#sorry random burst of affection as soon as i woke up
dropthedemiurge · 1 year
I really love iKON just because when all the other kpop groups try their best to be idols, iKON are doing their best to be less idols as much as possible xD
They pull faces and weird poses on red carpets, they spill tea and tell extremely embarrassing stories on tv, they take photos in their underwear and show up at fansigns in their favourite worn out T-shirts. They are extremely shy and confused at how to talk with other idols but they are gonna come up to fans to chill and bring them food, and they will suddenly run to pizza place and grocery shops to pay for your meal like a crazy neighbour guy. They be like "oh yeah, I married yesterday, anyway, look at the photo where I slept for 2 hours on a floor behind the curtain before the concert, isn't it funny"
iKON broke so many stereotypes and kpop rules and limitations when the whole world told them "you can't". Each member went on like 4-6 survival shows and they just do not give a fuck anymore. They were in yg basement for 10 years, they got depression and a trauma from losing their leader, yet they are unkillable. First group in kpop - again, breaking norms and paving the way for others - they left the agency and stayed together and kept the name because they couldn't imagine breaking up and losing all the songs they weren't able to release. They cried about loving each other so much and staying as more than a family was more important to them than their career - all while laughing that if it wasn't for a kpop group, they wouldn't befriend any of the members lmao.
They are idols for idols but iKON only want to present you their talents and crawl back to being just some dudes. But no, they are even just some dudes on a stage, too. Randomly hijacking festivals and making it their party with all fandoms. Laughing crazily and smiling when they dance because even forgetting choreo or all microphones and music not working isn't a good reason to not have fun with the crowd.
iKON have such a happy-go-crazy attitude and it's a breath of fresh air in modern kpop industry that I love so much. And now they finally have their freedom in new agency 🥺 And freedom looks so damn good on them.
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
Give and Take
Characters: Albedo, gn!reader
Word Count: 2,111
Warnings: Injury
Premise: Everything in the world comes with a price. But should you really bear that burden alone?
In which the reader’s vision harms them.
Author’s Note: It’s Valentine’s Day weekend and I’m here to give you all the fanfic-y goodness I can! I’d like to thank lovely anon for requesting this, I hope I did your prompt justice! 
Writing this reminded me of why I hate Mount Everest. Also I realize I keep connecting Albedo to Dragonspine. Truly living up to his quests. Similarly to past prompts I injected a hospital into Monstadt because, I mean, of course a huge city will have some sort of hospital. I mean I’m sure there’s also a school and a bakery and such but there’s no point in having that as an in game mechanic. 
Version without bulletpoints on Ao3
You supposed that you shouldn’t’ve been surprised that a mysterious and indescribable power came with a price. Honestly it wasn’t the vision’s fault that you weren’t the most aware sort of person, that you needed a warning label dropped down from the heavens to accompany the raw elemental energy you’d be handed.
At first you hadn’t really noticed it. I mean sure your hands were a bit tingly, but you’d just been handed a vision! Who would’ve thought you’d have suddenly developed the ability to control Cryo, coating your weapon with it, or simply lifting snowflakes off of your hand? It was a novel experience, and a welcome one at that.
But eventually the reality crept up on you. It was the small things at first. How your hands seemed frightfully cold all of a sudden, the odd purple hue of your fingernails that was now ever present, how you found yourself wearing gloves more and more often. But then came the red spots and the blistering, and you’d come to the sickening realization that this gift you’d been given had turned into a curse.
As the time had passed you’d come to the conclusion that there was nothing to be done about it. The world was made up of give and take, and if you wanted to continue to use your vision – something which had become essential to your life and which you weren’t even sure you could get rid of – you’d simply have to deal with the consequences. You didn’t like to bring attention to it, and though members of your closest circle knew about it you tried to ignore it as much as possible, doing what you can when possible and hiding your perpetually frostbitten hands when not.
And then you’d met Albedo. And if there was one thing you were certain of it was that you were never going to tell Albedo.
Albedo had come into your life unexpectedly, having run into you while searching for ingredients to use in his alchemy. What had started with a pleasant conversation had quickly turned into infatuation, then into love, and suddenly you’d found yourself the happiest you’d been in a long time.
It didn’t feel right to tell him. You knew that Albedo already had his struggles, things that shadowed his face for a moment before he returned to his serene expression. The last thing you wanted to do was to add to those struggles. Especially not about something that simply couldn’t be fixed. You knew he’d run himself ragged looking for a cure, but it was simply the way things were. And in truth you were tired, oh so tired, and it was easier in a way accept your predicament as inevitability rather than try to fight it.
It was a cold day outside, and you silently cursed the Guild for sending you out to deal with some rogue Fatui members in Dragonspine. Already the temperature was near unbearably, adding your issues made it near fatal. Though you’d managed to deal with the Fatui it’d been a long and hard battle, filled less with strategy and more with desperation as you tried to ignore the numbness in your fingers. Your weapon felt clunky in your hand and you felt tears of frustration as you missed over and over again. By the time you’d finished the feeling had spread throughout your body, and you fell over a few times on the way home, legs stiff and unfeeling. You were dreading having to look at them.
You collapsed as soon as you stepped inside, crying out as your blistered arms hit the wooden floor. Bath, you had to get to the bath. Your legs seemed near useless, dragging behind you, feeling like dead weight. As you peeled off your slightly damp clothes the sight that met you caused your heart to shudder, and tears of fear clouded your eyes. Your skin was of a ghastly white complexion, tinged with blue at the back of your knees and near your ankles. Already you could see the heat blisters forming and you wondered whether bathing might even be worthwhile at this point, or whether it could lead to even more tissue death.
You leaned against the wall, suddenly seized with fatigue. Though you knew that you should get up, should keep moving, that sleep could be deadly, you remained as you were. You were just so tired, and so confused. Why? Why did it have to be like this? You never saw Albedo suffering like this, never saw your fellow guild members toil on, day after day, suffering from that which allowed their livelihood. Why did you suffer this way?
You realized it was incredibly useless to stew in it. After all you’d come so far, grown so much. You knew the risks and you continued to act as if there were none. Was it not expected then that you would continue to struggle? Besides it was payment. You shouldn’t expect anything to happen without something else happening, especially in cases such as these. No one would just hand you a wad of money without expectations, why should magic have a different system? Really you just needed to get up, get up and… what were you doing again?
 Right as your grasp on the situation became exceedingly tenuous the door opened.
“Sorry for arriving a bit late my dear, I hope – ”
Whatever Albedo was going to say it was replaced by the sound of something dropping, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath.
“What happened?” Albedo’s voice was sharp, filled with concern and with determination. You shook your head slightly, though even your neck felt as if was cracking with every movement.
“Nothing. I just, I…” you weren’t quite sure how to answer that, your mind felt like it was barely functioning, “…this is normal.”
“It’s certainly not normal.” Albedo dropped down besides you, slinging your arm over his shoulder – something you barely registered. “Who or what in the name of the Seven caused this?”
“Me.” You replied, still trying to focus on what was going on, to mixed up in fear and fatigue to try to spin lies. “I did this. I told you. Normal.”
“You’re being delirious.” By this point Albedo had managed to pick you up. Kicking the door all the way open he barely turned back to close it, instead running through the streets, turning towards the hospital.
“No, it’s true. It’s… my…” you began to push on the brakes but it was too far into the confession for that now “… my vision. This is my vision.” The look that Albedo gave you was pure alarm. Shaking his head he cursed under his breath.
“As soon as you’ve healed we’re talking about this.”
 You didn’t want to think how the whole scenario might’ve turned out in a world without magic. Though the healing was slow going – it took you almost a whole week of hospitalization and half of it in intensive care to finally be considered in the clear. You hadn’t been conscious the whole way, having been through various treatments and surgeries, but when you woke up in your hospital room Albedo was invariably there.
The already reticent alchemist was practically a statue. He said little to you, and what was said were little things, encouraging words, comforting little nothings. There was nothing substantial in his sentences, and you sensed that he was waiting. Whether that was for your recovery or for your confession you weren’t entirely sure.
The day that you were finally released was surprisingly warm, and your hands were slightly sweaty in their mittens. Not that it mattered. It’d been over a week since you’d last used your vision, and you were feeling as good as new. Considering what you’d just gone through that was perhaps unsurprising.
Albedo met you right as you signing the last of some paperwork. A smile was on his face, and he made no attempt to hide his affection, slinging his arm around your waist. You smiled back at him, finally happy to be done with the whole dilemma. Kissing him on the cheek – something which brought about an intense blush on his part – you let out a triumphant “I’m going home.”
“Yes my darling, you are.” Albedo replied.
The walk home turned out to be a bit of a long one. The two of you stopped for lunch, discussing this and that. After a week of practically no conversation you were bursting with random thoughts. The simple act of talking to Albedo felt divine, and you reveled in it. You also kept your hands constantly linked, although you joked that it must be a bit difficult considering your mittens. Albedo simply shook his head.
“I love when our hands are joined, no matter the context.”
Finally you two arrived home. Throwing yourself on the familiar couch you let out a sigh of relief.
“Would you like some tea?” Albedo called out.
“Yes!” You replied, before picking up a book you’d left on the coffee table. You’d missed being surrounded by familiar things.
Albedo placed the tea on the table before sitting next to you. You leaned into his shoulder picking up the tea and blowing on it slightly.
“Yes?” You replied smiling at him. Albedo’s gaze was that of seemingly perfect happiness, but curiosity lurked behind that, and even more than curiosity was worried.
“I was wondering if you might not tell me more about what you said when I was carrying you to the hospital. About your vision.”
You paused for a moment. Not that you weren’t expecting this, indeed you were surprised Albedo hadn’t brought it up when you were in the hospital; though you appreciated his reticence. You’d decided during your recovery that you might as well tell him. There was no point in hiding it after what had just passed. Not that you truly believed you could.
So you told him, pausing here and there, trying to explain why you’d never told him.
“I mean it’s sort of expected, isn’t it? I was given a vision after all. Surely I must have something taken away, some burden placed on me in return?” You finished.
“Of course not.” Albedo’s tone was slightly brusque, but you sensed nothing behind it. Indeed your partner looked five seconds from passing out himself, his face having taken on a ghastly pallor. He brought his hand up to your cheek and you leaned into his palm, savoring this small moment. “I’m sorry you’ve been suffering this way.” He murmured.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with this now.” You replied, voice just as soft. “I didn’t want to burden you with my plight. But I’m also sorry I hid it from you for so long.”
“That’s a bit contradictory my love.” Albedo let out a huff of a laugh. You simply shrugged, knowing that what he said was true. “I wish to help you.” He continued. “You shouldn’t have to continue to suffer like this. Your experience with your vision should be like mine; purely a blessing, without hint of a curse.” He paused, glancing away slightly, expression suddenly thoughtful.
“It’s true, what you say. Most of this world is governed by the laws of exchange. We put in coal and get out diamonds, at the price of intense heat and pressure and work. Energy only converts but it never simply converts to what you want. That is one of the first things one must understand when it comes to alchemy.”
Albedo glanced back at you. Saying nothing he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, then your cheeks, before finally pressing his lips to yours, giving you a brief, almost reverent kiss. “But that’s the wonder about magic you see.” He continued. “Magic lives outside these laws, scoffs at all the silly things the natural world must abide by. Magic is utterly self-contained, and with it comes the ability to do miraculous things, all without worrying about what one must give up. So you see, my love, there is no reason you should suffer.”
 The rest of the nice was spent peacefully, filled with soft laughter and tender kisses. When you fell asleep – cuddled up against the man you loved the most, limbs entangled here and there – you felt nothing but peace, peace and a great deal of relief. You’d trust in this world that Albedo envisioned, one without continual struggle, without endless suffering. For you knew he adored you as you adored him, and, that being true, even if there wasn’t a way for you to live a calmer, happier life, he’d make it happen.
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kbuggg3 · 3 years
~S u p e r n a t u r a l~ CasxReader: “Crazy In Love”
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IMAGINE: After risking their lives for a mysterious piece of clay, Sam, Dean, and (y/n) get a call that something happened to Cas at the hospital (s7 e21).
“Well, c’mon Meg! Give us more details! Can you at least tell me if he’s ok?... What do you mean you don’t know?” Sam angrily spoke into the phone and (y/n) and Dean exchanged scared looks as they anxiously waited to hear about the news of their best friend. Approximately an hour before all of this stress and anxiety appeared the Winchester brothers and their closest companion (y/n) Singer were hiding out in an old, abandoned jail staring at the block of clay that lay on the dust covered table.
“So what I’m getting from this is… we risked our lives for a lump of clay?” Sam looked at the girl and shrugged with a reply, “There’s gotta be more to it than just that. I mean, the Leviathans were treating it like Dean treats his car!”
“Hey!” Dean snapped. “Don’t judge me.” Sam just rolled his eyes while (y/n) continued to think aloud. “Maybe there's something inside?” This earned an odd look from Dean and she huffed in frustration. “Wha- Well I don’t know! I’m running out of ideas. That’s all I’ve got goin’ on up here unless one of you can think of something better.” Sam and Dean shared a look then shrugged. “Worth a shot.”
Dean grabbed a hammer and Sam grabbed 3 pairs of goggles, handing them out to each person. After making sure everyone had their protective eyewear on, Dean brought the hammer up into the air and struck hard on the block of clay. The moment the hammer hit the clay, causing pieces to fly everywhere, a crack of lightning, a quick rumbling of thunder was heard, and the rusty building shook for a second. The three looked at one another without speaking a word and Dean soon continued on again. Once again, he struck the clay with the hammer and thunder rumbled and the building shook. “Um is it just me or is-”
“Ya,” Sam cut in, interrupting (y/n). “That’s not normal.” Dean debated whether or not he should continue. Whatever is in this block of clay was important enough that Leviathans were willing to sacrifice their lives for it. This could be something to end the apocalypse and put a stop to the death of mankind forever. With that, Dean repeated the actions of striking the clay with the hammer despite the loud thunder, bright lightning, and violent shaking of the building.
Eventually everything went quiet and all the clay was completely gone. (y/n) opened her eyes and released her tight grip on Sam’s arm while Dean let out a long breath that he didn’t even realize he was holding. The three stare down at what used to be a big pile of nothing and what now appeared to be a tablet. The tablet had golden writings or etching in it but neither one of them could make out what it was saying. It looked as if it were written in another language.
Before any of them could say one word, Dean received an urgent call from Meg that something had happened to Castiel back at the hospital and told them to meet her there ASAP. So that's what they did. Dean stuffed the tablet in a duffle bag and they got into the impala and drove off.
After they arrive at the hospital and sneak past a few security guards, Sam, Dean, and (y/n) finally make it to the door of Castiel’s hospital room, where Meg stands chewing her finger nails and pacing back and forth. She heard multiple footsteps and looked at the group with a sigh of relief. “It took you long enough. He’s in here.” Meg opened the door and nodded her head, giving them the ‘ok’ to step inside. They walk in and see Cas staring out the window. “Hey, Cas?” The angel slowly turns around, faces them, and replies with a short “Hello, Dean.”
Castiel looks at Sam and smiles softly. “Sam,” he says with a short nod. “Hey, Castiel.” Cas’s eyes move from the tall man to the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. That’s (y/n) Singer. Of course he has met her before. She is the daughter of Bobby Singer and an old friend of the Winchester family. She was there when Cas first connected with Dean and the taller brother and ever since then he has had feelings for her that he, as an angelic and Godly being, couldn’t quite comprehend.
To a regular human being this was a natural thing, but Cas has never experienced anything like what he experiences when he’s around her. When she flashes her perfect pearly white smile at him, he can’t help but stop mid sentence and stare at her and her beautiful eyes. When she accidentally brushes his shoulder as they pass each other or touches his shoulder as she speaks softly to him or takes his hand for comfort, his face turns color and his stomach feels like he just swallowed a bunch of butterflies. And her laugh… oh her laugh… how it makes him wish he could listen to it forever. The way she scrunches up her nose as she projects this beautiful human noise from her perfect lips makes the corners of his mouth turn up slightly in a way he isn’t all too familiar with. Cas has no idea what was happening to him. If anything, he thought he was sick. But a regular human being would classify that as love. Cas was in love with (y/n).
Cas struggled to find the right words to say as he approached her and stuttered an awkward, “Hello, (y/n).” The girl fought the urge to throw herself onto him and wrap her arms around his neck, breathing in his comforting scent as she embraced him in a big hug. Instead she put a smile on her worried face and spoke to him in the soft, calming tone that he was very fond of. “Cas.” They stared at each other for a while until Dean awkwardly cleared his throat to break some of the tension. “Look at you, walking and talking. That’s great right?”
Cas forcefully peeled his eyes away from the goddess before him and looked at Dean with a goofy smile on his face. The angel approached the oldest Winchester with his pointer finger towards him. “Pull my finger.” Dean looked from the outstretched finger to Cas with a very confused look on his face. “I’m sorry. What?”
“My finger,” Cas explained. “Pull it.” Dean stood there awkwardly for a moment before gripping Castiel’s finger. Cas raised his eyebrows at him as he waited for Dean to pull his finger and sure enough he did. The moment Dean did as he was told, all the lights in the room bursted and everyone jumped at the sudden noise. All of the shattered glass fell to the ground and the group stared at Cas in disbelief as he giggled to himself.
“So let me get this straight. You said you remember who you are? What are you?”
“Yes of course,” Cas replied. He then gasped and turned around as if he were reminded of something he meant to say a while ago. “Outside today in the garden I followed a honeybee. I saw the welt of flowers. It was all right there! The whole plan! There’s nothing to add.” (y/n) quirked an eyebrow as she watched his gorgeous blue eyes twinkle with excitement like he just got finished riding a roller coaster or running a marathon.
“And he’s been like this for how long?”
“He’s been like that naked guy at the raver ever since he woke up. Totally useless.” Meg replied and the girl just nodded her head in response. “Well, Cas, how are you feeling? Do you feel any different from before?” Cas looked to (y/n) with a look of adoration as he spoke, “Would you just look at her. My caretaker.” The brothers looked to (y/n) with questioning looks as she gave the same look to the clueless angel in front of her. “All of that thorny pain. So beautiful.”
“You’re crazy.” 
“Crazy in love,” Cas said, sighing contently as he continued to stare at her sweetly. Of course (y/n) was flattered by this sudden affection from the angel she’s been crushing on since she first laid eyes on him, but he is obviously not in his normal Cas-like state. For all she knows this could all just be a misunderstanding and when (or if) they get him back to normal he wouldn’t even remember saying those things. After giving out long, awkward hugs and sharing random fun facts about cat penises, Cas revealed how exactly he became like this and that the tablet was The Word of God. “Ok well what does it say?” Cas crossed his arms and stuck out his lip. “No.”
“What the- Cas how old are you? Just read the friggin’ tablet!” Dean yelled frustrated.
“Cas I swear on everything sacred if you don’t read this tablet right now so help me i will-”
“ Cas,” (y/n) spoke, cutting Dean off. Cas uncrossed his arms and straightened his posture as his facial features softened.
“Yes, my love?”
“Will you please try your hardest to read this tablet? It is very important that we find out what this says. You may even help save the world if you dooo,” (y/n) bribed, singing the last part. When Cas didn’t respond she pushed a little more. “Please, Cas? It would mean the world. Can you do it for me?” She ran a hand down his arm gently as she batted her eyelashes. Cas was sure his knees were going to give out on him any second now. He grabbed her hand off of his arm and clasped it tight with both of his hands, tucking the tablet under his arm. “I would do anything for you (y/n).
Cas held up the tablet and stared blankly at it for a while. Dean began to grow impatient. “Well?” Cas cleared his throat as he began an attempt in interpreting. “Uhhhh tree…” he looked around at everyone for a second. When no one responded and continued to stare at him, obviously expecting more information, he looked back to the tablet and continued. “Horse. Fiddler crab. I can’t read it. It wasn’t meant for angels.”
“Alright,” Meg cuts in. “This all sounds bad. What are you two idiots doing with the word of God? Let me see that thing.” She takes a step towards Castiel but is stopped when Dean tells her to back off. “C’mon Dean. It’s my life on the line too.” Cas froze and stared at the ground uncomfortably with wide eyes. “I said. Back. Off. Meg.”
“Dang it enough of this ‘demons are second class citizens’ crap!” Cas suddenly cut in saying “Don’t like conflict” and teleported out of the room, letting the tablet drop to the ground and break into 3 pieces. “What the h*ll was that?” Meg just scoffed and crossed her arms. “You heard him. He doesn’t like conflict.” She flashed a cocky smile causing Dean’s jaw to clench and his hands to ball into fists.
“You know what? We don’t have time for this crap. (y/n), you deal with the tablet, Sam, you do research on how to read this friggin’ thing, and I’ll go talk to Cas.”
“Actually, Dean.” (y/n) cut in making Dean stop at the doorway and look at her. “Maybe I should go with you to talk to Cas. You and him do have a special bond but I have a strong feeling that the little amount of patience you have isn’t going to be enough at the moment.” Sam and Meg chuckled slightly but Dean ignored them. “Ya I guess you’re right. Alright. You come with me. Sam, will you please pick up the… “Word of God”? And do not let that demon get the tablet.” Sam looked at Meg awkwardly and shrugged and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.
After finding Cas in the main room sitting quietly at a table, Dean sat in front of him and tried to talk to him while they played a game of “SORRY!”, requested by the lost angel himself. “Alright, Cas, where can we find this ‘Metatron’ guy? Is he even still alive?”
“I-I’m sorry. I believe you have to go back to start.” (y/n) giggled, earning a glare from the oldest Winchester, making her cover it up with a cough. Dean looked at the board game in front of them on the table where Cas was pointing and begrudgingly moved one of his pieces back to start like instructed. He then proceeded in his attempt to reason with the angel. “Cas, this is important.” Cas once again pointed to the board, signalling that it was now Dean’s turn to pick up a card from the stack that was located in the middle of the board.
Dean angrily picked up a card, read it in his head, threw it down, and moved his piece to where the card told him to. “I think Metatron could stop a lot of bad. Do you understand?” (y/n) could tell he was growing angry and very impatient with Cas. She quietly stood against the wall, watching anxiously. “We live in a sorry universe.” Cas held up a card that said ‘SORRY’ on it and continued to explain.
“It is engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from your misfortune?” When he spoke he moved pieces around where they belonged and carried on as if he were simply talking about the weather versus the end of the world as we know it. There was no concern or emotion or feeling in his voice as he talked- whereas Dean and (y/n) held on to every word he said as they listened intently. “But these are the rules. I didn’t make them.”
“You made some of them. When you tried to become God. When you cut that hole in the wall.”
“Dean…” The two sat there looking at each other for a while before Cas continued. “It’s your move.” At this Dean slammed his hand on the board game and swiped it off the table forcefully. “Forget the damn game!” Cas looked down at his lap meekly and (y/n) took this as her que to intervene. “Dean! Woah, woah it’s ok. Calm down.” She put a hand on his arm, soothingly rubbing up and down making Cas stare. His mood quickly changed from shy to jealous as he watched (y/n) comfort Dean instead of him. Dean shook his head and stormed off leaving (y/n) and Cas alone. (y/n) took the seat Dean had previously been sitting in and looked to Cas with desperate eyes. Cas took notice of this and sat up straight with his hands folded on the table, giving her his undivided attention.
“Let's forget the game for one second. Is that ok with you?” Cas cutely looked to the side for a moment as he thought about the answer then nodded his head. (y/n) couldn’t help but smile at him. Although he wasn’t his true self right now she couldn’t help but notice how helpless and adorable he was being. He looked like a lost puppy. “Is there any way at all that you can help us?” Cas sadly shook his head and replied, “I’m sorry (y/n). I really am.” She could hear the sincerity in his voice. “It’s not your fault, Castiel.” He noticed her slumped shoulders and sad expression and thought of ways to try and cheer her up.
“M-Maybe when this whole thing is over with I can take you to a park.” (y/n) laughed making Cas’s cheeks heat up. “The park?”
“Ummm yes? Wait, no. I meant to say the strip club. Or was it the bar?”
“Cas, what are you talking about?” she giggled. “Well, quite some time ago Dean told me that if I liked a girl I should take her out somewhere. That and to wear protection, which is why I bring my angel blade everywhere I go,” Cas stated as a matter of factly and (y/n)’s eyes went wide as she attempted to hold back a laugh. “But it appears to me that I’ve forgotten where exactly I’m supposed to take you.”
“Wait a second. You like me?”
“Duh,” Cas chuckled and snorted as if she had told him a funny joke. “(y/n), I have been very fond of you since the day we met. Over the years you’ve made me feel things that I'm sure no angelic being has ever had the opportunity to experience. At first I was scared I was becoming ill with all the odd sensations in my stomach when you’d laugh or the muscle pains in my cheeks from smiling so much when you’d speak to me or even my face getting hot when you’d accidentally touch my shoulder. But after getting some professional advice from Dean I realized that I am truly in love with you.”
(y/n) had no idea what to say. She couldn’t believe that the angel she had fallen for after all these years had confessed to being in love with her. “Well in that case, maybe you’d like to take me to the ‘Bow Tie Bar’ right down the street here sometime.” Cas looked up, surprised that she accepted his invitation and nodded quickly. He was like a kid in a candy store. “Alright then. It’s a date.” A big smile made its way to Cas’s face along with a red tint to his cheeks. “D-Date. Right. Yes.” (y/n) laughed at his nervous stuttering and they sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. She then watched as his smile slowly faded and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Um, (y/n)?”
“Yes, Castiel?”
“Why exactly does the bar have a bow tie?”
