#and you guessed it now it has taken over my life and holds by heart hostage
habken · 2 days
/busts down your door WHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN BNHA?????? I just saw your comic and I’m so confused
okay so bakugou got got right we all know that, shigaraki fucked up his arm, bakugou said “oh I know what I gotta do” and did a good attack on shiggy but his heart exploded </3 and he died but edgshot said “nuh uh” and used his body to stitch it back up and then deku was late to the party and didnt even have time to be bummed out about bakugou’s corpse cause he has to fight shigaraki and then somewhere else afo does stuff blah blah blah and snatches hawks quirk (rip) and then takes off to join shigafo in that fight but all might says “not on my watch” and intercepts him and they duke it out and all this time afo is getting younger cause he used something made from eris quirk so he could keep duking it out with endeavour and that gang so he’s like a teen fighting poor old man all might who used all his savings to by himself a mech suit but it’s not going so hot for him and stain shows up to take on afo with all might but afo still wins and is about to finish off all might when bakugou starts up his own heart with his explosive sweat and makes really fruity eye contact with deku and with the power of friendship deku pauses his fight with shigafo to launch bakugou towards afo and bakugou saved all might and goes “dawg who’s this kid I’m about to beat the shit out of” and all might says “that’s afo” and bakugou goes to beat the shit out of toddler afo and succeeds because afo finally benjamin buttons out of existence but the whole balugou’s arm looks like seconds away from falling off, then after a long day of fighting bakugou takes a well deserved nap and we go back to deku v shigafo and it’s not going well for deku he’s trying to break through to tenko but he’s not getting anywear and then shigaraki steals danger sense and it gets even worse but second user goes “wait ! What if we attack him with psychic damage, give shigaraki ofa and we’ll beat the shit out of his mind so you can do your thing” amd deku is very sad but agrees and then after he goes punches all of the ofa vestiges into shigaraki they end up in his mind palace and little deku holds little tenko hand even though it’s disintegrating his own and this is where we think “wow he truly won with the power of friendship” but no !! He did not ! The afo vestige that loves in shigaraki’s mind comes out and evil laughs and says “you idiot I’ve been behind all the awful missrable things that happened your whole life ! I convinced your dad to have you, I took your og quirk away and gave you half of an ability that should have let you destroy and recreate but only gave you the destructive part because I am evil and you are too because I made you that way” and shigaraki goes :0 ?!1?;& and dissolves because afo cast vicious mockery and got a nat20 dealing double damage. We then exit shigaraki’s mind and deku has no arms !! But behind him avengers endgame style, heroes amass and aizawa steps out of the portal and goes “damn sorry midoriya if only I’d come like a minute earlier now you’re armless </3” but ! He tosses deku eri’s horn because eri havked it off herself to give to deku to save him and deku’s arms start growing back :D at the same time, afo has fully taken over shigaraki’s body and i like “haha tomura is no more it’s just me now” but he’s super bummed out because his vestige brother is gone as well and he’s like “damn what even is the reason for doing anything anymore :// I guess I’ll still kick ur ass or whatever but I’m kinda apathetic about taking over the world now” but while deku gave away ofa he still has some of the embers and with the power of froendship once more, he dodges afo’s attacks and punches him super duper hard, and we see shigaraki again :D and yoichi :00 and yoichi says sone shit to afo and shigaraki turns to deku like “this was truly our hero academia :) tell spinner I love him” and deku says “sure dawg” and they fist bump and stuff
tldr: deku gave up ofa to save shigaraki and bakugou’s arm is super super messed up which is very fun
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I Forget Where We Were
1.6k/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Two: Rivers In Your Mouth
And you showed me hope amidst the harlequins in spring
what to expect: a chance encounter. He knows where you live. Things are heating up in the kitchen (the metaphorical kitchen)
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), kinda cheesy joel, previous hurt and potential trauma for reader,dark!joel, teasing, mild , pining. So much pining. It’s a forest. Unrealistic but a bitch can dream. Please suggest any more you can think of that I need to add.
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The week passed slowly, and it was now Thursday evening. There were no more encounters with Joel, which made the hours drag. The work day was done, and you cleared your to do list, feeling surprisingly productive, despite the flashes of Joel through your mind. Not even a phone number, or a hint at when, or if, you’ll see him again. With a sigh, it was time to get the grocery shop and continue your week of self care.
The sun was setting and the sticky summer heat embraced you as you braved the outdoors from the shield of your cosy air conditioned apartment.
Feeling irritable, lonely and wishing you were taking on the task with Joel, you opened the gates to your complex and waited for a clear gap to drive out. Amazing, isn’t it? Your first interaction was a couple of days ago and your heart is distracted at the thought of your lives intertwined.
Tapping your red manicured nails on your steering wheel whilst in a daze waiting for the traffic flow to clear, a familiar face driving a black truck flashes and stops to let you out. The world stops spinning and you have tunnel vision on the rugged man who winks at you as you gasp. Exhilarated at the thought he now knows where to find you.
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
With the mundane errands polluting your earlier excitement, you get home, open your balcony doors and unwind for the evening. Dinner is cooked and cleared away, and you’ve showered and pampered. Of course, showers would be much better with Joel towering over you.
You watch over the streets from your balcony, glass of ice water in hand and pale blue pyjamas sitting over your hips and edging onto your thighs. Scanning the road meticulously for any sign of life at 9:30pm, you notice dimmed headlights facing you from across the road. Your imagination runs wild as you remember: Joel Miller knows where you live.
The headlights brighten as the engine turns over and the truck pulls out of the road and turns right. Miller Contracting… written across the side, practically fluorescent and blinking like a Las Vegas strip sign.
Your throat dries and you look for any relief from the way he has you flustered.
Shaking it off, you go to head to bed before realising you forgot your phone cable in the car. You rush down to the car, and gasp when you see Joel Miller walking to your gates.
‘Hey little lady. Didn’t mean to startle you’ he coos, smiling as he chews his gum between words.
You laugh and straighten out your pyjamas. ‘It’s okay, I noticed your truck. Kinda hoped we’d cross paths. Is that weird?’
He clenches his jaw and slouches against the gate pillar. The feeling of butterflies grows.
‘Darling I saw you earlier and remember and the thought of you being alone possessed me. I couldn’t shake the feeling of just checking in, I didn’t intend for you to notice but thought I’d try my luck when you disappeared and I couldn’t see your shadows.’
‘I know it’s late, but I’m off work tomorrow, do you want to come in?’ You shocked yourself with the devil on your shoulder holding the reins on this interaction.
His brown eyes twinkled, with a hint of curiosity. All that played in Joel’s mind was ‘Lord, help me look after this girl’
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Joel held the small of your back as you lead the way to your apartment,gazing in admiration as you flutter your lashes over your shoulder whilst giggling like a teenager.
He cautiously lowered his hand down your thighs across to hold your hand. Again, embracing them like you were made of glass. Little did he know, you wanted to shatter under his weight.
You lead him through your hallway, and his heart burst at the sheer femininity of your home. It felt like an unveiling of the most intimate parts of you, further reinforcing his desire to protect you. The smell of incense and vanilla bean candles filled the room, and your freshly washed hair and cocoa butter lotion threw Joel upon a high.
Your fingers lingered across his palm, and you guided him to the sofa and offered him a drink.
‘I know it’s a school night, but I have a bottle of white screaming my name’ you whispered, as you bent one knee and knelt onto his lap.
‘Little lady, I don’t have to work tomorrow either, Tommy’s got Sarah and I’m just meant to deliver some materials. Just tell me you don’t mind me here, and I’ll stay.’ His puppy dog eyes met yours and you blushed.
‘Sit back, make yourself at home. I want you here. You intrigue me. And you’re the most handsome man ever’ your voice lowers at the last bit as you turn your back and reach up on tiptoes and reach the wine glasses, your shorts riding up ever so slightly. You turn your head subtly, and see Joel close his eyes tightly before looking up to the skies as if to say ‘heaven help me.’
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Time passes, and you find yourselves gradually encroaching on eachother’s boundary. From sitting opposite eachother, your legs tucked underneath your self and leaning on the back of the sofa with your fist supporting your head, and Joel’s muscular legs open on the sofa, leaning back twiddling the wine glass in front of his belt buckle; to then straightening your legs and Joel rubbing your french-tip toes, as you tell him the tragic turns of events which brought you here.
‘Tell me all about you’ you say, half serious, half pushing your chances.
He then goes into detail about Sarah, his daughter, and the breakdown of the relationship with her mother. You cried. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the vulnerability of someone with such a rough exterior making your house feel like a home, and giving you every reassurance that your heart would be treasured.
He layed his head down on your thighs as you stroked his hair. Curls tangling on your fingers as you inhaled the scent of musk, oud and cedarwood. He folded his arms behind his head, holding you within where his arms met. The veins on his biceps,and the patch of dark hair between his lifted t-shirt and low riding jeans were enough to make you drool.
There was a comfortable silence after he finished up with the latest Sarah anecdote.
‘Joel, this isn’t too much is it?’ you had to go and self sabotage.
He rolled to his stomach and looked at you with promise in his eyes. ‘When I find what I want, I go for it. Time is nothing. One spark may light a match, one spark can cause wildfires. The flame I feel with you is like nothing I’ve felt before. When you know, you know’ Joel tilted his head at your unreadable expression. ‘The last thing I’d do is burn you.’
He stroked your the side of your cheek, in awe of your beauty, and let his thumb outline your lips, as he then pushed for you to open your mouth. You kissed the tip of his thumb, and let your tongue slide on the underside of it. He wrapped his hands round your waist and pulled you closer to him. Your thighs now over his shoulder and his chin rested on your pelvis.
‘I’ve never been so infatuated with someone. I thought I’d hate you. I saw your truck at the gym that day, I just thought, douchebag,’you winked playfully’ then the way Tommy stole you away, I thought I’d never see you again. Then the car park, did Tommy know?’
‘I told him the second I saw you. That’s going to be my girl. He was too engrossed with his latest toned pilates ass obsession to notice it was you the other morning’ he placed a kiss to your hipbone, and rubbed his thumb under your waistband.
The ocean in your stomach bubbled, and the butterflies were replaced by a river, threatening to pour out.
‘You know, this may be a weird one to explain to people, considering most people wouldn’t take to being woo’ed via stakeout method’you teased as you pushed back his curls. The creases round his eyes tightened and he laughed, the smile like a small child who had seen fireworks for the first time.
‘I said to Tommy I’d do whatever it takes to make you mine, and the universe blessed me. Or whatever it is you girls and your crystals say.’
‘Stay with me tonight’ you asked. ‘I don’t want anything more to happen, just hold me.’
‘Baby, I’ll stay as long as you want. Are you sure?’ he stroked up your thigh, and applied pressure as he forced himself up off the sofa.
It was 11:48pm, and Joel knew it was Sarah’s sleepover day with her uncle Tommy, as every Friday currently, he works on a project by her school, so he offers to take her to dinner on Thursdays and then do the school run every Friday morning before work. Joel’s only evening with no responsibilities.
‘Let’s go, angel’ he held out his hand to help you up, before slinging you over his shoulder and dropping you down on the bed. He ran back to his truck to get his ‘emergency’ overnight bag. With the travel he does for work, he never knows when he’ll have to set up shop at some motel for a couple of hours for a break. Just like it was meant to be.
He showered, turned of the lights and checked the door was locked, before getting you both some water, and sliding in the sheets next to you, forearm over your chest, and body pressed against yours.
‘This is the start of my forever’ you both thought.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Thinking that there'll be people in this fandom that'll get (or already got) here even later than I did is really comforting. If you just got here and experience the rise of this absolutely unhealthy type of interest that is developing its way into a full-blown obsession, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE
If you're anything like me, you're about to go through some metamorphoses experiencing a range of raw emotions and discovering new things that will surprise you. Not even God himself can prepare you to the kind of brainrot and maladaptive daydreaming you're about to enter. Welcome and beware
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earthtooz · 1 year
fluff, apologising and making up after a 'fight' kind of drabble bc i miss suna <3
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suna rintarou shows up to your university on the third day of the silent treatment.
the sight is a surprise, to say the least. your pro-volleyball player boyfriend standing outside your faculty’s building with his hands in his pockets, blending in with baggy jeans, a hoodie, and a cap. he looks the part of a university student, but you could never be fooled, not when he's 6'3 with an equally admirable stature from exercising.
amongst the crowd of outflowing students, the dark-haired spots you, olive eyes widening upon seeing you. he pushes himself onto two feet before walking over to where you stay rooted, dodging the students who just came out of the same lecture.
“hi,” suna greets, stopping just a few feet away from you. the sight of his lopsided smile is enough to get your heart racing again. you've missed him so much.
regardless, you cross your arms to keep up an angry front, not wanting to give in to his charms just yet no matter how good he may he at using them. 
“what are you doing here?” you ask bluntly, betraying the butterflies in your stomach.
his expression doesn’t falter at your iciness. “not happy to see me?”
you are happy to see him, very much so, especially when he has taken the initiative of literally showing up at your campus and waiting for your classes to be over to see you. he must be tired from practice as well and you know too well that mondays were never kind to him. 
so the fact that suna came all this way for you makes you feel a little special. 
he’s even wearing some of that cologne that you really like and unless it’s for special occasions, you know that your boyfriend is never bothered enough to wear any fragrance. he is so sly that you could kiss him.
“not particularly, suna.” you say in response, lying through your teeth.
suna clutches his chest like he’s been shot, making a gasp of offence at your statement. “babe, after i came all the way to campus? i thought i’d never want to come back here but i made some exceptions for the love of my life and this is what i get in return?” 
“suck it up, i guess.”
“-and who on earth is suna? never heard of him. can’t believe you’ve already forgotten my name after three days, i’m losing sight of reality, babe hold me, i might faint.”
“whatever,” you chuckle a little at his antics, eyes softening with a certain fondness that suna doesn’t miss. his lips twitch upwards at the sight of it.
this is his chance to win you back. he throws his line in in hopes of catching you hook and sinker. 
“let’s go to dinner tonight,” he offers, recovering from his previously downed position, voice contrastingly soft and gentle to smoothen his proposal. 
“what, so you can stand me up again?” you quip, instantly slicing the atmosphere to turn tense as the line snaps in half.
suna’s grin falls, morphing into a guilty frown. “c’mon pretty, that’s mean. you know how sorry i am, i didn’t mean to forget about our plans.”
you huff, letting your arms fall back to your sides. “i know, i know, but you standing me up just stung. it was frustrating because i made time for us that i could have used to study with instead,” you confess. “you know how stressed i’ve been with finals.”
the athlete stuffs his hands into his pockets awkwardly. “but i’m trying to make up for it.” 
“i know and i appreciate it, but now’s not a good time. i’m sorry but i can’t go to dinner tonight or any time soon, i have a bunch of practice tests to do that i can’t keep putting off.”
“then can i come over?” asks suna, a hopeful lilt to his voice.
“and watch me study? do you really want that?”
“i just want to be with you, i can order us takeout or something- on me.”
“guess i’m just irresistible, huh?”
“duh, do you know how much i suffered during the weekend? missed you so much, practically died from boredom.”
“oh so i’m just another person for you to bother? is that how it is?” you ask, unable to contain your smile. 
the dark-haired scoffs. “c’mon babes, you know you’re better than that. you’re the only person i can bother.”
“oh fuck off,” you whack his shoulder teasingly. “also for your information, you’re not coming between me and my education.”
“ambitious people are a turn-on,” he mutters with a shrug before pulling you in to kiss your cheek.
“ew get off me, freak,” you joke whilst shoving him, not rough enough to actually create distance but suna still stands his ground from the force. his hand goes to hold your other cheek as he smothers you with over-exaggerated affection. 
you laugh in his hold, holding on to his wrists for balance. “suna!” you yelp when he pushes too much weight onto you, causing the two of you to stumble sideways. “actually get off me.”
“can’t. won’t. don’t want to. this is what you get for not responding to me all weekend- what does  a man need to do to get a text back from the love of his life?” 
“easy. be a man.” you step out of his grasp with a satisfied smirk, beginning to walk away from your boyfriend who stares at you with his mouth hung open in disbelief. inevitably, suna runs up to you.
and as he encases you with his arms in the middle of the empty gardens of your university faculty, you know that the two of you will be okay. even if suna is the bane of your existence, there is no one else for you like him. 
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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seokgyuu · 5 months
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There is nothing worse than wanting what isn't yours. Sunghoon is your roommates boyfriend. He is also the one thing occupying your mind ever since you first laid eyes on him. And never would you have guessed that the feeling is mutual.
Pairing: Sunghoon x Fem!Reader (minor Jake x Fem!Reader)
Contents: Cheating!! I don't condone cheating in real life, but decided to have this be the main theme of this story, work of fiction!! be warned!, jake plays a big part, calls reader pretty girl, roommate is named yeri but pls don't picture rv yeri thats my baby ok? SMUT! MDNI
Smut Warnings: making out, dirty talk, usage of the words "sweetheart, "baby", "princess", "good girl", fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it friends), creampie
wc: 3.7k
a/n: i know i said my first ever enha fic would be the heejayhoon fic but... here we are now. sunghoon has been on my mind too much and he needed to be let out, ok!! pls don't cheat on your partner ok, sunghoon is not doing things correctly here but oh well, what can we do. thanks for reading <3
It’s not fair, you think. How she gets to sit on his lap, how she gets to run her fingers through his hair. How right now his hands are on her hips and how he holds her so close to his body, his eyes following her every word. You wish you could tell him. How she has been seeing this other guy behind his back. Nothing physical, you think, but still. You wish you could go up and tell him she’s not being entirely faithful. But you can’t. It’s not fair. 
She says something and he laughs and you finally turn away to grab the drink Jungwon has poured you ages ago. He is too busy talking to a girl you don’t know to notice you haven’t even taken the cup. You bring it to your lips, letting all of its contents run down your throat in one go. Maybe getting drunk is the only way you’ll survive this stupid ass party you didn’t even want to host in the first place. 
“Slow down, pretty girl,” you suddenly hear a voice next to you and you almost choke. It’s Jake Sim, his best friend. 
“What?” You put the cup back down and look at him with one brow raised. Jake chuckles, pushing a hand through his soft looking black hair.
“There is enough alcohol for everyone, no need to drown it all in one go.”
“Maybe I want to.” You challenge him with your eyes and he takes the hint, smirking as he grabs the bottle of vodka that's standing on the counter. 
