#and while undoubtedly intelligent and brilliant and cool
fabledtactician · 1 year
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and now doctor centric arknights dump because making up a guy and getting obsessed with them is what this game should be about
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Lily Evans and Severus Snape: Headcanons
So, I was asked in the ask about Sirius and Regulus what I thought about Snape and Lily. At this point people are probably going, “Oh that Carnivorous Muffin is just clearly a Snape stan who thinks he could never do anything wrong and anyone who was slightly mean to him is evil.” Shockingly, I’m actually not, I just happen to think sexual harassment and attempted murder are bad and probably worse than JKR intended (I do think she was trying to go the “boys will be boys” route versus “oh my god, they just dumped pigs blood on Carrie at the prom and then threw her at a starving vampire”)
So let’s start on Snape.
First, Snape did live an incredibly shitty life, with circumstances beyond his control, that did lead to many of his poorer choices. In no way am I saying that it was alright for Snape to have grown up in an impoverished, abusive, household and endured years of humiliation and torment at school. 
That said, I believe that we all, in some respects, are responsible for our actions and our decisions. Yes, even when we come from non-privileged backgrounds. Life is hard, some people will have it much easier than you, that doesn’t excuse you becoming a domestic terrorist or tormenting and terrifying your students, young children, so much so that an entire generation comes out with a loathing and incompetence in your subject.
I guess let’s start back on his friendship with Lily Evans. We get... a really weird perspective from Snape on that friendship. Time and her tragic death have warped it into this strange worship where I’m not sure the Lily Evans that exists in his mind and memory is the one that really was there. She’s this shining Madonna idol who he failed, actively betrayed, is very very hung up about it years later.
I suspect they weren’t as good of friends as either of them thought they were and it comes down to Snape’s resentment of his own upbringing and muggles. I believe Snape was very racist towards muggles, specifically, due to his father. It was his way of grappling with his home life and only fueled by being in Slytherin. Lily was probably, in his mind, always a golden exception to the rule (Lily is the token, gold standard, muggleborn where she’s pretty, brilliant, charming, etc.) That Severus himself was a halfblood clearly caused him some angst. What I’m getting at is that I believe throughout their entire friendship, especially when they got to Hogwarts, there was an unacknowledged undercurrent of intense racism that eventually boiled up with that one incident in Snape’s fifth year.
Calling her that, while he views it as a slip of the tongue that damned him for all time, I see it more as a Freudian Slip. That sort of thing doesn’t just slip out from nowhere, not at that age when they both knew exactly what that word meant, it simmers beneath the surface, and was ultimately what he thought of her. Later, she became the Madonna figure that he views her as today (ironically perhaps even less of a person than he viewed her as at the time).
That said I think a number of factors played into the young Snape becoming a Death Eater. One, becoming friends with Lucius/that crowd who were all being sucked into Tom’s influence. Two, having his terrible home life and all the implications of Snape resenting his own blood status as well as muggles and muggle borns at large. Three, the loss of friendship with Lily (now there’s nothing to hold him back anymore, he has no reason to preserve muggleborn life). Fourth, Dumbledore’s letting Sirius, James, and Remus entirely off the hook in the werewolf incident.
That last one, especially, I imagine cemented Snape’s utter hatred of ‘the light’ (don’t get me started on the stupidity of light/dark in Harry Potter but I guess I’ll use the term) and those that cater to muggleborns. They’re hypocrites of the highest order, Dumbledore claiming to defend the poor and non-nobility, when he goes and does the exact opposite (James is the next lord Potter, Sirius is still pureblooded even if disowned, Severus Snape is a dirt poor halfblood). 
So what I’m saying is I understand why Snape did become a Death Eater, I do not condone this action. Especially as, unlike Regulus, Snape never gets cold feet. He loves being a Death Eater at first, he’s living the dream, getting all the revenge he ever wanted and burning the stupid wizarding world to the ground as he scrambles for ways to climb in Tom Riddle’s graces. We don’t see any hint that he was wavering, thinking of the fact that beloved Lily might die in battle, perhaps at his hand, until the prophecy. 
Now, I’m a little kinder than some about the prophecy. We know Snape overhears the first portion of the prophecy in early 1980. He eagerly rushes to the dark lord, regales him with the prophecy in both a) aid to the cause and b) in the hopes of climbing in the ranks and gaining the dark lord’s notice. At this point, Lily Evans is pregnant, perhaps knows the gender, but has not given birth. Months later, when both Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter are born at the end of July, Snape realizes he has signed Lily Evans’ death warrant (because despite Dumbledore talking, I imagine Tom always planned to kill off both children, Pettigrew just happened to make things convenient for Tom to go to the Potters first).
With Lily’s death now so inevitable, and her blood on his own hands, Snape has his existential crisis, goes to Dumbledore who puts the Potters in hiding and becomes a double agent. Snape also pleads for Lily’s life with Tom and he puts in a minimal amount of effort to spare the woman. 
Then Lily dies anyway and now Snape lives in the bitter cynicism most commonly seen in characters from Game of Thrones. He’s Dumbledore’s agent and sort of a Dirty Harry character, getting to see all the nasty things that many of the other order members never have to deal with. He’s one of the more intelligent characters in the series, able to see the truth of the world he lives in, but he also doesn’t care enough to actually do anything about it. He’s a bitter, resentful, and angry protector of Harry Potter, choosing to hate a naive child for all the reminders of his own terrible life (both in Lily, for failing and betraying her, and in James his most hated rival and tormentor). He gleefully enables the favoritism of Slytherin (my god how he panders to Draco Malfoy) while tormenting poor Neville into terror (that Neville’s greatest 13 year old fear is Snape is very telling).
Basically by the time we get to him in canon Snape not only isn’t happy but I think he doesn’t want to be happy. He’s accustomed to his bitterness, his cynicism, his quiet rage and moves forward out of both resignation, guilt, and a sense of obligation to a woman’s ghost. The actions he takes in canon aren’t so much for Harry as they are for the memory of Lily Evans.
Even if Snape could be happy at that point, change his life or his purpose, I do not think he would. He’s a man who has given up on life.
Now, onto Lily Evans.
You probably think I’m going to rail on her to for the sheer hypocrisy and nerve of marrying James Potter. I’m actually not. Lily Evans is one of my favorite characters in the Harry Potter series and probably the one I’d label as the most moral (though that’s a very low bar in Harry Potter, the characters are almost all assholes, but even so Lily would still be very high on the list).
You know what, I’m just going to damn myself and sound like a crazy person. Lily Evans always reads to me as a more moral young female Tom Riddle.
What the hell? You undoubtedly ask but I’ll explain.
Lily, while having a far more stable homelife than Tom Riddle, also comes from a muggleborn background. She’s exceptionally brilliant, very good looking, and very charming with a lot of people who would call her friends but no one close. Lily, aside from Snape (and that’s debatable), has no friends.
If Lily had not been a Gryffindor, and were Dumbledore not a raging misogynist, his Tom Riddle bells likely would have been ringing with her.
“But wait, that can’t be right!”
Oh, yes it can. First, as I went into above with Snape and Lily, there was something deeply wrong with that friendship. I believe they both considered themselves best friends, didn’t see many of the warning flags, but ultimately we see the giant fissure when Snape lets loose the m-word. Given all of that, I would not label them having been true friends in the first place. Just the appearance of friends.
Otherwise, while it’s very easily to canonically point out James’ friends it’s incredibly difficult to do so with Lily. First, people hardly remember Lily. We get Dumbledore talking about her like she’s the Virgin Mary, saving her son with the power of her love. We get Snape’s weird Virgin Mary impressions of her. Otherwise, it’s pretty much just Slughorn. Everyone else remembers that she married James and that was great because JAMES WAS SO COOL and that she had very striking eyes and was “nice”. Lily is less than a ghost in Harry Potter canon (sadly Harry never really realizing it).
Also, unlike James who has Sirius, Remus, and Peter to point towards (that are very important characters in canon). Lily has no one. The godmother was Alice Longbottom, a woman many years older than Lily and James who probably liked Lily well enough but I can’t imagine was a close friend. In canon there’s an offhand mention of two girls named Mary and Marlene but we don’t see much of them/Severus was always cited as Lily’s closest friend. As for Lily’s sister, well we know they’re estranged. I think it’s very telling that Lily writes a letter to Sirius, James’ best friend and certainly not hers, telling him that James is pouting over his invisibilty cloak. It’s because there was no one else to write.
So Lily Evans is a brilliant girl, who everyone likes and is very charming, but has no friends and led a very lonely and short life.
Here’s where my slack towards Lily comes in.
When she dumps Snape I completely understand why she did so. Snape dropping that word wasn’t simply a mistake, a moment of infinite regret, but something that revealed what he truly thought of her and where she came from. Lily was absolutely right in walking away.
However, without Snape, her closest friend is suddenly gone and the world is cold. As graduation approaches I imagine Lily’s career options become clearer and clearer. While very talented and smart, Lily is a muggleborn, what job she does manage to get (thanks to the sheer nepotism of the wizarding world/lack of jobs) will likely be through Slughorn if she manages to get a job at all. The world is cold and it is cruel and no one seems to even notice.
Cue James Potter. I do believe, probably until seventh year, Lily loathed James, not simply because of the horrifying things he did to Severus (and I’m sure she knew very little of it, Snape hiding most of it from her out of pride and shame), but because he’s just a giant dick. He’d make flirting with her a kind of game and joke to be shared with Sirius, something to hold over Snape’s head, like she’s a prize to be one.
However, by seventh year the werewolf incident has happened, Snape’s retreated further and further into Death Eater recruit land and she’s cut him off, and for all my “James is a dick” I do imagine he calmed down a little. Now that Snape is no longer friends with Lily/after the whole almost murder incident I imagine they didn’t bully him nearly as much as they used to. Though yes, they probably still bullied him, but Lily probably doesn’t know that now that she’s lost contact with Snape. 
James is charming and very good looking. He seems a bit more mature than he used to be. Lily is desperately lonely, living in a world that rejects everything she is, and James seems like one of the few who does support her (that James is more of a ‘pretty fly for a white guy’ kind of support for muggleborns doesn’t hit until later). So Lily is charmed and makes the largest mistake of her life, she and James start dating.
Now, given their extreme youth as well as Lily’s pedigree (say what you like, I don’t think Mr. and Mrs. Potter were thrilled that their son was dating a muggleborn) I imagine the wedding was a shot gun wedding and Lily got unintentionally pregnant. Yes, go ahead and throw fruit at me or call foul, I just can’t imagine they’d want a child that young while in the middle of a war while they’re part of an active resistance movement and only just out of Hogwarts.
Then things start snowballing downhill. Lily and James have just joined the resistance movement, Lily’s son is prophesied to defeat Voldemort, they strongly suspect one of James’ close friends is a spy, and they’re forced into hiding.
In hiding is where I imagine stress runs high and their marriage begins to fall apart. We know from Lily’s letter that James was routinely leaving hiding, using the cloak, so he could meet up with Sirius and Peter (I imagine Lupin’s on the out as they suspected he was the spy). While James might not realize what a big deal that was, I imagine Lily always did, and she begins to realize just what she’s gotten herself into but there’s no way out while in hiding.
Now we go really off the rails into headcanon territory in: what the hell is up with Harry Potter?
In my stories, I often choose the unwitting god route. Harry can’t die because he is a god, he becomes the master of death and always was the master of death. This is an answer, but it’s one that makes canon Harry a god and... I would not want canon Harry as a god. JKR and Dumbledore push the “Lily loved her child so much that it deflected death... multiple times” but this always felt... unsatisfying. Many parents love their children (fathers too, JKR, let’s not make this weird Virgin Mary thing) and yet Harry Potter alone in the history of mankind survives multiple times. 
Most likely, Lily pulled off some insane bullshit with absolutely no resources and minimal education AND EVERYONE IGNORES IT. We do know that Lily crafted the blood wards, wards stronger than anything Dumbledore himself can come up with/than Voldemort can break. Ones that protect Harry not only at home but away from it as it melts Voldemort for simply touching his skin. Lily pulled off the impossible in only a few months and did it right under everyone’s nose.
This makes her easily one of the most intelligent characters in Harry Potter. Probably beating out Dumbledore and maybe tying with Tom Riddle. And Dumbledore tells us, “Your Virgin Mary mother loved you so much, Harry, that it courses through your veins and lights those that would want to harm you on fire.”
So, that’s Lily for you.
Now, that said, I’m probably a bit biased and clearly very lenient with her marrying James. To be honest it took me years to figure out why the hell Lily would ever marry James after what happened with Severus and was always one of those weird canon things I never quite understood. He’s that good looking and charming, I guess, was my response.
The answer I now land on with some confidence was that the world is that cruel and bleak and Lily was utterly alone for two years.
By the way, a side note/plug, of all my stories while head canons do pop up here and there I think “October” is one where they tend to crop up more. It’s a vast AU of canon, but it gives an idea of what I think x character would do in y situation. 
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Sirius x Reader- Everyone But Me
Can u please do young!sirius x reader in which the reader is friends with Lily and the marauders. And in an attempt to try and see if Lily has any feelings for James, u flirt with James. And James being James goes along with it, also bc he knows Sirius likes u and he thinks it’s funny. Which does in fact not only make Lily jealous but also Sirius. Could the reader also be mega bffs with Rem please? I’m just a slut for jealous Sirius. I’m glad ur feeling better, I love you pumpkin
“I can’t believe you!” You giggled, head resting in the crook of Remus’ neck as you lost your composure. The marauders were devilish on and off the quidditch pitch and you weren’t going to tell anyone that peter had been muttering curses underneath his breath to throw off the Slytherin seeker while James worked on winning the game. 
“It was harmless, really, we would’ve won the game regardless,” Sirius chimed in, tossing his arm around you and pulling you from Remus’ side into his own as he fought back the small twang of jealousy he felt. He knew that Remus had his eye on that McKinnon girl that Lily was so fond of but he couldn’t help it. He loved that you were close with everybody he cared about. Sirius couldn’t ever fall for someone who wouldn’t give his friends a chance, but he also felt fear.
Fear that he wasn’t good enough in comparison to them. Remus was kindhearted and intelligent, possessing a calm and intelligence that Sirius thought he’d never have. Peter was in his head but he had good intentions and was cute, Sirius didn’t pull off cute well- in his own opinion that was. And then there was James Potter. James, his best friend and the golden boy of gryffindor. 
Which brought him to the whomping willow, hours later, back pressed against the dusty planks within the tree. When it wasn’t being used as a safe haven for Remus during the full moon it was a nice place for them to meet up and spend hours getting up to no good and enjoying their youth. You were all sat in a circle, you sitting directly between Remus and James, Sirius across from you. 
It was a miracle you hadn’t noticed that his eyes had been trained on you since the second you had arrived with a smug smile and firewhisky tucked behind your back to share. 
It was a miracle that Sirius didn’t notice the sly look you sent Lily’s way. You had a gleam in your eye and you finished off the cup of firewhisky you had in your hand, just enjoying the pleasant warmth that had spread through you. It was late and the whomping willow wasn’t the warmest of places as October reached its midpoint. 
“So James, brilliant play today,” You cooed, changing the subject so the focus was on James and James alone. Sirius felt sick but watched in curiosity. 
“Course it was,” James laughed but smiled back, sending a long look to Sirius, assessing him. Sirius was too stuck in his own mind to realize that he was being studied, he didn’t realize that to James the jealousy was clear. 
You watched Lily similarly, finding the way that her expression soured as she watched you, her own jealousy beaming through. Remus watched in amusement. Sirius and Lily were quite possibly the two most emotionally constipated people he had ever met in his life. 
James looked to you for a moment and your lips split into a wide grin, you winked, you actually bloody winked! Sirius felt disturbed but mainly disheartened. He didn’t like watching you express interest in James, he wanted it to be him regardless what James might feel towards you. Which seemed to be similar to your own feelings as he winked back. 
“I did it of course, for you dear Y/N,” James nearly laughed at the painful flirt that made it way past his lips. It was like trying to flirt with his sister, awkard and unnatural. You two had been stuck on a bet of sorts recently. James was adamant that Sirius was head over heels for you and you were certain Lily was begging the universe for James to make the first move, just so she didn’t have to lose her Evans pride by asking him first. 
