#and with a engine thats 100 years old
f1-obsessed333 · 2 years
You know what. It sucks being so close to Q3 but he wasn’t that far off Lando so I say that’s pretty good in a car you dont trust.
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Seeing a lot of de-aged Danny in Gothem posts floating around and I love it
100% here for little shit Danny being a “fuck around and find out” child
I like to think of him as detective conan style with full memories and brain power jam packed into the body of a smol bean.
Let him get spotted by The Batman and just fully throw the man for a loop cause holy fuck not tiny little child could think of this wtf.
Like Danny isnt even as big as he was when he was six. No. Now hes like the size of a small for their age six year old. Shortest in the kindergarten kinda sized.
“Wow what a smart 4year old you got there” actually MiSs hes six and a half.
Let him be so hard for Bruce to catch but also so smart. Bruce can see him taking apart a smartphone and re wiring a microwave. Hes a little genius! Danny normally is an engineering genius but now hes just so very cute and smol. But he doesn’t wanna be babied. So sir he demands respect.
Anyway cut to like three months later and hes the head maintenance guy at the watchtower. Everyone learns that hes not to be messed with too. Some just respect him out the gate cause The Batman is bringing him in and they don’t wanna be fired. Others learn the hard way that this fucking toddler (hes seven now thank you very much) can fix a teleported that they hardly understand.
I also like to think Danny uses it to his advantage as much as he can. “But im just seven mister pwease don’t make me fill out paper work 🥺” but it doesn’t work in The Batman cause hes apparently the worlds greatest detective and knows this one isnt actually seven. Danny put in so much work trying to keep Bruce in the dark (thats a lie he didn’t do shit to protect his identity) but the knight saw through him pretty early on. Like a week after Danny moved in with him. Though I did take him a bout a month to get him to do even that.
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peachfreak1750 · 28 days
✨Red Engineer Headcannons part 2! Plus Spy x Engie Headcannons!✨
Engineer does not consider himself gay or any other sexual orientation but he likes both men and women!
Engineer raised Pyro since Pyro was about 13 years old. Engineer is fluent in sign language and Pyro mumbles.
After the fire Dell was so pissed at his younger brother (whose name is Arthur) that he went to the prison just to beat the hell out of him.
Engineer was in love with Pyros mother and he still has a picture of her and Pyro pre-burn under his pillow.
Engineer had two different color eyes (one brown and one blue) before the accident with his eye. He shared this with his twin but now he only has blue eyes. (His twin brothers name is Mac)
Dell loves the smell of Blu spy’s perfume so much that he has his own bottle of it in his sock drawer. Red spy wears cologne and Blu Spy wears perfume.
Spy’s name is unknown to everyone but Dell. Engie is so good at hiding that he knows Spy’s name that Spy worry’s that Engie forgets.
Even before Spy and Engie were a couple Spy would stay up with Engineer during thunderstorms knowing that he was scared.
Spy and Engineer have a secret code that tells them when they are both telling the truth. Engineer is a very good liar and Spy cannot for the life of him read him. The code is two fingers on your wrist.
Dell has chronic pain in his arm stump and headaches because of his missing eye.
Dell knew Soldier far before Soldier knew him. Engineer meet Soldier before Soldiers brain damage and forgot him. Thats why they are so close too.
Dell is not very close to red Spy but after getting with Blu he respects him a lot more and they have since become good friends.
Dell will never admit it but he is kinda scared of Heavy. He doesn’t show it and he is very close friends with him but he fears him on the battle field.
Engineer is very close with Medic and finds his dark humor more than amusing. Engineer did have a small crush on Medic for a little bit but that has since passed.
Engineer sees both Pyro and Scout as his kids. Scout talks to Engineer about all of his problems and Engineer loves listening to it and gives him all his best advice. Engineer basically told Scout that Scout 100% bi and welp now he is.
Dell HATES the other team Engineer and he harasses him whenever he gets a chance!
I think I have an addiction….. hehehehe ♥️ >:)
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I've been thinking about Graces old team
And i realised this...
Agent Avery Stiller, is the only normal (neurotypical) member of the CASMIRC Advanced forensic unit.
Bitch ain't no way a unit, which a 21 year old joins and specialises in mutilation and burial and no-one bats and eye, is comprised of normal people. They fund their staff social functions with an Antisocial-Jar. And this is canon now that I've written it but their last Christmas party was hiring a stretch limo to go to Lazer tag and then an all you can eat Chinese hotpot place.
So far we know there's:
The liaison and coordinator Avery. We love him.
And that The team consults with Dr Boland from the Smithsonian, a forensic archeologist and anthropologist and her colleagues
Then there is also Grace's friends from the second floor she has mentioned, but not by name.
Someone who does the DNA and blood (a pathologist) -I imagine they are a kpop girlie for some reason.
a member who takes a peek at a raw mass spectrometer read out and just goes 'yep... Thats anthracite coal.' so we have a geologist and possible Edaphologist. (Living Soil expert) - I imagine this person is a champion Geoguessr.
So this is who else I imagine was part of the team but we haven't met:
A ballistics expert (guns and bullets) - is contrary to what you would think quite quiet personallity and more appreciative or the ingenuity of guns rather than the firepower, has flintlock pistol collection.
A handwriting analyst and linguistics expert - Karen energy from this one idk why, probably a grammar nazi.
A forensic physiologist and podiatrist (an expert in the way body's move and expert in footprints, shoe prints and gaits) - I imagine this person is older, the oldest member on the team and struggles with their computer and phone.
A chemical engineer and pyrologist (chemical damage and fire) - they are 100% a pyromaniac and have probably committed arson. Would be on the bomb squad if they passed the psych eval.
