#and you as the listener who has already done the series knows the objects and shit that jon is dismissing
autoneurotic · 1 year
i love how much of a cunt series 1 and some of 2 Jon is. Lensik’s statement on Hilltop Rd, at the end Jon’s like latent schizophrenia and head trauma! what a SHOCK! the one with peter lukas’ dead kid or nephew or whoever, he goes to leave so she can make her statement privately and says as much with THE shittiest little tone in the world. one of the spider ones, the first one w Annabelle i think, he straight up mocks the guy for CRYING when martin interviews him later. almost makes him getting burnt and deribbed and vertigoed and almost skinned and buried etc etc so on and so forth feel warranted
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annwrites · 2 months
sons & daughters. aemond | king’s landing outtake.
— pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!reader
— type: outtake from this series
— summary: aemond is made aware of your new marriage.
— word count: 1,384
— tagging list: @beebeechaos @crypticlxrsh @amindfullofmonsters @yeolsbubbles @icefrye19
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Aemond listens idly as Ser Tyland drones on about expenditures, eye glancing to his brother who sits at the head of the table, watching as he puffs out his cheeks, eyes widening before he slumps forward.
Ser Tyland ceases talking. “Your Grace?”
Aegon lifts his head, holding it between his hands, fingers tangled in his hair. “Must we be apprised on every fucking coin that’s spent?”
Aemond’s lip twitches.
Tyland shifts in his seat. “Well, Your Grace, it…it is important that we—”
Ser Otto enters the Small Council chambers then.
Aegon leans back in his seat, gesturing toward their shared grandsire. “Ah, there you are! I would ask where you have been, but you as you have only missed Ser Tyland’s riveting accounting of—”
“She has the North firmly in-hand now,” Ser Otto states, cutting Aegon short, holding up a rolled page of parchment.
Aegon shrugs dramatically, shaking his head. “Who does? Whore Queen of Dragonstone, I presume. We already knew they would defer to her. This is not new information.”
“There has been a development,” Otto replies shortly.
Aemond’s fists tighten in his lap, heart beginning to pound.
“Princess Y/N has wed Lord Cregan.”
He turns to look at Aegon. “The North is the largest Realm in the Seven Kingdoms. And with his army at their complete disposal—”
“I won’t allow it,” Aemond says lowly, all eyes then turning in his direction.
Aegon looks at him in interest.
“Won’t allow—” Otto starts, until Aemond stands abruptly, chair loudly scraping against the floor.
“She belongs to me.”
Alicent shakes her head, looking to him. Hoping that such news would finally cement the realization within him that you were now permanently gone from his life—belonging to another—turns out to have been done in folly.
“Your obsessions with that bastard girl are at an end, Aemond. She is gone. For good. And you have promised yourself to one of Lord Baratheon’s daughters in exchange for his loyalty.”
Aemond’s anger quickly develops into a raging tempest then—his mother the sole object of his ire.
Her fault. It is all her fault.
He takes his marble dish and ball in-hand, and chucks them both across the room—dish shattering against the wall, ball rolling slowly across the floor, causing her to jump—and Aemond stalks toward her.
He leans down, one hand planted atop the table in front of her, other gripping the back of her seat firmly.
“You do not command me.”
A beat of silence.
“You see,” he cocks his head to the side. “She was meant to be my betrothed. She was created for me to have. I would not expect you to understand, but it is mine own blood which I am meant to wed.”
He stands, voice raising as he paces the room. “Some unwashed northern fucking lord is not suitable for her needs! I am!”
He turns swiftly round toward her, Alicent’s emerald eyes now wide.
“You are the one who is to blame.”
He grins then. “So much effort you took in keeping us apart.”
He returns to her, speaking quietly, so only she can hear. “No measure by you, or anyone else, was ever going to ensure that. Do you want to know, then, mother? The things we did with only the Gods to bear witness?”
“That is enough Aemond,” Otto states, coming closer, lying a hand upon his shoulder. “That is quite enough.”
Aemond rises, standing tall, hand gripping the pommel of his sword. “I want her back.”
He pushes past his grandsire, heading toward the room’s doors, which the Kingsguard quickly open for him.
“I’m going to get my bride back!” He shouts, boots echoing against stone floors as he makes to head out of the Keep and toward the Dragonpit, prepared to mount Vhagar and ride North.
He will raze the entire kingdom to the fucking ground, so long as it returns you to him.
You will hate him for it. Though, he imagines, you already would, given that business with Luke.
He had meant what he said in that letter—had hoped his guilt would lessen the devastation in some form, making it easier for your gentle heart to handle. But returning the ribbon had been a mistake. For you would return to him. Mayhaps not in the way he had so many times envisioned—you sneaking into the Red Keep, winding your way through those hidden passages the two of you had utilized so very many times to seek the other out in hours of need—and you finally saying yes to his proposal.
He would then spirit the two of you away to the Dragonpit to mount Vhagar, and ride to Essos where you would finally be free.
Now… Now plans have changed.
His hand has been forced.
How could you have done it? Forsaken him—your uncle, your lover, your blood, for him? He had believed your hearts to always be one. But now you had handed it off to another.
It belonged to him. You did.
And you still would. Whether you wished it or no.
He would bring you round to it—to him. The two of you would have nothing but time once having crossed the Narrow Sea and settling in one of the Free Cities. He knew your mind better than you.
He will not make you happy—Lord Cregan. Not as he had. And would.
You will one day thank him for it.
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Aemond paces his chambers like an animal locked in a cage.
He’d returned to it to gather a few things—clothes, coin, a few valued possessions. Such as a hairbrush you had left behind when Rhaenyra took you away from him to reside on Dragonstone so many moons ago. And a bit of cloth you had embroidered when you’d just begun learning the craft when you were a girl—his and your initials bound together crudely in thread.
Once those doors had shut behind him, however, they’d been barred from reopening from the outside. And when he had tried the hidden door in the wall near his hearth? The same result.
He roars in frustration as he considers the balcony one last time, hearing Vhagar do the same from across the city in fury.
He returns to his room then, seating himself before the fire. He leans forward, staring into it, elbows atop his thighs, hands cupped round one another as he holds his chin. And he waits, mind swimming in thoughts…of you.
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He does not rise from his seat when the doors open, then close again.
Nor does he react to the sound of soft footsteps or the brush of skirts.
He does not turn when his mother seats herself beside him.
She sighs softly, placing a hand upon his back.
He wishes to be comforted, instead, by another. Wants to have you naked and in his bed—in his arms—as he finally claims you. Fills you with his dragonseed, forever binding you to him.
His niece. His beloved niece…
The hand falls away, into her lap. “What did you think to do, Aemond? Mount Vhagar, turn your sights North, and then what?”
She turns more toward him, clasping her hands. “She is lost to you. Wed to another. She isn’t returning. Nor are you going to retrieve her. We require your presence here. Bringing the North’s forces into the fold needs be avoided as long as is possible.”
A pregnant pause settles between the two of them. He cares naught for her words—her attempt at convincing him to let go of one he has loved since the day she was born.
So he finally tells her then. “I love her.”
“She loves another now,” Alicent replies simply—quickly, as if she’d been waiting to throw such hurtful words at him for some time—before standing, smoothing her skirts. “And, if you are fortunate, so shall you, too, when you and Floris wed in due time.”
He finally turns to look at her, and she bristles at the sight of his empty socket.
He knows you never would have.
“As you did my father?” He asks, repaying the cruel favor.
She swallows, then turns away, exiting.
He begins to cry softly, still clutching that bit of embroidered cloth—only now to his lips—praying for the first time since he was a child…for you to come back to him.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #9
I like how Hazel seems to be making friends one at a time! I feel like most shows introduce friends as pre-established, or they become friends in the first episode. Hazel seems to be gathering them over time, which is great.
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Why is he even allowed to HAVE those drones?
... Shout-out to Wynn (sp? I don't dare look since I'm avoiding spoilers) for having freckles on only one cheek. Definitely unique for this universe.
-> I lied.
I really like how Wanda has stuck to calling Hazel "squirt." It's super fitting for her.
FATHER TIME!! He's back! ... No dad jokes this time.
Father Time: "This wish involves 15 minutes of fame. That's a time. Therefore, it is under MY jurisdiction." Cosmo: Oh, there was a whole lawsuit a few years ago. The Poofpreme Court had to get involved."
"Timmy's Secret Wish" LIVED!! We are eatin' good tonight!!
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Dev's little leggies...
Is this the first time Cosmo and Wanda have been in object form other than Hazel's bubble popper things?
slkdfj Hazel's shirt belonged to her brother. Everything in this girl's life revolves around a brother we've not yet seen. Love that for her. That's gonna be a great episode.
-> What if he comes back and he's changed a lot because he's been away at college? Ruh-roh...
Oh, Father Time's back and making dad jokes again.
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Nick of Time!! I love her. The coach aesthetic was a good touch. Instant new favorite. I have the PERFECT place for her in 'fics.
I think it's funny that Cosmo and Wanda's running gag is talking about things they did on their 10k-year vacation since one of the things they did in the OG series was talk about how they'd been married 10k years.
Hazel speeding through her remaining time with a song montage is very funny.
I've seen that rat design. Where have I seen that rat?
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I know him!! He's canonically a dad now?? ... I was already writing him as a dad, but now it's justified.
Flappy, what have they done to you? Where are your parents?? Was the Musical all for naught?
Listen. Listen, I know they would never do this because it was such a one-off thing. but... Flappy used to carry Gary and Betty in his briefcase and it was so weird. I'm gettin' flashbacks.
I liked that episode! That was great.
28 Puddings Later
I like how Violin Gal is a recurring gag.
Why are they teaching 12 minus 1 in 5th grade- Oh, they're simplifying fractions.
Timmy is on even more posters in this school- What did he do? This isn't even his city.
Pudding-eating episode going a zombie movie route was not on my list. Fantastic. I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda's crowns glow in the dark; it's great.
Hazel not wanting to unwish her infinite pudding wish because she hasn't gotten any yet is super clever and justified.
Jasmine: I am once again sus of my BFF Hazel and her connection to weirdness.
