#and very fit and healthy despite his getting older
dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
DCxDP Fanfic idea: Old Friends
Bruce Wayne is no stranger to losing people. He has lost them to death or to madness within this city he is desperately trying to save. With each person, the void within him grows darker and darkeruntil he feels like he is still trapped back in that alley next to cold bodies and a broken heart.
That is why he tries his best to not overthink about them as they were in their final moments. He tries to remember his loved ones for who they were in the better days before tragedy struck.
Once in a while, even those memories he desperately tries to suppress because he can't handle the pain they bring. Bruce is aware it's not healthy.
He's seen plenty of men who are allowed their passions to become violent obsessions- he thinks of Harvey often- but being Batman was the one time he was actually making a difference instead of just allowing more and more tragedies to continue.
As Batman, he is at least putting up a fight.
Maybe that's why, on the night of his two old friends' deaths, Bruce sees them standing under a light post in Old Gotham as he is swinging by dressed as Batman. The very same one he would meet them at back as a teenager, scrambling to sneak out after Alfred would do his rounds.
He remembers his heart beating a mile a minute as he hurried out of his manor's caves, using the forgotten paths to meet the type of youth Alfred warned him against.
They would greet him with crooked smiles, sharp teasing voices, but soft, kind eyes. Despite how the older generations would wrinkle their noises at their appearance, they weren't bad people. Sometimes Bruce thought of them whenever people asked if Crime Alley was ever worth the effort to reform.
He knew they deserved someone to at least try.
Bruce, had meet them when he was ten and angry. They had both come from bad homes- at the time he hadn't realized just how bad- but they had been willing to help the privlage rich boy find his way home. They invited to linger when he neeed quite nights, listen to his woes and encourage his desire to be more.
The three were the same age, but sometimes Bruce would think he was the youngest one there. He grew up fast after his parent's murders, but not as fast as they had done.
They would rather spend their nights sleeping around the center of a small plaza in front of an old movie theater than going to either of their family houses, told him.
They were his best friends, a comfort that someone his age understood pain even if it wasn't the same one he had.
Maybe that is why he hadn't told them to stay when they told him that one had finally saved enough money for a motorbike, which the two were planning to use to run away. Bruce thought that they needed to get away until they were all adults and the system would no longer hold the power of them.
He had only given them a big hug, and well wishes.
Bruce never saw them again.
The light post hadn't been fixed in all those years, so the flickering light fell on the two figures casually leaning against it just as it did the very last night. They stood side by side, chatting lowly, lips cured around cigarettes.
Even the smoke floating around them is the same, and for a second, Bruce wonders if he is looking at a photograph. The same crooked smiles, taunting body language as if daring anyone to try to make them sad, and the same kind but so lonely eyes.
Even the blasted motocycle that stole them from him is propped up next to the pair just as it did the last night he saw them.
Bruce swings to a stop on the rooftop overlooking the two he had outlived. He remembers when he found out. Alfred had just turned on the TV to watch the daily news, and their pictures were flashing across the screen, the words Deadly motorcycle accident under their image.
Bruce had thrown up the meal Alfred had made him. No one else came to their funeral, fitting as it had been the girl's father that orginized their deaths.
All because his daughter would not follow her mother's footsteps and thus he would be out of a worker. Not that anyone belived him, even though Bruce had orginized thier funerals and been one of the four attendees.
Even though she had told them both with a shaking voice that her father wanted her to start wearing the clothes she was in to attract customers.
It was one of the first few cold cases he solved as Batman. He owed them that much.
"B?" Nightwing calls, noticing that his father had stopped following. He comes to stand next to him looking down to where Batman is staring. He sees nothing. "What is it?"
"Just some old friends," He mutters, turning away from Johnny and Kitty. He swears he can almost hear Johnny calling his name but Bruce can't bring himself to look back. If he does he'll fall into the void instead of staring. He aims his grabbling hook and swinings away.
Down below, the pair of ghosts watch the heroes go with wishful smiles.
"He's grown."
"He has." Johnny takes a long puff of his cigarette "I think the idiot can see us. He's had too many close calls if he can spot ghosts without the crazy levels of ectoplasm Amity Park has."
"He better not die. His kids need him." Kitty scoffs, but she leans on Johnny all the same, staring at the city they had tried so desperately to escape in life. They had passed by the street corner her father had controlled the working girls in, and she had burst into tears to see that Bruce had turned it into a women's shelter named after her. "This city needs him."
Johnny, for all his faults, and his flirtatious nature had allways been her rock. That's why when she had been sixteen and scared, she had gone to him to try to run away with.
He had gone with her to their deaths. Sometimes, she wonders if her boys ever blamed her for the end of their stories. She certainly did.
Johnny glances to the sky, spitting a swear. "Come babe, the glowing brat is back. We should try to split before he shoves us back to the Zone."
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Peter Pevensie as a Boyfriend ⚔️🛡️
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this incredibly attractive, loyal protector and brave older Pevensie sibling could include:
He's really protective of you and often expresses how much he loves and cares for you, so much so that if anyone even tries to come close to hurting you by words or physically he won't hesitate to eliminate them.
He's quite a gentleman and believes that he has to take care of all the ladies in his life including his Mother, Susan, Lucy, and especially you. He would offer his arm when the two of you are waking together, he would bow to you when he greets you and he never lets you carry anything, Peter has that timeless chivalry personality about him.
Sword fighting lessons with him only for it to turn into an extremally spicy make-out session after, because of the build-up of sexual tension over time and the fact that he always wins with him pinning you down on the floor without even trying.
You are the only one that can calm him down after he blows up after fighting with his sibling or is stressing out about ruling Narnia.
He would see you falling asleep nearby the entrance of the castle waiting for him to return from a patrol ride around Narnia which he finds to be the most precious thing, then he'll pick you up in his arm and carry you to sleep in his bedroom and not your own one.
He calls you cute nicknames like Darling, Pretty, Lovely, or Princess.
Likes when you call him Pete, Darling, Sugar, or Your Highness (He likes when you call him that because it sounds so seductive coming from your mouth).
His love language is probably Acts of Services, sure he loves a good PDA once in a while and all the things you both did together as a date, but he's a natural server and protector. He shows his love by protecting you, making sure you're fed well and healthy, or the little things like helping you take off your gown, brushing your hair for you, or helping bathe you.
Ask for your input before making a big decision because he trusts you and relies on you for support especially if he has to debate it with his siblings first.
Horseback riding around the beach in Cair Paravel to watch the sunset, but the both of you would ride and share one horse with you sitting and wrapping your arm around his torso, while he leads the horse.
Whenever he sees you doing something and looks about busy he comes up behind you, and turns you to face him by spinning you around by the waist before caressing your cheek softly and then pulling you into a sweet yet passionate kiss.
He requests you specifically when he's hurt/injured after a battle or some tough fight training days to take care of him, like cleaning his wounds, being there to kiss him, holding his hand to lessen the pain, or performing some oral sex on him if he's in the mood (😏) instead of choosing his other loyal servants.
The two of you are always smiling around each other before it erupts into a fit of laughter out of nowhere ending up with you and Pete on the floor dying.
Lucy and Edmund would catch the both of you kissing or showing PDA somewhere then they'd look at each other and get grossed out saying "Eww" or "Get a room you two, there's a billion inside this castle", then you and Pete would somehow share the same mindset and start teasing them by kissing even more, or exaggerating the PDA until both Lucy and Edmund can't take anymore and run off, giving you and Pete a good laugh after.
When it comes to sex he's very gentle with you making sure to put you first before himself, despite how much you drive him crazy with lust because of how attractive you are to him, so it's mostly slow, passionate sex but he does love giving you a good hickey mark all over your neck and chest area or when you give him a bit of ear play to get him turned on.
He's actually quite funny intentionally most of the time and can be quite sassy as well which you find hilarious especially when he's annoyed, hungry, or frustrated.
Let's you wear and steal his white long-sleeve tunic for bed instead of proper pajamas because it looks adorable on you and fits slightly larger.
He falls for your cute puppy eyes every time, even if he says no multiple times or refuses your request at this moment it always works and he always says "Oh come on don't do this to me Darling" but then you'd plead and he would sigh before smiling and boom he says yes.
He never goes to sleep without solving a fight and he wouldn't let you sleep either until the both of you have a makeup kiss.
He doesn't seem to be the jealous type on the inside because he hides it so well from you, but when he sees someone staring at you for more than 5 seconds he rolls his eyes and kisses you out of nowhere.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl @nighttimemoonlover
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bokettochild · 6 months
Where First Fits
So, if First were to join the chain, how would he fit in? What would the dynamics be like? Here's my take!
Sky: First is so lost with this kid. Sky knows about him, knows so much- they even share a loftwing, but Sky is everything First is not: healthy, happy, in a committed relationship, successful in his role as the hero. As an emotionally competent adult, First isn't an asshole and hating the kid, but he is uncomfortable with how Sky looks up to him. He just can't see the world or anything in it like Sky does, and while he's glad the kid after him was able to save everything, he prefers to maintain his distance. For both their sakes. He is polite though, and never unkind, just sort of distant. Sky is his replacement after all, because he failed Hylia and left her alone. It's hard connecting with someone shaped just to be everything you couldn't be. Sky meanwhile very much wants to connect with his predecessor, especially after witnessing Time and Twilight's relationship, so he's majorly disappointed to be shut out and held at a distance, especially because First doesn't do that with most of the others.
Four: He is rather confused, but also somewhat amused by the smithy. They have very little in common, but some of Four's quirks remind him of Orville (maybe it's a smithy thing?) and he enjoys the smithy's company as long as he's not needed to talk much (which is great because Four can talk enough for both). Four likes him well enough too, and though they aren't exactly close, he does enjoy the quiet company and having someone who appreciates, respects and somewhat understands his craft.
Time: If anything, First finds Time somewhat amusing, at least on a surface level. Here's this young man whose soul is older than his body, but he's still very much young at heart at the same time. He's an anomaly, and watching him play the "mysterious adult figure" is highly entertaining for First, who's older in all ways and debatably more jaded. Despite being older, he doesn't seek to become leader in the other's stead, and he prefers to sit back and watch Time try and handle the boys, although he'll offer advice if he thinks they're getting too out of hand. Time is confused and a bit peeved at having someone more mysterious/older/experienced than him who sits between condescending and genuine, but maybe that's just his youngest child syndrome talking.
Twilght: First is definitely amused with this one. They aren't close, but he appreciates the genuine nature and honestly the rancher brings to the table. The wolf thing is weird, but considering he had a talking bird tell him to get good, he's just glad the wolf is actually just a sweet farm boy. While he appreciates that Time is Twilight's mentor, he sees nothing wrong with dropping advice and offering help to the young man on occasion, especially if it doesn't seem like Time will/can help. Time is a bit resentful of that too, but holds his tongue because Twilight really appreciates the help/advice. Twilight is confused by First, but he's got a lot of respect for him and what he's got to share with them. He still likes Time better though (First is even more intimidating than the old man somehow).
Wind: Precious. On one hand, the kid saddens him because child heroes are a tragedy, but he really admires and respects that the sailor took up a role that was abandoned and forged his own Hero's Spirit after his world lost it. Wind calls them "soul forger buddies" and First takes no issue with it. He's very fond of his newly acquired soul brother, and delights in indulging Wind's ideas and schemes. The kid's innocence is a breath of fresh air (even if it is slightly tarnished by his adventure) and he's in awe of the sailor's strength in overcoming foes and coming out just as bright as before he started. He both wants to protect that, but also acknowledges the sailor's skill enough to not undermine him in battle. He's struggling to understand, but by Hylia, he loves this kid already!
