#and yet no good closeups looking up or into the camera
link-sans-specs · 2 years
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I can't see full details. When I go full Ken, everything's a little blurry.
International Funeral Foods Taste Test
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babydollmarauders · 8 months
have u seen the video of jason kelces daughter pointing out aj browns pink shows during the nfl game? anyway, theres definitely a video of little el pointing out her daddy on screen and its the cutest thing ever. shes like "daddy again! i see him mommy! oh! i see him again!" and jack literally melts when he sees the video because its literally the cutest thing ever
i love this so much 😭
it’s definitely when she’s like 3 and he’s on a roadie, Lovie just thinks it’s too cute to not record
it should’ve never surprised me how focused my daughter could become whenever a hockey game is involved.
with every male in her life being a former or current player, there’s constant hockey around her. i guess i just never assumed that at three years old, she could be so content in watching a hockey game.
El is sat on the couch when i return from the nursery, her bowl of fruit next to her and her eyes laser focused on the Devils game that plays on the tv. she looks over as i sit beside her, taking note of my empty arms.
“my Leo sleeping?” she wonders, her eyes wide and curious.
i wrap an arm around my daughter, pulling her close to me as my other hand runs through her wild blonde curls.
“yeah, lovely. Elio is asleep, so we can’t be too loud, okay?” she nods at my words, laying her head against my chest and dialing back into the game.
i tune in as well, noticing the score has yet to change from 0-0 since i left to put my son to sleep. it’s well into the second period, and i know my husband and his teammates must be frustrated.
i’m proven correct when the camera pans to the bench, where Jack heatedly converses with his brother.
“mommy!” El’s head pops up from its spot, her sticky little hand patting my cheek to make sure i’m paying attention. “it’s daddy! and uncle Luke!”
“yeah?” i laugh, pressing i kiss to the top of her head.
“yeah! i see them, mommy!” her voice is near yelling, high with excitement as she leaves my arms, bounding closer to the television.
the camera is back on the ice now, where the ref calls a penalty on the other team for tripping.
sliding my phone out of my back pocket, i swipe into the camera app, discreetly propping the now recording phone up on a toy on the coffee table. the camera captures the expanse of the half of the living room that El and i currently occupy, providing a good shot of my daughter that stands at the tv, and of me where i sit on the sofa.
i focus back on the game, my husband on the current power play unit.
he passes the puck back and forth with his teammates around the opposing teams net, and in a matter of seconds, he’s got the puck back and he’s shooting it straight past the goalie.
a wide grin spreads across my lips, a squeal escaping me in excitement.
“GO DADDY!” El cheers, jumping up and down in front of the tv. she turns back to look at me and runs over, climbing back up on my lap. “he did it, mommy! daddy got a goal!”
“he did, munchkin!” she climbs back down, looking back at the tv.
“daddy again! i see him mommy!” she calls out as the screen zooms in on a closeup of my smiling husband before panning back out to show him skating over to the bench.
the game cuts to media break and i look back at El’s smiling face, a spitting image of Jack’s smile.
when the game returns, it opens on a shot of Jack sitting on the bench, talking animatedly to Nico.
“oh! i see him again!” El cries out, pointing at the tv as she bounces around. “that’s daddy! that’s my daddy!”
i gather my phone from the table, cutting off the recording as my daughter rejoins me on the couch. she curls up in my lap, pulling the bowl of fruit on the couch back into her own lap.
i quickly send the video to Jack, for him to watch when he gets back to his hotel, and then set my phone down on the arm of the couch, wrapping my arms around my three year old.
we sit like this for the remainder of the game, El falling asleep during the second intermission, and only once the Devils have won 3-1, do i move her into her bed.
i turn the tv off, cleaning up the living room and placing the empty bowl from El’s fruit into the dishwasher before retreating to my own room for the rest of the night. i plug my phone in, changing into my pajama’s, brushing my teeth, and washing my face before climbing into my bed.
i’m just about to turn my lamp off when my phone begins to ring, and i look over to see an incoming facetime from Jack.
accepting the call, it’s no more than a few seconds before it connects, his smiling face filling my screen.
“hi, love.” i greet, smiling back at him.
“hi, lovie. El asleep now?” he questions, and i notice his hair is damp, apparently freshly washed, but he’s not in his hotel room, rather sitting on the plane.
“yeah, she fell asleep during second intermission.” i tell him. “pretty sure she was just waiting for you to score before she let herself crash.”
he chuckles and i speak again, “i thought you guys weren’t coming home until tomorrow afternoon?”
“no, we’re about to take off. i’ll be back by the time you wake up, i just wanted to talk to you before you go to sleep.”
my heart flutters in my chest. eight years together and he still never fails to make me feel like i have a schoolgirl crush.
“i loved that video, thank you for capturing that. and for sending it.” his eyes are soft, and i know he must be missing El a lot right now.
“yeah, well, i wanted you to see your number one fan.” i laugh, and he feigns offense, holding his free hand to his chest.
“i thought you were my number one fan.”
“i think El’s got me beat now.” i exaggerate a pout and he chuckles.
“i gotta go, we’re about to take off.” he sighs, and i nod in understanding. “i’ll see you when i get home. i love you, beautiful.”
“i love you too, love. see you when you get home.”
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canmom · 2 months
Ping-Pong The Animation: eps 1-3
So Masaaki Yuasa [AN12, AN28, AN150] can do no wrong, right? OK, well, I'll admit Ride Your Wave was kinda mid, and Devilman Crybaby goes hard as hell at the beginning and end but sorta treads water in the middle, but... generally speaking! No-one does it like Yuasa.
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For reasons I don't really remember, I didn't get very far watching Ping-Pong The Animation some years ago. It should be entirely my shit: Yuasa pulling in a gang of wildly creative animators to put their unique spin on something. However, the first episode didn't entirely hook me, and I never got round to trying the second before something else punted 'watching Ping Pong' out of my brain. ADHD, y'know.
This is a shame because even the very next episode seriously goes, as does the one after that. But also this anime isn't entirely what I was expecting (crazy sakugafest full of Yuasa weirdness). Not to say it doesn't do a lot of really unique stuff with its cinematography and animation, but these first episodes at least are more about like... dissociation! ennui!
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But more on that in a mo. First I wanna continue the thread of 'how do you animate sports'.
So, ping-pong, or table tennis. Not a sport I know much about, I'll be honest. (To be fair I don't know a lot about sports in general outside of some very specific niches. The sports I've pursued so far are rather eclectic: swimming, fencing, tai chi chuan, and roller derby; I never got particularly far in any and it's been years since I've done them.)
I'll inevitably be drawing a lot of comparisons to The First Slam Dunk, the other sports anime I've watched recently. I do think it's a productive comparison though! Both of them bring something of the visual language of manga into their presentation in unique ways. I have not yet read the Ping Pong manga, but it's by Taiyō Matsumoto, otherwise known for scifi manga like Tekkonkinkreet (god tier movie, still need to read the manga) and Number Five. So that's a pretty impressive track record!
If you go take a look at some scans of Ping Pong, what will immediately jump out is the shaky, rough line style and unusual camera angles and compositions.
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The stylisation is also very different from a lot of manga. Noses are fully drawn, eyes are realistically small, and in contrast, lips and mouths tend to get the emphasis - as well as hands.
Knowing this makes a lot of the creative choices in the anime make sense! It also adopts a shaky lineart style, and makes use of heavy line weights and spotting blacks to add definition. It also has a lot of crazy closeups and layouts, and it loves a visual metaphor. But most of all, the most striking element of this anime is how often it loves to split the picture up into little panels...
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...which [eli]'s subs do a really good job of typesetting, incidentally, moving the dialogue to fit naturally into the split composition. And while this shot with 7 smaller shots is perhaps on the extreme end, splits of three or more are pretty frequent. It's a really interesting way to evoke the effect of seeing a whole page of manga
So, as you proooobably know, ping-pong is a game of bouncing balls off a little table and directing them into places the opponent will find it hard to hit them back. From watching this anime I picked up that there are a number of styles of holding the racket (e.g. 'penhold grip' and 'shakehand') and approaches to hitting the ball (e.g. 'chopping'). A lot of this pretty much went over my head, but honestly it didn't matter, since the narrative significance was pretty much always evident.
Compared to basketball, though, ping-pong is a pretty tricky sport to make visually interesting! Sure, you have the players running to and fro, and that can lead to some interesting poses, but how do you get the drama and tension into this?
Ping-pong additionally is all 2D, it doesn't have the sort of resources that Toei could throw at making the best looking 3DCG basketball game ever. It is limited to a TV-feasible drawing count. So it has to make use of clever limited-animation tricks to get the most impact out of fewest drawings.
Let's take an example sequence from episode 3. A minor character is about to get his ass kicked by Tsukimoto. Tsukimoto is something of a pingpong prodigy, and yet he is very emotionally closed-off and even standoffish; he doesn't particularly seem to like the game very much, and doesn't particularly feel inclined to flex on other players and get into the status games. But other players, like Wenge, have heard about him and want to see what he's got.
