#and yet here i am airing new headcanons as a means of fleshing them out and exploring them before incorporating them in my writing
hirazuki · 1 year
Me, harmlessly doing fic research: :)
Tolkien Wiki: Eol had "servants similar to himself."
Me: ......................... okay, I know this almost certainly means similar in demeanor (published Silm says "silent and secret as their master") but I'm a slut for the former thrall version of Eol's backstory, so what if we take it to mean that they were other escaped thralls of Angband?
•────────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅────────────────────•
What if, whether through genuine escape (a rare occurrence) or by Melkor intentionally letting them "escape" to sow distrust and discontent among their kind with their mere presence, even if they do not prove to be his spies, they find their way back to their original lands and homes, only to be shunned and persecuted, just as Melkor had forethought?
(^ which is canon, the text actually goes into it but for the life of me I can't remember where, right now).
What if, through endless wandering thereafter, trying to find a place where they can reside, their footsteps lead a few of them past Nan Elmoth?
What if the primordial night of the world that was, which still resides in this isolated stretch of woods, nestled in safety and secrecy among the roots of ancient trees hidden away from the sun, calls out to them, offering refuge from the sunlight to them, too?
What if Eol, travelling back from the deep mansions of the dwarves in the Blue Mountains, chances upon them: lost in the forest, tangled in the enchantment that had been laid on it in the twilight of Middle Earth when all was young, and that lingers still?
What if, in looking upon them, he immediately recognizes the marks of thralldom -- the scarring, the burning, the bowed backs; misshapen or missing limbs; hollow stares and cracking skin, of a degree more severe than his own, that cannot conveniently be explained away as a result of smithwork, that make it impossible to eke out an existence in even the mildest of conventional society -- and decides to take them in?
What if, quietly, word somehow spreads -- borne by beast or trickling stream or on the chill of northern wind -- that there is a place for the survivors of Angband in the sunless woods, and more start to appear; sometimes in twos, rarely in threes, but mostly alone, ragged and haunted and fever-eyed?
What if Eol, who had been ill at ease within the Girdle and fled from it -- choking, strangling thing that it is -- right into the hungry, snatching all too inviting embrace of this lightless forest, a recluse and his forge, nothing more than a fading echo of the twilit world, suddenly finds he has near-silent footsteps in his hall and low voices in his kitchen and the space that seemed superfluous for a single occupant is now, altogether, not enough?
What if, with every expansion of his abode, his anger at the Noldor for what they brought upon this land -- initially a dim, philosophical thing, that snarled when prodded but, all in all, rather easily fell back into slumber -- also magnifies, until it produces fangs and claws that won't retract, and, in growing large, grows sleepless, too?
What if, with every arrival seeking a position in his service -- Avari, skin shining with sweat, hunted from within and without; Sindar, who can no longer recall the play of starlight upon leaves; even a Noldo, whose shattered eyes render them more alike than not -- his fury grows blacker, unchecked in his isolation from all else, until it matches the shadows that swallow the forest floor?
What if, with every soul he saves from the ravages of daylight, he forfeits a piece of his own?
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Their S/O takes them to an Asian House Party
[Midoriya + Todoroki + Bakugou + Kaminari + Kirishima] 
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A/N:  Hey here’s a niche that no one asked for. 
I know that Japanese is a type of Asian but I am a wildly different type of Asian 🤣🤣, so my headcanons are based entirely off of being this other racial group. 
I just want to say that most of the time older Asian relatives really step out of line with their comments and can be really hurtful. I absolutely hate that behavior and their mindset, but for the purposes of this let’s just say that they’re not being harmful at all and it’s mostly light teasing :) If they’re like that in real life :) screw them >:) Also P.S. if these sound familiar it’s because I’ve recycled a lot of ideas from my other blog where I wrote “Asian House Party” headcanons already! 
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, hints at underage drinking  
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Midoriya Izuku: 
For the longest time it has only been him and his mom, so when he enters the house and sees it packed with people his brain just goes blank because this is a family party. 
These people are all related to you somehow?? 
He asks you how you guys are all related and you’re genuinely like, “I don’t know???” You just call everyone auntie and uncle and hope for the best.  
If you start taking him to parties before he becomes a Pro, he has enough of a baby face that your older relatives and grandparents give him a red envelope without thinking too hard about it. But he gets so embarrassed and feels so bad that he ends up giving it to your mom. 
At his first party he’s supperrr nervous and wants your family to like him. He’s stuttering nearly every other syllable. 
Never leaves your side. Trails behind you like a puppy the entire time. 
After he’s been to several parties with your family, they recognize his red Nike Air Forces in the pile of shoes outside the house enough to be like, “Hey, [Name]! Your boyfriend’s here!” 
Midoriya is kinda of a pushover during the beginning of the series, and Asian families have the tendency to tease without knowing how it might sound, so he becomes an easy target until you pull him aside and tell him to argue back. 
He’s like noooo I don’t want to be disrespectful :(. He says that he’s used to bullying so this is nothing which makes you kinda sad and angry. You’re like hahahaha no. 
You two eventually get your family to stop and that’s when he’s finally indoctrinated into your fam. 
He’s kind of the quintessential Asian boyfriend? He goes to a good school, is sweet and innocent, polite to elders, etc. When he goes to the party with you your aunties are going to your cousins and say, “Why can’t you get a boyfriend like [Name].” 
Your female relatives kinda baby him because every time they see him he’s always in a new cast with another broken bone, so when there’s no more space left on the couches or the folding stools they kick your cousins off to make room for him. 
When he later becomes Pro-Hero Deku, everyone’s in love with him. He becomes the talk of the party. Everyone brags about him saying that they practically saw him grow up when they only see him once or twice a year. 
He also becomes the “cool uncle” that offers to take your younger relatives out for boba. But you pay. You have to pay or else your mom will yell at you for making the guest spend money. 
Yes, you will polite fight your own boyfriend. 
No, he will not win, but he’s determined to win one time like the shonen protag he is. 
Always leaves the party with the large trays of leftovers for him and his mom. 
Even when he’s like in his late twenties he’s still sitting at the kid’s table. 
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Todoroki Shouto: 
When you first invited him to a party with your family he’s just like, “Oh. Sure.” Most of the parties he’s been to is the rich people parties that his dad took him to for publicity, so he arrives to the house in a whole suit and tie. 
Your cousins and uncles are clowning him while the older women swoon. You’re in the background panicking because everyone else is in sweats or shorts while he looks like he’s going to prom?? 
[Your auntie says, “Oh my god, he’s making such a good first impression!” 
You: Hahahaha! Yea!〔´∇`〕
Inner You: Oh god I forgot he’s clueless ⊙▽⊙] 
Brings an expensive pastry every time because Fuyumi said it was polite. From that everyone’s like, “Oh??? You’re invited to every party from now on!” 
Becomes the source of your mom’s humble brag. “Oh, your son goes to Stanford and is studying medicine? My kid and their boyfriend are both Heroes-in-training and he’s the son of the Number One Hero — “ 
Kinda just does whatever your aunties and mom tells him to do? 
He’ll sit wherever they tell him to sit, even if it’s far away from you and he’ll even take the many family photos for you guys in the end. Even though he’s shit at photography. 
If they’re like, “Oh, you’re so skinny, you should eat some more!” He’ll just shrug and be like okay, and doesn’t stop them when they continue to put food on his plate even though he’s full and gets into a big food coma that knocks him out on the couch right away. 
Every time he appears, your aunties will just stop and say, “Oh, he’s so handsome!” 
He’s getting better at handling kids and it shows by the way he’s more willing to play with them then hang out with your cousins that are around your age. He’s in the room upstairs and is ;; just napping with them.   
The kids in the party call him Zuko.  
Before you brought him your aunts and uncles would be like, “Do you have a boyfriend?? Do you have a girlfriend??” and you would say, “Yeah, Todoroki Shouto.” And they would laugh in your face. 
I feel like he would have the most culture shock? You guys conduct yourself in such a different way than his own family and from everyone in 1-A. You guys go batshit insane. 
When you wake him up and offer to walk him to the train station to take him home, he offers to walk you back to your house as well and you say, “Oh, I’m going back to the party after this.” 
It’s almost midnight?? 
He asks you where are you going to sleep or if you’re going to sleep at all and you don’t know how to explain the concept of how you and all of your cousins and siblings are going to cram into one room upstairs and sleep on every blanket in the house on the floor while only three or four lucky relatives are able to get the bed. 
Older Asians have no filter so they will straight up say to his face that he looks nothing like his dad he’ll just go, “ :’) Thank you, that means a lot to me.” 
Before Endeavor’s redemption arc he’s prone to oversharing and one day he tells your mom that his dad is a piece of shit and his mom is in the hospital. 
Your mom, taking her sandal and holding it like a weapon: Oh? Where’s your father?? I just want to talk. Your mom is welcome to every [Surname] party from now on!! Haha! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
His brain is doing backflips trying to figure out how you’re related to everyone. 
The only guy that neatly puts his shoes off to the side at the front door. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
At first you didn’t invite him to the party, he kinda just figures it out from how your relatives are all tagging you on social media and forces you to invite him. 
Not because you’re ashamed of him but because they’re somewhat overbearing ;; and Bakugou has no filter. 
For someone who’s so “badass” he’s super anal about the rules and punctuality. 
You tell him the party is at 18:00 and by 17:45 he goes into your house and finds you still napping with your PJs on. Even though you tell him that the party isn’t really starting at six he doesn’t listen. He forces you to get dressed and takes you to the party and whatdoyouknow no one is there yet. No one is going to be here until at least two hours after the designated time. 
He instead forces you to help the women in the kitchen prepare the food, aka he’s helping while you laze around in the living room. 
All of the women are like, “Wow! You can cook so well! [Name] you should be more like him!!” 
If this is the first time he meets your entire extended family, he’s inwardly hyping himself up to make a good first impression. If you are not Japanese, he manages to memorize several greetings in your language and the proper formalities when greeting an older relative. Then he goes in and everyone’s already drinking and screaming their throats out to karaoke. 
When he walks into the party with his black tank top and saggy pants everyone’s first thought is that he’s an Asian Baby Boy. Like he probably takes social media pictures in front of cars, is going to break your heart, goes to raves, is named Kevin Nguyen. 
Everyone is loud af at this party so they don’t really care that he’s screaming. They love teasing the shit out of him because his reactions are so fucking funny. 
When one of your uncles offers you alcohol he immediately snatches it away from you. No, you guys are underage, have an athletic lifestyle, and he’s so protective of you asdfg 
He’s been so focused on being a Hero that when your cousins play against him in video games or card games he loses horribly. He’ll just keep going, “One more round!” until he finally wins. 
Your mom forces you to do a convenience store run to get something that the party is running out of and when you come back Bakugou managed to find is way into the “women” side of the room where they’re all gossiping with him and playing poker together like they’ve been friends forever. 
Your mom honest-to-god acts like he’s more of her child than you are. 
When you guys finally get your families to meet, his mom and your female relatives are going to be so powerful together. 
Is trying his damned hardest to get through the entire party because it can go all night long and he sleeps at 8:30PM. 
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Kaminari Denki: 
The KING of the Asian House Party.
Absolutely CRUSHES it at karaoke with your family. Even though he might not speak your language, he’s putting so much passion into it that no one cares anyway. 
Sings so loud that the neighbors complain. 
Your family loves him because he’s just so happy-go-lucky. The life of the party. 
He goes around eating all night and continually asks you, “Hey [Name], what’s this? What’s this one?” 
You can drop him off in the designated kids room and not see him for hours on end. He’s too busy playing video games with your cousins and siblings. 
But he’s such a sucker. Your uncles and older cousins pull him into any gambling game and he loses so bad, even if he’s gambling things like candy or food. 
Kinda gullible when your family teases him?? If you’re not Japanese they teach him an insult in your language but tell him it’s a complement or “It’s like saying, I love you more than words,” and they send him off to tell you it. 
And he acts super fucking cocky like the e-boy smirk while he’s rubbing his hands together, and biting his lip and shit. While you’re just sitting on the stool with a drink in your hand like, “Okay....” 
He tells you the insult and butchers the pronunciation already, but acts like you’re about to fall in his arms and you just ;; burst out laughing ;;; until you fall off your chair. 
Has the party time down pat. He won’t arrive until three hours later, and that’s when you tell him an earlier time than everyone else. 
Will drink anything your uncle offers up. He’s a lightweight. You end up half-carrying him half-dragging him back to his house. Nearly trips on the sea of shoes outside the front door and falls on you. 
You’re just lucky that he doesn’t discharge his Quirk randomly when he’s drunk.
Doesn’t get Asian glow.  
When your mom discovers you struggling outside she just tells him to sleep over and if this is his first party with you guys, you’re able to get the bed because he’s the guest 😌😌. If he’s been here several times before, yeah ;; you guys are going back to a pile of blankets on the floor.  
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
The “big brother” figure of the party. 
The kids love him and he’s willingly playing “Heroes and Villains” with them for hours. 
Since he’s so broad they hang off of him like a limpet and he walks around with children draped around him. 
Ngl... He walks into the party dressed like all of your other male cousins. 
Basketball shorts, t-shirt, crew socks. 
He’s able to find his shoes super fast at the end of the party because he’s the only person that’s willing to wear crocs. 
Willing to go outside with your cousins to play basketball with them but he’s so out of practice that he fumbles so bad. 
After several games he gets the hang of it and isn’t deadweight to your team anymore. 
LOVES going to your family’s parties because he gets to eat whatever he wants without holding back. Eats several plates and when someone suggests going to get ice cream he’s like, /gasp/ “Ice cream???” 
They were offering the little kids, but okay, a teenager can come along too. 
You’re never too old for ice cream. 
For some reason he’s able to get along with everyone at the party?? He just has a personality that makes him easy to talk to, and by the end of the night or the next day, he’s saying goodbye to everyone by name. 
[“No, wait, [Name], I haven’t said goodbye to your cousin’s sister-in-law’s daughter yet. 
You do a double-take because even you have no idea who that is.] 
When he gets a little bit older and he’s finally allowed to move out of the kid’s table and eat with the older male relatives he’s so ;;; awkward. 
They’re just all in the garage eating, drinking, and smoking and he’s just sitting there having no idea what to do. 
Eventually he convinces you to join him in the garage because he wants your emotional support and is super shocked when you fit right in. He’ll just ;;; go back to the kid’s table. 
Can’t sing to save his life. 
You guys heard him do karaoke once and you never let him do it again. 
If one of your relatives teases him he’s able to laugh it off and not think too much about it, but if they say something that might be hurtful to you he’s so quick to shut it down. He doesn’t care that they’re blood related to you or not. 
Does not let up until they apologize. 
For some reason all of the ladies are confused af when they find out that he dyed his hair?? They’re like omg is he a secret delinquent. 
LOVES to hear your relatives talk about what you were like when you were a kid. 
It’s embarrassing af but he just laughs it off like, “It’s okay, babe! You sound like you were super cute as a kid!” 
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whatudottu · 3 years
Petropia wouldn’t exactly be the type to grow its own plants, but with a few quick searches, I can say that’s it’s possible. And, when looking at the existance of Petrosapiens, surely there comes animals too, right?
This will hardly be concrete, just speculation, but this will... fill out the world of Petropia a little more.
So, starting off, y’all know how I love to include red sleep in my string of headcanons. It’s a little plant that can be easily added to a rock garden, not that you’d want to.
