#and what's the point of pretending if we saw them in their natural atmosphere and at their lowest moments already
dropthedemiurge · 1 year
I really love iKON just because when all the other kpop groups try their best to be idols, iKON are doing their best to be less idols as much as possible xD
They pull faces and weird poses on red carpets, they spill tea and tell extremely embarrassing stories on tv, they take photos in their underwear and show up at fansigns in their favourite worn out T-shirts. They are extremely shy and confused at how to talk with other idols but they are gonna come up to fans to chill and bring them food, and they will suddenly run to pizza place and grocery shops to pay for your meal like a crazy neighbour guy. They be like "oh yeah, I married yesterday, anyway, look at the photo where I slept for 2 hours on a floor behind the curtain before the concert, isn't it funny"
iKON broke so many stereotypes and kpop rules and limitations when the whole world told them "you can't". Each member went on like 4-6 survival shows and they just do not give a fuck anymore. They were in yg basement for 10 years, they got depression and a trauma from losing their leader, yet they are unkillable. First group in kpop - again, breaking norms and paving the way for others - they left the agency and stayed together and kept the name because they couldn't imagine breaking up and losing all the songs they weren't able to release. They cried about loving each other so much and staying as more than a family was more important to them than their career - all while laughing that if it wasn't for a kpop group, they wouldn't befriend any of the members lmao.
They are idols for idols but iKON only want to present you their talents and crawl back to being just some dudes. But no, they are even just some dudes on a stage, too. Randomly hijacking festivals and making it their party with all fandoms. Laughing crazily and smiling when they dance because even forgetting choreo or all microphones and music not working isn't a good reason to not have fun with the crowd.
iKON have such a happy-go-crazy attitude and it's a breath of fresh air in modern kpop industry that I love so much. And now they finally have their freedom in new agency 🥺 And freedom looks so damn good on them.
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nichoswag · 1 year
Hey Rei! I've been thinking for a while if I should send a prompt request or not, but here we go. 😂 (Hope you'll like it lol)
So my idea is #15 "Please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there." with a fake dating trope. And the idol who first came to my mind was Heeseung, I feel like he would match this well! You're free to decide the atmosphere of the story, I, personally was just feeling funny haha. I hope you'll have fun with this request! <33
flirt . lee heeseung
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prompt: "please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there."
pairing: fake bf!heeseung x gn reader
warnings: fake dating au, lots of flirting, kissing, teasing, like one light innuendo
song rec: into it - chase atlantic (warning: song is extremely sexual)
a/n: hii marine! admittedly i did push this to the top of my list because i feel a bit more inclined to complete reqs from my moots ♡ sorry it took so long, but i did have a lot of fun with this request!! i hope you enjoy :))
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if someone were to ask you how you got in this situation, you honesly couldn't say you have a clue.
walking into your childhood friend's parents' house hand-in-hand with him, you're still questioning how you got here.
well, to put it simply, you and heeseung grew up together. you even went to college together, and now you're back home together. but, you're now actually together.
at least, that's what you've told both of your parents, after constant nagging and pleading from both ends for you both to date someone. so, your solution was to pretend you're both dating each other.
now, you're shaking due to the nerve of the roles you're both about to play.
heeseung squeezes your shaking hand that's placed in his, sending you a reassuring smile. "hey, it's fine. we're only doing this to get them off our backs."
your heart flutters at his smile and the kind action.
mrs lee opens the door for the both of you. "____! it's so nice to see you," she exclaims, pulling you into a hug.
"moooom," heeseung whines. "what about me?"
she chuckles. "oh, hush. i haven't seen ____ in years."
as she welcomes the two of you into her house, you realize how natural this feels after all. besides, you and mrs lee have always been close, as your moms are best friends, so she's like a second mom to you anyway.
heeseung leads you through the wide hall into the large dining room. sending you a wink, he pulls back your chair for you. you send him a weird look as you sit down, but he ignores it and pushes your chair in, taking a seat next to you.
diagonal from where you and heeseung sit, your fathers are arguing about who's lawnmower does the better job. you chuckle at their pettiness as your mother chastises your dad for picking a fight over such a stupid thing. things haven't changed at all.
you're immersed in a conversation with heeseung until someone takes a seat across from you. it's heedo, your fake boyfriend's older brother.
and your childhood crush.
there's a girl sitting next to him, and they're holding hands, just as you and heeseung were a few minutes ago.
heeseung seems to notice your curiosity, because he leans closer to speak into your ear. "that's yeri, heedo's girlfriend." he takes your hand again and squeezes it. "are you okay? we can leave if you're uncomfortable," he offers, knowing about your long-term crush on his brother.
you shake your head. "i'm alright. just surprised."
he nods, understanding. "are you over him? i mean, you've dated since you last saw him."
"i think so, actually." you smile, nostalgia hitting you suddenly. "he was my childhood crush, so i guess it's just weird for me. it's not like i haven't seen him with a girl before."
you remember the time you saw him making out with a girl at a party him and heeseung had thrown in high school while yours and their parents were on a trip. you'd then gotten drunk on wine to the point of throwing up, and heeseung had held your hair back half the night at your house while you threw up.
then, when he brought his first girlfriend for dinner with his parents. heeseung had invited you over, not knowing he was there with his girlfriend, and you'd spent the evening crying in his room while he held you.
heeseung grins at you, seemingly remembering those nights too. you feel eternally grateful to have someone like him in your life.
he presses a kiss to your temple, seemingly trying to keep up the act. "you hungry, cutie?"
you nod shyly, blushing as he ruffles your hair. "starved."
within a few moments, heedo and heeseung get up to help their mother bring plates of food from the kitchen and set them in the middle of the large dining table.
yeri stares at you across the table. you feel self-conscious as she eyes you up and down, as if she's analyzing how big of a threat you are to her.
heeseung catches a glance at her eyeing you as he sits down, sighing as he realizes what's going on. he glares back at her, and she just smiles innocently, fixing a napkin on her lap. she glares at you as she kisses heedo on the cheek.
"what's her problem?" heeseung whispers in your ear.
you shrug. "i have no clue. I've literally just been sitting here."
he rolls his eyes. "i hope she doesn't cause a scene."
dinner does end up going without a hitch. besides a few more glares from yeri when heedo asks about your experiences in university and settling into your new job, you feel at ease. even when yours and heeseung's parents ask how you two began dating, you're able to answer the questions just as the two of you practiced earlier.
you notice heeseung looking at you with an expression you don't recognize throughout dinner. almost like admiration, except his eyes are fiery. you just think he's playing the role of your loving boyfriend.
mrs lee brings out a tray of sweets. "anyone hungry for dessert?" she practically sings.
heeseung grins and leans close. "mine's already here." he places a hand on your knee.
you choke on your own spit, and he pats your back. "please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there," you whisper-yell into his ear as everyone stares at you both.
your hear giggles, and you realize everyone must have heard what you said.
your mother smiles sweetly at the both of you. "don't worry, we're not judging you. the two of you are adorable."
you blush furiously, and heeseung ruffles your hair again.
yeri huffs from across the table, and you realize she must be jealous of the attention you two are receiving as a couple, not insecure of her relationship. she busies herself with fixing heedo's collar aggressively.
he grabs her hands as the attention turns to them. "what is your problem? you've been like this all evening. can't you just act normal?"
heeseung stifles a laugh from beside you and you nudge him with your elbow. "what's funny?"
he leans over to whisper in your ear for the third time tonight. "just that they're seemingly an actual couple and they get along worse than us."
you giggle, and yeri turns to glare furiously at you. "what the fuck is funny, you callous bitch?"
there are gasps all along the table, and heeseung nearly stands up defensively before you grab his arm to pull him down.
"don't think i haven't noticed you flaunting you perfect boyfriend all night." she laughs mockingly. "you're like a three. how did you manage to pull that guy?"
"get out." heedo glares at his probably soon-to-be-ex girlfriend, motioning towards the hall that leads to the front door.
"what?" her tough front cracks as she wears a scared face. "heedo-"
"i said. get. out." he gets up, pulling her up with him and marching toward the hallway.
you can hear the yelling and screaming still. "i've told you before, she's like a fucking SISTER to me! who are you to talk to my family like that?" "SHE WAS TAUNTING ME WITH HER PERFECT GUY-"
eventually, the screaming is muffled as it seemingly continues outside.
mrs lee gains her composure and proceeds with setting out the dessert. "kids these days are so dramatic. minus my ____, of course. you're an angel."
you smile at her. "thanks, mrs lee."
her smile falters. "honey, why don't you just call me 'mom?' i'll be your mother-in-law eventually, anyway."
you nearly choke again, and heeseung stifles a laugh. "just go with it," he mouths.
you smile again. "sure, mom. thank you for the dessert."
dinner wraps up rather quickly after the dramatic scene. heedo returns at the very end, looking very disheveled as you and heeseung make your way up the long spirals stairs to his room, where you'll both be staying the night.
heeseung lets out a long laugh after he closes the door to his childhood bedroom, nearly slumping against it. "that was a train wreck. heedo has terrible taste in girls."
you giggle. "he should've just chosen me when he had the chance."
heeseung's smile fades. "no, i rather like having you to myself."
your feel a twinge of pain in your heart at the way his smile drops. "hee, i was just kidding. i told you, i'm over him. i think i like someone else now, anyway."
the smile that began to creep onto his face at the first part of your speech drops again as he hears the last part. "oh." his shoulders slump, face looking dejected.
you catch his face in your hands as he turns away from you. "hee, do you really not realize who i'm talking about?"
his eyes widen in realization. "you mean..."
"yes, i mean i like you, lee heeseung." you grin at him.
before you realize it, he's taking you into his arms and picking you off the ground and you're spinning through the air. you both giggle as you come back onto the ground.
now flustered, you look away from him "so..."
"i like you too, ____. i thought that was pretty obvious." he ruffles your hair yet again, pulling you close by your waist.
you giggle. "it kinda was."
he looks at you for a moment, gentle gaze flickering between your eyes and lips. "can i kiss you?"
you nod, and he leans down to connect your lips gently. you wrap your arms around his neck, one hand resting on the nape of his neck, and the other tangling in his hair.
he pulls away and you lean your head against his chest, breathless.
"fuck, i think i might be in love with you." the words leave your mouth before you can even think about what you're saying.
he smirks down at you as you meet his eyes, yours wide. "yeah? what makes you think that?"
you inhale sharply. "you've been there for me through everything since we were kids. my heart hurts when you're sad, i feel angry when you're angry, and i'm happy when you are. also, i always find myself missing you when you're not around. i think that's love."
he smiles, eyes shining brightly. "if that's the case, i love you too."
minutes later, you're settled in a pair of heeseung's clothes, waiting on his bed for him to come back from the bathroom.
as he enters the room, your heart races. you've spent nights together as friends, no biggie. but now, it's the real deal.
he sprawls out on the bed beside you and turns to look at you. "cuddle?" he asks, opening his arms. you practically dive into them as they wrap around your body tightly.
you realize you feel safe here. that to you, there's never been any place safer than in his arms.
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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madhatterbri · 4 months
Special Interests | Lord Debling
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Summary: Lord Debling takes a special interest in Y/N's hobby.
Author's Note: We are going to pretend that paint back then was non-toxic. 🤣
My masterlist for Lord Debling can be found here.
Taglist: @theworldofotps @plentyoffandoms
Lord Debling was hard at work to get his affairs in order for his next trip. Servants rushed the house all day to take care of his every whim. Only his most trusted servants were allowed in his study. Only those that he knew wouldn't go blabbing to the rest of the house.
"My Lord," his servant bowed his head. "I have arranged the study to your liking. Would you like to see it?"
Lord Debling smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, dear James. I'd like to make sure everything is perfect for my wife. Her hobby is a newfound interest of mine,"
"Yes, sir. Right this way," James smiled and led him to the study. The moment Lord Debling walked into the study, he knew he had made the right decision.
A large drop cloth covered the carpet in the study. In the middle of the cloth laid a canvas. One of her favorite artists drew the perfect nature scene on there. All her favorite animals were drawn wonderfully. He could see why that artist was her favorite. On the table next to the couch, her favorite drinks and treats were ready.
"James," Lord Debling called and checked his pocketwatch. "I do believe my wife will be back shortly from her parents. Please see to it she changes into her nightgown and joins me in the study,"
"Yes, sir," James bowed and strode out of the room. Lord Debling took a deep breath and closed his eyes. This was going to be the best going away gift ever.
Y/N wasn't sure if James heard her husband correctly when she came home that night. Change to her nightgown and attend to her husband in the study. She obeyed the commands her husband left for her.
"Come in," Lord Debling called when he heard the soft, familiar knock at the door. He was just lighting the last candle in the study. Y/N walked in and smiled at the romantic atmosphere.
"To what do i owe this pleasure?" She asked and closed the door behind her. Lord Debling smiled and removed his jacket and vest. Now, he was only left in a long sleeve white shirt and black slacks.
"I can not show a special interest in my wife's love for the arts?" He asked innocently. He walked to her and grabbed her hand to lead her more inside. Y/N followed him happily.
"Of course, my lord. I meant no harm," she answered. Y/N's huge smile brightened the room when she saw the canvas on the floor. Several bottles of paint and a paint palette were left on the floor. There was one thing she noticed immediately that was missing.
"I had your favorite artist draw this for you. I can see why he is a favorite of yours, darling. Magnificent," Lord Debling praised. She felt her heart fill with pride when he sang praises about her best friend.
"It is lovely. Thank you. I will have to run to my chambers. The brush seems to have disappeared," she pointed out. Lord Debling sat on the couch. He patted his lap for her to sit.
"Ah, yes, we will have James fetch them for us. Tell me about your day. I don't want to miss a single detail,"
Y/N told him about her day. The room filled with their playful banter and laugh. They sipped the drinks that were left on the table. She enjoyed the treats. All the sadness from them being apart was left at the door. They were in their own little sanctuary.
Lord Debling rested his back against the arm of the couch. Her back rested against his chest. His chin rested on her head. Y/N wished they could stay like this forever. Her eyes drifted to the canvas on the floor.
"I should tell James to fetch my brushes," she sighed and moved to stand up. Lord Debling wrapped his arms around her waist.
"That won't be necessary, my dove. There are other ways to get paint on a canvas," he assured her.
"My Lord?" She questioned yet gasped when his lips made contact with her neck. Heat could be felt between her legs the moment he found her sensitive spot. Her clit throbbed to be played with.
"I do believe you have piqued my interest in the arts, my love. We will be painting the canvas together in a non-conventional way,"
His hand reached underneath her dress. The warmth that came from her inviting him in. He grabbed her face to look at him. Her eyes filled with lust like his. She called out when his fingers rubbed between her folds, paying special attention to her bundle of nerves.
As her juices slicked his fingers, he started to toy with her entrance. He rubbed up and down before slipping the tips of his fingers in her. Lord Debling worked her up. Slowly inching his fingers inside of her before fully sheathing them inside.
He continued to toy with her before he felt the strains in his pants to be too great. The slick from her was cleaned up once he placed his fingers in his mouth.
"Put your favorite colors on the canvas. Do not be shy," he instructed her. She stood up with wobbly legs and squirted some paint on the canvas. Her husband stood up and removed his clothes. Her dress left her body and thrown to on the floor.
His kisses trailed from her neck to her breasts to between her legs. He placed a leg on his shoulder. She called his name the moment his tongue toyed with her. Y/N ran her fingers through his hair. He ate her out like a man starved.
"Come," he told her. "We have much work to do,"
That night was the most fun Lord Debling ever had with the arts. The nature man saw a different side to creativity. He wished he had taken an interest in painting years ago. Y/N was shy about it at first yet quickly warmed up to it.
They were simple at first. Missionary to warm her to the idea that turned him on all day. She wasn't used to the cold paint yet quickly forgot about it as the night went on. He turned her over and allowed her breasts to help paint the canvas. Lastly, he sat on the canvas, and she rode him before they both made it to their grand finale. By the end, they were satisfied with the art and each other.
With all the different positions, they were a thorough mess yet satisfied. They dressed before taking a much needed shower. Afterward, they went back to her chambers to continue where they started in the study.
Lord Debling sighed as he looked at a picture of his wife. He had only been gone for one month into his travels, but it felt like an eternity. Life was certainly lonely without his Y/N.
A series of colors over a variety of animals caught his eye. Unnoticeable by others, he could see where Y/N's breasts and butt laid when he took her. Maybe his wife could have picked another hobby he could show a special interest in. He smiled.
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sweetaliencheeks · 1 year
“Hello, I was told that you had booked this room” I peeked into the bedroom and greeted my guest with the sweetest voice I could fake. It was as dirty and desolate as every other room in the hotel. The red carpet was stained, the bedding was discoloured and the walls marked and scratched with many untold stories. Everything in there seemed to be setting me up for yet another terrible evening. But something felt off nonetheless. It didn’t smell as usual, it smelled more of what seemed to be gunpowder than it did of cheap candles and liquor.
“Yeah, no shit” a gruff voice mumbled from the other side of the space, making me stop dead on my tracks and wonder if I really should step inside to greet him at all “Who are you?”
“I’m your hostess” I shrugged with as much confidence as I could, keeping a cheery voice and gripping the keys tightly between my fingers as the door shut behind me. I saw my guest in front of the big window on the wall opposite from where I was standing. Face deep into some strange material I couldn’t figure out just yet.
“Is that what you’re calling them these days?” he snickered, never taking his eyes off of whatever it was that he was fidgeting with at the base of the tripod. I let out a heavy sigh before throwing my key onto the small kitchenette counter to my right and let myself crumble onto the bed that sat right in the middle of the room. The rough red velvet prickled the back of my thighs and arms.
“I guess…” I sighed, rolling over to my side so I could look at him, making sure that my cleavage was sitting just right “Why the sudden change from your usual?”
“My usual?” he scoffed. He was indeed a regular costumer, especially at the bar downstairs. I’d seen him a couple times drinking there by himself and scaring away every hostess that tried to approach him. I had always been good with the most difficult guests, so I naturally couldn’t have passed on the opportunity to spend an evening with such an infamous one. All my colleagues had refused to take the job but I knew of him, I could never forget a face. Let alone one like his. He scoffed “Are ya drunk?”
“Although it would definitely make your company a lot more pleasant, I’m not allowed to drink on the job. You seem to be though.” pointing a lazy finger at him, I watched as he slowly lowered his ears and bared his teeth.
“Listen here, lady. I ain’t here for ya, I’m working.” he was right in my face, angrily glancing between me and the guns and materials scattered on the carpet. As if I couldn’t see them. I shrugged.
“I figured as much” I took a cigarette out of my packet and it rolled between my fingers as I searched for a lighter among all the funny stuff in the drawer of the bedside table “I’m working too, you know” I sparked it up and took a drag, before blowing some circles towards the ceiling “And I don’t wanna be with you either.”
“Good, then leave” I chuckled dryly, smoke scratching my throat before I slid off the bed to sit beside him.
“Wish I could, buddy, but they’re watching me” I whispered in a mocking way, wiggling my fingers in front of his face “I’m stuck here” I picked up a spare scrap of metal from the floor and examined it “Now can we just pretend that we’re going at it? Otherwise they’ll fire me” the glare he shot at me made me quickly put the small orange piece back where it was “Let’s say… Five minutes?” I flicked his ear with a grin, which made it slightly flutter and caused him to scratch it.
“Very funny, make it an hour” he kept his eyes on his stuff, I’m not even sure that he had ever even glanced at me for anything other than to threaten me when I picked up his spare part. But his voice had gone up to a cockier demeanour, which made me silently sigh in relief at the slightly less tense atmosphere.
“Sure” I put my cigarette out on the ashtray by the window, right next to where he was sitting, and carefully made sure that my arm lightly brushed against his side. As it made its way back towards my lap I couldn’t help but let my curiosity take over again, and picked up a small gun that I promptly aimed at him, trying as well as I could to focus on the middle of his face. I made a small laser like noise and set it back down before he could say anything.
“Never thought I’d say this, but you might actually be useful” he picked up the small weapon and forcefully handed it back to me “That dirty mug could have someone in here”
“Never wanted anything more than to be an accessory in a murder” I pursed my lips and stared at him, eager for an explanation as to how and why I could ever be useful to him in any way.
“None of this would actually kill him, just knock him out” another click, and the whole thing was nearly set “I hope…” he spoke under his breath and rolled his eyes at the worried expression on my face “Hold this.” before I could protest, I was holding yet another weapon.
“And then what?” I examined carefully every single line of both objects as he kept shuffling stuff around.
“My partner will pick him up and trade him to the Nova Corps for units” I nodded as I set all the dangerous crap back on the floor. Didn’t want to have anything to do with him, or the whole mission, or the possible murder.
“That doesn’t sound very clean” I said leaning my back against the bed.
“It ain’t, it’s just business” his answer was as short and sharp as he was. But he seemed sure of what he was about to do.
“How can you be sure that you’ll get your units?”
“I got this” my eyes widened before a grimace took over my whole face as he took something out of a big black bag.
“Is that a leg?” I gasped, hands going up to cover my mouth.
“His leg” this guy was actually walking around carrying a real prosthetic leg in his bag, and was totally calm and laughing about it.
“Right… To be fair, I’d trade my leg for units” I chuckled “I’d rather be free with one leg” took me a second to realise that he had turned around and was now staring at my face, clearly confused by what I had just mentioned “What? You thought I was here by choice? I’m a prisoner. We all got bounties on our heads, you just wouldn’t know because they’re probably too low to be on your radar” I scoffed, not failing to notice how my tone suddenly got more defensive.
“I see… How did a hummie end up here?” and in that moment, he looked at me. Really, looked at me. He was now fully facing me, still kneeling on the floor, ears slightly flat and big brown eyes locked in mine. I had to catch my breath. It was hard to figure if I was intimidated or flustered.
“I escaped my original master, but things got tough real quick. So really a string of bad choices, I guess. Money, glamour, an easy way out, you know? I thought it was gonna be like Pretty Woman, that someday someone would show up with money to buy me diamonds and a nice dress to take me out for dinner in” I knew he certainly wasn’t going to understand the reference, but it was the only way for me to talk about it without shedding a single tear “But instead of getting the love and the fancy suite of Richard Gere, I’m stuck in here with this” I tried to lighten the mood by gesturing towards him with a smirk. But I was uncomfortable, and embarrassed, and terrified. Altogether lonely and totally surprised that he had suddenly taken a genuine interest in me.
