#and ugh sorry for ranting AGAIN but it's just making me feel so stressed and awful. i really don't want to do those extra shifts but it's
katya-goncharov · 1 year
can't wait till i quit my job can't wait till i quit my job can't wait till i quit my job can't wait till i quit my job -
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Reader is always sitting on dottore’s lap.. but what if dottore say on readers lap instead?I love the idea of reader holding one of the segments while they work just sitting on their lap <3 They will get antsy and flustered but you can easily fix that with a peck!! 😌
Something about being close and up and personal with dotty makes me feel so fuzzy and warm! I want to cup his face, kiss him all over, tell him I love him again and again!!! I just really really love the closeness for dottore :(
This goes for the segments as well because they deserve all the love too. Especially webttore!! Give that man a hug during one of his passion rants, no questions asked just do it.
And when I think of akademiya zandik & reader, I think of so much BECAUSE THAT WAS THE HONEYMOON PHASE!!!!! Just two dorks being in love and defending each other and trusting one another. Imagine reader with zandik after he tells them a bit of his past, his childhood, (A bit OOC but perhaps that could be the first instance where reader sees zandik cry for the first time..?) with reader reassuring him whilst embracing him.
I’d love to come back here and talk more!! Can I please become 🎨 anon? I do have troubles with speaking so I am sorry if this is a bit wonky. :1
There are certain words that you simply do not refer to Il Dottore as. Cute and submissive are two of these words, but you? You use them anyway. Because they are cute and submissive when they're all comfortable (although terribly embarrassed and defensive) in your lap. In the beginning, when you suggest the idea, Dottore and the other segments laugh at you because they think it's an amusing joke but, nope, you're 100% serious. It takes... a lot of perseverance and bothering and begging and pleading but!! Soon you'll have the segments fighting over who gets to sit in your lap, because well... it's comfy and soft and they get to be held by you for hours on end as they do their work... (Prime and Omega are obviously the last to give in, their egos are not handling this embarrassing treatment.) You always wrap your arm around him and ask him about his work! Giving him kisses when he starts to get irritated and working your hands into his shoulders and back... :( You're good at repelling the oncoming stress and headaches in this position.
Webttore's ego literally blows up whenever you show such blatant affection and interest in his rants, like yes please keep indulging because he WON'T stop as long as you keep doing it. You could be on the verge of falling asleep and all you hear is him continuing to tell his stories in the background. He wouldn't even notice at first because he gets very into his storytelling as to how he casually demolished a few dozen camps of enemies but then he realizes you aren't commenting anymore... oh you fell asleep :( all of this was probably too much for you to handle all at once...
HONEYMOON PHASE AKADEMIYA ZANDIK AND YOU... :( ugh you're so right 🎨 anon. That was when times were so much simpler... sure school is a pain but!! It was fun. It was when you two found love. Finding comfort, finding each other. It was when you two could simply be Zandik and [Name], no other titles getting in the way.
Zandik despised opening up about himself, much less his past so, he'd only tell you after like many years, and even then he kept it brief and acted like he didn't care and it didn't affect him, because he didn't want to be pitied, he doesn't want your comfort. And so you don't push the topic, but you know he was hurt by it, hurt by being called a monster since birth, being run out by the people who were supposed to be family. So when he does end up crying about it, you don't say a word, you just hold him even as he tries to cover it up, even as he curses you for being like this, because you love him.
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caswellmendes · 2 years
my not-so-lil rant
disclaimer—this is no hate to any of the characters or actors. just me ranting about the writing of this show.
hi friends. it me.
i know i’m probably the 100th post you’ve seen today discussing the finale, but i just gotta get some things off my chest. 
first, i will say this. i love this show with my whole heart. and y’all know how much i love portwell. i’ve been in this ship since s1. 
but... (i’m gritting my teeth as i type this) i will gladly go into s4 excited to see rina’s story unfold like i have all the rest. if a new chapter is ahead for both of these characters, then i’ll welcome it with open arms.
but i just have an issue with how it all went down.
in what world could no one, except val, (bless you val, we love you), be there for ej when his world was upside down. 
imagine planning on spending this last summer before adulthood with your childhood friends. dreaming of summer nights at a summer camp you’d been dying to show them and the chance to just being a kid one last time.
but then, you’re not asked, but you’re literally backed into a corner and obligated to throw that all out the window and direct a full-length musical production.
imagine for a second what it would feel like to lead an entire group of distract-able, dramatic teenagers. but more than that, they’re your best friends. and you don’t want to let them down or do a mediocre job.
imagine that you only had fourteen DAYS to make sure lines were memorized, costumes were ready, sets were prepped, and musical numbers were rehearsed. 
imagine if you had a father who decided for HIMSELF what YOUR future was going to be. because for him you would be a failure doing anything else. never said he was proud of you. never asked where you wanted to go to school. never asked what your dream was. nope. it was all HIS decision and you had to live with that. sorry!
imagine finally opening your heart up again to someone new in your life. and this summer was going to be your time together, away from the drama of high school. away from the drama of home. just you two, finally being the leads and spending the whole summer together.
but too bad, the lead goes to the guy who stole your ex. and has his eyes now on your girlfriend.
then imagine that in your head, the only real hope of you ever staying with your girlfriend, your friends, your literal chosen family, was dependent on how successful this play was. you were doing it for their success and for yours.
oh and just imagine that ALL of it was going to air on TV. FOR THE WORLD TO WATCH AND JUDGE.
so yeah maybe i’d be stressed out of my mind. yeah maybe my world would probably be upside down too. maybe i’d feel every minute of my time was valuable. yeah maybe i’d be terrified out of my mind to show my girlfriend a letter determining my fate, my fate that i MYSELF wasn’t even ready or willing to accept.
but who cares right? you’re the villain. you’ve got to “take it down a notch” cause you’re ignoring your friends, you’re not allowed to try and be in two places at once, you’re lame for skipping out on hikes in the woods, you’re missing bucket-list shenanigans, you’re just too stressed.
and all your efforts were for nothing. because guess who didn’t show up for you? everyone you’re doing this for. your dad. your ex-girlfriend. your cousin. your friends. 
because apparently people think it’s justifiable to give up on others during the span of two weeks when they’re going through anxiety. pressure they didn’t ask for. stress they were trying to cope with so that you could all be successful and be TOGETHER.
oh but you’re just being your 1.0 self.
again—no hate to any characters. i just hate the way ej’s story unfolded. it boils down to the almost universal lack of support he got, and i just can’t wrap my head around it.
i just—UGH.
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hotsforharlow · 2 years
Can I request jack with bilingual reader? Like when people speak their mothertongue when they are mad so could you do a blurb where reader is angry about something and starts speaking their language and jack is panicking and is like ur doing it again, English pls!! Lol - 🙈
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“I can’t believe this,” You nearly cried out as you dropped the bag onto the floor without any care in the world. You were really becoming too annoyed with your work to even stay now. You tried so hard and this is the thanks you get. “Baby?” You heard Jack call from somewhere else in the house as you moved into the kitchen.
The sound of his voice only calmed you down for a moment as a soft smile came over your face. But it wasn’t long before the stress of the day flooded you. It was giving you a headache already, you thought to yourself. “Y/N.” Jack softly called you again and finally found you leaning against the counter and he knew the interview hadn’t gone as you wanted.
He chewed on his bottom lip as he moved into the room, he hated seeing you like this. “You okay?” Jack softly asked and scolded himself for asking such a question. But you smiled up at him, a bit tense but you appreciated his effort. “I’m good..” You lied, trying to calm your own emotions but you knew Jack hated it when you kept everything to yourself. “You can tell me. You want to talk about it?” Jack softly asked and moved to your side, his hand moving up and down your back. “It doesn’t matter now.” You began to babble and moved into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around you. His fingers moved to place a soft lock of your hair around your ear. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
His words warmed your heart as you ducked down. You really could be such a fiery person sometimes and your anger was returning. “I just, ugh.” You tried to find the words as Jack softly stroked your sides. “Elle ne le mérite même pas" You began to speak, not realising your switch in language. “Um..” Jack stared at you in complete confusion but didn’t want to stop your flow. "J'ai fait tout le travail" Jack listened as you continued. He only grew more confused and it was an adorable picture. “Um, baby…English please?” He asked as carefully as possible whilst listening to you rant. You suddenly stopped and locked eyes with him. You began to giggle and duck your head in soft embarrassment. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You began to babble as he stepped closer, gently cupping your face as he leaned in. “Don’t be sorry…I just have no clue what youre saying.” He babbled sweetly. You reached to stroke his cheek before leaning in to peck his lips. “You are too good to me.” You hummed and leaned in for a longer, passionate kiss. “Now tell me.” Jack hummed, pecking your lips once more whilst bringing you onto his lap as he settled on the seat. “She got it over me. That girl I always tell you about.” You babbled into his ear, nuzzling into his neck for comfort. “They don’t deserve you.” Jack whispered, stroking your back in hopes of making you feel slightly better.
“You are biassed.” You whispered and leaned in to brush your noses together as he stroked your head. “Want to go out for dinner?” Jack offered, keeping you close as he stroked your back some more, playing with the ends of your hair. “But I didn’t get the job.” You whined, burrowing into his chest. “So. I’ll be celebrating you forever.” Jack whispered. You didn’t know how you’d gotten so lucky, you thought to yourself. “I’d like that.” You hummed, leaning in for another sweet, chaste kiss.
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historytc · 2 years
Sorry for ranting yet again but 😭 I need to get my feelings out somewhere and this blog is for that ig. So.
Anyway I swear to god I’ve never felt such a feeling of dread for the future before in my life. There’s other things going on for me rn that’re stressful too, but my tc leaving is just so. Ugh. I keep seeing things that’re like “60 days til Christmas/winter break! :)” and it makes me want to throw the fuck up because that’s literally two months. I have two fucking months left with this man and then what the fuck am I supposed to do. I know I’m overreacting kind of but also I don’t give a fuck about that rn. Whenever I’m sitting in his class or waiting to talk to him or whatever I keep telling myself “cherish this feeling because soon it’ll just be a memory” and it’s true but thinking like that just stresses me out more and it makes me so sad and honestly I just don’t know what to do. I don’t think there’s anything I can do until it actually ends, I think I just have to feel this way til then. It’s worse when he cancels class bc now I know that it’s decreasing how much I’ll see him even more. It’s like I’m driving a car with no brakes and December is a brick wall in front of me lmao. It certainly feels that way anyway.
I love him so much and I know in my heart that none of this is even his fault. I do this to myself and I wish I could stop feeling this way and just be normal but I can’t. The worst part is that I know he’d probably feel bad if he knew that I’m thinking all of this, I know he wouldn’t want me to feel this way, and sometimes I wish he could just hold me and tell me that it’s okay, that I won’t have to be separated from him and that I don’t have to let go of him. But, ofc, that isn’t true and that situation will never happen so here we are.
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begitalarcos · 2 years
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Tirelessly working on my husbands office, I’m hoping working on it everyday will have it basically finished by Tuesday. I’ve already been at it for five days… Then I think I’m never going to do another renovation thing in this damn house ever again… cuz as usual I’m the only damn person who seems to know what I’m doing and no one listens long enough for me to teach them how to help, or they just start doing their own thing and then I have to fix it later… ugh
Feel like I’m being forced to choose sides between my husband and my dad too, cuz they both have different ideas of how to finish the room and they both have to comment on what the other one did and won’t talk to each other about it and just complain to me… so I’ve banned both of them from helping me now, cuz it’s just too damn stressful trying to cater to their perfectionism bullshit.
I know I don’t HAVE to do any of this, but I want to finish it up and make it look good for my husband. He worked hard to help with my office so I feel like it’s only fair that do the same for him. I’m not going to do any of the painting, and when we can afford it we’re going to have someone come build our downstairs bathroom, cuz yeah… there’s no damn way I’m ever gonna put myself through this crap again.
