#and whoever looks into the actual book and sees how gorgeous and charming and funny and wonderful it is
joziokowalski · 1 year
hate how most things i supposedly do for the fun of it or out of curiosity or because i supposedly find them meaningful are almost always poisoned with hunger for approval which i can never get enough of. like i remember translating a passage from my favourite book and feeling not too bad about myself or the process while it lasted and i Thought i would feel satisfied when i finished it, but then all i felt was drained and depressed and in a way abandoned because it seemed to me that none of the people close to me took any interest in it. All Joy Completely Ruined
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
All I Wanna Be Is Somebody To You
A Jason Todd x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: None
Author's Note: For the one anon who wanted a nervous reader! I hope I did this justice for you, darling! Enjoy! -Thorne
She didn’t hate talking. Not really. But the idea of holding conversations with people she didn’t know sent her heart fluttering and her throat tightening until it was impossible to breathe. More often than not, she found herself apologizing a lot for the stuttering or the repeating of things she said. Most people gave her odd looks, told her to stop apologizing so much (like that ever helped anyone), or laughed and told her she was cute—which was nice until she realized they meant in a childish sort of way rather than an endearing one.
But it wasn’t always like that. According to her parents, there’d been a time when she couldn’t stop talking. Always had something to say and had somebody to tell. Something changed during her years, she knew when, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself or her family when they asked what happened to their outgoing and talkative daughter. Too many times she’d heard, “You know no one cares about X, right?” or “Oh my God, will you shut up?” and every time she heard it from a friend it dug into her a little deeper, made her shut her mouth tighter, and tore her heart much harsher.
And because she chose to be the silent type instead of the outgoing one, people assumed her arrogant and cold, distant and rude, and she found herself spending most of middle school and high school by herself. She was glad when graduation came, and while she’d dreaded giving her valedictorian speech, she did manage to get through it without too much trouble. It did feel like her one triumph against everyone who ignored her throughout school.
College freed her. Allowed her to make a flexible schedule, take smaller classes, and be solitary when she wanted. She’d refused a dorm room on the campus, living only fifteen minutes from Gotham University, instead choosing to commute daily and she liked it a lot more than having roommates in a four-bedroom apartment on the school grounds.
When she wasn’t in class, she stayed home a lot. It came with being a homebody, but when she did go out into the great big city, she liked to shop. Little antique shops or bookstores. She went to bookstores more than she did school. There was something so wonderful about finding a book in the shop and sitting down at a café and reading quietly. Which is how she met him, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why he wanted anything to do with her. She was quiet and shy, and he was open and flirty. They obviously didn’t match in any way, shape, or form. At least, that’s what she thought.
She drew her gaze along the wall of books before her, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she searched for the novel. It’d been a long time since she’d read The Count of Monte Cristo, a copy of her father’s that he’d had when she was just a child. Something had reminded her of it the other day and all she could think about was getting her own so she could annotate in the margins.
As she came across it, she started reaching when someone got to it first, one finger pulling it out by its spine before taking it into their hand. She visibly deflated with a soft sigh as it was the last copy and hung her head in defeat.
“I’m sorry, were you wanting this too?” Her head cocked up and she gazed at the young man before her. He smiled and she felt like she’d been shot in the chest at how dazzling it was. “Here, you can have it.”
Swallowing thickly, she shook her head, “You got it first.” Nodding, she added, “It’s yours.”
He cocked a brow at that. “Well, from the devastated look on your face, doll, you want it to be yours.”
Her cheeks warmed at that, and she felt nervous where she stood, resisting the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. “N-no it’s okay.” She said. “You take it.”
“Oh no you don’t. That’s not how this works.” He chuckled and took her hands, pressing the book into them, then he winked at her. “The doll deserves to have her book.”
If there had ever been a time in which she wanted to explode from embarrassment, it was then, and before she knew it, she shoved the book back into his arms and so hard that it must’ve knocked the wind out of him because he gasped. She spun around and took off down the aisle and out the front doors as fast as she could, wanting nothing more than to disappear in the crowded streets. That or sink into the ground. Maybe next week she’d come back and get the book. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be there again.
Then again, her hopes were always wrong, and she picked up the copy of The Divine Comedy, flipping it open to read the first page.
“I see you’re a fan of the classics, aren’t you, doll?”
She snapped the book shut when she heard his voice and looked over at him. Something inside annoyed her at the cocky smirk he wore, much more was the arm he had resting on the top of the bookshelf as he gazed at her.
“You know, you left a nice bruise on me the other week.” He quipped, shifting his weight to cross his ankles. “You’re pretty strong.”
“Thank you,” she muttered, turning to look back at the book. “Sorry I hit you…it was an accident.”
“Well, I can accept your apology if you tell me your name.”
“Why?” she questioned quietly, wiggling her toes.
“Because I wanna put a name to such a cute face. Why else?” he flirted, and she scowled at the book cover. “Oh, that’s an even more adorable face.”
“Quit doing that!” she hissed. “It’s not funny!”
He chuckled. “Oh contraire, it’s actually hilarious.” He took a step towards her. “I’m Jason, by the way.”
Her eyes darted to the outstretched hand, and she stared at it for a split second before softly shaking it. “(Y/N).” she murmured.
Before she could pull her hand back, he raised it and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “Enchanté ma chérie,” he professed, breath hot against her skin and just like before, she was so absolutely flustered she was yanking her hand back and poor Jason’s grip slipped, and he whacked himself in the face with his own hand.
“Nice to meet you!” (Y/N) yelped and scurried off down the aisle and to the register where she purchased her book in record time. Third time was the charm and she prayed that he wouldn’t be there again.
And whoever lived upstairs must’ve really had it out for her because she flipped the page in her One Thousand and One Arabian Nights and heard an exaggerated cough. Looking up through her eyelashes, she saw Jason standing there with a grin on his face. “Hello (Y/N),” he purred, and she immediately felt her cheeks become hot.
“Hi Jason,” she muttered, gazing at her book, listening to the chair screech as he sat down across from her.
“How are you doing today?” he asked, setting down his own copy of Arabian Nights.
(Y/N) cleared her throat, finding it harder to focus on the book over the smell of his woody and oriental cologne. She thought she smelled a twinge of tobacco with it. “I’m fine.” Her eyes found his teal ones for a moment. “And you?”
He smiled, making her heart pick up a beat. “Doing pretty good.” He winked. “I got to see you again. Though I’m hoping I don’t get hit again. Either by a book or my own fist.”
“Sorry…” she cringed, sinking down in her seat. “That was an accident.”
Jason shrugged and propped his elbows on the table, placing his chin on his fingers. “Don’t worry about it. Say, do you like coffee?”
“I do,” she murmured.
“Great, want anything from the café?” he asked, nodding at the board and she looked over at it.
“I guess I could order a latte,” she replied more to herself than him, starting to pull her wallet out.
“Nah, I got it.” Jason said, standing from his seat.
(Y/N) blinked. “Wait, what?”
“I said I got it.” He quipped and she jumped from her seat to stop him, but caught the leg of her chair, and she flailed, stumbling right into Jason. They went tumbling to the floor and she landed atop him. For a minute they were both stunned silent as the people in the store looked at them and he smirked at her. “Well, this saves me the trouble of asking you out to dinner.” He winked again. “Should’ve told me you had a bold streak, doll.”
She immediately scrambled up, placing one of her hands on his chest to shove off him when her leg slipped, and her knee went into his groin. He groaned and rolled over, holding his crotch and (Y/N) was so mortified all she could do was apologize profusely and at one point she was sure she was mixing up her words, but it didn’t matter. Grabbing her things, she started running off a third time.
Though she’d made it ten feet out of the door and down the street before someone grabbed her round the waist and hauled her to a stop. “Oh no! We’re not doing this pattern again! I am not getting hit a fourth time!”
(Y/N) spun in his arm and gaped at him. “I’m sorry!”
Jason sighed heavily and lowered his head. “Holy crap, I’ve never had such a hard time getting a girl to go out with me.”
“You wanna go out with me?” She pointed to herself despite her flustered state. “W-with me?” she gave him a dubious look. “Really? M-me?”
“Well, if you wanna hit me a fourth time to be sure, go ahead, but yeah,” he retorted then heaved another sigh. “Jeez, talk about getting hit on.”
(Y/N) spluttered at that. “I did not hit on you!”
“Right, you just hit me instead.”
“It was an accident! And I said I was sorry!”
Jason grinned at her and arm away. “Well, I’ll accept your sorry’s if you go on a date with me.”
She blinked at him. “A date? When?”
“Tonight.” He said. “There’s a bookstore down in the town square for insomniacs. Open until seven A.M. and serves a mean cup of hot cocoa.” Jason smiled and took her hand. “So? How ‘bout it, doll? Wanna go out with me tonight?”
All she could do was simply stare at this gorgeous man that obviously had a thing for her for some god forsaken reason. “Why?” she asked blankly, and he seemed to falter at that.
“Why what?” he repeated, confusion etching across his face.
“Why do you wanna go out with me?” (Y/N) gestured to herself. “I’m weird.”
“So am I.” he agreed.
“I stutter a lot.”
“So does my brother.”
“I don’t talk a lot. I don’t like talking a lot. People get mad at me when I talk a lot and I prefer to listen and you’re not going to like going out with me because I’m going to be super quiet because I get flustered easily and I—”
Jason put his hand over her mouth and stared at her. “Do you ever take a breath?” she nodded silently, and he sighed. “Look, (Y/N), it’s only taken getting shoved in the stomach with a book, getting punched with my own hand, and getting nut-shot to understand that you’re not exactly comfortable with the public.”
He removed his hand. “That’s why I invited you to the bookstore. Because even in the few weeks we’ve known each other, I know you like quiet places. But if you don’t feel comfortable going with me right now, that’s okay. We can take it slow.” Jason smiled at her. “Doll, all I wanna be is somebody to you.”
(Y/N) swallowed thickly and looked at her feet, whispering, “I…don’t wanna go out right now…but I’d like to give you my number…if you’re okay with that?” she shrugged. “We can text.” Feeling hopeful she reached out and placed her hang on his arm. “And get to know each other better? Maybe tell each other our favorite books? That’s…the best way in my opinion.”
His face lit up and he murmured, “I’d love that.” He pulled out his phone, tapping at it before he handed it over to her. “Here you go.”
She took it and looked at the contact name he’d already put in. My Flustered Doll. She glared at him. “You think you’re pretty cute, don’t you, Jason? You’re not. At all.”
He smirked. “Oh, is that so?” She nodded and he quipped, “We’ll just see about that then.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and typed in her number, handing him back his phone. “There you go.” He glanced at it, seemingly satisfied before he locked it and put it back in his pocket, then they met each other’s gazes and she awkwardly pointed over her shoulder. “I’m going home now.”
Jason caught her hand and kissed the back of it. “See you later, doll. Stay cute.”
