#and you wouldnt open without. having someone available to make the food
blookmallow · 1 year
so wait how was the krusty krab functioning before spongebob was hired. bc in the first episode squidward already works there, and spongebob is already familiar with it/has been dreaming of working there, so its already like. an established restaurant at this point. i dont remember the context but theres an episode somewhere where squidward has to take over for spongebob and he burns literally everything so we know squidward can't be the frycook. is mr krabs doing it himself? that doesnt sound like him
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mtfstuff · 1 year
The desired role
I never thought my life could change this drastically. Let me tell you that I once was a strong and fair cop but I lost all of that quickly without fully realizing what I did. It all started a few months ago on this fateful afternoon.
On that day I was on my patrol, driving around in my police cruiser looking for potential trouble as usual.
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I had gotten a call from a young woman that it seems like a young man is selling himself for sex to other men in a more remote area of the town. I was driving around there to see if I could spit him and I could after a fee minutes of searching. I carefully parked the cruiser and tried to sneak up on them. They were in the back of an alley. I could see the young man wearing skin tight latex from neck to toes. He was getting fucked by an older man with a beer gut while another man demanded the young man to suck his dick. I came closer but one of the older man noticed me and started to run. I quickly started to run towards them, shouting at them to stand still. The second man pushed the young man towards me and started to run away too.
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I catched the young man and could only watch as the two old men ran through a backdoor and closed it. I handcuffed the young man and then walked up to the backdoor, trying to pry it open but to no avail. The thick metal door didnt move a bit. I got back to the young man and looked at him thoroughly. His body from neck to toes was covered in latex, even his hands. The only places free of latex was his crotch area and a hole around his butt. His dick was locked away in a chastity cage. He seemed intimidated by me as he didnt even reach my shoulders.
"Are you even old enough to sell yourself in this 'business'?", I asked him starting to walk him towards the cruiser.
"Is this regarding my size? Yeah I know I look young with my 5' but I can assure you that I'm 26 years old.", he answered cowardly.
"Do you have any ID to back up that claim?"
"No. I lost everything around 4 months ago."
I pushed him into the backseat.
I got into the car on the drivers seat.
"Whats your name?", I asked opening the criminal justice information system.
"Jordan Blight.", he said. I could hear him starting to sob.
I entered his name into the computer and found multiple things about him. It started with him disappearing, followed by multiple offensive crimes.
I exhaled deeply. By the looks of it this guy would now go to prison even though I knew that from the way he looked he wouldnt survive a week there.
Jordan must've had a similar thought as he started crying.
"Please... I'll do anything. I just cant go to prison. Please!", he cried.
"Sorry man, but I cant help you.", I answered looking at him through the rearview mirror.
"Please...", he continued crying. "I'll do anything... do you need sexual relief? I'm supposedly good at it. Do you need someone to talk to? I'm a good listener."
I stayed silent. I felt somewhat pitty for him and his situation.
"Do you need someone to get drugs? I know some who have them.", he continued.
I looked at him concerned.
"Or do you want me as an insider? Or should I be your slave?"
I subconsciously moved an eyebrow and unfortunatly Jordan noticed it.
"What was it? The insider or the slave?", he asked with a grin.
I cleared my throat.
"How did you get in your situation? I mean I wouldnt choose to walk around in a latex suit covering everything but my head, dick and ass.", I asked.
"Changing the subject, I see.", he snickered. "I was drugged by some I considered friends. They stripped me, put me in this latex suit and cock cage. They also made sure that I dont get out by welding the zipper fully into the suit. They then brought me here, into a city I dont know to make me a sex slave. And they succeeded. I got addicted to sex and drugs over the last few months. It feels like I know more about the taste of dicks and cum than real food. It feels like I dont even remember how it feels to wear something else than latex."
"I'm sorry to hear that. I - I dont even know what to say.", I said.
"Say if it was the slave or the insider.", he laughed.
"Neither. Just a weird thought I sometimes have."
"Tell me about it."
I felt torn. He had the right appearance for my weird wish but he was just a stranger, even more a stranger I've just arrested. But I still had this feeling that I could tell him.
"Since I was in pre-school I was the tallest guy and even without working out I was pretty muscular.", I said. "And I dont know why as my family isnt tall at all. Since then I started to get this wish, to feel small. Even get somewhat humiliated."
It was a weird silence.
"I didnt see that coming.", Jordan said. "You, this hunk of a good looking man, wants to be humiliated. You want to be in my position?"
"Yeah, I do.", I said. "I just want to know how it feels."
"Well, I'd do anything to not go to prison but I dont know how much I could humiliate you."
He chuckled.
"I mean I'm 5' and you're like 6'3.", he added.
"6'5 to be precise.", I said. "I could have something that would change this situation. Only if you're down for it."
"I'd be doing it if it means that I wont go to prison, so yeah. Tell me, what is it you have."
I moved around in my seat, fearing his reaction to what I would tell him.
"I have a body swap item with me.", I told him.
He bursted out into laughs. It was almost contagious. Almost.
He slowly caught himself again.
"You cant be serious!", he looked at me. "Oh shit, you're serious."
"I dont know if it works but it could be your way out of prison if you do it with me for a short time. Its said to be reversible so we'd swap back after that session of ours.", I said.
He thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I always wondered how it felt to have a body as incredible as yours."
"Then its a deal.", I started the engine and drove us to an even more remote area of the city.
When we arrived I turned off the cruiser and got out. I opened the trunk of the cruiser and took a strange needle out of it. I closed it and opened Jordan's door. I pulled him out and pushed him into an abandoned alleyway.
I unlocked his handcuffs and he rubbed his wrists.
"So how does this work?", Jordan asked.
"We have to prick a finger each with this.", I held the needle in front of him. "Then the pricked tips have to touch and then we swap or transform into each other. That wasnt fully clear."
"Then lets do it.", he answered.
I took one of his fingers and pricked the tip. He let out a slight gasp. Then I pricked my finger and held it up. He pressed his finger against mine and I immediately felt a weird sensation, as if a force was pulling my whole body from my finger.
Jordan musst have felt it himself as he pulled his hand away. I looked at him and noticed that he started to grow, not just in height but also in terms of muscles. His latex suit got pulled thinner and thinner before it finally ripped in multiple places. The scraps of latex fell to the ground, revealing Jordans new muscular body that was still growing. I could immediately see that his muscles looked like mine. Jordan marveled at his new body, already smelling his armpits or feeling his abs. I looked down at his dick to see if it was growing too and it did. It was already straining against the cage before the cage sprung open and fell to the ground. Jordan's dick was the spitting image of mine and it was rock hard.
Jordan was almost the same height as me now and only his face looked different. A beard stubble was starting to grow on his cheeks as his bone structure started to morph into mine. His hair grew shorter and his eye color changed. It took only a few seconds and it was as if I was looking into a mirror. A naked mirror.
"This is incredible!", Jordan said feeling his biceps. "We could be twins right now! But shouldnt you look like me?"
"Yeah, I thought I would transform too but until now I only have this strange feeling.", right then the feeling changed and I started to shrink. While shrinking my uniform felt heavier and the gun holster looser every second and suddenly my pants, including my boxers, fell to the ground. My jacket and vest were huge on me, my hands didnt even stick out of the sleeve anymore and my dick was hidden behind the vest but I could feel how hard it was. It was almost painful.
I looked at Jordan and he had a huge grin on his face.
"Your manly face on my body wearing a uniform thats to big for you is just a funny sight to behold.", he said not letting go of his new muscles.
I started to feel my face change. The receding beard as well as the quickly growing hair tickled. With a faint plop I could hear my bones change and then the feeling vanished.
"Looks like I'm the officer now.", Jordan said.
He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up. I could feel my socks and boots slip off my feet before I felt the cold ground beneath my butt. Jordan had dropped me.
"Man this strength is crazy!", he exclaimed.
I coughed a few times, trying to get my throat to feel normal again.
Jordan grabbed my arms and quickly pulled the rest of the uniform off of my body. I was now sitting on the cold floor completely naked.
Jordan dropped the vest, jacket and undershirt. I could hear him breathing heavily.
"I havent worn real clothes for months.", I could hear him say to himself.
He picked up my boxers from my pants and looked at them in his hands. He quickly smelled them and let out a quiet moan before carefully slipping his legs through them. He pulled them up to his hips and took his time to position his new big dick in a comfortable place.
It looked like Jordan quickly forgot about me because of the uniform.
He continued by pulling my socks out of my boots before pulling them over his feet and muscular calves. He wiggled his toes and giggled.
He grabbed the undershirt and pulled it over his broad chest. I marveled at how great it fit him. I now saw that I truly knew how to show off my body.
He removed the gun holster from the belt before stepping into the pants. He closed the belt and added the holster back.
He grabbed the jacket and quickly put it on before adding the vest onto his torso.
The last thing left were the boots. He seemed to almost celebrate this. He grabbed them and slowly unlaced them. He relished stepping into them, I could see it. He tied them again and took a few steps.
"This feels so good. Wearing real clothes, a uniform even. And then wearing shoes again. No more barefoot in latex.", he said.
Standing before me really was the spitting image of me, officer Stephen Benson. An officer with a bright future, thinking about how he could do anything as me now made my dick even harder.
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"What are you going to do with me, officer?", I asked trying to get his attention.
He helped me up before pushing me face first against the wall.
"You can be more than lucky I got my uniform back. Impersonating an officer is a serious crime!", he said.
I felt him rubbing his crotch against my back.
"That was all just a big misunderstanding sir!", I answered.
I suddenly felt how he put the handcuffs around my wrists on my back.
"Misunderstanding or not, you're going to jail.", he said.
I got nervous, was he just roleplaying or taking over my life. I wanted to be submissive but I didnt want to go to jail. The thought of him taking over made me even harder. My dick was pressing so hard against the dirty brick wall.
"You're lucky as I'm in need of sexual relief.", he turned me around to face him. "And you may not go to jail if you go down and do a thing for me."
Jordan had a devilish grin on my old face. I went down and he immediately pushed my face into my old crotch. I could smell the fabric as well as the stench of my old sweat. But most of all I could feel the outline of the beast inside the pants that was once mine.
He continued pressing my face into his crotch.
"Worship me. Worship my muscles and uniform!", he said.
I couldnt answer because my face was pushed so hard against his crotch but I managed to move my hands behind my back to get his attention there.
He bent himself over me to unlock one side of the handcuffs again.
I immediately moved my hands to his firm butt and squeezed it. My hands slowly ran down his legs, feeling the muscles beneath the fabric every time he flexed his legs. I knew that it should be wrong, worshipping your real body but it just felt so good.
My hands went down further, now slightly massaging his calves before I ran my hands over my combat boots he now wore. Touching the leather felt surprisingly good so I kept working on his feet. That combined with inhaling the musk of my old crotch and uniform felt intoxicating.
"Take it out and suck it!", I heard Jordan order with my old deep voice.
It sent chills down my spine knowing that I sounded like that before but now I wasnt in control of it or any other part of that body.
I opened the belt and pants and pulled out his dick. It was more than massive from my point of view and it was already throbbing and leaking pre-cum.
I opened my mouth and Jordan saw that as his opportunity to push the full 8 inches down my throat. I thought that I would have to throw up but this body had like no gag reflex anymore. I continued sucking on my old dick while Jordan controlled my speed by having his hands behind my head.
It felt weird and at first I didnt knew what to do but it only took a few seconds before the muscle memory kicked in and I started sucking like a pro. I could feel the veins pulsate in sync with Jordan's heartbeat. I used my tongue to play with it and I heard Jordan moan every now and then.
He suddenly grabbed my head more tightly before I felt his dick erupting in my mouth. I immediately started to swallow and tasted cum for the first time. The salty but still somewhat sweet taste was weird at first but it felt more normal with every string Jordan shot into my mouth.
"Dont spill.", he said panting.
I swallowed everything before he pulled me to my feet again. He turned me around again and I could immediately feel him running his dick along my ass. He pushed it in without warning but it didnt hurt at all.
"Damn, my hole was loose.", Jordan said. "I have more to give to you."
He pounded me hard but it still turned me on more. Knowing that the roles would be reversed in reality. I should be the muscular officer and Jordan should be this twink but right now I was living my phantasy.
His thrusts changed pace and I could feel how he prepared to unleash another load into me. He pushed me tight against the wall, his hands on my hips as I felt him shooting his warm and slimy masculine seed up my ass.
He pulled out and I felt him wiping off his dick on my butt cheeks.
I was covered in sweat but it felt great to have been used like this and I bet Jordan loved being a muscular officer too.
I was awaiting that he would unlock the handcuffs again so that we could swap back but he suddenly grabbed me with full force by my neck and threw me to the ground.
"You let something drip out of your ass!", he said firmly pointing at his feet. "Go on and clean my awesome combat boots."
I got on my knees and licked the cum off of my old boot. It tasted just like before, only that it had now dirt mixed into it. I was almost done licking as I felt a few finger intrude my butt. Jordan pulled them out again and tasted it.
"Damn man, this body tastes good.", he said.
Suddenly we both looked intensely at each other knowing exactly what caused it. It felt like a damn broke in our minds. My mind got flooded with the memories of Jordan and he probably got access to my memories.
"This- this changes everything!", he said.
He pulled me up.
I cleared my throat to sound manlier.
"Are you ready to change back? There are spare clothes in the trunk of the cruiser you can wear after that.", I said.
"No man.", he said.
"What do you mean, no?"
He pushed me against the wall again.
"You wanted to be me. You wanted to be humiliated and I agreed to escape prison.", he flashed me a quick smile. "But I'm the man now. I have the muscles. I wear the uniform. We'll do this my way now."
"But- but you cant just be a cop and do my job. I cant stay like this."
"You enjoyed being like this."
He gestured to my small, hard and slightly leaking dick.
"And I more than enjoyed being you.", he continued. "You have two options now, 'Jordan'. Keep complaining about swapping back and I'll send you to prison. Or get into the car and be me."
I stared at him in shock.
"It's Thursday, right?", he asked.
"Then lets make a deal. We stay like this till Sunday. If you then still want to swap back we'll do it. If you want us to stay like this we'll stay."
He grabbed my balls tightly and I let out a loud, uncontrolled moan. He laughed.
"Good. I still have to be on my patrol for 2 more hours. So I'll leave you here. You wanted to be humiliated so you have to make a choice. Stay here until I come back to get you or look around searching for clothes. But if you do, time is running. I wont wait here for you when I'm finshed.", he said.
He laughed again and walked to the cruiser. He stepped into the driver seat, started the engine and left.
Only then I noticed that Jordan managed to place his old chastity cage on my dick.
I didnt fully understand how it got this far but I felt good. The humiliation was everything I always wanted but I still felt the urge to get my body back. I was excited to see what the last few days would bring.
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omegasmileyface · 1 year
may not apply to anybody else but
some notes from my experience gradually becoming more involved with the world immediately around me
(as someone who never got involved in a social life or communities of any sort as a kid and moved a lot and now lives in the middle of nowhere)
taking walks lets me see the houses close to mine and what sort of things they come with (sports team merch, outdoors equipment, political signs, food gardens, etc.)
it also lets me see resources around me. i wouldnt know that there was an open community garden and a storage center just down the street without lookin around on walks
(you can also look around while driving! less time to ruminate but still some)
my state's PBS channel does a ton of local news and documentary coverage! theyre available for free online! its a good place to start
newspapers can be hard to keep up with and also sad if theyre as political as the one here, but they still have relevant stuff
my town and the closest city both have websites, and event newsletters! like, by email!
sometimes things you have zero interest in on their own can be important in your community. .....specifically, im talking about sports. a lot of people like sports by their own right and thats great for them but personally i have never been able to give a shit. ESPECIALLY high school sports (or school spirit in general), which happens to be pretty much The Biggest Thing in a whooole lot of american communities. im currently learning that you can engage a little in the high school sports scene without meaningfully caring the vast majority of the time! ...i havent quite figured out HOW yet, but i know its possible. step one is small talk when people say something about the teams, i guess. or superficially saying you hope Local Team wins State or whatever. the community involvement can be more fun than the actual sport! i spent a lot of words on this one but its a big one to me idk
browsing little stores is one of my favorites. even if you dont actually care what theyre selling. just walking around, making small talk with the employees/owner if youre able to, stuff like that
see if there just happens to be what you want. i have a bad habit of just ASSUMING that they dont have anything here. "i live in the middle of nowhere, of course theres no food not bombs division / punk scene / parkour studio / improv theater" ... its worth actually checking lol. like, recently i learned that theres... well, ok, theres no public transportation. but theres this shuttle service that works between a couple stops a few hours a week thats KINDA like public transportation!
talk to people. its so hard its so hard if you have autism or social anxiety or no practice or a lot of fears or all of the above (hi) and im also sure youve heard it a million times but its usually worth trying
use cash if youre shopping locally. idk it keeps the community independent or whatever. also keeping cash on you is a good habit, since youre gonna want to be giving buskers and homeless people and such money whenever possible. and thats waaay easier with cash.
bank locally? and other such... necessary expenses. if possible! as everything tends toward monopolization its hard to have control over who does your banking or electricity or insurance or what have you. im lucky to live in montana, basically the only state where independent banks thrive. still, worth looking around and seeing what you can do
......i really cant overstate the power of the websites (town chamber of commerce website, local news station website, local radio station website) and newspapers as hubs for finding more stuff. a lot of the time, theyll have little 2 sentence blurbs that tell you that something exists, and then you can look that thing up on its own and maybe find a phone number or a mailing list.
last one ok i havent tried this one out on my own bc im scared (reminder that this is not an instructional post this is an observation of my own experience) but i have a theory that dating apps are a good place to find people your age in your area. they might be upset that youre trying to connect with them as acquaintances on a service literally meant for romance, but... well, they dont exactly have anything like it for friends. (nothing mainstream enough to actually work, anyway.)
also this is gonna sound dumb but look at posters and fliers
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atla-hcs-and-bakoda · 4 years
Bato’s Backstory
ok so this is gonna be long, buckle up. This is my personal interpretation of bato’s backstory, it likely makes no canonical or reasonable sense, but canon does not exist and i make the rules. this is purely self-indulgent crack-treated-seriously. This is what all the other hcs, unless stated otherwise, will be set in.
Note about Bato: in my interpretation of him, he has teal/cyan eyes and darker brown hair than in the show, his skin tone has not changed.
(unfortunately this is not a zukka au, just a bakoda one. bato’s backstory is kind of an au in my mind, so when i do ship zukka, its not in this au)
(the bold letters at the beginning of the paragraphs are for accessibility)
‘Present’ (only a few months after zuko’s coronation) ages: Hakoda & Bato - 41 Kya - 42 Iroh - 65 Ozai - 47
under the cut because oh boy this is long, sorry asdfghfd
So, our story begins in the fire nation, about 59 AG, Iroh is the 25 year old crown prince, and recently had a child with his wife, Minami, on the coldest day of winter. They named him Shui, and they, quite frankly, spoilt him with their love. Minami stayed in the castle while Iroh was at war, and always sang to Shui while putting his hair up or putting him to bed.
One day, when Shui was 9, Azulon decided to take his family to Ember Islands on vacation, like the royal family has been doing for generations. However, there was a bad storm, and the ship got thrown near the south. Little Shui followed Iroh onto the deck, and fell overboard when a big wave hit the other side of the boat, rocking it and making him fall.
The royal family and crew tried to save him, but the waves dragged him under, and once the storm cleared, he was presumed dead. Iroh and Minami mourned the loss of their first son, who died so young that he hardly got to live life at all. Ozai mourned to a minor extent, as he was 15 at the time and wasn’t as bad as he is in the present, but not for as long as Shui’s parents, or grandfather, did.
Meanwhile, in the southern water tribe, little 9 year old Hakoda was wandering down at the seaside with his father when he came across a young boy unconscious in the snow, the cold water nearly freezing him to death. His father hurried him back to the tribe with the young boy’s body. For days, Hakoda sat beside the bed, rarely moving from the spot, keeping watch on the mystery boy. And eventually, he woke up.
Hakoda introduced himself once the boy was fully awake, but when asked his name, the boy said “i...i don’t remember...” So, instead, Hakoda decided to pick a name for him; Bato. The boy agreed to the name, and after a week, got adopted by one of the tribesmen, a close friend of Hakoda’s father. After that, the two children were an unstoppable duo, they did many successful pranks on everyone, including Hakoda’s mother, Kanna.
However, every once in a while, Bato would blurt out something without thinking, and when questioned, wouldn’t be able to remember it at all. For instance, Bato and Hakoda were once watching the stars late at night, when Bato pointed at a constellation and called it Druk. Hakoda laughed, but Bato insisted that was its name. Hakoda asked where Bato learned that, since thats not what their tribe calls it, and Bato had no recollection of learning it.
