#and who actually fucking likes clubbing shit????
bettsfic · 2 days
okay so i saw The Bikeriders today and i knew i wouldn't be normal about this movie and even though my expectations were impossibly high it exceeded them. i was happy for it to just be a cool movie for the sake of being a cool movie, toxic masculinity ultraviolence whatever, and it was but with Jodie Comer's character narrating about what fucking idiots all these macho biker dudes are. it's like if a woman narrated Fight Club while constantly pointing out how stupid Fight Club is
also, most of it was filmed near where i live and it was so exciting seeing places i recognized! it's been all over the news for weeks
things i loved about it:
protective older woman/loose cannon younger man
lowkey romantic stalking
a relationship suspiciously close to a throuple, by which i mean protective older woman goes to war against possessive older man, re: their mutual intense love for loose cannon younger man. and that's not even subtext that's just text
hot sadboy who doesn’t talk much and is so cool he doesn’t know how cool he is
british people doing midwestern accents
NO PLOT, god bless. just stuff happening and a lot of gay tension building
accurate portrayals of the aftermath of the vietnam war
accurate portrayals of mid-century small-town life
accurate portrayals of men being fucking pathetic
things i did not love about it:
for the love of god please wear a helmet
idk man it's just a whole-ass movie about how vietnam changed the very definition of masculinity, and that awkward era between wwii and vietnam when guys were rebellious for the aesthetic, rebel without a cause shit, twinks in leather jackets manhood. the movie even points that out, like they're so against rules but then they make all these rules for their silly little biker gang because they're bored. and then allll these vets come home from a war nobody wanted and they're actually rebelling, full anti-establishment, and there's just no more honor anymore because everybody's broken. which is all to say, somebody please come into my ask and be insane about this movie with me.
anyway i'm seeing it again tomorrow and i have already started an ot3 fic goodbye
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justatalkingface · 1 day
I don't see why people spend any effort defending Endeavor since he's such an empty character. He's got nothing besides his "atonement." No real bonds, no hobbies, what is Endeavor outside the """good"" "hero."
This can be extended to most characters in MHA. However, rather than defending their wasted potential, Endeavor defenders just defend the existing character.
If MHA is trying to get me to like a character (and MHA is trying with Endeavor), then humanize him. That's right, humanize the abuser. At least then he would entertaining if people ignore his abuse.
I mean, you said it yourself: they like him because of his atonement. That entire thing was made just to make Endeavor into an actual character who people would like.
To expand on your question, the reason why people are so invested in his redemption arc falls into two reasons:
The first is that, to be blunt? As bad as this is, as ham handed, as basiclly fucked up it is, on so many levels? This redemption arc is so far beyond anything in it's category (that is, abusive fathers dealing with their shit) that it stands head and shoulders of the rest, easily.
Shonen has a long, storied history of giving people massively fucked up dynamics, and then having everyone, especially the people with them, accept it as normal and then never really talk about it, and the father son relationship often is the worst of them all. So many shonen fathers treat their sons in ways that are flat out torture, in ways that make Endeavor look kind, only to never let them have any real consequences for it.
So, compared to that? It can look pretty nice. And that much... well, I can respect that. It's the other reason that's the problem:
The Narrative. Hori uses the narrative like a weapon, and he just... clubs everyone around him with it, all the time. It makes him a focus, makes them think about him. It's his favorite tool. At times, using the narrative to low-key gaslight his readers into accepting a character's new dynamic seems to be his only way to really deal with a problematic character.
The reason why Endeavor is so beloved now isn't about how he's changed, it's that readers have been subjected to endless torrents of Endeavor support from every character in the story, constantly. Every one of his flaws is glossed over, every virtue, supposed or otherwise, is shouted to the heavens, and fundamentally, people just.... respond to that. They listen to what they're being told.
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thecapricunt1616 · 1 day
Cherry (Richie Jerimovich one-shot)
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♡ One-Shot Inspo: Cherry juice is considered an elixir of immortality most often associated with the feminine aspects of beauty, sexuality and procreation. ♡ Summary: Richie has a hard time telling Tiff about his new GF ♡ W/C: 3.0k ♡ A/N: EEEEK I hope you all like Pt. 2 of Pink Pony Club!! Sorry there's no smut but if y'all really want a pt. 3 LMK!!! heheh, hope you enjoy! ♡ Warnings for BTC: Agegap!Relationship, Angst, Swearing, Smoking Read Part 1 ♡Here♡
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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Richie still hadn’t told Tiffany about you. It wasn’t that he was avoiding her, as he was picking Eva up at school on Friday evening and dropping her back off on his weekends on Monday morning. Alright, maybe he was avoiding her. That was because, on his time off, you were glued to his side, he wasn’t complaining, he loved having you around. He actually was the one who assured you stayed glued to his side whenever he got out of work, he made his way to the Pink Pony and picked you up - then headed back to his.
You had met Eva at the beginning of the month, easy to say that she fell in love with you at first sight. Your jingly dangly jewelry, the pink streaks in your hair, the colorful and whimsical tattoos you had, she told Richie “Daddy, she reminds me of a carebear!” the first time you’d met which earned a giggle and an honest thank you out of you. She was such a bright, funny little girl. She was also very sweet, and knew how to get what she wanted out of her dad which you highly respected. 