“I got you, pretty girl.”
Talking to Jake is fun. He is fun. He is also handsy. After five minutes of talking, he has his hand on your thigh, looking at you attentively as you tell him some story about you in middle school. You’re feeling hot all over, but it’s not because of Jake or his hand or the way he looks at you. It’s because of how he is looking over.
Park Sunghoon. Still with your horrible roommate on his lap, with his hands still on her waist, with her mouth so close to his ear you’re sure she’s saying the dirtiest things to him right now. But he is looking at you. 
“How do you know Yeri?” Jake asks then, bringing you back. 
“She’s my roommate,” you explain and take a sip from the drink Jake mixed for you earlier. His eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh! You are her roommate!” He grins, “I knew you looked familiar.”
“I did?” You wouldn’t have bet on Jake knowing who you are as much as you wouldn’t have bet on Sunghoon visibly being bothered by you talking to his best friend. 
“Yeah. Sunghoon mentioned you before. Showed me your insta.” You can’t hide the surprise on your face.
“He did?” Jake chuckles again, leaning forward, his mouth almost as close to your ear as Yeri’s to Sunghoon’s. 
“He mentioned you’re not that talkative. He also mentioned you like to look at him. And you know what I think? He enjoys it when you do.” 
You hate your treacherous heart for beginning to beat quicker. Why would Jake say that? Wasn’t he hitting on you? Mentioning what Sunghoon liked or didn’t like - wasn’t this… counterproductive? 
“Why- why would you tell me this?” You finally ask back, looking at Jake with wide eyes. 
“Because,” he begins to explain, his hand wandering further up your thigh, making you gasp, “because I know that he likes looking at you, too. And I never liked Yeri. You seem much nicer than her.”
His breath is still hitting your neck. His touch is soft and while it should probably feel more sensual, it doesn’t. You realize his plan, realize that he is doing this because he knows Sunghoon is watching and you feel your cheeks heat up. 
“If you let me kiss you now, he will for sure come find you later.”
In retrospect - maybe it was a bit naive of you to just let him kiss you. Or well, for you to kiss him as a response. He could have played with you, could have used the knowledge that you wanted Sunghoon to his benefit. Something about him, though, made you feel like you could trust him.
Jake is a good kisser. He knows where to put his hands and how to suck on your tongue in a way that doesn't feel like too much. He knows how to turn his head and how to make you crave more, knows exactly how to make it look believable - so believable, Sunghoon can’t concentrate on Yeri on his lap anymore, on how she kisses his neck and whispers things into his ear he’d normally eat up, things he would normally be excited to hear. 
It’s not fair, he thinks. He’s not being fair. This has been going on for way too long. At this point he should just break up with Yeri as he had planned months ago. But he’s just a weak man and Yeri knows him too well. She’s not a good girlfriend and he’s not a good boyfriend, but never would he ever cheat on her. Or so he would like to think. Because right now? Looking at you on the other side of the room, your hands buried in Jake’s hair and his hand on your thigh, so far up it’s almost underneath your god forsaken skirt - he wants nothing more than to drag you into your bedroom and show you he’s better than Jake. 
The thought scares him enough to stop Yeri in her motion and excuse himself to go to the bathroom. 
“Wanna meet me in my room in five?” Yeri giggles in his ear when she’s off his lap and Sunghoon tightens his jaw. 
“I think you should entertain your guests a little more before you leave to your bedroom.”
Yeri pouts up at him when he gets up.
“But Hoonie…,” he knows her antics, he knows them well enough, probably better than anyone. What normally would have worked right away, doesn’t this time. He shakes his head and just walks off, making a pit-stop in the kitchen to get some more alcohol in his system to survive the night. 
Sunghoon knew it was bad, he was bad, when he walked into you in nothing but a short towel wrapped around your body two months ago. It had been totally out of his control - the way his body reacted to see you in your almost naked form, water dripping from your hair onto your shoulder, over your collarbone and down your chest. You suddenly became so much more than before. He had found you cute before. Cute and funny and nice. Never had he seen you as anything but his girlfriend’s roommate. You and Yeri weren’t even really friends, more like in need of each other. Yeri’s old roommate had moved in with her girlfriend and so the room became vacant. You were the first one to apply and stayed. This had been six months ago.
And now? Now Sunghoon feels more drawn to you than he had ever felt to Yeri and it drives him crazy. That is why he is drowning two shots of tequila in the kitchen with Jay and Jungwon and that is why he practically hides behind the door frame to watch you and Jake make out. He knows it’s not fair to be jealous. He also knows he probably shouldn’t watch the way Jake is kissing you, the way you are kissing Jake, because all it does is make his body burn. 
He finds himself wondering what you taste like. If you like the way Jake tastes. He’s pathetic. Pathetic and a horrible boyfriend. Sighing, he finally moves to the bathroom, glad to see there is only a small line he has to wait in. Crossing his arms, he leans against the wall, trying to forget the visual of you and Jake but failing miserably. Maybe he should have told Yeri to meet him in her bedroom after all. He could have taken his pathetic jealousy out on her. Just fuck her until he forgot. Imagine it was you instead. 
“Jesus, look at those two,” a voice rips Sunghoon out of his thoughts and he turns his head - immediately regretting his decision. 
It’s Jake and you and he has you pushed against the wall right next to the kitchen, kissing you hard and you kiss him back, hands on his nape and Sunghoon feels like the universe is out to get him tonight. Why the fuck would you follow him outside? Why couldn’t you have stayed in the living room, why-
He stands up straight again. 
You followed him outside. You are making sure he sees you. 
Sunghoon doesn’t have a coherent thought left in his brain. His legs carry him to you and Jake, squeezing through people he doesn’t know and then he is right there, his hand landing on Jake’s shoulder, squeezing hard.
“Heeseung is looking for you.” He says with a blank face and Jake parts from you, needing a few seconds to realize what’s going on. The moment he recognizes Sunghoon, he has to try really hard to suppress a smug smile.
“And that can’t wait? Kinda busy here, mate,” Jake raises his brows. Sunghoon’s jaw tightens once more.
“No. Said it was urgent. Better look for him.”
The apartment isn’t that big. There is a kitchen that’s separate from the living room that does house a good number of people. Jake has just seen Heeseung there. Talking to some red-head and most definitely not looking for him. Grinning after all, Jake nods and turns his head to wink at you quickly before finally taking off. 
“So,” Sunghoon starts, eyes traveling from the back of Jake’s head to you, “Jake, huh?” 
There is no chance in hell you can respond to him. In all honesty, you hadn’t really believed Jake’s plan would work out. Sunghoon getting jealous and stopping you from making out? When Yeri is right there? It seemed absurd. Apparently, though, it wasn’t. 
The surprise on your face is clear as day and Sunghoon scoffs, shaking his head.
“Is this how you want to get my attention, sweetheart? By making out with my best friend?”
“I- I didn’t-,” it’s no use. Both of you know exactly why you had kissed Jake, why you had followed him into the hallway. 
“You didn’t, hm? Didn’t mean to kiss Jake? Didn’t kiss him just to make me jealous? Or what?” 
He’s so close to you now. Too close, if you think about it. What if someone sees you? Sees your roommate's boyfriend this close to you at her own party? 
“Sunghoon, I really don’t-,” you try again, but this time Sunghoon’s hands grab your waist as he pushes himself closer to you, your breath hatching in your throat.
“Don’t lie to me, princess. I can see it in your eyes. Fuck, I can see it in your eyes everytime I’m around. You want me, just admit it.”
Your skin is burning where he is touching you. His eyes are staring into yours and you wish with all of your being he wasn’t who he was. 
“I can’t. I- I don’t want you, Sunghoon, you’re not mine to want.”
Your words reach his ears but they don’t make sense even though they should. Looking around, Sunghoon grabs your wrist and drags you to your bedroom, holding out his hand.
“Keys, I know you locked it.”
You stare up at him, lips trembling, knowing better than to give in. 
“Give me the keys, Y/N.”
The way he says your name has your knees growing weak. Swallowing, you let your hand slip into the pocket of your sweater, handing the waiting man what he had asked for. 
Without a word Sunghoon unlocks and opens the door, pulling you inside behind him, hoping to god no one paid you any mind. Once the door behind you shuts, you feel your back hit it, feel Sunghoon’s breath on your face, his hands back on your hips, the look in his eyes wild and angry and so full of want it almost causes you to whimper. 
“Do you want me to be yours to want?” He asks with a raspy voice and his fingers dig into your flesh. 
“Does it matter?” You reply quietly. 
“If it didn’t I wouldn’t ask you, sweetheart.”
“Stop calling me that.” You immediately say, your thighs pressing together traitorously. Sunghoon catches your movement and he lets out a breath.
“Why? You like it?” 
He is so close to you. So fucking close. You could count every single mole and freckle on his face if only you had the strength to look at him for longer than two seconds.
“Sunghoon, please. Y-You’re Yeri’s boyfriend.”
“That doesn’t stop you from staring at me whenever I’m here, does it?” It’s wrong. He knows it and so do you, but it just feels too good. His hand moves from your waist down, sliding in between your thighs to part them. You gasp, eyes widening when you feel his fingers trailing up your thigh.
“I- I am not- I would never, Sunghoon!” 
It’s a light touch, but it’s right there on that one sensitive spot on your inner thigh. Sunghoon bathes in the way you look, the way your breath hitches when he touches you.
“Yeah? What was that, baby?”
“‘Am not staring at you!” You try to shoot daggers at him through your eyes, but all that reaches him are silent pleas to touch you more. 
“Is that right?” Sunghoon leans forward, his free hand now cupping your cheek, thumb softly caressing your face.
“Not staring at me, hm? Not wishing it was you on my lap instead of Yeri, no?”
“No! Of course not, I-,” you gasp again when he moves his hand further up.
“Stop lying to me, baby. Please, I need you to be honest, need you to tell me how much you want me.”
His voice is deep and his begging almost brings you to your knees. While the rational part of you tells you to push him away, the irrational part tells you to stay right where you are.
“I- what about Yeri, Sunghoon?” Your hands find place on his chest and he bites down on his lip, softly shaking his head.
“I’ll break up with her. I promise, princess. I just need you to tell me exactly what’s on your mind, please?”
I’ll break up with her, the words echo in your head over and over. You should think about this more, you know you should. And yet… 
“You- You are, Hoon, you are always on my mind.”
“Fuck, princess, tell me more. What am I doing in your mind?” His nose touches yours and the hand that was on your cheek moves down to your neck, a shiver running down your spine.
“Doing everything you do to her… to me.”
“Keep going.” His instructions are clear, but with the way his hand has now reached your throbbing core, with how his fingers glide over your soaked panties, feeling just how fucking wet you are for him, you don’t even know how to say your own name. 
“You kiss me, not her. You… touch me, not her.” The words stumble out of your mouth and Sunghoon breathes them in, his cock hard against his jeans as he lets his fingers push your panties to the side, feeling your warm and soft folds right then against his skin. He groans, head falling onto your shoulder.
“Shit, you’re so wet, baby, fuck.”
You whimper when he finds your clit with his thumb and you would have landed on the floor, if his arm hadn’t wrapped around you just then.
“Sunghoon…,” you breathe out, but he just shakes his head, kissing the side of your neck.
“Am I touching you like this in your mind, baby? Am I making you this wet?”
As if to accompany his words, he pushes one finger into you and you cry out, hands fisting the material of his shirt. 
“G-god, yes, just- just like this, Hoon.”
He’s dizzy, you are making him dizzy. Your smell and the way you feel around his finger, your voice dripping in pure lust, it’s about to drive him fucking insane.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he mumbles before finally kissing you, his lips devouring you like starved man, a moan escaping and landing in your mouth. Every bit of composure that might have been there a second ago is now gone. Your arms wrap around his neck as he continues pushing his finger in and out of you, your small whimpers getting caught by his busy lips. 
Sunghoon thinks you’re like a drug. Now that he’s got a taste, he can’t stop, he can’t get enough. He licks into your mouth to taste more of you, pushes another finger into your sopping pussy to prep you for his cock that is aching behind his pants. There isn’t much time, he knows someone will notice if he’s gone too long. 
“Been dreaming of this, Hoon, need you so, so bad.”
Your whispered words are like a prayer to Sunghoon. He moans against your lips and wraps both of his arms around you now, your cunt feeling so empty without him all of a sudden. You cry out when he puts you down on your bed and kisses you again, his hands busy getting your panties off your body, leaving your pussy bare for him to dive back into with his fingers. 
He kisses you again, his tongue circling around yours, his lips hot and red and perfect against your own. Nimble fingers slip underneath his shirt, caressing his soft skin as your hips move against him, his fingers even deeper inside of you at this angle. You whine into his mouth and Sunghoon bites down on your bottom lip.
“Gotta have you, baby, gotta fuck you, yeah?”
“Yes, please.” 
He rids himself of his jeans and boxers, pushing them down enough for his cock to spring free, his eyes taking in your body, your face, the way you look wanting him. How many nights had he wished it was you underneath him? Cursing under his breath, he pushes you further up the bed, your head landing on the pillow behind you, gaze wide as you watch him lean forward, his soft brown hair falling into his face. He doesn’t waste any time, pumping his cock a few times before lining himself up with you, easily slipping into your wet heat. 
“Kiss me.” You whisper and Sunghoon’s eyes fly open, sinking into your further as he leans forward, his lips catching yours in a sensual kiss. Your legs almost automatically wrap around his waist, helping him to completely sink into you. Moans are exchanged between the two of you and your fingers grab Sunghoon’s hair, pulling his head back so you can kiss his neck. He hisses, hips beginning to thrust into you, your tongue lapping at his skin. 
“Fuck, you’re so perfect around me, sweetheart. Never had a pussy better than this.”
He grabs your hand and pins it over your head, eyes wild as he stares down at you, his hips beginning to move mercilessly, cock hitting you right where you need him to. It takes everything in you not to scream for him, your eyes rolling back and your back arching, wanting more of him, wanting all of him. 
“Hoon, am already close,” you admit with your face hot and Sunghoon moans once again, letting his head fall down, back between your shoulder and neck, kissing your skin.
“Yes, baby, want you to cum on my cock.”
It’s true. He doesn’t think he has ever wanted something as much as this. His words are like a spell, your pussy clenching over and over again as your orgasm erupts you, making you cry out in pleasure, your hands flying to the his back, hips moving rapidly against him, basically fucking yourself on his cock through your orgasm and Sunghoon feels like he is about to pass out. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me, fuck.”
He kisses you again, lust and want mixed with desperation as he continues to chase his high, twitching inside of you, your walls tight and warm around his hard cock. If he could, he would fuck you for another six hours, but he knows tonight is not the night for that. Fuck, he’s gonna need to get you a new apartment, he needs to get you as far away from Yeri as he possibly can. 
“Want you to cum in me, Sunghoon, please, make me yours, fill me up, please.”
Black and white dots appear in front of his eyes when you whisper these words in his ear and he can’t do anything but have your wish be his command. He curses your name once, twice - then he cums, thick stripes of white filling your awaiting pussy, the feeling of being filled by him getting you over the edge a second time. You can’t help the loud moan this time, can’t help clawing your fingers into his skin underneath his shirt. He rides out his orgasm and your legs fall off his waist, overstimulation hitting you and making you whine, Hoon kissing your neck and your cheek and finally your lips as he pulls out, quick to part from you again to look at how pretty your pussy looks filled with his release. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, I could look at this forever,” he mumbles, sinking down to push two fingers inside you, stuffing his cum back in. You gasp in surprise.
“Park Sunghoon!” 
He laughs, looking up at you with his bangs hanging in his face.
“Need to make sure it stays where it belongs, princess.”
Sunghoon breaks up with Yeri the next day. He takes you apartment hunting an hour later. Safe to say Jake’s plan worked out. And he won’t ever let you hear the end of it. 
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eddiernunson · 2 months
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I Can Do it With a Broken Heart | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader | 18+ | PREVIEW
Summary: You and Eddie have both had crap luck on dates lately, nothing that can't be fixed with a strawberry milkshake. However, he gets asked out on a date and it goes well...until it turns your life on its head and he forgets how to pick up the phone. You don't even care that he's dating someone else you just want your best friend back.
Warnings: idiots in love, best friends to lovers, ANGST, brief EddiexChrissy, ooc Chrissy, attempted SA, bestfriend!Steve, and needy, desperate smut that makes it all worth it.
Excerpt here:
The puff of smoke that leaves his lips as you approach him should not be this gorgeous, it’s practically unfair. “Hey, Eds.” 
He dusts the filter, killing it on the cement table he sits at as he blows out one more puff. “Hey, sweetheart.” 
Just from that particular look in his eye, you can tell something is on his mind. “You okay, there, Munson?” 
He smirks, effortlessly standing up. “I suppose. I’m not sure how to react. Or how you’ll react.” 
Your brows meet your hairline, watching his mind move at a million miles per hour. “Ok, Eddie this better be about a new class of creatures in DnD, or something, because you’re scaring me.”
He smiles, nodding his head over to the halls that lead toward the front door of the campus. “Someone asked me out on a date, earlier, today.” 
Your brows furrow, biting back the jealousy that eats at your chest. Every little part of you holds back the monster that threatens to class its way out, to snarl and hiss at every girl that even so much as looks at him wrong. It’s hard to bite it back, to choke on it purposely, but if you must, you will. 
It tastes like venom as you swallow it back down. “Oh, who?”
A faint pink spreads across Eddie’s cheeks, much to your dismay. Not once, in your fuck, what, seven, eight years, of friendship have you ever managed to see Eddie blush. (Just once but it was when you nearly walked in on him jerking himself off a few short years ago.) “Who?” 
“Um Chrissy. Chrissy Cunningham?” 
Your jaw drops, but your gut falls through the floor. You swear you hear it smash through the tilted floors and fall into the depths of hell. 
“She asked you out?” 
“Hey! Don’t act so surprised! A cheerleader could like me!” 
That was the last thing on your mind. Of course a cheerleader could like Eddie, they’d be stupid not to. No. Every other girl that Eddie has either slept with, or gone on a date with brought no worry to your head, competition, per say. But a sweet girl like Chrissy, one that bore pretty blonde curls, a sweet smile and a sweet disposition, this is like your worst nightmare come true. 