(This continued well into teenagehood, when Bato realised at the ripe old age of 14 that he was, in fact, in love with his best friend. He didn’t come out for a long time, in fear of his tribe’s reaction. Deep down he knew they’d accept him with open arms, but his anxiety said otherwise.)
At 12, there was a fire nation raid while Bato was at the seaside, and he recognised both the ship and flag instantly despite not being told prior about the Southern Raiders. He ran to tell the chief, and thanks to his quick reaction, saved the tribe to a degree. Many waterbenders still died, however.
At 15, Bato and Hakoda went ice-dodging with their respective fathers- and eachother. Hakoda recieved the mark of the wise, and Bato recieved the mark of the brave.
One night at 15, they were cuddling in Hakoda’s bed (because thats what best friends do, of course. its cold, no other reason, totally not) when Hakoda noticed Bato’s eye color; Teal. not the regular water tribe blue, not a dark blue, or even a light blue, but pure Teal. Although hakoda would still argue to this day that bato’s eyes are cyan. When questioned about his eye color, Bato shrugged and brushed it off as an uncommon trait. But Hakoda realised nobody else in the tribe had cyan eyes, just blue.
Then, at 16, the boys got into a bad avalanche that resulted in Hakoda getting knocked out. Bato woke up hours later, and pulled his best friend out of the snow. He realised Hakoda wasnt breathing, and started to cry, taking his gloves off to cling to Hakoda and try feel the warmth of his pulse, to no avail. He closed his eyes and cried, when his hands lit on fire. When he realised what he just did, he put the flame out and made a plan, carrying Hakoda to the dog sled quite a bit from the avalanche, and set them on course for the tribe while he carefully lit his hands back on fire after a few attempts, and kept Hakoda warm. 
Just before they got to the tribe, Hakoda started breathing again, shallowly, and his father quickly took both of them to the healer when they arrived back. This time, it was Bato who sat beside the bed and waited for Hakoda to wake up, refusing to eat much until his friend woke up.
He never told anyone about his bending.
A few months later, Hakoda met and started dating Kya, and Bato’s heart broke. he was happy for hakoda, he really was, but deep down it still hurt him to see him with someone else.
At 20, Hakoda’s father went off to war.  At 22, Hakoda became Chief, and Bato became the second-in-command.
At 23, Hakoda proposed to Kya after like 20 failed attempts at carving a betrothal necklace. Bato’s heart broke a tiny bit more, but he ignored it to be happy for his friend. Bato had to sleep alone for the first time since he joined the southern water tribe, he didn’t sleep much when alone.
2 years later, at 25, Sokka was born, and Bato babysat him a lot when Hakoda and Kya were busy. Bato admittedly vented to baby sokka quite a bit, and showed him very minor firebending tricks he practiced during sleepless nights, which was most nights.
At 26, Katara was born, and Bato now babysat two little children, both of which he adored with all his heart. He himself is infertile, so Katara and Sokka were the closest thing he had to his own children.
Things went mostly peacefully for years, until 34, when Kya got killed. After the raid, Hakoda wouldnt eat for days at a time, completely depressed and exhausted. Bato would offer him small plates of food and sit with him, letting him vent or cry or whatever Hakoda needed to do to get the stress and pain out. He also looked after Sokka and Katara while Hakoda couldn’t, and usually slept next to Hakoda’s bed, watching over the chief, along with his kids, as both children were terrified to sleep by themselves, Hakoda was scared of losing them, and Bato couldn’t bare the thought of not keeping them safe.
After years of recovering, Hakoda eventually had to head out to war with the men of the tribe, Bato included. Bato’s heart broke watching Sokka beg to come with them, but he knew it was for the best.
3 months after leaving, Bato came out to Hakoda in the Chieftan’s private room in the boat, and Hakoda accepted him with open arms, and promised to not tell anyone until Bato was ready. Bato fell a lot more in love.
At 5 months, he started very carefully dropping hints to Hakoda that he likes him, slightly-too-friendly-to-be-platonic compliments, cuddling him in hakoda’s room “because its cold” (they were nowhere near cold climates), and other vaugely homoerotic stuff like that. All of it went over Hakoda’s head.
(At 6 months he straight up told Hakoda at night on the deck “Your my stars, Hakoda. Whenever i’m lost, you always bring me home.”, and Hakoda responded “Thanks Bato, I’m happy your my friend too.”, Bato stayed awake all night in utter disbelief. He still teases Hakoda about it.)
1 year after leaving, Bato realised he might not be as much of a guy as he thought he was. He silently decided to put that train of thoughts on hold until the war was over. (In his heart he knew the war would never be over until the fire nation won. especially with sozin’s comet only a year away and- he doesnt remember what sozin’s comet is.)
When his arm got burned, he burned the soldier right back with his good arm out of sight of everyone else, and managed to shove them overboard before the pain hit him. He’s always had a high pain tolerance.  After the fight ended, Hakoda carried Bato to the abbey, and they had a tearful goodbye, where Bato quietly confessed his love as Hakoda walked out the room. Hakoda thought about it until he saw Bato again.
When they reunited, Hakoda confessed his love back to Bato, and they kissed right in the open, it took a lot of self control for the other tribesmen to not cheer, they had known for literally forever, the only person in the tribe who didnt know bato was in love with hakoda was hakoda.
Somehow, it took until the war was over for Sokka and Katara to find out they had a step-dad. They already considered Bato to be their second dad, so not much exactly changed.
The day of Zuko’s coronation, Bato got talking with Iroh, and when the topic came to children, Iroh explained how both his sons were dead, one dying at 9 from a storm, and the other dying at 20 from war. When Iroh says his youngest (eldest?) son’s name, Shui, Bato remembers the storm, and Iroh notices Bato’s rare cyan eyes.
They have a nice reunion, although Bato has to sit down for a while to process all this and figure out his family tree. He decides not to tell Hakoda yet, but he does spend a while walking through the palace with Iroh and remembering parts of his early childhood. He cant bring himself to go into the room of firelord portraits.
A month after zuko’s coronation, he sits Hakoda down and explains that he’s a bender, and he’s apparently fire nation royalty. Hakoda gets temporarily mad, but eventually calms down and hugs Bato when his friend told him that his firebending saved both himself and hakoda, and that he would never be like his forefathers or uncle. Hakoda takes a while to fully accept it, but eventually warms up (heh) to the concept, and continues to use Bato as a personal space heater.
Two months after zuko’s coronation, he finally decides to tackle the “i’m not as much as a guy as i thought” issue, and he decides to go to Iroh and Toph for advice over tea, where Iroh suggests some wise stuff, but Toph simply explains what non-binary is, and suggests Bato may be Demiboy. (Although Bato prefers to call himself Demiguy, he doesnt like being called a boy) The Gender Crisis continues for about another week, and takes another half a month for him to come out to Hakoda. Bato was somewhat internally afraid he wouldnt be counted as one of the men, but Hakoda was overwhelmingly supportive, and admitted that he knew Bato wasn’t exactly cis, he just never knew the words to use.
Bato spends a while at the palace after the coronation to get his bearings on being half fire nation and a prince, he learns purple is a very good color on him.(Hakoda later jokes that it was foreshadowing for Bato realising he was enby, as he wasnt blue or red)
He bonds quite a bit with Zuko, Iroh, and Toph during his stay, but eventually goes back to the southern water tribe, the place he truly considers home. Although, he does go and visit the fire nation every once in a while. He even goes to Ember Islands and has a vacation day with both of his families.
After about two years, He finally makes a betrothal necklace for Hakoda, with the symbol of the water tribe on it and flames coming up from the waves, both of them totally cry happy tears when he proposes privately under the light of the aurora.
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Life After Snowpiercer: Tell Me, Please?
Summary- Curtis Everett x Y/N. Tensions are still there between you two, but Curtis demands an answer. Your group collects the last bit of supplies and makes it towards the front, only to be confronted at the end. Trauma, Some Violence. Word Count- 4.9k
Chapter 7 / Masterlist
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Curtis watched you sleep, in sleep you relaxed yourself from whatever plagued you, during the night having pulled in half sprawled across his very sore ribs, and laid your head in the center. The rise and fall of your shoulders so slight that he would have to really be studying them to see that yes, you were still asleep. You faced away from him, but you sighed softly and shifted yourself, tilting yourself closer, his eyes able to rove over the curve of your nose, and how your lips have chapped slightly. The dark bruises under your eye, at first it would see to have been tiredness, but much to the anger he was feeling coil in his gut, someone must have hit you hard at some point the past few days. His eyes continued to rove, noticing other scrapes, and bruises along your scalp line.  Would you tell him though? Further he noticed that there was a cut in the corner of your mouth and without a thought, his fingers brushed along the mark, hissing to himself when your eyes shot open, unfocused and a touch of fear clouding them. In all the years you two have known each other, you never looked at him like that, and it phased him more then you could know. 
You were fallen in one of those dreamless deep sleeps, the kind where your cocooned in darkness and nothing is drawing you forward into images. Blackness, soothing blackness. There was no visual moments where you had to think and rationalize. It was peaceful. Things merely ceased to exist. 
A touch brought you back, so light but the sting it left near your lips brought it back and you tensed, ready to yank away when your eyes opened, prepared for the worst, that sneering grin reaching for you in your safe place, ready to drag you out and put vile pain all over your body. No, we escaped, we got out.
Curtis face sharpened second later in your view, and you softened, loosening your grasp in his jacket where you had fisted your hands to keep from being pulled away. See Y/N, your safe. This is home. Curtis hand slid from your mouth to brush aside the soft hairs curling over your cheek, and you dragged in a deep breath, and released it, feeling your chest expand and his steady heart beating underneath your cheek kept you grounded. “Bad dream?” Curtis asked after a few seconds of the two of you just staying silent. You quirk the corner of your mouth a bit “Nothing serious Curtis.” Your hand smoothed over his chest and you realzined where you were laying. “Shit sorry baby, your ribs.” Going to move his hand clasped on the back of your neck to keep you from moving. 
“Dont, they are fine. Tell me about what you were dreaming about?” Hoping she would relax enough just the two of them to talk about what you were thinking about. His grasp turned lighter now that you werent moving, sliding his thumb over the column, and you slightly relaxed once more, biting your already chapped lips and wincing slightly at the sting. 
“Yea, I saw you favoring your side Curtis” You informed him, but you didnt move. Honestly after the past few days, you were just fucking thankful you got to do this again. “And nothing, hell I think I was so damn tired, it wasnt sleep. Somewhere just before a coma.” You rub your face lightly against his chest and sigh. “I could slip back into it right now if we didnt have to prepare to move to the front.” His thumb continued to feather along your neck, circling over the bruises of fingertips that had pressed down to hard. Faint, but Curtis saw them better now that your hair wasnt covering them. 
“What happened Y/N?” his brows coming together and lifting the heaviness of your hair back from your neck. You then pulled away and straightened your hair back over your neck. He shifted to half sit up on his elbows. “Y/N, you gotta tell me who put hands on you?-” His inquiry got interrupted when your name got called, and you took the moment to avoid Curtis questions, calling back out. “In here!” Tugging on your jacket and looking at Curtis “We will talk about it later baby, promise.” His hand moved against your arm to keep you with him, but you slipped out of his hold. Leaving him there with more questions and no answers. His lips thinned tightly and his jaw clenched, a dark suspicion inkling its way into his thoughts. 
All of those fuckers are dead. His thoughts snapped as he snatched his jacket, trying to keep from blowing over. Im going to hunt every single on of them down.   It was the last thing you needed was him loosing his temper, but that didnt stop the rage building in his chest, or the guilt. Why didnt I leave them with protection? Gone back, brought them weapons... Hearing your footsteps descend away, Curtis knew that you were heading towards the wounded. Grasping his beanie, and leaving the warmth and comfort of the momentary home, and slipped it on. Now that it was day, he could see just how far the group had been able to do. They had gone through several cars and hauled out anything decent. Catching a glimpse of you leaning down to check Saras shoulder, you also caught sight of Edgar sitting up, and a box next to him, stuffing something into his mouth. 
“Is that... crackers?” Curtis asked as Edgar held his arm out to grasp and get up. With some effort, Edgar managed to get to a stand, hauling the beat up cracker box with him. “Yea, they found a bit of this kind of stuff a few cars up. Dried goods, flour, sugar, cans.” He held out the box for Curtis to reach his hand into and withdrew a few crackers that he took a bite of. It was stale as fuck, salty, and just about one of the best things he can remember ever having. 
“Yes, I remember passing through right after the water, supplies Im assuming for the rest of the train. There was a few more similar closer to thre front as well” Curtis mentioned, and Edgar nodded over to where a pile of food had been made, along with clothing and blankets. “Im sure the front survivors have already raided some of those others.” Maybe they will be okay until were able to figure out a more permanent solution. “Hows your back?” Curtis turned his attention away from the supplies, and Edgar turned, lifting his shirt enough so Curtis could see. The length of the actual stab looked to be a good three inches long, red all around. Although burned from where the ax blade had laid across it, it was sealed. You came on over just then and ducked around Curtis, getting in for a closer look. 
“Thank God they got it sealed” You breathed out and tugged on Edgars shirt to have him put it back down, when he turned to face you, you drew in close and hugged around his neck. “You punk, I told you to be careful” Curtis cast a downward glance, regret and guilt passing and Edgar shook his head lightly Dont... You never saw the exchange pass between the two men. “Yea well, when I ever bloody listen anyways?” Edgar withdrew and smirked at you, causing you to scowl at him. 
“Well Im back now, so your gonna.” You point a finger at him, and then smooth your hand against his arm in a loving gesture. 
“Are the people able to travel? Or do they still need some recovery time?” Curtis changing the subject from Edgar, his hand rested against your waist, and it felt heavy to you, like he wasnt ready to let you go, that you were actually with him. He must have really believed he wouldnt see me again. 
“If we go slow, Im sure we can. Everyones so exhausted though, another day might not hurt anyone.” You tip your head towards Edgar and he immediately rebutes it although you ignore him. “Sara, shes bad off. Its inflamed and im worried I might not have gotten everything out. It was hard to tell...” You drifted off as Curtis took a glance at the woman you were talking about. Seeing her huddled against the wall, head tipped forward. “She says she can travel, but she will need to stop alot.”
 That confirmed it for Curtis, he shook his head. “Then we stay, one more day.” 
The rest of the time was spent sorting through supplies, packing it in a way it could be carried. Outside fires were kept stroked and burning, using debris off the train, and someone found large hollowed metal bins that with some scrubbing could work to melt snow in. The idea of being able to wash up appealed to you, and once you were sure the others waters needs were met hours later, you worked on warming up a pot for yourself. One of the cars towards the back had side rooms available for actual privacy, and you planned on taking full advantage. 
You didnt need much and using a blanket to handle the hot container, you hauled your bit of hot water through the car to the end, slipping inside. Of course Curtis noticed from where he had been helping to pack up the dried goods in blankets to easier carry them, and he turned to Edgar “Get as much packed as possible, if we have to we will come back for the rest.”  
“Yea, sure... where you going?” He asked as Curtis moved away from the group, calling over his shoulder. 
“Got someone to take care of” Edgar just shrugged and went back to what he was doing. 
You were in the process of undressing, when a soft knock happened on the door. Squeaking in alarm, you say loudly so there was no denying that whomever heard you. “Occupied!” 
“I know, Im coming in.” Curtis said as he opened the door and you withdrew from sight, looking to grab your shirt and cover yourself. 
“Curtis! Im busy” In which he just arched a brow and shut the door behind him, okay lame on your part, not much was kept hidden in the tail end and youve never been super shy before with him. Your fingers played in the shirt, looking down and away from where he stood. It was thankfully darkish in the room, you felt better being somewhat hidden, not wanting that question you know was coming. 
Just seeing you react, he knew. He could see it all over your face that you were dealing with a heavy mix of emotions, but the one he saw the most was shame, and he couldnt for the life of him understand why. How he wanted to go and wrap you in against him, take away all of those memories and protect you better, I should have... fuck why didnt I leave people behind. “Y/N, Baby, I know something happened. Please tell me. You were scared this morning, and youve been avoiding me. I-” he sighed and took a cautionary step closer, and could see the glimmer of tears streaking down your face. “- just got you back. I cant loose you again, especially like this.” His voice lowered, gruffer, you could tell he was trying to keep himself in check. 
Standing there, trying not to let him see you, how you wish you could shrink away into the wall. You tried so hard to fight back and just werent strong enough, spit it out you scolded yourself, but you stayed silent, lifting your face to look at him and dropped your shirt. Curtis took an audible gasp at the bruising that littered your body, your pale skin dark and yellowed with discernible finger and hand prints. Covering your face in your shame. “Oh god, Im sorry Curtis, I tried to stop them.” 
What?!  Oh babygirl, no....He stepped forward and wrapped his hands gently around your wrists and pulled them away. “Babygirl sshhh.... Im not mad at you.” You blinked up at him with that wide eyed stare of yours and then pushed in against him, sobbing into his chest and he lowered the two of you to the floor, careful to keep you in his lap, and rocking you softly. The pain blossomed in his chest at what you were saying, the way your whole body sobbed into his, and he let you. Nothing but the soft swaying motion, like one would do for a child, and his chin rested atop your head as it was buried in against him. There were no words he could say at this moment to make it better, you had to be able to simply cry it out until you were ready to tell him what happened. But even now, he could see the bruises down your back. When I get my hands on them, all those fuckers are going to pay. Oh it wasnt an If, Curtis was all about When. He wouldnt stop till he had his hands on there throats, squeezing the last breath from there lungs.
You finally fell silent in his arms, a occasional body rocking hiccup stirring from you, but that was all you had. His hand came up to your face and gently brushed aside the hair that had gotten stuck to your face from the tears, looking down at you with a soft expression. “sorry” you hiccup out and it seems to be the only thing you can think to say. 
“Babygirl, they are the ones who will be sorry.” he shifted you a bit so you werent so folded up, letting his hand rest against your knee and his thumb sweeping over it gently. “The fact they touched you will make them regret everything they have done in life. Im going to see to it personally.” You gulped a bit listening to him, the promise in his face, the rage simmering in his eyes, it was all there. You were just thankful it wasnt directed at you, cause even now it was scaring you. And in the same breath, it blossomed a warm raging happiness in your chest, spiraling in a way that made you shake slightly. They would hurt to, not just for what they did to you, but you were sure that others suffered a similar fate that day.
He leaned forward and dipped his fingers into the water, finding it still warm. “How about we clean you up Babygirl? and then go get you something to eat. I know you havent had anything today.” You slowly unfold yourself from around him and Curtis takes the rag, dipping it in the water and wringing it out. He holds his hand out for you to take it, but you turn instead your back to him, reaching behind you to gather your hair and lift it off your neck. You trusted him, you knew his touch would be gentle and caring along your bruises, and it was an intimacy you desired to share with him. Dipping your head when you felt the cloth brush over your shoulder, sure enough he was gentle as it went down your back and over your hip, continuing downwards, he squatted down to do the back of her thighs and calves. “Face me Y/N” he said, giving the softest brush of a kiss against a tender looking spot on your hip. You twisted to face him as he rose up to start from your shoulders and down again. 
The riddled marks on your body, now fully seeing what you had been through destroyed a sane part of Curtis, he never wanted to kill anyone more then these men, not even Wilford for all the evilness he had done. There was just a few on your back, careful as he traced over them. You must have fallen from up high, or they took a boot to you. Having you turn for him, he make his way down in a similar fashion. The worst bruises seemed to be on your hips and inside of your thighs, and to see them in such a intimate spot. It was his spot to rest his hands whenever he held you, not anyone elses, and it hurt him that you had to bare such marks. They actually made him growl softly and he was caught by surprise when you cupped his face, running your fingers through his beard. Focus Curtis... He chided himself as he continued with your legs and then swept up the inside of your calves and thighs, this time placing a soft kiss on your belly button and back up to a stand. 
This time when he offered you the rag you took it, to finish up, and you thought about what had transpired. Now Curtis had seen all of what they had done, and getting dressed again, you thought about what he had seen and his reaction. It was foolish for me to think he would be mad at me. Sometimes theres no rational reason for your reactions. He remained silent as he handed you clothing, slipping them on a piece at a time. Grasping your coat, he held it up for you and you backed into it, sliding your arms in one at a time. Before you could start to button it up, he turned you back to face him, doing the buttons himself, smiling softly. “You always have a hard time with these babygirl” 
“I know, you would think after all this time I wouldnt need  your help doing them up.” You chuckled softly at them, all different mismatched sizes, not quite placed right. You could patch a person up, but damned if you could sew decently. 
“Well, let me tell you babygirl, Im glad you still need me to do this.” He finished up the last one, and lifted his hand up to cup your face, cradling it in both hands, his thumbs brushing along the softness of your cheeks, the soft downy hairs brushing under the pad of his thumb. Your hands folded over his wrists while looking up at him. “Y/N, nothing, certainly not this changes anything between us. So whatever you think would drive me away, its not going to happen.” He wouldnt break his eyes from yours, needing you to know just how serious he was. 