He had told you about Thanksgiving friends and family night at The Bear about 2 weeks prior to when it would happen. If he was being honest with himself he thought it would be a shot in the dark that you would even say yes and want to go, but to his earnest surprise - you were over the moon excited and told him you were honored that he’d asked, and gushed about picking an outfit and how you would do your hair. This made him both excited and fucking nervous because this meant he would need to really figure out what he was going to say to Tiff when you show up.
He knew that Eva probably had said something to her, considering how she couldn’t stop asking you questions when she was in your presence and complimenting your accessories and makeup - which probably meant she was gushing about you to her mom since if the girl had one hobby it was excessive talking. She probably got that from him, that was what you always teased. But now that the day had finally arrived, he was nervous that everything would truthfully go to shit, and that he would be left with yet another huge mess that he has to clean up by himself. 
When he woke though, to hearing giggles in the kitchen and the smell of coffee, he couldn’t help but smile to himself. He had never had the pleasure of waking up in an apartment that felt like home, but since you came around you had made that a reality for him and it was one of the things that he loved most about you. He sat up, rubbing his face before standing to stretch his tight back, and pads out to the kitchen to see you demonstrating to Eva how you stain your lips and cheeks with cherry juice. She was sat on the counter and you were stood in front of her showing her how.
“See so you bite, these ones are nice and juicy so they give great lipstick” you bite the tip of the cherry “Then you rub it where you want it, but don't forget to dab it in or you’ll look like Bobo the clown” you joke and she giggled, copying you and rubbing the juice on her lips and cheeks. “Beeautiful darling!” you said in an exaggerated french accent causing her to laugh even more.
“Lipstick huh?” Richie comes up and hugs you from behind, taking the cherry from between your fingers and rubbing some on his lips “how does daddy look mm?” He makes a kissy face 
“Beautiful daddy!” Eva tried her best to copy your previous accent “pixie promised she’d let me wear real lipgloss to dinner, right pixie stick?” She said and you gasp playfully, poking her belly 
“No! I said if daddy says that it’s ok, I will let you wear my clear lipgloss.” You told her and gave Richie a sweet peck before turning and grabbing one of the old mugs from The Beef and pour some steaming black coffee in it before handing it over to him. 
“Well if it’s clear then I guess It should be ok, thank you sweets” he took the cup gratefully and kissed the top of your head before sitting at the table with one of his little old man sighs. “She eat?” He asks and you nod. 
“Of course- she had toast and eggs. I didn’t wanna wake you she was up around 5, she’s an early bird. Hey Eva, how about we go get your shower all done so you can play until it’s time to get ready, do you want me to help you get it set up?” You asked and she nods 
“Can I use your pretty soap?” She asked and you giggle a bit, lifting her off the counter on to your hip and carrying her to the bathroom 
“Of course little princess, you can even use my special sugar scrub that matches mm?” You set her down on the floor carefully and started the shower for her, grabbing her a towel from the linen closet, and play clothes from her bedroom and setting it down on the bathroom counter. You made sure to check the temperature for her to assure it wasn’t too hot before ruffling her hair playfully “call daddy if you need help ok?” You remind her and she agrees with a hum as you shut the door behind you. 
“Y’good at the whole step mom thing” Richie says from the couch where he was now watching the news. You smiled a bit, walking over and taking his cup, setting it on the coffee table before straddling his lap and wrapping your arms loosely around the back of his neck. 
“Am I?” You gently rubbed the spiky short hair at the back of his neck and he rested his face in the crook of your neck, kissing the skin there gently. 
“Y’good for er’, really good.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around your back and hands trailing down to squeeze your ass in your little black sofee shorts he loved so much. 
“You’re a sweetheart. Makes sense how she’s such a sweet little girl” you kiss his temple gently. “Is her mom still coming?” You asked. You weren’t nervous, you’d had boyfriends before where their ex wives didn’t like you, although this was your first rodeo with an ex-babymom so it would you assume be a bit different. 
“She is…” he said softly, in the way that let you know his mind was definitely somewhere else. Richie wasn’t soft, he wasn’t gentle. He if anything navigated his life something akin to how a bull would navigate a fine china shop. 
“You’re nervous baby, why.” You rub his shoulder gently and he shrugs a bit. 
“Eva’s been happy lately and Tiff…she has a tendency to freak out. I just…our custody agreement. I worry that she would use it against me if she doesn’t like who I’m dating and you’re the first girl I’ve gone steady with since the divorce.” He tugged your hips closer to his and you settled comfortably over him. 
“And you aren’t on drugs, you’re mentally stable, you have a nice apartment, you have a car. You are in a loving relationship, anyone around us can contest to how much we love eachother right baby?” You gently kiss over his face in the way that made him smile and blush, his pretty eyes fluttering shut. He always reminded you of a teenager when he did that. 
