#i even thought i annoyed yall by constantly spamming him
mayplantstarrwaters · 2 years
thank you for getting into yes (and esp. chris) and putting all that yes content on my dash 💖
My pleasure bestie, I'm glad you enjoy my hyperfixation series with Yes and other prog bands I'm currently into 😁
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l0vem00nlight · 10 months
♥︎ Miles Fairchild With an S/O Who Loves Christmas Music ♥︎
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Oh lord…when I say you OWN his radio and his guitar you OWN it.
He loves you to death but man it gets him annoyed when you constantly ask him to play a christmas song instrumental or switch the music into some Christmas jam.
It’s a bonus for when you start singing along with the jolly music, whether his playing the instrumental or not he best believed that your gonna sing your heart out. It doesn’t matter if you can or cant sing he’s gonna hear those vocals.
Kate is so done with this. But do you care? No not really.
Miles just sits on his bed and watches you do whatever as the awfully loud christmas music plays in the background of your singing. He tries to hide that smile of his but he just can’t.
Sometimes you would start dancing and you would pull him to come join you on your excitement. He doesn’t really dance but he just kinda lets you take some control even though all he’s really doing is just swaying around and not putting effort into his moves.
He finds it a tad bit annoying when you tower control over his personal music items but yet you don’t care. You will do a jolly breakdance in his face whether he likes it or not.
Flora joins in on the fun and starts to dance with you IN HIS ROOM. He couldn’t even take yall anymore nor did he even bother to stop you two for the sake of his little sister’s happiness and your joy.
Miles now understands how Kate feels when he has his damn music up way too loud for her liking. He can’t blame her—it’s so annoying having that christmas music blazing in his eardrums.
Even after you are done with your christmas spirit unraveling he can still hear Mariah Carey echoing in his eardrums.
Once you even compared his and yours relationship to the song named Sleigh Ride in the few parts of the song much to his dismay.
Miles loves you, okay? But when you’re just spamming those songs every single day it just cuts it for him. The thought and the memory of having to hear so many christmas songs in one setting is ridiculous to him and also having to watch you breakdance to the songs is already too much. When you finally settle down he is glad. He is glad that you finally calmed yourself and now he gets to listen to whatever he wants to listen to. He loves you a lot to the moon and back but maybe calm down on the songs and not spam them over and over and over again and start hitting the whip and nae nae in his room…? But haters gonna hate anyway and he’s sadly one of them.
Again, he loves you so much but…come on. Just please lower it to a minimum.
I’m gonna add more than just some music because this is way too short-
During when you weren’t spamming christmas music you two are out building a snowman. It is really funny due to the fact that Miles was struggling to make the balls for the snowman. You did two and he did the smallest one which was the head because it wasn’t going too well for him and it was too cold for all that.
You two made Kate drive into town to get a carrot.
Snowball fights are like war. But Miles could’ve sworn that you at least put some rocks in your snowballs cause those should not hurt like that-
Miles could tell that you are competitive over snowball. Absolutely no reason as to why you ripped the snowman’s head off and threw it at him, carrot nose and pebbles and even the hat all came his direction. It was so foul…cause like damn..
You two have hot chocolate together and relax. This is probably his favorite time. Despite the christmas music playing quietly in the background it’s fine.
Other than that, he enjoys the holidays with you. As much as he dislikes the fact that you spam christmas music he enjoys seeing you all happy and dancing and it brings a smile to his face. When he sees you smiling all big like that he just can’t seem to stop the smile forming on his face as much as he tries to show his displeasure. To spend the Holidays with someone as happy and jolly as you can be tiring but also very nice as well and he hopes to encounter this every year during christmas…not the music though.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 3
a/n: yall i love seijoh so much like theyre my favorite school and my favorite boys and i know their names by heart and im just so SOFT for them !!!!!
also: yall will find out what other fandom ill be writing for in the future in this one
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
combined two anon requests:
- Could we get the boys reacting to finding out the seijoh manager is quite popular to both genders?? Maybe they over hear a confession?
