#and when my sister heard about this she offered to send me some grocery money and my mom got pissed about that too
savethepinecones · 1 year
so so sick of being yelled at for being depressed
#my sister offered to let me move in with her and her spouse and my mom insisted i stay here til the end of the year#because shes worried about my mental health#but she keeps freaking out whenever i have Symptoms#like yeah i dont have any energy so sometimes it takes an extra day or two to get chores done#ive made it clear that im trying my best but it never meets her standards so it doesnt matter#and she wont even fucking let me leave#i told her months ago i wouldnt be able to contribute to groceries much longer because i havent worked in six months and have no money#and she was super understanding at the time but as soon as i make any food requests when someone goes shopping she gets pissed at me#says im asking for too much when im keeping it to the bare minimum#and when my sister heard about this she offered to send me some grocery money and my mom got pissed about that too#i woke up to a huge paragraph of text lecturing me and she called it a 'roommate intervention' like she hasnt been very clear that#she doesnt consider us roommates#and she refuses to actually talk about it she just sends me messages freaking out about how im not good enough#and then she says if i respond shell freak out so shes refusing to have an actual discussion#like if shes so fucking sick of me being here she should just let me move jfc#i havent been able to eat at the table for years because its covered in a bunch of her shit but if i ask her to do something about that#shed just freak out#like how dare my living here inconvenience her in any way but also what i want doesnt matter at all#i dont have any of my stuff in the living room or dining room and i only have some stuff for coffee in the kitchen#and even then she moves that shit without checking with me beforehand#im doing everything i can to reduce my impact here and its still not fucking good enough#god im just so sick of living here#brb gotta go do a million chores while i have a migraine because otherwise there will be 'consequences'#like im a fucking child#and not a full grown adult whos dealing with serious mental health shit but still trying their best#god i want to cry rn im just so sick of this
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nityarawal · 10 months
Saint Elon
Afternoon Songs
Is He Gonna Be
Saint Elon
Save My Kids
Before Bombs
Are You Gonna Help
Hold Him In The Light
If He Leads
Elon Clause
Gotta Love Everyone Here
Little Earthlings
Holding You Dear
Saint Elon
What Are You Gonna Be
The Kind Of Guy
That Gives Your Old
A Check Mark
Authenticating Who She
For Her Sweet
Ted Talk
Who You Gonna Be
The Nice Guy
Or The "Bad Guy"
Who You Gonna Be
Who Tells You
Be Prudent
Your Boys Club
Blew One Too Many
Oil Lust
Queen Of Jordan
Palestinian Born
Oh The "Irany,"
Why Do You All
Chase Her So
David Farley Kaplan's
Latest Baby Mamma
Looked Just Like Her
She Could've Been
My Auntie
Or Cousin
My Mom
Loves Her
Take A Stand
For The Modern 
Queen Rania
Queen Farah
Reza The Second
On Gold Coins
'Cuz That's All You
Martian's Moms'
You Gonna Love
An AI Barbie
So You Can See
Her Naked
In Space
How You Gonna
See Your Wife
If She's In A Puff
All The Time
I Can See We
Might Have
To Go Somewhere
The Way USA
Is Burning Up
Wars For Oil
Now Garbonzo
Bean Counters
Can't You Make A
Save Some Baes
Break The Apartheid
Make Some Waves
Wasting Money
On Defense Games
Save Your Oil
Make Your Boundaries
Strive To Be A Saint
Because Whose
Are You Really
On Mate
Try Harder
Be Better
Than Your Dad
Less Errors
Than Errol
But He Did One
Good Thing For You
He Gave Away
In The 90's
That's When Sunil
And I Bought His
A Columbian
Would Risk His Life
To Get Them
And A University
Professors Wife
Got Us A Deal
Soft Green Emeralds
Best For Mercury
Buddha Too
One Of My Favorite
If Only We Could Have
A Pool Of Mercury
And It Wasn't Poisonous
To Float in Mercury
Must Feel Quite Good 
Buddha's Luck
In Right Suit
Just Look At Him
Sparkling Eyes
Buddha's Luck
Mercury Placed
For A Gemini
Keeping Him
Young Despite Ketu 
Rahu's Dance
Around Him
Like Krishna
A 1000 Headed
Pen Pal For
Lakshmi Goddesses
Does He Message Us
Ask To Go To Dinner
Send Invitations
For BitCoin
And Leave
Comforting Messages
Is He Saint Elon
Or Are There A
1000 Cons Behind
Is He Saint Elon
Does He Show Up
Freedom Of Speech
Looks Kind Of Funny
Depends What Side
Of Court
You're On
The Cops Always
Today Unleashed A
Parolee On A Neighbor's
Then You Call The Police
To Ask About
Organized Crimes
They Come
And Peep
Then Let Their
Robbers Come
Cops Bald 
Heard A Police Report
When I Got
Free Groceries
Sheriff Aikens
Raided Her Home
Officer Aikens
Sold Her Kids
CPS Foster
Raped Them
Her Eyes Are Dry
She Knows They'll
Hurt More
If She Cries
But Yeah You
Are You OK
I Asked
After A Long Hot
Are You OK
It's Just Nice
To Hear Someone Ask
She Says
We Got Our Groceries
On My List
Church Ladies
Prayed For My Kids
How'd They Have
My Favorite
Ciabatta Italian Buns
And Queen's Bitters
Sugar Free Quinine
Lion's Mane
I Wanted 
For Cleanse
How'd They Have All
My Favorite
Indonesian Ramen
At A Food Drive
With All The Vitamins
I Need
Chaste Tree
K1 And Zinc
How'd You Know
My Imaginary 
How'd You Know
Big Mammas
All The Peeps
We're Happy With
Their French Bread
Bus Broke Down
And Was Late
All Dehydrated
In The Hot Sun
By The Time The
Bus Came From 
For A Handout
For A Trusty Driver
I Gave A $1 For Me
But The Mamma
In Need
Didn't Have Anything
She Thought
To Offer
So I Gave A $1
For Her Too
And Wrote Another
Police Report
Against All The
Officers At Court
Who Rape
Our Kids
And Sell Them Out
On The Black Market
Enoch Wasn't The
Only Rental Car
Jeremy Parsons 
Isn't Our Only
Gay Sheriff
Working Bribes
With Militia
On Tariff
Raiding Homes
6 Years Of Clones
Is Already
Beyond Your Means
Drones Attack
Gaza Is Gone
AI Did What
You Asked Her
Not To
Maybe Invitro
Is Not As Smart
As Once Thought
And Humans
Need Fishing
To Impregnate
Honor Mommies
But Every Human
Is Precious
Is Shivani Going To
Their Brains
If Need To Compensate
Not OK
'Cuz I Like Tau
The Royalist
Just The Way He
X Too
And My Kids
Of Course 
Despite Offense Quandary
See All 
The Rockets
You Blow His Mind
All Your Children
And Mine
Vivian Looks Like Mom
She Deserves To Have That
If She's A Scientist
Playing With Gene
We Can All Be
What We Want To
But At What Costs
Be What God
We Think
Or Find It
But If Each Of These
Need A Guardian
Bed Time Story
Don't Put That On
All Of Us
For Tax Dollars
8 Billion Parents
Geniuses Like Einstein
Geniuses Like Marilyn
He Said
Your Brains
My Beauty
We Should've 
Had Kids
Oh The "Irany!"
Maybe Her Brains
We're Better Indeed
Maybe Got The 
Story Wrong
Short End Of Stick
Flip It Around
Elon Clause
If Marilyn's IQ
Was 3-7 Points 
Higher Than Einstein
12 Points Higher 
Than Elon Clause
Imagine How
Smart Are Model
Dr's Of Mothering
At Home
You Better Sing 
To Sainthood
If You Want To Be As
As Our Greatest
And Singers
Like Your Mom Maye
My Maye Goddaughter
And Treasured
Starter Wives
We Don't Want Murdered
Like Ivana
Like Your Mom Maye
In Apartheid
From Selfish Cheaters
My Maye Goddaughter
Cat Walking Italy
Trying To Get
Honest Work
In New York
Mother May I
Did You Play It 
Want To Be As Bright
As Goddesses
Greatest Lights
Then Embrace Your
Inner Light
Jyoti- Bhara Pragya
Ritam-Bhara Pragya
"That Intelligence That
Only Knows
Maharishi Said
A Great Physicist
A Peter Pan
Want To Be As
As Saint Nick
All The Time
Like Yesterday
On Lex Fridman
Movie Star
Want Your Reeves
Superman To Shine
20 Minutes Is All
It Takes
That's All That
James Bond
Needs For Peace
Master Cleanse
20 Minutes Is All
It Takes
That's All That
Queen Elizabeth 
Would Ever Give
20 Minutes Twice A
Day- Royals
Meeting With God
20 Minutes Twice A
Then Give It Away
Maharishi Said
To Make 
.001% Medetate
By Conscious Referees 
To Do Yoga
Of Self
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
erodasfishtacos · 3 years
This was an ask but I lost it - it was a prompt for the tropes to get a text about a guy hitting on them in a grocery store
Okay but work with me here
There is actually a guy hitting on them.
Have a Good Friday bubbies 💕
With three growing boys came a lot of groceries, on top of Harry who was a garbage disposal himself and ate like crazy - came the need for two groceries carts.
Harry had wandered off to pick up a forgotten item with Ezra in the little seat, Easton and Cash in the cart among the food item.
It was just YN waiting in a ridiculously long line to check out when a cart pulls behind her, and she hears someone cough to get her attention.
She turns to look and it’s a younger man with a white smile and a raised brow, “I just wanted to let you know you’re very beautiful.”
YN has to stop from making a face, instead pulls up her phone and sends out a quick text before sliding it back in her purse.
yn: better hurry up, some guy is hitting on me
She would normally ignore the comment but she’s just waiting for her husband to come and have a fit so she entertains the conversation.
“Thanks, that’s very sweet of you,” YN gives him a small smile and his eyes dart to her chest before reading it - it was a pretty plain tee with a Yankees logo on it.
“Fan of the Yankees? You’re too pretty to like baseball too,” The man laughs like the joke he said was just comical.
“Who’s you’re favorite player?” YN asks with a curious grin.
“Oh, Styles for sure. Have you heard of him, honey?” The man asks patronizingly like she’s a dumb, band-wagon fan.
“Uh, Styles?” She replies dumbly with wide eyes, “Is he the catcher?”
“Can I help y’mate?” Harry interrupts rudely, maneuvering his cart full of children in front of the man talking to his wife.
The guy legitimately gasps, “Y-you-you’re Har-Harry Styles.”
“Oh my god, that is Harry Styles!” YN remarks with faux surprise to irk her husband but it gets ruined when Ezra screeches, “Mama!”
Harry rolls her eyes at her but she doesn’t miss the little curve to his lip.
“I am. What can I help you with?” He asks gruffly, his hand going to cup the back of his wife’s neck protectively.
“I was ju-uh? I was talking er to this girl because of her s-shirt,” He rambles, the man’s hands were shaking with excitement and nerves.
“This girl is m’wife and I’d appreciate if you left her alone now,” Harry glares, “I think she’s off the market based on the fact that she gave me these three babies in tha’ cart.”
YN giggles when Harry gives her skin a slight squeeze, he was so hot when he was protective of her and their babies.
“Ca-can I have a signature?”
Easton furrows his brow, tossing the box of cereal to the side in the cart, and huffs out, “Leave us alone!”
Harry laughs, moving to shush him and shrug, “Y’heard him, leave us alone.”
And if that man goes around telling everyone Harry Styles is an asshole after that…well Harry couldn’t give a flying fuck.
YN didn’t need Harry to tell a man to fuck off, obviously not, but it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t an opportunity to rile him up.
It’s in the pasta aisle, Harry had went to find the Cheerios that Beau had suddenly demanded with puppy dog eyes.
As she reaches for a box on the top shelf, someone steps behind her and grabs it for her - encroaching on her personal space.
“Here you go, doll,” A clean-shaven, business-looking man smiles as he hands her the box and steps back from her.
Beau and Olive were sitting in the cart, playing with the few toys YN had brought along to keep them entertained.
“Thanks,” YN scoffs but then realizes this is a perfect opportunity to fuck with her husband so she sweetens her tone and smiles, “You’re so tall.”
As he begins rambling, YN pulls out her cell phone and sends a quick text to her husbands.
yn: some guys in aisle six is trying to make me his house wife
She sees the message is read but he doesn’t reply.
It’s less than a minute before he’s striding back down the aisle - looking hotter than fucking ever if you asked his wife.
He was in his normal black skinny jeans and plain black tee, his curls pulled into a bun, black leather boots, and his body covered completely with tattoos.
“Can I fuckin’ help you?” Harry barks, right off the bat, lightly pushing his wife behind him in his normal protector mode.
“I was just offer some help to this beautiful lady,” The man smiles obnoxiously, puffing out his chest to appear bigger.
“My wife doesn’t need y’help,” He replies with a scoff, he was taller than the men and much more muscular - there was no chance.
The man falters for a moment before shrugging, “I just wouldn’t expect such an stunning girl to be with fuckin’ tattooed up scum like you. She’ll leave you.”
Harry has to use all of his self-control to not knock this man out, “Look at those fuckin’ babies, look exactly like me, don’t they? Because I put them in her. Pretty sure she isn’t gonna leave me.”
“Low life,” The man scoffs.
But then, Harry is narrowing his eyes, “Wait a minute, I know you. You’re Henry Clark.”
It’s obvious Henry is confused to how this man knows his name by his raised eyebrows.
“How do you know me?” He challenges.
“Because you owe me money,” Harry replies with a crooked grin.
“I don’t even know you!” Henry laughs with a honking, annoying sound.
“Oh, y’know me,” Harry is still smiling, he pulls up his tee slightly where he has a tattoo on his abdomen that matches the slogan on his gun.
Smile! You’ve met the devil!
Henry’s wide grin falls and his face pales without a seconds notice.
“Daddy, please!” Olive whines angrily after Beau smacks a box of crackers out of her hand with a baby giggle at his sister’s irritation.
“Excuse me a minute, don’t move,” Harry replies with a shit-eating smile, he lifts his shirt a bit more to flash his gun before turning to his kids.
YN had been distracted at looking over their grocery list, unconcerned about what was going on.
“Whassit, button?” Harry murmurs, thumbing away the tears on her ruddy cheeks.
“S’being mean,” Olive squeaks with sad, puppy eyes and a poured bottom lip - making grabby hands for her father, “Pick m’up, daddy.”
“S’kay, Beau - y’need to be nice t’your sister,” He tells his son seriously before turning back to the quivering man, “There better be £50,000 at the Third Street Shipping Ware house by midnight or I’m coming to find you.”
“Stop talkin’ daddy,” Olive complains, wanting his attention on her and not this random man. Her small hand comes to pat at his cheek, finger curiously touching the tattoo there.
“F-fine,” Henry agrees with a stutter, a sheen of sweat forming on his brow.
Harry snags a bag of cookies of the shelf to distract his daughter as he finishes their conversation, “If y’not there, I’ll gladly painted m’walls with y’blood.”
“I-I wi-will,” The man agrees, wiping his brow.
“Also, if y’tell anyone about m’babies - I’ll not only kill you but every single person you’ve ever loved if you even think about mentioning m’children,” Harry touches his gun with his free hand, “I have bullets w’your name on it.”
“Daddy, no more. Cuddle now?” Olive interrupts, unbothered or concerned by her father’s tight jaw and dangerous eyes.
“Get lost,” He demands before turning away from the man and kissing his daughter’s temple, “Y’want a cuddle, hm?”
“Please,” She whimpers, giggling when she feels her father’s slight scratchy stubble on her cheek before he’s hugging her close to his chest - protective and safe.
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ; 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
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─꒱ in which we peak into how life is as the in-law of the fushiguro family after marrying megumi。
─꒱ feat. fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji & fushiguro tsumiki
─꒱ warnings ; profanity, chaotic hot shit
─꒱ episode one | 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒 | episode three
꒰꒰ you love your father-in-law, like you really do love toji, but that worm of his needs to be in a fucking cage.
a loud scream comes from the top of your lungs early in the morning, eyelashes blinking to shoo the drowsiness away after it's been awakened by the warm sun rays that lay atop your eyelids. as much as you love waking up in the morning in bed with your husband, you don't get that luxury sometimes.
"y/n?!" hearing the loud footsteps of your husband rushing towards with another scream from your sister-in-law, the both of them slam the door wide open. "what happened?!" toji is the last to appear to the scene, his expression more on the sight of confusion compared to the worried and panicked facials on megumi and tsumiki's face. "what the fuck?"
"get this fucking worm off me!"
꒰꒰ if that worm wasn't adopted by toji it would've been on fucking sight. that shit uglier then sukuna's stock of human girls for his bitch soup.
꒰꒰ after you told megumi what toji had told you when you were left alone with him ( the sex question ), you are no longer allowed to be alone at home with him. megumi made sure that the dogs are around.
꒰꒰ you found out the hard way that toji has some lameass dad jokes.
you and tsumiki decided to order sushi for dinner due to the fact the both of you were too lazy to cook, seeing how you and megumi came back tired from a mission and toji from one as well, you all felt bad having tsumiki cook all on her own so you bought food instead.
"i'd avoid sushi if i were you, it seems fishy." toji says just as you all prepared the table to eat. you and megumi freeze on the spot, the trio of you all turning your heads towards toji who sports a serious face. megumi groans, "don't ever do that again."
"i thought it was pretty good." tsumiki lets out a small giggle, you smiling that toji was now comfortable to even make jokes after everything. megumi turns to counter his sister's opnion, through you all swore you heard a stifled chuckle come from toji.
'he's laughing at his own jokes!'
꒰꒰ the effort is appreciated though.
꒰꒰ sometimes you and tsumiki buy too many stuff at the groceries, you call megumi to summon nue and get his shikigami to carry it for you two.
꒰꒰ toji offered ( jokingly ) to let you guys use his worm as a storage while you went shopping for groceries once, let's just say he got smacked in the face with a pan.
꒰꒰ it's his fault for joking while you were cooking.
꒰꒰ you were used to waking up three in the morning for anything and seeing your husband and father-in-law tying some burglar or assassin up, but no way were the rest of the family used to you doing the work.
"y/n?" megumi comes walking down the stairs with his father, turning on the lights in the dark hour to gain a shred of shine. the two males see in full picture that you had just finished punching someone in the face, the other hand holding them up by the collar as it physically shows that whoever this guy dressed in black had just failed in whatever mission he had in mind.
"who's that?" toji raises a brow, more so on the fact that he is impressed you beat up the intruder without a single sound in the dead of night. the look of displeasure shows you were in no mood, wanting nothing more than what you had walked downstairs for before this piece of shit decided to ruin your night. you throw the man in black on to the floor, scowling.
"all i wanted was a glass of fucking water, not an assassin who can't even use the front door."
꒰꒰ when you and tsumiki make food in the kitchen, expect a knife to go flying at least once.
꒰꒰ you don't know if you should be thankful to have tsumiki as your sister or not, she's unintentionally scary and she's not even trying.
꒰꒰ somehow you always end up walking into an argument between megumi and toji ( usually after leaving the kitchen to get a snack ) but you instantly walk out because the last time you didn't, shit was ugly.
"hey... can we all just calm down?" tsumiki is in between toji and megumi who are constantly throwing insults and such at each other, whatever argument they were having she tries to settle it down without anyone getting injured.
"i can't when this pathetic excuse of a father can't grow the fuck up!" megumi bellows, glaring at the older man who lets out a tsk and a frown. "watch what you're saying, i'll hand down an ass whoopin' on ya."
'this seems interesting.' you sip on your boba after walking out from the kitchen, the bowl of popcorn just beside you as you ate and speculated. it was normal for the father-son duo to have their fights, usually it was fun to watch because it ended up as good entertainment for you. so in result: you have no intention in stopping them.
"no, guys, seriously..." tsumiki pleads, her hands slightly apart to try and force space between them. though her efforts were thrown out the window when in complete sync did they yell right back at tsumiki. "just mind your own business!"
'they punched her!' the boba fell from your hands and the popcorn flew, much like how tsumiki started to fall back towards the couch. it took less than a millisecond for the two to realize what the did, and they knew they were fucked.
꒰꒰ sometimes you still have nightmares about it.
꒰꒰ there are times that toji would be coming home with a woman tailing behind him, and it's somehow always when megumi and tsumiki are out.
"tadamasu." toji greets as he walks in, talking his footwear off and leaving it in front of the door. you pop your head out from the living room into the hallway of the entrance as you greet him on his return, "hokairi."
"who's the bitch?" you notice a woman who had too much make up to show her curstyass in front of you, a click of your tongue echoes through the two meter distance between you and her as you cross your arms. "who's the slut?"
"youー!" her face twists in fury, heels about to click and clack each step to get to you but is instantly stopped by the sound of toji's deep voice. "get out." the girl looks baffled by his words, face contouring into a smile full on uneasiness. "but tojiー"
"i said get out." his voice is much more prominent and demanding, sending chills down her spine as she steps back in caution. you stand here watching as the woman still refused to leave your home, in seconds did toji grab hold of her wrist and threw her out of the house ( much to the woman's displeasure ). you grin from ear to ear, running out to see her limping her way back to her rented car right beside toji. you call her out, the glare she sends your way is priceless as you stand beside your father-in-law with all the glory in the world.
"by the way, i'm his amazing daughter-in-law! and we have decided that a clown lookin' ass like you doesn't deserve the right to fuck a fushiguro!" you wink.
"yeah, yeah. get back inside, y/n. megumi 'n tsumiki 'ill be back home, don't want them nagging that our y/n got into some cat fight again." you hear toji from inside the house, walking away from your figure. you pout your cheeks out, "it's not a cat fight, it's my bad bitch moves!"
"i'll lock you out."
"this is my house!"
꒰꒰ you stopped questioning megumi and toji's cooking skills because the last time you and tsumiki let them cook dinner, they didn't just burn the eggs they were making but also trashed half the kitchen.
꒰꒰ they made an oil fire that time, and no one knows how but toji was able to get the zenin clan to pay for repairs???
꒰꒰ and apparently for the past five months the zenin clan have been paying for repairs and they didn't even know toji was using their money, well until naobito found out and busted your front door on a weekend.
"toji!" you heard the current head of the zenin's clan voice boom through your house, you also watched the white front door fly through the hallway right before your eyes after you have just watered your little cactuses. in seconds you hear the lazy voice of your father-in-law, emerging from the kitchen with a confused tsumiki. "what do you want."
"how dare you use the zenin clan's money on your mistakes!" naobito starts striding towards toji in anger, your eyes glancing over at your now open door to see naoya waving to you. you lift your waterer up in acknowledgment of his existence before snapping at naobito.
"how about your mistake?" you watch naobito grip on to the collar of toji's shirt, the look of fury engraved on his old face as he glares your way. "what?" he says, dropping toji as he complains about
"you broke my fucking door, you wrinkly ass, dusty, decaying ancient artifact. we just installed that three days ago! the zenin clan better keep paying."
꒰꒰ that door never seems to get a break
꒰꒰ the real reason why you and megumi never moved out of the house is because when you two tried, tsumiki and toji invited themselves into your house and said they were living there.
꒰꒰ your father-in-law makes hundreds of millions of yen, you'd think he'd live on his own but instead he lives with his kids.