An entomologist (bugs and decomp)-who I imagine is incredibly salty that Grace identified the Sicarius Spiders before him
A technical analyst (a Garcia)- actually I do have a thought about this one, remember how the four horsemen hitmen had that kid they kidnapped and forced to run their darkweb stuff? Remember how the FBI offered him a job... Well I imagine he would end up here. (Another member of the FBI personally victimised by Cat Adams)
So Gee, Avery really is the living people expert because there is no way any of those people are going to appropriately empathise and socialise with victims or the field agents and police. (Maybe the physiologists cause they have a health care background) But they'd get on great with each other because they're all weirdos together.
So I wanted to extend an invite to you guys. If you guys want to add little head cannons, backstories or names for these team members, I'd love that, because I don't think we are going to see much of them in the story. It would be cool to have them sort of cameo here and there but also let you guys have a bit of fun and personal connection to these side characters who are very important to Grace.
Taglist: @bridgeoverstrawberryfields @cultish-corner @pleasantwitchgarden
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 1 year
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Pibby x Blossom: The Revenge Collab
What is this?
A 17 year old girl, who goes by Liang, was recently bullied out of the Pibby fandom for shipping Blossom x Pibby after months and months of relentless harassment.
I knew such a thing was outrageous so I rallied some friends together to do art for a collab to lift her spirits. As soon as word got out, more and more artists joined into the collab and before I knew it we had
47 PARTICIPANTS! and dozens of submissions!
We all know what it's like to be bullied for enjoying something harmless. We all came together to embrace something cute, simple, and solidarity for free expression and choice. So what if it's a silly little ship? Anyone should be able to ship it and no hater can take ALL of us down!
Even though the Collab is over, I think people should be more than able to continue making Pibby x Blossom pieces and expand on what they made here! I'm touched by how many people we managed to get together to create this, and I hope it greatly inspired all of you.
Merry Christmas to Liang, and to everyone too! You all deserve to have a comfort ship you love!
Deviantart Post of the Collab
Article Written by me in Defense of/explaining the reasoning behind PibBlossom
List of Participating artists
TerraTerraCotta (Thats me, I put all this together!!)
Maki Cat
𝘔𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰
iZa BeAn-
BDP5338 and their Little Brother
Thomas the Dank Engine/Bugs.100
Chaos Calamity
Animalcrossing4eva05 (Liang, herself!)
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mcl38 · 2 months
"the fact that lando has done a couple factory debriefs that oscar wasnt there for"
don't quote me on this bc i have no insider information obviously but i'm pretty sure this has to do with the whole new work-life balance initiative mclaren started focusing on last year and has been even more set on improving this year? because i have definitely noticed a few different occasions since the end-ish of last year where it seemed like one was present for meetings/debriefs and the other wasn't. it's been the case with oscar being present but not lando a few times too. and i say all the more for it if it gives the drivers more time to just refresh themselves for the next race by spending time with loved ones or whatever. (not to mention that lando's dad has been like really good about being at nearly every race weekend since the beginning of last year whereas oscar has discussed hardly ever seeing his family while racing, he can go to the mtc anytime he wants let him have some family time!!!) like they may not publicize it, but i am 100% sure they'll (they likely already did in australia) go over the data with oscar and debrief and discuss where he can continue developing and whatnot. like lmao they've been saying since sainz left that they want 2 relatively equal drivers again, trust me nobody is interested in favoring lando at oscar's expense when he has the pace to either be ahead of or keep up with him
literally what i was talking abt w the worklife balance initiative earlier yes!!! i didnt even spot it but ur right thats deffo gotta be it. this year the first time it happened we found out the next day that oscar was in imola doing a tyre test (it benefits him way more than lando to drive the old mclaren chassis) and this second time its pretty clear they did it to let oscar be with his family. and then on the other hand, oscar lives in the uk and lando doesnt so sometimes when oscars the one at the mtc thats probably why. its also worth pointing out (u mention that u feel sure the engineers do go over the data w oscar even if it doesnt end up on insta / the mclaren app) that this is a FACTORY debrief not a team debrief. both drivers participate in the mandatory post race debriefs (headphones on looking at telemetry vibes), but this is more of a holding-a-mic inspirational public speaking kind of thing, where some of the factory employees get to have a little bit of face to face time w the guy theyre building the car for & get their well-deserved thanks handed to them. oscar is a fascinating man who seems to have absolutely zero anxiety driving a car at 300kph but looks like a scared baby deer who barely knows how to walk when hes surrounded by any sort of crowd. my point is he is NOT missing out id b willing to bet at least a tenner that he actively does not want to be there
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revjem · 2 months
Shuffled playlist tag game
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put a playlist on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and then tag people :)
Aight, I was tagged by the lovely @crickets-lovely-place so this is for her specifically. I the playlist I chose is the one that I've spent the most time curating, it's called Rule of 3 and the concept is simple, I choose three kpop songs that are Thematic in some way (usually the title itself but it could be a specific lyric, the songs sound or smth else)
It's not the most accurate to what I listen to generally cuz there are songs on here that I don't just listen to otherwise, but again, I've spent a lot of time on this playlist of currently 164 songs.
