#and unneeded 'likes' and other filler words
3hks · 7 months
How to Write REALISTIC and SMOOTH Dialogue
In a story, dialogue is quite important, it helps the readers paint a picture of what's happening and the characters themselves. However, it can be difficult to avoid the unnaturalness and choppiness that comes with a lack of experience. But luckily, I have put together A LOT of advice on how you can get over that rockiness and improve!
>> Keep your characters in character:
Dialogue is a remarkably quick way for readers to determine your character's personality. Thus, you want their speech patterns to remain fairly consistent so the audience won't get confused. If your character is more serious, then they will use less slang and perhaps a more impressive vocabulary. If your character is more relaxed, they will use more slang and compress the words. (such as "dunno," "kay," "y'know," etc.)
Basically, you want their tone to match their traits so the way that they talk is more realistic and personlized to themselves. If the way all your characters speak is the same, there's something wrong. A strong tip is to put yourself in your character's shoes and imagine how they would respond!
>> Take the situation into consideration:
This is another part of keeping your characters in, well, character. Different emotional situations will have a different effect on separate people, so make sure that you have an idea of how your character will act during stressful, irritating, and sad times.
If your character is normally cold, they will struggle if it comes to comforting other people because they have less experience in that field.
>> Don't take too long with their words:
Unlike when narrating something, most people talk just to get the idea across. They will be more specific and quicker with what they say. (This excludes any character who likes to talk a lot.) Unless it's on purpose, they won't dance around the topic. Think of when you casually chat with your friends; you're pretty unlikely to use certain words and/or phrases that might be common to use while narrating.
If you want to explain something complicated, instead of writing out a paragraph of just one person talking, use a question-and-answer prompt! This is where another character continuously asks related questions that get answered by another person, so you can indirectly reveal your explanation.
>> Having a variety of dialogue tags:
This is a pretty basic thing to look out for if you're new to writing conversations. Using words like "said," every other sentence can easily make it feel choppy and robotic. Instead, use words like "murmured," "smirked," etc. to paint some emotion into their words. Additionally, vary the location of the dialogue tags! They don't all have to go after the statement, you can include something in the beginning or even the middle, too!
Beginning - She tilted her head, "What are you talking about?"
Middle - "Oh," he blinked, "I actually never thought about that."
End - "Wait up!" She exclaimed loudly, waving her hands around.
>> Using no dialogue tags to create a smooth conversation:
Having too many tags can also overwhelm your reader--remember, sentence variety is a crucial part of writing--so you can always drop them if they're unneeded. This applies when your characters (two is the suggested amount) are talking back and forth in a pattern straightforward enough for the reader to understand who's talking without it having to be labeled.
Dropping dialogue tags in these moments can create a smoother atmosphere during the conversation because the reader only has to focus on the talking present.
Human speech is often not perfect; when talking, we often make mistakes such as filler words, grammatically incorrect phrases, etc. Hence, for more natural-sounding dialogue, it's important to incorporate some of these.
>> Pauses and stutters:
When reading dialogue, we read it at a steady pace unless it's written otherwise. However, that steady pace can soon get too robotic and too smooth. Luckily, there are several ways to change this! You can use dialogue tags, (ex: she quickly spoke) commas, and ellipsis (...). These are often integrated when the character is hesitant, nervous, answering something, or when they need to admit something. The same idea applies to stutters--they're mainly used to demonstrate anxiousness, which can be found in varying situations.
>> Filler words and slang:
Filler words can really just be used where you see fit. They may be used in the situations I previously mentioned (because it shows someone stumbling over their words) but it's ultimately up to you!
Slang, just like everything else, should not be used too often, or it will seem forced and exaggerated. The point is to sound natural, and increasing amounts of repetitiveness can ruin it. It's also important to remember that in real life, our conversations move slower; when someone speaks, another person usually doesn't respond quite literally, right after. However, in writing, dialogue can actually often seem that way, which is why using tags and these imperfections of speech is pivotal for building a realistic conversation!
Lastly, a key point when writing dialogue is to ALWAYS read the conversations! Whether it be in your head or out loud, it can often help you catch anything that seems off! Additionally, like I mentioned at the very beginning, write dialogue from your character's perspective! Imagine yourself as them and how they/you would talk. Try to keep your dialogue tags, sentences, and word use varied to create a natural conversation!
If you were struggling before, I hope that this (extra) long guide was able to really offer you some insight and useful tips! If you read this far, thank you!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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healthtodys · 9 months
Ignite drops Reviews (2024) How Does Ignite Amazonian Drops Work? 
Ignite Drops is a revolutionary weight loss drop made from 100% safe & all-natural ingredients with an ancient Amazonian formula that helps effectively burn fat faster, reduce insulin resistance, and improve overall health.
According to the man who created this formula, research shows that people over the age of 35 are unable to lose weight unless the underlying cause is addressed first.
The primary cause of the unneeded weight gain is an imbalance in the BAM15 hormone.
It is for this reason that the Ignite Amazonian Sunrise Drops formula is a targeted attack on the hormone known as "the sunrise hormone" or "morning hormone" by the manufacturer because it influences weight loss when one awakens.
According to the creator of Ignite Amazonian Sunrise Drops, the BAM15 hormone can burn fat 366% faster and more efficiently than "any diet or exercise on the planet."
read more:
How Do Ignite Amazonian Sunrise Drops Work?
Ignite Amazonian Sunrise Drops include natural ingredients in their formula, such as plants, minerals, herbs, vitamins, and other nutrients. They use a proprietary blend of vitamins and nutrients to aid fat burning and dietary restriction.
Some of the ingredients activate BAM15, the “sunrise” or morning hormone, which has become dormant with age. Others directly affect calorie burn and boost metabolism, resulting in weight loss. Moreover, these ingredients also help to raise energy, reduce inflammation, and support healthy body factors.
Ignite Amazonian Sunrise Drops target the BAM15 and reactivate it to melt the stubborn fat in the body and achieve healthy body weight. According to the manufacturers, this product is 287% more effective than any other weight loss supplement on the market, and users should expect a 1 pound loss per day.
How Ignite Drops Helps?
You can lose visceral fat around organs without feeling exhausted throughout the day. 
The formula contains thermogenic properties to stimulate metabolism to enhance fat loss. 
All the extracts are from natural ingredients, with no artificial substance to harm your organs. 
Regular intake of the liquid drops can improve cholesterol levels, heart health, bone health, brain function, and skin health, among other benefits. 
Your mood will be uplifted while Ignite Drops take on the weight loss effects, keeping yourself content. 
It works faster than other supplements by targeting the most stubborn fat that is often hidden. 
Ignite Drops All-Natural Ingredients :
1. Astragalus Root 
2. Guarana Seed 
3. Maca Root 
4. Grapefruit Seed Extract 
5. Forskohlii Root 
6. Grapeseed Extract 
7. African Mango 
8. Green Tea Leaf Extract 
9. Capsicum Annuum Fruit 
10. Eleuthero Root 
11. Gymnema Leaf 
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Amazonian drip method.
Final Word 
As you can see, the Ignite Drops weight loss supplement review discusses the weight loss benefits of the supplement at length. The bottom line is that you can rely on it. 
Remember to keep up your healthy food intake and regular workout routine for better results. These supplements are like helping hands to encourage you to lose weight without losing yourself. 
The foundation of a toned body is sticking to suitable regimes without diverting toward unhealthy measures. So, you must accept the challenge and move forward to a healthy lifestyle. We wish you all the best. 
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see-arcane · 3 years
I love your rant post I feel the EXACT same way. Like I went into the last few episodes expecting to cry my eyes out from the sad but instead I'm just full of rage. I was SO hopeful that 199 was a red herring to distract the Web while they enact a different plan (literally any other plan) and I'm still crushed that that was their honest to god real debate about it
What would have helped is if the tapes pulled that trick they did sometimes when the recording fast-forwards through unneeded filler time. 
Instead of giving us an incredibly short ‘debate’ all in one rushed sitting, we could have been treated to multiple stops and starts that could imply either several hours or even several days’ worth of going back and forth. It would’ve given a much more favorable impression of Team Archive actually weighing the real consequences of their decisions, and maybe left room for someone to actually listen to Jon’s perspective rather than steamroll over him. Again.
Instead we’re given the speed-run version--despite it being clear that there was no actual deadline for the decision--making Team Archive (sans Jon) come off like they were trying to sprint their way to the most convenient solution, the same way people will hurriedly make excuses for themselves whenever they know they’re about to do something shitty. 
I don’t know if it was intentional on Jonny’s part. At best it really hammered home the Capital T Tragedy of Jon’s situation, with him being the only one with the experience to make a sound-if-spartan judgment call and willingness to hit that big red button to save the next world(s). But all it really did was sour me on the rest of the cast for being so transparent in their hypocrisy. For fuck’s sake, Jon didn’t even get to call them on it. 
And yes, I was absolutely hoping for a secret third option to come through. Something that would still mean Jon sacrificing himself in some way, but one that would at least give us some vindictive pleasure at the Web not entirely getting its way and scurrying off without a single scratch on it. But no.
For all the theorizing and what-ifs and maybes of what’s going on in the other side of the chasm, there’s no getting past the fact that 3/5 of our intrepid heroes (4 if we count Martin) gladly sold out the multiverse to the Fears to save themselves and one Earth, followed by the main villain of the piece getting away with everything it wanted. The End. 
It’s a tragedy without any silver lining. Anything but Team Archive’s favorite excuse word: hope. 
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What Are Some Brilliant Hacks to Write a Particular Assignment Writing Online?
Treat Assignment Help has been offering Online Assignment Help services to the students of the UK and many others for over a decade. They tend to writes your university assignment using a systematic approach. We can assist you with anything from preparing to revising an assignment paper. so get assignment help form our experts.We have proven to be a source of comfort for millions of students who are struggling with their assignments all around the globe.
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Assignment help providers here understand that writing an assignment is a complicated task and that as a student, you have a lot on your plate in addition to your assignments. that is why we provide our excellent Assignment Writing Services to students to make their assignment work more straightforward and achieve higher grades in their academic curriculum. So you can ask our assignment writing experts to make my assignment for me, if you are also struggling with writing one for yourself.
Brilliant hacks suggested by the assignment help experts to write a remarkable assignment
Go through the tasks done by others- Going through the previously done assignment is a beautiful hack to write an outstanding job. Reading other tasks helps you enhance your writing style to produce several practical functions on the same subject. The easier it is for you to build your assignment, the more you will read. Reading other tasks does not simply copy and pasting the work, but acquiring an idea and enhancing the writing flow.
