#and yes i am part of brown hair spy gang
oldbirdwithsomebrain · 5 months
he <3
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here yall, take me throwing my maskless blu spy into the ring :D and some spy doodles
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a-black-pegasus · 4 years
Tiny Bilbo and Thorin
The Burglar Borrower
(Part 3)
Tiny! Borrower Bilbo! Thorin! The dwarf gang!
It was near sundown and Gandalf had not arrived yet, but Bilbo was sinking his teeth into a warm piece of soft bread without many cares in the world.
The surrounding dwarven faces around him showed everything from curiosity to amusement. Some gave a small shake of the head of endearing affection as they continued to feed Bilbo more and more food.
The only one who seemed to not be enjoying the Hobbits presence was Thorin, who sat alone at the end of the table, scowling into his pint of beer.
“He just seems to eat so much. Without stop.” Bofur said, slight awe hinted in his tone. 
Bilbo was a tad embarrassed, but he had never had this much access to food before! 
He looked around “I beg your pardon, I don't mean to make a spectacle.”
"Don't worry about that Mr. Baggins." Fili said, poking Bilbo in the side. "How did you get your clothes? Are they from a doll?"
Bilbo let out an involuntary squeak and wheeled around. "They most certainly are not! They were from a scrap of cloth the town's tailor tossed away." He brushed his coat. It was a nice reddish brown color, like turning leaves, and very warm; Although it was getting a bit snug in the middle with all he had eaten.
"So your a craftsman?" Dwalin questioned, seemingly interested.
"Well, yes I suppose so."
There was a rumble of approval from most of the table.
"There you go! See? He's like a smaller dwarf." Gloin slapped the table in his enthusiasm. "We should take him with us to see what he's really made of."
Bilbo was shaken at the slap, but was quick to protest any extra adventuring. "Uhm now I don't think-"
"Yeah!" Kili agreed. "He could be a little spy and sneak into camps. He's so tiny and unnoticeable."
Bilbo winced, trying to speak louder over the crowdm "I'm unsure that-"
"Wait! We have to see what else he's made!" Fili said, speaking over everyone. They quoted down as he lowered his face in front of Bilbo. "What else have you made from stuff people have gotten rid of?"
Slightly irritated, he began. "I'm not a spy, but as for crafting.." he puffed up a bit, proud to boast about his best creations. He was one of the best crafters in the Shire... In his own mind at least.
"I've created and built many things! My hole is rainproof, flood proof, and it's practically invisible to the naked eye!"
This seemed to get the approval of the surrounding dwarves. A good fort was very important in their eyes.
Bilbo added on. "I have an extensive set of pantries and lots of hand carved furniture, and the best set of oak drawers. I really am proud of my water system though. It takes a few drops from the well every time I pull the line! Took a lot of digging." He rambled. "Oh and I've collected a lot of cotton from next door. They hardly notice at all."
Bilbo lifted his bread to take another bite when a sudden accusation made him halt.
"What it sounds like," Thorin spoke up, "Is that you steal things to make your life comfortable."
Bilbo pursed his lips. "I have to disagree." He mumbled, not wanting to anger the dwarf.
There was an awkward silence for a few moments until Kili spoke.
"So, do you know other Borrowers?"
Bilbo tilted his head. “A what now? I’m a hobbit.”
An old white haired dwarf hummed and tapped the cinders out of his pipe. "I wonder what else the legends got wrong."
"Legends?" Bilbo asked in a quiet voice. About his people?
“Well, more like children's stories about people like you." The old dwarf shrugged. "In all those stories, you borrow things from dwarves and men to live."
There was a loud snort.
"Thieves and Burglars are what your race are." Thorin grumbled loud enough for all to hear from his side of the table.
Bilbo felt blood rush to his face. He dropped the bread and stood up. "I beg your-"
Thorin spoke over him as he stood up. All dwarf eyes on him as he sauntered over.
"In fact, it's only because you thieving mice are so good at stealing that you've survived. But all the tales end with you getting trapped... And exterminated." He dropped his tankard hard on the table. The vibration from it caused Bilbo to fall to his knees.
Scared, but riled on by his pure fury at having his entire race insulted, stood back up and pointed a trembling finger up at Thorins face.
"No-Now listen here! We're not thieves or Burglars! We don't steal! We may take a few scraps that people don't need but that's not stealing!!"
Thorin tilted his head down, a clear frown on his face but Bilbo was only getting started.
"I've never been so insulted! I am not a doll, and I am not a spy, and I am most certainly not a thief!"
Thorin didn't even respond. He just picked Bilbo up and dangled him in front of his face.
"You take things that don't belong to you. Therefore, you are a thief." He spoke cooly.
Bilbo swayed as Thorin let out a hot breath of air. Contrary to the uncomfortable heat Bilbo was frozen stiff. He couldn't draw his eyes away from Thorins penetrating stare.
One thought ran through his head on repeat. A wish that he had just kept his damn mouth shut.
The door to the tavern creaked open, but no head turned towards it until a familiar an old voice of a very cranky wizard spoke.
"Put the hobbit down!"
That's all.
@sammigruber @gatlily @nightmarejasmine @misfitsgalaxygt @obwjam @bee-wrecker @nerdqueenkat @tinyliltina @lost-done @queenofconspiracies @dc41016 @tinyinabigworld @bloodmoon-memecore @exquisiteren @smolkuriboh27 @i-like-cookiez @shortmarcy @inthemusicbox @random-fandom-dragon
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Grease - Teaser
greaser!Hoseok x cheerleader!reader - fluff, angst, humour, potential smut
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 5k+ (not really a teaser lmao, but let’s just roll with it)
Summary - During the best summer of their childhood, good girl y/n and greaser Jung Hoseok indulge in a sweet and innocent love affair before parting ways, believing they will never see one another again. But fate has other plans, and it is only the beginning of the story for y/n and Hoseok in this tale of cars, chicks and high school cliques... (ft. Red Velvet and NCT Jaehyun)
Warnings - mild profanity, mention of sex, mild threat of violence, misogyny and sexism (it was the 50s lol), a lot of 50s slang (it took me longer to find relevant slang than it did to actually write this lmao), bts and red velvet flirting, gross overuse of pet names, I think that’s it but tell me if I missed anything lol
a/n: this is actually edited and proofread by the love of my life @silverlightprincess​ who made me even more excited about this story than I was before. I hope y’all like it x
song I listened to whilst writing: Bad Boy (English Version) - Red Velvet (the album cover inspired their outfits - yes, I know Rydell’s colours are red and white but I don’t care lol)
divider credit: ? (lmk if you know whose it is pls)
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘Six strawberry milkshakes for the paper shakers!’ the chef behind the counter shouts. A waitress, stood mere feet away from him, winces at the volume of his voice in the quiet diner before picking up the tray of our milkshakes and heading over towards us. ‘Six strawberry milkshakes,’ she says softly, and we all thank her as she puts them down on the table in front of us.
‘You girls look neat. Rydell trying out some new threads?’ she asks, and we all look at Irene, the Cheer Captain, and the unspoken leader of our little group. ‘Yeah, but Coach didn’t really… dig them like I hoped he would. Says they’re impractical or something lame-brained like that,’ Irene says ruefully, and the waitress rolls her eyes. ‘And those skimpy little cheer kits aren’t? Coach is such a pooper – he’s probably just peed off he didn’t come up with these,’ she says, and Irene smiles, a hint of pride in her grin – she likes a little compliment. ‘He’ll warm up to them. Well, he has no choice – all the other girls have bought them too. Our parents will blow a fuse if we can’t wear them,’ Irene says, and the waitress nods, us five just sipping on our milkshakes as we listen. Just as she opens her mouth to reply, we hear the chef shout, ‘Mina! These tables ain’t gonna clean themselves!’ She rolls her eyes with an apologetic shrug before trudging over to the counter where the chef throws a cloth and disinfectant at her.
‘Irene, where did you get the idea for these duds?’ Joy asks, straw between her teeth as she speaks. ‘You know that girl group, Red Velvet? They dropped a new record a few weeks ago – you’ve heard it right? It’s all over the radio. Well, anyway, they did a video for it, and they were wearing these cute little skirts and tops, all in blue and yellow plaid,’ she explains, but I get the feeling Yeri and I are the only ones listening, all of the other girls staring out of the window behind us.
‘Oh, no. I recognise that hunk o’ junk. That’s Kim Seokjin and his little gang. They’ve just pulled up in the parking lot,’ Seulgi says, though the way she checks her reflection in her little pocket mirror shows she’s not quite as distressed about their arrival as she seems. ‘Don’t say that in front of Kim Taehyung. He calls it a ‘hot rod’; he’d flip out if he heard someone call it a hunk o’ junk,’ Wendy says warningly as she fixes her hair.
‘Wait, sorry, but who is Kim Seokjin? And who’re his gang?’ I ask, the girls all looking at me shock, quickly followed by realisation. ‘I keep forgettin’ you’re a newbie. They’re greasers – you’ve probably seen a couple of them at school. They’re… bad news. They have a reputation of humpin’ and dumpin’. Still doesn’t put all the girls off them though,’ Seulgi explains, saying the last bit under her breath.
‘What’s humping and dumping?’ I ask, the five of them shushing me instantly. ‘Keep your voice down, y/n, we can’t be heard talkin’ about things like that in public. Humpin’ and dumpin’ is, like… one minute, they’re all friendly, then they’re suddenly in your bed, and then they’ve forgotten you existed,’ Wendy explains quietly, and I nod in understanding, feeling my cheeks warm up a little bit at discussing something so crude.
‘That Jeon Jungkook did it to Lisa,’ Joy whispers as she applies fresh lipstick, and I picture our fellow cheerleader in my head, feeling a little bit of pity for the poor girl. ‘He’s so dreamy, though,’ Yeri says softly, and Irene rolls her eyes. ‘They’re all dreamy, Yeri, but they’re bad news,’ the girl says forcefully, echoing Seulgi’s earlier words.
And then the bell above the diner door rings behind me, followed by an absolute hubbub. ‘I’ll have you know, I got an A in Miss Lee’s class through workin’ my ass off!’ ‘No, it’s ‘cause you’re a little brownnoser, Jeon.’ ‘Hey! I am not!’ ‘So, if you’re workin’ your ass off in her class, why can’t you work your ass off in all the others? You’re failin’ everything else!’ ‘I’m not failin’ anything! I just don’t have time to do extra sessions with any other teachers.’ ‘You’re doing extra sessions with Miss Lee? Lucky fucker.’ ‘Lucky? How am I lucky?’ ‘She’s stacked.’ ‘So what? She might be a sex-pot, but we’re doin’ history work, not makin’ out.’ ‘Maybe you should make out with her. Drive her home, a little backseat bingo.’ ‘Jeon’s too much of a sissy for that.’ ‘I’m not a sissy! I could easy… backseat bingo with Miss Lee if I wanted too.’ ‘So you don’t want to? Are you queer?’
‘Hey, fat-heads, put a lid on it,’ one voice rises above all the squabbling. ‘Get a load of those dollies,’ the voice says softly, not softly enough for us to not hear. I feel a sudden rush of panic, knowing they’re about to join us. ‘Are those paper shakers I spy?’ ‘It can’t be.’ The teasing voices get louder and closer, and Irene gives me an encouraging smile, obviously telling me not to worry.
‘Ah, if it isn’t Rydell’s resident greasers,’ Seulgi says with a small smirk, and then ‘Rydell’s resident greasers’ come into my view. All of them have their hair slicked back and wear black leather jackets over black or white t-shirts, and black or blue jeans, but that’s where the similarities end. All of them are handsome, but in their own ways; Irene was right – they’re all dreamy. ‘Speak for the rest of ‘em, my hair ain’t greasy,’ one of the boys says with a boxy smile, pushing himself into the booth beside Joy who welcomes him with a flirty grin. He’s right too; his hair isn’t greasy at all. None of their hair is. A little shiny and sleek, but not greasy. At the mention of grease, one of the boys begins singing ‘Grease Is The Word’ obnoxiously loud, another hitting him over the head.
‘Don’t you skirts look cute?’ another of the boys says with a smirk as he pulls a stool up to the side of our booth, and the girls all smile back. ‘Thanks, Jungkook,’ Yeri says with a little flutter of her eyelashes, and he ever-so-slightly leans over me towards her, ignoring me completely. ‘You’re most welcome, doll,’ he replies, and she giggles behind her hand.
‘Oh. Who’s this?’ one of the other boys asks, looking at me, and suddenly all of them are looking at me. I will myself to be confident and flirty like the other girls, and I sit up a little in my seat. ‘She’s new ‘round here,’ Wendy says, not giving me a proper introduction. But it seems it’s better she didn’t, all of the boys suddenly intrigued, eyes scanning me intently. I spot Seulgi and Joy exchange a little grin; they’ve been bugging me all week to try and talk to some boys, saying it’d be super easy for me because of how much of a ‘dish’ I am, but I’m way too shy for that. ‘Obviously. I woulda noticed a cute little piece like this before,’ a disembodied voice says, and when Jungkook moves his head to the side, I spot the source of the voice.
He’s… hot, to say the least, his good looks making my stomach turn a little. His skin sports a golden tan, his eyes and hair a dark brown, and he has nice proportions, not too built but not exactly small either. He gives me a little grin when he spots me looking at him, and I’m endeared when I notice his lips form a heart shape when he smiles. I’m certain I’ve seen a smile like that before.
‘Don’t call her a piece, Hoseok. That’s derogatory towards women,’ Irene says, all eyes turning to her with surprise. Hoseok. Nice name. ‘What? We all know I’m a feminist, it’s not a surprise,’ she says matter-of-factly, as though it’s the most normal thing in the world, before taking a sip of her milkshake. ‘We’re just surprised you know a big word like derogary,’ one of the boys says, coaxing laughter from the rest of them. ‘It’s derogatory, doofus, not derogary,’ Irene says but her voice is lost under their laughter.
‘Hey, Yoongi, Mina’s workin’ tonight,’ one of the boys says, nudging another, presumably Yoongi, who instantly looks up with eager eyes, everyone else laughing. ‘Excuse me, ladies, knuckleheads. My lady awaits,’ he says, the other boys hollering and hooting at him, pushing him towards where poor Mina cleans tables on the other side of the diner.
‘So, what’s the dealio with you, sweetie? How’s a cute little dish like you managed to get in with the socs?’ one of the boys says to me in a teasing tone as he leans against the booth beside ours, the other girls rolling their eyes. ‘I hate it when you call us that, Jimin,’ Seulgi says with wide eyes and a little pout, and he grins at her, blowing her a kiss before he says, ‘sorry, baby, but ya know it’s true. Popular teeny queenies, you five.’ Seulgi certainly seems appeased, a satisfied little smirk on her face when she turns to take a sip of her milkshake.
‘I was a cheerleader at my old school, so the girls got me on the team as soon as I started at Rydell,’ I explain softly, the boys all listening with interest. ‘Ain’t you a cutie? So softly spoken, an’ all posh soundin'. Not like this noisy broad,’ the boy beside Joy says, nudging her, and she nudges him back with a scowl. ‘Shut it, Tae,’ she snaps, and the boy, Tae, grins as he throws an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, Joy’s scowl quickly disappearing.
‘Ain’t you in one of my classes?’ Jungkook says, and I look at him for a moment, before nodding, realising he’s in my Math class. ‘Mmhmm. Math, right?’ I say, and he nods with a little grin at me, an unreadable expression on his face. ‘You’re awful quiet in class.’ ‘And you’re awful loud.’ The entire group bursts out laughing, Jungkook included, and he looks impressed.
‘The kitten has claws, huh?’ Hoseok says, my eyes flitting up to meet his amused ones, and then I realise – I’ve seen him before. ‘I recognise you,’ I say without thinking, and a little bit of surprise appears on his face before he quickly masks it with a grin. ‘That’s a line I usually use,’ he says, and everyone laughs, a little bit of embarrassment unfurling in my chest as I let out a giggle.
‘So what’s your name, sweetheart?’ the boy that thought ‘derogary’ was a word asks, and I raise an eyebrow at him. ‘What’s yours?’ I ask, and he grins, more laughter rippling around the group. ‘Kim Seokjin, Jin for short. I’m surprised you don’t know. Irene’s neighbours sure do,’ he jokes, a little gasp escaping my lips as everyone laughs, Irene shooting him a death stare. ‘Aw, ain’t you adorable?’ Tae says with an amused grin, having noticed my gasp, and I feel blood rushing to my cheeks as I duck my head to take a sip of my milkshake.
‘What’s the name then, doll?’ Hoseok asks, my heart fluttering at the nickname. ‘y/n,’ I say, and his mouth falls open. ‘Get outta here. There’s no way. y/n y/l/n?’ he asks, and I nod mutely, shocked that he knows my full name. ‘It’s me, Jung Hoseok,’ he says, and I vaguely recognise the name, but can’t remember where I know him from. One of the boys whistles to fill the awkward silence, another whispering ‘sheesh, ain’t that a bite?’. Hoseok looks at me with intense eyes, almost willing me to remember him. ‘Come on, y/n, you remember me. That summer. At the beach. You know me,’ he says, almost desperately, and then I realise exactly who he is, ice cold shock filling my veins.
‘Hobi! No way!’ I exclaim, a grin spreading across his face as he nods. ‘Hobi? Who the fuck is Hobi?’ Jimin asks, and Hobi rubs the back of his neck embarrassedly. ‘I am. It was my nickname when I was a kid,’ he admits, the boys all laughing, and annoyance appears on his face. ‘Put a lid on it, dipsticks. My old lady gave me that nickname, an’ I’ll be damned if you make me embarrassed of it,’ he says seriously, the boys all falling silent. ‘I like it,’ Seulgi says evenly, taking a sip of her milkshake. ‘Yeah, it’s cute. Hobi. Definitely suits you,’ Wendy says, and suddenly, Hobi’s sporting a little grin, and the other boys seem a little jealous at the attention from the girls.
