, I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “I know. But I still bought a present. Can I show you?”
“Um, sure.” I get nauseous when I’m nervous. For a second, climbing back down the ladder, I thought I’d just get sick all over myself. I was badly designed, my defense mechanism is just to vomit on myself to scare predators away, clearly my body thinks pretty women are dangerous and I have to embarrass myself until they stop looking at me.
Finally, though, we were back at my desk. The smell… lingered. I’ve since burned the candle Miah got me, and the sulfur from the matches and the scent of the candle itself have largely done away with it, but when we got back, it was still powerful. 
She didn’t pull anything out of the bag, instead she just took a small card out of her back pocket and handed it to me. 
I looked down at it. “Alborz?” I realized I’d spoken out loud, looking down, and looked back up quickly so I could repeat it in sign, so she could see. “A-L-B-O-R-Z? A gift card to a restaurant?”
She nodded, quickly, signing so fast I was having trouble keeping up. I guess… was she nervous, too? “It’s food like you grew up with, yes?”
“Yeah, more or less. I mean nothing is better than my mother’s food. But why-”
She reached out and grabbed my arm with one hand to stop me, leaned in so close that the smell of this super subtle perfume she wears was stronger, for a second, than the smell of fish. “B,” She signed, with heavy, slow emphasis, “Think about why I bought you this.”
I just looked at her. I didn’t get it at all, and told her so.
I’m so bloody dense.
She sighed, throwing her hands up in the air with an eye-roll and a smile, and then signed, “When are you taking me there?”
She had to repeat the signs three times before I realized she was asking me on a date.
So anyway, I don’t think I’ll sleep a wink tonight, and also I think I celebrate Christmas now.
That was an awful joke. I’m leaving it there just to properly shame myself if I ever reread this.
@astrobly  @burtlederp   @finder-of-rings   @slaintetowhump   @moose-teeth   @misspelledwitch   @whumpfigure   @whumptywhumpdump   @boxboysandotherwhump   @whumpywhumpwhump   @yet-another-heathen   @fanmanga1357-blog @justabitofwhump  
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 13
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Next day
(7 December)
11:01 am
"I can't believe you made me do this!" You huffed gripping the huge box tightly in your hands while glaring at your bestfriend beside walking with you.
She gave a sheepish grin. "I wanted a break okay!"
"Break from what?"
"From Lauren." She clicked her tongue. "I was fed up with her dramatic acting."
You laughed shaking your head. "Why do hate her so much?"
She rolled her eyes. "I don't hate her. I just extremely dislike her."
"And why is that?"
She was about to reply but stopped when her eyes caught something and she threw the box in her hand over your box making you stumble with the sudden weight.
"What the-"
"Y/n, I left my phone in the classroom. You go ahead, i'll be right behind you."
"But your phone-"
She sprinted with a speed of light leaving you dumbfounded there.
"Is in your hand."
A exhasperated sigh left your lips while trying to calm your anger before holding the two huge boxes properly only to get it shake and before it could fell, it was taken away.
Startled, you looked at the person who turned out to be Baekhyun smiling at you.
"Oh, Baekhyun sunbae."
He sighed. "Can you please stop calling me that? I mean you said we're friends, so let's drop these formalities."
You bit your lip before nodding. "Okay, i'll try."
"By the way, where were you going with these boxes twice your size?" He joked making you narrow your eyes at him and he laughed before you both started walking.
"To the theatre. What about you?"
"I was on my way to the music room but seeing you struggling, I couldn't help but come here."
You smiled. "Well, Thank you."
He gave a nod as you looked ahead before feeling his his constant gaze on you, causing you look at him and he instantly looked away. Soon you both reached the theatre room and entered inside where the chaos suddenly went silent as they saw who entered with you.
Walking further, you put the box on the wooden table and as Baekhyun was about to follow you, some girls from the stage got down and immediately walked towards him including your professor.
As everyone was aproaching him, you instantly took the box from him and walked away not wanting to be crushed by these girls while Baekhyun just stared at you.
"Oh, Baekhyun." Mrs. Kang smiled at him which he returned politely before slightly bowing to her.
"How are you here?"
"Uh, I was just passing by and helped y/n." He answered her before looking at you and you could feel the stares from every person present in the theatre making you want to hide somewhere.
"That's so sweet of you." Mrs. Kang smiled. "Baekhyun, if you don't mind can you do me a favor?"
Baekhyun looked at her confused and locked eyes with you who was perplexed as him before looking back at her and nodded.
There was Baekhyun, standing in the middle of the stage awkwardly. Apparently, the favor was to rehearse some lines with Lauren as Rowoon was still was late and Baekhyun being the sweet guy he was, couldn't refuse her.
"Y/n, give this to Baekhyun." Mrs. Kang gave you the script papersheet and you nodded before sighing while walking to the stage.
Getting on the stage, you made your way to him not knowing your shoelace was loosened and someone decided to take advantage of that.
A yelp left your lips as you tripped and your eyes went automatically shut as you felt yourself going forward. However, you felt pair of arms around your waist tightly and you opened your eyes to be locked with Baekhyun's concerned ones.
Your one arm was on his shoulder and other one was holding his arm with his face close to yours where you noticed mole on his right cheekbone. You both were so imersed staring eachother forgetting where you were standing and everyone's gazes were on you, not to mention Mrs. Kang was giving you heart eyes seeing the chemistry.
Suddenly, you heard door opening sound making you both snap out and you pulled away from eachother awkwardly. Ria came inside and sensed the silent atmosphere before looking at you on the stage confusingly.
She got worried if something happened but then seeing Baekhyun with you, she relaxed as she knew you would be safe with him. On the other hand, you felt your cheeks heating up due to the stares and got embarrassed.
"Y/n, Are you alright?"
You looked at Mrs. Kang as she shot you a concerned face and you nodded giving her a apologetic smile but she waved it off.
You looked back at Baekhyun who was already staring at you and got flustered before holding out the paper sheet to him. However, instead of taking it, he got down on one knee making you gasp as you eyed him shook.
"What-what are you doing?"
He didn't answered but then you saw he began to tie your shoelace and you bit your lip getting uncomfortable by the stares.
"I can do it." You tried to pull back but he didn't let you as he looked up at you and sighed.
"It's done." With that he stood up not caring about the stares he was getting and instantly got a hold of your wrist gently and led you off the stage.
"You are not hurt anywhere, are you?" He questioned as soon as you were at the corner and you nodded while your eyes on his hand which was holding your wrist.
"You should be careful." He indicated towards your foot and you could feel his concern through his voice.
Have you seen the way he looks at you?
Your body jolted up when Ria's words rang into your mind and your immediately brushed it off before hearing Ria's voice making you both look at the direction to see her coming towards you.
You three talked before Rowoon entered and got surprised to see Baekhyun here but he waved toward your side before going to the stage whereas Baekhyun also got a call from his friend and left leaving you with your tangled thoughts.
Arriving at the music room, Baekhyun got the attention of his friends who were busy in their stuff.
"What took you so long? Where were you?" Junmyeon asked him.
"Somewhere." Baekhyun replied flatly before taking a seat beside Kyungsoo.
"Somewhere or with Y/n?" Jongin smirked at him wriggling his eyebrows getting some laughs from others.
"Whatever." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.
"So how did it go?" Chanyeol question him with a serious expression.
"It's nice, just the way we saw it online." Baekhyun told him. "I think it's perfect for it."
Baekhyun and Sehun were looking for a place where they would go with their game inventing plans. Chanyeol recommend it after seeing it on online and helped his friend with it where Baekhyun went to check it and hoped everything goes well.
2:14 pm
You arrived at the Café with your lost mind as the earlier scene wasn't getting out of your head not to mention the stares from people.
Sighing, you took a hold of the handle to push the door but flinched when a hand came over yours. You instantly recognized the person by his hand and locked eyes with Baekhyun.
You looked away awkwardly and Baekhyun pulled his hand back while clearing his throat. Pushing the door, you walked inside with him behind you and met a smiling Rose at the counter.
"You two met again outside?" She chuckled and you nodded.
"You know, you should just come together since you both go to same college." She suggested and you both nodded but instantly looked at her confused.
"Rose, you knew?" Baekhyun asked her.
"Knew what?"
"That we go to same college."
She nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, I knew since the first day of yours."
"Then why didn't you told us?" You approached her with confused face.
"I thought you both knew?" She also gave a confused look and you three looked at eachother before breaking out in giggles.
Rose shook her head in disbelief. "Silly kids."
"By the way, Rose." You went closer to her as you stared at her tilting your head. "You look awfully happy, something good happened?"
A shy smile made way to her lips with a pink tint appearing on her cheeks taking you off guard.
"Uh, Jinhyuk asked me on a date."
You were about to explode with happiness but then frowned and mumbled. "Hm? Jinhyuk? I thought it was Jack."
Baekhyun leaned down to your ear from behind and whispered. "Jack's Korean name is Jinhyuk."
His whisper left shiver down your spine making your breath hitched with the closeness. When did he came behind you? Nevertheless, you smiled at her shrugging off the ticklish feeling in your stomach, well you tried.
"I'm so happy for you, Rose!" You exclaimed hugging her which she returned it with a chuckle finding you cute and with that you three started working.
Time passed by and soon it was dawn with your cue to go home and bid bidding goodnight to Baekhyun and Rose, you left with Daniel who was grinning unusually leaving you confused.
Reaching home, you opened the door and greeted by none other than your actual home, your parents with their usual routine as if they didn't left 2 weeks ago.
"Mum! Dad!" You exclaimed running to your dad who was seated on the couch and hugged him tightly with him hugging you back while laughing and patting your head. Smiling you pulled away and sprinted towards your mom who was working in the kitchen and crushed your body with hers earning a squeal from her.
When you pulled away, she smiled but frowned when she wiped your tears away which you didn't even knew when they streamed down your cheeks. Seems like you missed your parents too much to your thinking.
As you were having a conversation with them over their trip, you heard footsteps sounds coming from stairs making you confuse as everyone was present in the living room.
A gasp left your lips when you saw your big brother Jaehyun coming down with a smug grin upon seeing your shook expression.
"Hey Potato!" He greeted you, only to get hit by the pillow which you just threw on hia face.
"Hey!" He exclaimed with a scowl. "Is this how you greet your big brother?"
"You wouldn't, if you hadn't called me by that name." You crossed your arms looking at him with a stern face before your lips turned into a smile seeing him after four years.
He grinned before taking you for a hug which you returned before your younger brother jumped on you both making you groan but instantly relaxed and your parents smiled at the sight.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog
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lynnsaundersfanfic · 3 years
Grounded, Chapter 10: Dreams
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A Coffee House Fic inspired by a prompt from awesomegreentie.
We started off with a T rating, but who are we kidding here? It’s me. So, the rating has been moved up to M at Chapter 5.
Chapters in Order:  Introductions - Invitation - Stroll - Alchemy - Dayspring - Distraction - Lost - Firelight - Monday - Dreams
Or, read it on fanfiction.net here.
Grounded  |  Chapter Ten: Dreams  |  by Lynn Saunders
The Tuesday before Christmas dawns cold and grey, and John watches the sunrise as he sits before the shop’s hearth with his morning tea, struggling a bit to meet the day. William looks surprised to find him there quite so early after closing so late the evening before, but he doesn’t comment on the matter. They really must hire someone else on, and soon.
Anna’s over a week gone, and John has scarcely slept since she’s been away. He trudges home late in the evenings, tie askew, and sinks onto the couch in his sparsely furnished flat to doze for a few hours before rising early to do it all over again. His split with Vera did not leave him with much in the way of quality furnishings, and what little he did take with him has mostly been used to lend a personal touch to the tasteful rusticity of the coffee house. The little shop is the first thing he’s truly been able to make all his own. But his apartment feels cold, the freshly painted walls stark and bare, and it’s not yet truly a home for him. It’s pale and blank, a new slate that he hasn't yet gotten around to writing on - not like Anna’s flat, which is warm and cheerful and utterly her.
He’s a bit surprised to find that it’s difficult to sleep without Anna snugged in safely against him. He craves her scent and the warm press of her body in the dark. He tosses and turns in the night, restless and brooding. But when sleep does finally find him, he dreams of a faerie with golden hair, her eyes blue as the sea. She awaits him eagerly in a small hothouse in mid-winter, dressed all in white. In the dream, their meetings are secret, and her love for him is certain. This morning, the taste of the dream maiden’s lips had lingered on his even after he awoke feverish and shaky, lost between worlds for a moment and struggling to remember which was real.
The church bell down the street chimes out the hour, and John rises and stretches. He retrieves his mobile from the mantle and sends Anna a photo of the blazing fire, then tucks the phone into his pocket with a small smile. He doesn’t expect her home for a few days yet, but it’s safe to say she hasn’t forgotten him. Two evenings ago, their goodnight phone call had ended with her breathlessly sighing his name.
I was thinking of the other night, he’d said. Of having you against the door.
He’s never been brave enough to give voice to such delicious thoughts before, never had someone so eager to listen. Her response to his secret whispers in the dark was the definition of unforgettable.
He finishes his tea with a smirk, then readies for the day, tying on an apron and washing his hands. He surveys the stock of pastries and resolves to make more fresh cinnamon buns, but it will have to wait until the morning rush dies down. For the next two hours, the bells on the front door jangle consistently.
Business is good. More than good. He feels utterly blessed to have this place, but beyond that he feels a sense of deep pride in his work. Is this what it’s like to love what you do? He realizes with a start that this is the first path he’s truly chosen for himself, rather than one he pursued out of habit, pressure, or obligation. In his old life, he might be tempted to focus on all the work that still looms ahead, or to wait for the other shoe to drop. He would’ve been too hesitant to venture into business ownership, too pessimistic. But more than anything else, being wounded showed him just how fleeting life is. That’s what made him put down the bottle and start living life again. And Anna? He certainly would’ve never imagined that he deserved the company of someone this lovely or, for that matter, someone this kind. Finally, he’s starting to believe.