“Yeah, yeah. But guys aren’t favored as highly in the family court and all that bullshit. I know we’re both providing a fuckin stable loving home er whatever they call it. An’ she loves you, and you love her, and we’re one big fuckin happy family - but tiff can go and rip that up and just say- just-“ he sighed as you kiss the sweet spot on his neck, losing his train of thought. 
“What. That I’m a whore? I can show them my real estate portfolio. I own half of the club, they can’t prove I dance, baby.” You cup his cheek and plant a gentle kiss on his lips as you heard the water cut. “Eva is almost 10, baby. Shes gonna legally have her opinion soon enough on who she can live with. We just have to stick it through, yeah?” You kiss his forehead and he sighed, nuzzling his face between your breasts and breathing in your perfume. 
“Promise” he hummed into your skin and planted a sweet kiss on the skin as Eva loudly calls 
“DADDY!!! PIXIE FORGOT MY PANTIES I NEED PANTIES CLOSE YOUR EYES!!” At the top of her little lungs, causing you both to laugh. You got up, padding to her bedroom and grabbing a pair with Bluey on them and going back, knocking on the door gently 
“Sorry! Sorry pipsqueak! My eyes are closed daddy’s eyes are closed I got your panties can I chuck em’ to ya?” You giggled amusedly, covering your eyes with your hand and Richie does the same, chuckling to himself as he blindly sips his coffee. 
“Pixie! I can’t believe you forgot my PANTIES!” She squeaks dramatically, quickly opening the door, ripping the panties out of your hand and shutting the door quickly once again, clicking the lock which makes you giggle even harder at the thought a 7 year old needed ‘privacy’ 
“I know! Worst best friend ever EJ” you teased, a name only you gave her and she loved it. She said other girls in her grade didn’t have ‘letter names’ but the boys did, so she liked that she had a letter nickname. 
You sat back on the couch, shaking your head as you sip your morning smoothie “that one is a little you, a little girl Richard” you teased with a smirk and he nudged you with his knee jokingly. 
“Y’know she uh…” he rubs his nose “she asked t’be called EJ at school. Her ma was askin’ why. Another reason why I’m uh…nervous I guess” he admits, staring into his cup of black now lukewarm coffee as the weatherman goes on about todays high would be 42 and raining all day long. 
“She did” you look into your cup of ice coffee, the dribbles of condensation running down the glass. You swallowed thickly her mother likely didn’t approve. To which he confirmed that theory by explaining 
“Tiff asked if i was uh…” he chuckled “with all that woke non-binary shit. And that I was turning her into a tomboy and that it’s uh..not what it was when we were young. And that girls have to be girls, now. So..she got all pissed and said we gotta get her outta that.” He said and you swallow thickly. You had trans and nonbinary friends, so the thought of his ex wife not being accepting was a stab to the gut. And you knew her biases were strong if she was simply hounding on a name? You knew that she was not an accepting person. 
“Wow…uh…no she can have any name she wants, honey. I know you believe that cause’a’how your dad controlled you. Tell me you won’t force her to be who her mom wants her to be” you look him square in the eye. He swallows thickly, nodding simply and taking your hand, squeezing it gently as Eva comes out of the bathroom. 
“Nice to have panties pixie stick!” She chides, causing you to giggle. 
“A tiny Richard” you said gently and poked his cheek gently. It was a day of playing, and giggling, and reading books- until it was finally time to get ready for the night out. Richie put on his black work suit per usual, a handsome tie that you knew he’d be using to tie your wrists behind your back later when Tiff took Eva for her week long stint. 
You wore a babydoll, long sleeve dress, it was cream colored. It was also adorned with sage green floral patterns, and had puffy sleeves. You wore a beautiful sage bow, tying back your hair and simple makeup. Eva and you were wearing matching lipgloss, which by her attitude gave her all the attitude and confidence in the world. “Let’s do our affirmations, EJ” you told her, gently stroking her little arms and meeting her gaze in the mirror. She smiled proudly and nodded 
“I am beautiful, I am smart, I am strong, I am worthy, I am capable, I am able to do hard things, I am creative, and I lead my life with love and kindness” she repeats your mantra, while looking herself in the eyes and you smile proudly.  
“That’s right pretty girl, my pretty capable smart worthy kind girl” you kiss the top of her head proudly. “Now, do you want…” you dig around your purse and pull out the travel size Marc Jacob’s perfume you got for her with a kind smile “a fancy girl perfume?” You ask her and she gasped like you’d hung the moon on a string, taking it from you and looking at it closely. 
“Pixie!!” She said excitedly, spritzing it on her wrist and neck like she’d seen you do so many times before and dabbing her wrist to her neck to dry them down. “I smell like a lady! A real fancy lady!!” She said excitedly and jumps up and down in her little Mary Jane heels she had begged Richie to buy her. You laughed a bit, nodding happily and adjusting the little curls you’d made in her hair with a hot curing iron. 
“A real fancy lady” you repeated happily. “Go show dad!” You urged as you finished putting your earrings on and she clopped off. You hear Richie gasp and her squeal as she was picked up and kissed all over her face 
“Who’s this prettiest girl? Mm?” He joked, holding her like a koala as he went back to the bathroom and stood behind you. 
