#and unless someone wants to be DD it also means there could be 6 people staying the night at my sisters
milf-harrington · 1 year
shaking my friends by the shoulders begging them to actually REPLY to my QUESTIONS bc otherwise i dont know how to organise everything!!! i am going to lose it!!!
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
I have more questions because it's no longer 4am lmao.
Does Skeppy fear any animals? I just wanna know if there's any sweet moments of Skeppy clinging to Bad whilst he tries to calm him down.
I'm guessing Bad still hates things like littering and woodcutters but would he ever act particularly strongly about it or would he have more control?
I like how Rat seems to tolerate Skeppy because Bad likes him but would she ever get jealous if Skeppy started pettting another dog?
I have a horrifying image of Bad just spider climbing up a tree to fetch Skeppy. I don't know why but I feel like dude wouldn't even need branches lmao.
What other supernatural creatures/people do they come across? Were there any that were especially dangerous and did they befriend any?
Is Bad much physically stronger than Skeppy? I keep thinking of Skeppy being a little shaz and Bad just one-arm picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder XD.
Does Bad ever get nightmares of the day he became the forest spirit?
How far would Skeppy take stealing? Would he steal something he knows the owner has genuine attachment to? Would he do everything in his power to steal something for Bad even if it means getting hurt?
Who's more likely to protect the other?
Skeppy just minding his business looking at one of Bad's textbooks, turns his head and Bad's just having a tea party with a freaking bear. Surprised the man hasn't had a heart attack yet XD.
What's your favourite thing to imagine them doing?
Is Bsd an adrenaline junky? Or is he scared of more dangerous things like bungee jumping and mountain climbing.
What would their reactions be to rollercoasters?
Do they have a favourite date-night activity?
Everytime I think of this au it brightens my mood!! Thank you for making something so heartwarming!! <3
Glad to see you again :D And yaay, questions!
My pen pressure broke again, I can't finish any sketches for this ask rn, but here's a couple of old messy designs.
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1) Comforting and nightmares
Skeppy has a normal, I’d even say adequate level of fear towards wild animals, whilst Bad has it in negative numbers. And, yes, this fun juxtaposition leads to a lot of unfortunate moments of Skeppy nearly dying from heart attack when some of Bad’s animal friends show up unexpectedly, or Bad goes all out for his tea-parties with wild bears or smth.
So, yes, sometimes the comforting hugs are necessary! And no, none of them ever play up the dramaticness of the situation just to drag out the nice comforting moment They do n o t. That’d be very silly and unnecessary, and will deserve a lot of teasing. So, it’s all serious. Not only for the first couple minutes. Yes.
But If you’re looking for comfort-after-actual-hurt – Bad does have to hold and comfort Skeppy, when the stress of trying to not fuck up the good stuff around him gets too strong. And after the nightmares where they are hated and chased by people. Those dreams do not come often, but when they do, Bad is there to hold Skeppy, whisper in his hair that he is alright, that they’re both alright, and that they can handle everything that’s going on right now.
And Bad himself, well. After leaving the town, his nightmares about the night of the ritual stopped almost completely. They come rarely, only when the anxiety gets really bad. Before, in the forest, Bad had them pretty often. It’s one of the reasons he mostly slept not as himself, but in the minds of the animals.
2) Littering
Bad will not maim someone for not getting a candy wrapper in a trashcan, especially if there are people around. But if someone leaves a big mess in the nature, or even (*gasp*) does it regularly, Bad can and will try and teach them a lesson. As in: pull a cautionary (and probably slightly terrifying) prank on the misbehaving person.
It doesn’t always work out as Bad intended, and may even scare some people off anything relating to nature for good, but, according to Bad, it’s still “a fun and useful little hobby to have :3”.
3) Rat
Rat takes a looong time to warm up to any other animals that infringe on her territory. And Skeppy might be a little shit (and his own rights for Bad are debatable) but he is Rat’s territory still (by approximation from Bad). So, she can gatekeep Skeppy a little bit. Not as much as she does Bad, but the man gotta know his place – Rat comes before other dogs for him too.
4) Tree climbing and strength
Oh, Bad can an will climb down a tree like a full-on creepy creature he is: head down, using only his claws, with Skeppy tucked under one arm. Maybe not even upside down, if Skeppy is lucky, and wasn’t too annoying about wanting to stay up on the tree for the night :D
5) Meeting other spn creatures
Oh, that’s a big question (: Yes, they do meet other cryptids, befriend some, and get in trouble with some, and deal with a handful of new and old spn troubles :D
I always thought that Bad and Skeppy’s life after the main story can make a series of short stories (or one big episodic one) dealing with exactly that: the guys traveling around, meeting other cryptids, learning more about themselves and the world, trying to build a life between human and supernatural crisis going on. Just like In The Dark it can based on the mix between the real life and the minecraft-verse events.
I wanted to focus more on finishing the main story first, though, so these stories are not as sought through, I didn’t even write down any of them yet :D
But if you have more concrete questions, ideas, or suggestions (about a specific person, or a specific thing happening) – write me, I’ll think about it, and how it can work with the theme and worldbuilding I have in mind.
6) Stealing + Protectiveness
Skeppy can sometimes forget about, ahem, moral principles, or human decency… emphasis oh “human”. He’s nature and different worldview it gives, it seeps through in his life and actions even more with age. Especially after he’s been away from actual people for a long while. So, I guess, he might at times steal something that is very important to someone, or do something that could be considered weird or rude in general.
And if Bad really needs something, or is in danger – all rules are down. If there is no one to reality check Skeppy, he might proceed to walk on heads, and commit risky and reckless crimes just to help or save Bad.
They both are quite bad with that, the protecting each other thing. Bad, tho, can be more fiscally violent in his protectiveness.
7) Adrenaline and rollercoasters
Well, it’s not that Bad likes adrenaline specifically, he’s just very curious, likes to try new things, and is almost unkillable. So he can just- just go for everything that’s interesting for him with reckless abandon, and if it goes wrong – welp. Bones can heal limbs can regrow, and the cool abandoned caves will not explore themselves. He’ll have to learn to ease up with lack of selfcare though. Because Bad can’t always leave Skeppy to fend for himself, while he heals, and Skeppy does NOT like seeing Bad getting hurt so much, and not caring about himself at all.
This probably comes back to Bad dealing with his spn nature and learning to make peace between it and himself. And to his anxiety, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
And hey, it’s the same for Skeppy and his lack of adequate moral compass at times :D
There will be a lot of tension and growing they’d have to do in regards to all this.
Also Skeppy is the one who’s really into chasing the thrills :D Man spent nearly half a year annoying probably-murderous-forest-spirit just for little not-boring fun, jeez :DD
Rollercoasters are a no go, tho. They go up in the air, real high, and, once again, Skeppy and highs do not mix, they do not mingle, they will not have tea parties (with or without bears). Unless, of course, Skeppy really needs to prove something. Then he’ll go on a ride, and die an honorable death, and will never admit he screamed all the way through it.
8) Dates
(*insert an innuendo from Skeppy here*) But, ahm, actually I’d say they love going on picnics: getting food, and hanging around in the nature for a while.
And I honestly donno what I like to think about the most… I just really enjoy the vibe and the atmosphere of the whole story, and how Bad and Skeppy interact in general.
It all is a real delight to write about :D
In The Dark - masterpost
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masterhandss · 3 years
I'm curious about what you think a Hamefura-GBF crossover would look like ^^
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As a fan of both I've always created different ideas in my mind of what a GBF-Hamefura collab would be like!! I'm not really creative enough to be able to drop some fan-made collab name ideas or a full premise for the collab's plot, just some random tidbits of fun ideas I thought of.
// warning: very minor spoilers for the novels/fortune lover 2
For how Katarina and the gang gets into the world of Granblue Fantasy, I think it would be really cool if it combines something like the Shadowverse collab where they are just thrown into the world without much explanation (maybe playing it out like another Book of Desires-type thing where Katarina stumbles upon a magic tool that sends them all there) and the Love Live Muse collab where it's kinda just a dream. Not that I want Katarina to dream the entire thing, I just find it really funny how in the Manga Bonus SS, Katarina immediately figures out that she's in a dream and just plays along, which would make her nonchalance about being thrown into another world funny and make sense (for her at least). Maybe in the end it could be revealed to be a dream all along, like the Love Live and most recent Deresute collab.
For the plot itself, I'm not really good at coming up up anything new, all I can think of is making something similar to existing collabs and events qwq. It would really funny if the primal beast behind everything is one who is gluttonous, and Katarina beats them in a competition of iron stomachs (like the Priconne collab and Eating Bonanza Summer event). Or have the event story end with Katarina confronting and talking down a humanoid primal beast and charming him into surrender post-battle, something similar to how she won over Raphael (imagine how funny it would be for Keith to smack his head and sigh, as Katarina continues to charm more people, and a primal beast at that XDD).
Maybe even something like the Code Geass collab where at the same time Katarina and the gang end up in the Sky Realm, the crew is on a quest to find a criminal who is stirring trouble in an island, and that criminal had a striking resemblance to Katarina (or an FL2!Katarina). Like that other Katarina is just an illusion created by a primal beast in order to hide his identity, not really basing the image on anyone specific but just creating someone based on the perfect image of a scheming villainess lmao (and being surprised after finding out that the very girl does exist). Cue confusion from the crew and the harem, while Katarina feels both pride and fear over being called the spitting image of a villainess hgfjhsdgf.
You can even make the plot something like the GBF SideM collab + Hamefura Pirates, where the situation they are in is actually from a Fortune Lover x GBF collab (that Katarina dreams Acchan playing/was mentioned to her once in passing) that somehow (???) has ties to Katarina's fate in FL2.
And please, I would love a quick scene of everyone dining with the crew, and everyone comments on Katarina and Lyria's black hole of a stomach XDD
It would kinda be cool if Katarina had a moment where she uses Phalanx, since VOD showed us that there are shield-type spells in hamefura (canonicity is debatable though) but I guess since Nico already did that in the Love Live collab that'd be copying/too similar haha).
For the event rewards, Katarina would join your party after Chapter2 of course :DD By then she would have met the crew. The other playable characters depends on who you ask to be honest. I don't want to sound mean or anything to the fans of the girls, but when I first encountered the question, my mind immediately went the NinSwitch otome game and how all the boys are the capturable characters. Since HameFura clearly favors the Katarina + the boys in the marketing, I thought realistically that if there was a collab, the playable characters would be them. That would be 5 playable characters though, which might be a lot so I guess a good alternative is a Playable Katarina, Geordo, Keith and maybe Maria too. Combining the three girls into a single unit wouldn't be likely, I think it's more realistic to assume they would be the event summon instead (or at least have a cameo in Katarina's victory animation)
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Katarina would be a Dark SSR (sorry if that's considered as a spoilers to anyone qwq) whose attacks also inflict a partial earth damage. She would be an attack-type character with a sabre and axe specialty (axe because hoe haha). I just can't imagine her being an Earth Character unless Keith isn't playable, because then I guess she could just inflict partial dark damage via casted debuffs in order to reference FL2. She's probably mostly has attack skills that either gives buffs or increases her charge bar. Katarina would get a 5 star uncap in the next event rerun :P
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Geordo would be a Fire SSR with a sabre specialty. He's be an attack-type character who specializes in Attack/Support. Spoilers to the light novels kinda, but I imagine Geordo to have a special third skill that gives him lots of buffs but either debuffs him & kills him eventually (like Dark Jeanne) or sacrifices his HP (like Fire Yuisis) as a reference to Volume 8, where he's a bit unhinged when he's angry and will use his fire magic lethally to anyone who harms his friends.
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Keith would be an Earth SSR with a sabre and staff specialty. He would be Special character, acting as a Support/Debuffer. I imagine that he could have his own personal buff called "Earth Dolls" that get consumed each turn, and having a lot would increase the damage of his charge attack. I know the picture says katana instead of staff, I'm just too lazy to edit it again :'))
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Alan would be a Water SSR with a sabre and gun specialty (why gun? he uses a gun in the hamefura fantasy au so :DD). He'd be a balanced-type character who is an Attacker/Defender. I imagine he'd be like SSR Romeo, who is good for defense but is preferably used to deal some damage (or at least that's how I use him lmao).
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Nicol would be a Wind SSR with a sabre and bow specialty (bow because wind element :DD). He would be a defense-type character who specializes in Defense/Support. Either lands some good debuffs (Def Down, Debuff Success Boosted, Blind, Gravity and CHARM OF COURSE) or has Substitute Ally. Most likely the prior. I know that sounds like he should be a special-type character instead so I'm suggesting he should have a skill with Shield and Immune in a single package.
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I imagine the girls to be an event summon together (in my hypothetical scenario where the boys are the playable characters) where they give random buffs (like 3-6 buffs depending on the lvl and uncap). I imagine that they would have a special Call Effect with Katarina, giving her more buffs or a special buff meant just for her :DD
In the event that Maria is a playable character, she would be a Light SSR who has a staff specialty. She would be a Heal-type character who specializes in Support. Her skills could have stuff like a heal that activates for a few turns, light def-down and a def-up to name a few.
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The event SSR weapon would be a "Doom Flag" of course! It blends perfectly with the dozen other flag-looking spear weapons in the game XDD
My ideas for the SR weapon would either the "Doom Avoidance Strategy Book" which would be a Dark Melee weapon, or a smaller "Bad End Doom Flag" which would be a Fire Dagger (haha get it, because Geordo Bad End :)).
Hahaha that's all I can really think of when it comes to a collab. If you want me to talk about a Hamefura RPG AU, but with GBF classes/races then I can make a whole other post for that sjkfhdsk i've always wanted to draw/imagine the hamefura characters wearing job classes & magic from GBF!
Imagine Mary wearing the Dancer/Masquerade class outfit, Maria in the Doctor class, Alan in the Elysian class, Nicol in the Cavalier/Robin Hood class, Geordo in the Glorybringer class, Keith in the Relic Buster class (as a reference for him being a black knight in the manga bonus ss), Sophia in the Warlock/Asparas class, and Katarina in the Chrysaor/Lumberjack class!!
If anyone would like to add with more collab ideas, I would love to hear it!!!!
Anyways, thank you for the ask :DD
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No please share your theory if only you want to though. Well I mean David did kinda almost slip up when he said years age Nate's the single guy lol & him unintentionally always bringing her up and Gillian is getting flustered and shit and whatnot all the time when he's brought up. In your OWN opinion do you think that DD is also captivated/charmed with GA's charisma and her being her in general?
Wait, what does “Nate’s the single guy” refer to again?
Full disclosure: the only thing I claim to be true is that David and Gillian are friends, which I’ve stated before last Sunday.
This is all speculation on my end and I don’t claim it’s the truth by any means.
Personally, the only way I can make sense of David and Gillian’s is if they were/are having a torrid affair.
Antis will claim this is a fantasy of mine, but I don’t fantasize about people having affairs. However, I am realistic that these things happen.
As I mentioned in another post, how is Gillian still flustered about a question she literally answers several times a year for almost 30 years? Why can’t she give a straight answer? Why does she lie and sometimes contradict herself?
Because she was and currently is involved with David in an on again/off again affair. Depending on her answer, they’re either involved at that moment and/or she’s upset at him.
Where as David can answer the question, but he slips up in other ways.
And it explains why they’d lie about it.
Let’s get something clear: they’ve always admitted that they’ve had a complicated relationship, which they are open about, but they’ve never said they’ve hated each other.
Part of the reason is that they both have dominant personalities, the other reason is that they couldn’t or wouldn’t commit to each other for whatever reason. Then when they got married to their respective spouses and had kids, but still fucked around, they couldn’t expose their indiscretions.
They’re both trying to protect their kids, David more so than Gillian. David’s father cheating, and then leaving his mom for his mistress, deeply shaped David and his brother. People may think this is ironjc and hypocritical, but sometimes kids mimic their parents behavior. Even the toxic shit. As a result, he doesn’t want his kids finding out what he did because he knows what it could do to them. It’s also to spare their former spouses embarrassment (to be honest, I’m not sure David and Gillian would ever receive public blowback for it, esp now. People already think they’re fucking, so what difference would it make). Acknowledging that they ever hooked up leads to questions about when, and then people doing the math.
Gillian’s marriage was from ‘94-‘97 and David’s from ‘97-‘14. Okay, so maybe Gillian was single for a few months and David was single during his separations from tea. I’m not sure there’s a lot of overlap where they were both technically single at the same time. David dated Perry and the woman who dated det white. There has almost always been a relationship going on.
So if they’ve been fucking on and off for almost 30 years, it wasn’t always when both were single. One or both of them were definitely in relationships.
Something we know happened: Gillian admitted that they were talking (as in trying to see if it could lead somewhere) when David lost interest because she wasn’t from New York.
So there is evidence straight out of Gillian’s mouth that when they first met they kinda hit it off in that way before David walked away.
During the dark ages, you know the time they famously ‘hated’ each other, David elopes and doesn’t tell Gillian. Months later, her and David are doing an interview for print or video where they interview each other. Gillian brings up tea and is like, “you must’ve really liked tea to marry her so quick” and “why didn’t you tell me that you were getting married?” This isn’t verbatim, but the gist of it. David says, “you’re still mad about that?”
Let’s take a moment to note how weird that is. They hate each other, right? Why would Gillian fucking care that David didn’t tell her he was getting married and that it happened so quick? It doesn’t matter, but she was hurt by that. She really was. It wasn’t friend hurt, it was jealousy and betrayal.
David hates Gillian, but makes snarky remarks about her boyfriend Roland aka “six pack” (or is it eight pack). “Well, he hates her right, so it makes sense he’d make cracks about her boyfriend?” Well, years later, it’s an inside joke between them.
Their failed relationships are inside jokes to them. Does anyone else find it unusual how often they joke about their failed marriages and relationships? How is this something apart of their narrative or necessary when talking about how long they’ve known each other?
The only way their behavior and responses makes sense to me is if their relationship is messy as hell.
Why would you lie about how close you are to someone unless you had something to hide?
When you comb through their history and read/see what they were doing and what they said, it doesn’t match this narrative that they hated each other. They were at a difficult point in their relationship, personally and professionally, and that bled over into work and interviews. But they’ve always maintained that it wasn’t hate, it was just complicated.
I think in “ghost in the machine” Gillian pretends to blow David. They insisted on doing the “cut” FTF loss and I write cut in parenthesis because, although it was cut, it shouldn’t have existed. They made out twice for fun. Why? Why would you make out for fun with someone you hate? And didn’t this occur during the dark ages? In the unnatural, after tea leaves the set, David starts humping Gillian and she giggles. Yes, two people who hate each other right there.
Their relationship was so tense and complicated because they were stubborn, proud, and strong willed. Those type of people are bound to clash. Throw in their work environment and their relationships, it was a pressure cooker. An explosion waiting to happen.
When people say they hated each other, the question is why and how did they get over that?
There’s never an answer for it. Or when they do claim something, it’s disproven.