1. El Dorado by EXO - This song is grouped with Wonderland by Ateez and Atlantis by SHINee. It's such a good song an absolute bop! 8/10
2. Good Lil Boy by Ateez - Grouped with Pretty Boys by the Pentagon Rap Unit and Big Boy by T.O.P (formerly of Big Bang). This song honestly needs to be listened by everyone, it's one of the best Ateez b-sides 9/10
3. Red Moon by KARD - Grouped with Not by the Moon by GOT7 and Luna by Oneus. Red Moon goes incredibly hard, KARD consistently goes hard and because of BM's time growing up in Brazil their songs have some great Latin influences and Red Moon is no exception 11/10
4. Spider by Hoshi (SVT) - This song actually recently lost its place in playlist, cuz it had been paired with Venom by Stray Kids and Pink Venom by Blackpink, but it's been replaced by Sweet Venom by Enhypen. I just haven't removed it yet, cuz it's so good. I'm hoping to find it a new home. Spider is so good, and his performance video is a Much Watch. Ugh he's so good! 9/10
5. Good Love by KARD - Grouped with Like by BTS and After Like by IVE. Ooooh a second KARD song, Lets go! Good Love is a really fun chill summer time vibe, again with nice Latin influences, KARD only has Like 6 minialbums, everyone should listen to their whole discography but I digress. 8/10
6. 100 by NCT 127 - Grouped with 100 by SuperM and 100 Ways by Jackson Wang. One of NCT's least stupid songs, it does start out referencing a 1000cc engine tho so it's still stupid. God I love NCT. 100 is a pretty good gateway song to NCT tho. 7/10
7. DDU-DU DDU-DU by Black Pink - Grouped with God's Menu by Stray Kids and Doom Du Doom by P1Harmony. No intro needed, everyone knows DDU-DU DDU-DU it's an instant classic, a true banger YG give BP more comebacks 10/10
8. CALL by Stray Kids - Grouped with Don't Call Me by SHINee and Call Me by BTOB. This song is so lovely, Stray Kids are so good! They DO NOT MISS. A chill lovely vibe. My heart yearns 9/10
9. Doorbell Ringing by xikers - Paired with Thats a No No by Itzy, I need a third "Dont kill my vibe" song still 😫. MY BOYS! Xikers is just over a year old at time of post, and i love them! They are gonna be at the top of the industry for 5th gen. As of their third mini-album this is a top 5 xikers song! It's legit so good! It does not kill the vibe, it IS the vibe! 12/10
10. Jopping by SuperM - Grouped with Horololo by EXO-CBX and Sorry, Sorry by Super Junior. WHEN WE JUMPING AND POPPING WE JOPPING!!! BROS This song is IT (it being the very beginning of my descent into the madness that is stanning NCT) But fr this is an absolute banger, you will be jopoing by the end of the song, I have no notes, everyone needs to hear this song STAT! 100/10
I'm gonna tag @plaid-n-converse @emperor-xerneas and @freelancerofthetriforcekeyblade
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sage-nebula · 2 years
This all makes me think that eggman is so up in his own weird comic shit that he kind of forgets how weird his life is. some random autonomous robot scholar calls eggman his academic rival and Eggman is all "you wish you had a fraction of the intelligence to be my rival, the only one who has even given a hint of a challenge is-" and suddenly he recognizes how weird his life is and realizes it's an 8 year old thats his rival and he cant say it outloud bc that's some shame and has no idea how to come back from this unintentional self-dunk
Eggman 100% doesn't consciously acknowledge the fact that his entire life and career is him getting dunked on by a bunch of children. An eight-year-old matches him in terms of scientific brilliance and engineering ability. A fifteen-year-old routinely ruins his plans at world domination, destroys the machines makes specifically to kill that fifteen-year-old, AND has been doing it since he was like, ten. And then, as @starrjoy brought up in a post today, on the off-chance that the eight-year-old and fifteen-year-old can't stop him for whatever reason, a DIFFERENT child (fourteen this time) time travels from the future to ruin everything anyway. Eggman worked well into adulthood to earn his phDs and perfect his engineering and yet he is routinely bested by literal, actual children. It's fucking hysterical, but his ego's too big for him to realize it and take the hit.
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3style3 · 1 year
rant about the whole "ai is the future" that techbros keep spewing and why i think its stupid and incorrect and that we will absolutely be fine. read below the cut if u wanna hear my techy rant.
ai does not have the five senses, it cannot taste, hear, smell, touch or if you wanna get technical, THINK. all it knows is anything spoonfed to it and anything it “generates” is an amalgamation of everything its been spoonfed. it cannot make a perfect recipe (cant taste, smell, see), generate good sounding music (cant hear), all art it generates is well.. a literal mashup / collage of preexisting works (cant be creative without being given prompts and prexisting artwork), its a parody of existing works more than it is actual art. (see: definition of parody) it cannot create new sewing patterns (cant see, cant test it in a 3d space) nor can it write good literature (cant think, memory limits, only knows what its told). ai literature is becoming increasingly easier to sniff out by anyone who has written or studied literature in any capacity given it only writer colleen hoover esque work or something akin to a 14 year old on wattpad. (if someone presents me actual writing vs ai writing, with some looking into it i could easily sniff it out given how repetitive & unsure of itself it can be, source: ive tried writing storylines with it and it began "calling back" details that never happened within the story)
chatgpt will 100% be paywalled once it gets all the info it needs from self proclaimed alphamales who think lifting weights or waking up just an hour before school (those “wake up at 5 am videos “ ring a bell?? newsflash i was waking up at 4 am during highschool & even after; you are not cool) makes them cool (lol) and techbros on twitter who Mind you are never professionals in the field. theyre always whining about the downfall of nfts (something my dad (PROFESSIONAL) and i (hobbyist) forsaw, by the way) with no company that they own or even work for listed.
nobody smart in the industry who has been in it for more than 2 years genuinely believes ai is taking over. it quite literally cannot replace people who create clothing, ORIGINAL artwork that has never been seen before, musicians, engineers, service workers (only so much a robot can do to solve a customers problem!) human connections (current chatbots are going through their downfalls as we speak). not to mention the privacy risk that people are increasingly becoming concerned about (ie. how people are reacting to “windows 12 ai”)
is ai advancing? absolutely. no doubt about it. will it become anything more than just an assistant to humans? absolutely not. remember when people were convinced that synthesizers would end musicians as we know it and it simply became a tool to assist us? remember when people thought that digital art was going to end all artists as we know it.. and it simply became another medium? remember all the times we thought computers were gonna replace humans and it never did? remember when people were CONVINCED nfts were the absolute end all be all, and it DIED as nothing more than a fad? thats the exact path ai is taking. ai has always been around but now its advancing and that intimidates people, but it shouldnt, because without humans adding variables and inputs, it is literally useless. it is a robot that quite literally cannot work alone. we are fine. techbros are fucking idiots.