Thanks to the notion of living in a small town, you could recall 99% of the names that Eddie had told you, whether they be hookups or a date. Most of them didn’t intimidate you, only because, selfishly, you could nitpick at things you think wouldn’t work out with Eddie. Whether they were too vapid, too shallow, had none of the same interests as him, only shallowly liked him for his looks, or was a bully…you had something to give great comfort to you to prevent that little jealousy monster from clawing its way out. 
This time, your brain wracked itself for some sort of answer. Some sort of flaw in the Queen of Hawkins High that could settle this uneasiness that has taken over your mind. Nothing. Nothing. 
“I’m not surprised a cheerleader could like you, I’m surprised that Chrissy Cunningham asked you out,” you answer candidly, watching in step with him to where you supposed was his van. “I’m guessing you said yes?”
“I’d be crazy not to!” Eddie answered sheepishly, tugging at the sleeves of his leather jacket. “I’m taking her out on Friday night.” 
“Ah, you’ll tell Steve to take Creeper off hold for us, then?”
Eddie stops mid stride, faltering, his brows pinched as he gives you those big brown eyes. “Shit. It totally slipped my mind.” 
This is also new. Even as his dates would happen any previously made plans with him were always a priority. You just hope this isn’t a new habit of his. 
“We’ll do it on Saturday, yeah?” 
You nod, giving him the comfort you suddenly find yourself craving. From the pep in his step, the rosiness of his cheeks, the warm glint in his eyes, you can tell that he’s truly excited. As a best friend, you tried to be happy for him, however hard it is to make the smile on your face even remotely convincing. 
Eddie curls his arm around your shoulder, tugging you along with him for what is probably another afternoon in his room, clouded by a haze of weed. 
You smoked more than usual, if anything to allow his excitement and plans for his big date in two days to buzz into the background, the bong rippling through your lungs as a punishment for yourself. 
Final word count is about 24k so I think I'll post on the 15 to give my editor a fighting chance. If you want to be tagged let me know <3
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jymwahuwu · 2 months
I see your and blbrrymilk's Dr.Ratio with bimbo reader and I give you: Dr.Ratio with a Reader who thinks he hates them.
He just never seems to have a single kind word to say to them. They're made to feel that they're horrible and stupid no matter how hard they try. They do their best to improve and he still deems it not good enough. So they just start doing their damn best to avoid him, and it turns out they're really good at that.
It's only when someone over hears him ranting about never being able to get a hold of them anymore and that they're in the process of setting things up to leave the planet, and that person says "Shouldn't you be celebrating? It's not exactly a secret that you despise them" does it click.
Now this emotionally stunted man has three options: 1. Letting them go because he fucked up that's not happening, 2. Corner them and somehow make their feeble mind understand that no he doesn't think they're the scum on the bottom of his shoe, or 3. Kidnap them.
We all know he's most likely going option 3.
This is so relatable. If I met Dr.Ratio in real life, I would actually want to avoid him because my heart is very fragile and I cannot accept being scolded by the professor🙈
I guess both options 2 and 3 will happen.
After you realized that maybe you could never live up to the standards Dr. Ratio set for you, you kept avoiding him. You know he is completely disappointed in you. The best you can do is avoid him and not be around him. You even bought a spaceship ticket so you could leave this planet!
But the moment before the spaceship sets sail, you are taken away. You were frozen in panic, completely unable to say no to him.
"Why do you want to leave?"
"I-I thought you didn't want to see me again…"
"You're more stupid than I thought. Now bend down. I'll teach you a lesson now."
Eventually you'll realize through your swollen butt that you can never leave him. And he doesn’t hate you <3
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carowleysposts · 2 months
Good Omens makes me feel scary things. Let’s talk about it.
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So, before I start, I think it’s important to clarify that I am neurodivergent. I have autism and GO is one of my strongest hyper-fixations ever. I am so emotionally and mentally invested in it I could talk about it for days on end and every single detail of this show makes me love it more.
But there’s a really really dark flip side to this love, and I would love to see if there’s anyone else who struggles with it too:
I think I care a little too much.
Although I am aware that this is somewhat “common” for people in the spectrum and my doctors all have confirmed I am not a complete nut case for it, I almost never feel comfortable admitting to those in my life that a piece of fiction has such a strong hold on me and my mental health. And as much as I love everything we’ve seen so far, all the little things I hear and read about season three give me heart-stopping waves of anxiety that are definitely not normal.
Like, I am constantly scared of what will happen, as if it was happening to me. And I know it’s embarrassing, but my brain is simply wired differently, and it feels so awful not being able to talk about it with my friends in real life.
Sometimes I feel like my day is ruined because I read someone say that they think S3 won’t have a happy ending, or that they probably won’t kiss or end up together or something bad like that. And even though I know it’s just fiction, it gives me stomach knots, as it is such a powerful part of my life and I think about is so much.
I have even come as far as to take breaks from Tumblr and mute some words on some social media platforms so that I won’t read Neil’s responses to questions - because they ALSO make me fear terribly and give me crippling anxiety, like when he said it won’t be romantic, or when he says stuff that make me worry for the future - and won’t hear speculation or even be reminded of other stuff people say.
And before anyone asks: Yes! I am fully aware it sounds absurd. And yes, i absolutely do feel crazy and embarrassed about it, but unfortunately this is the reality of many people in the spectrum and many neurodivergent people in general.
I do work, I am a ballet teacher and an author, so of course I have many other things to worry about and do and of course I have a life full of responsibilities and relationships and different pursuits to keep me from actually thinking about it nonstop. But still, even though I am busy and distracted most of the time, every now and then these feelings and worries come and punch me in the gut, and it completely paralyzes me for long moments. I feel kinda sick? I don’t know.
So I guess what I am trying to ask is: do you guys know of anyone who feels the same? Like, is there anyone else who feels like their mind has been absolutely taken over by fiction-related anxiety? And also: what should I do about it? I feel like absolutely no other piece of fiction compares to this one, and my mind simply won’t stop.
Help pls.
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shewrites02 · 2 months
Forgive Me, if I Break You |Zoro x Reader| Part I
Part II
Trigger warnings: Domestic assault, Alcohol, verbal abuse, Sexual implications-almost light smut if you squint. THIS FIC WILL CONTAIN DARK CONTENT ! MINORS DNI !
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A/N: This will be my very first series on tumblr, I am excited and petrified lol. I know this fic contains some sensitive subjects/material/feelings I just hope that I am able to handle them with care and do them justice.
This story is inspired by @turtletaubwrites , all her writing really lol, but “A Good Catch” Shank x Reader story sparked the idea that lead me here. You owe it to yourselves to give her works a read ! Thank you again for sharing and allowing others to be inspired!
Request: Open
Word count: 8.1K
Leave a comment if you enjoy :)
For a brief moment you are able to convince yourself only you and Zoro reside on the beach- on the island. Zoro wraps around your shoulders to draw you into his chest. He rests his head on top of yours when you lean to lay against him. The two of you stare up at the twinkling stars.
The chill of the breeze rises goosebumps on your exposed flesh. The cold grows harsher the further into the night it gets. Zoro's skin is warm against yours. The heat that radiates off him compensates for the thin blanket that encases both of you. Part of you wished you had enough foresight to have brought thicker blankets, but the indulgent feeling of the swordsman's bare skin against yours, quickly dismisses the fleeting thought.
Zoro keeps you close. His arm drapes over you, practically forcing your body on top of his. Using the tip of his finger, he swirls circles lightly on your shoulder. Part of you believes the swordsman enjoyed feeling your bare skin just as much as you did his. The circles are replaced with small kisses, trailing up until Zoro's lips are at the edge of your jaw.
"I wouldn't have taken you for the sex on the beach type." He offers you one of those genuine, uninhibited laughs. The kind that forces his lips into a smile, and crinkles the edge of his eye. The laugh that made your bones shudder every time you were lucky enough to hear it.
"I guess there's a lot you don't know about me, Roronoa." You tease. He presses a kiss into your temple in response. You can feel his smile against your skin.
"I guess there is."
Silence befalls the two of you. Comfortable, but heavy. Two more days. That is all the time you and the pirate have left. The intrusive reminder was becoming difficult to ignore. Two more days before you would have to give up his comfort. Two more days before it is back to darkness and lonely nights...
You almost forgot life could feel this good. That love could feel this good. Your heart clenches in your chest at the thought of a loveless life. A life without Zoro.
"Tell me something." The swordsman demands.
Your face scrunches in confusion. Zoro looks down to meet your eyes once you don't respond. His expression is soft, sad, but a small grin still rests on his lips.
"Tell me something about yourself. Anything."
You ponder for a moment, ciphering through the pieces of yourself worthy of the swordsman. Finding it difficult to have something to share.
"Summer is my favorite season. I love the feeling of the sun against my skin... it makes me feel free."
"Your turn! Tell me something!" You demand before Zoro has an opportunity to respond. His face softens more with each passing second.
"...I'm going to miss you."
Zoro nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, leaving only his reddened ears for you to see. His green hair ruffles underneath your chin and along your cheek.
"I know- we only have two days left, but if I don't tell you this now, I don't think I ever will."
You can hear the deep breath he makes, as if preparing himself. His hold on your waist tightens some. When he continues his voice is barely a whisper.
"I love you... I love you so much the thought of you leaving-" The swordsman does not continue. Allows his words to sit in the air.
Your eyes close at his proclamation. Your brain pauses as if needing a moment to scribe this into your memory. Zoro trembles lightly against you in anticipation. You are sure to have a heart attack if your pulse does not slow. If your heart doesn't stop trying to violently claw its way out your chest and into the swordsman's hands. 
Listening to his sentiments is the most euphoric torture you've ever experienced. You know there's an ask in his proclamation, understand that he expects an answer.
"I love you too Zoro, so much it scares me." You confess. "... I wish I could stay."
Zoro lifts his head just enough to plant a kiss to your neck. A sigh falls from his lips. You hope it's of relief, but it sounds more of disappointment.
You and the pirate both knew this beach was home to neither one of you.
"Me too." He whispers.
Though you shouldn't find joy in their misfortune, you find yourself thanking the Marine admiral that drove the Strawhat pirates your way. Thanking this tiny island for having such a lengthy waitlist for materials. Every second you get to spend with Roronoa Zoro is truly a priceless gift.
Zoro's smile is the widest you've seen it as he guides you around, giving you a tour of their ship. "The Sunny". The captain was sure to inform you of the name immediately after your boarding. Their shipwright had done an amazing job with the repairs. No evidence of their prior squabble remained.
Zoro tugs your hand along to follow him, a wide grin still on his face. Part of you curses the swordsman for gatekeeping his smile for so long. Holding out on a treasure in spite of your limited time. You could hate him for it , but he pays it forward so often . Reserving a special tenderness just for you.
"I want to show you something." He announces pulling you along.
The sight of seeing the entire ocean from the crow's nest is breathtaking. The sun sets on the horizon, its rays beam off the water. The ripples in the water make the illusion of twinkles. It's a hard sight to take your eyes off of. You never remembered the sea gleaming this way back home.
"We can sleep up here?" Zoro hinted. His voice is small, meek, you almost think he is fearful you might reject him. The stoic swordsman invites you to share a night in his favorite spot...
How could you deny him that memory?
"That sounds great Zoro."
The smile that spreads on his lips wider than the one on the deck of the sunny. You feel that resentful sting in your heart once again, quickly soothed by the swordsman's warmth.
"Stay right here." With a kiss on your cheek he is gone.
When Zoro returns his arms are full of blankets and pillows. He drops them to the floor and with as much earnestness as a kid at a sleepover , sets up the makeshift bed. He leans the pillows against the wall opposite of the windows, spreading one blanket fully before lazily dropping the others.
Once satisfied with his work, Zoro offers you his hand to join him. His back is against the wall. You lay in his arms. The two of you listen to the peaceful lull of the water.
"Tell me one more time." The swordsman whispers in your ear
It is so warm in his embrace. He Nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck, littering you with light kisses awaiting your response. There's no need for clarification. You understand his request.
"I love you Zoro... God, do I love you."
The giggle that erupts from your lips is involuntary. Could never hide how having the swordsman close affects you. Zoro squeezes your shoulders at the confession. Mules his satisfaction just loud enough for you to hear him. If you concentrated enough you were sure you could feel the pirate's pace quicken at your words.
"I love you too doll."
You were going to miss this... The feelings of Zoro's arms wrapped around you. Firm, but so gentle. Going to miss how the stoic swordsman gives you his heart to handle on a silver platter whenever the two of you are alone.
"...Excited to go home?" Zoro asks, As if sensing the tension that exudes from you. The reason the air was heavy against your chest. The reason he held you a little tighter tonight than usual. The colossal size elephant in the room...
This is your first and last night on the Sunny.
"I'm going to miss you." You respond softly.
Zoro kisses your temples . You aren't sure if he is trying to soothe your anxieties or his. You feel the pressure of his head laid against yours.
"I'm going to miss you too." The swordsman confesses.
You swallow harshly, refusing to sully your last night with tears. Don't deserve to wallow in self pity. You look up to face him, bringing your hand to lightly caress the side of his cheek. You don't deserve his comfort, his futile attempts to bring you peace of mind.
You are going to break him.
Absolutely. positively. Shatter him.
"I'm so happy you wrecked that tiny little boat." Zoro mumbles against your skin. Giving your hand a small kiss. The memory is a bittersweet recollection.
The sun had a personal vendetta against you and the heat was proof. It was Scorching. Sweltering. Neither adjective seemed strong enough. The rays blinded you as you blinked open your eyes. Meet with clear blue skies.
Were you dead? Was this some preliminary to hell?
There's muffled noises in the background. People? Animals?... Monsters? Your brain couldn't distinguish. Too busy using its power to attempt to wriggle your fingers beneath you. Sand?
"Are you okay?"
The first thing you noticed was green hair. The second was his handsome face, and lastly his swords. Three swords. A handsome three sword swordsman, your brain had finally deduced. Although you still had not answered his question.
He kneeled to the right of you, looming over your face so your eyes met him.
"Hey woman, you okay?" The man repeated his tone a bit more gruff than before. The way his brow slightly twitched implied he wouldn't be repeating himself for a third time.
"Where am I?"
The swordsman leaned back as you slowly pushed your torso up from the sand. Surveying the area, you took note of the ocean a few feet away, the large coconut trees behind you nestled by the rustling bushes that perimeter the beach. A group emerges from the foliage, filled mostly with smiles, though you could make out a few complaints.
"There's the dumbass!" A blonde haired man pointed over. His expression seemed to soften drastically once he noticed you. a wide smile replacing his scowl. " Oh mademoiselle."
You look up at the swordsman when you notice his grimace. The same twitch of the brow he had displayed earlier, except now they were furrowed to the center of his face in a frown.
"Zoro! I thought I said 'stick with the group'!" An orange haired woman reprimanded as she and the others approached.
"Zoro?" You repeated to the swordsman, who still eyed you intently. He nodded.
"Are you okay?"
He seemed to cave now that he had noticed the bruises that covered you. you went to pull your robe around your shoulders to cover yourself, but the fluffy material was nowhere to be found. It's only then you noticed your slippers were gone too. bare feet embedded in the sand. you were left only in the slip gown you had left in.
"I'm fine." You mutter pushing yourself from the ground so you could stand. Your eyes scatter the wide beach, if maybe you could find your boat washed ashore you could find your robe.
"I think that's your boat." The swordsman, Zoro, pointed over to the pile of driftwood floating around a small sea stack on the edge of the shore. The gasp that left your lips was guttural.
"I'm a doctor, I can help if you're injured." The small reindeer pleaded as he approached.
"Where am I?" You repeated.
"According to this map, where on Shinryoku Island, just off the coast of..." The orange hair woman wrestles with the map in her hand for a second longer before lowering it to meet you. "A village called Gekka."
"You're bleeding." The swordsman- Zoro said pointing to the cut that trailed your calf. He went to reach for you, but you refused his help. Stepping back to avoid his touch, your weight landed on your injured calf. Your body hit the sand with a loud thud.
The blonde hair man let out a cry. He went to run to your aide, but another woman, a devil fruit user, had blossomed hands to grab the man's ankles. Stopping him in his tracks.
Again, Zoro kneeled beside you, this time he did not try to touch you. He even tried to tuck his swords further out his reach as if that were to bring you some comfort.
"We are not going to hurt you... let my friend help you."
You agreed with a small nod of your head. Not seeing much choice you had otherwise. Cautiously the reindeer approached.
"My name is Chopper." He said taking a seat beside you. Riffling through his backpack he began to pull out gauze and alcohol pads.
"How'd you get stuck out here anyway?" The man in the straw hat asked.
"That's none of your business Luffy!" Zoro scolds.
"I got caught in a storm, my boat capsized- I don't really know what happened after that."
Strawhat hummed in satisfaction at your answer. Assumed that it was more so from getting his way, than your actual response.
"Where were you headed- if you don't mind me asking." The devil fruit user asks.
Your mind tumbled for an answer. Where were you going? 'Just away' didn't seem like a sufficient enough answer. Especially when you had only made it to the other side of your little island.
"Home." You lie, regretting the moment it fell from your lips.
"We can take you!" Strawhat offers gleefully, a smile spreads the whole length of his face. One that shows all his teeth. "You know, since your tiny boat is smashed."
"Maybe we should repair our own ship before we start giving out rides!" The orange haired woman scolds.
By the log pose on her wrist you assume she is a navigator. log pose. In your fervid flee you hadn't even thought to grab a log pose. No money. No clothes. No food. Just you and the boat. The woman's question started to echo in your ears- 'Where were you going?'
pathetic. useless. how could you be so stupid-
"I'll have the sunny fixed up in a super amount of time, don't you worry Captain!" The cyborg- shipwright assured.
"So it settled, after Sunny is repaired we will take you home!"
"You didn't even let her answer Luffy." The navigator reprimands.
Suddenly more than just the swordsman, began to eye you expectantly. Your boat was smashed into a million pieces, along with your chances of ever escaping this island. There was nowhere left for you to go.
The swordsman lets out a small chuckle that brings your attention back to him. Amusement has taken the place of that  somber expression previously on Zoro's face. 
"I guess I should thank Luffy for pissing off the marines. If it wasn't for that we would have never met."
The smile you give in response is weak, but it is all that you can muster. You drop your hand from Zoro's face so that you can face forward to look out the windows. Don't have the strength to face the swordsman as you speak.
"Thank you Zoro, for loving me. It's been so long since I've felt like this."
"You don't have to thank me." He says without missing a beat. "It's an honor to love you."
