#and yeah i know not all representation is good representation
cy-cyborg · 2 days
I'm getting a little tierd of the idea because amputees get more representation in media, it means rep for our disability is better and we "have enough"
People are right, we do have way more rep than really any other disability, im not going to deny that, and ive joked before about how often people write amputees without even realising it. So you would think, by sheer numbers, we should have at least some good representation, but by-and-large that is not the case. Legitimatly, the closest example I can think of to point to of good amputee rep is Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and even that uses multiple tropes I hate (the miracle cure/quest for the miracle cure, the almost perfect prosthetic replacement/forgetting the chatacter is an amputee until it breaks or needs repairs, refusal to call prosthetics, "prosthetics" (automail), the amputee who can't do anything without a prosthetic) and they call Ed a slur for another disability (m*dget) CONSTANTLY. I love fmab deeply, it legitimatly helped me feel seen and represented as a childhood amputee in a way no other show has even come close to, and when it gets it right, it gets it really right, but it's also very far from great and should not be the best example I can think of. Especially nearly 15 years after it released...
A big part of the reason why I don't read many books anymore is because of the sheer amount of books with downright offensively bad amputee rep, some of which were touted as good by people with other disabilities and were recommended to me as good examples. others times, I wasn't even looking for books with amputee/disability rep, it just popped up. It has ruined one of my childhood hobbies for me. Ive tried to get back into reading again as an adult but it hasn't gotten better in that time i was away. I was kicked out of 3 different scifi writing groups on facebook and reddit for asking people to remember "cybernetic enhancement" users are amputees - a real group of people, and maybe debating weather or not we're less human isnt great, and for pointing out seeing those discussions every day was making me feel pretty unwelcome in that space (yes i know, "real" cyberpunk isnt trying to say that, i had to turn notifications off on my post about the topic, it doesnt change the fact that newer creators in the genre dont seem to get that bit, that ive seen cyberpunk writers in these spaces say that debating weather people who loose more parts of their body were less human was, in fact, their intent but they hadnt even considered the fact this made their chatacters amputees, it doesnt change the fact that these tropes, intentionally or not, help make those spaces hostile for disabled fans/creators, especially amputees).
But yeah, I should be thankful I get more rep than other disabilities, no matter the quality, right?
It doesn't just stop at being me being made uncomfortable, though. The sheer, overwhelming amount of amputee chatacters with "perfect prosthetics" has had a noticeable impact on how we are perceived irl. In my lifetime, the general idea people have about multi-limbed amputees in particular has gone from "literally the worst thing that can happen to a person and the worst disability to have" to "is it even a disability? The prosthetic fixes it". These are both wildly untrue and harmful ideas about my disability that were both perpetuated by media, but now that the second one is taking root, it's causing real problems. I have not been shy in talking about how I have to fight to maintain my NDIS funding every time I get something done with my prosthetics, and had to get my prosthetist to sign off, twice, that my fancy prosthetic knee that costs the same as a higher-end new car ($125,000 AUD) is not, in fact a cure and I still need help with other things. It took me nearly 2 years to get a new wheelchair because they didn't understand why I needed it if I had the prosthetics - which to be honest, is not comfortable for me to wear, let alone use all day every day. Guys this isn't just assholes on the street or on twitter saying dumb shit, it's the people in the government body who decide how much funding I get to help with my disability who beleive it. People who have very real control over my life. It's not entirely the media's fault, but when the sheer, overwhelming majority of representation for people like me confirms that belief, it's hard to ignore the possibility that these portrayals are contributing to it, you know?
Which makes it so frustrating when I come on here and see other disability writing advice blogs saying to not write amputees because they have so much representation already. We do, I can acknowledge that, but the vast, vast majority of it is shit, and no one, not even other disabled people, are listening to us about it. And what makes it even worse, is the people they're advising to not writing amputees are the creators who care enough to be doing the research. They're the ones willing to listen, to ask questions. They could be the start of the positive change. But instead they're advised to not even bother with us.
And don't get me wrong, other disabilities ARE under-represented. There are so many disabilities, including some I have myself, that I've never seen represented as anything other than the butt of a joke. There does need to be more reprentation of disabilities other than amputation and limb differences. 100%! but can you please talk about that without saying "amputees have enough"
This isn't even touching on how amputees/people with limb differences who dont/cant use prosthetics, or even folks who use prosthetics sometimes but not others, are almost never represented unless it's for pitty-porn, or how the non-fictional media's (news outlets, etc) portrayal of amputees in particular is used to justify hurting very real, very vunderable people but this rant is long enough and honestly, ive got enough thoughts to make whole other posts on those subjects. That second one in particular deserves its own (more thought-out) spotlight and shouldn't be a footnote in a frustrated rant post lol.