Anna dreams of John in a different time. They sit at a long table in a bustling room she doesn’t quite recognize, yet she somehow knows it all the same. The room smells of coffee and warm, brown bread. Breakfast china rattles over bits of conversation. Beside her, John is clean-shaven and polished and proper. This image of him stands in stark contrast to what she knows he is capable of in the dark. He gives her a furtive glance, and she attempts to hide her flush behind her teacup. Her delicate wedding band is hidden safely away beneath her frock, nestled against her breastbone on a simple gold chain. Her cup clinks into its saucer, and she brings a hand up to absently trace the outline of the ring through the fabric of her dress. No one can know, not yet. John’s leg presses against hers beneath the table, out of view of the others.
The others?
But the room is gone now, replaced with the glow of a fire and the slip of fine linens against her bare skin. John’s thick fingers glide along her back as she rests, snugged against his chest. She’s long been sated, and now sleep calls. As her eyes drift shut, her mind flashes on the rustling of willow fronds and the taste of fresh cider, of mistletoe on the arch of an old oak door, of the earthy smell of a conservatory in midwinter and the sound of pottery shattering in the dark.
The company car rocks gently as it pulls onto Anna’s street, and her eyes blink open. Her mind fumbles for the thread of that intriguing dream, but the more she reaches for those memories, the further they slip away. John in an old-fashioned waistcoat and sleeves, she thinks with a grin. Something about a greenhouse… and then a feeling - one of bittersweet, quiet, and steadfast love. It is safe and warm, and… familiar? Anna shakes her head with a confused sigh.
The homes on Anna’s street are cheerful, dotted with wreaths and holiday lights. In the west, the sky is painted purple and crimson in the waning daylight. The car pulls to a stop at her door, and she draws the edges of her coat closed before stepping out into the nipping winter air. She’s so looking forward to being in her own flat and her own bed, to seeing her grumpy old three-legged cat… and her hot barista.
She checks her mobile - still no service. Ah, well. When she’d spoken briefly with John last evening, her plans called for staying in London at least another day or two. However, this morning’s presentation had gone surprisingly well, and when Mary spoke of sending Anna home ahead of schedule, she’d jumped at the chance.
The driver hurries around to help her with her bags, and she tips him generously before climbing the short flight of stairs to her apartment. Even with both bags in hand, Anna unlocks the door to her flat with practiced ease. Castle comes running and leaps onto the kitchen counter with a delighted chirp. She scritches him and shakes some crunchies into his bowl.
Tacked to the fridge is a note from Gwen.
I continue to be Castle’s favorite person to torment. The beggar knocked the treat bag off of the counter and ate half. He then vomited in the hall and stared haughtily as I cleaned it up.
Castle blinks innocently from the kitchen counter, and Anna gives him a disapproving look. She makes a mental note to take her friend for drinks ASAP to make up for it.
Gwen has left the week’s mail on the countertop, and Anna sorts the contents quickly while she waits for the shower to run hot. She happily sheds her travel clothes and steps under the spray with a relieved sigh, washing the muck of the day away. Oh, but there’s so much to do. She needs to go for groceries and work on the laundry, to put the finishing touches on a project before the firm closes for the holidays. But as she lingers in the steam of the shower, allowing the heat to sink into the delicate muscles of her neck and shoulders, she finds it impossible to care about those mundane tasks. Her mind drifts instead.
She thinks of last week, of John’s long fingers moving between her thighs, patiently coaxing her pleasure. She had melted into his embrace, her slick back pressed to his front, her head lolled against his chest. He had turned her then, lifting her solidly against the chilly shower tile and marking her neck with his lips as he pushed into her. His strong arms held her fast while she sighed his name and dug her fingernails into his shoulders. His teeth had trailed behind her ear just so. She reaches lazily up to press her fingertips to the spot, daydreaming until the water begins to cool.
Yes, all the trappings of everyday life can wait. She has a very particular craving that only one thing can satisfy.
John rushes to open the shop’s door ahead of William, who is carefully balancing three full pastry boxes, their largest order of the day. He steps out to meet the chill of the December evening, and William follows, passing gingerly through the doorway. They work together to arrange the pastry boxes safely in the floorboards of the waiting car.
The customer is Beatrice, one of John’s mother’s friends from church, and she reaches up to pat his arm affectionately. “Thank you, Dear.”
He smiles down at her. “I hope you enjoy them.”
“Oh, the kids will love them!”
She waves to William as he ducks back through the shop’s front door. The neon ‘open’ sign blinks out shortly afterward, and they watch for a moment as William goes about closing duties without having to be asked.
“He’s a hard worker,” John says. “Thank you for sending him my way.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve known his family for ages, and of course with his mother’s passing he needed something closer to home for a while. He’s all his dad has left now.” She shakes her head sadly. “But, I’m so happy you two get on so well. I hear there was a less pleasant fellow working here who has recently moved on.”
John laughs. “Yes, but that’s fine by me. Better the two of us work harder than have a third who rocks the boat. But if you know of anyone else who needs steady work, please send them my way.”
She thinks for a moment. “I may have just the young lady in mind. She’s young and a bit new to church, but she seems reliable. She was such a help with the bake sale.”
He draws a card from the breast pocket of his button-front shirt. “Please have her come by. William and I are managing, but barely. As it is, he needs a large bonus… and a holiday.”
She chuckles, then takes a conspiratorial step closer. “Now, let me hear all about this Anna. Margaret tells me you two are quite the item.”
John gives a somewhat embarrassed chuckle. His mother definitely cannot be prevailed upon to keep any secrets. “Yes, I suppose we are.”
“You suppose?” She tsks with mock disapproval. “Well don’t you be shy. Bring her ‘round to see us for tea soon.”
He gives a vague promise, and John waves as Beatrice pulls away from the curb. As the taillights fade in the distance, he takes a moment to stand still, to close his eyes and simply breathe in the icy air. There’s been no new snow today, but there’s still a satisfying icy crunch underfoot, and he remembers his first stroll home with Anna, the first brush of her lips against his cheek. That was only two weeks ago, yet somehow this thing between them feels both ancient and new.
It’s a bit odd that he hasn’t heard from her today, and it dawns on him that he’s not been the least bit concerned about what that uncharacteristic lack of contact means for their burgeoning relationship. In the past, he’s had what Vera would have called a jealous streak. But underneath that superficial explanation was truly only worry, a deep-seated fear that he won’t measure up, that he’s undeserving. But he feels none of that with Anna. Everything between them has come so naturally.
He takes one more moment to enjoy the quiet solitude of the winter evening, then turns to help William close up for the night. But he doesn’t quite reach the door. His breath is caught in his throat, and for a moment he stops and stares, blinking in delighted disbelief. Anna. The streetlamps catch her golden hair even through the frozen haze of the December evening. She’s supposed to be miles away, yet here she is on his street instead, making her way toward him with a very particular look in her eye. He sees warmth reflected there, mischief, and an intoxicating, velvety undercurrent of desire. He catches her up in an embrace, and she giggles as he lifts her off of her feet. God, he wants so badly to be the one who inspires that sound from now on. He breathes her in, feels the thrill of it deep in his chest, then remembers himself and returns her gently to the ground.
“Why didn’t you say you were coming?” he asks with a grin.
“I didn’t know until today.” Her eyes dance as she reaches up to straighten his tie. “That, and my mobile has been out of service all afternoon. But… I’ve brought you something that may make up for it.”
At his quizzical look, she reaches into her coat pocket and brings out a sprig of mistletoe, twirling it in her fingers for a moment, raising an eyebrow. He tugs her close in response, kissing her gently in the arch of the shop doorway until she begins to shiver in his arms. Later, as he sifts his fingers through her hair in her bedroom in the dark, she’ll tell him she wasn’t cold, not exactly. It’s the intensity of his touch that’s making her tremble. But he doesn’t know that now, and he ushers her quickly into the cheerful warmth of the coffee house. Muted sounds from the kitchen radio filter down the hall, and he can hear the clinking of silverware as William washes the dishes. He presses another soft kiss to her lips before locking the door and pulling the shades in turn.
“I need to-” he begins, but she places a gentle hand on his chest with a nod.
“Finish your work.” She smiles up at him. “I’ll still be here.”
He brings the back of her hand to his lips for a moment, then turns to join William in the kitchen. Together, the men make quick work of the evening chores. Soon the dishes are dried and the countertops gleam once more. William finishes the mopping while John reviews the checklist for tomorrow, smiling at the sheer volume of holiday orders.
As he pulls on his coat to leave, William glances down the hall toward Anna, then gives John a nod of decided approval. “It’s good to see you happy, Mr. Bates.”
John clears his throat a bit self-consciously, but he’s touched. “I think I am, truly… for the first time in a long while.” He pauses just a moment before adding, “now, run on home. We’ve another early day tomorrow.”
“You two don’t stay up too late,” William says with a wink as he pulls his cap down snug over his brow and disappears through the shop’s rear door.
John only laughs and shakes his head in response.
When he returns to the front room with a cup of cocoa to share, Anna is warming herself by the waning coals of the banked fire. The shop lights are low, and the sight of her silhouetted in the amber glow of the stone fireplace tugs at a quiet, yearning place deep within him. Anna just feels so… familiar, his mind echoes. It’s as if they’ve spent countless evenings sharing a hearth and a bed, perhaps across times and places he will never know or understand, but always - always - with the same indescribable current arcing between them.
She smiles up at him as he passes her the mug, and he eases onto the sofa, drawing her near. She takes a sip and gives a satisfied hum that makes the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. They watch the embers pop and spark for a moment as the kitchen radio plays on in the distance.
“How was London?” He presses a kiss to her temple.
“Good, actually.” She takes another sip of cocoa and passes him the mug. “Well, more than good, I think. It might mean a promotion.”
“Well done!” He squeezes her hand with genuine affection and pride, then adds cheekily, “Will you have a corner office, then?”
“No…” She grins up at him. “And nothing’s decided yet, but… on that topic, there is a favor I need to ask you.”
“Oh yes?”
“You see, there’s this company holiday party. Fancy dress and all that, and I’ll be needing a date…”
“Dancing and cocktails and a suit?”
“Well, probably not dancing… but the rest of it, yes.”
“No dancing? Pity, that.”
“I expect you’ll be relieved.” She taps his chest playfully with the back of her hand, and he realizes she thinks he’s joking.
He imagines Anna in a low-cut gown, his fingers gliding along the curve of her back as they savor the anonymity of a darkened dance floor. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.”
John smiles conspiratorially and moves their shared mug to the safety of the little coffee table. He rises carefully, then pulls Anna gently to her feet. She smiles shyly at him as he takes her hand and leads her down the shop’s hallway in the dark. The familiar rooms are bathed in shadows, and she clings to his hand like a lifeline. In the kitchen, he pauses to adjust the volume on the little radio, filling the room with the mellow, rolling notes of a jazz piano.
“Come here,” he says, his voice rough and low.
She giggles as he pulls her easily into his embrace, and they sway together in the dark, his right hand perfectly fitted to the small of her back. Thank goodness for heels, she thinks dreamily. Moving together this way, she’s just tall enough to rest her forehead against his broad chest. He tucks her hair behind her ear and tips her chin up to meet him, stooping to graze her lips with his. His large hands slide beneath the hem of her sweater, blazing a path up the curve of her spine. She hums happily, and she feels his answering smile against her temple.
She finds the quiet confidence in his touch intoxicating. She’s enamored with the pleasing stoutness of his body, the thickness of his chest and shoulders, the way he gazes at her so intently as they move together. She’s never been this easily turned on, this revved up. She’s fallen hard and fast, no question, but this thought doesn’t alarm her. Instead, she feels emboldened by her desire. When she rises on tiptoe to kiss him, he tastes not just of cinnamon and chocolate, but of something deeper and richer, a comforting memory she cannot place. And as the song begins to fade, they hold fast to one another, lighting a fire between them as they dance together in the dark.
Author’s notes:
I’ve not written in a long while. I worry it shows. Thank you for being patient while I knock the rust off.
Anna and Bates dance to Turn Me On by Nora Jones.
Thanks to @awesomegreentie and @gelana78 for quick-beta!
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thosedeviantfeels · 4 years
The Beginning of His Life, Chapter 8
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
Summary: (Y/N) Manfred is about as mixed up with androids as she could possibly be.
Pairings: Connor x Reader (romantic), Markus x Reader (platonic), Carl (father) x Reader (daughter)
Warnings: mentions of death, grief
Word count: 1,825
Author’s Note: Okay, everyone, this is the last chapter. I just want to say thank you to everyone for all the love this piece has gotten. What started out as just dribble I wrote over a few late nights in the midst of my post-DBH feelings has become something I’m quite proud of. I have plans for new pieces that I hope to get to sooner rather than later but I can’t make any promises. I hope you enjoy the final chapter.
November 12, 2038 Hank had somehow convinced you to leave the scene once everything had calmed down. He promised you that he and Connor had agreed to meet up later. This was the only thing that had convinced you. You sat in Hank’s car, falling asleep. You had leaned the seat back and attempted to doze but the thought of seeing Connor again was thrilling. After thinking for sure he was dead and now knowing you could see him in all his deviant glory was more than enough to put a ridiculous smile on your face. The sun was rising and reflecting off the snow. It was beautiful. “(Y/N), I...uh...have a confession.” Hank was avoiding looking at you. You eyed him curiously. “What is it?” He resolved himself and looked up at you, meeting your gaze. “The night Connor went to Jericho, I told him how you feel about him.” You felt your face heat up and the embarrassment swell. “You what?” Anger began to boil within you too. “I just-I wanted to try to convince him not to go to Jericho because I knew he cares about you too.” Your heart fluttered. Hank thought Connor felt the same way? “If you’re angry with me, well I deserve that. I overstepped and I shouldn’t have. I just want you to know I did it because I care about you two kids and I knew it would destroy you if he turned Markus in.” “Thank you, Hank,” you said suddenly. He looked at you, surprised. “It means a lot to me that you wanted to help.” You smiled at him. He smiled back. “Don’t mention it.” He looked at the clock. “He’ll be here soon. I’ll wait for him out there. You come later. I want it to be a surprise.” You grinned from ear to ear. “Okay.” You watched as Hank got out and walked toward Chicken Feed, his favorite food truck. You watched him shift his weight as he looked around. The snow had stopped falling but it was still everywhere, reflecting the sun and giving the scene a serene feeling. You could barely see a figure walking toward Hank. You knew who it was. That stride was so familiar to you somehow, even after only knowing him for a matter of days. You watched as Hank turned and saw him. Neither of them spoke. Hank pulled Connor into a hug and you were about to exit the car but stopped. It looked so much like a father holding his son. You smiled at them. Hank had also grown to love Connor in a matter of days. You exited the car and the sound of the door shutting drew Connor’s attention away from Hank. He stood still and stared at you. Hank took a step back and smiled at Connor’s shocked face. You walked toward them slowly, taking it in. Connor was...different somehow. He was still so very Connor but you could see the change in him. He was less guarded; his emotions seemed so present suddenly. You stopped in front of him and smiled. “Connor...” He blinked several times and his LED turned yellow and began spinning. “(Y/N), I...I told Markus if I didn’t come back to find you and tell you...” He just looked at you, as if he really hadn’t expected to see you again. “I feel the same way.” You laughed softly and closed the gap. You stood on your toes and wrapped your arms around him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and held on for dear life. “I know,” you whispered. He was surprised by the embrace and took a second to process what he was feeling. He responded by wrapping his arms around your middle and gripping your coat in his fists. He rested his head atop yours and you felt him sigh wistfully. This was the beginning of his life.