And that’s because they didn’t.
If they hated each other, they wouldn’t have done IWTB, various cons together, or even seasons 10 and 11.
Could I be 100% wrong about this, ABSOLUTELY.
Look, it’s no skin off my back if I’m wrong.
I just can never shake the sensation of how Gillian looks like she’s about to be caught or is scared when she’s on a late night show and someone says “picture” and “David” in the same sentence. She looks shaken.
What was up with their kimmel interview?
Why we they basically flirting while talking about hooking up with women?
I expect anon hate accusing me of saying “you said that they had a horrid affair doe 30 years.” 🙄 “but Gillian was so in love with Peter and David loves young pussy.” But my whole point is, I don’t know what to make of their relationship and this is the only thing that makes sense to me. Both of those things could be true in these hypothetical anon hates, it still doesn’t change what I said.
Hell, even Téa while freshly married to David described his relationship with Gillian as sibling like and like a married couple. What does that even mean?
People who talk about “Téa had to force David to invite Gillian to his housewarming party.” Was that because he hated Gillian or because they used to fuck/were fucking. Inviting your former/current lover to your new home with your new wife. A bit awkward and disrespectful, wouldn’t you say?
Keep in mind, months before (or a year before), he was her date to the Emmys, as a friend, to support her because her divorce was being announced that day. How do you go from that to hating each other and not wanting this person to come to your housewarming party?
What was the catalyst?
Why did the fall out?
Didn’t their tension start around the time he married Téa? 🌚
I don’t know if it’s in the same year or within the same 12 months of his marriage, but she’s mad at David at one award show and kissing him on the cheek at another. Dark ages, right?
Remember when Gillian gave a spot on, unfavorable assessment of David and he responded to it all hurt and moody? 😂
And, how could I forget, let’s think of the other suspect behaviors.
1. David: we only email like five times a year.
Gillian: that’s what you like to tell people.
2. Gillian’s gum falls out of her mouth, David puts it in his mouth.
3. Gillian spitting food in his hand and David not being grossed out by it.
3. David pulling on the hem of Gillian’s shirt to pull her closer so he can sign it. Neither thinks twice about it, despite the level of intimacy being unusual.
4. David biting on her shirt.
5. David going quiet and making shit awkward after joking about her saying she kept saying she’d point at random men and say, “I’m going to marry that man.” Same occasion two minutes before, Gillian asking how David knew who mitch’s wife was (it was her stunt double). It felt accusatory.
6. The chili’s story where she has to explain she means Mulder and Scully had sex at Chili’s and not them.
7. Then holding hands under the table at comic con in 2013.
And there’s a lot of stories either I forgot or don’t know, I’m still finding out new things.
I know this theory destroys their perspective of DDGA and it ruins them for some fans, but it’s just a theory. Like I said, I’m not saying it’s the truth. I’m saying it would explain a shit ton about the ebbs and flows of their relationship and why they’re so inconsistent and reactive to being asked about each other for just about three decades. Why aren’t they bored of the question by now and answer it without this big to do?
I don’t know if David stans believe he is/was a cheater, but Gillian stans swear he is until you mention he could’ve cheated with Gillian. All of the sudden, he’s faithful and committed. 😒
I can admit that I might be wrong because I don’t know them. Only they know what goes on in their relationship. But if you had friends acting like they do, you’d think they were fucking or wanted to even when they insist otherwise.
To tour last question: OF COURSE David is captivated by Gillian. Gillian is attractive, funny, and flirty. They seem to have similar senses of humors at times as well. She’s silly too. I can totally see David being taken in by her because we see that now.
He’s more of the straight man to her zaniness, but he finds her zaniness endearing.
EDIT: please feel free to add any normal colleague behavior between David and Gillian over the years. 👀
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niobiumao3 · 3 years
Also, re: Hawkeye episode 5...
- Poor Jack the Himbo. :( Eleanor set him up! He's innocent(ish)!
- Poor Kate finding out her mom for what she truly is. She's probably heartbroken, especially after Eleanor definitely has her best interests in mind. Just, she's also a crime boss. So, to date, her idol is a mass murderer and her mom's the henchperson of a major crime figure, and her new bestie is a former assassin trying to kill said idol. Rough fucking week.
- Yelena, robbed of a reunion with Nat. I mean no wonder she's out for blood. Assuming this gets cleared up, is Val gonna get a nasty gram from her? From Clint? ...from Laura?
- Continuing the trend, I suspect episode 6 will open on a flashback to the Snap, from Eleanor and/or Fisk's POV. Probably how their agreement manifested, no doubt due to Clint's "it's not a phase mom" murder spree. 'You need backing. I need security.' 'So you want a guard dog for your sheep?' 'If you have an appropriate guard dog on offer, certainly. But I doubt you do. Not one that can handle this. I'll settle for a buffer between him and my operations.' 'So. Bait, to sacrifice to the wolf to keep it off the flock.' 'Yes. Unless you have someone on staff who can handle this.' 'Probably not. Bait, though, that I can provide access to.'
- I don't expect we'll get a 'Yelena with the Bartons for Christmas' but I bet we WILL get a 'Kate and Lucky with the Bartons for Christmas'. Maybe bonus LARPers?
- Yelena's going to have a breakdown when she finds out not only did Clint try to stop Nat, Nat explicitly wouldn't let Clint die for her, Nat dove after him. That she utterly refused to let it be him and in effect sacrificed ever seeing Yelena or Melina (or Alexei) again so Clint could live and be with his family. That she cared about this guy this much is gonna sting and she's gonna need time to cope.
- My other suspicion is, the actual thing Fisk wanted from the auction was the watch which belonged to a former SHIELD agent who was a mole in his organization, or something along those lines, which was ofc Laura. That, or it's Matt's, and MCU!Matt is quietly retired as DD and was never discovered by Fisk like in the Netflix show. But he was snapped, hence Clint stepping in--bonus points, Clint lacks Matt's hangups with actually killing people, which probably had Fisk more than a little annoyed. 'At least the Devil of Hell's Kitchen didn't kill them all. Never thought I'd be wishing for him instead.'
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selfshippinglover · 4 years
all of the self insert development questions for your harry potter s/i >:3
1. Does your insert have a name that’s different from yours? Does the name reflect their character in any way, or is it just because it sounds nice? How did you come up with it?
Nope! I mostly just stick with my own name just cause I like it to feel more like me in world :)
2. Does your insert have a very strong relationship with a f/o, maybe more than one? Tell us a little about the dynamic they have! This can be a bond that’s romantic, familial, or platonic, anything - even an enemy would count as a strong relationship!
~So, Hagrid and I have a very strong friendship before the whole dating thing! :DD I met well he was caring for a mythical creature and we bonded quickly just talking by it tbh :))
~McGonagall and I are best friends! we bond pretty quickly once the school year kicks off! As I’m a newer hire to the school, I’m still getting used to how everything works(I end up going via Hagrid’s recommendation!) and she actually helps me in between classes if I have any questions. We both care strongly for the lives of our students and are annoyed by the ones that are disruptive. So yeah, we also are fast friends :)
~I have a great deal of respect for Dumbledore despite his uhhh, “method” of teaching sometimes being straight up dangerous to others. Sometimes it’s even begrudging respect! I love the way he run things but I wish he’d put the students in less danger >:/ Still, I know I can feel safe to talk to him whenever I may need.
3. Who in their canon are they closest to? Who would they drop everything to come help, if anyone? Who’s the person they’re least close to? Who would they most likely not get along with, if anyone?
~I’m definately closest to Hagrid and McGonagall. I’d drop everything if even one of them was in danger.
~I mean, the only people I don’t really like ar the ones serving Voldemort....and Gilderoy =-=
4. Does your insert have a backstory? Tell us about it! How does their backstory, if any, define who they are? How does it reflect their relationships now? Their hopes and dreams?
~My backstory is very basic: I’m just another wizard in the world. Timid, unsure of what I wanna do with my life, and lowkey craving adventure.(boi does life deliver on that  one fkhjhsjg) One day while walking through many of the forests in the Wiarding Worl, I meet a half giant. We become friends very quick and he shows me around his home as well as educates me on mythical creatures. I find out that he actually works at the most well reknown school in all of the magical world and they have a slot open! I’m anxious at first but decide(after much coaxing and the reminder that he’ll be there if I need him) to give it a shot. I end up making the cut and officially and becoming an assist teacher! I go around as many classes as I can and help out :33 
~The only way my relationships are affected is by becoming closer and making new ones really.
~After having no big dreams, my dream becomes to learn how to help as many students as I can to reach their potential and to feel good about themselves! I always to preach to them about good mental health, remind them to drink often, and be aware when teachers and students aren’t feeling well. I offer to take their place if it’s a magic I know well enough.
5. Does your insert have any magical talents or otherwise special abilities? Are they passive, like the ability to befriend animals, or dangerous power that the villains want? Or if theyre evil - any powers the heroes want to stop?
I mean, as a wizard, I’ve got plenty! i try to have a decent array of everyday use kind of spells, lots of healing focu spells, and self-defense based ones. (I learn more offensive stuff at the school)So yeah, pretty passive.
6. Do they fight? What’s their weapon of choice? Do they stay on the sidelines? What would it take for them to get off the sidelines? Revenge? Saving a loved one? What’s the motivation for them to fight, or to stay OUT of a fight?
I really prefer to not use violence/engage in confrontation and will avoid it by sticking to the sidelines and only intervening when the students fight. If it were to be two professors, I’d probably stay out of it... ^-^’ the big thong that would push me out and/or through my fear would be if someone I cared about was stepping up to the plate/in danger. I can’t let others get hurt!
7. What kind of clothing style do they like? What would they never be caught dead wearing? What’s likely in their closet right now?
~I like a variety of aesethics but my insert ends up sticking to more formal attire sense it’s a school.
~I don’t really like wearing things that show a lot of skin so that really.
~Looots of formal attire, a few dresses, protective gear, enchanted clothes,  and very casual clothing.
8. How do they fit into their canon world? What’s their role to play, if any? Do they have a big destiny? Or do they more live as a side character that’s helpful for the protagonists/antagonists?
I’m mostly a side character that has her own personal arc about feeling good enough in that place and stepping up against my personal fears to help others.
9. Their favorite foods? Colors? Activities? What do they enjoy in life? How do they express their joy for things they like?
~Magic foods are freaking weird so I stick with the most looking stuff XDD
~Red and Pink are still favorite colors, hang out with the other teachers, patrol campus, learn about mythical creatures, take day trips to the shopping districts, read the newspapers, and hang out with my friends :33
~She expresses joy by sharing with others, stimming via movement, and just being all excited when talking about it :33
10. Their least favorites? What don��t they enjoy in life? How do they deal with being presented with things they don’t like?
~just don’t like the usual stuff, anger, confrontation, jerks, being forced into things you know, the usual.
~I just have a  fear reaction to most things so I try to avoid it and/or deescalate things.
11. How easy is it to make your insert angry? Sad? How easy is it to twist their emotions into negative things? By contrast, how easy are they to cheer up? What can brighten a bad day?
~As a sufferer of fear and depression, being sad comes easily. Anger is an emotion reserved for very few evil acts. I’ve learned to cope a bit better at that point so I don’t immediately fall into sadness but a few more pushes or crazy things happening would overwhelm me fast.
~I’m a bit hard to cheer up if I’m suffering a depressive episode but way easier if I just feel bad. Distraction works perfectly fine in that situation. I really just need downtime and my friends faces.
12. Is your insert a loner, or do they prefer crowds? Do they warm up easily, or do they tend to take longer to befriend others? What kinda people do they get along with? Who are they likely to be uncomfortable with?
~I’m pretty sociably flexible as long as there aren’t large crowds. (Though I don’t like meeting groups of new people cause it makes me anxious) I find it easy to befriend others since I treat others like my friends from the start. I can be nice to anyone, ya know? It mostly depends on my energy level that day tbh.
~I’m only really uncomfortable with angry people, people that boost their own ego at the cost of others, people that commit horridly evil acts, and people that are super narrow-minded about things.
13. What are your insert’s goals? Their hopes and dreams for the past/future/present! Do they intend to achieve no matter what? Could anything stop them, big or small?
Nothing big, just exsist happily and not suffer through their terrible mental struggles all the time. Later on though, she decides she wants to help and protect everyone to the best of her ability; no matter the situation. She is very easily pushed into doing things unless it’s for others so uhh, once all the bad stuff happens, the situation and fear for her students and peers pushes her into action.
14. Does your insert have any family relations? How do they get along? How do they disagree? Is it a biological family? Adopted? Or is it found family? How did this family come together, if it was one of the last two?
Not really, no? Well, idk yet. Kinda questioning if McGonagall could be an older sister.
15. Does your insert have any enemies? What’s that dynamic like? Why are they enemies? Did they ever get along in the past? Is patching up differences out of the question for the future?
I mean, the only people she has anything against are people that try to hurt the ones she loves and well, that’s self-explanatory on its own.
16. Free question space! Ask whatever you want to know!
No one asked but Luna Lovegood is underrated as hell and the movies did her dirty!!
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ Patreon Commentary Catchup 2020-03-29
I know I’ve been sitting on half-a-dozen asks, but I’m gonna sit on those a little longer because after I’m done catching up on ALL the commentary I’ve missed I’ll probably be a little exhausted.
First the commentary on Chapter 5: YOUR 3Y3S H4V3 B33N CLOS3D.  I skimmed this before, just so I could leave a comment about what I’d been told about the suicide feeling / Jaspers funeral when she was “eight” being way too late on the timeline.  They still haven’t made any corrections to that HS^2 page.  Hm.  Are they just feeling the general vibe and tags to help the fandom guide things?  I’m wondering if anyone came to any of them specifically with that, since Patreon commentary doesn’t seem to cut it.  (Which I might be grateful for, from another point of view, because why would they favor paid methods.)
Sketches and Commentary: Chapter 5, "YOUR 3Y3S H4V3 B33N CLOS3D"
Starting commentary on why they played with the medium by opting for a Longpage with that update.  Unsurprising and understandable~
Ooh, they included the commission/sketch instructions for the image they asked from Xam.
I don't know what we did to deserve Xamag.
Yeah few people dispute Xamag’s awesomeness.~
Much of this conversation was written before they launched HS^2′s first chapter, huh?
With the "primary" version of its original protagonist dead in a wallet,
Did... did Terezi or someone else put John’s body in his wallet after he died?  I forget.  *checks back*
(Meat 35) That’s definitely a fair question. But I have one that’s much more important for her to answer. Terezi, are you seriously just going to leave the body here? “TEREZI: HUH?” Of course not. Terezi’s a practical girl, after all. She digs the wallet out of her blood-stained pants, and captchas the corpse. She holds it close to her heart, like a secret. Like John’s stupid last words: a confession whispered for her and no one else.And then she starts walking home.
(Meat 36) Terezi’s jaw tightens. She’s not ready to hear any words that remind her of those few hours with John. Her hand goes to her pocket, where she’s keeping the wallet. She traces the contours of it with her thumb and forces a smile.
[...] Here we both are. It’s a beautiful day. You’ve got your dead boyfriend in your wallet. And we’ve already managed to strike such a nice metatextual rapport. So hear me out. [...]  I ease the throttle back a bit, just enough so that I’m not whispering directly into her ear when she slips the wallet out of her pocket. She clutches it so hard in her palm that she’s digging dents into the leather, and bites her lip.
God damnit, that was an important fucking thing for me to forget.  I hope she preserved his corpse in a better way than just “wallet”.  And why the FUCK did Dirk think it was so important to bring him???? That’s not good, is it.
Back to the commentary, going to how the Dirk crew’s conversations especially cover the meta question of why continue the story at all...
This is actually a similar question to one explored by a series that shares a lot of Homestuck's creative DNA, Steven Universe.
Oh god damnit, what timing, huh?  And then they go on about what constitutes a happy ending and what’s supposed to happen after, how work might not be done, et cetera.  Hopefully these authors take a page from how SU:F finished, because Steven Universe managed to pull it back to uplifting pretty well.
These are two dangerous women, confined together long enough to learn all of each others' weaknesses, and sharp-edged enough to exploit them.
True enough.
Dirk, unfortunately, cucks the audience from seeing the scene's "true resolution." What an asshole. I've never been madder at this guy than I am right now. I bet he didn't even provide a warranty.
On to the next commentary:
Sketches and Commentary: Catnapped, Part Three
Catnapped is some of the most fun I’ve had while writing, because Jasprose is just so goddamn fun. Cats don’t plan, they live in the moment. She’s always existing in that moment of pushing a glass off the table.
We can all agree with that I think.
Plenty they talk about here, but I’ll just quote part of anything about characterization... 
First, I actually really appreciate getting a lot at Jane's genuine sympathy for Dirk here. There was quite a bit of mutual fondness and care between the two of them – but, at the same time, they enabled each others' worst tendencies.
Swifer remains the closest thing to a "straight man" this story has. (Not in the sexuality way. In the comedy way.)
There was no universe where we left this story without Jasprose saying "owo what's this". You know it, I know it.
Jesus Christ, I didn’t catch that.
God, Problem Sleuth just has the worst commuting luck. He should put some of his rug money into a permanent locksmith. Checking back in with these scenes is always a delight. It probably took PS like two hundred off-screen panels to get to this point. Miserable.
Wait, that’s right, Catnapped 28 is shown before DDD 12, but AFTER Dad is shown marching up handcuffed in Catnapped 26.  And yet in DDD 12, Dad and DD come fetch PS from out of his office, when the handcuffed thing hasn’t happened yet in DDD.  You can’t DO that, authors!  It only makes RELEASE ORDER sense, not any sort of OTHER sense?  What about when people come to catch up or read this later!  Come on, that’s sloppy.  Unless they’re going to leave PS behind to stay trapped in his office MORE, which I wouldn’t put past them.  (But, wouldn’t make sense since the bullethole from C28 is already there in DDD12.)  Andrew knew more of how to be responsible telling an out-of-time-sync story, believe it or not.
Commentary ends with a few sketches, like Jasprose doing a The Mask impression, appropriately.
Sketches and Commentary: Chapter 6, "A Conversation Regarding Relevance"
Oh, it’s Jade time.
On alt!Callie’s starting Space rant:
I wanted to impress on everyone just how vast it is, and also to remind the audience that alt!callie has them at the same mercy that Dirk does. She can force us to listen to her pontificate endlessly if she so chooses. She’s slightly less insufferable than Dirk, if only perhaps because her text isn’t orange. 
Yep, mostly.
So here she is. Jade. We find out that not only is she conscious inside her own head, she is also incredibly chatty. And not too thrilled with her current situation. I know most of the audience isn’t either, considering the fact that Jade having no agency has basically become a meme at this point. 
As Callie told us in the beginning of the chapter, it isn’t natural for people to behave like narrative devices. Even within her own thematic framework, Callie has a habit of defaulting to behaving like a person after all. 