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First we have the setup. Other characters are observing and discussing the game. Since ping-pong tends to involve very rapid exchanges, it can follow the classic shōnen model where there's a lot of talking, flashy fight sequence, more talking...
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The cut happens in two steps, maintaining the vertical dividing line. This approach to cutting is used a lot in Ping-Pong, and it's quite a creative way to keep visual interest when it's using a lot of largely static shots. The panel on the right is more animated than the panel on the left, a naturalistic depiction of bouncing the ball off the table.
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Things start moving faster here. A rapid pan on the image on the left disguises the fact that this anticipation pose is actually not moving at all. This then goes into a rapid, explosive moment as this guy serves.
The final pose is held for a couple of seconds while the voiceover line discussing his intended move finishes. This sort of elasticity of time is a very Osamu Dezaki type of move - it's something that Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata actually really disliked.
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A sound effect hits as Tsukimoto appears on the right in silhouette, anticipating his reaction, and setting up the next shot which leaves the split picture and hides the background for just a moment, as if to put us in Tsukimoto's shoes: he only sees the ball.
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Tsukimoto follows through and holds this pose - the ball is the only thing moving here. The ball moves mainly on 2s while Tsukimoto moves on 3s and 2s, and he and the ball move on alternating frames. He holds the pose as the ball zips off to the right (bouncing off the corner of the table), with a speed lines-like effect. At the end of the shot, the ball freezes in the air for the moment while the sound echoes.
The actual table-tennis round lasts just seconds, and the drawing count involved is pretty minimal, but it does a lot with those drawings.
We go back to voiceovers and reactions in the next few shots, returning to the split video as Tsukimoto's opponent thinks about how he'd really rather be at the beach...
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Often, these comic-like compositions will change one panel at a time, and while one panel is animated another panel will be still, naturally moving your eyes across the screen. It is an approach similar to some experiments I've seen in 'animated comics' viewed in a web browser, where the panels do not appear all at once, but enter with some animation.
So this is the sort of animation technique that Ping Pong uses. It's effective! Elsewhere the cuts are used in a less direct, continuity-editing way and more in a juxtaposition/montage way. For example, Wenge's desire to return to China is symbolised by match cutting/fading to shots of an aeroplane.
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And there is a recurring image, which I'm sure will be expanded on, of Tsukimoto hiding in a cupboard and wishing for a tokusatsu hero to come save him from his isolation. As Tsukimoto's feelings about himself change, the toku hero is replaced by a robot. At this points it starts to feel like an outright Ikuhara anime.
There is occasionally a little bit of CG, mainly when Tsukimoto uses a different type of racket surface, and the way the ball and racket make contact is the crucial thing that the shot is trying to convey...
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It gets the job done, but I'm glad they stuck with 2D for most of it.
So I went in the first time expecting like, crazy elaborate sakuga - and to be fair, the OP, animated by none other than Shinya Ohira, delivers on that front - but if anything what I've seen so far in Ping-Pong is actually a triumph of storyboarding and limited animation techniques. I think back then I didn't have the eyes to appreciate it in the same way.
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OK, that's the film nerd stuff, but what about the story? Ping Pong follows two school friends, Makoto Tsukimoto aka "Smile" (right), and Yutaka Hoshino aka "Peco" (left). Smile is defined by a flat affect and a standoffish persona. He's just going through the motions. He's very good at ping-pong, but to him it's just a way to pass time, and he's scornful about the idea of caring all that much about it. Much like Shinji with his casette player, Tsukimoto is pretty much always staring at a handheld games console rather than make eye contact with anyone.
Peco on the other hand is the more childish one - playful, kinda arrogant, very much an 'emotions on his sleeve' kinda guy. He sulks when he loses and gloats when he wins, and is constantly seen with bubblegum or other kinds of candy. He provides a lot of our commentary when he chats with the other players.
日本語上手 readers probably noticed the tsuki (moon) vs hoshi (star) symbolism thing they've got going on here!
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High-school table tennis in this story seems to be a rather 'tough love' kinda world. Most of these players tend to look down on those who can't meet their level. Going easy on someone is seen as weakness, or cultivating bad habits, by almost everyone. Tsukimoto doesn't play at his full potential because he isn't as invested in winning as all these weirdos, but it seems that might be starting to change...
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The coach is interesting. He's an old man and fairly disdainful of the club at large, and prone to speaking English randomly with a heavy accent. But he gets excited at the prospect of getting Tsukimoto to unleash his full potential, in terms that are repeatedly metaphorically compared to romance/marriage.
And when Tsukimoto gets sick of it, he challenges him to a game, with the stakes as...
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Cue Makima/Beatrice images here I guess.
Tsukimoto de facto wins when the coach collapses, but this episode marks a change of heart. He starts to think of himself as a robot - the affect of a robot replacing the affect of the toku hero in his fantasy. And in this way he does what people seem to want and plays ping pong with mechanical precision, expressed once again in visual metaphor (shot here from a cool transformation sequence)...
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What if I just dissociate harder? This is gonna end well.
So it really is one of those kind of like 'ennui of being a teenager' kind of stories - c.f. say FLCL. 'Boy with complicated emotional landscape' is Yuasa bread and butter, but the particular variant here seems a little unusual for him - they tend to be a little more earnest. I'm curious to see how Tsukimoto develops.
I am definitely enjoying the arrogant Chinese player Kong Wenge. Dude's got a lot of screen presence, and while I'm sure he'll get shown up sooner or later, he makes for a very fun antagonist of sorts.
In comparison to Slam Dunk... one thing that's significantly different about table tennis is that it's an individual rather than a team sport, which means it's harder to have an ensemble cast all contributing to the protagonists' eventual victory - instead it's about a lot of individual arcs interweaving with each other, individual duels. Besides that, it does seem like it will be following a similar arc of a character in an emotional hole (grief for Ryota, depression for Tsukimoto) finding new meaning and purpose through sports - though I can't be sure how things are gonna go for Tsukimoto here!
The tone however is quite different. Even when it's silly, I feel like Slam Dunk is a very sincere story. There's little detachment or irony, or false consciousness - with perhaps the major exception of Ryota's mother, who lets her own grief and trauma get in the way of understanding her son. But ultimately 'why would you care this much about basketball' is not a question that anyone would ask in Slam Dunk. Even the judo guy in the manga who's trying to recruit Sakuragi is just as hot-blooded about his own sport of choice.
There's a difference in like, general affect about the players as well, which has something to do with the sport itself. Yeah, Sakuragi's superpower is his 'genius' ability to predict rebounds, and there is plenty of strategising in Slam Dunk - but basketball is still a sport that very much emphasises physical power, and as much as Slam Dunk will work hard to sell you on a clever trick pass, the visuals are also emphasising the speed that players are dashing, the height they're jumping, their physique. Table tennis by contrast seems to be a sport that's more about prediction and mind games.
That said it is equally just like Matsumoto's style being different from Inoue's. Now I know it's by the guy who wrote Tekkonkinkreet, a lot about this series falls into place! There's a sense of tension here, of being fundamentally at odds with the world. The autismfeels. This is reflected also in the drawings - the characters don't entirely seem comfortable in their embodiment.
So if that's what I'm getting from just three eps, I'm very excited to see what the remaining 8 have to offer. This series is probably too long to cram into Animation Night format, but we'll see...
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hellfireloserclub · 1 year
Inspired by this post
By the wonderful @steddieas-shegoes you dont have to read it first, but you should
At first, Eddie thought something was wrong. They had just gotten through the turnstiles, and he was wandering forward to marvel at the train pulling into the station on the raised platform above them. He hadn’t seen an actual steam train in real life before. The combination of the excitement at seeing the billowing clouds coming from the flume of the engine, on top of the buzz he was still carrying from his first-ever trip on an aeroplane, meant he hadn’t realised Steve had fallen out of step with him until he turned to ask if they could ride it.
Steve had stopped dead in his tracks and didn’t seem to be in any rush to catch Eddie up. So Eddie skipped back around the other families and stopped beside his boyfriend. closeup Eddie could make out that Steve was crying, his sunglasses hid it, but Eddie knew him well enough to read the wobble on his lip and the way his eyebrows arched and know what it meant. 
“Stevie, what is it?” He placed a hand on Steve’s arm, the only thing he felt safe doing in such a public setting. “Did someone say something? You’re not getting one of your headaches are you?” 
Steve shook his head, his wobbling bottom lip turning into a wobbly smile. 
“We’re actually here.” Steve leant into his side moving out of the way of the people coming through the turnstiles, “I never thought… well I never thought I would get here…”
Steve was happy crying in front of a giant floral Mickey Mouse head and Eddie had never loved him more. It was well worth all the sneaking around and plotting and planning to see Steve so overwhelmed with Happiness.
But Eddie might actually burst if they didn’t get into the actual park soon, plus people were looking at them, and he was more than aware that if the sight of two fully grown men crying didn’t draw attention to them, two fully grown heavily scared crying men would. 
“Come on Baby, You haven’t even seen your summer pad yet. I hear that this place has an actual castle, not a two-star McMansion like good old Castle Harrington.” That jostled a laugh out of Steve, who saw ample opportunity to wipe his tear-stained cheek on the shoulder of Eddie’s T-shirt. 
