#and yessss i adore chris more than anything
mayplantstarrwaters · 2 years
thank you for getting into yes (and esp. chris) and putting all that yes content on my dash 💖
My pleasure bestie, I'm glad you enjoy my hyperfixation series with Yes and other prog bands I'm currently into 😁
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lbctal · 3 months
y’all mind if i yap about the walton gq interview a bit?
okay shoutout to my friend ash for manifesting this interview after danny did his LMAO
if you asked me his most iconic characters, venus is absolutely in the top three. how the fuck do they mention BILLY CRASH and JAY WHITTLE but not VENUS VAN DAM???? fuck whoever came up with this list.
now that that’s out of my system, let’s go in order, shall we?
lee russell: ty walton for describing russell fucking perfectly. him and i are the only people who understand russell. (jk) ALSO YESSS THE DUCK LIPS BUT SIR CAN YOU SAY A LINE. PLEASEEE. on my knees. MOST IMPORTANTLY; WALTON SHIPS GAMBYRUSSELL. FUCK YESSSS 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 LOVE WINS
cooper howard: snore. i’m so fucking bored of this guy. are we not tired of hearing shit about the goddamn ghoul. moving on.
shane vendrell: STOP MAKING ME WATCH LEM DIE. CHRIST. but thank you again walton for focusing more on the shield than on your biggest piece of shit character!! and when he started talking ‘psychological condition’ it reminded me of how i’m like almost certain shane is bipolar. wonder if he’d agree w me on that? anyways.
boyd crowder: WHYYYY DO THEY HAVE TO PLAY THE FINAL SCENE HOLY FUCKING SHIT I ALMOST CRIED AGAIN. so thankful to mr. olyphant for convincing walton to do justified. their chemistry IS SO PALPABLE. his love for boyd and raylan and justified in general is so fucking precious to me and it makes the show so much more special and it would absolutely not be justified if it weren’t for his spectacular input. i could listen to him blab on about that show all fucking day, it’s the whole reason i love him. beautiful fucking words to describe it. just speechless. much love to this man. ‘raylan givens is an asshole. but he’s my asshole.’ WE KNOW YOU’RE THE ORIGINAL RAYLANBOYD SHIPPER, BABE. 🩶
baby billy freeman: this bit was JAM PACKED w info and i loved it sm. really shocked they just came up w him on the spot but you could really tell cuz he’s like the perfect combination of walton’s ideas and danny’s ideas cultivated into this old man. too bad he didn’t mention that he was inspired by his dad again, lol.
billy crash: this part was like a bit confusing to me cuz i have heard different stories about how he got the role from other sources but it’s good to get some confirmation. pretty akin to what i heard, though. also giggled a bit when he said you don’t change what quentin writes cuz tarantino himself said ‘someone’ wanted to change the ending of django. but y’all didn’t hear that from me, lmao. always love to watch billy crash writhing in pain. :)
chris mannix: also a lot of new info for this one!! although i already knew about all the drama about h8 and the leak and all that, it’s interesting to hear the process the actors went through. would’ve paid millions to hear him do his voice. also why is he gatekeeping info, UGH. all i wanna know is if he had an encounter with tarantino’s punsihment dildo for falling asleep on set. lmfao.
the hero / jay whittle: okay, at first i was kinda pissed that he got a spot instead of venus, but this might’ve been my favorite segment aside from boyd’s. I never really find anything about him talking about his time on set of I’m a virgo so this was such a nice treat. i LOVE how he approaches each one of his characters, it’s so special and is why each one of them are so special and different from any other character you’ve ever seen. the wig story was fucking hilarious and it’s just so sweet how he says let’s figure this person out together. such a wonderful guy. it is SUCH a BEAUTIFUL story with a POWERFUL message and i adore how he recognized that. and the way he described jay? CHEF’S FUCKING KISS. mid-life crisis superhero who behaves like an alcoholic and is incapable of seeing different than his own pov? walt, you’re a fucking genius. his closing statement was absolute beauty.
anyways thanks for reading my ramble.
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k347 · 4 years
Modern Stucky- 'MEETCUTE'
(you could read it as Evanstan as well since I used all the non-mcu gifs🤷)
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It's probably the worst day of Bucky's life.
So bad.
This just got so bad.
Bucky can't believe he has just said that out loud. Well, it wasn't 'really' his fault to be honest. The full beard, long and carefully tended,styled hair, the square jaw, long legs, wide thighs, probably the broadest shoulders Bucky has ever seen. That man's whole appearance screamed 'Daddy' from a mile away! But it doesn't mean Bucky should have said that to his face! Oh God, this is embarrassing. Bucky knows he doesn't always say the right thing at the right time. But this has got to be the worst possible display of his lack of filter and word-vomit. Nat, Becca and Sam will die of laughter if they ever find out about this.
Bucky's eyes are fixed to the ground. He can't even look up at the handsome stranger, Steve (is that what his name is? Bucky can't actually remember because 60% of his mind is flustered +ashamed and the remaining 40% is still processing how unbelievably attractive the man is).
This is awkward. Bucky has made it awkward. For both of them.
Couldn't he just be subtle, say something nice? maybe a sweet compliment about Steve's jacket or shoes or hair? Talk about sports or politics or the catering service in the resort, the fucking weather...Just ANYTHING except for asking Steve whether people call him 'Daddy', within five minutes of meeting the guy!
This is why Bucky Barnes is gonna die a single man. He'll never find someone. Bucky is gonna be alone and miserable. Forever and always. He does not know how to talk to people he likes, has a crush on, without putting his foot in the mouth.
Bucky wants the earth to swallow him whole at this point. If he could just go back in time, two minutes ago... He'd slap himself on the back of the head. Remember to be casual yet welcoming. And NOT ASK stupid questions about personal things. for example- the Daddy kink.
Why do you get all the good ideas after everything has happened? when they cannot be executed and are of no use! Why is Bucky's mind his worst possible enemy?
Speaking of Bucky's mind, it is running 300 mile/hr right now, producing ramblings over ramblings whereas his stupid-ass, involuntary mouth is acting like it's on the longest vacation of all times. Say Something damnit! Just apologize. Say sorry and turn around and walk away as fast as you can. The least Bucky can do at this point is, try to do some damage control.
He's about to start his apology, still not brave enough to look Steve in the eye, when his ears perk up at a sound.
"Uhhum..", Steve clears his throat.
