#and ummmm did art fight stuff. No way.
twilightarcade · 1 year
do you ever think about how funny it would be if my blog got deleted and not only would I be erased but any traces of my existence would lack the full context due to how much crap is left in the tags
#wordstag#HI back from my self discovery arc#not much to discover there. Wouldn't recommend#sorta just got to thinking#and thinking some more#then decided I should stop#ALSO like. had a Productive Moment#and ummmm did art fight stuff. No way.#ANYWAYS post umm#yeah like. I suppose it's not like. Ripping pages out of a book. But#I think it would be more comparable to just. Removing little details#sure it's FINE without tags just a nice and dandy little post but you strip away like the thoughts or whatever#like if all the tags disappear from this post you would never hear about. All this. That would be funny#ANYWAYS ART FIGHT!!!!!!! THATS HAPPENING!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?#everyone I know is going on vampire so. I'm going to be the change I want to see in the world.#ALSO UMM???? BOTH OF THOSE GUYS LIKE. IMPACTED ME A LOT.#I had a really. What. Quiet?? Vampire/werewolf phase#like if you asked anyone who knows me currently they could probably tell you absolutely nothing about it but mmmmm it existed#I looked REALLY hard for vampire stuff in particular. All about that bloodsucking and crap.#I HAD UMM. A VAMPIRE WOLF HYBIRD OC.#I am still deeply upset about her lazy writing.#maybe I'll ummm.. make her a ref for art fight#I love her to bits actually. She's such a stereotypical dark sad grrr half vampire half wolf always wearing a mask character#and she's absolutely everything actually!!! She's even bisexual for some freaking reason I actually am not sure why#I don't know why she was bisexual. Not even I had came to terms with my sexuality at that point. (SECRET!!! I STILL HAVEN'T)#there was um. This one roleplay in particular that I did with her that I still think about to this day as literally like. The worst#thing ever.#WHO the hell was writing that crap?!?!?!?!? (me)
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neji for the send you a character meme :3
Oh thank you so much for the ask, I love Neji! :))))
First impression: I don’t remember a ton about my first impression of Neji since I watched that part of the show years ago but his fights in the Chuunin exams and his backstory was one of the most impactful/memorable parts of that arc for me and I really thought that he was going to play a much bigger role in the story than he did and that dismantling the main and branch family system was going to be a part of that—I thought that Naruto convincing him that people aren’t confined by fate would lead him actively change things instead of just being relegated to the background and then dying for Hinata….:((( I also remember that I thought he was going to die in the Sasuke retrieval arch and I got really sad about it
Impression now: I really love him and he deserved so much better from the narrative. His death scene was one of the worst and most frustrating scenes from the entire show imo—it wasn’t given the proper weight it should’ve had and just got brushed over as a moment where Hinata could be comforted by Naruto or whatever and there could be some cliche momentary tragedy to show the dangers of the war where Naruto could be like “we just have to push forward” -_- and the fact that he died for Hinata who’s from the main branch but it was “his choice” just solidifies Kishimoto’s weird ideas about how people should just accept and conform to oppressive conditions. He shouldn’t have died, he should’ve become an actual leader and worked to change things. Also I adore his dynamic with his team and wish we’d seen more of them together.
Favorite moment: It’s not my favorite in a positive way but his flashback to his father dying in the Chunin exam and his fight with Hinata, while painful to watch, was definitely really emotionally raw and could’ve been the start of a very powerful character arc if it was handled well.
Story idea: I made a post once about this but I thought it would be cool if he was able to bond with Sai somehow over the fact that he has the curse mark and Sai has the curse mark on his tongue and they have similar experiences with being forced into servitude by people with high status in Konoha without anyone interfering, and this could lead to them eventually teaming up with Sasuke to oppose Konoha and dismantle the shinobi system.
Favorite headcanon: I think he’s very aware of people’s secrets in general and knows a lot of gossip-worthy stuff because he can see stuff with the byakugan but he generally keeps quiet about it because he takes himself very seriously and is not the sort of person to engage in gossip but every once in a while he’ll overhear a conversation about something that he knows more about than the people talking and he’ll just be internally battling himself about whether or not to say something and he almost never does but it eats away at him inside.
Unpopular opinion: Ummmm I don’t really get the appeal of NejiTen, like there’s nothing wrong with it but it seems bland and I’d rather see fics/art of funny or cute moments with Team Gai.
Favorite relationship: I wish we could’ve seen more of his relationship with Lee since they’re both cool characters and I feel like Lee’s upbeat attitude could complement Neji’s seriousness nicely. Also I feel like Neji would be embarrassed by Lee sometimes but in an affectionate way, and I like that dynamic. Lee was pretty much the only person bawling his eyes out when Neji died if I remember correctly, and it felt like he was the only person who really cared.
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lilolilyr · 3 years
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Way over 300! Tho it feels like it's been at 300sth so long by now, it'll be weird to look at once it hits 400 :D
Btw, funny how this tag meme asks for so much stuff that can be looked up by just... looking at my Ao3... without asking for any commentary by me? Lol
Anyhow, rest under the readmore bc this is 20 questions and Long!
Personal post - do not reblog
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
995596 - just a few more ficlets or 1 longer fic, and I've got a Million! Hey, maybe I should try to write one with... 4404? (I'd need to ask a calculator xD) words exactly... not rly a hardship with how many drabble exercises (exact wordcounts, 100 is the most used, I also do 200, 500, longest was 10000 exactly lol) I've already done... we'll see!
Over 400k for this year alone, and over half of that is my actual writing (not translations etc), I'm so proud! Last year I only barely hit 200k and that included a lot of translating work
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  
Again, one could look this up in my works filtered - sorted by kudos? But all three of my incubus!jaskier witcher series are in it, part 2 of the series is highest with 1091 kudos, then a Venom halloween oneshot, and 'Belonging', a fluffy snake-crowley piece from my ineffable spouses series (yes, sth with under 1k words - 666 to be exact - is in the top 5... my poor longfics lol)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
...I try to? But atm I have 202 unanswered (and I always click 'mark read' on replies so these are all comments on my own fic) even tho I told myself I'd not let it get past 200, and now I'm doing a tag meme instead of replying to anything so ummmm
Edit: 203 unread now
But I do love love love all the comments I get! And while atm it's still semi-manageable, if it ever gets to the point where I really can't manage to reply to everyone cause it's too much, i'd rly take that as a compliment lol :D I'd still try to reply to the longer and/or more thought through comments tho :)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*thinks* I have an MCD fic? But not only is that very much a case of ~posting a draft version that's barely in complete sentences insgead of taking the time to turn it into a real longfic~, I also just killed off the mlm couple I only semi care about and left the wlw couple with a happy/hopeful (rly don't remember) ending, so... hm idk whether that counts for angsty ending
Apart from that... I dunno, I just prefer my babies to be happy and fluffy? *.* i remember a mirror milippa in the mirrorverse one where in the end Michael is worried about lying to Philippa about her identity... there are some angsty TOG and Gomens ones but I think they end happy-ish (my memory is. Bad. but looking through my 'angst' tag I just saw a lot of h/c and 'angst with a happy ending')
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They're all happy???!?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Check this out
I need you to know that all the works in that collection take part in the same universe (or rather, multiverse), and are alltogether just scratching the surface of my gigantic headcanon multiverse that I've been building in my mind since I was like 10
Actual crossovers other than that I don't remember writing
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeh but I only remember clicking 'delete comment', as it should be
Recently I've just gotten a bunch of 'you Need to continue this' and 'omg why isn't there more' or 'this shouldn't end' type comments, not hate, probably not meant maliciously, but So Annoying (maybe espesh bc I don't want to just hit delete on these, but I also don't want to pretend it's fine, but I also don't have the energy for a fight, and trying to explain why that behaviour is entitled and annoying and that I write what I want to write and nice comments should praise what I actually have written, and hoping that they understand and don't get mad is... hard.)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Check out my rated E and rated M in my works
Mostly femslash lately, but I did also write other smut in the past
Most is a bit dominant/submissive play, but I do also like good fluffy smut with feelings! Best in combo, really :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the sense of pretending someone else wrote it (that i know of), but posted to other sites without my permission - writing 'don't repost to other sites' etc did Not help, they even copied those tags lol, so I just let it be, choosing my battles wisely etcetc, I'd prefer for my fic not to be cross-posted by others bc then I can't edit or otherwise influence the fic anymore and don't see everyone's reactions to it, but as long as it's not someone pretending they wrote it, I only semi care, not enough to fight it tbh
PSA: I Only post fics to Ao3 (and WIPs/prompt fills to tumblr&discord at times), if you see them somewhere else that's Not Me and you'd do me a favour by checking them out on ao3 and kudosing&commenting there instead :)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup, one to Russian a while back, a floreleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) one to Korean just today actually, and I translated a bunch to German myself
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I made a TOG fic together with @cinnamonplums, well mostly I wrote and she made the art :D
Trying to remember whether I ever actually co-wrote anything... don't think so?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose!!!
Atm Milippa is OTP bc I'm busy writing them for @discoveryfemslashfortnight (this is not a post to reblog for the fortnight), but I'm also still rly into Floreleine, Bering&Wells and Andromaquynh and Andronilynh, and I read a lot of Mirandy lately
All-time favs I'm not rly active in atm but will always be dear to me are the ineffable spouses, clintcoulson, heistwives, gosh so many more I'll stop here tho xD
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Heistwives Kinda Job immediately comes to mind
I also rly want to finish at least one cohesive original-ish storyline for the lverse that I already linked for the crossover question above, but I just have so much backstory (it's been over 10 years!!!) and it's... hard...
And everything else that's still WIP and untouched for more than a few months will probably have the same fate lol
Also have a few that haven't even seen the light of day at all, most recent a Mirandy ~what if Andy had been pregnant when Miranda hired her and how would it change the entire storyline~ bit - I wrote it in bulletpoints in one go as quickly as I could, I know I had the finished product in my mind, I don't remember anything now and don't feel like going through the bulletpoints painstakenly filling in the blanks
15. What are your writing strengths?
Writing one-shots quickly in one go
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Forgetting everything about a fic if I leave it in a draft for a second too long
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There are many ways to go about it, and I think they all work (depending on the fic and the length and relevance of the dialogue)
I tend to leave single sentences as is, and for longer and important sequences use cursive and 'they said in xylanguage'.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Hobbit apparently? I remember thinking that fic was so long lol, it's 3k
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Kat/Ana from Reef Break, they have Such Shippable Chemistry, and it would totally fit Kat's player personality to bang both siblings (she's canonically friends with benefits with Ana's half-brother)... but the ship has one (1!) fic on Ao3 *cries*
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
TOG Andromaquynh longfic In Your Stead has had the title since last year and probably for a while to come! I loved the story idea so much I really worked with several drafts and only! worked on that fic until it was finished so I wouldn't get distracted & forget about it, and the result was wonderful.
Tagging, if you want to do it, @sarah-fiers @purlturtle @cookie-sheet-toboggan @ussjellyfish @onaperduamedee @startrekgeorgiouery @rosalie-starfall @lonely-night @banashee @xvnot15 and everyone else who sees this
Questions to copy:
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? 8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? 10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 13. What’s your all time favorite ship? 14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 15. What are your writing strengths? 16. What are your writing weaknesses? 17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? 19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? 20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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Long answer asks: 3. What's your favourite memory from school? 4. Whats your least favourite memory frol school? 19. Whats sole life advice everyone should know?
Oh shit ok here we go!
3.) favorite memory from school
Ok so I kind of have 3, before the pandemic my middleschool always did a class trip. So in sixth grade we went to Colorado to learn about archeology and a little bit more about Native American history, it was literally so much fun we hiked probably around 100 miles that entire trip, visiting various abandoned cities. I remember during that trip I was rooming with some of my best friends and we had a teacher supervisor in the room as well. And one night our supervisor, whose pajamas were leopard print, comes into the room later in the night, when we were all supposed to be asleep and distinctly remember asking in my sleepy delirious “Senora (she was our Spanish teacher) are you dressed up in a cat suit?” We all laughed so hard. In seventh grade we went to Catalina Island to “study” marine biology. I say study in quotation marks because it was a basically a week long crashcourse, but it was super fun! All of the rooms were big infested which wasn’t so great but, my friend and I shared a bed so it was cozy :]!!!! Then in eight grade we went to Washington DC and surprisingly this was the most tiring trip out of the three. We stayed in a super pretty hotel and the breakfast was always so good, I still remember the hash browns they served :O. Anyways, the entire trip was us just walking around DC costing various historical sites and learning a bit about the political system. To be honest tho nobody was really paying attention, but we went to the international spy museum, the smithsonian, the Holocaust museum, an art museum, we went into the White House, and a few other important government buildings. I can’t remember which one it was but one of the rules of the building was no sleeping and as you can imagine 30 8th graders who had been walking nonstop for the past 4 days it did not go well, lmao we almost got kicked out. The literal next building we went to was the one building that didn’t allow photos and we all fell asleep. We literally got so much freedom that trip it was so much fun, we ended it with like a party on a boat with other classes from different stars it was pretty crazy!
4.) Least favorite memory from school
Oh Jeez ummmm, to be honest I cannot remember anything too too bad, but just one day, also in middle school, I was sick, not like super sick or anything but like the kind of sick where you just feel super sluggish and kinda done with everything around you, you feel? And this girl who I was frenimies with at the time was also not having a good day and my other friend squeezed her Capri sun effectively spilling it all over the table, well my frenimies flips out blaming me because why not you know, anyway to cut a long story short we got into a big fight and I ended up going home early because I just felt worse and didn’t really feel like staying at school anymore.
19.) life advice that everyone should know
Wowie that’s a biggie, I guess this one really depends on the person I’m talking to but since it’s an everyone should know kind of question imma try to keep it accurate but vague you know?
1. “If it makes you happy it’s never a waste of time” you can do things simply for the sake of doing them there doesn’t have to be an end goal in mind. I really liked this tiktok I found about stress and life in general https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeBTwsJL/
2. Also from a tiktok but this one applies to a lot of things but especially people who identify as women. “Don’t feel so much pressure to date, people live to be 100, live your life before you’re given the title of girlfriend, wife or mother, before all that make sure you figure out what makes YOU.” Hopefully I explained that well enough, but I feel like so many people especially now a days feel This immense pressure to follow a socially acceptable time table of romance. Date in high school, fuck around in college, get serious in your mid twenties and get married around 28-30. Companionship is a beautiful thing and if you find the one you find the one but don’t hinder your own growth! Also my own opinion here but I guess this has been the entire thread thus far, a partner should be someone you constantly grow and learn from, this doesn’t even have to be romantically either, you can take away so much from friendships as well. I think as soon as you stop learning and growing from a relationship you no longer need it, and in many cases it can just lead to frustration on both ends of it continues.