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wytfut · 7 months
In honor of "Turk"
Found out this morning, a huge jolt to my realm, my old roommate and best man in my wedding has stage 4 inoperable/untreatable brain cancer. This isn't about me, but I'm still a student of life, and trying wrap my head around this piece of information.
Some folks may read this and become very uncomfortable. As I'm not following "normal" trends with this type of situation. I mean no harm, and actually don't believe many will actually see/read this installment, including Tom. And thats ok... Nothing wrong is being printed here.
In my opinion, tributes to the "gone/lost" are fine. But the person that is being spoken about, doesn't get to hear it, let alone in person..... maybe we should change our trendy ways and speak up while everyone is still around?
He is alive and getting therapy to learn how to get his balance back as of this writing.
And as it is.....
Tom "turk" "turkey" Kohn. His name came about due to a character on TV then who used the term Turkey a lot in his vocabulary. How ever that came about, the name stuck for years. Maybe not so much now... I've heard him called Professor recently, by others who worked with him before retirement. Later in his career, he got a job in another department.
Tom and I shared an apartment at 33rd and Vine I think for 2 and half years.
Tom started at Lincoln Hoot and Hollar construction department about 6 months after me. Fresh out of the "seabees"..
Our boss (who was terrified of climbing poles) attempted to teach Tom and another new guy how to climb .... on the job.
Couldn't keep Tom off the poles, and the other new guy, we couldn't keep on the poles. Tom was probably one of the best lines men I ever knew, and the best bucket truck operator.... nothing he couldn't do phone work wise, and do very well.
From what I remember we hit it off very well. His sense of humor just fit me. Within a few months, we got an apartment.
Tom is a Crete guy. Went to high school there. And then joined the Navy. This was back at the tail end of Viet nam... and was stationed in Thailand.
When he got out, bought a brand new 73 custard colored blazer. A very proud owner he was.
He also owned a Honda 100, and I owned a 73 Norton 850. When we'd ride together, it was sort of a Mutt and Jeff affair. He later bought a very nice, fast 74 Kawasaki Z1 900. He made up for the years lost on his toy bike.
We shared tons of info between ourselves, including beliefs, and ideas.
Probably one of the most honorable people I know. There is no way I can put myself on that same shelf.
Lots of humorous stories come to mind.
We were both pranksters. I'd throw a cold cold water surprise on him when he was in the tub. And he'd get me back. We both loved the scream of shock.
Somewhere there was Vaseline on a toilet seat.... can't seem to remember that story clearly.
Borrowed his blazer during a blizzard (1974?). I buried it in a snow bank and hand dug it out. Returned it home, and never told him. He got in a day or so later, and noted the alternator wasn't charging. Popped the hood, and the whole engine compartment was stuffed with snow and Ice..... all to ..."what the hell?...." Honestly, although very funny, I had no idea that actually happened.
Tom being shorter, I just couldn't help myself. Could be considered mean. He used to drive our boss around in a pickup. Toms job was to get the pickup and warm it up. I took blocks of wood and tapped them to the peddles, to help him reach the peddles (same thing done for little kids to reach the peddles when learning to ride a bike). Just trying to help out. He didn't really need them.... lots of laughs, and he took it in stride.
He was frequent at "lil Bo's" with his hi school buddy Dave who also was fresh out of the military. Those 2 could drink hard in those days being fresh out of the military.
One night I decided to hang out with them at Bo's, which is a scary thought, as I've always been a fly weight for drinking.... and tried to match drink for drink with them. By the time I got into the car to go home, I was blotto. Dave had drove, and it was a itty bitty Fiat, that I folded myself up to fit in the back (no seat).
We got home and Tom decides he's hungry and grabs a frying pan and what appeared to be a full bottle of oil to cook something up. By this time, I'm dizzy and wondering what I've gotten myself into. I walk by the stove looking at the bubbling smoking heated oil..... and I run for the toilet.
I was dating my Wife in this piece of time.... and eventually got engaged. Tom and I parted ways, and he moved in with Dave.... in the Meadowlane/Bethany area.
Tom was my best man, and tormented me throughout the ceremony, under his breath. I still giggle.
Tom started dating a wonderful girl from his past.... Pam, and they married. Although Toms bachelor party wasn't anything extra abnormal, I remember it well.
I can still remember bits of their wedding at the Havelock Methodist church.
From this point on to the past couple of years, we didn't stay in touch much. But would see each other at work. And everything was cool. Our paths had just separated... life moves on.
During this "vacant" period of separation, Tom got married to Pam. Bought a nice acreage south of Lincoln in the Norris school district. Raised a Son and a Daughter. Was a boy scout leader, and was on the Norris school board. He was a busy man.
Now that we are both retired, we see each other more than the past 30 years. 2 Winters ago he entrusted me to restore his old Z1, which he had kept all these years.
I was very surprised on both counts. I enjoyed the project.
He's a member of the geezers club, so we see each other fairly frequent now.
This entry is obviously missing huge chunks of a long period of time. But I feel justice, as these are hi lites remembered. I know everyone that knew Tom has their own stories, that more than likely bring a smile to their faces...
This is my Friend Tom. A best friend from years ago.
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foyil420-blog · 1 year
WordPress: What IS IT?
