#and yes Silence of the Lamb is one of my favorite movie
cherubfae · 7 months
Hello! I'm not sure if you do single characters or not but What if the reader (who's a big fan of horror) wanted to show Alastor some classic horror movies. Their reasoning? "So you can make fun of it," If you do a collection of characters, then it can be like a movie night for the hotel.
Hiya love!! Yes, I do! In fact I'm currently working on a longer Alastor fic at the moment :)) it's like this request was made for me bc I 100% will force Alastor to watch the Scream franchise with me 😭 it's my fave. I'm a mega horror fan, haha! Maybe I'll have to write for slashers again like I used to! I'll just write Al since he deserves some love for himself!! Pls excuse me bc now I'm gonna be thinking about 1920s GhostFace Alastor 😩😩🩷💕
What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? || Alastor x reader
tags: fluff, gn!reader, Alastor critiquing horror media, plot to the Scream franchise, my horror obsession might be showing lmao
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Getting Alastor to have anything to do with post 1930s technology was a task and a half. He might've made a deal with Vaggie not to have anything to do with such frivolous technology, but you weren't Vaggie. You were his sweet, dear partner. And he'd never admit just how tightly wrapped he was around your finger.
He seemed to genuinely enjoy the first few Halloween movies as well as the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Alastor took a great of interest with Hannibal Lector from The Silence of Lambs. He was deeply considering watching the television series you told him of. He thinks Freddy Krueger is a piece of shit and wished he could do him in with his own hands.
The next movie, however, seemed more susceptible to being torn to pieces by his ever-watchful eye.
"So the point of this picture show is what... Billy is angry because his mother abandoned him and he doesn't know how to deal with those big feelings at his age?" Alastor gives an indignant snort, looking bemused at the old television screen currently playing a VHS of Wes Craven's 1996 slasher classic Scream. That's as new of tech as Alastor would allow, so you made do.
Snorting out a laugh, you lean against his arm. Alastor's crackling gaze flickers to you his smile softening around the edges. He did very much adore your laugh.
"That about sums it up, yes," you grin, biting down on the corner of your chocolate bar.
Alastor leans his back against the sofa, pulling the blanket wrapped around you two closer. "I don't know how that Macher boy thinks that peer pressure is a justifiable defense for murdering people." He unwraps his own piece of bitter chocolate and pops it into his mouth. "Own up to your choices, for Heaven's sake. And people find these two attractive? Are they not in love with one another? Surely anyone with two good working eyes could see this."
The sixth Scream movie damn near has Alastor foaming at the mouth, each and every movie felt as repetitive as the last with slight twists and changes. He was polite to keep most critiques to himself, eyeing how much you clearly enjoyed showing something so near and dear to your heart. While the plot was rather lackluster, he had to admit he was interested in the severe brutality of the sixth and despite his opposition to new media, felt that it was a decent enough film. With such a repetitive storyline, he didn't really expect that sort of twist.
"There's one more we can watch!" You grin, holding up your copy of Scary Movie. Alastor's eyes look ready to pop out of his skull as if to say 'Oh god, another??' "I don't think you'll guess who the GhostFace is!"
"Is it the man called Doofy?"
"What the fuck-- how."
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stevetwisp · 1 month
What's your all-time favorite Bob's Burgers episode? Like this is YOUR episode? (You can list multiple if you want!)
ooo yes i will need multiple, i have like lil categories for my favs episodes;
like nostalgic, and just genuinely good, and then episodes i find really silly/have my favourite characters
'The Belchies', 'Bob Day Afternoon', 'Bob Fires the Kids' and, 'Sexy Dance Healing' are all episodes I can't decide which i saw first, as in my first episode of Bob's Burgers overall, they all feel a very special and kind of nostalgic and honestly? besides Sexy Dance Healing, they are all really classic episodes that kind of hold the edginess of season 1, but in a good way, and also just have really good well put together stories- as well as introducing/building on side-characters that will become staples to the series (not including Beverly and Cooper, mostly talking about Mickey and the kids' friend group)
Sexy Dance Healing is just a cool episode in the sense they bring attention to the chalk board and Bob's routine with it and him breaking that routine and how the family reacts to it? it's just a wonderful character/world building episode especially if you have been watching the show for a bit before seeing it
'Manic Pixie Crap Show' and 'Silence of the Louise' go up in my top favs bc 1) i LOVE MILLIE and 2) i love the movie silence of the lambs, but also I love louise's crisis about 'being a girl' in Manic Pixie Crap Show
'Amelia', 'The Amazing Rudy', 'Radio No You Didn't', 'Show Mama From The Grave' are all episodes that sort of break formula to tell a better story, Amelia is just... oof. The Amazing Rudy? to escape the Belchers and have a whole episode just on Rudy- and not just Rudy but to focus on his face the whole episode to be inside his head without any inner monologue or narration- it's powerful stuff. Radio No You Didn't is just straight up a cool episode- and I love the running gag of never really showing Bob's mom? Lily is finally in an episode and.... she's a baby the whole time. It's kind of genius? oh also his grandma fighting nazis is cool too. HAHA and to follow that up- I really didn't think they would actually show Lily's grave in 'Show Mama From The Grave' (ironically), I was expecting them never to find it and I want to believe there's a draft of the episode where they never reach her and it's just about how that's okay because Bob thinks of her all the time. But Linda being the one who found her? Bro I was sobbing, loudly, WILDLY.