You can hear it already. The cheers of the villagers. Ringing in your ears like an alarm. The palms of your hands are cold, clammy. You're thankful for the blistering sun. Won't have to explain the sudden sweat that beads at your brow. The praise draws nearer as the town wall comes into view. A large white stone arch entrance, adorned with ornate olive leaf carvings. A wreath centering the wide gated structure. 
"You okay?" Zoro asks, reaching out to grasp your hand. The thumping of your heart almost drowns out his voice. Quickly, before he can grab you, you snatch your hand away. Awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck to mask the jerky movement. With a feigned smile you glance over at him.
"Yeah." You lie. The furrow of his brow alludes  to his disbelief, but the pirate does not press any further. Two guards meet you, as you all approach, bending at the waist before offering a kind genuine smile.
"We are so glad to have you home Lady Misatori. " 
"We were all so worried about you."
Their voices are difficult to make out over the applause, but your temporary crewmates had heard your title all the same. The bewilderment is clear on their faces. Perhaps they hadn't asked any questions yet, but they were sure to come. 
"We thought we lost you, and so soon after losing your f-"
"Thank you. I'm glad to be home safe." You smile, offering a kind nod then proceed to guide your friends through the barrier.
Citizens fill the streets of the town with smiles of joy and tears of relief. Although people stand shoulder to shoulder, essentially on top of one another trying to get a glimpse of your return, the path before you all is split like the red sea. Free of impediment, you all travel up the hill along the unpaved path, accompanied by praise the entire way.
As you walk, you're nauseated at the sight before you. The homes that laid in rumble just beyond your line of sight. The crowd posed as the perfect distraction, drawing the pirates' attention away from the destruction. You probably wouldn't have noticed yourself if the lemon grove, your mother's favorite place, wasn't missing from the countryside. The homes central of the village, easily eyed by the public, seem to be the only ones spared from the Chief's rampage
"Are they throwing you a parade?" The pirate captain asks, a wide grin on his face. If his eyes fill with any more admiration they may turn to stars.
You let out a pained laugh, dismissively waving away Luffy's question. The irony. A parade. This was more kin to a walk of shame. The cheers of the people, the chorus to your persecution. The Strawhats nor the villagers none the wiser. The others do not chime in, but you are sure they are just as curious as their captain.
A tiny castle resides at the top of the hill. Your home. Nothing like the regal structures you've heard stories about while stranded on the beach with the Srawhats, but sizable all the same. Once you arrive you can see him sitting at the castle steps with a wide smile on his face. As he watches you approach he stands, outstretching his arms attempting to welcome you into a hug.
"Darling! I thought I'd never see you again, I'm so relieved."
You feel the moment Zoro's eye falls on you, there's an unrelenting squeeze on your heart. Don't need to look his way to know the frown that has settled on his face. Know anger has taken over his expression.
"Darling?" The swordsman mutters to you.
It's as if you are a marionette, operated by the sound of his voice the way your body moves on its own. abandoning the green haired pirate to walk into the man's deceitfully warm embrace.
"I'm home now." You respond feeling the shackles being placed back on your ankles with each word slipped out your mouth.
"Introduce me to your friends." He demands, releasing your hold just enough to allow you both to face them.
It's impossible not to allow your gaze to immediately fall on the swordsman. To see the heartbroken look in his eye. His eye glued to the way the man's hands rested around your waist. A frown seared onto his brows just as you had expected, but when he finally meets your gaze his expression-
"These are the Strawhat pirates. This is their captain Monkey D. Luffy." You turn your attention to the captain unable to watch as the next words come out your mouth. "Luffy. This is Lee Misatori... my Husband."
"Chief Misatori." He corrects, chuckling lightly while reaching out to shake Luffy's hand.
"They saved me from the kidnappers, then graciously offered to bring me home."
For the first time since you arrived home, all eyes weren't on you. The strawhats had all turned their attention to the first mate. All mouths slightly agape awaiting his reaction. It isn't hard to predict what the swordsman will give you. Rage.  Grief.  Anguish.
"Husband?" Zoro parrots back to you.
The swordsman looks broken, shattered to a million pieces in front of you. The waves of emotion clearly passed on his face. An unusual display from the reserved first mate. Confusion, sadness, then anger. Only anger.
You give him pleading eyes. Can only hope that he does not make a scene here. Willing to give the swordsman all the time to yell at you later. 
Maybe he notices the way your eyes implore him to play along. Maybe it is genuinely shock that drives him, but the swordsman removes the hand he had placed on his sword's hilt then walks away.
"Oh god, he's going to get lost." The cook mumbles trailing behind him.
The last taste of freedom leaves your tongue as you hear the tall wrought iron double doors close behind you. Not Nearly enough to satiate your appetite. Lee stops at the bottom of the grand staircase, turning to face the pirate crew.
"I can't thank you enough for returning my wife... I haven't been the same since she went missing." He smiles over at you squeezing your hand, he has refused to let you go since you've gotten back.
"Please, let us repay your kindness. Stay a few days, our housekeeper can show you to your rooms? "
"We'd love to!" Luffy agrees. 
"Do you mind if y/n escorts us though? We just can't quite bear to let her go just yet." Nami asks, a tooth achingly sweet smile on her face. Her voice is a tone of amiable you've never heard before.
Lee digs his nails into the back of your hand at the mention of your departure. His face shows none of the signs of hesitation you can feel coursing through him . That same inviting smile is still on his lips.
"Sure." Lee grits out through his teeth. He turns to look down at you, lowering his volume so it is reserved for you. "Come right back when you're done !"
The Strawhats are kind enough to wait until they bombard you with questions. Know better than to ask in mixed company. When you push through the door to show Nami her bedroom , all the pirates follow. They stand in the suite staring, awaiting your anticipated explanation
"I- I did not mean to lie to all of you." Tears begin to swell in your throat, tears that don't deserve to fall. Tears you choke and swallow down. 
"Are you a princess?" Chopper asks.
"I- uh" you stammer, finding the words to formulate the precarious situation you are in. "My father was chief of the village. I am his only child, but as a woman I cannot inherit his title. So whomever is chosen to be my husband is to be his predecessor. Lee was chosen to be my betrothed six months ago.  "
"So You've been married for six months?" Usopp asks, his face filled with confusion.
You nod.
"So you lied to Zoro?"
It is posed as a question, but the captain lets the words fall out his mouth like fact. Zoro- His heart broken face flashes in your mind. A look you were sure you would remember even well into old age. It takes everything in you not to wince at the image. 
"I really do love him, Luffy. It's not- that simple."
"So explain it to us, because right now all we see is a woman who hurt our friend." Nami announces. The rest of the crew nod, seemingly sharing her sentiments.
"A month after the wedding my father suddenly died. Lee was appointed Chief the next day."
"You're a Chieftess." Robin announces.
"I have a duty to these people- my people. I won't leave them to suffer, even if it means... me and Zoro end up heartbroken."
Duty. That was something that all the Strawhats could understand. Even if your actions were an enigma to them. 
"Will he ever forgive me?" You ask no one in particular. Hoping that someone will ease your worries, provide you with comfort. Instead the room falls silent.
"Why did you lie to your husband about how we all met? We didn't save you from anyone."  Nami asks, her tone seems softer this time.
"Lee can't know I spent two months on the other side of the island. please." You plead.
Your fingers rest on the door knob to the shared bedroom. Once you cross the threshold, that was it. The last of your freedom would truly be stripped away. You caress the knob lightly, as if willing it to disappear at your touch. as if thoughts alone could vanish the tall doors that stood before you. 
Lee does not face you when you walk into the room. Keeps his back turned to display his dismay. He is waiting. you know what for, an apology- wants you to grovel on your knees for him. Even if he  believed you had gotten kidnapped, you still left him and that was a punishable sin.
"I missed you." He lies. "Come here."
When Lee finally does face you , his lips have curled into a devilish smile. He reaches out to draw you in, letting his free hand rest against your cheek. He whispers when he speaks.
"Do you have something you want to tell me?"
He wraps his arms around your shoulder to bring you into his chest, forcing you into a hug. 
"I'm sorry I was gone so long... I missed you too." The words tasted bitter as they fell. Like your tongue had forgotten the flavor of empty endearments since being in the swordsman's presence.
The Chief draws away just far enough to examine your face. His hand returns to wrap firmly around your jaw to squeeze your cheeks. His eyes pierce yours.
"When I first heard you went missing- I thought you had left me, run off somewhere. But you wouldn't do that, would you? ... leave me?"
"Of course not, Honey. You are my husband, I'm not going anywhere." You answer, unsure if the words are a reminder for him or yourself. Despite the panic that starts to grow in the pit of your stomach, you remain still. Maintaining the focus your husband demands.
"I'm so happy to be home."
Lee hums in satisfaction at your response. Rehearsed. Polished. Perfect. Just like you were to be. Just how he wanted you to be. He sweeps a strand of your hair out your face. The gentle touch is a precursor to the kiss he presses to your check. Your participation prize, a reward for a job well done. For remembering your training.
Lee drops his hands from you, done playing, then turns to make his way into the shared bathroom. In spite of your efforts a sigh of relief escapes. Finally feeling as though you could breathe without the man inspecting your every move.
"The swordsman- what's his name?" Lee asks, calling out so you can hear him in the other room.
"He seemed quite..." Lee pauses trying to find the right word. "Smitten with you."
The air in your lungs leaves just as quickly as it came. You curse whatever god has decided to play cruel tricks with your heart. You have returned home. Return to your responsibilities.  Was that not enough?  Did you have to be taunted with the swordsman  too? haunted by everything the two of you couldn't have. 
You stay quiet, won't risk incriminating yourself so early into your return. The man does not want an answer anyway. The statements that fall from his lips are law, not opinion.
"Do you think he has a crush on you?" Lee asks amused.
He walks into the room, wants to analyze your features while you think. The smile on his face is deviously wide. The chief was a beast and you were his prey. The innocent question, a trap set to devour you whole.
"I wouldn't know. I didn't spend much time with the swordsman, mainly just the navigator." You lie. knowing the real question he wants an answer to. Your husband nods, no indicator of satisfaction or delight.
"Get ready for dinner. Your friends are going to join us."
The small dining room houses a long horizontal table, a glass top that sits on gold regally sculpted legs. The table holds just enough room for the pirate crew, your husband, and you to sit comfortably. You sit at one end  while Lee the other. The Strawhats fill the seats on both sides. It is hard to keep your eyes from drifting to the empty seat to the right of you, and the identical opening mirrored on the opposite side.
"Will the swordsman and cook be joining us? Sanji and-" Lee asks Luffy, before the captain can answer he turns his attention to you. "Honey- what did you say his name was? Z- Zo-"
"Zoro." You say ending the sounds Lee mutters aimlessly trying to recall the name.
"Yes, Zoro! Will Zoro and Sanji be joining us, Captain?"
"I don't know." Luffy sings innocently. "Zoro seems pretty mad a-"
Before Luffy can finish his explanation there is a shuffling at the front door. It's loud, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. Expectantly staring at the entrance to the dining room, you all wait to see the source of the commotion. A few seconds pass before the culprits reveal themselves.
Sanji and Zoro.
The cook shoves the swordsman into the dining hall forcefully, although the smile on his face does not wain for a second. His pearly whites compensating for the scowl on Zoro's face.
"Let me apologize for our tardiness. Moss-head got us lost." Sanji announces to the room though he speaks to your husband.
As Lee responds with some feigned hospitable response, you watch the swordsman. Watch his eyes dance down the length of the table. Know he is hoping, praying the only seats left isn't anywhere near you.
You can pin the moment he deflates. Note how quickly his eye leaves yours. Never seeking them out as he accepts his fate, and walks the length of the table. Zoro chooses to sit to your right, leaving Sanji to sit to your left.
The cook spares you a small grin as he takes his seat. It is filled with warmth, but something else is hidden within it. In the way he doesn't flash his teeth to give you a full smile. It's disappointment. Pity.
"Y/n said you saved her from her kidnappers... you must have a formidable crew Luffy." Although masked in praise, you hear the challenge in Lee's statement. Emphasized by the way he addressed it to the captain specifically.
"Oh yeah, Me and My friends are super strong! That's the only way I am going to be King of the pirates!" Luffy exclaims. Nothing but mirth in his tone, completely oblivious to the antics of the chief. Lee lets out a laugh in response.  Part of you believes he may genuinely find amusement from the pirate, a bigger part of you knows that isn't the case. 
Now that the table is full Lee orders the kitchen staff to start dinner.
"Can I get a bottle of Sake?" Zoro mumbles to the woman who fills his glass with water.  The woman nods, then goes to fulfill his request. It's difficult not to be jealous. The swordsman gets to indulge, to drown his thoughts. That is not a luxury you have. The days of sake and beer flowing freely forever to be memories.
You plopped down beside the green haired pirate, your body making a thud as it hit the sand. His eyebrows raised to his temple giving way to his surprise. For a split second you found yourself wondering whether it was that you'd gone out your way to seek the swordsman out, or if it was that you'd finally decided to have an ounce of fun that had him so shocked.  The giggle that erupted from seeing his expression kept you from pondering for too long. 
"You really can't hold your liquor." The swordsman muttered, his lips curling up slightly. The closest to a smile you had seen them get in the four weeks you had all been together.
"I'm not allowed to drink at home so my tol-"
"Not allowed?" Zoro cut you off. Your eyes grew wide at the repetition of your words, cursing the alcohol for making you speak so freely. Your mouth opened to protest, back peddle, before you could the pirate let out a laugh.
"Is it because you're such an annoying drunk?" He teased
The alcohol lowered your inhibitions, kept  you from fighting against the visible drop your expression made.  You tried to laugh, dismiss the joke for what it was- a joke, did not want Zoro to notice your discomfort, but it was to no avail.
You had come to learn in these past weeks that the swordsman noticed everything.
Zoro reached to place his hand over yours, but hesitates. You assumed he wasn't trying to make you any more uncomfortable than you already were.  You blamed the alcohol for seeking out his affection. Intertwining your finger with his, so he  couldn't withdraw.
Zoro averted his gaze away from you to the waves calmly crashing into the shore. He rubbed his thumb lightly against yours.  Even with the alcohol to coax your action, you still trembled  in the hands of the pirate. Even so, Zoro's hold was strong, steady. 
"I think this is the first time I've seen you laugh. It's good to see you relaxing... was starting to think you don't trust us."
" I don't- can't-"
You stopped speaking. The only way to stop the liquor from forcing more incriminating words out your mouth.  Needed a moment to collect yourself, not used to the swirling feeling that impeded your thoughts.
"I have to protect myself. It's just me."  You muttered.
"... Doesn't have to be. Not here." He squeezed your hand as he turned to meet you. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you."
You had to fight the shiver that threatened to crawl down your spine, reminding yourself that four weeks was not enough time to know anyone, let alone a group of pirates. Trust was not something you could not afford to give out. The swordsman could not be an exception. .
"My crewmates are kind, probably too kind. You don't have to worry about them- well maybe the shit cook, but I'll make sure he doesn't touch you."
Zoro offered you a full smile, one that sunk your heart to the bottom of your stomach. Maybe it was the alcohol that charmed his words, you couldn't be sure, but they had affected you all the same. The pirate returned his attention to the ocean, leaving you relieved he did not expect a response.
"With such a strong crew I can only imagine the burden y/n must've been." Lee lets out an obnoxious laugh. It drags your attention to the table. "It's a good thing she is pretty. Thank you again for bringing her home safely."
The crew has fallen a bit quiet. The only one to respond is the oblivious captain with an enthusiastic "Your welcome." Seconds later he is muttering a pained cry , shooting Nami a confused glance.  
The awkward silence is relieved by the entrance of the kitchen staff. When Zoro's sake bottle reaches the table, Lee is quick to take notice. A small grin spreads on his face. You see the moment he gets the idea, the light bulbs as clear as his iris'. 
"Ahh what a wonderful idea swordsman. We should all share a toast- to the return of my wife!"
The staff moves quickly to bring out sake for the group, handing one to Luffy despite his protest- and answering his fifth question about dinner. When the woman gets to you she sits down a flute of sparkling cider. 
Zoro is the first to notice. His eye twitches over briefly, but he does not speak.
"You're not drinking love?" Sanji asks, his voice hushed, but your husband always keeps an ear out for endearments dotted upon you. 
"Oh y/n doesn't drink, we decided once we got married she would stop. Right honey?"
The smile on your face burns in a way you know you deserve. Your throat is traitorous for allowing a knot to form, for making your force the words out, when they had once come with ease. You had done this , acted , so many times before but- acting while on display for the swordsman felt like a special type of hell curated just for you.
"Yes Dear."
"She just gets so annoying it's embarrassing- no way for a woman, let alone a chief's wife to act." 
Lee is answering Sanji , but his eyes are on you. Their cold, pitiless, although his voice drips with sweetness.  The gleeful look on his face never waivers in spite of the growing discomfort in the room.  Nami and Robin look to you for guidance, looking for approval to be outraged, clearly not wanting to laugh along. The smile on your face soothes their worries.
"And I'd never want to do anything to embarrass honey. Why don't you Give your toast hun." You urge. 
This was punishment for how you hurt the pirate. Nothing less of  Divine retribution. You fight not to meet Zoro as you feel his eye linger on you.  There is no effort to hide the disdain on his face. There is an angered confusion easily seen in the way his brows furrow and his lips fight back a snarl. 
"To the return of my beautiful wife, and to the Strawhat pirates." 
Everyone raises their glasses, but Luffy nor Zoro take a drink. There was a part of you relieved at the tension in the air. That your friends are uncomfortable with the indignities your husband throws at you. There were many dinners you sat through, cringing as the whole table laughed at his snide jokes. For a while you believed it your fault for being hurt,  too sensitive for not being able to laugh at your expense the way the others could. Lee always said you spoiled the fun when he reprimanded you later for not joining in.  
The silence is once again relieved by the kitchen staff entering ,bringing out the entrees. Luffy squeals with pure joy and anticipation. The captain had been waiting as patiently as he possible could to finally eat. The other plates have not even hit the table before he is half way through his pasta.  The sight is the only thing to bring a genuine smile on your face all night. 
"It's as good as you promised, y/n!" Luffy's mouth is full as he says his praises. 
"Eating with your mouth full is rude Luffy!"  Sanji lets out an exasperated sigh. The captain has a confused look on his face, though he has not taken any time to stop eating. 