‘So, you two childhood friends or somethin’?’ the only boy whose name I don’t know yet asks, and both Hobi and I nod. ‘We met a couple years back, when we were… 15?’ he asks me, and I nod. ‘Yeah, 15. I was nearly 16. It was summer, an’ our villas were next to each other on holiday. We spent the whole summer together,’ he says, the others listening with interest. ‘Ain’t that just adorable? Who woulda thought our big bad wolf would turn out to be a little softie?’ the boy replies, and Hobi glares at him. ‘You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’, Namjoon, so can it before you get a knuckle sandwich. I’m sure Wendy wouldn’t be too happy to see your face busted,’ Hobi threatens, and I’m shocked to see a new side to the gentle and kind boy so full of sunshine that I met a few years ago. He spots the look on my face, and suddenly looks ashamed of himself, the anger in his disposition instantly disappearing.
The conversation quickly moves on to Namjoon and Wendy, and I’m lost in my memories of that summer with Hobi. He was such a lovely boy, so funny and full of laughter. We made a lifetime of memories that summer, and I’ll always treasure it as the summer I fell in love for the first time.
‘Oh, y/n, your milkshake’s finished. Why don’t you get another one?’ Yeri says, nudging me out of my own mind, and I look down at my glass. Sure enough, it’s empty. I didn’t think I’d had that much. ‘Oh. Yeah, okay. Does anyone else want anything?’ I offer, and Yeri hands me some money to get her a basket of cheesy fries, and tells me to get my milkshake with her money too. And it’s then that I notice her glass is suspiciously full, around the amount that I had left in mine. She grins at me sneakily before her eyes flit to Hobi, and I know she’s plotting for him to follow me.
I slide out of the booth, and head up to the counter, my white cheer shoes squeaking against the clean vinyl floor. I cross paths with Yoongi, who’s glowering a little. ‘Any luck with Mina?’ I ask, my courage at speaking to a virtual stranger surprising me. ‘Not really,’ he admits, and I supress an amused laugh. ‘Maybe bring her some flowers next time you’re here? Girls love it when boys do things like that. It’s cute and romantic,’ I say, and he nods, digesting my words. ‘Yeah. Good idea. Thanks, new girl,’ he says, heading back to our booth with renewed energy.
I order a strawberry milkshake and Yeri’s fries at the counter, poor Mina looking like she could kill the chef when he shouts at her to clean the machine before getting my milkshake. ‘Shall I bring it over, or you gonna wait?’ she asks me, but I’m saved from answering, a voice behind me replying, ‘we’ll wait.’ Hobi appears, sliding on to the stool beside where I stand with an easy grin at me, my heart jumping.
‘I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,’ he admits, and I smile. ‘Me too. You’ve changed,’ I say, and his smile slips a little. I feel guilty, and so I make up for it by saying, ‘you’ve grown into a dreamboat.’ A grin instantly appears on his face, and he puffs out his chest a little, coaxing a laugh from me. ‘But look at you, y/n. You were always a pretty little thing, but now… well, you got a classy chassis, alright, an’ your face ain’t half bad either,’ he says as offhandedly as possible, a little grin on his face, and I can practically see his new greaser image fighting down the sweet boy that I know is inside. What he says is a little… not offensive, but I know Irene wouldn’t be too impressed if she heard it, and yet I can’t help but feel a little flattered. ‘Thank you. I think,’ I giggle, fingers toying with the hem of my skirt nervously, and he leans back against the counter, eyes skimming over my figure. ‘It was a compliment, doll. This new uniform’s cute, too. Reminds me of that little dress you wore, our last night that summer,’ he says, smiling widely, and my heart warms at him remembering.
I know exactly the dress he means; it was yellow and white plaid, sleeveless, and the hem came to just above my knee. I remember feeling so grown up in such a short dress, but it’s nothing compared to the outfit I’m wearing now. My grandparents would be scandalised if they saw me in my strappy, yellow plaid top – revealing my arms, the majority of my chest and a little bit of midriff when I stretch – and my blue plaid skirt, swishing around my thighs, with lacy white ankle socks and a yellow plaid scrunchie on my wrist. All the other girls are in variations of the same outfit, colours switched around on their tops and bottoms, different shape tops, different length skirts. It’s a little risqué, but times are slowly changing, and Irene is a firm believer that people like us will help to change it.
‘I barely remember that night,’ I say shyly, and he raises an eyebrow, knowing I’m lying. ‘I could never forget,’ he says lowly, eyes locked with mine, and the memory appears in my head. I shared my first kiss with him that night and whilst the memory is one that I treasure, I’m surprised it means anything to him. He’s a greaser, and they have a reputation for… ‘humping and dumping’ as Seulgi so eloquently put it. ‘You were my first kiss,’ he says casually, and I smile shyly, a little surprised at hearing so. ‘I never would’ve guessed,’ I say softly, and he grins. ‘I haven’t been a… greaser forever, you know,’ he says frankly, and I laugh. ‘Well, you were my first kiss too,’ I admit, and he grins even wider. ‘I know, kitten,’ he replies, and I feel my face fall a little, his face falling too. ‘No, no, I don’t mean it like that. It wasn’t bad, or anything,’ he says hastily, and I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. ‘You were just so…’ he trails off, and I give him a pointed look, prompting him to continue. ‘Innocent. Practically jail bait. A cute little Quentin Quail. It’s hot when a girl’s like that. Hotter than easy girls,’ he says, and I nod, holding back a laugh, and trying to mask how embarrassed I am at the flattery.
‘Here’s your milkshake, y/n, and your fries,’ Mina says, suddenly interrupting mine and Hobi’s eye contact. ‘Hey, Mina,’ Hobi says with a flirty grin, and I try to stop my smile from faltering. ‘Hi Hobi.’ ‘Why’s the diner so quiet tonight? It’s like Nowheresville in here.’ ‘Everyone’s at the bar, watching the football.’ ‘Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Well, anyway…’ ‘Yes, Hobi?’ Mina replies in a bored tone, and I suddenly like the girl. A lot. ‘Why don’t ya give Yoongi a chance? He’s real sweet on ya,’ Hobi says easily, and my heart warms when I realise that he’s trying to be a good friend. ‘And I told him already, I got a boyfriend,’ Mina says, and Hobi nods, impressed. ‘Yeah? What’s his name?’ ‘He goes by Bambam.’ ‘Still at school?’ ‘Na, he works at the garage ‘round the corner.’ ‘Good pay?’ ‘You writin’ a book or somethin? What’s with all the questions?’ ‘Just askin’. I wanna work there.’ ‘I’ll put in a word if you get Min over there to leave me be,’ Mina says, Hobi holding a hand out to her with a grin. ‘Deal,’ he says, Mina unable to keep a small smile off her face as she shakes his hand.
‘Come on, doll, let’s get back before Yeri’s fries go cold,’ Hobi says, his attention back on me as he hands me my milkshake, picking up the fries in one hand and snaking the other around my waist. A little thrill runs through my body at the feeling of his hand on me. He leads me back over to the table as I thank Mina over my shoulder. When we reach our booth, everyone’s staring at us, continuing to do so when Hobi puts Yeri’s fries down in front of her, slides into my seat and pulls me down onto his lap. My heart nearly pounds out of my chest.
‘You two look awful… close,’ Wendy says cautiously, and Hobi shrugs offhandedly. ‘We spent a whole summer together, ‘course we’re close.’ ‘Yeah, like two years ago.’ ‘So what?’ ‘Nothin’. Hobi.’ ‘Are ya laughin’ at my nickname?’ ‘No.’ ‘So, tell us more about this summer you two spent together,’ Taehyung says musingly, his elbow on the table and his chin resting on his hand. ‘Yeah, d’you get in her drawers?’ Jimin asks with a mischievous grin, and blood rushes to my cheeks from embarrassment. ‘Hey! Shut it, bozo, they were little kids,’ Seulgi exclaims, hitting him over the head, and he continues grinning, still looking at Hobi for an answer. ‘Mind your own beeswax,’ Hobi replies as his arms slide around my stomach. ‘Come on, let’s hear a little at least,’ Namjoon says softly, the others all nodding in agreement. ‘We wanna hear about your summer lovin’. Did you get friendly down in the sand?’ ‘D’you get far?’ ‘Did she put up a fight?’ Shut it, clods! Don’t ask questions like that, ‘specially not in front of her,’ Hobi exclaims, all of them exchanging grins. ‘Jeez, whatta grouch. You oughta tell us somethin’, since you didn’t even tell us about her after that summer,’ Jungkook says, leaning away from Hobi when the boy goes to hit him. ‘What are ya, the FBI? Lay off a little. There’s nothin’ to know. Like Seulgi said; we were little kids. Ain’t that right, kitten?’ Hobi says, and I nod in response to his question, butterflies in my stomach at being sat on his lap, having his arms around me, and having him speak to me like… like I’m his girl or something.
‘Well, whatever. I’m bored. Let’s cut out,’ Taehyung says, and I can see Joy deflate a little, my heart going out to her. ‘Na, let’s stick around a while,’ Jimin grins, eyes locked with Seulgi who grins right back. ‘Thought we were gonna hit the passion pit,’ Hobi says, Irene rolling her eyes. ‘The flick’s probably finished by now,’ Namjoon says, and Yoongi grins. ‘Let’s head down to Thunder Road,’ he says with a glint in his eyes, and the others exchange a glance before looking to Jin. ‘Na, my old lady said I gotta be home before midnight,’ Jungkook says, the others all mocking him. ‘Candy ass. Your old lady won’t say nothin’ if you’re late, let’s just go,’ Yoongi says, and Jin shakes his head. ‘Ice it. We get in enough trouble, let’s not go lookin’ for it,’ he says, surprisingly wisely, and the other boys respect his words, nodding.
‘We makin’ tracks or what? I really gotta get home or my old lady’ll crown me,’ Jungkook says, Yeri practically melting at his words – obviously she’s got a soft spot for a momma’s boy. ‘Yeah, let’s split. You dollies hangin’ ‘round here, or ya wanna come with?’ Jin asks, and the girls all look to Irene. ‘Where ya goin’? We ain’t comin’ if you’re goin’ to Thunder Road,’ Irene says, and I’m still unaware of what exactly Thunder Road is. ‘Na, we’re gonna drop the kid off an’ then… head to the bar,’ Jin says, the other boys cheering at his words. They all start to get up from their seats, and I feel Hobi fidgeting a little beneath me. I get out of the booth, and he gives me a smile before sliding out himself, and I take the empty seat. Irene looks around at us all before answering, ‘I think we’re gonna head home.’ ‘Any of ya need a ride?’ Jin offers, and Irene shakes her head. ‘I’m drivin’ Yeri and y/n home, and Seulgi’s old man said he’ll pick her, Joy and Wendy up on his way from work,’ Irene says, Jin nodding. Whilst he seemed a little immature at first, it’s obvious he’s a lot more grown up and responsible than the others.
‘Well. We’ll see you dollies at school on Monday then,’ Jin says, the other boys giving various goodbyes. Tae squeezes Joy’s thigh, the girl jumping a little in her seat as he grins, Jimin blowing Seulgi a kiss as he heads towards the door and she giggles, pretending to catch it and tuck it into her top. Namjoon gives Wendy a wink and she rolls her eyes, unable to hold back the grin on her face, as Jin exchanges a little glance with Irene and Jungkook presses a kiss to Yeri’s hand with a smirk, Yeri giggling as a blush colours her cheeks. ‘See ya Monday, y/n,’ Hobi says with a grin, and I smile back. ‘Bye, Hobi,’ I reply, the boys leaving moments later.
The diner seems eerily quiet now that they’re gone, and all of the girls look at me. ‘You and Jung Hoseok, huh? Who woulda thought?’ Joy says, looking at me with both curiosity and amusement in her eyes. ‘You’re so good, and sweet, y/n. I never woulda guessed you had the hots for him,’ Wendy says, and the true words are unspoken. So I say them. ‘And you never would’ve guessed he had the hots for me?’ I say plainly, Wendy looking a little guilty. ‘It sounds bad when you say it like that. I mean… the greasers, they flirt with us and all, but they’d choose an easy girl over us any day. And you’re not easy. You’re so innocent and soft, and I’m just surprised Hoseok would like someone like that,’ Wendy explains herself, and it makes perfect sense. ‘He wasn’t the same back then. He was… really nice, and gentle,’ I say, the girls exchanging a glance. ‘y/n, he’s been in that gang since he was, like, 14, ‘cause his big sister dates one of the older boys in the gang. Meanin’ he was a greaser back then too. Maybe… he dropped the act with you, though,’ Irene says, though she sounds sceptical. ‘Yeah. Maybe,’ I say, questioning our summer together in my head.
‘Speak of the devil,’ Wendy says gently, just before Hobi reappears beside me. ‘Hey, doll. I was wonderin’ if ya wanna do somethin’ with me? Maybe next Friday, after school?’ he asks, rubbing the back of his neck, and he looks almost nervous. My stomach turns with butterflies, and it’s only when Yeri nudges me that I remember I need to answer. ‘That… sounds real nice, but the pep rally’s next Friday. Maybe another day?’ I ask, and he nods, looking down at the floor, a little disheartened. ‘I can do something on the weekend after the pep rally?’ I offer, and he looks back up hopefully. ‘Yeah. Yeah, the weekend sounds good. You wanna… go to the passion pit? They’re showin’ Sunset Boulevard,’ he suggests, and I nod with a small smile. ‘I… I’d really like that, Hobi,’ I reply, and he smiles, real wide, his eyes practically shining. ‘I’ll pick you up. It’d be nice to see your parents again.’ ‘Yeah, that would be nice. They’d like to see you too.’ ‘Yeah. Neat. We’ll talk about it at school, but I gotta go. The boys are waitin’ for me,’ he says, and I nod, smiling. ‘Bye, Hobi,’ I say softly, and he grins back at me. ‘See ya, y/n,’ he says, taking a sip of my milkshake and laughing when I swat at him, before jogging towards the door.
I sigh happily, looking around at the girls, who all look back at me amusedly. ‘Oh, she’s a goner,’ Yeri says gently, and I laugh, rolling my eyes. ‘So is he, by the looks of it,’ Joy says, and Irene raises an eyebrow. ‘I’m not so sure. You know why people go to the passion pit,’ Irene says, and I look blankly at her. ‘Why?’ ‘To have the movie as background noise for… backseat bingo,’ she says quietly, and I feel my happiness deflate a little. I’ve met the first (and only) boy I loved again after a couple years, and I’m finding out he’s a horndog. ‘But maybe he just wants to watch the flick. I heard Sunset Boulevard’s real good,’ Seulgi says encouragingly, obviously trying to cheer me up, and I nod, though Irene’s words still ring in my ears. ‘I could be worryin’ for nothin’, y/n, don’t get sad about it. I just wanna look out for ya, that’s all,’ Irene says, and I smile at her, feeling gratitude for her being so kind this soon into our friendship. ‘Thanks, Irene. Don’t worry, I won’t let him… get into my drawers,’ I joke, repeating Jimin’s earlier words, and the girls all burst out laughing. ‘I sure hope not ‘cause my momma’s goin’ to watch Sunset Boulevard next weekend,’ Joy says between laughs, coaxing more laughter from us. I meet Irene’s eyes, and she gives me a gentle smile before mouthing, ‘be careful.’ ‘Don’t worry,’ I mouth back with a smile, ‘I will.’
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Quiet Hours
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A/N: Hey fam! So, here I am back on my Marvel bullshit, with some Bucky fluff :) This is my entry for @propertyofpoeandbucky‘s writing challenge! My prompt for the challenge was Librarian!AU. I hope you all enjoy, and please let me know what y’all think!
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Y/N didn’t even have to bother to turn around and look to see who was coming behind her as loud, booming footsteps echoed throughout the still, silent library. Her shoulders tensed, breath bated as she waited for him to call out her name, or his favorite nickname for her, rather. He had made it a point to visit her almost recently, trying his best to win her over.
“Good morning, Doll,” it was a rich, satin voice, tinged with amusement at her annoyed reaction. She hadn’t said a word, hadn’t made a comment, but her body language gave away her. Slamming the book in her hands shut, a loud snap ringing in the quiet, open space, Y/N turned around to face him. A cheeky, lopsided grin was stretched across his face, a lock of his long brown hair falling into his face. Narrowing her eyes at him, she cocked an eyebrow waiting for him to continue, “what? No smart response, no witty comment? I’ll mark the day that Y/N L/N was rendered speechless on my calendar.”
“Has anyone ever told you how much of a giant prick you are?” she took the book and smacked him in the arm as hard as she could, but it only caused his laughter to bubble up at her vain attempt to cause him pain. He was too strong, his muscles well defined even under the button up he was wearing, for her to do any damage.
But she refused to ever, ever admit that she was attracted to him. She had a reputation to upload, and being in love, or lust, or whatever you wanted to call with James Buchanan Barnes was not a part of that.
“A few people have indeed told me that,” he shrugged off her comment and grabbed the book from her hand, setting it on a nearby shelf, disregarding whether or not the it actually belonged here. Rolling her eyes, she started to walk away, wishing she could escape him, but he didn’t care, he shamelessly followed her, “but none have been as feisty, or as pretty, as you.”
“It’s never gonna happen,” she waved him off, trying to go back to her cart to finish putting away the never ending supply of returned books. The large university library was still almost empty and abandoned, and she wished there was a better reason to get him to leave. She hoped he’d have a class to teach soon, or  some student would spy him and ask for assistance on an assignment. Anything.
“You’re so stubborn you won’t even let me take you out to get a cup of coffee?” he’d been attempting, fruitlessly, for the past several months to convince Y/N to go out with him. She had turned him down every single time, no matter what he promised her; dinner and a film? No. Hike and picnic? No. Breakfast and a stroll around town? No. Coffee? No.
“Insulting me isn’t really a good way to get me to agree to go on a date with you,” she turned on her head and glared at him, before going back to sort more books, “besides don’t you have a class to teach?”