- Why do I feel like half of the team would be all pouty when word comes around that a guy confessed to manager, the others would probably be annoyed/irritated. Oikawa being all bratty cause no matter what he tried,she never showed ant interest when he flirts. But now this boy comes alone ... (but like you said manager is too focused in school and the team)
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oof girl the world is ending
so basically,,,,,
the entire just magically knew about what happened earlier and yahaba’s theory of team telepathy really does work bc not even a minute after it happened, they all spammed you messages and next thing you knew, oikawa was naruto-ing down from the 3rd floor to your class in the first floor
tbh, they shouldve seen this coming yanno?
you were ridiculously pretty and you carried yourself w such elegance and grace that it just seemed to hypnotize everyone into stopping what they were doing and watched you in awe doing the most mundane things like walking or sitting
lmao couldnt be me
your confessions usually happened over letters bc either tol boys kunimi or kindaichi are usually around you at all times so theyre too scared to do anything
hence why your locker was always filled with envelopes yet no upfront public confessions
it ranged from upperclassmen and upperclasswomen who expressed their interest in you and wanted to date you and get to know you better
but tf you dont even know them and you werent about to date a whole stranger
this made the boys a little peeved because you were popular with both the boys and the gals so they were constantly on edge on who was talking to you
it was like having an oikawa 2.0 but not indulging them and pretending theyre not even there
like when you walk to class and sit down, they would flock over and offer you drinks and snacks but you either turned them down or just flat-out ignored them
maybe this was what fueled others on more
your reserved attitude and your refusals made it look like you were playing hard to get and it was almost like a game on who could win the heart of the princess of seijoh
this was proven really difficult because not only do they have your dismissals, you also had guard dogs at every corner and would bite their head off at the slight indication of an interaction
this morning,,,,
at 7:53 AM,,,,
they saw you walking down the hallway with a purple-haired boy holding your bag and you giggling at what he was saying
and ofc, the boys would immediately know even though theyre spread all over the school
it was kyoken who saw you as he was leaning against your locker and his eyes narrowed before he secretly took a picture and sent it to yahaba, asking if there was a new guy who entered the team while he was away
when he replied with a panicked, ‘NO WHO IS THAT’
kyoken was already advancing to you
yahaba-san immediately sent the picture to the team group chat, that excluded you rood, and oikawa wasted no time and even pushed some fangirls so he could go to you
‘-and she destroyed my sheets’
you laughed at the story and hitoshi stared at you with awe in his eyes
how can someone laugh so beautifully?
like a snort should be considered ugly and gross but it was like cute little squeaks from you and he thought you were like a fairy
‘oh god, i wasnt-’
you were cut off with a hand that held your arm
you came face to face with the glaring face of one of your boys and you immediately turned to him in concern, immediately grasping an arm with the other hand on his cheek to look for any cuts
he rarely comes to you on a normal basis so you thought something was wrong
‘whats wrong, kyo-san? did you get into a fight? do you need me to patch you up?’
he didnt care what you were saying, instead heatedly glaring at this new guy, and grunted a response to agreeing with you going to the nurse
just anywhere to get you away from this,,,, stranger
‘toshi i have to-’
then you were cut off again
from behind you, 5 tol looming figures were running towards you and next thing you knew, you were in the arms of your captain
‘oikawa-san! what are you doing?!’
oikawa held you tightly against his chest and had his arms tightly around your form to prevent you from being taken away
most of the volleyball team were now circling you and pointedly glaring at the poor boy who was so confused that he wasnt bothered by the death glares
‘oh, its you’
kunimi grumbled
‘kunimi, whats happening?’
hitoshi questioned
you fought away from the hold of oikawa and pushed mattsukawa and hanamaki to stand in front of shinsou hitoshi
‘so sorry about this, toshi. i’ll help you with your room later and ill text you when practice is finished, okay?’