“Pixie is prettiest” she said and patted your hair, causing your cheeks to rush with heat. When you got to the restaurant, you were ushered to your table with you on one side and Eva next to you, and an empty seat sitting directly across from you. You assumed that was Eva’s moms seat, you ended up being right. 
“So this is uh… my girl, Tiff.” Your head popped up, standing and extending your hand 
“Nice to meet you! Tiffany, right? You have a beautiful girl, and so smart!” You gush, hoping to land a good impression. She looked you up and down judgmentally, eying the shortness of your skirt and the low bejewled cut of your shirt, before grabbing your hand carefully like you had some kind of sickness, dropping it before turning back to Richie with a unreadable look on her face. 
“Back porch!” She ordered and walked off with her glass of wine, the back door closing behind her with a slam that made you wince. He apologizes to you with his eyes, patting your bum as he headed out behind her. 
By the time he came back with her at his side, everyone had been sat for dinner, and your and Eva’s head popped up, staring at them. “All set honey” Richie said cooly, kissing the top of your head as he made his way back to the host’s stand, cracking his knuckles nervously and standing straight ahead. 
“Mommy, Did you see Pixie sticks pretty Carebear tattoo?” she asked hopefully with a big smile, and you nudged your foot with hers gently, giving her a warning look and she looked back into her kids order of mac and cheese without another word.
“Carebear, Hmm? How old are you?” She snips
“Old enough!” you snap back with an all too polite smile. “Plenty old enough, actually. I appreciate the concern, though honey” the rest of the meal was done so in silence, until it was time for dessert, when Eva asked
“Whats tir- tira-” 
“Tiramisu?” you smiled kindly, “it’s a coffee flavored italian dessert, do you like coffee?” you asked and Tiff scoffs
“Shes seven, should she like coffee?” she asked in an annoyed tone. You held back from rolling your eyes and shrugged,
“She likes, what she likes” you gave a poker face like smile and continue eying the menu even though you knew exactly what you wanted. By the end of the night, Eva was nearly falling asleep in her seat on your shoulder, cuddling your arm. Tiffany was more then happy to scoop her up in her arms when it was time to go home, giving you a glare. She didn’t even say goodbye to Richie, he had to chase her down when she was buckling Eva into her seat. 
“Tiff- Tiffany!” He jogged up to her car and she scoffed in a disgusted tone. 
“What. What?! do you fuckin want-“ she snaps, closing Eva’s door a little too hard that caused her to wake a bit startled and pay attention to what they were saying. 
“What?” He asked, holding Eva’s backpack that she forgot on his arm and she frowned, snatching it from him and throwing it in the passenger side of the car
“Go sleep with your new high schooler. You fucking perv” she hissed, shoving past him to get to the drivers side and slamming the drivers door. You had come out just as he watched her peel away, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, unsure what to do other than just watch. 
“Hey sweetheart” you hug him from behind, kissing the back of his neck. 
“W’never gonna get along.” He muttered
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chaifootsteps · 2 days
I just seen a very good point about Cherrisnake (in critical way) and it goes like this :
" Particularly when she just let people drag an unwilling Pentious into a sex to have sex. Granted, absolutely everyone didn't give a fuck that Pentious was being forced into sex but in this relationship, why the fuck would I want him to be with a woman who didn't a bat her eye at what was happening at the damn club? In fact, why would I want Pentious to be with a woman who only ever had any visible interest in him when Angel mentioned the 'two dicks' thing? Cherri could have gone to literally any snake demon in Hell if that's what she's going to care about. And if she would liked Pentious because he's nice, then Cherri might think that he's easy to manage. Considering the shit she did at the club, I can't be convinced that Cherri would never think of Pentious as 'easy to manage' "
- Cherrisnake critical anon
If anyone working on this show had cared even the slightest bit about making these two seem like an actual viable couple, they would have had Cherri break the jaws of those fuckers who tried to drag Pentious off.
But of course that was never going to happen because Viv finds rape hilarious and can't even be bothered to have Cherri care about Angel, much less Pentious.
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ethereal-tempest · 24 hours
Nanami lovers lemme yap to yall rq
Soooo I’ve been working on this mafia/crime boss!Nanami x reader ting for a while and I just wanna gauge who would be interested in me actually posting it :) below is gonna be a tease of what I’m working on, if the interest is there maybe I’ll post more chapters! if not I’ll just keep writing for myself 🙂‍↕️
Time. Something you never seem to have enough of these days.
For the better part of six years, you’ve run yourself into the ground giving time for the family, and time for the business, going overtime to make both succeed but only finding success in one and clinging to survival in the other.
And now here you were wasting precious time… beating the shit out of some hot-headed scum. At your feet groveling on his knees sat Haruta, a low-life and deceiving arms dealer that you have the unfortunate choice of doing business with or rather had.
“Fuck! I— I don’t know.”
You ceased your punching, grabbing a fist full of the golden hair, “who have you been selling me out to Haruta?”