November 29, 2038 Everything was different. Detroit was different, as were you and Hank and Connor and the country. It had all changed. You had spent Thanksgiving with your new family, Hank and Connor. Of course, it was Connor’s first but you and Hank had made it as homey as possible with just the three of you. You had tried to find Markus, but he was difficult to track down during this time. He had become the ambassador going between the androids and humans. You knew he would find you as soon as he could. Until then, you were attempting to get everything ready for him. You had spoken to your brother and bought out his half of your father’s house. It was yours to do with as you pleased. You had left everything exactly as it was for now. You had spoken to the captain of your previous precinct and to Captain Fowler; you were permanently transferred to the DPD. Now you had to get out of your lease for your old apartment and find somewhere new to live in Detroit. Carl Manfred’s house may have been in your name, but it wasn’t yours. As times were still changing you couldn’t officially put the house in Markus’s name, but you knew you could work around it. Your inheritance had left plenty of money to pay for the house in its entirety, so Markus had no option but to accept. You simply wouldn’t allow anything else. You, Connor, and Hank were all at the house now, shoveling snow and cleaning up around the place. You wanted to keep it pristine until Markus came. You were outside with Connor, against his insistence that you shouldn’t be out in the cold, cleaning the snow off the driveway and walkways around the house. You stopped and looked over at him, who noticed immediately and needed no other urging to come to you. He sat his shovel down and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He pulled you closer and kissed your temple. “Getting tired or cold?” You smiled up at him. “I’m fine.” You stood on your toes and kissed him. “You worry too much.” He smiled back and pressed his forehead to yours. He heard snow crunching and looked up suddenly. He nudged you gently. You looked up and saw a familiar face. “Markus!” You ran to him and hugged him. He hugged you back, grinning widely. “Y/N.”
December 25, 2038 “I still can’t believe you convinced everyone to come to this.” Markus was standing next to you in Carl’s kitchen. No, it was his kitchen now. He was looking into the dining room at all the people you had convinced to come to the Christmas party you insisted was necessary. “What? Everyone here either has never celebrated Christmas or has no one else to celebrate with.” You were making coffee for you and Hank. “It’s the perfect party.” He smiled as he entered the dining room. All of his friends were there; North, Simon, Josh, and many other androids from the revolution. He and Connor had become fast friends, mostly on account of you. You were what they had mostly bonded over, but they were quickly learning they had other things in common. He was still warming to the idea of Hank. Although, Hank loved you and Connor as his kids, so Markus liked him well enough. You walked past Markus and handed a mug to Hank, who took it thankfully. You sat down between him and Connor and motioned for Markus to come in and sit. He obeyed, knowing it was useless to argue with you. “Alright, everyone,” you announced, “it’s time for presents.” Everyone seemed excited about it although they were fairly nervous. You had decided to make it easy on the androids and organized a bit of a Secret Santa situation. You had grilled Markus for an hour trying to pair people based on who they would be most comfortable shopping for. It had paid off apparently as he watched people exchange gifts and smile and hug. You had paired Hank and Connor with each other, and they seemed to like their gifts. You had insisted Markus be paired with you. He was happy enough with that situation. You sidled up next to him and handed him a large, flat package wrapped in festive paper. “What’s this?” He was staring at it intently. “Well, you see, if you open it, you’ll find out.” You laughed as he gave you an exasperated look. “C’mon just open it. You’ll like it.” He carefully unwrapped it and stared for a second. It was a painting. Not one of Carl’s, but certainly one by a master. It was a portrait of Carl and Markus. Carl was seated in his wheelchair with Markus on his left, both smiling gently. Markus stuttered over his words. “(Y/N), this is-how did you-?” You smiled. “I sent some photos to one of Dad’s artist friends.” He smiled back and hugged you. “I love it. Thank you.” He handed you your present. “I feel like I copied you now.” He chuckled. “Well, you know what they say,” you took the present from him. “Great minds think alike.” It was shaped just like the one you had given him but wrapped in different paper. He had done a better job at wrapping your gift than you had managed for his. You carefully unwrapped it and found the familiar style of your father’s painting. It was a portrait of you. You had never seen this one before. It was beautiful. You could tell your dad was trying to stylize it to represent you not only in likeness but in colors that reflected your personality. “Markus, it’s beautiful. Where did you find it?”   “He was working on it for a long time. He was planning to give it to you now for Christmas. He didn’t get the chance to finish it...” He fought the sad thought away. “So, I had to complete it. I hope you don’t mind. He and I discussed it a lot.” You smiled. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” You hugged him. “I’m just surprised I haven’t seen it before with how much I was in this house before you came back.” He smiled mischievously. “I helped Carl hide it when we knew you were coming back. It was difficult when you were living here.” You laughed with tears for your father in your eyes. “I love you two so much.” You hugged again before parting ways to socialize. You had gone over to see how Hank and Connor liked their gifts, you already knew what they each got as you had picked them both out. Markus was talking to North and looking around the room at all the faces. He knew why you had done this. This was your way of showing him he still had a family outside of you and Carl. You were creating a life for him. This party was the beginning of his life.
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n0-eyedtaissa · 3 years
Christmas Kids — Ruthie Soh-Peterson x Romeo Fogarty (Serpent Siblings!AU)
A/N: Just a little late Christmas/holiday themed moment about Ruthie and Romeo for @hughstheforcelou​! Featuring secret Santas and not-so-secret feelings when Ruthie and Romeo take a break from the family Christmas party.
Word Count: 3,707
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Holiday season at the Fogarty household was always a big deal. The Abuelas decorated every available surface with knickknack Santa’s and intricate Christmas village sets that included moving pieces and miniature light fixtures that actually worked. Decorating was a weekend-long event that took all hands on deck. Maria and Atzi sat, watching and instructing as Dante and Fangs brought the big boxes down from the rafters so they could pick through which decorations were deemed worthy of the occasion. Dante was getting frustrated with how indecisive Maria was being, like how she would tell him to put a big box away just to have him cart it back down a few minutes later. When Fangs got on the roof to string the icicle lights, Dante grabbed the ladder and ran off with it so Fangs was stuck up there in the cold until Atzi threatened to whack Dante with her cane if he didn’t get his brother down from there this instant. But because the Abuela’s had scheduled extra time on their decorating agenda (space to either be filled by snacking or arguing), they had predicted that something like this would happen so they found a way to work around the two brawling boys, chastising them and letting them know there was still more work to be done. Maria decided it was smart to let Dante get some of his anger out, so she tells him to set up the nativity scene in the front yard and hands him a mallet. Dante laughs as he goes to town staking the hollow plastic pieces into the dry yellowed grass. When he’s done, he pulls out a cigarette and stops to admire his handiwork, basking in the warm glow of the lights. He exhales sharply, unable to distinguish his cigarette smoke from the warm fog of his breath against the cold air. 
Christmas on the Southside of Riverdale was never something that felt unnaturally hopeful: you were born knowing that Santa was too good to be true, and that it was always better to get new socks as a present because they’ll be useful long after any toy. Christmas morning was meager at best, but always appreciated regardless. It was humble, and on the Southside you learn early that there was nothing wrong with being humble. Ruthie had this theory that people like the Abuelas would dress up fancy and decorate their houses with bright colorful items as an attempt to brighten up their way of life, to make even the most mundane things feel exciting, even if they weren’t. Like if they could distract someone with bright lights and sparkly tinsel, everything in the outside world wouldn’t feel so shitty by comparison. It still seemed to be working on Sweet Pea and Fangs, but Ruthie had outgrown the sugar-rich feeling of artificial Christmas cheer. Things felt forced this year, though no one could put a finger on why. It felt like the first breath of fresh air that anyone had in a while, but it would prove to be the last breath of fresh air they’d be able to take for the time coming. 
When she thinks no one is looking, Ruthie slinks out of the living room and into the Fogarty’s garage in order to sneak out the side door. She makes her way outside unscathed, it was the part of the evening in which everyone was either too full, too buzzed, or too hopped up on sugar. Dante was leaning back in the reclining chair, one hand resting on his stomach from eating one tamale too many. Sweet Pea and Fangs were laying under the Christmas tree playing with the new Lego set Fangs got, looking over their shoulders and snickering as they listened to the Abuelas as they belted along to old Christmas records. It was the perfect diversion tactic. Ruthie shivers as the late December wind picks up, but she’s had enough peppermint Schnapps where she can try her best to pretend that the cold doesn’t bother her as much as it does. She pulls her pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of the dress Atzi made her, but before she can light it a voice pops up from over her shoulder. 
“Trying to get away from us already, Shorty?” Ruthie looks up and finds none other than Romeo Fogarty standing in the doorway. He smiles and steps out into the cold, rubbing his hands together. 
Ruthie fumbles to light her cigarette and she hopes that Romeo doesn’t notice. 
“I just needed a breather, I guess”
Romeo nods, “I feel that.” The two of them stand next to each other quietly in the side yard, the sound of laughter trickling from the windows as everyone inside got their second wind of energy. Neither one of them talk for a little, and neither one of them have a problem with it. It’s always Romeo that breaks the silence, though.
“So do you know who had you for Secret Santa?” The wind picks up and blows loose leaves over the concrete and stirs Ruthie’s hair around her shoulders. Romeo looks over at her and her bare arms starts shrugging off his cardigan before she could say no. Ruthie tries to scowl at him but she knows it’s no use. 
“Of course I do,” She laughs “I know who everyone has….And I think I know what everyone got, too” She raises a conspiratorial eyebrow at Romeo as she flicks away her cigarette ash. 
“Well, now you’re speakin’ my language!” Romeo laughs, giving Ruthie a nudge in hopes that she’ll divulge some details.
“I’m not telling you shit” She nudges him back and tosses her cigarette on the ground. 
“That means you have me, huh Shorty? Am I gonna like my present?” He teases. She shakes her head at him.
Ruthie can’t help but laugh, knowing that Dante had been pestering her about the same thing as well, earlier that evening. Once Maria and Atzi finally declared the Christmas party was over, Ruthie, Romeo, Dante, CD, and Spyder were all planning on heading over to the Soh-Peterson household for their own kind of after party. When the topic of doing a Secret Santa gift exchange came up, Ruthie really didn’t think anyone would follow through with the idea but they did. Earlier that month they had drawn little slips of paper out of one of CD’s old hats, each one with a name on it. She coordinated all of it. She was Spyder’s secret Santa, he was Dante’s, Dante was Romeo’s secret Santa, CD was Ruthie’s, and Romeo was CD’s. And ever since then, Ruthie had been getting pestered with questions by her friends: Do you think he’s gonna like this? What should I get him? What do you even like? For a group of friends that had known each other for years, they were all rather unobservant.
“My lips are sealed for another handful of hours”
Romeo sighs with fake defeat and pulls a joint from behind his ear, where he always put it for safe keeping. He lights it and inhales, the smoke engulfing the shoddily rolled paper. Ruthie watches the smoke seep from the gap between Romeo’s lips, how he blew out small little smoke rings that got carried away on the cold breeze. She puts out her hand out to take the joint but Romeo smiles and leans away. “You’re not gonna get any of this until you tell me some shit” 
Ruthie laughs loudly at his persistence and weighs her options. She knows that she’d have no problem divulging any secrets to Romeo, but she also knows that Dante and the rest of her friends took this Secret Santa business very seriously and would be upset that she let Romeo get a leg up in the game. So she does what she’s learn to do best and compromises the best way she can. 
“I’m not your Secret Santa, I’m Spyder’s” Ruthie lets it slip and only feels a little bit bad about doing it.  “He finally got the speakers in his car fixed so I made him a mix CD for the first time we all go out driving again.” She looks up at Romeo and sees an emotion on his face that looks a little bit like jealousy. 
“Well, I’m sure he’s gonna like that, Shorty” Romeo nods curtly and hands the joint over to Ruthie. 
Something about his words feel too harsh, heavy with the weight of something not understood fully enough to be well communicated. Ruthie wraps her sweater — Romeo’s sweater— tighter around herself and crosses her arms over her chest, suddenly feeling a lot smaller, like she had done something wrong. She wonders of she’s just already paranoid from the weed, tells herself that she’s being silly and reading into things and nothing was wrong at all. She inhales a big lungful of smoke and tries to act like she doesn’t have to cough when she hands it back to Romeo. 
“Yeah he’ll probably like his present, but I’m not too sure you’ll like yours…” Ruthie smirks over at Romeo, trying to probe past the tension that might have been present. She leans closer towards him, opens herself up to him more. Romeo seems to pick up on the shift and smiles down at her.
“What’re my odds?” He winces in preparation.
“About 50-50, I’d say” Ruthie blows a cloud of smoke upwards “You know Dante’s really hit or miss with gifts” She bites at her lip as she divulges that little piece of information, hoping that it might make up for earlier. Romeo laughs and starts nodding in agreement. 
There’s some sort of a commotion from inside that brings them back to reality, popping the little bubble of privacy they were able to have for a brief moment. Dante’s voice pipes up loudly and Ruthie guessed that meant Spyder and CD had finally arrived, or that he had finally slept off his food coma. The door that leads from the house into the garage opens and Dante ducks out, grabbing a six-pack of beers from the outside refrigerator before heading outside. “Nah man, I dunno where either one of them ran off to” Dante says, unaware of the fact that Ruthie and Romeo were only a few feet away, just outside of the side door and unseen in the shadows. When the coast is clear the pair break out laughing at their friend’s obliviousness. Now they had a secret just the two of them could keep. 
