#says im asking for too much when im keeping it to the bare minimum
savethepinecones · 1 year
so so sick of being yelled at for being depressed
#my sister offered to let me move in with her and her spouse and my mom insisted i stay here til the end of the year#because shes worried about my mental health#but she keeps freaking out whenever i have Symptoms#like yeah i dont have any energy so sometimes it takes an extra day or two to get chores done#ive made it clear that im trying my best but it never meets her standards so it doesnt matter#and she wont even fucking let me leave#i told her months ago i wouldnt be able to contribute to groceries much longer because i havent worked in six months and have no money#and she was super understanding at the time but as soon as i make any food requests when someone goes shopping she gets pissed at me#says im asking for too much when im keeping it to the bare minimum#and when my sister heard about this she offered to send me some grocery money and my mom got pissed about that too#i woke up to a huge paragraph of text lecturing me and she called it a 'roommate intervention' like she hasnt been very clear that#she doesnt consider us roommates#and she refuses to actually talk about it she just sends me messages freaking out about how im not good enough#and then she says if i respond shell freak out so shes refusing to have an actual discussion#like if shes so fucking sick of me being here she should just let me move jfc#i havent been able to eat at the table for years because its covered in a bunch of her shit but if i ask her to do something about that#shed just freak out#like how dare my living here inconvenience her in any way but also what i want doesnt matter at all#i dont have any of my stuff in the living room or dining room and i only have some stuff for coffee in the kitchen#and even then she moves that shit without checking with me beforehand#im doing everything i can to reduce my impact here and its still not fucking good enough#god im just so sick of living here#brb gotta go do a million chores while i have a migraine because otherwise there will be 'consequences'#like im a fucking child#and not a full grown adult whos dealing with serious mental health shit but still trying their best#god i want to cry rn im just so sick of this
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hi!! i have a platonic req for miguel x chaotic teen reader who has a bad relationship with her dad, just a man who lost his daughter and a girl who never had a proper father.. what could go wrong..(im a slut for found family)
𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Platonic!Reader
Summary: After a really bad fight with your father, you escape to HQ, the one place you can find solace. To take your mind off things, you go on a mission with Miguel, but it seems you're a little too in your head.
Warnings: Arguments, swearing, and violence in the beginning so be cautious.
A/N: Finally back with some good ol' hurt/comfort, and found family :3
“I’m sick and tired of having the same argument with you over and over again!” you say, the anger rising in your veins as your frustration bubbles over. You blink harshly as you try to force the angry tears down, your father seething angrily in front of you.
“Ever since Mom died, you’ve been unbearable. I’m an adult, you can’t control my life anymore pretending like it's love when I know damn well you don’t give a flying fuck about me,” you say, pointing an angry finger at him.
“WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO,” he shouts, stomping over and grasping your hair harshly as you let out a yelp.
“I give you a roof to live under, food to eat. I raised you, I am your father, and you think you can back talk me you brat?” he spits in your face, and your recoil in disgust.
It was always like this. He justified giving you the bare minimum as being a father, when the house you lived in was never really a home. Not after your Mom died, when everything fell apart.
When you became your world’s Spiderman.
“You were a spectator in my life, you were never truly my father,” you whisper harshly as his grip tightens on your hair. His eyes narrow at yours before he throws you to the ground harshly.
“Get out,” he says.
“W-what?” you ask, your body radiating with pain from the impact.
“GET OUT!” he shouts, leaning over you menacingly. “You think you’re so grown, then get the fuck out of my house because I am sick and tired of you. You don’t think I’m your father? Then I won’t be. You’re lucky your whore of a mother wanted to keep you around because in my eyes you were always my one worst mistake,” he says, and his words hit you like a freight train.
You knew he never loved you. Even before your Mom died he never truly seemed to like you around, only tolerated you because of how much your Mom adored you.
When she died, the substance abuse began. You practically raised yourself and learned how cold the world truly was. You never knew the love of your father, but even still, it hurt to hear him say what you always understood deep down.
“Fine,” you say softly, standing up and opening a portal to HQ. His eyes widen as he watches, but you don’t even give a damn anymore if he sees.
You were never going to see him again anyway.
In an instant, you were gone.
You emerge on the other side, right into the lobby of the Spider Society. A few familiar faces recognize you, waving in greeting. You wave back with a smile that doesn’t quite meet your eyes.
“Hey Lyla?” you call out, and she appears hovering over your shoulder with a grin.
“What’s poppin', buttercup?” she says cheerfully, and the corner of your mouth quirks up a bit.
“I was just wondering if Miguel was around,” you say, and she reappears in front of your face.
“He was actually about to leave for a mission, want me to tell him to wait up?” she asks, and you nod.
“That would be great, thanks,” you say, letting out a soft sigh of relief.
“Already done, you know where to find him,” she says, before throwing up a peace sign and disappearing.
Miguel was…you didn’t exactly know what to call him. A mentor? A friend? Guardian maybe?
All you knew was that (despite a rocky start), he was one of the few people across the multiverse that you truly trusted. He was harsh at times, rough around the edges and gruff…but he was like a light you’ve never known.
You both had your baggage, and you have both lost a lot in your lives, but maybe that’s why it worked. Whatever it was.
“Miguel?” you call out, looking around the monitoring room. He wasn’t on his usual platform which was odd. All of a sudden you get that familiar tingle on the back of your neck, and you whip around.
“HOLY GODS,” you exclaim as you see him hovering in the shadows like a wraith ready to leap out for the attack. “What are you doing?!”
He only chuckles at your expense, walking out with an amused grin on his face.
“Just making sure your reflexes are working properly,” he states simply.
“By giving me a heart attack in the process?” you say with an exaggerated frown, and he snorts.
“Don’t be dramatic, besides, you make stupid faces when you get scared,” he says, and you gasp offendedly.
“Well, you always look stupid so beat that,” you retort, and his hand grasps his chest dramatically.
“How could you? After everything we’ve been through, you think I look stupid?” he says, and you can’t help the breathy laughter that escapes. But before long the smile is replaced by a frown.
You could never really hide your emotions around him, he could always read you too well.
“You alright, kiddo?” he asks. He tried to mask his concern, but his eyes never lied.
“Never better!” you say, your tone overly sarcastic. Miguel eyes you with an expression that says ‘That’s a load of shit’, but you just brush him off with a nervous chuckle.
“You were about to go on a mission right? Can I come along? Cool, great, awesome,” you say, not even waiting for his reply. You press a button on the back of your neck that replaces your clothes with your Spider Suit and turn to look at him expectantly.
“Let’s just pack this guy up, in and out right?” you say, and he sighs.
“Fine, you can come along,” he relents, opening up a portal.
“You do realize I was going to come along either way, right?” you say, and he shakes his head knowingly.
“I know, you have the stubbornness of a bull but it helps me feel at least somewhat like the leader of the Society if I get the final say,” he says, his voice almost small which makes you laugh out loud.
“There, there,” you say, patting his shoulder as the two of your approach the portal together. “Everyone around here respects your authority,” you say with a grin before your mask covers your face.
“Except you,” he scoffs.
“Except me,” you say in turn.
“So what’s the deal with this anomaly?” you ask as the two of you emerge on the other side, not wanting to go in completely blind if you didn’t have to. You were reckless, but you weren’t completely stupid.
“Came in through a tear from Earth-848710. Has the power to manipulate metal to his advantage. At the height of his powers he has the ability to control even the iron in our blood so watch out,” he instructs.
“Ooh, freaky. What, like blood bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender?” you ask, and a confused expression washes over Miguel’s face which makes you giggle a bit.
“Like what?”
“Oh Miguel, don’t worry, we’ll binge watch it later, just you wait,” you reply before the back of your neck tingles, and you sling a web up onto the ceiling, yanking you up off the ground.
Just in time, because in the place that you once were stood a beam of metal impaled into the ground.
“Holy shit!” you yelp, and Miguel is swinging right up beside you.
“That’s our cue then. On your toes, spiderling,” he says, and you grin. You don’t exactly remember when he started saying that phrase to you, but it was standard procedure before every fight for him to say it now.
“You got it, old man,” you snicker, and he rolls his eyes before swinging away, allowing you to analyze the villain down below.
His pillars were optimal at a range, so close combat was likely your best bet at beating the guy.
“You gonna hang up there all day, little thing? C’mon, give me a real fight,” the villain calls up to you tauntingly, and you scoff. Of course, he was going to be annoying, just what you needed.
“I’m just trying to find the quickest way to take your annoying ass down and believe me, it will happen,” you retort, swinging down before levelling him with a kick into his gut before he could react. He groans out in pain as you see Miguel send out his webbing from the corner of your eye.
But the villain seemed to notice it as well, using a shard of metal to slice it away before it could reach him.
“You think it’d be that easy, I’ve spent my whole life fighting so-called ‘heroes’ like you,” he scoffs.