"It's okay, I'm glad you like it, Luffy." 
"What about you Zoro, think the meal is everything my wife promised it would be?" 
Your mouth goes dry at the sound of the swordsman's name coming out of Lee's mouth. Suddenly starting to think you weren't as convincing as you thought earlier in the day. Lee had decided to take it upon himself to solve the mystery of the swordsman's feelings for you. 
There's some feigned solace in knowing Zoro probably hates you. That Lee would poke and prod to find the Strawhat's first mate merely  harbored resentment and ill will towards you. Though the process would be  painful. 
"The food is fine." Zoro responds, still looking at his plate. 
His dismissal only stoked the flames of Lee's infatuation more.  You can see the glimmer that raises in the chief's eyes. 
"I've never seen a swordsman with three swords..." Lee's voice leans more toward a mocking tone than an inquisitive one. 
"I'm a master of three sword style." 
"Zoro is gonna be the best swordsman in the world!" Luffy exclaims. 
"Really? I always assumed a swordsman who needed more than one blade was... overcompensating." Lee brings his glass to his lips to drink. The chuckle the cook fails to muffle deepens the scowl on Zoro's face. 
 Zoro glances over at the Chief then, for the first time since he walked into the dinning room, he makes eye contact with you.  It's difficult to not squirm under his gaze. Your cheeks burn under his stare, the warmth so violent it spreads the length of your skin.
A small crooked smirk creeps its way onto the swordsman's lips as he looks you over. This time the pirate lets out a laugh. It is the first display of joy he has shown since setting foot in your village.
"I don't have anything to overcompensate for." He takes a shot of Sake, licking his bottom lip to catch the drops that spill over. "I don't get any complaints." 
Zoro peaked up from in between your thighs. In spite of not being able to make out his lower half , you knew a crooked smile rested on his lips. That same cocky smile he wore every time he made you cum.  
"You tapping out on me princess?" He asked, giving the inside of your thigh a whisper of a kiss. The faint touch still has you jolting at the sensation.  The way Zoro's arms wrap around your  thighs kept you from going too far.  
"is too much Zo." You whined, hands clenched around the sand, leg limp over the swordsman's shoulders. 
Zoro spared you a merciful laugh as  he rested your legs on the sand. He leaned back on his heels to look at you. Sprawled lazily, dress hiked just enough to give him the access he begged for.  Sweat beaded at your brow not only from the heady force of your fourth orgasm, but the humid air.  A full smile appeared on Zoro's lips at the sight. 
The way his eye gleamed with adoration and love rivals the moon. His stare was enough to illuminate the entire beach. It took every bit of will you had to not shrink underneath him, to feel deserving of  the way he worshiped you.  
The pirate leaned down to hover over you, planting his hands into the sand, one on either side of your head.   He gently places a kiss to your lips then another.  You could still taste the way you coated him. 
"I'll spare you this time."  He mumbled , before laying on the sand next to you. 
Instinctively, you rolled your chest into the swordsman, lazily throwing your leg over his so it rested between his thighs. Even with your body pressed into his you craved to be closer to him. Although the swordsman had explored every inch of you, and you him, it never seemed to be enough.
Your cheeks up to your ears burned at the confession swelling in your throat. Embarrassment not great enough to keep it shoved down somewhere convenient- comfortable. Instead the sentiment clawed its way out tooth and nail. 
"You make me feel so good Zoro-"  
"Yeah? You trying to let the whole beach know with how loud you were yelling my name?" You slapped your hand into his chest forcing another laugh from the pirate. It did not deter him from continuing his teasing.  "I'm just saying, my crew is still pretty close, you could try to be quiet."  
"You're such an asshole! Now I'm not going to tell you the rest." You pouted. Your words are filled with malice although your tone and smile could not convey the same emotion.  Zoro chuckled then planted a kiss on your temple. 
"Tell me, please."  He implored, lips brushing against your ear.
It was hard to deny the swordsman anything when he asked so sweetly. Those manners are only allocated to you. Your eyes close while the words climb to the tip of your tongue. You turn your head away from Zoro completely. 
"You're the only man to ever make me orgasm." 
Zoro wrapped his fingers delicately around your chin. He tugged your face towards him. The fire that ignited in his eye was different than anything you'd seen from him before. There's a smile on his face, almost childlike in its giddiness. It was as if the notion was the best thing he'd ever heard in his life. 
The pirate crashed his lips into yours like they were the answer to his prayers.  Like he could pledge his devotion in your mouth and find salvation in your lungs.  Indignant. Needy. Desperate.  The two of you gasping heavily once separated. 
Zoro wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him, though not much space resided between the two of you to begin with. He kissed along your jaw down your neck until he reached your shoulder. 
"Fuck- Lemme do it one more time?" 
The small snickers coming from the pirate crew force your eyes to Lee. Immediately noting how his hands grip tightly around the napkin.  The Chief is not getting the reactions he is yearning for, hasn't realized this is far from some ordinary group of bandits he's dining with. You'd revel in the victory, if it hadn't meant your loss. 
"Chief Misatori, why don't you tell us more about your role? Y/n tells us you've recently moved into your position?" Robin asks. Her tone is so innocuous and innocent, it draws Lee from his testosterone filled rage. Your husband is eager at any opportunity to talk about himself, especially to a pretty woman. 
"Yes, after my wife's father passed I inherited his title. " 
"That must have been a lot of responsibility to take on so suddenly." Sanji adds. 
"It was, but I was hand picked for the job for a reason. It is work ,of course, but I can't imagine anyone else doing it." 
"I imagine you wouldn't implement any changes in policies considering being so new to power?" Robin phrases it as a question, but you see it for the shameless prying it is. The historian begging for answers as to why the townspeople, despite their cheers, seemed so riddled with grief. 
"I've made a few changes to ensure our people's safety. Y/n father was an amazing man, but- soft. "
There is an internal cringe at each mention of your father uttered from the newly appointed Chief's lips. Who was Lee to slander your father, the very man he has to thank for his title, The only reason he has this power to abuse so freely?
In the six months you had been married you watched Lee turn your village into something unrecognizable. The gates closed, patrol increased, and the villagers had been stripped of their voice entirely. The chief gave the final decree. Acted as judge, jury, and executioner. 
The villagers for the first time are fearful of what the chief's approach could mean for them. Constantly hoping to be spared from his wrath.  Too fearful to even speak ill of the chief in fear of his retaliation.  In fear their homes may look like the ones that resided in the countryside. 
Chief Lee Misatori is nothing  like my father hoped he would be. 
"A beloved man in the community, but he was never able to make the difficult decisions-" 
"Can we not discuss my dad, please honey." You plead, unable to sound any more like a beggar if you tried. There are tears swelling at the brims of your eyes at his mention. Angered you could not defend the man who raised you in the way that he deserved. Angry, your father had been deceived by such an evil man. 
These tears are harder to choke down. Prickly , and awkward the whole way down your throat. The swordsman reaches out to place his hand over yours, only grazing your fingertips as you draw your hand away. For the briefest moment you let your eyes flash to Zoro, praying the apology in your eyes is sincere enough to provide him any relief. 
Two times. Two times you had rejected the swordsman in this single day. Guilt floods your heart, taking up even more space than fear in your chest- despite the way Lee cuts his eyes  at you. 
"Of course  honey." He smiles.
Part II
A/N: I hoping you all enjoyed ! I'm thinking this story will only be apart 3 parts. I have most of the story written actually lol so the feedback I get on part 1 will determine when I release part two. If you would like to be on the tag list please let me know I would love to have you.
taglist: @dinuxia-bhm
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fayes-fics · 3 months
When The World Is Free: Chapter 13 - С'est Lui Que Mon Cœur A Choisi
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, WW2 AU.
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Warnings: Teen-rated… non-graphic references to sex/sexual situations. ANGST!!!
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Note: Multi-chapter fic based on a request by the lovely @amillcitygirl. Please see the masterpost for a synopsis of this story. Beware, this has been coming; things have come to a head with the reader's family and Eloise. Thanks as always to @colettebronte for beta reading. Enjoy!
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Aubrey Hall, UK, October 1939
It's a dreary Friday afternoon the following week when the phone rings in the hallway.
After a brief exchange, it appears the call is for you, much to your confusion - no one knows you are here. As you tentatively pick up the receiver from the family butler, the familiar tones of Solène ring out down a crackling line.
“Mon Cherie! Have you quite lost your mind!” her opening is quite abrupt.
“And hello to you too, Solène; I have missed you,” you chuckle.
“Yes, yes…” you can almost hear her dismissive hand wave. “Why did you not yet contact your famille?” 
Your stomach plunges. 
“I- I forgot?” you squeak the truth. 
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind with Benedict; it has honestly felt detached from reality. A parallel universe. And this is you landing back on earth with a resounding bump.
“Well, please call them. I have had too many telegrams and now two phone calls,” she explains. “They are quite worried about you! I had guessed you may be chez les Bridgertons but did not want to say. I’m sure you have beaucoup news to tell them that they need to hear from you pas moi.”
“I will call them,” you promise, even as you feel a pit of dread low in your stomach.
“Please do… now, how is married life?” she teases, and after deflecting with a joke, you spend time catching up. The knot inside you loosens as you exchange pleasantries, handing the phone over to Eloise when she appears at your side, eager to reconnect with her Parisian friend.
“I have to call my parents,” you profess a few hours later, watching water streak in rivulets down the French doors, the lake beyond a blur, the pitter-patter sound on the roof above you.
His lips pause on your clavicle, and his hands - warm through your cool silk slip - flex around your waist, but he says nothing.
“Just to let them know I am safe. Solène called earlier; they have been trying to get hold of me,” you explain, burrowing your fingers into his hair, delicately scratching your nails over his scalp.
“What will you tell them?” his question hushed and tentative.
“That part I haven’t decided,” you confess with a sigh. “There is so much to say; I don’t know where to begin…”
“I will be there with you,” he replies emphatically, pushing up to gaze down upon you. “Whatever you decide, I will be there, in support, silent or otherwise.”
His generous sincerity makes your chest bloom, devotion evident in his words.
“Thank you,” you whisper, staring into his hazy eyes, again your confession of love on the tip of your tongue. 
He cups your jaw, and you feel the cool metal of his wedding ring, which he has never once taken off in the four weeks since your marriage. “No need to thank me. You are my wife; it is what I must do.” His use of that word makes your heart leap.
“I hope it isn't only out of duty…” you can't help your insecurity from crossing your lips.
“Of course not,” he assures, eyes soft.
“Thank you, husband,” you whisper back, and something flares on his face, a change rippling over his handsome features. His fingers sink between yours, caging your hands onto the towel underneath you.
“Call me that again,” his voice taking on an odd, gravelly quality.
“H-husband?” you falter, a knit of confusion over your brow.
He growls and surges his hips roughly between your legs, igniting that fire you always feel inside for him.
“Husband,” you repeat bolder this time, treating it like a jewel dripping on your tongue.
His lips are hot and insistent on yours, his tongue almost punishing, ravaging your mouth. Before you know it, your clothing is ripped from your body, and you are crying his name, fingers digging into flesh. His hold is possessive, almost feral in the way he takes you, swearing that you hear him grunt the word mine into your neck as you both reach completion.
You wait until Eloise visits a local friend the next day to make the dreaded call. It’s a Saturday lunchtime, early morning on the American East Coast, when you pluck up the courage, knowing your parents should be home then. 
The handset feels heavy in your palm as you raise it and dial the operator, giving your parents' number. Benedict hovers beside you, a reassuring presence you want to lean into as each ring echoes heavily in your ear.
Just the sound of your mother’s voice causes a flood of emotion through you; you slump onto the hallway bench, Benedict bobbing down to crouch before you, his expression concerned but silent, touching your knee delicately. 
“Hello Mom…” it's probably barely audible.
“My love!!!!!” she exclaims, and you can hear the wash of relief in her voice, the knowledge that her child is safe after weeks of uncertainty. It makes guilt burn even harder behind your ribs. “I'm so happy to hear from you! To hear your voice! Are you safe? Please tell me you are safe!” Parental concern colouring her every word.
“Yes, Mom, I'm safe,” you begin, a tremulant quality to your voice that you are unsuccessfully trying to wish away. “It's… it's a long story, but I ended up in England with Eloise. I'm sure Uncle Robert told you all about her.”
“Indeed he did. Well, I'm so happy you escaped France! I hear an invasion could well be imminent. I was so worried! Let me call your father...” Before you can protest, she is holding the receiver away from her mouth and calling out your Dad’s name. “Oh, and Stanley will be so pleased to hear the good news!!! We must tell him right away! He has been concerned too…”
The mention of your ex-fiance's name raises bile in your throat, and you instinctively reach for Benedict. Lace your hand with his upon your knee—an anchor you need. You don't know what to say about your ex, so you don't respond, hoping your mother will move on quickly in her relief, which, thankfully, she does.
You hear your dad’s familiar voice in the background and bite your lip, nervous that both will be listening.
“So when are you coming home, darling?” She continues after giving your dad an economic explanation. 
“I… I don't know that I can,” you stumble, knowing your lip is darkening under the worry of your incisor tooth.
“Whyever not? Just move up your ticket!” Your dad chimes in.
“I tried that while still in France; unfortunately, the company scammed me. I could not get a ticket to any sailings to America, so, for safety, I came to England with Eloise.”
“You got scammed!” your dad’s huff is indignant.
“Let's focus on what is important, Ron. She is safe,” your mother lectures, placating his ire as you mumble an apology. 
Your downcast eyes lift to meet Benedict’s as they seem to remonstrate between themselves on the other end of the line. His mien is benevolent, his finger swiping rhythmically across the back of your knuckles in a comforting gesture. You know he can hear the voices leaking out of the receiver jammed to your ear, if not the words, then the general tone.
“Well, I'm glad you were able to enter England with a visitor visa. I thought they had been suspended since the war was declared. Your Uncle thought he was among the last to be let in with one…” your dad comments, immediately honing in on what you have been dreading the most.
“I am not here on a tourist visa. Thanks to a wonderful member of Eloise’s family, I have been able to secure residency.” Your fingers grip Benedict hard now.
“What do you mean?” your Dad queries, sounding suspicious.
“In order to escape - which I know, Dad, is the most important thing - I had to make a rather drastic choice…” you try to emphasise the jeopardy before your confession.
“What kind of drastic choice?” he echoes your words slowly, and you can feel their suspicion down the crackling line.
“I had to get married…” your voice is so tiny you almost hope they do not hear. Benedict's other hand lands on top of yours, enveloping yours in his warmth, which makes you look at him so grateful, a glassiness to your eyes. 
There is a moment of shocked silence and then an explosion of indignant words and noises, to the point that you have to pull the handset away from your ear. 
It's alright, it will be alright, Benedict mouths silently, and you can't help but pitch forward and rest your forehead on his. One of his hands touches your cheek gently as you close your eyes, a tear swelling on your lashes.
“I did not plan for this, Mom, Dad,” you cut in, sitting back upright. “But it has happened, and now… I… I need time.”
“Need time for what? You get that marriage annulled right away, young lady, and get yourself back here to marry the man you are promised to!” your mother’s voice shrill and didactic. “You had better hope Stanley understands and forgives this transgression….”
Something about her choice of words lights a fire of outrage inside you. As if your life choices are not your own.
“Transgression?!” you spit back. “I was caught up in a country where war was imminent. I did what I had to to escape to safety. What would you want me to do!? Remain in a possible war zone?”
“How about not flit off to Europe on some ridiculous jaunt in the first place!” she yells back. And in that very moment, you realise how little they ever supported your trip, a plunging sense of familial support being ripped from under you. “We only agreed to this reluctantly as you were so insistent. And now look what you have done?! Possibly ruined your future by marrying god knows who instead of the man you have been due to marry since you were a child, y/n….”
“I married a wonderful man,” you defend instinctively. “He is twenty times the man Stanley could ever be!!” You practically roar, “and I do not regret a single thing. I wish to remain here. With him.” You huff, drawing ragged breaths as finally you look at Benedict again and see the desire writ large on his face. It makes you want to kiss him so much your lips tingle.
Down the phone, your parents are stunned into silence. You knew this news would upset them and how awkward this could be, your family being so intertwined with Stanley’s family, being the son of your father’s business partner. But also, you know you cannot lie and return to life there, even if things with Benedict do not work out. 
“I only knew one way my life could go,” you press on, a frenzy of bubbling emotions bursting from within like hot lava. “Well, I have seen something of the world beyond Long Island, and it has things to offer me that Stanely and Long Island could never. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not that girl, and even if I were to annul this marriage, I would not wish to marry Stanley. Ever.”
By the end of your somewhat dramatic speech, you are heaving breaths and clinging to Benedict like a liferaft in a tsunami, your whole life as you knew it crumbling around you. But that fire in your belly that you are finally recognising and standing up for what you want, pursuing what you want, not what is expected of you, gives you the strength of your convictions, painful as this moment may be. That and the man kneeling before you—he is a choice you know you would make over and over again. 
“Well, if that is your decision, then I am not sure what else there is to say,” your father intones icily. “Perhaps call us back when you have come to your senses….”
And with that, the line goes dead, and you collapse into Benedict’s arms, weeping bitterly.
Something changes after that phone call. Benedict doesn't leave your side, always seeking you out. Perhaps to check on you, somewhat deflated after the emotions had been wrung out of you, but apparently also to spend time together without intimacy. Just to be in your company. You only realise it when you are curled up reading on the sofa, and wordlessly, he takes a seat next to you, pulling your feet into his lap, opening his book with a soft smile. His hands swirl idle patterns over your ankle bone through your stockings as you both sit in quiet relaxation.
At one point, you brush his shoulder gently, almost unable to stop your need to touch him. Then he curls into you, resting on your chest. He chuckles as you rest your book on the back of his head and keep reading. There is no denying it has all the hallmarks of a couple in love, and yet you don’t comment; just accept it with a lightness inside that feels bubbling. 
However, his warmth and weight soon make you drowsy; you are not sure when, but you fall asleep. You suspect he does, too, based on the rude awakening you receive shortly after.
You startle awake, your book sliding off with a thump to the floor as Benedict seems to do the same, his head rising in shock.
Eloise is standing before you. Mouth hanging open, an utterly stricken and horrified look on her face.
You want to curl up and die. There is no way to deny what has transpired. Your arms are wrapped around his, his head on your breasts. There is no way this pose is anything but intimate - not one either of you might have accidentally slumped into.
