#and unless my bodys a prankster
theblehthatbloos · 6 months
I'm out of the hospital, turns out I have some kind of emotional trauma that's making my body try to suffocate itself, honestly same but what a bitch way to do it. Making it so I can barely breathe but I still have 99% oxygen and my vitals are good. Fuckin' hell dude. Anyways wish me luck in figuring that out, didn't make a lot of progress crying in the parking lol at 4am while waiting for an Uber after the news that my mind and body have disconnected or something, but check the bracelet swag
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bloodyinkandquill · 16 days
Ghostwalker x prankster ghost Reader
apologies for this one being so late! i was working on other stuff and like mentioned before this blog, as much as id lit it to be, cannot be my priority
- Sure being a ghost sucked, but you had found ways to keep it exciting, while some other ghosts cried and moped around almost all of the time you learned how to interact with the living world, and after enough time you could temporarily possess living demons
- It was hilarious, the pranks that would bewilder or lightly scare the demons they were aimed at, while you laughed hard, you never intended to hurt anyone with your pranks, you were 90% sure possession didn’t hurt the demons but it did make them cold you noticed
- One day when you went to hop into someone’s body, as you went to suddenly you were stopped by some force causing you to go back and rub your head, now that should not have been possible unless you focused on it you shouldn’t be able to touch anything in this world, you can pass through objects, when you looked up to see what happened your face dropped
- Standing in front of you was Ghostwalker, the deity of the dead and their souls giving you an unamused expression, well that’s how you read it at least, based on the demon not reacting you figured he was only showing himself to you or to the dead
- He asked what you thought you were doing attempting to possess a living demon, you stuttered something out about wanting to tie their shoelaces together or something and he just looked sorta confused at that, you said you just wanted to prank them, he then asked what a prank was, that was surprising but you explained it, he clarified you had no intention of harming the demon or anything, he seemed perplexed by it and asked if every time you had possessed a demon it was for these pranks
- You explained you just liked getting a laugh, especially when most of the other ghosts here were boring as hell or to focused on completing their unfinished business so they could pass on, you just wanted some humor in your unlife, he was still confused but he seemed to understand more, you then asked if he could tell anytime you possessed an alive demon, he explained yeah, being his domain it would be a bit odd if he couldn’t, he then said if you had no intentions of harming demons he had other business to attend to, you told him wait, you were so lonely could you just accompany him, you missed talking to people since most ghosts weren’t that conversational
- He said fine and you floated along as he walked through the world of the dead on his way to take care of other matters, you started joining him commonly going through his domain and talking, he thinks you’re a peculiar ghost, he’s never met one like you, and he’s met a lot of ghosts since he spawned with his siblings, so when he began to catch feelings he confused the feelings since he had never felt them before with curiosity
- When one day during a conversation, he mentioned the odd feelings in his chest and you realized what it was, he was taken aback by it, that shouldn’t have been possible, you decided to give it a shot, it’s not like there’s many ghosts you can date when they are all so boring, so the god of ghosts suffices
- Being with him was interesting, you could actually touch and interact with him, outside of possession you hadn’t felt that in a long time, and especially never the romantic and loving touches you received from him, him holding you gently, putting his forehead against yours, it all felt so loving it made you melt, sometimes actually melting into the ground as a joke, he’d look at you unamused but it made you laugh so he was never truly bothered
- You played small little pranks on him here and there, he usually didn’t react besides for an eyebrow raise but you thought they were funny, you always loved pranking people and joking around, hearing other people’s laughter brought a smile to your face
- One day though he found you sitting against your grave, you weren’t smiling something he rarely saw, he sat by you letting you lean your head on him, he asked why you didn’t work towards finishing your business so you could pass on, you said you were scared, you didn’t want to and if you did you’d have to leave him, even if usually people didn’t laugh playing pranks even for a second made you feel alive again, you just wanted it all back, before him you were so lonely, you missed being alive but you don’t miss the life you had
- Ghostwalker let you talk, never interrupting as you let all your emotions out, about being dead and wishing for life again, looking at your grave, where flowers once played had long died, only you could see where they once were
- He held you close telling you that even if in life no one loved you he loved you in the afterlife and isn’t that enough? You broke and sobbed into his sweater, he didn’t mind, even though you soiled his sweater with tears and snot he just whispered reassuring things rubbing your back softly as you let it all out, from there he brought you somewhere else, his domain was the afterlife but there was a secret part where only he could access, ghosts had no clue it existed and the living had even less of a clue
- It was a meadow, full of pale grass and a soft sky, he said he went here for a break, when he needed to recharge from dealing with souls all day, so much death around him, sure he was desensitized but sometimes even he needed a little rest, it was beautiful and he told you that you could stay here as long as you’d like, and if you left you could return anytime, and if you’d like him to add something to it he would, anything for you
bit more angsty then i intended but oh well, again this one is more like a story then general hcs based on the request but it’s fine, think it came out good
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homestuckreplay · 4 months
Prankster's Gambit: Alien Edition
Well, there was no Homestuck update yesterday, but I did watch Mac and Me, so that was basically a double hit of bad things. This movie sucks ass. If you are looking for a bad movie to watch with friends and make fun of, I would recommend it, but there is literally no other reason to watch this movie. 
Unless you are John Egbert, I guess - and I would LOVE to hear what he likes about this movie. My guess is that 1) he really wants to meet a friendly alien, and 2) he respects that this specific alien has the prankster’s gambit. Similar to Ghostbusters, where John loves the ghost who just eats food and hangs out with humans, John can totally imagine himself in Eric’s shoes - hanging out with Mac and befriending him even when other people are scared of him. 
I also wonder if John wishes he had a sibling. As a kid in the 2000s, other kids in his neighborhood probably don’t play outside. The idea of sharing his house with someone who’s more on his level, where they can mutually prank each other and share solidarity against his dad must be really appealing to him. (On p.92, we learn that ‘DAD will enjoy the prankster's gambit on that exchange, as is usually the case.’ John would love a more even stakes, equal opportunity prankster’s gambit with a sibling and/or alien).
All three of John’s movies so far have dealt really heavily with family, but this is the first that’s about siblings. John’s mom has never been mentioned, and I’d guess she hasn’t been around since John was really young, and that’s why John doesn’t have any siblings (at least not that live with him, depending on what happened to his mom). His dad either doesn’t want to remarry, is too busy clowning, or wants to focus on spending time with his son instead of going out on dates.
There’s also 3) Mac is the character John relates to. Mac is an alien kid who finds himself dropped in a suburban neighborhood and has to learn the ‘rules’ of living in it, despite being wanted by the government. I don’t think John is literally an alien or wanted by the government, but I can see how he’d relate if he feels like he’s struggling to fit into ‘normal’ life, and is scared of the consequences if he fails to do so. The movie ends with Mac and his family just becoming a very normal American family, driving a car and drinking Cokes, seemingly accepted by everyone else as part of the neighborhood. John wishes it would be so easy to fit in.
SPEAKING OF THE COKES. These aliens are constantly drinking Coke, and I know it’s product placement, but I was so worried about them the whole way through. That cannot be good for them. They must have completely different digestive systems and sustenance needs than humans do! When Mac ‘didn’t feel so good’ I was like, yeah, all you put in your body is Coke! These aliens need a doctor, or a nutritionist, or some sort of…. ectoBiologist?
Final thoughts: I think John’s dad also showed him E.T., and John’s review was ‘this isn’t as good as Mac and Me’.
MOST RECENT MOVIE: Mac and Me (1988) - Rating 2/10
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
bump in the night // alex albon
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summary: y/n hates being scared, so when alex freaks her out on movie night, he takes advantage of that. or, where alex pranks y/n until he really can’t explain why the lights suddenly went out
pairing: alex albon x female reader
warnings: alex being a prankster, very small itty bitty (oral) smut scene towards the end. fear of the dark, mentions of appendicitis and alex's recovery. 'daddy' is used in a joking and non-sexual context.
authors note: the cozy collection is almost complete and i'm actually getting so emotional??? unless i can pull more ideas out of a hat, it's just charles and george left and then i start planning for christmas
it was dark and windy outside, curtains drawn closed and windows shut, pumpkin scented candles burning on the coffee table. y/n and alex were curled up next to each other on the couch, a plush calvin klien blanket thrown over the duo, y/n's hand clutching on to alex's as she jumped.
the driver laughed under his breath as y/n elbowed him in the chest.
"i thought you said that this movie wasn't scary!"
"i didn't think that it was!" alex defended, rubbing at the sore spot on his ribs
"well, you were wrong!"
"you weren't unsettled when we watched silence of the lambs! how is this one scary?"