'Vampire Disco Death Dance', 'Earsy Rider', 'V for Valentine-detta' are episodes that are silly but I feel very strongly about them- Earsy Rider is also one of the first episodes I ever saw, and I think it's so neat they did an episode so early on that addresses- but doesn't unpack- Louise's bunny ears. Also the introduction of some of my favourite background characters, the One Eyed Snakes and Critter (love his name. love that man.) and his partner Mud Flap. ("Aw my mother's name is Mud Flap!" "...Really?" "No, you are named after the dirty part of a car.")
and c'mon, who doesn't love V for Valentine-detta???? We get sweet sweet adorable family time with Linda and Tina and Louise- NAT?? THE INTRODUCTION OF NAT!!!! best character in the series, and probably the gayest Tina will ever be (next to her and Sage... Next to her and Dillon... next to-)
but my ultimate favourite episode of Bob's Burgers will always be, 'Thanks-Hoarding'. I love Teddy. Yes it hits home, yes I relate to him, YES the episode makes me cry, YES I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME
anyway thank you for the question c:
honourable mentions: any episode with Gretchen. 👍
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ghoastixx · 3 months
do you still write for Hannibal Lecter? If you, could you write a yanderw Hannibal x fem!nurse one-shot, where she was one of the few nice people in the hospital. She helped him/showed sympathy for the way Chilton was treating him. After he broke out, he searches for her, but she is still a little afraid of him.(maybe with nsfw?)
Hannibal x fem!nurse reader
Synopsis above
Notes: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!! I'm so excited to write for this??? I am hyper fixating HARD on all of the Hannibal series right now.. movies, show, and I'm waiting to get the books. Currently I'm still on season one of the show. I'm so happy to write this!? I probably won't do nsfw in this because my account is a relatively safe place for minors, but I will do kissing and teasing etc. Just not straight smut. But thank you so much for requesting!??!?!
Author's note: I have never written for Hannibal before so I'm sorry if this isn't very well done. By the request mentioning he's already locked away and he gets out, I'm going to write this as "The Silence of the Lambs" time line, which is great because it's my personal favorite of the Hannibal movies.
You..are quite the interesting thing.. aren't you? You work in this hospital full of crazy people, you tend to them, hell you care for them. You treat them with humanity. Why do you do it? Don't you understand where you are? Who these people are? Maybe you're too innocent, little lamb. Or maybe you are just too stupid and naive to understand.
Hannibal thought you were interesting. He watched with sharp eyes as you worked, as he waited his turn in your presence.
"Come on Lecter, you're up." A guard mumbles as he walked him in. With the guards around and the doctor's muzzle on, his hands restrained.. no one viewed him a threat at the moment.
As he was walked in, his eyes fell on you again. You were putting away bandages and rags, working quietly.
"Ma'am," The guard spoke up, causing you to turn and look at the pair.
"yes, sorry- please sit him down on my table." You finished what you were doing as you walked over, the guard standing in the corner. Not getting in your way.
"Doctor Hannibal Lecter, am I right?" Your words were soft as they fell from your lips. Something he was not used to.
"Yes. You are?"
"Nurse L/N. You may call me Y/N. Less formal, but more comfortable." You smiled as you checked a clipboard. "So, you have hurt your arm, doctor? Can you tell me what happened?"
"Cut it on the tray passing notes with a detective."
"I see," You mutter as you lift his arm. Your skin is soft..if only he couldn't smell the metal of his muzzle.. he can only imagine what you would smell like...taste like. "I understand your 'room' is made of glass.. so your tray is pure metal.. yes, I see how this could cut you." The way you called his cell a room instead of what it was was curious to him.
"More of a cage than anything," He states as he watches you gather materials. "Are you going to stitch me up, nurse?" You hummed as you walked back over.
"Yes, hold together the wound. It will be less likely to get infected.. But you probably already knew that-" You answered sheepishly. So you knew of his past and what he used to do for profession. You didn't diminish his knowledge. He liked that. "Please tell me if it's hurting you. I can give you pain killers." And you began. You worked with precision. You weren't sloppy with your work, it seems you actually cared about healing his arm.
"Thank you, nurse." he would say once you were done.
"You're very welcome, doctor Lecter. I will see you in two weeks to take the stitches out. Until then, the guards will supply you with painkillers to try and help with the irritation." Very polite.
He didn't think much of the encounter with you, not with agent Starling trying to get information out of him. Doctor Chilton had been holding the pain killers hostage, claiming he didn't deserve them as some sort of torment. He didn't have reason to think about the mere nurse.
That was until he heard footsteps coming down the hallway with coos and catcalls. Disgusting behavior, he thought. How they treated agent Starling was disappointing. This was his thought until he noticed that the woman who stopped infant of his cell was not agent Starling, but a nurse instead..You.
"Hello Doctor Lecter," your sweet voice was pleasant to his ears.
"Nurse Y/N," he remembered, "It has not yet been two weeks."
"Yes, I am very aware. But it was recently brought to my attention that Doctor Chilton has not been giving you the pain killers I proscribed. I am very sorry, Doctor Lecter. I was not aware until now," You spoke, as you pushed the pills into the tray with a small cup of water. He looked at them and then took a step closer to the glass, breathing deeply.
"You wear a sweet scented lotion, flowery perfume. Citrus shampoo." You looked up at him a little sheepishly.
"Ah- yes. I like..sweeter smells.. I suppose." Hannibal looked down at the pills you had come all this way to give him before he took them. They were mediocre, of course. Not enough to overdose on.
"Thank you, nurse Y/N. You are a very kind soul. Tell me, do you know why I am in here?"
"Well- yes, doctor Lecter. I am aware."
"Then why have you treated me with such kindness?"
"You're still a human, are you not? You have done despicable things, but I would not feel right letting you suffer under my watch."
As you left, he heard the disgusting things thrown at you from men down the way.
He decided right then that you were worth keeping around.
Hannibal waited patiently to see you again. You never came back with the pills again, they were now delivered regularly by a male guard. The two week mark came by when he was allowed to see you again. He asked you questions as you worked. He wanted to get to know you. Wanted to know what made you tick. And blessed you.. you answered every question oh so sweetly.
You, of course, didn't think much of these interactions at all. You were in you apartment one evening, pouring some water in a glass. It had been a particularly tense day at the hospital since the Buffalo Bill attacks were so avid in your mind. Everything had been fine until you had gotten a phone call stating Doctor Lecter's escape. You were worried of course. He was a dangerous man, who knew what he could do and would do to people while he was roaming the world, free of his cage?