“Are you regretting the wardrobe choices yet?” Steve tugged on the hem of his black shirt.
“Absolutely not.” it was a barefaced lie, he was boiling to death and in desperate need of something to drink as soon as possible. But it was the principle of the thing. He had a standard to uphold. He flagged down a passing member of staff (a cast member Steve had pointed out as they had gotten to the hotel, his nose in the guidebook the kids had bought them) and asked them to take a picture with the camera that Jonathan had lent them for the trip. The woman didn’t even blink as Eddie pulled Steve into his side as they posed before the train station. She wished them a magical day as she returned the camera and Eddie dragged Steve towards the Tunnels under the train station and onto Main Street USA, not as scared to keep Steve a little closer to his side.
Eddie had seen nothing like it before, the adverts on the T. v, and the guidebook didn’t do it justice at all, they hadn’t even been in the park two seconds before Steve had dragged him towards something. 
There was so much to take in, the other-worldly-ness of it was overpowering, and considering Eddie had been stuck in a hell dimension for a good while there that was saying something. Everything was so bright, and as they made their way up towards the honest to god fairytale castle, sounds and smells overwhelmed the senses, Eddie wasn’t sure where to look first. 
Steve was yapping away, flicking through his guidebook, they had picked up a map as they had passed under the station, and Eddie had been tasked with navigating, making a big production of folding the map out as much as he could and wafting it in front of both their faces.
“So what do you want to do first.” he asked as they reached an area on the map labelled with ‘hub,’ “If we go Left we have Pirates and a river adventure, if we go right we have the future. Straight ahead and you can punch a prince in the face, steal his horse and his title for charming.” 
“What do you want to do?” Steve looked so awestruck Eddie wasn't sure he wasn't about to burst into tears again. 
“I say we go buckle some swashes, plus they sell ice Cream over in ‘adventure land’” (he did the air quotes, earning him an annoyed tisk from a woman carrying a child that had stopped next to them ) 
Soon they each had a dole whip float, and Eddie couldn't help but laugh as Steve ended up with a scoop of ice cream stuck to the end of his nose as he attempted to retrieve his straw from the mountain of Pineapple Juice and soft serve.
After they had cooled down, they joined the line for the Jungle Cruise; he did not know what to expect, but it wasn’t the dry sarcastic deadpan humour of the Skipper of the little boat. The jokes were Hopper level dad jokes, and by the time they had reached the eighth wonder of the world (the back side of water), they had both almost fallen in with laughing so hard. 
“Well, at least if everything else fails Mike can get a job working for the Jungle Navigation company.” Steve pointed at the fake flyers on the way out of the queue advertising for staff.
They stuck to the shade as they made their way towards the next ride, only pausing to watch as Chip and Dale wandered past them (‘Jesus imagine if Wayne had gotten chipmunks that size stuck in the roof?’ ‘Are they a couple? Or is it a Burt and Earnie situation?’ Dustin would know he knows everything ) 
“What the hell is a Handwitch and why do I want one?”
It turned out to be a sandwich served as a cone, and ended up in a debate on if Argyle had anything to do with the monstrosity that had just been devoured. It lasted all the way until they got into the delightful air conditioning of the pirate line. The ride building was cold, and there was a strange smell in the air, but they were thankful for it as they ventured further and further into the darkness. As they loaded into another boat, they took the back row, Eddie feeling emboldened by the darkness twisted his hand together with Steve as their boat took off on a voyage. 
Dead men tell no tales.
Eddie lent in close to Steve’s ear “Dunno I thought it was one of my better skills.” 
“Think you have to stay dead, you came back and haven’t shut up since.”
We wants the redhead.
“Isn’t that Birdie’s battle cry?”
Here doggy doggy doggy 
“That dog is guarding those keys like I guard the last shred of my sanity around the rugrats.” 
"Well, now I have a massive need to see you dressed as a pirate" Steve teased as they jumped out of the boat at the other end. 
"Well, they sell tricorns and swords in the gift shop so it can be arranged" 
Walking into frontier land Eddie couldn't help but make a beeline for the cowboys selling hats near some construction walls. He tried not to appreciate the man in the chaps but he was only human. 
 "If I buy a pirate hat, you need a cowboy hat or that Davy Crockett hat." He pointed to the one next to the popcorn maker. 
"That very specific one? Is there something you want to share with the class Munson?" 
"Not where impressionable ears can hear Harrington." He wiggled his eyebrows and Steve reached for his wallet. By the time they got on the rollercoaster, Steve had the fake raccoon hat pulled down over his hair and Eddie had dashed back to buy the tricorn he had seen in the last land. As they rode up the lift hill, he leant into Steve " You heard the man darlin' best remove em…" 
"Think they meant hats and glasses baby, keep it in your pants, I know you can restrain yourself till we get back to the hotel." Yet Steve still shimmied a little closer along the bench seat knocking his knees playfully against Eddie’s, the skin on skin contact where their knees met was enough to make Eddie reach out and touch, resting his hand on Steve’s bare knee as they looked out at the world around them. The castle looked just as pretty from the back, and the sight of a steamboat thrilled Eddie almost as much as the train. He was so distracted he didn’t even see the first drop coming. 
 The coaster was a little wilder than the pop-up ones at the Hawkins fair and Eddie was happy that Steve gripped his hand as they took the second drop because Eddie was almost sure he was about to see the dole whip in reverse. 
He declined the chocolate-covered bacon, happy to let Steve indulge in his abomination on a stick. Seeking shelter from the midday sun they dropped into a show, the way Steve's face lit up when he turned to Eddie and whispered "These bears all talk like you and Wayne after too many whiskeys" earned the younger man a dig in the ribs. 
After getting photos with the country bears (they also liked Steve's hat.) Eddie all but dragged Steve towards the ominous-looking Mansion.
 "Nope, I've changed my mind, you need to get one of these maid outfits" Steve whispered as they stepped into more darkness the doors closed behind them and a looming voice began taking from the darkness.
Steve pressed in closer as the room began to seemingly stretch around them. Eddie almost missed the door opening as he tried to work out how they had achieved the effect, it definitely felt like the room was stretching, and it disorientated him as they followed the crowd out onto the loading platform. 
Eddie was already convinced that this was some of the coolest shit he had ever seen even before they were loaded into their doom buggies.
" Is this going to be scary?" Steve whispered. 
"I doubt you're going to shit your pants if that's what you're worried about, baby, you can hold my hand if you need to."  
Steve did just that, content to watch Eddie as he tried not to miss anything as they progressed from room to room. 
By the time they had gotten to the ballroom, Steve was leaning forward just as much as he was, eyes blown wide as he took it all in. 
By the time they had ditched their hitchhiking ghosts and emerged blinking back into the sunlight, both of them were trying to work out how they had managed the effects. 
"Again? " Steve asked as they passed a carriage with a ghost horse. 
By the time they had been around four times, Eddie was sure he had worked out how they had achieved the ghost effects in the ballroom and could recite the opening monologue of the ride from memory. (quietly so as not to annoy anyone else, he wasn't a monster.) 
"I don't think I want a ghost following us home." Eddie lamented as Steve finally pulled them away from the ride and towards a churro cart.  
"After Vecna, a ghost would be easy to deal with, I mean, El would sort them out if they really miss behaved, we could teach them to fold laundry or something useful.," Steve licked the cinnamon and sugar off his fingers, and paired with the beaver hat he still had pulled down over his head, it was giving Eddie ideas. 
"You're thinking if a poltergeist, like Beetlejuice babe, ghosts can't touch stuff." 
"I see what you're doing and that's not gonna work, plus Universal is up the street, play your cards right and I might take you to meet the ghost with the most, but only if you're a good boy." 
"If I drag you on 'the happiest little cruise to ever sail' will I get marked down?" 
Eddie tried not to be charmed by the tiny dancing figures but every so often he would see one that reminded him of the kids and he would point them out to Steve and laugh. There were only so many times he could hear the syrupy sounds of "It's a small world " before he wanted to shove his fingers in his ears. 
"Someone sold their soul to the devil to write that tune. It's going to be stuck in my head forever." 
And when Steve dragged him across the path towards Peter Pan, Eddie found himself humming the tune, if it got stuck in his brain he was going to make it everyone else's problem. 
They got a few funny looks as they waited for their pirate ship to take them to Neverland, and even more scandalised looks when Steve loudly started talking about how Peter Pan reminded him of Eddie. 
"Yeah well unlike Peter I came back from the dead, at least I get the chance to grow up." 
"Naturally, is there any other way?" He wrapped his arm around Steve, in the dark surrounded by mermaids and pirates, it felt safe to be themselves for a moment or two. Steve sank into it, not really watching the dark rides story as they passed, and still humming 'It's a small world ' as they traversed through the stars. 
Steve looked in his element as Eddie hammed it up, fantasyland was more his speed. 