A little tidbit on rock plants though, there IS a tiny requirement for soil. Now, for our little crystal eating friend here, we can say that red sleep has adapted to turn crystals into soil, which it then consumes and takes its nutrients. This, for one, signifies an evolutionary adaptation that may have occurred in more that one species.
Convergent evolution is a wonderful thing, and given the mostly if not all crystal environment of Petropia, it’s highly possible that a lot of its species has this crystal to nutrience adaptation. Yes, I am essentially saying here that crystalivores (crystal-eaters) are most likely to produce the same chemicals in digestion.
So, much like stomach acid to Humans is more than likely to harm ourselves, Petrosapiens have the same issue. Unlike Humans, where most soil-based plants on Earth do not produce the same stomach acid, the plants that eat crystals on Petropia DO, and it’s far more common and widespread.
But rock plants aren’t the only plants that can grow on Petropia. There are air plants and water plants too.
Now, Petropia doesn’t have much in the way of weather, not only because it’s naturally subterranean, but also because there isn’t a lot of stuff on the surface to actually form weather (save from wind of course). However, that does not mean that moisture does not exist on Petropia at all. One of the cornerstones of cave development is water, made not from rain, but from condensation.
Life may or may not exist thanks to water, life may or may not come into fruition without it, but to avoid going fantasy, water Petropia shall have. Their ocean would take up quite a lot of the planet’s deepest reaches, but that’s how our ocean works anyway.
Lakes, rivers and the odd waterfall also exist on Petropia, but running water only typically forms after years of crystal erosion. An occasional, unique water system are shrinking lakes, where instead of growing from the condensation, the minerals in the water actually form new crystal ground. It’s a cycle.
Getting back to plants, water plants can take root in these conditions, requiring at least an inch of water most of the time. Air plants, despite the name, would also thrive in these damper areas, seeing as though they take the water heavy air and incorporate it into their systems.
But what of sunlight you ask, what about photosynthesis.
Well my friends, my recent Petropia post talked about how the crystals of its walls would glow from the UV light of the sun. Plants closer to the surface would be bright light plants, but those deeper in still get a glow, being naturally low light plants.
Truly underwater plants, like the equivalent of seaweed, may have some trouble in forming like Earth seaweed. But no matter, low light rock-based plants may adapt to survive no light, feasting on the walls, floors and cliff edges of the underground sea that they cling to.
Now that the plants have been set, let’s begin talk about animals. Maybe as a way to try and make this flow, underwater animals may in fact exist. Since direct exposure to the sun is impossible from an underground, a lot of the creatures underneath may be more akin to midnight zone fish on Earth.
Almost in reference to Petrosapien’s occasional glowing eyes, the idea of having majority a of the sea creatures be bioluminescent seems really cool. Ah, my bias is showing, yes, but scientifically bioluminescence is a certain natural chemical reaction to oxygen. Structure wise, the deeper the fish the less likely they have bones, or in the Petropian equivalent, natural biological crystal structures.
Motile creatures can and do occasionally evolve armour, and depending on the pressure of the water, may be Petrosapien-like with their crystal structure acting as an exoskeleton. Sessile creatures, however, are more likely to grow or even dig into the crystals. In fact, a rather large proportion would most likely be crystalivores too. Not to say that Petrosapiens had initially evolved from sessile coral type creatures, but there is a higher chance that they do share a common ancestor than not.
Predators of crystal-covered animals are typically both carnivores and crystalivores (a combination word would need to depend on what... i think it’s class if insectivores have anything to say about it). However, certain predators are only crystalivores, while others are pure carnivores. Herbivores typically don’t have this battle, as a majority of plants don’t typically rely on crystals for protection.
Stepping out of the water, terrestrial animals can either have endoskeletons of crystal, with whatever appropriate skin material as their outer layer, or exoskeletons, where their skin is almost completely not present, acting more so a liner between crystal and flesh. Fur is most probably not a factor, it’s rather humid underground in damp caves, but perhaps one or two species develop a waterproof coat.
There’s sure as heck gonna be loads of little critters that no doubt contribute heavily towards pollination of plant life, if not just serve as the Petropian equivalent of bugs. Being small would mean that there is an explosive amount of niches yet to be fulfilled, and even if I new every one of them, it would take forever looking into the specific.
I would say, the creatures that have endoskeletons would most likely grow to large sizes, mainly due to the square-cube law. This would mean that Petrosapiens themselves are not all that large in comparison to certain animals. Perhaps to the point of predators? I’ll get to that.
Whether or not Petrosapien’s have the same innate Human desire to adopt something can vary, but my brain is smooth and only thinks of funky alien animal companions. Like, just imagine a little dog-sized pillbug-armadillo looking buddy that’s just... you as a Human can’t tell, but from a Petrosapien’s perspective could just as well be a VERY happy puppy. And it’s just, it’s baby but aside from the funky alien pupper I have no clues on how culturally they would be domesticated like???
Anyway, back on track.
Ever since I starting thinking of north and south Petropia, I couldn’t exactly stop. I would say that Petropia’s ‘moons’ may have previously been apart of the planet, ages and ages ago, so that safe passage from north and south WAS a thing. Just like how the ice age opened and closed some pathways to different areas of Earth, this could functionally be the same for Petrosapiens.
However, I will say that, because there’s no feasible way for Petrosapiens to get across the planet (unlike Humans and boats across the sea), whichever side was the last to be populated and eventually trapped on the other side were forced into changing to fit the new environment’s niche. Now, they didn’t change all too much, being still very much Petrosapien, but there are some visual distinctions.
Uh, what those are though I don’t know.
The primary differences however are the different ecology, since animals don’t demand finding out new things and being ocean-bound prevent water to land back to water journeys. So, if Petrosapien’s were to have predators, it depends on who you ask.
I have two ideas, mainly inspired by caves and also rock eaters of Earth. One, being the cave influence, are essentially megafauna bat, that can play frequencies that can on the odd and most beneficial occasion ring crystal (not a good thing if you have tuning forks on your back). The other are giant seaslug squids, ones with shells that glitter with consumed crystals.
Who gets who is up in the air, but this post wasn’t meant to be a specific analysis of all the species and body plans of Petropia.
Welp, I hope you at least enjoyed it.
And yeah, I’ve learnt my lesson. Went straight to notes on this one.
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rpd-rookie · 4 years
Pollen - Chris Redfield x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
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Summary: A new type of mutamycete has been discovered in a remote region of South America. As a scientist working for Blue Umbrella, you are sent along with BSAA Captain Chris Redfield and his team to conduct research on it. Unfortunately, everything goes to hell when the infection goes out of control and start contaminating the unit ...
Author’s Notes: This is a request sent by the Queen of Headcanons (@missmamacitaoliveira​). It is basically porn with a plot and I chose to characterise it as "mild dub!con" because the sexual interaction depicted in this one shot is definitely the result of an arousal both characters (Chris and Reader) experience because of the mutamycete that contaminated them. Consent is given but the sexual act in itself is still a mix of fear and lustfulness at least at the beginning of it. Read at your own risk.
Warning: Sex Pollen / Smut / Mildly Dubious Consent / Rough Sex / Masturbation / Language 
           Golden spore-like particles were beautifully floating and dancing in the air outside the sterile plastic tent, shining like millions of innocent little fireflies but killing like a deadly swarm of wasps. They were covering the surrounding forest in yellow, from the trunks of the trees up to their tops, rotting the bark and the leaves, turning them into a thick yellowish mold capable of liquefying even the most solid of steels. A one-of-a-kind fascinating spectacle you had never thought to witness one day.   Incredible – yet scary - what this new type of fungus was capable of doing.  
Your earpiece crackled loudly in your ear, making you grimace and you dropped your leather notebook on your desk. “We’ve …sot … bit of sit…tion.” was all you could make out, the words sounding like gibberish because of the permanent interferences caused by the large cloud of mutamycete that had spread and contaminated the ambient air and the flora in the forest area by the riverside. “What kind of situation?” You asked, already removing a white Hazmat suit from a hanger. A never-ending sizzling was buzzing in your ear now, making it impossible to ear whoever was trying to communicate with you. “Hello?” You said as you adjusted the device to restore the communication. But all of a sudden, some static electricity – probably generated by the interferences - fried your earpiece in your ear, making you squeal in pain and fear and troubling your vision for a second. “Shit.” You cursed as your threw the broken earpiece to the ground, a low buzzing echoing in your head. “Why does it always happen to me?”             You quickly slipped on the rubber suit, put on some chemical overshoe boots and grabbed Umbrella’s latest air-filter helmet before heading towards the exit.             Luckily for you, you didn’t have to wander outside for too long as an officer rushed towards you, pointing at the military green tent that happened to belong to the medical unit that accompanied you on this mission. “Hurry, please.” He said with an alarmed voice that sent shivers down your spine. Something was definitely wrong.
           You ungraciously followed him to the tent, your uncomfortable get-up making it hard for you to run properly. After all, it was made to work in a lab, not play commando in a remote tropical region of South America.             Once in there, you immediately noticed two soldiers convulsing hard on their medical beds, struggling to breathe in spite of the oxygen the mechanical ventilators were providing them. Their faces were bright red, covered with pustules and blisters; their skin peeling off as if some acid had splashed on them.             “What happened?” You dared ask, your widened eyes staring in shock at the poor men whose painful screams where muffled by the masks covering their melting faces. “Unsuitable gear. Thank your corporate overlords for that.” You glanced at the man who had answered, recognizing the angry powerful husky voice in spite of the deformation caused by the gas helmet he was wearing. “Captain Redfield, I’m sure…” He waved you to shut up and you obeyed, knowing that now was not the time to start an argument with him. It would not end up well, Redfield being too impulsive and stubborn to have a calm conversation with you even in more peaceful circumstances. His reluctance to work with Umbrella Co., you supposed. “How can I help?”   “You’ve been studying this new mold, haven’t you?” Chris asked as he rushed to immobilise one of his men to allow a medic to sedate him with a syringe of morphine. “Might care to explain what’s happening?”         “I’ve only studied the infection on the nearby vegetation. I don’t know what’s happening to them.”    You mumbled, trying to keep your composure and ignore your growing concern and panic caused by the gut-churning vision before you.       “Just tell what you know!” Chris growled as he pinned his struggling teammate down on the white mattress with an incredible strength you found scarily impressive. “It’s basically the same mutamycete that we collected at the Baker’s except that it was somehow genetically modified to have a reproductive morphology similar to plants and flowers. That’s why it looks so much like pollen.”         “Make it understandable for a 5 years old, Y/LN, please.” Chris demanded with an annoyed sigh and you nodded though you didn’t really know how explain days and days of complex scientific research in a few simple sentences.     “Alright. The previous mutamycete permitted to turn dead people into Molded, sort of. This new version does the same but it can also reproduce … breed if you prefer. A simple contact with a compatible host can lead to fecundation that can ultimately lead to lots of Molded babies. But I don’t need to develop that part, do I? Everyone in this tent knows how to make babies, I believe.” You scoffed, finding a certain comfort and some safety in sarcasm. But now was not the time for humour and you understood it perfectly when Captain Redfield glared at you. “Sorry. I tend to make bad jokes when I freak out.” And you were definitely freaking out right now. “But to sum up, this new mutamycete basically mimics the primary instinct of a G- virus infectee.”     “Meaning?” Chris asked, his voice sounding an octave lower certainly because of the knot in his throat the simple mention of the G-virus had created.       “It basically has a vital need to procreate, relentlessly searching for the right host to fecundate.” “So you’re saying that my men are what … pregnant with Molded?”          He frowned and you could hear all his worries in his voice. He genuinely cared about his men. Very admirable and honourable. “I don’t know, Captain. I’m just telling you how it works on plants. Might be different for humans… I hope. Do you have an ultrasound scanner?” “ No, but we have one at the lab.” The doctor said. “ Then we need to evacuate quickly. And I …” You took some surgical pliers from a medical trolley and a test tube from your pocket. “…am going to need a sample to study all this.”
You approached one of the soldiers who was now basically dozing because of the morphine and slowly removed one of his gloves to cut one of his nails in order to later study his DNA. But as soon as your fingers touched him, he woke up with a start and jumped you, growling like a beast and grabbing you by the waist with a superhuman strength, almost digging his nails in your flesh through your clothes.         You first instinct was to scream. Not the most efficient thing to do, you agreed. But, fortunately for you, you were accompanied by men who had better first instincts and reflexes than you. Chris pushed his man away from you and pounced on him, grabbing him almost brutally by the wrists to slam him down against the bed. You put a hand over your pounding heart and stared, terrified and powerless, at the enraged man squirming to get up. His eyes were dark and hungry and fixed upon you as if he was unable to focus his attention on anything else. “What the fuck, Carter?” Chris roared as he used all his weight to keep his soldier in place. But Carter didn’t care. Carter didn’t even look human anymore. And watching those two men struggling on this bed was like watching two lions fighting on National Geographic. Except that it was terrifying. Fucking terrifying.
           Twenty-four hours later, Carter and his teammate were dead and their bodies still burning up like hot ember had been placed in the morgue section of the lab for you and your colleagues to study. But, in spite of the disgusting bloody experiments you led on them, you couldn’t take your mind out of the near-death experience you had been through at the camp. It haunted you, making it almost impossible for you to focus exclusively on your work. Those eyes. That darkness in them. That hunger that looked more and more sexual and lustful the more you thought about it. It was making you shiver in fear and discomfort. You had never seen anything like it before.       You shook your head to make the images go away and concentrated again on your researches. You had been studying fours little rats in a glass cage for hours, trying to see how their systems reacted to the new mutamycete. But for now, six hours after injection, only an unusual high body temperature could be noticed.
The automatic sliding door of your lab opened with a hiss, making you slightly jump. You briefly checked the clock on the wall. 10:38pm. You didn’t expect any visit that late especially not a visit from Chris Redfield. “Captain Redfield. What are you doing … here?” You furrowed, staring at him with concern. He didn’t look so well.     “Something’s happening to me.” His voice was cavernous and raspy and he sounded almost out of breath as if he was chocking under his black turtle neck.             You immediately got up, resisting the instinctive urge to come closer to check up on him and took a few steps back. “Alright. Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong and I’ll see what …” You weren’t able to finish your sentence as Chris crumbled to the floor beneath him, growling as if he was trying to resist something, his nails dug in the grooves of the white tiles. “Oh my god, Chris.” “I feel like I’m burning up.” He struggled to say. And this time you rushed towards him. You couldn’t leave him like that. You had to do something.          
Knelt onto the floor, you grabbed his broad shoulders to help him lean his back against a lab bench. His face was scarlet red and pearls of sweat were dripping along his forehead. You wiped them away with your sleeve. They felt weirdly sticky and had a strange sour smell. But what worried you the most was the heat radiating from Chris’s body. You could feel it brushing your face. It looked like the man had been microwaved. “Don’t move. I’ll call for help.” You tried to get up but Chris’ hand caught your arm in a firm strong grip that made you wince. “You don’t… understand.” He managed to say, panting, his extremely dilated brown eyes staring at your (colour) confused ones.