"Hey, you're still here, right? thought I lost you for a minute there"
Oh. Oh. He is speaking to him. The handsome stranger...no, Steve, his name is Steve. And Steve is speaking to Bucky.
Of course he's speaking to you. You guys were having a nice introductory conversation before your thirsty ass ruined it, Bucky scolds himself.
Bucky's ought to look at Steve now. He doesn't want to be rude after his already embarrassing behaviour.
He slowly brings his eyes up to rest again on the face of this actual-greek-god in a human body. He expects... Bucky doesn't know exactly what he expects to see there. Probably a judgemental look, a little bit of pity, maybe even concern for Bucky's state of mind.
But wait. No. Steve doesn't have any of those expressions on his face.
Instead, his cheeks are adorning a light tinge of blush, pink. But he doesn't appear to be as hardly flustered as Bucky feels and for sure looks at the moment. In fact, Steve looks even more confident now. Standing tall in all of his six-feet-glory. Taking over a little more space than normal humans would. Steve's lips are curved in a silent, teasing one-sided-smirk. His eyes are a shade darker than they were a few moments ago. One of his thick eyebrows is raised a bit (suggestively?)!
The piercing blue of Steve's eyes is seeing right through Bukcy.
Bucky has no idea what he was about to say. All of the words have died in his throat. Oh, and He's shamelessly ogling Steve, again.
"No." Steve speaks. This time gazing tentatively in his eyes.
Bucky is surprised at the sudden monosyllable.
"Wh..What?", Bucky is still struggling with words. ( Can't blame himself this time. Anybody try 'not being toungue tied' when the human-Adonis stares intensely at you!)
"The answer to your question. No, people don't 'usually' call me that." Steve's Smirk is wide and impossibly attractive while saying that.
Bucky doesn't know how to respond to that. What is he supposed to say? Is he supposed to say something? He has gotta say something, right? So Bucky goes,
"Oh. Okay. No, I mean... not ok..wait, that's not what I... listen I am so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomf..."
Steve's rich, deep and yet low-raspy voice cuts him off before he could ramble further.
"But I don't think I would mind it, to be honest. I might actually, dare I say 'like it'. Would you? Like to find that out with me, I mean?"
Bucky's mouth dropped open. So wide and so sudden. Seriously, his jaw might've touched the ground. Bucky can't believe this isn't a dream. This is real. The handsome stranger Steve is flirting with him. Steve actually just suggested what he just suggested! Some angel up there decided to smile at Bucky's fate today. This angel right here decided to smile at Bucky today. Even after Bucky had made a 'not-so-good' of a first impression.
"Wow. Uhhh..yeah, I guess. I just..." Bucky can't seem to complete his sentences no matter how hard he tries. There are a thousand emotions and sensations running through his body at this moment. He's pretty sure Steve can see him turning into a burning, melted puddle of blushing-tomato.
Steve probably decides to help him out of that. What a gentleman.
"So, what do you say? Wanna get out of here for a few drinks, sweetheart?"
Sweetheart. Bucky's heart actually skips a beat at that. Steve just called him sweetheart.
Bucky's as widen at the term of endearment. Steve notices. Because of course, he does. Maybe Steve thinks Bucky didn't approve of that, he has no idea how wrong he is!
"Sorry. I didn't mean to assume... It's just that at the start, you didn't...uhh...you never told me your name."
For the first time during their whole conversation since the beginning, Steve appears to be flustered.
Confident and sexy while discussing kinks but adorable and a shy-softie when using daily-life-petnames. Oh. Bucky can tell, this man is going to be trouble. And despite of being famous as a mischief-maker his whole life, Bucky Barnes has never wanted to jump into trouble so fast and so eagerly ever before!
"It's okay, really. Only fair that you call me a name just after I called you one. That's the standard protocol as far as I know."
Bucky sometimes does speak right words at right times. His flirting game is not that bad!
The cheeky comment earns him a smile from Steve. A full smile. Bucky's insides do a little happy-dance at that. He already knows he wants to see so many more of those smiles. Wants to be responsible for them.
Steve looks at Bucky again, tilting his own head.
"So, Yes to the drinks-offer?"
"Absolutely! Yes to the drinks-offer."
This just got so good.
So good.
It's probably the best day of Bucky's life.
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Inspired by an ask of @musette22 's anon!
(someone could write the same trop for Chris/Seb too)
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cevanstorytime · 5 years
America’s Sass
Chapter 3
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The trivia assistant came to our table and passed out the papers and pencils. Chris snatched ours and looked at me excitedly. “What’s our name?”
“Uhhh.” Was all I could get out. I stared at him blankly.
“America’s ass!” Mike yelled from across the table, but drunk me heard “America’s Sass” which made perfect sense.
“He is very sassy,” I said wiggling my eyebrows at him.
“Hey, hey, hey! I’m the sassy one?! I’ve gotten a lotta lip from you today little lady.” He said wagging his finger at me.
“See? Sassy.” I said looking at his friends.
“Hmm.” He looked me over for a minute. “Maaaybe you’re right, but just so you know, I’m not alone in sassy town.”
“But you are the mayor.” I winked at him as he gasped and put a hand to his chest in mock shock.
He scribbled America’s Sass in the top corner of the paper, put the pencil down and finished the beer sitting in front of him. He motioned to the bartender to bring another round.
By now I had lost count of how many drinks I’d had, but I was feeling very relaxed. “Listen, you get too many drinks in me and I’ll be useless as far as trivia goes.” I told him, but he didn’t believe me. He scrunched his face up and made a pssh sound.
“Are you sure it’s not the opposite?” He teased as he nudged me with his shoulder.
The server arrived and placed our drinks on the table just as the trivia host started the game. Chris turned his hat backward in what I assume was an attempt to look serious, but it just looked adorable. “Alright! Everybody ready? Got your team names on the top of your paper? Alright. Here we go. Question number one. What kind of person shall not be honored on a US postal stamp, according to the US postal service and the Citizen’s Stamp Advisory Committee?”
Chris and I turned to each other and in unison whispered “a living person.” Chris made a fist and hissed “Yessss. Mmm! I knew it!” He quickly wrote the answer down then put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me.
“Question two! In what city is Jim Morrison buried?”
I turned and whispered “Paris” in his ear. I’m pretty sure I saw his ear twitch, and then we were face to face, mere inches apart. My heart jumped into my throat. His must have too because I saw him swallow hard. His eyes darted to my lips.