She was hurrying off again, his laughter in her ears, unaware that their exchanging of numbers was going to evolve into so much more in the coming months.
“—And I’m pretty sure I can never show my face again at school, Jay. I’ve never been so embarrassed in all my life.”
He hummed, fingers gently dipping into her spine. “Well, this is coming from the girl that nut-shotted be in the middle of a busy bookstore.”
“Why would you remind me about that?” (Y/N) scowled. “It was an accident.”
“And yet it can’t be more mortifying than telling a guy to shove his head up his ass.” He retorted, eyes still closed as they basked in the sunlight streaming through the window. “This is at least a five on the ten scale.”
“More like a hundred.” She muttered, tucking her head under his chin. “I can’t believe I said that to him. Oh, I was just so—just so mad at what he said about my poem! He was just being mean!” (Y/N) gripped his sweatshirt. “You understand right?”
Jason nodded, his other hand resting at her hip. “Mhm.”
“You don’t think I’m overreacting, do you?” she frowned. “Everyone else thinks I am.”
“Telling someone that their poetry isn’t good because it isn’t iambic pentameter isn’t following constructive criticism, doll. It’s called being a douche.” She giggled and he bent his neck, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Call me next time Lord Douche-Canoe starts on your poetry again and I’ll school him on face-time.”
(Y/N) giggled again and rolled over, pressing them chest to chest and she grinned when he whined at her moving. “Thank you, Jason.”
He smiled at her. “I only take my thanks in kisses. Sorry, doll.”
Rolling her eyes, she bent down and pressed her lips to his. “I love you,” she murmured against him, and he hummed, hands grasping her hips.
“I love you more.”
“Nonsense?” he scoffed, pulling back to look at her. “I am willingly in a relationship with the girl who nut-shot me in—MMHPF!”
(Y/N) shoved a pillow into his face, face hot as she shouted, “Stop bringing that up! It was an accident!” All she got in return was his laughter.
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So I’m at my cousins wedding reception rn and the two grooms men I’ve known my entire life right? They keep touching each other and I asked them how long they’ve been together (I haven’t seen them in years) and they go “oh we’re not...” and all I can think about reddie meeting for the first time as groomsmen and then immediately hitting it off and falling for each other. Amy pls.... I’m begging you to write something
When Stan had asked him to be his best man at his wedding, Richie couldn’t say yes fast enough. He had grown up with Stan, he was his best friend through and through, so there was no way he wasn’t going to say no to being the best man at his damn wedding.
MIke was a great guy and Stan deserved him more than anyone. He was funny, smart, rather gorgeous and was incredibly soft hearted and friendly. When he had asked Stan to marry him, Richie was the first person Stan had told, calling him excited down the phone as he ran over all the ideas he had for the ceremony.
In the end, they settled for a simple wedding on Mike’s family farm in Derry, Maine. Richie had taken a long weekend off work and drove up to the state, checking in to the Derry Town House that was completely booked out for the event. Richie had to snort a little, as he knew all about Derry, and it was a small minded town. The people must be having a field day knowing two men were getting married here.
Once Richie had dumped all of his bags into the room and jumped into a quick shower, he changed into something much more comfortable and headed down to the main reception, ready to meet up with Stan and Mike for pre-wedding instructions. What he got instead was the sight of the most beautiful man he had ever laid eyes on.
The man was a few feet shorter than him, with soft blond curls and an annoyed expression on his face as he tapped his foot and looked over the reception desk. That was when Richie shot out of his trance and realised what he was waiting for…assistance.
“Uh, good luck with that. Whoever works here seems to be pretty absent,” Richie spoke up and the man turned his whole body to his direction, making Richie groan internally at how gorgeous he was from the front too. “You kind of have to…check yourself in.”
Raising his eyebrows, the man looked back behind the desk and let out an audible sigh, “You mean I just need to grab a set of keys and hope for the best?” He asked and Richie nodded his head. “This is so unsafe…but I’ve been waiting here for over thirty minutes now and I really don’t have the patience to wait any longer.”
Richie watched at the hot guy moved around behind the desk and looked for a set of keys that would allow him access to a room for one. He grinned and picked a pair, holding them up in triumph as he stepped back out and made his way over to Richie. “See, all sorted now.” He paused. “Are you here for the wedding?”
“Yeah uh, Mike is a close family friend so I’ve forced myself to come back to this hell hole because it was what he wanted.” The guys shrugged and that was when Richie realised who he was. This was Mike’s best friend, and best man, Eddie Kaspbrak.
Damn, Eddie Kaspbrak was hot as fuck and Richie was internally cursing Mike for not introducing them sooner. He grinned. “Eddie Kaspbrak, right? If you’re from Derry why didn’t you know about the shitty service here?”
Eddie blinked, “Because the last time I was in this town, I was living with my mother. I’ve never stepped into this place in my life.” He looked at Richie up and down and Richie, once again, had to hold back a groan. “Wait…are you Richie? Stan’s best man?”
Richie broke into a wide grin and he nodded his head, holding out his hand, “The one and only. Richie Tozier, at your service.” His smile widened even more as Eddie took his hand and he subconsciously raised his hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Richie. I’ve heard…a lot about you.” Eddie laughed looking away a little as he removed his hand from Richie’s grasp. “Stan might have filled me in on your…eccentricness?”
This time, Richie groaned out loud and ran a hand through his hair, “Of course he would. He was probably trying to save you from my shit, as I really am full of it. I also have ADHD, so sometimes I struggle grasping when people want me to shut up. So they just say ‘beep beep, Richie’. So if I bug you, that’s what you say.” A nervous laugh left Richie’s lips at that point and he wondered why he was suddenly so…shy. Normally if Richie was attracted to someone he’d use the Tozier charm until they agreed to come back to bed with him. Yet with Eddie…after only knowing him for about ten minutes…Richie knew he was different.
“Thanks but…I don’t think I’ll have to use it on you.” Eddie winked and Richie’s eyes widened. “Are you meeting Mike and Stan for lunch? I have to just shower really quick, would you mind waiting for me and we can go together?” He asked and Richie nodded his head.
In a flash, Eddie was off up the stairs and Richie was left alone in the reception, wondering what the hell just happened. He moved into the lounge area and took a seat, flicking through his twitter on his phone, updating his status. Eddie was gone for about half an hour, and in that time he had to tell three more guests to just help themselves to room keys or they’d be there all night. Eventually, Eddie appeared back in the doorway, in a new set of clothes, blond hair damp on his head. Fuck.
“Hey, you’re back,” Richie grinned, standing up and pocketing his phone. “Stan just messaged me the diner details and it’s within walking distance so we don’t have to call a cab.” Eddie seemed to agree with Richie and they left the town house, walking down the street to where they’d meet up with Mike and Stan. “So, you grew up here?”
Eddie looked over at Richie as they walked and nodded his head, “Yeah, born here and remained until I was…nineteen and I finally managed to escape. It’s been eight years and this place still puts me on edge. I’m surprised that my mother isn’t out patrolling the streets looking for me as I’m sure she knows I’m here.” He admitted.
“I’m sorry,” Richie whispered, not really wanting to pry into Eddie’s personal life too much. If Eddie wanted to tell him, then he would. “If we see your mom, just let me know and I’ll talk that much she’ll run away.”
Next to him, Eddie paused and bit his lip, looking up at Richie. “Actually…I wanted to ask you something.” Richie tilted his head, letting Eddie know that he was listening. “We both don’t have dates…right?” A nod. “So uh, maybe if we see my mom or anyone else who might know me would you…pretend to be my boyfriend?”
Even though Richie knew it was a stupid idea and that he was probably going to get really hurt, he felt himself nodding his head. “Yes, of course Eddie. It would be my pleasure.”
* * * * *
@richietoaster @tozier-boy @eds-trashmouth @bitchbrak @sloppybitchreddie @its-stranger-than-you-think @maximusfraker @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @thejadeazalea @halfway-happy353 @tinyarmedtrex @inthebreadbinwrites @kat-ships-everything @takeourpure @lo-v-ers @that-weird-girls-blog @studpuffin @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @trashmouthtozierr @richietoizer @girasol-eddie @bi-bi-richie @honeybeehanlon @mars-14 @reddiesetandgo @marsisaplanetyall @xandertheundead @sedanleystanley @hawkinsbabe @beepbeeprichiellc @stellarbisexual @oldguybones @stanleuyris @eduardoandale  @purplepoisonedgem @reddie-to-cryy @pink-psychic @violetreddie @toziesque @queen-sock @appojoos @moonlightrichie @rreddies @disneyfan567 @annxmatron @lifesucksheres20bucks @anellope @roobarrtrashmouth @are-you-reddie-for-it @callmechee @nancynwheeler @reddieforlove @twoidiotsinl0ve @madi-artist @tozierking @s-onora @atownofeggs  @wilding-throught-thehallways @no-she-wasnt-reddie @dadbodrichie @thorn-harvester-ven @eddiekasbpark @sparklingrainbowdragon @ransonelovebot @gloire-celeste @derrylosers @3tothe1 @virgo-luthie @sashadrowned @spirited-marvel @losers-gotta-stick-together @rebecca-the-queen @ultrapaninibred
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sakuwriteshere · 5 years
One-Shot: Wherever they fell
Summary: You have a strange habit that doesn’t bother the brothers so much.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Words count: 3537 (I wanted a drabble…)
Warnings: Fluff. Fluffy fluff. Awkward moments. Swearing words. Did I say fluff?
Square filled: Accidental Kiss
A/N: FINALLY!!! It’s not a lot but I’ve finally started this Bingo card and more importantly I’m getting rid off this stupid writing block. This is written for the @spndeanbingo I can’t thank you enough for this.
As per usual, this is unbetated and I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes or error spelling.
I do not own the characters or the show.
Enjoy! And please tell me what you think about it!
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Wherever they fell.
Being a hunter wasn’t glamorous or funny. On the contrary it was dirty, painful and heartbreaking. The Winchester brothers were used to it and had accepted, since a long time now, that it was their life.
They would call it a good day if they ended a case not too bloodily, saving the civilians and ganking the evil son of a bitch.
There was also another thing they liked and would make the day a better one.
You were their little ray of sunshine, the breather they needed even if they didn’t know.
It started like a regular case, a haunting. You were the one haunted and like most of the civilians, you didn’t know that the things that go bump in the night were a real thing. At first you thought they were crazy but strange things started to happen; the lights going off around you, strange sounds, the rooms getting cold out of a sudden,... Yep you were haunted.You weren’t in danger but the people around you were the targets of the ghost following you. Whoever approached you, and more particularly, any man that would find an interest in you, didn’t give you any sign after the first date and for the bravest ones, who asked you for another date, it ended deadly.
After the third man who you had an interest in, died in a car crash, you swore you were cursed and would end miserable and alone.