You set your hand on James’ thigh as you talked, both egging on the other teens in the room that you fancied. It seemed to be too much for Sirius though as he hopped up from his reclined and faux relaxed position. 
“I’ve got to go,” Was all he said before he was running out. Peter looked at you all with shame and Remus snorted, hand held open for James to drop nearly a galleon’s worth of sickles into his waiting palm. Lily raised her brow in question as Marlene sipped at the firewhisky, soaking up the drama. 
“On you go then,” James directed, head jerking towards the entrance. 
You chewed your lip pensively. “I still don’t think you’re right,” 
“Our plan went just like we thought it would so what are you waiting for?” James asked and Lily’s mouth opened to ask but Remus shot her a look that told her she would be finding out very soon. 
“If you’re wrong-” You argued, nervous that Sirius wouldn’t feel the same. What if he did but didn’t now that you had been cruel? Jealousy was a feeling that tied your stomach in knots and made your heart feel like a concrete weight in your chest. If Sirius was feeling anything like that then you didn’t doubt he would be cross with your little game. 
“He’s not,” Remus reassured, hand warm on your back as he sent you an encouraging smile. “Sirius is mad for you, so go to him already.” 
You finally nodded, brushing the dust from your jeans as you chased after the boy that you hadn’t had the guts to tell how you felt without playing childish games. You hoped he wasn’t too upset. 
“Hey,” Your voice drifted on the icy breeze, features distorted by the moon’s light being broken up through the clouds above and Sirius froze in his tracks that had been leading anywhere that wasn’t near the whomping willow. “You left pretty quick,” 
You stood a few feet behind him with a perfect smile on your face, concerned about him. He cracked his own smile but if felt cheap and brittle. “Just needed some air, drank too much probably,” 
“You didn’t touch the firewhisky all night,” You pointed out and Sirius watched you intently.
“Guess not,” He shrugged lamely, not offering any explanation as to why he was lying to you. You understood he was hurt, or at least feeling inadequate, and it was up to you to make the first step. 
“Want to talk about it?” You asked, not quite sure what to do now.
“Nothing to talk about,” He couldn’t help the bitter tone. Why tell you how he felt when you clearly fancied James? Why else would you be all over his friend? But... that begged another question. Why were you here and not with James when you had both seemed to be enjoying each other’s flirting? 
“Alright then,” You said, smile stiff but you didn’t seem deterred as you grabbed Sirius’ hand in yours. “If you don’t have something to say, then I do. I’m sorry,” You opened your mouth to say more but it seemed stuck in your throat. 
Sirius could feel your palm, sweaty against his own as you struggled for words. “You’re sorry?” He prompted, not sure why you were apologizing. Your cheeks were red but he chalked it up the buzz and the chill in the air that was pricking at his own skin and undoubtedly battling the sweater you wore and winning. You shivered. 
“I’m sorry for being an idiot, I didnt mean to make you jealous-” 
“I wasn’t jealous!” Sirius immediately squeaked, face hot. 
You laughed. Sirius winced. 
“Whatever you and James are it’s cool, I’m not jealous,” He defended again, shielding his own emotions from you. You were still laughing! Was this funny to you? Sirius tore his hand from yours, making his way back towards the school. 
“Siri!” You sighed, realizing you once again had shared too little. “James and I aren’t anything! It was a trick, a prank, really! I was trying to get Lily to admit she liked James and he was doing the same to you.... Both of us are idiots,” 
Sirius stood still once again but he was almost too nervous to face you as you caught back up to him. “What’s the point? Why make a mockery of us?” 
“I-it wasn’t supposed to be that... I don’t want to mock you, I want you to know I like you, a lot,” 
Sirius scoffed. “Funny way of showing it,” Yet, his defenses had fallen with that one blow. Y/N liked him? Surely she couldn’t mean it. 
“I know,” You sighed, fingers intertwining with his once more as you tugged him to face you, his eyes darting around as he refused to make eye contact. He was trying to keep from looking hopeful in case this was still just one big joke. 
“Why?” He asked.
“I told you silly, because I like you and I’m an idiot and-” 
“No,” Sirius cut you off. “I mean, why me? Why not James? He’s- well he’s just better... Honestly, anyone would be better than me. I like you, oh merlin, I like you, Y/N-”
“But?” You encouraged.
“But you deserve better and anyone else would be a better match...” Sirius continued, trying to keep the hurt out of his tone. “I thought for a while you liked Remus and now James and I- Well I thought you liked everyone but me.” 
To anyone that wasn’t you or the marauders, Sirius would sound indifferent as he admitted his own low self esteem. To you, however, you realized just how stupid it was to make Sirius sit in his self doubt to try and get him to say he liked you instead of just admitting it yourself. 
“James is like my brother,” You wrinkled your nose in mock disgust. “I couldn’t ever feel that way about him! It’s always been you Sirius, I don’t care about anyone else the way I care about you. Remus is my best friend and James and Peter are like my annoying siblings, but that is all. You mean far more to me,” 
Sirius blinked slowly. “But I’m-” 
“Perfect,” You smiled. “In every way,” 
Sirius felt like he’d been punched. 
“So,” You blushed. “All that being said, would you do me the honor of letting me make up for my mistake and take you on a date?” 
Sirius beamed, kissing your knuckles as he squeezed your hand in response. “How could I deny you the honor of going on a date with all this?” He motioned to himself, his false confidence blurring with real confidence as he tried to process that you actually liked him! 
“Can I ask one thing though?” He chimed in after a moment of charged silence. 
“Of course,” You let go of the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. 
“Please, never do that again,” Sirius laughed weakly.
You agreed and pulled him into a tight hug, only pulling away when the rest of your friends found you some odd minutes later, stuck in a cozy embrace.
That weekend, you and Sirius, as well as James and Lily, had a lovely double date. The kiss you’d given him after had told Sirius all he need to know. It was him and only him and had been for quite some time. All was well.  
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quickspinner · 5 years
MLHolidays2k19 11. Secret Santa
Alya had called it Super Secret Santa. Rather than have everyone give the gift directly to their Secret Santa recipient, the gifts were all left on a table as people came in, labelled for the recipient. Juleka was pretty convinced that the whole Super Secret thing was just to give Alya the extra fun of deducing what gift came from whom, but whatever. People would undoubtedly admit which gift was theirs eventually. 
She just tried to stay out of the way as the party went on, watching enviously as Rose bounced in and out of the small knots of people there. She also watched Luka circle the outskirts just as she did. Neither of them were particularly good with crowds without their instruments. Luka had his, of course, as always, but Nino had set up the music and Luka’s guitar case was left by the door. Juleka could see his hands flexing periodically, itching for it, but eventually he ended up hanging with Ivan and Mylène, and he looked comfortable enough that Juleka stopped paying attention. 
When the time came, they all sat in a circle and Alya handed the gifts out according to the labels. Her plan went awry almost at once because she couldn’t read Kim’s handwriting and had to get him to tell her who the gift was for. She set Adrien’s gift aside; to probably no one’s surprise, he hadn’t been able to make it, but he had made sure to give his gift to Nino so that even if Adrien couldn’t make it, his gift would make it to the right person.
They went around the circle with the usual amount of either polite or genuine enthusiasm, until Marinette unwrapped pink paper from a plain white box and opened it. Her squeal made the people beside her jump and lean away, clutching their ears. “I’ve been looking everywhere for this!” she exclaimed, holding up what Juleka knew was fabric. Juleka watched Luka out of the corner of her eye, wishing she could beam into his head how lame he looked, grinning at the floor and picking at his shoelaces in his efforts to be not completely obvious.
“Well,” Alya said smugly. “I ask myself, who could have gotten you rare and pricey fabric, hmm?” She laid one finger to her lips as if in thought, and Marinette turned pink.
The actual answer was Anarka Couffaine, Juleka was willing to bet. Their mother had mad connections for all kinds of crazy things. Though there was no telling what price she’d extracted from Luka before she’d use them. Poor boy was probably going to be hanging from a rope repainting the side of the boat come summer.
Juleka decided she didn’t feel sorry for him, since he was dumb enough to sit there quietly and tell himself it was fine if Marinette thought the gift was from Adrien, it would just make her happier, anyway.
They continued around the circle, opening packages. Juleka’s was a pair of beautifully made lace gloves. Marinette, maybe? Wouldn’t that be just funny. She shot a smirk at Luka, sure he was thinking the same thing since she could see him chuckling. 
“Wait,” Alya said suddenly, after all of the gifts had been opened. “Luka, you didn’t bring a gift?” 
Juleka glanced up to see her brother’s surprised face.
“Uh, yes?” Luka blinked. “I did.”
“Huh. But there was only one music gift and you got it, so it was probably from Nino,” Alya frowned. “Are you sure we gave it out? Did we miss someone?”
Juleka snickered to herself. Luka was blushing. “No, you didn’t miss it. It went to the person it was for.”
“Really?” Alya looked around. “Who got Luka’s music? I wanted to put it on after Nino’s mix.”
Everyone looked around in confusion. Juleka bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud at the look on Luka’s face. He sighed and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Because it wasn’t music.”
There was a beat of silence as everyone stared at him, and Juleka snickered. Luka gave her a look and she shrugged. “Told you,” she mumbled. He sighed again and folded his arms, still cool on the outside, but Juleka tensed in response to his defensive stance. Luckily, just the right person spoke up. 
“Why wouldn’t you give music?” Marinette tipped her head to look at him. “Your music is awesome!”
Luka was so flustered by the compliment that he answered without thinking. “Because it wasn’t about me, it was about you.” His hand flew up to cover his mouth. “Ah, I mean…” Everyone around him erupted in laughter. Luka accepted with grace, giving a shrug. “Oops,” he chuckled. Juleka rolled her eyes at him. Dork. 
“Well, that’s--that’s really sweet, Luka.” Marinette smiled. “But you know I love your music.”
“I  know,” Luka shrugged, blushing a little harder. “But I figured you needed this more.” He gestured to the package in her hands, and then reached up to rub his neck, looking uncharacteristically flustered. Too many people, Juleka thought. Too many, too close. Fortunately most of them were more interested in their own gifts now that the mystery had been answered. “I mean, I’m happy to make you music whenever you like, so...this time I wanted to help your passion, not push mine on you.”
“You have never pushed anything on me,” Marinette told him firmly, clutching her package. “Plus I’m always inspired by your music! I’ve had some really great ideas, listening to your stuff.”
Juleka had never seen her brother more ready to faint on the spot. She smirked behind her hair as she watched him desperately try to keep his cool, though he was already smiling that idiotic she’s-so-damn-cute smile, which as far as Juleka was concerned robbed him of all rights to the word ‘cool,’ especially when he did it in public. 
Distraction time. “Hey Alix, what’d you get?” she muttered to the short girl on her right, counting on her to be loud enough to draw everyone’s attention. She was not disappointed. 
Later, Juleka found herself walking home beside Luka and Marinette. She was pretty sure this was not the fastest route to the boat from Alya’s apartment, but as much as she enjoyed embarrassing her brother, she actually liked the idea of him and Marinette together, so she did him a favor and kept her mouth shut.
“How did you know what to get, though?” Marinette asked, folding the package to her chest. “This is exactly what I needed. But you spent so much money on me, Luka, this can’t be in the limit!”
Luka smirked, more at ease now that they were out of the crowd and he had one hand gripping the strap of his beloved guitar case. “Marinette, how do you know what I paid for it? I make deliveries all over the city, I have plenty of chances to shop around. I have connections.” 
Juleka rolled her eyes. While none of those statements were blatantly false, she was positive Luka was full of shit. He had absolutely ignored the spending limit and paid something close to full price. 
Bless Marinette and her constant willingness to believe her friends were all amazing for not calling him out. Juleka kind of wanted to gag as she listened to Marinette gush. Luka was turning redder by the minute, too. 
“As for how I knew,” Luka said when Marinette finally paused to breathe, and Juleka shot him a warning look which he, as usual, ignored. “I do kind of have a secret agent on my side.” He tipped his head toward Juleka. “She’s a lot more observant than people give her credit for.” 
Marinette turned her brilliant smile on Juleka, and Luka smirked over her head at his sister, because now Juleka was blushing. “Oh, it was nothing, I mean, it’s not like it was hard, Alya asked all the questions, I just took a couple of notes,” she mumbled in her least intelligible voice. 
“Well, it was wonderful, and I’m super grateful to you both. This is my turn, I’ll see you both later!” She put her hand on Luka’s shoulder and pulled herself up toward him. He bent automatically, clearly expecting a bise, but instead she planted a kiss firmly on his cheek. Juleka was breathing in to laugh at the stunned look and heavy blush on his face when Marinette turned, came up on her toes, and put a similar kiss on her cheek as well. 
“Bye guys!” Marinette called, waving as she turned towards the bakery.
The siblings just stood there for a minute, then looked at each other. Luka started laughing. “You should see your face.” 
“Bite me, tomato boy,” she grumbled, and punched him in the arm when he kept laughing.
“Man, we’re hopeless,” he chuckled as they started walking again. 
”You’re hopeless,” Juleka muttered. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen the way you look at Rose, you’re not fooling anyone with your stoic goth act. And may I point out, you were blushing too just now, miss dark and gloomy.”
Juleka just shrugged. There was no point denying facts.
Everybody knew the Couffaines were weak for living balls of sunshine with pretty eyes.
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smuttymess · 4 years
bts astro soulmate reading | for seidj
sign: gemini sun | gemini moon | leo rising
lovers + soulmates Park Jimin | Jung Hoseok
This reading is for Seidj, a lovely fellow hard-stan moot & Hopekook bias. Please note that this is the first reading I’ve done wherein both options were too close to call (I spent hours agonizing) so I decided to incorporate a triad/throuple situation - lucky you ;) Please enjoy, love!
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The powerful, fiery of your Leo rising is only fueled by the dreamy, airy nature of your Gemini sun and moon, making you all but impossible to pin down here on earth. This combination is the most enthusiastic in the zodiac, making you a natural born leader in all areas of your life. The Gemini is the brilliant ideator at the helm of initiatives who steers teams towards success at work and is the cheerleader in their various social circles. You are undoubtedly the life of the party - the fun, burst of energy cherished by close friends and admired by strangers alike. People are inherently fascinated by you as they are not always sure what they are going to get when you walk into the room. Gemini is the true sign of duality, after all, and with this in both your sun and moon placements you truly exist in complex multitudes that many people can never quite anticipate or understand but are more than happy to go along on the ride for. Generally aloof and always on the move, it is likely that people want to tame you, proving that your mysterious can be subdued and controlled to some degree. A person of your star placements, however, knows deeply the profound need for individuality and will likely avoid the trappings of normalcy at all costs - your fantasy world is undoubtedly superior than any real-world happenings on the ground.
The inability by others to pin you down applies directly to your romantic life as well, likely leading to a long path plenty of broken hearts in your wake. You do not mean to hurt anyone, its just that you love love but not necessarily commitment to just one person. Easily bored and occasionally self-obsessed, you may develop crushes on people easily, falling hard and fast in true romantic Leo fashion for a beautiful stranger that passes you by (this may be the one!) You likely realize just as quickly that this person does not satisfy you either intellectually, physically or both before quickly moving on to the next shiny new thing. Ultimately, you are looking someone who keeps you on your toes (and makes your toes curl), is mentally stimulating, and stabilizing without inhibiting your innate need to be free. In the meantime, you're all about enjoying the ride on your way to true love.