My legs and arms are so banged up and scratched, I’m already exhausted thinking about the work I have to do tomorrow. I’m ranting, sorry. Just needed to vent a little.
I really hope to be done by Tuesday cuz I have so many new set ideas I want to put together, been writing and plotting stories out that I’m excited to share, I also want to wrap up a lot of sets that have been sitting unfinished as well.
Anyhoo I hope y’all are doing well
Much love
- B
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howdoyousleep3 · 1 year
mama k I invited my friend over for a few days because she’s my best friend, but I only realized after that I’ve never actually spent more than 1 day with her, and she’s never stayed the night or anything like that. I’m learning a lot of things about her, and I’m not exactly liking all of them??
her personality, while amazing and fun to be around in small doses, is very loud and excited ALL the time. which isn’t bad, I just can’t keep up with it for an extended period of time
she’s taking up a lot of space (physically, because we live in a small dorm room and the whole floor space is used up rn cause of the blow up bed) but also just in general?? she’s taking up a lot of space in the bathroom, which okay, small dorm bathroom, but like, there’s stuff everywhere on the counter, she doesn’t clean up the water she spills from when she washes her hands, she doesn’t wring out her face towel (AND she put it on my towel?? While still wet??) also, whatever cleansing/washing stuff she uses is turning the hand towel pink?? idk what’s going on there
AND so yesterday we were hanging out and drinking with some friends, and I had mentioned that I maybe wanted to make out with someone there (a friend of a friend I’ve met before, and one of them even offered to wingman me) and I was definitely more excited about the idea of it, because i realized throughout the night that I didn’t actually want to make out with her (I did not make this clear, and as far as she (the friend staying over) knew I was still game to make out with this person). But then it gets to the end of the night, and my friend (gonna call her B) starts vibing with this person (the girl I wanted to make out with) and at some point the girl leaves, and B full on takes the shot. calls her up and is like “hey, would you wanna keep hanging or whatever” and the girl turned her down (not for lack of wanting, she literally thought about it and was like “what’s on the table?”)
sorry that was way too much information, but my point is, I’m not mad that they vibed or whatever, I’m actually quite proud of my friend, but I’m annoyed and irritated that she would just do that so quickly, it’s not what actually happened that irritates me, it’s like the principle of the thing? In my experience you don’t usually shoot your shot with someone who you KNOW your friend was interested in??
idk there’s just a lot going on rn, and I’m kinda stressed because I miss my space, and I miss my roommate (she kinda hid out at her boyfriends this whole time, which is totally valid, I just miss the “me and roomie” time) this is definitely also partly on me for feeling this way, because I like to stick to my structure, and she’s changing it around, and im getting irritated at even the smallest things that probably shouldn’t warrant getting irritated at
im really sorry for this rant, I just needed to get it out because im just kinda stressed right now (she’s leaving tomorrow but then I have to clean up and wash sheets and do all this stuff on top of the work I have to do for school and shit). I’m just learning a lot of things, and it’s kinda stressing me out
sorry for the rant, I love you mama k 💕
Ugh bby! This all sounds so icky and upsetting, I'm so sorry. I think it's super common for you to view your friendships differently when you get to college, but that doesn't make it any easier. I hope your space is feeling like yours again and is much more peaceful. I'm sure this has been a very eye-opening experience and I hope that isn't too exhausting for you. Sending you so many peaceful snugs!! 🥺 Lub you so much. 💕
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tanzaniiite · 2 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: angst because i can’t write anything else :)
word count: 2.1k
a/n: levi thinks you stood him up, because who wants to date a gross otaku like him? (me. he’s not gross, i wanna date him and smooch him). happy birthday snake man 🐍 sorry that my present to you is pain.
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“Today was so exhausting for no reason.”
You say as you plop down on the couch in between Satan and Asmodeus. “Ugh, tell me about it! Lucifer has been on our asses so much lately. I can practically feel the stress pimples forming.” Asmo frets, holding his cheeks lightly. Satan nods curtly, “Yeah and it’s pissing me off, just who does he think he is, huh?” He grumbles, his fists notably clenching. Sensing a Lucifer rant incoming, Asmo quickly changes the subject.
“So, MC~ how did your date with Levi go?”
Noticing your confused expression, the avatar of lust continues, “Oh, did you guys reschedule? The weather is kind of gross today.” He comments. “Our date isn’t until tomorrow…” You correct, your eyebrows furrowing. Both Satan and Asmo look at each other before looking back at you. “MC… I’m sure it was today. Levi wouldn’t shut up about it yesterday.” Satan explained. More confused than ever, you pull out your DDD just to prove them wrong. You always mark events on your calendar due to all your responsibilities, and you do tend to forget things. But this date with Levi, you knew was tomorrow because he had finally worked up the courage to ask you out after months of you two pining for each other. You would’ve asked him out yourself but his brothers asked you to let him do it so that he can get out of his shell.
Opening your calendar, you show your phone to the two brothers, “See it’s tomorrow.” You claim, pointing at the date. Asmo places a hand over his mouth, “Oh MC, dear… that’s literally today.” He states. You look at your calendar again and… oh shit. The date is today. Jumping up immediately, you raced to the door, struggling to put on your shoes. Glancing at the clock in the hall, you were almost an hour late. Fuck, Levi probably thinks you stood him up! Satan and Asmo walk into the foyer, watching you struggle. “You know, you can just text him and explain what happened. I’m sure he’ll understand.” Satan suggests, crossing his arms over his chest. Sure, you could do that but what if he thinks you're making excuses? And who wants to admit that they forgot about their first date? Just as you were about to respond, the front door opened. Asmo sucked in a breath as a drenched Levi walked through the door. The area became eerily quiet as Levi removed his shoes, all eyes on him. Your eyes met his briefly, and there was no doubt in your mind that he was hurt. As he passed by you, you gently touched his shoulder, only for him to jerk away from you as though you had burned him. Respecting his boundaries, you wrung your hands nervously,
“Levi, I am so sorry. I thought our date was tomorrow–”
“It’s fine. I’m gonna change out of these clothes.”
He says bluntly, going up the stairs and to his room. You flinch slightly as you hear his door slam shut. It’s safe to say that you feel like a complete and utter asshole. Satan and Asmo kind stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say to remedy the situation. Shaking your head, you leave for your room, thinking of how to fix this.
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Dinner was… tense.
The atmosphere was off and everyone knew it. Starting with that Levi wasn’t in his usual seat next to you, instead of taking Belphie’s spot, the one furthest away from you. And the fact that Levi wears his heart on his sleeve, he continuously sighed throughout dinner and was the first one to retire for the night. After dinner, Lucifer approaches you, his arms folded. “I don’t know what happened between you and Levi but fix it. The last thing I need is for his grades to drop because he’s having another episode.” He explains causing you to roll your eyes. Instead of worrying about his brother’s well-being, he cared about his grades. You honestly couldn’t stand Lucifer sometimes.
“It’s because they missed their date!” Asmo shouts, quickly covering his mouth after doing so. You looked at the demon horrified, “Asmo!” You exclaim, giving him a ‘what the fuck?!’ look. The avatar of lust pouts slightly, “I’m sorry dear, it was killing me I had to say something.” Mammon shakes his head, “So that’s what he’s upset about?” He asks. “You say that as if it isn’t a big deal. Levi was looking forward to their date for weeks. He wouldn’t shut up about it.” Belphie comments. Beel peaks his head out from the kitchen, “I’m sure MC didn’t miss their date on purpose, right?” He adds. Now all eyes are on you, waiting for an answer.
You place your face in your hands, “Of course, I didn’t miss it on purpose! I thought it was tomorrow!” You cry out. The dining room fills with noises of understanding. It was bad enough that Satan and Asmo knew about your mistake but you didn’t want the whole house to know. Lucifer pinches the bridge of his nose, irritated, “Just fix it.” He demands, leaving for his office. Shortly after that, everyone left the dining room, leaving you alone. Finally gathering the courage to rectify your mistake, you head for Levi’s room.
Knock! Knock!
“Levi, it’s me.”
You say, only to be met with deafening silence. You know you deserve the silent treatment but you wish he would let you explain yourself. You sat down with your back to his door, you didn’t know what else to do but explain. “I know you're mad at me and you should be. I missed our first date and left you to walk home by yourself in the pouring rain. But I hope you believe me when I say that I didn’t do that on purpose. I got held up at RAD when I should’ve been heading to you, and when I finally did leave I was too tired to remember. Obviously, that’s not an excuse but it is an explanation. I can’t rewind time but I’d like to make it up to you if you’d let me?” You explain, phrasing the last portion as a question. More silence. Sighing to yourself you continued to sit in front of the door. You didn’t want to leave fearing that he would think you abandoned him again. After a solid fifteen minutes, you began to doze off when the door finally opened.
There Levi stood with his arms crossed, not meeting your gaze. You noticed his puffy red eyes and your heart cracked a bit as you scrambled to get up. The two of you stood there as he silently built up the courage to say something and as you nervously cracked your knuckles. A minute passes before he finally speaks up, “That was really messed up you know?” He says. You nod even though he still wasn’t looking at you. “At first, I thought you were late, it happens. But I sat there for an hour, it was so embarrassing. I could practically feel the wait staff pitying me.” He scoffs and you see the tears welling in his eyes. “How could you forget something like that? Am I that unimportant to you?” Levi asks, finally meeting your eyes. You immediately shake your head, “No. Absolutely not. I swear that I like you a lot and that the date slipped my mind. But you are very important to me.” You claim, looking him directly in his eyes so he knows you're being sincere. The avatar of envy laughs dryly, “Sorry if I find that hard to believe.” He says, wiping his eyes roughly. You feel so bad, you have no idea how to fix this.
“Can I make it up to you?”
“I don’t know, can you?”
The sad look in his eyes quickly switches to anger, “What? You stood me up, I have the right to be upset with you.” He states. “I never said you couldn’t be upset with me. Be upset, that’s valid. But I’m trying to fix this but I don’t know what you want me to do. I can’t go back in time, I’m not Barbatos. The best I can do is to do better going forward, let me do that.” You plead, getting desperate now. The demon rolls his eyes and shakes his head. As if he couldn’t believe what you were saying. “Opening the door was a mistake, I should’ve let you sit out there all night.” He sneers. You can’t lie, that hurt. “Levi, I know you don’t mean that you’re just angry—” You start. “No! I do mean it, you stood me up! Do you even know how hard it was for me to ask you out? How excited I was when you said yes?” He asks rhetorically, “For the first time in a long time I was happy because something other than games and anime made me feel something. But you just had to go and fuck that up! You don’t care about me, stop acting like you do… please.” Levi expresses, his voice now quiet, meek, and not above a whisper.
You can’t stop the tears that begin to well in your eyes, you hurt him so much and as a result, his trust in you is damaged. “Levi, please. I can’t even begin to express how sorry I am. And I know you don’t believe me, but I do care about you. Please don’t give up on us before we even start.” You beg, clasping your hands with his. For a quick moment, you see him look concerned (most likely because you were on the verge of crying), but that was quickly replaced with a stern look. The tears start to fall as you realize that you can stand here and tell him how much you do care about him but he won’t believe you. It took you guys so long to get to the point you were at, it probably would take twice as long to rebuild that. If he even wants to do that. You have a feeling he doesn’t. “I… don’t want to give up on us. But you hurt me MC, like a lot. And I don’t exactly want to be around you right now. You always tell me to work on my boundaries and stand my ground, so that’s what I’m doing. I just need time, how much time? I don’t know, but I’ll let you know when I’m ready to try again.” He explains, his face softer now. No matter how mad he is at you, he still hates seeing you upset. You nod in understanding, even if it was at the expense of your relationship, you were glad that Levi was taking your advice.
“This might be asking too much, but can I hug you? Please?”