“All that says to me is that you’re old,” you snicker, and he scoffs before sending a beam of metal toward you again. You leap out of the way just in time, but the villain picks up the pace.
Ear-scrapingly loud screeches of metal can be heard from all around as he pulls support beam after support beam out of the building to throw at you and Miguel.
“Where’s all that confidence from earlier, little hero?” he calls out toward you. “I thought you were going to take me down, yet here I stand. Maybe you’re weaker than you thought,” he laughs, and you narrow your eyes in annoyance.
You know you shouldn’t lead with your emotions, it was a recipe for disaster in a job like this but you couldn’t help it.
“Enough of this-” you seethe before you’re interrupted.
“THE BUILDING IS FALLING APART,” you hear Miguel shout, and it was true. With each support beam that the villain ripped from the frame, the more unstable the place became. You had to get this guy packed up and pronto, before you all were crushed.
“I’m tired of your games, anomaly,” you huff, levelling him with a glare.
“Why so serious? Your parents never hug you enough as a kid?” the villain says mockingly. You knew it was only to get a rise out of you, every comment of his was, but with your emotions already on high, you immediately saw red.
Everything you had bottled up and shoved down bubbled over like lava, and you lunged for the villain with a snarl.
You threw punch after punch as he cried out in pain, unable to do anything with your webs trapping him in place.
That’s when you feel webs that weren’t your own wrapping around your shoulders, yanking you off of the villain. You yank at the bonds, desperately trying to escape the fluorescent red webbing.
“Let me go, let me go! Let me finish him, Miguel,” you cry out, but he ignores you for a moment.
He shoves the villain through the newly opened portal without a second thought, knowing Jess would handle it on the other side before turning back to you.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” he says as he grabs your shoulders, holding you in place as he retracts the webbing. You wriggle around in his grasp, chest heaving with each breath as tears brim over in your eyes. He looks at you with concern, just scanning over you to make sure you were alright before truly looking at you. It made you feel small as you struggled to hold back your sobs.
His eyes only softened, clicking your mask off before brushing his hand gently over your hair, and it only made you want to cry even more.
“C’mere kid,” he says, pulling you into a hug. You exhale shakily before hugging him back tightly, the tears you had been holding back all day finally falling down.
He was so warm…his arms embracing you gently in the way your real father never could.
You stood there in his arms for a few minutes, sobbing into his chest while he just held you gently. After a little while your sobs subsided, replaced with the occasional sniffle before you pull away, looking off to the side sheepishly.
“Do you want to tell me what’s really bothering you now, mi tesoro,” he asks gently, not wanting to push you to say something you didn’t want to.
You only sigh softly, glancing back only to see the worry in his eyes before relenting.
“I don’t have a good relationship with my father…you know this,” you smile sadly, and he only nods, waiting for you to continue.
“We got into a really bad argument before I came here, and well, I don’t really have a father anymore. He kicked me out,” you sniffle. “And I know it shouldn’t bother me as much as it does, because he never cared for me like a parent should but it still hurts Miguel,” you say, your eyes tearing up again. He smiles sadly at you, brushing away a tear gently.
“I’m sorry, mi ángel,” he says, not really knowing what else to say. “But don't blame yourself for feeling what you feel. You can't help it, and besides, losing all that you knew, even if it hurt you is still difficult," he says, and you nod knowing that what he said was true. It wasn't easy to accept though, so you don't say anything in response.
"...You do know you always have a home here, don’t you?” he says, and you laugh softly to yourself, not really knowing why.
“I do?” you ask, and he chuckles fondly.
“Always,” he says before his eyes grow distant for a moment. “…I lost Gabriella a long time ago, I never really recovered from that loss…I don’t think I ever will. But I do believe that the universe sent me you in turn. You won’t ever be her, I know that. But you don’t have to be, because I care for you like a child of my own regardless. You know that, don’t you?” he says, the genuineness of his words evident.
“Thank you,” you whisper, hugging him tightly once more. “I have never felt more safe in my life than when I’m with you," you admit.
He only smiles, and for a moment you think you can see the glimmer of tears in his red eyes but figured it must have been a trick of the light.
“Let’s head back to HQ, kiddo. We can figure out some place for you to stay, alright?” he says, and you nod before pausing for a moment.
“Could I…stay with you?” you ask hesitantly, and his eyes widen for a moment.
“If that’s what you’d like, it can be arranged,” he says before laughing softly. “My house has always been too big for just one person anyway.” Immediately your expression brightens as you skip toward the open portal, a large grin on your face.
“I would like that very much.”
A/N: Good gods it has literally been almost 2 weeks since I last posted. I'm so sorry, life has been kicking my ass but I'm back!! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading <33
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @rawegggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana—belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @ieatmunson, @honeii-puff, @wh0re4zaynmalik, @toplinehyunjin, @ohworm-writes, @ishii03, @snowywhiterose, @leftcupcakedefendor
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mono-dot-jpeg · 11 months
tank moment - mauga
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summary; title slightly irrelevant, i wanted to be funny. iykyk
genre/extra tags; headcanons/bullet fic, i talk about mauga hcs i thought of on the fly, reader is implied to be a support character, reader is also part of talon group, fluff, i only know the bare minimum about him and that's all i need baby, is this platonic or romantic idk
[gender neutral reader] [canon typical violence mentioned]
a/n; im back on my overwatch era. it never really ended but, i want to write about him, mauga, the beloved. typing this on my phone and finishing on my computer if anything seems wonky shhh dont tell me i'll relive that mistake for days
also this is a somewhat lightly reseached- aka not fully accurate/detailed work. i briefly mention samoan culture and if it offends or if it's a mistake, please tell me and i will erase those parts asap.
[support me and buy a kofi]
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i've been watching and playing with/against mauga since the trial to play him came out and god i love him
but he's kind of easy to counter (im an ana main, nade is fucking broken but that's just anti heal things) and his ult is annoying
every tank needs their heal bot to keep em up
you just happen to be mauga's heal bot KDJSJSJ
(baptiste is too probably but not really)
he's a really smug guy
no one really knows that bc he sounds so upbeat and nice
but he loves to tease you, poke at you bc he knows that you will answer to him most of the time and entertain him in conversation
you and him are probably in your world even when you're both in talon tbh
he does his own thing and you just happen to join in
(he totally baits you to join his plans and you both know it)
he's a chaotic and cunning man and you're his enabler
(sounds like me and my bestie tbh)
"a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you" type beat
he's lowkey possessive but we dont talk about that
jk we do talk abt it
he's your scary guard dog privileges
like that man is tall tall ‼️‼️
idk why but i dont really imagine him being like an openly sweet person
he keeps it private even with how loud he is
you know how he's on a yacht for his origin story and there's like a bunch of people who got destroyed by him?
yeah he would totally do that shit for u if you asked.
he would give you the best home but
"thanks for the new place and all but did you have to kill someone for it?"
"i mean come on! this place is nice! let's enjoy it!"
he's very "i'll do the dirty work, just sit back and look pretty." and then you're like, "yeah i could. but i won't."
dps support vibes for you ✨️
but also he's charging in most of the time so, there's not much time to dps support KDHDJDJJD
he's like the kool aid man bursting in through the walls /j
back to the hcs here...
he's so tall and big, he would totally let you hang off his back like nunu and wilump (from league, yeah i play league dont remind me totally gonna write for heartsteel soon tm)
also he's literally the greatest heated blanket (ahead of roadhog)
he's so stronk and wowowowow im so gay i love him
when you're surrounded by some enemies, he's charging in, slamming the ground and carrying you with ease as he keeps you safe while destroying any enemies who even tried to touch you
despite his lack of pda, he's a very actions over words.
he's so silly
chivalry isn't dead when he breaks into a jewelry store for u 😍😍
if you ever have those crazy thoughts about crime, he's totally gonna enable you and let you reign havoc on god knows what.
love language is actions and gift giving. enough said.
when he gives you a hug, he's so fucking warm omg
i said it before and i'll say it again, he's the best heated blanket, literal furnace
bad for the people who sweat easily though (ahem me lowkey)
one the off-days where it's just a day off and relaxing, he's taking care of you well !!
when you're on talon missions, since he can't run around as easily unless he gets the okay but you do keep him company until then
he likes to protect but he loves destroying people
he knows you're able to care for yourself, so he can go crazy whenever, and he loves that.
he also loves watching you get mad or angrily passionate
"yes go, la'u ma’asoama!" (my rock/stone, get it? bc his name means mountain)
he is a really good hype man. even if you're the one in the wrong.
soon (tm)
someday i'll write more.