Luckily, the equally charming Park Jimin is on your wavelength when you meet in a chance encounter at a lounge on a random night out on the town. Jimin's Libra is a true match for your airy Gemini, and within moments of approaching each other you instantly click. Sharing a Gemini moon means that there is a magical alignment here: the charm, intelligence and wit essentially that pours from both of your energies is natural, giving off the appearance that perhaps you've known each other for years. Your synchronicity bleeds into an undeniable sexual chemistry - it's apparent from the moment his fingers graze yours as you dance, sliding across the room before coming together for a soft, warm kiss as the lights flicker above you. You two become inseparable, though of course there is a bit of game playing over flirtatious texts and the usual hard-to-get behavior of two attractive air signs. Ultimately, you're both happy to let your respective guards down and let each other into your internal worlds. Though generally soft and sweet, Jimin's powerful placesments of Neptune in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio providing just enough edge for your Gemini soul, while his romantic nature speaks directly to your bold, expressive Leo rising. You need someone who can talk as well as they can listen, and Jimin is that for you - hanging on every word you say, but also equally able to engage with you no matter what the topic. This is a duo that loves to play, so you are likely to fall in love over intimate dance lessons, drinks at local watering holes, and long walks through the city. You could easily spend hours together, holding hands and sneaking in little kisses in alleyways, which you do. Friends would certainly appreciate if you could keep your hands off of each other when you're all out together.
Jimin's Venus is in Scorpio, meaning that he is prone to loving with the intensity, jealousy and passion trademarked by the scorpion when he falls for someone and opens up to them fully. While you are both incredibly flirtatious and sociable, Jimin can become unnerved when he sees you getting too close a potential new love interest. You can both openly admit that while unwarranted, his jealous does lend itself to excellent foreplay. You may not love when Jimin is controlling, but you love how his eyes darken and his hands firmly grip your waist as the elevator doors close on your way back to your apartment. My girl likes to play, hmm? Let's play. His love style is not so much dominating as it is all-consuming: his lips devouring yours before tracing your jawline, your neck, and the top of your breasts as his hands follow along to trail your hips. Fortunately, a private elevator allows for privacy with a bit of exhibitionism, which ignites a naughtiness within the both of you and leads Jimin to act a bit out of character as he kneels down in front of you, lifting your leg over his shoulder before his tongue moves in between your thighs. In this duo, Gemini is the wilder of the two but pleasure-seeking Gemini is more than happy to oblige, enjoying the way your legs tremble as he alternates between flicking his tongue over your clit while his fingers craze your core. He lives for praise, which you are happy to give while his hands grip his hair as he brings you to your edge. Yes, just like that. Do you know how fucking perfect you are?
Typically, an overly emotional Libra may not bode well for the very independent double Gemini. This is a pairing that is able to be both friends and lovers because of the other placements in your charts.  Jimin's moody and emotional Gemini moon and Scorpio Venus is tempered nicely by his Libra sun, which ultimately seeks balance above all else and to please those in his orbit. As much as you adore each other, he knows that you are someone who is curious about the world and is not easily settled, so he does not try to lock you into a romantic, monogamous commitment. Libra lives to love, and wants to satisfy you by any means necessary. As a result, is able to respect your need for freedom while giving you the emotional connection you need. In return, you can easily promise to love and respect him for life in a way that you've always wanted to.
It is in your nature to explore and seek out new experiences, which brings you to an open-air music and art festival just outside the city on a warm late-summer evening. You are in your element, thriving in the buzzing of the music floating through the air and the energy of the people around you. Your Libra rising paired with Gemini means that you do not have a signature "style", opting instead for whatever you're feeling on a given evening and knowing how to rock it with your innate confidence. It is not unusual for you to have all eyes on you, but you are taken aback when you spot particularly handsome man who is taking you in from head to toe. The piercing nature of his stare from beneath his bucket hat is electrifying, and the sly smile that follows immediately ignites your fire. This only intensifies when he turns and continues to make his way through the grounds, instead of predictably approaching you as anyone else would. Your Venus in Aries lends you to loving the thrill of the chase, so you are happy to play, playfully shadowing him until he stops in front of an interactive exhibit and beckons you to join him. Interesting isn't it? I love this artist - he does some of my favorite street art. I'm Jung Hoseok, by the way.
The Aquarius Hoseok has an energy that is irresistible to your Gemini spirit, and is characteristically charming, strange and intriguing to you. You are kindred spirits in terms of your quirkiness and individuality, which connects you on a friendship level first. Neither Aquarius or Gemini want anything that is easy, conventional or predictable, so the relationship begins by simply getting to know each other, playfully and intentionally, over dinners and little adventures around the city. As highly intellectual beings, you and Hoseok are able to know each other mentally, sparring and enjoying the quick-witted, intelligent candor of your conversations. He is unlike anyone you've ever met, regularly surprising you with his signature uniqueness that spans from his worldview to his fashion sense - a trademark of his Aquarius moon and mars placements. HIs Moon in Taurus makes him hard-headed at times when it comes to what he desires in life, while his Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn make him extremely strong, creative and instictual - all key components of his success (and his ability to afford to live of an adventurous Aquarius). It is likely you want him to loosen up a bit at first, and you are able to lighten up with your Leo fire. Beneath the devastatingly cool, professional demeanor, Hoseok possesses an emotional depth that you may not have expected as a result of his Venus in Pisces. Intimidating on the surface, Hoseok is a romantic soul whose dreaminess translates into his work and the way he loves - passionately and with unmatched dedication. Hoseok is drawn to the quickness of your mind and how it works a mile a minute, bouncing from one idea to the next with such dexterity he can't help but admire. He also deeply appreciates your independent, free-flowing spirit, which cannot be bogged down in the status quo or societal expectations of black and white thinking. Despite your differences or perhaps because of then, this is a relationship that deepens to an extent - despite your highly individual natures - wherein you cannot fathom being without the other, creating a fundamental friendship bond that is impenetrable.
This pairing recognizes a shared attraction that sends shockwaves through their veins from the start, and when these two finally get each other alone and naked, the connection is nothing short of intense. This is a moody pair, and that translates very well to sex, which can be soft and tender or more aggressive and intense depending on the time of day. Distract this Aquarius from his work with a bratty text and you're guaranteed to be met with Jung Hoseok, his brow furrowed and sweat dripping down his neck as he thrusts into you from behind against his desk, moans filling the studio as you take every inch of him with pleasure. You just couldn't wait, could you? He gets harder watching you let go under his touch, your lips forming into a smile as your eyes meet each other's in the mirror, causing him to ramp up the energy as only he can with his lean dancer's physique and stamina. When Gemini gets horny on the way to dinner, its only a matter of moments before you're pulled off into a discreet area of the parking lot, your hips grinding onto the hardness in his jeans before pulling your skirt to the side to slide onto his cock without thinking twice. You're both exceptionally curious about each other, wanting to become experts at getting the other off, and sex can often feel like a game as your eyes lock into each other and feed off of the shared fire and desperation. This is likely one of the kinkiest couples in the zodiac, the nature of your airiness activating each other's deepest, wildest energies when the mood strikes. Hoseok's Pisces Venus makes him especially passionate, his deep voice whispering into your ear as he's he knows you're about to finish. Let me hear you beautiful, I want to hear my pretty baby say my name while she comes for me. While this duo connects on numerous levels, the physicality of this particular coupling is off the charts - so much so that you're likely to bring in a lucky special guest or two into the bedroom from time to time to share the experience.
When an Aquarius and Gemini come together, it is best to expect the unexpected. You both understand that life is to be meant to its fullest, and that as long as everything is handled financially and in your respective careers that there is no need to be tied down or stagnant for too long when there is so much to savor. A Gemini and Aquarius pairing is not meant for a traditional life, opting instead to march to the beat of their own drum, which works out well considering your boyfriend Park Jimin isn't going anywhere anytime soon - and you don't want him to. This is a special relationship which provides both financial and emotional stability with the business-minded Aquarius Hoseok at the helm, alongside the spontaneity and adventure that your energetic Gemini heart requires (think taking the jet to the Shanghai or Tokyo on a Thursday afternoon with your boyfriends for the hell of it). The Aquarius/Gemini are likely the primary couple in this dynamic, with our Libra Jimin being there for you when you need an escape, or a day-long cuddle underneath the covers, or a partner to socialize with when Hoseok is in producer/director mode. This is only possible with a profound level of respect, trust and appreciation for their other as a partner and an autonomous person which is something very achievable with this duo. Ultimately, you are able to create a life that may not be understood by all - and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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tev-the-random · 5 years
A Miraculous Sorting
(I’m writing this under the Christmas tree’s lights, because they take a lot less power than my room’s actual lights, and if I’m going to throw an all-nighter today, I want the electricity bill to be as cheap as possible.)
 You know something I really love? Pulling a Sorting Hat at random times. You’ll see me making a sandwich and rambling to myself as to why Rivaille Ackerman is a Hufflepuff. You’ll see me doing the dishes and quietly wondering why Mabel Pines is a Gryffindor. You’ll see me taking a shower and just arguing with myself about whether Ciel Phantomhive is a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin.
 The fact is: I love Harry Potter with all my soul and I’ll take any opportunity I get to sort random characters into Hogwarts Houses.
 So I thought to myself: hey, why not make a post about it? Mixing my most recent Thing-I-Won’t-Shut-Up-About-For-a-Few-Monthstm (Miraculous Ladybug) and my unexplainable need to analyse characters and put them in Hogwarts? Sounds cool to me. And that’s why you’re reading this. Also, I’m bored.
 Anyway, let’s get to it!
 Warning: be aware of Spoilers! If you haven’t finished Season 3, I’m afraid you’ll find a buzzling nest of spoilers here, so do be careful!
 Warning 2: Sorting is a very sensitive thing and can be interpreted in many ways. This is how I interpret it. Feel free to disagree, I’d love to discuss different opinions!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug – Ravenclaw
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 This was an easy one. Despite her clumsiness and social awkwardness – which make her look a lot more air-headed than she actually is –, Marinette is a perfect match for Ravenclaw!
 First of all, we’ve been signed over and over again in the show to how she’s quick-witted, resourceful and strategic, and has got incredible problem-solving skills – even if she’s terrible at managing her time. Practically every episode shows us how quick she is to come up with plans to defeat the villains and how she always makes most of what she has – the Lucky Charm may be the most ridiculous object in the world, she’ll always manage to make a use of it.
 Not only as Ladybug, but also in her normal daily life, Marinette seems to be able to strategize and negotiate very well. Take as a few examples: how she manages to hide with Adrien using various strategies (Gorizilla); how she talks to Roland and convinces him to come visit Tom in his birthday (Bakerix); how she hides and runs away with Kagami and Adrien using various diversions (Heart Hunter/Loveater); how she pulls her – in my opinion – most brilliant and convoluted plan to retrieve Tikki and Plagg and keep her identity hidden (Kwami Buster). I mean, we get distracted by her silly shenanigans every now and again, but this girl has some pretty smart moves!
 She also operates the team work most of the time, directing when and where to use her fellow heroes’ powers. Not to mention she’s the one to choose who gets to have which miraculous, and she mostly seems to get it right – in this house, we do not talk about the stupidity that went down with Aspik, thank you very much.
 Furthermore, Marinette is just plain intelligent. She jammed the Wi-Fi signal using a microwave in Lady WiFi; she engineered her own diary-protection device in Darkblade; she made a home-made projector in The Mime; she neutralizes evil perfume with a chemical explosion in Princess Fragrance; she makes a freaking propeller in Glaciator. She was also mentioned in Ladybug (this name doesn’t get confusing at all) to always get good grades.
 As the series goes, Ladybug gets to become a much wiser person. She seems to learn from most of the problems the akumatized victims go through, as well as from her own mistakes – let aside all the Adrien stuff. Yeah.
 Last but not least, Marinette is exceptionally creative. I don’t think I need to exemplify this, do I? I mean… If you haven’t noticed how artistically inclined she is and how she is constantly praised for her creativity as a designer and as a superhero – again, think of the Lucky Charms –, I doubt we’re watching the same show.
 Not necessarily a Ravenclaw trait, but I’ll add it as a bonus: Marinette handles so many responsibilities at the same time, what a multitasker! She is an independent fashion designer, she does small fashion services – as seen in The Mime, for example –, she is a designer for both Kitty Section and (apparently) Jagged Stone, she babysits Manon and Chris, she helps her parents at the bakery, she studies – again, it’s said that she has good grades, so even if she spends a lot of time saving Paris, she also doesn’t lay off at school –, she makes time to keep her friendships together and she has all her responsibilities as Ladybug, and now as a Guardian. This is all some new level of bullshit a 15 year old human being shouldn’t have to deal with. I’m seriously amazed it took her three full seasons to have a breakdown.
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir – Hufflepuff
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 Ok, this was a bit more difficult. I was seriously torn between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but, after some deep thinking, I believe Hufflepuff is where Adrien belongs!
 Firstly, we’ve seen numerous times how inclusive Adrien is. He was, since day one, willing to give everybody a chance at friendship. This Nino boy I literally just met? My best friend. This Ladybug girl who fell from the sky out of nowhere? I’ll trust her with my life. This girl who hates me because of Chloé? I’ll give her my umbrella and she’s just a friend – Goddamnit Adrien. This Kagami girl I just fenced with and who almost killed me? Friend material right there.
 What makes Adrien’s inclusiveness most clear to me, however, is Lila. Despite everything she does, despite all her constant lying, despite her getting people he loves in trouble, he’s still willing to be her friend. We see in episodes like Chameleon, Oni-chan and Ladybug that he’s always willing to give Lila a second chance, to help her out when she needs it, to extend her the hand of friendship and to let her learn with it, because even if he knows she is a jerk, he still wants include her. Is that a bit of a stupid move at this point? Yes, it is. But we appreciate your try, Adrien.
 Another Hufflepuff trait that this boy has is patience. I mean, he lives with Gabriel Agreste, the cold critical father who shows affection – or any presence, really – only once every few months; he lives with Plagg, the demanding, pestering kwami who’s determined to not give two craps about doing his job; he’s childhood friends with Chloé “the arrogant and annoying and other things I can’t say out loud” Bourgeois; he’s trying to keep good terms with Felix, who’s competing for “most despicable brat of the year”; and he’s “friends” with Lila. All of this can only be handled by an enormously patient person.
 Despite that, Adrien is still somewhat just and fair. This can be seen in Despair Bear, as he says he’ll stop being friends with Chloé if she doesn’t start acting nicer. He also claims he won’t be friends with Lila anymore if she doesn’t get Marinette out of the trouble she caused. It’s also important to note episodes like Riposte, where Adrien’s determined to get a rematch with Kagami due to his believe that her loss was not fair.
 The thing that defines Adrien the most and that made me decide for Hufflepuff in the end, however, is his loyalty. Despite everything to ever come his way, he’s extremely loyal.
 Firstly, he’s loyal to Chloé, his childhood friend and, for the longest time, his only friend. We can see in the second part of the Origins episode that he won’t tell on Chloé’s behaviour because he “can’t throw her under the bus”. He instantly goes back to being her friend after the events of Despair Bear and seems to be the only one to get sad for her almost leaving Paris in Malediktator.
 The person Chat’s the most loyal to is undoubtedly Ladybug. We can see it in multiple instances, as he sacrifices himself in order to protect her in several episodes, stays by her side no matter what and, despite his own desire to know who Ladybug is, doesn’t actually actively try to find her identity (Chat Blanc aside) because that’s what she decided. Even if Chat Noir is constantly portrayed as her mere sidekick and gets the least attention of the duo, he doesn’t show jealousy. He trusts her.
 I’ll refrain from making the “Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders” joke.
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge – Gryffindor
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 Oh dear… I feel like this one almost reached a Hatstall! It was so hard! Her extreme curiosity and fascination with the world around her made me think of her as a Ravenclaw, while her ambition to get the best information for her blog and connection to the Fox Miraculous – the fox being an animal strongly connected to cunningness – seriously made me think about putting her in Slytherin. But again, after deep thinking, I do think Alya fits incredibly well in Gryffindor!
 Let’s start with the fact that Alya is an icon of bravery. She is daring and determined to the point where she is reckless. She is always ready to jump right into action, no matter how dangerous the situation is. If she can either get interesting footage and information or be of any help at all, she will be there, often putting herself in danger in the process. She rarely ever gets intimidated, nonetheless, showing that she has very strong nerve. This can be seen throughout various episodes, ever since Stoneheart and all the way to Feast!