Without forewarning, he placed your hand over his crotch, a gesture you found disgusting, salacious and incredibly inappropriate and that instinctively made you squeal and try to get away from Chris’ grasp. He was incredibly hard. “What the fuck?” You gasped, horrified as you tried to quickly get up. But you lost your balance and clumsily fell on your rear. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.” He confessed, suffocating. “I’ve been like this for the past hour or so.”         “The past hour?” You repeated, not knowing how to react or what to do. “Please tell me you can do something.” Chris begged, truly shamed and panicked and perfectly aware of the how indecent and degrading his behaviour must feel to you.   You stood up to focus on your breathing and regain your calm. “Okay. Everything’s going to be fine. Breathe.” You needed to have your mind clear if you wanted to help Chris. You needed your scientist mind back. “Are you … aroused?” You said, genuinely uncomfortable to ask something so intimate.           “Fuck, Y/LN!” Chris growled, glancing down at his pants. “ Isn’t it obvious? I’m freaking hard!” “Clearly.” You cleared your throat. “Don’t move.” You rushed towards your cupboard to rummage in it. “I’m going to give you GnRH antagonists. They can suppress hormones like testosterone. It should ease your pain for a while, or at least long enough to be able to find something that might help you. It’s possibly an effect linked to a long exposure to the mutamycete. Got you.” You took the vial with your trembling hands and turned around to go back to Chris. But what you didn’t realised was that Chris was just right behind you.
You bumped into his large chest and accidentally dropped the vial onto the floor. It broke into a thousand pieces as it landed on the tiles and you cursed, internally blaming yourself for your stupid clumsiness and your panic. “Please don’t tell me that’s what I needed.”       You grimaced, scared to tell him the truth as you could tell he was getting angry again. Then again, who wouldn’t?       “There might be another way.” You tried to reassure him but you knew it was vain. “Another way?” He harrumphed with a growl of pain as he leaned against your desk to breathe deeply. “What way?”     “ Well, have you tried to … you know…” You mimicked a pumping motion with your hand, not daring to say the word. “Masturbate?”         “You’re serious?” Chris’ darkened eyes widened, refusing to believe you were actually serious. “This is your medical advice? You want me to jerk off!”           “Yes, that’s what I want … I mean advise.” You corrected, probably as uncomfortable than him right now, if not more.           “Are you guys at Umbrella all dumb or is it just you? I don’t even know how I still can walk, Y/LN. I’ve never been that sensitive in my entire life. I feel like if I touch myself I will actually explode, like literally. I can’t jerk off right now!”  
There was an awkward silence that didn’t last long as Chris turned around to shout his suffering again. Though this time it was mixed with an animalistic rage whose cause was still blurry to you. Was it mad at you? At himself? At his condition? At Umbrella? … All of it?     You sighed and approached him. Hands on his back you helped him face you. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this.”   You told yourself.      
You put your hand over Chris’ male parts, making him wince and hiss, to blindly look for the zipper, staring away from him on purpose. “What the fuck are you doing?” He asked, slapping your hand away from him. “You got a better idea, soldier boy?!” You retorted, wishing there was another solution and that this all situation was merely a nightmare. You opened Chris’ trousers and disgustedly slid your hand in his briefs. “Ouch, easy!” He grumbled the second your fingertips touched him. His member was so sensitive and aching right now.       “This is the worse day of my life.” You admitted as you delicately took his hot swelling length, which was thicker and heavier than what you expected, in a limp grip. “Pff. I’m sure part of you enjoys it” Chris said in between two guttural moans, a sensation of both suffering and pleasure tensing his abs and clenching his jaw. “You must think it is karma for all the times I’ve been an ass to you.”             “What?” You harrumphed as you stopped moving your hand, genuinely offended. “How can you believe I’m enjoying it? You’re sick.”           “Then why are you all flushed?” He asked.
All this panic and concern for Chris had made forget about your safety and yourself in general. You touched your cheeks. They were abnormally hot and you could feel their sudden redness tickling your skin. “Embarrassment and panic.” You retorted, trying to convince yourself more than Chris. After all, wasn’t it the most plausible reason? Unless… “Or the mutamycete and in that case it’s all your fault and if I die I’ll come and kill you.” You started panting and Chris stared at you silently. “What? You think that masturbating you arouses me? Pff, you should know better than anyone right now what it means to be aroused.”         “Y/N” He called out by your first name. He had never done that before.   “What?!” You screamed, pissed at him.         “Shut the fuck up and keep going.” He ordered with a severity worthy of his military status. “Seriously?” He didn’t reply, seeing no need for an answer, and you reluctantly resumed your soft motion on his engorged cock, feeling the prominent thick veins throbbing against your palm as Chris suddenly began removing his military vest and his turtleneck “Are you kidding me?” You mumbled in between your teeth, definitely not liking this situation. “I’m burning up. I can’t stand my clothes anymore.” But soon your eyes occasionally started glancing towards Chris’ broad and hairy chest. He had a formidable body. God, what the hell were you thinking?   “Please tell me you’re gonna cum soon.” You begged but he didn’t respond. A bad sign. “Gosh, I must be doomed.”     “Perhaps if you actually put some effort in it.” Your eyes widened at him. Was it really criticizing the way you were jerking him off? “Seriously, Mister ‘Ouch I’m too sensitive’?”     “Don’t mind me. I get it. You’d rather do something else than help me right now. And I know this must feel very degrading. Well guess what? I’d rather do something else than being jerked off by you.” You stepped back. You had had enough of it. “Then go ahead.” You waved at the door. “Leave and get out of your bloody mess on your own. I don’t give a fuck. Actually you should have done that from the very beginning instead of coming to me. Why did you come here anyway?”             “I have no fucking idea, Y/N. I was in my quarters and seconds later I was here. I can’t explain it. I was like … guided here. ” You frowned, finding this honest confession extremely weird and yet not so absurd, your scientific brain making a parallel between Chris’s words and the way the mutamycete was permanently searching for a host to breed. The conclusion that Chris might want the same thing froze you to the spot, scared and apprehensive, a bit like a deer caught in headlights. Why hadn’t you thought about that earlier?  “And the more I look at you, the more I stay with you… I wanna fuck you so bad. And I hate myself for it.”
You gulped, finding yourself unable to regain control over your paralysed body as an instantaneous wet hotness formed in between your legs. You tried to repress it but Chris came closer, his darkened chocolate brown eyes staring at you the same way Agent Carter’s eyes had stared at you under that tent. It made you shake, expecting with a certain amount of fear what was bound to happen.     “Fuck! You have no fucking idea how hard it is to resist the urge to just slam you against that desk and shove my cock into you.” Your heart skipped a bit and the air got stuck in your lungs. You couldn’t breathe anymore. Terrified and yet so atrociously aroused it was making you want to hurl. A strange sensation – certainly a result of the contamination - you had never experienced in your entire life and you didn’t know how to process.     “I’m calling security.” You announced as you somehow managed to rush towards your desk. “They’re going to place you under quarantine. That’s what I should have done from the very beginning.” You tried to seize your phone but it was immediately taken away from away from you and thrown across the room before you could even push a single button.  
You trembled again when you suddenly felt Chris’s towering body press against your back, his hardened member pushing against your butt as his muscular arms were forming a caging embrace to prevent you from escaping. “Then why haven’t you?”  He whispered in you ear, his hot breath tickling your neck and making you shiver, this time more in arousal than in fear. “I don’t know.” You mumbled in a whisper, feeling your heart pounding like crazy in your chest because of the exquisite proximity between Chris’ strong body and yours. This was insane.
You moaned when you felt Chris softly grazing his teeth against the sensitive skin of your neck and then gasped with a certain apprehension when his large hand grabbed your throat to squeeze it, knowing he could choke you to death with ease right now without giving you a chance to fight back. “Tell me you want this.” He murmured, rubbing his pelvis against your rear hoping teasing you would convince you to give in to him. “I won’t touch you unless you want me to. But please, please, tell me you want me to.” You looked back at him to stare at his eyes. In their hungry darkness, you could notice that Chris was still in there, spotting his integrity slightly gleaming behind the veiled pupils. He was fighting the temptation caused by this stupid fungus. But how long could he resist? Or better question, how long could you resist judging by the wetness growing in your panties. The answer? Not long.
“Do it.” You whispered so low, hoping he would not hear you and let go of you. But he did hear you and he didn’t wait. He pulled your skirt up to your waist and ripped your panties with a swift powerful motion that made you squeal and hold on tight to your desk.     “I don’t think it’ll take long.” Chris said with a raspy voice as he dropped his trousers and briefs to his feet, finally freeing his throbbing cock that sprang erected and hard as a stone pillar. He watched it for a second, admiring it twitching and begging to be relieved. Then he stared at you, at your naked butt and your glistening red lips. “Gosh, you look delicious.” He said to himself before spitting on his finger to lube his length. Last thing he wanted was to hurt you. “You’re sure you’re up for this?” He asked again, not knowing how he would react if you said no. “I’m sure. Just fuck me, please.” You whimpered and Chris smiled as he guided himself towards your entrance. He moved briefly in between your half-closed thighs, right against your tight lips, to spread your juices along his shaft before kicking your calves to make you spread your legs for him.       Once the access granted, he finally pushed himself deep into you, sliding him member so deep it almost disappeared in you. You winced and moaned, nails dug in the wood of the desk, when you felt him stretching you, definitely not used to welcome such girth inside your pussy. “Holy shit.” You cursed, with a small tear in the corner of your eye. “You’re so big.”           “I know. Sorry.” He chuckled, his hand wandering down your back. “You’ll get used to it.” You cried out when Chris suddenly pulled out to push himself back inside of you with one single hard move. The force of his thrust made you fall flat on the desk. “You got nothing against rough sex, right baby girl?” Baby girl? The pet name made you furrow. What was next? You calling him daddy? “Cause I’m in that kind of mood right now.” He growled as he repeated the same motion, making you muffle a new loud moan in the leather notebook on which your head was resting. “Let’s get this over with.” You growled, already breathless.
Chris’ pelvis smacked loudly against your ass, making it bounce, as his heavy balls hit your swollen clit. “Fuck!” You shouted, hating the sensation as much as you were liking it. And he did this over and over. With time, you grew accustomed to the brutality and even happened to find a blissful pleasure in his roughness. Hell, you could even hear how wet your pussy was. “You like that? You want it faster?” You nodded and he grabbed your hips to pull you even closer to him and started relentlessly pounding you from behind. You screamed his name, wondering how he could still be that rough and yet that fast. His cock was literally a jackhammer hitting you hard inside, not that you minded. “Yes, just like that.” You said as you brought your fingers to your swollen clit. “Do you want to cum already?” You heard the cheekiness in his voice. He was amused.   “Aren’t you the one who said it wouldn’t last long?” You retorted with a mocking smile that he definitely noticed in the tone of your voice since he grasped a handful of your hair to pull you back against his chest. “You’re going to regret this tone, young lady.” He bit your lips, making you almost bleed and kissed you with a hunger and a ferocious passion that would certainly let your lips bruised for days.
And as he did, his fingers crawled towards the buttons of your white shirt to violently tear the clothe apart, reducing it to rags and making the small metallic buttons fly in the lab. “Let me see those boobs.” Chris ordered as his hands squeezed your breasts, feeling the hard nipples pointing through your laced bra that he ultimately removed with the same burning ardour he had shown while removing your shirt. “So perky and pretty.” He confessed in a whisper as he pinched the rosy teats between his fingers. “Do you like them?” You asked, biting your sored lips           “More than I like you. That’s for sure.” The rebuke made you sourly laugh. “I don’t like you either.”     “Good.” He turned you over to face him and pushed you against your desk to make you sit on it, throwing all your stuff to the ground before laying you down on it. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist but that’s apparently not what Chris wanted as he put both your feet above his left shoulder with a grunt. “And don’t move.” He commanded and his hand slapped your breasts. They reddened almost instantly but the overall sensation was exhilarating, making you clenched your walls around Chris’s cock. “Fuck, don’t squeeze me like that.” He complained and you chuckled. But your laugh was brief since Chris caught you by your legs again and resumed his previous pounding.
You head tilted to the side and a stream of OHs and AHs escaped your mouth. You were completely at Chris’ mercy, lost in an intense bliss that made you completely unaware of the world around you. There was only pleasure. Pleasure and Chris.         You toes went to feel Chris’ muscular pectorals, curling up more and more by the second. “I think I’m gonna cum.” You confessed with half-lidded eyes that you could barely keep open now. “Yeah?” You nodded. “You want me to help you?”       “Please.” You whined, desperately wanting to let the ticking bomb of pleasure between your legs explode. “Alright then.” His arms circled your waist and he hoisted you up against his chest with an incredible ease. You were certainly very light for a man as strong as Chris.         His small dark hair tickled your breasts, making you shiver and you wrapped your legs against him as well as your arms around his neck. You could feel it still inside of you and you were waiting eagerly to se how he would manage fucking you in that position which was far from easy. “Hold on tight.” He announced as he squeezed your ass to make you slide up and down his penis. The first moves were sloppy and clumsy but what followed drove you back in intense delight. The perks of being fucked by a man who had definitely been spoiled by Mother Nature.
Your body perfectly angled against Chris’, hands now holding on tight to his large shoulders, you could feel your clit rub atrociously well against the bush surrounding his member that your pussy had excessively creamed. “Chris. I’m cumming.” You shut your eyes and cradled against his body to keep yourself in place when the exhilarating moment you had been longing for finally happened.             You shouted so loud as you clenched your walls against Chris’s cock you wondered how no one rushed in your lab to see what was happening in there. “That’s it baby girl. Cum for me.” Chris hissed, his mind split between your pussy squeezing him tightly and your nails scratching his shoulders to the blood. “Fuck, Chris!” Your climax knocked you out, rendering you dizzy and limp, and you let yourself slump against Chris, head over his shoulder.             “Alright time to truly finish this.” He chuckled and knelt to the floor where he laid you hot body on the tiles. The coldness made you tremble but you were too giddy and tired to mind. Nevertheless, you sensed Chris lie on top of you, his massive body sprawled over yours almost crushing it under his weight.
His shaft found his way back in your relaxed pussy and he weaved his hand in your soft hair to pound you for the last time. Only soft almost soundless moans escaped your mouth but you could tell that the effect of your powerful orgasm was slowly fading away as your energy was slowly growing back and regaining your limbs. “I’m gonna cum in you.”         This was a terrible idea, risky even, and you knew it. But you didn’t know how – or didn’t want – to fight back, actually desiring to feel Chris’s hot sperm spurt inside of you. So instinctively, you managed to circle his waist with your legs and spur his hard rear to make him go deeper inside of you. “Eager girl. You want to take my cum so bad, don’t you?” He scoffed and kissed your lips hard as he pinned your wrists up your head to finally release his sticky white seed in your vagina with a guttural animalistic grunt that echoed in the lab. “Take it.” He growled as he kept pushing himself hard inside of you to be sure not to waist a single drop of his semen.
Chris pulled out of you and gazed at you glistening red pussy, glad to see that his cum was not oozing out of you. “That felt so good.” He admitted before allowing himself to fall next to you with a sigh of content and enjoy the coldness of the tiles against his sweaty body. “And you know what? I actually feel a lot better.” You didn’t answer, exhausted but more especially lost in your thoughts. Gosh, what have you done?           “You’re alright?” Chris asked, his voice finally back to normal. You glanced at him and noticed even his eyes had found their sweet chocolate colour back. “ Y/N”   Your name echoed in your head and you suddenly got the impression that your body was abnormally convulsing. “Y/LN! Y/N” Chris repeated as he urged to hold you. “Y/LN. Hello?” You felt your mind slowly dozing off, finding yourself unable to answer. What the hell was happening? That was the last thing that came to your mind before it completely shut off. Then everything went dark and only Chris’ voice calling your name remained. “Y/LN! Open your eyes. Wake up!”