"because it just is!"
alex laughed, straightening on the couch before kissing the side of y/n's head and putting an arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on his well-built body. "let me protect you, sweetheart."
"jackass." she said softly, lacing alex's fingers with hers.
the movie finished half an hour later. alex said that he was going for a shower and y/n set about cleaning up the living room, trying to take her mind off the gory movie that had just finished.
she blew out the pumpkin spice candle, placing the glase bell-jar lid back over top of the wax before she folded the blanket, humming to herself as she tidied.
without warning, the room was plunged into darkness, the haolgen bulbs set back in the ceiling blinking out. the sudden descent into darkness caused the young woman to jump, hitting her knee on the corner of the coffee table as she yelped.
the lights came back on, and she saw alex standing by the switch, trying desperately not to laugh.
"alexander albon!" she shouted. "that was so not funny!"
his hair was damp. he had just gotten out of the shower. the idea had come to him while he was washing the last of the red dye out of his hair, when he thought about a way to bring in the halloween spirit.
"it was a little bit funny!"
y/n rolled her eyes. "i hit my knee on the table. it's gonna bruise like hell now."
"sorry, baby." alex said quietly, moving closer and pulling y/n into his arms. "how about you leave the rest of the tidying for the morning, and we go snuggle underneath the mountain of blankets waiting for us in the bedroom" he lowered his voice, whispering in y/n's ear. "and i'll protect you from all the things that go bump in the night."
the next incident was three days later, she was working on a paper for her contract law class, earbuds in and effectively dead to the world. alex was out with patrick for his morning run and training session, trying to keep in shape for suzuka without over exerting himself or pulling any stitches from his operation.
y/n wouldn't be joining him due to her midterm exams.
she'd missed the last four races because of school, with an exception for her flight out to italy after he was admitted into surgery, frantically emailing her professors and calling it a 'family emergency'.
her fingers flew across the keyboard, laptop screen reflecting off her blue light glasses. she truly was in a world of her own.
which is where alex got that terrible, horrible, no good idea.
he had just come back from training with patrick, soaked in sweat and exhausted. and that's when he saw y/n: poking his head through the living room doorway to see her curled up under the blankets, lit candle on the table next to her.
how funny it would be, he thought, to sneak up on her?
and that's just what he did, creeping into the room on the tippy-top of his toes, devilish grin on his face.
she looked so peaceful like that. serene, almost, as she started at the screen, then at her notes and back, delicate fingers flying across the keyboard.
she was so concentrated, that when she felt the pressure on her shoulders, there was nothing she could do but scream, leaping out of the chair with enough effort that it fell over onto alex's socked feet, and y/n almost tumbling over the desk behind her as she turned to face her attacker, yanking out her airpods.
"alex? what the fuck!"
alex was lying on the ground, where he had fallen, startled, after she got up from her chair. he was laughing like mad, bringing his hands up to sheild his face as she playfully nudged him in the ribs with her foot.
"sorry, baby! it's just too easy!"
y/n rolled her eyes. "jokes on you, you're not getting laid tonight."
"you taste so good, darling. i'm going to miss this while i'm gone."
y/n moaned, throwing her head back against the cabinets as she fought the urge to clench her thighs together around alex's head.
it was an unholy scene in the couple's kitchen: y/n was perched on the countertop, cable knit sweater bunched up over her hips, alex's warm, large hands keeping her thighs spread wide as he slowly licked at her sopping core.
there was no rush on either side, alex intent on making this moment last as long as possible before he was due to fly to japan. one of his least favorite parts of surgery recovery was being told that he couldn't participate in 'vigorous activity', sex falling under that category.
now that he had been medically cleared to race (because that was still a grey area in singapore), the driver was trying to make up for lost time.
"ah, alex!" y/n whined, running her fingers through his hair. "i need more. can you go a little faster, please."
he didn't pick up the pace, instead wasting no time in inserting two fingers, knuckle deep. y/n found herself clapping a hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming in pleasure and concerning the neighbors.
"mhm, don't cover your mouth, babygirl. i want to hear every little sound that you make for me."
"oh god, alex!"
it wasn't long before she came on his fingers, breathing heavy and covered in a cold sweat as alex pressed a warm cloth to her thighs to clean her up.
"do you have to go to japan? can't you let nyck drive again, say something went wrong with your recovery?" y/n said quietly, her forehead resting against alex's, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"i wish i could, darling. i know you hate it when i leave."
she slid off the counter, pulling alex in for a hug and resting her head on his chest. "at least i have time off for texas."
"at least you'll be in texas. i'll call you every day, regardless of the time difference."
"i wouldn't expect anything less." y/n gently pulled away, picking up her jeans and panties from the tile floor. "i'm gonna go for a shower, and then maybe we curl up on the couch together and watch a not scary movie?"
alex chuckled, kissing her gently. "of course, my love. whatever you want."
"and could you clean the counters for me? you know, since it's your fault they got dirty in the first place?"
alex rolled his eyes, but the truth was that y/n had him wrapped so well around his finger that he would pretty much do anything for her.
y/n was in the shower, warm water cascading over her back as she ran her shampoo-covered fingers through her delicate strands of hair, cinnamon bun-scented soap bubbles dripping down her limbs.
alex was in the kitchen, lysoling the entire counter where the couple had their earlier escapades. for reasons alex couldn't explain, the kitchen had quickly become his favourite place to fuck. there was something about the simple domesticity of it all that really turned him on. for that reason, the kitchen was always fully stocked with lemon scented lysol.
the outage was sudden, the house plunged into total darkness with no explanation. alex dropped everything the moment that he heard y/n scream.
she hated the dark, she always had. so when her shower was plunged into darkness and she was momentarily unable to see her hands in front of her face, so couldn't stop the terror creeping in.
"alex!" she shouted stumlbing out of the shower and groping the tile wall for her plush bathrobe. "if this is some kind of foreplay for you, i swear to god!"
alex almost tripped ober his own feet as he charged up the stairs, pushing the bathroom door open. the shower was off, but the steam was still heavy in the air. he knew y/n was terrefied of the dark, that's why when he turned the light out to be funny, it was never for longer than half a minute.
never long enough for the terror to set in.
"y/n, sweetheart? i'm right here, everything is okay." he said, using his phone flashlight to find her in the cavernous bathroom. the navy blue paint on the walls only seemed to make the dark room feel smaller as he pulled his girlfriend into the safety of his warm embrace.
"it wasn't you, right? the lights, i mean."
"the ones in the kitchen won't turn on. i think its an outage."
"fuck." she wrapped her still-damp arms around alex, hiding her face in the side of his neck. she was starting to relax until she heard a crash come from downstairs.
"what the fuck was that?" alex asked, nerves on edge. "babe, stay here."
she shook her head. "please don't leave me alone up here."
"right, right. i'm sorry, just stay behind me, okay?"
they walked down the stairs together, y/n always one stair behind alex, fingers digging into his shoulders as the driver held his phone out, the small flashlight illuminating the kitchen as the couple walked towards the patio door.
"can you see anything?" y/n asked, voice shaky.
alex shook his head. "not yet."
anxiety was high as there was another sound coming from the living room, something that sounded like a candle jar falling onto the plush carpet. they both jumped, and y/n was sure that her nails were going to cut through the fabric of alex's t-shirt, leaving marks in his tanned skin.
two dark shapes padded across the lving room floor, darwing closer and closer to the couple as y/n tried not to freak out.
"alex, they're coming closer!"
the driver moved back quickly, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he tried to escape, shining his flashlight on the floor before he burst into laughter.
y/n, who had her eyes clamped shut, didn't see what alex saw. "what is it, why are you laughing?"
"babe, open your eyes. everything is okay. it's just the cats."
she opened her eyes and let out a massive sigh of relief as she looked down and saw the housecat snuggle up to her bare leg. she laughed to herself before she bent down and scooped gucci into her arms, holding the cat close and burying her nose in his fur.
"you gave mama quite a scare, little one." she said quietly, chuckling to herself as alex picked up horsey. "grab my laptop while we're down here, we can watch a dvd in bed."
alex grinned. "i think i have a copy of talladega nights lying around here somewhere."
"babe, i will do a lot of things for you, but subjecting myself to talladega nights is not one of them." smiling to herself, she turned back to the cat in her arms. "what's daddy like, hm guc?"
"well if you keep talking like that," alex hummed, sliding 'hocus pocus' off the dvd shelf. "we won't even make it past the opening credits."
"in your dreams, albon."