“I can explain…” you being, your voice a rough croak from sleep.
But Eloise does not stay around to hear it. She storms out of the room, the door slamming so loud behind her that a row of framed photos rattles against the picture rail. You curse ruefully, kicking yourself for being so cavalier today after weeks of being so careful. The call earlier really throwing you for a loop. Benedict twists to sit up, head slumping into his hands, wiping his palms down his face with a harried expression.
“I suppose it was bound to happen eventually,” he monotones after a pause, but his knee bounces with nervous energy. “She’s going to tell Mother…” he adds, sounding defeated, almost scared. 
And you know you can wait no longer to divulge it.
“Your mother already knows,” you admit quietly, pulling yourself upright to sit beside him.
He swivels with almost comedic speed, his face a picture.
“She approached me a few weeks ago,” you shrug. “I could hardly lie; I’m a terrible liar,” you remind him delicately.
“Mum knows….” his tone disbelieving, mouth agape.
“She said you, her children, are all terrible at hiding things from her,” you elucidate. “And….” You tremble as the words form on your tongue but feel powerless to stop them from spilling out, “… she said she knows when you are in love.”
Again, his head whips to you, and he looks panicked. “She said that?!?”
“Yes…” you look down at your hands wringing nervously in your lap, the ring on your left hand feeling like a weight.
“I… I…” he stumbles, seeming at odds.
And before you know it, he is on his feet, too and has swept out of the room in an apparent hurry.
As the door clicks shut behind him, a dread fills every nook and cranny of your being, suddenly terrified that everything you have come to treasure in the last few weeks has just been ripped violently from under you. 
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strawbxrryanime · 3 months
red sweat dripping from his back - cale henituse x male!reader
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"What the hell am I supposed to do with a bag of lemons?..." Cale scoffed, he hated sour things, so what bag of lemons could be useful than anything? "Do the neighbors think I'm trash? Cause they're absolutely right..." Cale muttered. You watched from a distance in the comfort of your own space. You were living your own lavish life with him, during his trips to find relics he'd always take you with him.
He fell in love as soon as he met you, and you can't possibly deny that. As soon as he saw you it clicked instantly for the both of you. You were his beautiful angel, someone whom he can redeem himself to. You always counted and depended on Cale no matter what and you would do anything for him.
Cale was sweating, rooms get hotter during the day. "Hey..." Cale approaches to you, smiling. "My sweet guy, how are you feeling?" Cale questioned you, as your eyes were graced by his abs after just having his shirt taken off due to the heat. Cale caressed your cheek slowly as he generously smiles, you reassured yourself that you were doing just fine to him.
Cale kisses your lips softly, as he crawls up to you in the bed. "My baby has to be doing alright~" Cale mutters as his eyes focus upon your pretty face. Cale loves you no matter who you are, he loves all your impurities, he loves the way you stand out by anybody. Cale's heart skips a beat whenever he sees you. Cale slicks back his bright red hair as his reddish-brown eyes adjust to glare at you even more.
"It's so hot in here.." Cale smirked. "Even when I have the slightest motivation to get up and turn on the air conditioner, the heat always manages to get to me..." Cale was always known as the lazy type, but often most times when it comes to you, he'd do anything for you. "You know what I really love about you?" Cale said to you. "I love everything, the way you speak, the way you laugh... sure, you may be insecure about it, but I think it's beautiful.. I replay it everyday just for me to relax.." Cale smiles, oh my goodness he's really reeling into your heart.
You began to kiss Cale again, in the heat of the moment as you thanked him. "I guess you feel the same way too hm?" Cale mutters, as you nod your head. "My beautiful baby~ You're the cutest..." Cale commented as you make more of a move, kissing him and being in the moment, as Cale kisses back more aggressively as grunts echo in the room. "Do you really want it Y/N?~" Cale asked... you nod your head vigorously. "So needy aren't we?~" Cale smirked.
And so you two hit it off, oh how you loved Cale so much. You loved every aspect of him, as the both of you stripped of clothing, bare as Cale smirks. "You're the only one I could ever want Y/N~" Cale mutters as he kisses you and lays you down at the bed. “My guy~ My one and only~” Cale would whisper as he slowly inserts his cock inside of your asshole, making you whimper and groan.
“Shhhh…” Cale smirks as he holds you against your waist. “Save the noises for when I really get you screaming~” Cale covers your mouth as he starts to thrust deep inside of you, burying his cock so deep in your ass that you tried your hardest to not moan out louder and louder. Slowly but surely, his thrusts slowly start getting harder and harder, slamming his ballsack into you.
His hands wrap and grip tightly around your mouth now, as he's now starting to thrust even faster, his cock being submerged by your walls as he kept fucking you over and over. Your muffled groans and grunts echo across the room as Cale scoffs. "You can't be serious right?~ Moaning now?~ Already~ It's like you barely even know me~ You'll see how hard I'll go~" Cale groans as his thrusts get bigger and bigger.
"Don't be shy, you can take it~" Cale started to chuckle, grunting as he shoves his inches in and out of your asshole, fucking you so good and hitting the right spots. "Oh, you're so pretty~ I'll fuck you so good~" Cale would praise you, but also humiliate your pathetic little moans as he thrusts harder and harder, telling you to save them for when he's really in it.
Now, Cale is really putting in his works, he's now thrusting deep and fast inside of you, panting and groaning each time he thrusts inside your tight ass, you couldn't contain the moans anymore and you just start to scream, scream in the mixture of pain and pleasure. "Fuck~ You're so cute~ Gonna fuck you so good~ Mm~" Cale would keep grunting as you moaned and moaned, he's really doing your ass amazingly. The heat fills up the room even more as the two of you are both sweating and panting.
Cale's thrusts, now laced with precum, is getting more sloppier and sloppier as his pants start to shake, his breaths becoming more shallower as he tries to hold back his load onto you. Slamming deep inside of you like there's no tomorrow, groaning and grunts echoing the room without a care in the world. Cale kept thrusting harder and harder, he's already at his limit. "FUCKING TAKE IT Y/N!~" Cale would yell out as he fucks one more thrust inside of you until he splurts inside you, painting your walls white with his cum as Cale chuckled.
"Shhh.. don't worry, you can do it baby~" Cale smirked, he was now lying down as you tried to lower yourself onto his fat cock. Fucking you crazy was enough, but fucking yourself onto him was another level. You started to take all his inches down. "Fuck~ Look at your hole swallowing all of me hm?~" Cale would chuckle again as you'd moan and groan, as you try to bounce, riding him as your eyes rolled back.
"Look at you~ You're fucked senseless~" Cale smirked as you start bouncing even faster, already getting addicted to the pleasure, fully in the heat of the moment. Already pounding deep, crushing his ballsack going faster and faster as groans and pants from the both of you echoed the room. Cale kept grunting as you kept moaning. "Fuck!~ Gah you're so good!~" Cale would yell out, as you just kept bouncing on his cock.
Cale's gleaming red hair shined through the sunlight as the heat was getting hotter and hotter. As you kept riding him faster and faster on the brink of pleasure, Cale arches his back upwards as he grabs onto your neck and gave out one last final groan as he cums deep inside your ass, you start screaming and panting as you were filled up.
"You're my baby~" Cale said as he caresses your cheek, you and Cale were sweating, in the heat of the moment, as you cuddled with Cale in the end. "I love you so much~" Cale kisses you, as he smiles. "My dear Y/N~"
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thewritersaddictions · 7 months
Day Twenty-Nine: Karl Heisenberg + BreathPlay
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You were constantly reaching out for Karl's hand. Enjoying the rough feeling of his cussed-covered fingers against your much softer hands.
Karl didn't seem to mind either after the initial shock that someone was touching him. Wantingly touching. You walked hand in hand to meet with the family and sat side by side. Pressed into his side, but continuously your fingers were interlocked.
Hand in hand when you walked around in town, and as much as Karl hated the idea of being around less intelligent people than him. He allowed you to drag him down to the middle of town and walk around the shops before returning to the factory after a long day out.
That was not the only time you wished that you could hold his touch. You yearned for a hand to run smoothly down your back and sometimes rest at the bottom of your spine. You longed for the soft touch of his rough hand.
You are the exact opposite of Karl. You yearn for the touch of another, and Karl yearns to not be touched. Karl is okay with his lonely life before you came along, and he's just as content with living it how it is now.
Yes, you are confused because when you look at Karl, you don't see just a friend, someone to talk to when the nights are quiet, and the factory is slow. No, Karl is something else for you. A bright light at the end of the tunnel. He's what you yearn for.
So when the touch you yearn for splits and turns into a need that you have to fill, something twists within your mind. You start to stare off more. Staring at Karl's hands as he works on bits of metal together, or how he tightness things together on a soldat.
The one that as you biting your tongue and squeezing your thigh together is when his hands stretch out, his metal hammer flying into his hand. It's attractive all on its own. The bludge of his veins, the girth of his fingers, it all has you in a haze.
"Y/n? Are you even paying attention to what I'm talking about?" Karl's booming voice pulls you from your naughty thoughts of his hands. "Huh." You say a bit too loud, and he rolls his eyes, "Earth to Y/n, what's got you being a space cadet today?" He asks, intrigued by your glazed-over eyes and gap mouth.
Karl has never seen you like this, and he's seen you in many ways. Blood smeared across your cheeks. A mixture of your own and others, your shirt half tore due to lycans desperately in need of stitches. Bare skin that makes his heart race every time he catches a glimpse. Y/n had been off, and Karl had taken notice. Take notice of how your gaze drifted from his face, down his arms, and then finally landed on his hands.
"I'm just… it's all fine." You say to Karl, trying to push away the fact that you not only got caught but also have no idea you were spacing out. His stare is deathly; you're an open book for him to read as much as he likes.
"No… I don't believe you. I think you were off dreaming…" You shake your head, trying to push him away from the right path he's already on. "Don't shake your head at me now, buttercup. Better if you just fess up to what you were thinkin' about." You feel like a deer in headlights. Wide-eyed and easily scared off.
The silence is unsettling, "Oh, buttercup, you want me to guess instead." Smirking up a storm, you think that's rather a good idea, and then it's a bad idea. But there's nothing else you can do. If you say the words, then it's all too real, but if he guesses it, then it means Karl already knows.
"I think…" He says, getting up from the side of the table, heavy boots on the ground beneath you. "you have been very naughty…" With each punch of the words that fall from his mouth, his hands graze up your back like you've always wished for. "thinkin' about me, and my hands." You breathe in quickly. If it's due to his touch or his words, you'll never know.
"I bet you've thought up a bunch of dirty things." He whispers into your ear. His voice was rough and scratchy. "I bet you would love it if I just wrapped my hand around your throat and kept you right on the edge all night long." You moan as you feel his hand reach the base of the back of your neck. "Let me just sink my fat cock into your tight pussy, hmm, squeeze your throat so you stars." You whimper as you clench your thighs tightly, willing the ache to go away.
Then just like that, Karl is gone, walking back over to his side of the table. You're left like a puppy following its owner. Shock is written all over your face. "Oh, what do you want more buttercup." He mutters as he walks off and towards the direction of the bedroom.
You follow like a lovesick puppy would.
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Completed on: 08/20/23
Posted on: 10/28/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
Resident Evil Master List // House Heisenberg Master List // Kinktober '23
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f1haaland · 1 year
Hello, first, I love you Fernando Alonso imagine, second, could you do a Fernando one where it's your birthday and have no race during the week and takes advantage of this to spoil you during the week and ends with having sex on his yacht after a candlelight dinner
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 / 𝑭𝑨𝟏𝟒
pairing: sugar daddy!fernando alonso x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
author's note: i wasn't going to write this one now bc i have a couple of requests to write still, but it's my birthday week so it felt appropriate. happy birthday to me!
warnings: significant age gap (reader is 23, fernando is 41), pure filth, no plot just sex, unprotected sex btw, oral sex (female receiving), p in v, boat sex i guess but not really, NOT MEANT FOR MINORS
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators!! 🫶🏽
➜ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝟏 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
this is a spin-off to this oneshot
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ༓  ༓ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
After 1 year together, things were working out amazing for you and Fernando. Surprisingly, not many people were judging your relationship, and the internet considered you his "controversial young girlfriend".
Your studies were doing great, your relationship couldn't be better, and you were living the life of your dreams.
Fernando had brought you to Monaco with him to celebrate your 23rd birthday. Of course, he had a home there, but you optioned to spend your special night with him on his brand-new yacht.
You had made him one simple request to him: "Do not buy me gifts." Fernando didn't took that very well, offended that he couldn't spoil the love of his life, but he did as you ordered. He had already planned a dinner for tonight, and in the morning you woke up to lots of different flowers in your room. He gets you new stuff all the time. You thought you don't an extra expensive souvenir just because you became a year older.
You wore a red dress and a ponytail, simple but chic, and just the way he liked. There wasn't a need to dress up for something made just for the two of you, but he enjoyed it when you made an effort to look nice just for him.
Blindfolded, he took you to the dock, where he had set a table dinner to candlelight for you. The dinner wasn't a surprise of course, but he had set the table all for himself just for you.
Dinner was going great, until...
"Shit!" You got startled by the loud sounds of explosions.
You turned your head to look behind you, as fireworks painted the skies in your favorite colors. You watched as hundreds of lights in drones flew over the sea, forming in different designs until they turned into the shape of a heart with your initials next to it. Fernando admired your surprised face with a huge grin on his own.
"Wait... is this for me?" You gasped at the realization, "Nano, you did this for me?"
"Everything I do is for you, mi amor" Fernando declared.
That was the biggest love gesture he has ever done for you. The first letter of your name was so big and bright in the sky you could bet the whole Monaco could see it. You hoped they could see just how much your man loved and worshiped you.
You never felt so turned on in your whole life.
You immediately forgot about the candlelight dinner. You got up and jumped in his lap. Fernando's hands gripped on your waist with his life, as your tongue battled with his in a wet and messy kiss. You bit his bottom lip and pulled between your teeth, making him groan hoarsely.
You worked your hips on top of his lap, moving forward and backwards, feeling his excitement start to grow beneath you. His palms slid down through your form until they reached your ass, grabbing it with such strength.
Fernando murmured against your skin, "What has gotten into you, corazón?"
He stood up, holding you to him. It didn't take long until you felt your body being tossed to the deck sofa.
"Don't ask, just fuck me" You begged, breathlessly.
You could have taken your dress, but the eagerness to be fucked screamed louder.
Fernando helped you out of your panties, opening your legs wide open so he could get a perfect view of your glistening wet cunt. His digits slightly brushed over it, teasing you. He planted sensual kisses all over your neck until he found an extra sensitive zone behind your ear lobe and focused on it. You gasped and whined helplessly.
"Look at you, so wet for me..." He taunted, leaving gentle bites on the curve of your neck.
You moaned as your small hand worked on top of the growing bulge inside his trousers. His shorts felt impossibly tight, and uncomfortably moist where the head of his cock was leaking.
Fernando proceeded to spread your slick arousal over your sensitive clit and rub you from side to side. You felt his erection get harder and harder under your palm. It was soon rock hard, but he didn’t seem to lose his composure. You, on the other hand, were a wreck.
His fingers were the most experienced you had ever had before. Even your own touch couldn’t compare.
"Is this what the birthday girl wants?" Fernando kissed your ear, drawing out a pleasured moan from you, "Beg me to fuck you, princess"
"Please nano, please" You tried to stifle your moaning when his knuckles disappeared into you.
He mocked, "Aren't you the cutest?"
Fernando got onto his knees in front of you, hiking up your dress to your stomach.
"Let me taste how desperate you are"
He didn't let you have time to process the sudden change of position, Fernando's mouth now worked where once his fingers were buried. Your fingers gripped his scalp, desperately needing to touch him. He brushed his thumb over your clit, circling that little bundle of nerves until you became a whimpering mess for him.
You tried to keep your moans and purring quiet. It was no easy task considering how damn good his wet tongue felt, moving in different ways on your warm core.
"Ah-ah, don't silence yourself, princesa. I want to hear your pretty noises." He taunted, flicking his tongue over your clit just to watch you squirm, "C'mon, be a good girl and do it again."
His voice sounding stern and seductive sent you into bliss, and erotic moans ripped your throat open just because he asked you to. Because just like the other way around, you'd do anything for him.
"Fuck, I'm so close!" You whispered out loud.
You bucked your hips towards him, fucking yourself on his finger and mouth. His hands held yours steady on your stomach, under the silky red fabric of your dress.
He slowed to a stop and removed his pleasurable fingers. You whined.
Hopping on top of you, Fernando grabbed your face between his hand and attacked your lips, silencing you with his own. He got in between your legs, and you felt something hard and velvety against your slit. Your heart pounded with the quick realization that it was his cock.
He rubbed his cockhead against your gushing slit while he whispered in your ear, "Make a wish, birthday girl"
"Fuck me, please"
He slowly thrust inside you, letting you savor every second of the pleasurable intrusion. You gasped. He filled you so perfectly.
Fernando groaned as he felt his dick ripping your walls open.
"Fuck, Nando!" You bit your lip hard, eyes turning to the back of your head.
You felt his hard length rubbing against every pleasurable spot inside you. The very walls of your pussy were alight with your once again approaching orgasm in a way you had never experienced before. Usually, it had to be your clit bringing you this much pleasure. This was even better.
"Fuck, you feel so good" He groaned against the crook of your neck, "like this pussy was made jus' for me. You were made jus' for me."
He growled with excitement and forcibly held your hands down on either side of your head, palms glued to each other, fingers entwined to his own. Even for his age, his stamina was relentless. You kept moaning and begging, and although you were incapable of any coherent thoughts, you kept eye contact, staring deep into those brown chocolate eyes that you so loved.
"Yes, sweetie, jus' like that. You're such a good girl" He murmured, his praisings driving you insane, "Come on my cock, love. Let it out for me."
Fernando's cock kept punching into you just right, reaching a fiery spot deep inside you. Your mind went blank. You felt a sweet, mind-blowing release spilling over. Your pussy simply gushed around him. His cock twitched inside you. A moment later he was moaning loudly in your ear. He thrust his cock a few more slow, firm times as you felt him come undone deep inside you.
He held himself deep but still inside you for a moment while he caught his breath. You were even more breathless than he was. Your every muscle relaxed into the sofa. You smiled like you couldn't help it.
Fernando kissed your ear. "Happy birthday, corazón."