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Hey there's something you might wanna know
George Cubbins/Karim from Lockwood and Co. is aroace :D
It's not openly stated or anything but like c'mon its obvious as shit
For example, in the last episode of the show George is helping Lockwood walk after he got injured and says "This is so touchy-feely." And you might think thats just his autism or something BUT THEN Lockwood replies "It's a medical necessity, George, it doesnt mean a thing."
Hey! Thank you so much for the recommendation^^
Personally, I haven't touched upon it much in my latest post but I'm pretty strict with what I consider rep and if asexuality or aromanticism isn't explicitly named in the story, or at the very least laid on very very very veeeeeeery thick with no possibility AT ALL to interpret it any other way (but really mostly... Yeah explicitly named), I don't consider it actual representation. (On that note, no, mere Twitter-or-Tumblr-confirmations don't count as proper representation to me either, if you have to go to a social medium to know about more things that "are in the show" then they're not really "in the show", are they.)
The reason is I think a- people who watch the series and don't know what asexuals or aromantics are won't know any better if it's not named, and b- I actually trust society on that so little that I doubt most writers even know what asexuals or aromantics are, OR if they do, CARE about representing them at all, so unless it's actually named, I'll mostly come to the conclusion that it's done by accident. In short... Maybe it's obvious to US who recognize ourselves in that orientation but to the average person, characters that only exhibit traits of asexuality and aromanticism without it being explicitly named are "haha so quirky" and kinda nothing more.
Basically we're at a point where asexuality and aromanticism are not public knowledge enough yet for mere hints to count as rep imo. Which is tricky because mere hints are enough for most orientations, but... I don't think the knowledge about us is there yet to the point that it'd be enough.
But... Yeah that's my take on it, and I AM pretty strict about those things, so I don't mean to ruin that for others if that's enough for them TwT Cus regardless it can be pretty great to recognize oneself in a character. So this is pretty good to know for people who don't need the orientation being named for it to count as rep in their book! So thank you for that^^
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starfxkr · 1 day
have been thinking a lot about loser rafe lately.. i think its so interesting that in fics he’s consistently written as mister popular everyone knows him all the girls want him but like. if you look at canon theres not actually a lot of evidence until season 3 but i have thoughts on that this is a long one lets get #meta
season one the only people he hangs out with/talks to are topper kelce and barry and barry didnt even fuck w him like that he was still just the plug 😭 hes selling coke at that party but who do we see him talking to besides the drunk/high girls that are all over him because he has well. coke! i feel like season one is the best representation of his social status on the island because its really the only window we have into what their normal lives looked like before everything snowballed with the gold and tbh nothing about him was giving king of kildare
season two bro is going through a lot the only person who fucks with him is barry and he like kind of talks to topper even though they clearly dont like each other because who else does he have to talk to? hes clearly been ostracized to some degree by his peers because yeah he was cleared and released but he was ARRESTED. IN RELATION TO A MURDER. and all the mess with his dad like its a small island everybody knows everybodys business and tbh i dont even think just that would be enough to justify him being so entirely alone. rich white kids do not have morals. we’ve seen rich white men that have done worse and actually been convicted/held accountable assimilate back into their respective communities with ease and i think the same would have happened to rafe if he already had the clout for it but he clearly doesn’t but you know who does? SARAH. she comes back from everything in s3 and all her old kook peers are quick to welcome her back in hungry for details about everything she’s experienced. now rafe.. we see him getting drunk alone at the country club in the middle of the day like oh thats not
now season three yeah he comes back to kildare he wants to be a real man like his daddy blah blah blah he takes over tannyhill and throws that big party but he has. no friends. i dont even mean close friends bc duh but he comes back and theres not even a oh shit rafe’s back like his revival actually made no noise thats soooooakslskjskdld you cannot tell me that all the people at that party were not 90% tourons 10% nosy locals 100% people just looking for free liq and a sick party these are not rafes peers from season one
tldr i think on the surface its really easy to see the boxes rafe checks off (rich young hot popular sister etc) and assume that everybody wanted him or to be him and everybody writes him like that but im gonna touch your hand when i say this . he is a loser. if rose thought he was weird as fuck from when he was 10 years old i’m sure everyone else on the island could smell it too. i need more people to write rafe as sarah’s weird mean friendless bitchless Not Quite Right older brother LOOK AT THE MATERIAL
like i say this all the time but rafe is really fuckin weird and off-putting. there's this sense that he's kinda...wearing human skin. like he's moving around barely able to contain his worst impulses and everyone can like sense that? rafe has always been not quite right and he's not very good at hiding that either.