Okay, with the lights off in the halls, this is a lot more difficult on my hemophobia... I don't think I'll be sharing screenshots I might run across later, though I definitely think Dev's zombie pose is great.
Holy cow, that's a lot of red lighting on the pudding. I don't think I'm watching this one again, but I'm enjoying the plot itself.
We are once again treated to a photo proving they have 2D bodies in this universe, and it once again cracks me up.
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Many, many brown-eyed characters! They're free from the curse...
This is what reality is like when you jump the border to Retroville. Everything looks bulgy, but in reality... you're still flat. I especially like how reality morphs to fit the FOP style, like the pink hair flipping around. I think I've seen someone with their haircut like that in the old show, though I forget who, so that would imply they wear it like the first picture.
Unreasonably funny to me that Dev's glasses shine - usually a classy blue - becomes much duller when it switches to "actual FOP style." His coolness factor drops. I love it.
... His hair REALLY reminds me of his dad's. I distinctly remember Dale's being fluffy, which is why he looks like the pixie godkid listed in Da Rules, but... Dev's got the same "front flare." I'm gonna look it up.
-> Oh, "Nectar of the Odds" is Season 2, not 3. I did not remember that. Also, Dale's hair is a little more orange than I remember, and he really does have dark blue eyes. I can absolutely see the similarities between him and Dev. That's fantastic.
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... I am just now remembering I think I have a character outline for Dale in my Along the Cherry Lane draft. Let me see...
SLDKJFSLDKFJ, I did! I had him marrying Ed Leadly's daughter (the first FOP OC I ever made, Hadley) and having a son named Dave, which is very close to Dev.
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I don't really know what to do with this information. I think I want to do less with this information. I'm so sorry, Hadley- maybe Dev will get a canon mom.
Well, Dev having red hair when you have black probably saved you, tbh.
She doesn't have her dad's black hair. I misremembered. It's brown. Uh-oh.
Anyway, I LOVE how Hazel saw her "ruined" class picture and was ecstatic because she knew her mom and brother would love how memorable it was. That's super cute. She's living a great life.
I don't know if I'd still call her miserable enough for a fairy, but she's adorable and I'm glad her life is going okay.
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And still... he lurks.
Last one tonight! ... I didn't think I'd make it through this many before my bedtime, but okay.
Trial & Hair-or
I cannot believe we're getting the 2nd "living hair" plot (Hair with personality vs. hair with spirit), though I doubt this one will go the helicopter route.
Diana and Sparky would be great friends. I will not elaborate.
Crying, Hazel admiring her bald head and thinking it's cool. Her motivation for getting her hair back is so her hair doesn't cause chaos? She's so pure.
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I hate them.
Just heard Hazel say Cosmo's name. Has she said Wanda's name often? I feel like their names haven't been repeated a lot for new audiences, but I also wasn't paying attention.
Fishbowl instinct...
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This was a goofy episode and I loved it. Bedtime now. We'll see if I watch more throughout the week or just save it 'til after my big stuff on Friday. See you around!
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Live-Read: The Remington Comic [PART 1]
(but only the bits with Joris)
While I usually try to go about this blog in an in-universe chronological way, I have to jump forward to Wakfu era here — because the next stop in this blog's plan is the actual, released games of the franchise. Which will take around... a million years, I assume?
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Worlds most mentally stable demigod. This excerpt from Otakia is included for my Ush-loving readers, and also to give some context: this guy is keeping some of Remington's besties captive, besides turning his brother into a cat.
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"Wait… you're taking me to a… bazaar? am I dreaming?" "Pff… wait till you see what's inside."
In the past tome of this comic, Remington and Grany received a tip, that there exists a magical item that can help them, and an address to a shop, as well as the name "Beating Heart".
ALSO. The store has door chimes. Cute.
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"Anyone?" "Yeah, I've seen enough." "They have potions, at least." "Grrr..." "What is that thing?" "??"
They don't seem to really like the place, lol.
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"Let's see… "The Treasures of Kerubim"… O.K… We're looking for someone called "Beating Heart."" "Is he the owner of this store?" "Anyone home?" "If we can't find this clown, we could compensate ourselves for the trip." "Hello, sir."
If you think this is awkward, don't worry. It gets worse from here. Also — apparently, the name of the series is officially the name of the store. The more you know!
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Well done little fella… You managed to surprise us.
AND YES. They use tu/toi for the., the 600yo ambassador of Bonta. who is also the owner of the store. who also just overheard them discussing shoplifting.
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We're looking for a guy named… sir Beating Heart. Y'know him? Maybe that's your father? It is not my father… It is an object. And… the owner of this store, then? Where is he? In front of you. ... So… uh… you say "beating heart" is an object. Sure. And... could we perhaps see it, that beating heart?
HE'S SO FUCKING DONE ALREADY. he HATES them. also him saying he is the owner is so funny, even if it ISN'T a lie. Like. The store is named and themed after a whole different guy.
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Beating heart... beating heart... Listen to the rhythm of the heart, replace the rhythm of the body. Beating heart, beating heart... Out of sight… Out of mind… Will you give your soul the time?
Very cool poetry, Joris. I do wonder if this is him talking to himself to remember where it is, him liking this rhythm, or him fucking with Remington for his own amusement.
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Please wait here. Careful, Mr. Curious. Small chests can contain big trouble Let's have a closer look. Yeah, bring it quick. Here it is, Beating Heart.
He's so used to shitty rude customers. The fact that he keeps vous/vous'ing them is funny. The fact he only calls Remi "mr. curious" is pretty emblematic of his saintly patience.
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Say hello to Beating Heart first. Huh? Say hello to a watch? You have to be kind to objects… each one has its own story to tell. Say hello to Beating Heart… you too, funny talking bow meow. Hello? Hello, Beating Heart… delighted to meet your needle. And how does it work? No idea… Objects do whatever they want. I already have a hard time putting them away. One day, a set of table knives wouldn't stand next to an old sword… a real headache, those two.
I refuse to believe that this scene is not Joris deciding to simply fuck with Remington and Grany, by saying insane things for his own amusement, and making them talk to a clock.
That or he's more mentally ill than I thought. Oh well.
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You talk to objects and they talk back! better and better… I know how to listen to them, but that doesn't mean they talk to me. But how can this watch help me? Listen, little guy, my brother suffered a kind of curse. An ecaflip named Ush cast a spell on him that turned him into a bow meow. Ush? The bontarian nobleman?
Either Joris sensed he was being taken way too seriously and backed down, or he decided to go "nah they don't talk to me i just listen to them" route because he knew it'd be a way to confuse the two further and he finds that amusing, or he didn't want to come across as crazy.
But in the end, his reign of making them confused as fuck ends with their mention of Ush — with whom Joris has history, and yet, all Joris says is "bontarian nobleman"... He's hiding that history. Because now he's interested.
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And it seems that this Beating Heart could help me become a rogue again. Beating Heart has the ability to give its wearer what they desire most. But to use Beating heart, you need the proficiency in magic that you don't have. It's not for sale, sorry. But for your time, I've got a magic hat that curls your hair. Do you know where you can stick that hat? You little piece of…. brat! Come on, come on… excuse him… he's having a bit of a bad hair day right now.
Notice how fast Joris switches gears: he brought these two this amulet, and was showing it off, before, immediately after Ush's mention, rapidly going "you won't be able to use it, I will not sell it, also your hair sucks ass".
As we will see later, you don't need deep magical skill to use it — you need some self-control, so I really doubt Joris was genuine here.
I have multiple theories:
Joris doesn't want beating heart, a powerful magic item, anywhere near Ush's schemes.
Joris wants them to steal it so that he has an excuse to involve himself in Ush's schemes like the noisy curtain twitcher he is. If this transaction is legitimate, he has no excuse like "UMMM YOUR VICTIMS BROKE INTO MY STORE REPLY TO ME IMMEDIATELY ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING???"
Considering the fact that he puts it away under a glass dome, as Remington and Grany, rogues, watch (and they HAVE talked about robbing him) — I am leaning more strongly towards theory #2.
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Thank you for everything, dear friend. No, no, you're not going to tip him on top of it! Hey bro? what's not for sale is up for grabs… As we rogues say. That's right… tonight, beating heart will be mine… he he he.
If my theory of this being a honeypot by Joris is right — then hook, line, and sinker.
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On one hand, he doesn't exactly look like he's scheming, on other — he doesn't look too worried.
I think at this moment, his main concern is Ush.
(side note, he's drawn really well in this panel...)
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kamiko1234 · 3 months
*Yapping Ahead*
(Listen I know I'm putting too much thought and getting way too invested in a book series for kids. Just bare with me for a second)
Okay I am done with BOTL and WOW, the gods and camp are really begging Luke/Kronos on their knees to just- obliterate them all. Because like were they REALLY just doing NOTHING !? Okay to be fair with them, I AM a big agitated because I'm still sort of reeling from Luke but STILL.
Those people JUST had their camp invaded. They KNOW that stuff's getting serious. I mean people DIED there just now. AND IN RESPONSE TO THAT THEY DO BLOODY NOTHING. Like did I miss something? Are they for real? I understand the concept of licking your wounds after a battle like that- BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN JUST GOING ON LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. Maybe, oh idk- START TO FORM A COUNTER ARMY!? ATTEMPT TO DO COUNTERSTRIKES!? TRY TO STRENGHTEN YOUR POSITION WHO HAS ALREADY BEEN INVADED ONCE!? Let me remind you that Luke/Kronos is out there with a fully formed army including a viable command structure, good training and allies in form of actual minor GODS. ALL THE WHILE ALSO HAVING ALREADY STARTED LAUNCHING ATTACKS. All this and the camp does NOTHING of value! Sure I mean they are sort of training demigods, and even if we say they can't launch attacks themselves for some reason- them doing nothing is just stupid. Atleast start to get these kids used to army strategy and genuinely monster fighting OUTSIDE off capture-the-flag or whatever else they are playing. Maybe also, ikd- INTERROGATE CHRIS!? Like maybe they did and is just wasn't mentioned but- that man was in the army. He should know valuable info and you don't even so much as CHECK of he knows anything!