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
i’ve been following ur writing for some time now and i do have to agree with that anon who said you did CH dirty. you are a very talented writer so it’s just hard to watch.
you started off CH so strong with the lore and little chapters here and there but as it progressed you kind of just got lazy and it shows. when important events happened in the story, they weren’t conveyed through writing but through the texts (ie the riki and yn fight, that was definitely worth a written chapter) and it was honestly disappointing.
the ending isn’t much to say about either. yn and hoon barely go through development after the letter incident and all of a sudden they’re dating and married with a kid like two chapters later?
idk, if it was a mental health issue then i get that but even then you should’ve just gave it a break and thought everything out more. you could do so much better.
thank you for the feedback!
i wanna put you through the progess of a piece of writing from the POV of a writer okay? now keep in mind: i work two jobs, am a fulltime uni student and the daughter of an immigrant household with two parents who still work most of the day just so you know what else i have to deal with, besides my mental health okay?
now, i started off CH strong right? yes. i uploaded on the daily, fine i chose that. a chapter usually takes me around one hour if i actually sit down and focus on nothing but the chapter itself, which includes IG stories, editing, formatting etc. alright
on top of the daily chapters, i constantly replied to 40+ asks a day, a blessing in disguise because no matter how much i enjoy talking to you guys, the pressure does get worse the bigger that number of my inbox becomes, i hope this makes sense
now, i started CH back in october, right when my semester started, thats why i started off strong but as time went on, my assignments and private life got too busy and i guess i felt entitled enough as a writer to skip a few certain chaps and make life a little easier for me by making them regular chapters instead of written ones.
and this is gonna be my main point: i'm not a machine. i wrote a minimum of 5 THOUSAND words per written chapter, MINIMUM. we're talking about a 5-9 THOUSANDED worded chapter EACH WEEK. which usually took me about 6-7 hours, even allnighters.
yes, i chose to do that and maybe my time management wasn't the best but i had to create a compromise where i wouldnt have let you guys wait for over two months which would have resulted in me losing my motivation completely, and yet still focusing on EXAMS. because you know, i'm a fulltime uni student with TWO jobs 😮‍💨
if YOU think i did CH dirty go write an alternative ending yourself but it should be a minimum of 15 chapters including 5 written ones, with at LEAST 9k words each yeah? i wanna see you manage it all, pls prove me wrong snd show me you're better than me i'm genuinely begging bc it might inspire me to do "better" next time.
as a writer/artist/creator, and i can tell you probably arent one yourself or havent been one for long, the longer smth takes to come to an end the worse the pressure becomes which results in a blockage i dont wish upon my worst enemy i'm being deadass. i dealt with some of the worst writer's block ive had since i started writing literally 12 years ago and you're telling me i should have just "taken a break" and do "better"
i never, ever expected anything from anyone but some of you are so entitled to a writer's time and skill it's giving me a headache. maybe you didn't like the timing and writing of the last few chapters of CH and i guess that's unfortunate but this was so unnecessary because you completely dismissed everything else that could have been going on in my life and even belittled my mental health issues like im some fucking AI writing machine
do better, be nicer, write it yourself if you don't like it i'm so fucking over this
if i had gotten out of my own comfort and wellbeing and have actually written another set of written chapters i would have burned myself completely out. ive been in this fandom for not even a year and have already finished FOUR smaus with 50 chapters each, you do NOT get to tell me what i should or could have done better because you dont even give a fuck about me as a person this is just about receiving what YOU think YOURE entitled to but this is MY art and I will do what I see fit even if it's not what was expected of it because i'm a fucking human being with a life before i'm a writer on tumblr
oh, also: i do this for free ㅤ:) just a reminder :) this is my HOBBY :)
and don't you EVER call me lazy again when it comes to writing because i'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into a fic just for you to call me lazy when i literally wrote 50 THOUSAND words for this fucking fic just for the written chapters
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lyss-sketchbox · 23 days
Have you played through Natlan a little bit yet? Because I love it except for one thing. Does the Archon quest feel...off to you? At least the first act. Specifically the character introductions and character acting?
Funny thing actually i JUST finished it last night!
Well uh spoilers ahead
I think its... alright-ish? Act 1 basically sets you up with the basics, the characters, the culture, the traditions, and lore so we know whats up. Cool. We are literally being fed information because we are tourists and i can excuse that.
Idk how to feel about traveller and paimon literally going 'ah look, an opportunity has arised, its time to do our thing and help with this major event'. I mean yes thats how its always been but mentioning it doesnt... help... it just points out a flaw.
The characters are fine enough imo. I really expected Mualani to have this super hyper attitude and squeaky voice we usually get from an 'everyone loves me' character but shes suprisingly mellow and i appreciate that alot. (May change with Citlali though and im not looking forward to it)
I do not like how it is very Tell not Show. Because you know what keeps being shown? The fact that Kachina is A CHILD. Maybe she's not an actual child who knows but hyv is clearly infantilizing her. Case in point:
The chief of the tribe literally asked you for ID because you are strangers hanging out around her. He literally said 'a good feeling isnt gonna be enough for your parents to trust these people'
After the chief knew who the traveller is, he said he could trust Kachina to go to the Stadium to sign up and not get into trouble. She HAS to participate because she has an Ancient Name and you can barely trust her to go to the stadium???
Kachina mentioning how she can't keep excusing her age for being a bad warrior. So she KNOWS shes young and either she or other people in the past has excused her for her performance because of her age.
The genuine actual side by side of her first match up. You know a child vs a massive buff man. Maybe it's just me but her kit is clearly not made to DPS and hyv making us fight these opponents with only her kinda makes it feel so much like a drag.
Everyone around her keeps saying oh shes actually really good, she almost made it last time, shes super powerful just lacking confidence. Well we dont really... see it. When the tournament started and we play as mualani and kachina all i can think about it 'yeah mualani is gonna do all the fighting here' and it adds to the idea that kachina literally did the bare minimum. But then suddenly we get a really cool cutscene of her defeating a 3 times winning veteran. It is not believable to me.
Also now that she's won we are literally sending her off to fight the abyss where she has a REAL CHANCE OF DYING but we gotta be ok with it because she can get resurrected? Are we not supposed to be concerned that we are sending a child to war with a real chance of her dying?
It is such a tonal shock and the traveller or paimon barely says anything about it so WE are supposed to be fine with it too? It probably is culture shock but like... SOME people still sees Clorinde as a killer despite doing her job as a duelist, how do you think those people will think seeing THIS tradition.
As for the bit where we go with mualani while we wait for kachina to come back from war, it was... alright i think. But the manufactured 'chillness' is there, like you can tell theyre trying their hardest to potray this tribe as the chill surfers one. Its also obvious they want us to like Atea. While she looks a lil overbearing i appreciate that they were being subtle about her 'my life isnt gonna last long so i am doing this dangerous task', they had to explain it anyway for mualani but i think them not stating out right at first that 'woah you werent going here because you can use the hotsprings again!' is a good choice, that is a good show not tell i think.
For now though the entire thing simply feels off because i feel like there's no stake at all for us. If kachina loses? Then she doesn't get sent to the war, thats kind of a good thing seeing how she did ended up 'dying'. We've met the archon but for some reason hasn't asked about our siblings or anything and the only reason we are staying is because its the right thing to do. Thats it. I think it's just... alot offered to us but none with actual value to the traveller personally.
While you can argue that fontaine is exactly like that, that we only stayed to help lyney with his trial and everything else because its the right thing to do. Lyney is fatui. Neuvillette is a dragon. And furina is an absent archon. Theres an air of mystery around how fontaine works and these people have MASSIVE connections. You almost want to stay to see how it'll turn up, what information will show up.
Natlan on the other hand revealed basically everything to us in the first 2 acts. Natlan gets abyss attacks because they dont have strong leyline connections. The fatui wants the gnosis and literally will just fight the archon for it. The archon is chill and kind and is the reincarnation of the original archon because we were told that. The facking traitor from night-wind is obviously the Ororon guy lmao. So what IS left to speculate? To look out for?
Like wow she's gonna carve us an Ancient Name? Why lmao. What for? We can purify the abyss we are not dying in the Night Kingdom.
Shrugs idk feel free to fight me on this. I am just a lil jaded because i literally cannot take the archon seriously when shes literally just called 'Archon' with no special title or anything
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lostiolite · 1 month
Soulmate au; Kai x reader Drabble
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Not proof read, wc: 600~ (takes place in college years)
“Dont … say that again?’ were the words etched on your arm. The first thing your soulmate would say to you. You can only wonder how that encounter will go down.
You were returning from your college classes with your friend Fumiko. You two had an art class together and you were hauling some art supplies with. You and Fumiko were planning on studying (moreso drawing) after school. The usual library you two went to was under maintenance so you two were going an unfamiliar route. You had never been to the area before, luckily Fumiko has. She gave you a run down of the precautions to take. Apparently there were a lot more thugs and crime syndicates in the area. ‘Keep to yourself and you’ll be fine’ she says as you are walking. You nod, affirming that you’ll stay safe. The city area is different from what you’re used to, its fine. It's rather hot and humid out as well, you’re wearing a short sleeve to battle the heatt.You take in the unfamiliar scene before your eyes as your practically sweating buckets.