like everything rafe does seems off, and you make such a good point about him not being able go back into the fold properly makes sense if you peel back the layers and see he wasn't really well liked to begin with? topper was way more popular than rafe and in many was rafe and topper are only friends because of sarah and even then rafe is weird about using topper as a means of control over her.
but yeah you summed it up perfectly rafe doesnt give kook king forreal hes a weird, friendless loser who can barely hide his true self in public.
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bibuckkinard · 1 day
Let's celebrate, BuckTommy fam! After the finale, I think it's very clear that:
Lou Ferrigno Jr is coming back for season eight. I actually reached this conclusion after the Access Hollywood interview, but 7x10 sealed the fucking deal. They wouldn't have scheduled that interview if his availability for season eight was still uncertain. Connect that to the finale, which ends with Buck and Tommy still very much together and in an excellent place (and with a daddy kink!), and he's clearly returning. Oh, and while we're at it, Lou has been liking and retweeting content expressing excitement at Tommy being in season eight, for those who are still doubtful. Yeah, that man signed the season eight contract before anyone could even pull out a fucking pen.
Tim Minear wants Tommy to be Buck's endgame romance. Yes, I am fucking going there. I needed to wait for the finale before I reached this conclusion, but now that it's come and gone, there's not a doubt in my mind.
No, this does not mean that I think BuckTommy will actually be endgame. There are a lot of factors outside of Tim's control. For instance, if Lou were to decide he wants to jump ship after season eight, maybe to pursue other career opportunities, then BuckTommy would officially be over, just like that. That's the nature of the game. But if all the stars continue to align, I think it is crystal clear that Tim at least wants it, and Lou and Oliver are currently all-game, and I don't know about y'all, but that's more than enough for me. The Madney wedding kiss was a big clue, but the Bobby and Buck conversation sealed the deal. That conversation shows that Tim is explicitly establishing Tommy as someone who is very different from Buck's previous love interests and is also a representation of Buck's growth as a character. Ask any writer, and they'll tell you that Buck/Bobby scene was fucking huge, mates. That conversation made it clear to me that Tim wants Tommy to be the love interest that finally gets Buck off the hamster wheel. 7x10 just reinforced that even more.
And it's not just the writing that shows this, it's also the press and promo. Name an actress who played one of Buck's previous love interests, who was also included in as much promo and press as Lou? And you can't say Connie Britton, who does not count. (Britton agreed to star in the first season as a favor to Ryan Murphy, so she was always going to be featured heavily in the promo and press, regardless of her character's ties to Buck.) Aside from Britton, you can't. The only other actor is Lou Ferrigno Jr. He was even included in the "thank you for a great season" video with the rest of the cast! They wouldn't be pushing Lou this hard, unless they wanted the audience to see him as a crucial member of the cast moving forward. Do I need to go into the contract extension and how Tim put in so much effort to include Tommy in more scenes? I don't think I do!
Every negative prediction Buddies made about BuckTommy never actually came to pass, and my petty ass is going to celebrate that. (Don't get me wrong, I've always been the 'Why am I gasping? I already knew that' meme when it comes to Buddies being terrible at predicting shit.)
No break up, no Eddie "feelings realization" bullshit, no Buck "abandoning" Tommy to go be with Eddie (Buddies were SO sure Buck would leave the date early to "be with his actual man", only for the date to go exceptionally well and give us a fucking 'daddy' kink lol), AND the cast keeps singing Lou's praises. Buddies are at a nice 0 on the prediction scale. We're good, BuckTommy fam, and we'll keep being good because we're shipping an actual canon pairing, one that the showrunner clearly loves.