“You need some water over there?” Joey asked. I turned away from Chris, my face crimson I’m sure.
He was still looking at me when he answered “nope, we’re good.” He finally turned away from me but turned his gaze to Mike as he picked up his beer and took a long swig.
We continued kicking ass through the first two rounds. And in those rounds, we had another two rounds of drinks. I was drunk, Chris was drunk, and it was beginning to feel like I had known these people forever. A warm comfy haze settled over me, and Chris was getting closer than I thought humanly possible, but I wasn’t going to object. I took my blazer off, as the closeness and the alcohol turned me into a human furnace. He kept his arm around my shoulder and would pull me close and talk in my ear. I could still smell his cologne, but now he had a slightly bitter smell from all the beer he’d consumed.
After I answered one question fairly quickly he brushed my hair behind my shoulder and whispered “you’re so fuckin smart.” I felt his beard brush my neck, which set off goosebumps from my head to my toes. His hand trailed down my arm and over my forearm. He took notice of the goosebumps and looked at me startled. “Are you cold?”
I shook my head slowly. “Nope. I’m fine.”
A smile crept over his face as he rubbed my arm in an attempt to warm me up. “You sure?” I nodded and managed to get mm hmmm out. To which his response was “Hmm. Wonder why you’re covered in goosebumps?”
“I don’t ...I don’t know...hmm. Am I? Maybe I’m under the vent? I’m fine..I uh. I don’t know why...I have..what?”
“Akala.” He said softly. I looked at him confused.
“What does jungle book have to do with this? I mean I love the original, and the remake was good but wha...”
“It’s the answer to the question. You have the pencil. Write it down. A-K-A”
“I know how to spell Akala ass.” I turned to the paper and wrote it down as he giggled. “I didn’t even hear the question. I would have got it.” I mumbled, my mouth twitching into a crooked smile.
“Uh-huh. What happened? Why didn’t you hear it?”
I turned my hands up in an I don’t know gesture which made Chris laugh hard, his hand flying up to his chest involuntarily. Which set me off in a fit of giggles.
“What’s going on over there?” Tara asked. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” He answered. “She’s a funny woman.” I rolled my eyes as he laughed some more.
“Ok! 15-minute intermission!” The host announced.
“I’m going to go get some fresh air. Would you ladies like to join me?” Theresa asked.
“Yes!” I answered a little too quickly. I hopped up and followed her out the front entrance to the sidewalk, Tara close behind.
“Thanks for coming out with me! It was getting too stuffy in there.” Theresa said.
“I’m glad to hear it wasn’t just me. I thought it was just because I had so much to drink.” I snickered. “I haven’t hung out at a bar like this in a looong time.”
“Well, we’re here every Tuesday! You should join us! This has been a lot of fun tonight. I’m glad Chris found you.” Tara smiled warmly at me. “He’s been in a funk for a while, I was starting to wonder if he was ever going to snap out of it. And then he called me and told me he might have someone to bring tonight! I got so excited. He hasn’t brought someone to trivia in ages. Like I’m talking over a year.”
“He has been really busy this year though,” Theresa added.
“That’s really sweet, but I doubt it had anything to do with me. We literally met this morning, for like twenty minutes.” I responded a little confused. There’s no way he was happy because of me. “And honestly when we met this morning he was very quiet and reserved compared to this.” I swung my arm motioning to the bar. Both the girls just shrugged.
“I’m just saying... it’s nice to see him...hopeful... again.” My eyes shifted from Theresa to Tara, and back to Theresa.
“Why do you think he’s been so down?” I asked
“Well, he’s always so busy with work, and when he comes home he’s surrounded...by us...and our other friends, who are all in these,” she inserted air quotes here, “normal lives. And he’s single...and, well I think he feels like he’s missing out, or left behind or something.” Tara explained.
“Like the odd man out.” Theresa confirmed.
“Ah. I see.” I said slowly. “Well, like I said, we literally just met today. So...I’m just...I mean, how could you not like him, but I don’t want to rush anything. We’ll just see what happens.”
“Yeah! Of course! I didn’t mean to suggest that ...” the door to the bar swung open and the guys all came lumbering out.
“What do we have here?” Ryan asked. “What were you ladies discussing?” He prodded.
“Nothing!” Theresa replied. “We were just telling Brie that we’re here every Tuesday pretty much and that she should join us! Ooh! Let’s swap numbers before we forget! And that way if you need any help or if you’re like looking for a doctor or a hairdresser... or you just want to hang out!”
“That would be fantastic! Thank you so much!” I responded. Genuinely grateful for having met these people. All the fear and doubt I had felt about moving had seemed to vanish tonight and I could begin to see the start of my new life forming. We chatted for a few more minutes before heading back inside to finish up the trivia game.
Chris held his hands out for a double high five as I walked past him through the door. I smacked both his hands, which then swung down and smacked both of my ass cheeks like I was a football player. It took me by surprise, causing me to do a little jump through the doorway and then stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turned towards him and saw him standing in the door frame with a look of total shock, both hands over his mouth. He reached out in front of himself palms up and spoke, “I am..soooooo so sorry. It’s a habit and I wasn’t thinking, and I apologize sincerely. I’m such an idiot.” His hands were now over his heart and his face had blanched white. I looked from him to Joey, who was holding the door open. Joey’s eyes were as big as plates and his mouth was hanging open in a half-smile, half shocked look. Like he was about to start laughing but wanted to see my reaction first.
I busted out laughing so hard that almost everyone in the bar turned to see what was happening. “Your face!!!” I yelled between guffaws. “Oh my god your face!” I couldn’t get my shit together. I was doubled over in laughter as Chris let out an uncomfortable “ha...haha.”
“Oooh man.” I wiped tears from my eyes as the guys started to walk towards me. “It’s fine Evans! Good lord!” His shoulders and face relaxed again which sent me into more fits of giggles. “Oh shit. My sides hurt! Let's go win this shit. Do you want another drink?” I laughed, elbowing him in his side.
“I’ll get it.” He responded. I slid into the booth and looked over towards the bar just in time to see him down a shot. The bartender slid two glasses towards him. Chris nodded his thanks then picked up the glasses, joining us at the booth. I stood up, letting him slide back into the booth.
“I don’t get a shot?” I teased as he passed me.
“I needed something to ease my nerves.” He looked at me apologetically.