You aren't paying attention when you violently bump into someone. Your art supplies block your general view. You don't get a good look at the man?- you assume due to his tall and bulky stature as you frantically plead out.
”Oh! Im, so so sorry” you apologize clutching your art supplies
“dont-“ you scurry way, catching up to Fumiko and not bothering to listen to the mans response, as you are much too embarrassed.
You and Fumiko get in the study room safely, you set your bags and supplies down and get to work. You converse with Fumiko as you two draw. The two of you are working on a combined art project. Your own world with characters that you create together, the two of you are working on serializing it. While the two of you are still in school with many other obligations, you two always make room for your passion project. The music from your combined playlist playing in the background as the sun slowly sets. The two of you call it a day and pack up. Bidding farewell as the two of you head in different directions.
You step out the building as you the sun is down, meaning there is going to be less people out. You put in your earbuds as the way back home is going to be much longer than usual. Due to this, you fail to notice the man trailing you.
You ran away, you didn’t even bother to look in his direction. He wondered as he laid in bed. Countless questions in his head. He wonders how you didn't realize he was your soulmate. Seriously? Who were you? What were your aspirations? Were you also part of a crime syndicate, were you just some civilian, or worse a hero. He shivers at the thought. Surely he wasn’t cursed with a sick soulmate? The paper report from the man he sent to follow you and another underling to stalk your socials and find out everything about you (though, at this moment only the bare minimum was known) was situated on his night stand. Your name was utterly ethereal to him for no reason. You made it into one of Japan's top art schools, meaning you're rather skilled, no? And oh, you were the most beautiful being he had laid eyes on. It was weird, disgusting.
He as a child didn’t care about soulmates. he wanted nothing more than the yakuza to be brought to glory again. Why was he no plagued by thoughts of you? he felt sick. Does he leave it at that, never to see you again, the logical part of him says so. But he wants to see you once more. he wonders if he should ask the boss for advice.
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poisonsage808 · 2 years
oh good flight!
may I ask anything for Pod (my softie boi) with fake dating? like I don't want to give too much guidelines, because I think that all your ideas are FANTASTIC, but maybe either him saving reader from a weirdo or being the one to pretend to be your date, after having been stood up! (those are just ideas, I am fine with anything that you come up with!)
hope it's alright and have a lovely day!
♡ As You Are ♡
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Podrick Payne x F!Reader
a/n: as we talked about this isn’t exactly what you asked for, im so sorry about that and i hope you like what i came up with <3 thank you for your constant support, friend
“King Cunt thinks himself a hero,” Ser Bronn says all too nonchalantly as he scours over the lavishly decorated room.
A ball in the midst of a war. Celebrating a minor victory that Joffrey hid through just about the entire time. Only a delusional king would do something so foolish.
“He’s making a point.” Lord Tyrion raises a brow then his own cup to his lips, “He won. Stannis lost.”
“That's what I said. He didn’t do shit though.”
The two talked bitterly amongst themselves, more so the shorter man than the sellsword. While Bronn was no longer Commander of the City Watch, he was knighted after the battle and still reaped just as many benefits as before. Tyrion was stripped of his title as Hand and demoted to Master of Coin, further souring his taste for this event, and as a slap to the face he was moved into a closet that served pitifully as his new chambers.
However nothing changed much for Podrick Payne.
He killed a man to save his Lord but felt it was justified, there was no horror in what he’d done to keep him up late at night. He received no knighthood and likely he never would, Tyrion wasn’t a knight and couldn’t perform that for him. Still, the youngest Lannister attempted to repay the debt of his life with… many beautiful women. He may not be a Ser but the title Pod the Rod was earned shortly after that day.
Vines fell from the ceiling and wrapped around pillars, pretty white flowers blooming or budding in various spots. An absurdly high mountain of food spread across the longest table Pod’s ever seen. (Was it not just days ago the city was famished? Not that the people of the Red Keep should care, the reach of its effect stopped with the bread riot.) At the desert end of the table was arguably one of the prettiest things of this whole dumb ball.
Truth be told, Pod didn’t feel he deserved the moniker that, depending on who called him that, made his ears flush pink or his eyes roll. All he did was ask the ladies questions. What would make a woman happy? What do women like? How can he please one, really please them? They didn’t charge him for answers. They cooed and fawned over him for- what he always assumed was- doing the bare minimum.
The reason for his seemingly endless string of questions ended right over there, biting into a round finger cake that was sprinkled with blueberries. The object of his desires ever since he came into Lord Tyrion’s service. Pod had invited you to take a walk with him in the gardens that first day, it shocked him that he asked and stopped his heart when you agreed! However wars prove to take up most people’s time unfortunately and he was no exception. But gods above, you were as sweet as dessert, pretty as the dainty ruby necklace and once he was a knight, Podrick would surely be worthy of your affections.
Your gown matched the crimson red of his leather. Everyone was wearing red if they could help it per King Joffrey’s demand. Yet you stood out so effortlessly.
“Hungry, Pod?” Tyrion looks into his cup with a smirk.
His eyes go wide and the tips of his ears red like the rest of the room.
“Podrick would you mind fetching me something sweet? Perhaps with cherries?”
“Yes, m’lord.”
Bronn snorts, “Get yourself a slice of pie while you’re at it, boy.”
He threw the sellsword a vicious glareHow convenient you just happened to be standing there. From above Tyrion pats himself on the back.
“E-Excuse me, m’lady.”
Your lips pull into a soft smile when you hear that voice.
You’ve had plenty of short conversations with Podrick Payne and plenty more longing looks from a distance. He was kind, offering to carry things for you then rushing dutifully back to Lord Tyrion. You’re not sure you’ve seen him doing genuine work of a squire but you do see him putting the fullest extent of his efforts into what he does.
“Hello Podrick,” You smiled, setting your plate down.
For a second he just stares at you with a dopey grin, “Hello.” Then his eyes go wide and he bows suddenly, like he remembers it’s what he should’ve done in the first place. You laugh, politely covering your mouth with your hand but it does little. Podrick doesn’t mind either way. He likes that sound, he likes making you laugh and seeing the way your eyes crinkle in delight when you do.
“Your duties are never done, it seems.” You say teasingly as he grabs a plate and stacks cherry tarts on it.
“I don’t mind being-being kept busy, ‘specially now,” Pod exhales nervously, still grinning, “Lord Tyrion doesn’t have much work for me to do since, y’know, he’s not Hand anymore.” He quickly adds, “M-M’lady.”
With his eyes on the table, the young man doesn’t see the way your lips go from a pout to a sly smile. You dare to take a step closer, turning as if also scanning the display of desserts to make it look less obvious to any wandering eyes. Your shoulder barely brushed against his and yet Pod’s breath caught in his throat.
“Well,” Your voice hushes, innocently enough but it sends the hairs of his neck on end, “If you ever find time, I’d love for you to take me on that walk you promised me.”
You remembered that? Pod blinked away his disbelief by the time you stood face to face, still a respectable distance apart. You raised your eyebrows a bit, lips tugging into a smile. Crap, he didn’t answer! Before he can say anything, Podrick’s view is suddenly cut into blocked as if he wasn’t there in the first place. It was an older man from the Westerlands who wears the Lannister armor of crimson and gold to fit the theme of tonight’s celebration.
“We keep bumping into each other, my lady.” He says.
Your smile loses its genuine happiness instantly, pressing to a polite one. You’ve been avoiding this particular knight for a good portion of the evening. He’s asked you for a dance twice already and both times you found an excuse to slip away without accepting or embarrassing him.
“Yes, well, the room is quite small with so many people inside. I’m grateful I’ve avoided any casualties thus far.”
He laughs a little too loudly at your jest, gaining eyes from different directions. You and Pod both obviously lean around the armored body to try and see the other.
“I shall personally see you make it through the affair unscathed,” Ser steps to the side you leaned towards, blocking your view again and smiles while you try not to frown, “Do you have time for a dance just yet?”
“I’m actually in the middle of talking to—“ You again lean around when the knight's hands find your waist and elbow, “Hey!”
“Nonsense, we’re practically in step already.” He tried to give a harsh tug towards the dance floor, his smile curling to a snarl.
“‘S’cuse me, Ser.”
Both you and the soldier whip your head to see Pod hadn’t left. Your relief is palpable but brief as the man holding you doesn’t relent. Podrick’s face was harsh for a change, eyes cold and staring right at the knight.
“M’lady and I weren’t finished with our conversation.”
“My lady, not m’lady,” The man scoffs out a bitter laugh, “Gods, you’ll make a sorry excuse for a knight. And you,” His attention is back on you with far less enthusiasm, “You’d rather be fondled by a squire than dance with me?”
You’re released the moment a claps the older man’s shoulder and yanks him back so hard that, with his heavy armor, you hoped thought he might topple over. Your hand flies to your mouth to stifle the mix of a gasp and laughter that threatens to spill. Your eyes meet Podrick’s but he’s just as surprised as you, like he can’t believe he’d done that.