Legend: He admires Legend's strength and wisdom. The kid's been through a lot, more than most could handle, and as someone who died in his battle, the fact that the vet's made it this far alone has his full respect. That said, Legend worries him; he's dedicated his whole life to being a hero, with no consideration for being a person, and First knows from experience the toll that can take on someone. Legend's still young, but he's given up growing up in order to be a hero, and First fears that will lead to burnout, despair and eventually a miserable ed like he faced himself. He's determined to at least try getting this kid to start being a person again, ad maybe that helps him do the same for himself. they've got a lot in common after all, and in many ways, he sees himself in the vet (which of course scares him more). Legend himself is aware of First's fate, but he admires him, and in many ways, First is similar to his own predecessor. He respects the experience the other has, and it's nice for him to realize he's not the only veteran anymore, and the fact that First let's him drop the responsibilities of being the experienced one is a relief he didn't know he needed.
Hyrule: He's impressed with this kid. A capable fighter isn't strange to find with this group, but Hyrule's dry humor is definitely to First's taste, and while they're both distrustful people, they share a mutual love of bad jokes and snark. They bond by swapping quips, and while it can seem rather tense, they're both fully enjoying themselves even if the others aren't. Hyrule is a bit nervous about being around more knights, but First is pretty down to earth and normal in comparison to the flashy captain, so he warms up quick. First is always willing to share knowledge, and Hyrule is eager to learn, and while the process has more snappy comebacks than necessary, they're both enjoying it.
Warriors: There's a deep mutual respect here. Warriors acknowledges that First is someone who's made the ultimate sacrifice for his people, who's suffered unjustly at the hands of his government, and who was dealt a sour hand all around. First sees a young man who's been dealt a similarly awful hand, and while they don't go into detail, they do find solace in the company of the other. The fact that they're also both knights and leaders means they share a lot of experiences and Warriors frequently consults with him regarding strategy and the like. He's not exactly taking a mentor role to the captain, as he thinks Wars has grown into his hero title well on his own, but he's willing to help where he can and offer knowledge or understanding where needed.
Wild: Like Sky, the kid weirds him out. They've both died because of their adventures, both watched everything fall to ruin because of "their failures", but unlike himself, who carries that like a burden, Wild is still a bright thing. It's not like with Wind, where he came out stronger; First can't help but feel like Wild's totally unaltered by his experience (he's wrong of course, but Wild tends to mask really well). He struggles to understand the champion, and while he doesn't hate or resent him, there's a disconnect there that's not helped by Wild's own self doubts convincing him that First is always looking down on him. Like with Warriors, Wild's relationship with First is strained, although civil. First reminds Wild of how he used to be and maybe what he "should be", and it makes him uncomfortable. He acknowledges that First "failed" as well, but that doesn't stop the older hero from seeing like some paragon he can never emulate, which frustrates him immensely.
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echantedtoon · 5 months
Haishira Polycule Au Rambles P2
This is a more in depth drabble for this au and I've been thinking hard about it. This would most definitely take place in a modern au. College au if you will. All of the Haishira are majoring in what they would be teaching in Kimetsu Gauken Academy Minus a few people I switched around because it's an au and I have a few ideas.
Although the major difference would be that Shinobu is the one majoring in Chemistry/Sciences to become the chemistry teacher and Obanai is majority in medical/health and later becomes the schools nurse. No offense to Obanai it's just that I feel like Shinobu is a better fit for a chemistry teacher.
There is the main couples of:
Sanemi x Kanae
Mitsuri x Obanai 
Tengen x Wives 
Giyuu x Shinobu 
And Rengoku is single minus the Polycule.
(Debating on whether or not to add Gyomei)
Despite the main couples, they are all in a healthy polyamory relationship minus of course any Kanae x Shinobu (they're sisters you weirdos). Y/n is a daycare worker who works with Gyomei at the college's daycare where single parents who are students can drop off their kids while they attend classes for an extra small fee. Sanemi uses it a lot to help out his mom watch his youngest siblings while she's working, he's at college, and the older kids are at school. Still debating on whether adding Gyomei to the Polycule, but they become very good friends working at the daycare and he eventually introduced them to his friends/partners (if I decide to add him to the Polycule) when they visit him. 
Eventually Y/n will start casually dating either Rengoku or Gyomei (if I decide to add him). She's not sure about joining a polyamory relationship but she respects their already established relationship and they're not really in a relationship (yet-) it's just a date every few weeks or so. But slowly everyone else starts falling for her. First ones obviously being Rengoku and/or Gyomei as they're the ones who first meet her. 
Rengoku absolutely LOVES her. ADORES her even. This man knew from the start he wanted a big family so seeing her act so sweet to all the kids and Senjuro when he comes to visit him makes him swoon. He likes to see Y/n smile with so much kindness in her heart. He can't help but blush every time she gets over seeing the bruises from training at his father's dojo on the weekends.
Gyomei (again if I decide to add him -) like Rengoku also falls for her motherly sweet nature. He's blind. There's no way around it. He either likes or dislikes someone from hearing their voice and listening to their actions. He comes to love the way she sits in the play area and reads the children bedtime stories or sings the babies back to sleep when they wake up and how she giggles when this massive man lets the kids climb all over him. It puts a smile on his face that lasts for hours
The next two are surprisingly Sanemi and Kanae. 
Sanemi's baby siblings adore Y/n as she takes care of them in the daycare and that sparks Sanemi and Kanae into becoming friends with Y/n, and eventually fall for her motherly nature. Sanemi cannonically in Kimetsu Gauken respects women and little kids but most are really intimidated by his presence so meeting someone outside of those who know him great him fairly is a big part of him being able to connect to someone. Sanemi literally goes- "Oh no... She's cute" once he realizes his feelings.
Kanae is simple. She likes how nice and caring Y/n is. She likes how she treats her Sanemi. They both become fast friends. Both are sunshine friendlies and it's just a cute pairing. Especially if Sanemi gets flustered by both of them at once.
The next ones are Mitsuri and Giyuu. 
Mitsuri and Y/n get along quite well with one another and it doesn't take long for this sweetheart to fall for her. It helps that Y/n compliments her on how pretty she thinks her colored hair is, and how cool she thinks her strength is! Both are highly energetic and can bounce off one another easily.
Giyuu is often left out and a lot of people outside of his friends and family don't approach him, so imagine his surprise when not only does Y/n walk up to him on her own accord but is genuinely friendly and nice to him. It doesn't take long for him to fall for her sweet attitude and nature. He often visits frequently with Shinobu or one of their other partners/friends with him and watch him just stutter or try to give Y/n small gifts or just to talk to her. He doesn't have any other relationship this close other than Shinobu.
Tengen and his wives are all a package deal. He's very upfront about it too. This man will just go up to Y/n and straight up ask startling everyone else-
"Do you want to be our girlfriend?" "TENGEN!! WTF?! YOU ALREADY GOT THREE WIVES!!" "OH. Right. Right. I forgot. Let me change my question- Do you want to join our polycule?"
He says this in front of literally EVERYONE who gets very flustered and embarrassed about Uzui's bluntness except for Shinobu who gets annoyed instead and Kanae who just sighs and shakes her head. He likes what he sees. He likes how she treats his wives and friends/partners. This man has no shame in outright flirting with you and making his intentions clear compared to everyone else. Suma likes how you don't yell at her and calm her down through her emotions. Hinatsuru likes how calm and level headed Y/n is making her feel less crazy. Makio loves how instead of telling her to get over it, she understands her annoyance suggests doing something else to relieve the growing tension.
Shinobu and Obanai take the longest time to come around.
It's not that Shinobu dislikes Y/n. She's just not used to getting close to new people or opening up, but she does admit Y/n is a very nice and kind person to everyone and treats them all with equal respect. She does like how Giyuu is treated by her and that's good enough for her. She slowly falls for her as Y/n doesn't push her and instead respects her boundaries but remains friendly towards her. It takes much longer for her to fall for her compared to everyone else but she gets there.
Obanai actually falls under the same reasons as Shinobu. He's happy Mitsuri likes you and he respects how nice you are but does the same thing as Shinobu as Y/n respects his decisions. He likes how nice he treats him despite that slowly liking you too. But what really submits his affection is when she gifts him a medical mask from the daycare's first aid kid when his own mask breaks. She doesn't ask questions. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't make fun of him. She only quietly hands him the mask without questioning him on anything with a smile and not bringing it up again. That's it. That's all it takes. This boy is as smitten with you as his beloved Mitsuri is.
Ultimately though it's up to the reader to decide what happens.
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pinknightsinmymind · 1 year
【 found family hc's 】
abby anderson x fem!reader & ellie williams x fem!reader
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wc: 4.4k
song rec: house song by searows. i listened to this on loop the entire time i was writing.
content: established relationship, modern!au, fluff galore, hc's for both abs and els, christmas with abs!!!!, bbq with ellie and family, minor angst, but this is all fluff so sweet it rots your teeth, hc's AND long blurbs for abby and ellie, mentions of parent loss(in this modern!au abby's mother passed away), mentions of adoption(for ellie's hc's), and sarah is here!! she is ellie's older sister <33 also pls read a/n for more info
a/n: in which you are dating one of the girlies, meet their fathers, and detailing your journey into becoming part of the family. i kinda wrote this with the idea of what it’s like to not come from a healthy family in mind, but it’s also vague and written in a way where you’re able to interpret it and shape it to fit whatever you have in mind and relate it to what you know. the main theme here, though, is finding/making your own family and building a beautiful life despite your past. this is kinda just me hoping i’ll be able to do the same one day. i began writing this while really sad, but i’m posting this in much better spirits. this started with my sadness, but now it makes me feel hopeful. anyways, pls enjoy, and if you think you’ll need them, get your tissues ready. i love you all and you are all so beautiful and worthy of love and good things. and if any of you ever need anything, my inbox and dm's are open <333
GENERAL HEADCANONS — applies to both abby and ellie
It’s an uncomfortable conversation, but when your relationship with her started getting serious, you explained what your family/home life was like and that although you’d love to, your family probably wouldn’t want to foster a close relationship with either of you. You told her you understood if this was a dealbreaker and if it was something she couldn’t tolerate, but that wasn’t her reaction at all. Instead, you were met with complete understanding that almost left you sobbing. You were happy to have someone finally understand that family—and navigating it—hasn’t been easy for you and it was good to not have things out of your control held against you for once.
As your relationship progressed, she made it clear to you that she’d love to introduce you to her family and that they were excited to meet you. She promised that they’d accept you into open arms and that everything would go well, so there was nothing to worry about.
You were nervous, of course, unsure how any of it would unfold because you had never met her family before. You had heard so much about them and knew they must have been amazing people to have raised someone as great as your girlfriend, but you were still scared. What if they could see everything wrong with you with just one look? What if they thought you were too damaged and no good for their daughter? Or what if they just didn’t like you? It was all so worrisome, but your girlfriend assured you it would all be okay.
Meeting the rest of the family was one thing, but meeting their fathers was the scariest part.
You met Abby's dad during Thanksgiving—typical and sappy, but just so Abby. Of course she’d bring someone home during the holidays. You had been dating her for almost a year now, so it was about time you met him. You knew that Abby's mother passed when she was very young, and you also knew it would just be the three of you together for the holiday. Jerry did everything to make any occasion happy for his daughter since he knew her life would be hard enough without a mother, and that included holidays. As a busy surgeon—the top one of your city’s hospital, no less—he’s lucky to get this day off, and although he can’t make a whole turkey on his own, he cooks many other dishes to make up for it. He goes all out making desserts as he likes baking more than cooking, and he’s the main reason Abby has such a sweet tooth.
Jerry is nothing but welcoming to you, telling you how he’s heard so much about you (which in turn makes Abby blush, thinking to herself, He wasn’t supposed to say that! but she still keeps her cool). He asks you all about yourself, if you’re in school and what for, what your plans for the future are, then jumps straight into his dad-threats. He tells you in a serious voice that you better take care of his daughter, then lets out a laugh and offers you a slice of pie.