 It’s safe to say that Alya has also got a sense of nobility, in a certain way. As seen in episodes like Stormy Weather, Sapotis, and Timetagger, this girl’s got a way with kids and is always willing to protect them. Rena Rouge also shows willingness to help save Paris no matter what, as seen in Sapotis and Syren, for example.
 I don’t know if this can be considered nobility as well, but I’ll just leave it here that Alya “Wingwoman” Césaire is a very determined best friend and will do about anything to set Marinette with the boy she loves. I can’t even exemplify this, because this happens way too clearly in almost every episode, folks.
 Well… Say what, I’m still confused about this. Alya confuses me. Does anyone have any comment to help me out with this one, please?
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace – Hufflepuff
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 Ok, I won’t lie: part of this decision is because Nino’s just got too much of that bro vibe for me to imagine him anywhere else. But hear me up, I’ll tell you why he is an amazing Hufflepuff!
 First of all, Nino’s absolutely loyal. He’s loyal to Alya; always willing to protect her with his life – that’s how he got his miraculous, after all! –, but they still act as very good partners, friends and couple, and he recognizes she is strong on her own, too. He’s ready to help her out with her “wingmanning” – I’ll exemplify with Puppeteer 2.0 – and with her Ladybug investigations – as seen in Lady WiFi. They even parkour together in Miraculer! (Sorry, I just need more DJ-WiFi in my life)
 He’s also loyal to Adrien. We’ve seen it in several episodes: how he wants to make his friend happy and let him be free from his very strict household – good examples would be The Bubbler and Party Crasher –, showing that he is fair to his friend. It’s also important to mention episodes like Simon Says where, after the akuma attack happens, Nino’s first instinct is be to make sure Adrien is alright.
 Nino’s also shown himself to be quite loyal to Ladybug, as he never faltered to follow her instructions, even after he gets the Turtle Miraculous.
 His friendship with Adrien and Alya overall shows he’s also very inclusive. I mean, Adrien is friends with Chloé, the most hated girl of all school, but Nino just straight up offers to be his new best friend anyway. And although Alya keeps dragging him around to her messes, as soon as they start to talk and notice they have a lot in common, he falls in love with her (Animan).
 Nino is a hard worker as well. He is seen DJ-ing almost every party that showed up so far, and he showed himself as extremely dedicated to his movie project in Horrificator.
 As a generally laid back guy, Nino can be seen as someone very patient. It is quite difficult to tick him off, therefore it’s rare to see him mad or lashing out at someone. One might say he’s too relaxed at times…
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko – Slytherin
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 Ok, first of all: I love Kagami. And I love Slytherin. So if anyone wants to shit on any of them, you’ll have to go through me first! Wands ready, buddy, I’m a duellist and I’m ready to fight!
 Kagami was another difficult one, but mostly because we rarely get to see anything from her personality, given how stoic and reserved she is at the beginning – besides, she’s a newer side character, so obviously she didn’t get to have that much screen time yet. But with what little we’re given, I’ve managed to figure she’d do nicely in Slytherin!
 Let’s start pointing out how ambitious Kagami is: during her first appearance in Riposte, she is determined to get to enter the most prestigious fencing school in Paris, and doesn’t even falter upon the challenge of defeating their most talented student; while episodes like Oni-chan show that she’s ambitious to get Adrien (and finish Lila, but that’s all of us). Her acts as Ryuko also goes to show this, as she’s clearly not willing to back down and is always willing to fight and win.
 However, she is not unfair, as seen again in Riposte, as she accepts her loss to Adrien was fair – it wasn’t, really –, even if it meant not getting what she wanted.
 Although Kagami doesn’t seem to be entirely selfish, she’s one to look after herself (the two are easily mistaken, hence this is seen as a Slytherin “bad trait”). We see it in Desperada, when she ditches fencing class to be able go out with Adrien; in Ikari Gozen, when she disobeys her mother in order to finally make friends; in Loveater, when she comments she doesn’t want to hurt Marinette, but would not give up on Adrien either.
 Ikari Gozen also shows that Kagami is level-headed, a natural leader, and rather cunning, given not only her strategies to deceive her mother in order to play the friendship game, but also her behaviour during the game and as Ryuko. This episode, along with Riposte and Frozer, for example, demonstrates that she strives to be the best at what she does.
 We see it in Animaetro how she doesn’t let herself be intimidated.
Kagami is decided, as seen in Frozer, Desperada and Loveater. She doesn’t hesitate.
Luka Couffaine/Viperion – Hufflepuff
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 Oh, you thought I was going to finish this without sorting my snake boy?
 Easy one. Very easy. Once you put aside the thought of Snake = Slytherin and Blue = Ravenclaw, it gets quite visible how Luka is the perfect Hufflepuff!
 First of: he’s an extremely just person. One of the main themes of the episode Silencer is how he demands justice for his band and friends.
 Luka has also shown himself to be immeasurably selfless. This is seen in basically all of the episodes he has an appearance on, but I’ll name Captain Hardrock (he gives his  guitar pick to Marinette upon seeing that she likes it + stays behind to help her escape The Liberty), Desperada (he puts himself in harm’s way to help Ladybug and Adrien escape + he lets Adrien borrow his guitar without a flinch), Felix (literally everything he says in this episode), Miracle Queen (he sacrifices himself to the evil wasps) and Loveater (the scene where he drops his bicycle and his beloved guitar to comfort Marinette is some symbolic selfless beautiful shit and I’m about to cry).
 In the same theme, he is notably kind. He’s never a hostile person – safe for Silencer, but that was a special occasion – and always seems to greet everyone with a smile and – when he finds them – kind words. I’ll exemplify using Adrien: despite knowing pretty well that Marinette is in love with the model boy, Luka was never once bitter towards him, treats him like any other friend (watch Desperada, Frozer and even Chat Blanc. Watch closely) and even states that he’ll be happy for them if they end up together (Felix).
 I’ll also mention how supportive of a brother he is (Reflekdoll is our main example, though I need more Couffaine Siblings’ interaction, please) and how he gives Marinette a bicycle ride to the Grand Paris Hotel (Loveater) to help her; he didn’t need to do that at all.
 We can see that what he wants the most is for Marinette to be happy, even if it’s not with him. He’s there to support the people he loves no matter what and respects their wants and needs. Take some notes, Chat Noir (ok, kidding. I love you, Chat. But do take notes).
 Luka is the definition of patience. I mean… Let’s talk about Desperada, where, right after he confessed his heart to Marinette, she just ignores him and straight out treats him like trash to favour Adrien (I’m not blaming Mari, tho; I know she’s a confused little bean and didn’t mean any harm). What does he do? He shrugs it off with a smile and keeps his cool unfaltering. Furthermore, he never seems to expect anything from Marinette after that declaration.
 Plus, when he’s chosen to receive the Snake Miraculous, one of the things he does best is to watch patiently for the opponent’s moves to know the best strategy to take.
 Plus plus, he lives in a houseboat with Juleka, the Anxious Horror Loving Sister, and Anarka, the Chaotic Havoc Mum. I love the Couffaines, but living in The Liberty must be a nightmare sometimes.
 Another point to take in consideration would be how Luka is a hard-worker. Despite him being pretty chill and laid-back, we often see Luka composing and/or practicing for Kitty Section. Not only that, but we also see in Loveater he has a job as a delivery boy through Paris. On a bicycle.
 To wrap this up, I’ll say that Luka is pretty empathic. Just take his whole “reading people and translating them/their feelings into a song” thing we see in Captain Hardrock, Frozer and Loveater. I rest my case.
 Phew, we’re done!
You headcanon these in different houses? I’d love to discuss it!
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captainonlineshop · 4 years
Purchase Men's Formal Shirts Online at Angoshova
 Regardless of whether you're dressing for a big meeting otherwise you are becoming ready for a dark tie function, any kind of formal event requires a standard shirt. A staple in each man's closet, formal shirts express your own style. Staying conscious of progressing design drifts, the traditional shirt has adjusted to the ever-changing sorts of menswear. Today, to the extent the planning and fits go, there's a good scope of alternatives accessible available to you. this will make purchasing the perfect shirt for men actually quite difficult. this is often the purpose at which we attend your guide to regulate you thru different sorts of fits, sleeves and necklines with the goal that you simply can choose which type of men's shirts you would like to travel for.
 Head to figure a la mode with Men's Formal Shirts within the most up-to-date Patterns
 Wearing keen looking garments goes far in making the right impression within the psyches of your chief, subordinates and partners separated from your exhibition at work. no matter whether you're a fresher during a new business or the President of a worldwide association, an honest assortment of formal shirts is an unquestionable requirement have in your closet. you ought to simply view the scope of formal shirts within the most stylish trend accessible online to settle on whether you truly got to pass up the foremost recent patterns that proper shirts online need to bring back the table you. trying to find formal shirts on the online , you'll discover shirts during a scope of designs like strong Oxford shirts, celeb style checkered shirts, mathematical examples, apparent botanical shirts, sheen shirts, summer pastels thus considerably more from brands like Subside Britain, Van Heusen, Flying Machine, Bolt and different brands for a contemporary assortment of formal shirts that you simply can wear to figure regular.
 How Might you would like Your Conventional Shirts to suit You?
 With regards to the attack of your proper shirt, you've got three primary choices to seem over. they're normal, thin fit and additional thin fit shirts. within the event that you simply are of normal size or on the heavier side, a standard shirt with a customary fit is that the most ideal choice for you. These accompany sides that go straight down, which makes them breathable and truly agreeable to wear. Men on the slimmer side, but , would really like to wear fit shirts as shirts with a traditional fit will generally pour out from the midsection. With their tightened sides, thin fit shirts sit well on less fatty men. Nonetheless, within the event that you simply are thin, shirts with an additional thin fit are the foremost ideal choice for you. These are intended to tighten quite thin fit shirts, supplying you with an ideal look and making up for your lean midsection.
 Picking Formal Shirts in Various Sleeve Lengths
 At the purpose once you got to look formal and expert, nothing are often superior to a correct shirt with full-sleeves. Be that because it may, having just full-sleeved formal shirts in your assortment of formal shirts is anything but an awesome thought, right? Two or three half-sleeved shirts can cause you to look similarly brilliant on a hot day when a full-sleeved shirt doesn't appear to be advantageous. trying to find men's conventional shirts on the online , you'll discover a scope of complex looking proper shirts with half sleeves from brands like John Players, Dwindle Britain, Raymond, Van Hussein and different others. Apart from this, you likewise have shirts with move up sleeves that you simply can buy online for a semi-formal look on a Friday.
 Why you want to buy our formal shirt?
With an honest assortment of formal shirts, you'll attend office insightfully with formal shirts in various styles regular. You’ll wear a la mode Oxford shirt on Monday, a celeb style checkered shirt on Tuesday, a shirt with Windowpane keeps an eye fixed on Wednesday, etc. With men's conventional shirts online in various sizes, you'll undoubtedly purchase a shirt that matches you well without browsing each day at the shopping mall.
At the purpose once you purchase a shirt look for the type of fit it's and whether it'll supplement your body shape. There are fundamentally three kinds of famous fits: customary or exemplary fit, thin fit and custom-made fit.
 Normal fit Men's Formal Shirts – These shirts target maintaining the customary fitting outline in order that they feel more great and provide you with great versatility. These kinds of shirts regularly highlight a boxier shape with two creases at the rear for added comfort.
 Thin fit conventional shirts – These kinds of shirts show a more hip approach towards formal dressing. Thin fit shirts are particularly mainstream among men who are more cognizant about their body shape and wish to choose a trendier look. These shirts include back darts and high armholes for a slimmer waistline and a formed look.
 Looking Snappy consistently in Men's Shirts
 Your assortment of shirts can say an excellent deal regarding you. an honest assortment of men's shirts is what incorporates dress shirts to form you look brilliant at function even as a desirable assortment of shirts with regards to easygoing styles for end of the week exercises and different trips. A cleaned man will consistently dress in shirts within the hottest trend, be it to figure or on easygoing trips. Along these lines, if your assortment of men's shirts incorporates antiquated shirts, it's a perfect opportunity to buy online for men's shirts from brands like Diminish Britain, Lee, Joined reminder Benetton, Van Heusen, Wrangler and John Players to seem more intelligent and feel more sure consistently.
 Instructions to select Shirts for Work
 Your shirt goes far in making an impact of how savvy and expert you're . So except if you're during a startup and except if it's Friday, keep Shirts and easygoing shirts far removed. With regards to buying shirts for work, a evening shirt are some things that a person can never end up badly with. this is often a button-up shirt, total with full sleeves and a neckline. Guaranteeing that your evening shirt fits you well is critical . you'll say that your evening shirt has the right fit on the off chance that it allows you to squeeze out one to 3 crawls from the territory round the chest and midriff. You need to have the choice to boost your arms to your sides without having the sleeves getting pulled up the lower arms. Lastly, you need to have the choice to allow two fingers within the neckline while it's fastened.
 Picking the right texture is another significant piece of buying your evening shirt . the feel doesn't simply decide how savvy you'll glance in your shirt yet additionally how agreeable you'll be in it. within the event that it's each day once you are going to be voyaging plenty , there's nothing almost like a cotton shirt that shields you from perspiring and getting awkward. but , within the event that you simply are going to be during a cooled lodge throughout the day, you'll undoubtedly search for men's shirts in silk, polyester, material shirts and different mixes.
 Going to the shading, white, blue and pink are a few of absolute necessities with regards to formal shirts for men. another safe tones that you simply can increase the assortment are lavender, grayish and peach. Dim shades like dark, naval force blue and maroon can cause you to look brilliant and hip and are an honest choice for more dressier events. At long last, guarantee that you simply have an intriguing assortment of shirts with regards to strong tones, stripes and checkered plans.
 Easygoing Shirts for Nights and therefore the End of the week
 While evening shirt are all you've got with regards to shirts for office, trying to find easygoing shirts for men is extraordinary fun with the scope of designs like denim, botanical, palm and conversational prints, summer pastels, checkered plans thus significantly more that you simply can examine on the online . From gatherings to finish of the week excursions, you'll without much of a stretch discover shirts for various events. There are shirts with full sleeves, half sleeves, three-fourth sleeves and even move up sleeves and sleeveless shirts that you simply can glance a la mode in.
 While you look your most astute all of the five days of the week, you would not need your partner, chief or subordinate discovering you celebrating or climbing in unfashionable garments, OK? during this way, while you buy shirts that make an impact of how keen you're grinding away, remember to likewise pick an assortment of lovely easygoing and gathering wear shirts to form a similarly decent impression while you're having some good times. you'll peruse through easygoing and gathering wear shirts online from brands like Levi's, Roadster, Allen Solly, Jack and Jones and different others for an appealing assortment of popular easygoing shirts in your closet. during this way, you'd now be ready to guarantee that you simply put your best self forward consistently.
 Purchase Formal Shirts on the angoshova online
 Internet shopping destinations provide you with men's shirts from a good scope of presumed brands, for instance , Bolt formal shirts, Van Heusen formal shirts, Allen Solly formal shirts, Blackberry's formal shirts, Turtle formal shirts and Joined reminder Benetton formal shirts at incredible limits. the various installment techniques and after-deals administration make shopping on the online as simple as pie.
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swapnicaexim · 4 years
Inflector : Solar Shade For UV Rays Control
Fundamentally In summer and winter, there are endless issues happen concerning window whether it is about the warmth of the sun or UV beams however Inflector can undoubtedly take care of this issue.
The transparent all season window and lookout window protectors. It is the best framework accessible to address the least vitality proficient aspect of your home, business sector or building – the windows. It has been demonstrated that the windows have the most elevated air penetration, conductivity convection and sun based warmth increase of the apparent multitude of outside surfaces of your home or building. 
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Window insulator (inflector) in summer:- 
Basically opposite the boards during sweltering radiant climate so the intelligent sides face out. The sun's blistering beam is reflected, undesirable glare is decreased and the heap on the structure's cooling framework is reduced.
Window insulator (inflector) in winter:
The inflector window encasing introduces inside existing windows. Its exceptional single direction heat move configuration empowers, it ingests sun based in winter while reflecting and holding heat in the home or office.