And worse, more eyes than ever are on you at the scene that was made.
Just as the old knight fumbles to get to his feet, a new voice cuts in quickly, “Lad, why don’t you take your lady friend for a dance. I’ll keep ‘im occupied for you.”
Podrick can’t bring himself to move an inch, not until your hand finds his arm and you gently tug him to the outskirts of the party. It’s there that you two can all but run from King Cunt and his terrible flock of gossips guests.
You brought Pod to the beach, secluded and quiet aside from the crashing waves against the rocky shore. He looked down at his hand and started laughing, then you did too. He was still holding onto the plate of cherry tarts! He took the liberty of offering you the first before taking one for himself, looking away as he calmed his chuckles.
Gods that fucking smile of his was as contagious as greyscale and all the more inviting to catch.
“By the way,” You said after biting into the dessert, “I think you’ll make a great knight.”
“Yeah?” Pod asks all too hopefully. It broke your heart to hear him ask that way, like no one else had ever told him so.
Your reply is earnest, “Of course.” Then it’s not, “Pod The Rod just doesn’t have the same ring as Ser Podrick Payne, does it?”
“Oh gods!” Pod groaned, his cheeks blushing terribly red even under the moonlight, “You heard about that too?”
You didn’t even try to hide your giggles this time, “Only the people living under rocks haven’t heard that! Let’s hope the tale doesn’t make it into any future songs they’ll sing of you.”
“You-You think they’ll sing songs of.. of me?”
You smile brightly, “If they don’t, I’ll compose them myself.”
“Oh,” Pod blinks away his surprised expression, “You’d d-do that?”
“You’ll have my favor at tourneys, too.” You say softly but firmly enough to make his eyes jump from the rocks to meet yours, “If you ever compete, that is.”
“Yes, really! Podrick, I fancy you quite a bit and have for quite a while. I would be yours as a knight,” Your hand finds his in the radiant glow of the moon, “Or as you are right now. As long as you’re Podrick Payne, I would like to be yours. Does that sound alright?”
Does it!? Pod holds your hand tighter and lets out a breath of a laugh. Partly in disbelief but mostly in relief. He looks down where he’s interlocked your fingers with his and smiles so big his cheeks hurt. He’s blushing, he knows it but he doesn’t care.
“That sounds... perfect, m’lady.”
In that moment Podrick Payne doesn’t think he could be anymore blessed or lucky or whatever he should call this feeling! He makes a vow that even if he never gets the proper title of a knight, if no one else but you calls him Ser he’ll be satisfied with that. He’ll be strong with a sword to protect you, he’ll be gallant and honorable to do right by you and be a knight in every conceivable way but name.
He feels your lips quickly press against his already rosy cheeks and he thinks he died and went to one of the seven heavens awaiting him.
“Don’t faint on me now, Payne!” You laugh and tug on his hand, “You still owe me that walk.”
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datawyrms · 18 days
It's Invisobang again!
and again im doing a weird little AU fic that's pretty short but hopefully enjoyable! Make sure to keep an eye out for the amazing art by @snazzydwarf and @chaseacer-ghostedition ! You can read the first chapter here or hustle over to Ao3 :v
It's called A Family in Frost - and Jazz is having a terrible day that a certain Danny dragon will make both better and worse c:
A frozen wasteland. That’s all there was, here. Snow, ice, and an agonizing glare of reflected sunlight she couldn’t escape, no matter the angle. It was funny, in a way. Hilarious. Of course her ‘genius’ parents managed to cook up a spell that messed up SO badly that it not only failed to summon a dragon, but instead sent a human somewhere with zero dragons. Everyone knew the Arctic dragons had been hunted to extinction centuries ago. Yet here she was! In thin cotton clothes, and leather shoes already sodden through.
Fantastic. She always wanted to die horribly in some stupid accident. Jazz shook her head, pretending the constant shudder from the endless cold was all in her mind. Being angry about this wasn’t going to keep her alive. Not much would, to be fair- but she was smart! She could probably remember some spells that might at least keep her warm, or make a signal for help. Or whatever had gone wrong in that stupid experimental trap her parents made might just snap her back where she belonged!
She totally wasn’t completely doomed to drop dead. This was fine. Sort of. It wasn’t, at all. She was doomed. How funny! Her dad always said she had a little brother that got killed by a dragon- but that was a dumb story! To scare her to behave or whatever! It wasn’t as if she remembered any siblings. If she did have some dead brother, maybe she’d say sorry for forgetting him and ask if the ‘dragon’ that killed him was their parents doing something stupid and unsafe too!
Jazz grabbed the sides of her head, pulling at the bright orange hair and using the pain to force herself to just breathe. Breathe the frigid, painful air that made the trembling worse, and her mouth and nose sting. How could she not panic? How could she use that brain of hers to do something other than see the disaster unfolding right in front of her? Positive thinking could only go so far before it was delusional!
So she should think less. More ‘what can I do right now’ and less ‘well I’m still going to starve to death if I don’t freeze’. What she wouldn’t give to have been transported here with a tome. At least she didn’t need to care too much about a magical backfire. It wasn’t like screwing up a spell could make anything significantly worse. It’d probably be quicker than freezing or starving at minimum. Haha. Such an upside to consider! She couldn’t really trust her hands to weave the spell- but there was an endless canvas of snow to use to write it out.
Just focus, Jazz. You can make yourself warm. Then use that time to build a little shelter to keep the warm in for when the magic faltered. No thinking about after that. Just stop the awful daggers of frost and her shuddering bones to start.
The symbols weren’t right, exactly. The shivering made anything even resembling a straight line a challenge. It had to be good enough. Even as the flaws made her brain scream for corrections- she didn’t really have the time to be the perfectionist she was. This was a simple enough use of power that it shouldn’t matter- her intent was incredibly obvious in this awful cold. The normal light blue she generally expected from casting was lost in the overbearing glare of reflected light- but she could feel it work. It still took some time to stop shaking- and feeling warm wasn’t going to stop frostbite, but it was progress. Time to build a little snow shelter. Snow was a good insulator, right? Anything would be better than just sitting exposed like this.
Jazz didn’t really want to waste more of her limited power on moving the snow magically- but trying to dig in with her bare hands made it clear she wasn’t going to make anything close to a shelter that way. Pulling the compacted snow up in solid walls wasn’t something she could manage without a tool.
So her little shelter wasn’t great. It was warmer inside, yes- but it was very small, and very dark if she didn’t leave the hole of an entrance clear. She just didn’t want to risk anything bigger- not if it could make the roof collapse. And she wasn’t going to STAY here that long, so small and minimal use of magic was better, right?
It was just temporary. Until she could think of a real plan. Until someone realized what happened and came to rescue her. That’s why she had to stay there, and not run off or do anything dumb. Like panic, or think too hard about how much danger there was.
Which was difficult, when she didn’t have anything else to focus on. There was the horror of all the empty space outside her tiny shelter, or the claustrophobic darkness inside it. Multiple ways to be disturbed and unsettled! What a lucky learning experience. Okay. So mom and dad’s weird trap was meant to summon a dragon. The transporting part happened- just totally wrong and to a non dragon. Why to here though? What did they mess up to get from ‘specially made circle trap’ to ‘THE ARCTIC TUNDRA’. Not that she’d have enough magic to even try to replicate it, not without amplifier stones or relics.
Being terrified was pretty exhausting. Jazz didn’t think she would be able to sleep, at all. Yet she must have. She would have heard something walk up, instead of freezing in terror at the sound of something scrabbling on the snow outside. Maybe it was one of those little foxes, or an owl. No, it was too loud for that. A bear? That would be her luck. Parents so worried about dragons she got killed by a freaking polar bear.
She didn’t want to give whatever it was a reason to keep trying to get in, but she couldn’t stop the scream when a thick claw dug through the snow and a bright green eye peered in at her. It seemed to glow- and the slitted pupil only made it even more unsettling.
There were NO Arctic dragons left. That was just a fact.
That was a very draconic eyeball leering at her through the claw-dug hole.
Just her luck. Maybe her crackpot parents were right about that whole ‘family is cursed by dragons’ nonsense she’d done her best to ignore. If fate had a throat, she’d try to strangle it.
He wasn’t sure what he expected, really. The smell of magic on the wind had pricked his curiosity. He didn’t really recall the last time he’d even sensed magic that wasn’t coming from him. At least five years? More? Oh. No. Don’t think about that, that just brings the empty feeling back.
So of course he had to poke the weird little snow tower! It wasn’t natural, so of course he had to see if there was something interesting in it, or if it did something. The snow tower did not do anything but prove to be weak to his blunt black claws.
Inside though? The bright orange hair was one thing, but the scream that forced him to back up with a grunt of pain was not fun. Phantom shook his head and laid his short ears back, deep in the thick white fur to block the worst of the sound. Okay so. Someone alive made the silly snow spire! That was new, exciting. Maybe fun? If whatever it was in there stopped making so much noise. He only looked at them!
