#and ykw i didn’t choose this either!!!!!
i hate it here
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Hiii! Thank you for keeping this fandom alive! I hope you're feeling better now, get well soon!
I wanted to request hcs about watching horror movie with the boys but the reader is not scared at all, they're just vibing
You don't have to write it if you don't like the request or if you don't feel good enough 💞💞💞
a/n: hi!! you’re so sweet, thank you! i’m sorry for putting off this request for so long, i wanted to recover first, so if you’re still following my blog here it is! thank you so much for your kind words and i hope you enjoy!
- it wasn’t actually planned to watch a horror movie at first, but when you and ethan got to the theatres you realized that the movie that u guys planned to watch had actually just sold out of seats
- and ethan was kind of bummed over it bc he was looking forward to a movie date with u but he got over it quickly, and offered u to choose one instead
- u took a peak at the movie posters nearby and saw one that caught ur eye and you were like. that one.
- he doesn’t really think much of it honestly he’s like “okay! whatever u say” cos let’s be honest he just wants to spend time w u he didn’t come for the movie he don’t care
- so when you guys finally took ur seats and started watching, ethan didn’t know what to expect at all so when the jumpscare came he jolted in his seat and was like WHAT THE FUCK
- he turns to u, expecting u to have the same reaction, but u just kept watching??? not even bothering to look his way LMAOOO
- so ethan’s kind of surprised but he’s proud!! he has a s/o that doesn’t get scared easily what a badass
- after that first jumpscare he relaxes back into his chair and all the scary scenes that happened afterwards he glances at you (and u still had no reaction) n he can’t help but feel at awe at how both invested and nonchalant u were at the movie bc it had ethan lowkey shaking in his seat LOL
- when the movie finished u were talking about just how good the movie was while u guys walked home, and ethan was like ,,,hey that didn’t scare you at all? and you replied “ofc not, i don’t get scared by horror movies!” while beaming at him
- and u look good as fuck smiling so ethan feels his face grow warm n ykw he’s happy he learned something new about u
- also he’s lowkey impressed so W. he now has an additional excuse to bring u on more dates
- horror movies don’t scare this boy but he isn’t the biggest fan of them either
- so when you guys were crashing at harry’s house, u decided to watch a movie and harry’s fine with it bc he’s with u :D
- and there was a new movie trending in the program he uses to watch movies n it interested u so u asked if he could watch it with u
- harry’s whipped so obviously he says to go ahead
- like ethan, he doesn’t know what to expect at first but harry quickly realized it was a horror movie about 1/3 into the story
- he nudges u and tells u that it was going to be a horror movie (he wasn’t sure if u were into that sort of stuff) he’s surprised when u reassure him that it’s fine
- like said before he’s not a huge fan of horror movies even tho he could handle them as well u can, so he huddles next to u and wraps a large blanket around the two of u with a bowl of snacks
- u guys just relax the entire time bc no matter how terrifying the movie got harry’s warmth was such an overwhelming, comfortable presence so it didn’t matter at all
- after the movie ended, u guys got way too comfortable and u both really didn’t want to move, so it ended up as a horror movie binge night with you sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around ur waist with the blanket wrapped around harry’s head as u two continued to invest urselves in the movie
- drifted off to sleep at around 5 am fucked up sleep schedule gang wya
- horror movies would usually induce nightmares or sleepless nights, but u guys slept peacefully with a good dream that night (or morning, since the sun was basically rising by the times u guys slept lol)
- sneaky lil shit
- zion thinks he’s slick because u know the basic “watch a horror movie with ur s/o, it’s so cute when they burrow into your arms so they feel like they’re protected!!!”
- and he thinks he’s a genius so he invites u over to his place to watch one of the more scarier movies
- he’s a “gentleman” somewhat so he chooses a more tame movie, like one with just one or two jumpscares
- you both were huddled in front of the television screen and zion kept touching shoulders with u and making snarky remarks like “huh y/n u scared yet? i bet ur scared >:)”
- however, he underestimated the horror movie’s scary level so when the first jumpscare came around he’s caught off guard
- expected u to hug his waist or something in reaction but he’s genuinely surprised when u just kept watching on like it was nothing
- after the movie ends, you said “damn that was it?? zion i expected more i thought u were going to show me a scary movie!!”