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zero-mins · 4 years
TOO | forehead kisses
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he's a sleepy baby
when he's done composing songs late at night all he wants to do is to get back home and crawl into bed with you
and that's exactly what he does
he crawls into your arms while you're asleep
which would obviously wake you up
you'd ask him about how his day went but he'd be too tired to answer so you just shake it off with a kiss to his forehead
in just a few seconds he's already snoring
so cute ;—;
it'd probably almost be time for you to get up but you don't want to disturb him so you stay in bed with him just a little longer
you and donggeon would love watching horror movies together
so if you suddenly get scared he'll start teasing you
"you got scared?? lmaooo"
but when he realizes how scared you actually were he'll pull you into a tight hug
turns off the movie in case another jumpscare pops up
and he'd intertwine his hands in yours to stop them from shaking
kisses your forehead and rubs his nose against yours
"i'm sorry for laughing at you babe :("
he's a huge tease but he'd never want to hurt you
will shower you with kisses to show how much he loves you
i get that everyone sees him as a dom
but like
i feel like he'd go absolutely soft for your kisses
especially after a long day, all he wants is your lips all over him
as soon as he gets back home and sees you, he'll pick you up and press you against the wall
y'all think something sexi boutta happen but nO
he'd look at you with puppy eyes and ask for a kiss
and you'd hold his chin up with your index finger and thumb and start kissing him from his chin, to his lips, to his nose,
once you reach his forehead his face just lights up and it's the prettiest sight to see
receiving and giving!!!
he'd give you forehead kisses when you're feeling stressed
like he'd walk up to you and cup your face with both hands and plant a kiss on your forehead, maybe even in your hair
look into your eyes and say sweet things
just wants to make you feel safe
but when he's feeling stressed he'd want to be cuddled up with you in bed
he'd want you to play with his hair and leave your lips on his forehead as he talked about his day
would wrap his arms around your waist like a koala
you'd probably fall asleep first but he wouldn't get mad bcs he appreciates being able to cuddle with you
and then he'd kiss your forehead before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and falling asleep with you
minsu's a big flirt
if you make eye contact from afar, he'd wink at you and make all these cute faces
that'd make your heart go up down left and right rip it rip it wooo
when you're finally together, you'd shower him with kisses
jokingly get mad at him for being such a flirt
you'd have to jump a little to be tall enough to kiss his forehead
even though he saw it coming, he'd still burst into giggles
SO giggly
he'd wrap you in a hug so you'd stop kissing him before he starts blushing like crazy
the cutest ;—;
receiving and giving!!!
i feel like jaeyun's the kind of person that's a bit shy when it comes to showing affection
like he's trying to keep this 'chic guy' image
but everyone knows he's just really shy lmao
when you ask him for a kiss in public his ears would turn red
but he can't say no to you, so of course he'd give you a kiss (only a forehead kiss cs he's too shy to give you an actual kiss in public hshshshs)
on the flip side, he absolutely loves it when you kiss him
kissing him on the lips is nice, but kissing him on the forehead makes his heart twist and turn
he'd literally melt in your arms
he just love love love loves it
j.you is the perfect study buddy
even though he dropped out 💀
he'll still keep you company while you're studying
he'll sit next to you and make sure you're getting your work done
but once you start yawning he'll push your books away and pull you into a hug
"is my baby tired already?
he'll kiss your forehead and let you lean your head on his chest
and he'll start talking about the lyrics he wrote while you were studying
if you accidentally fall asleep he'll start smiling to himself at how cute you are
kisses you even more
kyungho gives me bear vibes
he's just full of love and affection for you
forehead kisses would be a normal thing
just woke up? kiss.
walk past him in the kitchen? kiss.
standing next to him in an elevator? kiss.
loves staring at you, admiring how cute/pretty you are
he'd surprise you with a forehead kiss if you're not paying attention
and you'd look up to see him staring at you with heart eyes
i'm telling you, he will kiss you at any given chance
mostly because he finds you irresistibly adorable
"you. *kiss* are. *kiss* too. *kiss* cute."
even tho he's really tall
give! him! forehead! kisses!
it's easiest when you're lying down with him
loves lying down on top of you and listening to your heartbeat while you play with his hair and listen to him rant abt random stuff
if you're quiet for too long he'll look up to see if you're still awake
"hey, you fell asleep :("
you'd wake up to jerome's puppy eyes staring into yours
he's too cute asjhsbajxbsjs
you'd apologize and rub his cheeks and press a kiss onto his forehead
his nose would scrunch up and he'd get mad at you for making him blush •///•
he's a whiny baby
wants your kisses 24/7
if he sees you from afar he'll drop whatever he's doing and run right up to you and backhug you
"you. kiss me now. or else i'm breaking up with you."
he's obviously not gonna break up with you
he'd probably die from the lack of kisses if he broke up with you
you turn around and cup his cheeks
he's so ready for a kiss
but you're a brat that loves teasing him so you give him a forehead kiss instead and run away
"yaaah!!" >:((
but he secretly loves it
woonggi appreciates all kisses
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i'm sorry if i get their personalities wrong ;—; constructive criticism is always welcome!
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kooala · 5 years
So this was a super quick and random oneshot I just wrote, hope all the Tae stans are going to love this fluffy extravaganza! Again - english isn’t my first language so be kind! enjoy x
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Wordcount: 1,8k
Genre: So fluffy you’re gonna wanna gag; boyfriend Tae
It had been a while since you were able to see Taehyung in person and although facetiming him every day seemed to fill the empty void in your chest, nothing could ever beat putting your arms around him to hug him in tight, taking a deep breath and knowing he’s going to hold you forever.
But lately, you had been missing his touch and talking to him didn’t make you feel excited anymore - it made you feel sad. Sadness from the bottom of your heart because you had been missing him for months on end now. You had known this was going to happen when you fell in love, you not being from Korea and him not able to visit you constantly but that was a risk you had been willing to take for him, his love and affection. Reality seemed to hit pretty soon though and after three months of promotions in Korea, your heart was aching for him and his presence. 
Although you felt like you couldn’t live like this any longer, there was no way you would ever mention it to him because that would only make him feel worse about not being able to come around every time he felt like it.
Sitting on your bed while watching another senseless Netflix documentary to take your mind off things, you saw the little FaceTime icon appear in the corner of your MacBook, hearing the familiar sound of an incoming call and with a racing heart you sat up fast, fixing your hair and finding a good angle before accepting the call. 
You felt your heart burst at the sight of his cuddled up face in a pillow, his now black hair, curly and all over the place. 
“Hey babe... “, you mumbled and he opened his eyes, looking at his screen with a smile, the little freckle on his nose very noticeable in the camera. 
“Y/N.”, he sat up more, ruffling his hair and smiling into the camera.
“Hi.”, you say again and you felt proud seeing the way his face lit up hearing your voice.
“How are you?”, you ask again and he sat up more, leaning his head against the backrest before rubbing his eyes, looking into the camera and only now you could see the exhaustion on his face.
“I’m good. But how are you? How are your exams?”, he asked, dodging the question and you answered his questions if he didn’t feel like talking about how he felt you wouldn’t be the one to push.
“You look exhausted, Tae.”, you mumble after a while of talking and he shrugs a bit.
“It’s difficult at the moment but I don’t want to burden you with anything you’re in the middle of all your exams. Don’t worry about me, love. If you do your best and you’re happy, so am I.”, he smiled into the camera and you would’ve given everything to put your arms around him now. 
“I miss you.”, you mumble after a long moment of silence and as soon as your eyes started burning you regretted saying anything. You knew yourself too well, knowing you weren’t able to hold back the tears once you said it aloud.
“Don’t cry, my love.”, he said softly and you took your eyes off the screen, looking up at the ceiling to try and blink away the stream of tears, making it’s way down your cheeks,  unsuccessfully. 
“I’m sorry I don’t want to cry around.”, you chuckle and wipe your cheeks with the sleeves of your sweater, clearing your throat to try and get some composure and turned your head back to the screen smiling. “I know. It’s hard and I feel the same way. I can’t wait to see you soon. Four weeks feel like forever but I know we can make it.” His smile seemed like he was doing his best to make it seem genuine. Well aware that this was all you were able to get out of him now without him bursting into tears, you nodded and started talking about a couple of things that you had experienced over the past couple of weeks, talking about your friends and trips you had taken since Taehyung really enjoyed listening to your ‘ordinary’ life - a life that wasn’t easily accessible to him. 
“Alright it’s almost three in the morning, I have to go, I have to get up early, babe.”, you said after almost two and a half hours of talking.
“I’m sorry for keeping you up. Go to bed.” His nose scrunched up a little bit and he pouted his lips, making your heart ache again, wanting nothing more than to poke those cheeks and bite that nose.
“I love you, Y/N.”, he mumbled and smiled bright, filling up your entire screen. 
“I love you more. I can’t wait to see you. 28 days, baby.” His smile grew wider and you could feel the excitement rise up inside your chest.
“28 days my love. Sleep well and please do good at your exams, I know you can do it you just gotta trust yourself. You can do anything, you hear me?” His face was supposed to look encouraging but the little childish pout mixed with a little sulky expression came through and you had to chuckle.
“Thank you - I’ll do my very best. Sleep tight, love. I love you very much. Good luck with your performance tomorrow and text me after!” You make a kissy mouth, hoping he can see and feel it. 
“I will text, thank’s babe. Good night! I love you to the moon and back.” He rolled around the bed and you could tell that he had his flash of excitement before he was about to drop dead onto the sheets, falling asleep again. 
Watching him a little longer, the two of you finally waved a last goodbye before your screen turned black and you could see your own reflection in the MacBook.
Heading straight to bed after getting ready you tried to close your eyes but as expected, you couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, thinking about touching his soft hair and the way he usually traced over your lower back while you cuddled him in bed, playing with his fingertips over the small of your back, giving you goosebumps while falling asleep. Trying to hold onto that thought, you closed your eyes and imagined his warmth, tried to imagine his scent while hugging the stuffed cat he had bought you at the very beginning of your relationship, pressing it tightly against your chest. 
You woke up from a rumble in your room and blinked heavily and confused by the turned-on light on your nightstand you turned around lightly, trying to scan the room for a sign of why the light was turned on. You were sure you had turned it off before heading to bed yesterday. 
“I’m sorry I woke you.”, you could hear a low voice on the other side of the bed and flinching from the shock of not being alone in your apartment, let alone bed, you scoot away with a racing heart. It took you a couple of seconds to realize what had just happened and only once you could feel his arms wrap around your torso, you realized you weren’t dreaming. 
“I didn’t want to wake you or scare you.” Taehyung mumbled after scooting close under the covers, his body cold against yours from just arriving from outside. 
“What... “, you mumbled still confused and half asleep although all your senses seemed to be on high alert while you just stared at him in shock. 
“Surprise?”, he chuckled low and pulled his hand out under the covers, stroking a couple of strands of hair out of your face, tucking in behind your ear softly before stroking his thumb over your cheek gently. Your body definitely realized that he was there and the touches were real but your brain just seemed unable to catch up on it. 
“Can I pull you closer? You still seem shocked.”, he mumbled softly and you only nodded lightly, feeling the tears burn your eyes again as soon as the realization hit, that he was actually there with you after what felt like forever without him. 
He put his arm around you more, turning you to your side gently, pulling you in against his chest, tucked in under the warmth of your covers you couldn’t believe your luck. 
“I only have two days but I had to see you.” His lips brushed over your temple as he was whispering, placing hundreds of small kisses on your skin while rubbing over your back slow and comforting. 
You lowered your head, burying it on the crook of his neck and tried to hold in your happy tears, sliding both of your arms around him to pull him closer, grabbing the fabric of his shirt on his back, still in disbelief that all of this was happening. 
“Why did you call like I wouldn’t see you for another month, you’re so mean my heaaaart.”, you mumble onto his chest, smiling like an idiot about the fact that he was genuinely, here and lifting your head you looked at that little freckle you had only been able to admire from afar over the past weeks. 
“Because I am evil and I wanted to see that face?”, he smirked lightly and you lifted your hand to slide your hand through the back of his neck into his hair, running your fingers through them gently as you watched him close his eyes because he loved the feeling of you playing with his hair so much. 
Opening his eyes he softly ran his thumb over your lower lip before pulling you in closer, touching your lips with his, so soft at first that you could barely stand the feeling since it was so faint. He pouted his lips in, kissing them a little firmer and you could only smile, wrapping your arms around him tighter as the kiss deepened slowly and lazily, both of you intertwined in your sheets, feeling warm and cozy in each other’s embrace. 
It felt like the moment was lasting forever and once he broke the kiss to kiss the tip of your nose, you felt like it hadn’t lasted long enough. His gaze was scanning your face, smiling to himself as he appreciated seeing you up close again. 
“Now how about you turn that alarm off for tomorrow morning? I’ll be here when you wake up, don’t worry. We can spend two full days together.”, he mumbled while scooting down, making himself small, hugging in your chest and belly so you could rest your chin on his head, sliding your leg over him to hug him under completely.
“Sounds perfect to me.”, you mumble, turning off the nightstand light.
“I love you.”, you mumble quietly again and had to smile, scrunching your nose as you felt his lips on your neck soft.
“You too, my love. Every day.”
Make sure to leave some love if you enjoyed reading it! Thanks xx
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tryingtobts · 5 years
I know
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Male Reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort? Angst
A/n: I wrote a lot of things over break but I haven’t posted anything @mikothedreamer Thank you for requesting! So Sorry it’s late. Um I used two random names here, so they’re not based off anyone.
Prompt line: "I don't want to choose." "I never had a choice!"  "I believed in a lie!" "Do you still love me?"
Two males glare at each other with anger, neither willing to back down, no matter how their throats burned from yelling at each other. 
“How could you make such a big decision without me?” (Y/n) yelled.
“I’m sorry okay?! It was brought to the table when I met with the managers and the only solution was for everything to be okay was to date them!” Hoseok explained again.
(Y/n) pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, “So let me get this straight: because some other couple got caught dating in public, our managers decided that because we-,” He paused to motion between the two for emphasis, “are in a relationship that could also turn into a scandal that we should cover up and date the ones that got caught?! And when presented to you, my childhood love, who knows that I don’t like it when a decision is made for me without actually discussing it with me, agreed to it and didn’t tell me so I could find out through our companies making a public statement!” The enraged male yelled.
Hoseok winced as he really didn’t have an argument, “They wanted an answer right there and then. They said if I agreed to it then we wouldn’t have to worry about a scandal and that skin ship would be more okay because people would think we’re in a relationship with Mina and Hyuna and not think twice about it! They said if I disagreed, then the other two would have to quit being idols and that we would have to end our relationship to prevent media from ruining both of us! I never had a choice! I’m sorry!” He cried out, tears welling up and threatening to fall.
(Y/n) softened at the explanation. Knowing that Hoseok did it with everyone in mind, he hugged the other and soothed him. But He wanted to know more of the terms of the agreement so he changed his tone to a softer one, “What do we do? Just go on dates they plan, and hold hands with them?” (Y/n) asked softly.
Hoseok nodded, “Only that and look like we like them when we’re together, I made sure it was only that. I’m sorry.” He apologized again and pressed further into the other’s embrace. 
“I know, it’s okay Hoseok.” (Y/n) said, forgivingly, causing the other to whine.
(Y/n) pulled away to look at the other with slight confusion, causing the other to throw himself back into an embrace, “You’re still mad, you don’t like calling me Hoseok. Please call me love, Hobi, honey, anything! You still love me, right?” Hoseok begged.
(Y/n) smiled at his boyfriend’s cute behavior and gave him an Eskimo kiss before giving him an actual kiss, “Of course baby, I still love you! This won’t stop me from loving you. I don’t think anything will.” He said and began peppering kisses on Hoseok.
Hoseok whined but gave a heart smile to let the other know that he loved the attention, “Hyung! Stop!” He halfheartedly pushed the other away.
The other hummed as if in thought, “Nope! Have to prove I love you, sunshine.” (Y/n) chuckled.
(Y/n) pulled Hoseok into a passionate kiss, “I’ll make sure to show how much I love you tonight but I have to punish you for being bad don’t I?” He whispered into Hoseok’s ear.
Hoseok whined and nodded, “m sorry.” He said with eyes starting to glaze causing (Y/n) to smirk and lead him to their bedroom.
The weeks following, the two were able to increase the skin ship but also were not able to go out as offer due to them having to take Mina and Hyuna on dates. More than not, Hoseok and Hyuna got more dates as their relationship became more popular with the fans and (Y/n) had to watch as their time together depleted more and more as Hoseok spent more time with Hyuna. 
He began to doubt himself and the relationship as he knew that Hyuna was his ideal for a girl. While he was Hoseok’s ideal for a guy, it didn’t stop his doubts as Hoseok began to drift away from him. Funnily enough, (Y/n) went to Mina to talk about his fears, too scared going to any of the other boys would affect their band and ruining their closeness. Mina didn’t mind (Y/n)’s company and vise versa and the two had become good friends over the time they were forced together.
As he explained his fears on one of their “dates” at a quiet cafe, Mina’s expression became more steeled and serious. When he finished, he nervously looked at her for denial that Hyuna was acting different and that he doubted the two unjustly. 
Mina looked away, not wanting to look at the other’s reaction, “You noticed too, huh? Hyuna hasn’t even looked at me in a week. She just comes home and goes on her phone before sleeping.” She said quietly.
As much as she didn’t want to fuel (Y/n)’s fears, the coincidence in both behaviors was too much and she couldn’t lie to his face, she knew he deserved more than that.
But Mina’s words made (Y/n)’s heart feel like it was going to burst and he quickly got up to leave with her following to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. They quickly ran to a direction and Mina recognized they were at the BigHit building. 
Mina quickly tugged (Y/n) to a stop, “Hey, we shouldn’t interrupt the boys practice-“ She tried to reason with him but immediately stopped as she looked at him closely.
The male was shaking with anxiety and Mina looked to see his eyes becoming unfocused, his hand shakily toying with a necklace and his breathing becoming irregular and knew he was about to have an anxiety attack, something he briefly let her know about when they met but assured her, he hasn’t had one in awhile. Mina quickly brought him inside and went straight to his studio, ignoring anything and anyone who tried to question them even briefly passing by a surprised Hyuna on their way. She hoped (Y/n) didn’t see her but the way his breathing stuttered had told her otherwise. 
She had (Y/n) try to unlock the door and after a couple tries he did it but not without tears building up every time he got it wrong. As soon as they got inside and closed the door, Mina went through the process of trying to calm (Y/n) down from putting on calming music to asking him to try and focus on breathing with her to telling her about items around the room. When he finally recovered, she laid him down on his couch to sleep and covered him with the blanket left on the couch for overnight work days. 
Mina sighed and left the room to let him rest and confront the female she saw earlier. She quickly went to the dance studio but no one was there so she went to Hoseok studio. She knocked and wasn’t impressed as Hyuna opened it with messy hair and swollen lips and pushed passed her to go to where Hoseok sat working on a song and tapped Hoseok’s shoulder.
Hoseok blinked in surprise at her presence when he turned around but smiled and greeted her awkwardly, “Hey Mina-“  
Mina shook her head and interrupted him, “(Y/n)’s in his studio, sleeping, after having an anxiety attack.” She said with an accusing tone, “It would be better if he woke up to his boyfriend,” she emphasized, “I know you’ve been busy with each other, but (Y/n) and I don’t deserve this. (Y/n) especially.” She finished before turning to leave the two shocked people.
She turned her head towards Hyuna, “You’re stuff will be moved back to the dorm. Don’t show up at the apartment yeah? and I hope you help cover your hickey you left on him.” With that she left. 
Hoseok immediately drowned in guilt, hand going to cover the hickey. Did he cause the attack? Were you okay? Why did he let Hyuna take their fake relationship become something more? He wanted to think about it and drown more but remembered (Y/n) was alone in his studio and rushed to be at his side, ignoring Hyuna calling out for him.
He quickly went to his boyfriend’s studio and punched in the code. Hoseok found his love curled up on the couch, and kneeled down near him and ran his hand through the other’s hair.
He jumped when the other murmured softly, “Don’t touch me.” And sat up, elbows resting on his knees and stared at him with cold eyes.
“Love, I-“ He started.
(Y/n) scoffed, “Do you still love me?” He asked, going straight to the point.
Hoseok flinched at the coldness but quickly recovered and nodded, “Yes of course! I do-“
“Than why did you let her kiss you? Mark you like you’re her actual boyfriend?” (Y/n) tilted his head and pointed to his neck as he asked, monotonous and still drained from earlier.
Hoseok breathing halted and covered the mark with his hand before putting it down knowing it was no use in converting it now. (Y/n) sighed and ran a hand down his face.
“Why are you here in my studio, Hoseok?” He asked quietly.
Hoseok didn’t know what he hated more, the lack of the nickname or the fact that (Y/n) wasn’t yelling at him for cheating.
He quickly went to explain fruitlessly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to go this far. We just- When we went on that dancing date, the slow dance and one thing led to another and we kissed. It just that-“ 
“That date was three weeks ago. You’ve been doing this for three weeks.” (Y/n) said, voice cracking in heartbreak, “Did you come here to break my heart? Because you did it! Why are you still here?” He asked as tears built up in both of their eyes.
Hoseok shook his head, “No, I wanted to tell you I love you. Please, I’ll break up with her. I’ll tell our managers that we don’t want to do this anymore- please don’t break up with me.” He begged, trying to reach for (Y/n).
But (Y/n) looked at him with disappointment and shied away from the touch. He shook his head and scoffed, “Love me? Three weeks, Hoseok. I believed in a lie that you loved me but you didn’t love me for three weeks, y-you loved her.” He said with his voice cracking so he paused to take a breath and continued, “Honestly, I don’t think “we” work out anymore because you made the choice to keep going for three weeks, and I’m starting to think that maybe subconsciously, when you made the choice for us to start fake dating Hyuna and Mina, maybe you chose to stop dating me.” He said with a teary smile. 
Hoseok shook his head frantically and took (Y/n)’s hands into his own, “No, I swear I only want you. Please don’t do this. I don’t want to lose you. Please, I’ll do anything just stay with me. Choose to stay with me.” He begs and ‘I regret not choosing you.’ Goes unsaid.
(Y/n) slowly retracts his hands from Hoseok’s hold and reaches for the door and opened it, “But I don’t want to choose. How can I choose you? You made the decision for me already...and I think it’s best for both of us if you were to leave. I hope your stuff is gone from the apartment by the end of the week, I’ll call the managers to arrange some help for you and to let them know the situation.” He said with heartbreak, quickly ending any hopes and arguments Hoseok would have had.
Hoseok cried but he knew it was over and it was his fault. He stood up and went to the door but gripped the door frame said quietly, “I’m sorry.” One last time, hoping it would do anything.
(Y/n) looked away from him, afraid he’ll go weak when he sees the other’s pleading eyes, “I know.” He said, not giving the forgiveness Hoseok wanted, what he needed.
(Y/n) closed the door, and heard sobs immediately from the other side. Tears of his own cascaded down his face but there was nothing more to be said, the chapter to their story as a couple ended and all they could do is move on.
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propertyofwicked · 5 years
Could you do an a-z of dating Tom Blake pls??
ty for the request, i hope this is ok x :)
a-z of dating tom blake
obviously, we’re going to pretend THAT scene doesn’t happen and he just ends up with a tiny surgery nd some stitches :)
warnings: slight sexual references but only like twice lol
a - argue
tom is STUBBORN. that boy will be so wrong yet will be adamant he is correct till physically proven otherwise. this was usually the start of arguments. you too are stubborn, but not to the extent of tom. any argument results in tom going for a walk around the town, to let out all of his pent up anger as he couldn’t bare to shout at you for something so petty. you’d sit in the living room silently, waiting for him to return, which gave you time to think about what to say. once he did come back, he’d sit on the sofa next to you, and take your hands in his, and you’d talk through the problem rationally. since the war, he would get angrier much quicker, the smallest things being able to send him over the edge, so he’d take the time to apologise, as would you, and he’d show you how much he loves you ;)
b - body (his favourite body part of yours)
thomas blake is an ass man. any time he can have his hands on your lower back, resting on your arse - he would. he loves to walk behind you, just to show his appreciation for your curves and whenever he’d stand next to you, his hand would be on your arse squeezing it playfully when nobody is looking. 
c - care (caring for each other when you’re sick)
tom likes to pretend he is tough and no illness can beat him, and because of this, he will work himself to the bone instead of resting. he’d wake up in the morning, his voice deeper than ever as a cough tickled his throat. as much as he tries to hide it, the moment you notice, he’s back in bed with a cup of tea on the bedside table. when you’re ill, however, tom takes the day off work and just lays in bed with you day, not caring if he got ill as well - as long as you were content. 
d - dates (what do you guys do?)
you and tom would have really basic dates, enjoying each other more than an expensive meal. often, in the summer months, you’d walk down to the river and have a picnic, or sometimes you’d lay down in his mother’s orchid, watching the petals fall around you. it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re together. 
e - engagements (how he proposed) 
it would be just dropped into a conversation, nothing fancy and very unprepared in true thomas fashion. like you could just be laying in bed, or cooking dinner and he’d look at you and go “hey, should we get married” and very casually you’d just reply “yeah sure” before realising he was serious and falling into his arms to give him the biggest hug you could. it just so happened he had his grandmother’s ring in his possession so he just used that.
f - friends and family (do they like you/him?)
his family ADORE you. his brother likes you, as you were raised intelligent and could have a good conversation with him - you were also a prime babysitter for him and his wife. his mum loves to finally have a girl tom’s age around, as she had spent 30 years being in an all-male household other than herself. your dad was wary around him towards the start of your relationship, but he soon welcomed him into the family after tom had helped him fix a bookcase. your mum was glad to finally see you happy, glad you’d managed to be comfortably settled down from a young age. since you lived a while away from each other's families, your friends from home never really knew your partner.
g - gifts
you guys are not terribly poor but you’re also not the richest, so surprise presents were fairly rare. whenever tom went home to visit his family, he’d return with a cake baked specially from his mother. sometimes he’d return from work, hiding something behind his back, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face and after asking him what he was hiding, he’d produce flowers that he got on the cheap from the market on his way home. 
h - how you met
you worked as a nurse in the war, so when tom was carried in, blood pouring from his abdomen, it was your job to take care of him. something in you nagged at you to accompany him the furthest you could, which is how you ended up in a base hospital tending to this soldier. over the months he was in your care, you got to know each other well, and promised to keep in contact when you returned home. 
i - intimacy (how often are yall getting down)
thomas blake has the stamina of a KING. he is ready to go to town every night and every morning for as long as you can manage - and the look he gave you before was enough to give in almost every night. 
j - jealousy
tom gets jealous of the relationship between you and his brother. he felt as if he had also been in his shadow, the younger, less handsome brother. it was obvious when he got like this because he’d go quiet, unlike his usual joking self. you didn’t tend to get overly jealous, as you could tell tom was whipped for you and barely batted an eye at anyone else. 
k - kinks
tom has a lowkey breeding kink i reckon, not like 40 kids kinda kink, but he loves the idea of getting you pregnant and seeing you carry his children and raise them. having grown up in a loving family, he wants nothing more than to have one for himself. 
l - long distance
whilst you were both away at war, you tended to be in various areas of france. the only contact you had was letters, where he’d tell you about his day or some funny story he witnessed or overheard. you told him of the wounds you saw, as it was the only way you could really pass them through your mind so they didn’t haunt you forever. it was the best part of the week, receiving letters from tom and he felt the exact same when the post came by and a letter with his name in your handwriting was handed to him. 
m - moving in
you moved in together at the end of the war, in your correspondence, when the days got long and boring, the only thing you could talk about was the future - where you’d live, how the living room would be arranged. it was more optimistic that truthful but when the war ended and you met again, you both knew it was something you had to do. tom was so glad he could live with someone who had witnessed the same pain and distraught he had and you were so glad that you both had each other in the hard nights. 
n - nights out 
you’re not much of a party go-er yourself, much rather preferring to listen to the music on the record player. sometimes, you and tom would go out dancing with scho and his wife but it was fairly rare. 
o - open with each other
the mutual experiences of the war allowed you two to be so open with each other. if there was anything on your mind, something you couldn’t get off your chest, you knew that you could tell tom and even if he couldn’t get rid of it, he’d make it so much better. tom often had nightmares of the day he got injured and every time he woke up in fits of sweats, you would be there to listen to him and tell him how everything was going to be better. 
p - pda
you two aren’t over the top in public but often are reminded with a sly cough from will that you were in fact, in full view of everyone. tom can’t keep his hands of you most of the time, grabbing your arse at any possible chance he got. you prefer to be more cute with your affection, taking his hand when walking down the street or pecking his cheek randomly. 
q - questions (what you talk about late at night?)
as mentioned before, you guys normally talk about the war. it makes it so much easier to cope with the horrors that loom over you like a shadow. sharing the experience allowed you both to cope with your own thoughts a lot better.
r - reproduction (do you want kids?)
