#and when you are free-floating animals in a place that extends off forever in all directions
rxttenfish · 6 months
it Happened Again
i swear at this point i need to just make a post explaining why sign language for deep sea animals just Doesn't Work in their given environment. because i keep seeing people trying to do that for inclusivity and it feels worse than just realizing that its probably not the best place for a spec evo species to focus exclusively on that.
or actually maybe i just need to make a post ranting about why the mermaids from Into The Drowning Deep are so bad and made no goddamn sense despite trying so hard to be hard spec evo
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Rivalries Of The High Seas
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Requested By Anon: "Pirate AU, enemies to lovers."
AU: Pirate
Pairing: Captain!Rosé x Fem!Captain!Reader
Word Count: ~ 7,375
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major Injury (Inflicted On Reader), Dangerous Situations, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Anon, thank you for this one! I've never seen the movie you mentioned in your request, but you did well in explaining what you wanted to see here. I had a lot of fun with this one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
PS ~ Captain Rosé could step on me and I'd say thank you
♡ Happy Reading ♡
Death isn't a new thing to you. It isn't some far-off, enigmatic fear capable of tearing down your psyche anytime the topic is brought up. In fact, you're faced with the harsh realities of it almost everyday, given your ranking. Even still, when you woke up this morning, you hadn't expected for the day to consist of you meeting your end. 
Your hands remain clasped together tightly, bound to the rickety wooden chair you've been securely strapped into by layers of rope and chains. Your wrists burn as the rough material pulls against your skin, surely leaving dark marks by now, but that's the least of your worries as you eye the bandits standing before you. Their faces hold smug grins, cheeks pulling back in eerie smiles to reveal crooked teeth. "I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me beg for my life. I accept my fate." You say bravely, holding your head high. 
"How noble, Captain." They sneer, leaning far too close for comfort. You fight the gag that works its way up your throat at the smell of them, the wicked stench burning your nostrils as it invades them. 
"Even if you escape now, the rest of my crew will come for you." Rosé finally speaks from behind you, sitting in the same state as you as she glares at the surrounding men. Her fingers futilely pull at your shared restraints for the millionth time, brushing along your wrist in the process. 
"It's cute that you think that matters. We'll be long gone by then."
Her head lightly pushes against yours as she leans back in her chair, seeking to evade the man when he enters her personal space. For some reason unbeknownst to you, your blood boils at his actions -- though Rosé is your enemy of sorts, seeing that she's a rival captain herself, you can't help but want to keep him away from her. 
The vile creature parts her legs with an evil smirk on his lips, his filthy hand groping her thigh as he runs his fingers along her beautiful skin. She whimpers in protest, growing afraid of what he'll do to her in her captive state. Had she been unrestricted right now, she would've most definitely cut his hand off, forever reminding the world of his misdeeds. 
"Just get it over with!" You shout angrily, voice hoarse from all the screaming you've done today. You've grown tired of the game they've been playing for over an hour, flipping between beating and ridiculing you relentlessly. 
"Alright, alright," their leader chuckles, putting his hands up as he approaches you. He instructs his men to be on standby, ready to gather around the two of you and hoist you into the air. They wait for the all-clear to throw you overboard and into the chilly sea below, full of creatures you've seen during your fateful adventures over the years. There are certainly worse ways to go, and you attempt to come to terms with what's about to happen. Perhaps this is a poetic end for you -- being laid to rest in the place that you've spent most of your life and made countless memories.
"Keep those eyes on me as you fall. I want to remember what it looked like to take down the infamous Y/N L/N." You narrow your eyes at their leader, grimacing as they scan over his greasy, jet black hair and tattered overcoat. Aren't the "bad guys" supposed to at least be stylish? He's a sorry excuse for one if so. 
"Kiss my ass." You utter, spitting at him. He lunges forward, just like you expected -- seriously, why are men so predictable? -- and takes the collar of your shirt between his fingers. He delivers a swift blow to your left cheek, only allowing you a second to recover before pulling your head back up to give the same treatment to the other side. 
You can feel Rosé tense behind you, doing all she can to reach for you and offer comfort. 
With a pained groan, you spit out a mouthful of fresh blood and raise your head to look at him again. "You know, you're not nearly as observant as you think you are." You smile, ignoring the pain that shoots through your busted lip. Before he has time to react, you raise your foot in one motion, swiftly connecting it with his crotch.  How could they neglect to tie your feet? That's practically Pirate 101.
He doubles over in an instant, lungs void of the air necessary to speak another insult in retaliation to your act and body incapable of any further movement. His men make the decision for him, taking this moment as a sign to follow through with their plan and throw you over. Shouts and cheers pierce through the air above you as you make your quick descent, not even having time to say a goodbye to Rosé or offer a final word to the universe. 
Cold water immediately rushes over your heated skin as you plunge into the waves below, its frigid temperature almost taking what little breath you managed to store away in your lungs. Aided by the water's altered state of gravity, you're able to work your hips past a few of the loosely tied ropes that rested against them. 
One thing you admire about Rosé is her quick thinking. She's smart -- while you distracted the leader, she took the opportunity to pry off some of the restraints that required more time and effort, just like you hoped she would. Her slender fingers inconspicuously wiggled their way out of the ropes before freeing you from them as well, and the bandits were none the wiser. Her previous actions make this part all the more easy, and after spending a while on the final ties, the two of you kick off of your chairs and head for the surface. It's a struggle, no doubt, with the way you have to fight to bring the chains up with you and keep them from pulling you further under. But eventually you reach the surface, once again filling your lungs with that miraculously fresh air that they so desperately craved. 
The saltwater stings as it flows over your face, getting in your eyes and rushing over all the wounds you've accumulated. Rosie sputters from beside you, struggling a bit to keep her head up, so you extend an arm for her to use to push herself up. You tell yourself you're only doing it -- that is, making sure she doesn't drown -- because she'll be useful in helping you survive. Deep down, though, your intentions extend further than that. 
Once you find a steady rhythm with the waves and the fear of drowning subsides for the time being, you scan the horizon line. "I see land -- over there." You say, using your head to point to what looks to be an island in the distance. "We'll swim when we have the energy and float when we need rest, okay?" She nods in response, and the two of you get set on your way. 
Huffing from the pure exhaustion coursing through your bodies, you manage to drag yourselves onto shore before collapsing. The sand serves as a good place to lay, almost cradling you the longer you lay there. Tiny, rippling waves -- the aftershocks of much bigger ones -- lull into shore, fluttering past your ankles before being pulled back in by the tide. They lap against your skin, remedying your racing mind with their rhythm. Minutes pass in this cycle, setting you in a state of comfort before you remember everything you'll have to do before nightfall.
Once gaining enough strength, you raise your head and peek over at your rival.
She's sleeping. Of course. You can't blame her, but the sun -- once blazingly hot, perched high up in the sky -- is now setting, giving you a preview of the darkness that the night sky will hold. She turns, rolling her head towards you in her sleep, and you almost smile -- a light dusting of sand sticks to her puffed-out cheeks, and the bridge of her nose holds a small sunburn, making her look sunkissed and blushy. Y/N, stop that, you command yourself, shaking your head at your thoughts. She's your enemy, and she's the reason you're even in this mess in the first place. 
"Wake up," you nudge her, reverting back to your previously tense demeanor. The anger you possess for the situation you're in is returning en masse, wiping the pleasant thoughts of Rosé from your mind. 
She groans, keeping her eyes tightly shut as she attempts to ignore you. "Roseanne, we have to get up." Your voice is strong, commanding her just like your crew. Your crew, you think to yourself. Some of them were killed by the bandits while others were thrown into the prison chambers of your ship, left at the mercy of your enemies until they decide what they want to do with them. Your people are inventive and strong -- they'll likely find a way out of the sticky situation and reclaim victory. For now, though, you're left to worry about their fates as you attempt to survive on this island. If the elements and animals don't kill you first, the gorgeous woman beside you most definitely will. 
"I'm up!" She all but shouts, following another prodding from you. Her eyes flutter open and she instinctively raises her hand to wipe her face -- you catch the chains before they can make contact and harm her, and she sends you an appreciative look. "Guess I forgot about these…" she shakes her arms, jiggling your restraints in the process, "Oopsie."
"Come on." You say, standing up and pulling her along with you. Her dilly dallying is making you impatient, and it only increases your levels of irritation. You don't have time to waste. 
"We have to break these," she states the obvious, searching the shore for a decently sized rock.
A sarcastic gasp slips past your lips as you look at her. "You don't say! I was thinking we'd just leave them on." She turns to glare at you, narrowing her eyes as she stops walking. Dear god, there's no time for this. With a mumbled "here we go", you allow her to continue. 
"You know, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you." 
"Me?!" You shout, completely taken aback. "Quite the contrary, Rosé. You're the one who led them to us!"
"If you would've accepted my offer, none of this would've happened. But you refuse to team up with anyone else. Look at where that got us now." She motions around herself to the island, expression settling back into an annoyed scowl as her eyes settle on you again. 
"It's not my fault that my crew is more trained than yours; I had no reason to merge our teams."
"An agreement would've solidified our strength!" She yells, stomping her foot into the sand. Her boots managed to survive the long trip here, but their material is completely soaked.
"I'm responsible for my crew, and my crew only. I had no decent reason to bring yours in with mine. It's just a liability and more mouths to feed." You say evenly, clenching and releasing your jaw a few times. 
She begins to fire off her rebuttal, but you tune her out for the most part and start walking further inland. She has no choice but to follow, and she does so while adamantly complaining. You throw occasional jabs to her arguments in order to keep her moving, and your plan works well. She's too busy bickering with you to notice that she's doing exactly what you want her to.
"...and you're so arrogant, Y/N! I mean, really. God, you're infuriating." 
"Are you done yet?" You ask, cocking your head to the side while you simply blink at her. She squints at you, about to give you another piece of her mind, but you glance down at the rock you led her to and she closes her mouth. 
"You can keep screaming at me or we can break these chains. Your choice." You shrug, pursing your lips. She cuts her eyes at you, but agrees with a huff, nonetheless. 
The two of you work together to find fittingly sized rocks, taking turns dropping them on your restraints and methodically working them against them. Eventually the chains give way, allowing your hands to wiggle out of their strict hold. You're the first to free yourself; once you're done, you find Rosé struggling in silence, refusing to ask for your help. 
"Here," you offer, extending a hand to her. Doing nice things for people without gaining something for yourself isn't something you do often -- you've been raised differently; grown more independent and self-serving after your time on the sea. 
"Oh, now you want to work together?" She quirks an eyebrow.
You put your hands up with an amused grin. "I don't have to help, feel free to do it alone." You stand, dusting the sand off of your clothes as you begin to walk away and investigate the island. She calls out behind you, annoyed shouts getting further and further away as you just smile and continue your journey. 
"Ah, glad you could join us again." You smirk, adding some kindling to the small fire you managed to set up during her time away. 
"Shut it," she bites back, glaring at you. 
"Tough crowd," you laugh, raising your eyebrows. For once, she doesn't say anything back. She busies herself with removing her shoes and socks, setting them next to the source of heat to dry before disappearing into the tree line. She returns a few minutes later, carrying with her a few different branches. Some of them are forked at the top, and she arranges them into a sturdy structure beside the fire as well. You try not to focus on how strong she looks as she does it, her muscles glistening in the fading evening light with a sheet of sweat.
To your surprise, she begins stripping. 
First her overcoat, which she drapes across the branch acting as a beam between the forked ones, and then her vest. She wrings them out individually, and you watch as the materials drip with what water hadn't already evaporated yet. The loose linen undershirt that she wears remains on, and you're thankful for that -- had she taken it off as well, you likely would've passed out. The blush on your cheeks deepens as you feel her eyes on you, and you keep your gaze trained on the fire. 
"Well? Are you planning to stay in those clothes all night?" She asks, running a hand through her hair to fix it and get some of the sand out. 
"If I didn't know better I'd say you're trying to get me naked, Rosie." You play, smiling harder when you see her roll her eyes and look away. 
"You wish," she scoffs, though you can see her stealing glances at you as you remove your clothes. She admires the shadows that the fire casts over your body, the flames dancing as they offer their beautiful warmth. The two of you go way back, having grown up as frenemies due to your professions, but she's always had a soft spot for you. You piss her off to no end, and yet somehow she can think of plenty worse people to be stuck with.
After catching her staring, you decide to tease her. You flex your muscles, making sure to be extra and really make a show of it. She blushes, hiding behind her hands to escape the situation. 
"Awww, somebody's shy." You say, chuckling at her. 
"Am not," she protests, though her sheepish grin sells her out.
"Prove it," you challenge, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Teasing her is one of your favorite pastimes. 
Tired of the games, she gathers all of the courage she possesses and stands, slowly sauntering her way over to you. Your eyes take in the sight of her, and she smirks; she works hard to stay in shape, and she knows she looks good. Countless weeks spent at sea, working alongside her crew on long voyages has left her with artfully tanned skin and a physique to die for. You go to compliment her, but she stops you before you have the chance, pressing a finger to your pursed lips. She trails it lower, blazing a path across your jawline and chest, stopping at your ribs. Your breath hitches, and she definitely feels it. You curse yourself for being so easy, already knowing what's coming. 
"Who's shy now, sweetheart?" She purrs out, smiling victoriously. 
How she's capable of switching demeanors so easily baffles you, but it ensures that no interaction with her will be boring, if nothing else. 
"Yeah, yeah," you grumble, pushing her away to break the growing tension. She's looking at you with some glint in her eye that you can't quite place -- all you know is that if she keeps doing it, things might escalate to a place neither of you are prepared for.
You clear your throat and step around her to adjust your clothes on the drying rack. "You can go ahead and sleep. I'll stay awake and keep the fire going."
She nods with a slight frown on her lips, though you don't see it. "Alright. But wake me up when you get too tired, okay?" You assure her you will, though truthfully your body is aching for sleep right now. The beating you took earlier did its worst on you, leaving your skin bruised and muscles knotted. She deserves to rest, though, and you're okay with giving her the first shift of it. Besides, your mind would surely keep you awake for the better part of an hour -- at least it'll be used to its fullest with her. 
What you don't realize, however, is that when she lays down beside you, cuddling into the sorry attempt for a bedroll that you threw together, she merely pretends to fall asleep. Likewise, when she settles her head in your lap, searching for a more comfortable place to lay it, she's fully conscious. She lazily smiles when you run your hands through her hair, wrapping the locks around your fingers in mindless patterns before releasing them and starting over. It's soothing, and soon enough she calms her eager heart enough to slip away to dreamland. 
--- A Few Days Later --- 
"Wakey wakey…" Rosé sing-songs, hovering over you. The two of you have settled into this familiar rhythm over the past few days, spending the daytime searching for food and supplies and taking shifts to sleep through the night. You've almost always ended up taking the latter opportunity, though sometimes Rosé would force you to rest first if you needed it badly enough. 
"Mmm," you groan in disapproval, rolling over. The sun is far too bright, and your upgraded bed situation is much too comfortable to offer any valid reason for you to leave it. Rosé knows how difficult it is to get you up, but she's learned some very useful tactics. 
"Y/N…" she drawls, voice like honey as it releases your name with care. Her lips are next to your ear, teasing you as her warm breath fans across your neck. You audibly swallow, not prepared for that in the slightest, and slowly peek your eyes open. She raises a hand to shield your face from the unforgiving sun, and you smile at the domesticity of the act. She looks like a dream -- her hair is fanned out, swaying peacefully in the calm breeze that rolls in from the sea, and she's grinning that killer smile down at you. Her previous sunburn has turned into a tan now, making her look even more irresistible somehow. 
"What do you want to do today?" You ask, lacing your fingers together as you put them behind your head. They work as a cradle, cushioning your head from the sand.
"I saw some berry bushes on the north side of the island. They didn't look like any poisonous kind I've studied about, so maybe we could check them out?" She suggests, sitting back on her knees with a quirked brow. 
"Sounds like a plan." You smile lazily, gazing up at her. A light pattern of freckles paints her cheeks, and you can't help but grin at how adorable she is. 
"What is it?" She asks skeptically, squinting at you. 
"You're just too cute for your own good, is all." You sigh, content as you stand up and tug a blushing Rosé behind you. She closes the "door" behind herself, sealing off the entryway to your humble abode. It's a panel of leaves and sticks, built to be sturdy yet lightweight and easy to move. She built it herself, and a sweet smile works its way onto her lips as she remembers the praise you sent her way after she presented it to you. 
"If you don't slow down then I'm gonna slap you," she says, peering up at the trees that loom high overhead. In her distracted state, she neglects to look where she's going.
Her rambling is cut short by your hand darting out in front of her, effectively stilling her movements and words. You glance at the ground, prompting her eyes to follow the path they made and widen upon realizing what you just saved her from. An animal -- some wretched cross between a scorpion and pincher beetle -- continues its trip across the downed log that lays in front of you, menacing in its appearance. 
"Thank you," she breathes out, leaning into your side as you hold her and direct her away from danger. 
"Do me a favor and don't die, okay?" You quirk, scrunching your face up at her humorously. She shoves you, holding up her middle finger as she walks ahead and blazes a path for the two of you. You chuckle, grinning stupidly as you follow after her. 
--- 3 Hours Later --- 
"Take cover," you shout to an imaginary army, seeking refuge behind the base of a large tree. Rosé chuckles maniacally from behind one of the berry bushes, her fingers lightly stained from the juices that are running down her palm. 
"Nice try, Y/N. But you can't escape… CAPTAIN ROSÉ!" She shouts, surprising you as she charges in your direction, pelting you with berry after berry. You squeal, evading as many of the makeshift missiles as you can by darting behind different greenery. She eventually catches up, snaking her arms around your waist and preventing you from getting away again.
"NO!" You exclaim, slumping further into her arms in defeat after your attempts to escape prove futile. She spins you around to face her, pressing your back up against the nearest tree as the two of you practically double over with laughter. She looks ethereal, with how she shines in the sunlight that sneaks its way through the canopy of tree tops above you. Her eyes are almost closed from how hard she's smiling at you. 
A sharp growl breaks the happy moment, perking your ears up and causing your heart to race for a different reason entirely. You glance around the tree, protectively stepping in front of Rosé to shield her from any new threat. An animal -- something you've never seen before -- bares its teeth, snarling aggressively as it sets its sights on you. Your blood runs cold in your veins, stopping your heart momentarily as your brain attempts to formulate a plan on the fly. With only a few precious moments left before it attacks, you glance around for anything to double as a weapon without making any sudden movements. 
Rosé is clutched onto you from behind, and you can feel her heart beating wildly. You have to protect her, no matter what. 
"On my count, I want you to climb into this tree. I'm going to try and defend us." From what little knowledge you've inferred in the past couple minutes, you doubt the animal is capable of climbing well; it doesn't have the body or feet for it. You fear it is capable of running quickly, though, so the tree is likely your best bet. 
"What? No, I'm going to--"
"Roseanne, please, for once, just do as I ask. Trust me." You plead over your shoulder, noting the slight tremble that runs through her as another roar echoes out. Your eyes remain trained on it, never backing down for a second. 
One steadying breath later, you shout, "Now!" and swoop down to pick up what helpful materials you can. You charge at the animal, taking the offensive in order to keep as much distance possible between it and Rosé. You successfully jab the sharpened stick into its side, causing it to wail in pain. In an instant it grabs your arm, wrapping it's paws around you as it lunges forwards and tumbles to the ground on top of you. A scream leaves your lips as you watch its teeth dig further into your flesh, garnering deep crimson blood to spill from your developing wounds. You protect your neck with your other arm, only breaking this rule to reach to your side and retrieve the heavy rock you brought along as well. It connects with the side of the animal's head, only making it whimper before loosening its grip the slightest bit. You weren't prepared for it to be such a tough enemy. You use your strength to roll it over and sit on top of it, keeping your arm in its grip to ensure that it stays occupied. Your fingers dig into every sensitive part of its body you can reach, performing the defense moves you've spent your life practicing to use. With a glance at Rosé, you find her safe in the tree, just like you wanted. 
"Run!" You shout, willing to keep the creature distracted in order to give her time to escape. Before you can see if she listens to you, it's nails claw into your abdomen, scratching painful designs into the previously smooth skin. It performs another death roll, and you barely have the strength to shank it in the side again. It howls, rearing back to go for your jugular before its movements are abruptly cut short. An unsettling crack rings out above you, and you open your eyes after not receiving the fatal blow you had been expecting. The animal scampers away from you, limping off further into the forest until it's out of sight. 
Rosé drops the large branch in her hand, the end of it lightly stained with blood. "Go..." you weakly mumble, eyes beginning to flutter closed as you notice how much blood you've already lost. You feel cold, and you have to fight the shiver that runs through you.
"I've got you, Y/N." She whispers, cradling your fragile frame in her arms as she picks you up and begins the journey back to camp. "You did good." She reassures, having no idea how much you needed to hear that before falling unconscious. 
After gathering the medicinal plants and resources that the two of you have accumulated so far, she returns to the fireside, settling down beside you. She raises your shirt enough to have access to your wounds, but not far enough to expose you. Temperate water meets your bloodied and broken skin, rushing over the sensitive areas as she gently cleans them. Once dry, she mixes the materials into a sort of salve to rub on them before laying the plants on them in place of bandages. 
The crackling of the fire works with the crashing of distant waves to serve as background noise, making the night far more peaceful than the day had been. She allows you to continue resting, knowing you need all of it that you can get. 
About an hour or so later you wake with a start, hands reaching out as if you were right back in front of the animal. Your dreams were plagued with images of the nightmarish beast, and you're having trouble adjusting to the fact that they were all in your head. They felt so real. Rosé is by your side in an instant, brushing your hair out of your face with one hand while caressing your thigh with the other -- it's one of the only places that made it out of battle relatively unscathed. Your panicked eyes find hers, glazed over with tears as you pull her flush against your body, glad to know she's okay. Her warmth reminds you that she's here, that she's real, and that she's safe. 
Memories of your fight come flooding back, filling your mind with the terrifying things you witnessed and reigniting your fight or flight response. You remember that she didn't listen to you -- she put herself in harm's way instead of leaving you behind, like you asked -- and you grow angry. Muttered phrases of disapproval leave your lips as you push her away, stumbling slightly when you try to stand on your own. Although confused by your erratic behavior, she reaches out to assist you, only to be met with a harsh refusal from you. 
"Stop!" The word comes out as an angry shout -- louder than you originally intended -- but you can't find it in yourself to apologize right now. You find your footing after a moment, holding your side as you walk away from her. 
"What's your problem?" She shouts, marching after you. She refuses to let this go without a fight, seeing as how she has plenty more questions than answers now.
"You could've gotten hurt, Rosé, and I could've handled it on my own." You say over your shoulder, continuing on your journey away from camp. Her relentlessness is quickly getting on your nerves.
"Clearly you couldn't! You needed help; why are you denying that?" She stops now, crossing her arms angrily with her brows furrowed. The fact that you're still so set on clinging to your pride is pissing her off. 
"You should've left me there! I can't have you getting hurt because of me." You turn around now, setting your jaw. Is she really this blind? This has nothing to do with your pride. Her eyes meet yours, the pools overflowing with confusion as they scan over your face in search of clarification.
"I can handle something happening to me; I've made my peace with that. But if something ever happened to you because of my incompetence…" you shake your head at the mere thought of that, momentarily too overwhelmed to continue, "...I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I care about you, idiot." You add that last line before turning around, not bothering to wait on her reaction. Part of you is scared to, honestly, and the day has been far too eventful for you to handle a potential rejection on top of everything else. 
She says nothing, leaving the air around you void of her beautiful voice, and you don't know whether to be thankful or disheartened. 
You put more distance between the two of you, leaving a stunned Rosé in your wake as you find a place to sit along the shoreline. Your temper -- more precisely, the fear you hold that presents itself as anger -- reared its head tonight. You didn't mean to snap at her like that, but the possibility of her getting hurt because of you makes your blood boil. That would be unforgivable, and you wouldn't be able to live with yourself. You felt helpless earlier, quickly running out of the strength required to keep her safe.
Salty tears manage to break past your line of defenses, much like Rosé has managed to do with your heart. She's torn down every wall you've ever put up to protect yourself, and now that she's there you don't know how to cope. You've had people you considered close before, but none of them have mattered like she does. You've never been so afraid of losing someone. 
A soft hand on your shoulder makes you jump slightly, pulling you from your thoughts. Speak of the devil.
"Hey." She says simply, sitting down beside you. You turn your face away, not wanting to let her see you cry. "I'm sorry for fighting, okay? But I'm not sorry for helping you. I care about you, too, and I'll be damned to just leave you like that." She doesn't say anything else, doesn't try to make you look at her -- she just sits there, waiting for you to be ready to do so on your own. 
She's waited on you since you were teenagers, so she figures she's capable of waiting a bit longer now. Both of you are aware of the love you hold for one another; this is just the hardest part -- finally admitting it. 
"I can't lose you," you whisper, eyes full of tears that occasionally roll down your cheeks once gravity finds its footing. You turn to the front, still too emotional to look into her eyes. 
"Ditto. That's why I did what I did." 
Your knees are raised and pulled in close to your body for security, your arms wrapped around them to keep them in place. She reaches over to rest her hand on yours, wordlessly coaxing you into looking at her. 
"I…" You pause, voice breaking with the emotions you're still reeling from. 
"I know." She says, resting her forehead against yours. 
"I love you, too." 
She pulls you in, making sure to be gentle and not injure you any further. She raises your head to press her lips against yours, tasting the faint hint of wildberry that still rests on them from earlier. It's slow and new, giving you a break from the intensity you've been dealing with the past few days. You tilt your head to the right, letting out a whimper as her fingers graze a bruised spot on your ribs. She gives you another peck before pulling away, determined to stop herself while she still can. You're addicting, and she already can't get enough of you. 
A beat passes between you, giving you time to sort the thoughts rushing around your mind. "I've always loved you." You admit, pulling back to look at her. Tears well in her eyes, shining brightly in the brilliant moonlight as they threaten to fall. 
"Ever since we commanded our own boats for the first time. Mine was better, of course," she laughs at that, smiling despite herself, "...but I knew you were different then. I've spent all these years being too stubborn to let myself have you." 
She takes your words in, her heart pounding victoriously in her chest at your confession. "I knew when we were still training together. You always made things better for me then; I was so thankful to know you. Even if we teased the hell out of each other." 
You grin at the countless memories that come to mind. "Do you remember that night at the docks, after we graduated from our classes?" She looks up, searching her memory vault. "When you kissed me?" She asks. You nod, looking down with a bashful smile. 
"I knew we wouldn't see each other for a while, so I wanted to make it count."
"You made it really hard to say goodbye, you know?" She says, her eyes softening as she looks at you. 
"I know. But you get half of the blame." 
She tuts at you, nudging you playfully. You hiss in pain, causing her to bring a hand up to cover her growing smile. "Oops. Sorry, not sorry." 
"If I wasn't hurting so bad I'd tackle you right now." 
"Oh, I'm so scared." She laughs, mocking you. 
"That's it," you declare, ignoring the pain that shoots through your body with all the moving you're doing. Her laugh practically heals you anyway, so it's not hard to push it from your mind. You press her into the sand, rolling over to straddle her hips and pin her hands above her head. 
"Woah, tiger. Don't hurt yourself." She raises her head as much as her restrained state will allow, coming dangerously close to your face. 
"You're such a dork." You tut, leaning in to capture her lips once more. She mumbles out a, "you love it, though" against you, and your heart can't help but soar. 
- A Few Weeks Later -
A soft melody rides along the airwaves towards your ears, persuading you to wake up from your cozy slumber. You cuddle further into Rosie's tempting embrace, smiling at the way she pulls you impossibly closer. Her throat wiggles as she hums out a familiar tune from your childhood -- one of the songs you used to dance together to. 
"You big softie." You coo, resting your chin on her chest to look into her eyes with a smile. She grins, finally peeking at you through her lashes. 
"Good morning, beautiful." She says, her accent coming through adorably. She pulls you up to her lips for a kiss before rolling you onto your back. 
You sigh as she leaves open mouth kisses to your neck, dragging her lips over the skin there lazily. She takes her time, leaving marks here and there to show the world who you belong to. Her hands skim over the warm skin of your abdomen, finally free of the intense wounds you've been recovering from. Only small scars are left now, serving as a testament to what you endured.
"Mmm, I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat." She chuckles at that, her head falling forward to rest against your shoulder as her body shakes with laughter. 
"You're thinking about food while I'm kissing you?" She grins, propping herself up on her arm to look down at you lovingly. 
"What can I say? I'm a hungry girl." You kiss her cheeks, ghosting your lips over hers. "Although," you tease the corner of her mouth, "...you're looking pretty tasty right about now. I might just eat you instead." 