- tbh all zion hears is more time with u so he’s like BET and chooses the next few horror movies that were on and doesn’t even bother to watch them, he’s just staring at u intensely to see if u have any reaction
- there wasn’t
- he was pretty sad that his plan to get u into his arms failed but he takes pride in having a s/o that can watch scary stuff with ease
- also he’s a huge fan of horror themes so now there is a golden opportunity to now have u play scary games with him if ur interested of course
- secretly praising himself for inviting u to watch horror movies bc now he gets to share his hobbies with u!!!
- but zion is extremely easy to read so u already figured out his secret plan all along
- you were actually the one who suggested watching a horror movie with him
- you guys took a trip to the theatres but none of u guys had anything particular in mind which was like mind boggling to eugene cos he was like WAIT,,, I THOUGHT WE CAME HERE BC U KNEW WHAT TO WATCH and u were like NO WAY ME TOO ???
- so obviously there was some improvisation and u did the suggestion
- and eugene’s like “pfffft u think u can handle a scary movie??”
- he’s not easily scared tho, he has the “well it’s just a movie, it can’t hurt me” mindset so he doesn’t mind watching a horror movie at all
- he’s more concerned about you honestly, but yk him he’s not gonna say it out loud >:( tsundere looking ass
- and obv since none of u guys minded u went ahead and seated ourselves in the movies
- eugene’s relaxed and all,,, but he does get quite jumpy whenever an unexpected scene happens
- so when they rolled around he made an audible gasp and glanced at u immediately
- u were already looking at him with an amused face bc ur normally tsundere bf just got jumpscared LOOOL
- eugene doesn’t really care if u were or weren’t scared by the movies
- but eugene was like WOWWWWWW Y/N I SEE HOW IT IS when he saw u laughing at him
- watched the rest of the movie with him sulking but u did hold his hand after tho (begrudgingly LOL)
- was jokingly mad at you but after the movie ends, he presses a kiss to your cheek and asked if u wanted to watch another in the theatres after u guys refilled ur snacks
- honestly, his thought process was the exact same as zion’s
- lawrence enjoys having u in his arms while ur vulnerable bc he likes the idea of being ur protector
- he’s far far more discreet about it and purposefully leads u to watch a movie with him, and chooses a movie with an innocent looking poster so u wouldn’t see what was coming >:D
- he thinks your innocence is adorable so he’s super eager to show u a scary movie
- lawrence already knows what’s going to happen in the movie so he’s super prepared and he’s honestly only staring at you
- but when u were just there relaxing and calmly watching the movie with some people getting bludgeoned or something lawrence was like,, “this isn’t part of the plan HOLD UP”
- kind of disappointed that there wasn’t any reaction but you guys made it up afterwards because when u exited the movie theater with your arm around his, you were excitedly talking about the entire thing and you said something like “lawrence!!! i didn’t know you were into horror movies, you picked such a good one!”
- his disappointment washes off immediately because seeing your face light up was so cute and it was 100% more worth it than some cheap tactic ironic lawrence
- he nuzzles your hair and replies that he’d knew that u’d like it (he did not)
- lawrence comes up with like,,, 294713 more plans to get cuddles from u after
- but you see through it bc he’s cute when he’s needy so let it slide plsplspls and give my favorite psycho some love <3
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silver9mm · 4 years
I'd NEVER laugh at this writers ask game, I want to know it all!! 🥺 2, 5, 8, 12, 21, 27 (yes I'm being greedy tonight, I just am) 🖤 - alexa, xoxo
oooh i’m happy to share with you especially <333
What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? i’ve only written for two fandoms, supernatural and top gear (but man if i could i would def. write for more!!!) i didn’t mean to write for top gear, though... i didn’t even know fandoms and fan fiction existed when i wrote it *stares out across the sea, rasps* that was a long time ago... haha but i’m laughing at myself bc i’m writing top gear fan fiction again right now a decade later.  i don’t know about favourites bc it’s all...hard. every story i’ve written and all the ones i will write and could for other fandoms, i’d put just as much effort into as i do any other one but part of writing for a fandom is about...well, the other fans and while i’ve really never had a bad interaction, i’ve been witness to some horrible shit in several different fandoms and it taints the whole experience no matter what. basically, fuck groups but individuals are all right.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? i answered this differently in another post but i’ll give you my other definition of “favourite” for me and that’s something that i read every last word of. I consider a lot of books “read” that i didn’t read all the words of, but i consider books “good” if i read them twice and actually looked at all the words and i’ve read every bit of Something To Share many many times <3
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? what inspires me most are moments. things that my brain takes a snapshot of and is like, oh let’s look at this moment and the little details and dissect them....and then build a story around how we got this tiny bit of information, the background for that frown or that glance or whatever. also just sex...either sex i’ve had or that i want someone else to have >.> and music lyrics, i’m not special. 