3. Jeez I’m really bad at coming up with these on the spot, I really love thinking and talking about these kinds of things and my ask box and messages will always be open if anyone wants to stop by and just talk stuff out! Or like if you have any more specific asks please don’t hesitate to send them my way!
Thank you for the ask <3
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xiaolindude · 4 years
xs or tts!
Send me series and I’ll tell you my:
Favorite character
Second favorite character
i love clay, kimiko, dojo, jack and wuya sO SO MUCH. THEY’RE ALL MY SECOND FAVOURITE. it changes quite a lot but if i had to pick just one i guess i’d go with jack?
Least favorite character
i’m not a big fan of chase tbh, and The Bean is a dumb dumb.
The character I’m most like
listen rai is easy to write bc. we are. essentially the same person. i mean he’s cooler than i am and has powers but the mindset and thought processes and fears and stuff? spookily similar. i think i watched the show at 6 years old and was like ‘that one is my favourite so i’m gonna subconsciously adopt his personality’ lmfao
Favorite pairing
i used to ship kimiko and raimundo a lot as a kid but now i much prefer them as Best Friends. i love my raijack with all my soul but a Very Specific Brand of raijack, and not in a canon sense. I don’t think i really ship anything properly in a canon sense
Least favorite pairing
i really really dislike ch.ack. like a lot. 
Favorite moment
when people underestimate rai and he fucks their shit up and they’re like ‘... oh’. idk man there are so many moments i love! i love whenever kimiko or clay get to shine for once. e.g. in ‘like a rock’ where clay won his showdown by just... being nice to that bird?? what a fukin sweetheart omg
WAIT THIS MOMENT WAS SUPER POIGNENT AND IMPORTANT TO ME AS A KID. rai being like “I know! I’m the only not apprentice! But you brought me here because you knew I could become the Dragon of Wind! If I’m ever gonna learn to be who I can be, people are gonna have to trust me”.
LIKE. this is a kid who has some BIG failings and made some BIG mistakes, but is fighting so hard to try and make up for them. and he’s been kicked REPEATEDLY because of these mistakes, again and again, especially in this episode. and his biggest canonical fear is not being good enough! and yet here this poor kid is, standing up for himself, showing up for himself, acknowledging he’s not there yet and he’s got work to do, but also believing in himself enough to stand up for his right to be trusted to try. like?????? i just. dang. that Hit Hard and still does
Rating out of 10
honestly 9/10 season 3 got kinda weird and some characters were done dirty but i mean it IS a kids show and it’s got a lot of childhood nostalgia so i’m not tHAT mad also who approved xc i just wanna talk
Favorite character
Second favorite character
lanceeeee, my underrated angel
Least favorite character
big oof. ummmm Calliope ig ? 
The character I’m most like
eugene with a pinch of cass and a lil’ sprinkling of varian. and a little bit of willow
Favorite pairing
New Dreaaammmmmm
Least favorite pairing
c.assunzel for sure. also cassarian for obvious reasons
Favorite moment
the songs bc they’re (almost) all bops. idk man, i’ve made a lot of posts on my eugene blog detailing a bunch of my fave moments but i can’t pinpoint one in my head rn for some reason. i love every lance and eugene interaction bc i loVE STUPID BROTHERS.
Rating out of 10
probably 7/10. i hate season 3 for the most part but seasons 1 and 2 are solid, the music is AMAZING, the art is beautiful and the story is fun. i just despised cass’ s3 arc, what they did to rapunzel’s character and the way eugene was treated so poorly by the writers so they could focus on their new characters instead :/// I am Bitter. but overall it’s super fun and gave us a lot of great stuff
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Survey #235
“the monster you made is wearing the crown; i’ll be the king and you be the clown.”
What is your favorite move franchise? The Lion King. What was the last fast food you ate? I had a hot dog from Sonic and one of those pretzel twists things. What is the saddest book you’ve ever read? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Do you prefer heroes or villains? Villains. Duh. They're like, always more interesting. What is something you think is overrated? Uhhh coffee, for one. But like what you like. What political cause are you most passionate about? Gay rights. What country would you most like to visit? South Africa. Have you ever considered having children? Literally the only period where I wanted kids was later into Jason's and my relationship. Hell, I wanted three while he was always like "onLY TWO." Now, I don't want a single one, ever. I would be an awful mother for many reasons. If you ever took field trips as a child, which was your favorite? The zoo with Dad, my then-best friend, and her mom. One and only time I've seen meerkats. I was so excited I almost cried. Do you have any weird family traditions? It's not like, a tradition, I think, but we have a unique thing where saying "I love you mostest period" is something Mom, Dad, and my sisters have used for all my life. It's a way of saying "I love you more than you could ever love me, no arguments." Now Sara's been dragged into it lmao. Have you ever considered acting? Nope. Who was the last person you slept next to? Sara. Do you think you can be in love and still cheat on your S.O.? You can't "be in love" with a person and fucking cheat on them, no. Do you subscribe to any streaming services? We have Netflix. Idk about anything else. Have you ever been in a physical fight? No. What is the most embarrassing thing anyone has on video of you? I don't even wanna know. Did you ever get lost as a child? Yep, in a Wal-Mart lmao. This old lady helped me find my fam. What is your favorite condiment? Honey mustard. Or ketchup. Depends. Have you ever had an existential crisis? Very surprisingly, not really. Do you like country music? Begone, demon. It's still so weird to me that I loved it as a kid, but I really just grew up with it. What color are the eyes of the person you love? Brown. What is your favorite kind of flower? I looooove orchids. What town were you born in? Not the best thing to share on the Internet, eh? Do you know how to play any card games? I only vaguely understood/understand Magic: The Gathering. It's honestly really fun, but very complex in rules. It was Jason's thing so he got me into it. I miss my PS3 working because I used to have the "Duels of the Planeswalkers" on there, and doing it digitally is much easier and helpful. I loved it mostly because the art is fucking incredible. It was an old little aspiration to wind up designing the art some day and I don't think I ever saw Jason more excited. What is something about your childhood that you miss? Being more into video games than I am now alskdjf;awe. I'm more of a viewer of let's plays now than an active gamer; meanwhile, as a kid, video games were my favorite things in the world. Did you ever have MySpace? Do you miss those days? Yeah, I had one. Honestly though I can barely remember it (other than the song on my page was "Pocketful of Sunshime" lmaooooo as well meerkat-flooded), so it doesn't matter. What is the best television show you’ve ever watched? Meerkat Manor is my favorite show of all time, but as a proper show could have been better. AP made up their own shit and deviated from the KMP facts A LOT (guess what: Mozart killed a competitor's litter before; not exactly MM's her, right?), and not only was that confusing, but just annoying. Give me the real shit; don't just tweak stuff for dramatic effect. I could list a novel of lies in the series. Now, what I feel is the best show without a meerkat bias and just has an overall good plot. I kinda wanna say Supernatural, but the boys dying five million times got old. Possibly Fullmetal Alchemist. Are there any songs you can’t listen to because they bring back memories? I 110% refuse to hear "Stairway to Heaven." Have you ever saved someone’s life? Funny this is brought up after recent events. My sweetheart online bud had a cerebral aneurysm while having an extremely difficult time talking to me, and no one was home quite yet. Her final message was concerning and she didn't reply to me for a while, so I wound up messaging her again after a bit, and her boyfriend heard the b.net notification sound. Saw it was me and asked what was up. Told him, and he figured out she wasn't sleeping on the couch, she was passed out. He told me he never would have known if I hadn't said something. So does that count, even though I didn't like, physically save her? Have you ever broken any major bones? No. Are there any websites you’ve used for over 10 years? Good question? Idk. WAIT HOLD THE FUCK UP, KM's 10th birthday is coming up real soon. Wow. I know YouTube has been much longer. Idr when I joined deviantART. Maybe there's more, I dunno. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their ages? My two immediate are 22 (ew) and 26 (double ew). Anything exciting taking place today? No, today was A N X I E T Y !! ! ! !! !! What are you craving? Okay so I have been MEGA in "the mood" lately and it's frustrating especially because I don't masturbate so I have like nO OUTLET. Who did you last hit? Nobody saving for when I was a kid repeatedly slapped my sister's arm for doing something I don't remember. How do you do in school? It depends on the subject, but in anything, I am a MASSIVE procrastinator, and I need to fix that. Schoolwork, good good, homework in the library, good good, but when I'm at home, I cannot seem to convince myself to work. As Sara puts it, home is like my "safe" place, and I don't want to bring school into it. Adjusting to school life again after like... two whole years or so of doing NOTHING at all, almost every day all day, is very difficult. I'm SO glad I picked school again, it's just a lot for a person who was so isolated and void of responsibilities to get used to. What’s your biggest goal? Right now, continue to improve my mental health. Fight social anxiety and AvPD. Who have you texted today? Just Sara. Who do you aspire to be like when you grow up? In most ways, especially in kindness, wisdom, relentless determination, passion, creativity, etc. etc. etc. etc., Mark. I think it's obvious he's Role-Model #1. I would loooove to be like Jane Goddall and Steve Irwin, too, feeling with such ferocious potency for animals and how they should be respected and loved. UM AND ALSO, EUGENIA COONEY IS THE SWEETEST PERSON ON THE ENTIRE GODDAMN EARTH AND I WOULD LOVE TO BE AS FRIENDLY AND PRECIOUS AS SHE IS. Oh, and then there's Shane Dawson. I relate to him SO much. He is the most selfless angel that seems SO down-to-earth and relatable as hell. I feel like he could be like, my best friend. Ahhhhhhh there are so many more, I love talking about my inspirations, but I'll chill here. Do you know if you want to go to college or not? I'm in college right now, and I desperately want it to stay that way. I'm fucking going somewhere in my life, and the education it provides will bring me closer to that. College is far from mandatory for everyone, but I feel it is beneficial for me. Do you like grapefruits? I haven't had one in a LONG time, so I don't really remember how they taste. I just know sour. What do you think of guys who wear eyeliner? *drools in Darkiplier* the fuck do you think Do you like online games? Only World of Warcraft, really. Who’s one person you care about more than yourself? Okay, real talk, and I hope this is everybody's answer. No one. I'm putting my goddamn self and my mental peace first for the rest of my life. Are there any pets you’re wishing for? I want another ball python. When’s the last time you used hand sanitizer? Two days ago when Mom and I stopped somewhere to eat. Wearing anything that isn’t yours? No. What type of bread did you use on the last sandwich you made? White. How many doors are in your house? Uhhh six. What was the last compliment you received, that made you smile? Sara said she was really proud of me, and to me, that's one of the biggest compliments you CAN give me. Think you need to lose weight? How much? ugh When was the last time you watched a VHS movie? I don't have a clue. We kept our VHS longer than most, though. We had too many movies on it. What event would you go back in time to see, if you could? Ummmm I dunno. Do you remember the last thing you said you wanted? To hug Sara. Who was the last friend you hung out with&what’d you do together? Sara stayed for a week. We did a lot. Who is the person, other than a spouse, that you are closest to? Sara. If you watched it, who was your favorite Hey Arnold! character? Oh my god, I hated that stupid show, but one of my sisters liked it. Have any good school pictures? or do they all just suck? There is literally ONE picture from elementary school where I think I looked pretty. Do you like trying on clothes or not? & Why? NO. I try to avoid it if I can. It's just annoying to change clothes for like five seconds. What are your thoughts on marriage? It's sweet, but I've come to find it... kinda needless for the most part? Like I know it has financial pluses and the symbolism is beautiful, but it's just that: symbolism originating from fantasies (imo, don't scream at me). It only adds pressure to stay in a dying relationship and makes splitting much more complicated. BUT, even with all that said, I personally want to get married someday, but only if I am *sure* about this person. It's the symbolism I like. That and it's so ingrained into my head that that's the "end goal" of relationships, so I'm pretty much just conditioned to want it. How long have you lived in the current place you’re living? Two years. Do you plan on moving anytime soon, if so where? I want to, but I am not in the financial position or at a level of independence where I'm ready for that. Are you more of a follower, or a leader? Be honest. This may alter with the situation, but mostly, I'm definitely a follower. Are your dreams/nightmares in black&white or color? I've heard of this condition before and it really intrigues me. I dream in color. Have you ever wanted to be some sort of hero outside of video games? I mean, define "hero." Like an action superhero in a literal way, nooooo. I'd die on Day #1, lmao. As a hero/inspiration as a person, of course; who doesn't? Will you admit that you’re at least somewhat superficial? I mean, probably in some places? How often do you go to the mall closest to you? Almost never ever. Our mall sucks and has experienced too many shootings. Do you still count with your fingers, even if only every so often? Yep. Like, always. Have you ever gone on a road trip with just friends? No. Well, I went to the beach with my friend and her mom, but just for a day or two because my separation anxiety from Mom got too bad oof. Without trying, do you act differently around different friends? Depends on the friend. I don't "fake it," just how reserved I am can move around. What was the last thing you drew/wrote on your own or someone else's skin? Probably a butterfly on my wrists when I was actively part of the Butterfly Project community. The last time you spent money, what was it on & how much did you spend? $1.25 for a drink at school. What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on one piece of clothing? Idk, but definitely not a lot. In elementary school, were you more of the bully or the bullied? Thankfully, neither. Do you like when a spouse is clingy, or can you not stand that? I'm sure to a certain degree it would be annoying, but for the most part, hell, I think it's attractive. Especially since I NEED validation you like me. How much do you say you walk in a week outside of school &/or work? Just around my house if you exclude school. Is there anything you wish your parents did differently in raising you? I wish they'd given us chores. Wish Mom didn't spank us. What would you do if the last person you texted asked you out? Lol yo we JUST broke up like an hour ago. We're not ready to get back together yet, obviously. Don't worry a bit, we're both cool. Still best friends, even. To compress a long story, needed personal growth and distance have brought us to returning to just friends. For now, at least. Have you ever received a scholarship? I think so... but not like a huge one, I believe. Who was the last person who got frustrated with you? Most likely Mom. When was the last time you mopped your kitchen floor? I myself have never mopped it. Or maybe once. What is your favorite work of art? I mentioned the Denialism painting in my last survey. What was the last appointment or plan you had to cancel? Plan, my next one with my psychiatrist. What spur-of-the-moment decision that you’ve made has had the biggest impact on your life? I don't know if any have truly changed my life. The ones that did (that I remember) were pondered over. Do you know anyone who is (or has been) a refugee? I don't think so, What is your best friend’s worst habit? She doesn't have faith in herself for ANYTHING lj;ljalwie Do you like spinach and artichoke dip? alksd;fjwei no Have you ever felt like you were about to pass out, but didn’t? Yep, a couple times. What was the name of one of your childhood imaginary friends? I didn't have any. What’s your favorite phase of the moon? Full. Do you wish you were richer? I physically refuse to be anything less than stable, hopefully even above that, once I'm independent. We've been poor all my life and it is fuck-ing HARD. It's stressful as a motherfucker and I am done with it. Very. What’s a middle name you like? Quinn. Fits a lot. I planned on giving that middle name to my hypothetical daughter. Are you scared of spiders? y e a h Do you weigh the same as your mom? No. Were you a Mary-Kate and Ashley fan? Like the average 90s/early 2000s kid. Coffee mugs, teacups, or water bottles? Uh, aesthetically? Teacups, probably. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Gum. I like the taste and texture of cotton candy, it is just RIDICULOUSLY sweet. It bothers my sensitive teeth sometimes. Do you prefer to drink soda from cans, bottles or cups? Cans. They get the coldest. Game you were best at in P.E./gym? Idk, I didn't excel at any. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I'll typically just have a meal replacement shake or a Pop-Tart. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Sour Punch Straws (gotta be red). Favorite book you had to read for school? The Outsiders. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? My flip-flops, 'cuz they're easy to just slip on. Ideal weather? Cool but not windy (a light breeze is fine) with a partly-cloudy sky. Obsession from childhood? Webkinz. Favorite crystal? Dragon's breath opal. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Swim or stay the fuck inside. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Taking pictures in the snow. Five songs to describe you? "Get Up" by Mother Mother, "That's What You Get" by Paramore, uhhh... I don't feel like thinking over this any longer. My iPod isn't near me to scan through what I have, so yeah. Best way for someone to bond with you? Let's have deep philosophical talks about like the meaning of life 'n shit. Top 5 favorite Vines? Oh my god, this is impossible. To name some that come to mind first, in no order: "It's Wednesday, m'dudes *insert mating call*", "I cOUld'vE dROPPED My croiSSANt," "this is why mom doesn't FUCKING LOVE YOU," that one at a club where a girl is doing smoke tricks and the dude just goes "check that out" (or "wow," idr) or something similar (I couldn't find it), and omfg I adore that Snoop Dogg one with the little boy just semi-dancing to that iconic song???? I LOVE IT??????? Man, there are so so many more. Very honorable mention: "a d a m". Ads you have stuck in your head? None, thankfully. What is the first meme you remember seeing? Uhhh maybe Happy Bunny? Idk. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Fantasy. Favorite type of cheese? American. What saying or quote do you live by? There's a lot I've picked up on and cling to. #1 is perhaps "Deal with life, or life deals with you." What are you currently stressed about? Some... things I realized about myself that disgust me. Favorite fairy tale? Shrek is a goddamn fairy tale and I will fight to the death against anyone who claims otherwise. Favorite tradition? I don't really have one anymore, but I remember as a kid, I would NEVER let Mom forget to throw some "reindeer food" outside for them lol. Talent you’re proud of having? One that warrants pride, exactly? Not just random talents? Well, uhhh. I suppose writing. I mean it modestly, I really do, but as a kid, my teachers all the way through high school always thought I was cheating or a parent did my papers at home. Some were only convinced by me writing in the classroom. I don't feel as good about my writing as I did in high school, but I am sill proud of excelling in it and taking writing anywhere seriously. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? I mean, name the game and genre here. Probably like "what the fuck" at like, everything, because I already do that. If you were an anime character, what genre of anime would it be? Like, based on my current life? I dunno. A sad and repetitive one with some bright days to it. Ohhh, and the color scheme and lighting vary with my mental state. Yo that would be dope. Character you relate to? lmao THRALL from WoW for being like "can y'all bastards just chill tf out" until he goes off to an isolated land away from civilization bc he's seen enough shit. Also compelled to help. Any good luck charms? I don't believe in those. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? As far as consistent flavors go, normally cherry or grape. Left or right handed? I'm a righty. Favorite potato food? Fries, when I wish they weren't. Earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Literally just Mom's. Not even mine.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
July 15th-July 21st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 15th, 2019 to July 21st, 2019.  The chat focused on Radioactive Underground by Ezra Rose.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Radioactive Underground by Ezra Rose~! (https://tapas.io/series/Radioactive-Underground)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until July 21st to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What do you think caused Robbie’s scar that is briefly seen? Further, why is Robbie taking medicine? What might all this have to do with Griffin’s particular concern for how Robbie is doing?
Wow what a wonderful comic surely who ever made this comic is very smart and also handsome
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Which aspect of the world has caught your eye the most so far? Why does it interest you? Also, how do you think it will play a role in how the story unfolds?
1) my favorite scene is probably the first scene we see robbie at maki's. i liked the little flirty dialogue and then the ultimate payoff with it at the end. like i really felt like i was in robbie's shoes during it cause i wasnt sure if there was chemistry and then the "robbie with an i e " thing really sold it for me. just a great banter setup i can really appreciate. 2) Given the opening scene, I gotta imagine Robbie was fighting monsters or w/e he fights in the underground and took on a challenge he wasnt ready for. And that probably nearly killed him and thus why the scar and medicine. Cause the medicine is probably keeping his heart going or something like that. As for Griffin's concern, Griffin gives off a kind of motherly feel to me despite the aggressive attitude. And it seems she and robbie have a sort of mother-son bond (at least a little bit). and ya know, mom's worry when their sons almost die.
3) my favorite character atm is probably robbie. While this could change as the characters become more familiar, I really just like Robbie's design. It feels edgy and relateable at the same time without being overboard. I also think it super suits his personality. 4) I'm really interested in the underground aspect of the comic. Cause it really doesn't feel like their underground, yet it's clearly a thing. And given robbie's crush isnt from the underground originally, itll be interesting to see how the cultures differ. Since there already seems to be some inequality going on. In terms of the story, I definitely think the underground's probably...status in society is probably a breeding ground for crime. hence robbie's entire life situation.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Why do you think Yui was supposedly kicked out of the family business, and how do you think she got involved with Griffin? What theories do you have about the rest of Griffin’s crew? Alternatively, who do you most want to learn more about?
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think the ultimate goal is for Griffin’s group as for why they steal? Is it just for money, or is there some larger picture? Further, what do you think Robbie’s personal investment is in the whole thing?
5) My fave illustration...s is probably the ones of Griffin on this page. https://tapas.io/episode/1357536 Griffin looks so cool, and something about this up-close shot choices really made me appreciate her really cool, badass design. Instantly won my heart over as a top-contending chara for favorites. 6) Yui sort of strikes me as the type who rebels just to rebel. Like the teen who never got out of the rebellious phase because she's 2kool4skool. And from what we've seen with her relationship with her family, rebelliousness is not well-received. And I can see from her families perspective how it kind of just looks like Yui lazes around and then throws attitude. I don't really have theories about the rest of the crew, although I definitely do want to get to know the completely non-human world. They'd be a great insight into the rest of the non-humans that are in this world.
7) I probably enjoy seeing Robbie and crush chick the most. They've got really cute chemistry that just makes me squee on the inside. And I also hope he continues to be called Robbie with an i e for a while. 8) I think the answer to this question depends on perspective. Most of the crew, like Robbie and Yui, are probably just in it for the money. While I think Griffin is in it for the money, I also think she has a bigger picture idea. Like eventually aiming for the grand jewel and making people super pissed. Or more I should say, she's waiting till they can make the heist of a lifetime and retire on a beach in Hawaii. As for Robbie's personal investment, besides money, he kind of maybe just has nothing better to do? So far my impression of him is hes the type to think hes not good at a lot of stuff besides running and fighting. Thus morals be damned, lets steal things? XD Plus if he needs medicine, hes gotta pay for it somehow. So to summarize, his investment is needs money + belief in lack of job opportunities. I think if something better came along hed be heavily tempted.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Who exactly do you think Griffin is? In other words, what’s Griffin’s backstory and why is Griffin invested in stealing? Further, why do you think Griffin keeps the group at arm’s length and has them drop her off at random locations?
9) One deal I appreciate is the balance of Griffin's design. Like there's this right blend of human and non-human traits that you could even guess she was a half-breed before anybody even said anything. And being able to get that across immediately visually is really A+ work there. 10) I think Griffin was probably someone a lot like Robbie. Just in the underground, nothing to do, no opportunities, and so she took the easy route of theft. However, I think she was at least once part of a bigger organization (given the connections she has) and that she kind of betrayed them and ditched them. Like I said earlier, I think she's both in it for the money but kind of has some bigger idea picture about retiring in style or something like that. As for keeping the group at arm's length, I actually think it's to protect them. Cause she clearly seems to know dangerous folks who know her and have a bone to pick. So by not letting the others become too notorious, she keeps the heat on her.
I started this one awhile ago and I thought it was very well-drawn(edited)
Thank you i try very hard
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Why do you think the new girl working at Maki’s has come to the underground? What might it have to do with her relationship with her parents? Further, what role do you think she’ll play in the larger story?
1. Favourite scene is probably the one where everyone is in the diner after the heist! The banter is fun and I like how the characters interact. Yui and Robbie are great, they act like siblings who can't stand each other but of course cover each other's asses if they get in trouble. Also the moment when Robbie meets Sky, she asks his name so she can label his food but then he asks for her name and she pauses like "why are you asking the server's name lol" 3. Ummmm Griffin because she's a mysterious babe?? Love me a stoic lady with questionable motives ;)) also Sky is so sweet, I love that she's an artist! 4. Love the demons and other folks that are integrated into the world, it's a lot of fun! I hope there'll be more interesting people to see :)
5. The latest pages with Griffin on the phone look great, great colours, nice backgrounds, I like how the colours are starting to become more dynamic! 6. Mmmm my guess is that she's a bit messy and callous and probably messed something up in the family business. Too early to make any hard speculation but if anything I think it was Yui's fault probably... I want to see more of what these heists are for, and how their group operates. I'd like to see more on Griffin and her origin since it was pointed out that she was a %100 human (I'm assuming the other half is demon?) 7. Right now Yui and Robbie because of the bickering they do, but now that I've seen Sky blush after interacting with Griffin I'm
9. I like the style of the comic, it's angular and sharp and I like the character designs! I feel like the comic's aesthetic and mood is still being realized but it's progressing with each page and I can't wait to see how it develops further! 11. Like previously mentioned I think the style is definitely a strength, it's fun and offbeat and I like that it's one that I'm not seeing in the comic scene right now. The character interaction is great too, even as early as it is I'm already invested in these characters and I want to know more about them, they're a fun lot and they all play off each other in a great way. I'm interested to see where this comic goes and how it'll develop, I'll definitely be checking back for updates
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Who do you think Solomon Reiki is, and what does they want with Griffin? What does this have to do with the guard who Griffin fought during the heist? What could this mean for Robbie and the rest of the crew?
11) I think the comic's strength are definitely the character designs. There's a lot of personality packed into them. Not just the main characters we've seen so far but even the side characters as well. It makes for a really dynamic setting and cast that immediately catches your eye. Somehoe all the designs also really suit the tone of the story as well. 12) I feel there definitely has to have been a falling out with her parents. And she fled to the one place where she thought they would never look for her or something. Given she seems somehow hardcore herself, I could totally see her joining the crew and going on thieving adventures. Or at the very least being an informant of some sort. 13) I'm looking forward to learning more about the rest of the crew and seeing how they all play off each other. Cause that will definitely have a big impact in terms of how the heists go. 14) Given my previous theories, I think Solomon Reiki was Griffin's old boss who is super pissed at Griffin's betrayal of leaving. But until recently they havent been able to find Griffin so hence the guard. Heard some rumors and sent the guard to confirm whether its the traitor or not. Of course, this probably gonna put the rest of the crew square in sights and get them unwanted attention from bigger criminals or something like that.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Radioactive Underground this week! Please also give a special thank you to Ezra Rose for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Radioactive Underground, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/Radioactive-Underground
Ezra’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ezrarose
Ezra’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/ezzymourao
Ezra’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuperSonicSoda_
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kinixuki · 6 years
Answers for the “Questions about creating your ocs” thing, as a read more because it got REALLY LONG. There’s some AU rambling too because why not. The first time a character gets mentioned their name should be a link to their tumblr tag, just to keep track of who’s who because there’s a lot of them :v
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Kal – Kal came from a dream I had, he was an angry guy with muscles and 0 chill (this never really changed), I think the first conscious thing I did myself was trying to make a small backstory for the dream because I felt pretty strongly about it. I tried to get the look down at the same time but my drawing skills were terrible at that time, so the backstory got more attention. And then it turned into Fisher along with some other dreams I had!
Umbrella – Umbrella is originally from a dream as well, a different one but it had Kal in it too, so it tried to fit it into the story.
Shetla – she happened when I started writing shamans (which had no plan at all at first), I needed someone who would talk with Kwiri so I made her
Oqooto – Oqooto was born as random fish kid for a small comic, so they got a bit of backstory and appearance for the comic. I liked what came out of it and kept thinking about them :>
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Moru – I want to say Ishke, but other than trying to not have them look too similar not really. Maybe Yixi the bird, Moru used to have a hood with a nest, now she has falconry equipment.
3. How did you choose their name? 
Kal – playing with random letters, after he was nameless for a year or two. I think I first wrote it down into a German textbook when I was bored during a class :v His name is also one of the Czech words for mud, which I didn’t realize for a while, but it fits sort of.
Umbrella – in the dream he came from he was basically a ghost that came out of an umbrella, so he got to keep it, both as an object and as a name, because it sounded silly and he’s weird. It’s more of a nickname in the actual story, he so old that no one remembers his name and telling people would spoil the fun for him, and because he always carries the umbrella with him it’s how a lot of people refer to him.