“Guess we should be getting back inside, huh?” Ruthie scuffs the toe of one of her hightop against the handprints that were pressed into the cement ground, not really wanting to meet Romeo’s eye. She feels a little bit deflated, like this was a moment that was hers for the taking yet she didn’t know what to do with it. 
Romeo takes a short pull from what’s left of the joint and hands it over to Ruthie one last time. “Nah, I’ll go inside and start corralling those idiots so we can do presents. You kill that joint and then come and join us, you probably need that shit more than I do, any ways.”
“You’re probably right…” She smirks.
“I’m gonna head inside now” Romeo adds, somewhat awkwardly. “You just finish taking your breather, Shorty, don’t even worry about those guys.”
“Why thank you, Romeo” Ruthie rolls her eyes but she smiles afterward, laughs at this unnamed thing they were both experiencing. 
“You ain’t gotta thank me” Romeo adds, turning on his heels and starting to walk back through the garage before stopping abruptly. “You look nice tonight by the way…pretty” He tacks the word onto the end of his sentence like it’s a nervous afterthought. He looks at Ruthie in her hand-sewn party dress (made from the green velvet that Atzi got from the fabric store for a great bargain), his own sweater dwarfing her skinny frame, sees the hole in her tights her uneven socks, and her beat-up hightop sneakers. And he thinks, ‘Wow…’ He had meant what he said. He thought Ruthie was one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen. Hell, he hadn’t seen all that many girls but right then and there he knew that she would top every one of them. 
She looks over at Romeo, half flattered and half confused, like she was waiting for a punch line that made her the butt of the joke. “Thank you” She says. “You know, in the entire year or so that I’ve known you, I don’t think you’ve ever called me pretty.” She tries to laugh off her discomfort but Romeo picks up on it easily. 
“I mean it” He rebukes, wanting her to realize that he meant what he said because it was true. “But I guess for you to know that, I gotta tell you more often, huh Shorty?” His playful confidence is back again. Same Romeo, charming as ever, but now Ruthie knew that he liked her, and she thought that maybe she could like him to, or that maybe she had liked him this whole time and now she just had a better word to describe what she was feeling. 
“Guess so” She smiles through a cloud of smoke, meeting Romeo’s eye one last time before he retreated inside to start gathering up everyone for their secret Santa gift exchange and getting their after-party started. Ruthie lingers for another few moments in the dark, stomping out the joint on the concrete and putting the roach in her pocket. She pushes her thick hair out of her face and sighs, butterflies bounding in her stomach every time she heard the echo of Romeo’s words in her ears, I mean it. She feels her cheeks get hot and goes to rush inside knowing that by now there was no way that her friends didn’t realize she’d been unaccounted for. She waits to sneak back inside until she hears an uproar of CD’s loud laughter, hoping that her return would go unnoticed if the boys were already distracted. 
“Where ya been, Ruthless!” CD’s already drunk when he runs up to hug her, his frame feeling heavy and unsteady. “Dante told me you Houdini’d and he’d been looking everywhere for you”
Ruthie rolls her eyes and can’t help but laugh. “He would’ve had a lot easier of a time finding me if he bothered to get his lazy ass up out of Maria’s chair!” Last time she saw Dante, he was taking a nap with his belt undone and his dress pants unbuttoned. 
Dante flips her the bird but still hands her a beer, and soon everyone is getting ready to head back over to Ruthie’s for the gift exchange. The Abuela’s make sure that the kids leave with a Tupperware dish full of tamales and the first thing Spyder does once Ruthie unlocks the front door is head over to the microwave (like he usually does). Romeo pours up a round of shots for everyone and Ruthie drinks both hers and CD’s too. He stares at her with wide eyes when she drinks both down without even flinching and Ruthie laughs, giving him a wink that wasn’t at ass as smooth as she hoped it was. The five of them drink more and a heated debate breaks out between CD and Spyder about whether or not it’s sacrilegious to roll a cross-joint on Christmas. They all argue while trying to find a Christmas movie that they could all actually agree on (Home Alone 2, of course), but they spend too much time talking about their respective awkward interactions with distant family to even really pay all that much attention to it in the first place. Dante starts getting impatient (because he always was impatient) and decided that gifts needed to be doled out at that very moment. He hops up from the couch quickly 
Ruthie handed Spyder a jewel case with a mix cd covered in sharpie doodles. She hand drew the cover art and wrote all the names of the tracks in her nicest handwriting. “Cause you got your speakers back, I figured you needed some good music.” Spyder puts his hand on her shoulder and gives a tender squeeze, the closest thing one might get to a hug from him. 
Spyder hands Dante a cross-joint and a lighter in a ziplock bag. Turns out he was rolling up Dante’s present that whole time. “It’s the gift that keeps on giving, you know?” 
CD gets a big mason jar filled with his favorite sour candy from the bodega. He gets so emotional that Romeo remembered all of his favorites that he just about sheds a tear. He watches the candy jar like a hawk for the rest of the evening, a protective hand sitting on the lid at all times. 
CD tries to juggle three packs of fancy cigarettes that he knew Ruthie liked to buy from Ignacio’s, ends up tossing them to her one by one. “Nearly risked my life to get this shit” He laughs, launching into an animated story about his attempts and Ruthie tucks her feet up under herself, getting comfortable and unwrapping the plastic from around one of the packets.
Last but never least was Romeo. Now Dante wasn’t always the most sentimental, he’d always say that he was shitty at gift-giving, but Romeo was his cousin and he was having a rough time so Dante wanted to do something nice for him. “If you don’t like it, blame Ruthie cause she was the one who helped me pick it out.” He laughs somewhat awkwardly as he handed Romeo his gift. Tearing away at the newspaper, Romeo reveals the small red leather-bound journal and runs his fingers over the spine. “Thank you” Romeo replies, and Ruthie knows it’s aimed at her more than it is Dante. 
Christmas on the Southside was humble, but more often then not the small gifts shared among family and close friends were what always meant the most. A small recognition, a nod towards the gratifying ordeal of being understood by those worthy enough to be close to you. The five of them — Ruthie, Dante, Spyder, CD, and Romeo, knew more about the others than most of the outside world would ever. They knew each others strengths, weaknesses, knew each other well enough to see something and say hey, this made me think of you. They all liked their small gifts more than they would let on. CD shares his candy with his friends, but makes sure that he had enough saved for later. Dante never had a problem sharing his weed, he was sitting back in the big comfy chair and laughing at the end of Home Alone. Ruthie would always share her cigarettes, and never minded all that much when CD launched into one of his many animated stories about the situations only he could find himself in. Spyder knew that next time they went out driving, they had a soundtrack to yell and scream with the windows down, and Romeo could write all about it in his journal, cataloguing the best and the worst and understanding that growing up was hard and the world was cruel, but it was always sweeter when you had good friends by your side. 
They let the movie credits roll and they pass around what was left of Dante’s Christmas present. Ruthie doles out glasses of water and painkillers in preparation for the morning. She takes CD’s sticky sugar-covered hand out of his half-empty candy jar and puts a blanket over Dante as he snored. Thinking that everyone was probably asleep by now, Ruthie hikes herself up onto the kitchen counter and opens the window, pulling the white ceramic ashtray from its spot inside of the cabinet. She lights one of her fancy new cigarettes and resists the urge to pull at the too-high collar of the dress that Atzi made her. She blows a thin stream of smoke towards the window and takes a big sip off the discarded bottle of cheap tequila that Spyder brought from home. There’s a creak from the other end of the house and Ruthie snaps her head to attention. 
“Can’t sleep?” Romeo asks, rubbing his glassy eyes as he filled a chipped mug full of tap water from the sink. He pushes himself onto the counter next to Ruthie and scoots close to her so that their knees are touching. He takes a big sip of water and offers her some. 
“Haven’t got around to trying” She takes the water from his hands and finishes it.
“I feel that” He echoes his words from earlier that evening and suddenly it’s like they’re back outside at the Fogarty’s house again, hiding and smoking in the side yard and trying to navigate their feelings in a way that didn’t seem so scary. Ruthie leans her head down slowly until it comes to rest on Romeo’s shoulder and both of them try hard to pretend like they’re not completely breathless. His skinny fingers play with the ends of her hair and she hums contentedly.
“So did you like your present?” Ruthie asked, her voice tickling Romeo’s ear. 
“I loved it” He replies with the same forceful certainty as before. I mean it. I loved it. Like he always wanted to make sure that Ruthie knew that he was serious and to be believed. 
“Merry Christmas, Romeo” She whispers into the dark expanse of the kitchen. She can smell his cheap aftershave, can feel the vein in his neck pounding nervously after this bout of newfound contact. 
“Merry Christmas, Shorty” He mumbles into her hair, smelling the floral perfume of her shampoo. The two of them sit like that for a few quiet minutes, with Ruthie’s head on Romeo’s shoulder. His hand rests on one of her knees, his thumb tracing around one of the rips in her tights. Ruthie laces her fingers with Romeo’s and slides off of the kitchen counter, leading him down the hallways and towards her bedroom. 
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heloflor · 4 years
Present Anniversary
AO3 link
When you’ve known someone for over twenty years, it’s hard to come up with a new gift, especially when you have to get it in the present.
Note : Just some fluff that came to mind after hearing about the Cavendish appreciation day, though I’m not sure if this fits with what is expected (still going to post it on December 5 anyways). There are a few dialogues that may seem to go a little quickly, but this was written in like a day so yeah. Also this takes place after season 2. Enjoy !
It has been over an hour since Balthazar stepped foot into Danville’s mall. He had gone into a dozen stores and looked at the windows of countless others. It was hard finding the perfect gift, especially since he couldn’t go back in time anymore. Usually he would just get a dinosaur tooth, an animal fossil, a ticket to some old circus or go to a gladiator tournament. But now, what was he supposed to find ? He couldn’t just offer some random plush or pin ! And a shirt would never be worn ! And it couldn’t be a fridge magnet either. They didn’t even have a fridge ! Frustrated, Balthazar shook his head and tried to concentrate on the display in front of him.
“Hey Cavendish !”, the tall man almost jumped at the sudden voice. He tried to hide his sudden scare as he turned to look at the teenager who called him.
“Oh hello Milo.”, he greeted. “What are you doing here alone ?”, he couldn’t help but ask, distracting the teen while getting his composure back.
“I’m here to buy some new tools.”, Milo replied. “My third screwdriver broke earlier so I need a few new ones before my fourth breaks too. Like my dad always says, ‘you can never have too many spares’ ! What about you ?”
“Oh, well…”, it probably wouldn’t hurt to tell the truth., Balthazar thought “You see, I’m looking for a present.”
“Is it someone’s birthday ?”, the teen excitedly asked.
“Not exactly…”, the tall man went back to look at the shop window, trying to avert his gaze away from the boy.
“What is it then ?”
“Well…”, Balthazar didn’t know if he should tell him. Would Milo understand ? But at the same time, when he and Vinnie got fired and banished, Balthazar was the one who remade all their paperwork to fit in this time period, so he knew they weren’t doing anything illegal. Besides, this was Milo, one of the nicest people he ever met. Surely he wouldn’t say a thing. Making up his mind, Balthazar continued, not without still looking at the window. “You see, I’m looking for a gift for my wedding anniversary.”
“Wait. You’re married ?”, the teen asked in surprise.
“You never noticed ?”, the taller man replied, showing his left hand where a ring was clearly visible.
“Huh. I guess I never thought about it.”, Milo commented. “But wait, if you’re stuck in this time period, how can you celebrate your wedding anniversary ?”
“I beg your pardon ?”
“After all, isn’t your wife in the future ?”, Milo was clearly uncomfortable asking this, as if afraid to hurt Balthazar. But the only response from the taller man was confusion.
“My wife ? I don’t have a…oh. Of course.”, Balthazar’s expression softened, though he started to think that maybe Milo wouldn’t understand, that maybe it was a terrible idea to tell him. But it was too late now. “I don’t…I’m not exactly married to a woman. In fact, I’m married to a man, a man I will have no trouble offering something.”
“So you’re married to a man living here…”, Milo’s eyes suddenly widened. Looks like he finally caught on. “You and Dakota are married ?!”
“Not so loud !”, Balthazar half-whispered half-shouted, getting on the boy’s eye-level. “But to answer your question. Yes, we are married. We have been for sixteen years now.”
“How come you never mentioned it before ?”, seeing Milo be more curious than judgmental helped Balthazar feel more at ease to talk about his relationship, and more importantly the issue with it.
“Well you see, when your job is to travel back in time, there are certain things that are best left…unsaid. People in the past didn’t have the same view as now.”
“…I guess that’s fair.”, Milo’s sad look was enough for the tall man to know that, not only did the teen understand, but this time period wasn’t the safest either. After all, Balthazar could still remember the looks he received when he went to ‘renew’ his papers in order to still be legally married to Vinnie in this time. “So you’re looking for a gift for Dakota ?”, Milo continued.
“Yes indeed.”, Balthazar replied, thankful for the teen helping him focusing back on the task at hand. “I’m trying to find something with animals in it.”
“Animals ?”
“Yes. Dakota has a strange liking for animals, especially exotic ones.” that have long gone extinct. , he decided to keep that last thought to himself. There was no point in telling the boy about the bad side of the future. “But I need more than one of those ‘pins’. I always make sure to find the perfect present and I won’t let our current condition change that !”
“Maybe I can help !”, the teen suggested.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”, as he said that, Balthazar couldn’t help but look around for any possible hazard. He was not going home with a cast today.
“What are you looking for exactly ?”, Milo asked.
“I need something with several animals on it. Something cheap but lasting.”, Balthazar started walking, looking at the windows of the next stores.
“What about a shirt, or a hat, or a bag ?”
“Dakota and I always wear the same clothes. It would be useless.”
“What about a board game then ? I know Dakota likes having fun !”