I'm going into this summer hiatus on cloud nine. We don't need to justify our ship to anyone, not when the show, its cast, and its showrunner have made it clear they'll be doing the heavy lifting for us. I don't know about y'all, but I'm officially leaving Buddies in the rearview mirror as of today. Enough justifying and defending, I'm moving on to my pure celebratory era. Tim Minear has made it more than clear that he's got our backs.
I mean, damn. Buddies were so sure we were getting a breakup and "feelings realization", only for Tim Minear to give our ship a fucking 'daddy' kink...
What a time to be alive.
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ladylakebees · 1 day
I made this a little while back ago but I wanted to post this here so I have more room to explain my thoughts!!
Persona 5 Royal Characters as PKM Trainers, and why I chose their Mons:
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OGERPON: This one I feel is fairly obvious, Ogerpon having multiple masks for different elements just screams wildcard.
MEW: Mew can use almost every single move of all types in existence, plus it can change its form into any Pokémon it battles...... yeah this is literally just a reference to Beneath the Mask. If the amount of legendaries/mythicals on this team bothers you, pretend this is a Ditto instead.
BLACEPHON: Outside of it being very jester-y just in looks, it's also Ghost type.... kinda like Arsene is of the Curse arcana. Also the fact that it explodes it's head to be able to rob people [of vitality] is just funny to me. Imagine the PTs exploded to distract Palace Rulers so that someone can steal the treasure.
SYLVEON: Sylveon is from the Eevee line, which can evolve into multiple different elements, which I feel is very wildcard-esqe, as well as the affection mechanic reminding me a bit of the confidant system. However I chose shiny Sylveon specifically because I thought it was funny to pretend Sylveon is his pseudo velvet assistant!
MEOWSCARADA: Meowscarada is Joker in pokemon form, I don't take criticism, thanks! .... but if you want more reasoning behind it, Meowscarada also doubles as his Morgana.
KELDEO: This one is a bit more out there, but. Hear me out. This is Goro Akechi's pokemon, his "Proof Of Justice," passed on after his death.
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BOLTUND: I chose Boltund specifically because of Ryuji's golden retriever type personality, as well as invoking his elemental attribute!
CROBAT: Crobat is a rather menacing looking Pokémon..... that only evolves at maximum happiness. I think it fits Ryuji perfectly!
YANMEGA: Yanmega was chosen due to it being known for its speediness, and I thought it'd be a bit fun if Ryuji has a big dragonfly zipping ahead of him during track meets. (I know Boltund technically fits this as well, but I didn't really connect that dot until after making the team, haha)
OBSTAGOON: Obstagoon has a very punk-like appearance, and is known to taunt its opponents before using its signature Obstruct move. If you've played Royal, I just thought this Pokémon would make that One Scene in January make so much sense in the pokemon universe. Also the fact that it's abilities consist of Guts, Reckless, and Defiant was just too funny and too Ryuji to pass up.
TYRANITAR & POLIWRATH: I'll be honest, these two I put mostly to fill out the team, however I really do feel like these two are mons that Ryuji would enjoy having on his team!
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LIEPARD: If you don't think this is the most Carmen-esqe Pokemon, I don't know what else to tell you.
TSAREENA: Tsareena I feel has a very model-esqe vibe to her! She'd be Ann's partner during photo shoots :)
HISUIAN SNEASLER: I know Sneasler is based off a weasel not a cat, but I feel like Sneasler is a pretty good representation of a sexy anime villainess Ann views herself as (aka Panther's inspiration)
MEGA BLAZIKEN: Representative of Ann's fire affinity!
LAPRAS: Lapras is known to be a very gentle and kind pokemon, which I feel fits Ann's position in the PTs as the "heart."
ALCREAMIE: Ann loves sweets, so Alcreamie is the PERFECT mon for her! I think she'd have the Ruby Swirl Alcreamie with strawberries specifically :)
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KINGAMBIT: I feel like shiny Kingambit looks pretty close to what his PT outfit looks like, as well as being a good representative of Goemon!
ALOLAN NINETAILS: Beautiful and representative of Yusuke's ice affinity!
HISUIAN SAMUROTT: Yusuke's idea of rebellion is that of a samurai, which is what Samurott is based off of. I think the Hisuian form really embodies that vibe!
MIENSHAO: Mienshao is a fighting type physical attacker, which I feel fits Yusuke's access to strong physical attacks.
ESPATHRA: You know that fuckass scarf Yusuke has? Yeah.