Listen I do NOT care if he had a "change of heart" or "deserves a second chance". This is a purley objective statement here but that guy was an ENEMY. He already switched sides ONCE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU GUYS TO TRUST HIM AT THIS POINT OF TIME, AND EVERY REASON TO HAVE HIM LOCKED UP AND INTERROGATED SOMEWHERE.
I know this is a kid's series but please, Rick. Atleast mention Chris getting question. Don't make your main good guys look like morons compared to the baddies.
Or someone please tell me I missed something of the books because so far it looks like any semblance of battle smarts left CHB with Luke 💀 Also am I the only one a bit irked between the few months timeskip at the end between the Battle and Percy talking with Annabeth? 'cause like, I feel this is a conversation they (logically speaking) should have had a few weeks at MOST after the whole thing going down in the story, NOT a few months after. This too is just a personal ick but, I do not like what they did with Chris. With him joining up with camp just like that? Yeah, no. He betrayed them before. That means he must have had atleast SOME grievances with how things were run. And now he's just back again a "redemtion arc" (that isn't even really an arc if we are honest, it's just there) and no further focus!? It's not like anything got BETTER. I mean sure it was cool to see Dionysus acctualy grieve his kids and be a bit nicer to Percy.
DOESN'T MEAN THAT LUKE DIDN'T HAVE A FUCKING POINT EITHER. Like, idk. I'm just disappointed, as of now I'm just hoping we'll see more of Chris and see the demigods and Luke delved more into with the last book.
The only thing I genuinely pray doesn't happen is that they'll start to demonize the demigods who joined Luke and Luke himself. I'm really nervous since Chris seems to be treated like a "redeemed" villain, ignoring the fact that they all had valid point and valid reasons to go against Olympus. The gods and Camp Halfblood are both objectively horrible as a whole. The system in itself is flawed and I'm pretty sure even stacked against the demigods. I'm gonna be real I see no real reason to expect any real loyalty from Demigods nor do I see any reason why they should keep dying for what's basically a blood mill that couldn't care less. The Demigods who joined Luke are not evil. Luke is not evil. The gods are not good people. If these books start to pretend that Luke and his allies are wholly evil I WILL flip a table. Ngl I have little mind for much else of the bunch of things that happened in the story. Maybe I'll make a second post where I'm talking about other stuff, maybe I won't. I'll see, if I don't feel free to ask. As always I ask to mark spoilers in any replies or reblogs you may make so I can avoid them, thank you ^^
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poibynt · 11 months
This is a really long-winded work up to a fic idea/vague character analysis BEAR WITH ME.
this'll be the last HTTYD meta post of the night. It's hard to pinpoint when Cowell fully created the later book's storyline (The seeds really start getting planted in 5, but of course 8 kicks things off, but was that the book when she first truly knew? who knows) but it's obvious the end game plot wasn't conceived by the start of the series. Cowell manages to transition from mostly episodic style adventure books to an overarching plot pretty well but there's some occasional wonkyness. The most fascinating weirdness to me is how the earlier books treat dragons and their societal standing.
I am doing a very out of order re-listen rn so I could be very wrong but while dragons are treated as 'creatures to own' from the start the slavery and mistreatment of dragons by humans starts to really become more textual rather than messy implications by like the 3rd and 4th books. But I don't think Cowell knew if she wanted to Unpack All That Right Now just yet when writing those books, so we get this weird ground where the mistreatment of dragons is there and explicit but none of the characters linger or reflect on it. Specifically in book 4 Oneye is all very "y'all are fucking pig slave drivers" and Hiccup doesn't object or anything but does not think about or engage with Oneye's rhetoric at all. This was a tad jarring coming off of listening to Hiccup giving a massive impassioned speech about how slavery is disgusting and needs to be eradicated in 10 to Hiccup meekly telling Snotlout not to whip dragons for fun in 4. Of course, Hiccup is a child and very rarely do elementary schooler age members of the oppressor class fully understand the abusive systems they profit off of (and obviously Hiccup not standing up to Snotlout is a whole other thing bc Snotlout is a horrible little shit. I'm not condemning Hiccup for not doing much here). Hiccup has all the groundwork of becoming the little leftist abolitionist revolutionary he ends up but he isn't there just yet.
This should have been ground for a bit of a character arc. And yet, it sort of wasn't?? Kinda?? It is but isnt. I think by 7 Cressida knew where the series was going enough to know that Hiccup needed to have a personal reconing with slavery & that's what the Northern Wanderers were for. Hiccup has a close brush with human slaves, gets marked as a slave and comes to see their humanity and dignity despite the rest of his friends and his culture not respecting them or their personhood. On paper, that's decent. Maybe not very good indigenous rep, but decent plot wise. However, it doesn't entirely work. Firstly because Hiccup should already know that captial S Slavery is Bad because of 5. That's a large part of 5. And yet I do not remember Hiccup ever really having much dialogue or internal introspection about slavery and the horrors of it & how it has effected Windwalker and those around him. The narration drills in it's awfulness but Hiccup sort of...doesn't super acknowledge it. Which is weird bc Hiccup is so pro dragon and such a good person you think he might be a bit angry or have some shit to say about Lavalout island or what happened to Humongous (I think there was some 'wow that's awfuls' but nothing much more then that. Or maybe I'm mis remembering grain of salt) 5 should have already done this, but again in 7 we don't get any introspection! The wanderers say a lot of things to Hiccup. They call him a devil, they say that all of history is against his kind, they think that he is inherently irredeemable and should be killed before he himself does harm. Hiccup doesn't think about any of this. And so the attempted arc kind of...falls flat for me. But cool Hiccup is in theory like yeah capital S slavery is bad. Then 8 is what REALLY starts off on Hiccup's abolitionism. Hiccup saves Furious, empathises with the chained monster against possible best judgement, and is disgusted by his torture. He wants to free all the prisoners, everyone locked away on Berserk. This is finally when Hiccup starts having a bit more of a reaction to slavery and imprisonment, and then he starts truly pushing against it out of his own accord and disgust and anger at it.
And yet. Not much inner monologue or reflection or dialogue about slavery outside of Hiccup's talk with Furious. It stays that way until book 9, where Hiccup faces the concept of being a king for the first time and then fights his father for the throne, knowing his father won't do the right thing. So, character arc! We get all the beats but I feel like we sort of don't get the development that goes along with the beats so it doesn't totally feeel like a character arc. Why the internal radio silence? Truly it's probably something about Cowell not wanting to make the books too depressing too early on by lingering on the messed up stuff too hard or something else but. I think there's a very in character and plausible explanation for Hiccup's arc around slavery. And it's all about his father.
The Hooligans are later named as one of the 'kinder tribes' who don't engage in slavery and don't agree with it morally but turn a blind eye to rampant slavery happening elsewhere. Slavery seems to really not be discussed much on Berk, but Hiccup and the other Hooligan boys his age probably grew up with some vague sense of pride in being 'the better ones', for having more honour and morals, something shared by the older tribe members. But this inaction is immoral and even though the Hooligans and other tribes aren't slave fairing, they do abuse and exploit dragons on a daily basis. Book 9 is about Hiccup finally acknowledging what has stopped him from thinking too hard or engaging with the enslavement and mistreatment of dragons. The Hooligans are still in the wrong, doing the wrong thing, upholding a bad system. Which means his father is. Stoick is the HTTYD equivalent of a neo-liberal. He dislikes the disdainful messy bits of capitalism, but he ultimately upholds the abusive and violent capitalist system while helping put down leftist organising. And seeing that in your beloved father, for someone as impassioned as Hiccup, is a fucking bitch. It's what makes their fight so heartbreaking. Hiccup couldn't let himself start down the path of unpacking the suffering of dragons and other humans until it was VITAL to do so because I think he knew things would lead back to the feet of his father, and also Hiccup's own. You don't grow up in an abusive system as a member of the oppressor class without being at least a bit complicit in violence and oppression, and I think that eats at hiccup.
ANYWAY fic idea what if I actually fleshed this all out through fic via like snapshots of Hiccup's various radicalisation moments which then focuses on the gap between 9 and 10 where Hiccup is in the woods for like a year with nothing but dragons, anti war domestic terrorism/sabotage and his thoughts for company while showing more anti war rebellion groups bc surely Hiccup and Cami were not the only ones. Cami's team getting a spotlight. ....thuggory pov??? I have vague fic soup rn and it's threatening to engulf me so I had to get this out somehow.
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
freeman's mind notes part 6, e26-30
new intro scene! AMS.
wants a gnome. Does not know what he's talking about here.
would feed his gnome granola and house it in a cage
gnome agnostic
can't think of anything people other than him have done right today
still waiting for hidden treasure...
knows German
a bit surprised shooting road signs is the correct action to take
you are indeed number one, buddy
i hesitate to tell gordon about the deeply ableist roots of freak shows
would attempt to headbutt a headcrab
thinks the OAR tram is just for fun
[makes banjo noises]
HATES spinning tram
should have been a pirate
still wants to surface
it's still his exact speech patterns hes just doing a voice and slang
repeating flintlock.......
milksops,,,,, I am just going to be repeating back his silliest words here
oh yes raid those empty boxes
Miniature grapeshot is pretty clever tbh
he must sound nuts to anyone who happens to survive his passing
fighting.... fighting roosters. I will not quote directly.