Y E S. tom wants a house full of miniature versions of him, and it is something he discusses with you often. you want whatever tom wants pretty much, and having a product of the love you shared was a dream of yours. 
s - surprising (what surprised you about him)
he’s very affectionate when he’s sad. rather than bottling up, tom knows how to talk about his problems really openly with you and he’s not afraid to show emotion. 
t - together (what you do together)
towards the start of your relationship, after the war, you two would go on cute dates in the forest or on the river bank almost weekly, but you now you guys prefer to stay home and make use of that bedroom ;)
u - under the influence (drunk vibes)
tom is even funnier when he’s drunk. he comes home from a night out with will and some other friends and just sits, staring at you. every 5 minutes or so he’d mumble something along the lines of “you’re gorgeous - do you have a boyfriend?”. it was cute to start with but by t eh fifth time, you're laying him down on the bed and trying to lul him to sleep.
v - vacations
tom likes to go to cornwall with you. it’s where he frequently went on holidays as a child, and he loves to take you to the places he visited in his youth. 
w - wedding
you guys have a small wedding, just in the church near your house. you couldn’t afford a massive wedding and you didn’t really want one. so you held the ceremony with your families and your closest friends and chose to spend the reception at your house, listening to music on the record player and having a roast dinner. 
x - xray (when he’s hurt)
obviously, you had cared from him in the war, but sometimes the scar on his stomach would cause him pain if he moved it in the wrong way. there wasn’t much you could do, but you would lay with him and comfort him, or bring him medicine with his food. 
y - you (a random headcanon) 
“tom have you seen my glasses anywhere?” you called out to the house, hoping and an extra set of eyes could help.
“no, sorry! where did you last see them?” he called back.
“i can’t remember. they were here one moment then the next they weren’t” you trailed off as tom made his way into the kitchen. he took one glance at you, then burst into laughter, leaving you standing there in confusion.
“what? what are you laughing at?”
“baby, have you checked the top of your head?”
“oh my god!” you said, realising they had been there the whole time, your face going a new shade of red in embarrassment.
“awh bless, you really do need glasses,” tom smiled coming over to you, taking you in his arms.  his lips pressed to your head in a quick peck before he walked back to where he had been sat before. 
z - zzzzzzzzzzzz’s (sleeping routine)
you’re usually in bed first, choosing to read a book before packing in for the night. tom would stay downstairs longer, reading the paper or going for a shower. but when he did come upstairs, he’d just stand in the door frame and gaze upon you, like he had never seen something so angelic. once he got into bed, you’d mark the page and close the book, leaning into his side and his arm moving to wrap around you. 
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snowslasherr · 5 years
here's a little something i’m making for all of you because you deserve it ♥️ if you don’t have a valentine you have all of these babies and me as well ♥️ i love you all so much, stay safe and take care of yourselves! i'm sorry if this is too short to be a holiday special :')
i'll add a read more thing later im sorry for clogging up ur dash
Dwight Fairfield
poor boy he'd be so nervous
dwight's really good at keeping track of the days in the fog, so he'd have extra time to prepare
he just wants to make you happy : )!!
he'll nervously tug at your sleeve at the campfire. go along with it and follow him blease
after near 20 minutes of walking in the woods you were about to ask where you're going, but before the words slip out of your mouth you see what he's been leading you to
a couple dark vines are concealing a small space, with a little creek running through the middle. the trees loomed over it, much taller than some of the other trees. crows were settled on some branches but flew away when you stepped in. the whole area was littered with flowers that dwight had planted himself, with the help of claudette. he wanted to make the perfect spot just for you.
"do you like it?"
what a stupid question. of course you like it. smh ❤
theoretically you can both sit there for hours, but trials get in the way. either way, it's perfect. he's perfect.
although he wasn't expecting anything from you it was a pleasant surprise when you whipped out a little gift. you'd gotten meg to help you force convince danny to let her borrow his camera, so she could take pictures of you both. of course, dwight didn't know this
meg was a surprisingly good photographer. the photos weren't blurry and they would make a good gift even in the normal world.
when you gave them to him he teared up and spent the next half hour quickly stuttering out how much he loves and appreciates you : )
Meg Thomas
oh boy
meg is a lil bundle of energy
you'll just be chilling at the campfire, maybe lounging around talking to nancy or jeff, when meg just nyooms in and grabs your hand. you squeak and she just starts zooming away, dragging you along with her.
meg tends to keep her offerings in a secluded place (a hollow tree trunk) because sometimes the other survivors tend to get the offerings mixed up. unfortunately, meg found this specific tree while on a run. she looked like she was having the time of her life, her braids flying behind her. she was fast.
she finally stopped and you could have a well deserved break. but that break was unfortunately cut short, because meg only stopped to pick up a small photo, before she burst back into a run.
when you got back to the campfire, she barely looked phased. you were panting, trying to catch your breath, and she looked relatively calm. she slipped the photo into the fire and then skipped off to the woods with you, to avoid passing out in front of the others.
when you woke up, the both of you were in the ormond resort. the entity had accepted the offer. you didn't even want to ask how she'd gotten the legion to stay out of their realm for you two
neither of you were dressed properly, but like almost everything in the fog, the temperature was fake.
which led to the most obvious situation
snowball fight!
she's so extra with it. she'll build a whole fort while you're pelting her with snowballs, paying no mind to it.
she makes it so big that you could hide in her fort and attack her with snowballs from the inside.
eventually, the girl gets worn out. it takes a while. but she still wants to keep going, so you two make snow angels with connected wings.
after you're both too tired to do anything else, you're pulled back to the campfire, grinning and tired
Claudette Morel
sweet baby. absolute sweetie.
smol lil claudette just pokes you on the arm, gesturing for you to follow her.
of course, you do. don't deny her she's babey
she's taking you down a long homemade path that you've never seen before. maybe because claudette spent hours between trials clearing it out just for this day, and finished it before she came to get you.
Jake Park
he didn't really have big plans for valentines day. dwight reminded him and he kinda just shrugged it off
he probably won't ever have a huge celebration for valentines day, it's not his style. he's a chill guy.
he'll probably sit with you in a clearing near the forest, holding his arm out for the crows to perch on, and showing you how to do that as well
he'll want to just lounge around, comfy day. you wanna get up? nah. comfy day. not today amigo.
consider yourself extremely special if he gives you a bouquet. it's rare, but he might!
the crows will dance around and bob their heads when you cuddle. they don't know what they're doing but let's just say they support your relationship. he totally didn't train them to do that.
he cares, kind of. he knows it's a day to be sappy but again, not really his style. he'll take the opportunity for a bit of affection though.
Nea Karlsson
nea has been planning this for a while, lets say.
every trial that you go in without her is an opportunity! she's been making a detailed mural with the few spray paints she's been allowed by the entity.
she's sure you'll be proud of her. and to top it all off, she finished just in time for valentines day. what a coincidence!
after you get back from a surprisingly laid back trial, you don't get a chance to rest before nea's smiling and telling you to follow her. you complain for a moment, but gave in anyway. you always do
she jumps over a couple logs and puddles, before coming across a couple lone brick walls. they look like nothing at first, but then you walk around to the other side.
nea's smirking as you're in awe, looking at her and then the mural.
"it's beautiful," you whisper, eyes shining. "but not more beautiful than you."
she does a complete double take at the cheesy generic line. she crosses her arms, looking away. but you can see the smile that she was trying to hide. she looked so pretty when she smiled.
Laurie Strode
she'll organize a little something :)
if you can imagine a party room, maybe one similar to one you'd see at a young kids birthday party, that's the kind of thing she'd set up.
it's just a comforting and safe scene, so she thought it'd be best
she collected a lot of offerings for this, please like it : (
she would've baked something but there's no ingredients in the fog besides corn
if you want corn though go for it
it has the vibes of one of those really good cookies from Walmart or something (okay i googled it they're called lofthouse cookies)
in the end she just wants a comfy safe environment,, it's so nice compared to the brutal things that happen in trials
Ace Visconti
do not let this man near flowers or anything of the sort. he'll take a bunch and
so cheesy
he'll take some random thing off the ground that looks cool (like a dandelion or a shiny rock) and say it's a luck charm, and pass it to you.
ace, handing you a flower tied to a funky rock with a piece of grass: happy valentines day :)
he'll set up a whole area beside the campfire for you two and if anyone steps into it he'll kick them out
if he finds a heart shaped rock he'll riot and get nea to spray paint it red. ultimate luck charm. because it's a reminder of him.
Feng Min
small little gamer :)
i'm convinced feng will take you on a romantic trip to taunt killers
myers is tired of it. susie thinks you guys are cute. evan is not having a good time. sally is supporting you. it's chaos
feng is just holding your hand, walking you around the autohaven wreckers. philip is cloaked and is too scared to be hit in the face with a pallet to uncloak.
feng is really short and she's climbing on things to be taller than you, just for the fun of it.
piggy back rides!! she loves piggy back rides. yeehaw
pick her up and carry her around? heart eyes motherfucker
Quentin Smith
aw what a cutie
he forgot about valentines day, but no fear! you didn't
after you guys swim he'll act like he's really tired so that he can rest his head on your lap. you know he's lying cause he keeps silently laughing as if he's a genius sneaky trickster
when you just happily say happy valentines day he's like 😳
he panics
just reassure him it's fine and you did something!
he's still upset about forgetting, but he's quickly distracted by you.
you've found a secluded spot in the woods, the only disturbance being the occasional core popping in to see what's up
you set up a blanket fort. you'd burned quite a few offerings for this. it worked out better than you expected it to, and you were pretty happy with it overall.
you spent as much time there as you could before being pulled into a trial
the time spent together made up for the offerings burned
Kate Denson
both of you set it up together
you stayed at the campfire, nothing crazy
kate played her guitar, and she showed you how to play a song or two (assuming you don't know how to already)
if you want to sing you are welcome to :)
kate will encourage you all the way even if you sound like nails on a chalkboard
she'll make anyone who comments negatively on your voice have a time out. no questions asked. they're older than her? don't care time out.
it's just,, nice and cozy,, and uninterrupted by trials
Jeff Johansen
big cuddly man!
like nea he'll also do something art related!
but it'll still be unique of course
instead of a mural, he'd do a small-ish but still breathtaking painting.
the rest of your day would be spent just chillin. if you're unlucky enough to be ripped into a trial, he'll bring a toolbox to get out as soon as possible. yknow. for more chillin.
Jane Romero
she'd be pretty extra
again, meg would force convince danny to let her use her camera. she'd have a big photoshoot, as best as she can with the limited resources. claudette would set up a scene, and you and jane would pose for the pictures
they turned out really good!
jane keeps them in a secure place and she won't tell you where if you say anything negative about how you looked. not risking it babe!
(phew finally done! i'm super sorry i was a couple survivors short, i didn't wanna burn myself out. if you like it please reblog? i made this in less than 24 hours to surprise you guys. i hope this is a decent special!)
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miracloud · 5 years
Different Light
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Lee Jinhyuk x y/n
friends-to-lovers au (if its not yet clear, im a sucker for these kind of au lol)
“Oi! Let me in. They’ve released a new episode for Shokugeki no Soma. Let’s watch it on your TV!”, you woke up after hearing his loud voice and continuous knocking on the door.
“Get away. Watch it on your house.”
“Come on! It’s much better to watch it with someone. Let me in!”
You tried to ignore him but he’s not stopping knocking the door. You groaned and forced yourself to stand. You opened the door and you were faced with a grinning Jinhyuk.
“I knew you can’t resist me. Come on, come on. Let’s watch”, he said as he dragged you inside your room. He made you sit beside him while he turned on the TV. You were dozing off and he noticed it. He shook you profusely. 
“Wake up already sleepyhead. Where’s your passion? We love anime, if you have forgotten.”
“Dude, I still love anime but I also love sleep. I slept late because I was watching an anime! I can just watch this later”, you informed him and you pushed his hands away from your shoulders.
He sighed. “Fine.”
He gently pulled you closer and made you sleep on his lap. He continued watching while you sleep. 
You felt someone touching your hair. You opened your eyes to see Jinhyuk looking at you with a smile.
“Already awake?”, he asked as you sit.
“Wash up and let’s eat breakfast. It smelled delicious but I can’t go down because you were sleeping”, he reasoned.
“Eat breakfast in your house. Why do you always come here during the weekend?”, you said as you washed your face.
“Because it’s comfortable here. Do it faster, let’s go down.”
“Yes yes. I’m done, master”, you replied sarcastically.
You followed him downstairs and you greeted your parents. Your younger brother was also there. When he saw Jinhyuk, he ran to him immediately.
“Jinhyuk-hyung, you are here? Why do always go to my sister’s room? Come to mine”, he said as he glared at you.
“You -- how dare you glare at your older sister?!”, and you were about to chase him but Jinhyuk held your wrist. He laughed and told you to stop.
You had a happy breakfast. Jinhyuk, as usual, is full of stories. He’s studying in a different university and even though you don’t know his classmates personally, it seems like you almost know everything about them because of him.
“Hey, are you listening? Are you daydreaming again?”, he asked as the two of you are washing the dishes.
“Huh? What was it?”
“I said, if you want to come with me to the university today? There’s a school activity going on and we can bring outsiders.”
“Don’t even think about it. You’re coming with me. I’m sure you’ll have fun. I will also introduce my university friends to you.”
He looked so excited and you don’t want to burst his bubble. You nod and after washing the dishes, you two decided to meet at the intersection just right outside your house.
Along the way, you two chatted some more about the anime you were watching early in the morning. To tease you, he was about to spoil the episode he had watch on your room. You covered your ears while saying random words, an attempt to not hear his story.
“Okay okay. I won’t tell you.”
Before you knew it, you are outside his university. It seems like the event is quite popular. There were plenty of people just in the entrance. After some time, you’ve finally entered the school grounds. 
It was quite beautiful. There were laughter everywhere. The weather was also perfect for the event, not too hot and not too cold. You have noticed that Jinhyuk is quite popular with his peers. As soon as you entered, he was greeted by group of men. He was popular among men and women and it was not surprising to you. Jinhyuk’s approachable and humorous. 
Jinhyuk led you to a lively room. The room is not yet opened and yet, you can hear the murmuring inside. When he opened the room, you recognized some of them and again, it’s not because you met them personally but you met them through Jinhyuk’s stories.
“y/n, come. I’ll introduce you to them.”
“Guys, this is y/n. I have told you about her before.”
“Oho~ you’re y/n, huh? It’s good to finally meet you. Jinhyuk’s stories were all about you. I’m --”
“Seungyeon, right?”, you finished his sentence.
“Uh yes, how did you know?”
“Jinhyuk mentioned you plenty of times”, you reasoned.
You suddenly remembered when Jinhyuk shared that Seungyeon once tripped in the middle of the hallway because of a bubblegum Jinhyuk placed on the floor. Jinhyuk was warned by the school authorities for doing that. You laughed as the story came to life on your mind.
“Why are you laughing? Wait, did Jinhyuk mentioned anything embarrassing about me?”, Seungyeon asked. Him and Jinhyuk bickered for a while because of that. 
Jinhyuk left for a moment to buy some snacks for you. You wanted to come with him but he insisted that you can rest and then you can roam the area with him later in the afternoon. You were left with Seungyeon and some of his other friends. 
“y/n, right? Are you not with Jinhyuk?”, Kookheon asked.
“Huh? No. Not at all. Jinhyuk and I are like siblings.”
“Eh? Really? It would be nice if you can be with him though. He always talks about you and it came to the point when we don’t have to hear his story because just from his expression, we know that he’ll talk about you.”
It’s not surprising to you. You have heard the same talk when you were still in junior high. Some even bet that you will be together at the end of senior high but nothing happened. You stayed as friends.
Jinhyuk is a great guy and his narcissistic self also knows that. You recognize all his good qualities and accepts his problematic qualities but you have never seen him as a man. It’s a platonic relationship.
“What are you guys talking about?”, Jinhyuk asked as he gently placed the snacks on the table.
“They were talking about us having a romantic relationship”, you blandly replied.
“I have already told you before that y/n is like a sibling to me”, he replied.
Before you brought the snack closer to your mouth, you noticed the red tinge on his left ear. You did not mind it.
“So how was it?”, he asked as you two were walking around the neighborhood.
“It was fun. Your friends are really nice. They made me feel like I’m one of them”, you replied with a smile as you reminisce the activities you did in the afternoon.
“I knew you would like them. They’re great friends.”
You two enjoyed the soft wind touching your skin. The sky has a faint tinge of pink as the sun is setting. Jinhyuk rested his arms on your shoulder and you let him be. After quite some time, you noticed that some of the women in your neighborhood has been murmuring. Well, you understand them. It may look like you are lovers in their point-of-view. That didn’t affect you though. The most important thing is you know what kind of relationship you have with Jinhyuk.
You were awakened with the same reason again. You groaned hearing his voice. Does he need to go here every Saturday and Sunday?!
“Oi, open the door.”
“What is it this time?”
“I just want to stay in your room”, he replied.
“Just stay at Minhyuk’s (your brother) room first.”
You heard the thumping of his feet. His knocks grew faint but he’s still knocking and it doesn’t look like it will stop any moment from now. You forced yourself to stand.
Contrary to what he usually does, he is leaning on the door when you opened it. You saw his shocked expression as he pushed you to the ground. He was on top of you and he was close, too close. You both gazed at each other for a few seconds before you pushed him.
“W-why were you leaning on the door? That was dangerous!”
“Right. Hahaha. Sorry about that.” His laugh was awkward, evidently trying to make the atmosphere light. The two of you stood up and you jumped to your bed and covered yourself with a blanket. 
Why is my heart beating so fast?
Apparently, your brother saw what happened and he announced it on the dining table. You and Jinhyuk were coughing when he mentioned it.
“I saw Jinhyuk-hyung on top of noona this morning.”
You immediately hit his head.
“Are you stupid? It was not like that!”
“Mom, Dad. It was an accident”, you reasoned.
“You two... if you are in a romantic relationship, you don’t have to hide it from us. We already know Jinhyuk well. He’s a fine man”, your father said.
You were waving your arms gesturing that he thought wrong.
“Dad, it’s not like that at all! We’re like siblings and it was an accident”, you insisted.
He sighed. “Fine but don’t hide anything from us”, he replied.
After breakfast, instead of going to your room, Jinhyuk went to Minhyuk’s room. You can hear them playing video games. You thought that it is better that way. You need some time to calm down.
Why is it suddenly like this? It should not have that kind of impact to me. I have been with him for a long time already but why suddenly..?
That day, he did not enter your room again. With the door closed, you just heard him say goodbye, meaning that he was going home.
The next day, you were walking along the road towards the bus station when you passed by Jinhyuk’s house. A woman’s voice called your name. It’s Jinhyuk’s mother.
“y/n, do you have some time?”, she asked.
Well, you do have time. Your class will start in 2 hours and you simply wanted to go early because you wanted to stay in the library.
“Yes. Do you need anything?”
“That’s great. Can you bring this to Jinhyuk? He left it and he wanted me to bring it to him but I need to attend to the shop.”
Eh? Wait. What kind of fate is this?
You wanted to protest but you also don’t want her to know that there is an awkward atmosphere between you two. You held the notebook on her hands and promised that you’ll deliver it to him. 
Once you were outside the university, you called his mobile.
On the other hand, Jinhyuk was chatting with his friends when he felt his phone vibrate. He saw your name and for the first time, he was quite hesitant to answer it.
“Jinhyuk, come get your notebook. I’m outside your school”, you said.
“W-why are you the one here?”
There was some silence. You went all this way and you’re feeling unwelcome.
“Oi, are you getting it or not? I’ll leave this on the ground”, you threatened.
 “W-wait. I’m getting it.”
When he came, you immediately gave him the notebook and went away.
“Where did you go?”, Seungyeon asked.
“Ah, y/n brought my notebook”, Jinhyuk replied.
“Oho~ now that you mention it, you haven’t talked about her today. Did something happen?”, he teased.
“Nothing and do I really have to talk about her every day?”
“This is interesting. Jinhyuk not talking about his favorite girl in the world?”, he continued teasing him.
“She’s not my favorite girl in the world!”
His friends laughed for his outburst. 
It’s already Sunday and he has not visited you yet. It’s not like I miss him, you told yourself. 
“Noona, where’s Jinhyuk-hyung? Is he not coming here?”, your brother asked.
“I don’t know. He might be busy.”
You can’t resist anymore and you sent him a message.
I’ve downloaded the full season of Seven Deadly Sins. Watch with me.
Jinhyuk saw your message and that was his signal. He was uncertain if he should visit you but since you are inviting him, then it means that he can go. 
“Hey, I brought some snack”, he said as he sat beside you.
Good thing that the anime you were watching had plenty of fighting scenes. These made you two jump and scream while watching. The awkward atmosphere disappeared and as if nothing happened.
After that, everything went back to normal. Good thing it did. You don’t want that to happen again. He went back to his habit of spending his weekend with you. If there’s anything that changed, it’s the distance between the two of you. Well he still wrap his arms on your shoulders but you don’t do holding hands anymore. He also used to sleep beside you when he’s at your house but that doesn’t happen anymore.
You hate to admit it but the skinship that you felt normal before has been something that you anticipate with.
One Friday night, Jinhyuk visited your house to play with Minhyuk. After some time, he noticed that your parents are not present.
“Hey, where are your parents?”, he asked.
“Ah, they visited my grandma. Both me and Minhyuk had classes this morning so we can’t go with them.”
“Oh~ wait”, he had a grin and went outside.
About an hour after, he came back wearing sleeping pajamas and he had yoru, his stuff toy, on his arms.
“I’m going to sleep here”, he announced.
“Huh?!” “Yey!” Both you and Minhyuk reacted. Obviously, you did the former.
You wanted to protest but he told you that he will stay with Minhyuk. You agreed. The three of you were quite tired that evening due to playing the whole night. You said your good nights and retreated to your rooms. 
Later that night, Jinhyuk had to use the toilet. The toilet is at the end, beside your room. After that, he went back and fell asleep.
You opened your eyes when you heard clicking sounds. The first thing that you did was to look for the source of that sound. You saw Minhyuk holding his mobile and taking a picture of you.
You raised your feet to kick him then suddenly, you felt someone’s movement. You looked at your side and saw that familiar face. You stood up immediately and threw a pillow at him. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.
“Hm.. What’s the commotion all about?”, he said, still half-asleep.
“Why are you here?! You said you will sleep beside Minhyuk!”
This woke him up and he searched around the room.
“Wait! I’m sure that I was --”, then he realized that after taking his time in the toilet, he immediately entered the room next to it.
While the two of you were panicking, Minhyuk sent the picture to your parents and you instantly received a call from your mother.
“No, mom. It’s a misunderstanding. He was half-asleep when he went here”, you explained.
The truth is, your parents do not find it as a problem. They actually want you to be with Jinhyuk so they are trying to indirectly push you to him. 
“What’s the big deal? We used to sleep together”, Jinhyuk said.
“Well, it’s a different thing now. We’re adults.”
The breakfast that day was quiet and Minhyuk obviously noticed it. As a curious child, he asked questions why we are not talking to each other, why we are in the same room, and is it normal since he only saw your parents to stay in one bed.
You tried to answer some of his questions but refrained some. After breakfast, Jinhyuk went home and thank god he did. Why is this happening again? My heart is beating fast again.
You haven’t met Jinhyuk again after that. 
You were walking towards your university gate when someone tap your shoulder. It’s Wooseok, a classmate of yours.
“Hey, did you make the assignment?”, he asked. You gave him an eye.
“I’m not letting you copy”, you told him.
“Come on~ I completely forgot about it and I might fail the class without it”, he explained.
“You still got 30 mins to answer.”
He hugged you and insisted that you help him. You let out a smile. You find it cute and you just handed over your notebook. He jumped for joy and hugged you tightly.
Then somebody pulled you away from Wooseok. You looked at his direction and you saw Jinhyuk with furrowed eyebrows.
“Who are you?”, he asked, clearly irritated.
“Uh, I’m Kim Wooseok, y/n’s classmate”, Wooseok replied while looking at you for help.
“Why are you hugging y/n?”
You just gently pushed Wooseok and told him to just give the notebook before the professor enters.
“Oi, why are you angry? He was hugging me because I let him copy my assignment. He was just thanking me”, you explained.
“And he had to hug you?! He can just say it and he’s just your friend.”
Seriously, what is wrong with him?
“Jinhyuk, we hug all the time and we are friends”, you made him realize.
This made him calm down but later on, his face grew red in color. He covered his face with his right hand and gestured, with his left hand, that he’ll get going. You held his wrist.
“Wait, why did you come here?”, you asked.
“Uhh.. nothing. I need to go”, and he pushed your hand away.
The bell rang and it was your signal that your class is starting. You ran to your classroom and Wooseok gently passed your notebook with a “thank you” note.
During lunch, you received a message from Jinhyuk.
I’ll eat dinner at your house. My parents are not at home.
~ when did you ever ask permission? lol . you’re welcome to join us
By 6 PM, Jinhyuk arrived and your mother invited him to eat. After dinner, Jinhyuk went with you to your room to watch an anime. Only the sound from the television can be heard. Jinhyuk, from sitting for a long time, changed his position. This made him accidentally touch your hand. Both of you flinched.
Why does a simple touch make you feel this way?
You kept on questioning yourself but you knew exactly the reason why you felt that way. You’re falling for him, for your best friend. You were lost in your thoughts when suddenly, Jinhyuk took the courage to hold your hand. You looked at him immediately.
He turned off the television and it was silent.