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wolpatinga · 5 months
I came from your fic earlier.. how do you feel about the act of heart “de-clawing” himself? If soul and mind truly see him as dangerous then what is stopping him from relenting and offering himself up? An eye for an eye, his throat for mind’s. Even if he can’t harmonize (sing) anymore and even if he can’t feel the same way he used to, at least he isn’t alone? Where is the line for soul and mind?
hello anon!!! thank you for the ask. i'm gonna get weird for a sec
so in my opinion, that sort of action comes from someone demanding it. he could offer himself as a sacrifice, but i don't see soul or mind wanting that. heart does have an inflated ego and assumes the other two are out for blood, when really everyone's just tired and wants the war to be over. i'm working on two companion pieces for the fic that'll go over the other two's perspectives, but all i can say for now is that they're pissed that he ran off, and even moreso because he stayed missing for a full month (i made a timeline to keep track of it all. he was only gone for a month)
getting back on track: heart wants to be needed. he wants the other two to break down their facades and come crying to him. he wants the chance to be the strong one and to flex his emotional intelligence. he is kidding himself. mind and soul are both in denial about who and what they are. they believe that they're still capable of change, of being better, unlike heart. heart knows who he is and who he is kinda sucks
i see heart as being like loki. like, classic loki, from the myths. he's odin's younger brother, and he started out as an affable and harmless prankster. but he's careless. he breaks things. and everyone around him is sick of sweeping up the shards, and they're sick of his selfishness. they're sick of how he's constantly trying to outdo himself. they're sick of him assuming what they need from him
until eventually it reached a breaking point. in the myth of how thor's hammer was forged, loki is trying to pull a harmless prank that backfires and disfigures thor's wife. thor pinned loki down when he found out and threatened to break every bone in his body over and over, knowing that loki's divinity would always heal him back. thor threatened to keep loki in that eternal state of misery unless he could right his wrongs. this leads to hijinks to get a prosthethic and other gifts to placate the other gods, but that intro is the sorta vibe i was going for when i was talking about mind's clock eye. heart didn't mean to take an eye, but it happened anyways, and heart now lives in fear of mind following through on his threats
but hms, like the gods, exist outside of mortality. so even the worst sins fade into nothingness. the other two don't want to hate heart. they want the cycle to end. mind and soul know that he only wants to keep things light. they know that he cares about them. but they also know that heart is reckless and unchanging. even if he were declawed, he'd find a knife or gun or some new terrible thing and keep doing what he always does
heart can swear seven ways from sunday that he'll be better this time, but it won't change a thing. you can't rip out someone's throat to rewire their brain. and as logical as mind claims to be, he's only as educated as whole is [college dropout]. he's not a genius, and he should NOT try to lobotomize heart to fix him
but heart would if mind asked. there is no limit to what he'd give up if it meant he could sleep peacefully in the house again and to get back what they lost. that is all he wants, and that is all that he can't have. he's less than a man, and he's detached from reality. he's obsessive about the other two, and he needs them more than they'd ever admit they need him
he could offer himself up for violence, but what he needs is the kind of inner peace that comes from knowing that the others around you appreciate your presence. that is something the other two can't give him, and so he remains obsessive, selfish, and defensive
i hope this answers your question
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blackestfang · 7 months
(Tw: su1c1d3 mention)
Document #1
I have spent the last few weeks gathering samples of each blossom type. I have made a small garden of red blossoms here by known as ‘Critter blooms’ in one of the unused rooms in my castle for fluttershy to have a safe way of gathering it. I dare not allow any of my specimen outside of controlled areas unless I know where they are going and who has them.
Each flower is in a small container each locked requiring a spell to open in a lab I set up for research on them. I have also locked the room with a different spell preventing anypony from entering. I’ve sent a letter to princess celestia with a list of requests for my studies and their purpose.
Subject #1 blue parablossoms (poison joke)
I have the most experience with this specimen and information on poison joke is readily available for many to read in different form. I hold this sample of Poison joke for the sake of testing them against their crossbreed subspecies.
Subject #2 yellow parablossoms (pricky bloom)
When acquiring my sample of the flower I was able to receive more proper information than I had before. Locals to where these flowers are found call them ‘Pricky Blooms’ so I shall do the same. I have gone a head and touched the specimen, I felt slight irritation where small thorns sat on my hoof. Shaking my hoof was enough to remove most of the thorns then wiping down with a cloth removed the rest.
Subject #3 red parablossoms (Critter blooms)
Fluttershy named these flowers as though they were known of not many ponies dealt with them as they are afraid to touch the leaves with their mouths. This is another reason on why I am hosting the garden for fluttershy and preparing bottles of them for her animals. According to Angle “these aren’t as good as carrots but they are pretty sweet.” As translated by Fluttershy. When asked if there is anything to compare the taste to I was told “maybe a strawberry? But there’s a bit of cherry and apple too.” Perhaps the red color and red food have a link? I’ll pick up the three and see if I can recreate the flavor.
Subject #4 green parablossoms (deadly rash)
The one behind me even starting this, I know the name is lazy but this is just what we called it in the hospital. The name was the concern in that moment as the rapid infection rate and need to cure was priority. There are several steps to the infection and death and the only one of the main 6 blossoms that is contagious.
Stage 1: pony touches the flower small spurs on the leaves dig into the skin leaving thousands of the seeds of the plant inside the victim. Even when shredded these spurs are so small they remain in tact which is rather concerning. Even at this early stage they can already infect others treatment however is a simple steroid shot and cleaning of the area that came in contact with it.
Stage 2: the flower starts to bud inside the body, pushing the nerves and irritating them to cause a rash and severe itching. Fresh spurs poke from the opening pores on the body allowing them to spread to surfaces and others. Early stages of this can be treated with a combination of ingesting the cure for poison joke and the previously mentioned shot and cleaning. It is the later stages that surgery is required.
Stage 3. The flower is exposed to light as the skin is torn away, the roots have settled deep wrapping around bones. If the roots are not to deep or they are late stage 2 where the flower is beginning to peak surgery to remove the flower can be done followed by a steady treatment process over time so far we are yet to let any of the surgery patients out of the hospital.
Stage 4. At this stage it is too late, more flowers will have bloomed and begun to take nutrients from the host and restraining them, I was required to levitate several of these victims into the forest.
Stage 5: death, the flowers have drained the body and created a rather haunting image of their corpse frozen and blossoming in flowers. To be honest I nearly threw up when I saw royal pin’s body.
Subject #6 orange parablossoms (eternal agonies)
I was nearly tackled when I was retrieving this specimen, local wildlife professionals keep an eye on the area to prevent contact with the flower that they informed me are called ‘eternal agonies’ needless to say they do in fact live up to that name. When I explained who I was and my plan to create a possible cure for the flower I was permitted to bring back my specimen as well as being provided notes I didn’t have before.
Stage 1: just like Deadly rash, Eternal agonies are covered in tiny spurs among the petals. However the only current cure is amputation of the limp, as the spurs inject a painful but not deadly toxin into the body. Preventing the flow of blood is the only way to stop it from reaching the heart where stage 2 begins. According to the documents victims note ‘a sharp stinging pain in the area along with heat’
Stage 2: the toxin has entered the heart and working through the body. The stinging pain has ‘become a stab with a jagged weapon’ through out the body, they also report ‘burning like standing in a fire in their organs’ at this point there is not cure though I intend to change that everyone who has reached this stage has taken their life to end the pain. May their souls find rest.
Subject #6 purple parablossoms (lucid smoke)
I had to disguise myself in order to obtain my specimen and infiltrate unsavory clubs for several days. The petals of the plant are passed around at this clubs where they are held under the nose, burned, and when the smoke hits your nose you are to stomp it out to prevent more from entering. I faked doing this to earn trust as being an Alicorn I fear what might happen should I fall under the effects. I wasn’t able to study the effects or get any notes in this time frame but I was eventually able to buy a flower for myself though it cost me over a thousand bits.(note to self pay back the loans you took to pay for this quickly)
Once I hear back from the princess I will decide how I shall proceed with my testing. Until then however the culprit is yet to be found, we have narrowed down the suspects but color blindness alone won’t aid us. Rainbow says to punish them all for what they’ve done but thankfully fluttershy was able to calm her down, sadly pinkie still won’t leave her room except for the bathroom and food.
I’ll make you suffer ‘prankster’ I swear this upon the princesses and my friends.
- signed Princess Twilight Sparkle
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
DC | The Watchers
It's time I finally give the full introduction of my anti Batfam group, the Watchers. I've mentioned them in relation to two of my OCs who are members, Fatale & Crimson. I've given the gist of them on this post so I'll mostly be talking about the members here.