It reminded him of the Renaissance fairs he would go to, the cast members all dressed in fantasy outfits and there was an honest to god replica of the sword in the stone, both of them tried to pull it from the rock only to have the little blonde girl behind them in the line have it slide out right out.
"No more King Harrington, this is a momentous day! Let's celebrate by going round in circles on the fancy painted horses, I'm sure that will in no way make us throw up." Eddie dragged them to the thankfully short line for the carousel. 
"This might not but the tea cups will most definitely make you hurl." Steve pointed to the viciously spinning pastel monstrosities, and Eddie regretted the churro choices immediately.
Eddie posed on his horse Steve snapped a photo and passed the camera over to Eddie to get one of his own. He looked stunning in the mid-afternoon sun, even with the stupid hat. Eddie waited until he got a genuine smile before he hit the shutter, he knew this one was going on the wall. 
Eddie was trying to work out what Disney's deal was with boats and things that spin. It seemed to be a running theme, so after being thrown around in a teacup and then going around in circles on the back of a flying elephant, he was happy to be climbing into a bucket and taking the skyway into the future. At least that just went in a straight line.
They took photos in front of Space Mountain and then joined the line. Steve had his guidebook out again, pulled out of his fanny pack where he was holding things for safekeeping. His eyes kept darting from the guide to the space theme around them and he started going into details about space. 
"I didn't think this was your kind of thing?" Eddie asked, leaning against the icy wall. 
"Space? I was obsessed with it when I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. But Dad said it wasn't a realistic dream. So sports it was. Still, find it fascinating. Just don’t tell Dustin." 
"How is it, after all this time I'm still discovering things about you?" Eddie sighed lovingly, he was a sucker for excited nerd Steve, and he was almost at peak adorable as he climbed into the seat before Eddie, pulling off his hat and shoving it in the basket before him Steve looked stupidly happy. Shoving his own hat into the compartment he pulled down the lap bar already sure he was going to hate this ride with a burning passion. He didn’t disappoint himself with that estimation, by the time he had got to the other side he had decided space just wasn’t for him. 
Steve wanted to go on again, so Eddie hunted out the smoking area, and people watched. A family with their little kids clambering to get to the next ride caught his eye. A little boy was tugging one of them away from the coffee stand and towards the petrol race cars. The older one was watching Eddie with a curious look.
Eddie couldn’t keep his eyes off the family, two little boys and their dads, he hadn’t been sure at first, but then he caught the way the men looked at each other and he KNEW, that's the way he and Steve looked at each other. Here in the Happiest place on earth, the little family were being themselves and Eddie found himself longing for something he never thought he would ever have. 
Steve emerged from the gift shop just as Eddie was stubbing his cigarette out, and Eddie wanted to follow the family. It was making him think things, things that involved Steve feeding a little person at 3 am as he sang quietly to them both. 
As Robin called it ‘the free-roaming queers’ had opened something in his heart. He just wanted to see that someone out there like them had made a family from the scraps that society would allow them to have. That there was hope for him and Steve beyond hiding behind closed doors, and a fear that one day one of them wouldn’t come walking back through the door. 
Steve gladly followed Eddie’s lead, climbing into the tiny cars that stank of petrol, they were in the car directly behind one of the other men and one of the kids, and Eddie couldn’t help but keep glancing at them, willing Steve to understand. He knew he had jumped several steps, but his heart wanted what his heart wanted, he just had to hope Steve wanted the same thing. 
 And as they reached the end of the circuit and they waited to exit, Steve caught up with the situation. 
 And as they reached the end of the circuit and they waited to exit, Steve caught up. 
The blonde man walked over and helped his partner out of the car, Steve caught sight of the rings, and the two kids and he made an audible sound that made the Blonde man turn sharply to look at them. 
The Blonde’s face changed from anger to understanding, as Eddie reached out and wrapped his hand around Steve’s wanting to signal they weren’t a threat. 
The couple smiled and waved to them as they left, and Steve gave a weak wave back, he looked as if he were about to cry. 
“Ok, baby?”
“Yeah, just… yeah.” he wasn’t but Eddie didn’t want to push it, moving him quietly towards the people mover, he didn’t speak, they just took their seat side by side as they moved around the track. As they entered the dark of space mountain Steve found his hand again. 
“They had kids,” he whispered quietly into Eddie’s ear. “Can we have kids?”
“You can have anything you want sweetheart, all you have to do is ask.”
“No, that’s not… I mean maybe it is but, I thought-”
“-It’s complicated, but nothing stopping us. But maybe this is a conversation we should have when we can actually see each other,”
He felt rather than saw Steve nodding, knowing his face was screwed up in that adorable way that made Eddie want to push the crease out from between his brows and kiss it better. 
But as the daylight returned as they exited the tunnel all he saw was the adoration on the other man’s face. 
From then on they saw that family almost everywhere in the park. And when Eddie finally got to go on his steam train, the older boy climbed into the row with them. His dad nodded from the row ahead, acknowledging it was fine.
It was like Dustin had climbed aboard the train, and Eddie found himself talking at length about the way the engine worked, the entire time he could feel Steve watching him, he knew that if he looked up, he would be blown away by how gorgeous his boyfriend looked right now, he always lit up whenever Eddie was like this with people’s kids.
When they jumped off the train Oliver, as he had introduced himself, was still explaining the finer point of pistons to Eddie. His Dad’s walked over coming to a stop next to Steve.
“I hope he wasn’t too much of a pest.” the dark-haired one asked.
“Absolutely not, Eddie was going to wax poetic about trains, he might as well do it to someone who will appreciate it.” Steve smiled at Oliver, his little brother was now asleep in the Blonde man's arms. 
“He’s been asking to come to talk to your husband since you got off space mountain, he wanted to know where you got the Raccoon hat.” The dark-haired man said to Eddie, and it only threw him slightly to hear Steve referred to as his husband, he found he didn’t hate it at all “He’s obsessed with Davy Crockett, I mean you can’t blame him.” 
“It’s the arms right?” Eddie grinned as Steve blushed slightly aware that he was being objectified but preening like the peacock he was. 
"We got it over next to big thunder, because someone is incredibly predictable." He said nudging Eddie with his hip. 
"Says the man who wanted me to buy this pirate hat" Eddie defended himself, almost forgetting they were in public. Almost. He was well aware the poster family for all American wholesome were judging them from the steps. He remembered where he was seconds before he went to flip them the bird. Settling for a little wave instead. 
"Well Oliver, say bye to the nice couple, we have dinner booked." The dark-haired man said, nudging Oliver to shake both their hands.  
"Nice to meet you Mr Eddie, dad and pops say I must always be a gentleman." 
"I think our Dustin could do with learning some manners like you." Eddie said, grasping Oliver's hand and shaking. Steve lent down and did the same. As they waved goodbye Eddie heard Oliver exclaim to his fathers ' Dustin has two dads too, awesome.'
When Eddie looked at Steve again, he could see he was on the verge of tears again. 
It was shaping up to be an emotional day. They said nothing to each other as they hunted out food, settling onto the grass by the castle to eat the foot-long hotdogs they had purchased. Steve was ruminating on something, sunglasses now tucked away as the sun dropped beyond the horizon. 
Eddie waited, he had learned a long time ago that rushing Steve wasn't the best idea; he got to things in his own time, even it he was likely to torture himself over it for a while first. 
 Eventually as the surrounding hub filled, Steve moved closer, leaning into Eddie's side as if he didn't care they were in public. Eddie was damn sure he wasn't bothered. 
"That man called me your husband, and you didn't correct him." Steve was staring at the castle. It was as if it scared him to look across at Eddie. 
"That's because I didn't want to." Eddie was glad his voice hadn't faltered, he didn't want Steve to have any doubt in this. "I'd marry you in an instant, you know that right?" 
Steve did look at him then. Not even pretending to hide the tears pooling in his eyes now. He nodded. 
"I'm not a cliché Harrington, You aren't getting me on my knees in front of this castle. But when we get home? No going all Paranoid again if I start sneaking about ok?" 
"Maybe I'll ask you first, did you think about that Munson?" 
“Well I don’t see any losers in that situation, and I mean, I did organise you the most kick ass metal holiday ever, I mean It’s about time you did some work.” Steve had the decency to look offended but still twisted his hand into Eddie’s as the lights around them dimmed and the music started playing from the speakers. 
As the night sky filled with fireworks and the crowd oohed and aahed at the explosions above the castle, Eddie held Steve closer in the darkness. 
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✨ Breach of containment ✨
This is the last I’ve been working on for the past few weeks, very, very inspired by the game Carrion (if you haven’t played it yet, you absolutely should !), which is made all the more special because I finally took time to use my lighting kit (seem below). Of course, closeups and commentaries below the cut
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Left containment unit closeups :
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Right containment unit closeups :
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Top closeup :
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Alt version (studio lights + in-built lights) :
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This is one of the screenshots I’ve been working with (where the monster just breached containment) :
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So, as I said previously, this piece is heavily inspired by Carrion. I tried to look up any previously made Lego thing related to the game, but all I could find were a few Reddit posts with (debatably) interesting takes on the monster. So, the good news is that this is most likely the most original piece I’ve made yet.