You just continued looking at him. What is he thinking? You were wishing that he can’t hear your fast beating heart. Then, you felt his hand gripping your hand tighter and everything just stopped.
You felt his lips on your cheek and from shock, you did not breath for a moment. You touched your cheek with your free hand. Soon, the feeling sank in.
“If.. I ask you on a date, will you go?”, he asked.
“Huh? Wait, what’s happening??”
“I like you okay? And I mean, not as friends but you as a woman.”
Doesn’t this only happen in shoujo manga?
You saw that familiar red tinge in his ear again. His hand was sweaty, showing that he is nervous. 
You are unfamiliar with this feeling but you knew that for some time, you were seeing Jinhyuk in a different light. You wanted to know more about this feeling, this emotion.
You gave him a nod and held back his hand. The both of you were grinning wide.
You saw Minhyuk taking another picture.
“I’m going to show this to Mom and Dad!”, he announced and ran downstairs. You wanted to chase after him but Jinhyuk held you back and you are now lying beside him.
“Oi, you just invited me to a date! We’re not yet going out!”, you told him as you pushed him away.
“Not yet?”, he teased. You blushed and pushed him outside your door. Before he can leave, you told him “I’m only available on weekends!” . This made him smile.
When he went downstairs, your parents were waiting for him. Then your father held out a thumbs up to Jinhyuk, completely supporting this change.
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threnodygrimblood · 5 years
The Family that Shouldn’t Be
Summary: With Muriel and Eustace dead, Courage finds himself all alone at the farmhouse. Fortunately or unfortunately for Courage, the villains he faced in the past begins to make themselves at home at the farmhouse, bringing with them much fun and mayhem the small pink dog can handle.
Rated T for just in case
Firstly, Happy Halloween! I hope all of you have a fun and safe Halloween.
Secondly, I would like to show my appreciation and gratitude to those who sent an ask. Thank you so much for them! They made my day reading all the nice things you've said. I honestly thought everyone would get tired of reading another fanfic with the same plot with Muriel and Eustace dying and the villains living with Courage as some of the other fanfics. Thank you all so much again. I will try to reply to your reviews as soon as I can.
Thirdly, I know I said I was going to switch between my two CtCD fanfics, but I really wanted to do a Halloween chapter for The Family that Shouldn't Be. Plus, Tales of Halloween inspired me with the living evil pumpkins attacking idea. I also wanted to have Muriel and Eustace be able to visit on Hallow's Eve when the veil is at its weakest, and the dead can visit the living for a certain amount of time. And sorry, still no Clutching Foot appearance. I'll make sure the Clutching Foot shows up in the next chapter.
I also apologize if some of it feels rushed. I did have a deadline for getting this chapter done in time for Halloween.
All Courage the Cowardly Dog character belongs to John Dilworth
The Halloween Where Pumpkins Attacked
It was the day before Halloween and Courage, and the villains were on their way to pick up some items to celebrate it. Much to Courage, and to his surprise, Katz's dismay, Cajun wanted to hold a horror movie marathon. So, their first stop was at a blockbuster to rent movies. Courage still wondered how he and Katz got roped into picking out movies.
"All I'm saying is we should replace the tape player with a DVD player," Cajun said as they walked into the building.
"I think that is something we should agree on unanimously," Katz argued.
Though it was Autumn, the middle of Nowhere was still a hot desert, the heat had lessened slightly despite it, and the city was starting to feel the chill of winter coming. Courage looked up at Katz. The feline was wearing a grey sweater over a white dress shirt. The dog wasn't sure why he thought Katz looked suave wearing those clothes and wondered why his thoughts went to when the feline had dressed as a captain during that submarine scam of his and thought he looked. . .dashing. Courage shook his head to clear his thoughts.
Courage watched Katz pick a movie off the rack and study it.
"Uh, Katz? I can ask you a question?" Courage asked.
"You already have," Katz answered as he placed the movie back.
Courage gave the cat a disgruntled stare. "I wanted to ask you why you don't like horror movies."
"The horror movies these days are all the same. Drugs, sex, naked women, alcohol, and more blood a human body can't hold. I much prefer the old classic horror movies." Katz answered.
Cajun scoffed. "Those old black and white movies are sooooo boring."
"You do realize that without the classics, the horror genre wouldn't be the way they are today," Katz informed him.
"Yeah, 'cus someone thought they were boring and decided to improve them." Cajun conversed.
Since Courage didn't like horrifying movies, he left the villains in the horror section and was in the children section looking at the Halloween themed cartoons he could find. As he looked over one, he heard a commotion as the employee attempted to wrestle a movie out of Weremole's mouth while Katz holding onto Weremole demanded the feral animal to let go. Other than that little hitch and having to pay to replace the damaged tape, they each chose several movies they wanted to watch. They went to the store to pick up ingredients to cook with and drink.
Before going into the store, they had to remind Weremole repeatedly not to attack or eat anyone. The shopping was still tense for Courage as he kept a close eye on Weremole. Katz and Weremole stayed with the cart as the other three looked at the pumpkins sitting in the front of the produce section. Courage noted that each pumpkin looked perfect; not even one was misshapen or had a blemish on them. He grabbed a random pumpkin and spotted a sticker on it, stating the military produced the pumpkins. The few times Courage encountered the military didn't turn out well, so he had a foreboding feeling towards these pumpkins.
"Hey, pup!"
Courage looked over to see Cajun walking over to him with two pumpkins under each arm.
"Found a pumpkin yet?" he asked.
"Mm-hm." Courage answered.
"Let's put them in the cart, yeah?" Cajun said.
They, along with Le Quack, placed their pumpkins into the cart. Cajun went back and came back with two more pumpkins. Courage knew five of the pumpkins were for each of them, but Cajun wouldn't say why he got an extra pumpkin.
When they reached the baking aisle, Courage spotted Halloween themed cookie cutters. He set them in the cart and other items to make sugar cookies, and every time he did, he would glance up at Katz to see his reaction. The cat gave none. Once they paid their purchases, they loaded everything into the back of the truck, got into the cab, and drove home. Once at home, they set the pumpkins near the front door, placed the tapes next to the tv, and put their groceries away. Katz, Cajun, and Courage started working on the sweets they wanted to make for Halloween.
Courage was the last to finish as he wasn't making one cookie dough but four. Plain, black, orange, and green. Katz was still there, enjoying a cup of tea. He wrapped each dough and placed them in the refrigerator.
"Need help with the dishes?" Katz inquired.
Courage was surprised to hear Katz offer to help with the dishes, and he wasn't going to refuse. "Yes, thank you."
With Katz's help, they finished washing the dishes in record time. The rest of the day went by without a hitch, and Courage was quite relaxed as he went to sleep that night.
Courage woke early on Halloween day to get started on his cookies. He rolled out the chilled cookie dough out on the table and used the cookie cutters on each one. The pumpkin cutter in the orange dough. Bat and cat cutters in the black dough. The witch in the green dough. And the skull and ghost cutters in the plain dough. He wiped at his forehead and let out a breath once the cookies finished being baked and cooled. Next came the decorating as he set out the different colored icing on the table.
With his tongue tucked between his teeth, Courage started working on drawing faces on each cookie. A lot of the faces were crooked, and as long they tasted good, he didn't mind that they weren't perfect. The dog smiled at the cookies, ready to be eaten during their movie marathon. He turned around and stopped. Katz leaned against the refrigerator watching him.
"Uh, why are you just standing there?" Courage inquired.
"You were so fixated on your decorating I didn't want to disturb you," Katz answered as he walked over to the dog.
Katz leaned over to inspect the cookies. "There isn't any vinegar in these, is there?"
Courage had to fight not to roll his eyes. "Muriel was the one that put vinegar in everything. These are plain sugar cookies." Courage answered.
Courage watched Katz plucked a pumpkin cookie from the plate, took a bite, and chew. The cat stopped eating and eyed the cookie.
"What's in this?" he asked after he swallowed.
Oh, right.
"I added some allspice to make the pumpkin cookies taste like a pumpkin." Courage explained.
"Interesting," Katz said. He finished the cookie and said, "You better not enter them into the Nowhere Sweet Stuff contest next year."
Courage blinked his eyes at Katz. His tone didn't sound at all threatening or menacing. It seemed more like he was being playful, maybe even . . .teasing? No. That can't be right. Courage shook his head; he was sure he imagined it. The kitchen door swung open, and a being with a carved pumpkin for a head burst into the room.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Courage screamed. He leaped up and clung to the side of Katz's face shaking and stammering.
Katz wasn't affected by the scare. If anything, he was annoyed. Cajun reached up and pulled the pumpkin off his head. Courage had been focusing on the frightening pumpkin head; he didn't realize it was Cajun.
"Hahaha! Sorry, pup. I came to tell ya both that we're just waitin' on ya both to carve the pumpkins out on the front porch, and I couldn't resist tryin' to scare ya." Cajun apologized.
Katz spoke not a word as he calmly and gently grasped Courage with a paw and pulled him off. The cat plant the dog in one of the chairs walked over to Cajun, grabbed the pumpkin out the fox's paws, and slammed it down on his head. Cajun yelped as the pumpkin smashed into pieces.
Appeased, Katz turned to Courage and said, "Let's put your cookies on the dining table with the other sweets, so they don't get in the way of cooking later."
"What about the dishes?" Courage asked.
"We'll have the fox do them for scaring you," Katz told the dog.
Courage agreed with Katz and with the plate in paws and thanking the feline for opening the kitchen door for him, placed the plate on the dining table. Katz headed for the front of the house, and Courage followed him. Le Quack sat on the front porch covered with newspaper and Weremole sniffed at the seeds and pumpkin guts.
Cajun walked out while rubbing at his head. "Pick your pumpkin. I brought plenty of knives for each of us."
Each one started on their pumpkin, except for Weremole, who just stared at his.
"Here, let me help." Courage offered.
The dog cut open the top and scooped out all the seeds and insides for Weremole. When Courage finished, Weremole continued staring at the pumpkin then took a bite out of it. Courage grimace as the feral mole spat the shell and flesh out.
"Well, that's one way to carve a pumpkin," Cajun commented
Courage looked closely and saw the fox was right. Weremole had managed to gouge out two eyes, a nose, and a mouth out of the pumpkin. The dog went to work on his pumpkin when he heard Le Quack chuckle, followed by a small explosion.
"Watch it!" Katz hissed as he brushed off bits of the pumpkin off his arm.
"It is nice, no?" Le Quack asked, showing off his pumpkin, which had smoke swirling out the face the duck somehow was able to blow out without destroying the pumpkin itself. Courage was impressed.
Courage went back to his pumpkin and looked up only when Cajun declared his jack-o-lantern done. He had given it evil eyes and a wicked jagged smile. Courage thought it was good and noticed that Katz didn't touch his pumpkin.
"You're not going to carve your pumpkin?" Courage asked the cat.
"I do not find it fun," Katz answered.
"You don't like Halloween, huh?" Courage said.
"I enjoyed it when I was a kitten — dressing up as something else to scheme people for candy. But as I grew older, it lost its magic. It became tedious." Katz explained.
Le Quack chuckled. "I used to con other children out of their bags of candy."
That was terrible!
"I enjoyed the parties! The food and activities." Cajun inputted.
Weremole never celebrated the holiday, so he didn't have much to say.
"What about you, pup?" Cajun asked.
"We never really celebrated it. Muriel would make something special on this day, but I never went trick-or-treating. Unless you count going into stores that gave out candy for free." Courage answered.
"Well, what about with your parents?" Cajun questioned.
Courage's ears drooped, and he looked dejected. "If they had, I don't remember. The earliest memory I can remember was of my parents when I lost them to a crazy veterinarian. He launched them into space on a rocket while I was a pup. He wanted to breed dogs in outer space, which I still don't know why. I don't know if they're still alive or not to this day." He explained.
Courage didn't know why he decided to confine with the villains a bit of his past. He supposed it was because he saw them as a family and was becoming more relaxed around them. He noticed how quiet it was and looked up to see the villains staring intently at him.
"Oh, pup!" Cajun exclaimed, rushing over to Courage and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug, squeezing an "Urk!" out of the dog.
Weremole and Le Quack gave their condolences to the dog as well, and Katz stayed where he was. Cajun put Courage back down, and the dog was able to finish carving his jack-o-lantern. Crescent shaped eyes, a round nose, and a happy mouth.
"How cute," Cajun commented. "What about you, pussy cat?"
Katz ignored the fox and walked into the house.
"That's rude." huffed Cajun.
Courage thought Cajun was right, but he also knew Katz being a cat can be aloof. Le Quack and Weremole went off to do their own thing, leaving Cajun and Courage alone. Cajun not wanting to let the pumpkin go to waste, carved up Katz's pumpkin.
"Do you think Katz would look this if he were a lot less serious?" Cajun asked as he showed the dog the pumpkin.
Cajun carved a smiling cat face into the last pumpkin. Cat ears were even cut into the orange gourd. Courage then helped carry the knives into the kitchen when he and Cajun cleaned up the mess on the front porch.
"Don't worry about washin' 'em pup. I got it." Cajun informed Courage.
"Are you sure?" Courage asked.
"Yup. Plus, I owe washin' yer dishes for scarin' ya." Cajun told him.
Courage thanked Cajun and not knowing what else to do until everyone was ready to watch the movies, the dog went up to the attic. He stopped in the doorway when he caught sight of Katz sitting at the computer. Courage carefully strolled over to the feline. "Katz?" he called softly.
Katz looked up at Courage as the dog got closer, then he did something that Courage didn't expect. Katz pulled the dog into a hug. Courage was utterly speechless, and unlike Cajun's bone-crushing embrace, Katz's hug was gentler. He wished he understood what the cat was thinking. He also wanted Katz to show him more of this side of him. Katz released his hold and stared intently at Courage.
The only thing Courage could think of saying was, "Thank you, Katz."
Katz nodded and asked, "When will the movie marathon start?"
"After breakfast or lunch? Cajun didn't specify." Courage answered.
Katz let out a sigh. "Let us go and ask the fox."
Both made the trek down to the main floor, and as soon they walked into the dining room, they heard noises in the kitchen. Feeling terror welling up in him, Courage hung back behind Katz as he pushed the kitchen door open. Looking from behind Katz's legs, the dog watched as Cajun hand both paws clamped around a pumpkin on his head as he stumbled about the kitchen.
Katz had a cross look on his face, and as he placed his paws on his hips he said, "It wasn't funny the first time you did that, what makes you think it would be funny the second time?"
"I'm not doing it this time! The thing just came in and chomped down on my head!" was Cajun's garbled answer as he tried to pull the pumpkin off his head and walked into the kitchen table.
Letting out a loud gasp of alarm, ran over to Cajun, grabbed hold of the pumpkin, he pulled Cajun down to the floor with him and tugged as hard as he could on the pumpkin.
"Easy! Easy!" yelped Cajun.
With a mighty tug, Courage removed the pumpkin off the fox's head. Cajun fell on his back, and Courage stumbled backward before catching his balance. The pumpkin wiggled in Courage's arms then it turned to face the dog. Courage's eyes widen in horror as the jack-o-lantern opened its mouth wide, snarled at him, and reached out to him with vines.
"Aaaaaaaah!" Courage screamed, eyes popping out. Red paws took the pumpkin from Courage's hands, and Katz threw the pumpkin away. The dog winced when he heard glass shattering.
"I think our pumpkins are alive and hungry," Cajun groaned, rubbing his head.
After catching a breather, Courage asked, "Where are Le Quack and Weremole?"
Right on cue, Le Quack waddled into the kitchen, his mallet on his shoulder with pieces of pumpkin pulp dripping off it. Cajun stifled a snort as they could see Le Quack's backside was missing his tail feathers.
"I am, how do you say, not amused." Le Quack said with a vexed look on his face.
"What happened to you?" Cajun asked, still trying not to laugh.
"The pumpkin snuck up and tried to eat me. It took my feathers as I tried to get it off." Le Quack answered, looking directly at Cajun and held his mallet menacingly. Cajun got the hint.
A pumpkin came bouncing in, stopped in front of the group, and began shaking to and fro. Courage shook and bit at his claws as the three villains watched ready to attack if the pumpkin went for any of them. What they didn't expect was for it to explode into pieces with Weremole bursting out with a vicious snarl.
"It's like something out of an alien movie!" Cajun screamed as he threw himself onto Katz.
Katz glared at the fox and tried to shove him off. "It's only Weremole," he stated as said feral mole shook his body to get pumpkin out his fur.
"How is that's not worst?!" Cajun challenged.
While the villains were busy talking, the jack-o-lantern thrown out the window met up with one of the other jack-o-lanterns, and together they gathered seeds from the trashcan and planted the seeds nearby. The jack-o-lantern Courage made walked over on vine feet with the watering can and poured it on the packed ground. Vines and pumpkins grew out of the field rapidly, and the jack-o-lanterns started making slices into several of the pumpkins.
"What about the other pumpkins?" Le Quack inquired.
"One's out there," Cajun said, jabbing his thumb in the direction Katz threw it. "And the last two should be out in the front."
Pumpkins began climbing in through the open window and broke down the door. Courage and the villains screamed at the sight. They made a run for it. Or at least Courage, after picking up the four villains, made a run for it through the rooms downstairs and seeing more jack-o-lanterns coming into the living room, ran up the stairs to the attic. After slamming the door shut with a foot, Courage dropped the villains and took a breather.
"Ah. . ."
Courage looked up to see the villains staring at the cat pumpkin Cajun made. It stared back with its smiling face, and Courage relaxed, thinking it was harmless. Then its face morphed into a snarling face and clamped down onto Katz's leg. Katz's fur puffed up and started kicking at the thing.
"Someone get this blasted thing off my leg!" he growled.
Katz should've been careful with what he asked for. Le Quack brought his mallet down on the pumpkin, destroying it. Luckily Katz was quick enough to avoid having his foot injured.
"What now?" Cajun asked.
"I think the better question to ask is where did those pumpkins came from," Katz said as he examined his leg.
Courage piped up. "There was a sticker on the pumpkins that said the military grew them."
"Figures." Katz sighed.
"What now?" Cajun asked.
They heard shrieking coming from outside. Looking out the window, Courage and the villains watched as the pumpkins began feasting on each other. To their horror, each time a pumpkin grew more prominent each time it ate one. When they finished, all was left were ten pumpkins left, all of them in different sizes, but one noticeably larger. They watched as the pumpkins got together to form a body almost as big as the house.
"Oh, great. Now we must deal with a giant evil pumpkin version of a snowman," muttered Cajun.
Courage pulled a polaroid camera out from a pocket and snapped a quick picture. Once the photo developed, he scanned it and got on the computer. He ignored the others gathering around him to watch as he attached the photo to an email he was preparing to send to the military.
"You're bringing the army here?!" Le Quack screamed.
"I didn't know what else to do." defend Courage.
Katz pinched the bridge of his nose. "What we need to do is think of a way to defeat that thing before it kills us or before the military shows up."
Weremole snarled at them.
"Weremole is correct. The pumpkin I smashed is not doing much." Le Quack stated.
"So, all we have to do is smash that thing to kill it," Cajun concluded.
"It'll take more than us hitting it with weapons to destroy it," Katz stated.
Courage thought on it and said, "We could destroy it if we had explosives. . ."
One by one, heads turned to look at Le Quack. The duck looked at each individual and said, "I may have a case. . . or two. . . or five of TNT and a couple of barrels of explosives in the barn."
"What are they doing in the barn?" Cajun asked.
"The cat did not want me storing them in the basement like I wanted to." Le Quack explained.
"Really?" Cajun asked, turning his attention to Katz.
"Forgive me for not wanting cases of volatile explosives going off and destroying the farmhouse and possibly us with it just by being tapped or jostled." Katz huffed.
"Well, thank you for thinking about our well-being, but it's not gonna help us with our situation now, is it?" Cajun said.
The house shook and looking out the window; Courage saw the pumpkin creature searching for them.
"Guys!" he called out to get the other's attention. "I'll distract the thing, and you go get the TNT and set it somewhere so we can destroy it."
"Why does it have to be us?" Cajun asked out of curiosity.
"Because I've been running around all my life, making me quick enough to outrun it, and you're villains and know how to blow things up?" Courage answered.
"He has a point." Le Quack stated.
"We'll have to lure it away from the house. At the very least, from the windmill, since I'm sure none of us want those vandals to show up again." Katz proposed.
The window smashed open as vines wiggled their way into the room. They all screamed, and out the door, they went.
Courage bolted ahead of the villains down both flights of stairs and out the back door. He stopped as the pumpkin creature still felt its way around the room, and the dog called out, "Hey!"
The pumpkin looked down at the dog and screamed at him. Courage screamed back and took off. He felt the ground shook with every step the creature took after him. Courage took the thing out in the desert and realized that in his haste, he forgot to ask how he would know where the villains were going to set up their trap. As the two ran around the vast stretch of desert, Courage was starting to get winded as the sun pounded mercilessly down on him.
The dog was starting to slow, and he wished he had a dirt bike. He felt the creature take a swipe at him, and with a startled cry, Courage pumped his legs harder. Up ahead, he saw TNT and other explosive barrels piled into a giant mound, and he was heading right towards it. How was he going to escape the creature before running headlong into it? Turning away would only bring the beast with him. Courage's brain worked hard on what to do when the ground under him crumbled, and he fell into a hole.
"Oof!" Courage cried out as he landed on his rump. He realized he wasn't alone as Weremole was in the hole with him. The ground shook as the pumpkin creature ran past, and then it shook more violently as a loud explosion rend the air.
When it was all quiet, Courage and Weremole climbed out of the hole to see how it went with the pumpkin creature. They saw a giant smoking crater with large pieces of the pumpkins splattered every and other pieces raining down.
"Maybe we overdid it with the explosives." Cajun mused.
"Better with the overkill than under kill, no?" Le Quack asked.
They heard sirens and turning towards the source saw vehicles approaching. The cars stopped nearby, and Courage recognized the General as he stepped out.
"I say, we heard the explosion and came this way. Are you the ones that sent that email about the pumpkins?" the General inquired. Courage nodded. "Where is the pumpkin creature?"
Courage, worried about the villains, but more importantly, Le Quack, turned back to look at them and saw that Weremole wasn't in sight, and Cajun and Le Quack were wearing fake mustaches and Katz rubbed at his temple.
"Take a look around," Cajun said, indicating the destroyed mess around them.
"Right." the General glanced at the soldier standing next to him who nodded, turned towards the other soldiers standing nearby, and made a hand gesture. The soldiers pulled out shovels and began shoveling up the mess.
"I do apologize for any grievance you all experienced, gentlemen." the General apologized. "We were trying out a new way of growing pumpkins; we didn't expect something like this to happen."
"Shocking," Katz muttered under his breath.
"Well, we'll take care of things here, you civilians can be on your way." the General informed them.
"What about the other pumpkins bought?" Courage asked.
"We'll look into it and pull the pumpkins out the stores."
Dismissed, Courage and the others headed back home. Seeing the mess, the pumpkins made, they all worked together to clean it all up, getting rid of the smashed pumpkins they managed to take out.
"This house is going to reek of pumpkins for days," Cajun commented.
Cajun and Katz boarded up the broken windows as Courage swept up the broken glass. It was late in the day when they were finished cleaning their house and were able to eat anything. Fortunately, there were leftovers from the previous night they were able to eat.
"And you said we would never eat the leftovers." Cajun boasted to Katz.
The cat tsked in response.
They ate the leftovers while Weremole went hunting for rabbits and soon after went to watch their movies. Everyone settled into their spots except Le Quack took the rocking chair, and Courage sat with Katz in the armchair. Courage was speechless as to why Katz allowed him to sit with him but didn't much time to ponder more on it as Cajun put the first movie on. Most of the films had Courage covering his eyes or covering his ears. It was the tense music that did it, and every time he did, Katz would scratch him behind an ear.
Movie after movie and snack after snack made the rest of the go by, most of the popcorn and candy ended up on the floor by Cajun cheering whenever the villain caught their prey or by Courage when he jumped from a jump scare. They had all fallen asleep before the last film ended. Cajun was sprawled out on the floor, sleeping with his mouth wide open, Weremole slept on his side, snoring loudly, Le Quack had his beak tucked under a wing, and Courage lay asleep on Katz's lap.
Not even one was aware of the ghostly visitors they had.
"Is that a lovely sight?" Muriel asked with a smile on her face.
"Who cares about that, Muriel! I want the stupid cat and stupid dog out of my chair!" Eustace snapped and reached out for Katz. His hands passed through Katz, and each time the cat's brows would crease, and his tail would twitch in agitation.
"Oh, Eustace." Muriel scowled with her hands on her hips. "You're dead. You don't need your chair anymore."
Eustace grumbled as he worked harder to get the cat out of his chair. Muriel smiled again at Courage, but it was a sad smile. "Oh, Courage. I worried about what would happen to you the day Eustace and I would pass. I'm sorry we left you alone suddenly, but I'm so happy to see you have new friends now."
Muriel had been appalled when she discovered four of the six villains Eustace called upon to kill Courage was living with him. She was going to find a way to kick them out of the house. Still, Muriel became at ease after seeing the house intact, save for the windows boarded up. Looking closely at Courage, she saw there were no injuries the dog was well-fed and not only cared for but relaxed around them to sleep without worrying about any of them attacking him. And she could see he was content the way Courage snuggled in the cat's lap and the paw resting on the dog's back was relaxed and not holding down or the like.
Muriel pet Courage's head and continued. "Remember that I'll always love you, my Courage." she placed a kiss on his forehead.
Courage stirred from his sleep. "Muriel?" he whispered.
He glanced around the room, sure that he didn't imagine it as the grandfather clock near the stairs announced it was midnight. He felt Katz's fingers ran through his fur.
"Were you dreaming?" Katz asked.
Courage supposed he was and nodded.
"I don't know about you, but I rather not sleep here and wake up with stiff joints," Katz told him.
Courage agreed and the two as quietly as can be headed up to their room.
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When You Least Expect It, Part Seven
Jensen x Musician!Reader; Nathan (OMC); Mama Mia (OFC)
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Also featured this chapter: Rob Benedict, Briana Buckmaster, Jason Manns
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
A/N: This is a slow burn fic that I have been working on for a while. Its a story I wrote for myself and just wanted to share with everyone. Yes, the “Dee” in the story is who you think, but there is no intended hate on her or their actual marriage. It is a work of fiction, that is all. Part seven is from BOTH POVs. There is also a playlist to go along with the series.  
Series Playlist: “When You Least Expect It” (Spotify). Songs in this chapter include: “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around”; “What About Love”, “The Joker”; “Whipping Post”
Beta’d by @closetspngirl who has contributed so much to this fic! Thank you for not only indulging my lunacy but encouraging it with gusto! She also put together the amazing wardrobe shown in this chapter, as well. I don’t know what I would do without you!!!