Jonah Yates | Cybiotic
La'Frida Nile | Sirena
Vicia Lopez | Crimson
Jahzara Nwadike | Fatale
Will Vaughn | Allure
Aviva Santos | Copycat
Miguel Ramirez | Forger
Serilda von Meier-Berger | Duchess
Jonah Yates | Cybiotic: Jonah is the leader and founder of the group. Contrary to what everyone believes, he actually used to admire Batman until he started to see how every vigilante that appeared in Gotham was either an associate of his or within proximity of him. Not to mention the whole "No Metahumans except Duke" rule really killed Jonah's respect for the caped crusader.
With no other options, Jonah decided he'd take matters into his own hands. He and his friend La'Frida traveled around Gotham recruiting young Metahumans who had became disillusioned by Batman to join their organization. Within a few months, they had 100 members with them as the leaders.
As his code name implies, Jonah's Metahuman ability is to use the nanobots in his bones and blood cells to create cybernetic enhancements to his body. He is the strongest of all the Watchers, hence why he's the leader.
La'Frida Nile | Sirenia: Originally from Coast City, La'Frida moved to Gotham after her parents divorced and her mom remarried. She lived in the same neighborhood as Jonah and the two quickly became friends. She had no opinion of Batman until one night. Her family was sleeping when their apartment was destroyed by Bane, whom was fighting Batman.
Even though Bruce Wayne offered to pay for the repairs, it soured La'Frida's opinion of Batman permanently. When Jonah proposed the idea of the Watchers to her, she was immediately on board and joined him in recruiting Metahumans from around the city.
La'Frida's Metahuman powers are based off mermaids/sirens-- including her alluring, supersonic song, water manipulation, and more.
Vicia Lopez | Crimson: Vicia is the first members of the group. A Metahuman from Bludhaven, Vicia ran away from home so her parents could be safe from her powers. Along the way, Vicia got herself into trouble with both the local gangs and police, and was thrown into juvie as a result. She dislikes Batman and his family because they don't care about Metahumans unless they're what she calls "Batman approved".
When she was released from juvie, Cybiotic and Sirena approached her with an offer to join their Metahumans only organization. Vicia accepted the offer and became the first official member of the Watchers.
Vicia's Metahuman power is blood control. She can forcefully pull the blood out of others and herself without any type of opening such as a wound. The stability of her power is tied to her emotional state and as a result Vicia must exercise great emotional control so her powers don't go haywire.
Will Vaughn | Allure: Will is a Metahuman from New Jersey and probably the most laidback of the members. They're also one of the few members that doesn't have any ties to the Batfamily. Will joined because they had a hard time making friends and thought that joining the Watchers would help them make lots of friends.
Will has no ill will towards the Batfamily, they just find them kinda annoying and bratty, especially Tim Drake.
Will's power is illusions via sweet scents. They can emit a person's favorite scents that taps into their pheromones and makes them see happy or positive illusions.
Aviva Santos | Copycat: A Metahuman originally from Panama, Aviva has a reputation for being a trickster and prankster. Aviva has a grudge against the Batfam because Nightwing destroyed their favorite mall while she was shopping and he was fighting a bad guy.
Aviva is also the youngest member of the Watchers at 13 years old.
Aviva's powers are their code name. She can copy the appearances, voices, and abilities of anyone she comes into any type of contact with for up to 24 hours.
Miguel Ramirez | Forger: Miguel probably has one of the most valid reasons to dislike Batman. His family's business was destroyed by a bomb the Joker planted and as a result, his family fell into large amounts of debt. But even with the money Bruce Wayne gave them wasn't enough to recover from the devastation. From that day, Miguel grew to resent Batman and everything he did.
When an opportunity to best his former hero came along, Miguel took it and joined the Watchers without any hesitation.
Miguel can generate liquid metal and heat it to high temperatures to become solid and change its shape or form.
Serilda von Meier-Berger | Duchess: The only daughter of two wealthy German immigrants, Serilda got the short end of the stick when she discovered her Metahuman powers. She is another member that has no connection to the Batfamily; simply joining the Watchers to get an understanding of her newfound powers.
Serilda's the one providing the money for the entire operation thanks to her massive wealth, becoming the treasurer of the Watchers.
Serilda's powers allow her to generate crystals on her body. These crystals are more harder and have more luster than others, making Serilda a threat when exposed to any kind of bright light.
Jahzara Nwadike | Fatale: Jahzara is the Watchers' most remarkable member as she is the first human to be accepted into their ranks. What she lacks in Metahuman powers she makes up for in her other skills such as martial arts, swordsmanship, and agility.
Middle child of a successful Nigerian businesswoman, Jahzara doesn't have any beef with Batman, but Bruce Wayne himself instead. She sees Wayne Enterprises as a threat to her mother's business and joined the Watchers as a way to use their connections to gain access to them in order to take them down.
@calciumcryptid @autisticichihime @peachyblkdemonslayer
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Hay I got a really interesting ask involving Chris: split personality: imagine if Chris met the Kents, more specifically Clark, Kara, Conner and (10 year old) Jon, as Chris and spend time with them as Chris but as things go on the kents run into Chris siding with the zod's and acting different than how they first met him and Chris calls himself lou-zod after everything when Chris meets the Kent's again as is real self they harbor some hostility towards him which confuses him and after a while the zod's explain what's happening with him:
1: what are the Chris and zod personality's like?
2: how would Chris first meet the Kent's?
3: how would Chris get along with the Kents?
4: how shocked would Clark, Kara Conner and Jon be to see Chris siding with the zod's and calling himself lou-zod?
5: how would lou-zod act towards the Kent's/el's
6: up on meeting the Kent's again and after the hostilities how confusing and sad would Chris be because he thought him and the Kent were friends?
7: how shocked would both Chris and the Kent be to find out the Chris has a split personality?
8: once everything is patched up would the Kent be apologetic towards Chris because the person that was against them was chris but not at the same time.
I got this idea for my video game of mine to be honest.
P.s. here's how I imagine the zod's explaining Chris split personality and how it came to be: "lou-zod you we're different, you wanted nothing but to live in peace instead of following in our footsteps of conquering and so we made a few adjustments to you."
Chris: "what adjustments?"
Clark: "what did you do to that boy?"
Zod: "it's quite simple really. I had my scientists strengthen his heritage as a zod and Kryptonian impulses just a bit. Then he thought of nothing but following in my footsteps conquering worlds, being the son I wanted and doing everything a zod should do."
P.s.s what do you think?
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OoooooH I like where this is going XD
While Chris is shy, reserved, polite, kind hearted, compassionate and an overall good kid to be around, Lor Zod is cold blooded with his enemies, a constant snark machine and rude to his allies, blinded to his sense of superiority over any beings less powerful than him, easily irritable, a mean spirited prankster on his best days, apathetic to the misery of others unless its someone he deep down cares about like his Mother Ursa for instance and overall that one kid you don't want to have displeased with you, he will make you pay for it.
2. As per my version of DC events, he first arrived on Earth via an experimental pod that tore through the Phantom Zone at the age of 12 (since Jon is 2 years younger than him), safely crash landing in Centennial Park thanks to Superman. it was from that initial emergence from the Phantom Zone messing with his mutant biology that causes Chris' mind to split into his two personas, The newly formed Christoper Kent side at the moment being his dominant one.
3. He's very at first reluctant and shy to talk to any of them, not helped by him primarily speaking Kryptonian, something only Kara is able to come through thanks to her native language being that. He feels a sense of not belonging with them despite their kindness and open hearts as they let him into their homes, especially compounded by his amnesia that blocks who he is as Lor. Over time though, he develops close bonds with the Kents as they accept him as a family member, especially with Jon, whom he considers someone very akin to a younger brother, whose more cheerful , adventurous and headstrong persona balances with Chris' more reserved one.
4. Beyond shocked no doubt since right before Zod emerges from the Zone with his armies, they notice Chris starring at that breach with his eyes widened, his body shaking, and his mouth quivering as all the memories of his life prior to landing in Metropolis suddenly flood back to him. When Zod finally emerges alongside his wife Ursa and their main bodyguard, the silent lobotomized former genius Non, Chris simply floats up next to the three Phantom Zone criminals while the others had prepared for battle.
5. Lor is gravelly conflicted underneath his silent exterior and cold blooded stare towards them. He knows if they oppose his father and especially his mother in their goals of restoring Krypton, he will fight them if need be. Though the Chris side of his personality tries coming through to him, trying to reason to his father to first offer the Son of Jor El and his allies a chance to join them in their conquest, placating to his father's ego and sense of superiority to give the Kents said offer
6. Once the Zods are defeated, cast back into the Phantom Zone and the Chris Kent persona reclaims dominance, his memory of his time as Lor is all muddled up regarding how the Kents seems ready to battle him if they attack which worries him immensely since they're family for him.