Then you meet the Winchester brothers and soon you realized that it wasn’t a curse but a ghost. You ex boyfriend’s ghost. Timmy died a few years ago, when you were both in high school. Your relationship was perfect, almost too perfect. Everything was already decided: you would be married after graduation, rent a flat together and started a family. You were a bubbly young girl that still believed in the prince charming and thought you had found him in Timmy. So, when both of you had your first (and last) fight it was heartbreaking. Timmy thought you would be the good, little wife, just like in the Fifties, staying at home and taking care of the kids while he had a job and brought food for his family. You wanted more than that, be independant and an accomplished woman. That night when you fought about your different visions of your mutual future, Timmy left you in the middle of the argument, took his car and crashed it at the bottom of the cliff a few kilometers away.
After a few days of investigation, the brothers get rid of Timmy’s ghost and put him in rest for eternity. If you haven’t seen him with your own two eyes, you would have sent the boys into the nearest asylum. It was also your fate when you told them you wanted to help and be part of the gang. They tried to change your mind, telling you that you weren’t made for this kind of life. You were a happy, friendly, too smiling of a girl to be in the hunting life. Of course you wouldn’t take part in the actual hunt, but being a librarian, you were pretty useful with books and researches.
Sam was the first one to agree. Since your first encounter you had a particular relationship with the youngest brother. He was friendly and tried to see the best thing in anything, despite the gruesome truth he knew. Sharing the same interest with him, and being a serial killers’ stories fangirl was also a good fact that brought you closer.
As for Dean… With Dean it was different.
He didn’t like the fact that you wanted to come along. It was dangerous and bloody and nothing like in the books you read before sleeping. Did he mention it was dangerous?
But after a few weeks with them, he started to realized that you were indeed, a great help and you surprised both brothers by finding a new case faster that Sam. He would never admit it but your cheerful attitude started to rub on him and he would caught himself smiling softly at the thought of your hugs when they would come back at the Bunker after a difficult hunt.
This is exactly what this little story is about. You living with the Winchester and more particularly a little, tiny strange habits of yours.
You were a friendly, cheerful person. We already established that. You weren’t shy or afraid to show the people you liked them, by using words or smallest affectionate gesture. The boys weren’t used to those kind of things, it was understandable knowing what kind of childhood they had. Of course, they would hug or pat a shoulder when they wanted to show they cared, they would even say they care when it was important (like end of the world important) After a whole year you realized that “You’re family” was their way to say “I love you.”
And you loved them.
You loved Sam as a little brother (you were three months older than him, it counted!), he was your best friend and your partner in crime when you wanted to play a prank on Dean or even Cass.
Speaking about Dean. Again, it was different with Dean. You loved him as in in love with him. After the first time you caught each other eyes, you felt attracted to him. At first, you thought it was because you felt lonely, still thinking about your curse and the fact that he was a candy for sore eyes wasn’t helping. But quickly, you noticed that it was more than a simple crush. Opposites attract, right?
When you loved people you weren’t shy and so, the brothers quickly noticed a strange thing about you: you kissed your friends.
It wasn’t a love kiss, just a friendly peck and since it didn’t mean anything you didn’t care where your lips fell on. Usually you hit the forehead or the temple but it could be the cheek or even the nose. You’ve done it since you were a kid.
It was a friendly gesture. Nothing else. And you kissed Sam as much as you kissed Dean, or even Cass (and the Angel was a bit disturbed by that the first time.) And the brothers loved it.
Dean could still remember the first time it happened. The three of you were in the library, searching for informations about a new kind of monster, after several hours of research you fell asleep, your face buried in the book in front of you. Sam knelt next to you and shook you gently, trying to wake you up.
“Come on, Y/N. Go in your bed, you’re exhausted.” He whispered softly. You cracked an eye open and nodded sleepily. Without a warning your lips brushed Sam’s forehead and you stood up, yawning and wishing them goodnight.
The brothers’ eyes widened at the sudden gesture and were totally speechless. Dean’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the intimate gesture. He didn’t realized at the moment but he felt jealous of his brother. Why did you kissed Sam and not him? What had Sam and he didn’t? Were you and his brother in a secret relationship and your sleepy mind didn’t realized that Dean was here?
His mind full of question didn’t register when you came closer, despite the fact that he kept his eyes on you. When your soft lips brushed against his right temple, Dean’s brain totally froze.
“Night boys…” You yawned, your socked feet sliding against the tiles as you headed to your bedroom.
“Dude…” Sam’s voice resonated in the library. The gears in his head turning at full speed while he tried to understand what happened.
Dean remained silent, fighting to suppress the grin that stretched his lips.
After that night, kissing them goodmorning or goodnight became quickly an habit. And soon the brothers were making sure they had their kiss before they left for a hunt. Dean swore that your lips lingered a fraction of seconds more on him than his brother and he would never admit it but he was more than happy at the realization.
Being Dean Winchester, he would never tell you how he truly felt about you. Being honest with his feelings would be a death sentence and he would rather have you as a secret indefinite crush than dead.
“How long, Sam?” Dean grunted between his clenched teeth, one of his hands pressing against the bloody wound on his side.
“A few minutes. You can keep it?” Sam asked, his foot pressing harder on the pedal.
It was a nasty hunt, the werewolf has been pretty strong and wouldn’t die without a big fight. Dean almost lost his life but he had to act quickly. The monster was going to dig his claws into the kid’s torso and if he didn’t jumped between them and took the blow instead, the poor kid would be dead. He had worse anyway.
“Y/N will be furious.” Sam whispered, shaking his head as his knuckles gripped the steering wheel.
“Nah. She will be sad and-” Dean gasped as he twisted into his seat. “And scared but not angry. She’s never angry.”
Despite the circumstances Sam’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “And since when do you know her so much?”
“Shut up, bitch.”
You jerked when you heard the main door opening, having a metal, heavy door was a good thing to prevent any break-in but it was also scary when you were too immersed into research.
“Y/N?” You heard Sam calling you and you pushed yourself from your chair, a big smile on your face. You missed them.
“In the library, boys!”
However, your smile fell quickly when you saw the two brothers entering the library. Sam holding Dean whose gorgeous face was bruised and showing nothing but pain.
“Wh- what happened?” You asked as you turned your chair around and prompted Sam to sit his brother.
Not really listening to Sam’s story, you swatted Dean’s hands away and pulled up his shirt, taking a better look at the wound. You winced when you saw the claws marks in his flesh. This must hurt like a bitch.
“Stay here. This will need stitches.” You whispered as you went into the infirmary.
“See?” Dean told his brother, a proud smirk on his face before he winced at the pain.
Sam only rolled his eyes and left his brother to grab the bags that were still in the car.
You took care of the wound in silence. It wasn’t as bad as you first thought but it was still a nasty wound. You bit your lower lips and took deep breath as you tried to not cry. You hated this. You knew they would come back beaten and hurt, you’ve seen it a few times already and every time they left for a hunt you couldn’t help but think that maybe it was the last time you would see them.
“Hey, I’m fine, kid.” Dean’s raspy voice pulled you from your angsty thoughts and you nodded once as you finished patching him.
“I know.” You choked as you stood up and grabbed the different medical tools around you. You looked into his tired green eyes and gave him a sad smile.
As you felt Dean’s fingers curled around one of your wrist, you bend slightly forwards and kissed the top of his head, your lips lingering longer than necessary but you needed to feel him, just to make sure that he was really here and safe.
Your kisses were the best pain pills Dean had. As soon as he felt your warmth against him and your lips on his skin, the pain melted away. All he could focused on was you and your presence as he closed his eyes and savored this moment.
Too soon you broke the spell and stepped back, you sniffled a few times and cleared your throat.
“You should rest. Go to your room and I’ll bring some pills.”
As you walked towards the exit, Dean stood up. He saw you weren’t feeling great and he wanted to ease your pain just like you’ve done for him. He ignored your ramblings and walked towards you until you stopped at the bottom of the library stairs.
“You shouldn’t take them with an empty stomach.” You said out loud, more to yourself than for him.
He was totally obvious of your movements. If you could kiss them so easily and freely, it shouldn’t be so hard for him right? He had already kissed the top of your head a few times in the past. It wasn’t a big deal. Dean brought his face close to yours, ready to land kiss on the top of your head. It would be easy, you were so small compared to him. Just a little, quick, friendly kiss to make you feel better.
“I know! I’ll bring you some-” You exclaimed, a genuine smile on your lips as you turned around and lifted your head, to look at him, he was taller than you, afterall.
The smile fell and you widen your eyes as you felt his lips on yours. They felt soft and warm and perfect. As perfect as the two green orbs staring at you, the surprise as strong as yours.
It was just a peck, a chaste kiss. An accident.
Quickly you pulled away. Dean finding a particular interest at his feet while you felt your cheeks blush furiously.
“Y-Y/N. I didn’t- It wasn’t-” Dean stuttered as a hand rubbed the back of his neck.
“Pie. I’ll bring some pie.” You whispered as you turned around, a hand covering your mouth while you exited the library.
Dean groaned, gripping his head with his hands and regretted right away as a sharp pain ran through his body. In this moment of panic he forgot that he was injured.
“Dean, what’s wrong?” Sam asked when he noticed his brother frozen in place.
“It wasn’t- I didn’t-” Dean stuttered before sighing angrily. “I just wanted to make her feel better. I never meant to- but she turned around and it happened so fast- she was freaking cute and-”
“Wow dude, slow down!” Sam came closer, slightly scared for his brother. He wasn’t used to see Dean in this state and whenever he was like that, something bad happened. Was it his injury? Something happened to you?
“We kissed, Sammy! It wasn’t a real kiss, more like a peck on the lips, like between two toddlers but man she reacted like we kissed, do you think she didn’t like it? I liked it. Did I ruined everything? God, I hope not. Do you think-”
“Slow. Down. Dean.” Sam’s hands hold each of Dean’s shoulders, trying to calm him down.
“Man what happened? The last time I saw you freaking out like this was when we met Cassie.” He added, thinking about what Dean told him and his reaction, the light bubble switched on in his brain.
“What?” Dean exclaimed, an octave higher than he wanted. “This-this is different! Y/N is different.”
“Hmm. I brought some pie and your pills.” Your soft voice surprised both brother.
Still clinging to each other they turned their head in your direction and watched you silently as you put the plate and the bottle of pills on the corner of the table. You avoided their eyes, your cheeks still uncomfortably warm. You missed the soft smile on Sam’s face and the longing stare of Dean as you quickly exited the room again.
It took all Sam’s will to not laugh at his brother’s panicked face.
“That deep, huh?”
“Sammy, I’m screwed.” Dean admit once he realized something.
You turned in your bed for several times, with a quick glance at your phone you saw that it was 3 in the morning and you still weren’t asleep. It was stupid, really. A childish thought but it kept you awake nonetheless.