Chapter Summary: Realizing that its time to leave NJ again to get back to work on the festival and have a much-needed conversation with Jensen, Y/N meets up with everyone at ChiCon. This gives finally gives her a moment with Jensen and an added bonus of playing with Louden Swain, featuring Briana Buckmaster, on stage for a crowded ballroom; something that affects Jensen more than he was expecting it too.
Chapter Warnings: Ehhh... nothing really. 
WC: 9.5K
*Banner created by me; pics & gifs found online
It had been one month since Y/N left Austin and came back to New Jersey. One month of awkward texts with Jensen related only to work, daily calls or texts from Briana and at least one Skype or FaceTime call from Robbie every few days. When it came to the amount of work and scouting to be done for the festival, the little man was a bundle of nerves and Y/N was the only one who seemed to be able to talk him down.
February came, and that’s when the first real pangs of doubt began to creep in. The life she had begun in Texas was beginning to fade, and she found herself missing it. Y/N missed the townhouse and living so close to a city like Austin with the diversity in the restaurants, the bars, the bands, the nightlife… and of course, there was Jensen. She missed all of it. Not that life in New Jersey had been boring or lackluster. Y/N had gone back to work for Leo temporarily since she was handling both ends of the transactions now for the Brewfest. Being back in her small office in his hotel, living in the bungalow again felt good, but the longer the cold winds of winter at the shore blew through and chilled her to the bone, the more she really missed Austin.
It wasn’t all work, though. She had a couple of occasions to play at one of the bars that were still open in Seaside during the winter, as well as reconnect with a few friends from the Burlesque group. Y/N had even spent some time with Nathan, though when she did, she made sure to keep her guard up, be wary of any promises he made or plans he tried to get her to agree too. Reminiscing with him was a trap that was easier to fall into than she thought it would be, and after the third time they met for coffee, she invited him to go have dinner. Once or twice a week in the time she was home, she would run into him in town, or make plans to hang out. Y/N always tried to keep it in a public place, and never let him get too close. She was doing her best to follow Bri’s advice and figure out what it was she wanted from, not just Nathan, but life itself.
In between all of that, was Jensen. Y/N thought of him every day, and on more than one occasion picked up the phone to actually call him. However, knowing that he was traveling from Vancouver to conventions and back for the foreseeable future, she decided against it. After the way they left things, she thought maybe a random phone call wouldn’t be the best move and wanted to wait until she could see him face to face. When that would be, she didn’t know, but by the time Groundhog Day had rolled around, she felt ready to make it happen soon.
The morning she woke up with the intention to make arrangements to fly back, a winter storm warning had gone into effect, ultimately grounding all flights in or out of the area. Y/N knew the drill and began to run the errands necessary to hunker down for the long haul, getting supplies for two to three days at least. By the time she reached the bungalow and filled the small pellet stove in the corner of the room, the snow had started falling.
As a kid, seeing the beach turn from the beige sand, to white snow had always been sort of magical. Watching the waves crash and spray the icy mist into the swirling flakes made her feel like she was experiencing something majestic, and it always left her feeling a little whimsical and reflective. That’s what she was doing when she heard the knock at the door several hours later, just as the storm was hitting its peak.
Pulling the crocheted blanket around her shoulders, Y/N went to the front door and opened it enough to see who it was.
“Nathan?” she asked, then opened it further and with it came a burst of cold, snowy air. “Come in before the snow does.” She ushered him in and closed the door quickly. “What are you doing here?”
He removed his scarf and hat, shaking off the snow that littered his shoulders and boots. “I came by to make sure you were alright. Didn’t know if you realized that cell service is sketchy, wanted to be sure you had everything you needed.”
“Yeah, I saw the winter storm advisory last night, made sure to hit the market this morning. Don’t tell me you walked all the way here from Seaside Park. That’s a few miles at least.”
“No, I have my dad’s truck,” he said then paused before unzipping his coat. Y/N could see in his eyes he came not just to check up on her, but because he wanted to stay a while.
“I’m fine, Nathan. Just watching the snow, reading and staying warm. I have everything I need.”
“Ok,” he said and half turned back to the door, then faced her again. He wore that crooked grin that she used to love so much. “Well then, maybe you need some company?”
“Sure. But I am going to tell you now, you can’t stay the night. You have to leave before the sun goes down.”
“Of course, Y/N. I just thought we could hang out for a bit.”
“Want some tea?”
“No,” he laughed. “I hate that stuff. I’ll take a soda if you got any, though.”
“Sorry, fresh out,” she said, but there’s water or juice in the fridge.
“Sweet,” he replied as he shrugged off his coat and hung it on the rack, then removed his boots before heading to the refrigerator and helping himself.
Y/N strolled back to the couch and reclaimed her place near the window that overlooked the ocean. She brought her knees up into her chest and watched Nathan as he moved about the kitchen and the living room just as naturally as he did in the old days. When he finally sat, he took the spot on the opposite end of the same couch she was on and rested his arm along the back of it.
Whenever Y/N and Nathan saw each other while she was visiting this time around, things were always awkward in the beginning. It didn’t matter if it was just for coffee, or on the few occasions that she actually let him take her to dinner. It was almost as if neither of them knew what to do with the situation or what to say to one another. But given enough time, they would end up finding a comfortable conversation.
Some of the time she’d watch him as he talked and recognize the man she used to love; same high cheekbones, same crooked smile, and sandy brown hair. Only now, his hair was short instead of the shoulder length it was when they were younger. His sky blue eyes were still able to lock her in and make her wonder how it had all gone so wrong between them. He had been the love of her life, her prince charming, the man who was going to save her from the kind of life that you grew up promising yourself you’d never live. But it had all gone so, so wrong.
She considered asking him, potentially broaching a long overdue conversation that they needed to have; especially if there was any possibility of a future. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to start. She tried to hide the smile that wanted to come when she wondered what Bri would say about that, but it quickly faded when she realized how much she missed Bri, too. That would make her thoughts circle back around to Austin, again, and how much she longed to go back.
“Hey, haven’t seen these in a long time,” he said and leaned forward, and plucked one of the photo albums from underneath the coffee table.
“Oh, yeah…” she replied and craned her neck over to see which one he picked up. They had been there since she showed Jensen the pictures from Grease, which now felt like a million years ago.
“Holy shit, high school pictures,” he laughed and started flipping through the album.
Over the course of the next hour, Y/N sat a foot or two away, yet enjoyed talking about old times with him. It felt good to laugh with Nathan again; it felt good to have her friend back. She didn’t notice that he was inching closer and closer until suddenly the arm that had been draped around the back of the couch was now brushing against her shoulder.
Nathan continued shaking memories loose; he brought up their junior prom, and how they had spent the night on the beach under the Tiki bar, getting drunk and screwing around until dawn before falling asleep together wrapped up in a blanket. She was smiling at the recollection, enjoying the feeling it brought back into her life when she felt his fingers toying with a tuft of her hair.
“I’ve really missed this,” he said softly. “A lot. I’m glad you’ve let me back in and gave me a chance to make it up to you.”
“Nathan, I… I don’t know--”
He inched closer, and what he did next surprised her. Before she could react, Nathan was brushing his lips against hers. Her eyes stayed open, but his drifted closed. It only lasted for a moment, but in that time Y/N realized that she knew everything she needed to know. She didn’t push him away, even though something inside of her told her too. Y/N kissed him back, but timidly, and without passion. His lips parted against hers, making it clear that he wanted it to escalate, but after a moment, Y/N broke away.
She retreated from him and brought her fingers up, pressing them gently to her lips. “Nathan... “
“Don’t, ok? Don’t say it was a mistake. Just, promise me that you won’t shut down on me. If I was being pushy--”
“It’s not that,” Y/N said and swallowed hard. “I care about your recovery, Nate. Seeing how well you’re doing has even allowed me to start forgiving you. But in the spirit of honesty, you should know that I’m not ready to be with you again. I don’t know if I ever will be. That doesn’t mean there is someone else. It means that I am going back to Austin, and I am focusing on work and don’t want anything sort of romantic entanglements.”
“Oh,” he sighed, clearly disappointed. “That doesn’t mean we have to say goodbye though, right? Can I still call you? Keep in touch?”
“Sure,” she said, and genuinely meant it. “As long as you understand, that, for now, I just want to be your friend.”
She watched him process this and had a second where she didn’t know how he would react. He wasn’t the same Nate she knew most of her life, and yet he wasn’t the last version she knew, either. Nathan was turning into a product of both of those men, and she was still learning his mannerisms and couldn’t always tell what he was going to do.
Nathan made it clear he wanted her back, and this rejection could be dangerous if he wasn’t as far into his recovery as he had said. But once his shoulders relaxed, and he picked his head up to meet her gaze, he smiled more like the Nate of long ago.
“Of course, Y/N. I get it. I’m going to keep showing you that you can trust me again though.”
“You just keep doing what’s best for you, Nate. That’s what would make me the happiest.”
Y/N’s cell began ringing in the with the familiar tone of Robbie’s FaceTime calls. She hesitated to answer it, but also didn’t want to miss out on a chance to talk to him knowing there were some meetings coming up they needed to prep for.
“Excuse me,” she said to Nathan and got up from the couch, pulling the cell out of her pocket as she did.
Y/N moved through the room and stood at the precipice of the hallway as she answered the call.
“Hey Robbie, what’s shakin’?” she answered in greeting.
“Thank God you picked up. When are you coming back, lady? I need you in Austin. I won’t be able to get back to there for another week or so. Any chance you’re heading back soon?”
“I’m working on it Robert,” she replied with a sigh. “The damned snow, however, has other plans.”
“Soon-ish, then?”
“Yes, my darling. Soonish. Honestly, as soon as the airports open up, I’m getting a ticket and will be on my way.”
“Did he tell you that the TCAC meeting was pushed back to the end of February?” Robbie asked into the camera, and the concern she saw on his face made her feel guilty.
“No,” she answered softly.
Her disappointment was not lost on Robbie. He hesitated, not wanting to make her feel worse, though he knew Jensen had been avoiding her. He didn’t have all the details about what happened between them but knew enough to know something had. “He’s been crazy busy, you know. Traveling like a lunatic. I’m sure he just forgot.”
“I’m sure,” she agreed and immediately wanted to change the subject. “So, the grant proposals? Any word?”
“Yes! Actually,” Robbie paused, relieved that she was the one to shift gears and shuffled through some papers that were off screen. He held up two and smiled victoriously. “We got two approvals! One from the Austin Creative Alliance and another just came through yesterday from one of the Federal ones. Buuuttt… can’t seem too…” he drifted off to the side, leaning out of the camera frame again.
Y/N chuckled. “Rob, it’s fine, come on back.”
She shifted away from the wall by the hallway and wandered into the kitchen to put the tea kettle back on the stove. As she did, Rob came back into view and noticed Nathan in the background of her call.
“Oh, hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. I won’t keep ya while I look for it.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah… that’s ok. My friend Nate dropped by to be sure I was stocked up for the storm. He’s leaving soon, so if you need to go over more stuff later, I’ll be here.”
“Oh great. The band and I are going in to talk to a guy about some stuff coming up, so maybe I will give you a call later. This way you can be totally caught up before heading back to Austin. Which reminds me… did you make your travel arrangements yet for Boston or San Diego?”
“Yes. I am heading to Boston, San Diego and Seattle starting end of February through March. Couple days in each to secure all the contracts with the vendors. Oh, New Orleans, too.”
“Perfect. That means you’ll be back and able to head to Chicago with us, right? Same weekend as ChiCon? Thought we could meet up there and go check out a few bands.”
“Works for me,” Y/N said, and then realized that there would be no avoiding Jensen that weekend.
“Fantastic, you’re a gem, you know that?”
“Flattery will get you everywhere Robert.”
“Love it when you call me Robert,” he teased. “Ok, they’re yelling for me. I’ll talk to you later!”
“Bye,” she chuckled and ended the video call. She returned the phone to her pocket and continued to fix herself a cup of tea.
“So, work friend?” Nathan asked, getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen now that her call was through.
“Nice guy?”
“Yes, he is.”
Nathan nodded, leaned back against the counter and noticed she had only one cup out. “If you wanted me to go, you could just say so. I mean, you told him I was leaving soon. One cup out…”
Y/N sighed softly and tried to not turn the visit sour. “I thought you hated tea? Besides, it’s getting late. As well as things have been between us, I am not ready for you to stay here. With the weather being what it is, you probably should head back to your mom’s. I’m sure she could use your help with your dad being laid up with his foot in a cast. Can’t be easy for her to manage this weather on her own.”
He nodded, though she could see him straining to keep his mouth shut.
“I’m not trying to shut you out, Nathan. I genuinely have enjoyed hanging out with you again. You know, after all that shit happened--with the fight, and your life spiraling out of control--I never thought you’d be you again. Or that I would even be able to stand to be in the same room as you. But, here we are. Can’t that be enough for now?”
Nathan’s shoulders relaxed. “Don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
“Not if you want this to continue.” She was blunt, but she needed to be. Y/N didn’t want to take any chances where Nathan was concerned.
“Alright,” he finally replied and pushed off the counter. He went to take his coat off the hook and as he laced his arms through the sleeves, turned to face her again. “I’m grateful you’re giving me another chance, Y/N. I am. So, you call the shots, ok? I know you’re busy, but maybe once your traveling calms down, I can even come to visit you in Austin. Never been to Texas before.”
The idea of him in Austin felt strange. There was a sudden fear that if the two different parts of her life came together like that it would blow up her entire world in some glorious fashion. Trying to neither encourage or discourage the idea of his visit, she simply shrugged, found her most pleasant smile and nodded.
Nathan moved across the kitchen and took her in an embrace before she had the chance to say no. It was a familiar feeling; similar to what one experience when finding an old winter coat they hadn’t worn in years. It may not fit properly anymore, but the quilting of the fabric brought back pleasant memories.
“Call me, ok?” he said before releasing her.
“Sure thing. Take care of yourself, Nate.”
When Nate opened the door to go, the wind whipped through and the day’s fading light allowed him just enough time to get home before going completely dark. When the door latched shut behind him, she felt a mild sense of relief that she was alone again. There were still a lot of things she wanted to have time to mull over before returning to Austin, especially before seeing Jensen again in Chicago. The extended trip home had been good for her, despite the reasons she ended up there. It allowed her time to be sure that Austin and the job were the things she truly loved and wanted in her life.
Even the time she spent with Nate had been helpful in coming to the conclusion that he wasn’t something that had to stand in her way anymore. Her feelings for Jensen were still confusing and muddled, but in her heart, Y/N felt sure that her time as Nate’s girlfriend had come to an end. Though unexpected, the kiss they had shared that night cemented that. She could find room in her heart for him as a friend, but there was no future for them as a couple.
Lost in thoughts, Y/N didn’t move from the counter until the kettle began to whistle behind her. She flipped off the burner, and as she poured the hot water into the cup, she felt determined to settle the Jensen business. With so many of her other uncertainties fading away, she wanted this one too as well. Taking her cell phone back out of her pocket, she went to the contacts in her messaging app and pulled up “Mama”. If anyone could help her sort things out, it would be that tall drink of water.
<<Hey, any chance you’re around once snowmaggedon stops?
It only took about ten seconds for her to respond.
>>I’ve always got time for you, sugar. Whatcha thinkin’?
<<Damn. Ok, snow should be done by midnight. Coffee at my place in the AM?
>>Be there with bells on.
<<Knowing you, I expect nothing less. Luv u!
>>Back atcha
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The following morning dawned bright, with a clear sky and a snowy beach that reflected the colors of sunrise. Mama was knocking on Y/N’s door by quarter past nine, holding a pastry box in one hand and a garment bag in the other.
Y/N opened the door to greet her, and immediately broke out into laughter as she realized that Mama was wearing sleigh bells in her hair.
“You’re a freak,” Y/N laughed and gave the woman a big wet kiss on her cheek. “But you’re my freak.”
“Always and forever,” Mama purred lowly, winking at Y/N as she handed off both the pastry box and bag. “Dear Lord, I have not been here in forever! When was the last time?”
“God… it has to be last spring, maybe. Maybe even Christmas prior.”
“Either way, too long. Though I see you’ve kept the decor fisherman chic. Please, when will you let me redecorate for you?”
“One day, I promise. But for now, I have some things I want to talk to you about.”
Y/N moved around her small kitchen, pouring coffee and unveiling the apple crumb cake Mama brought from Freedman’s Bakery. The smell of apples and cinnamon instantly filled the room and mixed with the aroma of the coffee, Mama began to hum.
“Mmmm MM! It smells good in here. Like a little slice of heaven,” she sighed and pulled out one of the two chairs at the kitchen table. Just as she sat, she gratefully took the hot mug Y/N offered her. “What sort of things do you have on your mind?”
“Well,” Y/N started, then pulled out a seat of her own and began to slice the crumb cake. “I texted you last night because I had something on my mind. However, I couldn’t sleep last night, and I started thinking about work, and had something else entirely to talk to you about.” Y/N was rambling and Mama sensed she was probably already a pot deep into the coffee.
“Honey,” Mama said and covered Y/N’s hands to get them to stop fidgeting with the cake. “Slow down. First things first… what was on your mind last night?”
She hesitated, unsure of how to start. “I didn’t get to tell you because you were in Florida, but I went to a New Year’s party, back in Austin.”
“Ok, sounds fun. Continue,” Mama said and motioned towards her before sipping at her coffee.
“Right. Well, I guess I should start with saying that when I was home for Christmas, Nate showed up here Christmas morning. Then, I went back early so I could go to this party with Jensen. He kissed me at midnight and then I panicked and ran out.”
Mama coughed as she tried to swallow her coffee and then carefully placed the mug back on the table. She grabbed a napkin and wiped at the corners of her mouth like the old southern debutante that she had once been. Once she regained her composure, she sat up straighter and looked Y/N squarely in the eye.
“You best start from the beginning and leave no detail out. Because hearing that you spent an evening with that luscious man is one thing, but also hearing that dickhead’s name in the mix has soured the first bit. Explain yourself, please. What the hell do you mean that Nathan was here on Christmas? Why didn’t you call me?”
“He took me by surprise. He wanted to talk.”
“And you let him in?”
“Yes...” Y/N replied with a sigh, knowing she would get a barrage of crap from Mama for that.
“I’m in shock. After what he did to you!?”
“I know… I just… I don’t know. He wanted to apologize. He’s working the twelve steps--”
“Twelve steps? Ha! Twelve steps…” she muttered. “I didn’t realize you could twelve-step your way out of being a shithead.”
“I know he was terrible then, but for a lot of years he wasn’t and I guess I wanted to know if there was anything good left in him. I saw a glimmer of who he used to be.”
“We need to move on from Nate, cause honey, it just makes my blood boil.”
“Ok, so after he left, I went back to Austin a few days later and went to a party with Jensen. We’ve been getting along great, working together well, and he’s a lot of fun.”
“Yes, he certainly is,” she mused, her expression quickly fading from aggravated to dreamy. “Now I believe you mentioned something about a kiss…”
“He did. WE did… at midnight,” Y/N answered and couldn’t help feeling the twist in her gut that was now associated with that night.
“And… it…”
She shrugged. “I’ve never felt anything like that. Ever.”
Mama’s face relaxed into a euphoric afterglow. “Please, dear, sweet Lord in Heaven tell me you let that man have his way with you.”
“No!” Y/N laughed and got up from the seat. She was feeling anxious about it all; mostly because she felt so stupid for having run away from him. “It was amazing, and then I got nervous. Someone walked in and it gave me a moment to basically lose my mind and run.”
“You left?!” Mama’s jaw dropped and she quickly stood from the table. “What the--Child, I should whoop your ass. First, you let Nathan in this house, then you run out on that precious Texas boy? It’s like I don’t even know you,” she huffed.
Mama, for a woman of her generous height and weight moved across the kitchen in a heartbeat and lightly smacked the back of Y/N’s head twice.
“One for lettin’ Nathan in, the other for running out on Jensen!”
“Ow,” Y/N whined and rubbed the back of her head. Her brow furrowed and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Trust me, I wish I knew why I do what I do. One second we were… you know, gettin’ handsy, and the next minute…” she shrugged.
“That son of a bitch Nathan… he was on your mind, wasn’t he?”
“Partially. It was more than that though. I’ve had two relationships in my life, Mama. Two. Nathan, and he who shall not be named.”
“Mmmm, yes. I forgot you had your own Voldemort. But that was what... six months after Nathan left and lasted for less than a month? You can’t count him… especially cause I can’t even remember his name.”
“Whatever, my point is, that both of these relationships were toxic. The last thing I want right now is another go-round with getting my heart broken. I should never have dated after Nathan, so figured I would try a one night stand. It left me so cold and empty. I don’t want that, either. I didn’t want to ruin a good friendship with Jensen, or have it turn toxic.”
“Sug, I get that. But you can’t push your feelings away every time they try and wake you up.”
“Can’t I? I love this job, Mama. I feel like I finally found what I am meant to do. What if we slept together, and it got weird. I wouldn’t be able to work with him. Besides, it’s not even all that happened.”
“What else?” she sighed and rubbed at her temples. “This should have been a Bloody Mary breakfast.”
Y/N ignored her quip. “The next day I told him I wanted to talk. He said he was busy. So I stopped by to drop off some contracts and it turned out he was home. He lied because he didn’t want to talk.”
“That’s why you are back here, instead of living in Austin?”
Y/N nodded and watched with anxiety as Mama seemed to sift through a host of quiet thoughts before deciding how to respond.
“If I didn’t love you as I do... I would smack you again.”
“He lied? So what?! You ran out on him! You know what that’s gonna do to a man’s pride. Hell, anyone’s pride?! Sugar, you… you need to stop lettin’ that heart of yours dictate all your decisions. That man--I spent time with him, ok? I saw how he watched you on that stage. You didn’t. I saw how his face lit up, and that gorgeous grin spread from ear to ear. You mesmerized him.”
Mama took Y/N’s chin between her fingers and lovingly lifted her face so their eyes could meet. “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t like that boy.”
“I can’t,” she whispered, almost pathetically. “I do like him. But I’m also very scared of him.”
Mama considered this for a minute and smiled at her friend. “Then, you need to go back to Texas, make amends, and rekindle that friendship you two had been startin’. I think that will be how you stop being so damn scared.”
“I have a flight out tonight,” Y/N said and laughed when Mama raised both fists into the air in celebration.
“That’s my girl!”
“I mean, I won’t see him for a while, but I think you’re right. I owe him an apology. I just hope he can forgive me.”
“I have no doubt that he probably already has. Now, that’s settled… Nat--”
“No. I’ve given him enough thought lately. I’d rather talk about my burst of inspiration that I had last night.”
“Which was?”
“You, the whole troupe… I want you to perform at the festival.”
Mama’s eyes grew large, her plump dimpled cheeks expanding as the smile unfurled across her painted pink lips. “Shut the hell up! Seriously?”
“Yeah. I mean… I am still working out all the logistics, but, we have a few stages to fill and I thought who better than to take on one of the theaters for the Saturday night slot? Whatever you guys wanna do… it’s your call. We have a hotel all reserved for talent, so your accommodations are taken care of. And I am sure I could help you with the travel arrangements. I just need you guys to say yes, and you’re in.”
“Well slap my ass and call me Sally!” Mama cackled and smacked her knee; her southern lilt bolder than usual. “You best believe we’ll be there, suga!”
“Fantastic! I will get you all of the details as soon as I get back to Austin.”
“Well now, hold on one second… you know what’s funny,” Mama said and went into the living room to retrieve the garment bag she had brought with her. “I brought this today because I thought you may want it for something. Didn’t know what, but when Marie brought it into rehearsals last I was there, everyone agreed only you would be able to pull this costume off.”
She hung the hanger on the top door of the refrigerator and slowly unzipped the vinyl bag. Y/N softly gasped when she saw the frock Mama had brought her. It was a full-length strapless dress that had a corset top with a heart-shaped bustier with deep purple accents, streaming out into a black skirt that was shorter in the front and flowed out from the back. The skirt itself had black velvet swirls imprinted on the ebony material and heavily ruffled bottom that would give it an amazing look when it twirled.
“Mama…” she breathed and ran her fingers over the dark purple accents. “This is gorgeous.”
“It is. And in the bottom are the accessories. You have to wear this. At least once. And what a better place than at the festival. So, you agree to perform one number with us, then we will be there to fill your stage for an entire night.”
Y/N considered the offer and knew that she had to say yes. She hadn’t gotten to the point where she thought about her part in performing at the festival. Working behind the scenes had completely garnered all her attention, so this was the first time she gave it any real thought.
“Alright,” she said, “you win. I will take this back to Austin with me and put it aside for a night on stage with The Corsets. Do I get to pick the routine, or…?”
“Oh no, honey. I’m the Creative Director now,” Mama pinched her cheek and took her place back at the table. “Now, don’t think I am done talking about this whole Jensen situation. I wanna hear more details about this New Year’s Eve party…” She leaned back and sipped her coffee before taking a large bite of her crumb cake. “You best start talking.”
For the rest of the morning, Y/N caught Mama up on New Year’s Eve, including playing with Bri, hearing Jensen sing, the encounter with Dee all the way up to her moment in the game room. By the time the coffee was gone and the cake was only crumbs, Mama had heard the tale, soup to nuts, and sat there stunned, letting it all sink in.
They talked a while longer before Y/N realized the time and had to get ready to leave for the airport. Mama had hugged her tightly with both a warning and a promise before she left.
“I promise that we will put on one hell of a show for those Texans. But, in the meantime, stop being stupid and go kiss the cute boy. Let him know that you’re all in, even if it is a slow-moving gamble. You’ll regret it if you don’t. You hear? I’ll keep my promise to whoop you when I get to Austin if you don’t. Got it?”
“Yes, Mama,” Y/N laughed and embraced her again before watching her go out into the cold winter air.
Hours later, as she made her way through the airport and onto the plane, she felt good about going back. There were still a few lingering doubts about how she and Jensen would be with seeing each other again, but there was time to work on that. First, she needed to get back to Austin, her new home, and refocus herself completely on making the Brewfest as big, bold and beautiful as Jensen’s vision for it was. Outside of that, everything would just have to wait.
Much like Y/N expected, there wasn’t much of a chance to see Jensen through the rest of February and March. It was disappointing to her, mostly because she was really starting to miss him. His schedule in Vancouver changed last minute, which caused him to have to miss the Texas Creative Arts Council meeting as well as a few others he had intended to be at, in turn dashing her hopes of finally getting to talk face to face. Her own travel schedule picked up, as she zigzagged across the country meeting with business owners, sponsors, and supporters of the Hometown Brewfest extravaganza.   