you sheepishly smiled and he nodded, his own smile reassuring you
‘yep. ill see you later then’
you softly said and he turned to walk away
but as soon as he was out of sight, you turned around with a grim looking expression and your hands on your hips, a hard look in your eyes
‘boys, what was that?’
you gritted out
‘y/n-chan! don’t you see?! he was going to take you away! he was an intrude-OW!’
he yelped when you reached up and grabbed his ear before grabbing the other closest who was iwaizumi
they both whined and complained about the ear and slapped your hand but you didnt let up
‘he is a friend, oikawa-san. you have no right on who i can be friends and who i can hang out with because i still have a life outside the team!’
you scolded and the others hung their heads low like puppies
‘sorry, y/n-chan’
oikawa mumbled and iwaizumi also mumbled his apology so you let go of them, dusting off your hands
‘and the rest of you, hold back your captain and dont intimidate him like that!’
you sighed but ruffled their hair before turning to go to class
‘now, be good boys and dont bother others like this again’
they chorused and you nodded, satisfied
‘ill hold you to it!’
you shouted as you walked down the hallway
when you turned a corner, oikawa grabbed kunimi by the arms
‘you know him, dont you? who is he? what class? address? mother’s name? father’s name? age-’
‘oi stop it, shittykawa’
but despite that, iwaizumi looked at the younger, expecting answers as well
kunimi sighed
‘thats shinsou hitoshi from class 1-3. we have gym together’
and ‘we’ was kunimi and you since you were both in the same class so you constantly saw this shinsou boy?
nuh uh, dont think so, francisco
from the looks of it, you were still single and there was a pining from shinso’s part, maybe yours they dont know
and they were going to do everything in their power to keep you away from him
this was excused to them as protecting their manager from someone else and they werent going to let you be taken by someone else
during practice, they grilled you over your relationship with him
‘i honestly dont know why this is your business but if you must know, his adoptive father, aizawa-san, is my mother’s co-worker and i usually catsit for them. dont worry, we’re not dating. just friends, that’s all’
but they know it wasnt just a friendship type of situation
so when the 4 third years saw you being confessed to by this ‘friend’ outside, they almost toppled out the window as they tried to listen to what was being said
‘shittykawa get off my back!’
‘nuh uh! i want to see clearly!’
‘everyone needs to know that code red is happening!’
yall what
mattsun took a picture and sent it to the gc about their princess being confessed to 
no one replied, possibly too upset or too busy sulking
kyoken actually had to be excused outside bc he was glaring at everyone and everything and the teacher and students were so scared that they had to take him out of class
they were even more peeved when you just walked in like nothing happened
you didnt mention the confession to anyone else the whole day and when you entered the gym, it was very tense
the coaches even looked confused
‘did you guys fight?’
you questioned but no one answered
kunimi and kindaichi were playing with a ball and glaring at it as it hit the floor
the 2nd years yes including kyobabie were pouting to the side
the 3rd years looked annoyed and pissed off 
overall just not seijoh babie vibes
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today🧚✨
you gently said and walked to the captain to figure out what was going on
‘oikawa-san, what happened?’
‘are you dating him now, y/n?’
the seriousness in his voice shocked you and you took a step back in surprise
your expression made him think that you did accept the confession and he scoffed before walking away and doing a jump serve that sounded like a canon blasting
but you were actually confused and surprised that they even knew bc you were sure it was a secluded area where no one could see you
‘dating,,,? dating who?’
you asked to them and the 3rd years just knitted their eyebrows
‘dont play coy, y/n-chan’
oikawa hissed
‘no matter how many times i flirted or asked you on dates, you never said yes. never agreed or even showed a little bit of interest. on me!! your captain!!! but now!!! this little grape boy comes along and you suddenly start dating just because he has cats! what kinda bias is this?!’
he started ranting and whining and being a brat that you pinched his nose shut
‘oi, oikawa-san, are you jumping to conclusions again? first the hickey accident and now this?’