Implement time-management techniques- Eisenhower Matrix is a strategy for time management that breaks your task into four different quadrants according to its importance and urgencies. This will help the students to manage all their assignments within adequate deadlines.
Inspiring and exciting quotes must be used to start an assignment- Quotes can attract the readers’ interest and reflect the actual purpose of the assignment. Therefore, one must always begin its assignment with a killer quotation.
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Wikipedia should be sued as a resource for searching things and not for writing the entire assignment- Wikipedia cannot be considered a valid platform for creating the assignments. The academicians and Assignment Help experts have suggested that it should be a source to gain ideas, not for completing the task.
Avoid the elements that distract you- Things such as mobile phones, the internet, and other social media may create distractions, so one needs to stay away from all of them and sit peacefully to write an excellent assignment.
Sentences in the assignment should be short and crisped- Don’t add crapy and unneeded words to your assignment paper. Instead, cut the extra phrase and make short and relevant phrases. Repeated words and jargon can write three thousand words, do not do that. The students used filler words such as “very,” “just,” and “even” to write the way they speak. Don’t use terms like that; they don’t have a real purpose; compose your paper professionally.
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Check and proofread your assignment before submission- Grammar and spelling mistakes could have the worst impact upon the assignment readers as these mistakes may make your poaper look unprofessional and useless. Therefore, it is advised that one must always proofread the task prior to submission to give it a professional look.
Do you struggle while writing a remarkable assignment? Then please refer to specific tips suggested by the assignment help experts to overcome the same.
Source:- Click Here
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dereksmcgrath · 3 years
Seeing as Shueisha already commissioned a cookie display based on Magu-chan, if I don’t see a real-life version of this bento box on social media, I’ll be disappointed.
“A Destructive Luncheon,” Magu-chan: God of Destruction, Chapter 61. By Kei Kamiki, translation by Christine Dashiell, lettering by Annaliese “Ace” Christman. Available from Viz.
Potential spoilers for the potential final DLC in Smash Bros.
“Filler” gets derided frequently when it comes to manga and anime, although it’s a word that obviously can extend to other forms of entertainment, not just to other comics and animation but, in what is now the streaming age, any serialized narrative. Just look at any series order on Netflix and recognize those episodes that you anticipate are there just to fill up (“filler”) a minimum episode count, or “bottle episodes” to save on the budget before the next installment. Comics have to do the same for the sake of their budget of money, time, and energy: check out this week’s artwork from Spy x Family, as series creator Tatsuya Endo needed the break to work on additional edits for the series’ next collected volume.
“Filler” only bothers me when it is for a story that doesn’t actually contribute to anything. But that contribution can take so many forms that one person’s filler is another person’s favorite story, or another person’s story that really furthered a character’s progression, or is a story that will retroactively become important for some world-building detail it includes.
And just as “filler” refers to the unneeded flavorings and colorings in food products, sometimes you overlook those ingredients and just enjoy the item itself for your physical or emotional sustenance. Sometimes you just want that bag of Doritos or that donut, regardless whatever you know is in it that is just carbs or preservatives to get you raw energy or an emotional uplift.
It’s therefore appropriate that Chapter 61 of Magu-chan focuses on food. After how heavy the previous two-chapter arc was, something lighter and funnier is appreciated. While Chapter 61 doesn’t further plot too much or reveal too much new about the characters, it has solid gags and avoids a lot of the problems I’ve had with previous chapters, all while adding a legitimately funny gag around Uneras and not just making Muscar’s weakened form only the butt of the joke.
Starting with the title, “A Destructive Luncheon,” it’s odd how actually un-destructive the luncheon ultimately becomes. Sure, Magu’s attempt to bring the bento box to Ruru shakes up the contents too much to retain its original look, so it’s hardly that destructive, despite Magu himself being such an embodiment of chaos--a point that I’m glad Naputataku raised: I need to check the translation, but Napu referring to Magu as “mad” had connotations not just of anger but also chaos. The message is a solid one for this chapter, that even if the meal doesn’t look like you hoped, it’s still a hearty meal that had a lot of thought put into it, first by Ruru making it, then by Magu bringing it. And the message spoke to me personally, given how much I enjoy the taste of my own cooking even as the presentation is never getting me a prize on any cooking show. Plus, I’m an easy mark for Magu inadvertently quoting Soul Eater by saying the appearance of the meal is not what matters.
If there is any quibble I have off the top of my head, it’d be the setup for the story. Ruru oversleeps--but how was that possible? It feels like a panel or two are missing, something to show that, perhaps, Magu was up too late playing knockoff Smash Bros (before Tuesday when Sora gets announced as the new DLC) and he actually overslept and failed to wake Ruru in time. I want to be suspicious and pretend that there could be another reason: Ruru had to check her phone to see she overslept, so maybe something disrupted her phone? Would Muscar have done that? He was hanging around and did remark that he has gotten his fate-altering abilities stabilized. Or was it Uneras? She wasn’t here, aside from a brief, and well-done, gag about Izuma’s Dragon Quest-inspired meat lunch, so did she disrupt Ruru’s phone to set off a typical manga plot out of her own interest in such tropes and gags?
There are other gags I enjoyed in this chapter. Ruru’s shouting literally rocked her house, Magu had varied uses of his abilities as an umbrella, propeller, and a parachute (forgive me making yet another fighting game reference, but imagine Magu’s move-set in Smash or a similar game--so versatile). I also appreciated how the story made excuses to bring up minor characters, such as Magu realizing BS would likely eat the bento box instead of helping him transport it or Muscar progressing with his new form, or Magu being disturbed upon encountering a jackhammer for the first time. I’m almost surprised the series didn’t add the bartender Magu knows, if we’re going to mine out the supporting cast for additional appearances in this chapter.
And I always appreciate Naputaaku returning, this time indulging in a croquette, talking up details that make the foodie and cook in me gleeful, and his insistent desire to try Ruru’s cooking, both out of genuine goodwill interest to try her cooking and selfishness, making that “mouthful of destruction” laser beam, as Magu called it (great translation by Dashiell, by the way), earned and a satisfactory payoff to the joke.
While I did say that not much progressed in characterization, even as I did point out what new information we learned about Naputaaku, I did appreciate that brief moment where we’re to assume Magu is going to eat Ruru’s lunch before the reveal that of course he didn’t. That moment of heightened tension before sentimental payoff worked for me without being unearned or schmaltzy. It helps, in between Magu’s temptation to eat the bento box and his delivery of the box, that we get something heartwarming with Ren and Izuma offering some of their meals. It does make me wonder why we didn’t see the others dining with the rest of their occult club (although, I have forgotten whether Kikyo and Yuika are in the same class, and seeing as we gave them a lot of attention in the previous two chapters, it’s not like they strictly need to be in this one).
I also appreciate the new color page for this chapter, not just for seeing what Nosu Koshu’s color scheme is but also my appreciation that Shueisha and its editorial staff continue to give attention to this series. That cookie video at the beginning of this post is just one of a lot of marketing Shueisha has done on YouTube to promote the series. I know the volume sales in Japan have not been what Jump readers think are enough to keep the series afloat, but I’m enjoying this series for how long it lasts. It fills a gap in what is needed for light reading, for gags, and for slice of life stories--all of which I hope continues to let the series fill some gaps in comics and, maybe if it gets an animated adaptation, in anime, too. After all, Restaurant to Another World just had its second season start this week, along with its manga now available at Crunchyroll, so I would not object to another series with some food stories, too. I still say a Magu-chan series animated like The Way of the Househusband would satisfy me, and now that we have this food chapter, it just makes sense thematically.
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
Spoilers, so be ready. Also, this one might be a little longer than my other ones, so just be aware.
This episode was both good and bad, at least for me. Let’s start off with all the bad and get that out of the way:
For starters, Bing’s sudden “I’m so high and moral, I’m so above Charlie, boo hoo he used me” narrative I swear... he’s so annoying. Gtfo with that shit Bing. You’re a rapist literal motherfucker. Charlie uses assholes like you for his benefit and kid’s benefit, then you die in the end, it’s what you deserve. I did love the nod to Dewey Hansom from the book and comic in this episode tho. Dewey was a rapist himself and if I remember correctly, he did stuff to kids, and Charlie made sure he got his in the end too. I guess this attitude Bing had did lead to his eventual downfall, but still... doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying lol.
A question I had, a friend on here had, and I’m sure we all had was: did Charlie get raped by Bing or... what? I mean, at the time, it was implied, based on what Bing said to him which was extremely creepy, but we didn’t know because his body got dragged away like nothing ever happened. Plus, it cut to what happened to him in his childhood around this time (my opinions on his childhood in a moment). The answer is: No, Charlie was not raped by Bing. He was about to be raped by him, but was not. Here is the screenshot from my friend who asked the writer of the episode:
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So no, Charlie was not! Thank God... Of course, hitting him was not good, and what happened to him as a child was not good at all, but this would’ve made things a lot worse both writing wise and in regards to Charlie. Credit to @welcometochristmasland for asking the writer, thank you so much for clarifying this for everyone!
I’m especially relieved by this not just because I’m a Charlie fan girl, but this reason: Charlie getting raped AGAIN in his life, and especially by that fucker, would be so unneeded and stupid. There would be no point to that other than shock value filler. Not to mention, wouldn’t it make things extremely awkward between Vic and Charlie? Despite what’s happening with Wayne, I mean, she was almost raped by Bing herself, and if Charlie actually were in this scenario... that would be pretty awkward between the two, right? I know if I were Vic and I found out about that, I would feel pretty awkward, even if he had my kid, because rape is way too strong a punishment over this. We already know Bing is worse than Charlie, you wouldn’t have to show it through this, and thank God the show did not. I was gonna be real angry over that... of course, there is one thing that unexpectedly made me angry at this episode...
I don’t know what the writers’ problem is with Charlie’s backstory and the women in his life hurting him. They don’t make them saints, but they make them out to be like, “Oh, look at us, we love you and we point out your flaws, and you hurt us.” You know what Charlie’s mother and wife said to him all those years ago according to the comic book that reveals his backstory? They told him how much he drained them of their happiness and youth. No shit Charlie has such a distrust in women! He’s been told by his own mother and first wife, who he broke an arm and a leg for how much just to support the family, that he’s worthless. This leads him to snap! His mom wouldn’t have cared he was raped. She hated him. She told him, when he was forced to sleep in a coffin in the back of the inn and mortuary they lived in, that he belonged in one, so it served him right to sleep in one. Real loving mother of the year, am I right? Again, she still wasn’t a saint in the show, but Charlie going off at her like that was just... WHAT??? NO. And making Charlie groom other kids uknowingly while he’s groomed himself? I really don’t like this, and it’s even worse that Charlie gets more mad at his mom and not so much himself in this situation. He blames himself, but moreso blames his mom. Just... why?