You ask quietly, you know Levi and you know he doesn’t get over things easily. It was going to be a while before he would be ready to talk to you normally again. The demon nods, holding his arms out and you sigh with relief. You hug him tightly, the tears just falling down your face uncontrollably. Levi is crying just as much as you, he hugs you back. Deep down he didn’t want to do this, he knows you care about him and that you never meant to hurt him but the point is that you did. And it hurts. He feels like he has to learn to not blindly forgive people and unfortunately you’re one of those people. You two finally pull away from each other sniffling and wiping your faces of tears. For some reason, this felt like a breakup, even though you knew it wasn’t. How could you two possibly breakup when you weren’t even together? And, all hope wasn’t lost, Levi wanted to try again just not right now.
“I’m gonna miss hanging out with you.”
“I’m not leaving MC, we can still hang out…”
You bit your tongue, he’s folding. As much as you want him to give you another chance right this second, you can’t let him do that. “Actually, I think I’m going to go to the human realm for a bit. Y’know, to give you space, without it being awkward in the house.” You state. Levi blinked in surprise, “Oh… I see.” He mutters. You quickly grabbed his hands, “But I’m not leaving for good, I’ll come back every other week or so. You set your boundaries and I want to respect them. I want you to respect them.” You explain. Levi sniffs and hides his face behind his hand, looking away from you, “Okay.” He replies, his voice shaky.
“See you around?”
“Y-Yeah, see you around.”
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tanzaniiite © 2022 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
telling your partner how stressed out you are and they are simply just listening before opening their arms and holding you until you feel better.
With Sugar Daddy!Bucky
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“And I just think it’s so fucking stupid that he can just stand up there and be allowed to embarrass me in front of the whole class, you know? Like I don’t care if you’re tenured or not, that doesn’t give you an excuse to be a bastard!”
Bucky nodded, as he had been doing for the last 20 minutes. God bless his soul.
You went to his place after class and burst into his study, unable to stop the frustrations that poured from your mouth. The professor of your classical antiquities course was known for being a grumpy bastard, but today he had berated you in front of your classmates after you had questioned him.
“I just feel like I’m always fighting to prove that I know my shit. I’m not an idiot. I know what I’m talking about.”
Bucky frowned, absolutely hating to hear you talk about yourself in this way.
“Ugh, I hate that I let that fat, old bastard make me feel so horrible about myself. Tomorrow I’m gonna march in there and I’m just —“
“Darling.” Bucky finally spoke, gaining your attention immediately.
Stopping your rant, you turned and looked at him. It was in that moment that you realized for the first time since you arrived that it had basically been a non-stop bitch fest. A small sigh escaped from your lips and you rubbed your face, frustrated that you had let this situation get you so worked up that you stormed into Bucky’s office and interrupted him.
Your arrangement with Bucky was one that had been becoming more intense as the weeks went on. Regardless, you felt awful about showing up at his place and unloading a days worth of stress on him. This wasn’t really where your relationship was yet, at least you didn’t think. However, there wasn’t really anyone else you wanted to go to. You wanted Bucky.
When you looked back at him, Bucky was sitting there with a gentle look of understanding. A pout decorated your lips as he opened his arms toward you, signaling for you to come close. You sighed as you crossed the room and crawled into his lap, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Bucky’s soft hand rubbed up and down your arm and he let out a soft hum.
You felt his lips press against your temple, remaining there after leaving a kiss.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day.” Bucky whispered softly, his arm stopping in place to give your arm a soft squeeze.
You sighed again, starting to feel very badly about your temper tantrum you subjected him to.
“I’m sorry I came over and bitched your ear off. I know you’re busy. I shouldn’t have come.”
Suddenly, there was a hand on each of your arms and you were being pulled up to a sitting position.
“You didn’t bitch my ear off. It’s obvious you had a very rough afternoon and you know I’m always here for you. I’m glad you came.” Bucky continued to speak softly as he tapped your nose once with his index finger.
A small chuckle came from your chest as you shook your head slightly, feeling a little bit better about your outburst.
“Now, my sweet Angel,” Bucky started, drawing his fingertips down your arm, “how else can I help you feel better?”
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weirdos-am-i-right · 3 years
Fuck Traveling// Pete Davidson x reader
Request from @annalayton19
Hi! I’m a new follower and I really like your stuff! Could I request a Pete Davidson x reader (angst to fluff) where Pete is on tour or filming away from home and the reader is left behind. After like 6 months of being apart Pete starts to get tired of the long distance and basically like done with it. And then he realizes his mistake and comes home to make it up to her! I’m sorry if that’s super long! Also if this imagine doesn’t interest you, then no sweat! Thank you so much in advance 💕
A/n: This took so much less time then I thought it would. Anyway, here you go, I really hope you like it!
Warning: angst, swearing, like one cigarettes
Six months. Six months was an extremely long time to be away from someone you loved.
Y/n sat on the couch, a small pout on her lips. She looked at Pete—her boyfriend of a year—and frowned. “I wish I could go with you.” Pete frowns too, and sits down next to her.
“I know. I wish you were coming with me too. But hey, it’s only a couple of months, all right? I’ll be back before you know it.” He kissed her cheek.
“I just wish my contract would let me. You have no idea how annoying it is to not be able to do things because of freaking Marvel.” She groans, falling on her back with a slight ‘plop’.
“Well, because of freaking Marvel, you are one of the best actresses out there. And I know you’re going to kill it with filming. My tour isn’t even that cool. It’ll broke you to death.” He jokes, leaning back on the arm of the couch.
“Babe, you’re a comedian.”
“Oh right, I forgot.” He grabs her arm, and pulls her up into his chest. “I love you, okay?” He lifts her chin up, and kisses her. “So fucking much. We’ll face time everyday, I’ll call you every evening and wish you goodnight.”
“Okay.” She looked over a the clock, and sighed. “We have to go. Your flight is leaving soon.” He brushes hair behind her ear, bringing her eyes back to him.
“I love you. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“I love you, too.”
The car ride to the airport was long, and quiet. Pete was driving, he had one hand on the steering wheel, and one hand on Y/n’s leg, rubbing small circles into the center of her thigh.
She knew she was going to miss him so much, but she also knew she was going to be extremely busy with filming, so it wouldn’t be as bad.
Once they were at the gate, they tearfully hugged, and she kissed him. “All right, now get out of here. We’re not doing that rom-com turn back at the last second goodbye.” She laughed at him, tears steaming down her face a bit. He wiped one with his thumb, and kissed her again. “Love you. Now go, so I get to watch you walk away.”
“Yes.” She turns around, and starts walking back to her car. She knew he hated leaving her too, but he was a lot better at hiding emotions then she was, that was one of the only things she learned while dating him.
She got in her car, and put her head on her steering wheel.
She groans, and leans back. Starting her car, she pulled out of the airport, and drove home.
The first few months were the worst. Y/n hated going to bed alone, the left side of the bed always cold.
She was filming almost every day, and seeing her co-workers and friends always cheered her up, after all she had been working with the same people for quite some time now, so she felt comfortable around them.
The fourth month was slowly becoming easier. She got use to coming home to no one there, and making dinner for herself. She still talked to Pete every day, texting him good morning, and Goodnight, and FaceTiming him a lot during the day.
Though she knew he loved her, she felt as though he was slightly pulling away. The FaceTime calls were short, and he never texted her back right away like he use to.
“And so, we we’re almost done with the shoot, so close I could practically taste the coffee in my trailer waiting for me, and then Kevin calls cut, and he makes us do the whole scene over again! I swear, I was about to strange that man. Ugh, I can’t wait til you come home. Only two more weeks, I can’t believe we made it.” Y/n rants, talking to Pete on the phone.
“Uh huh. Cool.” He wasn’t looking at her, instead his attention was somewhere else. Y/n frowns, tilting her head a bit.
“Pete…are, are you okay?” That seemed to catch his attention, and he finally looked at the screen.
“What? I’m fine.”
“Okay…you just seem so…different lately. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but you seem like you don’t have time for me anymore. Or if you do, you don’t like talking to me.” Pete scoffs.
“Of course I don’t have time for you right now. I’m in between shows, I’m driving to one as we speak. I mean, god forbid I get a minute to myself without my agents or you calling me.” Pete snapped.
“Wha-I’m just talking to you. If you didn’t want to, you could have said something.”
“That’s bullshit you would have thrown a fucking hissy fit or something.” He rolls his eyes.
“That’s not true. I understand when people are tired, believe me I would know.”
“Would you?”
“Yes!” She had tears stinging her eyes. “Of course I do, you’re forgetting what I do for a living. I work from 6 am to whenever we finish which most of the time is in the middle of the night. I have to re-do the same scene about ten times because RDJ won’t stop making jokes in the middle of the scene!”
“Oh, sorry, I forgot about your super-star actress life.”
“Why are you being so mean to me? I was only concerned about you.”
“Mean? What are you, five? I can’t-I can’t do this anymore.” She huffs, crossing her arms.
“What do you talking about? Are you breaking up with me?”
“Because then fine. If you don’t want to be with me, I don’t have to take this shit. I’ll be with someone who, oh, I don’t know is actually here.”
“Oh that’s fucking rich, you know I can’t be there, don’t even do that.” She scoffs.
“I don’t care. You want to act like a petty bitch, I have no problem doing it right back.”
“No, I think you’re just a petty bitch.” She wipes her eye, and he laughs dryly. “Oh of course you’re crying.”
“Shut up. If you don’t want to be with me, fine. Go enjoy your show, Pete.” She hung up the phone, and turned off the ringer. She plugged it into her charger, and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on.
Pete rubbed his eyes, and took a drag of his cigarette. He knew he shouldn’t have snapped at her, it wasn’t her fault he was cranky, and needed to take it out on someone.
“I’m a dick.” He mumbles to himself, and bangs his steering wheel.
His phone rang again, and for a good second his heart leaping out of his chest, thinking it was his girlfriend, calling him back. He checked the phone, seeing it was Colson. He answered the call.
“What’s up, man?” Pete asks.
“The shows starting soon. You almost here?” Colson questioned. Pete looked at his google maps, seeing he was supposed to be there in ten minutes.
“I’m a good ten minutes away. I’ll be there.”
“You sound weird. What the fuck did you take without me?” Colson asks, trying to lighten the mood.
“Uh…Y/n and I just broke up. I think.” The line was silent for a few seconds.
“Why the fuck would you do that, you idiot? Are you kidding me?” Colson scoffs. “Man, what the fuck?”
“Shut up, man. I can’t stand talking on the phone with her. I’m busy, she’s busy, she plays a superhero for fuck’s sake. I didn’t even expect it to last this long to be honest.”
“Man, you fucking dumbass. That girl was probably the only good thing you had going for you. Get her the fuck back.I thought you loved her.”
“I did-I do. I do love her. I’m just so stressed right now, and excuse me for not wanting to hear about fucking Kevin Feige being a shitty director.”
“Hey, fuck-shit, you ever think that maybe this is more hard on her? Acting is fucking hard, you should know that, especially for a company like Marvel.
“Man, who’s side are you on?” Pete turns into the parking lot, and grabs his phone.
“You think I’m on your side here? You’re forgetting that we were friends before I met you. I can not believe you just fucked up the best thing in your life. Fix it, man. You’re going home in a week, fucking fix it.” And with that, Colson hung up, and put his phone away.
He kicked a rock across the pavement, and cursed under his breathe.
The worst thing about breaking up with someone you live with, who so happens to be long-distance is that their stuff fills the apartment with an existential amount of regret.
Y/n laid on her couch, flipping through the channels of the TV. She had called off work for the next few days, not feeling up to put on a performance for anyone. She knew she would get shit for it later, but she didn’t care.
Her head perked up when there was a knock on the door. She sighed, and got up, going over to the door. She really didn’t feel like company at the moment, and was sure she was going to send away whoever it was.
When she opened the door, her breathe caught in her throat. Pete stood in the doorway, looming over her. He looked like shit. She could tell he hadn’t slept, and probably didn’t eat anything, but she knew he didn’t look much better.