he made a whining noise for you to let go and rubbed his nose when you finally let go
you turned around to face the others and you sighed, massaging your temples
‘everyone, who spread this misunderstanding?’
no one pointed to anyone but their gazes settled on the thick eyebrow boy that you were sure wouldnt have ratted you out
a noise of surprise and betrayal escaped from you as mattsun quickly scrambled to get everyone to stop staring at him
you pointed at him and mattsun rushed forward to grab your hands before holding them close to his chest
‘y/n-chan, we just saw you when we were passing! it was makki who wanted to tell the others!’
the betrayal made iwa laugh but makki ran up to kick mattsun to the side
‘youre the one who committed the deed! i was merely suggesting it! it was iwaizumi who wanted to watch them first!’
you gasped at the normally chill third year and you didnt expect him to be the one who started it first
iwa panicked and held his hands out cautiously
‘y/n-chan, understand that i was just worried and i didnt want you to be outside by yourself after what happened, okay? i didnt know he was confessing to you’
you closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose tightly
‘again! whoever and whatever happens in my love life is my business! mine! and only mine! you cannot control it and get angry at ME because i do want a boyfriend and i do want to experience dating bc i want to know how it feels to be loved like that! so i wont let a bunch of children stop me from having that!’
the third years shared a look before they they gave up and nodded in defeat
but oikawa was the most offended
he whined and stomped his foot after crossing his arms and a pout on his face
you shook your head, not even bothering to answer that, and went to the others
‘dont be mad and be upset, okay? i refused him bc i have no time for a relationship when im too busy looking after my own boys. i really dont want to add another’
kindaichi and yahaba’s face scrunched as they rushed forward to hug you 
‘we thought you would leave us y/n-chan!’
‘stay as ours forever, okay?’
you were so relieved that they werent as aggressive as the oldests and gave each player their own favorite hugs
but you stopped in front of kyo, not really knowing how to hug him since youve never exactly showed any type of affection like that
so you were just awkwardly standing there with raised arms but he patted your head, you smiling and leaning more to his touch
‘hm, kyo-san, ya finally warming up to me?’
you teased but he scoffed, gently headbutting you with his forehead against yours
‘now, everyone! dont misunderstand and know that for as long as i will be a manager, i wont be in a relationship bc my time as a manager is too crucial since i would probably have to look after you so you dont get yourself to jail. a boyfriend is adding more boys in to that list and i dont want that. you will be my boys forever and i wont be taken from you so please trust on me and stop being so overprotective bc i wont give them the affection or wishes they want!’
oikawa teared up and was about to go trample you but he was held back
‘no! i want a hug! i want a family hug! cmon, iwa-chan!’
practice went by quickly but you demanded them to do 10 diving laps in punishment for all the misunderstandings theyve created 
but they gladly did it bc it meant that you wont be taken from them and you would be theirs forever and their cute manager is going to pay attention to them and them only
i got serious yandere vibes from this but its so heartwarming that theyre so overprotective and lowkey you got yourself a harem
after practice, they all wanted to walk home with you but you told them that shinsou’s house was the other direction
‘y/n-chan! you said you wouldn’t-’
you rolled your eyes
‘oikawa-san, just because i refused that confession doesnt mean i will stop earning money. i still have to catsit for his family and earn my money!’
they only agreed when kyo said that he was walking that way too but they were still weary and jealous bc he got to spend more time with you than them
as you were both walking, you looked up at him
‘kyo-san, what type of hug do you like?’
he looked down at you bc we short with wide eyes and flushed cheeks
you smiled and looked forward, skipping slightly
‘everyone in the team has their own special hugs. i want everyone to have one bc you all are individually special to me so-’
but he stopped walking and pulled arm before he lifted you up, making you squeak and wrap your legs around his waist
thank god you were wearing your tracksuit and not your skirt
bruh is it obv that kyoken is one of my favorite seijoh boys like bls love on him
he didnt want you to see his flustered expression bc he still has a reputation to uphold, yanno?