I clicked my tongue at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. I kinda liked it.” I winked at him as he handed me my glass. We slid back into the booth and back into the effortless comfort that had enveloped the table before.
Chris and I dominated the second half of the game and were tied with another team for first place. There was a tie-breaker question, and the category was music. “Remember what I told you this morning?” I asked. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat.
“I’m so ready for this massage I can already feel it. Do you want the mani/pedi or the facial?”
“Uh, mani/pedi. What kind of question is that?” I answered, making him chuckle.
“You got this. It’s all you.” He rubbed my shoulders like I was a boxer getting ready to step in the ring, and he was my super supportive coach.
“Alright, for the tie-breaker I’m going to play 3 seconds of a song. You must give me the name of the song. The name of the band, and the name of the album it was on.” The other team groaned loudly. I rubbed my hands together in excitement. The clip started and I immediately knew what it was. My head snapped towards Chris. We wore matching expressions of excitement. He too knew the song.
“Do you know the album name?” He asked.
“Do I know the album name?” I scoffed. “OF COURSE!”
“Well WRITE!!” He was excitedly smacking the paper.
I scribbled furiously Don’t stop me now, Queen, Jazz. I folded the paper and ran to the stage handing it to the host.
“Alright, we have America’s Sass’s answer. Fifteen seconds left for the Lil’ Sebastians to answer.” They were writing fast, and I started to worry. They finally brought their paper to the host. I couldn’t tell if they were confident or not, but I at least knew we had the right answer.
“Alright. The correct answer is queen, both teams got that right. The song title is Don’t Stop Me Now, both teams got that right.” Chris’s hand was on my knee squeezing hard. Like the fate of the world depended on the last answer. “America’s Sass wrote Jazz for the album, Lil’ Sebastians wrote A Day at the Races.” Long dramatic pause.
“We got it!” Chris hummed in my ear.
“The correct answer is... Jazz! America’s Sass wins!” The host pointed towards our booth. Chris shot both arms in the air and then grabbed my head, planting a big kiss on my cheek.
“I knew you had it!” He said before planting a second kiss on my other cheek. Our table was cheering so loudly that I couldn’t hear the host. The Lil Sebastians came to congratulate us, and Chris offered them a round of drinks for being such good competition. He then turned to Theresa and said, “Spa day on me momma.” She waved him off and giggled. We settled our bar tabs and slowly made our way outside.
“Where’d you park?” Chris asked me.
“Oh, I walked. It’s only a little ways away.” He eyed me closely.
“I was going to get an Uber. I shouldn’t drive. You want to share?”
“Oh, no it’s ok really. It’s nice out.”
“Then I’ll walk with you. If that’s ok.”
“Yeah. Sure! But then you have to come back to get your car.” I paused thinking. “ I can drive you back.”
He shook his head. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ll Uber back and come get my car tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Alright, it’s this way.” I said pointing over my shoulder. We said goodbye to everyone and lots of “get home safes” were exchanged, and then we were alone.
“Shall we?” He asked.
“Mm hmm.”
“Lead the way.” He held his arm out and slightly bowed as I turned and lead us down the sidewalk in a slow and leisurely manner. I had no doubt I would be seeing him again, but I didn’t want this night to end. It felt like home. We chit chatted the whole way to the house about our childhoods, and our mutual love for Disney. We had a lot in common. Like... a lot. He loved my favorite bands, which I hadn’t even expected him to have heard of. We discussed our favorite movies and tv shows...the dogs, and before I knew it we were standing in my front yard.
“I’ll just call the Uber real quick.” He said pulling out his phone.
I pushed his hand down and he looked up at me. “Do you want to come inside for a little bit?” I hesitated, “We can just hang out. Unless you need to get home. Oh,” I said realizing He probably needed to get back to his boy. “Never mind, I’m sure you need to get home to Dodger.”
“Dodger’s at my sisters.” He put his phone in his pocket. “She watches him on trivia nights because I usually stay out late.”
“Oh! Well that’s nice.”
“Yeah” he put his hands in his pockets and bounced on the balls of his feet. “I’d like to come in for a while...if you want me to.” He said after a moment of silence.
“Yes! I asked you to. Of course I do. I didn’t change my mind that fast.” He laughed at my response. I unlocked the door and let us in. Harry came bounding up to us, well, him. He kind of ignored me. Chris bent down to pet him.
“Hi buddy! Long time no see!” Harry was giving him kisses on his hands, his face, anywhere where skin was visible.
“Do you want something to drink? I have water, tea, strawberry lemonade...uh...Cheerwine.”
“Cheerwine?! Yes please.” He answered excitedly.
“A man after my own heart.” I said under my breath.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“Nothing!” I said from behind the open refrigerator door. “I’m sorry the house is a mess, I haven’t finished unpacking yet. Have a seat.” I said pointing to the sofa.
He kicked his shoes off and headed to sit down. I sat beside him with a little space between us, which Harry immediately took. I handed him his drink and sat mine on the nearest box. “Do you want to watch something? Are you hungry? I can make us a snack.”
“No, I’m fine. Thank you though. What do you want to watch?”
“Uhh I don’t know. What kind of stuff do you like? Ooh I have a bunch of rick and Morty's I haven’t watched yet. I’m behind on a lot of stuff. Have you ever watched rick and Morty? It’s fucking hilarious.” He was staring at me with his brow furrowed like I said something wrong. “What? Do you not like it? We can watch something else.”
“I fucking love rick and Morty. Put that shit on.” He went silent for a minute while I found the show.
“You alright?” I asked.
“Yeah. Yeah...I, it’s just...you’re amazing.” He said watching me for a reaction.
“Aaaaand you’re drunk.” I said shaking my head.
“No! I’m not! Maybe buzzed, but I’m definitely not drunk anymore. I’m serious, you’re really cool. I’m glad Harry found me.”
“Me too....you’re not so bad yourself .” Was my lame ass reply. “ I had a really really good time tonight.”
“Me too.”
“When are we doing our spa day?” I asked, suddenly remembering our prize.
His eyes grew wide. “Whenever you want! I’ve got a few weeks off so I’m open whenever!”
“Nice! Well, I don’t start work for another week and a half. I can call them tomorrow and see what they have open?”
“Sounds good. Just tell me when and I’ll be there.”