           You woke up with a start, lost and wondering where you were, your startled eyes scanning your surroundings in search of something familiar. It took you a couple of seconds to realise you were laying on the ground and that you actually were in your tent, a the camp. “Y/LN” Your eyes met Chris’. He was staring at you with concern, his hands firmly holding your shoulders. “You’re alright?” You stared at him, still very astonished and then, you spontaneously jumped in his arms. “Chris! You’re okay!” The relief in your voice made Chis frowned and he slowly pushed you away. “Yes. You?” You nodded with a smile.   “So it was a dream?” You asked, expecting an answer from Chris which was completely absurd. “A dream?” He repeated. “Are you sure you’re okay? Did you bump your head or something? Hurt yourself?”     “No.” You shook your head, not getting why he looked so worried.         “But your ear.” He pointed at it, not daring to touch it and you brought your fingertips to it. A thick liquid was pouring out of it. It was pus and blood. You were bleeding. Why were you bleeding? “What the fuck?” You looked around you only to spot the fried earpiece on the ground next to you.           The interferences. The static electricity. It had certainly burst your eardrum and made you faint and … “It was all a dream.”
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itsnina-bitch · 4 years
Podcast part 2
Read the first part first to understand, but a refresher: Bucky and Natasha start a podcast on murder mysteries (CACW and infinity war never happened)
Note: Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language
Part 1:
“Wanna train?”
Natasha asked
Anyone watching would think they were dancing because of their in sinc
So there they were, dogging each other’s blows
Ducking their kicks, trying to pin each other down
It was about 10 minutes in when Natasha manged to pin the soldier
“I win”
Natasha says while hovering over him, almost touching her
“Let’s see”
Round two, the red head wins again
“What happened Barnes? Forgot your morning coffee?”
After one hour of training, the two of them went their separate ways
But Bucky wasn’t going to let that pass
He will manage to pin her down
I mean how hard can it be?
VERY hard.
I mean extremely hard
But he doesn’t know that yet so shhhh
Though he did win a few times
After a long shower he went on with his daily routine, but this time he couldn’t stop thinking of Natasha Romanoff
Fast forward, he meets with her again to help with the script
“What’s the plan agent?”
Except the slightly above average amount of comments of Sam, Steve, Clint and Tony, they were good
It was around 8 pm when someone knocked on his door
“Bucky, we need to talk”
Said Clint before locking the door
Bucky has no idea what happened or what he was going to say
“It’s about Nat. I can tell you like her”
“Is it that obvious?”
“She still hasn’t figured out, but I’m pretty sure the rest of the avengers ship you guy’s”
“Ship? Like a boat?”
After a while, the both of them were talking about Nat, Clint’s early relationship with Laura and some advice
“But if you hurt her; You. Are. Dead.”
Though Clint doesn’t seem like much of a threat, when it came to Nat it his family he would kill him and everyone else in this planet in the blink of an eye
Bucky quietly nodded, knowing that if he did anything to her, he would never forgive himself
Moments later, Clint was back to give him advice on how to ask her out
“Hey buck, dinner’s ready”
Steve said from behind the door
He would be lying if he said that he wasn’t listening to their conversation
Hell, they are SUPER SPYS and can’t hide a conversations
“How long have you been there?”
“Not long...”
He said as the two avengers stare at him
The blond man admitted
“So you and Nat huh?”
After dinner, James told his best friend the whole story, from the red room and hydra to podcasts
Well, most of it
A few details were too intimate, and others were something he wanted to keep to himself
But he didn’t want Steve to feel guilty he couldn’t save him, so he didn’t talk about the pain, the suffering, the flashbacks that crawl at the back of his head
So he ended up just like Clint; he thought it was only an affair, a one time thing, when in reality, he couldn’t be more wrong
“I just hope you’re happy now, with her”
Later that night, the clock read 3:26 am
James couldn’t sleep, as usual
His PTSD was unbearable, and he had to get some fresh air
As he walked out of the compound and into the small garden Wanda instead they should have, feeling the fresh air, he noticed someone was following him
Stopping midway to see who
“Natalia? What are you doing here”
“Natasha, please. Same thing as you I guess”
The widow said
“You know, I’m having these flashbacks, of hydra, the red room... and you”
You could see the pain in his eyes, the fear, but also the slight happiness, of knowing that someone he loved was there with him
But again, in past tense
“You know, I like you too”
Confessed Natalia, or Natasha
“Steve is a horrible liar”
Bucky muttered under his breath
He stepped closer to her, and cupped her cheeks with his flesh hand and wrapped her waist with his metal one
“You know Natalia, I missed you. I missed holding you.”
“I missed you too”
And then she kissed him
Though they haven’t kissed in years, it felt natural, but very passionate
Hungrily kissing each other, their tongues exploring each other, and they dove deep in to the kiss
Pulling apart for a moment to catch some air
“I also missed kissing you”
After a hot making out session, they decided to head back inside, and maybe watch a movie
As they sat down on the couch, Nat asked:
“What do you want to watch, James”
Making sure to say James in a casual way, but enough to turn him on
“I don’t know, Natalia. Come here, I have a blanket”
As she crawled over to cuddle, she was surprised as he grabbed her shoulders and pined her down still on the sofa, and started to kiss her
But after a while they decided to watch the movie
The 2 hour 3 minute helped them finally get some sleep
The downside was that Steve and Sam always had a early morning run at around 6 am everyday
So if they didn’t want to get caught, they had to leave early
**2 months later**
That routine continued for a while
Their secret dating went well, nobody knew
Let’s just say that they did more than just kiss now...
Anyways, their relationship was going well, until one day Bucky is seriously hurt in a mission
He had to stay away for a week, so sleeping goes back to being hard, no Bucky for her to cuddle with
She did stay with him at the hospital a lot, speaking mostly in Russian so that the others don’t understand
But one day Thor showed up
“трудно спать без тебя, надеюсь, ты скоро поправишься” (it’s hard to sleep without you , I hope you get well soon)
“Да, я тоже” (yeah, me too)
“так ты в отношениях”
Thor said, leaning in the doorway
“You understand Russian?”
“Yes I do, by are you courting each oth-“
“Yes but don’t tell anyone”
Natasha sighed
“Your secret is safe with me”
Out of nowhere, Tony apears;
“What secret?”
“I do not know, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to new Asgard”
Luckily, Thor saved them, but they would rather not be teased by their friends, so it’s still a secret
The podcast is still going strong, but tomorrow when Bucky gets out of the hospital they will record an episode and film it live
Meanwhile, Steve and Sam are talking about their new routine: a morning run at 5:30 am twice a week, starting tomorrow
Fast forward to the next day 3:35 am, they decided to watch a 1 hour 58 minute movie
What could go wrong?
“Hey Steve, let’s go.”
“Have you seen my shoes?”
“Check the living room”
When he gets there, he sees Bucky and Nat cuddling, watching the sunrise, with the tv still on
“So you two are together?”
A/N: hey! So I’ll leave this part to your imagination, but my headcanon is that they are now officially together, first they tell the avengers then the podcast. My other headcannon is that the avengers all have sound proof rooms bc it is often for someone to wake up screaming...
This is my second fic so sorry it’s bad! But pls give me suggestions! And personally I prefer the first one but I hope you like this one too! Thanks!
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blacknovelist · 4 years
sup ok here’s the promised details on uhhhhhh All for One in @guardianlioness​‘s and I’s Ageswap Mess, formed by collaborative headcanon jamming on discord and then roughly paraphrased via a run thru the unfortunate Quadruple Lengthening Filter that’s built into my brain bc I’m incapable of being brief.
(something of an expansion on this post and this ask. Nooooot spoiler free, actually pretty spoilers, idk, will pop it under a readmore bc who knows how long I’m gonna go on also)
ALSO!! I can’t at u but @randommly-passing-mia u asked forever ago about Toshinori and AfO’s relationship in this AU and i answered what I could then but I’m pleased to announce this goes more into that bc I knew Very Little back then. :)
So, All for One! Now, I feel it appropriate to note that the previous post I made regarding the history of OfA in Ageswap, as well as just about everything I’ve posted abt AfO and OfA for Ageswap (except for the linked ask above, obv) was made before the arc with the League of Villains and Shigaraki’s backstory all came out. Now that we’ve got some of those contexts, we can go a little further in fleshing everything else out, which we did, a little, today.
Pls keep in mind that Ageswap’s goal is not and never has been to make a direct 1:1 translation of adults to kids and vice versa -- good lord we’d have a lot of empty spaces if we were doing that. So, uh. Anyway. it’s time for “we make a mess of the characters and also the timeline and the plot because it’s Our City Now”
Student AfO is a different creature to small Toshinori of our au. For the purposes of this post we’ll call him AfO, because while I’d love to just jump into referring to him as Shigaraki there’s a lot of confusions that lie down that road. Also, again, we’re calling mr heckhands mcmike Tomura, because Shigaraki is a name with Weight.
Because canon parallels, Ageswap AfO has a little brother who we’re making Kyudai Garaki/the Good Doctor and also quirkless for our purposes (whether he’s AfO’s biological brother is up in the air, we haven’t settled yet). Garaki has something of an intense obsession with quirks, constantly studying and doing research, not unlike Izuku, and the age gap between him and AfO is... about six years. Now, because AfO had already manifested a quirk of his own and that quirk had fearsome potential, One for All was originally going to be passed on to his brother, because before Ageswap Izuku, OfA had strictly been handed down to trained members of the family.
Tomura was a member of the group that had, through the generations, been working to fight against the users of One for All. To hit them where it hurt, he attacked Izuku’s mentor’s (we’ll call them the Mentor) home with a group of League fighters. When he found out there was a quirkless boy, and a second one who was all but quirkless for all that he’d been told to avoid using his own powers, he quickly took them in under the League’s wing -- both in an act of cruelty against OfA and out of some misguided sympathy for the boys.
The fearsome thing is the toxicity of the relationships Tomura formed with the League, and eventually with the boys. He meant well, when he took them in, but whatever this version of him went through... well, just about all his relationships are some level of manipulative and unhealthy by default. See: his tendency for physical closeness and being tactile, as mentioned in the ask.
He’s firmly of an opinion along the lines of “if you’ve got the power, and you know you have the power, and you’re not using it to do whatever you can or want, then why do you even have it?” and, for all of AfO’s childhood, Tomura tried his hardest to share this with AfO and sway the kid to his side. With the Mentor having dropped off the grid and abandoned the Shigaraki name in grief, AfO and his brother had nowhere else to go, but AfO was a smart and cautious kid: he couldn’t just listen without a fight, or a reason.
(AfO didn’t know Tomura meant to kill them, that he attacked their home on purpose. When he eventually finds out, he firmly believes Tomura meant to save them)
But Tomura’s persistent, and he doesn’t stop, and eventually he points out: if All for One is a quirk that allows him to take and give quirks, does that not mean he can seek out the perfect quirk for his little brother? All the reasons he’s suffered, AfO has the power to fix that.
That’s the thing that sways AfO to their side, that convinces him to stay with the League and learn under Tomura. Because if it’s for family, isn’t it worth it?
(AfO sees Tomura as a teacher, as a friend, as someone beloved and important. Shigaraki was AfO’s name, but it can be Tomura’s too, if Tomura wants. Then everyone knows they’re family. And Tomura accepts it -- another spit in the face of an enemy, a welcomed token from a beloved student. Shigaraki is a good name for the rest of the world to use, but Tomura, Tomura is a name for the League and the League alone.)
AfO tries, at first, to find other quirks for his brother while he trains, while his brother studies (while Tomura tries to sway Garaki to their side also, because look at what you know, what you could do with that knowledge, combined with your brother’s quirk, you’re so young and so so smart-). OfA is gone beyond the League’s sight, in the hands of the Symbol of Peace, so there’s no point on dwelling on it, really, surely another quirk would work better?
But then One for All comes back around, in the hands of this blond... nobody. His brother’s quirk, running around in a stranger. AfO continues to hunt potential quirks down for his brother and his brother’s studies, but he has a new goal: to try and claim OfA back and give it to who it really belongs to.
the problem of course being that he can’t take it by force like every other quirk, and killing Toshinori would merely render it lost forever.
Essentially, AfO’s primary grudge against Toshinori is the fact that he’s the current bearer of a quirk that, in AfO’s eyes, should belong to Garaki. And Toshinori’s quirklessness, or past quirklessness... is easy to know when you know the secret of One for All.
Some good stuff gets said abt AfO vs Toshinori in this answer here I think, and I’m drawing on it: Toshinori’s more instinct and heart to AfO’s logic and strategy. That’s not to say, obv, that neither of them draw on the other quality, but it’s what stands out most to me about the two of them and just, kind of their general dynamic (or at least, that’s how it seems).
USJ was a subtle message laid beneath a louder declaration. Two-for-one, if you will. “Wouldn't it be so nice to have a quirk that fit better in your hands? that didn't fritz or go funky whenever you so much as turned your head? A quirk you might not even have to coax and strain and train and change your body for?”
But AfO does not confront Toshinori until much later, until after the sports festival. See, the mall incident in this AU is a scene on bargaining.
He confronts Toshinori at the mall -- his face is not known, and it’s a simple matter to pull him off to the side. But there won’t be fighting here today. No, he only came to talk.
Questions, first. About Toshinori, his experience with One for All, what he thinks of other people’s quirks. About what it was like for him, growing up quirkless, left abandoned by so many people for it. Eventually, his conversation circles back around. I have a little brother. He’s quirkless, just like you. You know what he went through, what he suffered.
All for One even did his research, is even willing to play by rules closer to Toshinori’s own: tucked under his arm is a folder, with lists upon lists of people. Villains with sentences for life, villains under the death sentence, people who would have no life of returning to the world ever again. People who don’t have a reason to use their quirks any longer. People for whom it wouldn’t matter if he took their quirks anyway. “Take your pick,” he offers Toshinori. “I’ll give you whatever quirk you’ve ever wanted. I’ll even take it from a villain so none of your precious civilians have to suffer the loss — but that one belongs to my little brother.”
And, well. We all know he says no.
Why would Toshinori hang onto a quirk that isn’t even his? All the people out there, bearing the quirks that his brother and even his greatest enemy were robbed of at birth, and AfO has the power to grant both Toshinori and Garaki the power that they’d dreamed of, that belongs to them. He knows what it means to suffer without a quirk. Why won’t Toshinori let him fix that?
and idk specifically what Toshi would say, but I think it’s something along the lines of “no one asks for what they're born with or given, but we make the most of it anyway. That's how we're supposed to live.“
Anyway Toshinori and All for One hate each other SO fucking much but. Unfortunately, also just kind of Get Each Other on some level. Like, they despise one another but also, if there’s one thing they can believe in, it’s that the other will always Be The Way They Are. Friendly Enemyship, if you will.
There’s some level of pity that AfO also holds on the percieved coldness of Toshinori’s relationship to his mentor, Izuku. Izuku is... really awkward, in his relationship with Toshi, and while Izuku loves his student very much he has a hard time showing it -- and Toshinori thinks so poorly of himself, it’s hard to grasp how close they are from the outside sometimes. AfO totally tries to recruit Toshinori to their side, even after he figures they’re Tight and also even though he knows Toshinori won’t ever say yes. Like, he hates the guy, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a kickass ally.
Tomura would like Toshinori and AfO says as much to his face. “You’re more like him than I am, anyway. You can act without overthinking. And he wouldn’t care if you were quirkless. He doesn’t with my brother.”
(Toshinori hates that. He isn’t, he isn’t he isn’t like him at all.)
Tomura has also more or less promised AfO that, at the end of his lifespan, his student should take on Decay. AfO, of course, doesn’t want that and is on the hunt for a good longevity quirk to give to his mentor
In the end, the way All for One is kind of being played in this AU is something not so far off from Anakin Skywalker.