“Yes…well…”, Balthazar thought of the times the two tried to play a board game. It often ended up in some shouting from his end and frustration for both of them by the time they’re almost done, though they never hold the frustration for long. Besides, what kind of board game would be about animals anyways ? “I’d rather buy something a little more…decorative.”
“Huh. Decorative. Decorative.”, Milo mumbled. “Oh I know ! What not buying a snow globe ?”
“A snow globe ?”
“You know, a globe made of glass with snow in it ? And when you shake it, that snow flies around ? I’m sure you could find one decorated with animals !”
“I suppose but…”, Balthazar sighed. It was far from the perfect gift he had in mind, but he had no idea what else to buy. Besides, he knew Vinnie would like something like that, so it wouldn’t be a total loss. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Thank you Milo.”
“Anything for a friend !”, the teen cheerfully replied.
“Now, do you know any stores that has such things ?”
    After about another hour of searching, Balthazar was finally walking back at his ‘apartment’. He parted ways with Milo right after finding the best globe he could, to prevent anything bad from happening to it. Luckily, the teen was understanding and even wished him and Dakota a happy anniversary. And speaking of Vinnie…
Balthazar opened the door only to find his husband at his desk. The shorter man jumped at the sound of the door and quickly hid something behind him while standing up. This made the taller man smile. Every year was the same routine.
“Hey Cavendish !”, Vinnie greeted.
“I see you haven’t forgotten this year.”, Balthazar replied.
“Oh come on !”, Vinnie playfully replied. “I only forgot five times out of sixteen. And for three of them we were on a mission. And I always make it up to you later.”
“I know.”, Balthazar gently replied. He couldn’t help it, his wedding anniversary always put him on a good mood. Sure, from the get-go, their relationship always went through a lot of ups and downs. But Balthazar would be lying if he said that his wedding day wasn’t the best day of his life. And every anniversary, he couldn’t help but remember the happiness he felt that day, how hopeful and peaceful and complete he felt, all because of the one man that was now standing in front of him, the same man he now spent twenty-one years of his life with.
“So, are you going to stare at me all day or are we going to celebrate ?”, Dakota asked as he sat on the couch, patting the space next to him.
Balthazar shook his memories away. “Of course.”, he replied as he joined his husband one the couch.
“Here.”, Vinnie said as he handed his gift.
Balthazar took the time to remove the paper wrap without making a mess of it and found himself with a book on his lap. It had some kind of superhero on the cover.
“It’s about a man who fights for what’s best and who never gives up, no matter how much he fails.”, Vinnie filled in. “Sounds familiar ?”
“I don’t see what you are talking about.”, Balthazar replied. He tried to glare at the smaller man but his smile was betraying him. After a few seconds, Balthazar turned back to the book. “It’s a good present.”, he commented.
“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t get anything better.”, Vinnie was suddenly apologetic, a hand in his hair. “I wanted to find something more fancy and all but…”
“You couldn’t find anything in this time period ?”, the taller man finished.
“It’s alright. Here.”, Balthazar handed his present. Vinnie quickly removed the wrap and Balthazar tried not to sigh as several small bits fell. This will be annoying to clean. However, that thought went away as he saw the way Vinnie lighted up at the view of his gift.
“I hope it’s good enough.”, Balthazar still couldn’t help but say.
“Are you kidding ? It’s great !”, Vinnie looked like a child on his birthday. It sure was a warm sight to see.
After a few seconds of shaking the globe and admiring it, Vinnie put it down and turned towards his husband, putting an arm around his shoulders. Balthazar got closer as well, glancing at the light to make sure it wasn’t too intense before slowly removing Vinnie’s glasses, gazing at the colors that made him remember how lucky he was to have fallen for this man all those years ago. Slowly, the two closed the gap between them, sharing a kiss, enjoying the warmth of lips that felt all too familiar and yet all too rare, reminding Balthazar of how many times he had wished to kiss that man during their missions, to take a moment to be just the two of them, but was stopped by the fear of what the past would do to them.
As they pulled away, they kept gazing at each other.
“Happy anniversary Vinnie.”, Balthazar whispered.
“Happy anniversary Balth.”
    After a few more minutes, the two finally left the couch.
“So, where are we going to eat ?”, Balthazar asked as he put his hat back on. It was a habit at that point to let Vinnie chose where they eat.
“Well I found this small place in town. It’s not really some fancy restaurant, but it’s good and cheap.”, Vinnie replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
“It’s perfect.”, Balthazar reassured. He had to admit, he usually liked going to the best restaurants for this anniversary. But given their current situation, he knew better than to complain.
“Great ! Come on !”, Vinnie was already by the door, making Balthazar roll his eyes. If there was one thing that could motivate the smaller man, it was food. Nevertheless, Balthazar followed his husband outside, giving one last glance to the apartment before living.
Things may not be perfect for them, and they may not have the comfort they used to have in their own present, but they could still make the most out of it. As long as they were together, it didn’t matter what they did for their marriage anniversary, it wouldn’t stop them from creating new memories.
Besides, when has their relationship ever been perfect ?
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Seventy Two
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
November 11th, 2001
Emile sat at the table, staring at the letter he was holding with great consternation. Faith had written him, and he had written her back, talking about Remy and how they were getting along, and generally, how everything seemed nice and domestic lately. And Faith had replied, throwing Emile a curveball.
Would you marry him, Emile? It’s obvious to everyone you’ve written to that you love him. We’ve all talked about it at one point or another. We all think you should, if you love him as much as you say you do.
Emile didn’t know how to respond. Would he marry Remy? The mere thought felt like he was going to spiral into a panic attack. But at the same time...he couldn’t deny the warmth he felt in his chest about the idea.
He put the letter away, resolving to respond to it when he had a better answer than “I don’t know.” He knew Faith wouldn’t let the matter drop if he waffled on the decision.
  September 20th, 2002
Emile couldn’t help but laugh as he saw a familiar face he knew all too well approaching him on campus. “Theo!” Emile exclaimed, running over and giving his friend a huge hug. “What’s up? I didn’t think you were coming to visit for a little while yet! I thought you’d still be sick of Fairview!”
Theo laughed and hugged Emile back. “I actually swung by to chat with you and Remy. I’m having housing issues and I was hoping you two might have some advice on finding a roomie and splitting rent, y’know? Falling in love is not required, but it is a plus.”
Emile laughed. “Well, you’re in luck, because I just finished my last class and I was heading to the parking lot. Remy’s not off his shift at the local coffee shop yet, but we can hang around the shop until he’s off and we can snag him, and you can come back to ours!” Theo nodded and they walked to the parking lot together. “So, what sort of housing problems are you having? Prices? Roommates? Lack of roommates?”
“All of the above?” Theo weakly joked. “My current roommates are barely pulling their weight, I can’t find new ones, and none of the half-decent places are in my price range, so if I move out, I have to settle for a run-down one room which probably has massive problems.”
“Yikes,” Emile said with a grimace. “That’s seriously not good.”
“Tell me about it,” Theo said. “You two made it look so easy, I don’t know how you did it. I’m ready to throttle my roommates at any given moment for stealing my food, invading my privacy in my room, or for inviting people over who inevitably trash the place.”
“I mean, the fact that Remy and I tolerated each other and had pretty clear boundaries from the start helped,” Emile said. “I have no doubt you tried to set boundaries, but I’m willing to bet those roommates of yours didn’t respect them, did they?”
“Not after the first few weeks, no,” Theo sighed. “And they brushed me off every time I tried to talk to them about it.”
“Ouch. You definitely need better roommates, Theo,” Emile said.
Theo nodded. “I don’t know anyone else in that area, though, unfortunately. I’m thinking about moving back here, however temporarily, because I know a few people here who might be willing to split rent with me.”
“That might be a good idea,” Emile agreed. “Provided you can stand being around the college you went to, that is.”
“Somehow I think I’ll live,” Theo laughed. “Like, some people might give me grief, but they’re my friends so I wouldn’t mind too much. The biggest problem, for me, is going to be finding a job in my field. Forensic science is all well and good until you’re forced to move back to a city with a low crime rating so all the spots where you might be able to work forensics have been filled for years.”
“Ooh, ouch,” Emile said with a wince.
“Yep,” Theo said with a strained laugh. “It’s...not great, for sure. I really need to find somewhere that I can work, and somewhere that I can afford my own place at the same time, y’know? But the housing market is ridiculously expensive, and I heard it’s only gonna get worse.”
Emile grimaced. “Yikes, yeah, I’ve heard inflation is getting pretty bad. I haven’t had to worry about it as much, but if you’re looking for a place...”
“It totally sucks, dude,” Theo said with absolute certainty, leaning back into the passenger seat of Emile’s car. “Oh, but since I’m here, and Remy’s not...how’s the project going, man?”
Emile offered Theo a big grin. “I’ve got the property,” he said, eyes lighting up. “Turns out it was almost gonna be demolished, because no one’s been picking it up. But it’s in good condition. All I really need is the inside and everything will be ready!”
“The inside is gonna take a while, though, you know that, right?” Theo asked. “Getting everything up to code, renovating what’s been getting run down, electricity, plumbing...”
“I know,” Emile said. “But I have the worst of it over with. The property’s bought. And I know Remy’s specifications for what he wants on the inside, and he’s none the wiser to the plan, and...man, this will be ready by mid to late December if everything goes right!”
“It could be your birthday present to him,” Theo lightly teased.
Emile gasped. “Oh my God, it could! Can you believe that, Theo?! I could make this Remy’s birthday gift! His very own shop!”
Theo laughed. “You’re such a mess, Emile. On one hand, you’re a highly skilled, well-rounded adult, but on the other, your emotions come into play and it’s like you’re a five year old on Christmas morning. And your emotions are always in play when it comes to Remy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to see you being loving and excited and human, but your reasoning skills when you’re emotional?” Theo made a whistling noise with his teeth, “Out the window.”
“Hey! I’ve made good decisions when I’m emotional before!” Emile laughed.
“Yeah, because you put your emotions to the side. That’s not making rational decisions when emotional, that’s looking at things from a rational angle rather than an emotional one. And you do kinda bottle up those emotions when making the decisions, don’t think no one’s noticed.”
“I—well—yeah...” Emile reluctantly admitted. “Remy’s been helping me with that, though.”
“Yeah, he’s told me as much in his emails,” Theo said. “And I’m proud of both of you. You for allowing your emotions a place and a time, and Remy for being willing to help with that sort of thing instead of leaving you to your own devices.”
“We both have grown a lot,” Emile agreed as they pulled into the coffee shop parking lot.
Theo and Emile got out of the car and walked into the shop, Emile asking, “You want anything to drink? My treat.”
“I could take a small coffee,” Theo said.
Emile nodded and got in line, telling Theo, “Grab a table for both of us?”
Theo nodded and Emile couldn’t help the little smile on his lips. He was just having coffee with a friend. It shouldn’t seem all that important, but it felt strangely adult, and he didn’t know why that made him giddy, but it did. Just being able to sit down and complain about roommates and jobs and...just getting adjusted to the new normal that life was winding up being.
Emile placed their orders and found Theo sitting in a corner, and he gave Theo his coffee while Emile kept his tea. Theo waited until Emile was taking a sip of his tea before he asked, “So, are you gonna pop the question?”
Choking on his tea, Emile stared at Theo, who was shaking with silent laughter. “Theo!” he gasped. “Come on! That’s mean!”
“Well, I’m just wondering!” Theo asked innocently.
Emile sighed. “Well, it’s not exactly like we could get married anywhere yet,” he said. “It feels like a moot point.”
“It’s a symbolic thing, man. Even if you can only get a ‘civil union’ or whatever, the promise of staying together until the end of the line is there,” Theo said.
“But we already have that promise with each other,” Emile said, frowning.
“Precisely why I’m asking about this,” Theo said. “You’ve already got it, so when are you making it official?”
“Theo, believe me when I say whenever gay marriage is an option I will absolutely be marrying Remy. And it will be the best day of my life. But until it’s legalized, or at least it’s in the process of being legalized, I don’t see the point of getting a ring,” Emile said with a shrug. “Oh, and before I forget, when that day comes? You’d better be my best man.”
It was Theo’s turn to choke on his coffee. “Dude, you kidding me?! Of course I’d be your best man! I’m honored! But is there like, no one else you’d rather have?”
“Theo, the only person closer than you and our friend group in terms of friendship with me is Remy. And I’d be marrying him. I can’t exactly have him be my best man.”
Theo beamed. “Man, you’d better be inviting all your friends to this hypothetical wedding. That includes your high school ones. I can’t wait to embarrass you in front of them.”
“They knew me when I was thirteen, can’t get much more embarrassing than that,” Emile said simply.
“Ooh, I’d love to pick up some stories from them,” Theo said, grinning and rubbing his hands.
Emile laughed just as Remy walked over. “What’s the deal with this party without me?”
“Remy!” Theo exclaimed, standing up and hugging Remy.
Remy returned the hug with a grin. “Good to see you, man. What’s up?”
“Housing issues, actually,” Theo said. “I need your and Emile’s advice about finding new roomies.”
“And in the process, try and get us to get engaged, apparently,” Emile said drily.
“What, we’re not married already?” Remy asked with a laugh.
Emile snorted and Theo said, “Nah, man. You haven’t tied the knot. I would know, I’m Emile’s best man, and he hasn’t stuck me in a tux yet.”
Remy grinned. “Well, that’s great and all, except for me, because now I have to find a different best man for the big day.”
“Yeah, I’m not making two best man speeches,” Theo laughed. “Would you seriously ask me, though?”
Remy shrugged. “I dunno, man. Like, thinking about it, I never really planned out a wedding for anyone I had crushed on or dated. And Toby was gonna be my best man, because I asked him once and he promised...but since we lost contact...” Remy shrugged. “You’d be an excellent second choice. But I’ll figure something else out.”
“All right,” Theo laughed.
“You officially off the clock, Rem?” Emile asked.
“Yup,” Remy said. “And ready to go home.”
“Oh, man, I wish I could say that,” Theo bemoaned.
“Yeah, let’s talk about your housing, man, what’s up?” Remy asked.
As Theo explained what was going on and they walked out of the shop, Emile’s gears were whirring. He would definitely need to find Toby soon. Especially considering that sooner or later he knew he would be finding a ring for Remy. He didn’t know when that might be, but Theo was right. The promise of staying together until the end of the line deserved something important.