“Why-why didn’t you use your key?” Y/n asks, opening the door a bit for him.
“I uh, didn’t want to barge in on you. You also probably weren’t expecting me.”
“I wasn’t. I thought you didn’t get back until next week.” She says. It took every ounce of her not to jump into his arms, and kiss his face until she was sure she kissed every part of it.
“I took off early. Can we talk? Please. I was a dick. I was such a dick. I’m sorry, I know we grew apart in the last few months, and I promised we wouldn’t but we did, and I’m so sorry for that, baby.” He grabs her hand, and she slightly pulls it back, but let’s him grab it. “Please, forgive me. I love you, so much, okay? So fucking much, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.”
She felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked away from him. “What you said really hurt.”
“I know. And I’ll spend every day trying to make it up to you.” She quickly wrapped her arms around him, pushing her face into his chest. He didn’t hesitate to hug her back, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Fuck traveling.”
“Fuck traveling.”
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raebayhc · 3 years
Girls Night Out
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warnings: implied virgin, fingering, lesbian implied, bi implied, public sex, smut, fluff, angst
word count: 2164
summary: you along with your groups of friends decide to have a girls' night for the first time in a while, things get heated and your friends end up taking turns using your body.
It was a Thursday night and you along with the other ladies who went to the same college as you decided to go out and have a girls’ night. Yall planned on going to see a movie, going out for drinks, then finally retiring to Sasha’s barn where yall planned to stay up late telling spooky stories trying to freak one another out. Normally you wouldn’t agree to something like this because socially you were a lost cause, you had many friends and were very close to them. However, when it came to hanging out in large groups and even going out in public with the group, that’s when you started to get anxious. Your friends always had your back though and you knew that. Ultimately you decide not to fret too much and just have fun.
It was the beginning of a very long night, you and pieck were roommates so yall got ready at the same time and left together to meet everyone else at the theatre. On the ride there pieck looked over to you and broke the silence- “if it becomes too much just let me know, I’m good to go home anytime.. Okay darling?” she patted your thigh and you nodded waiting for her warm hand to leave its place. It never did. She kept her hand on your thigh occasionally tapping to the beat of the music she turned on after yall briefly spoke. You felt your cheeks begin to warm as you peered out the window. Nobody within the group of friends knew you swung that way you wouldn’t dare tell them fearing the absolute worst. You knew they would love you no matter what and you never thought they would say anything hurtful but you still kept your little secret to yourself.
Piecks hand remained on you the whole car ride to the theatre. When yall arrived you hopped out of the car with intent... That intent being getting away from under piecks touch as you know you wouldn’t be able to hide your heavy breath for much longer. You played it off as getting “all excited” about seeing the movie when you really just wanted to escape. You waited as pieck slowly gathered her items and met you outside the car, yall then proceeded to walk through the glass doors into the theatre where the rest of the girls were already waiting.
“Yo what took yall so long??” Sasha said while stuffing her face full of popcorn. “Yeah, we thought we were gonna miss the movie because of you two” Ymir followed, whilst rolling her eyes. You look around to check everyone out, Historia and Ymir were clinging together, as usual, Sasha and Mikasa playing “hot hands” in the corner. You laughed as Mikasa gagged after Sasha got butter all over her hands. Pieck walked off to go meet hitch at the counter to get some candy. You giggled to yourself and told the girls that the movie was going to start soon and yall should probably head to yalls seats.
Finally, in yalls seats waiting for the movie to begin, you were sat between Sasha and Mikasa. You were definitely closer to these two than you were anyone else. Yall had been a trio since fourth grade and nothing could ever split yall apart. Nothing. All of the ladies were quite touchy with each other, it was all platonic of course. Why wouldn’t it be? Sasha snatched your right hand and hugged your shoulder burying her nose in the crook on your neck as a monster popped out at the screen. “Why would you choose a horror movie when you can't handle them” you whispered to Sasha to which she replied “because I like the way it makes me feel y/n, I get all tingly and itchy” you rolled your eyes holding back a chuckle so you wouldn’t disturb the others during the quiet scene.
You felt a slight tug at your left hand as Mikasa habitually grabs your hand. She tends to do that when she has nothing to do with her hands, it “helps her stay focused” she has explained to you a million times. Between Sashas breath on your neck and Mikasa drawing circles on your hand with her index you couldn’t help but squirm. You go to whisper something about the movie to Mikasa when she goes to do the same, your faces come within an inch of each other, noses barely touching you feel her breath out her nose as it fans across your lips. Your face turns bright pink as you halt in surprise. “I wanted to point out that actor….. Since we’ve spoken about them before…” she spoke softly. You replied with a small “me too…”. Yall have yet to part until you are broken up by screams as the movie takes a turn and Sasha yanks your arm “AHHHHH Y/N HELP!!!!!” Sasha screams in a high-pitched tone. You turn breaking your eye contact with Mikasa “Sasha! Be quiet we arent the only ones here!” you jab at her as you apologetically smile at the others in the theatre. You momentarily forgot about the moment you and Mikasa had until she takes her hand and places it on the back of your neck. Thumb swiping up and down, she pulls you a bit closer to whisper “awfully close weren’t we…” she lets that sentence linger before playfully giggling and removing her hand from your nape.
The movie was finally over and you were one of the last to leave your seat, since you decided to pick up all the popcorn Sasha had dropped after one of the jumpscares, you stand up, lifting your arms towards the ceiling, stretching and letting out a soft moan. You felt hands slither from the small of your back to the front of your hips “wow y/n, you have a hot moan. Whoever sleeps with you must be lucky” Ymir says before shifting you to the side to make way for her and historia. “Ugh, Ymir how many times do I have to tell you it’s not ladylike to talk about such things so casually” “I know I know I’m sorry... But it had to be pointed out” Ymir shrugged “she does have a point y/n.. You have an attractive voice it makes sense your moans would be..” historia pitches in and she looks you up and down before continuing “h o t” she lingers on the t a bit before moving on. You could feel your arousal pooling. The ladies seem different tonight... Maybe it’s just you... Maybe it’s not... They walk out and you follow suit.
You decide to ride with hitch since yall haven’t spoken a lot tonight, you ask her about life and she goes on to rant about her boyfriend noting that he’s not good in bed and she hates his haircut, she finishes her rant off with “ugh maybe I should just switch to girls! You’d date me right y/n?” you pause for a moment then reply with a simple “who wouldn’t!” a simple sentence yet complex at the same time. She turns to you and examines your face “you know I think id be a top if I were with a girl… in fact, you’d make a perfect bottom for me..” her eyes linger a bit too long, your skin crawling whilst illuminated by the red light yall were stopped at. It flashes green and her eyes return to the road “of course if I was single and into girls hahaha” she plays it off.
Yall arrive at the bar shortly after Sasha and Mikasa who had taken the same car and followed by Ymir who carpooled with historia. Mikasa and Sahsa hand out everyone’s paper wristbands, Sasha stops in front of you takes your hand, and putting it on for you. She didn’t do it for anyone else… just you. You decided you were overthinking and you moved on, walking into the club you were bombarded with loud music busybodies and the smell of alcohol. You were stressed, so many people, so many noises, so many smells. It was overwhelming, to say the least. Pieck noticed your uneasiness and placed her hand on the small of your back, she led you to a dark hallway filled with heavy pheromones and kissing partners, past that was a bathroom to which she leads you, pushed you in, followed after you, and locked the door. “Wh-” pieck covered your mouth with a single finger, “I noticed your stress, we can leave if you need y/n” a look of sorrow on her face. “No I’m fine it was just a lot at once I’m sorry, I’m okay now” you push out with a soft smile. Her body moving closer to you she wraps an arm around you pulling you closer “baby… tell me if you need anything, mmkay?” she purrs into your neck giving it a soft peck. Your arousal beginning to pool again you squeeze your thighs.
She excuses herself letting you go and leaving the bathroom. Turning around to face the mirror you scold yourself for acting the way you are when your friends are just being nice, they’d probably feel so grossed out if they knew your cunt was getting all nice and soaked for them, you thought. “Maybe I just need to relieve some stress… yeah that's all it is… built-up stress…” you hiked up the mini skirt that you decided to wear today above your hips and you pulled your new pink lace panties to the side. Beginning to slide your fingers over your unclothed clit the door rattles “hey bear, pieck said you weren’t feeling well so I brought you a dri-” historias sentence is cut short when she looks up to see you sitting on the counter sprawled open like a book. “I’m so so-” you begin before she hurriedly shuts and locks the door behind her.
“I- i- can explain-” she cuts you off before you get a chance to explain “oh bear..” a slight purr in her voice “who knew you had such a perfect pussy?.. All this time you’ve been hiding it from me?” she pouts, you’ve never seen her act this way much less talk this way before. Shocked by her actions you freeze, she steps closer and peers up into your eyes, lifting a hand to show she has her pinky and index slightly bent, she speaks “..may I?” if this was any other night you would freak out, apologize, get dressed quickly and leave, but for some reason you cant. “Please do” a slight whininess in your voice. Taking her ring and middle finger she traces a line from your entrance to your clit making you twitch once she reaches the small bud. She chuckles a bit and continues, pushing her middle finger into you, slowly but surely, you lay your head back resting it on the mirror. A low groan leaves her throat as you tighten around her finger “y/n… can I ask you a question? Hmm?” “nghh yes” you manage to push out through cries and moans. “You’re a virgin aren’t you, bear? Nobody has ever touched this perfect little body. Nobody has ever stuck their fingers in you either, huh?” you nod trying to keep sane while her pace quickens, you squint your eyes shut forcing tears out and down the sides of your face. Your response influenced her as she moved faster prodding another finger at your entrance and pushing it in with her other. “Ahh fuck ‘ri’” RI was a name you’ve called her since yall first met, originally made because you couldn’t remember her full name but it kind of just stuck throughout the years. “I’m gonna- I think I’m g-” cut off by the feeling of her warm tongue prodding your clit, dangerously licking and lapping, boy did she know how to please, and that she did. “RI oh shit” you grab a fistful of her hair as your orgasm hits, continuing to finger fuck you and lightly lick your sensitive bud she helps you ride out your high. “..- first, right?” you couldn’t make out what she said through your hazy mindset “what RI?” she repeats “I was your first, right??” you nod with lazy eyes, she smiles a big smile then gives you a sloppy kiss, you groan into her lips.
She cleans you up then helps you off the counter. Now realizing what had just happened you panic pushing out a quick “oh my goodness ri I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to put you in that position” she chuckles “don’t worry bear there are plenty of other positions I plan to have you in” before you could really digest that she tugs at your wrist leading you out to the main hallway and back to your groups of friends. The night has only begun….
this is my first fanfic ever so I'm sorry if it's bad!! I will continue to improve trust me! also, this will be a multi-part series so stay updated!
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periwnklblu · 3 years
i loved p2 to make it right 🥺 i think its so healthy for them to grow apart so they can be stronger together ugh its so great to see 😤 i was hoping to request for my sweet boy sakusa, maybe a drabble of him planning a date super hard but it ends up being a disaster, like everything that could go wrong went wrong but the reader still has a good time anyway hehe idk im in a soft mood rn but if u dont want to no stress!! have a great day/night:)))
ahh tysm i literally did a little happy dance when I first saw this 🥺this request was so cute, I'm sorry I took so long in writing it. i hope you like it and ty again
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sakusa x gn! reader
warnings: none just soft fluff, a few curse words and a Sakusa who is trying his best. maybe slight ooc sakusa?
everything italicized is a flashback, normal font is present.
feedback is much appreciated <3
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Komori felt odd when he first woke up this morning. There was just an air to this Monday morning that made him feel like something was off, almost as if he were forgetting something. He spent the entire morning walk to school racking his brain, trying to remember what was so special about today. It wasn’t until he waltzed into his homeroom and found his cousin uncharacteristically laying his head against the desk in defeat that a light bulb went off in his head; Kiyoomi had his first date with y/n last night.