"there be all manner of queer beasties in this hole" very true
should that be slur count five actually???? uh.. nah. Nah.
awwww we're done already :(
drops the voice. Coughs horribly
has a LONG way to go before his voice sounds like that normally
ambassador pineapple!!!!
immediately distrusts something convenient
looking for money in a side room
headcrab SNOT MONSTER couple in the vomitorium
"yore dead."
yeah this amount of explosives underground is unpleasant
not yet at the phase in his life where he has to double tap people
not being paranoid would kill him, he's pretty sure
frog people mentioned AGAIN
owls are very dumb beasts. They probably can't read minds
freeman please stop being ableist i beg you. i BEG
has a perfect shot on some marine that isn't in his way. Doesn't shoot at him.
has $10,000 of gold in Massachusetts.
once again I cannot recognize the language but I can only assume he's speaking Hindi here
Eddie mention AGAIN. this time about transit
curious if his suit can stop heavy caliber bullets
"ha HA" goofiest laugh I've ever heard.
humming AGAIN
Finally thinks this isn't a rescue operation
lack of corpses indicates he is going to wrong way
grappling hook Longing
nitroglycerin would be insanely unstable. Not shelf stable
insists he should not be this impulsive
confused at the lack of destruction in the wake of high explosives
wants to see explosive hurdles at the olympics
today's episode brought to us by the number eight
he keeps devising more and more unsettling tram plans
would love to engage in psychological warfare
wants some PILLS.
being on a submarine wouldn't make him feel better
that is too many shotgun blasts
silly voices continue
this IS a world where not all glass is bulletproof
the military probably doesn't have object permanence yeah
wants to make ghost noises. Makes straining noises instead
worse Marco Polo yeah yeah
does sit down to listen to the marines. Kills em when they're done though
does a little jump for joy when outside
what are these noises sir
new intro! flashing monitor room
thinks he can pry blast doors open
the code to the door is not "leet"
familiar with the three stooges. Thinks Mo would kill the others
climbs up to the launch bay's window instead of puzzling his way by the dynamite
does consider not killing a couple of guys that aren't in his direct path
shaken by bullets getting near his head
resolves to just kill any member of the military he comes across regardless of their intent
the microbiology department was not a controversial bunch
"if somebody's grandma is cold and she puts on a camo blanket? she's DEAD."
presses the launch button without knowing what it does
drama queen <3
"i did not leave any fingerprints. I was wearing my suit." My favourite line in the series
climbs on out of there! Climbs back down! He knows he won't survive a multiple day trek across the open desert
he's just so matter-of-fact about killing everyone. It's delightful in some way i can't put words to
tram based pizza delivery system
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medicallymercury · 10 months
And Another One - Casualty Hiatus Thoughts - 2/?
I'm still ill but I went into uni anyway like the brave little soldier that I am! (Every night, I decide that all the work that I need to do can be done “tomorrow” but we’re rapidly running out of those until the deadlines. I have lost my train pass and student ID. All I’ve listened to all day is the demo version of Geyser by Mitski. Vague sense of doom.) I got myself some Tesco Finest cookies on the way home. I’m just complaining here. 
I'm back for more already, seems like I've opened the floodgates but this one won't be as lengthy as the other one was. Genuinely sorry I can’t shut up. I thought I was done for a while but I put an episode from series 36 on in the background thinking that I'd be able to do stuff while it played but got distracted by my opinions.
Potentially all over the place again, though this one does manage to be mostly about the series 36 mother-hell storylines. So there's a theme. Warning - I started going off about Dark Room which has a lot of transphobia in it and that’s part of what I talked about.
I really don’t know how I feel about the resolutions of Sah and Teddy’s storylines with their mums. Okay, we already know I'm about to be going on about Sah and Teddy's mother problems storylines but I'm sure there are other characters who this is/isn't applicable to - feel free to let me know about it. As a recap: it’s kind of hard for me to figure out how to describe exactly what happens at the end of Friends Like These, but if anyone has ever seen that quote that’s like “I tried to ask my parents to leave the room, but not my life”, Teddy asks Gaynor to leave the room and she leaves his life. A couple months later a patient situation causes Teddy to call his mum (and that is not brought up again when he gets trapped in a mine in the next episode) and also we are left to assume that all is fine now. Pretty simplistically, in Enough, Sah and Jools talk it out after Kevin has another stroke and then they are also just portrayed as being okay forever by the end of that episode. 
I can absolutely believe that these characters, sad and work-stressed and not always the most emotionally mature, would forgive their mothers. I don’t even disagree with it happening on a story level because I think it could make for a really good development in those stories, or even just a less-than-happy ending. What I don’t enjoy is how these endings are presented as being happily-ever-afters and that everything is supposed to be fine now because they’ve forgiven/reconciled with their mothers who haven’t really done anything to deserve it. Jools is objectively neglectful, and telling Sah they were always enough does not make up for that. I think Gaynor’s behaviour is emotionally abusive; she’s controlling his life, emotionally manipulating him, she’s trying to even limit his contact with people other than her (and she has been doing this, he “wasn’t allowed friends”). Unless I'm wrong, we don’t see or hear from Gaynor at all between Friends Like These and We Need To Talk About Ollie. I don’t doubt they love their kids but that doesn’t make them good parents, and it’s not on their kids to be doing the work to improve the relationships. If we’re getting these forgiveness endings then Jools and Gaynor need to put more effort into proving they’ve changed. Or (and I'd probably find this more interesting cause I'm mean). Forgiveness needs to be presented as something that isn’t this simple happy ending because it doesn't feel like that in these circumstances. I respect the potential misery of the undeserved forgiveness, I love misery for them, especially when they’re both in mother-hell together, I am mean. But if you want to give them a happily-ever-after, keep them away from their mothers or make their mothers do the work. 
They make Sah be the bigger person way too much, actually. In Dark Room, why does Sah have to be nice to Scott when Scott deserves to get re-beaten to a pulp? I don’t care that his mum is also terrible. Not only did he bully them when they were teenagers, he tried to ruin their whole life as a fully grown adult. Their mum is terrible as well and you don’t see them acting like that. They don’t need to be the bigger person and try to help Scott and his also terrible mother, they need a weapon of mass destruction. Also, why is Sah’s deadname used so excessively in series 36? Or at all? Ever? I’m sure there were ways around the audience ever needing to actually know what it was, even if they felt like the story required the implication of characters using it. Another potential Casualty hot take, maybe? I don't think Sah's dad is all that great of a parent either. Obviously it is entirely Jools' fault that Sah has to be his carer at such a young age, he had no control over that and Jools is definitely the worse parent, but getting back with Jools without telling Sah, cancelling plans with Sah to go on dates with Jools, excusing Jools’ pretty transphobic remarks and acting like Sah has to forgive Jools because he has really isn’t great. They were right when they said “it’s not just you she left”. IT’S! NOT! JUST! KEVIN! SHE! LEFT! It annoys me that Casualty is like ‘this action will have consequences’ about that scene because Sah is right. The only person I truly like from Sah’s pre-joining-Casualty life is Bill Phillipsen (and his dead wife) and he died. I knew you very briefly/not at all but I miss you Bill and Jean <\3
This post is absolutely the post for me to start getting into the connections between the mother-hell storylines but I won’t in full. They are kind of this pair of opposites, not just on this wider level of overinvolved mother vs uninvolved mother, there are a lot of patterns I’ve noticed in the episodes and the dialogue. I’d find them all now but it's 2am and I need to be awake at 8am at the latest so I’m putting off compiling that list for another day. Some faves that I can remember off the top of my head: opposite Jan advice scenes, Gaynor really struggling to say she’s proud of Teddy even though he really wants her to while one of the first things Jools tries to say to Sah is that she’s proud of them and they tell her not to, “you won’t see me back if I go” vs “I’m back now if it’s not too late”. I really like these connections, that's why I'm so passionate about what I don't agree with in these storylines.
I didn't mention this in my last post but I got my hands on a bootleg of The Play That Goes Wrong with Milo Clarke as Max and it's very enjoyable. I've been meaning to watch TPTGW at least since I watched both series of the show, probably longer, and I succumbed to the Casualty brainrot and and had to see his version. All I'll say: He really knows how to play aunt based nepotism and situations that could be solved with polyamory.
Based on when one of the episodes is set to air, I don’t think we’ll see Casualty back until about December 30th, unless we are gonna have another break between episodes once it comes back. I don’t really care that much and also, Christmas/New Years episode? The most recent Christmas episode was that one where they were like “what if it was last year?” back in 2021 and that’s always been a weird choice to me. I just want a silly little festive one, normal Casualty episode featuring carol singing and tinsel and the implication of a really intense staff party (we will never get the Sah/Teddy Christmas party of my dreams, not this year cause they’re in the current situation, not last year cause no Christmas episode and also the stuff with Jan was happening then, not the year before…). The only thing that bothers me about the hiatus is the inevitable time skip, so much time will have elapsed in universe by the time it comes back so I feel like we will have missed a lot of the immediate aftermath of stuff that happened at the end of Driving Force.
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takabinaryy · 3 months
Caregivers- David , Paul , and Dwayne Flip- Marko Little- Michael their little ages- Marko is 4-5 while Michael is around 3-5 Yes the four vampires are still vampires while Michael is human Michael is 5'6 in this series because I said so. Marko is a flip which is between being a Caregiver and Little , Incase some people don't know what a flip is in littlespace )
The boys go shopping , Marko is a tiny bit obsessed with crabs not being able to get him if the towels are placed on the sand....gods David will most likely get a headache while the other three are just simply vibing and laughing at David.
" Milk , grapes , crackers, chicken star shaped nuggets, yogurt, gold fish crackers, more beach Towels?"
David stopped reading off of the grocery list , only to turn his head to Marko and question the curly haired blonde. Just as the bleach blonde continues to push the cart down the pasta/sauces/spices aisle. Their little human Michael was on Dwayne's hip pointing at all the different pastas. While Paul was trying to convince the taller man that the angel hair pasta is the best. Michael was in his own little world not really listening to what was being said. Marko just gives David a playful smile and gets in front of the cart , stopping the other's pushing of said cart all together. Which makes David huff in annoyance at the other hyperactive blonde.
"We need more towels because we need them for the beach obviously. And your supposed to be the smart one"
" Mar watch your mouth. And we already have beach towels at him. I made the list for food not towels or any other objects"
" Yeah I know , However we need the towels so we can make a huge square on the sand. See it's smart so the carbs can't get us! "
David swears he's getting a headache by now even Dwayne rolls his eyes hearing the two talking about stupid towels. He hicks their little human up on his hip more holding him close. And just shakes his head at them , especially when they all know Marko is going to end up , getting said things at the end of their shopping trip . Paul who can of course hear them to , the second blonde looks over at them and just flat out laughs , honestly he's already getting the feeling that Marko is little right. The laugher slightly startles Michael a tiny bit snapping him out of his thoughts. Said laughing vampire just ruffles his hair as a sorry and walks over to David's side and shakes his head with a smile on his face.