It was funny, though. The thought of marrying Remy just felt...inherently right. As Remy and Emile fought over who should drive the car back to their apartment, Emile considered marrying anyone else, of any gender, of anyone he had previously dated, and it never rung as true as what he felt when imagining marrying Remy.
Remy won the argument for driving the car and Emile slid into the passenger seat, glancing at Theo in the back. “You know what, Theo? You’re right.”
Theo grinned. “I know I am, dude. But I’m glad that you can see that too.”
“He’s right about what?” Remy asked.
“One day, I’m gonna marry you,” Emile said simply.
“Oh,” Remy said. “I mean, yeah? Marriage is terrifying, but there’s no one I’d rather marry.”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” Emile said.
“Do you know when you’re gonna propose?” Remy asked.
“Not yet,” Emile said. “Need to find a ring first, figure out the right moment. But I’m definitely proposing to you.”
“Not if I do it first, buddy,” Remy said with a wicked grin.
“Oh, it is on,” Emile said.
Theo laughed. “Are you two really turning proposals into a competition?” he asked.
“Best proposal wins the excuse to kiss the other person for a solid minute,” Emile said solemnly.
“Oh, you are so on!” Remy exclaimed with a laugh.
Theo just cackled at their antics.
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nothingeverlost · 3 years
Donut (Penny for Your Thoughts verse, Rumbelle)
@halfwayinlight I thought I would have this up for Christmas.  Sorry it’s a tad late.
It’s a quarantine Christmas vacation
“I’ll see you after the new year.”  David gave her a hug before he left the office, catching the elevator with Graham and Emma.  They were all headed for his house, where Emma would pick up her son.
“Give Mary Margaret and Neal my love, and tell her that when she gets tired of you there’s always an empty room above our garage,” she teased.  Though it was a joke she would miss him.  They’d been sharing Archie’s apartment for months now, and though they both longed for their families it had been an interesting bonding experience, bringing them even closer.
Belle only lingered a few minutes extra in the office, leaving a few surprises in Ariel’s desk for her to find.  While the rest of the team was taking the month of December off, to spend time with their quarantined families, Ariel had volunteered to liaise with the team temporarily taking their place.  Belle was pretty certain the decision had been at least influenced by the agent in charge of the team, Eric del Mar.  The first time they’d met in the cafeteria Ariel had been so flustered she’d accidentally stolen a fork.  She still kept it in her desk, jokingly calling it her lucky dinglehopper.
With one last look around to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything - a month was a long time to be away from work - Belle headed for the elevator and punched the button to take her up to the lobby.  Her bags were in the back of the car; it was the first time since September she’d been home.  Not being there for Thanksgiving had been hard, but knowing she would get the whole month for Christmas had made up for it.
Archie’s car was in the carport, leaving her spot in the garage free.  Belle hoped he’d only moved out of her space recently; it was silly not to use it when she was gone, not that Archie would be driving much.  The sound of the garage door meant she couldn’t hope to surprise anyone, but it didn’t matter when the door opened and Claire raced out to greet her.
“Mommy.”  She was barely out of the car when her daughter jumped the last few feet, certain that she would be caught.  Belle scooped her up, hugging her tight.  She needed a million hours of cuddles to make up for missed time.  “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, baby.”  
“You can’t go in the kitchen ‘cause it’s a surprise, but papa said that if you’re hungry I should show you the cuter board in the living room.  Uncle Archie let me help with the crackers and the grapes but not with the cheese ‘cause the knife is sharp.”  When she put Claire down her daughter still stayed close.
“I think papa probably said it was a charcuterie board, but I like yours better.”  She had to guess that it was Archie’s influence more than Gabe’s, unless he had somehow discovered pinterest and been way more bored then he let on.  “Where is your papa sweetheart?”
“He had to take Donut outside so she could go potty.”
“I don’t think I understand.”  She tried to puzzle out what Claire might mean about taking a donut outside.  None of her toys, to Belle’s knowledge, were named donut.
“You will.”  Bay chuckled as he came out of the kitchen, a towel tucked into his pants.  He probably hadn’t grown at all in the past couple of months, she just wasn’t used to thinking of him as being that tall.  When he hugged her her head fit neatly under his chin.  “Welcome home.”
“I’m so glad to see you sweetheart.  Thank you for all the videos, they brighten my day.”  Bay had introduced the whole family to Tiktok, setting everyone up with private accounts.  The rest of the team now had accounts, and shared videos, but Bay and Henry were responsible for most of the sharing.  She was grateful for the multiple one minute videos she saw each day, and often rewatched, though Claire’s fascination with the fireplace had given her more than one moment of concern.
“Of course the damn dog would decide it needed to go out the moment you arrive home.”  The back door slammed, letting in a cold breeze, her husband, and a dog.  It was an odd looking thing that could only be classified as a mutt, with a reddish brown head that looked vaguely like a retriever and a body in gray and white that looked like it should belong to another dog entirely.
“Donut?” she guessed.  Her attention only lingered on the dog for a moment.  She was much more interested in the man crossing the room towards her.  Almost three month since she’d been able to touch Gabe was almost criminal in her opinion.  Someone should be arrested
“I can think of some names that would be more appropriate for the mutt but your daughter insisted.”  She couldn’t answer, not with Gabe’s lips on hers and his hands at her waist.  God she’d missed the taste of him.  And the feel.  And the smell.
“They’re kissing already,” she could hear Claire whisper loudly.  “Do they have to take a really big breath like when you some swimming under water?”
“Something like that,” she could hear Bay reply with a chuckle.
“Hugs are better,” her daughter declared.  Belle had to laugh at that, when the kiss ended.  
“I like hugs too, sweetheart.”  Gabe was wearing one of the sweaters they had picked up on their trip to Ireland last year, and the wool was soft against her skin.  She wouldn’t mind standing just where she was for a while.
“Especially when less clothing is involved,” Gabe whispered in her ear.  Bell elbowed him lightly in the ribs.  That wasn’t fair; it would be hours before they could have that kind of alone time.  
“So is anyone going to tell me about this new addition to the family?”  No one had mentioned a dog on any of their calls, which were at least once a day.
“She was sleeping in Claire’s playhouse a few weeks ago.  We made calls but no one seemed to be looking for her.  The vet gave her a clean bill of health and a little snip snip so it looks like we are pet owners now.”  Gabe groused, but couldn’t hide a smile when he looked down at his daughter gently petting the dog and whispering confidences in her ear.  “She certainly is more comfortable sleeping on Claire’s bed.”
“I thought we should call her Goldilocks since she was in someone else’s house.  Archie voted on Snow White for the same reason.  But the short one had the final say so she’s Donut.”  Bay shrugged.  “I’m going to go check on things.”
“Things?” Belle asked as he headed for the kitchen, where she wasn’t allowed to go according to Claire.  She assumed that he was helping with dinner; Archie had mentioned something about cooking lessons with Bay which was good, since Archie knew more about cooking than Gabe by quite a bit.
“Dinner, obviously, but I promised not to spoil the surprise by sharing the menu.”  He tugged her towards the sofas, where the ‘cuter’ board was laid out on the coffee table along with an open bottle of Bordeaux.  Belle sat on the sofa next to him but turned so her legs were across his lap.
“So you decided that a six year old, a college sophomore, and a full time roommate with his six computers wasn’t interesting enough, you added a dog to the mix?”  She and Gabe were both relieved that Bay’s college was still doing online classes, and Archie being around made sense both for Archie not being alone and for help around the house, but it was a full house especially when both kids were home schooling, Archie was working from home and Gabe was working on a new book.  
“It was snowing.”  Gabe was full of bluster, but Belle knew that he’d been thinking about getting a dog anyway.  In fact she was a little surprised it had taken so long, except that they had talked about waiting until Claire was old enough to have some of the responsibility.  Gabe loved on every dog they saw at a crime scene.  “She’s gentle with Claire.”
“You’re a marshmallow, Gabe Gold.”  She kissed him on the cheek.  “I am confused by the name, though.”
“It’s your fault, actually.  You know how she loves stories about when you were pregnant, and how much you loved eclairs.”
“I always love eclairs, I just loved them a little more then.”  And Gabe, bless him, had indulged her with early morning drives to the bakery, late night drives to the grocery store, and at least a few times special flavors overnighted from out of state bakeries.
“Most people would call it an obsession, sweetheart.”  There were no eclairs on the charcuterie board, of course, but he did hand her a cracker topped with brie and raspberry habanero jelly.  “You know how she likes to say that she is mommy’s favorite eclair.”
“She is my favorite.”  It had been a joke at first, calling her baby a little eclair.  She and Gabe had spent months debating baby names; sadly between the two of them there were many names that reminded them of cases they had worked and people they did not want sharing a name with their baby.  It was a nurse who had misheard eclair and thought she was saying Claire, and the name had worked.  She and Gabe both loved it.
“Claire reasoned that her favorite treat from the bakery is jelly donuts.  Like mother, like daughter.”
“You can’t fault her logic.”  Belle laughed, even more amused now that she understood the name.  “I’ve heard worse names for a dog.”
“Bay says dinner in five.”  Claire appeared a moment later, dog at her side.  Belle scooped her up, holding her on her lap.  It didn’t get much better than holding her little girl while cuddling with her husband.  
“Good, because I’m very hungry.”
“I’m very hungry too, and Uncle Archie made…”  Belle quickly put a finger to her daughter’s lips.
“Let’s let Bay and Archie have their secret for a little longer.  They wanted dinner to be a surprise, remember?”  
“I forgotted.  I won’t say anything, okay?  Papa says secrets are good sometimes like when Bay says something is a secret or when there’s presents under the tree.  But sometimes secrets make you feel bad in your tummy and then you have to tell mommy or papa.”  Claire nodded her head wisely, explaining back what had been explained to her.
“Papa’s right, sweetheart.  You should always tell mommy of papa if someone wants you to keep a bad secret.”  She hated thinking about anyone like that near her daughter, but she and Gabe knew too much about the kind of people that manipulated children.  They’d talked a lot about how to keep their kids safe.  “But this is a very good secret. Bay and Archie are making yummy food.  And we know it must be yummy because they’re not letting your papa in the kitchen at all.”
“Hey, I can cook,” Gabe protested, though not with much vigor.
“You cook more than you did when I first met you, though that’s not saying a lot considering I think you spent at least five years using nothing more than the microwave and coffee pot.”  While no one would call him a gourmet he could pull together a meal.  Spaghetti was still his most often made dinner.  Grilled cheese and tomato soup were a close second.
“That might be true but you could still spend tonight on the sofa if you don’t watch yourself.”
“That anxious to spend the night alone again?”  She raised an eyebrow, teasing him back.
“Never again, if I had my way.”  They kissed again, over their daughter’s head, only stopping when Archie coughed politely.
“Dinner’s ready.”  Claire wiggled down first. Belle was slower, but when she stood she gave Archie a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  
“We have so much to catch up on, Arch.  We’re going to eat so much popcorn.”  
“My tivo is full of things to marathon.”  Their online marathon dates hadn’t been the same, and David had no appreciation for corny sci fi.  “It’s been killing me not to watch Star Trek Lower Decks until you got here.”  
“I can’t wait.”  She followed Archie to the dining room, Claire holding her hand and Gabe right behind her.  Bay was waiting next to the table which had been laid out in all the best china.  In the center of the table was a platter of turkey meat.  There was cranberry sauce and corn souffle and mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls, candied yams and green beans.  It was a full Thanksgiving feast.  “Oh!”
“We didn’t want you to miss Thanksgiving.  Facetime Thanksgiving isn’t really the same.”  Bay’s apron was covered in a million questionable stains, but Belle didn’t give a thought to her clothes before hugging him.
“I didn’t tell, Bay.  Not even a little bit,” Claire proudly exclaimed.  Bay picked her up.  
“Of course you didn’t, Plum.”  Bay set her on her chair.  Next to her on the ground was a dog bed and a large bone.  “Before eating remember that this is only possible because Archie taught me so if anything’s wrong it’s his fault.”
“It’s going to be perfect.”  Belle say down between Gabe and Claire, holding both of their hands.  “I am so thankful for all of you.  My family.”
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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The Brak Show #1: “Leave It To Brak” (AKA “Mr. Bawk Ba Gawk”) December 21, 2000 - 5:15AM | S01E01 regular series version aired October 7, 2001 @ 11:00PM
I’m trying to break the habit of assuming only my friends are reading my various blogs, but I failed in one fundamental way: I didn’t really describe the premise of Sealab 2021, like, at all. Despite digging into it’s roots somewhat by watching it’s various pilots, I failed to include even a paragraph with the basic premise of the show. I’ll try not to make the same mistake with Brak. Instead I'll make a DIFFERENT mistake by writing way too long of a blog entry.
On December 21, 2000, after Sealab 2021, The Brak Show, then titled “Leave It To Brak” debuted. Who the fuck is Brak? Brak began life as a villain on the 1960s iteration of Space Ghost, a fairly garden-variety Saturday morning action kid’s show. He appeared in, I wanna say, a very small handful of episodes. I’ve seen the whole series, and I don’t think he was like, a regular or anything. Without looking it up I'll say he was on it twice. In the show he was a space pirate and had whiskers. He has a very memorable design. I’ve never been sure if we’re actually looking at Brak’s face or if he’s wearing a helmet. His fangs imply that we’re looking at his actual face (or at least his actual jaw), but that little curtain thing that hangs down from his, uh, ears? Is that a naturally occurring part of his head? It suggests that his wardrobe is actually his body, and vice-versa. He just looks absurd, making him perfect fodder for an absurdist revision.
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Brak as we know him today was first used (barring some kind of Cartoon Network commercial that I’m unaware of) in Space Ghost Coast to Coast, appearing with Sisto. Sisto is his twin brother who appeared in the 60s show. Why Brak was targeted for comedic revision and not Sisto eludes me. I’m guessing “HI MY NAME IS BRAK” just sounds funnier than “HI MY NAME IS SISTO”. Anyway, in the first Coast to Coast episode they are voiced by C. Martin Croker (RIP) doing a Beavis and Butt-head parody. Eventually Andy Merrill took over the role, basically turning Brak into a, uh, childish adult. Okay, he’s basically doing a retarded guy voice. Sorry, but it’s time to grow up.