Teeku – playing with random letters again. I think his name just popped into my head when I was writing and was like “hey, this shaman guy needs a name”. I wish this happened more often, I’m terrible with making names :l
Bronze – I had hard time understanding how naming characters with actual words one can understand works, so I tried it myself with Bronze. I don’t remember why I picked that anymore, but it had something to do with him being Fisher and Narya being gold in my head.
Oqooto – I think I saw something close to that in random word generator? It looked super weird, but also felt like an instant fit after like a year of not knowing what name I want.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
Oqooto – it’s mostly based on the comic idea I had – a kid living in marshes that goes fishing, then I expanded from that. It’s technically part of Ishke’s world, but I haven’t really connected those two yet. There’s a lot of spirits in that world though, so after a bit Oqooto turned into something that’s closer to a shaman/medium than just a fish kid.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
Narya – for a long time there wasn‘t, other than me thinking it’s nice, but now it’s an ethnicity thing along with the ashy skin color. I’ve been playing with the idea of that being the sign of a pureblood Fisher, but it makes some story mess with how easily they would be identifiable in the city. So it might be more general group of people, but still with them being known for their Fishers being crazy good. Bronze is another of those people, but not really directly related to Narya, despite the appearance. Most of them live in the forests outside of the city.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
Kwiri – ummmm yes a bit…. I started writing his story as an angsty teen with zero friends, and having a character dealing with similar problems felt nice because hey, finally a friend. It wasn’t really a conscious thing like “it’s me, but in another world”, just a character I wanted to understand and write well. After a while of writing I was probably more based off him than the other way around to be honest. For some reason Kwiri is also pretty close to how I look irl though, which wasn’t intentional at all xD
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
Moru – I wanted her and Ishke to have fun together, so they’re both kinda rebellious, but Moru is still there to explain all the human and social stuff to Ishke. She doesn’t understand much either, but almost anything is better at it than Ishke. And she gets to learn about spirits/forest from him!
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Kal – other than waiting few years for a name he’s tricky to draw for me, first he was the muscle guy when I didn’t know how to draw muscles at all, now it’s drawing him properly during fights and all the cool action scenes. He’s surprisingly easy to write to though.
Umbrella –having him not turn the entire plot upside down. I changed the entire thing at least three times because of him, he’s always been one of the major characters but having him fit into the story in a way that worked well was hard. He’s hard to write as well, it’s easy to get carried away and turn him into the carefully planning villain stereotype because most of his role in the story is watching from behind the scenes, but he’s supposed to be super chaotic. Well thought out plans are literally the last thing he would do.
Moru – I am. Really bad. With female characters. Guys? Cool. Nbs? Super cool. Girls??? Seriously I made her to have a girl character I would be comfortable with, it’s still not 100% it and I still don’t know what to do with her, so probably that. She needed over 5 years for a name too.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
Shamans – I wrote down a short story about how some late story events turned out differently and keep thinking about a lot of what ifs. Then I have a lot of things from when Teeku was younger figured out, some of them are important, some of them are just fun to think about, most of them don’t get enough space in the actual story though.
Then there’s several AUs, including one where Teeku is a grumpy farmer with an old smelly tractor and a straw hat. Kirta hates him there because of the hat, he’s a rich farm guy and has been looking for The Perfect Straw Hat™ for months. When he finally saw it across the street and fell in love, Teeku came and bought the first straw hat he saw, which was this one. There’s also a modern AU where Teeku owns a tearoom and his visitors are my and Sari’s characters from the other stories. There’s a lot of fun stuff happening there and it has quite a bit of stuff thought out, I wanted to draw some of it during the summer but didn’t get to it D:
Bronze – I have a ton of stuff from when Bronze was younger and didn’t live in the city, but that’s deep in the spoiler territory. In the tearoom AU he lives in Umbrella’s flat and works in his sushi restaurant, but kind of wishes he didn’t, especially when Umbrella (who despite owning the flat doesn’t really live there) decides to visit, eat every single thing in the fridge and then talk about all sorts of vaguely illegal stuff Bronze doesn’t really want to hear about before leaving again.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
Isidor (the grandmaster of the Order who has no tag atm) – he’s elegant as heck, and his behavior is kinda human but also not really, he’s young for what he is but he doesn’t age/die naturally and is already older than normal humans get, so he’s pretty detached.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
Siva – okay so. At one point a friend asked what kind of food they eat in the Fisher universe. Part of the reply was that they also probably have some of the food we have here, like schnitzel. And the friend asked something like “so there’s gonna be someone coming to Siva and asking ‘Hey Siva, do you want some more schnitzel?’”. It’s Siva’s fave food now, because he’s a super srs person and this totally doesn’t sound super silly.
ALSO THE TEAROOM AU, Siva is a head doctor of a local hospital and Narya is a student with training there and Siva overseeing it. They don’t really like each other, it’s the same as the canon story. They both visit Teeku’s tearoom though, Narya because he either has a part time job there few days a month or just uses that as a study place, and Siva because he’s a tea connoisseur and Teeku’s tearoom is the best tearoom in the city when it comes to tea quality, but there aren’t many visitors because Teeku is super grumpy.
So Narya and Siva sometimes meet there. Siva comes in a pretty bad mood, because “this one student was supposed to do all this work at night and he didn’t and just kept talking back, I need some good tea to drink”. 5 mins later, Narya comes late for his shift, because “this one idiot doctor wanted me to do all this stuff at night, can you even believe it what a jerk, I didn’t even sleep”, and he gets to make Siva’s tea without knowing who is it for and then he brings it to him and they’re both like “YOUUUU”
Minghe – the main idea of his story is that he got stuck with exactly that one person he can’t stand at all (Sheon) and is forced to cooperate. It’s the sad kind of funny.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
Siva – @sariannearies saying bad things about him and wishing terrible things to happen to him >:
Minghe – the fact that I still don’t have a single colored artwork with him except one speedpaint. He’s one of my faves D:
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
Kwiri – I’ve been rewriting his story for years and deleting thing I didn’t like, so not really?
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Kal – he really really REALLY hates Siva, the doctor. It’s mutual, but Siva is way better at hiding it, though he sometimes “accidentally” forgets to give Kal painkillers and so on. Sometimes Kal regrets that he wasn’t successful with what he tried to do at the end of Roommates.
Bronze – he’s super obsessed with being independent, but because of that he ended up as the opposite and it took him forever to realize. With no real way out \o/
Moru – she likes birds. That was unexpected, right?
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kateanddevinreview · 6 years
London Has Fallen
In which Kate and Devin write a porno
Devin: Okay, so this movie is just Gerard Butler being a badass right? Is this the one with Denzel Washington? Or are neither of those things right.
Kate: It’s something like that.
Devin: Well, Butler showed up in the credits, but so did morgan freeman?
Kate: It’s a trifecta!!
Devin: Or maybe I'm just racist and mixed them up.
Kate: Or maybe it’s the two of them being badass together.
Devin: I made some comment the other day about minorities being underrepresented at the oscars or something and they asked what actors I think should win instead and I blanked on literally every minority actor I knew.
Kate: Hahahah. It’s still true though. And to be fair, could you name any white actors?
Devin: My brain got stuck on Tom Hardy and forgot literally every other actor on earth
Kate:I think he’s on tv now anyway. So far this movie is starting a bit slow. Do you think someone is going to be shot soon?
Devin: I find it weird that we are in....India?
Kate:  I think we’re at an Indian wedding. Terrorist’s daughter is getting married
Devin: This is set up for motive?
Kate: Probs
Devin: The Phantom of the Opera and Harvey Dent go for a jog
Kate: Why are politicians always running? I don’t think they do that much
Devin: I think cause DC? it's an easy excuse to pan around the lawn
Kate: Ok well fine, coming at me with movie reasons. Wait, is this a sequel?
Devin: Is it? Was the last one just called "London"?
Kate: I was thinking Gerald saved a president in the last one?
Devin: She has crazy eyes
Kate: She does but she’s pregnant
Devin:  I'll forgive it if we get through this movie without her vomiting.
Kate:  She’s in like her third tri already so she really shouldn’t
Devin:  Google says this is a sequel, to Olympus Has Fallen. Lots of stuff falling apparently
Kate: Knew it!!! I’ve seen that one too
Devin: Really? I'm guessing last time he saved President Harvey Dent from terrorists, wooed or impregnated his wife, and got hired for secret service or unfired from secret service
Kate: Unfired, if it’s what I’m thinking of
Devin: This time he'll save the Prime Minister from terrorists, see his kid born, and...uh. Be knighted? That's my guess
Kate: Seems like a totally logical guess to me. I’m betting he discovers the Prime Minister was murdered. I don’t think people are expected to attend state funerals?
Devin: I think it's cause his vice isn't available? I think normally this is the kind of thing they send him for. But I am basing that on episodes of Madam Secretary so who knows
Kate: New guess!! President is killed and Butler has to protect Freeman
Devin: Hmmm. Maybe. Is Freeman the Vice?
Kate: Yes. He said “Hello, Mr VP”
Devin: I'm missing like half of this dialogue, idk how
Kate: Cause it’s boring
Devin: I want splosions!
Kate: This baby melodrama music is not my favorite. Once again I feel like writing is letting us down?
Devin: Yeah. Be better hollywood!
Kate: Also important people shouldn’t just sign shit without looking at it
Devin: is this the fringe guy? No. Who is he? He's someone
Kate: I think? No?
Devin: Fringe guy is similar but different. Oh! The Magicians? Magicians teacher guy?
Kate: No, definitely not him
Devin: IMDBing....
Kate: “Most protected event on earth”= everyone will die
Devin: Yup. This cast listing order is stupid. Do we know British Gerard Butler's name?
Kate: You mean the head of the British security? Also no. Also I think they’re going to use kids?
Devin: Yes, British guy. Mr. Sands! From Limitless. Thanks wikipedia, for your superior cast list
Kate: Limitless. That’s right, I never watched much of that
Devin: I really liked the main guy and all the arts and crafts in that show. I'm sad it was cancelled. Also we should add the movie to our review list
Kate: Yes!
Devin: Splosion! I didn't think those guards were supposed to have real guns? Then again EMTs should definitely not have rocket launchers
Kate: Hahaha, yeah, those cops are definitely plants. It’s clearly a very well orchestrated attack
Devin: Pretty sure only america gives their cops guns. Also, rocket launcher
Kate: Wow I don’t care how this movie ends the world would not recover from this
Devin: Yeah Kate, it's fallen. Show. Us. The. Egg. It's not London unless I see the big glass egg and the ferris wheel
Kate: How did they know that one president wouldn’t leave on time?
Devin: Trackers? Or they caused the traffic?
Kate: No, he decided?
Devin: Motorcycles, a car's only weakness
Kate: Nice driving!
Devin: Don't injure civilians!
Kate: Ummmm, Devin. I think that ship has sailed.
Devin: He rammed the bad guy into a non bad guy car!
Kate: Oh fuck. Ok so who is the black lady? Is she the First Lady?
Devin: Voight buddy, you could have moved. He's the driver, she's the head of secret service
Kate: He was driving! It was a bullet! Give him some credit. Is she?
Devin: Yes. According to wikipedia
Kate: She’s not doing much. And she hunkered with the president?
Devin: Right? Stop flailing. Where is your gun, woman?
Kate: Oh god. That was brutal
Devin: That was very brutal
Kate: Why didn’t they park closer to the chopper?
Devin: Crashing in 3...2...oh ok nvm
Kate: Hahaha
Devin: He's got a cane so you know he's evil
Kate: So true
Devin: Moral of this movie: don't trust the handicapped
Kate: And yet, they didn’t detect a plan of this magnitude
Devin: Uh, did those people just have labels?
Kate: Yes. NSA and something else
Devin:  Like, movie? Movie. We do not care
Kate: I’m assuming it will be important later?
Devin: Why is the lady not doing anything?
Kate: Nice, flares! I like flares. Why are they flying so low anyway?
Devin: I got distracted googling the secret service
Kate: Anything pertinent to share?
Devin: Apparently the director just does the boring shit, so idk why she's even here
Kate: Ummmm, I think the movie should end here?
Devin: Yes they all died. The End
Kate: No way anyone survived that. I call bullshit
Devin: Also, I assumed presidents would have like one guy their whole time in office? But apparently they hire someone new a lot. Oh she dead.
Kate: For the secret service?
Devin: As director. Like Obama had 2
Kate: I mean, that’s four years for each
Devin: Trump has already had 2. The first guy for like 2 months? 1 month?
Kate: Well, Trump does that a lot. He’s had like 8 communication directors
Devin: I just wonder if they choose to leave or if the president purposefully swaps them out
Kate: Also working for the president is really intense, so maybe you just burn out and have to leave
Devin: Makes sense. The local biker gang is here
Kate: I don’t think bikes make that noise. That is dumb
Devin: Yes. Also no one checked the wreck
Kate: At least we know from earlier scenes they are fast runners!
Devin: This looks like he put his manifesto on youtube
Kate: What point is there in entertaining this phone call? Also why does he care about one president?
Devin: Imagine if he called before they watched the video! Like 5 minutes earlier
Kate: Right? He should take the uniform too
"Who is this?"
"It's...seriously? You didn't see my video?"
"h/o googling it"
"It's on youtube"
"yeah one sec, gotta sit through this 50 shade of grey trailer"
Kate: Ahhhhhhh Being hunted by motorbikes!! Oh no
Devin: Sure, that's subtle. Also this is a regular subway
Kate: I like that he was able to loot the body for weapons. Very practical
Devin: Jesus Gerard Butler. WTF? You went from zero to torture in no time
Kate: I know, little intense. Definitely running on adrenaline
Devin: This is the most 'murrican fucking movie. You cannot convince me that huge squads of racists didn't come out of this movie going "rah rah ‘murrica"
Kate: Oh god. Unfortunately yes
Devin: Although these talky bits suck. I'd rather have more fighting. Oh, thanks label, I really cared what time it was
Kate: Everyone is dead, that’s what this discussion is. I mean surrender and then ambush. How many people do they think there are? You’re not going to be professional right now? Weird
Devin: Blah blah blah. Bitch it was a wedding. Of course his family was there
Kate: How did you not know his family was there? It was a wedding. So dumb
Devin: What even is the point of that dialogue? There better be drugs in his water or something
Kate: What kind of shoddy intel are you all operating on? This is dumb. Do criticize if necessary. You have to teach them. Also off color jokes?