“Watch it” I had to check twice to be sure that it was a smile that I had seen on his face. He had now stopped fidgeting and was holding a small box between his hands.
“How did you end up here?” I asked out of politeness, I already knew what the answer was.
“Units, obviously. Always get the shitty side of the plan though. Probably because if those ugly mugs caught me, I’d get thrown in prison, too” he stood up to check on his stuff again, closing one eye to see if the aim was accurate.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you would”
“I never wanted to end up like this, lady. It wasn’t my choice, ya know? They just broke me” and so did his voice before he cleared his throat. I felt a sharp pang of guilt in my chest and my stomach dropped slightly.
“Would you like a drink? I’m here to work after all” I tried yet again to lift our spirits. Standing up on my wobbly high heels, I strutted towards the mini fridge under the desk.
“I’ll have one if ya have one” I shook my head before bending over to grab a bottle “Come on, aren’t you supposed to attend to everything your clients demand?”
“Fine, I’ll have one if you tell me more about yourself” with my hand in a bag full of ice, I looked at him over my shoulder.
“There ain’t nothing to say about me” he mumbled.
“I’m sure there’s plenty. Please? I’m not allowed to tell anyone. I mean, who would I even tell? This is the longest chat I’ve had with someone in probably years” I put the lid back on the bottle and threw it in the trash before walking back towards him.
“Really? How come you ain’t got friends? Very surprising giving your pretty face and pleasant personality” I rolled my eyes, there was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I was pleased with his musing.
“You’re so funny” I paused, realising that I didn’t even know his name. But maybe it was better that way, so I just began walking back towards the window. My feet were killing me and I could feel my dress getting into places where it clearly shouldn’t be.
“I know, your friend in room 282 tells me all the time” with a terrible wink, he set up the last piece.
“Of course they do” I sat back down on the floor and handed him his glass “Sir”
“Why bounty hunting?” I leaned back on my hands and crossed my legs at the ankles.
“I'll tell ya something I've learned over the years, you can save the galaxy and take units” he took a long sip and looked outside through the small water droplets that slid through the glass “You can save millions of people by killing a few bad ones and still win”
“Didn’t expect you to be a good guy” I took a sip of my own glass, and shuddered at the foreign feeling “Who broke you?”
“Don’t know exactly. My home planet was a lunatic asylum, most of my memories have been blacked out” a snort escaped my lips and made him snap his head towards me, a smile plastered on his face. A real one that I didn’t have to squint to see “That makes you laugh?”
“You’re a fucking mess. I get why you don’t really get along with people” I took another swig.
“Eh, who cares?” he shrugged, eyes locked in the bottom of his almost empty glass “I don’t really care about people, I spend most of time shooting them anyway”
“Fair point…” a few seconds went by before I craned my neck to look past him and his imposing arsenal to look at the street down below “Has he come out yet?”
“Nah. Probably in there with some ugly skank” he scoffed before finishing his drink.
“Anything against ugly skanks?” I asked in fake offense. He chuckled.
“Only against those who can’t keep their drinks coming” he shook his glass in front of my face, the nearly melted ice cubes tinkering against one another. I stretched out to reach for the mini fridge to grab another bottle that I promptly opened and served “You forgot one glass” he said nodding towards the glass in my hand.
“I’m not drinking anymore. If they come get me in the morning and notice that there’s alcohol in my system, you won’t be seeing me again” I drank the last drop and rolled my glass under the bed, thinking that I’d pick it up in the morning.
“As tempting as that sounds, ya won’t have to worry about tomorrow” in that moment, my heart tightened and tears quickly threatened to spill from my eyes.
“Are you going to kill me?” a choked, weak whisper coming out of a tight throat. Through the impending fear, I found myself wondering if death wouldn’t be a better outcome than whatever awaited me in that place. And there was also a slight relief for being a victim instead of an accomplice or a witness in the murder he was possibly about to commit.
“What? No? What is wrong with you, woman?” he stood up in a hurry, positioning himself behind the rifle that stood on the tripod.
“Wouldn’t be the first time” I began picking at my nails, my body instantly relaxing when it realised that he wasn’t actually about to shoot me.
“That’s terrible” his voice rumbled lowly in his chest as he focused hard on the man on the other side of the sidewalk below, several meters away from us. And then he pulled the trigger. A strident beep noise echoed through the room and then screaming on the street. That was all there was.
“That was quick. And that’s not the kind of thing you wanna hear around here” as I began to tidy up my hair, he stuffed all of his things back into the black bag. Leaving behind only the leg and a card under the bed.
“Right, quit fooling around, we need to go” as he dismantled all the contraptions he had spent hours setting up, I sat there in confusion.
“Excuse me?”
“Put your coat on, grab that bottle and fix your lipstick. We’re leaving” he slung his bag over his shoulder and behind his back, fumbling through his pockets to find a smaller gun.
“What?” with a tug on my hand, he started to guide me towards the door.
“Call me Prichard Clear, because I’m busting ya out of here”
So this one has been on my drafts for a little while, finally inspired enough to finish it. It’s long, I know, but I liked this idea (and I still don’t know how to add a “keep reading” thingy, sorry). Got a few other fics ready to be posted including a couple of requests that I’m very excited to share with you! I hope you’re over the emotional damaging experience that was GOTG3 and that you’re all being your amazing sexy selves 🤍
Love you all
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firstdeerwife · 1 month
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Healthy Coexistence
The atmosphere in Charles and _____'s house had become tense, as if the very air was charged with static electricity, waiting for the moment to unleash a storm.
Charles, with his usual affable character, tried to stay calm and maintain their routine, but even he couldn't ignore the growing tension between them.
The days they had spent together since his return were a constant push and pull, with every conversation feeling like a minefield.
At the table, during meals, the words that once flowed naturally were now filled with subtext and reproaches disguised as trivialities.
"_____, could you pass me the salt?"
Charles asked in a controlled tone, though his gaze reflected his irritation at the uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding them.
She nodded silently, passing the saltshaker without even looking him in the eye.
Charles sighed, his fingers drumming on the table.
"Can't you just tell me what's bothering you, _____? Why are we like this?"
_____ glanced at him briefly, but no response came. Charles's frustration was palpable, and with each passing day, it seemed to accumulate more and more.
"For God's sake, _____!"
He finally exploded, dropping his utensils on the table.
"What’s wrong with you? Am I not enough for you anymore?"
_____ abruptly stood up, her chair screeching on the floor.
"It's not that, Charles. It's... it's all of this, us. I don't know how to deal with this situation anymore."
Charles looked at her with a mix of pain and fury.
"And what situation is that? The fact that I try to be the best husband I can be for you? That I do everything I can to make you happy?"
But _____ no longer wanted to argue.
The same scene repeated itself over and over: a confrontation that ended in uncomfortable and painful silence.
She needed space, air.
Without another word, she headed for the door.
"Where are you going now?"
Charles asked, his tone filled with resignation.
"I'm going for a walk,"
_____ replied in a subdued voice, not turning to look at him.
"I need to think."
She left the house, feeling the tension start to dissipate with each step she took.
Night had fallen over the city, and the cool air helped clear her thoughts a little, though the whirlwind of emotions still lingered.
As she walked down the cobblestone streets, _____ tried to sort out her feelings.
She knew that things with Charles were reaching a breaking point, but she also couldn't stop thinking about Alastor and how she had avoided confronting what she really felt for him.
Suddenly, she saw him.
A few meters ahead, Alastor stood there, under the dim light of a streetlamp, hands in his pockets and an inscrutable expression on his face.
The encounter was inevitable.
_____ felt her heart race, but made a conscious effort not to show it.
With her head held high, she walked past him, pretending not to see him.
However, she didn’t get very far.
Alastor's hand firmly closed around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.
He said in a low voice, almost a whisper in the night.
"Let me go, Alastor,"
She responded, her tone cold but trembling.
Alastor observed her in silence for a moment, his dark eyes reflecting something she couldn’t decipher.
"No. You’re not leaving until we talk."
_____ tried to pull away, but the firmness of his grip made her realize he wouldn’t allow it.
Finally, she let out a resigned sigh.
"What do you want, Alastor? There’s nothing to say."
"On the contrary,"
He replied, loosening his grip slightly but not letting go.
"There’s a lot to say, _____. And you can’t keep running away from me… or from what you feel."
The intensity in Alastor’s voice made _____ look up into his eyes, and for a moment, the world around them disappeared.
All that existed were the two of them, trapped in that emotional crossroads.
"Alastor, I can’t…"
_____ began, but her voice trailed off.
"Can’t or won’t?"
He challenged her, not breaking eye contact.
She finally admitted, feeling the truth come to light, naked and vulnerable.
"I can’t because... it’s not right. And I won’t because... because I know that if I do, there will be no turning back."
Alastor stepped a little closer, his fingers still holding her wrist, but this time with a softness that surprised her.
"_____, we’ve already crossed that line. Denying it won’t change anything. What you feel, what I feel… won’t disappear just because you ignore it."
_____ felt a tear roll down her cheek, and quickly wiped it away with her free hand.
"It’s complicated, Alastor. I can’t just..."
"Yes, you can,"
He interrupted her, with a determination that gave her strength.
"And you will, when you’re ready. But I’m not going to let you slip away so easily."
Finally, _____ nodded slowly, accepting the reality of what Alastor was saying.
It wasn’t a conversation they could resolve in an instant, but at least it was a start.
Alastor released her wrist, giving her space to breathe.
_____ said, lowering her gaze.
"Let’s talk... but not here."
Alastor nodded, understanding that this was an important step.
Together, they walked towards a more private place, where the shadows of the night could hide what was about to unfold between them.
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only-lonely-lovers · 8 months
tags: hickies
notes: contemplating separation
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:[in reference to a sketch of avvy's where the twins are laying in the grass during tanabata, and amane is teasingly asking tsukasa what he thinks orihime and hikoboshi 'did' that one day]
Falling into. a gentle before bed cumrot of imagining this somehow devolving into giving each other hickies. like we take turns sucking on arms.
つ:Ah if only to do weird shit in the grass. Amane very lalalala and tsukasa very (stares at him)
あ:Like seeing Tsukasa stare at him vacantly just makes him feel like. wily. You know when Amane just wants to surprise his dummies I bet they… [breathless, grabbing your wrist]
Oh but its funny bc like. as much as the comment is so "you know ;)" before this, the thought of doing some baby virgin thing like suck a hickey. bc youre 8 and having your very first thoughts I kn. I know when you--
つ:I’ve heard of hickeys he thinks
あ:Its easy right. mouth latches on
つ:Startled and electrified paralyzed feeling it with every atom that composes his body
あ:Amane is simple he'll just be excited there's any mark at all when he pulls away like Aha-!
つ:Tsukasa seeing it is like UOH… magic trick Changed color ?!? Grabby hands lemme
あ:Very bonelessly gives paw like lawl its like lol you want to copy your cool brother i know i know…
つ:Thinking of the amane in picture perfect who is like aoh it tickles
あ:God Like aheeee AH its weird! Haha… Kicks legs XD energy
つ:Tsukasas Fangs leave a sliiight indent… slight Even with only sucking, they just stick out so much…
あ:I imagine Tsukasa hyperfocuses and holds his mouth on his arm longer than Amane did . but its ok
つ:It’s like woooooooah Now THATS
あ:but it means its a more prominent mark
つ:probably what it was like The— hikoboshi orihimew You know? Such a big one I mean imagine, If you only saw someone once a year
あ:And… and you knew you weren't gonna get to do this until next year. [voice drops low] can you imagine it.
つ:-staring at marks-
あ:ne, Tsukasa…? … I bet you can't… (the. like. falters. brain wavers. was ribbing like, 'how could we know what thats like lol' but suddenly really heavily recalling, being separated for over half a year. Months…) (from Amane POV. its like ,,,,,,,)
つ:It’s a lot for them both…. Accidentally amane stumbled into something… hard to recall directly It’s been long enough they both pause at the notion of separation
あ:Get ensnared by it Ah it felt like… forever… back then… the thought of, maybe not seeing Tsukasa for twice as long
つ:Maybe just squeeze tsukasas hand….
つ:And suggest it’s late, and to head home now…
あ:Hold your hand the whooole way back never break contact..
つ:Pretend to be exhausted on getting home.. but lay mutually silently awake a long time, holding hands
Tsukasa thinks about it all seriously… or tries to If he only saw Amane once a year…. Well… he’d just want Amane to do whatever he wants
あ:As always, it's in his nature to just be grateful for the circumstance, any sliver of Amane
つ:Without holding back…. Without being polite. Without reservation
If it was one day a year…. What would it be like? Like the night he returned….. every time?
If they could replay that night, how would they change it…. If a year was given to prepare for it….
あ:What would that night feel like, also, if they knew they were going to say goodbye again?
つ:So quickly….
あ:… makes your body heavy to think about, I think…
つ:It’s intense, to be stars…. …. But Amane was so excited about it all. So, maybe he’d like it in some way. Maybe?
あ:i like the atmosphere of all this on the mind, while holding hands is the dark. like to think that Amane quietly shifts to rub wrist, and at some point run fingers over part of the arm where hickey was left Kinda uncontrollably like… touch touch
Amane is… funny… its like… he made himself sad… thus avoidant… but like if you asked him what HE'D do i think he'd get distracted feeling horny again like oh I'd make the most of it
つ:I was thinking he’s more avoidant and brain dead and less philosophical
あ:Yeah on his own internally i think its silence
つ:If tsukasa recognizes he’s awake he’d just ask amane something like that Amane, what would you do?
あ:maybe being engaged with would be a welcome distraction even, like, to deflect and diffuse the tension
つ:If it was one day a year Like the story
あ:like. Huh. …
…. oh
つ:(Vague and poorly worded like child) (Completely ambiguous in many ways)
あ:Like the… Well. I'd… [like starts whispering seriously] I'd go crazy I'd just go nuts
つ:Listens Would it feel good
あ:Oh. Yeah I mean it's the one day right. So it should only be about feeling good
つ:Listens It’s very relevant, to a person who knows the. Time and method of their own death. Lol
あ:[rambling] I'd make sure to. make the most of it. I MEAN… if you think about it, its like. If you could only taste your favorite food once a year. Well obviously you'd eat it all day You'd actually eat more food than usual
つ:It’s interesting he’d compare it to food, to tsukasa… The food doesn’t feel pleasure The abstraction is too far for tsukasa
あ:[is having some real caveman like. thinking about it as physical needs] [s… s*x… like hunger.]
つ:But it makes amane seem selfish in his vision … which excites him
would it not matter… how she felt? The one day… for just the cowherd, then… to release whatever he had to
あ:Oh talk slower
あ:So funny. Imagine Amane getting like really really stiff. tense. but not like in a defensive manner (this has "nothing" to do w "me" rly) its more like. A boy who. Is finally experiencing penis emotions. being dowsed with the vague concept of noncon. selfishness.
If that hot oneesan couldnt like. say no to anything
つ:Thinking about if they could redo their meeting over and over and over… would Amane just… do more of whatever he wanted, needed?
あ:[doesnt realize he is pathologically combining his sadstuck feelings abt missing Tsukasa + nene encounter]
つ:Soooo pathological If I was so sad and alone but then so. Mmmmmmmf
あ:> would it not matter… how she felt? The one day… for just the cowherd, then… to release whatever he had to
Ah… m… maybe…? Wouldn't she want him to… feel good though No matter what
つ:Squeezes hand un……
あ:Squeezes back without thinking
つ:thinking, that’s how it’s supposed to work…
あ:[under breath] If she really loved him… and all that… I mean. They were very in love The story.
あ:It's so sad because of how much they loved each other.
つ:It’s “unconditional” (as if from a book)
あ:[shuffles legs.] Uhuh… That means no limits.
つ:If it was only once a year, it would be really good if there were no limits And, it was gonna be over And you could do it better next time
あ:If anything. she'd come to appreciate what happened (edited)
あ:Even if maybe it wasn't fun for her right away [turns head] She'd learn to be grateful [this is getting so meta.]
つ:(Able to think about how alien and bizarre it felt returning to Amane’s wild emotions) Whatever comes out, Of the cowherd, that would be interesting, to her To see it, more than, anything that happened, in the year Because that wasn’t him
あ:Mm… mhm.
つ:So even if he was weird (crude voice) Or it was new or different It would be hers, To have Uhm. Get
あ:Yeah… An-- and…[feeling stupid] but like, you know, if it really was me. The cowherd. I'd make her feel reeeal good actually. She'd like what she was getting. Actually
あ:If. Cuz. You asked what I would do. I'd. [braincels fucking. congealing] I'd d. Do it
つ:Ouh ? Do it?
あ:Like. S…
あ:silence s.s….sx.
あ:se sekkusu.
あ:[staring up at the ceiling eyes completely open] I think that'd be the best thing to do. I mean its the only thing that makes sen se
つ:OHHHHH… do you know how to make it really good?
あ:Chest feels like a hot air balloon oh im 8 years old and im finally thinking about it
つ:(Completely blown off course just now not thinking of self at all)
あ:what you do with girls Holding tsukasas hand so tightly Dont leave me here alone
つ:She would definitely like that
あ:[gets dizzy]
つ:You’d do it all day???
つ:Would she like it all day? Would you kiss
あ:😭wait whtd insay that gjfhdvr A.. ah y. Yeah I mean… That's. probably the first thing we do Tsukasa [trying to sound educated]
つ:Well, that’s what lovers do (sounding as educated as a 4 year old) You would be a really good cowherd amane Squeezes
あ:help… I sure hope so Amane is like . Uhuh. OKAY GOODNIGHT
つ:ROLLS OVER tsukasa in his brain like hm I would be a bad cowherd I don’t know what id do
あ:It seems like itd be easier to be the weavergirl Oh well
つ:Amane just thinks more And knows more sex….! All day… wow
あ:Thinking this meanwhile Amane is like ahhfbgng myy pp hurts
あ:Goes to pee
つ:I like to think his side of the bed smells rly good Inhales it a lil Mmmmm
あ:Gettin musky Body very very warm from being horny
Its time to pity tsukasa again Im sorry you do live with like. a caveman
あ:some shitty kid whose like: i could do it right
つ:But it’s like he needs it
あ:You need the bluntness
つ:Tsukasa just feels mystified like whoa he will do it right and good and she’ll like it I believe him I would like anything amane did for me so
あ:Things tsukasa remembers later as a yorishiro
つ:If he decides it will be good then it just will be That is how it is!
あ:Amane can make it true
つ:It’s funny bc if you un abstracted this. And tsukasa was just like. What if we only met once a year? Amane would get like wounded and sad and feel bullied and be like tsukasa…
I don’t want to think about that…. You… you already…. …. Once… mgh z Don’t. Ask stuff like that. Okay?
あ:He literally would be soo angsty It's like Tsukasa you were gone. for h.. half a year.. I dont want to think about more
つ:Tsukasa like ah haihai…. Deep down like ? but we already sortof had this conversation… or, no, he just pretended to be the cowherd… so we didn’t! Hmmm….
あ:Amane frustrated sounding. and yet i think he rolls over to hold clutch
あ:Grumbles against. Nothing like that is ever going to happen
つ:(In the middle of nowhere) do you think the cowherd and weaver can think about it
あ:… ?
つ:or do they not wanna talk about it, Until, it’s time To say hi and bye
あ:I don't think they want to bother spending time talking about it They can't change anything Isn't it wasting their time together What's there to even talk about.
つ:blinks… he’s right An immutable fate…. trapped in an ephemeral state of together and not
あ:[sighs like a dog]
つ:That’s all it will ever be…
あ:I'd just want to focus on the… being together part.
つ:It’s so interesting wen amane says it so simply
あ:I mean, anyone would. [squeeze…]
つ:(Ruthless, unintentionally) if I wasn’t gonna be here tomorrow, You’d rather not know? or talk about it Or think about it
あ:Ugh… eyes squeezed shut. teeth grit. Tsukasa. I told you I don't want to talk about. That. You can't do anything like that ever again, okay? Ever!
つ:Hai! cough, a little I can’t (Thinking: why can’t the cowherd do this?)
あ:[sulking…..] Why would you even ask that, though That's already what happened… I didn't know.
つ:Ah. I was thinking about Tanabata!
あ:That's different… [frustrated]
つ:They always know, right? It makes it feel good sometimes, maybe? Anti—anticipation?
あ:[untenses a little bit… like. right the. ugh…]
つ:It felt good….. the day I came back. so good, it was scary Maybe they feel that all the time.
あ:What a weird feeling Amane gets stung with. Hurts… always gonna hurt to think about this stuff. Makes you feel like a dumb little kid in an instant.
but the day tsukasa came back was. I mean it was like, all those nights of hoping and wishing and crying and begging finally culminated
つ:A miracle….
あ:Swallows Rubs Tsukasa's back slowly He cant really say it so. directly. but nods finally. Like well… I wont ever act like Tsukasa coming back felt BAD..
つ:Force amane to be slightly contemplative about the reality of tanabata
あ:Maybe at most he can mutter "… like it's all they're waiting for…"
つ:Maybe amane could have a moment like…. I was being…. Stupid, before….
If I was… the cowherd… it wouldn’t keep going, like that… I’d find a way…. To keep her With me No matter what happened
あ:I couldn't keep doing it… being apart… w-why? If it feels so terrible After one year, who could keep doing that
つ:For what…. The sake of… other obligations…? Other things… staying in place….
あ:Just so cows wont be loose in heaven Someone else should do it. if they care so much
つ:All the cows could resent me.
あ:Why cant the weavergirls father do the weaving. If he wants her to do it so badly. Why is it her job
つ:she won’t be the weaver-girl. And I won’t be the cow-herd. Then We’d just. Be each other’s And there wouldn’t be. Stupid jobs Anymore
あ:[hiding behind the proxy of language] Tsukasa… anticip… anticipation is one thing… feeling so good its scary… but it's better to have every day, isnt it… All the time… every hour, every day…
つ:(Knows where this terminates) yeah
あ:You can do more. With each other. Instead of saving it up. … I mean what are you doing, when you're alone…
つ:(Thinking about…. The future) maybe it still builds up even if you’re there all the time
あ:Maybe… It's a lot of time
つ:We’ll be together a lot
あ:[becomes booboo keys] [shrivels a little against]
つ:(Thinking about a day at a time for tanabata… if they could have all those spread out days in a few short years, would they choose that?) (if they had each other every day, but they’d die quickly…..)