She squeals as you crawl on top of her, pretending to bite her skin as you tickle her sides. 
"I surrender!" She shouts, finally giving into you. You kiss her one last time before pulling away and practically dragging her out of the structure. 
"I'll get started on cooking the fish if you grab some water." You offer, rustling through your handmade crate for the skewers you use to prepare food. 
"Alright," she nods, kissing you on the cheek before grabbing your canteens and setting off towards the freshwater spring not far from camp. 
"Be careful!" You call out after her, smiling when she turns around to face you with her hands in the form of a heart. 
"Good job baby. That was delicious." She compliments, leaning back against the log you use as seating beside the fire. She almost always opts to sit in the sand and rest against it for some reason, but you're long past questioning her at this point. Rosie's… unique. 
"They don't call me Chef Y/N for nothing." You quip, holding your head higher with a sense of self-importance. 
"They don't call you that anyway." 
"Hey," you pout, slapping the back of her head with no real force. "Let a girl pretend, would you?"
"Fine, my apologies." She smiles again, and you can't help but do the same. You've lost count of how many times she's made you laugh over these past few weeks, and although you hope to be rescued sooner rather than later, the thought of being stuck here with her for a while longer doesn't seem all that bad. 
"You're doing it again," she trails off, wiggling her voice up and down to tease you. 
"Looking at me like a lovesick puppy." Her eyes shine in the warm, tropical sunlight, pools of rich amber that you wouldn't mind getting lost in. They match the color of whiskey almost perfectly.
"Not my fault. Have you seen yourself?." She scoffs, but blushes nonetheless. You lean over to press a kiss to the top of her head affectionately. 
Your attention is stolen away all at once as you hear the words you've been imagining ever since you arrived on the island. "Land, ho!" Multiple voices bellow out in the distance, prompting you to search for their source. Collective cheering can be heard, and you swiftly stand -- as if that simple act will miraculously enable you to see better. 
"We're coming, Captain!" Jisoo, your second in command shouts, seemingly hanging off the bow of the ship -- your ship. A squad of others follows behind, maintaining a tight formation as they make their way to shore. 
"Us too, Captain!" Someone calls from one of the neighboring boats, apparently one of Rosé's crewmembers. She waves back excitedly, and you bite back the smile that tugs at your cheeks. 
Eventually they reach land.
"Y/N!" Your scout, Lisa, shrieks like a schoolgirl, running into your arms eagerly. She was the first friend you ever made during your training years, long before you met Rosé, and you were truly worried for her.
"Ah, Lisa. Jisoo." You look between the two of them proudly, glad to see them alive and well. "What happened?" 
"We managed to defeat Captain Crusty's men--" she stops to explain when she notices your brows furrowed in amused confusion, "--that's the nickname we gave the bandit leader. Anyway, we defeated them and repaired the ship enough to make it back to shore. They did some major damage, though." 
You nod, satisfied with their story, until you remember that they didn't come alone. You subtly motion your head to the other crew, and Jisoo gets the memo. "We found the rest of these pea-brains back at the docks and they insisted on coming along."
"Hey, it's not like we wanted to be stuck with you either!" Jennie, Rosé's second, hits back, defending herself and the rest of her crew. "If your moron captain would've listened to Rosé we wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't have lost anyone in the process." 
"Quiet," Rosé warns, stepping in front of her to block the two sides from each other.
Despite knowing it isn't technically your fault, Jennie's words do hold some truth. You feel guilty for all the senseless violence you could've potentially spared your people from enduring, and the what-ifs weigh heavily on your mind and heart. 
"So long as I'm still in charge, no one will disrespect Y/N or her crew. Are we clear? I won't take kindly to any of you going against me." It's a heavy warning, and her tone makes it clear that she'll be true to her word. They know better than to test her. Her eyes scan the group of misfits, all looking bewildered by her sudden change of heart. It must be a bit jarring for them, after being such bitter enemies with the others for so long. Regardless, scattered nods and grumbles of acceptance leave them before they all scurry away to get started on their tasks, looking like scolded children. 
You send Lisa and Jisoo along with the rest of your crew to go ahead and board again, seeing that you have no real equipment to pack up this time. It feels wrong to leave the island  -- the place that brought you back to Rosie and allowed you to open your heart to her -- without something to remember it by. So, with a whispered, "Wait here," you run back to camp to snatch something. 
You return soon after, a huge smile plastered on your face. "You're bringing our door?" She laughs, tilting her head at your strange choice. 
"Duh. Good to know your eyes still work, I was getting worried." You tease, giggling as she pinches you. 
"Come on baby; let's go. Last one there has to clean the poop deck." 
"Get back here!" She yells, chasing you into the chilly water with a smile. Whether she loses or not doesn't matter much to her -- she finally has you after all these years, and she can't wait to see where the future will take the two of you. 
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quirkwizard · 4 years
Spoiled Sushi
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For a while, a certain article has been vexing me. One that seems to have a great misunderstanding of the series it was writing about, missing obvious points and core parts of the worldbuilding. No, it wasn’t by CBR, nor was it by Screenrant. But it was by Cruchyroll of all places. They decided to make an article about the Top 5 Misused Quirks in My Hero Academia. It was not good and has been bugging me. So I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. I mean they try to shut down whoever even attempts to do what they do, so why not make fun of them for trying to do what I do? Plus you guys seem to like it when I’m snarky, so this could be fun for everyone.
For clarity’s sake, this was written at the beginning of 2019, when the most recent chapter was Chapter 214 and the the anime had only reached Season 3. I’m keeping that in mind as I write. I will also be skipping around some of the parts of the article as I am talking about it. If its not worth mentioning, I won’t bring it up, simple as that. For instance, I’m skipping the intro because it is completely superfluous and would only serve to make a completely different fanbase mad. Might as well, most of what I am passing up are just dumb jokes. But if you are curious... don’t waste your time reading this. Your time is valuable and you have better things to do then read this article.
5. Kurogiri Can Create Free, Renewable Energy
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“In all seriousness, though, Kurogiri is probably one of the most powerful characters in the anime, with their being virtually no limit to how far he can extend his Warp Gate portals.”
I mean there are certainly limits for his Quirk. Besides the need to know the coordinates or see where he is moving, there’s obviously a limit to how much he can spread out his body.
“Why then doesn’t he use them to create near-infinite energy? Open two portals one above another, throw in a heavy object inside and watch it fall endlessly. Devise a way to hook a dynamo or something to it and, bam, you have free power that would make Kurogiri a billionaire overnight and a hero to the entire planet.”
This idea has so many problems that I don’t even know where to begin.
One, if this could work, it likely wouldn’t make a lot of energy. Besides the various physics problems involved in this, Kurogiri would just be one guy doing this, meaning that it’s unlikely he’d be able to make enough power to matter.
Two, Kurogiri would still need rest as he is a living being, meaning he wouldn’t to keep up this theoretical contraption forever and you’d get even less energy relying on him. At most, it would work best in a small bunker as a last resort.
Three, that sounds like it would be a lot more dangerous then it would be worth for the energy made. If Kurogiri would to lose focus for a moment, the portals fall apart and there would just be a lot of damage from this heavy object moving at high speeds.
“Even if Kurogiri only cares about taking down All Might, it would still be much easier to do if he had a literal mountain of money/public goodwill at his side.”
What kind of bizzaro universe are you living in where the guy who makes energy could possibly turn public option about the very well liked Number 1 Hero that saves lives every day? That’s literally what Lex Luthor does and people hate him for it.
4. Koji Koda Could Help Feed Billions Of People
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“Koji is the resident Class 1-A stoner (get it? he's made of rock? come on) with the power to control ANY creature in the animal kingdom. This would logically also include spiders, meaning that Koji could literally end all street crime in, like, 5 minutes tops by swallowing all the criminals up in a giant arachno-tsunami.”
While this article is infuriating in many ways, it did give us the mental image of an “arachno-tsunami”. Which is totally worth sitting through this jumbled mess of words and ignorance.
“But, you see, Koji is just too shy and nice to be an effective hero. He wants to do good but he just doesn’t have that fighter instinct in him. Which is why he should instead use his Anivoice Quirk to revolutionize agriculture all around the world.”
You can be an effective hero and not beat people up. Sure, it certainly can come up in the job description, but that isn’t all of what a hero is meant to do. Koda’s Quirk makes him great at information gathering and rescue work, two very important aspects of hero work that suit his personality perfectly.
“Give him a megaphone and fly him over American fields, telling feral pigs to stop causing $1.5 billion worth of damage a year in destroyed crops. Fly him to Australia to tell the invasive cane toads and rabbits to kindly lemming themselves off a cliff. Have him tell the aggressive lionfish the get the hell out of the Atlantic. FORCE HIM TO GET OVER HIS FEAR OF BUGS AND MAKE AGRICULTURAL PESTS A THING OF THE PAST. “
There is no possible way Koda could be everywhere at once to pull that off. And considering that the average human voice can only carry for about a mile, IE, about the average size of a single farm. You know, because animals need to hear his voice in order to receive his commands. So even if it was limited to a single farm, its unlikely to do much to help. But by far the biggest issue with this entire plan is that what Koda does to an animal is not permanent. The second his control is interrupted, the animals return to normal, bound to just go back to whatever they were doing before. 
So if Koda tries to change anything, its just going to end up undone by the time he leaves, just delaying the inevitable problem that comes from these animals. So even if Koda told the pigs to go away, they’d likely be back by the next day, destroying farmland like nothing happened. Even then, because of the previous limitations, he’d still have to go farm by farm to pull it off. That’s not even mentioning all of the other suggestions. Honestly, if you wanted to do something with Quirk, you should just convince all the animals to line up during hunting season. Dark, yes, but it least it would offer a more permanent solution then what the writer is suggesting.
“If Koji was utilized properly, he could travel the world undoing mankind’s mistakes and creating organic, pesticide-free crops instead of doing what he does now, which is largely sitting around on his ass roleplaying Snow White.”
Which, in spite of many fans joking about his Quirk, has shown to be very helpful quite a few times.
3. Inko Midoriya Would Have Made A Great Nurse
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“Izuku’s mother in My Hero Academia has mainly done two things so far: jack and squat.”
I mean she did design Izuku’s costume, even if it got replaced, its is still a corner stone of his design, and she offered a good amount of drama after the fight with All Might and All For One. 
“She did try to be a good mother but kind of failed at that when she tearfully apologized to her son because he was born without a Quirk, essentially telling him: “I’m so sorry I gave birth to such a loser.””
Would you believe that this one line was what really prompted me to talk about this? Because that is probably one of the worst takes I have ever in relation to this series. If you honestly believed that is what Inko was doing, the woman who practically raised her child by herself and constantly talks about much she cares for him, you must be watching the wrong series. That’s the only way I could explain why that is.
“So, she doesn’t really have much going on in her life. That’s why she should try nursing instead. I realize that becoming a nurse takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but Inko would be a natural fit for it. Despite her initial shortcomings, she is a very caring person with loads of empathy.” 
Inko’s empathic? Could have fooled me. I mean she did feel the need to apologize to her son for giving birth to a loser. No, I am not over that, how could you have possibly gotten that from the scene?!
“She also has the power of limited telekinesis. Inko can move small objects over short distances, and while that would not be helpful for stopping crime, it would be great for, say, removing kidney stones. Or things stuck in people’s throats. Or coins from children’s stomachs.”
Trying to use a Quirk like this in any kind of medical procedure is laughable at best and dangerous at worst. Imagine if Inko had to remove a bullet from someone. From what we see, the process of her moving objects is slow and need several pulls from her to attract the object to her. So if she’s going to try to pull it out and its going to get caught on something, causing more damage to the person she is trying to save. She’s basically going to be keying the insides of whoever she is trying to operate on.
The entire reasons doctors, especially surgeons, train for so long is because the human body can be extremely delicate. It needs a lot of care and time so the doctors don’t make things worse for the patients. It’s why surgeons need to have such steady hands and a lot of time even to due minor procedures. But trying to do that with a Quirk is just going to cause more problems then it can solve. Doing that with a Quirk like Inko’s just lacks a lot of the precision and dexterity necessary to pull this off.
2. Uraraka Should Go Work For A Shipping Company
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“Ochaco Uraraka has one of the most well-rounded Quirks out of all the main characters: Zero Gravity. With it, she can make objects and people float, which is great for offense, defense, and rescue operations. As a superheroine, she is doing everything right with her Quirk.”
I mean “Zero Gravity” can kind of be used offensively, but not effectively as other Quirks. Its why she did all of that training with Gun Head to make up for her lack of an offensive presence. Eh, two of three ain’t bad. I’ll take what I can get.
“I just think Uraraka should never have become a superheroine in the first place. Uraraka has actually always been honest about her motivation: she wants dem YEN YEN BILLS YO (for her struggling family.)”
That’s because hero work is an extremely frugal business even super minor heroes can still seem to make a decent living out of it.
“But regular jobs also exist in that world, and that must include shipping companies that would instantly hire Uraraka to Zero-G their freighters, trucks, and planes. Even if she cannot make them float, she can still remove enough gravity from them to save the company tons of fuel. Company profit margins are razor thin.”
First off, its mentioned several times that if you want to use a Quirk for a job, you need to have a hero license. Its to make sure you know how to use your Quirk properly so you don’t end up hurting someone with your powers. So for her to even try this, she needs to go through hero school anyway. Might as well get the most out of it. Second, Uraraka cannot lower the gravity of her target. Either the object is floating or it isn’t floating. There is no in between for Uraraka. 
Third, given what we’ve seen from Uraraka, there is no possible way that she could ever lift that much. She’s barely able to lift three lower numbered robots and that was only for a few seconds. So, at the most, she can lift a few tons. How exactly do you expect her to work with something like a cargo plane, which, on its own, can weight over forty five tons, not including fuel or any extra cargo?
Which is another thing I noticed throughout the article: the writer seems to severely overestimate how effective Quirks actually are. The range and scope of Quirks is much smaller then other power systems, even when compared to similar “low level” series like HunterxHunter. Like every kind of application listed goes far beyond what most Quirks are capable of, such as forgetting certain drawbacks. And that is most notable with the last suggestion.
1. Momo Could Solve Literally All The World’s Problems
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I bet Kohei Horikoshi was really proud of himself when he came up with Momo Yaoyorozu’s design: No, see, she HAS to dress scantily because her Quirk is Creation, i.e. the ability to create any object she wants through her skin, which must be constantly exposed. Peachy.”
Oh boy, it wouldn’t be any sort of discussion about Momo without beating that long dead horse. What’s next? Bakugou angry? Izuku cry? 
“Momo can apparently create anything as long as she understands its composition, and seeing as she’s made an ethanol spray can, infrared goggles, a lighter, and a tracker, it seems like there’s nothing she cannot make.”
Oh boy, it wouldn’t be any sort of discussion about Momo without a grievous misunderstanding of how her Quirk works either. Maybe they are in the fandom. As I have mentioned in my Momo Misconceptions post, Momo needs fat to make what she does. She’s not an alchemist where she can just clap her hands and make whatever she wants. If she doesn’t have enough fat, she cannot make items. By those very rules, some things are just out of her reach because it would just take too much fat. It’s why she limits herself to simpler items.
“Cool. MAKE US SOME HELIUM THEN. The world is running out of the gas and we need it for MRI scanners and the like. Momo could make more of it.”
Actually, we don’t even know for sure if Momo is capable of making gases. All we have seen her make is solids and a few liquids. There is the lighter she made, but that could easily run on lighter fluid.
“Or thorium. She could make thorium that we could use to make thorium-based reactors that are apparently way safer than uranium ones.”
Thorium isn’t even that rare, just as about as common as lead and three times as common as uranium. Even if it was a problem, it would likely kill her, either from burning through all of her fat or from the exposure to radiation.
“Medicine, fresh water, cheap electronics that we could send to developing countries: Momo could crank all of those out in an afternoon.“
Yes, in theory, Momo could do that, but not the extent that she would make a major difference in the world like they are suggesting. There are just more practical and better long term solutions then trying to force a single person to do all of that. It’s almost as if Momo is a regular human being who has limitations you need to keep in mind when making these ill informed suggestions.
“And while spending your life as a walking Everything Faucet might not seem that glamorous, it actually has the potential to change the entire planet for the better.”
Given the kind of set up and effort that would be required to even attempt that, I think “horrific” would be a more appropriate descriptor since it would be done to a living, thinking person.
Honestly, I think that most of these people are doing more with their Quirks now then with any of these suggestions. At least, when you actually think about the rules and limits of the characters. Sure, Inko isn’t doing much, but she is a civilian with a fairly weak Quirk. Kurogiri acts as a major player within the League, getting them around quickly and evading capture. I mean he is using his power to help out a bunch of villains, but my point still stands that he is not “misusing” his Quirk.
In fact, a majority of the people on this list are doing more to help people and save lives by being heroes. Given the limitations of their abilities, using them to stop superpowered criminals who risking damaging the people around and helping victims of these crimes is doing then any of those roles in spite of the fact that the article tries its best to downplay that these people are already saving lives. So, in reality, they are doing far more to help people then doing any of these ideas, you damp sock of a writer.
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Two Cats, One Heart (Chat Noir x Reader)
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Summary: Y/n Ross and Adrian Agreste are childhood best friends, they've been through thick and thin, including losing their mom, and dad. Since then Y/n's mom made her live with Adrian at his mansion and forever leaving her life. Watch as their lives Change as they become the new heroes of Paris alongside Ladybug and see how Romance sprouts between the two models.
Part 1  
{Y/n' POV}
Adrian and I were running down the street of our house trying to get to school on time. Why are we running to school in a rush when we could just take our personal driver? You may ask? Well, we aren't really allowed to attend school, so we snuck out of the mansion together with all our supplies and bags. We saw the School entrance and smiled at each other before starting to slow down and walk-in. "Adrien, Y/n, please reconsider! You know what your father and godfather want!" "This is what we wanna do!" Adrian said as I nodded and continued walking before we saw an old man lying on the road reaching for his crane. Adrian and I looked at each other and nodded before we took both sides of the old man and helped him up as I picked up his crane and gave it to him. "Thank you, young man and women" we smiled back at the old man before turning back to Natalie. "We just wanna go to school like everybody else. What's so wrong with that? " I said sadly. "Please don't tell my father about this" Adrian said as we sadly walked into the car and drove back to the Mansion we were imprisoned in. Unknown to us the old man we helped before stood in front of the mansion as we went in for our homeschool class, with two boxes that would change our entire lives. Adrian and I were in the middle of Natalie's history lesson as we listened to while we were still bummed out about the whole not going to school thing. "Who was the first president of the 5th French Republic?" "Everyone thinks it was de Gaulle, " Adrian started bored. "but it was actually René Coty before the first elections" I finished off for him. "excellent Adrian, Y/n"  I sighed as I saw my godfather aka Adrian's dad Mr.Agreste come in. "Give me a minute, would you, Nathalie?" Natalie nodded at Mr.Agreste. "yes, sir" Natalie left leaving Adrian and me with Mr.Agreste. "You are both NOT going to school. I already told you two"  Adrian and I stood up in protest. "but father/Sir!" "Everything you both need is right here where I can keep an eye on you two. I will not have you both outside in that dangerous world." "It's not dangerous, father. We're always stuck in here with nothing but each other and sometimes we can't even see each other. Why can't we go on and live life just like everybody else?" " Adrian said. "Because you are not like everyone else! You are my son and goddaughter! Continue."  Mr.Agreste left as Natalie came back. "We can leave it there if you have-" before she could finish Adrian and I ran back to our rooms, as tears rolled down my cheeks" "It isn't fair!" I yelled at myself as soon as I shut my door and threw myself on the couch. "why can't we live our lives as teens?" I wiped my tears before I turned on the TV not noticing the box right in front of me on the desk. "As incredible as it seems, it's been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a supervillain. The police have been struggling to keep the situation under control" I gasped at the news. "Super Villain?" After a second I noticed a strange black box on the desk in front of me. "huh? What's this doing here?" I opened the box as a grey light came out of it making me look away and drop the box to shield my eyes. "hey!" I looked at where the greeting came from to see...a grey floating fox?!?
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I was about to scream before it flew quickly at me and covered my mouth. " Don't freak out! Please! I have had enough of new holders screaming whenever seeing me for the first time!" I nodded and grabbed the little grey fox and moved it away from my face. "so, are you like a genie? Do you grant wishes? Or are you just some small animal trapped in a-" I looked at the box to see a silver bracelet with a silver paw print in the middle. "really pretty bracelet." "I met him once, so what if he grants wishes, big bore. I'm way better than that guy" I looked at the little fox shook. "a genie... Exists?!" "so your surprised that exists but not questioning mines? Wow, I'm totally not offended" I chuckled nervously while I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly. "Sorry, it's just I read a lot of fairy tales of Genies, I never knew it really did it existed" "yeah yeah, whatever. Anyways the names Alpha" "I'm-" "Y/n, I know" "How did you know-" "I'm your kwami, of course, I would know your name" "What's a kwami?" I sat back down as Alpha stood floating in front of me. "A kwami is an ancient creature that grants the holder a special power, yours is the power of balance, you balance the power of destruction and creation, making sure there aren't too much of either of them." "what can I do, specifically?" "well, you wield a staff that can split into two like the ring miraculous and can take form into any weapon you like, except you have a different special ability called moon wolf when you say the word you can go invisible for 30 seconds only." "cool!" "but! There's a downside." "bad downside or is it not that bad?" I nervously said scared I might get severely ill or maybe I might get super tired every transformation. " it's not that bad, it's just you got five minutes until you detransform after using your special ability" "oh...thats not that bad I guess" I picked up the box and took out the silver bracelet and placed it on.
"So how does this work?"
"This is your miraculous, the grey fox miraculous. Using this would change you in to your superhero outfit complete with a mask and all that pizazz"
"Cool, how do I do that?"
"Just say, "Alpha, Tails out" then bam superhero"
"Okay, Alpha!-" Alpha covered my mouth again.
"Wait! before you do that, you need a hero name"
"right, but what should I name for myself"
"how about Lady Fox, like the last holder?"
"Lady Fox? I like the sound of that"
"Okay, now you can transform"
"Great! Alpha! Tails Out!" After I transformed I looked at my body mirror in awe.
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"Now to test it out" I opened my window and looked around to see if anyone's watching before I hopped off and started jump building to building. I then saw a girl in a ladybug patterned suit as well as a boy in a black leather suit, both of them in masks. tied up in a yoyo string. I smirked as I stealthy walked over to them. "I'm guessing you two are my new teammates? they looked at me surprised. the red suit girl seemed nervous while the boy looked at me excited.  
"can you help us, g-get untied?" the girl asked. I nodded and pulled the tip of the string letting them free as they fell down. The cat boy came up to me and kissed my hand to which I blushed before I hid it and took back my hand.
"Thanks, umm"
"Lady Fox, you?"
"Chat Noir, at your service M'lady"  he bowed. So he's a flirty gentleman, I'll have to watch my back with him.
"I'm Ma... err... Mar... uhh..." The red suit girl pulled on her yoyo before it landed on Chat's head making me giggle as she looked at him apologetically.  " Madly Clumsy. I'm so clumsy."
"No sweat, clumsy girl. We're learning the ropes too." I nodded to Chat's reply.
"We can't be perfect at anything first try, right?" The ground began to tremble as we saw a building fall from afar. Chat and I nodded as we used out staffs to get up the building nearby from the ground.
" Hey! Where are you two going?"
"To save Paris, right?" I yelled back before Chat and I continued running. When we got to the source of the noise we saw the stone monster chasing a guy before the guy tripped. Chat extended his staff stopping the stone monster from reaching the guy. I used my staff to land next to the guy.
"Come on" I grabbed his arm and helped him up as I swung him to safety.
"Who are you?" He asked before I winked at him with a grin.
"Lady Fox" Before any more could be said I swung away to join to battle to see stone heart throw a net at a brown-haired girl who seemed to be recording. I gasped as I threw my staff to stop it from hurting her. "Are you okay, miss?" She nodded as she gaped at me in awe. but I soon got grabbed by the stone monster as did Chat as we got squished together. I looked at him with a blush creeping up as he grinned at me awkwardly before we looked away trying to move less so as not to get closer together. Ladybug soon came and used her yoyo to throw Stone monster down getting us freed.
"Animal cruelty? How shameful!"  I grinned at Ladybug's reply as I stood next to her next to a net. "Sorry it took so long, Cat Noir, Lady Fox" I nodded and smiled.
" It's cool, Wonderbug. Now, let's kick his rocky behind!" I sighed and grabbed Chat's tail.
"Hold on, kitty. Didn't you just see? he gets bigger and stronger with every attack."
"Lady Fox is right Chat Noir. We have to do something different"  
"Different how?" Chat asked as he rubbed his tail.
" Uhhh... I don't know." I thought about a plan while Chat noir decided to get cocky.
"Okay then. Let's use our powers. Cataclysm! Apparently I destroy whatever I touch."
"Chat wait-" I tried to stop him before he touched the net. great, that was his last shot. didn't he listen to his kawami? You only get one shot or time to use special powers.
"Cool. It's just you and me now! Time to rumble, soon-to-be rubble!" I face palmed as I sighed.
"Cat Noir! Wait!" Chat Noir either didn't hear or ignored Ladybug as he leaped and touched the stone monster, thinking he could still use his powers. Seems he finally realized that as he kept touching the stone monster.
"Uh-oh. I guess I only get one shot to use my power." Chat Noir smiled sheepishly before Stone Monster threw him back at us as I quickly got out of the way as he landed on the net.
"And you only have five minutes before you transform back. Didn't your kwami explain anything to you?"
"I guess I was a little excited about my new life."  
"Well, up to me. Lucky Charm!" A suit appeared in Ladybug's hands.
" My kwami told me I have to break the object where the whatchama-call-it... er, the Akuma is hiding."  
"Well, he's made entirely out of stone." Chat's right, he is entirely out of stone, I looked closely before noticing something. but his right hand is always shut. earlier when he took me, he avoided holding me and chat in the same hand, and held us both in his left hand. in fact he's been keeping his left hand to himself the entire time, like a Russian doll.
"His right hand, it's still closed. He never opens it. It's like the Russian dolls. The object isn't on him, it's hidden in his fist!" I exclaimed Ladybug caught on and nodded.
"Lady Fox is right"
"So what's your plan?" Chat asked. I smiled and stepped back for Ladybug to do her thing.
"This." Ladybug grabbed the hose under hoe and tied it to the suit. I looked at her as I soon realized what she was going to do and I nodded as she smiled. I turned my staff into a rope as I used to grab around Chat's legs.
"Don't resist. Trust me." I spun and around and threw chat into the stone monster.
"THIS GIRL'S CRAZY!"  Ladybug then ran.
"Catch me if you can!" Ladybug jumped making stone monster drop the item to grab ladybug. "Lady Fox! Now!" I nodded as I used my power.
"Moon Wolf!" I turned invisible so that the stone monster won't be able to try to touch me as I grabbed the item, making it look for it confused as I turned on the tap filling up the suit Ladybug had. letting Ladybug go. Once I was sure she was free, I threw the stone on the groundbreaking it. As we both watched it fly away as the stone monster changed back into a boy, making Chat fall.
"This girl is awesome, Crazy awesome" The broken stone pieces I had in my hand changed back into a paper as I smiled and walked the boy. Chat walked up to me and Ladybug.
"You two were in incredible, Lady Fox, and Miss uh bug lady, you did it!" I shook my head.
"No, We did it"
"Pound it!" We all said with a smile as Chat's ring and my bracelet began to beep.
"You two should get going. Our identities must remain secret."
"Farewell, m'lady. Let's do this again soon, okay?" Chat and I began to run, in the same direction home?
"Um, you live near here?"  I said as we made it to my home.
"Uh yeah" Why isn't he moving, doesn't he have to get home.
"um, shouldn't you get home?"
"What about you? I want to make sure you get home alright"
"No need, I-" My bracelet began to beep making me get nervous. I looked around before I thought out an idea. "Bye!" I ran all the way behind the mansion as I heard his footsteps leave. Strange how we ended up in the same place. I looked to make sure if he was gone before I ran back to my window as I heard my door knock as I changed back. I quickly hid Alpha who seemed tired as I sat on the couch casually.
"Come in!" I saw Adrian as I looked at him surprised. he never really came in my room before, after we became models we rarely have time for each other as we did when we were kids, it was like we were purposely being split apart. "Adrian?"
"Hey, Y/n. Long time since I came in here huh?" Adrian smiled as he laughed a bit making me grin.
"Yeah, I missed seeing you a lot. It's like we've grown apart"
"And now I want us to be together"
"What do you mean?"