Focal points of introducing inflector in the structure:- 
1. Lessen the heap on your cooling framework in summer by mirroring the sun's beam and brilliant warmth. 
2. Keep up your sea see, stream view or skyscraper see through our transparent verticals and blinds 
3. Diminish UV beams up to 90% 
4. Essentially components drafts from windows and decrease day time solar gain and nighttime thermal loss 
5. Diminish heat move by radiation convection and conduction. 
6. Shut down virus spots and problem areas.
Evacuation, reversible, inflector transparent brilliant warmth obstruction window separators address the entirety of the occasional changes consistently, keeping the warmth in the structure throughout the winter while shielding the warmth from entering the structure throughout the mid-year. A perpetual answer for high vitality bills. 
                   "We chill off sun-soaked rooms in a flash"
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tinwhite22-blog · 4 years
GDT - Cisco Blogs
Dairy Public Auctions Online - Locate a Terrific Shopper Currently!
Dairies are just one of the absolute most traded items around the globe today. Therefore, they are additionally one of the most frequently obtained on competitive market days. The largest dairy products market is actually that of the European Union (EU). All over the bloc, cows create approximately 60 thousand tonnes of dairy each year.
So the question occurs in order to why performs the need for milk products in nations like the EU growth while others simply continue to be along with the status? For one, individuals are currently familiar with the much lesser dairy expenses within the EU as well as what it needs to in fact make milk for intake. In addition, the need for fresh dairy has actually undoubtedly climbed over recent years or two and also very to a big degree.
http://www.boerenbusiness.nl why European milks have actually stayed on the exact same degree of manufacturing results from the fact that there are actually minimal resources that can easily sustain the exact same. It for that reason adheres to that farmers are actually pushed to acquire pricey milk products from other countries where dairy products market techniques are actually less rigid. In turn, these nations including India have been actually understood to offer EU farmers with affordable resources.
An outcome of the is actually that the globe's biggest dairy products markets as well as exchange are right now on the web. You observe, this was in fact the objective of the European Alliance. To maintain an extra also supply as well as require between all its member nations, a variety of livestock dog breeders developed what's phoned the Milk Modern technology Team.
They at that point built approaches such as the introduction of modern-day innovation like ranch milking devices as well as robotics. Today these innovations have been required to the next amount and are actually being actually discussed across the globe with Milk Auctions Online (DAO). You could possess been aware of DAO just before however performed you recognize that you can in fact participate in a milk auction as a customer as well as a seller.
Much like in a typical market, milk market individuals can obtain associated with each other using a brilliant agreement and stock actual time. So you could be the very same customer and also vendor that you observed on tv. All you need to have is actually a fake account to begin and the only thing you need to perform is actually explore the DAF System web site to determine how to become an energetic participant in the dairy market.
When you enroll in totally free dairies products, you are actually at that point required to secure a digital permit or even open certificate. This enables you to put proposals on DAO's and also in turn, your offer is actually increased by the variety of systems that you possess in the open market.
In this way, you will definitely get a percent of the complete asking price of milk items and also in yield you will definitely have the possibility to earn revenue with the liquidation of several dairy companies. The systems that enable you to take part in the auction are GDT, Eurodairy, EU Milk Community, Global Dairy Products Field and also DAO Europe. That is actually a considerable amount of options to pick from and if you possess an intelligent tip concerning dairy public auctions, you will definitely no doubt intend to acquire involved.
Wonderful Whey Grain Assessment
Global Dairy Electrical outlet uses DAO protein grain, which is an item of the global dairy trade. If you are actually a bodybuilder that is searching for a special and also intriguing healthy protein supplement, at that point look no further than this item. DAO healthy protein particle is a premium, all natural, and also strongly efficient item that has been actually scientifically proven to increase muscular tissue mass as well as get rid of body fat. So what makes it attract attention from various other products on the market?
For beginners, Dessert Whey Particle is derived from milk, so it is actually taken into consideration a type of whey. Because of this, it has a number of the best muscle building proteins that could be located in the milk sector. Pleasant Whey Grain is actually also not processed as well as performs not have chemicals. What that suggests is actually that the only substances you will ever before discover along with Sugary food Whey Grain are the healthy proteins and the protein facilities.
The main reason why Sugary food Whey Particle is actually thus terrific is because it contains casein, a digestion enzyme. Casein is an essential element for suitable digestion as well as is actually utilized by the physical body to create muscular tissues. Casein is likewise anabolic and can easily assist build muscles and also enhance toughness. In reality, studies have presented that when casein is combined with amino acids as well as various other drugs, it may additionally enhance muscle mass development. It is this best mix that produces DAO a best option of body builders, which is actually the major reason Sugary food Whey Grain is actually a preferred item of the worldwide dairy products field.
An additional feature of Dessert Whey Powder is actually the special, all natural flavor it has. The all natural flavor includes no artificial sweeteners or any kind of sort of taste enhancers, thus you won't locate it cloying or overpowering. Sweetened Whey Powder's one-of-a-kind flavor is also made use of in other products. These items consist of desserts, particle combines, as well as electricity beverages.
Wonderful Whey Powder consists of no poor stuff like creatine, lactose, sugar, sodium, or even any other chemical that will hinder your workouts. The manufacturers of Sugary food Whey Grain are also cautious concerning their item therefore there is no necessity to think about possessing a negative reaction along with the product. This is actually great updates considering that you don't intend to take chances with your workouts!
One more reason Sugary food Whey Grain is fantastic is considering that it includes no sweets and carries out not include soy products, gluten, casein, or even whey protein. The various other products on the market may contain sweetening agents or even various other abnormal substances. But that is actually certainly not the case with Sweet Whey Particle, which has no artificial sweeteners, gluten, or even casein. That is actually why Sweet Whey Particle is an excellent item of the international dairy business.
Pleasant Whey Grain likewise consists of no sugar, so you can easily feel confident that you won't need to treat on sugary foods simply to obtain your regular dosage of healthy protein. Pleasant Whey Grain is remarkably suitable for those that possess issues along with eating way too much food or even just wishing to stay away from desserts and also carbs. Dairy MarketPlace may likewise be actually a superb supplement for those who are actually lactose intolerant, as it does not have carbohydrate. It is actually the perfect product for anyone who struggles with any kind of sort of allergic reaction or even prejudice.
Eventually, Dessert Whey Powder is a wonderful supplement for those who intend to burn fat. Given That Sweet Whey Powder is actually naturally higher in healthy protein, it can actually aid you build muscle while getting rid of excess fat. It may be a great supplement to help you meet your objectives in the fitness center or even in your home, which is why Sweet Whey Particle is actually a top item of the worldwide milk field.
Why Are Actually Lotion As Well As Butter The Most Typical Product Of Dairy Products Field?
Making use of dairy and cream is actually the among the earliest and also most dependable means to generate butter. Lots of elements made use of to make butter are actually standard and are readily available at your local area market. For example, a few of the cornerstones to make butter are marg., lard, tallow, melted butter, milk solids, butter excess fat, water as well as oil. Despite being actually an easy technique, the creation of the specific butter has become a highly profitable industry because of the much higher demand for the product. Depending on to data, there is a yearly around the world need of around three mountain pounds of cream as well as butter. This details why the price of lotion and also butter fluctuates significantly depending on supply and also requirement.
This higher need has produced its own dangers as well as difficulties in regards to the supply. The growth popular has actually caused the demand for dairy and also hanker other foods. A lot of industries rely on dairy and cream as the foundation for making various foods and also cocktails. This is just one of the reasons the butter and lotion products are thus well-liked one of meals makers. Due to the high demand, developers are dealt with high needs in the raw components. An additional reason for the higher need for the milk and also lotion is actually the price that they command. Therefore, the propensity is actually for the supply to become overtaxed which indicates that the prices for the products are likewise higher.
Lotion and butter could be frozen, salted, flavoured, and cooled. It can easily also be used to bring in ice cream or ice cream. Whatever type of product it is that you want to create, the most effective way to get it is actually to go through the lotion and butter product of international milk business. As additional folks have become aware of the items of the dairy profession, more individuals are ending up being associated with this sector of the food items field. It is no surprise that the need for cream as well as butter is very higher. This is actually one of the most typical as well as simply obtainable product of dairy field. So it makes sense to make use of the opportunities that the cream and also butter products provide.
eex butter futures - The International Milk Business and also Global Cheese Materials
Cheese items are actually around the globe traded as a globally realized item. The wholesale as well as retail level cheese supply chain is actually right now a highly very competitive area. In today times it is actually feasible to find cheese producers creating the top rated mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, feta, Swiss, American, blue cheese and a lot more. Cheese vendors could be found in various portion of the planet including Eastern Europe, Australia, Southern Europe, United States, Russia, New Zealand, Middle East, Turkey, Spain, Chile, China, and also several of the African countries. Worldwide markets use the possibility of wholesale mozzarella cheese for greater than sixty billion bucks per year. The US retail cheese market deserves greater than 8 billion dollars annually.
The process of production outcome and advertising cheese happens at numerous amounts like farm, processing, and retailing. In recent times this has actually turned into a very open market location along with all the level playing fields. For example, nations including Greece, France, and also Germany have come to be the significant cheese developers today along with their cutting-edge source chain monitoring strategies. Germany and Greece are the largest exporters of cheese while the U.S. cheese market has actually actually gone beyond the market place of Switzerland. Merchants typically sell much more than sixty billion bucks really worth of cheese annually.
Cheese trade costs, which are much more than the normal milk rate, have additionally caused the retail and retail cheese supply being increased by a huge volume. Although the export market is actually considered to be the best had an effect on by this adjustment. Individuals in industrialized nations are actually currently devoting even more on cheese than they carried out earlier. As the rate of cheese rises, particularly in the course of holidays, numerous look at these items to be an affordable reward. One of the absolute most preferred cheese options is actually Emmental cheese. It is available in different tastes such as natural honey, lemon, orange, blackberry, and others. It is additionally understood for its higher attention of all-natural anti-oxidants, having Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and the minerals copper, phosphorus, and zinc.
Cheddar Cheese - Global Dairy Exchange
Cheddar cheese is just one of the most prominent food of the globe today. It is extensively realized as well as admired for its creamed and also delicious sampling and also has likewise gained a considerable amount of recognition as an attendee in global meals and also lifestyle. The name cheddar stems from the community of Cheddar in the district of France, where it originated from. Cheddar cheese is actually the item of global dairy products exchange. The globalization has actually delivered a vast array of foodstuff from across the world to the supermarkets of the planet market.
Curd is a type of curd which is actually fermented as well as contains powerful flavor. The curd is actually to begin with a yellow-colored yellow solid, and also this is actually at that point created right into a selection of different taste and also dietary qualities. The curd is actually produced through either soaking the curds in water or fermenting all of them. When the curds are actually soaked in water, they look at a procedure where they are actually helped make to end up being much less smooth and a lot more curd like. It is actually not only the curd that is generated coming from this yet the whey, milk, cream, and also the excess fat. These are used as animal feed, fuel, and as creature milk.
The curd is soft as well as may be formed simply and also quickly. The curd is a durable and also appetizing food product that makes it some of the absolute most well-liked foods of the world. Even though it can be incredibly costly, a great deal of folks may actually be given along with it without needing to go away from their house to purchase it. It is actually also among the preferred foods of the abundant because of its own structure and also preference. Because of this, it is provided for every person by means of the globalization.
Butter Trading
Butter and other milk products are actually strongly traded items which develop in an open market. Their creation figures out the total fee of Butter as well as Lactose rates. Butter is actually a significant item in international connections as well as the price plays a crucial function in global organisation deals. Butter is actually a vital substance in bread and other food items, producing it a meals staple. The meals market is very big, covering food products and also sectors that utilize substances stemmed from edible fats. It is also recognized for its relevance in the culinary as well as cooking sector.
Butter EEX is among one of the most traded items worldwide. It is a product of international milk trade as well as it is also the largest export of South Korea. Butter is created in Western Europe, Italy, Canada, the United States, and also Germany. It is often traded in the London market, the Chicago Mercantile Trade, as well as other European commodities exchanges. It is traded to create added scope for dairy trading organisations. It has come to be the absolute most vital product in the international milk trade. Exports of butter has been actually extremely lucrative for the butter market.
Butter futures have been actually traded on the marketplace considering that the year 1759, when New York was the primary trading centre. Butter is actually traded in an open market along with limited opening and closing hrs. They are bought and sold according to various existing market and also economical situations. Butter futures markets are strongly believed to become an item of the Butter EEX market. Butter futures arrangements are actually issued based upon the Butter futures deal. Butter futures arrangements are actually produced due to the Regular Setters of Butter. The position and closing price of the Butter futures agreement is prepared due to the Asset Future Cleaning Company (CFCC).
ANHYDROUS DAIRY BODY FAT is actually the particle produced from skimmed off milk concentrate-low heat and also a high quality excess fat. It is actually wonderfully satisfactory for those who are carbohydrate intolerant. If you are a style 2 diabetic person then you need to make sure while making use of ANHYDROUS MILK EXCESS FAT. This item is good enough for many of the individuals, yet if you possess hypertension or even cholesterol issue after that it should be actually utilized along with vigilance. Apart from being a helpful treatment for blood glucose level levels, it likewise regulates cholesterol degrees as well as reinforces blood vessels. It is actually looked at being one of the most ideal foods items for low high blood pressure.
Compared to ANHYDROUS DAIRY BODY FAT, SKIMMED DAIRY CONSTANT is a richer in body fat, having said that it is actually secured by means of an extra intricate method that consists of the intro of sugar into the curd via the use of pure blood sugar in the curd. This helps to make a less thick curd with better thickness. This product includes anti-oxidants, which participate in a vital function in combating coronary artery disease. It can be utilized alternatively for saturated fats, which may be formed in the course of cooking as well as frying. It can help you lose weight as well as keep your body active. It can also assist you shed the additional pounds coming from poisonous substances and other unnecessary materials in your body.
SKIMMED BLEED CONCENTRATE-LOW WARM is an additional lesser-known item on the market. This item is helped make from the skimmed dairy concentrate-low heat energy. It is actually a more popular choice over ANHYDROUS DAIRY EXCESS FAT due to its own prolonged life span and ability to minimize fats to a portion of their authentic information. The variation between SKIMMED MILK CONCENTRATE-LOW HEAT ENERGY and ANHYDROUS MILK EXCESS FAT is actually that the former may avoid blood clot, which can help you steer clear of a movement. It is actually confirmed that this item decreases LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides, consequently reducing blood pressure amounts. Contrasted to ANHYDROUS MILK EXCESS FAT, this item has been actually proven to strengthen food digestion and boost the rate of metabolism of carbohydrates as well as body fats. This particle is actually likewise readily available in different assortments and also is actually superb for fat loss.
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15 childhood crushes that embarrassingly ushered me into puberty EXPLAINED! (Pt. 2)
(Click here for Pt. 1)
10) Jenny Blake from The Rocketeer (1991)
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I have weird memories of The Rocketeer in that my family owned it on VHS and I watched it several times as a kid, but for the life of me I can barely remember the plot of the film (something about Nazis, the mafia, and Howard Hughes?) But damn do I remember Jennifer Connelly, going from playing the bratty teen heroine in The Labyrinth to playing this role, which she is so unfathomably stunning to the point where she looks like a painting of a pin-up girl on a B-52 bomber come to life. Connelly as most of us know would go on to have a successful Oscar-winning Hollywood career, which she undoubtedly deserves for being a fantastic actor...but she’s also adopted the Hollywood waifishly thin lifestyle. I’m probably not alone in preferring a full-figured Jennifer over the 0% body fat A-Lister she’s become. I’m not shallow, I just grew up with hearts in my eyes for a sexy full-figured woman with more curves than Mulholland Drive. Va-va-va-vroom!
9) Lola Bunny from Space Jam (1996)
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Ooooooook. Oh boy--where do we begin on this one?