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? I gotta go with Sam, just and only because of Dean’s vocabulary; while i understand it and adore it, i am not as clever as a team of writers taking weeks to come up with his one-liners and pop culture references that make him sound like he does, which is why i end up drugging him and putting him in positions where he can’t act like himself :) I love writing both the boys but Sam is easier which makes it fun, but it’s just as fun figuring out how to fuck Dean up so he’s not himself~*~*~ i am having a lovely time writing for my smol crazy son right now too, however. the whump factor is so so high
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? holy crap okay i could go on and ykw i will @hellhoundsprey everything about her style feels like worship (and on a personal note, she’s also an answer to question 8;) @saltandbyrne there are some writers that make me happily want to fling my computer into the sun and never write again (however she is also one of the biggest influences on me as a writer) @zmediaoutlet because she gets those moments too  @oddsocksandstuff is the kind of writer that...you worry about, like why do you know so much about such horror ?? @ohwhoopsok I WILL READ ANYTHING MY CHILD WRITES OKAY *chef’s kiss* @omgbubblesomg @zoycitem @hazeldomain (listen you guys know why you’re all grouped together here and i love your giddy dark brains ever so) 27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? i generally start just wherever, with a scene (usually smutty) and then figure out how to make it happen, how did they get there and what happens next. Once that happens, then I definitely start taking notes. my WIPs on google are a mess of bullet points by chapters with comments to links/gifs/info/music to remind myself. I think every single story over 1k words has started with a scene somewhere in the middle, and then was woven together by notes as it expanded. 
fanfiction writer asks
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ykw now that i’m thinking about it
one of my major frustrations with s11 was the way that some of the episodes didn’t, to me, quite feel complete - like there were loose ends that still needed to be wrapped up, emotional consequences that still needed to be explored or addressed or at least acknowledged.
& they did manage that to some extent.  i’m sure anyone following me knows how much i love grace’s storyline - she is remembered & mourned & present in s11, her death is anything but without consequence.  but the emotional follow-through for the doctor’s inaction in ‘rosa’ or ‘demons of the punjab’ never came; we never saw any conversations about charlie’s death in ‘kerblam!’; we certainly didn’t get anything about aaron’s near-death experience because of the doctor.
so.  i could just put that down to bad writing, or limited time slots, or assume that these things happen off-screen (i mean, there are several weeks between most episodes).  OR.  i could read way too much into it instead.
i made a post a while back about river song’s presence/absence in s11*.  my thinking at the time was sort of like this - remember that the storytelling is almost certainly from a character’s perspective, & then instead of being angry about avenues the writers don’t to explore, you can choose to take the avoidance of a topic as meaningful in & of itself.  you might even be right!  you just won’t know for sure until more content comes out.
i take s11 as coloured by the doctor’s perspective in many ways.  making references & parallels to river & bill while skirting around saying their names?  well now that’s the ongoing trauma & grieving process the doctor’s going through regarding their loved ones.  never encountering anyone who knows who she is, & never sitting down & having a conversation with her companions about her history?  she’s deliberately avoiding her past & doesn’t want her friends to know about it.
we rarely see the characters dealing with the difficult, emotional consequences of the events of the story?  well.  it’s not like the doctor doesn’t have a history of not wanting to deal with that stuff.  once the big main plot is wrapped up, it’s like she hustles the companions back to the tardis as quickly as possible, still riding the high of victory, & takes them far away from where they were, either home or to the next adventure - & more importantly directs their thoughts away from the things she doesn’t want them to think too hard about.
which isn’t to say they never deal with the consequences!  in ‘kerblam!’, at yas’s request, they make plans to go visit dan’s daughter, a really lovely touch.  but they move past charlie’s, well, murder very quickly.  they do not address the question of the suffocating spiders.  they do not talk about how incredibly fucked up the whole t’zim sha thing with the bombs was.  they completely fail to acknowledge how, i reiterate, the doctor very nearly got aaron killed.
i think a lot of this is about the doctor’s ongoing desire to be seen as good by her companions.  their perception of her matters so much, & so when she does things which may affect the vision of her as a good person, she tries to keep their attention away from that, often by removing them from the situation before anyone, including the people they’re leaving behind, have the chance to take a minute to assess the damage.  i think she worries that if she did, they’d reject her.  is she right?  i honestly don’t know.  there definitely seems to be some willful ignorance happening on their side of things.
anyway, this is something i’d really love to see explored in s12, & i’d love to hear what anyone else thinks about it!