"I missed you, and I need my best friend again" I smiled as I patted a spot on the couch for him to sit which he did.
"I missed you too, blondie" Adrian chuckled.
"It feels nice to see you call me that again" I smiled teasingly.
"oh you do? pancake?"
"Okay, now I think you're getting a bit carried away with the nicknames"  
"How so? Goldie locks?"
"Y/n...." We looked at each other before we both ended up laughing. "This time, nobody is ever going to separte us, not even my father"
"Pinky promise?" I stook out my pinky as he chuckled as he locked his pinky with mine.
"Pinky promise"
"Well, we can start with a sleepover later?" Adrian nodded.
"I'll go get my things" I smiled as he walked out. Alpha came out and tired walked over to me.
"Yyyyy/nnnnn!" He whined as I rolled my eyes.
"I want brownies"
"I'll get my chef to bring some" I called in a chef with the com installed in my room as he brought the brownies quickly. I thanked him as I closed the door and gave him the brownies as requested. "Happy?"
"Very" I rolled my eyes as I turned on the TV.
"These victims transformed into stone beings are still like statues. The police are perplexed to what will happen to them. Will they come back to life or be frozen in time forever?
I looked at the TV confused. More stone beings? I thought we defeated it.
"Hey Alpha, I thought we were finished with that guy, why is it still going?"
"Did you capture the Akuma?" He said as he munched on a brownie.
" What's capturing the Akuma got to do with the other stone beings?"
"An Akuma can multiply, that's why it must be captured. If the boy's emotions become negative again, then the Akuma will turn him back into Stoneheart! He'll control all the stone beings and bring them to life to serve as his army!"
"Is there anything I can do about it"
"Well usually Ladybug has to do it, but you can too. You can use your staff as a net and catch all of them. but sadly you can't this time. It's all up to Ladybug."
"I can only come in when it's out of hand huh, well i hope Ladybug is up for it too"
"Me too Y/n, Me too"
(A/n: End of part one of Origins! I hope all my miraculous fans like this chapter!)
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go-gently-please · 6 years
cherry ~ vampire!au (part 2)
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~ pairing: human!BTS x vampire!OC
~ genre: vampire!au, smut, angst, sprinkles of fluff
~ summary: you begin to adjust to life with your seven new human blood bags, pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the transition is going. But good things never last forever, and you discover that controlling yourself is not as easy as you thought.
~ warnings: profanity, blood
~ a/n: this is kind of a filler chapter, i’ll admit. i’m not happy with it, but i’ve rewritten it so many times that i think this is as good as it’s going to get
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (coming soon)
links in masterlist!
You couldn’t remember the last time you were this nervous, which was saying something considering the fact that you were immortal.
The boys were moving in today, and for the last few hours you’d been running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Your apartment was cleaner than it’d been in years. Windows washed, floors shined, every surface wiped clean. Not a spec of dust had survived. Everything was immaculate.
You’d spent what felt like forever preparing all the guest rooms, scrutinizing even the smallest detail. You’d even stayed up all night researching human nutrition so you’d be prepared to properly take care of them.
It was then that you realized all you had in your kitchen was coffee, alcohol, and an unnecessary amount of sweets. You’d immediately gone to the grocery store and bought enough food to feed an army, making sure the fridge was fully stocked with protein, juice, and fresh fruit.
It’d been a few days since you’d met with them at the cafe, and in the meantime you’d been trying to get to know them better.
Most of them were starving artists. That’s how they all knew each other: through art school.
Jimin and Hoseok were dancers, with Jimin studying ballet and contemporary and Hoseok working as a hip hop teacher. You should’ve guessed, they both had the body for it.
Namjoon was a freelance writer, and he made most of his money selling poems and short stories. You could already tell that he was the most intelligent and well-read out of all of them.
Taehyung was a painter. His style immediately intrigued you, colorful and youthful like his personality. You’d already bought three of his paintings. One was hanging in your living room.
Yoongi and Jungkook, the quietest of the group, were trying to make a name for themselves in the music business, Yoongi as a producer and Jungkook as a singer.
Jin was an aspiring model, working gigs here and there. His family had money, but was very conservative, and they’d cast him out after finding out that he was bisexual.
It couldn’t have been easy for them, struggling to pay the bills and stay in their one tiny apartment. Financial instability was often an unfortunate circumstance of pursuing one’s artistic passions.  
But none of that mattered anymore. Now that they were under your care, you planned on spoiling them to no end. You couldn’t help but think about how good Jimin and Yoongi would look in some Chanel, and you couldn’t wait to dress Taehyung up in Gucci.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the doorbell rang.
You hopped up from your spot on the couch, sending your cat flying, and hurried over to the mirror hanging by the door. Fixing your hair, your eyes ran over your reflection. You were dressed more casually today, wearing a cream-colored sweater and jeans.
Staring back at you in the mirror was a mask of exhaustion. Bloodshot eyes, under eye bags, skin drained of color.
You really needed to feed. Your body was starting to deteriorate from the lack of nutrients.
You desperately hoped that your problem would be solved soon; you could practically taste their blood on your tongue, sweet and smooth like a fine wine.
After determining that your appearance was as good as it was going to get, you opened the door.
“Hello!” You were barely able to control your excitement. “Please, come in.”
They all crowded into the room, and what they saw made their jaws drop.
The space was wide and welcoming, definitely bigger than what they’d expected. Everything was sleek and white and expensive-looking.
Directly opposite them was a wall made up of entirely windows. The busy cityscape extended out before them like an ocean. They imagined how beautiful the sunrise would be through a wall of all glass.
The open floor plan allowed them to see the sitting area, kitchen, and office space all at once. The living room area was occupied by a semi-circle of couches gathered around the TV, which was three times the size of the one they used to have.
There was a large table near the glass wall that was covered in scattered papers, stacks of books, dirty coffee mugs, luxury brand lookbooks and magazines.
“Woah.” Hoseok said in awe.
“What? What is it?” You frantically looked around the room, searching for even the tiniest flaw.
Did you forget something? Did you leave out a pair of dirty underwear? Did you leave your favorite vibrator lying around?
“It’s just…your place is so nice.” Taehyung said, looking around with wide eyes.
“Yeah, it looks more like a penthouse than an apartment.” Jin added.
You bent your head to hide a smile.
“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”
They timidly stepped further into the room, their heads swinging back and forth as they looked around. Then, a noise broke the awkward silence.
Everyone whipped around to stare at the source of the sound. Your cat had it’s head poked out from behind the couch, trying to get a peek at the new visitors.
“Who’s this?” Jimin said like he was talking to a baby, squatting down to hold his hand out to the cat.
“Oh, that’s Yuki. She doesn’t really like people, so I wouldn't—”
The cat nuzzled her head into Jimin’s palm, eyes closed, the low rumble of her purring filling up the room.
You trailed off, shocked at her reaction. Yuki wasn’t a people person. Every time you had company over, she flinched away from their touch and hid in your bedroom.
You stared in absolute disbelief as she rolled over to expose her tummy. Jimin’s ringed fingers nearly disappeared in her thick fur.
“I’m guessing you like animals, then?” You asked, chuckling.
Jimin smiled down at the cat as he scratched under her chin.
“Eh, they’re alright.” He said sarcastically.  
You suggested to go get the rest of their bags so you could help carry them up. They led you down the staircase to the lobby where a pile of luggage was waiting.
You approached the largest out of all of them, a big black suitcase, and moved to grab it.
Apparently, Yoongi had the same idea, because you both reached for the handle.
He’d gone straight for the suitcase once they’d gotten downstairs, and you wondered what was in it that was so important to him.
Your hands touched as you moved to take the bag, and Yoongi let out a soft gasp when your fingers brushed his, so quiet that you only heard it because of your attuned vampire senses.
His was so warm. You were suddenly aware of how his entire body was radiating heat, radiating his heavenly aroma. You wanted more than anything to drag your lips across his neck, trace the veins, and sink your teeth into his perfect pale skin.
Resurfacing from your daze, you focused back on his face. You realized that this was one of the first times he’d actually made eye contact with you. He was staring at you intensely, mouth slightly parted as his eyes seemed to pierce straight into the furthest, dustiest corners of your brain.
Oh no, you immediately thought. I freaked him out. He felt how cold I am. He’s probably disgusted. He’s probably horrified.
Yoongi seemed to snap out of it, breaking his gaze to look back at the suitcase.
“I’ll take this one, it’s really heavy.” He said.
You grabbed it before he could, picking it up like it weighed less than a pillow.
“I got it. You know, vampire super strength and all.” You said, picking up three more bags and carrying them with ease. You felt him staring as you walked up the stairs.
“So, there’s only five bedrooms, some of you will have to share.” You said shyly, hoping to God that they would be okay with it.
“Five?” Jin blurted out. You fiddled with the sleeves of your sweater.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Is that going to be too much of a problem?”
“Problem?! That’s more rooms then we had in our whole house!” Jin said.
“Yeah, at our old place we had to share two bedrooms, and we had bunk beds so we would take turns sleeping on the couch because of the odd number.” Hoseok said.
You let out a breath, relieved that they weren’t upset over it.
Honestly, you felt bad for them. From what they’d told you about their lives, they were barely getting by. Jimin was still a full-time student paying off loans. Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook found work wherever they could, and the only way Namjoon and Taehyung made money was if their work sold, which wasn’t always a guarantee.
You couldn’t help but feel like you were taking them under your wing, giving them a better life in a sense. Well, quite literally since they were about to be evicted and homeless.
“Should I give you the tour?” You asked when everything was loaded inside.
They all nodded, eager to look around the impressive space.
“So, downstairs is the living room, kitchen, music room, lounge, and first bathroom. Please make yourselves at home and do whatever you want with the TV. I have an X-box and PlayStation and you’re free to use those too.”
That made Jungkook’s head pop up, ears perked in interest.
They followed you as you ascended up the floating staircase.
“Upstairs has the five guest rooms, my study, two bathrooms (but one of them is connected to my room), and the spare room, but that door’s always locked.”
Before they could ask why, you stopped in front of a row of doors and showed them inside.
Each guest room was as beautiful as the rest of the house. Each contained two queen beds, clean sheets tucked in all neat and tidy, two walk-in closets, and all manners of shelving and cubbies to store their belongings. It was far nicer than their old bedrooms had been.
Jin and Namjoon were already picturing all their collectibles and figurines displayed on the shelves. Jungkook had already picked a designated spot to set up his gaming computer, and Yoongi was eager to lay out all his equipment.
You could tell they were excited, itching to discuss who would get each room, so you decided you would let them get settled.
“Are you guys hungry?” You asked. It was seven o’clock. Humans usually ate around this time, right?
They all nodded vigorously.
“Alright, why don’t you start unpacking while I make dinner.”
The second you were out of earshot, they burst into a fit of chatter.
“I’m rooming with Jungkook!”
“I get the biggest closet!”
“I want a room that doesn’t have to share!”
Of course, what would be considered out of earshot for a human doesn’t apply to vampires, so you heard the whole thing. You giggled at their antics as you walked down the stairs to the kitchen.
As you put the pasta on the stove to boil, your mind started to wander.
You sincerely hoped they would enjoy it here. You wanted to make your home as welcoming as possible, you wanted them to feel comfortable.
The incessant growling of your stomach interrupted your thoughts. You sighed, looking down at the your hands, the skin turning ashy in color as the veins bulged. It wouldn’t be long before your eyes started turning red. Your hair would streak gray and your lips would turn dry and cracked. You would slowly start to look more and more like a corpse until you fed.
It had to be soon. You didn’t want to scare them with your lifeless appearance.
But how were you supposed to ask? They were just starting to settle in, the atmosphere was still filled with tension. You didn’t want to make them feel pressured by asking so early, that might scare them away. No, you were going to have to wait for one of them to initiate it.
The smell of the pasta sauce simmering in the pan did nothing to curb your appetite. You could eat regular food, you could appreciate the taste, but it had no nutritional value, and it did nothing to satisfy your raging hunger, especially now.
You perked up when you heard movement in the hall. Footsteps started to patter down the staircase.
The boys all filed into the dinning area, their eyes landing on the table that was already loaded with food.
“Take a seat, boys. I’m almost finished.” You said as you drained the noodles. They all sat at the dinning room table, muttering to themselves about how quickly you had gotten everything together.
You set down the pot of steaming pasta, the scent wafting into their faces, next to the basket of rolls. They started to dig in, and you giggled at their shocked faces when you proceeded to open a wine bottle with your bare hands.
You sat there, practically chugging your wine as they ate, hoping that the alcohol would help to satiate you. How lucky they were that they could silence their hunger so easily.
“You really didn’t have to go through so much trouble for us.” Namjoon said as you topped off your first glass.
You smiled at him.
“It was my pleasure! I want to make sure you are as happy as possible here.”
Namjoon smiled back at you, and you almost melted when you saw his adorable dimples.
“Thank you. We are very grateful for your hospitality.” He said.
He was the leader figure of the group, you could tell. He always acted polite and respectful, and his intelligence seemed to ooze out of all of his mannerisms.
By the time they’d finished eating, you’d polished off two more glasses. You were getting more and more agitated. Just watching them made your stomach growl.
You could smell each of them distinctly.
Jin was mature and flavorful, complex but smooth. Yoongi was savory, musky. His blood would compliment anything. Hoseok was bold. His scent was almost overpowering. You could already tell he had the strongest taste out of them all. Namjoon was rich and alluring, he’d pair well with chocolate and fruit. Jimin was the sweet one, you were already craving him. Taehyung…oh, Taehyung. You couldn’t wait to get your hands on him. He was so decadent, he’d have no problem satisfying you. And last but not least, Jungkook. He was light and fresh, but definitely packed a punch, there was an undeniable tang in the scent his blood.
“Um, Charlie?”
You blinked, refocusing on the situation at hand. It was Jimin who had spoken.
“Are you alright? You look a little…are you feeling okay?” He was studying the way you were licking your lips over and over again, how your eyes were clouding over.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little…hungry.” You said it before you could think about how they would react.
They all looked at each other.
Shit. I shouldn’t of said that.
“Uhh…I’m gonna get started on the dishes, excuse me.” You stammered out. The chair screeched as you jumped to you feet. You started to flee to the kitchen, but one of them stopped you.
“If you’re hungry, we can help you with that.” Yoongi said.
Your head snapped around to stare at him. Was that Yoongi who had spoken? Yoongi, the one who’s only looked me in the eye once this entire time? The one who’s probably scared shitless of me?
“You’d be willing to do that?” Your mouth was already watering.
Yoongi cracked a gentle smile, and oh my god you almost pounced on him.
“That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?” He said.
Looking around, you could see that they were all staring.
You didn’t know, but they were all itching for an experience with you, for you to suck their blood and give them the high that Jimin had been talking about ever since you first drank from him.
You swallowed hard, trying to control yourself.
“Okay, just let me clear the table.”
With shaking hands, you loaded all the plates into the sink and worked to slow your breathing, which was rapid with excitement.
Finally, finally, you would be able to feed. This would be the first meal you had in days.
They were all waiting anxiously in the living room when you finished, fidgeting in their spots on the couch. You took the seat between Yoongi and Jin.
“So, who’s it gonna be?” You said, breaking the silence.
Without hesitation, Yoongi rolled up the sleeve of his white button-up and bared his wrist to you, looking right into your eyes as he did it.
Everyone, including you, was shocked at his boldness. Yoongi was quiet normally, and he’d been especially shy with you.
This showed just how eager he was.
Back when everyone was getting their bags, Yoongi had gone straight for his equipment. It was in a big black suitcase that was heavy enough to make him struggle every time he carried it.
When your hand had touched his, Yoongi remembered feeling electricity shoot through him. Your skin had been cool and incredibly smooth, he wanted nothing more than to reach out and interlace your fingers with his.
It must’ve had something to do with the natural allure that all vampires had, all those pheromones and chemicals they released that were designed to attract humans, but it was safe to say that he was successfully ensnared.
You took hold of his arm as you drew him closer.
“If you want me to stop, just say “cherry.” Okay?” You asked.
Yoongi nodded. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
Light as a feather, your lips grazed along the inside of his wrist. You could feel his pulse pounding through his skin.
“I still need your permission, love.” You said quietly.
Yoongi’s breath was shaky as he wet his lips to speak.
“Drink from me.”
He shivered when he felt you smile against him. And then you were drawing your lips back and sinking your teeth into his skin.
The first thing he did was wince. You reached down to give his knee a reassuring squeeze.  
Then he sighed and sank back against the seat as the endorphins washed over him. Gripping him tighter, you started to draw the warm, fragrant liquid from his veins.
He was even more delicious than you had anticipated. His taste was sharp and pleasantly tart. You gripped his arm with both hands as your fangs pierced deeper.
Yoongi’s eyes were closed as his chest rapidly rose and fell. His mouth was slightly ajar as he drew in quick breaths.
You closed your eyes and moaned with your lips firmly attached to his skin. You couldn’t have asked for a better meal.
“Harder.” Yoongi muttered, eyes still squeezed shut.
You were happy to oblige. Digging your nails into his arm, you willed your fangs to grow longer, sharper.
“Ahhh…” Yoongi groaned from deep in his throat. “Ahh fuuuck…”
That’s it, sweetheart, you thought. Give in to me.
Sweat started to bead on Yoongi’s forehead. His black hair stuck to the damp skin, hanging in front of his eyes, which were still tightly closed. His unoccupied hand gripped the edge of his seat.
He sucked in a breath through his teeth when you started to sweep your tongue over his skin.
Aww, look how sensitive he is. What a sweet little thing.
Even though your jaw was clamped around his wrist, you smiled.
Yoongi shivered, letting out a wobbly sigh.
Before you could take it too far, you ripped yourself away from him.
His eyes stayed closed for a few seconds, still in a daze, before he opened them and looked at you with wide kitten eyes. His chest was heaving like he had just finished running.
“You alright, darling?” You asked, sweeping the sweaty mess of hair from his eyes.
He just nodded wordlessly.
You smiled at him and took up his wrist again. Bringing it to your lips, you licked away any remaining droplets of blood and licked at the wound so there would be no bruising left behind. It’d be a shame to mark up such a beautiful set of hands.
For the first time in several minutes, you were aware of the other boys presence in the room. They were staring at the both of you with blown-out eyes, darkened with an emotion you couldn’t name.
Jin’s ears were bright red, as well as Jungkook’s cheeks and the entirety of Hoseok’s face.
Jimin had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. His cute plump cheeks were tinted a pretty shade of pink.
Taehyung’s mouth was hanging slightly open in slack-jawed ‘o’ position, and Namjoon was sitting there like he’d just watched one of those sex-ed videos from middle school of a woman giving birth.
Hoseok was the first one to break the silence.
“I-Is…is that enough…for you?” He asked after clearing his throat.
You turned to look at them, eyes running over their anxious faces. They wanted to know if you wanted more.
“Taehyung.” You said.
He immediately looked at you with wide, hopeful eyes.
You gestured him over, and he quickly planted himself in the seat next to you.
To everyone’s surprise, you moved to straddle him. You yanked his shirt open to expose his gorgeous collarbones, running the tip of your finger over the golden skin of his chest.
Taehyung looked up at you with an expression that could’ve easily been mistaken for fear, but in reality he was exhilarated, hanging onto your every action as he waited for your next move.
You loved this. Having seven beautiful men, all of them considered out of your league, wrapped around your finger. You felt drunk with power.
You smiled that wicked smile of yours, leaning towards him to let your breath tickle the goosebumps that had risen all over his skin.
“May I?” You asked.
He nodded furiously. You raised an eyebrow at his lack of words.
“Yes. Please, drink from me.” His low voice rumbled in his chest.
That sly grin stayed plastered to your face as you lowered yourself over his body and pressed your mouth to the juncture of his shoulder. Your lips grazed over the elegant curve so lightly that it made Taehyung shudder.
The next thing he knew, your fangs were lodged deep in his neck. He let out a deep growl that made your stomach flip.
A burst of flavor hit your tongue as you gripped his biceps, keeping him in place. One of his hands was clenched around your waist, while the other was on the small of your back, pulling you closer.
You hummed to yourself contently as you felt his luscious taste fill your mouth.
Taehyung’s deep voice was making you weak. He kept moaning and groaning in that low timbre, sending vibrations through his chest and straight into your body.
Your hand snaked its way into his hair and tugged his head to the side, giving you better access to the veins criss-crossing his throat.
“Nngh…” Taehyung squirmed underneath you.
Massaging his scalp, you increased your pace. The more stimulation humans got, the better it felt.
“Yes, yes…faster.” He mumbled.
Your hand slid out of his hair and down the side of his neck to trace the curve of his clavicle.
Once you were satisfied, you pulled away from him, licking the side of your lips. You rolled off of his legs and slouched against the couch cushions. Leaning your head back with closed eyes, you sighed deeply.
“Thank you.” You said as you felt the dull ache in your stomach fade.
The room was silent as you caught your breath.
Once you’d come down from your high, you opened your eyes and stood up, making your way over to the kitchen. You fetched two juice boxes and tossed one to Yoongi and Taehyung.
“If it starts bleeding again let me know, but you should be fine.” You said.
The two of them nodded with their lips wrapped around the thin straws. You held back the urge to chuckle at how adorable they looked, like two children following strict orders from their mother.
The burst of energy left you with a sense of newfound confidence in the whole situation.
Maybe this could really work out, you thought as you brimmed with optimism.
…I don’t have to be alone anymore.
You looked up at the group of men, all seated in your living room, every single one of them willing and eager to fulfill your every need.
You smiled to yourself. Yes, this will work. You would make it work. How hard could it be?
“Get your lazy asses out of bed and come eat breakfast!” Your voice carried through the whole apartment.
“I’m right here! Why are you shouting?!” Jimin said from his position on the barstool across from you. His hair, still wet from the shower, made him look like a blond hedgehog.
“Sorry.” You said, pushing over a bowl of oatmeal.
Bare feet padded down the stairs. Jungkook trudged into the kitchen and plopped down at the bar next to Jimin, rubbing his tired eyes.
“M’rning…” He mumbled.
“Morning.” You set out an assortment of buttered toast, eggs, fresh fruit, and yogurt with granola.
Yoongi dragged himself into the room, looking just as tired as Jungkook. He took one of the three cups of coffee that you’d already poured, and sipped it with his eyes closed.
“Why do you insist on making breakfast so early?” He whined.
“Because I have to leave early for work and I need to make sure that you all eat.” You replied as you stirred creamer into a travel mug.
“We do eat.” Taehyung insisted as he entered the room in his matching polka dot pajama set.
You looked at him through your eyebrows.
“I need to make sure you eat something that has nutritional value.”
He didn’t have an answer for that.
“Goooood morning!” Jin said cheerfully as he skipped over to the counter.
Everyone groaned simultaneously. Jin shot them a disgusted look.
“Who woke you up with a fucking suppository?” He snapped as he took the second cup of coffee.
“Charlie.” Yoongi said accusingly.
“You guys are babies. I’ve been up since four.” You said.
“You don’t sleep!” Jungkook interjected.
You puckered your lips in a defeated expression, then grabbed your to-go cup and moved towards the front door, your heels clacking loudly.
You took one last look in the mirror. Hair pulled back, pressed white button-up, tight black pants.
You grabbed your bag from its hook and tossed it over your shoulder.
“I’m leaving for work!” You called out to the boys.
They all responded with a chorus of goodbyes, wishing you a good day.
“Wait! Charlie, are you hungry?” Taehyung asked, holding out his bare wrist.
“I’ll be good for a while. Thank you, Tae.”
He flashed you a boxy grin, and you walked out into the hall and closed the door behind you.
It had been surprisingly easy getting used to their presence in your home. They were all relatively easy to get along with, despite their different personalities, and you found their company very enjoyable. Even though it'd only been two weeks, it felt like they been living with you for months.
Sucking their blood quickly familiarized you with their habits and preferences. You knew who was masochistic (Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi) and who was sadistic (Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok). You knew who liked it rough (Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi) and who liked it soft (Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook).
Things were looking good. There was no tension, no problems that came with the new living situation. None of the problems you'd expected to present themselves were apparent.
But good things never last.
The first incident occurred on a busy Monday afternoon. You were having a difficult day at work. Deadlines were looming, stress levels were high, and coffee was being consumed in unhealthy amounts.
“Charlie, here are those reports you wanted.” Your secretary plopped a stack of papers on your desk.
You sighed and rubbed your temples.
“Thank you, Melody.” You said, exhaustion heavy in your voice.
“Are you alright?” She put a warm hand on your shoulder.
Her scent flooded your nose. You hadn't fed in a few days, and you were starting to feel the side effects.
She was cute, with plump pink lips and warm doe eyes that screamed innocence. You may or may not have checked her out a few times.
You drew in a long, slow breath, trying to control the sudden urge to pin her against the wall and wrap your hand around that pale, delicate neck of hers.
“Yeah, I'm good. Just tired.” You said once you'd willed your fangs to stay put.
She smiled at you.
“Try not to work too hard, boss.” She gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
“I'll get you a cup of coffee, okay?” She said.
You nodded as you felt your tense muscles start to relax. Melody always knew what you needed.
“With cream and tw—”
“Two sugars, I know.” She grinned as she disappeared through your office door.
You sank down in your desk chair with a groan. You couldn’t wait to go home and feed.
The rest of the day crawled by at a snail’s pace. By the time you dragged yourself through the front door of your apartment, you were ready to gouge your eyes out.
Instead of the silence you were used to, you were greeted with pleasant chatter and sounds of movement. That was another good thing about the boys arrival, you always came home to company instead of solitude.
Crossing the threshold, you hung up your coat and dropped your bag.
Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on the floor in front of the TV, locked in a fierce gaming battle. Jin was in the kitchen wreaking havoc.
“How are you so bad at this? I’m playing with my eyes closed!” Jungkook teased.
“You’ve played this before! This is my first time!” Taehyung shot back.
Jungkook poked his tongue out at him and Taehyung snatched his controller, holding it out of his reach.
“Hey! Give it back!”
Hoseok walked over to them and grabbed them both by the ear.
“Would you two stop acting like children.” He scolded, pulling them apart with a sharp tug.
“Ow! Hobi, let go!”
“He’s being a sore loser!”
“What are you two heathens up to now?” You called, gaining their attention.
At the sound of your voice, everyone perked up.
“Charlie, you’re back!” Jungkook said in delight.
You beamed at his cute bunny smile.
“Do you guys know where Jimin is?” You asked.
“Probably in his room.” Taehyung said as he focused back on the TV.
Your excitement grew with every step up the stairs. Jimin would be just what you needed, something sweet to satisfy your cravings.
You tapped softly on the door.
“Come in.”
He was sitting at his desk with his headphones in. His face lit up when he saw that it was you.
“Hey.” He said, eyes crinkling as he smiled.
“Hey.” You went inside and closed the door behind you. Jimin’s increasing heartbeat was fully detectable by your sensitive ears.
“You busy?” You asked.
“No. What do you need?” His eyes were wide and hopeful.
You looked down at the floor, fidgeting with your hands. No matter how many times you did it, you still felt slightly embarrassed to ask.
“...I’m hungry.” You said quietly.
Jimin’s cheeks bloomed in a faint blush. He shyly looked at his feet.
“Okay.” He stood up and sat on the bed, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.
You approached him slowly, trying to build up your confidence.
Jimin gulped as you moved to sit on his lap, legs on either side of his torso. His eyes were locked on your face as you brushed his shirt collar aside.
Licking your lips, you leaned over him and pressed your mouth to the hollow of his throat. He moaned softly when your fangs penetrated.
You hummed against him when his overwhelming sweetness met your tongue. Compared to some of the other boys, with their hearty, salty flavors, Jimin was such a nice treat.
Gulp after gulp, you swallowed him down.
“Yes...oh, yes...Charlie—ah.” Jimin’s voice was high and breathy as he stuttered between gasps.
You always tried to ignore how worked up they got. Yes, you were fully aware that it felt good to humans, you were perfectly knowledgeable about the orgasmic feelings of pleasure that came with feeding, but you couldn’t help but feel that sometimes they took it too far.
You saw the way they all looked at you, you noticed just how nervous you made them, but it wasn’t uncommon for humans to become unnecessarily attached to the ones feeding on them. It came with the intimacy of the relationship. Feeding was such an intense experience, they associated the source of their pleasure with the one giving it to them: you.
It happened with a lot of vampires and their suppliers, you’d witnessed it too many times. The human would get overly attached, often initiating romantic or sexual feelings.
But it wasn’t genuine. It wasn’t real.
Vampires were predators. They were designed to lure and ensnare their prey.
The only reason any of them felt anything towards you was because you could give them what they wanted. They weren’t attracted to you, they were attracted to all the chemicals your body was expelling in order to catch your food.