“I know... I- I panicked. I felt that what happened, I should have stopped it.” You admitted, and took a deep breath, ragged from earlier, but no tears sprang forth talking about it. Curtis had been correct in you needing that release, a cleanse. Maybe now this was the beginning of coming to terms with it. Keeping his darker thoughts to himself that throbbed in his temples, as you gave a brief description of what happened, this would be a trial and error for you two, Curtis not wanting to push you in a way you werent ready, and you craving the exact same vibe you two had before. It would take time, to heal. Curtis isnt going anywhere.... 
Leading you out of the room, he carried the water, and you followed along behind, your hand fisting in the loose part of his jacket. You lighten considerably he noticed once you joined the group, immediately falling back into old habits of stopping and chatting with groups, looking over those you considered your patients, and falling right back into playing with the kids for the rest of the evening, you even made an effort to eat a can of beans that Curtis pried open for you, sharing with the kids you went to hang out with. There wasnt much difference in how you were as from before, and he gave you your freedom, sticking nearby with Edgar, first finishing there earlier project, then Curtis finished his tale of what had happened. 
“You mean Matt is actually still alive?!” Edgar remembered the boy well, back then. Looked up to him, almost like a brother. Curtis nodded. 
“Yes, and dumbass me left them tied up in the engine. Im sure they have been released now. I tried telling Y/N what hes like... hes dangerous. If he comes around her, I dont know... watch him extra close. She wouldn't forgive me if I hurt him.” A glance over to you showed you laughing while playing itsy bitsy spider with one of the smaller children, cuddling them in your lap while you twisted your fingers to go up the pole, and then sprinkle your fingers down to tickle the youngin’ on the neck. 
“Curtis, maybe it wont come to something like that, Y/N is a pretty good judge of people... Im sure she will see how twisted he is.” 
Curtis shrugged, he hoped so. But this was her brother, she loved this kid more then anyone else on the train, and he almost lost her then. If she gets her heart broken again, forcing her to give a damn might not be so easy. Making her choose between Matt and Himself, he didnt want to put her in that spot, maybe a bit of fear stabbing at the back of his unconscious, would she pick him if she was forced between them?  “We will see probably tomorrow afternoon. I want to get us out of here and back to the front, before they decide they dont need us, and have basically the majority of the supplies once more. Were not equipped enough to survive out there and eventually were going to have to move away from the train for food. Most the cars up there are still upright and can be used for shelter.” 
You looked up to see Curtis and Edgar deep in a discussion, and you untangle yourself from the kids. “Bedtime for all of us. Tomorrow were going to the front.” 
“The front?!”
“For reals this time” 
“wonder what its like?”
“I dont know” You shrug “We just gotta wait and see tomorrow, now off to bed.” You shooed them away to a nest of blankets they made for themselves, and wandered over to Curtis. “Im heading off to sleep, see you all in the morning.” You waved off to the group. Curtis gave you a few minutes to get yourself ready and then excused himself as well. 
When he got there  you were already curled under the blankets, just a soft pile of your hair showing above the blankets. He shredded out of the majority of his clothing and slipped in beside you, thinking you was already asleep, but surprising him as you flipped to her other side, starting at him in the dark. 
“I love you, thank you for coming back for me.” 
“I will always come back for you, I love you to babygirl.” Curtis declared, and you moved over closer and lifted his arm to go around you, your head resting on his shoulder, and your hand slid under his shirt and rubbed your hands across the all familiar soft hairs and broad muscles of his chest, settling over where you could feel that familiar thump of life. This was familiar, comforting, and relaxed into this. The past 36 hours was your hell, and this was your salvation. You actually fell asleep and this time you dreamed, not of what happened, but what was to come. 
The next morning proved to be busy chaos. After taking a few moments to wake up, Curtis was never one to just roll up and go unless necessary, usually proving him to be rougher around the edges, well more so then usual with the upcoming unknown going back to the front now with the tail enders. “Get up, time to get a move on.” he rumbled, the toe of his boot nudging people as he passed through the group, Edgar grumbling and flipping him off as he to got a toe to the leg and a “Get the fuck up, we dont got all day.” 
You rubbed your eyes and snorted in laughter at the grumblings you heard through the crowd, although they complied. You helped hand off sacks of food that they all packed in blankets the day before and you went to your patients, checking them over right quick. The only person you were really concerned for was Sara. If anything she looked paler then the day before. But her wound was  still firey red. Biting the inside of your cheek, you smiled, and helped her up. “Dont hesitate to ask for help, I wont be far off” You stress to her till Sara gives a nod and Johanna wraps an arm around her. “Dont worry, we got her.” 
Maybe it will all be okay. 
The group filed out, Curtis again taking up the rear, watching for any sign of the aggressors from the day before, he had skimmed over the cliff edge, and checked out the path back up, but found no signs. Maybe the fuckers are gone.... He wistfully considered, as he trudged along behind, holding a rifle over his shoulder and in his hands a heavy axe was kept close. In any hand to hand fight, he would rather have the axe on hand instead of the rifle. You made your way back through the crowd and fell in step with him, looking over your shoulder, it seemed like the train was an endless line of cars. You all must be getting close.
“Theres so many to sort through still.” Talking about the cars, Curtis grunted in agreement, glancing down at you. “Well I wouldnt bother with any holding people, all the stuff we need is in those storage ones. Im just hoping the front end had the sense to get into the livestock cars and save anything that survived.” You blinked a bit in surprise, you never actually thought there would be any kind of livestock on the train, the front end having stopped giving the boiled eggs a few years ago. 
“Like... chickens and such?”
“Chickens, pigs, some beef cows, couple of those your supposed to milk and all. Yes, had them all. Plus at least 2 cars filled with frozen butchered meat, a large green house cart. The front end didnt have our struggles, that is for damn sure.” 
Fuck when was the last time you had a roasted chicken? Steak? Your mouth literally watered at the idea of it. 
“No they certainly didnt.”
A few moments of silence between them, the occasional brush of shoulders as Curtis shortened his stride matching your, the change in it made you hide a smile, looking down. You were sure he didnt intend on you to notice and it just resolved in you what you already knew about him. He would always look out for you. Your shared silence was interrupted by a shout as the group started to bunch up and come to a halt. “Curtis Everett to the front, I know your leading this mess.”
 Curtis then picked up his pace, you following behind him closely as he weaved through the people milling into a group and coming out in the front. You were about to follow alongside him but Edgar caught the back of your coat, keeping you back slightly and thats when you saw what was before you. 
Heavily armed group of people, waiting and they parted as a man and Claude came through. The smirk on the mans face shined right into his eyes, so fucking cold, and you felt your heart sink in your stomach. It really was Matt, just as Curtis described it. 
“Well we knew you would come back Curtis.” His arms folded over his chest, as he surveyed the people behind Curtis. “And brought your little rag tag mess of people.” Matt turned his attention to those that started to line up around Curtis, assessing the threat before them. “You might as well just join us everyone, there really is no better answer. You may have the numbers, but we have the supplies, and that includes the rifles.” Matt looked up and down his line of people, smug, satisfied, he won. “So you might as well give up, well before this has to turn ugly Curtis, I mean... We are in this mess cause of you after all.” Claude hung on Matts arm, but he pulled it away and took a step forward till he was standing before Curtis, who glared down at him. “So what do you say tail ender? I clearly won.” 
“Matt!” You yanked your arm from Edgar and snapped up right in his face, inches away, anger rolling off you in steams. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Curtis arm shot out and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you back to him, not trusting Matt to not hurt you physically. You pulled on your arm, but Curtis grasp was iron and unrelenting. “You are our family, how DARE you even speak like that, after all we been through to get up here.” 
“Yea Sister” He said with such venom in his tone, your mouth snapped shut, jaw clenching in your anger and confusion. “All we been through, you had if just fine in the tail end, but not good enough, sending your man up here to wreck it all, correct?” 
That was the last line when Curtis fist connected with Matts face, his head snapping back sharply. 
Curtis could tolerate alot of things, your brother disrespecting you clearly wasnt one of them. 
Fuck it all.  
@curtisbbq​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @jtargaryen18​ @p8tn0lish​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @thatweirdwalangpake​
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
A Heart Of Ashes
Chapter 2
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Its around half past eight, jerico wondered if stoker was still in the laboratory.
So she put on her boots and Walked to said laboratory.
Though.. the place was huge, it felt like a maze,and listening to her gut feeling,she got there,after a good fifteen minutes.
--Hey stoker
The british Man stopped mixing two chemicals togheter, and Turned to the door, a smile crossed his lips under his mask,but you could hear it in his tone as he said--Ah...you again...how delightfull, Oh do be careful of the napalm...tricky stuff
--Ill be mindful of that--she Walked right past the unarmed molotov grenades--Watcha working on?
--Just some upgrades for these old girls, oh Grab a pair of goggles and some rubber gloves if you stick around, wouldnt want to cause any accidents
Jeri nodded and snatched the closest of those ítems, she casually hovered over stokers shoulder who finished mixing the two chemicals,only for them to explode into a dark cloud of nothingness.
--Ah horse raddish...
By the way he left both mixing tubes on the table she noticed her companion was frustrated.
She patted his back softly--How about we get something to eat, maybe you need to take some fresh air
Stoker stood there to think about it for a bit, then nodded --Yeah...thatd be wonderfull
--Great,lets go!
During their walk however, Someone stopped them.
--Hey! So youre the New guy huh?
The british Man sighed in annoyance,crossing his arms--Oh do bugger off phantom, we have places to go
--ey ey relax Man, I just want to take a moment to greet our New recruit--phantom Turned to jerico-- heard you were dangerous huh? I like that in a woman
Suddenly, Harold felt his blood boil, as jeri couldnt help but giggle at the cheesy pickup lines.
In a stupid fit of jealousy,he grabbed his lighter and pressed the flame against phantoms pants, who in a matter of seconds lit afire, he then with a mischevious smile Turned to jerico-- tell me....can you smell something Burning...? Oh its probably nothing,lets go dear, im starving
He put an arm around jeri and Walked her away as phantom ran around in circles, blissfully unaware of this sunstorm just shrugged it off.
--Did you just really burnt phantoms pants so he would stop talking to jerico?-- ember asked, arms crossed as both grabbed their food.
--well he was making her unconfortable!
--Dont make excuses for yourself Harold I know you
The Man sighed letting his shoulders fall--okay maybe I have a crush on her what about it....
Ember started to laugh--Thats adorable Harold, I wish you the best of luck --She patted his back.
During dinner Ember politely excused herself,leaving both veterans to talk.
--So--stoker started without a clear topic to talk about--Youre a veteran?
-- I am,Ive seen a lot of fucked up shit I tell you that
He chuckled and nodded in agreement--war, how do the kids put it ,ah yes, fucking sucks
--It really does,you loose Friends, people youre closed...and you never know
--If youll end up coming home to them--both meet eachothers gaze--i know the feeling quite well...
Both smile, and talk softly about their time in the military.
Stoker decided to pack up his little science proyect and walk around the bases courtyard with jerico, the moon shine brightly, and both strolled down calmly.
--I remember this one time, me and my Dad were leaders of two different squadrons,you had to see the soldiers faces when they realize their commander was my dad....it was hilarious,specially because we look nothing alike
--Hmm, May I inquire as to why?
--Dad adopted me when I was a kid, and we really look nothing alike,and well, when training, my old Man is very harsh and strict, I tend to be that one godsend seargeant who cuts some slack on the soldiers, its quite funny really
The brit laughed and nodded--yes it is
--And how about you?, whats your story ?
He took a deep breath,and put his hands behind his neck--Well,I used to be a squadron I had to make a rough decision,and I did it,thankfully nobody had to die that day,except For the bad guys of course
And they spend the night talking about their anecdotes,laughing, and comforting eachother.
--mind if I Scort you to your room?
--Not at all
Stoker giggled and put an arm around jerico,And both Walked into the building in silence, the whole place was quiet, aside from some who spent the night playing videogames and their rage screams could be heard from outside their room
When they arrived though,jeri took Harolds hand--Dont you want to spend the night here?,your room is on the other side of the building
--Oh I dont want to bother
--You dont,come on in
He sighed and nodded, taking off his jacket.
--I have a spare matress under my bed,i can sleep there
--What?,no way, I shoundt Rob You the comforts of your bed...
--Harold just take it
--Ill take the spare matress thats what ill take
Both stared at eachother,before sighing--Sharing?
Without much time wasted they got into the bed,their backs facing eachother.
--You wont take that mask off for sleeping?
--No, I wont
She sighed --You cant sleep like that
--Yes I can
She knew it wasnt her place to Keep demanding--Will you sleep comfortably?
A soft smile appeared on the Mans face--Yes, dont worry about me,now go get some sleep okay?
--You too.....goodnight
--Sweet dreams...
Ember groaned,facepalming.
This needed to stop.
--Oh you look so lovely today--stoker said softly elbowing jerico in the ribs, who then chuckled.
--And you look quite handsome too
Theyve been flirting like this for the entire day, ember was about to knock them both out....she couldnt take more of this mushy crap.
--oh I thought for a moment I found to emeralds....turns out it was just your eyes...--Harold said with his masks cheek resting on his hand.
Jericos cheeks turn baby Pink and both softly chuckle.
--If you two lovebirds are done, the guys at the kitchen need help on the cooler--vera said--its not working....
Both sighed and nodded.
However as both worked on the inside of the industrial Cooler, the door closed leaving them in pure darkness, aside from Jers phone lantern.
--Damnit...--stoker tried to Open the door to no avail...
And so they sat there in darkness.
-- d damn-- Harold said curling into a ball-- its cold here...
Jer, who was a natural heater, sat closer to him--I think I have an idea,but I need you to sit properly
--W what are y you planning to do?--He straightened his legs and his cheeks Turned red as he felt her sit on his lap and hug him-
-Like this we wont loose heat...
She was, oddly warm...how?.
Whatever questions he had, his survival was first so he hugged her, and hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth return to his body.
--Thats a whole lot better...thanks awfully..
--Dont mention it...
And after that day, they couldnt get enough of it ,everywhere was a good place to cuddle, while eating, after training,during briefings.
Everyone was losing their minds over how clingy both were.
Their feelings for eachother were so painfuly obvious...
And now, after a particular rough mission, jerico and stoker were cuddling in his room.
He pressed his mask against her back.
--Im just glad youre okay...--she whispers.
--Im just glad to be with you here--he answers back.
Though she was too tired to even try and comprehend what he said, so she nuzzled closer and smiled..
Soon enough she'll tell him.
She was glad to be by his side, and being able to hold him like that..and Him..well, he was happy to return to her in one piece.
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lotus-0398 · 6 years
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A/N:Hello! Im back with a new one. Ive been busy but hope you huys like it!
You can ask me anything and request anything if you like! ✨
You and Jin met in middle school. You were two years younger then him. He was your senpai in a way. He was alone and you sat by his side to make him company and thats where all started. You two love food, animals, coffee and other stuff. You two began to hang out and even though he graduated and moved to another school for high school. You two would still be in contact. You guys would hang out in arcades, at the pool, having picnic or just a sleep over in his house or yours. You guys were having the best days.
One day he came to you and told you he was a trainee at Big Hit. You were so excited and hugged him. You fully knew that was his dream and you were gonna be there to support him. Also you were beginning to have feelings for him. You dont want to be away from him, you want him to know that youll be there for him, that you care for him, you loved him and that he was everything to you. You didnt dare to tell him yet.
Months have passed, days, hours and you were close to all the members. You brought them food almost every day made by you so they will eat well. Also they debuted and they were being successful. You were happy to see Jins dream coming true, for you studying was hard but it was all worth it to have a future. Thank God you took clases online because you couldnt stand being in a room full of people and having to dress all days just to go to college was something you didnt want. But you could dress up all days for Jin. Yes you love him and still you havent confessed to him. You began to be very shy around him again and talking more to the others. Jin noticed this and one day he took you out of the practice room and placed you to the wall.
“Jin.. wh-whats wrong?”you stuttered. And looked down.
He looked at you and sighed” Why dont you talk to me so much? We used to talk a lot non stop.. did i did something wrong?” He said sad and you grabbed his hand
“No.. you havent done anything bad.. i just...”you kept silent. Thinking if you should tell him.
“Y/N... whats wrong? Is something bothering you?..i would do anything for you to be confortable you know?.. and i have something to tell you.. im gonna explode if i dont tell you.. i.”he bit his lips and looked at you in the eyes” i like you.. like a lot..and i cant stand you talking more with the others than me.. i know we dont like go together because now im a singer.. and having this life is difficult.. plus having someone its even more harder..i..”he kept silent. You looked at him.. you began to tear up and hugged him
“We can work this out.. i like you too.. Jinnie.. i.. ive fallen for you.. but i didnt know how yo say it to you. “You said all shy and he smiled widely.
“So.. you are telling me that.. like a year ago i could have tell you how i felt and we would be Girlfriend and boyfriend by now?”he got closer to you. You blushed immediately and nodded. He chuckled and placed a finger on your chin to make you look at him. He slowly got closer to you and your lips met. It was a sweet and tender kiss. It was better than you expected, he hugged you by the waist still kissing you gently and softly. After a few 5 minutes you two parted and immediately you hide your face in his chest. He laughed at your action and placed a kiss on your head.
“I have to go back sweetie.. ill text you or call you later okay? I love you..”he smiled and walked away waving at you. You only looked at him blushing and waving back at him.
Day by day your relationship was great, amazing, he was lovely, caring, made food for you and had the best dates. But there were times when you two fought because of his work. You knew it would be difficult but its more difficult when you see him on TV flirting with other women because thats his charm. You miss him so much, everyday. And the calls and text are less and less each day since they got even more famous. Going to USA, Japan, Europe and winning the billboard for the first time. You began to feel lonely in your home, you just wanted him to be there by your side. But even though distance is hard between a couple you knew he would never hurt you or chest on you. Besides his members wouldnt let him in any way.
4 years have passed already, four years of relationship, of good and bad moments. But you werent feeling good one day. You felt sick, your hair was falling constantly. You didnt know what was going on but you thought it was something you ate. So you didnt bother to go to a hospital. You told Jin and he immediately got home.
“Babe are you okay?? How do you feel?”he says softly.
“Im better.. but i still very sick..”you said softly..”can we cuddle? Ive missed you a lot... i feel lonely..”you said with tears and he hugged you.
“Im sorry... i know.. but bare with me babe.. im here.. imma do all i can to be here more often or bring you with me..”he says and you smiled softly.
You two cuddle until you fell asleep in his arms. He just admired you and brushed your hair when he noticed he had brought a lot of your hair in his hand. He was in shock. You were losing hair, this wasnt normal. Usually you dont lose that many hair when brushing it. He began to worry even more. He sighed and kissed your cheeks. “I love you..”he said softly..
“I love you too...”you said in your sleep and he giggled.
Three months have passed and you felt even more sick than ever. But you didnt tell anything to Jin. You just pretended to be okay for him. Today you were gonna have a date with him. He sent you a box with all you should wear today. You were very excited so you prepared yourself for today, doing makeup, hair and everything. Jin knocked on the door and you went to open it up and there he was with a bouquet of sunflowers and chocolate. He looked so good in that pink button up shirt and black pants.
“Hello beautiful. How are you today? You look stunning..”he smirked and gave you the flowers.
You giggled and smiled”Thank you handsome. You look amazing, that color suits you..”you gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Mm thanks. Shall we go princess?”he smiled and you nodded.
Both of you went out of the house. It was a very romantic and planned date, he was like a prince and taking good care of you. You loved him and that wasnt a doubt. You two had so much fun talking about everything, eating, drinking and suddenly the other members, your family and his got there. You frowned and looked at him quickly. He was on his knees and you gasped placing your hands on your mouth to hide it. You didnt expect this, you teared up and he began saying:
“Y/N.. we met in middle school in the cafeteria. You sat by my side and talked to me. You were my first friend and only one since then. We fell in love and began our love story 4 years ago. I cant imagine living without you. I promis to take care of you, to make you happy and be there for you always.. i knew from that start that i wanted to be with you forever. That you are the perfect one for me even thought we dont always match or get along in something’s. I love you and.. Y/N would you marry me?”he said wit the biggest smile. You looked at everyone around with tears in your eyes, you looked at him again and nodded non stop. He stood up placed the ring on your finger and hugged you. “I love you princess..” he said and you started crying even harder.
“Also babe.. i want to plan our wedding for the next month. I want to be your husband immediately. “He smiled and you laughed.
“Hahaha really? I mean if you want me that badly why not do it in two weeks?” You said joking
“Thats not bad! Lets do it! I already have things that i want. Lets discuss it later okay?” He said.
You blinked a few times and smiled.”okay..”
He kissed you again softly and you responded. After the dinner and date, he took you home and he made love to you.