Even alt!Callie still became a story nerd, not just original Callie -- she just became a different, more insufferable type of story nerd.
Plenty more discussion I don’t need to touch on...  keep in mind I’m omitting large parts of this in most cases, again, to respect the paywall.
A remark on Dave and Karkat being two emotionally-constipated early-twenties Bernie Bros, which... I mean.  Fair.
She definitely does love them, and she wanted to be with them, but also...Jade has a lot of other prospects. She’s actually the one character who seems to be enjoying her time on Earth c. Hitting up interspecies raves and getting around. We just haven’t seen any of that because none of those other people she boned are main characters. 
Maybe that’s why alt!Callie was so blind and dismissive of it?  Offscreen experience being less in the Light, therefore less relevant to her, even though that’s the exact attitude she’s ostensibly at war with?
Anyway Jade’s consciousness is huge.
It’s been a while since we’ve had any sort of serious meta talk about classpects. Mostly because there’s really no use for classpects outside of the game, unless, for instance, you go around referring to everyone as the Prince or the Witch because you are a dramatic alien in a hood. It does make sense that a Witch’s powers would be more useful than a Sylph’s to a Muse. 
Aaaand that’s all the classpect mention we’re gonna get isn’t it? ;P
(Yes I know, the author told us to dial it back.  They ARE going ahead and prepping to answer some outstanding questions, though.)
Honestly, the Jade Situation is a tough one. To be sure, she has been sacrificed to the plot again and again, something that probably began as a coincidence and then later grew into a theme. Space players are destined to be huge, cosmic forces in the universe. Big movers. [...] But usually when we hear the story of big, god-like beings, we don’t think about the personalities behind them. What was it like for god to create the universe? Was he lonely? Did he regret it? Did he wish he could live in it instead? 
And Jade WAS too powerful not to sideline, by a certain point in the plot.  And before that, maybe trapped in a bit of a character arc where she had to get over some notions to step into the action.
I actually think Jade could have been okay with this. With being A Force For The Narrative. [...] But then Callie makes it personal.
Agreed.  If alt!Callie hadn’t been so shitty about it in general, they could have worked things out more meaningfully; but the immense resolve and effort it took to dominate Caliborn in her origin timeline has tainted her perception ALMOST as bad as Dirk’s.  Much of HS^2 is probably going to involve her gradually learning how to get over that in the background, the balance she needs to take ala the Ultimate Riddle’s lesson.
(Tangentially... it was said that it would have been nearly impossible to make alt!Callie dominate, even across ALL timelines.  What if alt!Callie had her timeline’s origin explained in HS^2 by a Third Scratch at this late date with the likes of Davebot running around to do it???  That would probably make me fucking mad.)
Back to the commentary.
Admittedly these last few chapters have definitely been “girls beating the crap out of each other” heavy, and I hope that’s okay.
Callie and Jade aren’t really sure who makes a decision on what is considered “just” or “heroic”. Plot twist, it’s us. We do. But also the alpha timeline does.
More gorgeous Xam art. Initially we were going to make it more ambiguous whether or not she actually ate the peanut butter, but we decided to have it be a decisive moment of triumph.
Really?  Well, you could have made it visually clearer that the candy dropped.  A lot of people visually missed that.  This is a consequence of the back-and-forth artist-isnt-the-author art-commissioning going on, in part... Andrew was MUCH better at conveying what he wanted to convey BETWEEN panels than this crew, like comic book panels and their composition together; you can see that when comparing Homestuck proper’s sprite animation to that of fan adventures that used sprites, for instance.  These guys are at something of a disadvantage due to their disconnect.
Commentary on the Commentary
This commentary uses "she/her" to talk about the alternate Calliope possessing Jade, while the "other" Callie (remember them?) uses they/them. This other Calliope, presumably, has a much different relationship with her gender – and her brother – than the Callie we saw discussing the subject with Roxy and John. One of my favorite things about this update (I can say that, because I'm a second person who didn't write it) was that subtle hint about how different her Caliborn must have been to allow her to predominate in the first place. I'd be really interested in fan works exploring more about her (and his) past.
Not sure what else to say to that, but it does make me hmmm.
Sketches and Commentary: Diamonds, Dames, and Dads, Part 1
Probably not much plot-relevant here...
Oh pff.
They had full drawings of them going in for the kiss on standby.  They couldn’t resist making them.
Real talk, I have been looking forward to writing this story the most out of any other part of HS^2. Finally I get to combine my passions. Cheesy noir bullshit and old men making eyes at each other. 
Pfffffff.  Yes.
...the next three or four pages of this writing go on to describe how sexy this is and these characters and setting are.  I can’t fault a word of any of it.
The dream team is assembled. Nothing can possibly go wrong. 
Wow, I caught up on all this commentary quick.  See you next time.
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saccharineomens · 5 years
I want to know all the answers from your 100 question meme
Something you find romantic? Answer whichever #'s you feel comfortable answering; I want to know all your inner musings 😝
cat why do you do this to me
i’ll be sticking them below a readmore, then!
1.  Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes! Unless you’ve communicated with your partner that it’s okay.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Hmmm this is a really hard decision. I usually say telepathy, but I like shapeshifting, too. I loved the Animorphs books as a kid, even though I didn’t read them all.
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Monetarily? Nah. But I like to think I’ll still have strong, rich friendships and I think I’ll have enough money to live comfortably alone. 
5.  Tell us some funny drunk story. I just don’t really have one rip. Drunk people are hilarious but normally I’m the DD. I’ve got several pleasant stories, though! There was a time me and my best friend went to a pub and drank cider and played board games and video games until closing time. Afterwards we stopped at an Insomnia cookies, a storm caused the electricity to go out, and we got a half dozen cookies for free. (well, I felt guilty, so I left them a very large tip.)
6.  Why are you no longer together with your ex? I was going through college, it was long distance, and I felt he deserved better. We keep in touch, though.
7.  If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Well, painlessly, of old age, in my sleep, of course. But if that’s not an option, out of all the ways of dying, freezing to death seems the most humane. You just get tired, cold, and sleepy, and then you just...don’t wake up.
8.  What are your current goals? Graduate, mostly. Long-term I’d like to live with friends in a big house and my cat, and have enough free time to garden and craft at my leisure, and have the ability to travel wherever I’d like. I’d like to work on a game or movie I’m really passionate about, and I’d love to become a director someday.
9.  Do you like someone? I mean, I like a lot of people, but I assume this means romantically. So, kind of? I find a lot of people attractive and have a ‘if they wanted to date I’d be down’ feeling, but I don’t have serious feelings for anybody specific.
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? Hmmm I have a terrible memory. Myself, perhaps? I have a really hard time with getting up when my alarms go off. Sleep inertia’s a big problem for me. This has led to me being late to classes and rushing to get ready, which is stressful.
11. Do you like your body? Ehhhh. I guess. It could be improved, like by not having health issues. 
12.  Can you keep a diet? Ha! No.
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I hope you have a wonderful day. The universe doesn’t care about us so be excellent to each other!
14.  Do you work? Constantly, every day. I work to learn new things, accomplish school assignments, make money, feed myself...All my life is is working, right now.
15.  If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Salad! Because anything can be a salad. Tuna salad, fruit salad, salad with salmon...
16. Would you get a tattoo? Oh, absolutely. The only reason I don’t have any is because of money. I have like five small ideas and one very large one that i’d like across my back. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Food, my family, and my friends.
18. Can you drive? Yes. Do I have a license? No.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Probably sometime in the past month by my mother, but she’s just about the only person who does.
20. What was the last thing you cried for? asdfjal;ksdjfs it was Treasure Planet. Jim and Silver’s relationship is just [clutches chest] so beautiful.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of, sporadically. 
22.  Is life fun? Yes!
23.  Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I mean, I prefer you excuse yourself, but more or less yeah.
24.  What’s your dream car? My sib got this really nice Prius used at a good price, and it has a lot of room and it’s a hybrid, so Nice. I don’t tend to pay much attention to cars, as long as they’re comfortable and low-waste.
25. Are grades in school important? I admit that they’re important to me, but that’s something I have to unlearn. My worth isn’t determined by other people.
26. Describe your crush. Ugh. I’m bi, guys. I get crushes on people all the time, every day. Saw this really pretty redhead in the cafeteria over a month ago, and I saw her again yesterday. She’s a couple inches taller than me and has really pretty curly hair, but I didn’t really, like, stare, so I couldn’t describe her face well past ‘cute nose’.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? Nothing jumps to mind. I guess I’m still falling over myself after seeing Mad Max back in like 2015, that was just the coolest experience ever. I find delight in just about every movie I watch, though. The second Jumanji-sequels movie was just as fun and amazing as the first. Klaus was just incredible in so many ways. 
28.  What was your last lie? I...really just do not remember. Probably telling myself “I’m gonna do my laundry today” a few days ago? Whereas I DID do my laundry today so HA
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I saved this question for last and it’s late and I honestly can’t remember anything, asdjls sorry. My memory’s awful y’all. 
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Oh absolutely. I mean it wouldn’t be if they weren’t uncomfortable with it, but they always are.
31.  Something you did and you are proud of? I did my laundry today? washed dried folded and everything. I also braved the nighttime neighborhood around my school to solo a Pokemon raid, which was cool. I’m proud of my animation done at the end of the last semester, and of how my teddy bear modelling is doing this week.
32. What’s your favourite cocktail? How am I supposed to choose this? How can you ask me to choose this? I’d have to line them all up and try one by one, honestly, before I could tell you. 
33.  Something you are good at? I’m pretty good at drawing anatomy and expressions, I think. I’m good at baking/cooking, although I lack creativity in the kitchen. I also think I’m a pretty good listener, and a good friend? 
34.  Do you like small kids? Most of the time!
35.  How are you feeling right now? Frankly, a little drained with all these questions, but determined to finish them. I’m a little hungry. I’ve got a lot on my mind, and wish I was doing homework, but I also can’t get myself to do it right now. 
36.  What would you name your daughter/son? Not sure! Every once in a while I’ll be like “ooh, that’d be a great name” and then don’t remember to write it down. Besides, I plan on adopting, and most kiddos already have names.
37.  What do you need to be happy? Money, friends, family, good food, and a place to explore. 
38.  Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Not particularly. No one other than, well. The rich people I’m pretty sure everyone knows I dislike.
39.  What was the last gift you received? Well, anything my mom cooks for me is a gift, but the last Proper gift was from my friend @ wefflebugs , who got me a blu-ray copy of Into the Spiderverse and some coffee for Christmas  c:
40.  What was the last gift you gave? I gave my sibling @ aconfusedbird a keychain of one of the two Bubble Bobble dragons and kept the other for myself, for their birthday. Handmade from Perler beads. We’d play that game for ages as kids, and we always fought over who’d be the blue one.
41.  What was the last concert you went to? I think it was The Shins? They were so awesome!
42.  Favourite place to shop at? Well, I quite like Target. But I also adore small resale shops. They always have some really awesome things hiding there.
43. Who inspires you? Oogh, a lot of people. Like a million and a half artists I’ve met online, ones I only know their screenname for, inspire me to get better at art. James Baxter and Sergio Pablos inspire me to get better at animation. Wefflebugs’ art always has such lovely colors, which I adore. featherdragon15′s art has gotten a lot better lately, and that inspires me to keep working hard too! Not to mention they’re working for nasa which is rad af, and also inspires me to keep working toward my dreams. My sibling aconfusedbird inspires me a Lot in a lot of personal ways, like to be more kind to myself and to keep moving forward. My mom inspires me to keep gardening. roachpatrol/roach-works inspired me to get into welding, lizardlicks inspired me into wanting chickens and a small homestead. My teachers inspire me to keep working hard in school. 
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? 19, I think? I’ve only gotten properly drunk once. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat another boiled peanut, but other than that it wasn’t a problem lol.
45. How old were you when you first got high? I haven’t, actually. I don’t have a reason not to or anything, but it’s just never felt like the right vibe yanno?
46.  How old were you when you first had sex? I guess it really depends on your definition. Personally, I’d say I haven’t yet.
47. When was your first kiss? Well, I played spin the bottle when I was seventeen, which was technically my first kiss, but if that doesn’t count then it was about a week before I turned eighteen, and I kissed the guy who’d become my first boyfriend.
48.  Something you want to do until the end of this year? Play video games....I wish I had infinite time to play video games and watch movies and draw and just...enjoy my time on earth, you know? Without feeling like it had a deadline.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I try not to live with regrets. 
(50 is ‘post a selfie’ but im on a computer)
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Either aconfusedbird or featherdragon15, i think. 
52.  Name one thing that terrifies you. asdkfjal;sdf i’ve been listening to too much magnus archives and got recommended to ‘not be too scared of one thing’ if i want to avoid the creatures, so uh. hard to decide. I guess I’m scared of...hm. people who just lack the ability to create bonds with people? people who don’t care about other living things. humans can be fucking terrifying. 
53. What kind of books do you read? Oh, just about anything. Fantasy, realistic fiction, romance, mysteries, thrillers, scifi...all are great. I didn’t used to enjoy nonfiction but it really depends on the nonfiction.
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? You’re going to have a best friend someday, and it will be everything you wanted. Things with your mother will improve when you’re in your last few years of high school. You’re going to become a great artist.
55.  What is your favourite flower? Not sure! I like many. There was this one flower i found in high school that smelled incredible, but I’ve no idea what it was. I should find it again.
56. Any bad habits you have? ...Well. Not waking up when my alarm goes off is pretty annoying. My procrastination in general’s frustrating. And, well, just between you, me, and the rest of the internet, (tw: self harm) my trichotillomania causes me constant distress and anxiety.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? People who want to learn new things, are kind and compassionate, respect me, and have a good sense of humor. Someone I can be adventurous with.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? Well, i answered a similar question earlier, so I’ll answer for the second most recent time I cried. I was in Pennsylvania, the day I had to fly home, and when I went to check in for my flight, all the seats were taken, and I needed to pay for an upgrade if I wanted to guarantee a spot on the flight. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, except that for both of my flights to get home, an upgrade cost $70. And seventy dollars was a big chunk out of my budget for, you know, food. So I cried out of stress and frustration with the airport companies for charging me seventy bucks for ten more inches of legroom that I didn’t want nor need.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? Not really! In terms of what’s normally accepted as “food” in American society, that is. I don’t care much for worms or insects. Other than that, I’m interested enough to try almost anything once.
60. Are you in love? In love? No. Am I full of love? Yes, for many, many, many things. 
61.  Something you find romantic? Oh man, anything could be romantic if done by someone I care for. I think gentleness is romantic. Quality time is my love language, so if my partner cancelled plans to spend time with me, that’d be romantic. I find romance in trying new things and going to new places.
62. How long was your longest relationship? Four months or so. It’s the only relationship I’ve been in, though, and I hadn’t intended for it to go past summer, so that was longer than I’d even planned on haha.
63, 64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? Opposite sex? Uhhh kind of hard to answer this one. I mean, i hate the culture in which men are raised to be, but I’ve heard that ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains aren’t particularly predisposed to anything in particular? Like, both men and women are capable of emotional intelligence and compassion, it’s just that our culture doesn’t encourage it in men. 
65. What are you saving money for? Food, college. I might treat myself to a school trip to Disney, but I don’t think I have the budget rn. As a student I’m kind of coasting by on the bare minimum rn, I don’t have anything i CAN save up for.
66. How would you describe your bad side? I mostly just avoid you or try to not spend time with you. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I am. I care about other people and try to make other people’s lives easier and happier. I try every day to become more sensitive to other perspectives. I do what I can to benefit the earth for those who will come after me.
68. What are you living for? Ooh, deep stuff. I’m living for helping other people. I’m living for my friends and family. 
69 (nice).  Have you ever done anything illegal? Pfft, guys, jaywalking is illegal. So yes. I’ve also drank while underage before. But nothing really big, no.
70.  Do you like your body? Wait a second. This was number 11, too. Well, I guess I’ll change it to What don’t you like about your body? Which is my under-chin. It’s kind of a double chin, kind of not. But while most things I could change about my body, I don’t think I could change that without surgery. And yeah, I’ve thought about it. Not that I have any of the cash for it. I also wish I didn’t have (tw: self-harm) trichotillomania, so I’d have more eyelashes and eyebrows.
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I think I probably have, to douchebags. Like “hey, that’s inappropriate”.  
72.  Ever sent nudes? Nope!
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? God, no. Big #1 no no for me.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! Agh, okay. @ aconfusedbird, @ busket, @ loreweaver-universe, @ orange-plum. The four blogs I don’t actually follow, but whose blogs I visit every day. It changes around every few years. It used to be a different bunch back when I first got on tumblr. I really have no idea why I haven’t followed them. Habit, I suppose? Also, it still won’t let me tag my sib for some reason. (nvm I removed the tags, i don’t want to bother them)
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? lmao uh, that’s kind of an understatement. I can’t list all my favorite games, but I’m very fond of The Last of Us. I have played. So many video games. I’ll chat about them anytime!
77. Favourite TV series? Avatar: The Last Airbender, I think. It’s really hard to top that.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Not really religious, no. I do think that there’s probably a god out there that sparked the Big Bang. I don’t really follow the Christian God because despite what every church service said, I never felt like He loved me. Jesus was a super cool guy, though. If there’s a god out there, I think they pretty much keep to themselves. Maybe have some fun watching creation, but don’t really interact with it at all.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? asdkfj;as i don’t remember. probably my textbook Directing the Story by Francis Glebas? It was a pretty cool book about moviemaking.
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? I’ve reblogged a lot on the subject. I respect those who practice it, but it can cause a lot of environmental harm. In theory, it’s not bad! 
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Like eight years or so? Maybe nine? wild. I visited blogs daily before the number got high enough i was like ‘okay i’ll just make an account’.
82. Do you like Chinese food? Oh, yes!
83-85. McDonalds or Subway?   Vodka or whiskey? Alcohol or drugs? Subway, whiskey and alcohol.
86.  Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes, yes, and no!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? I’ve had this one for many years now. I really like the word ‘saccharine’ -- inspired by @ saccharinesylph back in the old days -- and i couldn’t just name myself ‘saccharine’, so i needed something else. and I was pretty big into Good Omens at that time, and I was like ‘haha! saccharine, good, omens. saccharine omens!’ Plus, it feels like a very positive and comforting name, and I strive to be a comforting person. 
88. What are you scared of? ok i def answered this moving on
89. Last time you were insulted? uhhhhhhhhh no idea. oh, wait! i know. i was getting graded on my performance at my job late last year and i disagreed with the grade my boss gave me. It was like ‘person shows considerable care of their community and goes above and beyond to educate others’ and i was like ‘oh yeah that’s, like, my whole Thing, my whole Goals and Personality and Ideals’ and then my boss came in and was like ‘2/4′ and i was like ‘wtf??’ Apparently she felt that i just wasn’t really applying that part of myself to my job, and i was like ‘you serious? i’m doing a lot!’ but also she’s my boss.