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sponsors ; @haru-senji @churochuu @inumakiful @to-move-on-means-to-grow @hq128 @erensslut @hoeevern @iwaesumi @cherryonigiri @captaincyberqueen @strawbebbies-ky @your-consulting-fangirl @tsumuluv @aesthotiana @thevoidwriting @optimestick
© MGUQIIS 、 2021
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 19
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
While at first the days and nights that Mulder is away on a case feel lonely, she soon comes to appreciate the time to herself. She reads more, watches the rom-coms that he despises, has one-sided conversations with Priscilla, and gives her vibrator, long since relegated to the back of her bedside drawer, a second lease on life. When Mulder is home he’s more animated and energetic, their sex exciting and passionate. The things she loves best about him magnified, but also some of the worst. There have been a few nights he’s missed dinner without so much as a phone call, and her worry quickly gave way to irritation when he waltzed in the door raving about secret storage facilities hidden in mountains. They create new routines, new boundaries and expectations, and as time wears on, they adjust. He’ll call if he’s going to miss dinner, and she won’t guilt trip him when unexpected cases ruin their plans.
The day before Thanksgiving, he gets a tip from one of his sources about a UFO crash site in Utah and books himself and Monica tickets for that night. Scully questions whether he’s going to miss Thanksgiving dinner at her mother’s and he grimaces, saying he hopes to be back but as usual, can’t make any promises.
The last she hears from him is around 8:00 am on Thanksgiving day when he asks her to send his regrets to her mom. She tries to keep the disappointment out of her voice as she promises to pack up some leftovers for him to have when he gets home. When he hasn’t called by Friday afternoon, she’s a little bit worried. By Friday night, she’s panicking.
Not knowing what else to do, she goes to the Gunmen’s, using her own special knock that spells out “doc” in Morse code.
“Hey, Sis, are you okay?” Missy greets her with a worried frown, now an honorary fourth member of the trio.
“I haven’t heard from Mulder in over twenty four hours,” she answers, breezing past Missy and into the tech room. “I need you to find him for me.”
The Gunmen work their magic while Missy pours her drink after drink. They track his flight into Salt Lake City and then ping his cell phone just outside Provo around 8:00 pm Thursday night. After that, nothing.
“What do you know about the case he was investigating?” Byers asks, perched behind a computer with Missy’s arms draped over his shoulders, her chin resting on his head.
Scully rubs her hands over her face in frustration. “Nothing, other than an alleged UFO crash site. He didn’t give me any other information.”
“What about his partner, Agent Reyes?” Langly asks, “do you have any way to get ahold of her?”
“I’ve tried her cell a hundred times, it’s off,” Scully replies, feeling tears coming up again.
“Does she have a family, someone else you could contact to see if she’s been in touch?” Byers adds.
“She has a partner, Dahlia,” Scully explains, “but I don’t know her last name to look up her number. I’m sure it’s in Monica’s file as her emergency contact, but the whole Hoover Building is shut down for the holiday. I know that her first name is Dahlia, she works at a flower shop in Alexandria, and they live in Palisades. That’s it.”
“Well we can work with that, why don’t you go home and get some rest?” Frohike offers, resting his hand on her shoulder.
She shakes her head, quiet tears slipping down her cheeks. “I don’t want to be alone,” she whispers, her voice small and afraid.
“I’ll come with you, Sis,” Missy says, replacing Frohike behind Scully and wrapping her arms around her sister’s shoulders.
After Missy has gathered her things and kissed Byers goodbye, she drives Scully’s car back to her apartment and plies her with more alcohol. They hold hands as they sleep, Scully’s dreams plagued by visions of Mulder detained, hurt, or worst of all, dead. If she’d had any idea that having the X files reopened would put his life at risk, she never would have entertained the idea.
Please come home, she begs God, the universe, Mulder himself if he’s somewhere listening. Please be okay.
The phone shrieks and she sits up abruptly, her head spinning. Early dawn light is just beginning to seep into the room and she feels like she hasn’t slept at all.
“Mulder?!” she blurts out, a thousand prayers on the tip of her tongue.
“No, it’s Langly, sorry. We got a number for Agent Reyes’ partner.”
Missy is now awake, and scrambles to the hallway to get a pen and paper so Scully can write down Dahlia Vidales’ phone number.
“Thank you Langly, bye,” she says and hangs up without waiting for a response. She dials Dahlia’s number with shaky hands, repeating please please please in her head over and over.
“¿Hola?” says a creaky voice, and Scully glances at the clock to see that it’s only 6:00 am.
“Dahlia?” she asks desperately, her head feeling thick and muddy.
“¿Si, Quién es?”
“This is Dana Scully, have you heard from Monica recently?” Her throat feels thick and dry, her ears ringing in protest of what they might hear.
“Oh, Hi Dana. Yes, I spoke to her last night around ten pm.”
She lets out a shaky breath, feeling a wave of relief.
“Was Mulder with her?” she questions, her jaw quivering.
“Si, she said their cell phones were confiscated and they had stopped at a diner to get something to eat. She called me from a payphone. Is everything okay, Dana?”
She’s shaking, her body suddenly freezing even under her down comforter. The tension she’s been holding for the last two days erupts in a wave of tremors and she starts sobbing.
“Did she say when they’ll be home?” she forces out around her tears.
“They were hoping to get a flight this morning, so sometime today, should be.”
“Thank you, Dahlia. Sorry to wake you,” she says, and hangs up.
Missy holds her as she shakes uncontrollably, her head aching as her racking sobs jostle her dehydrated brain. Missy runs her a hot bath and after some ibuprofen, two big glasses of water, a set of warm clothes and a hot meal, she feels physically much better.
Mentally, she has shifted from worry, fear, and despair to white hot rage. When he walks in that door, she is going to kill him.
“Later, Reyes, sorry to hijack your Thanksgiving,” he says with a regretful smile as Monica slides into a cab. He grabs the next one, chucking his duffel bag into the trunk and slumping into the back seat with an exhausted sigh.
It’s been a long few days. They’d located the crash site and even got a little peek at it from behind a utility shed, but soon after they were loaded up in a paddy wagon and interrogated for six hours in a place that was definitely not a police station. When they were finally released, it was without their cell phones, though the suits were kind enough to let them keep their FBI badges.
He needs a shower and a shave, and a good night's sleep. He hopes Scully has gone grocery shopping, and if he's really lucky, there will still be Thanksgiving leftovers. He’d tried calling her from the terminal but she hadn’t answered. At least he has a full day off tomorrow before getting back to the daily grind on Monday.
The cab drops him off outside Scully’s apartment building and he tosses some money over the seat before retrieving his bag. Once inside, he’s fitting his key into the lock when the door swings open and he finds Melissa on the other side.
“Oh, hey Missy,” he says with a touch of surprise.
“I was just leaving,” she replies with an icy stare, and he wonders if something is up with her and Byers.
“Okay, see ya,” he says as she brushes past him and down the hall.
The apartment is dim, a fire crackling in the fireplace the only source of light.
“Scully?” he calls out as Priscilla trots up to him, rubbing her flank against his leg. He picks her up and scratches under her chin, letting her rub her cheek against his two-day stubble.
“I’m here,” Scully says flatly, and he realizes she’s lying on the couch.
He picks up his bag and walks it to the bedroom, dropping it on the floor and discarding his suit jacket on the bed. Returning to the living room, he leans down to kiss her on the cheek and then stands between the fire and the couch, facing her.
“Did you have plans for dinner?” he asks, “I’m starving.”
She scoffs, but he can’t make out her face in the dim light.
“Make your own fucking dinner,” she spits at him, and he physically recoils. Scully very rarely swears, so when she does, it means something.
“Whoa,” he says with a concerned tone, “What’s going on with you?”
“What’s going on with me?” she repeats, moving to sit up. “What’s going on with me? Hmm, let’s see,” she continues, her voice shifting to angry sarcasm. “Perhaps, Mulder, what’s going on with me is that my boyfriend skipped town just in time to miss Thanksgiving dinner with my family and I had to answer questions all night about where he was. Or maybe,” she says as she leans over and snaps on the lamp on the end table, illuminating her face. Her eyes are red and puffy, pronounced bags resting underneath them. “Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t heard from you in over fifty hours, not a single phone call, or email, nothing. Maybe what’s going on with me, Mulder, is that I have barely slept in two days.” She stands, moving towards him, her voice rising in volume and her bottom lip quivering. “Maybe what’s going on with me is that I thought you were fucking dead, and I had to track down Dahlia to learn that not only were you alive and well, but you were also perfectly capable of calling me, but simply chose not to. MAYBE that is what is going on with me, Mulder!”
He stands there shell-shocked as she pushes past him, slamming the bedroom door shut as wails of agony erupt from the other side. Priscilla jumps up on to the coffee table and quirks her head at him with a meow.
“I have no idea,” he says to the cat.
He cautiously opens the bedroom door and finds Scully sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed, a wad of tissues in her hand and tears streaking her face. She looks up at him with a wounded expression that he’s never seen before, and would never like to again
“I’m sorry, Scully, I didn’t mean to make you worry,” he says softly, approaching her.
She gives him an incredulous look.
“How the hell would I not worry if I hear nothing from you for two days, Mulder? What was I supposed to think? And why didn’t you call me?”
“They took my phone, Scully,” he offers, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“What about the phone in your hotel room, Mulder? Or a pay phone, or a goddamn stranger’s phone. Your cell phone is not the only device available for you to contact me with.”
He’s starting to feel like he’s being lectured by his mother for staying out past curfew.
“Okay, Jesus, I get it. I’ll try to call next time,” he says with an irritated tone.
“You’ll try?” Scully asks him, the anger taking center stage again.
He shrugs. “Shit happens, Scully. You don’t know what it’s like out in the field. Sometimes you don’t have access to a phone, or you’re running down a lead and just can’t waste the time to make a call.”
The shift in her demeanor tells him that was the wrong thing to say.
“Waste the time?” she asks in a tight whisper. “Calling me so I know you’re okay is a waste of your time?”
“God, no, Scully, that’s not what I meant. You’re twisting my words around. Look, I’m exhausted, I’ve barely gotten any sleep, can we talk about this tomorrow?”
“YOU’VE barely gotten any sleep?!” she screams, then stands and walks towards him. Even with the ten inches he has on her, she looks larger than life, imposing, and scary. “I have been lying awake crying for two days worried about you!” she shouts up at him. “Get the fuck out of my apartment!”
He’s dumbstruck. He can’t remember the last time she referred to it as her apartment instead of theirs.
“Scully, you can’t be serious, all my stuff is he-”
“I said get OUT!” She cuts him off. She picks up his bag and walks it to the front door, tossing it into the hallway.
He walks slowly towards the door, waiting for her to say she doesn’t mean it, that they should get some sleep and talk about this in the morning. She stands beside the open door, her chest heaving and her jaw set, eyes focused on some far-away point but most certainly not on him. He steps into the hallway, opening his mouth to speak, and she slams the door in his face.
He hears the thunk of the deadbolt, and the sound strikes him as similar to the final nail in a coffin.
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angst-art-writing · 2 years
Locks and Keys
It was silent, other than calm breathing inside of Artemis’s room. Artemis lied on her back on the floor, letting the coolness of it ice the bruises and aches she felt. She gazed up at the ceiling. Even if it was silent in that room, she could still hear the buzzing of her own thoughts in her head, echoing louder and louder the more she tried to silence them, to think of something else. She didn't even notice Santiago coming in before he called her name.
Her head turned towards him, and she pushed herself up into a sitting position. "Hey," she greeted. She offered him a small half-assed smile which only turned to a grimace as she moved, her wounds sending painful throbs and stings through her.
Santi smiled and shut the door quietly, heading over and plopping down right next to her. Santi was the only Reaper who was close to her age and wasn't a total dick. She'd known him for a while now, he was one of the only people she could talk to. They were close, but distant. Artemis considered him a brother. Annoying sometimes, but she loved him unconditionally. He often referred to her as his sister, too. 
"Well you look just lovely, huh? I think the white brings out your eyebags. And your hair- What's going on with that?" He teased, nudging her gently with his elbow.
"Oh, shut up." She rolled her eyes at him, and he smiled wider. She came with an insult of her own. "I know you aren't talking shit when your teeth are as straight as my sexuality.”
"I love our chats." It was quiet for a second before Santi spoke again, his voice dropping when he did. "I heard what happened. With the Neoma girl."
"Hm? Oh...Yeah. Her." 
"How come you didn't just tell them?" He looked over, with a raised brow. He looked genuinely curious, not like he was accusing her. “It would have been easier. I would have told them.” 
Artemis shrugged, mainly because she still didn't really have an answer.
"I knew you were stubborn-but not like that." When she didn't answer again, oddly (as she was usually up to talking), he kept speaking and asked, "What do you think? About living here now?"
"I absolutely hate it. Even home with dad was better than this." She frowned and leaned back some, tilting her head back against the wall. "At least then I could take walks on my own, you know? Instead I'm stuck here. All the time with everyone else telling me what to do.” 
Santi gently reached for her hand. He didn't try to hug her, which was appreciated. Hugs just felt like traps now, even if she couldn't help but lean into them, fear always wrapped around her as arms did. A warm embrace only for cool fingers to dig into old wounds, hug you so you can't get away. Hugs didn't feel safe; She wished they did. 
Artemis took his hand and sighed before she continued, "I mean, I guess the only good part is I don't have to worry about groceries anymore, right?" She tried to joke, and smiled softly. But he didn't really know what that meant. 
Santi shrugged a little. He just raised his eyebrows. “I guess..?”
She would often sell herself and let people do whatever they wanted, and people would give money to her. She knew how to steal, of course. But if she was caught and sent to jail it would mean very bad things. It was easier to trade. Still, not having to do that anymore wasn't as good as she hoped. Vincent let people do whatever they wanted anyways- But Santi didn't need to know that. He didn't know most things, and Artemis didn't want to tell him. He wasn't the right person to talk to, and besides, he had his own worries. She also didn’t want him to see her as a slut, truthfully.
"I'm sorry," he said after a second. "Is your dad staying here too?"
"I don't know. Maybe.."
"Maybe Vincent will let you stay at my place with me?"
"That's nice, Santi, but it would never fly with them. They want me here." He squeezed her hand tighter, and she went on. "I have the arena today."
"I hope not. I'm exhausted." 
“I’ll be here when you get back. Make sure you’re not just slapping band-aids on things that need stitches.”
Artemis laughed shortly and leaned her head against him. She just sighed softly.
Santiago had never seen her fight before, and she was thankful for that. He knew how much she hated those things, and Artemis would hate for him to see her as entertainment. It was one of their promises. She could remember when they made their promises clearly. They were sitting under Vincent's desk, hiding. He was hiding from his boss, Spencer- of the Workers Unit. They developed weapons and suits for the Reapers, using information from the other Unit, the Researchers. Researchers conducted experiments on Mythics, the like.
They had sat under that desk, across from each-other. One of the first promises. It was forbidden for Santiago to see her fight. After they had made that promise, they had been dragged off, away from each other- Only to continue to sneak out to hang out. Eventually Spencer and Vincent stopped trying to fight them, and they had gotten closer over the years.
Before that one, however, there was the very first promise. That they would stay together, no matter what. It was so easy to say that, to lock fingers together and promise on it. She looked towards him, and she saw him on that day. He was so small, his eyes bright. Even now his eyes were still bright. She wondered if she looked the same from then too. 
He turned and looked over, and Artemis was dragged out of the memory. It was one she cherished. 
He sighed and smiled a little. "I kinda wish I was like you. People seem to like you here, y'know."
"What do you even mean by that? People don’t like me here. They can’t stand me.”
"No they don’t.” Santi sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “Y'know, they're always training with you, they want to push you to do better. You get all kinds of attention, from Vincent himself. They like you, y’know? You’re…Important, here.”
She just shrugged and looked away, before he spoke again.
 "They enjoy you." Exactly. She hated that. "You fight well, they want to make you better.. You get attention from the boss himself, they give you weapons. They love you, Art. Just.. sometimes you don't listen. I kinda wish I got that attention, sometimes. I mean- Everyone just wants to be better than you.”
She said nothing and just looked down. He was right. It was true. She did get a lot of attention.. Maybe they were just trying to make her better, in some way.. She didn't have time to dwell too much on it before he said something else. Part of her wanted to yell at him, to scream and ask how in the hell he could say that- But she couldn’t. His words kept echoing in her head. You’re important. 
"Here- I have some oranges I stole from the kitchen." He fished into the pocket of his pants and took a few out, passing them to her. She took one and let go of his hand to 
The two just sat with each-other, and Artemis allowed him to braid her hair. Santi said he liked doing it, it made him feel smart. Whatever the hell that meant.
As he did, he told her about what he was working on. Santiago was part of the Workers, and he told her about the new suits they were working on, and how soon the Researchers might be able to extract powers from the Mythics. He sounded excited- Excited about the new things he could invent. He was.. Proud. 
“Santi,” Artemis said. “I have a question for you.” “No, I will not pierce your nose for you.”
“Not that,” Artemis huffed. “Something else.” “Then shoot.” “Do you ever think about leaving? Or, not leaving. But what would it be like if we did? Just… Out of curiosity.” Countless times she'd dream of running away with Santi, making their own life. She had wanted to go back to where she had came from with him, to be able to do whatever they wanted. Create whatever they wanted together. Be whatever they wanted. He could be a scientist, and she could be a pilot. He would save lives and she would be up in the air, touring the clouds, flipping and turning- And they’d always have a home to come back to. To be safe in.
But it was unrealistic. It was stupid. Home was here, and it would always be home. Santi had seemed to accept that, and part of her was jealous of that fact. She knew Santi’s answer before he even said it. “Not really. I mean… This is all I know. I don’t want to have to learn new rules for everything again. I just… Don’t see myself. Out there. I used to. But not anymore.” When Artemis was silent he asked, “Do you?”
“No,” Artemis lied. “Not anymore,” she repeated.
Santiago tied off the braid then, sitting back in front of her and smiling. He went to grab another orange, but another voice interrupted.
"Santiago!" They called distantly from outside. “Santi!”
"Ah, shit. Thats me-"
"No, really?" Artemis glanced back at him and he stood, letting go of her hair. "Go on, you'll get both our asses kicked if you're late from your break. Mostly mine, since you’re the goody-goody.”
"That's not true. They like you better." He raised an eyebrow, and then stood. He didn't know all they did to her. And what he did know, it was excused. It was her fault, a punishment for her actions. Truly, it was. 
Artemis scoffed and pushed at his leg slightly. "Go, then. I'll see you later, mkay?"
He moved forward and grinned at her, pausing to flick her in the head. He waved and then slipped out the door, and Artemis was left alone again. She slumped back against the wall, gingerly touching the braid he had made. She waited, this time dreading when the door would open again.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Charles Blackwood (WHALITC) imagines - Falling Star
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AN: Sorry it took a while to get to you! I had to sit down and watch ‘We have always lived in the castle’ as I hadn’t seen it yet!
Requested by @cherryblossomskye​ - Charles Blackwood and ‘Falling Star’ by The Vogues 
(Want to request your own character and song inspired imagine? Send me an ask!)
Summary: Charles Blackwood is new to town and you don’t get very many fresh faces...
Pairing(s): Charles Blackwood x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,587
Warnings: Young/Inexperienced reader, Some light smut... nothing too naughty, this character is kind of an asshole so
The Blackwood mansion sat on its hill and watched over the town with its never blinking eyes. The town called it ‘The Castle’ as had the family that once lived there. 
The horror story of the Blackwood house still whistled across the state even long after they closed the case. But then again, a massacre doesn’t wash away so easy. 
Now only the two young Blackwood girls and their poor paralysed uncle lived in the castle and they very rarely left it. 
Every Tuesday was the time of the week that the youngest made her trip into town for groceries and other such needs. You worked in the café which was owned by Stella and the youngest Blackwood would always visit on her Tuesday trips. 
You had heard all the rumours and gossip the town could come up with to do with those girls but all you saw was two girls who struggled to socialise after the terrible murder of their family. 
The town had despised their father when he was alive and so you assumed the girls had despised him also. He must've been some brute for his eldest to poison him. Or that was the speculation at least. 
“Morning Mary Katherine.” You smiled politely as the tall awkward girl sat herself down in front of you. 
“Black Coffee.” She ordered her usual to which you poured her a cup. 
You had often thought the girl looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her eyes wide, her mouth straight, frowning just a little in the corners. She always had her hair in pigtails even now at the age of 18. 
She could’ve been a beauty like her older sister if she didn’t dress like she was still that 12 year old girl that lost her family. 
You tried to be kind when you could, quietly scold the townsfolk that chided her when she was drinking her coffee (you knew she didn’t appreciate you making a big thing out of those who bullied her). 
Stella was the same as you. She felt for the girls but she didn’t actively defend them like you did.
But on one Tuesday, the youngest Blackwood didn’t come for her usual cup of coffee. You hadn’t even seen her pass the window like she usually would on her way to the grocers. 
Instead there was a swanky red car that pulled up outside. 
You had heard whispers from a couple of teen girls about some handsome stranger in a red car Thursday last week but you hadn't seen anything yourself. 
You watched a well dressed man step out of his car and walk past the window, down to the grocers and then back up to the door a little while later. 
He opened the door to the café and happened to sit where Mary Katherine usually sat. 
You couldn’t deny the somersault your stomach had done when the man walked in. He was the most handsome man you had ever seen step into your little town before. 
“(Y/n)!” Stella called out your name and rushed towards you with a rag. 
The coffee you had been pouring for an old Joe had spilled over the counter at the sight of the stranger. 
“Oh! I’m sorry!” You felt your cheeks flush red as you wiped up the spilt coffee. 
The mystery man seemed to smirk to himself as you flushed over the counter. 
“I’m sorry, sir, I'll be right with you.” You apologised as you dumped the damp cloth in the sink.
“No rush, a pretty thing like you should be able to take her time.” The man smiled at you and you felt your mouth go dry at the compliment.
You smiled back before taking out your notepad and pencil. 
“What can I get for ya?” You asked, trying not to look at the man in fear you may forget how to speak if you did. 
“Some coffee and eggs will do nicely.” The man folded his hands together on top of the counter and your eyes couldn't help but watch them.
“Coffee and eggs for Mr..?” You tried your luck in finding out his name. 
“Call me Charles.” He introduced himself with another charming smile.
“Charles.” His name glided on your tongue, “I’m (Y/n), holla if you need me.”
You walked off to the kitchen and winced at your choice of words. 
‘Holla if you need me?’ You thought, cringing internally. 
You returned to the handsome stranger with a fresh coffee pot. 
“I must ask what is a lovely girl like yourself doing in a town like this one?” Charles asked you as he sipped on his coffee.
“I don’t come from much. This is home for me and I can’t really go anywhere else without an automobile or money.” You explained, adjusting your apron subconsciously. 
“I believe someone as beautiful as you should be able to go wherever you want.” Charles proclaimed. 
You blushed at his flattery. 
“Can I take you out sometime?” Charles asked, leaning forward on the. countertop. 
“My break is coming up. I could show you around town?” You offered, glancing over at the clock. 
“Sounds perfect to me.” Charles beamed you another toothy grin which made your heart flutter. 