It went well, and you even stayed the night at Abby's childhood home, sleeping in her big and well-furnished room.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“I think it went well,” you said. The two of you were huddled up underneath the covers in her old bed, and it’s comfier than you expected. Maybe it’s because Abby has you pulled close to her chest as her hand rubs comforting circles on your back, but it’s still heavenly. “I just can’t tell if he likes me or not.”
“Please, he likes you,” she assured you. You could feel her trailing her hand down your sides gently now. “Otherwise he wouldn’t have been in such a good mood today. Promise.” You let out a small sigh at her words. You didn’t want to argue with her about this, and you felt the only thing you could possibly do was hope she was right.
You did see Jerry a few times after that, but it was only when Abby invited you to go see him with her. He was always kind and welcoming, but you couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling in your chest that maybe he didn’t actually like you. What if he was faking all of it? You couldn’t think of any good reasons why he’d like you and accept you with open arms. It didn’t make sense to you because all you knew to expect from a parental figure was rejection. Maybe he just didn’t think you were good enough for his daughter. You didn’t tell Abby any of this, though, because you knew she’d be crushed to hear you don’t think her dad likes you. It’s also because she’ll just tell you for the millionth time he does, and you’d hate asking her for the same reassurance over and over again. In the case of her father’s acceptance, it would do nothing to quell your fears.
You hadn’t expected the holiday season to help erase these fears, but they did. After a late night of watching movies, Abby brought up visiting her father for Christmas with you by her side. She was excited as she told you all about her and her dad’s traditions: drinking hot coco, watching cheesy Christmas movies, stockings full of gifts, and the works. You couldn’t tell her no. Not when her face was beaming with excitement and she had a big smile across her face. You appreciated how much she wanted to include you—no, scratch that, cherished it—but deep down inside you felt out of place. You felt like an environment as soft and as warm as that was not a place where you belonged. It’s not what you knew, not what you were used to, but you put on a brave face for Abby.
You didn’t believe her when she told you how extensively Jerry decorated the house, but it was exactly as she said. As soon as you walked through the front door, you could smell the vanilla candles and the scent of pine mixed together. You were greeted not only by Jerry, but by the presence of mini-Santa statues and multi-colored nutcrackers. There was a big wreath on the outside of the front door, and an even bigger one hung around the family portrait of Abby and her father. The Christmas tree was huge, probably close to six feet tall, and by the smell of the fresh pine emanating from it, you knew it was real. The tree was decorated with gold and silver ornaments, bright lights, tinsel, and a giant star at the top. The fireplace had stockings lined up against the chimney with other statues, trinkets, and family photos lining the shelf. The tree casted a warm glow over the living room, and it just felt so cozy inside. It’s crazy to think that this is what Abby grew up with, that this is the kind of childhood she had, but at the same time you’re happy it was. It’s what she deserves.
It may be Christmas day, but it’s already 9 P.M., so Jerry suggests hot coco, sweets, and a cheesy movie. Abby, of course, agrees and picks out her favorite movie for you all to watch. You helped her pick it out, specifically choosing it because you’ve never seen it before and because you know she loves it. You all get a slice of Jerry’s homemade apple pie, and it’s so warm and gooey you’re sure you’ve never tasted anything like it before. You wonder where in the mix of being a surgeon he found the time to be so good at baking, but it’s still so endearing. You wonder how many times he practiced these recipes for Abby, and it’s so heartwarming. You hope you can one day offer her a home the same way Jerry has.
Jerry settles into his worn-out, leather recliner with his cup of hot chocolate while you and Abby occupy the couch. There’s a glass coffee table in front of it where your two mugs rest as the two of you are snug in a blanket you’re sharing together. You’re nestled into Abby’s side with her arm over your shoulder as you watch the movie together. It’s comfortable, and the warm, yellow lights make the moment that much more beautiful. They cast a glow on Abby, making her look sweeter than she already does. Her hair is down for once, and you’re lost in the tenderness of the moment. Occasionally the two of you move forward and grab your mugs for a sip, but besides that this wholeness has no interruptions. It’s like you can feel your doubts melting away, and you feel comforted, welcomed, by the warmth of this moment. It doesn’t seem to push you away anymore, but rather it’s something you feel compelled to be a part of now. Well, no, that’s not exactly right either. It’s like you are a part of it now, and it’s accepting your embrace rather than your rejection. You don’t feel the need to push it away anymore, to create excuse after excuse as to why you don’t deserve it, and it’s like you’re finally letting it make its home in your heart.
After the movie finished and you all had your fill of hot chocolate, you hear Jerry get up from his seat and mention that he wants to give out stockings. You don’t think much of it, watching the man as he walks up to the fireplace and grabs two of the stockings that were hanging. You hadn’t paid much attention to them earlier, but when he comes up to you and Abby, you realize you should’ve. One has Abby’s name stitched into it with blue and orange thread, and the other has your name threaded into it with your favorite colors. He gives Abby her stocking first, then holds the one with your name on it out towards you. 
“Is that for me?” you asked.
“Sure is,” Abby answered. You glance over at her and she’s practically beaming. She seems so proud of herself.
“Abby helped me make it. She made sure it had your favorite colors and everything,” Jerry explained. You finally take the stocking from his hands, feeling the heft of the weight of whatever was inside.
“I bet she got mad if you suggested a color that wasn’t.” You crack a joke in the face of this moment, because if you think too hard, look at the stocking too long, you might start crying.
“Nearly tore my head off,” Jerry laughed. “But it’s so you know you’re part of the family now.” You nod your head, clenching your jaw as your gaze keeps shifting between the stocking and the floor.
“Thank you,” was all you could manage to say in reply. You’re sure you could burst into tears at any moment, but at the very least they’re happy ones.
You were never as scared of anything as you were to meet Joel Miller. You had seen him in photos with him and Ellie, and he did not look like he played around. In fact, he looked like he’s never fucked around a day in his life. The man intimidated you, and you had never even met him before.
Ellie’s Uncle Tommy’s birthday was coming up, and you were invited to the family celebration that would include Uncle Tommy, Aunt Maria, Joel, Ellie’s older sister, Sarah, and now you.
You had met Joel in passing with a quick “hello” whenever you visited his and Ellie's house, but you had never formally met him, especially not the rest of the family, either. You had also never met Sarah as she lived in a different city and was older than you and Ellie, but you were excited to. She was a young teen when Ellie had been adopted, and you had heard so many stories from Ellie about what an amazing older sister she was, so that was at least one family member you weren’t scared of. Uncle Tommy and Aunt Maria, though? Maria was intimidating, and Tommy and Joel had both been in the military. Who wouldn’t be afraid?
“Everything’s gonna be okay,” Ellie reassured you. You were both standing in front of Tommy and Maria’s front door, nervous as could be. Ellie held your hand in hers as she rubbed her thumb across your skin. “They’ll love you, promise.” Ellie reached up with her free hand and knocked on the door. A second passed in silence between the two of you before the door opened, and you were met face-to-face with Maria. She had short graying hair and a freckled face that reminded you of Ellie’s, and as soon as her eyes landed on the two of you, her lips turned upwards into a wide smile.
“Ellie, is this [Y/N]?” she asked. Ellie smiled shyly as she nodded her head.
“Yes, this is her,” she answered.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you,” Maria said politely. She was just all smiles, and she was much warmer compared to the scary image of her you created in your head. To be fair, she did seem really intimidating from her pictures, but she was nothing of the sort.
“Nice to meet you, too,” you managed to reply. You were still nervous, feeling like you were choking on the anxious butterflies dancing around your stomach.
“And she’s polite,” Maria prodded. She smiled even bigger as she pulled the door open for the two of you. “Anyways, come in. Joel and Tommy are in the back with the grill set up already, so just follow me.” Ellie walked through the doorway, pulling you with her towards the back of the house. Maria led you through the house’s front hallway into the living den furnished with couches and countless photos and decor hanging on the blue walls, then turned left into the kitchen. Sitting at the table was an older woman at least in her 30’s scrolling through her phone, but her eyes perked up as soon as she saw you all enter the kitchen. Almost immediately an excited smile spread across her face.
“Sarah!” Ellie greeted. The woman jumped up from her seat and gave Ellie a tight hug.
“Ellie, is this her?” she asked. Her eyes kept moving back and forth between the two of you.
“Yes, this is her,” Ellie answered.
“Wow, I’m so happy to meet you!” Sarah cheered. She came over to you and gave you a hug, something you hadn’t expected, but you returned it the best you could. As soon as Sarah pulled away from the hug, she was talking again. The way she carried herself was so confident and firm, and she held great amounts of eye contact while speaking—something you were struggling with at the moment. “Ellie has told me so much! She never stops talking about you!” She had a sweet, Texan accent when she spoke like Joel, while Ellie only had a slight one in comparison.
“Sarah!” Ellie groaned.
“What?” she asked coyly. “Was I not supposed to say that?” The answer was yes, and she knew that, but how could she resist teasing her little sister? Ellie just rolled her eyes.
“Come on, y’all, they’re waiting for us outside,” Maria announced. She nodded her head in the direction of the door behind the kitchen table, and you found yourself taking a deep breath. The door was glass, so you could see the wooden porch outside and the green grass, but no sign of Joel or Tommy—you know, just the two men who terrified you the most.
“Oh, yeah, I was gonna help Dad with the grill,” Sarah sighed.
“You? Helping with the grill?” Ellie teased.
“Hmm, more like standing there and talking to him,” she said.
“That sounds more like what you meant,” Ellie responded.
“Yeah, see y’all out there.” Sarah got up from her seat and was the first to open the back door, the hot air and smell of grilled meat wafting in as soon as she did. Maria followed her soon after, and you knew you and Ellie should follow suit, but you found yourself stuck, unsure what to do.
“Hey, you okay?” Ellie asked. The sound of the door closing shut hung in the air, and you knew you’d have to open it again soon.
“Yeah, just… nervous,” you explained.
“Everything will be alright, promise. I’m gonna be here the whole time, and we’re gonna be eating, too. That won’t be too bad, now, will it?” she asked.
“No, I guess not,” you replied.
“And you’ve got me right next to you. Don’t forget that.” Ellie gave you a sheepish smile, and you did your best to return it despite the queasiness in your stomach.
The barbeque went well, and it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. In fact, you felt well-received by Tommy as Maria and Sarah helped encourage him to hold conversation with you. The two women did a lot to help conversation flow and welcome you as much as possible, but the one person you felt like you weren’t getting through to was Joel. He was just so… quiet. It’s as if he was always on guard, always analyzing the situation, but what did you expect from a guy who used to be in the military? That seems to be the exact kind of disposition he’d have. He only really gave small replies in single words here and there, maybe an autobiographical question for you, then he’d retreat back to his silence. It was honestly unnerving, and as much as you did your best to immerse yourself in the conversation, in Ellie’s little jokes, Tommy’s laughter, Joel intimidated you more than anyone else ever had before. Why was he so quiet? Did he see something wrong with you? Did he not think you were fit to be his daughter’s girlfriend? Was he waiting for you to make a mistake? Was he planning how to tell Ellie that he didn’t think the two of you were a good match? All the possibilities were endless, and every single one terrified you to no end.
Despite the anxiety eating you up from the inside, you did your best to maintain your composure. You answered whatever questions Ellie’s family had for you, laughed at the jokes like you should have, all while trying to keep the crushing fear at bay. Ellie seemed to sense it somewhat, because at multiple points throughout the dinner she’d grab your hand under the table or rub your thigh comfortingly. When the night started slowing down, the sun sinking lower and lower, Tommy and Maria declared the end of the dinner and started clearing the table. Joel and Sarah disappeared into the house, carrying trash and whatever else they could back inside. Ellie leaned in close to your ear in order to speak.
“How are you feeling?” she whispered.
“I’m doing okay,” you answered. “Not as nervous as before, but still a little.”
“Did you enjoy yourself, though?”