The frequency of text exchanges between them increased, and it gave her a glimmer of hope that they could still work through whatever they needed to. As the weeks carried on, and the dates of ChiCon inched closer, Y/N found herself growing more and more anxious about finally having that moment.
Two weeks before, the whole group was in Nashville for a con, while Y/N was wrapping up some last minute business in New Orleans. She was chatting with Rob about a band she found by happenstance, and during the video call, Jensen passed behind him in the background. Her heart lept up in her throat, though she successfully kept her outward demeanor calm and collected. Y/N watched as Jensen did a double take as he noticed her on the screen of Rob’s phone. Leaning over his friend’s shoulder, he shoved his face in the camera and smiled, gave a simple wave and then was called away before he could actually speak.
It was enough to give her that final boost of confidence that they would be ok, but she still desperately needed to clear the air with him. That, however, wouldn’t happen for another two weeks when she found herself pacing the backstage area of the hotel in Chicago where the stars of Supernatural were gathering in preparation for a weekend full of panels, photo ops and a jam-packed concert with Robbie’s band.
Y/N had arrived that Saturday morning well after the festivities had gotten underway. Bri was the first person who she found and was greeted by an over-exuberant hug and the subsequent barrage of questions about everything under the sun. She was quickly whisked away to her panel with Kim, leaving Y/N holding her credentials and aimlessly wandering around the hotel. That was until she found herself on a mission to finally locate and talk to Jensen.
The extra wide hallway of the hotel outside the green room was carpeted with the ugliest yellow, gold and blue carpeting Y/N had ever seen. Though, as she paced it back and forth, she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. Eventually, she found herself pacing along the blue lines that intertwined between the yellow and gold diamond pattern. As ugly as it was, it was somehow keeping her nerves at bay. She could run into Jensen at any time now, and it took all of her willpower not to just turn and run… again.
She wouldn’t though. Her and Jensen needed to set things straight. She didn’t know if this was the way to do it, or what she would say exactly, but she knew it had to be done. Y/N had gotten a peek at his schedule when she checked in and got her credentials to be able to come and go as she pleased. He would be in the green room now, or at least on his way there. So that’s where she headed.
Y/N stalled once she reached the green room door, deciding that maybe just barging in and demanding he talk to her was a bad idea. That’s when the pacing started again and continued for several minutes. She bit on her lower lip and closed her eyes, hanging her head and trying to decide what to do.
She continued walking, but with her eyes closed, she didn’t realize she was walking off her pattern, and straight into oncoming people.
“Whoa there!”
Y/N looked up, and in horrific slow motion, realized she ran square into Jensen’s chest. His hands had gently grabbed her shoulders when they collided, and they lingered there now as recognition touched his features one by one. Seeing him again after so long felt like a shock to her system; her mouth went dry, and she could feel her hands starting to tremble. When she tried to swallow, it stuck like a lump in her throat cutting off the air to her brain and making her feel light headed.
“H-Hey,” she breathed.
“Robbie said you were gonna be here,” he said, then nervously ran his tongue out and over his bottom lip. “It’s good to see you.”
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed, still unsure of what to say. “How’ve you been?” Her words were hesitant and staggered; her gaze unable to break from his.
Jensen finally realized his hands were still on her shoulders and quickly let go.
“Good. Busy, but good. You?”
“Better now that--”
The green room door opened with a bang, startling both Jensen and Y/N. Half a dozen people funneled out, mostly hotel staff, but Robbie was among them.
“Just who I was looking for!” he exclaimed and walked over to them. “You,” he said pointing to Jensen, “have about two minutes before Rich is gonna call you up for your panel with Misha. And you,” he turned to Y/N, “need to come with me while I got a quick ten minutes and figure out where we are going tonight if there’s time. There are a few clubs we gotta hit between tonight and tomorrow.”
“Can you just give us a minute, Rob?” Jensen asked him, and yet, his eyes still didn’t waver from Y/N’s gaze.  
“Uh, sure. I’ll be right over there, Y/N.” He looked hesitantly between them, and quietly stepped back and around the corner.
Jensen cleared his throat and turned back to her, unable to disguise just how nervous he was. “About what happened… I wanna, I mean, we should talk, but I do gotta go right now--”
“Right, of course,“ she said, taking a step back from him and suddenly scared to say what she wanted to. “We can do it another time.”
“Later, you’re scouting bands tonight with Rob? Sounds fun. Maybe if you’re not back too late--”
“Mr. Ackles!”
A small blonde haired woman popped her head from around the other end of the hallway and waved frantically for him to come.
“I gotta run,” he said but took a beat to hold her gaze a little longer. It took the impatient little woman at the end of the hallway calling him again, to get his feet moving.
Jensen took a few steps in the direction he had to go, then turned to face her as he walked backward down the corridor. He chuckled nervously and Y/N felt a rush of relief when she realized he seemed truly happy to see her.
“Don’t go far, okay? The panel only lasts about an hour. Maybe we could talk after?  I’d really like too--”
“Jensen, please, the panel is starting!” The woman was pleading with him now.
“I’ll be around, Hollywood. Come find me,” she shrugged, trying to be calm, cool and casual. Y/N held back as best she could, but Jensen got the idea that she was happy to see him, too.
“You got it, Trix. I’ll come to find you.” The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk, and as he continued to walk away from her, Y/N could hear his happy chuckle fade down the hallway. Just before he turned and disappeared completely, he paused and gave Y/N a wink before heading off to his panel.
When he had disappeared around the far corner, she sighed heavily and laughed to herself, completely overcome with relief. A moment later she heard Robbie walk up behind her and clear his throat.
“Everything go ok?” he asked hesitantly.
Y/N nodded. “Yeah,” she said and did her best to stow the overwhelming relief she had over that encounter with Jensen. “I think we’ll be good.”
“Good,” Robbie said and slung his arm over her shoulders. “Now, let’s talk about the weekend, shall we?” He turned her around and guided her in the opposite direction.
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The panel, one that he normally loved doing, felt like an eternity on that particular Saturday afternoon. Jensen and Misha answered questions, engaged in their usual banter, and of course, made a room of hundreds of people scream and laugh with delight. He did his best to maintain his normal energetic vibe, but even Misha could see that his mind just wasn’t in the game.
Instead, Jensen’s mind was firmly stuck on Y/N.
She was there, in the same city, in the same hotel just a few hundred feet away. All he wanted to do was go and see her, talk to her, hash this dumb shit out that made them lose three months of getting closer; three months of seeing her smile, hearing her voice and getting to know more about her.
Jensen was pissed at himself for weeks after New Year’s Day. Regardless of whether he had the right to be upset at her or not, he reverted to his petty and childish demeanor, where women were concerned, and he beat himself up for it. His knee jerk reaction to her running out had everything to do with Dee, and not so much Y/N herself. He needed to tell her that’s why he lied about something so stupid to avoid her. Y/N would understand… that’s what made her different.
Y/N had made the effort, hadn’t she? She came to leave the envelope, and in it was her plea to talk to him. She wanted to explain herself, but at that moment he just couldn’t let her. Then she ran back to New Jersey so fast, which initially made him angry. But it didn’t take him long to realize that she’d been through just as much bullshit with her past as he had, and instead of being angry, he should try and sympathize.
Weeks later he happened to talk to Rob who’d mentioned in passing that he had a FaceTime call with Y/N. It had been in the middle of the snowstorm towards the end of January that she told Rob she would be coming back to Austin. That wasn’t all though, was it? As Jensen sat on the panel stage, and half listened to Misha tell a story about his daughter that made the crowd roar with laughter, he was thinking about the guy hanging out with Y/N while she was home; the one Robbie saw in the background that day. As if on cue, he laughed at Misha’s story, joining in with the rest of the ballroom, but on the inside, he was simmering with jealousy.
Jensen wondered if that was the same “old friend” that showed up at her place on Christmas, and of course, couldn’t help but be curious if that guy was part of why she’d run out on him. Swallowing down the bile that rose in his throat, he continued on with his Q&A with the fans and tried to forget it for the time being.
Finally, the panel had come to an end, with it also being their last panel of the day. Misha was escorted to his last set of photo ops, while Jensen was able to head back to the green room, hoping that he would once again bump into Y/N.
The hallway where he had left her was now empty, as was the green room. He considered calling her and asking where she was, but instead texted Rob and asked if they were still together.
<<Hey man, is Y/N still with you?
>>Nah, she went to check a few places out while it was still light out. She’ll be back for SNS.
Jensen sighed and sent back a quick reply, then tucked his phone away and headed back to his own room to get ready for that night’s concert.
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Louden Swain took the stage around nine that night. They played through a few of their originals, and then a handful of covers with some of the cast. Jensen knew he’d go up for a couple of songs, but he was holding out until the end so he could catch Y/N.
“Hey handsome,” Bri greeted, coming up alongside where Jensen was sitting, startling him out of his thoughts. “How’d your day go today?”
“Great,” he said with a tired smile. “Long day though. How about you?”
“Oh you know, fantastic. Kim and I kicked ass. Had some great ops… a cocktail or two in between. You know, the usual.”
“That’s my girl,” he teased and then perked up thinking she could help him. “Any chance you’ve seen Y/N around?”
“Yes! Earlier today when she first came in, then about five minutes ago. She’ll be here in a second, why? Got something you need to say to her? Hmmmm?” Bri raised one perfectly manicured brow at him, challenging him to open up a bit more.
“Yes. Actually, I do.”
“Good boy. I know she wants to talk to you too--” From the stage, Bri heard her cue to go up with Robbie for her song. “Look, she’s around. Talk. To. Her. Then, keep her close, I’m gonna need her.” She wiggled her brows and stuck her tongue out playfully before bounding up the short set of steps that would take her backstage.
Jensen chuckled as she disappeared behind the curtain and out to the roar of applause from the crowd. He tried to think of what he would be doing that night with the band. Jason was playing too, and they talked about The Joker and maybe Whipping Post. He closed his eyes and ran through both songs, half hearing Robbie and Bri singing “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” coming from the stage. He certainly didn’t hear Y/N and she came from around the corner and stood in front of him.
“Hey stranger,” she said softly. Despite the music coming from close behind him, he heard her perfectly.
Jensen opened his eyes and thought maybe he was just imagining her there. She looked different than she had earlier. Gone was her T-shirt and ripped jeans, a look that he really loved on her. Now she wore the tight blue jeans and knee-high boots with a black and white, long sleeve peasant-style blouse that was loosely tied at the neck and open enough to accentuate her cleavage. Jensen had a split-second thought about what she had on beneath it before he was able to make himself speak again.
“Hey yourself,” he breathed, standing up from the platform he was sitting on. “How’s your, uh, you know, how’s it--”
“I’m good, Jay. Robbie asked me to come back for the concert. Glad you stuck around. Are you going up there tonight?”
Jensen nodded, suddenly tongue-tied and unsure of what to say.
“They sound great,” Y/N motioned towards the stage and took a few steps closer. “That’s a great song.”
“It is,” he said, but needed to say more and was tired of waiting. “Y/N,” he paused and waited for her to face him. She did, and he could tell she knew what he was about to say. “About New Year’s…”
“Jay, wait. Before you say anything… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for running away like I did. I shouldn’t have--”
“It's okay. I shouldn’t have lied about the stupid movie. It was all so…”
“Childish. I guess I could give you a laundry list of reasons--”
“But they wouldn’t matter,” she said quietly and cast her gaze down to her feet. When she looked up at him again, he saw something in her face that made him relax and understand she wanted to move on as badly as he did.
“Yeah. Can we just,” he sighed and shrugged, “just get back to being friends?”
“Yes. I want that, more than anything,” she sighed in relief.
“Good,” he breathed and took a hesitant step closer to her. Y/N stepped in and put her arms around his neck to hug him. Though it took him by surprise, he didn’t waste a second in returning the embrace. She felt so good in his arms as they snaked their way around her waist. It took a lot of willpower on his part to stop himself from nuzzling his face into her neck and drawing in a deep breath of her scent.
From the stage, the music shifted and while the band kept playing, Bri popped her head through the curtain and saw Y/N with Jensen.
“Hate to break up this very much needed moment, but Y/N, I need you up here please.”
Jensen reluctantly released her and saw the scheming look in Briana’s eyes. He narrowed his gaze at her, and she just slyly winked. “Come on slowpoke! They’re waiting.”
“Who’s waiting?” she asked, looking curiously between Jensen and Bri.
“Everyone…” Bri replied and swept back the curtain so Y/N could see the audience.
“What? Oh no, I didn’t--I’m not--”
“You are, and you can. Come on, lady! Time to get your cute little ass up here and sing on stage with me and Robbie.”
Y/N looked to Jensen to save her, but he just shook his head. “Oh no, I’m with Bri on this one. Like I’d ever pass up a chance to watch you on stage.”
Realizing she was being ganged up on, Y/N sighed as her chin fell to her chest in defeat and she made her way up the small set of stairs. “I hate you both,” she chided and both Bri and Jensen rolled their eyes.
Jensen watched from backstage as she got up next to Robbie who was on the mic and introduced Y/N to the crowd. When he spoke about the Brewfest the crowd cheered, and it was the first time Jensen understood just how much work she’d been putting into it, not just into organizing things, but getting the word out to the public about the upcoming event.
Robbie leaned over and whispered something in her ear, Y/N nodded and faced the crowd, giving them a wave. Jensen saw how they seemed to love her already and they hadn’t even heard her sing yet. Robbie faced the band and signaled the next song as the familiar beat of Heart’s “What About Love” kicked in.
Y/N started to sing, and Jensen felt his knees go weak. It had been a while, too long he would say if someone had asked him since he had heard her sing. She fell right into the groove with the band, completely unaware of how sexy and majestic she was on the stage. Bri was beside her, sharing the verses and singing harmonies together. They blended effortlessly with Robbie’s voice, too. Y/N held the notes and used her strong bravado to carry them out, once again making the crowd go wild.
Hints of jealousy filled Jensen, but not because of the reaction she was garnering, but because he wasn’t on stage next to her. How could he have not sung with her yet? At least strummed a guitar while she sat across from him, her tender pitch humming along with whatever he was playing. It suddenly became of utmost importance to him to share a stage with her, but for now, he just hung back and relished in the way her voice made him feel. Anyone that saw him watching her would know that he was so clearly infatuated with this girl, and almost nothing would have pulled him away.  
As the song wound towards the end, Jason breezed past Jensen, smacking his shoulder along the way.
“Almost ready, brother? Gonna kick it off with ‘The Joker’, right?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah! Just like we said, call me in when you’re ready.”
“You got it!” Jason replied before running out on the stage.
Jason handled the first chorus, and during the musical interlude, he brought Jensen up and he easily slipped into the version of himself he brought out on the Saturday Night Specials. He noticed that Briana and Y/N were still up there, yet off towards stage right, and singing along with the chorus of the song. Jensen casually strolled in their direction, just feeling the need to be as close to Y/N as possible. The moment the music came back around to where he picked up the song, happened to be the same moment that Jensen walked around behind her, then was at her side. Without giving it a second thought, he draped his arm around her shoulders and sang the lines directly to her… their eyes locked as if he was speaking solely to Y/N and not to a room of hundreds of people.
“You’re the cutest thing I ever did see…
Really love your peaches wanna shake your tree
Lovey-dovey lovey-dovey lovey-dovey all the time...
Oooey baby I sure show you a good time…”
The song played on, and eventually, he moved back across the stage and sang out to the crowd. But the expression that came to rest on her face was not something he would ever forget. He caught glimpses of her smiling as her eyes followed across the stage. He liked how it felt for her to watch him; he felt uninhibited and free to be himself.
When it was over, he was disappointed as Bri grabbed Y/N’s hand now that their turn on stage was done. They waved to the audience and the band transitioned into “Whipping Post” while they exited through the back.
As Jensen belted out line after line of The Allman Brothers song, he wished Y/N had stayed out there with them and secretly hoped she was watching from backstage. Thank God he was singing a song he knew without having to think about because all his mind could really focus on was how good it felt to have her back around. At that moment, Jensen had felt better than he had in a very long time. 
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eternaljouska · 5 years
Redamancy, Chapter 7 - Lee Jihoon
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Pairing: Husband!JihoonxReader
Genre: Angst, the tiniest amount of Fluff
Chapter: one | two | three | four | five | six | SEVEN | eight | nine | end | epilogue |
Word Count: 2.9 K
A/N: I kinda like this one...? Enjoy (?)
Recommended Song: Seventeen - I Don’t Know
You have spent the last four days going through every photo album that exists in your house.
Your arm and shoulder are great now, but your head isn’t. And Jihoon knows nothing about any of these. You haven’t had the chance to tell him since he has been going home later and later every night. At first, it was purely out of spite. But when the next day at work Soonyoung had the gut to come at him again, he assumed that you confided in Soonyoung, and he became exceptionally mad.
Only God knows why he’s like that. It’s not like there was a history between you and Soonyoung. It’s just that Soonyoung’s the north to his south. He’s everything someone wanted or wanted to be. Unlike him, Soonyoung’s never been afraid to show his affection and vulnerability, never backed away from confrontation, and he’s never given up on anything he thought worth fighting for.
Which makes Jihoon believes that Soonyoung’s never completely given you up to him. And that after all this time, he’s never stopped loving you.
Jihoon slams his fist on his desk when he repeats Soonyoung comments of disbelief that hinted a soft warning if he doesn’t make you his top priority. The sound of skin and bones hitting the wood shifts in space and becomes the sound of thick photo albums falling from the coffee table on your side. You don’t remember how many times you have gone through that particular album, the one that holds the memory of your wedding day. The two of you are happily captured in most of the frames. There’s a picture where Soonyoung stands on Jihoon’s right, Seungkwan on your left, and Dokyeom and Jeonghan kneeling in front of you, from the mics on their hands you figure they were the emcees. Another where all Seventeen members gather around you and acting as guards. And there’s one of Jihoon standing, looking expectantly at the aisle for your entrance, under the wedding arch.  It’s made from baby’s breath and its center point’s characterized by a lily of the valley wreath sticking to a big tree behind it.
You have stared at that picture for too long that your mind wandered to that morning when you woke up. For you, the world was clouded under your medication, but the light in Jihoon’s eyes, it was all too lucid. It was very much like the one you saw on that picture, full of nervous energy and more importantly, hope. But for you, hope has become such a frail thing. It keeps on thinning to nonexistent every time you reach the end page of the album.
You grab for your hair as you let out a growl that fades into a whimper. No picture in your house is able to ignite the memory hidden somewhere in your head. And looking through frozen moments that you don’t remember existing feels like a punishment. It only makes you feel like you are barred away from the world and that the universe is conspiring against you. So you scream. Then you remember the phone calls from your kids these last two days. And it occurs to you that there’s a possibility that you won’t ever remember them again or their value in your life. And you don’t know what’s going to happen then. And you scream. Again and again, until your throat itches and your scream comes out as a cough.
After one long hour of staring at the rings that tie the two of you together, one simple band with a diamond in the middle and another adorning diamonds all around it, and wondering what Jihoon had in mind when he put them back on your limp finger, the melancholy evaporates, settling the remaining desperation left from your scream. And therefore, returns your ability to think and conclude that being locked inside won’t do you any good. So you take your phone from atop the coffee table to call Soonyoung and then pause for a millisecond to smile, realizing that he’s wrong. He’s not an alternative. This time, it is actually him that you want to reach for. Not Seungkwan, nor Jihoon.
“Hello? Y/n? Everything’s okay?” Soonyoung’s worry is expressed perfectly by his questions, and somehow this draws out a laugh out of you. “Y/n? Hey, why’re you laughing?”
“Nothing. It’s just amusing how you constantly think that something’s happening to me.”
“Well, I’m just... Worry shows that you care, you know?”
“Right, right. Let’s go to Han River again,” you say, going straight to the point.
“Huh? Another flashback?”
“No. More like trying to get another one or two. So, what do you say?”
There is a short pause on Soonyoung’s end before he sighs. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I need to perfect a choreo before I show it to the lil’ boys. They’ll be having a mini concert soon, and there’s this remix version that”—he lets out another sigh—“I really want to help you. But I’m sorry. Really.”
Soonyoung notices that the excitement has gone from your voice, so he asks, “Can’t Jihoon go with you? I can go to his studio now and—“
“Soonyoung, no.” Your voice is stern when you cut him, knowing well enough what’s that going to cost you.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I mean Seungkwan. Seungkwan, yeah. Can’t he go?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble.
“Wh- How? You… Wait, you haven’t called him?”
“No, Soonyoung. I wanted to go with you.”
“Oh? Shit. God! I’m- I’m so sorry. I complained about being an alternative, but now when you call me first, I… I can’t come. I’m so, so sorry, Y/n. Wait a sec, I’ll call the manager. Maybe—“
“Soonie, it’s okay. You don’t have to.”
“Y/n… Once again, I’m sorry. Call and ask Seungkwan, okay? If he can’t go, let me know.”
You didn’t call Seungkwan. You called a taxi instead. That was how you ended up sitting in front of the Big Tree alone at eight in the evening, holding a posy of white lily of the valley that you bought from a nearby florist.
It’s not completely white, the flower. You notice the tinge of pink that grows warmer by the minute, and as the heat reaches your cheek, you learn that already, the sun is burning low on the horizon. The picture of Jihoon and the dusk on his cheek are painted anew on your brain, and a sad smile tugs on your lips. You are tired. One second you are the sun, alive, high on the sky, and the next you are the moon, dead and cold without your sole source of life.
You raise your right hand to the front of your face, and as light bounces from the diamonds on your rings, you sigh. You had come with the determination to remember, but now you’re charged with the powerful urge to forget. You are a different person for Jihoon. You are not the person he expected to wake up in the lieu of his wife. You are just an invalid. Just someone who’s stuck in the past. In the memory of a different Jihoon.
As Jihoon bursts through your thought, flowers clutched a little too hard in his hand, you throw away the replica that’s in yours.
“You don’t like it?” Jihoon picks up at the end of your memory clip, and you want nothing but for him to shut up.
“I know that this is nothing like the hill that you found, um, your Magic Shop, you called it?” He peeks at you then continues after your confirmation, “It’s… There’s a lot of crowds since we’re in the Han River area. I’m sorry. I should’ve looked for something better.”
“It’s okay, Ji. This is more than enough. I don’t think I would need something like this anymore. I’ve promised that I won’t run again, haven’t I?”
Jihoon nods and throws his head back as he sighs. “I’m sorry that you have to lose your place. They shouldn’t have exposed it like that.”
“It’s okay. The hill isn’t mine by law or anything. Besides, it happened a long time ago.”
“I’m sorry that I just show you this now. It’s just… I have to leave for about two years, and I don’t want you to think that you have nowhere to go.” He raises his gaze to meet yours, and it’s a moment too late for him to realize what implication he has made. “No! I mean… N-not that I’m saying I’ve replaced y-your Magic Shop or something. And! Don’t- Don’t get me wrong, I want to, I-“
“Jihoon, shut up,” you cut him with a faux glare before you break into a grin. And when your mirth transforms into something more serene, you whisper to him, “You have been, and you still are.”
But you’re not anymore, you add to the still image of smiling Jihoon.
Your legs suddenly feel weak, and you’re struggling to get up. When you do, you start to walk slowly but purposefully to the only place you know you can go to forget all of your problems, including Jihoon.
Even though running is what your heart set to, this is the only thing you’re capable of doing on your current state. You move your feet forward one step at a time until you see the familiar solar-powered ground lamps forming a walkway that leads you to a garden. One that in spite of its minimum size, you insist on calling majestic. There are meters of yellow lights that you see people use for Christmas weaved around the crown of a big tree to its trunk and crept on the circumference of the ground. They’re beautiful. And you almost laugh at their futile effort to replace the role of the early morning sun. You walk closer to the white and yellow camellia, the reason for planting them rings loudly in your head. Waiting and longing, that’s what each of them symbolizes.
It surprises you that someone takes care of your—this—garden after you left. You stumbled upon this place after you strayed too far away from home. Walking to the direction of the dying sun, something you used to do whenever life or people hit you a tad bit harder than you could take. When you had found this place, it’s just a small hill hiding from the ruckus of a regular city. There’s one big tree near the middle of it—your Big Tree—and bushes and short grass covering random spots on its surface. You had left a small box of instant food and a hammock tied onto the tree’s strongest branch one day on your visit. It was one of your roughest weeks, and you had thought that the Hill would be your last destination if nothing else had worked. But when you returned three days later, and you found your supplies to be intact, you’re sure that no one frequented the Hill as you did. That’s how you claimed the place as your Magic Shop, a place that’s very much alike your Haven.
You started bringing things that would help you for when you took refuge on the Hill. You planted flowers and lamps, and you buried a trunk with books, blankets, and miscellaneous stuff. It became your second home—or your home, per se, as your apartment never really felt like one.
You walk forward near the edge of the hill, looking at the peonies, buttercups, and anemone hepaticas you planted for their beauty. Hanakotoba. If only there’s something for your sense of incompleteness or your tendency to run. That flower then would easily pass as your reincarnation. Now that you think about it, maybe there is something. Maybe you just don’t know what. The way you don’t know whether you’re always running from something or towards something.
The sight of anemone hepaticas in between the rosy peonies and yellow buttercups reminds you of your former obsession with forget-me-not. Both flowers are somewhat similar in color, that’s why with the minimum light from your artificial sun, you have trouble in your search of the latter. As your eyes float around flowers, your head registers the meaning of the blue-purple flowers. It is true love. Or memories. And you’re suddenly enraged by this. You feel mocked to the point where you jump to your knees to inspect each flower in detail, just to find one forget-me-not. You reproach yourself in your head for how stupid you are. Both flowers are distinct. How you cannot point it out is so beyond you. You are talking about your favorite flower here—at least back when you only see lily of the valley for the beauty that it is.
Lily of the valley, you mouth as you fall into a sitting position, your gaze is no longer combing through the shrubs and flowers. It was until lily of the valley. It was until Jihoon.
Forget-me-not, true love. Memories. White camellia, waiting. Yellow camellia, longing. Primrose, desperation. Lily of the valley, the promise of happiness.
Your head spins as you recall every flower and its meaning, creating a new set of loop for your brain to play.
Memories. Waiting. Desperation. True love. Longing. Promise of happiness. Longing. True love. Waiting. Memories. Desperation. Promise of happiness. Promise of happiness, promise of happiness, promise of happiness, the word resonating in your ears, followed by the dusk on Jihoon’s cheek on your vision.
The first sob that escapes you sounds a lot more like a whimper, your hand finds its way to your chest, clutching it hard as you close your eyes.
Your eyes are open in a snap, and you turn your body around, facing the sturdy trunk of a tree you once called a house.