Well. It did sort of make sense. He was pretty small for a dragon, and the bright haired creature inside was smaller than him. Imagine something that had magic being afraid of him! Ha! If he could look less scary, maybe they’d calm down a bit? Phantom moved in a quick circle before crouching down, pulling his short legs in close and wrapping his tail around himself and pulled his neck in close to the rest of the thick fur that covered his body. There. Warm waiting pose and looked smaller for the scream- thing.
He kept his green eyes fixed forward as he waited. Not moving was easy. He spent a lot of time not moving, honestly. Running all over frozen ground was both a waste of time and just made him hungry. Orange-hair didn’t seem very suited for the weather. No fur, and the pale skin didn’t look very resistant. If those coverings were meant to keep them warm- well they seemed too thin to be much use out here. They were lucky this time of year the sun was always up.
Phantom tilted his head at the sound. Wait. Was that meant to scare him off or something?
“Yeah, you! Go on now! Shoo!”
Oh this was way funnier. He tilted his head again, and kept staring.
The little critter obliged his request for more hilarity by getting a bit redder and shouting “I’m not afraid of you! Now go! Git!”
“I’m not afraid of you either, silly.”
That shut them up! He didn’t think those eyes could get any bigger but they sure seemed to look like it. This was the funniest thing he’d seen in years.
“What? Never seen a talking dragon before?” As if there was such a thing as one that didn’t. Pft.
“But you’re all dead!” the voice was higher pitched and wavering now, eyes still staring at him.
Phantom snorted at that, slowly and dramatically looking over his shoulders for something amiss. “Well sorry to disappoint with my ‘being alive’.”
“No! No that’s not what I- arrrgh!” They cut themselves off with a frustrated huff, staring at the snow as if doing that would make him magically forget the stumbling around. “I’m glad apparently humans haven’t just hunted all of your kind to extinction but how? Everyone knows there aren’t any Arctic dragons left!” Frowning, they kept looking at him, eyes narrowing as they started muttering again. “Maybe you aren’t a dragon, and some sort of chimera? Or another magical beast mimicking an extinct species? Or I’ve frozen to death and this is a weird hallucination my brain is making up…”
Right. Humans. That was the name for what they were. Which wasn’t exactly a good thing- what few dragons he did manage to get words out of didn’t usually have the nicest things to say about humans, but this one seemed fine? They weren’t some dragon hunter that wanted to skin him alive or anything. Most importantly, they were the most interesting thing in years, and he wasn’t going to have some ‘oh no humans scary’ stories ruin that for him. “I’m definitely an Arctic dragon. So all your little human books are wrong.”
“Have you been in hiding? For centuries?”
“What? No! Do I look even close to a century old?” Phantom burst out laughing at the very idea, letting out a second, harder laugh when he saw their face.
“How should I know how old an extinct dragon is!”
“Use your eyes? I’m barely taller than you, and you’re puny!” Which is the closest he was going to admit to being pretty small to anyone. Which wasn’t his fault! He was still growing. Probably.
They quieted down after that, rubbing their arms and shaking instead of doing anything interesting. “So what are you going to do, then?”
“Do?” Phantom flicked his ears forward, unsure if he misheard. “What do you mean?”
They didn’t answer him, just shaking. Shivering? Oh. Maybe they were really cold after all, and he’d guessed right about the clothes not being warm enough.
“Um. Like I guess you can stay in your weird little snow tower. That I kinda broke.” He frowned, starting to get up again and shaking his paws to warm them back up. What was he going to do? “Sorry. Err. Do you want to come with me? Since my den is probably warmer than…” he paused, looking at how the snow ‘tower’ he poked a hole in fell over completely “That. Thing you were in.”
“So you can eat me later?”
“Ew? No?” Phantom made a gagging sound, fur bristling at the idea. “I’m not desperate enough to eat something sapient!”
The shivering didn’t stop, but a hint of a smile showed on their face. “So you aren’t a blood thirsty, human devouring kind of dragon?”
His tail flicked, a playful gesture he couldn’t quite suppress. “Rude. Even if I was, you totally wouldn’t be worth the effort of eating! You’re like a stick!”
“I guess I am. You didn’t get that round from eating scrawny little humans after all.”
“I’m not round!” His fur did not help his squawk of indignation, fluffing up so he was more of a cloud than a sleek predator of the tundra. “I’m well equipped to retain heat!”
Instead of being cowed by this, the little human actually walked up and poked the tip of his snout. “Which means being round. It’s the most effective strategy up here, right?”
“Shut upppppp!” Phantom stuck out his tongue and waved his tail- but it was obvious even the human could tell he was just playing along. It was nice to have a friend around here. Especially after so long alone.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Can you write smth about Matty shutting down sexist comments about his family? Like men will be praised for doing the bare minimum with their family while women are expected to do everything as their “job”?
yes ofc i love this idea.
so i think matty walks a line with how much he talks about his children, and you, in interviews. obviously there is a large part of him that wants to keep your privacy locked down, barely any details out there about you, to never be asked. but then there is another part, which wants to tell the whole world about you. to boast. to wax on. to tell funny stories about shay's games, or brag about valley's test scores, or post pictures of the twins chubby cheeks, or to talk about gigi starting a band with her friends. he picks and chooses very carefully and on top of that it is always a family decision. increasingly though, its been hard to keep you all under wraps, because of the sheer size of the family. fans bump into him in the street when he has a baby strapped to both sides of him. shay waves at people and chatters their ears off about "daddys band" until matty has to playfully put his hand over her mouth while the fans all coo at her. names are kept secret, full names at least, but the size of his family and the little army of mattys that follows him around now is a pretty well known fact. you also run a popular book shop in london, where the band have been known to play some secret pop up sessions, and have signed the doors in the toilets which you've then framed, so fans pilgrimage there and take photos with you too, if you're willing.
so when the radio interviewer asks matty, "you've just had some new additions to the family, haven't you?" he is comfortable enough to say, "yes. i have. my twins."
"big family now huh? was that always the plan?"
"oh god no," matty chuckles. "i always wanted kids. but the how and the when and the erm volume of them just kind of happened. love them. they're the best. hi girls if you're listening. they aren't. by the way. they've got better things to do apparently."
the dj laughs. "i'm sure you're a great father. and having a dad in a band that must be pretty cool."
"erm, again, i dont think they really care. like i know to you lot, i mean to some people, im like matty healy oh my god, matty healy from the 1975 but to my daughter's i'm just dad. or if you're my eldest, you call me matty as well."
"does she really?"
"uh huh," he says, "or matthew. dead cute. it's dead cute."
"and how are you finding being on tour without them? does it get hard?"
"of course," matty smiles, starting to get nervous about how long he is lingering on the girls. he knows jamie has briefed them, but maybe not hammered it home enough. "we make it work though."
"must be hard for them to be away from you. and for your wife too."
matty clears his throat, "like i said, we make it work. everyone has a different life. this is ours. wouldn't change it."
"and is your song true?" the interviewer asks, "do you do the nappies?"
matty laughs again, more comfortable. music. talking about music.
"yeah," he says, "of course i do."
"your wife is a lucky woman. to have a hands on dad like you then. she must love it when you're home to babysit."
"babysit?" matty says, his voice hardening.
"well you know, with you being away..."
"i dont babysit, mate. they're my children. i brought them into the world too. they're just as much my responsibility as hers."
"i know i was just...."
"well dont just mate. okay. think about what you're saying. isnt it sad?"
"I mean yeah..."
"isnt it sad that you think she is lucky? she shouldn't have to be called lucky. equal parenting should be the norm. she's not lucky. you shouldnt be... no one should be batting an eyelid."
"i'm sorry matty, i didnt mean to upset you."
"i know you didn't. but think of the women you might have upset. i dont want my daughter raised in a world like that. i think you should apologize to my wife."
"i will."
"no time like the present."
"you want me to.... you want me to. on air?"
"may as well. right your wrongs now. if my girls listen back, which they wont, i need to them to know that you can hold people accountable"
"okay," the interviewer says, his voice small, "i'm sorry."
"and you're sorry to all women?"
"yeah," he says, "i am really sorry. i shouldn't have put it like that."
"by the way, for the record, my wife runs a really successful book shop as well as being a mum. we're both working parents and we both rock it. shout out to heartbeat books, soho. go buy a book everyone. they also have good coffee. love you darling!"
they cut to a song. jamie shrugs at the dj. he must have hammered it home. when they come back they talk about matty's music.