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ARMAROUGE: Armarouge is a loyal warrior, who directly opposes Ceruledge. I feel it represents the PT's sense of justice really well. You'll also see later down why Makoto has this :)
MEGA LUCARIO: Lucario I feel represents Makoto's physical affinity as well as her aikido skills really well, I think he'd be her ace (hence the Mega!)
DREEPY & CYCLIZAR: I don't really know how to explain the Dreepy, but with the Cyclizar it's easier to see how I associate with Johanna! I guess this fits the Nuclear affinity as well, if you turn your head sideways.
NIDOQUEEN: Queen. Self explanatory I think!
PANGORO: it's Buchimaru!!!!!!!!!
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STAKATAKA: I feel like this fits the vibe of Futaba's palace pretty well, especially the top floor of her pyramid (not the outside part)
XURKITREE & PORYGON-Z: These two are representative of Futaba's technical genius, with Xurkitree in reference to her abundance of technology, whereas Porygon-Z is in reference to her actual hacking abilities.
ORBEETLE: There was no other Pokémon I feel like represents Necronomicon, however dynamax Orbeetle I feel really encapsulates that alien sort of vibe Necronomicon has!
RUNEREGIS: Directly in reference to Futaba/Wakaba's "tomb."
TOXAPEX: A bit more on the subtle side, I feel like this represents Futaba's agoraphobia and unwillingness to leave her room at the beginning of the game (baneful bunker anyone?)
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ARBOLIVA & POLITOED: Both mons are representative of her gardening prowess!
TINKATON: Small pink girl with big fucking weapon
SINISTEA: I chose the shiny version of Sinistea because it reminded me of Haru's AOA finisher! It can also represent her love for coffee, even if it's technically supposed to be tea.
GOTHITELLE: Partially representative of her affinity, but I specifically chose Gothitelle as a representation of Milady!
GALARIAN SLOWKING: Also representative of Haru's Psy affinity. I chose Galarian specifically 1) because I associate purples with Haru, but more importantly 2) the Shellder on Slowking's head is said to be infinitely more intelligent than the Kantonian's form, leading it to be able to control Slowking. Kinda like how Kunikazu Okumura controls the employees he views as robots—
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CERULEDGE: Ceruledge is the embodiment of lingering malice of a fallen sword wielder, directly opposing Armarouge. This represents not only his rivalry with Makoto, but how his justice differs from the PTs. Also a very heavy handed nod to Loki :>
DECIDUEYE: Decidueye represents, obviously, Robin Hood. Also symbolic of his more easily digestible thoughts of justice (the less destructive path of taking down those who oppress the weak) .
MEOWSTIC: I'm not really sure how to explain that Meowstic gives me Detective type partner pokemon but. It does.
GLIMMORA: Glimmora within the game seems to be strangely connected to Area Zero, being found in both the Depths and Underdepths of AZ, yet also very rarely in caves above ground or within mountains. I kinda see this as a "hint" to Goro's deception, and his hidden knowledge of Mementos/the Metaverse.
HONCHKROW: Representative of his codename Crow :> I chose Honchkrow over Corviknight because I felt Ceruledge satisfied the dark knight vibe more than enough.
GARCHOMP: Needed to fill out his team, so I thought Garchomp would be a powerful and fitting addition! If you squint, you can see this as representative of Goro's physical attributes and affinity for Almighty skills!
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ABSOL: A Pokémon that senses danger before it happens, leading it to mistakenly thought of as the bringer of omens; it is Kasumi's Pokemon that alerted her of the oncoming car that Sumire was running in front of.
SWANNA: Kasumi and Sumire have a sort of Swan Lake motif, with Sumire being the Black Swan of the two (too bad shiny swanna is not black :( )
GASTRODON: I just thought it was really cute how there is a pink and blue Gastrodon, sort of representative of the gymnastics uniform that the Yoshizawa siblings wear.
RIBOMBEE: Shiny Ribombee is directly representative of Kasumi's red ribbon. Can also be interpreted as representative of Sumire's Bless affinity.
FROSLASS: Froslass is said to be the soul and lingering regrets of a dead woman who's possessed an icicle. You can interpret this as either being Kasumi herself, or the narrative of Kasumi's death haunting Sumire.