In the comic, the guy who hurt Charlie as a kid was a random guy. He was kicked out of the inn and mortuary for hurting his mom while he was her customer. She points out that maybe a woman doesn’t satisfy him, and boy, is she right, because the fucker follows Charlie as he’s walking up a hill to play with his sled, and rapes Charlie. Charlie gets away, his abilities start to unlock just a bit once his head hits a tree, he kills the rapist, goes back into town, kills his mom, and kills one of the owners of the inn and mortuary (probably because he was trying to stop Charlie, and little boy Charlie has snapped). After this, Charlie leaves and ends up in Kansas. He has little no memory of this.
Now, did the episode show us his mom’s neglectful behavior by leaving her son midway through a little show he was doing to sleep around? Yes. Did they show his abilities unlock after his rape and him killing her? Yes. Did they show him get raped in the first place, and is it still horrible? Yes to both. And I think it was a good change in the show to make the man someone Charlie trusted instead of a random guy (its both equal in how horrible and wrong it is, but the fact it was someone he trusted is even more shocking, I think, but the good kind of shocking, not some cheap useless bullshit).
But similar to Charlie’s backstory with Cassie, the writers seemed to have skimmed through the comic and not understand the point: Not only does sexual assault as a child fuel Charlie’s trauma and pain, but so does the feelings of uselessness he felt from his mother hurting him and his wife hurting him. I get it, you want to make Charlie out to be the big bad, but he already is with the questionable ways he saves kids. His backstory is meant to be the place where you see his softer side, not see more of his bad. You see his softness, but then the show turns around and says, “ReMeMbEr, hE’s StIlL tHe BaD gUy.” We get it, writers! Now can you please stop making him unsympathetic? There is that side of him that people need to understand! That’s what makes his character so genius!
Slightly off topic, but I thought of something briefly: I can’t help but feel the show is maybe doing this not only because they really want to make it out like “Charlie’s so evil and if you like his sad backstory and understand him, you’re just wrong UWU), but maybe it’s also because they don’t want to talk about a male victim of abuse story. Of course, yes, they did it with him being raped as a child, and I’m glad that they still covered the topic of a male victim of sexual abuse, especially sexual child abuse. Showing how awful that is is important, and I think they handled that aspect well. However, Charlie is also a child abuse victim with his mother, and a domestic violence victim with his wife. Why wouldn’t they want to show a child abuse victim, and a domestic violence survivor (and a male one at that!) in a way that is important and well handled too? They didn’t make a PSA out of it, no, and they wouldn’t make PSAs out of the other things either, that’s not what I’m saying. But by showing these things in media, it’s important. It raises awareness of these issues that happen in our world, and who knows, it could help somebody find something to relate to. Think of the movie Kill Bill: the movie brings up people, especially women, getting raped in comas. It’s a problem, it happens to people, and Tarantino brought that up. It wasn’t in a PSA fashion, but he still showed you that something as awful as that could happen and does happen in our world. So what’s the problem, writers? Why couldn’t you explore these things with Charlie? Is it because he is a man, so exploring women hurting men is “wrong?”
Because let me tell you all: If Charles were Charlotte, and she were abused by her father and husband the same way as Charles was in the comic and book, I think the writers would praise this concept. “She has a distrust for men because of how much they hurt her in life! She’s a genius villain!” And don’t get me wrong: Charlotte would be. And men abusing women happens way more often than the other way around, it’s still absolutely wrong, and I would fully support Charlotte as a villain. I wouldn’t like her in that way as I do Charles because I’m straight, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy Charlotte Manx as a character and love her genius writing. But here comes Charles, a man abused by women... oh no! We can’t discuss that! Why not? What’s this double standard crap?
I’d like to reiterate that this is only a possible theory for why the writers made these choices, not an official reason. I’m not trying to accuse them of pulling a double standard, I’m just throwing that idea out there as a general, “is this why, because you’re not really giving a reason why.” And before anyone twists my words: Abuse of any kind, regardless of sexes involved, is wrong. I think female abuse stories should be told, and I think male abuse stories should be told, both in real life and in the fictional realm. I am a bit disappointed they did not do the full potential and exploration of Charlie’s very tragic backstory that they had in regards to his relationship with his mother and wife.
Now that I’ve let out my ranting, the positives of this episode:
Bing getting bird shit in his mouth in the beginning was hilarious. What happens to him in the end was fabulous. Charlie’s final words to him and how he left him to rot... oh how wonderful it was! And Charlie’s words to Bing throughout this whole episode were just... excellent. Obviously it was hard to watch him get beaten, but he had quite the guts to still try to trick him. His truthful words to Bing that made him stop when he was about to rape him, and his words to Bing after stabbing him were just... I think the best lines Charlie has said out of the whole series so far. His bad assery shines in this episode.
I find it fascinating how Charlie’s fears are outside of Christmasland and locked in that house. Despite all the nonsense with Cassie’s character I’ve discussed before and how she is not the abuser she is in the book and comic, and how important it is to discuss it and portray it, I do like Millie exploring herself. I suppose her mother does kinda have to be involved to help Millie explore herself, so I guess there is something good coming out of this, even if the take away is an aspect of Charlie being ruined and made less sympathetic when it should be.
Wayne and Craig’s interaction is really sweet, I’m glad he’s here and helping him. The comparison between Millie and her mom and Wayne and his dad is really good, I do like that. And Wayne saving Charlie, I was like HELL YES!!!! You’re doing good and you don’t even realize it, kid!
All in all: there was a part I was about to hate in this episode that was confirmed to not be there by the writer of it (Thank God), there was something I actually do hate about this episode, and then there are a few things I love about this episode. It was definitely interesting. You feel horrible for Charlie, you hate Bing even more, you feel glad he gets what he deserves, and the exploration with Millie and Wayne is good. If you’re like me and you really want Charlie’s backstory to be as it was in book form in regards to his relationship with his mother (and with his wife, quite a few episodes before) because it makes more sense, allows better exploration of concepts in our real world, and allows you to understand Charlie better, you won’t like his backstory entirely even as he was a kid. But if you can look past all that, there’s really no sour taste that will be left in your mouth, except for pity for Charlie (but most of us, if not all of us, feel that for him, that’s obvious, it’s horrible what happened to him).
Sorry this one was very long, thank you for reading till the end if you have! I hope you enjoyed it!
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Michael After Midnight: 88 Lines About 44 Average Movies Not Worth Reviewing
In the year 1981, Marc Campbell and David Kaufman of the Nails got together and wrote out one of the single greatest songs of all time: “88 Lines About 44 Women.” The song is exactly what it says it is; it is a song, 88 lines long, with two lines each describing a different women. Some of these women are based on real people the two men knew, while other women described in the song are made up. Originally released in 1981 as the first side of the EP Hotel for Women with minimal production - the backing of the song was basically a single droning synth - it was eventually polished up and rerecorded for 1984. The deadpan delivery of the song as well as its general quirkiness and oddball concept has helped make it a beloved obscure 80s song ever since.
Fast forward to… I dunno, the mid to late 2000s? Whenever it was that I watched AMV Hell /0, where it was used in one of the few clips that didn’t feature some absolutely fucked up fetish. It just had good old fashioned bathtub maturation! Anyway, that's how I stumbled across this quirky little song, and fell in love with its odd delivery and peculiar list-like structure. I always wished I could do a parody of it, but it was never meant to be…
Until now! In the year 2020, I came to a decision that would help me finally get a lot of movies out of my system: I’d do a little parody of this odd song and list 44 films that I just don’t think are worth getting a full review with two lines to each film. These are all movies I’ve watched and under any other circumstance would probably make for good reviews… but I just find them too average or just not interesting to talk about to want to dedicate my time to writing out an entire minimum 500 words review. Two lines is what they deserve, that’s good enough.
Anyway, I’m certainly not going to pretend I’m as good as Campbell and Kaufman, but here’s what I managed to punch out by sifting through the mound of perfectly average films I just don’t think deserve elaboration or discussion on my blog... not cuz I think they’re bad or anything, for the most part. I just don’t feel these films engaged me enough for me to make a review of them interesting. Anyway, here we go:
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Scorpion King helped launch The Rock It’s a solid Conan clone
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My Little Pony is a corny kids film Worth watching for the Smooze alone
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Caveman’s an okay Ringo vehicle Decent effects and ambitious at least
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Equestria Girl’s a so-so commercial Whose first sequel has it beat
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Meatballs, a standard old school camp film By any means, it’s not the worst
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Man of Steel is bleak and unfun But Cavill will make you thirst
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Prince of Persia’s not that bad But the casting’s rather shit
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Yellowbeard has a stellar cast Wasted on a tacky script
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Blades of Glory, not amazing But I guess Kanye thinks it’s neat
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Smallfoot tackles heavy topics decently Using cryptids with big feet
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Nick and Norah is your average Indie cornball romance schlock
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I Am Legend would have been awesome If the theatrical ending wasn’t crock
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Bender’s Game is a filler film Pointless fluff that’s just not clever
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Razorback’s a killer pig flick But other killer animals are better
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The Revenant is just okay How did Leo win for THIS?
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Illumination’s Grinch is okay Not spectacular, but not shit
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Observe and Report is basically Just an edgier Paul Blart
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Cheaper By the Dozen’s a bit corny But it has humor and heart
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Anchorman 2 is wholly unneeded But hey, there’s Stonewall Jackson’s ghost!
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Anger Management’s a Sandler film But not one that sucks the most
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Enduring Love’s just Fatal Attraction But just a little bit more gay
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For Your Eyes Only’s a Bond outing That’s unremarkable in every way
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From Hell’s a Jack the Ripper film That got Alan Moore to rage and rant
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The Ring’s ok for PG-13 horror But it won’t make you shit your pants
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The Rescuers is a weak film With a few good bits going for it
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Soylent Green’s a relevant dystopia But you already know the twist
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Fantasia 2000 is like the original Less impressive, but the animation’s nice
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Die Hard 2 is just the first film Same shit happened to the same guy twice
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The Sword in the Stone would just be a footnote If not for the squirrel girl and Mim
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Hugo’s a passable Scorcese kid film Who expected that from him?