“Not until this afternoon,” he shrugged, trying to think of someway to of some way to win her favor and get her to stop shutting him out completely. He’d never done anything to her, but there was something about him that got under her skin - it was a combination off things: his swagger, cocky bravado, the way he always seemed to look down on others.
He wasn’t ever rude, or unkind, but something about him rubbed her the wrong way. But at the same time, it rubbed her in all the right ways, causing all sorts of unchaste and naughty thoughts to run through her mind whenever he was around and, truth be told, when she was home alone at night, only her imagination to keep her company.
“I’m sure there’s other things you could be doing, no?” she didn’t bother to turn around, but keep her eyes focused on the numbers on the spine of the book in her hand. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his jaw tense with annoyance at her inattentiveness, “go get a cup of coffee with Steve...he’s your best friend isn’t he? Or Sam?”
“Sam’s not my friend,” he feigned, pinching the bridge of his nose, “he hangs around with Steve, so at best he’s a friend by association. And Steve’s got back to back classes this morning.”
“Not quite sure how that’s my problem,” Y/N leaned against the bookcase, waiting for what she was sure would be a smart response. He remained silent for a moments, his cerulean eyes shifting rapidly as he searched for a retort. He almost seemed saddened, so she let out a small sigh, “unless there’s a book you you’re dying to read. You can stay if you’ll be quiet and mind your manners.”
“I always mind my manners,” he challenged, a self-satisfied smirk on his face as she almost laughed out loud at the thought. She’d heard, and seen with her own eyes, all the various shenanigans and mishaps he and his friends had gotten into. For a group of university professors, trouble sure seemed to find them a lot.
“That’s highly debatable,” she sighed and he laughed at the distressed expression on her face. She liked his laugh, she decided, its cadences reached her ears in waves, a rich sound. Looking through the top shelf of the cart, she selected what appeared to be the most boring text, based on title alone, and shoved it at him, “if you want to stay in my library, you’re going to read, or get out.”
“Very demanding,” he chuckled as he eagerly took the book from her, padding over to the nearby table, “I like a woman who knows what she wants…”
“James!” she hissed at him, casting a nervous eye around to make sure no one had caught onto them, or his unabashed flirtation. Her cheeks grew hot as they took on a brilliant crimson color, and she turned her back to him so he wouldn’t see the effects he was having on her..
“Bucky,” he said quietly before sliding out a chair and plopping down in it, watching her closely, “my friends call me Bucky.”
“Bucky,” she turned around and gave him a small nod, a smile tugging on the corner of her lips before she grabbed onto the cart and started pushing it away. Bucky, she repeated in her head, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky.
“Hey Y/N,” her whipped up at the familiar voice, an her eyes met the those of Steve Rogers, who was observed with a soft smile. She wished she could be annoyed by him, but he was easily one of the sweetest and most gentle people she’d ever encountered, although she was sure she wouldn’t want to get on his bad side. Sweet like honey, but deadly like venom.
“What are the odds,” her own grin was saccharine as she stood up to give him a hug. His strong arms wrapped her and she could feel the tension disasappating from her body, “it’s interesting that you’re here today when I just saw your best friend yesterday.”
“I’d say it’s a small world, but let’s be honest, it’s a small university,” lying had been his strong suit and he wasn’t doing a particularly good job now. Giving him a huff of disapproval, she leaned against the counter before jumping on it and swinging her legs back and forth, “hmm?”
“Oh, were you finished?” she teased, nudging his leg with her foot, “I was just going to see how much further you planned on taking his lie. A small university? This school has over thirty thousand students, I’d hardly consider that small. Now tell me, Professor Rogers, did Bucky send you to try and convince me to go out with him?”
“O-of course not,” his chuckle was stilted and he suddenly became more very interested in the floor, avoiding her probing gaze. She smiled to herself, feeling slightly victorious as she realized she had been right on the money, “I just hadn’t seen you in a while so I wanted to pop in and say hello.”
“Uh huh,” she wasn’t convinced, bu he was so sweet and his fumbling was endearing, so she decided to give him a pass, “it’s always lovely to see you, Steve. We’ll have to have a game night or something soon. We can invite the whole gang, and yes, that can include Bucky. Tell Peggy I said hello.”
With that she swung her legs off the counter and sauntered over to where she spied a student struggling to look for a book, probably unsure of how to use the dewey decimal system. It was an ancient, archaic, and almost defunct system, and she didn’t really understand why it was still in place, but she wasn’t about to argue - it helped keep her in a job.
Just before she was out of ear shot, she turned back to Steve, who was watching her with a dumbfounded look on his handsome face, “and tell Bucky to come and find me himself if he’s so adamant on asking me out. I can sense that he’s in here somewhere, so he can come out of the shadows if he’s feeling brave.”
Steve opened and closed his mouth a few times, resembling a fish out of water more than anything else, as he struggled with what to say. He laughed to himself before hanging his head in amusement, as his cerulean orbs searching for Bucky. Eventually he spied him, standing at the end of a long wall of books, his nose buried in it as he pretended to be reading. His disguise, for lack of a better word, was almost too much: he worse sunglasses with a baseball cap, hair pulled back in a small bun.
“So?” he asked quietly as Steve approached him, ready to make a smart remark about his appearance, “how’d recon on Operation Y/N go?”
“She’s a clever girl,” Steve admitted, as Bucky pulled off his Ray-Bans and stuck them on the top of his cap, “and she’s one hundred percent onto you. Didn’t even give me the chance to probe in the slightest-”
“I should have known-”
“But, if you’d be so kind as to stop interrupting me, she suggested a game night soon,” he patted his shoulder gently, “and she specifically said you were invited. I suppose that’s better than nothing, right?”
“I guess,” he huffed as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, “she’s really going to make me sweat it out….I don’t understand why she just won’t go out with me…”
“Perhaps she’s just not into you?”
“Impossible!” Bucky scoffed at the thought. She fancied him, he could just tell that he did.
“Whatever you say, Buck,” Steve glanced at his watch and saw that it was nearing his office hours, “I’ve got to go to my office. Either go and talk to her, or just let it go. Something will give eventually! And don’t drag Sam into this!”
“I wouldn’t dream of such a thing,” he insisted meekly, but Steve gave him one final glance of warning. Bucky wasn’t one for rules and it seemed unlikely that he’d suddenly start now.
“Come on, Sam,” Bucky pleaded with his friend. Although they often bickering about seemingly anything and everything, the two of them had formed a tight bond, and than thicker than thieves. Naturally, Bucky had quickly moved to recruit him into gaining more insight into Y/N’s true feelings for him.
“You’re telling me, that after all the stuff you’ve been through in life, including war, you can’t get up the nerve to talk a girl?” Sam was more amused than anything else, picturing Bucky stammering his way through a conversation with Y/N. But then again, he’d never been very lucky in love, despite his best efforts. His shoulders moved up and down with silent laughter as Bucky grow more despondent by the second.
“I have too talked to her,” he insisted, not at all amused by Sam’s response, “it’s just that she’s hard to read. And I know for a fact that she likes me, she’s just too stubborn to admit it.”
“Maybe she’s not actually interested, have you ever considered that?” Sam quickly received a death glare from the brunette man. He held up his hands in defeat and reluctantly gave in, “alright, alright, I’ll talk to your pretty librarian lady friend for you. What exactly are you wanting to get out of this?”
“I dunno,” he mused out loud. He hadn’t really thought that far ahead, a part of him just assumed she’d always turn him down and he’d never make any actual progress in winning her over, “I hadn’t really gotten to that part yet.”
“Let me get this straight; you want me to go to Y/N, find out if you’ve got any sort of chance with her and then...make it not obvious?” Sam sighed at his friend as Bucky gave him an innocent shrug, a nervous smile on his face. Sam reached over and clapped him on the back, shaking his head in amusement, “you’ve got it bad for her, don’t you?”
“I mean have you met her? She’s smart, funny, kind, sweet, and pretty. Have you seen her smile? It’s beautiful,” he let out a blissful sigh as thought of her. He had often spent afternoons in the library, grading papers and tests in there rather than his office, just to catch glimpses of her.
He’s already grown to know all of her little habits and quirks, the way she’d tie up her hair when she was focusing, the way she gave everyone she helped a gentle touch, the way her nose would scrunch up as her glasses slide down her nose. He was a sucker for every little bit of her.
“Aww man, you’re in deep for her,” Sam teased as Bucky’s face took on a dreamy look as thoughts of her flooded in his mind. He stuck his head into the library and spotted her at  a table, helping a student animatedly, her arms waving around, “I guess I’ll do it. I can’t say no to a man so clearly smitten and in love.”
“You’re the best,” Bucky snapped back into attention as he shoved Sam inside and followed in quickly after, making himself in a row that contained books on ancient Greek Mythology; it was something interesting to help pass the time, depending on how long Sam took.
“If you have any more questions, just let me know,” Y/N gave the young a pat on the back as she stood up, the chair scraping against the floor. She couldn’t hold back the grin that formed on her face as she saw Sam approaching her, “well, well, well, I can’t say this is exactly unexpected, but it’s a pleasure as always Coach WIlson.”
“You make it sound like I have some ulterior motive for coming to see my friend,” he tried to give her a convincing smile as she beckoned for him to follow her, picking up stray books as they went.
“Oh, I wasn’t trying to imply it,” she smirked, handing him books to carry, “I was trying to state it quite clearly. But are the chances that two days ago Bucky was in here, yesterday Steve, and today you? The Three Musketeers are up to something…”
“That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?” he pretended to be hurt as she just chuckled and raised an eyebrow at him.
“If you wanted to say hi, you could have just texted, you all have my number,” she stopped and plopped the books down onto the counter with a dull thud.
“A text is so much less personal-”
“So it’s not true?” she dated to ask, “Bucky didn’t put the two of you up to this?”
“Oh, well no, that’s totally true,” he admitted quickly, just low enough to where he was sure Bucky wouldn’t be able to hear, “boy’s got it bad for you.”
“I had a feeling,” she let out a long breath, admiring his resilience and determination in trying to get closer to her, “and I’m going to go out on a limb and presume that wasn’t just a random man doing a book on Greek mythology upside down?”
“I never claimed he was a smart man,” Sam sighed at Bucky’s little indiscretion, “he’s just a man that’s got his sights and hearts set on one librarian in particular.”
“Tell you what Sam,” she started to usher him towards the door, “you can go, and I’ll even let it be scotch free, and I’ll go deal with Bucky.”
“You’re a saint, an absolute saint,” he gave her a quick hug before heading out of the library, ready to let them go and do their own thing. Personally, he hoped it would end up in some very cliche and passionate forbidden library make out session, “talk to you later!”
“I’d try rotating the book if you’ve actually trying to read it,”  her voice was tinged with amusement as Bucky jumped at the sound of her voice, almost dropping the old book to the ground. Y/N used her own cat-like reflexes and grabbed it just before it hit the floor, straightening up and tucking it back onto the shelf.
“I-I didn’t know you’d be here,” he lied in a pathetic attempt to cover his tracks. She wasn’t buying a single word of it.
“You didn’t know that I would be here?” she repeated and just gave her a small nod, “in the library I work in? Huh, imagine that.”
“I’m sorry?” he chanced, flashing her his pearly whites as he tried to gauge her reaction.
“Sorry for being here and almost ruining my book, or for sending Steve and Sam to try and talk you up to me?” his whole face flushed as he realized he had been caught red handed, not that it had been a sly plan in the slightest.
“All of it?” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as she took a step closer to him, “I never meant to make this uncomfortable for you…”
“It’s more amusing than anything else, really,” she gave him a small wink and he seemed to relax a little bit, “I’ll admit with most people this would have been a little off putting, but there’s something about you, Bucky, something I just can’t quite pinpoint. It keeps me on my toes.”
“What are you saying?” he asked quietly, this heart starting to thump in his chest, so loudly he was sure she was able to hear it. Few things in life made him nervous, or caused his heart rate to increase, and yet she somehow managed to do it.
“When are you free for that dinner and movie I’ve heard so much about?” she asked, unable to contain the smile that spread across her own face. Bucky’s jaw dropped open for a moment as he processed what she had said. Wait, wait!
“Really?” he was flabbergasted that the pretty girl standing in front of him had actually agreed to go out with him.
“Really,” she confirmed, reaching over and playing with a lock of his loose hair, “I mean...the sheer lengths you’ve gone to get to this point must be worth something, right? How bad could one evening be?”
“One evening?” there was a defeated quality to his voice as he tried not to meet her eyes.
“For starters,” she reassured him, put a finger under his chin and tilted his head up so he was forced to look at her, “everything has to start off with a first date, doesn’t it?”
“You’re very pretty,” he blurted out suddenly, his ocean eyes widened as he realized what he had just done. It was her turn to blush as she felt bashful suddenly. There was something about hearing it from his own mouth made her stomach erupt into butterflies. He sensed her trepidation as she dropped her hand and only gave him a small, shy nod, “I probably shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s quite alright,” she whispered back to him. He leaned in a little closer, leaving only a small distance between them and she could feel his sweet peppermint breath fanning over her face, “B-Bucky-”
He didn’t give her a chance to say anything else before he crashed his lips onto hers, capturing them in a soft, sweet kiss. She was taken aback for a moment, looking up at him with a surprised expression before putting his hands on the sides of his face and pulling back to her.
She kissed him with a sense of urgency and passion, as their lips melded together like they had done this a million times before, like they been made for each other. As much as she’d later deny it, jokingly of course, she really, really liked kissing Bucky. It was the perfect combination of magical and passionate, and sent jolt of electricity through her bones.
“What do you say we make this a full blown, forbidden and passionate library make out session?” she grinned at him as they pulled apart for some air. She didn’t know if they had been kissing for thirty seconds or thirty minutes, but she didn’t mind one bit.
Bucky simply answered her with another kiss, his hands snaking to her waist as he pulled her closer to him, and inadvertently knocking over a small row of books. The two of them grinned at each before giggling like naughty school children.
“Shh!” someone said loudly from a nearby table, “it’s quiet hours!”
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kaz-of-ketterdamn · 5 years
Seven Devils (In My Heart)
A/N: Here is chapter five of the fic I wrote for the GVBB, which was hosted by @grishaversebigbang!
Corporalki: @infinite-cats
Summary: Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, and Nina hadn’t seen each other for years after they broke into the Ice Court, retrieved Kuwei Yul-Bo, fought to get Inej back, and drove Pekka Rollins out of business. They never spoke about what happened–not to anyone–and they never planned on it. The truth was, even though they had told each other they would stay in contact with one another, they had long since forgotten about the promises they’d made to one another when their emotions were running high after everything that happened. It isn’t until Inej catches word of unrest in Ravka that she returns to Kerch, where she plans to inform Nina of the new development, that the group, at least some of it, is together again. While Inej had planned on leaving again as soon as she’d spoken to Nina, her plans change once she catches wind of a new threat here, in Ketterdam. With danger surrounding the group, they are drawn back together, and while facing this new obstacle, hidden feelings come to light and many truths are revealed.
Previous parts: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
ao3 link: Seven Devils (In My Heart)
Chapter 5:
Kuwei came to slowly, his head fuzzy and pouding. It was only when he tried to move but found his himself bound to a chair that his grogginess seemed to dissipate, his mind overtaken by fear. Suddenly, he was very much awake. He was awake, and he was panicking. Looking around, he saw a room similar to what he imagined Kaz’s office would look like if he was a merchant instead of a gang leader. There was a large desk before him, and an empty chair next to him. A large safe sat in the corner, and a plush velvet sofa was pushed against the wall beneath an intricate painting of the ships docked at Ketterdam’s harbour. His eyes darted around nervously, searching for anything that could tell him where he was or how he could get out, but the room had no windows, and the only way out was through the door. Not that he could even get there, with him being bound to a chair and all. As he looked around, he continued to struggle with his bindings, attempting to get loose.
“I wouldn’t bother if I were you,” someone said, entering the room. Kuwei stilled and turned to see who had come to join him, but whoever it was wore an intricate mask, concealing their face. They wore loose clothes, making it difficult to identify any telling physical features, and the platform shoes on their feet were Ketterdam’s current obsession--for people of all genders--so that didn’t help him at all. After taking them in, there was an awkward moment of silence, which was ended when Kuwei resumed his struggle with the ropes. The person released an audible groan and traipsed around the desk, took a seat behind it, and began to tap their nails against the surface. At first, this did nothing but annoy Kuwei, but then he started listening. The taps weren’t random, they were a code: morse code.
He counted out the taps: short, short short. Long. Long, long long. Short, long, long, short . The first word was stop. His heart raced as the tapping continued in even, methodical beats: l ong, long. Long, long long. Short, short, short, long. Short, short. Long, short. Long, long, short . Moving. He groaned at that, slumping his head forward and falling still; it was clear he wasn’t going to be able to loosen or undo the ropes. He looked back up when the tapping stopped, and he stared at the masked figure.
“Who are you?” he demanded, summoning his courage. The person stared at him for a moment before answering.
“Who am I?” they asked in a bored, weary voice. “I am a nobody, just another person left scarred by the chaos in the world. I am collateral damage of other people’s fights, and I have decided it’s finally time to change that.”
Before Kuwei had the chance to answer, another masked figure entered the room. With a sigh, the newcomer said “Enough with the dramatics, Zoya, please .”
Scowling, the first person--who Kuwei now knew was named Zoya--shifted her focus from Kuwei to the other masked person and said “What is the point of wearing a mask if you’re just going to reveal our identities, Genya! ” and ripped her mask off. She slammed it down on the desk harshly, and Genya slid hers off gracefully with a chuckle. Now that their masks were off, Kuwei finally had the chance to see what they looked like so he could tell Kaz whenever he got out of here.