These thoughts plagued your mind as you watched the water flow into the glass. You pulled yourself away from your thoughts when you heard a chair being pulled out from behind you. You turned around, quickly turning the water off, to see Doctor Lecter, wearing civilian clothes and his mouth still stained red.
"Hello, nurse Y/N." His accent as charming as ever. He smiled as he watched you pale, shrinking back, pressing yourself against the sink. "Now now- do not scream. I am not here to hurt you."
Thinking quickly, you threw the glass of water at him as you turned to the phone, picking it up and dialing with trembling hands. Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist rather gently, pulling the phone away and throwing it to the other room. It fell with a smash. He was covered in the water you had thrown as he looked at you, "Can't have you calling for reinforcements. Not after I made the risky journey back to visit you."
"Please- please don't hurt me- I'll do whatever you want-" You were scared, of course you were. He put his hand on your cheek, caressing it.
"I'm not going to hurt you, angel. You have been so good to me." He leaned down and his lips brushed your face, which made you shiver. "It's alright to be afraid of me. I know." He mumbled as he touched your hair. Seemingly fascinated and love bombing you. "You're a good girl, are you not?"
You nod weakly. Terrified.
"Good. We'll make sure you stay that way. Yeah?"
You were his now. And there was no going back.
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idontlikeem · 3 months
get to know me game (thanks @yippayappa and @rimouskis for the tag!)
do you make your bed?
every day. i got into the habit of doing it immediately after waking up shortly after i got divorced to give myself something to feel accomplished about even if the rest of my day was spent feeling like i was falling apart, and once i start a habit i really, really do not stop.
what's your job?
i work in finance.
if you could go back to school, would you?
eh....maybe? if i could just audit classes? and also had summers off? i don't really feel like striving for grades any more, but i like to learn, so being able to take an occasional class for free and do the assignments for fun appeals, but otherwise no.
can you parallel park?
when the stars align and i don't think too hard about what i'm doing.
do you think aliens are real?
probably. but probably not the fun, sexy kind 😔
can you drive a manual car?
no and i refuse to learn.
guilty pleasure?
fanfic :) also very excessive amounts of sour candy.
yep! got my first one just about two months ago. i'm not 100% sure i'd get another one because the one i got had a very specific meaning, but i'm tempted by the concept of a cute minimalistic hockey-related tattoo send me designs if you've seen nice ones.
favorite color?
favorite type of music?
i will listen to almost everything but the type i like best? upbeat pop from my college years lol. music has gotten worse since i was 25. also, get off my lawn.
do you like puzzles?
yes if i'm doing them with someone. my family tries to do puzzles at christmas and we all end up yelling at each other and it's a very good time.
any phobias?
heights and tight spaces.
favorite childhood sport?
i played badminton and ran cross-country in high school. i still run recreationally.
do you talk to yourself?
tea or coffee?
first thing you wanted to be be when growing up?
a veterinarian in space. the 'in space' part is critical.
what movies do you adore?
the lord of the rings trilogy (extended editions only of COURSE). silence of the lambs. the holiday. pride and prejudice 2005. otherwise i'm not much of a movie-goer on my own!
Tagging @plethoriall @al-the-remix @timbitshockey and anyone else who wants to do this; please tag me in your reply so i can read everything! :D
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therealvinelle · 1 year
Hi! My ask is a top 3. Top 3 favorite books, favorite songs and favorite movies. I would also like to know the last book you read, last song you listened and last movie you watched. Not for any particular reason, just want some recs lol
Oh this is a fun one!
Favorite books
I take it back, choosing three isn't fun at all.
Agatha Christie has had a little too much influence on me as a person to not get the number one slot. If I had to choose one of her books, let it be The Mirror Crack'd. Jason Rudd showing Miss Marple in to see his wife whom he just mercy killed in her sleep and Miss Marple reciting Tennessee as a eulogy was deeply formative for twelve-year-old Vinelle.
Philip K. Dick, specifically A Scanner, Darkly if I must choose
Les Misérables. Like Christie, it impacted me too much not to make the list.
Favorite songs
In the interest of giving you recs, I think I'm going to give you repeat songs that I will never grow tired of.
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by Santa Esmeralda, when the vibe is right for this one it's just right
Venom by Eminem, somehow my favorite Eminem song and I can't figure out why. I just really like what he does with the rhymes in this one and the song is always, always perfect for whatever I'm doing at the moment.
Drøm Hardt - Requiem 1 by Kaizers Orchestra, which surprises me too because it's not one of their flashier songs, but it also isn't one I ever skip when I'm listening to them. It's just nice. All of Kaizers is nice, every so often I remember the fact that I have tickets booked for their reunion tour and the sun shines just a bit brighter.
Favorite movies
Lawrence of Arabia and The Bridge on the River Kwai, directed by David Lean. Yes, these are two different movies, but I love them equally and they are weirdly the same movie in that exactly the things I loved about Lawrence are there in Bridge, meaning I have two movies with these wonderful things. Possibly three, if Doctor Zhivago is as good (same director, overlapping cast) as I hope it'll be.
The Silence of the Lambs starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. It's just the best movie in the world, the pinnacle of feminist filmmaking to the point where I was very surprised to find out it wasn't classified as a chic flick.
Unforgiven starring, produced, and directed by Clint Eastwood. You should watch a few 50's and 60's Westerns first, but I'm a snob when I say that - really you can just sit down, giddy up and enjoy a beautiful movie about elderly cowboys who angst about what it means to take a life.
Last book, song, movie
Book: I've just barely gotten started on Ursula le Guin's Left Hand of Darkness, however I keep getting distracted so this could take me years. Or a weekend if I get the mania.