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast debuted in 1994 and remained a cult hit on the network until it was moved to Adult Swim and eventually canceled in 2004. The concept of Space Ghost Coast to Coast was Space Ghost, a super hero from the 60s, now hosts a modern 90s late night talk show, interviewing live-action celebrities on a monitor that hangs over the set. Random obscure Space Ghost villains would show up with skewed personalities from their original 60s counterpart. Brak was easily the runaway star of the touted rogues gallery. He would come in and cheerfully sing a song about beans or something else equally wacky. He rarely had a definable role on the show, he was just a figure that was around and would wander into the set.
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A second 90s Space Ghost spin-off was commissioned called Cartoon Planet. This was an actual kiddy show that aired during the day as opposed to Space Ghost Coast to Coast which was kid-friendly but meant for adults. This time Space Ghost, Zorak (Space Ghost’s bandleader on Coast to Coast), and Brak would host an hour of classic cartoons, with little absurd skits between segments set in a studio SORTA like the Space Ghost Coast to Coast set but different. LOTS of Brak’s fandom is based on these skits, which were a little more silly and lighthearted than the material on Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The skits were popular enough that they repackaged them into their own half-hour show, sans classic cartoons. This was an early point of confusion for me. Beloved Brak songs turned out to be from Cartoon Planet and NOT Space Ghost Coast to Coast, so I'd tune into Space Ghost wondering if they cut out all the Brak segments or what?
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Cartoon Planet would answer viewer letters (conceivably real ones; they DID include various ways to contact “Ghost Planet” at the end of both Space Ghost Coast to Coast and, I’m guessing, Cartoon Planet, which I never did see in it’s original form). They actually answered the reason for Brak’s lack of intelligence (brain-damage caused by Space Ghost, using an actual clip from the 60s show). I bring this up not out of genuine concern for continuity or canon; these aren’t huge concerns for the writers of these shows. The real reason Brak is dumb is because Andy Merrill thought the voice was funny, probably. I bring it up because generally the premise of Space Ghost in the 90s is that even though he IS a super hero with super hero abilities, he’s also an actor who makes cartoons about being a super hero. So, it can be concluded Brak’s brain damage is from a stunt gone wrong and not carried over from the fiction of the show.
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The premise of Space Ghost Coast to Coast is that Space Ghost has captured evil villains Zorak and Moltar and is forcing them to work on the show. But they also freely reference their personal lives outside of the show, breaking character. They are actors who are sticking to a premise only when it’s convenient. Yes, it’s fun for the kids to pretend that Space Ghost has enslaved his enemies to work on his talk show, but the reality is that when the camera turns off they all go home to their apartments or wives or whatever. This concept feeds directly into The Brak Show: we aren’t watching Brak’s real home life; Brak, cartoon character and actor, is playing himself in a sitcom. His mom isn’t his real mom. His Dad isn’t his real dad. Zorak isn’t his real best-friend. They are all actors. This isn’t played up in any significant way on the show itself except for a few moments and certain episodes, but THAT IS WHAT’S HAPPENING and you wouldn’t really understand that just by watching this episode and nothing else. You would have to have been paying attention all this time to Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Cartoon Planet, and also, yes, Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak.
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Okay, Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak isn't REALLY required viewing for this series. But guess what? I watched it for the first time ever in preparation for this and now we all have to deal with Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak. Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak (sorry I keep repeating the full title which is Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak) was a two-episode special presentation that aired on Cartoon Network while Space Ghost was on hiatus and before The Brak Show's stealth premiere. It (Brak Presents The Brak Show Starring Brak, that is) was a Sonny and Cher style variety show, featuring Brak and Zorak on stage together performing songs, intentionally corny sketches, and a LITTLE BIT, but NOT A LOT of backstage drama; which could be argued to have been part of the show itself. Variety shows doing sketches fictionalizing the backstage antics of the production is nothing new. There are also live-action integrated celebrities, and the show comes to a screeching halt whenever they show up. Maybe their performances are hampered by having to perform on a green screen, but these segments come off lame and pandering. Space Ghost Coast to Coast would make it's name featuring washed-up, kitschy, or counter-culture celebrities. Here we are treated to Monica, Freddie Prinze Jr. (whose segment in particular really drives me up a wall), some wrestler guy, and a lady who's name I don't remember. Okay, I admit I fast forwarded through the second of the two episodes a LOT. Sitting through one episode in real time was just too much to bear.
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Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak is written off by a lot of Brak fans as a substandard product, and they're not wrong. I myself never sought out the whole special until I started writing this blog. But there's one thing I'll give it, the visuals (minus the live-action celebrity parts) are actually pretty fun. There's a lot of weird character designs, and the same playful use of stock footage and kinetic editing from Cartoon Planet carries over into this. Skipping past the celebrity guests and watching the special on mute would be the preferred viewing method here. Honestly, I've never been that charmed by Brak's songs. I never cared much for Cartoon Planet.
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Brak Presents the Brak Show Staring Brak eventually became The Brak Show, but with one more step: a scrapped audio-only pilot. This pilot appears as an audio commentary track on The Brak Show Volume 1 DVD set. I discovered it by accident. In preparation for this blog I popped the DVD in, saw there was commentary for Mr. Bawk Ba Gawk, and pressed play. Instead of Andy Merrill and Pete Smith dryly talking about their creative process, I was treated to what would have been the audio for a Brak Show pilot (there are stage directions being read in lieu of visuals), roughly the length of an 11 minute episode. This version plays up the backstage antics of Brak's variety show much more, kinda like Larry Sanders meets Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak. Returning from the show is Brak and Zorak, along with Allen Wrench, a talking Allen wrench that appeared in Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak. On Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak, Allen had a crazy high-pitched voice. In this audio pilot he sounds closer to Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Also present in the audio pilot is Thundercleese, who curiously sounds like the regular series version of Thundercleese. In “Leave it to Brak”, Thundercleese sounds slightly different. Maybe they went back and rerecorded Thundercleese for the DVD?
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That FINALY brings us to the actual episode. “Leave it to Brak” was the first episode of “The Brak Show” proper to air (though if I remember correctly from what was reported way back when, they wanted to call the actual show “Leave It To Brak” but couldn't for legal reasons). It feels more like a first episode than Goldfish does, which was the first episode I saw when Adult Swim officially began in 2001. “Leave it to Brak” introduces each character with fake studio audience applause. They even introduce Sisto, who simply walks in front of the camera, farts, and is not seen again. The premise of the show is this: Brak stars in a family sitcom. His mom belongs to the same species as Brak, but his dad is a tiny human voiced by George Lowe doing a Ricky Ricardo voice. According to this episode; Brak is roughly high-school aged, but it's all a pretense to get this cast of weirdos together under one roof. Again, Brak is a cartoon character playing himself here, so we're not meant to actually think these are his real parents; Brak is not half-human, necessarily. It's all just for the sake of this dumb show.
The plot of the episode is this: Zorak, Brak's best friend and worst influence, convinces Brak to help him kidnap the mascot of their rival high school, a chicken named Mr. Bawk Ba Gawk. Having done this, Brak grapples with the morality of his actions, tries to deceive his parents by dressing the chicken up like a little man, is caught, and is taught a lesson. There's a comedic final scene that reverses the lesson Brak supposedly learned, and then it ends. Somewhere in there we are introduced to Brak's giant robot neighbor who blows up Zorak for ripping up his lawn.
The Brak Show was possibly the most anticipated show when Adult Swim was announced. We all quietly ignored how much Brak Presents The Brak Show Starring Brak sucked; mostly because this was touted to be a show for adults. Afterall, Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak's biggest shortcoming was the fact that it was the first Brak-centric product to pander directly to children. Brak was always seen as a uniquely weird creation that just so happened to appeal to kids, kinda like Pee Wee Herman or Joe Camel. Also the idea of parodying the sitcom genre seemed novel, despite the fact that it wasn't really a new idea. Now it just comes off like a shallow observation: boy, old sitcoms sure were corny, right?
I don't know exactly how to pinpoint what was so disappointing about this show. I can see there was a genuine effort to make it funny. Dad was a decently funny character. They weren't just trying to mock sitcoms, they were trying to build a genuinely strange world that resembled our own. Brak lived in the suburbs but there were aliens and robots everywhere. Sci-fi situations casually reared their ugly heads into the lives of these characters. I mean, look at the plot description of Brak stealing a high school mascot; it's an ACTUAL SITCOM PLOT. There's no real subversion to it other than the fact that Brak and Zorak from Space Ghost Coast to Coast are doing it. This could have been decent as a one-off special like Tim & Eric's Bag Boy staring Steve Brule. But they made more.
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Oh wait, I figured out why The Brak Show sorta sucked. It's the fact that the show was a musical. Fuck, I hated that so much that I blocked it out of my head until this moment. Every episode had musical numbers in it sung by Brak and the family. Ugh. They were supposed to be funny nonsense but I never liked it. In fact if there were ever an edit of the show without the songs I would probably remember it much more fondly.
This version of the pilot had very simplistically drawn backgrounds. When the show went to series they redid the backgrounds with photo-realistic settings and props. It's a much more appealing look. This version of the pilot was briefly featured in an episode of Sealab, where Murphy was flipping through the channels on his monitor. He flips past this and Aqua Teen Hunger Force and maybe Space Ghost? This was back in the early days when every show seemed like it was connected to each other. I miss that. The “regular series” of The Brak Show used to give the show a different parodic on-screen title; “Mr. Bawk Ba Gawk”, which aired fifth on Adult Swim, had the opening title “B.J. And the Brak”. “Goldfish” used “Leave It To Brak”, which causes some episode guides to get confused over which episode is which. In fact, Adult Swim's website features the pilot version of this show and incorrectly uses the plot summary for “Goldfish”. I'm not linking to it because the listing says it expires today. But go look for it if you want.
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The other big difference between this version and the “regular series” version is there are a few missing bits here and there. For example, the pilot version starts with Dad asking Mom for another biscuit. She sighs and says “maybe later”, to which dad just shrugs off. There's also a cut song I call “Kiss you hot” that dad sings to mom. There's probably other differences here and there. Oh, Brak's clock is the beeflog illustration from Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak. Isn't my life fuller for being able to make that connection? God, I'm so glad I watched Brak Presents the Brak Show Staring Brak last night instead of getting an extra hour of sleep.
So what's good in this? I REALLY like the scene where Bawk Ba Gawk is at the dinner table and everyone keeps stealing his little hat to wear. Mom scolds Dad for wearing the hat, to which he mutters “I'll do what I damn well please”. Mom then plucks the hat from his head. When we cut to the wide shot, she's wearing it. Funny! SOLIDLY VERY FUNNY. But the series generally suffers from them trying to cram in weird pointless bits of absurd comedy. Only sometimes does it work. Not sure why. But that's how it goes, I guess.
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oaky-fedora · 3 years
[this is post two of the series i was mentioning here]
                                                             [ II ]
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I finally saw the sun today, these past few weeks have been very stressful-
i had gone through hell time and time again, this past month has been full of surprises, and ups, and downs
after all this time, i’ve finally realized where my error was.
i was the victim of tunnel vision, yet again.
i’ve been beating myself down.
i’ve been forcing myself in the wrong way.
i’ve been treating myself like a stranger again, after all this time of working on self love.
i’m not going to throw bullshit into your face and say “i’m fixing things by being positive”- i’m not going to glorify/romanticize anything.
i’m going to say things as they are, because that’s where my best interest is right now.
i’m very glad that i’ve had the opportunity to get on a very specific discord server lately (you know yourselves <3) and i’m even happier that you guys have pulled me onto here. tumblr feels like an escape to me, it feels like a place i can actually express myself on, it feels like it’s a secluded, safe space for me. i’m comfortable sharing things on here, because of these people in my life.
both of these platforms have helped me so much with my journey, and i’ll be taking the opportunity to just be myself on here and turn this into the closest representation of my mind/heart/thoughts/soul/self i can possibly arrive to. tumblr is my journal, the series of posts and poems i make to define who i am, or get closer to who i really am.
(this is also why i don’t reblog anything. i want to keep this blog as a memory. i want to be able to look at this blog in retrospect and see that i have been slowly maturing over the course of all these years.)
i’ve finally broken through the tough layer i form every time i’m faced with a hardship. i go hard on myself, and i find it hard to be intuitive or connected to anything whenever i’m in this state of survival. i’m finally able to calm myself down, i’m proud of myself. i’m proud of the work i put in, i’m proud of the effort i’m trying to make. things don’t always go my way, but they’re not meant to. lots of things happened, yes- have i been down and depressed and skipped meals? yes. is it part of the process? yes.
it’s been so hard for me to find where i belong, because i always feel the need to defend myself, or to justify myself, but never allow myself to feel peace or rest or live in the present moment. i’ve been disconnected from my faith (which i consider to be part of my purpose and identity), and i’m happy that i’m praying again. i’m happy that i’m asking to be on the right way again, i see everything aligning, i see how god works in this universe and keeps redirecting me towards where i need to be.
i finally broke through, yesterday. played some sad songs, cried in the shower, made some art, wrote some poetry. i’ve finally been able to sit myself down to study, a problem i haven’t been able to fix since early december.
today while i was in the bathroom, i saw a single ray of light shining through, from in between the towels our neighbor hung to dry, coming right through the little window. it had been the first time in a month and a half i felt the sun on my skin, and it felt warm, kind, loving, comforting. i’ve missed that feeling, i’ve missed a physical feeling that isn’t the heater in my room, or the covers i get under, or the water in my shower. 
that one picture managed to capture a month’s struggle and the moment of relief.
i saw the sun, took my phone out, fumbled and tripped and kept adjusting it til the frame was just right. i had finally found the right angle, the right pose, the right frame- and i clicked.
i looked at the picture, and there i was,
i paused to appreciate the picture. i never knew my eyes could be beautiful. i had spent my entire life thinking “people have all these shades of blue, green, gray in their eyes- and i’m stuck with the most generic of all, same-old, tasteless brown.” i can’t express what i felt when i saw the picture, it’s like hey, maybe my eyes aren’t so bad after all... i know this is mundane to most, i know it’s silly, but this picture is helping me find a new form of self-love, and i’m proud of it <3
as i started looking up, and seeing the world around me again, and finding new hope, soon came news that were looking up too. i was called from my room, only to find my family gathered in the living room on a video call with my married sister, and they asked me to guess the news- my sister’s pregnant with her second child. i’m happy i get to care for my niece, she always runs to me first, she always wants to play with me, she’s cuddly and loves spending time with me, and that’s already such a huge blessing. now if only i could imagine all the love i would give my sister’s second child too... i’m happy i get to give someone good memories, i’m happy i get to spend time with family and remember the things that matter. i always see myself talking to them when they’re all grown up like “when you were a kid, we used to play all the time, with whatever videos you were watching, you used to create all these games, and i would follow your lead and keep it going and you would always run to me at the end of it for a hug.”
it feels weird being an uncle at a young age, i’ll tell you that. but it’s also wholesome. it teaches you more about family and spirituality and life than you could ever learn anywhere else.
i appreciate all i’ve been given, and i hope whoever reads this finds something of their own like this soon too <3
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
12 Days of Christmas - [Day 8]
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A/N: Day number 8 for the Christmas coundown with @mattysheelies. Sorry it’s so late and out of order. I’m trying my best. I hope you guys understand. I also hope you enjoy ♥
Prompt: I’m not letting you barricade yourself in your room again for Christmas"
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
The movies lie. That’s a cold hard truth that Billy Hargrove has come to terms with a while ago. It becomes ever so clear to him again, as he watches Max and Susan cuddled up on the couch, watching some cheesy Christmas flick on TV. He hasn’t really been paying attention to the movie but it’s quite obvious it’s one of those generic Christmas films that pretend like snow is the best thing to happen to a person, especially in the month of december. The characters are all smiling and laughing and even if a problem arises, in the end it’s all gonna be alright. Because they have each other and the love they share for one another. Because family is the most important thing in the world and your family is always gonna love you.