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The Notebook is a solid romance But the ending’s sadder than the book
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Frankenweenie’s not Burton’s best work But it’s mostly cute and worth a look
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Hanna’s your standard action thriller You’ve seen this song and dance before
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Zack and Mirri Make a Porno With a title like that you’d expect more
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Birdman is pretentious wank But Michael Keaton’s performance rocks
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Teen Wolf’s a bit of a novelty But who can hate Michael J. Fox?
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Urban Legend’s a standard 90s Post-Scream snarky slasher flick
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Dogtooth is a hard watch With subject matter that’s quite sick
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Super 8 is basically A less engaging Stranger Things
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Horrible Bosses is mostly unpleasant But I did enjoy a couple things
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Fast Times at Ridgemont High Is cliche, trite, and doesn’t try
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Bridge to Terabithia’s main appeal lies In how hard it will make you cry
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Jack Reacher’s a bland action film That stars a Scientologist
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Manticore, classic SyFy shit I’ll just let it end this list
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hyunnie-bunches · 5 years
Bloodsuckers VI
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Genre: Supernatural AU
Pairing: Vampire!Baekhyun x Vampire!Reader
Word Count: 1195
A/N: This chapter is such filler bullshit, I am so sorry. I promise I’ll have some real content for the next one.
Tags: @marimsun
[Y/N’s POV]
Baekhyun leaves me on the ground and begins to pack the bodies into the trunk of the car. There might still be security camera footage but at least the lack of evidence would help somewhat. It doesn’t take long for my new body to heal itself. What felt like gut-wrenching pain fades to a dull throb within a matter of minutes, and my head clears enough to get up and attempt helping. My help is unneeded, however. Baekhyun has already dumped the cooling bodies into the trunk and is waiting expectantly for me to get in so we can leave.
The car ride is unnervingly silent. I can see the gears moving in Baekhyun’s head through the small crease in his brows and the downward tilt of his lips. Not wanting to aggravate him further, I keep my mouth shut as well, even though there are a million questions swirling in my head. It is only after he has burnt the bodies in what feels like the middle of nowhere, and continue driving south and away from his house, that I finally start speaking.
“Are we not going back?”
“No. We can’t stay in that town. We’d be too easily traceable.” His words are clipped, sentences to the point.
I give a tiny nod that he can’t see. “So where are we going?”
It is obvious that he doesn’t want to talk. And knowing him and his unwavering stubbornness, there was nothing that would make him talk either. Deciding that this was not a battle worth fighting, I go back to being silent. The sun sinks lower and lower in the sky and dips under the horizon but Baekhyun doesn’t pause his driving, stopping once only to refuel on gas. Before I know it, the low light of the half-moon and the quiet hum of the engine have me slipping into an exhausted sleep.
[Baekhyun’s POV]
Driving through the darkening sky, that’s the word that I find myself coming back to. I had been so, so, careless. What had I been thinking, taking Y/N out like that? She was too new, too young to be put in a situation like that. Familiar hot lashes of anger spike in me again. At her? At myself? At the world? I didn’t know.
I should’ve made sure the location was safe, run the networks to see if there were rumors of hunters in town, been more alert when we were out. I should’ve not gotten so carried away that I didn’t notice the hunters until it was too late. My hands clench over the steering wheel.
Stupid. Foolish. Careless.
A rational part of me knew that this was not my fault. These things happened. You had run-ins with hunters or local authorities or other, stronger vampire clans, and you moved. If you were lucky and nothing drastic happened, you still had to move every few years, or people grow too suspicious. It was a cyclical process and it was an inevitable one, but it still bothered me to simply abandon everything I had known for the past three years.
“You’re too sentimental.” The cold, hard voice flashes through my mind. A phantom tingle flares up on my cheek to mind me of the accompanying slap that went along with that statement.
I shake my head to come back to the present. Over. It was over now. I was here. And he was not. I would be okay.
My eyes flash towards the sleeping form to my right. Y/N was leaning against the window with a hand tucked under her chin. Mouth slightly ajar, she looked like the epitome of peace. Jealously mingled with relief in my chest. At least there was this. She was okay. And I, too, would be okay.
I let out a deep sigh through my nose and train my eyes of the infinite stretch of the road ahead of me, preparing for the long ride ahead.
[Y/N’s POV]
I awake to the smell of fresh coffee and the pain of a nasty neck cramp. Blinking my eyes against the light, I realize that I had somehow managed to sleep the entire night away.
“Rise and shine.” Baekhyun’s voice trickles in from the open door of the driver’s side. The underlying tension in his voice puts me on edge. I reach forward to grab the cup of coffee he offers me. After a cursory look out the window, I ask, “Where are we?”
“Two hours north of Nashville.” He says casually.
I furrow my brows. “Nashville, Tennessee?”
He only gives me a small nod. Unsure of how to react to having moved halfway across the country in a day, I simply take a sip of my coffee and attempt to process my thoughts.
Baekhyun fiddles with his phone then turns it towards me to show the local newspaper from the town in South Dakota we had abruptly left yesterday. “They found the security camera footage.” His voice sounds resigned. “It hasn’t made national news yet, but there are some concerns since part of the footage…is...well, humanly inexplicable.” Me. Us, maybe. But definitely me. I was too fast, too strong, too lethal. I suppress a groan as Baekhyun continues. “I think it’s best for us to go as far away as possible. I know of a cabin in the woods around here that is in a pretty secluded spot. We can stay there until the heat dies down.”
He chugs the last of his coffee and starts the car up again.
“I’m sorry,” I say in a small voice. His head snaps towards me, but I keep my gaze from meeting his. “I should’ve never insisted-“
“Y/N…” He hesitates, then says hesitantly, “It wasn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself.” He pauses again. “Maybe it was for the best. Being in a no-name place like this…It gives us the freedom to make mistakes without drawing as much attention.” He pauses once again. His words seem to take more and more effort the longer he went on speaking. “Once we’re…settled in…I’d like to start you on a…training program, if you will…I think that might…help…with controlling your abilities.”
“How did you learn?” The question seemed like an innocent one, but the way Baekhyun’s body tenses up immediately makes me regret asking it.
“I was-It was not the most normal circumstances under which I was turned and trained.”
A part of me wants to press more, to seek answers to this enigma who sits in front me - a man so different from the monster I thought I had sought out weeks - or was it months? - ago. But a larger part of me knows that this is not the time for driving down memory lane, especially since the path seems dark and bumpy. So I just give another nod and say, “Well, I appreciate the offer. You-“ I swallow because the next words seem to be stuck in my throat. “you didn’t - don’t - have to stay with me, or help me. So,” I clear my throat, “thank you.”
He shrugs and revs the engine. “We’re on the run. Might as well have some company, right?”
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the-play-of-greece · 5 years
Oedipus Tyrannus, an Informal Review
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As it is an ancient play, it is a bit bare in its essentials and storytelling methods. So in place of what would be modern filler, it seems they give many blantened morals of which they followed. Many of which acting as warnings. There are several essential morals discussed but one that seemed to be both driving the plot and had the greatest emphasis is a rather rare idea today. The idea that learning, gaining knowledge, can sometimes be negative, frightening. Learning horrible truths. It is best seen in Oedipus’s mothers cry to not dig further, giving a sense of knowledge can be worse than ignorance. The greatest parallel to this concept I can think of is also an ancient tale, with Adam and Eve eating from the tree of good and evil. Learning evil and horrible truths. For some reason it seems this concept is not as common in the modern age but is the driving factor in several notable stories such as this, reflecting the social question that seemed to be of importance to them: can knowing be worse than not knowing? Is ignorance truly bliss? 
Another major moral that is present in many myths is the idea that our fates our predetermined, even when we attempt to avoid them. In a sense it seems that they have a certain level of anguish and fear over having no control. A certain level of destain for Apollo- god of prophets. I wonder if that reflects a cultural sign that they dealt out of control of their own lives and this was their way to cope? To put blame on something familiar?  In this play it seems they wished they could avoid Apollo, mock him. Almost like they are afraid of him. Along with that it shows all men are the same in the eyes of gods and all have the same chance of being utterly screwed. 
Finally a third larger moral is the idea that death is the relief of sorrow, and that in a sense they seem to almost look forward to it, possibly to escape the controlling nature of fate and prophecy. Which makes sense for them to still respect Zeus, who gave man work to conquer him. That Zeus gives them this relief so in a sense they are grateful. Especially near the end of the play where his friend proclaims he’d be better off dead. 
Some more minor messages I picked up on that I found interesting was the rather now frowned upon mentality of it is better dead than to be blind/disabled according to the friend. This theme is also scene in other myths ans mythological characters, such as Hephestus who is constantly mocked for his bum leg. Another is a message that is in our life as well, to protect the children and view them as innocent, as Oedipus pleads for their safety and they are pitied.  
Small Notes about the performance itself (just from my opinion):
I was not at all a fan of the music (though that might’ve been recording quality. The dancing was boring, dry, unneeded, and very irritating. The actors, especially Oedipus, shouted the whole time to the point any change in emotion did not stand out and it was almost the same experience one would have if they listened to a monotone robot reading the lines. The exception to this being the friend and old men, who were slightly more soft spoken and actually showed emotion well because of it. I did like the emotional proclamation and plea to not dig further by his wife/mom. It actually had some emotion in it and contrasting tones, making it seem more like pleading. The description of the eyes just… ew. I didn't quite get why his mom loved him despite knowing? That was just weird? Oedipus’ friends acting was so much better than his because they changed their voices on occasion. The only time I liked Oedipus’ acting was when he begged for his daughters BECAUSE HE STOPPED YELLING.
Word count: 673
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willow-salix · 6 years
Mistakes that Novice Writers make - Part 1. Story Construction.
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Mistakes That Novice Writers Make and How to Avoid Them –
Part One Story Structure.
Hi again you lovely lot, here again for another dose of Witchy Writing Wisdom, you lucky buggers. That or you’re bored and have nothing better to do, either way, hello.
As you all probably know by now, I’m Willow, Paranormal Romance author, witch, medium, endless reader and cat slave.
A few people have asked me to put together a video on the mistakes that you might make as a novice writer and how to either avoid them or learn how to fix them.
This is a very wide topic and far too much to cover in one video so I’ve decided to make this into a series of videos that I will post each day until it’s finished.
Making these mistakes can immediately give you away as an amateur writer and, even if you aren’t, they can make you seem that way. You could have been writing for the best part of your life, but if you never learnt the basics then you will never improve past a novice. Harsh, but true unfortunately.