Song: No singular ones (unless you count me currently blasting Kaizers Orchestra to determine which of their songs to recommend) I've been abusing my Eurovision playlist lately... The Sunstroke Project, Vesna, Go_A, and so on. Oh and uh Hamilton. Violently unsexy but so very catchy, one might even say I'm helpless.
Movie: Halfway through Remains of the Day, I'm at the part where the lord of the house asks his butler to explain the birds and the bees to his adult godson.
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noneedtoamputate · 8 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @ronald-speirs.
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?: Australia
Something you’re proud of yourself for?: For making it through a difficult time in my life with a greater understanding how hard life it and a greater compassion for people
Favorite books?: Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy, The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes, Say Goodnight, Gracie by Julie Reece Deaver
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?: My child's hugs and a night in my 20s when I was in the car with my friend and "Dancing in the Dark" came on when we were at stoplight and we started singing at the top of our lungs with carefree abandon. A car with people in their 50s next to us laughed and cheered us on. Now that I am closer to their age than the age I was when I was in the car, I understand the joy they felt at watching us.
Favorite thing about your culture?: Americans are weird that we consider ourselves from somewhere else. My great-grandparents were from Eastern Europe, and my favorite thing about that is the food. My favorite thing about being American is diversity we have here, and Independence Day. I know it's not poltically correct to say one loves Independence Day, but I do. Parades, baseball, day drinking, cookouts, fireworks - Americana all in one day.
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?: I joined the fandom rather recently in the summer of 2023, but I watched BoB when it first aired. I just watched The Pacific over the summer.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?: I've read Band of Brothers and bits of pieces of others. My favorite is "Easy Company Solider" by Don Malarkey. I just borrowed "Helmet for My Pillow" on audiobook read by James Badge Dale.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?: I can't pick one favorite, but one of my favorite moments is when Tipper goes along when Luz pretends to be Major Horton. He wants to laugh so much.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?: I am in the middle of a series called "Every Beautiful Thing" featuring Chuck and an OFC in postwar San Francisco.
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?: I love Tom Hanks ("A League of Their Own"), Jimmy Stewart ("It's a Wonderful Life"), Ingrid Bergman ("Casablanca") and Jodie Foster ("Silence of the Lambs")
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?: "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." -Gloria Steinem
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?: You want me on your trivia team.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?: I've never had a beta and would be happy to let anyone read my WIP.
Three things that make you smile?: Finding money in a coat pocket the first time I wear it in the fall, little kids trying to play baseball or softball, a really cold beer on a hot day
Any nicknames you like?: My dad used to call me Pumpkin when I was little.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!: There are so many, but some people off the top of my head are @xxluckystrike, @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing, @dcyllom, @latibvles, and @jump-wings.
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?: Find the best people and do what I can to earn my keep in their group
Favorite movie?: Too hard to pick one but two of my favorites not listed above are "The Sound of Music" and "Hoosiers." I recently watched "1917" and the way the it was filmed like one continuous shot was really innovative.
Do you like horror movies?: I don't like slasher films, but I like psychological horror films. My husband made me watch "The Shining" about ten years ago, and it scared the crap out of me,
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
Snowflake and bone?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
oh shit... i feel like i'm being put on the spot lmao. honestly anything with yan chrollo i will eat up. my expectations are nonexistent for everything, including fanfiction. maybe @after-witch or @ddarker-dreams? but i feel like most yan chrollo writers are like experts in their craft...
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
a lot of shows/books/movies in general!
-> shows
monster - one of my favorite things ever. seriously. it's so good! the psychological horror of johan, the push and pull of tenma's morality based on what to do in the situation at hand... i love it all! an absolute masterpiece!
breaking bad - what hasn't been said about it already? it's just that good (and meme worthy also). definitely recommend!
hannibal - ah yes. horror shows with queer themes, my beloved. as someone who's going into work related to criminology, i really enjoyed this one a lot! hannibal was especially interesting, though i love the original silence of the lambs too!
-> books
the collector by john fowles - i actually discovered this book in middle school! i loved it a whole bunch, and my english teachers could never stop me from reading it when they were speaking. shoutout to all my fellow quiet kids who got the "most books read" award in school.
tomie by junji ito - this is actually one of the main things that inspired me to write hier encore! femme fatales always get me. i love my morally grey queens. seeing people just wrapped around their fingers is both interesting and horrific to watch.
the stranger by albert camus - i read this in my final year of high school and now once again during summer break! i just love camus' writing style so much and i love how the main character is so apathetic to the point he doesn't care about himself much. i also really like the religious themes that can come into play, as well as potential neurodiversity.
-> movies
midsommar - another thing dear in my heart. my older sister watched it with me along with my mom, but they were too scared by the gore to they just covered their eyes for like 30% of the movie lmao. not me though, unfortunately. i am still scarred, but the cult/indoctrination themes made it so interesting it's like i didn't have ADHD. i was a neurotypical for like two hours.
sailor moon s: the movie - hearts in ice - i love love loved this movie as a kid. i watched it on repeat along with the lion king movies. i really enjoyed the character development luna went through as she learned the necessity of letting go of people who don't necessarily need you in the way you think they need you.
knives out - this one i also watched with my mom and older sister! they liked this one much more too. i love ransom but also despise him at the same time. i haven't watched glass onion yet but i'm sure it's just as good based on what i have heard! thrillers are the key to my soul.
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ohyondermemphis · 1 year
WIP Lines Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @luxvespertine!
Rules: share 7 (or more) lines of a WIP you've been working on
Well, I am getting old af. But these WIPs are even older.
A Silence of the Lambs AU that just feels like I'm watching the movie but with Tomarry:
“You drew these yourself, sir?” He follows Harry’s line of sight, unblinking, that slow slide of a smile that still looks ill fitting on him. Voldemort hums, walks slowly closer to him. Harry tenses, jittery but desperate to not show it, this close and it feels like a predator closing in. 