Two weeks have passed and today was the day were you and Jin were getting married, everything was planned, it was gonna look beautiful and it was a simple wedding. The most expensive of it all would be the honeymoon and both of your dresses and his. Your friends were helping you get ready. One did your makeup, the other your hair, other helped you put on the dress. You looked perfect, like a princess thats gonna get married to her prince charming. You smiled widely looking at yourself in the mirror.. You still felt very sick but you did all you could to be fine today in your wedding. The girls told you to go since it was time and off you go.
Everything went perfectly and now you were at the reception to dance, eat and have a good time. You were in your second dress, more light and easy to walk. You were looking at Jin dancing with his band mates. You smiled widely but suddenly you felt dizzy, sick, headache, and you passed out.
Jin noticed quickly and went to you. Trying to wake you up but nothing helped. He quickly carried you and went off to the hospital.
*FlashBack to one week ago*
You went to the doctor to get a check up. Because you were still very sick and your hair lose was worrying you too. So you went, waited to be checked. When you went inside and they checked you, gave you a paper to do all the exams and test. You went that same day.. and in a matter of 30 minutes your resulta were available. You went to the doctor again and he gave you the news that you had Cancer. You looked at the doctor in shock at first, but you slowly came to realize what he just said. Tears started to fall, silence among the office and you cried hard. But the worst thing is that the cancer is very advanced and its taking over your body. You cried even more. You stood up and went out, you paid and got to your car. You cried non stop on the way home and you didnt tell anything to Jin. You want him to be happy, you would do anything in your hands for him..
*End of the Flashback*
When he arrived at the hospital, they immediately took you. They did blood test and everything. After a few hours they came to him and said the news that you had terminal cancer. He kneeled down and cried hysterically. His band mates came in that exact moment and hugged him.
“Jin Hyung.. whats wrong?”said JK
“Tell us.. we are here for you..” said RM..
“Y/N...Y/N has terminal cancer “ he cried out loud and they all looked at each other.
“You need to be strong for her Jin hyung..she needs you now more than ever..”Suga said and brushed his hair.
“Suga is right Hyung” said Taehyung.”Its gonna be tough.. but we are with you too Hyung..”he said softly.
Jin stopped crying loud and tried to calm down. He nodded and hugged them.”Thank you guys.. thank you..” he sat down and sighed hiding his face crying again in silence. He felt useless as if he didnt do anything for you. He wasnt home often, the fights, he remembered them all. “i need to do something for her.. i feel like an idiot..i need to show her how much i love her!..”he said softly to his band mates. They all looked at one another and RM smiled.
“I know what you can do.. write your feelings.. what you want to let her know..”RM said softly
“Yeah! Thats a great idea..”said suga”I can help you with the beat.”
Jin looked at them and thought about it” i think is the best way to express my feelings for her.. i love my wife.. i love her.. i.. cant live without her..”he says softly”She is everything to me.. she has been in all stages of my life.. “
Suddenly the doctors came and spoke to Jin. They told him everything and let him go see you. He quickly went and opened the door to see you with the oxygen tubes on your nose, your hair still on fleak, he approached to you and kissed your forehead. “Jagi im here.. i love you..”he said..
You opened your eyes and looked at him smiling softly”Hey honey.. i love you..more.. im sorry i didnt say anything to you..”you teared up and he hugged you.
“Shh.. its okay.. its okay.. im gonna make you more happy.. im gonna do everything for you.. we will go through this until the end.. i love you so much “he kissed you softly and you kissed back with tears. You really love this man very much. He is everything to you.
After two weeks you were released from the hospital. You guys went to have a dinner, then to the park and went home.
“Honey... i want to watch a movie and cuddle up with you...”you said with a low voice.
“What do you want to watch? Something romantic or something funny?”he smiled at you.
“Hmm... lets watch comedy. I want to hear your laughter. “You said with a smile and his heart broke. Why? Because he forgot how to laugh ever since he found out about your cancer. He wasnt himself and he would only pleased you. He looked at you and nodded
“Okay Jagi! Go to bed and ill be right there with the movie alright?”he went to look up a movie and you went to the bedroom. After a few minutes he went up and saw you on the bed all dressed up in a sexy silk short bed dress. He smiled widely. “Wow.. baby... you look amazing!”he hugged you tight and kissed your forehead.”so sexy.. you know how much that dress drives me crazy..”he smirk and you blushed.
“Haha.. it wasnt my intention..or maybe it was” you winked and he laughed hard. You smiled and hugged him. You loved and missed his laughter.. “i like it when you laugh... i know that you are trying to make everything for me.. to make me more happy.. to be with me and pleased me... but lets be happy together.. lets be pleased together.. yeah? It makes me happy seeing you laugh.. lets go normal again? Yeah? Lets just live the moment. Can you do that for me?”you grabbed his face and looked at him with teary eyes and he looked at you with teary eyes too. Jin just nodded and kissed you softly. But that kissed became a needy one and hungry. That ended up in bed making love to one another.
The next morning he had to work so he left you a letter, he made you breakfast and did everything before work. When he got to the company the guys were waiting for him.
“Jin hyung!”said suga very cutely for some reason.
“Oh.. hey Suga.. whats up?”he said relaxed.
“I fixed a bit the song you composed and its great. I cried so much just so you know”he smiled with his gummy smile.
“Really?? Wow.. thank you!”said Jin happy.
“Now you need to go to RM”suga said and Jin did as he said. He knocked on the door of his studio.
“Namjoon? Are you here? Its me..” said Jin
“Jin Hyung! Come on in.. Jhope just picked the beat and now we need to record” Rm looked at him.”You okay?”
“Yeah im okay. And thank you for helping me.”he smiled .
“Anything for you and your wife Hyung”Rm smiled”Now lets work”he giggled and Jin nodded.
They began the recording process, they record plenty more to make sure he was doing it right. Then the hearing if its okay, fixing mistakes, etc. After 9hr working and doing everything they finished it and it was done and good to go. He smiled and went home. When he arrived you were in the bathroom vomiting blood. You didnt felt good. Your cancer was killing you, it was advancing.
“Jagi? Are you here love?”he said softly. You didnt respond. “Baby? “He ran quickly to your bedroom, you werent there, he went to the bathroom and there you were sitting, looking all weak and pale. He bit his lips trying not to cry and sat down by your side rubbing your back.”You okay? Need to go to the hospital?”he said softly and you said no with your head. He picked you up and hugged you. He walked to the bedroom and laid you there softly, then he cuddle you up to his chest.”Jagi... i want you to hear me.. can you?”he saids with a smile and kissed your forehead. You just nodded weakly.
He began to sing softly.
‘We're too different
You know that well
We aren't able to embrace
Each other's realities
 "I don't understand"
"I don't remember"
Words that will always just be words
I don't expect them
 I love you (x5)
To your warm touch...
 I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
 To your warm touch...
 Please hold me
Please catch me’
You were crying softly and he felt your tear since the were falling on to his shirt.
“Dont cry Jagi.. i love you”he kissed you softly and you responded the same way. You loved this man so much. He was everything to you and you are everything to him. After a while both of you went to sleep. It was a peaceful night until you got up and ran to the bathroom. You were feeling more ill than ever and began to vomit and fell on the floor of the bathroom. “Agh... mm...”you tried to get up but you didnt have strength, hou felt your vision getting more blurry and blurry until you passed out. Jin immediately heard something hit the floor and ran to the bathroom. There you were all weak and unconscious. He panicked but tried to relax. He picked you up and soon he was driving to the hospital crying non stop. He texted his band mates. He got to the hospital and they took you. He just sat in the waiting room and cried in silence. The boys got there as soon as possible, saw him and hugged him tight, all of them and Jin broke crying out loud. “I dont want to lose her... i cant lose her please...”he said with a crack on his voice.
“Shhh she will get better hyung”said Jimin.
“Try to stay calm okay?”said Namjoon.
After a few hours the doctors came and talked to Jin. You were in a room but they said you wont make it. He froze and bit his lips. They had you in intensive care but you were no longer in the body. You were not gonna wake up. He immediately went to see you. He grabbed you hand softly, kissed it, kiss your forehead and your lips.”Jagi... i dont know if youll hear me but.. here i go.. i love you with all my heart... the day i first met you was.. like magic.. i fell in love with you in an instant. Youre my everything... with you i have it all.. without you. Im empty... i love you so damn much.. if i lose you ill lose my mind but... dont fight if you cant no more... if you have to leave me do it.. i know youll take care of me from heaven.. i know youll be watching me and supporting me.. i.”he broke crying but tried to finish” im so glad i met you and have you as my wife.. youre the love of my life forever and ever. Ill miss you..”he kissed your lips softly and when he finished kissing you.... you passed away. He could hear the machines going blank. He bit his lips hard and cried softly, he hugged you one last time. He went out the room and the boys were there outside.
“Hyung! What happened?”said Jungkook.
“She... she is not with us anymore..she passed.. away..”his lips trembled and tears were falling down his cheeks. Everyone gasped and their eyes went wide. They immediately hugged him.
Months have passed since you passed away, Jin was okay but he was missing his other part: you. They were on tour and nobody knew you passes away. Only Bighit employees and the guys. He misses you so much. When they went up stage and sang all of the song in this new comeback and stuff. They got to the end were they all thank and say how much they love ARMY. Bow it was Seokjins turn.
“Armyyyyyyyyyy!!!”he said with a smile. “Aaaaarrrrmyyyyyyy”he said playing.” Um.. i wanted to thank all of you and the staff for everything. Army is the reason why i wake up.. and keep going.. because..”he started to tear up.” As you all knew i got married.. and my Jagi is everything to me... i loved that woman with all my heart. But for the past few months ago she got ill and.. she died three month ago..”his voiced cracked and cried in silent ,the others cried too.”she was everything to me.. i feel empty but.. im glad im here today in front of you Army.. and sing this special song that.. is dedicated to my wife..”he smiled with tears and he began to sing ‘I love you’.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! 😭💜
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Chapter Six: Flashback, one of two, and also Maya’s in it
[Beginning] [Chapter Masterlist]
“Hey, Chief, question: so murder’s murder even if it’s one of the Fair F -- the fae, who’s murdered.”
“Murder is murder when a person is killed, accounting for manslaughter, accidental death, and the like -- honestly, Phoenix, you just think a person doesn’t count?”
“No! I mean, like… It just surprises me, is all, that you would let a human court arbitrate it and not just…”
“Revenge ourselves on the suspected killer with our magics in our home realm?”
“That’s always a possibility -- but it’s far too messy. That sort of thing tends to drag others who are far outside of the disagreement into the fighting, by way of networks of alliances, and before you know it there’s a full war that began because of a stupid crime of passion in a human bar. Some time before me, our Courts decided that humans and your courts and laws are the closest to fair, neutral judgment available, and that we would abide by their verdicts. Oh, certainly humanity was not consulted, but it is to your benefit to investigate the killings of fae, so as the allies of the deceased will not strike a curse down on all who were in the vicinity. And besides, you don’t think that, if humanity agreed that fae deaths won’t be tried, that rule wouldn’t be abused? That any man might claim his neighbor was one of the Fair Folk and killing him does not ‘count’ -- that any mother might throw her child in a fire because it acted just the slightest bit strange and claim that its life was forfeit on her suspicion?”
“You say that humans are fair and then list out all that. Neutral, with our lying and biases and stupid foolhardy impulsive actions--”
“Other than lies, we have the same faults, but so often magnified. We are impulsive and petty and cruel, with bias bred into our bloodlines -- it is an imperfect decision, as we are imperfect, as you are imperfect, as I have found even your laws to be. We make do with our best. It is all we have, in the end.”
A cold iron stake through the heart will kill anyone, not just one of the fae.
The same, Phoenix thinks, would go for an iron bullet through the forehead.
It’s not that he doesn’t know what Magnifi was -- Zak told him that from the beginning, and Pearl’s gift confirms for him that he wasn’t lying. And even without it, he could still see the lingering traces that Zak was a witch -- once. Their powers fade quickly when their patron is gone. He knows that without asking.
If it should matter, though, there is no way to prove to anyone else what Magnifi was.
Fae corpses don’t leave evidence. If they leave a corpse at all -- most do, but not all, and those deaths by their nature are never judged but in the Courts of Kurain, if the dead has the allies to bring the matter forth -- it is indistinguishable from a human’s, a last residual enchantment to make sure they cannot be ignored or dismissed.
Or to fuck with those left behind, as Phoenix comes to understand of Magnifi.
The evidence of the trial made that much obvious: one shot to the forehead; you cannot refuse, and we both know the reason why. A final cruelty to impart on those whom he bargained with -- and why wouldn’t he? If he knew he was dying -- of age, a curse from another, whatever it was -- the Gramarye witches would outlast him. And even if his death would take their powers away, the fae never like to feel that they’ve been cheated. One last indignity: don’t forget what you lost forever to make a bargain with me.
There is a lot Phoenix does not know, answers he is still seeking, but this, he understands. The nature of the fae, he understands.
The Bar Association suspends his badge pending inquiry, the hearing scheduled for one short week after the trial. News travels fast about Phoenix, ever since von Karma, ever since Gant, two pillars of the legal system he brought crumbling down, and the prosecution already had done half of their inquiry for them, placing Drew Misham in the courtroom with a speed that made Phoenix’s head spin. His memories of the trial are patchy, direly so, when it comes to the diary page -- how he got it, why he didn’t find it too suspicious to present -- and that will be his own inquiry: who fooled him, and how. It probably wasn’t Zak; it very likely could have been Gavin, a prodigy looking to make a name for himself, with enough enchantments and glamours to make it happen. He is human at the core and nowhere else, but the old adage, foot in each world, doesn’t seem so true, not when he drapes himself in iron jewelry like he thinks it can ground him firmly on this side of the veil.
Phoenix doesn’t trust him -- Phoenix has five people whom he personally trusts -- but he can’t condemn him, not yet. Not without more evidence.
The first lead he chases down is the forger himself, Drew Misham. (No, not himself.) The forger is his daughter, Vera, a shy, sickly little girl, and a changeling besides. Drew seems to know, but he won’t say it outright -- Vera is “exceptionally talented”, “a genius”, and he never makes eye contact with Phoenix. She was the only one to see the client’s face, and whoever it was has done a good job of convincing her to clam up. A gentle smile, she says. Like an angel, but for the briefest of moments -- a slip in the upkeep of a glamour? -- Vera saw the devil.
Not exactly helpful, and definitely worrying when compounded with the secret charm that she won’t show, but she does tell him that she lays an enchantment on all of her forgeries -- not in those exact words. Phoenix isn’t even sure that she realizes what she is, that her powers are not human.
Valant is the second he speaks with, at the detention center where he has been interred for trying to pin the murder on Zak. Talking to him -- or maybe it’s that Phoenix retrieved the magatama to keep with him on this investigation -- brings one memory into sharper focus -- the girl, the little girl, Zak’s daughter, as human as her father but draped in magic even when it was fading from Magnifi’s two pupils. And that is definitely worrying, too; Phoenix has stumbled sightlessly into the dark, and something monstrous is lurking in it.
He nearly misses his hearing -- an unnecessary formality because there wasn’t one among them, except apparently Kristoph Gavin, who hadn’t decided that Phoenix’s badge would be gone at the end of it -- trying to track down Trucy. The Gramaryes were an elusive coven -- Valant tried to make a cursory protest on the terminology, “Troupe! We were not…”, and Phoenix broke the single lock by just staring him down until he rescinded his words -- who were never found by those desperate enough to seek them out, but instead would appear to them in the midst of their search. If they had a home base, Valant won’t say, and no one else in the world knows. Zak’s daughter, Trucy is her name, could be anywhere in the city, anywhere beyond the city, out to the mountains of Kurain, and Phoenix might never find her.
Getting an answer from her about who she received the diary page from would be a bonus; Phoenix is more concerned for her sake. He was only able to briefly See her, but he didn’t like the glimpse.
This is going to take some assistance.
The first thing he can unearth in his apartment that can make a circular shape is an extension cord; he drags it out to the kitchen and sets a cold half of a ground beef patty on a plate in the center. The fake candles are back at the office, but that is an unneeded trifle -- funny, but unnecessary. “Maya,” he says, stepping back from the circle and closing his eyes, “there is someone I need your help to find.”
A cold gust of wind batters against his face. When he opens his eyes, the room has filled with a slowly-dispersing purple mist, twisting in strands around the fae standing in the circle. She has gained an extra pair of eyes since he last saw her, smaller slits right along the browbone, all four glowing red. The remaining mist settles about her head like hair or the headdress of royalty, not quite blending with the void-black tendrils that frame her face. One of them extends, almost like an extra arm made of shadow, down to the floor, snatching up the burger and tossing it into her mouth. She grins, the truest cheshire smile Phoenix has ever seen, stretching literally from pointed ear to ear, displaying dozens of huge sharp fangs. “Hey Nick!”
Immediately she turns to face the refrigerator right behind her. “Are you holding out on me? That was a lame burger just now.”
“Cut me some slack. I just lost my badge. I’m trying not to burn my savings on food too quickly.”
She cocks her head, still staring at the fridge. The mist doesn’t move with her like something part of her should. “Where’d you have it last?” she asks. “If you lost it at the office, Sis will probably have it on your desk in the next couple days.”
Ah. Literalism. The main weapon and weakness both of the fae. “No, I mean -- I was disbarred. I am no longer allowed to work as a lawyer--”
He stops when he sees Maya’s face. She has finally looked at him and her expression, however hard to parse it can be, shifts rapidly, the briefest flash of something like horror that twists into fury, a contorted, monstrous rage. “Who did this to you?” she snarls, and he didn’t know he looked, physically, that bad, or that she knew how to read the depths of his exhaustion and despair from his aura. “You want my help to hunt them down and eat their hearts?”
“No! No, that’s not what I want!”
“Oh.” She frowns. “I would throw it in for free.”
“No!” He bends down to break the circle and stops. “On the condition of not eating any part of a person, I let you leave.”
“For the duration of this summoning, you have my word,” she replies. He could -- should -- argue that, try and make it a blanket deal for eternity, but he decides they can negotiate that some other time. For now, he has what he needs, and he unwinds the extension cord.
When Maya steps forth, the glamour settles over her in a wave, the mist hanging over her settling into glossy black hair, her two smallest eyes vanishing and the others whitening and gaining dark irises, her mouth shrinking, and the four small glowing orbs that drift lazily about her face sink down to become four large beads of a necklace. And then she looks like an ordinary girl, late teens or early twenties, her hair done up in a topknot and her smile small but still toothy and just a little too sharp. “So who is it that you want to find?” she asks. She frowns, but it seems like such a minute motion compared to moments ago. “Is your prosecutor in trouble again, too?”
“No; that was last month.”
And he leaves her hanging on that one and they sit at the kitchen table while he instead begins to explain his own case, his own worst situation, and the Gramaryes. She repeats Magnifi’s name to herself after he says it, again and again until her voice loses its human quality, sounding instead like the clatter of bells or a windchime, until suddenly she snaps back. “This fae you call Magnifi -- he was banished, many years ago, stripped of his power with his name and cursed to never return.”
“He strove for power and made those who had that power very mad,” she answers. “And so -- ouch.” She picks at some stain on the table and Phoenix winces, anticipating her leaving claw marks gouged into the wood. “He had a daughter. No other allies besides her -- she left with him, naturally.”
“Thalassa,” Phoenix says. Maya nods. “It was a far fall for him, huh, to end up where he did. Probably all he had left was the power trip over Zak and Valant, and all they had was pretending that they weren’t witches sworn to some bastard.”
“That’s the funny part of it, kinda,” Maya says. “They didn’t even credit him, when they were saying they can perform spells for whatever sorry suckers show up hoping for a miracle -- they were just like ‘yeah, no fae involved, ignore that guy, we won’t screw you out of a deal’. And they by being like that probably screwed him out of dozens more deals with sad desperate humans. No wonder he decided his death should be one last one-over on them.”
Sitting cross-legged in her chair, her hands in her lap, she leans it back to balance impossibly on two legs. She likes to cause the double-take, to force Edgeworth or Franziska or whoever else to look twice at the way she twists the world around her. “And you’re looking for his granddaughter?” she asks. “Not his daughter?”
“Thalassa is dead,” Phoenix says. “And Trucy isn’t, yet, so yes, I’m looking for Trucy.”