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Hello, GmaKelly here again with some valuable information about WordPress for you! Today we're going to learn about WordPress and what exactly it is and how it works. Here We Go... WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) that you can use to Build and Design your Website. WordPress was created all the way back in 2003, originating as an offshoot of a previous project called b2/cafelog. And is used by individuals, big businesses, and everyone in between.  A content management system is basically a tool that makes it easy to manage important aspects of your website – like content – without needing to know anything about programming. So sounds so simple doesn't it.  To those of us of a certain age, the fact that it "sounds" simple doesn't mean it is.  I'm 61 years old, would you believe that a 61 year old woman created this sight, wrote all of the content, designed every aspect of it?  I didn't know if I could do this, I'm not young anymore, Am I too old to learn something new?  Let me say this You Are Not Too Old.  I breezed through it.  And you will to. After you have composed your post in a "Site Content Manager" or even just a simple word processing program. You can also create your document on WordPress without having to have any kind of special program. When you have your Post looking and sounding the way you want, and you have incorporated your Keywords in the appropriate places, you simply Publish it to your Site.   WordPress is one of the many ways you can do that.  Look at this Video Lesson from Kyle at Wealthy Affiliate:  Building Your Own Websites WordPress Comes with Stuff This program comes with 100's of Themes for posts. Plenty of Free Themes are available, no need to purchase.  Themes are used to format the outline of your page.  Such as Side Columns, and Main Entry area, space for Widgets, Plug-Ins, Media, etc.  There are pics of the Themes so that you have an idea of what that theme will look like after its been uploaded.  (Note:  You are able to Preview your Post before you Publish) It has a number of other options, adding Pictures and Video to your Post, Menu's, Table of Contents, Post Archive, Social Media Links, Comments, etc. WordPress also comes with the "Back Office" you will need to Prepare your Post for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).   SEO is a whole huge topic I will attempt to address in another post or several posts. Benefits of Using WordPress Powers over 43.3% of all the websites on the Internet, more than one in four websites that you visit, are likely powered by WordPress. WordPress is used by millions fo websites Worldwide.  Invidiuals, Businesses and even Large Corporate websites use WordPress to take advantage of all that WordPress brings with it: - Flexible and Adaptable for Changing Needs - User-friendly—Even for Beginners - Themes Offer Multiple Options - Plugins Extend Functionality - WordPress Sites Rank High - WordPress Sites Are Mobile Responsive - WordPress Has a Built-In Blog Template With WordPress you can Create: - Business websites - eCommerce stores - Blogs - Portfolios - Resumes - Forums - Social networks - Membership sites - …pretty much anything else you can dream up. Final Thoughts I use WordPress.  The site you are reading this article on was created and maintained thru WordPress.  I really like it.  I can add Images and  Videos to my Posts.  There are Plug-Ins to assist you and perform any number of actions.  One of my more appreciated aspects of WordPress is a Plug-In that posts directly to many of the Social Media Sites.  Saving me possible hours.  See my Review of Blog2Social. WordPress saves you time and looks Professionally built.  Thats it in a nutshell! Thank you for spending your time with me today and Have a Great Day! GmaKelly Read the full article
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financialsecrets · 1 year
WordPress: What IS IT?
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Hello, GmaKelly here again with some valuable information about WordPress for you! Today we're going to learn about WordPress and what exactly it is and how it works. Here We Go... WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) that you can use to Build and Design your Website. WordPress was created all the way back in 2003, originating as an offshoot of a previous project called b2/cafelog. And is used by individuals, big businesses, and everyone in between.  A content management system is basically a tool that makes it easy to manage important aspects of your website – like content – without needing to know anything about programming. So sounds so simple doesn't it.  To those of us of a certain age, the fact that it "sounds" simple doesn't mean it is.  I'm 61 years old, would you believe that a 61 year old woman created this sight, wrote all of the content, designed every aspect of it?  I didn't know if I could do this, I'm not young anymore, Am I too old to learn something new?  Let me say this You Are Not Too Old.  I breezed through it.  And you will to. After you have composed your post in a "Site Content Manager" or even just a simple word processing program. You can also create your document on WordPress without having to have any kind of special program. When you have your Post looking and sounding the way you want, and you have incorporated your Keywords in the appropriate places, you simply Publish it to your Site.   WordPress is one of the many ways you can do that.  Look at this Video Lesson from Kyle at Wealthy Affiliate:  Building Your Own Websites WordPress Comes with Stuff This program comes with 100's of Themes for posts. Plenty of Free Themes are available, no need to purchase.  Themes are used to format the outline of your page.  Such as Side Columns, and Main Entry area, space for Widgets, Plug-Ins, Media, etc.  There are pics of the Themes so that you have an idea of what that theme will look like after its been uploaded.  (Note:  You are able to Preview your Post before you Publish) It has a number of other options, adding Pictures and Video to your Post, Menu's, Table of Contents, Post Archive, Social Media Links, Comments, etc. WordPress also comes with the "Back Office" you will need to Prepare your Post for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).   SEO is a whole huge topic I will attempt to address in another post or several posts. Benefits of Using WordPress Powers over 43.3% of all the websites on the Internet, more than one in four websites that you visit, are likely powered by WordPress. WordPress is used by millions fo websites Worldwide.  Invidiuals, Businesses and even Large Corporate websites use WordPress to take advantage of all that WordPress brings with it: - Flexible and Adaptable for Changing Needs - User-friendly—Even for Beginners - Themes Offer Multiple Options - Plugins Extend Functionality - WordPress Sites Rank High - WordPress Sites Are Mobile Responsive - WordPress Has a Built-In Blog Template With WordPress you can Create: - Business websites - eCommerce stores - Blogs - Portfolios - Resumes - Forums - Social networks - Membership sites - …pretty much anything else you can dream up. Final Thoughts I use WordPress.  The site you are reading this article on was created and maintained thru WordPress.  I really like it.  I can add Images and  Videos to my Posts.  There are Plug-Ins to assist you and perform any number of actions.  One of my more appreciated aspects of WordPress is a Plug-In that posts directly to many of the Social Media Sites.  Saving me possible hours.  See my Review of Blog2Social. WordPress saves you time and looks Professionally built.  Thats it in a nutshell! Thank you for spending your time with me today and Have a Great Day! GmaKelly Read the full article
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richardcaldwell · 3 years
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randomsevans · 4 years
The truth was hidden there all along.