The first woman, Zoya, had wavy raven hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall, stopping just short of the small of her back. Her skin was a flawless golden-brown, and her startling sapphire eyes pierced Kuwei’s gaze, prompting him to look away nervously. The other woman, Genya, was just as beautiful. She had fiery auburn hair and golden amber eyes, which shone brightly against her alabaster skin. Her beauty was startling, moreso once Kuwei saw the scars across her face. They were horrific, but she wore them like armour, and somehow she made them look natural. Even if she didn’t know it, she looked like a badass, and the silent courage radiating off of her was scarier to Kuwei than Zoya’s resting bitch face or death glare--both of which were pretty scary.
While Kuwei had been observing his captors, he’d zoned out and failed to notice their conversation. He was only pulled back to the present when Zoya cleared her throat rather loudly, drawing Kuwei’s attention to the pointed look on her face. The longer he started into her piercing blue eyes, the more nervous he became. Eventually, the weight of her gaze, accompanied by the silence surrounding them--was too much for Kuwei.
“Why am I here? What do you want from me?” Kuwei asked, eyes darting back and forth between Zoya and Genya.
“To be honest, we don’t want anything from you,” Genya said casually.
“Then why am I here?” Kuwei asked again.
“Because,” the redhead continued. “We need the people you’re associated with, and you were the easiest target.”
“So, what? I’m the bait or something?” Kuwei replied skeptically.
“Exactly,” Zoya nodded. “It’s not like we could go after Dirtyhands himself, so we needed to take something he values in order to lure him here.”
Her reply made Kuwei burst into a fit of laughter. “You really think that the Bastard of the Barrel, Dirtyhands himself, Kaz Brekker will risk any of his ‘precious resources’ on me?” he chuckled. “If so, then you two are officially the dumbest people in Ketterdam. Everyone--and I mean everyone --knows Kaz Brekker wouldn’t waste a single cent on anyone who isn’t Inej, Nina, Jesper, or Wylan.”
Genya and Zoya locked eyes for a moment before both women began to smirk. It was only then that Kuwei realized exactly what he’d done. Not only had he revealed who was of value to Kaz, he’d also told his captors that he was of no value to them. That made him disposable.
“Well, you’ve been most helpful,” Genya said, moving toward the exit. She must have noticed the fear in Kuwei’s eyes because then she said “Don’t worry. We won’t kill you yet; we have to make sure your information is good first. If it isn’t… well, you might end up wishing you were dead,” she said coldly before walking out of the room, Zoya right behind her.
After his talk with Kuwei, Kaz returned to the top floor of the Slat. When he entered his office, he was met with the sight of an athletic, pale, and freckled redhead propped on his desk, swinging her legs carelessly as she sharpened a blade. Once, the sight of anyone other than Inej in his office would have perturbed him, but that was a long time ago. Since then, he had acquired a new spy, someone whose skill and dedication rivaled that of Inej herself: Dunyasha Lazareva.
Kaz had learned of Dunyasha through Inej, as they had once fought. At the time Inej had won, and Dunyasha was presumed dead. But Dunyasha was the White Blade. She once said that her work--as well as Inej’s--was death, and it was holy. She was described as a merciless queen, carved of ivory and amber. She’d trained at Ahmrat Jen, and Inej believed the Ravkan assassin to be her shadow, sent by the Saints to deliver retribution for all the bad things she’d done. It was foolish to think that the Ravkans didn’t have some kind of backup plan or Healers at the ready in case anything happened to their precious White Blade. As it were, Dunyasha had survived the fall from the Church of Barter all those years ago, and now she worked for none other than Kaz himself.
“So, where’s he staying?” Kaz asked, referring to Kuwei, who he’d had Dunyasha follow from the rooftops. He had to keep tabs on his… assets. Dunyasha’s face twisted into a look of disappointment.
“Your boy’s a fool; he never even found a place to stay,” she replied as Kaz began to pace.
“He is not ‘my boy’ and you know it. We could use him,” Kaz scowled. “If he never found a place to stay, then why the hell are you here? You should still be tailing him.”
“He was taken.” Kaz spun on his heel to face her.
“Are you telling me you lost him?” Kaz gritted out.
“Oh, not at all,” Dunyasha replied lightly. “Who do you think I am? Your old Wraith ?”
Kaz opened his mouth to speak, but before he had the chance to say anything, Inej burst into the room, sweat on her brow and a set of lockpicks in her hand. Kaz groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose with two gloved fingers. This was about to get messy.
Inej stopped short a mere two steps into the room. Her eyes were glued on the redhead perched on Kaz’s desk, who was now smirking.
“ You ,” Inej said, her voice dripping with acid.
“Yes, me,” Dunyasha replied smugly. “Problem?”
“Problem?” Inej repeated harshly. “Are you serious right now? Of course there is--” she started, only to be cut off by Kaz.
“Inej,” he said sternly, leveling her with a glare. Once Inej stopped speaking, he turned to Dunyasha. “Retrieve the boy,” he ordered. “After you have him, bring him straight to me. I have a thing or two to say to that fool,” he finished, sending Dunyasha off with a nod. Dunyasha slid off of the desk, put her newly-sharpened knife away, and made her way to the window. Just before she left, she shot Inej a gloating smirk. Then, fast as the wind and even more silent, she was gone.
Slowly, Kaz turned to Inej, who was fuming. “Her? I mean, I knew you would find a new spy, but why did it have to be her?” Inej asked coldly.
“Why does it matter?” Kaz replied.
“She is my shadow! The personification of every bad thing I’ve ever done! By choosing her, you are choosing me again. Only now, it’s a version of me without my moral code, without the same concerns as me, or any of the other things that make me who I am!” Inej explained, frustrated.
“Again,” Kaz started, “I ask you: why does it matter? I needed someone to get the job done, and she was the perfect candidate. She’s fast, quiet, and despite her loose-cannon tendencies, she knows how to follow orders. And, most importantly, she was here.” He paused, and Inej tried not to flinch at his words, even though they cut her with an edge sharper than that of her sharpest blade.
“It matters because it hurts!” Inej snapped. “I thought there was something between us, some kind of understanding, and then you had to go and replace me with someone who represents all the parts of myself that I loathe . It’s like you chose her over me, and worst of all, you aren’t even struggling with it!”
“You’re wrong,” Kaz snapped, cutting her off mid-rant. “You don’t think it was hard for me to find a new spy? You don’t think I struggled with the fact that the only suitable replacement for you was someone you told me you feared and didn’t trust? Because I did. I struggled. But years have passed, and I’ve moved on. The word doesn’t stop turning just because your life is turned upside down. I learned that when I was young, and once, you knew that too.”
“Well, maybe it should,” Inej replied softly. Kaz looked at her curiously. “Maybe, even the people who have done some terrible things-- people like us--deserve a moment where the world stops turning. A moment to choose what they want and to do their best to get it.”
“What a beautiful world that would be,” Kaz mused. “Alas, it is but a fantasy. I know you’re hurt, but I still have a gang to run, so unless you plan to be of use around here, I suggest you get the hell out.”
Inej glared at him, hiding her pain as best she could. Revealing her emotions to Kaz was a mistake, one she wasn’t going to make again. After a moment of heavy silence, Inej walked out the door, leaving Kaz alone in his office with his only his thoughts to accompany him.
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missblissy · 6 years
Can I get prompt 13 (wine) for Arthur?
One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 3]
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
13. — wine
((Thank you for sending in a prompt!! I’m sorry for the wait, anon, I hope you like it!! Enjoy the read! I had so much fun writing this!! I might do a part two or a few more stories on this AU!! let me know what you guys think!!! I’m calling this the Rich!Reader AU!))
The air was warm, muggy, and a little bitter. Anyone could tell that this party was not for the less fortunate. But here Arthur was, blending in with the rich like he was one of them, listening in on conversations of the wealthy in hopes to find some way to rob them. This was only his second week in the toxic state of California. Dutch wanted to try something new, so the gang headed west, as far west as you could go without swimming. The gold mines here produced wealthy owners, along with all the diamonds and other gems they were plucking from the earth.
Arthur had found himself in a very small and isolated city. It was more like a huge town because there was only one factory but dozens of mines and oil reserves. And somehow Arthur got stuck being the spy. He didn’t much like dressing up and mingling with people that obviously would have hated him if they knew who he really was. He needed a damn drink. 
The party was being held in someone’s very large home. Arthur still had yet to meet the host of this party, which was his whole reason for being here. He didn’t even have a name. He was just told the host would reveal themselves when need be, and that Arthur needed to meet them, introduce himself as a lawyer from New York City, and ask as many questions he could about the gold mines here. The only other lead he had was that the host was the owner of the Southern Langdon Gold Mines Inc. 
Just when he thought he’d leave and give up on this ridiculous plan, someone called out while ringing their glass. Arthur looked around among the people, then watched as they all turned one way and looked up. He followed their gazes and saw a woman dressed in all black standing top the grand staircase of this massive home. 
You smiled wide, looking down on your guests, “Welcome, everyone,” Your smile was intoxicating. You held up a large and dark glass of wine, “I’m so glad all of you could make it to the anniversary of my mother and father. A shame they couldn’t be here,” Everyone laughed at your joke.
Arthur wasn’t sure what you meant or why these freaks were laughing. But he was fairly sure you were the person he was looking for. He expected a man, and an old one at that. Instead, he found a beautiful young lady, at least several years younger than himself. This couldn’t be right. Surely your parents were the ones he should be looking for, but apparently, they weren’t here. Arthur grabbed a glass of wine when a butler walked by. He lifted his glass as everyone else did.
“To a wonderful night, my friends!” Your voice was smooth and laced with an underlying ecstasy that Arthur just couldn’t understand. Everyone yelled out a ‘cheers!’ and drank their poison of choice, most of it was a dark red wine.
Arthur tipped his glass back, not particularly enjoying the taste of rotten and fermented grapes. But there wasn’t much else being provided here besides wine, champagne, and surprisingly absinthe. Arthur had tried the green toxic alcohol once before, and he watched all these freaks chug it down. He saw many people doing many kinds of drugs. Was this the equivalent of a teenage party when the parents were away? Or was this just what the wealthy did in their free time? Because there were young and old here alike. 
You stood on your perch atop the stairs, listening to the soft music that played and watching your guest quite literally go wild. Yes, in case anyone was wondering, this was your version of a teenage party when your parents weren’t home. And where were your parents? Well… they were far far away in the deep jungles of Boston, and wouldn’t be home for another month. So surely their young daughter wouldn’t do anything bad while they were away. You smiled wickedly and turn to the head butler of your home, Henry, your most trusted servant.
“Look at them,” You said, “Everyone is going to have such a good time. You were sure to lock all the doors again, right?”
The stern and tall man looked at you and nodded his head. His hair was black and gray and slicked back, “Yes, madam,” He held his hands tightly behind his own back, “No one will be able to get into any rooms besides this one and outside,”
“Thank you, Henry,” You kept your eyes on your guest, peering at them, looking amongst them for anyone who stood out. To often did unwanted maggots worm their way into your home. You personally knew just about everyone you had invited. There could be no more than 60 people here, maybe 70. You took a slow sip from your glass of wine, the lowered it from your lips, “Henry,” Your butler hummed in reply as he tried his best to stand like a statue, “Who is that?”
You pointed to a man, handsome and quite dangerous looking, standing by the bar. You didn’t recognize him at all. Little did he know, but Arthur was found out, his cover was blown the second you laid eyes on him. You didn’t know who he was, or where he was from, but you knew he didn’t belong here. But there was a twisted little monster in your mind and heart. You wanted to mess with this man’s head, maybe play a few mind games before booting him out of your very private party.
“I’m not sure, madam, would you like me to remove him?” Henry asked in a monotone voice that honestly comforted you.
“No,” You held out your wine glass and he quickly took it, “I will take care of this pest,” As you started to walk, you had to lift the front end of your dark and simple dress. You weren’t like your guests, you enjoyed wearing simple clothes with as little decorative parts as possible. But your black and white dress was still high class and quite elegant in a gothic way.
Everyone moved out of the way for you as you surfed through the loosely packed crowd. No one wanted to cross your path, and the mystery man didn’t even see you coming. He was leaning on the bar when you got there, and you took your spot beside him. Up close he was much more rough and handsome. He did fit that suit well, though you honestly thought it made him look out of place. 
Arthur nearly jumped out of his skin when your silky voice reached his ears, saying, “Hello there.” Wasn’t it his job to find you? Surely it was, but he already failed that. 
Your smile was infectious and pretty and Arthur found himself startled and at a loss for words. He cleared his throat then horribly drawled out, “Howdy,”
“Oh~” Your mouth made a perfect little ‘O’ and your eyes sparkled with interest, “A cowboy? In my home? More likely than you’d think,” He could hear the seduction dripping from each word. Was his cover blown? Or was he just that bad at playing the part? He knew Hosea and Dutch should have come, he knew they should be the ones doing this… acting. He really was to dumb to pull this off on his own.
However, maybe it was the wine, no… it had to be the wine he was drinking because he found himself leaning towards you slightly. There was no denying that you were very attractive, and Arthur was young, he hadn’t even reached 25 yet, though he was shy a year at 24. He hadn’t found himself this attracted to a person since Mary Linton left him for.. for whatever the fuck that loser was last year. His heart went cold, bitter and ugly. Though this attraction had little to do with his heart.
Arthur slid his glass of wine closer to him, “I’m not a cowboy,” He said, “I’m just another rich man’s son, miss,” He at least tried his best to cover his true identity. 
You waved your bartender over and whispered something in his ear while you kept your colorful eyes locked on Arthur. The bartender left, then returned with a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses, “Surely, maybe, perhaps you are,” You took the bottle and popped it open, pouring the brown liquor into the small glass cups, “I would doubt that, but, whatever you say, mister. Would you drink with me? It’d be rude to turn down your host,” You eyed him a way that got Arthur’s blood pumping. You were slowly mesmerizing him. What was it with woman and him? Was he just weak? Or did they love playing with him like a toy?
“Sure,” Arthur’s accent was heavy and liked it. He was a different flavor than you normally used to. You were the cute age of only 19, unmarried, and a mistress of the night. You were an intoxicating creature with features that showed off your body.
You took down your shot of whiskey like a champ, then leaned on the bar and  batted your pretty little eyelashes, “You know, I know everyone here by name, so it doesn’t add up why I don’t know you, or your name.” Ah… So maybe that’s why Arthur’s cover was blown. This was an exclusive party, and the man he killed to get the invitation wasn’t him, obviously, “So will you tell me what they call you, mister?”
“Morgan,” He took down his own shot of whiskey. The warm familiar burn was more soothing than the wine, “Arthur Morgan,” He wasn’t much for words, was he? That only made him more handsome and stoic.
You held your hand out to him, he took it and gave you the most delicate shake, as if he could break you, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Morgan. I am (Y/N) (L/N). I’m sure you already know that,”
“No,” What? “Actually, I don’t.” This surprised you a bit. You took your hand from him and trailed your fingers across the whiskey bottle. You poured some more for yourself and him.
“Really now? Then do tell me, why are you here? I don’t think I invited you, Mr. Morgan. Though, looking at you, I’m a little glad you came.” 
Arthur had to do his best to keep his eyes off you, so he stared down at his shot of whiskey, “Honestly?” He paused and took down the shot, “I came here to rob you, guess I can’t do that now.”
His honesty and straightforwardness caused you to laugh and laugh a lot. Listening to the chimes of your low giggle made him stare at you. You did this little thing, covering your mouth as you laughed, “Oh my! You’re so funny Mr. Morgan,” You lightly touched his arm, “I almost didn’t believe you!” You were something else, something that kept inching her way closer and closer to him.
A little taken back, and dumbfounded, Arthur deadpanned, “You’re not mad?”
Oh, he was so cute, a little dumb, but that made him cuter, “Oh so many people try to rob me every day, Mr. Morgan, you are not the first. I don’t think you’ve robbed me yet, so I have no reason to kill you, right?”
How did you make a threat so… sexy? Was it the way you looked at him with those dark eyes? Was it the little smile at the corner of your lips? Was it the way you curled your hair around your finger? Or was it how close you had gotten to him in the last four minutes of talking? You were so close he could smell the lilacs and lavenders you used to perfume yourself with.
Despite all this, Arthur didn’t move away, in fact, he leaned a little closer, “I don’t think you can kill me. I’m kind of bastard that just won’t die.” 
He made you laugh again. Or were you just laughing to inflate his ego? Was anything he said really even that funny or were you just this easily amused?
“Oh, Mr. Morgan,” The giggle carried between your words, “Oh, my, you are funny, aren’t you? All somber and depressed like that, wishing for what sounds like death. Oh, how I’m so glad you crashed my party. I haven’t had a laugh like that since Daddy had a heart attack!” 
What? Arthur raised a brow, you were a very odd creature, “Why would you laugh at that?”
“Because I gave it to him!” You laughed, “Daddy caught me with a criminal in my big bed upstairs,” You placed your hand on Arthur’s arm once again, this time keeping it there, “I do have such an infliction for the bad and ugly, as they call themselves,”
Your intentions were very obvious at this point, even Arthur could pick up on that. Maybe he wasn’t that stupid. Arthur faintly remembered the reason why he was here. To rob you of any money he could find, or information. Mostly the information part. The cogs in his head started turning and he thought how… well. This was a way of getting information. Sort of.
He leaned towards you, your hand moved to the corner of his chest and your arms touched, “What makes you think I’m bad? Or ugly?” His voice was low and raspy, like the engine of a train struggling to pick up speed. Your heart shot out a huge wave of lighting into the very depths of your body when he spoke like that.
It had been a long time since someone sparked your interests like this. He was no keeper, he was no amount of husband material, but he was made 100% out of a good time. That was for sure. You kept your cool, got even closer and whispered, “You’re more handsome than any man in here, but why don’t you show me how good of a time you are? I’ll even pay you, like the hookers in the streets, if that’s what you want.”
Pay him? Hm. Never before has Arthur been in a position to prostitute himself. But maybe he could get you to pay him in information, or even better some gold. Your family did own the most profitable and largest gold mine in all of California. What reason did he have to say no? Honor? Pride? Dignity? No. He didn’t have any of that.