"Now davey just let him get the towels , he's just going to annoy you more if you don't. Especially when you are really easy to annoy."
The bleached blonde just rolls his eyes and puts a few boxes of Kraft Mac & cheese in the cart and huffs out of annoyance. And walks further down more growling low at Paul , which makes the other laugh again. They all know David wouldn't hurt any of them , just like they wouldn't hurt each other. But yeah the wannabe "spike" was definitely getting a headache now, David turned his head to Marko who was walking along side him , next to the cart. Yeah he doesn't feel like being annoyed way more than usual during this whole shopping trip of theirs. Said switch grins like he's won a new prize at one of the dart games they have on the boardwalk at night sometimes. Now Marko being Marko keeps his grim up knowing full well that the other male has given up.
"Yes idiot you can get them. Just don't get the whole damn shelf! "
And just like that Marko sprits down the aisle into , different ones looking for those stupid towels he so "definitely" needed to have. Yeah Paul is definitely the one who can go rangel him because David is so done with him and this shopping trip. Dwayne comes over setting down few cups of teriyaki noodle cups in the cart. Along with a few cans of star noodles Campbell's chicken soup because both Marko and Michael like it. And the angel hair pasta that Paul had originally wanted and bragged about oh don't think David didn't see that smug. Look on Dwayne's stupid face from watching Marko's little win. After a couple minutes Paul goes after thier second little to make sure he isn't causing any trouble or anything like that , Dwayne hums before he speaks once more.
" And yet you've known him longer than any of us have, you'd think you would have been unfazed with him always trying to anny you , amor. "
"Oh please shut it tall ass"
"You wouldn't like it if I did , you'd miss my talking more than you like hearing the other two speak. "
"Well Dwayne , if he's trying to annoy me out of all of us. I believe Mar is four if he thinks the crabs won't get him , if there's a towel laying there."
"Pff oh love you know he's going to get frustrated with the crabs, we all kno-"
"Crabbies! "
David looks at their human and can't help but smile, see this is why Dwayne had him for for today, he was told that Michael can have a few options before they started their shopping. One let of his daddies either carry him or hold his hand. Two sit in the cart as they walk around. Of course Mickey immediately made grabby hands at his bubby. Said Bubby just kisses his head with amusement written all over his face.
" yes moondust we'll be seeing lots of crabs next week, seeing how much your brother is obsessed with them not getting him"
" Come on let's go find our idiots David. "
Once the group was back together, towels in the cart and the rest of the shopping list items also in said cart. And of course Marko and Michael got one new stuffie each from Paul. Getting an eye roll from David and a dramatic laugh from Dwayne of course , said man helped the other put everything away in the car as Paul got the other two in the car. Instead of heading back to the cave they used to live in. Dwayne drives back to Max's old house, they basically took it as thier own when that jackass died. And Michael's mom , brother and grandpa had actually moved to Brooklyn New York for a fresh start. Lucy had of course had a conversation with vampires before they had left. Mostly aout keeping her son safe already knowing that her oldest belonged here with his boyfriends, of course they still keep in touch with each other.
After the car is parked in the driveway and said car is turned off. Both males in the front seats turn their heads to the back , now seeing Paul gently unbuckle Micheal and carry him out. Not before nodding his head to the other sleeping little in the car.
" One of ya gonna get Mar? Ya know he likes nappin with moondust here"
" Yeah , yeah I've got him"
David tells him as he gets out and opens the door to Marko's side , and just as Paul did carefully getting their little menace out. Following the other Caregiver inside the house, they both take the boy's shoes and jackets off before laying the two in bed with the new stuffies. Once both men make sure the babies are content in dreamland , both blondes head back outside to help their tall boyfriend with the groceries that are in the drunk.
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ididntseeurbag · 2 years
pairing: heeseung x fem!idol!reader
genre: enemies to lovers (well, not anymore i guess), fluff
warnings: mentions of food
in which i-land is a program to make both a girl and a boy group. it's been almost two years since i-land ended and you and heeseung debuted, so he has a surprise to celebrate that (and for...something else).
a/n: this is my third and final part of my mini-series! part 1 here | part two here <3
it was another boring day at hybe for enhypen and y/n's group moonstone, since they didn’t have any schedules planned. enhypen had just finished promotions for their new album and were taking a rest while moonstone were just doing their things right before starting to get ready for the europe part of their tour.
y/n decided to leave her recording studio and wander the halls of the company in search of some inspiration or an interesting activity to do and pass time. after some walking around with no objective in mind, she got in the elevator and decided to go get an iced latte at the cafeteria.
no one seemed to be there, so she got her order done really fast. she sat at a table next to the big window walls and looked outside, glancing at her phone every time a notification popped out.
suddenly, she heard the elevator ding and saw a familiar face stepping out of it. it was heeseung, who smiled at the girl after noticing her, eyes creasing up as he did so. y/n swore her heart skipped a few beats when he did that, but smiled back at him, pretending to not be affected.
the boy asked for a coffee and a slice of carrot cake and made his way to her table. “i’m gonna guess this seat isn’t taken?” he asked.
y/n chuckled. “wow, amazing guess, considering the fact that there’s no one else but you and me here.” 
that made heeseung roll his eyes while smirking. “oh, shut up.”
when she looked down, y/n noticed he had brung two forks with him, and softly smiled when she realised he wanted to share the slice of her favourite cake. he handed the utensil to her and motioned to the sweet with his head, as if telling her to dig in, and she gladly did so.
she then also saw that he hadn’t ordered his usual iced americano, but had what seemed to be a latte with him. the older followed her gaze to the drink and spoke. “i’ve been following your advice and i’m now getting vanilla lattes more often that americanos.” 
y/n smiled proudly after hearing what he said. “as you should.”
he laughed. “you’re changing me, song y/n,” a pause. “i’m not so easy to mould, but you seem to do it without a drop of sweat.”
y/n smirked. “i must have some sort of talent then, if i can make the lee heeseung listen to me.”
“you certainly do,” he followed. “and it’s very effective.”
“you don’t seem to mind, though.”
“no, that i don’t.”
after that small and not so subtle flirting, a comfortable silence fell upon them while they continued eating the cake and drinking their respective beverages.
when they finished eating, he spoke again. “oh!” he exclaimed. “i just remembered i have something to give you.”
y/n was confused, since her birthday was still far away and, as far as she knew, no one was celebrating anything. “why the sudden present?”
heeseung simply smiled at her and winked. “i’ll tell you when i give it to you, that is if you don’t guess it yourself,” having said that, he took her hand and walked her to the elevator, pressing on the button that would take them to the floor where her studio was.
when the doors opened, he let her hand go. “go to your studio and wait for me there, it’ll take me less than ten minutes,” he didn’t give her time to say anything before he ran off to where he had left the gift, so she just walked to her recording studio and waited there.
after some waiting while being on her phone, y/n heard the door open and saw heeseung enter the room with a small paper bag in his hands. from it he pulled out a flat rectangular box that looked expensive just by the look of it.
the girl didn’t know what it was, but she was already feeling guilty because she knew that must have not been cheap. “you didn’t have to, seung,” she said, but he shushed her before she continued talking about feeling sorry.
“i didn’t, but i wanted to, so stop feeling bad and turn around.”
she did as she was told and spinned around in her chair, back facing heeseung, who gently set her hair aside. for a moment, y/n didn’t feel anything else, but then she saw heeseung’s hands holding a necklace that he then placed on her neck. it was only for a few seconds, but his hands softly grazed y/n’s neck, sending goosebumps all over her body. she hated how he made her feel, even with the smallest of actions.
after clasping both sides of the necklace together, heeseung put her hair back in place, brushing it over a bit with his fingers to make it look a bit better, since it got slightly tangled. he then turned her chair around. “well,” he told her. “what do you think?”
y/n looked at her necklace closely and saw it had a butterfly pendant on it. “it’s beautiful, heeseung,” she looked up at him and smiled widely. ”i love it so much.“
he locked eyes with her and smiled fondly. “do you know now why i gifted you this, or do you need an explanation?” he asked cockily.
y/n playfully sighed, faking annoyance. “oh, do tell, self-proclaimed genius.”
the older chuckled shortly and talked. “today marks two years since our ‘butterfly’ performance on i-land, and we both know it was a turning point in our relationship, so i wanted to celebrate that in some sort of way,” he shyly looked down, slightly embarrassed about what he said.
y/n got up and lifted his face with her index and middle finger. “it’s a beautiful reason, seung,” she said sweetly. “thank you.”
he met her stare, almost getting lost in her eyes. “also,” he suddenly whispered. ”this is also a way for me to finally confess my feelings to you,” he almost laughed at her shocked face, but continued. “because, if you hadn’t noticed yet, i really, really like you.”
y/n was internally malfunctioning, remembering every single time she had tried to confess to him and failing miserably because of the thought that she'd get rejected. apparently, everyone but her knew how obvious it was that heeseung liked her, and even he noticed the girl's feelings towards him, but decided to give her time. after the short initial shock, she managed to get some words out before he got discouraged. “i like you too,” she chuckled softly. “really, really like you.”
he pulled her closer, if that was even possible, and looked at her lips. ”good, because i don’t know what i would’ve done if i hadn’t been able to do this,” having said that, he closed the space between them and kissed her, caressing her face soothingly while doing so, the both of them getting lost in the feeling.
after a while, they separated, and y/n chuckled in disbelief. “who would’ve guessed that we would be here after the rocky start in our relationship,” she sighed. “it seems like we’re both changing each other, lee heeseung.”
he nodded while smirking. “and i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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ickmick · 11 months
Inktober days 11-15!!
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET TO POST THIS, I HAD IT WRITTEN AND EVERYTHING BUT YET TUMBLR DIDNT POST IT??? So erm.... I scheduled it for 'today' at like... 2 pm i think? my time, that is... LOL (turned out the queue didnt work! so its 6pm!)
so anyways, I'll upload yet again on sunday (tomorrow!) since I also need to post on Halloween!! oh boy!! so theres my uploads for the rest of the month, if you want to check back :D
I've actually gotten further than I thought I would! very proud of myself! and you should be too, even if you've only done a few days!
heres week one and week twos posts!
this one actually has the doc drawing >:3c
plus some other fun ones! its all under the cut, enjoy!
heres the key as always, referring to my prompt lists!!