In Lioness’ words:
Noble in his desire to keep his family alive
But horribly misdirected
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
Why has Adam proved controversial after Volume 6?
Fandom is a culture that is constantly changing. It’s a culture effectively built around self-sustaining itself through fanart, music videos, fanfiction and discussion theories about the content the fandom is built around to tide them over until the next big release. Taking the RWBY fandom for example, it’s a fandom that’s really only alive for less than two fifths of the average year, from October to January when the volume itself airs. The rest of the year, RWBY’s fandom has to keep itself afloat through self-generation of ideas and the sharing of the aforementioned means of content to tide people over until October comes back around and the season starts anew. Headcanons and fan theories become commonplace and can become exponentially more popular than ever intended thanks to the gap in seasons giving it time to form and gain weight as a theory before canon can prove it wrong. 
What that long period of downtime means is that you can see previously loathed characters come back from the brink and gain a lot of fandom support and approval in the turn of a season. Or alternatively, popular characters can take a swan-dive in popularity, being reduced to joke status that they never recover from. People who swore up and down that “this character is trash and I don’t care what they do with them” suddenly next hiatus are on the other side of the trenches. One season can do a lot for a character in either direction is what I’m saying. 
Because that’s what’s happened the past two years to Adam Taurus. 
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Adam after Volume 5 was a turbulent wreck of a character. Humiliated at the end of the season and forced to run with his tail between his legs, while his character lost much of the appeal that it had garnered over the prior four volumes, making him resemble a whiny child LARPing as a doomsday villain. It was a pathetic display for his character, one so infuriating it inspired me to begin writing analysis essays after a heated Discord discussion, and that essay struck a note with many of the people who read it and agreed with the contents therein, especially in regards to how much Haven damaged Adam’s threat factor. People simply weren’t scared of him appearing like they were prior to his smack from Blake, several comments even derisively writing off Blake and Yang’s rematch against Adam in advance because “they made him job before, they’ll do it again.”
 And yet interestingly, within the span of a year, the tides partially turned. With Volume 6 Adam wasn’t widely derided as a joke anymore, but in spite of that, the discussion around him was just as heated as it was last year. Adam was still the core topic of the argument but now the battle lines had been redrawn thanks to his death in the climax of Volume 6. Now it’s become commonplace for RWBY’s discussion communities to deride many of the dime-a-dozen posts about Adam and his “wasted potential” that have been arriving nearly daily like reinforcements to batten at a wall. But why? What changed in just one year that changed the entire argument around Adam? Why are his fans and critics embroiled in a new war to enter the hiatus?  
That’s what I’m trying to set out and accomplish in this essay. I am going to hopefully explain the primary reasons for why Adam is a controversial character following Volume 6, in particular why his fans are dissatisfied with the way his characterization was taken over the course of the show. Keep in m ind that parts of this essay touch on Adam’s abuse so if that’s a thing you’d rather not see, avoid going further. 
1) Headcanons were proven wrong
No one likes being wrong. Just look at students who get fail grades in exams, they’re usually despondent. It’s never something you lose as you grow up, in fact, Being wrong just sucks, to put it bluntly. 
Remember how I mentioned at the beginning that because of the content droughts fandoms experience, headcanons and theories can grow far further than anyone intended? Adam is an example of that happening for three years. 
Adam’s first appearance was in the Black Trailer, released on March 22nd, 2013. He wouldn’t make a significant appearance in the show until Heroes and Monsters, the penultimate episode to Volume 3, released on February 6th of 2016. His only significant appearances between those two dates was a cameo in the Volume 2 finale and V3C7, Beginning of the End, released on January 2nd. 
Adam’s initial appearance left much of his personality vague, barring that he was Blake’s superior, a stoic swordmaster and that he was fighting to liberate the Faunus from humanity with the full intent of taking a pound of flesh from humanity for what they’d done to the Faunus- to quote From Shadows: 
From Shadows, we’ll descend upon the world, take back what you stole, from shadows, we’ll reclaim our destiny, set our future free.
As such, the mental image of Adam that the fandom was given had nearly three years in real life to set in stone, that he was Blake’s former mentor who had fallen into extremism and terror attacks. Some even suspected going off Oobleck and Blake’s interactions in Volume 2 that Adam would receive a redemption from his wicked ways to show as an example of how Blake would redeem the White Fang from its own muck-filled past, or that Adam would need to die in an alternate variant of that story to show how far down the dark path he’d gone. Tauradonna was even a fairly high-profile ship in the early days of the show, being on roughly the same level as Blake/Weiss.
The headcanons were only given further room to grow thanks to adaptations of the Black trailer and early RWBY not taking the time to more properly setup Adam’s true character, in particular the Shirow Miwa adaptation. Miwa’s version of the scene, or at least the localized version, was released across two chapters in April and May of 2016, with the full book getting a physical print in the West in August 2017. Adam in the Miwa adaptation is far more talkative than his canon counterpart and even makes several dry quips throughout the fight:
When they first see the AK-130 guards (”Looks like we’re doing this the hard way” in the trailer): “Looks like all the seats are taken Blake.”
When asked who they are (Adam doesn’t have a line here): “We’re thieves.”
Upon seeing the Spider Droid for the first time: “Tch! He’s one serious baggage clerk.” 
Adam’s dialogue is also softened from his original dialogue to boot: 
“Buy me some time!” “But-” “Do it!” instead now is “Blake, buy me some time.“ “But that’s-” “I just need a second.” Blake also gets to make a quip that “You know... You’re fairly high-maintenance.” 
When Blake’s barrage ends, she says “I did all I could,” and Adam thanks her with “It was more than enough, get back.” All Adam says in the animated version of the scene is “Move!” 
The manga makes a significant addition to the aftermath of the battle, where Blake chides Adam for the ambush being sloppy. Adam initially just smiles as “that’s what you’re here for,” before Blake quickly rebukes him, cutting the train car as she says that the White Fang “not lower itself to bloodshed.” The last we see of Adam in the manga is him standing on the train carriage, pondering to himself “You think this is wrong Blake?” 
A similar change is And “Perfect. Move up to the next car, I’ll set the charges,” is now “There’s at least 5,000 cases. All right, let’s kill the engine.” “What about the crew?” Adam is silent and when Blake presses him for information, the Spider Droid attacks 
Prior to the train attack there is a scene added by the Manga where Blake says that the Dust will be redistributed to Faunus in need. She asks Adam to confirm this and he looks back over his shoulder, lips parsed, and says “Of course.” However the next page has a black box of him saying “Don’t overthink it Blake.”  
The point of this extended summary of the Black Trailer in Miwa’s adaptation is to show that even in adaptations of the trailer, RWBY didn’t do much to dissuade people from forming the headcanon that Adam was simply a fallen revolutionary. In fact the manga smooths out Adam’s rougher edges, making his dialogue less harsh and more sarcastic. Remember as well that these were initially released soon after Volume 3 wrapped and before the commentary confirmation of abuse, meaning that these gave Adam fans one last bit of material to bolster their ideas of what Adam was. 
Obviously, all of these ideas and theories went out the window with Volume 3 Chapter 11 and the subsequent reveal by Miles and Kerry in Volume 3′s commentary track that Adam was in fact an abuser. A lot of his fans didn’t take to this reveal well, which I’ll return to in a future section of this essay, since in part it shot down all of their theories about Adam and made him an irredeemable monster. Adam’s potential redemption was destroyed the moment he slapped Blake. 
It is telling that most of Adam’s more passionate fans are from the early generations of the RWBY fandom who were around since the early trailers, since there’s a sharp divide between those fans and the more common Adam fan reaction of “I like him in spite of the abuse or explicitly only work with AU stories where he isn’t as bad.” Again, no one really likes being wrong, especially when it means accepting you were wrong for nearly three years.
2) The abuser twist
Something that I’ve never liked about Adam’s turn as an abuser was how looking back at Volumes 1 and 2 for evidence of the twist in advance, it’s difficult to find anything concrete. I had this discussion on a server lately where looking at all of Volumes 1 and 2 along with 3′s first half, there was really only one agreed upon sign of abuse prior to V3 in Volume 2- Blake’s flinch when Yang goes to hug her in Burning the Candle. But the problem with that is that even this can be taken into a different context, as one of my friends pointed out. As she reminded the chat, Yang had already shoved Blake several times by that point in the conversation and Blake may have flinched instinctively when she saw Yang’s arms raise again. 
Of course given the context of Adam’s abuse, Blake flinching may in fact have been foreshadowing, or it may have just been her instinctively preparing for another shove. We just don’t know, and that vagueness around Blake’s past and the abuse twist is partly why a lot of fans argue that the abuse twist was never planned in the early stages of the show and was an idea introduced during production. This is not a concept new to RWBY- Monty came up with the Maidens one day while working on Volume 3 after all- but it does mean that for sudden character turns like Adam’s abuse, the question will be raised of “was this always planned or was it just something you added as the story flowed along?” 
Much of the cited evidence that Adam was planned to be an abuser from the early show is in a similarly murky place. Blake speaks of Adam in Volume 2 as a mentor (”I had a partner... more of a mentor actually”), Monty himself called Blake the “apprentice” in an interview after the Black trailer, and much of her subdued behavior compared to her more affectionate self seen in Volumes 5 and 6 can be simply explained as Blake keeping a low profile to avoid Faunus discrimination and the attention of the White Fang. 
Even in Volume 3 Chapter 7- Adam’s last scene before Chapter 11 and the confirmation of his abuse- things are kept vague. Adam even sharply rebukes his Lieutenant when he offers to hunt Blake down following the Black Trailer, saying “Forget it.” Adam’s plan is to go to Mistral without a care for Blake, which goes against his obsessive behavior seen later in this very season. 
Much of the evidence given for Adam’s abuse- him gaslighting Blake in the Adam short, Blake talking about him in Volumes 5 and 6 to Sun and Yang, his dialogue during the Volume 6 battle- is all retroactive evidence, which does not solve the initial problem of the initial seasons poorly setting up Adam’s turn. Much of the evidence for and against the twist is shady at best, and reaching at worst due to how vague the wording is around Adam. Blake only ever speaks of him as a partner or mentor, never belying a romantic connection outside of the volume 2 premiere with the drawing of him in her notebook. Certainly with the benefit of hindsight some may find evidence in Volumes 1 through 3, primarily that Blake is simply an unreliable narrator, but I still feel like the lack of clean foreshadowing to such a large part of Adam’s character it weakens the twist, and some of Adam’s fans remain bitter that his character underwent a drastic 180 out of relatively nowhere.
3) Simple preference
Being blunt, a lot of Adam’s fans just prefer the Adam shown in the early seasons to the one the show closed out on. This idea is often mocked by some that his fans just wanted to see a Vergil knockoff, but for some of Adam’s fans it just came down to wanting to see cool fights. After all, RWBY was built on the initial idea of well-designed characters having well-choreographed fights. The show advertised itself initially as “From the maker of Dead Fantasy and Haloid,” which to surmise, weren’t shows that lured people in for their narrative quality. Monty’s loyalist fans who followed from his freelance work and from Red Vs Blue followed for cool fights, and Adam’s fighting style and design made him an instant fan favorite. It has only been from Volume 3 onwards that the show has advertised itself more as a drama than an animation showcase, and as such some of Adam’s fans don’t care less for his character turn other than that it makes him whiny and edgy and they’d like to see him swing his sword a bit more.
While the idea of preferring Adam as a revolutionary over his Yandere self seen from V3 is also a mocked concept as it tends to be used by people less well-versed in expressing critique of Adam’s character and makes for a popular strawman tactic, a morally gray villain may have worked well for RWBY. Especially as Adam and Cinder both show in different ways that the series should stay away from villains with no redeeming qualities. 
Though I suppose at least unlike Cinder, Adam actually has a backstory, so I should count my blessings. 
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To surmise, for some of Adam’s fans it was a purely physical love affair
4) Adam’s death and its connection to Bumblebee
Blake and Yang’s final confrontation with Adam in Volume 6 marks a significant step in their relationship, which means if you like Bumblebee then the emotional climax of the volume hits home for you. If you shipped literally anything else then at least the choreography was good, but if you didn’t ship Bumblebee and never liked the Adam abuser turn... hoo boy. 
Being blunt, a fair few Bumblebee shippers don’t mind the abuser twist since in the long run, it helped their ship and gave Blake and Yang plenty of angst to work through both alone and as a pair. I’ve said before that Blake’s recovery arc made for some good content in Volumes 4 and 5 barring the Sun slaps, and Yang’s PTSD arc, while bare-bones in Volume 4, was some of the more consistently good material that year when shown. And as such, Adam being made a one-note psycho who wanted to kill Blake suited them well, as it gave a clear villain for Blake and Yang to overcome while developing past their respective traumas. The problem of course being, Adam’s fans not appreciating this turn and definitely not appreciating the names they were called when they expressed this dissatisfaction.
This led to a litany of hot takes- “Adam’s fans only cared for the show and the character as an outlet for a male power fantasy,” “Adam’s fans were entirely made of sexists who just hated women,” “Adam stans are abuse apologists.” (Like 40% of the Adam fans I know are actual abuse victims so fuck yourself on the front of trying to use their trauma as a low blow) And to be fair, Adam’s fans responded with their own disappointing share of bad takes involving the dreaded words “wasted potential,” alongside murder and nerfing, but I go over those later. 
(also you know genuine homophobics but trying to avoid braindead reasoning here for my own sake)
Getting back on topic, I quite obviously detest this lumping in of all criticisms. For one it means that simply shipping something that isn’t Bumblebee and disliking the fight can get one labelled with accusations of homophobia. A disgusting tactic on its own, to say nothing of how some people use it just to deflect criticism. Liked Adam? Then you’re an abuse apologist now. It’s interesting to compare the response to Adam last year and this year, where suddenly the fandom went from dismissing Adam after Haven to suddenly being very insistent that his death was well done and that only bigots opposed it; a naturally insulting statement to any members of the LGBT community or racial minorities who took umbrage with the handling of the Faunus.
And speaking of, my largest gripe with Adam’s turn personally is how it overshadows his previous commitment to the Faunus. Even though Adam’s short shows him fighting for the Faunus, to the point where Lionized and From Shadows are both expressly about how the Faunus are subject to inhumane treatments, it all gets tossed aside for the sake of Adam’s obsession with Blake and I’ve always found the almost-retcon of “Adam only truly cared for his own equality” a bit.. hard to get a read on? Since the original reason for his fall was because of his rabid devotion to his cause/getting vengeance on humans. Adam in-setting had been prepped as a Malcolm X style analogue before most of these traits were pushed over to Sienna. I feel like there is a lot that could be said about how RWBY handles its racism narrative, especially when it pertains to Adam given his own placement in the narrative, but that such a thinkpiece would likely be hit with accusations of homophobia or abuse apologism likely curtails that idea in anyone’s head. Some voices in the fandom have even come forward and expressed their dissatisfaction at how the arc depicting racism got curtailed for a romance. Adam rather sadly could have been part of a cornerstone on a narrative about the natural consequences of violent extremism, but instead the writers went with a far shallower option in my opinion.  
Also being blunt the whole “Adam was just a secondary character for Blake and Yang’s arcs” feels a bit like revisionism of weak writing. 