He’d been to the zoo once, long enough ago that it’s not a clear memory, but a snake had reared up in the cool dark of the enclosure, swaying eye to eye with him for breathless moments. He feels very much the same now. 
Jumping on the Regulus bandwagon, Fem Harry/TR/RB, semi-incestuous Black family drama:
“You fuck him and call it family.” She spits it out, like it could absolve her from her own guilt, like how she dug her fingernails into her palms every time she looked at him. 
He smiles, bright and charmed by her vulgarity, crosses around the desk to stand in front of her, tall and much more impenetrable than she could ever hope to be. His hand, long and wand calloused, touches the curve of her cheek, her hard jaw. He whispers lover soft into her ear, “What do you call it when I fuck you?”
A jolt, but he’s always hit below the belt. 
“A mistake.” He laughs, low and amused, forever amused by her, she’s always ten inches tall in front of him. 
Tomarry Arranged Marriage AU - my absolute favorite - with a gush of A/B/O:
Customarily, before mating, the alpha will supply all and sundry for the omega. He is to come to his alpha with nothing but that which the alpha provides. Harry isn’t surprised that Voldemort is such a traditionalist. 
So, Harry sits on his bed, sleep deprived and nervous. His fingers twitch on his bare thigh, and his door remains locked even though there have been knocks. He murmurs an affirmative to their low voices, ambivalent to any concern now that the contract is signed. The words are binding, his people are safe, his family and friends even more so. Magic is shining her light on Great Britain again and he isn’t even the first war bride in the last century.
Witcher!AU - High fantasy with UST and knives to throats.
“He’s but a boy.” Tom arches a brow, arms folded and already bored with the older men’s theatrics. The clash of swords outside, that beautiful melody of steel against steel, reaches longingly into his ears. How long has it been since he pressed blade to blade with Barty, with Bella? How long since he had felt more human than monster? 
The answers aren’t in Dumbledore’s bright blues. Nor are they in the basin, with its blood and gore, where two emeralds fade into the bones that rattle in its depths. 
“A boy.” Sardonic, he turns to Gellert, his mentor, one hand holding his cheek and long legs crossed. His smile is all sharp teeth. He knows Tom will say yes, his pet seer isn’t needed for that, at least. 
Fem!Harry/Fem!Tom, Hogwarts!AU - Grief fic sliced with slutty interludes.
Tom puts her arm up, quick, silent, stopping Harry in her tracks. She licks her lips, eyes on Tom, feeling that reckless, that daring more than usual tonight. “You’ll let me go, won’t you, Tom?” She becomes boneless, lost lamb. Tom’s eyes eat up what little light there is in this secret, furtive alcove.
“That depends entirely on you, sweetheart.” Tom doesn’t do anything as crass as licking her lips, not like Harry, who has plump bottom lip caught between teeth. She leans, breathless, on the wall, let’s Tom tower over her. She seems to like it, this cat and mouse game Harry can’t stop herself from playing. 
Tom’s other hand touches her sharp collar bone again, light fingertips that trail across vulnerable skin. They haven’t broken eye contact. 
Harry pushes forward, tip toes skimming the flagstones to press her mouth against the slick smirk on Tom’s. 
Again. Femme Tomarry - because there just isn't enough. Toxic domesticity (catch and release pt 2)
There’s a darling curl of a tattoo under her rib, snake and skull, that clues Tomasina to anywhere she might be. She’s had no cause to regret it, even now. 
They’ve only been split for three days, enough that the ashes of every Marlboro light still clings to the tips of her fingers, drunk on cheap fire whisky (at home) and giggle water (at the pub). She keeps her wand near her and her ears as open as she can, can’t help but watch sightless in front of her when Tom’s name is whispered behind her back. 
Tomarry Hannibal!AU - Dark romance in all it's forms.
She doesn’t bring up her late night escapades the next day. All her glamours drip off like rain as she walks through his doors, so she doesn’t have to say a word. The arch of his brow, the purse of his lips, the way he can read her so well, intrinsically, intimately. 
She swallows the thought back down. 
“Trouble sleeping again?” She wonders if he’s paid by the word, if he’s energized by the charming way he disarms every warrior that enters through his gates, world weary and heavy hearted. She snorts, inelegant, unrefined, nails bitten down and dirt from where she’d worked in her garden this afternoon. 
She was off today. Twenty four hours away from the hell her job had become. Twenty four hours to drink whiskey from mugs and pet her cats and feed her owl and pretend for twelve goddamn hours that this was the sum of her life. 
Her mandatory attendance with Tom Marvolo Riddle, six p.m. sharp, every Wednesday, whether she was working or not, interrupts that blissful fantasy. 
These were the terms and conditions of her agency. Free will wasn’t an option. Not when she was her, not while she still dreamed of monsters, not while she didn’t even need to be asleep to see them still. 
.....and that's enough of that.
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dogsstew · 7 months
Whats your favorite characters and whats there actors or favorite actors in general (ik this might be dumb bc you post a lot about characters you like)
Not dumb at all! I watch a shit ton of movies so I like a shit ton of people.
So here’s a list!
Michael J. Fox (any character he plays he’s always been my favorite person. Yes even Stuart little)
Kyle MacLachlan
•Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks
(And Michael Ontkean Hi Harry)
•Jeffery Beaumont - Blue Velvet
Jean Reno
•Leon- Leon the Professional (comfort movie somehow)
Jack Nance
•Pete Martell - Twin Peaks
All of Moomin and the critters in the Valley.
Jeffery Combs
•Herbert West -Reanimator
•Dr. Crawford - From Beyond
Spock and Kirk and Bones <3
Virgina Madsen
•Helen Lyle - Candy Man
Sissy Spaeck
•Carrie my Beloved my Baby
Marilyn Burns
•Sally Hardesty -Texas Chainsaw (74)
Pete Brouwer made me gay as a kid
Steve Christy - Friday The 13th as the sexy camp counselor dude
The Adventures of TinTin! Him as a character and also the 3D movie is near and dear to me.