“I have written my vows and revised it until I fell asleep on my desk in the studio. I thought it would be the same as songwriting, but it’s not, Y/n. I found that it’s hard to find the right word, and I don’t know whose idea it was to think that abandoning that vows scratch is a smart move.” You can’t help but chuckle along with the audience at the small snicker that comes out of Soonyoung who is standing next to Jihoon, signaling that it’s indeed his idea. You pull your lower lip between your teeth and tighten your hold on Jihoon’s hands as you focus your attention back to his words.
“But as I stand here in front of you, I am back at Pledis’ lobby, just walking with tears in my eyes like a lost child. I didn’t bump into you, Y/n. I was looking for you. And you, without any words, dropped those lunch packages for us and brought me to your arms. When I let go and apologized, you said to me, ‘Don’t. Cry.’ And I was so confused, but you’re not finished. ‘You have a lot of tears, Jihoon. Cry all of them out. Come to me and cry. And let me wipe them clean. That way I know you’ll be okay.’
“And I cried some more in your embrace. I cried because I couldn’t see myself standing beside you, couldn’t see you standing beside me for as long as I want.” You shake your head a few times at this, tears already starting to fall down your cheeks. ”I want all of you, Y/n, the broken and intact pieces of you. I want you to make good of those words you said to me, and I want you to allow me to abide by my promise to you.”
You nod frantically. He’s taken too long with his vows, and you just want to dive into his arm and close your lips around him to shut him up. But then you and the audience laugh, for Jihoon continuous, “Don’t agree just yet, I am asking your whole lifetime, Y/n. I can’t accept months, years, or anything but that.” He pauses, and you think he’s done but no. He clears his throat once before he inhales. “Y/n, I love you. I can be a total doofus sometimes, like saying that you can’t agree just yet. Please, don’t heed that. You can’t not agree. Because I love you. And I need you. And I need to stop talking because I’m embarrassing myself. But that’s okay. Because I love you. And I’ll always do.”
The sound that forces its way out of your throat is full of dire. It is so raw that your body shudders. Your cry of anguish is amplified in the otherwise silent night. You grab for your hair and pull at it, face wet from your tears and mouth moving restlessly to mold your hurt into words and the air into oxygen. But all of these halts abruptly when your hair is caught on the diamond of your engagement ring. Your attention shifts to the ring on top of it, your wedding band.
A word that resembles nothing of its consisting alphabets shrieks out of your body as you take out those two rings from your finger and throw it away as you did your posy, the action killing the last fire within you. And you collapse in a whimper.
You gather your feeble limbs to your chest and let your head fall on your knees, back to crying in silent, as you usually do.
When the wind becomes harsher to your skin you reach for your phone in your pocket. Your voice is frail and defeated when you start, “Seungkwan…”
Tag list: @thatfangurltho
A/N: I didn’t go through a detailed research of whether the mentioned flowers could actually grow in the place that I used or not, so...
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Finals Week Forgetfulness
// Gwil x reader
wc: 1.5k
I hope you don't mind but I was loosely inspired by @sweetlygwilym & as a science person I need more sciency y/n on my dash. Also, this fic was born out of pure procrastination so its trash but that okay, It's a lil blurb and fluffy.
Tags: @joemhazzello
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Today was Friday and Monday was the start of your last round of finals for the year. But they weren’t done yet and you needed to study, so you dragged yourself out of bed. Though the peacefulness of it coaxed you back. Your boyfriend, Gwilym, still sound asleep. You had gotten out of bed before Gwil, which was a rarity. Gwilym woke to an empty bed, initial confusion was replaced by the realization that it must be finals week.  With a groan he pulled himself from the duvet, having the same thought as you. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he pulled on his attire for the day. Next, he padded into the kitchen in search of caffeine that he desperately needed.
It was hard not to notice your frame hunched over your books, almost like getting closer to the pages allowed you to absorb the information quicker.
“Studying already I see,” Gwil mused pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head.
“Mhm,” you mumbled back barley lifting your gaze from your textbook, not wanting to lose focus.
A low chuckle escaped his lips before placing a fresh cup of coffee in front of you. Thin steam whisps carried the sent to your nose, the sent alone was almost more effective in waking you up than the actual coffee.
“God, your a blessing,” you smiled up at him and taking a sip. You couldn’t help let out a groan of pleasure. It was the start to a long day, long weekend. However, you’ve been through it before and it was your last round of finals before finally getting your degree. Giving you a burst of motivation. It also helped that you had Gwil, he would always make sure you slept and ate. Having been together for roughly 2 years, around 4 weeks of finals, you guys had a routine. You would get up at the crack of dawn, steal one of Gwilym’s sweaters and pair them with leggings, and study all day. Barely acknowledging people outside of the ones mentioned in your textbook. Normally you’d kick Gwil out to stop the distractions but today he was full booked with Interviews, so making sure he wasn’t bothering you wasn’t going to be an issue, not that he was an issue.
Throughout the day your coffee cup refilled and emptied as papers became more and more scattered. A half eaten sandwich sat beside your text books. The table had been turned from a place of gathering for people to a place of gathering of notes, notebooks, random study sheets, and highlighters. Lots of highlighters. All laid about haphazardly. But you were too absorbed into your studies to notice or care. Your passion for your major made it so much easier to study. You had gotten your Bachelors of Science and worked for a few years before deciding you wanted to go back to school and get your Masters Degree. It wasn't really going to advance your career but you enjoyed it, which is all that matters. You were lucky to have Gwil as your number one supporter, even if he understood nothing that came out of your lips when you got excited and went on a tangent. Normally, you'd catch on and apologize, but Gwil just shut you up with a kiss because he found your smarts incredibly hot. Just not on finals week.
Gwil’s day was definitely more exciting than yours. The 3 interviews he had scheduled turned out to be a blast. Plus anytime he could get with the full cast of Bohemian Rhapsody was a good time. Though he was mostly excited to get back home, maybe a little anxious, but mostly excited. Today was the day that Brian and Anita May were coming over for dinner as a thank you from both you and Gwil. Mostly Gwil, because there was no way he could have done his job without the immensely helpful and kind guidance of Brian.
You were also excited and planned an elaborate meal, except you had forgotten. Caught up into your studies was an understatement. So when the door opened and you heard Gwil come in laughing you perked up slightly. However, it wasn't until you heard two more voices chime in that you stood up pushing the chair out of the way and walked to the hall.
“Gwil, love, is that you— Shit“ you called running a hand through your messy hair. The last part was muttered under your breath as you suddenly became self-conscious of your appearance and the mess of study materials scattered about.
The 3 turned in your direction pausing their conversation to exchange greetings.
Brian gave a small wave in your direction, trying to hold back his laughter at your frazzled state.
“Y/N, it’s wonderful to see you again,” Anita spoke up pulling you into a hug as you silently thanked the gods that this wasn’t your first time meeting the pair. Brian was next to pull you into a hug, eyeing the mess of papers on the table.
Gwilym just pressed a kiss to your temple.
“You forgot didn’t you,” He chuckled quietly.
“Yea... I guess I got to caught up in studying,” you laughed shyly and moved to clean it up. However, Brian beat you to it. His curiosity had gotten the best of him and was already glancing at the math and physics problems that filled each page. His glasses sat on the bridge of his nose as he delicately picked up your notebook.
“Physics?” Brian guessed looking up at you with a kind.
“Yea, I’m actually about to get my Masters,” you explained sheepishly busying your embarrassed hands by gathering loose sheets of paper. You were no stranger to who Brian was and his PhD in Astrophysics. Sure you admired the man for being an absolutely brilliant musician and kind man, but you were more impressed with his passion and intelligence. The rest of the cleaning process was halted by conversation. The two of you quickly began discussing complex theories and laws. Gwil was kind enough to place a glass in wine in your hands, but it went untouched as you and Brian needed both hands to talk & visualize things.
"You understand anything of what they're talking about?" Anita asked Gwil as she helped prepare a simple salad.
"Not a bloody word," He laughed happily.
"Oh good, glad someone's with me," she responded patting his shoulder gently and laughing about something to herself.
Eventually, dinner was ready and the conversation shifted to anything and everything. Then the conversation moved to the living room where more wine was poured and more topics were brought up. You had drifted closer and closer to Gwil throughout the evening. Now you were pressed into his side on the couch, nursing a glass of Merlot talking to Brian about particle physics in stars. Again you two had fallen down a wormhole, though there's no physical evidence that they exist, of science-based conversation. Gwil had his arm wrapped around you and watched you admirably, still not understanding a bloody word. As much fun as the night had been you couldn't stop suppressing your yawns every 5 minutes. You had been up for at least 20 hours at this point, and the Merlot was not helping. Thankfully Anita noticed and kindly bid Brian that it was in fact time to go, for real this time. As each time they had attempted to part conversation drew them back. And no, it wasn't just the physics theories. Gwil and Brian had shared the same intensity conversations about guitars and books.
"Thank you for coming, I'm sorry It wasn't the nicest but I hope you still had fun," You apologized as you hugged goodbye.
"Nonsense! it was lovely, thank you for inviting us over," Anita smiled kindly.
"No, I believe it you who we thank, especially during precious studying time," Brian said sending a wink in your direction.
"Either way, thank you for coming, it was lovely having you," Gwil added finishing up the thank you's and they left.
As soon as the door was closed and locked you practically melted into his arms. With a gentle swoop, you were in his arms and on your way to the bed you had waited to return to all day. You lazily pulled off your leggings and clambered into bed, immediately resting your head on Gwil's chest.
"It blows my mind that you can be so smart and cute, I don't know what I did to have you in my life," He breathed out pressing gentle kisses to the forehead.
"I love you Gwil, especially when you put up with my studies," you murmured tilting your chin to look up at him.
Instead of responding he connected your lips to his. The kiss was lazy but filled with admiration and love. His tongue swiped along your bottom lip and you blissfully allowed him in. Your body fell heavy and all stress from the day disappeared like your fingers in Gwil's brown hair. There were no ulterior intentions to the show of affection, just pure love and admiration. When you pulled away you placed a small kiss to his cheek before driting off into the peace. Hoping to find solace in it for as long as you could before dawn came and you were forced to finally face the mess of papers still on the kitchen counter. Where sitting on top of the notebook a pale colored sticky note saying "Wishing you the best on your finals - Bri" would be found.
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for-ests · 6 years
The Most Beautiful Sunset- Tom Holland x Reader
Word count: 2,632 / warnings: nein
Hope you enjoy, random fluffy idea that popped into my head, I might write a second part if anyone likes it :-) (also tumblr is messing up the spacing im sorry)
Y/N shuddered as she dipped her bare feet into the small lapping waves.
The ocean was chilly, yet she cherished the feeling. It had been so long since she had visited this place, one that was filled with nostalgia and bittersweet memories.
She tilted her nose up, inhaling the salty breeze as it ricocheted across the water. It gave off the a familiar peaceful scent that she loved so dearly. There was no reason for her to remain so worried.
It was calm for a moment. She could feel the ocean current pulling at her toes, the sand drawn away with it. The natural white noise was one she wished to hear every day when she opened her windows.
The wind whistled in her ears and seagulls chirped overhead, surveying the chance for a perfect dive. Y/N smiled, appreciating the seclusion of the east coast beach.
“Isn’t it beautiful baby?” The girl glanced down to the dog at the other end of the leash that was held tightly in her grip. The golden retriever’s tail started to wag at her soothing tone. The human and animal stood side by side, staring out to the horizon that stretched beyond view. The brief moment of tranquility was cherished by Y/N, because she knew it would not last long.
Because as soon as she stumbled an inch due to the sharp pebbles underneath her, Elly, her dog, tugged at the leash.
The dog whined loudly, dipping her nose in the water. Y/N could tell she wanted to swim badly. It had been months since they last came to their favorite spot. Against her own will of course.
Y/N’s mood shifted as soon as she thought about her parents. Her jaw clenched at the memories. So much had happened in the short amount of time that she had been at college, the girl could barely wrap her head around it. The past couple days had been a huge transition, information she had never expected to hear relayed back to her before she could settle back in for the summer break. Y/N’s parents were getting divorced because her mother had cheated on her father. And she didn’t know how to process it.
Truthfully, it made her feel sick. Everything had been normal just weeks ago. She wished it could have been like it was before. Where she could come home and see her parents together, happy and glad to see her. It hurt more than she could have ever thought. And she couldn't imagine how it hurt her father. Y/N knew he loved her mother with all his heart.
What a surprise to come back to this… a half empty house, with only a father to greet her. The house she had grown up in all throughout grade school was now up for sale. Her mother nowhere in sight.
Y/N did not want anything to change. The girl had grown up with both her parents... together. And now being a freshman in college, the transition would be awkward and lonely. She wished it happened when she was younger, when she was oblivious and unaware of the betrayal that surrounded her. Now, her family was broken. Side were taken even when it wasn't needed. And throughout it all, she remained the sole neutral party.
Y/N laughed. She didn't need two Christmases. She didn't need double the presents. She didn't need another dad, or more brothers and sisters...She needed her family. Whole again. Like it had always been.
The girl frowned, bending down to unhook the leash from Elly's collar. She came here to take her mind off the painful memories. Yet, it was all she could seem to think about. She cherished the solid two minutes of peace that met her with the beautiful sunset, one that never failed to take her breath away.
As soon as the collar dropped into the sand, Elly darted away, leaping into the waves and barking loudly. She yipped and yapped, seeming as if she wanted Y/N to join her.
The girl laughed, pulling a toy from her bag and tossing it as far as she could. Thank God Elly liked fetch, it calmed her down enough before bedtime. Especially when she had to fight against the waves.
"Who's a good girl? Y/N cooed, a grin spreading across her face as the wet dog ran back towards her, eager for another toss. The golden retriever dropped the toy back at her feet, tail soaked but still wagging.
But just as Y/N leaned down to grab it, Elly started to shake all the water off her. "No Elly!" The girl groaned, raising her hands up in defense even though she knew it was useless. She was already drenched, water droplets instantly soaking into her shirt.
Y/N sighed, feeling somewhat refreshed from the spray. It woke her up slightly. "You're an idiot." She said, wiping the water off her hands. Her dog jumped in reply, bending back down to nudge the toy. “Fine, it’s because I love you.” She scratched under Elly's chin.
Elly barked, begging for more playtime. Y/N shrugged in response. Knowing there was probably no one else on the secluded beach. Only a few people knew about it; mostly locals and neighbors. Plus it was nearing the end of summer, and many people wouldn't think about swimming in the ocean this time of year. Maine's water was rarely warm. But for a spunky golden retriever, it was the closest thing to heaven.
A hard gust of wind swirled around Y/N, causing her hair to blow across her face. "Ack.." She rolled her eyes, using one hand to brush the hair out of her mouth, and the other to scoop up Elly's toy and throw it back again. This time though, the girl was off balance. She accidentally threw the toy way too far to her right, just hitting the shore by a few feet.
The dog darted across the beach, kicking up sand in her path. Elly snatched the toy in her mouth, pausing before looking at her owner.
Elly’s head perked up, turning her head in the opposite direction. Y/N could tell by her stance that there was something nearby that only she could hear.
"Come here!" The girl called, trying to distract her rambunctious dog. She was only 2 years old and still new to the whole 'training' thing.
A bark echoed in the distance.
Y/N's heart dropped. "Elly..." She pleaded, knowing if the dog ran, there was a high chance it would take forever to get her back. The girl inched slowly to her, holding the leash out, ready to hook her as soon as she was close enough.
The. suddenly, a dog appeared across the coast, darting down so fast she had to blink a few times to realize it was closing in on them. A grey pitbull?
Elly bolted, ears perking up as the other dog yipped louder. Just Y/N’s luck. "Shit! Elly no!" The girl ran after her dog, sand kicking up behind the both of them.
"Tessa!" Y/N heard a voice float through the wind, almost making her stop in her tracks. As she jogged to catch up to the dogs, she peered across the beach and saw a man running as hard as he could.
She almost burst out laughing as she reached the animals, who were already sniffing each other's butts and becoming friends.
"Bad girl!" Y/N quipped, prying herself between the two dogs to attach Elly back on her leash. Right after her success, she was tackled with kisses from the pitbull apparently named Tessa.
"Oh hello!" She giggled, bending down on her knees from the dog's weight. Tessa licked her face so many times that Y/N lost count. The dog continued to jump wildly, threatening to tip the girl over each time she received another kiss to her face. "Stop stop stop!" The girl belly laughed, loving every second of the dog's affection.
Elly on the other hand, sat there and barked, leaning in every once in awhile to add licks of her own. Eventually, Y/N heard the stranger's feet hitting the ground as he caught up to his pet.
"Help..." Y/N managed to choke out during laughs, moving her head to the side, avoiding a lick on the lips from the pitbull.
"Tessa, darling!" He chuckled, grabbing his girl by the collar and pulling her off Y/N. "That's so rude of you!" His foreign accent was thick.
"I'm so very sorry." He apologized. "She's incredibly rambunctious."
"I-it's not a problem..." She spoke quickly, brushing the sand off her bottom and shoulders. "Your dog is so nice..." Y/N looked up at the stranger... her sentence trailing off as she met his deep brown eyes.
"I... um..." She stuttered, at loss for words. It was her first chance to get a good look at him and—damn. She could hardly breathe. He was undeniably handsome.
"Hi..." Y/N winced as soon as the greeting left her lips. She was making a fool of herself. The stranger looked around her age. He had somewhat curly brown hair, brown eyes, chiseled features, and very toned arms. She could see the outline of his muscles from underneath his shirt. The thought made her cheeks turn red.
The man was staring at her too, in just as much surprise it seemed. But fortunately for Y/N, he was able to recover from his shock.
He held out his hand. "I'm Tom, it's nice to meet you-?"
"Y/N." She blushed, grasping his hand firmly. He was so polite, and for some reason, he seemed familiar.
After a lingering stare, Tom bent down and slipped Tessa's collar back on. "She's a wild one." He laughed. "Always outsmarting me."
"She's a great kisser." Y/N teased, patting the top of her head. "Is Tessa her name?"
He nodded, not seeming to care that Y/N was so close to him. "How did you know?"
"I heard you yelling it from across the beach." She chuckled. "She's quick."
"Indeed." He smiled.
His smile literally made Y/N melt on the spot. It seemed so genuine, so kind. Who the hell was this guy? Her heart was racing by just one look.
Y/N managed to gather her pride after a moment of silence. "Speaking of which, I haven't seen you around before. Where're you from?"
He raised his eyebrow. "Is it because of my accent?"
"Indeed." She mimicked him, feeling more at ease by his nonchalant gestures. "I like it."
"I'm from Kingston." Tom clarified, standing back up straight. "I'm here visiting my grandmother. Mum wanted me to take a vacation." He simpered, gaze focusing on the ocean. He squinted as he stared into the horizon. "Maine reminds me a lot of home, just more rocky."
"What's London like?" Y/N asked.
"Completely different." A light gust of breeze blew his hair to the side. He reached up and ran a hand through it.
Noticing her stare, he turned with a smile. "But what about you? Are you a native?"
"To Maine?" Y/N tilted her head as Tom‘s eyes crinkled.
He nodded.
"Born and raised." She sighed. She really loved her home, but her heart longed to see the world.
And right now, she needed to get away more than ever.
"Why don't you seem happy about that?"
"I am." She smiled sadly. Tom could tell something was wrong, but decided it wasn't in his place to ask about it. They had just met after all.
"Do you come here often then?" He gestured to the secluded beach.
"Yeah. Not many people know about it, I'm surprised to find a tourist here. It’s never happened before."
"I'm glad I did." He chewed on the inside of his lip before turning to look at Y/N. "Or I wouldn't have met you."
She blushed a deep shade of red. "I don't know how you deal with strangers in London, but you can't stay stuff like that so casually!" The girl said with a flustered tone, gaze flickering to her feet. She felt like she was going to burst.
He started laughing with his hand on his stomach. She almost fainted right there on the spot. His laugh was so gentle and amusing. "I'm sorry darling. I didn't mean to embarrass you." His confidence was obvious.
"I-its okay." She exhaled, the way darling rolled off his tongue sounded like a sweet melody.
There was only a brief moment of silence, but it was comfortable. It felt right in so many ways, like she could get used to it forever.
Snapping back to reality, Y/N stumbled to the side as Elly pulled against her leash. Tessa also jumped up from the sand and started to bark.
The two laughed together. They could only keep their dogs calm for so long.
"Well." Tom’s alluring voice cut through the tension. "I can't keep the little lass in one place for too long."
Y/N smiled, knowing it was probably the last time she would see the handsome man. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, locking eyes with her once again. "Would you care to give me your number? I would love to see you again."
Her eyes widened. "Oh, of course!" The girl dug into her pocket and pulled out her smartphone. Tom gave her his phone and the two exchanged numbers.
Y/N handed his phone back to him, skin flaring with heat as their fingers brushed together.
She glanced at the contact he had added. "No way!" She giggled. "Holland? Your grandmother is Mary?"
"You know her?" Tom grinned.
"Yeah." Y/N reflected back on all the conversations she had with the older woman. They were neighbors, well, kind of. She lived a few blocks over, which wasn't far in the small town. "I met her on this very beach. No wonder she told you to come down."
"She did mention it was a certain pretty girl's favorite spot."
"No way." Y/N rolled her eyes. She felt her face flaring up again. Everything he said made her heart race, even if it wasn’t intended to.
Tom flashed the same heart-warming smile, seeming to be realizing the same thing.
"Well, Grandma is too old to show me around for more than an hour. Even though I adore her, I would love for a beautiful girl to show me around instead. We both would."
"It would be my pleasure." Y/N said, eyes sparkling in admiration. There was no way someone could be this smooth, handsome, and nice at the same time. He was literally sweeping her off her feet.
"I'll text you then." He held his gaze a little longer than appropriate, but she didn't mind.
"I hope to see you soon, Y/N." He bowed jokingly, turning on his heels and submitting to the constant tugging from his dog.
The girl watched them jog along the coast until they disappeared.
Elly whined, holding the toy in her mouth. She dropped it back at Y/N's feet.
"It's time to go home baby." She sighed, picking up the toy and shoving it into her purse.
Y/N walked away from the shore with a smile on her face.
The pink sky was comforting, yet it still didn't settle her nerves. Her head was spinning from the thought of him.
But a least, it was a distraction. The best one she could have ever hoped for.
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madamemalfoywrites · 7 years
A Little Bit of Love
Commission for @xeternal-fantasiesx thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to write this! My first time for Lev x Yaku but it was lots of fun! Lev is such a big puppy dog ^o^ Warning: Fluffy feels ahead lol enjoy!
That was definitely the word.
Lev was lanky.
And loud.
Loud was another good word.
Lev was definitely loud.
Yaku hated both of those things. How awkward the alpha was with limbs so long he didn’t know what to do with them, and an overwhelming amount of energy that seemed to bubble and burst in random spurts of idiocy.
And yet, despite all that…
“You’re blushing again~”
Yaku swatted at Kuroo, scowling at the alpha, “I am not.”
“Maybe you should take this week off too,” Kuroo suggested, “Wouldn’t want you to bust a nut just from looking at the guy—”
The captain was left unable to say anything else, Yaku having kicked him right in the stomach. It was a good thing it was the end of practice, because though Kuroo didn’t ever admit it Yaku’s hits hurt a lot more than anyone ever really let on. With everything put away, the team made their way to the club room to change and get ready to go home.
On the walk there, Yaku wondered if maybe Kuroo was right. It’d been a long time since he’d last had his heat. Courtesy of suppressants, of course.
Suppressants were a requirement for all omegas but they were especially helpful to athletes, who had to compete certain months out of the year. Though they weren’t exactly a cure all, they gave a solid 9 months or so before an omega would have to go through heat again. It wasn’t healthy to wait much longer than that, and Yaku’s time was just about up. Besides waiting longer than the 9 months usually meant unpleasant side effects.
Yaku didn’t particularly mind his heats. They were just something that came with being an omega. It didn’t exactly interfere in any meaningful way so he just dealt with it the way most omegas did.
But it had been almost a full year since his last heat, and he’d forgotten about the symptoms that came along with it.  
Particularly those that happened just before his heat. Everyone called it pre-heat. And for the most part it was sort of awful. Pre-heat came with cramps, mood swings, bloating, sudden strokes of hunger and sometimes a stray headache snuck in there as well. Omegas also became especially needy of touch during this time, platonic or otherwise. That was the part Yaku struggled with the most.
Mood swings he could deal with. That was more of a personal problem anyway. He just had to make sure he thought things through before snapping at someone. But the need to scent, to touch, the fact that just being near an alpha made him calmer was sort of difficult to deal with on his own. It wasn’t something he liked admitting to people.
Especially when Lev was babbling at him in the middle of the club room, shirt off, saying something or other that Yaku wasn’t really registering, because Yaku had been in the middle of changing as well, but more importantly, he was mesmerized by how white the alpha’s skin was.
Had Lev always been that pale?
Without thinking about it, he reached out to touch the alpha, fingers sliding down Lev’s torso. The simple touch alone was enough to start a happy hum in his throat.
Lev stood frozen, for once in his life quiet, staring at Yaku with those big green eyes of his. Yaku swallowed, realizing what he’d done, pulling his hand away in quick embarrassment.
“Sorry,” he said, as if that would explain everything, grabbing his clean shirt and putting it over his head.
Suddenly, he was pulled from behind, the scent surrounding him one he immediately recognized as Kenma, the fellow omega rubbing his nose against Yaku’s scent glands.
“Don’t get touch starved,” was all he said, before returning beside Kuroo to finish changing.
Yaku managed a nod, before he finished getting dressed, leaving the locker room before anyone else, stepping out into the open air and slapping his hands against his warm cheeks. He’d definitely made a face he never planned on showing to anyone.  
Back inside the locker room, Lev was touching his chest where Yaku had touched, looking as if he were in a sort of daze, shaking his head before he finished changing himself.
“Kuroo-senpai!” he called, much louder than was really necessary, “Is Yaku-senpai touch starved?” He asked, recalling what Kenma had said earlier.
Kuroo looked from Kenma to Lev, Kenma giving him a don’t do it kind of look, Kuroo returning it with a cheshire sort of grin before focusing his attention back to the first year.
“Yaku will start his heat soon,” Kuroo explained, “Since our training camp is over. But his pre-heat symptoms get pretty bad, so he needs constant touches to avoid getting starved.”
“Really,” Lev’s eyes widened, “Are they that bad?”
There was a collective sort of groan that came from the rest of the team, because a lie this obvious was pretty cringe-worthy, but for some reason Lev still seemed to believe the captain.
“Oh yeah,” Kuroo continued, “I mean all omegas get pretty cuddly but you know Yaku. Stubborn as an ox, so he doesn’t like admitting it. It’s why he usually sticks to Kenma. But I bet if it were you, he’d definitely like that.”