For the first time in years you didn’t kiss Sam and Dean goodnight.You were all adults and it shouldn’t bother you so much but after everything you’ve been through you were a bit paranoiac. You had habits, and even if it was a stupid idea, you thought that this simple gesture worked like a spell. That’s why every time they left for a hunt you kissed them goodbye, as a good luck charm in hopes that it would bring them back to you. And it worked until now.
You sat up in your bed and sighed heavily. You knew you couldn’t sleep until you’ve done it. Sleepily you climbed out of your bed, and exited into the corridor. Everything was silent and within the years you mastered the skill to walk soundlessly into the bunker. Living with two of the best hunters in the World, you had to turned into a freaking ninja. You still felt ashamed when you thought about the first night the brothers barged into the bathroom (with guns), hearing your soft curses against Mother Nature and her wonderful gift to every woman.
Without a sound you opened Sam’s bedroom and tip toed until you reached his bed. He was sound asleep, the hunt wearing him off. Without wasting a second you bend over his sleeping face and kissed his temple.
“Goodnight Sammy.” You smiled, feeling already better.
The easy feeling didn’t last long as you walked towards Dean’s room. Since the accident you felt troubled. You knew you had feelings for him and thought they were buried deep down but a simple, stupid, tiny, childish, wrong move and you felt like a teenager all over again.
You winced when the door creaked opened despite all your efforts to be discreet. Hopefully, the pills would make Dean sound asleep. You entered the room and saw Dean’s back rising and falling steadily. You walked around his bed and knelt on the side, your face at the same level as his. You couldn’t help but smiled when you saw how peaceful his face was. It hurt you to see him in a constant pain, and not only because of the injuries. This man seemed to wear the whole world on his shoulders, and knowing a few stories from his past, you knew he felt the same. That’s why you tried to be as cheerful as you could be, in a failed attempt to ease the weigh a bit.
You wanted nothing more than to run your fingers in his soft short hair, but you reminded yourself that you were on a mission. You needed to kiss him goodnight before you could finally sleep. With your heart beating rapidly into your chest you brought your lips closer until they brushed softly his warn skin. It was an innocent kiss, really but full of the love and admiration you had for this wonderful man. You were aware that the kisses you gave Dean lasted a bit longer than Sam’s but you couldn’t help it. Every time you kissed him, you saw the sadness and pain leaving his beautiful eyes, his face muscles relaxing and his shoulders slumping a bit. When it happened it wasn’t for long, it lasted one second, but it was better than nothing and that’s why you wanted to kissed him longer, in hope that the effects would last longer as well.
You gasped when you opened your eyes as the kiss ended. Two green orbs were staring at you but before you could move, you felt a strong, warm hand holding your wrist.
“I’m sorry, Dean. I didn’t want to-” You apologized.
“Shhh. It’s alright, don’t worry.” Dean’s deep, raspy voice calmed you in an instant.
“I couldn’t sleep and I know it’s stupid but- I didn’t kissed you goodnight and-” You tried to explain but the thumb rubbing circles against your palm disturbed your train of thoughts.
“Me neither. To be honest it doesn’t feel the same.” Dean whispered, his eyes still staring at you. He didn’t dare to move, afraid that you would scare you away.
“I’m addicted to your kisses, kid.” He laughed softly, laughing at himself, he couldn’t believe what he was going to say. “I was afraid that after tonight, you wouldn’t-” He took a deep breath and licked his bottom lip as he glanced at yours.
“I just want you to know that,” he propped himself on his elbow and brought his face closer to you. You could feel his warm breath on your face and you closed your eyes, thrilled and scared at the same time.
“I want you to,” he kissed your forehead. “Keep pressing your lips,” he said before kissing the tip of your nose and you held your breath as he brought his lips in front of yours.
“Wherever they fell.” You felt the words more than you heard them. His lips were so close to yours, you could feel them but something was missing.
You nodded once and pressed them against his, finally kissing him like you’ve wanted.
As you felt his smile against yours, you knew that with Dean, there was only one spot you wanted for you lips to fell.
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masterofmunson · 6 years
fleeting moments with you
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: Nothing mattered except the fleeting moments that they had with each other.
Warnings: angst, language, sex, fluff
Word Count: 3.9k+ (i kind of went over board whoops)
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He meets her at one of Carol's parties. He notices right away how she sticks out like a sore thumb. She's wearing a pretty pink sweater and loose, ripped jeans. She walked straight into the living room and turns off the stereo. She glares at Carol and takes the cup out of her hand.
"You mind keeping it down, Caroline?" She hissed, tossing the plastic cup into the trash. "I'm putting Danny to bed."
"Let the kid take care of himself, Y/n," Carol spat back, going around the kitchen counter to pour herself another drink.
Y/n scoffs at her and rolls her eyes at her. "I'm not letting my four-year-old brother go to bed alone. I'm just asking you to keep it down, okay? You can still party or whatever. Just be quiet."
She walks past Billy and her eyes meet his briefly before she walks back upstairs and he hears the door click shut. He turns back towards Carol and his friends and raises a brow at her. "Who's that?" Billy asks, taking a sip of his beer.
"That's my bitchy cousin, Y/n. Our mom's are sisters. Her dad died in a fire fighting accident a few months ago, so they moved in with me and my mom," Carol answers. "She goes to Carmel Academy for the Arts, that’s why you don’t see her at school."
Billy nods his head and bites his lip.
The next time he sees her, he's at Carol's house again. He hears feet pounding down the stairs and he's met with a very angry looking Y/n. She's dressed in a beautiful light pink, ball gown and her hair is done in perfect curls around her face. She looks absolutely breathtaking.
"Carol!" Y/n shouted, brushing past him. "Have you seen my heart shaped necklace?"
"Oh, you mean this necklace?" Carol asks, twirling the chain that was on her neck. "This cute little thing?"
"Carol," she snapped. "Give it to me! That doesn’t belong to you!"
"Awe," Carol pouts, "but I like it. It's cute! It looks better on me than it does on you."
Billy stares at her and notices the tears threatening to spill over her cheeks. He notices her throat tighten and he stares at Carol in utter disbelief. She smirks at her and plays with the heart on the chain teasingly. Y/n's jaw tightens and she lets out a breath through her nose.
"Carol, please. My dad gave that to me before he died. It's my good luck charm. Please give it to me. I don’t care if it looks better on you. It's mine," her voice is soft and she blinks away her tears. "I need it for my showcase."
"Carol, don’t be a bitch," Billy snapped at her. "Just give it back to her."
Carol blinks at Billy and scoffs at both her friend and her cousin. She unclasps the necklace and stubbornly hands it back to Y/n. Y/n mutters a quiet thank you before her fingers tremble as she tries to clasp the necklace around her neck.
"Do you need help?" Billy murmurs quietly, glancing at her.
"Um, yeah, sure," she stuttered. She gently hands him the necklace and moves her hair to the side. His fingers gently brush against her neck and she shivers before he coughs and she steps away from him. "T-Thanks."
She doesn’t bother saying goodbye and hurries out the door.
"What the hell was that?" Carol snaps, glaring at him. "Just because you helped my cousin doesn’t mean that you get a shot with her. Stay away from her, she's not your type, anyway. I'm warning you, Hargrove."
Billy rolls his eyes at her. It was an empty threat, anyway.
The next time he really gets to have a conversation with her is at Carol's birthday bash. Both their moms left the house to the two teenage girls and spent the weekend in Indianapolis while Danny was with their grandparents.
He had been watching her the entire night. She hadn't drank a single sip of alcohol and she held her water bottle closely. She had mingled around with a handful of people that she did recognize, but she mostly stayed to herself. She barely knew anyone at the party. She didn’t go to Hawkins, so she felt like a stranger in her own home.
He watched her fiddle with the heart on her necklace as she sat in the corner of the living room, watching with bored eyes as her cousin took another shot. She sighed as another boy that she didn’t recognize, approached her. She felt uncomfortable and she wanted to be left alone. All she wanted was her dad back, then she wouldn’t be so miserable.
A tear slides down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away, resting her hands in her lap. There was no point in going up to her room. She wouldn’t be able to go to sleep with the loud music playing and the few couples trying to sneak into her room for a round of sex. She sighs tiredly before standing up and walking out of the house and the cool November air hits her skin. She walks up the small hill just behind the house that was a perfect spot to look at the stars.
Billy follows closely behind, careful not to alert her of her presence. He watches her lay on the grassy patch of land and look up at the stars. She looks breathtaking in the moonlight that shines perfectly on her face. He walks up to her and takes a seat.
"This spot taken?" Billy asks softly, looking over at her. Her eyes meet his and she shakes her head. She looks back up at the night sky and sighs, feeling another wave of tears wash over her.
"You're Billy, right?" Y/n asks quietly, sitting up so she can get a good look at him. He nods. He likes the sound of his name on her tongue. "Caroline talks about you a lot," she hums. "Sometimes I think she's dating you and not that Tommy kid."
Billy shivers in disgust. He'd never date Carol. She wasn’t his type. For how mean he could be, Carol was meaner, especially to Y/n. He doesn’t really understand why. She seems perfect.
"She didn’t use to be so mean to me," Y/n mutters. "We use to be best friends, actually and then... my dad died and everything went to shit. She blames me for everything. As if I wanted to leave Florida in the first place... like I wanted to not have my dad around."
Billy nods. He understands that feeling all too well. His father blamed him for his mother's death and moving all the way to Hawkins because of his destructive behavior. He knows just how much losing a parent sucks and having no one to lean on.
"I understand that more that you know," he murmurs. "My mom died a few years ago and I was getting into a lot of shit so my dad moved us here from California. He blames me too. It sucks not having someone to lean on when all you want is someone to be there for you."
She nods, swallowing the lump in her throat. Her eyes water and she glances at him. "Sorry, I don’t mean to dump all my emotional baggage onto you," she apologizes. "I just miss him. You can go back to the party and hangout with your friends. I'm cool being by myself."
"I want to be out here, it's fine," he shrugs, smiling at her softly. "You need someone to survive Hawkins, and I will gladly help you make this experience more enjoyable."
Y/n smiles softly at him and shoves his shoulder lightly. "Caroline tells me that you're some sort of player, which blows my mind. I have no reason to believe what she's saying is true."
Billy smirks at her. His eyes twinkle in the moonlight and her heart jumps into her throat. He's absolutely gorgeous. Billy winks at her. "It's only 'cos she doesn’t know the real me. If I wanted your cousin, I could have her, easy. The only reason she wants you to stay away from me is so that I don't sweep you off your feet when she wants to be you. She's just jealous of you."
Y/n laughs, rolling her eyes at him. She shakes her head at him and raises a brow at him. "She's definitely right about two things. You are very confident and cocky, I give you props though, Billy, that's good. You don’t know Carol like I do, Billy. There's no reason for her to be jealous of me. She has a boyfriend and she's popular.
Billy rolls his eyes at her. "I can think of plenty of reasons as to why she could be jealous of you. You're sweet and you're selfless. You have enough talent to go to a performing arts school. Shall I go on?"