so he tucked it in your neck and you softly smiled before playing with the baby hairs at the base of his neck
‘you like this kind then, kyo-san? kinda aggressive but perfectly suits you, yanno?’
he just grunted and you laughed
he wasnt about to tell you that he liked holding you on his arms bc you were so tiny and so you that holding you like this makes him feel like he was protecting you and feel good about himself bc he gets to be the one who shields you from the world
yuhhhhh get it kyo
‘so yahaba-san told me that you got kicked out of class bc you scared the teacher and kids?’
you questioned and he left his spot on your neck and pulled his face back so you could clearly see his face
it was red and possibly flustered but you just snickered
he still held you by his strong arms so you were able to move your small hands to his face where he flinched at first but relaxed when you touched his cheeks
your fingers gently pulled the sides of his lips and you tilted your head to the side
‘you,,, look really handsome when you smile, kyo-san’
you whispered and he was so surprised that his tough mask fell and was replaced by wide eyes and his eyebrows rose up, the intimidating look disappearing from his eyes
‘i-i do?’
you bit your lip bc this was so different from the aggressive kyo you knew and you didnt expect this type of innocence that he just showed you
maybe he wasnt so innocent from the fights and arguments he has started or been in 
but he was so innocent to soft touches and compliments bc he wasnt exposed to it, only used to the ones that were said due to the aura he exuded or his looks
‘yep, you do. so keep smiling for me, kay? dont have to be around the others or all the time, but i,,, want to see it sometimes’
he blinked at you but quickly went back to your neck to hide the big smile that was threatening to come out
you felt his lips move and you laughed
‘noooo! kyo-san!!! i want to see your smilee!!! dont hide it!!!’
but it was cut short when a familiar shout was heard from the other side of the street that was near the school
it seemed that oikawa was worried about you walking alone with kyoken so he followed you both with the other third years
‘kyoken-chan! y/n-chan!’
he shouted in betrayal
you were about to get away from kyo’s hold but he tightened his grip and leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, still staring straight at the captain
again, do you know what happened next?
oikawa screamed
this was actually pretty funny to write bc wowza oikawa is so oikawa and hes just so oikawa-like, yanno? and im still simping over kyoken and shinsou is my ult fave in bnha and i really love him like ugghhhh :’)
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kismetintheuniverse · 4 years
Bucciarati’s Gang + La Squadra Texting HCs
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     𝕭𝖚𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖆𝖒
ʙʀᴜɴᴏ ʙᴜᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴀᴛɪ
- Types like your boss.
- ‘Will someone please pick Narancia up from the store? He broke the car.’
- He will say the most outlandish thing in a completely serious tone.
- ‘I’m in the hospital, got shanked by a tweaker.’
- The gang thought he was joking. He was not.
- Uses emojis and slang sparingly. Phrases like ‘omw’ and ‘ty’ are most common. 
- The only emojis he uses often is ‘👍’ and ‘👋’.
- Overall professional and understandable.
- Doesn’t use images, gifs, or videos.
ʟᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴀʙʙᴀᴄᴄʜɪᴏ
- Very sarcastic.
- ‘Oh no im sorry should i come over and kiss your boo-boo?’
- Doesn’t use much punctuation aside from ending punctuation and hyphens. Can’t use commas to save his life.
- No one can tell if he is actually mad or being sarcastic.
- Uses ‘😶’ and ‘🧐’ most often.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Refuses to use dms, and often get made fun of it for it.
- ‘Giorno please im on my knees im begging you please stop being cringe im actually going to cry please ill do literally anything just shut the fuck up.’
ɢᴜɪᴅᴏ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀ
- Types very modern.
- ‘can one of yall pick me up slommy from the store’
- Doesn’t use punctuation and capitalization.
- Constantly quoting memes and being the Funny Man™.
- ‘you smell like ten cans of bounce dat ass’
- All bark, no bite.
- Uses ‘😘’ and ‘😏’ emoji the most.
- Sends this image at least twice a day.