It’s one thing to crush on the fictional cartoon characters I’ve previously mentioned. Sure, Jessica Rabbit and Jasmine aren’t real but they’re animated representations of female human beings, with Jessica being created specifically as a caricature which you’re supposed to be sexually aroused by. There are other animated ladies on this list I’ll get to, but none is more confusing and rather inexplicable as Lola Bunny from Space Jam. And when I say “inexplicable,” I mean it -- I don’t know WHY I was attracted to this non-humanoid anthropomorphic rabbit who most of us recall was created as a love interest for Bugs Bunny despite having never appeared in any Looney Tunes related content prior to the movie and, as far as I know, hasn’t become a mainstay since then. She’s also good at basketball...and apparently has been adopted as feminist icon for her “don’t ever call me doll” persona and athletic ability. I supposed that explains the attraction I had to her, along with her breathy baby voice and her Toon Squad jersey that was pretty much a sports bra and athletic boy shorts that accentuated her rather voluptuous curves--UM, WOW, let’s just move on?!
(it also doesn’t help that cosplayers are now “humanizing” her at comic conventions...)
8) Belle from Beauty and the Beast (1991)
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Heeey, speaking of implied beastiality...
(shut up, I know)
While Ariel was the first Disney princess I became fond out in my early childhood, Belle was definitely my first crush. If you were to take all the character traits I talked about Ariel and Jasmine having that made them such endearing characters and combine them into one character, you would get Belle. She’s intelligent, independent, inquisitive, and rejects societal expectations in lieu of wanting more than some provincial life. More importantly, she’s selfless, empathetic, and lacks shallowness, all which plays in her favor when the film’s title finally pays off. There is, of course, her other attributes which help her live up to the film’s eponymous title: Belle’s unique look makes her not only one of the most beautiful Disney princesses, but also one of the hottest. If you’re puzzled about what’s so “unique” about her look, Belle was the first DP to have brunette hair and brown/hazel eyes. That’s right, after fifty-four goddamn years of showing blue-eyed/blonde-hair Aryan damsels in constant distress, Disney added some color to their characters--er, WELL, um, at least Belle was not a passive victim like her predecessors who just waited for Prince Charming to show up. 
Also, seriously, just scroll back up and watch that GIF a couple times. HOW COULD YOU NOT LOVE BELLE??
7) Dr. Chase Meridian from Batman Forever (1995)
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So does anybody even remember Batman Forever? It seems to be the one Batman movie nobody seems to have a definitive opinion regarding. Then again, Batman movies seem to be judged on a binary system; they’re either the brilliant, near flawless The Dark Knight -- or the total nuclear meltdown shitshow of Batman & Robin. And right smack dab in the middle of this scale is Batman Forever, a movie that is awful in every sense of the word but is vastly more competent and enjoyable that its successor. One of the subplots deals with Bruce Wayne finally acting like a responsible human being and not the raging billionaire psychopath who beats up criminals from Gotham’s lower-socioeconomic class which he thinks makes him better than the villains and visits psychologist Dr. Chase Meridian. 
Like Lola Bunny, Dr. Meridian is a character who has never existed in any Batman/DC Comics medium, with her sole purpose being love interest to both Bruce Wayne *AND* Batman because tension(?) Then the movie ends and Chase is never seen, heard, or spoken of ever again in anything Batman related. Nevertheless, this was my first exposure to Nicole Kidman and I was quickly enamored by her beauty and seductive charm, which while was undeniably sexy coming from her breathy voice and Veronica Lake hair, it also makes for a confusing narrative. See, Chase isn’t a villain, but acts like a femme fatale looking to ruin Wayne with lust and psychology.    
6) Janet...Miss Jackson, If Ya Nasty*
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*yeah, I went there
Being born in the mid-80’s and growing up during the 90’s — where before the term “Millennial” was uttered, my generation was referred to as “Reagan Babies” — you bet your ass I was raised on a steady pop culture diet of Michael Jackson. By the time I was old enough to start listening to music that wasn’t Raffi or Disney sing-alongs on cassette tapes (jfgi, kids), MJ had already reigned as the King of Pop for over a decade with the albums Thriller and Bad. Sure, I was aware of the Jackson Family, but if you rattled off the names Jermaine, Randy, Jackie, Marlon, La Toya, and Tito to me, I’d give you a deer-staring-at-another-deer-staring-in-headlights look. Far as I know, there were only two Jacksons: Michael, and his little sister Janet...Miss Jackso--NOPE, not gonna milk it.
Contrary to my lame-ass dated reference, I got into Janet much later than the Control / Rhythm Nation era. Oh I knew her music fairly well, from her duet with brother Michael on the song “Scream”, to the mid-90′s pop/House/dance track “Together Again”, but it wasn’t until her 2001 comeback as a pop superstar with the album All For You did I go from viewing Janet as the “cool and badass sister of MJ” to “daaaaaaaamn, girl!” She could dance like no other, sing infectiously catchy tunes, and showed off a bubbly, fun personality. Oh yeah, she also had an impossibly perfect body, managing to be in better shape than most (if not all) of the teenybopper pop stars of the time nearly half her age. And that was all before I listened to her song “Would You Mind” off the album...wooooo [*wipes sweat off forehead*]       
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davekim83 · 3 years
Advised Home Kitchen Equipments This 2021
You may be among those loud foodies that have actually often created understood the fact that they really love food, or a discreet style that appreciates subtly stimulating in consuming activities. No matter, the kitchen will, undoubtedly, be your preferred spot. Particularly throughout those late-night expeditions you require to raid your fridge. However, to offer your fussy taste with miraculous pleasure, you will definitely require to fill your home kitchen with a couple of equipments. Otherwise, you will be placing your credibility and reputation as a foodie, and also the meals you will be actually taking in vulnerable. This invites the inquiry of what to get as well as whether you really and also definitely require it.
Precisely Why You Needed To Have basic chef tools
In modern life, kitchen appliances have become instilled in our capacity to produce and also cook food items that is actually of rate 1 standard. The perks of equipments perform not finish certainly there, as there are actually additionally those that assist us along with our regular cleaning. While people might possess, at what seems to be a long and also forgotten opportunity, put in more initiative with all points kitchen-related, we carry out not have to do this any longer. In addition, these equipments will certainly likewise supply your home kitchen with a futuristic artistic, enhancing your kitchen's décor as well as making it look all the more stunning. With that said, we, humankind, need to have upgraded and also modern unique kitchen appliances for not only our preparing food, cleaning, and design but likewise so as to boost our every day lives.
The 5 kitchen appliances Recommended for each Household
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Every household must, so as to become comprehensive, consist of an amount of equipments that assist produce your home kitchen uncomplicated.
Smart WiFi Split Second Container
If you actually possess an instantaneous container, thus you need to quickly change it along with an intelligent immediate container including WiFi. If you do certainly not possess an instantaneous container, after that you are actually probably either staying under a rock or even regard your home kitchen as an extra that you carry out certainly not make use of. In either case, getting this cool basic chef tools will make all the distinction on earth to your preparing food encounter. Other than the truth that it performs the ordinary features of an instantaneous pot, like a rice cooker, pressure cooker, slow-moving oven, birthday cake creator, and so on; it may additionally connect to your phone. Therefore if you need to go upstairs, to maybe bath, while you are cooking rice, you can either have it cease at a certain time or enjoy its own progress coming from anywhere in your property.
Smart Drip Coffeemaker
Visualize a lifestyle where you can easily possess your coffee made while you are still in bed. Also much better, imagine a lifestyle where you may have coffee steeped before you even wake up. Effectively, why envision when you can have all of it? By getting this otherworldly, advanced home kitchen equipment, your lifestyle is going to end to become a collection of you combating opportunity. Instead, you may have your coffee prepared for you by the opportunity you get downstairs and also are ready to head out for job.
Portable Blender or food processor
That does certainly not such as to possess an excellent vintage smoothie? I will tell you that: nobody! Along with a life that is constantly prompt stepped, where individuals are consistently hurrying to operate or one thing else, it may be actually tough to make your healthy smoothie. However, a mobile blender fixes that, as it may be as easy as merely throwing in a couple of cuts of cut-up fruit products or vegetables as well as drinking it away. The home kitchen professionals at the Daring Kitchen evaluated the leading mobile blenders on the market as well as mentioned that some are remarkably peaceful, yet each one of them are actually still resilient for the normal consumer. They possess also claimed that some may possess rechargeable electric batteries which are going to generally indicate the milliampere ranking on the plan. So take your time and also don't hurry on buying one, you'll want to ensure that what you will definitely be actually obtaining can easily fulfill your every necessity.
Automatic Frying Pan Stirrer
If you are actually a careless chef or even some of the numerous that baffle over the tip of having to stir a dish robotically for what appears like hrs, at that point this is for you. All you require to do is just put it in your skillet after preparing the cooking timer, and also it is going to rouse in your place. This will definitely be exceptionally helpful for those that might suffer from a personal injury or the ones that simply like awesome devices and desire to show off.
Smart Toaster oven
That corrects, they do exist. Using this awesome home kitchen equipment, you may use the "brilliant" attribute and possess the cool toaster get to operate. It works on much more than just tribute, as it is also wise adequate to recognize what you desire to toast with its own food preparation sensing units. The components perform certainly not finish listed here, as it also has the supremely cool attribute of reheating its own material if it acquires cold. This is actually easily the coolest kitchen appliance for any individual.
Nugget Ice Producers
This one can easily transform your lifestyle. You recognize just how restaurants cultivate a type of chewable ice, which is referred to as sonic ice. Effectively, this machine will confer onto you the capability to delight in an elaborate drink coming from the comfort of your sofa. It additionally indicates you are going to get to be an impressive celebration host, viewing as just how you will definitely be offering guests with impressive alcoholic drinks. The bright side is, some can in fact hook up to your mobile phone, which are going to have you prepare the ice coming from anywhere in your residence.
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[tomione thing] Thanks for the recs! I actually was looking forward to the rant, I like how you break things apart so they make sense in a very unique way.( I don't have any strong feelings to the pairing if that was your concern, I just think the stories about them have the potential to be fantastic because I enjoy intelligent characters going through life and solving problems and, usually, in fanfiction there's focus on only one smart character.
So, you people are just poking me with sticks to see what ridiculous opinions spew out then. I’m onto your game.
With that said, let’s get to answering then, and know that you bring this upon yourself.
I loathe Tomione. I put up with it, sometimes, because I will read almost any fic featuring Tom Riddle as a main character. (Want the Carnivorous Muffin to read your fic? Tom Riddle as a main character. Even if I disagree with 110% of your premise I will probably still read your story.)
However, it’s extremely telling that my recs the other day were hilariously small, and one was actually Hermione/Loki. The Tomione exists, I just hate it.
This is for two main reasons. First, I just don’t believe the ship would ever work under any circumstances and the pair are naturally doomed to loathe one another. Second, fanfiction has a collection of tropes associated with Tomione that are in unbearable (likely caused unconsciously by the first, Tomione doesn’t really work, so we do terrible things to make it work). 
Tomione Doesn’t Work: Change My Mind
So, remember we’re living in Muffin-land for this. I’ve explained some of my headcanons regarding these characters, and I’ll offer brief explanation for why I think what I do here, but I’m not going to expand on it too much.
Tomione has appeal under the premise that either you or someone else previously mentioned: they’re both so smart, of course they belong together.
The trouble, Hermione’s not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. What we see of Hermione’s cleverness boils down to having a very good work ethic and reading a lot of books. She tends to outsmart Ron and Harry because she actually puts in the work to do her homework and, my god, read her text books. Also, as I’ve covered before, Harry’s an idiot, so that’s a low bar.
Because Hogwarts can be passed by the likes of Crabbe and Goyle, and the curriculum seems to boil down to “pronounce this fake Latin correctly, ooh look, a spell”, actually reading her books not only gets Hermione by but skyrockets her ahead of her peers. Who, apparently, have no ear at all and don’t understand the swishy motions are important and probably never bothered to read their books.
This isn’t to say she’s stupid, she’s by far one of the more intelligent characters in the series, but it says a lot of not so good things about Hogwarts that Hermione is the “brightest witch of her generation”. In my mind she has never compared to characters like Tom Riddle, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, or Albus Dumbledore.
Hermione never questions how magic exists, why wands work, or why pronunciation is so weirdly important and why we’re using spells that are gibberish Latin instead of English or simply Latin. She never takes that step outside the box I would expect a truly intelligent person to take.
An example, Hermione completely throws out the entire discipline of divination. This is part because she believes it’s stupid, but she also only spends about two seconds thinking about it, and she doesn’t appear to be any good at it. If Hermione’s not good at it then it must be a stupid subject for stupid people.
Now, that alone doesn’t doom her, but it does put a huge chink in the major appeal of Tomione: they’re both just so brilliant that they’d be great together.
What dooms them is that Hermione both a) thinks she is as brilliant as all these other people and b) has this pervasive need to be the smartest person in any room she walks into. Hermione comes across Tom Riddle in the past or just chills with Voldemort in the future, she will inevitably try to show him up. This isn’t just to assure us that good is better than evil, but because she can’t help herself, because being the smartest is how she defines herself.
As a result, especially if we’re in the time travel/school setting, she would inevitably get in competition with him to prove she’s so much better/smarter than he is. It would undoubtedly be on her terms, probably revolving around school work, and she’d throw a fit when Tom wins because he understands the value in being concise where Hermione would quite easily write a hundred page Potions’ essay (that had a five page limit) with the subtext “PRAISE ME” written on every page.
I can’t imagine Tom Riddle would find this anything but completely obnoxious and a waste of his time.
Now, part of this goes into headcanon land, but I have always imagined, 100%, that Tom Riddle in Hogwarts was treated like a muggleborn, that he didn’t find out his ancestry until at least part of the way through, and he never confessed to being the Heir of Slytherin. I can back this up, but that’s another story for another day, I’ll just say that no matter what Dumbledore says any other backdrop makes no damn sense.
So, Tom has clawed the respect of his peers into reality with bleeding hands, he came from nothing in a way that even the ‘good’ purebloods wouldn’t have sympathy for. Even the muggleborns I imagine thought they were better than him. Tom is an impoverished orphan, so poor he has to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays, he was not having a fun time at school.
Tom has ambitions, is mired in hatred, and is not really all that wrapped up in Hogwarts except to get him where he wants to go.
Now, imagine Hermione suddenly shows up in front of this Tom. Suddenly he’s being challenged to essay competitions, she probably leaves cryptic remarks all the time about how evil he is and how amazing she is because she’s not evil and smarter than he is, and if he thinks he’s smarter than her then he better find time to prove it.
It’s like talking to a Dumbledore he can never escape from.
Tom doesn’t have time for this bullshit.
Tomione not only insists that he does but that he lives for this bullshit. Forget Voldemort, Hermione making weird comments about how Tom has a mutilated soul, or that Dumbledore is so much cooler than he is, is where it’s at. 
As for Hermione, ultimately, I don’t think she’d ever really be attracted to Tom Riddle because he’s too much competition. The guys we’ve seen Hermione with are all safely much dumber than she is, Hermione likes being in relationships with men she feels in some way better than. Tom Riddle is not that guy. 
Add on top of this that Hermione’s righteousness would never allow her to even think about dating someone like Tom and we get her, at best, trying for the sake of destroying him (if she seduces Tom then she destroys Voldemort!) but ultimately failing.
Because the thing is, circling back to where we started, there are different kinds of intelligence, different levels of intelligence, and intelligence alone isn’t a reason to get along. Smart people might gravitate towards smart people, but they still have to have compatible personalities. Reading books isn’t magical glue that can bind people together.
No matter what way I look at it, Hermione and Tom would absolutely loathe one another in every capacity. 
Hermione ends up back in time accidentally and goes to Tom with Hogwarts: utter loathing.
Hermione ends up back in time on purpose and tries to save Tom’s troubled soul or else murder the shit out of him: utter loathing with an extra dash of “what the fuck?!” on Tom’s end.
Hermione ends up back in time after Hogwarts when Tom’s a store clerk: utter loathing (Hermione walks into Tom’s shop to tell him how cool and interesting she is to enter into the typical Tomione mind games, all Tom wants is commission.)
Hermione enters into deals with devils with the horcruxes: utter loathing complete with Tom’s triumphant/Nelson laugh when he inevitably betrays her to get his own body.