7. They'd surprised for certain but given Batman's experience with Two Face and other people they know in their loves that might how similar conditions to Chris, the Kents are considerate and willing enought o understand of Chris' two personas within him and they make a promise to work around that and/or address it from that point onward.
8. They would apologetic though continually insists hes the one who should be sorry given how much danger unintentionally or not he got his adopted family into and its a burden he carries for himself for quite a very long time. Nontheless, they forgive him since afterward the other persona might be in Chris' body but that's not the Chris they know, especilaly when that Chris was internally fighting back the dominance of Lor Zod
Also that dialogue you came up for how that sceanrio plays out is pretty top notch and there's a lot that can tapped into it fro drama and meaningful character development. I like it a lot XD
@we-cross-universe-king-relate @spider-jaysart @camo-wolf @theredheaded-stuff
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
- 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
{ ✦ }
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Firm believer that your humour, natural grace, and physical features drew him in first. Your patience - for him and in general - definately is adored by him.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
LOVES your hands (i'm a hands person and it shows lol). Loves when you play with his hair, give him a smack every once in awhile for making a particularly snide comment, and especially when you hold his hand.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Loves to just lay on you. Not a fan of spooning unless bro is exhausted, but will big spoon you if you need the sleep. Probably a whiny guy in his sleep if he can't get to sleep at just the right temperature.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
You + him + Rampion. Probably would take you up to look at the stars and talk about things on your mind. An on Earth date would probably be a little different. Dependinng on the day, Thone might take you to a (fancy) restaurant and legit spoil tf out of you because you deserve it. If it's a slower, lazier day, Thorne would pack some stuff up and y'all would go out on a little picnic date somewhere out in the open
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
By joking around. If Thorne got particularly emotional during the day, he would sit down with you and try to talk things through.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Not particularly, but if you wanted one was another story. Would probably prefer adoption over anything, but if you wanted biological kids Thorne is down for that too :)
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Not much of a gift giver unless there's an occasion, but if you or Thorne's away for awhile, he'll pick something up for you that he thinks you'll like.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Whenever he sees people watching you or him. He knows that before Cinder became queen, he would often completely disregard almost anything, but now learns to protect what's his and has become very protective tbh
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
A mix of anger and some other unnameable emotions. If you guys got together before Levana fell, please expect Thorne to be a hoverer. Even if he'll completely deny his feelings, he's a worrywort.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Not much of a prankster to you, but will 100% make jokes - specifically inside jokes. Inside jokes are super special to Thorne, and reminding you of a funny situation that has happened before always makes him happy
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Me personally in my humble author opinion, Thorne likes that lettle exhale of contentment and your little mewls.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
hovering like a helicopter. Thorne keeps an eye on you, especially if you're recovering from an injury.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
When you first held hands
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
During Levana's reign: You being killed under her orders or him being forced to kill you
After Levana's reign: getting amnesia and forgetting everything about you
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
A total mother when worried. Other than that, Thorne used to wear multiple layers of underwear as a kid idk i dont make the rules
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He calls you: babe, a variation of your name, something to do with an inside joke
You call him: Captain, Thorn, automobile (because of his name and an inside joke lmao)
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Either: a.) in the ship cruisin' b.) in cinder's silly goofy lunar castle home c.) sleeping
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
yellow by coldplay
how to save a life by the fray
heart-shaped box by nirvana
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
somewhat closed off until a good 5 or 6 months into your relationship
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
As previosuly stated, thorne denies his feelings at every turn, so probably a year maybe? all depends on how much rizz you have /j
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Angry upset -> loud, snappy, direct,
Sad upset -> quiet, avoiding most eye contact, shuts down,
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
yes. you cant tell me that when this man is enoamoured and starstruck by his partner he wouldn't show them off and compliment them to every extent. he loves talking about you and could talk about you for hours
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Would fight for you, wouldn't want you fighting, but if you did it would be right at his side so he can protect you if need be
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
eh. at the beginning of the realtionship, he couldn't read between the lines to save anyone's life. later on in the realtionship, however, could write, publish, and autograph a book on how he's memorized your social cues - just as you could do for him
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
On... the ship. lmao. Would fumble a speech so would just try to spit it right out instead of layering a simple question with a lot of words
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
the rampion, you joking around with him, sandalwood, your voice
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mossyscavern · 2 years
A town legend.
There are many legends...
Some are great, some are true... some are lies...
But the greatest legend is about two masters of one holiday.. the twins of trick or treat. These twins live in a place called candletown where the monsters live in peace and roam freely.
One is a master at tricks and holds the title of the best halloween prankster, while the other is the master at making sweets and has the best treats in all the realms and is happy to share.
But something tragic happened before halloween can begin.
It was when the sweet treats master was done picking Apples and is heading home after a lovely picnic with his witch friend in the orchard when all of a sudden somebody attacked him from behind and buried his body.
His friend saw what happened... but never saw who done it, she didn’t even say a word because no one in Celtic town will believe a young witch.
When word got out and reached candle town, the master trickster became furious at his twin’s disappearance andsaid to the people living in Celtic town.
“Thou shall perish who dares to wonder at midnight, unless my other half returns to me... if not, then thou shall pay for their crimes.”
Is what the trickster said before he vanished into the woods where he came. The young witch searched and searched... but she could not find the tricksters other half, or candle town.
“‘And I prey that one day my best friend will return, for my name is Abigail fall.. witch of the withering woods.’ And that’s how she ended it.” Tom said as he closed the book in his hands while his twin gaped at the story.
“... she wrote all that?” Tim asked. Tom answered by nodding his head. “Wow.. and it was before her... um” Tim asked, going very silent when Tom nodded and placed the book on the mini table next to him. “So... how did you get the book? I mean.. y’know Abby.” Tim asked, making Tom chuckle a bit.
“Lets just say I met her relative... he’s the one that dug me out.” “Really?! W-who is he?” Tim asked, curious about the resident that found his twin.
“His name is Sam fall-Moore, he’s a simple candle and doll maker from Celtic town.” Tom answered leaning against the chair’s arm rest. “What’s he like?” Tim asked. When his twin asked, Tom smiled softly and stared at the sky from the window next to him
“We’ve only just met, but to me... he’s amazing.”
Tada! Abigail’s story.
It... took a some time but here it is! I couldn’t decide weather I should go with parker or any other last name, but in the end I went with something more fitting, I went with fall-Moore...
I don’t know if there’s a character or a person with this last name but if there is let me know, please... happy Halloween month!
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frozenbound · 2 years
Shimadacest headcanon #49:
(Continuation of Shimadacest Headcanon #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, and #48)
"My turn?" Hanzo chuckles. "You need to give an old man time to catch his breath."
"Have I finally run you ragged, brother?" Genji shoots back, his voice tired yet gleeful. "Now that I know this is what it takes, our training sessions will never be the same."
Hanzo shivers at the implications.
Yes, their training sessions will be...somewhat different from now on.
"I hope..." he begins.
Genji laughs. "Don't worry, brother, I'm not going to demand special treatment or slack off. Being run into the ground is why I want you as my trainer. It's what you can do after I'm laying flat out on the ground, panting, sweaty, ripe, so tired that my muscles have turned to goo...why, you'd be able to do just about anything to me, then."
He grinds his hips against Hanzo's ass, and his cock has only softened a little, so the movement sends a shot of heat through his core.
"But if you can do nothing but lie there," Genji purrs, "then I'll just have to do all the work. Turn over, brother."
Hanzo's face reddens. "Are you...?"
"Turn over, brother," Genji orders again as he gently withdraws. Hanzo clenches down when his cockhead pops free, unwilling to let any of his little brother's precious essence leak out, but it's so deep inside it's debatable whether it will ever come out.
Perhaps his little fantasy of melding it into his body will have some truth to it...
Then Genji tugs on Hanzo's left hip and side and slowly rolls Hanzo over. Hanzo plays at being somewhat of a rag doll, his limbs trailing loosely after his hips and torso flop over.
Genji swallows at the tableau of Hanzo spread out beneath him, his white hair lying like snowdrifts and snowbanks all around him, his white body hair sprinkled across his chest and abs and forearms and thighs.
But what really gets his attention is Hanzo's beatific, almost dreamy expression, his dark eyes relaxed, his smile easy and carefree.
"You look like you're enjoying yourself, brother," Genji says softly. "You look so...happy."
Hanzo feels a pang of regret echo through his chest. He described himself as austere and solemn earlier, and he meant it, but he's also capable of being content and loose and cheerful, and, what's more, he's felt this comfortable and pleased in Genji's company many, many times before...but has Genji never known it?
"I am happy," he confirms, "but not much more so than usual."
Genji blinks. "What?"