The original plan was to have only one container, and one monster, with left being the body inside and right being the outside part. However, placing Left in the middle of the transparent pieces made it mostly good on its own, so with some modifications, I made it work alone and expanded the outside part inward, and ended up with two of them.
Left is pretty okay from all angles, but Right is not necessarily as good from the back, and had a supplementary jaw on the side of the container which can’t be seen on the photos.
Getting back to comparing that to the game. I tried to stay close while adding my own little details. The wiring and cable system is from me, but the container is mostly inspired by the game, just like the electric box (middle) and the little informative display (under the electric box) which is…empty, yes.
Some details can’t be seen on the photos (or barely), which are mostly some filler sci-fi stuffs to make the wall less flat and less empty.
What also helped with breach the flatness of the wall is the switch from dark grey to light gray, using the awesome spring projectile launcher piece, which has this very nice shape which make the transition just a bit smoother.
So, let’s talk about whatever I’ve done with the lighting !
I’ve had this old lighting kit (originally designed for a car model) lying around for a long time, and finally got to use it ! It doesn’t look really good without my studio lights because my camera is not made for that (The effect in reality really gives escaping monstrosity a dark vibe which is not well depicted with my photos…). Another thing which is not noticeable with the photos is that the two red dots in the center are actually blinking lights (and somehow, they tend to desynchronise).
The choice of letting some of the wires out is debatable, but I think it adds to the vibe (and some of them would have been a pain to hide anyway). And sadly, the back is but a mess of wires, but I can’t actually do anything about that.
Speaking of the back, the whole thing is one dot large and completely flat, and the ceiling only hold without pillars because of the use of tension linking directly the baseplate and the roof through the use of technic bars; and probably because the ceiling itself is not that heavy. It is, in fact, only constitued of six old road pieces connected together and frames, which give the roof little weight and high sturdiness (and the shape on the side of the piece offers a nice sci-fi effect as a bonus).
The addition of tentacles in the vent (which hides the connection between road plates in the roof) is just another reminder of the game : you can’t be safe anywhere, if air flows~
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fourseasonsfigs · 10 months
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Snowy Mountain Wenzhou (Handcrafted)
When I posted about the beautiful handcrafted Taolin Wen Kexing statue from this artist, I mentioned that I had bought a snowy mountain set from her as well. That set made the long sea journey over to me, and is now ready for prime time!
These two were sold as a set, ready made. I was very excited to get them, since I didn't have a Zhou Zishu in this size and style yet.
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I will tell you though, I messed up with this set. These were shipped in a very large box, so I figured I'd have them wrapped up in air column wrap to given them extra protection.
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I did NOT think this decision through. It did not occur to me that the force of the air columns would press down too harshly on the figures. So, a couple things happened.
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First, Wen Kexing's beautiful head (and please do take a minute to admire this gorgeous paint job) got broken - you can see how under his jaw there is a big crack. As I've said with these ultralight clay figures before, they're actually pretty flexible and tough - they just can't take crushing damage very well. In this case, though, it was an easy fix - I just pulled open the crack a little bit more (yes, that's as unpleasant as it sounds), ran a thin line of glue, and pressed it back shut until the glue bonded. Good as new!
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The other issue, however, was that the force of the air columns squeezing up against the figures pressed all the beautiful drapery against itself. As you saw in the Taolin Wen Kexing, the artist very carefully molds all these wonderful curved folds and drapes everything against the figure in layers and layers of clay. She did on this set too, before some of those curves all got compressed together for a month, in the heat of early summer shipping. So, those folds arrived all flat and stuck to themselves. I tried running the rounded curved handle of a powder brush under the folds to loosen them up, which actually did separate them from each other nicely. But the sheets of ultralight clay are so thin, that I was afraid of ripping them if I was more aggressive. What I need to do is run the clothing under warm water and see if I can make the sheets a bit more pliable to re-bend back into place, but I have to work up the intestinal fortitude to do that first. Maybe later this fall.
Alright! I'll do the normal photographic circle around the two of them, and then do a bunch of closeups of each of them so you can see all the beautiful detail.
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Beautiful! Even a bit squished, they're still incredibly lovely. The camera had a hard time focusing on both of them at the same time, so here's some detailed photos, starting with A-Xu:
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Just amazing. The way she does the lips on these figures alone is incredible. Not to mention how we get this beautiful modeling on the neck, so when the light hits it we get the Adam's apple and the shadows of the muscles.
If this was me, I'd still be paralyzed in the initial stages of picking out the right colors...not anywhere vaguely close to starting in on the first drapery fold of the first figure.
Alright, on to Lao Wen:
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Ridiculous. If I was this talented, I'd literally never shut up about it. I'd be insufferable. Luckily for everyone, that's in no way a problem.
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The shine on the lips. I can't get over it, it looks so perfect.
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It's easy for me to forget when I'm staring at Wen Kexing's immaculate face, but I can't forget he's holding A-Xu's drinking gourd for him!
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Here's a picture of all three statues that I have so far. If you missed my post about Taolin Wen Kexing, it's here.
I'm out of picture slots, or I'd just keep posting pictures of these two, I love them.
Are there more posts coming about figures I've bought from this artist? Absolutely! I love her work. There's a couple Crown Prince figs, among others, that I'm really excited about (yes, I have been obsessed with watching Legend of Anle)!
Material: Ultra-light clay
Fig Count: 443
Scene Count: 30
Rating: Forever beautiful
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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Anaïs Mitchell, “Road to Hell (Reprise)” // Don’t Look Up (2021) dir. Adam McKay // Miranda Mundt, Muted // BigSimpleComics, Critter Comics // The Narcissist Cookbook, “GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE” // Chase Petra, “Prologue” // Eleanor Davis, You & a Bike & a Road
I.D. below cut
[Image Description: 7 Images with text
Image 1: Lyrics from the Hadestown song “Road to Hell (Reprise).” They read, “To know how it ends / And still begin to sing it again / As if it might turn out this time.”
Image 2: Two frames from the movie Don’t Look Up. On the top frame is a view of a man and woman from the chest up. The woman, Kate, looks past the camera, giving a small, sad smile. The man, Yule, looks at Kate. Text underneath them reads "I'm grateful … I'm grateful we tried." On the bottom frame, a man, Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe, looks down with a tired, wistful smile. Text underneath him reads, "Man, oh man did we try."
Image 3: A webcomic panel from Muted by Miranda Mundt. A red-haired woman, Camille, and a humanoid blue flower demon, Dendro, touch their foreheads together. Dendro’s eyes are closed, and she cups Camille’s face in her hands. Camille looks dispirited. Dendro is saying, “While you can reach out to help her … it is ultimately her choice if she takes your hand.”
Image 4: Two webcomic panels from Critter Comics (formerly Snail Comics) by BigLittleComics. In the first panel, a closeup of a the face of a slug, Sam. She is saying, “It’s very tempting to think we have no power, and that we can’t change anything.” In the second panel, we zoom out to see Sam is talking to a snail, Jordon. Sam continues, “But giving up seems pretty convenient for the snails actively making our world suck!”
Image 5: Lyrics from the song “GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE” by The Narcissist Cookbook. They read, “And listen / I know, okay? I know it feels / Like I’ve just got you lugging’ heavy rocks around all day / For no reason, with no reward / But please, trust me / I can see what you’re not able to see yet / This is not just a pile of stones, okay? / We are buildin’ a castle together / And we’re gonna build it, brick by heavy fuckin’ brick.”
Image 6: Lyrics from the song “Prologue” by Chase Petra. They read, “I may be scared, but I’ll find strength in fear.”
Image 7: A text bubble from the book You & a Bike & a Road. It reads, “Another day spent undestroyed.”
End Image Description]
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carpisuns · 1 year
do you have tips to draw kisses?
hi this has been sitting in my box for a while bc I always forget to come back to things lol sorry
Very surprised you would come to me of all people for such advice haha so firstly I will link my go-to kiss-drawing tutorials which I refer to almost every time I draw a kiss! Lol
This one is labeled in my private discord as “That One Kiss Tutorial” bc I never want to lose it lol
This one is also very helpful!
my personal goal when I draw a smooch is to have a Squish factor to it. I want it to look like they are existing on the same plane and that there is actual lip contact happening and that they are pressing their lips together with squish rather than overlapping like pieces of paper. U know what i mean. Also applies to forehead and cheek kisses and squishing faces together. I do not know how well I manage to achieve this but I’ve found it helps to show a clear point of contact that is kind of a flat line. Basically this part of the first tutorial i linked:
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I refer to this frequently so you can see how I try to do the line with the little lines coming off it like they’re describing haha
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Depending on the style you might also just draw minimal lines or even no lines at all where their lips are making contact. That can have a nice effect too for a more simplistic style. I doodled this real fast to attempt to show you what I mean and idk maybe it looks a little weird ? But I dug in my tags and found this and this which are good examples of that style
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Also I’m not great at drawing heads at different angles so I struggle to do the more severe head tilt but it helps to make sure the direction of the curve of their eye is going the opposite direction if that makes sense. like in the above examples, I gave one of them a downward arc for the eye and the other one an upward arc for the eye to show which direction their head is tilting. A little bit of shading can go a long way to hint at that tilt too.