A young Tom Riddle somehow winds up in the future and is forced to attend Hogwarts because Dumbledore does what he wants: utter loathing (Tom has to sit there and enjoy Harry and especially Hermione telling him how evil he is and how Hermione’s so much smarter than him because she’s muggleborn and reads books.)
Lord Voldemort takes Hermione hostage during the horcrux hunt: utter loathing (though this would be sadly less irritating to Tom than the others, I imagine, if only because Hermione would probably be more terrified and less righteous. But she’d hate him with the fire of a thousand suns and inevitably pull a horrific revenge scheme on either him or his Death Eaters. No one crosses Hermione. No one.)
You name it, I think it’s going to end with the pair hurling chairs at each other and just being completely and utterly uninterested in every capacity. 
Now, onto how Tomione is typically written, which just makes it so much worse.
Tomione Fics Breed Awful: Change My Mind
Tomione, to me, is born from a few things. It’s born from the author’s desire to have an intelligent, female, borderline SI lead and to shove her together with another edgy smart person with some degree of a bad boy persona.
In this way Tomione fics are very similar to Snape/Hermione fics, are similar to Lokane from Thor/Avengers, are similar to Zutara back in the earlier seasons of Avatar the Last Airbender, etc. 
As a result the fics almost invariably spiral into: “Hermione is so smart, she’s so much smarter than everyone else, she impresses Tom because she is so smart. Tom is so smart but so evil, he sexy growls at her, and confesses how much he hates love every other chapter.” 
Only, as I noted above, while there are many interpretations of Tom’s character (and mine certainly doesn’t agree with the vast majority) I can’t help but think every single version would hate her.
To make him not hate her the author will often turn him into one of two Tom Riddles: Emotionally Deficient Robot Tom or Growling Sexy Sociopath Tom. Emotionally Deficient Robot Tom will often have paragraph long tangents to remind us he doesn’t compute your human emotions, “Beep boop” but despite this Hermione’s out of control hair makes him feel urges “bloop bloop”. Growling sexy sociopath Tom usually goes on a rant about how love is beneath him, backs Hermione into broom closets, and growls as he sexily makes out with her in a non-romantic manner because “ew love”. 
In other words, Tom is made an unbelievably flat character. He becomes a base archetype of sexy villain character. He never really gets redeemed, even if the story insists he does, he usually doesn’t have a reason for the way he is (”um, love potions!” the author often cries), and he and Hermione always think they’re much more important than they are.
The story rarely, if ever, goes anywhere because the entire point of the story is mind games between two sixteen-year-olds who think they’re smarter than everyone else. So we get a lot of chapters of Hermione and Tom running around, being very clever to each other, but doing nothing.
Sometimes authors do deviate from this, we will have an actual plot where we’re not just in Hogwarts again or it’s not just centering on ridiculous mind games. However, even then, Tom is usually is some variant of a very flat cartoon villain while Hermione is... Well, one would think the way she’s described that she’s the smartest, best, most beautiful, most brilliant thing to ever grace this earth.
Tomione is not my jam.
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vonvanes · 3 years
Recommended Kitchen Appliances This 2021
You may be one of those loud foodies that have regularly created understood the reality that they really love meals, or a subtle type that appreciates subtly engaging in eating activities. Irrespective, the home kitchen will, undoubtedly, be your favored spot. Specifically during the course of those late-night expeditions you take to invade your fridge. Nevertheless, if you want to give your particular taste buds with miraculous delight, you are going to require to pack your kitchen with a couple of appliances. Or else, you will certainly be actually putting your track record as a food lover, and also the food you will be actually eating at risk. This invites the inquiry of what to obtain and also whether you really and completely require it.
The Reason Why You Required unique kitchen appliances
In modern life, home kitchen appliances have ended up being instilled in our capacity to prepare as well as create food that is actually of tier 1 requirement. The perks of equipments do not end certainly there, as there are likewise those that support us along with our daily cleaning. While individuals might possess, at what appears to become a long and neglected time, invested additional initiative with all points kitchen-related, we carry out not must do this anymore. Furthermore, these equipments will definitely also offer your kitchen along with an advanced visual, enhancing your kitchen's décor and making it appear even more attractive. With that said said, we, mankind, need upgraded as well as present day basic chef tools for the sake of not merely our cleansing, preparing food, and also type yet also if you want to strengthen our day-to-days live.
The five home kitchen appliances Encouraged for each Family
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Every household must, if you want to end up being full, include an amount of equipments that aid produce your kitchen uncomplicated.
Smart Wi-fi Flash Flowerpot
You need to quickly substitute it along with a wise flash flowerpot including WiFi if you already own an instant pot. You are possibly either residing under a stone or concern your home kitchen as an add-on that you perform not make use of if you perform certainly not possess an immediate container. Either way, getting this cool healthy cooking appliances will definitely create all the difference on earth to your cooking experience. Other than the fact that it performs the typical features of an instant flowerpot, like a rice cooker, pressure cooker, slow-moving stove, pie manufacturer, and so forth; it can likewise link to your phone. So if you have to go upstairs, to possibly shower, while you are cooking rice, you can either have it stop at a certain opportunity or even enjoy its own progress coming from anywhere in your home.
Smart Coffee Maker
Imagine a lifestyle where you can possess your coffee made while you are actually still in bedroom. Even better, picture a life where you may have coffee steeped just before you even wake up. Well, why envision when you can possess it all? Through getting this otherworldly, futuristic home kitchen appliance, your life will definitely discontinue to be a collection of you battling opportunity. Rather, you can easily have your coffee all set for you due to the time you receive downstairs and also prepare to head out for work.
Mobile Blender
Who performs certainly not just like to have a great out-of-date healthy smoothie? I will tell you who: nobody! With a lifestyle that is actually consistently rapid paced, where people are actually regularly rushing to work or even something else, it may be actually difficult to make your healthy smoothie. A transportable mixer fixes that, as it may be as very easy as only throwing in a few pieces of cut-up fruit products or even vegetables and drinking it away. The home kitchen professionals at the Daring Home kitchen reviewed the leading transportable mixers out there as well as revealed that some are incredibly silent, yet each one of them are actually still tough for the typical user. They possess additionally said that some may come with rechargeable batteries which are going to commonly suggest the milliampere score on the plan. Therefore take your time and don't rush on acquiring one, you'll intend to be sure that what you are going to be actually acquiring can please your every need.
Automated Skillet Stirrer
If you are actually a lazy cook or even one of the various that daunt over the concept of needing to stir a dish mechanically for what seems like hrs, at that point this is for you. All you need to have to carry out is just put it in your skillet just after preparing the timer, and it will stir on your behalf. This will definitely be actually incredibly useful for those that may struggle with an injury or the ones that just like great gizmos as well as would like to display.
Smart Toaster oven
That is right, they carry out exist. Through this awesome kitchen equipment, you can use the "intelligent" component and have the awesome toaster come to function. It focuses on more than simply tribute, as it is actually also brilliant enough to determine what you would like to toast with its cooking sensors. The components perform not end below, as it likewise possesses the very amazing function of heating its own material if it gets cool. This is actually without a doubt the coolest home kitchen appliance for any person.
Nugget Ice Makers
This may alter your lifestyle. You understand how dining establishments create a form of chewable ice, which is actually referred to as sonic ice. Properly, this machine is going to provide onto you the ability to enjoy a lavish cocktail coming from the convenience of your sofa. It additionally indicates you will definitely get to be an impressive celebration hold, seeing as how you will definitely be actually delivering guests along with impressive tropical drinks. The bright side is, some can really hook up to your mobile phone, which will definitely possess you ready the ice coming from anywhere in your home.
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trumpofthemagi-blog · 5 years
The Trump of the Magi
TWO-HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ELECTORAL VOTES.  That was all. He looked at the election map, carefully adding up each state he had dutifully campaigned in.  He counted it three times.  All he needed was two-hundred and seventy votes.  And the next day would be election day.
There was nothing to do but fall on the bed and cry. So he did it.
While the man of the home is slowly growing quieter, we can look at the penthouse.  He shows this apartment to very few people—presidents, kings—and they walk in, they look around, and they really can’t believe what they’re seeing.  They just feel it’s amazing.
In the far end of the apartment, there was an indoor fountain.  In one room, there was a formal dining table where he had never eaten.  Also there was a name on the building above the penthouse windows: TRUMP TOWER.
When the name was placed there, Donald Trump was the biggest real estate developer in New York City. He still is, but he also builds golf courses and has a TV show.  He owns the Miss Universe pageant, as well as over one hundred businesses—including a line of high-quality steaks and a business college.  He’s made some really incredible deals.  He thrives on energy.  He sits at a really big desk and makes deals on speaker phone.  You’ve already met him.  He is crying on his bed.
Donald finished his crying and cleaned the marks of it from his face.  He stood at the window and looked out at New York.  New York was the hottest city, and he was the biggest developer by far.  There’s nobody close.  He thought that was sort of cool.
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He also thought it was cool that Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, was his best friend. Putin had done a very brilliant job in terms of what he represents and who he’s representing.  He had really eaten President Obama’s lunch.  He did an amazing job—really—a lot of people would say he put himself at the forefront of the world as a leader in a short period of time.  Putin had done an amazing job of showing certain leadership that our people have not been able to match.
Donald wanted to be a president just like his best friend, but he needed two-hundred and seventy electoral votes to win the presidency.  He had spent many happy hours planning his campaign.  The presidency would be something nearly good enough.  Something almost worth the honor of belonging to Donald.
There was a looking-glass in the penthouse.  It was huge—really—people say it’s one of the most amazing looking-glasses.  Donald turned from the window and stood before the glass.
“Do I look like a president? How handsome am I, right? How handsome?” he said.
Donald was very proud of two things.  One thing was his good looks.  He knew none of his opponents looked more presidential than he did—definitely not Kasich or lyin’ Ted.  Carly Fiorina wasn’t pretty enough to compete with him, either.  Look at her face—would anyone vote for her?  Could anyone imagine that, the face of the next president?
The other thing was his intelligence.  Donald had gone to the best colleges for college.  He was an excellent student, came out, and made billions of dollars.  Actually, throughout his life, his two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.  He was a very stable genius.
Donald looked at his reflection.  His presidential eyes were shining brightly.
He looked away, nervously and quickly.  A tear or two slid down his face.  He put on an ill-fitting suit and a tie that was way too long.  He moved quickly towards his desk.
When he got to his desk, he had his assistant Skype-call President Putin on the flat one.
Putin, large, too white, cold-eyed, looked at him.
“Will you help me win the presidency?” asked Donald.
Putin said nothing.
“I was in Moscow and I was in Russia and they treated me so fantastically.  I met so many incredible people,” said Donald.
Putin said nothing.
“You’ve done an amazing job of taking the mantle,” Trump said. “And so smart.  When you see the riots in a country because they’re hurting the Russians, OK, ‘We’ll go and take it over.’ And you really go step by step by step, and I have to give you a ton of credit.”
Putin stared, and ended the Skype call.
After talking to Putin, Donald’s mind quieted a little.  He began to think more reasonably.  He needed two-hundred and seventy electoral votes, but he only had to beat crooked Hillary Clinton—and she should be in jail for deleting 30,000 emails.
Donald had a son.  He was 10 years old.  He was so good with these computers, it’s unbelievable.  The security aspect of cyber was very, very tough.  And maybe it was hardly doable.  Donald knew that if you had something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Hillary was so foolish for using so many emails.
At seven, Donald began watching the election coverage.
Donald won state after state.  The MSNBC and CNN anchors were shocked and confused.  Marginalized communities began to have fearful conversations about the future of their rights.  Soon, he had done it—he won the 2016 presidential election.
The door to the penthouse opened and Putin stepped in.  He looked very thin and he was not smiling.  Poor fellow, he was only 67—and with two elections to win!
Putin stepped inside the door.  He was quiet as a hunting dog when it is near a bird.  His eyes looked strangely at Donald, and there was an expression in them that he could not understand.  It filled Donald with fear—Putin filled most people with fear.  He was a former KGB operative, and most people were right to be nervous around him.  He has undoubtedly killed many people.
Donald went to him.
“Vlad!” Donald cried. ��I’ve won the election!”
Putin put his arms around Donald.  For ten seconds let us look in another direction.
The magi, as you know, were wise men—wonderfully wise men—who brought gifts to the newborn Christ-child. And here I have told you the story of two children who were not wise.  Instead, I have told you the fantastical story of a divided nation.  The nation sold the most valuable thing it owned—its own governing body—to spite itself.  But let me speak a last word to the wise of these days: all who will vote in the 2020 election are the most wise.  Everywhere they are the wise ones.  They are the magi.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
Star Wars is a fantasy world (or really, galaxy) that deftly combines fictional elements of sci-fi and mysticism, in a way that has captured the imaginations of millions ever since A New Hope was initially released. The magical roots of the Star Wars universe find their home in the Jedi order, a group of people and beings who have an ability to control the "Force", a power that unites and lives in everything in this universe.
RELATED: The Goonies Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
So, you could almost say that the Jedi order is like the Star Wars version of Hogwarts. It's an interesting thought to explore, these two fantasy worlds colliding, and it's cool to imagine where all of the characters in Star Wars would have wound up if they had been sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. So, here are all of the most important characters in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, sorted into their Hogwarts houses.
10 Shmi Skywalker - Hufflepuff
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Shmi Skywalker ultimately wound up giving birth to the boy who became... well, we all know what and who he became. Shmi's beginning, end, and most of her middle were quite humble, though. Sadly, she spent a large chunk of her life living as a slave on Tatooine, and aside from the miraculous fatherless birth of Anakin Skywalker, her life was particularly unexceptional.
She appeared to be a very loving and caring woman, though, and even though she ultimately let Anakin go for what she thought was his own good, she likely would have been happy to just have a safe home with her son. These all sound like Hufflepuff traits to us.
9 Chancellor Palpatine - Ravenclaw
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Chancellor Palpatine's admission to Ravenclaw would probably be a pretty controversial decision, since he's such a pure and unadulterated evil character that the only Hogwarts house that would even accept him would seemingly be Slytherin. However, Palpatine's genius is literally unparalleled.
RELATED: Thor: 10 MCU Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
In an entire galaxy of sentient beings, you'd think there would be at least one person who could outwit him, but that was apparently not the case. Palpatine managed to pull the fabric of reality apart around everyone without anyone even realizing that he was the culprit, and he built the galaxy back up around his power before anyone had the sense to stop him. When it comes to brilliant and wit, then, you're in Palpatine's wheelhouse.
8 Jango Fett - Gryffindor
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There are many things that could be said about Jango Fett, but no-one would ever accuse him of being a coward. This man became the most feared bounty hunter in all of the galaxy, and he was such a fierce and fearsome warrior that he became the genetic prototype for the entire clone army.
Fett's bravery and fearlessness definitely got him very far in the Star Wars universe, but perhaps a Gryffindor education would have helped him to channel all of those strengths into something even better.
7 Count Dooku - Slytherin
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Count Dooku was undoubtedly a clever man who managed to outsmart a lot of extremely capable and intelligent people, but he wasn't quite smart enough to survive the titular wars of Star Wars. Count Dooku's ability to be cunning was exceptional, though.
Even the Jedi, who have a mystical sense of the goings-on in the galaxy, didn't suspect him as a villain until it was already far too late. Dooku's willingness and ability to do whatever it takes to achieve his own ends seems like a perfect fit for Slytherin.
6 Mace Windu - Hufflepuff
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Master Mace Windu is undeniably one of the most badass members of the Jedi order, but he is generally a pretty straight shooter and by-the-book warrior. He's brave enough for Gryffindor, to be sure, but his commitment to justice makes him a better fit for Hufflepuff.
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What's more important is that, while Mace doesn't always adhere to the laws and rules of society, he does always do what he believes is morally right and in the best interest of the world. His desire to work for the greater good, no matter what, would make Helga Hufflepuff very proud.
5 Yoda - Hufflepuff
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Hufflepuffs don't get nearly the amount of credit that they deserve for being the natural born leaders that they are, but Master Yoda definitely embodies all of the inherent leader qualities that allow the greatest Hufflepuffs to shine. Yoda has a very naturally calm temperament, judicious attitude, and operates on a very even keel.