“I did,” you replied.
“Joel and Tommy are good at barbecuing, huh?”
You laughed a little at her prodding. “Yeah, they are.”
“Look, we’re gonna get you some extra family points, yeah? Let’s offer to help Maria clean up. How does that sound?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said. This time you were the one to offer Ellie a little smile, one she was happy to see on your face after such a long day.
“Perfect.” She stood up from her chair and brushed off her jeans. “Hey, Maria, let me and [Y/N] help you clean up a bit,” she announced.
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Maria asked.
“The sweetest,” Ellie joked. You were next to stand up from the table, picking up both your plate and Ellie’s while she gathered the left behind cups. Tommy had already retreated inside with the large dishes of food, leaving you with just Maria and Ellie. It was quiet besides the clanking of the dishes as all three of you walked inside. Ellie walked behind you as you reentered the house, slotting dishes in the sink and discarding whatever trash she had. Ellie came up behind you, her back pressing into yours for a second when Maria disappeared into the living room where everyone else presumably was.
“How far do we wanna take these points?” she whispered.
“Well, what are you thinking?” you asked her.
“I say we wash the dishes,” she suggested, and you could just imagine the stupid, little grin on her face. “It’ll make them like me more, too.”
“You’re such a dork,” you said as the laugh spilled out your lips. You turned around to look at her, and there was a goofy grin on her face just like you expected. Her hands ventured to rest on your waist, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Whatever. Come on, let’s just do it.”
“Okay, you hate doing the dishes, so I’m starting to wonder what this is really about.”
“I… may or may not have promised Maria I’d do the dishes, and she’ll kill me if I don’t.”
“This is why you watch the promises you make,” you said.
“Moving along,” she said in a rushed manner, “are you gonna help me or not?”
“Yeah, because I need you alive.”
You and Ellie slotted yourselves side by side as you were forced to wash the dishes on account of your girlfriend’s promises. She was stuck washing while you dried the dishes. At one point Joel had wandered through the kitchen, muttering a small greeting to you both before disappearing outside. He left the back door open somewhat, but you said nothing, figuring he would be coming back inside soon. Despite the small interruption, Ellie, of course, couldn’t help being a little shit and splashing you with water every once in a while.
“You got my shirt wet!” you’d scold her.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she’d say all fakely. She pulled you into a hug, but once you separated, she splashed you with water again. After washing the dishes and Ellie cleaned the kitchen up a bit, you could tell she was tired and ready to go home.
“You look tired,” you commented to her.
“Yeah, I’m… all tuckered out. You ready to go home?”
“If you are, yeah.”
“Okay, let me find my… Where are my keys?” she asked. She patted at her pockets, looking for any sign of them, only to come back empty. “I think I left them outside.”
“I can go get them for you,” you offered.
“Oh, good idea. You get my keys and I say bye to everyone for us. Perfect.”
“Alright, I’ll go find them for you. Be right back.” You gave Ellie a quick kiss on the cheek before wandering outside through the back door. As soon as you stepped outside, your eyes landed on Joel sitting on one of the chairs with a mug in his hand. You had forgotten he was even out here in the first place, and you hadn’t expected or planned for this interaction with him. You took a deep, calming breath. You needed to act normal.
“Hello, Joel,” you spoke up. He turned to look at you, then returned his gaze to his mug. It was dark outside, and the porch light may have been on, but it was a dim, yellow light. Not at all helpful as your eyes scoured the ground for Ellie’s keys.
“Hello.” It was quiet as you wandered to the table, looking across the top of it for Ellie’s keys. Still no sign of them. You pulled the chairs out, and you didn’t find them on the seats either. You sighed as you pulled out your phone and turned on your flashlight. “What are you lookin’ for?” Joel asked.
“Um, Ellie’s keys. She can’t find them.” You squatted down to the floor, shining the light around the wooden porch as you continued your search.
“Oh, you two gettin’ ready to leave?” he asked. You turned your phone to the right, and something silver glinted back at you. The keys. Thank God. You grabbed onto them and got back up from the ground.
“Yeah, she said she was tired and ready to go home.”
Joel let out a small chuckle. “That sounds like her,” he remarked.
“It very much is her,” you replied.
“I heard her splashin’ you with water in there.”
“She can’t help herself,” you said. “She apologized, then she did it again.”
“Does that… make you mad?” he asked.
“No, not at all.” You were wondering what he was getting at with the question.
“You and her seem to get along well,” he pointed out.
“I think so, too,” you said, hoping you were choosing your words well.
“I can tell she really loves you, you know,” Joel said. He took a sip out of his drink, then glanced at you. “And you seem really good for her, too.” The words hit you right in the heart. You knew from what Ellie told you that Joel wasn’t a man of many words, but these were just enough. They seemed to give you the kind of confirmation you were looking for, that maybe you could put down the anxiety plaguing your mind.
“I’m glad you think so,” you said. You glanced at the mug in his hands again. Was that steam? “Can I ask what you’re drinking?”
“It’s coffee.”
“This late?” you asked.
“The girls always tell me that,” he said, and you saw the smallest glimpse of a smile ghosting his lips. You figured by “the girls,” he must have been referring to Sarah and Ellie, and that small detail stuck out to you. Despite how scary he was, deep down inside he was just a dad. A girl-dad, at that.
“Ellie always tells me how much she hates coffee.”
“She never lets that go. I tell her she has underdeveloped tastebuds to make her mad.”
“That’s perfect for getting under her skin,” you replied.
“That’s why I say it. Anyways, she’s probably lookin’ for you by now, or me, maybe.”
“Probably,” you responded. “After I find her, she’ll probably come tell you bye before we leave. I’m gonna do that now.”
“You go do that,” he said. “And you better take good care of her, by the way.” You smiled a little bit. Had you heard him say that earlier, you probably would have shit your pants, but now you were comforted by the dad-threat.
“I will,” you said confidently.
“Or I will… do something. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out.”
“I take your word for it,” you replied. You turned around to walk back inside, keys in hand, a new kind of pep in your step as you looked for Ellie.
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sockmeat · 2 years
What are y’all’s thoughts on Crimson from HB?? Like obviously he’a a piece of shit, but there is literally so much potential for dark content my mind is BUZZING
I HAVE SOME IDEAS... ok i only have 2 (just a warning, they’re a little dark)
THE FIRST ONE: The reader is Moxxie’s little sister. When Moxxie goes to jail and chooses to stay away from his hometown and family, he forgets one thing--his little sister.     Ever since Moxxie left, Crimson has been telling reader how much Moxxie hates her, how much he hates the family, how much he wanted to get away from her.
    So, reasonably, the reader grows to resent Moxxie. Occasionally, she’ll think about what life outside of the mansion is like. She’ll remember how Moxxie treated her, how he made sure she was never around for Crimson’s fits, and wonder if he doesn’t actually hate her.
    Crimson has gotten good at spotting when this happens: she’s less willing to listen to his commands, she’s always spacing out, and always looking at Moxxie’s empty room. He’s always quick to snip that hesitance in the bud and warp her perspective of her dear older brother. She’s always been a daddy’s girl (and hasn’t really had a taste of a healthy relationship), so she believes him.
    When the IMP is called over to the mansion, Crimson doesn’t tell the reader that Moxxie is there. He is fiercely protective of her and knows Moxxie would try to save her.
    Crimson’s reason for inviting Moxxie doesn’t change. He wants Moxxie to marry Chazwick. However, this time, Crimson does have a back-up plan: if Crimson is unable to marry Chazwick, for whatever reason, the reader will marry him instead.
    I haven’t quite decided how Moxxie and the reader will reunite, but I don’t want it to be too soon. Maybe she’s attracted to the commotion Millie causes and enters the wedding and barely sees Moxxie before he’s swooped off.
THE SECOND IDEA: The reader is Moxxie’s mother and Crimson’s wife. She basically replaces the actual character. Unfortunately for her, she has a bit of a savior complex so she aims to try and help Crimson’s state of mind.
    They met before Moxxie was conceived. Her family is a part of a smaller chain of the mafia and basically relies on the (wtf is their last name??) family to keep their connections and stay out of debt.
    The reader’s and Crimsons’ marriage was arranged. It was decided since before they were born that the oldest of their families, which happened to be them, would wed and have an heir.
    Unfortunately for the reader, both families have a pretty sexist point of view. They believe the women should serve their husbands and make sure the children are spoken for. Among the long list of no-no’s, she isn’t allowed to raise a fist to Crimson. She hasn’t been taught basic self defense to ensure she doesn’t break this rule.
    At first, Crimson is very clear about his hatred for her. Though, since he’s so adamant about not disrespecting the family, he only expresses it when they’re behind closed doors.
    The reader still tries despite how he treats her. She’s determined to live a normal life, and if that means risking it to get closer to Crimson, so be it. It’s all or nothing.
    The reader’s story is a bit like the ugly duckling. Until her mid-teen years, she has no idea how to dress, pose, or look flattering at all. Crimson continues to be rude and unforgiving until she gets her glow-up.
    That’s when he starts to notice her more. How she doesn’t raise her voice at him no matter what he does to pester her, how she somehow finds a reason to forgive him despite everything, how her boobs have grown since they were kids--
    Yeah, he pretty much jumps her bones whenever he gets the opportunity. Moxxie is born and the reader stops trying to please Crimson 24/7 to take care and nurture Moxxie.
That’s about as far as I got on that...
I do wanna write these, but I’m not sure how big the Crimson Simps(TM) sections will go considering he’s a douche bag
Let me know!
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
The Blood Runs Thicker (part 17) ~vampire!William Afton x F! Reader~
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~I have many plans for this series still! I wanted to thank everybody for their continued support.~
Tag-List; @ruh--roh-raggy @randymeeksisafinalgirl @sleepy---head @robin-the-enby @hungrhay @likoplays @slxsher-whxre @nicolezghostz @spiderlilytengu @yondus-girl @puppetstr1ings
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
CW:Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - ??), graphic acts of violence, biting, knife-play, blood, blood-drinking/licking, mention of dead children, anaemia. Mentions of torture. Drama/Angst. Possessive behaviour. Descriptions of a medical nature and disability.
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Charlie's words still rang softly in your ear by the time you crawled into bed.
You hadn't quite believed that you had heard them, you asked the half-ghost what she had meant, but had only been met with silence in return. You supposed she had made her request, and it was time for you to enact it before William decided you were leaving to where-ever the next stop on his little road-trip was.
The vampire hadn't crawled into the large bed with you, but rather, Henry had given you separate rooms. You supposed it made sense, since he was probably very unsure of who exactly you were and how you were acquainted with William Afton, but you felt a little hurt that you hadn't been stood up for by William, that he hadn't said 'we're together'. This was the first time you'd seen the vampire get emotional though, uncomfortable, you had seen him confused and afraid when Michael and Elizabeth arrived, but even then he came back out swinging.
This was the first time he had really been vulnerable.
Getting up, you sighed and ran your fingers through your hair, taking a deep breath before slowly standing up and stretching your back. Padding out into the dark hallway, only the soft beep and whine of Charlie's medical devices to accompany the low lighting as you made your way down the stairs and to the kitchen, hoping to grab a glass of water and take it back up with you.
Instead, you found Henry Emily in his kitchen, fridge door open as he poked around inside it. His face ghostly in the blue LED from inside as he glanced up, eyes unfocused for a moment before he seemed to gain some clarity and smile at you.
"You're up late, young miss." Chuckling as you rubbed the back of your neck and gestured somewhat loosely to himself.
"Same could be said for you, Mr. Emily."
"Please, call me Henry. I appologise for not telling you you could earlier. I just..." he seemed lost for words as you both looked at each other for a moment before you piped up.
"Had a lot on your mind?" The older man smiled and nodded his greying curled head.