5) Damaged goods
Adam lost a lot of fans thanks to Volume 5. You can argue about this all you want but the facts don’t change that the volume was overall one that shot his character in the leg. Alongside having him go completely bananas out of nowhere with the “THE BELLADONNA NAME HAS BROUGHT ME NOTHING BUT GRIEF” scene, Adam’s humiliating head smack from Blake that knocked him out for an entire episode and his Naruto run escape from the Battle. Put bluntly, people didn’t give a shit, especially after CRWBY’s own attitude was to mock Adam, further undermining any threat factor Adam was meant to have.
It’s quite obvious in hindsight that Adam’s short was made quickly, and was almost certainly damage control made to counter the backlash from the Battle of Haven episodes. Sienna’s inclusion has eve been admitted by Miles on RWBY Rewind to be done as pure fanservice for the fans who wanted more from her design, and it shows with how Sienna dominates the back half of the short. But the short’s nature as damage control, while ultimately well received, still marked it as a fix job for Haven. Even last year fans wondered what was the point of trying to hype Adam back up as a threatening villain given he would almost certainly lose any future battles he fought in. 
Ultimately, a lot of people just didn’t care about Adam. The damage had been done by Haven, and even a lot of his own fans wrote off him being allowed to be even half as competent as his Volume 3 self again. With even his own fans having written off his chances of being a fearsome combatant again and the crew openly reviling Adam, not to mention his own voice actor despising him, a mood of “why should we care if the crew don’t?” began to settle in for Adam’s fans. Some even looked forward to his death since it would mean at least in death, Adam was free of being written as a psycho Yandere. For some of Adam’s fans, his writing had been so schizophrenic that death seemed like the only way forward instead of dragging it out.     
6) “Wasted potential”
This is a point I don’t entirely agree with myself, but as this is an essay about why Adam has been controversial after Volume 6 I only feel it fair to include it, even if solely for the purposes of rebuttal. Wasted potential has become a set of dirty words to portions of the fandom thanks to the many, many, many arguments about Adam post-season. 
A rather large complaint is that Adam “jobbed” for Blake and Yang, despite neither of them really having gained much experience onscreen since Beacon. I disagree with this notion since it does take some details out of consideration for this angle- B&Y were both tired from earlier fighting in the day, Blake was shocked to see Adam out of nowhere and that’s why he overwhelmed her, Adam still actually defeats Blake at Argus and it largely comes down to Yang to win the fight, and V5 had actually set up her changing her fighting style to better combat Adam’s own style. 
One idea of potential for Adam that I will admit to liking is the idea of Adam as an ideological villain to Blake. Adam and Blake could have both represented the differing sides of the Faunus debate and how to achieve results, perhaps even going for a scenario where neither side was truly correct or wrong. Such a plot would have even had the benefit of tying the Faunus narrative into the wider stakes of the show while also humanizing it on a base level through their struggle. But at this point, this is becoming me wishing the show was something else. I’m sure a great fanfic could bloom from this idea in the future and I hope I get to see it one day. 
There’s also the entire idea that Blake and Yang “murdered” (it was self-defense) Adam since apparently this is a big deal. I dunno fam, you just ignoring all those White Fang goons RWBY killed in V2 by leaving them in the tunnels? The ones they smacked around during V3? All those people Yang probably killed in the Yellow trailer? Now seems like a bit of an odd time to draw a line in the sand about the RWBY girls killing someone. 
7) Conclusion
To conclude, there’s a lot of controversy surrounding Adam, and a lot that will surround his character for years. I feel like arguments around him will still be going by the end of the hiatus, if not for years to come. Adam has attracted a fandom from varying walks of life, but one thing I’ve noticed with some regularity is how many of of them themselves have histories with abuse. What unites a lot of them in their reasons for liking the character is the tragedy of how Adam is a person who has been persecuted then gained the power to bite back, but in his blind rage winds up lashing out at someone he is supposed to love. With permission, they let me share their accounts so I could put them here:
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Be it purely visual/choreography appreciation, falling for fan theories and headcanons, his allusions to the Beast, the mystery of his mask and later branding, his potential as an ideological rival for Blake or for personal reasons, Adam gained a fan following from all walks of life over the past six years, who may not have learned everything they wanted to about him but who wanted to learn more regardless. Even if they only liked him just to watch him fight, Adam has a small if passionate fanbase, and I hope I’ve explained some of their grievances with the show as a whole now, particularly following Volume 6. Adam might have been a scumbag, but ironically his fandom has actually been quite pleasant to talk to, so I hope I’ve presented their more accurate or personal issues in a fair light. 
Thank you for reading. Please consider sharing the post around if you enjoyed it or think someone you know would. 
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solanospetra · 5 years
The thing is the fandom was not that bad maybe because I didn’t really care for jtv fandom it was a different kind of show I didn’t care who Jane ended up with as long as they were all happy but somehow I ended on jafael tumblr acct and through that I got into the fandom and your tumblr cause it looked lit but now it’s like everyone is fighting over the stupidest things or there done with the show like you and jafael and petramos or johnmulaney its like there’s you guys and then the rest of the
fandom.. everyone seems so tense the fandom wasn’t that bad then again I really started seeing the how the fans reacted around s4 before that this show was more like odaat it was a way to escape all the crap going on in my life it was this light whimsical show even if Villadero or jafael didn’t end up together the show was so much more than that now the recent epi is about raf and Petra fighting they finally reached a good place let them be happy at least and let Jane Petra and raf be good co parents. S3 was good cause of this dynamic. Who would’ve thought that I would be looking forward to their scenes after what happened to michael. Now it’s like raf doesn’t care about his kids especially the twins Petra is the only parent they have you could’ve just made them someone else kid if we weren’t going to see any scenes between raf and his daughters I don’t know if you can’t tell from this rant how frustrated I am.
There’s a lot to unpack here so it’s all going to be under the cut.
Fandom wise, it’s been worse, and one of the reasons I hated the decision to bring Michael back was because the fandom had just started settling down again. Literally, anything prior to season three was constant fights. but I will say I saw a lot more Jane gifsets back then than I do now and that makes me sad. I’m gonna be honest and tell you up until a week ago I had everything extremely curated because as soon as the finale aired the ship wars erupted again, and like you I wanted to enjoy my fandom experience. I follow a handful of people from the JTV fandom because I want to enjoy (whatever that means now) tumblr not roll my eyes every thirty seconds. That being said, if it feels like we’re done with the show it’s because we got let down so fucking hard. I gave it a chance, I said I wasn’t going to make a definitive statement until the end of the triangle arc because I had some kind of hope. I’ve probably been done with the show since the whole gaslighting thing, but I waited, hoped they would do Petramos justice only to be let down again. Yet, here I am, eight episodes to go and still hoping Jane The Virgin will pick up and make me laugh, and cry, and gasp, and scream and just make me excited for the next episode. I can’t lie though, I am tired. I had high hopes for this season, and it’s been one big let down after another.
Yeah, as someone who is also deeply entrenched in the ODAAT fandom, the season 5 fandom of JTV is no where near what the ODAAT fandom was, probably because Mike & Gloria were more conscious about the story they were telling for the entire family and not as focused on who Lupe was going to end up with. Where ODAAT made Lupe’s love life one aspect of her, JTV has made her love life the thing that defines her. That wouldn’t have been bad, I could have lived with that if they hadn’t chosen to bring Michael back for no fucking reason. The ODAAT fandom is headcanons, cute fics, art, and no gifsets bc ppl hate me. The JTV fandom is either angry, tired, trying to make the best of it, or all three.
“S3 was good cause of this dynamic. Who would’ve thought that I would be looking forward to their scenes after what happened to michael.” But what if they hadn’t killed Michael? What if instead, we could have seen their new friendship develop? JTV could have owned the found family trope, two romantic rivals who came to respect each other, and are now friends? Jane and Michael and problems married couples face? That’s what made 3A good, it was about different dynamics, where they all stood with each other. They could have dug deeper into Petra’s trauma, how Emilo’s will affected Rafael emotionally instead of financially. Xiomara and Bruce, I’m still annoyed at how quickly they forgot Bruce and married Xo and Ro off only to give me BS storylines like last weeks. 
Although I don’t like parts of 3B, mostly the return of Petra/Rafael, it was the parenting aspect that was so fun to watch. Jane and Rafael as bros sign me the fuck up! I love the bro dynamic of Jane/Rafael, and I hate that now I watch them and knowing that they’re gonna turn it into something romantic, mostly because it isn’t done well. 
Look, I can talk all day about Rafael, he’s been done such a disservice since S2. All of Jane’s SO’s have tbh, I mean, what did we really know about Michael aside from his “bad” past, his anger issues (sorry to break it to you but our boy clearly has issues in S1), the fact that he’s a cop, and that at some point he became goofy. I think we learned more about him as Jason than we did when he was Michael. Again, maybe if they hadn’t killed him off for no reason other than they could, he would have been more fleshed out.
I see, you, I hear you, and it sucks that you don’t have that escape anymore.
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My Love
First fic for this blog! Wow!
Summary:  Dragon tend to share specific endearments with their Riders and sometime vice versa.  Saphira calls Eragon “little one” and even Glaedr uses the term once.  But for Thorn and Murtagh, they always call each other “my love”.
Three times (of many) Murtagh and Thorn call each other "My Love"
Word Count:  4845
Warnings:  Canon Character Death, Self Harm (scratching), Brief and Nondescript Reference to Rape, Angst with a Happy Ending
A/N:  I’ve been wanting to write this for a while.  Based off a headcanon I mentioned in this post.  Oneshot with three parts, divided by lines.  The parts are nonconsecutive.  The self harm and brief mention of rape (used as allegory, nothing sexual is referenced) are only in the middle part.  Feel free to skip if you'd like.
Read on AO3
Murtagh’s eye twitched and his focus faltered when something twinged in the back of his mind. His skin crawled in dread and he fought to keep himself in place. Nevertheless, he leaned back and to the side just a touch, drawn towards the depths of the castle by an inexorable pull. The king had sentenced him to magic drills for the remainder of the evening and it was grueling work. He’d spent hours standing in front of five chest high stones that Galbatorix had presented him with, each he had ensorcelled with countless wards. Murtagh’s task, to destroy all five, was a battle against both Galbatorix’s spell casting as well as the limits of his own strength. His hands were already cold and shaky from the energy expended on the first four and laboring over the fifth. Work, made harder, now, by the distracting pull at the back of his mind.
The king had started, he was sure of it. He could feel it in his muscles, his bones, and he spared a moment to curse Galbatorix with the foulest oaths he knew. Murtagh jerked towards the castle again, then forcibly refocused on the stone in front of him with a muttered curse. He reluctantly discarded the thought of abandoning the assignment; he knew from experience that it would only gain him punishment. The thought of pain didn’t deter him so much as the delay he knew it would cause. He needed to be inside right now, and finishing the drills was the fastest way there.
Attempting to push aside the distraction, Murtagh threw together a new spell to try to shatter the remaining boulder. He cut it off when it had no effect. He started casting spells far faster and more recklessly than he had been before, spurred on by the feeling. Each failure chipped away at his energy and added to his franticness. Every minute dragged on for eternity and he wanted to howl in frustration at his lack of progress.
The stone showed no response to a hasty, somewhat desperate spell to raise its temperature, just like it had for all the preceding spells, but when Murtagh held his hand out, he felt the heat rolling off it in waves. Indulging in a hunch, he cast a spell to reverse the effect, making it as cold as he could as fast as he could. After a painfully tense moment, the stone cracked in two and then split further when the pieces hit the ground. Before Murtagh could feel relieved or proud, a wave of lightheadedness washed over him and he swayed dangerously. He managed to right himself and tried to focus his suddenly blurry vision. With careful consideration of his balance, Murtagh turned to the castle and made his way inside, leaving behind the ruble that remained of the five boulders.
He set as brisk of a pace as he could down the route that had become second nature to him. The staring crowds thinned out as he descended several staircases underground. He turned off one landing into an immense but bare hallway ending in a large pair of double doors. Adrenaline overcoming his exhaustion, he ran down the length of the hall and slipped inside before resealing the doors.
In a heartbeat, Murtagh crossed the room to Thorn’s back. He laid curled up on his side and pressed into the corner. Murtagh released a wordless keen of sympathy and anguish from his chest. He trailed his fingers along his scales as he made his way down his neck to his head, weaving their minds together all the while. He hopped over the end of Thorn’s snout the reach the space between his body and the corner, where he sat down. Thorn shifted to peer down at him, red eye glittering with hurt. Murtagh pulled in a pained gasp and rocked forward to press his forehead against Thorn’s jaw. Oh, Thorn...
Yet again, (damn him,) Galbatorix used the strength of Eldunari to force Thorn’s growth. Through the deepened connection of their minds, they could both feel it; the twisting, cramping, spasms of muscles, the warping, aching, stretch of bones, the contorting, deforming, burn of joints and tendons. Murtagh rubbed his hands hard over Thorn’s broad cheek to give him some other sensation besides pain, but there was little else he could do but intertwine their hearts and minds and share in his agony.
You don’t need to-
I need to, Murtagh interrupted. Thorn didn’t argue. Murtagh had made it abundantly clear long ago that he would always stay with him through this, no matter what Thorn did to persuade him to leave. He already felt guilty enough for not being here when it started, although he could tell by the pain that it hadn’t been going for long. He wasn’t leaving now.
Thorn whined loudly and Murtagh whined right back; they had long abandoned any shame of expressing weakness to each other. They couldn’t throw away the one release they had in this world of mounting misery they had found themselves in. Murtagh pressed a brief kiss onto Thorn’s scales and said, I’m here, I’m with you, I won’t leave you alone again, my love.
Murtagh, I’m sorry, I- Thorn’s thoughts fell apart as another wave of pain rolled through them both, and he shuddered and twisted. It hurts! he cried out and Murtagh pressed himself against him as much as he could. If the best he could do was be here, he would make it count. Their forms melded like they were made for each other, like nothing else in the world could be so right.
I know, my love, I know it does. I’ll end it, I promise. One day, we’ll taste freedom and you’ll never have to go through this again. I’ll never let anyone hurt you, I will protect you, I swear it. And until then, I’ll be with you; I won’t let you face this alone.
Murtagh words couldn’t end his pain, but he felt some of the tension leave Thorn’s body. He left behind his vain attempts to fight off the tormenting magic and turned himself over to his partner, trusting fully in Murtagh’s promise. Murtagh shuddered, ever aware of the weight of their fate, but unshaken in his resolve to change it.
They abandoned words and simply shared emotions across their bond, bracing for the long night ahead of them.
Each hour that dragged by was worse than the last. The king’s spells gave a mounting pain, every unnatural pull and stretch compounding upon the last without any chance of relief. They laid together in that desolate, lonely corner, with only the echoes of their own whimpers and cries to keep them company. Thorn slipped further and further away from him with the time, falling into incoherence underneath the suffocating agony. “My love,” Murtagh said aloud, with an edge of desperation.
“My love!” he called louder, trying to pull Thorn’s attention back to him, away from the pain, please, away from the pain. He embraced his scaly neck tighter, “My love,” and pressed in as close as possible, “my love, my love, my love-” He felt, faint but undeniable, Thorn listen and try to focus on the words. Emboldened, Murtagh continued louder and clearer, “my love, my love, my love,” repeating his affection, “my love, my love, my love,” to the partner of his heart. Before long, the words lost meaning, simply becoming a mantra, “my love my love my love my love” to reassure Thorn that he was here, that he loved him, that he would never leave him. “my love my love my love,” he said. I Am Here With You. he said.
Sometime within the deepest hours of the night, the pair passed out from sheer exhaustion, Murtagh still mumbling “my love,” as he slipped into sleep.