“Which way to your room?” He quietly asked. His words made that dangerous little smile return. You did this thing were you pressed your lips together into a little line and bit at them. Dammit… Arthur could feel the rush of lust and desire wave over him.
You grabbed the whiskey bottle in your hand then without warning grabbed Arthur’s hand in yours, “Follow me, Mr. Morgan,” The low tone of your voice sent a shock through his body. You lead in through the crowd, some people stared but the most of them were to busy doing various amounts of drugs to pay attention. Classy and high society wasn’t much different than saloon full of drunks. 
While Arthur followed close behind you up the grand stair cause of your castle home, you were giddy to finally start your night, and your own personal party of pleasure, as was the goal of every party you hosted when your parents were away. You were surprised you weren't pregnant by now. Maybe you were infertile? Or maybe it was because half of your other lovers were women, or maybe because these parties were very Greek in nature, and you took on many lovers at once. But Arthur Morgan was something else, a treat to experience all alone, and you could not wait to get started on that.
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dacresslut · 6 years
Back off - chapter four
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: IN THIS EPISODE OF “BACK OFF”: the gang is all here. Movie night at your house. And Billy just so happens to drop off Max and pick her up. Will they make up? Or will they fall a part? FIND OUT NEXT!
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Words: 2.1k
A/N: I really crunched this one out for y’all. Hope you enjoy!
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The light peaks through your curtains, Saturday mornings were the hangover days, and the party’s movie night with you. You groan as you ran your hands over your face. Getting up to wipe the makeup from the night before. Thinking over what happened. Dirty dancing, breaking down your wall, and then building it back up again. “I’m more than just a trophy.” You look at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself some confidence before you stripped down to take a shower.
As the hot water dropped down your body, you thought of Billy’s hands all over your body last time. You can still feel his thumbs digging into your hips. I hope he knows how to fix what he said. You tell yourself. Finishing your shower and getting the house picked up for the party to come over.
[billy’s pov]
“Hey mom!” I hear max call for Susan. I hate how she’s home on the weekends. But I can’t complain because my dad works 7 days a week. Less time I have to see him. I sit on the couch drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette while I watched football.
“Yes Maxine?” Susan calls from the kitchen.
“It’s max now, mom.” She looks at her with a serious look, “but what I was going to ask you is: can I go to a movie night at the (y/l/n) house? A responsible teenager, who is the babysitter for my friends families, wants me to come too.” This perks up interest.
“Well, I don’t have the car so you have to ask Billy if he can-“
“Yes I will. I’ll even pick her up.” I chime in quickly. This is my chance to talk to (y/n). Try to convince her that she’s not just a trophy. “When do I have to bring you?” Max is giving me a weird look. Like I was off my rocker. But she let it slide since I was being so nice.
“8:30 and pick me up at 10:00.” She says, then goes back to her room. I went off to get ready to see her.
[your pov]
Lucas was the first to show up, then Dustin, mike, “Will didn’t feel good after what happened yesterday.” Mike said, setting the snacks on the counter. You look at him, he seems sad without Will here, ever since Max came into the picture, mike just looks like he misses eleven more and more. You put your arm around the kid.
“He’ll be okay, last year was a lot for all of us. This year will be no different, but I’ll always have your guys back, no matter what.” You give him a pat on the back, then the doorbell rings. “That must be Max. Go get comfortable in the living room.” Ruffling his hair, walking towards the door. As soon as you open it, you see Billy leaning against the door frame and Max looks up at you in the middle of you two. Making eye contact with the male, you almost glare then look down at Max. “Hey Max! I’m (y/n), it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve sure heard a lot about you-“
“Max!” Dustin says, interrupting what you going to say. Knowing it was going to embarrass them. She waved to you and walked past you. Leaving you and Billy alone in the doorway.
“Goodbye Billy-“ you try to close the door but he catches it with his foot.
“Come outside and at least have a conversation with me about this, (y/n).” He says in a serious voice. It made you bite your bottom lip, stepping outside then closing the door. The boys and Max go by the window to spy.
“I don’t have anything to say Billy, so I don’t know why you’re here-“
“Then don’t talk.” He says, “let me do all the talking.” He lit a cigarette, looking at you in your t-shirt and shorts. “Fleetwood mac?” He comments on your shirt.
“It was my mom’s, can you get on with your point? I’m kind of cold, Hargrove.” As you say you’re cold, he takes off his brown leather jacket, and puts it on you. You look at him, putting your arms through it.
“Look, when I get nervous, I fuck up on my words and how I say them. When I said trophy, it was the wrong choice of words. I’m sorry. You’re not just a trophy, you’re so much more than that. You’re nothing that can be owned. Baby,” he got closer to you, and you didn’t step away. “You’re the diamond in the rough. In this shit hole town, you’re the only reason I would stay. If you wanted to grow old here, I’d stay because I’d get to see you everyday.” You start to blush. Billy Hargrove was confessing his feelings to you. “Can you say something?” He breaks your thought, and you clear your throat.
“I forgive you. Doesn’t mean, I want you as a boyfriend. But I will tell you, we’re friends again.” You start to take off the jacket but he places his hands over your shoulders.
“Keep it for now, babe. So you can think of me when I’m not around.” He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead. Feeling his lips on your skin made you automatically wrap your arms around him. The party gasps as they see you hug someone. You never hug anyone. It was too personal for you. (Besides Steve.)
Billy was surprised, no doubt about it. But he hugged you back. Resting his head on top of yours. Taking advantage of your touch, the way you shook when you were so close to him, how perfectly you fit in his arms, how your hair smells like strawberries, he takes it all in. Until you pull away. Backing away with a smile. “I’ll see you at ten.” Then heading back in the house. He smirks as he gets to stare at your ass as you strut up the stairs to the front door.
“That woman will be the death of me.” Billy whispers to himself as he heads back to his car.
The party smiles and giggles as you walk back into the house. Seeing that you wearing his jacket as well, Max was shocked that Billy gave up that jacket. That one was his favorite, would get pissed if it wasn’t washed right. And he let (y/n) keep it. It gave her a little faith in her step brother.
“It’s Dustin’s turn for this week to pick the movie.” You look at them as you take off the jacket, but before you hung it up, you smelt it. His smell made you close your eyes, remember his kissing your forehead and his arms around you. Then you stopped to hang it up.
“I want Max to have this week. I’ll have next weekend.” He smiled at you then looks at the movies with Lucas and Max. Mike sat on the couch alone. You decided to sit next to him. As they pick a movie and put it in.
“Hey, remember, I’m still your friend too.” You whisper to mike. He looks up at you, smiles, just a little one.
“I still miss her a lot.” He says quietly, so only you and him can hear. “And she can never be replaced.”
“And we’re not trying to replace her, she could never be replaced. Max can always have a new role in the party. It’s nice to have a girl with me again.” You look at Max, hoping to grow closer to her. Then once the movie starts playing everyone jumps in the couch and makeshift seats on the floor. “Thank god it’s not ghostbusters.” You say with a smile as all the boys glare at you.
“Thank god it’s not E.T.” Dustin says as Indiana Jones starts playing, you kick him softly, but still hard enough.
“Don’t start with me boy, I’ll make your life a living hell next time the party gets together.” You were dungeon master when you could make it. Sometimes you played but you let Mike take a break. Dustin eyes gets big and turns around.
The movie plays, and it was quite long. The boys start to clean up as you told them, Max and you take the popcorn and candy to the kitchen.
“So, Max,” you eat some candy, “I’d like to formally introduce myself, I’m (y/n).” You reach out to shake her hand. She shakes it, a firm one.
“The guys talk about you all the time.” She smiles a little bit. “And you know my step brother?” Getting a almost confused face, you chuckle a little bit.
“Billy, yeah, he’s my friend.” You brush it off and take another piece of candy out the bowl. “He gives you any trouble, you tell me, and I’ll straighten him out. Trust me, he doesn’t scare me, kid.” You smirk at her. She gets a big smile, mentally making a note of that. It could come in handy. Hoping you’ll stick around, and Billy won’t mess it up.
Everyone starts to leave, you made sure each and everyone of them called you when they got home safe. Even if they’re parents came to get them. You were protective like that. Max was the last one to get picked up, and you kinda had a feeling Billy did that on purpose. But you didn’t have a problem with it. He rings the doorbell, “Come in!” You yell, still talking with your new favorite redhead. You see your favorite boy come into view, he looks at you with his blue eyes. Your eyes look at his saint Christopher necklace and then at his exposed chest. Red looks too good on him. “Max, those clothes are up in my room, the first door on the right, in my closet in the box.” She smiles and walks up there. Billy gets closer to you.
“How was movie night?” He asks slowly, walking around the island in the middle to get to you.
“It was good. I’m more excited for next week, Dustin usually picks Star Wars and those are one of my favorites.” You smile at him, and he laughs a little bit. As you leaned on the counter, he enclosed you with his arms.
“Of course you’re the nerd who likes Star Wars.” He smiled just hard at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“I guess I am. But you like it, obviously.” You turn your smile into a smirk. Fucking around with him. Then he licked his lips, his eyes looked down at your lips.
You don’t move, looking up at him. He’s going to kiss you. But you really didn’t care. You hoped he did. He’s putting his moves on you. It was working too. He’s going to break your heart. The arguing with yourself stopped as he leaned down closer. Pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, he brushes his thumb over your cheek as he slowly pulls away. Making it short and sweet.
Then Max came down with the box. “I’m ready.”
“I’ll be out in a second.” He tone was annoyed, and mean. Looking at her with a even meaner look. You glare at him, grabbing his face to look at you.
“Be nice.” You got serious, and making it known. “Got it, babe?” Almost breaking your serious face with a smile. He smirks at you, and looks at Max.
“Sorry. Just wait out in the car, I’ll be there in a second.” He says in a more calm voice, she almost smirked too. But then walked outside to wait in the car. He looked back at you.
“You, me, Monday night. Deal?” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’ll see if my schedule is clear. I’ll have to get back to you on that.” He smiled, and kissed the top of your head. “Max gave me the house number.”
“Good. Give me a call tomorrow.” He taps your bare thigh and then walked towards the door. “See you Monday, doll.” Closing the door, you ran towards the window to watch him pull out your driveway. He squeals his tires on the road, just to show off for you.
Getting his jacket off the hanger, you carry it up to your room. Cuddling with it as you get under the covers, taking the smell in as you fall asleep. Holding it all night long, dreaming of him. Monday was going to be a great day. You were falling for him, but even you didn’t know that.
Tags: @dacremontgomerylover @httperrornicole @missblasphemy @abbeyed @kingsteve011 @hopperhargrove @1moom-girl1 @sarcasticemmalol @ijustwantahugfromtennant @livinglike-jimmorrison @casuallydeliciousbiscuit
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ethompson928 · 6 years
We are Bulletproof (BTS GANG AU) Part 16
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The kiss was very soft. It was a very cautious kiss, almost gentle as if Hoseok was scared that Ally was going to break. His thumb very gently caressed her knuckles in soothing circular motions. His grip wasn't too strong but was reassuring. Ally's eyes had slipped closed as she welcomed the warmth the kiss he gave her brought. She felt like she was dreaming, his lips were incredibly soft, not dry and rough like she was expecting but the kiss was a huge surprise and she almost choked but melted into the kiss like sinking into a warm hot bath. Time seemed to slow down and they were the only two people in the room. The silence was nice and accommodating as they poured out all the emotions they had bottled up into the one kiss they shared briefly with each other.
Pulling away they simply stared at each other, it wasn't awkward and it wasn't scary. It felt normal. A small smile graced Ally's lips and Hoseok breathed out a small sigh of relief. He had been daring himself to kiss her and was worried she would freak out or reject him altogether. He was about to lean in again when someone cleaned their throat by the door, the two stepped away from each other once they realised they weren't alone.
Standing there was Jungkook.
He didn't look happy.
"Namjoon wants to see you...now." He stated his voice devoid of emotion, his eyes darted once or twice between the two before nodding at Hoseok.  He briefly caught Allys eye and he promptly ignored her as Hoseok followed him out of the room.
Ally was excluded from the meeting about an upcoming mission, she had been left completely in the dark and was not to be included as instructed by Namjoon.  Namjoon told her it was something that didn't involve her as the door was promptly closed in front of her face.  Feeling a little rebellious she pressed her ear to the door and listened:
"I still have no idea who has been following us.  I've been monitoring the spys and they've no apparent connection to any of the groups that have territories in the area."  Hoseok mentioned.
"We have to find them.  I'm not risking everything we've worked so hard for to be taken away from us.  We've come too far to give up now and I'll be damned if we lose this fight.  Time to start planning ahead on more defense, expansion and expenses."  Namjoon commented.  Ally couldn't see them but she was convinced that Namjoon was not happy.  At all.  "Let's work on the boys Suho's gang...do we carry out an infiltration?  Maybe negotiate to bring down a gang that's a threat to both of us and split the bounty?  Keep playing nice or take them down, that is the question. "
"We've never had any problems with them before, so I think we should keep them on our good side till we know that we'll be able to have a strong advantage."  Jin's voice sounded.  It was a lot quieter.
"You forget Jin that we have a new assest we can use.  She's not exactly ready for it, but she can give us a wildcard other groups won't be expecting.  Like yes Suho is aware of her but imagine what we could get by using her."
A small chuckle was heard and Ally tried to hear more by getting closer to the keyhole.  She knew they were talkkng about her and she needed to know what was going to happen to her.  
"You're willing to risk her life?  What happened to using her to help us?"  Jimin asked.
"She will be helping us.  She just isn't aware of how she'll be helping us in the long run, by the way which one of you was keeping an eye on her?"  Namjoon asked.
"I was"  Hoseok's voice rang out.  "We were practicing fighting techniques since someone seemed to abandon that duty and we don't want her dying out in the field, thats when Jungkook pulled me away for this meeting".
Jungkook let out a light scoff and Ally decided enough was enough as she heard footsteps coming closer to the door.  She ran away down the corridor back to her room.  
Later that day Namjoon called Ally up to his office.
"Take a seat, don't worry you're not in trouble or anything."  Ally collapsed into the chair across from Namjoon's desk where he sat opposite her leaning back in his chair and studying her from a distance.  "I didn't think you would actually work hard for us Ally.  You've behaved like a good girl and have been improving in your fighting class, so Hoseok tells me, Jungkook on the other hand says you need more work and you lack skill.  But I suppose it'll be easier to learn when you're in a real fight first hand."  Namjoon rubbed his knuckles under his chin and had a thought.  "V tells me that someone recognised you when you were out with him".  He got straight to the chase.
"Yeah, it was weird.  I'd never seen him before and he knew who I was...I'm scared because I have never met him before in my entire life."
"Can you remember what he looked like?"  Namjoon asked leaning forward.
"He had a hat on so his face was covered.  He looked similar to Suga's age and he had light brown hair."  Ally tried to wrack her brain to remember this mysterious man but her fear was not allowing her to think clearly.
Namjoon nodded and went on to explain that whatever V gave her to put in his drink would disorintate him a bit and he might forget what happened whenever he woke up and that is the best choice scenario which put Ally's already frantic mind at rest.
"I know you're scared and this is all new to you but you'll get used to it."  Namjoon smiled as he stood up and walked around in front of his desk.  Ally took this as her cue to stand up and prepare to leave.
Walking out of the room altogether Ally bumped into what felt like Jungkook, he had been avoiding her for a good long time now and she still hadn't realised what she had done wrong.  "Why are you ignoring me?"  She asked almost to herself more than anything but loud enough for Junkook to hear.  He stared at her before sidestepping past her into Namjoon's office and slamming the door closed.  Rude.  Ally decided to stop by the kitchen to get some food for her tummy that decided to start rumbling when Namjoon asked her about the stranger.
Grinding her teeth together and letting out a huge breath at her annoyance of Jungkook, Ally buried her head into her arms on the small table in kitchen.
Over the couple of days Ally still found herself held in Bangtan's house.  Helping out here and there where she could and doing her part trying to keep Namjoon happy.  During this time Namjoom seemed to be loosening the reigns a little after her apparent will co-operation during the plan at Suho's casino, he started to allow her to do more than just play the distraction, she was actually allowed to help and not in a girly way where she had to seduce the unexpecting male target.  This was good in her opinion, she was able to build up her trust and she was going to start planning an escape soon.  She just had to get a plan, but as she was constantly being watched, she wasn't allowed to be allowed to be by herself.
However, there was the occasional day or two that the boys would leave on a mission and not tell her what they were doing, only listening through Namjoon's office door was she able to discern that they were trying to expand their territory and had to "get rid of" or "take over" certain groups and it was too dangerous, or she'd be in the way.  So typically one member of Bangtan would be left behind to keep an eye on her much to the happiness of Suga (whose real name she still did not actually know) and Jungkook was was still distancing himself from her as much as possible.
Hoseok had grown a lot more finder of Ally since their spontanious kiss in the practice room.  He would sit beside her more often, hold her hand and caress her knuckles when no one was looking and grew more protective of her (even though neither of them addressed the kiss since, it was all natural), volunteering to stay behind if she was ever left behind, but Namjoon began to figure something was going on.  He kept the two away from each other and one potential day he stopped Ally on her way to her usual training session.
"Ally, a word please."  He asked and guided her into the living room, offering her a seat.
"Am I in trouble?"  She asked sitting down on the edge of the sofa her fingers pulling at the edge of the t-shirt she was wearing.  Her large eyes looked into Namjoon's as he stayed standing.  The air was filled with tension as she waited for what he was going to say, time seemed to slow to a ridiculous crawl as she anticipated what was going to happen.  But as Namjoon opened his mouth to talk, fear and anxiety overtook her and she spoke almost uncontrollably:
"I swear it wasn't me who broke the vase...Jimin who dared Taehyung to do dizzy dizzy elephants while blindfolded during hide and seek!"  Her face went a bright beetroot red as she recalled Jimin and Taehyung coercing her into playing hide and seek with them in their joint bedroom and an unfortunate accident that involved an old vase that was on the shelf.  If anything, yesterday's events reminded her what it was like to be a child again.