"Yes. Probably the best way to put it. Please, take a seat, I'll make some proper tea." Your stomach turned at the thought of more incipid tea, and you shook your head lightly. Henry chuckling as he moved carefully to one wall and flicked on the light switch, taking your sight for a few blinks. "At least let me make you proper tea, I realised after you went up to see Charlie how bad it was. I'm surprised you drank it at all."
Your shoulders relaxed an unknown tension in them. Despite the fact that Henry had seemed so full of rage and sorrow before, he felt more like a dad now as he shuffled around the kitchen and boiled some water in a kettle on the stove. The warm light of the aged kitchen making you think to your grandparents house that you used to visit when you were small. Somebody was always in there, making something that smelt great, and the light was always some form of sickly yellow.
He placed a mug down after a few moments and he held ones in his frail hands too, the banding across his knuckles telling you that despite his age, he was once a strong man. Perhaps not as strong as William looked, but he seemed to have been healthy and fit, once upon a time. Sipping the new drink, you were pleasantly surprised that it had a spice to it, sipping it again and your brow furrowing as you realised that there was cinnamon in the tea.
"Oh, I must have used the cinnamon sugar! I'm so sorry, I can make it again, it's how Charlie likes....liked...it." his lips pursed as he trailed off, the years catching up with him once again as you reached your hand out and gently held onto one of his cooler ones.
"It's nice...It seems like Charlie has some good taste." Henry smiled and he chuckled softly, his thumb idly stroking over your knuckles and you weren't sure whether he was trying to soothe himself or you. But you were sure that in that moment, but you felt like you really were being soothed by a parent.
"Yes, I know I'm biased since she's my little girl, but she was always a special girl." Swallowing thickly, he glanced up at you and held onto your hands with both of his, giving you a warm smile. "I wish she could see William again one more time, she adored him growing up."
You weren't sure how to react. You knew that William had killed probably killed children before thanks to the ghosts of Freddy's that seemed to haunt the animatronics, but they had never mentioned knowing him. This felt different. You weren't sure that Afton was capable of leaving somebody alive unless they owed him something, but Charlie...He seemed almost surprised that she was alive, like he hadn't expected her to be.
And then there was her request.
"I'm sure they were close." A tactful response, rather than the thoughts that wanted to spill from your lips.
"They were...and I know William would want to kill the bastard that did this to her." There was something icy in his voice that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up and your heart begin to race in your chest. Despite his initial anger at William, the confusion, the hurt, he still sounded somewhat warm beneath it all.
"They said it was an animal attack, but Charlie had barely an defensive wounds. I love her, but she was a trusting child." The venom slowly creeped into his voice as his grip tightened on your hands, his knuckles turning white as you realised that despite looking older he had maintained quite a lot of his strength.
"Henry..." The older man's eyes began to well up with tears, loosening his grip on you as you stood and came around the kitchen table, gently hugging him to your side and soothing his curly hair as he began to cry silently.
"Will..He was my best friend..And he disappeared when I needed him, and then he turned up and I just..."
"I get it, it must be hard to see him after all this time." You didn't get it though, you had assumed initially that perhaps William had maintained contact with the man he had brought the both of you to. But all you were finding was that William Afton left people broken in his wake, even before he was a monster.
Henry clung to you like your life depended on it. Like he couldn't bear to lose another daughter. Your t-shirt that you had changed into for bed was stained with tears before he seemed to take a few shaking breaths and look up at you. Frowning as he seemed to notice something whilst looking into your face, flinching slightly when his hand reached up and brushed against your ear. You'd forgotten that Will had bitten your ear whilst at the mall on the way to visit Henry, and you could feel the small puncture in the skin and cartilage catching on his rough fingertips. Heart racing in your chest as he seemed to notice the faint scarring on the inside of your wrist, the four pointed bite mark on your neck from where Will had bitten you during your 'thanks' for saving him.
Suddenly, why Will had wanted you to wear a turtle-neck made sense.
"I'm very clumsy! Don't know how Will puts up with me." Chuckling nervously as you reached up to rub your shoulder, inadvertently touching where Michael had nearly drained you dry what felt like a lifetime ago, but really may have only been weeks. Swallowing down the nerves, you offered Henry a large smile, watching the old man blink in confusion before giving you a soft, concerned smile back.
"Will...Has always been unique." He said, making you furrow your brow in confusion, watching as Henry gently patted your arm and stroked it for a moment. "As long as you're being safe. Maybe eat some broccoli? You're looking a bit anaemic."
Henry stood slowly, holding onto you and the table for support before he grabbed his tea and made his way towards the stairs, slowly sipping at the warm drink and leaving you standing in his kitchen, the yellow light casting what felt like a sickly glow onto you as you picked up your own drink and took a few more sips before taking it up stairs with you.
His comment had shaken you slightly, and you couldn't help the sinking feeling that Henry Emily knew more than he was letting on.
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In the morning, you could hear pottering about downstairs and so you headed down. Glancing into Charlie's room and noticing she had been moved out of bed and dressed, loose comfy clothes that wouldn't hinder her care as she stared wordlessly at the TV playing some kids programme. You could vaguely make out the ghost lingering nearby to her body, prompting you to go inside and change the channel over to something a little more her age before heading back to your room when you realised you should cover up again.
'Thank you.'
You got changed quickly, finding the pile of clothes you had left on the floor and giving them a quick sniff before pulling them back on. Padding back down the stairs, you noticed Henry pottering about once again. He seemed calmer this morning, unlike what was really a precious few hours ago, and that concerned you greatly. His curly head turned towards you and he had that same fatherly smile on his face as he lifted a pan filled with bacon, eggs and what smelt like fried bread.
"Morning sunshine! I've made breakfast for you." You were clearly over thinking, perhaps he was substituting you for Charlie in his mind, but you didn't blame him. You'd spotted photos of his family in the lounge before, a happy one, a wife with blonde hair and a bright smile. Charlie beaming at the camera. You'd also noted the obituary, paper yellowed with age and sun exposure, tucked behind a photo of his wife.
"Oh, thank you Henry, you didn't have to." Sitting down at the breakfast table, you went to sit with your back to the door, but Henry shook his head and gestured to the seat on the left. The one that looked the least worn down.
"I did! It's been a while since I've been able to cook for somebody and I have to get you to try this. Sorry about the chair, my mother always said bad things happened to people who sit in doorways." It seemed like a strange superstition, but you supposed that there were many cultures and personal experiences that shaped them.
You were just happy to oblige as Henry piled your plate up with fried goods that William would never let you eat in a million years, and poured you some apple juice.
The bacon and eggs were even arranged into a smiley face on your plate.
You heard footsteps coming through the house and turned your head to see William entering the kitchen, his hair perfectly slicked back and wearing his shirt that he'd had on the day before, minus the sweater. His golden aviators sat a little low on his nose as he pushed them up, Henry giving him the same warm smile. You noticed then that there were only two plates of food dished up, and you felt an intense guilt in your stomach that Henry could probably only afford to feed you and William since Charlie undoubtedly had expensive medical bills. His smile fading as he gestured to William's glasses with a frown.
"You've got something on them." Will frowned back and you saw his eyes moving about like he was looking for the dirt that Henry had pointed out.
"Right there, don't you see it?" Will shook his head and reached up to pick his glasses off of his face, squinting as he held them up to the light.
"Might as well clean them, but I can't see shit on them." Sighing as he moved his glasses to the bottom of his shirt, untucking one corner from his waistband and moving to clean them with the fabric. You couldn't help but smile, they were like an old married couple in their own way, and part of you wished that you had known them back in the days of Freddy's so you could see them working together.
That thought was broken when a pan went sailing at William's head.
You heard Afton swear as the heavy 'thunk' of the cast iron hitting him square in the face, blinking rapidly and stumbling back as with surprising grace and speed for an old man, Henry Emily vaulted part of the table and landed on top of his old business partner. Pounding into him with a flurry of fists and fury, you could hear the meaty 'thud' of flesh hitting flesh already.
It took you a few seconds to react to it all, brain short-circuiting as you tried to process what was happening. William's hands moved up and he was scrambling to push off Henry, but you could hear the sound getting wetter and noticed a bit of blood splattering across the tiled floor. A cold spot behind you told you that Charlie had decided to come and watch as you managed to peel yourself off of the chair and rush forwards.
"Henry!" Calling his name as you wrapped your arms around his torso and tried to pull him off, grunting at the unexpected work-out of trying to remove a very angry human man off of the vampire. You could hear William growling and his hands flailed, legs scrambling for purchase on the floor as Henry began to slow down, landing a few more blows before sitting back on his heels. Breathing laboured.
Will's face was swollen and you could see there was the start of two rapidly developing black eyes and a broken nose, skin mottled and bruised as you noticed the split lip and nose-bleed. Henry's knuckles were bleeding too as he stood up and headed over to the sink like nothing had just happened.
"William!" You called out, shaking his shoulders and hearing the vampire groan as one eye fluttered open. Unsteady and unfocused as he gripped onto your arm tightly enough you knew there would be more bruises later on. Shuffling so that his head rested on your lap, you looked up at Henry, eyes wide in shock and horror. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"He'll be fine." Was the calm reply, the man bringing a first aid kit down from a cabinet and opening it to retrieve some sterilised alcohol to clean his knuckles up with.
"You've beaten him, of course he's not going to be fine! Fuck I don't-"
"And yet, you're not worried enough about him to call an ambulance."
The silence that hung in the air for a beat was intensely uncomfortable, it felt almost like ozone settling around your skin. Henry was staring intently, hyper-focused on you as you realised he had caught you in a lie you didn't even know existed. You didn't know how William felt about hospitals, whether he would flag up as something not human when they performed tests, but he was still healing from the springlock failure and he was slow to heal from relatively minor wounds compared to what you'd seen from two vampires fighting.
William took a few shuddering breaths as he seemed to gain his bearings, slowly sitting up with your help and nose dripping blood as he reached for his glasses on the floor. Wiping them with a clean part of his shirt and putting them back on his nose, reaching it up and hooking two fingers into his nostrils before using the other hand to crunch it back into place. Sniffing deeply afterwards as his slowly swelling eye focused on Henry.
"Bastard, the fuck was that?" His own breathing laboured as he reeled from the ambush by his best friend.
"I've only seen those four points that your friend here has on her shoulder once before, do you know when that was?" Henry queried as he put down the alcohol and picked up some bandages, wrapping them slowly around his shaking hands to protect them.
"What marks, I don't know what you're-"
"Oh, but you do William. You know, I thought at first it might be co-incidence. Charlie gets hurt after you go missing for two days, you disappear again two weeks later after your youngest dies. Michael shortly after that along with Elizabeth. But then you come back twenty years later, and so do those marks."
It took your brain a moment to tick over, but it snapped into place all too quickly as you felt yourself blanching.
"Charlie. They were on Charlie." You whisper, watching as Henry shifted his attention from his hands to you as he nodded, with the same fatherly smile he had given you when he was serving eggs. William looked startled and you could see the gears turning in his own head as he looked at Henry. A million and one little expressions flickering across his features.
"Hers were much deeper, and a lot more jagged of course. Tore half the back of her neck out, crushed part of her spine, but the doctors said it all came down to six points of contact. Four on top, two on bottom." He picked up the plate that had been left on the table and brought it in front of him, looking at the selection of knocked over condiments and straightening them up after he had vaulted the table.
"I don't know what you're-" William began, but Henry sucked on his teeth and tutted, shaking his head at the man slowly trying to stand and supporting himself on the chair so that he could sit down.
"You do William Afton. I know what you are." The tone was so cold once again, but the cold air surrounding you didn't help either as you tried to control your shivering. William blinking slowly and unsurely up at his friend before he curled up his lip into a snarling growl. Bloody spittle coating his now very visible fangs, the double set you were more than acquainted with. Henry's expression softened a little as he watched his former business partner growling ferally. "There you are. I knew you would never tell me."