HISUIAN LILLIGANT: There's no real confirmation that Lilligant is a dancer pokemon itself, however I personally feel it has the appearance of a gymnast/dancer, and it's feet being similar to dance shoes. It's signature ability being Victory Dance, as well as being known for its ability to jump high and gracefully are added bonuses :>
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DARKRAI & CRESSELIA: These two pokemom are essentially the same; Pokémon who can control dreams. Cresselia is for what Maruki THINKS he is accomplishing, as well as being known for being great at healing techniques, whereas Darkrai is for what Maruki is ACTUALLY causing in terms of his goals.
JIRACHI: Jirachi is known as the "Wish Maker" Pokémon. I'd like to think Maruki encounters Jirachi when it's still asleep, and it doesn't awaken until he catches Hydrapple.
ZOROARK HISUI: Representative of the false reality itself, being the Illusion Pokemon. You could also kinda interpret it as the actual shadows within the Palace as well. However, I specifically chose Hisuian Zoroark for it's appearance of the embodiment of death, as a sort of nod to Maruki's grief over Rumi.
BLISSEY: Being a therapist, I thought Chansey would be a perfect mon for Maruki! However, I thought the evolved form, Blissey, being called the Happiness Pokémon, was too good to not have on his team. Representative also of his goal to achieve ultimate happiness for all.
HYDRAPPLE: Hydrapple is the representation of the forbidden apple from the Garden of Eden, also the name of Maruki's palace. Not only is it the forbidden apple, but also the serpent that tempts Eve into betraying God. Hydrapple is Maruki's ace.
Feel free to let me know what you think of my teams! I had fun making them and brianrotting about their place on the team :> I also made teams for Caroline/Justine, Lavenza, Sophia, and Zenkichi! Let me know if anyone is interested in seeing those as well ♪ヽ(´▽`)/
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hunterarden · 5 months
OMG Witcher fans have one brain cell and it’s entirely influenced by white supremacist propaganda about the story.
Disclaimer: This is a generalization.
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dollypopup · 2 months
y'all can all cancel me (again) for this, but if there's even a SHRED of 'who should I pick?' from Penelope in season 3, I am tuning out SO fast because like. . .sorry not sorry, there IS no choice. Debling is some crusty OC suitor she barely even knows and Colin is a man who she has been so supposedly in love with to the point where she'd ruin her entire family's reputation to have a potential love story with him. Penelope and Colin have background, years of knowing each other, intimacy that few people in the Ton can boast of having (letters, conversations about purpose, fights and arguments and makeups) and her and Debling have. . .a dance or two at a ball because he's a rebound for Penelope's broken heart. he means nothing. he has no nuance, he has no weight to the story, he is such an afterthought to me. either I wanna see Penelope going 'you know what? I don't even LIKE this dude. he's. . .fine, but I don't care about him even a shred as much as I care about Colin' or the INSTANT Colin's like 'you know what? we should get married' if it's not an immediate 'say less, you're already my husband, try returning me without the receipt, Debling whomst?' then I don't want it!
like. . .it's just so frustrating to see all the 'I hope Debling sweeps her off her feet and she rejects Colin's proposal and she makes him work for it and and and-' nonsense from the fandom and it's always tagged and no matter how many times I block it, it just keeps popping up. I go into the Polin tag for POLIN. I don't give a SHIT about a male love interest other than Colin. Not one. Not a shred. Not an iota.
and also. . .Debling has the 'benefit' of not having depth, or character traits, or HISTORY, so peeps can project onto him however they want, but I'm calling it now, there is NOTHING he could do or be that would make me like him more than Colin. Colin will always hit different, and I will always love him more. and if Pen's not on that same page? lol bye
you want me to believe Penelope and Colin are soulmates and it's romance for her to hem and haw about how difficult a decision it is for her to marry a stranger who knows barely anything about her. . .
when Marina was out here dropping banger lines like 'You were the only man with which I could see myself being happy' and 'I do not care about any of these men, where is Colin?'? like hello??? and she wasn't even fully in love with him!!!! but we'll demonize her until the cows come home in our fandom and make her the villain in Polin's love story for DARING to get in between Polin, yet Debling, a white man, is a darling dear perfect prince for getting in between Polin? existing in our fandom solely so Penelope can be like 'lol, Colin ain't shit, let me entertain any and everyone else'?