Judging by his body language, along with the “go away” Komori receives from his cousin in response to his cheery good morning, the libero was willing to bet that the date did not go according to plan.
“I take it the date didn’t go too well?” Komori treads delicately as he settles into the desk next to the brooding Sakusa.
“No, not exactly”
“Even after all your extensive planning? I mean, you literally had a plan a, b, and c for incase something went wrong. It was color coded and everything! Nothing that is planned with color coded highlighters and bullet points can possibly go wrong” Motoya explains in a matter-of-fact way.
“Well, it didn’t go to plan. Literally any of the plans” the ace finally lifts his head up, revealing a red spot on his forehead from where he was placing pressure. Komori laughs at his cousin's angry expression until the ace sends him a look that sends shivers up his spine. Even though his face was mostly covered by a mask, Kiyoomi’s glares still made Komori just slightly scared for his life.
“So tell me,” Komori gets comfortable in his seat, getting comfortable as if preparing for a great story time. “what went wrong?”
“Everything” Sakusa deadpans.
“It couldn’t have been that bad?”
“It wasn’t bad per se,” Sakusa pauses to sigh before continuing. “The date was fine, I guess. They didn’t seem upset or anything. But all my plans went to hell”
“Well, what happened?” Motoya impatiently asks, eager to know what has gotten the usually stoic Sakusa all emo.
“It all started when I got onto the train to meet up with them, and the train station was ridiculously full. Not only was it overcrowded, but some kid accidentally spilled his soda all over me. And of course, this happened right as I was getting off the train”
Sakusa pauses his rant before turning himself more towards his relative. This is how Komori knew the real story was just getting started.
“Just as I was about to text y/n that I was going to be late so I could change, they happened to spot me somehow in that train station. And of course, they’re a perfect being so they don’t mind that I look like I pissed myself. But I mind. So I tried getting them to just wait for me while I go home to change, but you know y/n. They’re stubborn as ever. So, we go back to my place together”
“Oh?” Komori wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “You and your crush go back to your empty house together. I see, I see.” he strokes his imaginary beard inquisitively.
“Don’t even start” the ace rolls his eyes. “The entire way there, I’m not only embarrassed because of the stain on my clothes, but I’m also freaked out that we’re squished so close together”.
“How close?” Komori nosely inquires.
“Very close”
“Like too close?”
“No, not too close. I-I mean yeah kinda, their butt was pressed up to my d- why am I telling you this?!” Sakusa’s blush creeps up his face behind the mask. But even without being able to physically see it, Komori knows his cousin is flustered.
“Because we’re family. But fine, get on with the story” Komori makes a hand motion to continue.
“Whatever, I’m glad my misery is entertaining to you”
“Very much so”
“So we finally got back to my place and of course this happens to be the rare time that both of my parents are home. They’re obviously surprised that I brought someone home, but the worst part is they weren’t even mad that I was trying to bring someone over with nobody else home. In fact, they got excited, too excited”
“In the two minutes it took me to change out of my clothes, they had y/n sandwiched between them on the couch as they brought out all these scrapbooks with a bunch of embarrassing pictures from when I was younger. I honestly didn’t even know they had those pictures!” Sakusa shudders as he recalls the horror he felt when he emerged from his room just to find you giggling along with his parents at a photo album that was foreign to him.
When he finally looked over your shoulder and saw the photo you were stuck on, he all but stopped breathing. There he was, four year old Kiyoomi with a red tear stained face and snot dripping from his nose as he tried his best to not tremble next to the giant creepy mouse animatronic. He never has been a fan of Chuck E. Cheese's.
“That’s rough dude” Komori laughs, earning another glare from the red tinted Sakusa. "I remember that birthday too. Those animals had you messed up"
“Whatever, Afterwards, we finally took the train back to the café I had planned from the beginning. It’s just my luck that as we’re walking there, it starts to rain really hard”
“You just can’t seem to catch a break huh”
“You have no idea” Sakusa sighs out.
“We start running to the café and in the process they grab onto my hand. Except I’m pretty sure my hands were sweaty from being around them. So I tried taking my hand away but then they looked so offended when I did that that I had to suck it up and hold their hand again. Sweat and all”
“Wait, wait, wait” Komori sits up from his previously lax position. “So not only is the great Sakusa Kiyoomi nervous about something, or rather someone, but the germaphobe also holds hands with someone before they have a chance to wash it? You really are whipped for them”
“Whatever, it was just in the heat of the moment” he says, his ear growing hot.
“When we finally get to the café, everything seems back on track. You remember plan a, bullet point three, green section? Where I was going to ask them whether they wanted to, y’know, come to our next game? Well just my fucking luck because as I was asking them, one of their old childhood friends sees them and decided they want to catch up. At that moment, at our table.
Sakusa had just returned back to the table where he had left Y/n alone as he went to pick up their drinks and pastries. Kiyoomi was finally feeling a sense of relief, partly due to being back on track but also because he was going to drink his latte and hopefully warm up from the still pelting rain. His head was already running through possible ways to ask y/n out to their game the following weekend. That is until his bubble burst when he saw some strange person sitting in his spot, talking y/n’s ear off as they just politely nod along. The stranger doesn't seem to catch onto the apologetic tone y/n uses when introducing the two guys to each other.
“y/n is too polite to say anything to this random stranger who probably doesn’t wash their hands thoroughly, so he sits with us for the rest of the date. And no, I'm not exaggerating” the frustrated ace rolls his eyes.
Some deity must have been looking out for Sakusa and graced him with patience he’s never had before. Sakusa managed to sit through the entire hour-long discussion between y/n and their old friend, who Saksua later found out that they were never very close to even in their childhood. This only silently enraged him more.
Once the rain cleared up and the date crasher left, Sakusa checked his phone to see how much longer they had together, only to realize that it was time for Y/n to head back home. He does his best to not sound disappointed when he vocalizes this observation, but he was not the thespian he believed to be. Y/n caught on to his mood change and slid their fingers through slightly sweaty ones. They follow up by asking him if he could walk them back home, to which he agrees but with a slight pout on his lips. Not that he didn't want to walk you home, but more so that he spent the majority of the date dealing with his mistakes and not really getting to be with you alone. Nevertheless, Sakusa lightly squeezes their interlaced hand before beginning the trek back to their house. The two finally manage to enjoy each other's company as they breath in the post-rain air and overlook the sun that was setting over the horizon. The sky is painted in beautiful shades of orange and purple that will forever remind Sakusa of you; too perfect to ever be replicated in all its vibrant shades and hues. Unbeknownst to each other, y/n was enjoying every moment with him. They take the long way home while Sakusa purposely slowed down his usually fast walking pace, both trying to relish in every moment together.
“Did you two kiss
“N-no. I mean, it was barely our first date and even if I was thinking about i-it, their brother opens the door before I could even try to��. The ace rested his head on the palm of his hand and looks out the window in disappointment.
The moment was there, when they finally arrived at y/n’s front door. The neighborhood silent, the wind lightly breezing through as the moon illuminated the two lovers in a way a street lamp could never. Eyes twinkling for each other and each other only as their hands remained interlocked.
"I really had fun today Sakusa, thank you. This walk was really nice too, I don't think I'll ever be able to not think about you whenever I walk down this path again" they smile a smile to beautiful that Sakusa almost forgot to respond. For a minute there, he forgot he was speaking to another person, and not a painting from the romanticism era.
"well maybe I'll just have to be here whenever you take this path again. so you don't have to miss me" he softly says, zipping up their jacket as a cool breeze rushes by them.
"Maybe you're right. This will jut have to be our journey and our journey only" In that moment, gravity seemed to work in Sakusa’s favor as it drew in their faces close. Right as their eyes were fluttering shut and their lips were mere millimeters from another, the front door swung open with aggression as y/n's older brother loudly announced it was now the end of their date.
“So you mean to tell me that after all you went through in that single day, you still didn’t get a kiss from them? Not even on the cheek?!” Sakusa solemnly shakes his head while Komori groans loudly, receiving side glances from the other students that were beginning to file in for class.
“Damn. That really is a bad date. Maybe you should go back to laying your head down” Komori sympathetically suggests. If he went through a date as traumatizing as that, he doesn’t even think he’d be able to show up to school the next day. In his eyes, Sakusa Kiyoomi was a brave man.
“I think I will, wake me up if there’s anything important-”
“Uh good morning Kiyoomi-kun!!” as if he were being risen from the dead, the curly haired spiker eyes light up as he raises his head and turns to the source of the angelic voice; you.
“G-good morning, y/n-san”
“Hi y/n!” Komori interjects.
“Hey Komori. Uh Omi-kun, can I have a moment real quick with you?”
“Sure” he says, his chair making a scraping noise as he stands up and follows his crush out to the nearly empty hallway.
“I’m gonna make this quick since class is about to start but-” and with no other words, y/n pulls down sakusa’s mask and presses their lips onto his. If it weren’t for the fact that he was caught off guard, he would’ve deepened the kiss by holding their face with both his hands. Or maybe by resting one at the nape of their neck. Perhaps a a hand on their waist? Anything for this moment to last longer.
“I had a lot of fun yesterday” they say, slightly out of breath after parting from Sakusa’s lips. “I know it didn’t go all to plan, and I’m sorry about the rain. And my old friend. And then my brother. But I really did have a lot of fun!”
“You don’t have to lie to me y/n. It was a bad first date”
“What? No, no, no, I had a lot of fun! Why would you say that? ” they ask with slight hurt in their voice
“Because I was late, and then we had to go back and fourth and god, my parents! Those pictures were so embarrassing, please do me a favor and forget all about them. Plus the rain and then we ran out of time and just, I'm sorry” he lets out.
y/n says nothing as they grab both his hands and hold them together in their grasp. They rub gentle circles over his knuckles before starting up again
“Well, I don’t typically meet the parents on the first date but it was still cute so I will never forget those pictures. And even though we were all over the place, I didn’t mind at all. Because I enjoy being with you, Kiyoomi. Even if it’s the most boring task on the earth, I don’t mind doing it as long as I’m with you”
Sakusa stands there at a loss for words while the two of you stare into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever, but in reality was just a few seconds. The bell can be heard chiming in the distance, signaling that class was about to start for the day but neither of you budge.
“Well, I gotta go. Don’t want to be late to class, but I’ll see you later?” y/n finally breaks the pause after seeing the doubt that was swirling in his eyes disappear.
“Y-yeah” Sakusa agrees as Y/n dreadfully lets go of his much larger hands. Just as they turn around and make their way to their homeroom, Sakusa feels the same rush of adrenaline he does whenever he spikes a winning ball.
“y/n!” he calls out and right as you turn around, he is now the one to capture your lips in a surprise kiss. It lasts maybe a moment or two but in those seconds, Sakusa memorizes the feeling of your lips and has it ingrained into his brain. If he could, he would spend the rest of the day kissing you.
“This Friday, I have a game. Think you can make it?” he boldly asks, ignoring the second warning bell.
“O-of course. I’ll be there! And I promise this time without childhood friends or protective older brothers”
“Good '' Sakusa smiles just as Komori violently opens the door to rush Sakusa in before the teacher arrives. He reluctantly steps away from you as you offer him one last smile before the door gets slammed shut and the day begins.