Bill and Ted OF COURSE
Alex Winter
•Ricky Coogan - Freaked
•Marco - The Lost Boys (I need to become him)
Everyone In Rocky Horror they’re all brilliant
Shelly Duvall
•Wendy Torrance -The Shining
•Olive - Popeye (also made me gay)
Used to be Obsessed with Fix it Felix Wreck it Ralph…. For some reason
Good Omens
•Aziraphale- Michael Sheen
•A. J. Crowley- David Tennent
Including Dr. Who…
Weird Science
•Gary- Anthony Michael Hall <3
•Wyatt - Ian Mitchall-Smith <3
•Lisa - Kelly LeBrock
Jodie Foster
Clarice - Silence of the Lambs <3
It’s a lot of Science Fiction characters from the 80’s. Dumb and Stupid and Lame loser characters that act like they’re not is my favoriteeeee. But I could go on and on and on I’m so fr I love movies. But these are the ones off the top of my head. A lot of these actors I’ve seen every single thing they’ve made too so! Not really in any order or particular.
uh sorry for the ramble!
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
I was tagged by my lovely friend @sal-si-puedes - thank youuuu and sorry for being super late with this, life is a bit crazy right now. But what else is new 😅🫶
Were you named after anyone?
Kind of, my mom was watching lots of American movies when she was pregnant with me because at the time that was still super exciting and new (East-Germany just after the fall of the Sowjet Union and the wall between East and West Germany) and was looking for an American name. She found one she liked in the credits.
Do you have kids?
Nope. Also don't want any.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Less than when I was an angry 20 something :D
What's the first thing you notice about people?
No idea. Probably how close they are standing to me because I really do like my personal space.
What's your eye color?
A light, almost grey-ish green with specks of brown if you look really close.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I'm a soft Marshmallow.
Any special talents?
I can fall asleep everywhere? Also I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, a party trick that's usually a hit.
What are your hobbies?
Running, hiking, weight-lifting, writing, complaining about capitalism.
Have any pets?
The Queen of Floof, my furry best girl Bella (a big white fluffy dog).
What sports do you play / have you played?
See above. I run a lot, love to go on long hikes and hit the Gym 2-3 times a week. I also did Krav Maga, loved it and I'm thinking about starting MMA.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
German (literature), English, History, Social and Political Science.
Dream job?
As a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer to help people who couldn't help themselves. I'm a shit lier though. Then I wanted to be a vet but I can't see animals being in pain.
I studied psychology to become a therapist but decided against it pretty early on (learning how fucking expensive that training is). All through college I then wanted to become a forensic psychiatrist (yes, silence of the lambs is one of my favorite movies why do you ask).
Still wish I did that. Now I'm doing something totally different, using my master's degree in Human Machine Interaction. It's also cool.
Tagging (no pressure as usual): @legitcookie, @yournowheregirl, @starryeyedjanai, @firefly-party, @steddieas-shegoes, @thefreakandthehair and everyone else who wants to do this, just say I tagged you 🫶
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Hello dear! 😊 hope you're doing well
🎤💘🎥 🍴🐶
Hello dear, I'm okay now, turmeric works wonders, if you have cold .. drink turmeric infused water or milk.
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands
I'm never good at this question 🤣
One republic
Guns n roses
Dire straits
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
You are adorable 🥰
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
Another question I suck at because I fall in love with every movie that touches me deeply ..I'll mention my top 5 favourite psychological thrillers
Shutter island
The prestige
The silence of the lambs
The game
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
Everything that's not bitter, i love food, a big foodie, I can never pick a favorite 😭
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
Yes my family has a dog (he identifies as a cat like he's the most catty dog you'd ever find) and a bird.
Thank you for caring 🥹❤️
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
Do you like ciphers? I love a good hidden message and mysterious paintings, i really like how you set it up in deciphering, it's partially what drew me in to the comic, aside from your gorg art and funny&heartwrenching dialogue so. I was wondering if you liked mystery stories in general, what would be your favorite ones? Owo
Are you that mysterious person from DeviantArt who tried to decipher the canvas and Morse code sketches? If not, hi anyway! If yes, hello, dear!
The name of a last code type you asked about was really hard to track down because of some translation issue. I thought it was a cipher of the Knights of the Rose Croix, but Google was so confused it couldn't give me anything besides this next to the actual Rose Croix cipher, apparently.
And now I'm confused too, so let's make it easier and I'll show you the decoder. What is SPRC cipher Google doesn't know either.
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And yes, I like ciphers, but before writing Deciphering I couldn't thought where I can use them. Now I know I can implement them into drawings x)
It's a little bit funny how I found out about ciphers outside of adventure and mystery movies. It may not look like this now, but in 2012-2014 I was pretty devoted fan of My Little Pony G4. I was 20 and went to Czech Republic to attend the pony convention Czequestria 2014. There was a quest, we split into teams and a part of it was to decipher little texts. It looked some gibberish and I couldn't thought what to do with it, until my teammate, a local guy Vojtech, took the paper sheet - and god damn recognised every type of coding was used. He was mumbling under his nose: "Ah, it's Caesar's one. Alright, rotate 4?.. No, it's rotate the alphabet 3 times". I was mesmerized. And you know what? We were the only team who finished this part and got the first place winning the quest - and all thanks to Vojtech! :)
Only a year after I've watched Gravity Falls - and still haven't figured that out how and where could I use ciphers.
And oh hell yeah, I love detective and mystery stories! As much as I love good romance stories, mysteries are my favourite genre. Isn't that the first reason a lot of us played Ace Attorney? It was mine for sure, besides being bored and wanting to play something silly. I didn't know ANYTHING about gay lawyers until I've launched the game last year.
What are my favourites, uf, that's a tough question.