"IZZY , JAMES GET UP NOW !" You shouted from the bottom of the stairs . This is the third time you have called for them your patience is wearing thin
You took a deep breath and hung your head low as you rested against the handles of the stairs
That line works most times , considering your children love your partner more then there love you . Funny how the fun one gets more love then the person who brought them into the world .
"YOUR MOMS RIGHT JELLY BEAN IM WAITING " a deep voice boomed from behind you making you jump
"Oh shit !"you placed your hand over your heart
"Watch your languages darling " chris smirked
"Dont scare me then " you turned to him slapping his chest .he caught it and pulled you into his chest and slammed his lips fo yours .
"Ewwwee " followed by tiny stomps down the stairs
"Chris !" A high pitched squeal from your three year old daughter Izzy as she run down the stairs
"Izzy dont ... "chris panic voice came through allows for the air in his chest it he punched out and izzy jumped into his arms squealing
"Chris ! Chris ! Chris !" She did a little wiggle in his arms
"Oh I see some one is now awake "you shook your head
You turned your head and looked up at the top of the stairs to see your 7 year old son james standing there with his arms across .
"Come on james . I need to take you to school while chris takes izzy "
"You too finished " he snarled stomping his way down the stairs
"Finished what?" You scrunched up your face turning to chris , who just shrugged, dragging izzy upside down as if it was nothing.
James was the final steps and narrowed his eyed at chris and pointed his finger at him. Making chris instantly stop what he was doing and paying full attention to the little boy
"You mister .... I never want to see that again " his voice was stern but still high pitched
Chris looked at you with scared eyes "do what son ?" He asked
You just looked at the two of them ,as james browns hair was sticking all over over the place . Your heart fluttered when chris "son " but was replaced by guilt quickly
"Kissing my mamma with out asking " his voice was stern and very serious
Chris looked shocked upon the young boy and turned to you .
"Yeah chris you should of asked first " you teased
"But ... baby .." Chris looked like a kicked puppy as James made his way down the final steps and stood in front of Chris who was still holding his sister as she played with hair in her small hands
"You need to ask next time . You got that mister "
Chris nodded still shocked with his mouth open
"Good !" And with that he made his way into the kitchen , as Chris put Izzy down to follower her brother .
"Wh..what just happend?" Chris shook his head making his way to you ,placing a hand on the small of your back .
"You just got a scolding form my son" you grinned up at him
"Yep that boy is 100% your son " chris chuckled placing a kiss on your cheek . And there was the guilt eating up at you again . Always parizling you from the truth . And it hurts, it eating at you but you dont know what the outcome would be if you told the truth
Chris put his hands up in her air and started walk over to the kitchen
"Now who wants porridge " he clasped his hands together
"Ewwwwe no PANCAKES " Izzy screamed the last part at the top of her lungs. You simple stood there at the side lines and watched
You were so thankful to have chris in your life . You and him have been friends for years at least a decade, you've had your ups and downs, your fazes through out your friendship . In the time you had James he was not around busy with life as yours being to change . But when Izzy came around and you were all on your own he came back in and become a permanent part in your life .
You remind sticky friends during your pregnancy and first few months of Izzy being born .
But as you spent more time with him, the feeling you always had for him were become stronger and in no time you and him were together. Officially. Not like it used to be in the past . When you were just friends with extra when it suited him .
And Chris was fine with you being a single mom . After Izzy "and " James father left you for someone else after months of cheating .
Chris adored your children . Chris is the only father figure Izzy know . Hell he even named her Isabella he wanted to use the nickname Bell but Izzy just stuck more .
And that what made the guilt even stronger as your past is strong and complicated your so scared it will effect your future you would not dare tell a soul. It could either make your family or tear it apart. 
“baby you coming ?” chris snapped you out of your thoughts
“oh yeah “
chris pov 
i was driving , taking Izzy to her pre-school , who was currently in the back seat , quiet , unusal quite . if theres one thing ive learned over watching that little blonde princess grow up ,is that the moment she learnt how to speak she never shut up , oh I wonders where she got that from ? i chuckled little at the memory of you yesterday over the phone , not shutting up complaing about one of James teachers .i looked up in the mirror to get a glimps of the little girl , 
she was seat there in her car seat stairing out at the window with a little pout .
“whats the mattter Jelly Bean ?”
she let out a dramactic sigh , always dramctic that one ,wounder who else is like that ?
“chris ?” she softly whispered still looking at the moving trees 
“yes Izzy ?” i asked trying to look at her while also looking at the road ahead 
“why dont we call you daddy ?” 
the questsion caught me off graud , 
“umm i ..” i didnt know what to say , this is the first she has ever asked anything like this and your not here to have an answer. I dont want to say something that will upset you .
“ what makes you ask that ?"i  questioned 
she final looked up “its just i heard emily yeasterday getting picked u , by this man and she called him daddy , and i asked Ms Smiwth and she saiw that every littlw gurl and boi has a mamma awd a daddy “ 
my heart pumped first at her confession as her little doll eyes glassed over , along with her being adorable not being able to speak quite right yet 
“awd i aswed her what a daddy does , awd she saiw that a daddy looks after you and does everthing a momma does . And you do that , so why do we callw you Chris awd not daddy ?”
now my eyes were glossing over , i looked over at the clock on the dash bord and saw we had a bit of extra time before she needs to be at school , so i pulled over and switched the engine off . i undone my belt and turned to face the little one . 