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 11
wh: butterfly
hc: mischief
ink: wander
life: lava
oh noooo... our local pesky bird!! he fellll... (attempted a new perspective!! a lil wonky but I tried lol)
and can I just say I LOVE how peaceful grian is in the last drawing? hes so pretty and soft looking!! i surprised myself!!
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Day 12
life: soulmate
I got that major life series brainrot... if you cant tell, haha... and dont even get me started on secret life!! more on that in the final notes >:D
also I didnt finish bigb im sorry BFMSVSSB
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Day 13
hc: fashion
life: safety
GRIAN IN CUTE CLOTHES !! feat mumbo in the corner to make up for the last few times of neglect rip
also, was low on spoons and unfortunately did not finish the potentially adorable moment between the buttercups in grians wings... smth... xD
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Day 14
hc: hermit with a background
gore: parasite
ay more like parasyte, am I right? *ba dum tiss*... ... yeah ok sorry LOL that was def more of a meme drawing ngl
AND THE FABLED DOC DRAWING!!! I posted it on its own already because im unbelievably proud of it!! listen... i know it meant to draw a bg... like a forest or smth... BUT!! i thought it was kinda funny... and I swear i was going to actually di the prompt right! but I ran out of spoons XD
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Day 15
ink: dagger
life: spyglass
gore: fungi
another low spoon day, alas! but hey, at least we have some AHAA shenanigans (simply grian giggling) and a not so scar safe object!! (a dagger!! who gave him that?? /silly)
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whew, there we go!! i think this weeks set was pretty good! (not that I actually drew any THIS WEEK, but thats not the point XD)
also, thank you for all the love so far!! you guys are very sweet :D
Im especially blown away from this post of tango, because it was rushed!! but im appreciative still because the post is sort of funny!! <3
*vauge talk of first secret life episodes!!*
its so good already omg... ive watched quite a few of the povs lol... i wont say anything specfic because I havent properly spoiler warned! so I will leave you simply with the wise words 'the fanfic writes itself' /silly (and oh my god scar giving grian the dang blocks ACK /pos /pos /pos)
heres week fours, 5.1s and the last post (5.2)!!
okay!! have a good week!! and remember to be easier on yourself!! I hope to see you next sunday for the next week of drawings!! 💜
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nickywhoisi · 2 years
Oh snap it’s Nick’s post!
So this has been a long time coming, and I know I should have done this EONS ago, but I decided that this blog needs a header post about me for everyone seeing me for the first time. I think the intro I had up there is actually rather...bad, not so helpful, a little sketch, and maybe even a little worrying to someone uninitiated. So I ought to fix that.
-My name is Nicholas, and I prefer to go by Nick, but Nicky has also happened and I don’t mind it too much, being in my username and all.
-I am nonbinary, they/them pronouns, and only that. I have a pretty sore spot about this, being misgendered irl all the time... and so I am pretty strict about getting pronouns right and picking one exclusively for myself. I just really want to distance myself from being forced into femininity that I can’t even begin to tell you I don’t have. I don’t know what’s wrong with people out there! I don’t understnd why they can’t stop looking at the exterior skin and know that there’s a real identity here.
-I am just about to be 30! Wowee! And I am smashed up so much from traumatic life experiences, I don’t feel a day over 2! How am I not dead?! Hooray eternal youth! ...Well, yeah, y’got me. I can’t even pretend that this is okay. I really am sometimes oscillating between frames of mind that do not reflect my age, if there is even a guideline for that. The truth is, I have never had healthy human relationships or “object constancy/permanence” to know what a stable person acting precisely like the age range they are is supposed to be like, and it’s been nearly 30 years. I don’t think I’ll ever get to know how to solve this problem. So what’s left? Just that I am a personchild who suffers way too many emotional and psychological traumas, and needs to be treated so meticulously careful, but has a real big heart and got a lot of sagely fandom wisdom and life experiences to share, to anyone who would care to listen. That’s why I’m so strangely knowledgeable, yet immature and unsure about things all at once. I can only hope that’s fine or that you at least understand what’s up with me, because I can’t change this...and believe me, I’ve been trying. Frankly, it’s the concept of change that got me into all this mess, SO DO NOT EVER BRING UP THE TOPIC OF CHANGE TO ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU. 8) My blog is part of the Eternal Domain of Inazuma, get it?
-I am a multifandom blog! I had no idea that I had to specify this until perusing other blogs! I just thought it became clear by post variety. See how weird and old fashioned I’ve become? I didn’t think it would happen to me, but here we are, and it will happen to you too! get ready for that one kiddums. In any case, here are all of the fandoms and series in general that I’m into, though I have already posted a lot of trains. Did I mention I’m on the autism spectrum+adhd? Maybe even a bit bpd/schizo? Yes, very fun.
-Sometimes I am ultra fun, in a good mood and approachable, but sometimes I go entirely in reverse, depending on my general mood or if something outside of tumblr has occurred. I am sorry. This will likely be hard to follow, and the last thing I want is to make enemies out of friends over any amount of misunderstandings, but following a healthy routine, knowing what I’m comfortable with at all times, and trusting other people understand and know the same thing, and then above all getting to experience behaviour that feels right, is very important to me. I will do my very best to announce my state of being ahead of time so y’all will know, and hopefully the transitions will be smooth. In a less-than-this situation, I can’t really know what to do beyond freaking out and maybe bailing, so...the bottom point may give you better help to know how to handle me. I’m so sorry...
-I am severely damaged goods, and become a neurotic mess when attempting social interaction of all kinds, even here, because I have suffered a giant terrible history of unhealthy relationships, and while I know who I am and where I stand on things, life insists on only bringing dangerous, unhealthy, unprocessably unstable types my way to make my ability to reach my goal that much harder. It’s almost getting too unbearable for words, and I have been thinking of quitting people altogether. But if I did that. I know I would never reach the life goal I’ve always wanted; of having a stable group of friends who stick with me lifelong. That’s all I want, what everyone else I look at from afar seems to have. Yet life insists that hatred stubs my toes over and over again, and each repetitive pattern of trying so hard, getting so close, only to reach a disquieting change and leaves me rejected and failing is too much to go through. I can’t tell who even wants me anymore, and this has eaten away at me for my entire life. I can no longer tell if there’s anyone in the world at all who cares that I exist and wants me to be alive and happy, wants to be my friend for real and then continue to be so, or if people hate me for knowing myself so well and demanding that I get my fair treatment that I was promised my entire life. I have had enough of being the tossed-away outsider of my own life, and I aim to collect. I don’t want to put in the effort anymore just for someone else to make me fail at having this very thing that I, as a human, was supposed to have eons ago to be healthy. I don’t want to keep trying to open up just to be made to feel like I should regret doing so...it’s sick, cruel unusual punishment that I have never deserved to go through. And if I’m bothering to stay alive instead of (still wondering if I should really) ending it all, I expect to not be made to go alone. I am sick to death of being forced, bottlenecked into failure that is not even mine to experience when I know, after wasting my entire youth learning about it, I did all the right things that are considered normal and rational, never once diverging from my path. (what I mean is, I could maybe count on my fingers the few times I was truly responsible for a failure in my life, but the longer list actually comes from other people just...being a roadblock on my path? Being the one to come up with some insane, arbitrary excuse to just put a stop to my trajectory? To abruptly end the progress I go to war everyday just to begin?! do you see why I am concaved under so many mental issues that I am eternally complaining? really hope somebody’s paying attention instead of just reading...!) I do not like being alone, and I’ve been crying everyday since I’ve been effectively thrown out from my own comfortable life and forced into...this super-nightmare isolation. I’m an extrovert with introvert needs. Can you believe I’m actually an extrovert first, even when all of my other traits point otherwise? So all of that is where I need your assistance. I am horrifically broken to the point where I’ve been conditioned that “help” is actually an opening for someone else to “harm” instead. This is actually what I’ve experienced more of than anything that is normally expected. It is insane. I need you to retrain me on what it means to healthily interact, to know if and who actually cares about me beyond myself, to relearn everything on how people are supposed to behave and carry themselves around one another. Because I am still, after all this time, needing to learn that from someone trustworthy. I am trying to reply on you to be my “teacher” in this way, but as fair warning, I am already expecting the worst; I expect failure, dismay, peril, trauma, the works. I beg you, find a way to prove all of this wrong.
-I have a vast variety of interests, way too many words to describe it all, far too little time to do so, and an unbelievable amount of raw passion driving my interests...into a canyon. *pixel explosion effect* You’ll have to wait with bated breath to see just what topics I like the most, what things I have to say the most about, and even the things I don’t like/have interest in I have a lot to say on. I’m basically an infodump truck. Get ready for that lol
Will continually update this post to add other tidbits to know about me, as it is getting a bit tiring to type out already, and I need to make a fandom post list too. So all in all, I ask for careful trepidation so things aren’t unpleasant, and I have a dangerous amount of issues that I am working hard to solve, but inbetween that, I want to come off as a very positive, dedicated, reliable, and more trusting individual for for you to hang out with, share in the entertainment, and have a great time with. I don’t want to be just another one of the unstables, I want to regain my past stability in fact. And above all, I simply HAVE to do my part to make the world a happy safe place like I’ve always wanted. I’ve spent too long ruminating on everything, especially how much it doesn’t seem like the world is at all happy or safe. But I keep seeing hints and glimmers of proof that it could be, and we only need to exemplify that ourselves. Put in the work and do, not wish. We need to become what we want. I want to be the proof that good and justice wins over all evil in reality. Looks like I always take one the way-too-hard challenges...but I didn’t say it was impossible. And that hero’s optimism isn’t just shallow hope to be broken later, either. It’s not fake pleasantry. If there really are evil villains in our reality, right now, in this absolutely insane time period, doing all sorts of evil things that we only learned about through our favourite series, then that can only mean...