These are a basic guide of what to avoid and what not to do. This is coming from bitter experience, writing class lessons, the opinions of other writers that I have spoken to asking what they would include in this list, readers themselves and a shit ton of practice. All of which I’ve done so you don’t have to. How much do you love me now? The answer had better be a lot.
This first video will focus on what to avoid in your story construction and what is seen as amateurish. Let’s dive in, shall we?
Firstly, a bad story concept. This sounds so obvious, doesn’t it? but for some it’s not. If you think your story through, follow a story formula to make sure you have all the elements you need, and plot it properly, that will be a massive help.
What can also help is joining a writing class or group, if you can’t get to one physically, then online forums and groups can be just as good. There you will be able to get a lot of feedback if you pitch the idea. Believe me, people will question things and make you think about it. They will likely pick up on and question the things that you hadn’t even thought of.
If you don’t want to do that, then getting it checked by a beta reader can make all the difference. Some new writers seem to think that they have to go it alone all the time, that they can’t ask for or accept help when it is needed or offered. They will self-edit and review before publishing and then wonder why they are getting negative reviews. That lack of help shows. And I’ve been just as guilty of this myself in the early days. I thought that no one else would know and love my world as much as I did and therefore couldn’t be of any help. I was so wrong. Help is always a good thing and even the best, most successful writers still have trusted beta readers to show their work to first.
This moves us on to plot holes. Yet again this is a problem that can be fixed with careful plotting rather than trying to just write without a plan, and then with careful editing and observation.
Poor cause and effect is just as bad as a plot hole, your reader knows that stepping out in front of a car will hurt, it will cause damage and possibly kill you. but if your character walks away without a scratch it will jar with your reader. Just because you need that car to hit someone to show who is the bad guy, you still need to keep it realistic.
If you character shoots and kills someone research what the lawful procedure will be, what will be their punishment and comeback in your country. If your character breaks into a house and gets caught what would happen if it was a real-life situation in the place your story is set? All of this might seem like it can be skipped, because hey, it’s all fiction, right? Wrong? Just because its fiction doesn’t mean that anything can happen, things have to feel realistic, they have to have an element of truth to them for your reader to gel with the story.
Random story elements will also confuse your reader and lead them down a path you never wanted, so by the end they feel cheated out of a potential plot point that they found quite enticing.
Just because you get an idea for a funny, quirky or poignant scene doesn’t mean you have to use it if it doesn’t make narrative sense.
This brings me to my next point, overly confusing plot. Inexperienced writers often feel that they have to try and impress their readers and make an impression, which to a certain extent is true, but they go about it the wrong way. Trying to be too clever, or too complicated will almost always backfire.
Having a large, convoluted and detail laden plot can put a lot of readers off and can be very hard to write successfully.
Having 6 red herrings, 3 turncoats, 10 hidden clues, 5 points of misdirection and 4 plot twists, all in one story will just make for an exhausting and hard to follow plot that most will either give up on without finishing it or feel confused and unsatisfied by the end. And that is not what you want.
Don’t try to be too clever, don’t try to baffle your reader. You want them to relate and engage, not feel like they don’t know what 2+2 is.
As with anything there are extremes and while being too complicated is bad, so to is being too simplistic and vague. Some writers drift towards vague writing as a way of creating mystery and surprises within their story, but in reality, this rarely works.
Unneeded scenes are a big problem with novice writers. They seem to think that the more there is, the better it is, which is not always the case.
Don’t get hung up on word count. By trying to bulk up your story you can often do more harm than good.
It might seem cute or easy to add an extra scene with your main characters dog doing all sorts of weird and wonderful things, but it will be recognised as what it is. Filler.
Say it with me, if nothing actually happens in a scene, if it doesn’t add to character development or if it doesn’t push the plot along, then it doesn’t belong in your book.
Now, I’m not a total monster, I know these kind of scenes can creep in, and you’ll love them, but they need cutting. Notice my word choice there, cutting, not deleting, cutting. Nowhere is it against the rules to add the scene at the back of the book as a deleted scene or to put it in a blog post or on your website. It doesn’t have to die, it just has to get its arse out of your story.
Under these rules you can include big scenes that are masquerading as really important but focus more on what’s not happening rather than what is. For example:
You have 5 people in an office having a meeting. They spend 4 pages of back and forth dialogue discussing possible problems, chatting about how, no, Gerald didn’t place that order, no, that big client didn’t cancel his contract blah blah blah, all filler and no real information for us readers. It’s not needed.
Have a meeting to discuss a problem that is happening or has happened, one that does actually affect the story, not what might happen. Keep it current, keep it relevant.
Our last problem relates to the ending. As I’ve said many times, your ending must be satisfying to the reader. If your ending seems too easy, too obvious or very short and rushed, your readers will know, and they will not like it. Weak endings weaken your entire book.
That’s it for book structure mistakes. Thanks for watching, tune in tomorrow for the next part in the series focusing on Characters and Narration.
As always, hit me up on social media with any questions or suggestions for future videos or even books you might like me to read and review.
Blessed be, and happy writing.
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Need Auto Repair Information? This Is For You
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Auto repair can be a staggering theme. Fortunately, you can get some fundamental tips from this article that can enable you to get started. Keep perusing for some great auto repair tips.
Get a decent battery charger to keep in your vehicle. This is a typical reason for breakdowns, and carrying a charger helps different drivers just like yourself. Find the focuses the battery charger ought to be associated with so you can without much of a stretch kick off your very own vehicle.
It is vital that you completely comprehend what every one of the charges will be forthright, before giving the mechanic your car keys. On the off chance that you don't comprehend something, converse with the mechanic first. Try not to wind up stayed with additional charges later.
Exploit free examinations, yet don't simply have them fix everything on the rundown. There will most likely be a couple of additional things included that aren't entirely vital. On the off chance that you are light on money, ask the specialist which things are the most imperative to keep the car running securely. Get these done quickly, and set something aside for whatever is left of the work.
Autonomous carports and mechanics are normally a lot less expensive than dealerships. You may get a rebate at your dealership in the event that you obtained your car as of late yet don't make a propensity for heading off to your dealership on the off chance that you discover their costs excessively costly. Get some answers concerning nearby free carports with decent notoriety.
Be careful that your mechanic does not endeavor to perform unneeded repairs. Mechanics may make proposals, however, they ought to never make repairs without your approval. On the off chance that a mechanic completed a superfluous repair on your car, don't take it there once more.
Keep efficient records on your car. You should have promptly accessible records of everything with respect to keeping up your car when seeing a mechanic. Efficient records can enable them to analyze an issue accurately the first run through. Sloppy records may prompt recurrent repairs and bunches of squandered cash and time.
Focus on the signs a potential mechanic provides for you. On the off chance that he can't give you eye to eye connection, surges his words, or abstains from responding to any inquiries you have for him, he might attempt to conceal something. Maybe he doesn't generally comprehend what he is doing or is lying about something different. If so, run with another mechanic.
Keep away from exorbitant car repairs by sticking to the maintenance schedule of your car's producer. By doing customary maintenance on your car when essential, you will abstain from fixing things because of maintenance disregard. Not sticking to the maintenance schedule will result in superfluous repairs which could have been maintained a strategic distance from.
Figure out how to be a protection as far as auto repair. You can do things that will help control any future issues from occurring! A major one is to pursue the prescribed tune-up schedule for your vehicle. As every car is unique, you'll need to gaze upward in your manual what schedule is best for you.
Pivot your car tires every 6,000 miles or at each other oil change. Pivoting your tires on a set schedule guarantees that they wear uniformly, and along these lines last more. Your car will likewise be simpler to drive, as unequal tires can prompt the car destroying to the other side or the other.
You can fix little scratches with a suction container mark puller. This generally works for exceptionally little gouges that can undoubtedly be secured with the suction container. On the off chance that the glass does not work, you should apply some filler into the scratch, sand and paint until it winds up undetectable.
Check an assortment of wellsprings of data before endeavoring an auto repair out of the blue. Complete a decent online pursuit, watch instructional recordings and search out books at your nearby library and set aside the opportunity to chat with an accomplished mechanic before you jump into an attempt that repair. When you feel good with the idea, make a rundown of the things you need and the means you should take to make the repair effectively.
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Instead of over and over requiring repairs by your mechanic, figure out how to look for notice signs in the event that you have a more seasoned vehicle. Utilize what you realized here and you'll be en route to great auto repair. Make utilization of these tips if your car builds up an issue.
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seenashwrite · 6 years
14.01 Round-Up
“Solid” is how I’d describe it, so if you haven’t seen it, I’d advise you not go into it looking to have your hair blown back, this was purely blueprint-unrolling and foundation-pouring. Decent bit of wasted time with random moments spent on nothingburger characters and filler commentary, so you’ll be able to spot the bearing walls going up straightaway. Or, hey, here they are...
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Foundation Pour One: Mickey Dean
Mikey’s looking for a do-over here in our world since he kinda whiffed it in his, we knew that, so during his recon he’s recruiting as he goes. We also likely all figured he’d be going after angels on the low-down, but he’s a smart cookie and he’s being thorough, injecting some diversity into his army over here. “Faithful” humans, for one - well, the ones who’d like to think themselves faithful - and also angels who walk a fine line. And then vampires, and the inference there being that we’ll have more creature features popping up for the monster squad.
Including demons.
There were multiple weird, unneeded anvil expositions in this ep, but then there was a “hmmmm” one regarding this rando demon (obnoxious as all-get-out, really grating, but Sam iced him, no worries) who comments to Cas that someone asked him to think about what he really wanted out of his life - Mikey’s shtick/the speech he’s giving - so it makes me think one of two things:
(1) Coincidence
(2) Not coincidence; Mikey, via his demon buddy - buddies? who knows - got wind that Cas had feelers out, and he sent this dude to be the one that answered the call, and ideally kill TFW
Does it matter? No. Just would be another knife-twister for Mikey to toss out at Sam and Cas when the throwdown happens in (checks watch) next ep.
ETA: forgot to add my witty “speaking of knife twister” comment before - one of the weird exposition anvils was the pointed bringing up of the fact that the archangel blade... what, killed? ejected?... Lu-Lu without 86′ing Nick, though if that applies to Dean’s Michael situation... I mean..... fuck if I know.  Put it this way: if it’s a hint, it was clunky; if it’s a misdirect, it was clunky. Anyhow, it was my understanding that the whatever-something-blah-blah that Crowley did essentially made Nick into the walking dead.
Hey, speaking of again....