That was the only reason why seven men, all incredibly out of your league, would ever be interested in you.
It was never a good idea to be romantically involved with your supplier. Every vampire knew that. It was messy, complicated, and always ended badly. Plus, how could anybody ever feel good about themselves in a relationship where one half was only in it because they were practically hypnotized?
You shifted uncomfortably as Jimin started to writhe and wriggle in ecstasy. His hands gripped your thighs on either side of him and squeezed.
“P-Please...please, more—ah, more...”
He sounded so sweet and desperate that you just couldn’t say no to him.
Obliging his request, you did something you knew he liked: you grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged.
He practically squealed.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t a good idea, you thought. Now he’s only going to get more excited.
Then something really bad happened.
You felt a very prominent, very noticeable bulge against your crotch.
Oh, shit. I shouldn’t have sat on his lap.
Jimin grabbed your waist and started to grind his hips into yours.
“Mmm mmph...” He moaned. “Mm...Jagiya.”
You froze.
You knew they were from Korea despite them speaking perfect English. Some of them had started calling you “Noona,” and when you asked Jin about it he explained that it was an honorific. When you asked him about some other words in Korean, he told you. Jagiya was one of them.
You scrambled off Jimin’s lap. He stared at you with big, confused eyes that made him look like a puppy that had just been scolded.
“What? What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Uh, nothing, I just have to...I have to do something.” You hurried towards the door and left him sitting there staring after you.
Fleeing to the safety of your bedroom, you slammed the door and leaned against it, sighing deeply with closed eyes.
What have I gotten myself into?
a/n: eh, like i said not the best chapter. it’s going to get better trust me! pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tell me what you think! what do you think will happen next? what kind of “complications” do you think our OC will encounter?
@rainbow-pandacorn @boononx @vannilacake
if you want to be tagged just let me know (✿◠‿◠)
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anistarrose · 5 years
To See The Unseen - Ch. 3 (Gravity Falls)
Summary: Mabel and Pacifica both receive visits from ghosts with very different intentions.
Warnings: nightmares, brief canon-typical violence, descriptions of a hospital room
AO3: archiveofourown.org/works/20884673/chapters/50274419
This is starting to look more like a five-chapter fic because I got an idea for an epilogue, so stay tuned for two more parts after this one!
Truth be told, Stan had thought that entering Mabel’s dreams would be harder. He wasn’t sure if he’d been expecting her to resist, or simply that it would’ve taken more concentration on his part — but in reality, all he had to do was blink, and when he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by vivid colors and funny animals.
It frightened him the more he thought about it, knowing that it was probably this easy for Bill too, and that this was all the effort it took for him to enter someone’s mind with his surely less-than-benevolent intentions. Stan hoped that Bill wasn’t watching him now and getting any ideas — because at the end of the day, the threat of his family being tormented scared Stan more than imprisonment in a mirror ever would. It didn’t seem like that realization had occurred to Bill yet, but there was no telling what he might do if he noticed Stan poking around in Mabel’s dreams…
But there wasn’t much Stan could do about that now, other than try and get in and out of here as quickly as possible.
“Mabel?” he called, stepping over a sleeping Ducktective as he surveyed the area. “You in here, pumpkin?”
A sickeningly neon young man, who Stan recognized from one of Mabel’s favorite direct-to-VHS 80’s cartoon movies, stuck his head out of a nearby bounce house and blinked a few times, tilting his head like a confused puppy.
“Hey dude, you look suspiciously not-radical! You’re not from ‘round here, are you? What do you want from us?”
Stan held up his hands. “Look, I’m just trying to talk to my niece. Trust me, I know exactly how weird this is, and I don’t like it either! I don’t want to be invading her dreams, and I definitely didn’t mean to get turned into a ghost —”
“Oh! You’re from the real world, aren’t you? That would make more sense.”
“Uh, yeah? Where else would I be from?”
The dream boy lowered his voice to a whisper. “Mabel has other dreams besides us sometimes — hard to believe, I know. But those dreams… they’re pretty different from us. We don’t really vibe with them, if you know what I mean, so we keep our difference — or at least, we try to, but they still sneak in here sometimes. More often than usual, lately.”
“Well, that’s ominous,” Stan muttered. “Mabel wouldn’t happen to be with those… those other dreams now, would she?”
The dream boy shrugged. “I dunno, man. Why don’t you follow her footprints and find out?”
“Footprints?” Stan looked down, and sure enough, a set of tracks was visible in the golden, crystalline sand beneath his feet. The imprints were too small to be from his own dress shoes, but just the right size and shape to have been left by Mabel’s sneakers. “Oh, those prints. Thanks for the tip, uh… which one are you again? Xyler or Craz?”
“Even I don’t know, bro! What even is the self, when the only reality I’ve ever known is just a series of another being’s fleeting dreams? David Hume postulated that —”
“Alrighty then, I’m gonna go find Mabel now.” As the dream boy grew preoccupied with quoting dead philosophers, Stan set off in the direction of the footprints — following them down the hill, past a group of sledding stuffed animals, and into a forest of lava lamps. Mabel had taken a winding and haphazard path, doubling back on herself a few times, and Stan got the feeling she’d been more or less sleepwalking, without any specific goal in mind.
He exited the forest to find himself standing on a beach, where the yellow sand fizzed and popped like crystalline candy where it met the waves of a deep pink ocean. The view overhead was as clear as could be, with countless fantastical constellations animating and chasing each other across the dark purple sky, and the whole place smelled of sugar and artificial fruit flavorings.
But the whole coast was barren of life except for Mabel’s footsteps, which led directly into the water.
“Mabel?” Stan called. “Can you hear me?”
No response.
Maybe his voice was still as silent to her ears as it had been in the real world. Maybe she wouldn’t be able to hear him even if he found her.
But he couldn’t just give up now. He followed in Mabel’s footsteps towards the fizzing boundary between crystals and ocean, pinching his nose as the smell intensified, and then stepped in.
Instantly, he realized it wasn’t water. It was more like syrup, sticky and viscous and sickly-sweet, and the receding waves tugged him forwards until he was in up to his knees before he knew it. But he had a better view at what lay beneath the surface now, and he could make out a small, blurry light source illuminating the ocean from below — yellow and five-pointed, like the shooting star on Mabel’s favorite sweater.
“Is that you, sweetie? Can you hear me?”
He was up to his waist now, then to his shoulders. He stood on his tiptoes as the ocean floor slowly dissolved beneath him. Instinctively, he knew he still had a chance to struggle free and escape the dream, but with each wave that passed by him, he only grew only more and more determined that he wasn’t going to leave.
“Hang tight, Mabel. I’m coming.” He took a deep breath, and dove beneath the surface.
Surrounded by dense liquid and fizzing bubbles, it was difficult to see and even more difficult to move — but Stan imagined himself sinking towards the light, and sure enough, some force propelled him downwards. He always had been good at manipulating what happened in his own lucid dreams, and it was reassuring to know that the talent had carried over to Mabel’s dreams too.
The star was coming into clearer focus, and Stan extended an arm towards it, only to hit something solid that collapsed beneath the force of his touch. The dark purple seafloor began to crumble away, revealing an even darker chasm below in which the star still floated, and a whirlpool swirled into existence around it, catching Stan in its vortex and pulling him in —
He crashed through the earthen roof of a room he didn’t recognize, nearly hitting his head against a boulder as a deluge of water carried him down the tunnel. It took him a few seconds to come to his senses, but when he did, he instantly recognized the voice he heard echoing from within the next room:
“Take that! And that, you shapeshifting jerk!”
“Mabel!” Stan broke into a frantic run, hurtling around the corner —
He saw an alien, insectoid monster with bulging red eyes swing its claw-like arm towards Mabel, but she darted out of the way and clocked it on the head with a piece of pipe. It collapsed like a rag doll the second she struck it, toppling to the ground and slowly shrinking until it resembled…
“No,” Mabel whispered, “no, no, no…”
The shapeshifter, now in the form of Stan’s unconscious body in his hospital gown, heaved out one last breath before lying very still as Mabel rushed to its side.
“Grunkle Stan, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! You’re going to be okay, you have to be okay, I didn’t mean to —”
“Mabel!” Stan rushed to her side and gently pulled her away by her shoulders, lifting her up and wrapping her in a hug. “It’s okay, sweetie. That guy’s just a nightmare — the real me is right here with you, and I’m okay, I promise.”
“What?” Mabel had instinctively buried her face in the shoulder of Stan’s suit as she cried, but she looked up now, a realization beginning to dawn on her. “Grunkle Stan? Why are you… glowing blue?”
“I had a little accident,” Stan admitted, “but you and me and your brother are all gonna fix it together. I know we can.”
He set her down on the ground, and snapped his fingers in the direction of the shapeshifter’s body, which promptly dissolved into a swarm of swarm of blue fireflies that took off through the bunker. “That’s better. Having to look at that guy was no fun, was it?”
Mabel rubbed her eyes. “Am I dreaming?”
“No! Well, yeah, but this is the real me you’re talking to — and you’ve gotta bear with me here, you can’t wake up just yet. There’s a lot I still need to tell you!”
“What happened to you? How are you unconscious in real life, but also in my dreams?”
“I… found a cursed artifact. Like, really, really cursed — it looked just like a fancy compact mirror, but it pulled my soul out of my body… hey, you know what? Let me ask you a weird question: you know Bill Cipher, right?”
Mabel immediately tensed up. “He did this to you?!”
“Not quite,” Stan corrected her. “I did this to myself — just me and my recklessness, all on our own — but Bill stopped by a while ago to tell me how the mirror worked.”
He held out a hand and concentrated, summoning an image of the mirror much like Bill had earlier, as he gave Mabel the condensed version of what had happened to him and everything he’d learned from Bill. He left out the bits about Ford and the portal, as well as the detail about how a new person scrying should in theory release him — he didn’t want the kids getting any dumb ideas. He didn’t want them trying what he’d do if their roles were reversed.
“He said that once it’s been twenty-four hours since I used the mirror — so at about eleven PM tonight, I guess — I’ll be trapped inside the portrait forever.” Mabel gasped, and he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Bill said he could get me out, but only if I do him a favor — which I’m never going to do. Not after everything he’s done to my family. I’m not taking his deal.”
“But you can’t just give up!” Mabel told him, grabbing him by the lapels of his suit and shaking him with surprising force. “We need you back here with us, Grunkle Stan!”
“I’m not giving up. I never will — we’ve got that in common, all of us Pines.” Stan smiled, despite himself. “There’s only one time I’ve ever given up in my life, and that was when Gideon took the Shack — but you know how that turned out. You and Dipper saved the day, and proved me wrong.” He patted Mabel on the head, mussing up her hair. “And now I know better than to lose hope ever again.”
“But how will you get back in your body all on your own? Do you have a plan?”
“Not really,” Stan admitted. “Not yet. But I know the type of guy Bill is, and I know how he works. He’s just a big old liar, and he’s not always as good at it as he thinks he is. He’ll make it sound like I’m doomed without his help, but odds are, there’s a loophole somewhere that I can use to escape all on my own. We just need to get the mirror back from the Northwests, so you and Dipper can take a look at it and put his nerd brain, my scam artist brain, and your creative brain together to figure this thing out.”
Mabel took him by the hands. “And if we can’t find a loophole in time?”
“I do have a Plan B, if it comes down to it. There’s definitely a reason why it’s not Plan A, but… it’s always there in case we need it.”
Mabel stared into his eyes, tightening her grip on his hands. “Promise me you won’t do anything risky, Grunkle Stan? We’ve all been really worried about you — Dipper and Wendy and Soos and I…”
“I’m not leaving you, kiddo. Promise.”
Mabel hugged him. “Good.”
Her arms began to flicker, as did Stan’s, and the dream slowly faded to white.
“I can’t talk to you when you’re awake, so you’re going to have to get the others caught up. But I’ll see you again soon, don’t worry.”
He blinked, and found himself floating in the hospital room again, watching Mabel wake up and rub her eyes.
“Hey, Mabel,” Soos said glumly. He looked more exhausted than Stan had ever seen him, even on the days he’d tried to come into work sick. “There haven’t been any updates…”
“You guys, I had an idea!” Dipper practically kicked the door open as he barged back into the room, and Mabel jumped.
“We could use the mindscape spell to find Stan’s memory of how he got knocked unconscious! And if those memories work anything like the way they did last time we were in his mind, we might even be able to communicate directly — Mabel, what’s so funny? This is a serious idea —”
Mabel snickered as she shook her head it Dipper. “You’re right, it is a good idea — but the thing is, Stan kinda already beat you to it.”
The hospital room’s quietly ticking clock read 12:15 PM when Mabel finally finished catching the others up on what Stan had told her through her dream.
“You said the Northwests have the mirror now?” Dipper asked.
“Yeah, Stan saw Pacifica take it back to their mansion.”
“The Northwests would never willingly let us take something valuable they owned even if they had two hundred extras,” Wendy declared. “I vote we break in and steal it.”
Mabel gasped. “Okay, Pacifica may be a rich one-dimensional jerk, but she’s not a murderer! If we told her our grunkle’s life was in jeopardy, I’m sure she’d help us!”
“Break in anyway,” Stan told them. “Why are you passing up a morally justifiable chance to do crime?”
“You’re probably right, but I’m not betting Stan’s life on a spoiled rich kid’s moral compass,” Dipper told Mabel. “And even if she does want to help, there’s no guarantee her parents would go along with it.”
“I saw on the news the other day that her parents are out of town for the weekend,” Soos spoke up. “Took a big helicopter and everything.”
“Oh, that explains why they haven’t thrown a hissy fit yet about how the Nathaniel Northwest statue from the town square got stolen last night,” Wendy said. “The second they see it’s gone, they’ll probably sue the city for ruining their family’s image or something.”
Stan groaned. “We have eleven hours! Eleven hours, and you’re on track to spend all of them just sitting here torturing me by exchanging Northwest gossip!”
Dipper flipped through Journal 3. “The Author was no fan of the Northwests. I wonder if he left any blackmail material on them that we haven’t exhausted yet…”
Ford. The realization hit Stan like a truck. I’ve been stuck as a ghost for half the day and I haven’t even tried to do the thing I wanted the mirror for in the first place. I haven’t tried to find Ford!
The kids continued talking amongst themselves, though most of their words went in one of Stan’s ears and out the other.
They’ll be at this for a while — I’ve got time. I made it into Mabel’s dreams, how hard can it be to do the same thing with my own twin? I can do this. I can finally see him again…
The voices and other ambient sounds of the hospital faded as he concentrated on his brother’s face, and reached out into unfamiliar expanse of the multiverse.
“Here’s what I don’t get, Grandpa. Can I call you Grandpa? ‘Great-Great-Grandfather’ takes too long to say.”
Cracks formed at the statue’s shoulder and elbows as Nathaniel repositioned his stone arms into a shrug. Why not?
“Why did you only come back to haunt us now? You died almost a hundred and forty years ago, from that riding accident —”
Nathaniel’s eyes flashed orange, and wisps of smoke began to snake out from between the cracks in the statue. Riding accident? Is that what they told you? Well, it certainly did happen at the stables…
“...It didn’t have anything to do with the horses there, did it?” Pacifica realized out loud. “It was the mirror!”
Tell me, granddaughter: what else do the history books say about me? Do they talk about my discoveries in the field of the occult?
Pacifica shook her head.
Of course they don’t! Nathaniel roared. My own two children, Felicity and Eli, disapproved of my study of the monstrous. They thought our influence as Northwests should only extend to the mundane — and so, as I aged and they took more control of the family fortune for themselves, they conspired against me to hide my discoveries from the public! I was a nineteenth-century wizard, Pacifica, and they thought I was insane! I could’ve extended the Northwest’s influence to a whole new society of supernatural beings, but they called me a crazy old man and hired servants to keep me far away from the woods of Gravity Falls!
“That’s horrible! You had a vision, and they stifled it!”
It was horrible indeed, Nathaniel agreed, but the worst betrayal was yet to come.
He gestured to the lantern Pacifica had brought on her ride last night, which was now resting on her bedside table. I see you found my old lantern — did you know that with just a tiny tuft of animal hair added to the oil, it gains the power to illuminate ghosts? I developed that spell myself!
“Really? I didn’t even know this lantern was yours — you must be some kind of genius to develop that spell on your own!”
I certainly am, and it brings me no small amount of joy to see a member of my own line finally appreciating my work! One day when my overbearing children were out of town, I used that lantern to follow several spirits through the forest and out to the farthest reaches of the town, where I discovered a cave —
His voice lowered to a growl. And inside that cave, I found the beast.
The smoke escaping from his ghostly form condensed into a triangular shape, which Nathaniel smashed between two stone fists. Though at the time, I called him my Muse — I had a great many questions, and he had answers. For several months, I made discovery after discovery — capturing new anomalies for scientific analysis, charting the woods and the cave systems…
“But he turned on you too, didn’t he?”
At first, it was just simple disagreements. Different priorities. He wanted us to study other worlds, but I thought Gravity Falls still had untapped potential! More territory to annex, more undocumented supernatural residents to charge rent for their use of our lands — do you have any idea how rich unicorns are? They practically frolick in fields of golden coins! My Muse grew impatient with me, refusing to answer any of my questions that didn’t relate to gates between worlds, but I kept summoning him. Who did he think he was, withholding information from me? From Nathaniel Northwest?!
A hand made of smoke extended from the statue, taking hold of the mirror. But when I told him as much, my Muse not only ‘apologized,’ but in his infinite wisdom, suggested a ‘solution.’ He admitted that he was disinterested in my current work, but helped me create a device that would make me just as all-seeing as he was, so I could continue my research all on my own. And for twenty-four hours… the mirror worked like a charm. I was omniscient.
He flipped open the mirror to reveal the current picture — depicting a gray-haired man in a familiar suit and tie, still lacking facial features. But when my portrait was completed, I was trapped. I couldn’t see anything, least of all my mortal body. My power only grew over my years of imprisonment, and I transformed from a ghost that couldn’t touch the physical world into this powerful specter you see now, but in a cruel twist of fate, I couldn’t leave the mirror to do anything with that power.
Pacifica squinted at the current portrait. “Hang on. Is that…”
Be careful, granddaughter. Stare into the mirror with the intent to scry, and you’ll be trapped yourself. Nathaniel snapped the mirror shut.
The isolation wasn’t even the worst part, he went on. No, the worst part was thirty-two years ago, when I glimpsed freedom! A foolish young researcher was snooping on Northwest property and found my reflective prison, attempting to scry and freeing me in the process — but as it turned out, he was my Muse’s new pupil. His more useful pupil. And so that beast cast a spell over the mirror he’d instructed me to create, freeing his current pawn and trapping me back inside!
“But what did he and his new pawn end up doing? You mentioned something about other worlds — was he some kind of alien?”
If you haven’t seen the result of the beast’s plans all these years later, then he surely failed, Nathaniel mused. Good for him. I can concentrate on extending the family business to the supernatural market, and finally prove my children wrong!
He rubbed his chin. Though at least they managed to insert me in all the history books as town founder, earning me the posthumous respect I deserve! And commissioned a mighty fine statue to commemorate me, at that —
“Actually, Grandpa,” Pacifica interrupted, “most of the town knows you weren’t the founder, as of last Pioneer Day.”
They WHAT?
“Yeah, uh… a couple of kids my age, Dipper and Mabel Pines, dug up some top secret Quentin Trembley documents. Dipper especially made a big deal about rubbing it in my face and telling as many people as possible.”
A tiny bit of stone from one of the statue’s eyes liquified, dropping to the ground and hissing as it struck the floor.
Well then, Nathaniel murmured, I’ll have to let those meddling Pines children know that that’s unacceptable.
“I’m gonna stay here,” Soos told the others as they prepared to set off for Northwest Mansion. He pointed towards Stan’s body. “It just feels like someone should stick around to keep an eye on him, you know?”
“Good idea,” Dipper agreed. “That way, you can text Wendy if the doctors have updates.”
Mabel glanced around the room, not sure quite what she was looking for. “You’re here watching us, aren’t you, Stan? If you’re ready to go get the mirror back, can you give us some kind of sign?”
Aside from the ticking clock and beeping heart monitor, the room fell silent. No chills moved through the air, and no objects suspiciously fell off shelves.
“Well, I’m sure he’s still keeping an eye on us,” Mabel assured the others. “Let’s get going.”
(End notes:
Thanks for reading, comments/reblogs are appreciated as always! This is the chapter that’s changed the most from the outline so far, since I really love mindscape stuff and elaborated on Mabel’s dream a lot more than I’d planned to. Also, Nathaniel is an overdramatic monologuing capitalist asshole and writing him is very fun.)
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specialmindz · 6 years
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“NYEH!” Papyrus struggled wildly as a small white dog, one of many in Snowdin, playfully tugged on his scarf.
The young pup ignored him and continued to bark through a mouthful of fabric, seemingly unaware of the baby bone’s anger.
“heh heh ha, c’mon pap he just wants to play! he’s friendly!”
“heh heh ha ha ha ha!” Sans laughed loudly as his younger brother swung in a full circle in a vain attempt to throw the mutt off.
Dogs were such stupid creatures.
Normally, Papyrus would obliterate the obnoxious little insect with one of his blasters or use his wingdings to see just how far he could throw the disgusting beastie, ridding Snowdin of one more dog monster and thus making the town a better place to traverse if not live, but today was different. 
Today Papyrus was with his brother, and though they originally came out there to build a snowman, he had planned to be a good bae so as to get some Nice Cream afterwards; a small surprise reward Sans didn’t know about yet in exchange for his good behavior.
“he’s just playing tug-of-war pappy, he’s not trying to steal from you-”
Immediately the dog dropped his hold on Papyrus’s scarf and began to whimper in fear as a very familiar monster began materializing before them.
“hapsterblook…? no, we’re not shooting anything-”
“If you need a star of any kind, look no further! I’m working for free right now as a matter of fact, for a charity event!” The pink spirit did a dramatic twirl and flashed his best smile. Clearly the only charity he was doing was for himself. If he had ever seen an agent of any kind in his life…or death…Sans wasn’t sure what ghost monsters were about, Hapstablook would know the job didn’t extend to children like he and his baby brother.
“charity huh?”
“That’s right, but I’m afraid I don’t DO animals darling. Cats, dogs, birds, they just refuse to work with me! There are even some monsters who won’t come near me, can you believe that?”
“It’s racism I’m sure,” continued Hapstablook, obviously not listening. “It’s only monsters with animalistic traits that avoid me and that CAN’T be a coincidence. They’re talking to each other and conspiring against my breed I just know it.”
As if my family isn’t going through enough at the moment.
“Animals gots bedder senses then other peoples, so they know you’s there before you appear and dat scares them. They gots bedder hearing and they see stuffs bedder and they runs bedder, like, reeeeal fast-”
“So they think they’re better than me.”
“They think they’re better than me. They think just because they have arms and legs and ears and soft cuddly fur and cute paws, they think they’re better than me and my people.”
“that’s not what he said dude.”
“That’s exactly what he said.”
“Daz not what baby said.”
Hapstablook turned to the cowering dog. “So…you think you’re hot stuff hm? You think you’re better than me because of your looks? Well I’ve got news for you honey, LOOKS DON’T LAST. You know what DOES last? LEGENDS, and that’s EXACTLLY what I’M gonna be! While you’re busy prancing around this BARNYARD OF A TOWN-”
The smaller monster backed up a bit, along with Sans and Papyrus. Hapstablook’s anger seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere and it reminded the brothers a lot of how their father had been acting these last couple of weeks.
“you alright man?”
Papyrus turned around and pressed his skull against his older brother’s hoodie, clutching the sides with his mittens. The pink ghost was the worst. Not ONLY did Hapstablook obviously not care about whether or not he scared cute little babies such as himself, he didn’t care often. Unlike other monsters, he had no problem losing his temper around Papyrus and it was difficult for the tiny Horror to gauge when to shut his teething hole to begin with, seeing as he was a of the Verbal typing and loved to talk. He’d never say it out loud…probably…but ghosts in general were actually HIS least favorite monster. They didn’t die like the others and they could disappear at a moment’s notice, only to emerge somewhere else far far away from where the baby was originally talking to them.
The baby bones jumped and watched the small dog run off as Hapstablook fired a bullet in his direction. It buried itself in the snow, nowhere near the creature really, but apparently it was enough to scare the poor pup into the woods.
“it’s okay bro.”
No, no it WASN’T okay.
If Hapstablook got mad at Sans, he wouldn’t be able to do very much to protect him and self-preservation wasn’t exactly his older brother’s forte’ in conversation to begin with. In order to keep the peace between his family and the Blooks, Papyrus made it a habit to visit at least one member a week and he was ALWAYS extra nice to Napstablook, but it seemed like no matter how kind he was to these particular monsters, the pink one would quickly and continuously forget the baby bone’s past favors and leave him feeling bitter if not nervous.  
“you want some nice cream?” Sans patted his skull in an attempt to cheer him up, but the baby bones shook his head.
“No, I wants to go home.”
Twigs from the pines in the woods snapped off as the monster’s shots zipped through them. From the sound of it, all the bullets seemed to miss and land in the snow, but it still made the brothers nervous. It didn’t seem to matter to Hapstablook if another person accidentally got hit at this point. The comedian looked around at the other monsters, hoping an adult would jump in and calm things down, but no one seemed interested in helping them.
Where the hell are the guards?
“hey uh, buddy?” said Sans softly. “you’re scaring the kid-”
“…besides, you don’t wanna be saying those types of things in this neighborhood.”
“WHY?! DOES SOMEONE HAVE SOMETHING THEY WANT TO SAY TO ME?” The ghost looked around at all the rabbit monsters currently staring at him. “DO ANY OF YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO ME?”
The onlookers quickly turned back to their daily activities, deciding it was probably best if they avoided the quick-tempered spirit.
I guess they don’t.
Not that Sans was all too surprised.
Ghosts were still a bit of a mystery to the people in Snowdin and though they weren’t actually as racist as Hapstablook believed, it was true that the inhabitants didn’t venture outside the town too often and weren’t familiar with monsters that weren’t anthropomorphic. Hell, SANS knew more about the monsters living in the Underground better than the townsfolk, and he spent most of his time in a lab, but he understood that some people were still skittish of meeting new people.
The sudden imprisonment in Mt. Ebott had shaken everyone up a bit in the beginning...or so he’d been told. It started with many people wondering if they were even going to SURVIVE the mountain, what with being used to certain environments and all, and that drove many to panic. Not everyone knew each other and not everyone was a friend; when a monster found a suitable place to live, they quickly claimed that area as their own and refused to travel any further into the mountain, fearing that if they did, they would not only fail to find another home, but also lose the first they found to another desperate individual. The people of Snowdin were the biggest victims of this paranoia as they were territorial by nature; what they found was THEIRS and most would not risk losing what they’d already claimed. It was rare to find an anthropomorphic outside the frosty fields, and even now it didn’t matter that the Resort Area had better food or that Waterfall had easier access to water, Snowdin was still their home and no matter how cramped it got, it would CONTINUE to be theirs until they were driven out. That intense, almost insane level of possessiveness was the whole reason Asgore thought the dogs that inhabited the place would make fine guardsmen in fact. Despite their lack of intelligence, their dedication towards protecting their home was extraordinary. Exploring the rest of the Underground was the LAST thing on THEIR to-do-list and meeting new people was not worth their town, curiosity was not worth their town.    
Leave that to the cats like Catty and her family.
The cats could map out the rest of Mt. Ebott and the dogs could take care of people like Hapstablook. The rabbits of Snowdin, who were currently carrying on with their business as if their rude guest had never even existed, had better, more IMPORTANT things to do, like keep the town running in general.
Sans turned his head to see one such rabbit go into their house, glancing only briefly at the floating troublemaker in front of him before closing the door. This ghost wasn’t their problem unless they wanted it to be and CLEARLY Hapstablook wasn’t worth even an OUNCE of their time…an opinion that only seemed to make the monster more irritable.
“…you okay man?”
“…No, no Sans I’m not,” grumbled Hapstablook glaring at the ground. “I don’t like being ignored!”
I don’t DESERVE to be ignored…
An awkward silence fell between them, but before the comedian could think of a joke to break it, his younger sibling piped up, “I knows what will make you feel bedder.” He watched as Papyrus pulled out a white rectangular object out of his jacket. It looked futuristic as hell despite the cracked screen, and had it not been attached to something that looked like a pair of headphones, Sans wouldn’t have had any idea as to what it was, but clearly it played sound of some sort…probably music knowing his brother.
“watcha’ got there baby bro?”