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Thorn pumped his wings frantically to balance himself after the titanic, rib bruising blow from the golden-elder-elf-bonded dragon sent him spiraling through the air. He watched with a sense of grim tragedy as Glaedr threw himself through the air after his fallen elf Rider. But he could not focus on that. On his back, Thorn felt Murtagh lurch, almost dropping his sword like Oromis had, and release a wounded cry. He wasn’t hurt, Thorn knew that, but what had just happened...
The jar of Glaedr’s magical blow had broken Galbatorix’s hold on Murtagh’s body, but the occurrence left Murtagh reeling. That the king could even do such a thing, that he could be brushed aside so easily within his own flesh; it was, he felt- he felt-
Well, Thorn didn’t have time to process what Murtagh felt because, as he watched, Glaedr abandoned his chase after Oromis and looped back up towards them.
In a single instant, all of his distractions cleared from Thorn’s mind. His injuries, his fears, his regrets all vanished to be replaced by an intense, single minded focus.
Murtagh had killed the elf Rider. The gold dragon was coming back to them. There was nothing he would not do to kill Murtagh and avenge his Rider. Murtagh was in no state to defend himself.
Protect Murtagh.
Thorn plunged down to meet Glaedr, hoping to take advantage of the dragon’s blind rage. He swept across his front to one side, yowling involuntarily as he bit clean through the end of his tail. Yet the pain didn’t so much as chip his razor focus. Glaedr’s reckless attack was exactly what he needed. Thorn ripped out of his bite and drove himself above Glaedr from the side. Hindered by the forward momentum of his lunge, Glaedr couldn’t turn fast enough to stop Thorn as he snapped fast and calculated at the base of his head. His life flickered and died beneath his jaws. He let go.
Thorn felt his stomach roll as the pungent taste of dragon blood flooded over his tongue. He watched the lifeless form of the gold dragon fall grim and tragic into the buildings of Gil’ead below. He watched with grief, but not regret, and only for a moment. He heard Murtagh’s cry, worse than the first, and felt his agony and incoherence. The Partner-of-his-Heart-Mind-Soul needed him. He wheeled around and winged his way out of the city as quickly as he could, aimed towards an open stretch of ground a safe distance away from the battle.
He pulled out of his break-neck dive with just enough time to land safely. The landing burned at his wings joints horribly, but he barely even noticed the discomfort. But, as he touched down, he reflexively drove his tail against the hard ground and screamed at the sudden shock of white hot pain that went through him.
It was then that all the rest of his injuries came back to him, his bruised and broken ribs, his throbbing wings, and most importantly, the stump of his tail. While the rest he could have, and would have ignored, his tail could kill him if it was not seen too. Blood pulsed from the stump with the beat of his heart. Murtagh would always heal his wounds after a battle, but as he felt him slide gracelessly from his back and crumple to the ground, Thorn knew that he couldn’t heal him now. He couldn’t even reach Murtagh through the waves of despair coming off him.
Fury built in his chest and Thorn nearly howled at his own helplessness. Murtagh had always protected him, from the moment he hatched, and now that his Rider needed him more than ever, he was still the one that needed saving! He needed to be able to protect his Rider!
The emotions in his chest tightened, filling with heat, then suddenly rushed out through his limbs and dissipated into the air. He felt his ribs shift back into the proper places, his wing joints soothe over, and his tail stop bleeding and the open wound close. Thorn didn’t waste a moment to appreciate his use of magic, and instead turned to Murtagh. Without hesitation, he curled his head and neck around his form, enveloping him from all sides, and flared out his wings so that they enshrouded them. The world shrunk to just the two of them.
The sounds of anguished sobbing filled their dark, little refuge. Murtagh laid curled over his folded legs with his head pressed to the ground, hyperventilating through his tears. To Thorn’s alarm, he raised his hands and began to rake his nails furiously over the back of his neck. Within moments, it opened bloody furrows in his skin that he worsened with continued scratching, heedless to his own health.
Thorn let out a distressed wail. For the first time, he wished he was not a dragon, but a man. With their dexterous, delicate, and harmless little fingers, he could pull Murtagh’s hands away from his neck and hold them safely in place. As it was, all he could do was push his head up against Murtagh’s side, pinning his arm and restricting his movements. The scratching didn’t stop, but Thorn felt the action lose some of its urgency.
He began to reach his way deeper into Murtagh’s mind, fighting through the hysteria that suffocated it in thick clouds. Slowly but surely, he threaded their hearts and minds back together. He protected each thread-like link fiercely whenever Murtagh’s pain threatened to overwhelm him again, and forged them into iron once more. Thorn worked tirelessly, never letting himself falter or become distracted or discouraged. With their slow return to coherence, Murtagh’s thoughts grew worse.
Every moment he spent considering what had happened carved his agony deeper. The way it felt when Galbatorix seized his flesh, strength undiminished by the miles stretched between them; the nauseatingly brief amount of time he needed to take full control, crushing Murtagh’s defenses as easily as he might a gnat; the look on Oromis’ face when he was struck by a seizure and the way it transformed when his arm raised Zar’roc... And Thorn stayed with him through every thought and feeling.
My love... Thorn sighed to his partner, sending him all his empathy and understanding. He would- could never fault him his weeping. Their hearts beat as one and Thorn knew the hurt in Murtagh’s soul. And so, he knew that if there was ever something to weep over...
It was wrong. It was violating. Murtagh sobbed as the feeling replayed within their minds again, over and over. The king had forced his way into his mind and body, like a flaying knife under his skin, like a parasite in his blood. But he had gone deeper than skin or blood. His very nerves were severed from his will in a way he hadn’t even considered possible. His limbs, his magic, even his voice, all stolen and used like a puppet by someone else. He was made a phantom, merely spectating the governance of his own flesh.
It was a rape. Galbatorix robbed him of something that should always be his own, should never be shared with anyone, unless at his discretion. Pure and simple, undeniable rape on a level he had never fathomed before, his body’s violent rejection worse than it had ever been in the past.
Murtagh’s fingers flexed hard again, tearing new paths into the bloody mess of his neck. He felt filthy, tainted, like mud had replaced his blood and dirt had wormed its way into his skin. He was profaned, ruined, and a wave of revulsion and loathing of himself threatened to drown him. He clawed at his neck with renewed fury, desperate to spill the filth from his veins.
Thorn pulled back a measure from his mind with a wail. My love! he cried, shoving his jaw harder against Murtagh’s arm, shifting his hand away from his neck. He had to resist the instinct to fuse their minds fully; he couldn’t get swept up in Murtagh’s anguish. He needed to keep his head if he wanted to help him.
My love, my love, my love, he chanted. Never filthy, never tainted, never ruined. He could never do that to you, no one could. Their transgressions will never define you. And it was wrong, WRONG, but that does not make you wrong! He crooned gently to his soulmate. Don’t blame or belittle yourself for this; none of this was your fault. This does not make you lesser.
But, I- Murtagh began, forcibly stilling his hand, I’m defiled, I- I am lesser, I-
NO! Not to me, never to me! Thorn shouted. I love you, love you as much as I possibly can, with every fiber of my being and every piece of my heart. Which is just as much as I loved you this morning, which is just as much as I loved you when I hatched, which is just as much as I shall love you in my final moments. Nothing can ever change this or make you lesser. My LOVE...
His declaration rang through their minds, the word resonating across their link with infinite echoes. Within it was Thorn’s affection, admiration, dedication, passion, devotion, caring, loyalty, trust- truly, his love- of Murtagh.
Murtagh let his arms drop fully to his sides and went quiet for the first time. He raised his head from the ground and fresh trails of tears streamed down his cheeks. After a moment, he took in several loud, aching gasps and started to cry again, though not from pain this time. He sat up and threw himself against Thorn’s head, embracing him as best he could. Thorn crooned again and murmured, My love, my love, my love, across their bond. He started to relax at the feeling of Murtagh giving himself over and trusting in him and his love.
Within the following minutes, Murtagh slowly stopped crying, the tension started to leave their bodies, and grim, bleak reality started to set back in.
Involuntarily, their thoughts turned to the events of the battle. Oromis and Glaedr, the last Rider and dragon of old, were dead at their hands. The thought brought with it rolling clouds of remorse and grief. They had been enraged when they first saw the pair rise towards Gil’ead: yet another self proclaimed freedom fighter that had done nothing to fight for their freedom when they had needed it the most. Yet another disappointment expecting them to give mercy when they had failed to reach out before their enslavement robbed them of the option.
And yet, neither of them could deny the traitorous spark of hope that had flickered in their hearts when they saw that resplendent, golden dragon in the clouds. They hadn’t helped them before... but maybe, just maybe, they could now. Maybe this battle would be their last, and these legends, these heroes on high, would be able to free them!
Seemed only fitting that their hands would be the ones to murder them only minutes later.
You’d think we’d have learned better by now, than to hope, Murtagh thought with bitter humor.
Both Murtagh and Thorn refused to wallow in regret, however. Their actions had been undeniably forced and they would not drown themselves in shame over choices they were not given. But they had killed Oromis and Glaedr, no matter how unwillingly, and they mourned that loss.
“What have we done,” Murtagh murmured aloud.
Something terrible, Thorn admitted.
After a moment, Thorn shifted his head and uncurled his stiff neck. It was difficult to judge, but he thought that perhaps half an hour had passed since they abandoned the battle. Slowly and cautiously, Thorn brought his head out from underneath his wings. He blinked rapidly to adjust to the moonlight washing over the field, then examined their surroundings.
In the distance, in the direction of the elves’ war camp, a group of them stood staring at them, approaching slowly. Thorn snorted and started to rise. The battle is lost, he said, for it was, he could tell. We shouldn’t linger.
Murtagh rose stiffly and turned in the direction Thorn looked, rubbing his sore eyes. He frowned at the elves. Thorn told him, We need to go back.
The words hit Murtagh like a blow with twice as impact as any hit he took in the battle. He doubled over and clapped a hand over his mouth, freezing in place to fight the sudden urge to retch. The thought of going back, now, to confront Galbatorix face-to-face, was damn near unbearable. Instantly, Thorn wanted to take back the words, tell Murtagh that they never had to go back, not if he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t. It would be a lie. They did need to go back, regardless of what they wanted, and he could do nothing to change that. So he merely hummed and sent Murtagh his sympathy.
After several moments, Murtagh straightened and lowered his hand to reveal a twisted grimace. He looked again at the elves and said, “It would be dangerous to loiter here any longer.”
As he climbed up Thorn’s saddle he said, Don’t let me go, my love. For without you, I will surely shatter.
I will always protect you, my love, Thorn vowed.
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Everything was quiet as Thorn coasted along the warm air currents, sparse beats of his wings keeping them level. The world had a surreal quality that it hadn’t that morning, and Murtagh felt unsure what he should think or feel. Now that he finally had his freedom, what he had sought for so long, he realized that he didn’t remember what to do with it. He’d forgotten what freedom was supposed to feel like.
Murtagh felt Thorn’s muscles flex beneath him as he flew absently through the sky. Their minds were linked but little crossed the bond for they had little to share. A blankness filled their minds, a silence unbroken by tacit agreement.
Thorn’s thoughts were even quieter than Murtagh’s. While Murtagh had tasted freedom once before, short and bittersweet as it had been, Thorn had no such experience. He knew nothing but the slavery he was born into. The slavery now gone.
Murtagh twisted around and peered behind them for the seventh time. This sky, like the preceding six, showed no glittering blue forms following them, no imposing black citadel shattering the horizon, nothing, but wisps of cloud and a pair of hunting goshawks.
It sunk in to some still functioning, logical part of his brain that they had truly left Uru’baen behind, unchallenged, unmolested, and unshackled.
It felt... unreal.
Murtagh turned back around. He set his hands on top of Thorn’s scales and steadied himself with a deep breath. Carefully, cautiously, he declared, The king is dead, into their silence.
Galbatorix is dead, he repeated. The king is dead. Galbatorix is dead, he said, this time in the ancient language. Each time got a bit easier. Thorn rumbled but said nothing.
Murtagh nudged at Thorn’s mind, wordlessly, but with enough intention that Thorn would understand. He tensed, but did nothing, and Murtagh nudged at him again. He hesitated, then said haltingly, Galbatorix is dead.
Galbatorix is dead. The king is dead, Thorn stated, also with a switch to the ancient language. As the words rang through their minds, the blankness started to fill, replaced with a shaky, nervous energy slowly spreading through them. A grin began to creep across Murtagh’s lips.
He swung around, surveying their surrounding again, with excitement now instead of trepidation. The world felt fresh and reborn beneath them as he looked upon it with new perspective. Thorn jostled him with a shiver, wriggling from head to shortened tail. Murtagh couldn’t help his wobbly smile widening at the feeling, stretching so far his cheeks ached.
With the feeling of leaping off a cliff, Murtagh whispered, “We’re free.”
The result was like shattering a bottle holding a storm. The instant the words left him, Thorn roared thunderously, swooping in an arc through the air. Murtagh joined him, whooping shamelessly, then throwing his head back to laugh like he hadn’t in so long. “FREE! FREE, FREE, WE’RE FREE, YOU WRETCH, AND NEVER FORGET IT!” Murtagh bellowed to the world, for once, not fearing its wrath. He burst into laughter again as Thorn roared in agreement, feeling for the first time that he had control over himself, no longer just a victim of fate.
MY LOVE! Thorn shouted to him, throwing himself into a full upside down loop that made Murtagh holler in exhilaration. No adrenaline left him when the leveled out, only continued to build under the best feeling in the world.
“My love!” Murtagh called in response then laughed breathlessly. Murtagh relished in his own liberation, but it could never compare to the pleasure he took in Thorn’s. The young dragon born into bondage finally freed. Murtagh had spent countless hours agonizing over the fact that the only choice Thorn had made free of Galbatorix’s will was to choose Murtagh as his Rider. And it was that very choice that tied him to Murtagh’s cursed fate. Plagued by shame and guilt and remorse, Murtagh couldn’t remember the number of times he had promised Thorn freedom; that no matter how, no matter when, they would find it one day.
And now, with every promise standing fulfilled, Murtagh’s joy was uncontainable.
“My love, my love, you’re free, we’re free!” he cried. Everything you’ve ever deserved, from the moment you hatched, and I will never let anyone take it from you, my love my love-
They felt weightless- fears, guilts, regrets, pains- all burned away. None of them stood a chance in the face of their happiness. Even the burden of the battle of Gil’ead had eased. Their exchange with Glaedr, brief as it was, did a world of good. Murtagh felt the painful weight of killing one of his own kind finally fall off Thorn’s back. And now! Knowing that there were hundreds more dragon eggs out there, just waiting to hatch! They felt lightheaded from it all.
My love, my love-!
My love, oh, my love!
They went back and forth like yammering crows, so overwhelmed that they were lost for any words but the ones they held deepest in their hearts. They said the words as a celebration, a proclamation. They made it through this, alive, together, unbroken, and they would never go back.
Eventually Murtagh broke their endless call and response with a laugh, leaned back in his saddle, and tipped his head back to study the sky. “My love, there is a whole world I have to show you.” He felt Thorn perk up in eagerness and he beamed.
“There’s so many little things you haven’t seen!” he started, rocking forward. “I want to show you the smallest wild flowers that grow in the great plains, and the birds that walk on trees upside down! Sometimes, you can find spiderwebs woven in perfect circles, and in the morning, when they’re covered in dew, they look prettier than the finest lace.”