“Ok!” Another awkward silence passed as we just stared at each other. I couldn’t tell if I was making it up or not, but it definitely felt like something was going on underneath the surface. A sort of tension that was painful yet exciting. “I should probably let Harry out real quick.”
“Oh yeah, of course.” I stood up and Harry followed. I opened the back door and let him out, when I turned around Chris was standing less than a foot away staring at me intensely a million emotions running over his face. And then he spoke, “I’m going to kiss you now.” It sounded like he was asking permission. So I nodded quickly.
“Yeah. Do that. That’s a good...” his mouth crashed on mine before I could finish speaking. One hand went to my waist pulling me in tightly, while the other hand ran up my back and onto the back of my neck as he continued his assault on my mouth. Now both hands were in my hair, holding my head steadily in place. My hands ran up over his chest and on top of his shoulders. What I really wanted to do was climb him like a tree, but I needed to show some restraint. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine. He rested there for a moment before placing gentle kisses on my cheeks, then my lips, and then working his way down my neck. My head rolled back, clearing the way for his kisses. He nipped at my earlobe, which elicited an involuntary moan from me. He growled in my ear, which immediately set my skin on fire and covered it in goosebumps at the same time. He squeezed me into him again and kissed me slowly, passionately on the lips one more time before releasing me. My head fell to his chest and he placed one last sweet kiss on my forehead.
“I’m sorry.” He said quietly. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
I pulled my head away. “What?” I said confused.
“No! No that’s not what I meant. I wanted to do that. Very much. But I don’t want to rush you into anything. I’m not trying to... I don’t want you to think I’m just trying to fuck you. That’s not...ugh. I’m making a mess of this.” I put a finger over his mouth before drawing it to mine and kissing him softly.
“You’re not. That was great. I’m... i know you’re not...i mean it was kind of fast but you know what? I don’t really care. It was perfect.” He took my face in his hands again and searched my face, for what I’m not sure. He kissed me again before looking over my shoulder.
“I think someone is jealous.” I turned to see Harry standing at the door giving me the nastiest look, like I had just left him outside for days.
“Yes. But I think he’s jealous of me.” Sure enough, when I let him inside he ran straight to Chris, tail wagging, as he glared at me. “Should we go watch some Rick and Morty?”
“Yes. Absolutely.” We sat close enough that Harry couldn’t get between us this time. Chris wrapped an arm over my shoulder as I rested my head on his chest. I woke up still in the clothes I had worn the night before, laying with Chris’s arm wrapped around me and my arm draped across his chest, both of us stretched out on the couch. I looked down towards our feet to see Harry curled up in a ball. Chris yawned and stretched, then rubbed my back. “Good morning.” He said in a deeper than normal voice.
“Mmm. Good morning” I replied. “We should have watched tv in the bedroom.” I chuckled.
“That could have been dangerous.” He replied. “I might not have been able to control myself as well as I had.”
“Mmm.” I groaned. “Another time then.” A laugh rumbled through his chest, which with my head resting against it sounded even more amazing. “You hungry?”
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undertalefan715 · 5 years
Doing one of the ask lists for Joyce. :3 @createsy-muffin
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Never held hands...
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Umm.. it kinda depends sometimes.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Nobody rn.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Well, one: I’m never gonna get drunk. two: I don’t think anyone would give a shit if I was drunk tbh.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Oh, Idk! lots.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
God I hope so..
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Umm.. you Joyce. heheh.. :3
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
It depends on the person I’m talking too.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Probably Spoony.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Oof.. Idk it’s hard for me to choose songs. ‘cause there’s always alot. :’) 
Well um.. Never and 151 Rum from J.I.D, Chris Cornell’s cover of Billie Jean, Chum from Earl Sweatshirt, Hellboy from Trippie Redd, and Pink Maggit from Deftones.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Omg yes yessss- (my hair is made to be pet and played with)
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah. heh.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
(it’s not summer yet)
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Ooo, yes. (I love to think aliens exist somewhere)
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yeah, they’re pretty nice and relaxing.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Fuck no. ugh.
21. What are you bad habits?
I really don’t know.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Japan. one day.
23. Do you have trust issues?
At times. very very rarely though.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Playing guitar. :> (or taking a bath)
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My eyebrows, or my mustache. (mostly my eyebrows)
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Nothing. :/
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Idc. but I do wish I was a bit darker.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Spoony and Joyce.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
...No. I could only wish though.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Eh.. depends.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Oh yeah. hahah.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Oh, I really don’t know actually. but one of those celebrities would be Jason Momoa, ‘cause godDAMN he is fine. >u>
33. Spell your name with your chin.
.,I,KRF (omfg hah)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Oh definitely TV. if I lived without music, I’d probably die. lol.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
I don’t think so. no.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
“Awkward silence..?” then I laugh.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Strong, cute and adorable, beautiful and pretty, sweet and caring, affectionate and loving, very cuddly and understanding, kinda feminine, funny... heh.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Ingles. (a small local store over here in NC. Idk if some of y’all are familiar with it)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Concentrating, or really upset/depressed.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yeah, sometimes. :3
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Ooo! outer space definitely! :00
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Nothing. (or my mom lol)
46. What are you paranoid about?
Pretty much everything.
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Uhm.. not necessarily. 
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
Idk.. black? (everything I wear is black lol)
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Sometimes. not often.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I wasn’t so depressed all the time...
53. Favorite makeup brand?
I don’t do makeup.
54. Favorite store?
Guitar Center. (lol..)
55. Favorite blog?
Idk.. I have lots of faves on here. ;-;
56. Favorite color?
Black and red. (so edgy)
57. Favorite food? 
Doesn’t really matter but, probably pizza tbh.
58. Last thing you ate?
Salisbury Steak and Macaroni.
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Idk. cereal?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Idk, I don’t really compete.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Idk. and if I did, it was probably for something completely ridiculous I didn’t do, or didn’t mean to do.
62. Been arrested? For what?
Nope. (again, am gud boyo)
63. Ever been in love? 
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your Tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Hell yeah! (I don’t even have any friends I know irl)
67. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter of course. (the fuck is Facebook)
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Uhm.. Tumblr.
69. Are you watching TV right now?
Bob the Builder. (don’t judge me) (also 69 heheheheheheh)
70. Names of your best friends? 
Orion, Joyce, Rivers, Sam.