“Is an MP Tea payer! I find-ed it at da’ Dump! Some hollow head throwed it away cause’ it gots a cracked screen…can you beweaves it? You doesn’t need a screen to listen to moosic, nyeh heh heh!”
Stupid humans.
Probably a big person too.
Big people always threw things away for silly reasons.
“It gots lots of tunes on it! I sometimes go to Boo Boos house and let him listen to them-”
“don’t…don’t call napstablook boo boo pappy, that’s…that’s weird bro.”
“Is nice dat he still gots you looking after him Pink Person,” said Papyrus, ignoring his brother. “He always look so lonely and sad when you’s not there, ya’ know? Family be SUPER important.”
“Mm hm, Blooky’s been having a hard time ever since our cousin left.”
“you mean he’s been bloo-er than usual? heh heh heh…”
The ghost gave Sans an annoyed look.
“Don’t hit Snas, he got one hp.” Waddling over to Hapstablook, Papyrus held out the MP3 player. Though the spirit couldn’t hold things for long periods of time like solid monsters, he could still activate electronics. It took him a while however, to figure out how to get to a song as he couldn’t differentiate between what was the name of an album and what was not.
“I hate this screen.”
“Screen not important. Moosic important.”
“I can’t pick a song if I can’t see darling-”
“Just pess da’ buttons, dat’s what baby do…”
“I don’t know which button to activate.”
“Then pess all of them.”
“But one button I think sends me backwards-”
“THEN PESS EVERY BUTTON CEPT’ DAT ONE! Why big peoples so scared of buttons? THEY DOESN’T BITE YOU!”
“Show me which button to press.”
Finally, after a few more moments of struggle, Hapstablook managed to find a song…which he listened to for about twenty seconds before turning away from the angry infant.
“Nyeh? What dis about? DAT WAS ONLY FEW SECONDS!”
“I know that ‘music.’ It’s that damn Hatsune Miku all the humans are crazy about. My family loves music and scours the Dump for CDs and the like as well and I’m very familiar with her work…no, no not ‘her,” said Hapstablook correcting himself. “SHE’ doesn’t exist. This music is instrumental. Hatsune Miku isn’t a real person. She has no soul nor does she have passion. She’s just a pretty container for someone else’s feelings.”
“sounds like you’re jealous.”
“You don’t know a thing about Vocaloid. They’re RUINING music for us TRUE artists who work hard!” said Hapstablook, glaring at Sans. “They don’t get tired, they don’t have to deal with paparazzi, they can change their appearance on a DIME even while on stage, and they don’t have to rehearse! THEY DON’T HAVE TO REHEARSE! And they’re ALWAYS beautiful…”
Always, always beautiful…
“Nyeh? Miku be an Ima-gin-ary monster…? Like in dat one vido I sawed, Foster’s Home for Ima-gin-ary Friends?”
“Do she like chalk-wit milk?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“she sounds like a robot,” said Sans listening a bit to the music. He’d never met one in person, but he knew what they sounded like from some of the old videos he and Papyrus had found at the Dump. They all seemed to have the same accent that sounded as if they were constantly speaking into a fan, which is actually something Sans had tried himself once when he THOUGHT no one was looking, only to have his brother giggle at him from his crib and reach out from between the bars to pet his head as if HE were the silly baby.
“She a woah-bot? How she take a bath?” asked Papyrus smiling.
“She doesn’t, in fact I’m pretty sure I explained who Hatsune was to YOU a long time ago, it’s your brother who’s-”
“now you know that’s not right papyrus.”
“What are you saying? Everyone LOVES Hatsune and her horrible brothers and sisters! It’s one of the reasons I hate them…because their faces are posted everywhere and they have all KINDS of merchandise based off them, and guess what? The people who write their songs and make them sing? Nothing. I know nothing about them. The Vocaloids get all the fame and the people who work hard to make those puppets move get nothing.”
But I’m gonna change everything.
I’ll be the first REAL Vocaloid.
A perfect being.
The perfect performer.
The first Vocaloid to EARN his fame. With my passion and Determination combined with all of Hatsune’s benefits, no one will ever ignore me again. Humans won’t run away scared like they used to and even these racist hicks will come around.
I’ll MAKE them come around…
“Fairy’s got dat Dirt-Butt look big Buther…”
“Also, that reminds me, darling. Did your father ever say anything about a little project I asked him to do a while back?”
“Yep! I asked him just like you said and Daddy say, ‘go way Papyrus, weave me alone! if you ask me one more time, I’s gonna beat you to bone meal and sell you to a crack addict, maybe then you’ll actually be worth something!’ He was reeeeal mad-”
“Sooo he’s already on it then?”
“I don’t know, I’s just a baby. Most current events escape me.”
“…It was the only event I asked you to keep watch for.”
“Simple directions also escape the baby.”
“Also, why Snas not famous like da’ other woah-bots? All the big peoples tell him to go way…is cause’ he fat?”
“shut up pap.”
“Your brother’s NOT a robot.”
“heee knows.”
He’s just being a dick.
Probably sick of you complaining about everything and trying to get you to go away yourself to be honest, though I’m not sure why he has to use ME to do it.
“But Snas say he not a baby and he big and bald! Woah-bots can’t grow hairs cause’ they be made of metal-”
“i bathe.”
“How you bathe?”
“like everyone else.”
“Nuh-uh! Letrical stuffs can’t go in da’ water, Daddy said! I knows it cause’ I tried to use his phone to call the fish lady while I’s taking a bath and I assidently held da’ phone under the faucet while it be running and it fall out my hand into the sink.”
“you were using Dad’s phone? how? why? who was watching you?!”
“Nobody. It be the middle of da’ night. I had to take mah bath at night so I could get Daddy’s phone. I use-ed it stead’ of mine just in case I dropped it from high up. Babies don’t gots a good grip ya’ know? I’s right too! I did drop it,” said Papyrus with a smile. “I drop it right in da’ water big Buther! Nyeh heh heh!”
“heh, you seem so proud.”
“Yep, I’s very proud of myselves…because it could have been MY phone, but baby thought ahead. I’s real sad afterwards dough…I had plans, BIG plans. I’s gonna ask the fish lady how to beeth underwater and get the step-by-step destructions.”
“Ah-stuctions. But when I taked it out the water and pessed the buttons, it didn’t work no more and dat’s how I knows lectrical stuffs don’t work in water…also Daddy told me.”
“he told you huh? lemme guess, you didn’t turn the faucet off?”
Sans didn’t really need an answer as he remembered perfectly well how awesome it had felt to watch Alphys, his ONLY FRIEND, face-plant onto the tile floor and blame HIM for not putting up a caution sign of some sort, as if he worked customer service at the Resort. He had spent most of that morning apologizing for something he didn’t do, so as to not lose her friendship and stop her from crying over the paperwork that had been ruined by Papyrus’s makeshift slip n’ slide. At the time, he hadn’t even thought about why the hallway was practically a lake, but now that Papyrus was telling his story, the memory came back full force and he wondered why he hadn’t blamed his brother sooner if not immediately.
“Why I need to shut it off? Water evaporates big Buther! Also, big peoples like to clean. It makes people happy when I make messes-”
“NO. no no no NO it does NOT. i don’t know where you got that idea baby bro, but you are one hundred percent wrong.”
“Nope, I’s right all right. I knows cause’ Daddy only yell at me about da’ phone. He go ‘PAPYRUS WHY YOU DO DIS?!”
“STOP. stop right there cause’ we are NOT skimming over this buddy. what makes you think people like cleaning up after you? do YOU like cleaning your messes?”
“No, but dat’s cause’ I’s a baby. I gots small widdle arms and tiny widdle hands, so I can’t carry stuffs good, and I gots duck feets, so I can’t walk good neither and it take too long to reach paces-”
“you have nine extra hands and you walk fine, i’ve seen you. you waddle side to side ONLY when other people are watching you because you think it’s cute.”
“Nope, I’s widdle, so my balance not good yet. I not walk straight and I gots to crawl when I gets tired.”
“i’ve seen you run dude. we’ve literally taped almost everything since you awoke.”
“Dat footage fake.”
“Dat footage doctored.”
“It don’t matter anyway cause’ cweening mah messes makes people feel good about themselves. It make them feel like good people and make them LOOK like good people.”
“They help da’ baby and they probly think, ‘wowie! Dis baby so nice making all these messes for me! I feels like such a gate person, and I bets erybody loves me more now too since they knows I’s po-duc-tive and kind to widdle babies.”
“i really hope you’re playing papyrus…”    
“You wants to listen to a different song?”
“don’t you ignore me.”
“I think I’m going to head home actually,” replied Hapstablook. “I only came out here because I THOUGHT I could get some fresh air…but I forgot some of these townspeople don’t know the difference between a street and a bathroom.”
Sans frowned as he watched the ghost fade away. It was good that he was still loyal to his family and their business despite how much he valued his dreams, but his stuck-up attitude still rubbed the comedian the wrong way…
“You wants to get Nice Cream now Snas?”
“You sing wit da’ baby then?”
“Running to another day I wants to break away and take a leap, nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh-”
“hard pass.”
Alright, sorry for the long-ass wait everyone, I know I’m late. I’ve literally had Microsoft Word open for the last three months trying to work on this, but unfortunately I got writer’s block like a motherfucker. -_-
Just so we’re clear, if I don’t upload once a month, it’s because I either have writer’s block or I’ve run out of pics to use. I don’t TAKE hiatus's...those are for bitches.  
162 notes · View notes
harriet-tuttle · 6 years
Highlights from Mark Watches Death Note
Episode 1
Ryuk is… well, he could be on a friendly baking show, and I’d still be terrified of him. HE LOOKS LIKE WHAT I THINK ALL CLOWNS LOOK LIKE: ENDLESSLY FRIGHTENING.
Episode 2
I mean, word of advice, Light: stop acting like an arrogant teenager who discovered Ayn Rand or something. FREE ADVICE FOR YOU, DUDE.
Episode 3
Watari stands by the laptop that’s connected to L, which has to be the most boring job imaginable.
Episode 4
He stops viewing these people as humans and instead seems them entirely as pawns. They’re good for nothing more than his goal: to rid the world of all criminals and create a utopia. What utopia that might be is left unsaid, not because the show is trying to hide it from us, but because Light probably hasn’t even decided what it’s going to be.
Seriously, Light is the worst. (That is an odd sentence to type. Makes it sound like I hate electricity or something.)
Episode 5
Initially, I was convinced that he just wanted to misdirect Penber. That was easy to do, and after Penber got off the bus, I figured that was it.
But no.
Episode 6
L ACTUALLY SMILED. (That was my single favorite moment in the whole episode.)
Episode 7
When we’re not focusing on how Light is THE LITERAL WORST PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE, Death Note gives us more of the relationship between L and the police officers who have won his trust.
Episode 8
So how will the future of this anime look? I don’t think you can sustain this kind of back-and-forth for nearly thirty episodes, especially since Death Note is already barreling forward as it is. Will Light slip up and reveal something about himself to L? Is there a third party I haven’t met yet that will mess things up? And what of the very strange subplot involving Ryuk’s withdrawal from apples? Was that there to drop a hint about the shinigami, or was it weird just for the sake of it? (I realize I’m asking for background information on a floating reaper who looks like a clown, so… whatever.)
Episode 9
I honestly thought that L and Light wouldn’t meet until well past the halfway mark because… well, that’s why all the tension existed! Neither of them were ever in the same physical space, and they were exacting a war against each other from a distance.
That’s why L’s actions are so fucking flagrant and brilliant. No one expected this. Not me, not Light, PROBABLY NOT ANY OF YOU.
Episode 10
Even if he has Light investigate himself, it only means that he’ll eventually lead them straight to him anyway. It’ll happen either through his fantastic deductive work, or Light will give away something to the team. But does that mean that L will have to introduce Light to the other officers on the task force? That seems like a bad idea
Episode 11
Somehow, Kira had killed Ukita without knowing his real name. Understandably, EVERYONE FREAKS OUT. THAT INCLUDED ME. How? How had Light been able to do this while standing in his bedroom? He couldn’t have possibly known who would show up to the police station. But let’s say he did. “Assault” takes things a step further when Light’s father drives a bus into the station. Will Light risk killing him if he discovers who drove the bus? Oh, but let’s take this a step further: two random cops who show up to deal with the police bus that sits in the lobby ARE KILLED. There is a 0% chance that Light knew their names, so how? HOW???
Episode 12
There’s so much going on in this episode that I was positive the show would cut away right before Second Kira’s shinigami revealed how to kill him. Why would they reveal something this huge so early into the show? Because Death Note doesn’t give a shit about me, and I was shocked to watch an extended flashback sequence play out.
Episode 13
In the thirteenth episode of Death Note, I will repeat myself endlessly while reviewing this: HOW DOES IT KEEP ESCALATING.
I just have to expect this show to throw me into an abyss every episode. I just have to do this to survive.
Episode 14
At the very least, I don’t think Misa will last much longer because she’s too much of a risk to Light. IT’S GONNA HAPPEN, I’M CALLING IT.
Episode 15
I get that catching Kira is a big deal for all of these people, and I’m happy that they all believe that Kira’s murders are 100% wrong. Does that mean they should be allowed to do something like this to a teenage girl??? No, not at all!!! It’s horrifying! Did they feed her? Anything???
Episode 16
Episode 17
As for Light? Well, he’s now handcuffed to L. FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS A DAY. (Major BOOOOO to that weird-ass line where Misa calls them gross because boys shouldn’t be handcuffed together? Yuck.)
[N.B.: This is the first and only remark by Mark Oshiro, Gayest Reviewer on Planet Earth, that in any way acknowledges subtext between Light and L. Behold the glory of this non-barking dog, my psychotic fandom.]
Episode 18
At this point, does L even suspect anyone else aside from Light and Misa? No, not really, even when he guesses (correctly!) that Kira’s “power” can jump from one person to the next. I don’t think L will ever take his eye off of Light for the remainder of the show.
Episode 19
In the nineteenth episode of Death Note, I really loved this, and MATSUDA IS GREAT.
Episode 20
Yet this is where the main schism happens. L, unsurprisingly, wants to follow the option that allows his theories to be proven. That’s who he is. He’s nearly as averse to being impulsive as Light, so he doesn’t want to move ahead with an arrest UNLESS he can prove every bit of his hypothesis. In this case, that means letting people die, despite knowing that these men are going to use Kira to kill them. There is a tragic irony in the fact that Light finds this plan abhorrent because DUDE, YOU HAVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THIS DAMN SHOW.
Episode 21
However, then she stated that she wanted to do something to get even closer to Light and impress him.
HOW WAS A DATE WITH HIGUCHI GOING TO HELP HER DO THAT? Oh, Mark, YOU DON’T GET IT.  Look, the very nature of Death Note means I’m always going to act like a fool whenever someone tells the truth.
Episode 22
Look, I kept thinking that EVERYTHING was going to go wrong. When Light called the Yotsuba men, I was certain they’d spoil the plan. Then I thought that Higuchi wouldn’t actually go through with murdering Matsuda. And then, as each piece fell into place, the tension got worse because WHAT IF HE ACTUALLY REVEALS HOW HE KILLS? How is Misa going to react to that?
Episode 23
How the hell are there fourteen more episodes??? HOW???
Episode 24
I’m so nervous about this development, though, because it allows Light to be completely free of the investigative team. Oh, sure, he’ll probably stick around so he can monitor everything, keep these people from getting close to him, but now? He’s won, hasn’t he? At least for the time being. However, there are now a bunch of variables and chaotic factors just sitting around. All these detectives and cops and investigators all know the truth of the Death Note. (Well, except that Light lied about one of the rules that governs the notebook. HE IS SO EVIL, Y’ALL.) How are they going to approach this case knowing the truth? I bet that Light will start killing criminals in the next episode, and I don’t know how this will progress from there. Don’t they all know way too much? Can’t they use the knowledge they have of the Death Note to be better detectives? How many red herrings will Light give them to keep them busy?
I am comfortable stating that something like that can’t last forever. Something will have to come crashing down. What could that be???
Episode 25
What the hell is wrong with this show.
Episode 26
Y’all, Death Note doesn’t even fuck around when it comes to CLIP EPISODES.
Episode 27
The elaborate, complicated, and utterly ridiculous means that Mello and his men go to in order to obtain the Death Note is significant because, as I said before, no one had been able to truly best Light. Ever. Ever. L tried, and LOOK WHERE THAT GOT HIM. (I miss him.) But Mello comes out of nowhere, concocts a truly absurd method to get what he wants, and executes it flawlessly. Seriously, let’s go over this. He:
orchestrates the quietest hijacking of an airplane ever, all so that it can land somewhere in the middle of the desert in America and then continue on to its final destination of Los Angeles. (Can you imagine how fucking terrifying that must have been if you were on that plane? IT LANDED IN THE DESERT!!!! Good lord, they’re probably all traumatized now.)
is fully aware that Soichiro will be monitored by satellite, so the entire swap is UNDERGROUND IN A SECRET BUNKER THAT SOME GANG OR MAFIA ONCE USED.
has his man utilize a revolving door that is so deviously brilliant that I can’t even believe a human thought of it.
has that same man making the trade test out the Death Note before accepting it
then has two separate “vehicles” leave the compound at the same time so that those surveilling him don’t know which one has the Death Note on it.
makes one of the vehicles a missile. I cannot even remotely exaggerate here, y’all. A missile. A MISSILE.
Episode 29
(Does that mean he gave up half his life AND HE ONLY HAD A FEW HOURS LEFT ANYWAY? Good god.)
Episode 30
In order to subvert what Near is doing, he turns the President against the SPK and has him PUBLICLY DECLARE THAT THE U.S. WILL NOT PURSUE KIRA. He knows that everyone is afraid of him, so the threat against the President’s life is easy. It’s a no-brainer. But when Near gets a little too close to the truth, Light takes matters a step further, unleashing Demegawa’s dogma as a weapon. He stokes the flames of anger and resentment, and he lets this man loose on the airwaves, and A GIANT CROWD OF PEOPLE ARE BREAKING INTO SPK HEADQUARTERS TO OSTENSIBLY MURDER EVERYONE THERE AND HOW IS THIS A MORAL, PEACEFUL WORLD, LIGHT? PLEASE ANSWER THAT.
Episode 31
But how? How does Light slip up so terribly after meticulously constructing this entire existence meant to protect him?
I think the answer to that can be found in the way that Near behaves. It’s so much clearer now that Near is NOTHING like L, and his brash, aggressive manner speaks to that. I believe Light composed his master manipulation with L in mind. There was a code of sorts that L followed. Near, however, doesn’t give a shit. He really doesn’t.
Episode 32
WELL. I said that I wasn’t sure why Mikami had been introduced to us so suddenly and without a real sense for who he is, AND THUS, I GOT THIS EPISODE.
Episode 33
She then requests five pages of the Death Note and tells him to continue killing people with a “fake” notebook. Which makes no sense to me! How can Mikami kill anyone if his notebook is fake? Perhaps I misunderstood this, and Mikami scheduled out deaths in order to cover himself. But what did he do with the real Death Note? Hide it? Give it back to Light? Of course, all of this is useless to talk about if Mikami didn’t actually do as he was told. HOW THE FUCK DID MIKAMI KILL THAT MAN ON THE TRAIN? How?????? I DON’T GET IT.
Episode 34
Credit for that goes to Gevanni, who was given one of the most difficult tasks on the whole team. Surveilling Mikami had been bad enough, but he’s asked to break into the man’s locker at the gym and touch the Death Note. IT’S SO TERRIFYINGLY RISKY, ISN’T IT. Yes, it’ll give him the power to see a shinigami, but Ryuk could be RIGHT THERE. Watching him. READY TO WARN MIKAMI ABOUT HOW CLOSE THE SPK ARE.
Bless that man’s heart. That whole sequence was terrifying.
Episode 35
I’m still struggling to understand why he did it. Why kidnap Takada? If his goal was to catch Kira before Near did, then I suppose he was trying to draw Kira out by kidnapping someone associated with him. As Kira’s spokesperson, Takada was the only person that Mello had access to who could make this goal of his a reality.
Lord, does he underestimate EVERYTHING, though. Kidnapping a high-profile media personality was bad enough. Did he think no one would follow him or figure out a way to locate Takada? However, it’s Takada’s resourcefulness that ends up taking Mello down. I still don’t know how this fits in with Light’s plan for Mikami. Does he have a fake Death Note or not? We do see what Takada does with one of the pages that Mikami gave her, but I’m also a little confused by that, too. As far as I understood it, Light genuinely did not expect her to have that page, nor did he think she would use the Death Note to kill anyone if she was ever captured. Indeed, that’s part of the conversation that they have over the phone near the end of the episode. Light refers to a vague “plan” that he had discussed with Takada about what should happen if she were captured. Which was???? We don’t ever find out because she made her own choice.
Episode 36
The show drags this moment out to an impossible length, and even if it’s seriously unbelievable (WAY MORE THAN THIRTY SECONDS PASSED, COME ON), it’s compelling and nerve-wracking. This is it. There’s no leaving that room unless one side wins. You know, Death Note has been fairly cynical along the way, so if it ends with Light’s victory, I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised. But I want Near to reveal that he knew this would happen because… well, I want to see Light pay for what he’s done. I want to see him fall from his unnatural height because he’s played with human lives as if they are nothing more than pieces of garbage to be discarded as he saw fit.
I want Near to bring justice to this world because Light has no idea what justice is.
Episode 37
I found it incredibly powerful that after thirty-six episodes of this man proudly and defiantly claiming that he was at the head of a moral mission to protect the world from evil, Near called him a murderer. IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST SINGLE EXCHANGE IN THE ENTIRE EPISODE, PERHAPS THE WHOLE SERIES. In just a few sentences, Near obliterated Light’s logic. He called him a serial killer and a murderer and refused to accept a single shred of this man’s terrible logic. I LOVE IT SO MUCH, EVERYONE. I think it’s a perfect lead-in to what comes next: Matsuda’s reaction. After Near so brilliantly dissected what was wrong with Light, I believe that Matsuda broke. And honestly, I don’t think there was a better choice of a character to finally go up against Light and to fatally harm him. Look at his transformation! He went from the goofy, underused investigator to the man who wanted desperately to be seen, to be respected. Then, as L was killed and Kira became an undeniable part of the world, he turned into a fanboy. He began to support the idea of Kira, perhaps not totally, but enough to be entertained by the drama that unfolded around him. He couldn’t take the case seriously because… well, did anyone take it seriously?
So when he found out that he’d been played, that the killer they’d been searching for the whole time was right next to him, he snapped. This story belonged to Matsuda, and it’s about the best closure I could ask for.
This was a fun journey, y’all, and now I know why people had been recommending me this show for so many years. I UNDERSTAND.
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arawnprydain-blog · 6 years
Hellish Coup d'etat
In which Arawn comes across an unlikely ally with a proposal he can’t dismiss.
Once Mateo had fallen asleep Arawn had walked a little further down the path. He couldn’t abandon the boy, of course, as he would need him at the end, but for now he would leave the useless heap in his grave to peak ahead of what they would be facing.
The meadows seemed to stretch on for all eternity. This did not surprise him since there were many souls that lived their forever here, and so would any more. Neither here nor there, not good enough but not bad enough, they could live their death in a comfortable peace.
It was sickening to look at. All these souls settling for this. It was nonsense. He didn’t know how anyone could stomach not getting what they deserved for the rest of this realm’s existence, and he never would. Soon neither would they, he supposed, with what he had planned for them.
Arawn continued to walk, slow and steady, down the path, and soon  felt that prickle of acknowledgement that someone was watching brush against his neck. He didn’t acknowledge it.
If whoever or whatever it was wanted something then they would just have to come and take it.
“Yet another feisty duo wanders into the Underworld to see how we all suffer down here, hmm?” a feminine, musical voice rang in the man’s ears, as a chilling breath leaved what felt like an invisible pair of lips. “To think humans have begun to tire of their own world’s tourism. What’s the universe come to?”
A large moth took flight from somewhere in the meadow and hovered in front of Arawn, as if looking him in the eye. “Though perhaps your goal is another. One way or the other, you’ve been foolish enough to open a door you shouldn’t have unlocked.”
With that, an enormous flock of moths, identical to the other one, winged their way into view, flying in line to form some sort of moth cyclone not far away. A figure seemed to materialize from within as the winged critters dissipated into nothing.
“It’s nice to be back,” the figure said. It had now taken the form of a dark-skinned woman, seemingly in her 40s or so, with two enormous moth-like wings attached to her back, as well as a bright dress and matching accessories of purples and pinks. “I have you to thank for that.”
He blinked slowly at the sound of the voice, unimpressed with whatever act was going on. Arawn turned towards the sound of the voice, annoyingly vain, his upper lip curling in disgust at the effect of their voice being so close to his ear. It was not uncomfortable so much as it was angering, who dared to think they had permission to speak to him in such a way?
An eyebrow arched as a moth, his chin tipping upwards in defiance at its words.
“I am no fool,I knew exactly what I was doing when I opened those doors. t should never have been locked in the first place,” he argued. “Soon, they will be obsolete, and the divide between this plane and the one above will be meaningless.”
He watched on as the figure came into existence. Disgusting choice of physical animation, but, looking at the lack of string, he supposed creatures of the Underworld would not be described in sonnets and poetry.
“And who are you?” Arawn asked, a curious lit to his demeaning tone.
“I am what you could only aspire to be, necromancer,” the moth fairy exclaimed, her wings actively flapping behind her as she spoke. From their tips, bits and pieces of obsidian stone seemed to constantly fly off due to the constant movement.
The woman took flight, and soared around the air. She moved down, and took a pair of laps around the man, barely touching him with her wings. “I suppose I should tell you my true name, as I expect us to be business partners in the very near future,” the woman called out, before landing in front of the man again, smiling at him with a tad of malice and pride. “Itzpapalotl is what the oldest civilizations call me. Of course, the name of the Warrior Goddess of the Night no longer holds any weight, because invaders filled with greed made sure to erase it from existence. You may also call me Orizaba. It’s a term of endearment, if you will.”
He did not move his line of sight from directly in front of him when the creature began to move around and around, like a child who could not sit still. It was amusing to listen to them speak, to hear the utter rubbish coming from their mouth. For a while. Then, as they came back into sight still talking, he was coming to the realization that they must love the sound their voice more than anything else.
“Business partners,” he repeated, humored. As if he would trust anyone else after what had happened with the Seal. That had only taught him that anything he needed done he would need to do himself. Even the simplest of tasks.
Arawn scoffed, scowling at the creature.
“Your credentials mean nothing.” He stepped forwards, tilting his head slightly as a smirk rose to his lips. “I would not ‘aspire,’ to be anything like you. I am the one who was able to move between worlds. I am the one who was able to break the bounds of our planes. And you? How long have you been rotting away down here? What makes you think that I would ever want to be in association with nothing but an overgrown pest?”
“Yes, well, let’s just say some people decided to make sure I wasn’t able to come and go,” the moth fairy angrily said. “But that does not matter now, for you’ve set me free by making your way in here. If I’m still here it’s only because I wanted to thank you!”
The fairy once again took flight and took laps around. She returned eventually, and tilted her head. “Would you care to tell me your plans?” she inquired. “The problem with dark magic is that there’s always light magic out there to take care of it. I learned about that a long time ago. They will never let you use dark magic in peace even if you’re doing it for the good of the world.”
She grounded herself, and crossed her arms, stepping toward the man. All the pinks and purples in her, or so she wanted to think, contrasted beautifully against the man’s sad attire. It was a fun image in the woman’s head. “What I offer you is an allegiance. I’ve been watching you, and I believe we can help each other turn this world into what we’ve dreamed of. You’re too smart to think you can do it alone, and the useless child wizard you brought along proves that. You know a sacrificial lamb is always useful. So is a powerful ally.”
Pitiful. Excuses at the ready. A harsh tch sounded out. He rolled his eyes. Thank him? He didn’t want thanks, he didn’t care about this thing, its plans. The only thing that mattered was his and in the end it would stomp out anyone else’s who dared to make a move. The chess game was over, he didn’t care for rules or going by the book anymore. This close to the finish line there was nothing else to take into consideration, now he was at the point where anything went to get what he wanted. By any means necessary.
He was going to leave, as it seemed as though they were done speaking to him. But then, sadly, they returned to block his path. Only, this time, they spoke with some sort of intelligence. And this time, he paid attention as it seemed they knew the struggled and the lack of like minded people that had taken over the world from which he needed to fix.
It was his turn to give the creature a once over, noting how trenchant their appearance was. His head tipped back slightly at their offer, eyes narrowing. They weren’t wrong. The boy was nothing more than a tool he needed and would soon be done with once they reached the end. But he detest putting trust in someone else’s hands as he had only proved that he himself was the only one capable of...anything.