“N-no one I-I just gots your shipment mixed up—“ “FOUR TIMES—“ your gloved knuckles connect with his face once again, and again and again and again hitting him a total of four times before his body slumped back to the floor. Heavy labored breathes escaped your mouth as he weakly inhaled and exhaled, “Four times is not a fucking mix up, so tell me the truth…” your eyes catch sight of movement just behind Haruta's crumpled body, Maki's hand raises to her ear, listening to the person on the other end speak before turning to you. She takes quick steps around Harutas weak form, being her lips to your ear to whisper,
“Nanami is here.” You grit your teeth in irritation, there was once upon a time when that name brought you joy, and happiness even, but now the name was nothing but a bitter reminder. “Fucks he want?” Maki ducks her head again continuing to listen before leaning in again to whisper, “Says he’s gotta talk to you about something.” You sigh eyes rolling on their own, “I don’t have time for his bulls—“ “They’re saying he’s insisting on it, boss.”
A wild snarl leaves your lips, leg coming out to kick Haruta in the stomach, you weren’t dressed for this, not with combat boots black cargo pants, and a matching shirt.
“Put them in the Platimum section and lock it down. I’ll be with him shortly.”
Maki nods her head and relays your message,
Stepping over Haruta you turn to Nobora, “Stay with this bastard, make him talk. Maki with me let’s see what the blonde fucker wants.”
You walk into another room taking your time to change into your outfit for the night, a simple mini skirt with a corset top, thigh-high boots, and various accessories adorn your body accompanied by your LV purse.
Re-emerging from your room you find Maki has changed too. She previously wore an outfit similar to your old one and now wore a simple but sleek suit combination, using a lace bra in place of a shirt looking more fashionable that most bodyguards but still as intimidating.
Without a word she falls instep behind you, the subtle sounds of club music tickling your ears as you inch closer to the door of your hidden passageway.
You exit from just behind the bar, making a small stop to grab your favorite drink and continue your course.
What does he want now of all times… stupid pretty bastard. It has been years since the two of you were anything even resembling friends, let alone lovers. Both of you both grew up knowing of your fathers' double lives and went on to become their heirs assuming their obligations to leading double lives as well.
Your eyes scan the crowd around you, Mei Mei had brought in quite the crowd tonight good… the emptiness wouldn’t do you any favors if the conversation turned heated.
Finally, your eyes settle on the blonde man who came in search of your attention and it looks like he brought company.
Before you could even touch the stairs to begin your ascension to the section he had his eyes on you. A smirk graces your lips as you watch his eyes drag up and down your body before meeting your gaze.
Maki opens the rope for you to walk through, and you give a general greeting to Nanami and two additional men he has with him, watching as they stand at your arrival. “Gentleman—“ your greeting is interrupted as a strong hand snakes around your lower back pulling you into a firm chest, your eyes snap up and meet gorgeous winter blue eyes. “Baby you look stunning, it’s been too long.”
Gojo tucks his head into your neck leaving quick kisses as he makes his way up to your cheek, placing a much longer kiss before pulling back to look into your eyes. “I’ve missed you too Satoru, if I knew you were here I would’ve worn something better” A playful laugh leaves his mouth as you hear someone clear their throat.
You peer around Gojo's shoulder to see Getou and take on a shy smile while Gojo's hand slips from your waist being replaced by Getou, “Sorry about him, he pregamed before the rest of us” You simply nod your head already able to tell the white-haired man had a head start, “That being said” Getou leans down to whisper in your ear, “You do look captivating Darling, I’m sure this is driving Nanami mad.”
You bite your lip as Suguru pulls back, watching as his eyes look just over your shoulder and follow his gaze to where Nanami stands waiting to be acknowledged. He wore a nonchalant expression on his face but the vice grip he had in his cup betrayed him.
Your head shakes from side to side as you try to ignore the heated gaze you caught in his eyes and simply turn back to Getou while whispering, “One can hope so.” His chest rumbled with his husky laugh and you couldn’t help but join. The two of you quiet down and you slam back the rest of your drink, preparing to set it down and ready to finally give Nanami some attention.
Warmth replaces the chill left in your hand as you were tugged out of Getou's grip. You stumble only slightly before you catch yourself with both hands on Nanami's chest, you look up at him through your lashes and see a mix of emotions in his cold eyes, they soften slightly as he takes one of your hands in his while the other snakes around your lower back drawing you closer to him. There was something about his touch that caused your mind to think back to when you felt it constantly when you woke up, as you went to sleep, when you showered, when you laughed, while you cried, while you fu—His plush lips leave a heated kiss against your tender knuckles and you slightly wince at the action drawing you back to reality and Nanami’s eyes back to yours in an instant, before he further inspect your hands.
Even under the low light of the club he could see your knuckles were inflamed and slightly swollen from trying to beat information out of Haruta just a moment before their arrival.
“What’s this about?” He says as he gently caresses the back of your hand while drawing little circles on your lower back with his other hand and you have to fight the liquor that's quickly trying to think for you, “Don’t do that Ken— Nanami.” You slip your hand from him but don’t leave the slight hold he has on you, “Don’t what?”