I absolutely loved Endeavour TV series, watched 3 seasons in a row, and I should return to it. The main character is also so sweet, his large translucent blue eyes inspired me to paint Pheenie's eyes that way.
I also love The Silence of the lambs movie.
In terms of books I really love Alan Bradley's series about Flavia de Luce, the first part is called The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Flavia is a 12 years old genius chemist and the youngest daughter living in a manor with her father, two older sisters and several servants - and around her always happen murders. I like Flavia so much, I called my cat after her. She is so charming, funny and quick-witted, cynical and in love with chemistry, interested in poisons, graveyards, decomposition and, well, solving mysteries. It's really funny moments when adults are trying to hide her from corpses, but she leans in to investigate no matter what. She reminds me of Wednesday Addams, but still in a very fresh and entertaining way. I love a combination of sweet and jesus-fking-christ in one story, but it's mostly really sweet and wholesome. And, gosh, it's written so beautifully!
I also can recommend Daniel Pennac's La Saga Malaussene, first part is The Scapegoat. It might be not my favourite, but it is unforgettable experience for sure. The main character is an older brother of 10+ little siblings and the only adult, every one of his little ones are just a tiny bit magical, which makes the story a bit with magical realism. It also contains a combination of sweet and brutal, like Flavia, but here the contrast is even stronger. And the brutal murders, ouf, make the wholesomeness shine even brighter.
Woah, I feel like I should stop for now. Such topics make me really talkative, and I should go back to work. We can continue later, my inbox anywhere is open ;)
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lesbiancolumbo · 2 years
Fun thought exercise i just played with a friend: Peter Becker says Sydney, you simply have to come do an Adventures in Moviegoing for us, we'll pay you, travel you to New York, the works. 1) who's interviewing you, and 2) what films (max 10) are you picking
first of all, i say yes immediately. if peter isn't the one interviewing me i would love to be interviewed by bob 🙈 not that he would ever do it lol but it would be good to see him again
so the films i would pick.... i want to stress that these are not necessarily my ten favorite films but these are ten films that mark a very important development or milestone in my love of film
the silence of the lambs - my favorite film when i was 11
the apartment - the year my grandmother and i watched movies
reservoir dogs - my high school love of my 1001 films and cult films books which led me to independent filmmaking
moonrise kingdom - the first film i ever saw in an arthouse cinema, i drove for an hour just to watch this
pariah - i came out to myself because of this movie
a new leaf - elaine may and my college scholarship on women filmmakers
certain women - the first year i worked the sundance film festival, my dream job era lol
love affair - my love of turner classic movies
sweet smell of success - i mean, you know
jeanne dielman - greatest movie of all time
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
A little info on my OC Ellie Mills
(posting this for my own reference when writing really lol)
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𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿 〜 if your oc can drive, what kind of vehicle do they have? do they have a dream vehicle?
Ellie drives a 1968 Ford "Highboy F250 "Survivor". She learned the basics of how to fix cars when she was little from her brother Jason before he left.
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𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻 〜 what does your oc wear to sleep? do they have a dedicated set of pajamas or do they just wear whatever?
Honestly she would just wear a tank top like this and underwear. Unless you had company. Then she'll throw on a pair of boxers.
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𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗮 〜 if your oc has a bag or a purse, what are five things that’d be inside?
1. Wallet
2. Keys
3. Phone
4. Pocket knife
5. Book
𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 〜 what was one of your oc’s favorite tv shows/movies as a child? do they still enjoy it now?
Tv shows, she loved things like The Addams family, Bewitched, The Munsters, and yes she still watches them. Movies, she loves Desperado and Silence of the Lambs the most and to this day will watch them any chance she gets.
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𝘄𝗼𝗼 𝘄𝗼𝗼 〜 what’s their relationship like with their parent(s)/guardian(s)?
She has a really good relationship with her mom and stepdad, very loving. She doesn't talk to her dad as much since she hasn't seen him in years.
𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮 〜 does your oc have any disorders or disabilities?
ADHD is her worst one, had a hard time keeping her mind on one path. Other than that she suffers from depressive episodes.
𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗮 〜 who are some of your oc’s best friends?
She had some friends back home but wouldn't call the close. Her mom is pretty much her best friend. Ellie finds it hard to trust people so she doesn't make friends easily.
𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿 〜 describe your oc’s personality
Ellie is pretty laid back and chill. She's more of the motherly type and will take on that role most of the time at family gatherings. Not much of the party/drinking type, is definitely the person making friends with the dog at any sort of party. That doesn't mean she doesn't know how to have fun, but just prefers to be herself around people she knows. Isn't afraid to speak her mind if the situation calls for it, but is usually the quiet one that observes. That being said she's usually the jokester type in her friends group, as well as the one most come to for advice.
𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱 〜 has your oc ever made any choices they regret?
Honestly she would say her ex's but to her they are lessons.
𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 〜 post some images or a moodboard that fit your oc’s aesthetic
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𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗮 〜 post a song or a lyric that fits your oc
Meredith Brooks- Bitch
𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 〜 does your oc’s name or design reference anything? i.e. music, movies, etc.
Nothing that she can put her finger on, she's kind of a combo of Hobbit, meets woodland witch, meets cottagecore/grannycore.
𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗶𝘁𝗼 〜 does your oc have any tattoos and/or piercings? if so, what are they? if not, do they want any?
She has her ears pierced, as far as tattoos she has a feather tattoo that her whole family has on her chest, other than that she has vines,leaves,and flowers going up her arms and shoulders. Stopping at her wrists and chest. Though she would like to get stuff on the back of her hands.
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𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶 〜 is your oc a smoker? (tobacco, cannabis, etc.) if so, do they plan on quitting?
No she doesn't smoke and doesn't really drink either.
𝗺𝗶𝗺𝗼𝘀𝗮 〜 has your oc ever committed any crimes? if so, what did they do? if not, what would they be most likely to commit?