“And- and the big things too! You haven’t seen the Hadarac Desert; there’s not much there but heat and sand but you should see it anyway. But the Beor Mountains! They’re extraordinary! Mountains higher than you can fathom, so tall that more than half is covered in snow! Imagine testing how high we can fly against those titans-”
And we’ll be able to fly together whenever we want-
“Where ever we want, without-”
Some bastard telling us when and where we’re-
“Allowed! Yes! And you will grow however slow or fast you please-”
And no one or nothing will be able to rush us in anything because we have all the time in the world and the freedom to do whatever we want with it!
Murtagh sighed breathlessly. He knew it was useless to talk aloud as he spoke to Thorn with his mind, but he couldn’t help himself. He overflowed with energy. He felt like a child again.
“And when autumn comes, oh, it’ll be magnificent! The leaves of the trees turn stunning colors- reds, oranges, yellows- and whole forests look like they’re topped with fire. Oh, I can’t wait to see it from the air, it’ll look stunning, I’m sure of it!”
“Oh, oh, and you should see the auroras! I’ve never seen them before, but I’ve heard. These great bands of color show up in the night sky and shift and dance like ribbons! I know they show up in the north; we’ll hunt down the best spot and once we find it, we’ll fly up and dress ourselves in all the colors. Oh, and snow! You’ve never even seen snow! It’s still summer, but we’ll find a place come winter where it covers everything, doubles mountains and drowns forests! You’ll love it; we’ll make sculptures and forts and burrows and snow houses! And when it melts, we’ll-”
He couldn’t tell if Thorn really listened to his words, but he knew he listened to the joy in his heart, and Murtagh felt the joy in his, and it was enough.
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5, 16, 20, 35, fother mucker!!!!!!!
Prompt me fother muckers.
Okay, here we are. I decided to combine 16 & 20 and have 5 in the same universe. It just kinda’ worked. It also gave me the chance to play around with an LDR scenario. Not my headcanon but I thought I’d give it a shot.
Also on AO3.
5. “I’d love to, but you know I can’t” 
Post-S6 / Long distance
They’re having their daily video call, the kind where they prop their phones up on the nearest flat surface and just talk sporadically while doing other things; washing dishes for Annie and playing Playstation for Jeff. They’re used to it now, this new normal, being there in pixelated spirit rather than a physical form. Each day may become less difficult but no day is ever particularly easy. It only ever feels close to being easy when there’s a date in the calendar with the other person’s name on it but both of their diaries have been empty and unmarked for over two months now.
 "Oh, come on!“
 Annie looks up from where she’s drying a plate to see Jeff frowning in frustration, hunched over as he sits on his couch facing the TV.
"Did someone shoot you again?”
“I got down to the final four. I don’t know how people build stuff so fast.”
“I should buy a console just so I can learn how to kick your ass at it.”
“Ha. Ha.”
He watches her with more of his attention, catching her stick out her tongue with a smile. He shrugs and pouts, going back to watching his screen and clicking around on his controller.
“Or you could, y'know, come home and I could teach you in person. July 4th is coming up.”
“I’d love to but you know I can’t.”
“At some point, I’m going to stop believing the first part of that sentence.”
He hears her groan so he stops what he’s doing and watches her roll her eyes without realising he’s turned to face her. She eventually realises, wiping her damp hands down her thighs before picking up the phone and holding it up in front of her.
“You know I want to come home but I just can’t take the time off yet. It all adds up.” She sits down, having walked through her apartment whilst talking. “Plus, there’s nothing stopping you from coming here. I always say this.”
He copies her, putting down his controller to pick up his phone and hold it up to his face, his free hand reaching back behind his head to scratch through his hair.
“I came last time.”
“Oh, are we keeping score now?”
“Kind of.” He admits, receiving yet another eye roll and a glimmer of a smile.
They watch each other for a while, content in the silence.
Jeff’s mind wonders, realising if she was sat in front of him, reachable and in the flesh, he’d probably lean forward and kiss her now. He’d kiss all the tension and the worries away, ones which wouldn’t revolve around the fact that they haven’t seen or touched or been with each other in months.
“You know we haven't…” He swallows, tilting his head suggestively, “…in a while.”
Annie bites her lip.
“That’s because we haven’t seen each other in a while.”
“No, I just mean… like on here.”
“Do you want to?”
“Well, not right now, you just did the dishes.”
“I can’t tomorrow because I’ll be home late. Everyone from work’s going for drinks… the next day?”
“Saturday? Alright. It’s a date.”
“Maybe I’ll send you something in the meantime.”
“Send me something, huh?”
Annie wiggles her eyebrows and they both laugh, beaming at each other.
20. “I missed you.” & 16. “I’d give up the world for you.”
Post-S6 / Long distance
They both roll off each other, arms splayed out as they catch their breath, the sheets pulled to the floor and their heads nowhere near the headboard, Jeff’s feet dangling off one side of the bed.
“I…” Jeff presses a hand to his chest, steadying himself before attempting to talk again, “I missed you.”
Annie turns her head to look up at him, strands of hair clinging to her temples.
“Yeah… I missed you.”
“I wanna’ do that a hundred times more before you leave again.”
He watches her edge closer out the corner of his eye until she rests on his arm, her hands playing with his own covering his heart. She drops it soon after, beginning to trail her fingers across his skin and through the hairs on his chest.
“Then we wouldn’t have time to do anything else.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad to me.” He says, his voice rumbling through his body as she lays against him. He starts to do the same as she is, working his hands across her skin, his palm smoothing over the curve of her back and towards the tops of her thighs.
She squirms against his touch and he chuckles, moving his hand to stroke through her hair and kiss the crown of her head.
“You know you could just stay here, right? Just come home.”
She kisses above his navel, resting her cheek against his stomach.
“My placement isn’t over yet, you know that.”
“Maybe I could just move.”
“How many times have we been over this? It’s just temporary.”
Jeff sighs heavily, his chest rising underneath her.
“I know… it’s just that… it was six months and soon it will have been a year and… trust me, I want you to do it, it’s important that you do and I never want to get in the way of that but…”
She watches him as he trails off, not needing to say more.
"I know.”
“I don’t want you to have to give up on anything. That’s not what I’m saying.”
Annie sits up then, her hair falling over one shoulder. She still uses Jeff to balance herself, cupping her hand around his thigh.
“Jeff, you know I’d give up the world for you.” 
He shakes his head in disbelief, trying to conceal a smile.
"It’s just three more months and then we can get serious and we can plan out what we’re doing next…” She leans forward, his eyes dropping from her face, “…and then… we can have all the sex whenever we want.”
He smirks, his hands going around her waist to pull her even closer so he can hum into a kiss. It fast becomes deeper, their hands grabbing each other before Annie straddles him. She grinds against his thighs and bites her lip, kissing his jaw to speak.
“Somebody’s eager.”
35. “I’m too afraid to close my eyes.”
He suggests that they should go out for the day because it’s been a while since they’ve just taken a drive and ended up wherever the day takes them. She mainly agrees because she’s being overcompensating on the nesting side of things lately and she could do with some fresh air – what she doesn’t expect though is to be told that she has to be blindfolded for part of the journey.
“Can you just close your eyes for about five minutes? I wanna’ show you something but I don’t want you to guess where we’re going.”
“Now you’re worrying me. I’m too afraid to close my eyes.”
“Please? It will be worth it.”
She frowns at him before giving in, closing her eyes and settling into her seat. Before she succumbed to his command, they were driving through a fairly pleasant neighbourhood, about thirty-five minutes from their apartment. If she was calculating things accurately, they weren’t too far from Jeff’s mom’s house or her office.
“Are we there yet?”
“Does pregnancy make you more impatient? It’s been about thirty seconds.”
“Probably. I am waiting for a baby to come out of me, after all.”
“A few more minutes, I promise.”
She sighs and lets the minute's tick by, trying to avoid being lulled to sleep by the motion of the car. She hears Jeff click on the turn signals and feels the car roll to a stop, so, she risks peeling an eye open.
“Can I open my eyes yet?”
She does just that, raising an eyebrow in intrigue before fully processing their surroundings. He knows the exact moment it hits her because her lips part open with a gasp.
“What are we doing here?”
“I may have found us a slot to take a look around.”
Annie’s expression makes him grin smugly, chuffed with his plan.
“But… but we already decided that this place was out of our price range?”
“I know, I know but I had a think about it and… if we move some stuff around and we cut down here and there, with the couple of cases I’m working on right now, I think we could at least try to put an offer in.”
She bites her lip, bemused.
“But none of that matters because we haven’t even looked around. The pictures on the website don’t mean anything.”
He watches a beaming smile blossom across her face.
“Jeff… this is like… my dream house.”
“I know. Don’t get too excited, okay? I just wanted to make sure we’d at least seen it.”
He matches her grin when she doesn’t respond verbally. He’s half-expecting tears to start forming in the corners of her eyes.
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Can we go in?”
He just nods.
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daemominus · 7 years
Here I go again with another theory regarding Hell Gates and demons on Earth and all those juicy bits.
I’ve always said that Limbo falls apart and out of existence, and recently I’d figured that Hell Gates left open around other parts of the world were the gateways through which demons could cross between realms. Of course I couldn’t leave this well enough alone so I went and came up with something a lot more interesting and potentially more exciting (and for roleplaying that’s a Good Thing 👌).
What I’ve got figured now is that Limbo isn’t eradicated, but in the process of losing its connection to the Hell Gate, and the demon king as consequence, it becomes so unstable that as it tears at the seams, it meshes with the human world, or Earth, or whatever you prefer to call it, allowing demons to appear to humans in the flesh, and more or less bringing at least a part of Hell to Earth. Limbo as a separate reality doesn’t exist anymore, but whatever small thread of it hanging on serves as a link between Hell and Earth. That alone is quite enough to leave the door open, and that’s how demons straight from the belly of Hell cross into the human plane. This is pretty one-sided unless you’re a human who’s really talented at dark magic or knows things you shouldn’t about bending your grounded, Earthbound rules. Vergil might probably be able to do this. Might. Probably. I don’t know yet, and if he did I suspect he would not be keen on it.
When he intended on freeing humanity of any demonic presence, he unwittingly made it worse. There’s no curtain to hide the demons from frail human eyes; and though Vergil had meant to expose the truth to humanity, he hadn’t counted on it becoming something permanent. Demons are free to pour onto Earth on the slightest whim, nothing binds them, and Earth has no barrier to guard against them. It’s a headcanon of mine that Phineas makes it to Earth post-game, and now there’s a means through which that can happen. In fact, he could come and go as he pleases. Actually, having this connection between worlds helps Vergil out a lot in regard to his role as lord among demons. He can better enforce himself this way, and news from down below would reach him faster (if he’s got followers willing to do this).
Of course this totally opens up the possibility for guilt because he’d have fucked up major, causing something he wanted to prevent, and he’d realized that he hadn’t been as meticulous in his planning as he’d always imagined. He’d have made a mistake with chaotic consequences to it. While angst is great and I’m not one to turn it down, I actually don’t want him to feel guilty. I want to keep him falsely blaming others instead of himself, feeling like he’s the victim who did everything right but Life just has it out for him. Technically, he’d always be prone to feeling guilty over the decisions he’s made, but having my canon follow these new concepts would make it very obvious to him that he done fucked up. But, yeah, I can still totally have him deny it. Gosh I already started drifting r.i.p.
But now come the Hell Gates. Because I am really into the idea that there are more spread across the world and that it’s not exclusively a Limbo City thing. With Earth completely open and vulnerable to demons, I imagine a few would crawl out to set up Hell Gates of their own in isolated regions of the world. Naturally, humans wouldn’t know, but it’s something that Vergil would learn of eventually. And I’m talking Big demons. I’m talking about three-hour boss battle demons that don’t give a shit about Vergil and want to do their own thing in a world ripened for terrorizing and ruling. These demons shouldn’t be fucked with but would Vergil fuck with them? It’s likely. After all, he still wants to get rid of these fuckers and protect humanity so duh he’s gonna want to clear the air of their stink. Like jesus put on some deodorant before you just let yourself in uninvited to his home????? I think it’s important to note that these demons would clearly be capable of opening up Hell Gates on their own. So maybe I’d exaggerated a bit, but, my point: a demon capable of opening a Hell Gate is not a demon to be underestimated, even by a nephilim. Such an ability is rare, despite how trivial the subject of Hell Gates might sound. Vergil is lucky to have that power in Yamato.
Uh but anyway I’m not suggesting there are big baddies out there already established in their territories or whatever. Gates might not even be up. However, the possibility is very real, and---I’d honestly need a whole separate post to discuss this in detail but let me just stress right now that this is a concept I would like to have develop.
These changes play a lot better into my vision of the world post-game. I’ve always meant there to be chaos, a daily and consistent fight for survival on the part of humanity while Vergil basically poses as their savior who slays the invaders. If Dante’s doing the same thing, then they’ll butt heads eventually, though I see them staying away from each other---at least, Vergil would actively avoid Dante. But anyway, the situation mostly works out for him. The demons that bend to his rule are naturally going to fulfill his commands. If he wants them out of a specified area, they’ll leave. Or he’ll kill them, whether they listen or rebel. He doesn’t fit in a world changed so much, as if he’s surrounded by a bubble no matter where he goes. Paradise, for instance, or the whole block it belongs to, is devoid of demonic activity. But everywhere else? It’s not safe for mere man. People must take their chances, but as time goes by the demons have learned to hide and calculate and take advantage of opportunities. Also, remember, not every demon that surfaces is a savage beast. In fact, a lot of them would be highly intelligent and perhaps even capable of blending in with humanity. Unless they are masters at masking their essence, Vergil would know the difference between a human and a demon under a human guise. Earth is by no means a war-torn mess; the balance that once existed is thrown out of whack, but life must go on. Humans are resourceful and persistent, thus they survive. A number of the demons on Earth are kept in check, but those that are outside of Vergil’s control can very well do what they please. What you have now are humans and demons living together, basically, though there is no effort made to coexist.
I actually wanted the post-game world to resemble classic DMC in this way (and I’m mainly remembering the anime, which I honestly wasn’t impressed by, for this concept) in which these two realms are so closely linked that people gotta fucking hire mercenaries to clear a parking lot that’s become a hot spot for like the same group of frat boy demons to hang out past midnight. It sounds fake but no this is what the world’s come to. And having the intangible gateway between Hell and Earth as a result of Limbo’s collapse is really the way I see any of this happening. Demons are constantly coming in and I honestly have no idea how Vergil is going to patch up that tear in fabric of space??? Maybe that’s where the other Hell Gates come in---if they’re all shut down, after they’ve been opened by some visiting wise-ass, the ripple effect might be enough to snap that thread serving as the gateway. Or maybe Earth is permanently fucked over and there’s really no way to fix what’s been done. I’m fine with either, but if the latter is the case then boy do I feel the absolute worst for Vergil for having made a terrific mess of things for all parties involved. Fucking wow. Nice. And that wouldn’t even be the reason he has regular nightmares wtf BUT ANYWAY.
Tl;dr: Hell’s on Earth, demons are pouring in, maybe there are other Hell Gates out in the world that need closing, fucking “devil hunters” are becoming a thing, you don’t know if the homeless guy sitting at the park bench is a man or not, and Vergil is sitting pretty amid all of it. Paradise is restored to luxury, he has his legion at his feet, and if someone should catch him tearing a demon to shreds they’re gonna want his fucking phone number on speed dial so he can do them a quick solid when they’re in a pinch. He’s not gonna give it but. You know. Not gonna live with regret and guilt though because he’s already going through too much of his own hell. I think I actually forgot to mention how badly he would be affected by Hollow Vergil’s direct link to Hell now that there’s relatively easy access to it--
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