"Henry?" You asked, confused by the last bit of his statement before the older man got up and walked over to the fridge, rummaging around like he had been the night before and throwing something to William, who managed to catch it despite the fact his face was slowly reducing the swelling, leaving behind some bruised and blood-shot eyes staring angrily before his attention flickered to what was in his hand.
"I suspected something about him had changed back in eighty-seven, after Charlie was attacked, he was acting strange. Speed walking from the room if a kid so much as fell and scraped a knee, wearing sunglasses through the light-shows or if he was outside. Never taking his lunch, or if he did, I noticed there was half-chewed food in the trashcan nearby soon after." Henry explained, and you listened, realising that Henry had known something was wrong with William since the attack. He more than likely had his own suspicions about his involvement in Charlie's attack.
Hearing gulping next to you, your eyes widened as William slammed a glass bottle down onto the table, the thick claret inside clinging to the glass as you watched his face slowly returning to normal. Well, as slowly as William Afton could heal.
"So you decide to beat fuck out of me to test your stupid theory?" William growled, and Henry shrugged his shoulders, beginning to tuck into the breakfast before him.
"Oh? No, that was for Charlie, and it felt damn good." Nochelant as you stared incredulously between them, wondering why and where Henry got glass bottles of blood from, how long had he had them. "Figured it was better twenty years late than never."
"Well, at least I know you're keeping yourself in good health." Afton brought the bottle to his lips again and drank from it like it was a cold beer at a BBQ. You were still shaking and incredulous.
"Sorry, what? How would you...oh." The realisation set in as you looked at Henry, who did seem a little paler in the yellow kitchen light than you remembered being the night before. "Did you ...just so you could...?"
"Oh, yes. I know you would never have intentionally hurt Charlie, Wills, but you understand, I had to do something."
"How do you know it wasn't intentional?"
"Because of the times I caught you at the hospital despite the lights hurting your eyes, by her bedside and holding her hand. Telling her 'I will put you back together'." Henry said softly, and you watched as William stiffened before his expression softened too. The two men either side of that small kitchen table, Henry sat so he was blocking the daylight from the window behind him getting into William's bruised face. It almost looked like a halo from where you sat.
The clock in the lounge ticked by for a while as nobody said anything else. William occasionally drinking and Henry eating his breakfast, you picked at yours, heart racing as you wondered if another fight was going to break out between the two of them.
"I don't expect you to forgive me, Henry." William eventually spoke, making you jump slightly as Emily paused and looked up at him too. Raising an eyebrow as if to prompt him on, Afton sighed before continuing. "I...I didn't mean to hurt Charlie. And one day, when...when this is all done, I'll tell you my reasons. But I will hold myself to that promise."
The vampire slowly stood and began trudging back through the house, leaving you and Henry in the kitchen as you stared at his broad back. Wondering how he was going to fufil his promise, you wondered if he was going to end the fact she was trapped between life and death. Wondering how Henry would take having to bury his daughter.
"You're right. I don't forgive you. I just wish you had enough trust in me all those years ago to tell me."
William nodded his head and carried on, you stood up to go after him, but Henry gently pulled down your arm and forced you to sit.
"Leave the demon to his demons. Rest, find peace." He murmured, waiting for you to nod before he let go of your arm and you couldn't help but wonder how much of this mess was all your fault.
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thebiscuiteternal · 7 months
I love your larger age gap Nie Bros au! I want to float the idea of a role reversal larger age gap au where Nie Huaisang is the much older sibling of the pair, and Nie Mingjue is the baby brother.
Honestly, it would lean more towards the "bitter" side of bittersweet, because Nie Huaisang has spent his entire fourteen/fifteen years of life knowing that even if his father has tried to love him, even though he has tried to be a good son, he's not the kind of heir his father or the sect wants and never will be. He's sharp and clever, but also small and sickly and exhausted easily and will never be a good night hunter or battle leader. He's so very un-Nie-like that only the fact that he shares his father's eye color and a few of his facial features keeps people from making accusations about his parentage (and even that doesn't stop them sometimes).
But at least his father never tried to replace him or his deceased mother, right?
And then, right after his father has just died, a midwife shows up with a strong healthy baby and a bundle of paperwork declaring the child fully legitimate, and Huaisang has to grapple with the realization that his father did very much try to get a replacement, and since the paperwork is all nice and legal, the elders and senior disciples likely knew about it and said nothing.
He wants to scream or vomit or break things or hit someone, but he does none of the above and just sits beside the crib and stares at nothing while the elders debate his future like he's not even present.
Then there is a little tug on his hair, and when he looks down, little Mingjue has a fistful of it stuffed in his mouth and is staring up at him with big green eyes and... dammit, he can't hate this kid. Mingjue doesn't know what's going on, has no idea how he's destroyed what little of a life his older brother had just by existing. It's not his fault.
Huaisang sighs and gently tugs his hair free, then reaches in to let Mingjue clutch his hand and giggle and gnaw on his fingers.
It's eventually decided that Huaisang will be (a puppet) sect leader, with provisions that as soon as the sect has decided Mingjue is old enough, he will abdicate and leave, so as not to complicate his brother's position by hanging around.
Needless to say, this does not make Huaisang feel the slightest bit better, but he has no choice other than to at least try to do well by his new title, which proves to be more difficult than it has to be because literally every single one of his decisions gets argued and debated and he's constantly being patronized even though it's apparent he's not as stupid as people expect him to be.
Ironically, the son who will replace him winds up becoming his only refuge. Since they didn't have the years of being brothers from the Reverse Nie "canon" timeline, Mingjue never grows up absorbing the disdain everyone else has for Huaisang. Rather, Mingjue has already imprinted on him and throws unholy fits when people try to keep them apart.
It's more common than not that Mingjue sleeps cuddled against his brother's chest in Huaisang's bed instead of his own crib. He starts developing a fierce protective streak before he even knows how to walk or talk, scowling at anyone whose tone he doesn't like when they talk to his brother and trying to grab for hair or throw things at them when he gets really upset about it. People learn quick that if they want to badmouth Huaisang, they have to do it out of earshot of Mingjue, and that only holds more true as he grows up and begins grasping language and starts becoming aware of the disparity between how hard his brother is trying versus the things people say about him.
Everyone else better start watching their insults before they find that Mingjue has grown to have more loyalty to the brother who loves him and does his damnedest to care for him despite all his other duties versus the sect who wants to split them up.
And that's as far as I've currently gotten with this idea.
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mymarifae · 11 months
I'm starting to like akito more can you write something about him or give akito images to speed up my obsession
when it comes to understanding akito, you really don't need much. just this lyric from kashika:
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like, the kid's been through some shit, right? both in terms of external forces he had no control over and shit he's inflicted on himself. he grew up in a... very difficult household, and while it doesn't seem like shinei goes after him the same way he goes after ena, there's only so many times you can hear your father tell your big sister that she should give up on the thing she loves most because she'll never succeed and she'll never be as good as anyone with "real" talent before you start internalizing that sort of thinking for yourself. this is (part of) why we see him quit soccer the way he did.
and then later, when he first started getting into music and the community of vivid street, he was bullied and hazed by musicians much older than him. he was laughed at everywhere he went, and everyone kept telling him that he should just give up - that he would never be good enough to fit in, much less surpass rad weekend. and you'd think with how quickly he threw in the towel over soccer and all the shit he's internalized thanks to sh*nei this would have been too much for him, but here's the thing!!
soccer wasn't exactly an ultimate passion for him. he just kind of had (has; he does still really enjoy soccer) fun playing and he was decent at it so he figured this must be his Thing. what he will pursue for the rest of his life. there's a few reasons why he quit so abruptly. part of it is because in the minutes after losing that one game, he fully understood what his father meant. he saw the gap between himself - a completely average kid who just played for fun - and these other players who dedicated their lives to soccer, and it overwhelmed him. he knew would never be able to keep up with people like that. and with that, we're starting to get into the other reasons why he quit.
he felt like he wasn't passionate enough. while other people lived and breathed soccer, he was out on the field just "having fun" and making a total mockery of their dreams. he didn't deserve to play. not if all he was going to do was play like some dumb kid. (super healthy mindset for a 10 year old to have, right? A+ parenting, shinei. but keep following this line of thinking and you'll see why he blew up at kohane in the main story.)
we can deduce that after quitting soccer akito was pretty depressed. it would be hard not to be! he just quit doing something he enjoyed and lost the majority of the friends he had at the time as a result. and also he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing with his life. because shinei has pushed this idea of needing to "succeed" at something in order for life to have any meaning at all onto him and ena. seeing ena and other kids his age find their niches early on probably didn't help either. it probably made him feel like there was something wrong with him for not knowing what he wanted to do with his life (at 10 years old. really spectacular job you've done here, shinei!!!!)
and then he ended up at that concert at the summer festival with ena, and she encouraged him to give music a try. and that really, really turned things around for him. even before he wandered into rad weekend, music was slowly becoming something he loved. way more than he ever loved soccer. despite being met with rejection and cruelty, he wasn't exactly keen on letting this dream go. he found something that he could call his. he didn't want to go back to a directionless existence.
and yeah, he was well aware of the gap between him and every other musician on vivid street. how could he not be? he knew he was never going to be on their level. he knew he didn't have any sort of natural gift for singing or an innate understanding of pitch or music theory or anything else. he was going to have to brute force his way through all of this, and he was going to face a lot more humiliation and bullying as he did. and maybe by stubbornly clinging to music he was directly contradicting his own beliefs about passion and talent and dreams, but that's the thing about akito!
he's made up of contradictions. truly i don't think we're ever going to get an event song that encapsulates him as well as kashika did because it's the only song that's really tackled this aspect of his character. he loves music, and he doesn't believe he's worthy of pursuing it. but he doesn't want to give up, because he loves it so, so, so, so much. but yes he does want to give up - why do you think his fragment sekai gave him amnesia? in so many ways his life has become so much more difficult since he decided to pursue music and this dream of surpassing rad weekend, and a part of him wishes he had never gone down this path. it would have been so much easier to just drift along, wouldn't it? and after discovering the truth of rad weekend, that part of him got a little louder. for the first time really since vivid bad squad formed, he wanted to give up; he regretted not doing so sooner and dedicating so much of his life to this. he could have spared himself a lot of pain. but he still loves music so much... like an idiot, really. as painful as it can get, giving up feels unfathomable - even though it's so, so tempting. the mini amnesia episode and the sandstorm he has to pass through to get his memories back is a reflection of this inner turmoil.
when akito truly loves something, he loves it. his love is all-encompassing and fierce. he loves music. he loves vivid bad squad. he loves vivid street. he loves life. it's this love that pushes him through all those feelings of wanting to lay down and die. he is equal parts despair and hope. he is despair because he believes himself to be inherently inadequate in everything he does, and he is hope because he's stubborn and foolhardy enough to hope that if he keeps trying he might be able to overcome this inadequacy somehow. it's this tug-and-pull of these contradictions that's kept him going. this is something that even ken has acknowledged! if akito didn't have this unique way of knocking himself down only to pull himself back up a little higher each time, he wouldn't have gotten as far as he did.
but that leads us into burn my soul, where we see akito beginning to let go of this. what has kept him going for so many years is no longer serving him. he has a strong support system now and he has developed a real skill for singing and performing, so his previous coping mechanisms have turned into chains. if he wants to keep growing, he needs to start singing from the love in his heart instead of that wild, desperate hope.
it's really incredible to see him realize this - to see how bright he shines when he believes in himself. his passion is contagious. rad weekend and vivid street gave him new life when he had all but lost his, and now he's come full circle and is giving back to vivid street that same life. passion. joy. love.