You see the hint of smirk beginning to form on his lips and know he knows what you’re referring to, “What happened to your hand?” He asks instead, hoping to get an answer this time, “None of your concern.” Nanami observes you for a moment before humming and says, “If you have a moment from pummeling people into the ground I need to talk to you.” “We are talking, here now.” He rolls his eyes and it’s his turn to say “Don’t play with me.” You roll your eyes at his response, “But you know I love to play Nanamin.” “You know I hate that name.” You smile sweetly up at him happy to see the slight anger in his eyes, “If you want to talk business we’re going have to wait, you guys just got here and I have appearances to keep up with.”
He hums as he walks you back until your back hits the rail he asks, “So what do want to do in the meantime?”
You watch as he brings your hand up into his before placing it on his chest, you wet your bottom lip as you feel the warmth he radiates through his shirt beneath your fingertips and continue skimming, briefly touching the skin of his chest. Your eyes follow the path of your hand until your hand lands on his cheek and your eyes find his again, “Dance…” he smirks and your eyes fall to his lips as you bring your thumb to gently stroke his bottom lip and say, “with Geteo.” His face falls and you can feel the annoyance rolling off of him as he stands tall no longer pressing you against his body and the rail.
So what we think
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So many people say they're being plagarised and offer no proof except all this hearsay. The one time I saw two people actually offer proof @selfproclaimedunicorn dismissed it as their writing and the accused were basically writing the same generic boring mid smut and weren't being plagarised at all or plagiarising. She says they were causing drama over generic expressions. The funny thing was the complainants fic was being recycled in a new fandom by the accused and nobody really took it seriously except a handful of their mutuals. It's you lot who create cliques and fear mongering and this idolatry worshipping writers with huge followings, in time creating your own worst enemies. People with clout somehow in the fandoms always act like corrupt cops. But it's people in the fandom who create it. I've never seen you reblog anyone's work except your friends. I've seen Natasha reblog different people and offer nice comments. But you and your friends don't. And Ange is .... I don't know. Will she be a bullet you dodged? She has a big following end she was part of a group who were unbelievably toxic until she changed (?) People are just awful in this fandom and you know it getting a taste of it yourself here and elsewhere. I've no doubt people whose OCs are overlooked and ignored or whose x readers are not read, their voices are silent and people steal from them voraciously and nobody cares. People friends with the bigger writers close ranks and shut everyone out and everyone else is scrabbling to fit in and be noticed. I can name on one hand writers who write for the fun and not attention or notes. I don't know you and I'm sorry you have suffered this but welcome to our world
honestly, i wasn't going to answer this because so much of it is just fucking stupid.
I know exactly what you're talking about re misa, and you tagged the wrong blog. it wasn't her that said that, it was @julyzaa - and you know what...she wasn't wrong. she was talking about two fics that shared a similar premise. and we both agreed that it wasn't plagiarism. it was just two authors who wrote an aemond smutty one shot with similar vibes. of which there are a million and one fics like that right now. there is an importance in being able to discern the difference.
and i'll just say it, this obsession of constantly bringing up Ange is weird. it's creepy at this point. you're welcome to dislike someone, but it's becoming glaringly obvious that there's individuals in fandom that want to blame an outside person instead of looking at themselves and the company they keep. in my time being Ange's friend, not once have I been bullied/harrassed/intimidated - not even in a joking way. the chatting never turns toxic and the only time we're talking about other people is when shit gets weird on the dash (like it is right now). that's just normal social interaction, babes. we spend most of our time discussing fic and the show and our real lives.
and frankly, i don't know where this idea of 'clique' came from or why it seems this is an accusation that's being thrown around - not just at myself but others. there's no clique. there's no secret club or burn book or whatever you think there is lurking out there where we're concerned. im so confused as to why it's an issue that friend groups crop up and people get close. that's the nature of being mutuals! it's weird to be angry at people for making friendships and taking those friendships offline.
this is my blog and i'm allowed to reblog what I want - as is everyone else. you don't have a solution for whole 'clique' conundrum you seem so concerned with, so I can only assume your answer would be for me to just reblog everything I see, in hopes that your work reaches an audience. and i'm not going to do that. i will reblog the stories and edits that speak to me, that inspire me, that i actually enjoyed. and i've become friends with a lot of those authors, sure. because i put in the effort to get to know them. i stopped posting on tumblr because I got no response when posting my fic. My audience is clearly elsewhere. But it's always 'will you reblog my stuff' but it's never reciprocated, so what's the point in supporting mutuals if the mutual relationship is gone? have you ever reached out to me? have you ever struck up a conversation or attempted to chat about something other than fic? no? then why do you have any expectations of me at all where your fic is concerned? maybe look that the relationships you have formed and you'll have your answer.
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honeyjars-sims · 3 days
3.2 Lover I Don't Have to Love
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“She was just bitching at me all day and I had enough. 'Carina, you didn’t bring the napkins to table 13. Carina, why aren’t you checking on your tables? You look pissed off, Carina, the customers aren’t going to feel welcome.'" Carina passed a small baggie to Larisa, who then passed it to Johnny.