“jelly bean .. i “ i began to chock on my words 
“its just that i may be here but im not you daddy , not properly  “
her lip began to trembel as a small tear escaped her little blue eyes 
“soo your ... your pretenting !”she whispered , my heart stopped 
“what no ... no bean not at all . i Love you and James as if i was your daddy “
“but your not ?“she titled her head 
“yes .. you see there some one else out there , who is  but ...” god this was so diffuclt with out you “but you have me and mommy and thats all you will ever need , i will always be here for you and for James “ i said slowly hoping to avoid a moring melt down , but if it was from her or me was unknown at this point . I love those kids like there are my own , there came from you how can i not . ive been around Izzy since she was born i was with you through out most of your pregnancy , since that dick head who is meant to be her father pissed off , i will never understand why that waste of space never saw you as enough . You are more then enough for me , your too good for me , i dont desve you speical the shit i put you through our younger years , it took me so long to open  my eyes to see you were all i ever wanted and in that time you had already had two children with some twat . But im thank full of what i have and i love those kids and you more then anthing , 
“so if you .. dow if you look afwter us why dont we callw you daddy ?
“ do you want to call me that ?” i asked 
i was offical dead when she nodded her head with the widest smile , making me tear up 
i took a deep breath , turing to contol my emotion , i cant explain it , its all ive ever wanted . 
“okay missy lets get you to school "
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mbkboudoir · 3 years
I am NOT Christian Grey.  I am, from an optimistic standpoint, middle class.  I am over 40 years old.  I am bald, but with a glorious beard.  I work in an industry that, thankfully, has never required that I wear a suit.  I am a mechanical engineer, turned pornography producer, and if you ask anyone that doesn’t have my last name, they will probably tell you that I am mediocre at both.  I am politically incorrect.  I tend to piss off a lot of men for some reason.  But there is one thing that I have loads of.  Confidence.  I am borderline cocky.  I am also experienced in “the lifestyle” as we mysteriously like to call it.  I, at the time of this writing, live in a full time M/s relationship.  If you're new, thats “Master/slave.”  The capitalization is important, because...reasons.  Sometimes we get confused as to which of us is in charge, so we have to ask which of us is the capital letter.  I win that fight 100% of the time 60% of the time.  You'll hear some from her later.  God knows I will.
See, there is this unfounded belief that those of us in this life are always in character.  Some are.  I guess, but I've seen even the sternest Dom break under the withering gaze of a truly pissed off sub.   Most of us tend to swing in and out of our roles.  Most people, who didn't make the mistake of asking us (We are very open and vocal about our lifestyle to those who ask.) would think we were just a couple with antiquated gender roles.  More on that in the next paragraph.  Yeah.  I suck at transitions.  We tend to encrourage this belief as it is easier to let our friends and family believe that she is a time travelling '50s housewife, rather than telling them that if she doesn't do what I say, I will hang her upside down from the ceiling fan by her pinky toes and throw hammers* at her.
*No hammers were harmed in the making of this blog.
- Karma
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mikenewtonhateblog · 4 years
My oc’s aka too long of a gd post
The “BL” Crew (does not stand for boys love I’m just a moron who made that abbreviation before knowing what it stands for). My main crew and main series, a lot is a big WIP right now as I’m slowly redoing the first book and all the lore. Why? I love torture. Book is fantasy type but I won’t specify what.
Lacie, the protagonist. God tier idiot, bisexual bipolar depressed MESS, insomniac, former theater kid, doesn’t know what she wants out of life but currently it is not This(plot of book). Hot headed, impulsive, crude, rude, Mommy IssuesTM, would rather be taking a nap right now, rules are made to be broken, absolutely fucking FERAL, more bags under her eyes than the airport lost and found. 5’5, 130lbs, Aries, age 18, white as shit like literally the whitest human you have ever seen, strawberry blonde hair in a 2011 Hayley Willaims haircut with long bangs, the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen that stare directly into your soul. Lanky, no curves, body of a 12 year old boy but works out so she can and will kick your ass and thats a threat. Not human?
Josh. Soft boy, smart, Lacie’s cousin and only friend for like the first 18 years of her life, autistic anxious mess who’s special interest is anchient egyptian history, is in honors classes, despises math, passes out when his girlfriend looks too cute, just needs a hug. Can eat a whole carton of easy mac if left alone, whole wardobe is the same outfit just different colors/hoodies, sensory issues, seriously can someone give this guy a hug. 5’9, 150lbs, Pisces, age 18, mixed (half whatever flavor of white Lacie’s family is [they don’t even know its just some scandanavian shit and irish], and half mexican on his mom’s side), medium olive skin with freckles and moles, dark chocolate brown hair that’s a bit of a 2009 Beiber cut, warm brown eyes, not beefy, a lil thicc and self concious about it but squishy boys are GOOD. Gets bit by a werewolf so now he is one his mood on it is “thats a lot to unpack but let’s just throw the whole suitcase away”.
Zander. There is not one braincell in this man, himbo KING, pansexual dumbass with undiagnosed ADHD, no impulse control, head empty and full at the same time, PTSD, his fashion sense should be an actual crime, gets in fights to feel something, basic requirements for him to be attracted to you: kick his ass. Drinks his respect women juice, sees a folding table and must immediately launch himself on it, chaotic, cannot drive a car and will not, food aggression and eats enough for 3 people but never gains weight which is ILLEGAL, him and Lacie may be a couple.....but in this house we stan slow burn, he talks in caps and every sentence either ends with a question mark or exclaimation point, likes romcoms. 6’2, 190lbs, Sagittarius, age 19, austrailian roots and has the accent but is from [REDACTED FOR STORY REASONS], white, dorito shaped with long legs, blueish black hair that’s long and messy, dark navy eyes that match his hair, bigass neck scar from [REDACTED]. Not human
Peter. Gay dad friend who is TIRED of having to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers, only one with full functioning braincells, lowkey a genius who loves engineering, mixes magical technology with human technology because he likes to play god, is he ever sober? No one knows, will kill for a bottle of single malt, his fashion sense? Tastefully expensive suits perfectly tailored. Likes building his own weapons that no one else knows how to even use, generally non-threatening but can get scary if needed. 6’4, 140lbs string bean man, Scorpio, age 179 but looks early 30s, I know I said Lacie is the whitest human but he’s even paler like a literal sheet of paper with scandanavian roots/ancestors were vikings or some shit, blonde hair styled like 2013 Brendon Urie lmfao, light crystal blue eyes. He’s a vampire and was born one.