90. Most traumatic experience? A series of emotionally/mentally abusive things my mom did during my childhood. It’s definitely had the longest lasting effects of any trauma. Permanent anxiety problems, ptsd, my self harm, the whole shebang. Don’t worry, though, like. Things are way better between us, and she’s apologized many times.
91. Perfect date idea? Going on a hike! Maybe walking on a beach. Just spending time together and talking. Eating some delicious food. Spending the entire day with each other, then curling up and cuddling at home and watching a movie. then talking some more. lots of handholding and kisses. im a super hopeless romantic.
92. Favourite app on your phone? the internet, ofc lmao. But other than that I use Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go an awful lot. 
93. What colour are the walls in your room? At school a boring white, although I’ve taped some art up. At home a really pretty light blue color that I did all myself.
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? I do! And I like so many channels, honestly. I really like Rachel and Jun, and I really like Pop Culture Detective. I’ve seen a lot of jackscepticeye’s stuff, too. Proko, Vox, and Sinix Design are all good too.
95. Share your favourite quote. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” -Dr Seuss
96.  What is the meaning of life? To be happy, enjoy yourself, and love others!
97. Do you like horror movies? Ha ha ha, not really. I liked A Quiet Place though. 
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? She’s cried sometimes over how she treated us in the past. Sometimes it happens because I talk about how she’s hurt me. She always expresses regret and apologizes again. 
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I feel lucky with how I met my best friend. We’d had band together and kind of both thought each other as a cool person, but we didn’t really hit it off until a couple years later and she saw me drawing Homestuck fanart in Psychology lmao. The rest is history. Love you so much, Haley. I feel lucky my mom realized she was being abusive and stopped, too. Not everyone gets that. 
100. Can you keep a secret? Oh, definitely. But do tell me what needs to be secret, otherwise I won’t know. For example, my sib asked me to keep their gf busy while they bought her a present, so I tried, but then she was like ‘oh, where’s your sibling? we should find them’ i was like ‘oh no, i think they’re just buying something, it’s fine’ but she was stubbornly moving toward the checkout and i was like ‘stop, i think they’re buying something for you’ so i. kinda told a secret? i didn’t tell her what the present was though.
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heliantyr · 5 years
Time for questions! I’m going to put 1-9 here plain and simple, and then the rest will be under the break just so that you don’t have to scroll to oblivion if you don’t want to see this! Let’s go!
1: Name
     My name is Jude, or Coreta if you wanna use my pen name! A few of you might also know me as Virchude since that’s my main blog!
2: Age
    I won’t tell you plainly, but I am still in high school.
3: City that you live in
     I’m just gonna tell you which state! I live in the lower peninsula of Michigan!
4: What do most people not know about you?
     I’m almost certain that none of you know this, but I am the youngest of  my dad’s (kinda) six kids.
5:  What do most people know you for?
     If we’re talking just here, I hope to all get out it’s my headcanons, but in real life it’s the fact that I get offended rather easily...
6: Hobbies!
     I do a lot of pointless writing (meaning I never finish anything)... I also draw a lot of random junk, I rad a shit ton of fanfiction, I sing/write songs a lot... uuhh and do nothing.
7: What are your passions?
     I have a very large passion for helping those around me who have suffered like I have mentally and emotionally. I also really like debating (more like arguing) with people about politics!
8: When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?
     Just yesterday my mom, older sister, and I ended up accidentally sitting down in the living room and ranting about how shitty out lives are... so.......... yeah
9: have you collected anything? What is it?
     I have a small hat collection (that I hardly ever wear), and I’m beginning a plant collection! There is also a ever fluctuating collection of cups and bottles in my room T-T
10: List ten things off your bucket list (I may not remember half of these TvT)
*Take a trip back to Colorado with my friends
*Start a business
*Travel to at least 8 countries
*Go to Andorra
*Be known for some great feat
*Have one of my works (whether art or writing, etc) become famous or greatly known
*Meet one of my favorite actors/band members (doesn’t matter who)
*Learn to swim...............
*Make drastic strides towards saving the planet
*Meet more people from my dad’s side of the family
11: What was the last thing you learned?
     Seeing as I got out of world history an hour and a half ago, we learned about the Cold War and how the USSR fell apart because of silly putty
12: How many relationships have you been in?
     Counting the ones that didn’t mean shit, 4. Only counting the ones that actually meant something, 2.
13 + 14 I am not answering.
15: Favorite food
     Menudo. Fuckin love it
16: Favorite drink
     hm... either tea or ginger ale, but out of a shot glass TvT A TWO LETER OUT OF A SHOT GLASS
17: What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
     I went to NYC over my birthday weekend this year with my school’s choir, and our tour leader on my bus got me a pastry in Little Italy! It meant so much because I didn’t even know her! 
18: Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
     I’m usually pessimistic unless my friends are also being pessimistic, cuz then I’m frigin sunshine and rainbows!
19: Do you sleep during class?
     Not very often, and only if what I’m doing isn’t actually important.
20: What is the most expensive thing you own?
     If not my actual bed, my laptop, which is $200.
21: What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?
     ..... I... Don’t know... uh I got a huge fukin thing of cocoa butter lotion at the dollar tree... and it’s kind of multi use?!?
22: How many time a day on average to you check your phone?
     .........don’t look at me like that.
23: Text or call?
     Text. I wanna call people, but what if they don’t pick up? Or it’s really awkward? or I can’t hear them? or vise versa? or-
24: Opinion on long distance?
     Sounds like torture. I honestly couldn’t do it.
25: What is your definition of success?
     Feeling satisfied or content with what you’ve done.
26: Favorite song?
     um. At the moment, Killer Queen by Queen.
27: Favorite artist?
     Music wise, Patrick Stump. Art wise, Van Gogh.
28: Celebrity crush/crushes?
     That’s a long list. But my main two recently have been Sebastian Stan and Tom Holland...
29: When was the last time you read for fun?
     Aside from fanfiction? Last Wednesday night I stayed up reading Shakespeare’s sonnets to myself...
30: Favorite flower?
31: What is the best gift you could receive right now?
     A confidence boost that lasted at least the rest of high school...
32: Any guilty pleasures?
     Day dreaming about random shit.... random weird shit about people I know...
33: What is one thing you’d like to change about yourself?
     Hm... I think I’d change my mental health. I just wanna be perfectly okay for once.
34: What do you search for in a friend?
     being able to understand me, relate to me, and be weird with me. Also mutual interests. And reasonable barriers.
35: How many times have I said “I love you” in the past month?
     You expect me you count???? A shit ton! Do you know how many times a day I have a family member leave the goddamn house????
36: Where dd you last go other than your room/home?
37: Why do good things happen to good people?
     Because that’s not how life works. Our society constantly has people suffering, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
38: In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out, or being stabbed in the eye?
     Seeing as I’m just about used to the pain of being left out, I’d say being stabbed in the eye. I am such a wuss T-T
39: How many green shirts do you own?
     1. It’s a St. Patty’s day shirt.
40: Do you like anime?
     noooooooooooo.......... not at allllll.... TvT I’m tired!
41: What do you invest the most time in?
     Either videogames or fanfiction.
42: What is the name of the last book you read?
     The Hobbit (even though I haven’t finished yet)
43: What’s the difference between loving and liking someone?
     No clue... Still trying to figure that out.
44: Where are you most productive?
     My art classroom
45: List three things you enjoy doing with friends:
*Complaining about life
*being gay
*Pretend to kidnap one of them my dragging them around the floor during lunch
46: List three things you like to do alone:
*Listen to music
47: Do you think that world peace will ever exist?
     As long as there are living things on it? Never.
48: Do you have any allergies?
     Absolutely none! I knew this kid in the third grade who was allergic to nuts, milk, AND gluten!
49: When was the last time you cussed at someone?
     My friend and I got into an argument about who the best actors are during english....
50: What was the last promise you made?
     .......Is it bad that I don’t remember?
51: What was your last dream about?
     I had a hedgehog (which I really frikin want), and I was taking care of them, and hen this asshole in my grade was in my living room and I had to be nice to him.
52: If you won a trip to Hawaii and could take 5 people with you, who would they be? 
*My best friend Kiara
*My friend Raph
*My other friend Molly
*My other other friend Faith
*My dog
53: How many countries have you visited?
     1, if you count the fact that I live in one!
54: What is your favorite medium of art?
     Music. It moves me so easily.
55: When was the last time someone complimented you?
     My friend Laura jokingly complimented my hair during english (we were looking at old english compliments) and she winked at me TyT
56: If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?
     uh... hol up, wha? 
57: Do you consider yourself mature?
     At times, yes.
58: How many days in your life do you think you’ve wasted on tumblr?
     so frigin many, but there’s more to come!!!!
59: What is your favorite quote?
     “I was so good at sports when I was in high school, that I started a band.”
                                      -Patrick Stump
60:  If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?
*Be kind to all (see how that’s turned out???)
*Spend life learning. Try to find the lesson in your experiences.
*Mental growth is more important than anything
61: What is your greatest accomplishment?
     Being alive today.
62: Do you believe in the death penalty?
     No, not really.
63: What are your goals in life?
     To be a better person than my mother is, and to help others on a mental level.
64: What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?
     I honestly have no clue... maybe something weird?
65:  If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.
     I would have to go with.......... oo that’s hard................... the bnha universe      T-T I want powers!
66: What were you like in 2013? 
     I was an awkward, abusive, shitty little child.
67: Do you have a job?
     Nope! I’m planning on possibly finding a part-time one soon, though!
68: Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.
     His name was Parker, and he was a year older than me. He was my first friend other than my older sister, and I loved him so much. I don’t remember much, seeing as the last time I saw him I was five... It was early fall, just when the leaves start to fall. We had one of those trees in my front year that dropped the seed thingies that twirled around. Parker and I would always toss so many of those in the air until out hands got cold... I really miss him.
69: If you could change one thing in society, what would it be?
     I would get rid of corrupt governments and people in positions of power.
70: How many all-nighters have you pulled before?
     Never have I pulled one for school, but I find myself staying up til the crack of dawn the day before school starts, usually. Or on nights when I can’t but help contemplate everything to the point of not being able to sleep at all.
71: Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is it?
     Tumblr is one of my favorites, but Ao3 has my ass.
72: What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
     Nothing. I tend to be very hard to bribe. But if I reaaallly needed the money, I wouldn’t be able to kill someone, I’ll tell you that.
73: Does money equal happiness?
     It can for some people, but not for all.
74: How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?
     I don’t know, a few? I’m never truly happy until my thoughts leave me alone. 
75: How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?
     More than happy, I can tell you that.
76: What’s the funniest joke you have ever been told?
     My generation is going to save the planet.
77: When was the last time you looked at the news?
     We actually watched a news clip during history today!
78: If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?
     Stop being a dick!
79: What is your favorite animal?
     A hedgehog!! 
80: If you could earn a million dollars for pretending to be dead for three years, would you do it?
     NO! I have people who would miss my sorry ass, then murder me for coming back!
81: What is one thing everyone is bad at?
     Having a lot of friends. A lot of the time (in my personal experience), the more friends you have, the less time you can spend with them, and the less close you are, until eventually you can’t keep dividing your time!
82: What time do you normally sleep? How many hours do you usually get? 
     uuuhh... yes, and not enough!
83: Does age necessarily equal maturity?
     No, but that does not excuse digusting things like p*****ilia.
84: What is your favorite clothing store? 
     ....The Hot Topical.
85: In the winter- beanies or gloves?
     why not both?!?!?!?
86: Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?
     Wings. I can’t swim, and I panic underwater.
87: If you had the power to erase someone from the world so that nobody remembered them but you, would you do it?
     That depends, does it fuck up history? Cuz in that case, no!
88: What do you fear the most?
     Being abandoned by everyone.
89: How many digits of pi can you recite?
90: If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, what year would it be?
     2015, so I could leave a better version of my for my friends that I leave at the end of the year,
91: Describe yourself in one word.
92: Describe your last victory.
     I had a conversation with that asshole from my dream without arguing with him.
93: What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?
     SO! This one time towards the end of the school day in the seventh grade. This one kid (let’s call him V) was sitting next to his friend (C). I look over as I go to shoulder my bag, and V is running his hand down C’s thigh. V catches me looking, and goes “WHAT?! he did it first!” like that made it better! (and it kinda did because that’s still one of my best stories!)
94: What is something you will never forget?
     Something traumatic
95: Would you rather forget all of the past, or remember everything in vivid detail?
     Vivid detail. Then maybe I could win arguments with my sister!
96: Have you ever broken a bone before?
     yeah... I fractured the growth plate in my foot in the sixth grade... by walking.....
97: Is it harder love someone, or hate someone?
     love is so hard....
98: Coffee or tea?
I drink both, but tea ftw!
99: What are some little things you do that have changed your life in a positive way?
     I have become more friendly with my dog, and he actually likes me now!
100: How many hours do spend on tumblr a day?
     quite a fukin few....
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sunnyvaiprion · 6 years
Hi! I have a question (two actually) So how do you use Mr Dark Prince in battle? And is there a 4th mysterious member along your Julius/Reinhardt/Child!Azura team? (I love these interactions of them you draw btw~)
Oh, thanks!! 
About the team: yes! Since it’s a primarily AR team, there are two more! One of them is basically defaulted to Eir, but more often than not she stays as far away as she possibly can from any action (she has a nice heal though. Also she can throw Julius into enemies if he cant walk there fast himself). And second is a wildcard that varies from team to team (it was supposed to be a bonus unit, but it seems like Eir will stay for quite a long time), but my “main” now uses Bride Ninian for… no apparent reson besides being a dancer and me liking her. I will most likely change her for someone else/heavily alter her build because it’s actually pretty wacky with this team, but for now she stays (because she can fulfill her main purpose which is assisting trap removal in tight spaces). 
And now, About Julius: Ranged units can be a major pain. Sometimes (more like nearly always) you cant initiate on one and run without the rest of them scattering like dust particles if you blow on them all across the map with their dancers (especially now with Lazura), and to bait them you need someone who can take entire triangle and probably physical damage too, all at once. Use a dragon? Yes… a dragon.
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Due to it being a somewhat lenghty text, I am putting it under the cut. 
If someone else thought about using him but was afraid that he isnt “a good unit” or “not favoured by meta” - I’d recommend you read into this too!
I have my Julius with Loptous, Reposition, Iceberg, Distant Defence, Guard, Attack Ploy, and another Distant Defence. which is - a wall. I place him in a space where he can be targeted by units I want (nearly any ranged, tbh. IF there’s a melee frontiline unit - Reinhardt has a message for them.) so he can kill them or hold them in place, and make sure my team can give him maximum amount of drives without putting anyone in danger. (oftenmost it’s just Azura and that’s it but still). 
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It’s VERY hard to kill him during EP. Even blue mages and bows/daggers with high attack struggle to deal non-zero damage to him, especially pre-dance. TA blue mage dancers included, as they usually dont break 50 attack mark by much.
No specials. Unless a special is pre-charged on turn 1 (or 2CD with Heavy/Flashing blade after dance), no luck trying to damage him with one either while guard is up and have fun offing it. Glimmer still deals a 0. Moonbow most likely a single digit.
He has high attack but without QR he will unlikely kill a unit coming at him on their first initiation (unless its low res green OR Reinhardt)…. which will waste a dancer’s turn to dance them instead of dancing some out-of-range thing you DONT want to attack, like a melee fast sword in that far-off corner.
On second initiation (if danced, alternatively someone else if the first unit died or didnt get a dance) that unit is guaranteed dead, though, because Iceberg hits like a truck especially with his already nice attack and STUPIDLY HIGH RES especially on EP. If they somehow survive this (Aversa with res wave on comes to mind) - its not a crazy PP unit so their damage is definitely a hard 0, so no biggie. Also works with a fast dazzle staff or if first enemy fails to double, since CD is 3.
With his res he can atk ploy virtually any unit of his choice, making the most dangerous unit to him (usually a physical or Ophelia) less dangerous at least pre-dance (when they have a chance to land more attacks).
His speed is actually not THAT bad. He usually doesnt mind getting doubled, but still. If you throw some speed buffs on him he can deny even some fast units their doubles. This might come in handy when fighting aforementioned units.
He is a lot easier to actually obtain and merge than similar units (Micaiah, Deirdre, Kliff maybe?) due to not being a 5-star locked or even limited unit. Unless you are a whale, and I dont judge, but for me it’s a big plus right there. Skills I have on him are also all widely available (I got DD off Garon).
Ranged anti-dragon weapons are all green (= normal blue for Julius, multiplier-wise). After Nagas got refines I actually started seeing them on defence maps. Guess what, still 0 damage. Daggers are trickier but a lot rarer and still manageable. They added an inheritable one just now but… why would anyone actually use it on heroes except it’s native user (who is also green) ?? Either way you wont see much of that.
See that Surtr? Julius will take care of him for you, too, with his high attack. In a single hit, if you pre-charge his Iceberg on something else. I know that almost any red mage can do it, but I heared some people still struggle. He can take a DC-hit from him too, if he runs one.
He can tank Ophelia, but be careful. For her he needs res buffs, especially the visible one, because of her initial AoE. Atk ploy her. If she can get an attack buff, It’d be great for you to have panic ploy too (right now there’s a lot of options, including Panic Manor). On a positive note, there should be plenty of mages on the same team as her, probably red and green, which wont really bother him afterwards.  
That’s Julius. We love our possessed lord.
While he takes little to no damage from any ranged source, Poison Strike-esque damage will get him good. Pain+ healers arent particulary dangerous because they cant deal any more damage to him no matter what, but units like firesweep bow double poison lyn are not very nice for him to face head-on (yes, I hate her in particular with burning passion), especially if she gets danced, receive a buff and attacks again, while there are other non-zero damage units in the back. But unlike a melee unit in the front line, it’s not always an option to snipe her (or any other unit like her) prior to Julius getting in range. This is, honestly, your worst nightmare. Be very careful with things like that and calculate damage dealt to make sure he wont die. … even though I think it’s not just his problem. But he doesnt easily solve it.  
He is reliant on team support to fight ranged physicals. Not going to lie about it. Def Tactic (or a wave if you’re into them) and 1-2 drive defs (ideally distant guard) should do, which is by no means too much investment, but it should be done.
His player phase leaves a lot to be desired. But like… what’s new? He’s enemy phase per advertisement. He still can Iceberg someone to the ground should he have it ready, or finish off someone previously mangled in EP, though.
He’s likely to deal more than 50% HP in one hit to PP heroes, especially ones that dump res or run LnD, which will activate wings of mercy, and a WoM melee unit can warp to his face and smack him. BUT usually dancers run WoM, and those have lower-end stats, so he should be okay at the very least. The only lancer dancer in the game is OG Azura, but …when was the last time I’ve seen her…  anyway, be careful with WoM.
He’s going to get Chill Res’d. He will get Chill Res’d every time every day of the week cause you wont find any ally with more res than him to “bait” chill res. It’s not like he will die from it though.