Y/n rolls her eyes in response. "Okay, lover boy, I'm going to need you to slow down. You don't even know me," she laughs, shaking her head. "If she finds out that I'm talking to you, she'll kill me."
He winks at her. "Guess she'll never find out."
Y/n is the one to cross the line between friends and something more. It happened at Carol's big spring break bash. Y/n had been watching him the entire night and she just wanted to talk to him without having to worry about Carol. She liked him. A lot.
He was charming and funny and he made her feel better. He made her laugh and he always complimented her. He always told her she was pretty and that her drawings and paintings were amazing. He always knew exactly what to say to make her knees buckle underneath her. He made Hawkins feel less lonely. He was the only person she had.
He waved at her when he entered the house and it made her heart skip a beat. She grinned at him and went to great him properly when she stops in her tracks. A girl with beautiful, jet black hair and gorgeous green eyes is on his arm. She doesn’t recognize her. It was probably because the girl went to Hawkins High and she didn’t.
She frowns and turns her back to him, feeling her heart in her hands. She thought he felt the same way that she did. She was wrong. How could he ever have feelings for her? She wasn’t his type. She was never anyone's type.
Throughout the night, she watched him have the time of his life. When Carol suggested spin the bottle half way through the party, she got up and retreated to her room, locking it behind her and changing into pajamas.
She grabs her sketch book and resumes her drawing of Billy that she had been working on. When she hears three soft knocks on the door a handful of minutes later, she told whoever it was to piss off and leave her alone.
"Princess," Billy murmurs, "it's me."
"Leave me alone!" Y/n shouted, glaring at the closed door. Billy stares, stunned, at the door. She's never shut him out before.
"Y/n," he sighs. Something must've happened and he didn’t see it. That's why she's not downstairs. "Let me in."
She huffs out a breath and tosses her sketch pad on the desk before opening the door. She turns her back on him and he shuts the door, locking it behind him. She sits on her bed, facing the window and away from him.
"What's up with you?" Billy asks, joining her on the bed as he stares at her.
She glares at him. "Shouldn't you be making out with your date, Billy?" Y/n snapped. "Why do you care that I'm hibernating in my room? Nobody else does! The one person I wanted to talk to all night was partying it up not acknowledging my existence with someone else. Just leave me alone, Billy."
He stares at her and frowns. "This is about Gwen?"
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. Of course that's her name. "Just go downstairs, Billy. You don't want Gwen or Carol to get suspicious. Go."
"No," he responds stubbornly and she turns her head to glare at him. "I don’t want to be with them."
"And you want to be with me?" Y/n asks, staring into his eyes. He nods and her eyes fall to his lips. She stares at him and leans towards him. Her hand grasps his shirt and his mouth falls on hers. He jumps in shock and pulls away. Embarrassment washes over her and she turns her head away. "S-Sorry," she squeaks.
His fingers tug on her chin and his hands hold her face, kissing her again. Her legs pin him against her bed and his hands sneak underneath her shirt. His rough fingers tickle her back and her hands hold his face, tugging on his hair gently.
His teeth sink into her bottom lip and she moans against his mouth. He smiles against her lips and rolls over so she's beneath him. His teeth nip at her neck and she sighs, running her fingers through his hair.
Breathing hard, he pulls away and rests his forehead against hers. Their eyes meet again and he laces their fingers together. "I always want to be with you," he murmurs, kissing her slowly and tugging at her pajama bottoms.
The next morning, Y/n wakes up to pounding on her bedroom door. "Do you want to go to Benny's for breakfast?" Carol shouts through the door. "Billy and Tommy are joining us!"
Y/n grins against her pillow, hugging Billy's shirt that rested on her body. He had left well in the early morning hours. "Yeah, sure!" Y/n shouted back, climbing out of bed and pulling on a new pair of underwear and leggings and a pretty floral blouse. She brushes through the knots in her hair and quickly brushes her teeth and swipes on deodorant and sprays some perfume.
She grabs her purse and stuffs her feet into a pair of gym shoes. She hurries downstairs and climbs into Carol's car as she drives to the diner.
Walking out of her car and into the diner, she notices Billy and Tommy right away. Their backs face them and her heart jumps in her chest as they approach the booth. Carol kisses Tommy on the cheek and Y/n slides into the booth quietly, looking at Billy bashfully. He grins at her. "Morning, ladies," he grins at her before glancing at Carol.
"You're awfully chipper this morning, Billy," Carol states with a raised brow after they order their drinks. Billy would've ordered for Y/n when they arrived, but he didn’t want Tommy to pester him about how he knew her very complicated coffee order. They went out for breakfast together every Sunday morning.
Tommy slaps Billy on the back and smirks at his girlfriend. "It's 'cos our Billy Boy got laid last night!" Tommy howled. "You should see all the marks on him!"
Y/n chokes on her coffee and starts to cough, throwing her hand over her mouth. She grabs a napkin and wipes her face. She feel like she can't breathe in between all her coughing and heaving. Her head starts to hurt. Dammit, Billy!
"Are you okay, Y/n?" Carol asks, rubbing her hand on her back. She nods her head between coughs, feeling tears creep at the corners of her eyes.
"Yup," she coughs, forcing a smile on her face. "I'm great. It just went down the wrong pipe. I'm fine."
Their waitress comes back over to them and they all order their food. Carol stares at Y/n and she fumbles with her fingers. Her eyes find her neck and Y/n shrinks in her seat.
"Holy shit! That's why you're being so weird! You had sex last night too!" Carol hissed, pulling at the blouse, showing all the hickies on her neck. "That's why there was pounding on the wall last night! I thought it was just my head! Holy shit."
"N-No," Y/n stuttered weakly, swallowing hard. "I didn’t."
"Bullshit! You were screaming all night! Who was the lucky guy? Do I know him?" Carol pesters.
Her face flushes and her throat tightens. She feels like she can't breathe. "I don't kiss and tell, Caroline," she stammers just as their food comes out and she stuffs her face with pancakes.
She's suddenly very thankful that Carol drops the subject and she lets out a breath of relief. She steals a glance at Billy and he winks, taking a bite of his omlette.
"Do you mind dropping Y/n back home, Billy?" Carol asks as they walk out of Benny's. "Tommy and I were planning to go to Indianapolis for the day."
"Sure!" Billy grins and Y/n swallows hard as she watches Carol and Tommy disappear in her car down the street. Billy's arms wrap around her torso and his lips find her neck. "You're playing a very dangerous game, Miss Y/n," he murmurs in her ear, causing her to shiver.
She turns around and kisses him softly. "I like the thrill of it," she murmurs. "It's totally worth it."
Billy bites her lip.
"Billy," she breathed as he kissed down her neck in her bedroom. "Carol's in her room. The walls are thin."
"Guess we'll have to be quiet, then," he murmurs between kisses.
It had been weeks since Billy and Y/n secretly became an item and Billy had been growing antsy as to when she would break the news to Carol so he can hold her hand in public and take her on dates nearby without having to worry about who would see them. It didn’t help that Carol was starting to get suspicious. She wanted to know who her cousin was with.
"Baby?" Y/n murmurs quietly, running her fingers through his hair. He hums in response and opens his eyes to look at her.
"Yes, beautiful?"
"Can you come to my art show tomorrow night?" Her voice is soft and hopeful.
He grins at her and kisses her slowly. "Of course, baby. I wouldn’t miss it for the world."
She grins at him and rolls over onto his chest. His hands wrap around her torso and the sounds of his steady breathing lull her to sleep.
The next evening, Y/n fumbles with her dress nervously. Tonight was the night she would reveal her relationship with Billy to Carol. She no longer cared what she thought. She loved Billy. She didn’t want to keep him a secret any longer.
She takes a deep breath before grabbing her purse and walking downstairs, where her family was waiting. Her mother and aunt took a plethora of pictures of her before they all got in the cars and drove to the art gallery.
Stepping into the gallery, she shakes the art directors hand and thanks her for giving her the opportunity to showcase her work.
“Your work is phenomenal, Y/n,” the art director praised. “You should be proud of your work. You can see the love and the passion you have with every stroke of your brush and every sketch that you create. I would love to meet the muse behind all of this beautiful art.”
Y/n smiles bashfully and thanks her kindly before she watches her family and friends look at her work. She watches Carol nervously as she stands in front of the oil painting that clearly depicts her and Billy having sex—even with all the colors. She moves over to the next drawing that’s clearly Billy sleeping next to her in her bedroom.
Carol blinks, looking at the drawing and then back at Y/n who watches her nervously. Then it clicks. Her cousin has been seeing Billy Hargrove behind her back. Carol’s seething in anger.
Storming over to where she stands, she snarls at her. “You really think you mean something to him?” she shouts. “You’re just a good lay to him. You don’t mean anything to him. You’re just his filthy, little slut.”
Tears prick out of the corners of Y/n’s eyes and her throat tightens. She shakes her head. “You don’t know him like I do,” her voice trembled and her hands shook. “You don’t know him at all.”
“And you do?!” Carol shrieked. “He’s a manwhore. Once he finds a better pussy, he’ll dump you.”
“Sweetheart?” Billy calls out to her. She turns around and she puffs out a breath of air, forcing a weak smile onto her face. He’s holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers and he’s dressed up in a handsome suit. A tear slips down her cheek and his face falls. He takes large strides towards her before standing in front of her. He glares at Carol.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he murmurs, holding her face. His fingers brush away her tears.
“Oh, please,” Carol scoffs. “Drop the lovey-dovey boyfriend act, Billy. The only reason you are with her is so you can have her until the next girl comes around that’s better than him.”
“Caroline, stop it,” Y/n begged, staring at her cousin. Her lip trembles. “I-I love him.”
Billy freezes and stares at her. He blinks at her. His throat tightens and he smiles at her. His heart thunders against his chest.
“Jesus Christ. You’re just setting yourself up for heartbreak,” Carol hisses, leaving the gallery in a storm.
Billy stares at Y/n and she swallows hard, staring at the floor. His fingers tug at her chin and he kisses her firmly, pouring all his love and passion for her into a single kiss.
“I love you too,” he murmurs against her mouth, holding her cheeks. He holds her firmly and breathed her in.
He pulls away and brushes her hair out of her face. He takes her arm and pulls her along her art gallery. She watches him take in her art—of him. His eyes take in each brush stroke and each scribble she’s drawn of him.
Each piece is a fleeting moment, a moment closer to realizing how deeply in love she was with him. A drawing of him sleep with his arms wrapped around her. A painting of Billy and her having sex—making love. A sketch of her taking care of him as he let his façade fall. Each moment made her fall head over heels for him. He can see himself through her eyes, and it’s beautiful.
He looks over at her and a tear slips down his cheek and she turns to face him, brushing away the tear with her finger. She holds his face in her hands and plays with a loose curl.