Danielle. Tiny, sweet, queen of girls supporting girls, comments on all her friends instagram posts with 20 emojis, LOVES fashion and has a wardrobe that would make anyone jealous, oozes feminine energy, only child and parents are in love still, gets exactly 8 hours of sleep each night and wakes up looking like a disney princess. Just because she is small and cute doesn’t mean you should underestimate her she WILL fuck your shit up. Quiet when angey which is terrifying. Josh is her bf and she loves him so much but also loves teashing the shit out of him. Legally cannot cuss, polite, used her high heels as a weapon once, speaks like 5 languages because studying them is her hobby, gardens, hugs everyone. 5’0, 110, Taurus, age 18, mixed (half french-american, half Korean-american), glowy skin always, PETITE frame aka the friend everyone can pick up when they hug, long past her waist curly brown hair, bright green eyes. She’s not fully human as she has fae blood in her and this gives her the ability to talk to and control plants. Flower crowns for everyone
Becca. Theater kid who would die to sing in Wicked and has the vocal range to do so, cannot wait to graduate and go to her dream college which she got into and a scholarship, closeted lesbian bc her whole giant family is extremely catholic and she feels like not dealing with it, “no boys allowed in bedroom” rule is her favorite joke, chill, middle child of 5 siblings and just wants some peace and quiet for ONCE. Her fashion sense is “I’m dropping subtle hints I’m gay but only to other gays”, has a black belt and took self defense classes. 5’6, 145lbs, Virgo, age 18, Latina (cuban and mexican mix), darker brown skin with light freckles over her nose, athletic build, eyebrows on POINT, bright caramel eyes, short light brown hair cut in a bob, has a tiny nose stud, always wears a blue friendship bracelet her gf made her. Human
Anika. Calling her a bitch/slut is a compliment, bisexual, a bit of a mean girl but she grows out of it give her time!!! Is always Too Much, the horny friend, favorite color is red so thats almost all of her outfits, loves to show off her body as much as she can because she’s hot and knows it and thrives in her own confidence. Her mom is literally like Regina George’s mom from Mean Girls but married a rich man 20 years older than her, Anika doesn’t know her bio dad but thats fine neither does her mom and her step dad is nice and does his best to be a dad. Becca’s gf, always hanging out at her home so Becca can get some quiet because Anika’s an only child and has a pool. 5’9, 135lbs, Gemini, age 18, white, long layered dark reddish brown hair, teal-blue eyes, swimmers body type (I normally do not mention bust size but she would want the internet to know she was blessed with big bahoogles so there you go), can sprint in heels. Half mermaid (boy was that a surprise considering her mom doesn’t know who her father is LOL)
Rex. Nb uses they/them he/him pronouns but honestly will respond to any, goth lite, only attracted to men and ace, can read minds so knows all your secrets, mischevious little shit, great friends with Zander and enjoys his dumbass thoughts and that he’s basically a human version of Jackass, wears too many rings, goth boots for kicking and fashion babey, always has the freshest memes and will not hesitate to roast in the group chat, hangs with the girls most of the time. Chaos god who loves making art, be gay do crime, skateboard and spraypaint. 5’8”, 165lbs, Leo, age 18, Native American, masculine frame, dark brown skin, blue eyes, firetruck red shoulder length hair that’s usually in a ponytail, knock-off gucci sunglasses just for judging their friends. Has magic in their blood so not entirely human and can cast spells and shit (don’t roast me its a wip and I’m doing my research)
Sam. Boho goddess, aromantic, makeup and nails are always instagram worthy, quiet and stoic type but losens up around close friends, Rex is her best friend, has some trauma and doesn’t want to talk about it, emotionally numbed out a bit and wants to purely vibe. Has seen some of the worst parts of humanity and wishes she hadn’t, finds no point in being bitter or resentful though because that won’t change anything, loves cats and once she moves out shes adopting one or three. Has wine aunt energy. 5’4, 200lbs PLUS SIZE QUEEN, Scorpio, age 18, Filipino (her parents are immigrants fun fact!), really olive skin sometimes has a grey/green tinge to it, dark brown almost black shoulder length hair, gold-hazel eyes. Sam’s the victim of a family curse that requires her to consume human hearts to survive, she can transform into a pretty scary looking being and uses this curse to hunt down pedoph*les, r*pists, murderers, and abusers. The less often she feeds the less human she looks, hence the constant grey/green tinge to her skin. 
Andy. Baby of the group, must be protected at all costs, 100% didn’t sign up to be in a friendgroup of 90% monsters but highkey loves it, trans, bi, anxiety MAXED, just wants to draw comics and cosplay spiderman, has to babysit his two younger sisters a lot because his parents are....not great, and as a result now knows all the lines to Tangled and The Little Mermaid. Big nerd energy, has to draw on everything including homework, gets inspiration for comics from his friends, awkward and socially anxious, drinks way too much tea and will accidentally steal your pens. Fears include: crowds, thunder, tall angry men, tiny spaces. Just trying his best. 5’2, 100lbs BEANPOLE BOY, Leo, age 16, white (irish and scottish roots), freckles absolutely EVERYWHERE, orangey red hair thats in desperate need of a haircut, chocolate brown eyes, braces, chronic nail biter. Human and kinda wishes he wasn’t.
That’s it for now if you read all this bless u thank u here is my whole heart. Please no discourse, literally these are fictional people I’ll never publish the books they go to.
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