あ:[mgh… but like.. doesnt pull away.. just gets quiet… rubs face against]
つ:Nuzzle, nuzzle
あ:need to snuzz Gets all moody like man though I wish i was my stupid self from before though im jealous of him thinking about hickies
つ:I was figuring this was a different day, tsukasa thinking more on it still hooked on it
But all the more reason Amane is like@omfg that idiot before hold on… but indeed like ugh wait Take me back
あ:Truly though When life was simpler
Some bratty impulse like ugh tsukasa do that thing we did before cheer me up It was more fun when it was physical actually
つ:???? Like amane shoves his arm at him
つ:It would get him to just do it
あ:Grabs you by the hair cuz im innately a psychopath
あ:Hm this keeps Tsukasa from talking Hieieee
つ:really polka dot his arms
つ:Relieves pressure off valve
あ:Rudely dismisses the pathos
つ:Come down like 😑tsukasa you’ve really gotta stop with tanabata ok. It’s just a story who’s purpose is to be all sad and tragic. It’s just dramatic!
あ:Nothing has to be that dramatic
つ:You’re just supposed to be sad about it. Not— like go into it
あ:You cant ask too many questions. It's just confusing you know Normal people would just go insane in these circumstances Who would want to really be them [im talking as i bring your arm to my mouth]
つ:Eats corn cob
あ:Really get my teeth in there this time It was cool when there was teeth marks
つ:(Mouth pops off) we were better off before how we were talking about it. It should just be fun
あ:It should be about-- thinking about stuff you'd do to someone. not conversations you'd have. or feelings or whatevr. [gay shit]
つ:I like to think of amane notices tsukasas chest rising and falling distinctly it’s just like lol gottem
つ:Like not so tough
あ:Its kinda funny like we're playing chicken sorta Oh me im normal… Is this bothering you?
つ:Becoming haughty like armor (Blank eyes) no it’s fun. (Picks up arm and sucks)
あ:He's your nasty brother hes like yea. it is. licks Mlehh
つ:Blinks out of sync but doesn’t notice
あ:Eyes squint
つ:💭lol does tsukasa ever get ….. lol😂
あ:XDDDD How easy is it..
Im sorry Tsukasa this is a new game I've tricked myself into allowing myself to spectate you be horny Idk to get the power back in the relationship
つ:His empty headed ness about it makes amane feel more mature
あ:It's good to know you're only human and a tongue is a tongue to you
But what amane cannot fathom. is that Tsukasa is like. watching him be lidded and face flushed and doing this . breathing heavier YOU look like a dirty maniac
つ:But indeed amane looks more psycho Flopsweat Eyes so hazey and different. Intoxicating to observe Amane
Amane is just like lol damn tsukasa really spacing out Blinking slowly! He is HUMAN
あ:How long can he deal with this lol… (DONT ASK THAT QUESTION…!!!!)
つ:Longer than you bitch
つ:Tsukasa could but all day stare. But your dick will hurt eventually Tsukasas brain can take it all
あ:Really take the punishment You'll be like ohh im getting a headache mghfhbf legs squeezing
つ:You’ll be like urgggh get me water My mouth is dry. From all this
Amane will move to tsukasas shoulder cuz the arm is mostly spitty and covered and have to move his shirt and somehow it won’t be fun anymore and in that moment he’ll complain he’s thirsty Go get us ice water…
あ:Staring at the skin i have exposed suddenly feeling like an animal looking at a beartrap under leaves No…
つ:Takes tsukasa a second to load in the request Then is like blinks. OK!! Stands up. Visibly wobbles and looks confused about it. Which makes Amane😏
あ:Bakc on top baby
つ:Ambles out of bedroom to kitchen
あ:Somehow a little smug while I cup my penis
つ:Amane listening to Tsukasa drop the plastic cup: haha
あ:Haha…[press.] I win
つ:Sure did (Haughty) it’s cute hes so clueless about it and confused lol… He is, the little brother. After all
あ:That otouto of mine
つ:(Yelling) TSUKASA PUT A STRAW IN MINE (from downstairs) HAIIIII
あ:I hope Amane gets some bad karma like later Tsukasa will be like oh are we continuing. [moves shirt out of way and presents shoulder, as if to pick up on our last save point] and now you feel like you TAUGHT UR BROTHER SOMETHING BAD!!!
you watch him do a WHORE MOVE
つ:It’s like ugh no my… mouth is tired (Flat expression) no I don’t wanna play that more today (As if you’re childish for asking)
あ:since this was a mutual 2way thing ur gonna deal with Tsukasa asking if you want him to do it then if ur mouth is tired and then its like ugh n. no!!!
つ:It’s bad . For bloodflow. Maybe To do it soooo much
あ:Blood is right under the skin.
つ:You’re not supposed to be so purple all over probably… (Amane’s new cumbrain about imaginary older gf: you will never not be purple)
あ:Make all your skin so fucked up.. …. (really imagining something NIGHTMARISH bc he soesnt have like realistic thoughts)
0 notes
qyllenhaal · 3 years
Pairing: Artist!Steve x Reader
Summary: Steve’s an artist, and you’re secretly his muse. 3rd POV. WC: 3.5k
Warnings: smut (18+ only, MDNI), oral (f receiving), unprotected sex. Fluff. Friends to lover.
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Steve knew it was a risk to quit his job and focus full-time on being an artist. His boss laughed in his face when he turned in his letter of resignation and asked Steve how much he thought his "little paintings" were going to make him. Steve didn't just face this scrutiny from his boss, but his friends too albeit not as harsh. Many of the people in his life didn't understand his passion for something that might leave him struggling, but Y/n was always there encouraging him.
"You may struggle for a little bit, but I think it's great Steve! Only one day into your new life as an artist and you already seem happier!"
Steve has known Y/n for almost a decade. They met under odd circumstances that some would consider a meet cute. She's still so sweet and bubbly just like she was the day he met her. It wasn't hard for him to fall head-over-heels for her. She always has a kind word and an open ear even during times of distress.
Sometimes he blushes when she gives him a compliment. She claims to not know anything about art, but every time he shows her something new she always has something stark to say that sticks with him. Maybe it's because it's coming from her.
His time spent alone in his studio is sacred. He converted a room in his apartment into a makeshift studio and he finds so much solace in those four walls. He has wanted to dabble in painting live subjects, maybe even a nude model or too, but he found himself getting real shy about it. He'd love to have someone to pose and to capture the way the light perfectly hits their face. That someone he imagined was often Y/n.
He was shocked when she allowed him to make her his subject. It started with him asking to paint a few photos of her she had lying around for "practice." Y/n was more than happy to help her friend Steve, only under the condition that he show her the final product. Steve found no problem in showing off the pastoral setting paintings he created, but it was much more harder to show off paintings of the person he thinks is the most beautiful person in the world.
Just like he couldn't muster up the confidence to ask anyone else to be his model, Steve could never ask Y/n to model for him in person. He found himself becoming too shy whenever the question was on the tip of his tongue. It would be much better if he were here in person with him, but he opted for photos of her clipped to his easel for reference. He'd finish a painting in one day and send her a photo via text of the finished product.
“I really look like that? It's amazing Steve!”
But eventually he ran out of photos. He tried to reuse some old ways and paint in a different style, or play with the colors, but it was beginning to become stale. Steve needed something new, but he didn't want to let go of Y/n as his subject.
"So you need new pictures?"
"Yeah — it's fine if you don't have any more," he tries to play it off as if he doesn't have 10 canvases in his studio of paintings of her that he hasn't shown her.
"We could take some more. Do you still have that digital camera you got a few Christmas' ago?"
"No. I think it got lost when I moved."
"Oh. Well I think Sam has a camera we can borrow. It's one of those fancy ones, right?"
Steve agreed to ask Sam to borrow his camera, but he honestly wishes that he had just bought his own. The amount of teasing he had to endure when he explained to Sam exactly why he needed the camera made his skin heat up. He couldn't stop his cheeks from becoming rosy when Sam asked when is he finally going to tell Y/n how he feels about her. Steve doesn't want to ruin what they have just in case Y/n rejects him. He'd much rather wallow in his school boy crush than put a strain on their friendship.
"How do you want me to pose?"
Y/n sat on the lone couch in Steve's studio room. It wasn't the best quality but it was still useful.
The curtains were drawn to shield the sun that was nearly set. The lighting in the room was dim save for the soft light coming from a small lamp pointed at her. It casted a warm, yellowish light onto her skin. She wore a white dress and kicked her shoes off at the front door.
"Whatever comes natural to you," his voice is weak as he responds. The atmosphere of the room is slightly romantic and he can't shake his nerves. Everything feels extremely intimate.
Y/n is almost as nervous as Steve. She's never modeled for someone and it feels a little bit awkward. She's always comfortable around Steve, but she can't help but get a little nervous when she sees Steve with the camera in his hands.
"You look perfect like that," he compliments the half-asses pose she's doing before snapping the first photo. He looks at the preview before the camera's screen could go dark.
"Let me see." He shows her and she just nods her head, "let me adjust myself," she whispers.
Y/n unbuttons the first two buttons of her dress, exposing more of her chest that only gives a glimpse of her breast. Steve pretended to not notice it as he took another picture of her. Once again Y/n asked to see the photo and looked a little more satisfied with it this time.
"Do you think that I could — nevermind."
"What is it Y/n?" He asks with a soft laugh that makes her want to melt.
"Do you think I could unbutton my dress all the way?" Her voice faltered as she asked. She watched Steve's reaction intently. She hopes the question doesn't make him uncomfortable. "It's just that I was looking up some ideas online so I could prepare and I saw this really pretty picture of this model and she was semi-nude but it was really pretty so I wanted to ask if we could try it," she explained; or perhaps over-explained.
Steve was completely dumbfounded. If Y/n couldn't see it in his dropped jaw, then she can see it in the way he just freezes.
"It's okay if that's too much."
"No! No, it's okay."
Y/n gave him a half smile before she began to unbutton the front of her dress. Steve tried to look away, but how could he not? The more she revealed herself, the easier it was for him to see the swell of her breast. Her skin looks so soft and he feels compelled to reach out and caress her bare skin. But he keeps his hands to himself.
"Is this too much?" The puffy sleeves of her dress were off of her shoulder and her dress was all the way open until the middle of her stomach. It's a lot for him to handle, but he feels blessed to see such a sight.
"No. It's perfect. You're perfect."
Y/n's skin heats up despite the room being cold. She was starting to get a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't a bad one or an uncomfortable feeling, but it was something she wasn't used to.
Now she's half-naked and posing on his couch. The first few photos he took of her like this were awkward as they both had to adjust to Y/n being half-naked.
Steve couldn't ignore the way the cold air made her nipples hard and breast tender. Steve was supposed to be on his best behavior, but he is seconds away from making a stupid mistake with his best friend.
Y/n arches her back which makes her breast jut out at him. Steve pauses to pray that he doesn't get a hard on. He feels a bit like a scumbag for even having this dilemma. It's just his best friend's half-naked body — that looks so soft and tender.
He forced himself to steel his resolve and hurry up and finish the task at hand. He began to treat her more like a model instead of the best friend he has a crush on.
"Try this," he suggests to her to move her body in a different way, which she does, but it's not quite what he wants. He was hesitant to get his hands on her, but he went for it anyway, "a little more like this."
In the process of moving her body, his hand brushed against her nipple. Y/n involuntarily let out a moan which made both of them pause. They looked at each other before Y/n let out a nervous laugh to try to play it off.
"Sorry," Steve apologizes.
"It's okay."
He glosses over what just happened and goes back to moving her body to her liking. He can't get over how good she feels underneath him. The truth is that he was taking his time to be able to have this experience for much longer. He may never have this kind of closeness with her again and he just can't quite let go.
Y/n watches his face as his hands touch her body. He looks so handsome under this lighting and Y/n wonders if she's always felt this way about Steve. For some reason she feels lust swirling inside of her. She hopes she isn't making a mistake when she leans forward and kisses him. Steve freezes under her kiss, stunned by reality, but he lets it happen. Her lips feel so soft against his, just like he always imagined.
She pulls away and places her forehead against his. Steve still has his eyes closed, lost in the dream that is Y/n's closeness.
"You can open your eyes now," she teases him. He obeys her and laughs along with her.
"I've wanted this for so long," he admits.
The revelation is shocking to her. She had no idea he felt this way about her, but now she wonders how much she's been oblivious to.
"Do you want this, Y/n? The last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable."
"No, no — I want this Steve. I wanna feel you touching me," her voice became somewhat whiny as desire fueled her.
With her blessing, Steve did not hold back. He kissed her hard, the way he imagined he would always kiss her. Imagine the way his heart nearly stopped when Y/n kissed him back with the same amount of fervor and want. Her hand came up and rested against the stubble on his cheek. They wish they could say their kiss was delicate, but it was not; it was sloppy and their tongues danced with each other.
When Steve pulls away, he's out of breath, but he's happy. The light touches he gave to her body earlier were not a bit rougher. He wants to explore every inch of her body in seconds, but he wants to be patient; he has all night to discover every inch of her.
"Touch me right here, Steve."
Y/n places his hands on her breast with his thumbs in reach of her nipples. Steve's thumb runs across her taut nipples which makes her sigh. "You like that?" He asks with a bit more confidence. She nods her head and her approval emboldens him. “Good.”
His lips ghost across the skin on her neck before he places a wet kiss against the skin on her throat. He can feel her breath hitch every time he places a tender kiss on her flesh. She smells like lavender and it makes him feel dizzy. He keeps playing with her nipples as he begins to suck on her neck. Y/n wants to just lay there and take in the feeling of him spoiling her, but she also wants to hear him moan. She strokes the bulge in his pants with her knee and she feels him groan against her skin. He lightly grinds himself against her knee to relieve all of the tension that built up inside of him. Neither of them are sure who wants who more, but it doesn’t matter to either of them. Knowing that this is an equal exchange of love and lust is enough for the two of them.
“Oh god Steve,” Y/n coos when he sucks on the most sensitive part of her neck. They’ve only just begun, but he makes her feel so good. A part of her is wishing that she had discovered Steve’s crush on her a long time ago, but she has him now and that’s all that matters.
“I wanna make you feel good,” he says against her skin, “I wanna make you cum.”
Y/n can’t help but moan at his confession. She can already imagine how it would feel to have him between her legs.
“Please Steve!”
Steve sits up just to push her dress up. The cotton panties she wears has a pink bow sewn onto it and he finds it adorable. He glances back up at her and he notices that she’s looking away from him. She’s now feeling bashful knowing that he’s going to see her completely naked even though she wants all of this and more. “It’s okay, pretty girl,” Steve pacifies her by slowly stroking her outer thigh. She finally looks at him, her pupils wide with lust. She almost sighs in content when he starts to slide her panties down. The cool air of the rooms only heats her up once it hits her hot sex.
“My god,” Steve whispers to himself. She looks so pretty, but she’s absolutely messy between her legs. She places her foot on the back of his couch to spread herself wider for him. “Good girl.”
Steve lowers himself between her legs and just stares at her for a moment. He wants to remember this for the rest of his life just in case this is the last time something like this happens between the two of them. He would be crushed if Y/n asked to just continue on as friend’s after this, but he would be eternally grateful that she granted him this opportunity. All he wants to do is make her feel good; his pleasure will follow suit, but it’s all about her.
One of his fingers runs along the edge of her folds. Y/n whimpers at the delicate way he treats her body. She feels so lucky to have someone so kind and sweet like Steve. He touches her with care, and love is in every stroke. “You’re so perfect,” he says before kissing her inner thigh. Every part of her body is sensitive but somehow she is able to withstand it all.
The first lick to her pussy overblows both of their senses. She’s sweet like honey and juicy like a peach. Steve’s first instinct is to groan against her pussy which sends vibration throughout her entire body. She feels like she’s on fire as all of the blood in her body goes straight to her sensitive nub. His tongue focuses on her clit and she’s in heaven. Steve’s tongue moves with so much skill and precision, but most importantly, passion. Steve treats her like he truly wants her, and Y/n can’t help but fall for him at this moment.
“You taste so good,” he coos against her slick.
The way he paws at her body while licking her pussy makes her feel like she’s being worshiped. Tears well in her eyes the harder he sucks at her clit. She hopes his neighbors’ aren’t home because they’d probably be annoyed at the loud sounds of her cries of pleasure. He has her on the edge and it just takes him rolling her nipples with his fingers that finally push her over.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
Her cries are so angelic to him. And as much as he wants to keep licking her out, Steve needs to be inside of her so bad. He tames himself and pulls his mouth away from her to pull himself out of his pants. His incredibly hard, the head of his cock an angry red as it leaks pre-cum. “This is what you do to me,” his words are haunting. Y/n whines and wiggles her hips from being so impatient.
Steve lowers himself and presses the head of her cock at her opening. She’s so slippery that he pushes into her with ease. His cock is so big that she inhales sharply as she takes all of him inside of her. Her walls are like silk around him.
“So tight baby — oh god.”
Steve feels like he’s going to explode already. Her pussy is squeezing him and she looks up at him with wide eyes as she takes his cock like a good girl. It is the hardest task he’s ever faced in his life to not cum already. She just feels so good.
“Are you okay?” He asks sweetly before dipping his head to kiss her forehead.
She nods her head, “yes, Steve…feels so good,” she manages to speak coherently.
Her legs were thrown over his legs which allows him to fuck deeper into her. She looks so beautiful underneath him. Steve wants to feel her cum on his cock so bad. She flutters around him when he pulls out of her only to push back in seconds later.
Steve can only control himself for so long before he’s pounding into her. The cry of his name on her lips is so saccharine that it gives him a sweet tooth. He sucks on the skin of her neck to satisfy that need while Y/n places her hand on the back of his head as she moans for him.
“I’m gonna cum Steve! You’re going to make me cum!”
The ridges of his cock feels so good inside of her, but what really does it for her is how the head of his cock is kissing her cervix. The stretch of his cock is such a delicious burn that she wants him inside forever. With his face planted in her neck, lips kissing at her skin, Y/n is completely enamored with the way Steve consumes all of her. She is his just as much as he is her.
He feels her sex squeeze him one more time before she’s cumming all around him. She clings to him as her orgasm ravages through her. Steve fucks her through it before reluctantly pulling out of her. Her jerks himself off until he’s cumming all over her pretty tits, painting her body like she’s one of the world’s most precious masterpieces.
The two are completely spent as their limbs dangle off of his couch. Y/n’s heart is full feeling his cum cooling on her chest. She dips a finger in his spent and sucks it off, savoring his taste since she didn’t get a chance to go down on him. Steve almost passes out at the sight.
“You’re crushing my legs Steve,” she laughs warmly. He rolls off of her and off of the couch entirely.
Steve grabs a towel and starts t0 clean up her chest. He remembers what they were supposed to be accomplishing, but after what just happened between the two of them, Steve is certain he won’t be anxious about asking her to be his model again.
“So, where do we go from here?”
The question catches him off guard. He slowly wipes away his cum with the damp towel from her chest. As much as finding the answer to this question is hard, he is happy that she asked it because it means that she’s giving him a chance.
“I don’t want this to be the last time we do this,” Steve admits. He’s quickly become addicted to the way their foreheads pressed together; it just feels so intimate. “I love you too much for this to be the last time we ever spend like this together.”
As much as tonight has been shocking to her after the revelation of Steve proving to her that he loves her, she’s only overwhelmed with positive emotions.
“Then let’s not let this be the last time,” she whispers against his lips.
A wave of relief washes over Steve as he just lays there against, their bare bodies pressed against each other as if this is always how it should’ve been. His only hope is that they can stay like this forever.
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battleczar · 2 years
Okay, I saw your comment to that post about women calling yourself lesbians even though they "used to be" hetero or bi, and it resonated with me so much. Like, I'm a part of one chat of women who are lesbian-separatists, but it turned out there are "formal" bi and hetero women there. Now, I'm totally cool with women getting rid of men in their lives, honestly, I think that's amazing. But then again, we had a big discussion about them being "formal" bi and hetero women and the term "political lesbian" had appeared a lot in our discussion. Honestly, they were saying that every woman can choose just to be a lesbian, but i dunno, it doesn't felt right for me either. It just feels unfair and wrong because us, lesbians, have a lot of expirience that is not the same as hetero and bi women expirience, and I somehow feel like iwe're just being erased by this. However, I am also struggling with finding any good researches about women being born lesbians on a biological level, moreover, I only found a few researches about "gay gene" being a myth. Maybe you happen to have any good sources about being born a lesbian? Even though I am a lesbian and have been one my whole life, I'm so confused, like, I feel like I want to talk more about it and come to some sort of conclusion here, but a rational one, so I could prove my point to other women too. I just don't know where to find good sources to prove that I was indeed born a lesbian, that there are biological reasons and that sexuality is not a social construct or something like that.
As far as I’m aware, there’s not a lot of scientific research on the nature of homosexuality that wasn’t conducted from a religious or exterminary perspective. I simply take the body of evidence that stretches back centuries as enough – millennia of a small part of every population saying “I’m only attracted to those of my own sex,” no matter the social or political consequences or atmosphere. We’ve always been here, in every culture, and to me that’s fairly conclusive evidence that sexual orientation is inborn, not culturally taught.
I understand what political lesbians are trying to do and in theory I support any woman who is trying to center women in her life. But it’s deeply offensive to me for OSA women to appropriate terminology that homosexual women are already struggling to keep protected and respected. Men already hear “lesbian” and think “A woman who could still possibly get with men.” And the fact that political lesbians don’t just stop at appropriating the word – they justify their appropriation by telling us that our sexual orientation doesn’t really exist anyway. “We’re all a little bi,” “Sexuality is so socialized and complicated that we can’t really tell what anybody’s natural orientation is anyway,” all so clearly saying “I’m not gay and I don’t understand what it feels like to be gay.”
Homosexuality is not a political stance. For lesbianism specifically, the fact that we are incapable of willfully doing much of what the patriarchy demands of women means that our lives are highly politicized, and we are seen as disobedient and rebellious. I wonder if political lesbians are envious of that perceived rebelliousness. That’s the only reason I can think of for why they’re so obsessed with pretending to be us. So obsessed with figuring out a way to turn our reality into their philosophy.
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lost-in-the-80s · 3 years
The Wedding
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin x fem!reader
Words: 2.321k
Summary: Your brother's wedding has arrived, without having a boyfriend, you invite Izzy, your best friend, to be your date. (smut)
A/N: When I started listening to gnr, it didn’t take much time before Izzy got a place in my heart, so this is for his birthday
Song rec for the fic: Woman by John Lennon
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Sitting on an airplane for over an hour now, Izzy observed your asleep figure beside him, your head laying on his shoulder, like you had done so many times before, unaware of the warmth it caused on the brunette’s heart.