"That's not what I was going to ask but thank you for informing me the boys aren't doing their jobs...I'll be sure to see that they don't get distracted by you again...don't talk..." he interrupted as Ally went to speak over him.  "Is there anything you want to tell me about you and Hoseok, Ally?  Is there something going on between the two of you?"
There was no way that Namjoon didn't know there was something happening.  He just wanted to hear it from Ally first.  Namjoon was an intellect, of course he knew but he didn't want to risk the lives of his men over something as childish as puppy love, something that would fizzle out after a while and would only cause complications later on for not just the two of them but the whole time and Namjoon didn't have time for this to be a liability.
"I also wanted to inform you that Jungkook is going to resume his duty of training you whether he or you like it or not.  I've noticed Hoseok has been training you and there has been improvement but I refuse for you to be distraction to my boys so you are no longer allowed to train under Hoseok unless I tell you.  This may seem unfair to you but believe me when I tell you this is all for your own good and ours."  Namjoon finished, he spoke with a much nicer, calmer tone.  Ally felt much more at ease when he spoke to her like that.  "You are a part of our family now and I do whatever I need to do to keep my family safe and trust me when I say I want to keep you safe too."  Namjoon finished before he led her out of the office.  All of this seemed fishy to Ally.  First of all they kidnap her and take her away from her life only to treat her nicely, was this all a genuine act or do Bangtan have something slightly more sinister planned?
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bowandarrowgirl · 6 years
You’re Not As Lonely As You Think You Are (I’m Trying to Tell You) - Chapter 8: Golden Girl (I’ll Keep You Forever)
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A/N: Sooooooooo, I thought about if they were all teenagers in real life, which actors would portray them. To be honest, I couldn't really come up with any for Drax, Rocket and Groot are both CGI anyways so they're good, Shuri and Little Peter are already considered 'teens'. So I came up with Megan Nicole as Gamora (yes, I know she has kind of a higher-pitched voice than Zoe does, but I still think she'd make a really cute Gamora), Madilyn Bailey as Nat, and imagine Nat Wolff WITH STRAWBERRY BLONDE HAIR, as Peter?! Idk, it was just an idea! XDD Anyways, enjoy! <3
They run. They leave Homecoming and run. They had managed to wake Drax from his unconscious state, but Gamora was still in a state of shock before they left, causing Peter to pull her to her feet and hold her upright as they ran.
Peter digs around in the pocket of his pants for the keys to the performing arts building. Once he finds them, he unlocks the front door, immediately guiding the group to the choir room.
After everyone is safely inside, Peter locks the doors and turns on the lights. Luckily, the only windows in the room are attached to the doors.
Nat and Shuri guide Gamora to one of the chairs, Peter's maroon, leather jacket loosely covering her bare shoulders. Her arms are still wrapped around her abdomen, trembling slightly.
"Gamora, what is going on?" Nat asks in a tone in what seems like she had asked for the hundredth time.
"It's my sister-she's insane." Instead of looking at the girl in crouched in front of her, her gaze is towards the dirty floor.
"Gamora, you told me Thanos-"
"She's adopted." She snaps, immediately regretting it and finally giving Nat an apologetic look. Her eyes rip away from Nat's and shift back to the floor. "I'm not the only one Thanos took from their homeworld."
Shuri crouches down besides Nat, resting an assuring hand on Gamora's bare knee. "Your sister-what does she plan to do?"
"I don't know exactly what she's up to, but I know she's after this orb. I was on a mission to find it before I crashed here. She thought I had it-" Gamora takes a deep breath before standing up and walking towards the piano. "If it's anything like I think it is, we might be in trouble."
"Then, we need to stop her." Peter chimes in, slowly approaching her.
"It's not just her we need to stop-she joined Ronan."
"Wait, who's Ronan?" Peter asks with a raised brow, the rest of the group watching their conversation intently.
"A Kree fanatic who works for Thanos."
The mention of the name sends chills down Peter's spine. Gamora has told him of the pain Thanos inflicted, not only on her, but millions of innocent people around the universe. She has told him what he's capable of and his one and only goal: to eradicate half the universe.
"Ronan may have killed my lover, Hovat, and my younger sister, Kamaria, but Thanos is by far the strongest being in the universe. I will accompany you on your quest to find this orb. Then, I will kill Ronan and avenge my family's deaths." Drax was very silent until that moment. He crosses the room to join Peter and Gamora near the piano.
"What exactly is this orb?" Peter asks, completely brushing off Drax's entire speech. "From what it sounds, it seems like some kind of weapon."
"I don't know what it is."
"If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan."
Gamora's head whips around to Drax. "You fool! You'll destroy us all!" Maybe snapping from a comment as small as that wasn't her best move, but it was too late.
"Or just you, MURDERESS!" Drax steps closer, pissing Gamora off even more so.
"I LET YOU LIVE ONCE, PRINCESS!" Gamora finds herself looking straight up at him, baring her teeth.
"I AM NOT A PRINCESS!" The tattooed boy stands up straighter, glaring at the smaller girl in front of him.
"WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! Nobody is killing ANYBODY in my CHOIR ROOM!" Peter puts himself between them as they continue to glare at one another.
"It ain't your choir room, dumbass." It's that stupid raccoon and giving tree whom always manages to find themselves in the same room as him.
Peter rolls his eyes and turns his head to said duo. "Can we help you? What are you even doing here?" The raccoon doesn't reply, giving Peter a vexing smirk instead. "Let me guess? Profit?"
"Oh, hell yeah!" Rocket crawls off Groot's shoulder and scales up the piano to gain the attention of the others. "I know someone who's very trustworthy and is willing to pay a whole lotta units for that orb."
"How much?" Peter asks in curiosity, oblivious to Gamora's annoyed eye roll.
"Four. Billion. Units." The emphasis on the three words captures Peter's attention as his eyes widen.
"Holy shit!"
"Yup! About a hundred thousand times the amount of Yondu's bounty on you. Groot and I were gonna go after it, but when we heard Greenie over here mumbling somethin' about the orb, we thought we could use a few extra humies."
"And what makes you think we'll help you?" It's the first time Gamora speaks up since Rocket started talking.
"Cause', I have a big gun that could disable your mods and kill you in an instant."
"I am Groot."
"Shut up, Groot."
"I. Am. Groot." The tree says with more force.
After a few moments, Rocket crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. "Fine. Groot says we'll split the profit between everyone who gives us a hand."
"If I gave you my hand, it would require me to sever it off, disabling the ability to be helpful with it still attached." Everyone's jaws drop at the amount of stupidity they had just heard.
"It's an expression, dipshit." Rocket explains with another eye roll.
"I will never understand Terran sayings."
"It's not exclusively from Terra. People say it all the time."
"We're getting off track!" Gamora interrupts, watching as Drax and Rocket exchange a look and shrug their shoulders in unison.
"Are you in or not?"
Gamora's brown eyes find Peter's. He looks at her with the same grave expression, subtly nodding at her. There's that look in his eyes. The same look he had when she came out of the dressing room at Forever 21 in the outfit he picked out for her. The same look he had when he noticed she was finally able to start reading paragraphs on her own. The same look he had when she finally joined in on the choir ritual. The same look he had when he finally had the guts to ask her to homecoming. The same damn look he had when he kissed her. That genuine, caring look in his hazel eyes that she trusts more than anything in the universe. There's nothing selfish in them either, meaning he has a ethical reason behind agreeing, and he would explain later. She knows him and she trusts him.
With that, she turns to Rocket and sighs. "Yes, but if you do not undertake your part, I will be sure to skin you alive, Rodent. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Greenie, I do."
"If you guys are really considering this, you better make sure this buyer is trustworthy. If something happens that this 'orb' is a weapon and it's in the wrong hands, who knows what could go wrong." Nat states, putting a hand on Gamora's shoulder. The green girl nods in unison with Peter.
"How do we get off this dumb planet without confronting the director?"
"Well, Big Guy! I have a plan-"
Although Nat is training to be a spy for S.H.I.E.L.D., she has very awful plans, which is why Gamora, Drax, Peter, Rocket, and Groot are fully equipped to leave Earth and are on their way to headquarters. The entire building is built underground as a bunker at the edge of the city. The only section visible is a small dome-shaped structure made entirely of one-way glass, and the secret hangar roof behind it. Two men in S.H.I.E.L.D uniforms, guard the steel double doors to the structure.
It was a long drive from their dorms to headquarters-approximately four hours to be exact. So, yeah. It was a long drive. Not to mention being in a small Volkswagen van with seven people, three of which were not as friendly as the others (well, the tree's okay). It's a miracle to get out when they arrive.
Nat's plan was simple: she and Gamora will gang up on the guards and knock them unconscious. Then, they would all sneak into the docking bay and board Peter's ship.
Therefore, they put the plan into effect. Within seconds upon reaching the small structure, Gamora and Nat sneak up behind the guards and kick them square in the back of their heads, watching as their bodies fall limp to the ground.
Peter flinches a little as their bodies hit the pavement. "Ooh, that's gotta hurt." He whispers as Nat grabs a key card from one of the guard's pockets and unlocks the door, following the group inside.
They all scuttle into a confined elevator, uncomfortably close to one another as they ride down to the docking bay. As they exit, they are spotted by two more S.H.I.E.L.D agents, who immediately get swept off their feet, due to Gamora's quick reflexes.
"What does your ship look like?" Shuri asks as they spread out, scanning each of the unique aircraft.
"It's the Milano-the blue and orange M-ship."
"The Milano?" Nat asks with a raised eyebrow. "Like the cookies?"
"No, Alyssa Milano, duh!" Nat pinches the bridge of her nose.
Gamora crosses her arms and glares at Peter. "So, who's this 'Marissa Milano'?" She asks skeptically. Of course, it wasn't out of jealousy. Gamora wasn't the type to be 'jealous'.
The boy gives her a small smirk, notching the hint of jealousy in her brown eyes. "Alyssa Milano." He corrects.
"She's an actress. I had a huge crush on her when I was a kid."
"You're still a kid." She points out, glaring at him more intensely.
"No reason to be jealous."
"I'm not jealous."
"Can you makeout later, Lovebirds? We found your ship." Rocket announces, rolling his eyes.
"This is your ship?" Peter nods his head proudly. "No offense, but it looks like a piece of shit."
"Wow. Thanks Nat." Just then the alarms start blaring, meaning that somebody spotted them. "Hurry! Get on the ship!" Peter yells over the alarms as he lowers the ramp. Groot, Rocket, and Drax quickly obey, the original four staying behind for a moment longer.
"Go." Shuri says, gesturing to the ship with her head. "We will stay behind and cover you."
"Thank you." Gamora wraps her arms around their necks as Peter makes his way up the ramp, not completely entering the ship until Gamora follows him. The ramp closes behind them as Nat and Shuri start running for the exit.
They arrive at the temple on Morag, only to find out that Ronan's right hand beats them there. Luckily, it seems as if they haven't exited their ship yet.
Gamora whips her head around to the group. "Korath is here."
"Lemme guess? Ronan's henchman?" Rocket asks, crossing his arms.
"You could say that."
Peter eyes Gamora again as if they read each other's minds. "Okay." He says, staring her in the eyes a moment longer before focusing on the rest of the group. "Here's the plan: Gamora and I will break into the temple and steal the orb. Drax, you'll follow and cover us. Rocket. Groot. You two will stay here, protect the ship, and get ready to take off as soon as we get back. Got it?" Everyone nods. "Good. Let's go!"
It's eerily easy to obtain it, only requiring the use of a gravity mine. However, there's never any sign of Korath or his Sakaaran soldiers. That's what puts Gamora on edge. "Peter, something isn't right." She states, reaching for her Godslayer.
"Okay, well, let's go!" He begins to walk out of the temple bumping into a Sakaaran soldier. "Oh, shit."
"Drop it!" A deep voice booms as a man, who looks partially like an android, enters.
"He will do no such thing, Korath!" Gamora spits through her teeth, extracting her sword and charging towards the man with a loud war cry. Drax follows suit with his daggers. "DRAX! PETER! GET TO THE SHIP!" Drax jabs one of his daggers into one last soldier and obeys almost immediately. "PETER!"
"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!" Peter shoots another Sakaaran that had entered the temple.
Peter hesitates. "Shit." He mutters under his breath, shooting one last soldier before bolting to the ship. With one last cry, Gamora drives her sword into Korath's abdomen, immediately following Peter. The boy pulls out another gravity mine, throwing it at the Sakaaran soldiers running after them. Gamora ducks and rolls her eyes as Peter yells back an apology. As soon as they have boarded the ship, Rocket turns on the thrusters and flies them to safety.
After the coast is clear, Peter meets Gamora on the lower deck. She watches as he places a small box into a weird contraption built into the Milano.
"What is that?" Gamora asks in curiosity with pursed lips.
"It's called a cassette. It plays music, see?" Peter presses a button and turns a dial as music begins to fill the ship. A huge grin creeps onto his face once he notices the corners of the green girl's lips twitching up. It only grows when she begins to subconsciously bob her head to the beat.
It doesn't take long before Peter realizes he's staring. "Nothing." He scratches the back of his neck. "Um...just-do you trust them?"
"The only one I trust in this ship, is you."
Peter glances up at the stairs leading to the cockpit before focusing back on Gamora. "How much you wanna bet they'll ditch us after we receive the payment?" He asks almost inaudibly.
"As long as they don't give us a reason to be suspicious, we shouldn't worry too much about it."
"So, we're partners then?" Peter closes the distance between them.
Gamora crosses her arms and stares up at him. "We had an agreement, but I would never be partners."
"Does that include me?"
The green girl leans in as if to kiss him. She pauses, lips only millimeters away from his. "Especially you, Peter Quill."
He feels her breath against his lips and opens his eyes to see that she had snuck away before they could kiss. A slight chuckle escapes from him as he turns around to see her walking up the stairs with an extra sway to her hips. "Oh, it's on."
Knowhere is practically a place for outlaws, or so Gamora says. It's a grungy place and highly polluted. The streets are packed with aliens of all species, most of them looking homeless, mean, and dirty. They pass a building with a colorfully lit-up sign as a bouncer throws a patron out.
"The buyer's in there?" Peter asks staring as the patron slowly gets up.
"He told me we have to wait for his representative or whatever." Rocket explains as they continue walking.
"This is no respectable establishment. What do you expect us to do while we wait?" Drax asks with a hint of a pout.
"The museum is inside of a bar." Rocket states, stopping in his tracks and turning towards the group.
"There's no way they're going to allow us to drink. We're underage."
The raccoon bats a paw at her. "Psh! They don't care as long as they get units." He starts walking back to the bar with Groot following closely behind.
Drax shrugs and follows suit, leaving Gamora and Peter alone. "I'm gonna fill up the Milano. You coming?"
A sigh escapes the Zen-Whoberian's mouth. "I would, but I still don't completely trust those three. I'll keep an eye on them and meet you inside." Peter nods and plants a quick kiss to her temple before walking back in the direction of the Milano.
It's barely half an hour when Peter returns to the bar, finding her out on the balcony as she cleans her sword. He walks out casually and stands next to her. "Man, you wouldn't believe what they charge for fuel out here. I might actually lose money on this job."
"Doesn't surprise me." Gamora says dryly. "They're making us wait." She sheathes her sword and turns towards Peter with a perturbed expression. "Why did we agree to this, Peter?"
"You wanna escape from Thanos. I wanna escape from Yondu. We're gonna want to leave the academy eventually." He takes a deep breath and sets his forearms on the top of the balcony railing, leaning against it. "I also thought maybe we could leave together." He mutters it under his breath, hoping Gamora would hear it as much as he didn't want her to. He stares out into the void and snaps out of his thoughts as a green hand is gently placed on top of his. Turning his head slowly, he realizes that Gamora is gazing at him with a soft smile upon her lips.
"I-" She was cut off by the sound of a rousing bar fight, involving Rocket, Groot and Drax.
"Oh no." Peter moans, walking past Gamora and entering the bar. She follows suit, noticing Drax being strangled by Groot.
The muscular teen rips himself free of Groot's vines as Rocket powers up his gun. Before he can go after Groot again, Gamora pulls him up by his arm. "STOP IT!"
However, it doesn't stop Rocket from aiming his weapon at Drax. Peter steps in with a defensive hand, blocking his view. "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"THIS VERMIN SPEAKS OF AFFAIRS HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT!" Drax yells trying to push out of Gamora's grasp to get to Rocket.
"HOLD ON! HOLD ON!" Peter steps closer to Rocket as he starts to aim his gun again.
"Rocket, you're drunk, alright? Nobody's laughing at you." The Terran does his best to calm the raccoon down, but the small creature continues.
"Rocket, no one's callin' you a monster."
"HE CALLED ME VERMIN! SHE CALLED ME RODENT!" He screams, pointing to Drax and Gamora respectively. "Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your FRICKIN' FACE!" Rocket starts firing up his weapon again, causing Drax to try to go after him again.
"NO, NO, NO, NO! FOUR BILLION UNITS! ROCKET! Come on, man. Hey! Suck it up for one more lousy night and you're rich."
The raccoon hesitates for a moment, finally lowering his weapon with a sigh. "Fine." He says with a slight crack in his voice. "But I can't promise when all this is over I'm not gonna kill every last one of you jerks."
Peter rubs his temple until he hears the last part of the sentence and throws an accusing hand in his direction. "SEE! THAT'S EXACTLY WHY YOU THREE DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS!" He looks around at the other two, finally giving Gamora a sympathetic glance. "Five seconds after you meet somebody, you're already trying to kill them!"
"We have traveled halfway across the quadrant, and Ronan is no closer to being dead." Gamora pushes him away as he pulls out of her grasp.
"Drax!" Peter calls, watching as the musclebound teen walks away in anger.
"Let him go." Gamora says, placing a gentle hand on his arm, not taking her eyes off of the direction in which Drax was headed. "We don't need him."