if lip contact is just too hard to do, you can always draw the kiss from an angle to obscure their lips altogether! if the “camera” is behind on of their heads instead of straight on from the side, like this
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These are closeups but this is a good example of what I mean
Anyway, I’m not an expert but these are my little tricks to try to draw something that I hope looks like a passable kiss haha. kisses are tough so don’t beat yourself up for not being satisfied with the ones you draw yet. Just keep trying and you’ll get the hang of it. Good luck and happy drawing!! 💜💜
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moltengoldveins · 1 month
Writing out that end credits scene from Antarctic Empire I mentioned (it’s important to me that you know the song Techno is humming is Danse Macabre):
*open shot of a wide cluttered office, with stone was and deeply seated windows, each with a simple motive of a blue band and a white starburst in the center worked in stained glass panels. The walls are draped with thick tapestries and red curtains, framing several tables, all cluttered with kitsch. The rest of the room seems to be roughly divided between a paper-and-books office space and a blacksmithing setup. This is, as common sense would put it, probably really stupid. And a fire hazard.*
*techno walks across screen, from the office side to the smithy, quietly humming. He’s carrying a bucket of water in one hand and wearing his cape and crown. His tail snatches something from a table as he steps offscreen*
*a waist-high shot of techno draping his cape over the back of a chair and his crown over one of the prongs on the back, walking foreword past the camera and out of frame. He’s honestly barely in focus, our eyes are drawn to the crown. We can hear him put the bucket down and pull a chair out from behind camera*
*cut to a closeup of his upper body at table-level as he settles. His humming is louder now, and he’s prepping what looks like gold wire. We cut again to see him from behind at a yet-unseen work table, this one in an open part of the room. He’s framed in front of the open front of a massive fireplace, roaring brightly, whose light has been one of the easiest ways to tell where things are in this space thus far. Techno grabs a tiny hammer and begins tapping at whatever he’s working at.*
*cut again, this time to see him hauling with one hand at the bellows, the other flipping through a heavy book tucked into his elbow. He’s timing the beats of his humming to the breath of the bellows, and as the scene picks up pace the background music kicks in, accompanying his voice until it eventually drowns it out.*
*what follows is a gradually hastening series of shots, timed to the music, of Techno’s work at the forge and his desks, crafting and enchanting and scrapping attempts at something. His cape and crown are thrown down in the same chair at the same angle with increasing frustration, and we see him scribbling again and again on diagrams we can’t quite make out. The intention is clear: whatever he’s making isn’t good enough.*
*finally, the music comes to a screeching halt as we see Techno crush his latest attempt, turn to hurl it at the wall, and freeze at the sight of a pile of loot and refuse heaped in the corner of his room. We cut to a front shot, his expression somewhere between shocked and enraged, and pan slowly away until we are in a pile of something indistinct that he’s staring at. He pauses for a moment, the scene dead-silent, then steps forward to rake through the rubble, yanking out a massive intricate necklace of diamond and emerald. It looks obscenely expensive, made even more absurd by the fact that it’s just… sheen sitting in his office in a heap. There’s a closeup of his hands, thumbing over the gems in the necklace. clever eyes might remember this necklace as one the vicious former queen was wearing in most of the political scenes in the film, including Phil’s introduction in the very beginning.*
*one last cut, this one with a distinct difference in light from the previous to imply time passing. Techno is working, but he looks satisfied again, and is back to humming. He cuts off as Phil knocks on the door behind him*
Phil: Techno! You up?
Techno (scrambling to cover whatever it is he’s making): Yes?!
Phil; Get your arse out here, we’ll be late for petitioner’s hour!
Techno: I’m the Emperor, *he turns, grinning, to set a tool down on the table and grab his crown as he stands* I can cancel petitioner hour if I please!
*the shot continues as Techno walks out of focus, opening the door and slamming it shut, leaving us to pan across the mess of the table until we reach two massive rectangular-cut emeralds, set in intricate gold housings and glittering in the morning sunlight. They lay on a stack of haphazard sketches and draft papers. In the corner, if you pause the frame, you can see the words ‘friendship emeralds’ scrawled in Techno’s handwriting on one of the pages and underlined several times. The emeralds hum slightly as they glitter, runes flickering in their depths, clearly enchanted. There’s one last faint repetition of the musical motive techno has been humming.*
*cut to black*
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justa-moth · 7 months
general funny theatre moments:
alright so first thing i wanna say is that there were several moments where the theatre LOST THEIR SHIT
the first moment was when matpat. basically you here his voice before you see him, and the SECOND his face was showed everyone was just yelling "OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD" and then he said the "its just a theory" line is everyone lost it again JHKFSD
and then the second moment was when they played the FUCKING LIVING TOMBSTONE FNAF SONG. LIKE THE SONG
also during the scene where the babysitter gets bit
when she was investigating freddys teeth
my brother joking leaned over and was like "was that the bite of 87 :OOOOOO"
Positives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like this is the first time in canon material we really see them delving more into the fact that they really are just lost and scared Dead Children
like the fact that they showed how they truly were just robo children, like building a huge blanket fort, tickling abby, the fact that they brought up how the ghosts understand pictures more, like the end scene where mike is like "show them what really happened" and abby draws a little crayon scene of afton killing the kids
like in alot of fanon stuff people love going into that
but this is the first time in canon shit that we see them just. being kids
and i thought that was genuinely so fucking cool
like the blanket fort scene was honestly adorable, if a little out of place
ik some people were a little on edge with fucking PEETA MELLARK being mike
but MAN did he pop his pussy during this movie omfg
abby and the freddy ghost kid were WONDERFUL
plus matthew lillard obviously played insane Very Well
where like it kept showing up in places and then mike would just like turn it around and put it in timeout
the part where the main guy watches them on the cams and sees bonnie and chica just chillin by the vent
and then chica just leeaaaannsssssss down and puts cupcake in the vent
and then just both just >:( at the camera
AND THE RED EYES !!!!!!!!!!!
VERY mild negatives
i only really have two Actual gripes with certain choices
the anti-climatic springlock scene, and the choice to make vanessa the afton and not mike
like for the springlock failure scene, in all iterations of it, its always an instant thing
like in that one minigame scene, you hear them creak for a sec, and then they ALL chomp at once and he screams
but in the movie it was just kinda gradual which ig they had to do??
like how all the major death scenes were either off screen or like,,,,, shadows
which ig i understand bc they didnt wanna make it too exclusive by going all the way to r rated
but yeah in like all iterations of the springlock failure scene its always smth wet triggers in, and then bam they all go off, like theres springlocks EVERYWHERE like those fuckers puncture EVERYTHING
i mean we get like some close ups of them cutting into his stomach but like
still wouldve liked a more Instantaneous springlock scene
my only other real gripe with it was the choice to make vanessa the afton and not mike
really the choice to include her at All was odd to me like ever since the cast list came out
like just,,,,,,, chronologically why is she here (but hey when has fnaf ever liked its timelines
the choice to COMPLETELY change mikes story by giving him the like dead little brother and alive little sister and like
someone actually pointed out a really good point where it was like
why did afton kidnap a kid from some random ass family at a campsite????
like the whole point was that stealing kids from the pizzeria was convenient, so why go all the way out to some forest in nebraska to kill a kid
but back to vanessa, like i understand how in the books there was the vanessa a., so obviously everyone thought that stood for afton, and even when she was in security breach people thought she was an afton
i just think the choice to make Her aftons kid, and make MIKE FUCKIGN SCHMIDT have zero relation to him was just Very Odd
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misspermitted · 1 year
So after my 50th time rewatching the "I need you Hannibal" scene I've gotten so obsessed I'm doing a close analysis. Also I'm procrastinating. Yes I purposefully subtitled Hannibal with a black box and Will with a white one, because symmetry.
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So firstly, I love how the first shot is Will walking towards the open gates in Hannibal's mind palace that he symbolically opened to leave in the previous goodbye scene.
It's noteworthy that Hannibal says 'goodbyes.' He's not just referring to Will's previous conversation with Hannibal, but Will saying goodbye to Jack, Alana, and this old life.
The response "we have one last good bye between us" is, like all things in this scene, dripping with subtext. On the surface Will is saying, 'we're not finished yet, we have to do one more thing' but I almost think, subtextually, he's not referring to saying goodbye to Hannibal at all, but the one last goodbye from them to Jack and Alana. Will has fallen, Hannibal has spent enough time playing with them, it is time for them both to leave. For good.
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I think this shot is really cool. It shows that, in the current dynamic, Will is essentially coming back to grovel to Hannibal. He is looking up at Hannibal in the shot. Hannibal is physically higher.
Hannibal's dialogue is also really interesting here. He is desperate for Will to apologise to him, yet he won't fully admit his vulnerability. He feigns ignorance of what exactly will says. He's trying to mock Will for having to come back and grovel without admitting that he was hurt.