Devin: "You know what's most important Mike? Children. That's why we are never going to spend time with ours in any subsequent movie."
Kate: Of course it’s not your delta team.
Devin: Yeah why was that message not in code?
Kate: Zoom in!
Devin: Enhance! Your safe house has a fucking skylight!?
Kate: Seems like a pretty lame safe house. Oh this is gross
Devin: This movie is very gratuitous with its gore
Kate: It really is. And president you should not have done that. You are not almost out of this by any long shot
Devin:  There must be a porno of this where they fuck right then
Kate:  Did all of MI6 just die?
Devin: I'm not going to lie, that weird pirate porno you made us watch that one time is better than this movie
Kate: Haha! Oh pirates. Also my taste is terrible because I still enjoy this
Devin: I don't believe the hackers would make this basic of a mistake
Kate: No, me neither
Devin: Also driving seems like the quickest way to be spotted?
Kate: They kept everything under the radar but you didn’t notice this earlier?
Devin: Ok I guess at least the car is bulletproofed
Kate: How many of these terrorists are there supposed to be?
Devin: It's just the same 4 guys, they're really fast. They keep healing when they're off screen
Kate: Seems like an infinite supply. Mutants!! Also Mike is still somehow always faster
Devin: Now I want an action movie where 3/4 of the way through you realize he's been re-killing the same 5 guys over and over and surprise! it's really a fantasy/horror movie!
Kate: That would be so good. Change the whole game. I do oddly think this would make a good porno with very very little change
Devin: It's cause there's so much standing really close while breathing heavily and the plot is basically just as thin
Kate: Yeah pretty much. It’s a male romance novel
Devin: Also there have been.....5 women? in this entire movie. 6, I guess. Wife, mother, secret service director, beehive, assistant cop, MI6
Kate: Assistant cop?
Devin: Black lady?
Kate: I don’t remember her
Devin: She was in the bullpen with not!Fringe guy
Kate: Ok sure
Devin: Oh, ok, and random lady who had a text label I didn't read
Kate: There was the turning 30 woman and one lady head of state.
Devin: Still, none of these people shooting right now? There's like 20 guys in this scene!
Kate: Nope. Can’t have women in harm’s way unless they don’t have a choice. Also no lady terrorists
Devin: Only lady terrorists allowed are dead motivation ones
Kate: Also I’m subbing lady because it’s faster to type than woman
Devin: Agreed
Kate: Omg. Whispered “Mike.” Straight out of a romance novel
Devin: What? Are you ahead of me or did I miss it?
Kate: Maybe? The president whispered it
Devin: No! I must have missed the Mike whisper
Kate: He should be really tired by now. He didn’t have dinner!
Devin: "Hear that? My boyfriend is coming"
Kate: He really should just kill the president. It doesn’t make sense not to
Devin: There is so much manly eye contact and face holding
Kate: So much
Devin: Like I'm pretty sure almost this exact sequence happened in Outlander
Kate: In the porn there would be a scene where the president seduced him, Mike walked in on it, and then they have a threesome
Devin: With the bad guy?
Kate: Yup
Devin: That seems like it would be out of place plot wise. Would the bad guy turn himself in or something?
Kate: No. Just random sex that doesn’t make sense
Devin: Weird. The sex should make sense!
Kate: It’s for real a thing that happens in porn, you get whiplash. Oh god. This is lame. Really?
Devin: One punch where he runs all the way across the screen. So stupid
Kate: Did we learn who the brit mole was?
Devin: Nope. They hacked the police station I think? Damn! Wheelchair guy didn't even get to make a speech about how bad America is. This movie is not even pretending to care about America's mistakes
Kate: Why didn’t he just shoot everyone?
Devin: Out of bullets?
Kate: He hasn’t run out of guns until now
Devin: What even is this dialogue right now?
Kate: Really dumb
Kate: America’s not even 500. Witty banter!
Kate: Also he’s not dead because you haven’t killed him?
Devin: Yeah you just punched him a bit and talked nonsense
Kate: Once again, another thing they wouldn’t have survived.
Devin: I feel like the porno version of this has them go back to their wives at the end with lots of meaningful looks and sly smiles between the two main dudes. Like "yeah, we'll do this again next mission"
Kate:  Oh no! But yes probably. Why was there a lock in an elevator?
Devin: Is the president the only one alive from this whole thing? They would definitely make out in this elevator
Kate: I think one other world leader survived? There was a missing link to the terrorist?
Devin: I guess?
Kate: Who sent a fucking video?
Devin: Honestly this plot is stupid Yeah he's def the mole. Also he's running away? Like he obviously did it
Kate: Are we supposed to care about him or her? Because I do not
Devin: They would have had sex earlier in the porno
Kate: Yeah. It would have made more sense. Just kill him already
Devin: Also she would have just arrested him. I feel like the porno would have less murder
Kate: It’s weird that normally I complain about too much sex? But this would just be better as a porn
Devin: Yeah our review is basically "this would have made a better porno"
Kate: How would you have found him?
Devin: Who hears "look out your window" and looks up at the ceiling? Oh maybe that's what the missing link was?
Kate: Also the VP does not have the authority to call that type of strike
Devin: What is this 10 angled shot explosion? Ok, we've got a baby
Kate: So it’s been at least a few weeks
Devin: No prime minister but I didn't realize it was his funeral so I feel like the president is close enough. Now knighthood
Kate: Sure. They don’t know how emails work? Re: is for replies
Devin: "Many people would say this is our fault, but we're america so fuck those people. we'll kill those people."
Kate: “Commence spending no time with my kid”
Devin: In the porno version we end instead with a mirror of the earlier DC lawn scene, with them sitting on a bench watching their wives/kids, and the pres saying something like "still want to quit?" and Butler saying "and leave you, sir? Never." And then meaningful eye contact. Roll credits.
Kate: Hahahah
Devin: Okay, so scores
Kate: Yes. Scores.
Devin: 3/10 for the movie, 6/10 for the porno
Kate: I go a little higher movie? Like 4.5 for the movie.  6 for porno though. I think we can agree that no porn should ever rank higher than 7
Devin: Yeah. Like, even amazing porn is still porn
Kate: Ummmm tropes? So many, “family as our motivation”
Devin: “America is terrible and we never learn anything”?
Kate: Which is so hypocritical
Devin: “One man assumes command of literally every other character without argument”
Kate: Hahahaha. So like 7 on the tropes? They all fit the plot really well
Devin: Yeah, I mean it had a very particular niche and it played to it
Kate: Exactly
Devin: I'm going to give the title an 8/10. Catchy and accurate
Kate: I can agree. Thematic
Devin: London did pretty much fall. Like an old lady in a Life Alert commercial
Kate: Better than Olympus has fallen
Devin: Yeah, plus how fucking pretentious is it to call the white house "olympus"?
Kate: Exactly
Devin: What would the porn title be? I feel like they're usually puns?
Kate: Pun for sure. London may fall but our guys stay up
Devin: kind of long
Kate: It could be the tagline?
Devin: Oh yeah, good tagline. My brain gave me "Banging Private Ryan" which does not fit but is almost certainly a movie that exists
Kate: Hahahahaha. Banging president something? Whatever his name was
Devin: No idea, I called him Harvey Dent the whole movie. London Goes Down?
Kate: London laid down? Cause laid. Get it?
Devin: H/o I have to see if there is a real porn title for this. NSA people monitoring my internet searches, I'm really sorry
Kate: Gives them some spice! A story to take home
Devin: Top result for "London Has Fallen Porn Title" is:
"London Has Fallen movie condemned as racist 'terrorsploitation' "
"London Has Fallen is gun-barrel porn"
Kate: Whelp. Yep. I feel bad for enjoying it?
Devin: "London Has Fallen Is The Worst Film About Our City Ever"
Kate: Oh no it was a piece of shit for sure. Super fucking racist
Devin: “Blowing London.” That's my official submission
Kate: Nice! “Blowing London” is great. I thought you’d actually found it.
Devin: Ok, any parting words?
Kate:  It was a dumb racist movie that I feel guilty for enjoying anyway? Which means we should have more action movies made with better plots and motivation. And female representation!
Devin:  Or more action movies that are just porn
Kate:  Or that. What about you? Parting words?
Devin: If you want to see a movie where Gerard Butler brutally murders everyone, this is it. Or, you know, go watch 300, it is less awful.
Kate: So true.
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coolspacequips · 6 years
tagged by @lemonistics​ a couple of days ago!! i forgot to finish the post so here it is lol, thanks for tagging me <3
How did you discover the show?
I saw it on tumblr a lot, naturally, after s1 dropped it really took off and i was super curious about it because i was a HUGE fan of atla! but i was also like ‘robot... cats...’ and so i didnt watch it right away lmao, ive posted about this before but i ended up watching this amv shortly after it came out and after that i was like ‘i HAVE to watch this’ (just watched the amv again and its still rly good, damn it reminds me how good s1 was........)
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
it was completely love at first site!!! u know lance won my heart the second he opened his mouth, and i was impressed right away by how lovely it was, how creative and scifi fun it was, i loved the music and the updated designs and i was in it for the diversity tbh. i knew starting this show could never be undone with ‘girl, youve already activated my particle ba--’ ‘LANCE.’ how poetic is it that a shance moment brought me here 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
wonder who that could be............ Lance............. my son........ he is so excited and open-hearted, but so capable and smart in so many ways. he has Been There for the team in so many ways, from hugely significant emotional support to skilled tactical coverage, all the way up until he literally died saving a team mate, and this wasnt even his first close call. he can be petty and short-tempered cos hes young and working stuff out, but he is so gotdang selfless and beautiful and charming and i LOVE...
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav paladin, why?)
*looks down at the blue slippers on my feet, looks up at the blue lion toy on my desk shelf* yea i got a fav.... tbh blue is so sweet and smart and i love her, and black is growing on me in a MAJOR way, mysterious and wise and full of Love for shiro, much like i hope to be
Do you have a favorite Villain?
HAGGAR!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!! my bias was skewed from day 1 the second she opened her mouth and cree summers voice came out, and when she started showing concern for zarkon i knew it was over for me, i knew they were gonna cut me deep w her history. ive said since the beginning that haggar was gonna be the main villain, and i believe it more than ever now that voltron kinda killed her husband and lost her son in a void. her backstory reveal rocked me to my core, and i care very much about honerva and haggar!! ive always felt like the final conflict is gonna come down to haggar and allura tbh
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (recurring and/or minor)
i rly like alteans, i know theyre just pretty hyper advanced space elves, but WHATEVER. also loved the mermaid aliens and whatever blaytz is, and my love of the biibohbiis is eternal. i hope we see more cool aliens! also shout out to that hot rebel lady that died in pidges arms, i forget what theyre called... also, can we meet whatever mixed w a galra to make antok t b h?
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, General, Blade of Mamora, Garrison, etc?
rolo, nyma, and beezor hold a rly special place in my heart. i was so excited when they came back!! the blades are very much my Aesthetic (TM), and those mermaid freedom fighters were great, also those married gay rebels posted in that ice cave that helped shiro.... i like a lot of the side characters tbh. 
lbr though, the real favs are the biibohbiis
How/Why did you join the fandom?
i came in initially to consume the shallura content tbh (this was before it got “””cancelled””” by antis, and i was very excited to see a black woman in a popular ship for gotdamn once. yea im bitter). i started rping p quick after watching it all, i just really wanted to write lance, then i got into an rp with a keith and the ship was unlocked in my heart for All Time. this was around the time that i stopped drawing, i held on for as long as i could and used to post fanart, but it didnt last long. kept me inspired to keep writing tho, and thats good cos i need to be making something!! now its getting me back into drawing and im thankful for that, big ups to shance fandom within the fandom for being da bes!!
Care to share a favorite headcanon?
shit... i wasnt ready for this... i dont really have any relevant hcs that i can think of right now! ummmm i think that the garrison knows more than we think, and that there are going to be some Interesting revelations when the team goes home. im suspicious of how quick they were to jump on and contain shiro at the beginning without so much as letting him speak, how close the base was to the blue lion, and the fact that tex kogane saw the lion and was immediately like ‘should we call the garrison?’ (realistically he could be saying that cos, i mean, who else nearby would know about bizarre aircraft than a piloting academy, but still!)
What do you think is the best part of the show?
honestly there is a lot i love about the show, but i guess the Best part is the characters and the bonds we see growing between them as the series progresses! the show has gone into much more engaging, interpersonal depth than i ever hoped for, and the bottom line is that love and compassion are the things that make life worth fighting for.
ive also talked before, i think rambling in the tags of a post lol, about how i love the fresh, fun, creative take on fantasy scifi that i have missed in recent media, and the optimism that runs as an undercurrent to it all. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
i obviously just want lances personal arc to come to a head already!! his character has been quietly and steadily growing in the background of all of this, and his growth is just so human and heartfelt in the midst of all of this intergalactic drama. he is just a boy from cuba who is so good and selfless that he has literally died defending the universe, and he deserves a real, genuine time to shine!
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
ABSOLUTELY, this show means so much to me and has ferried me thru a hard time in my life, on top of just being generally phenomenal and everything that i hope modern cartoons can become now that people are genuinely starting to realize that it is an art form!
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better
im way behind on my dash so idk who has and hasnt done this, also no pressure to do this if u dont want to but
@ifellfromtheskies  @rainyfeet @kitausu @rigb0ner  annnnd idk whoever else wants to do it! tons of ppl i could tag bc all my mutuals are da bes and i wanna get to know them better, but have at it!
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keevansixx · 6 years
Tumblr media
  Yesterday, I died. It just happened, no rhyme, no reason, the vessel that housed me stopped working. This mortal coil shed, like a serpent leaving behind a dried out skin snagged on a twig in an old forest. I feel nothing, no cold, no pain, no hunger nor thirst....I am, yet I am not...
What they don't tell you anything about dying in books, religious dogmas, and human mythology, is that there is no time in death...well, there is a sort of sense of time, but there is no way to measure it, quantify it, give it a steady pace to determine a forward progression the living rely on so much. If I concentrate hard enough I could watch myself die, very slowly, repeatedly over a long span, or just that brief spark when I stopped breathing, and everything grew still around me in the dimension of the living.