71. Craving something? What?
72. What color are your towels?
Umm.. beige and a.. dry-ish looking pink.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
About 4 or 5.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Sometimes. :’3
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Oof, alot. :’)
75. Favorite animal?
Goats. :33
76. What color is your underwear?
...Black? (weird question but, alright)
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Depends, but I’ve always liked vanilla.
78. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Pretty much anything with cookies in it.
79. What color shirt are you wearing?
Dark blue.
80. What color pants?
Black with red stripes.
81. Favorite TV show?
Right now, it’s Umbrella Academy.
82. Favorite movie?
Pretty much any Pixar film.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Haven’t watch either. and I don’t think I will.
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo?
Idk umm.. Gill maybe?
87. First person you talked to today?
Either Galexion or Joyce.
88. Last person you talked to today?
I think, Spoony.
89. Name a person you hate?
*sigh* Idk.
90. Name a person you love?
Pretty much all my friends. :’))
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
One of my sister’s “friends”. she’s such a fucking bitch. a fucking snake.
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
I don’t think any.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Again, I don’t think I have any. (of my own, that is)
95. Last movie you watched?
Oof, I don’t know.
96. Favorite actress?
I don’t really have one.
97. Favorite actor?
Again, don’t really have one.
98. Do you tan a lot?
Nah. (I’m as white as a ghost actually)
99. Have any pets?
2 cats. :3
100. How are you feeling?
Okay. (tired though)
101. Do you type fast?
Sometimes. not alot though.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
Nope. hahah.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yeah.. sometimes..
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I-I hope not...
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! I was REALLY young though. :’)
108. What should you be doing?
Lots of things... u_u
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
No. but rn someone is really testing my trust.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I... I’m not sure.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Idk, I can’t really remember rn...
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
The furthest I’ve been is tennessee. and that’s right next to us. lol..
115. Do you play the Wii?
Yeah. (I have different 3 Wii’s actually lmao)
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah. Love Hurts. from Incubus..
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Fuck yeah!!!
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Not really.
119. Favorite book?
Oof.. Idk.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
No, not really.
121. Are you mean?
I... probably am rn...
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No. never.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Of course. heheh. uwu
125. Do you believe in true love?
Ofc! >u<
126. Are you currently bored?
Yeah. :T
127. What makes you happy?
Goat boys, my friends, music. etc.
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, I like it. :3
129. What your zodiac sign?
Aries/Pisces cusp. :>
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Well, I’ll probably have the same feelings. heheh.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
(didn’t I do this one before?)
133. Favorite lyrics right now?
“Pardon me, while I burst a flame, I’ve had enough of the world, and it’s peoples mindless games.” - Pardon Me from Incubus. (and lots of other lyrics, but that one is stuck in my mind)
134. Can you count to one million?
Hell no. lmao
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Pretty much all lies I’ve told. (I can not lie for shit. which can be a good thing I guess)
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
I like them opened, but sometimes I gotta close them ‘cause of my cats. :T
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
“Straight” hair.
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
Idk.. I think winter. uwu
141. Night or Day?
Both. but mostly night sometimes.
142. Favorite month?
March. :>
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Nope. lmao.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk or white chocolate. dark has always been kinda gross. Idk.
145. Tea or Coffee?
Neither. hot cocoa. :3
146. Was today a good day?
Eh. it was a day.
147. Mars or Snickers?
Eh. neither really.
148. What’s your favorite quote?
Ah.. Idk. I can’t really think of any...
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Sometimes. :0
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
Um... I can’t rn. it’s a bit late...
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pilferingapples · 7 years
--There's a whoooole lot of Intro and News Commentary from SVT; most of it I'm skipping because I don't understand it, but fans are singing adorably now, awwww. 
--...now the channel's like...gone to cut screen but they don't have their wiring worked out?
--..okay the bead thing sort of explains the Artistic Theme happening, to the extent I think anything about Eurovision can or should be explained
-this host looks like he should be in a Marvel movie and should be named Chris
-I genuinely love the Walk of Glory intro of all the main performers!
-...Oh here come the people who are too cool to have to compete in the semifinals! I don't know them.
-Buglaria is a precious child and I hope he has fun
-..literally I am old enough to be his mother it's terrible ANYWAY
-The Host Dudes are Very Sparkly now , and again I am grateful for the SVT commenters talking over them in a language I cannot understand , save me from the Bantr(tm)
-omg awkward junior high pics 
-Gonna say at the start here,  DISCO RAP YODELING TEAM has my heart, but there are a LOT of acts here I love.
-....and a lot of ballads. Why did so many ballads get in. Who voted for the ballads. 
-...how does voting for this work?
- omg audience member has the star hat cosplay 
- ...oh gad was this a ballad one 
-oh gad it was  -Poland I love and support you as a nation but WHY A BALLAD
-...doves are flying out of her armpits though so points for that
-SHE'S A GOOD SINGER I just cannot muster up caring about this song
-THEY'RE ON A BOAT -I want this song as MP3, it's just so happy!
(no I'm happy for them)
-OMG ADORABLE CHILD INTRO SEGMENT  -Austria! Is like the theme to an 80s/early 90s slice of life show 
- Plus: happy song, not really a ballad , Cons: nothing is on fire,minimal discoing
-ARMENIAAAA  continues to be dressed like a TOS Klingon and I love it  -the Netherlands trio reminds me hardcore of Wilson Phillips, because I am Old. That's fine! I liked WP. But it's very a Thing  It doesn't help that W-P had an album called Light and Shadow either, I mean it'-s not a Super Unique name but >_<
-...Volare was a Eurovision song? 
-OMG IMPROMPTU KICKITY DANCE  - I am briefly overwhelmed by Emotion about all these people from all these countries coming together for Music and Fun?? TEAR BREAK -OKAY I'M OKAY AND IT'S TIME FOR MOLDOVA WHICH HAS A  GREAT ACT 
-I like this stage act much more than the video for this , really 
HMMM I think the Army Of Thems works okay here, though it's not my favorite visuals 
-I don't know how to describe what he's doing with his voice but I love it 
- in any other setting I would question the dancing girl, but it's Eurovision, so I only question why she's not wearing more glitter
-I really love the folk art motifs in the background, and also the JETS OF FIRE
-ITALY  ...have we seen Italy? Did I forget Italy or is this a "we weren't in the semifinals"thing?
-..okay the song is slightly boring pop but AT LEAST IT'S NOT A BALLAD and I like the background visuals
- And I am again wondering how the backgrounds are chosen! Who gets to decide? Do the singers get a say? 