“Billy?” she murmurs. “Is everything alright?”
He laughs and kisses her softly. “Everything is perfect, princess. I’m just seeing myself in your eyes and it makes me see you in a different light and it’s beautiful. I love you so fucking much. Don’t believe a single word that comes out of Carol’s mouth. I love you.”
She grins at him and squished his cheeks, kissing him firmly. Her lips kiss all over his face and he laughs, holding her waist. “When have I ever listened to my bitch of a cousin, Billy?” she laughed.
He laughs in response and she hugs him tightly.
“I’m glad you always captured my good side,” he teased. “Plus I’m a gorgeous muse,” he winks.
She nods in agreement. “Yes, Billy Hargrove, yes you are. It also doesn’t help that I’m helplessly in love with you and everything about you is beautiful to me, even if it might be ugly. I love you.”
He grins at her and kisses her softly.
She feels his love all the way from the brush of his lips onto hers to the tips of her toes. It creates another fleeting moment with him.  
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douxreviews · 6 years
American Gods - ‘The Bone Orchard’ Review
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"I love you. Something feels weird."
So, a television series adapted from the extraordinarily beloved novel by Neil Gaiman, as interpreted by Bryan Fuller, who gave us one of the best television shows of all time in Hannibal, and Michael Green, who wrote Green Lantern but is probably still a decent person and nice to babies and small animals.
So... no expectations then...
Starz' American Gods is a curious beast, brilliant and gorgeous and upsetting and strange. Based on a book first published in 2001, which was then substantially updated for its 10th anniversary edition, it still manages to be very much its own thing. With that in mind, it's worth a quick word up front:
I had never read American Gods, when I stumbled across the first episode of the series. I was mostly interested in it because I was a huge fan of both Neil Gaiman's Sandman comic and Bryan Fuller's Hannibal, and wanted to see how the two influences meshed together. For what it's worth, I actually also like Green Lantern, but that's not really relevant as I didn't make the Michael Green connection at the time.
Not having read the book, in my occasionally humble opinion, actually improves season one of the show. I have since read it, or to be more accurate listened to it on Audible, because it really was a very long wait between season one and two. To be honest, I sort of wish I hadn't, because the spiraling 'wtf'-ness – if I might coin a phrase – of encountering all this in a vacuum really heightens the viewing experience. Ah well, that ship has sailed for me now. In any case, this is my long-winded way of saying that we're going to be looking strictly at the show itself here without considering anything from the book. I have no idea what percentage of people watching the show have read the book or haven't, and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone with more self control than I have. So it would mean a great deal to me if we all could be cool about refraining from a lot of spoilers in the comments. Cool? Cool.
The first notable thing about the show is how beautiful it looks. This isn't really a surprise, as making bizarre and disturbing things look unsettlingly beautiful was kind of the entire reason that Hannibal existed, and nobody's better than Fuller at pulling that sort of thing off. The opening 'coming to America' scene with the Vikings is in equal measures incredibly funny, horrifying, and gorier than I would have expected them to get away with. Consider specifically the dismembered arm, still holding its sword, flying through the air and landing in the throat of the other Viking. Slapstick shouldn't work when there's that much viscera on screen, but it does here. And the loving care with which Fuller and co present scarlet and crimson blood as a three dimensional object moving through space is possibly the sign of something severely unhealthy in his emotional makeup. Honestly, it's just gorgeous.
Honestly, the opening sequence with the Vikings sets up the tone of the show absolutely perfectly.
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Contrasted with this, the final sequence of Shadow's attempted lynching, and the slaughter of his assailants, whoever they were, by the person saving Shadow, whoever they were, is equally beautiful. If that's not an inappropriate word for the subject matter being shown. The deep midnight blue of the night, contrasted with the rich reds of the blood. Seriously, there are food commercials that haven't put in this much work to make what they're filming looks good.
And on the subject, so many hats off to the show for not shying away from the lynching. The basic setup of the show, as we get very lightly sketched in in the first episode, is that the old gods that were brought to the US by the people who came here and gradually forgotten are gearing up for a war with the new gods that replaced them. The Gods who represented things that modern Americans worship now. Gods like Technology, and television, and money and guns. We see what appears to be the God of Technology here, and he's an obnoxious, vaping jackass of a kid. Seems about right. We don't see anything about television here, but it was well advertised beforehand that Gillian Anderson would be appearing as Media. Money and guns are my own observation about 'things Americans worship.' So, that said, it was a brave decision to embrace the imagery of lynching, in a show focusing on the 'spirit(s) of America', it's brave of them to not shy away from the ugly parts.
The general upshot of the story is that our protagonist, a man by the name of Shadow Moon, is released from prison a few days earlier than he was supposed to be when his wife and his best friend are killed in a car accident together. On his way home to the funeral he encounters a strange man who identifies himself as Mr. Wednesday, who's played by the always-charming Ian McShane, who offers him a job as his driver and man-Friday. Along the way this week Shadow also meets Mad Sweeney, a surprisingly tall leprechaun played by the criminally underrated Pablo Schreiber, previously best known as 'Pornstache' on Orange is the New Black.
This, the opening episode of what is clearly going to be a long and involved multi-season multi-entangled story, presents us with a strong story hook in the form of Shadow, a few interesting mysteries in the form of Mr. Wednesday and Mad Sweeney, and a particularly graphic sex scene featuring a character named Bilquis, in which I saw more of character actor Joel Murray than I ever wanted to see. A very good first mile on what is clearly going to be a very long journey.
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Wednesday: "I offer you the worm from my beak and you look at me like I f***ed your mom?"
Wednesday: "What should I call you if I was so inclined?" Shadow: "Shadow Moon." Wednesday: "Oh my boy, that is one outstandingly improbable name."
Wednesday: "Rigged games are the easiest to beat."
Shadow: "So how’d you do it?" Sweeney: "With Panache."
Audrey: "I am trying to get my dignity back here!"
Bits and Pieces:
-- Shadow said that he'd read 813 books in prison. That's also the year the Vikings arrived in the opening sequence. It's also, as Shadow points out, a Fibonacci number. Good on him for enjoying math.
-- Ian McShane does gleeful decadence very well.
-- The concept that faith makes airplanes stay in the air is genuinely terrifying to me. I'm afraid of flying as it is.
-- I didn't get into her in the review, but Audrey is by far my favorite character so far. She's damaged beyond the ability to function, but not so far that she doesn't know she's non-functional. That's an interesting space for a character.
-- Fuller and Green, according to the stories, wanted Shadow to accept the BJ from Audrey on his wife's gravestone, on the theory that after three years in prison he'd be horny. Neil Gaiman responded that if they did that he'd commit suicide and leave a note that he'd killed himself specifically because they had done it. They decided to go a different way with it. Did I mention that the book has a lot of devoted fans?
-- Language as an operating system for religion. Wittgenstein would have loved that.
-- I would totally hang out at that crocodile bar.
A great first episode, with lots of promise for what's to come.
Four out of five flying Viking arms.
Mikey Heinrich is, among other things, a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and roughly 78% water.
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ohthathurt · 7 years
Hi :) can I ask for 3) We’re both meant to be going on blind dates with other people but we sat down at the wrong table and got our hopes up I’m very exited xx
I LOVED the idea of this prompt so I decided to jot it down real quick x
In which Liaminadvertently steals someone else’s date and completely ignores his own.
Okay, let’s be realhere, Zayn didn’t exactly know what to expect from this date. All he knows ishis mate, Niall, had another mate who had a brother or was it a cousin? Heshook his head, no this was definitely too confusing to think about. He focusedon the table in front of him, expensive cutlery glinting under the light fromthe large chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. This wasn’t exactly hiscup of tea – blind dates. It was only because of Niall who convinced him to behere.
“You’ve never done blind dates? Seriously? You?” Niall had exclaimed.
Zayn frowned, “What’swith the tone bro?”
“Oh no it’s justyou’re kind of a serial dater, mate.”
“What? It’s true!” ButNiall was right, he did tend to datea lot. So sue him, he still hadn’t found the one.
He had always beenhopeless at dating and frankly that showed in his dating records. Sure, he wasa serial dater but it only takes for someone to ask how many of those actuallywent well to understand how bad he really is. He’s awkwardly bad at it, and notin the cute kind of rom-com protagonist way.
He pulled himself out of his thoughts and looked around the restaurant,absently thinking of who Niall had set him up with.
Apparently, this guy was an online movie critic (whatever that is, Zayncan’t be bothered by someone’s profession) and was only average-looking but hispersonality and charm made up for it. Niall’s words and not his, of course, butZayn had snorted violently into his pint of beer when he was told this. Thisresulted in Niall pelting him with spiced nuts from a bowl on the bar and beingunceremoniously kicked out from the pub. Good times.
He took a deep breath to settle himself because already he could see afigure stumble into the restaurant, moving hastily like he was late (and hisdate was sort of five minutes late), one large hand clutched around a beautifulbunch of roses.
Blue was a pleasant colour, Liam thought frantically, as he rushed overto the pavement near the restaurant, but definitely not as pleasant when it wasthe icy cold disappointment shining in your best mate’s blue eyes. Louis wasgoing to skin him if he was late because this was someone his boyfriend, Harry,knew very well and knowing how far up his boyfriend’s ass he was (Liamunfortunately has seen the harrowing sight) he wouldn’t let Liam screw this up.
Of course, he had been just as unhelpful describing his would-be date toLiam.
“Just look for the most gorgeous person there!” Louis had pompouslydeclared to Liam.
“What? Lou, that is the worst description ever! There could be so manygorgeous people there.” Liam protested.
“Not all of the gorgeous people are gonna be sat alone on empty tableswaiting for a date to show up are they?” Louis questioned, his eyebrowsshooting comically up his forehead with each word.
Liam sighed, “What if there are?”
“Don’t be silly, Liam, that’s not gonna happen. Besides, how many blinddates could there possibly be happening that night?”
Just look for the gorgeous person. On an emptytable. Yeah, how hard can that be? Yes indeed, Louis how hard can it be to lookfor a gorgeous, beautiful even –
His thoughts screeched to a halt as soon as he stumbled through therestaurant door. He was too caught up in what he saw to be embarrassed aboutit. That was because his eyes were trained on who was definitely the most gorgeous person here. Or ever, for that matter.
He had glanced up at Liam just as he stumbled through, ignoring themaitre’d’s hushed questions, and Liam felt like he would be damned in hell ifhe didn’t go near him.
He had raven-black hair, yeah ravenis a word Liam never thought he’d use to describe someone’s hair and thesebeautiful, angelic eyes with lashes for ages. A sweet smile lit up his entireface, half covered in day-old scruff that Liam wanted to feel on his bodyforever, tongue peeking out from pink lips that looked as if they had beenbitten into submission.