"The beings they call Rocket and Groot," A pink Krylorian calls from a doorway near them. "I'm here to fetch you for my master!"
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monopsys · 7 years
The Aus
So guys my previous post got some notes so here the aus from my next potential story.
And if anyone wants one of them to be my next fic, you can vote here or there is a link in my blog!!! Thank you! Also you can vote once every day!
Saika!au: The first au i had when i had watch Durarara. As crazy as it sounds, i wanted Izaya to have Saika. The main part, the strongest. Well, he used knives, had close-to-red eyes and also well he was the vilian. So in this fic, i thought maybe Izaya wasn’t the “Izaya” we saw. It was Saika all along that it was using him but after an accident, Izaya started gaining again his body back. So, Izaya is like what we see him in the anime but he is a little good than the version of Saika is showing to everyone.
Gang!au:  In this one Izaya was secretly in a gang that paid him to survive when he had come in Japan. His parents left him there with his sisters so he is in charge of everything. His parents don’t give him money and the other jobs don’t give as much he needs to help his sisters. So we see him in the gang and how slowly he becames the informant broker he never wanted to become. He starts to want to leave it but then there is the blackmail. So after that we see him trying to escape the gang and how slowly he starts to develop a relationship with Shizuo.
From younger age!au:  In this one, Shizuo and Izaya have meet when they were in the primary school and slowly the develop feelings with each other but none does the first step. So we see their relationship, how Izaya reacts to Shizuo bleaching his hair and if you think about it, the fic is like a normal highshool au.
Brown hair!au:  Shizuo has to turn his hair back like it was for unknown reasons and that hair it drives a certan someone crazy. Maybe in love? Maybe it just annoys him.
Mission!au:  The company that Shizuo works has a little problem dragging the one that owns them money and the only one that can help is not other than the informant broker. So the company assings Izaya with Shizuo’s team and that causes some trouple. But the thing is that Izaya is getting along with the team but also he can’t fight Shizuo. That makes Shizuo’s life harder. (I wanted a fic that showed a friendship between Izaya and Vorona.)
Priest!au:  Priest!Shizuo and his helper Izaya. Both of them protect a local church that it has many priests inside and one day Izaya brings Mikado, a younger priest, to meet Shizuo. Shizuo greets and enjoys his company while Izaya smiles quetly. Izaya after the meeting he spends some time with him. But the next moring there is the sound of bells that show that someone died. Izaya. After some time, Shizuo finds that vampires had kill his friend and after he becomes a hunter, he starts to fight them for revenge. But what happens when he meets one day a familiar face in one of the vampires?
Fake dating!au:  This is au is always my cup of tea.  In this shizaya needs to fake that they are a couple in order to accomplise something.
Dating!au: A cliche au. One of the duo understands that they have fallen for the other and they try to make a realtionship. Emphansis on try.
Yakuza!au:  A fic that kinda sounds like viewfinder. Shizuo is a top yakuza and Izaya a normal informant broker. But Izaya respects Shizuo even though he makes his life harder. Shizuo on the other hand, sees Izaya as a pawn but after an incident that changes.
Change!au: All is opposite. Shizuo is bad and Izaya is good. In some words, Shizuo is crazy, psychopath and destroys everything he touchs. But Izaya is the only one that sees potental in him and so…shits happen.
Spy!au:  Spies….there are spies. Probably partners but in what degree.
Detective!au: A fic that shows that everything Izaya did was for the police. He needed to find something important and when he did, he reveals that he is in the police. The personality though is the same and that pisses Shizuo even more.
Animal!au: All of the characters are in form of an animal. Animals or people with animals features is still in thought.
Criminal and Officer!au: Shizuo is an officer that everyone respects. But one day someone brings in the police a man that was accused for a murder that according by him, he didn’t do. Yes it is Izaya. So Shizuo is charged to take him somewhere but Izaya got his handcuffs and click, now they are cuffed together. Shizuo must get rip of him before he lose his mind.
Angel of Death!au: Izaya is angel of death, a person  that meets and sees and takes the person’s soul. He can’t stop their death but if he wanted he could postponed it. But someone is making his hard diffucult because he isn’t acting like he wanted. He is the only one that he can’t predict. So Izaya gets down on earth and tries to kill him but in the way his feelings change.
Leader!au: Before anyone says anything, it is different from gang!au. In this Izaya is a leader on a powerful that is semi!active in the streets of Ikebukuro. So someday the gang needs its leader back.
Switch!au: Everyone switches personalities. Izaya is Shizuo, Shizuo is Izaya, Celty is Shinra, Shinra is Celty etc.
New start!au: Where Shizuo and Izaya met exactly the same but their words changed bringing in the scene an unlikely relationship. So a different start!
Jealous!au: That au is set after Izaya was stabbed. So one day Shizuo after he left the prizon (legally) he found Izaya and fought again. But the stab made Izaya a little slower so Shizuo captures him. Shizuo notices the slash, he gets angry and tells that he will find who did it and leave a confused Izaya standing there. So, the fic is just Shizuo getting jealous at everyone getting Izaya’s attention and vie versa with Izaya.
Mythical Creature!au:  I am Greek so that au is never getting old to me. Like Celty that is a dullahan, Izaya would be Nyx. Nyx is godness of darkness, the persopication of night. Shadow powers and the loneliness is a part of her character. Similar to Izaya. So like Celty, Izaya is searching for something and brings chaos untill he finds it.
School!au: Just the durarara group in a school. The older are teachers and the younger students.
In time!au: The movie in time when everyone stops growing old when they reach 18 but the have a clock that counts backwards untill it reaches 0. If it does, you die. Everything is bought with time and working gains you time. So i don’t know. I love this au, it is like soulmate au but there is no soulmate.
Mentor!au: In this Shizuo is a top leader,yakuza, criminal something so in one of his missions they beat up Izaya as the traitor in their group. After some beating, they decide to kill him. But Shizuo stops them and takes Izaya under his wing but is he a person you can work with? No.
And the one that i think maybe i would write because it is a really different au!au: So lets say that the school that the Raira kids is another academy from Raijin. Raijin academy is elsewhere and it was closed after Izaya and Shizuo had graduated from it because they had caused so much damage in it that they closed. So after so many years Shizuo gets a letter that says that he and Izaya need to fix it or else their handywork would send them again in school. After some persussion they go and try to fix the place. But in the meantime that hate might change in something different. A really long slow-build fic that it will give the unrequired love from Shizuo’s side this time.
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kpopstarsreact · 7 years
FXXK IT - Daesung Mafia! AU [Part 2]
Genre: mafia! au / angst
Other Parts: Part 1 / Part 2
Warnings: adult language / violence / mention of voilent death and mutilation / blood
Summary: Daesung finally gets to the wedding chapel after Jiyong’s words trigger a deeply buried memory to pop back into his mind. But things don’t go as smoothly as he hopes once he finally see’s Y/n again
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: It’s freaking pouring outside (which always inspires me to write for some reason??) so finally here is part two for you all!! ^.^ Please let me know if you like it~ [p.s. this part is slightly longer than the first, but I needed it to be for the set up ;)]
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below the cut
Part 2 - The Chapel
“You can’t leave your family Daesung! It’s who you fucking are.”
Everything Jiyong had said to him, screamed at him, felt as if it had taken physical form and were sitting right on top of his lungs.
Daesung scanned the streets instinctively as he walked briskly to the chapel where he was already three minutes late to his own rehearsal dinner. His hands were shoved in his pockets to attempt to bring warmth back into them during the frigid afternoon. The streets were humming with the same people that have lived there their entire lives, doing the same damn thing they did every day.
Sweeping off decks at restaurants, cleaning, baking, hauling fish, everything menial and typical. That was why Jiyong had chosen this spot for the Dragon’s to live and thrive.
The moment even the littlest thing happened, the townspeople would alert everyone to it, not missing the chance to gossip, to be able to forget their routine lives for even a moment to talk bout something strange and new. It was exiting for them. Even if that meant the fishermen had caught a new kind of fish for the restaurants to sell.
“Did you hear? The Gustav’s and the Bellair’s are going to have a heck of a time fighting over who gets that new fish imported from the United States!” Daesung half-listened to the exited old woman rattling on to her friend as he passed as quickly as he could without raising suspicion. “They’re practically killing themselves to be the first to sell it! It will really help the business pick up I’m sure.”
It took every ounce of strength he had to not roll his eyes. They may have the advantage here to hear about any strange new people, meaning any rival gangs venturing into the town to spy on them but...
It was all just so damn boring. This was just another reason Daesung wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
His eyes danced around, taking everything in that he could despite himself. Every day the same but he wasn’t willing to take the chance when-
A glimpse of platinum blonde hair made Daesung stop, causing the young man behind him to hiss out a curse before he continued around him with a dark glare. Ignoring the man, he pulled his hands out of his pockets slowly and discreetly unsheathing a small blade hidden behind his left hand.
If that was who he thought it was... And how could it not be? Everyone here in town had dark brown or black hair except his own gang members. But usually even they stuck to the darker colors. Never bright hair. Never blonde. That was a trademark of the Black Jack clan. Bright hair was one of their calling cards just like the Queen of spades playing card that they left at the scene of every crime they committed.
They loved drawing attention to themselves just as much as they loved pulling ruthless and brutal crimes. They were never ones to be subtle about the power and strength that they had.
“If you make me later than I already am I swear to God...” He grumbled half under his breath as he picked his pace back up. Instead of going straight and heading to the wedding chapel though, he turned the corner a few feet up where the woman with blonde hair had vanished to.
He was already going over the defensive moves in his head to block attacks from his right side as he turned to face the open alley way. Every muscle in his body tensed, his stance steady and his knife ready for any slight advantage he could get.
"How in the hell?” There was nobody there. The alley only was only about seven feet wide, going about six feet back before the brick wall of the neighboring business cause it to end abruptly. “I must be damn crazy...”
It took a moment before he realized the feeling in the pit of his stomach accompanying the heavy feeling pressing down his lungs wasn’t just from what Jiyong had said. It was from the memories of everything the Black Jack’s had done to everyone the members of the Dragon’s loved.
A flash of a leg shredded completely down to the bones, previously stylish clothes now tattered and torn to show thousands of both deep and shallow cuts along exposed rib bones-
“Fuck.” Daesung sheathed his knife again and closed his eyes. All he could do to keep the visions of Hyo-Rin’s mutilated body blocked out of his mind was to press the palms of his hands hard against his eyes and to think. To think of Y/n. Her happy eyes, alight with light and life.
He opened his eyes again and rolled his shoulder back to attempt to relieve some of the tension. He was going to be in so much trouble with her when he got to the chapel. But still, she was there waiting for him.
Even through everything he’d just been through with Jiyong and his paranoia that the Black Jack’s were back in town and had somehow avoided their lookouts, his lips pulled into a half smile at the thought of her.
He had been in a gang for over half his life and had dealt with one of the greatest mafia bosses of all time but his beautiful bride to be was still the one he was scared of the most.
“I should bust into that fucking musty ass pastry shop and tell him that he’d better shut the fuck up and let you be!”
She swung around to face him from the large mirror where her best friend and maid of honor Dalia was attempting to put makeup on her through her rampage. She might as well give up until Daesung left the room, but he admired her dedication as she only muttered “stay still...“ while trying to put the finishing highlight on her cheekbones.
Turns out that she had been late as well. “Dress disaster” She had put it as she kissed his cheek and told him not to worry about it. She’d then asked what made him late and since they’d had a “complete truth” pact ever since he told her he was in the mafia... He’d told her everything.
“He’s such a dick Daesung! You’ve done so much for him, practically have been his slave for 16 goddamn years and this is what he does to you?!” Her dangling diamond earrings swung in small circles as she talked, her light brown eyes wide in fury. Unbelievably her hands were even more animated than her facial features, dark olive toned skin tense behind the strained muscles of her forearms.
“Y/n I want to tell you everything but-”
“But what?” Y/n cocked her head to the side and placed her hands against the silky peach fabric of her summer dress. She always seemed to be colder than the islanders were no matter how warm it got. However, she still refused to give up her beloved sun dresses and shorts despite being so cold that her skin was always covered in goosebumps. Daesung’s smile returned in full force at the exhibition of her unusual characteristics.
She had grown up in one of the warmest places on earth before moving here to escape the controlling government officials who were trying to force her into marrying one of their leaders.
She was full of determination and strength for what she had endured to escape them and to get here but, somehow around the right people she was still able to be sweet and soft. And the exact opposite of every tame mannered, polite, and soft spoken woman in the village.
Daesung had never been so grateful for his own determination to get to know her. He was eternally grateful that she had opened up to him too and was able to share with him her own horrid experiences after he shared his. Him and Dalia seemed to be the only two people she was ever really fond of.
“No seriously! What Daesung? Are you afraid I’m going to find him and snap his neck? Because that’s what I’d like to do!”
He closed his eyes briefly and sighed before his next attempt at calming her down. Her protective instincts were also off the chart on top of everything else. Half the time Daesung felt as if she were the one protecting him, not the other way around. All he wanted right now was for the wedding rehearsal to go smoothly now that they were both here.
“I just don’t want you getting yourself in trouble with someone that could still potentially be our ally if the Black Jack’s come for me.” He quickly put up his hands in defense when he saw Y/n’s disbelieving look, “I still want to cut ties with him, yes! But I don’t exactly want to burn bridges.”
In classic Y/n fashion she rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. “Okay jagi, but I’m not going to pretend to like him.”
“Since when have you pretend to like anyone?” Daesung laughed heartily, imagining Y/n trying to be fake to anyone. She’d surely fail and end up accidentally telling someone that she hated their attitude and their fashion sense the moment they said something stupid to her.
She returned his smile despite her efforts to stay serious and picked up the pillow on the nearby chair, chucking it in his direction. At this point her maid of honor had finished her makeup and was sitting impatiently on the other side of the room as they finished speaking.
“Okay, okay love. I need to go before your maid of honor throws me out herself.”
“Aww you wouldn’t do that would you Dalia??” She looked over to her friend, the laughter still dancing in her eyes.
Unimpressed with Daesung or Y/n’s cute behavior she only deadpanned in her thick native island accent, “Only if he doesn’t leave soon. We have things to do still Y/n.”
They both laughed a little at that. Her friend wasn’t much of a charmer, but she was always straight forward just like Y/n was. That’s why they got along so well he’d often thought. They both hated everyone else, but somehow got along with each other perfectly.
“I’m just going to leave then.” He kissed her lips softly, placing his hand gently on her cheek to try and avoid messing up any of the work Dalia had just done. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon my love!” Was her response as he left the room.
Daesung was halfway down the hallway when he spotted something on the ground and paused to look down at it.
“A queen... a queen of spades card?”
Daesung went completely and utterly numb in that moment, the card in his hands. The Black Jacks..
The Black Jack’s were here and they’d left their signature greeting as a taunt.
A loud scream burst out from Y/n’s dressing room, the sound of the mirror shattering close behind it.
“Y/n!” He bolted back the hallway, practically running into the door before he got the chance to rip it open.
It wasn’t a Black Jack that greeted him though. It was Dalia. Dalia had tied up the now unconscious love of his life and was pressing a fucking katana of all things to her throat.
How the hell had she gotten a katana past him?
“What the fuck Dalia?!” The words left his lips even though the answer was obvious and right in front of him.
“I’ve lived here my entire life for this, pretending to be one of these horrifically boring villagers while receiving training from a Black Jack recruiter.” Her accent was completely gone, replaced by the smooth precise tone of a cold blooded gang member, “The moment CL found out about you idiots settling down she began training the villager children behind even our parent’s back.” She laughed sharply. “The things we had to go through to hide everything from our parents, those gossiping old croons.” She angled the katana closer to Y/n’s throat, the sword making a thin line of blood escape from her. “That was the most fun part about it all. It’s not like there was anything else to do in this piss poor town...”
She was a Black Jack... Oh god she might a well have been born for this roll. How had he not realized sooner? He had thought that she’d only been born different, not trained to be this way.
“Oh god, just please! stop! Wait a moment!” Daesung didn’t dare move a muscle. He knew how this went. Any Black Jack was trained to kill first, ask questions later. Especially during a stand off with an enemy gang member. Especially with one of the head members of their biggest rival gangs directly in front of her.
“I’m not complaining though Daesung... This gave me the chance to learn everything about Y/n, gain her trust once she got close to you. To get to you. It doesn’t matter what happens to me once I get her to the operatives hiding in this building. You can kill me then for all I care.”
Daesung had only ever seen Dalia smile once his entire life when he had seen her with Y/n at the mall and it had been nothing like this. In that moment at the mall he could almost see that she could be a sweet and kind person. This smile she wore now showed him now that he had never been so wrong in his entire life. It was sharp and wicked, her thin lips pulled together so tightly they almost disappeared completely. “Once they get her it’s over. We finally have what we need to destroy the Dragons fro the inner circle out.”
Daesung’s response was cool and calculated, the training he’d gotten years ago kicking back into place.
He would reason with her. make her see that this wasn’t going to do anything to the Dragon’s, that this would be only him she was destroying. “I will do anything you want me to if you’d just realize that I cut my ties with Jiyong weeks ago. I just want to move away with Y/n. I’ll never come back, I’ll never seek revenge against you of this, It would be like we disappeared I swear.”
Dalia let out another harsh laugh, the katana digging slightly deeper in Y/n’s throat, blood now dripping down the blade in a thin stream. “Once a Dragon always a Dragon Daesung.” The words she spoke hit him in the chest where Jiyong’s similar words still sat like hot lead. “You can’t escape who your family is that easy. We will destroy the Dragon’s completely and utterly, and we’re going to start with the weakest link, the one who’s been throwing a tantrum and disrupting the bond of the family. That means you child.”
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The Eye on the Sparrow, Chapter Three
Next chapter. This will be all for this fic this week, but I hope to have some more chapters next week.
Chapter One, Chapter Two
Summary: While the gang enjoy the party, unexpected guests arrive....