Foundation Pour Two: Nick
I am cool with this either way, Nick or Luci, Pellegrino’s a great actor and I’m pleased he’s still around. This could be good for both Nick and Sam, let them work out some shit as they have a Lu-Lu reign of terror in common. Phenomenal scene - because it was kept simple - with MP and JP. 
Here’s my thing - archangel grace residuals, amirite? And that shit must regen better than red blood cells, for a recent receipt see last season, re: both Gabe and Lu getting some real drainage done and popping back like bosses in pretty short order. Archangel grace is no joke.
So I would reeeeeally like to see it be legit Nick for awhile, maybe even bond with folks - hell, bond with Dean, think about it - but that slowly Luci creeps back in, and that they let Pellegrino play it so smoothly, no slip-ups, no showing us in dreams or hallucinations or voices, just boo-yah, it comes out that Lucifer’s “grown back” at a critical moment. I would really like it if that reveal came out in the middle of a bad fight, and he saves them, because now Mikey’s our primary big bad, and Luci can.... heh.... spread his wings.
OR, I’d also be okay with the entire thing being a long con, with Jack’s grace having saved Luci. They showed some Nick flashbacks, because Dabb never met an anvil he didn’t wanna drop (we get that he was traumatized, we’re not cro-magnon, we didn’t need a flashback, if someone is tuning into a 14 year old show for the first time tonight, they’re just gonna have to fucking tread water and catch up), but someone could explain that away as Nick residuals while the grace was regenerating. Either way would be interesting. 
Not a word of that will happen.
Foundation Pour Three: Jack
This isn’t anything, this is sophomore creative writing, you likely had this in your mind at last season’s end, how it’s gonna be weird for him to adapt without his powers. I can think of a million different ways that they can take this, but I’m sure they’ll do something boring like a do-over of Sam’s downing demon blood thing, except with Jack it’ll be huffing grace.
Lookit, I like Jack to the extent that he’s giving Cas something to do/giving Misha something to do. Otherwise.... meh. Whatevs. I’m not watching this show for teen angst. The only reason I’d have perhaps watched Wayward would be for Jody and Donna, but if it turned into one of the other zillion shows on CW, then thanks-no-thanks. But the kid’s a really good actor, so... again, “meh” on Jack. Cas is a good dad, that’s why I like Jack being around.
Foundation Pour Four: Sam
These are just blips in terms of ep time, but two things here - Sam’s behaving as a natural leader, just doing it vs. it being made a big deal that he’s doing it (waves at 12!), and I also like that he’s just getting down to business when it comes to finding Dean - it’s a greeeeeaaaat contrast to the palpable panic underneath the surface that we saw with the Demon Dean situation. Both were/are correct. Sam had the normal reaction then, and his reaction now follows suit, he’s been through the shit, he’s more calloused. Points to Padalecki. Also points for Sam’s big dick action, declaring there’s not gonna be a new king of hell, so they can all screw off or else they’ll have to deal with him. #cue the smoke outs
Foundation Pour Five:
They are setting up a Bobby boner for Mary.
Foundation Pour Six: 
Seems like Ketch will return! [yaaaaaaay! Davey boy’s a gem] And it sounds like he’s actually helping, so I like this. It was necessary exposition that was fairly fluidly done, and I am assuming it was a necessary set-up for future Ketch because not everybody was accounted for (Rowena, Charlie, etc.) like goddamned Mouseketeer roll call from the finale (or next-to-last ep in 13, can’t recall, whatever, it was baaaad).
Tiny pours:
----> They’re wanting us to be familiar with all the new hunters.
I could not possibly care less.
They super-de-dooperty want us to care about this one chick who has perpetually wide doe eyes, guess what: I couldn’t possibly care less part deux about poor man’s Shelley Duvall. I have no idea how she survived more than five minutes in apocaland, she legit looked at Mary tonight and basically asked how a knife worked, hand to god. They’ll end up killing her, it’s fine.
----> They want us to care about Anael/Sister Jo, a.k.a. Not My Anna/Not My Jo.
I care even less about this character than I do about the aforementioned hunters, I have no idea what purpose she serves, I know she’s done things but nothing that was truly of import that couldn’t have been written another way/the other characters could’ve gotten to the same point another way
That’s about it, hopefully we get the ball rolling next week because this was sufficient groundwork, they can move on. 👍
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engelchenyugi · 6 years
Jou’s and Yuugi’s connection
Honestly, I don’t care for the card game that much. I have read the manga and happened to really like the characters long before the cards were introduced. There was something in the manga – the characters, their relationships, their problems and those little every-day adventures and how they deal with their lives – that appealed to me. To me, YGO is more than just kids playing a card game. So much more.
I expected to have that in the anime, too. Those deep connections. The world and character building. I wanted to see interactions between the characters and see them grow and develop into better and stronger people. There was some kind of character development in the anime, but I really feel troubled to like the anime as much as I like the manga. Most of my favorite characters feel so wrongly portrayed because there is too much missing.
So, yes, bascially I don’t like the anime that much. And I’d like to explain why.
Fanservice is not relevant to the plot
Fanservice is only there to please the audience and I know that some people enjoy it.
Personally, I prefer a well-written plot and characters over an illustration where a girl wears a bikini or have a female character have a crush on the male protagonist just to get the female watchers be hooked about whether they get together or not. Fanservice can come in many forms and most of them ruin an anime for me or make me really shake my head. It seems like most anime refuse to grow up and we barely see plot-relevant interactions. (Seriously, we need more anime like HunterxHunter.)
Ever had a ship that has been shoved down your throat during a shonen series that isn't even about romance? Making full filler episodes and even arcs and change the plot only to make sure that the watcher/reader understands that there might be more than friendship between them? Have the characters act out of character only to hint a certain ship? Maybe even have other characters talk about how obvious they are and what an amazing couple they would be? Going so far to replace another ship for the sake of another? Like, having certain scenes in the manga between A and B, but the anime decides that it would be better if these interaction would happen between A and C?
Either you're someone who enjoys fan service or you're not. I'm the latter. I find fan service unneeded. I want to see the characters talk/act like normal people and have them solve problems together.
And that’s something that really annoys me about the YGO DM anime. There is so much unneeded fanservice just to have some kind of romantic subplot in it. There are many characters who have been changed just to add fanservice. We have complete scenes changed just to have some romance in it. I want my favorite characters interact and act like normal people. (And that is something I really miss in most anime/manga and even J-RPGs these days.)
Anime/manga is based on real life and if you make characters act in a way that feels unrealistic (especially when it comes to romance) I just don't feel interested – rather I am annoyed. For me it is important to see characters interact, solve problems together and have common goals in their lives. I want them to be friends first and get to know each other well. So well that feelings blossom out of that connection. I want them to find out how they feel for each other on their own. I need to see why they would/could work out and what connects them.
And this is what I get from Wishshipping. Interactions, reactions, development and characterization. The manga took a lot of time to introduce these characters, show their interactions and have them experience certain situations where they needed to watch out for each other resulting that both of them grew and became stronger.
Another ship I like to compare with Wishshipping is Judy and Nick from Zootopia, because in all honesty, this is how a relationship (either romantically or friendship-wise) should be portrayed and build up. Through interaction, understanding and conversation. Nick never trusted anyone and hated the world (just like Jou), but after meeting Judy he makes fun of her (just like Jou), but when she stands up for him (just like Yuugi) he realizes that this bunny is different from all the people he ever met before. (Just like Wishshipping.)
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We see the characters grow and wee see Judy and Nick disagree on certain topics, but overcoming those little things and becoming a team. A team that focuses on whatever needs to be done without adding romance into it. A team with lots of chemistry. Without shoving it down the watchers throats how cute they would be, because it's not important. Building a friendship is more important than having some romantic subplot, which is why I adore their relationship so much. They’re friends first and they care for each other, not because it was the sole intention to make them fall for each other, but because they had the time to get to know each other. They talked about their life and we learned through plot-telling what connects them. We see them spend time and share a goal.
And that is something I really miss in most anime/manga these days. I really wish that story telling, plot writing and characterization had more importance in anime than fanservice. Anime/manga as a whole is still very immature and needs to grow up. Like, way too many anime/manga focus on school girls/boys and their problems, although school is just a very small part of your life. Why not choose adults as protagonists? People who had to go through many hard times in their life? Like, there is more to life than school dramas. And from my perspective, many anime fans are adults.
“A lot of romance stories present a relationship as a state that you attain as part of your happily ever after which is something that just doesn't exist in real life. Good relationships are built up over years with hard work communication and loyalty. Anime romance could benefit a little bit from more maturity.” (Mother’s Basement – YouTube)
A good relationship needs to be build up over a long period of time. I really have trouble liking most canon ships in anime due to how poorly they are presentend. It’s not about their interaction. There is always the goal behind to make them fall in love or have some kind of romantic subplot going on which is absolutely unneeded, unrealistic and often forced.
For example, if you have ever played a Tales of game, you know how much time and effort the game puts into portraying the characters.
It’s about characterization first. Interaction. Forming a bond. Have them become friends and show the player why they like each other and how they balance each other out. We know that Lloyd cares for Colette. We see it. We feel it. They don’t need to say it out loud. It’s written between the lines. There is so much subtext and we have them talk like normal people. Without blushing or any other kind of awkward reaction. They care for each other and there is no reason to add certain conversations or fanservice to ensure that the player understands this. It’s simply there.
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And that is how I expect my ships to be introduced so that I can grow to like them. We know how they feel and those feelings that slowly blossom between them are based on interaction, reaction and experiences they share.
This is what I expect from a ship. Introduce it to me but not with the intention to shove it down my throat. Make me like it but not with the intention to make it absolute. Lloyd and Colette never confessed to each other. It's up to the player whether they want them to end up together and this is something I really cherish.
Connections are built through interactions and experiences
The manga gave us enough time for these kind of interactions. We see Yuugi and Jounouchi stepping by a shoe shop, spending time in the game arcade or play games after school. They have to overcome hindrances and even get through life-threatening situations and find solutions as a team. We see that they spend a lot of time with each other, thus it makes sense that they care for each other the way they do. I think that Jounouchi's and Yuugi's relationship and how they affect and balance each other out, was really nicely explained in the manga.
Something that simply lacks in the anime. They focus so much on portraying them as bros and they are much more distant to each other than they should. (At least I never had the feeling that they had as much as a deep bond as they had in the manga.) Although the manga shows that both Jou and Yuugi become really emotional around each other. Jou usually doesn't like talking about his feelings, but his actions and his choose of words towards Yuugi shows how much he cares for him. He doesn't want to drag Yuugi into his battles since he is afraid that something might happen to him. He shows a very protective side around Yuugi which I find not only very cute but important to stress out.