He questioned himself for a thousandth time that week. Why in the hell did I agree with this?
The idea didn’t sound like a big deal at first, accompanying you to your brother’s wedding wouldn’t cause any harm. But as the days started to go by, his mind traced every aspect of a wedding, the music, the romantic atmosphere, the dancing, and he soon started to regret having said yes so easily.
The truth is that Izzy has always loved you, ever since the day the two of you met. It all happened so naturally that he didn’t notice he was in love until you went on a date with another guy.
At first, he loved your voice, he’d call you just to hear you talking for hours about the most random things. Then it was your eyes, he found himself entranced by their color, the way they rolled when you got annoyed, and how they seemed to invade his deepest thoughts and memories every time you looked at his eyes.
The last thing was your attitude, your bluntness and forward behavior shocking him sometimes, and being his main entertainment in others. He found a true interest in watching you, it didn’t matter what you were doing, you would always be in his sight.
And even though years passed, that feeling seemed to just grow more and more, and every time he saw you going out with another guy, his heart broke into smaller and smaller pieces.
Little did he know the reason behind your maneater habits.
The truth is that, just like him, you had fallen for him since day one, you loved his nonchalant attitude and his style, the shape of his hands and fingers, and how dry his voice was after his third cigarette.
Just like him, you would secretly observe him, the two of you being too good on your game to ever get caught by each other.
But you didn’t want to risk your friendship over admitting your feelings, especially when you didn’t know if Izzy felt the same way. So you went on multiple dates, meeting guys with the most different appearances and personalities, all in hopes that one day, you’d meet someone capable of making you stop thinking about the guy from Indiana. That, obviously, never happened.
A little turbulence on the plane woke you up, you immediately looked up, meeting his brownish eyes.
“It’s just turbulence. Go back to sleep.”
You nodded slowly, before laying your head on his shoulder again, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and cologne and immediately feeling your body calm down.
You looked at yourself in the mirror of the hotel room, rolling your eyes at Niki's choice of color and design for the bridesmaids' dresses.
A soft knock on the door caught your attention and there stood him, a black blazer matching his black jeans.
He looked you up and down.
"You're gonna steal the bride's attention like that."
"It's grey, the most boring color ever! I wouldn't steal her attention, even if I wanted to."
He chuckled softly.
Well, you stole my attention. He thought to himself.
Picking up your purse and gift you exited the room, locking your arm with his for support, as you got on the elevator and then walked towards the hotel's saloon.
During the entire ceremony, Izzy found his attention caught by you, the way you stood out amongst the other bridesmaids and how impatient you seemed to grow with how long the ceremony was taking.
Your grey dress looked like pure silver, reflecting the lights. You looked so beautiful that he wished he had brought a camera to take a picture of you.
Your eyes caught his for once, and you blinked in his direction, smiling when you saw his lips turn into a small smile.
After what felt like forever the ceremony ended and he found himself sitting at a table with “Y/N and boyfriend” written down on a card.
“I think someone gave them the wrong info.” He showed you the card when you plopped down on the chair beside him.
You rolled your eyes. “Classic coming from my family.”
You lifted the tablecloth, making him look down to see what was happening.
“These heels are killing me.” You complained, removing your silver sandals and quickly massaging your feet.
“I bet they are.” He took two champagne glasses from a waiter passing by.
He knew you weren’t used to heels. Being almost his height, you never felt the need to wear them that often.
“Thanks.” You took your glass towards your nude lips.
“How much did you pay for that gift?” He pointed towards the biggest package on a pile, knowing it was yours.
“300 bucks.”
His eyes widened for a second.
You didn’t wait for him to say anything, knowing exactly what was crossing his mind.
“He’s my only brother. I might not like Niki that much, but he’s happy with her, and I’m happy for that.”
“Fair enough.” He drank from his champagne again. "Those ice statutes are quite tempting for a man who wants to take a piss,"
He chuckled to himself, but soon realized that your attention was focused on the main door.
“See that girl over there?” You pointed at the door.
“What’s with her?”
“That’s Braeden,” the name made him realize she was your sister. “She’s the only woman taller than me here….”
He looked back at you, and so you lowered your voice, keeping eye contact with him.
“When the bouquet time comes, you’re gonna block her.” You gestured aggressively with your hands, making a smile start to form on his lips.
“There’s no way my younger sister is gonna get married before me.”
He chuckled. “I didn’t know you aspired to marriage Y/N.”
Your eyes softened with his sentence and a small pain formed in your heart. If only he knew what crossed your mind when you looked at him during the ceremony.
The night seemed to go by faster than he expected and soon he found himself at the drinks table, observing as you talked to some relatives of yours on the other side of the saloon.
You sensed his eyes and looked towards him, giving him a look that said “Help me.”
He chuckled softly, but before he could do anything a woman’s voice caught his attention.
“You must be Izzy.”
He looked to his side, seeing a woman that looked just like Joey, your brother.
“Yes, and you are….” He extended his hand for her to shake.
“I’m Martha, Y/N’s mother.”
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“I didn’t know the two of you were dating.”
He choked on his drink.
“We aren’t, we’re just friends.” He looked down for a second.
She nodded slowly, before locking her eyes on your side.
“I know my daughter very well,"
Her voice made him look back at her.
“She has had many boyfriends in her life, but I’ve never seen her look at them in the way she looks at you.”
He opened his mouth, but your presence made him stop.
“Hey, mom!” You smiled, kissing her cheek.
“Hello, darling.” She touched your hair, adjusting some locks. “I promised I'd dance this one with your father.”
You nodded in understanding as she smiled before walking away.
“So… wanna dance with me?” You nudged him from the side, before taking a sip from his drink.
“With this song?” He asked, taking notice that Woman by John Lennon was playing.
“Why not?” You shrugged.
“Okay.” He placed his now empty glass on the table before taking your hand and guiding you towards the other people there dancing.
One of his hands held you delicately by your waist as you slowly swung to the song. Your eyes locked on each other as the other people around you seemed to disappear.
Your mother’s words mixed with the lyrics hitting his head like bells as he finally noticed the glow that formed in your eyes as you looked at him, making his heart race faster than ever.
You just realized another song was playing when someone bumped into you, making a disco song hit your ears.
You both looked so distracted and for a second you thought you’d sit down for the rest of the night, not being able to feel his cold fingers brush on your skin through your dress.
But those thoughts washed away when he let go of your waist just to grab both of your hands and guide you throughout the song, just like he did for the rest of the night.
That was the happiest night you have had in your life, and when your hotel room number became noticeable at the end of the corridor, you wished you could turn back time and do it all again.
“Happy with your bouquet?”
“More than happy.” You giggled, smelling the flowers one more time.
It was comic the way Izzy put himself in front of your sister, pretending not to be aware of what was happening.
“Thanks for that.”
“If that makes you happy, I can do that at the next weddings too.”
Next weddings. The thought made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“So…” he started, stopping in front of your room as you opened the door.
“Tonight was fun.”
“Yes, it really was!” You said looking down. “Thanks for coming with me, Iz.” You leaned towards him, kissing his cheek gently.
“Anytime.” He replied so lowly that you weren’t sure if he had actually said that.
You entered your room and closed the door, resting your forehead against it as you sighed.
Rushed knocks against the wood made you regain your posture and quickly open the door.
Izzy looked deep inside your eyes, his brown orbs saying everything his mouth wanted to.
Not a second after that and you wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips colliding against his.
No kiss ever had felt like that. It was warm like fire and exciting, you felt your heart start racing faster and your mind went numb.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you as close as he could while entering your room and kicking the door shut behind him.
Soon you found yourself in your bed, your legs wrapped around his hips as your tongues fought for dominance, making small moans and grunts leave your mouths. One of his hands started traveling underneath your dress's fabric, exploring every inch of your legs, making you shiver with his cold fingers.
Your lips found his neck, kissing and biting at his flesh with desire, delighted by his irregular breathing and the small moans he tried to hold.
A certain hardness was pressed against your core among what seemed like a thousand layers of clothing. The sensation making you wet as you bit harsher on his neck, loving the smirk that formed on his lips.
He pushed himself off of you, standing up and ripping his shirt open, the sound of buttons hitting the floor filling the room.
“I need your help with the dress.”
You sat on the bed, your back facing him as he found the zipper, opening it quickly while he applied wet kisses on the extension of your back, biting your flesh just like you had done with him, making a small moan leave your lips.
“So beautiful.” He whispered against your ear, making another shiver possess your body.
You stripped off of the dress as you watched him undo his pants and remove his underwear with it.
He made his way back to the bed, his calloused fingers removed your blue lace panties slowly and delicately. One of his fingers traveled in between your folds, his eyes closing for a second when he noticed your wetness for him.
Izzy cupped your face with one of his hands, kissing you tenderly before asking.
“Are you sure?”
You felt the tip of his member entering you, making you close your eyes, focusing on the sensation it caused. You felt him slowly expanding your walls until it was all the way in, making a soft and small moan leave your lips.
Izzy looked at you for confirmation and after seeing you nod, he started moving.
In the beginning, it was slow and passionate, he made it the most intimate he could, touching every inch of your skin, whispering sweet nothings on your ear, as you traced his back and arms with the tip of your fingers, allowing your nails to softly touch his skin.
After some minutes, sweat started to form on both your bodies, your moans coming out in unison filled the room as you felt your walls start to clench around him.
That’s when he sped up his pace, the tip of his member now hitting your g-spot with no mercy, he massaged one of your breasts with his hand, while the other rested on the bed for support.
“Izzy,” His name left your lips in a loud moan and you saw a proud expression consume his features.
“I know, princess, I know.”
You closed your eyes and moaned again, feeling as you and he both came at the same time. A groan leaving his throat matching your whimpers as you felt a wave of pure pleasure wash over your body. Your legs started to shake and you scratched his back, while he bit harsh enough to leave a mark on your neck.
Both sweating and trying to gain your breath again, you laid in bed, your head resting on his chest as he softly caressed your body.
“This is not a one-time thing, right?”
“No, Y/N, it is not.”
Thanks for reading <3
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
Can you be friend with your husband's ex-girlfriend ? - Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : Everyone always think you and Selina Kyle don’t like each others, solely for the fact that she used to "date” your husband. But as usual in life, things are much more complicated than that...A fluffy Drabble mainly about how truly strong, Bruce and reader’s love is. 
Listen. My students were having quiet reading times, and I had a sudden burst of inspiration as one of them chose a French story in which a mother and a step-mother unite fronts to save their little magical kid (I love that story haha), and it suddenly inspired me. I LOVE Catwoman. Like. A lot. And in my head, her and Batmom have always been...Oh. No spoilers. The rest in this story ;). Hope you’ll like this little bonus story ! : 
My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“You look beautiful mom, do you have a date with father ? I thought date nights were on Thursdays.” 
You jumped a little in the air as your son’s voice resonate in the foyer. Definitely didn’t hear him, sneaky little bugger. You turn around towards him, and smile, saying : 
“It is on Thursdays, my little buddy. I’m having a girls night out, tonight.” 
“Girls night out ?” 
“Yes. You know, Cass and I are the only girls of the family. Sometimes we need to vent to our peers. Cass usually goes to see Steph and Babs, I go out with my friends.” 
You smile at him again, ruffling his hair, and he can’t help but chuckle a little bit. In recent months, Damian found that he actually loves, when the one he came to call “mom” (you), ruffled his hair. It made him feel like the little boy he was, as odd as it could sound to anyone not knowing him. 
“I didn’t know you went on such nights.” 
“I do, once a month. You just haven’t noticed because it’s usually on nights you’re out with your father rather early.” 
“I see. If it isn’t too -he hesitates- personal, can I ask with who you are going out ? Who are your friends ?” 
Your smile widens. Because just over a year back, that boy would’ve never cared about this. About who you hung out with, or about you in general. 
Ah, since he came in your life, he went a long way. The mere fact he wanted to know more about you was proof enough, and you felt absolutely touched. 
Even more so as you realized that he not only asked about your friends because he wanted to know you, but because he was a little worried about who you might spend time with, wether they’d put you in danger or not...So, oh so sweet. 
“Well, as cliche as it sounds, I’m going out with mainly other supermoms. We like to vent about...Things -you were aware that telling your son you and your friends love to vent about them wasn’t the best answer right now haha- So, Lois, you know her of course. Jon’s mom. There’s also Dinah, Connor’s mom. You saw him a few time at the Watchtower, although he’s quite younger than you so I don’t think you interact much. I bet you already know she’s Black Canary, and married to Green Arrow, I saw you snoop in your father’s files.” 
Your son’s face redden a little, but you give him a reassuring winks totally meaning : “I snooped around too”, and it makes him smile. You continue : 
“And finally there’s Diana. She’s not a mom yet, but she loooooves to listen to our stories. She’s also great at changing subjects and partying, who would’ve thought right ? I guess having thousand of years of practice helps. I’m sure you know she’s Wonder Woman eh. Oh, and of course, there’s Selina.” 
“Selina ?” 
“As in...Catwoman ?” 
“Yes ?” 
You can see your son wants to add something, and you’re pretty sure you know what it’s gonna be. But you let him ask naturally, leave him time to gather his thoughts and dare to ask. After all, you want to instal an atmosphere of trust, between you and your children. You want them to know they can always ask you anything. So you wait. Finally, Damian says : 
“Why are you meeting with this woman ? Don’t you like, hate her ?” 
"Why would I hate her ?” 
You know exactly why he’s thinking that. But you want him to elaborate, to make sense of his feelings about the subject. Simply, to talk. 
“Well...her and father used to...you know...” 
It’s not quite as formed as you were hoping for, but you do know. And at least, he tried. There was a time he would’ve just gotten mad you purposefully pretended not to understand his meaning, and would’ve left this instant.
You smile at him once more. To be honest, so many people thought you and Selina Kyle didn’t get along. 
You guess it would make sense, it’t true, she’s your husband ex after all. AND one of the only woman for whom he truly cared about. Those, were very few...
In fact, there was only three of you, in Bruce’s life, that truly made a difference. Sure, he had been infatuated before, with quite a few women. But only three, truly stood out. 
Talia Al’Ghul, of course. Not his first love (that was Julie Madison, although he was much too young to really know what love even was, and compared to you, it was just mild infatuation). But someone that used to be important nonetheless. The reason your sweet Damian (yes, sweet, especially when around you) was alive. 
She was important, once. When he was training under her father’s guidance, before he realized who Ras really was. 
Talia was a complicated woman who unfortunately could never truly get away from her upbringing, no matter how hard she tried. She was “too far gone”, by her own words. It was clear to Bruce, that if even herself thought she was un-savable, he couldn’t do much either. He did try, though. But it just never worked. 
You were certain that she left Damian in Bruce’s care, when the boy was barely ten, exactly because she didn’t want him to turn out like her. Which in itself, was a little redemption act, no ? At least, you thought so. 
Didn’t mean that you thought you could change her mind about those “world domination” plans that were ingrained in her mind since she was born. Fact is, she gave Damian a chance. 
You never hated Talia. You actually felt pretty sorry for her. 
She could’ve had such a different life, if, all those years ago, she had been able to leave her father. Not that you would want to, it’d mean that you and Bruce would never be (even if deep down, you knew that you and him would always end up together, no matter what...it would’ve just been a little lethal for you, if Talia was more around um um). 
Talia never even really tried to get “her” son back. It seemed she completely accepted to “give him” to you. She self-admittedly never really knew how to be a mother, and there was that time she had him killed because she thought it was meant to be...
Not that, anyway, you’d ever let that happen again. You made it very clear you wouldn’t. And your resolve and anger could be scary, even to Talia Al’Ghul.
Plus, the day she had Damian killed, she realized she didn’t want that...anyway long story short, she was no longer in his life. And although if one day she changed her mind and wanted to contact him again you wouldn’t oppose it, you knew Damian was yours. Everyone knew that if one day she would come back, beyond the fact you, Bruce, and his siblings would be here to protect Damian...The boy would never choose to go back to the Al Ghuls. 
He changed drastically, since he came with you. He was no longer her son. And she knew it. And didn’t interfere so far (and you knew she never would). 
He called YOU “mom”. He told YOU he loves you. You. Not her. he never interacted with you like he did with her anyway. And you still didn’t hate Talia. She was part of both Bruce, and Damian’s past (AUTHOR’S NOTE : a little reminder that Damian was born from a “test tube” with Bruce and Talia’s DNA (to simplify things), and had a surrogate mother to give birth to him (although sometimes he’s seen in literal “baby pods” like in Death Stranding haha). He was born A WHILE after Bruce left Talia and the League behind. He wasn’t born 9 months after. This is important infos so things fit timeline wise :)).
The second woman who had a great impact on your husband’s life, and who used to be “his”, was...Selina Kyle. 
For a long time Bruce felt like she was the only one to understand him. The only one accepting him for who he was, with no compromise. The only person on this Earth that wouldn’t try to change him. And although things were often “on and off”, and complicated, it was nice, to feel like he belonged. And Selina... Selina was the only one giving him this feeling. 
But...Well, he was wrong.  
Because then, you, the “third” and yet most important woman in his life, appeared. 
You arrived years after his love story with Talia, and quite a while after he started to realize him and Selina were maybe not meant to be. Too many differences, even as they understood each others (or at least he thought they did).
Then you barged in. A bit younger than him. Unafraid to be yourself, bold and utterly stubborn. Turning his world upside down, and making him reconsider if he ever knew what the word “love” meant before you.  
But that, was another story. Anyone seeing you with him, and particularly the way he looked at you, would instantly know how crazy he was about you. How desperately in love he was. 
Right now, the question wasn’t about how strong your bond was, and how he never loved anyone like he loves you. 
Nope. Right now, it was all about how you didn’t hate his exes (not even Talia). How anyway, they were part of his life at some point, that was a fact you could never change. 
Before you, Bruce had a past. Past. 
A past. A path. A path that lead him to you. A path that taught him to not make the same mistakes he made before, and a path that showed him it was you. That it has always been you. 
A past path, that couldn’t compare to his present with you. 
You didn’t even feel particularly jealous of them, you knew how Bruce felt about you, and that they were just that...part of his past. 
Now, sure. You would probably never even be friendly with Talia. Who she was and what she stood for made it so. The opposite of you, really. 
But Selina ? Well. Selina was another story. 
You smile at your son, and say : 
“Do you think of Selina and I as “conventional women” ? “
His answer came without a second of hesitation, Damian didn’t even have to think to say what he thought of your question : 
“Certainly not.” 
“Exactly. Now. Maybe society teaches girls they should instantly hate their boyfriend’s ex, but I chose not to listen. It’s a toxic view of life, and not all exes are crazy jealous psychos as the people make it sound ? Sometimes, like in your father and Selina’s case, the relationship ends on good terms. Selina is a great woman. As soon as she knew your dad and I were actually a thing, she backed off.” 
Well. That wasn’t entirely true. She backed off of Bruce. But she still LOVED driving him crazy jealous by openly flirting with you. 
“And I know how your dad feels about me. I trust him, too. Trust is important, you know that now right ? -he nods- So. Why would I hate someone I have a lot in common with, and with whom I’d probably be friend anyway if you father wasn’t in the picture ?” 
“I...I guess you wouldn’t ?” 
“And I indeed don’t.” 
Your son was visibly confused, and you couldn’t blame him really. 
Because of how the World was, but also because of who raised him (Talia was...a jealous woman), you understood how he couldn’t quite understand you not feeling threaten in the least by the fact Selina was your Broosh’s ex. So you say, kissing his forehead :
“I’ll tell you a few stories, soon. And I think you’ll get it.” 
“Ok, mom.” 
You smiled. He hadn’t call you “mom” for very long, and you quickly noticed he used every opportunity to use the word. It melted your heart. 
“Now, I have to go ! If I’m late, Diana is going to fly me out of here, and your father HATES when she does that. Goodnight baby, see you soon. Make sure to eat a proper dinner. I told Alfred but I trust you to listen. And force your dad to have one too, when I’m not here, he forgets things...even as important as literally feeding himself. Too engrossed in his project, you know. Anyway, love you. Good night !” 
“Good night, mom.” 
And with a last smile, you go out and leave behind a son that has a LOT of things to think about. 
A few days later, it was Damian’s mandatory night off and he was going to bed early. Your orders. You convinced him, by promising to read him a bedtime story.
Many would think your son was too proud to even admit you still read him stories before bed, even as he was approaching the age of 12. But many would be wrong. 
If there was something Damian wasn’t afraid of, it was to tell the world how much of a mamma’s boy he was. Nobody could blame him, he never really had a “real” mom. Not one like you, at least, who taught him with love and patience, and not hired assassins and blood. 
“Ok Little Buddy, what will it be tonight ?” 
"The story of how you became friend with Catwoman ?”
Your taken aback for a few seconds, you had totally forgotten about telling him about your “girls night out”. But then you smile, settle down next to him on his bed, and as he threw his heavy and comfortable quilt on both of you, you start your story. 
The day she saved your life. 
The first time you realized you and Selina could very well become friends one day, was that time she literally saved your life. Definitely a hint that she didn’t hate you, at least. 
And you ? Sure, at first you were a little insecure because you knew she was Bruce’s ex and Selina was...Well she was a gorgeous woman, smart, witty, and very VERY hot. 
But after seeing her a few times there and there, and seeing how she interacted with Bruce...you knew Selina Kyle was not the “home wrecker” time. That she would never try anything with him, as long as she knew you two were a thing. 
Sure she was a thief, unscrupulously taking whatever she wanted from whomever she wanted...but “someone else’s man” was definitely where she drew a limit. She felt absolutely no pleasure being a mean spirited person. 
And she saw how happy Bruce was with you...Which lead to that fateful night during which you two started to get closer. 
Because sure, you fought off your insecurities about her being his ex, but you weren’t exactly friendly. You just...knew of each others. 
The change happened not long after Bruce made it official with the media that he was no longer “Gotham’s most eligible bachelor”, and was in a serious relationship with you. 
To your surprise, the people in the city took it really well. Bruce was a beloved figure, they were happy that after years of clearly love life instability, he found someone. Sure, a few women and men had their heart broken, their dreams shattered, and were totally jealous of you but...
Anyone seeing you with him just instantly knew you guys were the real deal. That it was true love, as cheesy as it sounded. It was just that obvious. 