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ɴᴀʀᴀɴᴄɪᴀ ɢʜɪʀɢᴀ
- Types with a lot of slang
- ‘Bro Just Me Or Does Mista Not Know How To Wipe His Mfing Ass’
- Capitalizes every word and often misspells things.
- Quotes memes, but not as much as Mista.
- ‘Foogie Pookie I’m Scared There’s A Wasp In The Citchin’
- Purposely tries to give Fugo a stroke.
- Uses the ‘🧡’ and ‘🍊’ emojis the most.
- Doesn’t send images, but sends gifs.
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ᴘᴀɴɴᴀᴄᴏᴛᴛᴀ ꜰᴜɢᴏ
- Types rather properly, like he’s writing an email.
- ‘Narancia, I found this video to help with your math lesson. I’m proud you’ve gotten to 7th grade level! https://youtu.be/Xb951Vqs4Vc Please use it if you need help. - 🍓’
- Uses a passive-aggressive tone when he gets angry.
- Talks in the group chat the least, prefers to use dms.
- Signs his messages like an old lady.
- Takes a long time to type.
- ‘The meeting is at 4 pm today, correct?’
- Uses the ‘🍓’ emoji exclusively.
- Doesn’t send images/gifs, usually just sends math videos for Narancia.
ɢɪᴏʀɴᴏ ɢɪᴏᴠᴀɴɴᴀ
- Types properly, but not as much as Fugo.
- ‘Abbacchio, I’m sorry but I have some important things to discuss with Capo. :c’
- Always speaks in a polite or serious tone. 
- Doesn’t use emojis, uses ‘:D’, ‘:c’ etc.
- Doesn’t send a lot of images, but might send cute group selfies.
- ‘Uh, I need back up, Narancia is bleeding out on the ground. Please hurry-’
- Will do anything to avoid calling.
         𝕷𝖆 𝕾𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖉𝖗𝖆
ʀɪꜱᴏᴛᴛᴏ ɴᴇʀᴏ
- Doesn’t know how to spell, but still tries his best to be professional.
- ‘PLEASe attend the MEATING at 12, thank youo’
- Auto correct either helps him or hurts him.
- Sends cute images of animals occasionally.
- ‘How do you WORK a phone i need TO know PLEASe’
- Wants to use emojis, doesn’t know how. (Despite Melone showing him multiple times.)
- Bless his poor soul.
- Types properly, but isn’t by any means professional.
- ‘Will you all please shut the fuck up? It’s three am and you are FLOODING the group chat.’
- Doesn’t take any bull from anyone.
- Has admin in all of the group chats.
- Uses the ‘🙃’ and ‘🖕’ emojis the most.
- ‘You’re all going to hell. 😊👐’
- Gets away with the most bs.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Types angrily.
- Gets annoyed over literally any grammar mistake, so he isn’t very active.
- When he’s around, he tends to gaslight most situations.
- Uses the ‘❄️’ and ‘💙’ emojis exclusively.
- Only ever sends photos to start arguments. (Ex. A picture of Formaggio eating shredding cheese from the fridge at 3 am.)
- Probably shouldn’t be allowed to have a phone.
- Types.. well...
- ‘Ciaooo~ What’s up lgbt community? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧’
- He gets on everyone’s nerves, or helps them out tremendously. It’s a 50/50.
- Will spam any cute gif he sees until he finds a better one.
- Doesn’t use emojis, but instead uses those emoticons.
- He’s the one who makes all the group chats.
- Usually starts fights, but never finishes them.
- (Aka. he ghosts halfway through once someone else joins the argument.) 
- Spams LOONA fancams in chat.
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- Types like a Mista 2.0
- ‘just admit you like feet and move on 🙄‘
- CEO of gaslighting, will 100% make every situation worse then it already is.
- ‘wow so i’m here shitting my guts out and not a single one of yall will come get me tp? woooow. see yall in hell ✌️’
- Loves to make everyone mad, but his target is usually Prosciutto. 