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This is the first closeup of the scene and it's powerful. It shows us Will's hesitation as he repeats it. Yet also the camera has a slight upward tilt; this isn't him grovelling and saying sorry. He's stating a fact. I've seen a lot of metas about this scene which say this is Hannibal regaining control by getting Will to say please, but I really don't think it is. This is them becoming equals. This is Will saying: I can hurt you, but I need you, so you can also hurt me.
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Hannibal WINCES. Like the significance of Hannibal being so hurt by just hearing Will say that again that he winces and drops his superiority act. This is Hannibal expressing vulnerability. And this expression drops the mind palace, the make pretend that Hannibal is looming over Will. They're in reality now.
Ignoring how jarring it is to hear Hannibal say 'mic drop', Hannibal mimics Will so many times during this exchange. I'll point the other out as they happen, but I think this is the first time . I think it's such a weird but fun role reversal, we see Will mimic Hannibal many times during the show, as he feels the lines between them blur. The beginning of Will's villain arc is him getting all groomed and suited up, having cannibal dinners, echoing Hannibal's behaviour. Now, Hannibal is locked up like Will was, and he's mimicking his slang. It's kinda like how whenever they did the mirror effect between Will and Hannibal in season 3B Will is projected over Hannibal. It's like how Hannibal betrayed Will and ran off to get married, and then that's what Will did to Hannibal. Will blurred with Hannibal, Hannibal is now blurring with Will.
It zooms to a contextual shot as Hannibal acknowledges that Will has come back, after such an epic goodbye. Will is vulnerable, just like Hannibal is. They're at equal standing, and this is shown.
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Will isn't going to apologise to Hannibal. Like Hannibal was never gonna apologise to Will. But Will is gonna do what he wanted Hannibal to do in season 2: he's going to admit his behaviour. Which is a big deal for one these emotionally constipated gays. Hannibal tries to prod Will into admitting his manipulations in their previous conversation, where Will responds "Are you accusing me of something?" Will never admits his behaviour. Even his 'goodbye' isn't an admission, it's just a statement that Hannibal wouldn't of turned himself in if Will hadn't of rejected him. Not that Will knew and planned it. But this is an admission.
But Hannibal, who is clearly smiling and impressed, still needs more. His 'and you did' prods Will. I have admitted I need you. Admit that you need me. Stop dancing around it.
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I'm crying. Hugh Dancy is such a great actor oh my god. Will hesitates for quite a moment. He doesn't want to admit it. When he actually says the phrase 'I need you' he can't even meet Hannibal's eyes. Given how much eye sex Will and Hannibal have, when they break eye contact it's a big deal. Will breaks eye contact another time in this scene as well, in the next big statement, and I think it's important to consider that Will sees eye contact as distracting and overwhelming intimacy. He barely makes eye contact with Hannibal during his first prison visit in a desperate attempt to close that intimacy between them.
If I'm right Will does not call Hannibal by his first name at all in season 3B. Hannibal comments "are we no longer on a first name basis" and Will emphasises that he doesn't want to be personal. Will calls Hannibal his name twice in this conversation. The last time he called Hannibal by his first name was when Will rejected him. It is such a manipulation technique by Will yes, emphasising their connection, but it's also an acknowledgement of their intimacy. We are on a first name basis.
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The second example of Hannibal mimicking Will! Directly repeating Will's slang from their last conversation. Also Hannibal looking so pleased with himself. It's a lot. This scene is like my favourite scene. I'm emotional.
Okay so the next bit is, in my opinion, two conversations. One for the listeners and one between Will and Hannibal. I'm going to say my interpretation of the secret conversation.
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I have been contacted by the dragon, he wants to meet you. There's no way Hannibal didn't get that from the 'maybe.' Will never says 'maybe' if he's profiling. He's been contacted.
I am serious about this. I rejected you before. I have come back. i am staying back. This is a serious invitation. I'm interpreting this because Hannibal's previous 'ding dong the dragon's not dead' is somewhat mocking Will's previous certainty the dragon died. "You were wrong. And now you're wrong you're so quick to turn back to my help." Will's responding "I'm not being hasty. I need you. What I'm planning, I can't go back. This is a serious offer."
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If Will wasn't being clear enough that he has another plan, the 'personal ads' reference was a straight communication. When Will accuses Hannibal of communicating with Dolarhyde he says "How do you think I'm doing it? Personal ads?" It's a clear point of mockery: so boring, so obvious.
Another important aspect of this is that Will doesn't say after we fake the escape. If you didn't know the context, you'd think he was talking about a real escape. This is a purposeful choice: We're escaping. Dolarhyde knows this.
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3rd time Hannibal mimicks Will in this scene! Will raises his head, Hannibal follows suit. It may seem small, but this is a large part of what Will would do to Hannibal in season 2. They'd be sipping wine, Hannibal would take a sip, and Will would mimic Hannibal swallowing has he did. It plays into the 'doing the same thing at different times' 'you and I are beginning to blur' symbolism.
Also this conversation has turned to entirely subtext. Hannibal understands the plan. This is a discussion:
'He won't go near a mail drop': You're expecting me to meet Dolarhyde with you when he wants to change me?
'He might be curious enough to look at one, see if you sold him.': Aren't you curious what will happen? Aren't you curious if I'll let him? The use of curious clearly shows that this exchange is about them. It is the documented reasoning behind Hannibal's plans, he's curious. Curious as an adjective are only used to describe Hannibal, or by Will to describe his reasonings when he begins his villain arc. Aren't you curious if I sold you? Essentially.
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'That sounds weak to you, even as you say it': How did you convince them of this? It sounds weak. Hannibal doesn't need to call out that Will is lying. He knows this. That's why he's so intrigued. But Hannibal loves asking Will how he manipulates people: it's enjoyable to him. 'What a cunning boy you are.' etc.
I honestly don't have a very convincing interpretation of this next part. If anyone else has some ideas? But I really like 'You're our best shot Hannibal.' It communicates: They're desperate enough for this. They need me, so they need you. Also it's the second time he uses his name in this discussion.
Will's expression at the end, with the raised eyebrow. Firstly, this is the closest I come to be sexually attracted to someone, flirtatious fucker. Secondly, it's such a clear: you in? Like, Hugh Dancy, how are you this good!?
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This meme is such a clear description of what that facial expression means haha. Anyway back to the analysis.
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This, despite being a clear, I'm always a slut for murder, is also so clearly: Will, I had a request.
Also! The change in perspective to over the shoulder blocks out the people in the background, which shows the growing intimacy again. In their heads, they're now the only ones in the room. The person suit for listeners conversation is over.
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Firstly, very whore of him to move closer and whisper the please. This is such a clear flirtation. The whisper also makes it more personal, not for those watching, just for them.
Yet, despite the intimacy, Will can't meet his eyes. He still shies away from these very vulnerable requests. Another interpretation I have seen is that he is teasing Hannibal, not looking him in the eyes, clearly not desperate with his please, as if: make me mean this. Which is also very Will. So I'm on board with that. Especially with him backing away with the expression: is that good enough? Definitely very: you want me to beg, put some more effort into this and slay the dragon with me.
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This is contentious shot. This is the main shot that metas have based their interpretations that this ends with Hannibal's victory. And in a way, it does. Will had admitted he needs Hannibal, and has asked Hannibal to run away with him, with a please. Yet this whole scene is much more than this shot, and most of it is equal. This shot, I think, with Hannibal's smile, does show that Hannibal has gotten what he wants. His happiness. But so has Will. They're equal.
Anyway that's the end of this meta haha. This has been really goddamn long, your welcome I guess.
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Movie Review | Hideout in the Sun (Wishman, 1960)
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Let me ask you a question. How do you film a bank robbery on the cheap? Do you, I dunno, show the inside of the bank? Maybe have a character go up to the teller and hold them up? Have somebody in a security guard or police uniform? Maybe fire off some squibs, or at least point a gun? Or some panicked extras for colour? No, you do none of those things because all of them take time or cost money. What you do is have one of your leads walk into and out of a nondescript building, and have his accomplice pick him up in a car and drive away, while sirens and alarm bells ring on the soundtrack. It’s like jazz, it’s the bank robbery you don’t see. Some would call this movie magic, and some would call this the Doris Wishman touch.
Hideout in the Sun was Wishman’s first movie, preceding the much better known Nude on the Moon. Like that one, this is firmly in nudie cutie territory, and in that sense, I suppose it’s a success as there are plenty of nude people here and some of them are pretty cute. (However, this is definitely a case where the women are better looking on average than the men, many of whom can be charitably described as schlubby.) Nudie cuties were how people managed to see nudity onscreen before outright pornography. The rules are as follows: boobs and butts, yea. Bush, nay. (And the latter still holds. Hey-o! That’s a political joke for you.) What this means is that the characters looking away from the camera will be fully nude for your enjoyment, while the ones facing the camera will other be in convenient poses or wear unexpected articles of clothing (at one point, a group of women approach wearing aprons). There are also some cute birds here, including flamingos, parrots and an emu, which leads me to believe that this might not really be a country club and a bunch of people decided to go streaking in a safari park. It’s also worth noting that this club doesn’t seem terribly secluded, yet you don’t have crowds up people lined up at the periphery trying to get a peek. This is surprising as it was a lot harder to see nudity at this time, given that it had only been invented a few years prior.