Maybe too obvious. 
Clearly, soon, everyone in Gotham knew how much Bruce Wayne cared about his girlfriend. How he would do anything for her. And...Well. 
This was Gotham. Do you get the picture ? 
It was a time during which you hadn’t moved in with him just yet. You’d do that only a few months later, not long before you and Bruce would adopt Dick. 
But for now, you still had your studio apartment in the heart of Gotham (refusing to take any handouts from Bruce, who could definitely get you a better place), and you were going back there after a few meeting with your publishers. 
You were suppose to meet Bruce the next day, as tonight, he was working on some important “Batcases”. You didn’t mind too much. Sometimes, it was nice to be alone with yourself, gave you a moment of self-care and calm. 
You loved Bruce of course, and loved being with him, but it was still nice to have some alone time nonetheless. 
Anyway. You were walking back, feeling rather good about the bath bomb that was waiting for you back home (it was from your favorite artisanal shop, a gift from Bruce, who definitely had no qualms buying you hundreds of dollars worth of bath bombs haha...If he couldn’t help you get a better apartment, didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna spoil you otherwise). 
That’s when it happened. You never even saw it coming. One second you were walking down the street, the next you had a damp towel around your mouth and nose, and everything went to black. 
You woke up in a warehouse. By the salty smell in the air though, you guessed you were somewhere on the docks. Which didn’t tell much, there was a lot of docks, in Gotham. Perks of living on a city with a seafront view ?
There was a group of men in a corner, playing cards. In front of you, a camera. You were gagged, your arms and legs were bound, and your head hurt like hell. 
“Hey, she woke up.”  
A shuffling to your side. The men playing cards were moving. They came to you, one turned the camera on. The other one put on some headphones and slowly directed a mic towards you, as the last man pulled on a ski mask and settled in front of the camera. 
Nothing made sense to you. Until the man in front of the camera started to talk. 
“Bruce Wayne. We have your girlfriend. If you don’t bring us-” 
Oh. Oh. You were kidnapped. And those men wanted a ransom. An insane amount of money. That you knew Bruce had, but still. Ah. 
You had to get out of here. You had to. 
You looked around you, nothing. And there were the three men. Oh. Oh but the edges of your chair were sharp. And if you slowly made a back and forth movement with your wrists, you could see it slowly cutting the ropes. And so, you got to work.  
“Believe me, we won’t hesitate to hurt her. Here, a proof of “good faith”.”
Huh ? OUTCH ! The man in front of the camera had just almost knocked you out with the force of his punch in your jaw. You were wondering if he hadn’t broken it. You couldn’t quite think anymore, and could feel the tears slowly falling on their own from your eyes... 
Damn, it hurt. You didn’t see it coming either, too focused on slowly cutting the ropes while making sure they didn’t notice. 
“Ok, I think that’s good. Whaddaya think, Rupert ?”
“We can do another take if you want, and then edit the punch in ? I’m not sure she can handle another hit like that, she looks pretty shaken up.” 
“Ah well we-”
“Oooooh booyyys !” 
Your ears were ringing, everything was blurry, and your head hurt so much. But you definitely recognized that voice. 
“Catwoman, you’re early.” 
Huh ? What was she doing here... 
“Well, I thought I’d pop in a little earlier knowing you boys would be around. I’m sort of in a hurry. I accept cash of course, as usual. I think you’ll find the array of jewelries I brought today to be...What the hell are you doing ?”
“Mm ? Oh, her ? A little side operation. She’s Bruce Wayne’s sweetheart. Rumors has it he’d burn the world for her, we thought we’d take advantage of it and expend our business.” 
“That’s quite a jump from fencing stolen jewelries, to kidnapping, isn’t it ?” 
The man shrugged, and turned back to you. 
“Well, you don’t achieve anything if you don’t start new ventures. And there’s big money to be made here. For sure. That idiot Wayne will pay up, there’s no doubt.” 
You heard the click-clacks of heels, and a shadow came into your vision. 
“What did you do to her, you animals ?” 
“Just a punch. And maybe we weren’t too delicate with her when we moved her to our van, and then here. But it’s fine. Nothing too bad really.” 
Slowly you were regaining your vision. And the pain was retrieving. You had never been punched before. You kinda hope it would never happen again... 
The way those thugs were talking about the all thing was so casual, from them talking about how they’d edit the video destined to Bruce, to how they were just saying they were expanding their operation...For a little bit, you almost forgot you were from Gotham.
America’s capital of crime. 
Where little thugs like those ones were plenty. 
Men who thought they could “make it big”.
A place that bred someone like your Bruce, and his nightly activities... 
Selina’s voice raised again, harsh and dry : 
“I give you all the things I stole in the past month, in exchange of her.” 
There’s a short silence, followed by a chuckle from one of the man, clearly the leader, who answers : 
“Oh please. We ain’t stupid. We know her value. And we know someone like you, wouldn’t trade anything in for her if she wasn’t valuable. You’re not exactly known to be a nice woman.” 
There’s a hint of anger crossing Selina’s face, and you immediately understand where it comes from. Sure. She was a thief. A criminal. And sometimes, she’d rough up some security guards, or some fellow criminals that think they could cross her. 
But she was no brute. 
She would never NEVER kidnap anyone, and especially not an innocent. 
She protected children, and defenseless woman in her neighborhood, and whenever she could. She wasn’t exactly a hero, like Bruce; That’s for sure. But she wasn’t a bad person. No. She wasn’t. 
And those guys words ? Just infuriated her. 
“Mm. Too bad for you. Don’t go out and say I didn’t give you a chance. Really, too bad. I liked doing business with you.” 
“What are you-”
In an instant, Selina sprout in action, and knocked the three men out before they could even realize. That was impressive. Even gagged, you could hear yourself utter a “wow” as she rushed back to you to untie you. 
She smiled as she saw you made a good way through the ropes, and were most likely be able to get out of your bounds at some point. You were glad you didn’t though, because you weren’t quite sure what you were going to do once free ? 
You fall forward on the floor and she catches you. Your head is still ringing, as you look at Selina. 
There is genuine concern on her face. 
How odd. 
"Are you okay ?” 
“Yes, I’m fine.” 
“Good. Cause I refuse to be the one telling Bruce the person he loves the most in this world died. Again.” 
“Yes. Thank you I-I...”
“Hey, are you okay ? (Y/N) ? (Y/N) ??” 
You could hear Selina call to you, and it felt like her voice was slowly fading into the distance...The adrenaline gone, the stress of it all gone, you had simply passed out. 
“Is she alright ?!” 
Bruce arrived, bursting through a window, and ran to you. Your head was in Selina’s lap (she felt bad just leaving you laying down there on the hard concrete ground), and she was casually sitting, her back against a container. 
She was surrounded by the knocked out bodies of your aggressors. 
“Yes. Yes she’s just sleeping. She got roughed up a little bit, but I checked. Nothing too bad. It’ll leave a few bruises. Nothing time cannot heal.” 
After saving you, totally by chance, Selina called Bruce on his red phone, so he would know it’s an emergency. 
It didn’t even take him more than ten minutes to drop the case he was working on, cross town, and arrive. 
He kneeled next to you, and checked every part of you to make sure Selina was right. But it did appear you were just asleep. The shock was too big, probably. 
“How did you know she was here ?” 
“I didn’t. It was all luck. Those men were some...um...Associates of mine.” 
“You have associates that kidnap women ?” 
There was anger in Bruce’s voice, but Selina knew better than to think it was aimed at her. No. It was anger he felt towards those men who hurt you, and towards himself, too, as he wasn’t there to take care of you. 
“No. She’s their first.” 
He looks at you, with a longing and love in his eyes that he never looked at Selina with. She recognizes it instantly. He’s more in love with you than he ever been with her. Was it even really love, between them, or a strong friendship ? Sometimes, the two were difficult to dissociate.
She stares at him, because it’s quite something, to see the Batman himself so desperately in love that he dropped everything he was doing to run to you, knowing that you were safe. 
It’s quite something, to see the Batman himself ready to give it all up just for one person. Something he was never willing to do before. Never willing to do with Selina... 
She stares at him, and smiles. An almost sad smile, because it hurts a bit, he never looked at her like that. But a smile nonetheless, because she knows now for sure, that he found his true love. 
Nobody would peg Catwoman for a romantic, but oh, oh she was a hopeless sap. Especially when it touched her dear friends. 
Bruce looks at her, and mistakes that look in her eyes for something that isn’t there. She can see it instantly. He thinks she’s sad, that she’s truly hurt he found someone else. That he moved on. 
She’s not. But of course, he would think so. 
“Selina I-”
“Don’t Bruce. It’s ok. You and I were never meant to be together, and we knew it. Doesn’t mean we can’t be friend. I actually think we work better, as friends, don’t you ? Take care of her. She’s definitely a keeper.” 
You slowly shift in Bruce’s arms, and he takes a look at you. At your wounds. His heart tightens, and he holds you with more force. 
“Thank you.” 
He barely whispers it, but Selina hears him. She smiles at him, happy that her friend found happiness. True happiness. 
All she ever wanted for Bruce, was for him to find a way to be happy. Clearly, she wasn’t that. But you...You definitely were. 
“I don't know what I would’ve done if she...” 
“Hey, hey come on Bat. Don’t think about this. She’s fine. Just tired from the shock. She’ll recover, she’s strong. And you’ll be here, right ?” 
He didn’t sound too convince, and Selina could feel a big urge to slap him across the face. Because she knew what he was thinking. And he’d better not do it. 
“Bruce if you-”
“Thank you, Selina. I’m going to take her home, now. She needs the rest. And-And I do too.” 
And on that note, he exited the warehouse, holding you tight in his arms. And oh. Oh Selina hoped to everything she held sacred (and that wasn’t a lot of things) that he wouldn’t be a stupid idiot. 
The day she saved his heart. 
He couldn’t stop thinking of that time you got hurt. Because of him. Because he was Bruce Wayne...What if anyone got wind that he was Batman ? 
It’d be even worst. If someone like the Joker, or Penguin ever knew who he really was (and that was definitely a possibility), being with you would sign your death. 
He had to-
“Oh god Bruce you are SO cliche.” 
He slightly jumped in the air as Selina casually sat down beside him, looking down to the dark streets below. There was a slight fog, and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at how even the weather decided to join in ont he stereotype. 
“Excuse me ?” 
“You’re a living cliche. What, brooding all alone on a rooftop, on a full moon night, wondering if you should ruin your life or not, sacrifice your own happiness for dumb reasons.” 
“What ?” 
“What, breaking up with her to protect her ? Really ? Do you even know how dumb that sounds ?” 
“I didn’t-”
“Your thoughts are plain to see. I know you, Bruce. And I noticed your face, ever since she got hurt. And what you’re thinking? Leaving her for her own safety ? D-U-M-B. So dumb.”
“Did you not pay attention to the close call she just had ?!” 
“I was there to save her. And if I wasn’t, you would’ve barged in and save her. Or better yet, when I arrived, she had made her way half way through her bounds by slowly cutting it on the edge of her chair ! She might’ve escaped on her own !”
“Or gotten killed.” 
“But she’s alive.”
“No thanks to me.” 
“So what, you renounce happiness because maybe one day she’ll be in danger ? This is Gotham, Bruce. She is always in danger. And if you leave her alone, like I know you’re thinking about, she will definitely be an easy target. It’s not because you break up with her that people will stop thinking you care about her. In fact, after she got attacked like that, and it was made public, I bet the opposite will happen. Criminals in Gotham are a lot of things, but dumb is unfortunately not one of them. They WILL come after you if you leave her to fend for herself. If you break up.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do know that. Come on Bruce. I was born here. You too. And her too. Hell, I saw her give a nasty right hook to more than one person, in the short time I’ve known her ! One of those being Mayor Hady himself, and that was BEFORE she started to date you, how fearless is she, huh ?” 
“That’s the problem.”
“Her fearlessness ? Sounds to me like it to be taken advantage of. Train her. Teach her to fight, to defend herself. Give her the keys, to survive. Just like you gave yourself the keys to go on your “justice” mission.” 
“I...I can’t.”
“Why ?” 
“Because she...She shouldn’t live this kind of life.” 
“A little late, no ? She knows who you really are already. And she stayed. Even then, shouldn’t this be her own choice ? Shouldn’t she decide on what she deserves ?” 
“Nu-hu. Don’t start with this. You tried to do the same with me, and I didn’t have the patience to stay. But I know she does. I know you can try to push her through the front door, she’ll climb through the window. She, unlike me or anyone else, will see right through your bullshit. Does, see right through your bullshit. And is willing to put up with it...You’ll never find someone else who does.” 
“I know...”
“Then, what are you doing ?”
And with that, Selina rolled her eyes, grumbled something about him being a stubborn idiot, said : “think of her feelings for once, and not your own. Because you damn well know Bruce, that if you leave her, it will be out of selfishness, not because you think it’s truly the only way.”, and jumped from the building to the one next door, leaving Bruce with too many thoughts and dilemmas...
Even if in the end, the answer became obvious to him.   
“As if I would ever let that happen anyway.” 
“I’m sorry ?” 
Years later, Bruce told you the story of how he almost broke up with you not long after you two moved in together, shortly before you adopted Dick. 
“She was right you know ? I would’ve climbed through the window. See. If I knew for sure you were leaving me because you didn��t love me, then I would leave you alone of course. But I would’ve definitely called your bluff.” 
“How can you be so sure ?” 
He smiles fondly at you, bringing you into a warm embrace as you roll your eyes at him. Ah but of course, even him always knew you could see right through him, even when he tried to hide his emotions. 
“Please, Bruce. You can’t fool me. You were never able to, and I don’t think you’ll ever learn to. Or I’ll just learn your new tricks, and crack you anyway. And believe me, if you had tried to leave me at that time...I wouldn’t’ve let that happen.” 
He lays his forehead on yours, unable to say another word. Tonight, he was able to tell you this story that was now “silly”, but that almost tore his heart away from him. 
Because if he had lose you to his own stupidness, he would’ve become just an empty shell. Back to those dark days of loneliness, and acting like a machine while his entire soul was hurting. 
Sure. Now this story sounded silly. But oh, oh if he had gone through with it. If-
“I’ll have to thank Selina though. Because she avoided me going through the trouble of drilling into your thick skull that it’s ok to be happy. And be afraid for those you love. Especially in your situation...” 
“I know.” 
He holds you tighter. Just as every time he realizes how lucky he is to have another shot at this “family” thing. How lucky he is, that you’re here, with him. 
And Selina was truly to thanks for that, in a way. 
Because, you were almost sure you could’ve change his mind and not break up with you. But there was this slight possibility, this slight one you’d fail...
Maybe you would’n’t’ve been able to convince him to stay with you. Maybe. There was still a chance, right ? So you’re thankful. Your thankful for having such a good friend. For having Selina in your life. 
You’re thankful that one day, a stupid mistake you made truly started this dear friendship. 
The day she became a friend. 
You had always been quite a “lone wolf” sort of person. So you didn’t have a lot of friends. Your childhood best friend, Alex, had moved across the country years ago. And making new friends as the wife of Bruce Wayne was hard. 
This was a time BEFORE you met the others from the League. BEFORE any of them knew the Batman had a family. 
Of course, before introducing you to them, he had to make sure things were safe. That they could be trusted (A/N : if you wanna see the day he does trust them, here’s the story I wrote about it haha : “You have kids ?? And…A WIFE ?”). 
So, you didn’t have many friends. And sometimes...You wished you did. 
Someone that wasn’t your Broosh. Or your kid. Or Alfred. 
You told everything to Bruce, but sometimes...Well sometimes certain issues, you couldn’t talk to him about. Like for example the time he annoyed the hell out of you. Sure you’d tell it to his face, and you guys would fight, then work it out, and finally  make up, and you didn’t want to bring back the issues you know ? You wouldn’t vent to him about him, eh ?
Bruce was definitely your best friend. But he was also the man you loved. And sometimes, it was nice to have an “outside” perspective. 
Someone with whom you could gossip a little (although you did gossip plenty with your husband, when at charity balls and galas). 
And then, slowly, you realized what you actually were feeling...
You were missing her. 
It had been a little while since the last time you saw her. 
Ever since she saved your life, and knocked some sense in your Broosh, whenever you saw her, you’d have such a interesting and compelling conversations. 
It was oh so pleasant, to gang up on Bruce and make fun of him. His pride was always hit, and he’d frown in such a delightful way. 
At the same time, she knew him rather well, and you knew him rather well, and you three had a lot in common and it sometimes felt like you were a trio from a very cliched “chosen one” story. 
Hermione, Ron, Harry. 
Percy, Annabeth, Grover. 
Any trio really. It even inspired some of your stories. Yet...Yet you wouldn’t call her quite a “friend”. Why that ? 
You weren’t sure. It just was never made official, and in your anxiety riddled mind it meant that you weren’t friends, then. 
Yet you missed her. And earlier in the day, you saw something that made you want to call her and talk to her about it ! 
Should you call her ? Send a text ? You had her number. She once wrote it on a napkin and slipped it in your pocket right in front of Bruce, just to mess with him. You kept it, and put it in your phone, not really knowing why. 
Taking your phone, you started to draft a text (it had to be drafted before being send, it you were even going to send it...your anxiety made it so that even with texts, you had to make sure you didn’t sound stupid or such). 
You didn’t really have any intention to send it. You were just toying with a few ideas when...
No. Oh no. 
Oh fuck. No. No no no no no no. 
Instead of hitting the “back” key to erase the text for good and move on from this weird move, you pressed “send”. Shit. Fuck. Motherfucker. 
It was such a dumb text as well. 
“Hey girlfriend, wanna hang out ?” 
You were just trying out different ways of writing a text, and were entering “stupid silly mode”, which was the step right before you usually gave up and didn’t send something (you had MANY of those moments when starting to date Bruce...Moments during which you almost send some really sappy and silly texts, making the mistakes a few time to indeed press “send”...mortifying...why, why were you never learning from your mistakes ?!). 
You were in your office, in the Wayne Inc building (you settled your writing office there, so it was more convenient to see your Bruce, but also to handle taking care of your son, Dick), downright panicking about this stupid text, when you heard a knock on your door. 
How long had you been beating yourself down about this ? AN HOUR ?! Damn. Anxiety never let you keep track of time. You-
It was her. Selina. And you could hear her smug smile in her voice. You were facing your windows, not wanting to turn around, and it was getting a little awkward. Selina broke the silence : 
“Listen, I thought you did want to hang out and was just making an inside joke by being overly girly, you know, imitating those models Bruce used to date ? But I realize maybe this was um, a mistake ?” 
She sounds so unsure. You never heard her sound unsure before ! So you turn around, and here she is, a little shy. 
Catwoman. A little shy ? 
And all of a sudden, you realize she must’ve felt the same about you. Consider you a friend, but since you never talked about it never took it for granted, for something sure, settled in stone ? 
And your text maybe confirmed you were, indeed, friends ? 
And here it was. 
From that day, and on. 
The official beginning of your friendship. 
Of course, you both saw the other as a friend since a while before, but it’s with this embarrassing text that it really changed everything. 
Made it “official”. 
Made it clear to the both of you. 
It never occurred to you that Selina too, could sometimes have insecurities and be anxious. But that day, as she shyly responded to your call, hopeful it meant you were really friends...
Being her, it was also hard to make friend. 
She had been friend with Bruce for a long time. The fact she was yours now too, filled her with joy. Because she really liked the both of you, in the most platonic way that ever existed. 
Yes. Her and Bruce worked better as friends anyway. 
Ah. But wasn’t this how the best friendship started ? With a push from fate, a little awkwardness, and a lot of laughter once the initial shock passed ? 
Girls night out. 
It happened a day during which you, Dinah and Lois were...not in a great mood. 
Your husbands were aggravating, your children got into troubles and shenanigans, you had so much to do...it was a lot of stress, and it was all released at the same time. 
You all left your house yelling that you “needed air”, and left behind rather stunned husbands and children. Ah but yes, everything wasn’t always perfect, even amongst loving families.
And your first reflex ? To call each others. 
That’s it. That’s how girls night out started. The realization sometimes you needed to wind down with some friends. But quickly, you realized that the three of you talked mainly about your kids and husbands, and by extension, the “superhero work”. Which was fine, you needed to vent but...It wasn’t helping you relieve some tension. 
And that’s when you got an idea. 
Who better than Selina Kyle to make you NOT talk about your families ? 
You joined in a bar every first Wednesday of the month, starting at happy hours for you, Dinah and Lois. Ranting about your families, and about annoying habits your husbands had etc etc...And then you were joined a bit later in the evening by Selina and Diana. 
And that’s when the fun really began. 
It became a ritual. 
Girls night out (A/N : maybe I should write a story about that one day haha). 
This was one such night, and you had let lose a little bit more than usual because...for the first night in nine months, you could drink a little bit of alcohol. 
Alcohol had never been your thing, but a sweet cocktail there and there was nice. Now, while being pregnant with your youngest, Thomas, obviously you weren’t going to do that. 
And you had missed a few “girls night out” because you were too damn pregnant. 
But now, he was OUT, and you were TOO. 
Well. Diana said something like that, as she kept giving you more and more cocktails. 
Long story short, you were a little tipsy. And definitely not able to drive. And so here was your savior, Selina. 
She didn’t really drink, knowing you would totally let loose. So she drove you home. 
You were coming back a little later than usual, and you had forgotten to send a little text to Bruce to tell him so so he wouldn’t worry (Selina did it for you though, true friend had your back eh ? And she definitely didn’t want the Batman to come barge in on your girls night fun). 
He opened the door as you walked up the stairs, saying bye to Selina. She had that smirk on her face, the one you knew she always had when about to tease your beloved husband. And as he slipped an arm around your waist, and turned to wave goodbye to her...She did just that : 
“Careful Bat, I’m making good progress with her. If you’re not wary enough, I’ll steal her from you.” 
On that note, Selina winks at the both of you, puts on her sunglasses (while it was night...Oh Selina), and drives away, smiling widely of that very Catwomanesque smug smile. Which makes you chuckle. She always made you laugh rather easily. 
You turn to your bruce and...
Oh. That adorable “jealous frown” got you every time. Your smile shifts from amused to utterly affectionate, and you put your hands on his cheeks. 
He was looking at Selina’s car fading into the distance, the arm he had around you tightening slightly (you were pretty sure he wasn’t even consciously doing it). Your hands on his cheeks didn’t seem to register in his mind. 