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moonlightspencie · 2 months
im about to complain, feel free to ignore me
i pretty much never celebrate my birthday. I dont ever expect anyone to buy me anything, i dont ask for cards or for people to spend money to hang out with me for birthday stuff. like ever.
but every time a friend has a birthday, ill make sure to make it to celebrations when i can, and give gifts, and bare minimum try to at least keep track of what month their birthday is in so i can say happy birthday when the day comes, with some nice words and usually some photos and videos to share of happy memories with them.
i got almost none of that today, and it really hurts.
i dont mean to sound entitled, but a simple "happy birthday!" from more than like three of my friends before 9pm would be nice. just a reminder that maybe they care a little bit. but somehow that was too much to ask and now i've spent half of my day really upset and crying much more than my usual birthday amount lol
again, i dont want to sound horrible or like im deserving of attention because i know people can get busy, but when many of them posted for other friends' birthdays earlier this week/month and they dont even send a text to me... it really hurts. i thought i was closer with a lot of these people than that. and if any of my mutuals who reached out see this: you are so so so so so sweet and i appreciate your kind words more than you know. but it kind of sucks that people ive only known online showed more care today than people who are supposed to be my closest friends
im just really sad and i wish my birthday wasnt the day that i had to find out most of my friends dont seem to care all that much for me. im grateful for you guys who have been super sweet and the couple of friends who did text me today to tell me they loved me and wished me well/posted a few photos, but this just really sucks
also also: promise im not trying to beg for sympathy and i know ive posted twice today about not having a great day, but i just need to vent and cant exactly tell my friends lol
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
Heyyy i just realized you’re the one I meant to send this ask to, sorry @ahoyimlosingmymind
have you heard the song “Youniverse” by Gabi Sklar? Do you think it’s good for broken up Sophitz?
What an amazing artist.
I’ve never thought about it but HOLY HECK YOU ARE SO RIGHT. That song is Fitz. I think it would be a little harsh on Sophie to say that the WHOLE thing is sung to her, but this is DEFINITELY his song
There was a time
I used to orbit your mind
Then a bang
We were half of a whole
Now we're whole lot of light-years away
^^thats about how their cognate relationship suffered when Sophie was keeping things from him and struggling with figuring out what she was feeling regarding Keefe
Expectations too high
That's on me
Cause the bare minimum
Was a minimum I couldn't reach
^^im not sure that’s to SOPHIE, but it’s definitely Fitz Vacker. “The bare minimum was a minimum I couldn’t reach” I’m gonna CRY it’s so him
In my youniverse
Space made everything worse
When I needed love
You needed time alone
^^i guess this could be to Sophie because Sophie wasn’t ready for a boyfriend and told Fitz so when they were just beginning to take off. But honestly? Id say it’s to his dad.
In my youniverse
If the roles were reversed
I'd give you the room to grow
Wouldn't let you go
Live in my shadow
^^uhhh ok so that might be to Sophie. Sorry Sophie I swear I love you and think you’re valid in your feelings! But… Fitz might feel that way.
You were my world
Felt so infinite
your world,
I was just in it
And I don't want gravity
Grabbing a hold anymore
^^this part is DEFINITELY to Sophie. Fitz definitely feels like the world sorta orbits around Sophie, and he’s just there…. He wonders if he’s even useful with such a powerful telepath around… he doesn’t want to experience a gravitational pull towards her anymore.
As far as I can see
If it's not meant for me
It's not meant to be
I starred in your galaxy
Far from reality
^^okay this is Fitz moving on from her because he realizes he isn’t really the one she wants… and he decides he doesn’t want to just “star in her galaxy” anymore
Then the chorus repeats.
LOOK. A breakup song is always a little harder on the other party than they deserve, and Sophie was totally valid IMO. But that doesn’t erase the fact that Fitz DEFINITELY feels like this
Anyway anon THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP GABI SKLAR (I looooove her music!)
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Hey, I've been hearing conflicting things from you regarding L. Sometimes out of nowhere you defend him when people complain about him for not posting enough. People are complaining because he doesn't even have the courtesy to share the posts, so of course people are gomna come at him when he does the bare minimum. He spent one day with Corey or Ed and dedicated a wholeass post to them but 5 years in bridgerton (2 of them as the lead) and he couldn't even manage to write a thank you message to the cast, to his fellow lead? Even supporting actors like the one who played finch wrote a caption thanking his co-actress. People coming at him is a consequence of his actions, not the other way around.
And other times, you're the one saying things about him like his relationship, "does he even make it inside her", etc etc. It feels like there are 2 people managing this blog.
Im not accusing you of anything, this is your blog, u can have whatever opinion u want. But it'd be better if you let us know where you stand exactly so we can submit our asks accordingly. Because at this point your opinion matters haha and when you reject an idea we submit, it feels like a dagger through the heart 🤭
I have issues with how he posts just like everyone else, especially in regards to N, and I have stated this repeatedly.
I’m just tired of seeing 100 plus asks about it every time L, N or anyone else posts BTON content.
You can by all means send in whatever opinion you have and please do not think that my opinion is above anyone else’s.
I have the power to post what I want here but that doesn’t mean it’s always right or better.
I feel like the fandom shits on him enough for so much else we can cut a little slack here.
He doesn’t owe anyone anything and if that makes you side eye him then so be it.
It’s the folks that run their opinions to his or anyone else’s comment sections that should be ashamed of themselves.
Keep that shit here where it belongs
“And other times, you're the one saying things about him like his relationship, "does he even make it inside her", etc etc.”
As for the excerpt above, it was a shitpost at best don’t read too much into it ffs lol
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carakook · 4 months
Umm… *clears throat* hey cuties! 😅
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Long time no see, huh? First I wanna apologize for such a long hiatus. I know last time I posted I said the new chapter of Bloom was almost done. But I had some life stuff happen and was very overwhelmed. For the last few months I’ve been in sort of a depressive episode, normally they don’t last that long, but this time it did and it caused me to become behind in work, on top of a lot of other stuff with family and myself in general. I won’t go into detail but I have some mental health issues and I am unmedicated so when this happens it’s a bit difficult to cope.
I’m ok! Don’t worry. I just could barely function for a bit other than working and doing the bare minimum. I’m really sorry for being gone for so long.
But… I am back! And before anyone asks, YES BLOOM IS STILL ALIVE! I am going to absolutely be updating Bloom. And I will continue to, along with other one shots/stories at some point. But before I get ahead of myself, I am going to focus on getting the newest chapter of Bloom out.
Please be patient with me. I’m not going to give an exact time of when Bloom will be updated, but it will be soon. I still need to finish up the chapter, and I am hoping to this week. But we will see how things go.
I’m doing a bit better now. This might be really corny, but I found a group of online friends to talk about kpop with and be delusional with in the midst of all of this. I never expected to become such good friends with these girls but seriously, they have helped me through the last few months. Without them I think I would have been so much worse. 🥲 so thank you to them for keeping a smile on my face and making me laugh when I normally wouldn’t have been able to. They also listen to me babble and be dramatic when I’m feeling overwhelmed. And as you all know, I’m sort of a hermit, so it has been really refreshing to have people to talk to and call friends.
Anyways, I’m sorry again for being gone for so long. I just was unable to really focus on anything other than work, but I’m happy to say I’ve got my head on a bit straighter which means I’ll be able to focus more on doing things that I love like writing about Jungkook. 🥰
I’m not sure if Bloom will be posted this week, but I will try to post a little something for you guys. Maybe a sneak peek. I will let yall know when I’m closer to it being done.
How have you all been? I’ve missed interacting with you. Sorry I haven’t been around. I hope everyone is doing ok. How did you like Namjoons new album?! NUTS WAS INSANE!!! Also, it’s Festa month and JIN IS HOME IN LITERALLY ALMOST A WEEK. IM SO EXCITED. AHHHH! AND A NEW JUNGKOOK SONG ON FRIDAY?! AHHHHHH! TOO MUCH!
Love you guys. Thanks for waiting for me. You have a piece of my heart. 💜 😭
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
♥️ Daryl Dixon Masterlist ♥️ p.2
This is a masterlist dedicated to things I've written about Daryl Dixon.
Check out my Prompt List and my Character List in my Masterpost which is pinned for more info on who I write for and some inspiration for requests.
This is a mix of headcannons, oneshots and blurbs :)
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Keep Quiet:
Summary/Request: "Scenarios:- I've never wanted to fuck someone so badly before"
Summary/Request: "prompts: oh, now you’re shy? spread your legs. eyes on me. i’ve got you, don’t worry"
Summary/Request: "Hey :) I was thinking how would Daryl react when his s/o starts to kiss his scars on his back very lovely and gentle while whispering sweet nothings into his ear?"
Summary/Request: "Friends with benefits situation and Daryl accidentally got Reader pregnant (oopsie!). One time she overheard his conversation with someone so she confronted him saying: why do you feel the need to specify we're just friends?"
Cleaned Up:
Summary/Request: "another one! what about “when was the last time you actually managed to let go?” and “c’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.” with daryl? im still only on season 7, so any era before that is fine :)"
Eyes on Me:
Summary/Request: "I hope I'm not too late, could I please get a Daryl Dixon fluff au with 'eyes on me' princess/knight protector au. Please and thank you
Pain in My Ass:
Summary/Request: "Cuddling for Warmth with Daryl Dixon 🥺🥺🥺"
In Bed:
Summary/Request: "WithDaryl Dixon, maybe angst with a happy ending? But totally free reign with whatever you want to write 💚"
Summary/Request: "bodyguard vs guarded with daryl with the prompts “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” and “I’ll always keep you safe.”? i know this is the bare minimum but hopefully its something you can work with?"