The plot here involves the two brothers who pulled off the bank robbery kidnapping a woman and going with her to hide out in the nudist club where she has a membership. This is an ominous beginning as the brothers’ choice of eyewear brings to mind Henry Kissinger, who is one of the last people you’d want to see in the nude. (Or in government. Hey-o! That’s another political joke for you.) Quite frankly, I’m not sure either one of them has ever been nude before in their life. The more adventurous brother decides to step outside with the woman while they both enjoy any number of leisure activities in the buff, while the more wound up brother stays inside, sweating profusely and going through packs and packs of cigarettes in mere hours. (The more adventurous brother is usually seen only from the chest up, leaving me to assume he’s either dangling wildly or pointing right at the camera at any given moment.) There actually is a pretty interesting tension here between the open air pleasures of the nudie cutie taking place on the club grounds and the claustrophobic noir playing out inside the cabin. Things come to a boil when the bad brother, the one who still feels shame about his body, tries to make off with the spoils of the robbery to the Miami Serpentarium. This is about the worst possible place you can make a getaway, but it means that the climax consists of a goofy mix of tense jazz and reptile closeups. Also, it turns out the good brother’s name is Steve Martin.
I’m not gonna bother rating this by boring normie standards, although I’ll note that it’s a bit more engaging than Nude on the Moon by virtue of having things like tension and narrative progression. (If I recall correctly, characters in the latter movie praise this one as a good time at the movies.) And for a Wishman movie, there’s a surprising amount of sync sound, with people daring to move their lips while facing the camera. The sunny Florida atmosphere is not unpleasant to bask in, and there’s something maybe a little sweet about it’s belief in the power of love. As the great Huey Lewis once said, it’s a curious thing.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Happy Childhood - Second Party
Following up yesterday's First Party is today's pair of little toddlers! I'm totally in love with every kid incarnation of these two, PLUS I have to admit I adore Junjun's little stuffed giraffe. That is also charming in every incarnation!
We've definitely seen Junjun's kid outfit before, it's his classic one that's so cute!
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However, I don't think we've seen this adorable set of pajamas in fig form yet! Too sweet, Mama Zhang. You did great dressing this little cutie!
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Ahhh I love it.
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Junjun came all snugged up in his little polystyrene box, together with his rattle drum and a bonus little tangerine! Thank you, JZP fig maker ❤️
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When they're this cute even in a box with a layer of plastic, you know they're gonna be adorable.
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Here's Junjun out of the box, looking blurry since the camera decided to (totally on it's own, nothing to do with me!) focus on the rattle drum instead of his hand. But we're going to get lots of closeups in three...two...
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...one! SUPER cute! Did you just 'awwww'? I sure did.
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Yep, they did go right on standees. Like many toddlers, these had the alarming tendency to topple over.
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Junjun's little drum fits perfectly and easily into his little hand, no wiggling or wobbling required!
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The little flower print on Zhehan's pajamas is really sweet.
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Ahhhh we get to see the little giraffe face! If some doll maker ever makes a baby Jun-er outfit with a plush giraffe toy I will hit the buy button IMMEDIATELY.
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More of the little giraffe. I love it! I wonder what Junjun named it.
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I see the fig maker kept their relative proportions even in kid form. JZP fig makers are the best, they endlessly amuse me! It makes sense they are the same height here since Zhehan is a bit older.
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CUTE. Cute cute cute! I can't even take it!
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And we're back around to the front! I swapped their places so I could justify another front pic of the two. Zhehan's little pajama set is ADORABLE. Look at that puppy face!
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They each have each other's birthday's on their feet. Just too good.
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Zhehan's little clapping hands are, uh (desperately tries to find a word that isn't 'cute' and that I haven't used before) really great! They match the picture.
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This fig photographer is everything I dream of being.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 320
Scene Count: 23
Rating: CUUUUUUUUTE (I just have to get it all out!)
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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6. Patryk
I expected Patryk to do really well since he has a face made for these types of shoots but despite that, this set of photos are really disappointing. I do like his full body but the close up is one of the worst of the week.
I really like his pose for the full body. It’s basically a copy of Daniel’s but Patryk was able to make it look good. His face also looks so much better than the actual close up. He look so prideful yet youthful, I like the slight smirk and the intense eyes glaring into the camera.
His close up, however, is one of the worst closeups of the week. It’s disappointing really since he always seem to know how to work his face. It feels so tentative and tense. I think it’s the way he mushed his chin into his neck because it looks off. His eyes are one thing I can say is beautiful here, the rest of it is massively disappointing. 
Patryk’s set of photos had to be the most disappointing set of the group. I wanted him to do well since he was made for natural beauty shoots like this. However, he left us with a good body shot but a tense and confused closeup.
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pinkcherrybombs · 2 years
Can I request a Jimin headcanon making a sex tape (just for the two of you to see)
Hi darling! this was so much fun to write! Especially cause I haven’t had a chance to write smut for Jiminie yet 🥺so on that note, I hope you enjoy <3
TW: explicit smut, dirty talk, filming sex, Dom Jimin, sub reader, mentions of exhibitionism, collars, kinky sex, sex toys, and yea I think that covers everything!
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• No hesitation, this man will agree in a heartbeat the minute you suggest a sex tape. Because if his little princess wants it, then she gets it.
• But if you guys are gonna do this, then it needs to be done properly. I’m talking about the absolute best lighting, 10/10 professional camera quality, sprinkle in some dimly lit candles, maybe even some rose petals and champagne, cause we all know he’s the biggest sap ever.
• It starts off gentle, slow teasing touches paired with deep low moans and sweet praises. He’s gonna take his time with this, making sure to have you dripping with desire.
“Tell daddy where you want his hands. Cmon baby, beg for me like the good little girl I know you are. You can do it princess, just like that”
• He quickly realizes this is his new favourite thing to film. He loves the way the camera picks up on his fingers in you as they continue to pump in and out. Closeup shots of his tongue licking up and down your slit, flattening as it enters your soaked hole
“You taste so good princess, look at my dirty girl squirming under daddies tongue. Gonna beg for my cock baby?”
• This man will spend ~at least~ an hour minimum just on the foreplay, before even letting you feel his cock. This isn’t just a quick sextape. No, this is a full 2 hour sexual work of “art” for him
• The best angles of the way your pussy stretches around his cock, as he finally thrusts in. Slow and sensual at first, letting the sensation build up. Before he’s going full force, bottoming you out multiple times in a row.
• Since it’s Jimin, of course the kinky little fucker is gonna be incorporating multiple toys into it. We’re talking collar, leashes, vibrators. Anything and everything to help stimulate the fucked up look on your face as you bounce on his cock.
• He’ll especially love yanking the collar just a little bit in doggie style, watching you take him in deeper and deeper
“Baby looks so beautiful going dumb on my cock. Such a pretty little girl for daddy, I love you.”
• And once this one’s filmed that’s the start of a new obsession. The little exhibitionist got you guys filming everywhere. The car, change rooms, behind award shows. Especially the dressing room of concerts, he’s stockpiling these videos
• He can’t help it, he just loves the idea of filming you while you choke and slobber on his cock in the car.
• Or the way you bite into his shoulder trying to cover your moans, while he thrusts up into you. Pressed against the wall of some random store's changing room.
• His personal favourite is holding his phone camera up to your pussy as he slows his strokes in your tight pussy, backstage at his concerts. Making sure to capture exactly how the mixture of your slick with his cum soaks around his dick as he thrusts in and out.
• Loves to re-watch them on tour, goes through the entire video at least once a night.
• He’ll be sure to call you while the video plays too, making sure you hear every single one of your moans through the call
“Listen princess, that moan right there, that's when you came for the third time. Awe, you sound so beautiful as you come apart for daddy”
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elegyfortherings · 2 years
did you post closeups of how the Strangers saw the planets (ember twin with water, proto-bramble ice planet) at some point? and if you did can you help me find the post? ;w;
i have not yet ! to be completely honest i have been avoiding posting the slide reels as many of them look like the images im posting below within the files, which i assume is due to the need of a lantern to access these images in game...
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the only exceptions i could find unfortunately have been the sections that you see in vision torches but luckily when we as the player/protag/hatchling give the prisoner our vision to them, there is a frame which we can get a good look at the planets and how they appeared just before the arrival of the nomai clan!
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just like you asked for, we can see the ice planet where dark bramble now inhabits the space of is still intact, but has the vines encasing it, and ash twin having what looks like rivers. we can also see what i assume to be the quantum moon orbiting giants deep. it is a little bit interesting to me within this image that we do not see the interloper at all... do with that information what you will.
also really cool with this specific vision is that just a few frames after this close up of the system the hearthians inhabit the camera zooms out even further to show the neighboring solar systems! including what i assume to be a nebular cloud on the top right corner!
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loooove seeing the different solar systems and comparing how close the strangers inhabitants solar system was to the hearthians in comparison to every other solar system we see within this vision.
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