His head was tilted slightly back to look at Liam, and he saw the guygive him a quick once-over which Liam tried hard not to squirm at. Of course,that’s when reality hit him and he came back into himself as if pulled out froma trance. Immediately, his senses assaulted him, slight titters of conversationechoed in the restaurant and an insistent tinkling from above had him lookingup to an opulent chandelier.
The movement caused him to realize he was still holding the bunch ofroses he’d picked up from the floral shop before coming here. He all but shovedthem into the guy’s face and winced slightly at his sharp gesture, expectinghim to flinch but he only graced Liam with a bright grin. Long, delicatefingers trailed up the stems (de-thorned,Liam had made sure) and finally reached around Liam’s hands to clutch at thehaphazardly thrown together bouquet.
He, and Liam really ought to learn his name by now, leaned in slightlyto nose at the soft, deep red petals and seemed to swoon at the scent.
Meanwhile, Zayn couldn’t believe his luck. Online Movie Critic guy waswinning in his dating books right now. Only slightly late, but looking like anabsolute delectable pastry that just walked off the bakery shelves (he ought tostop hanging out with Niall) and presented him with roses of all flowers?
Sure roses seemed like a cliché and almost too-done choice for flowers,but Zayn’s favourite flower was a rose, be it any colour and a red rose on aromantic date? Yes, please.
Also, what the fuck was Niall talking about this guy being average inlooks? He was handsome as hell, soft brown hair that were piled on top of hishead in waves, a strand falling to his forehead, deep brown eyes that held suchgentleness in them, the cutest button nose and a pair of sinful lips that werecurrently being licked at nervously, making them shine like raspberries insyrup.
Okay so maybe Zayn was hungry as well, but he would gratefully skipdinner to nibble on those lips. Still, he willed his libido to calm down, andsmiled thankfully up at the guy, accepting his abrupt offering of roses.
Soon after, he sat down from across Zayn and the two shared a nervouslook before bursting out laughing at the silliness of their situation.
Liam stopped laughing and cleared his throat before introducing himself,‘Uhm, I’m Liam, and you are?”
“Oh, uh, it’s Zayn.” He offered awkwardly before biting his lip innervousness, please don’t be awkward,please God don’t let him screw this up.
“Yeah it’s just my mate didn’t tell me your name, he only said to lookfor the most gorgeous person in the restaurant and I mean…” Liam trailed offawkwardly, hand coming up to rub his neck as he ducked his head down, breakingeye contact with Zayn.
Frankly, Zayn was surprised his lungs still worked since this guy, Liam, kept making him lose his breath.He blushed ferociously at his date’s words and smiled serenely at him beforemuttering a meek, “Thank you.”
Liam opened his mouth to, say whatexactly? but his cellphone rang rather rudely in his jeans’ pocket. Hecursed under his breath and brought his phone close to him before checking thatit was Louis who was rude enough to call him on his date. He cut the call offwithout too much hassle and looked back up at Zayn apologizing quietly.
The man only shook his head and dismissed it. But before they couldcontinue, Zayn’s own phone vibrated loudly on the table in between them, screenlighting up to let him know it was Niall calling. He gritted his teeth at thenoise, so now that he actually meetssomeone amazing Niall decides to cockblock.
As soon as Zayn’s hand rose up to dismiss the call, Liam’s phone lit upyet again to signal a call from Louis. Both men laughed breathlessly at theinsistence of their friends, with Liam excusing himself to go take the call.Zayn himself brought up his phone to his ear and accepted the call.
“Hey man what’s up, is everything alright?” Niall usually was never thisbothered by something enough to call Zayn several times in a row.
“Zayn! Finally, dude, I’ve been calling for ages, I swear cell serviceis so shit wherever you are, the annoying lady kept saying it wasn’t connectingand then I – “
Yeah, Niall tended to ramble when he was worried.
“Wha-? Niall, Niall, why’d youcall, mate? Is everything alright or not?”
“What, oh yeah, no it’s just I was worried you were gonna sit there forso long on your own so I just called to inform that he’s gonna be late, Markjust told me this.”
“Niall, what? Who? Who’s gonna be late where?” His friend made even lesssense as he went on talking.
“James! Your date, James isgonna be late, he called to say he got roped into an extra meeting at work and –“
Zayn tuned out Niall’s rambling once again and turned to look at whereLiam stood, his ‘date’s’ own face anincredulous expression as he talked to whoever on his phone.
Liam thought Louis was taking the piss at first. How’s the date going with Blake? Very funny, Louis!
And he had tried to hang up but Louis had kept on talking and Liam’sheart had kept on sinking.
“Harry was adamant about Blake, he said she’s the liveliest person you’llmeet, Li, maybe she’ll add something to your boring personality eh?” Louis hadgone on to laugh rather boisterously at his own joke but Liam was silent. This couldn’t be.
He turned around to scan the restaurant and there, she sat, Liam guessed, Blake as her name was, looking lesslively and more murderous at her empty table. Oh god, what had he done?
He hung up silently on Louis, pocketing his phone, as he staggered astep towards Blake but stopped quickly to turn where Zayn was sitting. He was gone.
Liam scrambled to look for where he had gone, their table, Zayn’s table, now empty with the chairpulled back like he had left in a hurry. His heart dropped painfully, thisreally took the cake of all Bad Things to Happen to Liam Payne in 2017. Hiseyes stung in embarrassment and in a weird sense of loss, like Zayn was the onewho got away, like years from now he would tell his grandchildren the sob storyin a regretful tone.
He pulled himself out of his mini pity-session and made his way towardsBlake, who caught him coming up to her with an apologetic face.
Yeah, Liam thought tiredly thirty minutes later, that was the shortest andmost painfully awkward date and let-down ever. He was almost glad with how badit was since the embarrassment seemed to soothe the pain he felt when he saw thatZayn was gone from the restaurant.
He sighed deeply, eyesdowncast, as he left the restaurant five minutes after Blake left, refusing tomake eye contact with any of the staff working there, worried they were goingto laugh at him or throw pitiful looks at him.
A lone street lampflickered as he stepped out onto the damp pavement overlooking an empty street.It was late, just after 9, and everything around Liam was shrouded in heavyshadows. That’s the reason he didn’t notice a figure leaning against therestaurant’s building only a few feet away from him. He jumped in surprise asthe figure stood up straight and turned to face him, surrounded by cigarettesmoke swirling mysteriously around him.
Liam didn’t haveenough time to think whether he was curious or scared because the figurequickly dropped his cigarette butt and crushed a heavy black boot on it beforestepping out into the dull yellow light from the street lamps.
It was Zayn, Liam’s heart leapt in his chest as shock painted his expression.He gulped audibly as the man continued to walk towards him and stopped a footaway, face carefully blank of expression.
A moment later, hespoke, “I’m not happy with you.” Zayn’s husky, smoke-roughened voice told Liam.
Liam only ducked hishead and nodded slightly before choking out a, “I know.”
He stuffed his handsinto his pocket and hunched his shoulders; he was ready for an onslaught ofharsh words and a rude dismissal.
“I mean, you gave meroses, called me the most gorgeous person in that restaurant and now you won’teven wine and dine me properly?” Zayn finished voice alight with amusement and was that fondness?
Liam’s head snapped upin surprise and he had only opened his mouth to blurt out a question beforeZayn talked over him, “I expect a goodnight kiss, Leeyum.” A mischievious smile creeped onto his face as he ambledpast Liam down the pavement, walking a few steps before he stopped and turnedto call out. “You coming?”
Liam was by his sidein a moment’s notice, boldly taking Zayn’s hand in his own, warm callous delicate-boned, that hadthe owner of said hand raising his eyebrows in surprise.
Both men smiled downat their hands intertwining and steps coordinating with each other’s as theymarched off to god-knows-where for their date. 
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shealwaysreads · 8 years
Sterek Fic Recs: The Magic!Stiles Edition
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You Only Live Once...Or Twice by @teenshmolf
““Anything,” Derek’s eyes are determined, boring into Stiles’.
Stiles huffs a laugh, “Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to be promising anything to every necromancer you meet. Some might ask for your soul or someth—”
“I’ll give you my soul to bring her back,” Derek says, his voice steady and strong with resolve, “if that’s what you want.”
Stiles’ mouth gapes open for a moment before his brain kicks into gear and he stutters out, “N-no, I don’t ask for that. I only ask for money.”
(Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?)”
This is a really gorgeous fic, full of emotion and it’s fair share of angst but it never feels overdone or hopeless. The characters are all beautifully written, and Stiles and Derek are lovely together. There are major character deaths, which is not something I would usually read, but I just think it is all handled so well that it is worth giving a shot. It has a happy, hopeful ending with resolution of the angst, and our boys driving off into the sunset cracking awful zombie related jokes. Oh. And prepare for Jackson to be your favourite character.
Kiss Me Under the Light of a Thousand Stars by @deleted-scenes
““It was a true love spell,” he admits quietly. “It was supposed to help me find my true love. And apparently I suck at magic as much as I suck at dating because I screwed this up too.”
In which Stiles' Valentine's Day love spell goes very wrong.
Or perhaps very right.”
This is so so sweet, and so so cute. You’re going to love it. Stiles casts his spell and then Derek fixes it. Derek’s perspective is so well done, and you get to see the full extent of his badass exterior giving way to the marshmallow we all know he is on the inside!
I Fall So Hard And I Call It Magic by @fishcommander 
“Stiles smells different.
It wasn't obvious at first—his car, his clothes, the people closest to him, they all smell enough like his old scent that it overpowers anything new. As far as emotions go, there's the usual anxiety, stress, tension, exhaustion, guilt.
But the base notes of his scent, the primary olfactory information anyone would use to track Stiles, are… stronger now, and not in a way that relates to being unwashed. They're sharper, more noticeable, less human and more…
This is such good fun, lots of moments that made me laugh, fantastic characterisations, and Derek’s perspective is just as sardonic as you think it would be. Stiles and his magic are just so...Stiles. And the way it all unfolds is lovely - the last lines will put a big smile on your face because secretly-a-dork Derek Hale is a beautiful thing.
Night Owls Early Birds  by @lissadiane
“Confession: Stiles is afraid of having magic.
The Spark had been cool. It had been small, manageable. He could do some funky stuff with Mountain Ash, all with the power of belief.
And now here he is, his Spark blown wide open, apparently coming down with a fatal case of magical overload, and all that stands between him and bleeding out is a grumpy owl that looks suspiciously like a feathered version of Derek Hale.
(In which Stiles learns he's a witch, but instead of a wand and a trip to Diagon Alley, he gets blood magic, a grumpy and reluctant owl as his companion, and an accidental blood bond with Derek Hale.)”
This is a fantastic story, with an equally fantastic equal, with a darker side to Stiles having magic. It’s really well written, with funny moments as well as some more horror themed moments! You are going to love Steve. Heed the warnings my lovelies, there is blood and gore throughout. But there is also lovely friendships and Stereky goodness too!