*which i can’t link rn bc tumblr’s being a dick
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
I am a wreck man. I liked it better when I could go home and cry alone. But now "home" is ykws place and he sees me cry and I'm over it.
And if I just leave the place to cry he will also notice bc he pays too much attention which I'm not mad at I guess it's better than him not noticing anything at all which would probably make it worse. Like I know my brain would turn that into "wow he doesn't even notice when you're upset he doesn't care at all" which my ex never noticed and that was exactly the case sometimes. But then again if I actually wanted to fake it I could, but I try not to as much bc that only makes me feel worse. I'd rather not fake it, bc one that's more exhausting, and two, my brain would again try to convince me no one notices bc they don't care. And then I have to tell myself , like yeah no shit jazz you're great at faking it. So I try not to fake it with ykw, I just tone it down a bit and then will lie about it. Which is dumb and I'm glad he called me out on it. And I get he shouldn't have to drag it out of me but also I really do feel my own thoughts are sometimes irrational which is why I double layer my thoughts and have to think about them. And then it sucks when I know I'm being sad or upset for a dumb reason and then he wants to ask me about it and it's like I already know I'm dumb for even thinking this but I don't want him to know how dumb I think i am sometimes. At least how dumb my first thoughts can be sometimes. Bc like I said, I'll tell myself hey that's nonsensical. I am rational believe it or not, it's just the second layer which I thank God I'm self aware enough to at least acknowledge when my own thoughts or feelings are being dumb.
But I have been feeling distant lately and I'm sad about that at a surface level, bc I know my language is quality time and v close after that is physical touch. Like I think QT is 11 and PT is 8, and then it goes words of affirmation at 7 and then acts of service at 4 (which is weird bc I actually think this is how I show it most but I don't receive it the same) and then of course receiving gifts at 0 bc y'all know I don't care jack shit at all for things or gifts or stuff.
And it sucks bc I just live there. It's like we've said. We're just friends. So at not just the surface level but at the second level, I get even more upset with myself for being upset in the first place bc it's like c'mon jazz it doesn't matter, y'all don't owe each other anything. Y'all can talk to whomever. Y'all can do whatever tf y'all want. Y'all aren't together. It doesn't really matter. You know me, I'm no good in the middle or with uncertainty. Uncertainty is my Achilles heel.
But idk he hasn't been as cuddly lately, doesn't do the hand to waist thing almost at all anymore. We had sex (which I know is opposite of physically distant) but I dont even know where that came from but I craved the small stuff so much that I was like I'll take this if this is all I can get. I mean don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoyed it (although some foreplay would've been extra nice) and would ten ten do again but Physical touch isn't necessarily sex. For me it's the cuddling and the hugs and the orbiting and the almost hand holding and when the hand holding does happen it's nice. So it's not necessarily I'll take what I can get more so that I've been feeling a detachment and it was nice to feel wanted I guess. And i think this is what I like to use the most which is why I'm always like running my hands in his hair and beard and probably annoy him with the lack of physical space. But lately I feel I have to initiate all that or have to refrain completely bc I don't want to annoy him or suffocate him and again we aren't together so I shouldn't even be concerned with any of that. But I actually drafted a post about the sex thing but I couldn't even finish it bc I still am actually surprised by it. Like I honestly would've thought it was a dream if it weren't for me being sore. Like it had been months and wow it felt so great. But I literally have no idea where it came from. Literally a day before the boy and I were talking about a sermon about that. And don't get me wrong, I'd probably do it again, but there isn't a container at all right now. We aren't even dating and I can't justify it. Like of course I care about him and I have, ya know, those extra feelings, but as far as I know with him, I'm just a candidate. The "only candidate" as he put it a week or so ago, but who knows.
Again it comes back down to insecurity and uncertainty. But I put myself in this position. I started thinking about maybe I shouldve moved in with Momo but tbh I'd feel even more isolated and uncertain there so I cut that out thank God bc the enemy was really trying hard with that one.
Idk I guess nothing is really wrong it's just me I guess questioning my role in other people's lives. And I pray that I stop, bc at the end of the day it's just me and god and that relationship that matters.
Yeah I think my alignment is off, like pastor Steven furtick said in his contentment commandments sermon, if you feel like you're in a hurry, you're alignment is off. So I just need to refocus on God. Nothing else matters and I know it's easier said than done or even trying to convince me, but it won't stop me from trying.