- He uses so many emojis that it’s impossible to keep track of them.
- Spams nasty f*tish art when he’s mad at someone in chat.
- The king of memes. Uses gifs, images, videos, you name it. They tell him to stop but he doesn’t.
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- Types pretty casually.
- ‘Okay so im just curious as to which one of yall clogged the toilet with a FAT log, cause this shit nasty asf’
- Extremely passive aggressive and manipulative, never outright says when he’s mad.
- Only uses the ‘💅’ emoji.
- Gossips 24/7 with Gelato in dms, and has a gc called ‘We love Formaggio.’
- (Hint: All they do is talk shit about him in that gc.)
- Sends so many reaction images it’s not even funny.
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- Types like every teenage girl.
- ‘Hi guys!!! uwu’
- Everyone actually seems to ignore him for no reason.
- He has great ideas, but no one listens. Like, he could make communicating with each other x10 easier, but they just disregard him.
- Hates going into chat for the most part. 
- ‘Guys- formaggio’s cat threw up on the carpet, what do I do?’
- Once was traumatized by a video Formaggio sent of a guy twerking butt-naked.
- Uses the ‘😊’ and ‘🙏’ emojis the most.
- Wants to use images/gifs/videos but yelled at the last time he sent one.
ꜱᴏʀʙᴇᴛ & ɢᴇʟᴀᴛᴏ
- Both type in a similar tone.
- ‘Who the fuck stole my casserole.’ - Sorbet
- ‘who stole my baby’s casserole 😶’ - Gelato
- Gelato doesn’t capitalize his sentences, ever. His nickname in chat is even lowercase.
- Sorbet only uses ‘.’ as punctuation. 
- Gelato starts the most petty bull, Sorbet actually causes issues.
- Both are often kicked from the group chat for being overly affectionate. 
- ‘so i just wanted to mention that im p sure i saw illuso spill cereal on the couch and not clean it up 😁 ’
- vs.
- ‘Illuso split cereal on the fucking couch and didn’t clean up after himself. Nasty fucker.’
- I’m sure you can tell who’s who.
- Sorbet doesn’t use emojis, but like Ghiaccio, he sends images that starts fights.
- Meanwhile Gelato finds it hard to go 30 seconds without using emojis/images.
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awoonews · 6 years
Welcome to AwooGaming!Since this is the first article of AwooGaming I might explain a couple things on how it works!Firstly this is just some my opinion, these articles are not going for objective reviews, this series is more to look at Furry Games and see if they’re fun or not! If you disagree with me on certain aspects or just the article in general leaving a comment would be a great way to start a discussion so don’t be afraid to, even if you agree, any and all votes and comments are appreciated. The second thing I want to adress is the unique scoring system I have set up. This ain’t a normal review series, but a FURRY review series, and so I made up a new scoring system. The 621 scoreBasically I rate the game on 3 different criteria, -/6 for overall game quality-/2 for the Furry HotnessAnd -/1 for whether or not the game is worth your time. With all that out of the way, WELCOMEI am proud to present AwooGaming #1Star Fox 64!