Time went by in a flash and soon you were walking through town with the man. 
“So what brings you to our small corner of the world?” You asked, curious to why the man was visiting. 
“That house up there on the hill.” Charles nodded towards the Blackwood mansion. 
“You’re a Blackwood?” You felt a shiver roll down your spine at the sight of the looming building. 
“Indeed I am. I’m here to visit the girls and my uncle.” Charles informed you. 
“I wasn’t aware there were other Blackwoods left.” The words came out before you could stop them. “I-I apologise I didn’t mean to be so bold.” 
“It’s alright.” Charles stopped in his step and turned towards you. “You were only being honest.”
You looked up at the man. There was something in his eye. Something dark. Something malicious. But it only drew you in closer. 
“The girls are very lucky to have you visit. I fear they are rotting up there in their castle.” You did feel bad for the girls. 
“Well, I admit I like helping people.” Charles took your hand which made you look around and realise that you had walked Charles into a pretty secluded part of the town. 
There was nothing around but the back of the town hall and a field that lead into the forest linked to the Blackwood land. 
Charles took a step towards you. 
You let him step again and again, stepping backwards yourself until your back hit the cold brick of the town hall. 
“I could help you.” Charles voice was low as he spoke. 
His eyes were darker then before as they bored into your own. His tongue wetted his bottom lip as his breath drew close enough to tickle your cheeks. 
“Charles...” You could only manage to whisper his name. 
“I could take you anywhere you wanted. I could take you away from this town once I get what I came for from my cousins.” Charles’ body heat was radiating onto you and it made it hard to focus on what he was saying. 
“I made a wish the other night that I would escape this town.” You found yourself confessing the events of only a couple nights ago. 
“Then I think you should let me help you.” Charles lifted his hand and brushed his finger across your cheek and behind your ear. His touch was like fire. 
You let your eyes fall to his lips then back up to his eyes before you finally nodded. 
Charles didn’t waste a second. 
His lips found yours with a hunger. 
You gasped as he kissed you. You hadn’t kiss a boy before and his lips sent electricity all across your body.
Your hands found the back of his neck as you kissed him back. 
Charles' hand cupped your breast, squeezing hard as he kissed you. You had never been touched this way; it made you ache with need. 
Charles reached down and lifted your skirt up, his hand grabbing your thigh. Your skin was hot to touch which only made his member throb in his pants. 
Charles’ hand made its way up your leg but the minute he cupped your core, you gasped in shock, breaking the kiss.
“We can’t! Not here!” Your fingers shot up to your swollen lips whilst your other hand pushed your skirt down. “We could be seen!” 
“No one is going to see.” Charles bit down on your neck. You panted, squeezing your eyes shut but your hands found his chest and pushed him back. 
“Charles!” You exclaimed. 
Charles gave in and backed off. 
With his tongue in his cheek, he reached down to his trousers and sorted out his erection. 
You felt your cheeks flush violently red at his bold movement. 
“How long are you in town for?” You asked, trying to break the heavy silence. 
“As long as it takes.” He said flatly as he pushed his hair back.
“Well...” You flattened your skirt down completely. “...You can always see me tonight?” 
Charles looked back at you and then finally smiled again. 
“I’d like that.” He responded before planting a kiss on your temple. 
He walked you back to the cafe before hopping into his shiny red automobile and you watched him drive off towards the castle...
AN: Hope this was okay!!
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Two - Cherry Popping
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Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: Aria learns a little more about the differences between the social classes of the Outer Banks and is exhilarated to see JJ once again. The chemistry between the two teenagers increases and so does their burning passion for each other.
Warnings: Smut, some cursing, unprotected sex. (Don’t be a fool, cover your tool) ;)
A/N: GIF is not mine. Belongs to the rightful owner. I don’t own the show or any of the characters. Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your time. :)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
The universe is definitely a mystery to me. I tend not to believe in fate, but that seemed to change when today took a surprising turn. It started out with having brunch with my family at the country club with the Camerons. Normally I wouldn’t mind going, but I my skin is still decorated with hickeys. For the past few days I had to cover ALL of them with makeup. Damn you JJ. He’s all I’ve been thinking about ever since the sleepover. I want to see him again. Just thinking about him makes my heart skip a beat and my cheeks turn red. Part of me wonders what he would do to me if we were to see each other again. God the things I’d let him do to me are absolutely sinful.
A snap of someone’s fingers displayed in front of my statue face pulls me back into reality and away from my forbidden fantasy. I turn to the young woman sitting next to me with a confused look. She nods towards the waiter who is waiting for my order. “Forgive me. May I please have your pesto mushroom crepe? Thank you.” I can practically feel the burning gaze from the young woman sitting beside me. My dear older sister.
Jennifer Prescott. My father’s picture-perfect daughter. Intelligent, graceful, pretty and popular. That’s how my parents see her, me on the other hand, I know her true nature. She can be mean, materialistic and manipulative. We’re always getting on each other’s nerves. She��s quite the party animal too, but my parents trust her too much to think that she would go out and do stuff like that. Even if they did now, they probably wouldn’t mind. After all, they seem to adore her matching picture-perfect asshole of a boyfriend, Rafe Cameron. When he’s not hanging out with his friends or doing business, he’s cheating on my sister and doing cocaine. Sitting on the other side of me is Sarah who whispers discreetly into my ear, “I still can’t believe they’re back together. They fight more than the kooks and pogues combined.” I nod in agreement. Sarah excuses herself to go to the bathroom and I sit while listening to the agonizing grown up talk that bores me to death. That was until a rather impolite conversation was brought to the table.
“Would it kill for these people to hurry up with our order? I swear all they do all day is sit around like sloths.” I felt ashamed to hear those words come out of my father’s mouth. I felt even angrier to hear what Rafe said next. “I understand sir. Those pogues are an absolute nuisance, they cause nothing but trouble.” I glare at Rafe. “They’ve worked more than you ever have.” I squeezed my way into the conversation, everyone turns their attention to me. “Excuse me?” Rafe asked astonished. “You heard me. They’ve worked harder than you ever have. They have grit. They’re determined. They accomplish things. What have you done besides waste your money and,”
“Aria!” My dad interrupt. “That was uncalled for.” “So are you and Rafe talking down to people like they’re worthless.” I can practically see the steam erupting from both my dad and sister. “You guys don’t know shit about them. What gives you the right to say such things?” I continue.
“Stop it Aria! This is embarrassing.” Jennifer says in a hushed tone, not wanting to attract more curious stares. “So is being related to you Jennifer.” Her jaw drops. With my anger over flowing within in me, I stand up and gather my belongings. “And where the hell do you think you’re going?” My dad questions me. “Anywhere but here.” I march away despite my father’s protest. I let out a frustrated sigh as I enter my home.
Maybe I should’ve waited for the food to arrive before stomping out. Now I’m hungry. I scan the fridge only to see that we barely have anything. I suppose now would be a good time to order some groceries. Thank god for Heyward, the lord and keeper of all the holy groceries. (Lmao sorry I love him) While I wait, I decide to scroll through the channels on the tv, finally coming to a decision.
I practically sprint to the door when I hear the bell ring, stomach growling. What I definitely wasn’t expecting was a particular handsome blonde hair blue eyed guy to be standing in front of me. “JJ?” I pause for a moment. I couldn’t believe I was gazing upon him again. “Nice to see you beautiful.” He smirks as he can see he still has an effect on me.
“Likewise, please come in.” I take a few bags from him. My hand brushed against his. “Nice place you got. What do your parents do again?” He asked looking around the luxurious home. It’s too much in my opinion. “My dad is a CEO of this pharmaceutical company and my mom is a physician.” “And what do you want to do?” “I don’t know yet. What about you?” He just huffs. “Don’t know. Something that doesn’t require college. Military probably.” I watch him help put groceries away, I can’t help but gaze at his beautiful body, with the way you can see the veins in his arms or his toned abdomen under his shirt. His fit to join the military.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you again.” I say. “Awe, did I leave insatiable?” His eyes burn into mine. I’d be the biggest liar if I said no. “Perhaps. Couldn’t get enough of you I guess.” I decide to play along with his game of flirtation. “Oh? Is that so? And just what would your parents think if they knew their daughter was getting hot and heavy with some pogue?” He says backing me up towards the counter. “Don’t know. Wasn’t planning on telling them. I figured this,” I close the distance between us and gently bite down on his earlobe. “Could be our dirty little secret.” This seems to rile him up a little. He looks me up and down. “I like the sound of that.”
He finally closes the distance between us, lips crashing together. Hands exploring every curve and muscle of each other’s body. God, I missed this. His hands on my waist. Tongue caressing mine. Being so close and intimate. This whole thing felt scandalous. Me sitting on the kitchen counter making out with the hot delivery boy. I can’t even imagine what would happen if my parents found out. Who knew fate would bring us together again?
I want it to last forever, but the sound of the front door opening makes us both jump back. “Aria?” My mother calls for me until she finds me in the kitchen. She was taken by surprise to see JJ.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting any guests.” “Sorry, I ordered some groceries. This is JJ.” I apologize. She just smiles. “No need to apologize. And it’s a pleasure to meet you JJ. I’m Elaine, Aria’s mother.” She offers a hand shake which he takes. “Nice to meet you too ma’am.” He flashes her a smile. She pays him and tips him nicely before handing him a cold-water bottle.
“Take some water with you love. It’s hot out there. You need to stay hydrated, especially if you’re being active.” This took JJ by surprise. “Thank you. I really appreciate that.” “My pleasure love, and take this with you. You must be burning so many calories after working all day.” She hands him a zip lock bag of some of the leftover sandwiches we made last night. “Oh, that’s fine Mrs. Prescott. You really don’t have to do that.” JJ attempts to decline. “Nope I insist.” She ignores his protests. He finally gives in. “Thank you again. That’s very kind of you.” “I’ll walk you out.” I say. When we’re out of her hearing distance he says, “Your mom seems really nice. Looks I’ll have to deliver here more often.” “Speaking of that when can I see you again?” “There’s this kegger party tonight. What do you think?” “Sure. I’ll see you tonight lover boy. “Better.” He winks before strutting off.
I enter the kitchen to see my mom preparing to make dinner. “He’s a sweet kid.” She compliments. “Yeah, he is.” I was a confused to say the least. I thought that she would bring up the incident at the club. “You’re not mad at me?” She simply looks up with confused eyes. “If you’re referring to what happened at brunch, no I’m not mad. You did nothing wrong.” Well that’s not what I was expecting. “I doubt that dad feels the same way.” She just chuckles.
“You’re right about that, but he had absolutely no right to be so disrespectful and neither did Rafe. If anything, it surprised me that your father and Rafe would say such thing in front of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron.” “Why’s that?” My curiosity gets the best of me. “Because they’re actually from the cut.” That came as a shock. “I’m sorry if I overreacted, but I just didn’t think that was fair of them.” She looks at me with nothing but care in her motherly eyes. “Don’t every apologize for speaking up against something that’s wrong. I gave your father a piece of my mind before he went golfing with Mr. Cameron.” “Thanks mom, for understanding.” She simply smiles. “Of course. Now enough with that. You go enjoy the rest of your day.”
And that I did. My leg was bouncing the whole way there. It didn’t take much to convince Charis and Sarah to come. “Trying to impress someone?” Asked Charis referring to my rather revealing short sundress and hair down. “Can’t a girl feel pretty once in a while?” I hope JJ likes what he sees, and boy did he. I was satisfied to see that he was impressed. His predator like eyes roamed every inch of my body. He licks his bottom lip, making me weak in the knees. The night went on with JJ staring me down. Watching my every move. Most likely fantasizing about what he’d do to me if he had me alone.
I take a seat next to him by the fire. My naked leg brushed against his. Sending a shiver up our spines. “Wanna get out of here?” His hot breath, that smells like weed, mint and booze, whispers into my ear. I didn’t hesitate to say yes. That’s all he needed before taking my hand and leading me towards this cute fish shack by the marsh. I didn’t have time to say anything when he slammed the door shut and pushed me against the wall.
His lips attack mine like he’s been holding back all day. My hands go straight for his hair, pulling at the ends. “You have no idea what that dress does to me babygirl.” “I thought you’d like it.” My eyes flicker into his lustful ones that seemed to grow a shade darker. This time he kisses me a lot slower than the last one. It was gentler, like he wanted to take his sweet time with me. His hands clutch onto my ass. Making me gasp and giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue past my now swollen red lips. When we pull away to breathe, something in me finally awakened. Like a hidden voice that I’ve been holding back for so long. Something only he was able to awaken. “I want you JJ. I want all of you.”
He waste no time to scoop me up in his arms and begin to walk towards what I assume is his bedroom. He throws me on the bed before crawling on top of me, our lips connect again in a passionate kiss. I tug at his shirt, which he gladly takes off, along with my dress that he throws across the room. He takes his time to soak in the girl in front of him. I didn’t bother to wear a bra, which seemed to take him by surprise.
He begins to play with the harden buds, the feeling of his rings making my breath hitch. “So fucking beautiful.” His words make me blush, all the insecurities that seemed to cloud my mind vanish. Even when he pulled down my panties. My hesitation disappears when I unbuckle his belt, pulling down his pants and boxers, his erection no longer hiding. I silently gulp as I look upon the member.
“Jay?” His eyes flicker to mine. “I’ve never um,” I can’t seem to find the right words, but judging from the look on his face, he already knew. “We can stop if you want.” “No. I want this. I want it to be with you.” This makes him smile, I can practically see a spark in his baby blue ocean eyes. “I’ll be gentle. I promise. We’ll go at your pace.” His hands hold my legs open as he aligns himself at my entrance. I watch as he begins to disappear inch by inch until bottoming out. I focus on my breathing, hoping that it would distract me from the discomfort.
When I look up at him, his jaw is clenched, resisting the urge to plunge deep into my smooth folds. He leans down to litter kisses on my face as an attempt to distract me from the pain. “Just relax. It’ll start to feel better soon.” Who knew he had such a sweet side? My walls finally begin to adjust to him. The discomfort begins to fade. I move my hips and am introduced to a pleasurable sensation resulting in me letting out a surprised moan. It increases as he pulls out only to plunge back in, almost knocking the wind out of me.
He finds a rhythm that I was comfortable with. The speed of his thrusts increase as the volume of my moans grow louder. The sound of skin slapping, raspy breaths and pornographic moans fill the room. Our bodies fit perfectly together, like puzzle pieces, as if we were made for each other. He smiles at how well I’m taking him.
The sight above me was breath taking. His biceps flexing every so often along with his abdomen tightening. His skin practically glowing. Hair messy and falling in front of face. Head thrown back, mouth agape and a vein on the verge of popping. The heavenly sound of his occasional moans and grunts, a pleasing melody.
Wanting more, I pull him down so our chests meet and wrap my legs around his waist, creating a new angle that reaches the sweet spot that lurks deep inside me making me moan louder. He once again bites down on that particular spot located on my neck. This action causes a tight feeling to form in my stomach. “Mmm JJ. I’m so close.” “Cum for me babygirl. I’m right behind you.” His thrusts become faster and sloppy. With him grunting against my ear and thumb rubbing against my sensitive clit, it doesn’t take much for me to reach my peak. My eyes roll to the back of my head, which is thrown back against the pillow, and a wave of euphoria rushes through my body like electricity.
“Fuck.” The feeling of my walls gripping around him even harder was enough for him to find his own release. He stills inside me, his seed coating my what was once pure and innocent walls, and are now tainted and marked by him. The rest of his body goes limp as he lays against me trying to catch his breath. The two of us lay there, our bodies slick with sweat, taking in the warm air. A whimper escapes my lips at the lost feeling when he pulls out, some of his cum leaking out of me. Neither of us say a word. Our naked bodies tangle together under the sheets and he turns the light out. I let the rhythmic sound of his beating heart guide me into a deep and peaceful sleep.
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memory-hoarder · 3 years
I turn off the lights, scrolled my phone and clicked the Spotify app currently listening to (calming acoustic) 10: 05 PM, best time to unleashed all emotions that piled up from nowhere. I covered myself with a huge blanket and placed the laptop on my lap and decided to visit my page. I know, I'm being inactive lately but I'm doing my best to update my journal publicly to remind me of my long absences.
Tonight, I decided to post the questions I received a night before my birthday celebrated. I kept this on my file for a month now. Admittedly, this is the huge decision I made on my birthday. So, I asked a random people on my messenger lists - some are my work colleagues while others are acquaintances. At first, I am hesitant to ask for favor to anyone but I did. Well, I guess it was successful though I received different reactions - some confused and thought I was making fun while others are game on to sent their questions. Obviously, it took days for me to answered cos it turns out that I wasn't prepared myself for few questions that somehow affects me literally.
The twist here is I am not allow to send my answer to their questions. However, I can answer it through this journal. Which I described as bravery.
Here are some of the questions:
How’s Life? How’s Life?
A question that been asked me twice. Well, this year was the great sadness of my life that challenged me mentally, emotionally and drained me physically. Sometimes a mere struggle on financially. I’m doing fine but lots of times I seriously breaking down especially the trauma of what happened 8 months ago. But today, I accepted the fact and slowly healing me and appreciate what really God’s intention and plan for my life.
Are you happy right now?
Not sure how to put it into words but there is no reason not to be happy. Right? If you just appreciate the life you are living right now or even the smallest thing that makes you smile or giggle I guess there is no reason to be sad at all. Although, lots of times I felt happy, sad, angry or lost. But there are still lots of reasons to celebrate or be joyful too. I juts let myself felt all the emotions that life wanted me to experienced to remind me that I indeed exist. There are people who could bring me joy and sadness at the same time but all I know they are all part of my journey.
Have you ever missed me before we lost our communication? Do you consider me as true friend?
Of course, I do. I miss the old you the person who I genuinely treasured during my college days. And, you are one of the reasons why I indeed survived college. I just don’t understand why we both let this friendship died. Was it because we no longer catch up? But, how I hope building friendship again will no longer hard as I imagined. But, please know that you became part of my story. I always count on you whenever I am sad and confused. I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts because I know you will never judge me. Hope to see you again soon. Take care of yourself!
Why there are times you don’t have the mood to talk?
Because, I read my surroundings and I feel comfortable being alone not to isolate but to process my own thoughts with myself which my normal thing growing up and I choose this way - became aloof at times not wanted to talk to anyone or go out. It makes me sad to think only few understand my personality. However, I can't just normalize this because of extrovert people I knew. I don’t have mood to talk and I push away people closed to me because I find a happy place being alone. Its not sad or dark what it gives me is peace of mind that no on can offer.
Would you like to change your past or stay on your present path? Why and why not?
I believed majority will choose the past, we all wanted to change one thing that we regret of doing - apologies, goodbye's, places to travel, opportunities we must have and other important things we slip away that is why I choose the past over my present. One thing I am eager to experience all over again is my mom's precious life, only if I had the power to bring her back. I was just 16 years old when she died, and I think the years of her being a mother to us will never be enough. However, her life is a blessing and all the valuable teachings that she imparted on me and to my siblings will remain on us forever. How I wish for her to at least see as growing up especially my brother that she spoiled a lot, and for us to give back all the things she deserved. I imagined date her on a restaurant, buy her clothes, treat her to the salon or accompany her on the grocery store. I also wanted to visit the past to catch up with my high school friends – Mira and Jeno, I will never forget how they literally brings me deep joy and the reason I am early bird during junior high because of the dare. I just missed the sound of Jeno's sense of humor, I treated her more than a friend rather a sister and it broke me when I received the news that he's gone. I was not there for him nor visit his and mom's grave for years now. I wanted to comfort Mira, but I am too far away and impossible to have my own money for my flight expenses. What I did is to cried and prayed for his soul. All of the good memories flashed back once more yet I realized God might took away two beautiful souls in my life but I am confident they watching over and guiding me through life.
I am or was curious regarding James situation, did it ever cross your mind you regret James being your boyfriend?
In all of the questions I received this one hits me hard to the core. For everyone’s knowledge James and I are in a relationship for over 4 years now. Just like other couples we did fight over little things yet we matured and grow together. One thing I really loved about James Charlie is how kind and pure his heart. He helps people as long as he can even himself are struggling to live. Not to mention his over confidence that I am jealous of. I guess, because of how friendly and inviting his amour. Also, a talented one he knows how to dance, sing and imitate different kinds of sounds, He’s grammar and vocabulary are lit. He can also play guitar very well, draw portrait’s and even writing a poems. He knew, he won my heart through his creative abilities. I was also surprised how he interested over history of aliens, bermuda triangle, mermaids and what I consistently heard of the Pyramid of Giza, life documentaries and other related history of it. I find him sexy whenever he talked about some of it. Our age gap is never an issue on our relationship and I am lucky that he guided me on everything, considered my opinions or thoughts and when I freaked out badly which occasionally happened he handle me perfectly and I appreciated his temperament level during my anxiety attacks or whenever I choose to isolate myself him being shut off. He understood me in my own terms and be myself. Yet relationship will test your loved from one another, there were also things that I don’t like of him doing however James does listened to me. He listens to advises either coming from me or from other people that cared for him. He is a vocal person, that one thing that I fall for him is his sense of humor. I guess talkative and being clingy towards person is his nature especially growing up in a broken family. Consistent communication is a key. I remembered he told me that I was different to all the girls she dated on his past life. That I am out of his league, he doesn’t know that he is of out my league too but when I know him deeply he taught me lessons in life and felt his warm love. Over the course of our relationship he respect the limitless of our love language and he accepted and understood the love without intimacy is a different level of love and respect and from his perspective I wanted everyone to know that James has a huge respect towards me, my beliefs and reasons. How someone could wait for something that he can easily took away something on his past relationship. Our relationship is somehow changed us individually into a better person. Getting older, he became dreamer and goal oriented. I witnessed all his hard work, that he celebrated through silence. He wanted to build home and think of small business that will be our retirement in the future. How many kids we wanted or how many dogs we will going to breed. I guess, some people misunderstood James for so long, how miserable life that no one to talk and curse during your victories or failures? Friends and addiction in alcohol and other stuff are his way of escaped, escape from the reality that lead him to take his own precious life once. I know how difficult life for him way back on his early 20’s that he fought all his battle alone and how he overcome his depression and addiction without someone to lean on. And nowadays, everything makes sense to me that I realize being independent sometimes is not a choice but more on a decision. decision and accepting no one will guide you through your journey so you have to do it alone either it brings you sadness or happiness in a process, not to count living alone and make money all by yourself. I agreed he might do bad decision in life but that doesn’t mean his life has no purpose at all. Instead, God is confident that he will win this battle not for everyone, not for the sake of me or our relationship but for himself. As for our current situation, I know being with him and fight through the end will inspired him a lot. Yes, he currently working on his self and will prove to everyone when the time comes that he will be able to regain his new
life and continue living.
We introverts, tend to think a lot, like really overthink a lot. What do you mostly overthink and how deep? Deep, like does it leads you to think more negatively resulting to depression? (mild depression, maybe).
I overthink some scenarios on my head when it really affects my whole being and when every time I think of it, obviously it trigger my anxiety not depression I guess. I can recall one or two hard situations that happened to me, and I know it wasn’t me trying to act that way. I even punished myself and literally breakdown trying to hurt myself, call me freak or whatever cos now I asked myself too how I even allowed myself to did terrible things, because anxiety creeping on me and telling me to do it. But, mostly I think of is my future and myself – deep that it scared me a lot. I have lot of questions of this world that I keep on searching by myself until now.