He’s infantry, so unfortunately, no easy fortify/wards for him. But if he was any other movtype - it’d bring it’s own problems, so… maybe it’s for the best. Also distant guard is a thing now.
He wants to stay above 80% hp and it’s very easy until he starts taking 5+ damage per hit. If it’s the case - you need to start paying attention to enemy specials again, especially longer CD ones.
Alternatives: While I am happy with how he does his job for now, I am planning make one adjustment, which is - give him Steady Stance 4. (once I get the fodder Surtr, which is not so soon). It will allow him to use his entire HP pool more effectively, and will give him extra survivability against physical threats, even if by a little bit. Additionally, it will protect him againt melee units too (like a WoM dancer teleporting to him) for safety measures and it will open up B slot! Losing 6 res (and 3 Iceberg damage) is not a big deal compared to all those benifits, ESPECIALLY since staying above 80% would be no longer needed.    
I .. dont really have a plan what to put in B slot then, because I intentionally want to avoid QR for a reason I explained above. But hey, I’ll figure something out when the time comes. However QR is also a viable option if you want him to kill everything in one go.
Iceberg is also, in theory, could be replaced by Glacies, if you want more damage. But I personally decided against it, because Iceberg’s cooldown is easier to manage and it’s damage is already enough in most cases. Also Iceberg is a lot better with QR should you want to use him for insta-kills.
And for the love of Loptyr himself, dont try to build him player phase or give him Fury. There are heroes with a lot better stat spreads for PP (yes, I’ve seen a PP Julius), and Fury is a fastest way to turn off Guard/QR and ruin his excellent ability to take zeros from most things. I tried it while I didnt have DD to fodder, and I didnt get much out of it. 
Now, he fits on virtually any map, but here are some examples of AR maps which he absolutely murdered.
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I rely on my dragon! I’m very glad I decided to pick him up, even if he’s not that popular of a unit. 
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fyp-psychology · 7 years
33 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Writer
via James Altucher
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Back in college, Sanket and I would hang out in bars and try to talk to women but I was horrible at it.
Nobody would talk to me for more than thirty seconds and every woman would laugh at all his jokes for what seemed like hours.
Even decades later I think they are still laughing at his jokes. One time he turned to me, 
“the girls are getting bored when you talk. Your stories go on too long. From now on, you need to leave out every other sentence when you tell a story.”
We were both undergrads in Computer Science. I haven’t seen him since but that’s the most important writing (and communicating) advice I ever got.
33 other tips to be a better writer:
A) Write whatever you want. Then take out the first paragraph and last paragraph
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Here’s the funny thing about this rule. It’s sort of like knowing the future. You still can’t change it. In other words, even if you know this rule and write the article, the article will still be better if you take out the first paragraph and the last paragraph.
B) Take a huge bowel movement every day
You won’t see that on any other list on how to be a better writer. If your body doesn’t flow then your brain won’t flow. Eat more fruit if you have to.
C) Bleed in the first line
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We’re all human. A computer can win Jeopardy but still not write a novel. If you want people to relate to you, then you have to be human.
Penelope Trunk started a post a few weeks ago: 
“I smashed a lamp over my head. There was blood everywhere. And glass. And I took a picture.” 
That’s real bleeding. My wife recently put up a post where the first line was so painful she had to take it down. Too many people were crying.
D) Don’t ask for permission
In other words, never say “in my opinion” (or worse “IMHO”). We know it’s your opinion. You’re writing it.
E) Write a lot
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I spent the entire 90s writing bad fiction. 5 bad novels. Dozens of bad stories. But I learned to handle massive rejection. And how to put two words together. In my head, I won the pulitzer prize. But in my hand, over 100 rejection letters.
F) Read a lot
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You can’t write without first reading. A lot. When I was writing five bad novels in a row I would read all day long whenever I wasn’t writing (I had a job as a programmer, which I would do for about five minutes a day because my programs all worked and I just had to “maintain” them). I read everything I could get my hands on.
G) Read before you write
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Before I write every day I spend 30-60 minutes reading high quality short stories poetry, or essays. Here are some authors to start:
Denis Johnson
Miranda July
David Foster Wallace
Ariel Leve
William Vollmann
Raymond Carver
All of the writers are in the top 1/1000 of 1% of writers. What you are reading  has to be at that level or else it won’t lift up your writing at all.
H) Coffee
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I go through three cups at least before I even begin to write. No coffee, no creativity.
I) Break the laws of physics
There’s no time in text. Nothing has to go in order. Don’t make it nonsense. But don’t be beholden to the laws of physics. My post, Advice I Want to Tell My Daughters, is an example.
J) Be Honest
Tell people the stuff they all think but nobody ever says. Some people will be angry that you let out the secret. But most people will be grateful. If you aren’t being honest, you aren’t delivering value. Be the little boy in the Emperor Wears No Clothes. If you can’t do this, don’t write.
K) Don’t Hurt Anyone
This goes against the above rule, but I never like to hurt people. And I don’t respect people who get pageviews by breaking this rule.
Don’t be a bad guy.  Was Buddha a Bad Father? addresses this.
L) Don’t be afraid of what people think
For each single person you worry about, deduct 1% in quality from your writing.
Everyone has deductions. I have to deduct about 10% right off the top.
Maybe there’s 10 people I’m worried about. Some of them are evil people. Some of them are people I just don’t want to offend.
So my writing is only about 90% of what it could be. But I think most people write at about 20% of what it could be. Believe it or not, clients, customers, friends, family, will love you more if you are honest with them. We all have our boundaries. But try this: for the next ten things you write, tell people something that nobody knows about you.
M) Be opinionated
Most people I know have strong opinions about at least one or two things… write about those. Nobody cares about all the things you don’t have strong opinions on.
Barry Ritholz told me the other day he doesn’t start writing until he’s angry about something. That’s one approach. Barry and I have had some great writing fights because sometimes we’ve been angry at each other.
N) Have a shocking title
I blew it the other day. I wanted to title this piece: “How I torture women” but I settled for “I’m Guilty Of Torture.” I wimped out. But I have some other fun ones, like “Is It Bad I Wanted My First Kid To Be Aborted” (which the famous Howard Lindzon cautioned me against).
Don’t forget that you are competing against a trillion other pieces of content out there. So you need a title to draw people in. Else you lose.
O) Steal
I don’t quite mean it literally. But if you know a topic gets pageviews (and you aren’t hurting anyone) than steal it, no matter who’s written about it or how many times you’ve written about it before. “How I Screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2mm” was able to nicely piggyback off of how amazingly popular Yasser Arafat is.
P) Make people cry
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If you’ve ever been in love, you know how to cry.
Bring readers to that moment when they were a child, and all of life was in front of them, except for that one bittersweet moment when everything began to change. If only that one moment could’ve lasted forever. Please let me go back in time right now to that moment. But now it’s gone.
Q) Relate to people
The past decade has totally sucked. For everyone. The country has been in post-traumatic stress syndrome since 9/11 and 2008 only made it worse. I’ve gone broke a few times during the decade, had a divorce, lost friendships, and have only survived (barely) by being persistent and knowing I had two kids to take care of, and loneliness to fight.
Nobody’s perfect. We’re all trying. Show people how you are trying and struggling. Nobody expects you to be a superhero.
R) Time heals all wounds
Everyone has experiences they don’t want to write about. But with enough time, its OK. My New Year’s Resolution of 1995 is pretty embarrassing. But whatever…it was 16 years ago.
The longer back you go, the less you have to worry about what people think.
S) Risk
Notice that almost all of these rules are about where the boundaries are. Most people play it too safe.
When you are really risking something and the reader senses that (and they WILL sense it), then you know you are in good territory. If you aren’t risking something, then I’m moving on. I know I’m on the right track if after I post something someone tweets, “OMFG.”
T) Be funny
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You can be all of the above and be funny at the same time.
When I went to India I was brutalized by my first few yoga classes (actually every yoga class). And I was intimidated by everyone around me. They were like yoga superheroes and I felt like a fraud around them. So I cried, and hopefully people laughed.
It was also a case where I didn’t have to dig into my past but I had an experience that was happening to me right then. How do you be funny? First rule of funny: ugly people are funny. I’m naturally ugly so its easy. Make yourself as ugly as possible. Nobody wants to read that you are beautiful and doing great in life.
U) The last line needs to go BOOM!
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Your article is meaningless unless the last line KILLS.
Read the book of short stories “Jesus’ Son” by Denis Johnson. It’s the only way to learn how to do a last line. The last line should take you all the way back to the first line and then “BOOM!”
V) Use a lot of periods
Forget commas and semicolons. A period makes people pause. Your sentences should be strong enough that you want people to pause and think about it. This will also make your sentences shorter. Short sentences are good.
W) Write every day
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This is a must. Writing is spiritual practice. You are diving inside of yourself and cleaning out the toxins. If you don’t do it every day, you lose the ability. If you do it every day, then slowly you find out where all the toxins are. And the cleaning can begin.
X) Write with the same voice you talk in
You’ve spent your whole life learning how to communicate with that voice. Why change it when you communicate with text?
Y) Deliver value with every sentence
Even on a tweet or Facebook status update. Deliver poetry and value with every word. Else, be quiet.
Z) Take what everyone thinks and explore the opposite
Don’t disagree just to disagree. But explore. Turn the world upside down. Guess what? There are people living in China. Plenty of times you’ll find value where nobody else did.
AA) Have lots of ideas
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I discuss this in “How to be the Luckiest Man Alive” in the Daily Practice section.
Your idea muscle atrophies within days if you don’t exercise it. Then what do you do? You need to exercise it every day until it hurts. Else no ideas.
BB) Sleep eight hours a day
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Go to sleep before 9pm at least 4 days a week. And stretch while taking deep breaths before you write. We supposedly use only 5% of our brain. You need to use 6% at least to write better than everyone else. So make sure your brain is getting as much healthy oxygen as possible. Too many people waste valuable writing or resting time by chattering until all hours of the night.
CC) Don’t write if you’re upset at someone
Then the person you are upset at becomes your audience. You want to love and flirt with your audience so they can love you back.
DD) Use “said” instead of any other word
Don’t use “he suggested” or “he bellowed,” just “he said.” We’ll figure it out if he suggested something.
EE) Paint or draw.
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Keep exercising other creative muscles.
FF) Let it sleep
Whatever you are working on, sleep on it. Then wake up, stretch, coffee, read, and look again.
Rewrite. Take out every other sentence.
GG) Then take out every other sentence again.
Or something like that.
Sanket didn’t want to go to grad school after we graduated. He had another plan. Lets go to Thailand, he said. And become monks in a Buddhist monastery for a year. We can date Thai women whenever we aren’t begging for food, he said. It will be great and we’ll get life experience.
It sounded good to me.
But then he got accepted to the University of Wisconsin and got a PhD. Now he lives in India and works for Oracle. And as for me…
I don’t know what the hell happened to me.
About the Author:
James Altucher is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, venture capitalist and podcaster. He has founded or cofounded more than 20 companies, including Reset Inc. and StockPickr and says he failed at 17 of them.
via jamesaltucher.com
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HOH: Nathan UPSIDE DOWN: Emma NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki POV: Joshua FINAL NOMINEES: Josh C & Kiki EVICTED: Josh C (6-0)
So,,,i highkey fucked up but all good things come to an end, I couldn't play the middle forever but the way it ended was just a little earlier than i expected. Also i handled the backlash of the dpov HORRIBLY! I did so many things wrong this week its insane even though i was on all day calling people i still fucked up,,,but its fine nothing i can really do to change that. But from here i want to fix things and do better, which does start with addressing where I fucked up so lets start with that woot woot (also holy shit that double was so draining this is the first time ive felt legitimately tired in a while and its only 1 am) 
-literally all my allies flopped on the comps when we REALLY needed to win and its even worse combined with the information I was told where people told me they were throwing just to do well instead- its clear they weren't being honest with me and I settled into their lies without an ounce of hesitation 
I just really settled certain things poorly leading up to this night, i think somewhere i majorly fucked up is with emma, if i was able to get her to vote out nick or get jacob to dpov someone she would vote out i would be in a much better position atm but i didn't and therefore ive exposed myself. And if i was able to receive knowledge of her rose gold dpov before hand i couldve worked out a new plan that way
This is where i **truly** fucked up and its gonna show in my jury management too, like theres NO way i could ever get nicks vote at this point in time. Also my gut instinct after the vote was to lie about the way i voted to kiki/joshua/nick/jev when i shouldve came clean and used a bullshit excuse about how i heard nick was after me or something. It's gonna damage my relationships with all of them
SO wabam here i am slightly fucked due to me being a mess but its okay!! I'm still in the game and while im not in as good as a position as I was last time im still certain i can get back into everyones good graces!! And i mean this vote did reveal that a lot of people consider me to be in a duo with them??? which um is kinda weird HBFSHDF Like joey and emma were both calling us duo of the season and i was like....k cute cool totally called that and knew we were a duo yup yup- FBHJDSBF LMAO but i mean in terms of my own position you have the two trios (jacob/bri/nathan and jev/kiki/joshua) who are going to go after each other with Josh C and Emma leaning toward jev/kiki/joshua while me and joey lean towards jacob/bri/nathan. Its crazy that its literally f10 and its five versus five with hardly any true middle player (for now wink wonk) 
But now that nick is out I need to think about whats next and whats my next big move. I think rn im involved with a lot of moves but im not the face of them (bri using pov on nathan, jacob dpoving bri) and such but if i want to win I have to make a move of my own and DEF need to work on jury management bc again nick is gonna hate my guts after reading my gbm,,,as yousef would say "oopsie whoopsie" so I think from here I need to get back in jev/kiki/joshua's good graces SOME how and im really tempted to come clean about my vote bc i think thats going to hurt me in the long run and theres literally already an alliance of all five of that side so like....whats the point of sewing mistrust but also, i do kinda want to try just being a dirty crime snake this game and seeing how much control I truly have on this game. Literally EVERYONE except those three knows my true vote and i've told them all to keep it to themselves so we'll see what happens,,,, im kinda tempted to pin the vote on emma just for funsies and tell them that "jacob told me hes close to emma" or some bs like that but also,,,thats kinda mean yknow? Its also a testament to test how much that trio trusts me which im GUESSING is less than emma but who knows maybe ill get lucky :DD 
Anyways in terms of moving on I really need someone who actually likes me to join jury so its not completely set against me the whole time but also im not sure how thats gonna go down ugh. I mean in terms of end game my options are starting to become limited because nathan/bri/jacob would all BODY me at the end bc at this point they've been the face of big moves and I hope my big move can be turning on one of them and getting them out at some point so when i really start to look at a realistic f2 I can win,,, im kinda leaning toward my new duos of emma or joey which is kinda a shocker to me too lemme tell u HFBSDF but joey's perception of the game seems,,,,messy and I think i can beat him while emma is def doing better but she hasnt snapped yet so i think i can maybe beat her. And then jev/joshua/kiki depends im not sure yet but the thing with them is none of them are gonna want to bring me to the end which is super frustrating (i mean i did just snake em so,,,maybe its deserved) 
The thing is that I like being honest about my vote so trying to have an honest game convo with any of those three is gonna be really hard,,,,esp considering they were all my targets for live night but here we are :') And i really dont know what to do at this point which is really annoyinggg (annoying @ myself theyre all lovely) I think im gonna have to wait a bit before i can try getting them all to fully trust me rn i dont know this has been such a mess but im doing my best!! Before i end this probably poorly aging paragraph its trust ranking time
1.myself (FUCK, and i cant stress this enough, EVERYONE)
2.Brianna (shes slowly becoming more stuck in jacob's trap but i do still think shes loyal to me, god IS a woman!!!)
3.Jacob (hate having this man so high bc hes bodying this game but he tells me a lot ig :/ )
4. Nathan (we need to call and discuss live night but he isnt going to like nominate me or anything)
5.Joey (apparently we're a f2?? not sure where that happened but also hes cagey idk)
-smol gap-
6.Josh C (told me his alliance!! shame he doesnt know im gonna rat him out to my side teehee)
7.Emma (we're also a duo?? almost forgot about that but i fucked her over here a bit but i can build the trust back up i THINK)
anothe gap
8.Jev (he talked to me after live night and didnt ask about my vote so thats cute....not sure where we stand...help)
9.Kiki (we talked briefly after the vote but idk if they realized im a snake yet)
10.Joshua (the silence is deafening) 
Not happy w/ my position yet and im likely to just come clean to joshua in a call tmrow because hes honestly really sweet and his friendship means a lot to me but i need to figure out how I leave me connection with jacob/bri out of it.. ill think of something
praying im not the most hated here but if i am it wouldnt be the first time ig, and thats on pewiod <3
LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I AM THRIVING. ABSOLUTELY THRIVING. Not a damn soul is coming after me, and more importantly, I have numbers on my side, and no one’s gonna be pissed off at me on BOTH sides of the house. People say Josh C is playing both sides? Nah, it’s me. I need him out because I’m trying to ride that middle man status. My ideal plan is to see Emma go home next week, so that way I ain’t responsible. I want to get rid of Jacob at Final 7, and I will damn sure make that happen. Aria and I have a Final 2 that I plan on sticking to. Seeing Nick go was sad, but good lord it was I-C-O-N-I-C.
Everything in this game lately has honestly pissed me off first it was me getting blindsided during live night even though i didnt really want to vote nathan if i was being honest i wanted brianna out over nathan because i thought nathan would be more easier to work with them boom Dpov and boom nick going i am like a little unsure if i regret using the dpov or not i do regret it well because nathan won hoh and sent me to the upside down and nick probably wouldnt try super hard for hoh but then again it seemed my so called allies were probably more closer to nick but i am not even sure my so called low confidence is my weakness in my games but i dont know how to be more confident pretty sure everyone beats me in the end at this point unless if i win an hoh if i do at this point Jacob/Brianna/even nathan getting nominated i didnt want nathan out before like if i won hoh i would of put him to the upside straight up nominate brianna and jacob if one of them goes off the block joey gets put up as a pawn after the upside down week im gonna do whatever to make it to the end idc if i go to the end with somebody i cant beat i just want to make this game enjoyable for me as i can i dont want to float for awhile then bring a goat to the end NNN 
my shit list  in order to who i target to who isnt on my rader
Jacob > Nathan > Brianna > Joshua = Aria > Jev > Kiki/Josh C > Joey
who i like most to who is most annoying to play on a game level (i dont really hate or dislike anyone on a personal level)
Aria > Jev > Joshua *tiny gap*  Nathan > Kiki/Josh C >>>>>>>>>>> Jacob > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joey = brianna also joey would be higher but he lied to me for no reason even tho i didnt mind putting alot of trust in me and i love brianna on a personal level but girl i am not good socially with her which is my fault and her fault also jacob kinda assumed stuff about me like not big stuff like meta  but he still told other people except me (people who are out who i love)  Gina/Jakey > Saira=Nick=Monty=Mo *small gap* Nash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit > Taylers dinner (dylan and the og homies know it) >>>>>>>>>>>> DEM
but yeah this game has made me happy because everyone is nice except dem but its been hard to play it because if i felt better i think i would of been playing a 100x times better game
So I'm safe but it comes at the cost of one of my two favourite people in this game. I've arguably grown closest to Josh C throughout this game, but I promised Joshua that if he saved me with veto I'd vote however he wanted and he wants Josh C to leave over Kiki. This week is me and Nash as final noms levels of ugly.
