#and when he complains they giggle at him saying that it's alright bc soap will bring him back anyway if he dies for their sins
natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Guys imagine, Roach died, before the creation of 141, but Soap is able to see his ghost. He was originally following Ghost around, really annoyed that he was using his death as an excuse to not get close to anyone, but when he found out Soap could see him and talk to him he started following him around instead.
And they get really close, like two peas in a pod, except they have to be discreet about it because no one else can see or hear Roach, and they'd think Soap was crazy if they saw him talking to no one.
They use that for shenanigans too: Roach will go follow someone else and report back to Soap, Gaz is genuinely starting to believe Soap has superpowers or something. It's really useful on missions as well, and Soap managed to successfully rescue team members thanks to Roach being able to move through walls and everything.
(Roach is not the only ghost Soap is able to see btw, just the only one he's talking to.)
And then Roach is witnessing his past lover trying really hard to not fall in love with Soap, and Soap trying really hard to not do anything about the love he already feels, and he has to try and convince Soap that he is dead. During that conversation he finds out that something else that keeps Soap from doing something is that he feels very confused about everything because he also has feeling for Roach.
So now Roach has to try and convince him that even if he was still alive he wouldn't have a problem with that. He's known for a while that he was polyamorous, but he hadn't really dared talking to Ghost about that because he thinks he's jealous and possessive.
And Soap is like "oh yeah, you want me to go say to Ghost 'don't worry about your dead lover that I'm not supposed to know, he's actually polyamorous and also in love with me, I know because his ghost told me!' ??? I'm sure he's gonna take that well!"
But Roach is nothing if not resourceful and he manages to put Soap in situations where he's forced to interact with Ghost, and eventually they kiss and their relationship is beginning to be something. They're not really sure what.
And Roach is sad, because he has to watch the two men he loves being in love without him, yes, but at least they're both happy, and it makes him feel a bit better. And then during a mission Ghost almost dies.
Because he was alone and Soap and Gaz were together, Roach was following Ghost this time, ready to fly to Soap in an instant if there was any problems. But there was and he didn't have time, so he instinctively grabbed the gun being pointed towards Ghost's head and moved it as the person was shooting, saving Ghost's life, giving him enough time to shoot the enemy himself.
But even as the threat is eliminated, Ghost is still looking up from where he's on the ground, staring right through him, looking shocked. No, not right through him, he realises when he moves to the side and Ghost's eyes follow him. He also realises that he grabbed the gun. He's never grabbed anything before, in all his years of being a ghost.
Then suddenly Ghost's eyes move wildly around, and he figures he disappeared from his view. He can still go through the walls, but he's kept the ability to grab stuff when he wants. It gives him a ton of new possibilities, to fuck with people and, of course, to touch Soap.
"I wish you were actually alive," Soap whispers to him, holding his hands against his face as he's falling asleep.
"What the fuck," comes Ghost's voice the next morning, waking both of them up - wait, since when could Roach sleep?
Soap doesn't understand immediately, because he's always been able to see Roach. But Ghost is standing in the door, looking straight at dead past lover.
Turns out Soap is a necromancer and he had no idea, though the whole 'I can see dead people' should probably have told him sooner that he wasn't normal... The more he wishes Roach is alive, the more he actually is. And they all end up happy and together. And Gaz is very happy to have won the bet that Soap indeed has superpowers.
The day Roach says, in a wondering voice, "I... I think I'm hungry" is the day they understand that something is really happening and he's actually coming back to life.
(Also, Soap has no control at all on his abilities, he has no idea what does what and why, he knows nothing. No one knows.)
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afghangrl · 5 years
bc i am a sucker for papa!france
"Papa, you look so funny!" Giggled an energetic Matthew as Francis tried washing the young boy with great difficulty. That is the last time he ever lets a box of jellybeans open on the kitchen counter. Matthew was almost jumping off the walls with this sugar high but Francis was just thankful no downstairs neighbors complained about the noise as he tried to chase Matthew around the apartment.
The shrieking boy waved his arms around as Francis tried to scrub down his shoulders, then leading to his back and stomach. His golden curls stuck to his wet face as the young toddler smiled jubilantly.
"Oui, Papa looks funny because Matthew was a naughty boy."
Francis was sporting a lovely assortment of scribbles and doodles over his face thanks to a hazardously placed black sharpie on his bedroom desk. A sugar crazed toddler also means a toddler getting up to no good as his dear Dad tries to get some rest by taking a nap after working a long shift at the restaurant. 
He tried to admonish the boy and let him know that you cannot draw all over someone's face while they're sleeping and eating a box of jellybeans before bed time is also, a big no no. 
At the slight reprimand, Matthew's smile falters and he suddenly looks ashamed. His head hangs low briefly before he exclaims, "I'm sowwy! Pweaseeee don't be mad!"
Disciplining Matthew was never Francis' forte and this is exactly why. He instantly became weak to those adorable eyes, plump cheeks, soft mouth and gorgeous curls. Francis deflated a bit and tried to be strong but he was evidently losing this battle. 