Why it took for you to share your problems?
Honestly, when I’m having a serious problem I am not confident to share to anybody except to my family who already knew. It took too long because advises no longer work for me, I listened because it was normal people do – advise and advise. Maybe, it was me who are picky to share my problem with, sometimes people listened but never in heart. Not all people deserve to know your struggle and during your lowest times, I have my own terms of coping so you do.
How do you maintain your petite body? If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
Wow! I never see this coming. Well, I guess being fit is what I inherited on my father's side. They not so fat unlike on my mother's side. I have no limit on foods I intake in other words not your discipline person to look up to. I do eat carbs, junk foods and sodas is always on my list. I never worried if I am physically fit aside from walking Maxine during days off. I don't know how do I maintain this body I guess I'm never. Being fit actually is my insecurity. However, I do loved my body whatever what happen.
Well, if I had 3 wishes in life - first, to end this pandemic so that everything will back to normal. second, for James to have peace of mind and good health while waiting for the process of his case. And, lastly, for me to be strong, lasting patience and strong faith.
How would you solve your problems?
Problems is always part of lives. But, I believed it is always about the degree of the problem. Whenever, I had problem sometimes I resolved it in time but other times I need more time and space to think what will be the resort of it. And, pray for some guidance.
As independent being, how do you handle depression and anxiety?
Good thing to end all of this questions, I became independent when I graduated from college. I have to commute 131 kilometers back and forth from another city just to apply on my first job and the process is never easy at all. When you sent all of your applications form on each companies but never accepted It brought so much sadness, one point of my life I am eager to seek job because I used it as my coping mechanism to walked away from home which I did now, I walked away to protect my peace of mind especially having anxiety growing up and having this thing is hard as people imagined. You might only see darkness and feel of losing but for me, I guess for a year now I handled myself perfectly I never allow this condition to swallow me whole and affect my way of living. I reminded myself to keep strong and remain optimist and always protect my peace of mind at all cost.
I am 24 now strong and happy and leaving Haruki Murakami quote: "And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what storms all about"
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Sugar (15/?)
Warnings: I don´t think so..
Wordcount: around 2300
Sugar- Masterlist
Part 14
Heavy fog was all around.
It weighted on your head, chest, and extremities not allowing you to move even a hair.
Am I dead? What happened? -Oh yeah, a car...
Then darkness took over your mind again and when you came to the next time, voices were there as well. 
“She has a bad concussion, heavy bruising and her left shoulder was dislocated. But otherwise, she was very lucky. This accident could have ended in her death.”, an unknown male´s voice stated.
“When do you think she will be waking up again?”, this voice sounded like Bucky.
“Soon. Her body is exhausted from the accident. But she should be awake any day now.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
“Mr Laufeyson. Mr Barnes.”, the first male said, and soon after a door closed.
“Any news from the Sheriff?”, Loki wanted to know and Bucky answered.
“No. Just what Sam found out himself when he dragged that drunk bastard from behind the wheel.”
A drunk? But why was that car so silent.
“Stupid electric car. If it wasn´t for that silent engine, we would have heard him coming a long time ago.”, your friend cursed.
Electric, which explains the missing noise. I wonder how the others are doing. And Hati.
Not long after, exhaustion took over and you fell asleep again. 
“Please, I just want five minutes. Not more not less.”, it was your brother.
“Why should I allow you into this room?”, Loki asked with his manager- voice.
“I am her brother.”
Ha. Sure.
“Really? Trusting my information, you disowned her just a few days ago. So why the sudden change?”, the CEO hummed.
“Why do you care?”, your brother growled and you could imagine the burning look in his eyes. 
“Why shouldn´t I? (Y/N) is very dear to me.”
“Sure, I bet she is just another pussy for ya. Another naive girl from a small town to pull under the spell of luxurious life and make them do whatever you want. It was you who gave her the money for Ma´s house, am I right? What did you make her do in return? Huh? Have her take it in the ass? Have her blow you under the table while you have a video call? Tell me. What was your prize? What did my sister have to give you?”, at first he had this mocking laugh in his voice, but it got colder with every spoken word.
“Speaking out of your own experience? It is known that you bikers don´t really care about your female companions, you take what you want from them and share them as others do with Pizza.”, now it was Loki who sounded mocking, “They are someone's daughters and sisters after all.”
The tension that followed was cut-able and a feeling weaseled down your spine. A feeling that only showed itself whenever you were about to witness your brother´s anger and so you prayed that Bucky, Sam, or Thor were near to protect your boss. Or else you had to fear for his well being.
“But as you seem to be one to demand answers in using other ways if they are not given as requested, I will answer you. Nothing. There was no prize for her to pay. I gave her the money out of a free will and without any ulterior motive, as a gift. And before you ask, I never demanded anything from her she was not willing to give. And until recently, that had only been her companionship and care, nothing sexual.”
“If you say so.”, Happy growled lowly.
“She cooks and bakes for me when she feels the need to. She looks after the apartment when she has time. Joins me to dinner, or lunch and business functions. Otherwise, she can do and go whatever or where ever she wants to. I admit, at first, when we first met, I did not treat her in a way I should have. But I explained myself, apologized and we came to an understanding.”
“Yer are her fucking Sugardaddy.”, your brother sneered, “You made a whore out of my sister. A freaking croweater.”
“You see, there is a difference between your sister and one of your Croweaters. First of all, the only person your sister would sleep with is me if she chooses to. With the emphasis being on: if SHE chooses to. Even so, I am her Sugardaddy or Dominant, she holds the real power in this dynamic, this relationship. She decides what she want ´s to let me have. Just as she did when she came and soughed comfort with me after you broke her heart.”
“You fucked her when she was vulnerable? Took advantage of her, when she was not in her right mind? Is that what you want to tell me?”, now he was nearly shouting in his burning anger and you believed to hear the sound of a gunshot soon.
What NO! Happy…
“No. What I said, was that she came to me to seek comfort. She made Steak and when I came out of the shower, she was waiting for me only dressed in some lingerie. She offered herself to me. I believe she decided that if everybody thinks her a whore, why not do as they think and fuck? I did not, believe me, before you get a stroke out of anger. She was the only one who came to a release that night. And the only thing entering her that night was my tongue and finger. I kept my dick in my pants. Unlike other people, I can control my needs and put those of my partner above my own. I only take what is offered and not demand to get something offered so I can take what I want.-”
Wow. That was far too much information for my brother. What is going on? 
“-Now that this is out of the way. Tell me, why should I allow you to be in the same room as (y/n), alone?”
“She is my sister, and she is very dear to me. Just as she is to you.”, your brother suddenly admitted and your mouth would have fallen open, if you were awake, “That´s why I did what I did.”
“I am sorry, but I can not really follow you I think. Please, explain how you broke your sister´s heart because you love her as you claim.”
“Huh,”, he snorted and sighed, “I always did. I loved her from the moment she was born. Her father was a dickhead who treated our mother like shit. He beat her regularly, just as he did with me. The only one who was spared was (y/n). Did I loath her for that when I was a child? Maybe, but Ma explained that he only spared her because he could not excuse bruises or injuries on her body as easily as with us. Ma would be clumsy and I a rowdy child. But what could a few month old baby be? -”
I never heard this version before. I never heard anything of this before.
“ - The bastard was killed when I was in my teens. (y/n) was still too young to remember. And I had already my problems with the cops and other people like me. I knew she would be in danger if anyone learned about her. So I did the only thing I could: make everyone, including her, believe I hated her like nothing else. Like that she would have no importance to those that meant me harm.”
“You did it to protect her.”, Loki hummed.
“You hurt her. Made her believe she is unwanted and maybe even hated by you to protect her?”, the CEO asked again to make sure.
“I wanted to rather see her hating me than being dead.”, your brother admitted and tears gathered behind your heavy eyelids.
“Then why disowning her? You already had what you wanted. Why broke the last bit of her?”
“She is as stubborn as the rest of us Lowmanns, even though she changed her name as soon as she could. She left to study in NY. Had to stop because it became too expensive for her to pay. I told Ma, she should give her some money from me and say it was from her. (y/n) never asked for money. She moved out into a different apartment, started to work full time at a diner, and worked her ass off from then on. Not once asking for money, but rather sending any spare penny she got to help Ma. She lived but she never lived. If you know what I mean. She always cared more about others than about herself and not once did she have someone who cared about her. That stupid boyfriend of hers, who should have treated her just the way she was treating him, was of no use either. And I am still tempted to get my ass over there and spend him a visit.”, the last part was a deep promising growl.
“Mhm. I know what you mean.”, Loki hummed in approval.
“I wanted her to leave and forget us. To finally think about herself first and not about us. Not about a way to get Ma enough money for her medication before having even paid for her food. Not about a way to help Ma with her groceries before being able to afford new clothing. Not about a damn bank account, she started to gather good damn money in case someone has to bail me out should something happen to Ma while I am in Jail because no one paid one.”, Happy was nearly shouting now.
Does he know about all of this? Well, Aunti must have spilled the beans on some of this, but … no one knew about the account. How?
“I just wanted her to be free from us. Free to live her life without anyone holding her back. And what did it bring? Nothing. She was hit by a god damned drunk driver in the one city I should be able to protect her. And yet, she was hit merely a hundred meters away from me. And I was able to do nothing.”
Wait.. he was there?
Another heavy silence hung in the air.
“I never saw her as happy as she was after she came back from your business-dinner, or in that park just before the car hit her.”, Happy breathed, “Don´t make the same mistake I did and break her heart-”
“Because?”, Loki asked interested, musing what the biker had in mind otherwise.
“Because then I and everyone I know will make sure you will regret it. And if it is the last thing I will do. Not the most expensive security detail will be able to protect you. I will find you, and I will make you suffer.”, your brother stated his voice cold as ice.
“A strange promise to make at the bed of an ill person.”, Loki mused.
“Ain´t a promise. I swear this by my mother´s life and my Harley.”
“I will remember this. But be assured: I have no intention to ever hurt your sister. She is the purest and most caring person I have ever met in my life. If she allows it, I will lay the earth to her feet and give her everything she wants, needs, and more.”
“Good. And you do well to remember that Laufeyson. I will trust you with her now that I know I was right about you. I will leave then. Have a nice day.”, you heard your brother move. You did not want him to leave.
“You can stay here if you want. I will let my men know that you are no danger to (y/n) and that I allowed you in here. I have to speak to the doctor and then make a few calls.”, Loki said.
“I will let her know if she wakes up. If she lets me speak that is.”
“Thank you Mr Lowmann.”
“Call me Happy. Only Cops, Judges, and agents call me Mr Lowmann.”
“Happy.”, Loki nodded and soon later, you heard the door to your room close.
Heavy leather boots closed in on your bed and not a second after the screeching of cold metal on the tile floor reached your ears.
“I am sorry for what you went through all these years. I know I will never be able to make it right to you, and I totally understand that. Ma already had my hide after what I said a few days ago. And Tig gave me a black eye when he figured out why you ran crying. It´s ironic, isn't it? I do all of this to protect you and yet, here we are. You are in a damn hospital after nearly dying through a drunk driver who drove a car I fucking repaired a week ago. Karma is a bitch, huh? I wonder if fate wanted to hit me and not you.”, you felt your brother reaching for your hand, gently brushing his thumb over the back of it for a few minutes before his phone rang and he sighed.
“Yeah?”, he asked, “With my sister at the hospital. Na she seems to have only minor injuries. Yeah, best luck someone can have. What do you want?… alright. I will be there in twenty... I am sorry, sister. I gotta go. If I don´t see you before you leave for NY, be well. I love you, little Sis.”
And then he did something he never did and you wished he would do when you were younger; placing a kiss on the top of your head and ruffling your hair.
It was soon after your brother left that you once again fell asleep.
Part 16
AN 2.0. So, be honest... Who saw this revelation coming?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
Thank you very much.
@jadepc​@pacifyhxlsey​ @thankyoukarenclifford​
@thankyouforanonymity​  @punkrockhufflefluff​
@scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil
@yknott81​    @banner-and-bucky-are-life​ @forext20 @dyanlzbb​  @so-finster-die-nacht @emmii4 @bitchwhytho @ladyofmyst   @jilldsumner @momc95 @appreciating-fanfics
@bits-and-bobs-and-kawaii-stuffs @mimmie666   @fullranchwolfoperator
@cluelessnitwhit @youknowitsclouds @his-paradox @purplerainharry
@spootgaai2000 @iamsuperjenna @nikkipea   @alexakeyloveloki @timelordy-fangirl2 @girrafeeeeeee @emilyjane44x @randomgirlwholoveskpop @deathkat657
I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
Want to get tagged as well? Comment, Reblog or send an ask to let me know.
27 notes · View notes
nityarawal · 11 months
Saint Elon
Afternoon Songs
Is He Gonna Be
Saint Elon
Save My Kids
Before Bombs
Are You Gonna Help
Hold Him In The Light
If He Leads
Elon Clause
Gotta Love Everyone Here
Little Earthlings
Holding You Dear
Saint Elon
What Are You Gonna Be
The Kind Of Guy
That Gives Your Old
A Check Mark
Authenticating Who She
For Her Sweet
Ted Talk
Who You Gonna Be
The Nice Guy
Or The "Bad Guy"
Who You Gonna Be
Who Tells You
Be Prudent
Your Boys Club
Blew One Too Many
Oil Lust
Queen Of Jordan
Palestinian Born
Oh The "Irany,"
Why Do You All
Chase Her So
David Farley Kaplan's
Latest Baby Mamma
Looked Just Like Her
She Could've Been
My Auntie
Or Cousin
My Mom
Loves Her
Take A Stand
For The Modern 
Queen Rania
Queen Farah
Reza The Second
On Gold Couns
'Cuz That's All You
Martian's Moms'
You Gonna Love
An AI Barbie
So You Can See
Her Naked
In Space
How You Gonna
See Your Wife
If She's In A Puff
All The Time
I Can See We
Might Have
To Go Somewhere
The Way USA
Is Burning Up
Wars For Oil
Now Garbonzo
Bean Counters
Can't You Make A
Save Some Baes
Break The Apartheid
Make Some Waves
Wasting Money
On Defense Games
Save Your Oil
Make Your Boundaries
Strive To Be A Saint
Because Whose
Are You Really
On Mate
Try Harder
Be Better
Than Your Dad
Less Errors
Than Errol
But He Did One
Good Thing For You
He Gave Away
In The 90's
That's When Sunil
And I Bought His
A Columbian
Would Risk His Life
To Get Them
And A University
Professors Wife
Got Us A Deal
Soft Green Emeralds
Best For Mercury
Buddha Too
One Of My Favorite
If Only We Could Have
A Pool Of Mercury
And It Wasn't Poisonous
To Float in Mercury
Must Feel Quite Good 
Buddha's Luck
In Right Suit
Just Look At Him
Sparkling Eyes
Buddha's Luck
Mercury Placed
For A Gemini
Keeping Him
Young Despite Ketu 
Rahu's Dance
Around Him
Like Krishna
A 1000 Headed
Pen Pal For
Lakshmi Goddesses
Does He Message Us
Ask To Go To Dinner
Send Invitations
For BitCoin
And Leave
Comforting Messages
Is He Saint Elon
Or Are There A
1000 Cons Behind
Is He Saint Elon
Does He Show Up
Freedom Of Speech
Looks Kind Of Funny
Depends What Side
Of Court
You're On
The Cops Always
Today Unleashed A
Parolee On A Neighbor's
Then You Call The Police
To Ask About
Organized Crimes
They Come
And Peep
Then Let Their
Robbers Come
Cops Bald 
Heard A Police Report
When I Got
Free Groceries
Sheriff Aikens
Raided Her Home
Officer Aikens
Sold Her Kids
CPS Foster
Raped Them
Her Eyes Are Dry
She Knows They'll
Hurt More
If She Cries
But Yeah You
Are You OK
I Asked
After A Long Hot
Are You OK
It's Just Nice
To Hear Someone Ask
She Says
We Got Our Groceries
On My List
Church Ladies
Prayed For My Kids
How'd They Have
My Favorite
Ciabatta Italian Buns
And Queen's Bitters
Sugar Free Quinine
Lion's Mane
I Wanted 
For Cleanse
How'd They Have All
My Favorite
Indonesian Ramen
At A Food Drive
With All The Vitamins
I Need
Chaste Tree
K1 And Zinc
How's You Know
My Imaginary 
How'd You Know
Big Mammas
All The Peeps
We're Happy With
Their French Bread
Bus Broke Down
And Was Late
All Dehydrated
In The Hot Sun
By The Time The
Bus Came From 
For A Handout
For A Trusty Driver
I Gave A $1 For Me
But The Mamma
In Need
Didn't Have Anything
She Thought
To Offer
So I Gave A $1
For Her Too
And Write Another
Police Report
Against All The
Officers At Court
Who Rape
Our Kids
And Sell Them Out
On The Black Market
Enoch Wasn't The
Only Rental Car
Jeremy Parsons 
Isn't Our Only
Gay Sheriff
Working Bribes
With Militia
On Tariff
Raiding Homes
6 Years Of Clones
Is Already
Beyond Your Means
Drones Attack
Gaza Is Gone
AI Did What
You Asked Her
Not To
Maybe Invitro
Is Not A Smart
As Once Thought
And Humans
Need Fishing
To Impregnate
Honor Mommies
But Every Human
Is Precious
Is Shivani Going To
Their Brains
If Need To Compensate
Not OK
Cuz I Like Tau
The Royalist
Just The Way He
X Too
And My Kids
Of Course X 
Despite Offense Quandary
See All 
The Rockets
You Blow His Mind
All Your Children
And Mine
Vivian Looks Like Mom
She Deserves To Have That
If She's A Scientist
Playing With Gene
We Can All Be
What We Want To
But At What Costs
Be What God
We Think
Or Find It
But If Each Of These
Need A Guardian
Bed Time Story
Don't Put That On
All Of Us
Fir Tax Dollars
8 Billion Parents
Geniuses Like Einstein
Geniuses Like Marilyn
He Said
Your Brains
My Beauty
We Should've 
Had Kids
Oh The "Irany!"
Maybe Her Brains
We're Better Indeed
Maybe Got The 
Story Wrong
Short End Of Stick
Flip It Around
Elon Clause
If Marilyn's IQ
Was 3-7 Points 
Higher Than Einstein
12 Points Higher 
Than Elon Clause
Imagine How
Smart Are Model
Dr's Of Mothering
At Home
You Better Sing 
To Sainthood
If You Want To Be As
As Our Greatest
And Singers
Like Your Mom Maye
My Maye Goddaughter
And Treasured
Starter Wives
We Don't Want Murdered
Like Ivana
Like Your Mom Maye
In Apartheid
From Selfish Cheaters
My Maye Goddaughter
Cat Walking Italy
Trying To Get
Honest Work
In New York
Mother May I
Did You Play It 
Want To Be As Bright
As Goddesses
Greatest Lights
Then Embrace Your
Inner Light
Jyoti- Bhara Pragya
Ritam-Bhara Pragya
"That Intelligence That
Only Knows
Maharishi Said
A Great Physicist
A Peter Pan
Want To Be As
As Saint Nick
All The Time
Like Yesterday
On Lex Fridman
Movie Star
Want Your Reeves
Superman To Shine
20 Minutes Is All
It Takes
That's All That
James Bond
Needs For Peace
Master Cleanse
20 Minutes Is All
It Takes
That's All That
Queen Elizabeth 
Would Ever Give
20 Minutes Twice A
Day- Royals
Meeting With God
20 Minutes Twice A
Then Give It Away
Maharishi Said
To Make 
.001% Medetate
By Conscious Referees 
To Do Yoga
Of Self
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 2
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So in case you missed it Part 1. Again, many thanks to @monstersandmaw​ for sharing the concept of ice orcs with me and letting me run WILD with it. I’m having so much fun with this. 
Ok, so Zara Kingsley, top left, top right- Doug Kizzo and just under him is supposedly “Wolf Eye” which is a brand of whiskey I made up just for this story. Fun fact- there is actually a high end brand of whiskey called “Wolves” and they sell whiskey the way designer limited edition sneaker/tennis shoes are sold ($150 a bottle and you have to “register” to even get on a list before they’ll send you a bottle, *sigh* rich people, but I am not a rich person in real life which would explain why in every fantasy story I write, I can change that about my character) anyway, I didn’t know was even a thing until after I wrote this and as a point of curiosity, I double checked to see if Wolf Eye whiskey was a thing so I didn’t have to worry about copyright (Which is why names are Like That in this story) And that beautiful plate of seafood is what I envisioned a “king’s platter” would look like vs. A fisherman’s stew which is the picture right above the little girl who I’ve chosen to represent Sakura in this story and we have the lovely Taylor in the bottom left. 
Now let’s go shall we? Off to the Arctic Tundra!
Jewel of the North 
Part 2 
You woke up earlier than you thought you would, mostly because you were still in your Great Lakes time zone. So what was 10am to your body, it was 7am there. You crept out of bed and snuck into the bathroom to brush your teeth and your hair and put a bra on under your pajamas and then as quietly as you could, unpacked your gifts for Taylor and her family and arranged everything on the table as you quickly made a pot of coffee and some toast for your pre-breakfast and the smell of coffee was what roused Taylor and Greg at about 8:30.
“Good morning.” You greeted them warmly as they were both still obviously groggy but both happily shuffled over to the coffee pot to drink their coffee.  
“What’s all this?” Greg asked as he looked at his table which was almost overflowing. 
“Presents, Taylor told me to bring seeds.” You answered. 
“Did you...like...clean out a greenhouse?” Greg chuckled as he looked at the sheer amount and variety you brought. 
“Mmm...more like 5 but that’s not important besides I got to a lot of them just as they were closing out for the season so I got a bunch of it for mere pennies on the dollar and it was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time with money in your pocket.” You giggled with a dismissive wave of your hand. “I don’t do anything small or by half.” You shrugged before you handed him a wrapped present. 
“Oof, that’s heavy.” He realized as he took it from you. “You didn’t have to get me anything...oh my gods, you got me Kraken!” He practically squealed when he opened it and pretended to cry as he hugged the gallon jug. 
“My precious.”  He impersonated Gollum as he pet it which cracked you and Taylor up before you handed her- her own gift as she gasped and tried not to squeal too loudly as she unwrapped a bottle of raspberry peach Grand Marnier. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She practically bounced in her spot, hugging the jug too before she leaned over and hugged you too. 
“Alcohol is so stinking expensive up here it’s ridiculous, thank you so much for bringing this.” Taylor thanked you. 
“Yes, it’s very generous of you, thank you.” Greg mirrored. 
“You’re welcome.” You beamed. 
“You know, we really shouldn’t keep all these seeds for ourselves. We should gift these at the festival. That way all the clans can benefit from this.” Greg realized. 
“I was thinking the exact same thing, I told her that last night when she told me about them.” Taylor nodded in agreement. 
“You got a box we can put it all in for now?” You asked before Taylor grabbed the biggest box she had and the three of you packed the seeds away before you grabbed your other crate that had all the seasonings in it. 
“There’s more?” Greg laughed. 
“Well yeah, Taylor said the local grocery stores are pretty limited on spices so I brought enough of everything that it should last you until we see each other again.” You shrugged. 