So a further distraction was needed. You brush your lips against his cheek, as an attempt to drive his attention back to you and...it works. 
You smile at him, and in your little hazy state you whisper in his ear : 
“I love you, my Broosh.” 
He can’t help but feel a surge of warm feelings towards you, and bring you in a tight hug. Partly because he can’t help it, partly because he’s trying to hide the slight blush growing on his face whenever you surprise him with “I love yous”, and that always made him snicker at him...Only you could fluster him so. 
“I love you too.” 
You tripped on air, as, once again, you were a little tipsy, and he catches you...Good, he needed an excuse to carry you bridal style anyway. 
He always liked doing so, any excuse to have you near really. And as your face approach for a loving kiss you-
“Wait wait wait mooooom !! You don’t have to leave this gross part in !” 
“What gross part ?” 
“The sappy declaration of love, and the kiiiisses !!” 
“Oh ? But don’t every story have to end with a kiss ? And a happy ever after ?” 
“Nu-huh ! Also HEY ! None of your stories end like this, I know, I read them all !”
You chuckle slowly at your boy’s reaction, and kiss him on the forehead. Quite touched he read all your stories. 
“Time for bed, little buddy.” 
You say, slipping out of his quilt and tucking him in. You can see he pensively thinks about your little friendship story, and finally he says : 
“I’ll try to be nicer to Miss Kyle. I never trusted her, because of her past with father. But maybe she deserves a chance ?” 
“She does.” 
“If you say so, then I believe it.” 
It touches you, how much blind faith your son puts in you. You smile, giving him another kiss to his forehead, as he says : 
“Thank you for telling me the story, mom. It was nice.” 
Behind this “it was nice”, there isn’t just the story itself, but the knowledge that as you grow up...Your feelings change. 
You change. 
And you go through a lot of heartaches, before finally finding the right persons to surround yourself with. 
Beyond the story itself, Damian related to how it took both you and Bruce a lot of trials and errors, before finding each others. How you loved before you met the other, but it never compared to how you love each others. 
How you found good friends along the way, and how even when things sounded desperate and lonely...you made it through. 
So he could certainly do so, too ? Even more so since now, he was a big brother. 
Thomas was barely a few weeks old, but Damian had already taken his role very seriously. And you knew he was going to continue to grow, to love, to hurt too sometimes...and to evolve. 
Just like you and Bruce did. 
So. No. You didn’t hate Selina Kyle just because she and your husband used to be a thing. In fact...
In fact, Selina had become both of your best friend. Unfortunately for Bruce, she often took your side on everything, and LOVED to drive him crazy by openly flirting with you. 
And she had been by your side through many good moments, and bad ones. The first to respond when your family needed it. The one you’d always be there for, and vice versa. 
A best friend. 
Quite an important find. 
When you met Bruce, not only did you meet the love of your life, but also one of your best and most precious friend. 
Conclusion : is it possible to be friend with your husband’s ex ? Absolutely. 
Especially when that “ex” was someone as extraordinary as Selina Kyle, and when the love that linked you and your husband was so impossible to even graze. 
And yet another bonus story that I had no intention to write but suddenly felt the need to haha. Don’t worry, the rest of the stories I announced are still coming ;). I guess there’s nothing bad in having little bonus ones in between hehe. I hope you liked this, again it’s just a little drabble.
As usual comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated and motivating <3.
PS : I wrote this, like all drabbles, in like thirty minutes. Didn’t re-read. Sorry for any typos. Don’t hesitate to point any huge ones to me, Ill change it x_x. 
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stephspurs · 3 years
ONLY ANGEL - A John Stones Fanfiction
The lights go down, the room turns dark, a murmur of people still trying to find their seats settles into the otherwise silence. The floor to ceiling screen behind the runway awakens to show a video montage of arguably the most famous supermodels in the world. “It’s difficult being a woman, and other women understand that...but it’s also fun to be a woman and I think we should be able to own that”
The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is unlike any other in the world, it is the equivalent of the SuperBowl for supermodels. Bodies like Gisele Bundchen, Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, grace the runway year in year out for the most-celebrated lingerie event in the runway calendar. A change of scenery for the traditionally American-based fashion show saw the glittery stage set up and a plethora of beautiful women touch down in London town.
Josephine Andersen, a 25 year old Danish-born supermodel found herself sitting backstage in hair and makeup, in a scantily-clad lingerie set with the iconic barely-there silk wrap adorned with the famous branding across the back of her shoulders and ‘Angel Josephine’ across her left side, right above her beating heart. Make no mistake, Josephine was meant to be here. She had worked hard every single day since the last runway event that she was fortunate enough to have walked in for the lingerie brand, to prove her rightful place as an Angel.
Yes, success is the direct result of hard work - and there was no denying that Josephine was a hard worker. She knew that she wasn’t special, and like most, she would have to work for what she wanted out of her life. What she didn’t know before going into the modelling industry at the ripe old age of 13, was that it was as mentally challenging as it was physical. Everyday was a constant battle between her head, her heart, and her agent. Nevertheless, she was aware of how difficult it was to be a woman, but she was also aware of just how fun it could be too.
John Stones, a 27 year old Barnsley-born (although his mate Kyle Walker would argue the point that his postcode says Sheffield but that's a story for another time) footballer for Manchester City Football Club, found himself sitting front row of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in London. He had never attended an event quite like it before, his mates sat either side of him ready to enjoy the spectacle that he didn’t think he would ever have the pleasure of attending. With the current season underway and the fact that his home club was a whole 4 hour drive away from his current location, it was a small miracle that the group of lads from Manchester were allowed to attend at all. These boys were down for a night of beautiful women, lingerie and getting up to no good.
The music started, the screen went black, the crowd erupted in applause for the first model through the parting screen - Angel Josephine. Strutting down the runway to Harry Styles' live version of Only Angel, John was mesmerised by the woman before him. She was working the crowd, sensual glances, little smirks, a cheeky grin here and there. Standing at the end of the runway, facing the abundance of cameras, Josephine gave her best smile and a confident wink to the camera before tossing her hair over her shoulder and proceeding to walk back up the runway.
John hadn’t been able to take his eyes off of the girl, he wasn’t sure he had blinked since she stepped foot out on the runway - if he closed his eyes for just a millisecond he would miss too much. He was addicted to her beauty, never having seen something so ethereal in his life. Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was the champagne, but he honestly believed that there was an angel before him. Following her with his eyes as she walked back towards where he was seated, he made eye contact with her and she held it. Sending him a wink, and blowing him a kiss before smirking to herself and exiting the stage. She had no idea the effect that she had on the otherwise cocky man, she had reduced him to a puddle of mush, too intimidated by her beauty. The moment she was out of his sight, it was like he could breathe again, the sound that was previously muted around him returned to its full volume and his tunnel vision had widened to take in the whole show. Taking another sip of his champagne, he caught the eye of his best friend Kyle (yes, the same Kyle from earlier) who smirked and gave him a pat on the shoulder. Kyle had seen the whole interaction, albeit limited and largely one sided, and knew exactly what kind of trouble his friend could get himself into here.
Backstage Josephine was being ushered from the runway to the small curtain that was hanging from a clothes rack, providing a make-shift dressing room for her to strip off of the current segments undergarments and into the next set that had been so kindly draped over the top rail by one of the wardrobe assistants. Normally she would be thriving under the fast paced nature of the evening, the adrenaline pumping through her veins like a drug, however she was encumbered by her own thoughts of the devilishly handsome man in the front row. His eyes were engraved in the back of her mind, when she shut her own eyes she could see the intensity of his stare - it was numbing her, slowing her down. She was desperate for another glance at him, being brought back into the moment by the yell of a backstage hand asking for her to hurry and get into her next wings, she stripped and redressed. Was she lightheaded from the pressure that she had placed on herself to prepare for the evening, or was it because he seemed to take up all of the air in the room and space in her brain? She could argue that she was fulfilling her role as an Angel by winking at him and blowing him a little kiss. It was her job to flirt with the crowd and put on a show after all, but she knew exactly what her intentions were and they were nothing but devilish.
Perhaps the only event more iconic than the fashion show itself, the afterparty was what most people involved in the show looked forward to. The humans, even with their celebrity status, had the opportunity to mix with the angels - who, for one night only, let go of their halos and swapped them for horns. For one night, the beautiful women of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show in all of their angelic glory; could be as bad as they dared to. This was the unspoken truth of the after party, and if you had the fortune of being able to attend, it was not an event easily passed up.
John found himself once again surrounded by his mates, mingling with the models and his celebrity pals alike. Not once had he forgotten about the first angel he had ever laid eyes on, he didn’t even know her name but by God did he know her body. It was as though the 30-odd seconds she was before him his eyes scanned her from head to toe, every curve of her body engraved into his memory. He could remember how the light reflected off of the body shimmer she had bathed in before walking the runway, how the curve of her waist continued at the perfect degree to complete her perfectly-sized derriere. Before long, he felt the room get smaller and smaller, the air was thicker and his hearing had started to muffle. She was standing in his direct line of sight - not that it would matter if she was standing on the other side of the room, behind a crowd of people, John’s eyes would find and fixate on her.
John watched as she worked the room, obligatory pleasantries flowing from her lips as she double kissed the cheeks of men who were old enough to be her grandfather. He watched their leather-like hands wrap themselves around her lower back, too low for his liking. He watched her smile and pretend that she was comfortable, but he could see the look behind her eyes scream that she shouldn’t trust their words - that they didn’t want to just buy her a drink. Without realising, his hands started to curl around his scotch glass until he had to put it down on the table before him and excuse himself from the company of his friends and the new company they had invited to their table. Weaving his way through the crowd, eyes never leaving the side of her face, he began to make his way towards her. No plan of action, nothing to say, anything would be good enough in an attempt to rescue her from what is looking to be her own personal version of hell. As though the universe had willed it, she looked into the crowd and locked onto the gaze of the tall man who was currently striding towards her. The look on his face told everyone around them that they weren’t to get in his way, to mess with him.
Reaching her, she held her breath and waited for his next steps. Josephine didn’t know what to expect, but the handsome smile that erupted from his previously pursed lips and filled up his face had sent her heart into a frenzy. For just that moment, she chose to believe that that smile was reserved for her and only her. Reaching forward and coincidentally knocking the older man’s arm from around her waist and replacing it with his own, he leant forward and planted a loud kiss to her cheek before wrapping her in a hug that warmed her soul. Her whole body pushed into his, she was unable to see his face but she could hear his heart and it told her that she was safe.
“I’m so proud of you, babe. I reckon I'm the luckiest guy in the room to be able to call you my girlfriend” He said into her ear, loud enough for the group of older men to hear and begin to talk amongst themselves after realising they had no chance with the Danish beauty, not that she ever gave them that impression to begin with.
Pulling away from the tall man, she looked up at him and gave him her best smile, a sincere smile. She ran her hands down from his back and found his hands that were placed on her waist, lacing their fingers together and pulling him off into the crowd to the bar.
“So, boyfriend, do you have a name?” She spoke whilst picking up the vodka on the rocks - not her favourite drink but it had little to no calories and anything that had a calorie count lower than her weight, which was difficult enough to find in the first place, was a win in her eyes.
“John, but I prefer to be called your boyfriend, even if it's only for one night” John spoke back to her, looking down at the angel who had covered herself up a bit more since the last time he had the pleasure of looking at her. However, the outfit she was currently wearing still allowed John’s mind, and eyes, to wander. A secret moment shared between the two in an overcrowded room.
PART 2. (smut warning)
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levigrimoire · 2 years
Castellum The Leviathan, Moon’s Atmosphere 5 Years After the Red War
For a time the only sounds came from the natural landscape of the Leviathan, creaking and aged parts straining to properly operate alongside a near silent hum that Levi couldn’t place.  Her own footsteps mixed with the haunting ambient noise, determined and steady despite the fear that gripped her core.  She was a Titan, she had the Light, and nothing in this vile place could deter her.  This perseverance continued the further in she walked, ignoring the gaudy gold that lined the walls and floors, statues and columns hanging over her like twisted trees.  With every step it looked as if the environment around her grew more sullen, more derelict, seemingly shifting before her very eye beneath a hue of red.  Flickering shapes began to appear around the Exo, dark and faceless, watching her as she passed.  
Where you go nothing is real.  Do not engage.
The voice from the briefing leading into this assignment sounded in her head, footsteps never faltering even as some of the hovering shapes began to creep closer.
Nothing is real. They are your own feelings manifested, nothing more.
A few floated away from her as she ascended a staircase, gaze fixed upon the objective marker on her HUD, highlighting her ultimate destination in this horrific place.
They will challenge you. Do not engage them.
One of the shapes began to follow her, slowly and silently, but the Titan refused to even look in its direction. It sped up, floating into her peripheral on her good side, and she couldn’t help but glance in its direction.
They are your nightmares. 
“Levi. It’s good to see you again, I missed you.”
Immediately she turned away from the figure, terrified of what she just saw.  It wasn’t real, but she couldn’t face this.  She couldn’t face this failure.
“I’m surprised you decided to show up, you knew what you would run into here.”
Don’t engage. Don’t engage, don’t respond-
“Or maybe you really didn’t care.  Seems like you just want to pretend we didn’t exist.”
For the first time Levi’s footsteps faltered as they came to a stop, allowing the shade to float directly into her point of view. It had been years since she’d seen his face, but she would never forget the look in those eyes, the mingling optimism and youth that was now twisted by the nightmare.  
It was Jacinto, the youngest member of her old fireteam.
“I trusted you, Levi,” he continued, lingering before her. “We all did.”
“How could you just forget what we had?”
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blueknightdg · 3 years
Consideration and Generosity
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noire, DCU
Characters: Marinette, Damian
She sat on a park bench that day; the weather was hot yet, cloudy.
Despite the uncomfortable sweat clinging to her being and the buzzing noise of her surroundings, she smiled happily. She would do anything for inspiration, even endure the blistering feeling of the sun.
Soon enough it has been hours since she began to sketch and draw designs for clothing she wishes to make true.
She feels her head is off, so she takes a break to answer a text from her mother.
(Mom) Marinette, are you still at the park? It's been five hours.
(Me) Yep! Just taking a break.
(Mom) Just now? It's really hot outside, have you eaten? What about water?
(Me) Don't worry! I'm fine! I stayed in the shade the whole time.
(Mom) Okay, but I want a picture of you eating.
(Me) Okay, I will. I love you!
(Mom) I love you too.
Marinette, packs her sketch books and other materials a way in her bag. She stands up, only to tip over onto someone walking past her.
"Hey, you-"
The person stops to keep her from falling all the way down.
"Uh... I'm sorry, I guess I should have taken a break earlier."
She tries to break a way from the strangers grip. They let her go easily. They began to walk a little further a way with a eye in her direction. She sits down again to collect herself. She takes a few breaths and thinks about how to get up without falling and embarrassing herself.
"I wish I packed a water bottle or something, I knew it was hot but I thought I would be fine....", she thought to herself.
She checked her bag in case she just forgot. Lo and behold there was a water bottle in one of the outside pockets.
"Huh....? That's strange, I was sure I......oh well.", she shrugged it off as her forgetting.
Feeling a little better, she carefully stood up. Having not fallen, she smiled and picked up her full bag. She walks in the direction of a small restaurant to eat, since she wouldn't make it home before hunger got to her.
She walked like she wasn't being followed. Casual and slow, she took in the buildings a round her. The same as her memories told her, but still just as beautiful.
Once she got to an empty table, she sat her bag down in front of her. The waitress walks up to her with a smile.
"Hello! Here is the menu, please take your time. Though I do suggest today's special! Mushroom soup with broccoli, carrots, and rice."
"Thank you."
"No problem!"
The waitress leaves her be and she focuses on the menu. It seems that this restaurant is all about healthy living.
She hums to herself as she thinks of her order. However, everything sounded wonderful and she couldn't decide. Then she heard a waitress bring someone's order of a tofu and veggie stuffed bell peppers with a side salad. So she looked over to see the meal and found that it looked delicious. She also saw they ordered tomato juice.
Looking at the menu one more time, she located the meal, drink and picked out a dessert on her own.
As soon as she put her menu down, the waitress came up to her with her pen and notepad out.
"Ready to order?"
"Yes, I would like the Tofu and Veggie stuffed Bell peppers with a side salad, tomato juice, and the vanilla, soy bean ice cream."
"Would you like a topping?"
"Yes, let's see....oh! The coconut sprinkles and strawberry drizzle."
"To repeat: Tofu, veggie stuff bell peppers, side salad, tomato juice, vanilla soy bean ice cream with coconut sprinkles and strawberry drizzle?"
"Okay, we will right on it!"
Marinette took out her phone as she waited. She texted her mom, that she was at a restaurant nearby. Her mom reminded her to send a picture of her eating.
A few minutes later and her food was brought to her.
"Thank you so much!"
"It's no problem, dear, tell me if you need anything!"
The waitress leaves to let her eat. She sends a picture of her food to her mom, who responded with the words 'smile and heart'.
Change perspective
His day was normal. He woke up and dealt with the hooligans that plagued his life. He was currently in Paris as a part of a stake out group. His family dispersed during day to do individual actives. His father wanted him near by, but he argued that he didn't need to be monitored.
His father conceded by saying he must practice being considerate of other people and to update him on how it is going and if he needs help. He was more than reluctant to agree. Regardless, he did.
He didn't like the loose nature of his apparel for the day, but had no chouce due to the heat.
Though by no means is his clothing loose in comparison to others definition. He prefers to be dignified at all times.
Most of the day, he had nothing report to his father that was particularly considerate until he notice the ragged look of a girl a round his age. She looked dehydrated and ill. He scoffs at her lack of self preservation until he notice she was immersed in some kind of sketching. He also remembered his has to be 'considerate' today so he will say she was lost to passion. After all, this is Paris, the city known for passion.
He watches her as she unconsciously squints and makes a grim expression at times. She sways ever so slightly.
In his observations, she stopped her work to look at her phone. Her condition is not well. He walks a little closer with a water bottle he bought. The moment he walked next to her and she stood, he stabilized her and slipped the water bottle in her bag as she spoke, trying to clear her head. She was drenched in sweat.
"Father better be grateful, I am being more than generous with being 'considerate', disgusting.", he thought with distain.
He hurried a way from her only to stop a short distance a way to watch her more and to sanitize his hands; to rid himself of the horrid feeling of her sweat.
The girl swayed less than before, but after updating his father of what happened, he was ordered to tail her. What if she collapsed? His efforts would have been in vain if that was so.
He was slightly frustrated and her slow pace did nothing to help. He only felt a bit better at her choice of eatery. He saw that she was heading for a Healthy Living Restaurant and went a head of her to sit down. He typed to his father that the girl was trying to decide what to eat. He was instructed to do what he thought best if he were to interfere at all. So he picked the most sensible option for her condition, in return, she followed and added something to her order.
He ate quietly and finished before her. He then left a large tip; the service was quick, the food palatable, atmosphere was pleasant and he doubted the girl had much on her. Enough to pay perhaps, but she would then be left with nothing else.
She seemed to be middle class, and the middle class does not make much little wealth, to him at least. Sure, her clothing was quite good with quality, but her manners weren't all that remarkable and nothing else about her was either.
Polite, is what she was. Quiet, unnoticeable, and polite.
To him, she was a foolish girl that dreamed too much and did little for her own well-being. Truly the epitome of moronic whelps.
After he left the restaurant, he watched from a distance. Through the window, he saw her tempt to pay, only to be denied. He smirked, perhaps he should visit this particular restaurant again and maybe even invest a bit?
He felt his phone buzz, his father typed, wanting to be updating on the status of the girl. It became apparent that some of the hooligans are now aware of his sudden punish- mission. Yes, this is a mission.
Protecting such weak plebeians is the duty of his father and him, also the unsightly hooligans- not well in his opinion- but he shall add them this once.
"Father is surely proud of how 'considerate' and 'generous' I am.", he believes, "Excessively so."
The day ends with Marinette safely returning home and the still mysterious young man facing his mismatched family.
The young man remained considerate as he ignored the jeers of the hooligans until he realized, he didn't have to any more and retorted as though his words came from the high heavens.
The next time he checked in on the young lady, he had some knowledge of her background he shouldn't and decided to continue to see to it that she is well taken care.
"It's called being an arrogant, egotistical xsshxle with a God complex. She doesn't need your 'consideration', she is not a charity case!"
One loud problem claimed as he tuned him out.
The young man did visit the restaurant once more and she was there. She would visit often and order the same thing as he had the first time. There were times she ordered something else and he would try things she experimented with, minus the meat.
She ordered meat less and less the more she came to the restaurant, he noticed. He had no clue why, since she obviously had no problem eating it.
He didn't order sweets as often as she did, but he would on occasion, get something with a little bit of sweetness to it; like the dried fruit sandwich with any type of sauce it can come with. The sandwich had fresh, and air dried fruit. There would be other ingredients and such to change the flavor of the sandwich, making it a popular item on the menu.
Change Perspective
She felt like she has seen the same guy a lot over the past two months and is slightly worried. After some thought to it and the more she believed she was over thinking it and that it was pure coincidence. She did know, however, he had good taste in food and art. Plus that animals are so cute!! He couldn't be all bad if animals liked him.
She would walk a little closer and sometimes walk a little farther from him and since he never moved, she felt better. It really was a coincidence to her knowledge.
Eventually, she would would stop seeing him. He was a tourist, so of course he would leave at some point. Still, she was a little sad.
Oh well, school is starting soon, maybe she'll make friends to fill the loneliness her pretend friend left her.
She liked to pretend this stranger was her friends and that they hung out, since she saw him in most places that she was. She saw him at the restaurant and sometimes the park and rarely he would be at the museum. Technically he wasn't everywhere and not as frequent as she made it seem like he was, but if was often enough to remember him.
"You should have talked to him, get his number."
"But then he might have thought I was hitting on him! I just wanted a friend..."
"Sweetie, look on bright side! Either you can cherish memories that made you happy or you can forget him and move on. You don't know what life has in-store for you, it could be fun!"
"Thank you, mom. You too dad, I will see what happens."
"On that note, want help me frost some cakes?"
The end.
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zintranslations · 4 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 71
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Link to ongoing Taida Translations
Chapter 71: The Eighth Door
Very soon, regarding Ruan Nanzhu's offer, Lin Qiushi had an answer—he decided to enter Cheng Yixie's ninth door together with Ruan Nanzhu.