-...did the Italy fans have a cow
DENMARRRRK ...is exactly what I thought, yeah okay 
-drinks time
- it's a sweet sounding song and he does the Awkward Cute very very well but there is a tragic lack of general fabness 
-oh god host banter nooooo
-HORSEHEAD LADDER BOYFRIEND -BADBOY  -EXTREME SKELETON  - this isn't really my Kind of song but I admire the Extraness of the performance and setup , like there  is no need for this horsehead guy at ALL but also he is ESSENTIAL THANK YOU
-Croatia! I never thought I'd actually hear someone do Agnes Nitt's trick of singing duets with herself, but here we are. 
- AUSTRALIA is a Child! I am very uncomfortable about this. 
-Wait is this the first for Belarus?  
-GREECE oh no it's a Single Singing Woman this Bodes Ballads  - GREECE I TAKE IT BACK AND I LOVE YOU ​​​​​​​
-...are the guys the couple the song is about?? if so AWESOME 
-good grief he's pretty , I have Hair Envy
-OOOF voice crack 
-okay not the most amazing song but AT LEAST IT WASN'T  A FRIGGING BALLAD
-NORWAY ! With the..mask..thing!
-...oh god there's more Bantr. An extended Host Bantr segment, noooo
-...damn it, UK. 
-...will you dance through this storm to this song? Because I don't see how. 
-...threatening to be Gravity at me is the worst come on possible though
-RO  -MA
-NIA !!!
..oh no it's a blonde woman alone DOES A BALLAD LOOM
- why do people show up to Eurovision in Nice Neutral Clothing , why would anyone waste this opportunity to be more glam than otherwise humanly possible
-...pop ballad. SIGH. 
UKRAINE I HAVE HOPES FOR YOU  QUARTET?? QUARTET  ...oh. It's the giant head band!  -this is so hilariously different from the other acts, good for you, Germany! 
-Young Jotunheim invades Asgard's Got Talent 
- Belgium, I'm sure you're lovely , but I KNOW this is a ballad, so it's another Drink Break 
-SWEDEN who is...I guess? someone famous?  I DO remember this song at least, it's not Yet Another Ballad 
-FRANCE  -I am sure I haven't seen France! 
-oh no not another ballad  -...yes another ballad THERE'S STILL HOPE IT COULD ENERGIZE IN THE CHORUS??
-...is the background High Speed Paris Cityscape??
-...wait that was the last one?? wow 
-VERKA OMG   - I feel Honored to see this 
I still love Romania and Belarus acts most I think but man I seriously love Hungary's voice and act and everything too 
aagh there are too many I actually like a lot! 
oh god another ballad  
...oh this is gonna take a while isn't it
...wow Portugal is cleaning up??
...I don't understand this voting? There are two many countermanding numbers on this display 
..Okay so Portugal's gonna crush it, right? I'm told it's not about the music, but Very Complicated Politics, but I think Portugal was  pretty good though
...Wait MORE points? WHAT IS HAPPENING HOW MANY LAYERS OF VOTING ARE THERE Eurovision I'm sorry but this is baffling and thus boring 
...has it been an HOUR?
Needs More Yodelrap and Fewer Ballads 
GOOD FOR YOU PORTUGAL  I'm glad I saw it but next time I'll just let Tumblr tell me who won !
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vertigoambrosia · 6 years
my eyes are tired but my legs are restless let’s watch gwf
starting right off with tarkan trying to pretend he wasnt just about to commit assault
and failing to lift
chris colen: ummmm actually i don’t hang out with little shits
lol @ tarkan whining about not getting opportunities when he has a fucking title shot
oh we getting meta now
‘john could you just speak more like a human being?’ ahmed that is...not how you
someoen stop me from shipping felix and kati
yesss rise the fuck uo
don’t be a lil bitch felix
men, taking credit for women’s work? well i never!
it’s not fair how cute lucky is
does pascal’s shirt have a heart on it? i love his giant fragile ego
i really like the theme song and have no idea what it is
or what it’s saying
babies in the audience!
ohhh senza volto got hand strobe lights now?
omg that shit would be the best in a techno club
esp with some speed
not that i have eveer done a drug no especially not anything related to meth
[lbr it was almost definitely meth. i did a meth.]
anyway, murat ak vs senza volto
the crowd is alivce but i have no fucking idea what they are saying
i think they like murat even though he’s a heel?
is senza short or murat just giant? i think murat is giant but i dont remember how tall senza was
those kids in the audience are fucking adorable
that was a smart finish but not a very smooth conversion
announcer: “ladies match”, subtitles read “women’‘s division match”
huh wasnt expecting audrey bride to be a face based on the one time she was in wxw
i like blue nikita’s medusa shirt
ngl i kinda judge audrey for going past homage/reference with the kill bill schtick and more being a ripoff
but then again i also have serious problems with kill bill so...
ok that modified octopus owned tho
ok i guess audrey is much better not wrestling heel cause i really liked her in that
didnt really feel much for blue nikita though
i think arash has a tumblr...
lolllll poor arash
will he ever make it into the ring?
oh, the main event alreadty? guess we’re light on plot this week
icaus that is some major collar fluff
lapel fluff? you know what i mean
i’m kinda sad the arrows didn’t really have much of a run in wxw in the spring -  i like icarus a lot
not really into these trunks though
dark gold isn’t really a great color for him
i feel like the guy starting the icarus chants was at wrestling deutschland
i can’t take rambo seriouslt as a wrestler he’s so short and squat
dover don’t fight with rambo, beat up mike! duh!
...did the commentary just say rambo is larger than icarus? i mean, i gues maybe in weight?
oh apparently he’s over 250 pounds? really? ok
gwf fans chant ‘auf die fressen’ in a more melodic way
also there’s some lady always fucking screaming
not like, screaming words
just screaming
see dover? there you go!
good end: icarus wins
unfortunately i worry this means that arrows are losing the titles to dark society vol 2 this weekend...
plot time!
oh lord it’s vincenzo
ok i can’t shit on him too hard salami is good
damn ali calm the fuck down all he did was say something nice to your boy and give him some food
ali acting like he’s george’s controlling boyfriend
yessss the crew boys credits scene is gonna be a thing
0 notes
heart-holes · 5 years
looong ask meme under cut, sorry, i cant sleep
When was the last time you masturbated? like a week ago probably?