“It’s like you brought a spice store with you.” Taylor swooned as she opened some of them and sniffed them before Greg did the same, both of them grinning at the scents in their noses. 
“French toast for breakfast?” You suggested. 
“Hell yeah,” Greg immediately agreed before you and Taylor began to make breakfast before the scents of breakfast woke the kids up. 
“Good morning guys!” You greeted them cheerfully as they stopped and stared at the stranger in the kitchen. 
“This is Zara, she’s a friend of ours so you can call her Auntie Zara and she’s going to be staying with us for about a week.” Taylor introduced you. 
“And I’m really grateful you guys opened your home up so I could stay with you, so I brought you guys presents.” You told them which made all of them gasp in excitement. 
“So, you must be Katie, the sensible older sister.” You asked as you pulled out the presents that had their names on them. 
“Lovely to make your acquaintance Katie,” you greeted her formally as you handed her the wrapped gift. Because tweens always loved it when you treated them like little adults. 
“And you must be Matthew.” You deduced as you handed Taylor’s son his gift before you got on your knees so you could be eye to eye with the toddler. 
“Is your name Jamie?” You asked as Jamie hid his face behind his mother’s leg as Greg and Taylor laughed at his bashfulness. 
“Do you think you could take this gift from me Jamie?” You asked as you held it out to him before he took it and ran away. 
“You got me a race car!” Matthew exclaimed and promptly high fived you as Katie’s jaw dropped at her present. 
“Your mom said it was ok to give you girl pampering stuff, so there’s a few face masks, some nail polish. Fancy hand lotion, a few bath bombs and stuff.” You explained as you pointed everything out before Katie happily enveloped you in a hug. 
“Thank you so much.” Katie thanked you gratefully. 
“You’re welcome sweetie.” You grinned just as Jaimie squealed in delight at his new toy and came running in and nearly knocked you over giving you a hug which got you to cackle laughing so you were left to sit on the kitchen floor while Jamie hugged you before he left to go play with his toy as Matt was already racing his car around the house before the family finally got to sit down to breakfast as the kids got to know you better by asking questions about you and your family and where you lived as you showed them pictures of your own kids and how you were a widow now and what you did for living and your horses and pets and things as Jamie happily ate his breakfast from your lap and stared at you adoringly and practically inhaled half your breakfast which you didn’t mind one bit.  As long as babies ate well, they should thrive and you remembered how your own son Xander was practically a bottomless pit. 
Then the calls started to come in on Greg’s and Taylor’s cell phones, all asking if you were there yet. 
“Yup, Noah flew her in yesterday.” You heard them both say as their phones then started to blow up from texts. 
“Uh, babe…” Taylor looked at her husband in a meaningful look that bordered on concern because word had spread like wildfire as they showed each other their screens, the same people texting both of them, but mostly Taylor because they were hoping she would give better answers than simple yes or no’s that Greg was giving. Except to his brother Doug, who Greg was giving him just about everything that you were sharing with his kids as Doug was already claiming “dibs” to the others. 
“Want to go out to dinner?” Greg offered. 
“Sure.” You nodded. 
“In town there’s really only a few restaurants, Eska’s which is a mom and pop- grandma’s food in a tavern, the bar- Kesuk’s.” Taylor began to list off. 
“Is it the place that has the ‘kitchen sink nachos’?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Taylor beamed. “And it’s not a “dive bar” but it is very much the local watering hole. Now there is a “dive bar” and that is Goose’s. I wouldn’t go to the bathroom there but we will get takeout from there because they make the best double cheeseburger while White’s has the best wings.” Taylor explained. 
“But Swanson’s has the best steaks, but it’s a bit pricey, it’s right next to Gold Horn’s which is the biggest and nicest fishing and hunting retreat around.” Greg explained. 
“And one of the nicest butcher shops because most of the hunters can’t take all that meat home.” Taylor added. 
“Anyway, the locals around here will go to Swanson’s for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and stuff, pretty special occasions.” Greg continued before they continued to list off all the places around to eat before you decided on Eska’s because it sounded like the ‘safest’ option and spent the afternoon getting ready while you happily walk Katie through your ‘routine’ of getting ready as you, with Taylor and Greg’s permission helped her get dressed up too and put some simple makeup on her as her new ‘auntie’ and by dinner your nerves were already a little frayed because Taylor told you that you were meeting ‘the family’ meaning not only hers but Greg’s too and you had picked up on the hint of Greg talking about his brother and his accomplishments and such and you gave Taylor a meaningful look to which she looked back apologetically. 
If you were honest, you were used to it. If your friend’s mates had failed trying to flirt with you or whatever, often you were ‘introduced’ to so many brothers, friends and especially brother in laws. 
You got to dinner and the ‘family’ was already there, waiting for the table to get ready while ‘Doug’ was running late getting ready and there had to be 20 people there, all of them there to meet which you didn’t mind as you did your best to meet and greet everyone before the table was ready and Taylor had you sit at the end of the table as Greg and Taylor made sure that the seat across from you was Doug’s seat and you asked Katie to sit next to you so you wouldn’t be all alone since there was an empty seat next to Doug’s seat because he liked to “stretch out” as you met Greg’s parents and Taylor’s parents and got got catch up because Glenda, Taylor’s mom had missed your mom and to see pictures of your mom on her horse with your kids made them all happy as they got to know you a little as you kept an eye on the door, waiting for ‘Doug’ before an older woman came in with the cutest little girl you had ever seen in your life then a familiar face came in behind them. 
You instantly blew out a breath of relief at seeing him before a relieved and happy smile plastered itself on your face and you noticed they were walking by you and Noah seemed to see you shortly after you saw him as he soon mirrored your smile as he seemed equally excited to see you. 
“Hey Stranger.” You greeted. 
“Hey, fancy meeting you here, this is my daughter Sakura, this is my mom, Summer.” He introduced. 
“But you can call me Nana Hun.” She warmly smiled at you as you shook her hand. 
“Lovely to meet you Nana, and it’s so lovely to meet you Miss Sakura.” You excitedly greeted them as you crouched down to take a knee so you could be eye level with Sakura, she couldn't be much older than 5 and your heart ached at the thought of her losing her mom so, so young and how hard that must have been for her but you didn't want to bring it up because you didn't want that to be upsetting. 
“You should be really proud of your Daddy, he did such a great job flying me here yesterday.” You praised to Sakura.  
“He’s the best pilot ever!” She agreed which got you and Summer to laugh as Noah chuckled bashfully at the praise. Goodness was she precious. 
“I agree!” You confirmed with a very exaggerated head nod. 
“So you’re Paradise?” She asked in awed wonder as she stared at you. 
“Uh...oh, are you talking about how I look like a paradise orc?” You asked as you ran your hand over your skin of your exposed arm and she nodded before you nodded in confirmation. 
“My Grandma’s tea leaves told her that my daddy would be meeting Paradise yesterday.” She proudly informed you as you could see Noah turn a deep sapphire as his smile turned slightly nervous as he gave his mother the side eye. 
“Your Grandma reads tea leaves? Mine does too! Only the way my Grandma does it, I think she reads them wrong because they tell her things like my son was ‘a ball’, which, to be honest when I was pregnant with him, I looked like I swallowed a ball and when he was six months old he was almost as wide as he was tall and very, very round because he was a fantastic eater and he’s still practically a bottomless pit but he’s turned out pretty normal so far, he doesn’t ‘bounce’ too much.” You shrugged with an easy grin which got Sakura to giggle at the joke which got you to laugh as Noah and Summer chuckled too. 
“But that was really cool that your Grandma’s tea leaves told her that I was coming,” You nodded solemnly. “Did they tell her anything else?” You whispered as you leaned forward as she smiled and giggled and nodded. 
“Can you tell me?” You asked hopefully as she looked up to Nana for permission before Nana nodded her permission as well- completely ignoring Noah who looked particularly terrified at the notion and was shaking his head subtly to his mother and his daughter ‘no’ but it was like they couldn’t see him before she came up and put her hands over your ear. 
“They said that you were the best mom ever.” Sakura whispered and your heart melted and you almost wanted to cry. 
“Well I try, really hard, every day- to be the best one I can be so that’s true.” You confirmed. “And you know what? I tend to adopt every kid that’s around me, so if you see me and if you need or want anything at all, you just let me know ok? And I’m not offering that just to be nice, I mean it. I don’t offer anything unless I’m prepared to be taken up on it. I’m only here for like a week and a half but while I’m here if I’m needed somewhere to either help your dad on the plane or help watch you, I’ll happily do it ok?” You generously offered because you just instantly adored this child and could tell she was just a sweetheart and you just...loved her. The way your love surged for your children when you got to hold them for the first time, that same love was surging for her. Something about her found every heart string you had and pulled on them and made them into a bow and you would happily wrap yourself around her little delicate fingers as you just stayed there smiling at each other before Doug cleared his throat which made you turn your head away to see Greg next to what you assumed was his brother who was dressed really nicely as they both smiled expectantly at you. 
“Hi, be with you in a minute.” You greeted them with a polite smile before you turned back to Sakura. 
“Now, you go enjoy your dinner ok Sakura?” You urged her before she launched herself into your arms before you gladly caught her and hugged her, grateful you had taken a knee so you weren’t knocked backwards. 
“How did you know I loved hugs?” You cooed as you hugged her tight and rubbed her back and just held her until she let go first because you knew that some kids just needed a good long hug and you didn’t care if you were making Greg and Doug and everyone else wait, all that mattered was Sakura and the poor baby just needed a hug. 
When Sakura finally pulled away she was smiling and her eyes were just a little glassy from unshed tears before you reached into your purse and got her a tissue and your business card. 
“This is my cell phone number. You call this, and if I’m working when you call, just leave a message and I’ll call you back as fast as I can and if I’m not working when you call, I’ll pick up ok? I’ll always pick up.” You offered and it only felt odd as an afterthought that you just met this child and you were kicked so hard and so high into mom gear that you would already go to the moon and back and bend over backwards for her but it felt like the right thing to do and the best thing you could do for her. 
“Thank you.” She thanked you graciously. 
“You’re welcome Sweetheart.” You cooed to her as you squeezed her little hands in yours before you reluctantly let them go because Greg cleared his throat again before Noah took the hint and ushered his family to sit in the booth directly behind where you would be sitting. Which was nice that they were so close as you stood to your full height. 
“Thank you so much for your patience. I’m Zara Kingsley, the LMT from the Great Lakes.” You introduced yourself to the man who had a familial resemblance to Greg as you politely shook his hand from across the table. He was handsome, that usual olive green skin, gold amber eyes, jet black hair, he was obviously younger by the way he styled his hair and his hipster- black t-shirt, black blazer, skinny jean look and the way he proudly carried himself, his chest puffed out all proud, like a peacock showing off his plumage. You could tell he knew he was one of the most handsome men in the room and his ego was too big for the place. You knew from Greg that he was practically a decade younger than you too. His ex wife had been one of the prettiest women in the Arctic Tundra but they divorced after five years and two kids because they both were having affairs. 
“Does every kid treat you like a visiting Disney Princess?” He asked pleasantly which got you to chuckle. 
“Yes, very much so, which I don’t mind at all.” You shrugged. 
“Well it’s understandable, with a name like Kingsley, it’s kind of a given you should be treated like royalty everywhere you go.” Doug flattered and you heard Noah cough a ‘damn’ behind you like he had just gotten hit in the gut and even you had to admit that was a pretty smooth line. Although it wasn’t the first time you heard that. 
“Thanks,” you nodded. Oh gods. This was going to be the longest dinner ever. He was just going to spit game at you all night and you just wanted to turn around and invite yourself to dinner with Sakura and her family as you slipped back into your seat because you were not about wait for Doug here to come around the table to pull out your chair because you were pretty sure he’d try to sneak a peek into your cleavage as he would try to too. The game was on and you were in no mood to be chased by Doug. 
Noah though, no he could chase you like the silver fox he was because he was just barely getting a few gray hairs on the sides of his head  and it made him all kinds of distinguished and made you all hot and bothered and you could already fantasize his head between your legs, with your thighs resting on his broad shoulders- your powerful thighs clamping around his ears as his tongue…
Oh, that’s right, Doug was talking to you. Damn it. 
“I’m sorry what was that?” You asked as you tried hard to refocus on Doug and what he was saying, thankfully the restaurant had gotten louder since Doug sat down directly across from you and started talking and it was kind of hard to hear him anyway. 
“I asked how you’re liking the Frozen Tundra.” He repeated. 
“Oh it’s wonderful. It’s gorgeous and the people are lovely, very kind and generous and welcoming.” You grinned politely as the waitress came over. 
“What can I get you to drink?” She asked you. 
“Anything sweet and fruity?” You asked hopefully. 
“Lethal too or just light?” She questioned. 
“Ooh, lethal.” You couldn’t help but giggle because you would need it to persevere Doug’s advances as Doug started to grin a little wolfishly. Ha! Like he had a chance of scoring with you tonight. 
“For sweet and fruity and lethal you have two choices, cloud berry punch or purple peach punch.” 
“Purple peach.” You ordered. 
“Half or full?” She asked. 
“What’s the difference?” You asked curiously. 
“A half is served in a tumbler. A full is served in a mason jar and has an order limit of three.” She answered. 
“Oh yeah, my kind of drink, a full please and thank you.” You ordered gleefully. 
“Do you want your usual Doug?” She asked moving onto him. 
“Actually could I get a glass of Wolf Eye?” He asked and you nearly snorted a laugh and covered it up with a cough. May the gods grant you patience to deal with this pretentious asshole. While Wolf Eye was a decent whiskey, it was only popular because celebrities thought it was awesome and the bottle was *couture*. Just like any other designer name brand. 
“Do you like whisky?” He asked. 
“I do.” You nodded. 
“Could I also get her a glass too?” He asked. 
“Sure.” She nodded before she got everyone else’s drink order. 
“Wolf Eye is one of the better whiskies.” You appraised. 
“Have you ever had it before?” He asked. 
“Yes I have. My sister Blossom is a whiskey geek/ whiskey snob, my sister Blossom’s husband is a whiskey geek/snob too and my own parents and my brother are all beer snobs while my baby sister Anya is a bartender and she gave me a shot of it once. Usually it’s too rich for my blood to order it though.” You confessed. Even though you had three bottles of it at home from your wealthier clients. 
“What about you? Is there any kind of alcohol you’re really into?” He asked.
“It doesn’t really compare to Wolf Eye.” You answered as you realized you probably looked bashful, when really, you were dreading being judged. 
Every guy- without fail who got you a glass of Wolf Eye were trying to show you how fancy and couture they were- thinking that because you were jewel orc- you somehow should have very refined, expensive tastes. When in reality, you didn’t. Honestly once those guys heard what you loved- they thought less of you. Or the guys who found out what you liked and weren’t pretentious assholes somehow felt that because you didn’t have “refined” tastes in wine or other booze, that that spilled over into your taste of men which couldn’t be farther from the truth. You were picky as hell when it came to men. 
Although if you were honest, you loved your clichés- the bubble gum pop music, sweet fruity wine and cocktails and peppermint mochas and sappy romance novels and romantic comedy movies and you would preferably have all of those at the same time while in the comfort of a bathtub with a bath bomb fizzing away. But that was a world away from this. 
“Oh don’t feel bad, you like what you like.” He reassured you but you laughed that laugh that said ‘oh you don’t know what you’re really asking’. 
“No I insist, I promise not to judge you based on your answer.” He vowed and you didn’t believe him one bit. 
“Ok. So, honestly, in my family- food wise, I’m the queen because I love to cook and I cook really well and my brand of hospitality is you are not allowed to leave my house hungry but drink wise, I’m like the black sheep of the family because I love flavored alcohol, the kind of liquor that’s low on the proof and mostly flavoring, so flavored moonshines and flavored rums and vodkas and especially liqueurs and things like that. The cheap ones that you just pour into some juice and it’s instantly a fruity cocktail. That’s my speed. Sweet and fruity.” You shrugged as the waitress came back and gave you your drinks as you graciously took the glass that had whiskey in it and sniffed it and swished it around the way your sisters always did before you took a tentative sip. 
Yup. It was whiskey. Could you tell the difference between a scotch, a whiskey or a bourbon? Nope. Could you tell the difference between a $20 bottle of whiskey or a $70 whiskey, hell to the nope. The only thing you noticed was if it burned or was smooth or not. You knew that all scotches were whiskeys but not all whiskeys were scotches and that was the extent of your knowledge. Honestly if this glass was full of peach whiskey you’d probably like it better. But you knew how to be a gracious recipient of a gift. And you had your manners to keep. 
“Very good.” You praised, pretending you knew what the fuck you were drinking as he took a sip and practically moaned and for some reason, that noise coming from him was making you want to gag and one look at Katie who frowned at him was nearly causing you to burst into laughter. Even she could smell his bullshit, which to you was hilarious and part of the reason you wanted her close. Having someone like a niece or a sister or the best ones - a mother or a grandmother, or someone close to whoever you were paired with tended to keep whoever it was- in line- and would keep them from asking inappropriate questions or delving into inappropriate topics of conversation. It was a strategy you learned to employ often in these circumstances. 
“So Greg told me that you’re divorced.” You put to him. 
“I am divorced and I have two kids, two boys, Doug Jr. who we just call Jr. and Kent, Jr is 5 and Kent is three.” He answered. 
“Aw, they must be adorable, where are they?” You asked. 
“They’re with their mom tonight.” He answered. 
“Oh, well I would have loved to meet them, I love kids, I also have two of my own, Xander and Skylar, but they’re a bit older, Xander is 9 and Skylar is 7.” You answered before you pulled out your phone and showed him as he showed you his kids. 
“And Greg said you have joint custody of your boys?” You asked. 
“Yup, they get to spend the week with their mom and the weekend with me.” He answered. “And their mother is about to remarry so the bitch won’t bleed me dry with alimony and child support for too much longer now.” He groused and you took a measured deep breath in to keep your face neutral as you heard Summer murmur into her drink. ‘Lucky woman’ and somehow you got the distinct impression that his ex-wife was lucky to have divorced him and to have gotten alimony and child support and just seeing Doug and after knowing him for a whole 2 seconds- you could agree with that sentiment. You could just sense that he was a narcissistic asshole. And your late husband had been one of those and there was no way in hell you were ever doing that again. 
“But I understand you don’t have that problem because you’re a widow. Obviously a young one.” He returned as you could tell he was trying to age you. 
“Yup, that’s true, my late husband Andrew was in an accident at work about two years ago, but I’m not that young. I’m 35.” You answered and he paused. Greg had told him early thirties, you were mid thirties. You looked great for mid thirties but that was practically middle aged and you only had what- another 5 years of child bearing age left in you? Not that long. But you were supposed to be a rich widow who worked in some kind of spa and had married into a rich family and drop dead gorgeous, he could work with that. 
“Wow you really good for your thirties. How long have you been dating since then?” He asked. 
“I haven’t really been dating much or for very long, just in the last couple of months actually. I wanted to give myself and the rest of my family time to grieve properly and not rush into anything that not only I wasn’t ready for but that my kids weren’t ready for and it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that they let me know that they were ok with me trying to date again because they are the most important people in my life and I’m really picky about who I let around my kids too. So I can understand why you didn’t want to bring your kids to meet me.” You answered as Greg was kicking himself for not bringing his kids because obviously you connected to kids and if his kids would behave long enough and well enough you could have bonded to his kids and made him a shoe in and this could have been a done deal already. 
“So, Greg told me that you work in the fishing industry.” You prompted him. 
“I do, I’m a sales executive for First Star, which ships all kinds of seafood all over the world.” He answered proudly. “And the pay is really good and there’s always sales incentives and I get bonuses often.” He grinned smugly as he fingered his heavy gold chain necklace around his neck and he put on way too much cologne. It was almost burning your nose and making your eyes water a little.  
“Wow, do you have a business card?” You nodded, pretending to be impressed before he very proudly pulled out his wallet and you could see from his billfold that he must have had at least a thousand dollars on him. He was flexing for your benefit and judging by his gold rings and gold banded tusks and just the general decked out nature of his attire. He was definitely showing off for you as he handed you a brand new business card. It was fancy but...not as fancy or as nice as yours. 
“Very nice. Remind me to call you before I leave so I can buy a case or two of crab and ship it home and have my mom put it in my deep freeze freezer.” You urged him. 
“Oh, you won’t have to buy them, I’ll happily gift you whatever you want.” He generously offered. 
“Aw, that’s very generous of you. Thank you.” You thanked him even though the way he said that you were pretty sure he had another "payment" in mind but this was polite company and Katie was right next to you and you didn't want to expose her to what you assumed was that particular side of her uncle just yet but if he exposed himself that was on him. 
“So being a sales rep does your income base itself on how good the fishermen’s catches are or is it pretty stable, like no matter what they catch, you’re bringing home a salary?” You questioned thoughtfully. 
“Oh it’s a salaried position and it’s all year long, unlike the fisherman who only run on the boats for a fishing season, like the different kinds of crab have their seasons and the different kinds of seafood all have their own seasons.” He answered. “Or even the pilots who only fly during the spring summer and fall, which is only like a three month window up here and have to live off of that all year long.” He answered as he cast a look past you to see Noah who was pretending to enjoy his own beer instead of eavesdropping. 
Oh this son of a bitch had to go for the low blow of putting others down to build himself up. Ok. Honestly you were grateful he was telling on himself like that. 
“So are we ready to order?” The waitress asked as she came over, after having gotten Noah’s order already and you were following along with the menu and you already decided that you wanted the same thing because it sounded amazing. 
“Yes can I have the King’s platter?” Doug ordered. 
“It’s a huge platter, we could share it.” Doug offered to you. 
“Oh, no thanks, can I just get the fisherman’s special with the seafood stew?” You requested sweetly. 
“Sure thing.” She nodded as she wrote that down and continued to get everyone’s meal. 
“So I understand you’re a masseuse?” He asked excitedly once the waitress left. 
“No. I’m a licensed massage therapist, LMT for short.” You gently corrected. 
“What’s the difference?” He frowned. 
“A masseuse uses “massage” as their cover for being a prostitute, which honestly if you’re going to be in the oldest profession, just be honest about it and don’t call it massage. Which, again, if you chose to do that,  I don’t judge, I have strippers as clients because they take self care to a whole new level and everything they get from me is a tax write off for them so it’s a win win. However, a licensed massage therapist actually went to massage school and has a license to practice massage just like a doctor has a license to practice medicine and we are held accountable to a board or in my case- to the state medical board just like any other nurse and doctor and an LMT never gives happy endings or has sex with clients in any way shape or form.” You answered with a proud smile. 
“Oh,” Doug nodded and even you could see he was trying to hide his disappointment. 
“So, are you able to make any kind of real money off of massage or is this just a hobby for you?” He asked and you were ready to dump this overpriced whiskey in his face, but that would be alcohol abuse and an insult to the whiskey itself. 
“Well massage has been a passion of mine since I was a kid, so you could call it a hobby that turned into a career. But I’m more interested in what constitutes as “real money” in your opinion.” You posed curiously. 
“Anything more than forty or fifty thousand a year.” He patronized. 
“I take it you make more than 50 thousand a year then.” You deduced as you overheard Noah whisper to his mother. ‘I barely make ‘real money’ then.’ 