Damn, he was way too soft for this.
"Aaaah, it's okay my cher. Just don't do that again, okay? But, please don't cry. You know, Papa loves you very much."
Matthew sniffed slightly as Francis hugged the tiny boy into his arms, soothing his head with his hand. Absentmindedly, he remembered Matthew was covered in suds and water but he pushed that thought away because comforting his sunshine was all that concerned him. 
He washed away the remaining soap and wrapped Matthew up in a white, fluffy towel before picking him up to his chest and moving to the bedroom. There, he dressed the young boy in his night-time pajamas before finally tucking him into bed. 
Except, Matthew remained wide-eyed and looked up to Francis. "I wanna play with Papa." It seems that it would take a couple of hours before Matthew's sugar rush would die down.
Francis sighed and knelt down to fluff Matthew's pillow. "Mon coeur, You must go to bed. It is time to sleep."
Matthew shook his hand. "I wanna stay with you!"
Francis was going to be firm. He was going to tell Matthew that it is time to go to sleep. That young boys should listen to their Papas and not talk back. That play time is over and now it is rest time.
However, with one look at those large, pleading eyes, Francis knew deep down that he was never going to win this battle. He could never say no to Matthew when he really asked.
"Alright, my baby. How about I tell you a bed time story instead? That way Papa can stay and you will be able to go sleep."
Matthew expressed satisfaction with that suggestion and snuggled deeper into his pillows and blankets. Soon, the young boy watched with intense wonder as his Papa weaved a fanciful story of knights, princesses and roaring dragons from a far away kingdom. 
Eventually, Matthew felt himself dozing off, but not before his Papa could lean down and give him a goodnight kiss. Quietly, Francis turned off the lights and exited the room. 
While it was difficult raising Matthew by himself, he would never trade anything in the world for his dear child. 
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universalfanfic · 6 years
Next Gen AU
I’m posting it here first bc I can’t post it on ffn until the ‘Coco’ one goes up, else I be truly shamed. 
Steve’s phone buzzed in his pocket and the caller ID read “home”. Sutton generally didn’t call him while he was out on mission, not until he gave her the clear. She was always worried that he’d have forgotten to put it on silent and she’d get him killed while he comically fumbled for the off switch.
Which was ridiculous, because he had perfect memory, but the system worked so he didn’t make a deal of it.
“Hello,” he hedged, holding up a finger to signal for his teammates to wait. “Sutton, is everything ok?”
“Hey, sweetie.”
Her voice was sickly sweet and it instantly set off alarm bells in his head. Not a bad emergency, but probably something inevitably worse.
“What happened?”
He could hear running footsteps in the background, there was a crash, like a tub of legos had been dumped, and then yelling and barking.
“How’s the mission going,” Sutton asked, still sounding too happy to talk to him. “I, myself, have had just the most splendid day.”
“I’m actually in the middle of something-”
“Was it Connor,” Tony piped up. “If it was Connor, tell him no robotics for a week.”
There was some scuffling on the other end of the phone, and then Sutton grunted and there was an indignant cry from one of the kids.
“Do you know what your son did?”
Steve hissed through his teeth. He was kind of hoping it’d been Connor.
“I’m sure you’re about to tell me.”
Sutton let out a sharp laugh.
“Oh, phew,” said Tony. “Not mine.”
“Someone teleported into Disney World and mommy had to leash up two other kids and chase him down. And then do you know what happened, because mommy turned her super powers on? She got a call from Mr. Fury who wanted to know what in the world was happening.”
“Oh no,” said Steve.
“Oh yeah,” said Sutton.
“It wasn’t my fault,” a tiny voice wailed in the background.
“Ha, ha!” Another voice taunted. “Now Owen is in trouble! I was good this time! Hey, dad is gonna be sooo mad at you!”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose as Sutton audibly growled under her breath.
“Maddie, you’re about to be in trouble for being mean. I haven’t forgotten how you tried to sneak onto the Small World ride.”
“Let me talk to him,” Steve cut in. “Hopefully we’ll be finished here in a few hours.”
“Please? Today has been insane. And I have narrowly avoided legal action for breaking into an amusement park.”
There was rustling as Sutton passed over the phone and Steve could hear sniffling before he even started speaking.
“Owen,” he said in a firm tone. That was all it took. Owen burst out into, knowing him, what were probably renewed tears.  
“I just wanted to match the castle.” He cried. “I’m drawing a picture for mommy and I need the right colors.”
“That’s no excuse. You know what we said about powers.”
“Don’t lie,” Maddie shouted from somewhere in the room. “You wanted to go on rides.”
“That was after,” Owen shouted back. “Because I forgot I wasn’t supposed to!”
Steve grimaced and tilted his head back as if praying for patience.
“You know what, hand the phone back to your mother. We can talk when I get home.”
“You’re gonna get time out for forever,” Maddie taunted in what was probably supposed to be a whisper. The phone rustled again and Sutton sighed.