if that's the direction it goes then, ten toes down and on my mama, she doesn't deserve Colin and she can move because I'm on my way to court him my damn self
and that's that on that
#you know what? lol it's been a bit since i've posted a controversial opinion#tagging it#polin#sorry not sorry i ship polin. . .so i wanna see. . .polin. . .and i'm getting damn sick and tired#of all the bullshit pen/oc pen/other dude theories and stories in the polin tag#and i don't want polin to lose screentime over a frankly bleh male oc#you can't change my mind#if i don't see at least marina's 'you've seen him with the little bridgertons!' level of squee and 'i only want to talk to colin'#levels of devotion then i don't fucking WANT IT!!!!!#yeah definitely try out the marriage market#realize that NO ONE has a good time on the marriage market#try to get over him w/ whomstever#but then be like 'i don't even LIKE this dude where's colin i miss him' about it!!!!!#because otherwise i am not here#i am asleep#and i am courting colin in your place pen#i'm coming for your man#anti debling#if debling has 100 haters i am one of them if he has 10 haters i'm one of them if he has 1 hater i am the hater if he has 0 haters i'm dead#it's incredibly obvious that 'pebling' is half rooted in a revenge storyline fueled by anger at Colin and his complexity#and half a projection of wanting Penelope to have 'choices' because she is a representation and manifestation of the fans themselves#and so people think an OC that can be 'perfect' for them- whoops I mean Pen (because he doesn't have any real depth or interest)#he's a cardboard cutout we can throw whatever you want onto#so we can make him 'perfect' instead of the much more meaningful storyline of pen and colin both being messy and loving each other more#and part of it is bitterness over Polin not being insta-love#which. . .if it was i wouldn't like them as much as i do#anyways y'all ain't slick#and it's fucking WEIRD to be in a fandom that's like 'i ship this couple but i hope she gets with ANYONE else'#maybe you. . .don't ship the couple??#like. . .to the point of wanting her necklace to be from debling. . .and her wearing it everywhere??? WHAT??
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 8 months
I once said this on Twitter and got a LOT of backlash for it, but I think it's worth saying. Piper McLean is not hyper-femme. She's not even femme. Piper McLean is a butch sapphic woman. Though there's no problem with portraying her in pink or doing "girly" things every once in a while, if everyone is doing it all of the time, it creates a fandom misinterpretation of the character. It erases her identity as butch. Yes, she improved her internalized misogyny. No, that does not mean that she has become femme or "feminine." Part of feminism and eliminating internalized misogyny is the realization that women have the choice of how they want to present. Piper presents in a more androgynous/masc way. That's how she is, and I don't think all fanart of her should misrepresent her in such a way.
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engagemythrusters · 8 months
no bc like. we get a queer show. we get a queer show and it's openly queer. the whole thing. the entire fucking thing. no coding. just straight up queer. and not just gay men. it's not just white gay men.
it's so insane to me this show exists. that we're allowed this. i can't... it almost feels too good to be true. and i've watched it, so it is true. i know it is true i have seen it all with my own eyes.
but i'm so starved for any basic fucking thing that. i just. wow. nonbinary person? ethical non-monogamy? i got? i got to see that? and it's not a bad thing it's not made fun of?
i just... it's so wild that something so simple just can't feel real because nobody else will allow something like this to air.
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azacello · 1 year
no bc they rlly got me with that “do you remember what he did to you? I was there” bc up to this point no one has been genuine about the abuse. They’ve used it in power plays, in weird psychosexual soliloquies, everytime someone else’s experience of abuse has been brought up it’s been transactional. Say sorry because you neglected Connor, feel an emotion because you hit Roman. But stewy… man! It was just this one last Hail Mary to get Kendal OUT. And the only way kendal knew how to respond to probably the only non-transactional ‘normal people’ exposition of abuse was trying to get his own transaction to go through while offering nothing in return because stewy showed his hand and Kendall knew he wanted Nothing but Him.