All members of the Jedi order have their particular strengths and weaknesses, but it's these qualities that make Master Yoda the most trusted and respected member of the order. Plus, Yoda's commitment to teaching all Padawans is exactly the philosophy that Helga Hufflepuff herself embraced.
4 Qui-Gon Jinn - Gryffindor
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Every member of the Jedi order is either born with or taught to have a whole lot of bravery, because it would be difficult to survive as a Jedi without it. However, Qui-Gon Jinn clearly didn't need a Jedi or Hogwarts education to become one of the bravest members of the order.
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It may not have been the best move in the long run, but even when the Jedi were reluctant to train Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon didn't hesitate to go against the grain and push for what he truly believed was the right thing to do.
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi - Gryffindor
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It comes as no surprise that Obi-Wan Kenobi was paired up with Qui-Gon Jinn for his education in the ways of the Jedi, because they both have the bravery and impetuousness that are the hallmarks of any Gryffindor.
Obi-Wan certainly adheres to the rules of the Jedi when he feels it's appropriate, but he's not afraid to go off on his own and make his own decisions if he thinks that someone else is doing the wrong thing. He's a fierce fighter but is still an extremely decent person; exactly the kind of guy that Gryffindor house would love to count among its ranks.
2 Queen Amidala - Ravenclaw
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Queen Amidala demonstrates a lot of different qualities that would make her a good fit for any one of the Hogwarts houses. However, given what a brilliant woman she is, it seems unlikely that she would have wound up in any house besides Ravenclaw.
Padmé was elected as the queen of her home planet of Naboo when she was still just a teenager, and she managed to protect her people and maneuver her way through a lot of dangerous political entanglements with the wisdom and creative thinking of a woman ten times her age. Even Rowena Ravenclaw probably would have been intimidated.
1 Anakin Skywalker - Slytherin
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Slytherin often times gets an unfair rap for being the "evil" house at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Anakin Skywalker doesn't just belong in Slytherin because he wound up turning to the dark side. Anakin did go on to become Darth Vader, one of the greatest villains in all of film history, but Anakin's true motivations were always the fear of losing what he loved.
The signs of Anakin's ability to manipulate and behave in cunning, sneaky ways to get what he wants have been there for a very long time, and clearly he was willing to go to any extreme he thought necessary in order to achieve his aims.
NEXT: Animal Kingdom Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
source https://screenrant.com/star-wars-characters-prequel-trilogy-sorted-hogwarts-houses/
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mo-chis · 7 years
walking canvas
fandom: persona 5 pairing(s): yusuke kitagawa/akira kusuru (protagonist) rating: E warnings: none! read it on AO3! summary: yusuke makes a proposition to akira during their afternoon coffee.
“May I paint on you?”
The question threw Akira off guard in the middle of the coffee he had been drinking, and he nearly spat the hot drink out were it not for the hopeful way Yusuke was looking at him.
He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did so, and managed to clear his throat enough to intelligently reply, “What?”
“Well,” Yusuke kept his hands folded in his lap, legs crossed on one of the bar stools in Leblanc’s. “I had heard about this trend a few days ago from a few of my classmates. Painting one’s back - with washable paint, of course. She explained it to be quite relaxing for both the painter and the one being painted on.”
The idea intrigued yet terrified him at the same time. The concept of being painted on actually did sound like a fun experience, but the fact that it would be Yusuke doing the painting was what scared him. Not that he was scared of Yusuke; rather, it was the complete opposite. It was a painfully obvious one-sided attraction, from what Akira knew of. He assumed that Yusuke was too absorbed in his own aspirations and artwork to realize his pining.
“Why...Why don’t you ask someone else from the group? I’m probably too lanky to even paint on.” Akira tried a laugh, pushing his glasses higher onto his nose.
The boy next to him shook his head, “I didn’t think it would be appropriate to ask one of the girls, for obvious reasons, and I don’t think Ryuji could lie still for that long, anyway. Also, Morgana is a cat.”
Those were sound reasons. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind, but are you sure I’m not too pale or pasty to work on?”
“Of course not,” Blue eyes met gray, and Akira knew that the flush from his cheeks wasn’t from the heat of the coffee in front of him. “I believe you would be the perfect canvas. It would actually be better, since your paleness nearly matches that of a blank canvas.”
Since it was coming from Yusuke, it was probably a compliment, but Akira still inwardly groaned at the metaphor. So he was pasty.
Then again, if he was pasty enough to be considered the “perfect canvas” by Yusuke, he’d gladly take the chance to be used as one. Even if the paint he used wasn’t washable, Akira would probably never want to take the artwork off of him.
“I guess I’d be down. What are you gonna paint?”
“I am not sure yet. But do not worry, I will have something in mind once I am in the moment. Inspiration will undoubtedly strike!”
They agreed to do it the upcoming weekend (well, it was more Yusuke declaring when he was next return to Leblanc with the proper supplies and Akira being powerless to protest against the stubborn artist), once classes were done with and no requests were left to tackle in Mementos. It was Wednesday, which gave Akira plenty of time to mentally prepare himself to get painted on - along with confide in his best friend.
“He wants to paint you?” Ryuji scrunched up his nose as he took a sip from his strawberry milk during their lunch break that next day. The vending machines were out of chocolate. “Like, in the nude?”
“No, no way,” Akira gave a mortified look, cheeks flushing rose. The mere thought was enough to send him into cardiac arrest. “He wants to paint on me. Like, on my back.”
Morgana thought it to be quite funny as he lay tucked in the boy’s school bag. He snickered, “Akira would probably combust internally.”
The blonde crushed his box of milk before tossing it into a nearby trash bin. “On your back? That’s weird. Then again, it’s Yusuke we’re talking about. Are you ticklish? I wouldn’t be able to stay still like that for so long.”
The raven-haired boy shook his head, fidgeting with the straw to his juicebox. “No, I’m not ticklish...but still, I was just surprised that he would ask me that.”
“You’re like his best friend, dude. I dunno how you can stand him.”
Akira flashed a cheeky grin, “Are you jealous? You’re still my best friend.”
“As if!” Ryuji noogied Akira’s hair before they returned back to class after their lunch break, smudging his glasses in doing so.
Futaba had heard of what was to come during the weekend from Makoto, who heard it from Ann, who ultimately heard it from Ryuji. It was a classic game of telephone, and yet, Akira wasn’t surprised in the least. It saved him the embarrassment of telling each of his friends in person.
It was now Friday evening, and he hadn’t heard from Yusuke since Wednesday. Which was to be expected - Yusuke wasn’t the most handy with technology and wasn’t usually the one to initiate conversation over text. At least he replied to group messages.
“So whatcha gonna do to Akira on Sunday, Inari? It better not be anything funny.”  Futaba had messaged the group just before bed. He had half the mind to march down to Sojiro’s home and wring the redhead’s neck.
Ann was quick to add on to the conversation. “Send pictures after you’re done! Back paintings always look so cool!”
Just as Akira was about to send a message to clear up any unwanted misunderstandings (mainly from Futaba), Yusuke beat him to the punch.
“How did everyone catch wind of this so quickly? Nonetheless, I do not know what I will be painting quite yet, but I am certain - as I have told Akira - that inspiration will strike in the moment.”
However, much to both of their dismay, inspiration did not strike. At least, not straight away as expected.
Yusuke had arrived to his home at precisely ten am sharp on that following Sunday, his slung over his shoulder full of various brushes and paints (all completely non-toxic and washable, just as he had promised). Sojiro hadn’t looked up from the dishes he was tending to in the sink when the pair stepped into the cafe, but threw a glance over his shoulder coupled with a “don’t make a mess” when they passed by on their way towards the attic. Akira knew the man hadn’t meant it in a dirty way, and probably had no idea about his feelings towards the artist, but he couldn’t help but blush at his words, regardless.
He took his warning to heart, though. Paint would be a tough smell to get out of the floorboards if they spilled any.
“I must say, I am rather excited,” Yusuke said as he set his bag down on the chair next to Akira’s bed. He pulled out a palette that had been splashed with paint already, along with several tubes of primary colored paints. “Now, I will need for you to strip yourself of your shirt.”
The teen standing awkwardly in the center of his room blinked, startled out of his thoughts. Yusuke wanted him to take his shirt off, right. He could do this. Yusuke had seen him shirtless before at the beach and Hawaii. This would be no different. No big deal, Akira.
He pulled his shirt over his head and kept it in his hands so he wouldn’t be fidgeting. Figuring it would be better if he didn’t hover over Yusuke like a total creep, he took a seat on his bed as the artist set out his tools on Akira’s desk. Judging by how quick his movements were, Akira would say that Yusuke was actually looking forward to painting on him. Maybe - just maybe - Yusuke wasn’t just excited to paint, but to paint on Akira. The mere thought made him smile.
Which Yusuke caught him doing. “Ah, so you’re excited, as well?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, definitely. How is this gonna work, though? Do you want me to stand, or..?”
“No, no, you can sit,” He had his paint set out on his palette and a brush in hand, his lips pursed in thought. “Let me try painting as you sit. Face the other way, please.”
Akira did as he was told, anticipating the chilly texture of a paint brush against his skin, but felt nothing. For a good five or so minutes. Which extended into ten minutes.
Once it their silence had stretched onto fifteen minutes and there was still nothing happening on his back, he couldn’t keep quiet. “So, um...the inspiration isn’t striking, is it?”
“Unfortunately not.” Yusuke huffed behind him, setting his palette down next to Akira. He stepped back from his “canvas”, a hand on his chin to better survey what he was working with. There were simply so many possibilities, and since it was Akira he was working with, he knew it couldn’t be just any old idea or image. It had to be as breathtaking and moving as Yusuke’s canvas was.
Suddenly, an idea struck. “I’m going to try something else. Lay down.” He pressed his fingertips to the boy’s back, pushing him onto his stomach as he picked up his palette once more. Bringing his legs up to rest on either side of Akira’s lower back, he settled himself comfortably onto his body while he dipped his brush into one of his paints. “Yes, this works much better! And it must be much more comfortable for you, as well.”
Fortunately for Akira, this position also hid the brilliant blush that spread across his cheeks to the tips of his ears. To say he was surprised by Yusuke would be an understatement; but at the same time, he wasn’t too thrown off. Yusuke had a knack for being - well, Yusuke. Which is what he liked about him, if he were honest. “I - Yeah, it’s a little more comfortable, but are you-you okay?”
“Of course!” He finally pressed the tip of his brush to Akira’s back, and the boy beneath him shivered at the chilly sensation. “Oh, but I apologize if I’m a bit heavy -”
“No, no, dude, you’re not heavy,” Akira couldn’t help the laugh that left his lips, trying to keep his shoulder from shaking too much. “Sorry, I’ll stop moving. What are you gonna paint?”
“You’ll see once I’m finished.”
“Is it a portrait of Morgana?”
“I - You are too valuable as a canvas to waste on a subject like Morgana.” Yusuke scoffed, his bristles leaving Akira to change colors. “However, I’m confident you will like it. At the very least, I am hoping you will.”
Yusuke called him valuable. That had to count for something, right? Even if he was referred to as a canvas, he was a valuable one, and valuable to Yusuke. He knew he was being overdramatic and possibly taking this a bit too seriously, but he couldn’t help it - he was just a school kid with a crush.
He quickly became accustomed to the brush against his back after a while. It tickled at first, but once the first few strokes began to dry against his skin, it wasn’t as uncomfortable. It was actually rather nice. Nice to enough to doze off for a bit as Yusuke focused on his work. Akira folded his arms under his head and slowly slipped into a dreamless sleep. Yusuke took notice once his breathing evened out, and smiled to himself.
The next few hours went by in near silence, the only sounds being the occasional splash of water when Yusuke changed colors, and about halfway through their art session, it began to rain. Droplets pitter-pattered against the windows to the attic, but there didn’t seem to be any signs of lightning or thunder, thankfully. A warm cup of coffee was beginning to sound lovely in the midst of the dreary atmosphere outside.
One final stroke, and the artist withdrew his brush. Gently, so as as not to startle Akira, he touched his fingertips to his left shoulder. “I’m finished.”
The feather-light touch roused him from sleep. His voice was heavy with sleep as he scrubbed at one of his eyes under his glasses. “‘S done?”
Yusuke’s cheeks flushed a bit, but Akira didn’t catch it. “Yes.” Remembering he was sitting on top of his best friend, he quickly climbed off of him, setting his palette onto Akira’s desk along with his brush. “I should - is there a mirror?”
The raven-haired boy still in the bed was now a bit more alert now that Yusuke was off of him. He carefully stood from the bed, yawning as he blinked his gray eyes a few times. Mirror, he heard Yusuke ask, and his eyes went to the full body mirror sitting against the far left wall next to the stairs. The paint on his back felt cold against the sudden draft in his room - and it was then he remembered that there was a full painting on his back done by none other than Yusuke Kitagawa.
His feet carried him towards the mirror in quick strides, Yusuke following him. If Akira didn’t know any better, he’d say the artist looked nervous. But it was brief, only a flash of emotion before it was replaced with his usual poker face.
Akira turned his back towards the mirror, taking in the artwork done across his skin. Two black wings span his back, beginning at the top of shoulders to the dip in his lower back. A dark red runs through them like veins, outlining the feathers subtly against the bluntness of the black. They’re close to him, unfurled but somehow brimming with energy despite their conservative position, as if waiting for the chance to unfurl into the air.
“Do...you like it?” For once in his life, Yusuke’s voice is below a murmur.
The question barely reaches Akira’s ears, his eyes blown wide with awe at the sight in the mirror. He chuckles near breathlessly, turning to face the boy. “That isn’t even a question, Yusuke, I - I love it. You did all of this in a couple of hours?”
A bit of what sounds like relief sneaks into Yusuke’s tone, but he tries his best to mask it. “Well, yes, but I wanted to continue and add a bit more details. However, I did not want to overstay my welcome.”
“You can overstay all you want, this is the prettiest art I’ve seen in...like, my entire life.” Akira laughed, looking at the wings on his back once more. To think Yusuke would do something so incredibly breathtaking on his skin, spend time constructing such a complex wing anatomy against the white of his back for hours - it was an absolute dream. A dream that he was living. “I kinda don’t wanna wash it off. It can wash off, right?”
“I did not tattoo it onto you,” Yusuke smiled, brushing his bangs from his eyes. “You would have felt an incredible amount of pain. And you would be bleeding quite profusely.”
“Yikes. Still, this would make a really cool tattoo...why are they shut, though?”
“That is...that is because they are - your wings, so to speak,” He started, though he had a bit of trouble putting his sentence together. Standing right in front of him, though, gave Akira a crystal clear view of the blush dusted across his cheeks. He had never seen Yusuke blush before. Not like this - not flustered and bashful. “I felt as if you still have an incredible amount of potential, in terms of your power as a persona-user as well as a person, and so it would only be appropriate for your wings to be shut. They have not unfurled because - well, your power has yet to truly reveal itself to me - and-and to the world.”
His explanation left the boy speechless. He was sure his heart was about to break out of his chest with how hard it was beating.
Yusuke took his stunned silence as confusion. “It is a strange explanation, I know -”
“Yusuke,” Akira took one of his hands into his own, albeit a bit shakily. He gave a smile, “it isn’t. I really like it.”
The artist looked from their joined hands to Akira’s eyes before finally returning the smile. “I’m glad.”
A few more moments pass before both of them realize they’ve been holding hands while gazing into each other’s eyes like something out of a romance novel. Yusuke is the first to pull his hands away, coughing into his fist. Akira’s hand ran through his frizzy locks, but his smile stayed on his face. He was beginning to like seeing Yusuke so flustered. Flustered because of him.
He glanced from the window to the boy in front of him, “Hey, do you want some coffee? I don’t think the rain's gonna let up for a while.”
Yusuke nodded, eyes lighting up at the mention of free coffee. “I will have to take you up on your offer.”
Akira was about to reach for his shirt, but thought better of it. He wanted the satisfaction of  serving his crush warm coffee completely shirtless with art probably worth more than his life on his back.
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