Summary/Request: ""If I ask you to kiss me, to be with me, in front of all these people, will you do it?" X Bodyguard AU with daryl ????"
What I Want:
Summary/Request: ""If I ask you to kiss me, to be with me, in front of all these people, will you do it?" X Knight!Daryl !!!! Angsty fluff perhaps?"
Summary/Request: "dressing up, handing out candy to the little kids in their costumes trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, that kinda stuff - with a partner "
Summary/Request: "he lost her and that she didn’t survive. I mean that’s what he thought until when the group arrived in Alexandria, guess who was there to welcome them? Daryl’s “ex” girlfriend."
Broke Me First:
Summary/Request: "“you didn’t just break promises, you broke me” and “how many times am i supposed to forgive you?” angst with daryl please?"
Summary/Request: "Overprotective!Darryl x reader"
Too Far:
Summary/Request: "I've been looking for a story of Daryl and Y/N, where an argument goes a little too far and Y/N end up fliching away. Soft and comforting Daryl💖"
Summary/Request: "Where, after the claimers attack, readers clothes get a little ripped and Daryl offers the angel best to cover her up! Very much fluff! 💕"
Summary/Request: "Daryl went and was all grumpy and was about to leave until he saw the female reader wearing a dress and her hair tied in a beautiful braid that carol did on her?"
New Years:
Summary/Request: "Hi! Can I request Daryl with female reader any era having a new years kiss?"
Still Mad:
Summary/Request: "something angst but cute at the end as if daryl had moved away from reader(they were a couple) because of leah, and then she leaves with maggie, but at the end of season 10 they meet again."
Bad Guy:
Summary/Request: "Can you write a Daryl Dixon blurb with the prompts 7 and 18?"
Rubbing Off On You:
Summary/Request: "Can you write Daryl Dixon (set in commonwealth) where he's dating RJ and Judith's teacher?? I just think of someone so preppy and happy dating someone so gloomy and brooding like Daryl and I literally crack up."
I Got You:
Summary/Request: "Hi, could I please have a Daryl Dixon comfort/fluff request where the reader got her period and it's a sucky one so Daryl comforts her please and thank you?"
Guys My Age:
Summary/Request: "Daryl and the reader have had a 'sort of' sexual tension for a while but, given their age gap, Daryl's never made a point to act on it and neither has she. But it finally becomes too much when Daryl catches another man flirting with the reader."
Never Have I Ever:
Summary/Request: "May I request a Daryl x female reader the scene where he and Beth played “never have I ever” while drinking moonshine but with female reader?"
Him and I:
Summary/Request: "Daryl and his wife get separated at the fall of the prison but both manage to escape with another member of their crowd. After the reader and Glenn find Abraham and their group, almost after accepting they'll never find the rest of their families, they stumble in to Terminus. Will they be reunited or will the current state of the world impede them once more?"
Old Times:
Summary/Request: "May I request a Daryl with female reader where it’s during the prison ark. Carl or Rick find a working record player and play some records one night to liven up their spirits. Some start to dance while others smile and watch and female reader asks Daryl to dance with her?"
Just Share The Bed:
Summary/Request: "One Bed and Im not afraid of you."
Tough Guy:
Summary/Request: "Daryl Dixon and the prompt 'I’m not afraid of you.’"
Just Alright:
Summary/Request: "maybe daryl dixon and “stop pouting” toward the reader? sort of gentle but in charge vibes? 💙💙"
Need You:
Summary/Request: "could you do a Daryl dixon with "you're hurting me."
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tianhai03 · 1 year
What's the worst take you've seen somebody make about Dante and Leon?
oh boy. i saw this ask at work but i waited until i got home to answer it let's see how long this answer is (will be putting it under a cut because its going to be Very Long)
for dante. the worst take ive seen of him is definitely "he's not depressed because he doesnt look depressed". thats just. a really fucking bad take. because youre implying that people have to be openly gloomy and sad and suicidal or whatever to be considered depressed. if you just cared about dante and looked closer at the things he does you'll very quickly realize that dante is not well. and that's fine! hes been through a lot of things! everyone has flaws! hes trying his best to be better and i appreciate him!! you should too instead of expecting him to be upbeat and energetic all the time!!! i dont even know how people have this take.
another one for him that i really dont like is. people thinking he's always broke bc he wastes his money on buying alcohol, pizza and strawberry sundaes. that is just factually wrong. in the dmc1 novel, he works with a guy named grue who had 3 daughters. a bunch of stuff happens, and grue and his oldest daughter ends up getting killed, and dante feels responsible for it. because of that, every time he gets paid from any job, he takes the bare minimum amount of money he needs to keep things running for himself(like paying rent and stuff) and he donates the rest to grue's two surviving daughters. THAT'S the reason why he never has any money, because despite grue and his daughter's deaths happening like over 20 years ago now, he STILL feels guilty abt it even though it wasnt really his fault. so ppl joking abt him being broke is kinda.. yknow.
anyways onto leon! im tired of people either treating him like a uwu submissive bottom twink who's very dumb and innocent or a dom daddy who spits in your mouth and calls you a slut. we've had so many games and external media like the movies STARRING LEON AS THE MAIN CHARACTER WHERE WE GET TO SEE HIM SO MUCH AND YET. PEOPLE KEEP MISCHARACTERIZING HIM. leon cant even be fucking considered a twink i dont know why people keep calling him that. i know this is like a very different kind of take compared to the prev two i talked abt for dante but this is the number 1 thing that always annoys me when i see ppl talk abt leon. PLEASE stop watching the tiktoks ppl are making of him and assume you know how he is just from that im on my knees begging
i think people just need to actually put the time and effort into learning about a character before they say shit and act like theyre 100% right abt a character. most of the bad takes abt them couldve just. never been a thing if ppl actually Looked at their personality and actions closer. idk
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youremyheaven · 1 month
aw omg thank you for taking the time to respond so thoroughly to my ask 🥹❤️
i think that teas do help but i think you’re right about slowing down in general like by lying on the yoga mat. i think i do struggle with pretty horrible imposter syndrome too (partially my fault. i used to have a pretty big tarot blog, now i have a somewhat big writing blog in a fandom (i just like to write, im in the fandom because it gives me something to tag my work with). sometimes i see people post content that’s more generic and romance related instead of with depth getting more likes than me and i feel like i loser but i think that’s just a recent thing anyway)
also i think it’s so sweet that your man liked you for long but stayed patient and respected your boundaries?? like yes bare minimum but having a good man like you that much that they waited it out and kept you in their life because they’d rather you be there in some form than not at all?? good job because that is an ACTUAL accomplishment
and of course job well to your hormones for triggering that hormonal ovulation wave that led you to this 🤭
may you last long and be happy and patient and kind with each other for eternity💗🧿
i hope u get to make changes to ur lifestyle that makes it easier for u to relax and chill out!!! <333
imposter syndrome is the WORSTTTT. i just think about how there are virtual massage therapists who do reiki healing over zoom and charge $$$$ for it and believe that if they can do it and get away with it, i can do what i do and be okay too hehe. we're all imposters and no one is actually good at anything, we're all just trying our best!!! dont think of success as something u have to "deserve",, you can just have it like its a part of life. you dont think too much about "deserving" education or sunlight or water, you believe you need it and you have it. success is similar, its a part of living, not something that u have to earn through virtue. if youre doing well, its because youre doing something right and thats good enough!!!
its sooo interesting u say that about arm guy being respectful and keeping boundaries lmaoo bc i always thought its a tactic most men use when they cant get with a girl: they say they'd like to stay friends because that means there's still a chance that you can someday get with her 😳as opposed to losing her completely. men crib about being friendzoned but they actually voluntarily enter that territory waiting for their turn with the girl🤢🤮
arm guy has an 8h stellium so i feel like there's more to him that i dont fully see yet. he's been respectful and gentlemanly with me but one time he told me about how him and his friends would stalk me on instagram and talk about how cute i was or whatever and it kinda gave me the ick 🤢🤢like i know thats a normal thing to do but the idea of a group of men all thirsting over me collectively made me 🤢 i sometimes wonder if he has told others about us yet in a braggy kinda way and i hateeee to think about it 🤢he's a good guy and everything but at the end of the day, he's just a guy
i think he stuck around bc he wanted me that bad but i honestly dont find that much of an accomplishment 😭😭i think most men are like that,, they'll do anything to get with u, ignore them, leave them on seen, unfollow them but they WILL persist 😭😭😭
idk about forever just yet lmaooo,, he's sweet and everything but its too soon for that type of talk. although i want us both to be happy together 💛💛and thats whats most important rn
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