“I’m vaguely flattered that you think I’m powerful enough that I can just find her, just like that,” Maya says. She doesn’t wobble. “It’s not so easy, not here in this realm, not without knowing her true name.” “Trucy Enigmar,” Phoenix says. “Or Trucy Gramarye.” Maya rolls her eyes. “I need to know which, Nick.” Names have more power in the Twilight Realm. It’s why Mia, even trying to be human, stumbled on names that weren’t Phoenix, the human whose life she owned, and Dahlia, the fae she defeated. It’s why Iris only ever called him Feenie. It was the kindest gesture she could make. In the same fashion, Maya calls him Nick. They don’t own him, not entirely, though they could. “It’s only two choices. You can’t guess?” “No. I need to know.” Half of magic is certainty, Maya and Dahlia so certain they have the world at their fingertips, Iris so much meeker and weaker than her sister, Vera knowing little about herself but knowing that once instructed she can create anything and that is all she needs to know. And Valant, weaker, because he was so sure he was second-best, a self-fulfilling prophecy, the only kind of prophecy that Phoenix ever sees. A spell can’t be cast on a guess. “Is there anything you can do if you go back to the Twilight Realm?” Phoenix asks. “Hm.” Maya holds her hands up, palms facing each other, and a purple glow begins to form around them. Then she claps them together and the light vanishes, her eyes glinting red for a moment in the sterile light of his kitchen. “I’ll ask Sis for help, first.” It has started to rain when they leave Phoenix’s apartment. Biking in this weather is unfortunate enough, but Maya insists on balancing herself on the handlebars, right in Phoenix’s line of sight, and this would be the most embarrassing way for Phoenix to die after everything he has been through. They are both soaked through to the skin but only fell once by the time they arrive at the office. The lights are already on and the heat is blasting a literal warm welcome. “Hey, Sis!” Maya calls into the silence. No answer comes forth, of course, but the smile on Maya’s face is one that shows her to be more at ease than in a long time. “I could use some help! Nick’s trying to steal a kid.” “I’m trying to help her,” Phoenix objects. “Honestly, Maya.” “Yeah, yeah.” Maya twirls through the office and her hair doesn’t move like it is heavy with water, or even like it has the weight of that much hair. She stops at the shelves of law books that Phoenix has meant to read for two and a half years and never did, running her fingers down the spines but not stopping at any of them and proceeding on to the binders and file folders full of Mia’s case references and research materials that Phoenix hasn’t known how to sort and get rid of. “Somewhere here,” she mutters, “maybe there’s something.” Phoenix gives her a moment to offer one before he asks for an explanation. “After our mother left,” she says, “Sis at some point moved some of the royal records out of the Twilight Realm. I think she was worried about our aunt getting her hands on them.” The pages turn without Maya touching them. Her bangs and the hair framing her face sway as though there is a gentle wind to tousle them. “But… nope.” She stops on a page and squints down at it, only to resume flipping a few seconds later. “This Magnifi of yours, his true name – it wasn’t just taken, but erased. There’s not even an echo for me to work from.” The binder slams shut and is tossed over her shoulder without her moving her hand. “If these witches were well-enough known, how did people usually find them?” “They didn’t,” Phoenix says. “Anyone who went looking for them, they would eventually appear to.” “Huh,” Maya says. “Well, we’ve got two options, now!” Phoenix is already bracing himself to hear them. “We can go out and wander until I find us a likely trail, or you can put up some – uh, wanted posters.” “Wanted? For the Old West, maybe, but—” “Then, a ‘lost kid’ kinda thing. You do that, right? With the description, and the phone number, and the reward money.” “That’s for pets.” “It could be for kids. Don’t let your narrow-minded cultural assumptions box you in.” “Ah.” Sometimes, Phoenix has no idea what the hell she is talking about. “If we’ve got to make a grid search of the city, we’d better get started.” Maya hops up onto the couch and pushes the curtains aside to look out at the rain. “Maya, do you know how big Los Angeles is?” She looks back at him with her head cocked. “No,” she says. “How big?” Again they set out, on foot this time. “We’re helping her by stealing her,” Maya says, jumping squarely into a puddle and splashing muddy streetwater up Phoenix’s jeans. “It’s not either-or.” She tilts her head back, face to the clouds that are darkening from gray to black as night falls. “I bet Sis can save her, like she did you.”
Streetlamps flicker as they pass, and in those brief spurts of shadow, Maya’s shape flickers too.
She leads him down streets he didn’t know existed, past storefronts that look long-abandoned, with neon signs still glowing in the windows but not the puddles they should be reflected in. “You definitely were enchanted, by the way,” she adds. “I can still see the residue.”
“It’s been a week,” Phoenix says.
“Well, double-layered enchantments are harder to shake off and take longer to fade.” She shakes her head. “You were doomed as soon as you took that paper, without anyone to help you. You’re only human, after all.”
“Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I know.” A cheap, sad ball bounced back and forth between players of a game whose rules he doesn’t understand, then as in now, a pawn dragged to the other side of the board to be crowned a knight and turned back again.
“What did you say this coven called themselves, again?” Maya asks, when they’ve been out for a little more than an hour, Phoenix soaked through to the bone, Maya having given up the illusion that weather affects her the way it does mere mortals. Her skin does not shine wet in the light. Her hair still flutters like a ribbon with the breeze of passing cars.
“The name itself might be an invocation,” she says.
“What, like ‘Bloody Mary’ three times in the mirror and she’ll--”
Maya squints at him. “I don’t know anyone who uses that moniker,” she says, very seriously. “Is that a meme?”
Phoenix regrets teaching her about memes, for many more reasons than this, but also specifically for this. “The -- the belief is that you say her name three times and she’ll appear behind you in the mirror.” He turns to his reflection, staring back at him out of the dark window of a closed-down ramen shop. “Gramarye,” he says firmly, despite feeling a little silly, and doubting that the reflection is even necessary. “Gramarye, Gramarye.”
“That’s not a mirror,” Maya says.
“I don’t wear makeup so I’m not going to just have one in my pocket--” Something flashes in the storefront window and Phoenix glances back. Something is glowing, a small pink light, and he figures that some neon sign in the shop has sputtered back to life until it moves, flitting about like a moth thumping up against a lamp. He looks back over his shoulder. There, down at the end of the block, the light is dancing up above the street. “Maya, look,” he says, nudging her, not even sure why he’s pointing it out but compelled to. “What’s that? We should go look—”
“Nope!” She grabs his arm and yanks him back. He hadn’t realized he ha started walking, toward it, until she stopped him. “What’d we just talk about, Nick?”
“Bloody Mary? Or that I’m only human?” The light pulses, brighter and softer, but never too bright that the glare is jarring in the dark and the rain.
“Yes! That without me you walk right into enchantments!”
“An enchantment?” He looks again at the light, really looks, but nothing about its shape or color changes and he takes another step forward. The edges of his vision are blurry, like he is staring through a sheet of falling water, and he should be able to see something—
He didn’t see anything suspicious about the diary page, either. Glancing over at Maya, his stomach momentarily turns over at the sight of the pale claws on his arm. “It’s trying to lead you astray,” she says, and even when she isn’t grinning, her full shark’s mouth of several rows of teeth is made visible, and she tugs at his arm again. “Back this way.”
The light bobs back and forth, sashaying forward as Phoenix moves away from it. “A will o’ the wisp?” he asks.
Maya nods. “A distraction,” she says, very seriously. “This is all very clever, actually.” One hand still closed around his upper arm -- he blinks and wills her claws to look like stubby nails and blunt fingertips again -- she pulls him back toward the storefront. “The doorway appears where there is a need, then the wisp distracts for the witch to step forth and seem to have just appeared from nowhere.” She reaches forward, touching a finger to the glass, and it wobbles and ripples like water, opening wider and wider a circle big enough to step through. “Because you can’t just teleport like that. There always has to be a door, but it adds to the illusion if it doesn’t look like there’s one.” Stepping to the side, she waves to usher Phoenix in first. He can see a stained wooden stairs descending, before they are swallowed up entirely by darkness. “Age before beauty!”
Even in the most human of her grins, he is reminded what she is.
Beneath his feet, the steps creak at every movement, the walls closing tighter and tighter as he descends, brushing against both of his shoulders at the same time. He fumbles forward, one hand stretched out groping blindly for an exit or a wall. Maya is prodding him in the back as they go -- “C’mon, Nick, you’re so slow!”
“I can’t see,” he protests, right as he walks straight into something solid, the impact of his hand against it jarring his entire body. “Ah.”
Maya’s hand brushes past his ear to reach over and tap the wall. With a loud scraping sound, a thin crack of light slowly spreads wider and wider, shifting aside to reveal the interior of a gaudy gilded room. It isn’t the decrepit shack he expected, no rats or exposed wires or broken furniture, but it still disgusts what slight aesthetic sense he has. Everything is gold, or red, or black, a collection of clashing decorative styles, Victorian-looking couches with abstract modernist tables and shelves, and a few implements that look like something from a circus, strange boxes and colorful flags and hula hoops.
Stage magic. Phoenix snorts.
Sitting on the couch, a blue plastic bowl in her hands, a spoonful of mac-and-cheese on its way to her mouth, is Zak’s daughter. “Oh!” she says brightly, through a mouthful of noodles. “Hi, Mr Lawyer! If I had known it was you I wouldn’t have let Mr Hat lead you away.”
Mr Hat? Phoenix mouths it at Maya, even though reasonably there is no way she will know what that means. She shrugs. “Hi Trucy,” he says, looking around for a place to sit and deciding he doesn’t trust anything in this place. “Your daddy hasn’t come back, has he?”
Her face falls. “No,” she says. “He hasn’t. But he told me I could trust you, Mr Lawyer!”
Why, Phoenix so desperately wants to ask, but he is trying to keep that trust and that question will not do him any good. “I did some digging to find out if you have any other family,” he says, trying to keep eye contact with her while also watching where he puts his feet. “And it didn’t seem like it, so I wondered if you wanted to stay with me for a little while -- until your daddy comes back.”
She nearly overturns her bowl trying to set it down. “So if I stay with you,” she says, “does that mean we’ll be family?”
“I, uh… I guess so?”
Maya is laughing quietly as she circles the room, plucking up the decorations on the mantles and setting them back down. “Who is she?” Trucy asks. “Will she be my new mommy?”
“Er -- no. No, no.”
Trucy’s face falls. “Oh,” she says. “Since my mommy disappeared years ago, I thought I might get a new one now too.”
“No,” Phoenix says, “she’s just -- a friend.” Sort of. As much as human and fae can ever be friends, without the tangle of deals and magic and curses that always litter those relationships. He’s heard of romantic couplings of fae and human -- ones genuinely built on love, he means -- but that was not his experience and he has no intention of repeating anything close to that situation.
“I’m Maya,” she says. “Nick and I have known each other for a few years now. You can trust him.” She grins. Trucy hasn’t recoiled from horror from her; it doesn’t appear that she has the Sight, and another quick glance over her confirms that. Phoenix hadn’t paid attention to that last time, distracted as he was by everything else that was going on, with her, and in general. Now he can see that her eyes don’t change, but marked around them is a teal glow, in the shape of a diamond, over each of her eyes like a variation on a domino mask. He can’t quite tell what it means; curses are always easier to read, a red slash across the throat only really meaning one thing.
In the meantime, until he can ask Maya out-of-earshot, he decides he should stop staring and instead deal directly with the situation he has invited upon himself. “Oh, Trucy? You don’t have to call me ‘Mr Wright’ or ‘Mr Lawyer’ or anything. You can just call me Nick if you want.” He scratches his head, as the depth of this is beginning to weigh on him. “Or even ‘Daddy’ someday, but not now if you don’t want to--”
“Okay, Daddy!”
Oh. Okay.
“I have to get my stuff, if I’m going to be living with you,” Trucy says. “I’ll be right back!”
She springs to her feet and runs off into the next room. Phoenix moves to follow her, not sure if this place won’t swallow them both up, never to be spat back out into the world. “It’s truth, if you’re wondering,” Maya says, opening an ancient-looking wooden cupboard and rifling around in it. “The blessing on her,” she adds, emerging with a pack of microwave mac-and-cheese that for some reason was stashed there, and tearing open the pack of cheese powder and shaking it into her mouth. “It probably doesn’t look quite the same as Pearly gave you, but I wouldn’t recommend lying to her.”
“I see,” he says.
“No, you didn’t See. You were wondering.” She grins again, and she swallows the package of pasta, plastic and all. Once she told him that she can unhinge her jaw like a snake to swallow anything as big as her head; he wishes that she could lie. He wishes that her sense of humor could extend beyond literalism into exaggerated falseholds.
He steps into the hall that Trucy disappeared down, just far enough to see her running from room to room, with the clattering of objects upended and tossed aside. “Do you need help carrying things?” he calls.
Trucy sticks her head back into the hall, beaming. “Nope!” she says proudly. “I have this!” She waves at him a huge pair of frilly pink bloomers, and part of him -- most of him -- does not want to ask, but he also does not want to trek back into this hideout when he finds out she didn’t bring any of her clothes. “My magic panties are better than any suitcase!”
“Can you… elaborate?”
She reaches in through the top of the bloomers and pulls forth a pink cape. “Oh,” he says, but she drops the cape in a heap on the floor and reaches again to bring out a t-shirt. “Okay, I see. Thank you.”
Maya has wandered into the kitchen area and is continuing to devour everything she can find in the cabinets. Phoenix decides against asking her to leave him some of it to bring home for him and Trucy now. “This really isn’t a liminal space, is it?” Phoenix asks. He would be able to see if it were, the way magic hangs in the very air in his office, the way Mia herself and the last traces of her life linger.
Maya shakes her head and sinks her teeth into three donuts stacked together like a hamburger. “Hidden by magic, but no closer to the Twilight Realm than anywhere else. She’d have at least a bit of the Sight if it were.” She leans up against the wall, watching Phoenix with eyes that glamour doesn’t quite have a hold over, flickering as they do to red. “But even then, she might still be too young to know to be afraid.”
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iamcrimelord · 4 years
Open RP/Story Time: A Warrior’s Return
Daigo had never been so wet in all his life. The rain was coming down so hard it was almost as if he were walking through the ocean. He sighed in relief however as the village he was going to came into view. a few specs of light in the darkness but it was without doubt the place. He adjusted the giant red sword on his back and quickened his pace. He had been travelling on foot for some time now, and was eager to kick up his heels by a warm fire and fill his belly with good food and perhaps a bit of mead if they had any at the local inn. He was clad in black from almost head to toe. Black boots, trousers, jacket, cloak, and so on, and his long black hair clung to the front of his cloak like moss. He was also in need of a shave, a bath, and a good number of other things as well but that would have to wait once he made it to the city. He had been wandering the world these past two years. Going from place to place learning, growing, and building his body back up after the brutal beating he had gotten some years before by his former allies. The scars were still there but through aid given to him by his brother in arms he had recovered fully and was ready to get back to his work... The work of tracking down and punishing those who did evil. Daigo knew that in the past, his methods had been...corrupted by his own selfish pride. He had intentionally corrupted others with gold and silver, turning them from good honest people into sin riddled monsters just so he could have some personal justification for the butchery he had done in the name of “balancing the scales.” The sad truth was Daigo had simply been a man who had an insatiable blood lust mixed with a crippled sense of honor. But those days were far behind him now. Regardless of what had been done to him he knew that he had to press on and face whatever new challenges came his way. 
The Village finally came into full view and Daigo could see the gateway within was locked. He approached the doorway and knocked on it loudly. A visor slid to the side revealing an old man.  “Oy, who’sit?” The old man asked.  Daigo responded, “A weary man looking for a soft bed and perhaps a warm mug.” He said, lifting his face up within his hood so the man could see him.  “Ah, another mercenary on ‘is way to the capital eh?” the man asked, looking him up and down.  “Aye, that’s right. I guess you have a lot of folk like me pass by?” Daigo inquired. 
The old man nodded. “Sure as shyt in a pig’s arse. Though most tend to favor the city of ‘eroes. More work thatta way.” He stated, getting a bit suspicious of Daigo.  Daigo simply nodded. “More work maybe, but more competition to. I’m not looking to make a fortune, just looking to make what I need.” 
The old man cackled. “HAHA! aaah, I feel that all too well. Well friend if sleep and an ‘ot meal be your desire, ‘ead on over to the Tipsy Pig. The inn keep an; ‘is wife will put back some fat on ya bones.” He slid the visor shut and opened the door. 
Daigo grinned and walked in. He took out a coin of Mythril and handed it to the man. “Thanks friend, get yourself a hearty meal as well when you’re done with guard duty.” The old man took the coin with wide eyes and a large smile. He held up the coin and nodded to Daigo. 
“God’s keep ye friend!” The old man said as Daigo made his way to the inn. 
The cobble stones clicked gently under Daigo’s boots and the soft metallic click of his spurs echoed through the streets. With the heavy rain not many folks were out and about and even with the glow of the lanterns Daigo felt a little isolated. Though not quite as isolated as he had been before. Eventually the Inn came into view, an image of a pig dressed in nobles attire sipping wine came into view and under it were the words, “The Tipsy Pig” Daigo couldnt help but chuckle. He opened the door and went inside. 
The inn had a warmth to it. People both local and from obviously abroad were talking, laughing, drinking, and playing cards. A three man band played in the corner, one on a flute, the other on a violin of some sort, and the third on a drum. He could smell the roasted pig on a spit and his mouth began to water, and his stomach growled with an almost embarrassing ferocity, as though an angry cat were hidden under his cloak. He drew his hood back showing his full face. He had sun kissed skin, bit of a thick beard, two long braids on the right side of his head, and the rest of his hair fell long like an inky river into the cloak and down his front. His ears were pointed as he was a half elf, and his eyes had a red tint to them. He approached the inn keep’s counter and greeted the owner. 
“Hail friend, you wouldnt happen to have a spare room available?” he asked. 
The inn keep looked up and quickly assessed this latest customer. “Aye, that we do friend! ten gold a night and its yours.” 
Daigo nodded and took out another Mythril Coin. “I dont have any gold on me but I hope this will suffice.” The white metal coin had an almost faint glow to it. 
The inn keeper’s eyes widened and he picked it up. “Uh...a-aye. That’ll cover ya for the week!” He said hastily putting it in his belt pouch. “And get ya your choice of the menu! what’ll it be milord?” he asked eagerly. 
Daigo opened his cloak up more, folding it behind his back to show his full body. It was garbed in black leather and armor. “your best mead, and a large slice of that pig would be a good start. As well as potato’s carrots, and anything else you can serve with it.” He said. 
The inn keep nodded. “and where would you like to enjoy this meal? we have plenty of tables.”
“Up in my room would be best. I’d like to enjoy my meal in peace.” Daigo responded. 
The inn keeper nodded and showed Daigo the way to his room, and informed him that his meal would be up in about a half hour. Once he was alone, Daigo took off his cloak, and hung it in front of the fire on a rack, steam coming off of it in a billow. He then kicked off his boots, undid his large black overcoat and the armor plating he had on it, and then rolled up the sleeves of his red shirt that he wore beneath it. He then made his way over to the wash basin, took out a shaving razor from his coat pocket, lathered up some cream, and proceeded to shave his face back to a smooth surface. It was odd how much of an effect shaving had on him, he always looked much younger without the beard, but beards were a bit too itchy for him to sport long term. Just as he finished shaving and wiping the last of the cream off his face, he heard the door knock. He walked over to it and then opened the door expecting his food. Instead it was someone else...
---Open Role Play to anyone who wishes to join in! All participants welcome but do keep things civil! 
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outsiderempire · 7 years
god im so frustrated. i had a great interview this week and i immediately fell in love with the place i interviewed at. the people were so nice and it went amazing. of course i didnt fucking get it. they said it was close and a hard decision to make and i know i havent hadnt many interviews thus far but its hard enough finding the kind of jobs im looking for as is, and even harder to get an interview. im exhausting all my options (because there were so few already) and i just feel insulted in a way. these are entry level positions, positions that hire fucking high schoolers. i have experience in this field and a bachelors degree and thats still not good enough? so what did i just waste 5 yeas of my life obtaining this shitty degree? is my only choice now a shitty part time retail job? cause thats NOT what i worked my fucking ass off for the past 5 years. it just baffles me. 
like i worked in a library working in almost every fuckin department they had, i had every single skill this place asked for and more, i have a fucking bachelors degree and my availability is COMPLETELY open, there is NEVER a time i wouldnt be able to work except for the one day a month i see my dentist. youre telling me someone else came along who was more qualified than that for this basic ass entry level position? its such a piss off i swear.
it makes you feel like you wasted your time, like youre fuckin worthless. i got that call today and it just zapped all of my motivation, i couldnt even bring myself to get out of bed to exercise. i hate this shit man. im running out of options and im running out of money and i have to start paying student loans in a couple months. people keep saying “itll work out dont worry” yeah but WHEN tho? i CANNOT AFFORD to fucking go a year without a fucking job or im not going to be able to pay my student loans and ill ruin my credit. my family is fuckin dirt poor they cant help me either im on my fuckin own. what am i supposed to do if half the jobs i want to apply for wont hire me because i dont have enough experience and the other half im just getting unlucky with? I CANT FUCKIN GET EXPERIENCE UNLESS I GET A FUCKIN JOB PEOPLE.
thats the thing too. like i expected it would be easier this time around for me to find a job since i now have work experience and thus far its been ten times harder. getting my first job took like 2-3 months at most? ive been putting in job apps every fucking week since april, for almost 5 fuckin months now and only two interviews and no other calls back when ive submitted at least 50 applications? its fucking bullshit i swear. at this point i just feel so defeated. i feel like its not going to get any better. my entire life has just been me getting fucked over constantly. MY WHOLE LIFE has been that way and it doesnt seem to be changing at all. so i spent 17 years of my life getting to where i am, spending the last 5 years working on getting a college degree, and i guess my only options now are fast food or custodian work, so i guess ill be putting in applications for a job where i spend my days cleaning up other peoples messes.