“Hurry and get back before I velcro all of them to a wall?”
Steve turned back to the team.
“We better wrap this up.”
“All I’m saying is that there’s some sort of cosmic balance going on with your kids being the troublemakers here.”
Tony smirked, chin tilted up, as he strolled next to Steve up to the front door. Steve unlocked the door and gave him an unamused glare. So far, there were no loud sounds coming from behind the wall, which could really go either way.
“Didn’t Connor shoot a laser beam through his bedroom wall a few weeks ago?”
Tony let out a chuckle and grinned.
“Pep was irate,” he said. “I didn’t dare tell her I let him build out of the lab.”
The living room was dimly lit and only the murmurs of the television could be heard. Steve edged into the house cautiously, looking around to watch for any incoming children.
Some cartoon he wasn’t fond of was playing, the one with the sponge, and everyone was piled on the couch.
Sutton had fallen asleep alongside the kids. She was slack against the cushions, almost sliding off, with Owen curled up on top of her, a piece of paper crinkled up in his closed fist. Conner was pressed against her left side and Maddie was stretched out across her right. Sprinkles had squeezed in behind Maddie, her legs draped over his daughter’s as if to keep her in place.
“Well, if that isn’t a kodak moment,” said Tony. He actually pulled out his phone and snapped a picture then turned back to Steve. “It’s good to document when they’re not being gremlins.”
“I’d escape while you can. I have a feeling there’s going to be a discussion once everyone’s up.”
Tony hopped into action, clearly not wanting any part of that. Delicately, he scooped a still sleeping Connor from the couch and made for the door.
“See ya, Cap,” he said. “Good luck.”
Steve let out a quiet sigh as he cleaned up a few scattered toys and picked up both kids to put them in their beds. It always amused him, how they went limp like ragdolls and molded to whatever surface you put them on.
He tucked both of them in, brushing back their mussed hair kissing their foreheads. Sutton must have bathed them. They smelled like lavender soap and and freshly done laundry.
He pried the crinkled paper from Owen’s hand and closed the door behind him as he left the room. The paper was overloaded in crayon wax. A blue and gray castle sat in the background with a squiggly-haired stick lady smiling in the front. There were blue lines emanating from around her and a yellow crown hovering over her head.
Steve shook his head and put the drawing down before he walked over to the couch and shooed Sprinkles out of the spot next to Sutton. She let out a disturbed groan as he sat down.
“I almost portaled right into Tigger with two squealing children. Do you know how awkward that is?”
“I saw the video.”
She groaned again and turned over to bury her face in his side; he automatically wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“It’s viral, isn’t it,” she mumbled against him.
“Sam said it was already a meme.”
“Why,” she whined.
For a moment they just sat. Steve let his muscles relax as he soaked in home. Even with crazy kids, it was more of a relief to be with his family than on any mission.
Turning over, Sutton propped up her head to stare up at him. Her face was twisted in a wry sort of ironic humor.
“I can’t even stay mad at him. Do you know he grounded himself? He told me he wouldn’t eat dessert for three days.” Steve raised an eyebrow and she smirked. “I told him nice try, it’s a week, but the principle was there.”
Steve ran his fingers through her hair and smiled as she hummed and leaned further into him.
“We’ll still have to talk about use of powers tomorrow. He can’t just go running off whenever he feels like it. We already have Maddie.” Sutton giggled while trying to keep the volume down.
“You can lead that discussion,” she said. “I already had to chase them around a giant park like I was herding a bunch of cats. The Rogers’ name will go down in infamy. These children won’t have it any other way.”
Steve reach over for the remote and turned off the television with a grimace, cutting off the sponge’s grating laughter. The room bloomed in a blessed silence.
“Not sure I can talk,” he said. “I don’t know what I would’ve been like with enhanced abilities at such a young age.”
Sutton snorted and gave his side a light pinch.
“In front of your parents or hanging out with Bucky? Because I can see it going two different ways.”
He grinned in return.
“That’s fair.”
They both might have fallen asleep on the couch if Sprinkles hadn’t come over and complained about them not being in bed so she could sleep in her special corner of their room.
When they pulled back their comforter, there was another crayon drawing and a Lego sculpture. This drawing was of what looked like a self portrait, Owen crying fat blue tears while a stick mommy and daddy watched him with thin arms crossed. He must have recruited help, because in a wonky circle above his head was blocky, childish letters that looked like Maddie’s scrawl.
“I’m sorry mommy and daddy,” it read.
“Bah,” Sutton whisper yelled. She flopped onto their bed as Steve put the Lego creation on his dresser. “That’s your son, alright.”
He sank into bed next to her and they both snickered as she put the drawing away on her nightstand.
“Pancakes for breakfast, I bet he forgets all about this incident by morning,” Steve mumbled, nearly already asleep. Sutton pressed up against him and smiled as she drifted off as well.
“Bet you bacon he remembers the second he sees you.” Steve hummed.
“Hm, sounds like breakfast. You’re on.”
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