Werewolf Married by @inell
“Shealwaysreads said the perfect summary for this series is: 'Wherein Stiles nuts and runs, suspects any and all fairytale endings, but falls foul of sustained and earnest wooing by his alpha prince Derek Hale'”
I debated keeping this series for a soulmate fic rec, but this has badass Emissary!Stiles and is one of the most fun series I’ve read in a long time, written by my babe @inell. There’s your classic masquerade ball to kick things off, with a werewolf mating bite, but that’s where the standard trope ends. This Stiles is definitely not one for conforming to expectations, and instead of an instant happily-ever-after you get to read a beautifully real feeling relationship develop. The smut is scorching, the fluff is blush inducing, and the characters are amazing. You will love Stiles-Scott-Allison. And you will be so glad to have read this series!
In Desperate Times by @nokomisss
“Stiles gets magic wish-granting powers, but only when he's in danger. He begins to teleport to Derek in increasingly awkward moments.”
This fic had me quite literally wheezing with laughter in bed when I read it. It’s just got so many perfect moments - Derek’s infamous backflip, lucky charms, sneak-attacks. This will all make sense when you read it. Which you should. It’s a ball from beginning to end!
Echo by @saucefactory
“Soon after Deaton begins training him, Stiles starts weaving talismans for the pack.”
This is melancholy and so so beautifully written. Derek’s perspective is the perfect way to see the way that Stiles’ magic is changing him. It’s a really lovely little fic.
Misdirection by @bleep0bleep
“Derek's just moved back to Beacon Hills with his young daughter, whose newest favorite thing is Mr. Stiles and his magic shop. Derek likes Stiles a lot too, except he's a bit worried about how Stiles' magic is... actually real, and the local pack and their Emissary might find that a problem.”
This whole fic is completely adorable. You get yourself a lovely bit of single dad!Derek, magic!Stiles, and a beautifully settled and successful pack in Beacon Hills. Gena and Jimmy are the cutest kids, and Derek and Stiles are just as sweet. It’s a lovely, fluffy little fic to put a smile on your face.
Professional Werewolf Witch by @actualbird
“"Are you going to buy anything else?" Professional Eyebrows says and Stiles would like to buy him. A cup of coffee. On a date.
He just ends up pointing at the crate of whatever the fuck is behind Professional Eyebrows' head and says, "Uh, a box of that stuff."
P.E. turns, glances at the crate, and raises an eyebrow at Stiles. "You want a box of charmed rattlesnake tail?" God, magic is so fucking weird.
"Yeah." Stiles nods because he's making an ass out of himself. The hipster vampire browsing in the corner is not so subtly laughing at him. The sooner he leaves the better.
The one where Derek Hale is a Professional Werewolf Witch who owns a magic shop and Stiles fails at being smooth on a regular basis.”
The one where Stiles and Derek are both magical! This is hilarious from start to finish, and all of the accompanying cast are awesome. Scott and his love of dogs is basically who I am inside. This is fluffy and sweet with the perfect amount of snark for our two boys!
Soul seeker by @deleted-scenes
“Sighing, Stiles reaches for Derek’s big hands, cradled in his broad lap, his skin lighting up even more at Derek's touch. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, preparing himself to look for Derek’s soulmate. Whoever you are, he thinks, you better be worth him.”
Okay, so I love everything that deleted-scenes writes - and this is no exception. Stiles’ magic in this fic is really well thought out and the way he and Derek interact is just so perfect. Stiles’ perspective is lovely, and his reaction to Derek is absolutely so on point. The whole fic just makes you happy, and the ending is too beautiful - I adore the scene of Derek protectively held by Stiles.
The Color of Magic by vampireisthenewblack
“Stiles has to perform some kind of protection spell/ritual to stop the latest threat to BH, but according to Deaton and his terrible, terrible magic books, it requires that he willingly take the ‘life essence’ of an alpha within him so he can power the spell. Yep, semen, because druids were giant pervs back in the day. And apparently that shit is like a magical battery.”
This is so much fun from start to finish, very much a magic made them do it scenario - but I’m sure they would have got there on their own in the end! I love the interactions between Derek and Stiles throughout, and the ending is perfect. Not to mention the amazing smut in between ;)
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by @coyotequeens
“There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.”
I love this fic a lot - it’s one I’ve re-read and honestly every time I read it I love it just as much. It’s beautifully written, and the whole idea of this town-wide pack is so incredibly pleasing. The sterek is slow build, but it’s perfectly done and it’s exactly how the characters would behave in this au I think. You will love all of the characters, and the world building, and oh - the Sheriff - you’re going to love him a lot. All I can say is you are in for a fantastic, long, and really satisfying read. You’ll thank me for it.
B.S.T.P.H.T by @uniwolfwerecorn
“Before Derek has the presence of mind to object, Stiles pushes the paper in his hands and makes for his jeep. “Just read it, okay?” is the last thing he says before slamming the door shut.
He starts the engine, and drives away in record time with gravel scrunching under his tires while Derek stands there dumfounded. He accelerates unusually fast, and the jeep’s back lights disappear into the night.
What. The. Fuck.”
This fic is a great imagining of what the alpha pack could have been like, and the ways that the Hale pack would have been stuck for ideas of how to save themselves. Stiles is a spark in this and enacts a ritual to protect the pack and their assorted loved ones. Derek’s perspective is lovely in this, and his view of the whole pack, and the way he takes Stiles’ advice (which works ofc) is really great to read. And the sex. Whoa boy. Awkward and tender and hot all at once.
Living Links by Miya_Morana
“This is it, he thinks as he dips his fingers into the bowl. No coming back. Once you tie yourself to a pack, to an Alpha, it’s a connection that’ll always be there.”
Oh boy. Short and sweet and so sexy - magical finger-painting is my new fave.
Writ in Hecate’s ink on willing skin by Lenore
"As you're always so fond of pointing out, you're the alpha. When bad shit happens to you, it affects all of us. If someone wants to use your alpha mojo or your wolf force or," Stiles waves his hand, "whatever you want to call it for diabolical purposes? We need to be ready."
This is great - I love the concept of the spell, and the intensity of the ritual itself. And I think with Stiles’ belief written all over him, our Derek will end up bulletproof.
Love Always Wakes The Dragon by hoars
“If you could only protect one person, who would it be?”
“What would you do to keep him alive? What would you give up?”
“Anything. Everything.”
This is a really unusual fic, the narrative is not chronological, but it is beautifully weaved together. The Hale Pack that is imagined is a strange and dangerous one, but the future they have is beautiful. This fic might not be for everyone, but I really loved it. Try it, I think you’ll like it.
Of Course by @captainbuckingamerica 
“Semantics, Derek thinks. All Derek really remembers is the press of Stiles' lips against his, warm and wet, Stiles' mouth tasting like blue cotton candy, and Stiles' fingers curling into his shirt, and the clack of the roller coaster carts thundering above them. Derek hasn't kissed all that many people in his life, but Stiles is the best kiss he's ever had. He loves kissing Stiles, even now, two years later.
Derek's head rolls back, and he stares up at the ceiling. "I chose Six Flags because you'd never been there," he says, and when his neck rolls again, weakly, to face Stiles, he’s smiling at Derek.
"I know," he says, and Derek thinks, of course you did.”
This is beautifully written, heed the tags though - our darling boy Derek doesn’t have a great time to start with. But his and Stiles’ interactions are gorgeous, and it is the sweetest of endings, I promise.
All My Kingdoms Turn to Sand by @elisera 
“The real question is what Stiles wants. If he’s looking forward to seeing Derek again because they’ll complete what they started a long time ago or if Stiles is nervous because he’s feeling apprehensive. There’s a real possibility that he told the pack to finally send Derek up in order to tell him thanks, but no thanks. A lot can happen in six years; people change and grow apart and it isn’t like they were allowed to talk.”
This is wonderfully done - there is so much world building and back story implied that just makes it such a rich scenario. Stiles and Derek and all of their interactions are beautiful, and the closing scene is so happy making. 
We Put Down Roots Here by @bella8876
“A packs connection to its territory is sacred, it’s the place that they call home, the place that they draw their strength, the place that protects them and shelters them. As long as the wolves care for the land, the land will care for the wolves.
After the fire when Derek and Laura left Beacon Hills, they left the land, and the land left them. For the past eight years the territory had been Hale’s in name alone. But that was going to change, tonight.”
This is another lovely pack fic, there’s so much emotional punch at the end you’ll adore it. It’s a really interesting spin on Stiles practicing magic, and a lovely exploration of what pack is.
Last Call by @coyotequeens
“He doesn’t come to The Beacon to pick up people. It’s precisely the reason why he doesn’t go anywhere else. People in this neighborhood know him, know he’s not interested in being hit on, which allows him to have a drink in peace. Derek knows he’s good-looking, but the type of people it attracts disgust him. At least other werewolves can smell the unfriendliness on him and stay away, but that doesn’t stop everyone. He went to a gay bar with his coworker Isaac once and it was horrifying.”
You think this is going to be a snarky, sexy, hookup fic - and yes it is all of those things. BUT ALSO. Magic!Stiles, unexpected!feels, and ‘it’s-meant-to-be’ dreams. It’s all good stuff.
That Which You Cannot Undo by uraneia
“By twenty-eight, Stiles has resigned himself to a quiet life of working in his magic shop, selling Jackson Whittemore fart-inducing tea, and looking after his goddaughter. It's a good life. But the quiet goes to hell when his sister, Lydia, shows up with a crispy werewolf in her trunk and a bite mark on her shoulder, because hard on her heels comes the hottest person Stiles has ever seen, and he happens to be looking for his uncle.
You know, the dead guy Stiles helped Lydia bury last night.
(Or: the Pracitical Magic AU nobody asked for.)”
This is one of my favourite magic!Stiles fics - the world that the author has built is so believable and I adore Stiles and Lydia as siblings - their interactions are wonderful. This has everything I love - great Stiles & his friends interactions, Stiles as a parent, Scott being awesome, Lydia being awe inspiring, and Derek being his beautiful self. The last line will have you grinning all day.
Only By Entering the Wolf’s Den by @spurisani
“Stiles gets a call for help from his old babysitter, Laura Hale, after a slew of magical sabotage to the restaurant/gastropub she runs with her brother Derek. Mysterious magical and supernatural shenanigans are Stiles' bread and butter, so who is he to deny what's basically family?
Even if it does mean facing his age-old, hopeless crush on Derek again, and the fact that Derek hates him.”
This fic is an absolute joy to read - it’s got so many of my favourite things. Magic!Stiles, alive!Hales, chef!Derek, miscommunication, pining, baddie of the week. It’s got it all, and so many funny moments and sweetness and amazing character interactions. And the sterek is gorgeous - it’s the happiest of happy endings!
That’s all for this fic rec edition - I hope you love these fics as much as I do! Feel free to drop me a line with any suggestions for future fic rec editions you’d like to see!
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