0 notes
aquarianlights · 7 years
So I saw your nsfw blog and it's clearly very old and unused. Why don't you just make a new one? Is it because of the url? Or are you just not interested. You could probably contact tumblr about it to regain access.
Like I said in my post, I can’t get back into it, so yeah like. . .it’s VERY old. I’m guesstimating. . .2 years since I last logged onto it? I’m really surprised I remembered the url actually. I’m in a public place where it would be super inappropriate to check my NSFW blog to see how old it actually is, but I’m guesstimating from memory that it’s about 2 years old. And since I did say that can’t get back into it, then. . .I mean, obviously it is definitely unused. But. . . I mean, I don’t really have any interest in making a new one. If I could get back into that one, I MAY start blogging on it again because I would like to be in the petplay community again. It’s just hard finding softcore bdsm and lifestyle bdsm blogs or specifically pet-play blogs that don’t show any sort of genitalia. I kinda stopped because the BDSM community is just so. . .vulgar. There’s so much sexual stuff on most BDSM blogs and so much raw genitalia just. . .uncensored and right there and that makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable and also induces this feeling of intense pain in my lower regions. And if it’s a penis I see that’s uncensored and right there (ESPECIALLY if it’s a gif and blowjob or intercourse or something oh god ew), I sometimes get PTSD flashbacks. And if I ever see cum on my dash, I end up literally on the verge of throwing up, but definitely gagging. Someone posted a gif of a girl covered in cum on her face and her licking it off and I very literally had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Most of it will just make me gag. . .but if I see someone licking it or if it’s in movement at all, I will get severely nauseated and sometimes actually throw up. Especially if someone is eating/licking it off their face or someone’s genitalia. Which. ..I can’t go any further on that subject coz now I’m nauseated and have already gagged twice and I don’t wanna make myself sick in a hospital waiting room. Lolol.
I’m also afraid that if I log back onto that one, all the blogs I followed on there will be posting sexual things, genitalia, or just explicit content in general that is sexual in nature. Which. . .I absolutely cannot handle. It makes me so nauseated and so sick and so disgusted and I can feel the pain and if it is bad enough, then I get the PTSD flashbacks, too.
So I’m scared of logging on and discovering all the soft-core/pet-play/life-style/knifeplay/bloodplay specific blogs I followed years ago have started posting that kinda stuff. Which would trigger the fuck out of me.
And making a new BDSM blog would require me having to find new blogs to follow. . .and searching for BDSM blogs that don’t post sexual content or nude genitalia is EXTREMELY triggering because they almost all do since most people who are into BDSM or abusers posing as doms or whatnot seem to think that everything regarding BDSM has to be/is only sexual. And...it’s not. There’s a whole other side of it. As an asexual person with rape-related PTSD issues and SEVERE vaginismus and some dysphoria, there’s no fucking way I’m into ANYTHING sexual and all genitalia is disgusting and hideous and induces a painful feeling in me. So I just. . .can’t handle it. And I’m in such a good place right now that I don’t wanna trigger myself.
I’m also worried about logging on and checking my asks. . .coz there may be/probably are sexual asks in there saying things they’d wanna do to me or how hard I make them or whatever the fuck. Idk. And that makes me really uncomfortable to a point at which I want to just delete all my existence online and go ghost.
I WANT to get back into the BDSM community. Because I desperately want to find a dom(me) and fetlife is full of abusers posing as doms. There’s barely any real doms or real BDSM related people on fetlife anymore. And Idk how the BDSM community is nowadays. I also get pretty freaked out by DD/lg stuff and I end up finding a lot of that content accidentally when I’m in the BDSM sort of blogs and tags and such. It’s not that I have anything AGAINST that kink in particular or any sort of age-play (as long as you’re not a minor/underage little ew), but it PERSONALLY freaks me out and PERSONALLY makes me uncomfortable.
I want to be collared. . .I desperately want to be collared again. I’m not really looking to date anyone for a few years at least from this point in time. But. .. I would really, really, really like to be collared and have a D/s relationship/lifestyle again. My ideal relationship would be me as a sub, having someone else be a switch who is a domme to me and a sub for the other person, and the other person being a domme who is a domme to both of us. I’ve HAD that relationship before and it was the BEST goddamn motherfucking relationship I have EVER had and ever experienced. It was very literally perfect.
Although, I am turning into a bit of a switch. I am trying and enjoying taking on more dominant roles with people. . .and the person I have turned into this year in the past or so has really seemed to have adapted to enjoying dominant roles. . .and, not sexually or anything, but like. . . Lifestyle. And controlling. And such. I don’t like making decisions, persay, coz I’m indecisive af. . .but at the same time, I want to LEARN to be decisive and I want to actually TRY to be decisive and make decisions coz I’m gonna need to get used to all of that for my career path anyways. And I’m sure my career path will teach me how to be extremely decisive, especially in the moment, but. . .I want to be able to be decisive in life in general. . .long before I the next couple years past and I really get into my field or internships at least, y’know?
But. . .getting offtrack. I don’t think I’m going to end up making a new BDSM blog. . .because the community is fucking toxic and terrifying. And very, very, very sexual. And that disturbs and scares and hurts (physically) the fuck outta me. So I just. . .I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna try to regain control of that blog (I may if I’m feeling like I can handle drama and being nauseated as fuck/throwing up and physical pain one day, but it’s VERY doubtful at this point in my life) and I’m positive I’m not going to create a new one. Like, there’s a SLIM chance I may go back on that blog and figure out how to get back in....but I most definitely 100% know I will not be making a new one.
So. . .yeah.
I’m sorry if you actually enjoyed my content on that blog and wanted me to start blogging that kinda stuff again. . .but I don’t think I ever will. Unless a domme commands me to do so after at least 6 months of being in the relationship. Then again, it takes a good minute for a domme to earn my respect and trust anyways, so. . .commands and orders come much later when they have earned my trust.
But, dear god, it would be very fucking nice to be collared again. . .by one-three people. Sigh. Being with a switch only would be interesting as I am a switch now and just prefer subbing as is because I’m accustomed to it and know how very well as I am an A+ brat sub pet. Lolol. But. . .I’d be cool to be with a switch and act as a switch myself and have us share the different roles evenly. Like exactly 50/50 percent of the time. That’d be.....really interesting. Especially since I’m a brat sub and I already act like a switch AS a sub. Lolol. So. . .Idk. I feel like that’s a relationship I want to try someday if possible. But. . .I just want to be fucking collared. No dating, no relationships. . .just collared. D/s. That’s it. Lolol.
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princerazzie · 7 years
Tagged by @scribblindown
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
@pineapplerobots, @magicfox3, @sumomo220, @princessofimagination, @theamazingrosinki, @spikewerks, @eds-art-factory, @theactualcel, @duskybunny feel free to ignore me if you don’t want to do the tag.
1. Drink: coca-cola mixed with some vanilla brandy(this is gonna get wild or just plain sad by the end, HOPEFULLY THE FIRST)
2. Phone call: My job 3. Text message: to my friend nate about how much I love werewolves, and how i miss dating someone with a hairy chest. 4. Song you listened to: Dead Girl Walking -reprise- from Heathers 5. Time you cried: probably wednesday, I missed my mom again. 
6. Dated someone twice: Uhhh, so like get back together after you broke up?? if so twice then :DD one i regret the other i’m like ehh about. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah, i have kissed a bad kisser before V_V not fun but it was an experience ya know. 8. Been cheated on: not really?? i mean i had this online bf and he “cheated” on me technically but he just like rp kissed someone XDD  9. Lost someone special: Yeah....... 10. Been depressed: *POINTS TO #9* 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: HAHA, NOT YET AND I WANNA KEEP IT THAT WAY. THOUGH I HAVE DRUNK BOUGHT STUFF ONLINE BEFORE 
ehh it changes alot but! GREY
15. Made new friends: Yes! at saikoucon and at my college! 16. Fallen out of love: nope!!! i’m a grey-rom  17. Laughed until you cried: yeahh!! we were messing with my friend while he was using his VR by like interrupting him, it went on for like 15 minutes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Hmmm, nah, i mean there was that one time my friend told me about an ex friend of mine not really caring about me at all. :/ that made having the friendship break off easier honestly! but meh
19. Met someone who changed you: not really? i guess my ex, he made moving on from old shit alot easier and help me realizing, i’m not the worse? 20. Found out who your friends are: Yup!! I love them to death! 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: ehh, yeahhh my last bf >_>
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: ehh maybe like 40?? i guess 23. Do you have any pets: MY CLINGY BOY, SABLE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE(THIS MIGHT BE A FUTURE TAG COMING TO A RAZZIE BLOG NEAR YOU) 24. Do you want to change your name: NAH, i wanted to when i was younger because my name is super common 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: CRY!!! AND THEN eat cake with my sister and niece while trying not to cry again. im a very sad person. 26. What time do you wake up: Around 10am  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: petting sable probably 28. Name something you can’t wait for: TRANSFERING TO MY NEXT COLLEGE 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? .....I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING wow i’m like tearing up abit, APRIL 17th when we buried her. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I focused more on art so i could have felt more comfortable with making that a main part of my future 31. What are you listening to right now:  the sound of my fan and my 5pm alarm going off.  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ehh not since like being at my last college 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: *DRINKS MORE* LEGAL STUFF 34. Most visited website: THIS DAMN HELLSITE. 35. Mole/s: EHH MY right middle finger, my shoulder, my thigh, my tit, both my wrists, my upper arm, my leg, i have alot of moles like you can play connect the dots  36. Mark/s: like scars? or stretch marks? because i have tiger stripes some on my hips, and i have a stitch scar on my forehead. 37. Childhood dream: like almost every child*looks off into the distant* a veterinarian   38. Hair color: Dark brown almost black with a dyed brown part in the front of my hair 39. Long or short hair: Medium, i’m growing it out to cut it AGAIN! :DDD 40. Do you have a crush on someone: KINDA BUT i’m not trying for it. :/ i don’t think it’ll work out anyway
41. What do you like about yourself: I’M PERSISTENT WITH WHAT I WANT! also able to do things on my own if needed, i’ll find a way if i really need to.  42. Piercings: EAR PIERCINGS!! 43. Blood type: i think B positive  ??? its something on the rare side if i remember right. 44. Nicknames?: raspberry, ash, some others but i’m blanking. 45. Relationship status: single...i’m not too bent out of shape over it, like i need to get myself together before i can start looking at people. also there’s noone im really interested in aside from Nyx, but he’s fictional soo yeah 46. Zodiac: Leo 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Hmmmm, probably Rick and Morty since Still Star Crossed was cancelled 49. Tattoos: I want  like lace across my arm, with white ink but i’m a bitch with pain  50. Right or left hand: Right-hand, though i can draw somewhat with my left :D. thank you art class warmups. 
51. Surgery: nah never 52. Hair dyed in different color: ahaha, *side glances* red in high school three times, brownish black to get the red out, and now a copperish brown   53. Sport: ahah i wish, i wanna be in shape bro! tho i;ve been wanting to take up boxing lately 55. Vacation: HERSHEY PARK! unless cons count then SAIKOUCON!  56. Pair of trainers: no??
57. Eating: Leftovers from eating out with my sister. 58. Drinking: STILL DRINKING THE COLA WITH BRANDY, i’m about to pour some brandy into root beer 59. I’m about to:  give up on goggling the missing questions, i’m doing that inbetween writing this and it’s kinda weird. it raises the question on where this question meme started, and who started it 61. Waiting for: the next time i play DND, its GETTING SO GOOD FAM. 62. Want: to figure out what i’ll be doing with my life also get better at art.
63. Get married: In the future, it would be cool to wake up to someone i feel i can trust and love 64. Career: I’m not quite sure lately, something in psych or art maybe both  65. Hugs or kisses: HUGS I NEED WARMTH 66. Lips or eyes: lips, lips have an attractive curve to them. >d 67. Shorter or taller: Taller if guy, shorter if girls 68. Older or younger: Older >_> 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS!!! BUFF ARMS ARE THE BEST. PICK ME UP AND SQQUEEEEZEEE ME
71. Sensitive or loud: loud, loud is fun!! i can be abit distant when i get into a mood and that hurts people >_>  72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship!! i wanna cuddle and talk!! JUST CUDDLE AND TALK 0__0  FUCK SEX  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: ehh i wanna say hesitant but i always seem to get along better and have more fun with Troublemakers because deep down i’m super mischievous 
74. Kissed a Stranger: Nah, but it’s not out of the question >D unless they have something weird  going on with their health 75. Drank hard liquor: CURRENTLY AM NOW KEKEKE,  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: EVERY MORNING 77. Turned someone down: Yeaaa >__> 78. Sex on the first date: ....i wanna say no, but with my last bf, ahahah, i wasn’t in the best state of mind emotionally. though it was pretty nice because he didn’t treat me like I was easy and was like serious about me???  79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe? idk i mean i guess i ccould have with my breakups 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah it was pretty bad 81. Been arrested: Nope and least have it stay that way 82. Cried when someone died: WHY WOULD I NOT! 0/10 bad question!! 83. Fallen for a friend: ...DON’T YOU MEAN EVERY AND ANY FUTURE RELATIONSHIPS I HAVE. 
84: Yourself: Somewhat. 85. Miracles: Yeahhh 86. Love at first sight: Nope!! that’s saved for fiction!  87. Santa Claus: I’m like 24, HE’S VACATIONING IN HAWAII. (no) 88. Kiss on the first date: ....if they’re cute 89. Angels: yeaa
90. Current best friend name: Nate 91. Eye color: Dark Brown, basically black honestly 92. Favorite movie: idk ?? too tipsy to remember fam
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Only One, Foool, Smile, Yesterday, You Nightmare,With You~ ( trying to narrow B1A4 songs is so difficult lol)
It totally is haha!!
Only One: The most encouraging thing someone’s said to/done for you?
Recently, I’ve been feeling really down about my chosen career path – which is teaching. My student teaching last semester, which was done in a 10th grade classroom, kind of (really) sucked lol. As a result, after graduating this past semester, I’ve been wondering if I’m actually any good at teaching and if I can actually make it as a teacher that any student would need. Not finding a teaching position where I live certainly didn’t help (although that situation turned out better than expected, but that’s a different story~~).
Anyway, I’ve currently been working as a sub in my district, and I’m currently long-term subbing for a 2nd grade class. And Oh. My. Goodness. I CANNOT get them to listen to me lol. Granted, it’s only been four days (they just started school) and technically, I’ve never even had my own classroom as a “new teacher” yet, but still… it frustrates me that I still can’t seem to figure out this whole situation when I feel like I TOTALLY should have this all down by now (which is impossible, I know, but still…). Anyways, I’ve been frustrated with this whole situation when recently, one of the ladies who’s been coming in to help me from time to time – bless her soul –told me that she thought I was “teacher material” and that she could totally see me teaching “kindergarten” or “first grade”! ❤ :’D IDK, but due to all of the stress and frustration I’ve been going through lately, that brief comment just completely made me feel better about myself – not only as a person, but also as a potential “teacher.” It really boosted my moral and convinced me to keep doing what I’m doing – and to not worry *too much*  about “getting there” someday :’DD
Foool: Do you easily trust others? and/or How loyal are you?*
I wouldn’t say I’m easily trusting of others. I generally view everyone with a clean slate when I first meet them, and will generally try to think of someone in the best and/or most positive light until proven wrong. I don’t, however, generally get my hopes about someone (unless we’re really close and have developed a relationship). I expect people to fail me and try not to get too surprised when and if someone does. On the other hand, I’d like to think I’m pretty loyal lol. If we’ve developed a close relationship, you can count on me and I will always be there for you – whole-heartedly, and all the way. That doesn’t mean I’ll support you in everything you do; I will speak my mind if I think you’re in the wrong, but you can always trust I’ll have your best interests in mind when I do.
Smile: When was a time you were so happy you cried?
We were at the airport (waiting for my aunt, uncle, and cousin to arrive in America for the first time) and an American soldier had come home/was on leave. He was greeted by his wife and daughter who was probably 4 or 5 at the time. The little girl was the cutest thing when she met her dad again, and his reunion with his family was so sweet~ :’D Everybody at the terminal was tearing up when they hugged lol. (Also sidenote: I shed a few tears again a bit later when my mom’s family finally arrived :’DD)
Yesterday: A memory you would like to relive?
A childhood trip with my family, probably a time when we went to Six Flags.
You: 3 reasons why you love a bias
Kk, I’ve been seeing people just answer this question generally (when I kind of meant for people to answer it for a specific bias that they would pick, but whatever~ haha), but I’m going to pick a bias and tell you three reasons why I love him:
CNU (from B1A4):
His thoughtfulness. From his answers and demeanor, CNU just seems like a person who thinks deeply and cares a lot. And I love that. ♡
His voice. Word. HIS. VOICE!! COULD!! MAKE!! ANGELS!! CRY!!
Nightmare: What’s the worst dream you’ve ever had (or one you remember very vividly)?
Lately, I’ve been having dreams where people that I secretly admire (mostly non-K-pop celebrities lol, don’t ask xP) have been popping up consecutively in my dreams. Although in each dream where one of them pops up, it’s not actually the best dream I’ve ever had (I’m usually trying to help them do or accomplish something lol, probably in hopes of getting noticed~~ xDDD).
With You: Why do YOU ♡ B1A4?
Aaahhhkk!! There are so many reasons why I love these precious boys; this is hard to do!! But I’ll give it a try; here goes:
Their music. Just their musicality and passion overall for creating songs and singing music. Even if I don’t love every single one of their releases technically, I love how much they love what they do.
Their bond. I love the relationship that the B1A4 members share with one another, and love how amicable they are with one another, hang out, and get along, in general. I don’t doubt for a second that the boys are actually friends and/or get along pretty well in real life. Yes, I know it’s entirely possible (and probably more realistic) that the boys might not be as close as they let on, but come on, just the way that they smile and laugh with one another, even after 6 years –you can’t tell me it’s A LIE!! haha~
Their genuineness. B1A4… are all just a group of very earnest, sweet, gracious, honest, sincere, and caring boys/men who want to make good music. What’s not to love about that?? ❤ :3 
Sorry some of my answers were so long!! haha… I probably talk too much :’p
🌱send me a B1A4 ask!! 🌱
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Reese Burns’s Character Sheet:
Because he’s so OBSCURE and I needed to get to know him more. 