 I spend a span of moments doing this....traveling forwards and backwards along a strand of time, visiting small snippets of my former life. All the happy moments, pausing for some span at the faces and places I had long forgot. I see my mother, young, happy, pregnant with what was me, sitting in a chair and humming softly at her belly...her hand tracing lazy circles around the little footprints I was pressing into the sides of her womb while she whispered her dreams of whom she hoped I would become. I see my father, young, in fatigues fighting a useless war in a foreign land, joking with his buddies about the girls back home, while he stares at a laminated photo of me my mother mailed to him...I see him kiss the picture, then say "my son..." as he holds it to his chest. I see my grandfather's smile the first time he held my infant form cradled in his arms. I travel to and fro, seeing all that had transpired in my life, and all the little things I missed as I lived. If it were even possible to cry in the afterlife, I couldn't tell....just the wash of emotions both happy and sad without the mechanisms to adequately express them.
I grow bored after awhile, so I move backwards seeing history rewind, pausing at all the interesting bits, and learning all the truths that historians got wrong, or misinterpreted, or just plain lied just to make a name for themselves, or support the dogma of the day. I hear other voices out here in oblivion as they too travel to and fro observing what was, have been, or will ever be....sometimes we converse, discussing a moment trying to get to the truth of it all, but mostly we move along our paths with nary a notice each of passing.
I travel forwards, seeing all that will be...amazed at some things, horrified by others, sad, happy, and phantom scratching at what I assume to be the equivalent of my head. The future for us is unwritten, you see.... constantly changing, and only becomes tangible when their moments have passed into history. I answer some questions as best I can from those future souls inquiring about my small tiny piece of time. In exchange, they tell me bits and pieces of their journeys and what will be....not necessarily equivalent exchange, as the souls I encounter from the future are numerous and constantly in flux with their outcomes not entirely set in stone...
existence, for me, passes....time to move on.
I'm just hovering in nothing....to my right a passageway that looks warm and inviting. To my left, a passageway that looks stark, cold, and ominous. I hear voices from each hallway, and take my time investigating each corridor. After some length, I surmise that each corridor is the human equivalent of heaven or perdition. I am given a choice....left or right, hell or nirvana, order or chaos....
They each make their case...opening their gates wide waiting for me to enter. It feels like a trap, either way....but I listen. One side offers peace, tranquility, bliss but no ambition, no creativity. It's the end reward of the final level of a lackluster game and you only made a passing score. The other side offers ambition and challenge, but at the total lack of joy, compassion, love, or any other of the rewards that would motivate someone to grow. It's a Korean grinder, and the rewards follow a law of diminishing returns so I would be stuck in an endless loop for an eternity or more. 
I'm drawn towards the right passage...I was raised theist, and everyone wants to go to heaven, at least that is what all the dogmas would have you to believe,  but I pause....it looks peaceful, serene, not like the cover art of the Led Zeppelin album "houses of the holy" all many steps and columns, and most tranquil. It looks like whatever I most want in the universe in smaller scale....hollow, steadfast, but never changing. The set pieces are permanent, and I'm just expected to exist and be happy forever.
I amble back to the void to ponder my choices, left or right. I float forward towards an impossibly massive wall, all the while contemplating the pros and cons of either choice. The wall is neither of substance, nor form, but it exists none the less. My fingers slide across it's surface, feeling the texture as I float and ponder. This goes on for some time until my fingers find the tiny beginning of a crack....
I float along the tiny fissure within the unblemished surface of the wall, and as I float upwards following the crack, my fingers notice the changes as I travel upwards, growing larger and larger the farther I travel along. I could not discern the distances involved, but it felt like a very long time, all the while the crack growing ever wider and wider until I could no longer feel the sides between my arms. I stop.....before me is nothing....no lights, no sound, nothing...and being the curious child I ever was, started floating forwards into this new void.
Ok.....who is this?
*rolls what passes for eyes* duh....why do you think i'm asking? You tell me...
Ummmm.....is this god?
yeeeeeahhh, this is a little too much to believe right at the moment....
It's so dark...why can't I see you?
yeah....yeah.....sure. I hold up my hand in the void, and snap my fingers a few times. After each snap, a small light, like a pinprick, starts to grow, shedding light into the area I exist in. Growing larger and larger till the light fills the space, and everything there is revealed. From the center of the light I hear the voice again...sounding more directional and focused than it was mere moments ago.
well....no. but I'm not sure just what exactly did I do.
ok...now i'm really confused....I just did what you told me to do.
heh, well you do have a point....now what?
create? what would I create?
wait...wait...wait....hold on one sec. You mean if I imagine there is a tiny beagle puppy named snoopy sitting there at my feet, it's just going to magically appear? at which point the puppy appears with a little golden nametag dangling from it's collar, and yapps excitedly while wagging it's tail...I pick it up, and it licks my face lovingly as I realize I now have a face, and I feel the puppies slobbery tongue caress my wet cheek.
ok....this is a bit too much, don't cha think? I mean, I can feel myself and that should be impossible because I'm dead. There is a puppy here that wasn't here before and that in itself should be impossible, but there it sits.....and just when did this dirt plain appear? this is all so crazy!!! I'm going insane....that has to be it....i'm loosing my marbles from floating out here alone for so long.
yeah.....i'm confused with everything, I don't know where I am, what I am, how all this can be. I know that I used to be a average dude, living in the woods, loving life, dealing with stuff, and trying to be the nicest, honest, caring person I could ever be.....I often failed, but for the most part, at least I tried, and that has to count for something, right?
so....does that make me god?
ummm, thanks? I guess....
hold up, you're just going to leave me here all alone? by myself? all alone?
Ok.....i'll try, and thank you....well.....for everything.
The last echoes of it's voice fade into the evening sun. I walk down a gentle path I created in my mind towards a small lake and nice house I dreamed up while walking. Snoopy is gracefully bounding in the tall grasses by the path spooking up birds, rabbits, deer, squirrel, and all manner of critter with each passing step. The breeze is cool, and the sunlight warm on my skin as I approach my new home. A kitten greets me by the front door, it's mewing telling me it needs fed and a few belly rubs for good measure. It was a good day. Tomorrow, I might just try to make a universe, but today i'm just going to relax, unwind, and enjoy what is already here for a moment longer. who knows....maybe another person will come along and creation will just be that less lonely. As I prepare for bed, I think about all that has happened, reflective, pensive, and somewhat excited for the days ahead...It also leaves me questioning why the other voice told me to sweep up after i'm through...is there somewhere beyond the realms of god? or just another nowhere to be created again and again? i'll figure it out eventually...but for now...this is my undiscovered country, after all. time enough to make the most of it.
(I wake up....Meh....alarm clock goes off, I blearily stumble to the loo, take one look in the mirror, and swear to myself that I will never ever again drink mescal before going to bed, as I run a grizzled hand through the remainder of my thinning hair. never again.)
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merlevum · 3 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @oftincturedwords​ thanks for the tag and thanks for the kinds words ;w; 
1. Why did you choose your url?
I made it up, mostly thought it sounded like a plant or a spell maybe??
2. Any side blogs?
Since this is my art one, I do have a personal one, otherwise I have some old ask blogs I’ve kind of neglected. 
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since 2014, dived in with my first rp account and chaos ensued. (
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I used to? But not really anymore. I kind of just post whenever at this point. 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Hmmm, well the first one I ever did was an rp account, so then I needed one for personal and mun stuff. Then it turned into just a personal account and now it’s my art account where I can post art and share with people. 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Hahaha XD I just changed it this morning before I saw this actually. I’m exhausted from staying up way too late having fun with friends, playing XIV, and drawing. Makes it a little hellish at work, but well worth the serotonin I get from interacting with friends! Anyway, yeah it’s just a quick doodle of an exhausted me XD
7. Why did you choose your header?
What even is my-- Oh, right. Yeah so I’m a graphic designer and illustrator. Thought I’d advertise it in case anyone stumbles on the blog. Currently looking for a job as a graphic designer too XD so I’ve been using that banner/header on a lot of my stuff. 
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
The most notes? Oh gosh.....ummm according tumblr top nine it’s this one, but I feel like that’s only because I tagged my friend who has a significantly bigger following XD Otherwise my next one is this one that I did back in 2018
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Oh god ;w; I don’t know??!? I mean I have friends on here, so at least 4 for sure >> otherwise, I have no clue man
10. How many followers do you have?
umm....let me check it’s been a while since I’ve actually checked. 463 followers >> oh wow, umm hi?? I guess when I hit 500 I’ll do something fun??
11. How many people do you follow?
ah....too many? 930, okay not as bad as I thought. Though I think it might be time to go through the list again so probably less. 
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
lol yeah, probably a lot more when I was younger than I do now ;w; now I shitpost in Discord instead >D
13. How often do you use Tumblr everyday?
daily! I scroll through for inspiration a lot during my coffee time in the morning. Or when I’m trying to fall asleep at night and can’t. 
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
 nope! At least....none that I can think of?? I try to keep fights and arguments personal honestly. Don’t need air everything out on the internet. 
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
it’s...complicated. On here, where I post my art, usually not thought. 
16. Do you like tag games?
sure! They can be a fun way of getting to know someone. 
17. Do you like ask games?
oh definitely >> I still have some hug prompts I need to get eventually. Sorry it’s taking so long ;w; the energy is sparse and the motivation even more so. 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
ummm maybe @spatziline??? otherwise I have no clue OTL I don’t keep up with who is famous on here or not. I’m just here to have a fun time. 
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
hahaha XD let’s just say romance and I don’t mix at this point. I’ll take good friendships >> and as much as I would love to tag them there’s a lot of them OTL so ummmm yeah I won’t bug them with this.  As for tagging anyone else, I usually don’t. I always feel like a bother ;w; but if you want to, feel free to copy and paste and say I did XD 
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kingsofeverything · 6 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
1. List of works published this year: 
In the order that they were posted
Fall At My Door 
Mercedes Boy
The Oldest Magic Word 
With a Word (part 2 of FAMD)
Possessing All of Me (part 2 of MB)
It Had To Be You 
One of Many 
Stranded in a Dream
How Fast You Fall
Soft Wings
Has The Ocean Lost Its Way 
Splish Splash 
Don’t Want Shelter 
Wasted Like A Memory (part 2 of DWS)
Just Around the Corner 
Find You Home 
Sweating ’Til My Clothes Come Off
Number 84 
Let Me In (part 3 of DWS)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Don’t Want Shelter, definitely. The idea for it came to me over a year ago, and that was basically exes to lovers stuck in a hurricane together. I tried to write it earlier in the year and scrapped it. It was a completely different story and they were actually exes, but it just wasn’t working. RIP those 10k words. But I set out to write something with more emotion and I wanted to write something different and I feel like I succeeded. I’m very emotionally attached to their characters in DWS too. It’s been hard to get my head out of that universe.
I’m putting the rest under a cut because this got really long.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Soft Wings. It was soooo hard to write at that time. I was just struggling to write anything at all and every single word of that fic was a giant pain in my ass. It was a bday gift and I actually decided not to do gift fics anymore because of how hard it was to write. The last gift fic I wrote was DWS and it was like 2 months late-- sorry about that @justafatbirdonaboat <3
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
So, this was actually difficult and I would rather include the sex scene I mention below in question 7, but it’s long and... it’s smut and I feel like dropping it in here with nothing leading up to it or after it takes a lot away from it. This is from DWS:
If he keeps himself busy enough, which he’s fairly successful with, he doesn’t have time to think about Harry and how once again he practically laid himself bare for absolutely no reason. It’ll fade, he knows that, but at the same time he doesn’t want it to. It’s how he finds himself going out of his way to some specialty store to find Harry’s organic cinnamon toothpaste. It’s why he bought some fancy vanilla candle for his bedroom. He’s fighting with himself over trying to forget and wanting to remember, because he knows that eventually it’ll be gone no matter what he wants. The toothpaste will be empty and the candle will burn down, and it’ll all become a distant memory.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
i got a super long and detailed comment on FAMD from one of my favorite drarry authors and bloggers that came at the perfect time when i was feeling really shitty about writing and also life in general. it was such a surreal thing for me because i was reading the comment and it was just super lovely and the whole time i was reading it i was like OMFG and fangirling lol
all of the comments on DWS from people who read it as a WIP. they were like some sort of super fuel for me. and it was... idk a special thing for me. i’ve never done a WIP before and idk if I ever will again. it just worked out with that fic because of the chapters and betaing etc. but every time i posted a chapter and people would comment on it, it was just... idk it meant a lot that anyone would follow along, i guess.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Writing Soft Wings, so late May, and then again after I posted DWS, I struggled with Sweating ’Til My Clothes come off. That was Reason #14 and literally NO ONE wanted to write that prompt, so I took it. Mainly though, my struggles have been with fics that either I’ve abandoned (the old version of DWS) or my unfinished sci fic au.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
i feel like everything i write surprises me. i’m constantly shocked that i write anything at all. i think that most of dws was surprising to me. i had a vague idea of what i wanted their personalities to be like, but the way they ended up was so much better than i thought they’d be. I MEAN, i legit thought that the entire fic would take place over 3 days and would end when the storm ended! and then the storm ended and i was like... wtf i’m not anywhere near finished with this. and then a scene specifically, umm... there’s a sex scene in ch 7 of dws that ended up being wayyyyyyyyyyy more emotional for me to write and it still makes me sad to read it. and i’m like 99.999999% sure if you’ve read that fic, you know what i’m talking about. i wrote that and immediately was messaging nic like “i’ve made myself sad with smut! what is wrong with me?”
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i’m much less messy, though i’m still messy. i think i was easier on my beta this year. less cliche (unless i’m cliche on purpose) and better at getting the emotions across? I DON’T KNOW @louandhazaf is better at this stuff. she answered a different question about this earlier in the year actually.
wait. also. i think i’m better at conceptualizing a story BEFORE i start writing. i still suck at it, but not as badly as last year. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
i’d like to write another long fic. i’d like to get better at developing secondary characters. i’d like to write more emotion into my fics. i’d love to be better at outlining and planning fics, but idk if that’s who i am lol 
tbh i’d like to be better at the part of writing that, up until this point, and to a certain point, come naturally to me. i don’t think about my character’s motivations or what they’re separate stories are or backgrounds and shit like that until i’m writing and sometimes i do it and don’t realize i’m doing it? i guess? I DON’T KNOW. coming from a math background and never having written or even taken a creative writing class or anything like that, like... some of the most important aspects of writing, i have no clue about them. at least that’s how i feel. a lot of what i do is just................. like me flying by the seat of my pants. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
this is my answer from last year and i’m just going to leave it because it’s still true.