Do you enjoy being fingered/fingering? ugh yes pls
How do you feel about food during sex? not a huge fan tbh
What do you do directly after sex? aftercare! and then after aftercare, usually go to sleep, or watch something idk
Cuddle with the tip in? never tried it, sounds kind of hot? 
What’s the nastiest sexual thing you’ve done? foot 69ing? idk what we mean by “nastiest” but thats prolly the most unconventional
Name a follower you would fuck. no
Name a follower you have fucked. no
What’s the sexiest part of your body? my shoulders i think? or this mouth uwu
FuckMarryKill: DJ Khalid, Rick Ross, Fat Joe i only know who two of these people are and dj khalid doesn’t eat pussy so....next
Would you ever be with a trans person? lmao yes 
Riding dick or doggy style? doggy style please!!! please fuck me doggy style its my fave position
Ever fucked in a school? does my college count
Most random place you’ve had sex? dance studio in a freshman dorm i literally didnt even live in when i was a freshman 
Would you ever be part of the mile high club? if jacking it counts then i already am 
Name three of your spots. the sole of my foot, my left nipple, and my really big one: behind my ear
Fuck on the first date? yes for sure
Do you suck dick? i’ve been told i’m very very good at it :3 
Do you eat ass? yep! not nearly often enough
Do you eat pussy? actually never done this but i’m sure i’d like it if i tried
Do you like kissing? yessss i could kiss for hours with the right person
Is farting during sex sexy? no
Ever fucked in the shower? yeah, not a big fan
How old were you when you lost your virginity? 18
Do you prefer sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? afternoon is ideal
Do you like drunk sex? not that much, no, i tend to get sleepy and spacey when im drunk
Do you like high sex? yes but only if i’m subbing or we’re doing a vanilla things; i don’t top high 
FuckMarryKill: Nicki Minaj; Cardi B; Kash Doll idk who kash doll is but i’d marry nicki and fuck cardi b 
When was your first kiss? i was 18! the same day i lost my virginity, with a different person.
How did you meet the person you lost your virginity to? an orientation week friend introduced me to them
Have you ever faked an orgasm? yeah but only like twice
Ever painted/been painted on? no but i’ve been drawn on with sharpie
You like sex toys? havent used a lot of them during sex but yeah i love vibrators and am learning 2 love dildos
What’s your favorite sex position? depends on the partner but it’s usually doggy if i really love you, missionary-- way more intimate
Sex on a bed, couch, or floor? bed pls 
Do you like car sex? eh
You get instantly horny; what happened? someone kissed behind my ear
FuckMarryKill: Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. am i somehow too old for this meme? is that what’s happening? who the fuck are any of these people. i kill chris brown.
Describe your crush. what an adorable subby boy, what a sad fool
Woukd you ever be with someone with an incurable STD? i have been before! dont know that i’d do it again. depends on the STD i think.
Rate your head game. 10/10 tbh im really good at giving head
Rate your sex. depends on what you want from me? probably like a 7/10 tho
Would you fuck someone outside of your race? yes?? why is this even a question
Describe the type of freak you are. i’m a tease you in public just to let you know i can kinda freak
Ever tasted your own nut/cum? yep!
Into golden showers? noooo hard limit 
Body count: Under or Over 25? under
How do you feel about nipple play? very pro! love to do it to men who have never had their nipples stimulated before
Where do you like to be nutted on? im more of an “in” person
Which are you better at: topping or bottoming? i have a lot more experience bottoming
What do you consider “too small?” can’t really feel anything under like 4 inches but size doesnt matter that much
Is play fighting foreplay? oh hell yes it is
Do you like angry sex? the best sex ive had has been angry sex but i dont know how much i like it as a general rule
How long should a quickie be? i dunno, i haven’t had a lot of them
How long is “too long” to have sex? if im too tired to keep going i stop, but until then we’re good to keep going
How long is “too long” to go without sex? i dunno! it’s been like a day for me and it feels like too long
Is “no” relevant in a relationship? what even is this question of course consent is still relevant in a relationship in a TPE that might change if you agree on it but like yikes
Do you believe in no-strings-attached sex? yeah i sure do
Would you have sex in a public bathroom? i would!
Would you have sex in a changing room? i would!!
Who was the last person you had sex with? depending on what we count it was either my ex or the boy im fwbing
Describe your type. it seems to be “basic jewish boy who knows things i don’t” tbh. bonus points if they’re particularly good writers or singers.
Name 3 turn-ons. being choked, biting, being edged
Name 3 turn-offs. piss, spit, misgendering
Name something that would make you stop in the middle of sex. being misgendered 
Would you answer a phone call during sex? yep
Would you ever pay for sex? yeah sure, if i had a sex worker friend who was ok with it
Would you accept money for sex? yes definitely please pay me 
How do you typically feel after sex? tired and a little annoyed, unless im in subspace
Do you like your body? no
Ever sent nudes? yep
Have you ever cheated on someone? yes, unfortunately
Have you ever been cheated on? depends on what we count-- was cheated on emotionally in high school, i guess
Would you have a threesome? yes! and have
Would you have a foursome? yes! and have
Would you take part in an orgy? no
Would you let’s train be ran on you? yeah ok
How often do you masturbate? every few days i guess
Sex with the lights on or off? on!!! i wanna see you
Sex with music or tv in the background? music pls
Do you have a cousin you’d fuck if you weren’t related? what even is this question no
In your last relationships, rate the sex? my most recent was a 10/10 goddamn that man could fuck
Do you sleep naked? no
How often do you go commando? ridiculously often
Are your nipples pierced? If not, would you get them pierced? they’re not, and maybe if i had had top surgery
Do you dive right into sex, or converse first? i like to converse a bit first 
After taking your clothes off, what’s the first move? time 2 suck some dick
Do you make the first move? yes!
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a day? yes!
Do you like dryhumping ? yeah!
Can you twerk or do a split on a dick? no 
Have you ever been recorded during sex? i dont think so but its possible?
Do you watch porn during sex? yeah i have, not my favorite thing but i like it fine
After fucking, do you try becoming friends with a one night stand? generally yeah
What’s your kink? edging
Would you hook up with the same hook-up again? yes!
Ever made a relationship from a one night stand? i tried once, went badly
How romantic are you during sex? not very but if i love you i’ll get way more romantic during
Describe your sex in 5 words or less “shhh”
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