Full Name: Reese Burns
Meaning: Reese- “The name Reese is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Reese is: Ardent; fiery.” This suits him very well, I think. Ardent meaning enthusiastic and passionate, similar to fiery, which he is, about a great deal of things, just not on the outside. Also fiery because lmao he’s a firetruck.
Burns- “Scottish and northern English: topographic name for someone who lived by a stream or streams, from the Middle English nominative plural or genitive singular of burn (see Bourne). Scottish: variant of Burnhouse, habitational name from a place named with burn 'stream' + house 'house'.” Well, I chose burns because haha l o l he’s a firetruck, too, but I think the meaning is so ironic, which also kinda fits. In the movie Red always has his water hose, and firefighters put out fires, so the whole Burns meaning place by water fits as well.
Title: Mr.
Signature: His signature wouldn’t be very big or extravagant. Very simple and plain. All the letters are written out and there to see. It’s only just slightly slanted. Uppercase first letters while the rest are lowercase and the uppercase is larger than the rest of the letters. The letters aren’t short and stubby but they also aren’t tall and skinny, just somewhere in between. It doesn’t take up the whole space provided, just starts from the beginning and ends with a good amount of space at the end.    
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 30
Birthday: July 7th, 1987
Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Newcastle, England
Current Residence: Swynlake, England.
Immediate Family:
Mother- 56: Hannah Marie Burns (Geena Davis)
Father-Deceased: Martin Lucas Burns (Kurt Russell, bc I think I’m hilarious obviously.)
Eldest Sister- 35: Olivia Burns (Alexandra Breckenridge)
Middle Sister - 33: Daneel Burns (Holliday Grainger)
Distant Family:
Grandfather, Mother’s Father-Deceased: Michael Jonathan Lewis
Grandmother, Mother’s Mother - 89: Julia Beth Lewis
Grandfather, Father’s Father-Deceased: Blake Mitchell Burns
Grandmother, Father’s Mother-Deceased: Nora Burns
Aunt, Mother’s Younger Sister: Haley Miranda Lewis
Species: Human
Ethnicity: English, German, and Norwegian.
Preferred Hand: Left
Eye Color: I’m sad because he has them big brown eyes but Chris Pratt’s are those weird different colors at one time changy ones and you know what SOMETIMES they LOOK BROWN so. I’m EMO about it okay, I spent a million years looking for the right face claim doNT MAKE ME REGRET MY DECISIONS
Hair Color: Brown, but in the right lighting it’s auburn.
Height: 6 ft. 2in. Or 188cm
Shoe Size:  12.5 (UK)/13 (US)
Health: Well off
Organ Donor?: Yes.
Driver’s License?: Yes. He’s very passive, so thank your stars he isn’t licensed to drive the truck. (Not that if he DID drive it he would let anyone get between him and getting to the fire. I’m just sayin he’s too nice and wouldn’t be fit for the job tbh.) Stops for too long, uses his blinkers, goes the speed limitations. He doesn’t mind driving, since his counterpart is a flipping car, he’s good at it. He just makes sure he’s doing right by the other people on the road because car fires are the WORST.
Allergies: None
Grooming: Well kept, except when he just comes out of the garden or work. Got that patchy beard thing going on because when he shaves he literally looks like a sixteen year old in the face. Not that I guess he cares...wow okay so we’ll say his beard comes and goes in waves. Mostly well kept hair. Wears deodorant. And his cologne is nice, subtle, nothing too flashy because he does not peacock. But no one likes to get a whiff of those over the top ones. It’s warm and just all around pleasant.
Posture: Not particularly upright, but he doesn’t slouch over. His shoulders are usually forwards instead of pulled back because it’s a little bit if protection from the outside if his shoulders are more inwards. If that. Makes any sense. He likes to use the backs of chairs when he’s sitting. At the computer he’s hunched over though. Doing the typical, hand holding up his head by resting his chin on it, leaning forwards look.
Gait: He can be fast when he needs to be. Most of the time he goes an adamant speed. Tries to stay out of other people’s way.
Habits and Mannerisms: He worries his lower lip between his teeth a lot. Rubbing his cheek. Clasps his hands behind his back. Rocks on his feet.
Scent: Most of the time he smells of the outdoors or like a campfire. But if it’s been a good day he just smells subtly of the earth and his soap/cologne.
Expressiveness: His face is very expressive and hides little to nothing of what he’s feeling. I think, due to his inability to communicate via auditory language his body subconsciously tries to make for it. Hence why Chris Pratt’s face is kinda perfect for him, even tho he’s so smiley. (this is the part where mary tries to dignify her choice in fc to herself) He is VERY expressive in the face and it morphs and moves and tells the person speaking to him exactly what’s going on inside his head, even if he doesn’t know he’s doing it or if he can’t say it. And Chris Pratt has a very expressive face when he wants to. I shall just have to scavenge the happy go lucky for the sad and recluse arrgghh.
  1. People don't behave the same way all the time. In fact, they generally have a mask for every social group -- friends, family, business. Sometimes they have a different mask for different groups of friends. How does your character act around different people? How does their personality shift and change?
Reese generally is always himself. At all times. Mostly because he never got the total socialization to behave differently around someone else. The only time he has a total change of pace with his actions are when he is outspoken. This rarely happens outside of his family gatherings or when he’s on the job. When he is on the job he is louder and larger than life because you can’t go into a burning building silently and you can’t expect others to understand you by just looking at them through the gas mask. MOST of the time he’s a quiet little wall flower, though.
  2. Your character has been brought to a party and promptly ditched. They don't have a ride back home. How does this work? How comfortable are they around all of these strangers? Do they interact?
SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE. He would never go to something with that many people unless he was guilt tripped or someone he really cared about asked him to go with them. He doesn’t do well around that many people since he doesn’t have the experience and just isn’t equipped for the over stimulation. Reese would probably bounce out as soon as he realized the person he came with left him high and dry. Unless he knows he was supposed to be the DD, then he would go outside and wait by the car for however long it took for the party to diminish. OR he would walk around making sure everyone was doing okay and that there were no fire hazards. Besides the amount of people.
  3. It's kind of awkward - what subjects are likely to make your character hesitate, flush, stumble on their words, etc.?
Anything? Really? He gets flustered talking about anything with anyone. Of course sex and love and all that stuff makes him blush a shade so red it looks as if he’s got rose petals coating him from the tips of his ears down to his neck and chest. A lot of things, man, he’s a shy little thing who is never not hesitant and stumbling over his words.
  4. Is your character more dominant or submissive to the people around them? Do they tend to follow others' orders and wait for people to give them instruction in life, or do they charge ahead and make decisions on their own?
This really depends on the situation! As I feel this always does with people. In a crisis situation he’s been trained to not panic, to be calm, whereas most people are freaking the hell out. Reese is the one telling them to take a steady breath and what to do next. When he’s working he’s the leader, when there’s a fire going on he will take charge. But on any other situation he would be submissive. He can’t really say no because it just seems so much easier to say yes and do whatever it is that needs to get done, done.
  5. What happens when your character doesn't get what they want?
Reese doesn’t want much of anything really. But, I guess if people’s happiness gets taken away or if his flowers don’t come in on time or someone has trampled through them he cries. If he doesn’t get what he wants he cries and runs.
  6. What's the character's self-esteem like? It’s okay, not the best.
Hoo, hoooooo, hoooooooo. Okay, so since Reese has never found his voice amongst the crowd, he’s never really found himself. BUT THE THING IS HE HAS. In the garden and in the fire station. He just hasn’t realized it because of all those years of getting beat down or ignored. His self esteem wanes and waxes throughout every situation. As he grows more comfortable with people it rises and his personality and humor comes out to shine in the sunlight. As he works in the garden or gets put on a call, his confidence is unmoving and he’s honestly a little intimidating to come up against. Then, when all that is done, and he’s in the grocery store or walking home from work, he recedes back into himself. Closes the door and locks everything away for no one to see.
  7. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change?
One???? Hahahha. Well. Reese here doesn’t really like much of anything about himself. He wishes he could talk! To! People! Everyone always seems to have such interesting opinions and experiences and dear lord, he wishes to be apart of those things. Most of the time, since he has the patience of ten thousand saints put together, he doesn’t mind just being alone with himself. But being shy and scared gets in the way of so many things. He just wants to be able to talk to someone without them asking why he’s so quiet or someone just moving along from him because he can’t give them the words they need.
  8. How does their personality shift when someone gets to know them well?
I don’t know and neither does he because he’s never had that experience. No one has ever sat down and taken the time to get to know who he is outside of his sisters and mom. But they saw him grow up and forced everything out of him from the moment he was able to speak. He’s use to them by now. But everyone else just deemed his shell too hard to crack open, not wanting to take up their time to see what was inside when everywhere else people had themselves open for display because that’s much easier.
  9. Do they prefer time alone, or with other people?
Time alone. Out in the garden. On a run, working out. Reading. He’s had a lot of time being alone. He doesn’t mind it at all. People are scary, enormous giants to him.
  10. Is it easy for this character to tell someone "no" when they don't want to do something?
Nope. Reese is the yes man of the century. Mostly because he hates the face people give him if he says no. He did it like, twice when he was a kid. If he did it any time after people would probably shrug and say ‘Oh! No problem then!’ but he’s too scared to say it ever since then. So he doesn’t. To him it’s easier to say yes and do it and make them happy.
  11. If this character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?
He would agree that he’s quiet. But that’s preeeetty much it. He doesn’t think on himself at all.
  12. Is this character aware of their flaws?
Yeah. He himself gets frustrated with his inability to communicate to the ‘norms.’
  13. How has this character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?
As a kid I think Reese was a little more outgoing and confident, as all children are before they see the real world for the shitty place that it is. He was always quiet, but as the time went on and as kids started picking on him more and more, he went radio silent. He was probably more talkative as a kid, but as he got older he stopped talking. And he’s observant and has a job that deals with people a lot so he isn’t totally socially inept, but he’s just too shy to start anything on his own.
  14. Who influenced this character's personality? Did they pick up any mannerisms or traits from someone?
His sisters and mother since they always talked for him, a lot of the older people in his life who always said how him being quiet was a good thing. And then of course his tormentors. His kindness came from his Grandmother, though. The sense to see that people are so much more and have so much more going on came from her talking to him about humanity. Lots of women influenced him, obviously. They showed him that his emotions were okay to have, but the kids at school kicked him in the shins for showing them off.
But his smile is his dad’s.
  15. Does this character express affection? Are they comfortable doing so?
Y E S. Okay, so this is kind of a weird phenomenon with Reese. Since he is so shy and avoids confrontation it’s odd for him to be okay with expressing affection, right? Right. But he does it. He gives the warmest hugs and would love to hold someone’s hands or press a forehead kiss to someone. He would be super careful about personal boundaries, though, too scared of running someone off. So on one hand he would LOVE to do things like that for someone but on the other hand he would wait to see if they gave him permission to do those things.
  16. When frightened, will the character "fight" or "flight"?
DEPENDS. Is it a fire? He’s the first one coming after it. Anything else? He’s running away in tears.
  17. Does this character ever put someone else's needs in front of their own? All the time. Every waking moment. He puts his life on the line for people's health and well being. His own is put in a box in the back of the closet. He would give up anything for someone else. Hell, he would probably die for a tree or if it meant the Earth to be okay.
  18. If this character suffered amnesia and lost all their memories, what would they be like?
W O W, what a QUESTION because he seriously is the way he is because of his surroundings. Everything he is is because of someone else, or because of an event that happen to him. Besides his love for the Earth and plants? He would be talkative for one thing. I think his gentle and nice nature would stay with him, because those are just deep rooted in his core, but probably a bit more lively.
  19. How does the character's living space reflect their personality?
Hmm, I think just like him it’s very muted but with small personal touches. Also like him it’s warm, cozy, and like a home. Blankets and pillows are all around and soft. So like, everything has a purpose or meaning and isn’t just for show. Also there are plants all over the place. Reese isn’t all that clean or organized, but he isn’t a complete slob either.
  20. What's one thing that other characters wish they could change about this character's personality?
For him to speak his mind, probably. To not be a pushover?
  1. How easy is it for your character to feel anger? What's usually a good tip off that they're experiencing it? (Physical reactions, movements of appendages, etc.)
Anger is one of the hardest emotions to pull from Reese because he is so gentle and light to the touch. But if he is angry it’s probably out of trying to protect something or becoming super frustrated with someone. The clues to look for are he is talking, and he is very loud. Anger is a strong emotion and one that he doesn’t experience on the daily like most every other one. He would probably yell, but be able to keep enough of himself together to keep from lashing out too harshly? You never know.
      a. Sadness?
Very, very, very easy for him to experience. If he gets offended or someone is just talking trash to him he gets sad. Like I’ve been saying he is a crier who doesn’t even think about trying to keep it in. So when he is sad Reese starts crying and probably bolts to the nearest of exits. There are different types of sad cries which are either the loud wracking sobs that he lets loose on his way out or the silent moments he gets to himself when no one is around to see him.
      b. Happiness?
I would say it’s pretty easy to make him happy. Show him a picture of a seal looking fat and happy or of a type of flower or just anything remotely good and he’ll brighten. Hell, if someone smiles at him in passing I think it would make him happy for the rest of the day. If it’s the normal everyday he has a small smile on his lips and a lightness to his steps and maybe a little swing in his arms. If it’s a ridiculous amount of happy he, you guessed it, starts crying.
      c. Fear?
Easy to feel. Probably every time he sees a fire engulfing someone’s space of living or car or wherever. Also at any loud noises or someone coming at him in too sudden of movements. He would never say or think it, but those years of torment led to fear of getting abused again like that. He can defend himself now since the training to become a firefighter was tough and spit him out with more pounds of muscle, but he doesn’t really know his own strength.
  2. What state of mind is the character usually in?
I would say a good one. He doesn’t focus on the bad. He’s very optimistic. Not too busy or too blank either. Reese is able to have something on his mind, like plants or work, without becoming overwhelmed. One thing at a time.   
  3. Are there any emotions the character is particularly afraid of, or really resents having to feel?
First thing is first, he is very in touch with his emotions. Reese is a soft and squishy human being with his feelings out there on his person all day everyday. And it’s not that he knows them well, it’s just that he feels them and allows them to come and go as they please. So, now the question, is he afraid of feeling any kind of emotion; yes. Love, obviously, because pain is something he hates. Not on himself, but on someone else. And if he were to feel love for someone and somehow have to see them in pain? Because of him? It would probably kill him. It almost killed him to see a tree get cut down in his primary school park and no one really knows if plants can feel pain.
The emotion he resents is fear because that’s what he thinks is keeping him from speaking.
  4. How easily does this character trust their feelings with others?
Mmmm, well if someone were to ask he would be open about it. He probably wouldn’t be able to explain it very well to them, and insist that everyone’s interpretations of emotions are different, but if they asked it of him to explain he would let them know.
  5. Can this character easily hide their emotions?
      a. Do they find it difficult to express emotion, thus tend to look neutral?
No. :)
  6. How well can this character resist their emotions and impulses?
Emotions: Can’t. At all. Impulses: MMM. He’s not very good with understanding what he wants? Besides normal things like sleeping or eating or going out to weed the garden, but other than that? He’s a hard worker, isn’t lazy or really that much of a procrastinator. Sooo, impulses, = non existent or easy to resist.
  7. Does this character ever get violent (with others, objects, themselves) when feeling any certain emotions?
No. No way. He would NEVER hurt anyone else….on purpose. Or let harm befall someone else. Especially because of him. Reese is never violent. He knows it causes more harm than good so he stays away from it at all costs. But...if a bug is bothering him when he’s trying to water the plants he’ll go a little overboard with the hose trying to get at it. But he’ll feel bad afterwards.
  8. Has this character contemplated suicide? No.
      a. Self-harm? No.
      b. Physically injuring others? N O
      c. Killing others? nooOOOOOoOooooOOOO
   9. Does the character have any triggers? Why do these things trigger them?
He doesn’t really realize but bullying. If he sees it he would break down. His first hand experience at being on the other end of the relentless teasing and physical abuse were enough to scar him for a lifetime. But he doesn’t?? Think it was that bad?? If you were to ask him he would say others in the world have it worse and he’s doing okay, so it’s nothing to worry about.
  10. What would hurt this character so badly they couldn't even breathe?
I know this is supposed to be a serious question, but lmao, someone killing his plants. It’s easy to hurt him because he’s so soft. So, just stepping on his gardenias would make him a mess.
  11. What is guaranteed to make this character smile?
Anything nice. Like, just seeing someone out on the town being happy would make him smile. Or looking out his window to see his garden alive and well would melt him. And, as always, listening to someone talk about something they love/are passionate about. Reese knows people are beautiful through and through and just to see someone with life in their eyes and love on their lips? Inspiring.
  12. If the character could remove one emotion from their life, which would they choose?
W O W. Hmm. He wouldn’t know what to say to this question because he knows that without one emotion the others wouldn’t make sense? But maybe fear? To be able to not be scared at all would appeal to him.
  13. If they're feeling upset, who are they likely to talk to for comfort? Or do they keep it inside?
He would mostly feel like he’s bothering someone if he wanted to talk to someone while he was upset. But the most likely people he’s going to call are his mother and sisters because they’d get mad at him if he didn’t, and they would find out eventually anyways.
  14. How would this character cope with losing someone extremely close to them?
He….wouldn’t. He would cry so much he would exhaust himself. Maybe he could work through it eventually, like a loooooooong eventually, because he’s so in touch with his feelings. But it would devastate him.
  15. How does this character look and feel when crying?
WELL, this probably isn’t supposed to be a big question, but for Reese this is a VERY IMPORTANT AND LOADED EXPLANATION.
The Sobbing, Sad Cry: This is the cry where Reese lets it loose and runs away to get far from the source of his woes and back to somewhere he can calm down and be out of the way of other people going about their day. This is the ugly cry, with tears dripping and running and there’s snot on the sleeve of his shirt and sweat because he’s crying that hard. After he has stopped running, and has found his secured place to cry, he curls up, and just cries. It’s ugly and his face is puffy, and he sounds like a baby. And he feels like shit, too, because it feels like he isn’t getting enough air so a little hyperventilation comes into play.
The Quiet Cry: The teary eyed, small amounts of tears cry. He will look upwards in an attempt to keep the tears from falling or just let them fall and not bother to wipe them away. He isn’t loud, he keeps the harsh breathing or reckless whines and whimpers choked in his throat. His eyes get squinty and his face gets red, his bottom lip will wiggle and he’ll try to stop its movements by pulling it between his teeth. Mostly for when he’s like stunned sad or doesn’t want to disturb the surroundings. Like a funeral.
The Angry Cry: Loud and not very proud. Obviously if he’s going to get angry he isn’t going to want to be crying while trying to get through it, or if he’s trying to talk to someone, but he is a crier and crier's cry when they get angry. It’s more subtle than his sad cries because he’ll probably be too wrapped up in anger to notice the wet streaks on his cheeks and dripping from his chin. And if he does, he’ll get even more angry, making a positive feedback loop for himself. His voice will probably get all shaky and broken when he talks.