NIC @louandhazaf​ my friend and forever beta. one day we’re going to take over the world. just depends which one of us is in charge of the brain that day as to whether it’s for good or evil.
however, i’ll add to this a bit. nic is the best cheerleader and beta and all of that. bouncing ideas around with her is always fun and always productive. we laughed so hard when we were talking about ideas for DWS. like... i think we both laughed so hard we cried. 
having writer friends -- so all of you -- has been such a positive thing for me. knowing that we all sort of go through the same shit makes it easier when it’s my own lol. 
specifically, i’ll say that @phd-mama influenced me with her fic ‘feels like coming home’ because i read that fic and when i finished i decided that i needed to write something with more emotion behind it, something with a really great (though not necessarily good) back story. the history between her characters in that fic..... idk a lot of it hit home for me. and because of that fic, i wrote DWS. so, thanks <3 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
ummmm... yes. let’s just say.......... yes.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
yes! write what makes you happy, even if that means writing something sad and depressing. but also try to challenge yourself to write things you’re not used to or things you haven’t done before. also, just write. you can edit later. put words down.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
my near misses fic, which is what i’ll call it until i title it, that i am super excited about (this one just came to me yesterday)
moodboard fic - it’s anon, so i can’t say anything other than that. i started it, but i think i’m going to start over. 
2 time stamps for ‘don’t want shelter’. one that takes place the summer they’re 13, and one that takes place between chapters 8 & 9, but before ‘let me in’
my sci fi au - it’s been kicking my ass for most of this year 
i have a fic idea where they go from friends to lovers, but it’s a long long road to get there. idk if i’ll get to it. it would be loooong. 
i want to do a valentines fic but idk if i’ll have time. i’d like my near misses fic to be for valentines, but that’s a lot of pressure on me and then on my beta.
28 proposals with jess @someonethatsfunny and if we want to do it for an advent fic for next year, i need to at least write a proposal per month. 
i want to do the new relationship travel the world fic with nic @louandhazaf that we’ve talked about co-writing, but we both have so much going on......... 
oh and the tiny penis fic series. which is 5 short fics that are not connected, but one of them has a tiny penis in each fic (it switches around and also maybe they both do in one fic)
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
I would like to tag all of my writer friends, sooo you’re all tagged. Also, this is more than 3, but idc
@dinosaursmate @allwaswell16 @letsjustsee @gaycousinlarry @goodmorningtoyouuniverse @assisreal (writing or art, saori! or both!) @prettytruthsandlies @someonethatsfunny @phd-mama ok i’ll stop tagging so that y’all will have people you can tag lol
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Thor: Love and Thunder - The Women Who Lifted Mjolnir
Turns out we're going to see Jane Foster Thor on the big screen, so let's look at all the women who have bludgeoned someone with Mjolnir!
One of the biggest pieces of news coming out of San Diego Comic Con is that Taika Waititi will be directing Thor: Love and Thunder, which will not only bring back Natalie Portman as Jane Foster (who bowed out after Thor: The Dark World and did some minor cameo stuff in Avengers: Endgame), but it will have her take control of Mjolnir. Following in the footsteps of Vision and Captain America, Jane will be showing everyone that she is indeed worthy.
Jane as Thor has been a pretty big part of Jason Aaron's lengthy Thor run, which only just ended. For a while, Thor Odinson believed himself unworthy to lift Mjolnir and the hammer instead fell into the hands of Jane. As with many instances such as this, the replacement hero lasted for a couple years before the original returned to the role and the status quo went back to normal. Hell, this isn't even Thor's first rodeo on this. We had Eric Masterson back in the 90s, but he didn't have boobs, so people didn't freak out about it as much.
There is precedent when it comes to Mjolnir being wielded by a lady. Here's look at Thor's more feminine history from Marvel Comics.
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So when it comes to the more modern version of Jane Foster Thor, you might as well just read Jim Dandy's Jane Foster as Thor Explained piece. I'm going to be minimally redundant on the subject and will instead discuss the original instance of the concept, even if it was non-canon.
One of the earliest What If? issues asked, "What if Jane Foster had found the hammer of Thor?" Chased around by rock aliens, Donald Blake was meant to discover a walking stick, smack it against a rock, and transform into the Mighty Thor with the stick becoming his hammer Mjolnir. Odin's plans are a little out there, but sure, why not. In this reality, Jane fell into the cave where the hammer was. Going through the same motions Blake went through, Jane transformed into a female Thor. Deciding to call herself Thordis, she rescued Blake, beat up the rock people, and became the world's most powerful superheroine.
She had plenty of identical adventures to mainstream Thor and even joined the Avengers (Giant Man took over Wasp's role when it came to undressing Thordis with his eyes), but as it goes, Loki had a big, sinister plot going on. In the end, Donald Blake returned to his Thor form and was given back Mjolnir. Thor shacked up with Sif, but Jane got the consolation prize of marrying Odin.
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Rogue's ability to carry Mjolnir didn't seem to come from worthiness, but absorbing Thor himself. During her first appearance where Mystique's gang of evil mutants attacked the Avengers, Rogue not only absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers and life force, but she did the same to Thor, leaving his body nothing more than a husk. Things didn't go so well for Rogue at first, as she accidentally killed her allies and Loki found her easy pickings to manipulate into overthrowing Odin and ruling Asgard.
Rogue saw through Loki's lies purely through witnessing Odin's heartbreak. In her mind, Thor appeared before her, explaining that all this time she was looking to fill the void in her soul and accepting her Thorhood would do just that. He told her, "Thor is not simply a person. Thor is an ideal, an example for others to follow. This is your fate, your true destiny! To be that ideal, to be Thor!"
read more: Who is Black Widow Movie Villain Taskmaster?
Rogue tore apart Loki's forces and picked up where her predecessor left off as the hero of Asgard and Midgard. Coincidentally, the inscription on her hammer was changed to say, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he – or she – be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
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In the 90s, Marvel and DC were personified as two giant, cosmic brothers who would fight for dominance until one universe was destroyed. lt was decided that these universes had to settle which reality would survive through a best of 11 series of one-on-one fights featuring heroes from their worlds. Trillions of lives seriously depended on Robin vs. Jubilee. Yikes.
One of the fights had Thor take on Captain Marvel. That's...ummmm...the DC Captain Marvel with the "SHAZAM" and all that. Thor won due to logic. Captain Marvel got his powers from lightning and Thor was the God of Thunder. Unfortunately, his victory transported Mjolnir elsewhere, where Wonder Woman found it. While musing about the definition of what is considered "worthy," she picked it up and became even more powerful than normal.
read more: Marvel Movies Release Schedule: Complete MCU Timeline
When faced with her Marvel opponent Storm, Wonder Woman decided to make the fight fair by dropping Mjolnir. Storm proceeded to zap her into oblivion, so I can only imagine a bunch of DC Universe civilians giving her the sarcastic thumbs up. "We're all going to be wiped out into oblivion, but you got to hold onto your honor. That's fantastic. We're happy for you. Really."
Later on, as the heroes of both worlds fought Darkseid and Thanos, Thor lost his hammer yet again. Wonder Woman casually handed it to him and it took Thor a second to realize that that shouldn't have been possible.
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The final issue of the long-running second volume of What If? featured a story based on the idea of Galactus and the Beyonder killing each other during Secret Wars, leaving the heroes and villains stranded on Battle World. 25 years later, there's mostly a sense of peace among former enemies and everyone had long settled down. The second generation included the offsprings of Wolverine/Storm, Thor/Enchantress, She-Hulk/Hawkeye, Human Torch/Wasp, Dr. Doom/Enchantress, Titania/Absorbing Man, and Molecule Man/Volcana. It also had Sarah Rogers, otherwise known as Crusader, the daughter of Captain America and Rogue.
How did that conception even happen? I'll leave that to you to figure out.
The heroic offspring worked together to take on the evil Vincent Von Doom, who, for the record, was a complete and utter punk compared to his pop. Crusader was magic'd away, but returned to the stronghold with Mjolnir in hand. Her boyfriend Bravado (Thor's son, Balder Blake) wasn't exactly thrilled that Crusader was worthy when he wasn't. Thor shrugged it off with a smile. If Mjolnir said she was all good, who were they to argue?
read more: The History of Marvel's Eternals Explained
Sarah Rogers was wielding Cap's shield and Mjolnir years before Superman ever did and unlike him, she was legitimately considered worthy. Impressive.
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In the alternate future of Earth X, it wouldn't have been all so interesting if the ageless Thor wasn't visually changed up in some way. Loki had tricked Odin into believing that Thor needed another lesson in humility and so Thor was turned into a woman, mainly for him to deal with being ogled by men all the time. Loki thought it was hilarious and joked about how he gave Hercules his consent to make a move on his sister.
Being a woman didn't really have much of an effect on the story, mainly because when it came to all the Asgardian goings on, Thor wasn't even the main hero. Rather, it was Loki, who came to realize that their entire existence was a sham and they needed to fight back. In the Earth X reality, the idea was that nearly everyone was linked to the mutant gene. Inhumans? Mutants. Spider-Man? Mutant. Fantastic Four? Mutants. Hulk? Mutant. The Celestials created a failsafe in the beings they tampered with so that when they evolved into life forms of unlimited power (such as Franklin Richards), they would become susceptible to the beliefs of others.
What I mean by that is that somewhere some aliens got so evolved that their powers were unlimited. They came to Earth and were molded by belief to be gods. Thor, Loki, Odin, Hercules, and so on were nothing but brainwashed aliens all along and didn't even realize it. Naturally, the Lord of Lies was the one to figure out that they were living lies.
read more: Thor 4 Villains We Want to See
It took a while for Thor to accept that Loki was telling the truth after all. She willed herself back into male form and became horrified. Eventually, the two joined forces and decided on what it was they wanted to be. Thor chose to be Donald Blake and exist as a doctor. Loki took over for his brother and transformed himself into the new Thor. But, you know, the kind of Thor that has a penis.
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Back in the day, Chris Claremont and Art Adams did a big two-parter that dealt with the X-Men and New Mutants being lured into Asgard by Loki. It was notable for Loki giving Storm a very Mjolnir-like enchanted hammer called Stormcaster. Upon realizing that she was being manipulated, she gave it up, as well as her status of Goddess of Thunder. It was just a ploy by Loki in the end, but if push came to shove, would Storm have been recognized as worthy to pick up the real deal Mjolnir?
Years later, after the Siege on Asgard, Thor visited Queen Storm in Wakanda. In the aftermath of Siege, he discovered a box with Storm's name on it. Opening up, they found Stormcaster. Storm was drawn to it and upon picking it up, she regained her goddess form and returned to Loki's sway. Thor tried to talk her down and had to get physical. Becoming lucid, Storm grabbed Mjolnir from Thor's hand and used it to smash Stormcaster to bits. She returned to her normal self and the two pondered the meaning of Loki's posthumous intentions.
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The What If? miniseries based on Age of Ultron was really cool outside of the bookends. The first issue is droll and depressing while the last issue is nihilistic and depressing. The series goes with the idea that Wolverine's constant time travel in Age of Ultron proper caused tons of problems across the multiverse. At random points in Marvel history, certain characters would see all the different alternate realities at once, have an aneurysm, and die. Then we'd see how history would be changed by their mysterious deaths.
Thor was in the midst of fighting the Midgard Serpent Jormungand, where they were meant to destroy each other and fulfill Ragnarok. Instead, Thor suddenly started screaming and keeled over. Without Thor to complete the prophecy, Asgardian monsters ran rampant across Earth. Flash forward later where the only team of heroes left was made up of Nick Fury, Black Widow, Silver Sable, Falcon, Shang-Chi, and Microchip. The team flew towards Jormungand and all the other monstrosities in a Quinjet, armed with a lot of stolen Dr. Doom tech. Widow jumped out of the plane and Microchip realized that they were merely a distraction (or as Fury put it, "sacrifice") for the real main event assault.
read more: The 100 Best Marvel What If Moments
Picking up Mjolnir, Black Widow flew right at the serpent. Decades later, Nick Fury told the story, bound to a wheelchair. He was the lone survivor and admired the statues commemorating Black Widow and her fallen Valkyries.
Unfortunately, the fifth issue decided to mash up everything by having Ultrons infest all the worlds brought up in the miniseries and wiping them all out until a handful of alternate reality survivors started their own Exiles knockoff on a dead world. So Goddess Black Widow survived with a couple other characters, but at the cost of four realities being wiped out completely. That's disheartening.
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For those who haven't read Marvel's massive Secret Wars event from 2015, here's the quick version: the multiverse was imploding upon itself and the only thing stopping total annihilation was the team of Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange, and Molecule Man. In the aftermath, all that was left was a planet called Battleworld made up of pieces of alternate universes. Every world that survived the implosion was recreated as a kingdom. Doom ruled as God and the Thors did his bidding as police sheriffs. Each kingdom would have someone deemed worthy enough to wield their own version of Mjolnir or a Mjolnir-like weapon.
read more: Secret Wars: A Look Back at the Tie-Ins
There were several hammer-wielders who were some variation of Thor Odinson, but many others got to shine. This meant a handful of women deemed worthy. I'd be here all day if I gave each one her own profile, so I'm just going to list them off: Jane Foster, Storm, Angela, Dazzler, Valkyrie, Gamora, Katherine Renner, Lila Rhodes, Sif, Susan Storm, Tarene, and Ti Asha Ra.
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Squirrel Girl's whole deal is that despite her ridiculous powerset, name, and appearance, she's one of Marvel's heavy hitters. She's the one who made her debut defeating Dr. Doom, after all. In one of her adventures, Doreen accidentally got cloned by a piece of Stark tech. While it was neat for her at first, it soon became apparent that her clone was evil.
The evil Squirrel Girl (named Allene to keep things less confusing) was able to overwhelm the original and went on to defeat pretty much all the Marvel heroes. She then stole a bunch of weapons from them, like an Iron Man gauntlet, Doc Ock arms, Hawkeye's arrows, etc. She couldn't budge Mjolnir, naturally. Doreen tried to stop her once again and was instead teleported to the moon, where she was doomed to suffocate.