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1, 4, 21?
hi!! sorry im Literally 2 Weeks Late on this, tumblr didnt show me that i had asks </3
1. How many wips do you have? How many are you actively working on?
Off the top of my head, I've got 8 WIPs total right now that I have any emotional attachment to, and technically 2 that I'm actively working on - though Whispers is being left alone for a couple months so I can be more objective in my editing for the second round!! Drafting though is just The Millennium Saga, currently!
4. How would you explain your wip to someone who knew nothing about it?
I have, in fact, done this before, but its a little bit long so it'll be behind the cut!! It's a very casual description of the Millennium Saga, but I think it's the best overview I've figured out so far <3
21. What originally inspired this story?
BOY OH BOY i know it was some music that i listened to on loop in middle school but i know it was multiple songs and the only one i can remember now is Embers by Owl City which. mayhaps obviously. inspired the very earliest version of ember thats tbh almost unrecognizable at this point.
Unfortunately, all of my WIPs are ones that I've had stewing in my brain in one way or another since I was 12, so I no longer remember the inspirations behind them all 😭
Thank you again for sending this in!!! The requested explanation is below the cut <3
TMS is a fantasy series that starts with the promise of a revolution story, except the revolution itself (at least the part the characters are able to participate in) is over by the end of part one of book one (of 8), and it quickly becomes a game of cat-and-mouse running from the military retribution that THEN becomes the classic “oh fuck the world/magic is gonna end” plot. Which ends up really being a world-wide societal revolution, because the world was supposedly saved from that shit already, like, 1000 years ago. The Chosen One just lied about it because he ran out of time, begged the Goddesses for more, and is struggling to figure out how to Actually Save It For Real while juggling being an immortal king who is in way out of his depth and has never had, like, friends. Or anyone to tell him what to do without the expectation of being their puppet.
The main narrator of book one, Ember, volunteers for said revolution, but is dragged into the rest of The Bullshit because they are physically incapable of a) leaving their friends behind and b) not telling authority figures like said Chosen One to be better or fuck off.
The other narrators include their long-term boyfriend, Gab (an acrobat/actor/prostitute that’s very emotionally intelligent but Not when it comes to his own feelings), their mutual polyam love interest Iceberg/Isa (great grandson of another immortal and grandson of the general that is hunting them after the revolution), and more as the series goes on and slowly switches from their storyline to that of their younger siblings/friends.
You see a lot more of the world in this than in Whispers, and get a shit ton more worldbuilding cause it’s, like, plot-relevant. Also we get to meet the Goddesses (x6) and help the Chosen One and his ex-husband work through couples therapy. And collect a found family along the way.
Oh, and save the world through the powers of love (in all its different forms) and intersectional solidarity being the thing the Goddesses admire most about mortality.
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makiruz · 2 years
Watched the second arc of Andor (episodes 4-6) and I gotta say it's less interesting than the first one. The pacing is still bad, the episodes are slow and once again the first 2 episodes could've been only one; and this time I feel the third one could've been trimmed, we really didn't the Mon Mothma plot, and I don't know what the cop is doing here, has he declared himself Andor's nemesis or something?
Anyway there are more things that bother me; well gotta admit the Rebel plot feels less weird but that's probably because it's a heist and that's a very Rebel plot; but the Coruscant plot is weird and the Imperials are starting to feel weird too. In the first arc the cops work because they fit with the Imperialism/Authoritarianism themes of Star Wars, now it's starting to be Game of Thrones and I'm sorry I don't feel it.
Now watching this part I realize the key problems of this series: 1. When I was watching it and observing the functioning of the Rebellion I kept comparing it with Star Wars Rebels and half-way through I realized that's the problem, this series has the same premise as Rebels but Rebels is better. 2. The Rebellion/Fascism themes aren't working because Andor isn't using this themes right; the Fascism isn't classic Fascism, the one that we've seen so far, it's the subtle choke-hold of modern capitalism-imperialism, which wouldn't be bad in isolation but this Star Wars, the Empire isn't subtle, that's the point, the Empire is a blunt object that kills people this cultural genocide they're doing with the Dhani is the kind of thing only Thrawn would do; the point of Thrawn is that he's the best, smartest Imperial officer who knows murdering people is bad way to control people but no one listens to him because he's an alien. For the Rebellion, what happens is that the way it works is weird; my brother pointed out it's because they're mixing their metaphors, the Rebellion has a wealthy sponsor, like modern social movements, but the Rebellion is a guerrilla and it works like real world guerrillas, they sustain themselves and rely on the local population which are sympathetic to the cause but not ready to take arms (which incidentally is how Rebels works); in this show is like when you're on Coruscant the Rebellion is BLM and when they're Aldhani the Rebellion are the Zapatistas, it doesn't work and it doesn't really fit with Star Wars. 3. Finally, the show is taking the audience for granted and expecting you to fill the gaps yourself, something I didn't noticed until my brother pointed it out is that the Empire doesn't actually does anything that bad, they haven't done any massacres, nor threatened local populations, in fact the Rebels have killed more people than the Empire so far, you're supposed to accept they're they're the bad guys and the Rebels the good guys because you're Star Wars fan, you know how it works; another example is the Dhani, in the 3rd episode the heist keeps cutting to them and I get the feeling I'm supposed to have an emotional connection with them, but they haven't been shown until now, so there's nothing concrete there. It's like, you're supposed to accept the story, but the story isn't properly built because you're supposed to be invested already
Next personal gripes: Are they seriously giving Mothma the "the cause will hurt your relationship with your family" plot? Seriously? I hate that plot, it's like they're saying the Activist (who is usually a woman) is being selfish and neglecting her family for caring about human rights, she should stop helping people and take care of her family, god I hate it; also, Rebels also has the plot of a senator who is involved with the Rebellion and his kid is an active member of the Rebellion and she has about the same age as Mothma's daughter. Kid died just like that? Wasn't even shot by an Imperial, he got crushed by accident? Are you fucking kidding me? Episode 3 seems to imply there's something going on between the 2 women of the group and I actually shouted at the screen "fuck you!" when that happened; I mean, you've had 2 whole episodes where nothing happens and you establish that now? Half-way through the last episode of the arc? No, fuck you. I seriously don't know what's happening in Coruscant, what's the point? I'm assuming everything's gonna come together at the end, but so far it's annoying and so white; I mean as in a"a white upper class person wrote this" kind of way. Man I miss George, he got the guerrilla; or Dave, he got it too
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Prepare your blog for the holiday season: a step-by-step guide
Prepare your blog for the holiday season: a step-by-step guide Image by Canva Over the past week we have been running a short series of interviews with bloggers of different types, to get an idea of ​​how they are preparing for the holiday season. We talked to owners about: If this series has made you realize how ill-prepared you are for the weeks ahead, don’t worry. Today’s post is a checklist for getting ready for the holiday season. 1. Have you determined when you will take a break? The first thing to do is get out the calendar. Figure out when you don’t want to blog and block out those days (or weeks!). Now you know how much time you have. 2. Do you know what you want to get out of this period? The benefits of setting goals in advance are twofold. First of all, the objectives will help you establish your priorities for the next few weeks. Second, they’ll help you gauge your efforts when you return to blogging in 2023. They might even help you improve your work when the holiday season returns a year from now. Set yourself some goals. They can be as simple as maintaining regular posting and social media schedules, or as detailed as setting sales expectations and tracking traffic sources that convert. 3. Do you know what you need to do to get there? List the tasks you will need to achieve your goals. If you want to maintain a positioning schedule twice a week, how much writing time will you need? How long for assembly? Will you incorporate affiliate promotions into these posts? Which ones, and when will they be executed? When is the best time to promote these messages? Make a list of all the things you need to do. Then plan them. Think well ahead and go into detail. Don’t just take note to organize ten tweets to post automatically during the holiday season. Plan the time you’ll need to find quality content to include in those tweets. Without getting your plans to this level of granularity, you run the risk of underestimating the time and energy you’ll need to do everything on your list. As you do all of this, think about how you might make your life as a blogger easier. Which brings me to… 4. Have you prioritized? It’s an extra step, but one you might end up doing. You may have already found that your eyes are bigger than your stomach, so to speak, when you set your goals for the period. If you can’t fit it all in, check your top priorities and ask yourself if you’d be happy if you just achieved them. This should help you focus as the inevitable distractions and schedule changes arise in the weeks ahead…and you’re running out of time! Point: Consider creating your own checklist for each of the tasks you need to complete, to avoid waking up in a panic because you forgot to find images for a post or encode your affiliate links in this email. -mail that you send automatically. 5. Have you prepared everything for your return in 2023? Getting ready for the holiday season isn’t just about getting to January 1, 2023. It’s also about getting to work as soon as you get back to your desk. If the whole process of preparing for the holiday season has been a red flag for you, maybe think first (and listen to my podcast on) how to make the most of your time. Then, before the break, when you have all your priorities straight, write a to-do list for Day 1 of 2023. Understand : check email, stats and social listening to find out what you missed while you were offline (assuming you were offline!) set goals for the new year (if you haven’t done this during the break) reconnect with other people you can help – and who can be helped – over the next 12 months. This is the basic checklist I use to make sure I’m on track through the holiday season and beyond. What do you think? Share your tips and advice below to keep your blog going through the silly season. Source link ظهرت المقالة Prepare your blog for the holiday season: a step-by-step guide أولاً على earn money. Tags and categories: make money via WordPress https://ift.tt/ElIksxf November 24, 2022 at 01:12PM
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sinfulseashell · 2 years
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I.L.Y.F.I—>Chapter 1
—Sanzu Haruchiyo x f!reader
—Featuring: Kokonoi, Kakucho, Haitani’s & Sanzu as well as a brief meeting with Y/N
—Warnings: mentions of illegal matters & drugs.
—Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Thank you all for you patience and I hope you enjoy this first look into “I love you for Infinity.” A Tag list will be made as soon one is requested, just let me know if you want to be tagged in this series.❣️
Here they were once again…another meeting held for their “business” and yet all he could think about was why Mikey wasn’t here. ‘Pathetic,’ he thought as he continued to clean his katana. Just before another negative thought clouded his mind the meeting began. “We need him on our side to export our supply. Customers are getting antsy and they want what they ordered.” Kokonoi’s voice was stern as he looked around the table, seeing the others more or less interested in what he was saying. “Is anyone even listening?” He huffed.