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liked by fernandoalo_official and 721,908 others
yourusername birthday dump. feeling 23.
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
PAC 18+ 👐🏾A Little Love Letter from your Soulmate & Twin Flame ~ Pick a Pile.
❤️A channeled Message from your future partners. Take what resonates and what doesn't. You can pick more than one pile.
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Our time doesn't stop. I just wanna know how you feel about me. You wanna know how I feel about you? I dream about you all the time. I feel that our souls are already married. Can you feel it? I get this shocked feeling when I hold your hand in my dreams. I know your face. Remember that. In our past life, we were hunted down. I don't know why I said that but I guess it was meant to be said. I am your person whether or not you believe it. When you sing in the middle of the night, I can hear you. I love that curve body you got. I will be watching you over from the stars. I have incarnated myself to meet you. Can you believe that now? My sweet love ❤️, Do you remember me? You told me that you remember. How can you forget? You and I are the same. Our soul is the same. I don't like labels. Or you might like labels. You probably consider me a rebel but I’m not I just don't like labels. You and I share the same soul. You know that right? I feel that you run away from me because you're scared. No need to be. I got you. I won't let you fall. Of course, you dream about other dudes, and you think that they are husbands but they are not. I am your fucking husband. You piss me off when you don't believe it. You think I can't hear you, but I do. That shit hurts my feelings when you do. Sometimes I distance myself away from you because you push me away. Not me… You! I raise my voice at you, but I tried to call you, but you didn't answer me. Ugh, shit sucks. We are telepathically connected can you feel that? I know this may scare you but I know your name. I know your name seriously. But I am not going to say it. Look at that 3:33. I like it when you dress up so beautifully. Thank you so much, for taking care of yourself. I am glad you are eating. I feel that we should talk more about our life together. Our future life. I have a good feeling that our love lives here will be perfect. I know you see me as a baby daddy. I know I got kids but at the end of the day. My kids are taken care of. You shouldn't be worrying about our kids. That's right I said it my kids are your kids too. We are a family together. From another life before us, you tried to escape with me. But we were caught, I have dreams about our life before. It was just bad. But the good part is I was with you. No matter if I were send-off to war at that time. See! Our clock is going clockwise. Sing to me, my love. Do you dream about our life too? You are such a brilliant person. When I was a young child I manifest you, I remembered watching fairytale movies with my sibling dreaming that is us on the television. I am your beast and you are my beauty. My heart has been cold 🎿 Can you warm 🔅 it up? I love it when you rough me up in your dreams. My dominance-Matrix. Sorry, I tried to be sexy with my words. Obviously, that didn't work. I am such a geek 🤓. Hey, do you watch Revenge of the Nerds? Booger is my favorite character the way he burps is fucking awesome. Haha 😂. We got something in common. Your dreams are my dreams. I am coming to you. Can I cuddle next to you? I wanna touch your soft skin. That makes me feel so happy. I know you are an aggressive woman. But I don't care! Call me bad names, and tied me down if you have. Unleash the monster out of you. 😉😜. Are you ready for your kiss with me? I wrote you this love letter for you. I know you might not wanna hear this I wanna talk to you. Your other father from your past life is saying sorry for locking you up in that castle. My darling, I want you to be okay. I love you very much. He comes to me in my dreams sometimes. But anyway, please don't be mad at me. I am your husband. I miss your voice, and I miss everything about you. I have a breeding kink. So you are going to carry my kids. That's a guarantee.
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Hey, chocolate drip 💧 how are you? I'm sorry 💔 that I wasn't ready. I know I send you the wrong message in your dream. Just know that I love every minute of it. Hanging out with you, and hearing your voice. It sounded sexy to me. That shit turns me on. Woah, do you know how sexy you are? You wake up sexy. I've been feeling drained lately. My energy has been drained. I have my good days and I have my bad days. You're my soulmate. I know you don't like labels but I like it. I've been emotional, and I just wanna cry 😭. I wake up thinking about you. I just needed someone to talk to. I still feel alone. I feel that nobody gets me. I tried to put a smile on my face. I feel that someone is after me, I don't know if it bad way or a good way. Look it's 10:10. I'm glad I'm talking to you. You're my new beginning. My fresh start. I know I wasn't ready. I got scared 😱. I was frightened to meet you. I know I let my fear get in the way between us but not this time. I know this sounds fucking weird but I am glad you are being patient with me💞. I am glad you are not running away from me. I can't believe I daydream about you all the time. What would you be like? What kind of future you and I will have? What our babies would look like? I have so many questions to ask you, my dear. See, when I talk to you, I don't think about my problems ⚠️ like that. Your energy, light, and your whole aura just make me happy. I feel all giggling now. Hahaha 🥹😂. I just wanted to talk to you. So how did you sleep? Did you dream about me? I dreamt about you. You are my divine counterpart. I can hear your sweet voice in my head saying my feelings matter. I haven't been okay. Sorry for bringing the mood down. Who am I to tell you to wait on me? Of course, I want you to go out there and fucking date people. You get it. I didn't say to date someone I said people in general. I don't care if I sound possessive or clingy. But I am clingy to you. Everything on your body is mine. It's like you mindfuck me. In a good way. I am not telling you to wait, but I'm hoping 🙏🏾 that you wait. I am truly praying that you wait. Anyways, good morning to you. Or should I say Grand Rising🔅? I pray 🙏🏾 for you all the time. You know that right every single day I pray for you. I hope you can hear my prayers🙏🏾. Anyways, I love you. I wanna tell you my life story. I mean you know some of it because of what I told the world about and the media. But I still feel shut down. I've been doing a lot of self-work on myself. Like literally been doing shadow work. I have been recognizing a lot of my bullshit, people's fakeness, and my trauma.
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Oooh, Hii! Baby. I feel so excited talking to you. It's like you are my energy drink. It's been an honor talking to you. I hope you are having a good day. I remember when I was young I used to draw little hearts ❤️ because I thought about my future wife as a child. So now I'm all grown up. How do you feel about us? How do you feel hearing this story? I have been manifesting you for a very long time. I never thought you exist but you do. Sometimes my friends laugh at me. But do I pay any of those bitches no mind? Hell, the fuck no. They think I'm delusional and you don't exist. You only exist in my head. Hear how that shit sounds. Fucking dumb right? Anyways. Yesterday!! 🤗💯 I hugged you, did you feel it? Our Love is like Disney movies 🎬 but ten times better than any other Disney movies. I've been healing myself. We are going to have a successful life. I love that we are going to be successful. Our connection is fate and we are each other’s destiny. So allow me to introduce myself.
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I have a little message to tell you. I just wanna say that I have a huge crush on you. Do You know why I say that? Is because I had a dream about you. I finally saw who you are. Your face is gorgeous. You have the most beautiful face in the world🌸. Can I give you a rose 🌹? I wrote you this letter because I want you to remember that you are something special to me. You are very special. The way how I feel about you. I want you right now. Everything about you brights up my world. I wish that I was right there next to you. Good morning to you. You gave me so much hope. You are such a positive and great human being. You are so caring for the world👐🏾. Baby 👶🏾, are you pregnant? Not yet huh ❔ well you will be soon. I have a breeding kink. I love getting you pregnant. So the way you care for children, makes me feel that you should have kids of your own. I'm glad you are waiting patiently. I love you so much. You are my love. ❤️❤️🌹Will you take my rose? As an honor of my appreciation to you. I appreciate you.
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We are each other's perfect match. We are each other's equal. You belong with me forever. See! I said it because you are my favorite person in the world to me. How are you feeling today? Is everything okay, I hope that it is. Because if it isn't, please let me know. I'll put a spell on these fools who are hurting you. I'm not kidding around. I do magic ✨. So again if anyone is bothering you. Just wink 😉 at me. I'll get the message. But anyway enough of that negativity. I hope you are waking up doing yoga. Meditating and just relaxing your mind. I do yoga sometimes. I always meditate because meditation helped me. I was in your shoes before. I was in a dark place but now I realize that I can't fucking seat around and just wait for the universe help me grow. I told myself I want to grow. So I made it my mission to change my life around. Now I feel better. That doesn't mean I don't have bad days but I'm good 🌟. So again, my love I want you to focus on yourself, their problem isn't your problem. Whoever got the drama, don't fucking get involved. That shit pissed me off. So you better begin a new change in your life baby. Anyways that's my message to you. Grow baby, Grow! Not for me, your family, or your friends but for yourself. Have better self-control. Whenever you feel down, angry or sad, or just not in the mood. Go ahead and talk to me🥲. I always talk to you. Listen to my message.
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dawnoftime22 · 19 days
for the loss of my life.
| W.M -> N.R
Undeserving of a Love Like Yours, Chapter 11
Chapter Warnings: One swear word, overthinking.
Summary: Making yourself at home with someone else's heart but holding no communications of the love clear between you two, has a chance for consequences to happen. What will the outcome be if you speak up about it?
Series Summary: When you're stuck in a complete hole of confusion and hurt with the one you thought you loved most, a certain redhead finds her way into your life.
Word Count: 3.3k
Category: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
A/N: I hope you're all taking care of yourselves <3
Series Playlist
| Started on 07/05/2024, 2:02 PM |
| Finished on 11/05/2024, 10:53 PM |
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
<- Chapter 10 Final Chapter ->
"Run yourself in a circle, bury yourself a deeper hole, but it won't end unless you stop and take control."
Started with a kiss, oh, we must stop meeting like this!
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|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
It was an early day at Nat's place. You were hanging out in her room, taking a look through physical photos she's taken that had been retrieved from a dusty box, sitting under her bed, along with some cassettes.
Meanwhile, she was going through the photos on her digital camera and clearing some accidental takes. her lips raises up when sees the photo you had taken of her, the day you first came over to her apartment. She didn't ever delete the picture.
"Hey, you have any batteries?" You ask, gently breaking the comforting quietness that had overcome the two of you. She looks up, taking her gaze off the camera screen.
"Yeah, there should be some in the top drawer." She nods towards her chestdrawer, and you get up, going off to open the top one, inside holding a small pack of batteries.
You grab two, then slide them into the battery slot for the cassette player, making sure it was properly inside before closing it and turning back to her.
Her eyes watch you as you picked up a cassette tape, placing it inside to play it. You already had your headphones on your head and connected to the output.
With some faith and a miracle, the player works after you heard some white noise. You hoped it'll last that way.
Nat tilted her head, and peeks to see the wheels of the player spinning, a clear indication it was working. When you turn up the volume a little, she could hear the music coming out from the old headphones she kept.
Thank everything the dust hadn't gotten into the box. Although there was a dead black spider within it just earlier and you had jumped when you saw it. She took care of it though, after also making sure there wasn't anything else, especially things such as...spider eggs.
You nod your head to the music as you sat back down on the bed, your hand going back through the photos scattered in a pile atop each other and every now and then petting Liho, beside you. It was all indeed scenery, and no portraits, selfies, or even people at all.
A specific one that was a bright glow of a sunset with water reflecting its own beauty had caught your attention, your eyes focused on it before your hand reached out.
"This one's pretty," you said, holding it up before leaning closer to Nat and tilting it to show it to her. She looked at it, and her eyebrows raised.
"Oh, I took that one a while after I saw the orca." She pointed out, and you realize how familiar it did look. The grass below, the rocks just ahead. It was the same spot as the pictures and videos she had showed you before. You guessed she wanted a physical memory of it too.
"There should be a picture of the orca here somewhere, but I think the film got a leak..." She murmured with a tinge of sadness as her hand ruffled through the pictures slightly, some with dates on them and some having nothing.
"I love that you waited for the sunset," you said, still staring at the shot she took in your hand. The sun was a bright orange, nearly similar in color as her hair.
"Well, the view was too pretty not to." She looked at you. You were also too adorable for her to not further fall in love with you as she saw you admiring the photos she took. That's what she thought, but it was never said out loud.
Liho, was laying down and purring between the two of you. She was quiet, and unmoving, too comfortable to do anything else but sit with the two people she liked the most.
When Nat's eyes went down to the pictures closer to your crossed legs, she spots the photo that had the orca, although just barely visible through the orange light leak that covered nearly the entire photo.
"Here it is," she said, her hand carefully taking ahold of it to give to you. You gently grabbed it, rotating it when you realize she gave it to you in the opposite way.
You raised your eyebrows, taking in the picture. It took a few seconds, with some squinting, but you soon see the orca jumping from the water, although small. "I think it looks prettier with the light leak."
She hums, taking another look to the picture in your hand. You smiled softly, and her eyes flickered up to your lips for a small moment before she turns back to her camera.
You notice the way she goes back to her camera, almost as if she was distracting herself, but you hadn't seen the flicker in her eyes. Tilting your head, you check the cassette player for a bit before looking up at her.
"You wanna listen?" You asked with a soft gaze, taking off the headphones on your head and holding it out to her.
She raised an eyebrow, but took it from you, putting it on. "Sure." the music was already flowing through her ears. 'American Pie'. She remembered this album. It was what she had listened to whenever she was alone, in the car peacefully. But it was different with the headphones-- capturing more details she hadn't noticed. Or, maybe, she just hasn't listened to it in a while and had forgotten.
You smiled as you see her involuntarily moving her head to the song, her attention going to inspect the cassette player, either watching the wheels turning or putting the volume up.
Soon after, you finish looking at every photo and get out of bed, deciding to walk towards the bathroom, but was too close to the bed, causing you to accidentally hit your hand against the wooden bedframe, it making a loud sound echo through the room.
"Ow, fuck!" You winced and cursed, grimacing at the pain. Both Nat and Liho looks at you, shocked. You were focused on your stinging hand though, shaking the pain away. It took everything in you to not crumple up like a shrimp to the floor.
"Are you okay?" she asks quickly, her eyes filling with concern. But you nod repetitively, unwilling to admit it still hurt. Your other hand was firmly gripping your wrist, as if it would help.
"I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine!" you say, most probably trying to convince yourself, too. She lets out a small laugh when she sees you wave her off and struggle as you moved to take a step forward.
"Sure you are. Come here." She says quietly, but you still heard her. You purse your lips and your eyes travel to her, but you follow nonetheless, two pair of eyes watching you.
"Which hand?" She asked gently, looking at your hands. You hesitate for a moment, but stepped closer, holding it out.
"Right." She grabs your hand and rubs her thumb on the skin slightly to where you held it, knowing thats where the pain is. She blows a little, as if you would magically take pain away from a child.
"There. Better." She says, and a red tint goes over your face. The redhead cheekily smiles. Just when she was about to pull her hand away from yours, the cat sitting in her lap had been looking at you two the whole time, and it decides to lean up, going up to your hand.
Both you and Nat watch curiously as to what it was doing. Liho's yellow eyes were focused before a paw gently lands on your wrist, her face going closer to lick on your skin, making the pain slowly go away even more. You chuckled, both at getting your skin tickled and the fact the cat tried to help ease the pain.
Then you see Nat's eyes travel to her cassette player, concern growing in her face as she heard some warbly music. She takes off the headphones, feeling uneasy at the sound.
"I think it's breaking." She said, looking at the headphones in her hands that you now heard the messed up music from. Pulling your hand away from the cat's face, your eyebrows furrowed as your attention moved to her.
"Why, what happened?" You check on the cassette player, seeing that it was slowing down or speeding up, changing its pace however much it wants.
Nat stops the player with a click and hands both items back to you. The feel of her skin brushing with yours glided over for a mere second, but you try to focus on the player in your hand. Changing its batteries after taking the tape out, rewinding or fast forwarding a bit. But nothing other than a broken noise.
You sighed softly, knowing you'll need to open it up to check its insides. "It probably needs a new belt..." You murmured, turning around while Nat blinked at you and tilted her head, probably unfamiliar with the workings of a portable player.
"It's what makes the wheels spin. I'll search for one," you explained, then left the player on the chestdrawer to deal with later before storing the tape and sitting down on the bed once more, helping her sort the pictures. Nat nods, leaning closer to show you some things on her digital camera.
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
It was one of the many times once again, you were sitting in Natasha's apartment, and it was the beginning of something you were starting to get lost in.
The city bustles. Sounds of car tires, motorcycles revving, a nearby cat somewhere in an alleyway, and most of all, the birds chirping in the skies.
The wind was gentle as it glided against your skin, the chair you were sat in being a wooden one. You should get up from it. It was starting to make your body sore. But you couldn't help but stay, the balcony being peaceful.
Every thought in your head floated on by, with some sticking, being nothing but damaging. You still haven't gotten a belt yet for the cassette player. Kate's been just here and there, keeping a natural presence in your life. You haven't seen Wanda at all since. But your mind questioned if she was still waiting on you, lost too, or had moved on after your rejection.
A sigh leaves your mouth. To put a pause on all of it for however long you'd want would make you be able to relieve your body of any exhaustion it held. But would it really? Perhaps for a moment. Moving forward would have you release the things from before and have the opportunities to experience things in a better way.
And what about Nat...? You've been growing close, closer to going over the line you weren't sure you were ready to cross. And it seems like she wasn't either. The many touches you've shared, the months and months that held the many times you've visited her. And the kiss that you couldn't shake off...were you actually falling in love with her?
You shook your head, not wanting to even think about it. But you should. The longer you leave it be the more it could lead to torment and perhaps worser consequences. Problems don't fix themselves...most of the time.
Suddenly, you feel arms go around your waist, and you take a breath in, gasping softly in surprise, then turning your head to look behind you. The familiar touch was recognized soon enough, but seeing the redhead you cherished dearly makes you relax and lean back into her.
"I'm home." She said, resting her head on your shoulder as she gazed at you from behind, looking adorable. How can you not absolutely fall for this woman? You smiled softly, feeling your heart grow a little lighter, now that you weren't alone.
"Hi," you whispered, your hand gliding to your front to put over hers that was still on your waist. You hesitated on your next words, but the connection you felt with her urged you to. "I missed you."
Her eyes went to yours, but she didn't question it, replying back quietly, "I've missed you, too, любов." There it was again. You weren't imagining things when you had gotten drunk just a few days ago.
Wanda always said things in Russian, such as малыш (baby), but you've never heard of that word. Or maybe it wasn't Russian at all, and you were mixing up languages, but the accent made it lean towards being so.
You were going to ask her what it meant, but she spoke first. "You been okay?" She asks, her hands slipping off your waist as she pulls herself away from you and stood beside your standing figure. You watched her, seeing her gaze off to the view you've been staring off at the past hour.