What’s a Star Fox 64?Star Fox 64 was released in 1997 for the N64. Known as Lylat Wars in Europe, this follow up to the SNES classic is one of the most beloved games on the system. It’s also a major face of the furry gaming community, at least, the nintendo crowd of furries. It’s cast includes the Iconic Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi, as well as Peppy Hare and Slippy Toad, all of them pilots of…Star FoxFirst we GOTTA talk about this plot. It starts off with a narration of the defeat of the original Star Fox, which includes an evil scientist, betrayal, and a dead father. This story is cliche, hammy, and the voice acting is so bad, all to make this mess of perfection. The story doesn’t take itself too seriously for the most part, and that’s what makes it great, your just the elite team of pilots out to end an evil scientist’s dastardly deeds of destruction, that’s all you need from it. It’s just a blast to go through this game and just listen to all the one-liners and villainous speeches, only for them to be cut short with your mad skillz. Speaking of Skillz, we should probably get to the GAME part of this game, and hoo boi, this game is insanely fun. There’s never a dull moment in this game, the game drops you into the Lylat System, where you always start in Corneria. Then you make your way towards Venom’s defenses. It’s a linear experience with a whole lot of sweet variety. All the different planets are all completely baron of natural life thanks to andross, but every single one has a feel, a different atmosphere, it feels like your just going forward in this once beautiful Space System. The graphics also help in this aspect. The models are mostly for robots so they end up aging pretty well. Aside from some lag spikes here or there when there’s a lot on screen the game runs so cleanly. But enough about the world, let’s get into how this game plays, and what makes it so fun, the GAYplay hahaaaaaaThis game is a simple shooter, basically you control Fox as he glides across the screen with ease down a straight path filled to the brim with enemies and obstacles. You start off with a simple pea shooter, 3 Bombs, 2 lives, and your Star Fox Allies. Your goal is to Complete each mission without dying….I mean like…duh. Throughout each level are collectable Gold and Silver Rings for Health expansion and Replenishing respectively, Laser Upgrades, and Bombs, as well as Wing Repair if the wings on the arwing break. There’s also a couple levels that shake things up with the control scheme, which offer a great change of pace and keeps things from being too stale. All Range mode levels and bosses also appear from time to time, creating these awesome dogfight battles that are really intense. You can get by just fine without really being good perse, but where this game really excels are the alternative routes. Performing well, protecting allies, or just flat out doing things for style points can net you harder levels that have unique story benefits, making each playthrough a joy to go through. Another thing to consider are your partners, keeping them alive can net you certain secrets and even new levels in some instances, and it keeps you from just spamming willy nilly with your laser, as you can damage them. I’m being as vague as I can with this because the real joy of this game is experiencing it firsthand and just being rewarded with all these goofy, cheesy, and insanely fun moments. What’s in it for us UwUNow let’s get into the reason yall REALLY should play this gameWe have these heccin furries fighting an army of monkeys in space, and it’s the best. Fox is extremely sassy, sputing a couple one liners here or there, but mostly just trash talking the pretentious villains. Falco is reckless, confident, and just overall independant, He’s basically the sassiness adn trash talking side of Fox, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Fox picked it up from him, He’s also one to get frustrated at the fact that people help him. Peppy is the least interesting sadly. He’s the only member of the original star Fox and is a mentor, mostly resorting to giving tutorials in game and occasionally talking about how Fox is like his father. Just not much to dive into as a characterTHEN WE HAVE SLIPPY…he’s aightHe’s not as bad as his reputation leads on, he’s just kinda there, he gives you the bosses shield meter, so he’s definitely the character you want alive the most. He is a bit reckless but mostly this is unexplored. But there’s one character that rules over every character in terms of just furry hotness.Wolf is literally god, when he isn’t kicking tail than he’s commanding the heart of every gay furry in existence…..including me. Stray ThoughtsThe N64 version is the definitive way to play. Current controllers have difficulties emulating the weird control stick of the N64 controller, making precise movement hard to get used to, but it’s still not game-breaking, if you get it on Virtual Console than your still in for a great time. Haven’t touched the 3DS remake, from what I heard it’s good, although some of the portraits to me look way off. No comment on if its better or not. Vs. Mode I’ve only played a little a couple years back. From what I remember it was fun enough, might play a couple rounds here or there just for some quick fun matches. Final ScoreI struggle finding anything about this game that had me frustrated or annoyed or bored. It constantly gave me an adrenaline of fun, fresh gameplay that anyone can enjoy. 6/6How is the furry hotness?It has daddy2/2Should you play this gameYes, definitely, it’s fun, addictive, and I wanna play it all the time nowPlease help1/1This gets a perfect 621 score from me UwUAgree or no? Let me know by commenting!You can also suggest games for me to cover in upcoming articles. See yall next Monday with a new review. 
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