Hanzo's face softens as his suspicions are confirmed. "You are a fine young man, Genji," he says sincerely. "I must be calm and collected with you because you're so much younger and more impulsive than I am, but I am very rarely not happy when you're with me. You're my little brother. You're hasty and a rascal and a prankster, but you're goodhearted and kind and quite responsible when it truly matters. I've always admired your dedication to your training and how easily you make friends with everyone you meet, and I've always known that you wouldn't spend so much time with me unless you enjoyed me. I'm very thankful for that, both because it's a compliment to be liked by someone like you, and because I enjoy spending time with you, too."
Genji's eyes are glistening. "So...I'm...not a bother?" he asks, a little tremulously.
"Of course you're a bother," Hanzo laughs. "But that's what makes you Genji, my aggravating, annoying, playful, spirited little brother. Who would want anyone else as a younger sibling? You're perfect."
Genji sniffles and turns away to scrub at his eyes for a moment. "You're...you're doing this on purpose," he mutters thickly.
"Yes," Hanzo says with great affection. "You're so cute when something touches your heart."
"Someone," Genji corrects, and that strikes true on Hanzo, and his lip trembles before he begins to gather himself up to rise up to embrace his little brother.
Genji pushes him back down, though. "Later," he admonishes, his eyes still a little wet. "We can be silly and sappy and emotional later. Right now, though, I want to take care of you. Take care of this."
And he takes Hanzo's slightly softened cock in hand.
Genji licks his lips as he tests how large it is, and again when it begins to revive and get even larger.
"Let's get you inside me, brother."
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cxyotl · 2 years
first up we have . ok you need the context first. I go by Adam frequently yeah. but I’m also REALLY bad at finding names I like for ocs. so. None of these are self inserts but they’re all. theyre all called Adam. (But like /gen bc self inserts are cool)
Oc #1:
parrot hybrid. you know the dark blue with yellow parrot? imagine that. they have the taloned hands and feet that avian hybrids usually have, but they aren’t really scaled. it’s more like bone/nail structure and heavier calluses. theyre around 5’3 but 5’7-ish when tiptoeing (biological for reaching/take-off/intimidation) and a wingspan of 12-13 feet. darker hair and eyes to blend in with vegetation and dark plumage.
humans also have these really cool bioluminescent stripes along our bodies and I though, hey what if adam-1 had that but a little brighter? so imagine like really really faint scars that work in an camouflage way. for a lot of mobs (which I headcanon to be able to see infrared and other wavelengths depending on the mob) they can pick up on those things to find players/food, and so they would have slightly brighter ones that help them to blend in with colorful surroundings.
very picky eater, and sensitive to lots of sugars and wheats (parrots + cookies = hell no). mainly a carnivore when it comes to diet.
I’d say their personality is closer to omnivert. they’re very loud when everyone else and quiet with people they trust/care for. a prankster ofc. creeper noises do numbers among the crowds (evryone funkingf hates it /lh). they don’t settle down. they like a small base and exploring.
they have a prosthetic leg from the knee down that’s netherite (bc having a prosthetic break is SHIT). It makes cool clank clink noises when they walk on hard surfaces if they don’t have leather bindings for talons n such on.
not too many scars. they usually avoid conflict but they have one along their arm from a badly healed break.
that’s all I really have for 1 unless you want me to go into bone structure and anatomy n such ^^
Oc #2:
I got a little obsessed with sculk when it came out so their colour palette + looks reflect that. imagine like the “pillars” on the sculk shrieker but a little smaller and put it on their skull. like a crown almost. very dark hair. BLIND gotta make em blind. then imagine taking pitch black paint and dipping it to your elbows. their arms look like that. then the veins a bit up the arms fade from black to a sculk-blue (all vv muted though bc veins are under the skin ofc). I like the idea that the pillars would be someone else on the body too but I’m not sure where.
short! they live underground ofc they’re gonna be short. they also navigate through sound like the sculk but it’s closer to echolocation than getting your senses triggered by a sound.
low empathy, very matter-of-fact and literal. herbivore too I’d like to think they eat glow lichen and roots from the lush caves. might eat a fish or two if they can get access to one. xp doesn’t do much for them bc they’re a sculk shrieker hybrid and not a sculk one.
lots of scars!! mob run-ins, falling of ledges, etc. there’s one all along their back that looks like poorly healed roadrash from accidentally tumbling off a cliff edge.
ok I have three more hybrid ocs (another avian, a ravager, and a phantom) but I’m getting tired of typing mmy fingers hurt ^-^ feel free to tell me about yours!!
ok i got like four. first is an aardwolf hybrid. they’re a cowboy named rigby and i lov them. standard aardwolf coloring w bright yellow eyes and a red bandana. they have a touch of the tism and try to stay kinda low when they can. no big or visible scars bc they run the second they sense danger. mostly a thief and collector.
second is a cat hybrid. she’s actually a mix of two of my very first minecraft ocs! her name is gapple, shes a bobcat, and shes got one yellow eye and a purple prosthetic eye bc she was hit by a torch as a kid and that burned her eye badly. gapple is more of the fighter and shes got way more scars than rigby. notable her face where the torch burned her and her shoulders from wrestling mobs.
third one is edmund. hes my actual oldest oc had him since i was like 8 years old or smthn. hes an average enderman but he has no enderpearl so he cant teleport. taller than most endermen and incredibly nerdy. i miss him.
lastly there’s marco. hes a creeper hybrid and edmunds boyfriend. marco can’t blow up like other creepers can, not bc hes a hybrid but bc hes missing the key components to be able to do so. hes shy and a bit jumpy.
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 5 months
The Art of Sin - Chapter 2 - Part 2
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•Ravenwell Manor
•Lord Nikoli Ravenwall (Vampire)
*Warning Adult Content*
"Shh love. It's alright, they won't hurt you," Lord Nikoli whispered, his fingers lightly running down my back to soothe me.
It didn't... in fact, I became even tenser.
The first one, a pale-skinned boy, stopped a few feet away, his lilac eyes searched my face for something... I didn't know what but he looked sad.
His stance allowed me a good view of his body.
Though there didn't seem to be any defined muscles, he was handsome with his slender features.
He pushed a strand of almost white colored hair that had escaped his ponytail behind a slightly pointed ear and I knew he was some sort of Fae creature.
My first guess was an Elf but I had never seen such a pale-skinned one, too light for dark elves or their cousins, the sun elves.
He opened his mouth speak.
"My name..."
"I'm Lycus Tupou."
My gaze snapped to the other boy, eyes locking with a pair of mischievous ones and he pointed to the boy he had just interrupted.
"This slowpoke is Noir Laurent."
"That's rude Lycus. Apologize."
I jumped as a man, who beat me in height by at least a foot, appeared seemingly out of nowhere, giving Lycus a pointed look.
Lycus stuck out his tongue at the newcomer but did as he was told.
The man, seemingly satisfied, held out his hand.
"Hello, my name is Bain López."
I noticed a pair of sharp canines peak out as he spoke.
The silence stretched as I made no move to shake his hand, forcing him to awkwardly drop it.
We just stood there, Lycus grinning as Bain gave me a strained smile.
I took the time to study them, my heart finally slowing to a more normal pace though I didn't drop my guard.
My first impression was that they were really close.
Noir seemed to be the shyest of the three, hiding behind the others.
Bain stood tall and dignified, a little like Lord Ravenwall.
His eyes, though like moonstone, weren't cold... they made him seem sturdy and reliable.
Lycus, on the other hand, was an obvious prankster and not serious in the least but I didn't get a bad vibe from any of them.
Though I trusted in my instincts, they've rarely failed me, I wouldn't stupidly let down my guard.
Bain ran a hand through his short, brown hair as the other boy, Lycus, poked fun at him.
Their body types weren't too different from each other.
Lycus's was slightly less defined and a few inches shorter.
He had a mop of dark auburn hair that stuck out in every direction.
"Um, so what's your name?" Noir asked, seeming to pale slightly, as my gaze went back to him.
"I-I mean unless y-you don't have o-one?"
A minute passed as he stood there fidgeting and blushing fiercely.
"My name is Winter Azraethe."
His head jerked up, surprise clearly written across his face.
"They... my previous masters... have never used it, though."
"You don't have a master here."
I jumped, almost forgetting about Lord Ravenwall and it took me a moment to process what he said.
"Am I to call you something else then?" I ask, my confusion obvious.
"You can call me Nikoli if you wish, the others do." he said, smiling warmly at me but it dropped instantly with my next question.
"We're the other boys bought for sex as well?"
Noir turned even redder, turning away as Lycus choked out a laugh but a look from Lord Nikoli, silenced him.
His eyes betrayed his calm exterior.