Idk, I wish I cared less. About everything and everyone. All caring has ever gotten me is getting hurt.
And I don't want to talk about this which is why I'm writing it out. And if he needs to then I will try my best to talk it out and I don't want to not write on here bc I know he reads it, and I also don't want to refrain any of my feelings either bc this is the only way I can get them out. And sometimes I can't talk and be open about them and this is the next best thing. But I do promise to try. I am trying to be more open with him. And I wrote that thing about not being vulnerable with him and i don't want to go backwards. It was one of my intentions going into this year and I'm not gonna let one night that was bad timing ruin that. And honestly being vulnerable and open and honest with someone is very unlike me bc I am always on guard with people even though it doesn't seem it if you actually know me unless you're AJ or Kel who have gotten to know me under the surface bc even my daddy issues™ are open forum and I don't mind talking about that. But there are under the surface vulnerable feelings I've had on that that only few people know. So while it seems that I am open, I actually am always playing defense. Observing people and knowing more than I let on and feeling more than I let on. Idk I don't know if AJ gets the fact that I keep stuff to myself not bc I necessarily don't trust him, but bc the more people know about you the more they can hurt you. And idk aj knows more than Kel at this point when it comes to things that could potentially be used against me. And that's fucking terrifying.
And then always at the back of my head is this is all temporary. At any point he could get tired of me and I'd have to uproot and move again.
And you know what I have been giving him a lot of backstory lately. In the last month or so, since we had that talk about me being open, and since the first open up during Xmas and even before then when we kinda talked when we hot boxed the closet, I've been more open these past few weeks than I have the entirely of our friendship. And I don't get much back. I don't pry ever. It's not like I don't notice things. I just let him be and if he wants to tell me things then he can. Idk maybe he shows he cares by doing the prying and getting me to talk to him and tbh that's a good call bc if he didn't then I probs would spiral into a whole he doesn't care headspace. So I'm not gonna complain. And I hope he doesn't think that I don't care or notice, I just don't mind that he plays defense. Bc I do that with everyone. Well it's not that I don't mind, it's just i understand. But I notice when he gets heavy, and he won't talk to me about it or open up to me until after and even then he just brushes over it.
I don't know I feel like this post is going in circles but the more I write the more stuff is just coming to the forefront and i actually feel better but im not entirely sure any of this is coherent and also i probably misspoke on some things. But I feel better.
Long story short, I'll keep opening up bc it's something I haven't done so maybe it will be the thing that will help. And it's scary and I can't promise him 100 percent but I can promise to try and give more. I just need him to understand that I keep stuff to myself out of defense.
I'm not upset at him for anything even all the distance I've been feeling, it's just I'm sensitive to any slight change in behaviour, just like he is. He thinks he's the only keen one, and I'll give him props he's good, slightly better than me, I just don't speak on it. It doesn't bother me that he doesnt tell me everything. But my mind does go crazy with assumptions when I do notice any changes.
I just want us both to be light again. I think we've both been a bit heavy. I think we're both stressed about things that have nothing to do with each other but does affect our friendship.
We just both are people who get in our own heads. But we deal with it differently, which is okay. This is all a journey, a learning curve. And honestly it wont get better unless we both communicate better. But when neither of us likes to feel vulnerable or show weakness, it's kinda difficult. Especially me. I'm not gonna speak for him. I have to actively be aware of it. Its only 8 days into the yesr so I don't think I'm necessarily failing at choosing joy or opening up, I think it's the fact that I'm doing that is such a radical shift that I'm kinda grinding the gears within myself. So it's just growing pains.
Sorry for the long ass post I just needed a big mind dump and to turn my thoughts around from where they were bc I actually feel like I kinda made some progress within myself.
Anyway the other night was great, both AJ meeting my family and ya know coming back home. So I fully intend to still post that draft I was writing (I really still am in disbelief) bc it was about both those things. Just maybe when I let it sit for a bit longer. Also I kinda still wanna keep it for myself for a bit. I have a lot of thoughts about it. Good and maybe some, not bad, but just tangents I guess. So soon.