Squirrel Girl's BFF squirrel Tippy Toe stole the Iron Man gauntlet and the teleporter, flew to Mjolnir's whereabouts, and teleported the hammer to the moon, next to Doreen's dying body. Moments later, Doreen (who was surprisingly never referred to as "Thoreen") appeared before Allene with a whole bunch of pissed off superheroes joining the fight. Once Allene was dealt with, Doreen gave the weapon back to Jane.
Gavin Jasper writes for Den of Geek and wouldn't mind seeing more of the whole Steve Rogers/Rogue romantic pairing. Read his other articles here and follow him on Twitter @Gavin4L
Read and download the Den of Geek SDCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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The Lists
Gavin Jasper
Jul 22, 2019
Thor 4
SDCC 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/2Ynw2Mw
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phantasmagorighoul · 7 years
beep boop so if you’re new to my blog (or hell even if you’ve been here a while) you probably noticed that 75% of the time, any of the gorillaz stuff i reblog or post about has to do with, very specifically, murdoc and noodle’s father-daughter relationship. now you’ve probably at one point went ‘ummmm why is this all she posts that’s kind of weird’ and i’ve got a nice lil explanation for anyone interested under the cut. tbh i wouldn’t have made a post like this if i didn’t feel like my weird fixation on their relationship didn’t rub off as odd bc i feel like it kind of does so there’s some personal junk under the cut and me being all nostalgic and stuff. if you’re tired of seeing father-daughter mud and nood blacklist ‘pickle dad’ and you won’t have to see it anymore, please don’t reblog thank u
ok so my family is a very musical one. everybody on my dad’s side drums (i’ve had drumsticks in my hands since i was 2 but it’s been soooo long i’d probably be garbage lol) and we’ve always had like 3 different types of music playing in different parts of the house at once it was really cool. but with that comes the love of watching music videos and my dad was always the one who loved to do that, so since i was a newborn he’d always sit in his rocker with me in his lap and we’d watch music videos together. THAT’S why i’m almost positive i’ve listened to gorillaz since phase 1 because we definitely saw clint eastwood, 19-2000 and all that good stuff, but i was just too young to remember it. but anyway
we found a lot of our favorite artists through music videos and that’s how we found gorillaz!! my dad always loved gorillaz but my earliest memory of it was seeing feel good inc and going OH YES THIS IS MY SHIT and making him buy me kidz bop 9 and forcing him and my mom to play feel good inc over and over whenever we were in the car. why we didn’t just buy demon days is beyond me but he probably didn’t think it was appropriate bc he was really insistent on not letting me listen to risque songs and i feel like he’d assume some of that was on there? but yeah phase 2 had us both hooked and feel good inc and dirty harry and everything was good. years went by and we still watched music videos together, and by this time i had an ipod so i watched less and less with him bc i had my own music. he’d still sit downstairs and watch them tho sometimes my brother would sit with him but he didn’t care.
phase 3 hits woo and the stylo music video comes out!! well my dad decides that this is the best damn song he heard in his life and fuckin blasted it whenever the video came on. he downloaded it and would just play it over the speakers too and let me tell you this fuckin song was always played so loud that you could be on the opposite side of the house and you could still feel the bassline right down into your bone marrow it was awesome
but he really liked murdoc!! he thought he was cool as hell with his lil bandanna and sweet car. stylo was one of the music videos that if i heard it, i would immediately go downstairs to watch it with him until it was over. the only other three that could do that were on melancholy hill, nanana by mcr, and big bang by rock mafia lol. besides that i always had a habit of latching onto the only female characters in things bc i liked girl characters. which there was a shortage of in things when i was little. so naturally i liked noodle!! loved that girl. she’s still my favorite believe it or not, it really doesn’t seem like it
but we’d always watch stylo and on melancholy hill and things were great. he was my best friend and we’d really bond watching those videos. a couple years later he suddenly decided that he was going to move out and left me heartbroken and really hurt for almost a year after, and he started being mean to me and saw me only once a week because i would fight with him bc i felt that he did the wrong thing, so i went from seeing him all the time to hardly ever and going from always hearing good music through the floor to radio silence. it was really tough and it still is, really, and we drifted apart and he usually just finds reasons to yell at me until i cry and it’s sad. we’re not very close anymore and there’s like a hole in my chest but it’s slowly healing itself so i’ll be ok. things have been slightly better but anyway
but listening to songs like stylo and on melancholy hill take me back to when i was 10 and would sit with him and sing along in our best impressions of mos def and bobby womack and damon albarn and when we were still close and things were ok. if i ask him to play stylo he’ll always put it on, he’s never told me no. he’ll blast it when we’re on the freeway and we’ll roll the windows down and for the 5 minutes it’s great. on melancholy hill either makes me really happy or cry bc it reminds me of the good times and if i close my eyes it really does feel like i’m 10 again, and now you’ve unlocked why stylo and melancholy hill are sentimental to me!!!
i knew that murdoc and noodle were close before el manana and he replaced her and everything, and i always thought of them as a sort of father and daughter but never really this intense. so once gorillaz came back in march and i was reading their interactions and saw the new art, i noticed that even though they probably were really distant towards each other in phase 3 after she got back, they were able to grow close again (even though it might not be as much as before) and i think i quietly wished that for myself. like it would be so nice to be close to my dad again. i tend to project myself onto noodle and him onto murdoc, but ONLY if they’re together. it’s odd. like i won’t do that if it’s just murdoc or just noodle, but if they’re interacting i’m like ‘woah. that’s nice. that would be nice. woah’ i’m probably describing this really weird i’m sorry but that’s what i kind of do at times and that’s why i reblog a shit ton of content bc they’re a happy father and daughter and it reminds me of the way my dad and i were when i was little and singing along to gorillaz with him. it's also a 50/50 chance that i'll project them at all; sometimes the art is just super sweet or really good so i'll reblog it anyway. god i hope that doesn’t sound really weird
i’m trying really hard to have him take me to the concert in detroit lol. he thought about it for a while before deciding it was too far away so i’ve been begging and trying to negotiate and he always just laughs at me and says i’m out of my mind but hasn’t yelled at me to stop asking yet, and i’m getting those tickets. i’m gettin em. i’m gett
anyway sorry for this junk. i just feel like i should explain it before anybody gets concerned that i have this weird appreciation for anything involving murdoc and noodle. i’m just a girl who misses her dad as all sorry sorry
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knittinganarchist · 7 years
the flower questions?? yeah bud do all of em go hard or go home
Ageratum: Are you friendly or wary of strangers?
I’m terrified of strangers but treat them unfailingly politely. It’s kinda the way your supposed to treat the fey; don’t trust them, but be very nice to them.
American Marigold: Is there anything you will not/cannot eat?
Keep your raw tomatos away from me pls. I don’t want their soggy soggy juices wetting my sandwiches/burgers/salads thank you.
Black-Eyed Susan: Have you ever given/received a black eye? Why?
I’ve never gotten or recieved a black eye because confrontation scares me and i avoid it At All Costs. 
Bleeding-heart: Do you open up freely with their emotions, or do you bottle it up until you burst? If you do hold it in, what is usually your breaking point?
I’m a big bottle of repressed emotional issues and worry 100%. My bursting point is usually after i’ve been too stressed for a couple of days and get over-tired, bc then i just start crying over something stupid, spill my guts to someone via text, and regret it absolutely the next day.
Butterfly-Weed: What is one thing that always makes you stop and admire, no matter what you were doing prior?
As someone who is both constatly distracted and looking for art ideas that a lot of things! Usually its either the outfits of people in town, or the sunset when im on the bus home of the evening. 
Common Yarrow: Do you easily blend in with the crowd, or do you wear/act so that you are noticeable and stand out?
Thats kinda tricky because i love wearing quirky opshopped clothed and ridiculous shirts, but i also kinda wear them in the hope that people wont bother me too much? I want to look cool, but not Too Cool.
Cornflower: Is there a color you don’t particularly care to wear? Is it because it clashes with your style, appearance, or any other reason outside of simple dislike for said color?
I don’t think theres a colour that i wouldnt wear? I dont wear a lot of green but thats more because i tend to gravitate to either warmer colours or crazy prints.
Creeping Zinnia: Do you listen into other people’s conversations, either idly or purposely? Has there been anything you learned from it? Have you gotten into trouble?
I absolutely do not. I feel so so terrible when i listen in and im so scared that they’ll say something very personal i should never hear. I wear headphones a lot of the time though so its not a huge problem.
Daylily: Do you have any daily routines/habits? Are they ingrained into you as a child or have they been recent additions?
I’m too scatterbrained to have too many daily habits, but the one that has carried over from my childhood is packing my bag the day before. For someone who worries a lot knowing im all ready for uni the next day, and having a vague idea of what i want to wear, is very helpful in helping me calm down before bed. 
Field Pansy: Have you ever gone and flown a kite before? Do you wish to do so if you haven’t?
Yes! There’s a big spare block up on a hill not far from my house, so when i was about 11 maybe(?) me and my neighborhood friends would make kites out of balloon sticks and rubbish bags, then ride our bikes up to the spare block.
Flowering Cabbage: Name one thing you keep, despite it being pointless or purposeless other than sentimental value or you simply cannot throw it away, and state the reason why you hang onto it.
Ummmm? Everything? I’m hopelessly sentimental. I’ve got clothes, books, letters, and dried flowers collected up simply because they remind me of happy times or people i care about.
Garden Impatiens: What causes you to lose patience? How do you react when you lose it?
Generally i have endless patience for others, but for myself? I’m constantly frustrated by my inability to concentrate for a long time, and when i’m trying to draw and it just Wont Work, usually that just leads to me just stewing in my annoyance for a few hours. 
Gooseneck Loosestrife: Is there anything strange or unusual you can do, or have noticed happening around you without an identifiable cause?
There’s nothing unsual that i can can do, although sometimes i wish that were true. Although i must say that art school has a ton of weird things i wish i could explain; like when you hear voices in a computer lab but you go in and its empty. Or the people who i swear i’ve never met before who stand outside the classrooms until you use your swipcard to let them in. 
Hosta: Do you enjoy the time out in the sun, or do you relax in the shade whenever you get the chance to do so?
I love the sun in every season except for summer, my pale pale skin cannot handle it at all so i stick to the shadows like a vampire. 
Ivy Geranium: Do you have any pets? If so, how are they doing?
I have a dog called Scruffy, who is cute but constantly a mess, and seven chickens all named after Doctor Who characters!
Japanese Bloodgrass: When was the last time you drew blood, either from yourself or from another? What was the reason?
I might have sliced my ankle shaving the other week because i was bopping along to the music i had playing and slipped...
Lady’s Mantle: What is one outfit you remember your mother/guardian wearing when you were a child?
My mum used to wear these striped tshirt dresses around the house all through summer, i actually got a few of these handed down to me!
Lambs Ears: Do you remember how old you were when the last time someone tried to censor their speech around you?
About 20mins ago... My mum was about to swear and just gave me a look before rephrasing hahah
Lavender: Is there a particular scent you are fond of? Do you smell this scent often or rarely?
I love lavender and rosemary in summer because it reminds me of the veggie patch that i planted near my back door a few years ago, but in winte hot chocolate and cinnamon are the best for feeling cozy.
Million Gold: How much money do you make, if any? How much money do you have currently?
I’m currently unemployed while i move out of home and settle in, but at the moment i’m housesitting so i think i get about $200 for the month, and then i dogsit again for someone else next month. Other than that my only income is from commissions..
Moss Phlox: Have there been any new friends you have made? What do you want to know about them the most?
Last saturday was my friend Katie’s birthday picnic and i met some lovely people there who i really hope i can stay in contact with.
Nasturium: Have you ever been the one to be told a secret? Did you keep it or did you share it with someone else? Was the secret worth being kept?
It’s not often people tell me secrets, but if they do tell me one i always keep it. I know how gross it feels to have someone betray your trust and i wouldnt do that deliberately to anyone. 
Ornamental Purslane: Do you wear any jewelry? Which ones are your favorites? Do you favor certain metals/gems/styles?
I don’t usually wear a lot of jewlery because i forget to change my earrings, and bracelets get in the way when im drawings, i used to wear a necklace all the time though. It was a teardrop shaped blue-goldstone on a silver chain, but my sister pulled it off when she was mad and it snapped. 
Rose Campion: If you had to fight, which one person would you chose to fight at your side? Would you pick them based on skill, on trust, or both?
I don’t know anyone personally who’d be any good in a fight so im going to have to say uhhhhhhh... either The Rock lmao bc he’d just punch danger in the face, or Ship ( @glumshoe ) because i just think he’d be prepared for even the weirdest stuff we could encounter.
Salvia-May-Night: What your habits/rituals you do when preparing for bed? How long do you usually sleep for?
The classic shower, facewash, text people who make me happy, and reluctantly set an alarm so i’ll get to class on time. I usually sleep fine all night no matter how early/late i go to bed, but i always wake up at 8am and have to check my phone to see if im late for anything.
Snapdragon: What sort of things would you hoard, if given the chance? Would you?
So so many things, its a good thing i dont have the chance. Books? Art supplies? Cool dresses? Pot plants? 
Snow-In-Summer: Would you rather have winter or summer? What are the benefits or reason to your preferred season over the other?
Autumn all the way. I love the coloured leaves and windy days, and its the perfect inbetween weather thats not too hot or cold.
Sunflower: Name one thing that will always make you smile.
Finding the perfect ugly/cool dress in the back of an opshop
Thread-leaf Tickseed: Are you an insect-magnet when you go outside, or do you insects generally leave you alone?
If im at home? for sure, i get a lot of beetles bothering me. But if im in the park at uni not so much for some reason.
Variegated Solomon’s Seal: What is one thing you wished you could seal away and never see/feel/use/etc again? Why?
99% of highschool to be honest, just a lot of Not Fun stuff.
Wheat Cockscomb: Name one thing you could do that you wished you could do, but cant?
Speak literally any language, i feel like it would open a lot of travel option up for me
Yellow Cosmos: What is your favorite constellation? Why? 
Cassiopeia! I just thought it was a neat myth, and also i used that as a name for a character in a grade 8 story story lmao.
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