“Tempting offer,” he hummed. “But, if what you say is true and you have been spying on me, then you know that there is only one thing I lack in making my plans come to pass and soon I will have it. None of which did I need any assistance with. What could I possibly gain from you from this so called alliance?”
The moth fairy’s smile extended over her face. She knew she could count on the man. That it would only take a tad of convincing. She was prepared for that. He would soon know, after all, how convenient it would be to work together.
“There is always something to gain, necromancer,” she assured him. She picked out one of the colorful flowers decorating her hair, and with a flick of the hand it turned into a violet orb of glass with prehispanic markings etched on its surface.
“This, corazón, is the Eye of Midnight. It is also the reason I am down here. They wanted it somewhere it wouldn’t work,” she explained. The fairy threw the ball into the air, and it floated back onto her hand as if it weighed as much as a feather. “Its magic is dormant because we are in here, but the Eye’s function is to allow me to create an Eternal Night. One in which dark magic can thrive and become more powerful than ever. In other words, whatever you want to do when you reach your objective, it can become much more powerful thanks to me.”
Arawn paused for a moment, taking in the words as he watched the object descend back into her grip.
And then he smiled.
“I see,” he said, still looking at the orb with a sort of awed appreciation.
Finally it seemed as though there was someone who was willing to step up to where he had been standing for years above the rest of the verman that roamed the Earth in a blind scramble for meaning and purpose. It would figure that he would have to travel to the Underworld in order to find an equal.
He straightened back up after a moment, eyeing her once more with suspicion because, surely, it was not this easy. Arawn knew the selfish nature of the world. It was why he was the way he was. It was why he did the things he did. In order to bring the cure to that never ending plague he would have to do what was needed, and that included being selfish. But it was for the greater good and in the end would be for the benefit of the world, so was he truly being selfish? To do the unspeakable in order to save everyone?
“And what is it I can do for you?”
“Two very simple things, I assure you,” Orizaba said, grinning at the man. “Petty formalities, if you’d like to call them that!”
Using her magic, the former goddess projected her words into the Eye, which still floated above her hand. “On the day the Spirit World and that of the living unite, which is soon, you must help me protect the Eye of Midnight. When we succeed, nothing will be able to seal its power again, and I will control it.”
The Eye seemed to gleam at the woman’s words, but it was only her projection for the time being. “Afterwards, well, you need only to leave me alone. I intend on claiming my rightful place, ruling my empire across the sea. In exchange for your aid, the power of the Eye will too be yours to wield, making both of us unstoppable.”
True to her word, the tasks of which she was asking of him were simple. So simple that one of them would be her getting rid of herself, which he would have done anyways. Perhaps they were actually of the same mindset after all. Even if her outward appearance did edge on the side of over the top, if she was able to perform, if this Eye of Midnight was able to do what she said, then he would put up with the extravagant decorum and grating voice for just a moment longer.
It was a very tempting offer.
There was powerful magic emanating from the orb, but there were so many other factors at play here. Arawn wasn’t willing to risk everything he had worked for just to get caught up in someone else’s plans that would be his downfall should they not have the work ethic.
“Very well. When the day comes and you have succeeded, then I will help in keeping the Eye’s protection.” Arawn’s smile fell off then. “But. If you have not, and you ask anything else of me, then there’s nothing you can say that will make me help you. Understood?”
“That’s what I like to hear, my dear,” the moth fairy said with a satisfied grin. She fluttered around some more, and then faced the man once more. Her hands moved to her hips as the Eye of Midnight disappeared into her wings.
“Then this marks the start of a new era,” she said, and offered her hand to shake. “Well, first, I take vacations - Then, new era!”
His eyes moved, looking down his nose at her extended hand. Arawn smiled again, his teeth showing this time. He reached forwards and took hold.
This was going to be interesting, at the very least. The magic he could see and, now, feel coming from this being was unlike anything he had ever been witness to before. If anything, at the end, he would see just what havoc it would wreak to the world from which he had come.
“Very well.” He released her hand, clasping both of his own behind his back. “I’ll see you again in due time. I expect you won’t disappoint.”
The fairy-like creature smirked, sharp canines coming into view as the hands shook. She twirled in the air, then arranged the colorful flower crown on her head. “I expect the same thing from you, necromancer,” she concluded. “You’ll see me very soon.”
With that, the fairy’s physical form disappeared - what remained was a flurry of moths that flied away in the direction of the Gates as quick as their wings would take them.
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thebibliomancer · 6 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #186: Nights of Wundagore!
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August, 1979
And yet this issue features exactly zero Wundagore Knights. Missed opportunity is all I’m saying.
Also, we’re back to faces of varying degrees of pissed off and indifferent on the cover.
AND. WE LOST MINI-VISION WHO WAS ALWAYS IN THE LOGO! I didn’t notice but last issue didn’t have mini-Vision! Whether standing and pouting or phasing through the A and also pouting he’s been with us since... ISSUE 93!
Also bad is Wanda’s expression on the cover. This is nitpicky but the terror gape doesn’t work for her. I accept that she’ll end up in distress quite a lot and some of that distress will be for dumb reasons like Sentinels wanting to use her womb to kill all life on Earth.
But I think an expression like ‘fuck you and your wi-fi shirt’ would be more fitting. Its certainly more fitting to how she handles it within the comic. Which we’ll get to. As soon as I stop complaining.
So last time: after a mentally dubious old man entered their lives and tried to kidnap them by stuffing their souls into puppets, Wanda and Pietro (aka Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver) decided to willingly go with this attempted kidnapper back to Europe to find out if he’s their real dad or whatever. They thought their real dad was the Whizzer but if your dad called himself the Whizzer wouldn’t you entertain possibilities?
Shortly after arriving, Wanda was convinced by Modred, the Wi-Fi Wizard (not his real title) to come with him up a spooky mountain. He offered no reason for this so she followed him anyway. Inevitably, it turned out he had sinister motives and shot her in the back.
The following morning, Quicksilver went looking for Wanda but then fell down a mountain after bonking off an energy shield. It was, perhaps unintentionally, hilarious. He was rescued by Bova, the cow-woman nursemaid who helped birth him.
On the Avengers side of this Avengers book, through a sequence of events that were partially but not entirely Hawkeye’s fault, the Avengers lost their special government privileges and times were tough for a while. They finally managed to get them back but in exchange had to suffer the SJW agenda of Agent Henry Peter Gyrich who thinks that the Avengers should have an African-American on the roster. THE FIEND. The takeaway from this is that the Avengers are under the thumb of Gyrich and also Falcon is on the team. Yay, Falcon!
And now: “The most bizarre Avengers epic ever told!”
Which. I’m just going to go right ahead and state for the record. Unless it has someone marry a tree, second-place is the best it can get. I don’t care how much baby fraud is involved.
So. Quicksilver wakes up in the cabin of Bova who makes him some milk soup to help restore his strength.
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I don’t want to know the level of making it involved. And damn you Mark Gruenwald, Steven Grant, and David Michelinie for specifically making it milk soup, thus raising the question.
Anyway. Some hot soup. He’ll need it to endure THREE PAGES OF EXPOSITION AND RETCON.
Bova is dropping some backstory truth bombs.
Starting with her own backstory. She was once a simple cow but then the High Evolutionary turned her into a cow woman because he was going to make a lot of genetically engineered animal human babies and as a busy science guy he wasn’t going to be raising these babies himself.
During a period while he was busy making anthropomorphic animals and perhaps causing Jessica Drew’s origin story, a pregnant refugee named Magda came to Wundagore.
She was fleeing a megalomaniac husband with strange powers and dreams of world conquest. Afraid that his madness would corrupt the children, she fled before he even found out she was pregnant.
Oh and lets not be vague, although the comic is.
MAGNETO MASTER OF MAGNET is Quicksilver’s new daddy.
Although since Bova herself never found that out neither does Quicksilver here.
Anyway, since Bova was in charge of all babies she made an executive decision to extend asylum to Magda. The High Evolutionary was busy doing science stuff with Jonathan Drew in the towers of Wundagore. He won’t mind.
Bova and Magda became close over the weeks so that when it came time to cow midwife for Magda “it was more privilege than duty.”
Weirdly, Wanda was a glowing baby, thus heralding the beginning of Quirks and the hero society!
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No, no.
But it was a weird portent. Baby Wanda glowed just as the mountain was doing so. That probably bodes.
Oh, and then Magda died.
Not in childbirth, as you might suspect. No, she just packed up and wandered off into the snow to die some days after giving birth.
Because if she were alive Magneto might find her and find out that he had children.
Wait a damn minute.
Two kids. Evil dad. Mom dies. ... Did George Lucas rip off this story when making Revenge of the Sith?
I don’t think we can prove he didn’t.
Anyway. I GUESS Magda just assumed that Bova would take care of her children forever?
Joke’s on her.
Bova immediately goes to the High Evolutionary like ‘I have these two extra babies, what do?’
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(Also weird bit of continuity here: the High Evolutionary is remarked as looking weary from some great conflict at this point in the story. Apparently during Magda’s stay in Wundagore, the High Evolutionary had been busy battling the demon Chthon alongside his Knights of Wundagore, eventually banishing the demon with the power of SCIENCE and ABOMINATIONS AGAINST NATURE. Of course this all happened because some jerk werewolf who killed Jessica Drew’s mom tried to use the Darkhold to cure his lycanthropy. What a jerk.)
Anyway, despite being tired from kicking demon ass, the High Evolutionary decided to help deal with all these extra babies. As long as he can do it in the laziest way possible that doesn’t involve child-endangerment.
So the High Evolutionary summoned Robert and Madeline Frank (the Whizzer and Miss America) who were visiting Transia while Madeline was pregnant.
Transia has unexpectedly high traffic for such a tiny Balkan nation.
The plan was that Bova would just sort of. Give the Franks two extra babies after Madeline gave birth. And. Hope she didn’t notice that two of these babies are several days old instead of newborns and also don’t question giving birth to triplets.
This is a good plan.
Unfortunately, radiation makes fools of us all. Remember how that was a thing that Madeline had accidentally been exposed to a ludicrous amount of radiation?
Her baby was born deformed and stillborn. And Madeline herself died shortly after birth.
Bova tried to make lemonade out of the situation by offering two healthy suspiciously not newborn babies to Robert Frank but as discussed in the previous and now fake origin for Wanda and Pietro, Robert Frank (aka the Whizzer) is really bad at dealing with grief.
He ran the fuck away, leaving behind two babies with a bemused cow-woman midwife.
So the High Evolutionary decided to get EVEN LAZIER (but still with zero child endangerment).
Forget shenanigans and baby shell games.
The High Evolutionary just went to a Roma (and no, not the word used) tribe camped nearby, went up to Django and Marya Maximoff and yelled HEY DO YOU WANT SOME FREE BABIES??
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Since the Maximoffs had recently lost their own children Ana and Mateo they responded most logically to this floating, glowing, shouting pink armor man and accepted these free babies.
And that is the completely straightforward and completely accurate backstory for Wanda and Pietro that explains why they had memories of growing up in a Roma tribe, why the Whizzer thought that they were his kids, and why their secret parentage is much more exploitable for drama.
And now that everything is straight I’m sure this story will never change again or get more complicated.
Despite how simple this explanation is, Pietro finds it all hard to remember. Bova attributes that to the trauma of loss, believing his foster parents had died. Then again, the multiple concussions he must have suffered in the course of his superheroic career constantly running headfirst into stuff may have played a part.
Quicksilver brings up that despite all this explanation he still doesn’t know who his dad is.
Bova: “Then take my word that you know enough! Please!”
More importantly, Bova tells him to get his sister and then get the hell away from Wundagore. There’s danger afoot. Ahoof? No, she has hands and apparently feet. Afoot.
But when she learns that Wanda had disappeared, Bova fears that its already too late.
AND FINALLY after all that exposition and retcons (which don’t get me wrong, I loved. I don’t think its good storytelling, I think its a spaghetti nonsense, but its entertaining nonsense and that’s what matters to me) we finally get back to what Wanda is up to.
She was on the cover for pete’s sake!
Anyway, she’s jesusing over the altar and Darkhold, just as is suggested on the cover.
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Modred, the Wi-Fi Wizard, reveals some choice deets about his own motivation and backstory.
Apparently he used to combat the Darkhold’s efforts to hold sway over the Earth but after battling Chthon in Marvel Chillers #2, Modred realized that the demon was an agent of destiny and dangit it was Modred’s destiny to help him achieve a new world order!
Modred, you suggestible fool, thinks Wanda, more or less.
Idiot or no, Modred’s magic is far stronger than Wanda’s barely trained efforts. She couldn’t even weaken his Bind Person spell with her level.
But she can cheat.
She uses her mutant probability altering powers to just sorta create a probability where the Hold Person spell just turns off.
To Modred’s irritation, she jumps off the floating Darkhold as she escapes the spell. Rude, Wanda.
Even though ‘the master’ has said she is not to be killed, nobody said anything about “the administration of discipline!” Which thankfully takes the form of magic bolts.
Wanda is able to hold him off with her own magic bolts but he’s still far stronger than her. That didn’t change just because I hit enter several times.
Even using her mutant power to create a sphere to repulse his bolts is for naught.
As her defenses fall, she begs Modred to stop.
Scarlet Witch: “A-all right! I believe you! J-just stop! Please -- stop!”
Modred: “Thou dost... yield? Verily, I be disappointed. I would have thought thou to be a more determined opponent.”
Scarlet Witch: “I am, Modred. I just realized that I can’t fight you on your level. But there are other levels. Like, for instance, what the mortals of this world call -- a roundhouse left!”
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I gotta say. I love the trope of someone winning a magic duel by decking the other person in the face.
Unfortunately (for Wanda’s own peace of mind), she’s too good at punching. And punched Modred right off the damn mountain.
She laments having killed a person, even if millions of lives were saved by foiling the plans of Modred’s master.
And then Modred shoots her in the back. AGAIN.
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He’s such a dick.
Modred rants at the unconscious witch that she was chosen at birth to be a vessel for his master’s second coming and the time of that rising is now.
Dammit Modred!
Later and also elsewhere, Quicksilver prepares to set back out.
He thanks Bova for the truth bombs and for fixing his costume. But now he must find Wanda before-
Ahem. Wanda is now an angry sky face. Or perhaps the entity now piloting Wanda.
She says she should kill him but she still has some human compassion from the previous owner.
So instead Possessed!Wanda just fires some warning eye lighting at Quicksilver telling him to gtfo or die.
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Quicksilver wants to or die but Bova convinces him to go get outside help instead. Reluctantly, Quicksilver bows down to this ‘bovine logic.’
And yes the comic actually calls it that. How does bovine logic differ from people logic? Well in this case, the cow is smarter than the Quicksilver. Less impetuous anyway.
So Quicksilver runs down the mountain which is a lot less painful than falling down it but unexpectedly runs into Django Maximoff, the possibly dementia suffering old man who is Quicksilver’s foster father and really more of a father than Magneto ever was.
Honestly, its been changed so much that I don’t actually care about the Maximoff’s parentage. I’ve enjoyed Dadneto material, like him showing up for the most awkward thanksgiving dinner ever in the Vision and Scarlet Witch miniseries (the very same one where she gets magic pregnant). Him confessing to Finesse in Avengers Academy that the murder robots he used to send to murder Quicksilver for training reasons were actually programmed to take it easy on him. There’s good Dadneto material. I do get annoyed that Django gets brushed aside.
He’s the one who actually raised the twins but he’s not considered their ‘real’ dad because he doesn’t share DNA with them except I think the most recent retcon made it that he was the biological father but my point still stands.
Dadneto is fine. But remember Django Maximoff who did the hard parenting work that Magneto didn’t.
And let’s also remember Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and Bail Organa. Who raised another set of important twins from a big, menacing villain.
But I digress.
Anyway, Django went looking for Quicksilver but decided to tarry in the forest. He’s always loved this forest. Its where he fled to when those villagers burned down his camp. He’s always felt safe here.
Cue the irony.
As the forest becomes animate almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Evil Dead, and captures Quicksilver and Django.
Quicksilver does the thing that speedsters do when bound. Vibrates super fast until the binding breaks.
He then runs around in a circle punching wood until Django is free, although the old man does complain that Quicksilver shouldn’t harm the wood. “It’s special! And it was so friendly before I... I don’t understand.”
Quicksilver ignores this and NYOOMS away with Django in his arms.
And then nature loses its shit. Or maybe Possessed!Wanda loses her shit on nature’s behalf.
There’s suddenly
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STORMS. With LIGHTNING and a rain of fire and rocks and is Wundagore actually a volcano how does it just rain fire and rocks??
Oh there’s also earthquakes that open chasms that try to swallow up Quicksilver but he NYOOMS through all these dangers to arrive back at the village.
The post office has the only phone in town so Quicksilver pamb pambs on the door and asks to use it to make an emergency call to--
Remember, this is an Avengers book. Guest-starring the Avengers.
Broodmeister Vision is on monitor duty so he intercepts the call.
Elsewhere in the mansion, the Avengers are eating dinner and talking about Iron Man while he’s not there.
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Demon in a Bottle is still concurrent and we’ve reached the part of the story where an armor malfunction caused Iron Man to accidentally manslaughter a foreign ambassador.
Needless to say, this caused a big stink and he’s currently under investigation until it can be proven that it was a malfunction.
While he’s gone, Captain America is acting chairman.
That’s why he gets to sit at the head of the table. Being chairman comes with perks.
Also, a sort of weird details is that if they have them, the Avengers take off their gloves to eat. I don’t know if that is weird. I don’t wear gloves constantly. But it looks weird. Without her gloves, Ms Marvel looks even more like she’s just wearing a swimsuit everywhere.
Anyway, Vision ghosts through the wall and tells them to belay that meal, there’s grave danger ahoof!
Vision: “Quicksilver just called, saying that Wanda has been possessed by some preternatural power -- causing her to wreak elemental destruction over an area of miles!”
Captain America orders everyone to doubletime to the Quinjet hanger but he gets countermanded.
By Agent Henry Peter Gyrich.
Who offers the reasons that 1) Quicksilver is not an active Avenger so they’re not obligated to give him the time of day, 2) there’s no proof that whatever is going on in Bulgaria is a threat to US security, and 3) come on guys, don’t just be flying where you like we don’t need another international incident like the one Iron Man caused. No, not killing the ambassador. ANOTHER international incident. The man is rolling in them.
Cap has had enough and stalks off to make a phone call.
And just one panel of Beast making implied threats towards Gyrich later, the agent receives a phone call.
He yells into the receiver that he’s not to be disturbed but WHOOPS just yelled at his boss.
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Agent Henry Peter Gyrich: “That was the *ahem* Commander-in-Chief. He’s requested that the Avengers leave on a, uh, ‘good-will tour’ or Bulgaria. Right away. you can wipe that smirk off your face now, captain.”
It is quite an impressive smirk.
And wow. To think that Cap could just go over Gyrich’s head like that by calling Jimmy Carter.
I can only speculate that he didn’t do it until now because Gyrich was an asshole but had a point.
Anyway, Gyrich is still an asshole.
Out of spite or assholishness or spiteful assholishness, he demands that Vision stay at the mansion.
Because he is on the duty roster for monitor duty and per regulations someone must be on monitor duty at all times.
(I refuse to believe that this regulation is ever actually obeyed. The Avengers almost never leave someone at home)
Vision takes issue with this and offers to introduce Gyrich to punches but Cap stops him.
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One punch and they could lose all those privileges that they’ve worked so hard off-panel to get back! And apparently Cap only has so many favors to call in with Jimmy Carter!
But he promises that the Avengers will find Wanda and take care of her.
Vision agrees but darkly promises that this matter will be settled.
And then he tries to take over the world. Well, not for years and under the influence of an alien supercomputer and probably not directly related to this. But I imagine that once he had taken over the government, he would have had Gyrich reassigned to Antarctica.
Meanwhile, six time zones away in Transia, Quicksilver worries that due to a bad connection the Avengers may not have understood his message.
And then he explodes.
Because Possessed!Wanda has found them.
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Chthon!Wanda: “No, you old fool! For at least, I’ve purged this vessel of its last taint of humanity, it’s last wisp of soul! There is no Ana Maximoff! There is not Wanda Frank! Now, there is only... CHTHON!”
And Wanda has a new evil and thus sexy costume. Its actually kind of stylish.
Although one must wonder why a being like Chthon would even dress his host body up in an evil, sexy outfit. Maybe even demons are bound by the tropes of the genre.
Also, dammit Chthon! Bova just sewed up Quicksilver’s outfit and here you are blowing it to tatters again!
Have you no respect for the bovine logic of the cow-woman midwife!
You truly are heinous!
Next time: The call of the mountain THING!
Damn. That’s a great title.
Follow @essential-avengers. Its the dedicated sideblog for this series. Its... eventually going to be caught up.
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vivalaegghead · 6 years
Hhhmaigawd this thing has been sitting on my To Do list for much longer than I was anticipating. I’m not 100% happy with it, but it was one of those things that I needed to stop doting over so I could move on with the story. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it, and as always feel free to comment, like, or share! 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Courted - Chapter 7
How shall I call you,
My lover, my forever
What name shall I utter
For the rest of eternity?
              The gaudy walls of the castle blurred by Zarina as she stalked through the hallways, Elgar’s claws clicked alongside her against the marble as he matched his owners quickened pace. Confused murmurs of ‘Princess’ from castle staff and visiting dignitaries soared past her, but they were unable to land within Zarina’s ears. She must have been a sight, donned only in a thin white satin slip that tangled up around her bare ankles, hair half done from the night before. The people and greetings passed by her in shades of grey, all she could focus on was the aging expanse of the castle garden, but she wasn’t sure if her feet would stop at the garden’s edge.
The russet brick of the courtyard expanded before her, she took a solemn step from the smooth marble floor to the unfinished edges of red brick. Her toes curled, greeting the new surface, thanking it for being imperfect. Stained leaves pirouetted over her feet in dizzying circles, inviting her to dance with them. Zarina hurried across the red expanse of brick, her heels dragged awkwardly over the masonry, leaving the skin on the bottom of her feet raw.
Shems hate rough feet. A mischievous grin trickled over her freckled face, and she continued in this manner, relishing in the blasphemy. The garden was a place of worship for Zarina, and she was their goddess. The flowers offered their plum-colored petals, the trees relinquished the last of their leaves, and the earth promised its warmth. This green expanse is the kingdom Zarina wished for, not the walls of the castle that blubbered heavily with jewels and gossip. Her feet carried her past the flowers that Sebastian planted to remind her of her homeland, past the trees that would have hung shamefully under the grand oaks of forest her clan inhabited. A chilled wind bit at the exposed skin and tore relentlessly at the silken garment that clung to her curves, but Zarina failed to take notice. The land past the castle grounds consumed her mind, the painted meadows began relinquishing the lush of their greens to the melancholy colors of death. A lake was nestled between the grove of oaks and a far off stable, accompanied by a leaning cabin. The sweet smells of seasons past tugged playfully at Zarina.
The outskirts of the castle grounds had served as Zarina’s refuge when she first arrived many years ago. For months, the small elf could be found curled stealthily among the tree branches. Tracks in the underbrush would signal what she wanted, and the release of an arrow from her taunt bow would bring her some sense of comfort. She needed that release, the ability to take care of herself once more, to provide for her and Elgar like she had in another life. A week had passed before the palace guards, led by a concerned Sebastian, finally caught her in the woods. A fresh kill was slung over her shoulder, a mixture of blood and dirt stained her wrinkled tunic, much to the shock of the hunting party. Sebastian guided her back to the castle under the cover of night in an effort to not draw attention to the wild elven princess, and she was hastily cleaned and her bow was relinquished from her. Sometimes she could still feel the firm vibration of a strung bow on her fingertips, and a soft hum of a singing arrow filled her ears.
Zarina’s feet halted her escape, then turned to face the tower her tutor resided in as if she were a compass that had finally found true north. The tower loomed mysteriously in the sky, the red brick only gave way to a weathered oaken door and two small windows. Zarina had never witnessed the tower from the inside, Sebastian made sure that her and Solas interacted in public places with prying eyes on them at all times. She would catch herself in her thoughts, which concocted tales about the contents of the tower. Bookshelves of aged oak would line the curves of the tower, sunken over the weight of dusty tomes. A small desk tucked under the staircase that was always lit with a half burned candle. The dust from the shelves would float up with the smoke from the candle, carrying its distinct scent to the loft were a sleeping Solas lay, eyelashes softly fluttering at the arrival of dawn.
A cold nose pressed to Zarina’s calf alerted her that she had begun to dote too long on the memory. Elgar nudged her again with a large black snout, signaling her to continue with the soft wag of his tail. Zarina’s hand found its way behind the wolf’s perked ears, a scratch brought about an excited wiggle that overcame the animal.
“Ghilana, Elgar.” She clucked to the wolf, who answered with an excited yip. Elgar continued down the path that led to the lake, large paws padded quickly against the brick. His gait carried him along the path in an “S” formation, allowing him to simultaneously check both sides of the road while keeping a protective gaze over Zarina. As the princess fell in line behind the wolf, she wondered how long it would take for Josephine to send Alistair after her. Hours? Days?
I am too valuable for them to stall that long. A bitter tone overcame her. The wedding loomed ever closer, therefore Josephine would try to avoid a clamor at all costs. The Antivan was probably furiously searching for her guard, with a timid Merrill in tow. Always check the kitchen first. A childish smirk curled at Zarina’s lips as she fondly remembered when Alistair was caught sneaking pastries from the kitchen when he was scheduled to be watching a younger Zarina. They were ignorant to the fact that he was trying to win over her friendship with brightly iced cookies and tarts.
           A loud bark erupted from Elgar and the massive animal took off at an extraordinary gait towards the stables. “Elgar!” Zarina’s heart skipped a beat at the urgency with which her wolf ran. “Garas!” She yelled after the wolf, who continued to fly towards the building. Zarina gathered the hem of her silk slip in her fist and took off after the animal, who had quickly put distance between them. Muscles extended and retracted in ways that once came naturally, but now felt foreign. Legs that had grown accustomed to stagnation were now carrying the elf over beds of flowers and grass, quickly gaining ground on the wolf. The wind ripped at Zarina’s dress, trying to slow her from reaching her target, but her legs kept carrying her. She almost forgot what it felt like to run, to have adrenaline snake through her veins. She almost forgot what it felt like to be alive.
           Elgar skidded to a stop in front of the stables, hackles erect and teeth bared. A young boy had placed himself between the sharp teeth of the wolf and the erratic shuffling of a nervous deer. Hands wrapped in stained cloth were raised apprehensively towards the poised wolf, his lips moved quickly but Zarina was still too far to make out the words.
“Elgar!” The final plea was ripped breathlessly from Zarina’s lips by the wind. A few more strides brought her to the scene, and to a fearsome wolf who had relinquished its teeth and offered its belly to the curious boy. Her bare feet brought her to a halt, and she unclenched the train of her dress to allow it to lick her exposed ankles once more, golden eyes took in the frail form of the boy. Gentle hands were covered in blisters, yet they ran over Elgar’s wiry coat without hesitation. Deep set eyes void of color were barely visible behind shaggy blonde hair, and cracked lips whispered calmly to the mass of dog beneath him. The lanky deer that once stood erect from panic was now grazing peacefully behind him, ears still alert to the boys words.
“I’m sorry about him.” Zarina began, she shifted from foot to foot uneasily. “He usually listens to me.”
“That’s quite alright.” The boy’s voice was smooth and quite, unlike his rugged appearance, and he spoke without looking up from the wolf. Zarina broke her gaze from the boy and her wolf, and she looked at the barn that stood worn down on the edge of the castle property. Wood from the surrounding forests had been gathered to construct the simple building, and the rain and sun made quick work of wearing the wood smooth. A small corral was adjacent to the barn, two chestnut colored horses nosed through patches of grass.
           The strange boy stood suddenly, then turned towards the deer that grazed silently behind him. Elgar shifted to his side in disapproval, soft whines escaped him as he watched the boy move quietly away from him. Zarina clucked her tongue, signaling a reluctant wolf back to her side. Zarina eyed the boy curiously, then began to follow behind him.
“What exactly do you- oh!” The deer perked at her approaching, black eyes widened with fear, the deer bolted into the expanse of woods. The young boy helplessly watched at the deer shot between bushes and trees before disappearing in the thick of the forest.
“Oh gods, I am so sorry!” The frame of the boy turned on Zarina, and his eyes picked over her frame as if dissecting the elf before him. A moment passed between the pair and the forest that surrounded them held its breath, the boy shuffled his feet before finally responding.