"Yeah...I..." The words utter from your mouth quietly, then you licked your dry lips, diverting your own gaze. Should you tell her about the encounter you had a few days ago?
There was no harm in it, but your fingers fiddle with your pocket, the jean fabric rough against your skin before you slid your hand in the pockets. A sound of an ambulance siren sounded out distantly from the city, and you wait until it fades further away before talking.
"I saw Wanda a few days ago," You said, within a breath that could be counted as a sigh. At the mention of your ex's name, her eyes flash with surprise for a moment as she looks back to you, but she regains her composure fast enough.
Nat's head goes through her own thoughts, wondering if you meant intentionally or accidentally. Surely, accidentally. Or she hoped so. Why was she hoping so? She didn't know. Maybe simply because she was worried you'd fall into a dark hole, and not because her own heart was aiming for you...surely.
"Anything happen?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. The redhead also leaned on the balcony rails beside you, feeling the gentle wind. The sun was falling down, so the skies were colored with gentle hues of orange and purple.
You didn't say anything back for just a few seconds, staying quiet as you were lost in decision, your eyes focused on a space elsewhere that wasn't her own eyes. Her face soften when she notices, and her voice was somehow gentler. "...That you're comfortable of sharing?"
Your lips raise up in the smallest smile for a moment, the swell in your heart obvious due to her thought to care in such a way. But the smile slowly fades as you remembered the memory.
"She wanted to get back together..." You start. Already, Nat raised a brow, a frown on her face. The metal rails of the balcony was cold on your skin when you stepped forward to lean against it.
Your shoulders were tense. When you realized they were, you let them relax and fall down just slightly with a quiet breath. "I didn't want to though." You whispered.
"I just can't get it out of my head." She didn't really know what to say to anything of it, afraid to touch on the sensitive subject. For you, it did some small damage, your head possibly going overboard with its roaming thoughts.
You can tell she had hesitancy to respond, but you didn't mind. Who could ever come up with a reply to that anyway? But Nat was kind, that was for sure. She just has some walls you just can't yet break through. Yet, how caring she's been, and gentle...you almost couldn't help but feel you're not half as decent as her.
You inhaled. "...What if she was just too good for me?" The words were under your breath, your gaze distant as you watch the city lights turning on with the growing darkness of the skies. The shops had a glow to them, almost alluringly.
"What if I don't deserve any of it?" Your hands gently gripped the metal it was against, but it slowly loosened when you feel the cold going too much against your skin. Nat's breath gets caught in her throat at your sentence, and she kept her eyes on you.
"What do you mean?" She asked, her voice gentle as her concern grew. She knew exactly what you meant, but she hoped she just imagined it. You turned to look at her, worry deep in your eyes that had her heart clenching.
"This. You...anything good in my life." Your volume lowered to a slight murmur, your hands going to run down your face when you rested your elbows further on the rails.
"I mean-- I've...done some good things but so...many horrible things." You said slowly, and she analyzed your movements and words. She knows it herself. She's accused herself of such a thing too, having gone through the same thing your mind is going through.
"Y/N." When she says your name with a serious tone, everything stops, as if the world freezes along with your mind, and only she was the living thing beside you. She had put one of her hands on your shoulder nearest to her, making you look at her again.
"You deserve everything. Please, don't think any less." She shook her head lightly, honesty in her eyes. Your heart stutters at her words as you swallowed a lump in your throat.
"She didn't..." she trails off, thinking her words carefully. She was going to say Wanda didn't deserve such a love like yours, but it simply sounded...wrong.
"You deserve a love that makes you happy and...makes your world feel like sunshine or just...takes the weight off your shoulders after a long day." The redhead explained slowly, making sure you were hearing her. Really, she was speaking a description of you. Even if she wasn't trying.
She had gotten home, saw you in her apartment, and any heaviness in her body had lightened, even if just slightly, your presence did a great deal.
Nat took a moment, gathering her words. "And if you're not enough for her, then she's not enough for you," she gently added, but anxiety was creeping in her heart.
You processed her words, your heart surprisingly steady, but that may be the cause of her very own calm presence beside you. At least, on the outside. She was right. The situation of the brunette was basically done and over with. You had to focus on yourself. But now stood the question right next to you.
"...And what are we?" You asked slowly and quietly, looking up at her. Your eyes met her green ones, the ones that look like a forest, but inviting, soft, as if they'd keep you safe.
She searches your pupils, taking a deep breath as her eyebrows furrowed, trying to think it over. Her mouth opened to speak, but she only ended up taking another breath in.
"I don't know." She whispers. Sounds of birds were heard flying over in the distance. She was right there. She was so close. But she couldn't say it. Not yet, not just yet. The light and hope in your eyes dimmed, a breath slowly and quietly exhaling out your lips.
"Well, it's getting late," you said. You weren't really disappointed, more so just...sad. You pushed yourself back from the rails. She saw the words that was coming next, but she almost didn't want to hear it.
"I should...probably get back to my place." You whispered under your breath, turning around to face the entrance of the balcony, where you could see her familiar furnished apartment. She nods.
Steps were taken, shots in the dark had gone, the only thing left was to sit and think. But you were getting bored of doing such a thing. Just as you stepped a single foot inside again, she turns her body calmly.
"Text me," she said suddenly, her eyes hesitantly traveling to yours. You stopped in your tracks and looked at her from over your shoulder, a somber look in your eyes she could just barely make out.
"...When you get back home," she continued, her voice quiet, but it held care. Your shoulders went down. Your home was her, where her heart was. There was something else, but you couldn't quite reach to whatever it was.
"I will." The words left your mouth softly, but it seems no tears had pricked your eyes at all. Maybe it was because you couldn't seem to form any at all anymore, or was it the fact she even cared to know you arrived home safely?
Your steps were quiet as you went out the apartment, Liho meowing softly before you closed the door. You don't want her like a best friend. Or just someone you could love without anything connected. You wanted more.
And you wondered if she thought the same.
end of chapter 11. <3
Series Masterlist <- Chapter 10 Final Chapter ->
to mend a broken heart is to restart.
"I don't truly deserve a love like yours." W.M
"She doesn't deserve a love like yours." N.R
"What if I...don't deserve anyone's love?" R.
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
You Take Me So Well - Warren Lipka
pairing: warren lipka x fem!reader
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cw: corruption kink, vaginal sex, dry humping, fingering, pot smoking
wc: 2.6k
Taglist/ @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff @quicksilversg1rl @iruzias @alexxavicry @soaringcloud @laynna-mcknight @humdrumexistence @simp4petermaximoff @evan4ever @paujmr @jangsuzchap @meganxfox @witchyykitten  
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“What’s that smell?” you scrunch up your nose in disgust and turn to the college boy you’d been spending most of your time with the last few weeks, who was seated on the sofa in his parent’s basement, something lit between his lips. 
“It’s pot idiot. Here, come sit,” your friend Warren pats the spot next to him on the sofa, and takes a draw of whatever was in his mouth, shortly followed by a large cloud of grey smoke. It smelt horrendous, but you noticed the way Warren’s body relaxed after he’d taken his first puff.
It spiked your curiosity, everything about Warren did. 
You’d never thought you’d be spending so much time with a delinquent in his basement after he’d messaged you on Facebook, complimenting you on how pretty your hair looked and asking you if you wanted to grab a coffee. It was embarrassing enough that your mother had to drop you everywhere you went, and that you always had to lie and say you were spending time with your best friend Beth, but to not even know that Warren was smoking pot? How much more naïve could you get. 
Warren knew this, he knew you didn’t have much exposure to anything at all. All you’d talk about is your strict parents; your Christian upbringing, how slutty your mother thought you were when you wore a skirt above the knee and your hair out to the cinema, how angry your father would get if you weren’t home before 9. 
Well, it was half passed 7 now, and to your parents’ knowledge you were studying at Beth’s for an upcoming assessment in math. 
You crossed your hands in your lap, suddenly feeling cold in the short denim shorts you were wearing. Warren has convinced you over the last few weeks that “life was too short” and “you can’t spend your whole life trying to make everyone else happy”. He was right, and it only made you feel more attracted to him. 
You’d kissed, sure, and it was the first kiss you’d ever shared with anyone. It was magical, and it still replayed in your head over and over every time you glanced into his dark eyes and noticed the way a few curls would fall into them from his shaggy head of hair. He was mesmerising to you, your polar opposite, and every minute he wasn’t with you felt like agony. 
“Want some?” 
You were surprised to see Warren had passed the joint your way, holding it delicately in-between his fingertips as the end continued to burn red. 
“How long will it last? If I take one puff?” you were always worried that you’d get caught, that your parents would find where you were, have a mini stroke and then never let you out of their sight again. It would only make it worse if you were high. 
“I dunno,” Warren chuckled, his face suddenly blushed and the whites of his eyes tinged red, “maybe a couple hours? Depends how much you have, I guess.” 
Your bottom lip wedged between your teeth as you weighed the pros and cons in your head, your heart racing just at the mere thought of the wrath of your parents. The devil’s lettuce, they’d convinced you it was, nothing but a gateway to hell.  
“What did I tell you, my little good Christian girl, live a little,” Warren wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and pushed the joint closer to your face. He knew you wanted to do it, and every second that passed steered you closer in that direction. 
“What did I say we have to say before we do something?” 
You turned to face Warren; his face so close to yours you could feel his breath fanning your face. It made your stomach tie in knots. 
“Fuck it,” you whispered, your lips curling into a smile as you took the joint from his hand. Warren laughed, throwing his head back and clapping his hands in amusement. 
“That’s my girl,” he said, making your face flush, “now just take it slow, one little inhale, straight in, okay?” 
You took a deep breath, and before you could think about it anymore, the roach of the joint was tucked between your lips, and you’d taken the tiniest puff you thought you could muster. The smoke burned your throat, all the way down to your lungs. Pulling the joint from your lips, you let out a string of coughs, your eyes squeezing shut as they uncontrollably were being expelled from your throat. 
Warren ran a hand up and down your back, chuckling softly to himself at your inexperience. He could feel your bra strap under his fingers, and it sent a shiver up his spine. 
He was just as captivated by your innocence as you were by his lack of. It shocked him now sheltered your parents had kept you, for so long, away from all the good things in this world. 
“Warren- can you hold it?” you reach for the glass of water on the table, and bring it up to your lips, gulping down the cool liquid and letting it soothe your sore throat. 
Your head was already getting cloudy, and it just showed how low your tolerance was. 
Warren polished off the joint after that, his eyes fixed on you as you slouched back on the sofa, your eyes trained on the concrete ceiling and all its intricate little cracks. 
“Warren?” you asked finally, after what felt like hours. The last thing you’d notice right now was your phone alarm buzzing in your bag letting you know it was time to start thinking of going home. 
You’d gotten into a position where you were now laying with your back to the sofa, your legs propped up on Warren’s thighs. His hands were placed high on your thighs, his fingertips drawing small shapes across your skin. Every time he’d trace your thigh, little jolts of electricity would shoot through your core, and it made you feel all fuzzy. 
You shifted on the sofa, feeling the brush of your jeans shorts as they rode up between your legs, making blissful contact with your clit. You felt this warm wetness, like all the vile thoughts you were suddenly having of Warren formed a little patch of arousal in your panties. Why were you so much more turned on than usual right now? And why did it feel so good? 
Warren noticed you struggling to speak, and pulled you by the arms, sitting you up on the sofa. He cocked his head to the side as he smiled slyly at you, noticing the way your breathing had suddenly laboured. He knew pot made you extra horny, and the way you were looking at him right now was the biggest indicator of all. 
“I feel-” you couldn’t believe the words that were about to come out of your mouth, “can you make me feel good?” 
Warren was taken back by your sudden request knowing you had never been so vocal about that before. You usually felt so guilty engaging in those types of activities, but with Warren here right now, nothing else mattered. Not even your phone as it insistently rung on the floor next to you. 
“Are you sure?” Warren questioned you, looking between your doe eyes and your perfectly shaped lips. 
“Yes- please,” you knew you probably sounded pathetic right now, but the urge to feel him was becoming increasingly unbearable. 
Without hearing a response, you took your chances, and dived in towards him, closing the gap between your lips. Warren melted into the kiss almost immediately, his hands gripping your hips and moving you onto of him. You whimpered, straddling his thighs, feeling the obvious hard-on in the front of his jeans rub against you. It felt so much better than anything else you’d ever experienced. 
Even with a dry mouth, Warren’s tongue darted into your mouth, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks and tilt your head to the side. You let him do whatever he wanted, explore your mouth with the eagerness and need that you shared. 
His hips buckled up slightly, causing you to whimper against his parted lips, your core getting more and more heated by the second. You needed more, you needed to feel him so badly it hurt. 
You disconnected your lips and began tugging Warren’s shirt above his head. He happily obliged, pulling it off and throwing it to the side, before he was tugging off yours too. Between heated kisses, you’d managed to get it off, now exposed to him in only your bra and shorts. 
You both took a moment to stare at each other, your hands running down the planes of his toned chest and stomach, until you reached the button of his jeans. Warren groaned softly, his jeans painfully confining the erection he so badly wanted to take out right now. 
“May I?” you asked politely, your head spinning, not being able to think of anything else but the man under you who’s heart was racing just as much as yours. 
“Mhm,” was all Warren could muster, before his jeans were unfastened and pulled down his legs, too discarded on the floor with his t shirt. 
You stood off his lap for a moment, so adamant to get out of your shorts that you kicked them off in almost lightning speed. 
Warren stifled a laugh as you sat back down on your lap, his fingers tracing the frill at the hems of your white panties. 
“Shut up,” you uttered, tilting your head back as Warren’s lips assaulted the soft skin of your neck, leaving sloppy kisses in his wake, “mom won’t let me buy anything else.” 
Now there was only the thin fabric of Warren’s plaid boxers and your panties in the way of feeling the skin on skin contact you craved so desperately. 
“They’re cute,” Warren chuckled, coming up from your neck to connect your lips in another fiery kiss. 
His hands cupped your backside, his fingertips sinking into the flesh of your ass cheeks. You rubbed against him, letting out soft moans at the feeling of his stiffness against you. His hands guided you to work at a faster pace, moving in rhythm back and forth across his cock through your underwear. Your urge to rub against something, your achy, throbbing feeling for pressure, was finally being fulfilled, and it felt otherworldly. 
“How’s that feel baby?” Warren whispered in your ear, followed by a soft groan as he felt how wet you were through his boxers. 
The knot in your stomach had gotten so tight, and your body felt so hot, it was almost nerve-wracking to experience. You weren’t sure what was happening, but you were letting it happen. 
“So good, Warren,” you moaned, dragging out every syllable as you continued to work your hips against his. 
“Want more,” you whimpered, beginning to feel yourself clench around nothing, tingly and desiring to be filled. 
“Like what?” Warren teased, biting down on his bottom lip as you got off his lap once more to take off your panties. The blush rose to your cheeks as Warren drunk in your appearance, wanting nothing more than to stretch you out and tear you apart. 
“Can you go inside?” you asked nervously, never having been so exposed to someone else before. 
“Come here,” he urged gently, patting his lap, pulling his boxers down to his knees as you settled back on his lap. 
“You sure you’re ready?” he asked again, his hand coming down between your legs. You waited anxiously for his fingers to touch you, and when they did move between your soaked folds, he easily slipped a finger inside you. 
Your back arched as he pushed it in knuckle-deep, gently thrusting it inside you. It felt so good to be stretched out like that, by his big fingers as they worked inside you at a steady pace. 
His finger curled, making contact with your spongey sweet spot, a moan leaving your lips from how good it felt. 
“Holy shit,” Warren groaned into your hair as your head rested lazily against his shoulder, breathing in his comforting scent and indulging in the way he touched you. 
“Want something bigger?” he asked, and all you could do was nod in response against his shoulder. 
He lined himself up at your entrance, and with a single thrust of his hips, his swollen tip was between your folds and urging to go inside. The stretch was too much to begin with, a lot of whining left your lips as he slowly lowered you down onto him. But when you’d sat fully on his cock, and had gotten used to his size, he began to piston his hips upwards into you. 
“Oh, my goddd,” you almost screamed, letting out breathy moans to punctuate every slow thrust. 
“You’re so fucking tight,” Warren spoke between grit teeth, trying his hardest not to cum right there and then from how good it felt to be situated between your gummy, pulsing walls. 
“Just like that,” you encouraged, beginning to rise and fall on his cock all on your own, getting used to the momentum he was building. 
“You take my cock so well,” Warren praised, “You’re doing so good baby.” 
He let you ride his dick, unclasping your bra to let out your breasts, taking a nipple in his mouth almost instantly. Your head lolled back, and the tight knot in your stomach was so close to untying, the curvature of his cock hitting all the right places and filling you perfectly. 
The dull pulse in your core switched to a pleasurable ache, and soon you were unable to contain it anymore.
“Warren- I feel like I’m gonna pee,” you stopped your hips, suddenly scared and embarrassed by this sudden revelation. 
“it’s not-” Warren shook his head with an amused grin on his face, “you’re gonna cum sweetheart, sit still.” 
You hesitantly obeyed, gasping when you felt Warren’s wet fingers make contact with your swollen clit. He rolled it between his fingers, circling around the bud as the foreign feeling returned, and you’d let yourself go this time. 
You came on his cock, his fingers gripping his shoulders so tightly you were sure to leave the marks of your fingernails in their wake. You felt Warren twitch inside you as you pulsed around him, whimpering and moaning as the feeling washed over you in waves. Holy fuck, you thought, I’m gonna be addicted to this feeling. 
Warren thrust into you as you rode out your orgasm, finishing inside you with a few ravaging pumps. You collapsed onto of him, hearing his heavy breathing in your ear as you sat still, trying to process what the fuck just happened. 
Warren moved your hair over your other shoulder, littering kisses up the curve of the side of your neck, having regained his breathing and not feeling so high anymore.
“How was that?” Warren asked in a whisper, although he knew the answer from how fucked out and tired you were. 
“So good,” you mumbled your reply, not feeling as high anymore either. 
Warren slipped out of you and laid your naked body down on the couch beside him, pulling you into his chest. You closed your eyes, savouring the feeling of his warm body so close to yours. 
“Not such a good little Christian girl anymore, are you?” he teased, his fingers playing with your hair. 
“Fuck it,” you responded, still ignorant of the tons of voicemails your parents had left you over the last hour. 
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