About Lin Qiushi's decision, Ruan Nanzhu wasn't surprised. He only asked Lin Qiushi once more: "You've thought it through?"
Lin Qiushi nodded: "I've thought it through."
"The ninth door will be much more difficult. Even I can't guarantee you'll make it out safely," Ruan Nanzhu spoke bluntly. "This door may be your last."
Lin Qiushi said, "that's fine."
Ruan Nanzhu watched Lin Qiushi's face in silence for a moment, before nodding in acceptance.
Lin Qiushi thought there was something he wanted to say, but in the end, Ruan Nanzhu said nothing more.
After confirming Lin Qiushi was going with them, Ruan Nanzhu told Lin Qiushi the ninth door's hint. When he got it, Lin Qiushi read it over, and took on a look of shock: "This is a hint?"
Ruan Nanzhu, "mh."
There was a line on the paper: with bronze as mirror, one can right their apparel; with history as mirror, one can understand the tides of fortune; with people as mirror, one can gain from loss.
"What does this mean?" Lin Qiushi recalled this was a famous quote from Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, something that was even taught in textbooks. But placed within the world of the doors, a hint like this was basically no hint at all.
"I don't know," Ruan Nanzhu said. "The hints for latter doors are all more abstract. They no longer have clear indications like the ones before. So what the situation will actually be like, we can only say once inside the door."
Hint slip pinched in hand, Lin Qiushi stared at it for a long time, before saying okay.
Their time of entry was, specifically, the fifteenth of the next month. Cheng Yixie was the one who told Lin Qiushi. When he learned Lin Qiushi was going into the door with them he seemed quite calm, like he'd already predicted Ruan Nanzhu would be bringing Lin Qiushi along.
Cheng Yixie was likely the quietest person inside the mansion. He was silent all the time, except to scold his brother.
Though Cheng Qianli and Cheng Yixie were twins, their personalities were complete opposites. Cheng Qianli went about his day like an air-headed child, while Cheng Yixie was very mature.
There was still some time before they were to enter the door. Lin Qiushi continued to rest in the mansion.
In the interim Tan Zaozao and that movie legend Zhang Yiqing also came around, together with the man taking Zhang Yiqing through his doors.
That person's name was Bai Ming. In both looks and disposition he was very sunny, with his hair in light, natural curls and a cute dimple on his cheek when he smiled.
To be honest, Lin Qiushi was having a hard time linking a person like this to a major player on the inside. He was quite curious how this Bai Ming appeared inside the doors.
The question felt a bit invasive however, so Lin Qiushi didn't ask.
Zhang Yiqing's condition seemed better than before. At least he didn't look on the verge of a breakdown.
Bai Ming was very interested in Lin Qiushi as well, though he didn't dare express too much of this interest in front of Ruan Nanzhu. Lin Qiushi still noticed, though, the occasional looks of assessment.
"Yiqing's movie's premiering in May, you guys have to go see it." The first thing Bai Ming did upon arriving at the mansion was pass out Zhang Yiqing's premier tickets. "I've already seen the uncut version, it's amazing."
Sitting on the side watching Bai Ming toot his horn, Zhang Yiqing's expression didn't look too good. Lin Qiushi guessed it was a look of humiliation…
"Yiqing is absolutely incredible, I like him so much." Bai Ming professed his love looking like a whole star-chasing fanatic. Which was fine on the regular, but now that he was complimenting the man to his face, it was rather hard to bear. Lin Qiushi clearly saw that despite Zhang Yiqing's severe expression, his ears had gone completely red. Zhang Yiqing stood up, feigning calm, and said he was going out onto the balcony for a smoke.
Lin Qiushi privately thought it was really pretty funny, that this Bai Ming had Zhang Yiqing completely contained.
Tan Zaozao started loudly guffawing without holding back at all.
"Zaozao, are you going in again?" Lin Qiushi quickly calculated the time, and felt Tan Zaozao's next door ought to be soon.
"Mh," Tan Zaozao nodded. "Chen Fei's bringing me this time… How about you? Which door are you on?"
Lin Qiushi said, "still my sixth." He didn't mention that he was going into the ninth door with Ruan Nanzhu.
"Oh…" Tan Zaozao's attention seemed to wander, like she was thinking of something.
Lin Qiushi asked, "what is it?"
"Nothing," Tan Zaozao sighed. "Just wondering what to do about the doors after this." She couldn't completely drop her real life job like Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi to focus on passing the doors, and she didn't have the courage to train. This meant that for higher level doors, she'd likely have more poor fortune than good, not to mention that even Ruan Nanzhu basically didn't take on doors after the sixth.
Because people said that after the sixth door, the level of difficulty thoroughly changed. As for how it changed, Tan Zaozao wasn't sure. All she knew was that it would be tough.
The group chatted for a while over lunch. Lin Qiushi learned, through Ruan Nanzhu and Bai Ming's conversation, that the two had known each other for about four years, and counted as old friends.
Bai Ming had already passed his ninth door, and was waiting for his tenth.
After eating, Bai Ming and Ruan Nanzhu went to the study. The two seemed to have something to discuss in private.
Tan Zaozao brought Lin Qiushi and Zhang Yiqing downstairs to play games.
What the two discussed Lin Qiushi didn't know, but when they came back downstairs, both their gazes were fixed on him.
Lin Qiushi, vaguely startled, asked, "what is it?"
"Nothing," Bai Ming grinned. "Just a bit curious about you."
Lin Qiushi, "curious?"
Bai Ming asked, "don't you think there's something special about yourself?"
Lin Qiushi gave it a thought, before murmuring, "I especially like cats?" As he said this, he was poking subtly at Chestnut's toe beans, all while Chestnut side-eyed him in displeasure.
Ruan Nanzhu, "…" Sure, that could be considered a type of special.
Hearing this, Bai Ming laughed. "You really are interesting." He didn't mention anymore about Lin Qiushi though, and after sitting for another while, left with Zhang Yiqing and Tan Zaozao.
Lin Qiushi glanced at Ruan Nanzhu, seated beside him, and quietly asked, "is there something special about me?"
Ruan Nanzhu eyed him back. "What do you think?"
Lin Qiushi shook his head, uncomprehending.
Ruan Nanzhu, "you really don't feel like there's anything weird about you?"
Lin Qiushi, "no."
Ruan Nanzhu stood up. "If not then forget it." At this, he turned and left, leaving Lin Qiushi no further opportunity to ask. For some reason, Lin Qiushi felt that Ruan Nanzhu's mood had soured…
Cheng Qianli learned they were entering the ninth door as well. He was very worried; he even set up an altar in his room and began to seriously pray.
Lin Qiushi was even dragged over to light three incense sticks of his own.
"Please bless them to return safely." Cheng Qianli's manners seemed wholly pious.
Lin Qiushi didn't use to believe in such things. But the world inside the doors had completely turned his worldview upside down, so he didn't say anything disrespectful before the incense altar.
"I'm so scared." After the incense, Cheng Qianli sat on his bed, muttering to Lin Qiushi. "I'm just really, really scared."
"Don't be scared, it'll be alright." Lin Qiushi petted his head. Cheng Qianli was only sixteen; he was still half a kid. "Your Ruan-ge will be there."
"Mh," Cheng Qianli said. "I want to be stronger, so then, then I can…" At this point, he seemed a bit embarrassed.
Lin Qiushi asked, "so then you can what?"
Cheng Qianli said, "so then I can be the one protecting my brother for a change!" He puffed up his chest, looking proud.
Lin Qiushi smiled. "Mh, then you gotta work hard." Sometimes, Cheng Qianli could be so foolishly adorable.
Cheng Qianli said, "even though he has a bad temper, and he gives me the cold-shoulder all the time, he's my brother in the end, right?" He lied down on the bed, muttering to himself. "He looks exactly like me, after all…"
Lin Qiushi just sat silently listening on the side.
He honestly didn't quite understand the brotherly love Cheng Qianli spoke of. Even in his youth he'd not encountered much of a familial atmosphere, nor did he have any brothers or sisters. At twenty-six, he didn't even have a person he liked. As Lin Qiushi thought this, he suddenly found his life a bit regretful. If he died inside this door, there seemed to be a lot that he hadn't experienced.
The day of Cheng Yixie's door opening got closer and closer.
The atmosphere inside the mansion began to tense as well.
Besides Ruan Nanzhu, Cheng Yixie had the highest level door. Lin Qiushi roughly calculated Cheng Yixie's time in the doors, and discovered he would've been entering doors since he was eleven or twelve. To have survived so many doors at such a young age, Cheng Yixie really was incredible.
And his younger brother Cheng Qianli was only on door six; there must have been years between each of their first doors.
This time, Ruan Nanzhu didn't put Lin Qiushi in drag. While he was glad, there was, Lin Qiushi discovered, a thin thread of disappointment deep in his heart. When he noticed this disappointment he scared himself. He hadn't thought drag could be addictive.
Of course, Lin Qiushi very quickly processed and got rid of these disappointed feelings, since he really was glad he didn't have to pretend to be mute anymore. As for the matter of a fake voice—he still had not figured that out.
Days flew by, and soon, it was nearly time to enter the door.
The weather had also gradually gotten hot. After dinner, Lin Qiushi sat on the balcony cooling off, and saw Cheng Yixie standing in the garden downstairs. Cheng Yixie's expression was solemn, and there was a cigarette in his hand slowly being smoked.
Lin Qiushi watched him from high above, and after a while's thought, called out: "Cheng Yixie!"
Cheng Yixie looked up.
Lin Qiushi declared loudly, "minors shouldn't smoke."
Cheng Yixie furrowed his brow. He and Cheng Qianli were almost entirely identical, with the exception of that cold aura he gave off. Though he was young, that aura clearly let people know that this wasn't a person to be messed with. He listened to Lin Qiushi though, and really did put out the cigarette.
Lin Qiushi fished out a fistful of candy, and tossed them down from the second floor. "Eat these."
Colorful candies fell on the green grass like fireworks going off. They were actually quite pretty.
Cheng Yixie bent down. He picked one up, unwrapped it, and popped it into his mouth.
Lin Qiushi watched him, grinning. "Is it good? The purple one is grape flavored—" These were hard candies he ordered online, made from fruit juice. They tasted pretty good.
Cheng Yixie glanced once at him and didn't speak. He did carefully pick up all the candies however, and pocket them before walking away.
Watching him go, Lin Qiushi was pretty happy. Though Cheng Yixie entered the doors before he did, Cheng Yixie was also still a kid in his eyes, not even eighteen yet.
The day before going in, Ruan Nanzhu put on his dress. The three all wore that special bracelet, and began waiting for the door to come.
Cheng Qianli grew anxious, pacing laps up and down the house.
In the end Cheng Yixie couldn't take it anymore, frowning as he said, "quit circling, I'm going dizzy just looking at you."
Cheng Qianli, wounded, "I can't even circle around?"
Cheng Yixie, "no."
Cheng Qianli, "…hmph. Well no, I'm gonna circle." Though he said that, he still obediently took a seat back on the sofa, picking up Toast nearby to viciously rub at.
Dizzy with the rubbing, Toast blinked its big black eyes, howling in woe.
"Stop torturing it," Cheng Yixie spoke again.
Cheng Qianli, "ah, you're too much! You won't let me do this, you won't let me do that—"
Cheng Yixie didn't make a single sound in reply, just stared expressionlessly back at Cheng Qianli. And so the two faced off for ten, eleven seconds, before Cheng Qianli fell unerringly to defeat once more. With tragic eyes he released Toast's round little butt and watched the dog run away.
Cheng Yixie looked at his watch.
Cheng Qianli saw this, and only grew more agitated. His lips moved soundlessly for a bit, until, almost inaudibly, he squeezed out, "you have to come back."
Cheng Yixie glanced up once at him.
"Hey, I'm talking to you here!" Cheng Yixie said. "Are you listening to me, Cheng Yixie, you have to come back." It seemed to have taken him a while to work up the courage to say this. "You have to come back!"
Cheng Yixie made a single, faint sound of agreement.
And so Cheng Qianli was satisfied, murmuring some other fussy orders.
As the two brothers interacted, Lin Qiushi was seated right beside them. He saw with his own eyes the corners of Cheng Yixie's mouth tick up as Cheng Qianli mumbled, though the motion was faint and only momentary, easily taken as an illusion.
The door came the next evening.
After eating, Lin Qiushi had gone back to his room.
He sat in front of his computer, and was just about to press the on button, when a very peculiar feeling came over his body. It was a feeling he was familiar with—the door had opened.
Lin Qiushi got up and opened his bedroom door. He wasn't surprised at all to see that the twelve metal doors had appeared in the hallway. Of them, eight were sealed off. The other three could not be opened.
The only one that could open was Cheng Yixie's ninth door.
Lin Qiushi came to the door, and tugged it open—the scenery around him twisted, and Lin Qiushi appeared on a wide paved road.
As he took in his surroundings, he looked a bit shocked, because it wasn't some desolate wilderness about him, but a full commercial street. Colorful signs hung from either side of the road, and though it was currently late and most of the shops were closed, it was still easy to picture the bustling street by day.
The path beneath his feet was very smooth. Lin Qiushi followed it, and saw a high rise that stretched into the clouds. A special coating covered the building's exterior, making it look like it was built out of mirrors; it absorbed all the light from around it, and was attention-catching even in the dimming night.
For some reason, as he looked at this high rise, a term came to Lin Qiushi's mind: phototaxis.
Phototaxis was a type of biological habit observed in both animals and plants. The most obvious one was how insects rush at a light source at night, even if that light was a flame that would incinerate them.
Humans were animals too, Lin Qiushi thought. In the dark of night, they would always walk toward the light source they see. With no consideration for what awaited them at the other end.
The doors to the high rise were open. Lin Qiushi slowly entered, and saw eight or nine people standing in the lobby. These people had already split into groups. Seeing Lin Qiushi walk in, most took on assessing expressions.
This time, Lin Qiushi saw no newbies out of their depths.
Considering the ninth door's difficulty, if there really was a newbie, then Lin Qiushi suspected they’d been dragged into this door literally seconds before their death.
Looking about, Lin Qiushi didn't find whom he was looking for. So he took a seat on a random sofa and began observing the situation around him.
Plus him, there were nine. Five men and four women, split into roughly three groups. They were likely all old hands at this; no one was pretending not to recognize the others. Instead they were all whispering, quietly discussing the matter of this door.
Lin Qiushi sat on the sofa for a while, until he saw two people come in. One was tall and one was short. The tall one was a woman in a long skirt, the short one was a cool-faced young man.
Though their faces were completely different, Lin Qiushi could still recognize them by their clothing and looks—it was Ruan Nanzhu and Cheng Yixie.
The two also saw Lin Qiushi on the sofa and approached.
"Everyone's here?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Not yet, I don't think." Ruan Nanzhu sat down next to Lin Qiushi. "There are still some people looking around outside. They're probably waiting for their teammates."
At this, Lin Qiushi couldn't help but be impressed by Ruan Nanzhu's skills of observation. It seemed that not minutes after coming here, he'd already collected pretty much all the information they needed on the people around them.
Indeed, after about three minutes, two more people came in from the outside, also a man and a woman. The moment they came in, they headed straight for a corner.
When Lin Qiushi saw where they went he was surprised. "They… have five to one team?"
Ruan Nanzhu, "most likely."
"Is there advantage in numbers inside the doors?" Lin Qiushi tried to think this through, but something felt off.
"To some extent, yes," Ruan Nanzhu said, leaning back on the sofa. "The more people you bring, the more death conditions you can cross out, right?"
Lin Qiushi, "…"
Ruan Nanzhu eyed the corner, and laughed something cold. "Some people will do anything to survive."
Some people, in order to rule out death conditions, purposely brought a lot of newbies into the doors. The newbies didn't understand anything, and were very easily met with accidents inside. Of course, accidents happening to them was fine. To those who'd brought them in, it was even a good thing—they filled up the daily death quotas, after all. According to the rules inside, the number of people who could die each day was limited, so those people were actually safer like this.
Lin Qiushi hadn't thought things could be done this way. "And those newbies are still willing to come in?"
"Why wouldn't they be willing?" Ruan Nanzhu replied lazily. "There are always people who want to strike it rich in a single bite."
Who didn't want to forgo everything in the middle and jump straight through the ninth door? Risk and reward were usually in equal balance; to gain something, you had to give up something.
Such was living.
The group was finally all assembled. There were seventeen people in total, split into roughly five or six groups. The largest group among them was the one with five people. Lin Qiushi had a clear feeling that, of the five, their leader was the woman with the unkind expression.
With everybody gathered in the lobby, the hubbub grew louder.
At this moment, a person in a bellhop's uniform came over from the elevator. In his hand was a stack of keycards, and he smiled at the group in the lobby.
"I do beg your pardon, we've kept everybody waiting," the bellhop said. "These are the key cards to your rooms."
He began passing out the keycards.
Someone in the group asked, "how many per room? Are these single or standard rooms?"
"They're standard rooms," the bellhop said, and smiled. "Red card rooms have one large bed, white card rooms are doubles, and green card rooms can fit three, though one will have to sleep on the sofa." His was was soft and gentle. "Welcome to your vacation here, I hope all of you have a great time."
So they were supposed to be tourists. Lin Qiushi's heart jumped a beat.
"When does our vacation end?" the leader of the five-person group suddenly spoke. "Are there any tourist destinations nearby?"
The bellhop smiled. "I will give everyone a travel guide tomorrow, and on it, all the travel destinations will be marked." He finished passing out the keycards. "Please rest well tonight, everyone."
Lin Qiushi got up and fetched them a green card. The bellhop said green card rooms could fit three. It was perfect for their trio.
The room cards gradually traded hands, and the crowd dispersed on their own.
Lin Qiushi, Ruan Nanzhu, and Cheng Yixie's room was on the thirty-fourth floor. The floor was thickly carpeted, and from the hallways exuded a thick scent of burnt incense.
The lights were very dim. When they got to the room and stuck the keycard into the power slot, all the lights inside came on.
Lin Qiushi went to the window and looked out from the glass. He saw a darkened city, all of it swathed in dead silence. Not even a streetlight could be seen—though when he came in from the outside, Lin Qiushi had seen the streetlights turned on.
Ruan Nanzhu said, "this room is very interesting."
Lin Qiushi turned around. "Hm?"
Ruan Nanzhu, "there are mirrors everywhere."
Taking a look around, Lin Qiushi discovered there were indeed many mirrors inside the room. Most unbelievable was the one on the floor.
At the sight of the mirrors, Lin Qiushi couldn't help but think of that "with bronze as mirror" line in the hint. He sensed that the key had to do with the mirrors, but the hint wasn't enough, and he couldn't yet concretely capture it.
Cheng Yixie stared at the mirror beneath his feet, and was silent for a long time. Only when Lin Qiushi was about to walk away did he suddenly and quietly say: "This is a two-way mirror."
Lin Qiushi's face froze.
Cheng Yixie spoke very slowly: "People downstairs can see into our room."
At this, Ruan Nanzhu suddenly looked down at his skirt. "Then haven't I been exposed?"
Cheng Yixie, "…"
Lin Qiushi, "…"
Ruan Nanzhu, "upon closer thought, I'm actually a bit embarrassed."
Lin Qiushi, "…" If you're so embarrassed why are you pulling your skirt up higher…
Author's Note:
Hello everyone, I'm Xi Zixu's draft folder. For the next few days I'll be bringing folks new chapters. As for Xi Zixu, she got her hand chewed off when she washed her cat yesterday.
[Ch. 70] | [Ch. 72]
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Excuse me while I panic
New chapter, yay! Didn't I tell you I'd be faster?
Thanks for all of the lovely comments and interest, it really motivates me to write more.
Word count: 3041 | AO3 | <<Previous
Summary: Roman gets to work. Wooing Virgil will be a piece of cake!
CW: Swearing, anxiety, mild angst, maybe unsympathetic Janus (I don't really think so but it could somehow be interpreted as such because of Virgil and Roman talking about him, so I might as well give a warning). I don't think there's anything else, but, if you spot it, do tell.
Be yourself and let things develop naturally... that's just boring
Once he returned to the main living area, the noises of arguing and Logan’s screams could not be heard anymore. They were instead replaced by the clicking of spoons against teacups and mugs.
The moment the three noticed him they looked upwards at the same time. Patton, Logan and Janus were sitting at the table, drinking hot chocolate, coffee and tea respectively. The lights in the kitchen were on, illuminating them partially.
Logan nodded at him.
“How did it go?” he asked.
Meanwhile, Patton smiled and Janus stared at him inquisitively.
Roman went fully downstairs, hurrying to move a chair back. With his hands still on the backrest, he began to speak.
“Haha… I actually wanted to ask you…”
“Did something happen?” Virgil held his breath. “Is it about me?”
Roman could not stand the tension emanating from every pore of Virgil’s body. Thinking optimistically, he probably had no idea about his real motivations to come there, still, the thought of it eliciting such a reaction made Roman feel even more frozen in place.
“No!” he answered all too fast.
His body language went even stiffer with worry, to the point where he raised a hand to his mouth and began to nibble on the sides of the tip of his thumb.
“Everything is fine, Pierce the Nerves, I promise”.
“Okay… hmm what’s up with the rose?”
“It’s… uh…” Roman looked at it and began to felt ridiculous. “I just picked it up and it’s the same red as my sash!” he laughed as he placed it on the lapel of his suit.
“No comments. What did you want to ask me?”
Janus looked at him with a mix of horror and disbelief as Roman finished his recollection of the events.
“So I panicked and then I said that you had decided to help Patton bake something and now we need to make cookies this instant because Virgil will suspect something if we don’t!”
For a moment there was silence. Then, Janus ran his hands over his face.
“Roman, please take a seat already or put the chair back in place”, said Logan.
“Yeah, right” Roman sat down.
“Brilliant idea, Roman, there’s no way Virgil won’t buy that I’m making cookies and, of all things, invited him to try them. Why would you get me directly involved in it?”
Roman stood up, earning an exasperated eye roll from Logan.
“I drew a blank! I cannot come up with perfect stories on the spot while under pressure!”
“So you thought putting me in it would just magically fix how terrible you are at talking to your crush?”
“He’s not my--” Roman went deadly quiet, rethinking his life in a matter of microseconds. “Look, if I can trust you to do something is lie. So when Virgil comes down those stairs you need to help me fix this! You were the one who insisted I talk to him, so it’s your problem too”.
“Can I trust YOU not to mess up any of my--”
“Aaaah!” Roman and Janus screamed in unison.