It was a weeknight, but he didn't think twice about indulging. It wasn't like he had anywhere to be the next day, except back at the club. "Like no shit I look pissed off, she wouldn’t leave me alone," Carina continued, barely pausing to breathe between sentences. "So I told her I don’t need this job anyway and just walked out. Johnny, are you listening?”
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Johnny finished snorting the powder off his hand. "Yeah, sure. Sounds like you’re better off without that job.”
"Where’d you even get this shit?” Larisa asked, apparently unimpressed with her free gift.
"From Stephen, why?”
"Ugh, I don’t buy from him. He cuts it too much. Don’t you think so, Johnny?” Larisa was always searching for an opportunity to stir up some drama.
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"I don’t know, it seems okay to me.” Truthfully, Johnny didn’t really care about the quality as long as it got the job done.
Coke wasn't his first choice--he didn't like how agitated it made him feel once it started wearing off--but he welcomed any kind of distraction these days.
That was what drew him to Carina and her friends. They weren’t all that nice but they knew how to have a good time.
"Well, he gives me a discount.”
"Why, are you fucking him or something?”
"Actually, yeah, I am,” Carina admitted with a laugh.
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"Oh my God, don’t say that in front of Johnny! He’s going to get jealous.” There was a bit of delight in Larisa’s voice on the last word, as though she was hoping she was right.
"Nah, he doesn’t care. Look at him, he’s fucked up anyway.” She was right, on both accounts. His interest in Carina was purely physical. It was a bit freeing; Carina was an adventurous lover and Johnny enjoyed exploring new things in the bedroom with her.
Occasionally, though, his mind would start wandering to Lexie. He could remember how it felt having her body intertwined with his, the softness of her skin against his palms as he held her close, how easily their breaths fell in sync. If he fixated on it too long he’d remember how little those moments had actually meant to her and end up in a spiral of self-loathing.
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With Carina it was different—she didn't love Johnny either, but at least she was attracted to him. It boosted to his ego to be desired by someone.
That was what kept him coming back. Sometimes he’d feel the urge to ask her about her favorite memory or what made her feel inspired but he knew there was no point in getting to know her on a deeper level. In a few months time they’d have both moved on with their lives and she’d just be some girl he fucked for a few weeks when he was 19.
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The rest of the night was a blur.
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By mid morning Johnny ended up in Carina’s bedroom with her and her best friend Skyla. He supposed he should feel lucky to have two beautiful women pleasuring him, but he didn’t really feel much of anything.
Despite his best efforts, his thoughts turned to Lexie once again. He wondered if it was possible for someone to love him as much as he’d loved her, and if he would ever feel that way again.
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
i s2g im abt to murder my neighbor. like. all day. he blasts music in his garden, which is like right next to the back of our house, so we can hear it if we're sitting in the kitchen/bathroom or my room etc etc
and he listens to. total SHIT. like clubbing songs. really shit fucking clubbing songs that make me want to bash my skull in.
like bro either learn to like actual GOOD music, or learn to wear fucking headphones because i a THIS close to yelling at him out the window LMAO
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moodymisty · 2 months
Fulgrim being gossipy about another primarch’s beloved is soooo funny to me, cause didn’t he canonically stop dating people because they’d die and leave him heartbroken? You’re not slick Fulgrim “living vicariously through his brother’s relationships” The Phoenician, we can all see what you’re up to 😂
I never thought of it this way but you're so right, he totally lives vicariously through their relationship so he doesn't have to experience the inevitable sadness of being a near immortal being. Fulgrim seems to be the type that falls hard and fast, I'm sure that would hurt his heart. also
Fulgrim: You're telling me you're getting married and I wasn't consulted on any of this?
Vulkan: Brother, I appreciate your concern but you aren't the one getting marrie-
And whenever one of the other primarchs gets a beloved and he hears of it Fulgrim is like
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lesbonoi · 2 months
under discussed part of chapter one: sherlock is known for being mycrofts brother (when he isn't recognized as violet's son). even mycroft himself refers to sherlock as "living in his shadow" in one letter. a number of times when he introduces himself its like a 50/50 if someone goes "oh is mycroft your brother" wrt game's story it explains part of why sherlock is Like That All The Time but in a real life context of . Like. Sherlock Holmes as a pop culture icon. its really funny.