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kirishoshego · 3 years
Come Kitty, Kitty//Shinso
This is my part of the amazing "Hybrids" collaboration hosted by @ultimate-astridwriting, thank you again for letting me participate, this was definitely exciting x pairing: kitten!fem!readerxShinso (college!au)//words:3.3k+
Summary: You knew pushing Shinsou's buttons would end in a punishment, which was exactly what you craved (featuring after care)
TW: BDSM, dom and sub (calling him sir, him calling you kitten and at one point pet), choking, rope play, spanking, overstimulation, squirting, anal play (at the end), oral (both receiving), face fucking, degration (mixed with name calling), praise, unprotected sex, sending nudes and the reader wearing a collar Shinsou didn't plan on going to meet up with the group, Bakugou dragged him along with him, ranting about how if he had to go to Jiro's chill night he had to come too. It was an unusual group, really, but they, Shoto and Tokoyami shared the same taste in music. From that on the five became something along the lines of friends, even if Shinsou didn't want anything to do with it, he couldn't deny the fact he didn't hate having them around him, and having someone to study while in college had its perks.
When he explained he didn't feel like being there anymore they didn't try to make him stay, they understood he needed some alone time and told him to text them if he's back in his dorm and bit their goodbye. The sun wasn't down completely yet, it still engulfed the city in its warm colors, people passing him by on their way home or to a date, while he was slurping on his Boba Tea, grumbling about their happy go lucky energy.
That was until he saw you, sitting on a branch of a cherry blossom tree, yelling at three guys below you, who despairingly tried to grab your fluffy tail to drag you down. "I said fuck off you assholes!" one of them got too close for your liking causing you to hiss at them, revealing your sharp fangs, tail whipping from left to right. "Don't be such a little buzzkill now sweet cheeks, we just wanna show you a good time, we know how to take care of such a small thing," all of them laughed, jumping up again and this time being lucky in catching your tail, only to also catch your claws seconds later. "You fucking-" before he could say whatever angry insult was laying on his tongue a scarf was wrapped around him, pulling him back so he fell onto his ass in a small puddle.
"She said to leave her alone, so fuck off," he apparently caught their leader, the others now quickly trying to help him up and scramble off, mumbling insults which quickly died down when their opponent's eyes started glowing. "I could have done that myself," you told him, fixing your shirt as you sat upon the branch, feet dangling down, ears pulled back. "I'm not helpless just because I'm a cat, you know?" it amused him to watch you struggle as you tried to find a way back to the ground. He only raised an eyebrow, his gaze going from you to the floor and turning his back towards you. "Have fun getting down there yourself then," he walked away, your pleads seemingly fallen to deaf ears, but Shinsou could hear you just fine, a small smirk on his lips.
"Sir, please help me down. I'm sorry, thank you for defending me," the defeat in your voice was one thing, but switching from Mister to Sir made his head snap up from his phone's black screen. But before he could react in time he heard a loud thud and a whine.
It's not your problem, she's just a stranger, he thought to himself, but his body reacted sooner than his brain could, and Shinsou found himself carrying you to the nearest hospital, which conveniently was only two blocks away. Ever since then you were basically his shadow, nobody really took care of you, and growing up with Aizawa apparently made Shinsou also adapt his father's need to take in strays.
According to you, Shinsou didn't pay enough attention to you the last couple of days. You knew he had those days, too stressed out from university or hero work. His biggest desire at that moment is to simply have you in his lap while he was playing some games or cuddle up to you while watching a movie, the soft purrs emitting your curled-up body helping him heal from whatever had him worried in the late evening hours.
However, you were craving him, needed him. Every fiber in your body was screaming his name, begging for his touch, wanton for him to be balls deep inside your dripping little cunt. So you planned everything out, starting with sending him cute little pictures of you. Innocent and cute, wearing nothing but one of his big t-shirts, hair messy, forming a seeming halo between your perked up ears, tail wrapped around as you kneeled in front of the tall mirror. But then, oh no, what a pity, you spilled milk all over you when all you wanted was to prepare your breakfast. Your front camera perfectly captured the soaked material clinging to your shape, revealing your hardening nipples and soft mounds he loved to play with. And of course, it would only be fair to show him how good you can clean yourself, a little video of your in soap-covered glistering body.
If you don't stop right now, you're in for it, last warning
Don't push your luck kitten
*attachment one image*
*attachment one video*
Does my new set match my eyes? What do you think?
Left on read. Exactly forty-five minutes, before your door opens and your boyfriend appeared in its frame. Everything about him appeared calm, even breath, no fists, no tension. The only thing that gave away his fuming rage was his amethyst-like glowing eyes.
"Come here," he ordered, pulling off his shoes and putting them to the side. "Ugh, it's so comfy here though," you told him, stretching yourself on the couch, kissed by the sun. His movement halted, jacket still in his hand, and raised in the air as he turned to look at you. "Excuse me?" the hand wrapped around the fabric tightened, nostrils flared, and only now you realized the mistake you had done. Big hands adorned by silver rings pushed up his sleeves, eyes fixated on you. Even if you wanted to you couldn't leave his gaze, pupils turning into slits when Shinsou started making his way towards you.
Anticipation rose in your stomach, the flick of your tail betraying you as a smirk formed on Shinsou's chiseled face. "Now, kitten," his pointer finger interlaced with the small ring on your collar allowing him to pull your face close to his, his hot breath fanning over your delicate skin "I'll count to ten, you're going to be a good little pet and go into the bedroom, get undressed and wait for me."
Amusement flashed over his face when he noticed your eyes now almost completely black as your pupils expanded. Your breath hitched in your throat as his soft, plump lips were mere an inch away from yours while his thumb stroked your cheek softly. Before your wish could come true he pulled away, starting to unbutton his shirt, the first number filling your ears. You practically run into the bedroom, eager to have him pound into you, your cunt already throbbing at the simple thought of it.
"Nine... Ten," he still wore his grey sweatpants, hung low on his hips, and allowing you to have a perfect view on his happy trail. His large fist was wrapped around thick purple robes. You sat on your bed, legs pulled underneath you while you wore nothing but the collar around your neck, watching him every step. He simply pointed his fingers to the spot in front of him, waiting for you to walk up to him.
"What's your safe word?" he always asked you this before even touching you. Your safety was above anything for him. "Bunny," a small kiss was placed on your forehead. "Good. And your sign?" "Tapping my fingers onto my palm three times," you said like a bullet being shot from a pistol. "You understand that you're in trouble, right?" he asked you, turning you around and pushing your hair to one side, letting him kiss your neck sensually, his free hand wandering down your side. "Yes Shin," you breathed, earning a harsh slap to your ass and a hiss escaping your throat. "That's sir to you, you know better than that," he warned, pulling your arms behind your back and wrapping them together, like he had practiced so many times before, making sure your blood flow wasn't cut off by them.
Shinsou walked to the in black sheets covered bed, sitting down on it with his legs spread open and pulling you in between them. "You know the rules kitten, and you still thought sending me these pics while I'm out in public with my friends would be a good idea. Why is it forbidden to do so, especially without a warning?" he looked at you through his lashes, one hand over your tail drawing small circles, the other circling your clit lazily, sending you in a hazy state. "Because I belong to you, and someone, ah, could see them," your toes curled slightly, trying your best to concentrate on his voice.
"Exactly, so why did you do it then kitten?" he cocked his eyebrow, picking up his speed and watching you squirm. "I wanted your attention, Sir. You barely acknowledged me the last few days," your voice was a mix of pleasure and whining, pressing down on his hand for more which only earned you a slap on your clit. "Ah, so we're a greedy little attention whore?" his question sounded like he just had a breakthrough discovery, a single digit slipping into your wet walls, his thumb still playing with your sensitive nub. "Yes," you admitted, his degradation causing you to clench around Shinsou's curling finger, another one joining. "I see. I'm sorry for not giving you enough attention. What about the attention I'm giving you right now? Is it enough? Or does my little slut need more?" he knew how to make you come within a few seconds, how to play with your pussy to have you squealing out incomprehensible sentences.
His lips wrapped around your nipple, flicking his slick muscle over them again and again. "Hm?" he hummed against it, his thumb now having the perfect speed to send you over the edge already. "More, please Sir," you moaned while he made you ride out your first orgasm of the night. "I thought so. You gotta earn it first though," he didn't plan on having you on your knees for long, but he wasn't ready to give you what you want just yet. After all, you had to be punished.
At the thought of his thick cock down your throat your mouth started to water. Gratefully dropping down in front of him made your tits jiggle in the process. You licked along his shaft, the tip of your tongue going from his balls to the tip of his dick, swirling around its head before starting to bop your head up and down slowly, taking in more and more every time you went down until your nose hit his freshly shaved skin.
With your tongue extended it was easy to kitten lick his balls, adding to the pleasure going through his veins. "Fuck, such a good whore. Just like that, your mouth feels so nice wrapped around me," you continued, his words of courage fueling you while his hips snapped up every now and then to make you splutter around him. After a few minutes of his dick shoved down your neck, you went up for air again, drool making your chin glister in the purple light emerging from the bulb above you.
"I can't remember that I told you to stop," his voice was raspier than normal. Collecting the mixture of spit and precum dripping down your chin with this thumb he pushed it into your mouth, watching you suck on it, and gently dragging your fangs against his finger when he pulled out again. "Go on," apparently you were too slow, his hand fisting your hair. His actions caused you to gag, resulting in his length being pushed down further.
"Don't forget I'm in charge, always," with his left leg grounded, the right one wrapped around your head, his ankle laying on his muscular thigh to keep you in place. He started thrusting upwards, careful to keep your hair out of your face because he didn't want to miss your fucked-out expression. Lilac eyes watched in ecstasis as you struggled against his grip, hearing you gag and feeling you contract against him, more drool dripping down your chin. Shinsou loved turning you into a mess, inside and out.
"Can't breathe kitten?" he asked slightly amused, getting turned on, even more, when the realization hit him about how much power he had over you. You tried shaking your head but failed miserably, ears pulled back with no escape in sight, your tail swinging like a whip. Only when your eyes started to water, your tears meeting at your cupid's bow he had mercy with you.
Due to the abuse of your jaw, you couldn't really close it, trying your best to catch your breath before he pulled you back up. It was easy for Shinsou to have you on your back, spread in front of him while his head found its home between your legs, eating your pussy as if hadn't had a meal in weeks. The man between your legs was licking and sucking your most sensitive area, his manicured nails digging into the meat of your soft thighs to keep them from closing. Shinsou now wanted one thing, and one thing only: his name the only word in your brain as he fucked you stupid, making you cum over and over and over again.
So you did, two times, four times, six times. Your mind was foggy after the fifth, which also was the one leading him to tie your legs to each bedpost at the end because you were overstimulated, your legs clamping shut and he didn't want any of that.
You expected your punishment to be denial, a rough spanking while you are bend over his knees, not being touched at all, only serving for his pleasure and his pleasure alone but you were oh so wrong. The remark off you earlier telling him how little attention he had given you made him rethink his planned discipline. If you want his attention you're going to get it, all of it. The attempt to muffle your moans and screams not even crossing his mind. He wanted everyone to know how good he made you feel, tied up, sprawled in front of him, for him to use and adore.
"Sir please, no more, it feels weird," you cried out, not even trying to move away since you knew it only made him want you more. "Weird how?" he asked and your body was thankful for the short break, yet craved his mouth on you again. "Like I have to pee," you said timidly, a small sob traveling through your sweat-covered body. He cursed under his breath, eyes rolling in the back of his head at the thought of making you squirt. "Too bad you have no say in this," he slapped your clit and returned to his previous position.
Before you knew it his fingers curled even faster, your already hyper-sensitive clit throbbing between his lips covered in your juices. "Please," you sobbed as his eyes watched your in pleasure twisted face, tears streaming down your face. The safe word was still prominent in your brain, you could use it any second but even though your skin was ignited you needed more, needed him to fill you up, to cloud your vision and let you forget every thought in your brain that was left somewhere in there.
"Let go for me kitten," the vibration of his low voice sent you over the edge once again and sure enough his wish came true. Shinsou never knew he could make it happen but today you proved him wrong, the need to be inside of you now bigger than ever before. "Done?" you asked, your whole body shaking and your eyes only a small slit caused by the exhaustion.