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Jou lost his reason to live when Pegasus states that Yuugi's soul is lost. His expression turns blank for a moment and he is in lost for words (which is unusual for him since he tends to be loudest of them), he is unable to think or move and his expression alone shows how much it hurts him to lose Yuugi. He doesn’t even have pupils which is common in anime/manga to express a state of shock.
The mere thought of losing him (without knowing if this is true) is enough for him to be devastated. His whole world collapsed in front of him and the panel highlightens his feelings. Jounouchi is begging. His whole personality changed and he shows his weak sides. That reaction is extremely touching, because we know how much he cares for him. And we know why he cares so much for Yuugi. Yuugi being the most important person in his life was explained in the manga. It was shown to us. That connection between them was established and tested several times and it's not natural. It's something they gained over time.
The manga seems to focus a lot more on showing us how the characters find happiness in their lives and what they need to overcome in order to get it. The manga shows how bonds with other humans affect us and make us stronger/better people and how strong a well-formed connection between people is. Those connections don't just happen or come out of nowhere. They simply don't. It's something you aqcuire over time.
Jou wouldn't be nearly as strong as he is without Yuugi and without Jounouchi, Yuugi would still have trouble to say what he thinks and consider himself less worthy than other people. It's not natural for them to have that kind connection. They worked hard for it. They had to gain that state they have now. It wasn't there from the beginning. This connection was formed over a longer period of time. With both their lives on stake.
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When Yuugi is in danger, Jounouchi will take all the pain just to save him and he knows Yuugi would do the same for him. They have been fighting side by side and stood up for each other several times. When Yuugi is about to be strangled to death, Jounouchi is alarmed and he endures pain just to get to him and save Yuugi’s life. The manga shows in detail how their relationship started and how it became so deep. Those experiences became memories only they share. Those memories are a connection and ties them together and they leave an actual impact on the reader.
That is what the manga has shown to the readers. And this is what I cherish about it. This is what I want to see in anime/manga. I simply miss that kind of characterization in the anime.
Why didn’t they flesh the characters out? Why add romance and filler characters as new love-interests? Why remove all the heart-breaking scenes with Jou and Yuugi or change them so much?
(Seriously, I never forgive them for that. They deserved better. Sometimes I feel so stupid for even having to explain to other people why I like this ship, because most fans don’t even know the manga. To me, it feels like I have to explain to those people why red is red and not blue. Something that is so plain you wouldn’t have to explain it.)
There are so many scenes in the anime I find absolutely unneeded and there are moments from the manga that were so important but missing in the anime.
I just can't love the anime as much as the manga. I simply cannot. If there was one wish I would get granted, I’d wish for this manga to get the anime adaption it deserves. Just to show how deep their connection was supposed to be.
I just cherish their connection in the manga and how hard they had to work for it. ♥
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E08 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 368 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 352 Responses
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84% of total respondents gave the episode a 4 or 5 star rating. The episode this week was overall considered very enjoyable!
kinda average,some cuts didnt make sense,lets see if the next one is good.
This episode was so great, I really enjoyed it! But there are still things that are bothering me.
This episode was fricking amazing.
All in all, one of the best episodes in the season for me, hands down.
I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next ep.
Amazing as always! ❤️
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Eren making his move in order to protect his friends was the overall favorite scene of the episode. Closely behind is Squad Levi showing up to save Eren and Historia. Despite some upset about the change, the scene where Levi tells Historia she has to become the queen ranked third.
The hardest question for me to answer was what my most favourite scene was because frankly speaking, none of the “big” and “impressive” scenes made an impact on me. I just rewatched S2 and was blown away by how the last few episodes especially were so well done. I wish this season makes me feel the same way later on.
Historias Speech before Levi squad gets there had so much feels
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There were lots of good character interactions this week. Most shippers seemed quite happy with theirs. The most loved moment of the episode, however, was Mikasa joking with Historia that she should punch Levi in the face. Closely behind was Levi lamenting having to tell Eren to make a choice again, and in third was Historia’s speech while saving Eren.
They cut it out T.T
Oof, too many can't chose. Historia and Eren, Mikasa saving Historia, Jean and Historia motivating Eren, Levi apologizing to Eren, Sasha and Eren, Eremin hand touch <3, Levi and Erwin, Hange and Historia, Jean and Connie stepping in for Historia.....
Historia refusing the plan to let Eren be eaten by Rod-EREHISU4LYFE
That beautiful "Danchou" made me WEAK.
I like two: Mikasa x Historia and Mikasa telling Historia to punch Levi.
Every Levi & Eren interaction! So many Ereri moments in this episode ~
MikaHisu is sailing hard
Levi and Eren interactions were amazing ♥
bjitch you think I'm neutral enough about snk to pick one think again
Character moments and interactions are what truly make this series for me.
I really enjoyed Hange's contribution to the discussion about Eren's and Rod's fates. The music, the flaming titan in the background, Hange pointing at it, and the overall drama of the conversation was on point!
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Levi won this overall, but plenty of voters appreciated that we put Connie in the rankings despite being bald! ;)
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Nearly half of voters were surprisingly content with the CGI and thought that it added more disgust and hugeness to Rod’s titan. Looks like WIT utilized the CGI well this time around!
Hi WIT what the fuck
I didn't really like the CGI in season 2, but to be honest I expected it for the turkey titan and holy hell does it look big 10/10
I don't mind it too much, but i think traditional animation would be better.
I remember this feeling of absolute horror and disgust when I first saw Rod Reiss' titan back in the manga but the memes over the years made me forget. Wit has very successfully brought those feelings to the fore again, and goddamn I get shudders even now and I've rewatched the episode twice already.
I'm halfway though... A part of me wanna see turkey titan moving. A part of me actually prefer worm titan coz it is more disgusting. Anyways CGI are overdone in this scene. Wonder if the face reveal will be as disgusting as the rest of the body
I was worried about it at first glance as the Colossal Titan in season 2 was too out of place, but it worked and probably helped that Rod’s Titan can’t stand upright.
It’s tacky but I’m here for it
Looks great in some scenes... kinda shitty in others :/
The cgi is disgusting but I like it like that. It's like your ugly child, you still like it. Plus if it's allows them to reduce the time and the cost of the animation I'm fine with it. I'd rather have an aime with a bit of cgi every year than no anime at all or a season every 4 years.
im scared
Yummy yummy meatloaf.
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Overall, the majority of voters agree that Kenny cared about his squad. Only slightly less than half of those voters believe that he still valued himself more, though.
He was concerned for their safety but was also probably like "do you guys not have any self preservation?
Maybe? I don't know, lol. We didn't see him interact with them much.
Kenny probably cared about them a bit but didn't feel any deep bonds with them.
I think he mostly cared about Traute because she was his second in command, not to mention her nihilistic nature was exciting for him.
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HIstoria’s words to Eren while he was certain they were all going to die won for the best pep talk. Not far behind was Levi telling Eren to make a choice. Jean’s commentary about Eren never being able to do anything by himself also got a decent amount of votes!
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Overall, voters had a positive reaction to Eren’s decision to believe in himself instead of his friends.
Attack titan's big dick energy saved them all.
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73% of voters were happy to see Jean and Connie sticking up for Historia. 17% weren’t invested, while others think that the scene was shoehorned in and unneeded.
Connie and Jean are definitely best boys (and underrated imo) and I loved that they gave them this filler scene but I feel like it would've made even more sense if they would've animated the wall scene from Chapter 51. Still loved this though. <3
Poor Connie, he didn't know what words to use. I'm glad Jean helped him out :) They're great friends.
I felt like they (WIT) messed up a great scene from the manga and didn't add anything of a value to that scene
It makes a lot of sense that Connie would jump in Historia's defense to prevent her from taking another role given that he was there to witness her shedding one during Utgard. And while Jean's is great, it works better at cementing his tumultous relationship with Levi and how he works as the voice of Springlestein.
While I like the concept of the 104th kids showing their concern for Historia, the dialogue pretty much spelled out Historia's character arc and felt incredibly forced and on the nose
It's a decent part of a scene that shouldn't have been changed.
On the fence because it seemed very filler
Connie and Jean r protecting their wife
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It was a hard choice, but the majority of you appreciated those classic double entendres--with “That’s what I call hardening” taking the lead while 34.9% of you made us feel really attacked.
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41% of voters believe that Eren is still in possession of the key but that the detail is simply overlooked Because Anime™. 30% believe the key was stored away for safekeeping due to the potential of Eren getting kidnapped. A small percentage believe that either Levi, Mikasa or Armin had it the whole time. A few of you think Eren is hiding it in less appropriate places and make us very concerned.
Shit. Fuck. I completely forgot about the key...
Erwin has it
I never noticed that even in the manga LMAO
Hell if i know
I didn't even care before this question and I won't start caring now lmao
Stolen by Rod when they took his shirt. He just hasn't realized it yet.
this question is going to haunt me for eternity
Eren hid it in his asshole. No one would look there, that smart guy!
He keeps key in his ass
In his ass
up dat booty
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The votes on this question were relatively balanced. Most voters just see it as a translation difference with no other meaning to it, while closely behind are those who preferred “shirtless wonder”. A small amount are looking forward to hearing how Funimation chooses to script this in the dub.
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The majority of voters agreed that salty Levi would have been nice to keep around. 33% didn’t even realize the quote was missing!
more salty levi is required
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Nearly 77% of voters were thrilled to see the chapel and ground collapsing. 12% didn’t think it was all that special.
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65% of respondents were happy to see the hardening in action and thought WIT did a great job with it. 14% were happy to see it, but felt a bit underwhelmed. 11% preferred the mystery in the manga.
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Nearly half of voters aren’t happy that WIT cut this detail out, because it showed that Eren can’t activate the coordinate as he pleases. 23% are confident that the scene will be moved to on top of the wall in the next episode. 14% didn’t care.
Why didn't they do the scene with Eren yelling at Rod's Titan?
I don't think that comment would've fit the tone of the scene. I'm hoping that it will be made clear that Eren normally can't use the power some other way.
I am so so angry that this scene was cut!! Not only was it HILARIOUS but it was a small moment of reprieve from the heavy atmosphere and I am so bitter about its removal!
I’m guessing they’ll be moving that scene to the top of the wall in the next episode
I’m okay with what WIT did, but it would’ve been nice too to see it animated.