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Gah, Dumbledore haters. They'll just try to find any reason to make the man horrible won't they? And they claim Joanne doesn't know her own books when clearly they don't know them either. Example, one comment from one such Dumbledore hater: "The only powerful position he refused - that of Secret Keeper for James and Lily - was the only one he should have taken. see, I think he did it on purpose. Dumbles may have been a gryff, (due to, in my opinion, his ass-hole-itude and ability to endanger the lives of others (especially young, impressionable others) near him.) but he is as master a manipulator as any slyth, and all the better at it because no one expects it from a "lion". Anyway, he sets things up to happen this way, to ensure that Harry is orphaned in accordance with a (somewhat dubious, shaddily documented) prophecy, and with foreseeable public opinion (BWL, Chosen, etc.), so that he can have a perfect, unprotected (by parents/knowledge of the way the WW works, etc.) little lump of clay to shape into a needy, unloved little vessel, a perfect little martyr to sacrifice on the altar of the War on Ter- er, that is, War Agaist HWMNBN. And when his little weapon lies in the ashes of the pyre, shattered and deeply sociopathic, having fulfilled its purpose, he can look on, satisfied that he was considered wise, powerful, and kind by all, the "only one Voldemort ever feared", rather than everyone seeing that he didn't have half the power or cleverness purported, nor nearly enough magic or spellwork to defeat YKW, and that he had to resort to a remarkably dense, easily lead 17 year old. By the Gods, Dumbledore was a bastard." Okay now, honey. First of all, Dumbledore refused more powerful positions than just Secret Keeper, okay? Second of all, Dumbledore DIDN'T refuse to be Lily and James' Secret Keeper. He OFFERED, James and Lily were the ones that refused HIM. He couldn't force them to choose him you know, and if he had then he'd be a bastard still to you and a lot of people. And what do you mean Dumbledore's asshole-itude made him a Gryffindor? Are you saying all Gryffindors are assholes? Because if you are then you're guilty of the same House prejudice you're accusing JKR and fans of having against Slytherin (even though House prejudice isn't a real thing). Dumbledore didn't "ensure" Harry was orphaned, that was Pettigrew and Voldy. If he wanted Harry to be orphaned why did he volunteer to be SK for them to begin with? As for the "somewhat dubious, shaddily documented prophecy", it was well documented enough to be in the Hall of Prophecy, in the Department of Mysteries. It was clear enough for Voldy to act on it and for it to have really real consequences. Yes, I definitely agree that Dumbledore as headmaster could have done so much better, but he didn't endanger the lives of kids really. I mean it's not like you can tell that people are Death Eaters just by looking at them, nobody suspected any of these teachers. Nobody. And most of these "endangerments" are plot devices. You can't have a CHILD as the star of a series and have the adults act like real adults. If Dumbledore really wanted Harry to be nice and unprotected so he could mold him, then why let Harry have friends? Why let him make attachments, why let him get close to Sirius who would protect him from ANYBODY, even Dumbledore. Why would he do that?! Harry was far from unloved, he had people around him all the time who loved him DEEPLY. "Shattered and deeply sociopathic?!" Harry isn't a sociopath, and yeah he's damaged but far from shattered. He wasn't smoldering either, he dusted himself off and did what he had to do. He wasn't fighting for Dumbledore, he was fighting for the WORLD, which he happens to be part of! You really don't think Dumbledore wasn't powerful or clever? He was powerful enough to face down two Dark Lords, and defeat one of them! Who by the way had the Elder Wand. He was clever enough to mastermind Voldemort's downfall...one thing I don't get. People who call Dumbledore such a manipulator and say that he's not that clever or that bright. Come on, you contradicted yourself! Manipulators are some of the smartest people on planet Earth! You couldn't come up with half of these elaborate schemes that Dumbledore did in canon or that he's accused of, and manipulate people as this grand puppet master if you were stupid! It takes geniuses to pull off an expert manipulation, Dumbledore can't be this big manipulator and be not clever, that's not the way it works. Harry also isn't dense you prick, he's far from dumb. Stop insulting him, the only reason he's stupid to you is because he's a Gryffindor who trusts Dumbledore. Also as for him relying on a seventeen year old boy...It's the HARRY POTTER series! Why are people not getting this?! Harry is the protagonist, he's the hero! Not Dumbledore, this is Harry's battle because he's the Chosen One. Dumbledore isn't the chosen one, Harry is! Harry is the main character doing the main character's job, why do people not take genre into consideration?! P.S: They say that if Dumbledore hadn't "greedily glomped" the Cloak, Lily and James would be alive. The cloak wasn't stolen first of all. Second of all, nope. Because if Dumbledore could see Harry under that cloak than Voldy could too. Also as one person quoted, "James had his wand, and look how much good that did him."
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