"Just started," the lust was written over his face as he cleaned it with your shirt laying next to the bed before positioning himself at your entrance, watching your wetness drip down onto the mattress. Your pussy was throbbing from the many orgasms he had milked from you. He couldn't wait to feel your velvety walls adorning his thick shaft, clenching around it, and hear you scream out in delight.
"No, no more," you tried to put the last bit of energy against the restraints holding you in place but there was no use. Shinsou was a master with ropes and while he can untie you in a second you could never slip out of them, he made sure of that.
A simple tug on each knot freed you and for a second you thought it was over, relaxing into the drenched fabric below you as he turned you around. The feeling of calmness didn't last long, his big, strong hands grabbing your hips and pulling your ass up in the air, delivering a slap to both cheeks and watching them bounce from the impact. He could see your claws extending, a natural reacting to protect you from your attacker but the way your hole clenched around nothing gave away just how much you liked it.
"Did you just say no? I'm gonna continue and you'll let me use you because do you know what you are? A dumb, little whore for me to use. Tell me to stop again and I'll fuck you until you pass out, got it?" he grunted, momentarily teasing you with just the tip of his cock before pushing his whole length balls deep inside of you.
The grip you had around him caused every cuss word his brain held to tumble out within seconds. Never did Shinsou think he could become addicted to a pussy, but here he was, pounding into you like a mad man in love. One hand was placed between your shoulder blades, making you arch just perfect for him to have access to every hole he wanted. The cold spit hitting your until now ignored, puckered hole clench in shock before he pushed his thumb in between your spread cheeks.
It didn't take long for his hand to wrap around your throat, tongue lolling out as yet another orgasm crashed through your body. Your cunt was clenching around him, backside and tail vibrating in satisfaction. "I think you have one more for me, what do you think kitten? Gonna be a good girl?" he could feel his own high building up in his abdomen, ready to fill you up and watch it leak out of your abused pussy. You couldn't possibly form a sentence, let alone a single word, only nodding your head, wanting for him to come inside of you.
"That's what I thought, I'm proud of you, taking me so well," Shinsou grunted, listening to your moans and sobs. Pulling you up by your hair allowed him to view your ahegao face in the reflection of the window, watching the sun go down in the distance and the buildings below you appear so small.
He looked at you in pure bliss, enjoying the little show in front of him, how worn out you looked, sweat, tears, and drool draped over your body. Beautiful boobs bounced in the same beat of his thrusts. "Gon' come Sir" you slurred, stars appearing in front of your eyes while his hand connected with your clit yet again. The word 'mine' written over it caused you to collapse into his arms, crying out his name as the last orgasm washed over you like a tsunami. With another thrust of his hips, he shot his load deep inside of you, and moaned your name.
It didn't take long before Shinsou's strength returned, picking you in his arms and kissing your temple. "Wanna take a bath with me and watch a movie? I can order some food, how does that sound?" his voice was soothing now, calming you down a bit with his quirk, telling you to take deep breaths and focus on his voice. "Yes please," you whispered when he sat you down on the small stool in the bathroom, watching him take out a soothing lotion and your favorite bubble soap. Turning on the water he collected the few cold drops in a glass, tipping your head back and letting the liquid flow down your dry mouth while whispering assuring words into your ears, listening to the soft purrs.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Thank you for answering! Could I just have some short head canons on how the Wammy house boys (specifically Near and L) would cheer up their s/o after a hard/tiring day? I just had some money stolen which kinda sucks so it would mean a lot! Thank you again!! I love your writing for both Obey Me and Death Note!
Wammy Boys When Their s/o Has A Bad Day
OH NO DUDE I’m sorry that happened to you!! These are a bit late but of course I can whip up some headcanons! Thanks so much!
- Probably doesn’t even realize you’re upset at first.
- But he’s honestly just very soft when you come home in general so it doesn’t really matter. You have his comfort either way.
- It will probably be later into the evening when he asks you to do something and you have to explain to him that you’ve just had a tough day and would appreciate if you could get some time to just lay around and not worry about anything.
- “Alright. When do you think you’ll get to it, then?”
- Explain to him again that you need to relax. Please don’t snap at him though, he doesn’t know what he did wrong. He’s just trying to plan ahead.
- Once he understands that you relaxing means you actually don’t want to do anything at all, he’ll propose that you put on a movie and play a board game together.
- if you start to lose he’ll make up fake rules that switch everything around so you win or, if that feels unfair to you, he’ll straight up just let you win and not tell you.
- Ugh that little smile he gives you. ‘S too cute. You instantly start to feel better when he sends it your way. That dumb goofy lil grin thing he does. Wow.
- It gets you calmed down/comfortable enough to talk about your shitty day and Near will listen to every single word. He’s the type to offer advice afterwards and recap the story to make sure you know he listened attentively. He wants to make sure you feel heard.
- L’s like Near in the way that he struggles to tell that there is something wrong unless you make it incredibly obvious or outright say that you’ve had a rough day.
- When he figures it out he’s just like “Oh. That’s unfortunate. Is there anything you need?”
- He may seem like he doesn’t care but please know that’s not the case. He genuinely wants to know if you need something so that you can feel better and, believe me, if there is he will get it for you.
- Asks Watari to make you “cheer up cake”, which is basically just your favorite flavor. If you’re not a cake fan (how dare) Watari will bring you whatever strikes your fancy.
- L tries to be more empathetic by thinking of times when he felt stuck during a case. Remembering the anguish he felt during those times helps when he’s trying to comfort you.
- “It feels bad now, I know. But you’ll make it out of this. And when you do, you won’t have to feel the hardships of today ever again. Of course, you’ll have to feel the burdens of other hardships later on in life, but that’s later.”
- Turns off the lights if you have a headache so the room is easier on your eyes. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing, he’s worked in the dark before.
- Before he even thinks about starting on his work again he makes sure you’re comfy and relaxed.
- He completely understands the feeling of coming home and thinking “wow what a shitstorm of a day”. He empathizes with you a ton.
- He can’t really verbalize that though. He doesn’t like getting all mushy and talking about feelings (as much as it would benefit him).
- So when Mello senses that you’re angry, bummed, or just plain exhausted, he’ll say the first thing that comes to mind, “Who do I have to fight to make you feel better?”
- Give him someone to fight and he’ll actually start putting on his jacket but will immediately stop and wrap it around you instead if you say you were kidding (If you weren’t he’d actually go beat the shit out of someone like he wasn’t joking either).
- He pulls you over to the nearest couch or bed so you can get comfortable, turns the fan on/off to make it the temperature you prefer, and insists you keep his jacket since you like it so much. If you comment about how attentive and caring he’s being he’ll just say “I know” and move on. Truly does show how he’s more of an actions than words kinda guy, though.
- He then asks if you want to talk about it. If you do, he is the most attentive listener and hype man, it’s unbelievable. if you start ranting, he’s there to agree with your points, listen to your worries, and trash talk anyone who treated you poorly.
- The moment you walk through the door he’s asking you to sit in his lap and watch him play games/play games with him. He’s hoping the relaxing atmosphere of watching him or the amusement of playing will distract you from whatever’s going on.
- He’ll make casual conversation with you that slowly turns to questions about what happened. You barely see the change, so you answer him honestly.
- He might cook you some food. If heating up frozen food counts as “cooking”. He’s trying. It’s the thought that counts.
- Or if you want some distractions he’ll take you out to get food. He likes to people watch, so he’ll tell you the storylines he makes up for everyone at the restaurant.
- If staying inside is your jam, Matt will pick out a movie you both like and can quote by heart, hoping that the familiarity will ease you from your out of control day.
- His chill attitude really helps you relax from all the stress of the day.
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technowoah · 3 years
Cant Handle This
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Quackity's facade keeps breaking, and he tries to keep the pieces together. You're the only one who can make him show his true self
- Quackity x gen neutral reader
- this is a long one yall.
Now playing...
Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)
Bo Burnham
0:01 ─●──────── 3:29
⚠︎ swearing, angst, mentions of mcyttwt, based on the song above, and ofc its not proofread
Part of my Inside Special!
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Quackity sat in his chair currently streaming right now, he seemed like he was having a good time from your spot on his bed. You were currently laying on his bed after he invited you here to relax.
You two had laid in his bed just enjoying eachothers company until he got a call from Tommy saying he was ready for the lore stream which sent Alex into a frenzy. Alex sent out a quick "Im sorry" about the lateness of his stream and then quickly set everything up.
He then started to stream which left you alone on the the bed to your own devices. You were scrolling through Twitter looking at Alex's fans talk about what's happening on the stream and posting screenshots of his character and himself.
You admired him from afar as he ended the lore part of his stream, he took time to type on his phone to text you that he decided to stream longer to talk to his fans. He looked to you and you have him a nod with a smile and he gave one back.
"Hey guys! That's the end of the lore!" He exclaimed to his chat as he types at his computer setting a new background.
You continued to listen to him praise his chat for supporting him and making him be able to make those types of streams. You were always proud of Alex no matter what he did, you were always his number one supporter no matter what happened in reality or on the internet.
"So anyways! I wanted to talk to you guys! How are you all?" He smiled at his camera looking back and forth from his chat.
"Oh thank you! Im glad I could share this with you. It takes so much to put into these movite type streams, so I know now it is all worth it."
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Quackity's pov. . .
He felt so overwhelmed, he shouldn't have began to stream again. The stress of putting everything together, plus being late to the stream made him rush into it more. He just wanted to lay back down with his lover who was enjoying watching him stream, and that's the goal he wants. His goal was to entertain, it was his job and he doesn't want to fail, he doesn't want to crack.
◇yriaaolic: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
"Happy Birthday!" He said seeing the comment pass in a second. "Happy Birthday to anyone who's Birthday it is today."
Right now it was hard. It was hard to keep up when there was always a constant demand, the constant need to be perfect, his past being brought up, and trying to one-up his content everytime. He loved this, but at the same time it had the same weight as a job.
In the back of his mind he knew the "When is Quackity streaming???" is mostly lighthearted, he never wants to leave.
"Quack are you okay? Im fine! Just thinking about how to get something to eat at 2am." He laughed lying to his fans, he wanted to stop this stream.
He kept looking over to his lover lying their head on his pillow scrolling through their phone and alternating their vision from him and their phone. He always caught a glimpse of their small smile everytime he looked. He was doing something right.
"Do yall think Taco Bell is open? The only problem I have is that Im fucking starving."
He paused for a moment taking a deep breath trying to keep his emotions down. The stress was getting to him, and he fucking knew it, but he didnt stop. He was going to get burnt out eventually and stop streaming and YouTube all together, but he needed this. He needed a break, he needed to take time for himself and stop putting on a happy face when he isnt.
TTS ◇pulixsaxe: "Did you see what was happening on Twitter quackity?"
"Wait what's happening on Twitter?" He asked with a weary laugh.
I can sit here and pretend like my biggest problems are
Pringle cans, and burritos
The truth is, my biggest problem's you,
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Your eyes widened as he mentioned Twitter. Truth be told he was trending because of his stream, yes, but also they brung up stuff from his past again in the wake of another content creator's past or present being brought up. You hadn't paid attention to that, you were only getting fueled up from Twitter bringing up an issue that he already had addressed.
Tempted to speak and tell him its fine, he already spoke up before you.
"I bet it's fine! I dont wanna... I don't need to look." He said with a smile. He always had that smile on.
Either it was a full smile or a half smile. It never left his face and it comforted you somehow. Maybe it was that you were his significant other, but you always wondered if anyone saw the same things as you. The things like his smile that never left his face.
"Yeah! I dont need to look at that." He waved his hand dismissing the comment away. He then sighed letting his shoulders relax as you saw his smile fade and his eyes close for a second and immediately put that small smile back on his face while his eyes were glossy, but bright.
He needed to end this stream soon. You saw his face fall then in a split second come back to life except his eyes were glossy with tears. You wondered if anyone else noticed.