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dickgoblinpi · 7 years
i just want to vent about work a bit
yesterday i was working with a boy i know v v well. i am his key worker and have been the main (or only) person responsible, other than himself and his mum, for creating his care plan and routine. he has a significant eating aversion and over the past 8 months i have put a lot of work into developing a mealtime routine with him that he enjoys and that helps him eat and drink a good amount and variety while he is at our service. the routine is pretty specific and takes up two packed a4 pages in the care plan. 
we’ve reached a point now where he eats a moderate breakfast and has some juice when he comes in, then has a large late lunch of sandwiches, pasta, soup or something like that, plus maybe some yoghurt, cake, crisps or similar, and some more juice. he can now eat a slice of cake with the other young people when someone has a birthday. if we all do cooking or baking activities he can eat the fruits of our labours. when he first started attending, that first day he drank a capri sun and that was it. so this progress and achievement is a big deal to everyone involved. im v proud of him and myself. there is 1 problem
for some reason people think anything i say is open to interpretation? at all times? most people know that this boy’s eating plan began at home with his wonderful mum, and from there has been the work of him, me, myself and i while he is at our service. like pretty much every time he eats a meal here it is the direct result of the 8 months i alone have spent collaborating with him to make his routine work for him. most people know that. certain people seem to live in opposite land. quite apart from that, his care plan says ‘do X’ and when a care plan says that, unless X is flatly unethical or you have observed X to lead to terrible things, you DO X. im talking specifically about things like ‘molly stands to get personal care support’ and ‘jimmy requires support from 2 staff to go on trips’ and ‘sandy drinks from a straw’ 
you dont just go ‘meh, i feel like getting molly to lay down today’ or ‘i dont see why sandy can’t just drink from a sports bottle’ or ‘im sure jimmy will be just fine going to the cinema one-to-one’ but when it comes to the support notes i have written, PEOPLE KEEP GOING ‘i can feed this young person by myself’ ‘he doesnt really need a straw’ ‘im sure he will learn to like having reggae music on with his meals’ ‘i should put my arm around him and hold his head to keep him still’  
when i arrived at work yesterday, a supervisor who has been somewhere else not here for 6 months, came up to me and immediately started telling me her awesome new ideas for how best to support this boy to eat. her main idea was that, because he has involuntary arm movements as well as an instinctive reflex to bat away the food, instead of holding on to his arms i could tuck them under his arm rests and very gently put my arm on top of his so he cant get them out, because “that’s half the battle”
it’s really complicated to talk about how we support him not to bat away the food, because whenever i say ‘choice’ i go down the rabbit hole of how a choice isn’t necessarily a choice and the entire surrounding environment and their life to this date and everyone’s expectations of them and 100 other factors have so many complex and interwoven impacts on the choices someone is truly able to make :/
with that said, the general idea of lunch support for this boy is that he can and does choose (gah) not to eat or not to take a given bite, but when he is hungry and willing to eat and drink, he needs gentle support to enable him not to make those movements. like i can maybe think of six bites over the entire period i have worked with him where he has kept his arms still to take a bite without support. and i really am talking the lightest of pressures. if he moves his arms, the pressure comes off. it’s a very communicative process and kind of goes like this
1. his table is set up with his preferred music on and staff are sitting with him. he is smiling and bobbing his head to the music with his hands in his lap or drumming on the table. staff gently lay their hand or arm on his forearm or hand. sometimes he holds their hands and twiddles their fingers. one staff member offers a mouthful of food to him and after a moment or two he stills his head, opens his mouth and takes the bite
2. staff present another bite, but he raises his arms and motions to bat it away. staff take their arms and the bite of food away, and he has a bit of a shake or a dance. he might cuddle staff briefly or pull faces at them and laugh with them. he starts drumming on the table again and staff resume the light pressure and offer the bite, which he takes
3. he raises his arms and pulls them into himself, frowns and makes a groaning noise. staff joke with him and he laughs but staff understand through his body language and vocalisations that he does not want the next bite. staff ask if he wants a drink and he smiles and relaxes his posture. staff resume the light pressure and offer him the drink, of which he has several sips. after this he resumes eating
those three stages are kinda what you can typically expect. sometimes he’s eating happy as you like, sometimes he wants a drink and sometimes he needs a moment. if he is feeling unwell in some way or the process isn’t working for him, he will groan, grimace or maintain constant motion and you know he is saying a clear ‘no.’ it happens. it was very very hard at first to feel as if you were overriding his ‘default no’ at every mealtime, but the unfortunate fact is his health would be at risk if his involuntary or reflex actions dictated when he eats. gastrostomy has been considered as an option but it would impact him negatively in certain ways and carry a number of risks, and would be considerably less of a choice than he has currently :/ ahhhh it’s a minefield
the more fortunate fact is that he does genuinely enjoy his food and mealtimes if his routine is followed to the letter and staff listen to him and keep the whole thing light-hearted. recently we’ve reached a point where at lunchtime, he will sit with his mouth open waiting for you to hurry up and load the spoon, goddamnit. laughing and smiling and joking around with staff the entire time, and eating everything in 10 minutes flat and looking around for more like ‘eating challenges who?’ 
sooooo anyway, when this fucking supervisor decides to tell me soemthing that amounts to restraint and completely misses the point of how this boy eats, it pissed me off all day. 
then when lunchtime rolled around the only staff available to join us for lunch support was someone i really get exasperated with. this staff member insisted on taking the more active role (generally one staff member does the majority of the physical act of feeding, but it isnt a hard and fast rule and sometimes this boy prefers that you switch it around a lot) and i took what i thought would be the path of least resistance as we were a bit pinched for time, but ohhhhh my god! you would not think i had written two pages about how to support this boy, or at least you wouldnt think that this staff member read them. has he? idek. 
it was just so slow! so inexplicably slow! he was using a dessert spoon which was too big and wide and scoopy which was resulting in very tiny bites being taken from the tip of the spoon through necessity. he insisted ‘[name] prefers metal spoons’ which is not my experience. size and shape is more important - he prefers a smaller, flatter spoon because of the shape of his mouth and how he opens it. he had a large portion of fresh mac and cheese from our cafe that i thought would get finished in 10-15 minutes considering we had had such an active day and i knew he would be hungry and it’s his fav, but it wound up taking 40 minutes because this staff member was literally delivering 1-2 pieces of macaroni at a time, and he KEPT PAUSING WITH THE SPOON IN MID-AIR JUST TO TELL ME A FUCKING ANECDOTE
sometimes mealtimes are long and it’s fine, that goes for so many of the kids who like to take their time, but this person knows when something is going on longer than it needs to and he loses patience. wouldn’t you? sometimes he likes to take his time but he doesn’t like to wait around for you to wrap up your fucking self-aggrandising little story about someone you used to work with who was just like him and how good you were at it
the macaroni was cold by the end and so was my heart
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patroncrow · 7 years
1-69 >:3
i had to turn on my laptop just to copy/paste this all. im putting it under a cut to spare any innocent followers
also you cheeky fuck lol
1. What’s your darkest kink?
completely being dominated. few get the chance or the honor tho
2. How many people have you had sex with?
one. we were together for a long while so i never got the chance.
i might be changing that before long
3. What the most times you’ve ever orgasmed in one night?
i honestly dont know but this did remind me of an embarrassing story lol
4. What’s your favorite sex position?
it really depends on my mood :3
5. Describe the best sex you’ve ever had.
i was drunk, in a mood all day, and accidentally gave a hickey above the collar. his boss gave him shit for it but he couldn’t get me back cause he cant give them (which is a shame)
6. Have you ever had a one night stand?
never had the chance
7. Describe your most desired fantasy.
see #1
8. Describe your darkest fantasy.
see #7
9. What’s your sexiest feature?
ive been told i have a really nice ass
10. Have you ever been to a strip club?
most the decent ones around here you have to be 21, i hear. they dont really seem like my scene tho
11. Where’s the best place to have sex?
where the mood strikes. just lock the doors
12. Where’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?
the living room. in my defense, there were at least 2 other ppl in the house, and it had a walk-in policy. there was a decent risk of someone showing up
but this did lead to an amusing conversation that went something like “what if your dad walks in?” “then ill sit up and say ‘dad im busy, get out!’”
13. Where would you like to have sex, but haven’t yet?
location isnt a big thing for me
14. If you could have sex with one celebrity, who would it be?
ive never really had celeb crushes. i identified as ace until not long ago (im open to giving chances, but im picky about who ill show interest in first)
15. What sounds do you make during sex?
oh, golly. depends how much fun im having
but its not that breathy-ass shit in porn
16. Are you loud during sex?
see #15
17. Describe the outfit you feel sexiest in.
do partial ones count? i like just not having a shirt. cargo pants, skinny jeans, whatever. just without a top.
18. What’s your favorite punishment?
never been punished. ex was a puss lol
19. What’s your favorite position for spanking?
never really had positions for it. i like being grabbed more
20. Do you like to have/leave marks?
21. What’s your favorite thing to clamp nipples with?
never done that
22. How long have you denied/or been denied an orgasm?
0 seconds
23. Have you ever had sex in a “dungeon”?
24. Are you into bondage?
25. What is your favorite thing to do for aftercare?
never really been in the scene enough to know much about that
26. What’s your favorite thing to tie up or be tied up with?
ive only used cuffs & ties. i liked the latter better
27. Are you a Dom or a Sub? Would you ever consider being a switch?
im a sub but if im in a really big mood i can switch
its a strong expression of desire not to be taken for granted
28. Do you prefer gags or blindfolds?
never used either but blindfolds might be cool
29. Have you ever had a threesome?
no despite a long ass time with someone who wanted nothing more and wouldnt shut up until i put my foot down that i wasnt comfortable with that unless i had gotten close to the other person one-on-one first
30. How often do you masturbate?
maybe like once a month?? but tat was when sex was readily available. id much prefer the real thing
31. What’s your favorite thing to masturbate to?
just whatever does it that time
32. What’s your favorite kind of porn?
i dont rlly watch enough to have a fave
33. What’s your favorite porn website?
dont have one
34. Who’s your favorite porn star?
same as above
35. Would you ever consider doing porn?
it really depends on specific context
36. At what age did you start masturbating?
lmao 18
37. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
38. Have you ever masturbated to a ridiculous video or story then thought “what the fuck did I just do?“
39. Phone sex or Camming?
never done either but im not big on taking care of myself for someone else
40. Do you believe in aphrodisiacs?
i havent read enough on them. ig if theres food that can help you be less depressed, there could be food that helps ur libido
41. What’s you biggest turn on?
biting around/on my hips/waist
42. What’s your strangest turn on?
probably the same thing, considering im not into oral and otherwise having a head down there bothers me
43. What’s your favorite sex toy?
i have none
44. Do you prefer your sexual partner to be older than you, or younger?
idc if theyre a little older/younger, as long as theyre close to my age
45. Have you ever broken up with someone because the sex was bad?
no but id totally tell an ex that to piss em off cause im a petty fuck
46. Have you ever posted nudes on tumblr?
nope. ive thought about doing the topless tuesday but ehh
47. What’s your favorite sex blog? (I’m sure it’s his-precious-kitten…but on the odd chance that it’s not…)
not really into those things
48. What’s your favorite pet name?
not necessarily a sex thing, but anything that feels strong like “darling,” “my love”
49. Do you prefer vaginal sex or anal?
never tried full-on anal but what i did try hurt too much to feel good
50. Do you prefer pussies all natural, bald, triangle, landing strip…?
whatever shes into and feels confident with mayn
51. What song would you most like to have sex to?
i like those with the feeling i get (not traditional ones) but this reminded me one time we were getting busy, youtube playlist going, next song came on and it was bring me to life and when i looked up, it wasnt like a lyric video or the official one but fucking luigi and i almost died then and there
52. Have you ever had shower sex?
yes. it was difficult  but fun
53. At what time of day are you the horniest?
i dont have a time of day but i accidentally went off my birth control for a bit and in the proceeding week i could barely function. ive been telling myself that was the reason.
54. Girls: What is your bra size?
34b, perfect hand size. sometimes they just make good rests to just hold
55. Girls: Describe your favorite pair of panties.
theyre a teal with a darker blue lace. the back kinda has a sheer part that reminds me of stain glass windows??
56. Girls: Do you ever go out not wearing panties?
nah not into that thing. you could tell me something is meant to be worn without and id be like “nah fuck that”
57. Girls: Can you get off from clit stimulation alone?
ig?? but whats the fun in that??
58. Girls: Can you get off from penetration alone?
who would do that
59. Girls: Do you use birth control or condoms?
i prefer both because i would not be able to handle nine months sober followed by hours of excruciating pain. or getting stds.
60. Girls: What’s the strangest thing that’s ever been inside your pussy?
just a marker. im not lookin to fuck myself up
but my ex is a major whovian with several sonic screwdrivers and at one point he made a joke to which i responded “if you wanted to use that on me you shouldve said something” which made everyone freak out lol
61. Girls: Do you spit or swallow?
never sucked. always had a rise of anxiety prior
62. Subs: Would you rather have a Master, a Dom, or a Daddy Dom?
idk if theres that much a difference between the first two but if i so much as hear an utterance of “daddy” i instantly become dry as the sahara
63. Littles: Describe your favorite stuffie.
64. Boys: What is your penis size?
65. Boys: Are you circumcised?
66. Boys: Do you prefer having sex without a condom?
67. Boys: Do you prefer oral or vaginal sex?
68. Doms: Do you believe in aftercare?
69. Doms: Would you rather own a slave, a sub, or a little?
lord this took forever i hope ur happy lol
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: 20 Creative Ways To Use Pegboards For Home Organization
Do you want to organize your home and life in new and brilliant ways? Pegboards can work like magic! Yes, read that again! Pegboards arent just about tool sheds, offices or garages. You can use them in almost any corner of your home.
The best part about a Pegboard is that its solid, reusable and easy to rearrange. These amazing qualities make it a game-changer when it comes to organizing spaces. These 20 brilliant ideas are here to prove my point.
20 Brilliant Ways To Get Organized With Pegboards
1. Extra Space in Kitchen
Did you run out of cabinet space in your kitchen? Dont worry and let the pegboard do its magic. Attach it on a wall in your kitchen. Fix pegboard hooks on it. Now you can hang almost any type of utensil on it. This can be a great alternative to open shelving. You can also buy a Kitchen specific pegboard on Amazon.
2. DIY Jewelry Display Case
Credit: the36thavenue
Are you willing to organize all your jewelry in one place? The best way to do so is to make this simple DIY jewelry display case. All you would need are a pegboard (size depends upon you), screws, latch, and a piano hinge.
Ps- Instead of making a large display case, make a few smaller ones and carry them almost anywhere!
3. Organizing Tools Better
A garage can look extremely nasty and unorganized without much effort. Finding a tool can be an endless task if your garage (just like any other garage) looks like a dumping ground. We have an easy solution to this problem. Just use a pegboard and cover a wall in your garage. And with the help of pegboard hooks, you can assemble your tools in an organized way on the pegboard.
4. Storage for Toys
Credit: The Creativity Exchange
Kids love to play and scatter their toys all around. But cleaning all that clutter could be quite irritating. But the worst happens when they are not able to find their favorite toy.
With the help of pegboards, you can solve this problem once and for all. Visit The Creativity Exchangefor the complete tutorial.
5. Pegboard Planter
Credit: Brepurposed
If you are looking for some cool looking decor for your living room, then this can work like a dream for you! Grab a pegboard (size and color of your preference), a few small plants, and some leather straps.
Drill a couple of holes in each vase and insert the straps and tie knots from within. Insert the other two ends through the holes in the pegboard and tie them as well. The final product will look pretty chic!
Buy the best pegboard which has got the best reviews from its buyers.
6. DIY Pantry Organizer
Credit: Arts Crackers
Most of us forget the importance of having an organized pantry. If you can arrange it well, your cooking experience can be friction-less. You can store almost anything ranging from baby foods and spices to oils and utensils.
TIP- To make sure that your pantry is up to the mark, maintain a running grocery list.
7. Organizing Garden Supplies
Credit: Hearth And Vine
Gardening can be such a relaxing and peaceful activity. But no gardener likes to keep up with those gardening tools. This mind-blowing way to organize your gardening tools will completely change the whole equation for you.
Just grab a framed pegboard, few screws and pegboard hooks and create this game-changing gardeners pegboard. Your gardening experience would never e the same!
8. Home office Organization
Credit: Gray House Studio
Are you willing to add more value and space to your home office? Use a pegboard for this purpose. Grab two pegboards, some old clipboards, pegboard hooks, a few screws, some paint, and some sticky notes. Begin by painting the pegboard with your preferred color.
Then wrap up the clipboards and spray some paint onto its clippers. Now fix the pegboard on your home office wall and attach the pegboard hooks to it. Hang the clipboards. Get the complete tutorial here.
9. Dividing a Drawer
Credit: Good Housekeeping
Are you looking for a way to arrange your dinnerware in a tidy manner? Then this one is dedicated especially to you. You would need a miracle (well I just used a synonym for pegboards) that fits in your drawer perfectly. You can custom fit the pegs according to the shape and sizes of your utensils.
10. Pegboard Bedroom Wall
Credit: Design Sponge
You can use pegboards to decorate your bedroom wall and can hang paintings, small plants, bedside readings, etc. The best part is that you can change its style and tone as and when you would like to. Just grab a pegboard according to your size and color preferences. For further clarification, Design Sponge is your destination.
11. Cabinet Door Transformation
Credit: 2 Little Superheroes
A cabinet can accumulate lots of clutter in almost no time. We waste a lot of space by filling our cabinets mindlessly. People try a variety of hacks to utilize the cabinet space better. But we all kind of forget about that door.
Try this out, grab a pegboard, cut and shape it according to your cabinet door and attach it there. Fix some hooks on the pegboard, you can successfully store a variety of utensils here.
12. Display Calendars, Planners, and Artwork
Credit: Laura Trevey
Does your office table get all cluttered up due to your calendars, planners, memos, etc.? Grab a pegboard and attach it to a wall in your office room. You can use this pegboard as a display for calendars, planners and all your favorite artworks (to inspire you or for aesthetic reasons). It is a blessing to feel organized!
13. Laundry Room Organization
Would you like to enter a room that is full of clutter? An average American laundry room looks pretty nasty. Follow this simple hack where you would need your good old friend (a pegboard!).
Attach it to a wall and fix a few hooks (as per your supplies). You can store all your cleaning supplies and tools here. This way you will have your supplies well organized, easily accessible, and difficult to lose.
14. DIY Key Holder
Credit: Just A Girl Blog
Do you have a habit of losing your keys (more than often)? Is it difficult for you to manage all those keys? You can use a pegboard to keep all your keys in one place. Paint the pegboard, added hooks to it and attach the whole thing to a cabinet door.
15. Extra Space in Bathroom
Credit: Houzz
Does your bathroom lack cabinet space? Pegboards can work like magic when it comes to organizing a bathroom! You can use hooks and baskets to store your toothbrushes, soaps, towels and bath toys. This simple solution will ensure that you wouldnt need any extra space for storing your bathroom supplies. Also, it would not look cheesy or out of sync!
16. Coffee Cups
Credit: Home Hacks
Do you have a special love for coffee? Then this hack is just for you! Grab a Pegboard and cut it according to the size you prefer, and paint it accordingly. Then attach hooks into it. Now all you have to do is to store all your coffee mugs or coffee pots here.
Ps- Make this arrangement right where your coffee machine is. It will look beautifully organized and will be extremely functional.
17. Spool Organizer
Credit: Home Hacks
If you are someone who enjoys sewing, then it is quite certain that you possess quite a few spools. You can use a pegboard and cut it as per the number of spools you have. Fix hooks it and simply store your spools here. By following this hack you can stay organized and orderly.
18. Dorm Room Wall Desk Organizer
Credit: The House That Lars Built
When it comes to space a dorm room surely lacks it. But with this clever hack, you can create extra space to store your miscellaneous desk related clutter, headphones, calendars, etc. Fix a pegboard and attach a few hooks to it. You can also attach baskets to store up your stationery. This will clear all your clutter without demanding any extra space.
19. DIY Candleholder
Credit: Elizabeth Joan Designs
You can use a pegboard in infinite ways. Most of us think that a pegboard can only be attached to a wall. But there are other creative ways like this one, where you can make a cool looking candleholder with the help of a pegboard. The holes in a pegboard add up to the aesthetic value of the candlelight.