Lev shifted awkwardly, blinking at the captain, “Wouldn’t—wouldn’t he just kick me again?”
“Who knows?” Kuroo shrugged, “But we wouldn’t want him to get touch starved would we?”
The shining glow returned to the Russian’s eyes, Lev balling his hand into a fist of determination, “I can do it!”
Today was a bad day. Yaku knew from the moment he woke up. He kept on making these short little whines kept popping up out of knowhere, he had a headache, and it felt like the entirety of his body was cramping. It was just not going to be his day. All he wanted was to curl up into his nest and murmur himself to sleep. If he didn’t have a test in English he probably would have stayed home.
He also would have skipped out on practice, since there wasn’t much going on anyway, but his legs led him there out of habit, so he figured he’d might as well get changed and warm up with everyone else. Maybe some exercise would help brighten up his mood.
All of him just felt so…achey.
He’d just finished running a few laps around the gym, getting his fill of water, when Lev ran up to him, screaming out for Yaku-senpai!!
The alpha grabbed Yaku by the hands, causing him to drop his water bottle, and before Yaku had the time to ask him just what he was doing, Lev began throwing up a circus of words.
“I’ll make sure you don’t get touch starved!” He squeezed Yaku’s hands as he said so, emphasizing the bold declaration, “You’re very important to our team and you’re my important senpai! So please excuse me!”
Yaku didn’t have the chance to stop him, the alpha bending at the waist so that he could nuzzle Yaku’s scent glands.
The omega’s heart slowed.
This was…platonic. It was platonic, wasn’t it? Yaku’s heart sped up again, the sudden rush of blood making his cheeks go pink. Lev was too close. Much too close. And he was rubbing his scent all over him. Yaku could smell him. He smelled…oddly of sugar. And grass? It was a terrible combination, really. Should have made him want to throw up but it made Yaku strangely calm instead, and before he even realized he was sighing into the alpha’s embrace, craning his neck a little to receive more affection.
Omega instinct was stronger than he ever could have hoped to be. Because for whatever reason, his headache was gone.
Lev pulled away with a large smile on his face, looking like he was waiting for a reward of some sort. Yaku sighed, because uncalled for or not, the alpha did manage to make his headache disappear. Though Yaku was partially convinced it would have been the same if Kuroo or any of the other alphas on the team had scented him. Alpha pheromones just had that kind of effect.
Still though, he sighed, reaching up and patting the tall alpha on the head. “Thank you, Lev.” He figured he must have looked a lot worse than he felt, for Lev to come to his rescue like that. It was sort of cute, dammit.
And it kinda made Yaku smile.
Lev had never seen anything like it before. That soft expression on the omega’s face that just made him want to cuddle him all over again. That almost-there smile and that gentle touch of the omega’s hand on his head.
It made his heart beat fast.
So even Yaku could be kind like this. In all honesty Lev didn’t know what to do, because kicks and getting yelled at he could handle, but the soft praise and patting from his senpai was more than he could have ever asked for.
Excitement bubbled in his chest, determination once again lining his features, “If you need a hug then I’ll hug you! I googled so I’m confident in my abilities to help you through your pre-heat symptoms!”
Stiffly, Yaku pulled his hand back, clearing his throat. “My symptoms aren’t that bad,” he said simply, already beginning to shift his body in the opposite direction, “But—thank you.”
Lev felt his chest swell with pride, the alpha standing up even taller than usual, “YOU’RE WELCOME!” He called, mouth wide open in a flashy grin, happiness filling every bone in his body.
This was his chance. With this, he could get closer to Yaku-senpai. Thanks to Kuroo-san, Lev now finally had the opportunity he’d been waiting for.
As they got further into the week, however, Lev wasn’t so convinced that Yaku’s symptoms weren’t that bad. Because the omega was increasingly more affectionate, not just with him but with the rest of the team, stealing a touch here and a nuzzle there whenever he seemed to get a chance. And although Lev was certainly the one receiving most of Yaku’s impulses, it still slightly bothered him whenever he saw the omega being scent marked by Kuroo. Even if it was platonic, it was unsettling.
They were really close, weren’t they?
Not only that but, the rest of the team didn’t seem shocked or put off in the least. As if they were already used to Yaku’s soft side. As if it were all just natural.
Lev couldn’t get used to it. No matter how many times Yaku nuzzled up against him, or gave a passing touch, or let a soft hum vibrate in his throat, Lev couldn’t adjust. Couldn’t stop his heart from practically beating out of his chest.
Especially with the way Yaku was starting to smell, giving off such a sweet scent, so sweet it was inviting, almost, and Lev had never experienced anything like that before, nothing that was this close, and he couldn’t figure out if it was because it was Yaku or if he was only feeling like this because the omega was approaching his heat.
Probably a mix of both.
Not to mention once Friday rolled around, he and Yaku had been put in charge of cleaning up, so there was no one else around besides the two of them. Kuroo had wanted to let someone else do the cleaning, since Yaku was obviously getting really close to his heat, but Yaku said it was part of his club duties and he didn’t want anyone taking his place.
That scent was only all the more obvious when they were alone together. It made Lev anxiously lick his lips. He tightened his grip on the mop, trying to focus on just cleaning up the gym and then getting out of there.
Because sometimes his alpha instinct got the better of him. And though he was confident he wouldn’t do anything to that extreme (and that Yaku was more than capable of taking care of himself should that happen), Lev wasn’t positive he wouldn’t end up saying something stupid.
Because Lev had this horrible habit of sometimes saying something stupid.
Especially when Yaku was moving around the way he was, sweat making the little short hairs stick to the back of his neck, the omega carefully folding up the net like it was his millionth time doing something like that.
That was what Lev liked the most about Yaku. He was dedicated. More than anything else, the omega pushed towards his goals, and didn’t give up.
It was something he thought that made them sort of similar.
He shook the thought away, continuing with the floors. That is, until he felt a weight on his back, short arms wrapping around his torso.
Yaku was nuzzling his back.
Lev swallowed, trying to fight back the urge to pick the omega up and nuzzle him ten-fold.
“Sorry,” Yaku yawned, “I’m just a little tired.”
“Oh it’s fine!” Lev answered immediately, figuring the floor would do the way it was, “Do you want me to carry you to the club room?”
The omega snorted, playfully punching Lev on the arm as he pulled away, “I’m not that weak.”
“Still though,” Lev said eagerly, “If you’re tired—”
“I’ll be fine,” Yaku insisted, “But thank you—”
Lev wasn’t sure what overtook him at the moment, it probably wasn’t his best of ideas (but none of his ideas were ever really good) and without thinking he swept up the omega in his arms, carrying him princess style.
He should’ve guessed Yaku would’ve been pissed by that.
But Lev kinda figured Yaku was mostly pissed because the way he was being held made it really obvious that there was a boner in his pants.
That was an omega in pre-heat, for you.
“I like you!” Lev blurted, unable to look away from the outline in Yaku’s shorts, “I really like you Yaku-senpai!”
Yaku struggled, wasting no time in jumping out of the alpha’s hold, smacking him on the head and calling him an idiot.
“Think properly before you confess to someone like that! What’re you gonna do if instinct dictates your whole life?”
“It’s not instinct!” Lev whined, rubbing the top of his head, “I’ve always liked Yaku-senpai!”
Yaku frowned, grabbing the alpha by the front of his shirt and dragging him to the end of the gym before ordering him to sit down, muttering angrily something about how tall Lev was.
Lev did as he was told obediently, sitting down on the floor and looking up at Yaku, half wondering if the omega would end up kicking him in the face.
To his surprise, however, Yaku settled himself in Lev’s lap instead, nuzzling up against the alpha’s scent glands.
“Did you mean it?”
It was so quiet that Lev almost didn’t even really hear it.
“Yes,” the alpha nodded, squeezing Yaku to him, “Absolutely.”
“Did you only just realize it?” Yaku asked, somewhat somberly, keeping his face hidden in the alpha’s neck.
Lev shook his head, “I—“
“Are you only attracted to me because I’m in pre-heat? You know better than anyone I’m not usually like this.”
“I know!” Lev spoke quickly, squeezing Yaku again, “I like the Yaku during regular practices and I like the Yaku now! I especially like the Yaku right now because I’ve never been so close to you before,” the alpha licked his lips, unable to keep his words from falling over each other, “I actually confessed to Kuroo-senpai about it—because I didn’t want to be hated—but Kuroo-senpai said you didn’t hate me and that made me really happy! And then, when you started nuzzling, I—”
He stopped abruptly, Yaku having bitten his neck.
“I get it, idiot,” he sighed, relaxing in the alpha’s hold, “You could have summed that up in two sentences.”
Lev trembled slightly, though he nodded regardless, shifting awkwardly from where he sat on the floor. “How…um…” he swallowed, licking his lips in anxiousness, “How does Yaku-senpai feel about me?”
Yaku shot his head up, glaring at the alpha, and again Lev thought Yaku might just hit him. But he didn’t. Just said, “Do you think I sit on just any alpha’s lap?”
“Um, well, I don’t know—”
Lev was pulled forward by the front of his shirt again, his lips crashing against Yaku’s for a brief moment, before the omega pulled away just as quickly, cheeks red and eyes fluttering downwards in a fluster.
“That—“ Yaku kept them an arm’s length away, “That should be obvious enough, shouldn’t it?”
“Yaku-senpai! Can we do that again—!”
This time he was hit on the head, and Lev couldn’t help but let out the kind of whine a pup might after their mother scolds them. But Yaku just snuggled into him again, telling him to wait until after his heat was over.
The alpha perked up, snuggling into the omega’s cheek, “And then we can kiss again?”
Yaku scoffed, but didn’t pull away, “Yeah,” he said, “Then we can kiss again.”
“Yaku-senpai? Does that mean we’re going out now?”
The omega laughed, pressing his nose into Lev’s cheek, shaking his head, “Learn to read the mood, idiot?”
Lev shifted, holding Yaku just a little tighter, “So, that’s a yes?”
Yaku rolled his eyes, before placing another quick kiss onto Lev’s cheek, “It’s a yes. And I won’t let you get out of confessing to me either. Even if you regret it later.”
“I won’t! I’d never regret it!”
Then it happened. Lev saw that soft smile Yaku had given him the other day in the club room.
And that was something he hoped to see again and again.
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cappuccinosweets · 7 years
Puppy Blues
Title: Puppy Blues
Warnings: Violence and death (somewhat)
Pairing: RFA x MC
Description: The RFA members meet the most important being in MC’s life--her dog!
Today was the day! Zen was finally going to meet your family! For your sake he tried to keep calm and remain positive
. Strict dad? No problem! Zen’s a pretty straightlaced guy--despite his shady history--he knows how to respect authority. Protective mom? It’s alright! It doesn’t matter how long it takes! He’s determined to show her his sincerity. Overbearing siblings?  Well, he’s been with Yoosung and Seven almost all the time-- Zen’s sure he can manage your brothers and sisters.
Your family had invited the two of you for dinner at your parents’ house.
From the moment the two of you crossed the threshold of your childhood home, Zen was on his best behavior. 
He didn’t actually have to try much though. Your family was obsessed with him!
Except... for one particular member.
“Al!” you crooned as you fed your childhood pet some scraps off the table.
Almond, the gigantic Doberman, had never once left your side since your arrival with Zen.  
The dog was practically like your shadow! Dark, sleek and serious--he looked like it was was his sworn duty to protect you from everything--Zen included!
“Babeee,” Zen attempted to grab your attention “come have a taste of the cake your mom baked. It’s so good~”
Zen leaned in to feed you off of his spoon when Almond started to growl--a deep guttural sound that came from the back of his throat.
Zen caught the angry dog’s eyes and in them he could see his impending doom.
“Make one more move,” Almond seemed to say, “and I’ll bite your throat off.”
Your family laughed as Zen backed off.
You bit back your own laughter and tried to comfort your pouting boyfriend.
“Sorry, sweetie,” You placed a quick peck on Zen’s cheek, “he’s not usually like this...I think...Almond just misses me that’s all.”
 “It’s alright.”  Zen smiled he couldn’t really stay mad about this. It was silly to get jealous and fight over your affections with a dog.
He looked over and got a hold of Almond’s dark eyes. Zen made sure the dog was looking when he kissed you back. At that moment Zen swore the that Doberman got even more mad at him.
It was petty but Zen felt a rush of satisfaction after that. 
The whole night he wore a smug grin on his face. In his good mood he even let you drag him out into the yard in the cold night air.
“My parents like you,” you told him matter of factly and Zen couldn’t help but laugh.
“I know,” He admitted to which you raised your brow suspiciously.
“Look at you! Getting all cocky!”
He pinched your cheek and made a face, “I know I shouldn’t lower my guard but I do genuinely think that I made a good impression on your family. It’s your dog that I’m worried about.”
“Almond?” You looked over at your dog. Sitting rigidly at the porch. 
Zen could feel Almond’s eyes watching over the two of you closely, as if waiting for an opening to pounce on him.
“Yes! Haven’t you noticed, MC? Your dog hates me!”
“Almond doesn’t hate you,” this time you laughed freely, “It’s just been a while since I last saw him so that’s why he’s like that.”
 “MC,” Zen was dead serious now, “he growled at me. He growled at me!”
You laughed even harder, “He did scare you pretty good, huh? He ohh--”
You missed a step and all of a sudden you were falling. Zen had looped his hand around your waist and he was quick to grab on to you. Catching you before you could have completely fallen in. 
Maybe it was the dark of the night but you hadn’t noticed that there was a shallow ditch dug on your backyard. It wasn’t really that deep but the ground was damp and your foot had sunken in.
From a distance you could hear Almond barking frantically. From right beside you Zen was the same but you know he was trying his best to stay calm.
“MC! Just--just hold on okay?” he grunted as he adjusted his grip on you, “I’m going to pull you out alright? Just tell me if you feel any pain, okay?”
You nodded fervently at Zen’s instructions. From behind him you saw Almond. Your dog was looking straight at you, his tail frantically wagging as Zen pulled you out from the earth. 
You closed your eyes and tried to distract yourself from the throbbing pain on your ankle.
You focused on Zen’s voice and Almond’s low howls. You breathed in deeply as you clung to Zen’s shoulders.
“Alright, babe--I’m gonna pull you out one more time. Just hold on--one, two and three!”
At the count of three your foot popped off the ground. 
Zen lifted you up and hugged you to his chest, his laughter bubbling with relief.
“Are you alright?” He brushed away the stray hair from your face.
“Yeah,” you told him, “that was really cool of you.”
Zen chuckled in response. He shifted you in his arms so he could carry you back to the house.
Your whole family was in disarray as they saw you and Zen enter the house, with Almond trailing behind you.
After explaining what had happened Zen set you down on the couch so your mom could apply ice on your ankle.
Your dad said he would take a look at the ditch tomorrow, mumbling something about Almond probably digging up the lawn again.
Eventually, everything quieted down. Your parents insisted that you and Zen stay over for the night--with the condition of staying in separate rooms, of course. 
Your dad gave you some pain killers for you ankle and soon enough you were knocked out.
When you woke up you were still on the couch. Your family probably decided it was best not to move you. 
A blanket had been tucked over you and at your side was a snoring boyfriend with a gigantic Doberman on his lap.
It was a school holiday and Yoosung had decided to surprise you with some snacks and a movie marathon. 
He came to your apartment goodies in hand and a smile on his face as he rang your doorbell. 
He jumped when he suddenly heard a series of barks as a reply.  
Strange, you didn’t mention anything about owning a dog. Maybe he got the wrong address?
Before he could think about it too much, your head popped out of the door. A delighted smile breaking out of your features when you saw him.
“Yoosung!” you exclaimed, still hiding behind the door, “what a treat! What brings you here?”
He could still hear the dog yapping behind the door  but you didn’t seem to mind it so he decided not to mention it.
“It--it’s a holiday today!” he explained, “I brought some stuff over thinking maybe we could hang out. Is--is this a bad time?”
“No, no, no” You grinned even wider, “not at all. I’m just, actually looking after my aunt’s dog, Peanut. We can hangout--that is if you don’t mind that he’s around.”
“Not really,”
“Great!” you flashed him another smile and Yoosung swore his heart could burst at any moment, “Just give me a sec, so I can calm Peanut down for a bit.”
You closed the door for a bit and when you opened it again you were holding a 6-month old beagle by the collar, laughing as it tried to lick your face. 
“Peanut!” you tried to sound firm but Yoosung could see that you were about to burst out into a fit of giggles. It was adorable.
“Come in Yoosung,” you managed to say in between deep gasps of breath, “he’s slobbery but harmless.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Yoosung murmured as he closed the door behind him.
You let go of Peanut and immediately, the dog went  berserk--running around the house his floppy ears flapping around like wings.
“He’s so silly,” you cooed before giving your boyfriend a peck on the lips, “I’m glad you came over.”
Your boyfriend blushed a deep scarlet, “I’m glad too.”
You and Yoosung set up on your couch arranging the snacks he brought on the coffee table in front of the TV.
After the two of you decided what movie to watch you settled in on the couch.
Yoosung was ready to cuddle and just as he was about to pull you into an embrace, when Peanut jumped over and settled on to your lap.
The dog barked happily, oblivious to the moment he just ruined. You laughed thinking that it was cute. 
Yoosung on the other hand was starting to get annoyed. 
This was your day with him!
You weren’t going to pay more attention to the dog than him, right?
The whole afternoon practically revolved around Peanut. 
Twenty minutes into the movie, the dog started to get bored and started to whine. He jumped out of your lap and brought you a toy.
You immediately understood that he wanted to play a game so once every so often you would throw the toy in some random corner of the house and the dog would fetch it. 
It was distracting for Yoosung. It was alright when the dog would scamper away when you threw the toy but once in a while you would get engrossed in the movie and kind of forget about Peanut. The dog would start howling to get your attention. 
On several occasions you would get up to refill Peanut’s water bowl because he kept running it over. 
Yoosung practically begged you to just ignore the mess, since the dog would just run over the bowl again. He swore Peanut was doing this on purpose. 
You apologized on several occasions which made Yoosung feel guilty.
He didn’t really know what to do at this point. He couldn’t really blame you. You were just looking after this dog for your relative and plus, Peanut didn’t know any better.
Realizing this Yoosung, extended his patience, albeit a little reluctantly.
When your aunt came over to pick Peanut up and Yoosung was beyond  relieved.
Once you said goodbye to your aunt, Yoosung was quick to cling on to you.
“What’s wrong?” You laughed at your boyfriend’s sudden display of affection.
You could see the pout prominently jutting out, “Noona, you love me more than Peanut, right?”
“Of course!” you petted Yoosung’s hair trying to reassure him.
He cuddled into you closer, never letting go for the rest of that afternoon.
It seems like you had a needy puppy of your own.
You were at home sick with the flu.
Jumin had done his research about this. According to what he had read, the correct protocol, was to go to your house and nurse you back to health.
Jaehee had been adamantly against the idea but once Jumin’s mind was set there was no changing it.
He came to your house, guards and all, with ingredients for chicken soup, some organic fruit gelatin and medicine.
He had met your parents before but it was actually the first time he had visited your house. 
Jumin’s first impression as your mother ushered him into your abode, was that it was warm and inviting--exactly the kind of environment he imagined you growing up in.
What did surprise him was the big black dog that sat at the foot of your bed.
Your mother explained that it was your dog, Bear, a Rottweiler that had been in your family ever since you were a teenager.
Jumin could see that the dog was aptly named. The dog had a broad back, black fur tumbling all over it like a curtain of black satin. It had a big head and an even bigger mouth, Jumin noted, as it opened it’s maw to yawn.
Bear looked like he could tear anyone apart with that kind of physique, yet the dog did nothing but look over you as you slept in your bed.  
“He loves her a lot,” Your mom said quietly, almost reading Jumin’s thoughts, “Bear had always looks after MC even when she’s all grown up.”
“Then maybe I should visit MC later,” Jumin murmured, “when Bear is no longer in the room.”
Your mother chuckled softly, “I don’t think he’ll be leaving anytime soon. Besides, he’s not going to bite you.”
Jumin gave her a doubtful look and she shrugged.
“If you’re apprehensive then maybe you can come back later once MC is awake. Bear tends to be a little more gentle when she’s around.”
Jumin didn’t need to be told twice. He followed your mom to the kitchen.
He stole a peek at you again.
The image of you and Bear snoring at your side was engraved on his mind.
Jumin and your mom prepared the ingredients he had brought in to soup. It was his first time making anything of the sort and he was proud to say that it ended up pretty well. 
That maybe mostly because of your mom. It didn’t matter, he had fun making it and he learned something new in the process.
Jumin served the soup into a bowl. He arranged it together on to a tray, along with silverware and the gelatin and medicine he had brought for you.
He was so delighted at his little creation that he had momentarily forgotten about Bear. 
Jumin came into your room carrying the tray. Bear looked up from where he sat on your floor, mostly curious at the sudden noise.
Jumin stood rooted to the spot. He wasn’t sure of what to do next. You were still fast asleep and your mother was downstairs. The rest of your family was out. His bodyguards were all waiting for him outside of the house.
Jumin didn’t have anyone to call for immediate help. He wasn’t entirely familiar with your dog except for the comments your mom had made earlier.
 What if the smell of the soup had roused the dog? 
Would he attack Jumin to try and get the soup?
If so would Jumin be able to fend him off?
 His best chance would be to just surrender the soup.
Bear looked at Jumin, as if studying him. The dog had dark black eyes. They were shiny like marbles. Bear looked at Jumin with the same look he often saw with Elizabeth III--intelligent. That spurred something in Jumin and in that moment he decided to take a risk.
“I’m not here to harm her,” Jumin found himself telling the dog, “I’m just here to bring her food and take care of her--like what you’re doing.”
For several heartbeats the dog continued to stare at Jumin.
He hadn’t realized that he was holding his breath until Bear stretched to lie down on his paws.
On the floor, Bear looked like a giant hairy carpet. He stayed there, still looking up at Jumin and continued to do nothing.
Jumin took this as a sign that he could enter. 
“Thank you,” he nodded at the dog and Bear blinked at him sleepily, still docile.
Jumin walked into your room and set the tray on your nightstand. He checked to see if he had disturbed you but you were still in a deep sleep.
He wanted to touch you, assure you that everything was alright and that he was there. However, he hesitated.
 Jumin could feel Bear’s eyes on him the entire time.
It was probably a stupid move since he actually allowed the dog an open invitation to his jugular but Jumin bent down and kneeled in front of Bear.
He didn’t dare make any sudden moves, “Hello Bear, I don’t think I’ve properly introduced myself yet... I’m Jumin Han.”
Bear cocked his head as if listening to Jumin. This encouraged him to keep talking.
“I--I don’t know if you understand this but I’m currently dating her,” Jumin pointed at MC, Bear’s eyes following his index finger as it gestured back to Jumin, “I love her--just like you love her. Maybe even more.”
Jumin chuckled as he ran his hands through his hair. He couldn’t believe he was confessing his love for you, to your dog! 
Yet, he continued.
“You’ve done a good job protecting her and her family. I’m not saying that I’m going to be taking your job but... you’re probably gonna see me around more often. If you’ll allow me, I hope I’ll do a good job of taking care of them as well.”
Jumin waited--he wasn’t sure what he was waiting for exactly. but he remained still. 
He became frozen when Bear slowly stood up, leaned his heavy head and licked Jumin’s hand.
Jumin was in a state of pure awe. He looked up at Bear, silently panting--almost smiling and Jumin opened his palm.
The dog shuffled closer and rubbed its gigantic head on Jumin’s palm.
Bear had given Jumin his blessing.
“Good boy,” Jumin whispered.
Unbeknownst to them both, you had woken up to witness the entire thing.
You remained quiet, not wanting to disturb them.
Jumin would find you later, eyes brimming with happy tears.
Saeyoung wasn’t sure if dogs could make facial expressions but he was pretty sure that yours was mad--at him specifically.
The tiny dachshund, Violet, had barked at him when he came into your apartment and it continued to growl at him as he sat on your countertop.
You assured him that she was friendly--just a little outspoken but he didn’t want to take any chances. 
He would like to come out of your house with a complete set of limbs thank you very much.
You didn’t understand why he was so afraid of Via. He liked all kinds of animals, you saw him interact with cats and dogs all the time. Why was Via any different?
“Did you know,” he grinned from your countertop, “that animals and children can sense when a person is bad?”
You were about to go out on a whole spiel about how he wasn’t a bad person but he cut you off. 
“Just let me work on your computer, MC.”  He chuckled, “then I’ll leave so your dog won’t have a seizure.”
It hurt him to see you so sad but that was the truth. It was important that you were reminded of that.
You left him alone at your kitchen with your computer. You took Violet with you much to his relief but he still remained perched on your counter. 
He set up camp there. He turned on his laptop as well as yours and placed his backpack against the wall as he worked. 
You stayed in your room and decided to leave him alone for a few hours but you fell asleep. 
Violet escaped your room and went back into the kitchen to bark at Saeyoung.
“Still not done yet?” He sighed, “well you can’t really get up here now can you?”
The dog growled.
Saeyoung flashed Violet his tongue, “Bleeeh,”
The dog gave up for a while and Saeyoung continued with his work. 
For a few minutes it was quiet until he heard the some light tapping. He stopped typing to look around him.
 Nothing seemed out of place.
He continued to work on your computer when the tapping continued. When he looked around, this time he saw that Violet had jumped on to the counter. 
Seayoung yelped falling over and landing on his ass. 
He thought the dog would leap over and attack him but instead it went and launched itself at his backpack. 
Violet attacked his bag, growling and barking like a maniac.
Saeyoung scrambled over on to his feet and tried to separate Violet from his bag.
“Let go!” he huffed, “Hey! What’s wrong with you? It’s just a bag? MC!”
Saeyoung pulled Violet and his bag apart and when he finally did he saw something wiggling on Violet’s mouth--it was a rat. A huge one at that.
Surprised, Saeyoung dropped the dog. 
Violet shook the rat until it became limp.
Once she was sure that it was dead, Violet dropped the rat on the floor and looked at Saeyoung expectantly.
You came barrelling into the kitchen almost a second later.
“What--what happened?” you were still half asleep, “Did Violet bite you?”
“No,” Saeyoung was still in shock he rummaged through his bag and saw a desecrated bag of chips.
He pulled it out for you to see, “The rat must have smelled my chips. Violet caught it.”
“She did,” the pooch casually trotted towards you and you picked her up.
You grinned at her before turning to Saeyoung. 
“Did you know,” you laughed, “that dachshunds are hunting dogs?”
Violet sniffed in your arms.
Saeyoung broke into a grin, “You don’t say?”
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