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"I want to please you
But I want to stay true to myself
I want to give you the night out that you deserve"
His eyes tearful as he tried to blink them away trying to not make a scene.
"Sorry! Allergies ugh!" He said as he wiped his tears away claiming them as allergies.
"Are you crying? No! Im not a pussy!" He yelled at his chat in a joking manner.
He was crying and he felt weak. He felt emotionally weak, and weak as in not strong, he didn't feel strong and his lover who was sitting on his bed with a concerned look on their face always told him that it's okay to feel weak. The only meaningful thing is how you pick yourself up, they always told him, bur now he felt at rock bottom.
He wanted to give his fans "himself", the goofy, lovable, loud, quick-witted, Quackity. But then again his lover always told him to separate Quackity from Alex. He wanted to give himself to his audience, he wanted to be authentic and share himself, but he cant. Alex isn't all laughs, he is serious, calmer, and when he gets on the screen is when he lets it all out then goes back to his more calmer self. That's not what they want.
"But I want to say what I think
And not care what you think about it"
Giving himself meant dialing back, he wants to tell how hes actually feeling, he wants to say what he thinks about Twitter, what he thinks about certain friends, about his fanbase, and then leave it alone. He wanted to delete social media and then speak his mind without knowing what anyone is saying about it. It was paradise to him, but of course it cant be that way and that's what he hates. He feels like a actor when he really wants to be himself.
"A part of me loves you,"
Alex loved his fanbase, he had such a supportive fanbase that loved his content. Some of them did atleast he didn't fully know, but they gave him the courage to do this time and time again knowing that his content is at least taking them from the harsh reality of real life for a few minutes or hours. This was the reason he did this, for them.
Alex would never admit this but they boosted his ego too, it would for anyone. The fact that there were people who wanted and enjoyed content from him made him feel good about himself.
"part of me hates you"
He hated the contant criticisms, he hates that they feed his ego so much that it makes him want to stream more to feel good about himself and to make people get away for awhile. Alex knew inside of his heart he couldn't truly hate his fanbase, they gave him everything he ever wanted. He hates them for that and that's such a scary thing. He never fails to wonder if he did the things to deserve all the love and hate he gets.
"Part of me needs you,"
They feed his ego, they make him want to go above and beyond. Alex knows that his fanbase is the reason he is here in this chair infront of three expensive monitors. He knows that this is some sort of a job that he needed. He needed the push to keep going and that was them, it was the 200k people watching his stream watching him answer questions about him and
"part of me fears you"
He was fearful of loosing himself to them. Loosing his authenticity to them was something he feared. He didnt want his funny, loud persona to consume him and make him forget about Alex instead of Quackity. He fears what they think as well, he claims he doesnt care, but he does he wants to please them. It feels like two parts of his brain fighting about if he should care or not.
"And I don't think that I can handle this right now"
The text-to-speech bot continued to speak out people's comments that theu paid for while he sat there quietly. He bit his bottom lip trying to not break down infront of everyone he needed to be strong. He needed to be strong.
If he looked up at the camera everyone would see his tears, they would see him breaking.
He played it off as he brough his shirt up to wipe the tears away, claiming it as sweat.
"Im good! Im sorry I spaced out for a second." He shook his head.
He saw you look at him with that same concerned look on your face. As he switched his gaze between you and his computer, he felt his tears come back again.
"I don't think that I can handle this right-"
"Alex." You tried to get his attention.
"Yeah guys Im fine!"
"I don't think that I can handle this right-"
"I have plans later for another lore stream, so Ill start doing that later tonight."
"ALEX!" You yelled and his head turned around to face you.
"What?" He laughed, biting his lip again.
You couldn't stop him doing this, you could try to course him into going to bed, but right now you couldn't find the words. You just stared at him while he looked at you with a somber smile trying to tell you that he was okay.
He felt his mind telling himself that he need to rest. He wouldnt allow himself to and thats why he was breaking down.
"I don't think that I can handle this right-"
Alex was blinking rapidly trying to keep his breathing and tears at bay while he answered his fans.
"My allergies are fine! And I drank water today."
◇moonchild21: WE LOVE YOU
◇sopusand: Why do you look like that?
◇wuackityoo: are you crying??
"Crying is for the weak! I am a strong manly man! Im crying cause I noticed how alpha I am!" He tried to play it off as a "Im a man" joke but you could see right through it.
"I don't think that I can handle this right-"
"I don't think that I can handle this right-"
You had sent a quick text to Alex which told him to end the stream for his own mental health, but he left the message unread. He began sniffing and the wiping his eyes again. It was a wreck and you couldn't seem to stop it without literally dragging him out of his chair.
Meanwhile the screens were getting to Alex. Alex's eyes were getting tired of the bright screens and the rapid messages that popped up on the screen overwhelmed him for what it seemed like the first time ever in his strraming career. He wanted to give them the fun night they deserved and wanted, but he knows it's getting hard to. He dosent know how long he can keep this up.
As Alex kept joking around about his eyes and physical state the chat was filled with "LMAO" and "HAHAHA" which fuled him more and then at the same time makes him want to stop.
Look at them, they're just staring at me, like
"Come and watch the skinny kid with a
Steadily declining mental health, and laugh as he attempts
To give you what he cannot give himself"
He cannot give himself the luxury of happiness. As he went on with his career it became more and more like a chore, there was mostly down days and of course there were up days, but recently Alex gave his fans the happiness and laughes they wanted while when he turned off the camera he couldn't replicate that same energy as he had before.
It messed him up, he felt himself become separated from his streaming. He wasn't being himself anymore he was being Quackity and that became more apparent as the days passed. He wanted to be himself on camera and at first thats what he thought he was doing. He was himself then it turned into a persona.
Alex wasn't okay and he he needed to take a break from the internet for a while, but he tries to act like he dosent have a dilemma going on inside of his head everytime he sits in this seat. Its for the fans.
"Think that I can handle this right-
I don't think that I can handle this right-
They don't even know the half of this right-
They don't even know the half of it"
"Alex you need to end the stream. Please?"
He looked towards you again where you moved your position from the middle of the bed to sitting up on the end of the bed.
"Ive told you millions of times." He paused for a moment looking down at his lap before looking back up to you. "Im-Im okay." He nodded trying to convince you.
"But I know I'm not a doctor, I'm a pussy, I put on a silly show
I should probably just shut up and do my job, so here I go"
"Cant you belive them!" He laughed to his camera. You scoffed at his comment but still kept an eye on him as he talked.
You didnt need to baby him at all, but right now you were worried about your lover.
Alex continued talking and talking, which you drowned out. You were focused on his face and how he faltered time to time just showing a small frown.
He laughed and showed them a good time even though he was hurting. He kept going and going and you were convinced he was going to hold out until you heard him sniff multiple times while trying to make a joke about the new Minecraft update and how the glow squid has no use.
"Stupid ass squid! Why- why? Its no use expect for glowing ink. Who voted for that!?"
You can tell them anything if you just make it funny, make it rhyme
And if they still don't understand you, then you run it one more time
"Dumbass squid!" He pulled up a picture if the squid as he yelled at it.
You began to worry even more as you saw tears running down his face. He quickly tried to wipe them away, but he knew everyone saw.
Handle this right
You don't even know the half of this right now
Right now (Haa!)
Handle this right
I'll handle this right, I handle this right now
Alex leaned back in his seat and had a blank stare towards the monitor. Looked down for a second and then you heard sobbing coming from his spot. Alex had his head in his hands and was crying harshly into them.
He had finally broken, he couldn't stop the tears from coming and the loud sobs that came from his mouth. He was trying to desperately breathe in to be able to sob, but ended up hiccuping while doing so.
Your eyes widened as you rushed to him resting your hand on his knees and you kneeling infront of him.
"I cant do fu-fucking anything!" He yelled into his hands.
"Hey! I know. Its okay." You tried to console him.
"Its not I try so hard! And I-"
You cut him off. "You are a hard worker Alex and you deserve a week or two off. Take care of you self babe." You stood up bringing his hand with you and trying to make him stand up. He followed your movements and stood up with you putting his head on your shoulder crying into it.
"I just ca-cant right now!"
"You dont have to do anything right now babe."
"Im sorry!" Alex sobbed.
"Dont be." You said bluntly trying to get your lover to calm down.
You rubbed his back soothingly as he sniffled into your shoulder. "Im sorry for ruining your shirt." He tried to laugh through his tears.
"Dont be sorry! Please. You just need rest okay?" You kissed his forehead and he nodded in response.
Alex raised his head up an started to pepper kisses all over your face as you laughed. He gave you one last peck on the lips as he walked away to quickly change into night clothes. You smiled as he laid underneath the covers and continued to softly cry into his sheets. At least he was in bed and not makijg himself even worse.
He couldn't stop the tears from flowing, it was like a flood that could only be stopped with time. He felt like a boulder was lifted off his shoulders only to be replaced with smaller rocks. The smaller rocks was the guilt he held. He felt guilty of making his lover worry about him, he didnt want you to worry.
You rushed over to his desk and turned off the stream and his computers not even bothering to give them a goodnight or goodbye. After the computer lights were turned off it was quite dark in the room except for small light.
Finally you were where you wanted to be all day, in bed with Alex. But this wasnt the predicament you wanted.
"Forgive me. I just cant do shit right can I?" His eyes were still full of tears and he was getting tired.
"Alex dont listen to anyone but yourself." You tried to console him.
"That's what I'm telling myself."
Silence filled the room as you looked at him through tearful eyes of your own.
"Alex, you're so amazing and I cant even tell you how much I appreciate you, and how much you change my life. You do so much shit right its scary sometimes. Some days I think you're perfect, but there's-"
"There's no such thing as perfect." Alex finished your sentence.
"Exactly! Even the best people have their downfalls, they just dont show it. And Alex I know you struggle with that! All I can say is that I love you for you." You finished.
"Can I talk to you about my dilemmas?" He tried to laugh again.
"Tomorrow we can talk. We both need the rest." You said to him as he closed his eyes and nodded in response. He gave you a kiss on you lips before laying back down to sleep.
"Thank you."
"Thank you
Good night
I hope you're happy"
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begitalarcos · 2 years
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Late night, chilling on the couch with Potato and Doppler.
Can’t believe we’re halfway through this year, feel like I’ve just been drifting. So much stress with family, money, friends and mental health stuff.
I’ve found myself just going from my bed to the couch, cuz trying to start anything just gets me so freaking overwhelmed. Speaking of that, I’m actually working on reopening my Etsy store again, it is open now but I’m developing all new stuff for it.
Gone into a shit ton of debt in the process. I actually hit up my brother for a loan (not proud of that) sigh
Still doing renovation stuff at my parents almost anytime I go to visit (they’ve only lived there like 4 months) and it’s just every weekend they have a new project and they are HEMORRHAGING money like you wouldn’t believe.
My little sister still hasn’t spoken to me since December of last year and won’t let me see my niece, this all stems from an incident with her antivaxxer boyfriend, that I called her out on that she refuses to take responsibility for.
My older sister is moving with her family to Germany cause her husband got transferred or something, I haven’t had a relationship with her in decades, but she’s being God awful to my parents.
Sassy is still not making much progress, she’s getting better with her hygiene but she’s terrible with money still and become really frustrating to deal with, she only calls or texts me now when she wants me to buy her something. Or she’ll FaceTime me and then put her phone down and not talk to me, she just wants me to sit on the phone with her and watch her play minecraft. I dunno what to do with that kid. She’s gonna be 18 next month and I don’t feel like she’s prepared for much of anything.
Ugh. I’m ranting now sorry. There’s a whole lot of little things too that are making me insane but like I said, I’m just kinda drifting. Trying to get through each day, which is hard when all the things you enjoy or did enjoy don’t seem to make you happy anymore.
Well on that downer of a note, I hope y’all are doing well and enjoying your summer as best you can.
Hopefully I’ll have happier news soon.
Much love
- B
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