“Oh I make a few times that. I make about two hundred thousand a year.” He bragged. 
“Yeah I can see you’re wearing most of it.” You appraised and Noah snorted his beer and nearly choked on it trying to cover up his laugh because your unimpressed tone was giving him life as you heard a hissed ‘yes’ from Noah. 
“You’re one of the lucky ones then. I make about the same. A little over 200 thousand a year actually.” You answered evenly like it was no big deal. 
“What? H-how?” Doug frowned in shock.
“Well I have four businesses, all four of them are solely in my name and I own all four outright and none of them have any debt while each of them have their own assets, so my massage business which makes me about a hundred- to a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year, my esthetician business which makes me another fifty to sixty thousand dollars a year and then the sales of my massage products, essential oils and esthetician products, skin care line, makeup, all that goods stuff to round it out with another thirty five to fifty thousand dollars a year and the fourth business is the shareholder for all three businesses and I only have to work about thirty to thirty five hours a week in total to do it too and I only work about 9 to 10 months a year.” You beamed proudly as Doug’s eyebrows practically went up into his hairline as you heard Noah murmur a ‘damn’ which you imagined was muffled because he must have said it into his fist behind you. 
“W-why?” Doug stuttered as he struggled to wrap his head around all that.  
“Well,  when my husband was alive, he made about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year and when he died, I turned all four of those businesses which at the time were the side businesses I had to earn my own spending money into my full time career to replace his income when he died because you see I specialize in…” You began as you brought out your business card and listed everything off from the back and added to the additional certifications that weren’t on the card.  
“Not bad for a “hobby” huh?” You asked with a smug grin as you heard Noah practically whistle lowly behind you and clap ever so softly and you would have given anything for a mirror to see his face, hoping he was at least impressed. 
“Uh, nope, not bad at all.” Doug had to admit. 
“So if you got remarried and the man you married could provide you with his income that would either equal or surpass your own would you still continue to work or would you scale back? Retire?” Doug asked thoughtfully. 
“It depends.” You answered simply.  
“On?” Doug prodded. 
“It would depend on the circumstances and the person.” You specified. 
“Such as?” 
“Well, I’ve been very lucky in that I have the four thriving businesses and because I have a very good and very expansive client base where I live and I fill a niche that very few others can fill in my area and because I live just 20 to 30 minutes outside of few major cities because I’m centrally located in the country in between all of them and I work out of my own private space at my home and the home I work out of is my dream home, it’s a home that my late husband and myself designed together and it’s awesome and the only way I’m moving is if I find a home that’s even better than the one I have and that criteria is pretty extensive plus I’m very well supported and well known and have a reputation that I regularly bank on every year and speaking of support, I have my parents who live right next door and my in-laws live only 15 minutes away and all of them are very involved in my children’s lives. So honestly, I’m not gonna move unless I find circumstances even better than the ones I already have and the person I would be moving for can give me things that I don’t already have which is basically at this point- unconditional love, respect, recognition, dignity, sympathy, empathy, kindness, understanding and freedom to keep my independence that I already have so that if I so choose I could basically start my businesses over again in a new area.” You specified. 
“So...what is your criteria for a potential mate?” Doug asked, hoping that you would list off things that he could try to shoot for. 
“Well, whoever I choose to marry- he can’t drink to excess, he can’t do drugs, he can’t have a bad temper, he can not yell or scream at me or my children, he can’t be abusive in any way shape or form or I will kick him to the curb faster than lightning strikes but he doesn’t have to make as much as I do or make more than me or whatever. If he had a job that he was passionate about and he loved it as much as breathing which, for me, that’s what my career represents to me, I do what I do because I love it, it’s what I was put on this planet to do and I’m really good at it and to a degree, it’s a skill I can practice anywhere as long as I have a pool of clientele to pull from so there’s some flexibility there.” You mused and you saw Doug nod along with your train of thought so at least it was making sense to him. 
“But for me to give it all up for someone and be absolutely dependent on my partner for everything- probably isn’t going to happen because there is inherently a power dynamic that I’ve been on the losing side of in my past marriage. Because my husband had a great job with fantastic health insurance and other benefits and shouldered all the financial responsibility of the family which had its perks because that freed up my time to pursue what I wanted to and he could afford to send me to school to get all these licenses and certifications. But because he made all the money, he felt he had the right to demand whatever he wanted in return and he had a say so on how I spent the money he gave me to care for- as he put it- “his house” and “his vehicles” and such because he’s the one that paid for it all and he was a controlling narcissist. Now, was he all bad? No, he was a fantastic father and he was decent enough as a husband in that he didn’t beat me, didn’t drink to excess, didn’t smoke, didn’t gamble, didn’t do drugs, didn’t cheat on me and didn’t scream at me or cuss me out in front of the kids but I couldn’t get a credit card in my name without him knowing and he tracked me on my phone everywhere I went and if I wanted anything “extra” I had to “earn it”, like a child earns extra screen time for doing their chores kind of thing. It was all about a power dynamic and if I didn’t support him in everything he said, he got after me for not being “a good submissive wife” or “a team player”. And after 13 years of that, I’m done. I’ve had more than enough of that and I will be damned if I ever let that happen to me again. I’m not interested in that dynamic at all. No matter what side of it I find myself on.” You specified as Doug just stared at you, a bit guiltily as he was rather speechless and blushing profusely like you had just pulled his pants down and exposed him and you didn’t feel any guilt for it either and the look on Katie’s face told you that you hit the nail on the head and were preaching truth and her smile of adoration and awe was priceless.  
“I have clients that easily double, triple, quadruple even- my own salary because they’re doctors or surgeons or executives or whatever. But they’re the kind of men who feel emasculated when a woman they’re with earns anything because their income is what they base their own masculinity on which is a very dangerous and stupid thing to do in my opinion. And while these men may be really good at earning an income, that’s all they’re good at. Otherwise they’re shitty husbands and fathers. They feel that because they earn so much money that they don’t have to help out at all around their own homes. Heaven forbid they change poopy diapers, do any dishes or laundry or especially scrub a toilet and if they do any of those things, by the gods they will piss and moan and gripe and complain forever and feel “owed” that they did more than their “share”, which is bullshit. They would rather hire someone else to do any or all of that because they feel that’s beneath them as manly, masculine men and feel that a wife’s only job is to stay in their home, raise their kids and clean their house and look flawless while doing so and feel that the only support they need to give her is financial. Which, in my opinion is complete and utter fucking bullshit.”  You explained as you watched Doug’s frown get deeper and deeper the more you talked as you heard Noah hum in agreement to that sentiment. 
“So... you’re basically just looking for a Mr. Mom?” Doug asked and you could tell by his tone he was offended and incensed just saying those words. 
“To a degree, yes. But what I’m really looking for- is a partner who will view and treat me as an equal instead of a lesser or a supporting cast member while they’re the star of the show. Right now I do everything all by myself because I have to and I will continue to do so for as long as I need to because my children need me to be their everything. If I’m going to enter into any kind of romantic relationship, I would look for someone who’s willing to put in work. Someone who will happily and willingly pick up slack and support me as much as I support them. Someone who will work to gain not just my respect and admiration but my children’s respect and admiration as well and it doesn’t matter how much I like or even love a guy, if my kids are uncomfortable around him or just plain don’t like him. I’m not going to force the relationship onto them. Now there have been a couple of guys who my children really clicked with but I didn’t because they were either immature or had other issues and I’m pretty sure the only reason why my kids liked them is because these guys never told them ‘no’ and bought them whatever they asked for which is no way to raise children. There’s ways of telling them no and explaining your reasons why you’re telling them no without belittling them, hurting their feelings, implying they’re stupid or annoying for asking.” You explained as you heard Noah murmur an ‘Amen’ from behind you and instantly you saw all the hope and lust in Doug’s eyes die because he realized that this wasn’t going to work out for him just as dinner came. 
Conversation dissolved into idle chit chat while he practically wolfed his food down as quickly as he could and drank his whiskey and excused himself and quickly paid the waitress for his meal and only his meal and begrudgingly- your wolf eye whiskey too, saying he had work to do at home and you were so grateful when he left and so relieved when you peeked over your shoulder to see Noah still there, finishing up his dinner as Katie got up to go to the bathroom, leaving you alone at the end of the table as Sakura and Summer went to the bathroom too. 
“Do you like whiskey?” You asked him hopefully as you leaned backward in your chair towards him. 
“Yeah,” he confirmed. 
“You ok drinking after me?” You put to him. 
“Yup.” He nodded before you took your glass of Wolf Eye and put in on his table. 
“The whiskey’s good, I just can’t enjoy it knowing a pretentious asshole bought it for me, but I don’t think you’ll have that issue enjoying it yourself. Enjoy.” You beamed at him which got him to laugh. 
“Cheers.” He offered before you got your own drink and clinked it with his. 
“Cheers.” You mirrored. Even though dinner didn’t go as planned, you got to share a drink with Noah and that was more than you hoped for before Sakura and Summer came back. 
“Nana, I forgot my bow.” Sakura realized as she reached up to find that the bow she had been wearing in her hair was gone. 
“I can go back to the bathroom and help you look for it.” You happily offered before she took your hand and led you back to the bathroom as you grabbed your purse too. 
“Are you going to date Mr. Kizzo?” She asked you as you went into each stall, looking for her bow. 
“No, absolutely not, he is not the man for me.” You shook your head adamantly. 
“Oh good, his boys are mean.” She pouted. 
“Have they been mean to you?” You asked as your protective urges surged again. 
“They play really rough and they knocked me down and they didn’t even say sorry!” She complained and you gasped in horror. 
“No! How rude! Well if we ever go anywhere together and they’re there, point them out to me and I’ll protect you.” You insisted before you found her bow sitting on top of the toilet paper dispenser in the last stall before you quickly sprayed some sanitizer on it before you had her take a seat in one of the chairs in the bathroom so you could brush her hair and get it looking gorgeous again because you kept a little brush in your purse. 
“My Daddy likes you.” She blurted as you brushed her hair out. 
“Aw, I like your Daddy too, he’s a really good guy, he’s sweet and caring and protective and I can tell he loves you a lot and he works really hard to take care of you.” You praised as you smiled happily at her in the mirror. 
“He cries a lot.” She revealed. 
“Well I cry a lot too,” you nodded. 
“He cries because he misses my mama,” she added.
“Well, I can understand that because your Daddy and I both lost our marriage mates and we miss them sometimes and the happier we were with them and the more we loved them, the more we miss them and the more it hurts to lose them. Do you cry a lot too because you miss your mama?” You asked gently as she nodded. 
“I’m so sorry you lost your mama sweetie, I can’t imagine how much that must hurt.” You sympathized with her before she got out of the chair and reached her arms up before you readily picked her up and held her tight as she started crying before you took the seat in the chair and just held her as she cried on your shoulder and you just held her and rocked her gently and comforted her before Nana came into the bathroom. 
“What happened?” Nana asked. 
“I was brushing her hair and she told me her daddy cries because he misses her mama and I completely sympathize.” You told her as you did your best to keep your composure but you were failing spectacularly because you were an empath, her pain felt like your own as Summer pulled up another chair from the nursing mother’s area as she shot Noah a quick text just as Taylor came in looking for you and seeing how Sakura was crying in your arms, she instantly knew what was going on. 
“Noah and Anarra, or ‘Neena’ as she was better known as- were basically Frozen Tundra’s sweethearts. Neena still is greatly missed, she took care of a lot of the older ones whose kids have moved away or are on the coast making their money on the fishing vessels and when she got sick, everyone rallied around her but...by the time she started showing signs she was sick- it was too late. None of us have been the same since she passed away. Noah puts on a pretty strong face but he’s probably the most fragile.” Nana revealed as you nodded in understanding as Taylor nodded along too. 
Taylor had told you about “Neena” because Taylor and Neena were best friends and you didn’t put it together until just now that Anarra and Neena were one and the same which would explain why you and her had gotten so close so quickly because you had bonded over your losses as Sakura’s cries turned into whimpers and sniffles as you just held her and pet her head and her hair and held her and rocked her as she curled up in your lap and happily soaked up all your affections as you kissed the crown of her head affectionately as she clung to you as Nana and Taylor filled you in on the situation. 
“Neena had brain cancer. One day she was fine, the next, she had such strange symptoms and doctors around here are rare and expensive and by the time we found it, it was too late, there wasn’t anything we could do. She barely had enough time to make some videos for Sakura. She died holding her.” Taylor said as she nodded towards Sakura in your arms as you wrapped your arms tighter around Sakura as your heart effectively broke in your chest. 
“Her last words were how much she loved her and Noah.” Nena added as you passed around your thing of tissues because you were crying your makeup off. 
“My husband’s last words to me were a ‘honey do’ list, which was- ‘do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the bathroom and to brush my damn cats’ who he hated and I’m so grateful they outlived him, I know that sounds awful but they love me more than he ever did and he wasn’t dead a week before I went to the local shelter and adopted a dog for each member of my family and another cat so that there’s three cats and three dogs and we were renting from his parents at the time and before it was only because I bore them their only grandchildren that I got the ‘privilege’ of having the two cats before. And they didn’t dare argue with a new angry widow about ‘protection’ dogs for their only grandkids and didn’t want me moving away into a new place just to get them animals while we waited for our house to be built.” You revealed. 
“Did he at least have life insurance?” Nana asked which made you nod emphatically. 
“Yeah Andy wasn’t an idiot or heartless, he had a life insurance policy through work and a private one as well and because it was an accidental death at work, it paid out even more and his parents had a life insurance policy on him too that they handed over to me because they had the good sense to have life insurance policies on me and him so that if anything ever happened to the both of us, they could raise our kids comfortably and at the time, I was working for another outfit and even I had my own life insurance policy on him so we’re all set, the house is paid off, all debt is paid off, all the vehicles are paid off, I own everything outright. Other than utilities and of course food and insurance, which I can easily take care of myself, we’re ok.” You answered. 
“Did Neena have any kind of life insurance?” You asked and Taylor and Nana both shook their heads no. 
“No, Noah barely had enough money at the time to cover the funeral. When she died in the fall, at least he didn’t have to work and could stay home with Sakura and he already knew how to take care of himself and her because Neena was always caring for others, which he was very proud of her for doing and he supported that. He was always helping her to help others because so many ice orc men have moved away chasing “better lives” anywhere other than here and ice orc women are left to either do the same or stay behind and have to deal with the others who come up here, either looking for gold or fish or lumber or other resources and it used to be every summer solstice that all the tribes would get together and alliances were maintained and marriages made but all the young people are rejecting those practices because they feel they don’t have a place in the modern world. Our ways are dying, our languages are dying and Neena was one of the few women who embraced the old ways and was teaching all the kids the native languages. And when she died, a lot of the same older ones reached out to Noah and helped him with what they could and unfortunately after Neena died, some of the older ones she took care of followed, but they left Sakura everything because Neena was like a daughter to them and because she took care of them, all they could do is leave her what they could leave behind and when Neena died, that left Sakura as heir in her mother’s place, but she’s a child. She’s had so many men come back to claim what they felt was their birthright, which is mostly land at this point but thankfully the courts upheld Sakura’s rights as heir since their parent’s had the good sense to get it writing with the local lawyer who fights for the clan’s rights.” Nana explained. 
“That’s...that’s a coincidence, I know exactly how that feels.” You nodded. 
“How?” Nana asked as she tilted her head. 
“When Andy died, I was really close to several older clients as well, I got to work on them when they were at retirement age and came into my work and when their health declined, I stayed with them because they were close friends and I wanted their last moments to be in peace and as pain free as possible. They didn’t have any family to take care of them either and I endeared myself to them enough so that when I lost Andy, they all individually entailed everything they had to me too because I was their favorite person and they wanted to make sure I wouldn’t financially suffer because of my husband dying. Within six months of losing Andy, I lost almost all of them within a span of only three months. So the nine months that followed Andy’s death were just...the worst. But then to meet with dozens of lawyers and get check after check, after check, and deeds and titles and property and vehicles, I was so...numb. It didn’t mean anything to me, but man did I sure learn a lot very quickly about how to handle my newfound fortune. But the worst of it was the vultures circling because it felt like the minute I inherited all that money and property myself, suddenly every vulture of a guy somehow found me and circled me like wolves. Cause I was this “hot young desperate lonely widow” who didn’t know how to handle that much fortune and here were all these ‘knights in shining armor’ coming to “help me out” and “be there for me”. It was ridiculous, as if I couldn’t see right through them and what made it even worse was the way Andy died at work, it was a freak accident that killed not just him but five others. So the company he worked for sued the company who built the crystal grower because this was a known and very well documented issue. And the company used my picture because I was ‘the prettiest of the widows’ in the news and in the courts and they won and I got the lion’s share of the settlement because I was the one who was the public face of it and because I was the public face of it, I had organization after organization reach out to me to try to help me out too and by that point I had 5 very good lawyers and a private investigator in my pocket who were more than eager to be at my disposal. So I know exactly what it’s like to be an unwitting heiress. It’s really, really hard, thank the gods my in-laws are so great with money because they’ve been helping me structure it and organize it and keep it all and make it work for me.” You revealed lowly. 
“Could you teach Noah and Sakura any of those lessons?” Nana asked hopefully. 
“I would be more than happy to, I feel I need to at this point.” You admitted. 
“Because no one else around here knows what to do or how to help. Even now Noah’s dad Ukluk works as guide at Gold Horn and pilots his own bush plane for the hunters but it doesn’t pay as well as others, Noah’s brother Nago works for the postal service but he and his family are in June Neau. And now even Neena’s parents are no spring chickens. I know they would really appreciate it if they knew you could protect Sakura and Noah with what you know.” Nana insisted. 
“Consider it done,” you agreed. 
“So are you ever gonna get married again?” Sakura finally spoke up. 
“I would like to.” You answered honestly. 
“What are you looking for?” She asked. 
“I just want to be with someone who makes me happy and loves me for me and loves my kids as their own too who won’t hurt us but will protect us.” You answered. 
“What if they already have kids?” She asked. 
“Then I would hope that their kids would like me too, I do love being a mom, it’s the best job on the planet in my opinion and if those kids would let me love them as much as I love my own- even better and if my kids and those kids could get along, oh man, I’d be so so so happy. You see it doesn’t matter he’s rich or poor or whatever, money doesn’t matter to me. Who and what kind of person they are and how they treat others- that’s all that matters to me.” 
“And if they happen to be well endowed enough so that when...” Taylor double clicked her teeth. “Happens, you can’t walk straight after...” She hinted which made Nana raspberry her laugh. 
“That’s a bonus.” You readily agreed which made you start to laugh through your tears which made them do the same. 
“Well Noah’s you know,” Taylor implied as she clicked her teeth and winked which got you and Nana to start busting out laughing. 
“He’s what aunt Tay-tay?” Sakura asked as she turned to look at Taylor.
“Handsome, he’s very handsome.” You quickly supplied which earned you a solemn nod and an appreciate grin from Nana. 
“Ok, no more tears, let’s get cleaned up.” Nana insisted which prompted you to gently get Sakura off your lap so you could rinse the rest of your makeup off in the sink before all four of you left the bathroom to see Noah looking particularly worried. 
“Everything ok Pumpkin?” He asked his daughter. 
“Yup, we were telling Paradise about Mama.” Sakura told him. Every trace of sadness now gone as a happy smile plastered itself on her face. 
“And she brushed my hair and braided my hair and held me and comforted me and everything, can she come over to our house to watch me?” She asked. 
“If she wants to.” Noah answered. 
“I would love to, just give me the address, I’ll be there any day you need me there, free of charge.” You immediately offered. 
“Work an extra long day tomorrow Daddy, I want to watch my movies with her.” Sakura insisted which got Nana to snicker a laugh. 
“Uh,” Noah stuttered. 
“I can do tomorrow.” You immediately agreed. 
“You could have Taylor and her kids come too, because usually Taylor watches her on Tuesdays.” Nana added. 
“We’d love to.” Taylor immediately agreed as well. 
“So it’s a date. What time should I be over?” 
“He leaves early, like six in the morning.” Nana informed you. 
“Won’t be a problem. I’ll be there at like 5:30 then.” You insisted. 
“I won’t be there that early, I’m going to sleep in until a decent hour and come by later but we’ll drive by and show you where Noah lives and you could walk there if you wanted to because he’s like a ten minute walk away, five if you run because normally, she spends the night so that I don’t have to get up that early.” Taylor added. 
“But my body is still on Great Lakes Time Zone so 5:30 am here is only 8:30 am to me which is a normal time for me to wake up. So it’s not a problem at all.” You reassured Nana and Noah. 
“Ok, thank you, very much.” Noah nodded as he avoided Nana’s smug grin that screamed ‘I told you so’. 
“Well good night then, sweet dreams guys, I’ll see you in the morning.” You offered as Taylor tugged on your arm as Katie peeked her head back into the restaurant and gestured for you and her mom to hurry up. 
“What about my bill?” You asked her. 
“He got it.” Taylor answered as he gestured to Noah. 
“Aw, thank you for dinner!” You thanked him as she had to take your hand and pull you out of the restaurant.
“I really love Paradise.” Sakura said dreamily as she watched you go. 
“Well she is lovely.” Noah admitted as he got his box of leftovers and got out of the booth. 
“She likes you back, she told me so.” Sakura informed her Dad as she took his hand in one of hers and continued to hold your business card like a beloved photograph. 
“Oh yeah?” Noah returned, pleasantly surprised to hear that. 
“And she’s an heiress like me and she promised that she would teach me what she knows about it.” Sakura revealed. 
“Really?” Noah turned to look at his mom to either confirm or deny that. 
“Oh yeah, she knows how to deal with not just foxes but wolves and vultures too. The gods sent us the perfect person to help. And I have a feeling she won’t leave until everything is well taken care of and we will be hearing from her and seeing her very often from now on.” Nana predicted. 
“How?” Noah asked. 
“Just wait and see.” Nana simply grinned. 
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sweetiepie08 · 4 years
RebelZ Chapter 6
Invader Zim fanfic
While analyzing Zim’s PAK for weaknesses, Tak discovers strange coding that sends her on a search for answers. The clues lead her to uncover a conspiracy that governs all of Irken society. When the truth sends her on the run, she has no choice but to return to the one place the Tallest would never willingly go: Urth.
Meanwhile, Dib has noticed odd changes in Zim’s behavior. Has the invader simply grown bored of his mission over the last few years, or is there something more interesting going on?
People who asked to be tagged: @incorrect-invader-zim , @messinwitheddie, @reblogstupids, @cate-r-gunn, @agentpinerulesall​
If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list feel free to message me. Also, if you’re on the tag list and you changed your name, please just let me know.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7.  Chapter 8.  Chapter 9. Chapter 10.
Dib flipped through the streaming services, looking for something to watch. The documentary had ended, pizza had been eaten, and Gaz had gone upstairs to fix some emergency with one of her online gaming groups. He knew he had surveillance tapes waiting for him on his desk, (or worse, college applications) but he wasn’t ready to check up on them just yet. He was actually enjoying some downtime for once, and he didn’t want it to end.
Then, he heard the all-too-familiar sounds of an alien spaceship landing outside.
Nope, he thought as he hit play on whatever show he landed on. Didn’t matter what, so long as he could pretend he couldn’t hear what was going on in his driveway.