One sigh later, Virgil added:
“You invited me to have cookies”.
“Oh, yeah, well… about that…” Roman began saying. “Patton and Janus haven’t started--”
“Kiddo, we already got them ready while you went to call Virgil” Patton interrupted him. “They’re cooling in the kitchen” he pointed.
“If you had paid attention you would have noticed the bowls in the sink” Logan added without bothering to look at him.
“Roman, close your mouth, you’ll catch flies” Janus finished the series of comments directed at him.
Virgil’s chair moved back as he stood up.
“Well, uh…” he said. “Thanks for the cookies. Hmm…”
A frown appeared on Virgil’s face as he was leaving. His feet stopped all of a sudden and he turned around.
“Janus?” it sounded like saying the name itself pained him.
The side in question raised his head, looking openly confused. Or was it an act?
“Hmm… Roman told me you invited me. And that’s… em…” he bought time, wondering what to say. Whether to lie or not. “Suspicious. So, a word?”
Janus raised his eyebrows, not buying it, but he followed him nonetheless.
They left the room, both walking at a distance from each other. For a second, Roman thought he saw worry in Janus’ face.
“What the hell was that?” Roman asked no one in particular.
“He’s trying to be nice” Patton smiled. “I’m so proud of him!” his tone was ecstatic.
“I guess… hey, padre, how did you know I’d ask you for the cookies?”
“Patton anticipated a few outcomes from your confession attempt and decided cookies would serve as a suitable response for either” Logan replied matter-of-factly.
“Yes…” he grimaced apologetically. “I thought that if everything went well we could celebrate, and if it didn’t… well, we’d be there for you, so the cookies might cheer you up”.
A few days after the confession fiasco, Roman decided to try again and woo him a little before pouring his heart out.
He popped into the living room, only to find Virgil and Janus sitting six feet apart. One was listening to music and, presumably, checking out Tumblr, while the other read a thick book.
With the volume of the music, Virgil didn’t notice him, Janus on the other hand…
His face stopped being obscured by the wing of his hat as he looked up at him.
Janus shook his wrist, making Logan’s watch appear on it. The other side wouldn’t be happy about that, but if Janus had survived stealing his crofters, Roman figured he could get away with pretty much anything.
“Well, look at the time!” he said theatrically as he stared at the watch. “I need to take care of other things, pitty to miss out on your company”.
Virgil moved his headphone to the side, managing to listen to the last part of what Janus had said.
“At least he doesn’t make it awkward”.
“What?” Roman asked.
“Yeah, you’re still angry with each other, right? I can ignore him, but having the two of us in the same room with him would be like asking for an argument”.
One short stare later, Virgil spoke again, a bit unsure.
“Do you want me to move so you can sit here too?”
“Oh, okay”
“I mean, I didn’t come here to be on the couch, actually I came to see you”.
“Miss me that much?” he teased.
And it was too good of a bait to just let go without reply.
“Terribly, I’ve been swooning and mopping because I didn’t have someone blasting Paramore around me!” Roman answered draping a hand over his forehead.
“Truly tragic”.
“I know. Anyhow, I was wondering…”
Virgil raised one of his hands to stop him right there.
“If you want me to do something stupid and dangerous in the imagination with you, I’ll pass”.
“Afraid you won’t be able to keep up?”
“No, it’s more like I don’t want to have to drag your ass back here when you get hurt”.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I’m the best swordsman in there”.
“So is it like, empty then?”
Roman gasped.
“Tss. It seems like it is”.
“No it’s not!”
“Well, if you keep inviting me, I guess it isn’t, even if we are the only people in there”.
“Virgil, you have seen my servants”.
“Hmm… yeah” he looked to the ceiling playfully, then back at Roman,
“I don’t seem to remember about it”.
“Okay, well, I guess I won’t ask the royal artisans to frame your painting, since they don’t exist”.
“What painting? Are you also hallucinating art?”
“No. I was about to ask you if I could paint you!”
“Wha-- really? You want to paint ME?” Virgil pointed at himself as if to make it somehow clearer.
“If you’re willing”.
The whole painting idea had gone well. Still, Roman wasn’t able to get the right atmosphere to confess with Virgil constantly teasing them. To be honest, he ended up forgetting about it once they began to get caught up in the conversation.
He had tried other things, of course.
None had gone as planned.
Writing poems would just make Virgil uncomfortable or even correct him, because, apparently, listening to all of those lyrics from obscure indie bands had made him a better poet than him.
Then there was the whole incident with the ukelele.
Roman had been trying to play something to catch his attention, set the tone and just tell him, but the string snapped and hit him in the face. Now he had an ugly cut and some bruising on his cheek.
He felt stuck.
Worse than all of that, Janus kept lurking around Virgil. Pretending to be nice and reformed.
But never mind about everything else. He needed to keep trying.
Eventually, Roman would manage to get it right.
Finally, he had a plan!
The last time Roman had gone to Virgil’s room to confess, he had panicked and let the effect of the room get to him. But, none of that could happen if he didn’t speak.
This would be perfect because Virgil would love it. Roman had recorded a playlist of their favourite songs into a vinyl record, just to make it a bit fancier. He’ll gift it to him and Virgil would understand.
Maybe he’d even ask him to dance to it!
Roman crossed the darkness of the entrance almost running.
This could work!
His mood deflated instantly when he emerged into the room.
Virgil was sitting on his bed, knees to his chest, hiding all of his upper body inside his hoodie. He left the vinyl on Virgil’s desk and walked up to the bed, making sure to be a bit noisy so Virgil wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
The other let a long breath out in some kind of acknowledgement.
Eventually, Roman sat next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
Virgil sighed and let his face come out of the cocoon of his hood.
“It’s not that something’s wrong per se. I…”
Without thinking, Roman placed his hand on top of Virgil’s. The contact made him feel like nothing bad could happen to Virgil as long as he held onto him.
Roman got the sudden realisation that he would be willing to protect him from anything. Which wasn’t too groundbreaking of a concept. He’d try to save pretty much everyone if given the chance, but that was his need to be the hero, to be “good”, whatever that eventually entailed. With Virgil, though… he just didn’t know what he’d do without him.
“Whatever it is, I’m here and I’ll make sure you’re okay” Roman promised.
Virgil chuckled. It stung a little.
“You can’t just say those things so seriously when I’m feeling bad, Princey, I never know how to react when you’re being so…”
“Annoying?” Roman tried to complete the sentence.
His head turned to the other side. He still didn’t let go of Virgil’s hand, but he could afford to, at least, not let him see how self-conscious he felt right now.
“Princey, look at me”.
“I’m not sure I want to, Virge”.
“Hey, I’m the one who’s feeling low. Don’t try to steal the spotlight, it’s kind of an asshole move…”
Hearing that only made him feel worse, now adding guilt to the mix.
“Especially since”, Virgil continued, “I was about to say you’re nice”.
“I’m sorry I reacted poorly” Roman finally managed to stare at him, “here you are, feeling like crap and I’m only thinking about myself. I can be very selfish sometimes. I apologise”.
Virgil frowned.
“Okay. Fuck off”.
“Did I--”
“No. Listen to me. Whatever you’re thinking I’m thinking right now is wrong. I know what you’re doing because I do it all the time. I’m not mad. And you’re not selfish. Not one bit. You’re self-centred, very much so, but not selfish”.
“Virge, I’m pretty sure those are the same thing”.
Virgil shook his head.
“You can be annoying when you make everything about yourself and try to be the centre of attention. But you never ignore people when they need you, even if that doesn’t benefit you. You’re willing to give up things you want just to do what you think is right. Hell, Princey, you let go of your pride just to be friends with me. How could anyone think you’re selfish when you’re so stupidly wonderful?”
“Don’t get too smug about it” Virgil cut him.
It got quiet for a second. Roman savoured the moment and squeezed Virgil’s hand. His smile began to return to him a little bit.
“Thank you. It means a lot, you have no idea” Roman muttered.
Virgil visibly relaxed. He slumped a bit more, letting himself fall against Roman’s side. The dark hair tickled his collarbone, but Roman wouldn’t ever dream of complaining about it.
“Yeah I do” Virgil whispered, so quietly Roman could have imagined it.
Having Virgil’s head on his shoulder made sense. Like it was meant to be there all along.
“What were you sulking about?” Roman asked.
“Not sulking”.
“Sure thing, All the time low”.
He felt Virgil muffle a laugh against the shoulder pads of his suit.
The laugher died down soon after a long sigh.
“I’ve been thinking about doing something”.
Roman stayed quiet for once, leaving him room to breathe and let things out at his own pace.
“I… I am considering forgiving Janus”, Virgil paused, twisting his neck to see Roman’s expression. “Maybe be friends again if it comes to it”.
A sigh.
His thumb started to move in circles, caressing the back of Virgil’s hand. Roman swallowed.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” he asked tentatively.
“You’re not mad?”
“I don’t know. Should I be? It’s not like I’ve exactly forgotten about all of the bad blood between us. But… he makes Patton very happy and it seems like he’s trying to help, so I don’t know what to feel about it”.
“Roman, I know he hurt you”.
“Is that what you’re worried about?”
“In part. There’s more to it. But I can’t just go and bury the hatchet with him if that would hurt you again”.
A small part of Roman felt good knowing Virgil would keep on being angry with Janus if he wanted him to. In a way, it showed his willingness to stay by his side.
That’s why Roman couldn’t ask him that.
Besides, Janus had been helping him too. It wouldn’t be right for him either, as much as it stung to admit it.
“If that makes you happy, I will be happy too”.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I’m asking. I don’t want to know if you would ignore your issues with Janus for my sake”.
“I really don’t mind--”
“And I know that. But… fuck, Roman, you shouldn’t be constantly forced to put everyone first just to make things better for everybody else except you”.
That was… a lot to take in. Roman didn’t know very well what to respond. Eventually, Virgil must have interpreted his silence as him doing something wrong.
“You’re my friend. I… I care about you. I won’t do something you’re not okay with. You’re more important”.
“No need. It’s okay. Getting over my stuff with Janus is my own
problem. I also care about you, a lot. If you want to be friends with him I’ll support you, it has nothing to do with my problems. You won’t hurt me. I promise”.
“That’s good to hear. I mean, I’m still struggling with the decision and I don’t think I’ll be making up my mind anytime soon. But knowing that helps a lot”.
“Do you want to talk about it more?”
“Hmm. It’s… it’s so confusing. I thought nothing he did could rub off how angry I’ve been at him, make me want to trust him again. Before… well, no need to get into the specifics, but it made me feel very betrayed” his voice trembled a little. “The problem is, he didn’t exactly betray me, so I guess the doubts about whether or not things could go back to what they were, remained”.
Virgil swallowed, trying to compose himself.
“And it sucks because there’s a part of me that can’t tell if this is all part of a big scheme and he’s just trying so hard to be nice to me because he wants something, or because he actually cares. I’m scared of letting my guard down and have him ruin everything I’ve tried to achieve. What if I go back to how I used to be?”
“I won’t let that happen”.
“How can you be sure? How can we be sure of anything when it comes to him?”
“We can’t. But I have no doubts that, no matter what happens, we’ll figure it out. Even if it gets to the worst, you know me and I know you. Most importantly, I believe in you, Virge. I’m not going to tell you, of all people, that there’s nothing to be afraid of. But if you’re scared, know that you can trust me and you can trust who you’ve become. We’ll be fine”.
For a second, it seemed like Virgil was going to cry, or worse, do something like hug him AND cry.
“To be fair, though”, Roman went back to his usual self. Both would welcome the respite after… well, big conversation to unpack. “I honestly don’t think Janus is planning anything. He’s even trying to get on my good side just to make you happy. I’m not the best side for him to manipulate anymore, not after everything, and he isn’t that stupid. So I’d say the bitch is being sincere. That being clear, it would still be a pleasure to punch him if you asked”.
Virgil shifted a bit.
“Ouch!” Roman shouted after Virgil elbowed him. “What did I do now?”
“You’re dumb”.
“So are you, emo, what’s your excuse?”
“I’m friends with you and I think it might be starting to affect me”.
“Well, it’s about time. I knew even you weren’t impervious to my dashing good looks”.
Oh. Perhaps he had let on too much. Roman tensed up the slightest bit.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever lets you sleep at night, Princey”.
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starcrossedkaiju · 3 years
Kingslayer AU: Chapter 14
This took a bit longer than I thought it would 😀 life kinda said lol to me for a while.
“Augh!” Scott cried out. He breathed in desperately, but his mouth filled with water.
Sitting up and rolling to his side, he coughed out a stream of water. Groaning when he finished. Scott sat up wearily, blocking the sun from his face.
It was warmer than usual. He was sitting in a waist high pool of water, around his shoulders as he was sitting down, which was a warm brown color. Behind him he could hear the roar of the river he had floated in from.
Scott rubbed his eyes and gauged the pain in his bruising shoulder. He felt like something was missing when he noticed.
“Tango?” He called out. A twinge of frantic concern escaped in his voice. Scott turned in every direction, scanning the surroundings for any sign of his friend.
What if they’d been separated in the river? What if his friend had drowned?
His anxiety was at its peak when another person sat up from under the water. Sputtering and flailing about, Tango had been hidden under the murky pond.
Scott fell backwards in surprise, his shock eased when he saw his friend, who looked alright enough. Tango seemed satisfied with the amount of water he discarded, looking up he met Scott’s eyes.
Tango’s eyes widened with relief, he laughed, it looked slightly painful, but he pulled the other into a tight embrace.
“Are you alright?” he pulled back, looking Scott over for any sign of harm.
“I’m fine, uh, except for the shoulder,” Scott replied.
“Oh, yeah,” Tango got to his feet. He held a hand out for the other to take.
Once they had waded to the mucky shore, Tango ordered Scott to enter the trees while he ran to the other side of the pond. Tango hastily did so, looking up and around the area. Scott could see a triumphant expression make it’s way onto his face.
“Come here,” Tango motioned when he got back to Scott, “look,” he pointed skywards.
Scott followed his line of sight up into the sky. Right above the trees, a line of grey smoke floated into the sky.
“What is it?” he asked.
Tango smiled, “The Crastle,” he exclaimed.
After a while of enduring wet socks through a lightly wooded area. The Crastle came into view. It was nearly sundown now, and Scott recognized where they were. Almost dead in front of the castle and it’s moat, the drawbridge was still down. For the sun was not gone yet.
Tango crouched in the last bit of trees, surveying the barren, icy field that housed the humble fort. Deciding they had to go at some point, he told Scott to come. They jogged low through the tall stretches of grass, then hastily across the drawbridge.
Kneeling behind a small decorative wall, Tango went to the door while Scott stayed in place. He knocked on the door politely, but hard enough to provoke any inhabitants to answer.
A few moments passed and a small circle of wood slid out of the door. A peephole, and an eye appeared in it. Tango leaned down to make his identity known, which may have been a stupid thing to do in hindsight. What if a member of Dogwarts had been visiting?
The door swung open. Cleo’s already wide eyes were impossibly wider. Although her face could not go pale, one could imagine that it did.
Quickly, all three rushed inside. The doors and windows were slammed shut and locked.
Without even a hello, Cleo whipped around to face the two fugitives. Hands poised on her hips.
“What on Earth are you two doing here?” she seethed. Her eyes were angry, her teeth gritted.
“We need help,” Tango replied. Putting his hands up in mock surrender.
Scott had never been aquatinted with the girl before. Cleo and her friend Bdubs lived a relatively secluded life in the Crastle together. They did not have to ask to be left alone, both were a force to be reckoned with when under threat.
Soldiers by nature, Cleo and Bdubs defended their small claim to a normal life with everything they could. Scott understood their seclusion. Had he not been doing the same?
“Yeah you do,” Cleo nearly laughed. Tango didn’t look very amused.
“Not funny, Cleo, we both almost died,” he said with a tired frown.
She dropped the mirthful expression. Nodding, “You shouldn’t have come here,” she looked away.
“Cleo. Please,” Tango reached for her thin hand, which was worn and frail looking from accumulating years of war and hardship.
Cleo’s eyes met his in a silent response. Not to his plea, she would never have said no to him.
“A week,” she bargained.
Scott felt like an outsider to their relationship. He knew they had been close for a long time. Then he knew of Cleo’s heartbroken anger towards the man for betraying their alliance. Even if he was pretending. Tango hid his truer feelings under various layers of hostility and irony. Now that they were all in the room together, it was obvious, at least in part, what had been eating away at his friend for the past months.
Back in the cow farm Scott always wondered why Tango made such an effort to help him through his guilt of lying to Jimmy. To Scott, there was no way anyone could understand what he was going through. Now though, he knew Tango was feeling the same way about the Crastle Folk.
“Thank you Cleo,” brightness returned to Tango’s eyes. He shook her hand gratefully.
A smile found its way onto the girl’s face as well. She pat him on the shoulders in place of a hug. They turned back to Scott, who was sat on a chest holding his shoulder.
“We should fix that,” Cleo pointed out the obvious.
After a bit of shuffling around in cabinets and chests, Cleo had started wrapping Scott’s arm in a strap of bandages. She talked about healing it up in no time, a healing potion once a day. Good as new. As long as he kept it in the cast.
She wrapped a piece of fabric around his neck to carry his Arm in, then gave him his first healing potion.
It was silent for a while. The three of them doing random tasks to pass the time, sweeping up the invisible dirt on the floor, examining the titles of a small collection of books on the countertop, and using one had to clean a wound.
A knock at the door halted the peaceful atmosphere. Tango and Scott instinctively found their ways to each others’ side. Suddenly aware of every curtained window.
Cleo quietly approached the door. She slid the peephole open slightly, squinting through. Turning around quickly, she whispered.
“It’s Impulse,” her expression was fearful.
Tango didn’t share her concern. At all. He smiled, going to the door.
“Alone?” he asked.
Cleo nodded.
“Let him in,” he said. Cleo looked at him like he had three heads.
He repeated himself and she hesitated, but she opened the door. Only slightly, so Impulse would only see her. They exchanged unintelligible words before Impulse was granted access to the Crastle.
He looked around. Scott and Tango both waved at him a bit awkwardly. Both of them immediately conscious of how haggard they must look.
Impulse sighed with relief. He put his sword down against the wall and went to meet his friends, pulling the both of the into a hug.
“Are you okay?” he studied each of their faces for any signs of being hurt, save for the now patched wound on Scott’s forehead and his broken shoulder.
“Somehow some way,” Scott muttered, retreating from the embrace.
This was the first time he was clearly able to see the other since their squabble at the desert battle. Impulse looked tired before anything else. Before relief or concern, he was clearly exhausted.
Scott looked away, a knowing part of him said “your fault,” which he made no effort to ignore.
“Impulse, I’m so sorry,” he admitted.
“It isn’t your fault. I’m the one who messed up, super bad. I understand how upset you are,” Scott worried with a strand of hair near the base of his head.
Impulse looked like he was forcing various thoughts off of his tongue, he simply said, “I’m glad you’re okay,” patting Scott on the shoulder.
He shifted his attention back to Tango. Scott backed away from the encounter, sitting on the staircase.
“What do we do now?” Impulse asked him.
Tango made a thoughtful face. His duty returned to him as he contemplated a new plan of action.
“Me and him will leave once it’s safe,” Tango gestured to himself and Scott, “we’ll hightail it to the Northern corner, in the border mountains. It will be safer there. Especially if we go underground,” he said.
Impulse nodded along, he asked, “when are we leaving?”
Tango hesitated, “you aren’t,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Impulse replied as if he’d been slapped.
“We’re going. We’ve been exposed, if I haven’t been as spy then I have as a traitor. Neither of us can stay here; but you can,” Tango said.
“You may have defied the Army at the trial today but you haven’t compromised yourself. Go back there and forget about the damn mission. Take care of him,” he ordered, hands coming to the other’s shoulders.
Impulse frowned deeply; but he nodded.
The moment was over seconds later. Impulse asked if he could stay for a while longer, just in case the Red Army showed up looking for them.
“Where should we stay while we’re here?” Scott asked Cleo.
She looked left in thought, then led them over to a double chest in the corner. It was full of many miscellaneous items. Broken pagers, cups, wood, and coal. Cleo lifted the bottom of the container up. All the contents came with it. They were glued to the surface.
Under the chest was a hole with a ladder. It went down some seven feet into what looked like a dark tunnel.
“Secret Tunnel!” Tango pumped his fist in the air, clearly amused.
Cleo and Impulse laughed along with him, clearly over a joke Scott didn’t understand.
Once everyone had clambered to the bottom of the pit, it became apparent what the “secret tunnel” truly was. There were rows of shelves lining the walls, each was stocked with various canned foods and bags of grain.
“Cleo! Have you been hoarding all the non-perishables on the entire map?” Scott exclaimed once he entered the cellar.
He picked up a can of corn, “How much of this do you have?”
Cleo stifled a laugh, “There’s still plenty being made in the village. It’s not my fault I actually take advantage of their generosity,” she said.
She plucked a can of carrots in gravy from one of the shelves, shaking it in his face. Scott grimaced at the prospect of eating carrots in gravy, but Cleo insisted they were fine heated up.
“So, this is home base, I’m assuming,” Tango said. He probably knew about the cellar already, having lived in the Crastle for a short time.
“Yes. For now. We could have given you the attic, but I wasn’t so sure you’d like to share it with the barn owls,” Cleo joked.
It was comforting that despite the circumstances, the small family-like clique could still be humorous with each other. The smiles of his servermates eased Scott’s racing mind. He leaned against a bare wall and slid to the dusty floor, near a furnace.
“It’s getting late, I need to leave,” Impulse piped up after an engaging back and forth about whether or not barn owls were actually in the attic, and if Tango was actually brave enough to go check.
The weight of a “goodbye” soured the mood immediately. Neither Scott, Tango, or Impulse knew how long it would be until they saw one another again. Nor did they know what unfortunate circumstances may arise while separated.
Tango shook Impulse’s hand, pulling it towards him and smiling reassuringly. Although it looked more like a grimace. Neither said goodbye, only good luck and be safe.
Scott’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach, but when Impulse turned to him, he hung his head and hugged him; and they just stayed like that for a bit. Impulse ruffed up the other’s hair before pulling away. He shook Scott’s hand as well.
“I’ll be seeing you,” Scott said. Speaking it into existence.
“Soon”, is all Impulse replied before ascending the ladder. Cleo followed him to bid farewell.
The door upstairs shut and locked.
It was going to be a long winter.
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