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fitzrove · 9 months
I think I'm struggling creatively because as time goes on I find less and less motivation to write (and read, tbh!) stuff that's
good wholesome queer representation
escapist everything-gets-better fantasy ("because life is hard enough why would you write about miserable things")
palatable to people who disagree with me
And obviously I'm nowhere near finishing even a single original thing yet ahdfhajf but I've been looking at publishing videos that people who have experience in the industry have made and. Man no wonder that so much milquetoast stuff gets put out nowadays
#not to be a hater and controversial but#the fact that its often straight people judging whether queer representation has problematic elements (and similar situations)#and lots of queer media seems to be made with straight people in mind (at least as a considerable portion of the audience)#and ugh in general/unrelated like. i just want to write litfic about the human condition XDD and structural inequality#but if i do it with fanfic nobody will read it because my most popular fics will always be ones where white men kiss each other for 3k word#obviously i'm grateful that anyone reads anything i write aggdhfh it's very nice to be heard#but fr my most popular fics are NOT my best ones#and yeah like if i write original fiction it's unlikely to do well in publishing because there's no hot sexy straight romance or wholesome#soft high school good representation queer people:3#maybe i can put in a red herring twink guy idk#also i'm just so bitter about linguistic inequality still XDD like. in a video abt fantasy tropes the person making the video hates they#said that they hate 'overly long fantasy names' that they can't pronounce#which just made me go 'silence anglo' mentally because omfg super often those names are just BASED ON CULTURES YOU'RE NOT PART OF#(disclaimer i know not all english speakers are ignorant hahfjsdhjfj)#but yeah its funny when old english inspired names are too hard for modern english speakers like welcome to being anyone else lol#its somehow considered a minimum requirement of knowledge to be able to pronounce names like george and matthew correctly#but then for other languages it's a special courtesy if people say names right#afujishgfis and this is just one example#rant#writing#literature
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bloggingboutburgers · 23 hours
Hey sorry, you're probably getting recs on a bunch of aro-ace characters. If heavy games aren't your thing, this isn't for you, but In Stars and Time has some pretty explicit representation for aro-ace as well as just ace. It's all but named, and it's only not named because in-universe they genuinely don't have the words for it (as far as I can tell). It's handled really well, I think.
Huge spoilers, but if you don't want to play it, here's a link to the clip of the quest where it's all discussed. It's lighthearted-ish. Sorry for adding to your inbox again.
You're all good, don't apologize!
Actually I started playing the game with my partner over our calls and they're very adamant on finishing it together soon, so respectfully I won't watch it yet... But yeah I hope I do see that moment and I hope I don't end up being disappointed, it's been kinda giving me those "is that legit" nervous stomachaches because that game gets recommended to me a lot so... I'll know soon enough I guess
PS: That said I appreciate you being very descriptive and honest on the whole thing it genuinely helps a lot
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ohmybitna · 1 year
i really wish more people were watching "the warp effect", there's still 2 eps left but if it continues like this it'll be one of gmmtv's best series they ever put out
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kindledrose · 10 months
just watched nimona feeling FANTASTIC
#hi friend who watched it with me if you see this <3333 i had a wonderful time i hope u did too#i am not good at articulating my thoughts in the moment but my brain was going BOING BOING BOING the whole time because THE SYMBOLISM....#(spoilers below be warned)#but the metaphors man. it's all about the metaphors#the colors and the dichotomy gahhhh (the black + white + pinkish-orange)#the blend of traditional medieval and modern in the setting because It Is A Changing Era#the fact that every one of nimona's forms was part of her identity! every time she was shown on screen it was very clearly her!#except in those last few scenes where she had Very Clearly Became What People Wanted To See !!!#and not one individual form could encompass her at all!#the mix of Individual People vs The System driving the story#the whole !!! the whole history being based on something inaccurate and one-sided and the walls literally breaking down.#(the fact that i didn't even notice when the director died lmao. i had to think back just now like 'wait what happened to her again')#the queer solidarity though auhhhh#the whole time at the beginning i was like 'OH IT'S BALLISTER ALMOST BEGINNING TO BE ACCEPTED... BUT NIMONA IS STILL TOO MUCH HMM?'#canonically gay & trans characters but they are a representation as well...#anyways. one of The Movies Ever i think#i am so so happy that it did get made!! and screw di sney for that i guess!!!#yeah. watch nimona i guess#i'm sad i didn't get to watch it through netflix though (my family lost the password). but when i can i just kind of want to loop it#so they know yknow#terra is rambling
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
"hmm i added [new stuff] to the model"
"the results are a bit odd, though"
bruh did you even SEE the original formulation? where's your math? you literally just took the objective function x5? of course you get some wack shit
"idk why it's solving at the presolve?"
because it's a pure binary problem?? that i worked very hard to make it like that??????aweliurweauoh
a bro's tendency to laud either technical expertise or pure theory without understand you fucking need both i am about to expire
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ronanlynchbf · 1 year
LOVE ME ANYWAY .........
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