And that, Billy knows for certain, is a big bunch of absolute bullshit. The last good Christmas he had was when mom was still living with them. Now it’s just a sad reminder of what his family should be, and what it most definitely isn’t. 
It’s not like he can really explain it to people either. His family celebrates Christmas and he does get presents, most of which he genuinely likes, but there’s always this invisible weight on his shoulders. Like he can’t really enjoy it because there’s always restrictions that come with it. It’s in the looks his father gives him when handing over a present. Neil never does anything without having ulterior motives. Every gift he’s ever given Billy has come with consequences. Neil is calculating. Scary.
Every gift handed over to his son is perfectly calculated. 
“We’re doing so much for you, Billy.”
“ We spent so much money on your gifts, Billy.”
“ Be a bit more grateful, Billy. “
“ This family is all you got, Billy “ .
Billy looks back towards the TV, the characters are singing now, holding hands around a Christmas tree. Then his eyes wander around the room. To Max who gives him a scowl as she sees him watching her. To Susan, who glances back and forth between the TV and the kitchen where a ham is roasting currently, afraid to overcook it just a tiny bit, afraid of the repercussions. To Neil who is leaned back on his recliner, feet resting on the coffee table, eyes halfway closed, snoring coming from his nose like the growl of a cave troll. 
This is nothing like the movies.
The phone ringing catches everyone’s attention, though Billy is sure it has the most effect on him. It makes his heart drop at the thought of who it could be. It’s the one thing that helps him get through the Christmas time. The one thought that help him get through — everything. That lets him know that he is never truly alone. There’s always gonna be one person who cares even if she’s on the other end of the country. 
He rushes towards the phone, picks up the receiver and, after taking a breath to calm himself down, he answers. “ Hargrove, hello ? “ 
The voice on the other end is not the one he so desperately wants to hear. A weird feeling is spreading through him, like someone is holding him under water or sitting on his chest, making it harder and harder to breathe. Like someone has reached into his chest and is holding onto his heart real tigh, squeezing it painfully.
Billy quickly turns his back towards the living room, knowing his face is probably betraying him, showing exactly what he’s feeling for anyone to see, anyone to judge — anyone to use it against him.
“ Max “ he croaks out, trying his best to keep all emotion out of his voice “ Sinclair wants to talk to you. “ 
Max takes the phone from him, eyeing him suspiciously. Almost as if she’s asking him if he’s okay, just without the words. All conveyed through a look. 
Truth is: No, he’s not okay. In fact, he doesn’t remember the last time he was properly okay. But this is not the place to show weakness or pain or heartbreak. Because there’s eyes and ears everywhere and they use those things against you. So he nods and walks back towards the couch. 
Neil is now leaning against the doorframe, self righteous smirk on his face like the villain in a Disney movie. “ Not who you were hoping for ? “ he snarls at Billy. 
There’s a sick satisfaction in his words, fully of malice. It’s as if he relishes in Billy’s misfortune. As if Billy’s pain brings him joy. 
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about. “ Billy replies before an arm shoots out, effectively stopping him from moving further into the room.
“ We both know that is bullshit, son. Don’t forget I’m the one paying the phone bill. I know you spent all of last Christmas on the phone to that — “ 
Billy’s hands curls up into a fist, his mind repeating a mantra over and over “ don’t call her names. Please don’t call her names. “ 
“ that girl. “ Even the way Neil says ‘girl’ gives Billy a sour taste in his mouth but at least it’s not some mean name. Billy wouldn’t be able to stand hearing his father call her any names.
“ She’s my friend. “ 
Neil scoffs, “ Yeah sure. Friend. “ 
Maybe he has a point. She’s more than that. She’s his constant. The only person who deliberately chooses to stay in his life, who makes an effort. The only person who doesn’t leave.
“ You really think whatever you two are doing has any future ? You still holding onto those silly dreams of going back to California and living that perfect little life with (Y/N) ? Let me tell you one thing, Billy “ Neil says then moves closer, lips right by Billy’s ears. With a low voice he speaks up again “ That is not going to happen. Never. Those are not the cards we Hargrove men are dealt. So you best start being grateful with what you have here, it’s all you’ll ever know. This is as good as it gets. “ 
And that, is exactly what Billy is so fucking afraid of. What if he’s right ? What is this really is as good as it gets for him ? 
He looks back towards the phone once again, Max having finished her phone call by now. It’s stays still, quiet. No calls. No calls. No calls.
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Billy sits on the steps of the front porch, cigarette dangling from his hand. From inside the house , the muffled sound of a Christmas song can be heard. 
As his warm breath creates little clouds in the cold winter air, Billy feels at peace for just a moment. Like he finally gets to breathe again. It’s fleeting and he knows that as soon as he steps back inside the feeling will be gone, so he cherishes it.
Across the street, through the window illuminated by Christmas lights, he catches a glimpse of his neighbours decorating their tree. Mr. Miller lifting their little son up to put the star on the top. Maybe, he thinks, some lifes can be like the movies. Maybe just not his in particular.
The Fletcher’s from next door pass by his house, mom, dad a kid and a dog. They all wear matching smiles on their faces. The way it should be. When they notice him, Mrs. Fletcher turns to her little daughter and whispers something in her ears. The little girl smiles even widers then hurries across the lawn up towards where Billy is sitting.
“ Merry Christmas “ she says, as Billy regards her with a look of utter uncertainty. 
“ Merry Christmas “ he returns then looks at the outstretched hand of the little girl. A gingerbread man looks at him with big gumdrop eyes. “ Is that for me ? “ 
The little girl nods “ uh-huh. Mommy and I made them for all our neighbours. “ 
The innocence and wonder in her voice, the kindness — it makes him remember the times when Christmas wasn’t but a day to remind him how lonely he actually is. It reminds him of when things were good and Christmas was something he was looking forwards to. 
He thanks the little girl and, as she runs back towards her family and gives him a wave goodbye, Billy can’t help but smile. 
A rumbling sound breaks through the peaceful evening, followed by two headlights illuminating the street. An ugly beige colored Mercury Cougar speeds up the street, leaving a trail of smoke in it’s wake. 
Billy stands up in a rush, his cigarette dropping onto the snow covered ground. It’s an ugly car. Probably the ugliest car he’s ever seen. It’s falling apart at every end. There’s half peeled off bumper stickers and a stuffed mickey mouse hanging from the front mirror. 
By all means, he should hate this car. He doesn’t though. Because it’s where he’s made some of his favorite memories.
In the matter of seconds, after the vehicle has stopped in front of his house, he’s off of the steps, across the lawn and by the side of the car. It takes but a blink of an eye for the driver to open the door and throw herself into his arms.
There are so many things he wants to say, so many thoughts running through his head. So many questions that need to be asked and yet, he stays quiet because — because she’s here and in his arms and that is all that matters. 
Snow is softly falling around them, resting on her hair like tiny little stars. It occurs to him in that moment, that he’s never kissed her in the snow. In fact he’s never even seen her like this before, snowflakes in her hair, the tip of her nose and her cheeks red from the cold.
“ You’re here “ 
“ I’m here. “ 
“ ‘s why you didn’t call. “ 
“ Yeah, sorry for keeping you waiting — surprise. “ 
He thinks she looks adorable with her rosy cheeks and her red nose and the beanie pulled down over her ears. He thinks she always looks adorable but this is a whole new look, one he never got to see in the years they grew up together in California. 
Holy shit, California.
“ Did you drive here ? “ 
“ Yup. “ 
“ In this weather ? Are you insane ? “ 
“ Worth it if it means I get to see you. “ 
He wants to cry. His heart feels so warm and happy and like it’s gonna jump out of his chest. And that kind of happiness is not something he’s used to dealing with. So his body immediately goes to crying. He doesn’t though. Instead he pulls her close and places his lips on hers. Even her lips are cold but who gives a shit. They still taste like her and feel like her and — and like home.
“ Get in the car, Billy. I have a plan for tonight. “ 
He doesn’t object. Getting away from this place, from Neil, even if it’s just for a night, sounds like the best way to spend Christmas Eve.
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“ Where are we going ? “ 
“ It’s a surprise. “ 
“ Alright, okay. “ Billy replies, raising his hands in defeat and leaning back in the worn out passenger seat. “ I still can’t believe you came all this way to see me. “ 
“ Look, Billy “ (Y/N) says and look away from the street for a second to lock eyes with him. There’s something in them, so gentle and genuine. Like all the answers to all the questions in the world are hidden right there in her eyes. 
“ Last year when we talked on the phone, it broke my heart. To know you felt lonely and sad, on Christmas of all days. It broke my heart, Billy. I knew your family was shit but at least in California we had each other. So that night I decided that this year was gonna be different. It’s all I asked for this Christmas. Gas money to come see you. I’m not letting you barricade yourself in your room again for Christmas ! “ 
Maybe this is what Christmas is really about, Billy thinks. Not the songs and the lights and the movies. And maybe that’s what the movies don’t tell you. That family isn’t always who you think it is, that it’s not created by bood, but by love.
Maybe being with the ones you love is what really matters.
“ I love you, (Y/N) “
It feels like the right thing to say. The only thing that perfectly conveys just how he’s feeling right now. The gravity of it all. Tonight. Her. Them being together. 
“ Of course you do, I’m fucking great. “ 
And though it’s not the answer he excepted, it’s a good one. A very (Y/N) kind of answer. By the way she smiles at him, cheeks blushed now from something other than the cold, he can tell what those words really mean.
“ Why are we in Loch Nora ? “ Billy asks as he looks out the window at the houses passing by, growing bigger and more elaborate with each one. 
“ You’ll see. “ 
“ Alright, just tell me how you know your way around Hawkins so well. “ 
“ Ah you know, “ she says and shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly “ I did my research. “ 
“ What, you read a book called the shittiest places in North America ? “ 
“ No. I asked around. It’s why I’m late. “ 
They drive around for a few more minutes before (Y/N) abruptly stops the car just seconds before turning the corner.
“ Why — “ 
“ Do you remember what we did every year around Christmas time ? “ 
“ Get drunk and have sex in front of your fireplace ? “ 
“ No you idiot. I meant driving around — “ 
“ Candy Cane Lane “ 
“ Candy Cane Lane, yeah. Do you remember the first time we did that ? “ 
He does. Not vividly but he does. They were just kids then and his mom had taken them to see some movie in the cinema. It was one of those nights where you’re so happy and drunk on life you don’t wanna go home. Neither of them wanted to go home. So mom took the long way home, all across town, to look at the Christmas decorations. They ended up on a Candy Cane Lane by accident. His mom turned up the radio that was playing some festive song. And they just drove up and down the street over and over again. 
“ My mom took us. “ 
“ Yeah she did and she — “ (Y/N) stops and takes a breath. Billy thinks he can notice her voice shake a little. “ — she stopped in the middle of the road. I mean there was no one there so it was alright but uh, she stopped. Then she looked at us and she smiled and said: this right here, the way you’re feeling in this moment, that’s what Christmas is. That’s what Christmas should feel like. “ 
She softly cradles Billy’s face in one of her hands and places a gentle kiss on his lips.
“ I want you to feel like that every Christmas, Billy. “ 
She pushed a button on the radio and some cheesy, pop-ish Christmas song sounds through the car on full volume.
As they round the corner, an ocean of colors greets them. Twinkling fairy lights cover every tree, there’s blow up Santas and Snowmen and light up Candy Canes the size of an man.
It looks like a scene straight from some Hallmark Christmas card. Not even Billy with his perpetual cynicism can deny that this is gorgeous.
He’s alive. He’s here, with the girl that he’s been in love with since he knew what love was. The girl that was his first everything. And she’s smiling and her eye shine in the twinkle of the lights. And life, for once, feels so sweet.
“ (Y/N) ? “ 
“ Hmm ? “ 
“ Let’s go home. “ 
Her face falls “ you want me to take you back ? “ 
Billy shakes his head “ No. I wanna go home. How would you feel about another road trip ? “ 
Smiles on their faces they drive up and down the street over and over again until their hearts are about to burst from all the love and happiness they feel. 
Later, as another Christmas song echoes through the car, Billy looks outside and sees them passing the “You’re leaving Hawkins” sign. And his chest feels like and the weight is lifted.
And he’s very much in love. Maybe the movies aren’t all wrong, maybe this is just the prologue for his story. And he main part is just now starting. It’s gonna be a happy one, he thinks.
“ Merry Christmas, (Y/N) “ 
“ Merry Christmas, Billy. By the way: I love you too! “ 
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