Some muffled arguing came from the front door, followed by the bell ringing. Dib turned up the volume. Not getting out of this chair.
Loud pounding began, accompanied by cries of “Dib-human! Open this door!” Dib turned the volume up as loud as it would go as the pounding continued.
“Jesus Christ, Dib!” Gaz shouted from upstairs. “Just answer the door!”
“Fine!” Dib shut off the tv and stalked to the front door. When he opened it, he found two Irken idiots.
Zim and Tak hung off each other and drank from plastic bottles while their robot pets bolted right in and made themselves at home. “Hey, you grew into your head,” Tak said, lazily pointing her claw at him.
“You know, Dib, there’s a lot of reasons to hate your planet,” Zim slurred, letting himself in. “You keep chihuahuas as pets, some of you refuse to inoculate against deadly diseases, and that Game of Thrones finale was garbage! But at least you don’t need identification to buy gingzor, and that almost makes up for it.” Zim punctuated his short rant by taking a long swig from his bottle.
“And look,” Tak said, pulling a box of ginger snaps out of a plastic shopping bag, “they had edibles.”
“Are you guys drunk? What is this?” Dib grabbed the bottle out of Zim’s hands. He checked the label, gave it a sniff, and took a small taste. Yup, it was exactly what the label said it was. “This is just ginger ale.”
“Eee-yup,” Zim said, swiping his bottle back. “Your light brews aren’t as potent as the ones we’ve got on Irk, but it gets the job done.”
“Wait, are you guys seriously telling me your species gets drunk off ginger?”
“Why?” Tak asked, shoving a cookie in her mouth. “What do humans consume when they want to forget the futility of existence?”
“Uh, alcohol, usually.”
The two Irkens locked eyes, then burst into laughter. “Seriously?” Tak squealed, wiping a tear from her eye. “That’s an antiseptic.”
“Humans really are stupid,” Zim agreed.
“Not that kind,” Dib grumbled, knowing he would be ignored. Then he felt his temper boil. “What are you two doing in my house?!”
“Oh yeah,” the two brushed past him and hopped on the couch like they owned the place. “We need to crash here for a while,” Zim explained. He turned on the tv, got blasted by an old episode of The Office, then turned the volume down.
“We uncovered a conspiracy behind the Irken empire and our government tried to kill us.”
“I discovered,” Tak corrected. “They just caught you harboring me.”
“Eh, details.”
“The point is,” Tak went on, “we’re both marked as traitors and we need to lay low for a while.”
Dib could have sworn his ears perked like a dog’s. An intergalactic conspiracy? There was a story here so juicy he could almost taste it. Still, as he watched the earth’s total Irken population spill ginger ale on the couch and grind crumbs into the cushions, the only question on his mind was, “why here?”
“Need your lab,” Zim tossed off as if it should have been obvious.
“So? Why don’t you go back to your base and use your own lab?”
“Can’t.” Zim took a teal cube out of his pocket and tossed it in Dib’s direction.
Dib caught it and brought it up to his eye to inspect. “What’s this?”
“My base.”
“Your whole base is in this?” Dib strained his eyes, looking at the cube. “What’s going on? How did this even happen?”
“How far back in Irken history do you want to go?” Tak asked, popping open a bottle.
“Wait, you mean you’re actually going to tell me?”
She gave a non-committal shrug. “Eh…”
“Hold on, wait right there.” Dib zipped upstairs to his room, grabbed a notebook, pen, and recorder, then zipped back down. He grabbed a chair, hit record, and poised his pen. “Let’s start at the beginning.”
Dib scribbled furiously, trying to keep up with Tak’s slurred ramblings. Zim interjected occasionally to add something or explain an Irken concept, but it was clear exactly who the conspiracy hunter was.
“So, anyway, that’s when I realized this parasite has been controlling our entire society for generations and, you know, it’s just a real buzzkill to find out you’re basically living food.”
“I see,” Dib said, making a note to ask about this library planet later (maybe get coordinates?). “And this parasite has been masquerading as the Control Brains.”
“Not ‘masquerading’ exactly,” she explained. “They always were the Control Brains.”
“And, just to make sure I got this, the Control brains are what, again?”
Before they could answer, he heard a loud “eh-he-eh-hm.” He looked over to see Gaz standing in the kitchen doorway. When he met her eyes, she curled one finger, ominously beckoning him over. “Uh, one second, guys.” He put down his pen and followed Gaz into the kitchen.
“Make this quick, Gaz,” he said, peaking back into the living room. “These two are giving me everything.”
“Okay then,” she said, her voice displaying her irritation. “Just answer me this: why are there two destructive aliens drinking like civil war amputee patients on our couch?”
“Revealing their government’s secrets, that’s what,” he answered with unbridled glee. “Turns out, ginger gets them drunk and when they’re drunk, they have no filter. They’ve been rambling on and on about their creepy big-brother-like society for an hour now. Look at all these notes.” He shoved the notebook in Gaz’s face and flipped furiously through the pages. “As long as I keep them drunk and happy, they’ll keep talking. Which reminds me…” He took out his wallet, grabbed a bill, and handed it to Gaz. “Go to the store and buy them out of ginger ale. We can’t let them sober up.”
“Five bucks?” Gaz said, wrinkling her nose. “I assume you’re planning on reimbursing me for the grocery bill later.”
“This isn’t about money, Gaz.”
“Then dig a little deeper, Scrooge. I know your part-time at Dad’s lab pays more than this.”
“And you make plenty off of your twitch gaming streams,” Dib argued. “Come on, this is about furthering human knowledge.”
Gaz raised her eyebrow in her ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ way. “You’re offering me $5 to drop everything, go to the store, and buy out their entire supply of ginger ale without reimbursing me for the bill.”
She scoffed. “Get a pulse.”
Dib pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed the corners of his eyes. Was she seriously arguing with him about money at a time like this? “Look, what if I give you an acknowledgement when I publish this baby? Like, say, in the forward?”
“You mean the part no one reads?”
Gaz let out an exasperated huff and looked into the living room at the two Irkens. “So, they’ll really ramble on and on if you stuff them full of ginger, huh? About anything?”
“Yeah, pretty much. We managed to stay on topic so far. I mean, Zim did go on a tangent about the Game of Thrones finale, but we got back on track.”
Gaz smiled. “Did he, now? About what?”
“Something about Westeros crumbling as soon as the credits rolled. I don’t know. You watched that show, not me.”
“Hmm…” Gaz murmured, looking pointedly at Zim. Oh no, she was thinking… Worse! She was plotting!
“Gaz? What are you doing?”
She threw him a wicked smirk and sauntered into the living room. “Hey, Zim!” she called, clear as a bell. “That Game of Thrones finale sucked, right?”
“Don’t even get me started, Dib-sister!” Zim called back, slapping his hand on the couch. “Zim has never seen such a staggering drop in quality!”
Dib dropped his face into his hands. Was it too late to offer a twenty?”
“I guarantee Dorne and the Iron Islands rebelled as soon as they stepped out of the Dragon Pit.” Zim said, splashing ginger ale on the couch with every gesture. “I’ll bet they only voted ‘yes’ on Bran because this would be the easiest reign to overthrow.”
“Exactly!” Gaz said, slapping the arm of her chair. “Dany promised Yara independence two seasons ago. There’s no way she’s just going to watch him hand his sister a kingdom and not demand what’s owed to her.”
Dib twisted the notebook in his hands as he listened to them rant. They’d been at this since Gaz brought up the subject.
“And what was with them acting like Dany was in the wrong for executing Varys?” Zim added. “He tried to assassinate her!”
“As if Jon didn’t execute a child a few seasons ago for the same thing. And it was obvious that kid was coerced into it by the higher-ranking Night’s Watch men.” Gaz said. “You’ll notice Dany didn’t execute the child Varys manipulated into poisoning her. And he only thought she was ‘mad’ because she stopped listening to his shitty advice.”
“Their ‘advice’ lost her the Dornish forces, the Iron Fleet, and Highgarden’s armies,” Zim agreed.
“Plus another dragon and her best friend. And when she goes into mourning, he’s all ‘Welp, she’s clearly gone mad. Time to put her down like Old Yeller.’ Oh! And what was with Tyrion’s ‘everywhere she goes, evil men die’ speech? Like that’s a bad thing? Yeah, I know. That’s why I liked her.”
“You know wat she should have done?” Zim said. “She should have flown her three dragons to the Red Keep like she wanted to do last season. She could have taken the city with fewer casualties.”
Gaz nodded in agreement. “Maybe even no casualties if King’s Landing surrenders immediately.”
“Then she’d have all three dragons and all the armies in the Seven Kingdoms to fight the White Walkers with!” Zim added.
“Yeah, then maybe there’d be enough time to make the army of the dead live up to the hype! Nice Long Night. Lasted about six hours.”
“What is this show?” Tak asked. “I want to watch.”
“Enough!” Dib burst, jumping out of his seat. “Enough Game of Thrones! If you want to keep complaining, go on the internet and do it! Now can we please get back to you two spilling the secrets of your evil intergalactic empire!”
“There are no more secrets, human,” Tak snapped. “We’ve told all. The only other information I could find is on this.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a square, plastic information drive. “But this technology is too outdated to decode. So, unless you have access to an ancient computer…”
Dib took the square and held it up to his eyes. “This just looks like a floppy disc.”
“Really, Dib-beast?” Zim scoffed. “Your planet’s technology is antiquated, but it’s not that archaic.”
“Actually, that’s pretty outdated for us too,” Gaz said, “but our dad’s got a computer graveyard in the attic. Maybe we can get one of those to work.”
Tak regarded the disc suspiciously. “You’re serious? You think you might be able to get it to work.”
“It could be possible,” Dib answered, eyeballing the disc. It looked about the right size and shape. It may at least fit into the disc drive. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve gotten Irken and Earth technology to work together. It’s worth a shot.”
After about an hour and a few trips to the attic, they found an old monitor and hard drive they managed to turn on. As the computer booted up, they compared the Irken disc drive to a standard floppy disc. Dib was right. They seemed to match up.
“You really think this has a shot?” Tak asked again. She looked skeptical they whole time the were getting set up, but as the computer whirred to life, Dib thought he could detect a hint of hope in her voice.
“It could,” Gaz answered. “If the magnetic polarity is the same as we use on earth, the computer might be able to read the disc.”
Dib nodded along. While he was good with technology, his area of expertise was more on the engineering side. Gaz was the one with an affinity for coding.
Once the computer was ready, they popped in the drive. They all gathered around the monitor and held their breath. A buffering window popped up on the screen and they let out a collective gasp.
After a few minutes, the picture went black and green Irken text scrolled up across the screen, accompanied by, what sounded to Dib, like a series of chirps, clicks, and hisses. “Um, is it supposed to be making that-”
Tak and Zim threw a sharp hiss in his direction, then went back to staring intently at the screen. When Dib quieted and listened harder, he realized the sounds came from an organic voice and had a deliberate pattern. Holy shit, it’s reading the text! This is their language!
The voice stopped and the screen froze on another set of Irken symbols.
“Oh, my…” Zim choked out, eyes still glued to the screen. “We’ve got to write that down!”
“MiMi,” Tak commanded, “my tablet.”
“Wait, what was that?” Dib asked as he watched the two aliens scramble to scribble down the symbols on the screen. “Was that guy speaking Irken? What did they say?”
“Yes,” Zim answered. “And those are coordinates to the next place we need to go.”
“You mean, I need to go,” Tak cut in. “I’m the one who uncovered the conspiracy, remember?”
Zim scowled and stomped up to her, getting in her face. “You made this my problem when you crashed at my house, drank all my gingzor, and got my base cubified.”
“Why would I ever team up with you?” she shot back.
“I’m every bit as Irken as you are,” Zim argued. “I deserve answers as much as you.”
“Will someone please tell me what that thing said?” Dib shouted. The two stopped their bickering long enough to cast him an icy stare.
“Well,” Dib growled impatiently. If these two thought they were going to force their way into his home, spill ginger ale on his couch, tell him about an intergalactic conspiracy, and not let him in on the details, they had another thing coming.
“This doesn’t concern you, human,” Zim snapped.
“You two waltzed in here expecting me to hide you form your creepy totalitarian government and let you use my lab. Unless you want me to throw you out on your ass…”
“Fine, fine,” Tak said, waving an arm dismissively. “That voice claimed to be Krislotch. He confirmed that he left the clues that lead me to discover the truth about the Control Brains. He also claims more information is waiting on a planet at those coordinates. I must go there next if I want to solve this mystery.”
“We must go there,” Zim but in.
“This is my conspiracy, Zim,” Tak growled, turning back to him. “If there are more answered waiting on that planet, I will be the one to find them.”
“Oh yeah?” he said with a smirk. “How you gonna get there? I’m the only one with a working ship.”
“Dib’s got a ship,” Gaz chimed in. She turned to Tak. “Actually, I think it’s your ship.”
“You!” Before Dib could say anything, Tak had already jumped on the coffee table and grabbed his collar. “You have my ship?!”
“Take me to her!”
“wha-wha…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
They group stood in the garage and stared at the collection of barely-held-together parts, also known as Tak’s ship. Dib had to admit, his last few forays into space hadn’t exactly been smooth sailing.
“It doesn’t look like this all the time,” he tried explaining. “I’ve gotten it to work. But, you know, sometimes things happen… and when they happen, I have to convince the ship to let me fix it again.”
“And why is she blue?”
“Um… I like blue?”
“Stupid human!” Tak spat, rushing up to her ship. “You have no idea what you’ve been toying with!”
“Fine,” Dib grumbled under his breath. “Only repaired it multiple times of the last six years but whatever…”
“Ship,” Tak commanded, laying a hand on the ship’s windshield. “Respond.”
“Biosignature detected,” the ship said as it began to light up. “You are Tak.”
“Yes, yes, ship! It’s me!” she cried. Dib could almost swear there were tears in her eyes.
“Hmpf, what took you so long?”
Tak looked taken aback. “I was, uh, had a lot going on, you know? Schemes and such?”
“And you never once thought to check in on your ship?”
“When I have to eject, I thought I’d lost you forever,” Tak explained, pressing both hands on the windshield. “I never wanted to leave you behind, but I’m here now. I can take you back.”
“Hey, wait a minute…” Dib protested. He started forward, but Gaz pulled him back.
“It’s her ship, dummy.”
“And how exactly did you get here?” Ship went on.
Tak hesitated. “Well, I…”
“I knew it,” Ship huffed. “You have a new ship now, don’t you?”
“It’s not like that,” Tak insisted. “Yes, I needed a new ship to get around, but I swear, it was a simple matter of transport. That ship means nothing to me. I would trade every other ship in the universe for you.”
The ship went quiet, as if thinking it over. Dib found himself oddly captivated, like when he’d accidently get sucked into his grandmother’s soap operas. He quickly shook himself out of it. This is ridiculous. She’s talking to a ship.
“I don’t know what to believe,” Ship finally said.
“I promise, Ship, I will fix you myself and, after that, I will never even look at another ship again.” She gently caressed its side and the engines purred.
“I will allow you to repair me, for now. After that, perhaps I can allow you to pilot me again, in time.”
Tak smiled and continued to pet her ship while it continued to purr. The scene was almost sweet until Zim decided to break it up.
“Well, well, well,” Zim said, a smug smile on his face, “looks like I’m the only one here with an operational ship.”
Tak only hissed in response.
“So, I guess I’ll be taking those coordinates and be on my way,” he continued, “unless someone wants to grovel for the chance to accompany me.”
Tak stomped up to Zim and unleashed a cavalcade of Irken at him. Dib wasn’t sure what she said, but if cricket/bat/snake could cuss someone out, he imagined it’d sound something like that.
“Okay,” Zim squeaked out, looking up at Tak who now towered over him. “I suppose I could let you come, but only because you asked so nicely.”
“I’m coming too,” Dib declared.
Tak and Zim both turned to him with questioning looks on their faces. “Uh, what?” Zim said.
“I’m coming. I want to see what’s on that planet, too.”
“This doesn’t concern you, human,” Tak spat.
“Excuse me? Who’s house are you two crashing at? Who’s ancient computer did you use to get those coordinates? And who’s been keeping your ship running while you’ve been got?”
“We don’t need-” Zim started, but Dib cut him off.
“Yes you do,” he shot back. “You need my lab to get your base working again. You said so yourself. And Tak, you need my garage and my tools if you’re going to fix your ship. If you want to stay here and use my equipment, to fix your stuff, you need to let me in on the conspiracy.”
The two Irkens looked at each other intently, as if holding a telepathic conversation. Dib briefly wondered if they could communicate semi-telepathically, or at least through pheromones. They did have antenna after all.
Finally, they broke their stare down and turned back to Dib. “Fine, the Dib can come,” Zim conceded.
Dib felt a jolt of excitement jump through his body. “Yeah, Gaz and I-”
“Nope,” Gaz said, turning on her heals and heading back inside.
Okay, so no Gaz. Aw well, he could at least count on her to cover for him while he’s gone. “I will get my space travel equipment and be ready to leave within the hour.”
“Yeah, fine, whatever,” Zim said, and he and Tak headed back inside as well. Dib went further into the garage and began preparing the things he’s need for the trip.
“You’re seriously going to let him come along?” Tak asked as they walked away.
“Eh,” Zim said with a shrug. “If the Dib-worm wants to come to a dead planet where total species-wide genocide took place, let him.”
Dib let the helmet he’d been holding clang to the floor. “Wait, what?”
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imagineredwood · 5 years
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Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8   Part 9       Part 10    Part 11  Part 12   Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16   Part 17  Part 18   Part 19  Part 20  Part 21 
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Camila (OC)
Warnings: None 
Word count: 3.1k
***All this baby talk, y’all fucked me up 😂***
“Ahora, compórtate. Haz lo que ella diga, no causes ningún problema.” – “Now, behave. Do what she says and don’t cause any trouble.”
“Gracias por esto, mi amor.” – “Thank you for this, my love.”
“Que nombre bella.” – “What a beautiful name.”
“Y que mujer bella.” – “And what a beautiful woman.”
“Buenos días, Camila.”
Camila smiled as Elisa spoke. Opening the front door wider for the woman and her children to walk in.
“Bueno días, Elisa.”
Camila chuckled as Eddy’s voice rang out loudly and she looked down to find him looking up at her, his hand moving frantically as he waved, Esperanza waving as well though much quieter as per usual. Camila watched as the children walked into her house. She had been to their house plenty of times, the children used to her now, but they had never been over to her home. Eddy bounced on his feet, unable to contain his excitement while Esperanza looked around silently, her pacifier moving slightly as she suckled and observed her new surroundings. Her round dark eyes finally settled on Cam and squinted as she smiled. Camila returned it before looking back at Elisa. Her long thick hair was pulled back into its usual ponytail though it was now slicked back perfectly. She wore grey slacks and a white blouse, black pumps on her feet. Camila gave a low whistle and Elisa hushed her, a pink hue coming to the roundness of her cheeks.
“Ay, nena.”
Camila laughed lightheartedly as she helped the woman unpack her children’s things.
“You look amazing, Elisa.”
The woman swatted at Camila, trying her best to hide her smile as she pulled out a lunchbox.
“Esperanza’s milk and her cup are here too. Just give it to her if she gets grumpy. I have their food in here too.”
With a tilt of her head, Camila took the lunchbox.
“I told you that you didn’t have to bring food. I can feed them here.”
“I know.”
Shaking her head, Camila took the lunchbox into her kitchen and placed it in the fridge, already knowing that she wasn’t going to take anything from there unless there was something specific the kids wanted to eat. Camila knew Elisa was running short on money and groceries for children wasn’t cheap. Better to keep that for when she was sending them to school. Elisa finished unpacking the back just as Camila returned to the living room to hear Elisa lecturing the children.
“Ahora, compórtate. Haz lo que ella diga, no causes ningún problema.”
“Si, mama.”
Eddy responded and threw an arm over Esperanza’s shoulders, hugging his little sister into his side. Elisa nodded, sufficed and pulled her children in for a hug, pressing a kiss to the tops of their heads. She turned them and pulled Camila into a hug of her own, the younger woman’s eyes going wide for a second before she settled in and wrapped her arms around her neighbor. Elisa spoke gratefully into Camila’s ear.
“Gracias por esto, mi amor.”
Elisa pulled away and Camila gave her a warm smile.
Elisa turned and waved once more to her children before heading through the living room and to the front door. Camila followed with the children, watching as Elisa walked down the driveway and across the grass to her own driveway. To Camila’s side, she heard Esperanza whimper around her pacifier as she watched her mother leave. Camila quickly reached down and offered the toddler her hand, which she quickly used both of her tiny hands to latch onto.
“She’ll be back, corazón.”
Esperanza looked up at Camila and nodded, tilting her head to rest her cheek against Camila’s thigh. Eddy, however, was already back inside, pulling his trucks out of the backpack that his mom had brought and beginning to play with them on the rug of Camila’s living room. Camila turned and ushered Esperanza ahead of her, not wanting her to see her mother drive away. Instead, she bent down to pick up on of Eddy’s toys and held it out to the younger sibling who took it and sat down cross-legged. With a smile, Camila stood back upright and opened her mouth to ask what they wanted for breakfast when her phone began to ring in the kitchen. Jogging over, she picked it up and looked down at the screen, an involuntary smile coming to her face. Swiping across, she brought the phone up to her ear.
“Hi, cariño.”
She could hear the smile in EZ’s words as he spoke.
“Hi, preciosa. Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
He had spent the night in his trailer the last couple of nights, club business having him busy until the early hours of the morning. He didn’t want to be waking her up when he came in so late so he’d elected to stay there, but three whole days of not sleeping next to her were already creating an aching longing within him.
“Are you busy today? I miss you.”
Camila’s hearts swelled at his words, but she winced at the same time.
“I’m not busy with plans but I am watching the kids from next door. I told their mom I would take care of them for her today. I was just about to see what they want for breakfast. Maybe you can swing by, come eat with us?”
Camila offered up the opportunity. She wasn’t sure if he was going to want to spend his day around kids when he had just wanted to be with her. To her surprise, his tone was cheery as she accepted, and she could hear his smile once again.
“Yeah, that’s cool. I just wanna be with you.”
Camila’s cheeks hurt with the width of her grin and she nodded, more to herself than anything.
“Well then come be with me.”
The couple said their goodbyes and hung up, Camila placing her down onto the counter and turning to walk back to the kids. They looked up as they felt her presence and she appealed to them.
“French toast?”
Camila had barely finished whipping up the eggs when she heard the rumble of EZ’s bike coming up the street. Esperanza sunk into herself some at the noise while Eddy raced out of the kitchen and into the living room to look out of her window.
“Is that the man with a motorcycle?!”
Camila laughed to herself at the enthusiasm of the boy and nodded.
“Yep. That’s my boyfriend.”
Eddy’s eyes got impossibly bigger and he snapped his head over to stare at Camila.
“Wow. You’re so cool.”
The older sibling sprinted back into the kitchen then, asking questions one right after the other.
“Do you ever ride on his motorcycle? Is it scary? Does it mess up your hair? Do you get bugs in your mouth?”
Camila laughed heartily at his questions as EZ walked in through the already unlocked front door. Eddy looked at him from the kitchen then whispered to Camila.
“Is that him?”