this is why i love akito so much. i'm always drawn to characters made up of love. like, the above paragraphs aside, akito's really got a big heart, you know? he loves vivid bad squad so much it's ridiculous. you can see it in the way his gruffness goes soft around the edges around them, and his protectiveness over them. he really loves his friends outside of vbs too - kotaro and mizuki being the most notable examples. he loves his big sister. he loves ken, the father he wishes he always had but at least he has him now. he loves the virtual singers. he said meiko could put carrots in her dishes and he'd still eat them. he is amazingly tolerant of rin and len's hyperactive shenanigans when you consider how grouchy and irritable he is any other time. he is truly such a sweetheart.
his favorite foods are desserts and he likes his coffee as sweet as possible but he gets embarrassed ordering it this way in front of others. he gets the biggest goofiest happiest smile on his face when he eats pancakes. he's scared of even teeny tiny chihuahuas. he's physically affectionate - it's hard to get this across with the live2d models but we see their attempts at trying to show him slinging his arm around toya's shoulders. and he is literally constantly leaning on toya in just about every official art they're together in. he hates carrots with the ferocity of a spoiled toddler.
he likes hoodies and jackets that cover most of his hands. he once gave mizuki his lunch because he noticed she didn't have anything to eat. he sings and talks in his sleep. i cannot stress enough how adorable that is. he shields kohane from the wind so she can safely change her contacts. he pretends to be scared when luka jumps out at him from alleys because he didn't react once and she was sad. he teaches len how to play soccer. he lets ena drag him to the mall and just about everywhere else and even though he complains he could very easily refuse her if he actually didn't want to spend time with her.
he purposefully deepens his voice when talking so he seems cooler. he has the most blushing live2d models out of all the "boys." he gets flustered so easily it's so funny. he's very, very bad at math. despite the fits he used to throw at the start of the game, he now seems to carry toya's mountains of arcade plushies for him. he hates doing anything "cutesy" but unfortunately for him he is very cute. he's so special and i love him dearly
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cheesus-doodles · 10 months
I’m not sure if this has been asked before, but why do the red dragonflies hate izana?
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Masterlist
hello anon! ahh more asks about my reds :D
I partially answered this question in Don't Look Back In Anger (its in the second half but I ain't complaining if you read the whole thing again cough) but I'll make it more concise here and expand as much as I can without spoiling future chapters!
I would say first and foremost, despite Izana and Boss dating, the Black Dragons and the Red Dragonflies are technically still rival gangs at the end of the day. There was never an alliance drawn up between the two so that the Reds could preserve their neutrality and not be seen favoring one gang over another. So the night that Izana decided to break your leg and carve his name into your hip, despite it being in a fit of jealousy and a quarrel between lovers, the Reds took it very personally and saw it as a direct attack on their boss by a rival gang leader. You did put Izana under your personal protection, which is part of a promise you made to Shinichiro when the two of you first started dating, but that meant that the Red Dragonflies have never been able to get their revenge because they can't touch, let alone beat the fuck out of, Izana without very serious consequences.
Second, this whole issue comes on the back of the Reds' executives - referring to Furusawa, Hase and the other Wings - already having a distaste for Izana (and Shinichiro) to begin with. Why the Reds aren't particularly fond of Shinichiro is not something that will be discussed here since I think it might be a spoiler for the upcoming chapters. But back to Izana, your Reds executives already disapproved of the relationship at the start because they felt that you were way too young to be getting into one, and this was before Izana got a tad too attached and swung straight into yandere territory. And after that, he became too overbearing, too controlling for your friends to ever approve. Hase, Jun and Koji start actively trying to keep you away from Izana, encouraging you to break up and doing anything they can to break this relationship apart.
But you only seemed to be digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole, starting to associate Izana with an actual connection to your older brother, who passed away when you were young. This is around the time when Izana starts to gift you old photos of your older brother that he finds around the Sano property, usually courtesy of Shinichiro, who used to be friends with your brother. And all this while, you aren't listening to your Red friends, who keep trying to get through to you that this isn't healthy in the slightest, that you should take a break from Izana and step away.
This actually leads nicely into the third reason why they despise Izana so much - when Izana snapped and attacked you, and you decided to not only break it off with him but also with your Red Dragonflies, the Red Dragonflies have always seen it as Izana's fault that you left them. If he hadn't been in the picture, you would probably have never even considered quitting gang life. Sure, Shoji, your hand-picked successor, was a good boss while it lasted (more spoilers, not elaborating), but it just wasn't the same without you. And the scars from Izana run deeper than just skin, and it hurts Furu and the rest that they aren't able to care for you and help you heal. You had always looked after them, and the one time you needed them the most, they couldn't return the favour.
And now that you were back as the Red Dragonflies' Boss once more, it seemed to have drawn Izana back onto the scene at the same time - and once more, your friends are forced to sit back and let things run their course. Though not for the lack of trying.
All in all, the hatred just sort of built and built into utter despise for Izana, but at the same time, there isn't anything the Red Dragonflies can do in retaliation, and even less now that you were back on the scene.
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pastara-cell · 10 days
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Me when someone willingly asks me to drop my hyper fixation head-canon list: (im so normal about them i swear 🙏)
Okay so, i’ve found out that despite these being rather new headcanons (made within the last 2 months) they’re rather outdated 😔. I based a lot of them on a story i made for them, which i now see as SUPER ooc, so i’m sharing around 2/3 of my list now, and dropping the other 1/3 when its updated to fit more towards the actual characters, rather than based off my silly little daydreams
General story headcanons:
>They started talking to eachother after school, because sean stayed after school to clean the music room, and drew had detention. They both left around the same time, which meant they bumped into eachother. Drew wasnt too outwardly hostile to sean (considering that sean’s older, and the only music club member he doesn’t actively tease), so sean took some time to question him on stuff. long story short, they had a heart to heart, figured out they didnt hate eachother, drew started staying after school to hang out with him, and they got together after a while (I have a whole ass story but this is a summary of it)
>The relationship is kept rather secret from the music club and the dromies. (Music club because they dont necessarily love drew, and the dromies because they’re little shits and would tease Drew endlessly/pos)
>Sean’s helping drew out on his redemption arc. they talk a lot, sean makes sure he isnt overthinking or blowing situations out of proportion. Drew’s extremely grateful for it, and as a result, is a lot less stressed out. (We love communication and healthy relationships 🙏🤍)
>They bonded a lot over shared home-life issues, specifically with parents and no siblings. Drew and sean both shared their experiences with being the authority family-figure in their friend group (sean being the ‘big brother’ of the music club, and drew being the ‘dad’ of the jomies)
>Drew’s love languages are quality time and giving gifts, while sean’s are quality time and doing acts of service. Safe to say they both love spending time together, and do it often
Random ass headcanons that are canon because i said so/silly:
>They play Nintendo games together, VERY specifically Nintendo games. Sean likes the soundtrack and the controls, and Drew is down to play literally any game ever so long as he’s spending time with him
>Sean stays over at drew’s house a lot when things get rough at home.
>When sean comes over on rough home nights, Drew cooks for him and absolutely pampers the shit out of sean. Heated blanket, meals if needed, snacks, gifts, and lots of cuddles and hugs. Sean enjoys it, but makes sure that drew sits down and just spends time with him without overworking himself
>Neither of them are big on kissing, not that they’re necessarily against it, but they prefer holding hands, cuddling, or handshakes. They have the most epic handshake ever actually, the most ever one to ever exist and its theirs
>They both love toread e-books, so they tried to do it together one time, but sean takes his time and drew is a speedreader. Safe to say that it was a one time thing
>Drew and sean have a joint minecraft server together, they both live in the same house. Drew does all the fighting, and sean does all the building. Neither of them can do redstone
>Sean calls drew “beau” as a petname, drew calls sean “babe”
>They text a lot, but due to their relationship being secret, they have eachother saved as ‘Jimmy’ and ‘scott’/ref and say that they’re just friends in seperate states. (I love you flower husbands…)
>Drew helps sean clean out the music room occasionally after school, but is EXTREMELY wary of his surroundings, just incase anyone would walk in. Sean isn’t as worried
>Sean very often reassures drew that besides school, drew is his top priority, and that he means the world to him. Drew enjoys this greatly, but wont admit it.
>Sean can read drew’s rbf perfectly
>Daisy mayyyy or may not know that they’re together. “Perhaps they’re really good friends?” (That girls got eyes everywhere…/vpos)
>Drew and sean text eachother during passing periods, and during lunch, and occasionally in class
>Seans really good at science, whereas, drew’s a lot better with language arts. They help eachother out on tests, but neither of them are good at math
>adding onto that, Drew’s in an advanced english class (he learns with seniors) so he managed to pull a few strings to get into sean’s class. (They sat next to eachother ‘on accident’)
>sean’s very set on open communication in their relationship, which drew is new to. They’re both going through it together, and guess what, mr plum over here is gonna heal 💪🔥 (slowly, but surely)
>Sean helps drew out with genshin events
>does Sean propose to drew after he gets his dipoma and heads off to college in another state because i said so and these are my headcanons? Yes, yes he does 🔥🔥/silly
>Engagement is kept a secret until Drew graduates as well, he thanks ‘his fiancée’ when receiving his diploma
I skipped out on a lot of em, but its taking too long to write all of these out so i’ll put more in the next wave and fill in their story a bit more 👍👍
I love them guys they deserve the world….(angst fic coming soon/j)
( @rosypenguins )
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derekgoffard · 1 month
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Colin's older sister is a very small part of his background, however Ive had some characterization down for a while now so I thought I'd make a little post about her 🤲.
Her name is Claire Midland! She has virtually no relationship with Colin and probably does not ever wish to see him again yayyay 👐. She also has those mother issues that make you a bit mean and desperate for comfort all the time but that's okay 👍.
Some extra trivia under the cut 🕊️
- she went into nursing because she wanted to give others the kind of care and attention she herself craved - however she eventually realized that was not at all the reality of nursing. She kind of hates her job 👹.
- her life revolves around this funny little cycle of her feeling this constant sense that she is unloved, which leads her to constantly be seeking comfort ( physical and emotional ). However she never feels comforted for long, hence the cycle continuessss la la la🤸.
- her favorite thing ever is being coddled, she's a hard worker but she wishes she wasn't.
- She loves flowersss, but she can never keep them alive. Despite this she continues to buy them, only to have them die in days. Her favorite flowers are sun flowers 😊.
- her necklace has her and her mother's birthstones ( emerald and topaz ).
- she's never held a steady relationship for over a year but she has alot of positive one night stands. Not necessarily sex either - usually she just wants to be cuddled and coddled over for a night, y'know how it is ☹️..... Let me tell you what tho her aftercare game is unbeatable LOLLLLLLLL.
- she was a very clingy and emotionally demanding child. ( example; Claire would absolutely NOT enter school without her mother, and so her mom had to sit next to her desk in school for most of her early education ). This was okay for a little while, but when Colin was born, their parents got a divorce, and their already mentally ill mother could not really cope with two children.
- Since Claire was the oldest ( still very very little, like 7 years old )- it fell on her to help her mother, while Colin would bounce between their father and mother. Claire has never had a relationship with Colin, but she secretly blames and resents him for their parents divorce, and their mothers declining mental health. While ofc Colin resents her for basically gatekeeping his own mom LOL.
- Her relationship with her mother is surface level and distant. No matter how hard she may want to- she just can't connect to her mother. Claire is too emotionally taxing and her mother is pretty much unwilling to deal with it at this point. Claire reminds her of the lowest times in her life, and she sees Claire's attachment to her as a failure in how she raised her. She thinks Claire needs to grow out of it by herself. I think her mother does feel guilty about how Claire's childhood turned out- and so she really does think trying to let Claire find her own way is what's best for her.
- oh and also Claire is pretty much the reason Colin received so little attention from her as a child LOL- she would get HIDEOUSLY jealous of baby Colin taking attention from her mother and throw really intense fits about it 👤 I'm thinking she even went as far as trying to hurt Colin in some way. Sorry Colin, no healthy relationship with mom for you. your sister is too emotionally demanding.