“My name is Cole.” The words soared towards Zarina on the breath of an exhale. “I’m the groundskeeper.” His eyes fell to his hands, unable to hold Zarina’s questioning gaze, and a rough hand adjusted the bandages of the other. The frail frame of the boy seemed to shrink into his surroundings, as if he were a ghost of the barn. His eyes circulated his surroundings, but continuously failed to land on the fiery-haired elf before him. A soft whine escaped from the wolf at Zarina’s side, and he began to furiously wag his tail when the boy’s gaze fell on him.
A soft smiled spread across Zarina’s lips. “You have a way with animals.”
           The boy fell onto his knees and the white mass of wolf excitedly scooted into Cole’s arms, tongue falling from his black lips as Cole’s hands found themselves behind the back of Elgar’s ears. An unspoken innocence seemed to radiate from the boy, as if he were a new spring bud that managed to push itself from the earth with a content sigh. Where there was innocence, sadness also seemed to lurk, like a stubborn weed that continued to harass the new bloom.
“Animals don’t ask for much.” His voice was smooth like glass, and each word was spoken with care. “I don’t either.”
“Princess! Zarina!” Sharp voices broke the calm that had settled between the elf and the boy. Elgar rolled away from Cole, body alert and rigid as his eyes scanned the party that was ascending on them. Josephine led the group, skirts gathered awkwardly in her hands to prevent her gown from dragging through the grass while still keeping the hem at a modest length. Merrill and Alistair closed in behind the Antivan, and Dorian kept a steady pace behind the leaders, face painted with a disheveled flair. Zarina stood to face the approaching group, fingers anxiously buried in Elgar’s scruff.
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” The Antivan exclaimed, furious eyes taking in the sheerness of Zarina’s dress and the dirt that had gathered between her toes.
“I’m sure you have.” The words dripped with venom as Zarina pulled her face taunt with a smug grin. Merrill appeared from behind Josephine, bright eyes begged for Zarina to surrender to the group.
“We’re sorry about what happened.” Merrill’s voice was frail as she chose her words carefully. “Please come back with us.” Zarina’s gaze rested on each of their faces, forehead wrinkled from frustration. She turned to fall back into the calm that was the groundskeeper, but found that the boy had vanished back into his surroundings. The princess hesitated, then relinquished her grip on Elgar.
“Fine. Let’s go.” Her voice wavered despite her effort to conceal her emotions. Josephine’s lips parted, as if to offer a final word, but her painted lips were unable to form a comment. She simply turned towards the distant castle, hiked up her dress to expose a toned calf, then proceeded through the meadow. Alistair remained tight lipped, nodded to Dorian that they were to return. Dorian responded with a moody breath of disapproval, whipped the sweat that had accumulated on his brow, then followed the guard.
           Merrill linked arms with Zarina, and the pair flanked the rest of the group with Elgar keeping pace beside them. Silence settled awkwardly between the pair, both unsure of how to process the chaotic morning. Anger rooted itself at the base of Zarina’s consciousness, she knew that Merrill meant well but her friend’s loyalty resided with her. Shame, or something of the sort, tried to soothe the anger, tried to reason that Merrill owned nothing to her. Zarina’s face flushed, and she tried to swallow the emotion.
“Here.” Merrill’s voice dropped to a suspicious whisper as she cast a wary eye over those that lead them. A hurried palm pressed something into Zarina’s, and a cluck of the tongue demanded Zarina’s silence. The princess’ fist fell to her side as she cast a confused eye over her friend, then chanced a look at the contents that she bore in secret. Parchment, with the edges unraveled from a fire. She could make out the simplicity of Solas’ writing.
“Is this..?” A sharp elbow in the princess’ ribs once again demanded her silence, but also confirmed her suspicions.
“You know magic is forbidden.” Zarina tried to curb the sharpness of her tongue, but she feared for her friends. Most of Orlais remained unforgiving of magic unless it was used for parlor tricks, Sebastian continuously lamented the use of magic, often described it as an uncontrollable plague. No one in the castle knew of Merrill’s power, of how she had accidentally burned Zarina’s eyebrows off when they were children. If the nobility were to find out, Merrill wouldn’t make it out of Orlais alive.
“You deserve to be happy, my friend.”
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ashadowcalledkei · 7 years
Now that I’ve had some time to get things done, here’s the next chapter of TLtN!  See, not a long wait at all.  It’s also the return of chapter art.  Admittedly I just decided to draw this one super fast because I could, but there will be nicer, proper art on the next one.
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To Last the Night
Sequel to Whispers in the Dark
Pairings: None Characters: Grillby, Dogaressa, Dogamy, Sans and Papyrus (background),  W̵̧͟͠.̸̡̀͝ ̴͝D̷͘͜.̷́̀̕ ̴̷̨͜G̸҉a̢͜ś҉̴͘t҉͘e̛͏ŕ̶̷͡ ̵̶̸͘͜
Warnings:  extreme bodyhorror, temporary character death (ish), implied torture of underage characters, general dark themes, zalgo text (I tried to keep it minimal)
Notes: Baby Blasters AU belongs to the wonderful @spacegate​​, I just love writing awful angst for it.
Read on AO3 here (chapters go up on tumblr first)
Chapter 12
The trio raced through the ruined lab and up the steps.  Even after the slick, black trail dried up, the scent of rotting magic guided them through the house and out the broken front door.  The caverns of Hotland were dim as always, lit only by the glow of red hot magma flowing below.  Grillby was afraid that the dark shape of the doctor might blend in too well for them to make him out, but Dogaressa and Dogamy held no such fears.  Their sharp senses guided them.  They would not allow their prey to escape.  
They sprinted through the cave, away from the red glow of lava and deeper into the twisting darkness of the subterranean kingdom.  The unnatural creature the doctor had become was fast, faster than them to be sure, but without his portals he couldn't outrun them forever.  Not when the dogs had his scent.  Before long the stone ceiling above them began to change its slope, the craggy walls edging closer together, and Grillby knew that their quarry had made a fatal error.  
He caught sight of a blur of movement up ahead, a shadow darting through the darkness.  The dogs ran faster, panting as they pushed themselves to go ever faster.  Grillby couldn't quite keep up, but it didn't matter much.  The passage they were in was becoming tight.  Sounds echoed, bouncing off the unforgiving walls of a sealed exit.  They had the man cornered now.  
With Grillby hanging back to guard the exit, arms extended and hands ablaze, Dogaressa and Dogamy advanced on their cornered target.  He was hunched awkwardly, pressed back against the uneven stones of the cave's far wall.  There was no way out, not even for him, unless he was willing to release his prize.  The dogs stalked forward as one, each holding their weapons out in a show of force that anyone would be foolish not to take seriously.  
“I don't know what you did to those kids,” Dogamy snarled, “but you're gonna pay for it.”
Dogaressa bared her teeth at the man.  “Give back what you stole, and I might be willing to make this quick.”
“M͍̞ ̖͔̥̻̹i͍̣͕ ̟n͎ ̸̞e͉̹̟̫͝.͉̙͎ ”
The entire cavern seemed to freeze in a stunned silence broken only by the distorted hiss of static that lingered around the thing that was once a monster.  
“Did he just … talk?” Dogamy questioned, his gaze darting between Dogaressa, Grillby, and the doctor as if he couldn't believe what his sensitive ears had just heard.  
“T͝ ͟h ͏e y   ͏á ҉r̷ ͞e̶ ̡ m ̛i̷ ̸n҉ ͜e͘ ,” the man said, the words drawn out and mangled but no less present.  And the more he spoke, the more clear the sounds became.  He slowly straightened his long form, rising up to tower over Grillby and the dogs.  His torso was stretched thin and gaunt, morphing into one long band of pure darkness.  The edges of his mouth quirked upwards in manic glee as he forced the otherworldly sounds that came from it to form something intelligible.  “M ́i ̴n͜ e.̕ T ̛a ̴k ̢en f r̶o͝ ̶m ͡ m̡e. ͟ ͜Ss̕s̶sò I ͏ t̛ ҉oo k̸ t̷h͟ em ͞ ͏b a ̴ck͏.͘ ”
“You killed them!” Dogaressa screamed, her own voice cracking under the strain.
“T͏h̸ ȩ y ̕w̸ e̡re̕ … p ͟a͞ ͏s̛s̶t̀  ss ҉a ͏ve ing. ̷ ̴Ţa̧ i ͘nt ed͡. ”
“Like you are?” the guardswoman asked, the subtle growl of her question sharper than any curse.
The man laughed, bubbling and terrible.  “I͟ ͝ ͘a͞m ҉ ̛ss̨s͟ t͟r҉o n̢ǵ ́e͠r.̨ ̨ ͜Į ͝ śss͜s̡ ur͝ ͏vi ve̢. Th ey ̶ w ̢ou̧l͡ ̨d͏   fa ̵ll̛. ”
“They haven't fallen yet.”  Grillby said, the memory of two small, butchered souls driving him towards a new sense of defiance that felt strange and welcome to him.  “You did your best to dust them but it didn't work.”
The man tilted his head slowly, his too wide mouth twisting into an ugly frown.  The fragments he clutched shuddered, pushing against his all too yielding hand.  “Th͏ ey ̡ ̷a̧ re͢  ͝l̸ ͡o ͜c͢k e̵d͞. ̵S̷ss͟ta ͝śss͢i͠ s̸ss͢ss. ͝ I͠t w ͞iļl n o͜t ͜ la ss̷s̴t.̢ ”  Again he smiled, what passed for his shoulders shaking as he let out a hissing laugh.  “Y͝o̧u ̧c ̴an̡ ̕ķee p̛ ẁh at ͞is̶s ̡ĺe ̸f̕t.  Th̨ ̡ey҉   a̛ ̛rȩ ̀u̵ss ̵l͟e͢ssss ̷ ͏to̕ m͞ ́e ̕ n͠o̵w͜. ”
In a sudden blur of motion that took them all by surprise, Dogaressa threw herself towards the man.  She roared like a wild animal and swung her battleaxe, its blade shining orange in the dancing glow of Grillby's firelight.  The metal cut deep, burying itself halfway into the column of the man's torso before finally coming to a stop.  The doctor gasped, cracked, empty eye sockets widening in surprise.  He looked down at the weapon protruding from his body as if unable to fully comprehend its presence there.  Then, with a vicious snarl, Dogaressa yanked the axe blade free.  Inky gore splattered from the open wound, spraying everything around them, but it did not phase the guardswoman.  She swung again, driving the weapon back into the same spot with practiced precision.  His body nearly chopped in half, the doctor howled as he topped backwards.  The sound he made was a mangled, piercing shriek that made both dogs and even Grillby wince in pain to hear.  Yet Dogaressa did not retreat.  She hefted her massive weapon and brought it down once more.  The blade tore through the man's arm, severing it with a single blow.  
The disembodied hand writhed like a dying insect, spasming and oozing as it lost any semblance of functional form.  And as it did, it lost its grip on the two crystal fragments.  The shards floated upwards, idly spinning around one another.  Dogamy ran forward, snatching up the pair.  When the doctor reached for them, his other arm stretching out towards them as he cried out with a static-ruined moan, the guardsman swung his own battleaxe in a one handed chop that severed the remaining semi-solid limb at the wrist.  He backed away quickly, his weapon held in front of him like a shield, as Dogaressa stood her ground.  
The wreck of a monster struggled to push himself up with what remained of one arm.  Inky sludge dripped from the ragged wound in his torso, each droplet leaving a long tail of shining black behind it.  The more drops that fell, the more strands of blackness connected the two halves of his severed body.  Faster and faster they fell, knitting the wound together, until the man was once more able to slide himself upwards.  Long, oozing tendrils snaked from where his shoulders should be, rushing down to the cavern floor where they slithered towards the pale shapes of his hands.  His cracked eye sockets were half melted, but still they stared at the trio with a wide, unhinged madness.  
“M͘͜ ̶i ̨͘͜ǹ ͝e̵̶ ,” he hissed, more distorted than before.  “T ̷h͘ ̡ơ s e ͜ a̕ r̨ e̴ ̡ ̡m ̷i҉ ͞n ͜e͟!͢ ̶Ǵ i҉ v ̷e ͜t ͢h ̸e҉ ͠m͠ ̶̀̋ B̆ ̑ͨͨ̊ͩA͑͜ ̴͒̏C̷ͧ ͗̉͒͢Kͬͪͨ̚͝!̒ ”
A piercing blast of static made the trio stagger backwards, hands pressed tight over their ears.  Shaking her head to try and banish the ringing left behind by the sudden sonic onslaught, Dogaressa growled and readied herself for another attack.  The man reached for her, but she dodged, ducking underneath an unnaturally long arm and bringing her axe around to strike at where his legs should have been.  Though each hit she managed to land was strong, cleaving easily through the dark muck, the wounds never lasted for long.  And what's worse, now that he was aware of her intentions, her opponent was smart enough not to underestimate her.  The doctor moved with frightening speed and unnatural fluidity.  Though he had no weapon and employed no traditional magic, at least none that could be seen, his distorted scream and grasping, lengthened fingers were an undeniable threat.   Grillby had been so transfixed by the display that he didn't notice Dogamy approaching until the other canine suddenly blocked his view.  
“I have to help her,” the guardsman said, the look in his eyes betraying the fear he did not want to show.  
Grillby nodded and held out his hands for the fragments.  They drifted into his palms with no resistance and hovered there, dancing just above his fiery skin, their magic shining with a gentle, blue glow.  Up close he could see how the light shifted, getting brighter and dimmer in a steady pulsing rhythm.  He carefully closed his hands over the pair trapping them between his palms.  They did not struggle against him.  Their power hummed in his grasp, warm and alive.  He knew what he had to do.
“Be safe,” Grillby said, waiting only long enough to see his friend return to the battle before he was up and running.  Behind him, static roared over the sounds of angry barking and the resonating clang of metal on stone, but he did not turn back to see it.  All his focus was on the winding pathway before him and the shining gems of magic he cradled in his palms.  
There were many places he could have gone.  He could break into one of the other houses.  Perhaps hide in a different cavern.  He could even board the Riverperson's boat and go anywhere from Snowdin to Asgore's throne room.  But instead he found himself headed right for the ruined lab they'd only just left.  He didn't know what he was doing, not really.  It was only a hunch, or perhaps wishful thinking, but he knew he had to try.  These weren't just fragments of the boys' magic, they were pieces of their souls.  He was sure of it now.  Even if this desperate act proved to be futile, he had to return these stolen pieces of the children he'd failed to protect.  
Grillby dragged the metal tables closer together.  He quickly untied the straps that had held the boys down, burning through the ones that would not release so easily.  For a moment he was frozen in place, staring down at the pair.  They were too quiet.  Too still.  Too fragile.  He held his free hand out over them and channeled his magic, summoning their souls.  Just like when they'd first found the pair, at first there was no answer.  His call to battle went unheeded, as if the vessels before him were truly empty.  But then there was a faint spark of something intangible and a feeble pulse of magic began to shine from within them.  Grillby looked away as the mangled souls faded into view.  The sight was just as ghastly as it had been before.  In fact, it was exactly as it had been.  The souls he saw now were unchanged, neither healing nor deteriorating from their disfigured state.  It defied everything he knew about the nature of souls and magic, but he had no time to question it now.  
With some coaxing, Grillby managed to separate the two crystalline shards.  They would not be moved too far apart, but so long as he kept his hands close enough together they were at least willing to cease their hypnotic spin.  He carefully closed his hands over them and reached out with his own soul, trying to summon something from within them the same way he'd summoned what was left of the souls he was so certain they'd been stole from.  Blue magic answered him in tiny pulses.  Dark and light.  Honest and patient.  He blinked away the ashy tears that gathered in his eyes.  
Slowly, he opened his hands and guided the two crystals towards the souls that shared their magic.  They followed his movements, drifting down willingly until they had each settled in the open hollows of the two souls.  The shards fit perfectly.  Grillby waited, his flames burning low and quiet, for some kind of sign.  But there was no flash of light or grand pulse of power.  He scooped Papyrus's soul into his hands, not daring pull it any further away from him, and carefully pressed the ragged edges together.  The little soul was cold and still.  Desperate, Grillby sent some of his own magic into it.  A familiar warmth to drive the cold away.  
“Please,” he whispered as he cupped the fragile soul in his hands, “please.”  
The soul's light, dim and dull, slowly began to brighten.  Deep blues and hints of orange, so very like his own yet somehow different, flashed beneath a blanket of white as ragged edges of conjured flesh began to merge.  Grillby held on, watching in astonished relief as the soul slowly reformed itself.  And then, at last, he felt a pulse of magic beneath his fingers.  First one, then another and another until it settled itself into a rhythm that could almost be called normal.  
Grillby was reluctant to let go, still hovering close even after he'd released the child's restored soul until he was sure that fragile pulse wasn't about to stop.  But once he was as certain as he could be, he quickly turned his attention to Sans.  Repeating the process, he held the other child's soul together and carefully poured his own energy into it until it too began to glow and pulse.  This time the rhythm faltered, skipping and shuddering in a way that frightened him, but each time it failed, it started up again on its own.  The elemental couldn't explain it, but in that moment he was just grateful that there was any sign of life in that soul at all.  They had been so broken, ripped to pieces and robbed of some precious piece of themselves.  But now they were whole.  Shining.  Alive.  
As he stared in amazement at the pale glow of Sans's newly restored soul, he noticed something odd.  The dark magic that had poisoned him and his brother was still wrapped tight around it, causing the surface to warp discolor, but there were white streaks where that stain had been cleared away.  Streaks that looked an awful lot like fingers.  Grillby reached down again, placing his hands around Sans's soul, and found that the marks were a match.  In the places he'd touched with his fire magic, the poison had been burned away.  And it wasn't just Sans, Papyrus's soul had similar clear patches on it as well.  All this time he'd been trying to find some way to help them, some cure for the unknown magic poisoning them, and it had been with him all along.  
Grillby released his summoning hold on the pair, letting their souls sink into their unconscious bodies.  Then he settled a hand on each of them, palms resting lightly against their chests.  Almost anything could burn, and bone was no exception, but it took a lot more to char bone than it did to burn most other things.  The heat he'd channeled into their souls hadn't been nearly enough to cause that kind of damage.  He could do this, theoretically at least.  He just had to be careful about it.
The elemental's own soul glowed brightly, lighting up his core with all the bright tones of flame.  It called to two souls mirrored in blue, not with a summons but with a plea.  And they responded.  The notes were faint, their song buried beneath a smothering blanket of shadow, but no less present.  Time and care had formed a connection between them, and it was through that bond that Grillby sent not only the heat of his fire magic but also its light.  
He sent his power into them.  His strength.  His love.  It surged a brilliant white, shining from inside their bones.  A dark smoke rose from the pair as the tainted magic inside them began to burn, permeating the space with an acrid stench.  Their small bodies grew warm beneath his touch.  Then the warmth shifted into heat and he had to pull back some of his power.  Too much and they would burn.  Not enough and the corruption would keep its deadly hold on them.  Grillby focused on the brightness of his own magic,  the potential in it and in him to bring not just destruction but warmth and light as well.  He channeled that light, filling the children he'd thought he lost with a brilliant luminescence strong enough to push back the darkness.  
And white lights flickered to life in dark eye sockets.  
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jeanlaurens1 · 5 years
i. overview
Species: Seelie Feyrie
Full Name: Helle Bergström
Birthday & Age: March 7, 1396 / 623
Skill: Resurgency
Level: Senior Attorney
Occupation: Owns Thistledown Bed & Breakfast / Hit Feyrie
Neighborhood: Cottage at Thistledown, Dell Rapids
Residency Status: Returning resident, 250 / 3 years
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
ii. personality
+ charming, romantic, protective, & tenacious.
- flighty, anguished, guarded, & indulgent.
iii.  about the species
feyries are creatures that once lived within the celestial gates. they were servants to the ethereal dynasty and were kept in charge of the elemental balance of the planet. they lived seemingly in harmony, the feyries content with their role until a group of feyries called the unseelie court decided to rebel against the deities. they were banished from the celestial gates, their fate to be forever lost in hell. although not a part of the rebellion, the seelie court started to be seen with suspicious eyes by the deities and were eventually banished as well. they didn’t have to ask for the favor of any demons, though, they were purposely sent to earth both out of self-preservation but also to have them balance out the damage done by the other part of their kind.
iv.  the past
one // it’s an evensong, it’s a melody, it’s a battle cry, it’s a symphony.
The sky was growing dim and she was never one to revel in the cold air. Humming to herself, she tried to make the best of things. The wispy soul stopped where she was, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She focused and observed her surroundings. Bare branches were coated in ice, reflecting the full moon with a faint glimmer. They shone as if encased in glass. The figure tenderly stepped onto a frozen puddle and watched the ice gain hairline fractures that shot out. She repeated the process and watched the myriad of cracks form a web-like design. She removed her foot to admire the newfound beauty of seeming imperfection. She kept traipsing about to pass the time, cracking a few puddles here and there and admiring red, plump holly berries adorning the verdure. A chill eventually crept into her bones and settled deep within as restlessness started to mount. A final stomp, issued by another, ushered her deeper into the creeping velvet of night.
 “This isn’t what I was designed for,” she pleaded, wild eyes pricking with tears. The garrote around the victim’s neck was pulled tighter in response. The gurgling came to a sputtering, shuddering halt as the light in their irises finally dimmed. A shaky breath was expelled in tandem with the target’s last. “Now try,” a gentle command came. Helle unwound the cord, trying not to let her gaze linger upon the pooling bruise on paling skin. She traced the marks with delicate, tentative fingers. “I can’t,” she wailed. “You will.”
She did.
Her hand traveled lower, coming to rest over a still heart. The lifeless eyes were wide, an accusation that continued haunting Helle Bergström for centuries. She shifted her gaze from the mottled corpse to the pair that watched her with too much scrutiny. Helle closed her own and willed the tears on her lashes not to fall. Her other hand traced features she knew even in the dark, though the slight dimple was nowhere to be found. There was no fury accompanying hands wrapped around her slender neck when she deserved the taunt. The figure splayed before her had never been so still, and it was all the more unsettling.
Helle cupped the carved cheek in one hand and slipped between, beckoning the departed soul back to the realm of the living. She had extended a hand, reaching into that place between life and death, hoping the other would take it. “Isn’t loving something so fragile punishment enough?” She spoke gently but was cut off by a convulsing gasp.
two // a cry at the final breath that is drawn. 
The history between deities and feyries is a tangled one ⁠— a web, sometimes wound so tightly around their necks it leaves one breathless. It was not always such a complicated history. Millennia of entrapment and servitude did not sit well in the hollow bones of a fair few, thus the Unseelie court rebelled and was cast out of the heavens. A rift was formed and ricocheted throughout all groupings of deities, and the Seelie court fell soon after. There hasn’t always been bad blood, and not all of their kind were doomed to be subservient, yet the exploitation caused a splintered severance amidst the freedom. Before the mutiny, some existed in the space between the divine and the lowly.
Valkyries existed in that place, and with a closer affinity to the deities came more power. They served Odin and were tasked with choosing who may live in battle, and who shall perish. They escorted the slain warriors into the afterlife and thus had a modicum of control of the opening and closing of the celestial gates. A noble ferocity belonged to the sect, with some forming a penchant for a particular beloved human. Their very name, “choosers of the slain,” and origin was born out of necessity. They chose who shall be given the honor of gaining admittance to Valhalla, yet they were not above more sinister means to ensure their favored outcome.. This was one of the hardest losses of stripping the feyries from the heavens. Their origin and position have not been entirely forgotten by those rare few descended from this ilk.
On a snowy evening, the egg that would become a hatchling known as Helle Bergström was to be nurtured alongside a dormant flower. She was to be nurtured alongside and poke through the snow as it bloomed into a symbol of new life amidst more stark, icy, and dismal conditions. The hatchling was a spark of new life and had been nestled into the crook of a mountain by a descendent of Hildr — a senior Valkyrie with the power to revive the dead on the battlefields.
The days of battle are a distant memory in Helle’s blood but at times her heart beats with such a ferocity that echoes the war cries of her ancestors. She is far softer than them but inside lurks something that would never truly be dormant. The hatchling had flown to her maker, yet she believed herself to be a common flora. Buds bloomed under her gentle caress and many survived a wicked frost that they should not have recovered from. She was content to keep things in an everlasting bloom, staving off decay for a little bit longer. The power of resurgency was a rare one and her lineage had been noted by the golden council. She had appeared at every turn remarkably unremarkable until someone decided to test it. 
Helle had gotten tangled up with a human and became utterly besotted. Roses that never wilted quite as fast were gifted by the fey, though her muse had not been made privy to her abilities. Each string of words had been offered like a string of precious stones and each kiss had been an unspoken love letter. On the eve of becoming a juvenile, Helle had been called into a clearing by a councilman. The limp figure of her beloved caused a halt in her step and she had not been quick enough to stop the light draining from their eyes. Her skills and her tenacity were tested that night as she brought them back from the precipice of death. She had cradled their head in her lap as the council sent them away from the realm of the living once more. Until dawn, first and last breaths were alternated from the victim as they were brought back to life before flickering out. It was chorused by Helle’s sobs and the hardening of her heart. The repetition of such a horrific act linked their souls as kindred, yet that much bloodshed has yet to be forgiven by the universe.
v.  the current
three // wear me like a locket around your throat.
Over her centuries, Helle has been taken note of by the golden council. She is a free spirit, albeit a powerful one, and has happily floated from place to place wherever an attorney held in high regard was needed. Her original purpose has been rendered almost irrelevant with time. Though mankind continues to wage battles, her intervention and selection of the worthy have not been needed. It has left her a bit aimless but it didn’t take long for her to rise through the ranks to sentinel within the court, and then to that of an attorney. It was a rare sight to see a willowy figure amidst the warriors though her judiciousness and discretion served her in places brute force would not. 
Feyries have always been a territorial bunch and that still rings true in the Dakotas. The Seelie Court selected the rapids as a place to build their headquarters and lay claim to the surrounding areas. It is a truly stunning slice of natural wonder and the Seelie staff work to maintain a balance of wildlife by monitoring hunting and fishing, amongst other activities. It is boasted as being incredibly safe to those that don’t act too cavalierly and with disregard for their surroundings. There have been a few animal attacks and disappearances, yet the victims have been trespassers or those that have crossed boundaries. The truth is far more sinister yet few suspect the feyries involvement. The sentences have usually been dealt out by sentinels, though Helle is apt to step in should a more delicate touch be needed or it’s above their rank. Her power has been called upon to reverse some executions, be it in South Dakota or abroad. 
This is not her first foray into residency within the rapids. She likes moving from place to place, usually uprooting herself in the aftermath after ending another chapter in her star-crossed history. Helle had been a sentinel of the court 250 years ago and had made quick friends with the Elmwood siblings after settling into a large Victorian manor. The house and grounds eventually became Thistledown — a more elegant respite nestled within the elements. She had been powerless in support of the siblings, and a speck of guilt still haunts her when she lets her gaze settle upon the barren, haunted grounds. She maintained hands-off ownership of the b&b when she was called away from South Dakota but has settled back down within the last three years. Helle likes to come and goes as she pleases, preferring to live in a quaint cottage on the grounds. She maintains the lush gardens, but the caretaking and daily operations have recently been helmed by another feyrie taking refuge with Helle. She is most likely to be found painting in wispy ballgowns and is always able to offer the proper remedy to a problem in a teacup... even if it’s just filled to the brim with whiskey. 
vi. connections
✗ SEELIE COURT - Helle Bergström has been noted by the court, but part of her is still inwardly seething around how her powers were revealed and tested. She has largely blocked that night from her memory, but images still haunt her dreams leaving her waking in anguish and terror. She hasn’t entirely forgiven the court for the doomed nature of her kindred, but she has risen through the ranks quite happily. She has crafted a cozy existence in Thistledown once more and though she may have her qualms, she is in a better place to hold her own and oversee.