"I didn't buy them and though I may have bought you, it wasn't for sex. I want to help you. You're not some sex slave... no one here is. This is their home. We are a family."
I grew cold at that 'family' I wanted to sneer at the word.
He didn't have to tell such a lie but I suppose it didn't matter, I'll find out the real reason soon enough... they'll show their true colors.
Nikoli sighed as if knowing I didn't believe him and motioned to the front door.
"Let's head in then. I'm sure the others have realized you're here."
I was startled at the mention of others, though, given the size of the house, it shouldn't have been that big of a surprise and my former Master did say he was a collector.
Nikoli moved pass me, scaling the few steps that lead up to the front door.
I followed, staying a comfortable distance away, the others whispering to each other as they walked behind me.
The first thing I noticed as we entered was the clean smell or, to be more precise, the nonexistent stench of sweat and sex that I had grown accustomed to.
Instead, it was replaced with the sweet smell of flowers... I spotted a vase full of peonies beside a grand staircase.
Suddenly I felt very out of place, convinced that the smell of sex clung to my body even though I took a bath.
The next thing I noticed was the two men sitting on said staircase, their gazes piercing through me, making me struggle to keep my unease off my face.
Nikoli just stood to the side as they continued to stare, hands behind his back like he was expecting this to happen.
It felt like an eternity passed but I didn't cower, I kept a blank expression on my face as I met their eyes... they were assessing me.
Whether to prove their dominance or to see if they could exploit any weakness they might stumble upon I don't know but I sure as hell wouldn't let either happen.
The one with the most unusual eyes, a light pink color that was rimmed with mint, finally stood, smiling warmly at me.
"Hi, I'm Tate Solomon," he said, holding up a single tulip, it's colors variegated.
"You have beautiful eyes," he whispered.
I didn't answer him but stiffly took the flower and let my arm fall back down.
As the other one stood, I felt something sharp nick my skin and looked down to see claws pointed at my neck.
I followed the arm to the eyes of another boy who was smaller than the others, I only had two inches on him.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't startled, his light weight allowed him to move without me noticing.
His mismatched eyes held a twisted gleam, the pupils becoming slit like a cat's as he gave me a malicious smile.
I was calm as I faced him... the seconds felt like minutes until he finally ended out stare down, frowning while he retracted his claws.
"It's no fun when they're already broken."
"Blue Nekozuka."
The boy froze, his eyes widening as Lord Ravenwell's voice rolled through the room.
"We do not tolerate that kind of talk or actions here."
It surprised me that Nikolai reacted that way.
I mean it stung a bit but I've been called worse.
It's not as if the boy was lying... I knew I was broken, it was obvious.
They would come to realize it and just like my other masters, Lord Nikoli would throw me away.
My attention returned to the boy, Blue, as he mumbled a quick apology before shrinking away.
The last of the boys stepped forward, his tanned muscles rippling under a tight shirt, his eyes seemed to hold the fires of hell.
"Don't mind him, he's always like that. I'm Keon Lynch. Welcome to the family."
That word again... this time, I couldn't hide my disgust.
"Use me. Abuse me. Throw me away. I don't care but I don't want to be your family."
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xamassed · 5 months
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⟬ @lyriccl ⟭
A couple of demons decided to play an April Fool's prank on Mammon. Knowing he'd beeline for it, they had glued a Grimm to the ground to watch him struggle to pick it up. But Emma, mischievous in her own right, casts a spell to seal the snickering demons' feet to the floor. The woman pats her greedy boyfriend's shoulder. "Let's go get some ice cream, babe! My treat~" The two would pass the pranksters on their way, Emma giving them a dastardly smile.
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"But there's grimm sittin' right there!" He had tried with all of his might, both physical and magical, to pry the glued coin from the ground. His every effort, down to the last drop of sweat on his brow, had been pointless. It refused to budge, and he doubted that Lucifer and Diavolo combined could change that.
Mammon was lead along, body moving in one direction while his mind moved in another. So distracted was the second-born that he didn't notice the demons struggling to keep their balance while they flailed and yanked hard on their magically bound feet.
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"Hey, d'ya think Lord Diavolo would pick it up for me? Dude's strong as heck!"
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Falseperson #Zanadu #Sammy #Puffz #Hazzy #RegularGuyOcs #IdeasIHad #PoodleArtMyArt
I want to Zanadu's look to reference the negatives of the dream John Doe practice color sketch.
LunaPic | Free Online Photo Editor | Negative
Has Dark brown skin, white hair, blue outline, pewter silver or dark silver shirt with light silver, gray pants, cerulean blue tongue, dark blue eyes with silver pupils, white shoes, and black teeth.
Falseperson Info
Falsepersons look similar to a regular guys but seems to have a laminated false clay bodies and loves to swim.
They don't have the fuzzball forms but when in very hot weather their bodies will slowly melt to reveal a fuzzy non-toxic mold spore body that stretches to fit the body.
Falsepersons don't really like carrying weapons but can shapeshift part of their body to be a weapon.
For example one changes their left arm and hand into a hammer then change it back to normal hand.
They kind of look like porcelain dolls when trying to look more human.
Falsepersons can be male looking, female looking, and genderless.
Their gender is still mushroom gendered but can now be paired up with non fungmammals and can produce young but need the pure Dna from a partner with a strong bond.
All three types can produce young even if the other side can't do that.
A falseperson is made when a regular guy eats a fungmammal then spits it out due to the nice flavor first then gross aftertaste that make you want to spit it out.
It only last for two hours before wearing off.
The spores spread out on the ground then mix with the saliva from a regular guy.
The regular guy gets laminated as a result.
Then forms a falseperson which just copies the fake human form of a regular guy but not the fuzzy ball form.
They can have up to 7 fingers and 6 toes.
Falsepersons can cry but will dry themselves out and need to get back in the water to rehydrate.
Their teeth are more shark like and their tongue can be normal but in danger they will have a extra teeth at the tip of the tongue for protection.
They can see in the dark and dive underwater but need to resurface for air.
The mutualism ones are more talkative and keep up the porcelain fake human act, the commensalism mind their own business and mostly work in dangerous jobs like construction.
The parasitism ones like harassing everyone and everything just for fun.
These are the ones that gave this species the name falsepersons.
The mutualism ones don't like looking like regular guy's base forms unless one is dating someone who likes that form then they will change.
The parasitism ones like swimming in water and splashing it at folks of the uncanny valley.
And love sucking up a lot of water to shoot it from their finger like a water gun.
They are pranksters and often say that regular guys that did it.
They hide in the water to avoid getting caught.
Falseperson's that are parasite ones then to try to catch a regular guy when running away from the Motherball to land.
They tend to hide underwater then grab them and juggle them around or static electricity shock them for fun.
Squirt them with their finger gun.
This traumatizes some regular guys from leaving and returning back to the scene.
Some do return for revenge and to save loner regular guys from the Falseperson parasite versions.
Zanadu is her name and she is the first fungmammal to successfully change into a humanoid form in my infected realtor Au into a Falseperson which is like a bootleg Regular Guy that loves water and tries to blend in the Uncanny Valley.
She didn't do this to Regular Guys.
Seemed like this trait was passed on to later versions of a Falseperson.
Falseperson's have ears which are things that regular guys don't have in their fake bodies but can make ears using their Doe ball form mixed with the fake body.
This is where the Falseperson stores their electricity before releasing it when threatened.
Falseperson's can also do the animal ears/tail thing regular guys can do but it's the fungmammal's ears/tail.
The electricity flows through the body to their hands, teeth, and feet to shock prey.
Since their body is putty like plastic they are not effected by shock but some will pretend to be hurt as a joke.
Falseperson's can control the intensity of the shock from a static electricity to dangerous levels.
They use this to greet each other by static shocking each other. Some Falseperson's will mistake a regular guy as one of their own thinking they are covering their ears with their hair and will static shock regular guy's "hair" as greeting by mistake.
Some will laugh it off while some will apologize. But it depends on the intensity of the shock if the Falseperson didn't badly damage them if the regular guy was freshly removed from the mother ball and swam to shore.
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Sammy a regular guy sona that works at a diner to save up enough money for a peddler's mall/thrift store she wants to own.
She is blue/green doe ball with a white bow on her head.
Sammy works at a diner in the Uncanny Valley called Uncanny Cravings Diner which their mystery meat burger is the diner's top seller.
It's basically a Denny's fused with a Waffle House but weird.
She wears a poker club necklace that she bought from a thrift store and this is her prized possession.
Got her lineart and Ms paint test colors done.
Her Uncanny Cravings Diner ID Badge colors are always different each time, her letter words gimmick colors are blue and green with a few symbols but mostly hearts.
If she feels sick then she would use her shirt words gimmick to ask what you want to order then write it down.