The Frustrated Cry: Probably the least? Seen? But when his long, longlonglong, line of patience wears out and he can’t take the vast amount of emotion crashing over him, he’ll let it go. He’ll look distraught and mad at himself, and it’s probably best to leave him to his own unless he asks to not be.
The Relieved Cry: One he experiences after a fire or after getting someone out of a fire or seeing a plant come back to life. It’s a little breath and a few missed tears, but it doesn’t take long and it mostly just to let himself have a moment to realize things are going to be okay.
The Happy Cry: He will be laughing or smiling/grinning while tears flow. His hands will be shaky but he’ll be in a really good mood. Ever seen the Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan? Of course you have, don’t lie to yourself, but he gets like Martin when they find out Annie is Hallie. “I’ve never been so happy in my entire life!” But less sobby and more smiley.
The Laugh so Hard Until He Cries Cry: Self explanatory. He becomes a smiley little ball of sunshine.
The Watching a Movie/Tv Cry: There will be a pillow against his chest or a blanket pulled up to his chin and tears. So many tears. And tissues on the coffee table in front of him.
The ‘I didn’t even Realize I was Crying’ Cry: Also self explanatory. He’ll be just standing somewhere, distracted, and just be tearing up.
  16. If the character had to live out the rest of their life either perpetually angry, sad, or frightened, which would they choose?
Sad. He’s had enough experience with it. He doesn’t like any of them, but being scared he’s kinda already doing and it’s awful, and to always be angry would be dangerous.
  17. Does this character tend to blame or punish others for their own emotions?
Nope. Only himself.
  18. Is this character empathetic, and tends to be influenced by the emotions of others?
Yes yes yes. All the time.
  19. What is the strongest emotion they have felt?
….a lot, holy shit. So many things because every emotion is strong for him.
  1. Based on the current diet and exercise your character has, where do you see them physically in five years?
The same, maybe fitter? Being a firefighter he tries his best to be in his best physical condition in order to not hinder the people he is trying to help and save. So he feels as though he has to be well off. Who knows, maybe by then he’ll have gotten hurt enough to have to retire early from the firefighting game and be a pudgy guy.
  2. How agile is this character? Can they dodge easily? Or are they clumsy?
He’s weirdly agile. Like not graceful at all but he isn’t clumsy.  Reese is a force to be reckoned with when he wants to be, you know. So his shoulder can slam into a door the the thing will go down after the first few tries. At the same time he also has a gentleness to him. When he’s touching plants or someone who is hurt he’s very careful. It’s kind of a weird combo, but he pulls it off. It’s a learned control over himself.
  3. Describe the muscle content of your character. Are they untrained and soft? Or lithe and powerful?
He was trained into something powerful. He’s a bigger guy, so his body isn’t exactly skinny or lithe. More like an elephant or a rhino. While he doesn’t know the exact limits to his strength he knows he’s fit enough to be doing the job. He pushes himself when working out and stuff to make sure he’s not losing too much muscle in order to be out of his depth when going into a dangerous situation. It also helps when carrying bags of mulch or soil from his car.
  4. What kind of body fat percentage do you suppose they have?
Not a lot tbh. Probably some around his middle, but.
  5. Do they have any scars? Where did those scars come from, and how did they get them?
Y es. He’s got a scar from when Nathan Peterson’s vengeance seeking friends attacked him. It’s on his left side. One of them had a knife that the others didn’t know about, so when they saw that sticking out of him they all took off because it suddenly got a little too real that he could die or whatever. Thankfully none of them pulled it out when they left, but it did enough damage.
  6. Describe some hairstyles your character has had in the past.
His mother probably gave him the buzzed look as a kid because that’s easy? Just shave his hair off, he doesn’t care what he looks like that the moment. Then his sisters got involved and started using him as their life size doll and messed up his hair a lot when he was younger. He never said anything, of course, but the kids at school did. And when he got to secondary they let it do it’s own thing. Mostly he kept it short. Like any other men’s style. Short on the sides, longer on the top.
      a. How about the present? What's their hair like now?
Just the regular short hair, a little flippy dippy on the front. It’s kinda curly when he lets it grow out, too.
  7. What are their teeth like? Any cavities? Root canals? Does their dentition ever hurt?
Uh, I mean he brushes and flosses twice a day, so they’re pretty well taken care of. Nothing too out of the box with them.
  8. Do their arches ever fall? That's painful.
  9. How much endurance do they have? Do they easily get tired during a workout?
High endurance, he’s gotta to have passed to become a firefighter. Not easily tired out at all. He’s built it up to where he can go for a long time without becoming completely exhausted.
  10. How easily can they bear pain?
Very easily. A lot of the time he doesn’t say he’s in pain out loud because he doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal. One time when a kid managed to break his arm in school by doing the arm around his back and pushing him against a wall he didn’t say anything all day until he got home and his sister saw his ugly looking arm when he took his uniform blazer/shirt off. He’s probably not to woman level of pain tolerance, but he’s pretty up there.
  11. How long can this character sit still?
A long time. He is a patient man.
      a. Do they shift a lot when sleeping?
Not a lot of the time. He’s mostly stationary throughout the night.
  12. What do their nails look like? Do they bite them?
Short and mostly well kept. Has dirt under them a lot of the time, but he cleans them before doing anything else when he comes inside from the garden. He doesn’t bite them, no.
  13. How hairy is this character?
I’m WHEEZING, what a QUESTION, I’m sorry Chris Pratt we’re getting personal aren’t we.
      a. Arms? Normal??
      b. Legs? Normal
      c. Underarms? Oh dedarjk, normal
      d. Eyebrows? They’re there but they’re no Colin Farrell or Peter Gallagher.
   14. What is the most imperfect part of this character's body?
He thinks his hands are too big a lot of the time.
  15. Do they get cold easily?
      a. How about overheated?
Yes. Since he is a little toaster oven in the shape of a human he can get hot very easily. Which means he sweats at the slightest hint of overheating. But it also means that he stays warm very easily.
      b. Seasick?
No, he does well with motion. His muse is a car so I feel like he would be okay. Probs fall asleep to it. Be one of those babies his mom put in a car seat and drove around to help him fall asleep that night. Not that he was a problematic baby.
      c. Do barometric changes in pressure affect them?
  16. How do they react to getting an illness? Think about sore throats, achy bodies, headaches, stuffy noses, runny noses...
He ignores them until they get really serious. Most of the time his mom would never know because he ran hot, and she freaked out one too many times, so she just never knew when he was sick because he never said anything. Not until she noticed he sounded stuffy or was blowing his nose, or squinting a lot. On his own he doesn’t do anything until it affects him significantly. But he isn’t a whiny mess on the couch. Just a bundle in bed watching feel good movies and smelling mint he picked on his way in.
  17. Is this character's body sensitive to touch?
Wow, OKAY UH, I will say yes, yes he is. He’s really sensitive? Ticklish around the middle. And he stiffens when anyone gets to close to him because besides his family no one has ever touched him with anything but pain so he gets wary in tight spaces. Unless he’s getting someone out of a fire, then there’s layers of his suit to keep him from them. But yeah, besides his calloused hands from work, he’s very sensitive.
  18. How strong are this character's basic senses? Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.
Hmm, okay so his sense of sight is 20/20 and he doesn’t need any contacts or glasses. His hearing isn’t the best of the best. We discussed touch. Taste is normal, not too strong but not too weak. He’s got a tolerance for extreme heat in food, so if the food JUST came out of the oven he can eat it no problem. Or he’s just weird and enjoys that feeling of burning his tongue and roof of his mouth. His sense of smell has been tested in training to be able to detect a lot of things now, so it has been schooled to be stronger.
  19. If this character had to permanently lose one of their senses, which would they choose?
Taste most likely because he needs everything else to help people. See where he’s going, hear people calling for help, feel for heat, and smell for the source of the fires. He’d miss a lot of things, but he thinks he could get along fine without it.
      a. What if they could only have one sense, and had to lose the others?
HARD ONE. But touch.
  20. Does this character have any unusual limbs or physical features?
  1. What's the state of your character's kitchen? What kind of foods do you find in it? Is it... clean?
Warm and inviting. He likes to cook. Like a lot. He grows a lot of vegetables and herbs in his garden, probably not a lot of fruit because that takes a while for them to grow besides the ol tomatoes. But he has a lot of fresh and local foods floating around the place. Also a lot of baked goods when he has the time are on platters or at the firestation when he knows he won’t be able to eat them all. It’s clean and only fairly organized. Things are kind of lingering around in drawers and the stacks of plates and bowls aren’t the tidiest, but it isn’t a headache to find things for people who aren’t familiar with the place.
  2. If they could only eat one type of food for the rest of their life, what would they choose?
Vegetables? Because they’re easily grown and healthy. As much as he’d miss cake.
  3. What kind of clothing does this character wear?
Comfortable things in the casual. Jeans or shorts and plain t-shirts with tennis shoes. Work out clothing for when that’s going on. And then when he needs to get dressed up it’s either his dress uniform, the whole get up, or a more casual looking suit and tie. At work he’s in his uniform. At night just a shirt and his boxers tbh, he gets too hot other wise and he can’t sleep in pajama pants.
And socks?? I feel like he wears socks at all times. Maybe...not to bed but just when he’s around the house he’s gotta be wearing socks.
  4. How does this character feel about piercings?
He doesn’t care what other people do with their image at all. It’s their body and if it makes them happy then he’s cool. As long as it isn’t hurting them.
      a. Tattoos? Honestly, he admires people who can sit through that. He doesn’t think he could, but he could. But hmm would he get one? Probably not.
      b. Dyed hair? You do you.
      c. Revealing clothing? As long as they’re happy with their body, he doesn’t care or glance twice.
  5. How does this character feel about animals?
He loves animals and they love him. Animals don’t bullshit around and don’t make him feel awkward because they’re genuine for the most part. They can also tell that he has a good soul and is kind. Not to mention he isn’t loud and he doesn’t coo at them like a lot of people. Kind of a mutual understanding thing going on there.
      a. Would they want any pets?
UHM YES. Let’s be honest he’s getting the fire station a dalmatian. Or 20. A L S O OMG, wow just had a very cute thought, he wants to be a beekeeper! He’s VERY adamant about the bees ever since he watched a documentary on them. It opened his eyes to all the fat fuzzy things hanging around his flowers. I’m imagining him being timid to go get them, scared he’ll kill them, but at the same time knowing they’ll be good for the flowers and the environment. Will probably never come to fruition because idk how this is gunna go into the rp but I can always headcanon he got them when he retired or something. They aren’t animals, but YOU KNOW WHAT he would love his little bees until the end.
      b. What animals are their favorite?
Whales. They’re relatable because they’re so big and yet they’re gentle and beautiful. Okay, maybe he doesn’t think he’s beautiful but whatever. They’re also super fierce when they need to be. He has newsletters about whales in his email. When he was in uni and had a small job at the library he spent a few of his pay checks donating to saving whales. He still does from time to time when it doesn’t go towards the rest of the environment.
  6. What type of movie is this character most interested in watching?
Feel good movies. Also romantic movies. He likes being a pile of goop at the end. He cannot do scary movies or super sad movies. The Shawshank Redemption is a good one for him because Andy was wrongfully accused and made the best of his situation. Also Morgan Freeman is bomb. And then he loves You’ve Got Mail and Pride and Prejudice. Hmm, Back to the Future and Ghostbusters, things like that. Nice lovely movies that end with the main character's happy. Worships Julie Andrews.
  7. If this character could master a skill instantly, which would they choose?
Social skills lmao.
  8. Are there any behaviors that other characters do that irk this character?
Littering! Hurting themselves! Being rude! Blatant disrespect for the Earth! How dare!
      a. Does the character ever voice their annoyance?
Only if it’s about defending something/someone that can’t defend itself. Like if some hoe just threw a piece of trash in the air for the wind to take he would snatch it and say, “I think you dropped this.” And then run for the hills.
  9. Would this character rather create something or destroy something?
Create. Or rather, help to create. He isn’t completely artistically inclined, so just to help things grow or make food from ingredients is his place.
  10. What kind of comedy does this character prefer? Toilet humor, vulgar, slapstick, morbid, etc.
Oddball. Physical humor gives him anxiety to watch, but hearing a good joke of words and set up make him laugh. Also I feel like really stupid jokes would make him laugh. Like all the ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?” ones. Why is a chicken crossing the road? That’s?? Funny in itself. At least to him. Also all the flower jokes.
  11. If they could stay at one age forever, which age would they choose and why?
Probably mid 50’s. Still able to move with some sort of ease, but too old to work in his field…...as a…...fireman…., so he can just be someone’s gardener and live in a little home in their backyard. Or like, above their garage. Just a small little job that would make someone happy? Omg, even better, he can be a booth at the local farmers market!! OR be helping the mother effing whales. Wow, yeah, he would love to retire and just do something for the environment. Also no one bothers you all that much when you’re an old man, so that would be, ideal.
  12. If the character could only wear clothing of one color, which would they choose?
Gray maybe? Keep it neutral. There are….several shades of it after all.  
  13. Describe the character's favorite possession. Where did they get it, and why are they so attached?
When he was recovering in the hospital his sisters got him a cactus. It’s alive and well and on his bedroom window sill in Swynlake now. He loves it because his sister’s got it for him and it was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes. It’s stayed with him for years and years and saw him through that rough patch in his life. But he would never say that. He would say he loves all his plants equally. He just loves that one the best because his sisters were kind enough to think not to get him something that would die next to him in the room like everyone else with their flower arrangements.
  14. What is the character's favorite weather?
Rain. Not thunderstorms, because, yeah, he and thunder aren’t friends whatsoever, just a hard rain that comes and goes. One that makes the weather cool down and the plants perk back up. It gives him the opportunity to go outside and not have to sweat gallons and see to the plants while they’re happy. He also likes the smell of the dirt and the flowers when they’re wet. It’s nice and Earthy and just fills him with contentedness he can’t get anywhere else.
  15. Do they prefer sweet, salty, sour, meaty, spicy, or neutral tastes?
I think he really likes spicy food and has built up an immune system to it so it isn’t as painful as it once was. Just a nice burn on his tongue. But he also likes soft and sweet, hence his love for baked goods. And smoothies are usually sweet, too.
  16. Would they rather sleep in a cold room or a warm one?
Cold! He dies in hot rooms because he has to have a sheet or blanket out of comfort covering him in the night. But in a hot room his body temperature just makes it too bleeh to get comfortable. If he’s in a cold room that means he can snuggle into that one layer and be just the right temperature.
  17. Are there any hobbies this character absolutely hates and would never want to do?
Hunting? OoOOO ACTING/PUBLIC SPEAKING that would be the worst thing in the world to him. Having to get in front of a bunch of people and speak? No way.
  18. What's the easiest way to annoy this character?
Talk shit about the Earth, get hit. Being stupid with fire.
  19. Are their interests and likes socially appropriate?
Yeah. I mean? Maybe people don’t associate 30 year old men being out in the garden crying over how beautiful his peppers are turning out, but he isn’t doing anything super weird or gross. Also cooking is like a fad now. Thank you foodnetwork. (Lowkey he worships Alton Brown, too.)
  1. What is the character's first memory?
His sisters playing with him in the living area. They were just messing around with some blocks and stuffed animals, building houses for them and giving them lives in this little neighborhood they had come up with. His mom was making dinner but they were all to caught up in their game to pay attention to when they were supposed to go wash their hands or sit at the table. It’s simple and small but it’s the oldest thing he can remember.
  2. Has the character ever experienced deja vu? Do you happen to know why?
Mmm, no. Tis a good question, but no he hasn’t.
  3. Sensations are powerful things, and often certain scents, sounds, touches, etc. can invoke memories strongly associated with them. Which have imprinted in your character's mind?
Loud noises always bring back when kids would yell at him or when the guys who ganged up on him were laughing at him as he asked them to please, stop. Also the smell of alcohol or weed will always be associated with Nathan and that night with Jules. Then of course fire and smoke just pulls up work.
  4. How'd they get along with their parents and/or other relatives?
Really well. He’s such a mama’s boy. Since his dad had died before he got to know him all he had for a parent was his mom and that didn’t hinder him in the slightest. He loves her so much and is so thankful to have had such a wonderful human being to raise him. Reese also gets on very well with his sisters. They’re all really close, even if they aren’t in years. Both of them are married and with kids. Olivia, the eldest, has a wife who adores Reese, and a son who loves his cool uncle who fights fires. And Atty, the middle, has a nice husband who Reese was very cautious of at first, but grew to like. Her two kids, older boy and younger girl, love Reese too.
His mom’s parents loved him and he loved them. He was connected to his grandmother the most since his grandfather died when he was 9. And his mom’s sister spoiled him to end because she never had kids and always wanted a little boy.
  5. What's the worst injury they've ever gotten?
Getting stabbed! Woo!
  6. How many places has this character lived in?
Four. His home town, his university town, town he trained to become a fireman, and now Swynlake.
  7. If the character could erase one memory from their mind, what would it be?
Uhm, probably that night he got jumped. Erase all that fear and pain and just utter helplessness and it would have given him back plenty of sleepless nights. Or all those times he had walked across campus alone, even in the day time, after he came back and not feeling so terrified.
  8. What was the character's economic situation?
Comfortable. He isn’t rich but he isn’t struggling. Probably?? Higher middle class since he’s got an established job with benefits and all that jazz. Not to mention he isn’t a big spender on anything at all. He’s doing fine.
  9. Describe the character's love life throughout the years.
WOW OKAY. So hmmm…...non existent. Legit. It’s hard to imagine him in any romantic relationship. Haaaaa. Because he doesn’t talk to people? outside his family. He’s never been good at talking to people, so there’s no way he ever approached anyone he thought was attractive. And if anyone were to come to him they would either get bored of him or deem him too much work. Also he’s too awkward for any sexual encounters outside of someone he would fully trust himself with which I’m not so sure anyone would so far in his life? Otherwise he would kind of be out of his shell a little bit, having had someone evoke that from him already. Yeeaah, if he had any kind of relationship like that it would have been with someone close and they would have pushed him to be a little more outspoken. But he’s still a recluse who has never felt that connection. But then on the flip side if he was in a relationship with someone who made his conditions worse I think he would have totally written off human interactions forever, even though he is an optimist who sees the best in people, but he would just make sure no one ever got near him again, because no DOUBT he would blame the ending of the relationship on himself.
WHAT A REVELATION. He’s Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed. I’m dealing with a 30 year old virgin here oh dear. I’m terrible to my characters.
  10. How did the family that raised this character influence them?
While they meant well, they always spoke for him, answering questions for him and all that. But it hindered him in being able to speak for himself. But his mother raised him right, to be polite, and his sisters were very protective of their younger brother, they’re also his best friends in life as he is to them.
  11. If this character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
NATHAN PETERSON. *timmy turner’s dad dinklebuuurg.*
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