20. Decor with Pegboard Letters
Credit: Lovely Indeed
Are you seeking creative ways to decorate your living room? Then you can cut pegboard into a variety of shapes and sizes or you can buy pre-cut shapes. Lovely Indeed hascut and decorated their room with the help of DIY pegboard alphabets. You can also use this hack to organize small and easy to lose things like scissors, keys, etc.
Buy the best pegboard available on Amazon.
So what are you waiting for? Go try these simple yet amazing pegboard organization hacks and never look behind to your old-n-unorganized self.
The post 20 Creative Ways To Use Pegboards For Home Organization appeared first on OffbeatBros.
Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/20-creative-ways-to-use-pegboards-for-home-organization
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bmyselfandi-blog · 5 years
there was a time in my life where the hardest thing i was going through was a high school breakup. i thought the world was ending, that id never experience a worse heartbreak than that one. i got over it and went back to the guy a few times. it was on and off. that was the beginning of my junior year, around september. come april 21st i received the worst news i could have handled at the time. my mom was diagnosed with cancer. now she never really told us, well at least me, she never told me the stage of the cancer. but it was rectal. they tell you not to look up that kind of shit because it will scare you but me, i dont listen when told not to do something. now, i probably should have, it scared me what i found, but also gave me hope. it said curable. they said long life span. so, in my mind it was all going to be okay. my dad took it very hard. i poften found him crying alone, and i cried too. we all did. my mom was the type of person to help anyone in need, she was amazing, loving, wonderful, generous, warm, any fucking word to describe an angel, that was fucking her. still is. anyways fast forward about a year, end of my senior year. i start dating this new guy, hes amazing, he gave me the world. i couldnt have asked for a better man. stuck by my side through some fucked up shit that was my fault. we had our fights, like every couple. he did some things that i didnt like but i pushed past it because i loved him. thats what couples do right? well, not even a year later i spent less time with my family, more time with him and his. i regret that every day of my life. ill never forget the first day of my new job my dad made me cry because he told me my mom thought id rather spend time with my boyfriends mom than her. i balled my eyes out on my way to work. i never wanted to hurt my moms feelings like that. she couldnt do much, she was weak and it was getting harder for her to do everyday things. that was november. come march 25. it was a saturday. my mom was sitting in her spot on the couch and my dad was downstairs on the computer. i dont remember my sister being home. my mom asked me to look at her eyes and tell me what color the whites were, they were yellow. that meant jaundice. i told my dad, we told her she needed to go to the hospital. she said she didnt feel well and didnt want to go that day and if she wasnt feeling any better shed go the next day. i didnt think too much about it, this wouldnt be the first hospital trip that month or let alone that year. sunday; i went to my boyfriends to hangout and have dinner. after dinner my dad told and said they were going to the hospital. we then drove up to meet them. they took my mom in the back, i went back with her as did everyone else. the crazy thing is, is i dont remember all too much. i remember being back h=there, them asking her certain questions that made me sad, like if she was sad, depressed, thinking about dying. i brought her up some things when we went, i had this pair of ankle fuzzy sicks that i gave to her, she asked me to put them on her feet, i remember there being a hole in the big toe, she thought it was funny. it got later, they ended up admitting her but were trying to find a room. my dad had to work the next morning and i hadnt started my new job so i told him i would stay with her that night so she wasnt alone. they had a room in the pediatric ward so they sent us up. there were two cribs, a bed and a couple chairs in the room. i slept in the chair that turned into a bed. the nurses were very nice. we got some rest after being moved up there. it was very late, almost 4am. the next morning my uncle was up there and my dad came soon after as well. days went by, i started my new job, id go up as soon as i got off to go and see her. she got worse each day but we didnt think anything of it. turns out the tumor was actually starting to quickly crush her liver. she started not being able to talk well. they eventually put her on a heavy breathing treatment. she stopped talking and responding. my dad asked a timeline and the doctor said he didnt like to put timelines. i thought she would get better. they had my dad sign a DNR, we werent going to make her suffer if she didnt have to. it was selfish of us to want her to stay with how much pain i knew she was in. we had family up there always. april 4th. it was a wednesday. by now they had put my mom into hospice care, we had the option of bringing her home but we didnt want to make her uncomfortable by moving her. they gave us the whole room we were in. 315 bed B. we had people come and talk to us about urns and getting things like that. a hospice worker told us that their phone line was always available to talk on, whether it was a week later or a year later. i didnt have workbthat day. i went up to the hospital early. my moms cousin Colleen was there. my boyfriend came up as well. my dad my sister and her cousin kim came up as well. we hung out all day. i told colleen i probably wouldnt end up going to this festival i had in may because i wanted to be there everyday for my mom. colleen said that was almost 2 months away and that my mom may not be here by then. i didnt want to think about that. my mom would always be here right? that night me and my boyfriend ordered chinese. we were going to pick it up but they had delivery. we were also supposed to go to the store but we decided not to for some reason i dont remember. we ate our nasty chinese food. i got shrimp and lobster sauce, my moms favorite. we were all sitting aruond talking. my dad had ran home to let the dogs out since no one had been home in a while. anytime he would leave the room for anything longer than a half hour he would hug my mom and tell her to wait for him. he left. he got to the house. he let the dogs house. we were sitting there when my boyfriend looked over at my mom. her eyes were open. they hadnt been open in days. we instantly went over to her. her cousin got the nurse. me and my sister held her hand. i called my dad crying. all i could muster out was the word “hurry” and the pain in his voice when he said “okay” was enough to break anyones heart. the nurses knew. we all knew. i held my moms hand crying. my boyfriend rubbed my back. i told her i loved her. my sister told her she loved her. kim consoled her. we knew her fight was over. kim closed my moms eyes and like that she was gone. it was 10:15. we had to wait for a doctor to pronounce time of death. time of death was 10:25. my dad got there, tears in his eyes. we called family to tell them. his best friend was up in a heartbeat. his brother came up. i called my best friends. sarah and her boyfriend were up within minutes. my boyfriend held me. everyone cried. my dad hugged me and my sister so tight. the nurses were wonderful and sweet. it was probably 3 something in the morning when we left. i said my final goodbyes and told her i loved her. how could i just leave my mom in this room all alone? i couldnt handle it. i drove home with my boyfriend and let my dad drive alone. i dont know why i did that. i should have went with him. we got home and i couldnt tell you anything after that. i dont remember much about the days that followed. i know the next day we had to make phone calls to change things into our names and take my moms off. we received lots of “im so sorry for you loss”’s. it got sickening. we got flowers, cards, food. my boyfriends family was so helpful. i took that friday off of work and went back monday. got a lot of sorrys there too. her memorial was friday the 13th. i worked that morning. i shouldnt have but i had to go on like normal. how do you just go on like normal? how do you just up and live without your best friend, your fucking mother? she was supposed to be there through everything. she was supposed to live a long happy life with my dad. she was supposed to watch me get married and watch my have her grandchildren. she was supposed to be free of cancer and get better and live happy and healthy. she wasnt supposed to die. she should still fucking be here today. but shes not. months later, not even a year. my boyfriend and i broke up. just shy of a year since her passing, march 2nd. my friend and i had a run in with my ex. she flipped him off while we were driving. he followed us to the gas station and cussed us out. later that night he posted a story on his snapchat. black screen with the words “ your mother would be ashamed of you” written on it. directed towards me. how dare he say that shit. how could the same man that held me while i held my dying mothers hand say some dumb fucking shit like that to me? i dont quite get how he could ever in a million years say that shit. she was liuke amother to him. he was there through everything we dealt with, all the grieving, the sadness and depression in my house. but what bothers me is how a few months later we were getting back together. and how i could forgive him for saying that. i never did forgive him and i dont think i ever will. he said he posted it to hurt me because he was hurt. but how could he stoop that low. later on he brought her up again when he wanted me to stop smoking. “ how would mom feel” i tried kicking him out, ive never yelled at him before until that night, i got in his face and screamed not to talk about my dead mom. he didnt again. we stopped talking about a month later and havent talked since. he never understood what i was going through. what i am going through. i cry a lot. i miss my mom everyday. i think about her every hour of the day. my dad texts her almost every day. he posts on her facebook sometimes. i text her sometimes. i call too to see if someone new has her number. its still disconnected. i dont want someone new to have her number. thats her fucking number. no one elses. i still dont feel like this is all real and here its been a year and a half. christmas is coming up. her birthday is christmas eve. it was her favorite time of the year. we held the party at our house very year for anyone who wanted to come. it was always a full house. everyone loved my mom, she was an amazing person. a family friends words describing my mother to someone were “she had to adjust her halo when walking into a room” and thats always been true. even now, im sure she visits often. i wish so bad that she could be here, that she could see how everything is going. i miss her so fucking much and i just want my fucking mom back. i know everything in life would be okay if she was here. i know it would solve every problem me and my family have if she was just fucking here. she should be here. she should fucking be here right now. 
0 notes
harmonyresonant · 6 years
Limitations of wisdom and its affect on motivation.
The last time I fell in love I knew it was destined to fail, perhaps in one of the worst ways it could. I said to her it felt like two galaxies colliding, but galaxies can either group together or tear themselves apart and fly away.
Those moments come to me more than most I think, at least consciously, the thoughts that are so easy to let escape as trivialities, impulses to be excised with just as much fervour as their entrance, but yet if only accepted, could stop a mistake, or change your life.
What's the criteria for distinguishing these kinds of thoughts? Risk? Cost? Benefit? Joy? Importance? Substance? Love? I've spent years trying to find the real source of motivation, of my motivation, because at the end of fear is truth, and fear will only propel so far as your body and mind allow it.
Justifying motivation is not esoteric for the starved of food or hungry for love. Motivation and its reasons are intertwined with purpose, and with it - our sense of direction, and with that, our sense of growth or death.
Polony and tomato sauce with white bread, Bread on its own, Chips from the fish n chip shop, Nutri grain with no milk for dinner, no food brought to school, a home of bullying, dream killing, suppression. I'm just the tip of the iceberg. I empathise with the meth addict on the street, the Mum that boils her baby daughter, the husband that murders his family, each a victim of environment and circumstance left to play out its default option.
I know all about default. I know nearly everything that needs to be known about how it plays out. When I rejected it, I was commanded by every single person and circumstance around me to let go of the fight. I watched as my friends became the victims of it, drop outs, pregnant, jailed, drugged, abused, stiffled, angry, lost. Stop it. That's wrong. Are you sure? I can't believe you would do that. Take this, you owe me. Be more considerate. Let's have a talk. You just need to be a 16 year old. Your results are in. That's just how it is. It's time to move on. You seem chaotic. You just seem upset is all. I'm just trying to help. I think you need to see a psychologist. I think we should just be friends. If there were words to describe the amount of fury and anger I hold towards individuals of my past I would save you from them because I have shown each of these comments their due diligence and marvelled at my own self control. To entertain those people in my mind gives them an authority I refuse to allow, so I move on.
When global weather patterns are shifting and solutions are being found by quantum computer augmented AI systems as pornography fills every void that opens - spite, seemed like the most reasonable response to such as unreasonable world. At 11 through to 22 It worked to dissociate my want of meaning in my circumstances, a want of meaning in where I felt I should belong and where I am, people often pointing out I should be a drug addict and dead or in jail, adjunct simultaneously to those same individuals pressuring success with their own benchmarks. All three things only not the case because of a mixture of calculated precision and blind luck. They wouldn't know, because they are unable to know, they refuse to know, outright, in front of you, so I would achieve because fuck you. Anger and rage is bottomless, perfect for a mixed up misunderstood adolescent male. The nerve of family to attempt comparisons of their standards with my own makes me laugh with a deep seated sickness. They arent any better off knowing differently. I couldn't control myself if I indulged myself in their correction. I've done it to some, corrected them, but my capacity for flooding someone with sadness and tearing their soul from them isn't so much fun as violently calculated. It's what comes after, my mothers death a calculated suicide of neglect, the insidious idea to die and make everyone your victim to alleviate guilt for failing to be held punished for your sins ready like a conspiring death eater to leach its next victim through me. How she coughed up black tar of putrid rotted lung flesh and congealed blood as CPR accidentally flooded her airways, typical of wanton excess of disgust. These details are best left undisclosed until times like this. How they saw me as a victim when i spared them. Of course though, they were too cowardly to ask. Hugs as it were. For their embrace, but they soon realised I wasn't available for receiving empathy because when I look at people I see directly into their soul, and when they are ready, they tell me what they are afraid of, in their own way, and it was too much for my family to cope with, because they're afraid they were responsible for killing her and conspiring to create the circumstances albeit naively in arrogance which eroded my Mums mental health and therefore my sister and I's life. I looked directly at my Uncle Warren in the emergency department without a tear in my eye watching the circus unfolding in front of me and I saw it written over his face, laughing at her losing her job, her sadness, her divorce with the members of the Smith side, now she lay dead, then he looked away. The too hard basket became my home because that's what these people do to hard things, they are the lowest kinds of human, the ones that lie to themselves about their affect on children, and can't help but make it worse by leaving them there alone scared with no excuse other than fear. Besides, school was starting up in 4 weeks, there was ironing to do. Clothes to fold. Forms to sign. He'll be fine. He'll get over it. The young soldier boy. How if they demonstrated any strength to cry in front of me in regret i would explode, they don't deserve to cry. I hold onto this until they either die or reconcile it. I'm good at waiting.
So for a while I forgot what love even was. Then she stepped in. Blind luck reared its head, and she showed me a warmth, depth and love so beautiful, graceful and innocent I felt like if I touched her my fear and hatred would spread like a disease. There are certain decisions we make in life as people that we don't understand, and we wear the consequences. I am not blessed with that capacity, I was not afforded the resources needed to make the conscious skills we develop young, into the subconscious - everything became consciously calculated, what I wear, what order the day is in, what words I use, my tone, my posture, my timing, what people i need to manipulate, what are their current moods, their buttons, when the rain falls or the concrete cracks it has always been my fault or my responsibility - better me than my insane family. Of course you don't win by playing nicely. You don't learn by being comfortable. And of course, through the gauntlet, you don't feel good about it. Good or great, make your decision, and in poverty when you're broken, you are forced to choose great, usually for as long as it takes until your circumstances begin to sustain themselves, and there is only space for a few so you have to do what's necessary for as long as necessary. There were plenty of times I would punch my windows, the walls work cartons and scream, how pathetic, I got a hold of myself quickly. Got psychological problems? Bury them. Getting worse? Bury them. Life is not a documentary or a game, fail to achieve certain things in certain timelines while the cards are stacked against you and the consequences are extreme. Even more so without financial or social securities/networks. So after years of neglect she began to make me feel like I could rest. Like I deserved it. She helped me forgive myself for the stress I had caused myself and other people. She forgave me for being sorry that I couldn't be the guy she needed me to be, that I couldn't be Nathan because I was unsure who or what that even was.
Spite evaporated and then I was purposeless, my motivation gone, it disrupted my focus, my academic results, the routine of my fractured world. And she became my angel, she became the person that would forgive me for failing and tell me it would be alright and I would believe her because she understood me, I live in those moments just by remembering her, but as soon as she opened her arms she was gone. She was doing things my mother didn't and she coped a lot of difficulty from me for doing it and the legacy of failure in parenting, guardianship and neglect continued to haunt me, as it started to haunt then eventually remove those I loved. It wasn't the first time either, a pattern like many other. It was at that point that I made the decision to never allow it happen again. I would finish what she helped start, and with any luck, find a positive reason to endure the absolute crushing isolation of being the source of problems for those you deeply care about or die finding out, unable to be reached, usually impossible to help but this time different, now without the offensive weapons which I used to shield myself. I'm sure it would've been easier to approach me if I was outright hostile but people were watching, vultures waiting with their 'here to help check list' with step 1 as, 'Take a break'. Idiots.
The process is finished.
Now I am appreciating and beginning to give back in small ways to life.
I don't really remember what it feels like to love someone voluntarily. I guess that's how it's supposed to work, by accident, time, something like that, but I'm approaching a stage in my life where I'm too exhausted to care, maybe my Mum took it with her to her grave. Maybe I have had too many people come and go for good reasons to believe in holding onto someone. I finished the race first and early or last and everything's been packed up but for me it was always about finding a home in my heart, so I wouldnt look for it in someone else's, something that's as much given to you as much as fostered by yourself. It always felt like though I had reached the mountain peak, as soon as I got there I realised there's no way to go further up, so its time to look across and down at everything that's been done, take a break and look across to the next peak. I have no option but to hold onto the good things that've happened to me in my time, even if they're in totality a bit messy, as for the girl that saved me from myself, I'm no longer scared or fearful when I think of her now, like I might be dishonoring her, in a lot of ways she's still my angel. I hope we get to be friends one day once we've settled down so we can compare notes, we moved too fast to keep our both our feet on the ground long enough to be together but until then wherever she is I hope she is smiling and being taken care of because she is of such a rarity of courage and authenticity that it seems only she can reach people like me and that deserves happiness and real love.
Spread your wings.
0 notes
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
"Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which one is the best health insurance company in USA?
hello All; i am from California; I want a cheap and affordable health insurance for my family. please help me which is the best and low cost health insurance company in USA? Thanks
How to calculate the insurance expense?
a company had an opening balance in its prepaid insurance expense account of $57 and a closing balance in the same account of $876. During the year it paid $4086 for insurance excluding GST. What is its insurance expense for the year? Thanks
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
Insurance rate for 77 year old with 20 year old car? ?
How much do you think insurance would cost monthly for a 77 year old lady and her 20 year old car. At the cheapest to the highest. In Florida. Thank you, for my grandma.""
How many people committed life insurance fraud on 911?
How many people committed life insurance fraud on 911?
Car insurance too expensive. Help. Urgent?
So basically. Im an 18 year old male. I passed my driving test in june 2013. My car insurance is too high. Now normally i wouldnt care but the reason i am asking this question is because. Where i live the nearest shop is 30 mins away walking. My family need someone to do the shopping as we cannot keep going back and forth everyday. We basically starve some days as sufficient food is too heavy to carry. My father is very sick and has been for 2 years. Because the hospital is so far away he barely is able to go to his appointments. And finally i use the train to get to my university which im fine with but i get bullied everyday physically on the train. I am too scared to report this to anyone. Now im not someone who would mess about in my car or speed etc. I am a very safe driver. My cheapest quote was on a Daewoo Matiz and the quote was 6000!! So i cleary cannot afford that. I have looked into the black box scheme but most insurers wont provide that service in my area. So my question is does anyone know of any insurance companies who do specialise in giving cheaper quotes. Or any cars that tend to be cheaper to insure. Or even any tricks that may help bring down the price. Please dont answer with stuff like you dont need a car or get a black box. I am litterally fed up and feel like a failure. I dont know what to do. I even slit my wrists now as it is toi much to bare. Also i cant go one anyones insurance as i dont have anyone to ask and my dad cant drive due to his illnes
About how much will motorcycle insurance cost me?
i am 18 and have been driving for around 1 and a half years (car) and would like to get a motorcycle, i've never missed a payment, have never been in an accident, and have taken the msf course my first bike will most likely be a used kawasaki vulcan 500cc or a used yamaha vstar 650cc""
""Why don,t we have the auto industry make a car that won,t exceed the speed limit and not start?""
if driveris impared, reducing insurance, heath, saftey and legal cost
I just got a new car and the insurance is $160/ month. Does this seem high?
I'm 37 with an excellent driving record. The car is a 2013 Ford escape titanium. My honda insurance was much cheaper, but it was old. What do you think?""
Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance?
Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance?
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
Would car insurance be cheaper in Tennessee?
I live in Denver, Colorado. I used to live in Tennessee and noticed that it is ALOT cheaper to live out there. I am wanting to move back. I know my house will be cheaper among other things. I was just wondering if anyone would know if car insurance would be cheaper out there too?""
How much homeowner insurance should I buy?
In other words, how much does it really cost to rebuild this house? My homeowner insurance company insures the dwelling for X, and another company suggests I insure it for 76% of X. So who is right and how do I find out? Another important question -- do most people try to get 100% coverage in case the house is vaporized, or do smart people go for, say, 75% coverage because the entire house probably won't be destroyed? Advice, please.""
Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance?
I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota..
""Classic mini, lessons and insurance for 2.5k?
Classic 998cc mini insurance driving lessons and test all for 2.5k - possible?
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
I'm getting a Suzuki DR200SE and I want to know how much insurance would cost...?
I'm 14 and I'm going to get this bike. It's legal for me to drive off road (trails) but if I wanted to drive on road I would have to get my license (16 months time). The reason I want this bike is because when I am 16 it's 50 miles a gallon, and for a small bike it goes highway speed. I understand that because I'm under 25 that it's going to be a lot and I don't own a credit card so I don't have bad credit. I would just like to know how much per year that it would cost. Because if it's a lot I'm going to buy an old junker that's been sitting in my step dad's driveway for a few years.""