✗ THE INQUISITIVE - Starcrossed is putting things lightly. Love and innocence died screaming and has yet to recover centuries later. There have been many incarnations ⁠— different forms, faces, genders. Not every crossing of paths was a romantic one, but they have all been doomed in one way or another. Sometimes the environment and timing aren’t conducive to things flourishing, and other times Helle can’t place where things went wrong. Sometimes feelings simply aren’t reciprocated, be it from her or the kindred. At times her soulmate already has another path in life, that they want to get to, and she is never the type to hold someone back. Ever the aching hopeful she is willing to just keep that person, as long as she can love them, but she lets them go in each lifetime. How low does someone have to get, to fight for such a relationship? She’s aware they won’t always be happy together, even though they needed each other at some point in each chapter of her life and each of their lifetimes. She relaunches herself each time they crash and burn, with Helle trying to use her pain to start a new adventure, to get over this love. She has been faced with the newest incarnation trespassing into the campsite, with Helle tasked to flicker out their existence once again. Attempted murder is quite the first impression. (( note: this is not a set ship and is to be plotted! ))
✗ AMBER ELMWOOD - An old friend made new. All of those years ago, Helle was supportive of the Elmwood siblings doing what they felt was necessary. The Court stuck to inaction on that matter, and silence and ignorance ultimately was their action. She was powerless and she detested seeing her friend in such pain, but she could do little more than offer a shoulder to cry on about the fate of the wytches and to watch idly as rage and rebellion torched the forest around their elm. Her heart was heavy with the loss of natural beauty, and it ultimately grew heavier shortly after when things went bottom-up with her kindred soul. She fled South Dakota, back to the Nordic pines she fled from last. Helle has recently resurfaced for good and has decided not to let the Unseelie and Seelie’s distaste for the other stop a reemerging friendship blooming in secrecy.
Her face claim is JODIE COMER and she’s written & played by RIAN.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[FN] illusive darkness
Theme music : To prepare you for this story (2:15-3:17)
illusive darkness
Six moons before the ceremony:
The stream of water tasted like rain from the purest cloud the sky God, Uhma, could produce. I hear the animals in the forest awaken, as they eagerly greeted each other in their native tongue. Even the sun couldn’t wait to emit its rays of life upon us. Eternal bliss. The present had me appreciating this fertile ground that the Gods have blessed my tribe and I with.
“Cyote, snap out of it we’re going to lose the bear and I already pierced its flesh.”
I know he just wants to keep my skills sharp. Baso is always trying to keep everyone on point, love him or hate him … he’ll remain the same. He’s been on my case even more so since the ceremony is in six moons.
“Patience my cousin. You forgot who the best hunter in the tribe is,” I reassure Baso of my earned status.
He knew that my grin meant the bear was about to draw his last breath. My first and final arrow of the day completed its duty. We thanked the God of life for this tribute.
Each foot step is getting heavier and my eyelids are becoming as heavy as stones. “We should have been tracking the time instead of our prey. It’s going to be a long way back,” Baso argued. We have the bear gutted, skinned and cut up into five pieces leaving the head at the scene. Baso’s wooden contraption is holding body of the bear. It’s built in the shape of a triangle with two handles extending out of the front side. The bottom edge is rounded off to make traversing the landscape simpler. I on the other hand have the legs and arms of the bear in a large sack. Sure I’m an exceptional hunter, but my physique doesn’t compare to Baso’s. Aside from being the second tallest person in the tribe, he has wide and broad shoulders that complement his large arms. I mean … he’s capable of dragging a bear’s body. His jaw line is sharp and he has high cheek bones. Baso is not a praying mantis. His long brown hair makes him look like a woman though, I always joke about that with him.
We’re just one hundred steps far from the village now.
\Crrrrk** a couple twigs hollered out.
I turn my head to the left.
“UGHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH. CYOOOOTE, HELP ME!” Baso dropped his spear, due to the agonizing pain. He’s trying to free himself by attempting to pry the puma’s mouth open, with his hands. I start to aim my spear while holding my breath.
Blood shot up from his rib cage, his skin was stretching past its breaking point. Seeing the white bones make me realize if I don’t do something now it might be too late. The puma’s teeth, fully exposed, tightened their grip on his body. I throw the spear aiming for the lungs.
The puma has a few seconds to live. Swiftly, I dig a finger in its right eye pulling it out as fast I could yank it. The red nerves were exposed but I wasn’t done yet. I needed to get to the chewy center of it’s head, while its still fading from this life to the next.
“Cyote enough …,” Baso used all his energy to keep me on point. He lost his awareness and collapsed to the soil.
Three moons before the ceremony:
“So after I single handily killed the puma, I ate its right eye,”
I overheard an overconfident voice while I was walking by the healing hut. Baso tends to exaggerate in his stories but the village girls will believe anything that comes out of his mouth. I chuckled and kept moving forward towards the main hut. I had to find Hukit the witch doctor. Hukit always tells the tale of “The Lost One” when a full moon is out. I love the way in which the story is told. The doctor works wonders. The injuries on Baso will surely take a while to heal, of course, but at least he’s able to lie down and tell those goofy tales of his. However, even with all his humor, his dark brown eyes were screaming with pain and hoping for a speedy recovery.
The main hut is elegant. It’s elevated above the ground, built to rest among the trees. A couple of foreign hides cover the main entrance said to come from animals called “wolves” from the mountains. They seem like formidable foes. The outside is made from the best looking maple wood our elders could gather. The interior of the fortress is encased by beautiful brown tree bark. Surrounding the hut is a luscious set of emerald colored trees that extend further than our human eyes can see. The soil, brown and soft under our feet, is full with tiny life forms roaming about. This is home. We feel as one with our elements.
As I’m making my way to the hut, a large figure began to approach me. I already know who it is.
“Father,” I bowed my head to greet him.
“My son, soon you will enter manhood. Galilahi will produce strong and healthy offspring. Once the ceremony is over, she’ll be waiting outside to permanently bond with you. I had a special hut constructed, with the hide of the puma you killed as the entrance.”
“Thank you Father, I am unworthy to receive such a gift but I’ll accept it,” being the chief’s son has its benefits I can’t wait to see the hut. We start heading to my future habitat. I have to see where I’ll share my life with Galilahi.
The sun had almost gone to sleep before I made it to the main hut. I hear laughter, music playing and women dancing. I arrived right on time; Hukit was just about to begin his tale.
Darkness fell upon the room. Everyone became silent. Flames sparked up by themselves in the center of the crowd slowly emerging from the abyss. Instantly fifty-two women, men, and children, fixed their gazed on the witch doctor. Hukit had his legs crossed and was floating a short distance away from the flames with his eyes closed. With fingers bent to make sixes. The eldest in the tribe, Hukit was thirty-six before he completed the ceremony. His skin is covered in black dye. He’s so thin that we can see the outlines of his bones and he always sports fur, even in this heat we’re facing right now. The skull of this mysterious animal he calls the “buffalo” is his usual headgear.
Hukit opened his eyes.
“The full moon is giving her light once again. Let us remember the tale of Casaw, The Lost One. The sun was out right before the ceremony of Casaw. Two hundred and seventy-five years ago, he and I traveled to the heart of the forest. The great tree Keelu revealed the entrance to the hidden caves. Each time the tree reopens a new cave takes the place of the older one, but the exit remains the same. We begun the journey. As we traveled deeper into the cave a golden wall prevented me from going further but Casaw could traverse it.”
Hukit began to frown. He raised his hands as if he were opening the pitch-black sky to reveal the stars. We began to see a gold light summon itself from the flames forming a giant wall that spanned from one end of the hut to the other. I put my hand through it, marveling at his magical prowess. The tale continued.
“I’ve never witnessed such an act but all of Casaw’s fears were manifesting right before him and he fought until the sun had set, while still traveling through the cave. I lost sight of him but we still communicated through our thoughts, since I can link up to anyone’s mind. Casaw described golden hides the size of mountains leading to a bright white light. I told him to not go through it, but he didn’t listen. As soon as he went through we lost connection and I was dragged out of the cave to the exit by dark spirits.”
Black figures that can only resemble demonic disproportionate beasts began to emerge from behind us, yelling and trying to grab us. Those of us who have never heard Hukit’s tale were calling out for the God’s mercy. The experienced people already knew it was a scare tactic Hukit used every time he sees a new face. Still seeing the new folks crying for help gives us all a good laugh.
Official day of the ceremony:
Galilahi and I met up before our big moment. We still had quite a while before we had to prepare for today’s events.
“I can’t wait to be bonded with you, Cyote,”
My grin confirmed that I felt the same as well. I can’t lie, Galilahi is like a Goddess. Her hair touches her hips, curly and is sleek, matching the fur on a black panther. Galilahi is the only woman in the tribe with skin that is as the full moon, white and so radiant with life. There’s a birthmark just above her lips, on the right side. She has almond shaped dark brown eyes. No wrinkles. Galilahi doesn’t look a day over seventeen. Best of all is that smile; it can soothe a child in distress.
Our morning was spent well.
The witch doctor and I are working our way to the center of the forest. After what seems like forever the great tree Keelu was before us. I’ve been waiting for this day for sixteen years. I was born on this day and finally the next phase in my life was about to occur, eternal life. The gift from the Gods to my tribe.
Keelu revealed the entrance to the new set of caves. I’m ready. I could barely see the path ahead. Crystals are the only light source emitting a soft glow. The rocks in the cave have a touch of grey and felt moist. Walking bare foot is one of the requirements needed to complete this trip so I’m following the rules.
Losing track of time is easy to do in here. These caves seem endless. “There it is, Cyote! The exit awaits us!” Even Hukit was pleased to see it. He started floating and zoomed past me and said he’ll alert the other’s that I’ll be arriving shortly. Moments later, I’m ten foot steps away when a Golden wall shot straight up to the ceiling. Once that happened, the exit was nowhere in sight, a new set of caves were before me. “Hukit, the Golden wall is real. It’s right before me” I said in my mind, forgetting that he didn’t link our thoughts before so there was no way he could have heard it.
I’m back with Baso. He and I just finished killing the bear, again. We start walking back to the village. This time I know that the puma will attack so I ready my spear.
**Crrrrk**a couple twigs hollered out.
I turn my head to the left.
Two pumas were already devouring my beloved cousin; it was too late. I fought them off as fast as I could but I could longer make out any signs of life.
Now I’m with Galilahi. She’s pregnant. I begin rubbing her stomach and a tear of joy falls from my eye. I never thought this day would come. I’m going to be a father. Blood starts coming out of Galilahi’s eyes and she falls down. She’s still breathing. I start yelling at the top of my lungs for the witch doctor but I can’t see anyone near me at all, we’re enveloped within by an abnormal looking hut. I can’t spot an exit. A sharp object flies toward our direction, I jump in front of it to defend my family. It passes right through me; I didn’t feel anything. Galilahi yells. I twist my head. Seeing her organs falling out of her womb. She’s still breathing, I try putting them back inside her. “Why is this happening!” my voice was in pain; only a whisper was let out of me. “You weren’t strong enough,” I heard a soft voice coming from Galilahi’s pink organs. The severed head of my child was there … still breathing.
Weeks … months went by with similar events occurring … I think I’m going mad.
I’m back in the caves now … somehow… then it hit me. The story of The Lost One is true. I must have been going through what I fear the most. It was all an illusion. I sprint to find the golden hides and long behold, there they were. As large as mountains, with a white light permeating through them.
My heart, pounding as if I was being eaten alive. I looked behind me and the caves were no longer present. It was me and the hides, nothing else. I took a deep breath. My hands began to tremble as I made my way through. I step into the light and suddenly I’m seeing all the life in the earth all at once. The sun and moon, rotating faster and faster. I could see all life pass and new life taking its place, over and over again. Objects began flying toward the heavens. My sensations were overloaded with information. I lost consciousness.
Author: Myself.
Comments: I saw a whole world in which I could turn into a Tv Show or Movie and just created it. Been looking for a chance to really do so but one can only dream. I've been writing poems mainly now but I have so much desire to make this a reality. I feel like 'Guy' from rosemarys baby 2014 lol.
submitted by /u/willy25o [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/357j9GV
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sanguinolency · 6 years
Morning Coffee
Repost, since the old link is broken. The first Birdverse story I ever wrote, to fill in the RP gaps. Long since relegated to AU status.
It was morning. Gus was not ready for the morning. Sleep had offered him no reprise from the weight he felt in his chest. He’d been plagued with dreams of drowning, of thick sludge and something with too many eyes and too many voices muttering just beyond his comprehension. He felt no better upon awakening than he had falling asleep. Hey lay there under his comforter for the better part of an hour, repeating to himself as if it would make a difference “I’m asleep. I’m not awake yet. I’m not ready to be awake yet. I’m sleeping. I’m going to sleep forever.”
God, how did one feel so tired in the morning? Gus had never really been one to wallow in misery, but it was sorely tempting today. What was he supposed to say to Bart? “Morning, Brother! Don’t forget, you’ve got to get yourself out of here before the week is up! No dawdling, up and out and away you go!”
He groaned into his pillow. What kind of asshole threw his own brother out into the cold anyway? Not that either of them had been saints the night before- screaming and cursing in a manner that was quite unlike either of the usually very mild morticians. But… damn it that funeral of Gabat’s… it wasn’t illegal per se, but it was questionable at best, and Bart hadn’t even mentioned- probably wouldn’t have said a damn thing if Daria hadn’t brought it up. And when the one came out, the whole damn thing came spilling to the surface. Services held behind his back, shrouded in Bart’s abominable excuse for bookkeeping, and some of them were downright unnerving- taxidermy, for God’s sake! They were birds, not animals! You didn’t stuff and mount sweet Grannie Fran or whoever on the mantelpiece like some sort of hunting trophy, it wasn’t right! It was disrespectful, and one thing Gus had always believed was that Bart would never, ever in his own mind do the dead a disservice.
He supposed everyone had to be wrong at some point. He just wished it could have been about something else.
The alarm began shrieking at him- snooze time was over, time to get up and face… everything. Gus fumbled to turn the damn thing off, and sluggishly rolled out of bed.
They didn’t have anything in particular planned for today. The laundry needed to be done. They could probably stand to buy groceries. Gus had a flickering thought about how he was only going to need to buy for one soon and immediately pushed it to the back of his mind. That bridge when he crossed it. He ran a list through his head, looking for any excuse to be out of the house. Cowardly, he admitted, but he didn’t feel like brave-facing today.
He pulled on a sweater and pants- and after a moment of debate dug out a pair of his nicer shoes and pulled those on too. He’d just grab a cup of coffee and go for a walk. Maybe get breakfast at a diner (You little shit you’re going all out on this avoidance thing aren’t you?). Get out of the house, out of the parlor, just get out.
Sometimes, however, Gus forgot just how early his brother tended to rise. He had half a mind to slam his door shut and leave through the window, but before he could so much as budge the knob Bart was on his feet. “Gus, please. We need to talk.”
“Bart, I  really don’t think-”
“Gus, please.” Bart clasped his hands together in a placating way. Gus didn’t think he’d ever seen his brother beg before, and the sight sat badly in his stomach. “I’m your brother, just listento me.”
God damn it. Gus pushed the door slowly open and walked into the flat. It wasn’t large, and only occupied the second floor of the funeral home- morbid, maybe, but neither of the twins had ever thought much of it. The living room and the kitchen melded into one large, singular unit with only the change from rug to linoleum to mark the difference.
He pulled a chair from the table and sat down, slouching over the table. Bart looked like he was going to say something, but sighed ran his hand through his hair instead. He looked awful- bags under his eyes, and his movement was an oddly stilted sort of swaying. His head was nodding ever so slightly, like it was losing faith in this whole “staying upright” business. “Bart… did you even sleep last night?”
“What?” His head jerked up a bit, and he gave Gus a vaguely cross-eyed look. “No, no I… maybe a little. Around five.” He rubbed his hands anxiously. “I made… coffee. Made coffee.” He pushed a mug haphazardly toward his brother, who picked it up slowly.
He recognized this mug- He’d thought it was cute, with it’s cheery little “HANG IN THERE” plastered in large, block letters. And it had a cat on it- Gus liked cats, but Bart never seemed to get on with them. The fact that Bart didn’t get on with anythingseemed beside the point, and- damn it, he was avoiding the situation again. He looked up at his brother, who was sliding into his own seat, grasping his own mug as though it were a lifeline. Gus’s stomach turned again. “Thank you, Bart.” Bart shrugged.
The mug was cold. When had Bart made this? He swished it around, making a little whirlpool in the mug and resolved to discretely dump it out when he got the chance. He hated cold coffee, but it was the thought that counted. And his brother was trying (For once, now that he had something to lose) to reach out. It was something, it was the first olive branch his brother had extended in years, and Gus would be damned before he cast it aside.
“I can’t… I can’t just leave, Gus. This is my home.” Bart started, sounding as if he’d rehearsed this speech, but didn’t quite have the energy left to carry it out.
Gus stared fixedly at his coffee. “Bart, this isn’t working. I think…” he traced the rim with his finger. “Maybe I pushed it, a bit… too hard. But we’ve been at each other for… years now, and I can’t… it can’t go on like this. We need some distance, I think. Some time.”
“But why do I have to leave?” Bart was pleading. God damn it, Bart hadn’t plead for anything in his life. Not when he was starving his way through college, not when they were children and Bart had been handed another child to practically raise. It wasn’t in his nature, and it showed. His pleas were unpracticed, almost childlike in their logic, and Gus felt his insides squirm into sickening, guilty knots.
“You know why.” he said quietly, still staring into his mug. What a wretched excuse for a wretched excuse of a brother. The parlor was in his name, it belonged to him. Record-wise, Bart was just an employee. Gus wondered how much of this could have been avoided if his parents had just treated them like twins instead of partitioning them off into older and younger (You could have done it yourself you know. Too late for that now dipshit.).
The only reply from Bart was a choked sort of sob, and Gus couldn’t even bring himself to look up at him. He had to be strong on this. It wasn’t working, they weren’t working, they’d driven their sister to the other end of the damned country with their dysfunction, and if they kept along like this, they’d either kill each other or one of them would be found swinging from the ceiling fan.
Bart was trying and failing to cover his breakdown. Gus felt like sinking into the floor. He knew, he knew what the parlor meant to Bart, and he was still sending him out to fend for himself. Bart could get work anywhere- they had a mortuary college in this city and he was more than skilled enough to find work in another funeral home. But it wouldn’t be the same. Bart loved this place a hell of a lot more than Gus did, and Gus knew it. Just… damn it. Damn it all to hell.
The silence and the sobbing grew steadily heavier. It wasn’t that Gus was ignoring his brother’s breakdown, he just didn’t know what to do. What was he supposed to do? Absently, more to take his focus off of the situation and his own crushing guilt, Gus took a deep swig of the coffee.
It burned. For a brief second, Gus didn’t think anything of it. It was just another thing to focus on before he had to acknowledge his brother again, and… cold coffee didn’t burn, even hot coffee didn’t burn quite like this. This was chemical, it shot up his nose and shoved needles into his stomach. He slammed the mug onto the table, and some of its contents splashed over his hand and sleeve. He scrabbled at his throat with his free hand, pulling the turtleneck down to get at the skin where he rubbed it uselessly. “Bart,” he choked, his throat already raspy. He coughed. “Bart.”
His brother was still sobbing, much harder now. “I’m sorry.” He wiped his eyes, for all the good it did him. “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…”
Gus tried to stand, but his legs weren’t capable of keeping him upright. He fell back into the chair. He was having trouble breathing, and his head was already swimming, little black sparks bursting before his eyes. His chest hurt. He was- oh God. He was going to die. He was going to die, and Bart…
Bart was still sobbing and repeating I can’t like a madman’s mantra. At least, he found himself thinking, I know why. It’s a small comfort.
Small comforts, like how cool the tabletop was, or how ugly the cat on his mug was. Did that count as a comfort? Maybe. HANG IN THERE floated in his vision before he forgot how to decipher words.
Then everything went black, and Gus disappeared into the void.
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thuktunflishithy · 7 years
Roses and Ladybugs, Chapter I
In one moment, the desert was as quiet as the grave, the noon sun beating down all sound with its heat. No birds flitted through the cloudless sky, and no animals scurried across the red sands, for there were no shadows to hide in, not even at the base of the sole mountain for miles around.In the next moment, a circular stone platform shone with light, extending to the heavens in a luminous cylinder. As it did, four silhouettes descended, becoming more substantial as they neared the ground. Almost as quickly as it had come, the light faded, leaving the four figures standing standing alone in the desert."Wow," Steven breathed, instinctively raising a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. "Where are we?""A long-forgotten place," Garnet replied casually. She looked to the mountain. "We need to be there, at the top.""What's up there?""Something we definitely don't want Peridot finding," Pearl said, frowning as she studied the mountaintop.Steven gasped, hands flying to his cheeks. "Is it another geode? Or a giant laser cannon! Ooh, is it a spaceship?""Maybe it'll be shaped like a foot this time," Amethyst snorted."The thing up there is far more important than a spaceship," Garnet interjected, gravely. "Let's get moving."She stepped off first, followed shortly after by Pearl and Amethyst. Steven hurried after them, still trying to shield his eyes from the sun."How are we gonna get up there?" he asked. "Maybe I can float us to the top.""There's no need, Steven," Pearl said. "Look, don't you see the path carved into the mountainside?"Steven's face sagged. "We're going to walk all the way up there? But it's so tall..." Garnet allowed herself a small smile. "You can do it, Steven." That brought back the smile to the half-gem's face. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe this'll be fun! I can totally do this!"
Steven collapsed in a heap, panting heavily as he rolled onto his sweat-stained back. He tried to open his eyes, only to close them again when the light of the sun assailed them "I can't do this," he muttered quietly. "Aw, come one, Steven!" Amethyst exclaimed cheerfully as she walked by. "We're almost halfway there!" "Halfway there?" Steven practically melted into the ground. Which, considering how hot he was feeling, seemed like a distinct possibility. "I thought you said we were almost at the top..." Pearl reached into her gem, light flickering about her wrist, then produced a water bottle. Crouching down, she offered it to him, smiling. "Don't drink too quickly," she warned. "And sit up before you get sick." "Those are with cold floors, Pearl," Steven sighed, sitting up as he accepted the water. He took a sip, then a longer one. "I didn't know it could get this hot." "Oh, if you think this is bad, I remember when we once visited some volcano that had a cache hidden inside. I was sure Amethyst was going to turn yellow..." "Wouldn't that be cool?" Amethyst said, plopping down to Steven. "Maybe I could pretend to be that donut girl and get us all some free snacks, huh?" Steven chuckled. "A donut would be pretty good right now." "We can get donuts once we get to the top," Garnet said. Steven drained the rest of the bottle, then got up. He peered upwards, staring at where the mountain disappeared into the clouds. "This is going to take forever," he grumbled. "The Big Donut's gonna be closed by the time we get up there!" "If we hurry, I'm sure we'll make it," Pearl assured. Steven frowned as he considered her words. Then, he jumped. He was already soaring up to the clouds before anyone could react. The bare face of the mountain brushed dangerously close by, but he continued upwards. "Whoah, whoah," he said to himself after a particularly close call. "Maybe I should stop here." He gently alighted back onto the pathway, letting out a sigh of relief. He looked over the edge to see if the others were visible, but the fog obscured everything from sight. "Guys, I'm okay!" he called down. "You won't be when Pearl gets her hands on you!" Amethyst called back, her snickering audible even from his vantage point. "Steven Quartz Universe, get back down here this instant or you're not getting any donuts!" Pearl shrieked. "But I'm fine!" "Steven, just stay there until we get to you," Garnet called out, calmly. "Okay!" Steven replied, then sat down on the pathway. The fog cooled things down a little, though the humidity still made it uncomfortable. Steven wiped some sweat from his brow, then started twiddling his thumbs, waiting. A minute must've passed before he heard a soft tapping on the stone pathway, like something with hard feet or shoes was walking nearby. Steven looked around, but saw nothing. The sound was getting closer, until he realized that a silhouette in the fog was approaching from downslope. He began to sweat again, but not from the heat. "Guys?" he asked aloud. A few moments passed, then the figure emerged from the fog and revealed itself to be a small ram, no bigger than a beagle. Its tiny hooves clattered on the stone as it approached him, regarding him with beady black eyes. "Oh," Steven said. "Hey there, little guy. What are you doing up here?" The ram blinked at him, then continued walking uphill. "Wait!" Steven got up and followed after the ram, almost breaking into a jog. "Where are you going?" The ram didn't seem to acknowledge him as it continued up the hill. Steven decided to hang back a little, but still kept a good pace as he followed it. As he did, he noticed footprints on the pathway, faint impressions in the sparse sand. They certainly didn't belong to the ram, but he couldn't figure out whom they belonged to; they looked like twin sets of horizontal planks. "You wouldn't happen to know who left these, would you?" he asked the ram. "They didn't happen to be green, or called you a clod, did they?" The ram was as silent as before. A second hopped down from a rock and joined it, only briefly glancing back at Steven. The half-gem frowned, then decided to quicken his pace. The fog gave way, and Steven narrowed his eyes as the sun returned with a vengeance. It was closer to the horizon, now, but it was still painfully bright. He stopped for a moment to let his eyes adjust, then gasped when he realized what he was seeing. He'd reached the top of the mountain, revealing a flat top. Dozens of monoliths littered the area, all made of the same material as the pathway. In the low light of the sun, they cast long shadows, and he stepped into one, relieved to be out of the dry heat. He looked up at the monolith, and realized there was a carving of a ram's face made in the rock. It almost reminded him of the murals he saw in the Gem temples, but less... alien. He glanced over at the rams, and managed a small laugh. "I, uh, guess this is your place, huh?" The rams walked past him, then stopped. One turned to look at him, while the other turned to a pathway between two of the monoliths. Steven stared for a few moments. "You want me to go there?" No reply, as usual. He sucked in a breath, then hesitantly stepped forward. When the rams didn't move, he walked towards the pathway, then turned around, only to gasp. "Whoah..." In the center of the mountaintop, there was a flat circle on the ground fifteen feet across, swirling in alternating bands of black and white. For a few moments, Steven merely gaped at the sight, eyes wide. "What is this?" he murmured to himself. He was so distracted by the sight, that he didn't notice the gem monster until it was almost too late. It was more out of pure reflex than anything else that he threw up his bubble. It was fortunate, too; the impact was enough to send him flying into one of the monoliths, knocking off the top half. Debris rained down on the bubble as the monolith crumbled, then stopped. Steven turned off the bubble, then pulled up his shield, holding it in the stance Garnet had taught him. The monster resembled a rhinoceros beetle, if beetles could get up to eight feet tall and had bladed limbs. Its mottled blue carapace rumbled as it chittered at him, moving forward on four of its legs. The gem, Steven saw, was located where one of its compound eyes should've been, and was circular with a hexagonal cut. Steven threw his shield, catching the monster in the thorax. It stumbled back, only to quickly recover and charge forward. Steven pulled up another shield and prepared to dodge, waiting. The monster quickly cleared the distance between them- -then stopped when a sword suddenly emerged from its chest. A half-moment passed, then there was a gush of wind and smoke as the monster was poofed. Steven closed his eyes as the wind brushed past him, then opened them again, hesitantly. He gasped when he did. A man was standing where the monster had been, long red cape fluttering behind him. He was tall, almost as tall as Garnet, and was dressed in a tattered white robe that looked like something from the Lonely Blade game Amethyst had gotten him. In one hand, he had a long sword, and in the other he held the monster's gem. A broad straw hat hid his face from sight, casting his features in shadow. The man straightened, revealing oriental features. He had a long beard that ruffled in the wind, and there was something behind his eyes, something Steven couldn't put his finger on. "Wow..." Steven murmured. The man blinked, as if surprised. "Um, hello," he said awkwardly, with a faint clipped accent. "Are you alright?" "That was amazing!" Steven exclaimed, shield fading as he hurried over. "Howdidyoudothatandwhereareyoufromandwhat'syourname?" The man was visibly caught off guard by that. His eyes widened, then narrowed a little. He sheathed the sword, then put his hands together and offered a slight bow. "There are those who call me... Jack." Steven shot his hand forward. "Hi Jack, I'm Steven!" Jack stared for a moment, then gingerly shook his hand. His palms were rough and calloused, Steven noticed, but he didn't mind. Letting go, Steven stared at the sword. It was clearly Japanese in origin, but there was something about how the light caught on the blade that told Steven there was more to it than met the eye. "Where did you come from?" He asked again. "I could ask you the same," Jack replied. "I was up here to guard the time portal from that monster that attacked you." "Time portal?" Before Jack could reply, a shrill cry interrupted him. "Steven!" Slender arms wrapped around Steven, squeezing the air from his lungs as Pearl pulled him in close. "Are you alright? We heard the commotion, but we-" Pearl suddenly stopped, then pulled back. Steven turned, and realized she was staring at Jack. "Jack?" whispered Pearl, eyes wide as saucers. Steven heard the others approaching. Jack glanced at each one of them, then turned back to Pearl and bowed again. "It is good to see you again, Pearl. The same goes to you, Garnet, and to..." Jack blinked. "Er..." "Amethyst," Amethyst supplied, brow scrunched at him. "Do I know you?" "I do not know you," Jack replied. "But I am pleased you make your acquaintance." "Wait, how do you know Pearl and Garnet?" Steven asked, squeezing out of Pearl's grip. He turned to Garnet. "How do you know him?" Behind him, Pearl sighed. "It's... a long story."
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