She hasn't committed anything besides maybe ripping music and movies. But crime she's most likely to commit? Honestly she would murder someone to protect a loved one.
𝘁𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲 〜 what kind of hobbies does your oc enjoy? is there anything they’ve always wanted to do but never had the time/resources to try?
She enjoys cooking/baking, gardening, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, painting/drawing and writing. Really anything she can be creative in.
𝗺𝗮𝗶 𝘁𝗮𝗶 〜 how was your oc’s life growing up? did they do well in school if they attended? do they have any awkward teenage memories?
Her childhood was very sheltered, until it was all flipped upside down. She went to public school for a few grades but went back into homeschooling eventually. She doesn't really have any awkward teen memories unless she counts her first kiss.
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶 〜 does your oc speak any other language(s)? if they didn’t learn to speak the language(s) when they were growing up, when and why did they learn it?
She only knows a few words in Swedish and Japanese and that is simply from shows and movies.
𝗰𝘂𝗯𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 〜 if your oc wears any perfume/cologne, what’s their favorite?
She doesn't really have an all time favorite, but she does prefer more woodsy/floral scents.
𝗰𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮 〜 what does your oc’s voice sound like?
I picture her to sound like Rachel Maksy
𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 〜 what does your oc consider to be their best feature? alternatively, what’s something they’re most self conscious about?
She really likes her eyes because they are green and she knows that green eyes are not as common.
She is most self conscious about her tummy and breasts cause she has a pooch and small breasts. She's a pear shape, only having B cups and wide hips.
𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗻 〜 what kind of people does your oc hate the most?
Anyone who would hurt children
Anyone who would hurt someone who they deem "weaker than them". This can be a man to a woman, a woman to a man, man to a man or woman to a woman, she doesn't care, it pisses her off.
Toxic controlling people
Manipulative people
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into-the-clintoris · 2 years
Hi can you tell me about your DVD collection?
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Anyways here it is, my pride and joy.
First up all my regular dvds. By the way, I am using the words DVD and Blu Ray interchangeably. I say dvds, I mean discs with movies on them, including Blu Rays.
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These are all the movies I just wanted to have a physical copy of for one reason for another. 90% of these are thrifted, some I've seen, some I want to see because ive heard of them and know theyre good (see: The Normal Heart, O Brother Where Art Thou), and some I want to see because it looked interesting on thr shelf at the store (see: Much Ado, starring Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington???? How have I never heard of this????).
Many of these I collect because they're important to me in one way or another (see: The Iron Giant, HTTYD).
Now here's all my pretty DVDs. Again, 90% thrifted.
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Here's the highlights:
Scrubs season 1 has a plastic sheet that looks like an x ray and is removable. The inside is made to look like a doctor's clipboard and has a rubber chicken.
Walk the Line was thrifted and still had all of the inserts, including in character photos of Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon.
That Reservoir Dogs dvd is one of a set - each character had their own release. Still has the pamphlet, and inside is a quote from QT about the character.
Yes, 2 copies of The Matrix. The original DVD and the ugliest steel book I've ever seen, next to all the Marvel movies, but it was a gift.
Angels in America is just a damn high quality case. It has a magnetic closure.
Planet Earth box set has a gorgeous inside. Each DVD is about a different place, and so pays tribute to that subject.
That Band of Brothers set is METAL. Like a steel book.
Saving Private Ryan is the 60th anniversary of D Day special edition, its pretty cool.
The Silence of the Lambs criterion collection, not thrifted per se, got it from Amoeba Records. The booklet inside had BTS stuff and high quality stills. It's gorgeous. The whole thing is very Hannibal (TV) - esque.
Narnia is my favorite DVD. Hands down. The inside looks like the wardrobe, and when you remove the plastic dvd case from the cardboard sleeve, it reveals a picture of the lamppost and Lucy. It encompasses so concisely why I collect these things. Someone loved this movie a lot, and designed the case with their entire soul. You don't see that much any more. See: Disney """"""platinum editions"""""" that are just the same damn dvds but the sleeve is shiny.
This brings me to another section I'm super proud of:
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I thrifted all of these. They all came from different stores. Fellowship is a little banged up, but I dont mind. Yall the insides of these are INSANE. I'm talking art, maps, the whole nine. And they do have a leathery texture. This set is in my top 3, probably tying SOTL for 2nd place after Narnia.
I love these things with my whole heart. They're so creative and beautiful and unique, and hunting for them at the thrift makes me feel like I've uncovered treasure.
I didn't try to get inside of these because it would be so complicated to try and get pictures of all of them and everything in them, but if there's something specific you want to crack into, let me know! Send an ask! I'd love to show these bitches off, they're literally the coolest things I own and I have barely anyone to talk to about them ✌
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emotionalcadaver · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 People
Tagged by @glitter-and-gasoline! Thank you!
nickname: Laur 
sign: Capricorn 
height: 5′0′‘ maybeeeee 5′1′‘ with the right shoes on 
last thing i googled: Where to buy black monochrome converse   
song stuck in my head: Time by Hans Zimmer
amount of sleep: Usually about 7-8 hours 
dream job: Freelance writer, librarian, or film critic    
wearing: A green and black plaid flannel, black jeans, and combat boots 
movies/books that summarize you: Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Sunshine, In Time, Interstellar, Dunkirk, Platoon, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (both book and movie), The Shining (both book and movie), The Silence of the Lambs (both book and movie), and Neverwhere.   
favorite song: Monstrance Clock by Ghost   
instrument: I don’t play an instruments but I would love to be able to play the piano 
aesthetic: Casual grunge 
favorite author: Stephen King 
random fun fact: I one time faceplanted so hard while skiing that I broke my glasses (yes, I was wearing a helmet and goggles at the time). 
Tagging: @areyenotfondofmelobster, @emilynightshade89, @scaryscarecrows, @raven-wraith, @hayleyscomet, @confidentandgood, @natesofrellis, and anyone else interested! 
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