“Yeah. Yeah. We’re listening Koko,” Rindou sighed as he rubbed his temple looking over to see his brother scrolling on his phone that was hidden underneath the table, a light scoff filled the silence before another one of them spoke. “How do you suggest that we do this then? It’s not like we can walk up to his house and demand that he lets us use the ports for our own needs.” Kakucho’s grave voice continued. “Well I’m glad you asked,” Kokonoi beamed. “Since he is the owner of Yinming’s Industrial Exports I’m sure a little persuasion wouldn’t hurt,“ the blonde glared at Sanzu who was too busy cleaning his katana to notice. “Right Sanzu?” The blonde haired male cleared his throat.
After a brief moment of silence the pinkette mumbled, “Yeah sure…” Kokonoi tsked as he closed his eyes while exhaling deeply. “Can we go now? I’m hungry and I haven’t had my medicine yet.” Sanzu sighed while placing his chin on the palm of his hand, and drumming his fingers on the table with the other. “You seriously didn’t hear anything I said…did you?” Kokonoi was clearly irritated with this entire meeting. “I hate all of you just so you know. We’re done now.” With a huff the male stood up walking out the room leaving the others to deal with the rest. “Someone is grumpy,” Ran chuckled as he stood up.
“Well…I’ll let the three of you deal with how to get Mr. Yinming to join us.” Stretching as he spoke, a sweet sigh rolled off his tongue. “What? No. You and them two will figure that out, I have things to take care of for Mikey. You know the drill already Haitani.” Kakucho objected before walking out after Kokonoi. “I have to do things for Mikey…” Sanzu mocked as he stood up as well. “God I can’t stand that multicolored asshole.” He always ranted about his distaste for Kakucho considering Mikey has been favoring him more than the pinkette lately. “You can kill him later Sanzu let’s just get this stupid shit over with.” Rindou droned while grabbing the keys to their Escalade walking ahead of the two males with no intention of waiting for them to follow.
“Alright. We’re here, now I need the two of you to be on your best behavior so no interrogating unless we need to.” Rindou glared at Sanzu through the rearview mirror while looking over at his brother as well. “What? You know I don’t do anything to get my hands dirty, unless they hurt you,” Ran cooed softly. “Look I know you’re a fucking idiot, but you know what I mean. You like to egg him on knowing damn well how much he feeds off that stupid shit now behave because I swear to god I’m not gonna stop Kakucho from smacking you this time.” Rindou hissed while getting out of the car. “Rude. Anyways it looks like Kokonoi set us up with an appointment already, all we need to do is follow suit and just act like businessmen.” Ran smiled trying to lighten the mood. “So tell him we want to use his business to promote our business…smart,” Sanzu smirked while looking at his phone.
“You just stay quiet and don’t say shit. Just let us do all the talking.” The shorter male spoke sternly as he gave the pinkette a side glare. “Ugh! You’re so boring! All you’re gonna do is talk about numbers and shit, if that’s how it’s going to be then why didn’t Kokonoi come himself?” Sanzu huffed. “He had his reasons, besides the two of us are needed here to make sure that he takes the deal, and well you’re here to make sure that he doesn’t reject us.” Ran smiled while patting the males head. “Now fix yourselves. We need to look presentable.” He began to fix his tie and jacket while looking over at Rindou leaning closer to fix any stray strands of hair, “Get. The. Fuck. Off.” The male hissed, slapping his hands away in a huff before turning to knock on the door. “Just trying to help…” The elder pouted.
“You’re annoying.” Was all that was said before the large double doors opened.
“Hello Mr. Yinming has been waiting for you. Please follow me.” An older male spoke as he bowed before turning to walk ahead of the three. “The two gentlemen by the door will take your shoes and coats, I shall also inform the three of you that the dinner Mr. Yinming's holding is slightly postponed, but will be brought to the room shortly.” Despite all the twists and turns of the halls they made it to what appeared to be Yinmings study. “Mr. Yinming? The men from Golden Dragon Enterprises are here to discuss their export matters.” Without missing a beat Yinming rose his hand as if to hush the elder before looking up briefly from his papers and continuing to scribble on them. “Have a seat.” Was all that was said while the doors behind them closed. ‘So this was the man who ran all of the ports in Japan and seemed to be somewhat crude with his potential business partners,’ Ran’s thoughts seemed to be etched into his normally calm features while Rindou seemed indifferent with the males tone.
On the other hand the pinkette was ready to leave wanting to get this over with. Despite not wanting to be there he knew that there wasn’t a true reason to come here, upon further inspection of the study his cyan eyes darted between Yinming’s artifacts and photos of his business ventures. “So…you deal drugs?” The pinkette asked nonchalantly, Rindou’s normally sleepy eyes were now sharp as he glared at the male, “Dont you have a time to be stupid somewhere else?” He growled silently. Yingmings eyes looked up from under his brow, head unmoving from the papers before him when he suddenly burst into laughter. “Good fucking eye! Shit you’re good,” The male chuckled.
“Actually I wouldn’t say I personally deal this “drugs” more or so….assist companies in exporting goods.” He beamed while leaning back on his chair and looking at the three males before him. “It’s like you calling your organization “Golden Dragon Enterprises, when in reality we all know who you really are.” The three males frowned as they glared at the male facing them, “Woah…if looks could kill. Guys come on, we all handle business in the same dock,” he chuckled to himself. “Pun intended.” The male winked, Ran chuckled while he adjusted himself on the sofa. “Very clever, Mr. Yinming. A brief explanation on why we use the Golden Dragon-“ just before he could finish Rindou spoke sternly and rather quickly. “It’s a cover up. That’s all you need to know, now can we get on with this?”
“Straight to the point type of guy? I love it. Please continue.” Yinming spoke with a hint of humor slipping into his words. As the Haitani’s began to speak to Yinming about the services and what the financial statuses would be Sanzu sat there silently already feeling the boredom rotting his brain, with one swift movement he stood from the couch causing the three males to look over, the two brothers giving a concerning look. “What? I need fresh air. Besides, the two of you can handle this.” The male huffed before walking out of the room to find a more open area, Sanzu walked around the mansion looking at everything Yinming owned seeing rare artifacts and paintings aligning the walls as well as the shelves, a low whistle filled the silence as he stopped in front of the largest painting. There sat Yinming, a woman and a small girl, he stared at the painting seemingly entranced by the features as well as colors. “That’s an old painting.” A soft voice filled the hall causing Sanzu to react rather quickly with pointing a gun straight to the source.
“Woah there pinky.” The woman laughed as she raised her hands up in a playful surrender. “Didn’t mean to startle you…just didn’t know who you were. Having a strange man in the house walking around and looking at things is a little unsettling…don’t you think?” She grinned. The male eyed her suspiciously for a brief moment before slowly putting the gun away. “Yeah I guess so. Still you shouldn’t walk up on people you don’t know.” He hissed while having his gaze turn back to the painting before him. “Yeah…you’re probably right,” the mystery woman shrugged while standing next to him admiring the same painting.
Once Sanzu had his fill of the bright colors he began to walk away looking around to see what else he could find. “You know snooping around here will only get you into trouble. Unless that’s what you’re into then by all means be my guest.” This caused the scared male to huff as he looked back at the woman. “Why are you so goddamn interested in what I’m doing? It’s not like this is your shit.” He hissed. Without saying a word the woman pointed towards the painting with a smirk, “Could say that all of this is actually mine, Pinky.” Sanzu curled a brow, eyes trailing from the painting back to the woman, a sudden playful smirk spread across his scared lips as he fully turned to face her. “Well pardon me, princess looks like I forgot to bow and kiss your feet.” The woman rolled her eyes and turned away while a smirk of her own showed, “Don't you mean gravel at my feet?” The look of irritation showed on Sanzu’s features as a small growl emitted from him, but before he could cut her down laughter filled the hall as the woman covered her mouth while shaking her head.
“God, the look on your face is priceless. I’m just joking jeez, take the stick out of your ass will you? It just seemed so fun to mess with you is all,” she smiled softly while looking away. “I’m Yinming Y/N, and you are?” This entire situation felt….weird. Why was his hands beginning to sweat, cheeks burning and the way she laughed…why did all of this intrigue him? Apart from her looks, which he had to admit weren’t half bad. She seemed to treat him as if he was….normal. “Wait….you’re not afraid of me? Like my scars…nothing about me throws you off and screams “danger”?” He quoted the word with his fingers.
“Why should I be scared? If I should be scared of you then shouldn’t I be scared of everyone? You’re just another person trying to make a living right? What’s so bad about that?” She smiled again. “So…aren’t you going to tell me your name?” A small laugh filled the empty space between them as she waited patiently for him to answer. “Uh…,” For the first time ever Sanzu was speechless, how could someone like her treat him so normally? Usually when people even see him they run away, but…she didn’t instead here they were having a normal conversation. “Yeah…I’m….Sanzu Haruchiyo, but you can call me…Sanzu…,” he whispered. Another smile spread across Y/Ns lips sending a warm shiver down his back from her reaction.
“I like that name, Haruchiyo. Can I call you Haru instead?” Just the way Haru slipped past her luscious lips caused Sanzu to gulp. “I..I mean…i-if…” her expression soon turned into worry when he began to stutter, “If you’re not ok with it then Im fine with calling you, San-,”
“No!” He shouted, causing another silence to fall between the two. “I mean…damn that was louder than I meant to say that shit. You can call me…Haru if you want.” Letting his hand rub the nape of his neck. Another soft smile played across her lips, but before she could say anything another voice came from behind the two startling them. “Y/N! I have been looking for you, I would like for you to meet The Haitani’s and I see that you have already met Sanzu.” The older man chuckled. “We will be working with them, consider them original clients from now on ok?” Yinming beamed as he walked over to stand next to Y/N. ”—And in order to celebrate this new endeavor. LET’S FEAST!”
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