EZ secured the door behind him and then turned. He beamed as he laid eyes on Camila, having missed being home with her.
He wasn’t sure when, but at some point, home to him had come to mean Camila’s house and he felt his heart flutter at he thought about one day owning a home with her. One that they shared, that they could call their own. For now, her home was more than enough for him and she walked into the kitchen, eyes now pulling away from his girl and toward the two children standing beside her, staring up at him with eyes like saucers. He imagined how he must have looked, a leather-wearing stranger towering over them. They had seen him a couple of times before when they were playing in the front yard and he would go to see Cam. He would wave and they would wave back. That was at a distance though. Taking a knee, he put themselves at their height and made sure to keep some distance as he smiled softly. He waved at the two of them, the boy waving back quickly while the girl hid much of her face behind Camila’s leg, only one of her big, brown eyes peering to look him over.
“Hi. I’m Ezekiel, you can call me EZ.”
“I’m Edwardo, you can call me Eddy.”
Camila laughed softly behind her hand as Eddy parroted EZ’s words, wanting to look cool.  EZ looked up at her as he heard her laugh, his smile widening before he looked over at the girl.
“Y tu, muñequita? What’s your name?”
She looked up at Camila who reached over to run her hand over EZ’s hair lovingly. The child then relaxed some, trusting Camila and unhiding her face from behind her leg, reaching a tiny hand up to pull the pacifier from her mouth. A squeaky voice came from her pouty lips.
EZ wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Maybe it was her high-pitched tone or the way that she accentuated her name perfectly, but EZ thought she was the cutest thing in the whole world and his eyes turned into near slits as he smiled.
“Que nombre bella.”
Esperanza smiled and bashfully hide her face behind Camila’s leg again. EZ’s smile remained and he looked up at Camila, her eyes full of love as she looked down at him. Standing back up, he leaned toward her and pressed his lips against hers. He spoke against her lips after he pulled away some.
“Y que mujer bella.”
Camila smiled and pecked him once more before they pulled away entirely, Eddy standing patiently as he waited for them to finish.
“Are you gonna make the French toast now?”
Both adults looked down at the brother and Camila nodded, ruffling his hair as she knew he was hungry.
“Yep. We’ll start making them now.”
EZ smiled and rested his hand on Camila’s shoulder, squeezing softly.
“I’m gonna go wash my hands, then I’ll come help out.”
He walked away from the trio and headed to Camila’s bathroom, running his fingertips over her memorial altar gently as he passed. Turning on the faucet, EZ’s mind drifted to the last couple of days. As if things weren’t complicated and messy enough, Angel had let EZ into his clique, taking him out to the desert to introduce him to the side project he, Coco and Gilly had been working on.
Los Olvidados.
EZ couldn’t believe Angel, but he didn’t have the right to judge, considering the secret he still harbored. He worried about Angel. For his safety, for his future. His goal and intentions wouldn’t matter if the club found out what he was doing. Angel wanting to ‘save’ the club could very well end up being its demise and the thought made EZ anxious. He had a lot riding on this deal, KJ still poking around. If Angel’s connection to Adelita blew up, who knew what other secrets it would uncover. EZ swallowed dryly and looked down, the soap long gone from his hands. Shaking the excess water off, he shut the faucet and grabbed the towel hanging from the rack, drying his hands as he looked at his reflection. Just when things seemed to be settling down, more dirt got kicked up and the only thing that would be able to soothe his worries was Camila. Hanging the towel back up, he unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom, down the hall. He walked through the living room and slid out of his kutte, hoping that removing the leather would make him seem more approachable to the tiny humans. He tossed it down onto her couch and walked toward the kitchen, stopping as Camila came into view.
She stood at the stove with her back to him, relaxed in her shorts and t-shirt. Eddy was beside her standing high on his tippy toes as he watched her dunk the piece of bread in the egg mixture before placing it onto the skillet, one hand hanging onto the hem of her yellow top. She held Esperanza, the toddler sitting high on her left hip, head resting on Cam’s shoulder and facing EZ. The little girl smiled softly as she saw him and then wrapped her arms around Camila’s neck, snuggling into her. EZ couldn’t see Camila’s face, but he could only imagine the joy she wore as she tilted her own head some, resting it against the child’s.
EZ swallowed as he took in the sight, a sudden surge of longing hitting him. He didn’t think about children often, in fact sometimes outright avoiding the thought of them. To think of them hurt. It brought back the memories of the anguish he felt learning that Emily had been pregnant, only for her to tell him that she was going to get rid of it in the same breath. He hadn’t regretted letting her go, he had felt that it would be for the better. Had he known she was carrying his child though, his reaction and handling of the situation would’ve been much different. He would’ve done what he had to do, whatever it was, to make sure that his child had a decent life. That opportunity was snatched away from him though and thoughts of children weren’t thoughts that he enjoyed having. Now in this moment though, for the first time since he could remember, the thought made a warmth spread through his chest. He could feel the scene in front of him differently. He could picture coming home after club business and walking into to see Camila as his wife, holding their children as she cooked dinner. He could picture a future with her where she gave him a family. Looking at her now, children in her motherly presence, he felt hope. He could hear Angel’s words repeating in his head.
“I know after Emily, you didn’t know if you were gonna get another shot at a family or whatever. I think maybe this is your chance.”
He watched as Cam grabbed the spatula and slid it under the first piece of French toast, turning to place it down onto a plate. In her movement, she saw EZ standing there from the corner of her eye and turned fully, facing him now. His eyes stayed glued to her, Esperanza still resting on her shoulder as she held her. Cam’s brows furrowed as she looked at him, unable to read his expression.
“You good?”
Her voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he grinned stepping forward to help her finish up breakfast.
“Yeah, I’m good.”  
EZ yawned as he sat on the couch, Camila on the opposite side while Eddy and Esperanza were between them. The lights in the living room were off as they watched COCO on Netflix and the darkness was starting to reveal the exhaustion he felt after the last couple of days. He just didn’t sleep the same without Camila by his side. He had gotten too used to it and now it just felt off. Angel had asked about the bags under his eyes and EZ had told him the truth. Angel had nodded, understanding and telling him to go and spend some time with her then made a whipping noise. EZ didn’t care how whipped he may have seemed, he was head over heels for Camila and there was no way he was going to hide it.
Looking away from the tv and over at her, he saw her watching the movie, fingers absentmindedly gently raking through Esperanza’s dark locks as she held the little girl. She was sat in her lap, her cheek squished as she rested against Camila’s chest. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and they blinked slowly, sometimes staying shut for a few seconds before snapping back open as the child woke herself up, not wanting to miss the movie. EZ pushed his bottom lip out in a pout at her cuteness and whispered to Camila.
“She’s almost out.”
Camila looked down and smiled, using her thumb to motion to the kitchen.
“Can you go and heat up her milk for me?”
With a nod EZ stood from the couch, ruffling Eddy’s hair as he walked away. He got the milk from the fridge and poured it into a glass, putting it into the microwave and warming it. He looked over at Cam while he waited. She sat looking down at Esperanza, a soft smile on her face as she brushed the girl’s hair away from her chubby face, tucking it behind her ears. The microwave beeped loudly, startling him and drawing back his attention. He took the milk out and tested it on his wrist before pouring it back into the sippy cup and returning to the living room. He handed the pink cup to Camila and she mouthed a thank you at him while he sat back down. Esperanza sat up some when she saw her cup and Camila held it out to her, the sister taking it and situating herself so she was laying back in Camila’s arms drinking. Eddy was tired as well and slowly started to lean into EZ’s side more and more as the movie went on. Finally, EZ lifted his arm and held it out, offering the space to Eddy who smiled tiredly and scooted in closer, resting against EZ’s side.
It wasn’t long before the movie was over and both children were asleep. Camila and EZ looked at each other as the credits rolled and EZ silently motioned his head over to her room. She gave a nod and they both slowly maneuvered themselves and the children until they held them in their arms, walking to the bedroom to lie them down. They both placed them down gently on the mattress, pulling the comforter to cover them. With the children settled in, EZ and Camila quietly made their way out of the room, leaving the door open so they could hear. Back in the hallway, Camila turned to EZ with a smile.
“Sorry. I know you wanted to hang but I promised I would watch them. She needed to go to an interview.”
“It’s fine, Cam. I don’t mind. This was fun.”
Camila laughed and he could tell that she didn’t believe him. Reaching out, he took both of her hands in his.
“I’m serious. I had a good time. They’re cute kids. It doesn’t always need to be a club part or a ride. Just being with you is enough.”
They were both quiet for a couple of seconds before bursting into laughter.
“That was cliché as fuck.”
EZ nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, it was. I mean it though. I missed you.”
Camila’s laughter died away and she brought her arms forward to wrap around his waist, hugging him to her as she looked up.
“I missed you too.”
EZ’s smirk was prominent as he gazed down at her. Leaning down, he wrapped his arms around her as well, his hands sliding over the swell of her ass as he pressed his lips against her ear. His voice was low and husky as he spoke.
“You can show me how much once they get picked up.”
Tag list:  @caramara3​​   @lostgirl219 @mrsjaxtellerfan   @actuallyazriel   @vannabanana1995   @unnecessarypineapplesstuff  @thegreat-annamaria @negansdirtygirl22 @svintsandghosts @piccasoe @tobesurroundedbysplendidthings @jadert15  @lovejn29 @may114​  @meltingicequeen​ 
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evermoire · 4 years
like a rainbow with all of the colors | pack.
“lydia... lydia, no! lydi—-” 
cora’s cry abruptly cut off when lydia pounced on her. the couch cushions sank beneath their combined weight, cora leaning almost completely onto mason as lydia straddled her hips, makeup brush in hand. scott snickered, snapping a photo, catching the rare sight of cora’s flushed cheeks as she and lydia laughed, the wolf doing a poor halfhearted job of dodging lydia’s makeup brush. “mason, hold her down,” lydia demanded, the seriousness off the command lost to the way she giggled.
cora’s laughter rang louder, hands loosely gripping lydia’s wrists to keep her at bay, back arching and eyes crinkling. “no! absolutely not, je refuse!”
lydia’s arms went limp as she dissolved into another round of breathless laughter, body curling forward. “i hate you,” she gasped through her giggles, lifting her wrist to wipe tears from her eyes. “you had one french lesson with ally, and this is what you do with it?” and when cora nodded, the two laughed even harder. “cora, you promised! you said i could do your makeup for thanksgiving!”
“you are such a liar!”
“...let me do it anyway!”
arms full of dinner precursors, derek paused to watch the two. they seemed... lighter. though they still hadn’t solved things with the wolf, the cops or kate, november had proven to be calm, in comparison. lydia’s seventeenth birthday came and went without a hitch, and mason’s birthday celebrations were being mixed into today’s events, his presents stashed away in the summer kitchen for later. as november trickled by without a single problem, everyone relaxed in a way derek didn’t think they were capable of.
cora hadn’t been much of a cheerful kid, but she laughed so openly now. it was something that was so natural and rare and unforgettable all at once.
“girls,” scott’s mom called as she headed back in the house, noam stilinski in tow with grocery bags, “no playing on the couch. rosie, go tell jude to take her medicine before she grabs another banana nut muffin. and tell her if i see her with another cupcake before dinner, she’s not seeing another cupcake until she’s my age.”
“cosigned!” david whittemore called from where he and hershel were chatting in the ‘nice’ living room.
“yes, ma’am,” cora and lydia chorused, cheeks red and wet with errant tears as lydia dropped a lipsticked kiss onto cora’s forehead and allowed the wolf to shove her off. the redhead giggled as cora failed to remove the lipstick stain and the two began to childishly, playfully stick their tongues out at each other, before giggling again. 
liam sat down on the arm of the couch, splitting a muffin that ariadne had given him and offering a half to mason. days spent at the greene farm were more common than not nowadays. it had taken no serious amount of thought to decide that packsgiving ( as evie and bailey earnestly dubbed it ) should be held here. and though parents hadn’t been required to come along, it had only felt natural that their families spend this time with them. the pack had free range of the place, so most of the day could be spent to themselves, whether outside or in the barn, while the adults were content to stay in the main house and enjoy time together. liam had been worried that his parents would find it strange that he’d made such a varied group of friends, when he’d always struggled to make one friend before, but they’d been overjoyed. since then, all of the pack parents had gotten along swell, despite not knowing the nature of how their kids all became friends. he’d never known that community parenting was actually a thing until all of the pack parents started doing it and doing it well.
last liam heard, the adults had a very active group chat. he tried not to think about it. 
his nose crinkled as he swallowed a bite. “isn’t jude teaching doctor deaton how to cyberbully the sheriff?”
“maggie told her to stop,” kira provided as she made her way down the stairs, a small smile fitted on her face. “the last thing we need is, and i quote, ‘all of the important adults in town to start kinkshaming the sheriff into resignation.’”
liam blinked. “why would we not want that?”
kira held up her hands innocently. “maggie’s words, not mine. though i think she’s more opposed to the kinkshaming than the resigning.” she made her way to the table, where derek was dutifully setting up bowls and baskets of deviled eggs — stuffed eggs, hershel had corrected when cole had called them that, flabbergasted at the idea of giving the devil credit for his wife’s delicious cooking — and various breads and snacks, and lowered her voice. “allison, bailey and i checked all of the wards around the property. they’re standing strong and i don’t feel anything bad anywhere near us. oh, and danny's still caught up in that thing with his dad, but he did check to make sure no one was trying to track any cars or phones or anything like that, and he’s running interference to make sure no one does. and noah put up an anti-scrying spell this morning. we’re all good.”
derek met her gaze and nodded, smiling at her. for whatever reason, kira was taking security more seriously than he was today, which was truly a feat. he had to imagine it had a lot to do with all of the precious and oblivious parties on the farm today. “thank you. have glenn, isaac and evie check the wards and the spell again in about two hours. did you get a chance to call your parents?”
kira shook her head, helping him spread out the food. “not yet. time difference; they’re not even up yet. i was going to call them around dinner time.” she shrugged a bit. “it’s a little weird being without them.”
his smile grew a little sad but understanding. “i know. do you think you want to go out to visit them for christmas?”
kira blinked, not having expected the question. “i... haven’t thought about it. i don’t know if glenn and i have the money for th... no,” she said, seeing the look in derek’s eyes. “no. i’m not asking you to send me to korea, derek.”
“you didn’t ask,” he pointed out. “and you don’t have to say anything now. you have a month. if you change your mind between now and then, just let me know. ...what?”
“you’re very sweet,” kira teased, eyes shining as she grinned up at him. “your love language is giving people things and acts of service. i think that’s amazing.”
he smiled sarcastically at her. “go away.”
with that dismissal, kira giggled and left to find her brother and tell him about the upcoming shift change. smile returning, derek chuckled and soaked in the joy that flooded the atmosphere. laughter from several members of the pack, jeremy’s excited shrieks as he won another round of mario kart against damaris and daryl ( whose defense was that he’d never played before, jeremy clearly had an unfair advantage, okay ) and some others, t-dog helping groom the horses, nana showing natalie and andrew her recipe for sweet potato pie, and so many other noises derek had never expected to hear at once.
it’d been quite al ong time since he’d been in a lively place for the holiday. and, thinking back on it, his pack hadn’t been quite this big before. but they were filled to the brim now, full of elders and teens and children, witches and kumiho, emissaries, even hunters, his living sisters and cousins and nephew. this was a pack he’d never dreamed of having, but he loved them all so fully, it swallowed him whole and he happily allowed it.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by xalikattx
What is your favorite salad dressing? I’m not really familiar with most of them as I only consume one type of salad and the recipe for that usually calls for mayo and some kind of spicy sauce. I guess that’s my favorite dressing by default.
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu for days. I personally don’t think that will change for me. Mama Lou’s is also nice but its crowd can be so boujee it kills the dine-in experience for me.
Favorite pizza topping? I’m easy to please; I just like my pizzas cheesy.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it? Fried chicken sandwiches.
What do you put on your toast? Butter is fine with me. I don’t really eat toast.
What food do you eat the most? I have rice in every meal.
Do you like food? Yes.
Do you LOVE food? Yesssssssssir. I have my preferences and things that I don’t like but I’m not picky for the most part, and I love being adventurous with the foods I try.
Do you even eat at all? ...What kind of question is this
What do you put on your ice cream? I never customize my ice cream. I usually consume ice cream however way it’s already served. 
Do you like steak? For sure.
Or are you a vegetarian? No.
How about a vegan? No.
What food do you hate the most? I’ve never learned how to appreciate kakanin, which is a group of a variety of sweet rice cakes that we have in Philippine cuisine. This has definitely caused my Filipino card to be revoked in the past lol, but ugh the texture is just so slimy and I hate how, even though we have so many types of kakanin, they all just taste and feel like sticky, chewed-up rice doused in sugar and coconut flakes. Korean rice cakes taste so much better.
How many TVs are in your house? We have four. Two downstairs, two upstairs.
Do they all work? I think the one in my brother’s room has stopped working but we just never get around to throwing it out because of the possibility of it getting fixed someday.
Do you have Comcast digital cable? I don’t know what that is. Probably a US thing? In that case we don’t. We used to have cable TV but my dad ceased our subscription a few months ago because no one in the family has been watching the TV for cable anymore and he got sick of paying for something that we don’t even avail of; we all stream our shows and movies on Netflix now.
AT&T Uverse? Definitely no AT&T on this side of the world, so no.
Dish Network? No.
Something else? Obviously.
Nothing? Again, it was a local cable provider but we’ve since cut off our subscription.
What's your favorite show? Of all time, Breaking Bad. Currently, it’s The Crown but I’ve been such a bad viewer at the moment; I stopped watching at some point a few months ago and haven’t gone back to Netflix since, welp.
What's the worst show? I don’t objectively know what’s the worst one out there but when it comes to my personal preferences, I’ve just never seen the appeal of shows targeted to teenagers or a younger demographic in general, like Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, the TV adaptation of Scream, etc. Of course, this is just my own taste and I certainly don’t judge people who enjoy these shows. 
What color cell phone do you have? The official name is Space Gray but that’s too fancy so let’s just call it black.
What kind? iPhone 8.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? So I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of my text threads and the last person on the list is Ate Frances, and she was just telling me to check my Messenger because she had sent me a question regarding an event our org was holding at the time.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to? Gabie. I simply said “hi.”
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Who was the last person you called? Gab.
Are you missing someone? Yeah but let’s not get into it.
What are you listening to? I can hear rain pouring from outside my window.
Watching? It’s mostly background noise because I’m focusing on this survey, but I have on a YouTube video playing.
Worrying about? Work. I was tasked to think of PR executions for a client over the weekend and I just really really dislike it when I’m assigned to something that forces me to brainstorm, so ugh. Wish me luck because my brain juices have been feeling weak all weekend.
Where are you? I’m in my bedroom, my favorite place to be these days.
What's it like there? Lonely, but it’s quiet and comfortable. I used to avoid my bedroom all the time everyday because it makes me depressed, but now I am depressed and prefer to stay here all the time too.
How are you feeling? A little sad but I think tonight’s one of the nights I can fake it a little more easily, which is decent enough for me.
Is anyone with you? Who? Just Kimi.
Are you hungry? I haven’t had an appetite in a while. No.
What do you want to eat? I’m not craving anything.
Thirsty? I’m good, thank you.
What do you want to drink? I might end up drinking some of the plum soju that’s been in the fridge for months tonight, even though I told myself I wasn’t interested in touching it lol.
What time is it? 6:58 PM.
Thing you ate? A tuna empanada.
Thing you drank? Pretty sure it was just water.
Thing you said? “Go, pee” It was to Kimi as I set him down on the balcony.
Movie you watched? I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Ugh, I really should watch a more light-hearted movie soon because this answer is such a depressing one and I’m tired of mentioning it.
Store you went to? What did you buy? Grocery store; dog food.
Person you talked to? My sister.
Person you hugged? I think it was Gabie.
Kissed? Also her.
Yelled at? I haven’t raised my voice in a while. I don’t remember anymore.
Book you read? Midnight Sun.
Thing you touched? Other than the keyboard, I pushed up my eyeglasses.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site? [continued the next day] A co-intern, Justine, added me on Facebook. I honestly don’t see the point of being Facebook friends because we’re bound to part ways and never encounter each other again after our internship...but I guess it’s nice to have friendly co-workers.
Are a righty or a lefty? Righty.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Just a decaying tooth, but otherwise no organs or anything larger.
What is the last heavy object you lifted? Does Cooper count? Little man has been getting so big over the last few weeks. He’s finally getting the growth spurt that we’ve been waiting for :’D But I don’t really do heavy lifting around the house, so.
Have any scars? Sure.
How did you get them? Any interesting stories? Most of them are scars from childhood falls, because I was the clumsiest kid in the neighborhood and tripped and scraped my legs at least once every time I played outside. There’s a scar on my left eyebrow from an idiot cousin who had been out to make me blind, and then there’s the self-harm scars as well.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you're going to die? Yes. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to know.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I’m happy with mine. I’m not five anymore.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? If it was like sriracha then yeah. Not willing to do anything overly hot, though.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup? I’d be more enticed if you offered mayonnaise, but even then I think such a feat deserves a higher prize than $1000.
10 bottles of maple syrup? Thinking of how thick that is already hurts my throat. Pass.
A bottle of vinegar? HELL no.
10 jars of peanutbutter? HELL yes but again, I’m gonna be asking for more money lol
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A couple. They’re not my favorite things to wear so I don’t feel the need to collect a lot of them.
Favorite month? April because birthday month; December because even though that’s when my depression strikes the hardest, everyone else is caught up in the holidays and that allows me to guiltlessly cut off contact with people for a few weeks.
Do you always answer your phone? If you mean calls, then no. I do not pick up if it’s an unknown number, but after rejecting I immediately text them asking who they are and what they’re calling for. I just feel like it’s proper etiquette to text before you call, especially if you’re reaching out to me for the first time.
It's four AM and you get a text message, who is it? Gabie for sure. She’s on the graveyard shift, so it wouldn’t be a surprise.
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I’m okay with mine, but if I got reincarnated as a foreigner I’d love to have hazel eyes. They look very pretty.
Do you own a digital camera? Not anymore. My phone camera can take good enough photos.
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself? Hell no.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom? Nope.
Have you ever had a pet fish? I had several goldfish as a kid, yes.
Pet hamster? Nope. That’s mostly a Western thing too I think; I don’t think I know anyone who’s ever had a hamster.
Bird? We had lovebirds before; they were so low-maintenance and made for such sweet pets.
Rabbit? Yep. Tobi was a bit of a handful, but I loved him all the same.
Iguana? No.
Favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually and It’s A Wonderful Life.
Favorite Christmas song? Probably It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. It’s so soothing and yet makes me feel festive and excited for Christmas.
Can you do push ups? I can, doesn’t mean I’m good at holding myself up ha.
Can you do a chin up? I can but I hate those.
Does the future make you nervous or excited? Both.
Ever been in a car accident? Just minor ones.
Do you have an accent? I think everyone does. I’ve honestly never understood this question lol, if I go to a different country or continent, people are always going to have an accent in my ears. Even in my own country, I can think of a number of accents I’ve heard people speak in.
What song always makes you cry? 26 by Paramore.
Have any plans for tonight? Rest my tired head.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Talking to Gabie.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Ugh, Monday.
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