I’m just salty it got removed. I personally thought it was hilarious and added comedic relief. Same goes for hange telling Erwin she’s ok - they really cut that scene down.
I miss that it was removed, but it was a bit comedic and would've added some flak to the scene
Very very disappointed. But not because it erased the hint about how the axe works but because of Levi's reaction! Goddammit wit not again!
I don't remember that one o.o I should re-read the manga I think XD
They'll probably move the scene to the next episode or have an equivalently expository scene later.
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With the top two options being at nearly a tie, 25.1% still believe that the scene should have been included before the kidnapping - brutality included - and 24.9% were just happy to have it although the characterization of Historia and Levi feels changed. 23% agreed that the change was needed as Levi lifting Historia at this point in the story would no longer make any sense. 17% preferred the change and felt it gave Historia more agency over her situation.
Considering this scene took place after the kidnapping it wouldn’t make sense for Levi to get angry and attack her but the scene was pretty underwhelming compared to the manga. Although I’m just glad that this means we still get to see Historia punch Levi (even if he hadn’t really done anything to deserve it in this version).
I feel like Historia accepted her fate as the new queen way too fast.
They should’ve added it before the Levi Vs Kenny fight. It was important to both of their characters and I’m still pissed WIT cut Levi’s speech out.
While it would have been great to see a little more irrational side of Levi, the change fit in very well and helped establish the relationships of Squad Levi
It should have being either included in it original form before the kidnapping or dropped all together including payoff with punching and smiling. Now it makes little sense for Mikasa to suggest something like that or for Historia to feel that way, we also lost asshole Levi moment, which would had add a dimension to his anime version. But oh well.
They should’ve added it before the Levi Vs Kenny fight. It was important to both of their characters and I’m still pissed WIT cut Levi’s speech out.
Meh. Anime wants to have a cake and eat a cake. At least they are hilarious!
Why do you guys want to see a grown man throw around a little girl so much? Gross! Grow up! I couldn't be happier with the way that scene change went! As well as Mikasa's being the one to get Reeves' line about punching Levi - I think it both fits and is unexpectedly cute.
i wish they kept the scene like in the manga because it really builds up anger in historia that she later releases by her big AckerPunchTM
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At a pretty even split, the most votes went toward believing that the scene was okay, but still preferring the manga’s turn of events. 24% believed that the way WIT did it was funnier. 22% feel like Mikasa’s comment is out of the blue. 21% are just happy Mikasa saved Levi’s smile.
The feeling that I got from Mikasa's smile/smirk was that she JOKINGLY suggested that Historia hit Levi, mostly because she's not his biggest fan and she enjoys messing with people (for example, eating the bread in front of Sasha, and the funny expression she elicited from Historia by saying this). Mikasa is going to be surprised (and ofc delighted) when she realizes Historia actually took her literally lmao
Why did Mikasa told Historia to punch Levi? Historia has no reason to punch him since he did nothing to her. It doesn't make any sense for her to hit him just because Mikasa told her to, or at least it has so much less meaning than in the manga…
About the punch, I still prefer the way the event happened in the manga but IM SO FUCKING GLAD THAT NOW WE KNOW WE GONNA SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL SMILE
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32% of voters are pumped to see Rod’s gruesome titan face looming over the wall. 25% are excited to see Eren punch the brat out of himself, 20% are ready for Smol to chat with Tol an 14% are looking forward to seeing Eren fighting in his titan form again.
A lot of people yelling at WIT. Sure, I miss some of the exclusions too but the pacing change was needed and stuff has to be cut. The important bits of the story are still all there. I think they're doing a fantastic job and I'm almost sure Isayama gave his thumbs-up for all the changes.
Thanks wit for giving us so much mikasa this episode. My daughter deserves all that screentime ❤️😍
i get meatloaf titan and eruri. i am a happy boi.
The soundtrack was fuking amazing 😚👌 as always
Since there were no questions about the soundtrack I'll use this place to try to convert everybody to the Sawanism. God the music was a masterpiece!
The CGI worm titan was such an alienating thing to witness that it took away from the horror of the situation. It might have looked really hideous as this creepy-crawly giant thing of a titan, but sadly it just didn't work. On second viewing, it didn't bother me as much as the first time, though, so I guess one can get used to it.
I don't know if any of the music was new or not but wow!!! It made those scenes feel so much more emotional
RIP Traute Caven, our nihilist queen
Levi is a much sweeter version of himself in the anime, I've noticed. In fact nothing is as dark as it was in the manga. But Accordion Titan is way creepier animated so no complaints there.
I'm kinda disappointed that WIT remove some Frieda flashbacks, (last episode with the possessed Frieda scene missing, and here Historia not thinking about her alongside Ymir) it reduces the impact she has on Historia's life/development.
I was watching it in the night, so it gave me some double thrills :D Rod's titan was really creepy and Sawano's music made him to be even more scary. In my opinion the animation was awesome. It looked much better than I expected. The whole extreme moments in the cave was also amazing and I truly liked them.
For once WIT did eremin some justice with their reunion touch (my heart!), every mikahisu moment was perfect (yes, even the one at the end where mikasa tells historia to punch levi) and I ADORED that they gave historia so much agency in her decision to become queen! Honestly if I had to watch Levi rough her up at this point in the series, I probably would've vomited. It would've been incredibly unnecessary (which is likely why isa changed it, don't y'all think?) and this way was SO MUCH BETTER. Plus jean and conny being so concerned for her was THE BEST THING EVER, they're just like "but dad, what about my friend's FEELINGS?" and I LOVED IT. That's snk at its core tbh. Historia definitely deserves it too. And her power walk into the briefing room afterward was everything! In conclusion! Eremin is real! Mikahisu is real! And erurihan is fuckin real! That "danchou" had me FLOORED and we already know how much both erwin and levi love hange so like.. get with the winning team y'all.
Armin described the moment Rod's titan came out from under the chapel as something like "the end of the world". Between the music and his nightmarish CGI look, I was sold on that description. Oh, and since I mentioned music, Sawano's at it again, the absolute madman! Will he ever stop coming up with good tunes? The answer is never.
My ovaries are ready for wet cast in next episode!!
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Tuesday!
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ty-talks-comics · 6 years
Worst of Marvel: Week of December 12th, 2018
Worst of this Week: Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #3 - Seanan McGuire, Rosi Kaempe and Ian Herring
There’s not much more to say other than this story is pointless.
Spider-Gwen was thrown out of the fight with the Inheritors arbitrarily after one of them broke her Dimension hopping watch and stranded her on an Earth where Gwen Stacy was the Green Goblin and Harry Osborn was Spider-Man and died. Three issues were spent giving the backstory on this otherwise unneeded world and their versions of the Spider-side cast and all it took to stop Gwen Goblin was pulling off her mask and some encouraging words.
It was really hard to care knowing that this was just filler, something to clog a spot that another, better comic could have filled and even worse, there was no purpose other than to bench one of the more popular new Spider-characters as to not overshadow Miles Morales being given the level headed leader position in the main story. Spider-Girls saw Anna May Parker teaming with Spidergirls’ May Parker and Anya Corazon, possibly becoming a new version of the Web Weaver. Spider-Force saw Scarlet Spider, Spider Woman, Spider-Girl from the Old Man Loganverse and a 13 year old street tough Peter Parker try to keep the Stone that contained the soul of Solus, the Inheritors father, away from them. Hell, even Peter had to deal with the biggest, strongest Inheritor, Morlun, for three issues of Spectacular Spider-Man, but Ghost Spider added nothing to the overall plot.
I want Ghost Spider to return for good, for a long time, but not like this. Do not buy
Not to mention the art is very unmemorable. I can’t do any better, at all and I’m sure the artist did their best, but it’s like, if those “How to Draw Manga style” books had a comic equivalent and they used it as the template for this entire issue. Glory Grant and Betty Brant’s head shapes and body types are the same, and that irritates me. The backgrounds, despite most of the issue taking place in an empty warehouse, feel even more lifeless when you look past the low neon colors that are supposed to make it seem more vibrant and see how uninteresting they are. The action itself is passable, but lacks any serious weight. I can’t feel the boom of the pumpkin bomb when there’s no debris being thrown, I can’t feel the kicks being thrown when a character stands posing as if nothing happens while the word bubble says “OOF!”
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cateswritingblog · 2 years
Blog 7
This semester in English 152 I have learned a lot about myself as a writer.  I have gotten advice from countless people, but the best piece of advice I got was the most simple.  I don’t need to write everything all the time.
Since I started writing papers in middle school, I have always struggled with writing more than necessary.  I always want to write everything that comes to my mind, but many times this ensures that my papers sound weird and overfilled.  I use words that are confusing just to up my word count, when I could create an essay that is more effective by using strong language and fewer words.
When I first received this piece of advice, it made me realize that my writing was not ready for college work yet.  College students understand when to have short sentences versus long ones, which is a skill I lack.  I always want to write very long sentences that have many, many words, and this critique helped me understand what I needed to do to elevate my writing.
To condense my writing, I started by first analyzing how my sentences needed to change.  I needed to get to the point much earlier on in my sentences.  Instead of avoiding the topic of the sentence itself, I started to clearly state what each topic was.  When I do not dawdle with my writing, I am able to reach the point of the sentence much sooner, and it causes me to create quality sentences.  If I do not read through my sentences to see how bad they are, I typically do not even know, because I write everything that comes to mind all the time.
After doing this, I also started to look through my sentences to see what was necessary to the argument I was creating.  Many times, I add in extra sentences for no reason, other than that I want to talk more, and this makes many of my essays feel like they drag on.  If I analyze my writing after completing it, I can find every sentence that is unneeded and eliminate them.  Oftentimes, the sentences I write are a repetition of a previous sentence, making it very unnecessary to both read and write.  To help with this, I can understand exactly what needs to be in each paragraph I write.  If I have a plan about what my writing will contain, I can write a paragraph that has exactly what it needs.
The concision exercises we do in class have also been a huge help for me.  Before seeing how exactly my sentences needed to condense, I had no idea how I could shorten my sentences.  The concision exercises showed me that words I love to use in many sentences are not very necessary.  Like the word “very”.  I use many words that are only for filler, and because of this my sentences are much longer than they need to be.  Many times I also combine sentences into very long compound sentences.  Sentences that could have been half the length are now much longer because I decided the sentence should combine by using the word “and”.  Concision exercises have helped to see all of these issues.
Even though the best piece of writing advice I have ever received is very simple, sometimes the best advice is the simplest.  Not everything needs to be as long as possible, and I know that this advice will help me in the years to come as I go off to college and into the workforce.
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