- I think she's doing okay now. She's a little unhinged but I'm thinking she has a steady job and nice girlfriend now. I kinda want her to be happy y'know. 🕊️
- unrelated but Claire has not seen Colin since they were young teenagers so she has no idea about his dyed hair or fashion sense. I don't think she'd be able to recognize him to be honest LOL.
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averysexyleon · 9 months
in which ethan crushes on karl then punches him no seriously
“Ethan,” an amiable, now-familiar voice called from the other end of the hallway, and the blond half-turned, and then did a double-take at the sight of Karl in a tailcoat. Not just any tailcoat–the coat was a deep burgundy, and its accompanying waistcoat was a rusty-orange, deep brown. Karl didn’t wear a tie–he had a silk cravat, some jewel glinting in the center of it.
Ethan’s eyes could only grow wider when he saw the very well fitting good grief taupe pants and dark brown dress shoes. The engineer’s hair was in a half-up style…In the pale, diffused light from the windows, Karl, despite his sometimes harsh gait and tone, had a decidedly soft face. The scars stood out to Ethan in a way they hadn’t before, and he felt a pang of sadness for the older man. He wondered what Karl had endured.
“What, no shave?” Ethan taunted, refusing to compliment the other, and Karl giggled in his ridiculous way. Or, the way he was prone to around Ethan, it seemed. After glancing behind him, perhaps to ensure his own escorts were out of earshot, Karl teased, “A healthy trim’s all I need down there, no need to get fancy, Winters…but if that’s what you’re into, I could–”
“I didn’t mean–UGH!” Ethan was red. He crossed his arms.
Karl put a hand on Ethan’s shoulder and drew them closer together, as if to speak intimately. It was a very manly gesture, but not one Ethan was used to with other men–again, Karl had far less concern for personal space than most people. He was so close. His eyes drifted down to Ethan’s lips as he spoke–Ethan’s heart rate rose again.
“When they tell you that you’re special. Believe ‘em. Okay?”
His shoulder was squeezed. Then his bicep. “I just need you to trust me, how’s that.”
After a very long, thoughtful pause, Ethan pouted. “After we do this, you’re telling me everything I want to know.”
“And then some, I’m sure.”
Ethan bit his lip, which caused quite a pleased smirk to cross Heisenberg’s face. Ignoring this, Ethan ceded, “I trust you, Heisenberg. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Wouldn’t dream of–” Karl was cut off when abruptly, and swiftly, Ethan punched him in the nose. It wasn’t a full-force haymaker, but it was a hard strike, and Karl clapped one hand to his face. His eyes widened in shock. Ethan straightened his own waistcoat after the punch, and hissed as he moved past the engineer, and toward the red door, “That’s for fucking stabbing me in Romania, you asshole .”
Karl followed after the tall blond, his giggle indomitable, as usual. Ethan’s hands were still in fists as he walked, but he was smirking.
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heythetan · 10 months
thinking about Summer and Morty's sibling relationship....
teensy eensy spoilers for the new ep (wet kuat amortican summer)
idk just something about how it was portrayed in the latest episode felt so real. as an older sibling I relate hard to how Summer feels, how she sees Morty get everything seemingly for free. the way she's torn between being a good role model and support structure and feeling bitter because Morty is, quite frankly, a little shit sometimes. the fact that Morty IS a little shit because he thinks SUMMER has it better.
they're both jealous of each other, which is THE MOST older/younger sibling thing ever. Morty being spoiled because he's younger but also not getting the same amount of freedom or respect. Summer having to work a lot harder than Morty for things, but also being treated more like an equal. Obv it's a sci-fi comedy cartoon so these dynamics are stretched and exaggerated, yknow. to fit the fact that these family members murder aliens every other day. but at its core its just two siblings beefing it out over dumb shit.
What is compelling to me personally, as an older sibling who has had this exact argument (well, maybe not this EXACT argument) is the fact that Summer really, REALLY wants to be a good older sister to Morty. but she has to work harder than him, and it's so infinitely frustrating when your younger sibling can't or refuses to recognize that. it's not their fault, they don't have the scope or perspective necessary to fully understand those First Child Issues™, but it's annoying nonetheless. and it's the same the other way, too!! being the younger sibling sucks ass in unique ways.
and Morty has a SHITTON of other issues, with his parents but mostly with Rick (who is the person they're both competing over) that Summer just won't ever understand, because she doesn't have that very specific and very toxic relationship with Rick that Morty does. there's something to be said about the layers upon layers of codependency and abuse that is brought into the mix, complicating everyone's relationships to each other, but I just wanted to focus on specifically Morty and Summer, less their respective relationships with Rick. And I need to stop talking about that, cuz that's a whole other can of worms that I don't wanna get into rn cuz otherwise this post is gonna be 10x longer.
but anyways, what I find truly heartwarming is the way these two manage to come together and connect despite their disagreements. I think the first time it really stood out to me was when Summer wanted to leave in Rixty Minutes. MORTY was the person to go after her and make her stay with the whole "nobody exists on purpose" speech. it was one of the first major uses of that sort of optimistic nihilism/found family theme that this show is known for. Theres also a shitton of smaller examples, but the first one to come to mind is that moment in Morty's Mindblowers where, after Beth chooses Summer— Summer looks to Morty with such concern. Beth just looks sheepish. (i think about that moment a lot). the new episode was basically a sci-fi body horror rendition of the siblings being handcuffed together trope. their bond is honestly probably the strongest healthy relationship in the series.
it was good to see Summer finally relax in her role as "older sibling", because all she really needed was reassurance from Rick that just because he loves her differently doesn't mean he loves her less.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
ok i keep seeing people say that the captain must have served in WWI because of his age. Personally, I don't think he did because of how he behaves in the flashbacks in Redding Weddy (and, more obviously, his lack of medals showing a lack of involvement) but I don't think we'll ever know for sure, it doesn't seem important to his character and he hasn't made any references to anything outside of WWII let alone the first one. So just for kicks, here's a list of possible reasons the Captain didn't serve:
Reserved Occupation: conscription exempted a lot of people due to a variety of reasons and about 1/3 eligible men were exempted due to RO. Basically it means that men who were in jobs considered important could only be conscripted in a very narrow age margin (they could volunteer but they didn't have to go) such as vets, clergymen, miners (complicated situation for that one), and a variety of men who worked in engineering or industrial related jobs (including those who worked in munitions (sound familiar?))
Health: there's a whole variety of health problems that could exempt an otherwise fit man including asthma, arthritis, a rash even. It could literally have been a passing illness or a childhood problem that passed by the time WWII rolled around, just a bit of bad luck that hit him at just the wrong time (or it could have been bad knees that he lied about 20 years later)
Conscientious Objection: I don't think it's this one, that guy loves war, he wants to fight so bad, but I'm not going to just not put it here
Age: LISTEN. We don't know the Captain's canon age. At his youngest I would say he was born in 1900, putting him at 46ish when he died (the age Ben was when Ghosts first started (he could easily be older and in fact probably is idk (Ben help me out here ple-))) which would mean when the war kicked off he was 14 and conscription began he was only 16. He would have hit conscription age at 18 in 1918 which was the year the war ended. Conscription continued until 1920 but the fighting was "officially" over so they wouldn't have been calling on as many people and he might have been passed over for someone more fit, more healthy, less reserved occupationy etc. etc. I don't think it was this one either but for posterity here it is. Or he was conscripted late which would lead to
Training: This one happened to my own relative during WWI. If Cap came of age during the war, which he would have if he died anywhere between the ages of 46-50, he would have been conscripted and trained in England during the war. If the war ended while he was still in training he might never have been sent out at all despite being the right age for it. Any of the above could also have caused this - a bad rash, a nasty cough, being too young, working in a factory building ships, and so on - but it might very well have happened and would have prevented him from seeing any medal-worthy action or getting the experience needed to make him less of a nervous wreck leading to the Cap we see in Redding Weddy
To conclude: the Captain might have served in WWI but he could just as easily not have. We'll probably never know and any interpretation of his backstory is both valid and a very interesting read into his character
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blues-of-randomness · 6 months
The Pasts of the Forgotten Critters/Frowny fox (rewritten)
The forgotten critters were all part of different collections, paired with a smiling critter that was supposed to be part of the same collections.
Dogday, Catnap, Hoppy hopscotch, and Silly Shelly were part of the Pet collection
Jerry Giraffe, Clever Claws and Bubba Bubbaphant were part of Safari collection (In my au Bubba is an Indian Elephant but I could see Playtime co trying to sell my off as an African elephant thinking people wouldn't tell the difference)
Kickinchicken, Picky Piggy, and Molly Mc Moo were part of the farm collection
Craftycorn and Jolly jaws were paired up in a fantasy collection as Jolly wasn't any ordinary shark, he was supposed to be a Megaladon.
and finally Bobby and Frowny were made as a set for a Wild things collection (hence why their pendants are almost identical)
Their purposes and stories within the cartoons:
Jerry was going to be a love interest for Craftycorn. The two of them were paired up with the image of two shy souls who barely fit into the world coming together and changing each other for the better. Jerry was an expert at measuring, he could even guess how tall something was without needing a ruler. This, Without saying, was very useful for Crafty's art projects
Clever claws was smart but he was also dazzling, attractive, and oh so cool, everything that Bubba lacked. While Bubba was shown to get picked on and teased for not fitting in, Clever claws was able to mask himself and fit in with the crowd. He even tried to teach Bubba how to mask and fit in with the crowd but whenever Bubba tried it was met with failure, he did everything Clever claws did but it wasn't enough. Clever claws knew this and it wasn't fair, he became Bubba's best friend and taught him there was nothing to be ashamed of even if no one liked him.
Jolly jaws and Kickinchicken were paired as a playful duo, Jolly jaws was just as adventurous as Kickinchicken but he was more in favor of being save while doing (hence why a lifesafer is his pendant) While Kickin was more or less about being reckless and having fun. He teased Jolly jaws about being safe, calling him a coward, etc. One day the two of them had a surfing contest but during the surfing Kickin was knocked off his surfboard, Jolly jaws was happy until he realized that Kickin never resurfaced. He quickly dove under the surface and rescused Kickin from a watery grave. That's when Kickin really learned about the importance safety.
Molly Mc Moo's purpose in was to teach about how there needs to be a balance within someones life when i came to something they enjoy. In this case it was teaching Picky Piggy there was nothing to be ashamed of when it came to her love of Pb&J sandwhiches even if it wasn't healthy because Picky had control over herself and cared about her healthy. As long as she kept that up there was nothing wrong with a little treat now and then
Shelly and Hoppy were paired together as competitive opposites situation. Their story was supposed to be a parody of the tortoise and the hare. The two would race but Hoppy would hurt herself going so fast and Shelly would help her out teaching her that sometimes slower is better.
And finally Frowny was a fox who was hurt and bullied all his life. Then he met Bobby and she showed him what love is and how to be happy despite all the pain he's been through
Reasons for rejection:
The kids weren't impressed with Clever claws, some of the older girls thought he was a typical "self centered prince charming" and the kids thought that Jerry looked weird and made fun of him.
Similar reasons for Frowny fox, the kids hated how he smelled and saw no point in having a "Sad toy".
The kids were scared of Jolly jaws because he was a shark they tried removing his teeth but he looked too silly without them.
There was nothing wrong with Milly MC moo its just that Kickin and Picky were more popular so Molly was thrown away
Silly Shell was playing on the swings with Hoppy when he fell off, he retreated into his shell but it cracked and shattered upon impact with the ground. Shelly was deemed too hazardous for the children.
Without Molly and Shelly they could still have pet and Farm sets but they saw no point in realising Bobby, Bubba and Crafty on their own so they were all combined into the smiling critters we know today.
As time past the critters had moved on from their lost companions and forgot about them, not because they didn't care about them, it was more of a "I thought you were dead" type of forgetting
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