Insurance Question for lawyer?
i have an insurance that i paid full for six months and it still has two months left however, someone called the insurance place and cancelled my insurance. they didnt pretend to be me, they just know somebody that works in that insurance place, it was the same person who had recommended me to that place. what really bothers me is that this person now knows my information, what car i drive, address, color of car, any and all information that the insurance place has. i know i can get my insurance reinstated because i paid it for six full months and everything is under my name my question is if their is anything else i can do, or does anyone know of any laws that this breaks. im sure that its illegal i just dont know the laws, help anyone?""
How does a new independent insurance agent get appointed/chartered by insurance carriers?
I'm starting a new independent insurance agency in NJ and foresee difficulty getting appointed/chartered by insurance carriers. Can anyone confirm this to true? Also, if this is the case are there any other options for a new agent? I've heard of 'brokers' that will fill this void and have access to many carrier however they keep 33% of the commissions. Any other options for new agents that anyone might be aware of? - Thanks a lot for any input!""
""By looking at these charts, can you understand why the U.S. needed health insurance reform?
What is the cheapest Car insurance in NH?
I have a 98 ford taurus, nothing special first car, NH has stupidly high insurance im discovering so maybe someone can suggest a good one, good as in cheap. Thank you!!""
Cost of med insurance for a college student living on their own?
How much does individual health insurance cost for a college student out on their own? I realize its different for each person. Lets say the person is male and 18. No health related problems, no history of any either. How much? On average.""
Car Insurance - is it really this expensive?
Hi. Ive been living in Spain for almost the last 6 years and recently came back to the UK. Im after insuring a car, but the quotes im getting are ridiculous! I've been driving for nearly 6 years, I'm 24 years of age and I'm being quoted over 2,000 for cars like a 1997 1.3L Ford Ka... I have no proof of NCB due to living abroad in Spain but surely this can't be right can it? I've been told by a friend that their daughter of 17 years of age who still has not passed her test has been quoted 1,700 on a similar car. Finding this a bit hard to believe considering the quotes I'm getting. So, is insurance really this overly priced in the UK or am I going wrong somewhere? Cheers""
What is the best type of renters insurance available in California?
I want to get renters insurance in California, any good affordable ones available? I noticed nationwide and statefarm are not available here. I am using Geico for car insurance. TIA!""
Cheapest car to insure for a first time driver?
Does anyone know what type of car is cheapest to insure for a first time female driver? and how much on average would you say it would cost to insure a 17 year old female?
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What cheap cars to buy insurance wise?
Looking to see what is a good car (within UK) to buy for a 1st time driver that just passed test. I was thinking corsa or Ka something 1.3 or lower, only requirement I have is the same reason for a car and give up motorcycles- need the car to be able to fit a baby seat comfortably in the back seat, any suggestions?""
Do i have to inform my car insurance company if i move?
I'm under my dad's insurance. He is listed as the primary driver. My mom and I are under the same policy. It expired on 10/15 and we renewed the policy the same day for another 6 months. Well, I am moving tomorrow to another county about 30 miles away and we didn't think about the insurance. I am also about to turn in to the DMV a notice of change of address. Do I need to notify the insurance company? Since I am living on my own, will it force me to be on my own policy? Another sideball question: I am in ownership of my mom's car and my dad is in ownership of my car (my car is newer so Dad wanted cheaper insurance). However policy does match me driving the newer car. How could we do this with me moving out with the new car (not the car that I own under DMV).""
Employer health insurance?
When you have employer health insurance is there a waiting period for maturnity coverage to start?
""What, in your opinion, is the cheapest auto insurance for a full coverage sports car?""
Hey guys, I need some serious help! I bought a 2005 Mini Cooper convertible last year and have always been on my familys insurance but I was dropped and I need insurance ASAP. What can I expect to pay monthly? I want to put it in my name, but I have tickets and a DWI (still havent gone to court for, so idk if it makes a difference, yet...) and a suspended license so I bet my insurance would be ridiculous! My fiancee also has too many tickets to be a candidate. I'm thinking about using my 63 year old Godmother who's the original signer on the car because she doesn't have any tickets or accidents so I figured the full coverage would be cheap in her name. She's the one who signed for my car anyway. I'm the cosigner, but she's totally cool with putting the insurance in her name if it saves me money. So, four questions... 1) How much would insurance cost for me? 2) How much would insurance cost for my Godmother? 3) What's the cheapest insurance carrier? 4) What's the average for a full coverage sports car? So yeah, I'm FULL of questions :D Feedback is appreciated, merci! BQ) Who do you have insurance with? BQ2) What kind of vehicule do you have? <3""
Car Insurance help?!?!?!?
Im 16, im gonna take the 5 hour pre-licensing course this week and i was wondering if it lowers your car insurance like drivers ed does. thank you""
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my licence any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
Insurance companies that will insure a Cat C motorcycle?
I got an online quote for my insurance broker, they took the reg and all was fine until i phoned up and they said they dont insure total loss vehicles.. so now im looking to find a place that will. Otherwise i will be looking for a frame n logbook from another bike lol""
First car insurance help.?
Hi, I just bought my first car today. It was a Ford Ka 1997 1.3L. I am at college and have only 210 income per month. I don't know which would be the best type of insurance for me. I need to be insured for at the latest 24th April 09. Should I do monthly or annually. I did an annual insurance quote over the internet and the cheapest I got was with Endsleigh for 1500. What would be the best method of payment for me? Thanks very much for any help.""
How can 18 year old male afford an car insurance?
Im 18 year old male, i have full driving license i was searching for car insurances on my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 the prices is like 400+ a month! this is crazy! i can afford like 50-70 a month, any advice? Thanks.""
Reviews of Gerber life insurance?
Does anyone have any personal experience with Gerber life insurance, including the claims process? This is for a whole life insurance policy for an adult.""
Liability insurance if car catches fire?
my car got caught on fire i think the firefighter says it say electric wiring i only have liability insurance is my insurance will cover that my car is total now ,thanks so much""
How much will car insurance be?
Im 17 and im 18 in september and i have a renaut Clio Grande year 2000 X reg, 1.2 litres. Ive got quotes off of compare sites for 4000 a year yet i feel this is ridiculous? I have heard of friends getting it for 2000ish. Where do i find or get these cheaper insurance deals? Will it go down at 18?""
Is there any affordable Car Insurance for 16 year olds?
PLEASE READ: The problem is this. I'm 16 years old, and I really would like to own a car. But the problem is this. When your 16 and you first get insurance, it is super expensive. I have a brother the same age who would also like a car. But I have a single mother. If we have 3 cars and 3 people on one policy, that means it will cost over 10,000 dollars. I know I have to take a defensive drivers course to get 10% off, and I should get honor roll (But that'ss too hard). I've suggested that we get minimal coverage, but my moms the kind of person who thinks she has to pay a lot of money to be covered. Because she won't take minimal coverage, Now I can't have a car. What is the name of a car insurance company that is very affordable but does not make you go on minimal coverage to afford it? If you want, you can tell me what it cost you so I get a best estimate. Thanks.""
""Online resources, I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
Auto Insurance when buying New Vehicle?
What is procedure on obtaining Auto Insurance when you buy a new vehicle and have no present insurance account setup? Does dealer offer temporary insurance until you can get quotes from a few companies?
Am i paying to much for car insurance?
my parents just got insurance for my first car it is a 1963 mercury comet i am 17 years old and my dad just told me the insurance for the car is $380 per month and that seems a little high what do you think? my other friend only pays $100 but he has a good student discount and has had insurance for a while.
When renting a car are you expected to provide your own insurance or is it included in the rental price?
I am thinking about renting a car for a few days. I no longer maintain car insurance since i got rid of my car 6 months ago. When renting a car do they provide your insurance for the time your renting it or are you expected to provide your own? it been a long time since i ever had to rent a car.
Car insurance quote help?
i'm getting a quote for a vw polo and when it comes to asking how long you've held your licence for does it mean how long i've had my full licence for or how long i've held a licence since my provisional
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Should I buy insurance for my dog?
My brother keeps insisting that I purchase pet insurance for my dog mainly because he sells It and wants a commission. But is pet insurance really essential?
""93' Subaru Impreza rear ended, repairs cost more then car, insurance will want to junk?""
My brother-in-law bought this car for $2,000, 5 years ago. It had about 75k miles on it. He has driven it to hell and back. Now it is still going strong with 150K but he just got hit from behind and the insurance company will want to junk it because the repairs will cost more then the car. He has asked the other party for $600 out of pocket but the other party wants to go thru insurance because they only have a $200 deductible. The repair estimate will be around $1,200 if not more and the Kelly Blue Book value of the car is $1,200. He does not want to give up the car, he loves it. What are his options? Take the $200?""
""I want a 92-97 Lexus SC 300, how much for insurance in CA.?""
I'm a 17 and 1/2 year old looking for a 92-97 manual SC 300. I was wondering how much it would cost for Insurance in California? Also can I get it California DMV legalized if I swap the engine out for a 2JZGTE, a twin turbo version of the stock SC 300?""
What are some cheap car insurance companies for young adults in Georgia?
I'm a 20 year old male currently shopping around for car insurance, but I can't seem to make a decision. I need the most inexpensive, but quality insurance possible. Do you guys know any companies that may be a little more generous to young adult drivers?""
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.
Rough Estimate For Liability Insurance?
Roughly what would is cost monthly for a million dollar liability insurance policy for a lawn/landscape business. The owners of the business would be under the age of 25
Health Insurance Question?
If I sign up with a health insurance for 1 year and I was undergoing heavy treatment towards the end of our contract and I need to renew. Can insurance company deny the renewal? In state of California. I want to get Blue Shield Of California
I just got some insurance quotes ?
I just went on the internet and got some insurance quotes for some cars i am 18 years old and they are trying to charge me 10 grand to insure a 03 plate corsa is this right or am i doing something wrong here
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??
i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe""
""Can I drive without insurance, if the car itself is insured?""
It's my dad's car. The car is insured but i am not, as in. I use to be on the same policy as my dad, but now i am off of it due to money problems. But the car I drive is insured under my dad. Is it legal to drive it? (CA)""
Do you have to have health insurance to....?
do you have to have health insurance to go to planned parenthood and have like a pap test or any other tests like that?
Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person?
Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person?
Who has the best home insurance in georgia?
I am about to buy a house and I got to have Ins. I just need to get the best deal. Whats your opinion?
How do i get cheap car insurance?
im 19 and sont want 2 pay loads 4 car insurance
Does insurance cost more on old cars?
I'm thinking of buying a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. The car is said to be in good condition, but I'm wondering if it costs more to insure an older car because of the repairs and things it might need. If it does cost more, how much? Thanks.""
How much will my car insurance cost?
So I'm 16 now, and I'm looking at cars I could get. I can afford a used, BMW 3 series saloon. I'm a male, and live in Surrey. (obviously I'd be 17). How much do you think my car insurance would cost, because it is in insurance group 20. (which may or may not be too much). Thanks""
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
My car was involved in a hit and run and am not covered by insurance?
I just got a message from my friend saying that the car that I now own was involved in an accident. Specifically a hit and run. I know for a fact it wasn't me who hit the car and ran. It had to have been my other friend who borrowed my car. The car is not insured. I'm guessing my friend took off at the scene of the crime and came back not telling me about it. I really didn't notice anything wrong with the car until today putting 2 and 2 together with the newish scratch I had on the nose of my 1997 v6 camaro. It looks like he rear ended the other car from the outline of the marks on my car. Thing is he is not in California anymore and moved back to the east coast. I met the guy and became friends for about a month and a half. He knew alot about cars and he said that he would take it down to this one guy he knew how to flush out the radiator. He did that on the 24th of nov. and the claim of the other driver was said to be on the 24th. What do I do? I can't make any contact with my friend who drove the car because I can't locate him. Am I charged with a hit and run or is he? I forgot his last name so I really can't hold him responsible or report him liable The previous owner got the memo about the claim report because it is still in his name kinda. I told him to say he does not own the car any more and give the insurance company my info and I'll see what i can do. Well what should I do? I need some legit legal consulting.
Will My Car Insurance Go Up?
I was Driving down a road going about 35-40 mph. ( Speed Limit was 45 mph ) I was going straight, and this woman coming the opposite direction decides to turn into a cut out, that goes into a shopping center, and as she turns in to the cut out she just keeps going, out into the street I slam as hard as I could, on my brakes but I still hit her, I hit her on the passengers side in between the 2 doors. There were 2 witnesses that I have never seen before in my life that witnessed it. I have back, and neck problems had someone call an ambulance because the pain was a lot worse. They took a CT SCAN and said nothing was wrong. My Neck and back is still hurting me a lot more, from the accident, I have too wear a sling on my left arm / shoulder because of the force of the seat belt. My nose is swollen do to the impact of the air bags, also affected my neck, and head pain. I have marks on my right arm, and stomach from this. Now the air bag deployed in my truck, and all of the air bags deployed in her car. My Truck looks like it will probably be totaled the bumper is ruined, the hood is ruined, the headlight is broken, The door I had to practically pry open because it was stuck, Smoke started coming out of the truck headlight broken Paint, I think the radiator broke, etc.... etc... Both Vehicles had to be towed away. I have good insurance on our cars, but since this isn't my fault the other woman's insurance will have to pay my medical bills, and to fix my truck, or give me blue book value on it right? I am 20 years old, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. My insurance is Allstate, and the Other Woman's insurance is allstate also. I will be getting a lawyer.""
Car insurance hidden from family?
Im 17 buying a volkswagen golf 1.6 with my hard earned money working for 2 years now need a car but parents are against buying a car but i need it for uni Ill park the car down my road and everything will be legal and i was wondering if i get a insurance and a car can i hide from family so i can i tell my policy not to send letter or anything they can only contact me by email or by my phone also so give me a few options i wanna do the legal way only and from UK. Or can give them my actually address but tell them to send the letters to my friends house so that no one in family receives any information about my car what so ever thanks. I can prove my address not trying to get a cheap insurance just dont want family knowing also suggest any legal methods thanks
How much should 17 year old boy expect to pay for car insurance?
I have looked around various places and saw from a few thousand p/a to 10, 000 p/a (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). I am booking my driving test very soon and will be buying a small, cheap car such as a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 5DR or a KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, how much should I expect to be paying.""
Insurance quote for 2002 Chevy Cavalier z24?
Hi, I am interested in buying a 99-03 Chevy Cavalier, and I am wondering if anyone knows how much the insurance would cost per year or month? I'm a 17 year old male, and this will be my first car. Also have finished drivers' ed.""
I had unprotectedddd sex last night and am recently new to the united states and do not have health care insurance but i need the morning after pill!! CAN I GET IT I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE
How much would my usaa insurance be?
I was pulled over for 3 violations (no license, insurance, and running a red light) and next year it will be 3 years. The court said they gave me 1 point on my license (I paid off my ticket because I couldn't go to traffic school). I read that insurance companies could see up to 5 years of your driving history. I plan on completing an online course to be certified. I've had my license for over a year. I'm a female in california, currently 19. I was wondering how much my insurance would be (I'll be under my parents usaa insurance) if I complete the course and wait until the 3 years are up. Serious answers only please. Thanks!""
""On average, how much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old male?""
Dear reader I am a 17 year old male. I am searching for car insurance once I get my driver's license I will be required to pay for my own car insurance. I want to get an average cost (monthly) for someone my age- regardless of the company I am not sure what factors play into a policy's amount- however, if it does matter, I am a straight A student with a 4.2 GPA (scale of 4.0)- I have never been convicted, nor prosecuted for a felony or anything of that sort. To sum up, I am quite responsible for a male my age. Please do not be rude in your responses I appreciate your help PS. the car that I would be driving is a Toyota Camry 2005 (all paid for). I also live in the state of MD""
How to get dirt cheap Car & Medical Insurance ??
Looking for a CAR with in $ 500, Car Insurance & Medical Insurance for 1 Male of 31 years, 1 Female of 26 years & a Child of 2 years. Should cover Medical. Vision & Dental not reqired. Looking for real dirt cheap insurance for Car, Family""
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
Are there any auto insurance companies who dont penalize or raise rates based on a lapse in coverage?
I have gone uninsured for over a few months in Iowa due to being dead broke & am looking into getting coverage again....are there any companies that offer lower penalties than most or no penalties at all? Can an insurance company even check for themselves if you have had previous coverage or do they just rely on your word? If so....tempting lol. Also are there any other options im not thinking of? Any suggestions welcome...Thanks in advance! :)
Will it raise my insurance?
this was my first speeding ticket. i was going 42 in a 25 mph zone. i live in oklahoma and i have state farm. will it goto my insurance?
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.
""Just passed driving test, INSURANCE!!!?""
I just passed and for insurance on a simple 1 - 1.3 lt, the cheapest i have found is 2200. IS there any cheaper way?""
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
Insurance polices at work?
a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing""
How much would insurance cost. The car is a 2000 Lincoln Continental.?
How much would it cost I would mostlikely be put on my parents policy. Just wondering how much it would cost. Im 16.
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new 20 year old driver in Michigan?
I dont have car yet but I just need some general information about how much im going to be paying a month. I also live in the suburbs and plan on getting a reliable,cheap,and off the theft radar car. Thanks!""
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 18 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance.""
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
What would the insurance cost for a 2002 Audi TT?
Just looking for a quick estimate. I'm a 20 year old male with a moving violation that happened two years ago. It would be a California car. Probably would drive about 8,000 miles a year. Also would it matter if it was a roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year olds?
I know this is probably one of the most asked questions on the here, but for me it is a real pain finding any decent answers... Id be very grateful if anyone could list insurers that are relatively cheap for car insurance for us youngsters! (Preferably under 200/month). Thanks in advance! :)""
Learner's Permit and Car Insurance?
If I didn't live with my parents, had my learner permit and had my own car, would I be able to drive it if in the presence of a licensed insured driver? Like say my friend came over and I drove him in my car, would his insurance cover me?""
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
How much could I expect to pay for motorcycle insurance?
I am going to take motorcycle lessons, and once I obtain my license, I plan on buying a new Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Either a 2009 or 2008 model (cost is 4000 or 3500 dollars, respectively). I am 19 years old, and have a car, which I am the primary driver of, which cost a little bit over $20k. Insurance is a little under $3000n annually. I have heard that this might reduce my motorcycle insurance costs (if I get it with the same company?), but I am not sure. I have never been any type of accident, or speeding or any involvement with the police. Only one parking ticket for my entire time of driving (since 2008 July). And I live in Massachusetts. Any type of idea of the cost would greatly help, before I commit myself to the lessons and purchases and the costs. Thanks!""
What's an affordable insurance company?
I don't need an agent I just need something somewhat affordable. I'm 17 and the cost is outrageous. I'm looking and Geico seems pretty cheap but does anyone else have any suggestions?
What sort of car/van insurance can i get?
I have my own business and use a van and i also have 1 employee who uses another van so i need to insure both of these but i also want to get a car to use maybe once or twice a week to meet clients etc, i havent decided on what car to get yet but i am looking at something sporty, ie a bmw m3 or something similar, is there a business policy which i could take out to cover all this? i would prefer to find one similar to motor trade where i and my employee can be insured to drive anything and i pay a set cost each year,any advice will be great, thanks""
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance, the car is insured under my parents name, ( we live at the same address) and also can I drive someone elses car without insurance with his or her permission""
How much will my dad's car insurance rate go up when he adds my name?
how much will my dad's car insurance rate go up when he adds my name? he has great credit and he has only gotten like 3 tickets in his entire life. my driver's ed teacher told me that my dad's rate won't be so high cuz i get A's in school. + i got a 96 on my permit test with an A for the class aswell. so is that true? how will the insurance company know my grades tho?
How does turning 25 affect your car insurance premium?
I turn 25 at the end of the year and am planning on buying a brand new car this summer and am wondering how it will be affected. Thanks!
For how many traffic ticket you get before insurance rate increase?
i had a speeding ticket 3 yrs ago and it was dismissed after one yr. now i just got another red light ticket. will my insurance consider this red light ticket as second ticket or first and will they increase rate?? and for how many traffic ticket you get before insurance rate increase?
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
If i have one product insurance with two companies can i claim both?
I lost a mobile phone. I have insurance from my bank and network provider, so can i claim from both of them?""
How much will my car insurance go up if I'm a minor and got into a wreck?
I have State Farm insurance in Texas, how much do you think my rates will go up if I hit somebody, and I'm a minor who's driven for a year? **The man who I hit MIGHT need his bumper replaced, and it was my first accident.""
How much are geckos i found one for 7.00. at petco i thought they were a lot more money.?
a while back i went to petco and seen it. It was a bright green gecko. it looked like the one from the car insurance place and it was like 3-4 inches but it was 7.00 so i was just wondering.
I thought health insurance cost was going down?
This article says they are all going up. What happened to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me my family would save $2500 on health insurance. What happened?""
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.
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