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vampirerite · 1 year
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oatbugs · 2 months
the forest looks like heaven today i woke up feeling the heaviest weight at the top of my heart
#yesterday on the study they said they were dating two others and it was going well and i cant imagine fucking you but#you have great tits. they got upset at me not inviting them to a party. my research partner told me to write a 1000 word essay on why they#should come. they spoke about how much they wanted theiir ex and they wouldnt tell me much about who theyre dating bc#they thought i still had feelings for them which. god. theyre right but the assumption is so arrogant#the streams r rly beautiful im walking to a date and shes gorgeous and some of my friends know her but i look#exactly like ive slept on my friends floor for the past few days so . aaa anyway#god after that whole call i just felt so deflated like i felt over it but now its all . back. like seeing them being happy w smn else#inflicts active misery upon me which means ii think im becoming a worse person bc of them. i called my friend and i just . idk i walked home#i kept wanting to weep but . woah the sun is so pretty#there are petals and dandelion seeds floating in the air#med school students walking to their lectures#she does biochem btw. the person im meeting now#there are two butterflies dancing together. i cant make this shit up the past few days have looked like actual heaven#ive spent them being on survival mode and not even bc of my studies like ok focus on log functions while the person kn the screen#tells u abt how if her ex were to call shed fold immediately and the new girl is a singer and its going well and maybe ill tell you#more abt it in a few months. SO YOU KNOW IT HURTS ! SO WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME YOUD MAKE OUT W ME AT THE CLUB WHY WOULD U FALL ASLEEP NEXT TO#ME WITHOUT CLOTHES ON ! WHY WOULD YOU CARESS YOUR OWN SKIN LOOKING AT ME IN THE MIRROR !!!!#anyway im like . sane.#i just . felt like it was over#i realised i kept seeing ppl who i thought were more attractive etc etc than her bc i needed to prove to myself#that im attractive enough to be liked or that i can be liked at all and a part of me wanted to prove it to them too#its just a horrible mindset to have and yh not only do they not care but they also bring out the worst in me actively like . I DONT KNOW#BUT THEN WHO ELSE KNOWS THAT THE GOLDEN HOURS IN TEHRAN ARE PINK AND LILAC WHO GOES TO TECHNO RAVES AT THE BASE OF DAMAVAND#WHO CAN PIN YOU AGAINST A WALL LIKE THEM !!!#anyway#standing up it just feels so#exhausting#like this the most exhausted ive felt from all this ever
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raymondshields · 3 months
Man, knowing that I'm less than two weeks from my last final is really shaking me because I have so many things I said I'd do after I graduate and they're very close now!!!
One of them is going to be leaving all the discord servers I don't talk in and also pruning following / friends lists like hell and back. This will allow me to finally come off invisible on discord, and it'll be nice to have discord statuses available to me again ;~;
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spacemancharisma · 2 months
#I don't know how to do this#I don't know how to fucking do this#I had a fucking Hours long crying breakdown after my parents left today#bc i'll never be fucking good enough for them#but if I say anything then we're acknowledging it and maybe it's better to not acknowledge it#maybe we just go back to ignoring the distance#if I say anything then I’m the bad guy again#I don't want to have to do this I don't want to have to keep being the one who steps forward first#I just want to stop trying and let it be what it is and let it hurt in a dull distant way#i've started crying again just from thinking about it#and I don't cry. I haven't cried more than like a light sniffle in three years until today#(bc of antidepressants)#I don't know what to do#I don't want to make it worse I don't want to hurt her feelings I don't want to be the one that starts shit#and I knoowwww I’m gaslighting myself bc she trained me to do this and I Cannot ignore the. two hour bathtub sob#but god what if I *am* the problem what if I *am* instigating and actually we had a good day#what if I’m expecting too much from her and this is better so maybe this is as good as it gets#do I bear it? do I bear it because she can't?#I know it's not fair and I know i'm hurting but maybe that's better than her hurting#do I just carry it for both of us?#I’m not a kid anymore I don't have that excuse#maybe this is womanhood. carrying it so your mother doesn't have to#she's carrying it for my grandmother. maybe this is just it.#I don't know. I don't know what to do.#I’m so fucking tired and it hurts#whatever.#vent#sad kids with bad moms club
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exopelagic · 23 days
I need to go to bed I’m just gonna shout a lil
#ice hockey needs to chill the fuck out#I had such a good night tonight!! was ssosososossososososo happy#but afterwards people started shouting in the group chat#and they all have very valid reasons for being angry but my god the us vs them mentality is STRONG#I am concerned abt how much people want to escalate things and how quickly they’re moving to do that#I am aware I am a doormat and a people pleaser or whatever but#I mean for one this is a tense political situation and we don’t wanna burn bridges#(there is no real politics i am being dramatic to be clear)#two clubs. alike in dignity. in fair Verona where we lay our scene#and I am personally managing at least 4 fragile egos that are all highly volatile#as well as an internal divide that’s threatening to cause problems very soon#I also should not be part of this anymore! and yet.#also why are specifically men who play team sports so dramatic when you get them all together#like that’s a whole shitstorm that is so easy to set off#anyway with my club I can’t blame the committee for being dramatic (different way to what I just said they’re not the same people)#bc I sure as fuck was overdramatic which fed into other people ramping up BUT that normally snapped me the fuck out of it#so I tempered the worst of it yknow. but I don’t think this new committee has that#/is not willing to listen to the person who would play that role#anyway if people don’t play nice it’s going to start some actual shit which will be deeply unpleasant for everyone#particularly the people who are in both clubs and do not deserve this bc they’ll be getting it from both sides and theyve done nothing wrong#anyway! bedtime now <3 I’m just frustrated bc the person who maybe would’ve calmed everyone down is out of commission#and I should not and am not willing to have the power to tell people to stop even though I probably still could#it’s whatever. sleep#luke.txt
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shalvis · 24 days
Why is everyone kinda like? Reinventing that ace discourse again
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