If someone gave her a huge enough tip to leave her job she would be shocked but grateful and wishes she could cry but can't. She would hug the person and leave this job with a few days later having a peddler's mall/thrift store.
She wouldn't mind the person that helped her to have one free item every time they enter into her store.
Based it of the broken puffball.
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Fat Woman Gym Cartoon Illustration Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts - Clip Art Library (clipart-library.com)
1,400+ Cocktail Waitress On White Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art - iStock (istockphoto.com)
Her eyes.
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Adhesive Wiggle Eyes | Hobby Lobby | 1215110
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
A male regular guy sona that is a weather man and is based off a pineapple puffball keychain.
His name is Puffz but Spike is a nickname to him. (Is a sketch.)
He loves thickened coffee mixed with thicken juices or honey.
His designs on his sleeves and back of his suit changes.
Sometimes the designs on his clothes predicts the weather before the news station does.
Basically him.
Here’s Cosmo With The Weather - YouTube
But he makes weather jokes and chats it up with the news people.
He uses his pointer finger as a pointer to talk about the weather.
He sometimes does the news if anyone in staff is sick.
Basically he does this with his finger.
Greenbrier International Greenbrier International Classroom and Presentation Finger Pointer - Set of 2 - 15.5 Inches - Walmart.com
He keeps a umbrella with him at all times but both protection from the elements and certain fans that can be clingy.
He uses the umbrella whether it be rain, sunny, and winter weather.
But mostly as a weapon.
I finally got Puffz Ms Paint test lineart and coloring done.
For his lore I imagine the green part of his Regular Guy body was going to be another regular guy but fused with Puffz and has a pineapple like appearance.
That's why his eye is two different colors.
I also based this Regular Guy oc off a puffball I have and might use more puff balls as refs later.
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Like these umbrellas but plastic and metal.
Custom Printing Thank You Just Married Mr Mrs Bridal Child White Oil Paper Bamboo Umbrella Wedding Umbrellas for Wedding - China Umbrella and Golf Umbrella price (made-in-china.com)
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Weatherman PNG Transparent Images Free Download | Vector Files | Pngtree
12 How to Draw Cartoon Noses ideas | cartoon noses, cartoon drawings, drawing people (pinterest.com)
Egara Slim Fit Shawl Lapel Dinner Jacket, Red - Men's Suits | Men's Wearhouse (menswearhouse.com)
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A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #Greenbrier International Inc Pineapple Pom Pom Clip Keychain
Kid drinks water, soda, milk from bottle, cute african woman holding drink. Kid drinks water, soda, milk or tea from bottle. | CanStock (canstockphoto.com)
Woman Holding Soda Beverage At Glass Bottle. Young Woman Standing With Bottle Of Soda. Cheerful Woman Drinking Brown Soda From Bottle. Vector Flat Design Illustration Isolated On White Background. Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 83342081. (123rf.com)
Basic of human face shapes | Download Scientific Diagram (researchgate.net)
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Had a really short dream that I was standing in a random gas station and a puffball brown regular guy with a cup of coke on top of it's head. (Next up.)
The coke thief and stealer.
I was just standing in the place.
Then I woke up.
I only dream when I'm tired.
I rewatched HouseHunted 2 or 1/2 again on YouTube.
That's probably the reason why.
I'm naming the dream regular guy Hazzy and she's pretty neat.
A quick sketch of Hazzy the soda snatcher.
Might make a bad Mspaint sketch of her.
Hazzy was original scratched off the Mother Ball when it was itchy then Hazzy broke off the Mother Ball and wanted to be resorbed back in with the Mother Ball but was pushed out.
Now Hazzy was a free regular guy and going rogue trying to avoid being caught and enjoying her new life.
Before this Hazzy was unemployed and running away from the Uncanny Valley law in her doe ball form and took odd jobs to survive.
Hazzy was working at the Uncanny Cravings Diner with Sammy and interning with Puffz at the news/weather station but mostly bringing back thicken coffee and food for the crew.
One day Hazzy decided to just leave those jobs and just be a Doeball pet but no one wanted a just brown regular guy.
She's still trying to find out how to get her highlights or different colored lineart like other Regular Guys.
She was later caught by the commercial surveillance side of the Work District of the Uncanny Valley when stealing soda from a gas station in her doeball form now to be used as a test subject or guinea pig for new products for the public to buy.
The company are now testing a way for Regular Guys to bathe which is a thickened water solution that slow melts the top layer of the fake clay skin to remove the bad smells of a Regular Guy and their clothes.
The company are also testing hair dye on Regular Guys that doesn't hurt them while also giving regular guys a lineart for a limited time before wearing off to make the being buy more.
Hazzy is also testing a better fake humanoid body that doesn't need throw away material to be made and is water proof.
The company referenced the Fungmammal form called a Falseperson that has laminated skin and is waterproof.
This fake body sells for cheap but later the company raised their prices but due to the sales some regular guys can't make their own fake bodies on their own anymore since they were dependent on the commercial body.
These Regular Guys seemed to unlearned their ability to make a fakebody and need to relearn it from others.
Hazzy works with the burn up infected realtor that used to be called Chateau Bungalow but now is called Infortunatus which means unfortunate in Latin is Bungalow means house.
He was caught by the same company that test products on Realtors like house body sunblock that also differently colors a house without hurting them.
Sprocket tries to protect him if something funny or dangerous happens to her house friend.
Hazzy does get paid for this and enjoys being in ads for the new products.
Infortunatus doesn't really like working for this company but has to because if he quits then the company will tell the mayor about the fungmammals species and will kill them.
The longer he works for them the more chance the company will keep quiet on both the infected realtors and fungmammals.
Hazzy has only one eye so she can see better in her fake form but uses her long hair to cover her eye to make the illusion that she has two eyes.
She wears a charm choker necklace with her first tooth she earned from the commercial side of the work district part of the uncanny valley before later accepting cash.
Similar to this but has a human tooth on it.
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Her "hair" swaps positions when she moves to keep the illusion of having two eyes but sometimes she moves the position of her eye.
She hates separating her eye to make two eyes because it makes her half blind.
She also keeps her eye smaller but can change it back to the classic regular guy form but her eye was like that from the beginning.
Her eye can get big like normal regular guys when they get excited and can change the direction of her eye.
She has 2 scars on her belly from the scratch from the mother ball in my lore.
She wears fingerless gloves with two soda bubbles on them.
She has a gap in her front teeth but they are fang like and has a cat shaped mouth like this 3 .
She has a mole on the left side of her face.
She wears sandals and she has her claws out to show the nail coloring products since her natural nails are gray.
She's holding the Fizzy mystery thick soda that changes flavors when consumed and is made safe for regular guys to drink.
This was the soda she was stealing in her doeball form.
Hazzy has fake purple lineart that says the design is very human on her shirt and her purple heart hair pin on the back of her hair.
This is a side effect of her being a guinea pig that she has purple lineart now but only on the letters on her shirt and her heart hair barrette based off of Eriko Christy's hair barrette.
She originally didn't have a lineart at all.
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Also this Blue Stinger quote when you defeat a monster holding something.
Blue Stinger - Horror Gameplay Complete - YouTube
Illbleed (2001) - Good Ending - YouTube
This is the color of Fizzy soda.
I mixed Sparkling Ice + Caffeine blue raspberry sparkling water with Kroger Mercado Delicious Tangy Mango Real Sugar Soda.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #Kroger Mercado Delicious Tangy Mango Soda
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #Sparkling Ice+Caffeine Blue Raspberry Sparkling Water
This was my guess on what Hassy from Blue Stinger and Illbleed looks like poured out of the can.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #Hassy Energy Drink
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - search: Hazzy
Kroger Commercial (2020) "Low" - YouTube
Plain Small White Shark Tooth Necklace – Real Shark Tooth Necklaces
Coucou Suzette | Coucou Suzette
images (225×225) (gstatic.com)
Ideas I had.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
I finally got Hazzy Ms Paint test lineart and test coloring done.
She was a dream regular guy oc that stole soda from a gas station in her doe ball or regular guy form and later was kidnapped by the same company she stole the soda from to now sell products.
I got her test color done and I based her color a little bit from Eriko Christy from Illbleed.
Now she works for the electric being is called Project Obscura for the I Want That And You Need Company with Casa Court the REALTORs being the Ceo and face of the company to seem more normal.
Hazzy has fake purple lineart that says the design is very human on her shirt and her purple heart hair pin on the back of her hair.
This is a side effect of her being a guinea pig that she has purple lineart now but only on the letters on her shirt and her heart hair barrette based off of Eriko Christy's hair barrette.
She originally didn't have a lineart at all.
0 notes