Chapter Three
The next afternoon, most of Kembleford was at the Bolton estate.
The party had been scheduled to take place outside and had almost been set up when dark clouds made for an abrupt change of plans. The possibility of a sudden shower forced everyone inside only minutes before a downpour started up. Nevertheless, the inclement weather did nothing to diminish the carefree atmosphere. The guests ended up piling into the ball room and front room and while it did make things a little crowded, no one seemed to mind.
In a corner near the entrance to the ballroom, Father Brown, Lady Felicia, Mrs. McCarthy stood with the Boltons while enjoying some champagne.
“Congratulations Marjorie.” Felicia said. “The party seems to be a success. And you’ve really done so much with the house. It looks wonderful.”
“Thank you,” Marjorie beamed. “Alistair and I agreed that we should try to retain as much of the traditional charm of the place as we could even with our efforts to modernize it.”
“Your efforts clearly have paid off,” Father Brown nodded. “I can see a lot of the traditional mixed in with this restoration.”
“She’s giving me too much credit,” Alistair said as he put an arm around his wife’s waist. “The fact is, Marjorie is mainly responsible for the manor looking as good as it does. All I did was mention a few amenities that I hoped to add on. And open my checkbook, of course.”
“Yes, it looks very nice with all these changes,” Mrs. McCarthy nodded. “The manor sorely needed some fixing up. As do some other buildings these days.”
Father Brown inwardly cringed at the transparent attempt to steer the conversation in one particular direction. Fortunately, Alistair needed no further hints.
“Yes, like the roof of St. Mary’s,” he laughed. “I know that repair work on it has been slow, Father and I would like to help speed things along.”
“We’d be grateful for any assistance,” Brown replied.
“Ah we’d be glad to help,” Alistair said with a wave of his hand.
“Yes, you have such a lovely church,” Marjorie added. “And all of you have been so welcoming to us ever since we arrived here. It’s the least we could do.”
“I’m sure Mrs. McCarthy can give you more details as to our needs,” Brown said.
“Splendid,” Alistair replied. “I’ll be sure to drop by with my solicitor some time this week. The sooner we get something started, the sooner we won’t have to worry about another one of those thunderstorms interrupting your homilies, Father.”
“Quite,” Brown said with a wan smile. A week ago, a particularly bad storm resulted in a steady trickle of water in the middle of the pews. He managed to make it through his homily…although he did notice that his congregation was distracted by concerns of the water spreading all over the floor.
Father Brown sipped at his drink and looked at the guests all around him. There was indeed a wide range of people here from the local gentry to shopkeepers and farmers. However, he also noticed that the guests clustered together into groups based on their “status” in society. For the most part, the gentry avoided talking to local merchants while the farmers made sure to avoid the guests with titles.
Brown finished his drink and shook his head. Unfortunately, social circles seemed to be almost impossible to cross at times, no matter how well meaning the efforts to erase them might be.
“Alistair? Alistair Bolton, a country squire. My word, I simply had to see this for myself.”
Everyone in Father Brown’s group turned to see a man with a stocky build and dark hair stroll over toward them. He wore a bright blue sport jacket over a white dress shirt and khakis.
“How long has it been?” the man asked. “Two years? Three?”
“Five,” Alistair answered. “Although, you’d hardly know it to look at you.”
“Andrew,” Marjorie said, her tone clipped. “How nice to see you.” Father Brown noted the way her fingers tightened around the stem of her champagne glass.
“Father, Lady Felicia, Mrs. McCarthy, I’d like you to meet Andrew Carstairs,” Alistair said. “An old business rival of mine.”
“Not the Carstairs,” McCarthy said. “Of Carstairs Confectionaries and Greengrocers?”
“One in the same, I’m afraid,” Andrew nodded. “Alistair here used to be one of my biggest competitors back in the day. That is, until he decided to get out of the retail food business. By the way, Alistair, I never did get a chance to ask why you did it. Especially seeing as you were at the top of your game.”
Alistair still had a smirk on his face, but it was impossible to miss the discomfort in Marjorie’s expression even though she seemed to be trying to hide it. Lady Felicia responded to this by moving a little closer to her while keeping an impassive gaze on Andrew.
“I suppose I simply tired of all the games,” Alistair responded. “After all, when you have nothing left to prove, it all just becomes rather tedious, doesn’t it?”
Andrew’s face fell slightly and Father Brown could see a glint of anger in his eyes. However, it swiftly disappeared as Andrew let out a short laugh.
“Touché, Alistair, touché,” he said. “Still, I have to wonder if you don’t miss it just a little. The thrill of competition, the drive to leave one’s mark on this world.”
“Or the race to make an obscene amount of money,” Marjorie injected.
“There’s nothing obscene about having a lot of money,” Andrew countered.
“Perhaps not,” Father Brown said. “But there are many obscene ways of acquiring it.”
“Fair point, Father,” Andrew said with a nod in his direction.
“So why exactly have you come out here, Andrew?” Alistair said. “I thought you never left London if you could help it. Or are you really that interested to see how I am getting on in my retirement?”
“Well that was a small part of it to be sure,” Andrew chuckled. “But no, I do have other business. I’ve been thinking about expanding my real estate holdings and a friend of mine suggested this quaint little village. Told me that it had all the makings of a real up and comer although I haven’t seen it yet. Well, I suppose that that sort of thing isn’t always obvious…. And I figured that, as long as I’m here, I could look up my old rival.”
“I’m sure Kembleford would welcome the prospect of increased business opportunities,” Brown said. “That is, as long as they were ones that actually benefited the community as a whole and not just a select few.”
“Naturally, Father,” Andrew replied. “It’s bad business to turn the locals against you. One must do what he can to get them on his side. Even if fear of change and short-sightedness can make it an uphill battle. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I will have one more drink before I head off.”
Andrew held out his hand to Alistair which Alistair shook albeit not with much enthusiasm.
“Goodbye, Alistair,” Andrew said. “It was good to see you again. And you as well, Marjorie. Oh and by the way, just so you won’t think too badly of me for crashing your party, I brought with me a bottle of whisky from my cousin’s distillery. He had a few ten year bottles that he is planning to sell and I managed to convince him to part with one of them. I left it with one of your servants near the kitchen.”
“Thank you, Andrew. That was right sporting of you,” Alistair said. “Your cousin does have a true gift when it comes to the craft involved with the production of spirits.”
“He does indeed,” Andrew said. “And you’re quite welcome. It was the least I could do to make up for showing up without an invitation. Anyway, I must dash. It was nice to meet you all. I hope I can run into some of you again before I return to London.”
“Farewell, Andrew,” Alistair said. “And good luck on your latest venture.”
Andrew sauntered away, snatching a glass of champagne from a tray just before another guest could reach it. Marjorie watched him leave, shaking her head.
“Honestly, Alistair, I don’t know why you are so polite to him,” she said. “He was beastly to you when you were still running your businesses. All those dirty tricks.”
“Sadly, that’s part of the game for him and others like him,” Alistair said. “For everyone in that line of work, really. I suppose it’s mainly a matter of how far one is willing to go to get ahead.”
‘And how far were you willing to go?’ Father Brown wondered silently, the question instantly popping into his inquisitive mind. He did manage, however, to keep that question to himself. A party was not really the sort of place for that kind of inquiry. He would just have to hope that Alistair found a way to absolve his sins if there was any substance to the implications behind that comment.
“That may be, but Marjorie is right, Alistair,” Felicia added. “Monty mentioned meeting Carstairs about a year ago during one of his trips to London. Apparently, he struck Monty as a rather vulgar man who would do just about anything for money and who has little tact. I see now that Monty wasn’t wrong in his assessment.”
“Well, regardless, it doesn’t mean much to me anymore,” Alistair said. “I’ve gotten out of that sort of work and am perfectly happy to devote my time and energy to this estate and to my family.”
“It’s just as well as that you did,” Mrs. McCarthy said with a firm nod. “If it meant dealing with unpleasant people like him.”
Father Brown continued to partially listen to the conversation around him, but also turned some of his attention back to the other guests. Despite the fact that people continued to not mingle across class lines for the most part, everyone seemed to having a good time. The rain outside only enhanced the cozy atmosphere that had taken over the inside of the manor.
However, Brown did spy one person who was not partaking in the festivities. A woman in a plain, green dress was standing by one of the windows and she did not speak to anyone else. Brown recognized her right away: Sarah Wingate. Sarah and her brother ran a bakery in the village. And Father Brown made sure to never reveal to Mrs. McCarthy that he had become a fan of Sarah’s sticky buns and that he sometimes would sneak a couple of them to the presbytery to share with Sid.  
Right now though, Sarah did not look like her usual quiet, but cheerful self. She looked tired. Wistful, as if sad memories had been dredged up by the gloom outside. Most of the time, she kept her gaze on the window, but every once in a while, she would take a brief, furtive glance at the other party goers.
It wasn’t long though before Father Brown realized that Sarah wasn’t looking at the crowd of people around her. She was looking at only one person every time: Alistair Bolton.
Brown was about to walk over to her to see if there was anything he could do when the sound of breaking glass caught his attention.
“You. I wonder if you even remember me. ‘Cause I sure remember you.”
Father Brown looked over to see Bruce O’Neil, a local shopkeeper, staggering over toward Alistair and Marjorie. O’Neil ran a small junk shop a short distance away from St. Mary’s. His daughter, Annie, attended Sunday Mass whenever she could.
Brown watched as Marjorie kept glancing at her husband who remained silent and impassive in the face of O’Neil’s snarling fury.
“Yes. Yes, I remember you, Mr. O’Neil,” Alistair said with a quiet, even tone.
“Then you remember what you did,” O’Neil spat, continuing to shuffle toward him. “You remember how you ruined me and my family. My father built our store with his own two hands. He and my mother slaved over it their whole lives to make it successful. It was the one thing they had that they could leave behind for me. And I was going to leave it to my children. Continue the family tradition. And then you came along.”
O’Neil stopped a couple of feet in front of Alistair, breathing hard and wagging a shaking finger in the other man’s face.
“You couldn’t be happy just competing with me,” O’Neil continued. “You couldn’t just let me and mine be. No, you had to steal from us. You did everything you could to smear our reputation. You used every underhanded trick you could think of.”
“Mr. O’Neil I can assure that nothing I did was outside the bounds of the law nor….”
“Oh sure, nothing illegal,” O’Neil scoffed with a dismissive wave of his hand. “All neat and tidy and within the law. But it was still dirty. You just found a way to use the law to do your dirty work. I lost everything. My shop, my home…and even my wife. And look at you: throwing parties and smiling and acting like everything is all fine and dandy.”
O’Neil took another large step toward him, his hands curled into fists at his sides.
“No, you might be able to put it behind you, but I can’t,” he hissed. “And I’m going to make sure that you never will forget what you did to me and my family.”
O’Neil stomped out of the room, the guests parting on either side to let him pass. Father Brown began to follow him and as he did, he noticed Sarah leaving her spot near the window and disappearing into the crowd. After that, Brown put all his energy into following O’Neil.
By the time Father Brown caught up with him, O’Neil had gone outside. Fortunately, the rain had tapered off to a light sprinkle although there were dark clouds close by.
“Mr. O’Neil,” Brown called out after him. “If there is anything I can do….” O’Neil paused, but did not turn around.
“There’s nothing you can do for me, Father,” he said. “Your God did nothing for me when I needed Him most. When Helen...when she needed His help more than anything.”
“I am sorry,” Father Brown replied. “I….”
“No, Father,” O’Neil interrupted. “God turned His back on me years ago. I’ve got no reason to look to Him now.”
O’Neil walked away, heading toward the road that lead back to the village. Brown watched him leave until the other man disappeared from view. It always weighed on his heart to see a member of his flock become overwhelmed by trials in their life and then fall away from God. Especially when those were the times when people needed God the most.
A clap of thunder broke Brown’s reverie, but a frown remained on his face.  Seeing no other course of action available to him at this time, Father Brown said a prayer on O’Neil’s behalf before walking back in to rejoin the others.
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spider-kobra · 4 years
I was wrestling with a bear in the shower.
I told em to make the movie like this so I would remember like this cos IM HARLEY QUINN IN THE TRUEST FORM.
Yes I know how to predict the future...
The bear woke up and started chasing me...
The car was Bobby's. His name is Bobby not Todd.
Yes that did actually happen fix your door numbers ppls
No it happened like this...
I went back to my room when the bear chased me out... I had to all my stuff was there...
I suffered a mind lapse... LMAO NO... I lost time... DIFFERENT
Bobby found me driving his car and got angry about it...
I never used to tattoo myself... THIS is how I remember... Satisfied???
Would you believe I found car keys left outside someone's front garden on the floor and I tried the car door to my right... NO I'm not making this UP?
I started to recall the first murder I ever did during the "bed scene".
I felt like I needed to forget the first murder or was it the second or the fourth or the fifth...
So I could do this... PRONOUNCE CHEVROLET YOU ARE SAYING "are you an idiot" IN ARABHY.
I found myself awake on my bed in present moment...
I said to myself I need sleep after waking up...
I go back to the car I STOLE ok?
Sammy was a friend who I couldn't help but put his name in the MOVIE. He has NOTHING to do with this...? WHAT CHILDHOOD FRIEND...
I made the map OF MY MIND in my SLEEP.
Long story don't have to get into it right NOW...
I can't blame the couch...?
I did not use to be some big-shot office TEMP, I was a CHILD?
The black and white crying lady scene is the KINGS OF THE UNDERWORLD trying to send ME a COVERING MESSAGE...
Back to when I had Bobby's car, after the drive away chase from the Big Brown Bear...
Bobby was talking about the dead woman found in my bathroom... "Somebody always pays..."?????
No just kidding it was a depiction of Amanda Knox... another woman doesn't fit into this story...?
Don't believe his lies remove the extra woman from the equation. Bobby was talking about the woman HE probably MURDERED AND LEFT IN MY BATHROOM?
I pretended I didn't know that HE did it...?
The retarded black haired lady character had no real-life input...?
What happened in the VERY first part of the film was an intro to the movie...
I can only think Teddy is another name for Bobby... You do the math...
Again... This woman had NO input in MY LIFE?...
I did not have a wife... AGAIN I was a CHILD...
I did not end up on the floor bleeding duh
The letter I got from under the door was from an UNDERCOVER AGENT WHO HELPED COVER UP THE AMANDA KNOX INCIDENT...
"You don't believe someone with THIS condition..." LMAO... "No-one believed Sammy..." L to the M to the A to the 'O'.
"I never said she was faking it..."?
The injection scene was an Italian Mob's way of killing your wife...
She wants to be killed because that's how much they love their husband... IKR amazing...
The guy has to pretend like he didn't know he just killed his wife... I am PRETTY SURE THAT THEY MIGHT ... STILL ... DO ... THIS!
Bobby came to see Natalie and me... I was NOT getting a Tattoo... sometimes Natalie went to ink some tattoos as a sort of volunteering job... She liked doing so she didn't care if she was paid or NOT...
Yes that story above this sentence is a gem... Natalie was a "gem"...
The black and white scene where I walk out the motel room... FUCK ME THERE WAS LIKE A FUCKING MORAL PANIC ON THE STREET... I thought it was the Italians so I walked and acted
The photo of DEAD Bobby is me playing with the whole idea of "Shake the card, you get the colour" L to the M to the A to the Oh.
The car scene at the end I am pretty sure is me ENJOYING LIFE WHEN THIS WHOLE THING BLOWS OVER
The Movie is Memento...?
Bobby helped me cover up the murder...
"... a few dollars on the side..."
Read this first, then watch the movie and follow this, PLEASE...
I killed Teddy, the guy in real life was named John Gamble... yh it's THAT ONE...
"... the real John G...?"
"It didn't stick" L to the M to the A to the O
I am Harley Quinn...
'Harlequin is my life...'
I couldn't kill Bobby because he genuinely was looking to make a few extra Buck... I just thought I would threw away his keys just to 'not Sin'.
Somewhere out there, someone has the original TATTOO... Find them to honour Natalie's work...
Then ... I was having a migraine... The world IS still HERE...
Stop to see Natalie... L to the M to the A to the O...
Stop reading... The film is called Memento!
0 notes
goodnightmoonvale · 7 years
Let me continue my daily writings with another of my favorite characters from Hlutha, Ch'kiou.
Ch'kiou is one of my top all time favorite most-belovéd characters. (Yes I am biased. I don't care.)
Ch'kiou is a human. In terms of appearance, he is on the shorter end of average for a guy, has dark tan skin and black hair, is sort of "miscellaneously brown". He was pretty scrawny as a teenager, but between good nutrition and growing up, he's filled out pretty well. (Not like, muscle-y, just normal), although he is fairly athletic and can for sure hold his own in a fight.
He is an orphan who grew up first in a sort of tenement slum, then sleeping on the understreets as part of a gang of other human kids & teenagers. After getting near-fatally wounded in a gang fight, he laid himself down to die on what happened to be the loading dock of the skyscraper Lady Kshk'na owns/lives in/runs a rescue operation for abused humans out of. He was found, patched up, survived, and worked his way up to become Lady Kshk'na's right hand man. He is primarily responsible for the spy/information network, but he has at least some understanding of how all her businesses are doing.
Personality-wise, he is the friendliest motherfucker you will ever meet. He's that guy, you know that one guy that seems to know everyone and everyone knows him. He's cheerfully loud, flirty, dashing. His personality is so much bigger than himself; his personality could fill a room. He's curious, smart, and insanely good at big-picture strategic thinking. The finer points of academic thinking escape him though, and he could never sit still long enough to read a book. He's aro ace and completely uninterested in sex, dating, or romance of any kind despite his extremely flirty manner.
His best friend in the whole wide world is [as yet to be named], who he rescued from the understreets when she was a kitten. They're inseperable, go everywhere together, and are basically partners in crime. They play pranks together, roughhouse together, sneak into things together, get into trouble together, scramble out of trouble together, and just generally terrorize calm and sensible people everywhere.
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